#sobek-support idea
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wanderingskemetic · 1 month ago
🐊Subtle Sobek Worship💧
Greatly inspired by @khaire-traveler's wonderful subtle worship series, which can be found here.
Stand in water; ground yourself around bodies of water; meditate standing in or near them
Make a list of your personal strengths and things you're proud of
Learn about and uphold Ma'at
Make a playlist or listen to songs that remind you of him or you think he'd like
Make a collage/moodboard/pinterest board/similar collection of photos and images you associate with him, especially if some of the images are your own
Wear a piece of jewelry or other clothing item that reminds you of him, especially green ones
Light a candle or incense that reminds you of him (safely)
Carry a picture of him in your wallet, pocket, phone case, etc. or as a phone or computer wallpaper
Have crocodile or plume imagery
Drink water; stay hydrated
Fall asleep/meditate to water sounds
Visit a local river, creek, or body of water; sit beside it and relax - draw, paint, fish, etc.
Collect river water (please do not drink this)
Eat in season produce; support local farmers
Plant a garden; grow plants in your home/room
Support water related organizations, such as those that help clean up the ocean or those that help people get clean water
Learn about marshes and the animals and plants that live in them
Cook with homegrown herbs or produce
Take charge/leadership roles in parts of your life
Get involved with your government (vote, go to local meetings, protest, write/call a leader, etc.)
Learn self-defense, weapons included or not
Practice standing up for yourself; speak your mind and assert your personal boundaries
Exercise a little, even if it's just stretching
Do something hard or challenging, especially if you've been putting it off, or it needs to get done
Learn about healthy conflict resolution skills; try to implement these in your next conflict
Work on becoming more comfortable with the idea of conflict; it is only natural that we sometimes disagree with people
Spend time out in nature especially near rivers or marshes
Pick and/or press flowers (only from areas you're allowed to)
Try fishing if possible offer the fish you catch to him
Plant seeds, especially the fruit of vegetables you've eaten
Go swimming or learn to swim
Educate yourself on your rights (legally); keep up to date on new bills and laws
Requested by @ratatujl.
I may add more to this list in the future. Suggestions are always appreciated.
Link to the Kemetic Subtle Worship Masterpost
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lexstellaris · 2 years ago
Daily Draw - 10/5/23 - Sacred Rebels Oracle (Alana Fairchild)
20 - Softly, Softly, The Tender Touch
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I've drawn this card a few times tbh. It's about embracing gentleness and radiating the energy of what you want to manifest or draw to you, which in some ways, yeah, I get. But in other ways, bc I don't really feel energy in any kind of tangible way, I really don't get. And the idea of like, it's not quite that 'law of attraction' bs, but it's certainly in the ballpark. I'm never entirely sure how to feel about that, bc it's not really how I've grown to understand magic.
For me, magic is mundane, mundane is magic. The two work together. I can't just think of a bike and how much I want one, and miraculously, the universe gives me a bike without me having to do anything more than that. If I want a bike, sure, sending that energy out can help, but if I don't then look at my savings, and finding the right bike for me, and follow that up with testing them out and seeing what one works best for me, it's not going to be effective. I could wish for a bike, and end up with something totally inappropriate for me.
It's like. It's like the specificity you need when doing spellwork. I could do some spellwork for a new job. But if I don't specify anything more than a new job, it's likely I'll end up with something I don't want, or wouldn't have wished for. But if I specify qualities of the job I want, as well as the hours and pay I would be looking for, the location, the kind of colleagues I would want to work with, my spell will be much more likely to give me what I want. Otherwise, if I cast a spell for a cat, I may just end up with someone giving me a toy cat, bc I wasn't clear enough.
But I also think this card is highlighting something else for me as well. I'm... not good at resting and being gentle with myself. As I'm dealing with some health issues rn, being reminded to be kind and gentle to myself is a good message to get. Be gentle as I make adjustments to my life and my routines to support better health outcomes. Be gentle as I have more tests and treatments. Let myself heal and recover and get back to better health.
I also had Djehuty chatting to me during meditation. He reminded me of a lot of things I'd been struggling with. Giving me words I do need to internalise. I struggle a lot with feeling like I know shit. Like I'm actually smart and know stuff I can share with others. I know it's mostly from just getting shit grades most of my life, but it sticks after a while. I never learned to strive for anything better because no one ever believed in my academic potential. I was just the quiet, well-behaved kid at the back of the class no one really paid any attention to. Looking back, I can see so many ways in which I was unsupported in ways I probably needed to be supported. And it stings. I hate it. bc I can't change any of that shit. But moving on from that, getting to the point where I can feel confident in myself and what I know, that's the hard part.
As a Kemetic pagan especially, I feel that. I'm not always good at doing academic writing and research. I don't know French or German. I can't easily read texts others are able to because they know those languages. I haven't always had the energy to write up things, let alone research them. I know it's not required for every Kemetic pagan to be academic like that. I don't need to do that stuff. But so much of my path would not have turned out like this if I hadn't done any research into Sobek at all. It's necessary. It's just hard. And seeing others, for whom this stuff is much easier to do, write essays and books and have sources ready to reference, makes me feel like I'm just not good enough. I know that's not true. I really do. My brain is just dumb about this stuff. Plus, I have a not great memory for remembering stuff I've learned, not just for Kemetic stuff, but academic stuff in general.
idk. idk where this is going. I think I will leave this here now, though, and be gentle with myself. Djehuty wants me to read, and so I will go and read for a while. Maybe I will have more thoughts on this later.
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doomerpatrol · 6 months ago
Comic Log: 52
The massive collaborative project between Geoff Johns, Greg Rucka, Mark Waid, and Grant Morrison, as well as Keith Giffen and a whole swath of artists. Published on a weekly basis through 2007, 52 itself follows the year without the "Trinity" (Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman). Instead it focuses on more obscure or supporting characters in the DC Universe on a week by week, sometimes even day by day basis. We get seven (by my count) "core" plots and then, linking them all together, we get a fair amount of additional pages and smaller stories (briefly checking in on people like Green Arrow, or the Teen Titans, or the Justice Society).
My broad feelings on 52:
it is a very cool idea that is mostly well-executed, with an interesting spread of genres (Zen-inflected international noir, bloody cosmic odyssey, royal familial tragedy, mystical detective fiction, mad scientist wackiness) so it never feels too samey.
the art is generally solid though not my absolute favorite, carried by strong breakdowns courtesy of Giffen - there’s a diversity of styles, which is…not really my preference, but many of those styles are well-executed
it's interesting to see creators with such diverse focuses and instincts working together; the notes in the trade paperback collection give insight into certain decisions (as well as what the writers are still frustrated by)
the best parts are those core plots, and often I felt like the additional connective tissue was basically unnecessary other than to give a sense of what these other characters were doing during the "timeskip" - fanservice, in short
my main exception to the above point is the updates on the Trinity (well, Wonder Woman is a bit shafted, but what else is new), which are generally fun, sweet, or interesting - I especially like the detail that none of the three are seen in costume, and Batman's trip to the desert and Nanda Parbat is a great addition/prelude to Morrison's run on the character
I think a re-read would probably be pretty rewarding given how many twists there are throughout (most of which are well-seeded or reasonably justified after the fact)
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The Question: Out of all of these storylines, this is the one that I think you could carve off into its own trade paperback or limited series and it would work basically just as well - BUT weaving it into the other storylines, and the week-by-week/day-by-day format, is mutually enriching. Has me really excited for the new Question ongoing series. Its zen and existential themes, inherited from the great Denny O'Neil series to which it is functionally a legacy sequel, also tie in nicely to the overall theme and idea of 52 as a series: the embrace of potentiality and change, that to go on living is the perpetual, repeated asking of a question. What are you going to become?
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Plus we get redheaded dyke Batwoman!
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Ralph Dibny: A bit undercut by editorial interference, and it *really* relies on its finale to pay off. But Elongated Man's investigation of some oddities surrounding his wife Sue's death, and his subsequent (apparent) near slip into mystical madness, is a compelling look at grief and how we honor and remember the people we have lost. Comes with an excellent last-act twist and a bittersweet resolution that I'm fond of.
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The Black Marvel Family: It's an excellent grand tragedy. The middle, Osiris-heavy section spins its wheels a bit and the resolution is too neat; the emotional closing of the storyline is about Adam's relapse into unleashing his rage on the world, the disintegration of Isis as his (perhaps unhealthy) paragon of virtue, the confirmation of his belief that the world is hard and cruel and not worth taking care of. However, once Isis is gone, Adam's reversion to type results in a loss of emotional agency, turning him into a problem to be solved with overwhelming force by other characters. Still, I love the arc of the story, and the Sobek twist is NUTS.
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The Space Trio (and Lobo): The wayward trio of Starfire, Adam Strange, and Animal Man don't have the most natural or developed rapport, though the genuinely insane addition of Lobo to this cast adds some levity. And this story feels oddly isolated from the rest, which makes sense because it focuses on characters trying to return home from outer space. However, it is an adventure with a lot of cool antagonists and out-there concepts, something of a cosmic rollercoaster, and the way it all wraps up (except for Starfire, who gets the short end of the stick throughout) is very funny.
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Booster Gold: Very solid superhero stuff with some intriguing time travel twists and turns. The arc of Booster Gold going from showboating selfish bastard to the champion of the multiverse is very fun, if familiar.
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Oolong Island: This is pretty madcap, with some focus on some *really* obscure characters, but it also feels like it exists purely to provide some connective tissue for the Black Marvel story (as well as something to care about once he goes insane with rage), which makes these pages less engaging to me than the ones they're supporting. Also, I find the depiction of "The Great 10," China's "public servant" superheroes, kinda questionable!
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Infinity Inc.: The story of Lex Luthor bringing superpowers to the masses via his "Everyman" project has some really standout moments, like the pictured execution of a fledgling speedster superhero by Luthor. But it flits between incredibly dark and exceedingly schmaltzy at a whim, and hits the same beat for a long time (generational division, Steel squabbling with his niece). It's all a little Saturday morning cartoon for my tastes right down to the moral lesson about adult/child communication; next to the Question stuff, or even the Booster Gold and Oolong Island stuff, it feels really unadventurous.
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maddogmitch · 7 years ago
This was requested by one of my favorite smite blogs so here it is the nicknames i have for every smite blog i follow (atm) sorry in advance if they aren’t all creative /.\
@Sobek-support is croky the little crocodile
@whothehelcares is the twinster
@00-jackielatern-00 is the trickster god
@iaintlionaround is puffy kitty
@bot-of-thoth is book of smite
@athenasannonymous is athena the brave
@72-transformation is the stripe bird, kitty, bull thing
@legatosiris is golden dong!
@warlock-sass is the god of sass
@puchittothelimit is puchy
@susano-oh-no is susan or m’lady
and last but not least @nyxatnight is mama nox!
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kkairosclerosis · 4 years ago
uncommon things i associate my deities with~
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hi guys! im back from a quick hiatus! 
i recently moved to the city, but not too far from where i lived previously in the country. living in the city, however, is proving to be a bit more difficult then i had imagined, so ive been taking some weekends to go back home and ground myself again so i can feel more connected to my craft<3.
anyways, this morning, i was sitting on the porch of my parents farmhouse, looking out onto the sunset as my idiot dog ran laps around the frost-covered lawn, feeling more connected to my deities than i had in weeks. i decided, ‘hey, here a nice post idea. maybe ill talk abt the things i associate with my deities that others might not, and hopefully inspire them to as well!’ so, here it is! 
uncommon things i associate my deities with!
if this isnt your first time on my blog, you probably know: hermes is my patron. he has been for a while, even before i began to worship him. if you want to know more about why, check out this post. 
regardless, you can imagine that i hold very dear everything i associate with him.
in this case, it’s my dog. 
my dog is an...interesting border collie named oliver. i got into hellenic worship very shortly after getting him, and i have a very strong feeling he has a lot to do with it. 
i am thoroughly convinced my dog is a child of hermes. hes chaotic, but extremely smart. very, very fast, and spends hours running out in the yard. just running. nothing else. its even more intense when its windy, which, if you read the aforementioned post, you know that i associate the wind heavily with hermes. hermes is also the god of animal husbandry, and oliver is quite the farm animal. 
watching him run, i always get a strong sense of comfort. i know that the energy of hermes resides in him, its very clear. its almost as if his running brings the wind.  like hes running, and hermes says ‘hey, that looks fun! let me join!’ 
i, very regularly, ask for hermes protection of oliver. i do this because i know of the love hermes has for him. i can feel it. it makes me comfortable knowing hes safe while im not home with him. and i can tell it makes oliver feel safe as well.
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aphrodite has always been dear to me, even before i started actually worshipping. i remember reading about her in the mythology books i frequented in the art room after i finished my projects, carrying them out to the field to just sit and read. she was an embodiment of beauty to me, and that has not changed since, so its natural that i associate her with one of the things i find most beautiful on this plane of existence: clouds.
when i was thinking of writing this post, i was sitting and looking at a cloudless sky. i was thinking: why is it that we most often consider a cloudless sky beautiful? is it because of the absence of ‘blemish?’ does a cloud signify a flaw? must all beautiful things be completely clear, or without mark? 
obviously, i thought this was ridiculous. clouds are so very dear to me. i mean, i have an entire album of photos on my phone of pictures of clouds i have taken. i have always been enamored. 
while i was pondering this, it hit me. beauty is unique. beauty is individual. thats exactly what aphrodite is about. these ‘marks’ in the sky are what make the sky beautiful to me. aphrodite is in these ‘blemishes’ because i find them beautiful. 
now, i dont mean to wrap this up in a corny way, but i encourage the people reading this to think this way about themselves. beauty is in your imperfections because they make you you. i have not seen one cloud that looks exactly like another i have seen, and thats exactly what makes them so beautiful to me. aphrodite loves all of you, and someone else does as well, so do not disrespect them by being mean to yourself. their idea of beauty is not misconstrued, so trust them. and if you dont think someone thinks your beautiful, know that i do<3.
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apollo, to me, has always been sort of an enigma. i have a harder time interpreting his signs, especially recently, and i think that its particularly because of my recent falling out with my creative side. i have sort of abandoned my art, and it think its difficult for him to communicate with me through anything else.
one thing, however, i can feel him in is the sound of the birds in the morning. particularly, roosters.
as i mentioned before, my parents live on a farm. its natural to hear roosters first thing in the morning. some people find it annoying, but to me, its incredibly comforting. it means another morning has come. i’ve lived another day, and i have a whole new one to look forward to, until i hear the rooster the next morning. it means the sun is rising, and apollo rises with him. 
as a witch who particularly enjoys the sunrise, but has a hard time waking up to see it, the roosters serve as a sort of natural alarm clock. even if i do not physically get up to see the sunrise, i know it is happening, and i am awake for that first moment of dawn. it brings me comfort and a sense of small accomplishment, even on really difficult days.
and the days im in the city, and cant hear the roosters, its the morning songs of the birds in the part right next to my apartment building. this might be even more so, as apollo is the god of music. 
its a different type of comfort to wake up to the chill of the morning and hear the birds, knowing its a deity that loves me and wants to see me the next morning as well. i hope you, dearest reader, come to feel the same:).
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now, i haven’t talked about this much on this blog, but to me, asclepius has been such a pillar for me as of recent. with the pandemic and my own current health situation, i rely on him a lot for hope and support. i ask him to protect both me and my friends and family from illness or ailment, and in case of ailment, i ask him to facilitate a speedy recovery. thus far, he has never failed me, and i do not ever expect him to. i put my trust in him wholly. 
other than health, i find myself associating asclepius with cleanliness. while i see asclepius as the medic, i also see him as someone who is clean and organized. this is why i associate him with dewdrops.
now, bear with me in my explanation. morning dew, to me, feels clean. it feels almost pure, as it is one of the first forms of moisture a person can be met with during the day. 
picture it now. you wake up at sunrise, and venture out into your yard, the chill of the am just tickling at your face, cooling your nose to the touch. you take your first step off of the deck, and your bare feet sink into the grass, cold, and now wet from the dew. the feeling is shocking at first, as your feet get used to the new temperature, fresh out of the warm comfort of your blanket that sits invitingly on your bed inside. 
but the feeling is fresh. its grounding. its healing. 
that, to me, is how asclepius feels. 
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i must be honest, sobek is the reason this post came to existence. i feel extremely strong about this one, particularly because i feel that sobek is under-appreciated and misunderstood as a god. i constantly encourage people to include sobek in their worship, as he, to me, has proven to be one of the most reliable gods i have ever worked with. i feel such a sense of comfort and love within him. i could sit in his energy for hours, days even. especially as a person who suffers from bouts of paranoia, his energy is one to learn to accept and become. 
for me, i see sobek in flowers. 
not many would see this, as sobek has this image of a tough, crocodile, protection god, which he is. but what a lot of people forget, is that sobek is also a god of fertility, particularly in harvest. in fact, sobek has done so much for my family’s farm. our garden is plentiful, and our harvests are more than we know what to do with. we end up making a lot of extra things with it, and giving it away to family friends and neighbors. i genuinely think that sobek creates abundance in our garden so he can give to our community. that is how loving i know him to be. 
however, what i specified was flowers. one of the most common offerings i give to sobek are roses. he seems to love them. sobek seems to protect that of which he loves, and roses are a symbol of love for me. i want to attempt to give him what he has given me. 
my family has a wildflower garden in front of our home. the morning i was sitting on the porch, i felt his presence, and i immediately looked to the flowers. delicate, yet extremely strong, and persevering. thats how i wish to be, and i can feel sobek in the encouragement of the flowers. 
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i hope that didn’t come off too corny, although im pretty sure it did lol. i hope that this post was a good insight into my deities and how i understand them to be! again, disclaimer, not everyone experiences the gods in the same ways! some may agree with this post wholeheartedly, and some may have completely different experiences that make them disagree entirely! i am not one to gatekeep and define what the divine is, because the divine shows itself in different ways to different people. i hope you enjoyed this post, and have a wonderful day!
p.s. i love you and you’re worth it!
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razorblade180 · 5 years ago
Shackles pt6:Progress
Sun:Sigh.... still nothing. *grabs scroll* Ilia are you having better luck than me? Our mystery man seems to have disappeared.
Ilia: “No. I’ve probably looked from every building I could by now. Twice.”
Sun:He wouldn’t leave his team would he? Their captured and odds are they were looking for something right?
Ilia: “You mean besides me?”
Sun:Maybe? I mean I don’t know why they would think to look for you here. Are you sure you don’t know those guys?
Ilia: “I never forget a face. These people are new, but that hate in their eyes I’m more than used to seeing. They called me White Fang trash.”
Sun:You would think after a few years people wouldn’t be so quick to drudge up the past. Especially when people like you have been making up for it in spades.
Ilia: “Think about it, that’s why they call it a grudge. I don’t mind people hating me. Honestly I still hate most people, but these guys....they put me on edge.”
Sun:You thinking this thing is bigger than we expect?
Ilia:Five men walking around cloaked and armed? Of course this is something big. The question is wha-
Sun:*Yawns* aaaaaahhhhh!
Ilia: “Seriously? You’re tired after a little search? I need you alert if we’re gonna find him.”
Sun:Ilia, look at the horizon.
She turned her head and looked into the distance. A beam of light blinded her for a moment until her eyes adjusted. “Hey where is that coming fr-” a quick look back down at her scroll answered the question for her. It was 4am
Ilia: Daybreak already?
Sun: “We’ve been looking for hours. I doubt Trigger is doing much in broad daylight. Let’s regroup with the others and take a break.”
Ilia:Fine. You’re right for once.
Sun: “Gee....thanks. You think we should call Blake? We’ll probably be late going back to Menagerie. Also I’m sure she’ll want to know about this.”
Ilia:Yeah, once we get our facts in order. I don’t want to worry her without having at least some answers.
Sun: “See you back at the hideout. I’ll make sure the guys clean up first.”
The call ended and Ilia put away her scroll. Something definitely was off about the entire situation. The words of the man still clear in her head while she watched the sunrise. ‘Another sick beast? What the hell does that mean?”
Sun and Ilia weren’t the only one experience daybreak. Despite her own orders, Blake ended up staying awake for most of the night. The news of her party of three was secretly four, had hit her like a bombshell. ‘Adam, a dad?’ it still did not sound right in her head. Then again, Adam being alive in general was still a bit shocking. Yet she had learned that a few years ago. Time really had a way back soaring by. It still felt like yesterday when her team was saving the world; who would’ve thought those were simpler days? Now politics were her greatest enemy. This current adventure hasn’t exactly been great, but Blake would be lying if she said that she hadn’t missed adventures in the first place. Indeed, time really has changed things; it changed her. Maybe, just maybe, time changed Adam like Jacquelyn said. Her organization was changing other, just as stubborn people. The idea might not be so insane after all.
Blake stood up and looked over the edge again and exhaled a sigh of relief. Finally, the grimm were gone. “Perfect.” She turned back around to go wake up the others. Yang was laying on her side away from everyone like she always does when she’s moody. Blake approached slowly reached for Yang’s shoulder. Hopefully everyone was in better spirits than last night.
Blake:*shakes her* Yang? Hey, time to wake. We can finally keep going.
Yang:Mrgrgr.....having the word sunny in my name does not mean I enjoy waking up at the buttcrack of dawn.
Blake:Sooner we wake up, sooner we can finish this. Also I’m positive you’re getting bugs in your hair.
Yang:*raises up* I’ve been suppressing that thought for hours but you really had to say it out loud.
Blake:*smiles* It works every time. Hmm? Hey are you okay? Your face, it’s pale like before.
Yang:I’m fine, just a little out of it.
Blake:.....Spill it. What aren’t you telling me?
Yang:I’m telling you, I am fine. *stands up* let’s get a move on okay?
Blake:Hey....listen, I really appreciate you-
Yang:I heard some of what you said last night; about what I mean to you and afraid of losing questions? Blake you never lost me. I....just can’t keep up with you sometimes; that’s all.
Blake:Oh. I’m sorry. *frowns*
Yang:Hey, it happens. All I ask for is for you to be more apart of your decision. Believe me, I love being a thrill seeker and taking leaps of faith, but I’m not a shamed to admit some of the ones that you take make me hesitate. Especially the ones that involve you know who.
Blake:I understand. My parents have told me before I may have a habit of charging towards whatever gets me emotional.
Yang:I mean it’s gotten you every single relationship you’ve been in.
Blake:Yang! That’s......*rubs her head* a fair point...
Yang:Hehehe. I really should be the last person to call out anyone for getting emotional. I’m married to one of the most loyal men on Remnant and I still get feisty whenever a woman looks at him for too long.
Blake:Jaune knew what he was getting into. So, we’re okay?
Yang:*smiles* We’re always going to be okay. That’s what makes us, us.
Blake:Okay then. Now if you and Jacquelyn can hold a decent conversation then we might make it to the oasis.
Yang:*folds arms* Hey that’s up to her. She’s the one that caught an attitude.
Jacquelyn:You bring that out in me....
Blake and Yang jump slightly at the voice and turn their heads to find Jacquelyn standing in the middle and ready to go. Blake might not see the girl often, but she can her face was a little pale as well. ‘Her too? Well I guess that makes sense. Probably has morning sickness from being-’
Suddenly a possibility became very clear that Blake hadn’t thought of until now. Her attention shifted back to Yang again who was too busy having an angry staring contest with Jacquelyn. ‘Pregnant....? No way. Well...no she would’ve said something; right’ the thought bounced back and forth for a minute until a touch from Yang snapped her out of the trance. The ground was moving downward slowly.
Yang:What? Nothing. Jacquelyn said to hold on because she’s lowering the platform.
Blake:Oh, okay. Sorry I spaced out.
Yang:Well you better look alive. I’m still not completely sold on their place being trap free.
Jacquelyn:I haven’t put any traps in my house. The desert is one giant trap and Adam does not have the type of mind to create or rig complex traps. The entire layout was mine design with his occasional input.
Yang:No offense Jacquelyn, but I’ll keep my skepticism and it’s not because I don’t trust you, but because it’s help keep me alive.
Blake:You sound like your mom.
Yang:Ugh, please don’t say that. Though, I guess that’s a good thing in this case. That woman cheats death like it’s her job. As much as I would love to have half the confidence either of you have, I don’t. My history with the hothead is simple and violent. Even if he has changed I still wouldn’t like him. *detaches right arm*
Jacquelyn:I can’t argue with that. To be honest he’d probably be badgering me for roping both of you into this; I’m a bit frustrated myself. Relying on others isn’t something I’m used to. Being a full fledged maiden is the equivalent of being a skeleton key. Nothing really stops your progress. However.....health issues are making me feel like more of a flimsy lock pick. So thanks, I really needed support.
Yang:Hmm....Jacquelyn I only have one question for you. Well, technically two.
Yang:Are you in love with this guy?
Jacquelyn:I....well...*red* despite all odds and reason, I am. For better or for worse.
Yang:Now for the more important question. Does Adam love you?
That...was a good question. One that caught Jacquelyn off gaurd. Her body started to slouch a little and her flushed demeanor quickly turned sour as the platform finally reached the ground.
Blake:Yang that was little low don’t you think? I mean-
Jacquelyn:It’s okay Blake. It’s a fair question to ask. I’m.....not sure. He’s never said before. Then again, I haven’t told him my exact feelings either. There’s a lot I still haven’t told him.
Yang:Well, I guess we’ll know soon enough *grabs bag* Let’s make tracks.
“Alright, back to work people! This Dust won’t mine itself!” Multiple gaurds shouted. Rajah slowly stood up, now filled with a little food and water. Jasmine on the other hand was allowed relief until further notice. Every inch of her body still ached immensely and all of her senses still more acute than what they should be. Especially her hears. It wasn’t as bad as before but the constant sound of pickaxes chipping away at arid rock was headache inducing. Not to mention her fever. Jasmine simply laid on the ground exhausted and looking up at her brother.
Rajah:I have to go.
Jasmine:I heard from the grownups that’s there isn’t actually Dust here anymore.
Rajah:Yeah...I know.
Jasmine:They should really stop,...being such big liars. Lying only makes problem.
Rajah:I think all these people want is problems.
Jasmine:That’s dumb. They’re really dumb. Especially Sob-
Rajah:*covers her mouth* You know you can’t say things like that freely. I don’t want you to go back for more “correction” Jasmine. So please, rest up and keep your head down low. I gotta get back to work now. *leaving*
Jasmine:Mom and dad wouldn’t have kept their head down.
Rajah:*stops*Yeah....look how far that got them. Slaughtered, all because of the words of a crazy person.
He said nothing else to her, then walked away. Jasmine could not respond to that even if she wanted to. Her big brother was right, at least he should be. Yet, there was something weird about. Most people do blame Adam, Sobek calls him plenty of terrible names; some of them go over her head though. Some feared him while others think him weak and useless. As far as she’s concerned, no way that could be true. Just earlier he managed to get Sobek to give everyone food; that’s not useless. Not to whatever else he said allowed her to get more water and help for her fever. Useless? Not to her.
Her head turned to the elevated platform where he was trained up for all to beaten. Currently he was free from that punishment. By now the giant, tattered cloth that draped over it had to stained badly. Right now they had him on his knees; wrists and ankles still restraint but at least to Jasmine, it looked comfier than the other way they had him. She couldn’t think of the name of it but she had definitely seen the pose before on old books and her mom’s old jewelry. The man was drenched in sweat to the point his hair was weighed down. The gaurds were ordered to bandage some of his injuries but whatever material they used already needed to be changed. What was once white was soaked completely red.
None of his bruises looked any better. Just looking at his black and blue splotches on him made Jasmine’s body ache as well. She couldn’t imagine what his wrist and ankles look like. A few hours strapped to a chair with leather straps was enough to make hers red and tender. Metal chains had to be worse. Despite all that, the man looked......okay? It was interesting to wittiness. His body had much older scars and though he looked exhausted, he wasn’t broken. Not like all the others that had been put on display before him. They screamed and rambled for hours; broke down and cried relentlessly. Especially the guy with the bat wings. Then eventually....they broke. Removed of what made them special and then never seen again. Surly it would happen again. Right?
‘What makes you so different?’ Jasmine wanted to know badly. If he’s the reason her life is like this then shouldn’t she have a right to know? Seems fair to her, but how to get what she want? Everyone was busy so now would be perfect. There’s no way the gaurds would just let her talk to him though. With her luck, they’ll turn on her shock collar again; that was something to avoid at all cost. Also getting Rajah caught up in it as well. Her problems might become his. That means she can’t get caught. ‘Maybe I should just stay put?’ It was about to be the only option. Then something caught her eye. Support beams were slightly visible through one of the holes of the cloth. If they connected all the way up then......
Jasmine:It....might work?
Adam:You’re going to get in trouble if they find you. Ya know that right?
He puts his head like he’s in defeat and peeks through one of crevasses between the platform’s planks of wood. Staring up at him in utter shock is jasmine holding two pieces of bread. She carefully whispers so no one but him can hear her.
Jasmine:How’d you know I was here?
Adam:You’re quiet but not super quiet. Your foot slipped on your way up here.
Jasmine:Oh, well I’m out of practice.
Adam:You’re one of the girls that came out of from behind that metal door.
Jasmine:My name is Jasmine.
Adam:Last name?
Jasmine:It’s......hmmmm I’m not sure.
Adam:You don’t know your last name?
Jasmine:My parents told so many people different ones whenever we moved. We moved a lot actually.
Adam:I see.....so Jasmine, why are you under my platform?
Jasmine:People keep saying a lot of things about you that don’t make sense. Like how scary and strong you are. I don’t see it.
Adam:*raises eyebrows* Is that so?
Jasmine:I mean the black eye and your voice sounds tough but you’re banged up.
Adam:Being strong comes in a lot shapes and sizes.
Jasmine:This shape looks like it hurts a lot.
Adam:Hehe, you are right about that. Not many can do it. Not many should have to though.
Jasmine:Well I’m tough. Sobek tried to “cure” me, but I’m still the same.
Adam:Is that what happened when you got taken away?
Adam:And exactly did he tried to “cure” you?
Jasmine:He gave me a shot that made everything hurt more. The room got really bright, then things kept getting really loud before going quiet. I got really hot in the room, then everything was super cold and hurt my skin. Sometimes I heard his voice telling me to do things over and over again.
Adam:What kind of things?
Jasmine:Give up, stop fighting, behave....
Adam watched the girl in silence as she grabbed her head in physical pain.
Jasmine:It was.....so much......
Adam:I’m...so sorry.
Jasmine:The doctor hates it when I get upset. My eyes get all angry and my nails get longer and I just want to claw at something. He says it’s ugly.
Adam:You’re part feline and a child. That’s what happens when you get extremely emotional. Even adults sometimes go little feral. Not to mention you’re not just any feline faunus, you’re part big cat. Intensity is in your blood.
Adam:Yeah. Believe me, I’ve seen it others like you.
Jasmine:It doesn’t seem to happen to my big brother though. He always does what everyone says.
Adam:Well that doesn’t mean he’s not upset about it. I’m sure he’s just thinking of you first.
Jasmine:*pouts* I can take care of myself. He’s the one always scared. He says we should wait this out but I don’t like it. Everything hurts here and that is not okay. Everyone should fight but people are scared.
Adam:You’re not scared?
Jasmine:I am scared, but not of the grownups. I don’t....I don’t wanna break down here or die. Not like my parents. I promised them I wouldn’t.
Adam:...You’re a strong little girl, you know that?
Jasmine:I’m not little. I’m six years old.
Adam:Tell me, do you blame me for being down here. Someone must have told you all the terrible things I’ve done.
Jasmine:Are they true?
Jasmine:Oh....I guess that means my mom and dad weren’t nice people for trying to be like you.
Adam:Like me?
Jasmine:They made things. I don’t know what they were though, but they told me to never touch them or things would get loud.
Adam:I hate to break it to you but your parents saw me do bad things and thought it was okay.
Jasmine:It wasn’t?
Adam:It was really bad. I knew it was but I didn’t care because I wanted to believe it was right. People hurt me and I got very upset. I hurt them back, but then I kept hurting more people. People who weren’t really hurting anybody or did not deserve what I did to them.
Jasmine:Did you kill people.
Adam:Yeah, I did.
Jasmine:Sobek said my parents hurt a bunch of people too. But those people....they hurt us.
Adam:A woman I know has been telling me for awhile now that hurting others who hurt you, does not make you feel better. It just makes you angrier.
Jasmine:What should my parents have done instead then.
Adam:Focus on loving you and your brother. It doesn’t make the hate go away completely but, you’re so busy loving that you forget to hate. It’s more important to you. I didn’t realize that for a very long time.
Jasmine:Do you love anyone?
Adam:Heh, that’s a good question. I can think of one person. I hated their guts at first. They are really snooty and think they’re always right. It’s even worse because they usually are. She makes me want to try to be different though. In a way I never thought possible. So I do my best for her and if I screw up, she sticks around and makes me try again. For the life of me, I can’t understand why she thinks I can be a better person.
Jasmine:Can you?
Adam:I hope so. Or she’s gonna end up hurt because of me. Frankly, that might be happening now I don’t even know. I hope she’s okay.
Jasmine:So because you love someone, you do your best not to start trouble anymore?
Adam:That’s right. Which means you should probably scram. You love your brother right? That means even if it’s frustrating to listen to the grownups, you should try. Wait patiently and don’t let them see how unhappy you are. Never let them break you; fake a smile if you have to. Because one day, you won’t have to anymore. You’ll be on top.
Jasmine:You sound so sure.
Adam:I’ve seen it work before.
Jasmine:Well, I guess I’ll believe you. But that won’t work if they hurt Rajah.
Adam:Why’s that?
Jasmine:Because they hurt what I love. That means I have to hurt them back. If you hit someone, then it shouldn’t be a surprise if they hit back. Right? They asked for violence. That goes with them hurting a loved one too.
Those words were shocking to listen to. Jasmine had a point and it wasn’t that he didn’t disapprove of the logic. It was simply surprising to hear it from such a young girl. Not to mention so well thought out.
Adam:How long have you been in here?
Jasmine:I don’t know. I haven’t seen my parents in awhile. They used to keep track by putting marks in the wall then slashing them.
Adam:Those are called tally marks. Each one with a slash through it is five days.
Jasmine:Really? There were at least five of those I think.
Adam:Y...you’ve been here for almost a month?
Jasmine:I guess so. That means Rajah must be nine already. I should give him one of my sick rations as a present. Nah, I’ll just get him something when we’re free.
Adam:A month here and you still have hope. You’re still fighting.
Jasmine:You said it is in my blood right? I guess I have a lot of it.
Adam:*smiling* You remind me of someone I knew. She was pretty feisty and willing to get violent as well. No one was going to cage her spirit. She was a tiger faunus too, just not a white tiger like you.
Jasmine:Really? What’s her name?
Jasmine:Hmm, sounds a little familiar. She sounds pretty amazing.
Adam:Yeah, she really was. It’s time for you to head back now though. Don’t want you getting caught now do we?
Jasmine:Okay. It was nice meeting you. I still don’t get what’s the big deal is about you though. You just seem like a person.
She put a piece of bread in her mouth and hopped off the beam. Her hand caught another one right before she hit the ground and she landed without a single noise. Adam would be impresses if she didn’t tell him about her parents. ‘Good skill, I wonder what they had her doing?’ He watched the girl sneak from hiding spot to hiding spot until she managed her way back to where the other prisoners rested. It was nice to have an actual conversation. He’d almost forgotten what it felt like and he hasn’t even been here a fourth of her time. With Sobek’s intentions for him, Adam knew he wouldn’t get the chance most likely. Still he wasn’t worried; not in the slightest. Jacquelyn taught him more than just dealing with his demons. She taught him how to trust and have hope. All he had to do was endure. He knew she’d do the rest.
Adam:(Since when did I become so reliant on others? What has Jackie done to me? I’ll remember to complain about it later. Right after I thank her.)
Part 5
31 notes · View notes
loversandantiheroes · 6 years ago
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Category: F/M Fandom: Dragon Age: Inquisition Relationships: Female Inquisitor/Cullen Rutherford, Female Lavellan/Cullen Rutherford Characters: Cullen Rutherford, Female Inquisitor (Dragon Age), Female Lavellan (Dragon Age) Additional Tags: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Lyrium Withdrawal, Lyrium Addiction, Mild Gore, Hurt/Comfort, first comes the hurt, then comes the comfort, I swear there will be comfort, Cuddling and Snuggling, see I said there’d be comfort
The threat of Adamant looms, and the cracks begin to show.
Thanks to @juliannos, @aloy-sobek, and @songofproserpine for their help and support <3
He was steadier now, but even with her support she could feel the amount of effort it took to move as his own fatigue finally set in.  The stairs took an age, one slow, labored step, and then time to breathe.  Then again.  And again.  She let him rest against the wall when they reached the first landing, wiping the sweat from his face.
Upstairs, his bed was made but the stove cold and dark.  Aster croaked at her reproachfully from his cage in the corner.  Aadhlei steered Cullen toward the edge of his bed and folded his already swollen hand in her own.  “May I?”
He nodded, and she pulled a trickle of magic, letting it build slowly, watching his face for a reaction.  Cullen sighed in heady relief as his hand knit up and rested his forehead against hers.  “You feel like rain,” he murmured.  
The words left an aching in her chest, fierce and deep, and the tears she’d fought so hard against welled up all over again.  She pressed his now healed knuckles to her lips and restrained a nearly overpowering urge to draw him into her arms and into a wash of magic until he was well.  But still she felt her own exhaustion pressing in on her, and knew how brief her second wind would last if she burned through it all now.  She didn’t dare risk it.   
Instead she kissed him, once on the mouth and once on his forehead.  “Sit down, Cullen, rest easy a moment while I get a fire going.”
She filled the belly of the stove with wood and kindling and spent perhaps a touch too long trying to stop her hands from shaking enough to strike the flint from the tinderbox without fumbling it.  He needs you, she reminded herself, filling a copper kettle from the pitcher in the corner and setting it on to boil.
Cullen sat slumped on his bed, resting heavily on the palms of his hands.
“Can you stand?”
He looked up, dazed and drained, but still present, and nodded, pushing himself up onto shaking legs.
“I need to get you out of this kit.  I will try to be quick.”  She tugged at his mantle, pushing it off his shoulders.   
As she began work on the buckle of his heavy belt, Cullen gave a whistling chuckle.  “I’m afraid this is not quite how I pictured this happening.”  
“No, nor me,” she said, leaning his sword against the bedside table and easing his vest over the armor.  He froze, shocked into clarity for the moment, his gaze heavy.  Of course they’d both thought about it.  Of course they had.  But there was a difference between thinking it and saying it.  Or hearing it, for that matter.  She smiled a little sheepishly.  “A conversation for another time, I think,” she said, face beginning to burn, and set to work on the buckles of his armor.  
He helped a little, or at least tried to.  Twice he had to stop, leaning on her for support and closing his eyes against a fresh wave of dizziness, pressing his lips - hot and dry and cracked - against her temple.  Underneath it all his tunic was soaked in that sour-burned sweat, and Cullen shivered violently as she peeled it away.
It took every bit of her willpower to give no reaction.  Faint, silvery-white lines ghosted across his his upper arms, more on his right than his left.  A thicker, more prominent line streaked across his left collarbone down across his chest to disappear into the fine hair that swirled inward toward his sternum.  Another, far more wicked-looking scar curved up along the right side of his ribcage almost to his armpit.  Even as skilled a fighter as he was the scars should have been expected, but seeing the reality of it left her unsettled.  Cullen always seemed practically (unbreachable) invulnerable inside his armor.  She knew different of course, from both reason and experience.  The first time she had met him in the Temple ruins he had been wounded.  Yet there still remained some air to him in or out of combat that suggested he was nothing quite so simple as human.  More a fair-haired fortress built of bone and sinew.  A reminder - another reminder, in this case - of his vulnerability felt deeply and fundamentally offensive; an index of things that should not be.  
She shook herself a little, forcing herself back to task.  Kit off, wash him down, get him into bed.  When she moved her hands towards the lacings of his breeches he grabbed her wrist and shook his head.  A deep, mottled blush spread across his face and chest.  
“No…,” he rasped, suddenly quite hoarse.  “I would….I would rather….”
“Yes, yes of course,” she muttered, mouth dry.  “I didn’t mean to...shit, balls, sorry.”  Her face felt nearly as hot and feverish as his.  She twisted around him, turning the bedclothes down.  “Just sit yourself, let me get your boots.”
When all was done she pulled a clean cloth from her bag, dampened it in the washbasin, and washed him down quickly.  His skin was hot but even as he fought to still it, she could feel him shivering.  She urged him to lie back, arranging the pillows to prop him up a little.  The kettle on the stove let out a bubbling chuff as she pulled the covers up over him.
“Rest awhile,” she said.  “I’m going to make you up something, should set you right.”
From the looks of it, the table by the stove only ever seemed to see use for the odd cup of tea.  It was still quite bare, save for an iron trivet, a few cups and spoons, a small tea chest, and a round earthenware crock she could only assume was filled with sugar.  Aadhlei pulled the kettle off the stove and set it on the small iron trivet and opened her satchel.  She’d kept in touch with the physicians and knew which of the remedies he’d asked for while she was away, what worked and what did not, and had been adjusting them every time she returned.  Those, however, were usually separate remedies, small things to be taken as needed.  Now he needed all of it, and she needed several manner of things to play nice together in a single cup.  
She sang under her breath as she worked, an old song to clear her head.  Another thing of her foster mother that lingered.  A memory like the scent of dark licorice root and rosemary soap and the guidance of old, gnarled hands as she cut and crushed and measured leaf and root.  Aadhlei set the tea to steeping, alongside a second cup in which she added the tinctures she had brought to a bit of brandy.  Tucked in a fold in the bag was a small hourglass, and she set it at the ready on the table.  
Still humming, she set about lighting the candles in the room.  His armor still needed to be hung, and he did his best to direct her in the task, laughing only a little when she struggled to fasten the breastplate properly to the dummy.  Despite the frustration, she didn’t mind much.  It was too good to hear him laugh.
Aster croaked at her again from his cage, a positively sullen sound.  The door to it was open and he hopped onto the ledge as she came close.  He pecked at her when she reached up, a reprimand for her absence.
“I know, I know.”  She reached up again and this time he let her scratch gently at his feathered head.  “I’m worried about him, too,” she added in a low voice.
Aster regarded her curiously.  And then, to her great astonishment, he spoke.  A strange, slightly buzzing sound, but unmistakably words.  “To work?”
Aadhlei blinked, sputtering laughter.  She’d heard that ravens could be talk to speak if given time and training, but had never witnessed such a thing.  She glanced over her shoulder at Cullen.  “Is this your doing?”
Cullen’s eyes were alarmingly wide.  “I had no idea...Maker, he can just do that?”
“It would seem so.”  She turned back to the raven.  “No work for you tonight, pretty.  This job’s mine to do.”
Aster ruffled his feathers as he settled back onto his perch, a motion that seemed all at once content and a little grumpy.  “Maker’s breath,” he rasped.
“This is your influence,” Aadhlei said, a mock accusation.
“I cry your pardon and throw myself at your mercy, Inquisitor.”
She laughed again, stroking the back of her fingers against the white feathers on Aster’s breast.
“I think he missed you,” Cullen said, watching their messenger friend fluff out comfortably at the attention.
“I missed him, too.  These past two weeks would’ve felt less punishing with the sight of him at camp.”  She paused, a little pang of regret needling her heart.  “I should’ve written.  Even just a line or two.  I’m sorry I didn’t.”
“What would you have said?” Cullen asked in a low, curious voice as she fastened the door shut and gently covered the cage.
Aadhlei turned to face him and all at once found herself a little lost.  The light was beginning to wane and the dim fire of the candlelight gave a strange sheen to his pallid face.  But in his eyes it danced, turning their dark amber to something like low-burning embers.  He was watching her with an eager attentiveness, as if committing the moment to memory, and her with it.  
“That I missed you,” she said.  “So much that it hurt.  That the only thing that made the nights bearable was thinking of you.  Thinking that I was a little closer to having you in my arms again.”  A small chuckle.  “And that, when I returned, I was half likely to kiss you at the gates and let propriety be damned.”
The smile she hoped for didn’t come.  His face was impassive, nearly solemn.  “I would have been glad to hear that,” Cullen said slowly.  There was a shadow in his eyes that had nothing to do with the fire light.  “But I...I do not think I could have written back.  Not the way I have been.  It is hard for me to find anything gentle in myself like this.  It is just....just dark, and I would not give you that.”
“You needn’t hide from me, Cullen,” she said softly.  “I would have all of you.  Even the dark.”
There was a gravity in her voice that seemed to shake him, and for a moment he turned away, thumbing sweat and tears from his eyes.  And then he gazed up at her, a small smile playing at the corners of his mouth, achingly sweet in its tenacity.  “I’d never heard you sing before,” he said, changing the subject clumsily.  “I should have known you’d sound lovely.”
She took the shift in stride, sitting carefully on the edge of the bed and gently wiping at his forehead with the washcloth.  She had no wish to overburden him tonight.  A heavy heart was difficult enough to carry, she knew.  For that same heart to be full was staggering, and more than a little frightening.
“It was Kenna’s way,” she said.  “She taught me healing.  Always sang when she worked.  I suppose it stuck.  Such things often do.”
“There is still so much about you I don’t know,” he said, brushing his knuckles against the side of her arm.
Aadhlei wound her fingers in his, more than happy to be a distraction.  “I’m an open book, me.  What would you know?”
He chuckled, a little more of that stoniness fading from his features.  “I don’t know.  Suppose I didn’t think this through.  Always seems to happen where you’re concerned.”  The fingers that twined with hers were restless and fidgety as he thought it over.  “Tell me something of your childhood.  Something fond, something good.”
She considered for a moment, chewing thoughtfully on her lip.  Her childhood was a complicated matter at the best of times, and while it had certainly not all been awful, there was still little in it that felt good enough and whole enough to be worth sharing.  
“When I turned twelve, I was given a pair of gifts from my foster mother," she said at last, grasping at the first memory she found with a root that was both deep and good.  "The first was a book of elven - words and phrases and small stories she’d had some of the local serving girls and farm hands help cobble together.  I tried to teach myself to speak the language from that book ‒ no real idea what it was supposed to sound like ‒ so you can imagine how effective that was.  When I first met the Dalish, my elven was so bad they all laughed at me like I’d taken a knock to the head.  Not sure it’s improved as much as I’d hoped, either,” she added with a laugh.
Aadhlei reached up, tapping at the pendant that hung from her neck on a fine chain.  “This was the other gift.  Kenna told me it was my mother’s, my real mother’s, but it wasn’t.  No elf that gave up an infant to humans could have afforded such.”  She unclasped it, holding it up.  Dangling from the chain was a small heart-shaped leaf cast in mellow gold.  She turned it over to show a raised stamp under the bail.  “She had a ring with this stamp on it, too.  Human make, not elven.  But the leaf, it’s elfroot.  She had this made for me and told me a story so I would feel a little less alone.  And it worked.  There was a long time after she died where I was on my own, hiding and scrounging, when just about the only comfort I had left was in this and the reminder that, at least once in my life, there had been someone who cared.”
She took his hand, turned it palm up, and folded the necklace into it.
His face fell.  “I cannot take that from you,” he protested, trying to push it back into her hands.
“Do not fight me on this, Cullen,” she said, voice still light and measured, but the order was clear.  “You take this.  You keep it close.  And when the memories get bad, when it’s hard to remember where you are, or when, maybe this will help.  Maybe it’ll remind you the same way it reminded me that there’s somebody in this mess that cares about you.”
Cullen opened his mouth to speak, eyes shining in his pale face, and all at once she could see the words he meant to say painted boldly across his face.  Half-panicked, Aadhlei quickly put her hand across his lips.
“No, Cullen, I’ll not have you say anything, not just now.  Not when you’re half burned up with fever.  Wouldn’t be fair to either of us.”  
Hurt flared in his eyes, sharp and quick, then died away until all that remained was a soft shadow of guilt.  The hand she held across his mouth shifted, stroked gently across his unshaven cheek as if in apology, and then fell away.  
“Tea’s ready,” she said.
Her hands trembled a little as she mixed the brandy into the tea.  He’d nearly said it.  The words had been so plainly written in his eyes there was no question.  I love you.  Maker, she wanted him to say it.  Wanted to know what those words would sound like in his voice, to know what it felt like to receive them from one who meant it.  More than any of that, she wanted to say it back.  The words seemed to always hover just on the tip of her tongue these days, terrifyingly close, a confession simply waiting to tumble out whenever he looked at her too long.
But Creators, not like this, not now.  Not from a sickbed.  
The scent of rosemary filled her nose again, but this time it barely covered the smell of sick and slow decay that lurked beneath it.  She felt the clammy, wrinkled skin of Kenna’s forehead against her lips as she made prayers to any god that would listen.
Love you, mum.  I’m sorry I never said it before.  
Shuddering, she scrubbed at her cheeks, willing the memories back where they’d been buried.
Cullen had her necklace wrapped around his hand, the leaf pressed to his mouth like a Chantry sister’s prayer beads.
“Drink this,” she said, clearing her throat to hide the thickness in her voice.
He frowned at her, a tinge of concern in his features, but took the cup obediently in unsteady hands and drank.  At the first mouthful he grimaced.  “Oh Maker.  It’s like a hot toddy but angrier.”
“That’s the embrium.  Also the brandy.  Down the hatch, that’s no taste to savor.”
He grumbled in agreement and downed the rest as quickly as he could.
As he passed the empty cup back his fingers folded around hers and held her a moment.  “If I have upset you‒” he started.
“You’ve done no such thing.”
“The things I said before‒”
“Are nothing you owe me apology for.”
“Yes th‒”
He stared up at her, eyes searching her face intently.  Whatever he found there seemed to soften him and that woeful look in his eyes abated a little.  “I do not understand how you can....how you can still look at me the way that you do, knowing what I’ve done.”
“Nothing you have said tonight has changed the way I feel about you,” she said, each word slow and deliberate.  “Your past does not trouble me, not the way you think.”
Frowning, he traced along the side of her face with a calloused but gentle fingertip.  “Something has,” he said.
She leaned into the touch with a sigh.  “It hurts to see you like this, that’s all,” she said.  A small confession with more yet lurking behind it.  “I would protect you from it if I could.  Maker, I wish I could.  Do not mistake me, I would not have you hide your suffering for my sake.  But watching someone I… someone I care about suffer, it touches on an old hurt.  I’ll say no more about it the now.”  
Cullen only looked up at her with that same furrow in his brow.  She stroked at it, thumbing away sweat.  “Quit that.  Worrying’s my job tonight.  Your job is resting.”
She started to rise and Cullen tugged at her sleeve.  “Where‒”
“To have a word with the guards and let them know you are not to be disturbed,” she reassured him.
Impossibly, he seemed to pale further.  “I cannot,” he began, trying to push himself up, but his limbs refused to hold his weight and he fell back again, closing his eyes tight against a fresh wave of dizziness.  “They will...do not tell them I am ill.  There will be talk.”
Aadhlei straightened, squaring her shoulders.  “I seem to recall some ceremony or other with a big sword that would suggest the guards work for me now.  As such, I think I’m allowed at least one ‘do as you’re fucking told’ a month, wouldn’t you say?”
“I suppose you are,” he said, and there was a ghost of humor in his voice.
“That goes for you as well, Commander.  You are off duty until morning, is that clear?”
“As you say, Inquisitor.”  And this time he did smile.
She bent and placed her hand to his chest, feeling the thump of his heart beneath her fingers, its tempo abruptly jumping at the contact.  There was a thrill to the touch, to the intimacy of it, but a comfort, too.  The rhythm of his heart was patiently reassuring; a steady reminder of his perseverance.  “I’m not leaving tonight, Cullen.  I mean to look after you.”
“Thank you,” he muttered, and pressed her hand more firmly over his heart.
* * *
The first dosage lasted only three hours.  It helped, or seemed to, at least.  The shaking calmed, as did the sweating, and Cullen drifted off for awhile.  Aadhlei scribbled notes, checking over him carefully as he dozed, keeping careful eye on the hourglass to mark the time.  He talked in his sleep.  Mostly nonsense, but as the sweat began again to bead up on his brow his mutterings became darker and hissed through gritted teeth.
Higher dosage, she thought, adding fresh wood to the stove.  Perhaps elderberry instead of the spindleweed might‒
Cullen gave a short, shuddering groan that cut off abruptly.  Worried, Aadhlei turned to see him thrash the covers away, swinging his feet off the bed.  His face was pale and pinched, his mouth pressed to a thin, tight line.  A life spent in an orphanage looking after the other children had left her quite familiar with that look, and she grasped a nearby bucket - fast, but not quite fast enough.  Cullen stumbled forward, colliding with her as she rushed forward, knocking them both to the floor, prompting a startled rustle and squawk from Aster’s cage.  He wrenched the bucket from her just barely in time and retched into it violently, rocking on his knees.  She steadied him, rubbing his back as his muscles locked and his stomach emptied.
He stuttered once, spit, then retched again.  “Sorry,” he panted when it finally passed.  “Maker.  Sorry.”
“It’s alright,” she said, stretching up to fetch the washcloth again.  Cullen fell back on his haunches, wobbled, and landed unceremoniously half on his ass and half on her, shoving her back against the edge of the bed.  Aadhlei craned her neck just in time to avoid getting bashed in the nose by the back of his head.
He gave another bevy of muttered apologies as he sagged against her and she eased his head to her shoulder, wiping his face down.  “Didn’t want you to see this,” he groaned.
“I have seen much worse than this, Cullen.  Don’t fret.  You tell me when you’re ready to move, alright?  We need to get you back into your bed.”
His hands came around, groping for hers and pulling them weakly.  “Can we stay?  Just for a moment.  I need…”  His head lolled against her shoulder, eyes shut tight.  A trickle strayed down from the corner of his eye, but if it was sweat or tears, she couldn’t say.
“Yes.  As long as you need,” she said.  There was still a cup of water on the bedside table and she groped for it, pressing it to his lips to wash away the taste of sick.  When he finished she set it aside and wrapped her arms around his shoulders, careful to keep the Anchor pressed against herself and not him.  
“Is it always this bad?”
A faint shake of the head, limbs beginning to tremble again.  “No.  Every few weeks.  Worst I’ve had.”
His eyes closed.  An almost imperceptible nod.  
She held him a little tighter.  “Do you need to talk about it?”
The shake of his head was more like a shudder.  “Just...just this,” he whispered, drumming a nervous tempo on her arm.  “Please.  I can’t.”
“Whatever you need.”  She shifted, trying to pull her knee out of his back and find something more comfortable for the both of them.  Cullen settled against her with a grateful sigh.  His weight left her pinned, the bedframe digging into her back, but she thought little of it.  She had spent far too many years sleeping rough with all manner of roots and rocks jabbing into her back and sides.  This was nothing.
His hand found her leg, curling against the bare skin of her calf.  “There has never been much good in my life,” he whispered.  “And now that there is, I cannot bear the thought of losing it.”
Aadhlei kissed the corner of his jaw below his ear in the bracket of a sweat-damp curl.  “The world will not be rid of me so easily.  Neither will you.”
A shudder ripped through him, head to toe, and Aadhlei had the strongest feeling it had nothing to do with the lyrium.  “Let me say it.  Please.”
Her stomach clenched.  “Cullen.  I already know.”
“I have to say it,” he said, finding a little strength to grip her arms tight.  “If something happens ‒ to either of us ‒ and I never have‒”
“In the morning,” she whispered into his ear and he was not the only one shaking.  “When the sun’s up, when you’re better, you tell me then, not before.  Promise me.  Not before.”
With a little effort he turned, wrapping his arms around her waist and laying his head against her chest.  “I promise,” he said, squeezing.
Silence stretched on, long enough for her to suspect Cullen had drifted to sleep in her arms.  She had time to wonder a little that this was the first time she had ever held him properly with no armor between them, huddled together on the floor of his bedchamber as he burned his way through a lyrium fever.  But then he spoke, soft and puzzled and very much awake.  
“Why me?”
She laughed, stroking his hair.  “That’s a question will only lead to heartbreak and headaches.  Best to avoid it.”
“No,” Cullen said, raising up to fix her with alarmingly clear eyes.  “Why me?  You could have anyone.  And yet‒”  He trailed off, voice breaking.
“I could say the same of you,” she said, trying for humor.  “Commander of the Inquisition’s forces dallying with some backwater healer that fell out of the Fade.”
It was mostly in jest, the sort of self-deprecating nonsense she always used to deflect a compliment around her companions, but she saw it land with him, saw it stick.  He knew she meant it.
“You are the single most extraordinary person I have ever met.”  He took her hand - her left, where the anchor thrummed gently like a second heartbeat - and threaded his fingers through hers, lacing them palm to palm.  Her necklace dangled between them, glinting green-gold from the light that escaped their hands.  “And this,” he said, “has nothing to do with it.”
With tears prickling the corners of her eyes, she kissed him, resting her forehead to his.  “And you ask why,” she said with a laugh that shook just a little too hard.  “Maker, you’re daft.  You remember the day in front of the Chantry?  I’d just come back from the Hinterlands.  Half the people there thought I was a murderer.  The rest just saw another mage ‒ someone they wanted to hurt, or was afraid would hurt them.  And the first thing I found was you standing in that awful little knot of angry people, staring down the Chancellor.  You wouldn’t budge for him.  Not an inch.  He would’ve been happy to see me burn as a heretic back then.  And you stepped up, put yourself between him and me, and once he scurried away you took me aside to be sure I knew you were on my side.  No one had ever done that.  No one had ever protected me without making sure I knew that they could stop, could and would toss me to the wolves any time they wanted.  You made me feel safe, and I’d never known that before.”
Her fingers traced the lines on his face, an early gift from a life that had been far too unforgiving.  “The world has been cruel to you, and it might’ve hardened you and misled you, but you never let it make you cruel in return.  You have the strongest heart, Cullen.  That’s all I’ve ever seen in you.  A good man who has worn himself bloody trying to do good - to stay good.”
“Maker, you almost make me believe it,” he muttered, voice breaking.  His free hand tangled in her hair as he kissed her, tight-lipped and desperate, over and over.  He drew a breath and with great effort swallowed the words that surfaced.  “In the morning,” he said instead.
“In the morning,” she echoed.  “You need to sleep.”
His legs were steadier as she helped him up and eased him back into bed.  Calmer now herself, she mixed a second dosage with a few small adjustments, a little more assured that this should in all good theory do the trick.
He drank obediently, as before, then snaked an arm around her.
“Stay,” he said.
“I told you, I’m not leaving.”
“No,” he said, shaking his head.  The arm that curled around her pulled her closer.  “Stay,” he said again.
She laughed a little, high and breathless.  “Cullen I haven’t bathed in anything larger than a bucket for two months.”
“I don’t care.”
The thought of lying with him in the softness of a bed and the comforting circle of his arms was unbearably sweet, a surprisingly chaste fantasy she had craved for so many months.  The exhaustion she had staved off with potion and panic was suddenly roaring back to life, her limbs going leaden.  She needed another dose, and soon.  
“I can’t,” she said, nearly pained.  “I won’t be able to keep awake.”
“Then don’t,” he said simply.
“I’m here to look after you,” she insisted.  “I cannot do that in my sleep.”
“Then don’t,” he said again, with the sort of maddeningly reasonable tone she used so frequently.  It was strange to be on the receiving end of it herself.  “I know you.  You’ll have slept only as much as you needed to keep from falling from your saddle for two weeks straight.  You need the rest as badly as I do.  Stay with me.  Please.”  A beat.  A little warmth returning to his features.  “I have missed you.”
Aadhlei sighed, and swore she felt some of that spiraling tension release with the breath.  “I missed you, too,” she murmured.  She gave a small nod, a little more of the borrowed strength slipping out of her.  “Alright.”
Cullen pulled her flush to him, a long line of gently trembling muscles beneath the woolen blankets.  His mouth found hers as he rolled, dragging her across him and onto the other side of the bed with an encouraging show of strength.  Only the shaking of his arms and raggedness of his breathing belied the effort the show had cost him.  He kissed her steadily and drowsily as she settled against him, finding the places where they fit together.  
“Goodnight,” he muttered against her mouth when at last his breathing had calmed again.
“Goodnight,” she said, her hand against his cheek.  He was warm still ‒ Maker, he was always warm ‒ but no longer hot.  The fever, it seemed, was breaking.  A little relief bloomed in her as her eyes slipped closed and she fell asleep almost at once.
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deitiesofduat · 7 years ago
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Finally sharing some new DEITIES art that I've been sitting on for some time, after letting patrons view it earlier this year. This set of artwork had been a part of the first "Outfits and AUs" bonus on Patreon -- albeit, this isn't exactly an Outfit theme or an AU, whoops >>
Hybrid forms and features are a canon part of DEITIES verse -- every deity is capable of displaying hybrid parts of their sacred animal(s). But the form has limited room to be featured in the main story, so I figured I'd use the first bonus as a excuse to flesh them out a bit. Hybrid forms are also more difficult for me to draw consistently, but a fun challenge to design for the gods. Some notes regarding each of these designs can be found under the cut!
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Starting with Bastet revealing her common feline features in her hybrid appearance. In the DEITIES canon, she doesn't take this form often (or usually sticks to showing only her cat ears), but when she does she'll also display her cat paws, claws, face, and tail.
Anubis also rarely takes this hybrid form but is well known for it cuz of his strikingly black fur/hair. If he needs to display his hybrid features he'll usually choose his dog ears, and occasionally his head, paws, and tail will follow.
Set may casually shift his hybrid features like his ears and claws when he needs them, and has a tendency to display his animal head when he's enraged or trying to intimidate someone -- or both. He rarely shift into his full hybrid appearance unless necessary, but he enjoys that form quite a bit.
Much like the others, Horus rarely displays his hybrid features but occasionally shifts to a set of them where needed, such as his falcon head, talons and wings. Going fully hybrid -- as he appears on the right -- is even rarer without a good reason.
I couldn’t complete full color sheets for every god though, but I wanted to at least draw the animal forms for some of them at least once -- albeit in monochrome for now. For those wondering what animals everyone is: Mafdet (Serval); Sobek (Crocodile); Sekhmet (Lioness); Thoth (Ibis); Montu (Hawk); Hathor (Cow); Serqet (Scorpion); Wepwawet (Wolf)
As for the last sketch of Set and Horus... honestly I just wanted to finally draw them duking it out (minus the bloodshed, that's for another time--), and drawing them in their hybrid forms helped make it more intense. This isn't necessarily how their final duel happened tho, but it may give some sort of idea. I also intend to fully finish this as a digital illustration later, but for now it's an indulgent sketch to round out the photoset /o/!
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prehistory-decoded · 6 years ago
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Metternich Stele, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
(image from Wikipedia)
There's a nice article here about the origin of the Ancient Egyptian gods by Caroline Seawright, an archaeology student. It dovetails nicely with what I say in my book 'Prehistory Decoded'. The only thing I would change is the reason predynastic Egyptians from different regions of Egypt chose their specific animal 'guardians', or patrons. Caroline repeats the orthodox view that the animals chosen either had agricultural value or were fierce or dangerous in some way. Again, while there might be some truth to this, the deeper reason is probably that they were the zodiacal signs used by each specific community, representing either a solstice or equinox. The Ancient Egyptians were, after all, very keen on astronomy, and as I show in 'Prehistory Decoded', this tradition goes back many tens of thousands of years in Europe.
One (of many) piece of evidence to support this idea are the Cippus of Horus scenes. These images are found on many types of object, from stone stele to amulets - a good example is the Metternich Stele in the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York.
Each Cippus of Horus scene consists of the four animals - scorpion, lion, crocodiles, and ibex/gazelle, together with a human image of Horus. Sometimes there are added serpents, and on larger objects (like the Stele), there are often written 'spells' of protection or healing. They are conventionally taken to represent 'magical healing charms', that protect from insect bites and dangerous creatures, as shown in the scene.
While this might be true, it is also the case that the four creatures probably represent the four signs of the zodiac for the date range 3400 - 2400 BC. In other words, they signify a date near the beginning of the dynastic era. This does not mean these Cippi were made at that time, as most of them surely weren't. Rather, it probably means their 'healing spells' drew on the power of an earlier 'Golden Age' in Egyptian history.
So, how can we relate these four animal symbols to the four signs of the zodiac? Well, by this time, the lion/leopard symbol had switched from Cancer to Leo (which it still represents today), and therefore represents the summer solstice at that time. The scorpion represents Scorpio, obviously, which was the autumn equinox constellation at that time. The ibex/gazelle normally represents either Aquarius or Gemini, depending on which culture and time frame is under discussion. Here, it represents Aquarius at the summer solstice. In west European Palaeolithic cave art, Aquarius appears to be represented by the deer/stag/megaloceros instead. Finally, we have the crocodile, which in their mythology is played by the god Sobek. This deity probably originated with predynastic Egyptians from the Fayum region, a huge ancient lake that connected to the Nile from the west. This region is known for its ancient cultural centre, Crocodilopolis, and a potential predynastic king known as the 'Crocodile King'. Whether or not there was any such person is not important. More interesting is the date of this supposed king is towards the end of the Predynastic period, around 3200 BC. Taurus was the spring equinox at this time, and we can easily imagine how a crocodile's jaws might represent Taurus in the same way the bull's horns did in neighbouring regions.
So we have now decoded the crocodile, and Sobek. They probably represented Taurus, corresponding to the spring equinox in the late Neolithic predynastic Egyptian era. Of course, this association is speculation at the moment. But there are many other pieces of evidence, of which some can be found in 'Prehistory Decoded', that support this view of the origin of the Ancient Egyptian deities, and I will come to them in later posts.
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maestroegypttours · 3 years ago
Radamis 2 Nile Cruise
 Sail on board the Radamis 2 Nile Cruise with Maestro Online Travel to experience the spectacular sites between Luxor and Aswan. Visit the Valley of the Kings, the Temple of Hatshepsut, the High Dam, the Temple of Philae, and more as you travel between Luxor and Aswan, Discover historic buildings, temples, and 5,000 years of Egyptian culture during a leisurely cruise on the Nile aboard the Radamis II Nile cruise, which sails in the Egypt Nile between Luxor and Aswan cruises or vice versa.
Enjoy a three or four-night cruise on the Nile in Egypt aboard the Radamis II Nile Cruise.
Live incredible adventures with Radamis 2 Nile Cruise and select tours from our extensive list to see the west bank of Luxor, which is home to several archaeological sites like the Valley of the Kings, Valley of the Queens, Hatshepsut Temple, and more, as well as the east bank of Luxor, which has several historical sites like Karnak Temple and Luxor Temple, among others.
Enjoy Radamis 2 Nile Cruise and Have a Fantastic Nile Cruise Tours in Egypt while touring all the Wonderful Attractions in Luxor and Aswan, By taking a Radamis 2 Nile Cruise, you may discover the enchanting splendor of the Nile River. Spend your time enjoying a lovely tour of Aswan while taking in the alluring beauty of Luxor and Aswan, and you'll get the chance to see the most popular sights there.
Unleash your inner self on a Radamis 2 Nile Cruise and learn more about the remarkable double temple known as the Temple of Kom Ombo, which was built during the Ptolemaic period (108–47 BC). The ancient Egyptians thought it necessary to divide their temple spaces within one temple because of the war between Sobek and Horus. Start sailing toward Edfu Temple, one of Egypt's most stunning and well-preserved temples. The Temple's beginnings were most likely in the Second Intermediate Period, although its current form dates only from Ptolemaic times.
While travelling to Luxor, the ancient Egyptians' Thebes and Egypt's capital during the Middle and New Kingdoms, discover the splendor of the ancient Egyptians. Explore the enormous beauty of the Valley of the Kings, where the most well-known Pharaoh of them all, King Tutankhamun, was interred, on an exciting Radamis 2 Nile Cruise. It is a valley in Egypt where tombs for the New Kingdom kings and wealthy nobles were built for nearly 500 years, from the 16th to the 11th century BC, Visit the magnificent Temple of Queen Hatshepsut, which displays clear ideas about the serious conflict between Hatshepsut and her nephew and son-in-law Tuthmosis III, as many of her statues were destroyed and Tuthmosis III's supporters damaged most of her cartouches after the queen's enigmatic demise.
Watch the magnificence of the Colossi of Memnon, a pair of enormous stone statues that may be found at Luxor's Theban Necropolis. Discover the Karnak Temple, the biggest sacred structure ever built and the focus of worship for Amun, Mut, and Khonsu. Numerous unique temples to Amun, his wife Mut, and their son Khonsu, the moon deity, may be seen at the Karnak Temple. The avenue of the Rams, which serves as Amun's representation and is a sign of expansion and fertility, opens the temple.
Luxor / Aswan
05 Days / 04 Nights
Saturday Day 1: Luxor East Bank
The representative from Maestro Online Travel will pick you up from Luxor Airport or Luxor Train Station, escort you to Radamis 2 Nile Cruise, check you in, and provide lunch on board. After exploring Luxor Temple and the amazing Karnak Temple, you will return to your Nile Cruise for afternoon tea, dinner, and overnight in Luxor.
Sunday Day 2: Luxor West Bank
When you awaken, prepare breakfast on board and then explore the Valley of the Kings, which astounded all visitors (Visit will be to Three tombs), Continue to the Hatshepsut Temple, also known as "El Deir El Bahari," have lunch on board, concentrate on visiting the Colossi of Memnon, then sail to Esna and then to Edfu for dinner and an overnight stay on board the Radamis 2 Nile Cruise at Edfu.
Monday Day 3: Edfu and Kom Ombo
Get your breakfast ready when you awake. Examine the Edfu Temple's "Hours Temple" Glory. Sail to Kom Ombo, have lunch on board, and explore the temple there. Unlike other temples, it has two entrances, one of which is dedicated to the god Sobek, who has a crocodile head, and the other to the god Haroeris, who has a falcon head. The temple was constructed in honour of these two gods. Then, sail to Aswan. Aswan's Radamis Nile Cruise offers dinner,  overnight stay, and the breathtaking Galabia Party.
Tuesday Day 4: Aswan Day Tours
After waking up, eating breakfast on board, and touring the High Dam, which was constructed in 1960 to safeguard Egypt from the yearly floods, you may learn more about the Philae Temple as your guide shares the history of this amazing temple. Afternoon tea, dinner, and an overnight stay on board the Radamis Nile Cruise in Aswan follow the on-board lunch, Felucca Nile Cruise, visit of the Botanical Garden, and afternoon sail.
Wednesday: Final departure
When you wake up, eat breakfast on board the Radamis Nile Cruise before disembarking and travelling to Aswan's airport or train station for your final departure.
Aswan / Luxor
04 Days / 03 Nights
Wednesday Day 1: Aswan Day Tour
The representative from Maestro Online Travel will pick you up from Aswan Airport or Aswan Train Station. He will then drive you to Radamis Nile Cruise, where you will board the ship, check in, and go on a tour of the High Dam, which was constructed in 1960 to protect Egypt from the yearly floods. After visiting Philae Temple, you will return to your Nile Cruise for lunch, dinner, and an overnight stay.
Thursday Day 2: Kom Ombo Temple / Edfu Temple
Get your breakfast ready when you awake. Sail to Kom Ombo, and then scout out the temple there. It stands out from other temples because it has two entrances: one honours "Sobek" with a crocodile head, and the other honours "Haroeris" with a falcon head. Kom Ombo Temple was constructed in memory of both Sobek and Haroeris. After lunch is provided on board, the Radamis2 Nile Cruise sets sail for Edfu, where visitors may see the Hours Temple, then sets sail for Esna and Luxor, where they can take in the incredible Galabeya Party and stay overnight.
Friday Day 3: Luxor West Bank
After waking up, eat breakfast on board, then visit the Valley of the Kings, which astounded all visitors (visit will be to Three tombs), continue to Hatshepsut Temple, also known as "El Deir El Bahari," and concentrate on seeing the Colossi of Memnon. After lunch is served on board, watch the incredible Belly Dance show, have dinner, and spend the night aboard the Radamis 2 Nile cruise in Luxor.
Saturday Day 4 : Luxor East Bank
When you wake up, eat breakfast on board, disembark from the Radamis Nile cruise, view the magnificent Karnak Temple, and then go to the Luxor Airport or Luxor Train Station to complete your tour.
Meet & assist upon arrival at Airport or train station in Luxor or Aswan and transfer to your Nile Cruise
Accommodation on board Radamis 2 Nile cruise including breakfast, lunch, dinner
Sightseeing tours as mentioned at the above itinerary
English speaking guide on board Radamis 2 Nile cruise
Entrance fees to the above mentioned sites
All Service Charges and taxes
Assist and transfer to Airport or Train Station in Luxor or Aswan upon departure.
Any Optional Tours
For more info. kindly visit www.maestroegypttours.com
or send your request to [email protected]
Tel : +201001422529
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actualaster · 3 years ago
Plot spoilers
So, Tilda was from FZ.
I wonder what Sobek meant by "time to let go"
Also Tate is definitely a piece of work but we knew that already, using sound torture? Though I see why, since it was somebody trying to leak the GAIA system...
But also, about some earlier data points...
I think Tate has the right if it, in some sense, that Elisabet doesn't really care for the people on the planet, but I think Aloy is right as we--if she didn't give a shit at all, she wouldn't have bothered. I think it's more that she cared for life in the abstract rather than about specific people for the most part, possibly that she forced herself to stop caring for individuals to better focus on the big picture to try and save the concept of life itself.
...oh, oh I am gonna KILL Sylens.
...And clearly not one that's been well-treated. Raised as a tool, maybe?
...Yeah these are Bad Guys, they don't like the idea that GAIA created a clone in the hopes of being restored after self-destructing?
Clearly these are FZ folks, preserved somehow through advanced tech, and I'm guessing they're enemies because I can't see these people being totally chill with the various cultures that currently dominate these parts of the world.
Also LMAO and yet AGAIN fucking Sylens knows fuckall about the forces he's messing with. "They want what you want, they won't hurt you" THEY GAVE THE ORDER TO KILL ALOY ON SIGHT. Sylens knows jack shit lmao
I fully support Aloy wanting to end him.
Also ah... Seeing a vision of Rost when she almost died, but it was Varl coming to save her life.
Aloy, please let ur friends help u save the world...
0 notes
chocobutt-trash · 7 years ago
So... If you had to guess... Who among the astrals would be the one associated with fertiliy, etc? Cuz I'm not saying Titan but I totally am
Fertility gods, now there’s an idea. Thank you for this ask, it’s a great one.
*some ridiculously fun religious meta incoming*
I’d be tempted by either Titan or Ifrit, honestly. And I’m glad you suggested Titan, because it would have been too easy for someone to suggest Shiva or Leviathan based on nothing more than their femininity, which is a common mistake.
Let’s start by looking at Ifrit.
Quite often there’s a crossover with fertility gods and gods of life and death, so for example a lot of gods of the underworld tend to share fertility properties. Osiris, for example, the Egyptian god of the underworld, was also a fertility god, and showed a great love for Isis, to the point that he was seen as a god of love too. His gifts to the Nile, the flooding and recession that allowed the region’s crops to flourish, was seen as another indication of his supreme love, and this can be seen as mirrored in FFXV’s Ifrit mythos, in his love for Shiva and in his love for humanity during the Solheim era, bestowing humans witht he gift of fire to allow them to flourish.
Cernunnos, the Celtic horned god, who also held dominion over the underworld, was in addition a god of fertility and life. The prominence of his horns, his association with powerful wild animals, makes me consider Ifrit as an analogue for him, based on that physical property.
There’s also the fact that Ardyn, as Ifrit’s partner-in-crime, summons Cerberus, the Guardian of the Underworld and Hades’s pet.
So Ifrit’s a pretty strong contender, based on this.
What about Ramuh? Superficially, his name is a reference to Rāma, or Ramachandra (moon that shows beauty in darkness), the seventh avatar of Vishnu the Maintainer. There’s not really much here that suggests fertility, and the focus of Rāma is one of someone who’s pure of character rather than focussed on creating life. Furthermore, Ramuh’s role in FFXV’s mythos is one of gatekeeping and judgement, so it doesn’t really fit.
And then you have gods like the Egyptian crocodile god Sobek, celebrated as both a god of war and a fertility icon. So with this logic, maybe Bahamut could be a contender. but I doubt that’s likely. Bahamut shares more in common with Mars or Ares. Again, a god of judgement, but more so one of war and physical prowess.
Leviathan, if seen as an analogue for the Cambrian Explosion (as she could well be, being a giant fish), could potentially be seen as a fertility goddess, but her focus is largely on war and conquest. So I’mma go with a no for her.
Now on to Titan. Being a god of the earth, he still remains a strong contender. His honorific name is the Archaean, which not only means beginning or origin in Greek, but is also a reference to one of the earliest geological aeons.
Now, if you go one geological era back and you reach the hadean aeon. This was the first geological aeon to ever exist, and with the clear reference to underworld, you might be tempted to think, well, maybe the god most associated with underworld and suchlike in FFXV would be the strongest contender, bringing you back to Ifrit.
But wait - let’s return to the Archaean aeon. This was actually the period in the earth when cyanobacteria evolved - the first proper evidence of the birth of life on earth. Whereas the Hadean was the period where the earth was literally an ocean of magma, the Archaean was when the continents first rose proper and water was introduced (interestingly, a lot of current scientific thinking does include comet influence for that), and thus, the first bacteria.
So if Titan, the Archaean, is a reference to that geologial aeon in any way, it fits in quite well with him being a reference to fertility and birth of life. Also, his role in the game as holding up the meteor that tried to destroy earth puts him in the role of both Atlas and Gaia. He both is the earth and supports it, and I think this makes clear he’d probably be the one most likely worshipped as a god of fertility.
I mean, Titan’s pretty rock-solid (heh) and I can totally imagine the locals of Duscae wearing little Titan charms just like the Romans wore Priapus charms. You should look those up, they’re rather entertaining.
Furthermore: reasons I definitely don’t think Shiva is a fertility goddess: During the Archaean, and the Proterozoic, there were a couple of what we refer to as ‘snowball earth’ events. They are hypothesised but extremely likely - basically massive events where ice covered the whole earth and threatened life to a severe degree. Again, some forms of bacteria with extremophile properties survived this (and research into this, coincidentally is why some people hypothesise there may be bacteria living under the ice on the moon Europa, but I digress). But yeah, ice came very close to killing our planet a few times before.
What’s also interesting on this note is that the spell used to finally beat Titan in his arena is blizzard.
So there we have it. Titan (or possibly Ifrit. But mostly Titan).
Bonus round: if Verstael had succeeded in becoming truly immortal, then he’d probably be the closest to a fertility god in this game. Giant phallic symbol in the form of a huge-ass worm: check. Evidence of mass-production of thousands of children: check. Control over life and death through experimentation with the Starscourge: check.
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livinginlandmarketing · 4 years ago
White ornamental doves and a “river” of painted rocks are part of Menifee’s solemn tribute to those lost to the coronavirus.
Residents and city leaders gathered Saturday, March 13, to open a new memorial and peace garden at Central Park, 30268 Civic Plaza Drive.
The initiative was led by the Menifee Interfaith and Community Service Council, a group of churches, leaders and faith-based nonprofit groups, and was supported by the city.
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Aubree Delfin comforts her children, Logan Smith, 10, and Kennedy Smith, 5, as they mourn the death of her mother, Linda Delfin, 70, who died of the coronavirus. The family attended the Saturday, March 13, 2021, opening of the Menifee Coronavirus Memorial and Peace Garden at Central Park. (Photo by Watchara Phomicinda, The Press-Enterprise/SCNG)
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Amara Sengamphan, 21, center, writes a message Saturday, March 13, 2021, in memory of her father, Somarth, 60, who died from the coronavirus, while surrounded by her mother, Arleen, left, and sister, Jade, 9, right, at the opening of the Menifee Coronavirus Memorial and Peace Garden. (Photo by Watchara Phomicinda, The Press-Enterprise/SCNG)
The gallery will resume inseconds
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Menifee City Manager Armando Villa, left, and Mayor Pro Tem Lesa Sobek stand Saturday, March 13, 2021, over rocks for residents to paint for loved ones who have died of the coronavirus during the opening of the Menifee Coronavirus Memorial and Peace Garden. (Photo by Watchara Phomicinda, The Press-Enterprise/SCNG)
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Ornamental doves are placed in trees Saturday, March 13, 2021, in memory of the 144 residents who died from the coronavirus at the opening of the Menifee Coronavirus Memorial and Peace Garden at Central Park. (Photo by Watchara Phomicinda, The Press-Enterprise/SCNG)
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Gela Alayvilla comforts her daughter, Kaikena, with wife, Amoie, left, as she mourns the death of her father Angel Alayvilla, 70, who died from the coronavirus, as they attend a Saturday, March 13, 2021, ceremony to open the Menifee Coronavirus Memorial and Peace Garden. (Photo by Watchara Phomicinda, The Press-Enterprise/SCNG)
Jade Sengamphan, 9, on Saturday, March 13, 2021, draws a family portrait on a rock in memory of her father, Somarth, 60, who died from the coronavirus. (Photo by Watchara Phomicinda, The Press-Enterprise/SCNG)
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Aubree Delfin comforts her daughter, Kennedy Smith, 5, as she mourns the death of her mother and a longtime community member, Linda Delfin, 70, who died of the coronavirus during the opening of the Menifee Coronavirus Memorial and Peace Garden on Saturday, March 13, 2021. (Photo by Watchara Phomicinda, The Press-Enterprise/SCNG)
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Rocks are painted in memory of coronavirus victims Saturday, March 13, 2021, during the opening of the Menifee Coronavirus Memorial and Peace Garden. (Photo by Watchara Phomicinda, The Press-Enterprise/SCNG)
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Monica Garcia paints a rock Saturday, March 13, 2021, in memory of her father, Agustin Garcia, who died from the coronavirus, at the opening of the Menifee Coronavirus Memorial and Peace Garden. (Photo by Watchara Phomicinda, The Press-Enterprise/SCNG)
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Ornamental doves are placed Saturday, March 13, 2021, in trees in memory of the 144 residents who died from the coronavirus during the opening of the Menifee Coronavirus Memorial and Peace Garden. (Photo by Watchara Phomicinda, The Press-Enterprise/SCNG)
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Arleen Sengamphan, left, holds her daughters, Jade, 9, and Amara, 21, as they pray for their father, Somarth, 60, who died from the coronavirus during the Saturday, March 13, 2021, opening of the Menifee Coronavirus Memorial and Peace Garden. (Photo by Watchara Phomicinda, The Press-Enterprise/SCNG)
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From left, Menifee City Manager Armando Villa, Menifee Police Lt. Denise Keith, and resident Aubree Delfin release doves signifying the past, the present and a brighter future, as community members gathered Saturday, March 13, 2021, to remember those who have died during the coronavirus pandemic. (Photo by Watchara Phomicinda, The Press-Enterprise/SCNG)
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“We hope the memorial and peace garden is just one such step where, in the city of Menifee, we are hoping to build the kind of culture of slowing down from the busyness of everyday life, and treating one another with compassion,” said Kasey Crawford, pastor of Elevation Church in the Sun City neighborhood, who serves on the interfaith council.
Residents and volunteers on Saturday shared remarks and stories of loved ones at the memorial, which includes a plaque and more than 140 resident-made ornamental doves — one for each Menifee resident who died from the virus — hanging from 12 surrounding crape myrtle trees. A “rock river” at the garden will let visitors place their own decorated rocks, honoring loved ones who have died.
Related links
Photos: ‘Rose River’ memorializes lives lost to the coronavirus pandemic
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“Having a physical place — like a park — to memorialize those who have been struck by this tragedy, gives a sense of solidarity,” Crawford said. “People can come here to reflect and remember, they’re not alone.”
In Menifee, 144 residents have died as of Friday, March 12, according to Riverside County public health officials.
The idea for a memorial was brought before the city council at a March 3 meeting, city spokeswoman Dominique Samario said.
Mayor Pro Tem Lesa Sobek, who also serves on the interfaith council, said that hearing residents’ personal stories and hardships prompted the idea.
“The coronavirus is something we’ve all never experienced before … and we’ve all felt the effects of this,” said Sobek, who has lost family members to the virus. “I hope that people will see this memorial and garden, and receive peace and comfort in these trying times.”
-on March 15, 2021 at 07:24AM by Allyson Escobar
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maddogmitch · 7 years ago
Sobek The God Of Friends
Sobek is best known as the Egyptian god of the Nile, he defends its waters and those who are kind to him and reward him may cross safely, those with ill intent and refuse to pay him for his services are met with an untimely fate.
Sobek has been a mystery to all around him, not many of the gods know what he does or why he does it, he doesn’t normally attend the meetings of the Egyptian pantheon due to the importance of his job of keeping the Nile save from all and any intruders.
When he left the Nile for battlegrounds he summoned a crocodile army to tend the Nile while he was away, making sure it is kept safe, and even than he is often seen being distracted as he thinks of how well is his river doing, can that other crocs handle the task of a god and this has led to some heated moments with his team mates who lane with him or depend on him keeping them save.
He does run his own little animal day care for when the battles are over and he can find peace, this day care is found in the duo lane right along the waters that way he can leave swiftly if needed to tend to his river. A lot of the gods send there pets there and even the animal deities themselves sometimes attend such as Camazotz who loves being there at night where he can play around with Suku and Sobek.
Sobek has made friends on the battleground though some of them being other water deities like himself such as He Bo, who will summon a yellow river for Sobek to play and cool off in when he is far from the water. Poseidon who gives the Kraken to Sobek to watch and play with as well as summons pools of water to cool off in when on the battlegrounds. But surprisingly his best friend on the battlefield so far has been someone who would be consider the complete polar opposite of him.
Agni has been friends with Sobek since the battle of the gods started, the two enjoy having conversations and have been seen staying up all night talking on some occasions. Sobek loves that Agni has two heads and knows how to quell and calm both of them, he enjoys the heat the Fire God brings as it keeps him energized and mobile. He also enjoys some of the things Agni has taught him that are common place among the mortals of the Hindu pantheon such as yoga which Sobek enjoys a lot since it keeps him limper and ready to attack, and his personal favorite food cooked with the spice curry.
Though the battle has raged longer than Sobek hoped he has found some comfort in the friends he has made and in the animals he has befriended by watching. Sobek really enjoys hearing tales the gods tell of the mortals of their realms, as his only interaction with the mortals is making sure they pay him for save voyage across his river, none really talk to him all mostly fear him so hearing tales of how silly they are and some of the things they have invented makes him smile. He even takes down notes of jokes the gods tell so he can share it with the mortals when he returns back to his duties.
Sobek knows this battle will end one day and he longs for it, he longs to share his newly gained knowledge and friendship with the mortals and maybe even explore their world beyond the Nile, he heard of tales of his crocodiles traveling to a far off land where large rodents hop around and the people all talk with a funny accent, he has made it his personal goal that by the end of this battle he will befriend all the gods and hopefully gain a nickname he heard of Sobek the friendly crocodile.
But not all is good in these lands he has earned some pet peaves that he never thought he had before such as, Apollo’s constant singing, the way some mortals have abused pets, how the mortals kill his kind without telling him, the constant gossiping between Aphrodite and Chang’e, the jade rabbit as it constantly poops on all the animals floors instead of in the bathroom.
In fact he and jade rabbit are not friends he would consider the thing a little pest as it constantly thinks it is a god like the rest and demands to be treated as such by Sobek. He constantly cuts off Chang’e when she wishes to speak for herself and has even been spotted commanding the animals of the daycare around, which Sobek quickly put to an end by always putting him in a small area by himself where he will not bug any of the fellow guest at his riverside.
At last this is all i got from this Friendly Croc i hope to one day to speak with him again and to write more stories about him and see who he secretly has a crush on as he has hinted that when i asked but he will not tell.
I will like to thank @sobek-support for inspring me to write about the croc like this and @smite-headcanons for some of the ideas that i wrote down thank you and hope you enjoyed it all
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flushwithdarlings · 8 years ago
Headcanon time because there’s next to no info about Reyes and I’m Desperate: 
I was trawling through the ME wiki and came across a system in the Eagle Nebula called Amun. The system and the planets within are all named after figures or places in Egyptian mythology and history. There’s Anhur, Bast, Neith, Sekhmet, and Sobek. The system is mostly home to Batarians and humans. 
From 2176 to 2178, the system was the site of the Anhur Rebellions, a civil war that broke out when corrupt politicians and corporations basically relegalised slavery because Batarian legal slavery posed an economic threat. So, you got the mostly Batarian Na'hesit, who, ofc, wanted to keep slavery around, VS the rebels, who wanted to abolish slavery. 
WHICH brings me to my dude, Reyes Vidal. 
Firstly, we know that he used to be a shuttle pilot under the call sign Anubis, a god associated with, among other roles, guiding souls in Egyptian mythology. So ‘Anubis’ is interesting because I feel like that’s not really a name you’d use if you were everyday civilian transport. But it does sound like something you’d use if you were, say, a pilot in a war. Additionally, I have learnt that aviator call signs are given to military pilots in RL and can be inspired by things such as personality traits, historical figures, or the pilot’s exploits. 
Secondly, I think we can safely assume that he’s been in the business of smuggling, spying, and being a shady bastard for a while now. 
Thirdly, Reyes’ writer, Courtney Woods, has said that he’s in his late 20s. Let’s say he’s 28/29 and born in 2156 so he was about 19/20 in 2176. Basically, I’m fairly certain that he was alive back then. 
Fourthly, as not-exactly-good as he is, we know that he’s not a big fan of people with power who shit on people without power. 
Conclusion: Reyes Vidal was born in 2156 in the city of New Thebes on the planet Anhur in the Amun system of the Eagle Nebula. When he was 19, civil war broke out in the city after months of unrest between those who opposed the relegalisation of slavery and those who supported it. The fighting quickly swept across the entire system. 
A pretty good flier and not particularly keen on the idea of being enslaved, Reyes chose to join the rebels. He was given an N-503 shuttle and a weapon and told to get to it. 
Reyes wasn’t on the front lines and didn’t see much of the main fight. His job mostly involved smuggling supplies- food, medi-gel, ammo- across enemy lines, and if he could take out a few Na'hesit lackeys while he was at it, well, that was good too. 
During the war, Eclipse mercs found slave camps on Sobek’s moon, Heqet. He, along with others, helped to move people from Heqet to rebel-controlled safe houses. Subsequently, Reyes was given the call sign Anubis, ‘a ferrier of souls’. They really like Egyptian mythology in Amun. 
When the war ended in 2178, if you weren’t a rebel leader or dead, you disappeared into obscurity. So, after a brief stint as a rebel, Reyes Vidal was left very skilled at smuggling and very low on credits and we all know what happens seven years later.
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whothehelcares · 8 years ago
Tagged by: @puchittothelimit and @skadi-too-hottie
Nicknames? My nickname actually is Charlotte, my full name is Charlotte-Louise. Some people call me Charl or lottie, it really depends on who they are. 
Gender? Female
Star sign? Capricorn
Height? 5′3.5″
Time? 20:46 (at the time of writing this)
Birthday? January 2nd 
Favourite bands?  Idk I listen to a lot of bands like Lawson, The 1975, Imagine Dragons, Fall Out Boy, Rascal Flatts, Ward Thomas, Lady Antebellum all the way to things like Guns and Roses, Huey Lewis and the News, ABBA, and Queen. 
Favourite solo artists? Taylor Swift (I’m sorry I know she’s not that great a human at the moment but I’ve loved her since she first came out with Tim McGraw, I’m a longtime fan), Sia most definitely, Shawn Mendes, Elvis Presley and Beyonce are my top 5. 
Song stuck in my head? Blank Space (probably a song I relate to a little too much, not really a good thing haha ) 
Last movie watched? Cinderella (original Disney version)
Last show watched? Father Brown. (I’m an actual sucker for a good murder mystery, I can watch them all day long) 
When did I create my blog? My main blog I made years and years ago holy crap probably about 2010? I had this long before I had DA I think, I’ve recently changed my URL though, I figured it was time to pick one that matches my age and tastes now I’ve grown out of the mandatory emo phase and I wanted to represent my true loves, Wonder Woman and Sci-Fi. But my Smite blog I made only a few months back. 
What do I post? Shit probably. But maybe like fan-art occasionally, when I get a creative burst a skin concept, reblogs, asks, memes, things like that? 
Last thing I googled? What time does NatWest in ... (Omitted because privacy) ... close? 
Do you have any other blogs? Well yeah my Main @wonderandstars for my comic book obsessions and memes and @sunlitchrysanthemums for my aesthetic shit. 
Do you get asks? Yeah! A couple here and there! 
Why did you choose your URL?  I adore Hel, like I also play a lot of other Gods but she is the one I have played an awful lot of. I just love my little cinnamon roll.
Following? I actually have no idea, but a lot of blogs. 
Followers? On this blog it’s 246 at the minute ( thank you all btw I love you guys so much) 
Favourite colours?  P I N K 
Average sleep hours? Idk because I’m a napper, so it probably all mounts up to a number i don’t want to know. 
Lucky number?  I don’t actually have one but probably 98? 
What am I wearing? My big friends T-Shirt that says “We were on a break” and my satin-y pink dressing gown thing. 
How many blankets do you sleep with? Three, my winnie-the-pooh one I’ve had since I was a baby, my fleecy star blanket and like my duvet thing? 
Dream job? Travel Journalism 
Dream Trip? Cali probably, I wanna try my hand at surfing, go to Disney, get all those goals af instagram posts and shit. 
Favourite food? Ice-Cream. It heals all wounds and cleanses the soul. 
Nationality? White British (y’all know my awkward backstory in regards to accents, moved when I was very young yadda yadda spent my childhood in florida yadda yadda moved back to England.) 
Favourite song now? To be Human by Sia (Obviously because Sia is one of my favourite artists and Wonder Woman means the absolute world to me. Like if anyone knows me the one thing they can testify to is the fact I love Wonder Woman a little too much.) 
Tagging? I’m gonna tag @kuku4you @warm-summer-storm @iaintlionaround @hidden-jaguar-sun @forever-a-goat @sobek-support and anyone else that would like to do it! 
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