#social instructions
cardhouseinapapertown · 10 months
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Middle aged men on instructional sites are probably my favourite people on the internet
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So i made this lil transparent worm-on-a-string Hiccup a while back
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Im leaving him here for yall to watch while i go do a Thing
Im sure when i get back he wont be in any precarious situations, or unsavory circumstances, or anything of that ilk
Have fun
Ill be back
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tswwwit · 1 year
omg so when Dipper eventually learns the demonic language, does that mean he and bill can just casually have a conversation?
like they're bantering with each other in English and then Bill brings up something in demonic tongue, and dipper bites back also in demonic tongue and then boom both of them just switched languages without even realizing??
or is it a case of "Dipper understands but can't speak" where he hears conversations, but completely replies back in English 😭
It's the first one! Though it'll take a bit for Dipper to get to the point of true fluency, he's got years to do so - and plenty of motivation to boot.
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000png · 5 months
social anxiety destroyed that party was awesome and I'm so glad it happened
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amrv-5 · 3 months
in my cutthroat careerbitch era
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foxsoulcourt · 6 months
👀 oops! 🤭
…when you muster up the courage to Answer an Ask which asks you to send the same Ask to last 10 people who reblogged one of your posts and you (meaning me) send it to people who “only” liked a post and think OH NOOOOOO I “broke” the rules… 👀
And then realise: Hello?!!! There.are.no.rules in these sorts of things.
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Guess who was a trainer at work today!!!!!!
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tryingtoorbitthesun · 5 months
if socially anxious, why horny? instructions unclear
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navysealt4t · 4 months
nothing like having a night that should be all fun but i’m sat alone at 1 am crying because i just fuck everything up always
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copiawife · 1 month
i think almost every person in my sewing class has commented on how quiet i am at this point
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kitwilsonsass · 4 months
my co-worker seeing this family walk up to the door with the son who wanted his hair like mine and his moms did it for him: your biggest fans are coming iiiiiin
me: oh my god. please.
me: ok nvm
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shifscorner · 10 months
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I was saying to my dad isn't the point of marriage is to have sex and the point of sex is to reproduce?
And he was like "WHAT??? NO!"
And then he disappeared
Now I'm just confused. I don't understand relationships or the point of them but I'm supposed to get one soon 🤔 sometimes I think I get it but I really don't
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Motivational Strategies for Engaging and Effective Microlearning
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Microlearning is an educational strategy that delivers content in small, specific bursts, typically designed to be consumed quickly. This approach caters to the fast-paced lifestyles and short attention spans prevalent in today's society. However, the challenge remains: how do you keep learners engaged and motivated in these brief learning sessions? The answer lies in leveraging motivational concepts to inspire and enhance microlearning assets. Here’s how you can do it:
Understanding Motivation in Learning
Before diving into the specifics of how to use motivational concepts in microlearning, it’s important to understand what motivation is and why it matters. Motivation can be broadly categorized into two types: intrinsic and extrinsic.
Intrinsic Motivation: This comes from within the learner. It is driven by an interest or enjoyment in the task itself. When learners are intrinsically motivated, they engage in learning for the pure pleasure and satisfaction derived from the activity.
Extrinsic Motivation: This comes from external factors. It is driven by rewards such as grades, money, or recognition. Extrinsically motivated learners engage in an activity to earn a reward or avoid punishment.
Effective microlearning should aim to tap into both types of motivation to keep learners engaged.
Strategies to Incorporate Motivational Concepts in Microlearning
Set Clear and Achievable Goals
Setting clear, specific, and achievable goals is a key motivational strategy. In microlearning, each module should have a well-defined objective that is communicated to the learner at the outset. This helps learners understand what they are expected to achieve and provides a sense of direction.
For example, instead of a generic module title like "Introduction to Project Management," use a specific goal-oriented title like "Understanding the Basics of Project Management in 5 Minutes."
Use Gamification
Gamification involves incorporating game elements into non-game contexts. This can be an incredibly effective way to boost engagement and motivation in microlearning. Elements such as points, badges, leaderboards, and progress bars can make learning more interactive and fun.
For instance, a microlearning module on customer service can include a scenario-based game where learners earn points for choosing the correct responses in various customer interaction scenarios.
Leverage Social Learning
Humans are inherently social creatures, and social interactions can significantly enhance motivation. Incorporating social learning elements such as discussion forums, peer reviews, and collaborative projects into microlearning can foster a sense of community and support.
Creating microlearning assets that encourage learners to share their achievements or discuss topics with peers can boost engagement. For example, after completing a microlearning module, learners could be prompted to share their key takeaways on a social platform or within a learning management system (LMS) community.
Provide Immediate Feedback
Immediate feedback is crucial for motivation. It helps learners understand what they did right or wrong and how they can improve. In microlearning, this can be achieved through quizzes, interactive exercises, and instant feedback mechanisms.
For example, after completing a short quiz at the end of a microlearning module, learners can receive instant feedback that not only shows the correct answers but also provides explanations and additional resources for further learning.
Utilize Storytelling
Storytelling is a powerful tool to enhance motivation and retention. Stories can make learning more relatable and memorable by connecting the content to real-life experiences.
Microlearning modules can incorporate short, impactful stories that illustrate key concepts. For instance, a microlearning asset on leadership skills could start with a brief story about a well-known leader overcoming a significant challenge, thus making the learning experience more engaging and meaningful.
Personalize the Learning Experience
Personalization can significantly boost intrinsic motivation by making learners feel valued and understood. Microlearning assets can be personalized based on the learner’s preferences, needs, and progress.
This could involve adapting the content based on the learner’s prior knowledge, providing different pathways through the material based on their interests, or offering personalized recommendations for further learning.
Ensure Content Relevance and Practicality
Learners are more motivated when they see the relevance and practical application of what they are learning. Microlearning content should be directly applicable to the learner’s job or personal life and provide practical tips and tools that they can use immediately.
For example, a microlearning module for sales professionals could include practical techniques for closing deals, supported by real-world examples and scenarios that they are likely to encounter in their work.
Incorporate Visual and Interactive Elements
Visual and interactive elements can make microlearning more engaging and enjoyable. This includes videos, infographics, interactive simulations, and other multimedia elements that cater to different learning styles and keep the content fresh and interesting.
For example, instead of a text-heavy module on cybersecurity, use a mix of animated videos, interactive quizzes, and infographics to convey the information more effectively and engagingly.
Build a Progression System
A sense of progression can be highly motivating. Microlearning assets should be designed in a way that allows learners to track their progress and see how far they’ve come. This can be achieved through a series of interconnected modules that gradually build on each other, offering a clear path to mastery.
For instance, a microlearning series on digital marketing could start with the basics and progressively cover more advanced topics, with each module building on the previous one and helping learners see their journey from novice to expert.
Encourage Reflection and Application
Encouraging learners to reflect on what they’ve learned and how they can apply it in real life can enhance motivation and retention. Microlearning modules can include reflective questions, practical exercises, and prompts for learners to think about how they will use the new knowledge or skills in their daily lives.
For example, after a microlearning module on time management, learners could be asked to write down three specific changes they plan to make in their routine and how they expect these changes to improve their productivity.
Incorporating motivational concepts into microlearning is not just about making the content more engaging; it’s about creating an environment that fosters a deep, lasting desire to learn. By setting clear goals, using gamification, leveraging social learning, providing immediate feedback, utilizing storytelling, personalizing the experience, ensuring content relevance, incorporating visual and interactive elements, building a progression system, and encouraging reflection and application, educators and instructional designers can inspire learners and make microlearning a powerful and effective educational tool.
In today’s fast-paced world, where attention spans are short and time is limited, microlearning, infused with motivational strategies, offers a compelling solution to keep learners engaged and motivated. By understanding and applying these concepts, you can create microlearning assets that not only educate but also inspire and motivate learners to achieve their fullest potential.
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strawburryjamg1rl · 3 months
Up rn thinking about how I ain't had a friend since I was like 16 and I haven't had a friend irl for even longer...
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