#sojourner the echidna
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fyeahsonicthehedgehog · 2 months ago
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charleecat-bat · 2 months ago
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Doodled some classic guardians
Penders may suck and these guys weren't written that greatly
but i still have a soft spot for them
have a lot of fun memories messing around with them with friends on DA. I still feel they could have a lot of good potential if put to good use.
and i also did stuff based off of me and @btm-txt chats hehehe
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tired-old-men · 9 months ago
🏳️‍🌈Happy Pride!♥🏳️‍⚧️
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mightyray · 2 months ago
Random Archie Sonic Character Headcanons. Pt. 1 Too Many Echidnas.
It's my birthday, so I thought I'd push the Ray headcanons to the side and focus on all the forgotten goobers of the Archie Comics left behind. Let's start with all those echidnas... Spectre the Echidna: The reluctant caretaker of Charmy, Saffron and Ray. Tends to talk with actions and not words. Surprisingly, more progressive than he looks as he accepted Julie-su's pleas for refuge after she defected despite his overwhelming hatred for the DL and allowed the Chaotix to set up base in Haven after many difficulties trying to find a place to stay without paying large amounts of rent.
Sojourner the Echidna: Excellent swimmer if he wasn't a guardian, he'd be an Olympian. Used to co-own a gym with another friend before he had to sell his stake and join the Brotherhood. Can be a racist stick in the mud, and is in agreement with Locke that Knuckles' friends and GF are a bad influence. Vector and him are swimming rivals.
Thunderhawk the Echidna: He is the weedman. Bro smokes weed and grows a lot of it and sells it to be made into medicine, much to the utter frustration of the other members. Gets on well with pretty much everyone except for Locke. He hasn't fully forgiven him for what he's done to Knuckles (and Lara-Le) when he was a wee babby and onwards. Regularly talks to the Sommersby's and asks about Elias often. Looks after the 'junior recruits' Benjy the Kangaroo and Trixie Bee (Charmy's sister). The least racist member of the Brotherhood by far.
Sabre the Echidna: Archivist and preserver of all knowledge of Angel Island. Tends to have his muzzle in a book or jabbering to everyone about manners and decorum. While very good at giving advice, he also can drone on for a bit too long. Somewhat racist as he unknowingly peppers everything with microaggressions to the annoyance of the non insect and non echidna people who interact with him.
Locke the Echidna: Incredibly strong, his fighting ability is second to none, to the point people like Shadow are wary around him. He's also a massive control freak, jeopardising many people's health and safety in the process, including his ex-wife and son in genetic experiments. He loathes Knuckles' friends and believes them to be leeches, even going so far to trust Dr Finitevus over the concerns of Vector and Espio due to his unchecked ego. Incredibly racist that even the other members of the Brotherhood have to tell him to reign it in when he suggests permanently booting every non echidna off the island by force. Despite his massive, massive flaws, he does truly care about his family and echidna kind. Time will tell if he can extend that to everyone else...
Jenna-Lu the Echidna: After one too many of her son's escapades nearly got her Grandson in trouble, Jenna became a 'watcher' over the Brotherhood. Fed up with her estranged husband's inability to get the elders to reign Locke in, she, Lara-Le, Wynmacher and a couple of others hired the Chaotix to find a way to stop Locke spying on everyone everywhere. The High Council would later appoint her and former EST chief inspector Holmes as official Brotherhood watchers to keep an eye on everyone there.
Knuckles: While being a loner at heart, Knuckles tends to attract oddballs like a magnet. He met Espio, Vector, Charmy and Mighty in a theme park. Ray during a riot in a wrestling show, Charmy's sister, butler and best friend during a siege and Julie-su while being held hostage (the last one being he fell for the very old 'what's that over there' trick) which got him held hostage after he captured Julie-su first. Knuckles seems to have inherited his father's ego but unlike his dad, reality tends to enjoy keeping Knuckles' in check but having his team blunder when ever he brags that they are the best. The most infamous example was Knuckles telling Sonic that his team was far better than the FF, only for Knuckles to witness Ray electrocuting himself by poking a live wire with a metal fork while Charmy watched on, chanting 'do it!'.
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btm-txt · 11 months ago
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The Four Baby Gurls of the Apocalypse~💖✨
Just some sketch studies of the boys but with their spines up that I later decided to baby girlify because its just too cute not to~ UwU
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julie-su · 2 years ago
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Sojourner: ... REALLY, truly? Locke: Yes. Really, truly. Shut up.
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echidna-enquiries · 6 months ago
@tired-old-men Seth: ALRIGHT FUCKERS. PREPARE YOUR ASSES TO GET RATED OR MORE LIKE ROASTED. I must break you all down if you are to be built up again. I will start bottom to top.
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"Okay. First of all, I must ask...is it normal for the people in your universe to be just NAKED?! Don't you ever get cold? or uncomfortable? or even get scuffed up at all?! And those gloves... Knuckles, honey, how can you pick up anything with those? Those don't seem at all practical. The shoes are...fine. I don't understand them but MY Knuckles wears the same so I suppose I can't complain too much... 4 out of 10... I can't bring myself to go any lower for some version of my grandson, even if he's not mine "
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"Well, you're still without pants, but at least you have something covering your top half. Albeit something UTTERLY plain. Everything about your ensemble is PLAIN! I can feel myself YAWNING the more I look at you! Without the boots and those dysfunctional gloves, I would've thought you stepped out of a shower! Spruce it up a little! 5 out 10"
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"...(sigh) Okay, I see that pantlessness is going to be a norm. Lets see what else here. Yet again, a plain and and questionable fit. A tunic? just cause your an older man doesn't mean you need to look ancient! And those IMPRACTICAL GLOVES! Are those ALSO A NORM IN THIS FAMILY!?! Not sure how you can type on that keypad there without your FINGERS! (huffs)... I'm not sure if the monocle is simply for aesthetic or has a function specifically but it at least draws people to your face. That's something... 5 and a half out of 10"
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"...Hon... it's giving roadkill. HOW can that be comfortable? That looks so bug infested and scratchy that it makes ME feel like ltching! And those beads... Those shoes, I'd recommend sandals over those if you REALLY want your toes out. Those are gonna slip off SO easily! Eugh, those beads, it looks like you got a bunch of candy on your spines! A kids gonna come and chew on 'em at any second. AND WHAT'S WITH THE MARACAS AROUND YOUR NECK?! 2 outta 10 this fit is a mess. I get wanting to be eccentric but this AIN'T IT"
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"Girlie... why the bathrobe and slippers? It's giving GRANDMA not GUARDIAN. Surely as a Guardian, that CANNOT be practical on the job. I can't imagine even ME being able to do my work in a bathrobe. And I can do it in heels! Unless you're working from home, you need a change, sweetie... but other then that. It's fine. 6 out of 10".
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"Boy, you better be grateful I don't have any scissors right now BECAUSE I'D BE ON YOUR ASS TRIMMING THAT BIRDS NEST. WHAT IS THAT? IT LITERALLY LOOKS A BUNCH OF WEEDS IN A GARDEN. THIS ENTIRE LOOK JUST... GAG. These colours do NOT go together at ALL! And it hurts my eyes more cause your purple fur could be SO GOOD! And don't even get me started on those SHOULDER PADS- 2 AND HALF OUT OF 10!!"
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"Oh CHAOS-talk about leaving NOTHING to the imagination! Somehow this upsets me more than Knuckles! Adding a boring vest doesn't make this an entire outfit, but I think what makes me more mad is. THAT. WHAT IS THAT ON YOUR HEAD. IS THAT YOUR HARDDRIVE? A SCANNER FOR YOUR HEAD? WILL IT BEEP IF I TRY AND SCAN SOMETHING ON IT- (lowkey wanna try that now-) AND HOW IS THAT EVEN STAYING UP THERE?! This whole outfit boggles me and leaves me upset. 2 out of 10"
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"Hm... While I'm not sure WHAT you're going for, at least you're sticking to your aesthetic. I dig it. AND your fully clothed. Good. I'm unsure about that helmet but if your not uncomfortable then go for it. Not the most practical but you seem to make it work. 8 outta 10"
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"Oh the hat's a nice touch! I always like a nice hat. The green isn't a bad choice colour wise. But the rest of the outfit I feel could be improved... especially the giant T on the top. I can't quite take that seriously, just makes me think of kids in an old sitcom or cartoon. BUT it's not bad. 6 out of 10".
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"Ah. I see where the hat came from now... but hat can't save you from that bizarre piece, what even is that? a vest strap on? A harness?? and AGAIN WITH THE INITIAL ON THE CLOTHES?? If you at least wore assless-chaps it wouldn't be such a shocker with your cowboy looking ass. Dear lord. 3 out of 10"
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"(Deeeeeeeeep siiiiigh)...I really wanna like this. I really do. I can see you have a specific vibe. I can SEE WHAT YOU WERE GOING FOR but... IT FUMBLED!! HARD!! No wonder you need that stick you fell off hard. You could get such better robes, hon. 5 out of 10"
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"Is... is this a joke? You look like you got a piece of cheese SLAPPED onto your forehead. SMACK- looking like a farmer with those denim looking overalls... well almost cause what a surprise. NOTHING ON THOSE LEGS. Bland. Boring. Just a bad fit buddy. 1 out of 10. "
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"Annnnd barely any improvement on the next one. Minus the random slice of cheese on the head, just traded that and the denim looking top for a useless belt, boring vest and random little accessory on the spine. I don't even have anything to say about this. There's just NOTHING. 1 out of 10"
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(the sound of a facepalm) "Oh Chaos-...I KNOW I SAID BORING WAS BAD BUT THIS ISN'T ANY BETTER!! WHAT-WHAT ARE YOU WEARING? ARE THOSE THE RIGHT PRESCRIPTION!? CAN YOU EVEN SEE HOW YOU LOOK RIGHT NOW?! Theres high fashion and then theres fashion you pull off when your HIGH- YOU SIR ARE THE LATTER! 0 OUT OF 10. I would say i'm sorry... but I'M NOT AT ALL SORRY! GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER!"
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"And back to boring... you are literally just wearing a long V neck and some boots... so many basic bitches in this household my GOD- 1 out of 10".
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"...Now. While I'm not entirely sure about the idea of dressing like a tv show character in my day to day... you're at least sticking to it. You're committed to the fit and have the passion behind it, that I can get behind. While I'd rather an INSPIRED fit than just the exact replica as an outfit, this is at least a more interesting yet still not an eyesore to look at compared to the other outfits I've seen so far. 7 out of 10".
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"Now I was about to say this is basically a repeat of another outfit, version 0.1... but I then noticed YOUR NOT WEARING THOSE GODDAMN GLOVES. Immediately an improvement. Far from perfect but this is still much better than many others... but WHAT is that on your head... that looks like something people use to look at gemstones. Thought you were supposed to be a scientist...".
Seth: Phew... Right? That everyone in that picture? Well. Those are my starter notes. Now, how about I give some suggestions on what you could all wear to-
Seth: Oh please I've barely scratched the-HEY HEY DON'T SCRATCH THE JACKET- OKAY- OKAY! HERE! I'M SORRY!
Fae: thank you...
Seth: (clears throat)...Well. I best be off now. Tata... Get yourselves some pants though, seriously. Fae: Seth, please... Seth: I'm going- byeeeeeeee~
Fae: (sighs in embarrassment) Sorry, guys...
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julie-su · 1 year ago
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Right, right... Knuckles T. Echidna's grandpas.
So; issue 103 contains this DPS; a family tree to fill out; with a complete version being included in 109. For completionist's sake, we'll also include the version from The Complete Sonic Comic Encyclopaedia; though it's not of much importance for this.
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Now... I don't know if you've noticed anything, but there's a misprint here... And, no, echidna-savvy enthousiasts, it's not the whole mess with positionings of guardians (Sojourner, child of Spectre, indeed.)
Look a little closer...
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(Names added for coherency) - Hawking and Sonja-Ra have had their gender markers swapped. The guardian child of Mathias is initially marked as female. Alright, so, a misprint! One which got fixed by 109, at that. I wasn't -going- to run with it...
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(KTE #6) ... He looks like every single elderly transgender man I have ever met. I don't know. I'm running with it! Hawking and Sonja-Ra are transgender!
(Fun OC fact; this is where the 'Ra' in Zara-Ra's name comes from. He changes his name; born Jamie-Su to Lara-Su and Argyle, he later decides to deed-poll that shyte... To match an ancestor who was also transgender. He decided to keep the feminine article, because he just likes it that way. Hey, he's half crocodile; do -you- want to tell him he can't?!)
And there you have it! A taste of 'Whatever I have going on with Knuckles' grandpas'.
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'Transpa' as a term, courtesy of one Kyle JCRB Crouse... Spectre's appearance courtesy of a certain Professor Ry. XD
There are three kinds of LGBT headcanons:
Actual queer coding / metaphors ("Nimona is trans because her creator made her as a way to express his feelings as a trans person")
Vibes ("Link is genderless because I said so")
It's funny ("Phoenix Wright is asexual because he's the Ace Attorney")
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gamerzylo · 3 years ago
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Finally drew something after a long break and it’s some of the Brotherhood. Why?
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sally-mun · 4 years ago
Since that last question is off the table, how's about this: How would the Brotherhood handle the events of Sonic Unleashed? Do they have any knowledge of the Gaia Prophecy? Would Chaos be the one to keep the oceans from draining like he is in the reboot? And would this finally be the catastrophe that gets Knuckles to finally meet his family, or would this happen way later down the line? Would the brotherhood be prepared in the SLIGHTEST for the planet shattering like that?
I've got to admit first that I never finished Sonic Unleashed because, outrageously bad game design choices aside, I initially played the Wii version and oh my god the Werehog's controls on narrow suspended ledges made the game unbeatable for me. It made me so angry that I've never tried the Xbox 360 version despite owning it and having heard it's better. OKAY, confessions are out of the way, onward and sideways.
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So I think it's safe to say that this would have to be late enough in the timeline that Knuckles would definitely know the rest of his family by this point. Maybe I'm biased on that, because I'm looking at it through the lens of my own RP. I know the events of Unleashed aren't in the RP's backstory, which can thus only mean that if they occur at all it's only in the future.
As far as the Brotherhood's handling of it, I think it'd be a really strong shock to their system -- partly because they're more or less 'retired' at this point in the game, and partly because they can't just ignore this shit, it will definitely affect them and their people. Historically the BH tends to keep to their own business and leave the surface world to its problems, but they can't fall back on that philosophy now. For one thing, Angel Island ain't even a thing anymore, so now "the surface world" is necessarily their problem because they live there. Another is the fact that a global catastrophe means they can't just bury their heads and look out strictly for the echidnas, either. What happens to the rest of the world will undoubtedly have consequences for Albion, because C'MON GUYS THE PLANET'S KINDA IN PIECES RIGHT NOW. IF THERE'S SOMETHING YOU CAN DO ABOUT THAT, YA MIGHT WANNA GET ON IT.
So I suppose that means the biggest takeaway is that it would force the Brotherhood to get involved with other hero groups and be cooperative, especially with there being so few individuals that can use chaos on the scale that they can. I want to say they'd probably be oblivious to the idea of Gaia or its related texts, if just because they spent so long isolated on Angel Island before it went down and they haven't really spent their time on the surface learning about their neighbors. Safe to say they'd be pretty blindsided by the entire situation but probably also trying to give the impression that they should hold some form of authority. Because, well, they're the BH, why wouldn't they think that?
What makes it a little... I don't know, I don't want to say "sad" or "disappointing," but something in that vein, is that by "The Brotherhood" I really only mean Sojourner, Thundy, and Sabre at this point. Spectre has been bedridden for a while, Athair ascended into some Walker-like astral plane or something afaik, and Moritori.... well I mean we DID do one RP years ago where Knuckles found him out in the world trying to live a normal life, but my god he was already so old at that point, and now that it's been even more years since then, he's probably dead by now. Honestly that one session where Knux tracked him down was SO early in the RP too that a lot of backstory wasn't concretely established yet, so I don't even know if that's canon anymore. I DON'T KNOW RP CAN BE WILD SOMETIMES. Anyway my point is that Sojo, Thundy, and Sabre are the BH equivalent of the Three Stooges these days so that'd be an extra layer of "lol wtf are they doing--"
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mobius-prime · 5 years ago
137. Knuckles the Echidna #29
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My Special Friend
Writer: Ken Penders Pencils: Art Mawhinney Colors: Frank Gagliardo
We have another standalone issue this time! Sally is pissed, as apparently she's just found out that Antoine was a part of the mission to retrieve her mother and brother from the Floating Island a while back, and is yelling at him for never having told her. He guiltily responds that it wasn't his place to tell her, and so she stalks off to see her father. He tries to speak first, but she, to her credit, cuts him off and insists that he listen to her first before he says anything.
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I don't know how much the "I was only trying to protect you" excuse flies when she's literally talking about his previous orders to murder all Robians and force her into an arranged marriage. However, for whatever reason she listens to him, and he orders her to the Floating Island to hopefully negotiate some help in the renewed war against Robotnik. Meanwhile on said island, Knuckles is chatting with Catweazle, a face we haven't seen in a very long time, but in case you don't know him he's a cockatoo with a stupid name and a stupid appearance who first appeared very briefly in the Triple Trouble special. He's mostly come here to cheekily complain at Knuckles, first about him spending so much time in the city as of late, then about his own family, the possibility of Lara-Le and Wynmacher producing a new child of their own (which is a subject Knuckles carefully avoids), and finally, about recent sightings of Overlander craft flying around the island.
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Gee, I wonder who those could belong to? They spot one flying towards the island at this very moment, and inside is Sally, presumably having "borrowed" it from Robotnik to take it out here. She's apparently feeling very guilty now about questioning her father, which is really something she has absolutely no reason to feel considering the BS he's pulled ever since coming out of the Zone of Silence. Nicole points out that his sickness and trauma from said zone has probably contributed to his irrational behavior, but then Sally says something I find to be extremely out of character, namely that her father's suggestion to dismantle the Robians was an "arguably pragmatic solution," that he must have done it in case of a situation like this where Robotnik was able to turn around and use them against the citizens of the kingdom once more, and that if she'd been through what he had, she might have done the same. Just, what? This is not like Sally at all - sure, she's an intelligent leader who knows how to make the hard decisions when she must, but that has never included literally murdering over four million unfortunate people just because they had the bad luck to be captured in the war. All I can chalk this up to is either her father's frankly quite emotionally abusive demeanor getting to her head, or - more likely - Penders doing a terrible job at writing Sally. This is just not the Sally we've known for over a hundred issues, this is not how she thinks or acts, and it's honestly a really messed up thing to try to write her as endorsing.
But anyway, Nicole advises her to activate a beacon in the ship, which the Brotherhood, still watching from inside Haven, recognizes as broadcasting the king's digital signature. They allow the ship to land, and she plops it down on the grass at the edge of the island right next to Knuckles, who she immediately marches up on and begins yelling at as well. Man, Sally just loves yelling at people this issue, huh?
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Okay, that is a genuinely hilarious excuse to give for her coloring changes in the beginning of the comic. I'll accept it because that is amazing. Anyway, she confronts Knuckles about the existence of her mother and brother on the island, prompting him to retort that even he didn't have any idea they were here, and that if he'd known he would have gone straight to her about it. She just responds that she's here to see the Brotherhood, heading off any ideas he then has about her keeping that secret from him by saying she only learned of their existence today through her father. As if on cue, Spectre poofs in with the help of Deo Volente, and in comparison to his edgelord attitude in past issues he's very warm and welcoming to Sally, escorting her to Haven along with Knuckles to introduce her to the family.
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I have to point out that the family line given here is in dispute - for whatever reason, several different issues disagree with each other on the placement of Sojourner and Thunderhawk, with some saying Thunderhawk is the father of Sojourner and others having it the other way around. I think the final order decided upon was the one depicted here, with Sojourner being the son of Spectre and the father of Thunderhawk, but even that isn't fully clear. Boy, it sure is fun keeping all these names straight, isn't it?
As Spectre ushers everyone into a meeting room, Knuckles quietly confronts his father off to the side about how his secret-keeping has now led to his friends, as well, being affected. Locke simply retorts that Sally and he shouldn't have been friends to begin with, and when Knuckles irritably challenges the idea that Locke should be able to decide who he can and can't be friends with Locke dismissively states that Sally's "people" try too hard to coexist peacefully with the Overlanders, which has only led to them being constantly embroiled in war. Geez, Locke, any sympathy? Any at all? Neither the Great War nor the previous Robotnik War were the fault of Sally's people - in fact, they were both almost entirely the fault of Robotnik, with the Great War having Kodos share some of that blame - and this current war is hardly their fault either. His assessment of the situation is downright cold. But it turns out, in a sense, he's just following tradition, as evidenced by the response of the other members of the Brotherhood to Sally's petition for aid.
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Because she refuses to agree to the use of literally all kinds of technology, which knowing these guys probably includes nuclear weapons, they decide to give her precisely no help at all, and she leaves Haven in an understandable state of anger and disappointment. It's like these assholes don't even consider the fact that Robotnik will hardly be content to stop at the surface world - we already have evidence from more than one incident where the original Robotnik was planning to extend his rule out into space once he was finished with the planet, and considering the new Robotnik literally dimension-hopped to find even more places to conquer once he bombed his home zone into oblivion, I highly doubt he's just going to leave the island alone if you guys try to remain neutral.
Ugh, this whole issue is just a mess. Knuckles visits the Colonel's compound, asking about Sally, and soon finds her sitting at the edge of the island alone. He tries to talk to her, but when she brushes him off again he points out that just as her own father hid a lot of secrets from her in the past, so has his own. He reminds her of their friendship, how they spent many days together as kids and were able to relate to each other over their duties under their respective fathers. Sally is still upset, and asks him why he didn't support her when the rest of the Brotherhood was shooting her down back there, and he points out that he can't buck tradition any more than she can, given their positions.
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The Colonel and his wife (still creepily referring to each other as "mother" and "father") watch the two of them argue through the window of the compound, lamenting that they're so young and should be able to play and enjoy life, not have to fight wars and carry the weight of the world on their shoulders. I've already gone over this, but that's kind of the point - that these wars have left the world so messed up that child soldiers are the norm now, not even because a regime forced them to fight against their will, but because they had no other choice - that if they didn't fight, the world would have fallen.
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As Sally leaves, Knuckles watches her go, sadly thinking to himself about how the commonalities that once brought them together and made them able to relate to one another were now tearing their friendship apart. He ends up feeling torn between his childhood friend and his duty to his family and people. Honestly, it's a hard choice to make - after all, as much as Sally would like it, he can't just leave the island and come help her out in the war. Even if he did want to ditch tradition and reject his place as part of the Brotherhood, at this point, given everything that's happened in his comic so far, there's so much keeping him tethered to this place, so many ties he'd have to cut if he wanted to go help in the war. It's a rough position to be in, for sure.
Coming up after a few more issues, we actually have the final arc of this series - the Knuckles the Echidna comic was cancelled not long after this, meaning there's only room for one more three-issue arc. To be honest, I'm a little sad to see it go - I know I've been over this many times, but despite the many problems with how he writes, I am genuinely fond of a lot of the characters, plots, and worldbuilding that are in Kenders' works, and it was interesting to see those things shone in their own dedicated comic. We've still got several more issues before it ends, though, so time to move forward!
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fyeahsonicthehedgehog · 4 months ago
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charleecat-bat · 2 months ago
BOG Rebooted: The Living Guardians PT. 1
Hawking- -Due to his fathers actions and attitude, he grew to neglect chaos energy and even keep religion out of his life as a whole. -He was an angry, aggressive man in his youth, at first from his father’s action and abandonment, fueled by his grandfather's strictness and pressure from his family. He would try to get it out with sports but it wouldn't be enough, would get it out more efficiently when he got into wrestling and boxing... this still wouldn't stop his street fighting however. -He also felt anger from feelings inside that he didn’t feel right. Something felt wrong with him and he never could pinpoint what it was. It wasn't’ until a battle he was stuck in that injured him profusely that he was then given hints that he had surgeries done on him in his youth that he had no knowledge or memory about. -He discovered he was born female at birth but they changed his sex with surgery as no females had been in the guardian family, so the government had pressured either his father or grandfather to do the surgery. -This left him very torn on how to feel towards his situation but at least gave him answers to why he felt strange about himself. -As a result of his fathers abandonment, he actually tried his best to be a supportive and close-knit father. He settled down in his old age and tries to be much more supportive and understanding then he was as a young man but he still has some bitterness towards his father and does wonder if he’d be happier if things were different. -Eldest living Guardian but is retired, looks grumpy but is actually chilled out a lot as he’s gotten older… just tries not to think over stuff that makes him angry. He doesn’t want to be angry anymore. -Tries to share the best of what he remembers of his forefathers…and not the worst parts that he held onto for so long. This can be challenging in some instances. -Janelle was his favourite grandchild ( and was very protective and supportive of her for obvious reasons… he was glad that Thunderhawk didn’t go through the same option that he was given that he was not lucky to avoid. -Has a sense of humour as an old man, likes to decorate his wheelchair with stickers and if he has a blanket on him, it’ll be a stupid one he found online. Yes he learnt very slowly how to use the internet and it terrifies his grandchildren.
Spectre- -The eldest active guardian -He was very close with his father. -Even from a young age he had frustrations with his family. He’d give them judgemental stares. -He was a young teenager when his father vanished. Some of the guardians had concerns or accusations he abandoned the family. Spectre did not take these accusations kindly, refusing to believe his father would abandon them. -Was captured as a teenager, much like his father, and the same experiments would be done to him. Attempting to turn him over to their side but he angrily refused. They’d make a comment about him being ‘more like his father than they thought’. -The cybernetics would be forced onto him, much more properly then Tobor but still unpleasant. -Out of pure determination and refusing to let the legion have power over him, he unleashed a fury of chaos energy and escaped… -Possibly came across his father’s body as he tried to find his way home. if he did so, as much as it fucked him up, he took his body with him. His father meant everything to him and he wanted a proper burial for him. -he’d have to have multiple surgeries, as well as roboticists secretly hired by his family to help him with his cybernetics. They would attempt to remove them but unfortunately the DL made sure it’d be too dangerous to. -he knew his family were disgusted and/or off-put of his cybernetics, worried what this might do to him. This made him hate the DL as well as himself for his appearance, choosing to cover his body entirely from this point on. -Has very powerful chaos energy abilities, and while his cybernetics give him a lot of physical strength, he hates relying on them, so prefers to use chaos energy attacks. -was always quiet, even as a child. Just didn’t really feel the need to say anything unless needed. -HATES small talk but likes deep conversation. -Was quite open minded and tolerable compared to the rest of his family, it came from a place of simply not caring. If they didn’t have any bad intentions, and especially weren’t in support of the legion, then who was he to care? -Was known to be ruthless and violent in battle and he still very much can be. Don’t provoke him. -is known to do puzzles and play strategy puzzle games, if he invites you to play a game with him. It’s usually a hint he wants to speak with you. 
Sojourner- -He highly respects his father, he’s a little afraid of him but wants to earn his approval. Unfortunately Spectre can be hard to read. -He was raised to value honesty and openness… Sojourner did take to doing that verbally, but not mentally. His father wishes he could be more open-minded but stubbornness runs in this family… -ALWAYS speaks his mind, even if he’s mean, harsh or controversial. He always speaks what’s on his mind.. And some people don’t like him for it. But at least you always know he’s being mostly honest. -Is actually a terrible liar. When he tries to say something he clearly doesn’t mean, it’s very obvious he’s full of shit. A good amount of time he just goes silent if he can’t speak his mind. -The closest he can get to ‘lying’ is if he exaggerates, which is usually when he’s angry. But you know that even if he’s mad there's always a hint of truth in his statement. -Is very hesitant about stuff that is ‘new’. He finds comfort and safety in tradition and what’s familiar to him. Even if he has thoughts that it might not be the right way as times change, but he's scared of change. -He likes sticking to schedules and when his schedule is broken he gets very frustrated, he needs to have proper warning. This can be annoying when he accidentally sets a plan for himself in his head. -HATES surprises, never try to surprise him. Ever. He will not react well. -Actually enjoys cleaning, at least on his terms. Organising and cleaning is oddly soothing to him. It brings him order… and if someone comes in and wrecks this he will get as ferocious as his father. -wears decorative headgear (to take inspo from that weird lil thing he wears on his forehead). Possibly puts it on to cover a possible birthmark on his head that he hates, or he just wants to look ‘less plain’. Either way he has a secret purpose for the accessory. (possible idea to him using the ribbons to hide markings or scars as well or to be ‘less plain too’) -Has a bad habit of being an overthinker and having a negative way of thinking, a bit of a pessimist -Definitely has moments of being... A karen.
Thunderhawk- -Warm and charismatic, much more friendlier and social compared to a lot of the other guardians. Made many friends and had a lot of social skills. -Is a little vain, mostly because he’s aware of his fur colour’s rarity and being complimented on it gives you an ego boost… -very emotional, wears his heart on his sleeve. He feels his emotions strongly, positive OR negative. He was taught to try and keep this under wrapped when trying to be ‘professional’ but this has worn off -Was super into music and dancing, went to a lot of clubs in his youth and he still likes to dance privately -Plays an instrument (don’t know which yet) and sings a little, was in a band when he was younger. Not anymore though, guardian duty and all. -While he makes his opinions clear, he doesn’t fight to try and change his family's opinions anymore. He’s been around long enough to know this family is so stubborn, even him… He will voice his own disapproval but he knows how his family is. It’s a shame. -He used to argue with his family a lot in his youth, but now since he knows how hard it is he doesn’t bother much anymore. -much more open minded and wiling to try new things… at least as much as his family and government have made him believe. (he can be changed though trust) -loved and cherished his daughter more than anything in the world. -he was approached by government officials but changing his daughters gender to male but he REFUSED this idea and definitely threatened them if they dared touch her. -He raised her to be just as stubborn as their family, that no matter what to never give up and to fight for her ambitions no matter how hard and supported her in anything she wanted. (spoiled her a little)  -he fought tooth and nail for his daughter to be given a chance to be a guardian. Even if some of his family had qualms about it he wouldn’t back down. -When she was assassinated he went on a rampage against legionnaires… he doesn’t like talking about it. This was his darkest moment… -He fidgets with his hair frequently, brushes his hands and fingers through them and twirls his fingers with them when idle or stressed. -Would definitely be tempted to experiment with himself a bit… as in sexually, but of course he was raised traditionally so nope never tried. -After his daughter's death he took it upon himself to learn medicine and research diseases to try and make sure any death similar to hers could be prevented. -Even if his family hurts him and upsets him, he’s fiercely protective…sometimes a bit too much. He can overstep. -Physically affectionate -Can be a bit too chatty at times, even in mid-fight always tries to have banter. He finds it funny.
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tired-old-men · 9 months ago
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Iris: Guys~ You really din't have to do that... But I appreciate the enthusiasm and support regardless~ 💖
⋆. *. ⋆❥ 🏳️‍🌈Happy Pride Everyone!🏳️‍⚧️ Can't celebrate the season without a good meme and honestly the gay meth meme just radiates Chikki energy so I just had to. Also the biggest shout out to @julie-su's gay cake Spectre, this image lives rent free in my head I freaking love this piece so much. Originally I was just going to draw my own version of Spectre being a supportive grampa but somehow it ended up being a part two of a meme comic and Iris and Thundy got involved, but I love it waayyy too much!
Wishing you all a good pride, express yourself, love yourself because you are valid and loved, don't let anyone tell you otherwise💖
* ˚.⋆✦Kenny ✦ *. ⋆
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btm-txt · 1 year ago
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"Hey Pops! got you somethin’"
Sojourner: Don't you just absolutely love it? Now you have something nice to get you in the vacationing mood *grins*
Spectre: ....Thank you Son....
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🛳️ Cruisin’ for a good time!
A piece I made based of a cruise shipping RP with the chums on Discord, couldn’t help but bring Spectre and Iris along for the shenanigans.
At the sight of water the islander in Iris jumps for joy, Spectre on the other hand is a different type of islander… aaaaannd a grumpy old man.. wearing a silly shirt lol
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julie-su · 2 years ago
You're beautiful because you will excitedly offer to elaborate on echidna lore, then post a rant about how bad it can get. Then post thick cheeks of some hot echidna daddy. Rollercoaster of love for your echidnas.
Oh, god, yeah. I love and hate it, hence why our fancomic is a love letter to the better parts, and, uh... >_> sidesteps anything that could possibly be insensitive.
Seriously, we've been trying to work out what's going on with the moebian dark legion - not for the comic, just for fun - Demon Island lays underwater, so surely, you'd put the Legion underwater, too... ... I have reservations about putting the themed DL in submersibles, lest we bring up images of u-boats. Do you see how easy it is to have a little internal retrospection and think 'hummm, this is reeeaaallly poor-taste' ..? ... And also, how hard it can be, sometimes, to do just about anything with the cards played. The DL is easier to work with, but untangling the dingoes is a nightmare* --Ian's got chops for diving into Dimitri's debacle head-first, but, it was worth doing - I really enjoyed that part of the book~
*I .. Like to make it that RTAI didn't happen in the zone that our comic takes place in. It's oft fun to play around with post-RTAI, but it does upset me that most of the echidnas died. Badly. I try not to get upset about it, I'm bigger than that, but Simon and Floren-Ca getting a background death, OVERSHADOWED BY BIMMY, and Ju-Su not even getting to have a moment to think about her surrogate parents, who she's been LIVING WITH, it just feels like a huge bolt of wasted potential - especially now in hindsight, when so much has been done by other writers on the series to actually go back and flesh out the unfulfilled plotpoints K.P loved to put down and forget about.
...Bimmy's death being at the forefront and obscuring Simon's death is VERY funny, but I can't also help but feel so sad that we never got to explore what could have been a wealth of character development and insight for Julie-Su. I just wonder, had they survived, would they have gotten the full treatment that, say, Jani-Ca, Lien-Da, Dimitri all got? ... And then, I turn my frustratedness away from rants, and into 'okay, what if they DID survive? or, what would I make Julie-Su react like, when she realises specifically that, oh, she's got no parents again, oh shite'
-- Do you think it's more fun if she didn't really settle with them, and now feels a sense of remourse that she never gave the time of day to this couple who obviously loved her, who doted over her? Do you think it stings harder if she loved them, or whether she didn't see how good she had it until suddenly her only family left is her homicidal sister, and this man who she barely even knows other than that he, too, ruined her life, and suddenly he wants to be a good guy.
Oh, feck, I did it again, didn't I?! Wait, wait, we haven't posted 'thick cheeks' yet. Will you take Echidna Ben Shapiro Sojourner's oddly pronounced hips?
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NOW we've done it all!
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