#so why this fucking idea brain?
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youchangedmedestiel Ā· 1 year ago
What if Charlie talked about Cas with Dean after she met him in episode 10x18 "Book of the Damned".
What if after eating their dinner she grabbed him and told him she noticed a thing going on between them.
What if Dean denied it first (because it's Dean) but then admitted what he felt for Cas (because it's Charlie).
What if Charlie encouraged him to talk to Cas.
What if Dean said he was scared to lose him, either because Cas wouldn't feel the same way or because Dean thinks he loses everybody he cares about (maybe both).
What if she sort of convinced him to do something about it anyway.
What if her death just proved him right, that indeed he loses everyone he cares about, so he never said anything.
What if then?
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cowboygideon Ā· 5 months ago
So insane reading about Kev's skills from the perspective of someone who'd played with him before his hand was broken. Like yes Neil was obsessed with him and yes he knew he played differently with his right than his leftā€”but reading it from JEAN'S perspective?? Life changing stuff. When he said the Ravens' defense forgot what Kev was like before he switched hands? I lost my mind.
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garianna Ā· 3 months ago
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alright here's my pitch ok:
rory sucks
more specifically rory is a 45 year old mechanical worker brooklyn flirt with no sense of personal space
gary is shy but not immune
aunt arctic is going to blow rory up with her mind
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daemon-in-my-head Ā· 2 months ago
Bout that essay titled 'A study of Gortash's twisted love of humanity'- yk what fuck it here goes nothing. Back into a facists megalomaniacs mind we go. Spoiler; this is long.
But first of all; let's do a thought experiment. Let's just assume, for shits and giggles, Gortash's position would've somehow been swapped with any other the other chosen or another Banite:
Let's start with the Banites: if we had gotten anyone except for Gortash Baldur's Gate would've been fucked. Like genuinely. Banites are cruel, vicious, unashamedly gaudy (they suck ass at infiltration missions) and they exploit loopholes perhaps even better than fiends. Any other Banite would've simply reveled in the fear caused by rampant myrkulites and bhaalists and probably stoked that fire by employing some of their own forces. And depending on whether the Zhents join the winning side or not they would've probably used and abused the black network to absolutely dominate trade and potentially choke out every non desirable in the city itself by fun activities such as grand scale slavery, starving an entire city, or simply employing enough mercenaries and some Bhaalist to get the job done. Banites fuck everyone over so hard they usually don't even stop at themselves, and prideful cruel beings who know absolutely no bounds in their desire for power commonly don't hesitate, especially not Banites who thrive in backstabbing. So the other chosen and the grand design are fucked cuz they will most certainly get removed for the sake of someone more desirable the second they somehow irk Banes favourite toy. Which in some specific cases (all of them) would be in 5 minutes flat. If you thought the local nobility was bad just wait until you see a Banite in their natural environment.
Ketheric: Yeah Baldur's Gate is fucked. Ketheric cares about one thing and one thing only; Isobel. And he employs a bunch of sadistic necromancers who have no concept of personal boundaries or consent for that matter, so chances are he'd let them roam freely in Baldur's Gate, making the streets a huting ground for his followers to find prime subjects to perform inhumane experiments on all while he turns a blind eye; either busy trying to get Isobel under his (mind-) control, reviving her or treating a brainless puppet that looks and once was his daughter like his one true solution to decades of grief and fucking up. He wouldn't care about what happens to the city, to the other chosen or even the grand design. He'd follow his gods orders but thats about it and no matter whether that's still Myrkul or Bane; everyone's fucked cuz surpringly the guy who adores lichdom more than life and the other guy who'd rather 'burn everyone's fields than loose' aren't about to give out any orders that will benefit anyone but themselves.
Orin: Another great case of 'yeah Baldur's Gate is fucked'. Orin wants one thing and one thing only: recognition. Preferably from Bhaal but she'd take anyone at this point. The problem about this whole thing is, she's been conditioned and instilled with so much self-loathing my dearest murder princess can't even begin to realise when she's getting shown any sort of adoration anymore and immediately understands it as mockery, see, for example, her butler. Is what I would say if their corpse wasn't chilling in Durges old bedroom. All Orin would do is stage ever grander and more elaborate public massacres and involuntary 'anatomy displays'. Baldur's Gate wouldn't simply be fucked; give her a week, and the majority of it would be dead. This works well for Bhaal, but for anyone else, it would kinda suck. Including the other two of the dead three. And the cult would probably still loathe her simply due to her not being a true Bhaalspawn, so cue Orin's madness reaching an absolute boiling point. She doesn't and would never care for any of the other chosen or the grand design. Unless she's reigned in, she's a utterly loose canon, even more so than she was already, with Gortash or Durge at the helm, respectively.
Now time for my favourite of the reckless murder hobos; Durge. Given the few in game notes we have Durge had a thing for obliteration. Including but not limited to every living being + themselves. So let's just assume Gortashā€™s cocky upstart charm and Orins assassination attempt didn't work out as planned and they are still the de facto leader but now without any leash. Baldur's Gate is probably obliterated. Alongside whatever else remains of the sword coast. Or Troil. They'd probably also have some weird ass fuck relationship with the brain cuz they already did without being the undisputed leader. And the brain would probably discard the grand design themselves cuz somehow Durge has that effect on things (might be the innate charm magic of Bhaalist priests that they use to convince people to join a literal murder cult). Either way, with Durge not giving a single damn about the other chosen, any plans but Bhaals (or their misunderstood version of it) and a dramatic love for self-obliteration, it may finally be time to remedy the elves' mistake and rip Abeir-Toril apart properly. Ao hates this trick, alongside everyone else, probably including Bhaal himself.
Which is all my longwinded way of saying; Gortash is the lesser evil. In any set of circumstances he displays enough leniency, monster fucker vibes and rationality to somehow keep this ruined, sinking ship from hitting the sea floor immediately. He has enough of a twisted love for humanity left, compared to the others, to a degree that he doesn't blindly follow orders or actively seeks the destruction of everything, let alone 'true' domination the way Bane intends to have it.
But yes, indeed, Gortash performed fucked up and cruel experiments. No doubt about that. And yet it was still on a lesser scale than a mad massive hoard of necromancers could, and his experiments, for the most part, actually yielded results, didn't they? Presumably, the Coginator and the remote control brain mechanism used for the Steelwatch. After all, there are zombies(?) in there, controlling that shit. However, the experiments on loving families were probably one of his selfish indulgences and his sorry attempt at figuring out if he was just born loathsome and his family sucks ass or if that's normal and humanity doesn't deserve a second chance. Or a 30th. FR lore is fucked up.
This is also a great transition to exhibit B of my thesis why Gortash does in fact love or is at the very very very least heavily intrigued by humanity; the sole existence of the Steelwatch. Listen, my guy serves Bane. Bane hates planning. He likes immediate results. So much so he actively pisses off his situationship Bhaal for it. Repeatedly. And he likes fear and tyranny. So what do you think the chances are that the black hand would actually enjoy the thought of a mecha army patrolling the streets of Baldur's Gate, keeping them save, and worst of all, instilling hope in the hearts of the populous, peasants and nobles alike? Yeah, absolutely fucking none. And yet Gortash did that. And he's not even just a regular banite. He's Banes chosen. He carries a part of Bane's divinity within himself. He has the de facto highest position in the local faith. He's Banes favourite toy rn. He's the centre of attention and he still goes out of his way to use things that could 1000% inspire fear and hatred to sow fucking hope and a sense of safety of all things in plain sight? I bet his adorable wrinkly ass that Bane wasn't happy and that even a thousand rituals to redeem his leniency won't save him from getting tortured extra hard for this fuck up. And considering the state of the Banites scriptures we found, and his entire character, Gortash is smart enough to know this is something Bane absolutely loathes. And yet my guy did that.
Another thing is the hive mind. Bane would probably not hate it outright, as its still 'burning the fields' by turning souls illithid, but it's wasted potential. Because there's so many great things you can do with a hivemind and the remote control over people's thoughts and emotions, for example instilling fear and terror the very things Bane loves. But that's, once again, not Gortash plan. If the notes and one of the evil endings is anything to go by the hivemind doesn't trap people in a state of torment, it does the polar opposite. People are happy, enjoying a better, simpler and nicer life. Enjoying an idea of what their life could've been like. They're smiling, happy, enjoying a casual market stroll and the bountiful rewards of the fields. Which is all things that a good Banite should hate and never inflict on someone. AND YET that's presumably Gortashs plan. Create a hivemind where everyone can dream happily and do soulless labour without noticing it while the world goes to absolute shit but the people do not. It's basically noah's arc. It's paradise in hell. The people are 'saved' while the gods continue to fight their petty games, and Gortash alone lords over this perfect dream. Protecting it answer using it to advance further.
Now, about the busts found in his office. Most of them depicted rather unsavoury, cruel people. Except for one. Which honours a self made person who took pity on those who had less. On those considered lesser by the upright and honourable citizens of the Gate. It's weird how, between all those symbols and testaments to cutlery and tyranny, there's still a sliver of empathy, renegade justice and even care for fellow humans imbued, isn't it? And what's even weirder, all of them are found in Gortash's most private place? His own little office hidden far above the grandeur of the throne room and the Fortress, where he sits at the helm, lording over his subjects and scheming his little plans? This is an excellent example of show, don't tell btw. It's hitting you over the head with the implications. But just in case, this might very well be a reflection of Gortashs mind itself and the visible expression of him being incapable of letting go of humanity as a whole, still carrying it somewhere not even that well buried between the resentment and cruelty but out in plain view for everyone curious enough to touch it because what others reason would he have tob'play the benelovent ruler' in a place where no one sees it? Where only his most trusted and fellow Banites mingle?
And, ofc, as I am a durgetash truther, another exhibit. Him fucking Bhaals gore baby and putting a leash on it prematurely. You see, I've already talked about Banes likes and dislikes plenty so it should come as no surprise that the Edgelord Surpreme wouldn't hate carnage wrought upon foolish mortals by idiots who follow lesser gods than himself, since it would still somehow contribute to people being scared and panicking. But Gortash, being the ever faithful fuck up of a Banite, reigns in the Bhaalist and even the Myrkulites enough for that to kinda never really happen. He stopped the carnage from happening altogether, in fact, by giving the others enough scraps to keep them satisfied and from acting out but not enough freedom to fuck up his plans. I mean, heck he was apparently so convincing he managed to get Durge, again, biggest fan of self-obliteration, from going on an apocalyptic rampage cuz 'daddy I like his brain and I don't mean for dinner'. Him doing that actively contributed to preventing another Bhaalspawn crisis, which could've very well happened with Bhaals resurgence and revival, 2.5 loose canons and no ward of a random old guy in sight. But also him providing a clear goal and orders for Ketheric kept the lich from giving in to the sweet release of just not caring at all whatsoever. Everyone had their designated roles and boundaries and that was perhaps the only thing keeping this group of mentally unstable creatures from unleashing an apocalyptic nightmare; which again would've worked in their gods favour and technically didn't need any prevention.
And about the Gondians... Yeah this is gonna sound fucked up, cuz it is, but Gortash is actually treating them exceptionally nice. Their families are actually still alive and its not just a lie he's telling them, we don't actually see anyone getting flayed, strung up or tortured in some other way outright, they actually get to wear clothes and presumably they're fed enough to a degree that most of them can still somewhat work and the collar and the threat of your head exploding does suck but he could've also simply chained them to their work stations but they aren't. Let alone use charms or other beguiling and fucked up magic to force them into complacency. And they're not being resold or redistributed or forced to serve some random ass guy. The Gondians are, from a Forgotten Realms and probably Bane's perspective, treated exceptionally well. As are their families. Still undoubtedly fucked up and kinda sadistic with the whole explosion collar but objectively speaking he's one of the nicer slave masters. And they do allow him to produce the Steel Watchers en mass which once again contributes to the overall safety of Baldurs Gate and its other citizens. Still the lesser evil.
Though to be fair; Gortash also did some things Bane would really celebrate. Like somehow cheating his way into obtaining the Iron Throne, fucking Bhaals favourite and most fucked up """"child"""" and of course, keeping his parents alive and in agony to eternally fuel Banes fear kink. Except, it's only Sally who's afraid. Dravo is basically a blue screen of death personified at this point. He's a hollow, numb husk, isn't he? So somehow this once again doesn't align with Banes goals and Gortash's duty as a Banite. He's fucked it up again. But Gortash could've also simply killed them if all he wanted was revenge. Why go out of your ways, program elaborate scripts into them, keep the very place that testaments his fucked up past in good condition? Because a quick death would be too merciful? But then why is he so quick to turn on Durge if they betray him in a much smaller scale than his parents did. Well, perhaps he chose not to simply kill the very people who prepared Belladonna in the kitchen when he came to visit because he himself still needs them. Because underneath all that rage and spite there's still a broken boy who wants to hear his parents, albeit empty praise, and who wants to prove to them that he can be better? That his useless playing around actually helped better humanity, that he himself helped countess people and made lives better when all they thought he'd be useful as would be a pawn?
So, is it twisted? Yes. Is it rotten? Absolutely. Is it anything you'd consider to be 'conventional'? Absolutely not. But he does hold some wildly fucked up 'love' for humanity, if only as means to a grander goal (that being himself, ofc) or perhaps cuz he's genuinely incapable of letting go. Whether it's that, to spite Raphael, Bane and his parents or someone else, who knows. Probably nobody. But the shit he does is unorthodox and oddly self-sacrificial in a way where I just can't go, 'yeah no he absolutely loathes the sheer existence of the concept'.
I still think it's a missed opportunity he's not trying to build a spelljamming port though. I feel like he would absolutely do that somewhere down the line, if only to limit the black networks influence.
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queerofthedagger Ā· 10 months ago
i love fingon so much just. he's so good and so reckless and he loves so fiercely it makes him do the most stupid shit, and in turn no one ever quite puts him first. I'm going to eat glass
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stonestan Ā· 4 months ago
literally everyone: i hope robotnik and stone kiss in sonic 3
me, crying, crossing my fingers, praying to god himself: I WANNA SEE THEM DANCE TOGETHER, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE
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malt-o-meat Ā· 1 year ago
song ā€œi wish that i could wear hatsā€ by brian david gilbert
this took. like 48 hours. and also 3 months to get back to.
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jamietwat Ā· 1 year ago
Jamie would 100% make Roy a dating app profile sometime after the Keeley rejecting both of them thing to try to help him move on and meet people when clearly heā€™s refusing to get back out there organically and heā€™d think heā€™s being so helpful and generous and the best wingman ever. Heā€™d handpick what he considers the sexiest pictures he can find and put a bunch of shit Roy would never say thinking heā€™s being accurate and helpful and not even taking the clear opportunity to make a joke account to embarrass him or anything when he easily could have just made fun of him and chosen the worst pictures possible instead
And then he would be SO offended when it doesnā€™t go well when Roy finds out about it and is not properly appreciative at all
Roy thinks itā€™s Jamieā€™s account when he starts showing Roy girls like what do you think of her and asking him way too many questions when Roy has no interest in participating and has no idea why the fuck Jamie seems incapable of swiping without trying to get Royā€™s opinions first. Meanwhile, Royā€™s giving one word answers at first and then increasingly trying to brush him off when he doesnā€™t stop and then heā€™s just flat out like ā€œChoose your own dates and leave me the fuck out of itā€ and Jamieā€™s like ā€œNah, this is your account. You should have a sayā€ and instead of being grateful and appreciative and thanking Jamie for being oh so generous with his time and energy, Roy just scowls at him and growls out ā€œYou did not make a fucking Tinder profile for meā€ and Jamie just smirks and decides now is not the right moment yet to mention that he actually made him accounts on like three different apps because he wasnā€™t sure which Roy would like best
Roy barks at him to delete it and Jamieā€™s all whiny like ā€œCome on, I spent a lot of time on these and you havenā€™t even considered it. Plus, even if youā€™re not ready to date someone yet, youā€™d still be less miserable to be around if you at least found someone to shag in the meantimeā€
And Royā€™s like ā€œDelete it. I donā€™t want a fucking Tinder profile.ā€ And Jamie looks at him confused for a moment and then seems to have an epiphany as he goes ā€œOh, do you want a Grindr one instead? Hold on a secondā€ and he flips to a different app and Royā€™s too busy being baffled by the fact that Grindr is already on Jamieā€™s phone and that heā€™s having to sign out of his own account to try to make one for Roy to even stop him before heā€™s already trying to sign up for a new account and Roy goes ā€œThatā€™s not what I meant. I donā€™t want any dating appā€
And Jamie pauses his typing and turns and looks at him so skeptically and so judgily and suddenly somehow Roy is trying to fight for his life trying to defend why heā€™s not looking for some random stranger to date or fuck around with
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kookoofufu Ā· 1 year ago
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He follows up with something like ā€œthat doesn't answer my questionā€ or ā€œthat wouldn't stop you." She then beats him to death.
Inspired by nonebrainer's on twitter (reposted by @katmatuis) about Doflamingo giving Tsuru earrings for mother's day.
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luna-the-cretar Ā· 1 month ago
Iā€™m thinking about the Shepnax ā€œconfessionā€ scene, and not to get all angsty here, BUTā€¦the scene almost feels like a confession/breakup, but in like. Two different ways?
(Minor spoilers below)
I mean, think about it. When Sarnax tells Shepherd he cares deeply about him, Sarnaxā€™s tone is almostā€¦bashful? For him, at least. Like heā€™s forcing himself to admit it out loud. Like what he means is that he cares about Shepherd more than he thought he would, in more ways than one. That heā€™s not just a friend, but a companion, someone who he relies on. I get the sense that itā€™s beyond platonicā€”maybe not romantic, if you donā€™t want it to be perceived that way (I personally will), but definitely not platonic.
So when he then gets into the argument with Shepherd, about how Sarnax will die in their endeavors, you can almost hear what heā€™s not quite saying. You can almost hear him say ā€œI love you so much and Iā€™m trying to push you away because I donā€™t want you hurting because of me. Iā€™d rather hurt you now in the short term, than hurt for years because youā€™re grieving my deathā€
And Iā€™m not pulling the whole ā€œSarnax loves Shepherdā€ thing out of my ass here. Look how he interacts with Shep in the episodes before and after. Sure, part of it is because heā€™s THE shepherd, so thereā€™s that whole scripture/prophecy thing, but also I think Sarnax GENUINELY cares about Shepherd in a deep spiritual level. He loves Shep so much that he doesnā€™t know how to handle it. He loves Shep so much that heā€™s pushing him away, just so Shep doesnā€™t get burned by the fire that will be his grief when Sarnax dies.
And then look at how Shepherd responds. ā€œAw, Sarnax, I care about you tooā€. It was lighter, airier, almost like it didnā€™t hold quite the same weight as Sarnaxā€™s confession. Shepherd still cares about Sarnax, donā€™t get me wrong. But either Shepherd meant it in a ā€œaw, buddy, youā€™re my best friend :)))ā€ platonic way, or didnā€™t mind casually revealing just how deep his affections go. Or, perhaps he didnā€™t quite understand what Sarnax meant when he said ā€œI care deeply about youā€, especially after mentioning that he cares about the others as well.
Not that I donā€™t think Shepherd doesnā€™t love Sarnax in his own way (idk about you, but joining your bffs cult and giving yourself to his god to ensure heā€™s alive and okay doesnā€™t sound very platonic to me lol), butā€¦idk. Sarnaxā€™s love for Shepherd runs deeper, almost teetering on obsession at times. Shepherd was the first person Sarnax has ever cared about, platonically or otherwise (he says so himself in this conversation), so it runs deep.
Sarnax has felt the warmth of Shepherdā€™s fire, and yearns to engulf himself in the gunslingerā€™s flames. And he did, for a short while. He let himself be selfish, he let himself embrace the warmth of Shepherdā€™s fire. His passion. His protection. Justā€¦him. And then everything in the Amber Temple happened, and Sarnax suddenly remembered that, if you play with fire, you get burned. And nothing burned him worse than seeing Shepherd betray him, while under the influence of the sarcophagus. So he pulls away. He pulls away, and ignores the warmth of Shepherds fire, no matter how much he yearns to drown himself in the flames.
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morninkim Ā· 5 months ago
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As a show of good faith toward the remaining Decepticons at the beginning of a new, united Cybertron, newly appointed Senators Bumblebee and Soundwave allowed Shatter and Dropkick to enlist into Autobot City's Defense Team.
These two turned out to be... not the best choices.
The city may have fallen to Insurgent Decepticon occupation had it not been for young recruits Hot Rod and Arcee's accidental interception of Shatter's communication with the fugitive Starscream.
To replace the errant Defense Team members, Springer and Blurr were reassigned from Iacon to Autobot City in their stead.
#my art#tf reconstruction#transformers#bumblebee movie#tf shatter#tf dropkick#maccadam#transformers au#semi-introduction to my idea for antagonists in tf:r - specifically being movie villains slotted into my au#bc if the main crux of the main reconstruction story in autobot city is about hot rod and her rise to becoming rodimus prime#which comes from the First movie - why not loosely adapt other movies too??#ive got ideas for most of them already - kinda jumping back and forth between the modern day story and my pre-war ''downfall'' story#which gives my brain a break from thinking about one to think about another#anyway - i imagine the first ''episode'' of tf:r would be like. hot rod shows up in autobot city on her first day > meets the team#> gets assigned arcee as her partner > arcee hates it > they over hear shatter talking to someone they don't recognise because rod's nosey#> huh that's weird > they intercept it next time by accident > its a communication to starscream about the city's defenses#> they take it to ultra magnus but they break the pad on the way because they were arguing about it#> ''hot rod i know you're new here. and you're intrigued about the war and everything. but we shouldn't be suspicious of everyone wearing a#purple badge. give them a chance.'' > arcee drops it bc she doesn't wanna start trouble + ''magnus will handle it. he always does somehow.'#> rod does not drop it and makes blaster monitor shatter's messages for anything unusual > blaster indulges her bc he's endeared to her#> he does end up intercepting an encrypted message > rod immediately acts and chases after shatter and dropkick on an outside-city mission#> arcee goes after her to stop her from fucking up really bad > blaster unencrypts the message. it's a rendezvous point to start an invasio#> magnus kup blaster and perceptor all head out to help the two young'uns before they get in over their heads#> rod and arcee meet and fight starscream and barely make it out by the skin of the teeth thanks to the more experienced autobots arrival#> starscream shatter dropkick and whoever else is there are driven off#> day is saved - magnus commends rod's gut instincts but rod goes back to what magnus said about not trusting bots with purple badges#> she was right this time but its an exception not a rule and most other decepticons in the city want to live in peace#> magnus also commends that attitude and the team head back > starscream starts plotting his Next Big Plan#''post credits'' scene of magnus putting the request in for springer and blurr + robot dinosaur opening its eye in the darkšŸ‘€šŸ‘€#longwinded but ya thats like the Clearest idea for Specific Events so far other things are Stuff I Want To Happen
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reginalusus Ā· 2 years ago
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He's a sleazeball.
BTW if I could actually animate complicated things, I'd 100% have his elbow slip off the desk and he'd smack to the floor like a big, embarrassed dickhead (affectionate).
Image description: Fanart of Spamton in the 90s, done in a style reminiscent of an 80s or 90s anime. He appears to be standing in an office; the background mostly consists of a large window displaying Cyber City's skyscrapers. Their lights are animated and they flicker. Spamton himself wears his iconic Big Shot Era suit of red. He leans against a glossy desk, his elbow propped on it. One hand holds a cigarette with animated smoke coming from it, the other has the index finger pointed outwards with a car key dangling from it. He is grinning suggestively with slightly lowered eyelids. At the bottom is a caption for Spamton's dialogue, which reads: "I hear you're my next [no.1ratedcustomer] due a test drive!" End of image description.
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xxplastic-cubexx Ā· 2 months ago
obsessed with how the literal second charles first dies in the classic comics magneto finally comes back for the first time in like twenty issues
#snap chats#THEY BEEN NAME DROPPING HIM EVERY OTHER ISSUE SINCE HE FIRST FLED LIKE STOP TAUNTING ME#ā€˜SNAP SPOILERSā€™ GOD sorry. yeah charles dies in like what. issue 42????#oh bitch i was just guessing yeah it is 42 LMAO#anyways no crying cause the literal last page its all ā€˜ a moment of silence for our fallen professor.. AND IN NEXT ISSUE MAGNETOā€™S BACKā€™#crying tho at pietro going to charlesā€™ funeral and wanting his help for wanda :(((((((((( oh my beautiful boy and my lovely lady ā€¦..#also take a shot every time magneto curves a bullet. what is wrong with him.#lol shot. anyways.#group meeting to kick magsā€™ ass starts in five minutes#ok but Double Crying at pietro sneaking back in the castle cause why does it have the energy of like. some cinderella shit#yk what i mean like sneaking back in the house and toads all IM TELLING MAGNETO šŸ«µ fucking SNITCH#he doesnt even LIKE YOU stop pissing me off <- i love toad#i live for the drama tho cant lie ā€¦.#ā€˜pietro how dare you go to charlesā€™ funeralā€™ bro just mad he didnt go himself smh. whatever.#but now im forced to imagine pietro sneaking off to meet with charles like once in a blue moon#Can He Help Him And His Sister but now its too late to know ā€¦#girl i got so sad when he fled tho ā€¦ peitro please the famā€™ll help you šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­#anyways im about to have dinner with the fam so im gonna have ideas swirling in my brain for the next two hours BYE !!!!!!!!
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ihaveanaxe Ā· 4 months ago
Yall Iā€™ve had this idea for QUITE a a while but I want, so badly, a Hannibal fanfic that like takes place in the NBC timeline, but the plot is the movies??
Ok so hereā€™s the idea: essentially the movies but they send Will to work WITH Clarice to work with Hannibal because they know Will would be knowledgeable enough to help when Clarice is so new to stuff like this. And justā€¦ the entire time itā€™s Clarice being so confused as to why they act the way they do because 1. They never told her that Will and Hannibal go back like decades at this point, and 2. Why. Just why. Why would you act that way after you know everything Hannibal has done??
So the entire time Hannibal and Will are like, being them, being psychotic, insane, crazy things are being said to each other, theyā€™re speaking in Bible quotes and poetry exclusively in a whisper, and Clarice is just standing there like ā€œWillā€¦ Will you canā€™t be that close to the cell-ā€œ
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doctorweebmd Ā· 27 days ago
on my third reread of zero sum game and all i can think is to ask how it feels to have accurately predicted afo/ofa twins, deku losing his quirk, becoming a teacher and then bakugo helping him achieve his dream regardless. ur mind bro ur mind šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
THIRD TIME?! W H A T hello let me love you šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ but also, like.... are you okay? (are any of us okay?)
Okay like before the manga ended Iā€™d answer that with something a bit more dick-ridey like ā€˜any predictions I wrote are only because Horikoshi did such an excellent job of planting seeds and foreshadowingā€™ but after he biffed the ending all I have to say is:
helllll yeahhhhh zero sum game supremacy THE ONLY TRUE BNHA ENDING IN MY HEART - horikoshi WISHES he had what i got
what does it feel like to be outwritten by a FUJOSHI WEEB i offered my consultation bro you could have had it all but NOOOOOOOO
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skitskatdacat63 Ā· 2 years ago
those 2011 pics remind me of hard the McLaren race suits used to fuck, I loved the vodafone era suits so much šŸ„¹
YES AGREED!!! I love the Vodafone McLaren livery, literally peak!!!!!
Thank you for sending this ask bcs now I get to talk about 2011 in particular. There were these special Saturday race suits and they're all so pretty!!! Hugo Boss did a design competition to celebrate their partnership with McLaren and different artists made different designs for the Quali days. They're so beautiful šŸ„¹šŸ„¹ Why can't they do anything fun like that now???? I digress, I went through all the Qualis and compiled pics of all of them!!
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#which is your guys' fav?#mine would prob have to be Hungary. Japan. India. Malaysia.#i think all the Asian ones are soooooo cool with all the colors and animal motifs!!#anyways so right anon!!! vodafone mclaren was peak livery and designs!!! chrome/red >>>>>>>>> papaya#anyways hahaha prob not what you expected my reply to be#but this has been stuck in my brain for a while#i remember seeing the Hungary one at some point and thinking it was incredibly beautiful but having no idea the context behind it#and your ask made me finally go to research it#this was super fun to research bcs i didnt realize there was so many!!! literally 18 different racesuits.....so fucking sick.....#im obsessed with race overalls in general like theyre just so cool to me so to see all these different ones is just unbelievebly sick to me#one day ill make a post abt race suit details that make me feral(e.g. when suits used to have race belts & the FIA badge on the neck)#ive downloaded a lot of 2011 pics bcs of sebson but never rly thought any deeper abt why there were so many race suit varieties#the hungary one won the contest(very rightfully) so Jense wore it for the Brazil GP in entirety!!#i also think the Germany won as well bcs Lewis was wearing it for the Brazil gp? but im super biased towards the hungarian one haha#f1 lore??? i guess????? idk if this is obscure or not! obscure to me at least!! i mean that boss yt vid has only 2k views lmao#f1#formula 1#lewis hamilton#jenson button#mclaren#vodafone mclaren#formula oe#we do a little bit of f1#catie.asks.#f1 lore
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