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rune-echos · 7 months ago
Song - I Hate People
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I Hate People, it’s plain to see. I Hate People, just let me be. I Hate People, the world’s insane, with every headline making me strain, yeah!
I Hate People, can't take no more. I Hate People, they're such a bore. I Hate People, no end in sight, with every new tweet that ignites a fight.
Now some just rant and some just rave, but I am staying clear. Not with a crowd or even aloud, but hiding out right here.
I Hate People, they're everywhere! I Hate People, but do they care? I Hate People, it’s all too much, with every blunder, fight, and such!
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defrancescoart1 · 5 years ago
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“Imaginery” by Denis Defrancesco - 32k pieces of puzzle with 80k white dots hand painted on every single little piece. Sizable artwork of 195x548x5,6 cm is a great symbolism of current worldwide situation. In such a rare moments of these days we are pretty much like this piece of art. Doesn’t matter if you’re black or white. www.defrancescoart.com #imaginary #puzzle #determination #artpiece #aluminium #narrativeart #blackandwhite #blackorwhite #denisdefrancesco #defrancescoart #uniqueart #contemporarypainting #contemporaryart #wallart #wallpainting #minimalism #blackandwhiteart #corona #societyproblems #wearethesame #alltogether
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panda1987n · 5 years ago
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Vanity is so secure in the heart of man that everyone wants to be admired - even I who write this, and you who read this! MORAL OF THE STORY: The fly on the water buffalo's back thinks he is taller than the water buffalo.        #foodforlife #foodforthought💭 #wisesayings #wisdomquote #tagalogquotes #blaisepascal #quotes #fitnessgoal #fitnessmotivation #fitnesslivestyle #vanity #ego #priority #healthylifestylecoach #fairytale #healthymindbodysoul #truth #societyproblems #successminded #family #familyfirst (at Somewhere on the Earth) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9Nc7A0hxpV/?igshid=hl5n3h5a0d0u
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ashalen-infinity · 6 years ago
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Maybe someday / society / will start accepting the flaws within us #society #societyproblems #poems #poetry #deep #deeppoems #poetryoninstagram #poemsoninstagram #poetrylovers #poetrycommunity #conformity #dailypoetry #dailypoetryfix #unique #poetrycommunity #wordporn #poetryporn #poet #poetsoninstagram #problemswithsociety #deeppoetry #rhyme #rhythm #flaws #human https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs_EDpyh0AB/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=z53l8d68w3gb
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cherryintheblossom · 5 years ago
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Toxic Masculinity is no joke. Before there was a name to it, I just would call them “mean men” or an “asshole” which I still do, but now we have actual term that really describes what it’s actual motive is and that’s to put fear in people especially women, children, and anyone who isn’t a cis white male. This is only one story of many I could tell where not just myself felt scared, but other people in the vicinity. I left before this situation was de-escalated because I was scared. When you grow up in a world where you yourself have been in bad situations with men/boys, it’s instinctual to use “flight” if you can get out. I can assure you, more than once I’ve had to use “fight” and those are the really really scary situations. No person should have to live in fear or be prepared to fight off someone. If we have to constantly be on edge, there’s something wrong with society and I’m glad people are speaking out because I would love to walk around at night in a downtown area alone without fear, I would love to travel alone around the world without fear, I would like to simply get my blood drawn without fear, I would like to go to work without having to ever be prepared for an Active Shooter. The world needs to change and it starts with stopping Toxic Masculinity. . . . . #timetochange #worldproblems #toxicmasculinity #humanrights #womensrights #societyproblems #toxic #timesup #fixit #nomore #metoo #safety #dontbeadick #bekind https://www.instagram.com/p/B0jNIB1lVtK/?igshid=188tzlkxy9g4n
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asterismos-tou-chaous · 8 years ago
Θέματα αγάπης
Βασικά, ειναι πολυ τραγικό το γεγονός οτι οι άνθρωποι ξέχασαν να αγαπούν. Δεν υπάρχει αγάπη πουθενά. Το σε αγαπάω κατάντησε mainstream και ξενερωτο. Περιμένω ακομα να δω σχέσεις που θα κρατήσουν. Σχέσεις που θα ανθίσουν μέσα σε καρδιές έτοιμες να την αντέξουν. Ψυχές ψάχνουν απεγνωσμένα να αγαπήσουν και μα αγαπηθούν χωρίς να ξέρουν τι ψάχνουν. Δεν θυμάμαι κανεις να μας έμαθε τι είναι αγάπη. Μας έχουν δώσει το δικαίωμα την ελευθερίας. Μας προσδιόρισαν την ελευθερία. Και δεν ξέρουν να μας προσδιορίσουν την αγάπη. Μέσα στα δικαιώματα μας ειναι και το δικαίωμα στην αγάπη. Μάλιστα. Έχουμε δικαίωμα στην αγάπη, χωρίς να ξέρουμε τι ειναι αγάπη και αν υπάρχει τελικά.
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lixuaan-blog · 8 years ago
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relizabeth · 8 years ago
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And this is only part of the problem with America #legalizeweed #societyproblems #highamerica
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bittersweetlg · 5 years ago
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*TRIGGER WARNING: Sensitive Content*
Did you say no? Did you fight them off? Did you scream?
These above statements are belittling to the survivor. In most cases they are in an almost accusatory tone, not creating a safe environment for the survivor to feel heard or respected.
The body and mind go into a freeze frame & shutdown as a shock to what is happening. Trying to protect from further harm.
#absenceofnoisnotconsent #protectivemode #youarestrong
What were you wearing? Make sure to cover yourself up next time.
What a survivor is wearing or not wearing should NEVER be called into question of why they were assaulted/abused. There is no ground for that comment.
Survivors should not be shunned or made to feel as if it was their fault.
I was wearing zip up footy pajamas so DO NOT tell me it’s on the survivors shoulders because of what they had been wearing.
If you believe that it’s the survivors fault because of clothing or no clothing then go straight to hell because you are the toxicity that revictimizing all survivors.
#notyourfault #nudityisotconsent #removetoxicity
You guys together right? Haven’t you done things together before? Aren’t you a bit ‘experienced’ anyway?
Relationship status does not mean it’s ok to just engage in secual activity without the partners consent.
Consent can also be rescinded at ANY point in time during sex. Even if things began eagerly and agreed upon, you have the right to end it at any given moment.
Sexual past has ZERO merit on what the survivor has been through. Bringing up such a history to justify the assault/abuse is as despicable as the actions taken by the perpetrator.
#relationshipisnotconsent #nomerit #dontbelittle #dontassume
These “victims” are not acting how true victims should act.
First of all, YOU HAVE NO RIGHT to tell a survivor how to deal with their trauma.
Statistically many survivors go down a dark road, especially when they are not believed or made to feel at fault for what happened. Which leads to a shutdown to the world and the possibility of help seeming bleak. The loss of control is severe, survivors will do what they believe inorder to reclaim control of their lives after as assault/abuse/violence.
Some survivors may be able to speak about the incident(s) as calmly as if they were discussing the weather. Others may break into a flurry of emotions every time it is discussed.
Telling a survivor how to process and behave after an assault is another form of stripping their control away, something they are truly trying to reclaim.
#reclaimcontrol #reclaimlife #survivorstrong #strength #youmatter #survivorsrights
In this country, courts and society are eagerly awaiting to victim shame/blame. They are the ones to be put on trial. Believed to be degenerates and falsifiers.
Yet their perpetrators are protected. They remain unscathed. Their image and life are to be taken into account and how their lives shouldn’t be ruined because of such an incident(s).
You know whose life is forever changed? The survivor! And when they are brave enough to face their attacker, it is they who are put through the wringer. They have to relive the event over and over to get their story heard.
So easy to dismiss the survivor to protect the perpetrator. WHAT”S WRONG WITH YOU?!
#societyproblem #placeaccountability #endvictimshaming #victimsrights #changethepattern
Sexual assault/abuse/violence DOES NOT discriminate. It happens to all races/ethnicities, gender identities, ages and social class.
Discrediting a survivor based on ANY of these above areas is a big part of society’s problem. Society stigma is a contributing factor to why cases are pushed away, not heard or not even given the appropriate attention. ALL cases need the respect they deserve, regardless of the area the survivor falls into.
Anyone in lie can be a victim (I hate that word, we are SURVIVORS!)
#nondiscriminatory #happenstoanyone #justlisten #dontjudge #bethere
Survivors have always had a voice. But now we have the platforms to be heard. Stand strong.
#iseeyou #ihearyou #useyourvoice #shoutitout #letthemhearyou #standstrong
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sexyfoodds-blog · 8 years ago
I was with a group of friends at a lake today. There was a group of people who was blasting some music we all understood. My friend went over to talk to them and converse with them while the rest of the group chilled at our spot. When we wanted to leave I went over to the group to let my friend know we were about to leave soon. As I approached getting ready to say hi and introduce myself. I didn’t even get a breathe of air and then she said “are you two together?” Oh here I am thinking *oh hi nice to meet you too, I missed your name*. I look at her and said “excuse me? What together as in what? I am here aren’t I alone standing single? Are you blind? Bitch”.
On the way home the friend who went over to talked to the people kept repeating how cool he thought they were. I said “I understand you think they are cool, I have not met them”. He said "oh really? They're from isreal." Me: "oh no way, video or it didn't happen".
Guess what happened to this friend?
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I know it's hard to quit habits of trying to do everything perfectly. We all stand up to some standards. But we shall not forget that the real reason we are on Earth is to enjoy life, enjoy ourselves, and we can't do that dug in books and taxes and fees and responsibilities. We take them to another level where they become toxic to ourselves and even our health. Stress, staying up at night cause a lot of trouble to our bodies on a long term. Know to prioritise yourself and don't be afraid to say "i care about myself, i respect myself and i won't force my limits until my heart stops beating". People push us to do more, to work at risk, but this pattern of the society is a sick path. Respect yourself as the human being you are and remember that it's fine to not be perfect sometimes. Love yourself. Take some rest. Do it for yourself.🦋 #sleep #rest #takesomerest #lifeadvice #healingquotes #healthylifestyle #health #lifesecrets #lifequotes #lifelessonquotes #loveyourself #takecareofyourself #youfirst #selfcare #selfhelp #selflovequotes #selfcarequotes #selfawareness #quotesaboutlife #quotesaboutself #quotes #quotestoliveby #quotesdaily #stress #pressure #society #societyproblems #worldquotes #handlelife #closeyoureyes https://www.instagram.com/p/B58os4iAb-F/?igshid=1xgypr7o613tk
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hirenpatelbct-blog · 7 years ago
Studio II Movement/Motion
Week Day 3:
Social Movement and Change
“collectively acting with some continuity to promote or resist a change in the society or group of which it is a part”
Movement hmm I'm getting there I have a sort of a feeling of what movement is at this stage but I am not being overconfident at this stage as its the first week and I'm not 100% yet haha. So todays discussion was all about social movement and change, meaning how our thoughts and opinions might be the same or differ from others which cause social movement around society. One of the activities done today was where our instructor asked us to have opinion on NZ politics and then find people that agrees with you to make a group. My opinion was that housing prices in Auckland have become way too expensive so its less affordable for people in the city live here. I had to go look around the room to find a group that agreed with my opinion sadly I couldn't find anyone who had the same opinion as me however there were some guys who had the same type of thinking of how the government is taking too much tax from students just for education so I decided to join their group and build a super group. The our thought process when forming the group wasn't too much really it was just a bunch of guys hating the government stupid ways of trying to get their money haha. Our purpose of the group was to get across that the government has made students life miserable in the fact that they are charging so much for tertiary education so we want change. Our group represented the social movement where we felt that if we students express our opinions out in large force we can make a movement.
Social Community Movement
I learned about the social community movement where I began to know its a collective behavior and its always organized by a group that has one common goal of wanting their opinions to be heard and their needs to be met some groups are unorganized meaning that they are formed fast and don't have time and effort put into the group compared to others. Most groups that organize their group with time and effort are the ones with the strong opinions who get their wants in the end of it all. Social community movement is also a purposeful as well meaning that the movement has been made for a purpose to help others express their opinions and help achieve their goal with full determination.
The group has a good amount of features.
Its aim is to bring or stop a change in society
It is an effort of a group
The life of the group is unknown it can for years, decades and centuries or can get just end tomorrow
It could be a violent group or peaceful
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glitterpizzababygirl-blog · 8 years ago
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We live in the world where we recognize people by what they did, not what they really are. . #society #fuckedup #societyproblems #world #life #makeuplovers #fashionicon #makeup #makeuplover #toofaced #famous #fabulous #instadaily #instafashion #instafabulous #instamakeup #hijab #instahijab #hijabfashion #hijabstyle #love #littlethings #pretty #awesome #bless #like4like #spamlike #selfie #instaselfie #dollface
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ashalen-infinity · 6 years ago
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The only important values / the education system enforces / is that we / are nothing more / than numbers in the system #school #education #educationsystem #problemswithsociety #poetry #poems #poetryoninstagram #poemsoninstagram #poemsaboutlife #poemsaboutschool #society #relatable #darkvibes #societyfeelings #societyproblems #mentalhealth #schooldestroysme #mentalhealthproblems #dailypoetry #dailypoetryfix #wordporn #poetryporn #poetrylovers #poetrycommunity #flawsinthesystem #darkpoetry #deeppoems https://www.instagram.com/p/BuwYOF0hgjo/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=u734ooyk2th0
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slauler-blog · 7 years ago
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#socialmedia #societyproblems #thankyou #believe #makesmelaugh #haha #sorrynotsorry
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myrosierose · 8 years ago
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