#socialites guide to murder
readatrix · 1 year
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*****(5 out of 5 stars.)
I purchased A Socialite's Guide to Murder through Aardvark, a book of the month style service, and had an absolute blast! Evelyn is the daughter of a hotel owner, and the story takes place in the late 50s. She is spoiled and pampered, and carries her little dog (Presley) everywhere. She could be mistaken for a "Dumb Blonde," and in some ways she's naive, but she has hidden depth. She gives me a very Elle Woods/Paris Hilton/Marilyn Monroe vibe -- intelligent, but knows how to play dumb. Easily underestimated, but you really shouldn't. She explicitly emulates Monroe's style in the beginning. A nice, somewhat subtle, thing is when someone says she has no personality other than emulating Marilyn Monroe, and a few scenes later she changes her lipstick color and eventually considers becoming brunette. I think she's finding herself. She wonders how being called Miss Marple could be an insult. As a child, she found her mother's body -- and I bet that'll be explored -- and it left her with anxiety, agoraphobia, and PTSD, which her therapist calls shell shock as a reflection of the time period. She rarely leaves the hotel, and part of her growth is her tentative efforts to go places. I laughed A LOT and loved her love for her dog. I kissed Presley's wet nose. "Do you want to find the real thief, sweet boy? Come on, let's get you in Mommy's bag." "No. No." Mac was on his feet after a few more stretches. "We can't bring the dog." "And why not?" I already had Presley's purse open on the counter, his little tail wagging at the sight of it. "He's a helper!" "A helper?"Mac wiped his face with the palm on his hand, his stubble whispering at the connection. "Evelyn, we're going to break into a crime scene. You can't bring a dog into a crime scene." "I can." I put Presley in his bag, slid it onto my shoulder. "I am. Look, I can even put flashlights in there with him! He'll keep them safe." Mac opened his mouth, closed it again. "Safe from what? Evelyn, what if he barks? Or pees in the middle of the crime scene?" I gasped. "Presley would never. He's a good boy, Mac." Spoiler alert, they take Presley. Also: She has an exchange with a lift operator where she proclaims Presley her favorite. The lift operator seeks clarification, and asks if she means favorite dog. No, her favorite of anything in the whole world. Her love interest, an employee of the hotel with a somewhat shady past, good-naturedly aides and abets her investigations. He can pick locks. She also has a Hollywood star she pretends to date in order to help quell rumors around a confirmed bachelor. I won't go too much into the mystery beyond saying it worked well for me, and there were a lot of suspects. I did pick out the murderer, and I don't actively try to do that, preferring to let the story go where it will. I guess I'm saying it might be easy, but I've also been watching a lot of Columbo. LOL! Anyhow, it's 5 stars for me because I simply had a good time, and want to spend more time in this world. I appreciate that a mystery with a sleuth who owns a pet, and the pet has more than a cameo with a spot on the cover. More dog. Always more dog.
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thebookwormclub · 10 months
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quirkycatsfatstacks · 2 years
Review: The Socialite's Guide to Murder by S.K. Golden
Series: Pinnacle Hotel Mystery #1Author: S.K. GoldenPublisher: Crooked Lane BooksReleased: October 11, 2022Received: Own (Aardvark Books) Book Summary: The year is 1958, and Evelyn Elizabeth Grace Murphy is living her best life. Her father owns the Pinnacle Hotel, and that means Evelyn gets to live in the best room in the place. This is grand, as it means the whole hotel fits inside her comfort…
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greedyhoneyz · 9 months
On Bended Knee
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ೃ࿔*:・pairing: bruce wayne x reader
.ೃ࿔*:・synopsis: upon newly blossomed wings comes the season of spring, freed at last as wedding bells ring.
.ೃ࿔*:・cw: none.
.ೃ࿔*:・authors notes: this is a modern take on bruce. like i imagine him being a major socialite (like jfk jr) in the late 90s/00s (him being so closed off from the media) and his kids (nepo babies) when they are older use social media and show off their parents for people who are curious about what bruce’s been up after his parents murder. ….or it can be hella modern like battinson or something idk 🤷🏾‍♀️
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When the first day of spring bloomed, buds sprouted from beneath ageing trees and flowers sang hymns of spring’s deep soul and blessed the warm air.
April 15th. The early morning sun had peeked over the courtyard, and a pleasant breeze from the north rustled through, cooling the guests and family members as they waited in their seats, across from the walk leading to the pavilion. Flowers and white streamers decorated the bannisters, a ceremonial mixture of whites and champagne pinks.
Sweet strains of classical music fluttered through the air, tuning out the occasional conversation as the groom wadded through feelings of nausea and discomfort. He swayed on the heels of his dress shoes, his arms tightly glued to his back and nipped at his bottom lip. His careful eyes dressed the courtyard, scouring across the row of friends, family and his groomsmen before he squinted at the grand doors latched above.
The groom heaved, shifting anxiously on the heels of his feet, and pulled at the cuffs of his shirt for the fifth time that hour. He bit his lip, eyed the backyard door from afar, and mumbled a few words of prayer, interlocking his fingers together and peering up at the sky.
The bridal chorus, a vivid and light piece, began to play from the orchestra as the grand doors flew open, a wash of petals fluttering out into the air.
One by one, in a synchronised fashion, the bridal procession descended from the mansion steps towards the aisle. Flower girls, dressed in the sweetest whites, showered pink roses across the aisle as the bridesmaids, dressed in blush gowns veiled the accession of the bride with gleeful smiles.
The bride, arm in arm with her father, bared herself from behind the procession and merrily ascended across the aisle. Her gown, a princess-cut bodice encrusted with heavily laced beadwork, layered with a soft skirt flared below her veil, floating along as she waltzed, in her hands a bouquet of Stephanotis’.
She was magnificent, beguiling and alluring. All were words that floated through the depths of the groom’s head as he stood with bated breaths, gazing at her with a heavy heart and glassy eyes.
As they drew closer, the groom slowly stepped down from the pavilion and extended his arm to unravel the chain between father and daughter once the pair came to the end of the aisle. He peered at his bride with pride riddled through his eyes as her father turned and placed a longing kiss on the side of her head. He loosened her arm from around his and raised it. He set her hand in the groom’s and slowly retreated into the audience, watching with dread and contentment as the groom carefully guided her up into the pavilion.
The bridal tune faded, and the pastor stepped up to the microphone, Bible in hand. He smiled at the assembly of family and close friends and began. "Cherished family and honoured guests, I would like to thank all for coming out on this glorious day,"
The sound of his polished voice carried well from the speakers on either side of the pavilion as the pastor opened the Bible before him. "Let us begin by offering thanks to the Lord." The procession bowed their heads and the pastor began his prayer.
The groom’s eyes softened at the sight of the swooning silhouette of his bride. His bride gleamed, in awe at the pure poetry pooled within his eyes and replied with a flustered smile shadowed from beneath her veil, before fluttering her eyes shut.
“Dear Lord…”
Once the prayer had concluded, the pastor led the bride and groom through their vows. Their vows to each other expressed their tenderness and devotion to one another. And when it ended, their rings were exchanged.
Scampering across the aisle, the bride’s nephew dressed in a blue tuxedo waddled up the stairs, a pillow nestled between his tiny fingers and hurriedly handed the groom the rings before scampering off to his mother who waited expectantly at the bottom of the stairs.
With an enamoured smile across his face, the pastor turned to the groom and began. “Do you, Bruce Thomas Wayne take….as your lawfully wedded wife?”
Bruce gaped at the woman in front of him. Though her beauty was sheltered behind her veil and the glaring sunlight, he still caught a glimpse of the bashful smile that lingered on her face. “…I do.”
Twirling the ring between his fingers, Bruce grinned at his bride. He held her smooth hand, scoring his thumb across her skin and gently slid the ring onto her finger till it rested by her knuckles.
The pastor smiled and turned to the bride. “Do you…..take Bruce Thomas Wayne as your lawfully wedded husband?”
(name) giggled, flustered at Bruce’s bright stare and nodded. “I do.”
She took the ring resting in her palm and slid it onto his finger.
"By the power vested upon me, I now declare you, husband and wife." The pastor held up his hands, bringing the crowd to their feet.
"You may now kiss your bride."
Lifting her veil, Bruce gently draped the white fabric behind her head, letting it fall across her back and stared at his wife.
As their eyes met, the world seemed to fade away, the world around them forgotten. She felt his hand tenderly touch her cheek, his fingers tracing a line down her jawline.
She beamed, tilting her head ever so slightly and fluttered her lashes, luring him in with a simple, feathered whisper.
He kissed her, soft and gentle, then with a growing intensity. Their kiss was full of tenderness and passion, a dance of two souls perfect in harmony.
His arm wrapped around her, pulling her close as they found themselves castaway, the world around them ceased to exist.
Their embrace lasted for what felt like an eternity, their lips parting only for brief moments for air. They explored each other's mouths with a gentle urgency, their tongues intertwining in a dance of passion and desire.
And as they finally broke free, they peered into each other's eyes with an inviting warmth. It was a moment that would be forever remembered, a moment of softness, tenderness, passion and pure exquisite love.
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leth-writes · 1 month
Yandere Chrollo
Just a reminder that my requests are open!
Warnings: this blog is 18+. Discussions of violence and gore.
Summary: A library worker is found by the infamous phantom troupe.
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This piece is more experimental, so if you want more, please let me know!
Despite having worked at the library for four years, Barbara still hadn’t quite gotten used to your presence. She tended to forget who you were, trying to kick you out from behind the desk until you flashed your badge at her. And yet, working at the library was still better than the drudgery of working retail, so at the library you remained.
Your favorite section was definitely the non-fiction, because it allowed you to get lost between the stacks, with only exhausted college students and well-meaning seniors occasionally wandering by. Even though you lived in YorkNew, your branch was on the outskirts, and was thus less visited than the main branches deeper within the sprawling city. This left you with quite a lot of free time toward the end of your shift, especially once Barbara went home. Working a closing shift meant you would average only one confused browser coming up to you per shift, allowing you to hunker down in one of the massive beanbags by the window and read away.
The weather was shifting, turning colder, and the nights were getting longer. It was approaching September, and you’d need to start prepping for the first week of school ‘rush’. At least, Barbara was convinced there would be a rush, but it wasn’t likely. Still, it was never too early to set up a couple of after-school activities to give the local kids a way to engage, especially with the recent uptick in crime.
Barbara was sure that the uptick in crime was due to some nefarious presence in the city, and honestly, you partially believed her. A series of brutal murders had rocked the city, yet the police were more focused on ramping up attention in the center of the city, around the operahouse, rather than protecting the populace. You weren’t surprised.
Chrissy, your friend from University, was waiting for you when you walked out after locking up. It was dark, without even the moon in the sky to guide you, as you both walked to the bus stop. Chrissy flicked her long black hair over her shoulder, glancing over at you. “Was your shift okay?” A hint of concern laced her voice. “Oh, it was okay. Barbara forgot where the stapler was and tried to get me to buy a new one, but that was about it. How was yours?” You left out the yelling involved in the story, of course. Chrissy smiled wanly; “I swear, the customers get younger and younger everyday. I had a ten year old come in, convinced she needed moisturizer for aging moms!” She laughed loudly, grabbing your hand and pulling you along to the bus stop.
The stop was empty and dark, no bus in sight. You checked your phone; the next one was 10 minutes away. “Do you wanna do something this weekend?” Chrissy ventured, peering over at you through her lashes. “I don’t have any plans”. “Cool. I got some tickets to some event from Mikael, some opera or auction or whatever. Wanna come with us?” She swung your connections hands between the two of you. “Alright, just to keep you from getting drunk and spilling wine on some rich socialite”. She laughed, tossing her head back. “That was one time!” 
Footsteps crunched along the gravel of the path behind you. You surreptitiously turned around; it was a tall, willowy woman with a short blond bob. She was wearing a partially unbuttoned blouse and a tight pencil skirt. Some type of businesswoman? There weren’t any offices for miles, though… The library was part of an outlet mall, so maybe she was finishing up with some shopping. Satisfied with your mental assessment, you turned away. She came to a stop just to the left of the two of you, and you pulled your sweater tighter, making sure your mark was covered. You’d accidentally rubbed the makeup off your wrist earlier after cleaning up the curry Barbara had spilled, and you wanted to make sure she didn’t catch sight of the red, raised spidery tattoo present just beyond your forearm.
The tall woman glanced at you, then Chrissy. Seeing the lack of threat you two posed, she turned away and peered down the pitch-black road.
Chrissy pulled out her wallet, before sighing. “Shit, I forgot my keys! I need to run back and grab them. I’ll see you tomorrow, hun.”. She whipped around, barely missing bumping into a tall, stocky man who was approaching the stop, shouting out a hurried “sorry!” as she sprinted down the path.
The man, who was so hunched over your neck pinged in sympathy, leered at the blonde woman. “Hey!” he called loudly, moving toward her. “Hey, you!”. He moved closer, and she shot him an annoyed look. She shifted slightly away, her eyes flicking toward you before flashing back to the man. His hand reached out to grab at her hair.
“Just leave, dude.” you mumbled, stepping toward him. He glanced over to you, before doing a double-take, as if only just at that moment noticing you. “What’s it matter to you?” he asked. “Just go home. Leave us alone.” You huffed, turning toward the road to try to spot the bus. As you stared hard into the darkness, praying the man would leave, you noticed a flicker of movement at the corner of your eye, right before you felt a hard shove. You fell forward, your hands shooting out to catch yourself before you fell directly onto the road. You groaned, brushing dirt off your palms and slowly rising to your feet. 
You looked over; the woman was staring at you, shocked, and the man was slowly lumbering away. “Are you okay?” you asked. She continued to stare. You stared back, unnerved. The impromptu staring contest lasted for almost a minute, only interrupted by the bus slowly pulling up. “Oh…kay… Well, have a nice night?” You ventured hesitantly, climbing up the steps of the bus in a hurry. The tall woman continued to stare. Just as you were turning around to find a seat, she suddenly grabbed your forearm. You started, whipping around and yanking your arm out of her grasp. “...Thanks,” she said lowly, not breaking eye contact. “Are you going to get on the bus or not, ma’am?” the bus driver’s low rumble broke the quiet moment, and you turned around again and went to find your seat. When you glanced back, the woman was gone and the door had closed.
The next day, the library was quiet as ever. Barbara was puttering around behind the desk, chatting to a younger reader who was attempting to check out without learning the name of every one of Barbara’s great-grandchildren. You smiled wryly; you wouldn’t risk getting sucked into the story of her son’s first steps, so the kid was on his own. As you moved toward the non-fiction area in the back, with its dusty red carpet and wide arched windows, you stopped to place books back in their assigned spaces, rolling the cart steadily forward. 
You were broken from your focused trance by the soft clearing of a throat. You turned around to spot a young man, smiling at you. “Hi,”you said, glancing up at him. “Hello,” he said softly. “I’m looking for a particular book, but I’m not sure where to find it…” You perked up. “Oh! Of course, I can help. What book are you looking for?” His smile softened. “I’m looking for A History of the Bible, but none of the other branches I’ve checked have had it.”. You took the moment he glanced away to assess him. He was tall, taller than you, with a lithe frame and choppy black bangs hanging over his forehead. He wore a plush black turtleneck, with dark slacks and an expensive-looking belt, though you couldn’t place the label. You hummed, nodding.
“Well, I’m not sure if we have it, but if we do, it’ll be over there.” you pointed in the direction of Christian literature. “Are you looking for other books? Even if we don’t have that specific one, we might have something else you could use.” You hedged, tilting your head as you mentally ran through the catalog.
“Hm, I’m not sure. Are you well-versed in biblical critique?” You laughed. “No, it’s an interesting field but I’ve never taken the time to pick up a book on it. Are you in university?” You asked, curious. “No, just an… avid reader.”. You hummed. “Do you have any recommendations?” His dark eyes meeting yours. Suddenly uncomfortable, you looked away. “Um, I just read a couple of things off the cart every now and then… Anyways, I have to get back to sorting the shelves…” You turned away, feeling his eyes boring into the back of your head. You hurried away, leaving the cart behind and swiftly walking into the backroom.
You let out a huge huff of air, tension draining as you left the man’s point of view. Barbara, mid-eating her lunch, looked up. She seemed to realize something had happened, because for once, she seemed concerned. “Are you alright, love?” she asked. “Yeah… yeah, I’m okay. Just rattled by a weird interaction” You turned away, walking out and moving toward the front desk. As you arrived, almost as if on cue, the phone let out a shrill ring.
You picked up the phone, absently curling the coil cord around your finger. “Hello, YorkNew Public Library, East Park branch. How can I help you?” You let the cord go, watching as it bounced in the air. “Walk outside and wait at the curb.” The voice was deep and rough, cold in its efficiency. “Excuse me? Is this a prank call? That’s not appropriate-” You began, huffing. “If you don't, the deaths of everyone in the building will be your fault.”. It felt as though a bucket of cold water had been dumped over your head, recoiling from the phone. “Listen, I don’t know who this is, but this isn’t funny. I’m going to call the police.” You went to hang up the phone, but stopped; what if it was real? What if there really was someone who would hurt everyone? Would it be better to just wait outside?
You considered, weighing your options. No. It wasn’t possible; the only people in the building at the moment were you, Barbara, and a young boy over by the arts and crafts table, innocently working on a paper project. You’d lock the doors and call the cops and they’d catch the guy and everyone would be safe. Satisfied with your plan, you slammed the receiver down and moved toward the door to lock it.
Your cellphone dinged.
Freezing, you reached into your pocket, before realizing it wasn’t in there. Where was it-? 
Your phone dinged again.
You turned around, spotting it on the counter of the desk. You cautiously approached it, the irrational, animal part of your brain half-convinced someone would jump out and attack you.
Picking it up and unlocking it, you realized it was a message from Chrissy. You swiped into your Messaging app.
You dropped your phone, letting out an ear-piercing scream.
“Fuck! What the fuck?! You cried, hand coming up to clutch at your hair.” The landline rang again, interrupting your freakout. You yanked it off the hook, “What was that?!” you moaned, half-collapsing against the counter. “If you don’t step outside, We’ll have to come get you. If we have to come get you, the old lady’s next.”. You let the phone drop, tears cresting your cheeks as you shuffled your way to the curb.
The wind was blowing harshly and the sky was a sickly gray. What was once regular September weather now felt like an insult; it felt like thunder should be crashing down, a representation of the despair you felt. A sleek black car pulled up to the curb and the door swung open. You stepped up, bending down to see inside.
Across the divide was the man from earlier, still smiling. His choppy bangs were now pulled up, exposing an intricate dark tattoo clashing with his pale skin. “Ah, you’re here. Good. Please, get in.” You did, closing the door. The locks clinked in place, sealing your doom. Tears were still spilling down your face and you shuddered with the force of your sobs, breath hitching. The man looked over, concerned, and placed a hand on your thigh. “Don’t worry. We won’t hurt you.”
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🌈 Queer Books Coming Out in February 2024
🌈 Good afternoon, my bookish bats! Struggling to keep up with all the amazing queer books coming out this month? Here are a FEW of the stunning, diverse queer books you can add to your TBR before the year is over. Remember to #readqueerallyear! Happy reading!
❤️ We Ate the Dark by Mallory Pearson 🧡 The Paper Boys by D.P. Clarence 💛 Skater Boy by Anthony Nerada 💚 Your Shadow Half Remains by Sunny Moraine 💙 A Vicious Game by Melissa Blair 💜 Clarion Call by Cayla Fay ❤️ Relit: 16 Latinx Remixes of Classic Stories edited by Sandra Proudman 🧡 The Absinthe Underground by Jamie Pacton 💛 Truthfully, Yours by Caden Armstrong 💙 Outsider by Jade du Preez 💜 Cross My Candy Heart by A.C. Thomas 🌈 The Tainted Cup by Robert Jackson Bennett
❤️ An Education in Malice by S. T. Gibson 🧡 The Imposition of Unnecessary Obstacles by Malka Ann Older 💛 Never a Bridesmaid by Spencer Greene 💚 The Rewind by Nicole Stiling 💙 Good Christian Girls by Elizabeth Bradshaw 💜 The Fox Maidens by Robin Ha ❤️ The Terrible by Tessa Crowley 🧡 Blood Rage by Ileandra Young 💛 Call of the Sea by Emily B. Rose 💙 Sign Me Up by C.H. Williams 💜 Ways and Means by Daniel Lefferts 🌈 Peaceful in the Dark by A.A. Fairview
❤️ We Are Only Ghosts by Jeffrey L. Richards 🧡 Dead Ringer by Robyn Nyx 💛 Somacultural Liberation by Dr. Roger Kuhn 💚 Stormbringer by Erinn Harper 💙 A Saga of Shields & Shadows by A.J. Shirley 💜 Ghost Town by R.E. Ward ❤️ I Heard Her Call My Name by Lucy Sante 🧡 The Night Alphabet by Joelle Taylor 💛 Remedial Magic by Melissa Marr 💙 Bloom by N.R. Walker 💜 Entwined by Alex Alberto 🌈 Queer Newark edited by Whitney Strub
❤️ Tristan by Jesse Roman 🧡 How to Live Free in a Dangerous World by Shayla Lawson 💛 Daniel, Deconstructed by James Ramos 💚 Of Socialites & Prizefights by Arden Powell 💙 Lost Harbor by Kimberly Cooper Griffin 💜 Hannah Tate, Beyond Repair by Laura Piper Lee ❤️ Bunt! Striking Out on Financial Aid by Ngozi Ukazu & Mad Rupert 🧡 How You Get the Girl by Anita Kelly 💛 Blackmailer’s Delight by David Lawrence 💙 Tile M for Murder by Felicia Carparelli 💜 Impulse Buy by Jae 🌈 Live for You, Die With You by Kalob Dàniel
❤️ Fairest of All by A.D. Ellis 🧡 Goddess of the Sea by Britney Jackson 💛 A Taste of Earth by Nico Silver 💚 The Moorings of Mackerel Sky by M.Z. Emily Zack 💙 How the Boogeyman Became a Poet by Tony Keith 💜 V is for Valentine by Thomas Grant Bruso ❤️ Crushed Ice by Ashlyn Kane & Morgan James 🧡 When Tomorrow Comes by D. Jackson Leigh 💛 Bugsy & Other Stories by Rafael Frumkin 💙 The White and Blue Between Us by Kiyuhiko 💜 Guide Us Home by CF Frizzell & Jesse J. Thoma 🌈 The Friendship Study by Ruby Barrett
❤️ Infinity Alchemist by Kacen Callender 🧡 Heart2Heart edited by Annabeth Albert 💛 No Time Like Now by Naz Kutub 💚 Bless the Blood by Walela Nehanda 💙 Vengeance Planning for Amateurs by Lee Winter 💜 Who We Are in Real Life by Victoria Koops ❤️ Prove It by Stephanie Hoyt 🧡 Mewing by Chloe Spencer 💛 Awakenings by Claudie Arseneault 💙 Born of Scourge by S. Jean 💜 Disciples of Chaos by M.K. Lobb 🌈 To Cage a God by Elizabeth May
❤️ Greta & Valdin by Rebecca K Reilly 🧡 What Feasts At Night by T. Kingfisher 💛 You Had Me at Merlot by Melissa Brayden 💚 Turning Point by Cathy Dunnell 💙 For the Stolen Fates by Gwendolyn Clare 💜 Season of Eclipse by Terry Wolverton ❤️ These Haunted Hills by Jana Denardo 🧡 Samson & Domingo by Gume Laurel III 💛 Lies that Bind by Rae Knowles & April Yates 💙 We Got the Beat by Jenna Miller 💜 The Diablo's Curse by Gabe Cole Novoa 🌈 Blessings by Chukwuebuka Ibeh
❤️ Out There by Iris Eliot 🧡 At Her Service by Amy Spalding 💛 Green Dot by Madeleine Gray
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mxopifex · 1 year
A Fanfic Writer's Guide to Writing Fanart Prompts
So it came up while chatting with some other members of a fandom gift exchange that some of the writers felt less comfortable writing prompts for recieving fanart gifts and I thought I'd try and make a guide to help out since I do both fanart and fanfic.
The stumbling blocks as I understood them were: 1) not knowing what you like in fanart, 2) not knowing how to articulate what you like (which is probably more related to the first item than you think), and 3) worrying that all your prompts are too narrative. Imma do my best to address those, but if you have other questions feel free to drop me a line. I want to help.
I call this a guide, but it's more of a series of questions to ask yourself than a how to, or rather this is a how to think about and understand what you want to ask for type guide. A good prompt doesn't need to (and maybe shouldn't) touch on every issue I bring up here. The goal is to make the person who is making your gift feel confident that they can make something you like, not to tell them exactly what to do.
What to do if you are worried that you make all your prompts too narrative heavy:
First, relax. Fanart often carries a narrative component. You can reasonably prompt something that might involve a bit of visual storytelling. That said, the amount of story you can get in a single image is much smaller than the amount you can pack into even a modest 1k short story. Imagine a single scene you might like to see; the kind you love when it pops up in a fic. "I'd like to see the blorbos on a beach vacation" or "I'd like to see character A treating character B's wounds." You can further abstract this to things like "a cozy domestic scene" or "being flirty."
Some Prompt Prompts for if you are feeling stuck on what to ask for
Tropes! Many tropes work in a fanart setting. The ones that don't are the ones that need a bit more narrative behind them to make sense. It might be tricky to convey Fake Dating with a single image, but Hurt/Comfort or Only One Bed is very doable.
AUs! Want to let the artist play dress up with the blorbos? See what they'd look like as the socialite guests in a 1920s Agatha Christy style murder mystery? or just ask for something more general like a fairy tale setting or modern au.
Set the mood! What's the vibe you like best about this character or coupling? Do you want something dark and broody? More lighthearted and comedic? Tender and romantic?
Style! While I don't advise requesting something in the vein of a specific artist's style (the person making your gift has their own style) talking about styles of art that you like can help them understand what's visually appealing to you. So mentioning like "a moody film noir type setting" or "overwrought flowery romance like in shojo manga" isn't horrible, as long as you leave the artist room to bring their own sensibilities into the picture.
Poses! Want that bridal carry? Sharing an umbrella? Something that emphasizes a height difference? Don't go too hog wild with details "and their left pinky at a thirty degree angle..." but if you wanna see someone getting dipped on the dance floor, go ahead and ask for it.
Two final thoughts. First, just like with fic prompts you want to have a couple different ones in your ask. Every artist has things they feel more or less comfortable with, and giving a few options helps to make sure that there's at least one that they can work with. Particularly if you have a more complex prompt, it would be good to also have one that's simpler or more open to interpretation. Second, check in with yourself to see if you have any art specific DNWs.Maybe you can handle written descriptions of blood but not visual depictions or maybe the character has that one outfit that you think is butt ugly. Either way make sure you are clear about it in your prompt.
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cwseriesshowdown · 10 months
Round 2B: Nancy Drew vs Charmed
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Nancy Drew: Nancy Drew is a brilliant teen detective whose sense of self had come from solving mysteries in her hometown of Horseshoe Bay, Maine -- until her mother's untimely death derails Nancy's college plans. Devastated by her mother's passing, Nancy swears off crime-solving while crossing off the days until she can reapply to college. But when a socialite is murdered, Nancy finds herself a prime suspect in the crime, along with a group of other teens present at the scene: Nancy's nemesis from high school, George Fan; a rich girl with a mysterious past, Bess Marvin; Nancy's secret boyfriend, Ned "Nick" Nickerson and amiable burnout Ace. The five of them must team up to clear their own names, encountering emotional entanglements and even more mysteries along the way.
Charmed: Mel and Maggie Vera suffer a shock when their mother dies suddenly, but before they have time to heal from their loss, another surprise shows up on their doorstep in the shape of an older sister -- brilliant geneticist Macy -- whom their mother never told them existed. The emotional stress takes its toll and the girls begin to exhibit impossible new abilities. An explanation comes from an unexpected place: the new chair of the women's studies department. Harry Greenwood reveals that the three are powerful witches, and he is their whitelighter, there to advise and guide them as they battle dark forces.
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3minsover · 1 year
AUgust Day 22:
the great gatsby au (tw: manslaughter + murder)
old money socialite edward munson had a passionate summer fling with a bright-eyed, hopeful, romantic young soldier named steven. he promised edward the world, if only he would wait for him to return from war.
steven never returned.
when professional polo player jason carver asks for edward’s hand in marriage, he says yes. his heart is still broken, will remain so, but pressure from his family to make an advantageous match is too powerful. years pass, and edward’s life is rose-colored. he drifts through dinners and sunrooms like a ghost, keeps his steps light so that others do not notice him, do not look too close and see the gaping hole in his chest where his heart once was, a heart that he gave away to a soldier with no prospects, no property or land to his name.
at night, when all is quiet, he looks out over the water that laps at the shore of his extravagant home and sees the distant glimmer and glint of lights, hears the muted thrum of music, and sees a grand mansion illuminated by luxury and excess.
he hears of parties, almost every night, that take place at this mansion, and wonders whether one day he might know the origin of such conviviality. however, trapped in his loveless marriage and bound by duty to remain a beautiful artefact in his husband’s collection, edward simply turns away, ignoring the siren call of an emerald green light that blooms on the end of the opposite dock.
when edward’s cousin robin moves into the groundskeeper’s cottage across the bay, she attempts to strike up the old friendship they had had as children, becoming instantly fascinated by edward’s dearest friend nancy.
one night, robin invites edward, and by extension, jason and nancy, to a party. a party at the house across the bay. she insists that they must meet the host, that he’s simply a marvel, and grudgingly, jason agrees.
the festivities are in full swing by the time they arrive, strangers streaming through every hallway, drinking from fountains of champagne, splashing in shallow pools and dancing to the yellow cocktail music that pours from every corner of every room. edward is overwhelmed, overcome by the eccentricity of it all, longs to return to where it’s quiet and calm, where he may disappear to the safety of his own imaginings, where a sweet soldier offers his hand and his heart without reservation.
edward slips away from the group with nancy’s help; she guides him to a small room in which there is only one man, standing with his back to the entrance. his suit is tailored neatly, his hair slicked back with careful precision, and when he turns, edward’s breath is stolen from his lungs.
“steve?” he gasps, feet carrying him closer, lest this be simply an overwrought imagination playing him for a fool.
“eddie. eddie, darling,” the man exclaims softly, meeting him stride for stride, until eddie’s hands can clutch at the lapels of his suit. “you came. you’re here. you saw- it doesn’t matter. you’re here.”
“you never came back for me,” eddie whispers, gaze fluttering over steve’s face, because it is steve. older, broader, fashioned into something gilded in gold and sculpted from ivory, but it is him.
“i know, my darling. i wanted to, god how i wanted to. but i’m here now. is that enough?” steve’s eyes are wide, imploring as he cups eddie’s cheeks as though he were the fragile, delicate thing he feels himself to be.
and it’s not enough, eddie will come to realize. too much time has passed, too many bridges crossed and set ablaze, too much mess to be cleared away, but for now, for tonight, they might pretend. under steve’s gentle touch, eddie wills himself to forget jason’s harsh one, at the sound of steve’s sweet voice, eddie pushes away that of poor chrissy, the girl who calls and calls their home asking to speak to jason. he allows himself to be swept by the tidal pull of his steve, here and alive and everything he needed him to be all those years ago. and for a while, it brings him joy. for weeks after that night, eddie steals across the bay with the help of nancy and robin, plays make believe in the life they might have had.
until a dinner in the city ends with smashed glass and jason’s stern glare and steve’s cries that ‘he doesn’t love you!’. until eddie begs for steve to come home with him, dragging him back to jason’s car and curling his fingers around the steering wheel until they flash white. until eddie’s flooring the gas and he can’t see for tears, and steve’s carefully imploring for him to slow down. until the screeching of tires and smashing of bones, a shock of strawberry blonde hair streaked with red.
until a gunshot rings through the bay, a widowed husband standing on the edge of a pool with a gun in his hand and chrissy’s name on his lips.
until steve harrington floats face down in the water, and eddie can’t bear to even look at the funeral invitation.
in the end it’s not enough, and it never was.
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ear-motif · 1 year
i was blabbing in the tags of north’s post but imo, season 1 alana represented the allure of normative society to will imo and I wanna talk about it. No new revelations tho I’m honestly just solidifying my thoughts. I’m focusing on season 1 because that’s what I watched most recently so I remember the most stuff from it lol.
So Will’s attracted to Alana right out the gate; she’s beautiful, smart, and a bit snarky and sarcastic, so of course he’d like her. And, most importantly I think, she’s interested in him but doesn’t have a use for him. I don’t think Will’s felt someone wanting him for the sake of wanting him in a long time. Plus, she’s a well-respected colleague of all of his coworkers/acquaintances. She’s beautiful and popular and if he can start a relationship with her he’ll have the most solid tether to normative society he’s probably had in years, if ever*.
But she won’t be in a room alone with him. She doesn’t want to “spook” him; she probably thinks she’s letting him meet her on his own terms, but really she’s treating him like an abandoned feral dog. But Will wants that tether, that anchor, so he keeps pursuing her despite her condescending insistence that she knows his own mind better than him. Which…idk, it’s complicated. On one hand, it’s absolutely fair of her to not want to date him because she knows the relationship would suck. But she’s clearly still attracted to him and Will is crushing too hard to be friends with her so she should step back if she’s concerned for their mental well-being. But she doesn’t. She can’t. She’s too attached at this point. She caught a glimpse of Will’s mind and now she wants to save him; it’s exactly what she predicted would happen.
But what does she want to save him from?
If Will ended up with Alana, he would better integrate into normal society. She may work through his righteous bloodthirst issues or refer him to a regular therapist to help. She could teach him “coping strategies for his empathy disorder” (read: how to mask. come on its how to mask he’s autistic empathy disorder my ASS, BRYAN-). She would be the angel on his shoulder, and of course part of Will wants that.
But it’ll never be perfect. One, bc obviously he has that with Molly (a normal relationship about healthy love) and that doesn’t fulfill him, but in the narrative language of the show (or my delulu brain), because her adherence to society’s moral code, her “innocence”, is her weakness (in s1 and 2 i havent gotten to 3 yet plz no bully). She can’t see what Hannibal is doing despite her friend’s emphatic declaration that he is because he is playing the part of a well-integrated society member too well. So when talking to Will, she becomes the angel on his shoulder that tells him what society at large thinks, and society at large wants to gaslight him into thinking he did this to himself because the loss of a mentally ill autistic man is less abhorrent in the current social climate than the loss of an elite socialite and medical practitioner. For Alana, it’s naïveté; an unwillingness to look at Hannibal beneath what he presents. I think, deep down, she was scared Will was right. So she never looked.
Meanwhile, Hannibal is the devil on his shoulder, beckoning him to taste the fruit that he already knows is so sweet (murder. its the murder fruit). Hannibal could be Will’s tether to normal society, and kind of was in s1, but it soon became clear that that wasn’t gonna happen. Because when Hannibal looked into Will’s mind, he didn’t wanna guide Will out of it into the light, he wanted to jump in there with him. This is, objectively, the worse outcome for Will. But this one is fulfilling, he has a love that sets him on fire instead of providing him distant, impersonal warmth. With Molly and Alana, Will had someone who could tame his nightmares. But only by knowing your own evil can you make your nightmares dance. And for Will, knowing himself meant throwing away his last tethers to society and morality, in a way that wasn’t innocent or naïve, but antisocial and enlightened. I could say more but I’m writing dorky ass metaphors that’s a sign to Stop
*This is kind of a wobbly analysis because we don’t know what Will’s childhood or young adulthood was like, I’m assuming that he was always kind of a misfit. This is supported by canon in that Will was always the new kid at school, but I think his isolation runs deeper than that and I think most ppl here would agree. Still, maybe Will was a chad in college and then decided to love murder again who knows
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aiylabaysal · 1 year
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Pinterest. Playlist.
CHARACTER INSPO: Buffy Summers (Buffy the Vampire Slayer), Zelda (Legend of Zelda), Arwen (LOTR), Sophie Hatter (Howl's Moving Castle) & Addie Larue (The Invisible Life of Addie Larue).
Trigger warning: death, murder, sibling death, anxiety/depression, parental death, bad parenting
FULL NAME: Aiyla Caria Baysal NICKNAMES: N/A AGE: 33 AGE APPEARANCE: 33 BIRTHDATE: February 23rd, 1991 ZODIAC: Pieces sun, Scorpio moon, Libra rising SPECIES: Faerie - Banshee ABILITIES: sonic scream, premonitions, sleepwalking, oneirokinesis, wings(flight), super speed, illusion casting & portal creation POSITION: High Fae/Faerie Queen PLACE OF BIRTH: Bordeaux, France CURRENT RESIDENCE: Lunar Cove, Rhode Island NEIGHBORHOOD: Sunny Harbor OCCUPATION: Photographer MBTI:  INFP-T ENNEAGRAM: 4w5 the iconlast TEMPERAMENT: Melancholic
+ courageous, inquisitive, protective, open-minded, creative, charming, idealistic
- untrusting, self-critical, impulsive, impatient, bossy
Aiyla is the youngest daughter of a wealthy winemaker and his philanthropist, socialite wife. Enver and Ece Baysal.
Aiyla had a privileged childhood where she was doted on hand and foot by her parents and older sister, Defne.
Despite her charmed life, Aiyla often felt as if something was missing. This feeling of emptiness and longing only grew the older she got.
It felt like, at times, her only confidant was her older sister. Her parents loved her but struggled with her changing as she grew older, wanting her to stay their easy-to-please ingenue daughter forever.
Her feelings of not belonging led Aiyla down a rebellious path. She fought against her parent's expectations pushing for a sense of idenity, which was hard for them to accept.
Around the time she went through puberty, she began to experience the most changes—strange dreams and nightmares followed eventually by sleepwalking and, ultimately, haunting screams. These issues further alienated her from those around her.
Her parents assumed she was troubled, anxious, and depressed. However, when wings unfurled from her back for the first time, they knew she wasn't human. Her parents struggled to accept what she is but ultimately force her to hide the things that make her inhuman. Going as far as to attempt to bind around her upper torso to prevent her wings from coming out.
She is forbidden from flying or doing anything remotely, hinting at what she is anywhere at home. Only her sister, Defne, allows her to be herself. Encouraging her to learn more in secret.
Eventually, Aiyla is discovered by a hunter who attempts to take her life. However, she emits a scream (harbinger of impending death) that allows Defne the time to shield her sister from the hunter's attempt on her life. This act of bravery ends up with Defne losing her own life.
Full of guilt, she runs away from home. Aiyla cannot face her parents after she feels responsible for Defne's death. She runs away at eighteen on her own for the first time in her life.
Searching for answers on who the hunter was who killed her sister she meets someone who Defne had been in contact with. They knew of the supernatural, hunters and more. They develop a relationship that is marred by Aiyla's inability to let go of her search for answers.
A few years in he ghosts knowing her pursuits put them both in danger. Alone again Aiyla is forced to face herself.
While on her own for the second time, she meets and bonds with an older banshee, Evelyn, who becomes her mentor and guide.
They create a peaceful life together in the mountains protected by forest with no one around for several miles. In their years together, Aiyla learns more about Faeries, specifically banshees.
One day she returns home to find the place trashed and Evelyn gone. Evelyn's mysterious disappearance prompts Aiyla's journey to Lunar Cove due to a series of clues left for Aiyla to follow if anything ever happened to her.
In Lunar Cove she goes to the Faerie Queen, Hazal who takes quickly and protectively to Aiyla filling in the gaps left by Evelyn.
Aiyla becomes her second in command/Advisor to the Fae Court. All of this comes undone when Hazal is brutally murdered.
Due to the way the Court works, Aiyla becomes the Faerie Queen and in the coming weeks learns that Hazal was her mother from her first life.
She lives now as the current Faerie Queen; forever looking for answers to all the losses she has faced in this lifetime.
Aiyla paints. She enjoys making her own pigments and finds watercolors to be her favorite.
She has quite a green thumb and enjoys using things she grows herself in the meals she cooks.
She can make a meal from scarce ingredients and make it feel like a five-star experience.
Aiyla keeps a collection of journals where she records her dreams, premonitions, and thoughts. Her handwriting is a blend of elegant cursive and hurried scribbles.
Among her belongings, Aiyla carries a leather-bound notebook filled with unfinished poems.
Aiyla has painted a series of artworks featuring different interpretations of her own wings, often using abstract techniques to convey the ethereal nature of flight and the emotions she associates with it.
On clear nights, Aiyla often lies on her balcony, staring at the stars. She believes that each star represents a story, and she creates her own constellations in her mind.
Aiyla loves collecting folklore and stories from the people she meets.
Most of Aiyla's clothing has open backs. She doesn't like her back to be covered if she can help it.
Aiyla learned French and Turkish at the same time growing up, half the adults spoke Turkish to her the other French. She learned English in school and picked up conversational bits and pieces from a few other languages during her time traveling.
2002- The first instances of Banshee's powers manifest in prophetic dreams and sleepwalking when Aiyla is 11 years old.
2004 - Aiyla's wings manifest at 13 giving some insight into how different she is
2004 - 2009 - Her relationship with her parents suffers due to their inability to accept her. All she has is Defne
December 2009 - Defne dies in the hunter attack and Aiyla runs away.
Dec 2009 - Jully 2013 - Lives with her first love/searching for the indemnity of the hunter who killed Defne.
Late July/early August 2013 - Meets Evelyn in the States where she is taken under her wing and taught about being a Banshee.
2015 - Evelyn disappears and Aiyla follows the directions to Luinar Cove
October 2015 - Meets Hazal, the previous Fae Queen, and is taken under wing.
March - 2016 - Aiyla is made advisor of the Fae Court.
April 1st, 2022 - Hazal is murdered making Aiyla the current Faerie Queen.
Ece Baysal - mother
Enver Baysal - father
Defne Baysal - elder sister -deceased 2009
tldr tbd
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Idea for a spin-off series to “The Dark Pictures Anthology”:
“The Pictures of Heroism Anthology”
Instead of being modeled after horror movies, the spin-off series is a tribute to action films. The series follows the same set-up as Dark Pictures (five protagonists, making choices to see who’ll survive, narrator guiding you in your choices) but instead of being scary, the stories are more thrilling.
A hypothetical set-up for season 1 could look like this:
1) The Golden Idol of Gajah Mada
(Side Note: For the Curator of the series, I pictured Oded Fehr in the role)
Four treasure hunters and a scholar join forces in their hunt for a lost, golden idol that once belonged to Javanese monarch Gajah Mada. But standing in their way of fame, fortune, and making history are bloodthirsty pirates/criminals and a secret society dedicated to making sure the idol remains long-lost.
Movie inspirations: Indiana Jones, National Treasure, Tomb Raider, Uncharted, Romancing the Stone (basically, the treasure hunting action genre)
Who I’d cast as the lead starring actor: Richard Madden (as the swashbuckling leader of the treasure hunters)
2) The Whistleblower
When details of the CIA black-ops program “Archangel” are leaked to the public, in order to protect themselves, the leaders of Archangel decides to “clean house” by wiping out any individual who they deem as a loose end. With nothing left to lose, four Archangel agents who have been marked for elimination decide to join forces with the whistleblower in order to fight back. Either they’ll take the corrupt leaders down…or die trying.
Movie inspirations: The Bourne movies, Black Widow, James Bond, Mission Impossible. Also, Netflix’s The Punisher (not a movie, but still).
Who I’d cast as the lead starring actor: Emma D’Arcy (as the CIA whistleblower)
3) Wrath of the Dragon
A Triads assassin is betrayed by his gang when they assume he became a mole for the police. After being nursed back to health, the assassin, filled with rage and a thirst for vengeance, decides to wage a one-man war against the people who betrayed him. Along the way, the assassin links up with four Hong Kong detectives who are looking to take the Triads down. Despite their opposition to each other, the assassin and the detectives join forces over their shared goal. In the end, the enemy of my enemy is my friend.
Movie inspirations: Mainly Asian crime dramas, such as Hardboiled, The Protector, The Man from Nowhere, The Raid, Police Story, Infernal Affairs, and so on. Also, John Wick.
Who I’d cast as the lead starring actor: Iko Uwais (as the Triads assassin)
4) Showdown at Maple Grove Inn
As the season finale, an arrogant socialite finds herself targeted by the mob when she accidentally witnesses one of their murders. She manages to take shelter at the Maple Grove Inn, but as night approaches, the inn becomes surrounded by the mob’s mercenaries. Luckily for the socialite, the inn just so happens to be where four badasses (a retired Navy SEAL, an assassin, a SAS operative, and a master thief) were staying for the night. Now, it’s the five of them versus the whole mob army in a violent showdown to the death.
Movie inspirations: Assault on Precinct 13, The Magnificent Seven, 13 Hours, The Suicide Squad, Hell or High Water. In general, modern western action movies.
Who I’d cast as the lead starring actor: Naomi Scott (as the assassin)
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terriblecommanderdeck · 3 months
Deck Update
I've been keeping track of the deck in scryfall because that's actually designed for deck building unlike y'know, tumblr.
Assuming Silas Renn is the commander, there are 198 cards in Blue/Black color identity, including 93 lands. Which means technically I'm overdue for my first draft. As a cop out, please enjoy the current list of playable cards (below the cut)
1 Wasteland Strangler 1 Skittering Cicada 1 Pilgrim's Eye 1 Entirely Normal Armchair 1 Nevinyrral's Disk 1 Darksteel Ingot 1 Blinkmoth Urn 1 Scuttling Butler 1 Wall of Spears 1 Explorer's Scope 1 Phyrexian Arena 1 Ring of Thune 1 Soul-Guide Lantern 1 Icy Manipulator 1 Nihil Spellbomb 1 Urza's Miter 1 Dark Confidant 1 Tek 1 Runed Servitor 1 Windfall 1 Trailblazer's Torch 1 Brainstorm 1 Blade of the Oni 1 Captain N'ghathrod 1 Macabre Reconstruction 1 Inspired Sprite 1 Triton Wavebreaker 1 Ichor Shade 1 Sky Weaver 1 Szat's Will 1 Font of Fortunes 1 Rise of the Dark Realms 1 Vicious Hunger 1 Twiddle 1 Collective Brutality 1 Mutual Destruction 1 Karumonix, the Rat King 1 Somber Hoverguard 1 Looming Shade 1 Wave of Rats 1 Painful Lesson 1 Zulaport Duelist 1 Ever-Watching Threshold 1 Siege Zombie 1 Bloodlord of Vaasgoth 1 Murderous Compulsion 1 Feast of the Unicorn 1 Claustrophobia 1 Dark Ritual 1 Ichor Drinker 1 Unearth 1 Horses of the Bruinen 1 Waterspout Elemental 1 Lim-Dûl's High Guard 1 Josu Vess, Lich Knight 1 Graveshifter 1 Tricks of the Trade 1 Aetherspouts 1 Meteor Golem 1 Vow of Flight 1 Pursued Whale 1 Fleeting Distraction 1 Keepsake Gorgon 1 Volo, Itinerant Scholar 1 Decree of Pain 1 Black Vise 1 Carnival of Souls 1 Mindslaver 1 Hydroblast 1 Soulcoil Viper 1 Thieving Magpie 1 Murderous Rider 1 Night of Souls' Betrayal 1 Vampire Nighthawk 1 Jet Medallion 1 Sword Coast Serpent 1 Rhonas's Monument 1 Rotating Fireplace 1 Commander's Sphere 1 Eldrazi Conscription 1 Chill 1 Sarevok, Deathbringer 1 Coalition Relic 1 Elite Arcanist 1 Urza's Bauble 1 Howling Mine 1 Anoint with Affliction 1 Sword of the Meek 1 Disrupting Scepter 1 Perplexing Test 1 Scytheclaw 1 Grand Architect 1 New Perspectives 1 Lightning Greaves 1 Sphinx of Magosi 1 Pestilence 1 Diluvian Primordial 1 Dire Mimic 1 Bloodcrazed Socialite 1 Counterspell 1 Backfire 1 Lobe Lobber 1 Emry, Lurker of the Loch 1 Zombify 1 Arcane Proxy 1 Sequestered Stash 1 Evolving Wilds 1 Bloodstained Mire 10 Swamp 10 Island 10 Swamp 1 Salt Marsh 1 Riptide Laboratory 1 Cavern of Souls 10 Island 10 Swamp 10 Swamp 10 Island 1 Underground Sea 1 Flooded Strand 1 Tectonic Edge 1 Darksteel Citadel 10 Swamp 1 Ghost Town 1 Nephalia Drownyard 1 Island
// Commander 1 Silas Renn, Seeker Adept
// Outside the Game 1 Roller Coaster
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2023readingyear · 10 months
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unovanhunny · 1 year
Anon who suggested the too angsty scenario for this au: Oh genuinly tough I couldn’t even get too much into the Angst direction here myself. It’s 100 percent gonna end on a more sweet than bitter note with Emmet clearing his name of the more heinous crimes that have been pinned on him and the real villain being brought to justice. Depending what route you take Ingo probably keeps his job after the ordeal. I just can’t get the mental image of an anime grand finale type of scene out of m head, where after spending an entirety chasing after Emmet Ingo not only finds out about his true identity but also safes his life at one point and Emmet smiles up at him as Ingo holds him „… Detective…You finally caught me.“ „No…. I saved you.“ And Emmet smiles at him softly and guides Ingos hand over his heart and reiterates „No…. You caught me.“ and then the big damn kiss finally happens.
Shmoopy? Yes. Clichee? Also yes, but cliches become cliches for a REASON goddamn and I want them to have a clichee happy end
(finally getting back around to this sorry for the delay 😔)
Not going down the murder route and more about pinning harmful crimes on him, crimes that he is against morally because its taking away from people in need one way or the other and therefore seen as much worse than stealing from Socialites and Museums. Things Emmet could never tolerate.
Ingo saving Emmet's life at least once is absolutely a must. Save him from a stray bullet or from falling off something, etc. And the very sweet cliche yessss. Emmet was trying to steal his heart but Ingo caught his first
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coupleofbeesread · 2 years
January Wrap-up 2023
Final Girls Support Group Buy How to Sell a Haunted House Buy All the Dark Places Buy The Lucky One Buy Lowcountry Getaway Buy The Socialites Guide to Murder Buy What Lies in the Woods Buy
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