#soft dadneto
superherotiger · 3 months
Your Love Is My Gravity - Dadneto Fic
House of Dadneto prompt: Forehead Kiss
Enjoy another fic for the @house-of-dadneto event! No warnings this time, just pure fluff! Hope you enjoy!
For all that he loved about being an X-Man, Peter couldn’t help but crave the comfort of his mother’s hand brushing through his hair, or the adoring gleam in her eyes as she gazed upon her son. A touch that felt like safety. A smile that made it home. Without it, a part of Peter would always feel out of place in the new life he’d hoped to build for himself. That’s where Erik Lehnsherr came into the picture. ~~~ Or, Peter and Erik create a new family tradition.
Be sure to check out the House of Dadneto event blog if you haven't already!!
Have an awesome day!
@sunsetuniverse @lunasquared @callie-caje @lbigreyhound13
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fouralignments · 1 year
Erik being feral and protecting his children; and Erik being soft Dadneto are both sides of the same coin.
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arysbruv · 2 years
I didn’t mean it
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Warnings and whatnots: ANGST. I love hate myself some Dadneto angst. I might do a part 2 but depends on the responses I get from this one.
People don’t expect that the Magneto was related to Peter Maximoff. They weren’t alike. Peter was a rambunctious kid who ran on impulse, while Magneto was a methodical man who thought through his actions. Even Peter himself was surprised at the revelation. He wasn’t sure that his father would quite believe him. Who would?
Peter jolts up, looking up to see Erik staring daggers into him. 
After everything, Erik decided to take up on his old friend’s offer. He stayed at the mansion, becoming the resident physic teacher. Much to Peter’s dismay. Peter wanted nothing more but to be as far as possible from him. Yet, for a man who can practically run anywhere, he never seemed to be able to run away from Erik. It started messing up his sleep schedule. He couldn’t sleep thinking about Erik and all the possible reactions to Peter telling him about their relationship. Would he be pissed? Overjoyed? Disgusted? He wouldn’t be surprised if Erik didn’t want to accept it. Erik didn’t seem to take any interest in him anyway. Peter was a handful and he was sure Erik didn’t want someone like him as a son. Still, he didn’t want to cause Erik to leave. Erik was loved by many in the mansion. It would be unfair for Peter to just shoo him away.
“Yes sir?” Peter asks uncertainly. He looks around, realising people were snickering at him. It was the third time this week he had fallen asleep in Erik’s class. Erik raises his eyebrow expectantly. Peter wanted nothing more but to run away.
The bell rings.
Peter sighs in relief as Erik announces that class was dismissed and that they were free to go. He quickly packs his things up. 
“Not you Peter. I would like to have a word with you.”
Peter stands frozen, staring at his chemistry textbook. He didn’t dare raise his head, even when the last person left the class; leaving Erik and Peter alone in the room. Peter glances at the door. He could run out in time.  
“If you’re thinking of running off, I’ve bolted the door shut.” 
Peter stares in disbelief at Erik Lehnsherr. Erik’s face was unreadable.
“I’m… I’m sorry sir but I… I have to get to the lab,” Peter says. 
“Sit down Peter. I’ll tell Professor McCoy you’ll be a bit late.”
Peter obeys hesitantly. Erik pulls a chair and sits in front of the silver-haired boy.
“Is everything alright Peter?” He asks. His voice surprisingly soft. Peter gulps.
“I’m fine,” Peter answers, faking a smile.
“Don’t lie to me Mr. Maximoff.”
“I’m not-“ 
“Peter I’ve seen your grades for physics from before my time here. They were amazing. Yet when I’m here, your grades have dropped. You’ve fallen asleep in my class thrice already, and that’s only this week.”
Peter gulps. How the hell was he going to say that he couldn’t focus due to the fact he was too busy worrying about what Erik would think of him? He glances at the window. He could jump from it, it wouldn’t be the first time. If he ran from the door and jumped, with his superspeed, he would be fine.
“Ever since i’ve gotten here, you have been avoiding me. You rarely talk to me after class and don’t think I don’t notice you immediately changing your route when you see me.” 
“You see me as a murderer don’t you?” 
“No! No, of course not!” Peter shouts, surprising both himself and Erik.
“Don’t lie to me!” Erik answers back. “Why else would you avoid me like the plague!”
“That doesn’t matter! You can’t just assume what I think!” 
Peter didn’t know where this anger came from. It was some deep and hidden fury that laid siege in his heart. It was like a dragon that had slumbered peacefully in him but had been awoken abruptly. 
“I saved your life back there in the Pentagon! Did you forget that!”
“Oh come on we all know Charles and the others were the one who managed to convince you!”
“CAN YOU STOP MAKING ASSUMPTIONS!” The voice rings around the empty classroom. Peter clenches his fist, staring defiantly at Erik. Erik’s eyes widen, not expecting the sudden outrage coming from the young boy.
“Peter I-“
“I… Peter what-“
Erik’s eyes widen. How had he heard that? He remembered that conversation. He was talking to Charles in the garden. He didn’t know how but the topic of Peter Maximoff started. He didn’t know that Peter had heard that. He didn’t even mean it in a bad way. He liked the fact Peter was like that. It reminded him of his younger self. Was that why he felt a random gush of wind pass through the both of them after he had said that?
Peter didn’t realise the hot tears that had started to escape his eyes. He quickly gathers up his belongings. He slings his bag over his shoulder before walking his way to the door, tears rolling down his face. Erik was left speechless, opening the bolted door for Peter wordlessly.
Peter’s mom had fallen for him? Is that why he hadn’t been focusing in class? But how? He had never met the woman before? Hadn’t he? 
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wanda-chaos-witch · 3 years
Wanda's Parents.
So I recently started watching Legion, and that really inspired me to write this.
Warning Dadneto and Wanda's Mother feels ahead...
Combination of the comics and the MCU/XMCU.
{Before I really delve into this. I do want to say, that I head-cannon that Wanda looks like a carbon copy of her mother. Partly because people use the above image interchangeably with Wanda, and partly because I adore the thought of Wanda just saying “Hi” To Erik, and almost giving him a heart attack, because he thinks shes either a ghost, or hes gone insane. That is all thank you, you may proceed.}
More under the Cut.
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Natalya Maximoff- (Pictured above.)
Natalya was one in a long line of generational witches and Wizards, each bearing the title of Scarlet Witch/Warlock.
Inheriting the title from her father, and eventually passing it on to her daughter Wanda.
Originally from the MCU universe, Natalya knew of the multiverse and its many dangers. Her job inherited by her title being to protect the Multiverse from certain threats.
Her job took her when she was a young woman, to the XMCU. And she being an unexperienced witch ended up smack dab in the middle of world war two.
Right in the middle of an active battlefield. She usedd her red magic to protect herself from the hailstorm of bullets, and was brought in by German scientists to a certain... Sebastian Shaw that you may all know.
The same one who had a young Erik Lehnsherr in captivity.
Erik watched as the young woman was brought into a cell next to his, and squinted at her bound hands. They were not in normal cuffs, but instead closed over her hands securing her fingers.
The only thing he did understand was the power suppression collar.
Another person like him?!
Natalya was a beautiful and strong-willed young lady, and of course those facts attracted Erik like a moth to flame.
When the guards were not around he chanced speaking to her. She asked him if he was Jewish or Romani.
He told her he was Jewish and asked her the question in turn.
"I am both." She replied, watching him carefully.
"Why are your hands bound?" he asked.
"Because they fear me, as well they should. I would kill them if given the chance... I'm not supposed to be here." she sighed.
"And I am?" he seemed a bit offended, more playful than anything.
"No... not just in this building." She sighed at him, shaking her head with a wan smile.
Through these talks they grew to know and appreciate each other. Natalya told Erik about the land she came from, and a place he hadn’t heard of. Sokovia.
On the night Erik Escaped from Shaw. he freed Natalya. as soon as the metal around her fingers was removed she was free. Removing her collar.
"Come Erik." She said in a voice more authoritative, than he had heard her speak in before. "We must free the others."
All hell broke loose.
Erik and Natalya freed as many people as they could, while Natalya destroyed the German laboratory that had taken mutant blood. Preventing Sentinels from being created, before the time they should be.
She, once finished. Froze all the guards and scientists, while the others escaped. Erik wanted to go kill Shaw, but saw Natalya's face and the blood slowly leaking from her nose. He caught her as she collapsed from expending too much energy, and brought her to safety.
When Natalya woke again they were on a boat and she was being referred to as Mrs. Lehnsherr. Erik sitting close by told her how he had been worried when she fell ill.
She went with it and as soon as they were out of earshot he explained, though it was not necessary, that it would be less suspicious, a young couple travelling together if they were married. He was awkward and sweet and they were both embarrassed, but it was nice not to be alone anymore.
Their friendship only grew and blossomed into a soft love. Yet Erik remained fixed on destruction and revenge.
The very day Natalya found out she was pregnant, Erik came home with good news for his new wife. (They had gotten married at a courthouse shortly beforehand).
Erik had a lead on Shaw.
They fought that night, and after doing a spell to see into his future. (Which showed her only pain- The original timeline's End) A heartbroken Scarlet Witch packed her bags and left in the night.
She went into hiding for almost the whole nine months of her pregnancy, but sensed something was wrong. Keeping a diary of everything, she managed to realize that it was her prolonged exposure to this universe that was harming her infants. Fearing what could happen, she made preparations to return home to Sokovia.
She packed the diary and the items she would need, into a box and prepared the spell.
As she was in the middle of the spell contractions started. The magic within her and the magical laws of this universe fractured! Time was displaced and as she floated in the in-between of worlds, Pietro Maximoff’s soul cracked.
Splitting him between two times and universes. The magic that had already chosen Wanda as the next Scarlet Witch protected her from being split as well.
Natalya had no knowledge of Peter. She only cared about protecting her children, from their father and the darkness that would consume them should they join him.
That protectiveness kept Peter’s soul in the in-between until later when his other half was killed in the MCU.
When Pietro died Peter was sent back to the XMCU to await his sister’s return.
Back to our story.
Meanwhile in the MCU. Natalya arrived weak and worn, at her sister Iryna Maximoff’s apartment.
Iryna’s relief to see her sister. Was matched by her shock at seeing her pregnant, for in her eyes her sister had only been gone a few days.
Iryna and her husband Olek helped with the delivery, and Pietro and Wanda were born.
But unfortunately the strain of the magic and the childbirth, proved to be too much for Natalya. Iryna who could not have children, promised Natalya she would take care of the children as her own, and protect the twins from their father. And with a sigh of relief Natalya passed on.
Back in the XMCU Charles who had both met Erik and seen him go. Felt a disturbance, something pulling him towards a cabin in Russia. He followed the thread and found the place Wanda’s mother had preformed the spell.
He debated for a number of years telling Erik, but some part of him knew Natalya wouldn't want that. She did what she did for a reason. Charles read the book and found out the names of the children, he was quite surprised to meet Peter. But something again told him to wait till Wanda showed up. And that’s where I’ll end this tale. For now until my roleplays pick up the threads.
(I plan to use this backstory for any of my roleplays regarding Dadneto because I think it just works really well at tying up some loose ends.)
Thank you all for reading! Especially sticking around this far. I know that was a lot to read but i have so many thoughts and feelings about Dadneto!
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pinkoptics · 3 years
AU-gust 2021 Prompts
4. Dancing
(Soooo it’s almost October… but that’s okay, right?)
Who wants some Dadneto feels? Who wants pining Erik?
If you do you’ve come to the right place!
Charles is nanny to Wanda and Peter, who’ve lost their mother, Magda. Erik is living a half life as an overworked single father, feeling the loss of his wife. Charles brings them back to life. This is the moment Erik realizes he’s desperately in love with Charles.
This exists in the Nanny Fic verse, but stands alone as a sort of prequel. You don’t have to have read Nanny Fic for this to work.
~2300 words
Erik knew the exact moment his heart had gone into free fall. One second in time when everything had crystallized, when notions and feelings that had been vague or easily ignored all shifted into place and could no longer be so easily denied.
Everything had been hard for so long, work especially, or completely, as work was virtually all he did. His entire existence boiled down to a desk, in an open space office, downtown. He got to work early, always early, trying to eek out the extra time needed to get caught up, even though he never quite succeeded in doing so. The day was spent in a haze of stress and tension, trying to meet unmeetable deadlines, and failing. He, and the rest of the team, would get scolded like school-children, belittled, until all the metal in the office vibrated imperceptibly. Imperceptibly because he needed this job— the stable pay, the incredible benefits, the mutant friendly culture. In the end, they all stayed late, too often, too late, to make up for the aforementioned deadlines. Overtime? Never. It was their fault, their incompetence, after all.
Lather, rinse, repeat.
It was no way for anyone to live, because it wasn’t a life. It was an existence, maybe, barely, but not a life.
Wander and Peter deserved so much more.
Every day he missed his kids. It was an ache like a stone in his shoe, but lodged instead in his heart, and he could see no way to remove it. Quitting, finding something else, it wasn’t an option, not in this economy. So the ache was always there. Always always always. When he finally did get home, he was tired. So fucking tired. He tried. He really did. He rallied as best he could for them but, at best, they got half of him because he was living a half life. Worn down, worn out, nothing left.
They had already lost one parent.
They barely had half of the other.
At least they had Charles.
Thank god for Charles.
His gratitude for the man and everything he did for him, for the twins, was staggering.
He shouldn’t have been able to afford a full day nanny/tutor after the education system had shut their doors on two young, volatile, mutants who couldn’t control their powers. Charles had swept in and hadn’t balked, like every applicant before him, at what Erik could pay. It was such a non-issue, Erik hadn’t looked a gift horse in the mouth, and had hired Charles on the spot.
Every day since, he had left them in Charles’ capable hands and, every day since, he had come home to bright smiles and happiness, to little people bursting with the need to tell him what adventures they’d gone on that day. There was joy, laughter and stability in the Lehnsherr household again. How could he be anything other than staggeringly grateful?
That’s all it was, gratitude, or so he told himself, until he couldn’t any longer.
When he ran his powers over his watch that lightning-strike evening, he was getting home around what should have been the tail end of dinner time. Charles stayed when needed, Charles cooked, even though contractually he was obligated to do neither. Erik paid him overtime, of course, but each day the clock ticked past 5:00 he half-panicked that when he finally made it through the door, Charles would throw his hands up and say ‘enough is enough,’ balking at yet another 12 hour day and justifiably disappearing from their lives forever.
Erik thought they would be seated at the table, finishing up— once again finding himself missing dinner, missing that precious time where he could talk to them, share a meal, share their day. If it had been a bit earlier, if he’d been on time, he usually found them finishing up their studies. Though he’d seen both many times already, he never failed to boggle at his kids sitting politely to dinner, or engrossed in whatever lesson Charles was offering that day. His kids — Peter especially — sitting. Engrossed. Learning. Sitting. They’d come farther, faster, under Charles’ care, than they had in an entire year at school. He was a miracle worker.
Today, however, he saw neither. They weren’t eating dinner, as expected, or even watching TV, as they did if he was particularly late. They were…
Well, Wanda and Charles were dancing, Peter was moving around the room erratically, random bursts of his incredible speed, that sort of resembled dancing, if you squinted. The control was itself incredible and something he never could have dreamed of before Charles. It was also incongruous because the music was— a waltz? Or, something like it. Erik wasn’t particularly versed in ballroom music.
Wanda and Charles, unlike Peter, were dancing in time to the music, in the proper way. Wanda was perched atop Charles’ feet in the manner small children sometimes did. She was smiling up at Charles with bright eyes, and Charles was smiling back with just as much warmth. The reddish glow that signified the use of her powers was escaping from her hands, though she didn’t seem to be using those powers in any way he could discern. She just seemed… happy.
“1, 2, 3, 4. Yes, just like that Wanda, you’re doing splendidly!”
Her smile got wider.
They turned about the cleared out living space and he came into Wanda’s line of sight. “Papa!” She leapt out of Charles’ grasp and surged toward him, tackling his long legs hard enough to knock him back a step. “I’m learning how to be a Princess, a real princess! Like they have where Charles is from!”
Peter stopped just short in front of him, after another burst of extreme speed, startling him back another step. Erik wasn’t sure he would ever get used to it. “I’m the court jester!” he announced, proudly.
Erik laughed, “Of course you are.” The warmth of their happiness began to chase away the weariness, the cold ache ever present in his chest, and replaced it with something else.
“We had a tea party!” Wanda went on and gestured to the kitchen table, where the remains of little tea sandwiches, cakes and biscuits were strewn about, along with a teapot Erik didn’t recall owning. “It was so fancy!”
Peter speeded to the table, knocking into it, and nearly upended the contents. He picked up a tea cup. “We held it like this! It was so silly.” He held out his pinky finger in that cliched way.
“Watch me dance!” Wanda all but plowed back into Charles, who winced as she stepped back onto his feet with just a bit too much force. He bore it in stride and picked back up where they had left off. “Do you see, Papa? Do you see? I’m dancing just like a princess.”
Erik reached out and stroked her hair as they passed. “Du bist eine Prinzessin, Bärchen.”
Peter began “dancing” erratically again. “I didn’t want to be a prince.” He crinkled his nose in distaste between bursts of speed. “Jesters are way cooler than stinky princes.”
Wanda did not respond but held her head higher, more haughtily.
Erik felt suddenly, wildly, close to tears.
As they made another pass, Wanda gasped and released Charles, lunging at Erik again. “Papa! You and Charles can be the King and Qu—” Her face screwed up in momentary confusion. “—King. We can have two Kings, right?”
“Of course. Whatever you want.”
With that settled, she went on. “Then, the kings should dance too!”
Erik’s eyes immediately flew up to Charles’, who looked just as taken aback by the sudden suggestion as he.
“Oh Bärchen, I don’t think—”
“Papa, the kings have to dance too!” It was a statement of inarguable fact. The sky is blue, the sun shines every day, the kings must dance. Peter stopped to nod his agreement.
Erik sidestepped. “The king could dance with his princess.”
That earned him 5-year-old exasperation. “Why don’t you want to dance with Charles? That’s silly. He can teach you. C’mon Papa!” She physically nudged him in Charles’ direction. Catching Charles’ gaze, he shrugged his shoulders helplessly. “It appears Princess Wanda has spoken.”
Charles’ face was alight with amusement. “Yes, it does appear that way.” He straightened his shoulders and extended his hand. “May I have this dance, sire?”
That hand was warm, when Erik placed his own on it, and soft. When those same hands settled on Erik’s upper back and waist, the heat seeped through the thinness of his dress shirt. He hadn’t been this close to anyone, hadn’t been touched, not since… All at once he wanted both more and less, to fall forward and pull back.
Charles was no less beautiful this close up— blue eyes still sparkling with amusement, a quirk to his very red mouth projecting the same emotion, a loch of his unwieldy hair falling playfully across his forehead, a sprinkle of barely there freckles across his nose. There should have been flaws. With their nearness, Erik should have been able to pick them out, but he couldn’t find a single one.
“Papa!” Wanda jolted him back to the room. “You’re not dancing!”
So they weren’t. Feeling very caught out, warmth rose to his cheeks. Blushing? Was he blushing? Erik didn’t blush.
“Have you waltzed before?”
“Like this.”
Charles was gentle. He lead with authority, but
somehow managed to be gentle at the same time. It seemed to sum up everything he had learned about the man, watching him nurture his children back to life. After a few awkward steps and bumping knees, Charles’ lead was easy to follow and Erik found himself gliding across the floor in no time at all.
“You have a natural grace,” Charles murmured, as they turned about the room.
“Hardly. You’re an excellent teacher.”
“No.” The word was said with surprising firmness. “You’re very fluid, you feel the music. Musicality like that cannot be taught. Not easily. Certainly not this quickly.”
Something burned in Erik’s chest at the words, at the sincerity behind them. The feeling took a moment to recognize, but it was pride. When was the last time he’d felt proud about anything he’d done? The warmth spread, trickling outward from his chest, from where Charles’ hands were still pressing against him. Could he feel it too, through the small, open space between their bodies? He felt like he could.
Around them the kids danced too— Peter in his manic way, Wanda with an invisible partner.
He wanted to drop his forehead to Charles’, wanted to disappear in his warmth, his kindness, his care. Experiencing this small taste of it, he suddenly, desperately, wanted more— wanted to be the object of the same support, encouragement and comfort his children received. A nanny no longer, but a father to his children, a partner to him. All at once, he could see it so clearly, what it would be like if Charles didn’t leave at the end of each day. If he stayed, if they were…
Oh god.
To not be alone in this.
He couldn’t think the word.
To be whole.
He shouldn’t think the word.
To be a… family.
In that moment, he wanted it so badly he could scarcely breathe. He was gripping Charles too tightly now. He knew he was. But, he couldn’t stop. It said everything he couldn’t and absolutely shouldn’t— please don’t go, please stay, please be here with us.
We love you.
I love you.
The clarity of it was striking. You’re Charles. I’m Erik. I love you. Please stay. Now. Always.
Striking, real, clear, but terrifying.
He let go. Too fast.
“Are you all right?” The concern on Charles’ face deepened the ache that had taken hold with such fierceness in his chest.
He wasn’t. He hadn’t been. Not for a long time. But, for an awful moment, he thought that he could be. With Charles, he could be. “Fine,” he ground out, unused to losing his composure so completely. “I’m fine just… tired. It’s late, isn’t it? I’m sure you want to be getting home.”
Was that…? No. He was projecting. Surely, he had not seen a fleeting burst of disappointment in Charles’ features. The man was nodding. The children were protesting.
“You know I’ll be back tomorrow.” Charles chided as he bundled them into a group hug which Erik had to restrain himself from joining.
“Can we play princesses—”
“And jesters!”
“—again tomorrow?”
“Of course, your highness.” Charles stood and gave them both a bow. Wanda giggled and curtsied in return. Peter bounced. “Until tomorrow then.” His gaze flicked from the children to Erik. “Have a good night, King Erik.”
Erik swallowed. It was painful. “And you, King Charles.”
When he was gone, Erik was half nibbling, half tidying the remains of the tea party, trying to ignore the prickling behind his eyes, trying to dispel every last feeling Charles had provoked, trying to banish every last thought and box up every last ridiculous hope. Wanda sat at the table watching him. She did so with eerie quietness for awhile. So lost in his own thoughts, he startled when she finally broke the silence.
“I like Charles, Papa. Do you like Charles?”
The way she looked at him, boring into his soul and past his defences in a way entirely too reminiscent of her mother, he knew the answer was in someway important, someway meaningful.
“I— yes, Bärchen, I like Charles.”
She nodded and having apparently received the desired response, she hopped off her chair and went to pester her twin.
Somehow he knew the word they had both meant wasn’t like, but love. A word neither of them dared say aloud. The people you loved, especially when you loved them most… they didn’t always stay. They could be taken and it hurt in a way you could never fully heal from. Maybe if you held back, maybe if you didn’t give it all, maybe they wouldn’t go.
Erik gave up on his tidying and slumped into one of the kitchen chairs.
He couldn’t be with Charles.
Could he?
If this has perked your interest in the original fic here is the link to Nanny Fic:
8 chapters. Unfinished. Not abandoned.
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Oh yikes can you imagine dadneto finding out both of his kids are afraid of and hate their mutations
(maybe it hurts even more to think about the fact that he wasn’t there for them in canon when they got their powers-)
it would be like him and raven in first class but like. dadneto. and he would be so soft with them but also just so sad they feel like them (bc to him, your mutation makes you who you are so he feels like his kids hate themselves)
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digested-human · 4 years
With all the cool Apocalypse & Peter stories being posted recently I got inspired to post this super indulgent and messed up AU I thought of an year ago. I made several drawings too but some are a bit graphic because it's dark and angsty.. So I'm archiving some crop outs before I forget that I drew them. Chaos and abuse are abound in this half planned story.
So basically Apocalypse wins the fight and successfully absorbs Charles's power, but Jean in a last attempt to stop him blocked the professor's power from manifesting and went into a coma from all the strain. The X-men escapes and goes into hiding, Apocalypse is enraged but whatever, he starts building his new world with his horsemen anyways. The X-men forms a rebellion but Peter, frustrated and vengeful by his mother's and sister's death by Apocalypse's terraforming, disappointed in Erik and overconfident in his own powers, secretly attempts to assasinate Apocalypse by his own. However he fails as his dagger is deflected by Erik who he couldn't take out completely, and Apocalypse deactivates Peter's power. He absolutely destroys Peter as a punishment and decides to keep him alive and display him to set an example of what happens when one dares to rebel against god. So Peter becomes Apocalypse's pet cat (indulgent as hell, I just liked the Egyptian cat ornaments aesthetics). Peter's body is transformed against his will with Apocalypse's tampering to make him feel more shameful and regretful of what he's done.
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He's forced to walk on fours, can't speak, eats leftover food to survive, beaten by the horsemen for fun, taken out to walks to show the people the punishment of rebellion. But Erik, even though he's depressed and hollow and killed so many people, feels some guilt when he sees Peter like that. He owed him a lot but he repayed him with this, and something about how Peter looks at him bothers Erik but he dismisses it. Peter, being in such a demeaning state and seeing Erik's cold eyes, can't bring himself to tell Erik that he's his son and decides to never tell him at all. Isolated, watched and used, Peter lives as a hollow husk of himself.
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Sensing the soft spot left in Erik, Apocalypse watches as he orders Erik to beat up Peter in front of him to get rid of the unnecessary and weak emotions. Erik doesn't really have anything left to protect to go against being loyal as a horsemen so he hesitantly follows, and Peter can't really fight back. Erik feels terrible afterwards that he starts visiting Peter's confinement at night to sneak in some fresh food and patch up his wounds, but Peter is getting weaker and depressed every day, avoiding eye contact with Erik which bothers him more than he allows. Seeing someone who was so annoyingly energetic and cheery be reduced to this and given a fate worse than death, he starts seeing the pain everyone is in under Apocalypse's reign.
Eventually, out of shame and guilt for Charles's death and dissent from Apocalypse who treats everyone but his horsemen as slaves, he reaches out to the rebellion and meets Jean who is recovering. The rebellion is very concerned about Peter's well-being after he took off without a word and failed to kill Apocalypse. While making a plan to take down Apocalypse, unimpressed and apalled by how indifferently Erik speaks of Peter Jean spills the beans and tells Erik that Peter is his son- they're the only family left for each other. This breaks Erik. After wandering aimlessly for days he goes back to Peter's cell.
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While that happens, Apocalypse finds superspeed useful in destroying the rebellion and gaining complete control over his empire. So he plans to absorb Peter's body and powers too when the right time comes, but somehow (Peter unconsciously calling out for his dad when whipped or sth) finds out that Peter is Erik's son and decides to use him to control Erik.
That's all I planned back then... I just started wanting to write an angsty dadneto where Peter suffers under Apocalypse but I got lost and couldn't finish. Anyway I just wanted to go with the flow and post it here when I have the chance. :0
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fulokis · 3 years
Wrote this little dadneto in the MCU thing, so have fun. ‘
Erik Leshner stood in the collapsed building, next to the bomb siting on the floor looking harmless. He could barely look at the destruction around him. He had left his children in their hands, two of the only people in the world who knew why he had to abandon the twins. Now they were gone, their bodies lie somewhere underneath the rubble their last breaths long gone from their lungs.
The songs of war had moved into the distance, leaving their path of destruction in their wake. A path that his children had been right in the middle of. Erik wanted to scream, to tear the broken building off of its foundations and throw it far away. But deep down he couldn't, he was still too numb from hearing about the tragedy. Not only that but he couldn't destroy  the  resting place of the Maximoffs no matter how hard he tried.
Irena and Oleg, Erik wasn't even sure how he had known them. Perhaps it was through Magda, or perhaps he pondered he had known one of their parents a long time ago. Either way he knew them and despite being so closed off, liked them. They liked him too, by some twisted logic they trusted him and adored him like family. So when he ended up at their door asking them to take the twins, the only reason they hesitated was to make sure Erik had been sure of the decision.
Erik had never been sure of the decision. Now standing here among the wreckage he felt even less sure, as if he had made the wrong one. One of thousands of wrong decisions that he had made in his life. One of many more yet to come. Still Erik couldn't help but wonder how any of this would have turned out had he decided to keep the twins with him. He told him self over and over again that the outcome would have been worse. He could have had an attachment to them, and then have them ripped away from him. Just like so many other people he had cared for throughout his life.
Erik turned to face the giant hole in the building. Snow and ash fell on his hair making it look much more gray than it was. The smell of the cold mixed with the smell of burning wood and plastics from the nearby rubble where buildings once stood. Erik couldn't help but turn again to take a look over the destroyed apartment, hoping to find the bodies to give them a proper burial. All he could see were the shattered remains of items that had belonged in the apartment.  Most items held little to no significance, a broken TV playing some sort of sitcom, the couch where they had told the Maximoffs that they were expecting, the small guest bed strangely still intact.
Erik took a double take, the bed as he had remembered it was hardly steady. For it to survive the initial bomb blast was nothing short of a miracle. An extremely unlikely occurrence considering there was what appeared to be a defective bomb sitting right next to it. That's when he noticed the room itself was not nearly as damaged as it should be. One side had been obliterated, whilst the other remained almost perfectly intact. The other three small rooms of the apartment seemed to be gone themselves, with nothing but piles of concrete in their place.
Erik walked over slowly to the bed and closed his eyes in relief as he heard the squeak of a terrified child from under the bed. Erik chose a slab of concrete to sit down on, trying to make himself less intimidating to the child underneath the bed "Its okay I'm a friend." He said in broken Sokovian.
"You don't speak Sokovian that well." Came a young boy's voice from underneath the bed.
"No I don't. You however speak English quite well for someone your age."
"I'm not young your just old." The child said sticking his face out slightly eyeing Erik with curiosity.
"Peitro don't." A second child's voice came out from under the bed, much softer than the boy's.
"It's okay I don't bite." Erik said, releasing some of the tension in his shoulders. They had both survived, and since they had survived one or both of them had manifested their powers.
"What are you doing here?" The boy asked still timid but not nearly as much as his sister.
"I was looking for survivors Peitro." Erik said.
"Hey how'd you know my name!" Peitro yelled.
"Your sister told me." Erik replied knowing he just lied to his kid.
"Oh." Peitro said, inching further out from under the bed, "You look funny, kinda like the people on the TV."
"Peitro!" The girl cried slapping him on the arm.
"Wanda what was that for?!"
"You don't know if we can trust him, besides that wasn't nice." Wanda said.
"You can trust me Wanda." Erik said, "I won't hurt you I promise."
A DVD case flew out from underneath the bed, clearly propelled by something other than a child's physical hand. Erik attempted to dodge the object but failed when it veered off what appeared to be its projected course, hitting him in the shoulder. Wanda peaked out a bit testing the water trying to see if Erik was telling the truth. "You promise?" She asked hesitantly.
"I promise." Erik said reaching a hand out. The girl slid from under the bed into the pale light of the street lamps reflecting off the snow. Erik had expected her to be covered in bruises and cuts, but all he could see was dirt and grime. "What day did this happen?" He asked softly his heart sinking as Wanda took his hand. She looked pale, and it was clear that she hadn't had any food or water in a day or two.
"Friday." She said a distant look in her eyes. Erik could feel his heart clench, last he had checked his watch it was one in the morning on Monday. These children— his children had been stuck up in the building for two full days. Sitting waiting for either the bomb, the exposure, or the lack of food and water to kill them. Erik silently cursed as a tear ran down his cheek. "Are you okay?" Wanda asked.
Erik took his free hand and wiped the tear away, "I'm okay." He said to her trying to reassure himself that he wasn't about to lose it and add to the chaos. "A little ash in my eye that's all."
"What's that?" Peitro asked pointing to the tattoo on Eriks wrist.
Erik looked down and slid his sleeve up a little more so that the twins could see. "I'm an orphan like you." He said quietly, "Some very bad people took my parents away from me. Then they gave me this tattoo and told me to work. There was a lot of killing, and a lot of families were torn apart."
"Are we gonna get torn apart?" Wanda asked.
"No." Erik said, "You two won't because I know you two will stick to each other like glue."
Wanda turned to face Peitro and the boy nodded. "Are you going to take us with you?"
Erik felt his heart sink. That was the exact question he was asking himself. "No, I can't. My work doesn't leave me much time for family."
"What do you do?" Peitro asked.
"Why are you here then?" Wanda asked.
"Slow down." Erik said aiming the comment towards his son than his daughter. "I work on top secret missions for the US government. Missions that don't allow me to have a family." Erik said knowing he was yet again lying to his children. "As to your question Wanda, I knew your parents."
"I would remember you." Wanda said.
"I knew your parents a long time ago, before you were born. I'm sure I knew them as very different people than you did. When I heard about what had happened I had to see. I'm glad the two of you are alive."
"Barely." Peitro said "I'm starving."
"How about this, I take you back to my hotel room and you can clean up and sleep? I'll take you two to the orphanage in a couple days." Erik said knowing it was a stretch. The truth was he needed to make himself scarce soon otherwise the authorities would find him, an occurrence that was sure to become nasty.
"No." Wanda said, "We go to the orphanage in the morning."
"I understand." Erik replied. He did understand, to the twins he was a stranger. A stranger looking to use them rather than it being out of the kindness of his heart. They were probably right, had they been any other kids he would have used them, or even disregarded them and left them to die.
"What now?" Wanda asked.
"Tell us a story!" Peitro said, running to where the bookshelf used to be at a slightly inhuman speed. "Aww they’re gone." He grumbled running back to his sister and Erik.
Erik smiled softly, Magic and superhuman speed, just what the situation would have needed. Magic was in the twins veins, and their mother was quite gifted with her magic. Speed on the other hand seemed to be a new addition to the mutant tree, but that didn't mean that it wasn't predictable. After all Peitro had seemed to be constantly moving around in the womb, and the one time Erik had called Irena, she told him they couldn't stop Peitro from running off.
"Do you have any stories?" Wanda asked looking at her father.
"Yes I do Wanda. Not in books though, stories in my head."
"Tell us one!" Peitro yelled.
"I know the perfect one." Erik said standing up and sitting on the guest bed back against the wall. He patted next to him and one twin sat on either side of him. "A long time ago there was this group of people..."
"Is there any action?!" Peitro asked.
"Why is it always fighting?" Wanda asked "Why can't you accept a peaceful story about people?"
"Shh, there's plenty of both." Erik consoled the twins before starting the story again. "This group of people were fighting for people like them, people who were different."
"Different how?" Wanda asked.
"These people had powers, abilities beyond your wildest imaginations. They fought so others like them and their children could live in a world that accepted them. Some of them looked different, and had strange appearances. Some of them looked like you or me, but had powerful abilities that one would never be able to guess."
"Like flight?" Peitro asked.
"Yes like flight." Erik confirmed the soft smile returning to his face, "They created silly little names for each other, each one embraced a part of who they are. They called themselves the X-men."
"Are the X-men real?" Wanda asked.
"Maybe they were. This was so long ago no one is quite sure. I doubt if they were real they are still around anymore." Erik said pausing to collect his thoughts. It had been so long ago on the beaches of Cuba where he had stood, in his mid twenties and full of rage and anger. That man that had stood there was gone, replaced with a much more dangerous combination of those primal emotions.
"Keep going?" The boy asked leaning in closer to Erik.
"Only if you don't interrupt any more." Erik teased.
"We won't we promise." Wanda said sending a glare towards her brother.
Erik continued to tell the twins the exploits of the X-men. How in the end they saved the world, and how they were held as heroes among the people they had fought so hard to gain acceptance from. How in the end they were forced to keep themselves a secret for fear that they would be hunted down despite their heroics. How even though heroes can do all the right things sometimes life makes them walk a different path.
Erik finished the story and looked down. Both twins were snoring softly, having fallen asleep likely for the first time in days. Erik couldn't keep in the tears, he could feel as they ran down his face. The cold making the trails of moisture they left behind burn on his skin.
He still remembered the last time he had held them like this. Three days after they were born Magda had come down with a fever. Three days after that she was dead, not even the hospital was sure what had happened. Erik still could feel as both newborns were in his arms fast asleep unbeknownst about their mother in pain and agony next to them. He could still feel the tears as he watched the doctors rush in to try and save her. The numbness when it was all over and when the sun rose. He still felt the pain, sometimes as if it were happening all over again. 
That was the first time the twins had lost their parents. Erik knew he changed after that, he always knew he would. Now sitting here holding the twins he realized they never even knew that they had lost their parents before. For them this was the first time they had experienced this, pain that lasts for a life time. Erik had given them up so they wouldn't have to experience this in the event he got into some trouble he couldn't simply solve with magnetism. Ironically that didn't save them. The act meant to save them and let them be children had failed.
So what was stopping him from taking them home? Living a quiet life somewhere? Erik knew the answer, he was afraid. Afraid to loose again. He knew that if he knew them, and then lost them things would go bad very fast. He didn't want that, Magda, his mother, anyone who had loved him, didn't want that. The anger and rage he held would explode, and Erik knew that if he were to explode the world might not be around anymore.
Peitro stirred a bit, and Erik looked down to make sure he was still asleep. Both twins looked a lot like their mother. They had inherited the dark brown hair and the same shaped nose. Peitro's eyes were just like Magda's. Wandas eyes were like his own, as well as her personality. Erik feared for her, not about what had happened but rather what would happen and what events might set her down an even darker path than the one she walked.
Erik sighed, exhausted from finding his way to the small country. He had seen the news, the several city blocks leveled by bombs. Thousands dead by the estimates and thousands more injured. He had come as fast as he could, unfortunately he feared he was not fast enough.
He pulled both twins in closer to him, in the hopes that his body heat would be able to keep them alive for the next few hours. Neither one seemed to mind or maybe they were to tired to even care. For a second Erik could imagine that they were at the little home he and Magda had bought, sitting in the room with the skylight watching the stars. But they weren't and they never would. Erik placed a small kiss on the top of each twins head before drifting off to sleep himself.
Hours later he was woken by the flashlight of a Red Cross worker. Erik wasn't expecting them to have shown up, but it was for all the better considering the twins had to go back into normal society. Although most people would write the story of him floating the three of them in the air down to the ground as the overactive imagination of a child.
The volunteer that had climbed over the building started speaking Sokovian. Erik could barely understand them, and neither twin was up, "Ich spreche Deustch." Erik said without thinking. 
"Um." The young woman said, "Do you speak English?"
Erik chuckled, "Yes I speak English."
"Are you hurt? Are either of your kids hurt?" She asked, slowly trying to remember the right sounds to say.
"No. The kids need food and water though." Erik said softly looking at the twins. They looked worse than they had previously, something Erik attributed to the lack of light at night.
"You are fine?" She asked confused.
"Yes, I'm a friend to their family." Erik said.
"You were not here when the bombs dropped then?"
"No." Erik said.
"Can you carry them?" The woman asked signaling some people at the bottom of the building.
"Yes." Erik said, "One at a time though." The woman nodded at him and Erik stood up sliding Peitro to lie on the bed while scooping Wanda in his arms. Erik nodded at the young woman and she helped direct him to the edge of the building where there was a makeshift rope ladder. Erik took hold of the ladder with one hand holding tight onto Wanda. Erik climbed down carefully trying to protect Wanda from the wind blowing snow and ash their way. Erik made it down and placed Wanda on a makeshift bed in the back of a pickup truck. Erik repeated the same thing with Peitro nearly falling a couple times due to the wind.
Erik placed Peitro next to his sister and looked at the two of them sleeping peacefully next to each other. He sighed knowing what had to come next. He didn't have the heart to wake them up, they needed their sleep. "Don't loose each other." He started to whisper to them "Don't let anyone push you down. Stand up for one another and stick together. The world is hard and cruel, having someone by your side will soften the blows. I wish I did. Don't forget who you are either, don't loose yourselves to the pain and rage. Just remember who you are and you'll be fine."
Erik stood up and looked at the young woman who had climbed down after him. "Can I trust you'll get them somewhere safe?"
"You are not taking them?" She asked confused.
"No." Erik felt his voice crack, "I can't." The woman nodded at him and the small band of volunteers packed up the area. Their sweep had yielded no one except the twins and there was no reason for them to stay in the area. Erik watched as they climbed in the back of the truck protecting his kids. He watched as the trails of exhaust disappeared off into the distance. That was it he knew, he was lucky to even get this chance. For the second time in his life Erik Lehnsherr had abandoned his children, and this time he was even less sure of his decision. But now it was over, he would never see them again, and he knew that was for the best.
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lavender-lotion · 3 years
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Send me an ask with the title that most intrigues you and I’ll post a little snippet of it and/or tell you something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
thank you for the tag @stronglyobsessed!
I was really not sure if I actually wanted to go in and name ALL the files in my WIP folder, but then I realized I could use this as an opportunity to make sure that my WIP sheet is up to date, so... here we are. my entire WIP folder. organized by fandom!
Teen Wolf
chris/derek dom/sub
Deter -
deter marriage proposal
proclaim the truth and do not be silent through fear
stiles/sam prompt sam saving stiles
Dressing porn
season 2 stackson
stiles in make up
July 19 - Smut
June 20: Relationship Reveal
June 23: Free Day
Stalion magic alpha pack
Together, We Belong
Beach stanny
camboy stiles - stanny
gift for merwin
Gone and Past
Sr stalion And stennis
Stennis sex
You Fill My Heart (With Such a Gentle Love)
Soft steter->stetopher
Feral Derek
Kate takes video of essentially rape
familiar steterek
Set up on date
Steterek kisses
steterek sad derek
young steterek
young steterek
breathing you in seuquel
hornet au
continuation to fox!stiles
fox stiles installment
hale family
Sr. Steter
steter courting??
steter for harry--alpha rut
steter kidfic
alpha stiles omega john
De-aged Sheriff
Drunk dick pic stilinskicest
impregnation kink
john jacking stiles off when he can't use his hands
Possessive fox sheriff claims his son
stilinskicest absuive claduia
Stilinskicest tattoo
Twincest only fans
Alpha Twins/Stiles
Falling Together - Hale Orgy for Green
merwin bday fic - stiles/alpha pack?
Sheriff Stilinski Gets Some Good Lovin'
Alemando age play
kitney making out
Lonk pt 2 "I have never felt so content with unexpected discoveries"
vAzazel/Janos snowball fight for irene
bobbyjohn discovering cherik
cherigan fic
bab smut
charles mom sucks
Erik goes back in time cause Charles is dead but overshoots
post dofp smut
they slipped briskly into an intimacy from which they never recovered
Cherik Dating App
bamf emma kidnapped angel
for even if she flees, soon she shall pursue
you cast diamonds across the waters of my innocence
magnet smut
Mags Family
Peter/Weny POV
Hank and Alex bond during lab time
lonk patching up
Lonk awkwardly flirting for jasp
Lonk for lib
peter putting himself down
first meeting
5 times Kurt makes Peter bust a nut in his pants and 1 time Peter busts a nut in his pants on his own
Angry Erik
quickneto identity reveal
original timeline grief fuck
scogan first meeting
scogan peach
Summerscest ANGST
incest continuation to jasper fic
war photo masturbation
xavierine fic
Cain Marko/Charles Xavier AU
Charles angst childhood telepathy
dadneto saves the day
Emma Frost/Erik Lehnsherr/Charles Xavier
phoenix peter
Charles waking up in Jakob’s arms
Ned/Peter 2
keenker kinktober 12
spideypool asexual gift for frosted goddess
Spideypool Big Bang
Spideypool prompt
Starker Big Bang
starker field trip fic
Starker Mob AU
I Built My Home, Inside Of You
Bucky/Peter sex worker fic
Physiotherapy (I'll Be Your Baby)
winterspider date fluff
winterspider smut
5 times Happy patched up Peter and 1 time Peter patches up Happy
Twitter Fic
Bruce Banner/Peter Parker Dom/Sub
(hold me) steady
to love and be loved by you
take us, together, like the stroke of a bow
with puck pt 2
sam not backing down
kurt picking up dave's call
Kurtofsky - long fic coming out
Kurtosky - after prom season 2
Ep 5:
Puckurt - visiting during juvie
Fives Time Denny Payson Comes in His Pants and One Time Kurt Hummel Gets Him Out of Them First
Touched starved Merlin
tattoo au
protective eggsy
emerging from the night and heart of me
eggsy/trans roxy
Dad Eggsy
Young Justice
YJ - 1
YJ - 8
Dick and Wally team up to seduce Conner
5 times superboy watches tv alone and one time dock watches tv with him
YJ - 10
Dick and Wally team up to seduce Conner
Misc Fandom & Cross Overs
X-Men / MCU
TW x Glee
Primal Laurits
Loki Laurits
Laurits finds Magne after the show
Fate: The Winx Saga
5 times Riven gives Dane a first +1 time Dane gave Riven a first
Criminal Minds
Reid/Morgan - S3 E2
Morgan/Reid - S2 E
Weird City
smexy massage
Because I have more WIPS then people I know, I am tagging EVERYONE. Seriously, if you read this and want to list your WIPS, do it! even tag me in it!! i’d absolutely love to see if and pop into your ask box!
And if you’ve read this, please feel free to send me an ask with the title that most intrigues you and I’ll post a little snippet of it and/or tell you something about it!
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itsvs-moved · 3 years
dadneto + his 3 kids hcs?
i don't have any hcs or anything with them but i think magneto loves all of his kids but hates to admit it (especially w pietro). he really loves lorna as we saw in the comics but i feel like lorna's kinda scared of him (tbh if i had a grumpy dude like him as my dad i'd feel the same) but loves him regardless. well with wanda...i think magneto has soft feelings for her and he would not want to mess with her bc we know what happened the last time we saw them interact (aka the "no more mutants" storyline) and last but not the least...PIETRO! well magneto's not a really good dad towards him and pietro hates him too. they would start quarrels but then would hesitate bc of wanda but as i said before..they both love and respect each other but they just hate to admit it
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superherotiger · 2 years
It was late at night (you held on tight) - Dadneto fic
Heyooooooo! It's almost 2am and yet here I am, posting more soft dadneto because the brainrot is too deep and I NEED more dadneto content in my life asap! This is basically all fluff and cuddles, so I hope you all enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it haha. Love you all, and good night! -Superherotiger
For @sunsetuniverse
The mansion was rarely a quiet place.
Children were constantly milling about from one classroom to the next, teachers could be heard lecturing from every hallway, and at least once a day, there was something being broken or going up in flames. Whether it was intentional or not was a concern for Charles, however. Because though he hadn’t rejected the idea completely, Erik had declined a teaching position for the time being, much to the disappointment of his old friend.
No, Erik had something far more important on his mind at the moment, and that was making up for lost time with his dear son, Peter.
When the boy had finally worked up the courage to tell him all those months ago, it almost felt too good to be true. A son. Erik’s son. Alive and well and all grown up- and God, what a gift that was. A privilege his other children had never been fortunate enough to know. But amidst all the agony and destruction that had encompassed Erik’s world, Peter was a spark of hope. A single ray of sunshine that kept him from drowning beneath the sorrow.
Energetic, quick witted, brave hearted Peter Maximoff.
His son.
The boy that -despite having almost every reason not to- chose to stay. Chose to be his.
Erik loved him with every fibre of his being, and he was determined to never lose a moment of their time together again. They had already lost too much…
Which was why -as students slumbered and the moon shone high above- Erik remained seated comfortably in the living room, accompanied only by the crackle of the fireplace and the newspaper resting in his lap. Waiting. Waiting patiently like he had every other time the X-Men had been called away on a mission for the return of his son. No matter the hour or the circumstances, Erik would always find himself back in the living room, staring out through the arching windows and listening for the tell-tale hum of the X-Jet. A sign that his son was safe within reach once more…
Peter never questioned why Erik was always there to welcome him home- or if he did, he certainly never voiced it. The speedster would simply brighten with a smile, return his father’s tight embrace, and then go rummaging for food to satisfy his endless appetite.
If Erik were daring enough, he’d even say Peter enjoyed the unspoken ritual as much as he did.
But unsurprisingly, with a speedster as a son, Erik didn’t always make it down to the hangar bay before Peter could race up to him instead. Evidently tonight was one of those times, as with a sudden rush of wind from behind, Erik went from sitting alone to having strong, armoured arms hanging over his shoulders and a nest full of silver hair brushing against his cheek. Once, such an unexpected appearance would have caused Erik to lash out by instinct, but he had now grown familiar with his son’s swift nature, as well as his casual displays of affection.
“How did the mission go?” Erik asked lightly as he pencilled in another answer to the crossword on his newspaper.
“Long. Busy. Lots of explosions,” Peter muttered into his father’s shirt, tilting his head up ever so slightly to peer at the puzzle over Erik’s shoulder. “Five down is Burger King.”
“Of course you would know the fast-food question,” Erik scoffed, writing down the answer regardless.
A weak chuckle rumbled in Peter’s chest, making Erik’s warm in return. “Speaking of food…?”
“Don’t fret, there are two dozen waffles waiting for you in the kitchen,” his father was quick to assure, knowing just how hungry the speedster got after a long mission.
“Aw thanks dad,” Peter spoke through a yawn, never ceasing to make Erik’s heart skip a beat with that title alone. “See, this is why you’re my favourite.”
“You said the exact same thing to Charles this morning when he let you off for catching the grass on fire again,” Erik mused, earning a small huff in reply before Peter tilted his head to lean more heavily against Erik’s own.
“It’s a position that’s well sought after, as you can see,” the boy teased. “You should be honoured, really.”
“Oh should I now?”
Humming in amusement, Peter lowered his head again as if on the verge of slumber, only for his tightened embrace to betray the façade. They sat there in the silence and the soothing crackle of the fireplace for a few moments longer, comfortable in each other’s presence. Savouring those precious, quiet moments they got to share.
Then, reaching up to run his fingers through those waves of shimmering silver, Erik leant his head against Peter’s and said, “I’m glad you’re back safe, son.”
There was no reply; at least not at first. For a heartbeat, Erik wondered if the boy had even heard him or if he truly had fallen asleep amongst the serenity of it all.
Then, with a shaking exhale, Peter somehow managed to melt into the embrace even further, weighing over his father’s shoulders like a blanket warmed by summer sunlight. Erik could feel the boy’s heartbeat thumping steadily against his back now, a constant reminder of his presence. Alive and well. All grown up, and with so much life left to live.
A life that Erik was lucky enough to be a part of.
Tag list:
@joyful-soul-collector @lost-lunar-wolf @lbigreyhound13 @aixabi @zanderljones @milstrim @anarinette @sfabsha @appleschloss @sdottkrames @katthebookiestnerd
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fouralignments · 2 years
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ok cute image!
Erik keeps his sohn away from the older students (I know what else to call them, I know that they technically not students, but the first class of X-Men, especially when alcohol is involved. Erik goes like...your hanging out with me and Charles tonight. As the night goes on Peter falls asleep on the couch. Charles and Erik are playing chess and talking.
Peter is deep asleep and Erik gets him and comes back to his chair; allows Peter to rest little head against his chest. Erik moves the chess pieces with his powers while he nuzzles Peter and says how much he loves him in Hebrew, Yiddish and German. All part of his plan to defeat Charles in Chess while the telepath his distracted by cuteness and the softness of Dadneto.
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raksh-writes · 5 years
Perfect, actually (Peter Maximoff x OFC story)
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Perfect, actually
Pairing: Peter Maximoff x OFC
Word count: ~20k
Setting: post-Dark Phoenix
About: It seemed his destiny to always be too late, to mess up when he had the best chance. His body is bruised and broken, his spirit not much better, and there are glaring holes everywhere he looks - the Mansion will never be the same again. But when everyone leaves, she comes back. A ghost from the past that left his heart bleeding, torn into shreds and with a hole that never got patched up. She’s there and she’s smiling. Maybe, for once, he got a second chance to not mess up again. If she decides to stay... This time he wants to make it right.
Contains: Angst, Fluff, Smut, lots of feels and a dash of my fave trope (more here - link) and even a sprinkle of dadneto. 
Why? Because this idea wouldn’t leave me alone unless I wrote it down. So I did.
Read it on: AO3 (For some other Peter content - like headcanons - check out my masterlist.)
And a preview:
The next time he wakes up, Eris is not there.
Charles is, though.
The man looks worse than when Peter met him – and that’s saying something. He doesn’t reek of alcohol, doesn’t have that hobo look – he’s still perfectly clear faced and elegant, but the weariness, the pain, the sorrow. Honestly, Peter would prefer to deal with the junkie Xavier, not this guilt tripping wreck. But that’s just a passing thought, because when he starts to talk–
Peter almost throws up.
Bile rises up to his throat, bitter and burning, but all the rest feels hollow, distant – as if he’s trapped inside some sort of an aquarium. Everything blurs and dulls around him, sound coming as if from far away, not really connecting to anything inside him, bouncing off and leaving a strange echo that makes his chest squeeze and lungs cave in. 
He can’t look up at Charles as the man finishes his speech, as he wishes Peter to get better, even as he leaves, the door hissing. There’s a cotton inside his brain, fuzzy and numbing. He can feel the warmth seeping out of his bones as if someone sucked it out, a shiver running along his spine that’s cold and sharp like a blade.
The door hiss again.
It feels like forever before she crosses the space to his bed, but when she finally reaches him, he gulps air as if he just drowned.
„Hey,” her soft voice somehow reaches inside the bowl, clear and surprisingly strong, „focus on me.”
There’s a hand lacing their fingers together, chasing away the cold and numb, the heat expanding, traveling up his arm and through his chest. But he still feels as if he’s drifting in space, nothing solid and real he can focus on.
Her voice breaks clear, it’s the only thing beside her hand that seems to be inside his bubble, so he reaches out – or tries to, but his limbs fail, won’t move, the ache keeping him grounded as if weighted down by rocks. His eyes blink open, though he didn’t realize how tight he pinched them, and looks up to her concerned face. She blurs and he keeps the pitiful sound trapped inside his chest.
Even though he can’t say it, can’t seem to move his mouth, she somehow guesses, as she always did, and maybe that’s because she’s an empath or because he’s probably silently screaming with his whole person or maybe she just knows him that well, but she’s sitting beside him on the bed, leaning in–
„Is it–“
There’s uncertainty in her voice, but before she can halt in the movement, he’s nodding and finally, finally, he can move.
Eris leans in across his chest, her hip flush beside his, and braces herself on an elbow placed next to his head. She brings their still intertwined hands up to rest against his heart and brushes the hair out of his face with the other. His arm is in a cast, elbow to the wrist, but he’s able to bring it up and around her waist with his sheer will. She gets the hint.
„Tell me if it hurts,” she says. Peter nods, but he won’t, not really.
He’s already hurting all over, so she can’t make it any worse. Not when all he wants is her pressed everywhere she can be.
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wandaposting · 5 years
Hey what are some comics you recommend reading for Scarlet Witch and Vision
heyyy if you’re asking about them as a couple:
they had some will-they-won’t-they moments throughout Giant-Size Avengers Vol 1 (1974), which culminated in their wedding in issue #4. note that it’s also very bizarre and condensed compared to modern comics, and Very Seventies!
you also can’t get any more classic than The Vision and the Scarlet Witch Vol 1 (1982) and The Vision and the Scarlet Witch Vol 2 (1984). Vol 1 is, significantly, where the very first Dadneto retcon takes place. it’s also bizarre and condensed compared to modern comics, and Very Eighties!
if you’re looking for more modern day: they had a Soft Moment in Uncanny Avengers Vol 2 (2015) #5.
the next time they’re featured is in Avengers Vol 6 (2015) #0.
The Vision (2016) by Tom King introspects upon their relationship from a more “modern lens.” it’s kind of psychological thriller and uncanny valley-themed.
and some moments throughout Avengers: No Road Home (2019) as what can be described as amicable exes, and a nice note to end on after the rollercoaster that was… all of the rest of that sdklfj.
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gerec · 5 years
Spoiler-y Thoughts on Dark Phoenix
No spoilers version here
Everything is under the cut, minus Charles’ arc which deserves an entirely separate post:
So as I said in my other post I enjoyed this movie a lot, and I don’t think it’s the worst film of the entire series by far. I think the action and the acting really shines, but it suffers in the same way as most X-Men movies - the supporting characters aren’t given a lot to do, and the decade long time jumps between the movies hurts the momentum and the believability of the stories they’re trying to tell. It’s also clear that a LOT of stuff is just...missing, making the movie feel too short/truncated, like too many scenes and missing character moments were gutted for a shorter runtime.
The stuff that was GREAT: - Seeing the X-Men working together, complementing each other in all the action sequences - The effects for the solar flare and Jean’s powers - MAGNETO’S CASUAL USE OF HIS AWESOME POWERS SWOOOOON - Also Erik basically admitting killing never brought him peace, and really all of his interaction with Jean with the escalating urgency over his questioning of ‘whose blood is that’ and then fighting to control the chopper with their respective powers - Raven/Hank - I’ve always had a soft spot for this pairing, and I really liked their dynamic here; partners who love each other and support each other and can disagree without the venom that Raven reserves for Charles. I FEEL the history between them, and Hank’s pain over losing her... -...which brings me to Raven’s death. I’ll admit it doesn’t take much for me to get emotional and shed tears but I honestly hadn’t expected her death to make me misty eyed. It was pretty brutal, and the interaction between Raven and Hank there...god. Yeah you know what I admit it; I cried - THE ENDING - I don’t really need to say why do i lol? Except to say that I appreciated that it was Erik reaching out this time, admitting that Charles saved him and gave him a home, and then wanting to do the same for him. That’s full circle and closure baby, and because of it EVERYTHING ELSE IN THIS MOVIE IS AND CAN BE FORGIVEN
The stuff that was NOT GOOD:
- Magneto’s people? Who dat? And did they even make it alive to the end (I honestly can’t remember)? - Aliens planet died need Phoenix force rebuild kill all humans zzzzzzz - Seriously Jess Chastain was wasted in a boring role and the aliens never felt like a genuine threat to Jean or the X-Men. Maybe if they’d gone all alien during the train fight I would have felt more engaged? - Also I never once felt like JEAN was evil, in a way that justified Erik and Hank hunting her down. The deaths at her hands were either accidents (Raven) or defending herself and the X-Men (the police, the aliens). I think Kinberg tried to use her mistreatment of Charles as a way to convey how far she’d fallen over to the dark side and it WAS A VERY BAD CHOICE. It would have been far more effective to have Jean decimate Genosha for no reason (or because Erik turned her away), AND for that to be the inciting event for his revenge against Jean - Sidelining Quicksilver after the space mission and the first confrontation with Jean. I feel like that was done to add unnecessary ‘stakes’ to her turning ‘evilz’. Also they prob. didn��t know how to use him in the later fight scenes so coma
The stuff I wanted MORE OF PLEASE: - The X-Men hanging out, not at a party with the kids but with each other as adults and fellow teachers - Jean and Scott, if only because their relationship should have been the cornerstone of this story and nobody cares (see what I did there lol) - I personally don’t care that much about Erik+Peter and Dadneto but there’s no reason they couldn’t have acknowledged it with at least a throw away line. At least they didn’t kill Peter off too for more Erik man pain
The stuff that MADE ME CRINGE: - Erik loves Raven? Enough to risk Genosha and hunt Jean down for revenge? Bitch please that is the LAMEST rationalization ever. The Cuban Missile Crisis happened in Oct ‘62 and JFK assassination in Nov ‘63 - you expect me to believe these two had a relationship (of any kind) so deep and meaningful in that short period of time that he’d be so moved by her death as to come out of retirement immediately to kill another mutant? Give me a break. - That scene with Jean forcing Charles to ‘walk’ up the stairs was really uncomfortable to watch which I guess is the point? But the same message could just as easily have been delivered by suspending him in mid air and torturing him, without the awful optics of that stair climb. I’m sure I’m forgetting stuff but I’ll go back and edit this as I remember lol.
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turtletotem · 6 years
5, 8, 15?
5: What do you think about “Dadneto”?
Dadneto fic isn’t my top favorite because I’m a lot more interested in Charles and Erik themselves, as characters, than I am in their children. That said, I love seeing the softer side of Erik and to have them forming a family together (whether blended or whatever). So it’s on the list of things I like, but it’s not #1.
8: If you could direct a Cherik movie - what would the plot be?
I would absolutely love to just have X-Men movies with canon Cherik. Like, their romantic relationship is the actual explicit A-plot. None of this pussyfooting around. Redo X-Men: First Class and make them actually kiss. Really explore their tragic love. Ideally, after years of conflict, have them find a way to come back together and compromise for the good of mutantkind.
15: FC, DoFP or XMA Charles?
Oh but they’re all so delicious in different ways!!! I think in my heart I’ll always have a soft spot for FC Charles, still so cocky and untested and unbroken, full of charm and bright ideas. I guess, like Erik, he’s the first Charles I fell in love with and he’ll always be the man I see underneath all the others.
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