#sob terry
cable-salamder · 2 months
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Idiots with the painted face, in the corner taking up space
(Inspired by this drawing of wedding gown Nya)
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I think they would just chill. Talk about their lives, maybe. Brothers, lovers, friends, powers. How they got to this point. Terry steals a child because she can. Yk, the usual stuff. (Someone please tell them their weddings will go wrong (/pos) and they can somewhat go towards happiness afterwards. They desperately need it.)
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Sometimes you just are trying to live out your day and then your brain thinks:
What if in the opening titles of Season 3 Aziraphale and Crowley aren’t walking together anymore.
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macksartblock · 5 months
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sketches of the s1 kiddads bc i miss them
doomed children of all time
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p4nishers · 5 months
tiffany in i shall wear midnight makes me so fucking sad. like. she's the witch of the entire chalk. she rarely laughs. she calls people NOT EVEN 3 years younger than her 'kids'. she deals with things not even grown man could stomach. she comforts her own father multiple times when he tries comforting her bc she feels BAD for him. she constantly keeps herself in check around EVERYONE. she hates herself for oversleeping or sleeping at all bc she could've DONE things in that time people NEED her. she takes away people's pain every day. she witnesses a murder and its not the first time and she buries the baby and saves the abusive father bc she doesn't want her people's conscience to be tainted with his murder. she plants flowers (WHICH SHE BUYS WITH HER OWN HARD EARNED MONEY) on the grave of an old woman who died bc people said she was a wicked old witch and turned her out of her own house so they wont EVER forget. she has to do it all alone and she wishes she hadn't. she finds in herself sympathy for EVERYONE, no matter how bad they treated her or others. when they lock her in the dungeon her biggest concern is other people . she opened a school bc she wanted ppl to find out who they are like she did. she's not even 16.
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grungebutsoft · 1 year
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daily-crowley · 1 year
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Crowley Of The Day: am I the only one who gets a little emotional when I see angel!Crowley?
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chaoticsoulsword · 1 year
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I'm probably in a very vulnerable state of mind 'cause this single shot was able to make me cry.
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hercynianforest · 2 months
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Just a friendly reminder that Aaravos is not a trustworthy narrator, lol
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floridahistoryman · 4 months
Destiny is real and it lead me to Terry Pratchett.
When I was in the fifth grade there was a used bookstore that I would go to occasionally. One day I went with an aunt of mine who is about as bookish as me. I was a pretty big fantasy nerd at the time, but that had only really meant reading subpar YA novels and the Hobbit about fifty times. So when my aunt spied a dog eared copy of Feet of Clay, she picked it up and bought it as a gift. I loved the book and read it over and over again.
Fast forward to middle school and life is kicking my teeth in. Coupled with the usual issues that crop up from puberty was a death in the family and a category five hurricane that tore through my town like a buzzsaw. All of these factors came together to form one very angsty teenager. So I fled into the Discworld as an escape and a place to heal. Three years later, I emerged from my paperback cocoon a better person than I was when I went in.
During my Discworld spree, I did some research on Sir Pratchett’s other works, and found out I had been reading him for years. One of the earliest novels I remember reading all by myself was “The Carpet People”. I had also been reading a weathered copy of “The Wee Free Men” from my elementary schools library since the Third grade. I hadn’t realized it, but his work had influenced my childhood reading and ignited my love of fantasy.
I won’t say Sir Terry Pratchett saved me, that would be my friends and family, but he wrote a world that I needed.
GNU Terry Pratchett
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yanxidarlings · 9 months
ik i should focus on requests but i just have some ideas
what if the reader from the slytherin x dormmate reader series ended up in ravenclaw? (spoiler alert he now has a ravenclaw yandere harem) will address the slytherin side of this conundrum in another post but for now i present
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"ravenclaw" the entire hall falls dead silent, m/n l/n, from the famous l/n family? the purebloods that have been in slytherin for centuries? a ravenclaw. the young boy had a look of horror on his face as he sat there in shock.
the sorting hat was taken off his head and mcgonagall ushered him towards the ravenclaw table. "no- but" he squeked out as he was sat with the rest of the first year ravenclaws. he felt himself bumping into someone as he sat down, oh my god did i just touch a mudblood, m/n thought, stealing a glance at the person- boy, who was next to him, merlin help me i'm going to hell.
"names michael corner" m/n heard the faint voice of another boy, his handoutstretched as the prefect led the first years up the ravenclaw tower stairs. do i have to do this walk everyday, m/n thought to himself as he stared ahead blankly. "you alright, mate?" the boy walking next to m/n spoke once again, waving his hand in front of m/n's face.
taking it one step further, the boy poked m/n on the cheek, snapping him out of his thoughts - "get your hands off me you filthy-" "quiet down first years, this is the entrance to the common room" m/n was cut off by the prefect, sending a glare the boy - maxwell?, myles? michael?.
• yeah so homeboy reader was not prepared to get sorted into any house but slytherin. i mean ig ravenclaw is better than hufflepuff or god forbid gryffindor but by a small margin.
• dude kinda misses his slythergremlins sure they were annoying but at least they aren't going to suck the magic out of him like the muggleborns in ravenclaw were.
• so reader doesn't really get off on the best foot with his new dormmates, probably says something offensive, and boom, now his dormmates hate him. not to mention his childhood friends who got sorted into slytherin as expected started giving him the cold shoulder.
• okay so they don't hate him but he does feel like the odd one out. yes his first question when he arrived at the dorms was their blood status's and he purposely moved his bed further away from them just so he didn't accidentally catch half blood cooties but it only took him six months to stop scrubbing down the shower before taking one incase one of them carried a virus that would convert him into a blood traitor.
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TERRY BOOT (fancast fionn whitehead):
• terry boot is probably the most offended of the three, the other two take the readers behaviour in relative stride but terry get's pretty bothered. is it because he's upset that reader doesn't like him or is it because he's actually offended? the world may never know
• at some point he started going through readers stuff, just to make sure he isn't trying to poison us, but steals little keepsakes like socks, pins and the l/n family signet ring that sent the reader on a rampage for an entire month before he gave up on finding it.
• the winter break after that, reader came back to hogwarts with bruises all across his legs.
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"you fell down the stairs? is your coordination that poor or are you getting an early start on the hereditary alcholism in your family" terry scoffed, arms folded, a sceptic expression on his face as he observed the boys bruised limbs.
m/n scoffed "the l/n house has moving stairs you dimwit" he quickly closed the door to the bathroom "you nearly fell down the staircase on the way to potions last term" he added from behind the door. terry frowned, did he see scars on l/n's arm as well? he reached down into his pocket and gripped onto the signet ring he had taken from m/n's bedside table in november.
maybe i should give it back, he thought as he observed the pattern on the ring. as he approached m/n's bed, he began searching for a place to put the ring - on the table? inside the little cauldron? under the bed.
terry kneeled down, moving the sheet's out the way as the shoved it under neath the bunk. you know what, he called me mudblood last year, he can suffer. and with that, boot took the ring and hid it back in his pillowcase.
• terry is a denial kind of yandere, at least in this case, he justifies his actions in his mind and see's nothing wrong with what he does. stealing their stuff? friends share things all the time, stalking them? no he's just going in the same direction, manipulating them? he's sorry if they feel that way but that wasn't his intention.
• his initial dislike of the reader is what fuels his obsession, he simultaneously hates them, wants to be them and wants to be with them. terry thinks he wants the reader to become more accepting of life outside the pureblood bubble he was raised in but once he does and is able to function without the help of his dormmates, terry becomes abominably jealous.
• oh, you ate dinner all on your own without having to wait for terry and anthony to sit next to you and protect you from actual muggleborns? the audacity.
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MICHAEL CORNER (fancast owen teague):
• michael is nowhere near as offended as terry, he honestly finds the readers behaviour kind of amusing if not a bit weird. but all purebloods are weird like that, besides it's impossible to hate someone with such a pretty face.
• his darling might be a bigoted blood supremacist but they're his bigoted blood supremacist. he's not as pressed about educating the reader about equality as terry he just figures that eventually the reader will fall madly in love with him and decide that true love is more important than the bloodline and then they'll have 10 babies together and live happily ever after.
• so please don't burst his bubble and act disgusted or blatantly reject his advances. michael really tries to ease his darling into his affection but doesn't really understand that going from sitting next to each other in classes is not one step below sleeping in his bed with him.
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"what on merlins beard are you doing" m/n yelled as he swiftly kicked michael in the stomach, flinging the other off his bed. with an oomph, corner placed a hand on his stomach "ow, what is wrong with you" he whined, shifting to lean on his elbows, staring at m/n with a shocked expression "i should be asking what's wrong with you - have you not heard of personal space"
michael clicked his tongue, his eyes rolling "surely we've known each other for long enough to have sleepovers.. you know what a sleepover is right?" "i've never even seen your family tree and you want me to share a bed with you" m/n let out a scoff "you half-bloods are like cavemen merlin help me" he laid back and covered himself with his blanket.
blinking, michael fell silent for a moment "would you like me to get you a copy?" he finally asked, elaborating when the irritated boy muttered what from under the blanket "i'll find my family tree records and give you a copy if you'd like" he replied surely, a smile gracing his face.
m/n pulled the blanket down from covering his face, "well" he started, furrowing his brows, as if deep in thought "i guess so?"
• michael is the only one who openly pursues a romantic relationship with the reader. the darling can never tell the other two's true intentions but god damn is it obvious that michael's goal is to put a ring on it.
• even in fifth year, when he had a few girlfriends, he could. not. leave. reader. alone. literally invited his darling on his dates with ginny and then cho and made several inappropriate propositions and talked about the reader too much on the rare occasions that he was alone with any of his girlfriends which is why they all broke up with him pretty quickly.
• "m/n" "what" "cho broke up with me can you date me instead" "wtf"
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ANTHONY GOLDSTEIN (fancast tarjei sandvik moe):
• anthony is intrigued by the reader the moment they sat next to him on the night of the sorting ceremony. any attempts he made at befriending his darling fell on deaf ears. so.. he couldn't help but want to take a look into his mind. and he was a natural born legilimens so it's not like his darling would notice.
• becomes protective of him almost immediately after. his darling is just so fragile and needs someone mature like anthony to make good decisions on his behalf. anthony is quick to cut off his darling from his childhood friends, so that when they got over their shock over the readers sorting, reader would be too attached to his new best friend to want them back.
• he won't let the darling out of his sight, when he studies in the library so will they, they should also take the same classes as him so he can help them with their homework. will mess with their dreams if they try to distance themself from him.
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what a poor baby, anthony cooed to himself as he watched m/n from a distance. his cheeks red and tear stained as he bit his index finger, a sob escaped his lips as he wiped his face with his sleeve.
sure, anthony could have stopped riddle, nott and malfoy from shoving m/n around and calling him vile names, but then he would miss out on m/n's endearing sob session that came afterwards.
in the corner of his eye he spotted malfoy on his way back, and swiftly rushed in, hooking his arms with m/n's and dragging the other off with them "wh-" "malfoys on his way back" anthony picked up his pace "were you were watching the whole time?" m/n asked shakily. anthony pulled them both into another corridor, turning to face m/n "yes" he blinked "and you didn't do anything!" the red-faced boy choked out.
anthony smirked "you.. wanted me to come and defend you from malfoy and his goons?" his heart skipped a beat as m/n remained silent, looking defeated "no- i just- uh... i don't- i just" m/n stuttered, face flushing even redder as he stared at the ground.
• anthony infantilises his darling, treating him as a child that can't do anything right. it gets even worse in fifth year when he becomes a prefect: "dumbledore made me a prefect and not you because he knows you can barely tie your own shoelaces"
• goidsteins a lil condescending towards his darling, he exaggerates their mistakes and downplays their achievements. anything to make them dependent on his constant presence. he feels bad sometimes but when they come running to him for everything, it's all worth it ✨
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• unlike other groups of yanderes *cough* the slytherins *cough*, these three don't have much of a problem sharing. they're already good friends, and aren't nearly as possesive as some yandere's (le slytherins) not to mention; at first, it's only michael who is openly pursuing the darling romantically.
• terry and anthony don't realise that they like the darling in the same way michael does until like, fifth year. sure there had been cuddling, shared showers and a bit too much emotional intimacy for 'just friends' but what can you expect from a bunch of nerds 😔✋.
• the ravenclaws foster one hell of a dependant relationship with the reader, becoming the only people he isn't nervous around, convincing him everyone else wouldn't be as understanding and his old friends hate him they want him dead so they promise to look after him in return for.. access to the l/n's private library.
• no they expect affection and loyalty back also as soon as they all graduate readers going to move out of his family home and move in with them dormmates for life right?
• no they aren't the worst yandere's not by a milestone but there's just something so suffocating about them.
• the darling will eventually be pressured into a poly relationship with the three. yes they actually ask him if he wants to date them but it's a rhetorical question it's either yes, or no and they start spiking his water with amortentia - then it's also yes.
• as ravenclaws, they realise that violence is not the answer, mind control is. disobedience, rejection, and provoking jealousy will result in the use of the imperius curse or a love potion.
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thedreadpiratematt · 2 years
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iersei · 1 year
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all the things left unsaid
alternate caption: hello i just caught up to dndads and
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freshlymadepotatosoup · 10 months
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I just realized their family pictures are so cute!!!!
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klinefelterrible · 2 months
Does anyone else cry at the last meeting with the King in Fifth Elephant? I was reading it at work yesterday and lucky me noone was around because fuuuuuck. Every single part hits hard
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frogaroundandfindout · 5 months
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I love them so much
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bread-squid-uwu · 1 year
I like that MyStreet CREATED a father for Travis, he needed one of those.
Terry is a good dad, and a good character. Honestly I'm sad we never see him and his wife, it would have been sweet to see Enki actually in a series - especially a flashback scene, since shes.. yknow, dead.
The Valkrum family is so tragic, and seeing Michael possess both father and son, twice according to the WAF scene where we learn Michael used Terrys own body and hands to kill Terrys father? that's so haunting, that is such a sad fate of a family.
Its really nice to know theres a chance it wasn't all bad for them. There may have been a time where Terry, Enki, and Travis were a happy family together until Michael came into the picture.
The tragic characters hopefully had a happy time in the past, and thats supported by the balcony scene in WAF - where Travis talks about his childhood.
I like that MyStreet created a happy family for a character that didn't previously have that life, even if it's not forever.
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