#sodapop icon
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annesboloser · 5 months ago
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‘brother we ain’t doin’ too good alone’ - pony + sodapop!
nobody asked for this, but i just love them
sorry i’ve been inactive for so long! been catching up work from the past month from the hurricane ;)
requests will be open soon!! i’ll be working through them as soon as i can
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grease-got-a-hold · 1 year ago
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my the outsiders printing hcs and a little blurb about all of them 😌
ponyboy: pretentious af, absolutely tiny printing, mocks everyone else’s (except curlys), writes cringey love letters to curly in the most elaborate cursive ever even though he can’t read it, soda also can’t read it
soda: abhorrent printing, can barely read his own writing (or any writing), no one else can read it either, dyslexic af, failed kindergarten
darry: thinks the uppercase makes his printing look grown up, gets mocked by his brothers who say he doesn’t know lowercase, writes his whole name every. single. time.
steve: thinks the way he writes his ‘e’ is special, constantly asked by soda why there is a three in his writing (it’s the e), soda can barely read it
two-bit: doesn’t really care about his printing, can be really messy but only when he’s writing fast, letters really close together, soda can barely read it
johnny: somewhat neat printing, but super flat, fast writer, loves writing with pens and hates pencils, soda struggles to read it due to the flatness
dally: cannot read anything except for names of people he knows and words that are familiar to him, can write his own name and barely anything else, fucking stupid, pony tried to teach him how to read and nearly got murdered
curly: only writes in lowercase cause he hates tim and wanted to be different from him (he writes in all uppercase) hates writing cause his hands cramp, pony loves his printing
tim: hates how similar his printing is to darry’s so he changes it up sometimes, very squished letters (used to be different [less squished] but it was too similar to darry’s)
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youdigokay · 7 months ago
SE Hinton: Names her characters Ponyboy, Sodapop, Two Bit, M&M, Rusty-James…
Also SE Hinton: Names two of her characters Johnny and two Steve in separate books
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wassupmygays · 3 months ago
"Throwing it back to hopping the bus to Herald Square."
photos by Andy Henderson, via the Outsiders Facebook
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brat-pack-it-up-boys · 2 months ago
Denny Lachance walked so that sodapop Curtis could run
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catvyri · 2 months ago
cassie ainsworth soda pop wheeler manic pixie dream girl spiritual unicorn angel core
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I fear we moved on from JPC!Soda too quickly
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that-one-english-nerd · 10 months ago
i would like to wish a happy pride month to sodapop curtis…….☺️
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deflated-leaf · 1 year ago
thinking abt darry pulling a muscle while stripping but playing it off as a roofing accident..
sodapop being like,, "fym too many bundles of roofing u haven't been to work in three days????"
"u doing pull ups on the trim or smth..??."
"soda, that's not what a trim is."
"yeah and anyway i slipped on the ladder."
"and climbing a ladder is why your abs hurt."
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thetireonstageright · 3 months ago
jason schmidt has one opp and it’s my baby cousin when she saw the picture of us in my camera roll
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sparklestrawberry · 5 months ago
Can you make Sodapop Curtis x Dallas Winston from The Outsiders rentry graphics?
Sodapop Curtis + Dallas Winston
header/banner + pfps
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free to use, credit would be appreciated.
My third request done, I hope you like it and I hope I did it right! I haven't watched this movie so I had to do a lot of research but its defo on my watchlist <3 thank you for the very kind request. (Please message me for better quality)
I'm taking requests/comissions so please comment or message me on what I should do next (new requests will take time since I have recieved a few- thank you!)
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annesboloser · 5 months ago
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‘soda you’re this family’s heart and soul’ - jason schmidt as sodapop curtis
low quality images of a high quality man
PLEASE send requests of any characters you want to see icons for!!
please like if you use!
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frantic-babbling · 6 months ago
I fear I've been building up a bunch of yapping posts about my insanely deranged thoughts and they're going to boil over
the real question is are they going to come out this weekend, or can I hold off until one more midterm next week....
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curtisfamilykitchentable · 2 months ago
Hiii same anon. So I just got in. How do I use it? lol. Like, can I add multiple characters at the same time or is it something you need to unlock? Thank you:3
Starting a Scenario
Choose your fandom: You can pick any version of The Outsiders from the list if you are starting one for that fandom, but you can create your own fandom for anything you see fit.
Starting Characters: After choosing your fandom, you can edit your characters before starting your scenario. These characters will be the ones you will roll to unlock when you hit milestones. I’d recommend deleting any characters you will not want and adding ones you will want here. Delete by tapping Edit, then select the characters you want to delete and remove them. This is also a good time to add characters not already in the set and change existing characters’ descriptions, ,though you will be able to edit characters at any time once you hit level 25 after starting your scenario. You can do so by tapping Edit again and clicking the pencil icon next to the character you wish to change. You then have options to edit their name, username, gender, follower count, twitter bio, and description.
This is the template I use for all the descriptions of my characters:
Identity: Setting: Appearance: Personality: Speech: Posts about:
Example: Identity: Darrel ‘Darry’ Curtis is a Greaser. Sort of the leader of the Curtis gang. He is the eldest Curtis sibling, and has two brothers named Sodapop and Ponyboy. Works roofing houses and a mystery second job to support his brothers.
Setting: Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA.
Appearance: Light-brown, short hair; piercing, cold, blue-green eyes; serious expression; looks older than he is due to stress; muscular.
Personality: Stern and mature, Darry takes on a fatherly role. He wants his brothers and friends to stay safe, but that proves to be a hard task. Has a passion for football, but rarely gets to play anymore. He doesn’t let many people tease him, but he allows it from a select few, and might even show some of his humor on occasion. Otherwise very cool and cold. Constantly on the verge of a nervous breakdown.
Speech: 1960s American slang; cooler, rumble, fuzz, etc. Uses correct punctuation and a reasonable amount of emojis. Posts about: His roofing job; Vague tweets about his mysterious second job; asking where people are; questioning people’s safety; his brothers.
Let me know if you want all the descriptions I made! I have them for basically every character mentioned in the book, movie, and musical
Unlocking First Character: This is the first character you can unlock in your set- don’t worry, the first few characters unlock fast- and thus is the first character you will be building a relationship with as your character. This is also the only one you can manually choose until you reach level 25.
Your character: You now can make your character! This can be an OC or an existing character (I believe, I’ve only tried with OCs but I’m starting a new scenario now to check if you can do existing characters). PROTIP: You currently can’t change your username after choosing it! Pick something you won’t get tired of seeing. You will still be able to change your profile pic, bio, and name at any time:
There are templates in the Discord server for your bio. Your bio will act as your character’s description and you can edit it as the story goes on to help bots remember plot points. But starting out, what you put in the bio will affect how you start the game’s scenario and what your goal becomes.
If you want your character to be unknown, say something along the lines of being new to the area. Put something about your aspirations to alter how the game chooses your scenario. All games start out with “Become famous” as the goal, but you can immediately change that when the scenario begins.
Some suggestions of goals instead of “Become famous”:
Bridge the divide between greasers and socs
Become a prevalent leader among greasers
Become the best __ in town
You can change the goal at any time, but you bio will affect the skills you will be developing.
Recommended way to re-format your bio after you’ve started your scenario:
Name: (This will be your full name if you wanna add a middle name) Nickname: (You can add as many as you want) Age: (You can edit this whenever you want to age up) Sexuality: (Best way for people and news bots to acknowledge your character’s preference) About Me: (Any characteristics about your character that you’d want to be relevant, such as illnesses, existing friendships with other characters, relationships, family, personal history, etc.)
Tips for when the scenario starts:
It’s a learning curve, don’t worry. It took a second for me to get the hang of it.
You only get a select amount of energy for the day before you cannot make anymore moves until midnight when it reloads. To make those actions last a bit longer, I’d suggest waiting after each move for the orange part of the energy bar to reload back to yellow. It makes it last longer than multiple actions right after the other.
Completing milestones, unlocking new characters, and adding an activity to your schedule does not use energy. However, starting an activity, tweeting, replying to tweets, and starting an event do use energy.
If you are adding an activity to your schedule and only want specific people there, sometimes it doesn’t add everyone even when you select them and they accept. You can fix this by putting “It will only be me and (character) and (character)” in the activity description before creating it.
Refer to the guides and tips section of the discord server if you have any questions, or just shoot me another ask. I’d be happy to help!
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listofwhyyouloveher · 7 months ago
Alright hear me out with both ears. Gang with a friend who's a girl that's always been the duff, she's seen as ugly by others and them. So basically gang with a ugly girl friend/platonic/
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Summary: Outsiders with a friend who's considered a duff
Warnings: Beauty standards (blargh)
Author's Note: IK UR LYING CUZ ALL OUTSIDERS STANS ARE PRETTY FYM. also beauty is sooo subjective that it might as well be studied in a phsychology class, you guys all are pretty idgaf
PONYBOY would never consider you as ugly, but he understands that you might have trouble with your looks. He's always trying to be reassuring and kind, he'll make sure no ugly gossip comes around to you and tries to stop it if he can. He think's of you as a friend only because he's too young to really be thinking about serious dating, never take that personally. He likes to be the person who says 'beauty is on the inside', plus he genuinely believes it because he sees how the greasers are considered the 'duffs' of society.
JOHNNY generally does not give 2 shits about your looks. In his society he's also considered 'a duff' and he takes it with pride. He's glad he's able to have a title that makes him stand out like his ultimate icon, Dally. You've relied a lot on personality to get you places, which Johnny finds to be amazing, he thinks you're so pure and kind that he's genuinely kind of jealous of your attitude towards life. He thinks that you don't deserve any of the cards you've been played, that you're destined for more than Tulsa.
SODAPOP has always been centered around looks. He's gotten away with so much because he's attractive and he knows it. He knows that girls like and he knows what he needs to do and who he needs to hang out with in order to maintain that. However, he finds your likeness and perception of everything to be really immaculate. He'll often skip work just to sit by you and watch the people go by. Sodapop will never talk about looks around you, he doesn't know if it's a touchy subject or not but he wants to refrain from thinking shallowly.
STEVE has always been a little insecure, whether it be his teeth, his nose, or how big his biceps are. He's always seceretly in a competition with Soda, comparing himself to him all the time. He doesn't hang out with you because he "relates" to you, but because he thinks that's he's rather adept at seeing past the thin layer of skin. He's always been rather good at reading people, your entire being screamed "beautiful" whether or not some fake standard says it or not.
TWO BIT is also somewhat insecure, but it's because of his constant comparison to the soc life versus his. He knows his clothes aren't as stylish and his hair is damaged from the grease and he frowns when he's alone looking at the mirror, but he thrives on the niche compliments you two give each other, "you're personality is amazing,", "You're an amazing caretaker, im sure your sister is so happy," etc. To him those are the things that really count.
DARRY pretends like he knows where his life is going, he pretends he likes it too, but secretly he cannot wait for Pony and Soda to grow up and take care of themselves so he can relaxed, and maybe even live like a soc. He knows he's attractive, he gets compliments all the time, but he's used to them and they don't mean anything. He likes to spend time with you because he gets a glimpse into the life of someone who actually has their hands on the wheel, someone who knows what to do next. He comes to you a lot when he's stressed, he's never even thought about how you look, that doesn't matter to him.
DALLAS had always been about looks. He had his first girlfriend when he was 10, she was 13 and the prettiest girl on the block. You? The hours spent in front of the mirror wondering whether it was worth it or not could delegate where you fell in the social pyramid. Dallas saw that, but for some reason he also saw your whip like smart, your immaculate talent for everything, and your coolness in the face of anything that could oppose you. He learned that no matter what he tried to do, get you to wear make up, doing your hair differently, even truing new clothes, that you always looked and felt the best with your usual self, just happy.
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grease-got-a-hold · 3 months ago
something something sodapop who feels no need to label his sexuality. sodapop who will date who he wants. sodapop who will laugh when someone assumes he’s straight, but react the same way if someone assumes he’s gay. sodapop who feels this way unapologetically in the 1960s. sodapop who’s views on sexuality were so ahead of his time. something something sodapop is the queer icon we never knew we needed.
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