#so yeah sofa meme but beans
hautedlife · 3 years
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Took inspiration from this twitch clip
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deadlyflan · 2 years
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Billies Bio Post: Who, Where, When, WTF
Original 100 Asks Meme Questions List
@turtallyawesome gave to me these questions three. Let's have the TMNT ask them...
 Part 1   //   Part 2   //   THIS IS Part 3
Michelangelo bounds over the sofa, chasing three enraged scruffy cat children and catching none of them. The homeless cat mutants race after each other, rolling and clawing as each tries to claim their share of a whole spilled plate of canned sausages.
Raphael stands in the middle of his living room holding three water bottles. All around him, black tufts of hair float while dropped coins bounce and roll. Claws, teeth, and weenies fly through the air.
Accusations of weenie theft, hissing, and cat screeching overwhelm Michelangelo’s pleas for the Billies to calm down. He finally cries out, “Raph! Don’t just stand there! Help me separate ‘em!”
As if running after the cats has helped so far! They like military stuff, right? They like to play soldiers? Raphael squares his shoulders and bellows, “BILLY TROOPS! A-TEN-SHUN!”
Three breathless black cats snap into a line in front of him. Paws are up in salute, though one Billy has raised the wrong hand. Chunks of each other’s fur clings to new rips in their sweatshirts and coats. Tiny chests heave as the Billies try to catch their breath. Layered clothes hang askew, random pockets turned out and clothing bunched. One Billy is chewing frantically on a weenie, breath wheezing through Billy’s nose.
“What was that?! Private Billy! And you, Billy! And you too, Billy! Fighting over food!”
The little cats wilt. “Sorry, sir!”
“Won’t happen again, sir!”
“Billy and Billy stole my weenies, sir!”
“That’s not true, sir!”
“The weenies ran. Billy just chased! Sir!”
Raph opens his mouth to continue the drill sergeant bit, but all three of the young mutants have shrunk backwards into their clothes. One of the kid’s stomachs growls. No. No more shouting. They’re kids. Hungry kids. Even if acting like a soldier from TV made them stop flipping out, Raph’s done. He deflates and hands each Billy a water bottle, not knowing what to say next.
Michelangelo saves him. “It’s okay, little Billies.” Mikey walks back into the living room from the kitchen. “I rinsed off the floor-weenies and divided them up equally. You down with that?"
Raphael flops back into his bean bag while Mikey hands over three coffee mugs full of canned sausage. A puff of styrofoam beans plumes out the side of his seat. They ripped his chair. Great. “(#74). Are you Billies always so quick to fight? Is it always like this when you loose your temper?”
  “Oh, Billy must be quick, sir!” All three of them are smushing weenies into their mouths and chewing with their mouths open. It’s bad manners, but with all their many sharp teeth visible, it also appears that their mutation didn’t give them molars. They’re smacking and spitting and trying to work the weenies back towards their side teeth. Rough tongues nimbly tuck the meat up against jagged tooth sets meant for tearing rather than chewing. Even before they swallow all the meat chunks, they’re fumbling in the mugs with their stubby, fuzzy fingers. Raphael shivers at the sounds of claws against ceramic. “Quick Billy stays alive, sir!” “Quick freeze. Quick hide. Quick run. Quick attack. Quick quick quick…” Billy  drops a weenie and immediately jumps to cover it with Billy’s body. “MINE!” The other two Billies tense, but the lone dropped weenie doesn’t set off a cat cyclone this time. “Okay. Yeah, I see that.” Raphael nods. A lot of Splinter’s training pushes him and his brothers to the same kind of hair trigger. “React first, think later.” Billy fights against a wad of hair that has stuck to the corner of Billy’s mouth. Raphael watches Billy try to push the hair tuft away with Billy’s tongue. Billy won’t put the weenie in Billy’s hand down or lower the mug. The cat makes such contorted faces, Raphael wonders if maybe ‘think later’ was too ambitious. Michelangelo interrupts. “But… like, what makes you attack quick?” He settles on the floor next to Billy and gently pulls the hair wad away from Billy’s mouth. “There’s a lot of dangerous people out there, Billy. You’re not trying to fight them all, are you?” “Billy rule!” The middle Billy has made steady progress through Billy’s weenie mug and now speaks for the group. “Don’t fight anything bigger than Billy!” Munching sloppily, Billy adds “Or anything meaner than Billy!” Billy chimes in between weenies. “Or anything on fire!” All three of them nod. This Billy Rule is hard won knowledge. “But even if Billy doesn’t fight, Billy gets mad.” “Stupid cars!” “Stupid rain!” “Stupid people!” “And Billy never fights them. Billy knows.” “Billy knows.” “Billy doesn’t fight cars.” “Or rain.” “Or people.” “Billy is smart.” Billy tips the mug up too far and spills weenie juice directly into Billy’s eyes. 
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sneezefiction · 4 years
apple pie & ice cream
Kenma x Reader - Scenario
desc: gloomy days can always be brightened with sweet smells, cinnamon sugar, and a homemade apple pie from yours truly: Kenma Kozume
a/n: to the anon who requested this a little while ago... happy birthday, love!! i hope you’re okay that i switched things around a little bit & had Kenma make you something sweet instead <3</i>
warning: slight language
wc: 1580
Some days are longer than others.
You’ve never had a good explanation as to why, but there are at least some telltale signs.
Like when red lights seem endless, your favorite song doesn’t sound as pretty as it should, and you just can’t keep your tired eyes open. Even with a cozy mug of hot tea in hand or the gentle stream of sunlight filtering through your office’s window, the warmth on your fingertips and face simply refused to reach you on the inside.
It also doesn’t help that you were flipped off not once, but twice, by some shitty drivers when you clearly had the right of way.
So you determine that the faster you can get home to Kenma, the better you’ll feel.
You take every short-cut and any back road, impatiently awaiting the moment that you can kick off your uncomfortable shoes and step out of those constricting work clothes. To turn on the air-conditioning and crash into a couch that proves to be far more welcoming than the outside world. Even just a nice, long stretch would do your aching back and heavy arms some good.
But most of all, you long to sink into Kenmas chest and lazily breathe in the comforting smell of home that rested on his well-worn hoodies. To run your fingers through his silky, soft hair and make messy braids out of it while sighing heavily to relinquish the day's grip on your tight shoulders. You can’t wait to bother him until he sets aside his black and red headphones to kiss your forehead and pull you into a soul-catching hug.
Most crappy days call for extra love from your gamer-boyfriend… but today Kenma has really gone out of his way to shower you in sweetness. Literally.
You’d sent him an awfully lengthy text about the number of crazy drivers on the road, the dreary weather overhead, following it up with a recap of your teary-eyed breakdown in a fast food chain parking lot... and you topped it off with just how much you missed him.
So he did the one thing he knew could lift anyone’s spirits.
Kenma got to baking his world famous apple pie.
Countertops were covered in white and brown sugar, apple peels, and other various, scattered ingredients. A store-bought pie crust was preheating in the oven, because only God knows how long it would take for Kenma to learn how to make that from scratch. Spices plumed in delicate, little clouds throughout the kitchen. Everything was coming together beautifully.
Kenma mumbles to himself quietly, a little miffed that he’s missing his weekly streaming session...
But secretly, he’s been meaning to do this for you for a long time. 
He’s been dying to thank you for putting up with his incessant live shows and never-ending computer gameplay. For living with him in his rental house even though he could probably (definitely) afford something far more luxurious. And you deserved luxurious. You should be decked out in diamonds and fancy cashmere, lounging on a sofa atop some rooftop garden oasis that overlooks the entirety of Tokyo, and dancing the night away at clubs and galas.
But you chose him. 
Simple Kozume. 
A smaller-framed boy with a knack for video-games, patterns, and strategy. The one they jokingly called “pudding head” in high school. That kid who used to hide behind his own hair because the world around him was far more daunting than he thought he could handle.
Kenma would rather stay in and binge a series on netflix than spend a night out on the town. He invests himself in playing an overly-competitive tournament of Mario Kart with you over flying out for a highstakes game of poker in Vegas. He prefers nights surrounded in fairy lights when you collaborate on videos with him, throw popcorn at his long hair, and drink a bit too much just because you both compliment each other more when you’re a little tipsy.
You love all of this about him and you’ve reminded him time after time that you wouldn’t trade him for the world… yet Kenma is still determined to at least have this apple pie done by the time you get home.
But as luck would have it, you’re early.
The lock to the door clicks and twists as you slide it open with a few squeaks.
Your senses are instantly delighted by the blooming fragrance of cinnamon and nutmeg. An ambrosial wafting of warm apples and pastry dough permeates the airspace while the added ginger and lemon cut through the sweet scent.
As if the room had just handed over a fluffy blanket and set you in front of a crackly, wood-burning fire, you’re filled with that much needed comfort. 
You’re home. And it smells so damn good.
If heaven had a scent, this was it. And you might as well be wearing a halo and angel wings.
“Kozume…?” You call out, wondering if it was really your boyfriend in the kitchen creating that mouth-watering aroma. 
“...yes, y/n?” He replies slowly, trying to clean up the countertops, a little frustrated that the pie wasn’t finished in time for your arrival.
“Is that you? Or did Gordon Ramsey break into my house and take over my kitchen?” You giggle, waltzing into the kitchen, the stress of the day being alleviated immediately upon seeing those speculative, gold-speckled eyes.
His hands are in his hoodie pockets, but when your form turns corner into the kitchen and makes its way toward him, Kenma draws them out and sneaks his hands up to your cheeks, cupping them gently.
He leans in, his expression a tad quizzical and somewhat mysterious, and whispers…
“You’re an idiot sandwich.”
A laugh bubbles up and out, shaking your whole body as you wrap your arms around his frame. You’d seen him just this morning, but wow you’d missed him and his extensive knowledge of meme culture. Now Kenma has his arms draped around your waist, hands squeezing at your hips a little. Your flustered but smiley expression spurs on a soft chuckle, a gentle yet deep rumbling in his throat.
“I thought you’d be back a little bit later, but I’m glad you’re here.” He murmurs out, voice tired but so soothing to your ears.
“Mmm, I’m glad to be back… now are you gonna tell me what that magnificent smell is? Or should I open up the oven and check?” The cheeky tinge to your voice causes him to pull away from you for a moment to look you in the eye.
“If you want it to turn out well, I’d keep your pretty little hands away from the oven for the next few minutes.” Kenma quips.
You playfully stick out your tongue but then proceed to place a teasing peck between his eyes, making him crinkle his nose cutely.
“So, when you sent me those texts earlier, I might have accidentally made an apple pie.” Kenma admits, looking away.
“Accidentally?” A grin slowly spreads across your face, eyes glinting with humor.
“Yep. Accidentally.” He shrugs, “I found some ingredients and a pie dish and I just accidentally threw it all together. So yeah, how convenient is that?”
You sigh, rolling your eyes. 
He’s really something else. And to think your day had previously been wrought with misery and disappointment.
“Mmm I don’t know, Kozume… it doesn’t sound like an accident to me. I think you did it because you wanted to be sweet.” You whisper softly into his ear.
Leaning back to brush away a strand of his hair from his face to get a full visual of his cat-like gaze.
“And why would I do that?” He teases gently.
“Oh, I don’t know… maybe because you love me?” You poke at his shoulder.
“Huh? Love?” He gives you a goofy look, raising both eyebrows in mock confusion. “...Is that some kind of sauce?”
He tries to keep a straight face, but the quirk of his lip gives him away.
You just stare at him before giving in to another fit of rolling giggles. The hearty, unrestrained laughter overtakes the both of you, causing you to double over and clutch your middle in an attempt to hold yourself up. Kenma has his back up against the counter-top, holding the edges of it with both palms to keep himself steady and from falling to the floor. 
As you both recover from aching lungs and that cloudy, euphoric feeling, you can’t help but let a smile plaster itself on your face.
Kenma has done many things today.
He gave you a reason to come home with hope in your heart. He’d drawn you into a heartfelt, soul-refreshing hug. He had made you laugh like nobody ever could. He’d even baked you an apple pie.
But best of all, he‘d held you together.
Like he always did.
Every single day, without a doubt in your mind, you could celebrate and smile. Because you would always have this cinnamon-covered cutie to smile and crack up with. He would always brighten the most mundane of weekdays and find the loveliest of ways to match your moods.
You two are like apple pie and vanilla bean ice cream.
And speaking of ice cream…
“Hey, Kozume?” You bring him into one more bear-like hug.
“Yeah, babe?”
“Did you get ice cream to go with the apple pie?” You ask, your face preciously tucked into the crook of his neck.
No reply. Had he heard you?
“Kozume? Did-”
Cue a huge sigh from Kenma.
“...Where are my car keys? I need to go to the store immediately.”
tags: @cherryonigiri, @yams046, @miss-rin, @shou-kunn, @senkuwu-chan, @super-noya, @stcrryskies, @holaaaf, @sugacookiies, @vintgicals, @moonlightaangel
(comment, dm, or send an ask to be added to my general tag list)
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cagestark · 4 years
Tags: Stuckony. Female!Tony Stark. Toni Stark. Somnophilia. Dub Con, though Toni would consent enthusiastically if she were awake. Please Get Consent Kids. Masturbation. Dry Humping. Wet Dreams. 
Toni goes four days without sleep. On Monday, her body finally gives in. 
Bucky is working out when his phone goes off. He slows the break-neck speed of the treadmill, contemplating whether he should stop running and check it. It’s likely just Clint sending another meme the likes of which Bucky won’t ‘properly appreciate’. But then he remembers that his girlfriend hasn’t slept in four days—nearly her personal record, she had slurred at him last night. He stops the treadmill and goes to his bag, fishing through it only to see that it’s a text from Steve. 
Dreamland, Steve says. Attached is a photo: Toni collapsed against Steve, her mouth open and drooling on his obscenely tight t-shirt. Judging by the fabric around them, they are laying on the couch up in the Penthouse. The lower half of Steve’s face is in the picture. His skin is flushed, likely from Toni being plastered against him in such an intimate way, but his mouth is tight around the corners. 
Just like Steve to feel guilty over something the three of them all want, Bucky thinks to himself. Bucky and Toni had come to Steve weeks ago to discuss how they felt (and how they knew he felt as well if all the flushing and staring and stammering meant anything). It was clear that polyamory went against his modest sensibilities, so they had offered to take things slow and give him time to come to terms with things. 
How’d you get her to sleep? Bucky texted back. 
She wanted me to hold her. Fell asleep before her head hit my chest
Bucky can’t help but smile. You deserve a medal, he messages back. I’ll be up as soon as my run is finished. 
But he only runs another half mile before another message is received. Then another. Then another. Groaning in frustration—he’d just fucking gotten into a rhythm—he nearly cracks the interface of the treadmill when he turns it off. When he sees that it’s Steve who has texted, he’s almost ready to forgive him, expecting more cute pictures of Toni and the growing drool stain on Steve’s shirt. 
But instead what he sees has his heart pounding: 
Bucky come up here quick 
Need your help 
Bucky makes it to the penthouse in record time. When he throws open the door, he isn’t sure what he expects to see. Chaos, more than likely, if they’re being attacked (though no signals have sounded and FRIDAY had not said a word). Chaos, still, if Toni was hurt or sick. Her heart, he thinks, feeling as if his own is about to burst. Please God don’t let it be her heart. 
But the penthouse is quiet. He takes several large strides inside, mouth open to call out for them when he spots their figures, still together where Steve’s photo placed them, curled up around each other on the sofa. 
There comes a noise: quiet and distressed. Steve is laying flat on his back, long body taking up the entire couch, and Toni is nestled half on top of him, thigh thrown over his body, one hand fisting his t-shirt. She looks so small compared to him, compared to either of them. Then Bucky sees the way her body is shaking, wracked with shivers 
Is she—crying? 
When at last he meets eyes with Steve, he sees the tortured expression on the other man’s face, his mouth twisted and eyes furrowed, entire face flushed. 
“I’m sorry,” Steve whispers roughly. 
“Sorry?” Bucky asks, matching his quiet voice. “What the hell for? What’s—oh.” 
He sees now. Toni isn’t crying, plastering herself against Steve’s chest like some damsel in distress. She’s still fast asleep—probably closer to unconsciousness, if 100 hours of being awake has anything to say about the matter—and it seems that she has slipped into a REM cycle the likes of which he envies. She’s having a wet dream. It’s obvious in the way her hips move, sloppy thrusts against Steve’s hip. With one leg stretched out beside him and the other thrown over him, she needs only to hump against the warmth of his body to get pressure on her clit. And the thigh that rests across Steve’s body is rubbing flush against his cock. 
His very hard cock.
“I can’t move her myself,” Steve whispers frantically. “I don’t want to risk waking her. Please—I swear, I didn’t mean for this—” 
“Steve, calm down,” Bucky says lowly. “She’s just having a dream; you couldn’t have predicted that.” 
“Still,” Steve says. He pauses, eyes fluttering when Toni gives a guttural groan and her hips jerk, thigh clenching where it’s centered over his cock. When he realizes himself, his face is redder than Bucky’s ever seen it, and he can’t even meet the other man’s eyes. “It’s not right. Me laying here and just, letting her. I think if I start to roll her over and you’re there to scoop her up, we can get her into a real bed—” 
“Good idea,” Bucky says. 
He sits down in the armchair seated at the foot of the couch, movements slow and measured. 
Steve’s brows furrow. “Buck—come on, we need to get her to bed.” 
“I know,” says Bucky. He reaches down and rubs his palm over the growing bulge in his sweatpants. “In a few minutes.” 
“James Buchanan Barnes,” Steve hisses. “Get over here now.” 
“What kind of boyfriend would I be to keep my girl from rubbing one out?” Bucky asks. “Or to keep you from rubbing one out, for that matter.” 
Steve looks angrier than Bucky’s ever seen him (Avengers matters not included). His nostrils flare with every breath, the hand of the arm that isn’t around Toni to keep her from rolling off of the couch is clenched into a white-knuckled fist. Toni makes another sound, a breathy sigh that breaks Steve’s righteous fury and has him shivering all over. 
“It’s wrong,” Steve says, voice like gravel. 
“Toni spends a good percentage of her waking hours trying to convince you to let her rub herself off against you anyway,” says Bucky. “And another decent percentage rubbing off on me and telling me about it. We all want this, yourself included. Why won’t you just let it happen?” 
“She’s your girl.” 
“She wants to be your girl too.” 
Toni gives out a groan, muffled against Steve’s shirt. Her hips continue their sleep-slow rhythm. When her thigh rubs against the bulge of Steve’s cock, his head jerks back, neck straining, eyes squeezed shut. Fuck, it’s been so long since he’s seen Steve that way—the last time was before the ice, before the train. It makes his own erection ache.
Steve’s body shudders, thighs tensing as he struggles not to grind against the warmth of Tonis body. Toni adjusts her grip on Steve’s shirt and her nails must drag over his nipple considering the cry he almost gives, barely cut off by the snap shut of his teeth. “Bucky you—you have to stop her, I, I’ll—” 
It’s Bucky’s turn to groan, palming himself as best as he can through his sweats, mapping the shape of his cock with his fingers and jerking it off as much as the fabric will allow. He could take himself out but if his lovers have to stay clothed, then he applies the same rule to himself. The first time they see each other naked it will be altogether, everyone awake. Better than any dream.
“Do it,” Bucky says. “Cum. God, Toni will be spittin’ mad that she missed it. I’ll have to tell her all about it: the way she humped against you like you were nothing but a pillow between her legs in the dead of night, the look on your face as you’re trying not to blow your load. Maybe she’ll make me tell the story while she rides my cock, stopping every time I stutter. Our girl likes games like that, likes to torture and be tortured. Maybe she’ll ride yours and leave me sitting in the corner watching—” 
“Stop,” Steve gasps, fist opening and closing against his jean-clad thigh. Toni’s thrusts against him are so erratic that it would surely get him off quicker to just shift her leg aside and palm himself—but he doesn’t do that. Because this way, it is Toni making him feel good. Bucky knows that that makes all the difference. 
“If you’re going to cum, you better do it soon. Hear those noises she’s making? She’s getting close. Once she’s done, she’ll probably go back to dreaming about circuit boards and coffee beans. Cum now, Steve, if you’re going to cum at all—” 
In his arms, Toni suddenly gives a choked moan, neck arching back invitingly, her body shaking softly as she cums grinding her sex against Steve’s side. That’s enough for the both of them, Bucky groaning behind closed lips as his balls draw up and he bursts, spilling inside his sweats. Steve cums quieter than all of them, mouth open in a soundless cry, face screwed in pleasure, jerking every time Toni drags her thigh over his cock where it twitches in his jeans. 
“Jesus,” Bucky mutters, still wracked with shivers. “Look at you two.” 
Steve’s eyes flutter open, his face still flushed. At his side, Toni begins to quiet and grow still, sated for now. She makes an unhappy sound, shifting her face away from the damp fabric of Steve’s shirt where she has been drooling. 
“Well,” Steve pants. “Can we move her now? I need to—clean myself up.” 
Bucky is in a similar predicament, though his is much for visible considering he’s wearing nothing beneath the sweatpants he had pulled on that morning. Clearing his throat, he nods. “Yeah, we should put her someplace more comfortable. Give you a chance to run downstairs and change before you come back.” 
“Come back?” Steve asks. “Why would I—why would you—” 
“Post-coital cuddle, Steve,” says Bucky. “You’re learning a lot about our girl today: she’s big on cuddling, especially after orgasms. Now shift over as far as you can so you can pass her to me smoothly, will ya?” 
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brandxspandex · 4 years
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We’re back baby!
From August 24th to August 31st, windscream shippers around the world can come together to celebrate their favourite pair of bickering birds with art, fic, moods boards, memes, music, musings, whatever you like! Just so long as it’s full of windscream-y goodness <3 <3 <3
Like last time, we’re offering an excessive 15 prompts for the 8 days, and you can choose to do whichever prompt(s) you like on whatever day you like, and feel free to combine prompts if you so fancy!
Here’s this year’s selection of prompts:
Comfort and Care: Offerings and acts of emotional and/or physical support. 
Cosy Night-In: Movie night, board games, enjoying a home-cooked meal or maybe just cuddling on the sofa, whatever cosy scenario you fancy! 
Fun Night Out: A night out on the town visiting clubs, bars, karaoke, the possibilities are endless! 
(Mash-up) AU: Alternative universe, like a cyberpunk or cowboy AU, or why not mash it up and do a cyberpunk cowboy AU? 
Sparklings: Squishy little beans or sassy little brats, however you like 'em. 
OT3(+): Add another character (or more) into the relationship and see what happens!
Shattered Glass: Flip the script and show us how things are going in the reality where a nice Starscream has to deal with an evil Windblade. Or maybe their originals meet their alternate selves? 
Dancing: You just know they can move it.
Fluff: Time for cavities. 
Angst: Time for PAIN. 
A E S T H E T I C: Windscream. But make it aesthetic. 
Inspired by a song: Does a song put a windscream scene in your head? Show us. 
Smut: Aw yeah. 
Alternative Ending: Show a different way things could have gone, whether it be in IDW1, Cyberverse, or even some other continuity you figure could have ended on a windscream-y note. 
Free Space: Whatever the frag you want!
Just tag your posts with #windscreamweek, and if you have an AO3 account, you can add your works to this collection.
Beautiful banner above done by 011221_shady on Instagram!
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bangtansfavwriter · 5 years
🌷jimin having a crush on you🌷
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(with a hint of smut & angst, still v fluffy 😌)
- a complete flirt or a complete shy bean, there's no in-between
- introduces you to his friends, his family, the staff, the ahjussi at the convenience store....
-will touch you a lot, so expect koala hugs on any given occasion
-you will stare at his lips a lot, unconsciously, which you'll notice when jimin looks like ar u like this : 👀🤭
-very very caring, the type to sprint across the city to be with you when something's wrong with you
- you guys would talk in person, on the phone, over text... actually a clingy one and he doesn't even hide it
-showers you with affection
- "you're so lovely, lovely, lovelyyy~"
- ur entire support system and personal hype man
- you know that will smith meme with his wife? that's jimin with you basically
- you two are completely emo when he has to leave for tour, but thank god there's skype
-gets emo again when you have to hang up
("good night, good night! parting is such a sweet sorrow." - "jimin, did you... did you just quote shakespeare on me?? minie, we're gonna talk tomorrow, don't be sad!"- "😔😔😔😔😔😔😔" - "nooo minie😭😭😭😭😭" - "noooooo im happy, look ☺️☺️☺️☺️" - "ok good 💞" - "........(😔)"- PARK JIMIN" - "👼🏻")
- stalks all your social media when he's on tour but will never tell you, accidentally like your pic from like 42 weeks ago and screamed so loud hobi fell out of his bed
-you sent him a screenshot of the notification you got with a single "?" and jimin welcomed the sweet release of death (he left you on read and prayed you would forget about it)
-stops by at your place when he's back in the country and gives you a hug so tight it lowkey feels like u guys made out, FLIRTS and you're like "what are we?" and he's "what do you mean? :))) we're friends ofc :))))))" [libras.]
-also, he often invites you to dance practices and is extra flamboyant meanwhile
- "y/n, have you seen the flip? it was good right?" ( boy's got a big fat praise kink tbh)
"you looked so cool, minie ~'
*gets shy, hides his face, jumps through the room*
(& you'd ask yourself if this the same guy who stripped at MAMA)
- his duality is no joke, even in your guys' relationship it would be confusing as hell sometimes, yet exciting because he shows you different sides : childlike and carefree / serious and seductive
- lots of cuddles and giggles together
- goes above and beyond to make you happy and ready to cut a bitch when you're upset
- could charm your pants off, hypothetically speaking, but he's also shyyy mostly bc he's scared you might not like him the same way
-at the dorms he would get into this mood where he would do dramatic monologues about his feelings which would put shakespeare to shame tbh
-they almost always end up with him imagining that you might go for someone else
-one day the boys would encourage him to go for it and he'd muster up the courage and be like "fuck yeah im gonna confess" and then loses courage when yoongi said "do it before someone else does it" and everyone would be screaming bc they just got jimin to shut up about you and were about to end the daily tortured hero vibe jimin had lately by tricking him into confessing (& jimin spent days giving yoongi a look that straight up said "et tu, brute?")
-jimin spent the days after that contemplating if you would actually date him or if you would go for someone else
-he'd be all pouty and would also be touchier than usual, bc he would this physical contact as some sort of reassurance, in a way
-you couldn't quite understand what was going on with him but you reciprocated in every scenario and he was very pleased with that
-when you guys would chill on a sofa and watch tv, he'd lay down and rest his head on your lap and wouldn't say anything and continue watching TV, but he'd still wait for your reaction and sigh happily when you started playing with his hair
-he'd do these little tests to gauge your reactions and to see how you act towards him
-he'd ask a lot about how you feel about relationships and respect and all that, he'd also test you... physically. and by that I mean the sensual hugs, light touches on your thigh and and the looks you'd share meanwhile... the first time you two had dinner with the guys in a restaurant with dim lights. when you felt his hand on your thigh, you looked at him with a raised brow and this lil shit deadass SMIRKED at you but you knew that 2 can play this game and smirked back and moved his hand slightly up and jimin's soul almost left his body. "what are we, y/n?" he whispered to you. "you tell me", you whispered back, with a cunning smile on your lips. you excused yourself and got up from the table and jimin jerked that moment, as you put your hand on his thigh when you lifted yourself up. (jk to nj: i don't know what is going on there but I bet it's disgusting, nj: no, don't be like that, sj: no, he's right)
-jimin and you (and everyone else, for that matter) entered a weird stage where you legit didn't know wtf was happening between you
-everything moved fast and yet you didnt know if you guys were going somewhere with this but jimin sure acted like your boyfriend yet didn't go beyond flirting
-and this was getting tiresome for you, but you were still hoping tbh, but you thought that maybe... maybe you were just a welcome distraction for him in all his hectic schedule. but deep down you knew this was your insecurities speaking, but sometimes it got the better of you.
-and things took an ugly turn when jimin tested you again, but in the most stupid way you could ever "test" someone... you've guessed it..... through jealousy.
- that was bc jimin himself got jealous when you were hanging out with yoongi, mostly bc he also remembered what yoongi once said about someone snatching you away from him
-and jimin absolutely hated this situation.... he knew this was irrational and that you could hang out with whomever you wanted & yoongi's obviously like a brother to him..... but jealousy is a very ugly feeling that makes you feel ugly things
-and jimin didn't want neither yoongi nor you to see this side of him so he didn't say anything. he didn't speak to neither of you. was it a good solution? hell no & he knew that. but he had to deal with his temper somehow... he cut you short whenever you tried to talk to him, saying he's busy and such, but you knew he was lying to you for some reason but you still were patient and did your best not to drag him to hell and back for lying to and ignoring you, as he stopped texting you as well. he didnt speak more than necessary with yoongi who only kept his mouth shut bc they was another matter involved. jimin had the idea for this "last test" for you when a new staff member got flirty with him, during a bighit party. you were there, too, in the same room, to be precise and jimin knew this and saw a chance coming, as you were talking to yoongi again who glared back at jimin who intensely kept staring at you two. so this new + drunk staff member came along and started talking with him.... and giggling so obnoxiously that yoongi and you rolled with your eyes at the same time and started laughing when you realized it. jimin wasn't listening to anything in the first place but when he saw you two laughing, he had a snap decision, turned to the staff member and coyly smiled and started flirting. you watched the whole play & jimin knew it, so he added some light touches and nudges here and there and you could feel getting more upset with every minute of this shit-show you were witnessing. yoongi put his hand on your arm and turned you away from jimin and his bimbo and face him instead. you could feel your blood rush to your head which was also apparent to yoongi who consoled you, as he knew of your feelings. jimin mistook the whole situation once again and went for the worst move.
you saw yoongi's glare and turned around only to see jimin holding his little plaything by the waist and them swaying around together. the other members noticed too and namjoon took the lead and quickly moved jimin away from dispatch's newest headline in the making. you turned to yoongi again and said "i'm going home, yoongi, thank you", with a sad smile on your face, and left before he could answer. yoongi quickly rushed out after you, knowing damn well that you'd go home and cry. he managed to catch up and pulled you into a hug, away from all the noise. "that boy is an idiot, but he's so in love with you, trust me on that. he's just being stupid right now", he said patted your back and lowkey contemplating dissing jimin in agust d 2, when he heard the muffled sniffs coming from you. "Ohhh, yoongi-hyung, y/n, getting cozy, aren't we?" you heard jimin saying behind you. yoongi was about to yell at him, but you were quicker to turn around and BLASTED him, bc how tf does he dare to say something like this after what he just pulled inside and how tf can he be so rude to yoongi and most importantly why tf would you listen to him after blatantly ignored you over the past weeks??? jimin went silent after your rant and let his head sink. "i'm sorry..." he said, "i'm sorry to both of you. i don't know how to explain it... but i felt angry when I saw you two so close. i know it's stupid and I know that you guys can be friends, obviously... it's so irrational and I don't even know why i did that earlier. i guess I wanted you to feel what I feel when I see you close with another man, y/n...". this voice got hoarse the more spoke and you knew that he too was about to cry. you knew he was regretful. it didn't justify that he was a dick to you, but you could see where he was coming from and understood that this feeling can make you do irrational things. "jealousy," yoongi said with a stern voice "is a really ugly trait, jimin. you should have known neither of us would ever go behind your back. for your information, y/n confided in me. your best friend is in love with you and you, dumbass, are too blind to see it. -(jimin's head shot up)- I'm gonna leave you two to it now, but jimin, I assure you I will kick your ass if you hurt y/n one more time." and he left. jimin looked at you apologetically, then hid his face behind his hands and took a deep sigh. "I really am a dumbass, huh..." - "yeah, you are" you replied with slight smile on your face and you took some steps towards him, he looked up at you. "y/n, I might be dumb and selfish, but I really hope that you can forgive me... one day. I was jealous of you two and I got insecure. I shouldn't have done what I've done and I can only apologise.... i'm really sorry about everything." (he let his head sink)
you were now standing right in front of him. "jimin, look at me." (he did.) "you really are a dumbass" (he got pouty) - "I thought we had already established that, y/n" - "getting smart with me, minie?" you asked and laughed when he looked at you with with huge eyes and a beaming face after he heard his pet name. he shook his head "I'm the dumbass, remember ?". You two laughed and you threw your arms around his neck and kissed his cheek while he buried his head in your neck.
"be my dumbass, minie."
yoongi: "so how did you solve it again?"
you: "i called him dumb like 3 times and now we're dating"
yoongi: "nice"
jimin: "..."
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maatryoshkaa · 5 years
Stray Kids as Roommates | Thread
some roommates-to-lovers fluff coming at you!
Bang Chan
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You guys are the pair that n e v e r sleep
Turned his room into a home studio; probably would have thrown out his bed and turned his room into an office if you hadn’t stopped him
You often fall asleep to the sound of his humming and tracks muffled through your bedroom wall
You see the most of him during exam season, while pulling all nighters
He’s always in the kitchen making his 14th cup of coffee when you get up to go to the bathroom at 3 am
Lots of deep, meaningful conversations over late night snacks
You swear you’ve heard him talking to his Goku figurines during the unearthly hours of the morning
You’re the only one Chan lets ruffle his fluffy dandelion bedhead in the morning
Takes care of you more than he takes care of himself
Always asks you how your day went when you get home and insists on listening even when he’s been awake for over 48 hours
Always there to give you advice and comfort you when you’re feeling down! A living breathing mental health hotline
Walked into your room when you were studying for finals at 2am
You were in your pajamas, hair a mess and eyes barely open
And that was when Bang Chan decided he was in love with you
Ah, the couple with matching bags under their eyes.
☽ Read the rest of the boys under this cut! 
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Fried chicken takeout for dinner is a big Friday night thing
Kind of like a big moral support teddy bear, his hugs are the greatest
You steal half his closet in the winter because his hoodies are the comfiest
Literally the dad of your household
Checks up on your health and how you’re doing every now and then
Pushes you to finish your work and makes sure you’re not procrastinating
Honestly, your grades are soaring thanks to him
Helps you with homework
Your parents love him
Always saves and brings you good things to eat
Tucks you in at night when you can’t sleep nyahh i’m soft
And a couple times, when you wake up shaking from nightmares, homesickness or stress, he’s always there to comfort you, lying there until you fall asleep again.
“Yeah? Shh, don’t worry, I’m here.”
You always sit outside the bathroom and listen to him sing in the shower
Until he suddenly opened the door in nothing but a towel and you couldn’t face him for weeks
He thought your furiously blushing face was the cutest thing he’d ever seen and teased you about it, 
Until you finally kissed him to make him shut up
Hint: it worked wonders.
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Saturday night dance battles are a t h i n g
Doesn’t do any chores unless he notices you’re feeling tired
Tried to cook once and probably accidentally gave the both of you food poisoning
Remember when he cooked rice cakes in the unwashed metal pan I’m--
Likes you a lot more than he lets on
Like, you’d mention craving a certain food or not having saved up enough money for something, and voila, the next day it’d be sitting on the kitchen table.
“What? It was on sale, just lying around. Don’t think too much of it.”
Clowns you for every little thing, but the moment he hears someone make fun of you, it’s on sight
Bicker like an old married couple, lots of back and forth catfights
Evenings falling asleep on the sofa, both tipsy and giggling while his two cats snuggle up around you
Arguing over who the cats love more
Endless crackhead antics; the neighbours probably hate you
Insists on walking his cats around the apartment complex, when in reality he just wants to spend more time with you
Everyone already knows you’re basically dating but you’re both too stubborn to admit it
Probably hooked up once or twice, or more than once or twice ;)
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Honestly when you first got him as your roommate, you were terrified
Because this 5’6 ball of dark is intimidating as frick
Realized how soft he really was when he whipped out his Munchlax plushie
Petty arguments with him are impossible because he speaks so fast
So you just let him win
Makes you kill the spider
Always manages to convince you to watch horror movies at 1 am
Probably as an excuse to have you in his arms if you get scared ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) he thinks he’s slick
Perfected the “stretch and put his arm around your shoulder” move
Made a special playlist for everything you do together: good vibes for breakfast, upbeat jams when doing the chores together, chill indie mixes for cozy evenings in doing work
Insists on helping you around the house
Bringing you fresh ice coffee, cookies, and convenience store hauls whenever he gets off work
“B-but the Peperos were on a buy one get one free sale 👉👈”
Suggests playing the pocky/pepero kiss game to which you smack him in response
But you end up giving him a quick peck anyways, and he freezes, stunned
You run off, face red, Changbin chasing after to you with a wicked grin
“What was that? Is that buy one get one, too, because I want another oneeee!”
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The chillest roommate, but when he gets hyper oh m y
I ain’t gettin no sleep cos of y’all, y’all not gettin sleep cos of me
You have to wake him on the weekends because this boy would sleep until the evening
You want to let him rest, though, since he’s always out and working so late ;(
Secretly takes so many candid, soft pictures of you and saves them as his wallpaper
Loves to take you shopping and dress the both of you in matching #OOTDs
Hypes you the heck up
“She’s sister snatched today! Skin glowing, outfit on point -- oh look at that SMILE! Do the thing again -- oh my gosh. You’re killing it, y/n!”
Gives you fashion advice and beauty tips, although you keep bugging him for his skincare routine cuz damn
Probably share skincare products
Always do face masks together but fail at keeping them on because the two of you keep laughing at the stupidest things
Sometimes he has to put you to bed when he comes home late, and you’ve fallen asleep on the couch waiting for him to get back
Can’t resist kissing your forehead sometimes when tucking you in
At moments like these, he finds himself wishing for a sliver of a chance that you might feel the same way he has
He’s honestly so damn obvious though, getting you matching “roommate” things when he goes out -- plushies that remind him of you, little snacks when you’re down, cute accessories, you name it
This boy also forgets that he talks in his sleep -- and is very hard to wake up
So one morning, you’re leaning over his bed, about to shake him awake, and hear him mumble
“y/n, y/n, y/n...i like you sooo much...what do i do?”
You nearly choke on your toast, effectively waking the boy up, and he stares at you, half-awake and mortified.
“What? Did I--did I say something in my sleep?”
The smug, blushing smile spreading over your face is enough to send him diving back under the covers as you begin to tease him
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So comfortable to be around, he’s basically your best friend from day 1
Except for the fact that he’s so. Damn. LOUD
Noise complaints filed from the neighbours, the landlord, the neighbour’s dog, you name it
Another soft bean whose bedhead you love to ruffle
I mean have you seen My Pace dance practice? That boys mane has a mind of its own--
Brings you lots of cakes and pastries from cute bakeries when you’re stressed
A responsible boi™ ! always helps you out around the house.
Grocery shopping together? What a concept
Except he piles the cart with chips and snacks when he thinks you’re not looking
Lots of late nights binging movies on Netflix
This boy loves moves
But he loves them even more when he watches them with you ;D
Afterwards, you’re both too lazy and comfortable to move, so you end up falling asleep cuddled up against each other
Always runs away and hides when you ask to see his songs
You find scraps of hastily scribbled lyrics and ideas strewn around the house all the time
Little phrases like “i think i love you” and “my heart beats impossibly fast when i’m with you”
So you manage to collect enough to bring them to him and tease him about it
Jisung gets all quiet, though, instead of whining like he usually does, and you quickly apologise, thinking you’ve gone too far
You reassure him his writing is amazing
“It’s not that.”
He finally looks you in the eye, the intensity of his stare making your heart stop for a moment.
“They’re about you.”
Oh, how the turn tables.
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i hate him sm, blease
Why did you even agree to room with him
Rooming with Felix is a one way trip to insanity -- we going ✈️✈️ acid trip
You can hear him yelling yeets and yeehaws when he plays Fortnite while you do your homework, and you swear you’re t h i s close to putting his head straight through his screen
Video game marathons when you’re not busy though, you have to admit, are the bomb
Probably convinced you to make TikToks with him
Makes you do all the viral challenges, including the couple trends
Honestly the most fun guy to be around ever
Your daily dose of memes and sugar
Knows when to be down to earth and serious, though!
Gives the best massages when you’re overworked and runs you a bath, promptly ordering your favourite takeout and making sure to feed you
Building pillow forts together on rainy days and snow days, and having sleepovers!
Binging vine compilations together during said sleepovers
Sending each other memes at 1 am when you’re both simultaneously procrastinating on homework
You basically became a couple without really going through the confession stage; it just sort of happened
“Hey, ‘lix?”
“Yeah, what’s up?”
“I think I kinda like you.”
A sideways smirk. “Well, yeah, you’ve dealt with me for this long.”
The best-friends couple: soulmates, and, more importantly, partners in crime vine
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Sweetest roommate!! Honestly you feel bad for even asking him to do chores
Has a bit of an evil side, though
One second he’s flashing you an angelic smile, the next he’s roasting you for your selfie skills on your recent Instagram post
You make one (1) complaint about the living room being messy, next thing you know you wake up and it’s spick and span
Cooks?? Really hecking well?
Sometimes you wonder if you signed up for a roommate or a housekeeper
Your apartment is so clean
Taking evening strolls together after dinner and taking pictures at the park
Walks you to and from work/school like a little puppy, and gets anxious if you’re late coming home
Doesn’t know how to show how much he cares about you and gets frustrated with himself
So he indulges in the little things, like packing you cute little lunches with sticky notes on the containers
Little notes around the house on days he stays out working late, like make sure you’re eating! And don’t sleep too late!
Honestly, you fell for him the moment he first smiled at you
Once, he was working overtime nonstop, and you didn’t get to see him for over two weeks
When he finally came home on time, you couldn’t help tackling him in a big bear hug
After he got over his initial heartbeat racing a thousand miles per hour, he dropped his head into the crook of your neck, hugging you back tightly
No words were needed, you missed each other’s presence so much, it seemed to say itself
I love you, and I missed you.
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Is this boy even old enough to rent out a room? He is babie
So incredibly shy when he first meets you, but warms up quickly
Owns animal-printed pajamas and onesies
You both had a mini celebration when he got his braces off, complete with banana milk and animal crackers
You are both babie
An early bird, always wakes up before you
You wake up to him shaking you and laughing at your scrunched up face
“Wake uuppp, y/n, you’re going to be so late!”
Can’t clean to save his life; always ends up breaking something or knocking things over
So he’s in charge of doing the laundry
Had a fat mental breakdown when he realised that meant your underwear
Your apartment is littered with figurines and plushies that both of you collect and don’t have the heart to clean out
“Jeongin, where are y----” you stop. “Why are you lying face down on the ground?”
“...we’re out of banana milk.”
Another hidden evil bean who clowns you for everything you do once he warms up to you
Baby boy!Jeongin switches to Savage!Jeongin in a matter of seconds
Also makes you kill the spider
Helps you cook, but only if you tell him how to do everything or he’ll freak out
Putting mukbang channels on the TV while eating together and watching in comfortable silence
Loves watching you eat and has a million derpy pictures of you saved on his phone
Poor boy has no idea how to tell you he’s falling head over heels with you
Accidentally blurts out “I like you” during a screaming contest
Lots, I mean LOTS of awkward laughing as Jeongin feels his face heat up, watching yours do the same
The longest moment passes, and Jeongin is getting ready to disassociate when you’re finally able to open your mouth and scream back,
“I like you, too!”
Baby boy found his soulmate.
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jortsboy · 7 years
hi im ela and I came here to talk about posh/hipster stan
OOF okay so modern hipster stanley….. (this got a bit long so i put it under the cut!)
+ his go-to Look is cuffed skinny jeans, a black or striped turtleneck (I fuckin loved ur hcs ela), a pair of classic chucks or those square patterned vans
+mike got him into photography and he has a vintage camera that he loves to take w him when he goes bird watching
+he also has a polaroid camera that he loves to use to take pictures of the losers (he may also secretly take pics of bill bcus he just looks so cute when he’s sleeping)
 + he always orders black coffee to maintain his hipster a e s t h e t i c but he secretly hates it (bill & richie are the only ones who know that he secretly loves the sugariest shit on the menu)  (inspired by @pastelstanuris ‘s fic omgnddh)
+ juss fuckin,,., he has a pair of those reallly hipster glasses even though he doesn’t need them and richie is like !!!!!!wtf u have 20/20 vision be happy !!!
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+ his record collection would be the envy of hipsters world wide
+his Instagram feed is to die for!!! u got aesthetic photos of sunsets, random alleyways, blurry yet still amazing shots of birds mid flight (also some up close and high quality shots that he prints out and puts on the walls) 
+ofc his feed is littered with pictures of the losers aswell (mainly bill)
 +oh oh OH the losers have a shared finsta and it’s where he posts the pictures of bill sleeping. the whole account is basically just mugs of eachother and group memes ofmdjxj I lov them
+ u kno this boy has a vsco account 
+his and bill’s shared apartment is a hipster haven 
+it’s like modern vintage theme
+vintage chairs, sofas, the walls are covered with both his photos and vintage home decor
+when bill is tapping away on his typewriter stan loves to put on a record with relaxing music and just sink into the sofa at the other end of the room and read a book or edit his photos
+they love spending time like this, each doing their own thing but within each others proximity
+they’ll be chilling watching tv or something whilst he edits 
+”hey bill, do u like this photo?”
+”y-yeah babe, it’s s-s-so aesthetic”
+they r just hipster nerds together ????
+they go on dates every Sunday morning to a little coffee shop round the corner
+stan luvs it bcus they play tunes from the 80s and 90s and he feels like he was “born in the wrong generation !! :(“ 
+but they sit there in the comfy chairs and have a gay ole time+it’s the ONLY place that stan doesn’t order black coffee from…..,.. 
+the first time he went there he knew it would be the only place he would get coffee from for the rest of his life
+there’s a guy in a vibrant Hawaiian shirt behind the counter, tapping his hands in pretend drumsticks along to Africa by Toto
+stan shakes his head as he walks up and orders “one black coffee please”
+they guy takes one look and goes “ ‘kay so that’s a single shot latte with 5 pumps of caramel” and Stan’s like ??????wtfff no??
+”excuse me ??” 
+”oh well as much as I love your hipster style, and I’m not lying when I say I really do, but when you’ve been working with coffee for as long as me,” he leans forward and whispers, “you can tell when the hipsters are faking it” 
+stan is in shock..,.how did this guy he knew for maybe 10 seconds see right through him
+”b-beep beep r-r-richie,” an exasperated voice starts, “so a b-black coffee th-then sir.” 
+that’s when stan notices perhaps the most beautiful boy he’s ever seen standing behind richie, red flannel rolled up to his elbows under his apron
+”n-nuh….no” he pushes out finally, staring at the boy in awe
+”ohmygod bill I think you broke him!” Richie’s voice snaps him out of it, feeling a blush crawling up his cheeks
+he ducks his head as he whispers a barely audible “I’ll have that caramel latte thanks”
+”sorry I can’t hear you? would you mind repeating that” richie wore a shit-eating grin on his face,
+”I’ll take that caramel latte” stan repeats unable to to make eye contact with either bill or richie
+”great! better than that gross bean water you pretend to like” bill smacks Richie’s arm playfully, “d-d-don’t insult th-the drinks infront of t-the cu-customers”
+stan laughs at their banter and hands the money to richie
+stan drinks his caramel latte, and it’s the first time he’s not had to add any sugar into his coffee
+stan leaves, knowing that he will come back the NEXT day
+and that’s how Stanley Uris meets Richie Tozier and Bill Denbrough
+oof this got so long 
+ stan in general tbh
+thanks 4 comin to my TED talk :) 
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jakganim · 7 years
mj | astro
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An introduction to Astro, lights of our lives, for new Arohas!
(done with @rockoaroundthechristmastree, @rockytheastroid, @astrofireworks, @jinwoosmile, @ongbins, and @jakganim)
Born 1994 March 5
Oldest bean!!
Acts like the youngest though tbh, what a cutie
Also everyone thinks he’s the youngest :)))
Suwon son
Main vocal
Are you ready for your ears to be blessed
Let me warm you up with a 22 second clip of him singing Sofa, first.
That one time he covered 사랑에 빠지고 싶다
Also that one time he covered 사랑... 그 놈
Also that one time he did 잡지 않았어 with Sanha
Can’t forget that other time he did 벚꽃엔딩 with Sanha
Basically anytime MJ and Sanha collab, it’s heaven :’)
These are all live covers by the way
So are these (compiled by Astro Zone)
Plays well with Sanha
Like really well
Also the first friend he made when he got to Fantagio was Sanha, so really :’)
Apparently has a “Tom and Jerry” relationship with Sanha - Bin said they once had a water fight at the water filter and sulked about it
Visual 1/6
How to recognize Kim Myungjun 101
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Spring Up: always has a cuteass headband on
Summer Vibes: the one that looks like a kindergartener
Autumn Story: a baby in shorts @ fantagio let him live pls
Baby: orange, 777, black hair, sort of comma
King of smiles and sunshine
MJ laughing, a compilation you didn’t know you wanted but sorely needed
A goofball
aka Light of my LIFE
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also go watch crazy sexy cool if you haven’t already :’))
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Resident gag!king, the meme-iest
Impressions galore
Loves to be cheesy - the worst dad jokes
You know how every group has one of those
The ones that seem to not know the definition of shame
Yeah he’s one of those
The most e x t r a
Called a taxi a horse once
At some point you don’t even question him anymore
It’s okay though, because Jinjin enjoys it :’)
Leader can’t resist or refuse this literal sunshine.
Resident baby duck
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Idol image??? What image???
Don’t look into his face directly when he smiles, it’s dangerous and you will be blinded
His personality is literally as bright as his smile
For ISAC, they had to have 5 members perform in the aerobics segment
Accompanied 5stro to practice even though it was his day off
He started a vlive making the support sign and he expected to finish in an hour
All he finished in an hour was making the border and writing out hte words LOL because he put in so much effort into making everything perfect lsdkfjsdklfj
Painted phone cases for arohas
Can art so well I ???
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Part of talk shit get hit line 1/2
In OK!Ready Astro was playing a game and whoever lost had to go buy coffee for everyone
Spoiler alert lmao MJ and Sanha lost
When they got their coffees MJ and Sanha asked for lemon juice so they could slide lemon juice into Jinjin’s coffee smdh
Likes to judge Sanha for being afraid of bugs BUT WHEN IT COMES DOWN TO IT, WE ALL KNOW THE TRUTH
Apparently smells like green tea shampoo (according to resident sniffer Bin)
He loves Iron Man
His favorite colors are yellow and mint (ME TOO)
His role model is Lee Seunggi
Calls himself contestant number 777
Nobody knows where it came from but here he is.
And here he is again
Went onto Weekly Idol with Dawon and Seungjun for their Masked Idol segment
Part of “Tol” line 1/3
Whacks Sanha when Sanha bends down to match his height
Probably short bc Bin keeps stealing all his food :(
Competes with Jinjin when it comes to being the smollest
Jinjin- idk what to call this point but it’s IMPORTANT
Whenever he wants attention from Jinjin, he just casually puts his hand on Jinjin’s thigh and Jinjin looks up and listens to him case in point 500 day vlive (creds to @lee-dongminhyuk)
His relationship with Jinjin is just so fucking special and comfortable, and it’s honestly relationship goals.
Also this dumb thing they did where MJ was “hypnotized” and licked whoever tried to touch him except Jinjin LOL they do a lot of dumb skits like this and it’s gr8
Honestly, is just so bright, beautiful, talented, and hardworking but always ALWAYS tries harder because he thinks he can and should be better for Astro and for Aroha and if that’s not love, I don’t know what is.
NOT TO BE EMO OR ANYTHING BUT his cheeriness and brightness makes me feel as though it’s how he keeps himself going and that he probably has a lot more deep thoughts and feelings inside of him that we don’t get to see because he’s so busy keeping all of us smiling.
He definitely feels a lot of pressure not only from being the main vocal but also the eldest and the happy virus who’s supposed to make the mood.
So that being said, I hope we can give him as much, if not MORE love than he gives us.
I know Astro is there for him and is his second family but I think we also can and should be his pillar and remind him that HE’S DOING FUCKING GR8 OK LIKE SWEETIE. SWEETIE YOU’RE DOING GR8 AND YOU DESERVE ALL THE LOVE AND APPRECIATION AND RECOGNITION.
I love him ok.
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Alphabet soup tag! I was tagged by @lakeeffectkkid, thank you hon!
A - Age // 18
B - Birthplace // Nottingham, England
C - Current time // 14;45 PM
D - Drink you last had // Apple squash
E - Easiest person to talk to // My little brother
F - Favourite song // it changes all the time but right now it’s If I Could Tell Her from Dear Evan Hansen
G - Grossest memory // Throwing up non-digested baked beans all over the sofa. Put me off them for life.
H - Hogwarts house // Hufflepuff
I - In love? // In a sense, I guess.
J - Jealous of people? // Yeah. I’m not proud of it.
K - Killed someone // Don’t tell.
L - Love at first sight or should I walk by again? // Walk by again. But crushes at first sight are 100% a thing.
M - Middle name // Megan
N - Number of siblings // One, aforementioned little brother.  
O - One wish // To be neurotypical? Just for a little while? 
P - Person you called last // My mum
Q - Question you are always asked // ‘You all right?’ England.
R - Reason to smile // Star Wars is coming, new X-Files, new Walking Dead. And cats.
S - Song you sang last // 500 Miles by The Proclaimers. Which is apt, because it’s a family meme.
T - Time you woke up // Woke up just before 8 and then apparently went back to sleep so I got up about 8:50?
U - Underwear colour // Pink
V - Vacation destination // This is such a long list but #1 is probably Switzerland
W - Worst habit // ‘If overthinking burned calories, I’d be dead.’
X - X-rays? // None, but I had a bone density scan once!
Y - Your favourite food // CEREAL. (lbr, most of my money goes on cereal)
Z - Zodiac sign // Cancer
I’m going to tag @gilleoni, @markwatneyandensemble, @yournotevenpunk and @flamesonthesidesofmyface and anyone else who wants to do it. No pressure!!
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zacharydempsey · 7 years
I Hate You, I Love You | Montgomery Dela Cruz x Reader
Genre: Romance, Fluff POV: Reader's/First Person
A/N: It's the first time I've ever written and posted an imagine for someone else other than Zach! But this was requested so, I hope you guys like this too. Warning: things kinda escalate quickly lol. Enjoy!
Request: Uhhhh maybe a Monty x reader love hate fanfic?
Taking AP Chemistry was both the best and the worst. I do enjoy it, but it really is too much work sometimes, just like now. We were told to make a research paper and I thought that I could use my free period to get started, so I went directly to the library.
I picked up a few Chemistry books and made my way to the large table at the back of the library, away from all the students. I liked my alone time. As I turned page after page, a tall figure pulled the empty chair in front of me and rested his backpack on top of the table. I looked up from my paper and see Monty, who had his face buried in his folded arms, while his head rested on his backpack. He was sleeping.
“Hey. Wake up.” I whisper at him and he doesn’t move.
“Wake up, we’re not allowed to sleep here!” I whisper once again and he still doesn’t budge.
“This is a no-sleeping area! I’m going to get in trouble because of you!” I whisper-yell at him and kick his shin and he jumps up with an irritated look on his face as he furrowed his eyebrows at me.
“Mind your own business will you?!” He snarls at me and I huff in annoyance.
“If you want to sleep, then sleep somewhere else. Don’t do it here, I don’t want to get in trouble when you get caught.” I reply.
“Why do you think I chose to sleep here? The librarian can’t see. Dumb dumb.” He says and I was caught speechless by his remark. A little hurt, if I were to be honest.
I shut my mouth and let out one last sigh to express my shock and disgust at his behavior. I just can’t wrap my head around him. One minute he's as sweet as candy, and the next minute he's just plain mean and arrogant. It has always been like this with Monty. He's like Marmite, you either love him, or you hate him and I don't exactly know where I stand just yet.
I continue writing my Chemistry paper, and once and a while I’d find myself stopping to take a look at the guy sleeping in front of me. He looked so vulnerable like that; his ears turning red, probably from the heat in the library. It was a hot day, and the air conditioning in the library wasn’t on full blast. Beads of sweat were forming on his forehead, his nose twitching from time to time, probably because of a dream. His pink, plump lips were slightly apart as warm breath escaped his lips.
The sound of the bell awakened both him and I as we jump back into reality. He got up, swung his backpack on his right shoulder and proceeded to walk out of the library on his own. He didn’t even have the decency to wait for me as I placed my notebooks inside my bag. I shook my head and continued to walk out of the library.
The next day
Monty, Justin and I were on our way out of our Peer Communications class to meet our friends in the cafeteria for lunch when I had a sudden craving.
“I want strawberry milk.” I say out of the blue and Monty looks at me confused and amused at the same time.
“That’s random.” Justin comments from behind me.
“Let’s get some!” Justin adds and ruffles my hair with his hands and I hit his arm for doing so.
“I told you not to do that anymore!” I exclaim as I let out an annoyed sigh.
“Alright! I’m sorry, let’s go get some strawberry milk!” Justin says with a laugh as he grabs my left wrist and pulls me on the way out of the room.
I widen my eyes at him in shock and just when we were at the door, another hand grabbed my right wrist from behind. I looked up to see who the hand belonged to and to my surprise it was no other than, Montgomery Dela Cruz. Justin lets go of his hold on my wrist and raises an eyebrow at Monty. The latter clears his throat and proceeds to remove my wrist from his grasp too.
“We have to uhm.. practice the uhm.. the presentation.” Monty says as he looks around the classroom while scratching the back of his head. Right, we had to work on a pair presentation for History, I remembered.
“Why didn’t you just say so?” I reply and laugh at him nervously.
“We have to go to the library Justin, sorry. Let’s get strawberry milk next time okay? Just tell the others I’m with Monty.” I say as I turn around and face Justin once again while rubbing his arm up and down. He gives me a smile and a nod then continued to walk out of the classroom, leaving Monty and I inside.
“Should we go now?” I ask him.
“You can go ahead and go to the library, let me just do something first alright? It’ll only take me 5 minutes.” Monty answers and I give him a thumbs up in response.
I proceeded to go to the library and went up to the mezzanine area where it was more comfortable. Instead of chairs and tables, there were cute bean bags, small sofas and coffee tables in the mezzanine. It’s where we can play board games and eat snacks as well as do school work comfortably. I chose the area near the back at the corner of the room.
A couple of minutes later and a smiling Montgomery was walking towards me with his arms behind his back. The wide grin he had plastered on his face made me a bit uncomfortable if I’m being completely honest. He walked closer and closer and the confused smile on my face grew bigger and bigger. He finally sat on the bean bag in front of me and a few seconds later, he brings out 2 bottles of strawberry milk from behind his back. And on his left hand, were 2 tuna sandwiches. He places them on the coffee table between us and smiled at me.
“You said you wanted strawberry milk.” He says with a nervous chuckle as he rubs the back of his neck.
“You and your little surprises Montgomery. You and your little surprises.” I say. I shake my head at him as I smile and poke the straw on my plastic milk bottle.
“Let’s get to work now then shall we?” I continue as I bring out a blank piece of paper and a pen.
After school, we decided to meet up at my house to continue working on our presentation once again. We sat side by side on my desk while we talked about different inventors and their accomplishments a hundred years ago.
"So the Wright Brothers invented airplanes." I say as he scrolls through his phone while laughing. I roll my eyes at him and continue.
"Thomas Edison invented the light bulb while Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone." I continue and Monty literally laughs out loud at whatever he was looking at on his phone. I let out an irritated groan which makes him lock his phone and face me as he puts his phone down.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Zach sent a really funny meme, sorry." he replies.
"Why can't you just focus for once in your life Monty?! I'm doing all of the work here!" I exclaim.
"Well no one told you to do all of the work!" he retorts and I gasp at his reply.
"Well I kinda have to because you're not helping!" I protest.
"Why did Mr. Cooper have to put us together!?" I add.
"Well sorry to burst your bubble but if I could choose a partner, I would've definitely chosen someone else over you! You're so uptight and serious!" he says.
"Well, I'm sorry, I'm just being uptight because unlike you, I actually care about school. I care about my grades and I don't want to disappoint my parents. I genuinely want to do well because they're expecting me to do well. Not to mention that I want to get into a good university so I'm sorry for being so uptight, so serious and so bo---" I yell at him but he cuts me off.
My eyes widen in shock as he crashed his lips onto mine. I felt my heart race against my chest. He pulls back after a couple of seconds and suddenly the floor becomes extremely interesting to me.
"I'm sorry." he mumbles under his breath and plays with his fingers.
"I'm really sorry for being an ass. I'm sorry for kissing you so suddenly, I just thought you looked really cute while you were angry. I'm really sorry, I know I should've asked you before kissing you. I should've made sure you liked me too before I did it."  he continues and I face him.
"What did you just say? Did you just say you like me?" I ask him.
"What? No! Well okay, yes I do actually really like you. I've liked you ever since the first day I saw you watching us during a game." he replies as he takes my hand.
"I'm really sorry for being a jerk, I mean it. Can we please start over again?" he continues and I give him a faint smile.
"I would like that." I reply.
"Hi, I'm Montgomery Dela Cruz but you can call me Monty for short." he says as he reaches out for a handshake.
"Hello Monty, I'm Y/N, it's nice to finally meet you." I reply with a small smile while shaking his hand. Not to get completely ahead of myself, but I think I finally found out which side of the Marmite argument Monty was on.
A/N: Another request done! I'm working on the other ones right now. I really hope you guys like this. I'm kind of nervous because it's the first imagine not dedicated to Zach. But yeah, I'm open to writing for other characters too! c:
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television-and-tea · 7 years
Writer’s Meme
Copy and paste part of a WIP -- I was tagged by the amazing @ato-the-bean
My fanfic muse is bein’ real inconsistent so in a fit of whatever it’s gone from being “ALL 00Q ALL THE TIME” to being like “BUT WHAT ABOUT STEVE AND BUCKY?” So while I’m editing and posting Ulysses (gonna try and get the next chapter posted todayyyy) I’m also poking at this real introspective, hopefully much shorter, fic about how pre-serum Steve Rogers has chronic pain, a chronic need to Fight Everyone, and is chronically in love with his bestest ever pal.
Steve knows pain. Has always known pain. For as long as he can remember, hurting has been a part of him. 
His ma keeps a jar of nails sitting up on the windowsill next to the hammer. They are always needing to tack up something to stop the draft, but they love the sunlight so much that they keep taking it down as soon as they can stand the chill. Even when he and Bucky move into that dumpy little apartment near the queer bar, they keep a hammer and a jar of nails on the windowsill. Bucky’s always putting old blankets over the rattling glass to keep the chill out of Stevie’s lungs, and Steve is forever pulling the nails out so he can get some decent light to draw by.
But half the time he just ends up staring at that dumb pickle jar with a dozen nails rattling around in it: some of them all bent, some of them rusted, some of them sharp as hell upholstery tacks that keep falling out of their shitty old sofa. 
He looks at the jar of nails and feels the stabbing in his chest, the tight ache in his lungs, the burn in his throat from coughing himself ragged, the sharp pain driven through his stomach, the spikes poking through his crooked spine. He looks at that fragile glass container full of sharp bits of metal and thinks: yeah, me too, pal.
aaaaaand now I’m supposed to tag ten friends but I don’t have ten friends so I’m just gonna let that slide.
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