#sofia cortez
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littletroubledgrrrl · 1 year ago
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Most Beloved WWE Wrestler Tournament
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shelbbswrites · 2 months ago
I thoroughly enjoyed the Superman & Lois series finale. It felt BIG. I found it to be a sweet and overall successful bow on the show and a fitting eulogy for the Arrowverse and the DCTV era.
Here’s my “It Went By So Fast” review:
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supermanandloisverse · 2 years ago
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Team #SupermanAndLois (including Cast & EPs Todd Helbeing & Brent Fletcher) at WGA strike
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jornalmagico · 6 months ago
A quarta etapa da task: ACABOU A MAMATA!
Confira a lista de vagas de emprego abaixo.
OOC: Alguns perdidos acabaram sendo colocados em dois empregos por serem trabalhos mais flexíveis; sendo assim, caberá ao player decidir se irá manter ambos os empregos para o seu personagem ou escolher apenas um E CONTATAR A CENTRAL SOBRE A DECISÃO CASO SEJA ABDICAR DE UM! Quem não contatar a central, será considerado que ficou com os dois.
Vocês já podem começar a aplicar as contratações nas interações de vocês. Em breve será postado aqui no blog do Jornal como funcionará a nova rotina de aulas do Centro de Contenção de Crise levando em consideração as contratações dos perdidos. E lá na central falaremos sobre como ficarão as vagas que sobraram e como elas poderão servir para futuras aplicações de perdidos, mas vou deixar vocês absorverem as contratações primeiro e me contatarem caso tenha erros para podermos organizar!
(!) Lembrando que foram MUITAS vagas, uma média de 5 vagas por perdido, então eu tive que cortar algumas e dei preferência para vagas mais "fáceis" de disponibilizar duas contratações para cada perdido (ex: dançarino, músico, etc que também podem trabalhar como assistentes em outros horários).
(!!) Personagens canon, não apaguem os links que vocês me enviaram com as vagas. As que sobraram serão disponibilizadas para perdidos que entraram depois da task no RP.
Academia da Magia
Assistente de desejos (Fada Madrinha): Darcy Coleman @pegueinopulo
Pesquisador auxiliar (Feiticeiro): Damla Ataman @investigctor
Biblioteca principal
Bibliotecário: Robert Jones @navegadorsolitario
Bibliotecário auxiliar: Julien Waybright @generclcorvo
Bombom Boon Chocolate Latte Boon
Atendente e vendedor: Nittha Kittivat @gataquepinta
Casa da Ópera
Cantores: Lee Teoh @taeohact / Bae Kayn @eitacarvalho / Valerie Williams @sapatinho34
Músicos: Coralie Wong @corclie / Julien Waybright @generclcorvo
Assistente de palco: Gwendolyn Aster Hepburn @swampdolyn
Roteirista: Reyna Andersen @feracinefila
Especialista em perdidos: Consuela Cortez @sucks4me
Chez Remy
Auxiliar do chef: Fiamma Armellini @thelavagirl
Atendente/recepcionista: Carter Knight @mestrecarter
Delícias da Vovó
Atendente: Bae Kayn @eitacarvalho
Confeiteiro auxiliar: Allison Jung @alllreturns
Endlos Motel
Recepcionista: Reagan Maria Brown @garotadapintura
Auxiliar de dentista: Devon Saunders @devsndrs
Floricultura Blooming Affairs
Artista Floral: Chloe Waldron @chloewcldron
Contadora: Cassandra Santiago @notchapeleira
Guarda Real
Guarda pessoal da Rainha Legítima: Damla Ataman @investigctor
House of Devil
Maquiadora e cabeleireira: Flávia Rakelly Oliveira @outlxw
Modelos: Lee Taeoh @taeohact / Ginevra Liao @princesaginny / Asli Kuvanci @thcunknown / Flávia Rakelly Oliveira @outlxw
Instituto de Ciência Mágica
Segurança do Prédio: Darcy Coleman @pegueinopulo
Técnico de manutenção de Equipamentos: Mary Anne Evans @perdidadragon
Joalheira Bejewelions
Auxiliar administrativo: Fiamma Armellini @thelavagirl
Linha de Pesquisa de Jane Porter
Assistente de Laboratório: Robert Jones @navegadorsolitario
Assistente de Pesquisa: Victoria de Leon @allburnin
Assistente de Divulgação Científica: Consuela Cortez @sucks4me
Marmoreal Produtos Artesanais
Atendente/faz-tudo: Thomas Olsson @tomclsson
Mystic Mirror SPA
Massoterapeuta: Olimpia Liao @sbagliatos
Consultor de vendas: Asli Kuvanci @thcunknown
O Grandioso Cinema Mágico
Atendentes: Loren Hawkins @hiloren / Reyna Andersen @feracinefila
Raiders Sports Arena
Professores/técnicos esportistas: Thomas Olsson (futebol) @tomclsson / Loren Hawkins (esgrima) @hiloren
Mestres/senseis de artes marciais: Valentina Santiago (muay thai)
Sinister Mirage
Dançarinos: Sofia Bourbon @svfiawitch
Instrumentistas: Coralie Wong @corclie
Pessoa tecnológica/mágica: Mary Anne Evans @perdidadragon
Teatime Tea Shop
Atendente/barista: Gwendolyn Aster Hepburn @swampdolyn
Sommelier de chá: Devon Saunders @devsndrs
The Terpischore
Anfitrião: Ginevra Liao @princesaginny
Toca do Coelho: Jardim Botânico
Biólogo: Olimpia Liao @sbagliatos
Guia turístico: Chloe Waldron @chloewcldron
Assistente/faz-tudo (Mushu): Yeongsu Han-Winstanley @copostanley
Assistente pessoal (Cinderela): Valerie Williams @sapatinho34
Assistente pessoal (Jasmine): Sofia Bourbon @svfiawitch
Assistente pessoal e aprendiz de magia (Rainha Má): Victoria de Leon @allburnin
Comediante da Corte (Rainha Branca): Allison Jung @alllreturns
Companheira para chá da tarde (Rainha Branca): Amelia Kwon @amelunar
Cuidador de Rajah (Jasmine): Saskia Nähr @theunwantcd
Dama de companhia (Rainha Branca): Saskia Nähr @theunwantcd
Escritor que escreva sobre a Rainha Branca (Rainha Branca): Julieta Magnolia Chesapeake @causethatsiconic
Musa (Coelhão): Amelia Kwon @amelunar
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audiofictionuk · 4 months ago
New Fiction Podcasts - 12th October 2024 (Part 1)
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7 dies per a morir Audio Drama Un joc, un repte, una fugida endavant. Pau Bargues, un oficinista que porta una vida gris, rep un regal d’un amic, el dia del seu aniversari, i es veu involucrat en tota una aventura quan es troba immers en un joc real creat per l’empresa valenciana Brutal Life. Pau no desaprofitarà l'oportunitat que li ofereixen de jugar amb el mal, d'escapar de la seua insulsa existència... Però, quin serà el peatge que hi haurà de pagar? https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240906-07 RSS: https://www.apuntmedia.es/podcast/7-dies-per-a-morir-1001905.xml
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Greal: El secreto de las ocho llaves Audio Drama Una ficción sonora de la Agencia Catalana de Turismo – ACT Pep, un periodista que sueña con ser escritor, choca con una mujer y ella desaparece, dejando un cofre misterioso. Con la ayuda de Laia, una experta en historia del arte, investiga el cofre. Viajando por Cataluña y siguiendo pistas relacionadas con el Santo Grial. Junto al escritor Javier Sierra, ambos superan desafíos y buscan llaves en forma de pétalo. Mientras, Pep se prepara para escribir sobre su aventura. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240925-02 RSS: https://anchor.fm/s/fb2bf6a0/podcast/rss
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La suite di Java Audio Drama Anno 2053. Le Intelligenze Artificiali si spengono. Un’apocalisse tecnologica. Il clima impazzisce, l’economia si azzera. Dopo un secolo, la società è tornata a funzionare, ma le IA sono state bandite. Alla vigilia di un progetto di sicurezza informatica globale, scompare un importante scienziato. Dietro l’intrigo, potrebbe esserci Metallo Urlante, una rete di resistenza antigovernativa. Vanda Cortez viene assunta per indagare. Lavora per un’azienda di recupero dati, è ironica e malinconica. Entra in contatto con una IA superstite e scopre così di avere un ruolo nei suoi piani. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240913-06 RSS: https://feeds.megaphone.fm/FLS1323584416
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El despertar de los NO muertos Audio Drama En un mundo devastado por un apocalipsis zombi, un grupo de sobrevivientes se enfrenta no solo a los peligros de los no muertos, sino también a complejas preguntas sobre la moralidad, la supervivencia y la humanidad. A medida que avanzan por este nuevo y aterrador escenario, se dan cuenta de que las verdaderas sombras no provienen solo de los zombis, sino de las decisiones difíciles que deben tomar. ‘Despertar de los NO Muertos’ combina acción, drama y reflexión en un viaje a lo más profundo del ser humano en tiempos de crisis. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240919-08 RSS: https://feeds.buzzsprout.com/2406126.rss
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Horizontes Audio Book Horizontes es un podcast dedicado a explorar relatos cortos que abarcan los géneros de ficción, fantasía, ciencia ficción, terror y misterio. Cada episodio te lleva a descubrir nuevas historias, desde mundos mágicos hasta futuros distópicos, siempre con un toque de intriga y aventura. Sumérgete en relatos únicos que te harán imaginar lo imposible y explorar lo desconocido. Escrito y producido por Nicolás Suárez, Horizontes es el lugar donde la narrativa y la imaginación no tienen límites. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240913-07 RSS: https://anchor.fm/s/faf09704/podcast/rss
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Chat G Planté : le prix de l'IA Audio Drama C'est le prénom le plus donné en Europe, mais aussi celui de l'IA développée par l'Union Européenne pour contrer les Etats-Unis et la Chine : Sofia. Lorsqu'Ariane, journaliste et podcasteuse, reçoit l'ambassadrice de ce projet extrêmement ambitieux à son micro, elle est loin de se douter que toute sa vie va voler en éclats. Dans sa quête de vérité, la jeune femme va être confrontée au scandale, aux pressions politiques, mais aussi à ses propres secrets. « Chat G Planté : le prix de l'IA » est un thriller d'anticipation aussi haletant qu'innovant. Appuyée sur un travail de fond, cette fiction pose la question de la course technologique, de l'impact environnemental de l'intelligence artificielle, mais aussi du combat pour la vérité dans un monde noyé sous l'information en continu, les fake news et les théories complotistes. Découvrez les enjeux vertigineux d'un futur qui n'a jamais été aussi proche. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240920-03 RSS: https://feeds.acast.com/public/shows/chat-g-plante-le-prix-de-ia
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Questen & Quatschen Audio RPG Questen & Quatschen ist ein Actual Play Dungeons and Dragons 2024 Podcast - und genau das tun wir hier auch: Questen und Quatschen auf Basis des neusten D&D Regelwerks. Das heißt ihr könnt uns ab jetzt regelmäßig beim Spielen zuhören. Steigt ein in unsere lockere Fantasy-Atmosphäre mit einer großen Prise Humor...Charisma Saving Throw!!! https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240916-09 RSS: https://feed.podbean.com/QuestenUndQuatschen/feed.xml
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Le Sentier des Perdus Audio RPG Un Podcast québécois bien relax, "actual-play" d'une vraie game de pathfinder. Venez vous asseoir à notre table. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240917-08 RSS: https://feeds.redcircle.com/11fa9a32-548a-449d-b5a2-611f1efd0f4c
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Pfizer España Audio Drama Pfizer España presenta Premonición: Una ficción sonora futurista en la que la adversidad enseña a resistir y a vivir con sabiduría. El periodista Abel Uribe llega a la localidad secreta de Serén en busca de información sobre Amir, un líder de la Resistencia frente al régimen establecido en Valdemar. ¿Quién era ese hombre al que todos admiraban tanto? ¿Cómo murió? Es el año 2040, pero en Serén apenas hay electricidad y les faltan muchos productos básicos. Abel conoce a Luz, una mujer a la que todos consideran la guía de esta comunidad, aunque ella no se siente así. Ella huyó a Serén escapando del régimen de Valdemar, donde la vida era asfixiante y había unos sistemas de control excesivos. Pero no solo por eso, también lo hizo por la migraña que padece. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240912-04 RSS: https://feeds.simplecast.com/W_3vc2B_
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D&D Legends and Lore Audio Book Hi, we are D&D Legends and Lore, the series that presents narrative driven, zoomed-in perspectives on stories that D&D’s decades of lore has to offer. Join us as we venture from the deepest pit of the Nine Hells to the enchanted forest of Arvandor telling tales both wondrous and terrible. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240930-01 RSS: https://feeds.megaphone.fm/dndlegendsandlore
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Odcizení Audio Drama Pětidílný podcastový psychothriller o tom, když vám ukradnou celý život. Dvacátník Marek žije svou prací. Nezbývá mu čas na přítele, kámoše ani na rodinu. Rychlé vzrušení si doplňuje na online seznamce. Jenže z textování s anonymním profilem se vyklube problém. A krádež profilu je jen začátek. Co byste dělali, kdyby někdo zneužil vaše data a stal se vámi? A nejen vámi, ale vaším lepším já? V hlavních rolích Josef Trojan, Petr Uhlík a Martina Jindrová. Režie Natália Deáková.Všechny díly podcastu Odcizení můžete pohodlně poslouchat v mobilní aplikaci mujRozhlas pro Android a iOS nebo na webu mujRozhlas.cz. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240930-02 RSS: https://api.mujrozhlas.cz/rss/podcast/ba25d347-13ab-334c-9c2d-019ccb988b5e.rss
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The Westward Eye Audio Drama Somewhere that may have existed long ago… or perhaps is still to come… lies a place isolated from the rest of civilization, known as ‘The West’ - where lost communities perform ancient traditions, old gods pry themselves from the earth, and monstrous creatures lurk in the darkness. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20241001-01 RSS: https://feeds.acast.com/public/shows/the-westward-eye
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Metropolis Audio Drama A murder mystery in neon utopia.  An audio drama, by Lux Radium.  While ace reporter Nan Kanally and the rest of the world struggle through post-war poverty, Metropolis has assembled a neon utopia on an icy, distant island.  It’s an electronic heaven made possible by a fleet of astonishing autonomous robots.  But Metropolis holds its secrets tightly. The only word that gets out is from the few reporters they invite.  One of them is Nan’s best friend, the sportswriter Stanley Bronfels.  But when Stanley disappears, it falls to Nan to discover the secrets of Metropolis… or find oblivion herself. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240930-03 RSS: https://feeds.buzzsprout.com/2397806.rss
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The Nameless Chronicles Audio Drama Tucked away in the Eternal Archive, a mysterious figure, known only as "The Scribe," carefully curates boundless untold stories to their audience. These original tales have ventured from the spaces between frequencies, traveling from the unknown limits of time, space, and reality. This anthology is not for the faint of heart—capable of evoking fear, joy, and heartbreak alike. If you've been chosen, step inside. Welcome to the astounding experience that is The Nameless Chronicles. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20241004-01 RSS: https://feeds.megaphone.fm/thenamelesschronicles
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She's My Girlfriend Audio Drama It's so easy to get a mate if you've got a dating app! Despite an uncomfortable first meetup, a trickle of interest mysteriously turns into a loving relationship for Danny and Lisa - but what's he really hiding all these months later? A thriller podcast set in the dating app scene of Los Angeles. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20241004-02 RSS: https://www.spreaker.com/show/6150603/episodes/feed
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Zombie Apocalpyse Survivor Radio Audio Drama Zombie apocalypse survivor Harper finds a radio station and starts broadcasting her experiences during the zombie apocalypse as well as tips for how to survive and rules on how to help others survive. The solar powered radio station has many amenities but the find of a notebook with Robert’s Rules of Chaos which contains not only tips on how to run the station, but also many tips and ideas on how to survive as a community instead of a lone survivor. Dj Clueless, aka Harper, shares these rules in each episode hoping she can help other rebuild in the face of the zombie menace. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240930-04 RSS: https://feed.podbean.com/ZASurvivorRadio/feed.xml
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The Poo-Finder Generals Audio Drama Frustrated by a growing doo-poo plague enveloping their village, Godfrey and Mavis become dog-poo investigators- tracking down criminal dog-owners and bringing them to justice. They report their findings on their self-made community radio show: Poo Watch. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20241001-02 RSS: https://feed.podbean.com/ThePoo-FinderGenerals/feed.xml
You are the Ghost in This House Audio Book A rotting old manor House, recently vacated. A pair of young women, returning to the house in which they spent two very different childhoods. And you. The Ghost. You are the Ghost in This House will feature both written and audio chapters. Each chapter will be followed by a poll: What will the Ghost do next? And will the House ever let you go? https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20241002-01 RSS: https://feeds.acast.com/public/shows/you-are-the-ghost-in-this-house
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REVELATOR Audio Book Somewhere in Boston, a graduate student discovers new, secret math. Somewhere else, a monster fails to become God, but only by a stones throw. In an endless desert, a pair of twins spend their days pushing a van across cracked earth, and their nights locked within it, hiding from creatures who whisper in the dark. All these things have, will, and are coming to pass. This is the true gospel of the apocalypse. Everything’s cannon somewhere. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20241005-01 RSS: https://feed.podbean.com/revelatorAudio/feed.xml
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The Haunted & The Hunted Audio Book This podcast is inspired by the classic monster stories. If monster lore, action and adventure is your taste? The Haunted and the Hunted podcast is a six episode series that will make you wish Halloween was every night of the year. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20210921-05 RSS: https://feeds.megaphone.fm/PPS8358797385
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MassChaos Audio RPG Welcome to Wexora Academy. In this podcast you will be following a team of misfits who find their dragon counterparts. As the team tries to navigate through school they will be thrust into quests. Follow the chaos… Mass Chaos. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240928-02 RSS: https://feeds.buzzsprout.com/2408006.rss
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The Enigma Tapes Audio Drama Between 1970-1990, an organization of unknown origin simply known as “The Agency” recruited members of the public to share experiences of unexplained phenomena via newspaper ads. Evidently, “The Agency” had leading members known as “Archivists” placed around the world to document the phenomena for future investigation. To this day, the origin and affiliations of “The Agency” are as mysterious as the stories they captured. The history and complexity is mostly unknown to this day, but in 2002, an abandoned storage locker was found that contained hundreds of cassettes documenting the efforts of these Archivists. These are The Enigma Tapes. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240926-02 RSS: https://feeds.transistor.fm/the-enigma-tapes
Peter Tells Stories Audio Book Original stories performed by Peter. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240924-04 RSS: https://media.rss.com/petertellsstories/feed.xml
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Project: Daydream Audio Drama A new-weird queer audio adventure podcast. Veteran of Agent 4815 is joined by Newcomer Agent 0625 as they work for the clandestine government organisation "Project: Daydream", investigating the strange, the supernatural, and the unexplainable. But in dealing with secrets and less, is everything all it seems, just who can you trust? https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20241003-01 RSS: https://feeds.acast.com/public/shows/project-daydream
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Anderson Audio Adventures Audio Drama Immersive yourself in FREE audiobooks and audio dramas from the iconic worlds of Thunderbirds, Stingray, Captain Scarlet, Space: 1999, UFO and more. Each episode features your favourite characters, nostalgic soundscapes, and original music, bringing thrilling stories of action, adventure, and sci-fi to life. Whether you're a longtime fan or new to Gerry Anderson's work, jump in for exciting, audio dramas and audiobooks of epic missions and unforgettable characters! https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20241004-03 RSS: https://feeds.captivate.fm/andersonaudioadventures/
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Moonlight Over a Ruined Village Audio Book Moonlight Over a Ruined Village is a Weird Fiction anthology podcast dedicated to weird and scary stories. These stories deal with people caught in the grasp of social decay and are based on accounts collected from the residents of a suburban village that has fallen into a state of ruin. Though the names of the people and locations have been changed to protect the privacy of those involved in these events, the events could happen anywhere at any time. These tales deal with dark themes and disturbing content that some listeners may find troubling. In addition, there is a fair bit or profanity, so listener discretion is advised. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240929-01 RSS: https://feed.podbean.com/chebruibe/feed.xml
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The Pancake Eating Robots Audio Drama Power hungry self-aware Robots led by Dr. Jacksu and Major X have invaded the Pancake's beautiful Kingdom of Sweethaven.  It's artificial intelligence, suspense, comedy, and  romance as Levi and his four tribes of Pancakes defend their enchanted homeland from the self aware Bots in a post apocalyptic future in the Draco Orion Galaxy. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240929-02 RSS: https://feeds.buzzsprout.com/2327876.rss
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Bunker 8 Audio Drama Hidden beneath layers of secrecy and isolation, Bunker 8 plunges you into one of the most classified military outposts on Earth. Jack, a hardened Australian ex-soldier, is sent to the desolate Antarctic facility for a six-month assignment. His mission? To oversee "assets" locked away in impenetrable cells, follow strict protocols, and, above all, never ask questions. But as Jack descends into the depths of Bunker 8, he realizes there's far more to this facility than anyone let on. With unsettling isolation, strange anomalies, and a growing sense of unease, Jack must navigate an environment that tests his mental and physical limits. What are the "assets" he's tasked with monitoring? And why is everyone so afraid to even speak about what lies within? https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240924-05 RSS: https://feeds.buzzsprout.com/2405574.rss
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Blood & Sun Audio Drama Blood & Sun is an immersive Vampire: The Masquerade audio drama, adapted from an actual play podcast. Set in 1985 Miami, the story follows Claire Mathers, a reclusive medical student who reluctantly embraces her spring break. What begins as a girls' night out quickly turns deadly, leaving Claire in an early grave, bound to the supernatural underworld of vampires in the Magic City. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20241007-01 RSS: https://pinecast.com/feed/vampirebs
Hörspielserie: Wenn ich du werde Audio Drama Der 17-jährige Sam flieht vor den Schatten seiner Vergangenheit, bis ihn eines Tages sein jüngeres Ich einholt. Ein Coming-of-Age-Drama von Hörspielkeller. Neue Folgen gibt es alle 8 Wochen. Lass' ein Abo da, um keine neuen Folgen zu verpassen - und bewerte uns! Das hilft anderen, diesen Hörspielpodcast zu finden. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240415-05 RSS: https://hoerspielkeller.de/feed/podcast/hoerspielkeller-widw
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wyntersecret-a · 1 year ago
Main muse
Landon Bartholomew Wynter. journalist. het. fc: penn badgley 30-34 main. 32-36 film. 22-26 college. nights poet verse. beast boi verse. vamp verse. paranormal investigator verse. royal au. twin au.
Secondary Muse
Lance Tyberius Wynter. architect. het. fc: penn badgley 30-34 twin au.
Hub + Connection Muses
Veronica Allen. model. 33. bi. fc: teyonah parris
Daniel Baker. adult flm star. 32. gay. fc: david anders - @stvrlyte
Dawn Black. adult film star. former model. 31. gay. fc: kristen stewart
Kurt Burrows. historian & genealogist. 33. bi. fc: andrew west unknown half brother of Landon Wynter
Claudia Chen. actress. 32. het. fc: gemma chan
Lavinia Cortez. horror host. producer of toxic talk. actress. 27. bi. fc: sofia carson
Esmeralda Domingo. executive of diamond casino. 33. bi. fc: shay mitchell default gf of Landon in non ship verses
Emeline Entwistle. actress. 31. het. fc: blake lively
Tobias Fairchild. producer. majestic studios. 38. bi. fc: ed speleers
Holland Frost. dr of tech sciences, robotics & dna engineering. frost synthetics. 46. bi. fc: sarah paulson
Harold Graves. psychiatrist. 41. demi. fc: hugh dancy. Landon Wynter's therapist
Natalie Hill. lipstick gossip. tabloid journalist. 31. bi. fc: zoe kravitz former best friend of Jade Winthrope.
Susan Horowitz. ruby casino. businesswoman. 31. bi. fc: carlson young
Ophelia Keal. aspiring actress. socialite. 26. het. fc: tilly keeper
Mark Lansing. news anchor. film agent (hollywood verse only) 31. het. fc: chace crawford
Gloria Mancini. assistant exec. lipstick gossip. 30. het. fc: dakota johnson close friend of Natalie Hill
Cassandra Porter. boutique fresh cosmetics. influencer. yt beauty guru. 36. bi. fc: zazie beetz
Maxwell Rainier. town council. Rainier Farm. 54. bi. fc: michael sheen. father of Marley Jane Rainier Cypress Falls Resident @xwildheart
Miranda Royce. fashion designer. 29. bi. fc: nicola peltz daughter of Holland Frost - @godccmplex
Marigold Sinclaire. failed starlet. waitress. 34. bicurious. fc: amanda seyfried - american money plot @xwildheart
Brooke Stevens. kroq radio station. 24. bi. fc: joey king Cypress Falls Resident
Brett Sutton. radio dj. true crime podcaster. 31. bi. fc: jack quaid
Maya Tran. production assistant. cosmic vault. 35-40. bi. fc: maggie q
Jade Winthrope. forensic tech. 30. het. fc: shailene woodley
Florence Anton Wynter. novelist. freelance web writer. 56. bi. fc: michelle gomez
Request Muses
Joe Goldberg. bookstore manager. 31. het. fc: penn badgley - canon divergent in areas
Camilla Luna. oceanographer. ocean ways institute. 28. fc: lindsey morgan fiancée of Lance Wynter in twin au. (all interactions take place prior to her accidental drowning )
Hub & Connection muses are for established importance to Landon in his particular verses and/or have established things with other writers. Request muses are low activity but would love to see interaction. Only one is a canon but I write it my way and diverge. The other is deceased but still available for prior plots involving Lance.
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wyntertales · 1 year ago
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Lavinia G. Cortez. 28-32. horror television hostess. actress. fc: sofia carson connection: friend/colleague of Landon B. Wynter :: film universe
Esmeralda C. Domingo. 30-34. diamond casino manager. fc: shay mitchell connection: friend/default love interest of Landon B. Wynter :: most universes importance: original canon connection of Landon
Emeline P. Entwistle. 30-34. actress. fc: blake lively connection: canon ex girlfriend of Landon B. Wynter :: all universes importance: original canon backstory connection of Landon
Tobias S. Fairchild. 37. producer for majestic studios. fc: ed speelers connection: rival/colleague of Landon B. Wynter :: film universe
Harold E. Graves. 41-45. psychiatrist. fc: hugh dancy connection: therapist of Landon B. Wynter :: film universe; therapist of Lance T. Wynter :: twin universe importance: muse 1st created in 2015 & adapted/returned for new use
Natalie Hill. 31-35. tabloid reporter. lipstick gossip magazine. fc: zoe kravitz connection: frenemy. colleague. at Crimson Media
Susan Horowitz. 31. ruby casino. socialite. fc: carlson young connection: former high school & college friend-enemy :: main + various aus depending on plot importance: original canon backstory connection of Landon
Jackson N. Hunter. 38. detective. fc: andrew garfield connection: American Money universe. available for interaction outside this depending on plot
Ophelia Keal. 26-29. actress. fc: tilly keeper connection: colleague/costar at Cosmic Vault Productions :: film universe
Mark J. Lansing. 30-34. news anchor. film agent. fc: chace crawford connection: canon best friend of Landon B. Wynter :: most universes importance: original canon backstory connection of Landon
Camilla Luna. 31. oceanographer. fc: lindsey morgan connection: deceased fiancée of Lance Wynter :: twin universe importance: original canon backstory connection to Lance / available only in plots pre-death / not available for shipping
Marigold D. Sinclaire. 32. failed actress. waitress. fc: amanda seyfried connection: American Money universe. selective for interaction outside this depending on plot
Brett R. Sutton. 30-34. radio dj. true crime podcaster. fc: jack quaid connection: canon best friend of Landon B. Wynter ::  most universes
Michelle O. Woodward. art director. fc: jessica chastain connection: default fiancée of Lance Wynter  :: twin universe importance: not available for shipping
Florence L. Anton-Wynter. 52-55. mystery novelist. fc: michelle gomez connection: mother of Landon B. Wynter :: all verses/currently only around in beast + film boi verses & twin universe
Aiden Lucas Wynter. 22. college student. photographer. fc: felix mallard connection: son of Eloise Gray & Landon Wynter :: Eldon ship universe
Benjamin James Wynter. 21. college student. street artist. fc: christopher briney connection: son of Eloise Gray & Landon Wynter :: Eldon ship universe
exclusive to Landon + Eloise ( ELDON ) ship universe for @itsagraywcrld
TBD: muses not currently involved but will appear plots permitted + by timeline
Veronica Allen. 33. model. fc: teyonah parris connection: ex of Landon B. Wynter :: film universe
Claudia Chen. 33-37. actress. fc: gemma chan connection: nyu friend + original documentary crew member of Landon B. Wynter
Gloria Mancini. 32. media editor. lipstick gossip. fc: dakota johnson connection: friend + colleague of Natalie Hill :: all verses
Maya Tran. 35. assistant + executive of productions. fc: maggie q connection: assistant of Landon B. Wynter :: film universe
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intonightcity · 2 years ago
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total: 61 | female: 32 | male: 27 | tbd: 2 | private: 4 ( list under the cut )
Stephanie Acker. 24. homosexual not yet out. mikey madison fc. Make Up Specialist. Cosmetology assistant. Affiliate of Boutique Fresh Products. best friend of Angelica Ramirez ( @itsagraywcrld )
Veronica Allen. 33. bisexual. teyonah parris fc. Model. Glam Shell Modelling Agency. ex of Landon Wynter in Hollywood verse.
Veer Alvi. 31. bisexual. dev patel fc. Nightly News Network CEO. Media Millionaire.
Theo Anton. 50. heterosexual. andrew lincoln fc. Grace's Auction Authority President. Authenticator. uncle of Landon Wynter
Daniel Baker. 32. homosexual. david anders fc. Adult Star For Starduxxxe Studios: face of horror themed adult fare
Dawn Black. 29. homosexual. kristen stewart fc. Former Model. Adult Star for Starduxxxe Studios: where stylized adult entertainment brings more bang for the buck. Ex of Esmeralda Domingo.
Kurt Burrows. 33. bisexual. andrew west fc. Historian & Genealogist for NCHS (Night City Historical Society). half brother of Landon Wynter unknown at this time
Claudia Chen. 32. heterosexual. gemma chan fc. Actress. NYU Film friend of Landon Wynter in Hollywood verse.
Lavinia Cortez. 27. bisexual. sofia carson fc. Horror Host. Producer for Toxic Talk on the Frightful Follies Network.
Duncan 'The Scots Terror' Cloud. 45. tom hardy fc. Underground Fighter. Warrior Octagon.
Lucian Craven. 34. heterosexual. abel tesfaye fc. Owner of Diamond Casino. Severin Founder.
Lee Alonto Danger. 32. bisexual. manny jacinto fc. Adult Star for Starduxxxe Studios: the male face of the company
Esmeralda Domingo. 33. bisexual. shay mitchell fc. Executive & Acolyte. Diamond Casino. Severin. girlfriend of Landon Wynter (only in a default verse where he or she has no ship present).
Emeline Entwistle. 31. heterosexual. blake lively fc. Actress. canon ex of Landon Wynter
Tobias Fairchild. 38. bisexual. ed speleers fc. Producer. Head of Majestic Studios. Rival of Landon Wynter & Cosmic Vault Productions.
Holland Frost. 46. bisexual w/female pref. sarah paulson fc. Doctor of Technical Sciences & Gene Theory. Frost Synthetics. Outer District.
Jaime Garza. 35. bisexual. peter gadiot. Bar Owner. Neptune's Folly. Formerly Associated with Alejandro Silva's organization. selective muse
Munro Gordon. 38. bisexual. matt smith fc. Defense Attorney. Night City DA candidate. private muse ( @txnnesseehoney )
Natalie Hill. 31. bisexual. zoe kravitz fc. Tabloid Queen. Media brand Lipstick Gossip: where sex sells, lies are truth & celebrities get trashed. Former best friend of Jade Winthrope.
Susan Horowitz. 31. heterosexual. carlson young fc. Golden Girl of wealth. Owner of Ruby Casino. Rival to Lucian Craven. Obsessed w/ Landon Wynter since high school.
Jackson Hunter. 37. heterosexual. andrew garfield fc. Night City PD. Dabbler in Cat's Eye deals. PD partner of Dal Kang.
Charlene Jones. 44. bisexual. zoe saldana fc. Former Adult Star. Current Executive Producer at Starduxxxe Studios.
Dal Kang. 40. bicurious. gong yoo fc. Night City PD. Head of Corruption Crackdown Unit. PD partner of Jackson Hunter.
Alara Kaya. 28. bisexual. hande ercel fc. Dancer. The Pink Room: Erotic Dance Club. private muse ( @txnnesseehoney )
Ophelia Keal. 26. heterosexual. tilly keeper fc. Aspiring Actress. Socialite. friend of Frankie Hughes ( @stvrlyte )
Mark Lansing. 31. heterosexual. chace crawford fc. News Anchor for Nightly News Network. Film Agent (Hollwood verse only).
Camilla Luna. 28. lindsey morgan fc. Oceanographer. Ocean Ways Institute. fiancee of Lance Wynter in twin au. request muse ( all interactions take place prior to her accidental drowning )
Crystal Maddox. 25. bicurious. grace van patten fc. Venus Escort. Cousin of Jade Winthrope.
Gloria Mancini. 30. heterosexual. dakota johnson fc. Media Guru. Assistant Executive for Lipstick Gossip.
Cristobal Mardones. 48. heterosexual. pedro pascal fc. Gold & Gloss Loan CEO. selective muse
Natalya 'Talya' Mardones. 52. bisexual. salma hayek fc. Fashion Consultant & Design. Wife of Cristobal Mardones
Trent Miller. 43. heterosexual. anthony mackie fc. Glam Shell Modelling Agency CEO.
Talia Morgan. 40. bisexual. michelle rodriquez fc. Underground Fighter. Warrior Octagon.
Nadine Moore. 42. bisexual. freema agyeman fc. Doctor of Pathology. Dawn's Light Hospital.
Tabitha Nunes. 27. daniela nieves fc. Gold & Gloss Loan. Former Friend & Rival of Angelica Ramirez ( @itsagraywcrld )
Bijou Otieno. 36. lupita nyong'o fc. bisexual. Cat's Eye Black Market Madame. Voodoo Matron.
Karla Patterson. 52. bisexual. hallee berry fc. Madame of Venus. Sophisticated Escort Services. on again/off again with Ethan Wynter.
Selene Patterson. 27. heterosexual. tati gabrielle fc. NCHS (Night City Historical Society) Historian. best friend of Camilla Luna.
Miguel Perez. 26. bisexual. aron piper fc. Muertos Gang Leader. Enemy of Angelica Ramirez ( @itsagraywcrld )
Cassandra Porter. 36. bisexual. zazie beetz fc. Boutique Fresh Cosmetics. Youtube Beauty Guru. Infleuncer.
Angelo 'Bonecrusher' Reyes. 50. dave bautista fc. Warrior Octagon. Undefeated Underground Fighter.
Miranda Royce. 29. bisexual. nicola peltz fc. Fashion Designer. Glam Shell. Daughter of Holland Frost.
Elyse Saetan. 32. bisexual. prang kannarun fc. Owner of Fusion Implosion & Chef.
Yuri Sage. 25. bicurious. jennie kim fc. Escort for Venus.
Marigold Sinclaire. 34. bicurious. amanda seyfried fc. Failed Starlet. Telemarketer.
Alejandro Silva. 40. bicurious. diego luna fc. Owner of The Coast Car Dealership. Car Meet Street Racing Promoter. family friend of the Mendoza's ( @ixonmaiden @deathlycombinations )
Giselle Steele. 30. bisexual. ana de armas fc. Model. Glam Shell Modelling Agency. wife of Alejandro Silva (verse&plot dependant)
Calvin Sterling. 42. heterosexual. ben mckenzie fc. Cat's Eye Black Market. Bijou Otieno's Hired Gun.
Feng Tao. 59. homosexual. tony leung fc. Owner of The Pink Room: Erotic Dance Club. Head of the Viper Syndicate.
Yue Tao. 34. bisexual. meng'er zhang fc. Manager of The Pink Room: Erotic Dance Club. Daughter of Feng Tao.
Derek Thorton. 33. heterosexual. dylan o'brien fc. Cat's Eye Black Market. Illicit Trades In Protection & Killer services. private muse ( @txnnesseehoney )
Maya Tran. 40. bisexual. maggie q fc. Cosmic Vault Productions Affiliate. Celebrity assistant & publicist. Assistant to Landon Wynter in Hollywood verse.
Archibald Tumblety. 54. bisexual. daniel craig fc. Producer. Starduxxxe Studios Owner.
Vivienne Wilcox Violet. 26. heterosexual. zaria simone fc. Adult Star for Starduxxxe Studios: female face of the company.
Jade Winthrope. 30. heterosexual. shailene woodley fc. Night City PD Forensic Analyst.
Marius Wright. 48. heterosexual. omari hardwick fc. Former Underground Fighter. Owner of Warrior Octagon.
Aiden Wynter. 22. heterosexual. felix mallard fc. Photography Major. Son of Landon Wynter & Eloise Gray. exclusive muse ( @itsagraywcrld )
Benjamin Wynter. 21. homosexual. christopher briny fc. Street Artist. Son of Landon Wynter & Eloise Gray. exclusive muse ( @itsagraywcrld )
Ethan Wynter. 54. heterosexual. keanu reeves fc. Hitman. Business Partner of The Pink Room: Erotic Dance Club. Adopted brother of Julian Wynter. Uncle of Landon Wynter.
Florence Anton Wynter. 56. bisexual. michelle gomez fc. Author. Freelance Web Writer. Mother of Landon Wynter.
Julian Wynter. 58. heterosexual. greg kinnear fc. Executive Producer. Majestic Studios. Father of Landon Wynter.
exclusive muses ::: created solely for extended family or connections in specific ship verses private muses ::: reserved for plots, connections, ships with a specific mun only selective muses ::: highly selective in who they will interact against face claims ::: I do not adhere to banned lists for starter calls posted on this blog. So pls specify to avoid using a muse with a face that is on your banned as I will not use alts. DNI ::: Young child muses. Personal blogs. Non mutuals.
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littletroubledgrrrl · 1 year ago
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Most Beloved WWE Wrestler Tournament
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lcv0n-moved · 5 months ago
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sofia cortez || 35 || heterosexual || the crime princess || sofia is a young woman who came from a humble background where she worked to make a life for herself while dreaming of a better future where she could make it big in the world. life was relatively quiet for the first twenty or so years until she began working at a nightclub shortly after turning twenty one. it was during her time working as a bartender that she met cillian price, a handsome and successful businessman whom sofia quickly fell for. their relationship soon took off and sofia was introduced to a life of luxury and crime that she couldn't get enough of.
life was good with her and cillian for several years until she was lured in by mykel stark, another businessman whose mysterious charm and dark demeanor made sofia want more that she had with cillian. it was his involvement in crime that she found fascinating enough to assist him in the downfall of cillian and the young hacker known only as x. while they didn't fully succeed their goal, sofia and mykel did enough damage to weaken the man and the once humble sofia is ready to show the world that she's more than a pretty face.
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supermanandloisverse · 2 years ago
Every member of the Superman and Lois cast has a lucky charm, check out what they are!
#SupermanAndLois #CW #LollipopTheater
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boroughshq · 7 months ago
Due to character drops/swaps, the following faceclaims and wanted connections are now reopened:
Cierra Ramirez
Laura Harrier
Sofia Carson
Minka Kelly
PJ Cortez’s Childhood Best Friend
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divacrave · 9 months ago
Florida Championship Wrestling TV 2012
January 1 - AJ vs. Aksana vs. Audrey Marie
January 8 - Aksana vs. Cameron Lynn
January 15 - Caylee Turner vs. Audrey Marie
January 22 - Raquel Diaz vs. Audrey Marie
February 5 - Audrey Marie & Kaitlyn vs. Sofia Cortez & Raquel Diaz
February 12 - Raquel Diaz vs. Audrey Marie
March 4 - Sofia Cortez vs. Audrey Marie vs. Raquel Diaz
March 11 - Audrey Marie vs. Sofia Cortez
March 18 - Audrey Marie & Kaitlyn vs. Paige & Sofia Cortez
April 8 - Rick Victor & Paige vs. Aiden English & Audrey Marie
April 15 - Raquel Diaz vs. Audrey Marie
May 6 - Raquel Diaz vs. Audrey Marie vs. Paige
May 27 - Paige vs. Raquel Diaz
June 10 - Audrey Marie vs. Paige
July 1 - Audrey Marie vs. Paige
July 15 - Audrey Marie vs. Paige
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mapsoffun · 1 year ago
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First off on The Neon Museum tour: that is the real sky in the background, not a backdrop. Also in the first photo are some Fitzgerald Casino coins (more on that in a bit), and Aladdin’s Lamp from the sign of The Aladdin. Fun/creepy-ish fact that I learned at this point: this is where Elvis Presley married Priscilla Presley, so now I have extra interest in Sofia Coppola’s Priscilla biopic coming out later this year.
The H-sign was from the Binion’s Horseshoe Casino, now the Binon’s Gambling Hall and Casino, and it is stunning to walk past. It looks like a chain-link bracelet, which is clearly not an accident.
We also got some really cool old signs from current Fremont casinos: The Golden Nugget and the El Cortez. The 1905 is a reference to when it was founded, but it wasn’t until when trains would stop in the city to cool off when it would start to take off as a gambling town. People would play cards to pass the time while the locomotives literally cooled off, and eventually the powers that be picked up on the potential profitability and legalized gambling. 
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