#soa x teen reader
garbinge · 9 months
But Not Today
Chibs Telford x F!Teller!Reader
Summary: Part 2 from Maybe One Day // Chibs comes to visit you on the farm.
Word Count: 3k
Warnings: Angsty. Mentions of death, murder, emotional distress, emotionally heavy.
SOA Taglist: @drabbles-mc @justreblogginfics
A/N: I've been thinking about these two a lot </3 Part 1
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Your chest was rising and falling as you caught your breath and stared at the ceiling. It was the moment where all your wits and sanity came back over you and the thoughts of what just happened came flooding in. The smell of his Scottish cologne and cigarettes filled the empty space on the bed next to you, it was still warm to the touch. You heard the water from the faucet turn off and any thought that was sneaking in your brain was now being rushed out as Chibs reappeared in your room. His hands were tangling through his shirt as he put it back on. Your eyes darted from him to his kutte, waiting to see if he was going to put it on. That’s when your heart began to race even more. The thought of him leaving made you uneasy, he had come all the way up here to the farm to see you and explained nothing. It was partially your fault too, you made pleasantries, some quick small talk but before any explanation was given you were kissing him and dragging him into your room. 
“What’s with the face, love?” Chibs spoke as he grabbed his kutte, your heart sinking with it. 
“Leaving already?” Your eyes moved back to his. 
A smile grew on his face as he shrugged the leather over his shoulders. “You promised me uh tour, didn’ya? If I ‘member correctly you said sum ‘bout chickens?” 
The way the relief washed over you made you sad for a minute. You knew this was a feeling you’d feel again, that it’d be heavy when it happened, but you took a deep breath and tried to stay in the moment. 
“Earl, Tootsie, Olive, and Jameson.” You named them off as you stood up and re-dressed. 
Chibs was now grinning as he waited for you to get ready. “Jameson, huh?” He asked pulling out a cigarette to hang in his mouth, eager to get outside and smoke it. 
“Abel and Thomas named them when they were young kids, but I made sure I suggested one.” 
Chibs was holding out your sweatshirt for you. You approached and grabbed it from him but instead of letting go he pulled you closer. “Not tha only thing you have ‘round here as a reminder of me.” His face was dangerously close to yours as he looked down at the sweatshirt. It was the one item of his you could still wear around. There were no SAMCRO tags, just a black zip-up that barely had his scent left on it. 
“I’ve got pictures too.” You said stealing the zip-up back from him and placing a kiss on the left side of his mouth where the cigarette wasn’t dangling from his lips. Moving past him you made your way to the backdoor, the barn dog you got quickly getting up from her bed and moving to the sliding door just waiting to run around to herd the few goats you had. 
“Where’re the boys?” Chibs asked as he walked behind you. 
“Thomas is with Nero. Tuesdays he picks him up from school and takes him to basketball practice.” You spoke as the door slid open and the door ran past your legs. “Abel is 16— I’m lucky if I know what he’s wearing for the day. I thought Gemma was being exaggerated when she’d talk about the “Teller Terrible Teens” but Abel has made her words an understatement.” 
Chibs looked to you with a frown as you stepped onto the back deck and made your way down to the farmland. 
“It’s not horrible. He’s not a dick to me, he helps out when I ask. He just– he questions everything, he’s asking about Jax, he’s getting into trouble at school.” You shook your head thinking about these last few weeks and how Abel had been acting out.
“The worst part is, he reminds me of him so much. The way he looks, the way he talks.” You laughed as you unlatched the barn fence and moved around it to look at Chibs and invite him in with the sway of your arm.  “Yesterday, we were at the grocery store and he looked at the girl bagging our shit and said, “thanks, darlin’” I swore I was looking at Jax, I froze for a minute and just stared at him.” You laughed again. 
Chibs laughed with you knowing it sounded just like the boy’s father. 
“He’s probably out with his friends on his dirt bikes in the back trails.” You spoke as you walked through the goat pasture. “They probably do real stupid shit but I’d rather them do it on the property than at some random’s house or parking lot downtown. I’ve turned them into real country boys.” You turned back to see Chibs admiring everything around him. He was still listening to you but he was taking in the sight around him. 
“This is the goat pasture, Billie girl, our dog, loves herding them, honestly I got ‘em because I don’t have to mow the lawn as much. We’ve got 1 horse, Delilah, real beauty, she’s back in that red barn over there. Then there’s the chickens. We had more but they aged out, now we’re down to the four. Waiting to get 12 more, can’t go to the Farmer’s market with only 2 dozen eggs, you know?” The words were falling out fast as you spoke, nervous habit, but it didn’t stop you from beaming as you showed Chibs around. 
“You seem happy.” Chibs couldn’t help but smile as he took in every word you said. The both of you approached the back deck and plopped down on the rocking chairs Nero insisted you kept back here for company. It was an argument between you two when you first moved onto the farm. You looked at him like he was crazy when he mentioned company. It was hard to believe a normal life with having people over could exist when you were running from what you were running from. 
You looked over at Chibs as he looked right back at you after making his last comment, the smile on your face wasn’t at his words but at the memory of Nero’s. 
“I don’t know about happy.” You began to shake your head. “But, I don’t know I’m content, I’m…” Your mind wandered to find the right word. 
“At peace.” Chibs nodded as he finished your sentence, not even bothering to look at your eyes to see if his words were correct, he knew they were. 
You would have agreed with a nod but Chibs was looking out at the farm, his fave had fallen into an expression that was hard to read. He seemed…bittersweet. Happy but yet sad. 
As he stared out at the barn he nodded his head and said something under his breath. 
“The Universe will never give you peace in something you were never meant to settle in.” 
“What?” You leaned forward, frown filling your face as the familiar sentiment fell from his lips. It was hard to really pinpoint anything since he spoke it at a mumble. 
“I, uh.” Chibs reached into his back pocket and pulled out a small pocket notebook. “found this. In the garage. S’why I came out here, figured you should have it.” He handed over one of Jax’s notebooks. You knew what it was immediately, it matched the style of the other one you had. 
“I read it.” Chibs said those three words with multiple emotions behind it. Regret and apologies, for intruding on whatever privacy there was there, but also firmness and understanding like something in there just made sense. 
“And?” You rested your elbows on your knees. 
“‘nd, it’s’y I came here and didn’t mail it out.” He looked troubled now. “I wanted to make sure you were settled.” 
Now that statement held more weight knowing what he had just mumbled under his breath. 
“I guess I am.” You hated that the words felt like they were breaking his heart. 
“You are, love.” Chibs spoke with certainty. 
You looked out onto the farm, taking in the life you had. It was different than the life you had been born into, forced into. The life that took pretty much everything away from you. 
“It’s impossible to be at peace in that town.” You said the words outloud. It felt relieving to say it. All this time you had never said it outloud, they were just thoughts that danced around you head. 
“Don’t I know it.” Chibs agreed with you. 
That made your head turn to him, a little shocked. All your conversations when you were together, or involved was probably the better word, back in Charming never were really about the big problem. Sure, you two talked about club stuff, the things members told their ol’ ladies, about your brother, about Jimmy O, about a lot, but never the real source. 
“What are you saying?” You questioned him, more bold than you ever would have before. 
“Things are different. Things are messy.” He wanted to share but you could tell he was hesitant, that he was trying to ease back into your dynamic and add another layer to it. But the loyalty to the club ran deep, that was a multi-decade long habit that he was trying to break for the first time. 
“Doesn’t sound different.” That was the new you coming up to speak. The you that lost your brother, your brother’s best friend, your mother, your father to the club. 
Chibs nodded at that. “We’re getting into it with the Mayans. Other charters, they’re falling apart, it’s bleeding into SAMCRO.” 
“Yea, doesn’t sound different at all.” You crossed your arms and fell back into the rocking chair. 
“Your brother–Jax–Jackie boy,” Chibs went through all the names he’d call Jackson Teller, smiling at the last one before letting his lips fall, “this wasn’t what he wanted, he worked hard to leave everything in a good place and it’s like shit unraveled.” 
You could tell he was venting to you, you could tell he hadn’t been able to do this with anyone else in his life, no one from the club, no one in his love life, it could’ve made you feel special, a characteristic Chibs never failed at with you, but this wasn’t so much of a fail but just not something you could ever feel special about again. 
“As someone who's seen it before, from the outside but up close and personal. This doesn’t seem different at all.” 
It was the same statement you kept repeating, but this time, the way you said this, it made him look at you. His eyes were low, tired, and you could see the gloss and redness in them as he held back tears. Two strands of his long salt and pepper hair escaped from his sunglasses and fell in front of his eyes, oily and dirty you could tell he was going through it. 
He didn’t need to say anything, you knew he was looking at you to elaborate. 
It was mean to laugh, but you felt that you had the right to after everything you’ve been through and talking about it now was bringing that bitterness up. 
“You’re so deep in it, you don’t even see what’s plain in front of your eyes.” You closed your eyes and took a deep breath letting the irritation leave your tone for the next sentence out of your mouth. “Your next. Everyone who's held that gavel ends up in the same place, making the same mistakes as the one previous, no matter how hard they try not to.” 
Chibs took in what you said. 
“Jax tried so hard to be JT, then tried so hard not to be him. Both of those things dug that grave for him. He loved the club more than anything and the club couldn’t love him back.” You were saying things that you had locked away in your mind for years, things you thought about as you buried your brother, as you packed your life up and left. “The club will never love you back.” You looked at Chibs. “Those guys might love you, but the club never will.” 
“Do you?” 
You weren’t sure if he was trying to change the subject, at first your head snapped to him with a smirk and a snappy remark to shoot back at him but you saw his face that was looking out at the farm. 
“Never stopped.” 
The words made him look at you and you smiled at him. Your head tilted and lowered to meet him at eye level since he was leaning his elbows on his knees. “Best part is, the farm,” you tilted your head a little more before leveling it out, “it loves you back.” You nodded. “Every animal, every acre of land, the boys even when they fucking hate you for embarrasing them in front of a girl,” you laughed at that one and smiled hoping the last one was going to be enough to convince him, “me.” 
The tear dropped at that one. His eyes shut tight as a couple more fell. 
“Move here. You can open up a garage, we have the buildings for it, Nero would even let you put something up closer to the road, you can come with me to the Farmer’s market, you can drive me to the vet at 2 in the morning when I’m worried that Billie got into something or that one of the chicken’s has a fever,” you chuckled, “you can ride dirt bikes with the boys and tell them about Jax, not SAMCRO president, but your best friend, how you fell in love with your best friend’s sister, you can wake up and feel settled, feel at peace.” 
Chibs wanted to say yes. He wanted to build a fire and burn the kutte right here right now, but he knew it wasn’t that easy. In this moment it was but as the thought settled, as the days would pass, he’d think about it, he’d dwell in it, wonder if he made the right decision, miss the kutte, miss the guys. 
“It’s not that easy, love.” Chibs tired to level with you. 
“Doesn’t seem like the life you’re living now is either.” You would beg him, it wasn’t below you to beg. “It’s going to kill you.” You were firm in your words, it wasn’t begging but you thought it might have an impact on him. “The club is going to kill you.” 
“A normal life would too.” He answered too quickly and immediately you knew it was a losing argument. 
The sound of an engine and the gravel dirt being stirred up and you knew it was Thomas and Nero coming back home. Chibs looked over and saw them pulling into the driveway when he stood up.
“Was really good seeing you, love.” He put his hand on your cheek and looked down at you. “Really good.” His thumb caressed your cheek and he smiled. 
You nodded in agreement and thanked him for the journal. His hand was still on your cheek when you shut your eyes tight. “Don’t come back here unless the ink is blacked out and the kutte is off.” 
The words broke you to say, but it was more than just you that you had to look out for. You had two boys to think of and the man who was generous enough to give you half of his acreage to live on. 
“Ay.” He agreed with no disdain in his voice, if anything it was littered with understanding and what you hoped was well, hope. 
Your eyelids remained shut as his hand dropped and he walked off the back porch. You heard the car doors close but no words exchanged. If you weren’t dealing with everything that just happened in your head right now you’d be imagining the way Nero was probably lifting his sunglasses while Chibs was lowering his, the nods both would give to eachother, the curious questioning look on Thomas’ face as he tried to place the visitor. 
“You alright?” Nero’s voice was filling your ears and you wished it offered up the level of comfort it normally did. 
The tears were wiped from your face immediately and you stood and smiled. “Yea, I’m good.” 
Nero knew you weren’t but he also knew you weren’t going to share with Thomas two steps from joining you on the porch. 
“Who was that?” Thomas was asking as he looked down at the snack he was fidgeting with to open. 
Your gaze looked at Nero and said so much while not speaking at all. Before you either had a chance to answer, another voice was coming from the other direction as the back door swung open. “Was that guy on the bike here at the farm?” Abel’s voice was like a knife to your heart. 
“Yea, it was someone looking to sell me something.” You lied straight through your teeth to both boys. 
“Oh.” Thomas said as he passed by both you and Nero without second guessing your statement and walked right past his older brother into the house. 
Abel looked like he might need more convincing but you could tell he decided to drop it. “I’m goin’ out later but I picked up the feed order and left it in the ATV wagon.” 
“12AM curfew.” You pointed at him and he waved you off but you knew he’d be back before 1. 
“What was he sellin’?” Nero asked you, the only one besides you who knew exactly who it was that was here. 
You looked at Nero and shook your head at him.
“A dream.”
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anonymousewrites · 11 days
Pearl of the Sea Chapter Eighteen
Found Family! PoTC Cast x Teen! Reader
Platonic! Will Turner, Elizabeth Swann, Jack Sparrow, Tia Dalma x Reader
Chapter Eighteen: Meeting Sao Feng
Summary: (Y/N) and their friends need a map to Davy Jones's locker, and that means venturing to Singapore.
Two months later…
            (Y/N) sat behind Elizabeth as she punted them downstream in the waters around Singapore. The song had recently reached the pirates, and the pair sang it quietly. (Y/N) sang it for all the people who had lost their lives as the East India Trading Company’s reign of terror began.
            “Some have died, and some are alive,” they hummed quietly. “Others sail on the sea. With the keys to the cage, and the devil to pay, we lay to the Fiddler’s Green. The bell has been raised from its watery grave. Hear its sepulchral tone.”
            (Y/N) watched as British soldiers stalked across bridges in search of more innocent lives to destroy. They caught pirates daily, yet they were the ones colonizing, pillaging, thieving.
            “A call to all, pay heed to the squall, turn your sails to home. Yo ho,” sang (Y/N). “Haul together. Hoist the colors high.”
            Elizabeth stopped the longboat and tied it.
            They stepped out.
            “Thief and beggar,” said the guard of the secret entrance to Soa Feng’s pirate lair.
            Sao Fang was the leader of the Singaporean pirates and the latest person they needed to contact in order to have a way to reach World’s End, the Black Pearl, and Jack.
            “Never shall we die,” finished the guard. “A dangerous song to be singing for any who are ignorant of its meaning. Particularly a woman and a child.” He smirked. “Particularly when they’re alone.”
            “What makes you think they’re alone?” Barbossa walked down to the canal.
            “You protect them?” snapped the guard.
            (Y/N) grabbed one guard, and Elizabeth grabbed another. They lifted knives to their throats.
            “We don’t need protecting,” said (Y/N).
            Barbossa grinned. After returning to life, he had worked with the crew of the Pearl to find it again. He had found that Elizabeth was a formidable pirate (especially after she threatened him with a sword to cut his throat if he tried to touch her, Will, or (Y/N) again). He had also discovered that (Y/N) was as dangerous as they had seemed fighting alongside Jack. In fact, he had become a little fond of (Y/N) (if only to hopefully piss of Jack a bit that his protégé could also be taught by Barbossa). All in all, he was enjoying the expert crew of the Black Pearl.
            “Your master’s expecting us,” said Barbossa. “And an unexpected death’d cast a slight pall on our meeting.”
            All the pirates looked at each other and hesitantly lowered their weapons warily.
            “Pick those feet up!” said a British soldier. “Eyes front.”
            The pirates retreated to the edge of the canal to avoid being spotted. Sao Feng’s guards led the way to the grate and into the underground tunnels of Singapore.
            “Have you heard anything from Will?” asked Elizabeth.
            “I trust young Turner to acquire the charts and you to remember your place in the presence of Captain Sao Feng,” warned Barbossa.
            “What’s he like?” asked (Y/N), not promising anything.
            “He’s much like myself, but absent my merciful nature and sense of fair play,” said Barbossa.
            Wonderful, thought (Y/N).
            The guards walked up to a lock door and spoke a password. It was unlocked and opened to reveal a new passageway. Several guards held out their hands, and Barbossa began handing over his weapons. (Y/N) grumbled but handed over their sword, pistol, and daggers. Elizabeth, on the other hand, somehow procured over a dozen weapons from her person, hidden in places no one would think of except for her (even some unsavory places).
            Finally, though, they were let into Sao Feng’s chambers. It was a sauna full of pirates being served by women with drinks and drugs. The heavy smoke of opium hung in the air, and (Y/N) wrinkled their nose.
            Sao Feng himself stood on a dais, clad in leather armor with ornate embellishments. A large scar extended across his face, and he looked down his nose at the group. While Barbossa enjoyed the riches and glory of captaining and Jack adored the very act of being on the sea, it was clear Sao Feng loved the power he commanded in a room.
            Barbossa bowed to appease his ego. He gestured to Elizabeth and (Y/N). Elizabeth bowed, and (Y/N) suppressed a roll of their eyes before bowing. Their skin itched. For two months now, every time they had to do something they didn’t wish to or had to obey another’s wishes that went against their own, the itch returned. The restless energy was deep in their body, in their heart.
            “Captain Barbossa, welcome to Singapore,” said Sao Feng. He glanced at his servant. “More steam.” Water vapor pumped into the air. “I understand that you have a request to make of me.”
            “More of a proposal to put to ye,” said Barbossa. “I’ve a venture underway, and I find myself in want of a ship and a crew.”
            “Hm. It’s an odd coincidence,” remarked Sao Feng. His tone, however, suggested he knew more than he had so far revealed.
            “Because you happen to have a ship and a crew you don’t need?” said Elizabeth, raising a brow.
            “No,” said Sao Feng. “Because earlier this day, not far from here, a thief broke into my most revered uncle’s temple and tried to make off with these.” He picked up a roll of maps. “The navigational charts. The route to the Farthest Gate.”
            Elizabeth, Barbossa, and (Y/N) exchanged looks. Those were what Will had been searching for.
            Sao Feng threw the charts to a guard. “Wouldn’t it be amazing if this venture of yours took you to the world beyond this one?”
            “It would strain credulity at that,” said Barbossa.
            (Y/N) nearly rolled their eyes, and they glanced warily around.
            Sao Feng nodded to a pair of guards by a steam bath. They raised a log to reveal arms tied to it. Will gasped for air as he was raised from the scalding water.
            “This is the thief,” said Sao Feng casually. “Is his face familiar to you?”
            All three shook their heads “no.”
            “Then I guess he has no further need for it,” said Sao Feng, rearing back to stab Will.
            “No, no,” gasped Elizabeth, unable to stop herself.
            Sao Feng stopped and turned around slowly. He had trapped them in their lie. “You come into my city, and you betray my hospitality.
            Barbossa stood straight. “I assure you I had no idea—”
            “That he would get caught!” interrupted Sao Feng.
            Around them, Singaporean pirates stood and surrounded the group.
            “You intend to attempt the voyage to Davy Jones’s locker,” said Sao Feng matter-of-factly. “But I cannot help but wonder…why?”
            (Y/N) shifted, and Barbossa and Elizabeth both put a hand out. If (Y/N) were to speak up, it wouldn’t be polite, which wouldn’t end well. (Y/N)’s skin itched, and they shifted with unused energy.
            Barbossa tossed a coin through the air in response to Sao Feng. He caught it, bit it to test it, and stared at it.
            “The song has been sung,” said Barbossa. “The time is upon us. We must convene the Brethren Court. As one of the nine pirate lords, you must honor the call.”
            Sao Feng narrowed his eyes. His hand curled into a fist. “More steam.” The words held all the frustration he wished to express. Nothing came, and he whirled on his servants. “More steam!” he bellowed. Still none.
            “There is a price on all our heads,” continued Barbossa, distracting Sao Feng from what was most likely their crew interfering.
            “Aye. It is true,” said Sao Feng. “It seems the only way a pirate can turn a profit anymore…is by betraying other pirates.”
            Oh, bloody hell, thought (Y/N). It was a suspicious turn of phrase, even if he seemed to be addressing Will’s predicament.
            Barbossa continued. “We must put our differences aside. The First Brethren Court gave us rule of the seas.”
            (Y/N)’s gaze flicked to him, and their hands clenched at their sides. The seas weren’t to be ruled by anyone. They were free, wild, untamable. Like m—
            “But now that rule is being challenged by Lord Cuter Beckett,” said Barbossa.
            “Against the East India Trading Company, what value is the Brethren Court?” said Sao Feng derisively. “What can any of us do?”
            “You can fight,” snapped (Y/N), their words breaking free. Sao Feng’s sharp gaze landed on them, but they did not cower. “You are Sao Feng, pirate lord of Singapore. You’re a commander in an age where brave captains still sail free waters, despite those waves being measure in fear and not feet.” Their stormy eyes flicked over Sao Feng, and it was as piercing as a needle. “And yet you would just watch such an era come to an end.” They met his eyes. “The most notorious pirates from around the world are uniting against our enemy. Their names will be remembered in legends.” A soft sneering smirk spread across their features. “Yours will be drowned in the bathwater you cower within.”
            Elizabeth’s eyes widened, and Barbossa closed his eyes and cursed Jack for teaching them to be so mouthy (not that it had come from him. It was natural to (Y/N), and their natural self broke free more and more every day).
            Sao Feng stared at them and stepped off the dais. (Y/N) refused to flinch or back away. Sao Feng circled them like a shark, gazing at them quizzically.
            “(Y/N) Swann,” said Sao Feng. “There is more to you than meets the eyes, isn’t there?”
            (Y/N) followed him with their eyes as he circled them and returned to the front.
            “But I cannot help but notice you have failed to answer my question,” continued Sao Feng. “What is it you seek in Davy Jones’s Locker?” Barbossa opened his mouth, but Sao Feng held up a hand. “I want the small one to answer.”
            That must be me since I’m the kid.
            “They seem to enjoy speaking.”
            I’d prefer fighting. Thankfully, (Y/N) kept that thought to themself. “A friend.”
            Sao Feng narrowed his eyes. “That is not an answer.”
            “It is,” said (Y/N).
            Elizabeth fought back a sigh as (Y/N) decided to be sarcastic and play tricks with the pirate lord of Singapore.
            “Jack Sparrow!” declared Will, breaking in. “We seek Jack Sparrow.”
            Laughter erupted throughout the sauna.
            “He’s one of the pirate lords,” said Will, speaking over the derision.
            (Y/N) watched Sao Feng run a hand over his head. They noted the slight tremble with curiosity.
            “The only reason I would want Jack Sparrow returned from the land of the dead is so I can send him back myself!” he hissed.
            It seems Jack left his usual impression on people on Sao Feng.
            “Jack Sparrow holds one of the nine pieces of eight,” said Barbossa. “He failed to pass it along to a successor before he died. So we must go and get him back.”
            “So you admit…you have deceived me,” said Sao Feng slowly. “Weapons!” He drew his sword.
            All the pirates let out a shout and grabbed their weapons.
            “Sao Feng, I assure you, our intentions are strictly honorable,” said Barbossa.
            Through the slatted boards, swords flew up into the air. Barbossa, (Y/N), and Elizabeth each caught one. Barbossa caught the extra for Will. He coughed as Sao Feng narrowed his eyes. Obviously, their intentions had been honorable with a heavy dose of “just in case” dishonesty.
            Sao Feng grabbed a Singapore man and held a sword to his throat. “Drop your weapons or I kill the man!”
            (Y/N), Elizabeth, Will, and Barbossa wore identical expressions of confusion.
            “Kill him,” said Barbossa. “He’s not our man.”
            Now it was Sao Feng’s turn to look confused as he stared at the nervous man.
            “If he’s not with you, and he’s not with us…who’s he with?” said Will.
            “Beckett,” breathed (Y/N).
            The doors broke open the moment the name left them. “Charge!” cried the British. Muskets fired, and the pirates ducked and attacked as best they could.
            Will used the pole he was tied to in order to rush into several men before they could fire. (Y/N) wove through the crowd and slashed through his bindings. Barbossa tossed him a sword. Elizabeth expertly dueled several soldiers at once, and (Y/N) handled their own crowd. They swept through the British, dancing through the attacks aimed at them. They flowed like water from one stab to another parry to a slash to a duck to a kick to a pivot to attack after attack.
            From within the platoon, a familiar face emerged. Mercer stepped out, clad in black, and looked across the room of fighting pirates with his sharp, cruel eyes. They landed on (Y/N), and he raised a gun. It was not a pistol, though. This one contained a small dart to incapacitate its target. Of course, Mercer had a proper pistol at his side. If the child resisted…Well, Beckett said controlled or killed.
            “(Y/N)!” Elizabeth tackled them as she saw the shot.
            It flew over their head and hit the wall. Will ran to their side and hauled Elizabeth and (Y/N) up. Barbossa and Sao Feng cut down several attacks, and the group found themselves fighting side by side. Unfortunately, the British were closing in and had their muskets ready once more.
            “Ready?” said Mercer, preparing another dart.
            (Y/N)’s gaze flicked to it, confused but frightened at what it meant for them.
            Instead of the crack of rifles, the floor exploded. The British collapsed back into the hole. The pirates shouted a war cry and stormed onward. Sao Feng grabbed the charts as they ran. The Black Pearl crew ran out from beneath the sauna, fired their pistols, and drew their swords. It was Singapore and Pearl pirates versus the East India Company.
            The fight spread into the streets of Singapore as the pirates fled the British, and shops and carts were overturned as their keepers joined the angry brawl—fists were as much weapons at this point as muskets or cutlasses.
            (Y/N) leapt over a table and slid under another. With a flick of their wrist, they cut through a soldier’s ankle, and he collapsed. Without being able to stand, (Y/N) ended him in another stab before jumping onto another table to gain the high ground. A soldier ran at them, and they jumped to avoid him. They grabbed the tent’s supporting pole, swung forward, and kicked him in the head. (Y/N) landed and darted towards the canals.
            Behind them, a group of soldiers aimed to fire, but the cart behind them exploded. They fell dead and hurtled into the river. (Y/N) grinned behind them, knowing Tia Dalma stood smirking at her plan working.
            They ran beside the canals, waiting to spot another friend to regroup.
            This time not according to plan, a building exploded with a hundred unplanned fireworks. It was right behind them, and (Y/N) flew through the air. Their vision spun between dark and light, and they splashed into the water. They submerged, and their mind cleared. They pushed to the surface and took a deep breath.
            Grumbling, they pulled themself to the walkway.
            “Goin’ for a swim at a time like this?”
            (Y/N) looked up, unamused, at Barbossa. “Putting on a firework show at a time like this?” they retorted.
            Barbossa chuckled and pulled (Y/N) out of the water. Tia Dalma stood next to him and gazed at (Y/N) with a smile.
            “How do you feel?” said Tia Dalma.
            “Wet,” said (Y/N). “But fine.” They had only been temporarily disoriented.
            “I’m sure,” said Tia Dalma.
            Will appeared from round the corner with a group of pirates.
            “You have the charts?” said Barbossa, eyes locking on the bundle in Will’s arms.
            “And better yet,” said Will. He tossed the charts to Barbossa and gestured to the Singaporean pirates behind him. “A ship and a crew.”
            “Where’s Sao Feng?” Elizabeth joined the rendezvous with the rest of the Black Pearl crew.
            “He’ll cover our escape and meet us at Shipwreck Cove,” said Will.
            Barbossa nodded. “This way. Be quick.”
            (Y/N) looked back at the fire still burning in Singapore as they sailed away. The water rippled around them as the ship moved smoothly over the water. They held the edge of the ship tightly. They had a way to Jack. They’d find him, the Pearl, and a way to stop Beckett. Freedom would win. It had to.
            “There seems to be a lot on your mind,” said Tia Dalma, joining them at the side of the ship.
            “I’m worried about Jack. What it must be like in the Locker,” said (Y/N).
            “Jack is a man of no constancy, coming and going with the tide. But he is also one of great passion for what he cares for—adventure, life, freedom…” Tia Dalma looked at (Y/N). “But the Locker cannot take his heart. He will lose nothing but his mind.”
            “Which was lost a long time ago,” said (Y/N) with a smile.
            “Then you have nothing to fear,” said Tia Dalma, reaching out and touching (Y/N)’s hand. It was clear (Y/N) was attached to Jack, though how deserving he was of it remained to be seen.
            (Y/N) hummed, and they glanced back at Singapore. “Do you think Sao Feng will answer the call now that it is clear he can be found wherever he hides?”
            Tia Dalma’s expression grew grim. “I cannot say. There is an evil on these seas that even the most staunch and bloodthirsty pirate have come to fear.”
            “We should hope someone will face it instead of fearing it, then,” said (Y/N).
            Tia Dalma looked at (Y/N) with a mysterious glint in her eye. “We should hope.”
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rayslittlekitten · 1 year
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love ❤️
Oh my how did I miss this in my inbox? Thank you @laurfilijames!
I've answered this a few times before and I can't find those posts because the tagging system and searching system on Tumblr is useless so here it goes. There's just so many to choose from because I love them all in their own way:
The Therapist (Raymond Smith x F! reader, AU) Summary: After bringing up some fantasies and thoughts that you can’t get out of your head to your therapist , he helps you explore them.
This one is near and dear to my heart and revisit it every now and then.
The Little Sister (Raymond Smith x F! reader) Summary: After graduating from University in the United States, you come home to London with your boyfriend who you met at University. You then meet your brother-in-law's consigliere for the first time and become quite enchanted by him.
This one was a very fun one to write and probably the first series I even completed.
You Got This (Jax Teller x F! reader) Note: Okay I can't quite sum this one up because it's just a universe. It started as a one off and someone requested a sequel and it kind of went from there. Much of the fics in this universe is pre-SOA and its teenager Jax and reader (it really should be OC) is Opie's little sister. I just absolutely fell in love with these two exploring what young Jax could have been and this dynamic he has with his best friend's sister. This was the first time I had written for Jax.
Dad Will (Will Miller x Wife F! Reader, Will Miller & Daughter (OC)) Note: There is absolutely no summary for this except that they're mainly a series of snapshots of Will and his daughter. He is the ultimate girl dad in this and it ranges from her being a baby and up until a teenager. Maybe one day I'll write when she's older and he has to give her away, but writing these little moments and nuggets have been so indulgent for me and the little girl inside me. This also has moments (and conflicts) with Wife Reader so I also got to experience Will as husband. It's the best of both worlds.
Wanna Be (Will Miller x BFF F! reader) Summary: You pine for your best friend.
This is one of my favorites because not just is it so wholesome, but best friends to lovers is one of my favorite tropes. This mostly also takes place when Will and reader are in high school so it's younger Will and all the great things that comes with young love and romance. It felt so nostalgic and it reminds me a bit of like teen romance 90s TV shows and movies. That last chapter is my favorite because it was so vivid in my head and I think I was able to put to paper my vision.
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fanficimagery · 2 years
Guns, Claws & Teeth pt. 1
On the way back from running an errand for your brother, you stop by an auto garage for a tune-up for your car. Once there, you run into a bit of trouble but it's nothing you can't handle. Unfortunately, the humans you've made friends with are dragged into the mess.
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Words: 3.2K Author's Note: If you’re from the SoA fandom, LOOK AWAY! I’ve never seen the show- just read a lot of fic and seen some clips. Needless to say, my characterization of your favorite bikers is most likely terrible. SoA and Teen Wolf AU.
When an issue arose with a couple of packs in southern California, Derek sent you to check it out and resolve it as quickly as possible in his name. Each state obviously had several packs residing within it, but there was only one alpha which all the other packs looked to for guidance and to resolve any issues they were having with other surrounding packs. And for as long as you can remember that one alpha has always been a Hale, even after the terrible tragedy that nearly wiped out every Hale in the state of California.
On the way back to Beacon Hills after a successful impromptu peace summit, you notice your car isn't running as smoothly as it should. You're in the town of Lodi when you realize it and you ask around for a legitimate auto garage as you stretch your legs a bit. Everyone tells you Teller-Morrow Automotive in Charming is the best you can get around these parts and you thank them for the suggestion.
Ten minutes later and you're pulling up outside of Teller-Morrow Automotive. The gates are open, and you see a couple of milling about inside. You carefully drive in and put your car in park. Off to the side, one individual is on a smoke break, and he whistles appreciatively at the sight of your all black 1967 Chevy Camaro. He stands, sweeping back his hair over his head as you cut the engine, and it's then you notice the scar alongside his cheek.
"That's an absolute beaut, lass."
"Thank you." You pull out the keys, pocket them, and climb out of your car to meet him halfway. "Are you guys open for drive-ups or..?"
"The lads an' I have some time to kill after they finish the car in the garage. What is it you'll be needin'?"
"Full tune-up. She wasn't driving as smoothly as I'd like."
"I think we can swing it. Let me check wit' the boss." The man turns and sharply whistles, and then two other men are making their way towards you. One blonde with a swagger in his step that you can't help but appreciate, and the other with a mohawk trimmed closely to his head and tattoos taking up the bare skin. While blondie has a neutral expression on his expression, the other is smiling wide as he eyes your car.
"What's going on, Chibs?"
"The lil' lass here wants to know if we're open to doing a full tune-up for her."
"Money is no issue so long as you don't jerk me around," you say. "If it needs fixing, I don't mind paying for it, but don't say something needs to be replaced if it truly doesn't."
Blondie looks you up and down before eying your car, smiling. "Might run you a couple hundred."
"I'm good for it."
"I'm sure you are." He looks back at you and holds a hand out. "Jax Teller, owner. You've already met Chibs and the one eye-fuckin' your car is Juice."
You laugh as you clasp his hand with yours. "YN Hale."
His hand squeezes yours a little tighter as the twinkle in his eye vanishes. Your muscles tense as anger suddenly wafts off all three men. "Any relation to Deputy Chief David Hale?"
"Nope." You shake your head. "The only Hale's I know of are me and my brother, and we reside in Beacon Hills. We don't have any other family."
The men seem to relax at that and Jax finally releases your hand. You then shove both your hands in your back pockets. "So the tune-up?"
"Yeah. Uh, we can do it. Might take a couple of hours, depending on what needs to be replaced and that's after we finish the car we're working on right now."
"That's fine. I'm in no rush."
"Then you're gonna wanna go see my mom so she can take down your info. Name's Gemma. She's in the office."
"Thanks." You take your right hand out of your back pocket and dig into your front pocket for the keys. You toss them up in the air and Juice is quick to catch them.
"I'll take those," he says.
You laugh and then make your way towards the garage, eying the part of it where it's obviously a place to hangout for them. You continue walking, heading for the door that's partially opened on the opposite end of the garage where you can hear someone inside.
You knock on the door jamb, waiting for permission to enter.
"Yeah? Come in." You push the door further open, flashing a sheepish smile when the elder brunette looks up from shuffling a few papers behind a desk. She looks you up and down, sizing you up with a haughty expression on her face, and raises an eyebrow at you. "What can I do for you?"
"Jax told me to meet with you so you can take down my info. They're gonna do a tune-up on my car."
She sighs and gestures to the chair across from her. "Have a seat." She grabs a paper from one of the desk drawers and clicks open a pen. "Name, number, make and model of car." As you rattle off the information to the woman, you watch as she scribbles it all down. "That's a nice car you got there. Might need more than the usual tune-up."
"Like I told your son, money is no issue. I'm good for it."
She huffs. "Are you sure mommy and daddy aren't gonna pitch a fit for spending their cash?"
You grin at the cattiness in her tone. "Unfortunately, mommy and daddy have no say in how I spend their life insurance money." Gemma pauses and glances up at you, expression torn between indifference and guilt. You shrug, flashing her a grin to let her know you're not offended. "When a psychotic bitch locks your family in your family home and burns it all to the ground, you tend to have more money than you know what to do with."
"Jesus, honey, I didn't-"
"It's okay," you assure her. "I forget not everyone knows about my family tragedy. It was a big deal in Beacon Hills and even to this day everyone still kind of looks at me and brother with pity in their eyes." Gemma still doesn't say anything and you clap your hands on your thighs. "So, uh, if that's all then I'm gonna go take a lap around the town. Any specific stores I should hit up?"
"Uh, there's a good milkshake shop in the middle of town."
"Thanks. I'll be sure to swing by. If you need me to head back, you have my number on file now. If not, I hope it's okay I hang out by one of those picnic tables later if the boys aren't done by the time I come back."
"Sure. Picnic tables are fair game."
"Awesome. Is there a number for a cab around these parts?" Gemma quickly jots down a number and you take the sticky note, smiling. "Thanks. If that's all, I'll see you later."
"Sure thing, sweetheart."
As you walk back out through the garage, you see that your car has been pulled into one of the stalls, but the boys are working on the car they had previously been working on before you interrupted them. You wave when they look up and continue on until you're standing outside the gates, leaning on the fence and calling for a cab.
For the next several hours, you eat lunch and walk from shop to shop in downtown Charming. There's a small boutique which sells decent clothes, a malt shop, a bookstore, an electronics shop and a jewelry shop. You end up buying a few clothing items and a couple of books, then buying yourself a milkshake before heading over to the local park.
Sitting beneath the tree, you sip on your milkshake while reading one of your books.
Close to five, you start getting text messages from Jax telling you everything your car was going to need replaced. As you went over a mental checklist of what he was telling you, you realized he was right. You asked him for an oil change and tire rotation as well since your baby was due for one in a month anyway, and he agreed to it. He told you everything was going to be just under two hundred dollars and you figured that was fair.
You spend another hour reading until you start getting hungry and figure you'll just head back to the garage with dinner for everyone. So after finding out there's a pizza parlor, you have your cab driver take you there. Four boxes of meat lover's pizza and two cold cases of beer later, your cab driver is helping you take everything down at the garage and setting it all on a picnic table outside.
"Come and get it, boys and lady! Dinner's served."
You glance towards the garage and watch as the boys finish wiping down your car, and Gemma pokes her head out from her office. They all share a few looks of confusion before they make their way towards you, with a newcomer in tow, and Juice immediately beams.
"Hell yeah."
"Hope you guys don't mind meat lovers and the beer I got. I wasn't sure what you guys liked."
"It's perfect," Juice says. "I'm just gonna put one of these cases in the fridge."
As Juice disappears with one of the cases of beer, you glance up at Jax and the tall man next to him. He's wearing a black beanie and has a full beard, but the thing that catches your attention is the biker kutte he's wearing. Sons of Anarchy. You quickly piece together the automotive garage is also a motorcycle club, but it changes nothing of your opinion on these people.
Gemma looks between the food and you. "Thanks, sweetie, but you didn't have to do this."
You smile at her. "I wanted to. Besides, I know what working in a garage is like. You work up quite an appetite in there."
Jax raises an eyebrow at you, blue eyes twinkling. "Got experience?"
"I do, actually. My brother owns La Luna Automotive in Beacon Hills."
His lips twitch. "Before we get into that, let's sit."
Juice returns with paper plates and napkins as Chibs and the newcomer push together two picnic tables. You rip open the case of beer and pass a few bottles out before you take your seat, smiling as Opie introduces himself while taking a seat next to you. Juice passes out the paper plates while Gemma hands out napkins, and everyone readily pulls slices of pizza onto their plates.
Gemma is the only one who delicately eats, shaking her head in amusement as the boys dig in.
After a few moments of eating and drinking, Gemma finally addresses you.
"So, YN," she waits until you glance at her. "I'm not one for apologies, but I feel like I owe you one." The men all freeze, glancing between you and her.
"You really don't, Gemma. It's fine."
"It's not. I made a bitchy comment based on your appearance and lack of concern over money. You didn't deserve that."
"Thank you."
"And you have my heartfelt condolences. That fire-" She trails off, shaking her head, lost in her thoughts.
Jax gulps. "Ma? What are you talking about?"
She continues to shake her head before looking at you and you sigh. "She's talking about the Hale family fire," you tell them. Immediately you have everyone's attention. "When I was fourteen, numerous members of my family were purposely trapped in our family home and burned alive. The youngest victim was only ten months old."
"What the fuck?" Jax says.
"My idiot brother dated our high school substitute teacher. When our sister found out and threatened this woman, she went crazy. Especially when my brother broke things off with her. So to hit my brother where it really hurt, she went after our family. The only survivor from the fire was my uncle. My eldest sister was away at college, the woman had lured my brother away so he would be wracked with guilt, and I was at a sleepover."
"This bitch is rotting in prison, right?" Gemma asks. "I'd like to pay her a little visit."
The men chuckle and you flash her a smile before taking a sip of your beer. "She got smart. She hired three men to do all her dirty work so if the cops made any arrests, nothing would point to her unless they talked."
"Wait, so she's not in prison?" Opie frowns.
You shake her head. "There were no arrests even though we knew exactly who started the fire. It was her word against ours, so my sister put our uncle in a nursing home and took me and my brother out of state. We stayed in New York for a few years before my sister went back to Beacon Hills for something. She didn't check in like she was supposed to, so we went looking for her. We found her dead on the grounds of where our family home once stood."
"Holy shit," Jax murmurs in awe.
"Oh. It gets better." You chuckle, pausing briefly so you can eat a bite more. "When me and my brother reestablished ourselves back in Beacon Hills, guess who kidnapped my brother and tortured him for shits and giggles?"
"That fucking bitch." Gemma's expression is enough to make you laugh.
"My uncle, who had miraculously recovered, ended up getting justice for our family before the cops showed up. Then my uncle was killed, and me and my brother inherited a shit load of money. Which brings us to why Gemma mostly thought I was just another little rich bitch."
The men all chuckle as Gemma flashes you yet another sheepish look. Everyone goes quiet as your past tragedy sinks in, eating some more and easily finishing off three boxes of the pizza.
Eventually though, Jax has a question for you. "So if your brother owns a car garage, why waste your money here?"
"Well for one, I was not about to drive my baby all the way back to Beacon Hills when I noticed something was wrong. And two, this place looked like it held some honest workers and well.. why not share the wealth?"
"You get yer hands dirty, luv?" Chibs wonders.
You nod. "Here and there. My brother liked to take in strays from shitty homes, putting them to work so they could make an honest living when they were older. And when it turned out that we all had an affinity for fixing up vehicles, my brother opened a shop so the strays could have a steady job. We all work at La Luna for him, but he needed me to run an errand for him."
"Huh. I would not have pegged you for someone who likes to get their hands dirty," Jax says.
"Oh blondie, you have no idea how dirty I like to get." The men all roar with laughter as Gemma chuckles, shaking her head at you. "So enough about me," you say. "What about you guys? Is it always this quiet around here?"
"Nah," Jax tells you. "There's usually a lot more of us, but my step-dad had to deliver some parts to another location. Our brothers rode out to keep him company."
You nod and say no more.
After everyone's had their fill and is just lounging about, Gemma tells you if you're ready to square up your bill. You agree and follow her into her office, paying your bill without any issue.
As you're making your way back to the group of men are who enjoying their beers, another person walks through the opened gate of the lot. Everyone takes notice of this newcomer and Jax calls out, "Hey, buddy, we're closed for the night!"
But the newcomer only has eyes for you. "You're trespassing on claimed land, wolf."
Your nostrils flare and the scent of wolf fills your senses. You narrow your eyes and cross your arms over your chest, ignoring the confusion going on around you. Licking your bottom lip, you saunter forward a few more steps, aware of Gemma flanking you. "Am I now?" You muse. You scent the air, tilting your head to the side. "And which pack do you speak for?"
The guy growls- audibly growls- and tensions all around your skyrocket. The men all stand, making their way towards you and Gemma, unsure of where to stand as you go toe to toe with this guy.
"You're not from the Alvarez pack or Satomi's pack because they're allies," you say. "There is the Hillard pack, but they don't got the balls to stand up to my brother, so that leaves.."
"The Hillard pack is gone. We've taken their territory."
"Ah. Newcomers." You tut at him, eyes twinkling. "We don't care much for packs rising and falling, but all packs must check in with the alpha who watches over the state. And in California, buddy, that's Alpha Hale."
The newcomer's eye flares blue as he snarls. There are shouts of surprise from behind you, along with the telltale sounds of weapons being drawn, but you merely raise a hand and glance over your shoulder while minutely shaking your head at the startled bikers. Then facing forward once more, you grin, careful to not show how rattled you are. "Fall in line and learn the rules around here or you will be chased out of California. Now run along back to your alpha and pass on the message."
The guy snarls once more, but slowly backtracks out the gate. As soon as he's gone, your smile falls and you dig into your pocket for your phone.
"What the fuck is going on?" Jax asks.
"Wait." You find Derek's contact in your phone and hit send, pressing the phone to your ear. When your brother picks up, you sigh. "We have an issue. The Hillard pack was taken out and the one that took their place doesn't wanna follow protocol. A beta just outed himself in front of a group of humans."
"Stay put and send me your location. We're on our way."
"Thanks, Der." Turning around, you're not surprised to see that everyone has a gun in hand. You nod in understanding. "If you have more weapons, now's the time to get them out."
"What the fuck is going on?" Jax asks you, expression hard. "And what was that guy?"
"Believe it or not, that was a werewolf. I'm a werewolf," you tell him. "And apparently this new pack who has a claim on Charming doesn't like a newcomer on their land."
Jax and Juice snort, but your expression doesn't change.
"You're being serious," Gemma realizes.
"I am. That guy was only a beta, like me. His alpha will most likely be here soon and he'll be stronger than I am. I'm deeply sorry to bring this issue to your front step. I had no idea a new pack had taken over," you tell the group, guilt etched into your very expression.
The humans are quiet for a moment and then, "What do you need?" Jax asks.
"Back up. Aim for the head."
He nods, solemnly, while glancing at his brothers who give him a terse nod in return. "You got it."
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inagetawaycarxo · 3 years
✨It’s here ✨
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Please find out who I write for before requesting, plus other rules in general [ rules are located in the master list]
Reader insert only
Note if one fandom has too many spots on this bingo and overpowers other fandoms I will close requesting for that fandom and not take anymore for that fandom.
Have fun requesting
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⚡ Requests ⚡
I've not done anything like this on here before but I've decided to open up requests for primarily Sons of Anarchy but I'm also open to Bucky Barnes and Teen Wolf requests if anyone is interested! 😊 I'm open to writing pretty much anything, if interested, all you have to do is message me or send me an ask with the name of the character/fandom, general plot lines or headcannons, gender of the reader and whether you want fluff, angst or smut 😉 and any extra info you want including! Feel free to message me if you want a request doing! 😁
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drabbles-mc · 2 years
Lost & Found
Juice Ortiz x F!Reader
Inspired by Day 6 of the August Prompts and an Anon request: sentimental and Can I please request a juice x f!reader where they were friends since Queens (enter gawky platonic teens) then she ran into him after when she moved to Charming and she looks totally different now?
Warnings: language, angst (with a happy ending)
Word Count: 5.2k
A/N: Getting this out under the wire for the prompt a day but we got it done!  I feel like I got side-tracked from the original request because these characters decided to do their own thing. I still really like this story but down the road I might take another crack at this request to see if I can focus a little better 😂 But I love all the feelings in this and I hope you enjoy! (also i feel like there is more for these two i just don’t know what yet but i will be thinking about them for a while)
SOA Taglist: @garbinge @masterlistforimagines @espieviolet99 @mijop @chibsytelford @thanossexual @bruxasolta @i-just-read-stuff @be-my-dear @bport76 @unicornucopia-fuckers @buckybarneshairpullingkink @shadow-of-wonder @punkgoddess-98 @paintballkid711 @black-repunzel99 @lexondeck @jitterbugs927 @fanfic-n-tabulous @mijagif @frattsparty @winchestershiresauce @bellisperennis0 @crowfootwrites @redpoodlern @beardburnsupersoldiers @mveggieburger @xeniarocks @choochoo284 @littlekittymeow @beardsanddetectives @juicyortiz @i-love-scott-mccall @toni9​ @passionatewrites​ (If you want to be added to any of my taglists, please let me know!)
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You got off the bus at what you assumed had to be the only bus stop in the entire town. Finding out that Juice had landed himself in a town called Charming seemed so deeply ironic to you. You hoped that maybe the place lived up to its name, though, that maybe he found a good spot for himself. Because the last time you saw him, getting out was the only thing that was on his mind—it didn’t seem to matter where. Having your best friend knocking on your window in the middle of the night, telling you that they were leaving and didn’t have time to explain why, certainly wasn’t the type of goodbye anyone wanted. But it was what you had.
That was years ago now, though. Not a day went by that you didn’t think about it. So often you were tempted to look him up, to try and find out where he had ended up, but you were always so afraid of what you might find. One night, after a few too many glasses of wine and too much time spent reminiscing, you finally decided that it was time to figure out what he had been up to. You hadn’t heard anything from him or about him in years, but he wasn’t the only kid in Queens who knew how to weave in and out of databases that he shouldn’t.
That’s when you came across the mugshots for his most recent arrest. It was a few years ago still, but it was proof of life at least. You were too busy looking at the photos to even think about seeing what the charges were. Your eyes nearly popped out of your head at the sight of him. Despite the fact that you were alone, you shook your head, whispering to yourself, “A mohawk? Head tattoos?” Even with the bruises on his face and the smear of blood under his nose in the picture, you could see that his eyes and the smug grin on his face were still very much the Juan Carlos you’d known all those years. You weren’t able to do much but stare for a few minutes, trying to reconcile it all.
Then you started to look for the real information. The police report came from Charming Police Department, which got another laugh out of you because what a name. Charges: drunk and disorderly, assault. Arresting officer: Deputy Chief David Hale. Pled guilty and served thirty days along with paying a fine. It was a little amusing to you to think about, because it wasn’t like Juice had ever been an overly confrontational kid when the two of you were growing up. He was a trouble maker, sure, but he wasn’t one to pick fights. Ten years was a long time and you wondered how much he had changed since you last saw him. You wondered if it was worth it to try and find out for yourself.
And now here you were, in sunny California. Of course he ended up in a town that wasn’t on the coast, somewhere close to a nice beach. The sun felt like it was pointed directly at you, a different kind of heat than the heaviness of the warmth of summer in Queens. Looking around, you noticed how quiet everything was. It was mellow—completely opposite from where you’d just come from. Adjusting your backpack on your shoulders, you set off, not exactly sure what you were looking for.
When you scrolled through some more of his rap sheet, you noticed that the repeated mention of his affiliation with the Sons of Anarchy motorcycle club. It was hard to picture him rolling with an MC, but you supposed that anything was possible. After all, you’d made it across the country looking for him and no one would’ve been able to call that.
You walked down the street, taking in all of the buildings that you walked past. None of them looked like they’d been updated in the last few decades. It contributed to the small town feeling, you supposed. Charming, indeed. You just wanted somewhere to duck into to buy a bottle of water and maybe sit for a second so you could try to scrape together a plan. Perhaps you should’ve had that figured out before you got here, but it was all a bit of a whirlwind.
As you continued to get a little deeper into town, you saw a sign that listed out gas prices, and let out a sigh of relief. Almost every gas station sold snacks and drinks. You just had to hope that the spot was at least modern enough for that. You picked up your pace just slightly, wanting to get into a building that perhaps had AC, or a strong fan.
When you stepped onto the lot, you immediately noticed a few motorcycles parked by the gas pumps. Anyone could own and ride bikes, you knew that—there was no guarantee that those bikes belonged to anyone from the club that Juice was apparently in now. For all you knew, they were just a few people passing through town on their way to literally anywhere else. It’d make your life a lot easier if it was them, though. Although you had the feeling that you’d have to have some semblance of grace when asking about Juice, not just walking up to a group of strangers and asking about a member of their club. You knew enough to know that that wouldn’t come off great, per se. You’d figure it out on the fly. You were pretty good at making things up as you went along.
Pushing open the door, you heard the chime upon your entry, but more importantly you felt the drastic shift in temperature. You let out a quiet sigh of relief at the cool air that washed over you. You knew it was going to be toasty in California, but you couldn’t help thinking that being in a town that was essentially in the middle of nowhere made the heat all that much more intense.
You were zeroed in on the coolers at the back of the store, already ready to buy the largest bottle of water that they had. You were vaguely aware of the conversation that was happening at the register off to the side, but it wasn’t your main concern at the moment. You snagged a water bottle and a bag of chips, tempted to rip into both of them before paying but managing to stop yourself.
Looking up, finally seeing who the owners of the bikes were, you froze in your tracks. Not only were you faced with kuttes that said Sons of Anarchy written across the back of them with an impossible to miss reaper plastered across the leather, you also found yourself looking at the very reason you had made your way to Charming in the first place.
The water bottle slipped from between your fingers and hit the ground with a thud, causing all three of the men, and the young woman behind the counter, to turn and look at you. Two of the men seemed fairly uninterested, already about to return to whatever conversation they’d been in before, but Juice seemed just as frozen as you were.
“Holy shit,” he couldn’t take his eyes off of you. You’d changed a lot over the years, but he still recognized you immediately—it could’ve been twenty years or more that passed but he’d always know you.
Ten years of silence and suddenly you found yourself unable to say anything to him. You crouched to pick up the bottle you’d just dropped, trying not to let it fall from your grasp a second time. Clearing your throat, you offered an uncertain smile, “Hey, Juan. It’s been a while, huh?”
That got the other two men to tune back in to whatever was unfolding in front of them. They looked back and forth between the two of you, waiting for one of you to do something. After a few agonizingly long seconds, the look of shock on Juice’s face shifted into a smile as he strode over to you, closing the distance in what felt like one large stride. He snaked his arms around you, managing to slip them between you and your backpack so he could pull you as close as he wanted to. You huffed out a soft laugh at the strength with which he hugged you, letting your arms drape around his neck. It was a bit hard to believe, but there you two were.
Pulling back, he couldn’t stop himself from constantly looking you up and down. The last time he saw you, you were sixteen. That certainly wasn’t the case anymore, and the years spent apart had been more than kind to you. It was hard to believe that it was really you. He knew that his appearance had changed a lot since he last saw you, but even so, it was hard to wrap his head around the fact that the woman who was standing in front of him was the same person he had been so connected to so long ago.
“I can’t fucking believe it,” he let out a surprised laugh, not quite wanting to let you go, “You’re…you’re here.”
You chuckled, nodding, “I’m here.”
Confusion morphed his expression as he tilted his head slightly, “Why…are you here?”
You nervously toyed with the bottle in your hands, “Well, I gave you ten years to call or come back home, then I figured maybe I should try and look for you.”
He sucked in a breath, the weight of your words hitting him instantly, “Right.”
“Wanna introduce us to your friend, there, Juicy?” the older of the other two gentlemen spoke, and you wondered how you hadn’t heard his accent when you first walked in and they were talking amongst themselves.
You were the only one who heard the whispered, “Fuck,” he let out before turning back to the men behind him, introducing you to them. You could see the nerves in him as he spoke, “And this is Chibs,” he gestured to the man who had just spoke, pausing before he nodded towards the other man, “And that’s Jax.”
You nodded, managing a small albeit unsure smile, “Nice to meet you.”
A smile that was a little too slick for your taste crossed Jax’s lips, “Welcome to Charming,” he turned his attention to Juice, his expression shifting slightly, “We’re gonna head back to the clubhouse. We’ll finish up later.”
Juice was afraid that his response was a little too eager, but he didn’t really care, “Alright, sounds good. See ya,” he turned back to you, holding out his hands to take what you were holding, “I can get that for you.”
You shook your head, laughing softly, “Juan, I haven’t seen you in how long now? I’m not gonna show up and make you pay for my snacks.”
“C’mon,” he insisted, a joking lilt to his voice despite the emotions in his eyes, “I owe you.”
You were tempted to say that what he owed you was an explanation. But you didn’t want to come out swinging like that. Instead, you gave in, handing over the two items that you had. You tried not to think too much about the way that the woman behind the counter was watching the two of you with such interest. You stuck out enough because you were a new face, but all the tension in the air between you and Juice didn’t do anything at all to help you blend in.
By the time the two of you stepped back outside again, you’d downed almost half of your bottle of water. Juice scanned the parking lot for a moment before realizing that his bike was the only thing left there. Turning back to you, you could see the confusion on his face all over again.
“How’d you get here?”
You chuckled, “Taxi, plane, bus. In that order.”
“Jesus Christ,” he shook his head with a laugh, “You don’t have a car?”
You shrugged, tearing into your bag of chips, “I think we can safely say that there wasn’t a lot about this trip that I thought through very much, alright?” you laughed.
He went back and forth between looking at you, and staring down at his boots as he walked, “How did you…how did you find me?”
Tossing a chip into your mouth, you shot him a look of disbelief, “I can’t believe you just asked me that,” you shook your head, “Like you’re the only one who knows how to look someone up.”
He shook his head, smiling, “Didn’t think you would ever use your powers for evil like that.”
“Evil?” you feigned offense as you rested your hand over your heart, “I would never. Honestly, evil would be if I erased the record for the mugshot I got your location off of,” you paused to soak in the surprised look on his face, “Which I didn’t, by the way. Your rap sheet is still as impressively long as ever.”
He was having a hard time wrapping his head around the fact that it was really you, that you were really there next to him, in Charming of all places. You crossed the entire country on a whim after so many years and he couldn’t quite process the weight of that.
The two of you lingered by his bike, both asking the other questions that weren’t really the ones you wanted to be asking, but knowing that you had to lay some groundwork before asking the more hard-hitting ones. You were still trying to figure out how he ended up in an outlaw motorcycle club. That fact still blew your mind even though the reality of it was staring you so plainly in the face.
“I’m guessing you don’t really have plans then, huh?” he asked as he watched you toss your trash into the garbage can next to the gas pump  
You chuckled, shaking your head, “No, I don’t. Honestly, I thought it was gonna take a lot longer to find you. Didn’t bank on you being the first person I saw when I got here.”
“Right,” even though there was so much to unpack between you, he couldn’t not smile a little bit every time he looked at you.
“I know you’ve got shit to do, especially with,” you gestured to his bike, “you know. So I won’t…I won’t keep you,” you didn’t know where else you would go or what else you would do, but you hated feeling like you were holding him up.
“You should come to the clubhouse,” he blurted out.
“The clubhouse,” he sounded a bit more in control of his words now, “it’s like, home base for the MC. You should come hang out.”
“You sure? I know they don’t know me—”
“I know you,” he cut you off, sincerity dripping from the three little words.
You found yourself smiling and nodding in agreement, “Okay, then,” you paused, “You’re not gonna make me walk, right?”
He shook his head as he handed you his helmet, “No, I won’t. It’s a short ride,” he looked at you for a moment, “You ever ridden?”
You shrugged, a mischievous grin on your face as you clipped the helmet on, “Once or twice, yea.”
He laughed as he swung his leg over his bike, “We've got a lot of catching up to do.”
Saying you felt out of your element in the clubhouse would’ve been a grave understatement. You felt the eyes on you when you and Juice walked in together and there was quite the range of emotions written on the faces of people present. Most people looked confused, a little intrigued. You didn’t miss the couple of dirty looks from a few of the women that were there and you tried not to give it too much thought. Juice had reassured you when he parked the bike outside that you being there and hanging out wasn’t going to be a problem. And, while that might have been true, even if you weren’t a problem, you certainly felt like a spectacle.
“Jax said that you might be bringing a friend,” an older man came over, a grin on his face as he looked at you.
Juice huffed, shaking his head, “Tig, come on.”
He held his hands out in an attempt to seem innocent, “What? Just wanted to come and introduce myself.”
Jax was chuckling as he came over, inserting himself into the conversation, “Don’t mind him—he doesn’t get out much. Plus,” he nodded to Juice, “not like this guy gets many visitors.”
“Yea,” Tig was looking more at Juice than you, considering that Juice was the one giving him a dirty look, “I’m curious, sue me.”
For the sake of curbing some of the curiosity that was quickly taking over the air of the clubhouse, you introduced yourself to Tig, doing it just loud enough so that anyone who was eavesdropping, and people most definitely were, wouldn’t have to come and ask you and you wouldn’t have to repeat yourself twenty times over.
“How do you two kids know each other?” the glint in Tig’s eyes let you know that this man was definitely an interesting one.
“Old friends,” you shrugged, trying to play it as casually as possible, “grew up together in Queens.” You didn’t say it, but all you could think was that that was so long ago now.
The seconds of silence that followed left you feeling like perhaps you had said the wrong thing. You glanced over at Juice, hoping that the look on his face would give you some kind of inclination of what to say or do next, but it didn’t. His expression was one that you hadn’t ever seen on him before, and you tried not to think too much about it as you continued to fumble your way through the conversation at hand.
“I’d ask how you know Juice, but the matching outfits kind of speak for themselves,” you smiled, letting them know that the comment was in jest.
“It’s actually pretty embarrassing,” Tig said with a smile, “We didn’t plan this. We all just showed up like this.”
You laughed, feeling a little more at-ease, just a tiny bit less like you were in the hot seat, “Hate it when that happens.”
The clubhouse door swung open, an angry-looking man with gray hair storming through. He didn’t really take the time to look at who was or wasn’t in the room, dead-set on getting to wherever he was heading.
“Church,” he barked, “Now.”
Glancing around at the rest of the men in the room, you noticed all of them letting out various sighs, some of them shaking their heads as they started making their way towards the same doors that the other man had just walked through. None of them said anything to you, or even to each other, as they walked away.
Juice lingered back for a moment, watching you watch everything unfold, “Sorry,” he motioned towards the doors, “I gotta…”
“Yea,” you shrugged, not sure what else you were supposed to do or say in the current circumstances, “do what you gotta do. I’ll hang out till you’re done.”
His lips lifted into a weak smile, “Alright.”
“Juice!” the man from before yelled out to him, “Let’s go!”
Juice didn’t say anything as he did something resembling a jog over to the room all of them had gone into. You caught a glimpse of all of them sitting down around a table before Juice shut the doors behind him. Your lips twitched in thought as you took a seat at the bar, not sure what you were supposed to be doing with yourself at this point. The clubhouse felt so empty now. You glanced around, trying to get a better look at everything now that a lot of the people were gone.
You saw the wall covered in mugshots and you couldn’t help but to get up and walk over towards it. You sort of recognized some of the men as ones who had just been in the room with you. Others you assumed weren’t around anymore for one reason or another. Some of the photos were old, the people in them were men now but they were still basically boys when the pictures were taken. It raised a lot more questions than it answered for you. You wondered how Juice got wrapped up in all of this. You wondered if there was a right way to ask him that.
You didn’t keep track of how much time they all spent behind the closed doors. It felt like an insanely long time, but you also knew that part of that feeling was due to the fact that you didn’t have anyone to talk to or much of anything to do. You weren’t going to try and insert yourself into anyone’s conversation, so you kept yourself seated at the bar.
When the doors opened up again, you tried not to look to eager as you turned around to watch everyone walk out. A few of them were already heading for the door to leave, not looking overly thrilled with whatever had been said and done inside the other room. You watched everyone intently as they went.
Juice came right back over to you, his face brightening considerably as he did. He offered an apologetic smile, “Sorry about all that.”
You shook your head, “Don’t apologize—I definitely came and crashed in on your whole thing here.”
“I’m glad you did.”
You waited for a moment to see if he was going to say anything else. When he didn’t, you asked, “What’re you guys up to now?”
He shook his head, “Nothing, really. Rest of the day is pretty quiet.”
You wanted to ask him if the two of you could go somewhere, anywhere else to talk. You had so many questions and things you wanted to talk to him about but you didn’t want to do it in front of a crowd. A crowd of strangers, at that. But you didn’t know how to say that. It all felt so precarious now because you were very aware of the fact that you didn’t really know him anymore. Sure, some things about him probably hadn’t changed too much, and the same could be said for you, but the Juan Carlos you knew at sixteen in Queens wouldn’t have been a part of whatever all of this was. You didn’t know if you were more sad or angry about that.
“Can we, you know, talk?” you hoped your face would say everything that your words hadn’t.
He studied the look on your face for a moment before nodding, “Oh, uh, yea. Sure. If you wanna, um, if you wanna leave your stuff here in my dorm we can go for a ride and get coffee or something to eat or whatever.”
You looked at him confused, “You live here?”
He chuckled, “No, no. I just have like, a spare room I can crash in if I want.”
“Oh,” you nodded, “Got it.”
You followed him back to where his, and apparently a lot of other guys' dorms were. Dorm was certainly a fitting word for it. Juice's was so organized, although you couldn’t say that you were too surprised by that fact. The clutter and scattered clothes in your room used to drive him nuts.
Apparently you had been standing there silently looking around for just a bit too long. Juice stepped in front of you, a concerned look on his face, “You good?” he saw the way you were suddenly white-knuckled on your bag.
You locked eyes with him, the reality of what the last couple of days had been, what happened ten years ago and all the years since, it all came slamming through your chest as you stood there looking at the random Harley posters on his wall, “How the fuck did this happen, Juan?”
His eyes widened. You hadn’t yelled at him, but the tone you used wasn’t one that he had ever heard from you before. He supposed that as kids the stakes were never quite high enough to warrant it, “Wh-what?”
“This!” you gestured desperately to the room around him, to his kutte, pausing for a moment before motioning back and forth between the two of you, “What…” you shook your head, not really knowing how you wanted to finish that sentence.
His lips morphed into a frown, the sadness in his features so saturated that looking at him made you feel like someone had dropped yet another weight on your chest. He looked like a dog that’d been kicked enough to know when another blow was coming. And you didn’t mean to come off so frustrated, but you thought that at this point what the fuck was a perfectly fair question.
You took a shuddered breath, shaking your head before dropping your face into your hands, “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to snap like that. But just…ten years, Juan? And nothing? Then I come and see all of this and you’re just…so not fazed I don’t…”
He struggled to find the words, “I know there’s nothing I can say that is going to make all that time be okay. But this,” he repeated your gestures from before, “is my life now. I know it’s not like home but it’s what I have. And you’re here and, fuck, I’ve missed you.”
“Then why didn’t you call?”
His gaze dropped to the floor again, “For a while, I couldn’t. But then…”
“Then what?” you stepped in closer to him, “You were my best friend, and you just fucking left. Ten years, and not even some weird postcard with no return address so I know you’re not dead in a ditch somewhere?” you really hadn’t felt angry about it in a long time, most days when you thought about it you were just wistful or sad. But being here, seeing him, you had a decade of emotions to convey in one conversation and anger was definitely one of them.
“I know. I’m sorry. I just, what was I supposed to say?”
“The truth?” you shook your head, “All that time, I thought that we didn’t keep things from each other. But then you just showed up to leave. And it almost felt like I didn’t know you at all but I couldn’t…I couldn’t believe that. I couldn’t believe that I didn’t know my best friend. And now—”
“You did know me,” he cut you off.
“Did I?”
“You did,” there was no room for argument in his tone, “The trouble I got in had nothing to do with you.”
“But you still left.”
He didn’t have anything to say to that for a moment. The two of you stood there, almost chest to chest as the words hung in the air between you. Part of you wanted to turn and run out the door, but an even larger part of you wanted to just collapse against him and cry. You had no idea how you were supposed to be working through all of this. You hadn’t thought this part through.
“What made you come find me?” he asked.
The question caught you off-guard. You shrugged, trying to play it off, “I got sick of not knowing where you were or how you were doing.”
“You’re still a bad liar,” he said, the end of his lip curling up just enough for you to see it.
It wasn’t a total lie, but even with all the time apart he still knew how to read you, how to tell when you weren’t telling the full truth. You huffed, shaking your head, “I just. I didn’t feel like I was home anymore. Life was fine, you know? Had a job and friends and whatever. But I started feeling so out of place. I tried to wait it out, see if the feeling would go away, but it didn’t. And I thought about you, about how you took off. I wondered if you ever actually settled somewhere. So I looked you up. And I figured if I can’t find what I’m looking for in a town called Charming, then I might just be a lost cause.”
He laughed softly, “It’s not Queens.”
“Fucking tell me about it.”
“You think this is what you were looking for?” he sounded sad, but still just a little bit hopeful.
“You’re here, aren’t you?”
He could see it in your posture that you were fighting to hold it together. He looped his arms underneath yours and pulled you against him in a hug. The thought of fighting it crossed your mind for the briefest of moments, but you were too busy falling into him to follow through on it.
You were fighting to keep your voice from cracking, “You can’t do that to me again.”
He squeezed you a little tighter, “I know,” he sighed, letting his eyes shut, “I’m so fucking glad you’re here.”
“I’m glad you’re here,” you mumbled against his chest, “Because I really didn’t want to keep going from town to town looking for you.”
He chuckled, his hand running up and down your back, “Would you have, though? Kept looking for me?”
Pulling back, you looked up at him and nodded, “Yea. I already crossed the country for you. What’s a few more miles?”
He smiled, reaching up to thumb the couple of stray tears on your face, “I know it’s not much here, I know it’s a lot different than back home, but if you can, you should stay. At least, at least for a little while.”
“I’ve got no other pressing plans, so I guess I could stay for a bit. Besides,” you tried to get your emotions back in check after your little outburst, “you apparently have a lot to fill me in on. Like, how all of this happened,” you tapped on the Redwood Original flashes on his kutte.
He looked just a little bit sheepish, “It’s a long story.”
“I don’t doubt that,” you paused, seeing the shift in his expression, “What?”
He shook his head, “No. Nothing. I just,” his eyes darted to the floor and then back up to yours, “I know you’re upset, and you should be. And I know things are different and weird but the fact that you’re really here?” he let out a soft laugh, “That’s wild. I’ve thought about you so much and now you’re really here and I just,” he gave your shoulders a light squeeze, “I can’t believe it.”
“I’m just,” you leaned against him again, “I’m so glad you’re okay.”
One hand came up to cradle the back of your head, his other resting between your shoulder blades to keep you pressed against him. He placed a soft kiss on the side of your head, relief flooding through him when he felt you let out a deep breath, easing into him a little more.
“Do you still wanna get coffee?” he asked, and you could hear the humor in his voice.
You laughed, “Yea,” you took a step back, “we’ve got a lot of catching up to do.”
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“You need a place to stay for the night?”
Pairing: David Hale x Reader
Fandom: Sons of Anarchy (SOA)
I know it’s been a minute guys and I’m sorry! There's been a lot going on. Due to that I want to let you guys know my requests are closed for now until things get back to normal but I will be trying to post the several requests I do have ASAP!
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I had just gotten back to Charming. I had been away for way too long but it felt good to be home even if I didn't actually have a home to go back to. My family was gone and I wasn't one to intrude on others. So until I could find a place I decided just to crash in my car. It was already late and I had parked on a random street in a neighborhood. The streets were quiet as most everyone was already in bed at home.
I was in the middle of settling in for the night when a car slowly drove past and then turned into the driveway directly in front of me. I sat as still as I could not wanting the person to think I was casing their place or something. Then I actually noticed the car. I swore under my breath as I took in the now obvious police car. A man got out still clearly in his uniform. He seemed to hesitate before walking over to my car slowly.
"Fuck" I sighed.
He gently tapped on the window. I immediately rolled it down and then smiled sweetly at him. I was taken aback for a moment as I took in his face. Oh shit, I know him.
"(Y/N)?" He asked in surprise.
"David, look at you all grown up." I chuckled softly.
He smiled but sighed as he seemed to relax a little. The two of us had gone to school together. We even dated once. We only broke up because we were going to different sides of the country for college.
"What on earth are you doing?" He asked raising a brow at me.
I gulped suddenly ashamed of my situation. If there was anyone I didn't want to see me like this it was David fucking Hale.
"I was tired. I was just gonna crash in the car for a bit before continuing on." I told him softly.
He crossed his arms over his chest drawing my eyes to how big they were.
"You just passing through?" He asked.
I sighed knowing I'd have to tell him.
"No, I'm back just don't have a place yet," I said quietly.
This time he sighed as he uncrossed his arms. He stepped back from my car as he opened my door.
"Come on," he said softly.
"What?" I asked in surprise.
"You need a place to stay for the night, right?" He asked.
"Oh no, I appreciate it David but I'm not going to intrude on you and your family," I told him softly.
He chuckled making me raise a brow at him.
"You're not intruding (Y/N). It's just me and I'm inviting you." He said with a warm smile.
For some reason, I was suddenly elated to hear that it was just him.
"I'm fine David really," I told him softly.
"I won't take no for an answer." He said as he opened my car door.
I sighed remembering how stubborn he was as a teenager. I grabbed my bag out of the passenger seat. After rolling up the car window and making sure I had my keys I followed David into his house. It wasn't anything like you'd expect for a bachelor. The house was well decorated and clean. He either spent very little time here or was a rare species of man. We walked into the living room where I dropped my bag by the couch.
"You're not sleeping on the couch." David chuckled from behind me.
I turned around looking at him with my brows scrunched together.
"Look, I was a dickish teen but I've grown up. If anyone deserves my gentleman side it's you." He said with a small smile.
I couldn't help but narrow my eyes at him as I crossed my arms over my chest.
"What, exactly, does that mean?" I asked him.
He sighs then takes a step forward.
"It means I was a moron for not stopping you from leaving when you asked me to." He said simply like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
Do you know those moments in the movies when a single second seems to last for hours? That's exactly what happened after David said that to me. His words echoed in my head as the memory of that night replayed. I did everything but beg him to ask me to stay. Instead, he told me he thought this would be a good thing for me. I took that as his way of easily breaking up with me. The gentle touch of his hand on my arm brought me out of my memories immediately.
"You can have my bed for the night. I don't plan on sleeping much tonight anyway. Too much stuff to go over for work." He said with a warm smile.
"I can't ask you to give up your own bed," I told him softly.
He chuckled shaking his head.
"You haven't changed a bit." His smile was bigger now.
I scoffed playfully rolling my eyes at him.
"Actually I have but not my heart of gold as you always called it." I chuckled softly.
"Good, I always loved that about you." He smiled but didn't look at me.
I just smiled and shook my head at him as I picked up my bag. I silently followed him to his bedroom. He opened the door but didn't step inside.
"This is you. Make yourself at home. The bathroom is down the hall, the first door on the right. I'm actually gonna call in some pizza for dinner." He told me.
I nodded taking in all the info.
"That sounds great. I'm gonna take a shower real quick then I'd love some pizza." I smiled at him.
He nodded and then quickly left me alone. I stepped into his bedroom closing the door behind me. I dug through my bag to find some pjs but I quickly realized I didn't pack anything but jeans and shirts. It's a little hard to change or sleep in pjs in a car. I huffed but shrugged it off. David's seen me naked before so I'm not too worried about it. Even if it was a few years ago. I quickly stripped out of my clothes leaving them on the floor by my bag then casually made my way out of the room towards the bathroom. I heard David spit out something he was drinking and cough from somewhere behind me. I only smirked to myself as I stepped into the bathroom.
I took my time in the shower. The hot water felt absolutely heavenly. I couldn't remember the last time I had a really good shower. My whole trip home was cheap run-down motels or sleeping in my car and using baby wipes to clean myself the best I could. It's been a rough road but I had to come home. I couldn't stay out there anymore. I couldn't stay close to him.
When I finally felt refreshed and more than clean I shut the water off. I towel myself and my hair dry then wrapped the towel tightly around myself before exiting the room. As soon as I stepped into the hall I could instantly smell the fresh pizza. I followed the scent into David's kitchen where he was sitting at the counter mid-bite. He looked up noticing the towel immediately.
"Is there a reason for the nakedness?" He asked with an amused grin.
I shrugged and then sat down beside him. I grabbed a slice of pizza before answering.
"Just didn't pack any pjs." I told him before taking a bite of the food.
He nodded but looked like he wanted to question me further. That must be the cop in him. I chuckled to myself at the thought. We both ate two slices in silence before David got up and then disappeared towards his bedroom. I didn't think much of it so I just grabbed another slice and started eating it. I was halfway through it when he came back into the room. He had something in his hand which he handed me after sitting back down. It took me a minute to realize it was a shirt. One of his shirts. It was obvious it was much too large for me but I guess that was the point. I put it on over the towel and then stood up. As the shirt fell down my body I pulled the towel out from under it. I looked up to David as the shirt fell to just above my knees. His eyes were glued to the bottom of the shirt that barely hid my most sensitive parts. If I was to bend over everything would surely be on full display.
"Nope, I don't think that's helping." He said in a lower-than-usual voice.
I chuckled softly. I snapped my fingers in front of his face.
"My eyes are up here Hale," I told him playfully.
"Oh, I know fully where your eyes are sweetheart. I thought my shirt would help with the thought of you being naked but I was wrong. Seeing you in my shirt like that is way worse." He informed me.
I couldn't help but laugh. Talk about someone who hasn't changed at all.
"I use to wear your shirts all the time." I rolled my eyes at him.
"Yea, remember what usually happened when you did?" He asked with a small smirk.
I couldn't help the smile that spread on my face. I do indeed remember what would happen every time I use to wear his clothes. That's why I would wear them.
"Why do you think I would steal your clothes?" I asked him.
I watched him freeze for a moment as he registered my words.
"Wait, you did it on purpose?" He asked in surprise.
I chuckled shaking my head at him.
"Wow, guys really are clueless," I said more to myself.
"Excuse me, I am not clueless." He said playfully.
"Really? Ok, the first time we had sex who started it?" I asked him with a shit-eating grin on my face.
He scowled as his eyebrows scrunched together in thought.
"I thought I did but now you have me thinking I didn't." He said in an unsure tone.
"That's because you didn't. It started with a simple 'accidental' touch." I told him, using air quotes to make my point.
He raised an eyebrow in question at me. I shrugged and then took another bite of my slice of pizza.
"No, no, I specifically remember being in my truck. We were kissing and I made the move." He said like he was trying to defend his honor.
I shook my head.
"That was after. Before we got in the car I dropped my house keys. I purposely bent over directly in front of you knowing I would rub up against you when I did so." I informed him.
He scrunched his face up in confusion.
"There's no way you were that manipulative." He shook his head.
I laughed at that.
"I knew exactly what to do to get what I wanted but make you think it was your idea," I told him with a shrug.
"You were a good girl!" He shouted in shock.
"Nope, just a really smart bad girl." I chuckled.
This time he narrowed his eyes at me.
"I don't believe you," He said slowly.
I watched him for a moment knowing he was trying his hand at doing what I always had. It had been a few years but even now sitting here next to him and reminiscing about our past I know I never actually moved on from him. I only pushed it to the side while I continued on. I could also thank him for letting me stay here.
I slipped out of my chair moving to stand behind his. I raised up on my toes so I could lean over him but keep the side of my head against his. I slowly moved my hands down his chest towards where I know he wanted them the most.
"You're not as good at this game as I am Hale. I'm a master." I whispered.
I lightly brushed my hands across the crotch of his pants making his breath hitch. I could feel just how wound up and tense he is.
"How long has it been Davey?" I asked softly.
"Too long," He said with a shaky breath.
I smirked knowing his answer before he said it. I pulled away from him completely and then walked to the entrance of the living room. David looked frustrated that I had walked away from him but his eyes were glued to me.
"You coming?" I asked as I motioned my head for him to follow me.
I couldn't help but chuckle when he quickly got up. With hurried steps, I made my way to his bedroom. I had barely stepped into the room when he suddenly collided with my back. I gasped at the unexpected action. I heard the door slam closed behind us as he pushed the both of us forward towards the bed. Right before we reached the bed I turned around to face him. I grabbed the collar of his uniform pulling him down. I crashed my lips to his instantly sparking those old feelings and memories. He kissed me back fiercely as he wrapped his arms around me. I was going to turn us around but instead, David grabbed my thighs lifting me up effortlessly. I gasped in surprise as he easily laid me down on the bed. He lowered his body directly to mine. He wasted no time.
I couldn't stop the moan from slipping out as he rubbed himself against me. His lips quickly found the sweet spot under my ear that always turned me to putty. It was a little impressive that he hadn't forgotten. He grabbed the shirt I was wearing pulling up to completely exposed me. He pulled away from me to sit on his knees. His hands slowly ran up my thighs until they reached their destination. He used one single finger to swipe between my folds doing nothing but frustrating me. He groaned as he did so which sent a shiver down my spine. That's a sound I've never heard him make before. Not like that.
I was quickly tired of his slow actions. I raised up taking him off guard. I mirrored him sitting on my knees. I crashed my lips back to his as my fingers made quick work of the buttons on his deputy uniform. I shoved the shirt off his shoulders forcing myself not to linger on the ridiculous amount of defined muscles he had. He's definitely grown up.
I made quick work of his belt and pants quickly pulling him free. A quiet hiss left him as soon as I wrapped my hand around his already hard dick. I don't remember him being this big. Before I could situate myself to take him into my mouth he was shoving me back on the bed. I landed back with a huff. I blinked and he was hovering over me still in his uniform pants.
"I forgot how fucking beautiful you are." He almost whispered before peppering my neck with kisses.
I turned my neck to the side giving him more access. It seems he wants to take his time but hurry all at the same time. I tangled my fingers into his hair as he pushed my legs farther apart. My body arched into him as he rubbed the tip of his dick against me. One hard unexpected thrust into me had my back off the bed as I tightened my hold on his hair.
"Fuck David" I gasped as he filled me completely.
David groaned into my neck. He stilled himself keeping his full length inside me. My body seemed to shudder as the full realization washed over me. My hips involuntarily raised to meet his taking his dick in a little deeper. I moaned at the same time David groaned. He placed his hands on my hips in a tight grip and then shoved them back to the bed. He held me in place with an almost painful grip as he slowly started to move. My mouth opened in a silent moan as my eyes rolled back. It was like I could feel every single inch of him because of his slow calculated thrusts. His breathing was heavy like it was almost painful for him to move this slow yet he continued.
"David please" I whined gently running my hands down his broad chest.
He smiled down at me and then leaned forward so his face was right above mine. His nose brushed against mine. David's mouth attacked mine swallowing down the scream from my throat at the unexpected hard thrust into me. I felt like the breath was sucked right out of me as he held me in place as he harshly quickened his pace. Any and all noises I made were muffled into his mouth. His kiss was relentless. Lips, teeth, and tongue mashing together to make my head nothing but a lustful fog.
"Goddamn (Y/N)" he panted against my lips.
My mind was a scrambled mess from the heavily intense fucking pace David had set. I couldn't get a single word out to encourage him further all I could do was squirm and writhe beneath him as he greedily swallowed every single sound I made.
When he finally broke the kiss he leaned his forehead against mine. His hip rhythm changed but kept the same harsh snap. His heavy pants and even tighter grip on me told me he was close. At this point, I felt desperate for it. The knot in me going tighter and tighter.
"Fucking hell baby" he groaned into the crook of my neck.
The sound of his blissed voice alone had me teetering. Then he shifted his hips slightly slamming into me harder. The knot snapped shoving me off the edge. My body tensed as it arched into him. His grip tightened on my hips sure to leave bruises. He swore under his breath as he fucked me harder through it. I could feel myself squeezing him at my whole body shivered from the intense pleasure. He groaned loudly into my neck as he rolled his hips against me. The feeling of him losing himself and filling me made me moan louder. It was like everything shifted and fell into place.
Fuck I missed David. I think he may have missed me a light too. Just a guess though.
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ladyreapermc · 4 years
Fic: Your Move (Chibs x fem!Reader)
A/N: Unsuprisingly, I’m writing for SoA. It was just a matter of time until this new obsession caught up with me. This is my first attempt to write an accent phonetically, so I apologize in advance for the mess.
I also wanna thank @toomanystoriessolittletime​ and @penwieldingdreamer​ for beta’ing this for me and @ly--canthrope​ @wishuhadstayed​ and @chibsytelford​ for welcoming me to the SoA fam and encouraging me to write for it.
Summary: When you returned to Charming after your father passed away, you planned to only stay long enough to settle his affairs, but memories of the past and the prospect of a certain Scot in your future made you stay longer than planned.
Wordcount: 4,5K
Warnings: mentions of alcohol and inebriation and that’s it.
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You knew the Sons of course.
There was no way to live in Charming your entire life and not know about them or at least some of them. You went to school with Jax and Opie and you remembered having such a crush on them, like most girls your age. They were the cool guys with their air of danger and the prospect leather cuts they wore every single day.
Your father warned you to stay away from them, as most parents would. The thing about the Sons was that they were a necessary evil to your small town, but it didn’t make them any less dangerous. Your father made sure to steer clear of them unless he absolutely needed it. You watched him seek out Clay Morrow once in a while if there was a problem in the diner, but it always pained him so much to do so.
You could see in his eyes, the exhaustion and barely contained shame whenever he had to have a sit down with the President of the MC. Always at the diner because he refused to go anywhere near the Teller-Morrow Garage.
He invested every cent he had to make sure you had a good education and could leave Charming for good. Do something he could never do in his own life and you appreciated that with all your heart but once he passed away and you had to come back to settle his affairs, sell the diner and the house and everything else, you found yourself caught up in the memories and the charms of the small town.
Everyone seemed to know you. Sometimes by name, most times as Allan’s kid. They paid their respects at the funeral, even the MC. You saw Gemma and Jax at the back and when your eyes caught the bright blue of the man Jackson had become, his lips tilting into a small, sympathetic smile in your direction, you didn’t feel the same butterflies as you used to when you were a teen.
He and his mother came closer after everyone else was gone. He still had that same sad smile placed in his face as Gemma pulled you into a hug that you didn’t really feel comfortable with, but didn’t know how to refuse.
“Allan was such a good man,” she said, pressing a kiss to your cheek and you could feel the lipstick imprint Gemma left behind. “Anything you need, sweetheart, just give us a call.” She handed you a Teller-Morrow business card, her number scribbled on the back.
“Thank you.” You nodded as they stepped away letting you go back to your grieving.
The diner was quick to sell. Your father, once he got sick, already found a buyer on call, you just needed to finalize the deal. The house was harder to do so. Not because you didn’t have people interested in it but because you couldn’t bring yourself to put it on the market. Not when there were so many childhood memories in it. This was the house you grew up in, where your father raised you to be the woman you were now. It was hard to let go of that, so you found yourself searching for reasons to delay your departure.
Separating possessions that would stay, be donated, sold, or thrown away. You started doing small repairs around the house, just like your father taught you because he wanted you to be as independent as possible. Taking off old, worn-out carpets and wallpapers, fixing the yard and clogged pipes, and closing off holes in the plaster walls.
Before long, a month had passed and you were still in Charming, only making weekend trips back to your apartment to bring more of the essentials with you. Even your cat had found residence in your father’s house, taking long naps in the porch bench, apparently much more comfortable with the small-town life than you expected.
Still, you had a hard time admitting that you didn’t intend to leave any time soon. Being in the house was a constant reminder that your father never wanted this life for you but at the same time, after spending the last 10 and something years in a big city, you had never felt more at home than when you got back here.
You were even painting again, something you haven’t done since you settled for a career as an art teacher. You were even more surprised when you opened up the yard sale and a couple of people ventured into the garage while you were distracted and asked about your paintings.
“They’re not really for sale,” you replied to a woman around your age, her dark hair falling over her shoulders in waves and she was so familiar, but you couldn’t place her in your memory.
“You should really think about selling them. Maybe even opening a gallery? They’re gorgeous.”
Her words stayed with you after the sale was done because it had always been your dream but in a big city, renting space was expensive and there were tons of small art galleries other there. It was hard to compete. In a town like Charming? It would be a place one of a kind.
The next morning, you found a small store for rent in the main street as you walked through the wide-open space, the morning bright light filtering through the half-closed blinds from the window, you could already see your works hanging around, the small counter with the cash register to the left and the backspace for your studio so you could work during slow days.
“I’ll take it.” The words were out before you could even think it through but once they passed your lips, you knew they were the right thing to do. You just needed officially move back to your hometown after so long away.
You took a week to go back to the city, pack up your belongings, and put in the moving truck. A few boxes of more personal stuff you loaded in your own battered old Chevy to bring with you on the drive back.
The car gave out in the middle of the night, still on the highway, miles away from Charming. The engine coughing and spluttering but refusing to start, no matter how many times you spun the key in the ignition. You had to settle for your fate and call a toll truck.
It was almost like destiny that when you pull out your phone from your pocket, the TM card fell out too and you didn’t even realize it had been there all this time. Gemma’s number in pen was washed out but the printed one for the garage was still visible so you dialed it. It wasn’t like you had another garage’s number on speed dial.
You waited at the side of the road for about 50 minutes until the headlights of the toll truck lightened up the night before pulling by your car and you couldn’t help the nervous flips of your stomach as the man stepped out of the car, in tight jeans and leather cut. His longish dark hair combed back, peppered with grey strands at his forehead and the goatee gave him such a distinguished look that you had a hard time not staring. You couldn’t remember the last time you were this attracted to someone at first sight.
“Ye called for a toll, lass?” he asked in a smooth drawl and thick accent that made shivers run down your spine, and for a second you couldn’t find your words.
“Uh… yeah, yes. I did,” you finally managed, glancing back to your car. Seemed to be the safest thing to do. “The old piece of junk died on me. Sorry for the hour.”
“No problem,” he waved off your apology, setting up to get your car secured in the back of the truck, before opening the door for you. “Come on, I give ye a lift.”
He helped you into the truck’s cabin, taking your hand in his gloved one like a perfect gentleman and closing the door behind you before he got behind the wheel and started the engine.
“Thank you so much, mister…”
“Nah, lassie. No mister required,” he offered you a soft smile and from this close, you could see the pale line of the scar in his cheek. “Chibs is fine.”
“Alright. thank you, Chibs,” you replied smiling too as he pulled into the road and turned the radio into a classic rock station.
You remained in silence for most of the ride, sneaking glances at the man next to you. Had he been in Charming all those years ago? Before you left? Why didn’t you remember him? How many times had you seen the Sons riding through the main street in their Harleys and leather cuts? You would probably have seen him before. Then again, back then your eyes tended to seek out Jax’s slender form due to your stupid teen crush. Maybe that was why you missed him.
“Mind if I smoke?” Chibs asked, startling you out of your thoughts.
You shook your head, feeling the heat of embarrassment burning your face as you tried to ignore the way his lips closed around the cigarette and how his long fingers operated the lighter.
The flame lit up his face for a brief second, reflected in his deep, dark eyes and you had to look away, clearing your throat. You never felt this awkward and uncertain in the presence of man, so you raked your brain for something to break the tense silence.
“Why Chibs?” You blurted out before you could stop yourself and he chuckled, the sound low and husky and it went straight to your center, making you press your legs together as discreetly as you could.
“It a Scottish slang,” he started, glancing your way as he took a deep drag of his cigarette. “For knife.”
“Oh,” you replied dumbly, mulling over his words. “Because of…?” Unconsciously, you reached for your cheek and froze in shock at your own insensitive action. “Oh shit! I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean…”
“It’s alright, love,” he chuckled again as he slowed down the truck and you didn’t even notice he was dropping you off at home until you recognized the construction in front of you. “I dinna mind. And yes, that’s why. Bu’ Filip works too.”
“Thank you, Filip,” you spoke softly, meeting his eyes and he smiled around his smoke and nodded. “I’ll drop by TM tomorrow morning to settle everything?”
“Aye. I’ll let Gem know.”
You hesitated to step out of the truck, and you didn’t even know why. You just didn’t want to leave. Not yet, but there was no reason to stay. So you resigned with doing what needed to be done and watching as he drove away before finally getting inside the house.
Next morning, you took your dad’s old Jeep – and how lucky it was that you hadn’t sold it just yet – and headed to TM to settle payment for the toll and get the cost for the work.
While Gemma was ruffling through some papers trying to find your invoice, you let your gaze wander through the open side door towards the garage, noticing the men in overalls talking and joking while working.
“He’s not here,” Gemma said, startling you to turn back and meet her narrowed eyes. You wondered how she could possibly know. “Jax.”
“Oh!” Relief washed over you and you managed a timid smile. “I wasn’t…”
“And he’s back with Tara.”
There was a clear warning in her tone, almost as if saying you shouldn’t dare to try and intervene between the couple, not that you would want to. She finally handed you the paper so you could sign it, authorizing the service.
“How soon can I expect the car?”
“Maybe a week? Might be more,” Gemma replied, pulling the paper back and giving you a long look. “There were some boxes in the truck… You’re uh, staying in Charming, then?”
“Yeah…” it was the first time you said it out loud and it felt almost like a confession. “I am. The moving truck should be arriving soon so can I drop by later to pick them up?”
“I’ll get one of the prospects to bring them to you,” the older woman declared after an assessing look. Like she was measuring you up, making sure if you were worthy of her town.
You just offered a quick thanks and headed off, resisting the urge to glance behind your shoulder at the men working on the cars or the side building that housed the club. Even if you could feel the baby hairs in your nape prickling due to an intense gaze at your back. If it was Gemma or someone else, you didn’t find out.
The entire thing slipped from your mind by the time you got home and found the moving truck already waiting for you. The rest of your day was spent moving boxes and furniture to their designated spaces, making sure the movers didn’t break anything with their careless demeanors.
It was late afternoon when they finally brought everything in and took off, leaving you to sort out the mess. Just the sight of scattered boxes all through the wooden floor of the two-store house was enough to make you regret your decision. It would take you days to get everything in order and that on top of making sure your gallery was up and running too.
“Better get to it,” you whispered to yourself, tuning in the radio and letting the melodic beats of Pat Benatar set the tone for your work. And if you sang along and danced around the house through it all, well there wasn’t anyone around to see it, even if no curtains were covering the windows just yet.
The knock on the door made you jump midway through setting the cutlery in place and you lowered the radio before making your way through the maze of boxes, your lips tugging into a surprised smile when you found Chibs standing outside, cigarette in his mouth, sunglasses covering his eyes.
“Hia, lass. Gem asked me to deliver some boxes?” he explained, and you smirked, leaning against the doorframe, arms crossed over your chest as you examined the biker in front of you.
“Gemma asked you?” you repeated, brow arched. “Sounds more like a prospect job…”
“Might ‘ave volunteered,” Chibs admitted, his smirk matching yours. “Memory’s a little fuzzy on the details.”
With a chuckle, you stepped aside to let him in offering quick instructions of where to put the boxes while you watch him move around. This time, there was no leather jacket below his cut, only a sleeveless shirt, and you could appreciate the flexing of his muscles and the ink adorning his skin as Chibs worked.
“That’s the last one,” he said, setting the box down by the door and meeting your gaze.
“Thank you. I really appreciate the help.”
He waved off your gratitude and silence fell over the two of you, thick and heavy like a blanket of all the things unsaid. In your brightly lid living room, you could properly see Chibs’ face and his dark eyes watching you as if waiting for something, a sign maybe, but you didn’t know what to do. Had you always been so bad at this? Or was just his presence that seemed to strip you from all functional reasoning?
“I, uh…” you looked around, searching for what to say or do. “Wanna drink?”
Chibs followed you into the kitchen and you were very aware of his presence behind you like a shadow as you stopped by the fridge, pulling out two beers and offering him one. You drank in silence, watching one another and you wished you could explain why this felt so strange. You wished you could make the tension and awkwardness fade away, but you didn’t really know how and Chibs didn’t seem inclined to help.
Then again, he did take the first step, coming all the way here with your boxes to see you and he wasn’t even trying to hide or deny it. It was your move but just his mere presence made you freeze and you didn’t know what to do, how to show him you were glad he came and wanted him to stay a little longer.
All you could do was watch him, the way his lips fit around the tan glass of the bottle as he took a gulp of the drink, his throat working as he swallowed. You wondered if Chibs knew how effortlessly sexy he was. How just having him leaning against the counter watching you with that heavy-lidded gaze was enough to make your knees weak and your breath speed up.
“I should head off,” he finally broke the silence, setting his empty bottle on the counter and you felt your heart sink. “Get out of yer hair…”
“Right…” you followed him to the door, hands in your pockets. “Thanks again.”
“No problem, love.” Chibs paused outside, his eyes lingering on you. “Ye know, the clubhouse has a bar. Ye could stop by some time.”
“Yeah,” you hurried to say with a nervous smile. You almost thought he had given up on you but here he was, throwing you a line. “Sure.”
“Good,” he smiled too. “‘Night, love.”
You watched once again Chibs driving off from your place until he disappeared around the corner before you stepped back inside, leaning against the closed door. It was your move and knew. You just had to figure out a way to actually take that step.
A week passed since Chibs’ invitation and you had yet to find the courage to meet him at the clubhouse. At first, you told yourself it was because of the move. You were busy getting the house in shape and then your gallery but you knew you were lying to yourself.
You were just afraid. Torn between wanting to learn a little more about the mysterious Scot that didn’t seem to leave your mind and knowing that going there, getting mixed with the Sons was getting yourself involved with a crowd your father worked so hard to keep you away from. Those two sides seemed to be at war, and you didn’t know what do to.
You knew, however, that the longer you waited, the more you made it clear to Chibs that you might not be interested, even if you were definitely were. So you needed to make a decision. Soon.
When you finally worked up the nerve to go to the clubhouse, you spent hours deliberating on an outfit. You wanted to look good but not like you were trying too hard because you knew what you were going to find there.
Several of your high school friends had sneaked in at some point to check out the Sons’ official hangout and report back. You knew there would be the club members, of course, and other friends, but most importantly, there would be other women, croweaters.
The expression always made you grimace in distaste, the implications clear in the pejorative tone used and it made you stop and consider if you weren’t exactly like them, chasing away a biker you knew nothing about.
The thought was almost enough to make you give up, turn around and go back to your car but you were already there at the garage, might as well bite the bullet and do this. With a deep breath, you crossed the parking lot, the heel of your boots crunching the cement as you walked toward the clubhouse, hands in the pockets of your jacket, out of sight so no one could see them tremble with your apprehension.
When you walked into the smoky room, you were almost expecting to see all eyes on you, the outsider in their territory, but no one paid you any attention as you surveyed the space, searching for Chibs. He was nowhere in sight and the longer you stood there, awkward and afraid, the urge to flee grew in your chest. You shouldn’t even have come.
Turning around to walk out, you ran straight into the solid chest of the man you came here to find. Chibs held you steady with a hand on your elbow, watching you with curious eyes.
“Leavin’ so soon, lass?” he asked, his voice a smooth drawl and it set your body on edge, in a good way.
“Yeah, I, uh,” you glanced around at people dancing and drinking and making out in front of everyone, verging on indecent exposure. “Didn’t really seem like I belonged.”
“Give it a chance, love,” he said with a smirk and offering you a hand. “Ye might actually enjoy yerself. How ‘bout a drink?”
“Ok,” you accepted after a moment’s hesitation, taking Chibs’ hand and letting him lead you to the bar.
A drink turned into several and before you knew it, you were playing pool against a guy named Tig, barely being able to stay upright but still managing to be the better player of the two of you to Chibs’ great amusement and loud heckling.
“You’re sure he’s not just letting me win?” You asked Chibs as he brought you another shot of whiskey, chuckling as you winced and pulled a face after downing it the shot. You had just won yet another round against Tig and his annoyed, barely conscious face was very amusing.
“‘M surprised he managin’ to hold on to his cue,” he commented as he took your cue and handed it over to the first person around. “How ‘bout some air? Sober ye up a bit?”
Chibs led you into the cold night air of the yard and to the picnic tables outside. Out there, you two were completely alone except for the stars and the random passing car but it was late enough that the town was mostly silent, the only sounds coming from inside the clubhouse, the music leaking out muffled due to the soundproof walls.
There were just the two of you, sitting side by side as Chibs lid a cigarette, and before he could even take a drag, you snatched out of his lips, bringing it to your own, making him smirk. The alcohol had dissolved most of your reservations, leaving only you desire for the man next to you.
“Bigge’ men 'ave lost fingers stealin’ ma smoke, lass,” Chibs commented, turning his body towards you.
“Good thing, I’m just a little lass, then,” you teased, trying to mimic his Scottish drawl as you shifted your position until you were straddling the bench and facing him.
“Wee lassie,” he corrected, watching intently as you took a drag of his cigarette and puffed out the smoke.
You liked this, being alone with Chibs. Having his dark eyes focused on you and only you. Being close enough that you could smell the whiskey, leather, and the heady sweat of his skin. Feel the heat of his body. You reached over to trail the black Reaper etched on his biceps, daring to touch without asking permission first.
As Chibs allowed the touch, you grew bolder and moved closer, letting your fingers travel higher, over his shoulder and on his neck, until your thumb brushed his jaw and cheek, touching the rough stubble beginning to grow there.
His own palm had settled over your clothed thigh, large and hot, making you acutely aware of how close you two were and how it would barely take a move for your lips to find his. You wanted that more than anything. Chibs had to know that, right? He had to see it in your eyes.
“Ye should head home, lass,” he said instead, pulling away from you and you felt the loss of his heat. “'t’s gettin’ late.” Then you felt the burning shame as he refused to look at you.
“Yes,” you croaked, eyes darting around at anything other than him. “You’re right.”
You had put yourself out there for this man and he was shipping you off like unwanted cargo. You didn’t even know why.
“I’ll get one of the prospects to drive ye, just…”
“It’s fine,” you didn’t let Chibs finish, getting to your feet and stepping back. “I brought my Jeep. I can drive myself.”
You walked away before he could say anything else because you could feel the familiar lump in your throat and the burning behind your lids. The last thing you wanted was to cry in front of him. You already made a fool out of yourself enough for one night.
You were almost at the car when you stumbled on your own feet. Fortunately, you never met the ground as a strong arm surrounded your waist, keeping you upright and pressed against his strong chest. You could feel his breath tickling your nape as both of you stood there, neither daring to move.
“If I ‘ere a good man, I’d let ye walk away,” Chibs sighed and you sagged against his warmth, letting him inhale your scent on your neck before you turned around to face him, hands resting against his chest.
“Maybe I don’t want you to be a good man,” you whispered, looking up at him. “Maybe I just want you to kiss me.”
His lips were softer than you expected, just a gentle press against yours the whiskers of his goatee tickling your skin. It was almost as if Chibs weren’t really sure if he should do this. Like he was giving you the chance to pull away and change your mind.
Your fisted his vest, pushing closer to him, pressing harder against his lips in search of more. Letting your own lips part in invitation and soon enough, his tongue was exploring your mouth, tangling with yours, bringing forth the taste of whiskey, nicotine, and something dark and addictive that you could have for the rest of your life.
One hand on your hip, the other on your nape, adjusting the angle of your head so he could better deepen the kiss, Chibs pressed you against the cool metal of your Jeep, his body crowding yours, one of his thighs between your legs as he devoured your mouth.
Everything seemed to fade away then but the taste of his lips and the touch of his hands on your skin, burning a bright fire within you as his calloused hand sneaked under your shirt, exploring your back, his rings catching lightly on your skin, making you shiver as he nipped at your bottom lip and allowed you a second for breath.
“Go home,” Chibs grumbled, his lids even heavier than usual as he peered at you with what you could only describe as bedroom eyes. “Before ye do somethin’ ye might regret at the light of day and without the haze of alcohol.”
You paused, considering his words, licking your lips as if to chase the aftertaste of his kiss.
“And if come tomorrow morning, stone-cold sober, I still want this?”
“Ye know where to find me.” Chibs let his lips brushed over yours one last time, just a small temptation of what he could offer before he took a step back and pulled the car door open for you. “‘Night, lass.”
“Good night, Filip.”
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mystic-scripture · 5 years
Fanfic Stats Game
Oh god, I was tagged so long ago for this, I’m so sorry @missecharlotte​ for my delayed response/ action.  (Though we’ve talked recently, so you know why I’ve been so absent)
Author Name: MysticScriptures (and other variants) FFN :: https://www.fanfiction.net/~mysticscripture WP :: https://www.wattpad.com/user/mysticscripture
Fandoms You Write For: Published? Teen Wolf, Vampire Diaires, Riverdale, The Walking Dead, and Sons of Anarchy. In my drafts? The 100, Big Time Rush, Supernatural. In My HeAd? Too many haha. 
Where You Post: I have made and deleted account, being a purest for Wattpad or FFN for a while, now I do both. I like the format of Wattpad, but get better comments on FFN. 
Most Popular One-Shot: Most Popular One-Shot is probably actually a two shot that I wrote on Tumblr. It’s a Bucky x Reader fic Called What if it Wasn’t Fake? (Parts Found Here: 1, 2). I did it for a friend’s writing challenge, and it went really well. 
Most Popular Multi-Chapter Story: From what I’ve seen and looked into, I would say it’s my Teen Wolf Fic Feral Teens. It’s an Isaac x Oc story and It’s actually a rewrite from eons ago. I’m working on fully fleshing out some ideas and taking my time with the timeline. 
Favorite Story You Wrote: Oh geeze, it depends on when you ask, what I’m writing, and the mood I’m in. Currently, I’m going to say Feral Teens, mostly because that was the one I’ve written the most for. In it’s first iteration, I started at season two and got to the beginning of season 3B. So technically it was too books, because I separated it by season. 
Story You WereNervous to Post: Honestly? BTR, I feel ‘too old for it’ sometimes. However, the guys themselves are like two or three years older than me, soooo...whatever. haha. 
How Do You Pick Your Titles: I tend to go for a theme, or like a one liner that applies to the protagonist. Under My Skin (TWD) explains the dynamic between Sav and Daryl, Feral Teens is explaining that underneath the termoil of teens, there’s this wild thing inside them thanks to the added supernatural things. Stuff like that. 
Do You Outline: I have tried, and usually by the time I start writing, the story evolves way past the outline, so what I tend to do is I’ll watch the episode in question to get a feel for where my character would fit and then kind of roleplay it out in my head. I allow the character to take the wheel for a while and use what I know/ interpret from the canon to have others interact. 
How Many of Your Stories are complete: - The Only Fic I ever completed was the Original Feral Teens which was called Finding Me, Fixing You (and doesn’t exist anywhere anymore.)
In-Progress: - Transference (Riverdale, S1) - Rough Riding (SoA, S1) - The Girl Next Door (BTR, not really within the show timeline, but the canon) - Feral Teens (Teen Wolf S2) - The Silken Dagger (TVD S3)
Coming Soon: There are a lot, but I don’t have the creative flexibility to work on as many as that, but there are a few ocs that I miss, so we’ll see what happens next time I hit a writer’s block on one of the above. 
Do You Accept Prompts: I have been known to do some ficlets and stuff in the past, but not a lot. I save prompts and use them as writing warm-ups for myself. I like to be given challenges though so feel free to send me some! I have a tag for Prompts that people can find if they need inspiration. 
Upcoming Story You’re the Most Excited For: Honestly, the Girl Next Door, that is probably the fluffiest pic that I have worked on, and I just miss the btr boys so much haha. 
Tag Five Fanfic Authors to Answer These Questions:
@cassercole @whindsor @nightstorms-universes @darknightfrombeyond and @ceruleanmusings
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groovyzombiellama · 5 years
Can you do a SOA club x reader S1 E3 Where the reader gets raped, and jax the club defends their honor I’mmm obseeeesed withhh SOA
I’m on with this imagine now, because I want to switch it up, but after that I’m back to Teen Wolf requests :)
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Hurricane P36
Happy x Reader
Warnings: 18+ ONLY. If under 18, kidnely un-follow me please! Heavy drinking, hospitalization. 
Notes: Oh shit..
Tags: @moodygrip @trippinjenni @jenny885
Pics and gifs are not mine 
You looked towards him, your inner self kept battling not knowing how to handle a conversation with Happy. He let your hand go and looked into your eyes. “The girls look like they where having fun..” He spoke calmly. “Yeah, like old times..”
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Happy walked in the house and seen his apartment covered with three girls. One being his love. All of them in pajamas. Not sexy pajamas but all in some kind of character pajamas. Sammy in Napoleon Dynamite pajamas, Trina in Metallica pajamas and of course his love in her Pocahontas pajamas he had gotten her. “What the hell did I walk into?” He laughed watching the girls play video games. “Girls night babe, remember.. I told you last night after… you know?” “Babe you really can’t expect me to remember a conversation after being blissed out from sex.” Happy spoke walking over to you. He kissed your lips gently. He side hugged Sammy and Trina. “Well alright, I can head back to the dorms and let you girls have a night. It is like your teenagers.” “We did this often as teens.” Sammy laughed. Happy came back to you grabbing your face in his over sized hands, kissing you sweetly. “Here babe..” Happy grabbed his wallet taking out a few twenties. “Order a pizza on me..” “Hap I can afford..” “Thank you!” Sammy swiped the cash from his hand on her way to call the pizza place they always ordered from. “Well Thanks I guess babe. Your usually cheap.” You retorted. “Well since I save money on not buying condoms..” He whispered chuckling nodding bye to everyone and walked back out.
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A few hours later he walked back in forgetting his charger. He walked into the three of you singing on the couch dancing. He laughed at all of you singing Cher. “DO you believe in life after love?!” you all belted at the top of your lungs. All of you dancing and singing to the whole song not noticing him. After it was done he whistled. You all collapsed laughing hard seeing Happy and Kozik standing there flabbergasted by you three. “Happy! Kozik!” The guys laughed and grabbed what they needed. “You three need a record deal!” Kozik taunted walking out.
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Looking at Happy he looked tired, weak. You had not seen him this broken down in a long time. Not since he lost a brother back in Tacoma. “You look tired..” Was all you could say. A small hint of worry coated your voice unintentionally. “I have been up most nights, thinking of everything I did wrong… The sheer thought of everything causes me to fucking lose my mind..” He spoke sadly. “Lets go sit down..” He nodded following you to the curb. You both sat down on the edge of the curb. The streets of Charming where dead besides the loud booming of the SOA clubhouse. You both stretched out looking at the stars. You where unsure why you wanted to sit and talk under the stars, but you hoped it would clear the terrible tensions in your bones. Not to mention the alcohol in your system was giving you courage. He looked at your profile as you stared at the stars. “That haircut.. is amazing on you. Really suites you.. giving you that edgy vibe that you possess.” You looked to him with a smile. “Thanks Happy.” He nodded looking at the stars aswell. “I don’t love her.. I never did.. I should have came back to check on you all those years ago… I am so fucking selfish..” you couldn’t believe your ears. He was admitting that he was the one who did all the wrong. It was like he took what Kozik said years ago, days ago even and put it in his own words. “I love you Hurricane… I love you more than I love this club.. never did I think I would say that.. If your happy with Lorenzo.. I get it. He can give you so much more than I can.. He has money and he knows most about you.. I get it.” “Happy.” “I understand you and Kozik and him have a trio going like we used too.. I am not going to lie kinda jealous…” “Happy..” you tried to interrupt again. “I just.. hell even if you wanted us both… I would fight my instinct on killing him..” “LOWMAN!” you finally yelled. He looked at you stunned. “Wait did you say have you both?” you smirked. A few dirty thoughts crossing your mind. “I wasn’t thinking three way…” he grumbled. “I love you Happy, I do. I love you more than  some things in life.. however.. I keep getting burned over and over again and it never stops. The pain I felt when you left was bone crushing. Kozik picked me off the floor a drunken mess so many times. He was certain he was going to have to put me in rehab.. I drank and rarely ate… I even…” you looked down. “I was hospitalized once because I blacked out. Sammy and Trina came to check on me because Kozik was on a run. If I wasn’t for my girls… I’d be dead..” Happy looked at you shocked, his usually dark eyes, were wide and saddened even more. He put his head in his hands. The sheer image of you on the hospital bed, getting your stomach pumped hurt his very soul. “Kozik never told me..” He whispered. “How long was that after I left…?” you sighed a bit. “A year after…” “A year!” he looked a you shocked. “I probably took five to twenty years off my life from that year alone..” Happy gazed at you and grabbed your hand. “I am so.. so sorry Y/N L/N..” He grabbed your other hand and held it tightly. His tough hands holding yours tightly. He choked back a slight sob. The thought of you in the hospital was causing him to panic. Knowing he was the person who made you feel such pain. You felt his hands start to shake, his breath getting heavier. “Happ?” He looked at you and you could tell he was battling so hard with himself. “Happ?” you let his hands go and he went to grab you. To grasp reality. Slight terror crossed his face that you where leaving. Instead you stood up and repositioned your self to hold him in your arms and hug him tightly. “I am so sorry…” Happy looked down. “I am so so so sorry..” He kept mumbling.  You where unsure what to do. You wanted him to suffer, you wanted him to feel that pain. Maybe even be close to death from heart break, as terrible as it was. Seeing him like this though.. you knew you couldn’t let him be like this. “Y/N..” Kozik came around seeing you hug Happy. He looked down at his fellow brother and his sister. He knew both of them had been through hell and back together, mostly because of each other. His sister taking the grunt of it in the past when Happy left. Kozik so badly wanted to grab your hand and take you away from the situation and make Happy suffer like you did. To protect you all over again. Both of you thinking the same thing. He knew thought tha his brother was on edge by the look on his face he only seen once before when you were in the hospital. Happy looked to Kozik, begging him to leave with his eyes. Kozik turned leaving the two alone.’
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“Happy I gotta go.. Gotta check on my girls.” “Five more minutes… who knows if I will ever feel my arms wrapped around you again..” He put his head in your neck. He ignored the hickie Lorenzo left on your neck, knowing he didn’t want to ruin the moment. He pressed a kiss to your neck, sending a jolt threw your body. He felt you freeze and then shiver slightly in his arms. Internally he groaned remembering how responsive your body was to his. He pressed one more near the hickie causing you to slightly moan out. You covered your mouth shooting up. “I wish you happiness..” was all you said as you sprinted into the club to look for Sammy and Trina.
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Playing dirty
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2NJ9koI
by misssushicat
Juice thinks it's a good idea to try and make a comment about your underwear situation. Oh boy is that a mistake.
Words: 950, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Series name undecided
Fandoms: Sons of Anarchy
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Juice Ortiz, Original Female Character(s), Tig Trager, Chibs Telford, Jax Teller, Opie Winston, Bobby Munson, Half-Sack Epps
Relationships: Juice Ortiz/Reader, Juice Ortiz/Original Female Character(s), Juice Ortiz/You
Additional Tags: juice x reader, au kinda, just everything is fine, we're still in the earlier seasons of soa, no one is dead
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2NJ9koI
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The Ultimate Crazy Fan Girl’s Masterlist Thus Far..
American Horror Story:
Imagine Michael Creating A Robot Of You After You Were Burnt At The Stake.
Imagine Michael and Cordelia Fighting Over you.
Imagine being Mead’s daughter and in a relationship with Michael.
My Hero Academia/Boku No Hero Academia
Headcannons on Aizawa Having Kids
Headcannons for Bakugo helping you with midterms!
There’s No Peace In College (Toshinori/Reader/David)
Bad Guy- (Toshinori/reader)
Cat Sitting-(unrequited Aizawa/reader with cat quirk)
Maze Runner
Imagine being the only girl in the Glade
Missing Pieces- (a Teen Wolf/Maze Runner crossover)
Newt Request Prompt
The Originals:
Imagine getting into a fight with your boyfriend Klaus, in which he kills an innocent person.
Imagine Elijah and Klaus Posing As Your College Professors.
Imagine you are Klaus’s wife and you are extremely tender hearted, causing you to cry a lot.
Imagine Klaus Attending Your Family Reunion And Enjoying It, Because They Treat Him As A Member Of The Family. 
Imagine You Are Hope’s Babysitter And All The Mikaelsons Have A Crush On You.
Off to a Right Hook- Elijah Mikaelson x Reader
Imagine becoming a vampire and finding out each of the Mikaelson siblings secretly fed you their blood.
Little Mouse
Vampire Diaries:
Imagine Opening Up A Coffee Shop With Damon
Those Who Hunt Their Own
Imagine Damon Salvatore being afraid of your mother.
The 100:
Imagine Bellamy’s Reaction, When He finds Out You Actually Are A Princess.
Imagine Bellamy taking care of you, when you’re sick and confessing his feelings to you.
Something You Love- Bellamy Blake x Reader
Shy: Jughead Jones One-Shot
Shy Part Two
Abandoning  the Mantle- Jughead Jones one-shot
Titled After You- Archie Andrews x reader
Play It Forward- Archie Andrews x Reader
Beauty And The Beast:
Something Missing- Gaston One Shot
Something Missing (Blurb)
Be My Wife- Gaston Two-Shot
Difficulties Part Two- Coming Soon
Imagine Waking Up Married To Tony After A Wild Night In Vegas.
Imagine you’re a kickass bounty hunter who always manages to catch the villains before the avengers do.
Imagine sassing Doctor Strange over his failed attempt to reconnect with Doctor Palmer.
Imagine being the daughter of Derek Shepherd and Addison Montgomery, and meeting Doctor Strange during your residency.
Differences and Similarities- Tony Stark x reader
Imagine Steve Finding Out Diana Likes You, His Little Sister.
Part Two- Request
Imagine Steve Finding Out That You, His Comrade Is Actually A Woman.
Imagine Living With Diana After Your Brother Steve Dies- Request
Miscellaneous :
SOA- Imagine being Tara’ s little sister and being unhappy when she comes back, because when Tara went to Chicago, she left you with your alcoholic father.
Pokémon Go-Imagine intervening on some bullies, only to later realize the person you help is Spark.
Shameless Request 
Plan B- American Gods Drabble
Past, Present, and Future- Five Hargreeves X reader
Animal Kingdom- Imagine the boys fighting on whose shoulders you’ll sit on in a game of chicken.
The Red Queen- Imagine Being a Candidate in the Queenstrial
Westworld-Unknown, Uncaring (Teddy Flood Drabble)
Supernatural-Imagine Dean Getting Jealous When Fred Hits On You
Kissed By the Baddest Bidder-Aniexty- Eisuke Ichinomiya
Billy Bennet Request
Teen Wolf Masterlist
BTS Masterlist
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fanficimagery · 2 years
Guns, Claws & Teeth pt. 3
On the way back from running an errand for your brother, you stop by an auto garage for a tune-up for your car. Once there, you run into a bit of trouble but it's nothing you can't handle. Unfortunately, the humans you've made friends with are dragged into the mess.
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Words: 5.9K  Author’s Note: Third and FINAL update to this little series.  You guys get an early update because today starts my town’s local festival, and our cell service and wifi signal is about to be hit and miss starting tomorrow when everyone flocks to our town. 
Your first year in Charming was spent putting down roots and getting to know the men of the infamous Sons of Anarchy. A majority of them were hesitant to let you in since you weren't an Old Lady or a croweater/sweetbutt, but since you had some of the most important members of their club in your corner, the men quickly learned to show you some respect. The sweetbutts had no idea about you or the supernatural world since it was top secret knowledge within the club, so it was a fun night for all when one overstepped the line with you, and you easily put her in her place.
Juice had found you the perfect piece of land away from any other dwelling, and you had bought it and put plans to have a house built on it as soon as you could into motion. The club thought that the five bedroom, three and a half bath house you had plans for was a little excessive for just you, but after explaining that it was a pack house, they understood. And when you weren't dealing with the construction crew, you were jogging all around Charming to make sure your scent would saturate anything and everything you touched.
SAMCRO was filled with many members that you met with nearly on a daily basis, but you only ever found yourself drawn to a handful of them. Gemma, Jax, Juice, Chibs and Opie were the main ones you found yourself scenting as pack, and eventually Clay and Happy wormed their way under your wolf's paw.
Over the months, the club got to meet many other wolves and supernatural creatures who were just passing through or congratulating another respectable Hale becoming an alpha. Fortunately, none ever challenged your authority which meant a majority of the club never got to see you in action. Then when your house was finally finished, you asked Gemma to help you decorate and furnish it. She was more than up to the task, loving every second of it and gloating in front of Jax and Opie that the house was just amazing. The men did their damnedest to get a glimpse of the house, but you refused them, even Juice who tried to wheedle his way in by suggesting he install a security system all around your property. He had a good idea, but it wasn't something that needed to be installed just yet.
It's been a week that you've now been sleeping in your own house and a week since Gemma told you she was throwing a housewarming party. She only invited club members, but club members that you usually found yourself speaking with, and you invited Derek and the betas.
Derek, Isaac, Erica and Boyd were the firsts to show up the day of the housewarming party- your brother prepping the grill outside for the steaks to be added as soon as everyone showed up. Gemma showed up next and you weren't surprised she and Erica got along swimmingly. The three of you then ended up prepping and wrapping potatoes to be tossed onto the grill, and shucking some corn to be added as well.
As you follow Gemma and Erica outside to leave the corn and potatoes on a table, you find Isaac and Boyd settling two kegs into buckets of ice. "Jesus," you mutter. "We're not throwing a kegger, boys."
Boyd flashes you a smile. "Brings back memories, doesn't it?"
Your nose wrinkles. "Ugh. Graduation night, right? When Stiles spiked the punch?"
"You were so wasted." Isaac chuckles. "Isn't that the night Derek caught you in the bathroom with Brett?"
Your eyes widen as Derek growls. "Thanks for bringing that up, Lahey."
"Wait a minute." Gemma glances between all of you. "I thought you couldn't get drunk?"
"You know how wolfsbane is lethal to us?" She nods. "Well mixed just right with some other herbs and then dropped into whatever we're drinking, we're totally fucked," you say.
She slowly smirks. "I need to get my hands on these herbs."
Everyone laughs and then the sounds of roaring engines meet your ears. You perk up and Erica smirks knowingly at you. "Your boy's here."
"He's not my boy!"
Her eyes roll. "I don't get why you don't just bang him. The two of you are no strangers to casual sex."
"Can we not talk about my baby sister banging Jax? Thanks."
You mentally facepalm as Gemma's eyes widen. "I knew it."
"Knew what? There's nothing going on," you say while trying to also walk away.
"But you want there to be?"
You open your mouth to retort, but snap it shut and shrug. There was no use lying to Gemma. "I mean I wouldn't be opposed to something happening, but I'm not gonna pursue it either. While casual sex between pack members is not unusual, your son is the Prez of SAMCRO who has every croweater throwing their panties at him. Us wolves are territorial in case you haven't noticed. It wouldn't work out "
Gemma just cocks an eyebrow at you and you shrug once more before turning around and jogging 'round the side of your house. Jax, Opie, Clay, Chibs, Juice and Happy are all standing before your house, staring up at it in awe.
"You think the outside looks good, then you should see the inside."
Jax is the first to look at you and a lazy smile blossoms across his face. He saunters over to you, gaze darting between you and the house before he leans in to press a kiss to your cheek. "The house looks dope. We finally gonna get that tour?"
"Yes." You laugh.
Clay and Chibs greet you with a kiss to the cheek as well, but it's Chibs who mentions, "The housewarming gifts are all back at the club. Couldn't exactly fit them on the bike, darling."
"That's alright," you assure him.
Opie and Juice get hugs, and you stare at Happy long enough to gauge where his social meter is at today. You consider him pack, but he's one individual that isn't one for touch unless it's a croweater he's having his way with. But for you, you've noticed, he'll allow touching to keep your werewolf tendencies at bay. So when you see him crack the faintest of grins, you move in and grab onto his forearm in greeting.
"Hey, Hap. Good day?"
The bald headed, heavily tattooed man shrugs. "Can't complain."
"Good." Then glancing back at everyone else again, you gesture to the front door. "Well go on. Everyone's out back already and the betas somehow produced kegs from thin air. Derek's put the corn and potatoes on the grill, and he's about to put the steaks on too."
"Oh hell yes," Juice exclaims, rubbing his stomach.
You shake your head and follow the men up the porch steps. They nose about the living room, making impressed noises about the kitchen, then peek into the dining room, washroom, study, the half bath, and the two bedrooms downstairs that share a bathroom.
You follow everyone as they stomp upstairs, chuckling softly to yourself as they file into every room. You nearly cackle at the way Happy puts a smiley face sticker on the door jamb to one of the rooms, then stoically meets everyone's gaze and says, "Dibs."
Jax and Juice immediately kick up a fuss, telling Happy he can't call dibs on a room. When he doesn't crack under their barrage, both men look at you in order to back them up.
Instead, you shrug. "I have four extra bedrooms. Did you think I had them built just in case you guys only wanted to crash here? I knew Jax, Opie, Clay and Gem wouldn't since you all have your own houses, wives, and kids, but the others are free to do whatever they want."
"So if I wanted to move in.." Juice starts, already thinking over it
"Then you move in." You grin. "If there are any spare bedrooms after we're all settled in, then they can be used by anyone else when they feel the urge to sleep over."
Juice practically fist pumps the air, talking about not sleeping in his shitty apartment or dorm at the club anymore and Happy mentions the same thing. Chibs, Clay and Opie can only shake their heads in amusement as Juice and Happy start talking about moving their shit in asap.
"What if I hate my house?" Jax asks. "Then could I move in too?"
You eye the blonde biker until he slowly starts to grin at you and you roll your eyes. "Yes, Jax. If you don't want to pay anymore on that mortgage of yours, move on in." Then looking between all three of your roommates, you also mention, "The rooms are also soundproofed, so if your croweaters make an appearance, you're cleaning that shit up as soon as you're done. I don't want this house reeking of spunk."
"Yes, mother," Juice mumbles.
You pin him with a glare and let a low growl reverberate through your throat. "Try me, Juicy. I will cockblock you if I have to."
His eyes widen and Opie snorts before slinging an arm around your shoulders. "Come on, little alpha. I think I smell those steaks your brother's got going."
"Wait, what about this room?" Jax asks, hand already on the doorknob to the closed bedroom door.
"Don't even think about it," you tell him. "That's mine and if you see it, I have a feeling I'm going to come home to one of you three neanderthals in it. Gemma's already napped in it and she threatened to shoot me when I woke her."
Clay chuckles. "Yep. That sounds like my old lady."
Jax's eyes sparkle and you take a step in his direction. "Jackson.."
Just as you lunge for him, he opens the door and stumbles into your room. "Holy shit."
You close your eyes and groan as the rest of the Sons spill into your room. You know what they're seeing- king sized bed with numerous fluffy pillows and plush comforter, large flatscreen mounted on the wall across from the bed, and the recliner and small sofa on the opposite sides of your room. Opie opens your walk-in and whistles appreciatively, and then Jax swears again as he enters your bathroom.
"You really went all out, huh?" He wonders.
"What can I say, I like my comforts."
"Uh huh." Jax continues to look around until his gaze lands on you again. "You know, this room is pretty fuckin' fit for a president."
"Yeah?" Your eyes narrow. "And my foot is pretty fuckin' fit for a president's ass. Wanna try it out?"
The Sons roar with laughter and then Clay's slinging an arm around your shoulders, leading you out of the room. "Come on, sweetheart. Let's go see what fresh hell my old lady and that blonde she-wolf are gettin' up to."
As you head outside, everyone but your brother is already seated at the table. Whoops and words of greeting are exchanged before Clay and Chibs make a beeline for your brother. You smile as they greet him, clapping him on the shoulders and then getting a peek at dinner. Juice and Happy make a beeline for the keg, and you head for the table. Just as you head for one of the chairs, you're surprised when Jax pulls it out for you and gestures for you to sit. And apparently your surprise is still etched into your features after you sit, letting Gemma and Erica see a glimpse of it and snort with amusement. A moment later you're scowling, but then smiling again as Jax passes you a cup of beer.
Eventually Derek, Clay and Chibs join the table, and everyone sits, chatting and laughing while the food cooks. Gemma is not happy to hear that Jax has plans to sell his house, but she doesn't want to show how pleased she is that her son is moving into your house. The all knowing glint in her eyes lets you know you'll be hearing more about that later.
Erica's sharing the story of when a kanima was let loose on Beacon Hills, and you'd been paralyzed in a swimming pool with the human who'd had the biggest crush on you as the only person keeping you afloat, when your ears pick up on gravel crunching under tires.
The hairs on the back of your neck stand on end and you shift in your seat, angling to get better hearing when Derek says, "I might have invited a few more people."
Jax and Opie tense on either side of you, but Erica's words make you relax. "College kids are on break. Any guess as to who banded together to finally congratulate you on your new werewolf status and the house?"
Your eyes widen before you laugh and you stand up from your chair just as the pack of four round the corner of your house. "Batman!"
"Supergirl!" You laugh as you break out into a jog in order to meet Stiles Stilinski in a bone crushing hug.
"Who the hell is that?" Jax grumbles. Gemma hides her smile behind the rim of her cup.
"Stiles Stilinski," Erica muses. "He's the one who held our precious YN afloat in that swimming pool I was just telling you about."
Jax tenses in his seat, glaring at the duo hugging it out before YN moves onto a laughing Asian girl.
"Relax," Derek mumbles. "Stiles is dating that redhead next to him. Has been since the end of their high school career."
"So who exactly are these kids?" Gemma wonders.
"Well Stiles is the first one YN hugged," Erica tells her. "Kira was the second, Lydia is the one she's hugging now, and the adorable puppy waiting his turn is alpha Scott McCall." Gemma raises an eyebrow at hearing an alpha be called an adorable puppy. "What? It's true. Scott's the definition of pure and wholesome. He didn't even have to kill an alpha to take their power, he just rose to his rank. He's what we in the werewolf community call a true alpha, an alpha who rises to their power rather than take it from another."
The Sons are kept from asking anymore questions as YN leads the McCall pack towards them. Introductions are had, handshakes are given, and you huff with amusement when Jax squeezes Stiles' hand a little too hard though you have no idea what that's about.
"So are we good to be nosy or are your alpha instincts still sensitive?" Stiles asks.
"Knock yourself out, Stilinski. Just don't enter the room that has a smiley sticker on the door jamb. That's Happy's room and he doesn't like people entering his space."
"Which one is Happy again?" Everyone looks in Happy's direction as the man in question stares Stiles down, sipping his beer without a word. "Right," Stiles nervously chuckles. "Stay out of the scary biker's room. Got it. Let's go, Kira. I know you wanna look around too."
As Stiles and Kira disappear into your house, everyone settles around the table once more.
"So.." Scott hesitates as all eyes are suddenly on him, but he only has eyes for you. "How are you settling in as an alpha?"
"It's been good," you tell him with a smile. "It helped that as soon as I met these fellas, I connected with them before I even turned alpha."
"Is everyone human or..?" Lydia wonders.
"All human, all bikers," you say. "Except for Gem, she's Clay's old lady and Jax's mom, but she's a stone-cold bitch and I love her all the more for it."
Gemma raises her cup in cheers. "You know it, baby."
Jax nudges your arm and when you look at him, he gestures to Lydia who's rubbing her temple and flinching at something even though her eyes are closed. "Hey, Lyds," you call out. "You okay over there?"
Scott immediately looks at her, placing a hand on her shoulder as she says, "Yeah. It's just.. there's so much death." Your pack tenses. "Everyone's talking at once and I can decipher what they want me to know."
You gulp. "Lydia's a banshee," you murmur quietly, but still loud enough for everyone around the table to hear. "The voices of the banshees that came before her whisper to her every now and then, warning her about something on the horizon or replaying death echoes of those who lost their lives."
The Sons wince and Lydia's eyes open, though it's easy to spot the tension in her frame. "I'm good. Promise."
Kira and Stiles step out onto the back porch then, and Stiles hops down eagerly as he makes his way to the table. "That bed is perfect for puppy piles. You guys get puppy piles, right?"
"Goddammit, Stiles, stop calling them puppy piles." Stiles looks at you, eyes sparkling with mirth. "And to answer your question, no. The pack has not bonded that way. Three of them are married, two of them to each other, and the others don't.. cuddle."
"Hold up," Juice says, slowly smirking. You groan at the look on his face. "Puppy piles?" He muses. "Have you been holding out on us, YN?"
"Fuck off, Juice."
The table laughs, but Juice doesn't let up. "What does a puppy pile consist of?"
"Stop calling it a puppy pile!"
Erica's red painted lips stretch into a smile. "Puppy piles are just another way for a pack to become closer. It's exactly what you think it is- a cuddle session. Everyone in the pack piles onto one bed or the floor and just sleeps. We usually have one when something traumatic happens and the pack just want to assure each other that they're okay."
Your pack looks at you, but you don't meet their gazes. There have been plenty of instances when someone threatened your boys and you've hovered, but you never mentioned anything about a puppy pile to them.
Stiles snickers. "Who was it that woke up with their face pressed into YN's chest and couldn't look her in the eye for a week?"
"Isaac." Erica reaches over and pinches her pack mate's reddening cheek.
Derek finally chuckles then, standing up and gripping Isaac's shoulder. "Come help me check the food. If you linger any longer, I'm afraid Jax is gonna shoot you."
Gemma cackles and you groan, sinking into your seat. Your brother and pack were the worst.
"What am I missing?" Clay rumbles. You watch as Gemma leans over and mumbles something into his ear, his gaze then darting between you and his stepson. "Yeah, I can see it."
"The fuck you can." You get up, cheeks reddening as the table's occupants laugh while you head over to your brother.
Isaac is pulling out the corn, laying them on a baking sheet before doing the same for the potatoes. You head inside to start bringing out the extra condiments for the potatoes and corn, and Gemma isn't too far behind to collect plates and utensils.
"Grub's done. Come and get it," you call out.
You and Derek stand back to watch how everyone mingles with each other, grinning as your pack playfully shoves one another as they make a line. There's more than enough steaks to go around, so everyone gleefully helps themself. And when everyone has their plates full, you go around the table and ask if anyone wants a refill on their beer.
You're the last one to serve yourself, but you're also the one everyone waits for to sit down before they all dig in. Then moments later, many are complimenting the chef and host, and wondering when the next pack dinner can take place.
Scott and his pack share a few stories about their college shenanigans, your pack shares a few stories about the club that can't incriminate them in anything, and Derek's pack shares a few stories that include you in order to embarrass you.
Food is eaten and a few more drinks are had since everyone was driving somewhere after the night was done, and all in all it's a very good night.
Lydia zones out more often throughout the night, but eventually it happens too frequently to go ignored. Everyone is paying her more and more attention, and even the humans know something is really wrong. The redhead gasps and pushes herself away from the table, and all talking ceases.
"Shit," you utter as Stiles stumbles after her.
"What's going on?" Jax asks you.
"Remember how I said Lydia's a banshee?"
"Well what are banshees known for?"
Chibs' eyes subtly widen. "Screamin' when death is near."
"Scream," Stiles says. "Lydia, scream."
"Cover your ears!"
Your hands slam over your own ears just as Lydia opens her mouth, jaw clenching as the banshee's wail still irritates your sensitive ears.
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She wails for several long seconds, and when she's done there's a hand immediately on your back. You glance to your right, meeting Jax's astonished gaze.
"Crows cawing." Lydia's words make you snap to attention. Her eyes are filled with information that only she's privy to. "Cawing crows.. and snarling?"
"Well the snarling can be any supernatural creature," Scott says. "But I don't know about the crows."
"SAMCRO." Clay's words make you tense.
You glance around at your SAMCRO pack members, heart dropping into your stomach. "The clubhouse," you realize. "They're gonna attack the clubhouse."
One moment everyone's just looking at each other, and the next everyone's scrambling out of their seats and running around the house to the front. Jax's hand wraps around yours and you don't even fight him when he makes a beeline for his bike. He doesn't have to tell you to climb on, you already doing it the second he's settled. You can see everyone scrambling onto their bikes or throwing themselves into a car, and then everyone's racing towards Teller-Morrow Automotive.
When you pull up to the garage/club, you hop off the back of Jax's bike and rush forward. In the lot, the SAMCRO members who'd stayed behind are all on their knees with several individuals standing behind them. Your pack forms a line behind you, guns being pulled from their waistbands or from some place they'd been stashed on their bikes.
The scent of the trespassing wolves fill your nostrils and your eyes flare red in annoyance. "What's the meaning of this?"
Red and yellow eyes flare right back- one alpha, five betas- and the alpha chuckles. "You surprise us, lone wolf. Here I thought I could leave you a present, but then you come rolling in with human filth before we can finish."
You snarl, teeth and claws elongating. "If you touch any one of them, I promise you, you won't be walking off this lot."
"Yeah?" The trespassing alpha smirks. "And how do you suppose you're going to stop me, lone wolf? Your scent is the only scent stinking up this little town."
"I might be the only supernatural being in my pack," you say, letting your lips curl into a smirk, "but you picked the wrong day to attempt a takeover."
"And why's that?"
"Because us Hales stick together." Derek steps forward, followed by Erica, Boyd and Isaac. All their eyes flare red and yellow.
"And I don't like wolves who hurt humans on purpose." Scott steps forward, eyes flaring red, followed by Kira. She grips the buckle of her belt and whips the entire thing off in one go as it snaps into a wickedly sharp katana.
The trespassing pack doesn't look so confident now.
"What do you want to do, YN?" Derek asks. "This is your territory, your decision."
"The less gunfire, the better. We don't want the cops coming here. Subdue them."
As if those were the magic words, every trespassing wolf shoves down a SAMCRO member who'd been on their knees and jumps over them. You, your brother, and friends meet them head on- wolf vs. wolf and wolf vs. kitsune.
The outcome of the fight should be a no-brainer- their six to your seven- but somehow in the middle of all the snarling, slashing and biting, the trespassing alpha gets the drop on you. You didn't have to keep an eye on all the humans who had stood back, itching to shoot, but you did get momentarily distracted when two betas jumped on Derek after knocking Isaac and Erica out.
A metal pipe whips across your face, the momentum behind the hit causing your whole body to turn and stumble. A kick to the back of your knee sends you to your hands and knees, and then the pipe is being shoved into your back and out your chest.
Your head whips back as you roar in pain and rage, and the fight all around you comes to a halt.
Opie and Clay have to keep a hold of Jax the moment they see YN get whipped across the face with a pipe, everyone's heart dropping into their stomachs when the pipe is then shoved through her body. The alpha standing over her chuckles, his red eyes scanning the humans in amusement.
"Hey. Hey!" Jax calls out, crouching a little so he can catch YN's red gaze. As she pushes further up on shaky arms, a little bit of his tension bleeds out. "What's the play here?"
Supernatural red meets human blue, top lip trembling in rage. "Kill them."
"You heard her, boys. One and done, but that red eyed prick is mine."
"If you're with me, now's the time to duck," you mumble.
Just as Jax stands tall and takes aim, your brother and friends immediately fall to the ground. Opie, Clay, Chibs, Juice and Happy all take one shot, letting the alpha look around in surprise as his entire pack falls to the ground with a smoking bullet hole in their head, and then Jax pulls his trigger when the alpha looks back at him.
You fall to your side just as the alpha gripping the pole falls dead, groaning in pain at the metal still sticking out of your body.
"What the hell was that?!" Stiles exclaims.
You wince as pain wracks your body just as Gemma tells everyone you'd made SAMCRO switch to wolfsbane bullets in case of something like this ever happening.
Hands find your shoulders and you growl, but then Chibs' voice is telling you it's just him. "Easy, lass. Easy," he says. He quietly swears, speaking to another individual who's yet to touch you. "We might need to get her to a hospital."
"No." You grit your teeth, forcing yourself onto your hands and knees before sitting back on your knees. Immediately, you meet Jax's wide eyes. "Pull it out. I'll heal."
"It's true." Derek steps up behind Jax, smirking as he looks down at you. "Sucks, doesn't it? Remember when I was in this exact position, and you mocked me?"
"Fuck. You."
"Take a deep breath in because this is going to suck. A lot."
Derek walks around you and places one hand on your shoulder, grasping the metal pipe sticking out from just below your breastbone with the other. He yanks before you can even inhale deeply. You roar, but your eyelids quickly flutter as you start to fall back.
"Oh shit." Hands catch you and suddenly there's pressure against your back and front. Your arms are draped around necks and then you're being helped into the club. "Get more towels. Set her on the pool table."
You're in a haze of pain as you're led inside the club, mumbling about buying a new pool table as you're laid out on it. More towels or sheets or whatever they'd found are shoved under your back and pressed down onto your front, and you whimper in pain.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry." Your eyelids flutter open and you see Jax worriedly staring down at you.
"M'fine," you tell him, flashing him a faint smile. "Just hurts."
He gulps. "I need to make sure my brothers are good. You better not die on our pool table."
You grin and then wince when Jax turns around, yelling that the clubhouse is now in lockdown.
Pressure just under your chest lessens and you grimace when you feel your shirt being lifted.
"Oh god. Oh that's so gross. Derek, stop looking into the gaping wound," Stiles mumbles.
"Stop being a little bitch, Stilinski," you mumble back and then swat at the hands holding your shirt up. "Put it down. Let me heal in peace."
"You gonna be good here?" Your brother asks. "We have bodies to bury."
"Yeah. Go." You shoo him away. "Ask Happy for help. He'll know the best locations to dig."
Your brother, his pack and Scott's pack take their leave after having a brief conversation with Happy and Juice. And just when your eyes close, you feel a presence hovering over you.
Breathing in deep, you figure out who it is. "Gem."
"Hey, baby. Are you really gonna be okay?"
You smile and briefly open one eye, nodding. "Yeah. I just need to rest up. It's gonna suck, but I'll be good."
"Okay." A moment passes and then, "I know I've seen you fight before, but tonight was pretty badass." You huff a quiet laugh. "And that little Asian girl? She's not human, is she? I thought I saw her eyes glowing orange."
"She's not. Kira's a kitsune."
"So a banshee and a kitsune," she muses. "These are some interesting friends you've got."
"You think that's interesting, you should meet Deputy Parrish."
You can practically hear the sneer in her voice as she asks, "A pig?"
"Don't be rude. Parrish is a decent guy. He also happens to be a hellhound."
When Gemma falls quiet, you open your eyes and find her looking a little surprised. "Huh. Those exist?"
"Yeah. He gets all glowy-eyed, fangy and claw-y like the rest of us." She snorts. "But his body also erupts into flames."
"Damn. I bet that's a sight to behold."
"Oh for sure. Especially since the only piece of clothing that's left on him after a fight are his boxer briefs." You and Gemma chortle with laughter, but then you groan in pain and shoo her away so you can get some relaxation.
                    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Sometime later, you're awoken when your hear quiet chatter all around. You attempt to sit up, groaning when every muscle in your body protests since you'd been laying in one position for so long.
"Hey. Careful."
You wrinkle your nose at Jax, grinning a moment later as he sweeps his hair out of his eyes. "M'fine. I need a shower. And a bed." You yawn. "I need to get home."
"Sorry, sweetheart. Club's on lockdown."
"Jax," you whine. "I don't wanna sleep in any of your sex dens. The smell of stale cum wreaks havoc on the senses."
He snorts. "Don't worry. I had a prospect clean my room from top to bottom recently. You're good."
"I don't have clothes here."
"Lydia went to the house and picked up some stuff for you before she left."
"So the packs left then?"
"Yeah. Your brother and his pack grabbed a motel room nearby though. He'll check in tomorrow."
"Joy," you deadpan. You absentmindedly scratch at your wound, wincing a little before picking up your shirt to look at it. By now it just looks like a wet scab and you sigh. "So that shower?"
"Follow me." Jax smirks and you hop off the pool table, following after him.
When you get to Jax's dorm and he opens it up, you're relieved that it actually does smell just like him and only him. One of your duffel bags is on his bed and you head over to it to open it up and rummage through it for an outfit. You don't say a word as he leads you into the bathroom, starting it up for you and keeping a careful eye on you.
"I got it from here," you say as the steam starts filling up the small space. "Thanks, Jax."
Offering him a faint smile, you keep still as he steps into your space. On hand raises, hesitantly cupping the side of your face as his eyes trace over every feature. "You sure you're okay?"
"Mhm. Just tired. I'll be good by morning."
"I'll be right outside then."
Jax leaves you be and as the door shuts behind him, you exhale a breath you hadn't realized you'd been holding. Your heart's even pumping a little quicker than usual and you mentally get your emotions in check before you start stripping.
The hot water feels phenomenal and you take a moment to rinse all the blood off before grabbing Jax's bar of soap and lathering yourself up. Then once you feel a little more like yourself, you step out and dry off as much as you can. You run your fingers through your hair just enough until you can tie it up into a messy bun then pull on a sports bra. You pull on underwear and a small pair of sleep shorts, and then sleepily stumble out into Jax's room.
You're not surprised to find him there, but you are a bit surprised to find him in nothing but basketball shorts. He glances up at you and smirks. "Been texting with Erica," he says while tossing his prepaid cell aside. "Says skin on skin is good for healing."
"It is." You narrow your eyes at him as his smirk widens.
"Sorry we can't fit any of the others in my bed, but I'm hoping you'll be fine with just me."
"You encouraging this is only going to make the teasing worse."
"I have no idea what you're talking about."
"Sure you don't," you say, walking over to his bed and climbing into it so you're closest to the wall.
Jax chuckles as he climbs in after you and you don't waste a second before you're tucking yourself under his arm, laying your head on his chest and slipping a leg over his thigh. You let your body relax, eyes closing, only to pinch his stomach when he says, "So if this is a puppy pile, I honestly wouldn't mind doing this every night. But just you and me. I don't like to share."
You huff a laugh. "But pack cuddles are for the entire pack, Jax. It's a form of bonding."
"Fine. Then only you and I get to strip down and bond like this. All clothes stay on when Juice and Chibs are involved."
"And Happy?"
This time, Jax laughs. "You really think Happy's gonna cuddle?"
"I don't know," you tiredly muse. "I managed to get him to let me hug him. I'm pretty sure I'll at least get to sleep in the same bed as him, even if we're a few feet apart."
"Fine. If you manage to wear down Happy, clothes stay on."
"You're making a lot of rules for someone who's basically just a beta."
"Oh sweetheart, you and I both know there's more going on between us than just the relationship of an alpha and her beta."
You bite back a grin. "I'm pretty sure your mom wants me to jump your bones."
His chest shakes with quiet laughter. "I'm pretty sure I want you to too."
"Mhm. We'll revisit this conversation after I've healed and go from there."
"Done. Night, darling."
"Night, Jax."
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multireality · 7 years
Summary: Negan was a mystery which Lucy was determined to unfold.
Author:  Multireality
Pairing(s): Negan x reader (Lucy, OFC)
Word Count: 1962
Warnings: Smut, unprotected sex, slight daddy kink, fluff
Author’s Notes: I really liked how this one turned out. Requested by @ask-kakashihatake , hope you all like it. I love writing for Negan!
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I hadn’t had much of a chance to experience the new world.
He ruled the new world.
I had lived in Alexandria since the beginning so I was pretty innocent. I had never killed a walker or really been close to one. But I wasn’t afraid, well that’s what I told myself. If I was faced with a walker I could kill it. If I was faced with danger I would react accordingly. Hopefully.
Alexandria gained a terrible atmosphere ever since the events of Negan, especially after he killed Abraham and Glenn. I didn’t know them well but they were nice, good people who always tried to protect our group. Rick our leader was broken ever since that night.
I wasn’t there when it happened, I didn’t leave Alexandria often. I ran the nursery here at Alexandria so I stayed behind. I never got the chance to meet Negan. The infamous bat wielding Negan.
I suppose that was a good thing. Yet it created a mystery about him. One that I wanted to expose.
However, today was the day he was due to come collect his half of our goods that we as a group had scavenged. Even now I doubt that I would see him in person. It was my job to stay with the kids and keep them all quiet and contained. Out of Negan’s way.
Things didn’t go to plan. Well, they didn’t go to Rick’s plan. Negan wanted to explore and therefore took a stroll around Alexandria. He came to a stop when he saw the nursery, his interest peaked.
I saw him through the window. His dark hair slicked back, a black leather jacket adorned his slender yet muscular frame. The infamous Lucille propped on his shoulder in all her glory. A white shirt beneath his leather jacket showed a spattering of chest hair. God was he beautiful. and the beard with a mixture of black and gray made him even more appealing. But he was the danger that I knew I needed to avoid. Yet who could avoid such an exotic creature?
“Now who is this beautiful little thing? I haven’t had the pleasure of meeting you yet, sweetheart.” His deep gruff voice sent a mixture of desire and anxiety to the pit of my stomach. How could a killer be gifted with such grace?
I looked behind me to double check if he was talking to me, and found nobody else who he could have been talking to. This earned me a deep chuckle from Negan, his eyes sparkle with excitement.
“You sweetheart, what’s your name?” he asked again.
“Lucy” I spoke, trying to sound calm, and certain.
His face hardened and his shoulders squared. His entire posture went rigid. What did I do wrong? Then his posture relaxed and his face softened his eyes shining once again. This man was crazy. But was it the good kind of crazy?
After my encounter with Negan, he demanded that I come and live with him at the sanctuary stating that the nursery there needed someone like me. He didn’t leave me with a choice, it wasn’t my decision if I wanted to go or not. It was his. Negans.
That was around about four months ago. Time was a puzzle in the new world. It was almost non-existent. Nobody cared what time it was or how many days had past, just that they made it to tomorrow alive.
Negan and I had developed a strong bond over time. He was protective over me and therefore I was protected within the sanctuary. But I didn’t really need protection most people liked me as I did my part – I took care of the kids and therefore helped many of the saviors when dealing with their infants and teens.
I was simply minding my own business, exploring the sanctuary even though by now I knew it like the back of my hand when Negan came sauntering down the corridor. We were usually very friendly but recently we have been arguing, all because of his wives. I didn’t like that he had them or that he forced them to be there in a passive progressive sort of way. Even though he claimed he was innocent.
We’ve had many heated arguments over the past couple of days about his wives. Usually ending in him telling me I have no control over what happens in the sanctuary and I am simply a guest who someday won’t be needed. That’s what hurt, we bonded yet still he spoke about me as if I was replaceable.
“Hey sweetheart” he spoke as soon as he saw me. I simply ignored him and kept walking, avoiding eye contact in order to escape as quickly as I could. “Oh, come on, sweetheart. You still mad at me?” his playful tone was noted on my behalf.
“I don’t have anything more to say, Negan. You do what you want to do.” I replied. He was walking next to me now following me where I was walking, his body millimeters from mine.
“Come on baby, you know I didn’t mean what I said. It was just me being me.”
“As I said you do what you want to do Negan, I’m done playing these games with you”
“Baby don't be like this you know you mean more to me than any of them.”
“Sure I do. Actions speak louder than words Negan.”
It had been a couple of days since I last saw Negan, I knew I liked him and he liked me but I wasn’t going to compete with five wives. If he wanted to be with me he had to be with only me. Which in my opinion wasn’t asking a lot from him.
I was laying on my bed in my room reading a book I stole from Negans collection when a knock at the door broke me of my concentration.
I made my way over to the door and opened it to be greeted by Negans megawatt smile beaming down at me – since I was about a foot shorter than him. “Hey, doll.” He spoke confidently trying to contain his smile yet failing miserably.
“Hi” I replied in confusion.
“I got something to tell you doll, can I come in?”
“Um… sure"
And with that he strode into my moderately sized room – it was nicely decorated due to whenever Negan went on runs he brought me stuff to decorate and furnish it with. His tall frame made my room look smaller than it was in reality.
“What did you have to tell me Negan?”
“Well, you know those fucking wives that you don’t want around? Well, I got rid of them. Just me and fucking you now sugar.”
My mouth fell open in surprise at his news, did he really do that for me? I guess he deserves more credit than I give. I mirrored his smile and hugged him so tightly, I was surprised he could still breathe.
“I told you Lucy, baby. I’ll do anything and everything for you.” I pulled back from our hug and leaned up to press my lips on his, the kiss sweet and passionate. He pushed me back so that I was laying on my bed, while he stood looking down at me.
He stripped of his white t-shirt and jeans, leaving him in black boxers which kept him concealed from me. The smirk that was etched onto his face was dangerous as he tilted his head to the side – a silent command for me to get undressed also. I stood up and pushed him back, giving me room to undress. I pulled the white t-shirt that I had on off revealing to him my pale blue lacy bra that I had acquired after Negan went on a run and allowed me to have the first pick of his finds.
I began unfastening my jeans when he slapped my hands out of the way – a sign that he wanted to do it himself. “Let daddy open up his fucking present doll.” He spoke in a lust filled voice which caused my insides to tingle and my things clenched together to alleviate the pressure building in my core.
He yanked my jeans down my body and lowered his body with them as he inhaled deeply at the apex of my thighs. Now millimeters away from my drenched core. My matching lace blue panties were ripped from my body by his bare hands. “Sorry doll, I’ll find you some new ones.” Was his simple excuse for his impatience.
I pushed him on the bed this time and looked down at him. I slowly pushed down my panties and unhooked my bra leaving me bare for him. Ready for him to claim.
“Doll, you got to hurry the fuck up. I’ve been a patient man for four months. I need you fucking now.”
With that, he kicked off his own boxers and sighed at the alleviated pressure off of his throbbing erection. God, he was big. Intimidatingly big. He saw me looking at his with apprehension, “Lucy, baby, we’ll take it slow, okay? Nice and fucking slow.”
I climbed onto the bed and straddled his hips, his large cock pressed up against my core. I raised myself up and placed his throbbing tip at my entrance and slowly slid down on him. Once I was all the way down my breathing was heavy and coming out in harsh pants trying to accommodate to his large girth.
He tilted my chin up and made me look at him, our eyes meeting caused me to relax and allowed my walls to relax around his cock and make it more comfortable. “You’re so fucking tight baby, so good for daddy” he spoke in a strained whispered.
I lifted myself up slowly and then dropped back down suddenly which caused us both to gasp in delight. I continued this rhythm while he whispered filthy things in my ear as well as praise which sent tingles straight to my core.
The coil in my stomach was tightening and I needed to find release. Negan suddenly flipped us over so that he was on top and began mercilessly pounding into my tight heat. He held my hand above my head and lay his weight on me as his thrusts were short and hard. It was incredible.
He lowered his hand to my clit and began rubbing figure eights which caused me to moan and mewl. Shaking in delight.
The only sounds that could be heard in the otherwise quiet room were the slapping of skin and our mixed moans and breathless pleas as we united as one.
The coil in my stomach exploded as white bursts of light cloaked my vision. Negan continued to pound into me chasing his everlasting release. “Oh god, baby, you feel so good. My gorgeous girl.” He sped up his brutal pace and finally, he exploded inside of me as he shouted “mine” in ecstasy.
And he was speaking the truth – I belonged to him and he belonged to me.
We lay cuddled together on my bed as we soaked in the remaining bliss. I was tracing his tattoo on his chest with my finger as he nuzzled his face into my neck. He raised his head and tilted my chin up so that I was eye-level with him. “I love you” he spoke sincerely and it was my turn to show him my megawatt smile, “I love you too, Negan”
We lay together for hours, holding each other. And the last words I heard before I fell asleep nestled against Negans neck were the hushed murmurs of “I love you, Lucy, I won’t ever leave you.”
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