#Sallymun RPs
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sally-mun · 2 years ago
here's a funny image
suddenly one day sojourner is NOT acting like an ass
how you think the family would react? LOL
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That's actually already happened~
And the family's reactions were, to put it broadly, VERY SURPRISED AND CONFUSED.
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sally-mun · 5 years ago
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Let me just add this to the pile of writing meme posts I’ve hijacked for the sake of my dumbass ‘TV show.’
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i made this for the discord but its important
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sally-mun · 2 years ago
If you don't mind me asking, how do you view Sally acting as a mother? Would she be a bit like her parents, or would she be influenced by Sonic's brand of parenting?
So I've gently touched on this in the midst of my RP shows and moreso in the RP itself (which admittedly y'all don't have access to, sorry), but mostly I see it boiling down to this fact: Sally barely has any idea at all of what her parents' parenting style is because, for the most part, neither one of them got to parent her. Her mom was out of the picture early enough that Sally didn't even remember her, and her dad only got to be around until she was 5 -- and even during that time, how much DIRECT parenting can we assume happened? Those 5 years took place during the end of the Great War, so I think we can safely say that Max was VERY VERY BUSY to say the least. Rosie probably would've been nannying Sally among the other high-status children anyway, but I imagine she had custody of her more than she would've had they been in a time of peace.
This is a very long way to say that I don't think Sally has much influence from her parents because they literally didn't raise her, Rosie did. The core of Sally's parenting instincts are going to reflect the norms of her nanny, not Max or Alicia. Daily routines, rules and boundaries, encouraged and discouraged activities, and decisions regarding health/safety/future matters get ingrained in us based on our own lived experiences, and then we learn and adjust from there once we're old enough to evaluate whether or not we agree with the methods used on us.
That said, however, I have every expectation that Sally has a fantasy of what being raised by her parents would have (or should have) been like, and THAT is likely a huge influence on her view of parenting. For every fun or bonding moment she WANTED to have with her father, she'll undoubtedly be sure to make time for it with her offspring. For every time Max utterly crushed her sense of self-worth and took away her autonomy once he returned to her life, she'll be all the more determined that her child(ren) never have to feel the way she felt. For every question she had about things like gender roles or puberty or relationships that she couldn't ask her mom, she'll work to ensure that her kid(s) feel safe and confident enough to ask her those questions.
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sally-mun · 2 years ago
Who is your favorite of the brotherhood members to write, and who is your least favorite? Are there any brotherhood members you feel like you wanted to spend more time on than you were able?
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I think I can easily say that Athair is the best to write, if just because of his natural ability to troll people. He also has the best attitude, in my opinion, which spares me having to roll around in someone else's head while they're engaging in unhealthy thinking patterns. My least favorite character to write, if I had to guess, is most likely one that I haven't actually gotten to write yet. It may not make much sense now, but I assure you, you'll understand later. For now, though, my least favorite among those that have appeared to date is Sabre. Don't get me wrong, I don't dislike him or anything, I just really don't like his attitude in most situations. Sojourner may be an asshole, but he's an asshole who isn't particularly confrontational and can be relied upon to take care of his responsibilities. Sabre's much better about that stuff now, but for the duration of me having had to write him, yeah he was really obnoxious.
As for who deserved more of my time and attention, definitely Spectre on that one. When I first started the BH series I had a very different kind of tone, structure, and overall length in mind, and as the first Guardian in line, his arc was completely enveloped in that original format. This IS something I plan to rectify, however, but unfortunately it won't be anytime soon. Once BH:O catches up with the beginning of BH, I'm going to re-write the first few BH episodes so that they flow naturally with where BH:O otherwise leaves off and make sure there's a properly connecting bridge between there and when BH gets better episodes. Basically this is a long way to say that BH:O and BH will eventually be a single story broken into two (huge) halves.
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sally-mun · 3 years ago
What would Sally Acorn's favorite food be?
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I've always head cannon'd that she lives for peanut butter.
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sally-mun · 3 years ago
What's your characterization of the Classic Trio (Sonic, Tails, Knuckles) like? I think I have a gist of your take on Knuckles, but I've realized you don't actually talk about Sonic and Tails themselves much when it comes to their personalities!
Yeah probably safe to say that most people understand how I write Knuckles by now, since I've spent who knows how many other posts talking about him at this point. We'll leave him out of this discussion to keep things concise.
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Sonic: The way I write Sonic doesn't stray too far away from most canons, but I do lean really hard into the idea that he teases people for fun -- and notably, he doesn't know when to quit. He IS still a good guy for the most part, but yeah, he's kind of an ass if he gets going. Note that this isn't played up to be a fun character quirk, it is definitely a flaw. He very much takes things too far sometimes and is absolutely the asshole in those situations. A lot of time this gets intertwined with his arrogance, which is also heightened in this canon and often has the same kind of outcomes.
One of the main reasons I have this approach with him is that Sonic suffers a little bit from that thing where good-guy protagonists are sometimes portrayed as too good, to the point of being boring. I grew up with 90's Sonic, where he was meant to have more of an edge, and yeah that means sometimes he's meant to be rude. I think it makes him a more interesting character to keep this side of him in tact because it can cause interesting reactions in those around him, and if those reactions are negative, that'll subsequently cause interesting reactions in Sonic himself. His mouth running faster than his brain is something he struggles with from time to time, because not everyone (such as, say, Knuckles) is willing to just brush that aside because "it's just how he is, he didn't mean it."
The other main reason I write Sonic this way is just for some variation across the cast itself. Knuckles and Finitevus are morally pretty grey, but the bulk of the characters they interact with are on the hero side, and it's easy for hero characters to be kind of same-y amongst themselves. Sonic having this kind of character flaw sets him apart from the other good-guy characters and keeps the pool from getting stagnant.
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Tails: There's a much bigger difference between RP and canon with Tails. He started very much the same as he is in canon, but after a bad injury to his lower spine 1) greatly reduced his ability to walk, and 2) completely paralyzed both of his tails, his personality gradually began to change -- not because of how the injuries themselves changed his life, but because of how everyone else treated him differently because of them. All of the respect and recognition he'd fought for to be recognized as a useful and capable member of the group suddenly vanished; everyone was back to babying him at every turn, leaving him out of plans and missions, and insisting that it was "too dangerous" for him to participate in the very same things he'd been doing flawlessly up to that point. All of that coupled with how many elements of his life had changed or been lost -- such as the ability to fly, which was such a core part of his identity -- definitely took a toll over time. He's become a volatile, impatient person with an explosive temper.
I will say that Tails did his best not to go down this path. He actually maintained a very good attitude for a long time and did his best to view his condition as temporary; after all, new medical procedures are developed every day! In fact, his father was funding some research that might be able to help him one day! And even if nothing could be done medically, maybe he could come up with something himself to fill the gap. He's proven over and over again that there's very little he can't fix when he's given an opportunity to engineer! But as time dragged on and on and on, it got harder to keep up that outlook, particularly when no one else seemed to share it. It was clear that he was seen as a helpless child that needed to be protected, no matter what he came up with to help himself, or how skilled he became and moving with the means he currently had available. His attitude gradually became more snarky and combative, but seriously came to a head one day when [some plot stuff happened that I possibly shouldn't be revealing right now, we'll see].
Hmm, how to approach this... Let's just say that in the wake of a certain event, Tails essentially gave up the hope that things will actually get better and fully gave in to the rage boiling away inside of him. He became incredibly destructive as a way to vent his constant anger, to the point of developing weapons and bombs, which he fired off at the edges of town (and did not care at all whom he frightened in the process). It got to the point where the only person he would really talk to, if briefly, was Finitevus, because he wanted to relate to someone who understands the overwhelming urge to destroy things. I genuinely thought for a while during this period that Tails was going to flip on us and become a new Big Bad to deal with.
While I can confirm that that hasn't happened (yet, at least), I can also say that he hasn't gotten much better since then. Some things have improved, but they came at the expense of other things, and overall he's still at a net negative. I may go into more detail with this another time, because it IS a really good story honestly; I'm just being a bit mum right now because that could also mean it'd make another good show sometime, so we'll see.
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sally-mun · 2 years ago
I was wondering beyond the asksally blog are any other your other blogs of your old rp blogs still around id love to read thru them?
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Sally's blog was the only RP blog I ever had. If you're referring to the other RP stuff that I talk about around here, none of that was ever performed in public; that's all just private, one-on-one stuff with my long-time RP partner. That's part of why I do my "shows" for you guys, because it's basically RP stories but polished up for human consumption.
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sally-mun · 3 years ago
I’d just like it to be known that once Elias got completely smashed playing beer pong and Thunderhawk picked him up and carried him on his hip like he was a little boy, gave him a glass of puggle milk, and then put him to bed to sleep it off.
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sally-mun · 5 years ago
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death of the author is all well and good but i myself prefer to acknowledge the author’s intentions just so i can take everything i thought was stupid and improve it so that it supports my own personal, superior interpretation of events to spite them
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sally-mun · 3 years ago
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So back when I got the original of these two messages several months ago, I made an indirect reply post saying that I couldn’t really divulge that info at that moment because I was in the middle of addressing exactly that in my RP, and I know my partner reads this blog so it would’ve been spoilers. Thankfully, this arc was in fact completed a couple months ago, so I can in fact answer these!
However, instead of immediately doing so, I’m going to answer these questions with another question: Is this something you guys would prefer I just tell you in the span of a single post and get to the point, or would you rather see this as another show? I ask because this is part of the main story RP, so it’s the sort of thing that CAN be narrated in an episodic way, versus just dealing in raw theory. If you have a preference here let me know in the notes, otherwise I’ll just do a post about this at some point and run down how it was addressed in-game.
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sally-mun · 4 years ago
Out of curiosity, how frequently do you find yourself double-checking the old Archie comics / wiki pages for the comics? Is there any time you've ever had a eureka moment just from scrolling through them, be it remembering a specific character or event exists and realizing you can utilize it or otherwise?
I have a couple other asks ahead of this one but I wanted to answer yours first because it's SO RELEVANT right now.
So first and foremost, yes, I check wikis for reference all the time, largely because if I'm familiar with a certain thing in the comics at all it's usually just the bullet points. I occasionally refer to wiki pages just to check that I know what I'm talking about, but also because sometimes I just plain don't know the thing at all. I don't usually check the comics themselves because tracking a specific thing down is a lot more trouble than it's worth, and if I'm being honest, most of what I'm looking up is in the Dark Ages and I have no desire to read them.
There've been lots of times where a wiki page is where I learned something for the first time, and that ends up giving me inspiration for something I want to write into a story or RP arc later; other times I'm in a situation where I've already opened the door on [x], and I have that moment of, "HMM I SHOULD PROBABLY LOOK INTO THIS IF I'M GOING TO MAKE USE OF IT--" What's really funny though is that half the time what I DO learn from wiki pages doesn't even necessarily make a difference; I can't tell you how many times I've gone to verify whether or not Archie established something, and even if they did, I'm just like, "Mm no I disagree," and do it my own way anyway. But the opposite happens too, where I stumble across something that ends up being a big deal, or maybe something I can reference as an easter egg.
Anyway the reason I decided to answer this question now instead of still going in order is mostly because I was just trying to verify a few things about some of the Guardian spouses, and it makes me want to throw my hands up in the air how so many of them have literally NOTHING established about them, to the extent that they don't even have wiki pages. A few of them do, but even then half of said pages are literally one or two sentences long. Most of them also don't even have a -single- appearance in the comics, even in the form of a flashback. SOOOO it's definitely one of those times where I can just kick back and do what I want, but it also makes me really angry, because these characters deserve so much more respect than they were ever given.
But hey, that just gives me more incentive to do it better, I suppose.
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sally-mun · 4 years ago
Sometimes you just gonna grab Locke by the tiddies
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It do be like that sometimes.
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sally-mun · 5 years ago
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How I feel after reading just reading Two seasons of The Brotherhood written by @sally-mun
Rex you bastard goddamn
Seriously go read it it’s very good and well written.
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sally-mun · 4 years ago
Would the Brotherhood just sit by and watch during S3K when Robotnik's attacking the island directly and stealing the Master Emerald, or would they try to help Knuckles from the shadows, or would this even be the boiling point where Locke and the rest of the Grandpa Gang finally have to reveal themselves to Knuckles? Would they offer Sonic and Tails the same assistance, or would they believe them to be attackers too?
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So fun fact, while I was still writing The Brotherhood, even I wasn't sure exactly how I was going to end it for most of the duration. There was a part of me that figured I'd end it approximately when and how I did, part of me that wondered if I should give Knuckles a full arc as well, and part of me that wanted to just go completely off the rails and make up something brand new for you guys for sticking around so long. Had I gone with the third option, my idea was to come up with something very much in the vein of what you're asking!
I always knew I wanted to end that series with some degree of lead in to Sonic 3. If I were to continue beyond that point, I realized that there were all sorts of things that would end up culminating all at once. Obvious things like the arrival of Robotnik and his manipulation of Knuckles (and the subsequent conflicts with Sonic and Tails) were a given, but by blending it with this Archie backstory, there were also other elements in play: How does the Brotherhood handle this? Should they leave Knuckles to handle it himself, or risk exposing themselves to help him? Does Moritori view this as an advantage or disadvantage? Would he be more interested in eliminating Robotnik since he's yet another outsider threatening the safety of Angel Island, or would he try to strike up an alliance with him in hopes of opening the Twilight Cage? If the latter happens, is he successful? Does the Legion finally escape, and if so, what does that mean fro the Brotherhood? For Moritori? for Knuckles?
At this point, you're probably noticing that I'm just asking a shitton of questions instead of answering yours. The actual answer is that I don't know for sure, because all I ever did was posit ideas to myself. It's the sort of thing that I'm sure I could construct one day if I decided to move forward with it, but for the moment, I don't have any details. It's not something that's precisely hammered out in the RP backstory beyond the vague notion of "S3&K happened," so coming up with what exactly did happen would probably end up being either a commission or a future show if for some reason y'all are still watching me write this shit in a few years.
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sally-mun · 4 years ago
Any LGBTQIA Archie Headcanons ya have?
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I can't go over 100% of them because some are coming up in future shows, but there are several others we can talk about today! And I'm actually taking the time to use a page cut this time, go me.
Knuckles - I suppose it's most appropriate to start here, huh? So I write Knux as bi, but what's fun about that is that he himself had no idea because of the skewed way Locke trained him. It was pounded SO firmly into his head that he'd eventually need to take a wife and produce an heir that he just never considered anything else to be an option. This is a large part of why he not only ended up in a relationship with Julie-Su at all, but why he lingered on it for so long despite it being highly toxic (tho to be fair he was already trained to tolerate toxicity from Locke, too). Once it clicked that he doesn't HAVE to follow the extremely rigid rules he was given, he realized he's attracted to more than just women.
Finitevus - He gay. He very, very gay. This has come up in the RP from Fini himself several times, typically when Knuckles is ogling a woman and Fini can't help reflect on the fact that the same image does absolutely nothing for himself.
Rotor - Both asexual and aromantic. Is there such a term as double-ace? If not there should be, because it sounds cool. Anyway I've just never read him as having the slightest bit of interest in anyone else relationship-wise in any canon, and in the RP he takes that a bit further. Rotor as I write him doesn't really like being around people in general and overall finds emotions to be kind of frivolous and annoying. He's not a misanthrope by any means, he just prefers to have company in limited bursts and spend the rest of his time solo.
Charmy - I've read Charmy as trans pretty much ever since I learned that only female bees have stingers. It's nothing we've ever explored in-game, it's just something that occurred to me one day and I was like, "Oh yeah, cool that makes sense." This is true for me whether he's depicted as a kid or a teen.
Athair - Also ace, and based on a comment I received from someone on Discord about one of his Brotherhood episodes, possibly also intersex. It was something I hadn't really thought about before, but once they pointed it out, I realized it perfectly fits his circumstances (particularly the detail that his spurs never grow in). I'm not aware of anything that would contradict it, but let's be honest, even if someone presented contrary evidence from canon I'd probably just discard it. I DO HAVE A HISTORY OF THAT.
Sabre - I used to think Sabre was aromantic, but nowadays I see him more demiromantic. I waffled on this mostly because I genuinely couldn't tell if he ever developed romantic feelings for Jenna-Lu, but since having written The Brotherhood series, I lean a lot more toward demi. I think he eventually developed romantic feelings, but actively suppressed them because of his stance on how Guardians shouldn't form romantic relationships. I do think I can safely say Jenna-Lu's aromantic, though. Yes I know this is about Sabre and not Jenna, but oh well, it came up here instead. THERE YA GOT A TWO-FER.
Shadow - I diagnose him with cinnamon roll, too sweet and too pure for us to know one way or another yet. I don't think the notion of a relationship has ever even crossed his mind yet because it was previously constantly overwhelmed with grief, and he was never able to move forward from that until just recently. Shadow's been doing a lot of emotional healing throughout his arc in the RP, so my fingers are crossed that this question might be answered in the near future. Right now my greater point is that he doesn't presently have any kind of a default, it's just totally unaddressed.
Breezie - About as pan as pan can get. Everyone is welcome at the table, tho only a select few are invited to have dessert. ...god that was a terrible metaphor, I apologize. Anyway the point is, Breezie doesn't really draw lines in the sand; the only thing that determines whether or not you're eligible in her book is whether or not you're a dickbag.
Shade - Okay this one's really based on nothing, but I've always read Shade as a lesbian. I can't really explain it beyond she just gives me a vibe. I'm half-gay, so does this mean I have a gaydar? If I do, Shade totally sets off my gaydar.
Elias - Straight but I'm 99% sure he'd be completely down for pegging if Megan ever expressed an interest.
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sally-mun · 4 years ago
Can anyone who uses the 7 Emeralds obtain a super form, or is there some kind of prerequisite? Is it possible for someone's body to be unable to handle the power of all 7 emeralds, and if so, how bad does it go for them if they try to use them to transform?
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I would say that the most important conditional of being able to use seven chaos emeralds is just being able to use one chaos emerald. Under normal circumstances, chaos emeralds aren't necessarily dangerous -- that is to say, the average person can handle one or spend an extended period of time around one without getting radiation poisoning -- but using a chaos emerald is very different. It's a direct interaction that will necessarily imbibe the user with a huge boost of chaos radiation, which IS something that can be very dangerous. Not every person is naturally equipped to handle that sort of energy, and trying to do so when you're not built for it can result in things like severe illness or death. Remember what happened to Kayla-La when she spent all day in the presence of the Master Emerald? Expect results like that for an average joe that's not naturally primed for excessive chaos energy.
Now, for someone who DID win the genetic lottery and can safely use extra chaos energy, that still doesn't necessarily mean there's no ceiling to how much you can safely use. A natural chaos user can still give themself radiation poisoning if they go beyond their limits. Chaos tolerance is the sort of thing that increases over time with limited, manageable exposure (see: Moritori). Going from one chaos emerald to two too suddenly, let alone one emerald to seven, is a recipe for disaster.
Can a normie eventually gain enough immunity to use a chaos emerald, and from there level up to using 7? Yes, it's completely possible. But considering the scale of time that would likely need to be involved in order TO do so, it's just really, really unlikely.
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