#soap has adhd
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lazybutsmexy · 1 year ago
To good use
John "Soap" Mactavish x teacher!Reader
Johnny's mind works at breakneck speed, and you know how to slow him down.
Warnings: none! pure fluff, Johnny has ADHD. GN!Reader.
Words: 700~
A/N: Just a thing I came up with while preparing my lesson plans.
He stands up from the couch, completely disregarding the current football match. His team wasn’t doing well and he grew restless. His bare feet thudded on the wooden floor and took him to the kitchen, from where moments later the scent of freshly made coffee waltzed to you. 
You simply let out a soft puff of air, too focused on your task at hand - making sure your scissors didn’t stray a millimeter from the lines you had carefully designed on the brightly coloured craft paper. 
A soft ‘thunk’ signaled the presence of a steaming, fresh cup of coffee in front of you. “Thank you, Johnny,” you smiled up at him as he leaned down to peck your cheek. Immediately after, he shuffled over to the large window overseeing the front yard. 
The rain smacked heavily into the glass, as if attempting to break in. It wouldn’t - Johnny had made sure that the flimsy single-glass panels were replaced by bulletproof glass the moment you had agreed to date him all those years ago. He loved you and cherished you that much. 
You peered at him out of the corner of your eye. The sports commentator shouted another goal for the rival team, but you had a sneaking suspicion he didn’t hear it. 
His fingers twitched, and he clenched his hands a few times to relieve the tension. Soon, his fingers found themselves combing through his mohawk. The hair was soft, freshly conditioned after weeks. 
You could see the signals. He was itching for something to do. He couldn’t go on a run to wear himself down, nor even to smoke a cigarette in his storm. 
It was the part of his character that made you fall in love with him. His romantic spontaneity was born from his ever-working mind, and all the ways his thoughts zeroed in you. It was also his greatest flaw - if you could even call it that. When he lived with a mind that was always speeding at breakneck speed, left unchecked would give him - and you - whiplash. 
You snipped the last bit of paper in your hand and glanced at the rest of the materials on your workspace with an idea simmering in between your eyebrows. 
Forcing out a yawn and a stretch worked like a charm to bring his attention back to you. 
“Tired, bonnie?” he smiled, and by God, you could watch him smile for the rest of your days and be happy. He glanced at the clock on the wall and frowned slightly. “‘s pretty late, you almost done?”
“No,” you moaned pitifully, and drove the point home with a pout and batting eyelashes, “I need help with this if I want to go to sleep before midnight.” 
Immediately Johnny was dragging a chair and sitting down in front of you. “Tell me what to do, I’ll help.” Even though he tried to show a finality in his decision to help, you caught the hidden eagerness in his voice. 
Your beaming smile seemed to punch all thoughts away from his head as you handed him a stack of colourful paper strips. “Use that glue to stick the tips together to make rings, please,” you instructed him, and he immediately took the tiny tub of glue, “I need them arranged into a chain, the colour order isn’t important.” 
Johnny nodded once and muttered a soft “copy” before carefully getting to work. The way he delicately handled the strips showed you that your little plan had worked wonders. You turned your attention to the ornaments you had been working on - only half-made, so the kids would finish the work and get the credit, of course. 
“Thank you, Johnny,” he barely glanced up at your voice, obviously fully focused on his new super important task, “you’re a life-saver.”
His little chuckle and the bump of his ankle against yours under the table filled you with warmth, “‘course, can’t leave my bonnie struggling.”
You somehow held back an eyeroll and swallowed the ‘likewise’ that almost escaped your lips. You’d let him take the credit too. 
Taglist: @warenai @embers-of-alluring @queen-of-hearts-lemon-tarts
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dragonnarrative-writes · 5 months ago
Kinktober Day 2 - Massage
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CW: Under-negotiated kink, manual penetration, orgasms and implied associated mess, No Homo (Much Homo)
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"Ah wanna try something," Johnny says.
Kyle grunts something that might be generously interpreted as an affirmatively inquisitive noise. Considering the relaxed pleasure pain he's in, he doesn't bother to articulate further. Johnny's used his fingers, knuckles, and elbows to bully every knot in his back into submission. If he wants to help Kyle relax further, he's not going to complain.
Johnny's fingers dance, a light pitter patter, from the base of Kyle's skull down to his tailbone. It would be ticklish, but his body is too heavy to care. He hums when the man smooths a hand over his hip, then suppresses a nervous shiver when Johnny pushes the towel down, exposing his backside to the air.
They've never done this before, but Johnny seems to know what he's doing. Kyle's whole body goes back to imitating a puddle when strong hands start kneading and prodding at his glutes. There's a knot of pain - of course there fucking is - that has Kyle wincing and trying not to dance up the bed. But then everything releases and Kyle's back to floating on cloud nine.
It takes a minute to realize that things are feeling a bit too good. "Tav," Kyle slurs.
"'m hard."
"Aye? Gonna let me do something aboot it this time?"
"Ha ha," Kyle grumbles. "Y're a riot. Jus' gimme a mo'."
"'m not jokin'," Johnny says back, voice oddly soft. "Told you, I wanna try something. Think about it."
Kyle tries, but heavy hands start on his hamstrings and it feels like the gentlest hell. Johnny coaxes him through it until everything goes soft again, then repeats the process with his calves. The pain does nothing to counter the way Kyle's head floats, or the way he can feel his pulse in his cock. By the time Johnny smooths his hands back up to his shoulders, he feels like purring.
Johnny's voice is barely a whisper. "Let me?"
Kyle hums. "'lrigh'."
Oil drips to pool in the small of Kyle's back, just warmer than the temperature of his skin. Johnny's hands spread it around, cupping the globes of his arse and using his thumbs to toy with the nub of his tailbone. He isn't shy when his thumbs drift lower, coaxing a startled grunt from Kyle when one brushes over his hole.
"Gettin' a li'l gay there, Tav," he chuckles.
"No homo," Johnny says, distracted, as he puts just enough pressure to coax Kyle's relaxed body to open for him.
And Johnny is a grown man in charge of his own heteroflexibility, so Kyle just closes his eyes and enjoys the ride. There's nothing uncomfortable about this massage. Johnny's hands are firm and gentle in turns, until he's sinking one finger into Kyle with a bitten back groan. Kyle doesn't bite anything back, just hikes one leg up an inch or so with a moan of his own.
Johnny seems content to keep things to a single digit for a while. His other hand keeps up the gentle ministrations on Kyle's thighs, glutes, and lower back, but he's to distracted for much more than petting.
When he does finally fit a second finger into him, Kyle can't help but cant his hips back. Johnny's fingers slide deep. It's obvious it's no accident when he finds Kyle's prostate, firm but gentle pressure that sets his body alight. His muscles are too relaxed to tense into the pleasure. All he can do is lay there and let his best friend gently coax him toward what promises to be an intense orgasm.
Though he probably could come this way, he nearly whimpers with gratitude when Johnny's free hand wiggles its way under his hips. Even with everything that's already happened, the confidence of his grip is still a surprise. His hand is slow, but firm as he grips what might be the firmest erection of Kyle's life. He's not trying for anything fancy, but it's more than enough.
Kyle can only lie there, trembling so hard his teeth chatter, as Johnny croons something he can't parse and unvelcros his soul from somewhere behind his bellybutton. He's so out of it that he barely registers Johnny's grunt, a warm spatter against his upper thighs.
(Later, when Johnny has graciously cleaned up and they're laying shoulder to shoulder, Kyle can't help but ask, "What the fuck was that?"
"S called a happy endin'," Johnny chuckles. "One o' mah classmates posted aboot someone askin' fer one. Went doon the rabbit hole. Figured ye'd like it."
"Did you figure you'd like it?"
Johnny just cackles.)
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seeker-of-stories19 · 1 year ago
Autistic Ghost Headcannons
- Intentionally ignores social cues
- Scowls all the time at everything and everyone but usually not on purpose
- Takes full advantage of his ear defenders and balaclava to avoid sensory experiences he dislikes
- Incredibly restrictive eating, often chooses to go hungry rather than touch something he dislikes
- One of his favorite stims is smelling Soaps hair
- Gets overstimulated by certain things but is also very sensory seeking in other ways
- Wears tight gloves and sleeps under four weighted blankets because he likes the pressure
- Stims by making a tight fist, chewing his lips, scratching, hitting himself, leaning against things, rocking, pacing, rubbing the seam of his balaclava, tapping his ear defenders
- One track mind, he hates switching tasks and never does more than one thing at once unless it’s a hundred percent necessary
- Wears a mask largely to hide his scars and identity but it has the added benefit of keeping him from having to worry about making the correct facial expressions
- Very prone to dissociation
- Violent meltdowns, tends to have a vicious temper and destroy everything around him, hurting himself or anyone else unfortunate enough to cross his warpath
- But eventually when he’s in private he ends up just curling into himself and crying and rocking like he did as a kid
- It makes him feel incredibly vulnerable and he goes to extreme lengths to avoid the meltdowns which is a huge part of why they’re so bad
- Only Johnny and sometimes Price can calm him down
- Everyone else just thinks he has an explosive temper for no reason
- Ties his boots dangerously tight to get more sensory input
- Thrives under military routines but ignores rules that don’t make sense
- This definitely caused problems with COs in the past but Price is way more understanding and generally the 141 gets a lot of leniency on rules because of the type of work they do and the specific value of their skill sets
- Soap sleeps on top of him and always squeezes his hand a little too hard
- Hides in his room when overstimulated and shuts down completely, will literally disassociate for hours until Soap finds him
- Obsessively neat, nothing is ever anywhere other than where it’s supposed to be
- Doesn’t mind loud sounds but hates multiple sounds at once
- Explosions and gunfire are usually fine as long as he has his headphones but people talking and eating all at once in the mess makes him want to cry
- Absolutely despises crowds and will get very agitated and pissed off before eventually checking out until Johnny can get him back to a quiet space
- Soap letting him have the best vantage point when they go out because of how bad Simons PTSD and sensory issues are and he trusts Simon to watch his six
- Drinks but never to the point of being drunk
- Has the shittiest temperature regulation ever, gets so overheated but can’t figure out why and would freeze to death if it wasn’t for Soap making him put on layers because he’s basically immune to the cold
- Other than keeping his space clean which is mostly because it’s been beaten into him by his dad and then the army to the point where having a messy space will send him into a panic attack he’s a disaster. He never remembers to bring his dishes over to the tiny kitchen in the 141s rec room and routinely stares at things for days unable to complete simple tasks until he gets so pissed he ends up crying
- Price used to get annoyed by it and they’ve all three harassed him about it but once they realize that he’s genuinely struggling all three of them step in to make things easier for him, helping clean up his stuff in common spaces and wash dishes
- Soap definitely helps him with his laundry but only at 3am when he suddenly has the urge to do his own because ADHD
- His interoception is appalling, he’ll be furious and yell at recruits or just look at people like he wants to kill them on missions until Johnny leans over to subtly remind him that he hasn’t gone to the bathroom or eaten anything in eight hours
- Is fluent in BSL and uses it to communicate with Price when he’s in a verbal shutdown
- Soap and Gaz ask Price to teach them secretly and when they start signing to Ghost one day he’s absolutely shocked
- Generally he gets by with everyone else by grunting and scowling, people are too scared of him to call him out
- Most of his masking relies on peoples fear of him even though it often makes him feel even less human and it’s a vicious downward spiral
- Soap not being afraid of him was a really big deal because of this but also lead to him being really freaked out and unsure how to handle his prying
- Soap just finds him impossibly endearing and loves all the hidden little movements and noises he makes when they’re alone
- Lets Simon use his hands to fidget under the table during meetings
- Even though Soap isn’t the best at social cues himself he takes up explaining things to Ghost subtly whenever he can
- When Simon comes to his room to ask him about something someone said for the first time he’s ecstatic and considers it a great victory
- While a lot of Simons stims are more subtle or at least misinterpreted Soap will absolutely get hyped up when he’s stimming and start jumping or rocking or flapping his hands eagerly
- Soap sends him adhd x autism memes all the time and encourages Ghost to send back anything that interests him even if he thinks Soap won’t like it
- Is shocked to realize how strong Ghosts special interests are as his phone turns into a constant flood of articles and artwork about things Ghost loves
- Included but not limited to guns, puzzles, animal anatomy and bones, flowers (specifically the meanings of flowers) and many others
- Taking things apart and putting them back together, usually his rifle but will generally do it with everything from pens to knives
- Hoards weird things like old ink cartridges and bullet casings
- Has an unbelievable memory for details of old missions, can remember building layouts from over five years ago
- Soap’s room is so chaotic they barely spend time there because of how much it stresses Ghost out
- Generally they just balance each other out well with Simon being aggressively introverted and Soap being just as extroverted
- He pushes Simon a bit outside of his comfort zone and helps him socialize while Ghost reigns him in
- No one else really gets how they operate in the field except each other
- Soap was professionally diagnosed in school while Ghost was professionally diagnosed after Roba under a fake name with Price’s help so it’s not officially on his military record
- Ghost is actually very okay with how his brain works because it’s made him who he is and allowed him to surpass the regular limitations of a soldier
- He struggles more in his personal life but being around Soap heals a deep part of him that he’s buried since early childhood
- They understand each other like no one else ever has
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lemonwrap · 4 months ago
So everyone’s seen “Soap has ADHD” headcanons, right? Well, I have some ideas too >:)
- First off, Soap isn’t constantly ditzy or distracted!! In fact, he’s often very focused, especially on the job. Soap is great at sniping and demolitions because of the split second calculations and laser focus needed, and he thrives in high-stress environments, loves the rush of it all. It’s only off the field where he tends to get fidgety and distracted, because there’s no rush of pure, unadulterated adrenaline and nowhere to direct his energy. That’s when he starts to struggle, and personal leave is like pulling teeth for Soap.
- Soap deals with any energy or emotion he has with action and exercise, because he needs an outlet. Angry? Go to the gym and spar. Nervous? Go practice your aim. Sad? Go for a run. Happy? Go to the gym again, but this time lift weights instead of throwing recruits around.
- He’s dead set on improvement, whether it be beating Gaz’s time or a PR, and he’ll train until he physically can’t, so fixated on getting a number that it’s a little worrying at times. Price has ordered him to get the hell off of the shooting range and go take a break multiple times, and Soap has endlessly practiced until he could beat his own personal records—then started again, because he needs to beat the new record, too.
- Soap isn’t constantly talking, and he knows when to stop. He can chat up a storm, sure, but he’s very aware that it can be irritating or inappropriate in some contexts, so he’s learned to hold his tongue. He can get excited about things he’s interested in and knows a plethora of trivia, but he always purposely keeps that kind of thing to himself.
- Soap is socially adept. He’s smart, cheerful, and handsome to boot, so of course people are drawn to him like moths to a flame—but the problem with flames is that they burn.
- Soap knows he burns a bit too brightly, and he learned the hard way when he was young that not everyone can deal with that. It stung and Soap tried to squish himself into a box to fit in, but now he regards himself with more respect. It’s not that Soap is too much; it’s just that most people aren’t enough. Pretty much only the 141 can match him in his intensity, and Soap has never fit in so well with a group of people before.
- Soap’s mind races almost constantly, but he’s put a lot of work into filtering out the useless thoughts and focusing on the important ones (It has never once occurred to him that most other people do not have this issue)
- Soap thinks so fast that sometimes he can’t describe how he came to a conclusion or got an answer, he just did. He also jumps from topic to topic with no obvious bridge between them, and then gets frustrated when others don’t immediately understand how he got from point A to point C, because wasn’t it obvious? He always got poor marks in math class when he was asked to show his work.
- Soap isn’t forgetful because he makes sure he isn’t. If possible, he writes down every pertinent detail in his journal, then reviews multiple times to confirm he knows the ins and outs of everything.
- Soap lives up to his name—he’s clean. He puts in effort to keep himself, his space, and his belongings neat and clean; he just doesn’t realize that most people don’t have to put in so much to get the same results. The mess gets out of control quickly, so he has to stay on top of it. (Soap thinks that quote about one’s environment being a reflection of their mind is bullshit, since his mind is cluttered but his room and gear are spotless).
That’s all for now! Until next time ;)
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unpoppedcolonel · 1 year ago
hi ur tags are so good !!!!!!! the tags ab soap watching his demolitions ?/?:? yeag hauve covid too etc i love the idea that he gets so focused it ends up monstrous and ghost is just wired like That so it doesnt Bother him exactky And also what’s ur fav headcanon if u have one ?
You gotta be more than a little fucked to be a storyline playable character for this series imo. The logical conclusion of accounting for all playstyles sorta deal, which is Very Fun to apply to fics.
As for headcanons: most of my more mild ones have been fully explored in one way or another by fic authors and meta posters.
My biggest reasonable one is that Soap is a mask for John Mactavish. While the persona hasn't always been referred to as "Soap" (maybe "Tav" by schoolmates and fellow recruits, "JJ" by family), John has had some version of it since grade school.
Something something, being smart and trying really hard wasn't enough to make people like him or get the attention he lacked. But being outgoing and friendly and ballsy, that's what works. Even the people who complain about him being loud still at least hear him. John figured out how pack bonding works, essentially, and manually calibrated a persona with the intention of using it.
It wasn't even "acting out to get attention", it was a deliberate set of rules he figured out and applied to himself. It's a whole separate skillset he taught himself.
This is not a bad thing. It did wonders for his emotional development and confidence.
This is all to say that Sgt. Mactavish was wearing a mask when he met Ghost. It's why the only time he jokes about Ghost taking it off, his phrasing is laced with silly innuendo and they're separated by what still felt like an insurmountable physical distance.
In some ways, he's always testing to see who gets to see Johnny rather than Soap or Sgt. Mactavish.
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sangelune · 1 year ago
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   sometimes  soap  gets  so  lost  in  activities  he  forgets  the  critical  things  such  as  eating.  it's  actually  pretty  common  for  soap  to  find  himself  shaking  and  wondering  why  -  until  it  clicks  he's  starving  and  needs  to  eat  food  because  he  just forgot.  he  bounces  from  activity  to  activity,  and  the  small  everyday  things  tend  to  slip  his  mind  now  and  again.  he's  lucky  the  others  in  141  are  attentive  and  often  catch  him  out  before  it  gets  too  bad.  on  his  own  -  it's  pretty  bad.
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duskier · 1 year ago
Soap for character bingo please??
Thank you 😊
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....I'm a little biased towards Soap
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tamaharu · 1 year ago
why is talking to parents about mental health stuff so nerve wracking like im just informing them that im planning to get an adhd assessment so they could help with insurance and im like oh man i should be shot for this
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nerdie-faerie · 9 months ago
Shoutout to those friends you only see a couple times a year cus you don't live locally to each other anymore, so they regale you with soap opera worthy life updates
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tunaricebowl · 1 year ago
i don’t know which autistic/adhd/any kind of neurodivergent person needs to hear this but: make a “just in case” bag
this is a pic of mine. it contains:
loop earplugs on the zipper
prescription glasses with a clip on sunglasses attachment
my public transport discount card
a pen
a glasses cloth + wet glasses wipes (which can also be used to clean my hands if needed!
wireless earbuds in case my headphones give out
tips for my apple pencil + silicon covers if i need a different texture/the sound is too loud
a sanitary pad (not for me, as i had a hysterectomy, but i like carrying one around for my menstruating friends)
a pouch with hair ties for when my hair bothers me
autism lanyard (not pictured, as i put it in after i took it)
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will i use these every day? not necessarily. but it’s good to have these all in one place in a little pouch so it’s easy to throw into my bag as i use different ones for different occasions. that way i don’t have to think about all these things individually.
it might seem like common sense for some people, but i didn’t think of this until recently. so i wanted to share this in case it could be handy for other people. some more ideas for what to put in your bag under the break. you can make this as big or as small as you like so some ideas may seem a bit big
powerbank + cables (preferably a powerbank that has a LOT of charge)
snacks (do keep an eye on the expiration date)
painkillers/emergency meds (same thing about the expiration date)
sewing kit
mini fan
hand warmers
scissors/nail clippers (for when tags/threads/your nails are bothering you)
lucky charm (i have my lucky cat keychain. it just calms me to have)
plushie/stress ball/fidget toy
mints/a mini toothbrush and toothpaste
extra pair of underwear (for if you suddenly need to stay somewhere overnight or if an accident happens)
band-aids + disinfectant
hand cream/soothing cream
soap/soap leaves
similarly, some mini shampoo or mini body wash (again for if you suddenly need to stay the night. there’s probably already some wherever you’re staying but again. this is a just in case bag)
makeup remover wipes
hand sanitizer/general sanitizer
wet wipes/tissues
foldable bag
ruler/tape measure
this is a lot but keep in mind, these are just ideas. you don’t have to use everything, just pick out which things you think would be handy for you and make your bag accordingly. do feel free to add onto the list if you have any other ideas.
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quarterlifekitty · 3 months ago
okay so this is kinda different than selective,y mute reader but what if she had like 3 modes; selectively mute/silent af, just making random noises/shouts, or will not stop yapping (there’s just smth about how you write selectively mute reader that makes my adhd brain feel so seen)
Tbh I don’t think this is far from the truth!
I think she has trigger questions. Simon knows the kind of thing that will get her talking, Soap is starting to learn. They just have to tap into something where she’s thought about it enough to either have a preloaded script or be too excited to be anxious. I’ve said before— I think they all bond over B-movies, so asking her about what they’re watching is usually a safe bet. It always makes her smile to see Johnny looking at her intently and going “go on, hen” to show he’s interested.
Then there are the times that she’s silent no matter what. Simon has to kind of teach Soap that this isn’t personal, and doesn’t necessarily mean she’s upset or anxious or anything. Sometimes she just doesn’t feel that urge, the words don’t come out, sometimes the quiet feels safe and comfortable.
And then I also think of her as having echolalia. It can be easier for her to vocalize by making a repeated sound or by saying back what someone else said. This throws Soap for a loop a little bit, to be honest, because he’s not used to hearing his words back to himself, and he’s also used to people tuning him out when he goes on and on. He’s endlessly amused when she parrots Simon. She has this little lilt to her voice when she’s repeating something, almost like she’s tasting the words.
She also has some non verbal sounds in the repertoire. Tongue clicking, kissy noises, things like that.
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kakao-lovey · 24 days ago
୨ৎ Hormonal acne survival guide
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(Images from Pinterest)
My mom had it, my dad had it, and pretty much everyone in my family struggles with it to this day. Blackheads, whiteheads, pustules, papules, large pores, scars, the kitchen sink. These are my most honest, tried-and-tested techniques, split up into low-effort (AKA low budget) and high-effort (AKA expensive) tips that help my skin remain healthy against all odds.
꩜ Low effort techniques
~ Water. If you're not hydrated enough, your skin WILL reflect that, no matter how many k-beauty products you own. Let's face it. Water also helps with your overall health -> your mood -> your body image, so either way it's a win. ~ Eating foods that suit your skin: Vitamin C from citrus fruits or paprika, vitamin E from sunflower seeds and almonds, Lycopenes from tomatoes, polyphenols from black tea, Omega-3 from flaxseed and fish... Let me know if I should make a dedicated post! ~ Avoiding dairy: Unless they're 100% organic, most dairy products are filled with oestrogen that they gave the cows to produce more milk. Skipping these products makes *such* a difference. ~ Rice water: Wash some white rice and put it in a bowl of water for 20-40 minutes. Drain out the rice and put the remaining cloudy liquid into a spray bottle. Rice water has been used for centuries to brighten skin, tighten pores and fight acne, especially in Asian cultures where rice was abundant. Use it as a toner after washing your face. ~ Green tea toner: Boil some pure green tea, let it cool and pour into a spray bottle. Green tea is anti-inflammatory and soothing, and is great for clearing up skin. ~ Protecting your face from bacteria: Use a separate towel for your face and body, and avoid touching your face and picking at pimples at all costs! If you want to be really diligent, change your pillowcases every second night (I only do it weekly, but different people have different skin). If you have ADHD and need to fidget or pick at something, get a fidget toy like an infinity cube or a wacky track to keep your hands busy and away from your face. ~ FOR BODY ACNE: Avoid using soaps with any sort of fragrance. Get yourself a hypoallergenic soap, even better if sulfate-free, as fragrances and sulfates dry and irritate sensitive and acne-prone skin.
꩜ High effort techniques
- Isotretinoin: a medicinal treatment commonly branded as Accutane or Oratane, which cuts back your skin's sebum production, which is the root cause of most acne types. It's a prescription product, but it is not very difficult to get one. - Salicylic acid serum: LIFE SAVER. Salicylic acid is a beta-hydroxy acid, which means it penetrates into clogged pores and clears them. Together with an AHA such as lactic or glycolic acid (NOT at the same time, though) you'll have clear skin in less than 2 weeks. ~ Retinol/Retinoids such as Adapalene gel (Differin): NOT to be used while on Isotretinoin, but if you aren't, this is a go-to for acne and even hyperpigmentation. Vitamin A (Retinol) works by increasing cell turnover and collagen production. ꩜ That's all for today! Thank you for reading all of that, and if you try some of these out, keep me posted with your results!
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jgvfhl · 2 years ago
Soap once forgotten where he parked the getaway car and no one has let him live it down. It’s been a year now and still no one knows what he did with the car.
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corvuscorona · 2 months ago
today I want to recommend TimeJot android app name of TimeJot. I looked around for a while for an app that would keep track of when the last time was that I [ changed the sheets / started a new bar of soap / made chili for dinner / other ] while requiring as LITTLE effort or complex thought from me as possible, & TimeJot is it.
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you make an Event Category. you can put tags on it if you want. (you can also make it into a widget if you want.) whenever you Do this Event, in your real life, you can slap the lil timer in the bottom-right & it creates an instance for you, that lives in the category, and also in the other main tab that has a timeline of All Instances Of All Events In Order From the Most Recent at the Top. & the event jumps to the top of the default view.
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you can also backdate instances. & add notes to any of them, when you make them or after the fact, if u feel like Future You needs to know something about This Specific Time You Went Grocery Shopping or whatever.
this stops me from going insane about knowing that I have no fucking idea whatsoever when the last time was that I cleaned the humidifiers. I recommend to all adhd bitches android app TimeJot for knowing when things happened in your daily life. use free software today. thank you.
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bear-remn · 7 months ago
Reiji's headcanon please as you did with Shuu!!!! I need them😭😭
— reiji headcanon's
omg thank you for enjoy! and since you ask, i came to deliver!!! and a little of my art as well!
tw: this post has nsfw content (+18) , so if you dont like it dont read it!!
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this draw came out so much better than i thought, reiji is so fun to draw i love him so much!!!
his looks and selfcare
for start, reiji, unlike shu, do enjoy taking care of his skin and hair, at the begining of reiji's teen years, some acne began to pop out, and could'nt stand the fact that shu did not have any acne, not even once, so he started to take care of it, he often buys expensive lotion, soaps, and other skin creams, he totally watch tutorials on how to clean his skin properly, and always tries new suncreens on the market.
and i think that reiji does also buys expensive shampoo's and conditioner, he need it for his dry hair, so he totally buys profesional stuff. he prefers probably scents like jazmin, wooderish, also honey... even maybe lavanda.
and bc he cares a lot for his appearance, he showers very often, at least his body, reiji washes his hair like four times a week. and a little detail is that when he wash his hair, reiji uses hot water, but when he showers only his body, reiji uses cold water.
and to keep himself good looking reiji excersive sometimes, like two times a week and its intense, no one really notice bc he does it in his room.
and when it come to clothes, reiji does enjoy fancy clothes, i like to think reiji go through a face where he was looking for his real aesthtetic, he tried vintage, victorian stuff and in some point he tried the bad boy aesthetic, he find it a little too much casual for him, until he reached a more refinated, fancy but not too flashy style. even so he loves the turtle neck sweaters.
i think reiji is very aware of how handsome he is, his face is similar to his fathers, meaning, a sharp jaw and having a pretty nose, wich bone stand out a little. id say his nose and his eyes are the most atrative thing about his face. love a big nose on reiji, and his eyes are the most similar to his father, with that magenta color and a very intimidating gaze. In addition to having slanted eyes like his father, reiji gaze is like that of a cat, a little arrogant and seductive.
and for his body id say reiji is more of a slim kind of body, he has some good muscles for working out, reiji has good arms and shoulders, but his hands are really pretty, has long fingers and well treated nails. and as shu he also has a prominent v line, but reiji waist is more small.
reiji also takes good care of his body hair, the man shave for having a good smooth skin everywhere, yes, everywhere. and as shu, has that thing that dont let him grow a hole beard so he often shave it.
random stuff
soo... reiji is a little freak and you can't change my mind, he definetly has some obsessions and cant get over it, he just love things much he cant live without doing it, and to begin with one thing is his obvious collection of fancy plates, cups, teapots and has a little collection of rare spoons. reiji puts them in diferent parts of the manor just to look at them everywhere he goes, and he does not use any of them. he cleans them once a week.
and speaking of his obsessions, reiji has a secret but popular social media where he post is collection, he is very famous and dont show his face.
and he totally has OCD when it comes to order, without realize reiji is always ordering everything symmetrically and harmoniously to the eye, even when it comes to food, reiji orders the food on the plate in an elegant and orderly way.
also, i think reiji dont eat half of what he cooks, he prefer cooking than eating, but he enjoy's more doing desserts or really fancy meals. he also post this in his secret famous social media.
reiji is the kind of ADHD people that needs to do things right away, like the first thing in the morning to do is do his bed, when he finish cooking he cleans everything, when he take off dirty clothes he does laundry instantly, and like that with every little activity he does. maybe bc his mind is a little complicated and if he does'nt do something right away he might become anxious.
i think that bc of reiji doing ocasionally excercise, for some reason, reiji does not stretch his muscles before or after exercising, which causes him to cramp at the worst times, when he is in class, when he is studying or even while sleeping, on those occasions he is still asleep but cannot wake up completely, which causes his cramp to only extend until he wakes up from the excruciating pain.
i think reiji also has photografic memory, ofc bc of his childhood he memorize a lot of book and it just became something normal to him. he can remember every little detail he read, hear's or see's. having an almost perfect memory.
and maybe something cruel, but reiji hates animals, he has killed a few with his bare hands. he cant stand them, but secretly likes some cats.
i think that reiji has a secret shelf full of romantic books, the man loves romance novels. he read them before going to sleep.
and even if he does'nt get along with his brothers, reiji always takes píctures of their "good" moments, like ayato's matchs, subaru's plants, dinners or bals in the demon world.
oh and this man? in bed? lord have mercy.
for starting, reiji has a big dick, straight foward, he is big, i cant deny it. its long but not so thick, and when hard it looks up proud and shiny. only one big vein that comes from his croch. just hot. 18.5 cm and if he is really horny he can get to 19. wild.
reiji is totally dominant, but for the right person he is such a bottom, a power bottom tho. reiji dont like the feeling of being dominated and controled, but he does enjoy when someone put him in his place, mommy issues thing.
oh, and when reiji is interested in someone, is really... slow.
i like to think that reiji, for his childhood and the little love he recieved, he does not quite undertand how to express correctly how he feels, and speaking of a vampire its double hard. reiji craves for having something close to affection, so he always watches how people or other vampires in love interact, but he does not belive that love is something a vampire can feel. deep shit i know.
the only thing close to reiji giving affection is by acts of service, he would spoil you without notice. if you two live together reiji will be around you everytime he can, and if he feels confortable enough, he will start to invade your personal space to make you nervous, or to make a reaction out of you. a at sometime he would'nt realize he is invading your personal space.
like if in the morning your shirt it's not buttoned properly, he would come really, really close, and button it right. all of that while looking into your eyes, and amazingly, building sexual tension. after that he would just act normal and shit. such an ass.
in other occasion, like if you two are in a casual conversation, reiji would come closer and just take a little eyelash off you cheek, but he gets so close that you can feel his breath while telling you "just... keep steady hun..." and also would just do that thing where he puts your hair in place and touch your skind with delicacy.
and when you kiss him, bc he would not start it, reiji would be so amazed, since the firts kiss he would kiss you any place when you two are alone. and after every kiss, reiji smile warm and softly at you, cute.
and more into that, reiji would devour your mouth, but he is imponent about it, meaning he like to surprise you while kissing, bc he loves to get your reactions. i think that while you two kiss reiji is touching your lowers back to push you againt him, would smile during the kiss and then pull your hair a little to look into your eyes. he likes the feeling of you being his.
"what? wanting more i see...?" and his little cocky smile is everything.
and if the kiss got heated, reiji would push you to anything to be on top of you, he loves that, being on top of you.
i think reiji is embarresed of being sucked off, mostly bc i also think reiji is very... vocal during sex. and a little more sensible than normal. and the little times you get to suck him reiji woud stop you at some point to give you pleasure now. and he is a dick about that too. but he stop you bc he dont want you to see him breaking during his climax, the man is a little shy.
reiji likes bending you, putting your knees in your chest while giving you oral, and he does it right, he gets how the female anatomy works so he knows what he is doing, also loves to hear you plead him to make you cum, but sorry for you, reiji loves edging you... a lot.
"not yet darling... keep it a little more.."
oh... and the nicknames, he say thems with a low and seductive tone that would literally would make anyone weak just to hear. amen.
and ofc, he can make you squirt, the man know things.
and about his favorite positions, reiji loves bending you, making your body hurt a little by how strength he puts into his grip on you. specially the one where you are on your back, with you anckles in his shoulders, and he just press you on the bed hard. he wants to be so deep on you that just thinking about it makes reiji tremble. he find being inside you something special, he doesnt do it just for having sex, the man wants to feels the conection, deep shit for him.
i think reiji loves every position he gets to see your face, but he needs to be on top, just love to see you so little under him.
i also think reiji is very versatile with the speed the puts, like it depends on the mood, if he is very horny and needy he would break you, he is fast and hard, loves to hear his balls slap your ass in every trust, reiji would smack you ass sometimes and definetly slap your face during it, after that he would kiss you hungry and stick his fingers in your mouth. in other moments reiji can be more passionate, like more romantic about it, but the thing that reiji keep doing it at every mood, is that he keep eye contact.
and god have mercy bc reiji has some good precious eyes.
reiji loves looking at your eyes, doesnt care if you look back at him, but will force you to look at him if you are about to cum.
"just like that love... give it to me... let me see you love.."
and is into it for creampies, he just loves the idea of filling you up as many times as his and your body can handle. and cums a lot, probably bc he dont masturbate too much.
"yea?? ill give it to you love... take it all..."
another position he might like would be maybe standing up or againts a wall, just loves to see you trying to hold onto something but failing and just hold him for support, he loves when you touch him, in any kind of way tho. but also bc he loves to see your legs tremble.
thats a little detail i like, reiji does'nt get satisfaced if your legs dont tremble when you cum, or during sex, he likes to feel how they tremble, see them giggle and lost its strenght, makes reiji feel powerfull bc of how he can make your body break. but does'nt say it out loud.
and the man dont get tired like... never, but do knows his limit, and his aftercare? maybe the best one. if you need water, a candy, food, cuddles, a bath, reiji will make it for you, instantly, dont doubts. and the cuddles are so cute, he will give you a masage and maybe give you oral again, he cant keep his mouth away from you.
the man just want you to feel good, and he knows how to do it. makes reiji feel powerfull.
── more of my content here!
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xoxochb · 1 day ago
——— ౨ৎ ⊹ ࣪ ˖
“get these off.” you begin to throw each of the four blankets off one by one. “I never want to see these again in my life.”
“wait! shouldn’t this be a democracy?” percy hurriedly stops your hands in their movements.
your brows furrow. “there’s only two of us.”
“and mini us.” he points to the seahorse and turtle you had placed on your bedside table.
you sigh. “they don’t get a vote. I’m taking three of those off before I get heat stroke.”
you begin to throw each one onto the floor. you’d be washing the sheets tomorrow morning anyways. percy, defeatedly falls back against the headboard of the bed and allows you to continue until only one blanket is left.
you already feel much cooler. you sit up fully into a criss-cross with your legs and let the blankets fall and expose your exposed and burning skin.
percy reaches out and traces your spine from very top to bottom with his index. it’s oh-so light and sends your skin tingling.
“what’re you doing?”
“am I allowed to just touch you because I can?”
you close your eyes. “then touch me.”
percy smirks. “happily, sweet girl.”
your eyes shoot back open and you turn around, taking the blanket with you so he cannot be distracted by your chest. “that’s not what I meant!”
“well it was a very broad statement.”
you slap his head. “I’m leaving now, perseus.” you roll your eyes drop the blanket entirely and stand up from the bed.
“wait I wanna come with you.”
percy scurries off the bed but you’ve already began walking into the bathroom. once in, you turn on the shower and wait awkwardly for it to warm up to your preferred temperature.
luckily, percy enters and waits awkwardly with you.
but he’s also adhd so that only lasts about three seconds.
“how much longer?”
“go in now.”
he shrugs and enters. you enter yourself right after, not bothering to wait as you’re aware he could always adjust the temperature at his own will himself.
you push him out of the falling of the water so you can enjoy the warmth. he loves you so he lets it slide.
“do you know how you hated that new shampoo I got? the coconut one?”
percy grimaces. he’d complained every second of the day after you tried it out. safe to say he did not like it at all. “awful soap…”
“well! I bought the strawberry one again. I actually bought three of them so I won’t run out for a while.”
“you… are an angel, sweet girl.” percy pushes himself impossibly closer to you, cupping your cheeks and kisses your wet forehead.
you stand up on your tippy-toes and peck his lips before pulling back.
you step to the side for a moment to grab said soap. with this chance, percy steps beneath the shower. when you step back so does he.
you open the cap of the bottle and extend it to percy. you let him smell it first since he has complained for soooo long.
“just as delicious as I remember.”
“happy you like it.” you squirt a portion into your hands before running it through your locks. percy takes the bottle and places it back upon the self.
when stepping back he watches/admires your current form. the way the water runs down your body, the one he has memorized both inside and out from the top of your head to the bottom of your feet.
and the way your hair cascades like waterfalls down your back as you rinse through the soap. and the hands he’d give you anything just to kiss for eternity and to hold and to let touch his very own suntanned skin.
suddenly percy wishes he had asked you to stay in med and partake in a second round of love making.
“sweet girl?”
you take a microscopic step back and pull him flush against you to stand beneath the shower. his hands gently find your waist.
he doesn’t say anything but continues to stare at you.
“you called for me? speak!”
percy shrugs. “I just wanted to hear your voice.”
you can’t be mad at that. “well you’re hearing it firsthand.”
“and I’m savoring it.”
fundamentally impossible to be angry with this silly boy.
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