#so unless it's their idea it's dumb and i'm lying or making it up
dredshirtroberts · 1 year
oh *now* she wants me to see a doctor about my joints doing things joints don't normally do.
bit late ma.
#i mean i do need to see a doctor about it but like#i needed to see one maybe when my joints first started being painful when they'd go out of place#when i was a teenager and under her care#but you know what do i know i'm a hypochondriac liar who is dramatic to make shit about myself because i'm self-centered#so unless it's their idea it's dumb and i'm lying or making it up#like she wasn't complicit in getting me back into long distance running training as fast as she could#or yelling at me for wearing my knee stabilizing brace too much when it would hurt#or telling me i wouldn't have so many problems if i exercised more or stretched better or took better care of myself because all my problem#are obviously connected to my weight and not anything else#and certainly walking on recently dislocated joints wasn't actually the problem because i was somehow making up or exaggerating that my kne#which was visibly 2x the size of the other one at the time - was painful to walk on#'i just looked up sternum dislocation are you seeing a doctor?'#YOU MEAN I SHOULD SEE A DOCTOR IF MY BONES ARE OUT OF PLACE ON THE REGULAR GOSH MOM THAT'S A NOVEL IDEA#WHY DIDN'T I THINK OF THAT#it's almost like when you do a google search of 'hey my bones are out of place why is that?' one of the main things that comes up is#genetic connective tissue disorders that might affect more than just one person in a family#like. like i just. I WOULDN'T NEED A CANE OR WRIST BRACES AND KNEE BRACES IF I'D BEEN TAKEN TO A DOCTOR WHEN SHIT GOT WHACK THE FIRST TIME#THIS IS YOUR FAULT MA
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webslingingslasher · 11 months
thinking about nerdy!peter getting reader a gift for national girlfriend day and feeling shy bc he doesn't know how to give it to her or if she'll like what he got her🥹🥵
it was a dumb gift and a dumb idea. it sounded better in his head, but knowing you were minutes away he was sent into a panic and told himself the flowers would be enough. and they were. you thought they were beautiful.
three days later and you're drumming pencils against his desk. peter let out a groan of your name, you had no regard for his desperate attempt to finish his tiny bit of homework.
'nope, don't care. you promised me ten minutes, twenty minutes ago.'
peter scoffed, your attempts won't work on him. 'the one time i encourage you to go on a deep dive of youtube shorts, you suddenly hate your phone.'
you drum out a solo, peter's clenching his jaw at the god awful wacks. 'i love my phone, i just love annoying you more.' he allows it for another minute, then it starts to hurt his ears.
'baby, please.' it's his 'i'm being nice, but i'm done playing' voice. you drop the pencils in a second, choosing to blow horse breaths and spin slowly in his chair.
you mumble out a song stuck in your head, your spins come to a stop. hidden, underneath the tiny shelf of his desk, a wrapped box. the hiding space is so uniuque you wouldn't have seen it unless you were in this circumstance, bored and looking for something to do.
your head tilts, you assume peter had forgotten about it too. your socks glide over his floor as you scooch in closer, it's a skinny box and only about five inches long.
'oh, c'mon. i was really enjoying your rendition of billie jean.'
you grab the box, it's light. it's not as dusty as you expected, it looked newly placed. you spin towards him, 'what's this?'
peter slowly looks up from his textbook, his eyes stare at the box in your hand. he's quiet for a bit too long, 'um, a gift.' you break into a smile, 'for who? for you?' you shove it out, 'open it!'
he looks at it like it's poison, but carefully grabs it and sets it next to him on the other side of his leg. your shoulders drop, 'open it, petey!' peter shakes his head, 'i will later, let me finish this first.'
you boo at him, 'c'mon, nerd. you can spare two minutes, i'm curious!' peter ignores you and it doesn't sit right, 'who's it from?' suddenly you're thinking it's from someone he doesn't want you to know about.
'no one.' you don't like how he's brushing you off, or lying.
'really? you got yourself a gift, wrapped it and hid it? from yourself?'
your boyfriend shuts his textbook and looks at you carefully. peter grabs the gift box and runs his thumbs across a seam.
'it's for you.'
your eyes soften. 'i got it for national girlfriend's day but it's dumb so i didn't give it to you.' your heart melts for him, 'why do you think it's dumb?'
he shrugs, you hate when peter's unconfident. 'i don't know. i just don't want you to not like it so, i guess i took away that option.' it hurts to know he thinks you wouldn't like a gift from him. it's not about what it was, it was the thought that mattered most.
'well,' you rest into the back of the chair. 'if you don't want to give it to me that's fine, just make sure you get your money back.' it was too understanding for peter's comfort.
'i want to give it to you, i just don't want you to hate it.'
you frown at him, 'why would i hate it?' he could explain it to you, or you could just see for yourself. peter hands over the box, you take it with caution to make sure he could stop the transaction at any moment.
'open it.'
you're weary, you don't want to force him. 'are you sure?'
peter seems more confident, 'it's for you.' you slowly start to unwrap it, before you can get far you stop and look back up. 'if i don't like it do you want me to be honest?'
'i don't think you'd be able to hide it.'
you tear open the paper, a gift box stops you. when you peer up, peter looks away, you pull the top off and gaze at the gift. your chest swells, you can't do anything but gasp.
'peter, oh my god.' you can't speak, it's beautiful, you have no idea how he could think you'd hate it. you've always wanted something like it, you think you've mentioned it to him before too.
your lower lip wobbles, 'i love it, thank you.' peter stills, 'really?' you nod, you can feel tears blot at your eyes, they're nothing but admiration for the boy in front of you.
'i told you i wanted one.' you cry because you feel seen.
peter smiles in relief, 'you did.' you take a sharp inhale, 'and you listened.' he laughs, he doesn't know why he was so scared, 'i did.'
you peer at the box again, a silver necklace with a pendant. It had a 'P' engraved. you hide your face, you feel like sobbing. you've never had anything so nice.
you hear peter move around, then he's hugging you. you jump up and wrap your hands around his neck, keeping a tight hold on the necklace. 'i love it. i love you.'
peter's warm and soft, 'i love you, too.' you push him away to wipe your nose, before handing him the box of understandment.
'put it on me?' 
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st4rrygrl · 23 days
The blatant lies in plagues (@/blood.plagues) "explanation" and more allegations. (Part 2)
Welcome back to the series of us sharing what we love about plague /sar. In the time period between this post and the one before it, we've found out more things that are either insane or just questionable.
1) Ableism.
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This made me laugh when I first saw it as literally one simple google search and maybe 15 minutes of research could easily disprove this. According to this article by Mclean Hospital,
"BPD is a personality disorder that has historically been diagnosed in adults. However, despite the common misconception that BPD does not occur in those younger than 18, a significant body of evidence suggests it is possible for children and adolescents to begin to develop BPD before age 18.
Neither the current Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) nor the older versions of the DSM prohibit the diagnosis of BPD in young people.
According to BPD expert Blaise Aguirre, MD, “It is outrageous to think a clinician would not diagnose BPD when a person is seventeen years and 364 days old and then diagnose it the next day when the teen turns eighteen.”
Because teen personalities are still forming, young people may undergo many changes before they’re considered an adult. Mood swings, instability, and other symptoms may be a sign of hormonal fluctuations, stress, or anxiety.
Those who are experiencing symptoms of borderline personality disorder need help—don’t wait to seek care in the hopes that a behavior is “just a phase” or “they’ll grow out of it.”"
And that's just the first thing that comes up on google. Even if plague didn't know about this, it's reckless behaviour to fake claim someone who you aren't even in contact with, and double down on it when a simple google search would've told you that getting a diagnosis at 12 is in fact, possible.
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This screenshot is even more disturbing than the last ones, he's straight-up mocking someone with down syndrome for literally no reason. There is no way to justify this, and the only way you could try to is if he was "ignorant" which would be a disgusting excuse, and mean nothing at the same time.
He cannot keep blaming everything on his "ignorance", his "dark and sexual humor", or the fact that he asked for permission. These need ACTUAL explanations describing exactly what was going on through his head while saying these. It doesn't matter if these were private conversations either-- it's still sickening to look at. Again, there's literally no way you could explain or defend this screenshot, it's actually heinous.
2) Plague's ignorance/Our statements.
In response to the screenshot of plague saying a slur he cannot reclaim, @/twproxy made a post addressing it. In the post, they shared this screenshot:
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And I just wanted to offer my thoughts on this since this seems to be a very common pattern with Plague.
Even if these were private dms and that according to @/twproxy, people (lesbians) can't feel offended (even if the slur is offensive) because it wasn't directed at them, it's still reckless behaviour. Just the idea that he said a slur and had to be educated by people a decade younger than him is ridiculous. He's not a kid, he should know better. He could easily blame all of these screenshots, and this ENTIRE situation on him being ignorant, but we all know that's not true.
The slur was clearly said in a manner that meant it to be derogatory, anyone who can critically think can see that. Also like... it's clearly referring to lesbians (meaning that bisexual people can't reclaim it). Unless he's actually dumb and dense, he would realize that "hey! maybe that's a slur, let me search it up first to make sure!" but no, instead, he called a minor a slur that he cannot reclaim. What I'm trying to say is that he could easily be lying about this and just say "that he didn't know" to get them off of his back.
I'm not involved with this situation, nor do I know anyone who is, so maybe, just maybe there is in fact context I am missing. Maybe they said that he can call them slurs, which would be fine I guess. But to a regular person, this entire situation is just insane. From calling a 15 year old a derogatory slur he cannot reclaim, to pretending that he didn't know what it meant.
I wanted to talk about this in the post about him replying to his racism allegations, but I let Laila handle that one first. What I wanted to mention was how absurd it was that Plague saw a video of someone crying their eyes out about racism, and saw how clearly it affected them personally, and instead of apologizing like a normal person, he decided to "defend" himself by lying through his teeth.
I can't even find a word to describe that behaviour other than UNREAL. You SAW how your words affected people. and you wanted to double down on it and defend yourself instead of just admitting that you made a mistake and apologizing????
3) Plague using minors to defend himself.
It's also ridiculous how plague has minors writing posts defending him on tumblr instead of just addressing the allegations himself. It's pathetic and predatory to have minors do your dirty work. We won't share the screenshots unless we absolutely need to, to keep the people involved safe; but we were sent a pretty alarming piece of information. Plague has allegedly repeatedly asked one of his moderators to make a video about the situation to defend him.
I'll state it again, this is predatory behaviour. Minors shouldn't be fighting his battles and deal with the backlash. The longer Plague stays silent about this, the worse it's gonna get.
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bestworstcase · 5 months
Hm. Yknow I was thinking about your Summer theory as well as Raven and I came to a conclusion that I think is Very interesting
So Summer would've told Raven the truth about Oz, right? The fact that he's preparing the world for divine judgement? What if Raven went to confront Oz about it? It'd be in character for her to do so, especially with something like THAT hanging over everyone's heads
But um. Backtracking real quick- Raven doesn't like Oz, but she doesn't seem to HATE him. She insults Tai and Qrow more than him, she mostly seems to hate how Oz does things. Which is completely fair, some of his actions deserve criticism (and I say this as an Oz fan lol). I think this Could give us insight into how Raven confronting Oz about the mandate could've gone
Basically Raven would've confronted Oz about it, and Oz, suspicious but still choosing to answer, would say that he hasn't worked towards that goal in millennia. Raven would call bullshit, until Oz offers to use the relic of knowledge underneath Haven.
Thing is, NO ONE besides Oz knows about the password. No one besides him COULD know, so I highly doubt Summer or someone else could've used it. And they go, Raven asks Jinn if Oz is lying- and she says that Oz isn't lying.
Raven would hate Oz a WHOOOOLE lot more if Oz was still working towards that goal and she knew about it. It'd be something I'm sure would've pushed her to even join Salem. But she... doesn't hate Oz. She doesn't LIKE him, obviously, and I don't think she ever will (her interacting with Oscar would be fun), but she doesn't seem to outright hate him. This theory would figure that out AND solve the "where did the first question go" AND be another tasty reveal.
I really don't think Oz is still working towards divine judgement. He absolutely USED to, but I think by now he's stopped completely. I have multiple reasons for this, such as him saying after The Four Seasons that magic should strictly stay in the realm of fantasy (doesn't sound like someone who wants magic or the gods back), that everything he's doing goes directly AGAINST what Light wants (in Fairytales of Remnant, he actively ENCOURAGES people to question everything they see or hear; Oz focuses on the importance of individuality; he actively makes the Gods look petty and bad, and probably more I'm forgetting). Oz isn't an idiot, nor is he delusional. He's made mistakes but that doesn't mean he's dumb.
You could argue he's still working towards unity, but by itself, unity isn't necessarily a BAD thing. And Light doesn't necessarily just want people to be united, he wants to, and I quote, "But if your kind is unchanged, if you demand our blessings while still fighting amongst yourselves, then man will be found irredeemable and your world will be wiped from existence." He wants people to not question him, to never ask for anything, to follow him blindly. Oz repeatedly directly opposes this idea, and even turns away when the option to actually fulfill this task is handed to him on a silver platter (everyone kneeling to him at the end of the Great War). The options are a) he's putting in the absolute BARE minimum of effort into his task b) he's a delusional idiot and c) he's not working towards this task anymore. I think it's far more likely he's not working towards it anymore.
Granted, I genuinely don't think Salem is aware of ANY of this. They haven't exactly been communicating. Just as Oz isn't aware of Salems true goals, Salem isn't aware that Ozpin gave up his goal. Honestly, if they talk and this comes up and Oz doesn't say "Is that truly what you think of me?" I'll buy a hat just to eat it <- thinks Oz parallels Darkness (delusional).
Anyways Raven would hate Oz way way more if Oz was still working towards that goal, unless she either doesn't know (unlikely, Summer would've told her) or he's not working towards it anymore and he proved it to her via relic (bc literally nothing else short of that would work).
the problem here though is that ozpin is still trying to fulfill his task, at least notionally. he doesn’t WANT to and he may not BELIEVE in it except insofar as he believes the final judgment is inevitable, but he locked down all four relics after establishing a united global order for a reason. however reluctantly, he’s still dragging himself forward along this path one painful inch at a time.
because it’s all he has left. because he’s punishing himself for what he sacrificed for the sake of this task. because he believes there is no other choice. because he fears that doing what he wants will doom the world to annihilation and is impossible besides.
as i’ve said before, beacon academy is a replica of her father’s castle and the headmaster’s office is at the top of her tower for a reason. in his telling, the girl “writes herself out of danger” by writing a fairytale about herself and throwing it to the winds; ozpin published an anthology of fairytales about her, about him, about all his sacrifices and all his regrets, pleading for forgiveness, and the last two stories are the girl in the tower (in his commentary he says the hero who saved her turned out a villain in the end, but hopefully the villain can become a hero too) and the gift of the moon (in his commentary he writes that humanity replaced a gift of the all-powerful god of light with something better).
throwing his stories and his plea for help to the wind, hoping against hope that somehow it’ll find its way into her hands, and she’ll understand and save him from all this.
we live in fear that we might fail/fear that we’ll succeed—he’s too afraid of the consequences if he fails to ever stop, but even greater than that fear is his terror of success, because this world still isn’t as dear to him without her and to save the world he would have to sacrifice her. do exactly the thing she mocks him for not doing: hold her up as a common enemy and rally the whole world against her, then summon the brothers to condemn her.
everything else—the paranoia the zealotry the deceit the passivity—is a distortion to hide this truth even from himself. he will choose her every time. and the fundament of his character is how much he fucking hates himself for that because he’s also convinced that his love dooms the world.
so like. no he would not tell raven jinn’s name, she might find out that he’s still in love with salem. that’s his deepest darkest horrible secret and his great and terrible shame.
i’m also not sure why you think raven would go to ozpin with the spring maiden’s blood on her hands and the awful truth that summer joined salem burning under her tongue, as if raven’s whole character isn’t that she runs away when she’s afraid. be serious.
raven talks about ozpin with the same mixture of disdain and fear she does salem. as far as she’s concerned they are exactly the same—both of them use and discard people, both of them lie, neither will rest until the world crumbles at their feet because no matter who wins in the end, the gods will return to crush or destroy everyone. raven doesn’t want anything to do with either of them; her disgust for tai and qrow is predicated on their trust in ozpin.
that doesn’t require an explanation.
“who asked the first question?” is also, frankly, on a level with “what happened to the stolen dust?” in that it’s an imaginary plot hole with a very obvious answer if you pay attention to the small details: ozpin used the staff of creation to raise atlas, then sealed the relic away in its vault; the staff gives you exactly what you ask for and therefore requires very thorough, precise instructions and ideally blueprints and examples; raising a city into the sky is a task with zero margin for error; ozma as the king of vale used the crown of choice in tandem with the sword of destruction to end the great war; ozpin is the only person who knows jinn’s name; ozpin used jinn’s first question to proof his specifications for the staff.
if raven “you need to question everything because the truth is hard to come by, stop blindly trusting oz” branwen knew how to use the lamp, she would have told yang how to do it before she left.
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loosesodamarble · 7 months
I'm new to your blog, and I know your request is closed, but I hope it's okay to still send in brain rots? If not, just reply to this with "No" or something of the sort. I wanted to share this so badly 😭
I'm just imagining a clingy and affectionate lover for Nacht who's ends up just clinging onto his back 24/7. Who's sleeping on his back? Oh. His lover. Why?... I don't know. If his lover feels that something is off. He gets headpats mid conversation or kiss on the cheek.
He's just talking down to someone being a menace that he is to the black bulls squad, and then they see a hand on his head casually petting him and a small voice that just says "No. Bad Nacht. Don't be mean." and he just falters.
Or he's at the meeting with the squad leaders, and he's showing off his demons. Suddenly, he gets a lot of kisses, and suddenly, all the intimidation just goes down the drain.
Does Nacht find it annoying at times? Yes. But. How can he say no when he gets affection?
Side note: The reason why his little baby clings onto him is because they're scared that he'll dissappear and never seen again due to how pessimistic he is towards himself.
Anon... Imagine I am ever so gently holding your shoulders while giving you a little peck on the forehead.
Nacht brainrot is always welcome here. My blog is where Nacht receives all the love and sweetness in the world~! 💖💖💖
I feel like Nacht really needs a clingy and openly affectionate lover. He closes himself off to others so having someone who is very open with their love for him would be a great help to him softening up and learning to love himself. Nacht deserves someone who seeks him out for comfort and wants to provide him comfort too. 🥰🥺💖👏
Gaaaahhhhh! The image of cuddling up against Nacht's back in bed is so cute!
As someone who’s like half a foot shorter than Nacht, the idea of giving Nacht headpats is a little goofy, since for me I’d first have to make him lean down a bit before I could reach the top of his head. 😆 That or we’d have to be sitting/lying down together so he’s already at my shorter level. But I truly would want to give Nacht headpats. He may not feels like it, but he’s a good man who has earned some pats.
Nacht being a menace to the Bulls. Ironic since he’d call the Bulls a menace to society. Look he’s just like a father telling the kids not to repeat his mistakes because his mistakes were suuuuuper dumb! And then his sweetheart partner comes along to shush them. “No need to scold them, honey.”
And let’s be real, after the third scolding from Nacht, the BB would’ve learned to tune him out and blankly stare into the distance until Nacht had finished his spiel.
The Bulls would be a mixture of baffled and jealous that Nacht has a partner that can put up with him. But they’d also be grateful that his partner is there to make him a more bearable person to be around. It they had to deal with grumpy Nacht 100% of the time and not just 70% of it, they would be less happy campers. 😂 The Bulls care for Nacht, they do, but they aren’t simps like me, that’s how I tolerate Nacht so well.
Also loving the idea that Nacht is trying to intimidate others with the devils. But his partner ruins his threatening aura very easily because they want to dote upon Nacht and show how cute the devils can be. 😂☺️
Nacht’s annoyance is at a good 90% but his anger is in the negatives because fhcjdkhhwochcid! He can’t say no to them. His lover has free reign to be lovey-dovey with him. (Unless his mood is really really bad. 😬 In which case his lover would probably know to give him space until he’s thought things through and calmed down. They want to love him but if even a “hello” sets Nacht off, they have to back away and let him stew a bit.) Nacht deserves every hug and kiss and soft word of affection!
Also heck yeah to a clingy lover because they don’t want him to leave!
Let the brainrot flow, dear Anon!
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step-on-me-khun · 2 years
Hello ~ can I have a hickey prank HCs where S/o faking it to see the reactions of Eduan-Yama-Jinsung-White..each separately pls? Have a wonderful day
hello. i have to be honest, i've never heard of this - I'm never on tiktok, so I literally had to google what the hickey prank even is - if I get this a bit wrong, please forgive me
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warning(s): threatening behaviour, and White, because he's one giant warning words: n/a taglist: @unexceptional-h @rizonacigaravenue @koi-chairowo @aoi-turtle @bangchanbin
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He's handsome, appealing, and, of course, he's the head of the Khun family - possibly the most attractive family ever
He would forever be proud of a lovebite he left on a woman, that included you
Eduan's quite the womaniser, so noticing a lovebite on someone other than another person he'd made love with made no difference
But you decided to test that, wondering the outcome
As you happened upon his field of vision, you slowed down and sat nearby smiling at him
Of course he notices, but just doesn't seem to think there's a problem
It's just a lovebite after all, and he didn't really care if you were with anyone else
It just confuses him a bit when you keep moving your hair away from your neck
But he just goes back to his business, not paying you any mind at all
You keep trying to get his attention, until he continues to wonder what you're up to
"Got allergies, or something?"
"What? No,"
"Then what's with that fake-looking lovebite?"
"It's not fake,"
"Okay, good for you,"
"It doesn't bother you?" it got you annoyed
"Why would it? There're other women, so you getting with someone else isn't my business,"
It descends into the opposite of jealousy, and you have to admit that you were attempting to prank him
To which, he sighs and facepalms
He's someone who could be pretty territorial, he's a dog so that's understandable
And also loyal, although he doesn't show it
So if you flaunt something obvious to him, he'll react, unless it's small, in that case, good luck getting his attention
And he's tall too, so you have to catch him when he's sitting down otherwise you've missed an opportunity
It was after meeting with his brothers, Yama's mind was nowhere and you happened to walk in front of him and stop, turning your head to flash the purple bruise you had created
Sometimes, Yama was oblivious, and other times he was able to take a hint
And he was able to take the hint, and as he notices he tenses up
"How did you get that mark?" He asks as he stands up, intimidating as fuck
"I-ugh, I don't know what you're talking about?" You begin to play with your hair, and he made you feel scared and anxious. Maybe this wasn't a good idea
"Stop playing dumb, who gave you that bruise?"
"No one,"
"Stop lying to me,"
Now you knew that playing a prank on Yama was a bad decision, you had to tell him
"Okay, okay, it's a prank, I'm sorry,"
Yama's eyes looked deadly like you were the next thing he was going to fight
"Never do that again, we're through if you play those types of tricks again,"
You've felt awful and scared since
Would notice the smallest of things about you, and knows of certain trends and tricks
Never in a million years would he ever think you were capable of pulling a tiktok prank on him
He's anything but gullible though, and when he thinks you're acting strange, he will confront you
You had to plan everything away from him, without acting suspicious
He could be silly at times, embarrassing Baam at any given moment, and if you were in front of others while showing off something, he would make sure everyone else knew too
But when he was serious, he could be scary, so predicting what the outcome would be was useless
As you enter the room Jinsung was in, you stare at him with confusion, then stood there, hoping he'd notice
"Did you forget something?" He asked
"I don't know?"
"You trying to hide something from me, precious angel?"
"Hide something?"
A look of sadness appeared on his face
"What's with that expression? Is something wrong?"
"There's someone else, isn't there?"
"What? Of course, there isn't,"
His eyes stare at you, and you could see a mixture of sadness and anger, but more sadness. This was something you didn't account for
"Where did you get that lovebite from, then?"
You wipe away the makeup and try not to avoid staring him in the eye
"Sorry, I was trying to prank you,"
"Oh, I need some time to think," he says before leaving you alone for a bit
Never do it again, you didn't end up breaking up, but still, you learnt now knew what Jinsung looked like when he was upset
Being around you made him a proud asshole, not that that was enough to make you constantly stay beside him. He was a jerk
White would be oblivious when it came to you planning anything, and he didn't care, unless it was about him
Pranks generally didn't affect him, he viewed them as unneeded and unnecessary
But that didn't stop you from being a little bit curious, what would be like if he saw a lovebite on you, one that wasn't his?
You playfully walk over to White and sit down beside him, the bruise on your neck on show
You were hoping he would notice you, but unfortunately, he didn't
So, you decided to move around next to him, reaching into your pockets to look for something that wasn't there, and tucking your hair behind your ear
"You're moving around too much," White complains
"I'm sorry, I can't get comfy,"
"And why are making that bruise so obvious, you've never been so proud of one before now, you're not trying to gain my attention are you?"
"What? You mean the small mark on my neck?"
"That's not small,"
"And when did I imply that you were what caused it?"
That question made White's smug expression fade, leaving behind one that was much scarier
"Who do I have to kill to make you understand you are only mine?" White's hand grabs onto your jaw. "I'll let this mistake slide, but don't think I'll ever be able to forgive-"
"It's a prank! It's a prank! I would never dream of betraying you,"
"Don't toy with me, (Y/N), or I might have to treat you really roughly, and give you lovebites that you'll be unable to hide,"
How could someone go from frightening in a scary way to frightening in an exciting way?
Either way, you weren't trying a prank like that again, your relationship wouldn't survive that, and maybe you wouldn't either
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don't steal anything I write or translate on another platform
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mint-8 · 3 months
Inescapable. No Rules, No Rescue - My version
I saw Viveros's video about this game (Inescapable Is The Worst Game I've Ever Played & I'm Making That Your Problem Now) and I started to brainstorm how this characters could shine or be more interesting, in my opinion.
I came up with these ideas for the characters.
Harrison Finn Tailor
- A British Bus Driver. He is socially awkward yet gentle and polite, something that wouldn't change much depending on the routes. As the days pass by and he interacts with others on the island, he'll get more out of his shell and form friendships with the other contestants.
- He joined the competition so he would be able to move from his shitty home in one of the worst neighborhoods in London.
Maria Strauss
- A German Programmer who works from home to take care of her little siblings. She is bubbly and sociable, the opposite of Harrison, and cares deeply for others as an older sister would.
- She joined the show so she would be able to move out of her abusive household with her little siblings.
Annika Eklund
- A Swedish House Maid. A kind, sweet yet somewhat dumb girl (Think Lindsay from Total Drama). She finds great pleasure in taking care of others and finds most household chores as entertaining and relaxing. She is very strong yet won't use her strength unless absolutely necessary.
- She joined Inescapable so she would have enough funds to sue one of her clients for sexual harassment.
Daan Zoetemelk
- A Dutch Professional Biker Athlete. On the outside, he is very outgoing and positive and somewhat dumb. However, he tends to be very cold and cruel when it comes to anyone standing in his way or interrupting his plans, often thinking of very harsh decisions or solutions to simple problems.
- He joined the competition so he would have enough money to settle a case in which he brutally and 'accidentally' broke both of his competitor's legs who won first place in the last race he was in.
Eva Tamm
- A Estonian Social Media Influencer. She became viral thanks to her meme and since then has been addicted to the spotlight that came with it. She loves being the center of attention (so she won't be 'forgotten'), and it's a complete social butterfly to everyone around her.
- She joined the show, so she'll have enough funds to start her new life as a professional social media influencer.
Francisca Carrasco
- A Portuguese Mechanic. She is a single mother who takes no shits from anybody and is very confident and proud of her job skills. She cares deeply for her family, especially her little daughter, and is fiercely protective of anyone she considers close.
- Joined Inescapable so she would have enough money to provide a better life for her child.
Giovanni Lombardi
- An Italian 'Businessman'. A devoted Catholic who has very progressive ideals and worldviews. He is a passionate feminist, LGBTQ+ ally, and a kind gentleman who would never dare to hurt a fly unless it was for self-defense. He is a loving father and husband to his nuclear family. However, his relationship with the rest of his family is very strained.
- Joined Inescapable to get his family out of poverty after some of his failed 'business' ventures caused his family to fall into debt.
Valérie D'Orléans
- A French Heiress. She is the youngest child and the least possible heir to her family's business empire. Outshined by her talented sisters and brothers, she feels extremely inferior in her family full of geniuses and forces herself to appear confident and proud of her abilities in order to protect herself from other's scorn and ridicule.
- She joined the competition, so she'll become an independent entrepreneur to show her capabilities as a leader and prove to her family that she is a capable woman.
Sasha Smith
- A Hacker and Enginner from an unknown origin? It's difficult to tell whether their words are lies or the truth, for they mastered the art of lying to protect themselves.
- They joined the show to get a new identity after a nasty accident from their last 'gig'.
Lumi Ndiaye
- A Finnish Chemist. She is very introverted and somewhat emotionless. Some of it comes from horrible racism she suffered as a black woman. She is very close to her family and is a very passionate activist for equality of races.
- She joined Inescapable to create a charity to fight against discrimination in Finland.
Isak Ringvold
- A Norwegian Jeweler. Born into an affluent family of professional jewelers and with a natural talent for jewel crafting and design, Isak came to hate his gift due to the extreme pressures from his family and social circles to continue his family's traditions. It's been years since he ran away from his home to partake in his dream for acting in professional plays, for he loves the exaggerated and dramatic personalities he has observed on the very scarce free time he had before he fled.
- He joined the show so he would be able to fund his studies in acting and eventually debut as a professional actor.
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shinra-makonoid · 8 months
(cw dysphoria & sex life, wanted to ask some questions) You've posted in the past, that you're only into cis men and that you had relationships (and I also think you're a top). We're sorta in the same boat, while I'm bi, I'm more into men. I wanted to ask, how open are you with your partners? I'm afraid that any cis man who would date me would try to pressure me into PIV, because that's what nearly all FTM porn is about. And some T4T people online act so weird that I'm afraid to end up with a trans man who wouldn't act any better, but instead of "let me fuck your pussy", it'll be "pussy4pussy". And if I think further, it boils down to the same issue with hypothetically dating a woman. Some trans women also act weird about trans men, and cis women... either lesbian-leaning or I'll have to go to a bullshit circus called "het dating culture", though from this POV straight women who don't care much about natal penises feel the safest. Basically, I feel like most people who're open to dating trans men, only desire those parts of us that are "leftovers" or resemble our AGAB. I know it's my paranoia and dysphoria speaking, together with the experience of casual lying and manipulation/gaslighting, so I wanted to ask someone who seems to have more experience than me.
First of all, I don't think I have that much experience. I don't currently date anyone and I have no interest in pursuing anything in that regard because obviously I'm focusing on other stuff these months. I can't tell you anything about women either for obvious reasons.
I'm more ambivalent to trans men now as my thought process kinda changed. Like... I do think the T4T culture is often uncomfortable but it might also be a place where you feel safe, understood and secure. There aren't many cis people who are careful and/or who actually do the work themselves before dating you, so you will end up having to go about dumb stuff like the idea you can be a top. And like... Sure it can be done, but it's a hassle, and for my part it really makes me uncomfortable, which eliminates very quickly the person from the dating pool.
My last ex that I dated was a cis gay guy, who didn't ever think about dating a trans man before, and was shook when I told him I was one. He was a huge bottom so he was relieved when I told him I could top and all. But he was still a cis guy, and he told me he went to see porn to "see what it's like" and would talk about how he was okay/wanted to touch my parts and... Idk if it's dysphoria or if it's just him being awkward about it but that made me feel super uncomfortable because I do everything to not think about those parts of me and it's like everything about us was making me think of it. He didn't have any/much understanding or maturity in regards to what he would do/say would actually be harming me unless I specifically explained it to him and it was tiring. Is it a maturity issue or a cis issue exactly idk. But after that I reconsidered T4T mainly because these issues wouldn't arise, and in some way I'd be free of the pressure to perform at a "cis level".
I never got pressured to get PIV sex but I had one guy asking me several times if I'd be open to being pregnant at some point because he was gay but he was also a hardcore alt right and that was also uncomfortable. Usually cis people just assume you only have the PIV possibility and you have to do a whole explanation about how you can do it other ways and it's just boring. I hate that this is a subject, and I specifically hate this is the main subject everyone is worried about any time you discuss something a bit serious in terms of relationships. It is very superficial.
I'm super open about my desires (like being a top, a sadist, hearing the other guy moan etc) and what I don't want (being touched, pregnancy, piv etc), but it doesn't mean the cis partner actually understands it because it's often a bit too strange and most cis people are actually super vanilla.
Hope that it helps? Thanks anon for the ask.
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i-willstealyourtoes · 2 years
had an idea last night, may be my last request for a while so I don't overwhelm you but I'll be online!
So maybe jacket, Jimmy, Houston and hoxton with a non-heister S/O who's super innocent, like doesn't get dirty jokes, so on, who also really likes soft fluffy stuff? Cuz like that's cute
Your writing is fantastic btw! Keep up the great work ♡
Hi! Tysm I really appreciate it <33 Also my requests are open now so u can send all your prompts :> Oh and I'm sorry that these might be shorter; I've been losing my momentum recently... 😭
Jacket, Jimmy, Houston + Hoxton with innocent/cute/civie s/o
- I think he finds your innocence really refreshing, bc he's used to working with.... well the heisters
- They're not as innocent, as you are probably aware of
- But yeah, he kind of enjoys just having a cute and innocent s/o
- He's glad you haven't seen the horrors of the world
- But at the same time he feels bad bc
- What if he ruins it???
- Even if he isn't actually Jacket (as in, HLM/HLM 2 not being canon), he's still done a lot of... morally questionable things
- You're so nice and cute, he doesn't want to ruin your beautiful view on the world
- But at the same time... he's absolutely addicted to you
- Like everytime he hears you giggle, smile, or be cute... he can't get enough
- You know how people game because they need an escape? That's low-key him with you
- You're his comfort everything
- After a long day of hurting others, he just wants to see you
- Sometimes he'll just observe you
- Like... when your waiting at a park for your date, he'll just look at you for a little while before actually coming up to you
- It doesn't matter how silly goofy you are, he likes just seeing you interact with the world, in your cute clothing and your cute smile
- When he first met you, he thought your innocent demeanour was a facade
- 'Eh? What does... the eggplant emoji imply if not veggies?'
- Jacket just looks at you like 👁️👄👁️ 'how do you not know it means someone's DI-'
- (He did not say that)
- But still, he assumed you were just pretending to be that innocent
- Once he hung out with you more, he realized you really are just that dumb innocent
- I don't think he likes inviting you to the safehouse
- I mean, safehouse raids happen whenever so...
- Also he's scared the others might scare you or ruin your innocence
- He doesn't trust the others with you, especially alone
- If you do ever hang out with the others, they always tease Jacket about it
- Especially Houston
- 'No offense, but why did you choose chicken little over there? He's so-OW JACKET WAIT OW-'
- No he did not kill Houston... I think
- Jacket feels that Houston's right, why him???
- He thinks of himself of like... 4/10
- You? To him, you break the scale 😊
- (In a good way, not in a 'you're worse than 0' way)
- You probably have to keep reassuring him that he's a 10 (or more) in your eyes
- (He thinks you're lying)
- (We're not Jacket, you're cool)
- Still, he can't help but smile when you're hugging him on the couch, telling him how much you love him
- The combo of hugging your cute form, along with your gorgeous voice...
- Those moments make him feel like he can't get any better
- Like... he's made it, he's made it to heaven
- He would, in a heartbeat, give up everything for your sweet soul
- All you have to do is go 'Please...?' and he'd probably gut a guy for you
- (He definitely would, don't ask him unless you actually want him to)
- He can't help but become a little fluffier with you
- The snuggles... get him every single time
- He just wants to pick you up and just-
- Bro... he... he love you so much
- Idk if I headcanon him as neurodivergent (idk if I even can, as a neurotypical person)
- Whenever you snuggle with him or wear really cute fluffy clothes
- Flapping hands or something idk
- He... 🥺
- He's like 'bro my s/o is literally everything'
- Yes you are his new addiction moving on-
- He does call you his 'angel' most likely
- Most likely meaning you have a 90% chance-
- 'Hello angel.'
- OH and if he doesn't call you that??
- The other 10% he calls you something like 'sweetheart'
- (For context, I did not really until this-)
- Always has his hands on you
- Not in a bad way??? Like he just always has an arm around you, or holds your hand or a hand on your thigh/waist
- No, it is not sexual (unless you show those intentions to him)
- I genuinely think that when he's really out of it, he actually thinks you're not real 😭
- Like he'll squint his eyes and all 💀
- Man's is like 'no way you're real, there's no way I must be trippin HARD'
- He will pinch you or feel your face to make sure you are in the physical form 💀
- It's either that or he asks you if you've seen his partner (you)
- Like wth????
- 'Hhhhey excuse- excuse me? H-have you seen a person about ehh.... yay-high-?'
- It does not matter if you're crazy tall, he'll still do that
- '-they're like... SUUUUUPER cute... Like-like CRAZY amounts of cuteness. The kind of... AAWWWWWW A PUPPY cute, you know???'
- 'Babe, that's me-'
- Bro he trippin-
- Please help him through these times okay he just took a little too much of the illicit pharmaceuticals
- When he snaps out of it, he has no embarrassment about it
- (Idk how, if I were him I would've dug my own grave after)
- He does make sex jokes now and then, so he finds it kind of funny when you don't get them???
- Like 'haha your so stupid and cute I love you please marry me'
- (He has probably said this at one point in your relationship)
- Jimmy trying to explain 'adult jokes' to you is literally my source of comedy
- 'You see, it's funny because it looks like a PENI-'
- The idea of him explaining those kind of jokes while you're like '...?' to him so such a funny concept I love it
- 'What do you mean if it's rock hard you will be too? OH-'
- (Reference to this video)
- Anyways, he likes how cute and innocent you are, though unlike Jacket he'll probably have no issue telling you about funny innuendos-
- I think he didn't get it at first either????
- Like how... how do you not get the joke
- You're of legal age, HOW-
- He finds it kind of amusing though so he doesn't mind
- It's low-key his source of entertainment I'm ngl
- He's probably shown you funny sex jokes and asked you to explain
- 'Uh.... the eggplant emoji... is it like... a veggie joke?'
- Bruh.... what is with you and the eggplant smh
- Anyway, he finds it really funny and sort of cute???
- I think at first he found it a little annoying since he'd have to explain it?
- But now he just thinks it's comical
- As for you being cute???
- Bro.... he.... he loves you
- The cute fluffy vibes really got him
- I feel like he might prefer cuter s/os anyway?
- It's just.... the hugs omg
- He might act tough when you hug him
- The little smooches you give him
- Bro thinks he's blessed by the gods fr
- He does get a little red if you give him enough attention bc ofc he do
- 🍅 <- him rn
- Like he
- He...
- Girl (gender-neutral) I don't even know fr he's just down BAD
- Idk how to explain it... it's just he actually feels addicted to your existence
- The idea of him sitting down after successfully hitting a bank, with you snuggling into him
- Bros moved to tears at the thought (/jk)
- Also I feel like he'd brag about you
- 'Yeah, you might have got more heads, but I'm the one with the angel here. So fuck you.'
- Bro just likes bragging oml
- ESPECIALLY with Hoxton because ofc he has to one up him all the time oml
- If he runs out of comebacks, he just picks you up and is like 'Well do you have this? No, you don't.'
- If you're up for it, he loves you more
- 'Yeah, you tell it him babe.'
- If you'll allow it, he'd like to pick you up and help you with everything? He likes to feel like a big strong guy with his damsel/Prince so...
- If you don't like it, it'll take every fiber of his being not to help you so much
- He... he can't help it, he just wants to be there for you
- Maybe a little too much
- He loves you alot okay....
- If you're small too? He's gonna help you anyway whether you want his help or not
- Him when you're cute: :]
- He really likes to keep a hand on you like Jimmy?
- Hand on the waist or shoulder for him is a go to :>
- He will not hesitate to pick you up when you ask
- 'Alright, up we go-' or 'There, prince(ss).'
- He really enjoys doing this because he just.... it's just so fun okay-
- (Pick me up Hox I want to go uppys)
- Like Houston, he will probably also brag
- 'Hey wanker, look at this-' (then he just picks you up and kisses you, giving a middle finger to Houston)
- If you blow raspberries at Houston he will also gain +100 love for you
- Which is sort of impossible considering how he loves you infinity amounts already
- He LIVES for the cute fits you do bc like...
- Duh???? You slay???
- If you wear anything fluffy/with skirts he love you :>
- Wearing stuff like that gets you an extra chance at being picked up
- Anyway, he likes how innocent you are too bc????
- The fact you don't get some of these jokes are so funny to him
- Like... how do you not get them lmao
- 'Wait... so the eggplant emoji... isn't just indicating the vegetable???'
- (Nahhh not you with the eggplant omd)
- 'Ye-(is laughing) Yes babe, the eggplant emoji is not just a vegetable. What do you think it could be?'
- It doesn't matter if you understand it now, he'll still make fun of you for it
- Like he'll be shopping for groceries with you or something
- And if he finds an eggplant?
- 'Hey babe, what's this?'
- (Smh Hox stop the bullying)
- He really likes showing off all his achievements to you, knowing that you'll do the cute face (🥺/🤩)
- 'Yeah, then he took a shotgun to the face! The Dozer was fucked to begin with, anyway...choosing to fight me, of all people. What a dumbass cop....'
- Yes he likes to flex his muscles a little too okay
- If you marvel at them too? HSJSNSJAJJSHSHSHSJSJDJDJSJ-
- I think he has never loved anyone more than you
- Maybe money
- Okay maybe not money
- He thinks you're cuter :>
- I feel as if he would kind of... well not baby you, but definitely treat you like an deer that needs help 💀
- Like, if someone (probably Houston) broke their leg, he'd literally not care at all-
- 'Walk it off, bitch-boy.'
- If you bruised your leg? He's taking care of that first
- Both bc he knows you're a civ, but also bc he doesn't want his fluffy ball of sunshine to be hurt at all :'/
- 'Alright, you just sit here, I'll get something to treat that. HOUSTON MOVE OUT THE FUCKING WAY-'
- I swear, he's just here to love you, and hate Houston 😭
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amethystunarmed · 1 year
F, L, M, and O for the fic ask meme?
Ahh!!! Hi Mary! Thank you for asking!!!!
Fanfic Ask Game
F: Share a snippet from one of your favourite dialogue scenes you've written and explain why you're proud of it.
Ooh this was a hard one!
I went through so many of my fics but decided to share a bit from a future scene in the "Would You Like to Add Another Member to Your Party?" series, because it has taken over my whole brain. This is set in an AU of season 3, where Eddie gets captured by the Russians with Steve and Robin.
“You laugh. Why?” The Russian asks.
Eddie snorts again. He smirks. Cocky, confident, like he is too dumb to know this just eggs the bullies on. “It’s just... You really think he knows anything?”
“He seems like the leader of your little group, no?”
Eddie makes himself laugh again, even as heart pounds in his ears. “Sailor hat over there? Please. He barely graduated. He’ll be lucky to keep a minimum wage job for the rest of his life.” There’s a wounded noise from the floor and a part of Eddie wishes that one of the guards hit Steve again if only so that Eddie isn’t the one who pulled that noise from him. But he knows better.
I’m sorry, Steve, I’m so sorry.
He doesn’t have time to think more. The general is smirking. 
Take the bait, you dumb motherfucker.
“So...” He drawls, like he is smart. Like he is the one playing Eddie here and not the other way around. “You would be the better choice?”
This scene was fun to write because I love writing a character with an angle, who is just blatantly lying, while also making it so the other side would believe the lie. Eddie has to betray Steve as well, act like he doesn't care about him, in order to protect him. It's a lot of emotions to balance!
This was definitely one of those scenes that possessed me and I wrote the whole thing in one night!
L: How many times do you usually revise your fic/chapter before posting?
Never enough! I get too excited to share it! I usually look it over as I'm going and then force myself to read over it, have a beta look over it, force myself to look over it again, then post.
M: Got any premises on the back burner that you'd care to share?
Hmmmm I definitely have been firmly back on my stranger things bullshit.
Add Another Member to Your Party has grown so much more massive than I expected but...
I was thinking about ways to involve Eddie even earlier, so he could be involved in seasons 1 and 2. So Tommy Hagan inviting Eddie over to replenish his stash. Steve is afraid Nancy will bolt if drugs are involved so he banishes him to the backyard where he talks to Barb Holland. She moves off the diving board just as a monster lunges out to get her. Now she, Eddie, and Jonathan Byers, who was watching from the woods, have to convince the others of what they saw, before it comes back...
Idea two is a Julie and the Phantoms au. Corroded Coffin is a metal band that has a tragic accident in the 80s. Their ghosts show up Steve Harrington's garage in the present day. And he is the only one who can see them, unless they're performing on stage. Can they teach Steve to reject the status quo of his high school crown and help him love music again? Inspired by Joe Keary's singing voice and the inherent angst of the Unsaid Emily scene with Uncle Wayne
O: How do you begin a story—with the plot, or the characters?
Honestly, I usually start with dialogue. I tend to write a back and forth between a couple characters and just build it from there! So i guess both? I put two characters in a situation and then it tends to evolve from there.
This got very long! Thank you so much for letting me talk about this stuff.
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fandom1213 · 1 year
Chap 1;
It was Spring Break for South Park and our boys were now in their last year of high school!! Which as exciting as that is, it also will give one this feeling that you need to expiate for something even if you don't what that quite is yet.
While one may think of past experiences with zip lining, manbearpig, the urinal incident, stealing a boat and breaking a dam, or the multiple cases of breaking and entering one would think that allowing Stan (or Cartman.. Or anyone associated with that group) would know to say No when someone would say something along the lines of “Oh hey let's do this” or “You know what sounds like a good idea?” but apparently, the lack of intelligence leads to Kyle and Stan waiting in the formers car in his driveway waiting on Kenny while the fat man refused to in his own words “wait with the gays” Instead he leaned against the driver's door where Kyle was lounging back listening to Stans music, he turned it down.
“Dude, where's Kenny?” the other two boys in question placed down their phones and looked toward the fiery redhead. Cartman leaned down placing his face in the window
“Relax jew he'll come, poor boy just has to walk his ass here instead of drive.” In a small town like south park having a license is not that big of a deal unless of course you're a 16-year-old who's itching to leave, but growing up there Kenny didn't have a license to drive but no cop thought the wiser when he was behind the wheel.
“Look dough boy Ken could drive circles around you he just needs a vehicle to test with...” While Stan was not going to let the argument get out of hand he'd be lying if he said that the back and forth didn't bring him an ounce of comfort. As he was about start scrolling on Coonstagram he saw someone bouncing in the distance he shot back up.
“Oh look Kens here!” Stan pointed out as he grabbed Kyles hand and pointed towards where Kenny was jogging up. Kyle's face lit up as Cartman grumpily pulled away from the window and moved closer to the door behind the driver's side as Kyle and stan hung their heads out the window their voices bouncing off into the empty street making Kenny light up and pick up his pace.
“Hey guys sorry I'm late!” Kyle smiles brightly as his head slips back in the car and popping the trunk as Cartman slips in feeling the breeze from the opened trunk “Stuart thought I worked today” he became muffled as he closed the trunk and shuffled behind the passenger side “then Karen not only forgot it was spring break but that I was heading to Vegas” every one in the car whooped as Kenny finished shutting the door and slipping on the seat belt since Kyle always would muttered “seat belt” once someone slipped in the car “so I had THAT plus l almost forgot the IDs” the car that Kyle was slowly backing out of near slammed to a halt leaving Kenny to chuckle as he dug in his pockets to toss the paraphernalia towards Stan “don’t worry I’m not that dumb” as a breath of fresh air return to the car they continued on their way to Vegas as Stan’s music was bumping.
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degrees-of-fuck · 2 years
good day lilac, how r you, can i get more clara fun facts, she cutie 🤲🤲🤲
Good day 2 u Also and thank u ugyhkjn <3 <3 I'm pretty bleh and tired lately tbh, but very much in the mood to go on a ramble about my brain blorbos
You Sure Can ✨ puts her into your open hands
Clara has high purity due to her just kind of. Continuing to be a virgin I guess. And because she's gotten very good at Distracting things from penetrating her in any sense. As a result, she's Occasionally spotted with a faint halo - something she considers to be a sick, sick joke at her expense. She knew god had a cruel sense of humour, but damn.
I feel like maybe one or two people are capable of telling whether she's joking or serious most of the time, unless she's actively forcing herself to emote for some reason. So she says a LOT of out there shit with a look of total sincerity. This may or may not be one of the reasons her peers generally dislike her. She's fuckin weird and hard to read. (Not to mention a Nerd)
I once had the mental image of Clara filling milk bottles with her tit milk and selling them - which led to the mental image of Bailey using her milk for Orphanage Food Stuff rather than having to buy it, because why the fuck wouldn't they save money by exploiting their charge? (I mean she's already their cashcow)
One time in my game she tried to stand up for Sydney with 0 intent of getting Physically involved, but this 'somehow' lead to her getting beaten up. Which lead to particularly violent molestation, predictably. Right in front of Sydney. They did not notice and were just sort of acting like they were fighting and never seemed to really Notice what was actually happening there?? I guess their glasses were broken? Either way this really does feel like the perfect instance to describe the thought process that lead Clara to want to corrupt them
Botany Nerd Botany Nerd Botany Nerd Botany Nerd
While I think Closetgoth Corrupt Sydney has a pretty different aesthetic to her, I do imagine it has the odd shared element and I like the idea of them sharing certain accessories, or Clara giving them a couple things to get their collection started.
Fun Fact: u should pick her up and fling her into the ocean
Because she cares about fashion (or rather, her own fashion. not much one to keep up with what anyone else is doing) I feel like she has a slowly, but constantly growing collection of cowbells.
At the moment I saw this ask I was looking for sims cc to make her in my game again. Not really a fact about her, I just thought it was neat.
Her ears and tail are the most expressive parts of her I think? With their flapping and twitching. Even then though, she keeps them under good control around most people. (First time Robin was immediately able to tell she was lying about some dumb shit due to the movements of her tail giving it away, she had a big old panic attack. She REALLY relies on Dishonesty Powers. Had to re-learn a bit when new tics showed up.)
Even with her glasses she has pretty bad vision, tbh. She's not super near or farsighted, it's just... Bad. General low vision.
For Sims Reasons, I’ve been trying to think of what surname the orphans that have always been at the orphanage might have (So not Robin in my head. I imagine they came later, thus seeing PC as ‘older’ despite being the same age.) I thought for a while, before just deciding to go off of the fact that the forest is nearby, which is apparently a fairly common basis on which to name an orphan hoard. So Clara’s full name is Clara Woods.
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thestobingirlie · 2 years
hey, you can totally ignore this if you want (obvi), but i just need to get this off my chest. there's such a problem in steddie fics where they're outed. the other characters will breeze past their boundaries like they're nothing, esp dustin. it bothers me so much. i've been outed and it was terrifying and violating. it's also so disrespectful. it's a complete dismissal of their thoughts and feelings. i just don't understand how people can be so comfortable writing characters who dismiss other people's boundaries. it's always played off as humorous or as if it's nothing, like it doesn't even matter. and that's just so fucked up to me. it's terrible to take the control of coming out, out of someone’s hands. it's taking away safety. people write it for other things besides coming out, but either way, the dismissal of it all can get into your head so easily and it's fucking degradin, along with disrespectful and scary. idk, maybe i'm overreacting, but i still think it's fucked up and a problem. anyways, have a good evening or whatever time it is for you 💕
first, i just want to say that i’m really sorry you’ve experienced being outed, and i can’t imagine how horrible it felt.
now, i haven’t run into this trope much (because i very heavily vet every single steddie fic i read lol), but it’s really disgusting that it’s being treated so lightly.
i feel like a lot of st fics end up treating being queer in the 80s like it’s no big deal, even if they’re not meaning to, or at least treat being queer through a modern view (like all queer characters are totally knowledgable and know every sexuality etc). and it always sucks me out of the story.
i obviously don’t know for sure, but i feel like the people writing these fics probably aren’t writing them from a place of malice, and it’s more just “these people might not come out in 80s because of homophobia, so i’ll have this other character tell everyone instead”. they’re trying to get away from homophobia, and end up just treating coming out as if it means nothing.
i also think this tendency to need every single queer character to come out, comes from this growing expectation that anyone queer should come out, and if they don’t they’re lying and not living their truth. which is just a really terrible, flawed way of thinking. i think most of the characters wouldn’t come out, at least not for a good few years. like, i can’t imagine robin sitting the party down and letting them know she’s a lesbian. they’re good kids! but she has no idea how they would react.
but anyway! i do think it’s ironic that in a show that does centre at least somewhat around homophobia, the fandom often just forgets about it and writes characters behaving in a homophobic way, even if they aren’t really aware that’s what they’re doing.
also, this is somewhat off the point, but i am seeing this growing trend in dustin where people write him as just totally not respecting steve’s boundaries, even for dumb stuff. like in most st fics i read, dustin tells everyone about the hairspray steve uses, which is small! but it’s a secret steve trusted dustin with and told him not to tell anyone, and it bothers me that no one feels like that boundary of steve’s should be respected. like, i’m aware it’s mostly a joke, but it always feels like a joke that’s being made at steve, and not with him.
but anyway, yeah, i think people are increasingly treating coming out and being queer as no big deal when it is very important to people and is a choice that only that person can make, and unless they’re actually writing that character suffering the consequences of their actions, i don’t advise having one character out another.
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knowlesian · 2 years
Hey! I really enjoy your meta and was wondering if you could share your thoughts on why Ed says "never left" in episode 8. Because that infuriated me! He did leave and wasn't planning on coming back before the English reveal. But I also am aware that I relate deeply to Stede in episode 8 (the way they had him wear the same outfit as when he was bullied as a child killed me) so I'm sure my view is skewed. But it read to me like let's just pretend that didn't happen which I understand could be a call back to the bathtub scene but it just rubs me wrong.
So can I have your thoughts about why Ed/the writers went with the iconic "never left" + wink reply?
i CAN, and buckle up because this one is something i have so many thoughts about but somehow have only briefly tackled.
so: ed is a really socially aware guy. he's good with reading people, he can do sarcasm just fine, but he doesn't know the rules of the social road in stede's world which means when stede does the 'my body language and whole vibe SCREAMS i don't like this, my words say yeah cool do it more, even! i'm fine with this' thing because he's used to that as a way to make life "easier" for everybody by just entirely avoiding open confrontation ever, ed is like ...okay, i am either supposed to call you a liar here or carry on? because in my world, when you want something to fuckin stop you say FUCKIN STOP and when you're being a real jerk on purpose, you want people to know it's because you hope they have a shitty day.
(i know ed the adult man not knowing the terms retirement and passive aggressive exist or what they mean has led to some real world logic application all, ed is dumb/doesn't know basic words and the like, but those are Theme Moments because this is a big gay play running on rule of cool. the text is saying: ed wants to stop but doesn't even know it's an option unless you die, and ed says what he means/expects everyone else to do the same.)
so in ed's world, what stede does as a mode of politeness/defense is just called lying. ed's not grounded in the world of books and social games; he's not looking for hidden purposeful meanings in the corners of everybody's words, which contributes to how he misses jack. (sidenote: i think stede is extra snippy because his spidey-sense for passive aggressive fuckery is going off endlessly and telling him something is not RIGHT here, and he needs to be on alert by the same token, but that's not super related. just wanted to say it!!! etc)
also, ed’s been introduced to the idea of passive aggression as a weapon; he hasn't been introduced to the niceties side. so when he leaves, it's with this funky vibe in the air where he feels like jack just came out to have a good time, stede's giving off the kind of mixed signals that are potentially scary, and it culminates in stede unfortunately framing his (very legit) annoyances as an issue with ed/his behavior vs issues with jack, and that only drives the wedge in deeper.
so when ed leaves, it's not because he wants to: it's this rolling avalanche of shitty things that all culminate in ed being like, if jack who represents my past and is just here to have a good time pisses stede off this much and makes him say he doesn't like me around jack, what happens when he decides i'm too much like jack to be borne a second longer and kicks me out, too?
theeeeen he finds out jack was there to fuck shit up on PURPOSE, and what stede had an issue with gets internally reframed. suddenly, stede is not judging ed by proxy, he's judging jack who is a lying dick and trying to cause trouble and drive them apart on purpose. this means even if stede's own issues were a large part of his reaction, stede actually read the room far better than ed. (just like he did at the party.)
the spin now emotionally is: stede tried to protect me. if i had listened and not trusted jack over stede's instincts, maybe none of this is happening. i have to go back and protect him.
which leads me into the actual line!!! stede's face is super key here, to set the stage. he's so, so fucking happy. like: incandescent. when he says 'you came back', he's so fucking relieved. they're about to get boarded by the fucking royal navy and stede looks happier than ever.
which tells ed: you never actually wanted me to leave. you are unconditionally glad to see me back, even though i fucked up and i should have listened to you. you're just glad i'm here, no matter what's going on.
and ed... ed so much wants anybody at all to see him for who he actually is, as he wants to be seen, and then be happy he's in the room.
so 'never left' is the moment he speaks stede's language for the first time, i think. the language of: what i am saying here is a cover for the deeper truth of what i mean. ed says never left, but he doesn't mean it like literally i was never gone or never intended to stay that way.
he means: i didn't want to go. and maybe, even better— emotionally, i was always still with you. my body left, the legend of blackbeard left, but ed was always right here. right where he wants to be.
and they're so thrilled to be together again, yes, but i think that's the crux of this scene and why their gazes stay tender and locked even as everything goes shit around them. why ed needs to reach out, and stede needs to lean back into that touch.
ed knows stede is just glad he's around; stede knows ed didn't ever want to leave him.
(and, after an episode of talking past each other, they are finally starting to work out the language to meet each other on even ground, where ed will give some and stede will give some and they will meet in the middle, neither of them having to exist entirely in the other's world or use the other's words to communicate.)
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simplyparker · 3 years
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gif by @megmeg-chan
Navigation // Marvel Masterlist
Pairings: Peter Parker x Reader
Summary: Peter did something and he can't take it back.
Warnings: Cursing, Cheating,
Word Count: 2.3k
A/n: I wanted to do something angsty. And I would just like to say I'm picturing Bryce Dallas Howard (Tobey's Gwen Stacey) for this. Also, this is something I posted for a whole different fandom back in June on Wattpad. The original title was going to be 'Liar' but then I was re-reading it and wanted to make it a 'song fic' type thing because of this sentence: Tears spilled from your eyes, as you looked into his brown guilty ones. He looked like he understood how this felt for you.
brown guilty eyes and little white lies yeah
You were watching TV while Peter was in the shower. He had been off lately, and you just assumed it was because of patrolling. You snap out of your thoughts to a ding, then another, then another. His phone kept going off. It could have been May needing help with something. But normally if she can't get ahold of Peter she calls you.
You look over at the coffee table where his phone is, and you grab it. He has his settings to where you can't see the messages unless unlocked, but you can still see the name.
i played dumb but i always knew
Who the hell was Gwen? And why was she blowing up his phone? It had been about a minute since she messaged when a call came through. You hadn't even noticed Peter got out of the shower and was dressed until he snatched the phone out of your hand and declined the call.
"What the fuck are you doing?" He asked, anger lacing his voice.
"I just wanted to see who was blowing up your phone like it's their job," you answer in an annoyed tone, completely done with him acting like a dick. He didn't say anything, just walking into your room. You got off the couch and followed him. "Where are you going?" you ask.
"Out." He says grabbing his wallet.
"Out to see her?" you ask, he looks at you and slowly walks over to you. He takes his hand and holds your face.
"No baby, I'm gonna go hang out with Ned. Okay." He says, then kisses your lips gently. You know he was lying, but still, put a smile on your face and responded,
i kept quiet so I could keep you
"Okay," you said. And with that, he left.
It had been a few months since that happened. Peter was always "hanging out with friends". So you decided to call Ned and Harry, Peter's only friends. Ned told you that he hadn't really seen Peter, but that was because he's been in LA with his girlfriend Betty. Harry said "Sorry y/n, but I haven't seen Peter in weeks."
Even after knowing all this information, you didn't say anything to him. You played dumb when he was around. You needed to talk to someone about this so, you invited MJ over to your apartment.
She had brought some wine so you guys could unwind. And you told her everything. The calls. The texts at late hours. Always leaving earlier than he used to. Telling her how much it hurt. How it felt like you'd been losing him for months. How he wouldn't tell you 'I love you' back. And you cried in her arms. She rubbed soothing circles in your back and eventually your tears calmed down.
"Ugh. We should have let Flash beat the living shit out of him." Michelle says out of nowhere.
"Huh," you say lifting your head from her shoulder.
"Freshman year, when Flash was going to beat him up for whatever reason, but we stopped him. We should have let him." MJ says and you laugh.
Even with MJ trying to cheer you up there was still a problem at bay. Peter had texted you and told you that he could come over tomorrow to hang out. But you already decided what was going to happen tomorrow. You were going to confront him, and end things.
About an hour later MJ left, even though she said she could stay the night, you insisted go downstairs to her apartment. You tossed and turned all night. Maybe it wasn't the best idea to drink with Michelle and then send her back to her apartment.
You kept overthinking. Was he actually cheating? Or were you making it up in your head? Were you actually over-reacting? If you were wrong, you lost him. If you were right, god please don't be right, you lost him. But deep down you knew you weren't wrong.
Because here's the truth, you couldn't lie to him, even over stupid things, safe to say it wasn't the same for him. It really hurt knowing you weren't good enough for him. Knowing that while you were in love with him, he was longing after someone else. Maybe he was even fucking her too.
you said you were friends but it sure as hell doesn't look like it
Today was the day. You slept like shit but you were done with his little white lies. Well, maybe not 'little white lies' maybe more like huge gray stories.
You were sitting on the couch. Your couch. The couch helped you pick out, and carry in. The couch where so many memories were made.
It's also the couch where you discovered something you wish you hadn't. The couch that you had discovered Peter's lies. Peter's secrets. The same couch where you cried on Michelle's sweater, over a boy who didn't make you feel the same as he used to.
You had a show on Netflix playing, but you weren't paying much attention. You had texted Peter telling him to just let himself in when he got there. You didn't think you could open the door if he knocked. You probably would have locked it and told him to fuck off.
He walked in with a smile on his face. Closed the door behind him, and set his jacket on the back of the chair that was closest to the door. He came up to you to give you a kiss but you tilted your head away.
"Peter?" You say in a quieter voice. He backs up a bit and you stand up.
"Yes?" He asks.
"Who have you been out with?" You ask.
"Just Ned and Harry, y/n." He sighed.
"Just stop lying. I know you haven't been with them. Harry says he hasn't seen you in weeks, and Ned," You laugh, " Ned is in fucking LA" you say.
"Baby," he says and reaches out to touch your shoulder.
"Don't! Don't fucking babe me right now. You've been seeing another girl behind my back." You raised your voice.
He just looked at you with his guilty eyes.
"Do you love her? Does she love you? Does she know about your little secret identity? Was she there for you when Tony died? Or- or when you were in such a dark fucking place you were doing shit that would kill you?" You let a tear slip.
you talked to her when we were together loved you at your worst
He just stood there, saying nothing, with teary eyes.
"I ASKED YOU! I ASKED you who she was. I saw the notifications on your phone. I heard the phone ring at late times in the night. Did you sleep with her? While you were sleeping with me?" tears were rolling down your cheeks, and it was starting to get hard to breathe.
"We never slept together, y/n, but," He says with a sigh
"But? But what?" You ask, aggressively wiping the tears from your face.
"We only kissed a few times." He tilts his head down and stares at the floor. And you laugh, a sad, tearful, broken, laugh.
"Fuck off." You told him.
"Y/n... I never meant to hurt you." He spoke softly.
"What's the point, Peter? I'm in love with yet another guy who ends up cheating on me. Is it me? Is there something wrong with me? I mean there has to be right?"
"Y/n there's nothing wrong with you-" He starts, but you physically can't hear the excuses so you cut him off.
"Just get your stuff and get out." and he did what you said. While he walked to your bedroom to get his clothes you grabbed a bottle of rum out of your freezer and just drank. Eventually, he left and you fully broke down.
The next day, MJ came to check on you. Luckily she had a spare key because there was no way you were leaving that couch. She brought some food for both of you to eat for dinner.
"He cheated. Or should I say "We only kissed a few times"?" You say as she sits down next to you.
"Are you fucking serious?" she rolls her eyes. "At least you know now. Even if the truth makes me want to murder him." She says. "Could be worst." You nod your head.
"Yeah," you laugh, "I could be pregnant." You say, and Michelle looks over at you like she's seen a ghost.
"But you're not... right?" She asks.
"No, thank god. I got my period on schedule today." You say, taking a slice of pizza out of the box.
"Holy shit y/n. Don't do that again. Thought we were about to have to raise a baby today." She laughs making you laugh. A few minutes of quiet, the only sound coming from the movie playing on your TV.
"I have to go get me shit from his place." You say.
"What shit do you have there?" She asks.
"Some clothes, phone charger, a small jewelry box," you reply
"Whats in the jewelry box?"Michelle asks, grabbing another slice of pizza.
"Just a few rings like 3 or 4, and a necklace my mom gave me." You say taking another bite.
"I'll go with you, to pick up your shit."
"Okay, thanks. But I don't wanna go today, maybe give it a week to two to cool down on my part. If I see him I might cry on sight." you say, and she nods.
A week and a half later you and Michelle drove over to Peter's apartment. Apartment 12A. MJ knocks on the door for you and someone that's not Peter answers. She's tall and has long platinum blonde hair.
"Can I help you?" she asks, and it must have clicked in both your, and Michelle's head at the same time. This is Gwen. MJ pusses her way past Gwen and pulls you along with her.
ain't it funny remember i brought her up and you told me i was paranoid
"Hey! You can't just walk in like this" She yells, but MJ ignores her. MJ leads you to the room that toy and Peter used to share when you were over at his place. He shares it with her now. You couldn't believe he just ran to her the second you broke up. He probably fucked her for support or something like that the same night too. You and MJ got inside the bedroom and saw Peter standing there.
"Hey?" He says in a confused tone.
"We came to pick up her stuff dipshit." Michelle answers.
"Oh yeah, sure go ahead." He says awkwardly.
"Babe they just barged in." Gwen stomps her foot.
"It's okay Gwen. That's Y/n and her friend Michelle, they're just gonna pick up the last of her stuff." Peter says.
"Oh, Y/n?" She looks at you, talking about you, not to you." I was right when I said she wasn't good enough for you. Who dresses like that anyways?" You roll your eyes and actually look at her. She's wearing a white tennis skirt and a familiar purple hoodie that has a small white heart on the chest.
"Don't start shit," Peter says to her.
“That’s my hoodie.” you look at her neck and see a necklace your mom gave you. “And that's my necklace.” you look over at Peter “You gave her my necklace? You know my mom gave me that before she died. What the fuck Peter,” you say.
“I didn’t give her shit. She must have found it in your jewelry box.”
“Sorry I didn’t know.” Gwen scoffs, taking off the necklace and giving it to you.
“No, you didn't know. You don’t know anything about me, or him. You don’t know half the shit we’ve been through. You just had to come along and wreck the ONE stable thing that I’ve ever had. And then you want to take my shit and judge me? I'm wearing black fucking sweatpants and a plain blue shirt. Sorry, I'm not wearing Ralph fucking Lauren to my ex-boyfriend's house to pick up all the shit I had here, because he said forever and didn't mean it."
god i wish that you had thought this through before i went and fell in love with you
Gwen just looked at you, and she kind of looked guilty. And Peter, Peter looked like shit.
"Can you just do me one favor? Just answer one question." You say, and Gwen nods her head hesitantly. "Where you guys fucking before we broke up?" you ask, and your voice cracks a little. Gwen looks down at the ground and Peter jerks his head over to her.
"Yes." She says. Michelle scoffs and grabs one of the bookbags you guys stuffed your things into. You look over at Peter.
"But just kissing right?" You shake your head, and Peter reaches out to touch you and explain himself.
"y/n-" but you cut him off.
"You know what, save it." He nods and you crack a smile. "What's that one thing that Lizzo says? "So you can tell your friends: Shoot your shot when you see 'em It's OK," I would tell you to tell Harry that but, he's already in my DMs" you wink and MJ laughs and Peters dropped jew. You pick up the other book bag and walk out of the apartment with Michelle.
When you get to the car you pop the trunk and MJ is the first to speak,
"So, Harry's in your DMs?" She asks.
"When he found out I ended thing with Peter, he texted me and asked if I wanted him to be his rebound. I almost took him up on it. I mean, he kinda looks like James Franco." you say and close the trunk. She laughs and both of you get in the car and drive back to your apartment.
Maybe you will take Harry up on his offer...
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persephonedasilva · 3 years
Jojo's Bizzare Adventure: Bizzare Roleplay - Chapter Two
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Author's Note: Credit in photo. Unless the chapter is a decent length and ends with the characters going to bed, I'll be leaving the chapters on a cliff hanger sort of. I still haven't figured out the whole master list/table of content thing. So please refer to the first post about this (before chapter one). It explains stuff and has all the warnings on it.
Giorno: *hugs Fugo close* "Hi pretty."
Pannacotta: *turns red* "Why do you have to say things like that so loud, GioGio?"
Narancia: *wraps himself in a blanket to try to hide*
Leone: *from the kitchen* "SHUT THE F*CK UP!"
Giorno: "Oh come on, grouchy father! You know you love us!"
Leone: "Don't call me that!" *yelps* "Not now, Bruno!"
Guido: "Are you guys f*cking in there?"
Bruno: "Of course not! We don't want to contaminate the food."
Guido: "That's the fun part!"
Giorno and Pannacotta *together* "That's nasty!"
Leone: *breathily* "That's it! No more going into the kitchen for you!"
Guido: "You guys have no taste!"
Narancia: *pokes his head out of the blanket* "Hun, not everyone likes what you do."
Giorno: *sneaks over to find out what the adults are doing*
Leone: *still breathily* "You better not make a mess, Bucci. I don't want to be a hypocrite and set a bad example." *groans lowly*
Bruno: "You're such a dad. But don't worry. I'll be neat and tidy."
Leone: "You better otherwise I'll castrate you."
Bruno: "Yes sir. Now, let me finish before the crabs get done warming up."
Giorno: *peaks and only sees Leone at the small table, sneaks back to the others*
Pannacotta: *whispers* "Anything, GioGio?"
Guido: *holds Narancia close*
Giorno: "I could only see Abbacchio at the table." *tells them what he heard*
Guido: "So what the f*ck would Bruno be making a mess of?"
Pannacotta: "Stop being so loud, dumb@$$!"
Giorno: *rolls his eyes* "He's giving Abbacchio a blow job."
Guido: "Ha! I knew it!"
Pannacotta *facepalms*
Leone: *coldly* "You knew what?"
Bruno: *joins him*
Giorno: "Way to go, Mista. We're all dead now."
Guido: "Bruno was blowing you under the table!"
Pannacotta: "I swear I don't f*cking know you."
Giorno: *facepalm* "I should've gone into my room when I had the chance...."
Leone: *starts for Guido, murderous look in his eyes*
Bruno: *runs up, pushing against Leone* "No, Abba! You're already suffering enough! You don't want this on your beautiful hands! Come on, the crabs are done."
Pannacotta: "Leone hurt himself? On what?"
Guido: "Probably strangling Giorno."
Giorno: *slaps Guido* "Don't give him any ideas!"
Bruno: "That's not it. Abba's past is his past. If he wants to tell you, he will." *to Leone* "Let's eat the crabs and you can have more wine."
Narancia: *scared, shaky, meekly* "I brought you your emergency headphones and Walkman with a disc included."
Guido: *slaps Giorno back* "I'll fight you!"
Pannacotta: *grabs one of Narancia's switch blades that are lying around* "F*cking hit him again and I'll f*cking stab you."
Leone: *sighs in relief, takes the offered items* "Thank you, Narancia." *goes back into the kitchen*
Bruno: "Knock it off! Stop behaving like a bunch of five year olds!"
Guido: "I don't like being hit!
Pannacotta: "Sorry, Mama Bruno. I'm just very protective of GioGio."
Bruno: "I don't care for excuses. Grow up. All of you. And don't call me Mama." *rejoins Leone in the kitchen who has served up the crabs* "Thank you." *they eat together*
Guido: "Suck up."
Pannacotta: "Stupid f*cking b*tch."
Giorno: *sadly* "Mista, I support you. And I'm your friend. But you almost got yourself killed. And who knows what Abbacchio would've done to me?"
Narancia: "Yeah. Abbacchio could've made Giorno into mince meat. Plus, you shouldn't be slapping our boss. Sunshine is the don now, remember?"
Guido: "Oh come on, Narancia. Really?
Pannacotta: "Mista, you need to realize when your jokes go too far.... if you wanna blame it on you joking again like you always do."
Guido: "It was a joke! I'm just trying to have fun! And then you guys turn it into something serious!"
Pannacotta: "Because you could've f*cking gotten Giorno killed! Then what would you have done?!"
Guido: *goes quiet*
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