A sony laptop 1986.
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Hello Iris! How do you think your soul looks like? And how do soul of Chikki could lok like?
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That's a very interesting question.. hmm.. Last time I went on a journey of self reflection via erm.. 'magical fungi' heh- I had this vision that my soul was a drop in an infinite pool made of light, and I was just a small part of a greater 'whole'.
I guess that image was so profound I even saw it in a dream once, interesting thinking about it... I tried to illustrate it the best I could but some things are just beyond words even images. Chikki insists that they don't have a soul, but I know them too much to agree with that.
If I had to pin down what Chikki's soul would look like, would just be a form made of shadow if not shadows itself. Almost as if they are a shadow contained in the shape of a bird, but can twist and contort itself at will due to some wicked magic.
Could be speculation or could be closer to the truth -shrugs- who knows? but whatever it looks like it'd definitely be something ominous and slightly unnerving, that's just how Chikki rolls.
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✨ 🌙 ✨
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echidna-enquiries · 10 days
🏳️‍🌈Happy Pride!♥🏳️‍⚧️
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echidna-enquiries · 10 days
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sonic wiki is SO fucking funny
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echidna-enquiries · 10 days
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POV you are Aurora
... I think it's so funny that it was AURORA of all people who projected into Locke's brain that he should do this incredibly dangerous procedure on his unborn son. AKA the Hot Pocket of Destiny
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echidna-enquiries · 10 days
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Shade the Echidna vs. Food Processing Plant
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echidna-enquiries · 11 days
The Sonic fandom will fight tooth and nail over a lot of things, but at least at the end of the day we all love Cowboy Hat Knuckles.
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echidna-enquiries · 12 days
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Gift art for @julie-su I did for him. So many echidnas!
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echidna-enquiries · 12 days
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POV: You're Eggman in Sonic Advance 3 and your opponents are Amy and Knuckles
Yes, you can throw him in this game
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echidna-enquiries · 12 days
simple question, everyones favourite food?
Fae: Oooh!! (her eyes sparkle and her ears perk up) Simple but fun! No pictures for today sadly as I'll be here all day filling up a long post but lets start!
Knuckles is grapes (obviously), fruits are his sweet spot! Likes eating all fruits and fruity drinks... which is ironically considering his dad struggles to consume anything that is fresh.... same here honestly.
Lance says he likes chicken, especially tenders or nuggets... or tendies as we both call them hehe~ Usually giving him a box of nuggets is how you bribe him to do stuff for you. He drinks a lot of energy drinks and soft drinks too... the family have to practically force him to eat greens and drink water.
Salem says he has a pescatarian diet, which means he only eats fish as a meat. Which works out nicely as his favourite is fish and chips. He's also a sucker for tea.
Oh god Cedar, he's got a massive sweet tooth, they LOVE baking... to the point of our pain. They try out all these vintage baking recipes and sometimes... they're downright awful. He gets a kick out of it, I don't know what their favourite recipe is though, he's not here right now so I can't ask him. Shockingly though his favourite drinks are Irish whiskeys and ciders. Dude can hold his liquor...
Journey is like Cedar and LOVES sweet stuff, but prefers other pastries. especially doughnuts!! And for drinks she likes cream soda or root beer floats.
After asking Tiberius, his answer was.. not at all surprising. He says he likes barbecued meats but his favourite are hot dogs... it was hard not making a wiener joke to his face because he gets so mad whenever anyone makes jokes like that around him and with drinks he wasn't specific. Just says he looks a good booze to go with it... Again, not surprising....
Sorrel's favourite dish is sushi, thanks to it being a common thing he'd have as a kid when his grandmother would visit! Then, he started going on about how healthy it is. When I tried asking what his drink of choice was he water... I had to bug him to give me an answer that meant favourite and not just what he tries to drink the most. He EVENTUALLY said lemonades and iced tea.
For Seth, man he was going back and forth. Girlie was struggling to choose a favourite. The best answer he could settle on was dumplings or curries, exact recipes change. For drinks they said Iced Coffee was their go to.
Theodore says he likes pies, when I asked if he had particular flavours, he said apple and plum... and he told me he liked plums since his wife cooked things with plums. That man is too sweet for his own good I swear. ;-; Oh and for drinks, Seth got him really into Boba tea when a place opened on Angel Island. They go to get drinks there all the time.
Chase is suuuuper into breakfast foods it seems. Says his favourite food are pancakes, he loves coating them in berries. And drinks he loves fruit smoothies and juices.... he like Sorrel says he likes to try and drink a lot of water. I really thought he'd drink energy drinks more but he said and I quote "Do I look like Lance?".
Morgan gave a very simple answer, food? Pasta. Drink? Wine. When I asked for anything specific she just said all "All... or answers change depending on the mood". She knows what she likes and I admire that.
Johnathan screamed PIZZA when I asked him anything closely related to food... and tbh I love him for that pizza good. For drinks he likes daiquiris and slushies.
Last time Coal was here I asked about his favourite food and he said quickly how he loves a good burger... I didn't ask for specific recipes cause I knew he'd go on for a while. For drinks he said he likes Mojitos... and Johnathan said he also has a guilty pleasure for cirtus-y sodas even though Coal denies it, hehehe.
I dont' even have to ask Rhett what foods he likes, he LOOOOOVES cheese!! If he's able to he'll add cheese to anything he can to eat. He especially has a soft spot for Grilled Cheeses or Cheeseburgers... and I feel on him on that they're soooo goooood. When I asked about drinks he actually got stuck, poor fella couldn't decide. No worries, Rhett. ^v^
Hadar loves strawberry stuff! Strawberries solo, chocolate dipped strawberries, strawberry milkshakes! He loves strawberries! but he wanted to clarify that he can't stand 'artificial' flavoring, he makes his own shakes from home because of that.
Marcello told me he likes Icecream! He'll eat it all year round, even in the dead of winter he'll eat it! And he likes caramel flavoured drinks, especially frappes!
And now Shepherd. I know the boss man practically lives off of coffee and he clearly likes them. Food though he wont' say outloud but I know the answer, we all do... he's got a softspot for cookies! I've seen boxes in his office when I have to go in there. I pretend I didn't see anything though. Hehehe~
Fae: OKAY! That's everyone, you can see why I didn't post any photos... although doing little doodles of everyone enjoying their favourite foods would've been adorable!
Fae:...uhh not sure how to finish this of so just in case, um... my favourite foods are french fries and chicken schniztel! annnd drink? I like a Diet Chao Cola. :3
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echidna-enquiries · 12 days
The Sonic fandom will fight tooth and nail over a lot of things, but at least at the end of the day we all love Cowboy Hat Knuckles.
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echidna-enquiries · 12 days
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With Maddie’s work I feel like a vet day is a given. The Wachowski boys probably all aren’t used to getting taken care of, so I bet this is a nice change of pace. (Maddie would definitely keep lollipops and superhero bandaids around for whenever the boys come in for a check up)
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echidna-enquiries · 14 days
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Small knuckles 💥💥
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echidna-enquiries · 16 days
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" I won't obey! "
This was made for a trend on the bird app but I found out it's the dreamcast anniversary. So congrats to the cast and much love towards Sonic Adventure!!
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echidna-enquiries · 17 days
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Morgan Aesthetic
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echidna-enquiries · 17 days
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Johnathan Moodboard
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