#so yeah too many things to do ehe but i'll be back promise!!!
hello7soone · 1 year
i really win in life knowing i look cute when i cry <3
0 notes
brbsoulnomming · 1 year
Tell Me Sweet Little Lies Part 14
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | AO3
Everyone does end up having to go home. Except him, obviously, and Steve, whose house Eddie has learned he's apparently going to be squatting in until they can figure out a way to clear his name.
Is it squatting if he's invited? Eh, whatever.
Nancy and Robin swing by to drop off the prescriptions they'd picked up for Eddie. Both of them linger, long enough that Eddie thinks they might just stay - kind of wants them to stay, torn between wanting to be alone with Steve and not wanting to be alone with Steve.
Robin hugs Steve really tight, and he folds her up in his arms and holds her close, just staying like that for a long, long few minutes, talking so quietly they can't be heard. Nancy takes both their hands and squeezes when they're done, and surprises Eddie by giving his hand a squeeze as well. Robin looks like she kind of wants to launch herself at Eddie and hug him, too, but she settles for ruffling his hair, and then grimacing when her hand comes away grimy.
He laughs at her, and they promise to check in tonight, then they both leave.
Mrs. Sinclair comes to pick up Lucas and Erica and Max, and Eddie stays out of sight with his heart hammering in his throat, but they don't venture beyond the front hallway. Eddie can't quite make out what she says as she picks them up, but her tone is low and worried, and there's an underlying note of a familiarity, a gratitude, as she speaks briefly to Steve.
Eddie wonders, again, how long they've all been doing this. How many times their parents have worried about them, how many times Steve has apparently brought them home safely, looking beat to hell.
Mrs. Henderson is much louder when she comes to collect Dustin, though she doesn't go into the living room either. He can hear her fussing over the bandages around Steve's neck, asking how bad it is, sounding only mildly reassured when he tells her that it wasn't as bad as Starcourt. She asks him to come stay with her and Dustin, and Eddie thinks he can hear something like longing in Steve's voice when he declines, promising to come to dinner next week instead.
Then it's just him and Steve.
Steve collapses on the recliner, tipping his head back. Eddie's eyes are drawn to the long line of his throat, the stretch of tendons and muscle broken up by white gauze.
His mouth goes dry.
"I've got a guest room ready for you upstairs," Steve says.
His throat works as he speaks, and it takes Eddie a moment to process it.
"Fuck," Eddie mumbles. "Stairs, really?"
Steve laughs softly, tipping his head back up. "Yeah. It's got an ensuite and the bed's decent, we can set you up a lot better in there."
Eddie swallows. He wants to ask why Steve's doing this for him, but he's a little bit afraid of the answer, so he just makes an exaggerated whine of complaint.
It works to make Steve chuckle again, at least, rolling his eyes.
"Yeah, yeah, you'll be glad once you're in an actual bed. Look, I'll get you some food and your next dose of meds first, just hang tight for a bit."
Eddie grumbles unintelligibly, but honestly, Steve's probably right. He must doze off a little, because the next thing he knows, Steve is gently shaking him awake, helping him sit up, and giving him something.
"What's this?" he asks, blinking blearily down at the bowl Steve handed him. It kind of looks like chunky baby food, though it smells pretty good.
"Oh, uh, frozen shepherd's pie," Steve says. "Not a lot to work with right now, we'll have to see about a grocery run soon. But I figure it's probably at least better than snacks and hospital food."
Eddie shrugs. "Not exactly a picky eater over here," he says as he digs in.
It's warm, and tastes a hell of a lot better than it looks. Like meatloaf and mashed potatoes all mixed up together, all hearty and comforting.
"S'good," he mumbles around a full mouth, prompting Steve to make a face at him.
"Don't talk with your mouth full, gross," Steve bitches.
Eddie feels compelled to stick his tongue out at him, still with some mashed potato remnants stuck to it, and Steve rolls his eyes.
"You make this?" Eddie asks, once he's swallowed the rest of the potato.
"Yeah." Steve scratches the back of his neck, just above the bandage. "Sometimes I'll freeze up smaller portions if I make something big, so I have stuff to grab when I'm in a hurry. Or when I've got recuperating metal-heads in my living room."
Eddie huffs a little laugh. "That a common occurrence? And here I thought I was special," he teases.
"You're something," Steve returns, though the grin he gives him is wide and fond as he reaches for the prescription bag Robin'd dropped off, pulling out the pair of bottles within and reading them over. "You're not due for your antibiotics yet, but you can have the pain meds."
He opens the bottle up, then pauses, frowning down into it. "Did they give you the wrong prescription?"
"No," Eddie says, feeling exhausted.
"But we have the same meds, and mine is like. Four times this amount, even though your injuries are way worse, infection aside," Steve says, looking back up at him with his brow furrowed.
"They said it's because I left against medical advice."
Steve snorts. "That's a load of crap."
Eddie sighs. "What do you want me to tell you, Steve? You know what my side job is. The whole town does. Every time I go to the ER for something, to them, I'm just drug seeking."
Steve looks stricken, and god, Eddie's not sure he can take any well meaning pity right now. He kind of wants the couch to just swallow him up.
There's just silence, though, and then Steve's jaw sets in determination. He gets up, leaving Eddie floundering a little and staring after him as he walks into the kitchen, returning with a bottle that looks almost identical to the one Eddie was given.
He sits back down, popping them both open, and promptly tips his bottle to start dumping his own pills into Eddie's.
"Whoa, hey, what the fuck!" Eddie struggles to get up without hurting himself or dropping his bowl, gives up, and tries his best to glare at Steve from his position on the couch under the blankets.
"You need them more," Steve says stubbornly. "It's not like I'm going to take them, anyway."
Fuck, that's worse than pity, and Eddie feels his blood boil.
"No, of course not." Eddie sneers. "Is His Majesty above such petty things like pain? Would he rather muscle through on sheer meathead determination than turn to drugs like the lower class?"
Steve goes very still. "Do you really think that?" he asks quietly.
Eddie opens his mouth to snap that he doesn't have to think it, that Steve just showed him it, but - he looks at the expression on Steve's face instead, how it's gone closed off but it isn't hard, isn't angry. It's just blank. Abruptly, Eddie feels wrong-footed, like he'd fallen back on old habits and responded as the guy everyone thinks he is, to the guy he used to think Steve was.
"No," he says, just as quietly. "I don't really think that."
Steve's frozen exterior melts a little, and he shakes a pair of pills out into his hand, holds them out for Eddie to take. Eddie does, swallows them dry, and shovels another spoon of shepherd's pie into his mouth to keep it occupied. Steve looks like he's thinking about something, and Eddie doesn't want to risk saying something to throw him off.
"It's not that I'm trying to muscle through," Steve says, apparently coming to a decision. "I was drugged last time we dealt with Upside Down shit, it was a whole thing." He waves his hand. "I was high as hell for some of what was going down, and it was. Not a great time."
Eddie tries to imagine fighting off the demobats while drugged out of his mind, and goes a little pale. "Fuck."
"Yeah," Steve says. "I can't really do anything stronger than alcohol or the occasional joint now."
"Fuck," Eddie says, softer and with more feeling. "Jesus Christ, I'm such an ass, why do you even like me?"
Steve opens his mouth, and Eddie flails, slapping his hand over Steve's mouth before he can say anything.
"Nope, nuh-uh, this is an apology, not a ploy to get you to say nice things about me," Eddie insists. "Okay?"
Steve's laughing at him, he can tell just by his eyes, but he waits until Steve nods before he pulls his hand away.
"That's not what I think of you," Eddie says again. "I got defensive and lashed out, and it wasn't fair. I'm sorry."
The laughter in Steve's eyes fades, and he looks - caught out, all surprised and vulnerable, and he's staring at Eddie with something like wonder.
It makes Eddie squirm, feeling both like he doesn't know what he did to get that look and like he never wants it to stop.
"Thank you. Apology accepted." Steve's quiet for a moment before adding, "I'm sorry, too. I could tell you were upset but you didn't want sympathy, so I just."
He shrugs, and Eddie's going to press him more about what he just, but first - "You could tell?"
"Yeah. Your face does this thing - you're usually so expressive, but you just kind of shut down, like you're resigned."
Oh. Fuck. He hadn't realized Steve noticed him like that, and he focuses really hard on the other thing he wanted to push about to avoid thinking about it too much. "So you just?"
Steve gives him a crooked little smile. "Jumped to fixing it. Robin says I have this thing, where if someone I care about is upset and I don't know what else to do, I try to fix it. But sometimes how I try to fix it and what they want are different things."
Eddie's mouth opens, and before he knows it he's said, "I'm okay with that."
Steve blinks at him. "Really?"
Eddie'd shrug, but he's not sure his shoulder - or his entire torso - is up for the motion right now, so he just tries to look as casual as possible while half huddled on the couch, in hospital scrubs. "Yeah. People don't try to fix things for me, not unless it's my uncle. Might be kind of nice."
"Oh." Steve's got this look on his face like he doesn't know what to do with that - maybe he hasn't gotten many people who let him try to fix things for them.
Which, fair enough. Under any other circumstances, Eddie'd probably be one of those, just - he doesn't think he's lying, even not touching the fact that Steve hadn't reacted to what he said. "I'm probably going to be a dick about it when I'm not recovering from being half dead, though," he adds, just to be safe.
Steve snorts. "You've met just about all of my friends, man, that's nothing new. Usually I do a decent job at figuring out when they're just being dicks and when I'm actually going too far, but they're good about telling me when I don't get it right. They do it when I'm being too much of a dick, too."
"I can do that," Eddie decides. "Tell you if you're going too far."
He probably shouldn't make decisions right after leaving the hospital against medical advice, but screw it, he's doing it anyway.
"Okay," Steve says after another moment of consideration, then narrows his eyes at him. "I'm still taking a rain check on telling you all the things I like about you. It's getting to be kind of a long list."
Eddie gapes at him. Fuck, he can feel his cheeks burning, and he really hopes he can blame it on the bite wounds or the pain meds.
Hopes Steve won't ask, because he knows that would be a lie.
"Go away," he says, curling over his bowl so he doesn't have to look at Steve. "Let me eat my luxury baby food in peace before I have to drag my ass up all those stairs."
Steve laughs at him again, but it isn't mean, and he does leave, heading upstairs to - Eddie doesn't really know what Steve Harrington does with his free time when he's not ripping apart demobats or complaining about babysitting, actually.
He thinks he might like to find out.
He shovels the rest of his shepherd's pie down methodically, then sets the bowl down on the coffee table and eyes the stairs. Despite his earlier words, he's pretty sure there's no way he's going to make it up them on his own. He pulls in a breath and lets it out, then calls, "Hey, Steve?"
Steve emerges almost immediately, a couple of towels tossed over one shoulder and an armful of plastic bottles. "You done?" he asks, tromping down the stairs.
Eddie eyes him. "What's all that?"
"The hospital did a pretty good job at getting most of the Upside Down grime off of us, but I thought you might want to wash it out of your hair," Steve says.
And fuck, yeah, Eddie really, really wants to - it's not just Upside Down grime, honestly, what with the whole being on the run for a week thing, and it just feels gross. Still, Eddie grimaces.
"Not, uh. Not really sure I can stand up long enough," he admits. "Plus I'm not supposed to lift my arms that high yet."
Steve's ears turn just a little bit pink, and Eddie struggles to keep his expression neutral, not to let his eyebrows raise up or to lean in too hungrily.
"I can wash it for you," he offers. "The laundry room's got a pretty deep sink, and I can pull up a chair and have you lean back a little."
He looks so fucking earnest that it makes Eddie flounder a little, once again having to restrain himself from asking why. Why is Steve doing any of this? Is it just because this seems to be what he does, because he thinks of Eddie as part of their Upside Down fighting group now and is focused on taking care of a party member? Were the handful of stolen moments during all of the fuckery and in the hospital real, or is Eddie just fooling himself that this is something he could actually have?
"Yeah," he says before he even realizes he's agreeing, while his thoughts are still a tangled up mess. "Appreciate it, man."
Steve shoots a smile at him. "Gimme a sec, I'll be right back."
He disappears down the hall for a few minutes, then comes back to help Eddie up. It's slow going, with Steve taking most of Eddie's weight, but he knows it's not going to be near as rough as the stairs will be, so he tells himself it's a practice run.
There's a low backed chair pulled up in front of the sink when they get to the laundry room, a folded up towel already pillowed on the edge of it. Steve guides him to sit down and tilt his head back, neck cushioned by the towel and hair spilling into the sink.
And then -
Fuck, Steve is close.
He's been close before, obviously, he let Eddie get all up in his personal space when they were walking through the Upside Down and he leaned over Eddie's shoulder a few times to watch what he was doing, and Eddie's literally been leaning on him to walk since he got here, but - with all of that, there was something else going on, some kind of other purpose or at least a buttload of pain he was trying to ignore.
Sitting like this, Steve leaning over him as he fiddles with the knobs to get the water to a good temperature, he's just close. Eddie can feel the body heat coming off of him, and he can count every freckle and mole on Steve's forearms, where he'd pushed up the sleeves of his sweatshirt. He's not trying to look, but he can still see the scrawl of writing that disappears under the sleeve of his left arm, can just make out I don't think. He can hear the heavy beat of his own heart and the way his breath quickens, and he forces himself to breathe slow and even, trying not to draw attention to it.
Then Steve's fingers are in his hair, gently sweeping it all together as he starts rinsing it out.
"Shit, man, this might take awhile," he says apologetically. "The water's coming out as black as it did for mine, and I've got less hair."
Eddie hums noncommittally, afraid if he says anything he'll end up telling Steve that's fine by him, they can stay like this all night if he wants to. There's the sound of a shampoo bottle opening, and on his next breath in he's hit with the scent of something, he has no idea what, like a honeyed summer day, all sunshine and sweet and clean.
And then Steve's hands are on him again, fingertips rubbing small circles over his scalp, blunt nails scratching in just the right way to send shivering goosebumps down his spine.
He's not proud of the way it makes him fucking whimper, but mostly because the sound prompts Steve to freeze.
"That hurt?" Steve asks softly.
"No," Eddie manages to get out. "It, uh. Feels nice."
Nice is an understatement, but not a lie, so it's the best he's got right now. It makes Steve continue, at least, so Eddie's taking the fucking win.
His eyes slide shut, and he thinks he might drift off to sleep right there if it weren't for the fact that he really wants to cling to how fucking good this feels. God, he can't remember the last time he felt a physical sensation that wasn't pain or discomfort, and he tells himself that's the reason that this is making him react so strongly.
No one's ever done anything like this for him before. No one's ever wanted to, even before the murder accusations, and between the exhaustion settling over him and the pain meds kicking in and the euphoria of feeling good - Eddie's dangerously close to begging, here. To saying please, just, please can he keep having this, please can this mean something, can this be because Steve wants to and not because he feels obligated.
"You okay?" Steve asks quietly as he rinses Eddie's hair out, and starts lathering up for a second wash.
Eddie hopes it's just a general are you okay, in light of the whole everything, and not a specific hey you look like you're going through something right now. Doesn't actually matter, he guesses, because he still has to say something, and he doesn't know what to say that isn't a lie or isn't something that's too much.
"Haven't, uh. Haven't had anyone do this before," he admits, because that seems like the safest thing to acknowledge.
He thinks what he means by this was pretty obvious, but apparently not, because Steve gives a thoughtful little hum.
"Take care of you?" he asks, cradling Eddie's skull in his hands so delicately it makes him want to weep.
Or shove him off and run until he can't anymore, but that's not any better.
"Fuck, Steve, not holding back any punches here, huh?" he asks, his voice a little raspy.
"I mean. We almost got eaten by demobats together, and we're in kind of a bathroom. That's prime bonding time, for me."
Eddie'd shake his head, but he doesn't want to do anything to dislodge Steve's hands, so he settles for heaving a pointed sigh. "No, Steve, people haven't been lining up to take care of the freak. It's not like I need it, anyway."
Steve makes this little sound - Eddie's not sure he's even aware that he does it, really, but it's like the verbal equivalent to rolling his eyes. "Everyone needs it, sometimes. It's okay to want that, especially after all of this. This isn't the first time some of us have stayed together in the aftermath."
"Yeah? Who looks after you, then?" Eddie asks.
"Robin, usually, sometimes Dustin. Why, you volunteering?"
He can't see Steve's face, but he thinks that was probably meant to come out as teasing. It doesn't quite land there, though, a little too soft, a little too genuine, and it makes Eddie swallow.
"Maybe," he says, feeling his heart beat in his throat.
"Oh," Steve breathes out, his hands stilling for a moment.
Eddie fights not to open his eyes.
"Yeah, okay," Steve says, a little too carelessly, fingertips scratching back over his scalp again. "I look after you, you look after me."
That's not quite what Eddie meant, but he doesn't know how to say what he meant, so he just says, "You don't have to. Take care of me, I mean. Just because you think it's okay to want to be taken care of, you know, it doesn't have to be you."
He waits for Steve to point out that Eddie'd just said that no one else was lining up for the job, maybe make a joke about how it's him or nothing.
Instead, Steve says, "I know. I want to."
If this is the way Steve always is, Eddie can see why so many girls were into him in high school.
When he's reasonably sure his voice isn't going to shake, he says, "Thanks, man. For - all of this."
He's kind of worried Steve is going to tell him that he's doing it because he wants to again, but fortunately that seems to be enough talking about not quite emotions for both of them, because Steve just hums as he starts rinsing Eddie's hair again.
Eddie lets himself relax, sinking into the soft, floaty feeling that wants to pull him down, and just enjoying the feel of Steve's fingers in his hair, the edge of pain blurred and fuzzy from the meds, and finally, finally feeling like maybe he's safe.
It takes another round of lather and rinse for Steve to be satisfied with how clean his hair is, but Eddie sure as hell isn't protesting. Time kind of slips and wobbles, anyway, as he doesn't doze so much as just fucking melt into the chair and under Steve's hands, like all the tension from the last week plus is oozing out of him. He thinks Steve murmurs something about conditioner, but he honestly doesn't care, as long as he can keep sitting here like this.
Eventually, the water's shut off, and Steve's tilting his head up, draping his hair over a towel and gently scrunching it before wrapping it up.
"You awake?" Steve asks, voice a little sing-song like he's teasing.
"Depends on how you're measuring awake," Eddie mumbles back, not entirely sure he managed to get all those syllables out in the correct order.
Whatever he says, it makes Steve laugh softly. "Come on, Munson, up you go. Let's get you to bed."
Eddie's hindbrain immediately takes over, and the next thing he knows he's saying, "Fuck, yes please, finally."
Fortunately, Steve seems to take his eagerness as an eagerness to be in bed in general, and not in Steve's bed specifically, because he just says, "You gotta stand up for that."
Eddie whines, and Steve's hand on his elbow where he'd been tugging him to get up slips, and Eddie looks up at him, eyes wide.
Steve's staring back at him, and holy shit, Eddie might be high on pain meds and a boneless mess from what was basically a head massage, but he knows what desire looks like, knows Steve's eyes are probably a mirror of his own right now.
Then Steve's eyes are closing, and he visibly shakes himself like a fucking dog, before his hand finds its spot on Eddie's elbow again, nice and firm.
"Steve," Eddie murmurs, even though he knows he's missed his moment to speak, because Steve is already guiding him up and wrapping his arm around him to help him walk.
"Not too far, Eds, I promise," Steve says. "We'll be there before you know it."
"Steve," Eddie says again, and this time Steve pauses, swallowing once before he looks at him.
Steve's arm is still around him, and he's so close they're practically breathing the same air - so close he can see the flecks of hazel in Steve's eyes, see the way his lashes brush against his cheek, and Eddie -
He doesn't want to do it like this. Eddie knows he's pretty far gone right now, a little floaty and a little loopy, and he's honestly not sure what words he can even get out of his mouth, let alone if he's going to remember this tomorrow.
"This is gonna have to be mostly you," he says, not letting himself think about how it could mean more than one thing. "I'm barely standing after that, let alone navigating stairs."
Steve laughs softly, steering him out of the laundry room and towards the stairs. "Long as you keep your feet on one side of the steps, you'll at least have one up on Henderson last time I had to help him up the stairs."
"No promises," Eddie replies, but that does make him look down at his own feet, trying to be careful and deliberate about how he places them as they slowly make their way upstairs.
With the meds, it doesn't hurt as much as it probably should. It mostly just takes so much goddamn effort, feels like walking through jello, and Eddie's not ashamed to admit he's breathing heavily by the time they make it to what must be the Harringtons' guest room.
It's… well. It's boring, honestly, minimally decorated, but the bed looks huge and insanely welcoming at the moment, all the blankets turned down and the pillows carefully arranged to resemble the way he'd found was the most comfortable at the hospital. The lamp on the nightstand is glowing softly, and there's a glass of water and Eddie's bottles of pills next to it.
Clean clothes are laid out on the bed - a pair of black boxers, black track pants with a white stripe down the leg, and a dark blue Henley.
Another lump forms in his throat, and he swallows past it as Steve points out the door to the bathroom.
"I'm just down the hall," Steve tells him.
Eddie manages to mumble out a thanks, and only stares at him a little as he walks out of the room, shutting the door behind him.
Honestly, Eddie's too fucking exhausted to sort out anything about anything right now, so he just shuffles his way over to the bed. He strips out of the hospital scrubs, leaves them in a pile right where they fall, and struggles into the clothes Steve's loaned him.
Like the stairs, it doesn't hurt, but he knows that doesn't mean he can risk overdoing it. He's careful, moving gingerly to pull the shirt on and sitting on the bed to step into the boxers and pants. Then he collapses back, tugging the covers over him. His head lolls to the side for a moment as he stares at the lamp.
If he's honest, his decision to leave it on is part that it feels like too much effort to turn it off, and part that he's not sure he wants to be alone in the dark right now.
Maybe in a bit, he thinks, but he's asleep before he can think anything else.
Taglist (let me know if you'd like to be added!): @vampireinthesun @koibug @estrellami-1 @mentalcyborg @allbimyself26 @questionablequeeries @the-s-is-silent @whimsicalwitchm @a-gae-af-racoon @tinyplanet95 @n0-1-important @velocitytimes2 @swimmingbirdrunningrock @newtstabber @jcmadgirl @roblingoblin285 @lexyvey @paperbackribs @goodolefashionedloverboi @evix-syne666 @raisedbylibrarians @stxrcrossed186 @nightmareglitter @greekgeek24 @starman-jpg @crazyhatlady86 @imfinereallyy @manda-panda-monium @deleataecount @prideandsensibility @chaoticvictorianspirit @maydillydally @disrespectedgoatman @scarlet-malfoy @i-less-than-three-you @hbyrde36 @hallucinatedjosten @dragonsandgayships @arepaconchocolate @g4ys0n @novelnovella @bisexualdisastersworld @ghostofyourvampiregf @scarletyeager @pettrichore @nerd-and-nervous @hiimlevi @queenie-ofthe-void @cinnamon-mushroomabomination
Part 15
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writing-by-sunset-7 · 3 months
That Night
“I'd sell my own bones for sapphire stones, 'cause blue is your favourite colour.”
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Warnings: Mentions of eating, not eating, force feeding....? {If you really squint}.
Word count: 0.6k
Synopsis: Fem!reader finds Regulus alone in the Astronomy tower after he had slipped dinner. He had been avoiding her. She decides to confront him. (Hurt/Comfort and Fluff) (Use of y/n)
I watched the silhoutte of a friend, just a friend, yes, hunched listlessly under the twinkling sky. Away from the world, I wondered what he was doing like I had wondered so many nights before... but tonight I desired answers. Why he would slip away after classes, not mingle after meals, to read and read and read and perfect spell after spell. I too shared his passion for spellwork but.. this desperation of his was the mystery he didn't want me to solve.
"Regulus." His breath heaved, as he stared off into the distance.
"Why? Why any of this?"
"Why not?"
"Being coy with me won't get you anywhere boy. Be frank, what's bothering you?"
His gaze suddenly bored into mine, dark and dishevelled.
"Everything y/n. All of it." He paused.
"The war, my dark mark, my treacherous life and— and the love of my life who perhaps will never... you know. I just want outs.." His irises shimmered with liquid sorrow. I fell to my knees beside him. 
"Reg.. you can't just want out of your life. I know that I can't help you in most things till we graduate but tell me who you love. I'll help you, okay? Tell me what she's like, I'll help you court her." Even if it kills me, went unsaid. Even if I bloody love you. How cathartic.
"What's she like... I mean, she's.. quite like you." 
"A Slytherin?"
Like a cheetah in the dark, I saw his lips curve into a gleeful smile. Something prideful, triumphant even.
"You know, she is the most amazing person in the world. Her smile, her eyes, her voice are the most beautiful thing in the world. Her laugh fillls me up with happiness. Oh, won't you help me make her say yes?" I bit my lip, my eyes crusted with unfallen tears but I cleared my constricted throat.
"Er, I can't promise it will be immediate, her affirmation, I mean."
"She'd say yes eventually no?"
"Yeah.. of course she will. She'll be very lucky to have such an intelligent gentleman as you.. caring, witty, ambitious. All she could ever want." I got out meekly, taking an unnoticeable step back.
In the absolute silence of the Astronomy tower, I heard him gulp and step closer to me, bringing his face close to mine. I watched his pupils dilate.
"You want to say something?"
"You don't realise do you...?" He chuckled darkly, making me swallow.
"What about you eh? Am I all you could ever want?"
I gasped softly.
"You.. you were talking about me?"
"Yes.." His hands reached down to graze my lips.
"But you just see me as a friend.. and yet, I hope every night like a fool that you feel the same way. This.. odd, formal distance, the line between a friend and lover which keeps us seperate is the last nail on the coffin. It suffocates me that I can't go to bed in your arms, am not considered as your family, can't take your last name and leave mine to die."
I watched the man on the brink of breaking, standing like a fallen angel beneath the heavens in front of me. My heart could not have wanted anything more than to kiss him. And so I did. Knocking the air out of his lungs, I enveloped his lips under mine and kissed him like I could drink nectar from behind his teeth and tongue. And once we pulled apart, vowing to never truly part again, I pecked his nose and whispered,
"The love of your life says yes to your proposition Mr. Black. Consider her last name yours, consider her heart yours and consider this her last warning that should you leave again without eating dinner, she would have to shove your dinner down your throat herself."
And the only sound to be heard henceforth was the rumbling of his deep laughter and the soft onset of a spring shower.
That's it y'all! Hope you enjoyed my first fic on here. If you do happen to find any mistakes, please forgive it as English is not my first language :)
{All rights reserved @writing-by-sunset-7}
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exrankluck · 6 months
Dear Vocalist Momochi Translation — @ A・CHI・KO・CHI
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disclaimer: some things might be inaccurate or awkward.
this is a bonus drama that came with the riot cd !
ディア・ヴォーカリスト Riot エントリーNo.4 モモチ 特典CD 「プライベート・ヴォーカリスト@A・CHI・KO・CHI」 【アニメイト CD4巻購入特典】 [豊永利行]
Hmm? What? Do you want that? That necklace? Mm, it's cute! But I didn't realize you liked purple this much, it's a little surprising. Ah, is that so? Ehe, that makes me happy~ It makes me feel like you're really cheering for Veronica! Hey, hey, if that's the case, how about I buy it for you? Hehe, sure! Since it's a special occasion, I'll treat you to a present. But in exchange, make sure you wear it to the next concert. That's a promise, okay? Um, excuse me, I'd like to buy this. And since it's a present, could you wrap it for me?
Ahh, I'm tired. What was with that store we just went to? The clerk was so annoying. She kept sneaking glances at me. She obviously realized that I'm Momochi from Veronica. That's why I didn't want to go. Why did we even come to Diver City? So? Are you satisfied now? There's nowhere else you want to go, right? Yeah, there isn't. Ah, I'm glad. Then let's hurry up and go home.
[1:45] Tch, it's always crowded like this. This is why I hate Sundays - ! Seriously, I'm so tired. I want to be at home right now. I want to lay down. I want a cigarette. Hah? What is that? You don't think I'm going to follow you, do you? You're an idiot. Even when we reach Shibuya, we'll only be at the halfway point. We still have to transfer trains, and the platform is ridiculously far. Plus, it's Sunday, so the station will be super packed. Ah, I wish I could at least have a smoke. But I can't smoke unless I go out of the ticket gate. And if I go outside, it's cold. By the way, when twill they finish construction at Shibuya Station? It just gets more and more inconvenient every time they renovate it. It's unbelievable. Just thinking about it makes me want to give up. Ughhh, I should have stayed home. Because you're the one who insisted on going out for no reason. Honestly, what am I going to do with you? H-h-hold on a sec - sigh That was close! What the hell? Slamming on the brakes like that, couldn't the driver stop more smoothly? So careless. Ah, this is pissing me off. Maybe I should buy a car after all? Then I wouldn't have to take the train and deal with this. But driving is a hassle too…. By the way, how long are you going to keep leaning on me? You're heavy. Get away from me already.
[4:06] Ahh, I can't take anymore, I'm at my limit. Hey, get me something to drink. Bring it over quick. My throat is so dry. Hurry! Bring it here. W-wait. I smelled something weird just now. Come here for a second. Yeah, it's what I thought. You reek of cigarettes. What's going on? And it definitely doesn't smell like the cigarettes I smoke. It stinks! It really stinks. What is this? Huh? The train? You were right next to me the whole time, weren't you? Even if it was crowded, how could the smell of someone else rub off on you? Ah, I see. Because I told you to get away from me? Eh, so you were getting close to someone else to the point where I can smell it on you… You pretend to care about me, but you that's what you do behind my back? Don't mess with me! You really can't stop cheating, can you? The moment I let my guard down, this is what happens… I can't believe this. Take off those clothes immediately. That's why I told you to take them off! Take them off right now and wash them. sigh What's wrong with that outfit? There are so many buttons, I don't get it. Hah? It's your fault for wearing clothes that are so hard to take off. Ugh, it reeks. Even if you wash it, it's useless, the smell won't come out. And the buttons fell off, too. You're never going to wear it again anyways, right? So I'm going to throw it away.
Okay, hurry up and come over here next. Hah? Where? The shower. You smell like it too, so you need to wash it off, right? Or do you want to end up like those clothes? Then be quiet and come with me.
[7:00] Is that enough…? No, a bit more. Huh? Tsk, it's empty now. This body wash is expensive, but there's not much inside. Well, the smell seems to be gone, so this should be good. Okay, I'll rinse you off. Eh? It's cold? Shut up. This entire situation is because of you doing unnecessary things. I'm exhausted, and you keep making me do more stuff. Seriously, what's the matter with you? Here, dry off with this. You can do that much yourself, right? Eh? Oh, yeah, that's right. It might not be dry yet~ I used it this morning, after all. It can't be helped. I didn't expect things would turn out like this either. I even used my first day off in a long time to go with you, and all you do is make me feel bad. I'm really fed up.
Ah, I'm tired. I need to rest or I won't last until the next day off. My schedule is packed from tomorrow, too. By the way, didn't they mention something about starting early tomorrow, like a soundcheck or something? I really can't deal with this anymore…
[8:50] Sorry, I completely forgot that I have practice tomorrow morning! I feel bad, but could you please let everyone know I'll join you later? Yeah, start practicing without me. Uh, I think I'll be able to make it around noon, probably. By the way, the studio is the same one we used last time, right? In Shinjuku? OK, then I'll see you tomorrow. Bye-bye!
Huh? Were you there the whole time? Did you dry yourself off? And your hair? Oh, I see. By the way, how long do you plan to stand there? If you're going to come in, come in. If you're going to go out, then go out. Make up your mind. The door being open is making it cold, you know.
Did you say something? I can't hear you at all. I guess apologizing means you've reflected on your actions a little. Hmm. Hey, come over here. Sit down. Mm, you smell good~ If it's like this, I won't have to kick you out.
[10:35] Oh, by the way, how about trying on the necklace I bought earlier? Since you're finally clean. So, where is it? Inside the bag? Um… found it, found it. Heh, but what is this wrapping? It's seriously tacky. It doesn't make any sense, it's hard to open too. Here, I'll put it on you. Hold your hands out in front of you. I said your hands. Both hands! Put them out. Hurry up. Mhm, just like that. Don't move. Let me do it like this. Yeah, hehe, it looks good on you! Do you have any complaints? There's no rule that says a necklace has to be worn around your neck, right? Besides, I'm the one that bought it, so I can do whatever I want with it. When both of your hands are restrained like this, you can't do anything unnecessary, can you? If you move around carelessly, this thin chain will break easily. It's a present from me, so I won't forgive you if you break it. Wouldn't you be in trouble too? You promised to wear it to the concert, didn't you? You know what will happen if you break your promise to me, right? So just stay still and behave yourself. From now on, no matter what I do, you absolutely can't move. Understand? Hehe, good girl~ You almost ruined my day off. Naturally, you have to make it up to me. Until I'm satisfied. Oh, by the way, I can take it easy tomorrow morning, you don't have to worry about that. So, Make sure you satisfy me completely, okay?
**achikochi means 'here and there'
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RIght back at ya with the ordem ask game! :D
Carente - Which is your favourite relationship (platonic OR romantic) and why?
Magistrada - If you had to choose a character to tell something to, who and what would they be?
Parasita da culpa - Which moment or concept would you change if you could, and how?
hehehe hi! spoilers up to and including osni 3 ahead
Carente - Which is your favourite relationship (platonic OR romantic) and why?
So, I did answer this here, but I know for sure you've seen the relevant parts so I saved this one for you. Because Johnny, my boy, my absolute fucking moron <3
I guess on screen relationship has to be him and Rubens, because its most of what we see, you know? And it's sweet, and its fun, and watching the two pairs dance around each other and just how much Johnny and Rubens *trust* each other *and not the others* is very pleasing.
I am utterly and entirely and extremely *fascinated* by the team he used to be on. Both in a historical Johnny & Luciano & Antonio & Arnaldo sense, and in a current time (well slightly ahead) just Johnny & Balu being left at the end of it. Or even!!!! Johnny & Anfitrião, the being with Arnaldo's memories. We haven't seen any of him and Kian so eh yeah, but the potential!!! They're not things I've especially poked, but these are all things I rotate in my brain constantly. I just... Don't have the time to write them rn, and can't even pick a singular version anyway. The man who used to be his mentor, perhaps saviour perhaps sponsor, becoming the thing that near killed him. The last two people at the end. Four people working together without names but, from what Balu said, seems there were frictions in the group from clashing personalities and people being stubborn. Not serious ones, but ones where they'd work together but not *like* each other much. There's a lot of lines from the Johnny, Balu, and Rubens scene (mostly from Rubens because *fuck* Felps pulled it out of the park that scene [and many of the earlier ones but I've repeated the Host information frip ones less]) that live rent free in my brain, but this -
Johnny, I'm Balu. We already met on another occasion, but I think… I was a bit of a fool when you met me. Anyway… I think… If we were on some mission nowadays, we would be- I would have done better.
I am so fascinated by this line. This fucking line. I am completely fascinated by a relationship I'll never get any god-damned answers to, and it's this line's fault.
(I'm also 80% convinced that where Balu cut himself off? The next would would have been 'friends')
Magistrada - If you had to choose a character to tell something to, who and what would they be?
Hmmmmmmmm that's.... real fucking hard, huh. Though fuck it. I've got two, both osni, and do remember I'm only episode 3 so I've no idea how things will fo (and probably why I feel the need) but... I've two, in order of importance. I just think you'd enjoy both.
Milo - you are who you say you are, and nobody and nothing can or should take that from you. It does not matter if you did not exist before you both turned ten or not. What matters is that you are here, and you are just as valuable as anybody else.
Olivier - your father might not love you, and your mother might overlook you for your sister, and your sister might be a bit of a bitch sometimes, but never doubt she and your mother love you. You are loved so much, I promise.
Parasita da culpa - Which moment or concept would you change if you could, and how?
Hmmm let me see... I mean I kinda talked about this with the last one and headcanons so...
IDK something small. I don't want to destabalise things too hard. I think, perhaps, let Fernando find out what Luciano did and agreed to with the child. Just because I'm curious to his reaction, and think he deserved to know. There's no good way for him to find out, but... him dying not knowing just kinda sucks.
Like sure there's big things with deaths or rules mistakes or whatever (Justice For Artemis) but without messing anything up too hard? I think that.
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mysteryshoptls · 1 year
SR Kalim Al-Asim Gala Couture Personal Story: Part 1
"It makes me a little sad"
Part 1 (Part 2)
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[Scarabia Dorm – Kalim's Room]
Kalim: Snoooore…. Snoooore…
Kalim: Rrnnnnhh…
Kalim: …Mmm?
Kalim: …Aa…Aaa…
Kalim: AAAACHOOOO!!!!!!!
Kalim: ….It's so cold!!!
Kalim: Why's it so cold!!!???
Kalim: The room's heating isn't working… Is it on cool for some reason!?
Kalim: I gotta change the settings… No, wait, the temperatures in the dorms are all magically set by the Headmaster, right.
Kalim: It's way too cold, no matter how many blankets I use… There's no way I can sleep in this…!
[knock, knock]
Jamil: Kalim, are you awake?
Kalim: Ja-Ja-Ja-Ja-Jamil…!
Kalim: Th-Th-Th-The room's AC's acting up… [shivers]
Jamil: Then don't be walking around in such light layers. Here, put on a jacket.
Kalim: Th-Th-Thanks…
Jamil: But now I'm stumped. I can't believe it's affected the Dorm Leader's room, too.
Kalim: …Eh? Does that mean that your room's this cold too, Jamil?
Jamil: …In any case, you should come with me.
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[Scarabia Dorm – Lounge]
Kalim: Eh!!!
Kalim: Why are all of you gathering together in the lounge like this?
Scarabia Student A: That's because it's so cold that we all woke up…
Scarabia Student B: We all brought are blankets so we can try to stay warm.
Jamil: It seems the AC in Scarabia is completely broken.
Kalim: Eeeh!? That's a huge problem!
Kalim: Our dorm is smack dab in the middle of a desert, so it gets freezing cold at night.
Kalim: If we don't have heat, catching colds’ll be the least of our problems.
Kalim: This'll be bad if this keeps up. We need to go talk to the Headmaster!
Scarabia Student C: Dorm Leader! Vice Dorm Leader! It's a disaster!
Scarabia Student D: The entrance to the dorm is completely buried in snow and can't open at all!
Kalim: Oh, then if I jump on the magic carpet, I can leave through the window.
Kalim: I'll go and fly all the way to the main campus!
Jamil: Ah, Kalim, wait!!! Don't just do things on your own…!
Kalim: …
Kalim: SO COLDDDDD!!!!
Scarabia Student B: Ah, the Dorm Leader's back.
Kalim: Th-The carpet's frozen stiff… I can't make it to the mirror like this!
Jamil: …Once morning comes and the sun rises, it should be relatively warmer than now.
Jamil: We should wait until dawn breaks to go outside.
Kalim: Yeaaah, that sounds better.
Scarabia Student A: [shudder, shudder]…
Scarabia Student B: [shiver, shiver]…
Kalim: But… At this rate, everyone's gonna catch a cold.
Kalim: Isn't there some way we can stay warm?
Jamil: We've collected as many blankets as we can.
Jamil: We can use fire magic, but we won't be able to keep it up all night…
Jamil: What else can we do…
Kalim: Ah! Oh yeah!!
Kalim: What about that soup that you make all the time in the winter, Jamil?
Jamil: Hm? …Aah. The one with pepper, ginger, and cinnamon.
Kalim: Whenever I drank that soup, I felt super warmed up right away.
Kalim: Let's make it for everyone else, too!
Jamil: …Well, I guess that's better than doing nothing.
Jamil: Okay, then I'll head to the kitchen and make it, so you wait here…
Kalim: No way. I'll come with you!
Jamil: Huh? No, the Dorm Leader should watch over the rest of the dorm students.
Kalim: I can't just shove all the hard work onto your shoulders, Jamil.
Kalim: 'Cause, we're friends, aren’t we!?
Jamil: We're not friends.
Kalim: But we promised that we'd talk through things as equals, didn't we?
Jamil: That and friendship are two completely different things.
Kalim: This isn't anytime to be acting shy. It's a dorm issue, so let's work together as friends to overcome it!
Jamil: I've already told you, we're not friends… Are you listening to me!? Don't follow me, Kalim!!!
Kalim: …It's starting to get light out.
Scarabia Student A: Thanks to that soup, we somehow made it through the night without freezing.
Scarabia Student B: Thank you very much, Dorm Leader Asim, Vice Dorm Leader Viper!
Kalim: Yep, yep. Jamil's soup is the best, right?
Jamil: …The sun's up.
Kalim: Okay, then let's head towards the main campus and ask the Headmaster to fix the air conditioning!
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[Hall of Mirrors]
Kalim: Alright!!!
Kalim: Here we are at the main…
Kalim: campus…
Kalim: …
Jamil: …
Kalim/Jamil: …......
Kalim/Jamil: TOO HOTTTTTTT―――
Jamil: Wh-What's with this heat!?! It's hotter than midday in the desert!!!
Kalim: My… My throat hurts whenever I breathe…!
Kalim: Is the AC in the Hall of Mirrors also broken!?
Jamil: No idea. …But I think it's safe to say the indoor temperatures are all over the place.
Kalim: Let's hurry and go find the Headmaster!
Part 1 (Part 2)
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Requested by @errrrorrrrrrrrr-blog.
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snarkythewoecrow · 11 months
20 Questions for fic Writers!
thanks for the tag @mammameesh @underwater-ninja-13 💙
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
9-1-1 (mostly buddie), MCU, dabbled in Torchwood, Sherlock, HP, and Old Guard, oh and supernatural for a while too, though I don't have a lot of my supernatural and Torchwood moved to ao3, something I've been working on since like 2012 (there aren't that many more to move, I am just amazing at procrastinating)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Overall, these are my highest: Unexpected Finds (MCU, irondad)- 5 206 If I Could Do It All Over, I'd Find You Sooner (MCU, stuckony)- 2 593 emergencies only (MCU, irondad)- 2 154 between wanting and needing (MCU, stuckony)- 2 087 abuse at your hands, broken at your feet (MCU, irondad)- 1 960 But since I'm mostly writing 9-1-1, I'm going to include my top two from there, cuz I can: I choose you, Pikachu (or the ways two idiots finally say you’re mine) - 1 595 sometimes an onion really is just an onion (and that’s all there is to it) - 1 302
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try really hard to respond, but sometimes I get behind, and there are times when I'm low on spoons and I put them off, and that doesn't mean I don't love them all, seriously, people who comment are so generous and sweet, but it does mean that sometimes they will get a random reply from me two years later lol
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
honestly, not super sure, cuz I can't remember them all off the top of my head, but I guess the one I wrote for irondad, where peter was using hard drugs and it didn't end with a promise of things turning out good, hugs didn't fix things in that one
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
no idea? they are mostly all happy to some degree
8. Do you get hate on fics?
eh, not often, but sometimes, more in the mcu than other fandoms
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
yes, and mostly gay, many kinks, from vanilla to wtf are you even writing type things, but i do seem to lean toward bdsm dynamic in smut, daddy kink often, and a/b/o (tho i really love writing non-traditional dynamic, a lot of omega/omega and alpha/alpha)
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
yes, and probably sam wilson/harry potter, honestly, I really still adore that one, it worked, I swearm, harry was older and fucked up with ptsd, and sam was awesome, as usual
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that i know of? well, i mean, i've once found them posted on small fan sites serving other countries and tbh, it didn't bother me too much, like it wasn't great, but like, hey, life's too short and they obvs liked them, and they did give me credit, sorta
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
yeah, a handful over the years, maybe 5 on ao3? and i know i gave others permisson over the years, but they never linked back so idk
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
yeah, totally, done it a bunch and had fun
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
steve/tony, then stucky is a close second, like they are the true standbys, I'll always love them, but I have a armada of other ships that also serve me well
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
we don't talk about bruno, dude
16. What are your writing strengths?
description maybe, or writing emotional shit? and like with dialogue, I'm either a god of it or a pathetic feral creature that has never spoken aloud
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
depending on the day, the same as what is written in prior answer
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
honestly, i try not to do it anymore, cuz I don't like making it harder for readers in anyway to consume, so unless I can keep it short and clear enough that you can still gather what they are saying without knowing the language, then I leave it out. I will try hard to find other ways, and i'm not super into translations posted after the text, looks clunky, and not super into translations at the end, but yeah, to each their own
19. First fandom you wrote for?
dudes, i dont know when i ate last, no idea, like maybe some MASH or like Highlander in notebook as a kid? probably my first shared was interview with the vampire, resulting in much anxiety as a teen
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
I'm picking from more recent fics, and I kinda love this one atm: sometimes an onion really is just an onion (and that’s all there is to it)
tagging @buckybeardreams @limetimo @painted-doe @psychiccatpanda and anyone else who wants to do it!
Blank copy under cut for you to use 💙
20 Questions for fic Writers!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
8. Do you get hate on fics?
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
16. What are your writing strengths?
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
19. First fandom you wrote for?
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
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royallygray · 4 months
Royalllll I have more questions!! I'm currently on a car ride cause I just went to the best store EVER (there's only one so I'm not gonna say the name cause I don't wanna dox where I live) but they have the best stuff. It's so like creepy-vintage-cottagecore
Anyways. Questions. Feel free to answer all or some of none of them :]
What's your favorite crystal?
Favorite place to write? (like a place irl, in your bedroom, outside, library, etc)
Role model?
Time zone (if your comfortable of course)?
For some reason I decided to wear these really baggy black pants today cause they got SIX POCKETS but it's like 75 F here and I'm warm but POCKETS
Do you have a favorite pair of pants?
Weirdest thing that ever happened at your school?
Favorite baked good?
Are you left or right handed? (JOIN THE LEFT HANDED CULT. CONVERT NOW. ALL YOU NEED TO DO IS CHOP OFF YOUR RIGHT HAND /J -from a left handed person)
A random memory that sticks out from when you were like 4-10?
The name of one of your playlists?
Aaaaand favorite dog breed??
Hey- hey- you wanna see my dog
No? Too bad.
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Her name is Rosie and I love her so much. She is my baby. She's a beagle/Australian shepherd/who knows what but she's the best lol- she just turned two last month!!
Do you have any pets? If yeah what are they, what are their names, and DO YOU HAVE PICTURES CAN I SEE?
Did YOU know that you are loved? Cause you are. A lot. I promise. You're so incredibly awesome. I hope you're doing well :]
Okay I think that's it for now
I'll be back don't worry hehe
Mysteriously disappearing into orbit (look at me I came up with something)
Mm. Those nice stores. Those stores are so cool.
(sorry this has taken so long it's been sitting in my drafts with just this first sentence LMAO)
(read more cuz this is long)
[fav crystal] amethyst. I actually have an amethyst necklace and we went to Canada and mined for amethyst and it was super buggy 0/10 but we did get cool shiny rocks so
[fav place to write] uh. either the floor. like anywhere. or my bed. floor is great
[role model] idk. I don't fucking know because like it might've been my mom but eh. so it's probably Taylor Swift since she's so many things I want to be. (⏃⌰⌇⍜ ⍙⟟⌰⏚⎍⍀ ⍙⏃⌇ ⌇⍜⋔⟒⍜⋏⟒ ⟟ ⍙⏃⋏⏁⟒⎅ ⏁⍜ ⎎⎍☊☍⟟⋏☌ ⏚⟒ ⏚⎍⏁ ⊬'☍⋏⍜⍙. ⏁⊑⏃⏁'⌇ ⏚⟒⟒⋏ ⌇⊑⏃⏁⏁⟒⍀⟒⎅.)
[do u have a fav pair of pants] yes. they're these "leggings" that are actually pants but they have pockets and they're just warm enough that they work for the winter and just lightweight enough that they're working for the summer. so far. fuck the summer I hate it it's too fucking hot
[weirdest thing that happened at ur school] okay so this was in elementary but there was a fire drill during lunch and it was pasta day but I'd packed a lunch so I was fine but the fire alarm went off during lunch so we all filed out and my friend shoved her pasta in her face and then we waited outside in the chilly winter/spring I don't remember but eventually we went back inside and everyone's pasta was cold
turns out it wasn't a drill. someone was smoking?? in the boiler room?? or smth?? so the school wasn't actually cruel for making our pasta cold there were just some assholes smoking. or smth. that was the rumor I don't fucking know
actually yeah I do know. there was a dragon. that wanted the pasta. so it breathed fire except it didn't know where the cafeteria was and so it was sad and couldn't get the pasta. so true mhm
[fav baked good] ooh I like making cookies. cookies are good. but so are these specific gas station donuts. and also cake. OMG CHEESECAKE FINAL ANSWER ESPECIALLY THE OREO CHEESECAKE AT CHEESECAKE FACTORY
right handed, but my IRL bsf is a leftie. and during 7th grade we both tried to become ambidextrous. it didn't work so well. especially for me. I think she can kinda write with her right hand.
random memory??? fuck if I know. bro wtf happened in elementary school. oh I left the classroom without telling the teacher once since I was pissed at her and then like the social worker and half the security team needed to help find me. bro I just went to the bathroom they did not need. as many people I don't actually remember but it was rly weird. first time I disobeyed shit tho! and also prolly last.
[name of a playlist of mine] uhhhh. #110: Depression Incarnate. before the matter #101. #113: You clearly need... something. #102: of another lifetime. I number my playlists so I know like when they were made and see how my music evolved over time.
fav dog breed. I am not well educated on dog breeds, but German shepherd. fluffy and loveable.
I love your dog. I love Rosie. GekatwkaSHJA she's so cute. precious bean
I've got Sirius Wolfgang and Tidae. this is Sirius :)
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[did u know that you are loved?] :( thanks. that. um. thanks. <3
I'm doing. y'know. I'm very stressed. actually I should sleep. also my phone charger isn't working rn and I have assignments. and I had an anxiety attack today, but thanks for checking in im
~still a piece of garbage~
but thanks for the reminder that you care <3 :(
woah you've joined me in orbit :D
ty for the ask :)
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brainyxbat · 9 months
Chapter 6: Luffy, Completely Surrounded! Commodore Nelson's Secret Strategy
(episode 59)
"We're out! We're out!"
"Make chase at once!"
"O-one other thing, Lt. Commander! While in pursuit of them, Eric-sama also reappeared, and has just returned to ship!"
"Look at 'em come! Look at 'em come!"
"The Going Merry is faster and more agile, but what are we going to do when we get to Warship Island?!"
"We'll be okay!"
"How will we be okay?!"
"We just need to find the dragons' nest first, so Grandpa Ryu can get better, right?!"
"Doesn't look like that's going to be an option."
"The small fries have leapt forth. Open to the left and right! Crane Wing Formation!"
"What now?! They have us blocked off!"
"Jump onto a ship, kick the guys off, and cut the links! That's the only choice, obviously!"
"Doesn't sound too bad to me!"
"Alright! Let's go!"
"I'm going too!"
The Merry was rocked all around from cannonballs launched nearby, but never took any hits. The dominant ship was outside the circle, as Nelson watched from his throne. "Marvelous! A truly marvelous view!" He fanned himself. "Listen, now! Do not let the attacks falter even a bit!"
"Yes, sir!"
"But do not hit the raft!"
"Yes, Commodore!"
Nelson chuckled evilly. "For so many years, I've sought the Millennial Dragon, and I've finally found it! The elixir of immortality, the Dragonite, is now as good as mine!"
From the circle, a Marine saw the flags blowing on the dominant ship. "Sir! The commodore's flagship says his plan has succeeded! He says his attack is still ongoing!"
"Looks like our mission is over now," The Lt. Commander decided, and walked past the mercenary.
'If they fall into Nelson Royal's hands now...' Eric thought, before speaking up. "Hold on, Lt. Commander!"
He stopped dead in his tracks. "Do you still want something?"
"Prepare one paddleboat, and three proficient seamen."
"A paddleboat?! What for?!"
Eric smirked. "Because a mast would get in the way."
"Don't tell me you're going into the enclosed area?!"
Eric turned away from him, smirk undeterred. "Just do it already."
The Merry was still being rocked left and right, as everyone held onto something tightly. "Apis! It's dangerous!" Usopp scolded when she ran out of the cabin, and fell over rom the attacks. "Go back inside!"
"I can't leave Grandpa Ryu all by himself!" She protested, and kept running.
"Hey, you! Wait!" He ran after her, but she was sliding down the rope by the time he caught up. "That's dangerous! Get back here! It's your fault if you fall!"
"Grandpa Ryu! Just hang in there a little longer! I promise I'll take you to the dragons' nest!"
"Man, she's brave!" Usopp remarked. "Dammit! That moves me to tears! Alright!" He grinned confidently. "I'll break through the front lines, and take you to the dragons' nest!" His moment was ruined by a cannonball-induced wave knocking him back to the cabin. "Oww! Hey, we've been hit from behind!" He cried fearfully. "Hey! Sanji! We've been hit! Venus-chan! We're done for! We're sunk!"
"Pipe down!" Sanji ordered. "We ain't been hit."
"Eh? Seriously?"
Usopp slumped over in relief. "I'm saved! Who the hell thought of this plan anyway?!" He ranted.
"You did," Venus responded, and he winced.
"That's it! That's it! Go!" Luffy laughed, as Nami steered from inside. "Hey! A ball's coming this way!"
"I can't do any more than this! Do something on your end!"
"Okay! I'll do something!" Luffy ran along the ledge, until he was in its path. "Gum-Gum... Balloon!" He inflated his belly to a massive size, so the cannonball bounced off, and was sent flying back to one of the Marine ships.
"No way...!" Apis watched from the wagon.
"No way!" Nelson's eyes were wide. "You impudent bastards! How dare you damage one of my warships?! What are you doing?! Hit them with the Super Giant Cannon!"
"Yes, sir!"
Nelson raged in his seat. "There's no escape! There's no escape! There's no escape for you!"
"Prepare to fire the Super Giant Cannon!"
A giant cannon descended from the front of the ship. "The pirate ship has been trapped up ahead! Ready to fire!"
"What is that?!" Nami exclaimed. "A direct hit from that, and our ship'll be blown to shreds!"
"We'll be okay!" Luffy assured nonchalantly. "I'll just bounce it back again!"
"Don't be stupid! I'll turn the ship about; you guys work the rear sail! Hurry!"
"Yeah!" Luffy, alongside Zoro, went to just so.
Usopp stood by one of their own cannons, vengeful. "An eye for an eye! I got a shot ready for you too!"
"Here we go!" Luffy pulled the rear sail back.
"Eat this!" Usopp shot the ball at the bigger ship, landing like a marble in the huge cannon.
"Fire! Fire!" But due to the interference, the cannon was totaled, and Nelson was knocked out of his seat. "What just happened?!"
A Marine ran over, and saluted. "An enemy cannonball hit our main cannon perfectly!"
"W-what?! Hurry, and lift me up!"
"Yes, sir!"
"Howdya like that?!" Usopp taunted. "This is what happens when Usopp-sama gets serious!"
"Not too shabby, for a fluke," Sanij commented.
"You're so full of it," Zoro added.
"What?! I can do that anytime!"
"Wow... he hit it!" Apis stared in awe. "You're so cool, Usopp!"
"Yeah!" They exchanged thumbs-ups.
"Seems your aim is still perfect as always," Venus grinned genuinely.
"T-thanks, Venus!" Why was he getting so flustered at her compliments?
Luffy watched over Ryu from the ship. "It'll be okay! Don't worry! You just keep Apis safe!"
"Who're you talking to?!" Usopp approached him.
"Grandpa Ryu."
"Now's our chance! Nami announced. "Let's act quickly, and cut some links to open a path!"
"Right, Nami-san!"
"Luffy," Zoro turned to the captain.
"Leave it to me! Gum-Gum... Bridge!" The three joining him crossed the makeshift bridge, with Zoro holding one of clumsy Venus' hands to keep her from falling into the ocean below. "Alright! Grandpa Ryu! Just hold on! Here goes!" After Zoro, Sanji, and Venus board the Marine ship, he launched himself over to them. Unfortunately for poor Zoro, he crashed into him, and they hit the cabin. "Sorry, Zoro."
"Why, you...!"
With struggle, Nelson's throne was lifted back up. "Report! What are they doing?!"
"Yes, sir! Four people from the pirate ship have boarded portside Ship #1!"
"Huh?! Say what?!"
Zoro observed the chain links keeping them from escaping. "Steel chains, huh..."
"Think you can cut 'em?" Luffy asked.
"There's nothing I can't cut!"
"Really? Then they're all yours."
Sanji noticed Venus watching the cabins intently. "What is it, Venus-chan?"
"Sounds like we've got company," She observed.
Sanji turned to see hundreds of Marines filing out of the cabins, and surrounded the four, pointing their guns. "Talk about coming out of the woodwork."
"I like it when things are lively!" Luffy grinned.
"Sure, whatever."
"I'll leave the small fries to you," Zoro decided.
"Yeah!" Luffy, Sanji, and Venus agreed simultaneously.
"In the name of the Nelson Fleet, we won't let you break through here!" They charged in, but essentially had their asses handed to them by Luffy's gatling, Sanji's kicks, and Venus' energy balls.
Meanwhile, Zoro spent a few seconds in deep concentration, before he made a slice... that did nothing. "What?!"
Venus noticed his trouble, and ran over. "Everything okay?"
"I got it, Venus."
She raised an eyebrow at him. "Here, I'll soften it up for you." She laid herself over the ledge, and prepared an attack. "Witchy-Witchy... Ball!" As she let the energy ball weaken the chain, she kicked away any Marines that took advantage of her being sidetracked, sparing hardly a glance. After a minute passed, she straightened up. "Okay, try it now."
Zoro looked at her for a moment, then sliced at the chains again; to his surprise, his sword cut it right through. He turned back to her, dumbfounded. "I can do it again if needed," She shrugged innocently, then returned to combat.
"Yeah! That's it! That's it!" Usopp cheered. "You're so wonderful! Keep it up! Chop those things up good!"
Nelson snarled in anger. "Curse you! How dare you lousy pirates try to break my links! Capture them, at all costs! Or else I'll maroon every last one of you!"
Marines ran to the ship with the intruders, using the chains as bridges. "Gum-Gum... Gatling!" Luffy rapidly punched them into the ocean, but the officers simply kept coming.
"Done!" Venus weakened another chain, and Zoro cut it, sending more Marines plunging.
An excited Luffy was running, as yet more officers ran after him. "Here they come! Here they come!" He then held them back with his arms stretched out. "Gum-Gum... Slingshot!" Hopping off the ground, he sent them soaring back, even breaking a piece off the ship. "Hiyaaaaaah!" With a kick, more were sent into the ocean.
"Wow..." Apis watched from the wagon. "I didn't know they were like this.
When another chain was weakened, courtesy of the young witch, Zoro chopped it. "There's only one chain left!" Nami pointed out. "Let's get moving!"
"Aye-aye sir!" Usopp followed her.
"No, no! Someone stop them!" A strong whirlwind stopped the Merry from getting any closer.
Turned out, it was Eric, still in his paddleboat. "Oh! Eric!" Nelson grinned. "Well done! Now the Millennial Dragon is mine!"
The boat bumped into the wagon, startling Apis. "That scared me!" She yelped in terror when it wasn't any of the Straw Hats. "You're the Sicko Sicko Fruit guy!"
"Not "Sicko." The Sickle Sickle Fruit!" Usopp and Nami ran to the back of the Merry. "Girl! It's time to hand over the Millennial Dragon!"
She ran in front of Ryu's head. "No! I'll never give you Grandpa Ryu!"
"Hand it over like a good little girl!"
Eric readied his hands. "I can chop you into pieces with wind slashes at any time, you know." Apis gulped fearfully.
"Stop right there!" Nami yelled. "Lay a hand on the kid, and you'll pay!"
"Y-yeah!" Usopp stammered. "I, Usopp-sama, won't sit by quietly either!"
"Fools. I made that wind slash just now miss on purpose." Nami gasped in surprise, as she remembered the strange whirlwind that knocked them back earlier. "Get in my way, and this time I won't miss! I'll blow your entire ship apart!"
Luffy walked over to Zoro, Sanji, and Venus watched what was happening at the Merry. "What's wrong?"
"It's him," Sanji glared.
"The Sicko guy," Venus sneered.
"Huh? What's he doing?"
"Looks like he's planning to take Apis hostage, and steal the dragon," Sanji observed.
"Tie the raft to our boat!" Eric ordered.
"Yes, sir!"
"That's bad!" Luffy frowned, and went to intervene with Venus.
Zoro stopped them with his hands on their shoulders. "Stop! If you lay a hand on him, he'll take Apis, and the others out with his technique!"
"Oh! Right!" Luffy prepared to go again. "Then I'll use my foot!" Zoro punched him in the head, as Venus facepalmed. "Huh?!"
"Listen better!"
Eric began to sail away with the wagon in tow. "I'm taking the Millennial Dragon now! Nothing personal!"
"You fight dirty!" Usopp shouted. "Give Apis back!"
"Oh no!" Venus exclaimed.
"Eric! Well done!" Nelson praised. "Now, bring it here!"
"No thanks. This isn't for you."
"Eh?! What did you say?!"
"The only reason I obeyed you was to use the Marines' information-gathering capabilities."
"It's not like you were any different. You tried to use me too."
"I hired you for a great sum of money!"
"I think I've worked off that chump charge by now. I have no obligation to obey a sea lion like you anymore!"
"S-sea lion? You're calling me a sea lion?!"
"I'm going to use the Dragonite I get from the Millennial Dragon to make myself perfect!"
Nelson growled furiously. "You'll pay! You'll pay for this! Shoot that backstabber! Shoot him! Shoot him!"
Cannonballs were shot at the paddleboat, frightening Apis, but they all missed. "They're starting again!" Usopp observed.
"If you don't want to get blasted to pieces, you'd better start rowing!" Eric commanded the rowers, and they fearfully obeyed.
Apis turned away from the action, as she started choking up. "Stop... stop!" She then turned to her captors. "I'm begging you! Please don't harass Grandpa Ryu anymore! He hasn't done anything wrong!"
"Be quiet." He turned to look behind the wagon.
"I have to take him to the dragons' nest right away! So please stop this!" Eric lifted her up by the back of her dress. "What're you doing?! Let go! Let go, I said!" She thrashed.
"Listen, girl. You're a hostage. And I'm taking the Millennial Dragon."
"I'll never let you have Grandpa Ryu! Never! Never!"
"I've had enough, girl!" He gripped her chin. "Any more shouting, and I'll chop you apart!" Instead of backing down, she bit down on his hand. "Oww!" The rowers watched in shock at the exchange, before he threw her down in the boat, rendering her unconscious. "Let go!" He rubbed his sore hand, oblivious to Ryu menacingly rising right behind him. "Damn kid, giving me trouble." He was confused when the Marines screamed in terror, and dove into the ocean, swimming away. "Hey! What are you running for?! Get back here!!" He turned, and realized what scared them off; he yelled fearfully, just before Ryu smacked him away with his wing. "Dammit!"
Ryu stared down worriedly at the unconscious Apis, as memories of them together crossed his mind. He shook with anger, then spread his wings, and let out some loud, bird-like screeches, making everyone in the vicinity cover their ears. "I can't stand this!" Nelson complained.
"Oww! My ears!" Usopp exclaimed.
"Grandpa Ryu let out a sound!" Luffy observed.
When the screeches came to an end, hands lowered, as Apis came to. "Oww..." She perked up at seeing her friend standing up. "Grandpa Ryu!" She hugged his snout. "You can move! That's great! That's great!" She pulled away at his words to her. "What?" He straightened up, and started slowly flapping his wings. "Really?!" She beamed.
"What the...?!" Usopp tried to see what was going on.
"You don't suppose he's..." Nami started.
"Yeah! You can do it, Grandpa Ryu!" Luffy encouraged. "You can fly!"
With a creak, from the wagon, he was doing it! "You're flying!" Apis cheered. "You're flying, Grandpa Ryu!"
Nelson's hand tightened into a fist. "No! If the Millennial Dragon is just going to escape, then I don't care if we kill it! All I need is its Dragonite, anyway! Fire! Fire! Fire like mad!"
Cannonballs were fired again, only this time, they weren't as careful as before. "Stop!" Apis protested. "Grandpa Ryu! Run! Run to where the cannons can't reach you!"
"That's it! Shoot him down, quickly!"
"Stop that!" With a stretched-out punch, Luffy took out some cannoneers, as did Zoro with his swords, Sanji with his kicks, and Venus with her energy balls.
"Now's your chance to run, Grandpa Ryu!" Apis urged.
"What are you doing?!" Nelson raged. "Attack it with this ship too!"
"Yes, sir!"
"It must be shot down!"
As Ryu attempted to fly off, he was bombarded by cannonballs. "Grandpa Ryu!" Apis tried to stop him. "No! Don't go that way!"
To Nelson's terror, Ryu was flying straight for the bigger ship with a vengeance. "What?! It's coming this way! Shoot it down, quickly!" Ryu let out another deafening screech. "It's coming! Shoot it, quickly! Shoot it!"
After more cannonball shots, Ryu slowed to a stop, and plunged into the ocean, as Apis and the Straw Hats watched in pure horror. Luffy launched himself in the air from the ship's mast, and flew above the dragon. "Grandpa Ryu!" Apis could only cry silently, unable to say a word, as Luffy landed on his back. "Grandpa Ryu! Hang in there!"
"Oh no," Venus whimpered, on the brink of tears.
"Hey, now! What are you saying?! Don't talk about dying!" Luffy protested. "Yeah. I know. I will save Apis! And take you to the dragons' nest!" He vowed. "So try hard to stay alive!"
Apis stayed quiet, until the urge to speak returned. "Grandpa Ryu!" She screamed.
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elecalice · 11 months
Well, I had to do what I promised on the poll that I made.
This blog is dedicated to my attempt to do amateur Cosplay (Well, Crossplay) as Prosecutor Ito, from Mega Man Battle Network 6.
Amateur indeed, since I didn't and don't have a red tie, so I had to use a Bowtie. I feel that Ito could use a bowtie, I think. Also, I don't have formal shoes, so I had to use my cute beige Sneakers.
Yeah, I'm that amateur. But after all, I'm just casual and I'll not dedicate myself to cosplay. I'll sticking with drawings and other things.
I'll try to show the photos in chronological order.
WARNING// My real face (lol)
My first attempt on doing the Ito cosplay. It was December of 2022, and at one weekend there was a Geek/Nerd event. At Saturday, I went to buy a short for the cosplay. It kinda hurt my wallet back then, but oh well.
I even went to show off my Cosplay. I was SO nervious to show off to present my character, and I think I showed up too much introduction to my character. Eh, first times. But the best thing is that ONE PERSON recognized my character!! And he even took a picture of me! That made my day! ;w;
But I didn't took pictures on the event itself. But instead I took some photos during my way to walk to home. I took pictures nearby a tree, which fitted so well. (I took more but at that moment it was SO windy it kinda ruined some photos, in a funny way. Also, the book used was my copy of Fahrenheit 451. I didn't have a law book, so I improvised... yeah.)
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Months later, now in 2023, I attended another event, the first event of a major Nerd event in my town. I even participated on the Cosplay contest. I sadly didn't took photos of myself on that event, except a few ones of me eating a origini. (That origini was delicious)
BUT as a compromise. I'll tell my experience on the Cosplay event... OH BOY.
I wasn't sure to participate, but then I decided to eat up my pride and participate. Adding to me not having a tie nor formal shoes, my hair, my natural hair by the way (not a wig), was long. But at least I complimented the Cosplay with a borrowed copy of my country's constitution. Yes really.
So yeah. But the most awkward detail was, I had to act in-character. And I was like "OH... FUCK". Ito doesn't do much, except operate JudgeMan or being the happy doomer prosecutor that we know. The NetNavis do the cool battle stuff, while the humans excluding some, don't do much. So yeah...I had to improvise. Using dialogue but... I didn't have a microphone, not they provided me one. So yeah. I had a massive disadvantage, and when I tried to speak, probably didn't reached to so many people. When I LAST attempted to "jack-in" JudgeMan at something, I did it in front of the judges, and I jumped out of embarassement. And fun? fact, acting while having your eyes close is, and I repeat, H.A.R.D. HARD, All caps. At least the judges told that the majority of time I actually looked at the public.
When I had to leave the scenario, I had to cover my face with the book, while my friends dragged me outside. I felt that my I wouldn't Cosplay as Ito again. This situation could've been more embarassing, if it wasn't for my friends supporting me during the whole dear, I REALLY appreciate them. ;w;
At least someone asked who's my character, and I told the lore around him, but I had difficulties due to my speech impediment with my unability to pronounce the hard R letter. (And in extention, the RR as well)
I had to recover the embarassment after that. I seriously considered NOT to Cosplay as Ito again... But at least I managed to eat my pride, accept that I did it and I should move on from that.
I also did a Tiktok making Ito dance a bit with the audio of Bo's "A really good book" Vine. I thought that the Vine fitted Ito SO MUCH that I had to do it while I was home alone. It was hard to find the perfect position to place my phone in orden to record that video. But yeah, I tried. Now I don't remember if I did it before or after the previously mentioned event. I think I did the TikTok before the event? I'm lazy to check the dates.
Now, in September, I managed to get a haircut. And in some moment, I had the idea to Cosplay and act like Ito for a moment. So I did it, and did some photos. I take more but I decided to put this three ones.
I also acted and did some videos of me acting as Ito and being angsty and edgy. Yes really. I tried to act. I also did some videos of Ito trying to awkwardly dance to Nürnberg's Valasy. I love Nürnberg's music, btw.
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And now, the previous weekend, there was the second edition of the Nerd event on my town, and again I went as Ito. But I didn't participated on the Cosplay event. Because come on. I don't want to show off as Ito again, not due to embarassment, but because It's kinda boring of my part to show off again as Ito. Okay?
Anyways, despite the overwhelming first day, that and the second day I had fun. It was fun! I didn't took that much photos of myself. The first one I took it myself, but the second and third one I had a friend who took those photos of me in my cosplay. And the last photo, I did it after returning to home. (I also took one of myself with the brown jacket that I used in case that the day became cold. I think that jacket fitted Ito.)
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So yeah!
As when I ate my pride to participate that contest, I'll be eating my pride showing my real face and dressing as my cuestionable blorbo.
And random fun fact, the me posing showing three fingers, is a reference to a Japanese fanart where Yuika, Vic and Ito pose showing three fingers, like a W. WWW, World Three. I love that fanart.
I kinda feel weird and kinda lonely being the major Prosecutor Ito fangirl. But oh well. That's kinda my curse. (?
(I hope I can get braces... When my friend took some photos, I felt self-conscious about my two weirdly-located frontal teeth. Well. Gotta save money. ;w;)
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bafflement · 1 year
Deaged Oz AU - Needed Conversations Part II
Jaune looked nervous as he rang his parents. He was safe, they all were. But he knew they worried about him and it was better that his family was told that he was okay than that his sisters came looking for him. Again. He shuddered slightly as the call connected.
"Jaune! How are you?"
"Hi, mom. We're okay. Made a few new friends, Pipsqueak and Pocket-sized. You'd like them!"
"Now I sincerely doubt those are actually their names, Jaune..."
"No, but we call them that. Pipsqueak... Oscar, sorry, is really nice. He wants to be a huntsman just like the rest of us, but he's younger. He doesn't have as much training. That's okay though, we're all helping train him in what he'll need to know. He carries an axe so Nora is a great help, too!"
"I'm glad your friends sound okay. And... pocket sized, was it?"
"He's really tiny, mom. Smaller than my sisters! He's adorable, though. As said, you'd like them."
"Uh huh. And whose idea was it to bring children along? You're going into danger, Jaune, surely they should have stayed at home?"
"You'd think, but O... pocket sized can look after himself. None of us have beaten him yet!"
There was a sigh over his scroll at that. "Keep us informed, alright? And maybe bring your friends to visit at some point? We're not upset that you ran away to Beacon, alright? Forging your transcripts, though... just, try to stay safe?"
"Yes, mom. Tell my sisters I'm okay before they come looking, alright?"
Oscar grinned down at the scroll as it connected.
"Oh, hey, Aunt Em. We're just fine, both of us! We've made loads of new friends, here, it's amazing!"
There was a sigh from the other end of the connection at that.
"Just stay safe, Oscar. Can you put your brother on for a second, please?"
"Oh, sure... Oz? Aunt Em wants to talk to you." Oz took the scroll slightly gingerly, a worried expression on his face.
"Hello, Miss Pine."
"How many times, Tip, I'm Aunt Em, same as I am for Oscar. How are things, really?"
"They're... alright. They could be better, perhaps, but they could also be much worse. We really are safe for now, I promise. Do you wish to talk to Oscar again?"
"I wish to talk to both my nephews, Tip. You're just as important as he is, just... promise me you won't forget that?"
"I'll try." Oz replied, even though he knew that was a promise he couldn't really keep.
"Weiss? Are you going to contact your family any time soon?"
"I wasn't planning on it, no. I have no wish to speak to my father and if any of the others wish to talk to me, they can contact me."
That handily ended that conversation, at least.
"Hi, Dad!" Ruby and Yang chorused, grinning into the scroll they were holding up between them. Tai grinned back, a deep relief on his features.
"Hi, girls. Having fun over there in Mistral? Is Qrow keeping you both safe, or do I need to have a few words with him?"
"Uncle Qrow's fine dad, he's protecting us just like he always does." They rolled their eyes at each other slightly, it wasn't like they were kids the age the Professor was at the moment, after all. They could look after themselves, but no... to Taiyang, they'd always be his little girls.
"That's good! Made any new friends?"
"A few. Oscar's a farm boy, he's really, really good, wants to be a huntsman when he grows up. His... brother's... been helping train him. All of us really." Ruby sounded excited, though Tai wasn't really sure why.
"Yeah dad, pocket sized is kinda awesome. You'd like him. Maybe."
"... pocket sized? Whatever, I'm glad you girls are fine, could you get your uncle for me?"
"Sure. Hey Uncle Qrow? Dad wants to talk to you. I don't think you're in trouble?" Qrow just sighed and took the scroll from the girls.
"Hey, Tai. The girls are fine, they're having fun at the moment."
"Who is Oscar and who is pocket sized? I thought they were with the Schnee girl and what's left of team JNPR."
"They are, Tai. The kid's just here, too. As for pocket sized. Eh, you'll see. It's not really something I can tell you over a scroll, but neither of them pose any threat to your kids, I wouldn't let that happen.
There was a familiar looking softness in Qrow's eyes though and Tai felt a sudden suspicion weighing deep in the pit of his stomach. Was one of those two the next Ozpin?
"Just... tell me if anything bad happens, Qrow, and keep keeping them safe."
"Yeah, Tai, always do."
"Hey Mom, Dad. I'm catching up with everybody just fine over here, things have been a bit hectic, though. The world is so much bigger than I ever thought it was. Anyway, did you know magic is real? Because apparently that's a thing now? Anyway, I hope you get this message, I love you." Blake rang off, knowing her parents had to be incredibly busy right now with the fallout from the White Fang. Should she have mentioned magic on their answer machine? She sighed, suddenly doubting herself. Ah well, what was done was done.
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krizaland · 8 months
Found Once Again Chapter 20
LMK Wukong x Bao Li
Be Warned: There are mentions of blood and scars and mild language ahead!
First Previous
"Oh. Thank you. You didn't have to go to all that trouble for me, you know." Bao Li noted as she took the peach.
"Pssh! That was no trouble. Heck that barely even qualified as trouble." Wukong scoffed as he begun to munch on a peach
Bao Li couldn't help but giggle as she watched Wukong greedily devour as many  peaches as he could get his hands on.
“What's so funny?" Wukong asked with his mouth full.
"It's nothing, really. It's just, I never thought that I would meet anyone else that eats the way you do. But I was proven wrong today." Bao Li admitted as she took a few bites of her peach.
"Oh? Who'd you meet today?"
"I believe his name was Ping."
Wukong nearly choked on his peach.
"Oh my! Are you alright?" Bao Li asked as she covered her mouth.
“Don't worry! I'm fine-"-Wukong coughed- "-So tell me about this Ping guy."
"Well, he was a very nice therapist who came into Pigsy's earlier today. I think I should probably thank him, since he was the one who advised me to come talk to you." Bao Li giggled as she resumed eating.
“Ok so promise not to get mad or anything buuut I might've visited Pigsy's in disguise so I could spend some time with you." Wukong confessed sheepishly as he rubbed the back of his head.
"Eh?! You mean to tell me that you're Ping?!" Bao Li yelped.
"Yeah...you caught me. I'm sorry, Peaches I wasn't trying to trick you or anything. I just wanted to make sure you were doing ok and I figured you probably didn't want to see me. So I went undercover. Then I just got carried away." Wukong sighed as he hung his head. 
"Well, normally I would be upset about this sort of thing. But in all honesty, I'm tired of being angry with you. So I'll let this slide as long as you promise not to do anything like this again." Bao Li explained as she kept eating her peach.
"Don't worry! I promise!" Wukong assured as he held up a hand.
After a few minutes of eating, Wukong broke the silence.
"You have no idea how grateful I am to have you back, peaches." 
"I'm grateful to be back. There's so much to explore and of course I get to spend time with you too. What could be better?" Bao Li agreed as she gazed into the horizon.
"Well maybe snuggling together." Wukong teased as he scooted closer.
"Perhaps that could be arranged." Bao Li giggled as she leaned in his shoulder.
Wukong threw his arms around Bao Li and kissed the top of her head.
"I promise I'll never lose you again. Not even The Jade Emperor's army will keep me from you this time."
“That's very sweet but I was never attacked by The Jade Emperor’s army." Bao Li reminded as she leaned into his touch.
“That's right! You mentioned that a few days ago. I gotta ask, if it wasn't The Jade Emperor's army that got you stuck in that crystal then what did?" Wukong asked curiously.
“Well it's not a what but rather a who." Bao Li corrected softly.
“Well who was it?! Who got you trapped in that crystal?!" Wukong demanded, his voice laced with desperation.
“It was Peng. You see, after I ran off the night of our fight, Peng had followed me. They appeared before me and insisted on punishing my 'childish behavior' as they put it. I tried not to engage but Peng decided to attack me regardless. They even pierced my tail with their talons-" -Bao Li took off the ribbon on her tail to reveal a nasty scar.
Wukong felt his heart shatter at the sight of the scar.
That explained the bloodstains on the ground!
“Peng did this to you?!” Wukong gasped as he inspected the scar.
“Yes. It hurt so bad that I sat up to inspect it. Then Peng charged at me. I tried to defend myself but Peng was overpowering  me. Then I guess I was so overwhelmed by everything that was going on I lost control of my powers. The last thing I remember was Peng's ji aimed at my face." Bao Li explained as she tied the ribbon back on.
Suddenly, Wukong's grip tightened as a few tears trickled down his cheeks.
"I should've known that bastard was responsible for this. Bao Li, I am so sorry I believed their lies. I-"
“You don't have to apologize for anything. Peng was always a good liar." Bao Li reassured as she patted his arm.
“Yeah. Lying was pretty much the only thing they were good at." Wukong chuckled half-heartedly.
“All I can say is, Peng's lucky they're not around anymore. Otherwise I would've made them wish they were never born." Wukong whispered as he clung to Bao Li.
"Normally I'd be against killing someone but I certainly wouldn't protest if you taught Peng a lesson." Bao Li admitted as she returned the hug.
“Good! Because I swear if I ever see them again I'll-"
Bao Li silenced Wukong with a kiss on the cheek.
His face burned pink as he immediately returned the favor.
“I'm never letting you out of my sight again."
"Don't worry. I don't plan to ever leave it." Bao Li reassured as she nuzzled into his cheek.
“Good! Now c'mon, I think I'm waay overdue for some cuddles." Wukong chuckled as he scooped up Bao Li.
"I'm more than happy to oblige, my king." Bao Li giggled as she wrapped her arms around his neck.
And with that, Wukong carried Bao Li, bridal style, all the way back to the temple. 
After entering the Temple, Wukong brought Bao Li to his bedchambers and carefully set her down in his hammock.
He then climbed in beside her and slid his arms around her waist.
“I've missed this so so much." Wukong whispered, his voice wavering a bit.
"I've missed this too. I love you so much, Sunbeam." Bao Li replied as she pressed her head against his chest.
“I love you more than you could ever know, peaches." Wukong whispers as he kissed the top of her head.
And with that, the two monkeys both fell into a deep sleep.
The End
And with that we’ve reached the end! Thank you all so much for going on this journey with me! Rest assured there’ll be more Royalpeaches in the future!
Thank you for reading!
I love you!
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daryascurse · 10 months
Hey I just want to say, I'm so happy to see you back! I saw your post yesterday about works being discontinued and stuff today about TBSOS. Can I just ask what you are planning on continuing from now? And this isn't meant to make you feel like you owe us to continue working on anything or that I'll unfollow if there's something I was looking forward to, I'm just curious, if you're ok answering (:
hihi no offense taken!! that's a fair question and i'm really super grateful for the interest / that people are still around and want to read my things after completely disappearing! and i also realized after i wrote my "hello world i'm alive" that i phrased some of it super ominously. long story short, i have no intention of dropping fics entirely or erasing everything to restart. but i am kind of "starting clean" in the sense of what i'd promised coming down the pipe before the hiatus. looking at my masterlist, here's a rundown of fic statuses from works i previously left unfinished/ open; putting under a cut bc even as i start this i can tell it's going to be a long post:
Events: I'm not going to continue either my Tropetember or Kinktober series. a few reasons -- primarily that they were intended to be seasonal miniseries, and i DON'T meant to say that you can't write for kinktober if it's not October. but personally, it's very hard for me to break that internal rule of not having met my goals or plan, especially when i kept readjusting my original ideas over and over to be more realistic, and it just didn't work out. if you're curious i have more i could say on those, can even share the various lists of planning, but eh for now.
AOT: Chainsmoking His Love: 100% want to finish this. it's meant to be 20 chapters, as a play off of 20 cigarettes in a box, and i really intended it to fit this pattern once i decided to expand it from a one-shot. but, i should be on #14 now, and i have plans for 18, 19, 20, but.... not ideas to get us there. and idk how many chapters i can get away with as just filler moments, and i worry i've already done too many. so.. that's a frustrating one to be stuck on, but by no means am I giving up.
Quiet Through the Trees: unfortunately, this one is on indefinite hiatus, likely not to be concluded. again, i can say more specifically if you're curious but i'm trying to keep this post from being 1000 lines. i will say that part of that is bc i was inspired / wanted to write it for a moot who dropped out of fandom and that kind of took a lot of my motivaiton with it. (no hate to her i want her to be happy and healthy! just a byproduct.)
Hunger Games: Caveat Emptor is a series with no planned length or even super planned out plot; based on the BOOK Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes - I haven't actually seen the movie yet. but i had a lot of fun writing the first chapter, more fun writing than i have in a really long time, actually, and so.. yeah i'm going to keep with it, even if it isn't exactly the thing for this blog which is mostly anime-related. but i mean, i have passions about other stuff too, so.. why not just put all the writing together? you guys are lucky it isn't tom from succession and that's all i'll say lmaaaaoo.
JJK: Commandment series: while this is probably my longest hiatus work, i 100% plan to finish this. i have 2 fics to go in it and they've been on my mind since 2021 so... fuck it i MUST get them out. but they're foggy ideas that are really daunting when i go to write, and i find i lose my writing stamina/ motivation quickly. but they're not dead.
Unholy Land: while I've said i'm kind of leaving it open and i'd come back to do more, especially as jjk progresses, i'm finding it hard to do so. this was my first big piece on my old account and it was when i was most concerned with being a canon-compliant fic writer. as jjk lore continues, i'm not confident in its continued accuracy from the original 2020 publication. i have possible ideas of where to go from how i'd left off, but.. i have a complex relationship with jjk now and i'd kind of like to see how gege keeps things moving before i make a decision on that.
i think that's all of what was up in the air in October... again, feel free to ask more specific questions, or lmk if i missed anything / there's anything else you're curious about. thank you SO, so, so much for asking and caring about my fics <33333
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l1tw1ck · 2 years
Reaping What You Sowed
The brat gets what he deserves
FTM!Ajax x Top!Male Reader
Series: Let's Go Public!
Contains: Daddy Kink, Brat Taming, Spanking, Dom/Sub, Humiliation, Public Orgasm, Public Sex
Words: 1,033
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"How many times have I told you?" You sigh, giving Ajax a stern look.
"You're not giving me enough attention" He pouts.
"So your solution is to flirt with random people? I have half a mind to slap you right now."
"Then do it." He grins. You slap him, making a glaring red bruise on his cheek. He stumbles back, his grin not faltering.
"Strip then sit on the bed." You order.
"Already horny for me?" He pulls his shirt over his head, making a show of it and groping his chest.
"Don't start." You cross your arms. "Strip, don't play around."
Ajax rolls his eyes and laughs, pulling the rest of his clothes off before sitting down on the bed.
You walk over and spread his legs apart. "You're such an attention whore." You spank his wet cunt.
"Ah~" Ajax shivers.
You spank it again. "Apologize."
He moans. "Daddy~~"
"Apologize you dumb slut." You spank his cunt again.
"M' sor- sorry~"
You hit it again. "For what?"
"Fo- for flirting with a stranger...and for not listening to you."
You sigh. "Gonna listen to me now?"
"Maybe." He smiles.
"You never learn, do you?" You shake your head and walk to the bedside table, opening the first drawer and taking out a dildo. You walk back to Ajax and and stuff it into his cunt.
"No...I want your cock, please, I'm sorry. I'll listen to you now." Ajax frowns.
You laugh. "Are you kidding me? No, you're not getting what you want, you dumb cock loving whore." You grab his underwear and pull it up. "Get dressed."
"Come on! I'm sorry, okay?"
"I'm not asking you. Get dressed." You look at him sternly. Ajax pouts and puts his clothes on. "We're going out. I have some things I need to buy."
"C'mon comrade, how many times do I have to apologize? Please don't make me go out like this."
"Too bad it's not up to you. Don't lag behind." You put on a hoodie, already having an idea of how this'll turn out.
You walk with Ajax to the store down the road, the dildo in his pussy making him unbelievably horny.
"Can we take a break- nngh- at least?" Ajax looks at you with pleading eyes.
"No. You reap what you sow."
"Daddy, I'm sorry, I'll do anything. I promise I won't do it again." Ajax pulls on your shirt.
You stop and turn to him. "Yeah? You'll do anything?"
Ajax nods eagerly.
"Then walk."
He whines, trying not to moan as the two of you walk to the store.
While you're walking to into an aisle, Ajax leans into your ear and whispers. "Daddy, I'm about to come.."
"Go ahead." You smirk. Ajax bites his lip, covering his mouth as each step pushes him close to an orgasm.
With one final step, Ajax squirts in the middle of the aisle, looking around in embarrassment.
"Aw, baby, did you have an accident?" You mock him.
"Please, can we leave now?"
"Sure." You take your hoodie off and wrap it around Ajax's waist. "Nobody will ever know. Well, that is if you don't let them see the inside of your pants."
Ajax grabs your arm and brings you to the cash register. He didn't realize it earlier since he was too focused on the dildo in his cunt, but you bought him a new pair of pants, giving him some relief.
"Eh, guess we'll get the other stuff next time." You place your items on the conveyor belt and wait for the cashier to ring up your stuff. Ajax keeps his legs close together, impatiently waiting.
"Have a nice day." The cashier smiles.
Before you can reply, Ajax drags you outside and brings you to the back of an old building. "Please, at least fuck me." He leans against the wall, unzipping his pants.
"You're precious." You rub his cheek with your thumb. "I suppose you've learned your lesson now?"
"Yes, I promise I'll be good." Ajax nods. You take your hoodie and have Ajax wear it before pulling his pants off. You move him up against the wall, his legs barely touching the ground.
You take the dildo out of Ajax slowly and put it in a ziplock bag. "Don't be loud, okay?" You pull your pants down and take your hard cock out.
Ajax nods, covering his mouth as you push into him. He grins behind his hand, happy you're finally fucking him.
You bite his neck, thrusting into him slowly. Ajax whines but doesn't say anything, knowing you'll scold him for it. Your biting turns to licking, dragging your tongue from his neck and up to his ear. "Dirty slut." You whisper, making Ajax shiver.
"M' a dirty slut.." He repeats.
"That's right, Jax, you're a dirty little slut that's hungry for cock." You bite the outer part of his ear.
"For your cock." He corrects.
You hum, turning him around and letting him stand on the ground. You bend him over and fuck him at a faster and harder pace.
Ajax covers his mouth back up but it's not enough to muffle his moans. You spank his ass, making him mewl.
"Can't even keep your voice down." You chuckle quietly.
"'S too go- good~"
"I'll let it go this time." You grab his hips and fuck him more aggressively.
Ajax bites his lip, moaning as your dick abuses his poor cunt. The two of you ignore the possibility of getting caught, only focusing on yourselves and each other.
Ajax rolls his eyes back, grinning and repeating the word 'yes' over and over as he feels his peak approaching.
"'M gonna come, baby." You groan.
"Me- me too~!" Ajax comes before you, looking back at you with a fucked out expression. "Co- come in my pu- pussy please~!"
You bite your lip, thrusting unevenly as you come inside him. "Mmh-"
Ajax feels arousal pooling in his stomach from seeing your face while you come, making him want to go another round.
"You want more?" You raise an eyebrow, you can always tell what his expressions mean.
He nods.
"You think you deserve it?"
Ajax pouts. "Please?"
"Fine." You smile.
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"You're All Wet"
Sam "Ace" Rothstein x Reader
Um, I made the decision to call him Ace in this fic, not entirely sure why! Reader and Ace knew each other before he went to Las Vegas and Reader stops in to visit, enjoy!!!
TW: implied smut, cheating, mentions of gang activity
Word Count: 1.7k
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Just like any other night at The Tangiers, Ace Rothstein stalks the casino floor, like a predator waiting to pounce at the sight of a cheater in his beloved establishment. As his eyes scan the crowd, carefully watching everyone's body language for anything odd, there's a hitch when he swears he sees someone familiar. His eyes quickly double back and they land on you. In that moment, he feels like he's travelled back to the past and in another world simultaneously.
"(Y/N)?" he blinks in disbelief, "(Y/N), is that you?" He hasn't seen you in years! That face is all too familiar to him, but that body? Well... Let's just say you've grown up a bit.
"I gotta say, you're not looking so sharp right now, Ace, not with that dumbfounded look on your face," you giggle, holding your arms out for a hug, "You look like you've seen a ghost or something!"
He holds you tightly to him, nuzzling into the crook of your neck for a moment before pulling back and getting a better look at your face, "God... I feel like I have! Fuck, where are my manners, how have you been, darlin'?"
As you catch up, wandering away from the pits to somewhere more private, Ace finds his mind wandering back to old times in the Midwest, to when he knew you best. You're Remo Gaggi's only niece; you grew up with nothing but guys around you, guys who are all involved in the family business, so it only made sense that you were so interested in it too. But it was different with you, Gaggi wanted you to wait until you were an adult before getting into anything, so by the time you were allowed to know anything, you took it seriously because you knew you had something to prove being the only girl in the business.
Ace always admired how you came out swinging the minute you turned 18, ready to prove all your cousins and uncles wrong about you. But he really didn't get to see too much of it, before him and Nicky got sent to Las Vegas.
He even remembers their going away party, everyone getting together one last time before moving to the desert to make the bosses more cash than they could dream of. He remembers how you started to tear-up telling him goodbye, but you had a lot of pride and didn't want any of the guys to see you cry. However, you did cry when you finally got a moment alone with him, and Ace wiped your tears, promising you'd see each other again. And now, here you are in, halfway across the country, making sure that promise is kept.
"Where are ya stayin' tonight, doll?"
"Oh, just at some plaza hotel or something," you shrug.
"By yourself?" Sam inquires.
"Yeah, I'm grown now, ya know!"
"Oh no, no, that won't do. A girl like you shouldn't stay by herself in a city like this," he takes your hand across the table your both seated at, "Come stay with me."
"Ace, I don't wanna be a burden..."
"You're not a burden. I'm so happy to see you, it'd be an honor to have you in my home." His grip on your hand tightens reassuringly.
"You sure your wife will be okay with it?" It was the only defense you have left.
"My wife, eh?" He looks left then right slyly, "You know who pays for the place, right? I'll have a guest over if I like."
• • •
The next few days felt like old times but in a whole new place, a much richer and more luxurious place. Your first morning at Sam's house, you woke up early from jet lag, so you took the liberty of making breakfast for everyone. To which you were met with a "You didnt have to do that," when Ace caught you, but it was followed up by him hugging you from behind and laying his head on you, practically sleeping while standing up.
Of course, you hung out with Nicky too! They showed you all around their new stomping grounds out west. However, you can tell that Ace is making an effort to get alone time with you; you'd always had a special bond back home. Hell, you cried over the man when he left! You'd be lying if you said you didn't miss that closeness.
One night, as you're having a relaxing bubble bath in Ace's luxurious guest bathroom, you ponder on how much longer you should stay in Vegas. You bought a one way ticket because you weren't sure how things would go and you didn't want to be stuck here if things got hairy, but now... You feel like you want to stay for a while, but you don't want to take advantage of your friend's kindness either.
Your thoughts are interrupted by the sound of the doorknob wiggling before Ace lets himself in. "What? So you just walk in on girls in the bathroom now? I guess with all these Vegas dancers throwin' themselves at you, you must think you're hot shit or something."
"Oh, hush," he cracks a smile, strolling across the tiled floor before sitting down on the toilet lid.
As he sits back and looks you over, your head and bare shoulders being the only thing exposed, you taunt, "Like the view?"
He lightly snorts and shakes his head at you, "You look good, but I just wanted to spend some time with you before the wife gets home. God knows when that'll be." He rolls his eyes at the thought of his wife.
"You don't think it'll look suspicious, uh, hanging out with me while I'm in the bath?"
His eyes wander as if he's deep in thought, then he shrugs and returns his attention to you. "What did you do today?"
"Nothing too crazy. You and Nicky have had me so busy that I just went out for a mani-pedi," you relax back against the wall of the tub.
"Ooh, let me see," he says, leaning forward towards you. You slide a hand and a foot out from under the mountain of bubbles and hook them on the edge of the tub.
He inspects them before taking his hand in yours and holding it closer to him, "Very pretty, I like the color," he says quietly, then he presses a soft kiss to your knuckles.
"Thank you," you giggle at him.
He returns your chuckle and places a few more kisses to the back of your hand and wrist.
"Ace, what are you doing?!" You squeal!
He simply let's out a hum and continues kissing up your arm, his kisses slowly turning from funny to passionate as he passes your elbow. Ace scoots away from his seat on the toilet and kneels beside your bath, lips never leaving your arm.
You feel that fire creeping up in your belly as he rounds your shoulder, lips and tongue working the soft skin of your clavicle. Your other hand rises up out of the bath water, and you cup the back of the man's head.
Feeling a bit of hesitation, Ace slowly moves his lips towards your neck, receiving a small but pleased exhale from you. As your eyes flutter closed, you tilt your head back, giving him access to your sensitive skin. He suckles and nibbles there for what feels like eternity but also only a second, eliciting a series of breathy moans from your lips.
After placing a few kisses to the spot, he pulls away from you slightly, just enough to see your face. You stare at each other in a haze, familiar eyes locked onto yours, and his better judgement leaves him as he graces his lips across yours. Your lips dance with one another's, eyelashes brushing the other's face, in such a soft gentle moment, before he claims your mouth with his. Your emotions are on high from the passionate kiss, until you remember this isn't old times and this man before you is no longer yours to take.
Your lips part from his, "Sam..." It's just above a whisper.
The use of his first name makes the severity of the situation hang in the air like wind chimes waiting for a breeze, the sound of silence deafening to your ear drums. You'd only ever called him that once before, also in a serious moment: a moment when your confession of your feelings for him hung on the tip of your tongue, but you didn't want him to carry that weight to Vegas with him.
His eyes glance over your visage, that beautiful face filled with worry. You should never feel anything but happiness, Ace thinks to himself. The rough pad of his thumb gently strokes your cheek, while the rest of his fingers nestle just behind your ear. Your eyes are cast down, trying not to look at him, so you don't see it coming when he leans forward and kisses you again.
Your lips move together once again, and your hands find his shoulders, gripping onto him as if he might slip away. You sit up on your knees in the bathtub, and immediately Ace's arms are around your waist, pulling your soaking wet body close to his. His hands tangle in your damp locks, and he fumbles around before throwing a leg over the wall of the bath tub and sliding into the water with you. He settles down onto his knees and pulls you across his lap, never breaking your kiss.
Your fingertips comb through his hair, as your making out slows to a halt. Gently cupping his cheek, you take a look at him, "You're all wet," you state quietly.
Slowly, this elicits laughter from both of you. You both stay like that for a moment before he takes you in his arms and lifts you from your bath, carefully stepping out and leaving a hefty trail of water leading right to the guest bedroom where you've been staying.
That night as he makes love to you with his clothes piled in a wet heap on the floor all around the bed, the only thing on his mind is you. He's waited what feels like a lifetime to have you, so nothing would keep him from you, not even the sound of his wife coming home somewhere between rounds 3 and 4.
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one-boring-person · 4 years
Can You Do Me A Favour?
Barney Ross (The Expendables) x reader
Warnings: injury, drinking, sexual content implied, mentions of violence, swearing
Context: the reader is a member of the Expendables and has a crush on Barney. After a job, the two have some time together.
A/N: as promised, here is some Expendables stuff! I hope anyone who reads this will enjoy it! (Just a heads up: I have more Rambo and Escape Plan stuff coming, and most likely some more TLB content, too.)
(I'm also going to tag @yuhhhhhhhhhhhhhh in this, because they expressed interest in Expendables stuff earlier😊💛)
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The cold water is pleasant on my heated skin as I cup my hands under the steady stream flowing from the tap, splashing it into my face when a suitable pool has formed in the space. A gasp escapes me from the stark contrast in temperatures, using my fingers to rub slightly at my skin, trying to work out the headache that has set in, only to hiss when I accidentally press into one of the new scars on the side of my face. Pulling back, I repeat my action, doing my best to distract myself from the plaguing thoughts in my head, still disgusted at myself for having them.
But even now, as I massage the contours of my face, I can't get the images of my boss out of my head. Not the sight of him taking out a ring of attackers using his revolver and sharpshooting skills, not the way his exposed arm muscles flexed with each movement, not the determined look on his rugged face and certainly not the fierce eye contact he made with me when he turned around again. At the mere memory of this, a flush of heat goes through me, eyes squeezing shut to force myself to blank them out, not quite realising that his stare is branded into my subconscious. Biting my lip, I shake my head, forcing down the picture of his muscular body and large hands on my body as he dragged me from the collapsing building, not five hours ago.
Growling, I reach over and grab hold of the beer bottle nearby, glancing at my haggard features in the mirror before taking a deep drink, wincing at the stale flavour, having had the drink for far too long. I can see the tension in my body, each muscle tight and uncomfortable, my posture ramrod straight and clearly wrong, my eyes clouded with exhaustion and what I can only assume is loneliness. 
As soon as I'd gotten in from the last job, I'd headed straight into the bathroom, grabbing a beer from the fridge as I went, needing to clear my head. Nothing I did could help, my head always circling back to that one person. Frustrated, I slam the bottle on the counter top, wincing when it shatters from the force, a particularly sharp shard slicing into my palm.
Damn him. Damn Barney Ross for getting into my head.
I clean up my hand, just bandaging it up when my phone buzzes, the screen lighting up. Frowning, I look over at it, confused. Nobody calls me. Nobody, except my boss.
Picking up the phone, I groan to myself as I realise it is, in fact, Barney. For a second, I debate letting it go to voicemail, before I finally give in, accepting the call and placing the phone to my ear.
"Sir?" I greet him politely, wondering what he needs.
"How many times have I told you not to call me "sir"?" Barney's gravelly voice sounds through the phone, a low chuckle evident in his tone. I have to ignore the effect his voice has on me, the sound giving me butterflies in my stomach.
"Sorry, sir- ah, shit." I sigh at my own habit, "You alright?"
"Yeah, guess so. Just lonely. Figured you might be, too." He admits, tone going soft as he speaks.
"Bold of you to assume that." I tease, but continue, "Though you are, as always, right."
"Should tell Christmas that, might listen to you." The veteran laughs again, the joke drawing a similar reaction from me.
"We all know he listens to no one but himself." I quip back, still waiting for him to tell me why exactly he called.
"True, true." Barney's grin is almost audible, my mind instantly bringing up an image of that particular expression into my head, much to my chagrin, "You got any plans for tonight?"
Surprised, I take a second to reply, unsure of where this is going.
"No, it's too late. Ain't really got many friends outside work, anyway." I inform him, going out of the bathroom and into the lounge.
"Fancy coming over? I've got a couple of beers that need drinking, and the hangar is pretty lonely this time of night." 
His offer stumps me for a moment, though I am quick to recover, my mouth working before my mind can catch up.
"Yeah sure. I'll be over in twenty." 
"Great. See you then." He hangs up, leaving me wondering why the hell I accepted that, knowing how much I spend too much time thinking about him (in totally inappropriate ways considering he's my boss) anyway.
Annoyed at myself, I steel myself before going and grabbing a coat, pulling on that and my boots as I leave the flat, taking my motorcycle keys with me. I lock my door behind me, leaving the apartment block quickly, glad to have the fresh air on my face as I make my way over to my motorbike. Looking on it fondly, I climb on and kick out the stand, easily getting it revved up, the vibrating engine beneath me a pleasant feeling. 
Thankfully, the roads are mostly clear this time of night, cutting the twenty minute drive short by five minutes as I go at speed through the nearly deserted outer city. The hangar is usually a pain in the ass to get to, the traffic in the roads leading up to it almost always horrific, so I am only too happy to be able to go much faster now that there's not many other drivers around. With the wind rushing around me, I find that my head clears a little, my attention on navigating the roads rather than the thoughts of my boss doing things to me I'm sure he'd find grotesque in nature. 
I arrive quickly, pulling into the hangar slowly, knowing Barney is most likely in the plane, as he usually is. Stopping the bike, I put it in park before climbing off, hanging my helmet on the handlebars as I do so, taking the keys with me as I walk over to the old plane. Nearing the aircraft, I frown a little at the sight of the new bullet holes riddling the side of it, unaware that we'd taken so much damage earlier in the day. Sighing, I go inside, ducking in through the small door, only now hearing the music playing from the stereo in the cockpit.
"It's gonna need a new lick of paint." I call out to Barney, who I can see sat in his seat, the muscular man turning to look at me as he hears me.
"It's been a long time coming, so I'm not complaining." He replies, grinning at me as I walk into the cockpit, dropping into Christmas' usual seat, trying to ignore the butterflies in my stomach from his stare on me again. As I enter, he rakes his eyes over my body, subtly taking my every curve in from where he is.
"Fair enough." I shrug, leaning back slightly, having missed his look, "Got a beer?"
"Yeah, here." Barney hands me a bottle, opening it for me as he does so.
"Cheers." I thank him, taking a deep drink from it as he chuckles lowly, voice sending a bolt of heat through me.
"You're starting to sound like Lee." He remarks, sipping his own bottle with a smirk.
"Should I take that as a compliment? Or an insult?" 
"Up to you." He looks over at me.
"Eh, I'll take compliment. You two get along like an old married couple, after all. Must mean something if you're comparing me to him." I decide, teasing him.
Barney laughs at my comment, lifting his bottle.
"I can agree with that." He hums, staring out of the front window.
For a couple of moments, we sit in companionable silence, drinking our beers, Barney eventually lighting a cigar. Taking a deep inhale, he offers it to me, which I decline, choosing to finish my drink instead.
"What do you usually do after a job?" Barney suddenly asks, glancing back at me.
Surprised, I think over the question for a second.
"Nothing, really. I get myself cleaned up, have a drink, then get some sleep. I don't do much else with my life." I tell him, knowing how pathetic I sound.
"What, you haven't got anyone you can hang out with?" He questions, seemingly confused.
"No. As I said before, I don't really have any friends outside work."
"Really? No boyfriend? Girlfriend?"
I shake my head, grimacing at the turn in conversation, just missing the slight darkening in his eyes as he looks me over once more.
"Huh. That surprises me." 
Lifting an eyebrow, I look across at him.
He shrugs, making eye contact with me.
"Well, you seem like the person who wouldn't struggle to make friends. You're kind, funny, pretty. You know how to behave in the right situations, you're a good friend to have." He clarifies, seemingly unaware of the impact his words have on me, my heart throbbing as I listen to him, longing building up in me again.
"You think so?" I ask, not quite believing him.
"Yeah, I do." He frowns, looking over at me, "Why, don't you?"
I don't reply, knowing my answer well. He doesn't push it, observing me carefully, his gaze making me blush furiously.
"What'd you do to your hand?" The veteran suddenly asks, gesturing to my bandaged appendage.
"Hm? Oh, I just cut it on some glass back home." I inform him, flexing my hand a little, only to wince at the sharp spike of pain. 
Wordlessly, Barney reaches across and takes my hand in his, his touch setting off sparks through me despite the gentle nature of it. Pulling my arm closer to him, he runs his fingers lightly over my skin, the rough calluses rubbing over the palm of my hand, each stroke making it harder for me to fight off the rising need within me. Being this close to him, able to smell him in nearly every surface around me, feeling his hand on mine has sparked the feelings I've been suppressing as long as I've worked with him. 
Awkwardly, I pull away, swallowing tightly, trying to suppress the urges I'm suddenly feeling, needing to get myself together again. He doesn't stop me, his dark eyes regarding me quietly, observant as always as he seemingly considers something, his gaze sliding over me once more. After a moment, he puts out his cigar, leaning back in his seat.
"Mind doing me a favour?" The muscular man cocks his head at me, a small smirk playing at his lips.
"Er, sure? What do you need?" I agree hesitantly, knowing that expression means only one thing: he's got something up his sleeve.
"Check that control panel up there, would you? It's been giving me trouble for weeks." Barney's eyes are glittering now in the dim light, clearly up to something.
"What, now?" I frown, confused by the instruction.
"If you wouldn't mind." 
Lifting an eyebrow, I place my beer down and get to my feet, awkwardly reaching up to check the panel, which just so happens to be right above his head. I try to keep my body from leaning across him too much, but this is made difficult when I realise that the particular problem lies in the switches even further over. As I go to flick them, a pair of hands takes hold of my waist, suddenly yanking me down towards the chair.
Yelping in surprise, I feel my eyes widen as Barney pulls me down onto his lap, hands tight on my hips, pressing my back flush against his chest. His nose instantly finds my neck, the older man nudging at my skin until I tilt my head to give him access, goosebumps spreading across my skin as I try to process what the hell is happening, my brain short-circuiting with every one of his breaths. They fan out over the sensitive area, my own hitching in my throat as his scruff scratches over my skin, his lips not quite touching me yet, though I can feel their every movement. 
I try to get back up, unwillingly, only for him to loop one of his arms around my front and slip his hand under my shirt, flattening his palm on my stomach to hold me against him.
"I'm not blind, you know, (Y/n). I've seen the way you look at me, the way you behave differently when you're with me. You're not as subtle as you hope." Barney practically purrs into my skin, his smirk obvious against my neck, sending shivers down my spine as I try not to groan.
"I- I don't know what you're talking about, sir." I manage out, not quite catching the sound of anticipation that escapes me when he suddenly presses his lips against my ear, whispering into it.
"Really? I think you know very well what I'm talking about." He grins to himself, the hand on my stomach running down to ghost over the waistband of my jeans, my body tensing in his grip, "Want me to demonstrate for you?
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