#so yknow. oopsies lmao
pixellangel · 11 months
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new epithet erased/anime campaign oc based on the epithet "consumption!!" info on them under the cut <3
Mori Terabye (they/he) is an Epithet user whose Epithet is "Consumption." They've been somewhat sickly since they were a child, but it's gotten worse for them over time. They had their Epiphany after learning that they could create mysterious voids that "consume" objects - the realization that they'd been coughing up blood all their life help them mentally connect consuming things and "The Consumption", also known as Tuberculosis.
He doesn't have TB, technically; it's a weird Epithet magic situation. His Epithet happens to affect the inside of his body in a way that presents itself like the notorious infection. When making his little voids, he also has the ability to "eat" them before they disappear entirely. It helps him feel significantly better, but he doesn't exactly know how that works. Epithet magic is weird, man.
They enjoy fencing and do it on the professional level. Their lithe body makes it easy to dodge the swipes and slashes typical of swordfights, even if they do need a minute to catch their breath after a match.
so that's it!! my little guy!!!! i started making a character sheet for them but i don't have anyone that i know could gm a session of anime campaign so i have to refrain from finishing it. i don't know how to properly balance a ttrpg moveset :(
i gotta get more people into epithet tbh. ive been assigning them to some of my friends and im super attached to this idea of a campaign with my besties but its kinda unachievable without a gm </3
anyway. hope you enjoyed the art and loredump :D
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pussiesoutforsatan · 2 months
um. i did an oopsie.
so yknow how i made this post about Copia's birthday? yeah turns out i was like. super duper wrong and i feel bad bc that post got a lot of attention lmao
this reaction on the post made me have a "uh oh" moment
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so i went to replay Enter The Ministry (yeah first mistake was that its called ENTER the Ministry, not Escape) and got to the end room and turns out that. yeah it's not a party for Copia's birthday, it was a release party for Phantomime. The reason why I completely misremembered it is because of this cake with candles on it, i just misremembered it as a birthday cake.
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even the card you sign at the end says it's for the release of Phantomime
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so... yeah. i just completely misremembered the end of that game because of the cake and the card, and didnt think of replaying through the game before making that post. i'm very sorry about that.
go play the game though, it's still up -> https://ministry.ghost-official.com/
and yeah uh. sorry again. that was awkward
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ok so one day i was hangin out and thinking about how jinx and murie are both my favourite little sad wet guys in my two fave medias of all ever *And* at the same time SO far apart on the spectrum personalitywise
and it took me listening to this to flip the switch on the Autism Blender and want to just fucking mash them together like a coked up toddler making Slime out of fish guts and hayao miyazakis mothers ashes because thats what i do thats my job💅👌so theeeen it comes out pretty reminiscent of my first muriel au that also sprung up from a song i like, just- a bit to the left? like, moving along on the scale from The OG not liking violence and being involved in it whatsoever, to AU 1 where i pictured him going "yeah ok fuck it this is what i do i guess" and revengy motives to his whole thing that i now connected with him more thru the song lmao it just made me realize the vision of like. jinxies "murderingmurderinmurdering 💕fun✨" aspect + his potential desire to still do good things despite being doomed to be a machine made for destruction (ignore the fact of that desire being nonexistent in his canon form because of how he perceives himself as a thing unable to achieve performing any good ever under any circumstance) (but still refusing to actively cause harm as he isolates himself to prevent any situations arising that would lead him to do so) (ignore all that) (were yassifying him a little were allowed its fine ive already lost the plot here anyway were wildin) so a vigilanty type beat and also ~my axe is my buddy🥰 we both cry with the trees😔✊ /me & my axe will bring the devil to his knees (✿◕‿◕ )~ goes hard as phUCK
so then all that led to This new V.3 mutation where hed be actually having fun with it........ so I kinda start turning him over in my brain some more, forgetting about jink by now and at first I go Huh this is kinda. him but lucioey a lil bit. and THEN i go hm. Well this ground is awful soft n ready to dig
so with all that out of the way i can now present!: Brand New Vague Shadow of a Concept of an Idea that ill Never Do Anything with
and I really don’t know how to verbalize this very well at all mmjfdh but like. Ok bulletpoints activate
From a badass warrior tribe
Didn’t get booted out cuz theyre fine this time oopsie no genocide
Hes in there way chillin way awesome way good at fighting everybody loves him
Hes like. Way himboey in this one. SO jock. Smiles a lot <3 <3 <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3
Like okay if i was actually serious about writing this I think id need a fucking lucio consultant because I really know zilch about that bitch but like okay you know how lucios kinda all scary n cunty and cunning and fancy and seems like hes got shit figured out. Until he *starts talking*? Muriel here is like that but hes just really fucking scary until he starts talking BUT not like normally where hes adorable just has resting bitch face, its just like. that part of him that came thru in the reversed ending at the very end, yknow. but make it less depressing ihjhsrfbjs hes like full letterman jacket highschool bully core total kurt & ram vibe, like ok youd see him on a battlefield ABsolutely WRECKIng some fools into a pulp with his bare bear hands and immediately after that he turns around like WOOOOOOO THAT’S what im TALKIN ABOUT LETS GO GUYS WHO WANTS A BEER *cut to him chugging an entire keg over his head with da boys around losing their minds* like think college frat but they raid villages for fun and profit. Pretty orc coded. Kinda thor coded. Actually exactly thorcoded wow that really is what I was going for. I was wondering why I couldn’t help imagining him with a australian accent, I guess that’s a mystery solved. anyway
Maybe his parents got killed in some other battle im not sure how to weave around that in detail yet BUT- ok so check this I thought ill have to give him some motive to wanna reach the devil somehow for,,.,,… something right. to make him fill an antagonist role So this might be stupid a lil I just thought of this and it needs to cook for sure but what if he just rolled up into vesuvia as the magic capital or something whtver, to figure out how to get to talk to the devil, cuz he just like, really wants his parents back cuz they got valhallad in some glorious combat, and they were cool and he misses them and they could fight some more cool fights together and pillage n chill jhbsfvjgzdc beCAUsE hear me out im rolling with the swap inversions opposites motive here right, so the thing that popped up in my head was- Lucio had the “I wanna kill my parents bcause I hate them and so I can rule and get what I want” thing goin at the start right, like that is basically what started it off he got his dad he didnt get morgha SO what IF I gave murie a “i wanna conquer this place and use it to get my parents back. cuz I missem :(” like fully turned it around idk IDK IT SEEMS MESSY IDK IS IT CUTE IS IT DUMB IT MAKES ME FEEL DUMB BUT IN THAT WAY THAT MIGHT MEAN THAT ITS ACTUALLY WORKING BUT I DONT KNOW *screaming with no air*
But overall yeah hes khal drogo but more noticeably himboey but not in a likeable way cuz were switching them so I cant make him likeable for myself hnjdgfgb leaning into popular dumb jock trope
UnLESSSS i DID combo it with murdermuriel au 1.0 some more and made their tribe like. Not murdery somehow like what would be the opposite of the og scourge roaming around ruining shit. well that was the og kokhuri but now I gotta do some fucking triple axels here to make it make sense so how the fuck do I make this version of kokhuri more warriory in culture than the original but still nice like robinhoody style jhbfsvhjbs this is falling tf apart might need to scrap it bc on lucios end itd be even harder wouldn’t it. Spartan cunts but they don’t kill people that’s a nono lmao
now im thinking some more about the aspect of lucio being, you know. a pretty shitty leader right, and how to incorporate that here, because i have no idea if im following an actual set rule here regarding whats swapped and how even, theres barely a theme im straight up just
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but yeah so now i figure it could be murie tryna get his folks back because they were the actual defacto leaders of their tribe, he was just kinda still following along and doin his chores in being the uhh the face, the charisma, the one to kinda like. get the people on board easier with whatever decision they made for them and hyping it up as the best possible choice anyone could ever make and maybe even actually believing it too cuz theyre actually that tightknit and he trusts them with anything aw. is this too onedimensional or can i give my boy some good nice facking family relations at least in an alternate life ghhkjkfdh hes their pride n joy and can do no wrong but yeah the point is he himself hasnt actually made any decisions without them before, isnt very good at actually leading and strategizing and planning and knowing how everything complicated works and he knows it, so he sees his only solution in bringing them back to not let everything fall apart
SEE I BROUGHT IT AROUND I CLEANED UP NICE WITH OG LUCIO SETTING OFF FROM THE POINT OF FEELING LIKE HES THE BEST AT EVERYTHING AND SHOULD B RECOGNIZED AS SUCH AND TRYING TO GET RID OF HIS PARENTS TO GET IT AND MY BOY HERE ENDING UP EXACTLY OPPOSITE. GO SHAWTY GO SHAWTY IM SO SMART am i fucking up lulus backstory i feel like i am cuz im like wait what the fuck did he kill his dad for again. demonheart. deal. thing. whatd he wish. like he wasnt already running for count n shit yet he did want to climb up the ladder in his own tribe right i have no idea yell at me in comments thank you
I also don’t know if the first (last) scourge battle wouldve happened or nah
Oh my fucking god what if I figured out an alternative L moniker for murie so theyd get to switch letters in their namesssssssss like lucio is a made up name he made it up so like UAGHASHG L.,,,...,, Lion ofthe,... south NO he HAS to be bEAR CODED AAFYFFHG BUT LUCIO HAD LEOPARD IMAGERY N SHIT RAAHAHHGH IM FITIN FOR MY LIFE HERE
Anyway he lives in a forest somewhere cuz his tribe threw him out fully voluntarily bc he sucks ass (or at least for their standards cuz I guess he would be way younger than 18 here for this) (Like a spartan type deal ur too weak we don’t want you *drops you off a cliff*  *but theres 4 feet of snow under it so he survives*  *that’s so fucking goofy hjbsfbj kinda suits him*) so uhhhhhh i don’t know where hed be currently chilling for an mc to meet him ever but yeah hes kinda Floki Vikings™ type of vibe at least visually that’s what came to mind first to picture him lol
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look at this little blond rat bastard. adorable. becoming increasingly obsessed. picturing lucio with this exact hairline. moving on
and his thing is hes still insecure as fuck but worse at ignoring it and hiding it and hes a lil nervous bundle of sticks and always talking bc of it, kinda Bruno Madrigalesque type vibe julian but a pitch more pathetic who knew it could be done yknow? opposite of The OG The Mountain The Stone Cold Silent The Muriel The Scourge The Kokhuri The Third and also me when writing and not stopped in time
oh oh what if he was totes in denial that his tribe kicked him out and in his view hes on some super intense convoluted secret mission (lasting from. age 7 to now apparently) and as soon as hes done they’ll totally come back for him kdfsgjffd I thought it could either be his own copium or he took it from some last interaction with someone who took pity on him as a kid and wanted to give him some comfort, or something he misunderstood entirely
hm. They both have canid familiars idk what to do with that. muriel with two wolves tho. thats hot shit righ there if i do say so myself
oh now im toying with the idea of taking away muriels SUPPOSED YET UNCONFIRMED AS MY VERY CONTROLLED ACADEMIC STUDY HAS SHOWN COUGHCOUGHJHBSRGJBHF talking to animals buff, i dont wanna just take it and give it to lucio tho, but like. what the fuck else do i give him. astral projecting to tie into his ghost era? sounds dope actually alright lets do that lmao
ok its 1 30 am i hope this is comprehensible to anybody anywhere im zonking out now khbsfhbfk love u
@tetsuooooooooooo I've missed your essays, this was such a treat to log in to!!!
And WOW, thorcoded Muriel is not something I ever would have thought of on my own but oddly enough I feel like the AU you're coming up with could really work, goodness me. And the way you've inverted Lucio's character too!! I'd love to see how their interaction dynamics invert as well!
Always good to hear from you friend, hope you're doing well!
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mossyriverrocks · 8 months
ok uhhhh how i draw ig idk 😭 I’m really bad at this idk why I’m doing this but anyways
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^ I use either of these to sketch, usually in a brighter color. I generally gravitate towards blues but it honestly depends on who I’m drawing.
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Then I um um uh sketch idk how to like. Talk about it it just comes really naturally uhhh. I always start with the head. First you draw a circle. Y’know. And then the body underneath with like a. A line. For the shoulders and turn that into the body and like a box I guess idk. I added the red box line this just to make the anatomy clearer or something idk I usually just draw it and then move on. So I lower the sketch opacity and move on to lineart. I use a downloaded brush for it which uhhhhh I forget where I got it :( but uh it’s max stabilization because I can’t make non shaky lines lmao
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I um got a little fancy here sowwy :( so um um um um uhhh um idk 😭 lineweight ig I love lineweight!!!! 😍 I just uhhh put it where I think it should or just. Do it accidentally idk sowwy 😓
So uh I don’t actually add color before I do colors but like since she has black sclera and color eyes I was just like eh why not yknow so uh
next I add.. colors. Idk how I shade like. Changes so sometimes I do flats and sometimes I’ll just do one color and shade it and do the next color and shade so uhhh idk I’ll do flats first here
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So uh. Flats. Idk not much to say here. I just color picked from her ref. And chose colors when I needed to bc that’s not her usual outfit
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So then I just. Idk. Hue shifting 😍 I just add stuff where it feels right tbh sorry :(
I don’t actually use a light source for most things unless it’s like really dramatic I probably should. Do that…..
and then I like. Idk just. Repeat. For. The other colors. Sorry this is NOT helpful I’m sorry 😭 I usually like. So for the edge of the shadow I add a darker color shifted to the left or right, and towards the … uhhh opposite side of the edge I add a slightly lighter color also shifted. Bounce light or something idk. Then like highlights if I want idk 😭
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So um I went too far oopsies but uhhh yeah look at her go we aren’t done yet though so uhhh um uh i honestly don’t know from here I just. Add stuff until it looks cool enough. I gotta edit the cigarette smoke (WHICH BY THE WAY, NOT TRYING TO MAKE IT LOOK COOL. SMOKING GIVES YOU CANCER SO UM. PROBABLY DONT) and uhhhh yeah idk I’ve said all I can basically 😭😭😭😭😭 I kinda lose myself in the process and like. Don’t think at all? I kinda forget I or anything else exists. Why I like drawing: 🤭 but ummmmm um um yeah see you on the other side ig 😞
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Yea. Um. Um. Yea. If you have questions pLEASE ask I like. I didn’t this very badly 😓 but anyways yeah that’s my. Crappy art tutorial featuring my OC Luna
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r4bidcherry · 8 months
had a shower thought that turned into a shower rant so
heres my explanation on why next season (if we get one) having even more queer rep wouldnt be "too much" (this is mostly for like td reddit and twitter cause i know the fandom here wouldnt complain about having more queer rep lol)
(also realized in the middle of writing i drop a lot of hot takes and controversial opinions so uh oopsies)
firstly, the main one we all know, mkulia. they have a lot of chemistry already, hell even more chemistry than most of the straight relationships have had ik terry has joked about it a lot but seriously. and not to talk about queer discourse here but theres this idea that lesbians somehow have it easier to get queer rep, which im pretty sure most of us agree that isnt true lol, and the fact that so many people already think that rajbow is enough and that lesbians just need to stop complaining is pretty gross to see and kinda proves that thats not true lmao, especially all the stuff that terry is saying on twitter and im glad to see that im not the only one that thinks thats weird as hell. honestly most of the time i wouldnt care if i ship i like was made canon or not, however mkulia being canon would be the thing that rajbow shippers love to brag about rajbow being which is a big step foward. ive already made it pretty clear how i dont think rajbow is some godsend that absolves freshtv of all of their homophobic wrongdoings, however my opinion could very well change if we got mkulia because it would actually show me that they actually care about queer rep and didnt just add it in for brownie points. ik ive been sucking mkulias dick but seriously it IS important
secondly, there are like a buttload of straight ships in total drama, like probably even more than the average tv show considering all the characters and the fact its focused on, yknow, drama, having like 3 queer relationships out of like the 40 straight relationships is farrrr from being "too much". weve had even more in the reboot too like chemma, ripaxel, priyleb, we could have some more variety to even it out a bit
thirdly, the reboot is set in the present day. queer relationships are way more common than they were back then and honestly having mkulia and hell even maybe another queer relationship wouldnt be so out there crazy
but also if we dont get mkulia and/or another queer relationship itll be disappointing but honestly it isnt anything to like attack anyone over lol trust me. however it will be my conformation that freshtv doesnt deserve as much praise as theyre getting for giving us the bare minimum lol
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gstring-theorist · 5 months
Hi!!! For the questions:
10, 16, 34, 57, 69 (nice)
Of course skip ones if you don't want to answer!
hello dear mutual!! ty for the questions me and the hoes love answering questions
10. When was your last physical fight?
never been in like an actual physical fight before, though i did nearly punch this girl i was friends with in 7th grade for saying my house is stinky lol. my work now makes it look like i get in a fuckton of fights but that's because my dear sweet kiddos at work are so talented at hitting me and stepping directly on my big toe and all that. they beat me up but I love them <33
16. How exactly are you feeling at this moment?
im alright! just woke up like an hour ago and i was in big jaw pain but i took a motrin and got a big ol ice pack sitting on my face while i watch a jim gaffigan special that someone else in the house put on. thinking about me and my boyfriend's dream of opening a small business too so im 🥰
34. What was your last dream about?
haha oopsie my last dream was a nightmare about my work lmao. no fun. i think it ended in this labyrinthine chase scene (with attack dogs chasing me?? i think????) but it felt like it was distinctly from a specific video game i had seen/played before but i have no idea which one
57. Do you believe in true love?
yknow, not something i necessarily think about but let's say why not. i think it takes a long time to develop and isn't just instant but not to be sappy, if my boyfriend isn't my true love i genuinely don't know what else true love could be. it's about trust and openness and accepting and all that idk
69 (nice). Do you believe in soul mates?
idk honestly! i definitely think people can be deeply suited to be together but i feel like a lot of the time, 'soulmate' refers to some predetermined thing and idk if it's like that at all. i think life experience and all that variable shit matters too much for any two people to be definite soulmates that will be compatible at any point in both their lives but i fs think that people can just click, be it romantic or platonic or whatever the hell
this was really fun ty for the ask!!!!
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wackymaci · 10 months
I guess I’m using this as a casual oc posting blog now too?? cause this is from priv twt and I don’t necessarily wanna put it on the big blog since it’s an unorganized mess lmao
but so long as I’m posting convo snippets and related moments. allow me to transfer over a thread i’d made re:,, Eisa and Einmyria, Tory’s oopsie twins with Loki — if you don’t know from my twt (dm me for circumstances if you’re really curious and nosy lmfao) the elysiumverse IS undergoing some minor restructuring over the past few months & still now for.,,,, reasons. some of which involves some retconning to completely delete some obscure characters from the common consciousness & massively overhauling others -
THATS not super important but you’ll see why that’s sort of relevant, anyway for preservation purposes I am going to!! copy and paste a specific twitter thread as bullet points and it’s attached OOOO CANON CLIPS underneath the cut bc :-)))))) this is all about Loki obviously mwah
fuckin hello if I write lokikid Tobias out of existence that means the first of Loki’s children that HE didn’t carry HIMSELF like — EVER beforehand - were Eisa&Einmyria with Tory? he was a basketcase at the time for other reasons (accident babies, Maci was not happy,🤪) but if I retcon now it’s so much worse🤩
due to the series of tragic events befalling his first six children Loki has ALWAYS been highly anxious and cagey every time he’s been pregnant anyway and havin to trust someone else now w them was. oh god let me go back in time I feel like I didn’t give that enough wEIGHT AAHHHH
saying this wholeheartedly with the knowledge that even with or without *deliberately* devoting the proper amount of gravity to this Loki canonically was still so stressed out at the time he literally triggered the beginning of Ragnarok but, like, lmao meh,, EDIT to add that whole series of events with Thanatos happened DURING Tory’s pregnancy w them so that’s like. Loki: no i’m not psychologically affected from how that all went down at all :-) -*THE END OF THE WORLD ACCIDENTALLY BEGINS*
haha did I ever discuss how Eisa and Einmyria were conceived. well:
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and of course; the follow up part 8 (Bel and Ty were like,, idk age 6?)—
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kicky feet lmao reading this whooooole chain of events is so wild, just some of the most utterly delightfully vicious behavior cycling between Maci and Loki and Tory this was SO much scream fighting on and on, would get resolved and then exploded again, just SO unhinged—
so reading this now 10 years later where - Maci & Loki & Tory do successfully co-parent Eisa and Einmyria with zero issues lmao and. where lately Loki’s made a complete 180 re: Maci and Tory in.,,, an insanely nsfw domesticated way is so. wow the difference a decade makes,, SCREAM
at this point in this twitter thread, a brief several day interlude takes place during which the l0ki show finale premieres and pisses me off enough for me to return to this thread in a slightly different direction lmfao??? the following;
BACK 2 ELYSIUM. Ty & Bel when they were kiddos were obsessed with Loki - god whose every word out of his mouth is a lie VS mindreading “children” who could literally see all of his actual thoughts & deep insecurities, especially when Drama Occurred & Loki refused to fuckin talk to anyone—
when goin thru that Eisa Einmyria plot collection I found yet another huge scene tht Loki’d caused with Tory & Maci (dont forget this timeframe was SOOO VICIOUS) & found afterwards Bel finding him & talking to him with, quote—
“They can't understand that you wreck things when you're nervous”
ssso um, elysiumLoki thesis statement, oh hh,hhhHHHHH— 🥺🥺🥺
Yknow what I went back and retrieved that exact section again an d it’s. so. I think Bel was like age 6 here lmfao:
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collapses. just think this thread was recorded BEFORE I plunged myself into the 2012 section of the archives during Loki’s first entrance into Elysium so. honestly all these convo snippets I may or may not post MAY or MAY NOT be E!L related AAAHHHHHH— anyway. thoughts..,,,, thots…….,,
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krenenbaker · 10 months
some other info i have so far is like (as spoiler free as possible just in case)
lucio (possibly considering he goes by montag in this au?) simply ran away from home, discovered how to use magic, became a mercenary before leaving and settling in vesuvia
im thinking he sells like enchanted items for funsies :3
he does also still have mercedes and melchior
he and asra befriend each other (thats so weird saying lmao) he also has a little oopsie and gets revived. yknow as one does lol its just so weird imagining asra caring enough about lucio to revive him
for count!luc, this song really captures their vibe though you dont need to listen ofc
gosh i just wanna write this. idec if i finish it, maybe i should just get at least one chapter out
i have more info but i need to figure out how to describe it, im not good at keeping info bite-sized lol
fhaskjlhal that's all so cool!!! the backstories, the Lucio and Asra friendship (heLLO??), the fact his still has his pups, and just... aaaa I love all of it!!
don't stress too much about getting things finished - if you just get thoughts and ~vibes~, that's also great! it sounds like you have some pretty great ideas with this!!
(also, that song is SUCH A VIBE OMGG)
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thepillowhoarder · 1 month
Intro post since I’m actually like. being active here lol
Name(s)? // Jasper mainly, Darius and Shibe too
Pronouns? // It/They, Woof/Bark too if you’re silly, He/Him is fine but not preferred
Gender n shit? // Transmasc non-binary pupgender, asexual demipolyromantic. Tldr gaaaaaay picture of rocks being thrown at elephant
Age? // Minor that doesn’t like sharing their age 💥 I’ll share my age when I turn 18
Misc // CST timezone. Therian (“correct” term is probably otherkin though), I’m a shiba inu the same way Puss n Boots (from the movie) is a cat you feel me. If that’s weird oopsies! I’m also a furry. Use tone indicators I’m not always the best with tone. Send me asks if you want idc. Allergic to keeping my thoughts short and concise
Interests? // Music is The Big One. Super hyperfixated on Halley Labs rn for that exact reason. Also a huge fan of Patricia Taxxon and old school happy hardcore/gabber. Non-music related interests include Splatoon and Birdo specifically. Love Birdo she’s so silly. Also furry stuff duh, love fursuits love furry art. I’m an artist 👍
What’re you gonna post? // Whatever I’m most hyperfixated on in the moment probably. Right now that’s Halley Labs, as you’ve probably noticed lol. Will probably post anything fandom related in general. Maybe oc stuff if i feel like it but probably not… idk. We’ll see
Other socials? // I’m ThePillowHoarder on ToyHouse and DeviantArt. I’ve stopped using DA, though. Suuuper active on TH. Same user on Reddit and Artfight if you care about those. I post my music on YouTube, I’m LeoLupes there. Mhuskydovie on Scratch if anyone gives a shit lmao I’m mostly inactive tho
DNI? // I’m too lazy to type all of it. Normal Shit, truscums and anti neopronouns included. If you use pro/anti ship language unironically (ask if you want an explanation I guess(also i’m not very serious about this. like if i see that you use these terms it’s not gonna deter me from interacting i just don’t wanna get involved yknow)). Adult blogs. Ai shit. Idk. Dni if ur a weirdo /neg interact if you’re a weirdo /pos
Anything else? // Nope have a good day lol
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wooahaes · 2 years
you had to break my heart (it’s crying for junghwan rn) so i’m giving you heartbroken!junghwan au please make it happy so that you can mend both of ours 😭
this ask is me @ myself planning a fic for [redacted] after breaking his heart in [fic i've posted here] bc i became too sad over him being heartbroken and wanted him to find love and be happy
so!!! u mentioned in our dms the idea of hwan being like... oblivious to the fact ppl like him and crush on him? he's babie its understandable. ppl who are not babie have also been incredibly oblivious lmao. plus hes currently heartbroken over the other reader-doyoung situation (he's happy for them bc they're happy, but he's also hurting). thats where u come in!! u and hwan have a class together and end up paired for a project, and u just kinda break through those walls kinda easily bc ur presence is just v soothing? so he kinda confesses to you that his crush started dating someone else but tht hes happy for them, but also it hurts :( yknow?
so u just kinda make it ur goal to help him cope w all of it!! friend dates :) u stress that its just platonic stuff and he understands but the two of u keep going out on cute lil friendly dates. thrift shopping n ice cream n stuff like that. someone eventually refers to u as his partner and he goes to correct them but realizes oopsie he kinda is crushing on you now? but he doesnt know if he can rly. date u yet.
so idk i think u would catch on tht things have changed and ask him to be honest with u. when he struggles, u tell him u like him (catching him off guard) and he confesses that he Does like you, but isnt sure about like... going out with you yet. u ask why, and it takes a lil bit of talking before it comes out tht he doesnt feel like things are awkward between him and his former crush. u suggest talking it out, and he doesnt want to jeopardize the friendship. u say it might help, and he says he'll consider it. maybe theres a mutual 'lets take a few days to take care of ourselves and talk again when we feel better, okay?' agreement between u since its a lot to process.
(he 100% goes home and gets flustered bc oh. wait. crush reciprocated...? heart go boom boom ykno)
maybe scene of him going to doyoung and an honest convo? where he talks abt how much it kinda hurt to see doyoung and his partner get together after everything, but tht he's happy for them. he's allowed to be kinda heartbroken and maybe we get an apology from doyoung here bc he Did come off as aggressive and never properly apologized to him for tht. maybe hwan mentions theres someone else now and doyoung supports him in it.
anyway kiss kiss fall in luv <3 u two end up talking again and being ready to take tht next step forward together and go on ur first Real date together :3
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yoonstanha · 6 years
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rubiatinctorum · 4 years
tfw u cant tell if ur catching feelings or not!!!!!!!!
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lemonlurkrr · 3 years
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@aureateart​ ok. My favourite parts of twilight princess  (and some other random thoughts about TP sprinkled in there) taken from my monster TP word vomit google doc :
Link lmao
Ok but for real, I like this incarnation of Link :)
I love Ordon (it just seems like such a chill and cozy village)
ALSO love how easy it is to interpret Link as being a sort of older brother figure to the Ordon kiddos. It’s just,, super cute? AND GHHH nice nice good thanks nintendo for giving me characters to care about/characters that I can imagine Link caring about
He didn’t sign up for any of this (tbh, none of the Links really signed up for this jshdjsd). But I mean like, dude was just going to take a trip to castle town, drop a gift off for the royal family, and come back. But haHA oopsies he did get to castle town eventually but definitely not the way he expected hsjdhsd
He’s just a little dude?
everything is new for the player AND Link
She’s cool :)
she really just
*teleports into your jail cell* hello whore.
I am no master at writing but AYYYY she do got a character arc!!!
She was actually pretty helpful sometimes, I ALWAYS checked in with her before turning to a game guide
Other NPCs
Love all of the TP character designs (ASHEI’S ARMOUR??? AOWOAOAOOAO)
Saving Zelda and all of Hyrule was important yea but thinking back maybe it was more like, the Ordonians and the kids were what was pushing Link to keep on going
I like the Resistance members :) Very video gamey of them to have one NPC assigned to each dungeon but hey!!! Kinda cool getting to see a little glimpse of each of em
Idk, it’s just fun to imagine Link popping into Telma’s bar after each dungeon and taking a little rest :) (or to celebrate? maybe just chat, idk, give this man some downtime!!)
Honestly it was just kind of nice that Link wasn’t entirely alone. I mean, I know Midna was there the whole time, but I am always for giving Link a big group of friends (see my love for hyrule warriors, age of calamity, and LU LMAO)
Hero’s shade, very very cool, kinda sad he died with regrets but HEY. He got to pass on his knowledge eventually
AND the connection to OoT?? AND assumed to be related by blood too????? GOOD SHIT
Ilia, I REALLY really wanted to like her (er, it’s not like I dislike her, she’s just,,, kinda there for me).
It definitely seems like Nintendo was pushing to make her the romantic interest, but GHHHHH they really threw that out of the window for me by having her lose her memories
I saw a text post a while ago that said it would have been interesting if Ilia was Link’s sister instead and YES!! That would have been cool too :0
Wish we got to know Zelda a little more
I feel like we barely know anything about her
Idk man, like I said earlier, I never really had any sort of drive to save Zelda during my playthroughs
She obviously knows Midna, so maybe if they gave us just a little bit more of that relationship I’d be more interested in her?
Botw has good world building too, but each race felt kinda,,, isolated? I absolutely love the different architecture and vibe each town has (and all the the weapons too) but ghhh yea everyone felt so separated. As far as I can remember, we don’t see tooo much of the races interacting with each other? Now that I’m typing that out maybe that’s to be expected because of the calamity but KLSJDKJFD ANYWAYS THIS IS ABOUT TP
The world feels nice and alive, love how populated everything is
Castle town I like castle town a lot, it feels dense and busy and I really like how you can’t talk to every NPC you see
Very cool very fun that we got to see the Gorons hanging out in multiple spots
kinda wish we got to see the Zoras a little more (I guess they are a bit limited since they need water but GHHHH the tp zoras are so prebby,,)
BUT HEY, I do remember seeing a zora or two hanging out in the hot springs around death mountain after beating the lakebed temple (I think, might have been a different dungeon) 
but aaaa would have been nice to see them in at least a couple of other places. I think it would have really added to the “congrats Link!! You’re restoring peace to Hyrule” feeling you get from seeing the Gorons hanging out in Kakariko and Castle Town
Love how chill it is and how it’s kind of separate from Hyrule proper
They really do seem to be doing their own thing apart from the rest of Hyrule
Just kinda adds onto the “he’s just a regular dude minding his own business” kind of vibes I get from TP Link
Also I like Ordona :)
Love their design
And love how they’re not exactly like a pure white?
Different spirit representing each aspect of the triforce my beloved
But yes hi I think Ordona is very cool
Who are you, how did you get here, which goddess do you represent? Do you even represent one of the three golden goddesses? Do the Ordonians know about you? Have any of them ever SEEN you??? Do they worship you? Does anybody even know about the existence of the light spirits?? FUCK so many questions but ghhh I like how they broke the status quo a bit by throwing in a fourth spirit :)
I feel like this one is kinda weird but I like that voice sample they used in the light spirit music. It’s spooky and pretty at the same time :)  
cutscenes mmmmm
Ok ok, the spooky lanayru cutscene is very good
IT just
Idk man
It just hit different
I like the music
And seeing the light spirits swimming around in the light juice water whatever it is
Summoning the light arrows?
AND HHHHH “Lend us the last of your power!” THIS IS IT. This is the final battle.
Seeing Zelda bow down, and then Link putting his hand out 👌👌👌
Link: ok bud, let’s do this together :)
Connection to OoT (did I already mention this? Maybe., Whatever)
Very cool nintendo :)
I love seeing connections between all the diff zelda games.
Because like, on one hand, they’re all separate from each other because of yknow, individual hero stuff. BUT ALSO, they’re all connected because of the reincarnation stuff
Grrrr walking through the sacred grove and going “The Hero of Time walked around here a long time ago” FUCK THATS SO COOL
Is the Hero’s Shade watching me? What does he think of me? DIsappointed? Proud? The Hero of Time went through HELL so this timeline didn’t have to deal with any of the shit Ganon was gonna pull with the triforce, better not fuck this UP Link!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Midlink is cute
Kinda hurts that she smashed the mirror but that was probably so Nintendo didn’t have to worry about people going “but what about the twili??????” for any of the other games LMAO
BUT ALSO LIKE SKJDKLJFJ There are some pretty massive plot holes in TP anyway so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ whatever it’s fine we’ll just use this for angst because GOD do y’all like angst
So is Shadlink
Honestly don’t know where this ship came from but it’s cute so whatever
Love Midna’s theme and how they referenced the dark world theme from ALttP (I remember trying to learn the dark world theme on the piano and doing the Leonardo DiCaprio point meme at the little jingle I recognized from Midna’s theme)
Hyrule field theme SLAPS.
Apparently references a couple of the other over-world themes from the previous zelda games (I got this from 8-bit Music theory’s video on the over-world zelda themes, he talks about TP at around 11:40 but def recommend watching the whole video if you’re into music analysis stuff)
So there’s this bit of the Hyrule Field theme, I don’t know the official name for it but I remember seeing somewhere it being called the “at an advantage theme” since yeah, you hear it during the boss music whenever you expose their weak points. FUCKINGGG LOVE THAT. Didn’t notice it during my first playthrough, but hearing it during my second was like a little easter egg for my ears every time :)
Midna’s lament is very pretty (and fun to play on the piano)
I didn’t care for it too much when I started playing the game but hearing it in ZREO’s arrangement of the Hyrule Field theme literally makes me turn into a puddle of emotions. Also hearing it around and of the Ordon kids (I think it plays after Link saves Colin) AAAAAAAAAAAAA
Orchestra piece #1 and #2 HOLY SHIT???????????????? 
Literally, the first time I listened to those I just,,,, plugged in my headphones, volume 100, layed on the floor/against my desk and silently vibed. I don’t know what the hell it is, but those two just fit so well with TP?? I still avoid listening to them nowadays cause if I DO I definitely will get overwhelmed with the “god I love this game so FUCKING MUCH” kind of feels.
Wolf link sucks at singing
the first time I heard him howling Zelda’s Lullaby I lost my shit because LKSJLDKSGLKJFSKG god that was.,, Bad. Anyways, hearing him howl some of the songs from OoT was cute :)
VERY GOOD. IT’s like 10 minutes long and GOD do I love every single second of it. It doesn’t have the same energy as the skyward sword staff roll or the orchestra pieces but GOD does it hit good??
Nice and calm after that big exciting adventure. Maybe it would have been more fun or emotional to have a higher energy piece but it was really nice getting to sit back and watch the camera fly around Hyrule. Seeing like, the Gorons and the Zoras having a good time, the kids returning to Ordon? GOOD SHIT.
and AAAAA that end, when you hear the main Zelda theme and see Link riding off out of Faron woods on Epona… good shit. It gets you thinking, where the hell is he going? What is he doing? Off ot do more adventuring? Going to help out the resistance or something? Going to help Zelda? Or maybe he’s trying to figure out a way to restore the mirror of twilight? Whoooo knows.
I also want to acknowledge the instrument/samples they used for all the twili stuff.
They’re all just so unique and contrast SO well with the rest of the TP OST. LIKE FUCK!! Anytime I hear the screech from the Twilit Kargarok? Sends a shiver down my spine. I associate those sounds SO strongly with the twili realm. (Like, the same way you associate the BSHEWW VVWWMMM sounds with light sabers)
I love it so god damn much
literally any time there’s a certain sound or motif associated with something I lose my shit
Sacred grove sacred grove sacred gro-
lovely lovely lovely so much fun playing that on the piano. AND again, I did the Leonardo DiCaprio pointing meme when I heard the theme from the lost woods come in GHHHHHHHH
shoutout to TP Faron Woods for helping me study and get through all of my schoolwork
BLEGUUHHH can you tell that I really love music?
and also yea I guess TP is kinda cool too :\
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1am ask pog. straight to the point yknow how Gregory is batshit crazy and has little to no remorse when dealing with the glamrocks (-freddy) and vanny? What if Gregory!Yuu did the same thing when dealing with delinquents at NRC and Overblots. A calulative feral magicless human with a fire cat. Albeit not killing or seriously injurying the students but like basically finds too many ways moral or not to get out of situations and blunt asf. You can do both a 10yo and a 16yo. its a half baked idea but add on plz. Writing this i realize how similar My twst mc Evan and Gregory are in terms of being Feral 10 year olds with very questionable morals, oopsie-
Okie so I know you said Gregory!Yuu but I’m doing Afton!Yuu (sorry) but anyways-
So I we’re gonna say Yuu died at 16-18 and is kinda just- stuck like that (as a robot or not- up to you)
Yes they can and will become the terminator should someone try to start a fight with them or their boys/hj
Will go batshit crazy if Yuu perceives the person to be a real threat, but usually just leaves them with a few bruises and a sprain and/or tries to diffuse the situation verbally
For angst purposes I also imagine someone trying to bully on of their friends and while trying to stop them accidentally say something like “Stop bullying Evan(C.C), Michael.”
After the delinquent runs away (with a few new bruises and a possibly sprained wrist) their friend asks them who Evan and Michael are. Yuu gives a solemn smile, “they are people too far away for me to reach.”
(Also I can see Yuu adopting Gregory after like 5 seconds of meeting him lmao)
Sorry if this wasn’t exactly the answer you were looking for but I appreciate the ask! These help me practice writing and getting my thoughts together (plus I like hearing other’s thoughts)
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hoodoo12 · 2 years
yknow how when you eat a sucker it leaves that cherry or apple flavored film on your lips? what if one day you were eating one while beej was there and the two of you were like watching a movie or something and you were already kinda sorta teasing him with the way you were eating it and after you drag it across your lips one last time he finally kisses you and he acts all surprised and is kind of taken aback with how you taste and then oh BOY and then he takes it from you and starts dragging it all over your body—stomach, neck, nipples, thighs—as he licks it for… added flavor. “it’s you, but new limited edition cherry/grape/strawberry flavor” OR “if your tongue circles that sucker one more time, i’ll fuck your face till you can’t talk anymore” HEGHDHD URGH WHY AM I LIKE THIS
or beej x food kink in general. maybe he blindfolds her and drips chocolate down her stomach before licking it up and she’s like bruh wtf is that and so he puts some on his hands and sticks his fingers in her mouth MY GOD
you and him are eating like brownie bites or some shit and you both go for the last one at the same time and you’re like “oh no u have it (^ν^)” but beej, mr “any act of kindness gives me a raging boner” puts it in his mouth and bites it in half so he can give you the other half while he kisses you I DONT KNOW IF THAT MAKES SENSE and he’d say some smug shit like “bet i taste better than that brownie, huh?” or “the brownies are gone, but there’s plenty of me left” OR “you should buy more bite sized foods so i can eat almost all of it and then do that again” OR OR OR “a little bit of me, a little bit of chocolate—your favorite” UGHHHH THIS MAN
or some aggravating shit like “if you like that, next time i’ll spit in the brownie batter” which isn’t even hot that’s just gross but it’s such a bj thing to say
maybe you’re making cake together and he like boops your nose with the batter on his finger all cute and been like and you take his hand and suck it off whoops oopsie daisy you got bj going lets hope the oven doesn’t burn the house down in the meantime
and maybe he licks frosting off of you…
he fingers you with a green apple flavored lube and makes you lick it off his fingers UM
all nsfw scenarios, of course
im sorry this is so long and i’ve already made another request on top of this one lolol i just love ur writing so much and i love beej lmao
Oh, you think I haven't written Beetlejuice + food + reader/OC before?!
I've got a 6000+ word scene edited and ready to go. Full disclosure, it was written a year ago as part of a lengthy ongoing rp and includes lots of naughty elements . . .
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randombubblegum · 2 years
how was your day? Was fine? Did you eat plenty? Did you make lots of friends? Did you get in fights? Oh I hope you didn't get in fights I hate when you do what if you get hurt? Anyways, how was your day?-mom
you had to bypass the title of my askbox telling you not to make this joke at me to send me this just now but yknow what. the visual of my mom coming on tumblr to ask me if i got into a physical fight is funny enough that ill use it as a diary prompt
today was good ^^ i woke up rested after passing out early bc i was so exhausted from go go go super social birthday weekend….. then i came on tumblr for the first time in a while to discover shit had hit the fan. THEN i got to look at avas beautiful amazing stupendous showstopping never been done before masterwork of a birthday present for me and literally spent some time bawling about it in real life LMAO…….. still obsessed. losing my mind. i accidentally didnt eat until 7pm (oops) but then i had a big bowl of tom yum soup so i think that counts as eating plenty. did not get into any fights. DID love my friends. umm i have a translation job due tomorrow morning and i was gonna do it today but im only just now getting to it oopsie. the end(:
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