#so you get a long furry purr noodle
hydez-artz · 8 months
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Got another Souyo TF sequence to share with y'all. Yu has become a Tazelwurm (i believe the actually term is tatzelwyrm, but tazel sounds better to my English and possibly dyslexic ass ears than tatzel, so i keep saying its tazel), and quickly gets his partner to join him~
Despite his protests, Yosuke seems to have liked it so much he hasn't changed back yet. I am sure that's fine. Yu doesn't seem perturbed at least.~
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dzamie-oc · 11 months
Voretober 16 - Sweet
Length: 650 words Vore type: M/M oral vore, willing prey Fandom: None Other info: furry pred, furry prey Summary: When you're dating a dragon, sometimes he eats you. This is inevitable.
Azurel poked at his ice cream with a spoon, then looked over at his boyfriend still in the kitchen with his own cold treat. "Hey Gabe, could you bring over the chocolate syrup?" he asked.
"Oh, yeah," the otter replied, grabbing his bowl in one hand and the bottle in the other. Halfway to the table, he tripped over the rug and fell flat on his front, ice cream and syrup flying out of his grip… and landing back on him.
Immediately, the dragon shot up from his chair, to make sure Gabe was alright. He freed his partner from the crushing weight of the bowl (now bereft of the ice cream seeping into the otter's fur) and the bottle (newly missing a good quarter of its volume). "You alright?"
With Azurel's help, Gabe got to his feet. "Yeah, didn't land too hard. Just cold down my back, really."
Seeing that his boyfriend was okay, the dragon's look melted from one of concern to a sly smile. "Don't worry about that, my sweet snack, I know just how to warm you up," he purred.
Gabe shivered, both from the ice cream and anticipation. "I-is that so?" the blushing otter asked.
In lieu of an answer, Azurel opened his jaws wide for his beloved prey and slipped them easily over his snout and head; the dragon's long, forked tongue lapped at Gabe's chin and neck. Gabe leaned into the offered warm embrace, a low purr building in his chest. At the first gulp, sharp fangs glided harmlessly through the thick, brown fur covering the otter's neck.
Azurel swallowed again and crammed the otter's shoulders down his throat with well-practiced smoothness. A bit of melted ice cream found its way into the dragon's mouth and onto his tongue, adding a layer of vanilla-flavored sweetness to his otter's usual taste. Azurel gently held his prey's arms to his sides as, emboldened by the new flavor, he ravenously advanced, licking the ice-cream-cooled fur and purring as he picked up the spilled chocolate as well.
Almost automatically, Azurel shifted his and Gabe's weight, lifting the otter's rear, legs, and excitedly swishing tail off the ground to let gravity help him. His stomach, gurgling in anticipation of its new treat, did its best to drown out the moan his boyfriend made on poking inside. With a broad smile on his stretched jaws, the dragon gulped again and again, gently tossing his head to let Gabe slide in easily and curl up inside his gut. The legs always went fastest, and before long, he merely had his partner's furry noodle of a tail sticking out of his mouth, with the rest of him either in a tight ball in his belly or soon to join it.
Azurel delayed that last swallow, hefting and rubbing the sizable bulge the sweetened otter made on his form, until he sat down on the couch. From there, it was a simple matter of slurping up that tapered tail and packing Gabe away right where he belonged: below him on the food chain. For a while, neither of them spoke, simply purring with each other as they rested together.
Gabe was the first to break the relative quiet. "So… do I not get any dessert, then?"
Rather than responding, Azurel opened his mouth to let out a loud, wet belch that sent a few damp, brown furs flying from his jaws. Gabe squeaked as his surroundings tightened in around him, and again when the dragon chuckled and patted his belly. "Silly snack," he teased, "why would food get food?"
"But my ice creeeeaaaammm…" the otter play-whined.
"Shouldn't have been so tasty, then," Azurel replied, then let out another, smaller burp. The dragon reclined back on the couch, grinning and flirting back and forth with his delicious, sweetened boyfriend.
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random-mha-thoughts · 4 years
Little Fluffball (TodoBaku)
Pairing: TodoBaku
Genre: Fluff
Summary:  Shouto comes home before his feisty boyfriend to a cat sitting outside his apartment that surprisingly reminds him of his special someone.
Inspo: This fanart originally by @heydenhein (it’s actually been on my list of things to write for months, I’m glad I finally got to use it~)
Word count: 1,477
Tags:  @yuki-osaki​ @liviitehe​ @iamsoftsodonttoucheume-blog​ @bunnythepipsqueak​ @lonelyfangirl453
a/n:  Final post for ShouCat Week! It’s a little late but hey, it’s still Friday in at least 3 timezones sooooo I’m not late technically
This one featuresTodoBaku!  It was supposed to be Todo x Reader, but looking back at the art that inspired this, I realized I forgot the cat was actually Bakugou, so surprise ship I guess!
That’s a wrap on ShouCat Week and my first event!  Hope you guys enjoyed it~  The masterlist will be pinned for the remainder of the weekend for you to catch up on the other stories before I replace it with the brand new Navi page I made a few days ago ^^.
Chibi’s ShouCat Week masterlist 
Shouto didn't know why a cat was waiting in front of his apartment door so casually.  He had a mini staring contest with the puffy blond cat laying there like it owned the place and was locked out.  The feline had turned its head when it sensed the man approaching the door, leaving Shouto extremely confused, but minutely intrigued by it.
"Are you lost, little one?" he asked, kneeling down in front of the huge ball of taking up space in front of his door.
The cat's face scrunched up into what he could only register as annoyance, striking him as odd.  He didn't know cats could express such human emotions, not to mention them having such attitudes.  Thought, admittedly, he thought there was a tickle of familiarity scratching at the back of his head.
"You can stay the night here for now.  We'll take good care of you."  He stood to insert the key into his door and swing it open.
Without a moment's hesitation, the cat sprinted inside with its stubby legs and perched itself on the middle cushion of the couch, sinking down as it stretched and purred to make itself comfortable.
Shouto almost laughed at how it managed to make itself instantly at home, and how that space was usually where the man would find his boyfriend when he returns from work.  Speaking of, he wondered where his boyfriend could be at this hour when he was sure he had no work today.
The candy-cane haired man shrugged, figuring he would come home whenever he was ready, settling next to the soft hedgehog of a cat and stroking its surprisingly soft fur.  "You definitely remind me of someone special, little one."  A soft smile played on the man's lips.
The cat turned from its laying position to shoot Shouto another annoyed glare, this time baring its teeth at him.  From this close, Shouto noticed how the eyes were the same crimson red his boyfriend has.
The man only chuckled.  Being with his boyfriend had certainly made him immune to any pointed glares from anyone.  "You two share a lot of similarities, that's all.  Your hair's the same color, your eyes are the same, you have the same attitude as him, you even chose his favorite spot on the couch to sit.  I wouldn't mind keeping you as a pet for us, we'll see what he says when he comes back."
Shouto always knew he wanted a pet, something to share with his hotheaded partner, something to solidify and strengthen their relationship, something to call their own.
The puffy cat jumped on top of Shouto's lap suddenly, growling low and staring at him.
"What is it?  Is there something you wish to say?"  The man had no idea what to do at times like this.
"Meeeooow!" it suddenly yelped, placing a paw on his shirt, glaring its scarlet eyes straight into Shouto's soul.  Surely, this cat had something on its mind, but the lack of a shared language wasn't helping the situation as he can only stare blankly at the expectant animal.
In an exasperated huff, the cat pounced onto the floor and pattered towards the nearby coffee table next to the TV, taking a photo frame into its mouth and returning back to Shouto.
The perplexed man grabbed the frame.  "Yes, this is me and my boyfriend.  As I said, you two share many similarities-"
Shouto sighed.  "I really don't understand what you're trying to say-"
Once again, the cat growled in dismay at the dense man in front of him.  How can he see one single similarity between two people and immediately theorize that they're long last family members, but not put two and two together in this situation?
The cat sat on its hind legs and tapped one of its front paws on the man's leg.  Shouto could only find it adorable how the cat seemed to have the ability to think like a human.  It would be an excellent addition to their family.  He couldn't wait for his boyfriend to come home to tell him about it.  "You're a peculiar one, little one.  I know you two will get along nicely."  His hands scratched behind the sand-colored ears standing at attention.
At the gesture, the wound-up feline couldn't help relaxing against the man's fingers, triangle ears flattening against its giant, furry head and body.
"You must love cuddles too, don't you?"  Shouto gathered the ball into his arms to bury his face in the precious fur.  "Wow, you even smell like him too."
The cat pawed at Shouto's ear before nipping at the lobe, eliciting a petal of laughter from the man.  "Alright, maybe I should have dinner and we can go to bed to wait for him."  The man cradled the cat and towed it into the kitchen, setting it on the counter.  The man began reaching for a plate and a small bowl.  "I can't really cook, the only thing I know how to do is boil noodles."
There's a hard crackling of plastic suddenly.  To Shouto's surprise, the cat had the bag of soba noodles in its mouth by the edge of the package.  The man pat it on its head.  "How did you know I needed this?  You're so smart."
The cat rolled it eyes.  It's given up at this point.
As Shouto went about cooking his meal and turned the stove on, the cat shrieked and almost slipped off the counter pushing its paw out to lower the dial.  "MEOWW?!"
"Oh, I guess I did set it too high."  The man noticed the mistake and gave the cat another well-deserved scratch behind the ears.  "Well done.  If Bakugou were here, he would've yelled at me for almost burning the house down."
After preparing his meal and setting the table for himself, Shouto sat at the table to eat his dinner while the cat sprawled itself onto the bed in the room, closing its eyes and trying to drift off to sleep on its own as Shouto finished his dinner, showered, and came back out in his sleep clothes.
"What a tiring day," the man sighed again, his muscles still a dull ache from the hot shower.  Winding down, the stress of the day finally weighed down on him.  Admittedly, he's still worried about the whereabouts of his boyfriend.  It wasn't like him to be out terribly late considering his strict sleep schedule.
But when Shouto lifted his eyes to the mattress where the fluffy lump lay fast asleep on Bakugou's side of the bed, he couldn't help but smile again.  Usually, he would talk to Bakugou about his day at bedtime, whispering to each other into the darkness.  Perhaps this cat could be the substitute he needed for now.
He climbed onto the bed and softly stroked the cat again, amused how his motions won't wake it up.  "What a champ sleeper," he cooed, gazing out the window.  "I'm worried that you won't get to meet your other dad today.  It's strange for him to be out this late.  I even called his phone, but he won't pick up."  He looked down at the mass of blond fur, listening to its deep breathing and feeling the rise and fall of its soft body.  "I'm really hoping you two get along.  Maybe not at first, since you're too similar to each other, but I know Bakugou's actually a huge softy.  He's secretly a sucker for cute things.  Maybe he'll think of you as his child."  Shouto's chuckle barely resounded in fatigued.  "No, he's probably not the type to be an obsessed pet dad."  He glanced out the window at the night sky again, his eyelids drooping.  "I hope he's safe."
A wet muscle tickled Shouto's palm, stunning him awake, only to see the cat's tongue lick him gently and purr while its eyes were still shut.
The man stroked his finger over the cat's pink nose.  "You're good at comforting, that's good."  Shouto's body finally wanted to give in.  He turned around and collapsed with a groan, his head nestled onto the cat's body.  "Let's see if you're good at being a pillow too."  His words garbled together in rising slumber.  He just barely missed the way the cat tensed at the sudden heavy weight.  "Good night, Kat-chan."
The cat only gave a final mumble in response.  "Meow..."
The first thing Shouto noticed when he woke up was his pillow being tougher than he remembered.  The cat pillow was much squishier.  He stirred to find a better position.
"Oi, wake up, you're crushing my ribs."
Shouto pried his eyes open to meet the face of his - currently annoyed - boyfriend.  "Bakugou?"  He shot up and rubbed the sleep from his eyes.  "When did you get home?  Where'd you go?"  His speech was still garbled, tongue falling over itself as his groggy mind couldn't speak fast enough for his thoughts.  "Where's the cat?"
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badboys-imagines · 5 years
My neighbor
A/N : Hope you’ll like this chapter ♥ 🌝
Pairing : Henry Cavill x Reader
Summary : You move into the house of your dreams. It all seems like a fairytale, until you meet your neighbor, Mr. Cavill…
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The building was filled with loud voices and sounds of people frantically typing when you rushed to the Human Resources office. The door was open.
A well-built man turned to you, a folder in his hands,
"Come in, Miss Y/L/N" he mumbled, “I was finishing your evaluation."
Hair still wet and messy, you panted,
"Thank you, sir."
Raising his head from the documents, Mathias smiled,
"Call me Mat', will you ?" he chuckled softly and pointed the seat in front of his desk, "Sit."
Body still shaking, you sat into the chair and he kept gazing at you for a moment,
"Your profile is very interesting." he stated, "Need more time to get ready in the morning ?" he asked, glancing at your bun.
Oh, shit.
For a moment, you wondered which was messier, your life or your hair.
"I apologize, si...-Mat’. I had a serious issue with my new neighbor..."
"None of that with me, Y/L/N." he chuckled, "I was just joking. One thing you need to know, you can be late, work from home, the boss don’t care as long as you do your job."
Nodding quickly, you silently cursed Cavill. Damn him. Thank god, Mat’ seemed to be in a soft mood.
"Well, now you're here, we need a good article for tonight, something entertaining. Do you think you can do that ? Like a fight, a violent altercation. Anything spicy."
"Of course, I'll figure something out." you nodded with a smile.
Sighing in relief, you sat at your new desk, closing your eyes as you recollected yourself. You’d been lucky. So. Freaking. Lucky.
"Hey there !" a friendly masculine voice caused you to open your eyes, "I'm your neighbor. I mean, kind of, our desks are side by side."
Oh God, no more neighbor for today, please.
Andres was a tall, blond-haired man. It was the first time you met him. He handed you a coffee, his wide smile and happy face contagious,
"Thanks ! Nice to meet you, I'm Y/N/."
"I know, I... read your badge."
"Oh," you chuckled, "and you are... Andres." you said as you read the name on his own badge.
You both nodded and smiled awkwardly, until a tall woman walked into the room, causing everyone to look back at their screens and papers. Andres leaned in and whispered,
“This is Erin. Big boss.”
Erin scanned the room and as soon as her eyes found you, she walked in your direction.
“Hello, Y/N. Welcome to Nova Times. I’m Erin.”
There was something very sweet in her smile. It made you feel immediately at ease and you shook her hand.
“Nice to meet you. I can’t wait to start working on my first article.”
“Did Mathias give you a lead ?”
“Yes, he did. I’m sure I can finish today.”
“Great. I hope you’ll feel comfortable here.” she said, pointing your desk, “If you need anything, I’ll be in my office, alright ?”
So, yeah. It was even better than what you expected. Surprisingly, it felt way less oppressing than your previous job.
Your boss was friendly, the environment seemed nice. Plus, Andres was really hot.
When you finally left the building, it was already late and you’d been talking with him non-stop for an hour. He walked you home and you both took your time, enough for you to tell him about Mr Chaos.
“You just call him like that ?” Andres asked.
"Yeah, well that’s because he’s always acting indecently when all I’m trying to do is keep calm. It seems like his two moods are just... glitter and death, you know."
Andres laughed,
"What's his name again ?"
You hadn't told him and were about to do so, but you noticed your house in the distance,
"Oh, this is me." you smiled, stopping in front of him.
Andres plunged his eyes into yours, and you thought it was the moment when two characters kiss in books. There was a chemistry between you both, you couldn’t deny it. So when he leaned in, you glanced at his lips, willing to do it, to kiss him.
Yes, Y/N.
Do it.
But as soon as you looked at him, an image came to your mind, like a spell, something moving under your skin. Heart beating fast, you moved back. 
Henry’s eyes were haunting you. 
"I-I'm sorry." Andres stuttered, realizing his mistake, “It was so inappropriate, I thought...”
"No ! No, it wasn’t. It’s not you. You thought right." you assured him, "I guess I'm still shook by all the changes in my life. I just need some time. But I really enjoyed walking with you. You know what, how about we walk to work together, tomorrow morning ?"
Not an ounce of resentment in his eyes, Andres smiled shyly, burying his hands in his pockets,
"Tomorrow morning, then. Good night, Y/N. I'm glad we spent this moment together. If you're in trouble, just call me." he said, referring to your neighbor.
What was happening to you ? He was probably the cutest guy you’d met in years and yet... you just couldn’t take Henry out of your head.
Dragging your feet toward the door, you noticed the window was slightly open. Even though you didn't make a sound, your cat ran to you, meows and purrs breaking the silence as you entered your house.
"Oh, poor kitty, I'm sorry for this morning hon'..." you took her into your arms and made your way to the kitchen, pouring some cat food into a plate. "Here you go..."
"This cat is a liar,” you heard Henry grumble behind you, “I fed her, twice. She's going to die from a heart attack, like the average over-eating American she is." Henry glanced down at the furry ball, “I'm serious pal', you're going to die.”
Straightening up, you were now facing Henry as he brushed his fingers through his dark hair. This time though, he gave you an apologetic gaze,
"Sorry. Didn't mean that." he risked, "I just... I did feed your cat this morning. After all."
Without a word, you shrugged him off and turned your back to him to open the fridge. Here and there, you found his food and barely managed to know what was yours or his.
"What are you doing ?" he asked, his tone softer.
"Avoiding what ?"
"You. Everything."
You heard him sigh and he moved closer to you, heading toward the fridge where you were still trying to figure out what to cook. His voice echoed in your ear, so close it vibrated against your skin,
"This is mine,” he said, his arm plunging into the depths of the fridge, “this is yours... Oh, no. These are mine too." he said as he grabbed a box, causing you to gasp,
"No, the tomatoes are mine." you groaned, trying to get your food back.
Pulling hard on the package, you wouldn't surrender, but your hands slipped, letting go of the precious tomatoes and your body was thrown back. Henry caught you just in time, an arm snaking around your waist, the other still holding the vegetables. The tickling, almost stinging sensation made your skin burn again and your stomach clenched deliciously. Rather amused by your reactions, Henry gave you a questioning look,
"I thought you were avoiding."
Without hesitation, you hit his chest with the palm of your hand.
"I'm getting used to this one." he uttered, releasing his embrace.
You placed a strand of your hair back behind your ear and Henry made a face,
"Let's order something."
"Yeah, let's do this."
Henry mechanically called the closest Chinese restaurant and you both moved to the living room. Sprawling on the couch, you closed your eyes for a moment. The sound of Henry’s typing on his computer lulled you and you started to drift off.
"I know you like being carried to bed, but..." he started and you opened an eye, ready to spit another homemade insult, but a knock on the door kept you from talking.
"Food's here !" you squealed.
It was still hot, and you were terribly hungry.
You sat down on the couch with your precious ramen and opened the box. This time, your stomach was twisting, because it was craving food.
Henry eventually came next to you, searching the bag. He leaned back into the couch and started eating silently. You looked up at him. Nope, you weren’t going to talk first.
"Had a good day ?" he tried, causing you to shrug. After a moment, his dark gaze settled on you and Henry grumbled, "I fed your cat, I swear to God I did. She didn’t stop cooing and purring after that."
Yeah, that sounded like your cat. And yet, you weren’t going to forgive him so easily.
"I got it. Not going to talk." he nodded and paused, "I saw you by the window, with Ken."
You flushed.
He'd seen you ?
You wanted to answer so hard, but there was plenty of food in your mouth and Henry kept going,
"Hm. Not to dictate your life, but drop the shitty boyfriend."
Choking on your noodles, you brought a hand to your mouth. Now, it didn't matter how much food was stuck between your teeth,
"Fuck you !" you mumbled, hiding your lips with your fingers, "You don't know anything about him. His name is Andres, and you're a judgmental ass."
Henry glanced at his food and took a few bites,
"Maybe, but I'm being honest with you, am I not ?"
"Honest ? You’re being a dick ! Andres is nice. This morning was terrible. I got late because of you ! You know what, Andres is the nicest person I've met so far. He's not arrogant, nor pretentious. Our little talk was relaxing." you paused, "After this evening with him, I can't stop thinking and... I'm amazed at how caring some people can be, and at how insignificant we are."
You looked away for a while, lost in your thoughts. Meanwhile, Henry raised an eyebrow and shook his head,
"Not me, I'm important."
It burst your dreamy bubble at once and you narrowed your eyes at him. This man couldn’t stop. Calmly, you put your empty box on the table.
"Henry, do you know how we make someone kind and holy, like Andres ?"
Seriousness writ on his features, a suspicious frown appeared on his forehead,
"Well, I don't know. Probably by cutting off their testicles."
Oh hell.
"You have to beat the hell out of them." you growled and suddenly, your fists hit his chest, causing him to cough in surprise.
In a desperate attempt to defend himself, Henry dropped his box and grabbed your wrists.
"Stop it Y/N !" he stifled, struggling to push you back.
Panting, you started laughing. The tension you’d kept all day long slowly faded away as you giggled, trying to reach his chest with your hands. Without warning, you pushed hard with your whole body and Henry fell on his back.
Out of breath, you plunged your eyes into his deep blue ones, hands still pressing against his strong arms,
"So, you still think Andres is a dumbass ? Because I can do this all night." you uttered.
Damn it Y/N. All night ?
Not releasing his grip around your wrists, Henry suddenly stopped putting efforts into lifting you above him. In seconds, his demeanor went from the grumpy neighbor who pissed you off, to a worked up, soft but still dominating version of himself.
Slowly, you felt your chest pressing against his torso, then your legs intertwining with his. The slight movement, paired with the fire in his eyes was making you squeeze your legs together. 
Your heart dropped to your stomach. You looked away for a split second, realizing your lips were only inches away from his, but then his eyes locked on yours.
The look he was giving you could have melted iron. Damn it. He knew exactly what he was doing. 
Yes, just looked at you, his face emotionless but stern, studying you closely. He was driving you crazy, edging you on, and still giving you that stupid look.
This was exactly what you craved.
The way his fingers grazed lightly against your skin radiated this dominant energy despite the fact that you were on top. He had a way of making you feel like all of you couldn’t escape him. No matter what.
Heart still pounding, you blinked in confusion. You didn’t know when or how, but your mouth opened,
"You don't know anything Hen’,” you whispered, “you just act like it."
You saw his eyes flutter and his tongue slipped against his soft lips as he held your gaze, making it even more difficult to resist. His warm breath crashed near your lips and he released a low “Hm” of resignation. 
The grip on your wrists loosened into a soft touch, setting you free.
God, you wanted to kiss him. 
Every gear started turning into your head and you forced yourself to come back to your senses,
"If you ever feel stupid, or powerless..." you whispered, still hovering over him,  "Remember that I'm not."
With that, you moved back and jumped on your feet, leaving him lying here, breathless.
Henry freaking Cavill would never have you.
Little did you know that he liked challenges.
* Italic means your tag isn’t working 
My Neighbor Tag list : @boiled-onionrings , @sheanaghgoldenheartblog,@allnewimaginecharliehunnam , @drewmcintyreinarefereeoutfit , @mc225g , @supernaturalvikingwhore, @the-nerdy-lock, @devilbat , @heelsamizayn , @wolfiepirate , @the-marvelatic , @holychic , @avengergirl130 , @laurakasus , @maia-hocane , @sarahdangerfieldd, @jocelynscloset, @marycampbellxxx, @kathhdd, @barikawho, @elisewithak, @redrxbel, @lazyladyworld, @the-marvelatic, @comfortingcreature, @jesseswartzwelder, @mxtchbyx, @sea-rtina, @comfortingcreature
Tag list Henry / Geralt : @d14n4ol, @alwayshave-faith, @marycampbellxxx, @wolfyandy, @dirty--heart​
Tag list * Geralt of Rivia : @emmalbg​ , @the-nerdy-lock
Everything tag list : @darling-loki​, @hufflepuff-flufflepuff, @medussaurora​, @addyliners​, @lokilvrr​, the-marvelatic, @jesseswartzwelder​
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artkaninchenbau · 5 years
My cat of little over 13 years will be put down tomorrow. A vet and a nurse will come to our home to put him to sleep peacefully, as we didn’t want to stress him out any more by taking him to the nearest clinic.
I just want to talk about my sweet little sunshine, so that’s what I’ll do. That’s all this post will be.
This whole shitshot began almost immiditiately in January. My cat (who I’m not going to name because he has a very generic cat name that easily reveals where I live, so I’ll just call him Sunshine here) started limping for what felt like no reason. I wanted to take him to a vet right away but my mother didn’t want to, first because she thought there’s nothing a vet could do to help aside from putting him down, then later because she thought Sunshine’s limp was getting better (honestly I couldn’t see it). 7 days after he began limping my mom was finally convinced he needed to see a vet and we booked an appointment to the nearest clinic (just 10 minutes away) where we went to have him checked on the next Monday
Somehow our indoors-only cat had broken a bone on his middle toe on his front left paw, the toe was swollen (we hadn’t noticed) and possibly infected. We started giving him some antibiotics (had a terrible time when I learned in the worst possible way that cats sometimes start foaming and drooling excessively when given liquid antibiotics, so that was changed to a pill) and painkillers while our vet had some samples taken from my cat’s toe to be analyzed
She was worried he might have feline lung-digit syndrome (where lung cancer starts metasizing in toes) so she wanted to see if they could find any cancerous cells in his toe. After a little over a week or so the results were back and they couldn’t find anything like that, but the antibiotics didn’t seem to be helping either, so our vet believed the toe would have to be amputated. That said she was still worried about that syndrome and wanted to have his lungs x-rayed just in case, so soon we took him to the clinic to get those x-rays. Two vets looked at the images and they couldn’t find anything, so we booked the amputation for a week later
Our vet was still worried though, so she sent the x-ray images to be analyzed by a third party over seas. We were all worried sick for four or so days until on Monday the 27th, just before the clinic would close around 8 pm, the vet called us to tell us the results.
There was a soft mass in one of my Sunshine’s lungs. A few centimeters wide. The vet said he’d have anywhere from a few weeks to a few months left. The amputation was canceled as she thought my baby wouldn’t survive it due to the tumor.
We continued giving him his antibiotics until we ran out, and he seemed to get better. He hardly limped anymore, a scab that had formed around the nail of his broken toe was getting smaller, he seemed to be okay.
But a little bit over a week after the antibiotics ran out he started getting worse again. Eating worse and worse, limping again, moving around so very little. So in mid-late February we took him to the clinic again to see if there was anything left we could do. The vet gave us some gabapentin for him, a painkiller that affects the nervous system (sometimes used to treat epilepsy/seizures).
The side-effects of that painkiller is ataxia (like, a loss of control when moving limbs) and sleepyness. For the first week it seemed like the painkiller was kind of helping, my cat was sleeping a lot but he also ate a little better. But then he didn’t eat as much anymore, and the ataxia started getting worse and worse. The worst part was that it was so hard to tell how much of it was caused by the painkiller and how much of it was just his condition getting worse and worse.
It’s so hard for him to move now that he doesn’t get up on his own to go poop or pee, for the past 5-6 days we’ve had to carry him to his litter box. He went from being a lil glutton, to picky eater, to only eating food straight from my hand, to only eating one cream-like cat treat. For the past week or two I’ve been feeding him liquids (water, cat milk, but mainly cat soup) with a tiny syringe (one we gave him his liquid antibiotic with) because I was worried he wasn’t eating enough and it was the only way I could pretty much force him to eat, but even then I can only feed him so much
His paw has swollen up so badly, it’s almost twice the size it should be. The infected toe had been bleeding out pus, the scab around the nail having grown massive, and now another toe on that paw has started bleeding a little too. And a toe on his left hindleg seems swollen as well
I hate myself for letting him get to a state this bad. There’s 16 and a half hours left before the vet comes to put him out of his misery- although the painkiller is pretty damn strong, he shouldn’t be in pain... But still
    I always wanted a cat when I was little, I was always asking for one but my parents always said no, until December 2006, when they finally caved in. A little bit after Christmas my mom found a kitten, mere weeks old, somewhat abandoned by its mother, looking for a home. When we went to check out the kitten at a farm nearby, we weren’t sure yet if we’d actually take the little thing with us. But seeing how the farmer didn’t really want it, how its mother seemed uninterested in it and how the farm with the many cows wasn’t a safe place for a helpless kitten... Well, we fell in love with him, at first sight. And we brought him home that same day.
We weren’t prepared at all, so my parents just dropped me and my brother off at home with the baby while they rushed into the city to buy supplies. We don’t know how old he was exactly when we got him, less than a month old for sure, but more than a few weeks. Small enough we had to bottle feed him, but eyes very much open and walking. He was our little baby. And he still is
He’s the most beautiful and soft cat in the whole world, and he means everything to me
When he was still a baby he pooped and/or peed under the Christmas tree. My dad had originally been against letting the little Sunshine sleep in their bed, but he warmed up immidiately and the cat has slept almost every single night in their bed ever since, the first time he specifically brought him to their bed and scared my mom who thought the kitten had escaped from the secluded area we were keeping him at the time. We thought him to raise his paw for treats
He rushed in and jumped straight into the toilet bowl once after I left the toilet (I had to chase him around desperately, trying to dry him- it had scared the shit out of me but my mom always loved telling this stoy about how one day when she came back from work she found me crying, trying to chase the cat around with a towl in hand because the cat had jumped into the toilet)
He loved, absolutely adored going outside in the summers, even when taking him out on a leash was a pain in the ass. He was so happy running around our yard, rolling in the grass. As he got older we stopped taking him outside (partially because it was my job but he’d always get really angry at me while we were outside, mainly because my dad was afraid he’d bring in ticks), but some 2-3 years ago we rebuilt our patio and turned it into a catio. He loved being there, he even learned the word “terrace”, so that everytime someone would say that word he would rush downstairs to the door, waiting to be let outside
His favorite toys were always hairties, a stick with a furry noodle thing sticking out at the other end, and a very long, very thick and slightly stretchy pink string
I was awful to him as an idiot kid, so he learned to hate me and distrust me, and I deserved that. And despite all that, he was the most patient cat in the world, letting me pet him as much as I liked while he was napping, letting me kiss his tiny forehead and rest my entire face against him. He wouldn’t purr to me, but he tolerated me so much, and I’m so grateful for that
After years of being given smooches, my cat started doing this thing were if someone gave him two kisses on the forehead/neck, he’d smack his lips twice in return. I think that was him trying to emulate the smooch sound, and it was so cute
I’ve heard people say that cats that’re separated from their mothers too early become weirdly like, licky? Like they’ll lick people’s hands etc a lot, and this was so true for him too. If you offered your hand to my Sunshine he’d give it a good ol’ bath, and it was the sweetest thing
I like keeping the doors to my room closed, so if my cat wanted to come in (which he didn’t want often), he’d either scratch at my door until I’d come open it, or like last summer, scratch at the door right behind me, and stare at me through the semi-jammed but slightly open door, until I’d open the other door for him. He’d often try to come to my room around 3-4 am, and he’d come almost daily to my room in the winter because I would open the window for him so he could get some fresh air even in a -25 C weather
My Sunshine didn’t like sleeping in my bed with me, he did it a few times when he was just a few years old until he stopped. Usually if he’d settle in my bed while I was still doing other things, he’d straight flee my room when I’d climb into my bed myself. In this January he started sleeping in my bed, sometimes climbing in while I was still there, or just not feeling when I’d come to bed myself. He didn’t do that every night, but he slept with me in that month more than he did in the past few years combined.
One “morning” (after his lung cancer diagnosis I think) he came into my room to sleep a little bit before noon, trying to escape the sounds of my dad vaccuuming downstairs. I had been struggling to fall asleep, but I managed after he settled in. I proceeded to see a few weird dreams, but the last one of them stood out;
In the last dream my cat had escaped outside, so me and my parents all rushed in to capture him and bring him back inside. It was summer, the weather was wonderful. We were running around in the yard, franticly searching for him, until I spotted him hiding amongst some wheat in the field next to us. He immidiately bolted out, running from that side of the yard to the other, towards the road, until he laid down under the birch trees next to the road. We were so worried he’d get run over by a car. We managed to get to him and grab him (not that he was fighting us), and we immidiately turned around to go back inside. I could hear a car approach us as I watched my mom hand my cat to me. He was so young and skinny, but looked somewhat upset as we were carrying him back inside.
And then I woke up, my cat sleeping quietly at the foot of my bed, against my legs. Call me nuts, but it felt like it was a message from my cat. How he had wanted to go already but we didn’t let him, and while he’s going to spend a little more time with us, sooner or later he will go, and we’ll never see him again.
Late last year my dad had appearently seen a dream where he was forced to eat cat paws. He feels like it may have been a prophetic dream.
A little over a month ago, I was so worried one night about my cat not eating properly I kind of started crying in my room while with my cat, asking him why he wasn’t eating. He came to inspect me almost immidiately, before leaving my room. I go check where he went and he was sitting at the stairs, staring at me. I went to dry my tears real quick and when I returned, he had gone downstairs. I found him waiting in front of his bowl, and when I gave him new wet food, he ate it. At that point, usually he wouldn’t eat anything if I didn’t offer it from my hand specifically.
I’m so grateful to my cat. For being such a sweetheart, for being so patient and kind and making us all so happy. I love him so much. And I’m so sorry I can’t do anything for him anymore except have him be put out of his misery
And while I know most indoors cats live to around 13-15 years old, meaning my 13 year old baby has reached the average age, I still feel like he’s too young to go and that its not fair. I’m going to miss him so much
Please don’t take my sunshine away
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woozletania · 6 years
A Merry Flarkin’ Grootmas, day 3 - eggnog
Day three: Eggnog
It was the singing that alerted Star-Lord to the fact that something was wrong.  Or right. Opinions varied.
He came down from the cockpit and found Drax holding forth in his basso profundo voice.  He sand surprisingly well.  Rocket was following along a word or two behind.  He on the other hand sang vary badly.
“Deck the halls with -hic- bombs of hi-ex, fa-la-la-la-la,” he rasped. He paused to belch and wobbled in his seat before reaching for a carton.  “Pete!  Petey!  Pull up a stump.  Plenty for -hic- everyone.”
Star-Lord's eyes widened as he took in the scene.  Mantis, Mantis of all people had a panel open and was gigging as she rewired the thrusters. Just at a glance he could see it was a good thing they were on a long glide between jump points and he hadn't attempted any attitude corrections recently.
Lylla was draped over the arm of Drax's chair like a furry noodle, bent in a way he'd think fatal if he didn't how impossibly flexible she was.  Otters, it turned out, could sleep with their heads resting on their own butts and twisted front to back halfway along. And she was stark naked.  He hadn't seen her naked since Rocket gave her a harness and she learned the joys of shopping for clothing accessories.  Pieces of her harness – and Rocket's, because was naked too – were scattered over the table. He didn't want to think happened on the dining table that would result in both Uplifts leaving their clothing there.
“What the hell is going on?”
“It is Star-Lord!” Drax thundered a greeting before sucking a carton dry and reaching for another. “Watch your step, there are bombs!”
Peter realized to his horror that the floor and even the walls were thick with stuck-on mines from Rocket's private reserve.  None of them had lights on so they weren't armed. He hoped. Just the same he stepped carefully. He stared at the carton in Drax's hand, the open box on the table among the bits of Uplift clothing and realized what happened.
“Damn it, you got into the eggnog! That was for later!”
“Ish good,” Lylla chirped, and belched.  She giggled and slithered across the table like a snake before falling on Rocket and dragging him into a chair. What happened next Peter preferred not to think about.  Two drunk uplifts. Public Displays Of Affection.
He sighed. First things first.  “Get out of the panel, Mantis.”  She pouted, but stepped away. Then he pushed the box of eggnog cartons away from Drax.  This did not work as Drax just reached out and reeled it in again.  Finally he grabbed Rocket and Lylla by their scruffs and disengaged them from what he hoped was only a grope and kiss.  
“And you two!  You I can understand. Rocket, but you Lylla!  You never drink!”
“Ish good,” she said with wide-eyed innocence.  “Ish sugar, milk. Eggs.”  And that was his mistake.  The highly carnivorous otter must have taken one sniff of something that was mostly heavy cream and started drinking. Naturally that got Rocket into the stuff too and that probably brought Drax and Mantis in.
Rocket giggled – giggled! and grabbed Lylla's tail, trying to put them together in midair as they dangled from Peter's hands.  They weighed forty pounds each and thanks to their cybernetics were strong all out of proportion to their size. Only their drunken state let him hold onto them so easily.  Normally, grabbing Rocket by the scruff was a sure way to get mauled and Lylla was perfectly able to twist around and bite him if she wasn't busy groping her mate.
“Fine,” Star-Lord groused.  He marched down the hall to Rocket's workbench, a squirming, giggling Uplift in each hand, and popped them both through the curtains into their private alcove underneath.  It was a space too small for most humans but it was plenty roomy for two very friendly Uplifts.  He did his best to ignore the giggling the emerged through the curtains, then the chittering and what sounded like a purr.  It wasn't his business.
Gamora found Mantis, Drax and Peter around the table half an hour later, two very drunk and one getting there.  As she opened her mouth at the scene of destruction, dozens of empty fresh-from-Terra (and very expensive) eggnog cartons scattered among the two Uplift harnesses, a stack of stick-on mines and bits of thruster control panel, Peter handed her a carton of her own.
“Yeah,” he said with a grin.  “I should have hidden it better.”
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iamfriendarin · 6 years
Learning Arin's true nature was pretty interesting, in Dan's opinion. He had no clue, not even a consideration, that Arin would be anything but human, but shit, he'd been wrong before.
Even now, watching Arin splayed in the sun in his furry form after another long night of work, it was a curious thing to him. He still hadn't gotten the answers he'd been wanting about it, the same ones as the first time he'd seen him as a cat.
Dan comes over with a pair of shorts and a tanktop, dropping them on the cat and earning a disgruntled rumble as he turns around out of respect. "Don't complain, just change and put those on. You promised me answers when I walked in on you, and I don't feel like asking when you're naked."
Arin huffs again, stretching out as he goes about changing. It's like calling a familiar force from within his being, letting it fill him and push his body back to a human state, though he doesn't let it go all the way. He doesn't really feel like changing all the way back into a human, and pulling back on the outward pressure leaves him with the ears and tail, and just a bit fuzzier. The clothes are pulled on quickly, and he goes back to laying back in his chosen patch of light.
"You can turn around."
Dan does so, flopping across Arin's middle and earning another grunt. "Sorry to disturb you from your naptime with my curiosity."
Arin snorts. "Curiosity is gonna kill the cat, Dan."
"Oh hush, you'll be fine." He rolls over with a grin, reaching up to scratch at his ear. "First question, do you like that?"
The loud rumbling that erupts from Arin's chest is enough of an answer, but he tilts his head into it as well. It gets Dan laughing too, and a playful swat from Arin. "Fair enough. Okay, real question. How long have you been this way?"
"Since I was born, really, I come from a line of shifters... little to the left?"
Dan follows his instructions with a chuckle, moving to lay on his chest so he doesn't have to stretch too far. "So were your parents cats too?"
"No, actually, forms aren't... genetic.. shifters can freeshift up to a certain point, like we aren't locked in a certain form, but once we hit puberty, we get whatever sticks."
"So, a cat stuck with you, then?"
"A very big cat, yeah." He watches Dan for a moment, stretching out. "I've got a question for you too. Why're you so interested in it?"
Dan shrugs. "It's cool to me, I guess. I mean, you've been a cat this whole time, you act like a cat more often than not, I even started calling you Big Cat without knowing what you were."
Arin laughs. "I thought that was pretty funny too."
Dan grins too, sitting up. "I didn't know you could change halfway, either. Why don't you stay this way at the office?"
He sighs, sitting up too, to get the pressure of his tail. "Shifters aren't exactly... a well known people. We prefer to keep it that way, and with everything we've been doing, I didn't want to show the wrong person and get fuckin' kidnapped or something... I trust everyone at the office, just not everyone everyone." His tail wraps around his wrist, a nervous tic.
Dan reaches over to pull him into a hug and pet his head. "How about we set up a meeting, and we'll make sure only people you want to know are there? And we can make sure that no one films you with your ears out."
The motions get Arin to purr loudly again, leaning on the older man. "Yeah, that sounds good... but no one can have a laser pointer, okay? Ross is annoying enough as is."
He laughs at the comment, scritching his ears some more. "That's fair. I might keep one around just to mess around with you."
"I'll claw you, Avidan."
"Oh no, widdle kitty is so scary!"
Arin growls playfully, pushing Dan over and sitting on him. "I'm a vicious predator, Daniel, gonna eat you now."
He laughs under him. "Oh really, Arin? You're gonna eat me, the best scratch-giver you've probably ever had?"
Instead of doing that, Arin grins and shows off his sharp teeth, and lays right on top of him.
He squeaks, trying to push the cat off of him and failing. "Arin!"
"I think I'll just keep you as a bed, you're comfy for being bony as hell." He turns his head and lays his cheek on Dan's face, earning a raspberry from him.
"Well I'm sorry I can't be as nice and soft as you, Arin." Dan pouts and pets at Arin's beard, which is longer and softer as he's half turned.
"Damn right you are. Now hush up, beds don't talk."
"I'm gonna be a loud ass bed, just for you."
Arin rolls off, stretching back out in the sun. "Well fine then. I'm just gonna go back to my nap then."
"Very predictable of you." Dan lays next to him, using him as a pillow.
"Shut up." Arin smiles anyway, closing his eyes to go back to sleep.
(for @kvddou who is a good noodle!)
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1800areyouslapping · 6 years
man, that dragon!family's pretty adorbs idk. reader's scared face would be something genji would absolutely tease about and reader would very much demand a long talk and some explanations on her newly discovered thing from them. the boys would find it so endearing if she'd admit that she prefers their dragon forms, not that their human froms are so far from unattractive. but yknow, it would earn a lot of cuddling and purring from the big warm furry noddles
S/O would 100% prefer their dragon forms! That’s what she fell in love with! She loves all their dragon sounds. The grumbles, growls, hums. How they purr, their big, elongated bodies. How she can literally just disappear in the middle of them when they're in a pile. She loves the amount of weight they put on her no matter what part of their body is laying in her lap. How intense their stares are as dragons and their cute pink noses. 
Once the panic passes Genji would definitely be the first to break the tension and tease her. S/O is sitting there looking at them like there the strangest things she’s ever seen. Sojiro’s tickled cause she just said, “this is so weird.” She’s so used to their dragon forms that seeing them as a human is strange. Then she asks with a little concern, “you guys can change back... right?” And they assure her that yes, they can and will as soon as she’s healthy enough. I think the boys would also be relieved that she prefers them how they prefer themselves? They were a little afraid she might like them better this way, and wonder why they would want to float around as dragons 99% of the time. Nope! Here S/O is wondering when she’ll be getting her furry noodles back and looking downright distressed about it. 
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fanficsandfluff · 7 years
Fantastic Beasts: A World So New and Bright
This was originally a drabble prompt requested by @the-word-weaver-of-the-faeries and it got too long to be a drabble anymore. So here’s a full length fic. 
As I was writing this, it turned out to be less of one coherent narrative and more three drabbles I combined into one. So there’s no main plot lol you can tell when the fics change. 
Also, weirdly enough, I started to ship Newt and Credence the longer I wrote this, but in case that was weird and gross, I didn’t do it???? just very friendly and cute platonic domestic Newt and Credence presented here lol Hope you enjoy!
Words: 2,276
Credence was never one to interact with others, growing up with an abusive parent like his mother. He’d keep to himself, head down, never acknowledging anything. But he did hold a certain affinity for cats. There were strays all over the dreary neighborhood where he lived. And he’d long to take them in for his own. Living with an abundance of cats was better than living with his mother, in his mind. Better than living with any other humans, in fact. They were all out to hurt him. But not cats. 
The young wizard would go outside and put out bowls of food and water for the alley cats, hanging around outdoors long enough sometimes to get to pet them. 
And Credence hadn’t thought of cats since living with Newt, being more distracted by wild monsters and other such magical creatures. It wasn’t until he’d taken a stroll through the neighborhood and in a park on a bright sunny day was his reminded. He was passing by a turned over trash can and a small mew reached his ears. He paused and tried to take a look around the area of the trash can as to what made that noise.
A grey furry cat peeked its head out from inside the can, a lone noodle from someone’s thrown out food looping around its ear. Credence’s heart melted instantly. He knelt down, not wanting the cat to be afraid of him. He started to mutter and made hand gestures at the cat, holding his hand out. Eventually, the small mass made its way out. It was a little larger than the size of a kitten, so it was obviously still young. Poor thing. Credence let it lick his hand before he was allowed to pet it. And the cat purred, nuzzling into Credence. Oh boy. He’d have to make a decision sooner or later… 
Credence arrived back at Newt’s place twenty minutes after, and the sun had just started to set. Newt was busy cooking dinner for the two of them and he stepped out to greet Credence. 
“How was your walk?” Newt inquired, not seeing at first but he noted a peculiar bulge in Credence’s coat. And in the next second, a cat’s head poked out from the coat and looked around at its surroundings. Credence blushed and he set the cat on the ground, looking at Newt but not saying anything. 
Newt sighed but he smiled, “Well…. what’s one more creature around here, hm?”   
Credence smiled wide. He cared for Newt so much. The man was so nice to him, pleased with anything he’d do. It was a welcome experience after the life he’d led. The Magizoologist knelt down and tittered, the cat walking towards him after some hesitation. The cat warmed up to Newt unsurprisingly fast.   
“She’s a beautiful cat,” Newt pointed out, looking up at Credence through locks of his light brown hair.   
Credence nodded and asked, “How did you know she’s a girl?” 
Newt smiled and stood up, “I’m not an animal expert for nothing. Now come, supper’s almost ready.”   
Credence watched the grey cat carefully, making sure she was adjusting to her new environment. Newt put out a dish full of water for the cat and set it on the floor next to the table. She quickly trotted over and lapped it up.   
“Have you got a name for her?” Newt asked once he sat down and began to eat.   
Credence, chewing, nodded, “I was thinking Molly.” 
Newt smiled approvingly, “Molly it is.” For Newt, this was such a nice experience. Credence found something he clearly liked and brought it home. It was refreshing to have Credence pleased with animals for once instead of hiding his fears of the ones Newt worked with constantly. 
And so Molly became a part of their small family. Well, not so small if you counted all of Newt’s creatures. Credence would go to sleep cuddled up with her frequently. Newt would bring some other creatures of his to interact with Molly, making a note of who she clicked with and who she disliked. 
A rainy day seemed less frequent nowadays than in the past, but they did occur. And today was one of those days. Credence stood by the window and watched the rain pour from the sky. He looked down when he felt something furry nuzzling and swiping against his ankle. The wizard smiled softly and he sat down on the sofa, picking up Molly when she followed him. He settled her into his lap and stroked her like she loved.   
Newt emerged from his suitcase after feeding all the creatures, looking dirty and worn as always. But still immensely happy. Nothing could bring down his spirit, even the tiring job of having so many magical creatures to take care of. Pickett had stowed away in his vest pocket, and Newt didn’t mind.   
He plopped down into a lone plush chair and sighed, running his fingers through his hair. He looked out the window and hummed, “Looks like a day for staying in.” 
Credence nodded. He looked at Newt and asked him, “Would you like to read?”  
Newt knew what Credence meant and he smiled, “Yes, I believe they don’t need caring for for a bit. What would you like to hear today, Credence?” 
“Your choice. I usually prefer the ones you pick over mine.” 
Newt smiled and he went to his vast shelf of books, thumbing through the spines until he lifted one from its spot. Credence scooted over on the couch so Newt could sit beside him and Molly.   
“It’s the one we started a few weeks ago. I figured we’d pick up on it now.” 
“The one with the traveling banker?” Credence asked, tilting his head. Newt nodded in response and opened it up. 
“Chapter 6: A Game of Chess…”   
Credence sat back in the couch. He loved when Newt would read to him. It was one of his favorite things. And now Newt’s soothing voice mixed with the pleasant purrs from Molly as he pet her put Credence into a state of absolute bliss. Everything was calming. Even the patters of rain against the roof and windows was welcome. 
The peaceful state was only broken when Newt cut off one of the words he was reading and replaced it with a yelp and a brief giggle.   
Credence looked up, confused as to what had happened. 
Newt squirmed slightly, pressing his palm to different parts of his chest and abdomen, “P-Pihickett, come out of thehehere.” 
Credence now understood and he smiled softly.   
Newt giggled and he gasped, hunching over only slightly when Pickett reached his lower belly, “N-Nohohoho… Pihickett!”   
The small bowtruckle was heard emitting a mischievous little giggle as he crawled across Newt’s belly. It always worked out well for him since he knew Newt couldn’t move much because he feared hurting the small twig creature. But Pickett did soon exit through Newt’s sleeve, forcing another string of giggles out of his mouth. Newt held Pickett in the palm of his hand and he chortled, shaking his head. He couldn’t stay mad at the adorable little bowtruckle.   
Unfortunately, Molly had caught sight of the intriguing small creature. So she hopped off Credence’s lap with a meow and lunged for the bowtruckle. Pickett, sensing the danger, gasped and jumped off Newt’s hand.   
“No!” both Newt and Credence chorused, one trying to catch the bowtruckle and the other trying to catch the cat. They ended up crashing into one another, Newt on top of Credence.   
“M-Mahaybe this wasn’t such a grand idea,” Newt smiled and blushed, quickly standing up and running where Molly had gone, “Pickett, come out,” he picked up the cat as she was scratching at a small crack in the wall, “She won’t hurt you.”   
Credence stood up, “I’m sorry, this was my fault. I should’ve contained her.” 
“Not to worry, Credence,” Newt reassured, handing over the cat. He crawled close to the hole and spoke into it, trying to convince the frightened bowtruckle that it was safe. Once Pickett walked out, Newt picked him up, “Alright, back in the case you go. I know, I know, I’m sorry.”   
Credence felt bad now as he watched Newt retreat into his suitcase to put Pickett back home. He sighed and sat down again with Molly.   
When Newt returned, he looked bashful and relieved at the same time, “I didn’t think about the two being together, Credence, I apologize.” 
Credence shook his head, “Don’t. It was no one’s fault, really. Cats will chase things resembling mice, I suppose. It’s in their nature.” 
Newt nodded and he brushed his hands off, “I’m going to wash up for the night.” 
Credence didn’t object, and he heard Newt’s footsteps ascending the stairs. Oh no, what if he was mad with him? He hated whenever he felt tension within the household. He tended to create imaginary tension with his paranoia most of the time, which Newt had to help him work through.   
Turns out, they were both fine. Credence went to speak with Newt after the Magizoologist showered and cleaned up. There was no bad blood between them, and Newt even offered to finish the chapter in the book before they both went to bed.   
A few days later, Newt was having a particularly fun time with his creatures. He’d give many of them time playing with him. And he even managed to calm his Erumpent enough to let them roll around and start a chase. Newt was perhaps so livened with all the fun, it oozed out into the real world when he encountered Credence.   
He saw Credence laying on the couch, a book in hand as he read with a somber face. Molly was laying on her bed on the floor near the desk. Newt walked up to Credence and sat by the young wizard’s feet.   
Credence looked up from his book and grinned slightly at seeing Newt covered in dust and dirt.   
“Are you absolutely sure you wouldn’t care to assist me with them today? They’re all in delightfully playful moods.”   
Credence shook his head, “No thank you.” 
“Then perhaps I should describe to you all the fun we’re having down there,” Newt stood up and he began his depictions.
“The Occamy was teaching her children how to fly for the first time, and she was using me as targets for them,” Newt reenacted him having to run around and jump into the air to dodge and attempt to “fly” with the babies.   
Credence couldn’t believe the spectacle he was watching. Sure, Newt could be energetic and excited about his creatures. But he was never this eccentric. It brought a smile to the Occulus’s face as he took in what was before him. 
“And the Erumpent would charge at me like this,” he bent forward and pretended his head was the Erumpent’s giant horn as he nuzzled close to Credence. The wizard let out a giggle.   
“The Fwoopers were having a grand old time making me spin around until I fell down from dizziness. They’re quite fast flyers, you know,” and Newt plopped onto the floor after spinning around. His giddiness was only heightened by the amount of enjoyment Credence was getting out of this display.   
“Oh, and how could I forget the bowtruckles?” he hopped up and jumped up onto Credence’s waist, looking down at him.   
Credence looked back up at his friend, seeing the freckled and dirt-smudged red cheeks looking back down at him. It made him smile even wider. But he squeaked and started to giggle when Newt spidered his fingers all across his belly. 
“They all ganged up on me like this. So it felt like a dozen spiders running across my skin. It was so ticklish, I couldn’t believe it,” Newt smiled and he fluttered his fingers up to Credence’s neck. The young wizard snorted and he ducked his head. 
“N-Nehewt! Hehehe…” 
Newt slipped his hands under Credence’s sweater and he skittered his fingers all around the quivering tummy, “Doesn’t this all sound like fun, Credence?” 
Credence laughed harder and he shook his head, “Ihihihit’s ahaHA toohoohoo muhuch! Hahahahaha!”   
Newt hummed and he giggled, swirling a finger around Credence’s belly button, “Once you have a bowtruckle tickle you here,” he scritched one finger inside Credence’s navel, “You’ll realize you’ve never laughed harder in your life.” 
And Credence shrieked and dissolved into deeper laughs, being more high-pitched. Newt pulled his fingers back to give Credence a break. But he wiggled them above Credence’s face to taunt him.   
Credence squeaked and shut his eyes, “Noho more!”   
Newt let out a soft laugh and he lowered his hands, resting them at Credence’s waist, “No more,” he repeated. 
Credence opened up his eyes again and he smiled at Newt. The hands at his waist were still making him wary, but he let it be. Just the two smiling, panting faces were enough in that small moment. Now that the laughter had calmed down, the two could hear Molly meowing from the foot of the couch. She’d wandered over, seemingly wanting to get in on the fun, too.   
Newt receded off Credence and he sat with his knees under him on the couch. He picked up Molly and held her in the air, letting her lick at his face. He scrunched his nose and giggled softly before handing her to Credence.   
“Beautiful,” was the thing Newt decided to say at that moment. He reclined where he sat and shut his eyes, obviously tired from all the fun he’d had. Credence huffed a small laugh, having to agree with him. Things were beautiful.
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Alliance Chapter 2: the waterbender
Part 9 of the Dragon of the Yuyan
Read on AO3 | Series Masterpost
Sokka has just closed his eyes for a nap when he smells something burning and hears Katara’s voice demand shrilly “you’re a FIREBENDER?”
Katara can’t believe she’d fallen for this. The stranger they’d woken up to in their camp, who is so polite and had saved Aang and could say so much without saying a single word out loud, is a firebender. He’s holding a half-burned scroll in one hand, and a handful of flames in the other, and is staring at Katara with wide, startled gold eyes. Like he hadn’t thought that they might have a problem with firebending.
“Zuko, what are you doing?” Aang asks, in a tone far too jovial and curious for Katara’s taste.
“Is that the note your brother left with your stuff?” Surprisingly, Katara’s paranoid brother doesn’t seem at all phased by the spirits-damned firebender sitting less than two feet away. Did he get brainwashed somehow while he and the ash-maker were alone together?
The firebender nods, and continues burning the scroll until the ashes are blown away on the wind. Katara watches carefully, thumb on the cork of her waterskin in case of emergency, but the firebender never lets the flame grow any bigger than his palm, keeps a tight, effortless-looking control, and then when he’s done, puts it out as easily as Katara would blow out a lamp.
“Are you a Master?” Aang asks, awed, and Katara wants to scream at him don’t trust the firebenders all they do is destroy but Gran-Gran’s stories are clear: the Avatar must learn all four elements in order to be fully realized. Aang, specifically, has to do it by the end of the summer, according to Avatar Roku. Like it or not, Aang has to learn firebending, and the only way to do that is from a Master Firebender.
The firebender nods, and makes a gesture with his hands like he’s scribbling a note.
“Sorry, we don’t have any writing materials,” Katara says flatly. It’s a bald-faced lie, one that Sokka immediately calls her on with a hard look and a rougher-than-necessary dig through their supplies for a blank scroll and a stick of charcoal. And Katara knows she’s being a brat, but she doesn’t care right now, she wants some time to sulk and be difficult before she has to think about the idea that even a firebender could reach his limit for death and destruction.
The firebender takes the scroll and charcoal with a grateful smile for Sokka and a quizzical glance at her, which she ignores in favor of digging through the huge heavy sack that had come with their new addition. Judging by the Fire Nation insignia stamped on every container, it’s filled with Fire Nation Army camp rations, which seem to consist mostly of dry noodles, some kind of jerky (what a shock), and little paper packets. When she opens one of the packets, the contents make her sneeze. There’s also a ridiculous amount of dried tea leaves pressed into a massive brick, and Katara can’t imagine drinking that much tea in her entire lifetime.
“Oh, can I read it out loud?” Aang asks suddenly. “Okay! I became a Firebending Master on my sixteenth birthday this past fall. Hey, my birthday’s in the fall too! Oh, here you go!”
There’s rustling, but Katara refuses to look up from the mending she’s taken out to work on. She wants some time to think, and when she’s sewing the boys mostly leave her alone.
“What are your preferred pronouns? Uh, I’m a boy, so he/him?”
“Wait, why would you assume otherwise?” Sokka asks, and he sounds actually curious instead of insulting, which never would have happened before leaving the South Pole. “Manners? Really? Get that look off your face, Jerkbender, we have manners in the South Pole. Whatever, I’m gonna take a nap, don’t set fire to the saddle while we’re all in it.”
Momo purrs suddenly, and Katara tenses in preparation for the lemur jumping into her lap and ruining her work. But instead she hears a sharp, nearly silent intake of breath, and on reflex looks up to find the lemur wrapped around the firebender’s head, his tiny hands delicately picking through the dark hair, his tail gently curling around the pale neck. The expression on the firebender’s face is… the only word Katara can think of is charmed.
“That’s Momo,” Aang says. “He likes it when you scratch him under his chin or behind his ears.”
The older boy does so, his expression so utterly adoring that Katara expects him to start cooing at any moment. Instead, Momo purrs in delight and folds himself into a lemur-loaf in the firebender’s lap. The smile on the firebender’s face grows, and he starts stroking a hand down Momo’s back in time with his own deep and even breaths. Momo melts, his purring ratcheting up in volume and his little furry body going completely limp.
“Whoa, how are you doing that?” Aang whispers, his stormy eyes huge. The firebender smiles gently, and keeps petting Momo with one hand while reaching out slowly and placing the other on top of Aang’s bald head.
Aang’s sharp gasp nearly makes Katara water whip the ash-maker right out of the saddle, but when it immediately resolves into Aang’s distinctive belly-laugh, she stays her hand.
“It’s so warm!” He chortles, as the firebender’s large hand gently rubs along his arrow. “Are you firebending? Can you teach me?”
The firebender holds up one finger and nods, then holds up two fingers and shakes his head.
“Why not?” Aang doesn’t whine, but it’s a close thing, and honestly Katara feels like doing so herself. What’s the point of having a Firebending Master in the group if he won’t teach the Avatar firebending?
The Firebending Master in question gives Aang a quelling look, then gestures to his mouth like he’s holding it shut. Then he makes a short series of movements with his hands that Katara can’t make heads or tails of.
Aang seems to get the picture though, because he deflates like a squeezed waterskin. “Oh, yeah,” he says dejectedly. “The no talking thing. I can see how it’d be hard to learn firebending when I don’t understand your language.”
The firebender gently flicks the point of Aang’s arrow, causing him to giggle, then begins scribbling on the scroll, leaning over Momo in his lap to write against the floor of the saddle. Katara goes back to her mending, somewhat assured that they’re safe enough with the firebender for now. Beside her, Sokka snores. If nothing else, Katara can take comfort in the knowledge that Sokka wouldn’t be asleep if he didn’t feel safe.
They make camp that night beside a clear, fast moving stream, and Katara has to admit that having a firebender around could actually be pretty useful—he gets the campfire going in seconds with a quick punch, he’s a much better hunter than Sokka, and he can get jerky dried and packed in less than an hour. Katara samples a little bit, just to make sure it’s actually edible, and is shocked at how much flavor it has despite not having been touched by any of the salt that was in their supplies. Sokka tries some and nearly eats the entire bag before he can be pinned long enough to get the bag away from him.
Sokka shows off his boomerang, and the firebender his huge sword which somehow turns into two swords, and Aang shows off his glider skills which prompts a chase through the trees surrounding their campsite as the firebender jumps effortlessly from one branch to another. Their antics allow Katara some peace and quiet to  finish her mending and practice waterbending. She’s gotten the water whip down, and now she’s working on forming ice consistently. Sometimes she gets it and sometimes she doesn’t, and it gets on her nerves that it’s so tricky. For whatever reason, it’s easier to do at night.
The boys return from playing as dinner finishes, and Katara hands out bowls of jerky on noodles, with just noodles and some wild vegetables for Aang. The firebender bows when she gives him his bowl, and after taking a few bites, he digs through the sack of supplies he’d brought and comes up with a massive paper packet. He tears open a corner and sprinkles some kind of bright red powder all over the contents of his bowl, then pinches and folds the packet closed and stirs his food vigorously with his chopsticks. The noodles take on a pinkish hue, and after another taste, the firebender grins and starts eating with gusto.
Katara is speechless with outrage. How dare that ash-maker insult her cooking! Sokka’s eyes are wide and he has noodles hanging from his mouth. Even Aang is cringing a little, and Katara remembers him saying he had friends all over the world before the war.
“Uh, Zuko?” Aang says cautiously. The firebender looks up curiously and immediately goes pale at the sight of Katara’s face, which really must be something fearsome if the heat in her cheeks is anything to go by. “Yeah… you did something… really really rude in Water Tribe  culture… sorry, I should’ve warned you… you can’t… put stuff on food after you get it… it’s super insulting to the cook.”
The firebender looks absolutely stricken, staring at Katara with wide eyes. Then he bows deeply, and comes back up rubbing a circle on his chest over and over.
Why does he look so afraid? Katara wonders, and it’s hard to hold on to her anger in the face of such obvious distress. It had been a mistake, one made in ignorance, and she really has no right to be as angry as she wants to be.
“It’s okay, Zuko,” she says, and forces herself to smile when he looks up at her. He doesn’t look very reassured, and makes the circle against his chest twice more.
“If that means sorry, then I forgive you,” she says. She takes a deep breath, lets her hurt feelings flow away on the tide, and when she smiles again, it doesn’t feel forced. “I understand that you didn’t know, and I’m sorry for assuming that you would. Next time, you can show me what you want me to add to your bowl, and after that you can just ask.”
The firebender, Zuko, smiles suddenly, bright as the sun, and tips the fingers of one hand, palm up, from his chin to her.
"Does that mean thank you?" Katara asks, and after Zuko nods, replies, "You're welcome."
Sokka leans forward and grabs the huge packet from where it sits on the ground beside Zuko, and opens it up to take a sniff. "What is this stuff, anyway?"
"Fire-chili powder, right?" Aang answers, glancing at Zuko for confirmation. At his nod, he continues, "It's SUPER spicy, and my friend Kuzon used to put it on everything. He was from the Fire Nation, too," he tells Zuko.
Sokka takes a pinch and sprinkles it on his tongue. Immediately his face and eyes turn red, and tears start streaming down his cheeks as he emits high pitched squeaks of pain. Katara uncorks her waterskin in alarm, but Aang only laughs and Zuko rolls his eyes and digs around through the supplies, coming up with another wrapped package. He opens it to reveal a loaf of bread, which he offers to Sokka. Her brother falls upon it like a ravening polar bear-dog, and before any of them can blink, the loaf is gone, and Sokka is panting like he'd just run from their home village to their nearest neighbor three days away.
"Tui and La, Zuko, you just dumped a ton of that in your food!" Sokka gasps out, rubbing the tears out of his eyes. "You're absolutely nuts!"
Zuko only shrugs, and finishes his bowl of noodles. Katara goes back to her own bowl as well, and once everyone is finished, gets up to start collecting bowls to wash. However, as she reaches for Zuko's empty bowl, he easily plucks her own out of her hands with a smile. He points to her, and makes gesture like stirring a pot, then to himself, and holds up the bowl and pretends to be cleaning it.
"I cooked, so you'll wash up?" Katara asks hopefully, and Zuko beams and nods at her. "That's so nice of you, Zuko, thank you! It's nice to have some kind of help around here!" She narrows her eyes at her useless brother and best friend, who are trying to get Momo to try some of Zuko's fire-chili powder. Zuko scowls, making him look rather terrifying in the flickering firelight, and snaps his fingers. Sokka looks up, pales at the look on Zuko's face, and hurriedly closes up the fire-chili packet and puts it with the rest of the cooking supplies. Aang looks confused until he looks at Zuko and grimaces at his expression.
Katara laughs, and digs out the sachet of seal blubber soap while Zuko takes the cooking pot off the fire with a rag and puts it to the side to cool. They head over to the stream together.
Katara watches as Zuko dips his hands into the stream, and steam starts to rise from the water as he starts scrubbing out the bowls. She's never seen firebending used so… innocuously, and she remembers Momo's delighted purrs as the firebender had stroked his back with unnaturally warmed hands. Gran-Gran's stories of waterbending had described the way it had been used for both fighting and for everyday things, but Katara had never thought to apply that logic to firebending as well. She still doesn't trust him, not yet, but…
"Zuko? I owe you an apology, too," she says quietly, dropping the water globe she'd been idly playing with as she'd been thinking and sitting down beside the older boy. From this angle she can't see the scar, and he glances at her out of the corner of his eye. "I… didn't treat you very well when I realized that you're a firebender. It's just… a firebender killed my mother. In my house. It's not an excuse, but… it's hard, now, to see firebending as anything other than destructive. I was really scared when you burned that scroll in the saddle. But you're not like the rest of them, are you? You're different. I think… if you promise to be careful… I can try. To not be as scared."
Zuko finishes washing the bowls, laying them out on a cloth to dry, and turns to face Katara fully. He taps his scar, then holds out a hand and wreathes it in flames.
The implication is clear, and Katara's throat goes dry. Zuko nods, expression grave, and then brings the fire closer to his face and flinches back dramatically.
Katara swallows hard, and croaks, "You're scared of your own element."
Zuko shrugs, and repeats the motion, but without the flinch.
"You were, but now you're not?"
Zuko nods, and banishes the flames with a wave of his hand, throwing them back into the semi-darkness.
They sit in silence together for a while, listening to the sounds of Sokka sharpening his boomerang and Aang playing with Momo.
"How did you stop being afraid?"
Zuko gives her a gentle smile, and writes in the sandy dirt, Time, and someone patient to show me the true way.
Sokka calls out to them then, inviting them back to the campfire, and Zuko gathers up the bowls and cloth and heads back over. Katara stares at the writing in the sand for a moment more before wandering over to sit beside her brother. Sokka is filling a wide-eyed Zuko in on their adventures so far, his hands flying everywhere. Katara rolls her eyes as he adds sound effects to their run of the Fire Nation blockade.
“So now we’re on our way to the North Pole to find a Waterbending Master for these two,” he finishes. “You coming with?”
Zuko nods firmly, grabs a stick from the pile of kindling, and writes out, I have useful intelligence about Fire Nation military movements in the Earth Kingdom, and as soon as Aang learns my hand-language, I can start his Firebending training. In exchange I would appreciate it if my status as a citizen of the Fire Nation in general and my status as a firebender in particular could be kept quiet. For obvious reasons, we’re not exactly popular in the free areas of the Earth Kingdom. He shrugs sheepishly, not quite meeting anyone’s eyes.
Sokka nods. “Sounds reasonable to me,” he says. “Welcome to the group, Zuko!”
Aang’s grin takes up his whole face, and he cheers. “I can’t wait to start learning from you, Sifu Hotman!”
Zuko’s recoil at that nickname is a thing of beauty, and Katara can tell by the predatory gleams in the younger boys’ eyes that they will never let it go.
Katara sits and lets the boys’ chatter and crackling of the campfire wash over her. She’s bone tired, probably still not 100% after that illness, and she’s thinking very seriously about heading off to bed when someone gently touches her hand. She turns to find Zuko looking at her gravely, and when he sees that he has her attention, makes a gesture with his hand: a fist with his pointer and middle fingers out straight, spreading and then closing over a lock of his long black hair.
“Do you want to cut your hair?” Katara asks. Zuko nods, and writes in the dirt with his stick.
I am a traitor to my nation, technically, and so it’s not appropriate for me to wear a topknot. I will make the first cut, because that is a ritual, but can you help me neaten up afterwards?
Katara can understand the importance of ritual, so she gets out her shears and follows Zuko back to the stream. He gathers his long hair into a low tail, takes a deep breath, and slices it clean through with a dagger. The remainder shadows his face as he drops the tail into the water.
Without a word, Katara goes to work with her shears, snipping at the remaining length until Zuko holds up a hand for her to stop. The result is a mop that covers his burned ear and with bangs long enough to flick over his scar if he so desired.
Zuko runs his fingers through his shortened hair, a sad but satisfied expression on his face. He turns to Katara, bows, and signs, Thank you.
“You’re welcome,” Katara replies, returning the bow. “We should get some sleep.”
Zuko nods, touches the fingertips of one hand to his bottom lip, then sort of glides it over his other hand held horizontally in front of him, just above his chest.
“Er… goodnight?”
Zuko beams, and repeats the sign. Katara copies him, and they retreat to their bedrolls.
Katara’s last thought before sleep claims her is He’s not so bad, for a firebender.
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latenightsleeper · 5 years
A preview for my Anti fic for his b-day
Summary: Ya know, there are a lot of things someone would do if they found a green, glitch...demon? In their house, I'm pretty sure giving them a drink is not one of them.
Chapter 1: Pet the kitty 
" what the fuck... " I whisper as I stare wide-eyed as I watch a pale-green tinted man with computer particles lay on his stomach as he pets my black cat, Duchess, as he chants in a familiar Irish accent " Pet the kitty ". As I watch this go on I can't help but think of how my day leading up to this moment. 
I woke up, eat some food, brushed my teeth, washed my face, feed Duchess, fucked around for a bit before getting to work. Worked for about a good 4-ish hours before I got hungry and saw we had no healthy human food for me, saved my file, said bye to my cat, got in the car and went to the Walmart in my area. Got stared at because my bright yellow hoodie said " Fuck your social constructs ", got complimented on my hair ( a dark purple shaggy bob ), paid for my things, jammed out in my car on the way back, and now having a mental break down in my doorway.
Okay, this is totally okay- this is fine I'm totally not going to have an aneurysm. I walk numbly into my house and close the door quietly as I go on autopilot and put up the groceries, " This is fine, 100% fine- I'm just having stress-induced hallucinations or maybe I'm dreaming. " I say as I stand in my kitchen. 
I stare at the light pink tiles of the kitchen, leaning on the white counter-top. There is no way a made-up character is in my house, that Antisepticeye the villain of the Jacksepticeye fandom is petting my cat. ' Only one way to find out... ' I take a deep breath to calm my nerves and walk out of the kitchen to the living room. I push my hair out of the way as I walk on the wooden floor, I see him in his signature all-black ensemble. " How ya doing buddy. " I say as carefree as I can as I sit on my couch, he turns his head and I see his face is a little puffy and his eyes look unfocused as he looks at me. 
" Hiiiii~! kitty very prettyyy~ " he says with a slur in his words, I smile a little at that and nod. " Yes, she is, her name is Duchess and I'm Evelyn. What's your name? " I ask, " I'm Anti~ I'm suuuupper cool! " he says with a big smile and a distorted giggle. ' Yeah, that's Anti for sure. ' I think as I watch him flop back to his original position to get back to petting Duchess, she purrs with content at being petted with a slight graze of his black claws.
I just sit there, watching him petting my cat, with a dazed and confused face. This is weird, this is so very weird and it's happening right before my eyes. Neat. I look at the clock and see it's about time to feed my Duchess, I think she knows too as she gets up and walks away from Ant. He lets out a wet whine as she comes up to me and mews for her food, I give her a head scratch and look up to Anti. He's moved and facing me, still on his belly, and looking at me with sad eyes, you'd think with his black scleroses and his electric green and cold blue eyes and cat-like pupils. I'd be scared but all I could feel sympathy, he was obviously not his normal mindset and was vulnerable because of it.
I get up from my couch and squat, carding my hand through his brown hair, " Hey, don't worry she's just hungry. " I say with a small smile as Anti close his eyes and nodded as he enjoys the head scratches. Just as that happened Duchess came back and patted him on the face. I giggled and said " See? Duchess is saying she'll be right back, right now she wants her food. "
I stand up and start to walk to the kitchen, doing the normal feeding your furry friend things. When I turned around I nearly screamed in shock, Anti was standing in the doorway of the kitchen. He was actually leaning on the arch of it and he looked very drowsy. He let out a whine as his stomach rumbled, Anti looked at me and was gone for a second before he was leaning on me.
' What the fuck?!?! He's so tall?!?! ' I think as I bend from his weight, his chin on the top of my head and his arms rested limply around my wast. His front was to my back, " Huuuunnnnnggggryyyyy~! " Anti said as he started to go more, and, more limp and but more of his weight on me.  
' Okay, this is not okay! ' I think as I start to get closer and closer to the floor as he puts more of his body on to me, I act without thinking and hook my arms under his legs and start walking to the counter. I have a younger sibling and family members so I'm used to this kinda stuff, ya know the ' Evelyn isn't looking so I'm going to jump on her back and make her give me a piggyback ride ' thing. It's not fun when you're 5'00 and have the strength of wet noodles for arms, they're lucky I like them. 
When I finally mage to get Anti on the counter and keep him from falling off, I look at him with an exasperated face and sigh. " Okay, I'll get you something. Are there somethings you can't have or eat? Allergies?? " I ask as I walk over to the pantry. I know what you're thinking,’ oh why are you being so nice to the Antisepticeye? Why aren't you trying to get him out, why aren't you cowing in fear? ‘ Simply, I think as I rummage throw the food I have and wait for a reply. 
He hasn't done anything to me. I don't know him, I know of him but I don't know him. Ya, see what I mean? I know of his reputation and of what he's done, but that was all through someone else's eyes. Not mine, I don't know him. Call me an Idealist or naive, but I like having both sides of a story before I cast my vote.
" Uhhhhhh... Doc said... nothing hard " I hear him say, I look at him and hum. ' What do I have that's filling but not hard? ' I think as I look at him, he had some kinda dental work done and I know you can't have anything too hard. Only jello or soup, I don't have any jello and soup takes too long to make an Anti's hungry now. Sooooooooooo, what to do?
I abandoned the search in the pantry and go to the fridge, I think I know what will be good for him. 
As I push the juices and french press, I see what I'm looking for. " Ah-ha! " I say as I pull out the familiar container of filling and protein-packed drink.
Pea milk, made from the veggie and chocolate flavored! I put it on the counter next to Anti as I go to find a cup. I just grabbed my big kitty, cacti mug, filled hit halfway and handed it to Anti. I leaned to the left side of him and jumped up on top of the counter myself and looked at him, " So, what'cha think? " as I watched his face. Anti looked unsure but took a sip anyway, he looked confused before he downed the whole thing and looked at me for more.
I smile and say " Yeah, yeah. Another mug full of chocolate milk coming right up. ", I hop off the counter top refill his cup and go to pet Duchess. 
This is weird but it's not scary, it's... cool. Anti had just about three more cups of chocolate milk before I cut him off, hey! I wanted my chocolate milk still! And now, we're right back where we started. In the living room with Anti petting Duchess and me, this time, on the floor next to him. 
I take my phone out and look at some things before I feel a weight on my stretched out legs, I don't think about it and card my fingers through Duchess's fur. I feel a deep purr ripple through my legs- a purr that is much more lower than my cat's, I look down at my sweat-pants clad legs in alarm and see Anti's dark brown hair in between my fingers, and his head lolled to the side as he looks content. I sigh' why not? It's not like my life isn't weird as it is. ', I smile and continue to pet Anti. 
I go back to browsing the internet, looking at Ego content but staying away from any of Anti's fan-work. I feel a weight on m shoulders and feel Duchess soft purrs, I yawn and sink into the lower part of the couch. Before I fully fall asleep, I feel a tingle in the air, soft buzzing and the weigh and heat of Anti disappearing. My hand that was in his hair falls into my lap and I fall into my subconscious without a fuss. 
@caori-azarath ( You said to tag you )
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