#soichiro yagami x matsuda touta
atemkira · 6 months
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soimatsu magma doodle
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russiantapo4ek · 2 months
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Alternate universe where Light did not pick up a notebook but became popular, best Japan's detective and best friend (khem,bf) L 🗿
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somberstarr · 5 months
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spiraling-trap · 6 months
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doodle of my soul eater au designs for soichiro and matsuda. they’re based on old westerns. also they are yaoi (this is important)
if anyone cares their plot in this au is below 👇
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moonlit-raven-haven · 4 months
Could You Fall in Love With Me?
Can’t Help Falling In Love (Misa/L Lawliet)
Where Misa realizes she wants someone who can treat her right.
Word Count: 1.7k 
Warnings: SPOILERS, angst, unrequited feelings
A/N: Oh snap! I’m back from the dead xoxo! Anyways, here’s a Misa/L Lawliet fanfic. I finished Death Note like two days ago, and I cannot stop thinking about L, I fear he’s become my new comfort character.  Also, this diverts from canon events with some details. I hope you guys enjoy reading my first Death Note fanfic, and stay tuned until the end for some (hopefully) exciting news!
“I could fall in love with you, you know.”
The words plagued Misa’s mind ever since Ryuzaki spoke them. The few words that left his lips were more affectionate than anything Light Yagami had ever uttered. She always felt worthless to him, no matter what she did. Even giving up half of her life for him never felt like it was enough. She had worshiped Kira like a sinner worships a god in hopes of forgiveness. But the forgiveness came. Every move Light made was more unforgiving than the last. He had no care for anyone around him, not even for her. Upon regaining his memories in the helicopter by Ryuzaki by his side, that just became more apparent. Every move was for his own gain, and even upon showing distress the second time Misa received the Shinigami eyes, it wasn’t genuine.
“Does Light still make you happy?”
The question had been asked by Rem more than once, and it always made Misa wonder if Rem saw something Misa couldn’t. Maybe she could see through an impeccable façade that Light put up, one that Misa perhaps would never see because of her loving Light so blindly and earnestly. 
“Does Light still make me happy?” Misa wonders in her mind, a quiet sigh escaping from her lips. The question plagues her as she aimlessly flips through the newest edition of the magazine she’s in. She knows Ryuzaki is watching her. He always is. Part of her finds it endearing, but she knows that it’s only to ensure she’s not the Second Kira. 
“You aren’t actually reading that magazine. Has something crossed your mind, Misa?” Ryuzaki’s voice sounds out through the multiple small speakers scattered throughout her room. Misa looks up from the page covered in text. 
“Ah- no. I was just staring at this image.” Misa smiles at the camera positioned right above her television from her spot on the couch, waving her delicate hand at the blinking red light. 
“There are no images on that page.” Misa imagines Ryuzaki zooming in on the magazine she sets on the small, glass coffee table. “Is it possible that you’ve recalled your memories of your time as Second Kira?”
“R-Ryuzaki! You still can’t possibly believe Misa was the Second Kira.” Misa hears Light’s voice through the microphone, reminding her of the handcuffs keeping her from openly speaking to Ryuzaki. 
“There was irrefutable evidence sent in with the tapes sent by second Kira. It is, without a doubt, the truth that Misa Amane was Second Kira, and if she recalls anything, it’s important that she informs us.” Misa can hear Ryuzaki’s eyes, serving as daggers, digging into Light. 
“Light, there’s no need to argue with Ryuzaki. If Second K- if I sent the tapes and included evidence, whether accidental or not, then- I mean-“ Misa’s voice is soft through the screen. 
“No! Misa! You can’t admit to something that we don’t even know is true!” Ryuzaki notices the way Misa grips the thin lace edge of her skirt when Light rushes to Ryuzaki’s side and leans his lips right against the small, black microphone. 
“Yagami. Enough.” Ryuzaki presses his pale finger down against the base of the microphone and presses a small button, clicking it back up into place and leaving Misa in the silence of her room. “You’re making Misa anxious. While I do not know the reason for such nerves, I can only come to the conclusion that the topic of her existence as Second Kira makes her uncomfortable—after all, she should have no reason to be scared of her own partner.” Ryuzaki presses his palm flat against Light’s head and pushes him back from the microphone while glancing up at the screen above his eyesight. Misa’s clenched hand no longer occupies its attention with the edge of her skirt, but rather with a glass of water, a glass of water that seems too troublesome for Ryuzaki’s liking. He looks over to Light, who has a look of rage and confusion, one that had Ryuzaki had become awfully familiar with. “I’m going to put you back in confinement for a few hours. You’ll be under the surveillance of Aizawa while I speak to Misa. I fear you’ll agitate her too much with her presence.” Ryuzaki puts his bare feet on the ground and begins to walk towards the stairs leading into the basement, not giving Light any time to protest as the single chained handcuff drags him away behind Ryuzaki. 
Ryuzaki keeps his hands in his pockets as he slowly makes his way up the stairs to Misa’s room. s room. He ignores the glances and whispers of the remaining detectives behind him, seated by the many computers within headquarters. He dislikes being questioned about his choices and actions by the rest of the task force. Has he not done enough to prove himself reliable? Maybe he has said something in the past that didn’t sit well with them. Ryuzaki shakes his head slightly as his ghostly pale right hand extends from his pocket, and the tip of his thumb reaches his lips. He’s done enough to prove himself; it’s their choice whether or not they trust him. The tip of his thumb moves past his lips and comes in contact with his teeth, and he bites down gently until he reaches the top of the stairs. What could Misa possibly have to say? Will it get them closer to finding Kira? 
His bare feet quietly move across the cold black tiles that reflect the white fluorescent lights until he reaches the dark gray door. Part of him wishes he had chosen warmer colors for the facility, maybe warm whites, yellows, and some browns. Feeling like you’re at home in a building that is practically your second home would bring down everyone’s stress, including his own. Ryuzaki removes his thumb from his mouth and slowly dries it against his dark blue jeans before extending his hand toward the cool-colored gray door and tapping his knuckles against the painted wood. It’s smooth and cold against the thin skin covering his bones, it makes him shudder ever so slightly. He retracts his hand after three knocks and slips it back into the cool denim material of his pants. There’s exactly a thirty-second pause after Ryuzaki knocks on the door, not that he counted in his head. 
“Ryuzaki! Don’t you know it’s rude to knock on a lady’s door completely unannounced?!” Misa crosses her arms over the soft black robe she’s wearing, a light pink ‘M’ embroidered on the right side. 
“My apologies, Misa. May I come in? I need to speak to you about your actions earlier.” Despite Ryuzaki’s polite questions, he pushes his way past her and into the room, immediately taking a crouched seating position on the couch and grabbing the slice of cake Misa had barely begun eating.
“Actions? I was just reading a magazine, Ryuzaki!” Misa pouts her lips as she closes the door and takes a seat on the couch next to him, shaking her head at the slice of cake that was hers just moments prior. “You eat too much sugar, you know?” 
Ryuzaki answers with a small grunt. “You have no privacy privileges as long as I suspect you. Did you remember anything from your time as the Second Kira?” 
“N-No. It’s actually about Light.”
“Light?” Ryuzaki eats the last bite of cake and looks at Misa with deep interest, his eyes not leaving her face as he puts the plate down on the black coffee table in front of him. Could it be that she has evidence of Light being Kira? Perhaps she recalled something odd Light must have said. Ryuzaki places the tip of his thumb in his mouth again. Maybe Misa finally got tired of covering for her boyfriend.
“He isn’t a good boyfriend! He won’t take me out on dates, even before you handcuff him to you. I feel like he doesn’t actually love me, but- but ever since…ever since…” Misa trails off and looks down at her soft black robe and the light pink pajama pants peeking through it. “Ever since you said that you could love me, I-I’ve just been thinking about it. Could you really love me? You’re so much kinder than Light, Ryuzaki, even if you probably have cavities.” Misa glances at Ryuzaki briefly, his expression now distant as he grunts and turns away from her. Is this some type of ruse distract from the case? Something to get his attention off of Light so he can continue his killings as Kira? Ryuzaki turns back to Misa who is once again gripping at her clothing. Is she nervous becasue the truth is being told, or because she’s telling a lie?
“Misa, perhaps if you had not be the Second Kira and I knew that you do not harbor such strong admiration for Kira, I could love you. But the reality is that you were the Second Kira, Misa Amane, and you do have a strong admiration for Kira.” Ryuzaki rises from the couch and takes his thumb out of his mouth, his voice now clearer than it was a few seconds ago. “Please don’t distrub me in the future for trivial questions that will not help the case.” He turns away and exits the room before Misa can reply. The walk down the stairs feels longer than usual, and the detectives who were once whsipering have no gone silent as they turn toward Ryuzaki who is staring at the large screen where Misa wipes her tears. Was she being sincere?
“Matsuda. Please have Aizawa bring Light back into the room.”
“Y-Yes! Right away.” Except Matsuda stands there, staring at the back of Ryuzaki’s frame as he takes a seat on his chair. “D-Don’t you think Misa-Misa was being honest, Ryuzaki? I think she might have feelings for you.” Matsuda lets out a nervous laugh as he rubs the back of his neck, but Ryuazaki doesn’t responds, he only stares at Misa’s shaking form through the large screen before moving her image to a corner monitor and back on Light. 
“Matsuda. Help Aizawa bring Light back into the room.” Ryuzaki is unmoving as he speaks, only seeing Chief Yagami lead Matsuda toward the basement through his peripheral vision.
Will anything ever be simple with this case?
A/N: Hopefully it was good, if you guys would like a part two let me know in the comments and I’ll try to cook lol. Now, for the (hopefully) exciting news…I’m opening my requests again for the summer! I’ll be taking 3-5 requests at a time, depending on what they entail, and if, for whatever reason, I get more requests, they will be released in a separate batch. So if you’re interested, send in your requests! I look forward to hopefully receiving some.
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brendinoj · 1 year
Light Yagami's Justification of the use of the Death Note
Light Yagami is a very complex character. He uses the Death Note, a weapon that's capable of killing anyone whose name is written inside of it. Human nature can get pretty dark given the right circumstances but he literally uses the book on an unprecedented scale...enough to change the world. In a single day, his Shinigami, Ryuk, tells him he's never seen the book be used as much as Light has used it and keep in mind Light lives in the modern age and Ryuk says the notebook has dropped in the human world several times beforehand.
Anyway I believe the reason Light continues using the Death Note is more than him being a sociopath/psychopath, although those are very crucial to the reason why...only a person who could be labeled such a thing would even go to the extent that he did and would consider doing the things he's done.
Major reasons for his continuous use of the death note has to do with his goal of changing the world and the fallacies that can be applied to it. Mainly the sunk cost fallacy and the slippery slope fallacy. I apply these to Light and they fit extremely well! Watch the video and let me know what you think!
Also REBLOG if you don't mind :)
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dicenote · 1 month
touta matsuda
omg YES ty! This is gonna be a long, disorganized ramble, so bear with me!
Touta Matsuda. My blorbo, skrunky scrimblo, love of my life, etc.
There are so many things about Matsuda's character that I could talk about. His impulsivity, his loyalty, his uncertainty... All of it makes a very real and very interesting character. And I think that a lot of his traits shine in one of the most horrifying scenes from his perspective: the Yellow Box Warehouse.
Like, let's take a step back and look at the numbers here. On one side of the warehouse, we've got a guy claiming to be L, and the three members of the old Kira Task Force that he brought with him. On the other side, we've got a different guy claiming to be L and three members of the SPK that he brought with him (oh. and the guy from the Task Force that got kidnapped in the mix). Outside, Kira's accomplice is lying in wait. So we've got ten people in all who are ready for the final showdown. The reveal. The evidence that will finally end this years-long nightmare and point to the true identity of Kira.
And of those 10 people, only one of them doesn't have a clue who Kira really is.
Light is Kira. Mikami is X-Kira and finds out who Kira is as soon as he looks in the room. Near and the SPK are all on the same page. Mogi and Aizawa know. Ide's a bit more on the fence but he wasn't completely in the dark. So Matsuda is the only one who goes in totally blind.
If anyone were to re-write Death Note purely from Matsuda's perspective, the Warehouse scene would go from tense to horrifying. To (nearly) everyone else there, this confrontation isn’t meant to reveal an unexpected truth, it’s to confirm something that they already know. But for Matsuda? Near's request to meet at the warehouse is, at worst, a tactic to once again frame Light. Because Light obviously can't be Kira, right? Light will show Near that he's wrong, and the investigation will continue as normal until the real Kira is caught.
But then Near presents that irrefutable evidence, and everything that Matsuda knew for over five years comes crumbling down. Light starts monologuing about how the world had to be fixed and how no one could ever make it as far as he did. Kira and Light are one and the same. Matsuda always thought that Kira was a well-intentioned person who was helping change the world. Ide and Aizawa and Mogi believed that Kira was evil, they were much stronger in their resolve than Matsuda ever could be. But Light had confessed to him once that he too questioned if what they were doing was right. If Kira was doing right.
Light has always been Kira.
And then comes the absolutely tasty part where Matsuda shoots Light. I love how chapter 106 is called "Intent to Kill", because it reminds me of how Matsuda and Light are foils to each other. Better yet, they can be compared against a man they both held such deep respect for, Soichiro Yagami.
See, Soichiro threatens to kill people a good couple times, and even holds a gun to his son's face, but he never has any intent to kill. In fact, he's never killed anyone, as (I think) Mello points out. It's almost kind of silly. Like, Soichiro draws the line at firing bullets or writing full names in the Death Note, and that's it? Everything else is fair game? Weird line to draw, but go off I guess.
Light, meanwhile, justifies killing thousands. But only with the Death Note. With the Death Note, his intent to kill becomes a righteous one, another step on the path to becoming God of a New World. The criminals deserved to die. Those who get in Kira's way deserve to die. Because Light isn't a serial killer. He's doing the right thing! Crime is going down, war has stopped, and Light is the only one who could have possibly gone this far and done this much good.
And then we're back to Matsuda. I believe the mafia raid is the first time we see Matsuda using a gun, and we see that he's damn good at it. So good, in fact, that he's able to fire only non-lethal shots to get the Death Note back. (Also, fun tidbit: I'm pretty sure he's the only one who doesn't go into the raid with a rifle, he's just got like, a standard-issue cop pistol with a light on it.) The same thing happens in the warehouse, at least initially. He fires at Light's hand to get him to stop writing. Then he and Light yell at each other for a little bit about (who else?) Soichiro. Light demands that Matsuda shoot the others, because he's the only one who understands Kira. When Matsuda hesitates, Light resumes writing Near's name. Then Matsuda fires again and again and again. Anything to make Light stop. Anything to make it all stop. But it becomes obvious that he's not just shooting Light as a deterrent. What does Matsuda say as he's doing it?
"He needs to die!"
The others literally have to drag Matsuda away before he can execute Light on the spot.
Matsuda is a character full of contradictions. He dedicates over half a decade to fighting Kira, but he doubts the whole time. He tries to follow in Soichiro's footsteps but in the end makes the same justification that Light did when he first started writing in the Death Note. This man is a criminal. He deserves to die. The Yellow Box Warehouse not only exposed Light's true colors, but Matsuda's as well.
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dearestones · 1 year
Coffee Mugs and Confessions (Matsuda Touta x Reader)
Warnings: Fluff. 
Anonymous Request: I've been reading your matsuda fics and they are so cute!! my boy needs more content🤧 I'm not sure if you still write for him but I could request Matsuda trying to confess his love to his coworker (sorry if my english is bad;;;
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You absolutely adored your friend, Touta. Although he was usually held up with work on a case involving matters of great importance, he always made sure to spend time with you. Worrying about him was almost a futile effort. Even though there were days when you saw that there were more wrinkles on his face rather than sparkles in his eyes, when he saw you, his eyes would light up and his features would soften in light happiness. It was like he was a different person!
Gone was the stress and a subdued personality that was at odds with the persona you used to think was bubbly and somewhat childish back when you had first met. Yet, whenever he would invite you out for drinks after an entire day's worth of work lining the furrows of his brow, you could see that young man blooming to life again. With beer and sake flowing through the both of your veins, the both of you would talk about your day, often making jokes and commenting on the state of affairs regarding your places of work.
So, it surprised you one day, when Touta approached you.
You knew that he often stayed by his superior’s side, Chief Yagami Soichiro, but you were nonetheless happy that he sought you out. It wasn’t like you disliked the much older gentleman; it was quite the opposite actually! Almost everyone in your division loved and respected the chief and you hoped that once he retired, whoever would replace him would have at least a fraction of the charisma and the dedication that Chief Yagami often displayed. As one of his most devoted followers, Touta was sure to follow in his footsteps as a capable, but caring detective who had his eyes set on justice. 
Truly, it was one of the things that you adored about your friend. 
Even when it seemed like the world was bleak, there was an unerring sense of childlike faith that everything would turn out all right in the end.
Was it too childish in a field where sometimes investigations could be deadly or criminals had a tendency to get away if you weren’t careful? Perhaps, but you looked forward to his good nature and you hoped to learn from his resilience. Even if such naivete was not always welcome, you would support him no matter what. 
He was a rare radiant light in this world and you were loath to take part in extinguishing such a wonderful trait from the world.
“Hiya, Touta!” You nodded at a mug of coffee that he often procured just for you. As always, it would be steaming hot and filled to the brim with your preferred way of making coffee. He was a quick study when he applied himself and considerate to boot. As you greeted him with a smile, you took the mug away from him, careful not to burn your fingers against the warm porcelain. “Is there something wrong? You usually don’t bring me coffee this early.”
You were joking. There were times when Touta didn’t want to be idle at his desk picking apart paperwork or following up with witnesses sometimes, but it was rare enough that you were—while not concerned—curious about his motives. 
In response, Touta hummed anxiously, one of his hands reaching up to brush the back of his head. Was he trembling?
“Ah, do you mind taking a walk with me?” Your brows rose to your hairline. “I… It’s something important, but not that important? I mean if you’re busy, but—”
Kindly, you nodded at his rambling and eased yourself out of your desk and towards the exit. Grateful at your nonverbal acquiescence, your dear friend hurried after you, his words becoming more and more rapid as the both of you bypassed fellow detectives and police officers. 
As your polished shoes tapped against the floor—quick, determined, and purposeful—you felt Touta’s hand grasp your shoulder before leading you towards the lobby area. Here, while there were many people bustling around, it was less likely that some of your coworkers near your area would be able to hound you with teasing and other delightful comments. 
As much as you loved your job, there were times that you wished that some people would not pay your business any attention!
“So…” Touta took a sip of his coffee, probably burning his tongue by the looks of it as he suddenly gasped, before he regarded you sheepishly. “How was your day?”
You bit your lip to keep from laughing. “Touta, we barely started fifteen minutes ago.”
If there was one way to completely deflate Touta’s confidence, that was it. Like a bullet had hit his chest, Touta nearly keeled forward in embarrassment, but managed to right himself at the very last second. You felt bad, but you couldn’t help but pet his arm in amusement. 
You squeezed his arm through his blazer, the crisp material comforting under your touch. “You’re nervous, so why not just tell me. Did something bad happen?”
Your voice was level, but you couldn’t help but internally wince at the concern that the both of you could clearly hear. Somewhere out there, a serial killer was running loose in the streets and committing crimes to a degree that was almost unheard of. At first, you thought that heart attacks were all coincidental—a new disease perhaps? an overrepresentation of deaths?—but then INTERPOL began to interfere and there were forums you would frequent online to check out the mess. 
Apparently, everyone’s worst fears began to be realized. 
Kira was not an entity to be trifled with.
Thankfully, Touta must have sensed where your thoughts were headed because he placed a hand over yours, his warmth a grounding presence that gently brought you back to the present. 
“Well… that depends on your answer.”
Your brows furrowed. While Touta was clearly nervous now, there was a hidden strength in his words. It wasn’t a mask for his true feelings, no. It felt like he was steeling himself for a particularly tedious case. Or for battle. 
“Well then.” You leaned back and gave him a toothy grin behind the rim of your coffee mug. Might as well enjoy your coffee if Touta decided to give you bad news so early in the morning. “Ask away.”
“What would you say to a date this Friday afternoon?”
If it were not for the fact that you knew you would have to clean the floor, you would have dropped or sputtered out your coffee. To compensate for your sudden bout of shock, you forced yourself to swallow and breathe. 
In and out.
In and out.
In and—
That’s it. 
You had to ask.
“When you say date,” you proceed to ask in caution, “do you mean as friends or as… or as…” Your cheeks burned and the tips of your ears felt like someone had struck a match in close proximity. 
What if you had misinterpreted Touta’s intentions? 
Was that possible when you had heard him so clearly?
Or perhaps you were being delusional?
As your thoughts raced, which was akin to how Touta was rambling only moments ago you now began to realize, you felt Touta take the coffee mug away from your shaky grasp. A part of you wanted to hold onto the warmth, but you also knew that had he not done so, there was a very good chance that you would have become an impromptu janitor. 
Touta leaned in close, his eyes freezing you to the spot. 
Touta was a man who was able to live and grow from insecurities. He wore his vulnerability on his sleeve and he was not afraid to tell the truth. Although he was far from perfect, you knew that he would one day make someone so happy and proud to be his partner. 
Would that partner be you?
“I’ve always admired you.” You had to strain your ears, his voice a soothing melody that barely rose above a lull. Dimly, you were aware of the world outside of this bubble, but you chose to focus on Touta. Even if he was so soft, so vulnerable at this moment, you thought him just as beautiful and as radiant as the sun. You couldn’t look away if you tried. “You’re kind, sweet, and just as driven to justice as the Chief.” He took a deep breath and smiled at you. “I know we don’t always get a happy ending in law enforcement, but I would like to at least try with you. Would you like to be my partner?”
It didn’t matter if he was holding two coffee mugs, you wanted to be close to him. 
Without so much as an answer or warning, you flung your arms around his side. Splatters of coffee could be heard as Touta awkwardly tried to hug you back, but decided not to considering the fact that he was still holding the mugs filled with hot coffee. Instead, he inclined his head atop yours. 
“Is that a yes?”
You squeezed tighter and made a promise to help him clean up the coffee after you finished conveying how much his confession meant to you. 
“Of course it is!”
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for the ask game, let's switch things a bit up: Soichiro, Matsuda, Aizawa and Mogi
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Soichiro Yagami
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My opinion on this character: Man, poor dude. He was such a good person and all he got for it was pain.
OTP: Soichiro x Sachiko! I actually made something cute for them as an outline for Judas.
Platonic OTP: Soichiro x Matsuda. He’s such a good, patient mentor to poor Matsu!
Unpopular opinion: Soichiro was a good man who did his best. Stop with the “Soichiro Yagami’s A+ Parenting” tropes! It takes responsibility off Light’s shoulders and blames Soichiro for something he gave his life to stop, which I find honestly really shafts him a lot.
Something I wish was canon: Soichiro learning the truth right as he died of a broken heart. It would be so poignant. But I like the canon death, it doesn’t bother me.
Touta Matsuda
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My opinion of this character: Sweetie pie deserved better. What a precious optimist who did his very best. Amazing character arc.
OTP: Matsuda x Sayu. (And for those people who’re inevitably going to beat me up verbally over this, she’s 19 when he expresses affection for her and there’s no indication he had a relationship with her when she was a minor. You can debate if it’s healthy, but given that Matsuda by then was a close family friend, I frankly have no issue with it.) I also like Matsuda x Misa, but not as much as L x Misa. L challenges Misa as a person more than Matsuda does (sorry, Matsu).
Platonic OTP: Matsuda and Soichiro!
An unpopular opinion: Matsuda is not stupid. He’s very earnest and even smart, and quick-thinking as well. I think the reason everyone was so annoyed with him was that they were very high-strung in general given what they were dealing with.
Something I wish was canon: Matsuda becoming Sayu’s boyfriend after the show. He’s so much older than her, but I think they could bond and find solace in the wake of Light’s death.
Shuichi Aizawa
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My opinion on this character: He reminds me of Simon Peter. He’s the temperamental one who struggles with trust issues, and he’s the only member who’s married aside from Soichiro himself. I really like how L fired him so he could go be with his family, even if he was a jerk about it.
OTP: As he’s married, Aizawa x Eriko.
Platonic OTP: Aizawa and Ide!
Unpopular opinion: L did the right thing, even if it came off the wrong way to Aizawa. L struggles with loneliness and so he was pushing Aizawa away so he wouldn’t be forced to let him go later. That’s how I’ve always seen it. Oh, and he looks like Kramer from Seinfeld.
Something I wish was canon: More of his delightful baby! Please!
Kanzo Mogi
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Opinion of this character: ultimate malewife. You go girl.
OTP: I actually see this guy as entirely aro-ace!
Platonic OTP: Soichiro, Matsuda, and Mogi as the tag trio.
Unpopular opinion: His lack of dialogue gives him more personality than a bunch of dialogue would have.
Something I wish was canon: Mogi being a nanny. What is this man doing as a detective?!
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exam-ao3 · 2 months
Jungian Archetypes for Major Death Note characters:
Touta Matsuda: The Innocent
Misa Amane: The Orphan
Light Yagami: The Magician
Nate River: The Ruler
L Lawliet: The Sage
Mihael Keehl: The Explorer
Ryuk: The Jester
Rem: The Caregiver
Kiyomi Takada: The Lover
Soichiro Yagami: The Hero
Quillish Wammy (Watari): The Creator
Shuichi Aizawa: The Rebel
Here’s a simplification of the major archetypes: (x)
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Another Lawlight au idea because I can’t stop thinking about Them
•Light decides To Seduce L in order to marry him so that he will finally find out his full name
•L notices something is off with Light immediately but is completely oblivious to Lights seduction attempts
•The task force are less oblivious and Soichiro takes Light aside at one point to ask what the hell he is doing: he doesn’t care about Light being gay but doesnt understand his supposed attraction to L. At this point Light is too proud to admit he thinks his attempts are failing so he just doubles down and starts flirting even harder (he definitely hasn’t actually started to enjoy hanging with L and flirting with him no way)
•L finally finds out about the flirting when Misa informs him of it (they have a weekly sleepover bc in my canon they’re besties I don’t make the rules sry) Misa gives them some lines to use to flirt back because she loves to play matchmaker and thinks they’ll make a cute couple (let’s be real Misa is all of us)
•Light becomes really flustered when L flirts back leading to the realisation that he actually does have feelings for L and consequently also goes to Misa for advice on how to deal with falling for someone for the first time ever
•Misa makes a plan with Matsuda (because matsuda is too nice not to be friends with) and Rem to set the two up on a date
• They do the cliche ‘this was supposed to be a group hang but everyone got sick oh no’ which neither Light nor L believe but they both like the other too much to object
•They start dating with Light revealing the Death Note to L and, after L explains the flaws in Kiras ideals (eg: all the fucking innocents and wrongfully convicted killed) they decide that Light should work alongside L and simply bury the notebook where it won’t be found so Light keeps his memories but not the ability to kill
•Light follows L In his work and they become the worlds 4 greatest detectives and live happily ever after because I’ve read so much angst and I just Want them to be happy
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roselevesque · 3 years
I personally dislike the Other L! idea - meaning that his personality in the plot is mostly fabricated and he uses it as a shield, but I've thought about him pretending this to be the actual case just to see how long he can fool others and drive Light up the wall:
L: * sits normally in a chair *
Matsuda: * faints *
L: * dresses in a tuxedo *
Matsuda: I-is he going through an existential crisis?
Soichiro: * flashback to his own existential crisis * Quite possibly
Watari: Here it is, Ryuzaki: your cake
L: Oh, I've decided to cut down on sweets, Watari. Too much sugar might affect my deductive reasoning and render me useless, but thank you for your consideration.
Light: That's it, he's insane. The case broke him.
Light: * preparing for a fistfight to start *
L: * sits down in a meditative position *
Light: What are you waiting for...?
L: A relaxation technique I learnt during my childhood. Brutality will help no one. Especially those who must maintain their head clear in the fight against Kira.
Light: Literally who are you, and what have you done with the amazingly inconsiderate, intellectually annoying bastard of my life?
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alwayspotterstuff · 3 years
«Seriamente, Sophie?»
«Cosa?!» chiese esasperata la strega, incredula che Draco avesse già trovato qualcosa di cui lamentarsi in così poco tempo.
«Come cosa?! Lo spettro? Il mezzo Infero? Il Re di Tutti i Panda?!» domandò sarcasticamente il biondo, non curandosi particolarmente di tenere un tono di voce moderato.
«Draco, per favore»
«Ma l’hai visto?»
«Draco, ne abbiamo parlato ore fa! Seriamente, una persona tanto geniale potrebbe anche avere le sembianze di un procione e non avrei nulla da ridire»
«Ma non quello, che me ne frega!»
«E io che ne so?!»
«Potreste abbassare la voce?!» ululò Harry dalla sua stanza, seguito dal grugnito di assenso di Ron.
«Senti, Sophie, so che dimostro uno scarsissimo interesse per la tua vita sentimentale ma, seriamente, l’ultimo almeno non sembrava appena uscito da una bara!»
La rossa a quel punto non stava ascoltando, perché un sorso di tè le era andato di traverso attorno a “sentimentale” e stava tossendo anche l’anima, sbrodolandosi nel processo.
«Sei davvero melodrammatica» borbottò Draco, incrociando le braccia.
Lei lo fulminò con lo sguardo, operazione difficoltosa dato che la tosse le aveva fatto venire le lacrime agli occhi. «Si può sapere che cosa stai dicendo?» sibilò sottovoce, quando finalmente tornò padrona delle proprie corde vocali.
«Ecco, ecco perché odio impicciarmi nella tua vita sentimentale…»
«Allora non farlo?»
«… perché sei così testardamente cieca, e ingenua, senza speranze oserei dire…»
«Sto mandando segnali contraddittori? Perché non te l’ho chiesto!»
«… rifiuti fino allo stremo, quando è così palese ed evidente che…»
«Merlino, sei insopportabile!»
«… te la fai con L!»
I due rimasero a fissarsi a occhi spalancati per quasi un minuto, immobili e oltraggiati.
Il primo a riprendere parola, ovviamente, fu Draco. «Ah io sarei insopportabile?!»
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parkvcrs · 2 years
The Red Means I Love You
SUMMARY: world renown detective, l, finds himself becoming dangerously enamored with one of the suspects for the ongoing kira investigation.
PAIRING: l lawliet x kira!fem!reader.
WARNING(S): obsessiveness(?), jealousy, all that good stuff.
NOTES: so, uh, i got inspiration off an edit i saw on tiktok. if it’s sloppy and difficult to understand, blame my brain for flatlining! it’s not so much romantic but rather l is trying to fight off his emotions for the reader (he gets jealous 🤭).
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The silence breathed no more upon the wintry ground. S/n Y/n, holding a hand over her heart, lifted her head into the wind, eyes open for this softly lit night as they darted around the plain. Her breathing was uneven from running, she was able to note that because her breaths were visible in the wintry night, almost as if it were smoke. She tried to catch her breath, but it felt like blindly crossing a bridge when her mind was still clouded from running to the Japanese Task Force building.
Peeling the door open to the main hall, her shoes clanked against the tile ground as she hurried inside, “Hello everyone!” She announced her arrival. Various groggy responses was her only reply. S/n strolled over to L who sat in front of the main computer monitoring panel, where he often resides for the current investigation.
“Ryuzaki?” Y/n spoke softly, prompting a quiet ‘hm’ from the detective. She frowned before rummaging in her pockets and pulling out a small bag filled with a mixture of candies such as Kit Kat, Kinoko no Yama, and other delights. She gently placed it on the desk in front of the young man, “I was going to get you coffee, but it would’ve gotten cold by the time I got here.” She sheepishly admitted, stepping away.
Ryuzaki didn’t reply nor did he acknowledge S/n’s presence. He measly brushed her off, but he was a bit tense when she was in close proximity during the time she was giving him the little goody bag. Y/n stood there for a moment, awaiting a response. After a few seconds of shared silence, she frowned and retreated over to Matsuda Touta and Yagami Soichiro.
“Picking favourites now, S/n?” Matsuda joked which caused Y/n to playfully elbow him in his gut.
“You dork!” She quietly exclaimed, smiling. “I was going to get coffee for all of you. Honest.” She added in a solemn tone. Despite coming off as sincere, Y/n was fabricating. In actuality, she just wanted to clear her mind from the entire investigation, given she and Yagami Light are the two main suspects. Furthermore, she used the excuse of getting coffee for everyone as an alibi when she wanted to just talk with Ryuk about the current circumstances. Yes, she is Kira but the pressure to keep up this act was getting worse. Letting out an exasperated sigh, Y/n pinched the bridge of her nose, “I don’t have favourites, Matsuda, and, even if I did, you wouldn’t be one of them—”
Just as S/n said this, Soichiro busted out in boisterous laughter which caused the other two to snicker as well — knowing that S/n’s comment was all in good fun. Unbeknownst to the trio, as they were enjoying the presence of one another, L was peering over his shoulder. His gaze narrowed, watching Y/n resting her hand on Matsuda’s shoulder as support as she was hunched over, cackling.
Almost emotionless, L turned his attention back onto the monitors, fumbling with the opening of the plastic bag that was given to him. Looking down at it, the corners of his mouth ever so slightly curled up into a smirk but it soon vanished once he overheard Y/n’s laughter conjoined with Matsuda’s. “Wouldn’t you two find it more beneficial to stay on task?” He spoke up in a melodramatic tone. “Need I remind you that Kira is still on the loose?”
“Careful, Ryuzaki, you’re starting to sound like a strict parent,” S/n decided to poke fun at him as well since there was a portion of her who felt sympathetic for not including him sooner. However, as soon as she pointed this factor out, L gave her an indescribable glare that immediately caused her smile to dissipate. “Sorry…” she mumbled.
Sometime later, L watched from his peripheral vision as Y/n sat beside him, prompting him to tense. As to keep his composure, L pretended to watch the monitors in front of him diligently to make it seem that he did not notice her presence. “Hello…” she said, her voice barely above that of a whisper. “How are you doing, Ryuzaki?” Her optics remained glued on her opponent, ever so carefully watching his every move.
Given that she accepted Ryuk’s deal of receiving the Shinigami Eyes, Y/n had known of L’s true identity during their first interaction. However, she couldn’t write his name in her Death Note now. It would be incredibly difficult to plead her case and to say that she was innocent.
“Did you say something?” His voice is low and distracted, murmuring as if he didn’t hear a word she just said even though, in reality, he hung desperately onto every word that she uttered. L barely turns his head away from the TVs to look at her for a brief moment, though she must look quite a sight: ogling at the detective as her cheeks flushed in great embarrassment, under the impression that he didn’t catch anything.
“It’s nothing…”
L was surprised by Y/n’s willingness to succumb to humiliation. Raising his eyebrows, “Alright then.” He didn’t want to come off as cold and insensitive when it came to the h/c-haired girl but he had to. If he caved into his selfish desires, he would be running the risk of crossing her as a suspect entirely just because he is enthralled by S/n.
“You look good today…” she interrupted his train of thought and, at the compliment alone, L fought off a smirk that threatened to overtake his stoic facial features. While L didn’t know as to why this compliment specially caused him to become a fumbling idiot, he appreciated it nonetheless since he doesn’t come across many that felt so genuine. Many words of affirmation in his line of work were mainly about his intellect. Fidgeting with the end of his shirt, L nodded his head slightly to show that he heard S/n’s praise. “Thank you…”
“It’s my pleasure, Ryuzaki,” S/n smiled brightly but, unbeknownst to L, the girl’s index and middle finger were crossed together to show that she was lying. L is Kira's enemy. He is the sole obstacle making S/n Y/n unable to cleanse the world of any imperfections within its society. She has grown a long distaste for him. She hated him. He is dead to her.
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spiraling-trap · 6 months
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soul eater au soimatsu doodle
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trixxiephantomhive · 2 years
Death note x Miraculous rough draft ?? When the stars fall silent ??
Death note x miraculous is a thing I’m working on putting Miraculous characters in the death note scenario,
And When the Stars fall silent is my deaf!Luka Au
(Putting under the line for length)
Death note x Miraculous:
 Light Yagami: Adrien Agreste
L Lawliet: Luka Couffaine
Misa Amane: Marinette Dupain-Cheng
Soichiro Yagami: Gabriel Agreste
Ryuk: Plagg
Rem: Tikki
Touta Matsuda: Zoe Lee
Watari: Anarka Couffaine
Kiyomi Takada: Kagami Tsurugi
Near (Nate River): Juleka Couffaine
Lind L. Tailor: Lê Chiến Kim
Storyline Premise:
Chapter One
Adrien Agreste, leaving a modeling shoot finds the death note, He believes it to be fake and takes it home, then watching tv, he sees another criminal (a madman by the name Xavier Ramier is going around and attacking anyone who “mistreated a pigeon”) and realizes how insane and tiring the world is. He uses the death note as a joke, and Ramier actually dies. He believes it's just a coincidence because the man “most likely had rabies from playing with pigeons”. Although, a part of his mind wants to believe the notebook true. One night after school he’s at the store and sees a classmate of his being attacked by a small biker gang known for running outside the city. The gang leader has attracted attention, so using the name he knows, sends the biker to an accidental death. Now he knows for sure, this death note.. Is the real deal.
When the Stars Fall Silent:
Luka always had sensitive hearing. His music was the only calm noise in a sea of jumbled Melodies
“Can Someone go get Luka?” Anarka calls out from somewhere on the boat's deck. Juleka Laughs. “He never has any clue what time it is”
Marinette smiles and runs down with a faint, “I got it!” She cautiously enters his room, knowing he could be doing a million different things and not make a sound.
Although when she looks she just sees him staring at the ceiling while sitting on the floor
“Hey Luka! …What are you doing?”
“I can hear everyone’s footsteps. I was trying to guess who was who’s.” He looks at her and gives a small but gentle smile. Marinette can’t help but blush a bit.
“Cool? Well everyone’s ready to practice if you are!” She smiles back, shuffles a bit and trips over a-
Wooden frog?
Before she even has a chance to hit the ground luka is by her side and helping her up. “Th-Thanks! You're a frog- I mean- Why do you have a wooden frog?”
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