#so those are gone now too but where is the justice 😭😭)
mobius-m-mobius · 1 month
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Julia Ormond and Tim Roth in Captives (1994)
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ugh-yoongi · 11 months
a yoongi soft thought i have been having recently: streamer!yoongs with an also streamer reader, they both work independently but the fans know about their relationship and love it so much! i was thinking about them deciding to do a stream together where the reader does his makeup and they talk to the public, very cliche very soft lol
hope you like the idea, luv your writing ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡
omggg you have no idea how much i SQUEALED reading this message. thank u so much for sending it i am now overwhelmed with soft yoongi feels 😭
i have never actually watched a twitch stream??? so i hope i did this justice & you enjoy! <3
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stream is starting
pairing: yoongi x reader (no pronouns used) genre: est. relationship, streamer au; fluff warnings: fluff overload. reader does yoongi's nails and makeup. they kiss a lot. idk what to say they're just very in love!! i don't think i said even ONE curse word in this that's how soft it is. unedited. rating: e for everyone wordcount: 1.6k listen to: carly rae jepsen - run away with me; jungkook - seven (nightfall mix)
It starts, as most things do with Yoongi, after a night out.
He’d gone out with Hoseok. Wanted to blow off some steam after a long week for both of them. You’d sent him off with a kiss, a text me if you need a ride that was met with an affectionate roll of his eyes, and finally a have fun, love you that he returned with a smile and a kiss to your forehead.
Now, it’s nearing two a.m., and you’re in bed with a facemask on, staring down at your phone.
Yoongi had sent you a picture. It’s blurry and unfocused, clearly taken on a whim, but those are undoubtedly Hoseok’s hands. You’d know those slender fingers anywhere, but it’s the nail art that tips you off. Each finger is painted black except for his pinkies, which are decorated with smiley face stickers, sealed with an extra-shiny clear coat. Beneath the photo, two texts from your boyfriend:
Is this hard to do They’re cute
You snort, typing out a quick reply.
No, it’s not hard Why, you want me to do your nails?
You expect him to say no. Not because of some toxic masculinity bullshit, he just does too much with his hands. Chip a nail playing guitar? The acetone would be out immediately. Smudge the polish? His pout would be overwhelming.
So you’re surprised, then, when he says yes; when he sends you a few pictures he plucked off of Pinterest, accompanied only with a half-dozen question marks.
Yeah, I can do that, you send him.
Even more surprising:
Maybe on stream? We haven’t done one together yet You can finally do my makeup too
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You shouldn’t be surprised by the numbers, considering Yoongi has been hyping it up for weeks.
Kept posting teasers. Had a countdown timer on screen during his usual streams. Acted all coy and shy whenever his chat would ask him about it. Could barely swallow his smile when they demanded to know if you were finally making an appearance. Couldn’t hide the way his cheeks grew pink at all, and that tiny crumb was enough to send the internet into a frenzy.
So, no, you shouldn’t be surprised, but the view count on Yoongi’s screen seems too big to be real.
Yoongi is as shocked as you, but there’s pride simmering beneath the surface. Not once has he turned down an opportunity to show you off. Refuses to keep you hidden despite how private he insists on being otherwise. Doesn’t want you to feel like you’re a secret; wants everyone to know how much he adores you.
You’re certainly feeling adored now. “Does that say thirty thousand?”
“Sure does. Think you can perform under that kind of pressure?”
You snort. Pinch playfully at his side. Yoongi squeals, twists away from you, but he’s more serious when he comes back around. Reaches for you as he settles, hands on your hips, thumb brushing the warm skin beneath your sweatshirt. “Thanks for doing this with me,” he says, and you know Yoongi means it the same way you say I love you.
All you can do is smile, suddenly overwhelmed by how fond you are of him. How it feels like your heart grows three sizes every time he flashes you one of those gummy smiles of his own.
“Of course,” you say, because there’s only—“Five minutes. You ready?”
He pulls a face. Asks you to sit for a quick light test. Spends a few seconds fussing over it even though you think it looks fine. Makes sure all your supplies are organized and at the ready—you decided to let Yoongi’s stream decide all the colors and stickers, so there’s stuff everywhere, and you can see how stressed he is.
So you reach out, smooth over the furrow between his brows. “Relax, baby.”
He huffs. “I’m trying, it’s just—”
“You’ve done this a million times.”
“Yeah, by myself. Not with you. Not in front of… Jesus, there’s even more of them now.”
You roll your lips to hide the smile that’s creeping up. “C’mere,” you say, sliding your fingers through his belt loops. “Everything is going to be fine, okay? This is just for fun. Deep breaths.”
Yoongi listens. Closes his eyes, sucks in a breath. Holds it for a few seconds before he exhales, and it probably doesn’t do anything to dampen the buzz, but at least he looks glued back together. “I know.” Another inhale, another slow exhale. “I just want this to go well.”
“It will.”
He looks like he wants to argue. Push back on it. But Yoongi knows you just like you know him, and he trusts you implicitly. He wants to argue. Instead, he says, “Okay,” presses a soft kiss to your lips, and that’s the end of that.
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“What color did they decide on?”
Admittedly, you might’ve gone overboard. Surely you didn’t need to bring over every eyeshadow palette you own, but you wanted options, and now those options are coming back to bite you in the rear. There are too many.
Yoongi huffs. “I don’t know. I can’t scroll through the chat because you made me put my hands in this ridiculous thing.”
“It’s a UV lamp. You don’t want your nails to chip, do you? After I just spent all that time and effort—”
“Okay, okay,” Yoongi relents, and a familiar blush creeps up his neck. Over his shoulder, you can see his chat explode with messages. “You see what I have to put up with?” he asks them.
“Yeah, it’s awful,” you agree, leaning in closer to the monitor. “Hi, guys. What color eye makeup should we do?” The chat erupts again. Messages come in faster than you can keep up with. “Wow, there are a lot of you. Of course I’m going to do eyeliner. Oh—I’m seeing a lot of requests for purple. That okay with you, babe?”
“Sure. Give the people what they want.”
With a smile, you pat his cheek with a gentle hand, cooing at him. “So accommodating. Isn’t he the best, chat?” Yoongi rolls his eyes, blush deepening. You think he’d hide behind his hands if they weren’t still drying. “Okay, nails are all done. Want to show them how they turned out?”
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Like most things with Yoongi are, it’s easy.
He sits patiently while you prime his skin, commenting on how nice it is, and he makes small talk with his chat. Tells them how the two of you met, how disastrous your first date had been, how Yoongi thought he’d blown it for good. He’s told all of these stories before, but it still warms your heart to hear them again—to hear the way he speaks each word with such care, such affection.
“Show them how beautiful you look with your eye makeup done.”
He rolls his eyes, but does as you request anyway. Once again, the chat explodes, and the amount of emotes whirring by nearly makes you go crosseyed. COUPLE GOALS!!!! stands out amongst the chaos, and you know Yoongi has read it because another slow, gummy smile takes over his face.
You do his foundation next even though he doesn’t need any. Even though the chat demands he drop his skincare routine and he admits he doesn’t have one. “It is so unfair that you have this skin and can barely remember to moisturize.” You pretend to boo him. “God truly has favorites.”
“Yeah, you,” Yoongi says, and it’s so quick, so automatic, that it catches you off guard. Has you spraying the setting spray before you can tell him to close his eyes. “Aish, what was that—”
“I’m blind,” he wails. “You’ve blinded me!”
“I did not—”
But you’re up and off anyway, disappearing into the bathroom for a wet washcloth. You can hear Yoongi’s raspy laughter from the hall, know he’s not grievously injured and is just playing it up for laughs, and you don’t mind. Loving Yoongi means seeing all of his parts, and you know he’s got a darkness in him just like everyone else, that sometimes he finds it hard to escape it, so you want him to be this carefree and joyous always. Want to hear that laughter all the time.
You’re hovering in the doorway when he says, “Do you think this is what they meant when they said love is blind?”
And you’re… struck. You can feel how much Yoongi loves you in everything he does; can hear it in every word he says whenever he speaks about you. He handpicks each one, wraps it in the care it deserves. Not because they’re fragile, but because he wants to, and that kind of love feels a little overwhelming. Has you blinking back tears.
You’re not going to cry on stream, so you take a second to get yourself together before you walk back in the room. Say, “Are you done being dramatic yet?” because it’s easier to joke, and Yoongi shoots you a smile that says he knows.
“Of course,” he answers. “Please continue. The chat is patiently waiting to see the final product.”
You make a show of looking over his shoulder again, at pretending to read all the comments. You press a kiss to his temple just because you’re there. “Oh, they are, are they?”
One catches your eye: is anyone else painfully aware of how single they are rn.
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redr0sewrites · 10 months
I really need An Angsty fic with Aaravos and Reader where the reason he helps the Humans get what they want was so that they could destroy Eachother cus the humans killed his lover Aka Reader?
Anyway this is just a Lil idea that popped up I hope it's OK lol :) I luv my starboi☆
im sorry this took so long 😭 i love this request it really made me excited to see!!!! again im so sorry it took forever to get too i was on vacation for a while and i lost track of time <\\\3 anyway, hope u enjoy
🥀Cw: angst with no comfort, aaravos is in mourning, slight descriptions of violence and murder, depression
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your death had been an accident, that is what aaravos had been told. a simple casualty of war, someone who got caught in the cross hairs of something they couldn't control. it was supposed to reassure him, it was supposed to make him feel better about your passing. and yet, it didnt. the screams of anguish that escaped from aaravos' throat cut through the air like a knife through butter, slicing waves of agony over anyone who heard them. you were gone, his precious star.
you had always been so kind, so willing to help others. you had tried to see the good in humans, you had always believed in them. your own sense of justice caused your demise. the beings that you had once loved and cared for so much had slain you, leaving aaravos painfully, dreadfully alone. aaravos remembered you well. he remembered long conversations under the stars, the both of you giggling and smiling as though nothing could ever hurt you now.
"what we have is special", you always told him with a smile. "nothing can hurt us if we have eachother". and yet, you were gone. aaravos woke yet sobbing again, your side of the bed disgustingly cold and empty. the sight of your face and the warmth of your touch was fleeting, disappearing as his dream faded. he tried to reach out, to warn you not to go, but every time you slipped through his fingers, telling you would be just fine. he felt like he was drowning in his own tears, reminiscing your final hours together.
"i'll be back soon my love", you giggled. "theres nothing to worry about. im only visiting the humans again!" despite the overwhelming sense of foreboding gnawing painfully at his gut, aaravos had nodded. oh, how regret burned in his heart at that simple acceptance.
aaravos remembered everything. he had lived a long, long time. he remembered every wound, every scar, and yet none stung as much as your death. he remembered when you first started helping the humans, you had offered magic to those pitiful creatures. aaravos had tried to warn you, he had tried to tell you that this path only led to pain, but you wouldn't listen. you never did. you told him to trust you, and trust you he did. aaravos followed you without a care or a reason, he loved you unconditionally in the same way that the moon loves the sun, always chasing, always wanting, and yet you always slipped away when sunrise came.
another tormenting dream. aaravos woke again, gasping and shivering as tears spilled down his cheeks. he reached towards your side of the bed, than remembered. aaravos layed back down, sinking bitterly into the mattress below him. nothing was comfortable now that you were gone. pastries were not sweet enough, wine was not strong enough, and sleep was not long enough.
the wound that was your death had festered and rotted so much within aaravos' heart that he feared he did not have one anymore. anguish had turned to regret, regret into depression, and depression into anger. the anger had only grown stronger, the loss of your light in his world was too much to bear.
the humans would burn for this, he wanted them all to feel the pain of his rotting heart. they had stolen his life, his love, his sun, and he would steal theirs. the creatures you had onlce loved, the beings you had put so much time and energy into saving, those despicable humans, they would pay. deep down, somewhere broken and small, a voice whispered from aaravos' heart that maybe, just maybe, this wasnt what you would have wanted. but that didnt matter anymore. you werent there to tell him that.
eee hope u enjoyed! this turned out better than expected :0
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mai-irumi · 2 months
Chapter 2 appreciation post
I swear I'm not planning on doing this with all chapters (maybe I will) bit I can't help it if EVERYTHING IS THAT GOOD
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I just love how here we can see that Iruma, even being the Pusillanimous boy that he is, he's totally conscient of the bizarre situation he is in
Yet can't dare to say no
I mean, I bet this is the most loved he's ever been, and it's not good love, as much as I love Sullivan for giving all those opportunities, he is not a good parent, he only got Iruma out of a whim and didn't really care that much for hoe he felt, at least at the early episodes.
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Once again, Asmodeus blinding us all with his pretty face and already obsessive behavior to Iruma, but who would be Asmodeus without obsession?
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Like GODS, now I get y'all Naberius' fans, the anime did not do any justice TO THIS
I wouldn't mind being scolded by him (Lie, I'd burst into tears of pure fear)
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Okay, but is it me or the snake is cute?
Like look at those googly eyes that look like they may just pop out of the skull at any moment, makes me wanna squish it
Also we can see here very clearly that Asmodeus type of body is pear shaped 🍐, in case anyone had curiosity
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Sweethearts, if you two only knew you wanted the same, you wouldn't have gone through all of that.
Like let's be honest both of you wanted Iruma out of the school, easy job
I LOOOVE how Iruma resembles Sullivan even without being related to him, like that's so cute, family soulmates maybe?
Now, I don't remember well, but I do know that in the present on the manga has already been a year, but I do think Kalego is still his familiar, correct me if I'm wrong
ALSO I was thinking about, and all of this boys are 14, like dude, I'm older than them (was younger when I first saw the series, I suddenly feel old 😭) THERE'S NO REASON TO MAKE THEM GO THROUGH ALL OF THAT
Have you guys ever seen those jobs where they ask for young people with plus 10 years of experience? They want Iruma, that's what they've been looking for, too sad he's in hell
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creative-heart · 3 months
I'd like to request something cute 😘
I'm extremely insecure (that's why I request anonymously 🫥), especially when it comes to deserving to be loved and my body 🙄 and I'd love to read something that kinda "fits my personality".
Two ideas, love to read both but feel free to choose one.
Happy ending desperately needed! 😭😍
1. She's just a normal girl and loves Enzo (maybe they're friends or neighbors or whatever you'd like) but is afraid to tell him because she's too insecure, self doubting, overthinking, thinks she'll never be "good enough" for him because she's not like the perfect model he may be following in Instagram or the beautiful actress he was filming with... rest is up to you.
2. They're together and she believes Enzo deserves someone better... more beautiful, smarter, thinner, someone who's perfect like he is. And he reassures her that she IS perfect for him.
Awe my sweet sweet Nonnie! I feel honored that you've sent these requests my way, I'm happy to write both!
First of, I'm sorry to read you feel this way, we're all deserving of love! and I know and hope that you'll find the love you deserve soon enough! 😘😘🥰🥰
Here's the first prompt! I really hope I've made it justice and that you enjoy reading it! keep your eyes peeled for the second one! will be posted right after this one 💞💞
Drabble for prompt 2 Here
"Hot summer days"| Enzo Vogrincic
T.W: Just a whole lot of fluff with a tiny reference to something shmexy.
Word Count: 581
Y/N and Enzo have been neighbors their whole lives, and with your moms being close friends, you’ve grown up together, spending almost every single waking moment together, practically the same time you’ve been in love with him. Specially on summers like now, when the families usually go on a beach trip together. Even with him being all famous and well known now, he always takes the time to come on these fun times.
As you sit on one of the lounge chairs by the pool reading your current romance novel, third one on this trip alone, swim cover still on -you’ve always felt insecure about your body being slightly curvier than the magazine covers say it’s on trend, not like you’re not absolutely gorgeous inside and out, your curves are all placed on the perfect places, making your body breathtaking, you’ve never believed your mom and Enzo’s when they said so-, you take your eyes off the book for a brief moment seeing the tall dark handsome man, climbing out of the pool and you can swear he’s moving in slow motion like on those perfume ads. He shakes his hair trying to get the excess water off it and makes his way over to you “Hey chiquita, you’re not gonna get in the pool? it’s so hot today” The older one says as he’s a few years older than you.
You look back up at him as you had gone back to pretending you were reading just before he looked at you “I don’t think so En, I’m good here, reading my book in the shade” you smile softly a light blush covering your cheeks, really not feeling comfortable with being in your swimsuit around him, believing he’d just laugh at you as you’re nothing like those gorgeous, tall thin models he’s been surrounded by as of late. As you’re about to go back to your book you see the cheeky devilish grin plastering across his face, same one he had when he was a boy coming up with his next mischief. 
“None of that bullshit” he puts your book down and picks you up in his arms with extreme ease walking to the pool.
“No! put me down Enzo, please!” you plead kicking your legs and taking a go at his back as you shriek being over his shoulder, holding your breath just as he jumps into the deep end of the pool. He gently puts you down from where you rest, still holding you close to his body as you can’t reach the bottom on this end of the water. Your eyes find his deep chocolate eyes and you smile softly saying quietly “You’re mean Vogrincic, you know that?” the blush a deep read staining your cheeks.
He looks down at you smiling a smile you had never seen on him before, as he leans down to join his lips to yours in a soft, long awaited kiss. You can tell by the way his lips feel on yours there’s been anticipation and longing for this moment, as he pulls you even closer to his body if that’s humanly possible, your hands wrapping around his neck. When your lungs burn for a new breath you pull away just enough as he rests his forehead against yours whispering “you look real nice all wet chiqui”, the once playful smirk much darker and promising. And then you understand, sometimes, you need to let your guard down in order to be seen.
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AHHHHHHH!!!!!! Hi again, I'm the X Men Bestie! Ok, so can it be Y/N being there where Gambit is when he catches Rouge and Magneto, and she helps him until my favorite thing happens (hurt, jealousy smut with a lil bit of angst😩). And then, if you can have Rouge, find out us being a man nabber cuz justice for my Cajun boo!
P.s. I be repin Gambit like I'm GloRilla #YEAHGLO
P.p.s. I just know Gambit is livin for this new wave of rap😭💗
Here you go, I hope you like it hun!
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You and Gambit arguing and making up includes:
The two of you not wanting to argue in front of the whole team, so the two of you just glaring at one another.
The second the two of you are back at the compound, the two of you go straight to your shared bedroom and instantly start hissing at each other.
The fight being about you thinking that Gambit was doing too much when catching the villains, being too violent and you not liking the sight of your boo being too violent.
“I was just doing my job, babe!”, your boyfriend said while raising his voice a little, but regretting it the second you jumped in surprise.
“Just calm down the next time, please. I know those people are bad, but they didn’t have the chance to surrender because you were throwing those brutal punches”, you expressed in disappointment.
Gambit sighing in defeat, the images of his violent acts now replaying in his mind, he indeed had gone too far.
His shoulders slumped as he slowly walked to your shared closet and quickly changed into a pair of sweats and a random shirt. You copied his actions before the two of you sat down on the bed and looked at one another.
“I know that our job is very challenging, and it’s our duty to punish those who hurt the innocent, but we can’t go too far. It would make the line between the heroes and villains almost non-existent.”, you spoke now, the mood now slowly changing from intense to relaxing.
Your boyfriend nodded his head in agreement, voicing his regrets and apologizing to you.
All you could do was accept his apology and take him in your arms, knowing that all was forgiven.
Before you knew it, your clothes were discarded and you were lying on the bed, your legs wide open and just enjoying the sensations of your love in between your thick thighs.
Gambit knew your weak spots, knew how to spoil them with kisses, gentle caresses, and nibbles.
The room was quickly filled with your love sounds, the sound of your skin slapping against one another while the two of you moaned your names. Gambit couldn’t stop staring down at your pretty face while you took all of him in, the delicious sensations of pure pleasure coursing through both of your bodies.
It didn’t take long for the two of you to reach your orgasms, your sweaty body writhing in intense pleasure while your inner walls were holding tightly onto your boyfriend cock. His warm seeds filling you up while his hips snap messily against yours.
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mirror-to-the-past · 4 months
So, I stopped liveblogging after a bit, because I just got absolutely lost in the EVERYTHING that was the OMORI Concert, but holy SHIT. What did everyone think of it? Any favorite pieces???
As I previously mentioned, "Trouble NEVER/ALWAYS" leading into "You Were Wrong. Go Back." was NUTS. The way that the orchestra made it so hype, you'd really think it was the introduction of an evil galactic overlord, rather than some guy throwing a tantrum after his girlfriend broke up with him, haha!
I can not emphasize enough how their rendition of "Trees..." tremendously altered my perception of the song. I liked it a lot before, really, but it wasn't particularly moving to me- just peaceful. This version of the song was so. wow. I struggle to find words for it. Same with "Sugar Star Planetarium" right afterwards. Fucking. Gorgeous.
Also putting "Just Leave Me Alone" and the rest of which I shall now call the Hooligans Suite, as they meshed it together in such an epic and cohesive way, after "Where We Used to Play" was just diabolical. I FELL OUT OF MY SEAT I WAS SO SURPRISED BY THE LOUDNESS, LOL. Speaking of the "Hooligans Suite" the guitarists just. URGH I LOVE THEM. This concert was way more metal than I expected, and I LOVED IT. The entire "Just Leave Me Alone"-"Cram It Wad"-"It Means Everything" was insanely epic, I felt like my heart stopped. Just like Space Boyfriend's theme, using the other Hooligans pieces as buildup to the main boss theme was so, so good. Did Aubrey and her gang such justice, like. I just felt so happy for my girl.
And then they put "Home for Flowers (Empty)" right afterwards, lol. If anyone's curious about how I looked after that sudden mood shift:
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I'm now thoroughly on board of loving World's End Valentine now, because the instrumentation hurts my head less now, with this version, haha.
I am ADMITTEDLY a bit bummed that they didn't perform "Poems in the Fog" and "Forest Frenzy," as I can visualize Music Engine's style for those pieces so well, and I know it would be soooo beautifulll... but oh well...
I'm plesantly surprised that "Swirly 1000x" made the cut!! Very underrated piece, only used for one fight but godDAMN does it hit hard. The guitar 🎸🎸oncccee agaiiin. Crazy.
Also I knowwww it's not the most amazing piece in the world, but the jazz section of The Last Resort could have opened so cool with "Hanging With the Boys" right before that, but it's alright, I'm not gonna lose sleep over it.
The way I laughed when they jumpscared us with the organ for the first time because GoldenVengence was important enough as to demand the need for such a stately instrument, lol!
Can we talk about the clarinet in "Underwater Highway" because oooooghhh bleeeeh dead upon impact. It was so wonderful.... I love that piece already, but they made the descending notes so magical, and tranisitioned into "Squall" so beautifully.
You know what I AM gonna lose sleep over? THEY DIDN'T INCLUDE "H20:HCL" in the underwater section!! That piece is so beautiful... 😭😭
I think I blacked out and entered a trance-like state with everything from "See You Tomorrow" to "Truth." Somewhere within that period, wine and a tissue box appeared magically at my side, lmfao. Small comment in the midst of everything else that was That Section of the concert, but I'm so glad they kept "Gone," because that piece is so necessary for me, within that whole climactic sequence. It just oozes catharsis, it HAS to be included, no matter what.
But yeah anyway, "See You Tomorrow" and "Crossroads" just emanates the warmth of evening in summer. Those songs are laced with something magical, because I can see the orange of sunset so palpably in my mind's eye whenever I hear those pieces. Sweat on my skin, old t-shirts with fruit juice stains on them, other kids shrieking in the streets, being afraid of my neighbor's loud dog, getting pricked by thorns after walking into the forest- that's what those songs sound like to me. I don't get too nostalgic for the past much, but those songs make me feel like I'm a kid again. This rendition captured them perfectly.
Also wow, Basil, I see you and "A Home for Flowers (Daisy)" in the orchestral version, sounding like you jumped directly out of a Ghibli movie. I see you. T_T
Ha-ha-ha when the lights dimmed during "You Must Carry On" I didn't start freaking out at all..ha-ha-ha. What? I would never break out into goosepimples and jitters. Ha-ha-ha. Full body shakes who? I don't know her.
When "OMORI" started playing, a few others in the house who had never played the game and knew little to nothing about it stopped talking amongst themselves and came to watch the TV. It's THAT POIGNANT. I'll be honest, I love love love "DUET" as much as the next OMORI fan, but the song that makes me cry upon hearing it every time was never DUET, it was this one. DUET is a warm resurgance and appreciation for the things left behind, with a slight twinge of regret. "OMORI" is just pure, raw pain. And the string section didn't let me forget ittt hahahaha.
Tears were shed, people (me) were shaking, etc. etc. THANK YOU KAWAI KOTA for your amazing work in acting as Sunny's role amonst the violinists and concertmaster, your solo violin work and passion fully recaptured my feeling of playing the game for the first time, biting my nails with anticipation and heartache at whatever was happening next. Same goes to Kawamura Noriko for her work on piano, just... aaaaaaa!
Also bo en jumpscare!!! I love and respect that one individual in the audience who yelled "hands...!" during "My Time." It's honestly cruel for live orchestra to have the rule of "be silent during the performance!" because I would've had a vein popping if I was there from wanting to sing along so bad. I MEAN. IT'S *THE* SONG. YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO SING ALONG TO IT. Lucky for me, I was at home, and got to tipsily sing along to the lyrics from muscle memory, lmao.
I was expecting the choir that I saw filing into view to be for "My Time" that ended up playing later anyway- "Tee-hee Time" was a welcome surprise and amazingly epic!
Anyway that's about it from the top of mt head at the moment!! Please yell at me about what you thought of the concert- I stayed up late, went to sleep, got up again, and am still vibrating about it, lol! This has been the best part of my year so far- no joke.
ALSO WOOO OMORI MANGA. Can't wait for ENG translations- if this adaptation gives Sunny more explicit character voice, I'm not going to shut up about it ever. I won't shut up about it anyway, but I'll be not-shut-upping about it even more.
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darudedogestorm · 3 months
under the cut: undersiders as what plant i think they would main/be in pvz garden warfare 1 (+ dressup)
disclaimer i've literally never touched gw2 so if there's a better fit in that game i wouldn't know it.. just gw1 for now..
Decisions are made based more on gameplay than on physical appearance but I tried to take both into account.. however as a sunflower main maybe I'm biased on some account so fellow garden warfare heads feel free to suggest better fits for them
Reading over all these I'm now realizing I kept mixing up what I think they would main vs what plant they would specifically be, which is a little confusing...
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A Peashooter variant feels a very obvious choice for her, since she's pretty much always on the frontlines. Its hyper ability would allow her to jump to higher up places to retain the "watching from afar with bugs" thing
I chose Law Pea more for the justice bit in its stickerbook description (where there is injustice you will find it etc etc) and less for the law bit (though she does have a code of law it's incomprehensible to anyone but herself). It felt more fitting for her because well she does try to work for what she feels is the greater good.
For dressup we're pretty limited here, both because there's not many bug themed accessories and also because I just don't have that many accessories :( I gave her the "heart and arrow + Mom" tattoo, and the visors. Fuuuck now i'm realizing i could have given her actual glasses... Wait no nevermind I'm not sure I have plain glasses. Well anyway those are her glasses.
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She mains boss mode which I feel doesn't require very much explanation
For those unfamiliar: In boss mode you play as Crazy Dave (or Dr. Zomboss), generally out of the heat of the battle but still able to participate with your various abilities. It's mostly a support role, but you can still attack (cherry bomb drops), heal and revive (sunflower + revive drops), and help your team track the locations of the enemy (coconut spotting machine). You aren't invulnerable as the opposing team can shoot down your ship.
For dressup purposes she's the Shadow Flower because of the mask :3 I gave her a razor grin and some purple crystals. Adding a hat felt like too much but maybe I would have gone with the chaffeur hat.
I'm now realizing Shadow Flower would just be a good plant choice for her in general.
Sunflower life bonds are normally reserved for other sunflowers but she can have one with Taylor I think. Well ok not a true life bond because that requires the ability for mutual healing but it's more accurate this way because honestly chasing down someone across the entire map who will easily die if you aren't constantly healing them is just kind of the sunflower experience
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Again, peashooter feels like a given, though unfortunately there's no equivalent ability for his darkness emission...
Plasma Pea because the colors are closest to black out of the peashooters. The Plasma Pea can charge up shots to increase their damage and radius of impact.
I didn't have any skull-based accessories so I just went with what felt cool and what he might use in an actual game of GW1... so basically just the intimidation factor
While we're here though if I was doing zombies he'd 100% be some sort of Foot Soldier. The Zombie Stink Cloud is 1:1 for his darkness ability. I guess since Peashooter and Foot Soldier are kind of parallels in terms of game play this works out well. (Seriously though every Peashooter main I know also mains Foot Soldier. Please I know you are good at video games just stop sniping me from across the map for 10 seconds 😭)
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A chomper is a kind of dogy to be honest <---my logic when I was 10
Went back and forth between normal Chomper, Count Chompula, and Fire Chomper. Settled on fire chomper because I was thinking of that scene where she talks about her power burning away heartworm in her dogs, and also because orange. However I think normal Chomper would fit her just as well.
For dressup I was going more for what I envisioned her dogs looking like while reading worm. Additional chompers are there to represent her many doggies. Tentacle is there to be scary and monster esque. Metal brace jaw is there because honestly I think it looks really cool, plus I already had it equipped anyway
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Originally I was going to go with Chomper because ourple, and I still think it would fit her. However Future Cactus is also ourple. And also I think Future Cactus is so cool
My reasoning was that her stealth would translate well into cacti gameplay since with cacti you mostly need to just find a really good vantage point where no one else can see you, allowing you to snipe people well. But I'm now realizing the Future Cactus is like... a lot more visible bc of its chargeup. Oh well
Aw wait I just realized she matches with her brother cause they both have chargeups.. thats adorable i think
Dressup gives her silly googly eyes ("zombie disguise) and purple markings (they're hard to see but they're there
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I'm now realizing that in terms of gameplay probably one of the peashooters would have fit him better because well he does play shooter games. And peashooters are The main plant for guys who are so good at shooter games. But we have too many peashooters on this team so Sunflower it is
Originally was going with the Alien Flower because I thought its ornateness might fit him. But I don't have Alien Flower and it's more Aisha styled anyway (ourple and silly) so he gets the Power Flower.
Hey wait I used to main this thing too. Yay <---switched to Fire Flower though. But yeah as a sunflower I don't generally go out into the thick of things unless I have like 3 other guys with me, I mostly just stay behind at the garden and heal whoever needs it (garden ops or gardens and graveyards)
Honestly now I'm thinking I mostly chose this one for the appearance rather than gameplay. Actually wait the electricity theme fits with his tazer. Nevermind!!
The panda face tattoo is there because I thought it looked like his mask. Hat and masquerade mask are there because they're fancy.
Sunflower life bond with Aisha future cactus btw.
Anyway that's my list. If and when in the near future I get better accessories I will do more dressup and also maybe deduce what zombies they main
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mirahuyooo · 2 years
Lover’s Eye | ksj
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Lover's Eye
— They say the eyes are the windows to one's soul. His just also happen to open the door to your heart.
Word Count: 5,448 Pairing: Kim Seokjin × Reader Contents: ANGST, roMANCE, FLUFF, dRAMA, PINING, star-crossed lovers 😭, oh the woes of being a woman in a historical period, misunderstandings being cleared uwu, KIM SEOKJINNN, Historical-ish AU (but with fictional places bc i didnt want to think of being historically accurate lol)
[masterlist] | check out the [moodboard]!
A/N: IT’S LATE but happy birthday jinnie 😭💞💖💗 I wanted to write something for him, but I didn’t want to write about him leaving for the military bc it’s a bit on the nose, so here you guys go instead! it’s an old fic idea that i recently revamped lol 
Fun fact! The concept is based on the Georgian tradition of having an accessory (necklace, brooch, bracelet, etc.) that depicts an image of the eyes or an eye of a secret lover, spouse, or other loved ones. This is often common for those in secret affairs, protecting their lover's identity but at the same time be able to express their love (and I think that's pretty uwu if ur star-crossed lovers ✋😭💞)  
Anyways, I hope you enjoyed! 💗💗💗
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Your paradise is an old ruin on the outskirts of the city—a once great fortress now left to rot a hundred years after its last great feat—but in that crumbling mess of stone and moss are remnants of beautiful memories you constantly rekindle for some semblance of a warmth long gone. The pleasant weather emanates most of the feeling—warm sunlight peeking through the overgrown trees and cool breeze caressing stray hairs away from your face.
It’s a spot under one of the trees where you usually tuck yourself into and leave the rest of the world behind for your own peace of mind. It offers the perfect amount of light and shade, and the wind doesn’t become too distracting as you dawdle about. 
This place, after all, is lawless, and you do as you please. At times, you’d bring a book and a pen with you, idly writing your thoughts and doodling in the margins as you read. Other days you’d stroll through the abandoned halls and let yourself be lost in imagining what took place centuries past. Most times, however, you’d sit under your favorite tree, take out a pencil or maybe that small, worn metal box of your paints, and bring something to life onto your paper—like now.
Accompanied by nothing but the distant sounds of small land critters reaching your ears, your hands move the pencil about the paper at a leisurely pace without much thought. Time passes easily this way, you taking your time to draw out figures—a person, apparently. 
Your hands come to a stop as you finally realize what—who—you’ve drawn instinctively. A man stares back at you with a tousle of dark, fluffy hair atop his head, brushing gently over his brows. His plump lips were drawn to a small smile, and his eyes—oh, his eyes—were dark in color but the expression in them remains soft and kind, piercing right through you—through your heart. 
He looks beautiful—but you don’t think you could ever do the real thing justice. 
At your own making, Kim Seokjin stares back at you—nothing but charcoal on paper; a mere likeness you cannot feel the warmth of, and an endearing gaze you can only recall in your memories.
You find yourself fishing for something beneath your lace blouse—a familiar small, gold locket whose four corners your fingers know very well to hold. Opening it reveals an eye that, unlike the sketch you’ve drawn, is a bit more lifelike with its colors. The dark chocolate iris has light reflecting off of it like starlight, making it stand out amidst the rest of the miniature canvas. 
Flitting between the sketch and the locket only leaves you more despondent in a feat of having his image engraved in your head lest you ever have the misfortune of forgetting it. 
You couldn’t help but ponder to yourself, reminiscing the seven springs since you’ve last seen the man. 
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“Do you like it?”
Voice falling short of a whisper, struggling to find it in you to look at his face so you resort to asking for a verbal reaction. You watch as he endearingly compares the two lockets—one with his eye’s dark chocolate hue and the other with the (e/c) of yours. It had been fairly difficult to paint on such small canvases, but you managed to accomplish the feat.
“Absolutely, my love,” he croons, pressing a kiss atop your forehead before he clasps his locket around his neck. Without any hesitation, he does the same for you. Not long after, his fingers secure a gentle grip on your chin and guide your head upwards. For the first time since you two snuck off to meet tonight, your eyes meeting his, two almost-crescents twinkling as he gives you a smile—tender and loving with the hint of bittersweet sadness. “You’ve captured my handsomeness in the eye alone,” he jests despite himself, pride in his tone as he pulls you into an embrace. “How fortunate I have such a talented woman to immortalize me.”
You couldn’t help but laugh at his antics. “But of course,” you hum against his shirt, as you hug him just a little bit tighter. “You’re my only muse.”
The shake in your dwindling voice doesn’t elude your lover, making him pull away and, this time, cupping your cheeks to give them a pinch. “Don’t frown now,” he tuts, his thumbs playfully drawing a smile onto your lips. “You swore you wouldn’t.”
Seokjin’s eyes ruin his light-hearted facade—just as crestfallen as yours. For his sake, however, you do your best to oblige a smile, only to have them force tears from your eyes. A shaky sigh leaves his lips as your tears start flowing one after the other, and so he pulls you into his arms again, letting his shirt stain with your tears. 
You take every second to engrave the feeling of his arms—his warmth—around you. “Come back to me,” your words are muffled by his shoulder but he hears it all the same.
“Of course,” he affirms, giving you a squeeze as he buries his nose into your hair. “I very much intend to.” 
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Kim Seokjin was an orphaned boy, found unconscious by the river outside the town and gladly taken in by the local baker and his wife who have been childless well into their years. He grew to be a handsome man, fawned over by even the ladies in your circle who often bemoaned about how unfortunate it was that he didn’t have anything to his name outside the bakery he’s set to inherit from his adoptive father. 
You, however, accomplished what they couldn’t. 
See, Kim Seokjin—one of the most revered bachelors in town—is your little secret. The man you sneak around with. The man you exchange knowing glances with. The man you’ve shared your heart with. 
It was most unfortunate that the two of you were born into different classes. You are the third of four daughters in a particularly well-off family who owned and managed a relatively large farmland. Though your family ranks low amongst polite society, your mother, nearly driven mad into perfectionism, strictly wanted all of her daughters to marry well. This became the very reason why you’ve kept the fact that you and baker Kim’s son are lovers.
It was most fortunate, however, that your two elder sisters successfully secured themselves husbands for their future and the family, especially when your late father succumbed to his illness during one particularly harsh winter. Occupied with the adjustments of passing the family business to your eldest sister and her husband, your mother’s pressure with suitors eventually loosened (just a little) when it came to you and your youngest sister, who shared your distaste with the forced matches. This made it all the more easier to see Seokjin, who often came around under the excuse of his father’s bakery that got their supply of dry ingredients from your family’s company.
It was him who found the ruins—him who brought you there one night and the two of you spent the night watching the stars. 
It was him who revived your love for art—him who gifted you a makeshift palette of paints and urged you to paint when you were told to forget about your passion.
It was him who left you—him who decided to seize the opportunity to be an apprentice to the royal chef and asked you to make something for him to remember you by (hence, the lockets).
The two of you swore you'd stand the test of time, distance, and everything else the universe will throw your way. Of course, such things were always easier said than done. Misfortune found its way to the path and now… well, now you’re quite unsure of what it holds for you—or him.
Here you are, seven years have passed—no Kim Seokjin aside from the ones you've put on paper and canvas. 
Does he still look the same after all these years? 
Did he keep his locket close to his heart, too?
Did he ever stare into the likeness of your eye and reminisce?
There are times resentment gets the better of you—questions of his love, of why he hasn't gone back to look for you, of if he ever even loved you any more—and time, itself, has made you weary, spent your tears, and tired your heart. It's gotten easier to bury memories of him, but times like this come where it rises from the depths in which you've left it. You walk the line of acceptance and delusion, indulging in your greatest "what if" while knowing the truth of your folly.
A sigh escapes your lips as you start to feel the tears stinging your eyes. You keep them at bay as you try to get yourself together. "That's enough for the day," you tell yourself, gathering your materials and slipping them into your satchel. 
Another day ends with you leaving the ruins—your paradise—behind, along with all of the memories of your first love. 
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"A ball?"
Before you, your youngest sister, Emma, nods enthusiastically as your eldest sister, Jane, offers you a kind smile. "We thought it'd be lovely for you to join," she says, squeezing your hand, pleading. "Anne will be here by then, too, and we'll be complete."
Your heart aches for your sisters, but while you love them very much…
“You know my sentiments about polite society,” you couldn’t help but sigh, sarcasm dripping in “polite” as you know well of the vipers that hide beneath their pristine facades. 
See, the truth of you and your relationship with Seokjin was discovered six or so years ago by your mother. The resulting conflict led to your disownment and the death of your reputation in the eyes of the social circle, who stared at you with scrutiny, jealousy, and disdain wherever you went.
Emma and Jane looked at you in pity—something you absolutely distaste, but you know it would never leave their eyes even if you told them to. Still, however, your eldest sister brings out a piece of paper—an invitation. “It’ll be fine,” she assures you, “It’s a masquerade ball.”
“No one would know,” Emma eagerly supplies, wielding puppy dog eyes and a pout against you. 
You look at the two of your sisters—who have missed you since all these years, who have given you support in secret, who have urged you to return to the family since your late mother’s passing two years ago. You only manage to meet them a day every other week, your stubborn drive to make something of yourself occupying most of your days with your jobs. 
The cursive words on the card look back at you, almost expectantly. Wearing a mask sounds promising, but the luxury of it all—finding a gown to wear, attending the extravagant party, following the strict etiquette—is all too much now for the simpler life you’ve lived in the past years. They remind you of a suffocating, restricting part of your life.  
On the other hand, however, your heart strings are tugged for your sisters.
With a sigh, you set the invitation down and turn back to your sisters who anticipate your response. “How am I even supposed to afford a decent dress for myself?” you say, brow raised, but the signs of defeat bring grins onto their lips. 
“We’ll gladly take care of that, dear,” Jane assures you as Emma excitedly giggles, leaving her seat to hug you.
Their warmth coaxes a smile from your lips. Anything for them. 
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“Anything for them, you say?” you grumble to yourself with a muffled groan as you stand amongst a crowd all chattering amongst themselves, while you stand there all by your lonesome. 
The night of the much awaited ball, you stayed at the estate for the first time in years. The maids delivered to you a beautiful gown of gentle green with delicate white lace trims. Along with it was a white mask with vines and flowers sculpted around it. It took a while for you to get ready, but by the end of it, your hair was beautifully pinned up with a few pearls and faux white flowers.  
The four of you—your second elder sister having arrived with her husband a few days before—meet at the living room, all happy smiles at the notion of being together again. Of course, having their husbands in tow, all of you had to split between two carriages on the way to Fairford Manor. 
Which brings you here now.
Alone, because as all of your sisters have gotten married (yes, even your youngest sister has now also found herself a man), that means as the song for the waltz played, all couples go to the center and dance together. 
“They say the chandelier was a gift from Queen Irene herself. Isn’t that fascinating, my lady?”
You hold back a grimace. “Quite so,” you politely say in feign interest, so as to not offend the man next to you. You don’t know who the old man is, but while he's been nice to have struck a conversation with you, if you planned to spend your evening with history lessons, you’d go to a library.
“Have you eve—”
“Good evening.”
A tall stranger approaches you both, clad in a black suit embroidered with silver thread and a black mask covering his full face. Your brows raise as the man offers you his hand. “If I may,” he courtesies, “I’d like to ask the lady for a dance?” 
Looking around, it seems that the second dance has indeed begun. A part of you is relieved at the sweet release from boredom, but then again, you don’t know this man either. Something does, however, urge you to take his hand before you can even think about it. 
For a moment, his hand in yours leaves you befuddled. Warm they were, and… No. Nonsense.
“I’d be delighted to,” you force a smile, now that you’ve doomed yourself to accept the invitation.
The two of you join the circle of people who came to dance to the next song. While your hand remains in his, you gingerly—awkwardly—place your other hand on the man’s shoulder. His other hand found purchase at the small of your back, as you both began to follow the tune and waltz. You thank your body for remembering the arduous years of having to study dances—you’ve yet to step on your partner’s feet!
You find yourself looking up to meet eyes with the stranger. The close distance has allowed you a better look into his eyes, and they knock the air out of you. Dark irises you’ve seen so many times before stare back at you with a knowing familiarity.
Is it—can it really be him?
“A frown doesn’t suit you, my lady,” he says, and his voice alone—soft and light-hearted as always—dooms your suspicions. With the mask obscuring his face, you find it hard to decipher his emotions. Has time rid you of knowing what his eyes speak after so long?
Your heart races and aches in a flurry of emotions, but for his sake and yours, you resist the urge to storm out of the ballroom. You wonder if he can sense your panic—if he could see your eyes glassy with unshed tears. “So, you’ve come back,” you dully say, tearing your eyes from him to spare yourself any more pain.  
“A bit later than intended, I know,” he tells you as he guides you through the dance. 
Too late, your pain screams. Too late. Too late—
Your teeth bite down at your lip, and you sentence yourself to silence until the last note of the song. Without another word, you hastily courtesy and leave him on the dancefloor, glaring at the marbled floors all the way out of the manor. Hushed whispers follow you, but they are nothing you haven’t privy your heart to. In fact, you’ve expected the gossiping—but him? Kim Seokjin, your first love, right before you when you’ve spent seven years without him? 
He’s a blow to your heart you hadn’t anticipated—a bomb amongst mere arrows. 
A sob finally escapes your lips as you reach the stairs that lead to a pathway to the gates, forcing you to shed your mask when they stick to your skin and get in the way of your tears. The cold night air nips your skin, but you’ve been shaking for far longer than the moment you stepped outside. 
Your melancholy has you nearly stagger off the stairs, but a hand grabs a secure hold of your elbow before you could fall. You pathetically look up to your supposed savior—Kim Seokjin, sans the black mask. How fortunate.
“Don’t,” you grit through your teeth. 
It’s a surreal sensation—bittersweet, really—to finally see the real thing when you’ve spent years longing for your drawings and paintings to become it. Yet, here your old flame was now—alive in a way your art could never atone—and all the yearning turned into a forest fire across your whole being. 
Soft thumbs wipe away your tears, a feeling that makes you instantly flutter your eyes closed. “It’s unfair,” you find yourself whimpering your thoughts aloud. “Why does it feel like I’m the only one suffering?”
Years of scrutiny and hopelessness all reap the seeds of misery they sowed in you, all of them coming alive to ensnare you and drag you to the depth now that the sole reason for it all presents himself to you—the man you loved, the man you left your family for, the man you stayed in this damned city for even as it rots you from the inside out.
“What makes you say that?”
Seokjin’s words coax you to open your eyes. Through blurred tears, you come to realize he’s closer now, his eyes swimming with tears like yours—the sight of which softens your furrowed brows. Still, it’s not enough to satiate the years of contempt that brewed within you. “Time seems to have been kinder to you, is all,” you bitterly say, taking in his suit ensemble that you could immediately tell was expensive. 
Your words hurt Seokjin, you know it well, but in a childish feat, you hope it does. “I’ve worked hard for it,” he argues, a frown tugging his lips down. “You know nothing of what I’ve been through.”
“So do you,” you say, reaching to remove his hands from your face and walking down what steps remain on the stairs.
You have no doubts of his accomplishments. He had always been able to do what he set his mind to and do so flawlessly. Perhaps, it is this that also prods at the green-eyed monster within you, who envies to see that while you may have both suffered, he’s more triumphant in his feats than you were.
Ever the better person out of the two of you, Seokjin tries to bring you to reason. He follows you out to the manor grounds. “Then make me understand,” he pleads, managing to take your hands into his and effectively stop you in your tracks yet again. “Don’t run away from this—from me.”
Seokjin’s eyes never leave yours and you find it hard for yourself to look away now. Damn it all. His eyes have always done away with you and your stubborn resolve. 
“Mother found out,” you find yourself telling him, lips quivering yet again.
Through the next months after Seokjin’s apprenticeship began at the capital, you would get your news of him through his mother, who always had that knowing glint in her eyes about the two of you before he had left. Both your worries and excitement could fill an ocean, and that made the two of you much closer as you both waited for every letter from Seokjin. 
It was a year or so in, however, your mother discovered his letters to you. You remember the sheer dread that washed over you when you saw her at your vanity table, reading the letters Seokjin directly addressed to you.
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You stood frozen by the door, part of your nightgown bunched in your hands as you watched your mother grip the letter tightly with only one thing in her eyes—fury. The moment she looked up and met your eyes through the mirror, chills ran down your spine. "What did I lack for you to have done this treachery to me, (Y/N)?" she said, voice eerily steady and sharp that it makes you flinch.
Willing yourself to step forward, you try to gently reason with her. "Mother, love mustn't have boundaries," you say, “Seokjin is—”
"Love is an illusion, (Y/N)," your mother spat, standing from the chair with such force that it toppled over. “These,” she waves a letter to your face, “These are nothing but lies.”
"It's not—"
"This boy may have you fooled, but not me," your mother claims, tearing the letter in her hands before your eyes, the sight of which sets you a blaze in panic.
"No!" you cry out and run to her, grasping her hands to try and save the other letters from the same fate. "Stop it, please! Stop!"
Your mother looks at you in outrage as you cry over the torn pages of your lover’s words, clutching the letters you managed to get a hold of close to your heart. "You'd waste yourself for that baker's boy?!" she bellowed, "What else can he give you aside from his looks, hm? Nothing!"
"I don't give a damn about what he can't give!" you scream back, anger now flowing through your veins. "I love him and he loves me—unconditionally. I'm not throwing what we have away simply because he doesn't fit you greedy ide—"
A slap damns you to silence. 
"How dare you?" your mother sneers, seething. "How will you live then, hm? In the slums with nothing to eat?"
Her underestimation of commoners infuriates you. "The Kims get by just fine mother," you hiss, standing to stare her down with a glare. "Your obsession with luxury blinds you to the beauty in their simple lives."
Your mother glares back, crossing her arms. "Then I'll simply have you see things my way," she declares with such sureness that it unsettles you.
"What do you mean?"
"No daughter of mine marries a commoner," she says the words with such disgust that it stabs your heart with pain. "You'll marry Lord Jung's son, and then you'll see just how much better life is!"
Jung Hoseok, you remember him. A kind, bright boy you played with as a child—son to one of your late father’s greatest investors. He’s heir to his father’s brewery business. You can see why, in your mother’s eyes, he’s a perfect candidate for marriage. 
Even so, you can't stomach the thought of betraying Seokjin—let alone attempting to unlove him. 
"Then, I'll be no daughter of yours."
Your mother's visibly taken aback, her furious eyes that had seemed so sure before falter upon hearing your words. "What?"
Tears sting your eyes as you shake but you stand your ground. "If it disgusts you to have a daughter who loves a commoner, then I'll do you a favor, Lady (L/N)," you tell her, fishing for a coat in your closet, as well as the satchel that kept your locket and the makeshift palette Seokjin gifted you among other things. 
"You would leave the family for that boy?"
You could no longer bear the noose this life has around your neck. "A single inch of Kim Seokjin has made me feel more love, seen, and supported than you ever could," you claim, as you don on your coat. Another glare and you finally tell your mother the truth that you and your sisters have all been thinking of for years. "Your expectations and dreams have doomed us all to terrible, unhappy ends."
In many ways, your mother had killed all of you.
Jane, the eldest, while her husband was a good man, lives in his shadow. You like to think she was a genius, if she hadn’t been shackled to be a woman like all of you were. She longed to take care of the family estate and business herself, but that power’s been passed to her husband.
Anne—sweet Anne—who loved to read about plants, was married off to a count from a neighbouring kingdom. Your mother didn’t care about the rumors of his infamous infidelity—-didn’t care that your sister was doomed to be all alone, so far from home.
And, young Emma, whose imagination knows no bounds, wanted to write stories, but mother burned her manuscripts when she found out about her intentions to publish them.
"Everything I do, I do for all of you," your mother growled.
"You do it for yourself," your words smack her nearly as hard as she did. "You'd rather have our hearts and souls die to fit your perfect picture, than be happy."
"Happiness isn't everything—"
"I'd rather die than live without happiness."
This shocks her enough into silence that it gives you time to storm out of the room—of the estate. 
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Seokjin’s eyes were wide as you told him of what had transpired that night. He seems as if he had something to say, but he withholds his words until you finish your side of the story.
The two of you walk in the night, side by side with a distance drawn by an invisible line between you both. “I came to the bakery the moment I left,” you tell him, “but even then, my misery doesn’t end.” 
That night, certain of your disownment, you made a run for the Kims' bakery. Imagine your surprise when you found the establishment abandoned. No more bread of all shapes, forms, and flavors displayed. No more gentle conversation between Mr and Mrs Kim. No more kind smiles to welcome you into the abode. 
Everything was gone. 
“I don’t know what happened,” you say, shivering yet again—this time from the cold. Seokjin wordlessly sheds his black overcoat, the silver threads embroidered into it glinting in the moonlight as he did. For a moment, you’re silent, words unable to escape you as he drapes his coat over your shoulders.
This makes it all the more difficult to meet his eyes, you forcing yourself to look at the forest ahead. “I…” you wet your lips as you ease your breathing. “I barely had any money with me, but one of our old maids thankfully took me in.”
Helen remains to be someone dear to your heart. “It was also her who helped me find something to make a living with,” you say, a soft smile on your face at the memory of going through town with Helen to look for jobs. In the end, she was able to help you become an assistant seamstress to a kind over to a dress shop. 
After months of working, you finally had enough to look for him where you last knew he was. “The first of my plans was to earn enough money to go to the capital,” you murmur, your smile fading at the memory of what took place there when you arrived. “Alas,” you bitterly laugh, “you weren’t there anymore.”
It took you days to even manage to ask a member of the royal kitchen staff about what happened to Seokjin, and as it turns out, he quit from his post some time after you were disowned. Next to you, Seokjin grimaces, sighing as he shakes his head. “I,” he stammers, “I had already been under a lot of pressure, and…”
It seemed to be his turn reminiscing. “My parents came to the capital all of a sudden,” he began, “they said Lady (L/N) told them to get out of the city at your request—said that you were getting married to another and you didn’t want anything that reminded you of me.”
Your heart dropped at the news. When did your mother orchestrate such a scheme?
You recall that before that night, the last you had seen of Mr and Mrs Kim had been a week or so. Had your mother known about you and Seokjin for much longer before you discovered her in your room? 
Tears return to your eyes, and you find yourself clutching Seokjin’s coat tightly in your hands. A newfound hatred for your mother burns in you, but a part of you still found fault in Seokjin’s predicament. “Seven years,” your words tremble. “I’ve waited seven years for you to come back—stayed a commoner here even as they slander me behind my back because I didn’t want you to not find me. Why didn’t you come for me sooner?” 
Until the end, you were your mother's disappointment. Even your youngest sister, who had no plans of getting married, was now with child, having gotten married to the heir to a publishing company last summer. You, on the other hand, denied any man who came to ask for your hand—who all told you how fortunate you were that they’re even asking a desolate spinster like you. 
You could feel Seokjin’s gaze from beside you, but you couldn’t find it in yourself to look into them and see what they held. A sigh resounds from him, so filled with regret and anguish. “I lost my way for a while,” he confesses, “when I heard your supposed husband was an heir, I was angry. I poured my heart and my time into making something of myself—I got back to the royal kitchen, I got employed under a ducal family, and then I delved into business.”
He looks up at the moon, like it’d give him more strength for his confessions. “I planned to come back here and show you all of that, I…” he shakes, “I wanted you to regret leaving me.”
You find it hard to imagine Kim Seokjin, who was always so mature and certain of himself, be so unsure and lost, and yet the emotions his words carry are proof of it. A part of you feels betrayed that he thought you would believe such a thing, but you know well how emotions can cloud a person’s reason.
The two of you came to a stop when he stood before you, seizing your hands yet again since the manor’s staircase. A hand came to tilt your chin towards him. “When I finally came here,” Seokjin earnestly looked at you, “I can’t begin to imagine the relief and joy I felt to find out you never got married at all, but I… I also know what a fool I’ve been.”
A glint of that well-known determination is in his eyes as he fishes for something pinned beneath his waistcoat. “When I saw you at the ball, I knew I had to at least try if I had even a small chance to be with you again.”
In his hands was his locket, one that revealed your eye in the midst of it. At that moment, your eyes yet again shine with tears—this time, happier than the previous ones. Your heart swells, not enough to quell your pain, but still enough to comfort your broken heart—to embrace it and say “I’m here, I’ll never leave again.”
Before you is a familiar view, you now realize it as you look around what surrounded you both. Walking down the memories of the past lead you to the place where you both shared most of it—the ruins. 
A small smile makes it to your lips. “Do you remember the last time we were here?” you ask him, and watch as he, too, came to recognize where you two were. The smile that befalls him is precious, as he nods. 
You find yourself squeezing his hand in yours, taking a step forward to lessen the gap between you both. You stare into his eyes—see how softly and kindly they gaze at you. “You are my only muse,” you say, echoing the words you told him seven springs ago as your fingers reach for the locket you kept tucked between your dress and corset. “The one who gave me strength amidst my misery.”
Seokjin encloses his right hand with yours, both of them containing your respective lockets, as he rests his forehead against yours, eyes fluttering close. “You’re my muse, too,” he swore under his breath as he leaned in and captured your lips in a tender kiss. 
You smile, the cracks in your heart slowly but surely being melded back together from his warmth.
Here you are, seven years have passed—Kim Seokjin very much alive and within arm’s reach, proving what you thought during that dreadful night to be true. You can never unlove him.
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𝓽𝓪𝓰𝓵𝓲𝓼𝓽 : @mwitsmejk​ @dreamamubarak​ @bloodline1632​
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lexa-griffins · 10 months
yeah the mobster daughter au i mean 😭😭😭 sorry, is there a snippet?
No worries, I was just a little confused 😅
Here's a little snippet of what I have already written for it :D :
The whiskey burns in her throat and she detective grimaces at it. It’s the cheapest one they have and still far too expensive for her wallet so she forces herself to finish it, the barman giving her dirty looks as she does. 
Two dead cops, one house burnt to a crisp and a couple thrown to the river, all so clearly indicative of mafia activity it should be a open and shut case if there was any proof of it at all. Those are the reason she keeps coming back. She knows why the case ended up on her desk with few info on it, the little faith the department has on her abilities as a detective is not something new to her. So she keeps crossing into enemy territory every other night. Clarke lies to herself, says its so seek revenge for her fallen colleagues even if she barely knew their faces, justice for the couple whose lives were destroyed and tossed aside although she doesn't particularly care about people who were actively producing laced heroin and passing it on to already struggling addicts.
A big mass sits on the stool right next to her, forcing her legs to close as they make themselves at home. She stares at her watered down whiskey without much desire to finish it, pretending not to listen as a drink is ordered in a foreign language right by her side. She knows better than to start a fight here.
“Thought I had told you not to show your face here again Griffin.”
She signs at the bartender to bring her a second round, making it obvious to brute next to her she isn’t planning on going anywhere anytime soon.
“I’ve never been great at following orders Quint.” 
She takes the drink that’s place in front of her and forces another gulp of it down her throat. When she finally turns to meet his gaze he’s staring her down. He’s an intimidating fella, scars and tattoos that show where he belongs covering every inch of visible skin. By all means, Clarke should be terrified of him; he is twice her side and not afraid to kill someone with a batch with his bare hands, a rather gruesome aftermath to walk in on her first homicide case. But she isn’t. In fact, Clarke finds him pathetic, more brawl than brains, another pawn in a family that will dispose of him the moment he stops serving his purpose. 
“How’s your brother doing by the way?” she asks snarkily, knowing it’ll hit a nerve, “Hope the burns aren’t too bad.” 
Clarke grabs the glass intent on finishing with a swing and get out before shit hits the fan. He stares her with a murderous look in his eyes and takes the glass away from her before she can drink its content. The volume inside seems to have gone down but Clarke knows he wont try anything against her, not here. 
“You are very brave under her protection aren’t you detective?”
The accusation leaves a sour taste in her mouth. She’s not a pet but she knows she is seen as one inside these walls. It’s why she’s left mostly unbothered despite her job title, why all she gets are sneers  and empty threats.
“It’s getting late” with a pained gesture, Clarke pays for the two drinks in cash, making a point of not backing down in her stance when exiting her seat, “if you’d excuse.”
The cold hair hits her hard and Clarke takes a deep breath away from the smell of cigars and booze. Another trip that let no where. At this point she doesn't know whats she’s looking for or why she keeps coming back to Grounders. 
She’s nearing her bike, helmet secured under her arm when she reaches inside the pocket of her leather jacket only to find it empty of her keys and phone.
“Looking for these Griffin?” 
Quint appears from the darkness of the alleyway where she parked, the keys of her bike dangling from one hand, gun in the other. Clarke takes a step back, putting distance between them as she tries to figure out an escape plan.
“You're not so brave now are you?”
A bullet passes by her, but not from Quints side. The shot goes right above her shoulder to enter Quint's heart. Fast and on target, a her trademark. 
Clarke rolls her eyes and fishes her keys from the dead man’s hands before turning to face her.
“You should not be out so late, love.”
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ciaossu-imagines · 3 months
Okay. Cool. That’s good to know. A part of me figured that was the case but since that everything purely said ‘Ask box closed’ I figured I’d better be safe than sorry and should wait until you opened it up again. And I’m so sorry that someone sent in that spoiler with a request. I really do hate that. And that’s great to hear that you slept so amazingly ☺ Gods, me too. I have this weird thing where I absolutely have no idea how much sleep I actually need beause I’m always tired, even if I sleep more than normal. Sure, I feel slightly more refreshed, but still hella tired. Okay. I’ll try to come up with everything I thought of saying at the time and will send it next time you respond to our DMs. And thank you so much for saying that. It most definitely was a great chapter and I hope I have good enough thoughts to add onto everything you’ve already said about it. Oh I see. That makes sense. I also usually go for those kinds of things and rarely watch purely romantic series, unless they’re recommended to me or they’re said to be really good. It really is. I finished A: TLA a few days ago and cried so much at the end. And I hope that you also get the chance to rewatch it at some point and I’d love to hear your thoughts on it when the time comes. I immensely enjoyed rewatching A: TLA and it’s funny beause even though it’s been a while that I’ve watched it before , I still knew a lot of everything concerning the story but that didn’t detract from my enjoyment of the moments. Like I still cried at another emotional scene a few episodes before the end beause it really is just so beautiful. I just started the last season of Demon Slayer that’s out today and I’m just in awe of the animation and how it looks and it’s making me emotional. I’m really so grateful that a series as good as that has such a beautifully well done adaptation. Couldn’t ask for anything more and hope that they continue doing it justice until the very end, though I have a feeling they will.
Thank you. I managed to get through everything I didn’t get the chance to read yet today, as you may have noticed 😅 And I enjoyed all of them and have written my thoughts down for them, though I feel like they’ll probably look quite repetitive 😅 Yeah, fandom is amazing like that. I’m really grateful for that and the way that they write all of the wikis. Yeah, one of the filler arcs in Bleach is really weird and I never rewatch that one. Oh that’s nice to know. And it’s also cool to know that they also translated the songs. Were they sung by the English voice actors or something?
It really was and luckily, now that I’ve restarted my computer again since it was being really slow, it’s gone back to how it used to be. And that could be. And thank you for calling the explanation clear. And that sounds good. I hope you get to read it beause one of the matches centres on some of my favourite babies and I really do hate that they messed up the adaptation like that. At least I’ll always have the manga, though it still sucks 😭 Yeah. And the fourth season still has some really well-done scenes, and there’s this scene of another kind of fave that I haven’t mentioned at all, that appears in that season, and they have like this really beautiful shot of his eyes. And that’s nice to know. No problem at all. Even though I probably won’t rewatch the movies, I do really appreciate that they animated those extra scenes beause they’re all important in their own way. Shame can’t be said for some later stuff and I know Covid had something to do with the second half on the fourth season, but the movie of this year and those OVA’s from many years ago have no excuse so yeah, it’s still a shame (I know I’m being really salty here so sorry for that). The chapter limitation really does suck, especially because both were really easy to get through for me, someone who doesn’t read as fast so I hope that you do get to read both on your normal app one day. Yeah, me too. Like even though I do have my faves that I’ve talked to you about, I still love all of the characters and am so proud of the growth that certain ones went through and it’s just all so nice. Like even my non-faves make me emotional. And yeah, especially those. Like the other boy I’m not normal about has such noticeable flaws and is such a silly boy (like I call him silly so often while rewatching some of his scenes) but he’s such a well-made character that you can’t help but love him.
Oh I’m so sorry to hear that and I can’t blame you for being upset by it. I hope at least that that character has good reasons or something. I’m also scared now, but also kind of intrigued to see it all. And true and that’s really nice. And you’re amazing for that. Glad to see that I’m not the only one who likes justified text. And no problem at all 😄 I’m doing pretty alright. Like I said, I watched some Demon Slayer today, which put me in a good mood but my mum was really judgemental about a certain thing concerning my dad which was so horrible to hear sine it was during dinner time so I just had to sit there and listen to everything she had to say, especially since I couldn’t come up with enough stuff to counter her. It really is always so painful to have to hear her comments about all kinds of things but I won’t let it keep me down because I know I have your writing to look forward to and many great anime and all kinds of stuff. Just couldn’t help but mention it. Hope you’re doing amazing and that the writing is going great 😊
I know you had figured that and I think it’s really sweet of you to be concerned about bothering me! You’re never a bother though and I enjoy seeing you in the inbox 😊Thanks – that one was rough as I’ve done amazing at avoiding Jujutsu Kaisen spoilers (blacklisted the general tag until I’m completely finished the manga read just to make sure of that). Though, just saying – I called that one way back in our messages but ouch, rough yeah, for both being spoiled and for what it said happened. I need way more sleep than the four to six hours I’m lucky to get a night. I’m horrible in being a super light sleeper where every little sound wakes me up though, even with my pills being in me. Caffeine is my best friend in all forms (coffee, energy drinks, caffeine infused chocolate or my favourite, chocolate covered espresso beans, even caffeine pills if the insomnia is really bad…yeah, I know, I’ll probably die of a heart attack from all the caffeine guys but adult life sucks and requires you to stay awake). Sounds good! I’m hoping to get a reply to our dm’s off maybe this weekend in between writing other things, where I have a weekend off. I can definitely get checking out series that are recommended to you, even if they’re not what you’d normally watch. I recently paused watching my other shows to binge through Mashle because it came highly recommended by two people I trust, even though it seemed like it would be just a blatant rip-off of One Punch Man. Turns out they were right and I loved it. I hope it will be that for you with the romance series when you do watch it through! The ending of A:TLA was definitely worthy of the crying and I remember crying quite a bit throughout that show. I loved Iroh, but I really had a soft spot for Azula and things got real rough for my girl around the end of the show. I felt horrible for her, I really did. I’m so glad that you enjoyed your rewatch of it, that it could still hit you in all the right ways despite knowing what was coming. When you say last season, do you mean this is it? It will wrap everything up completely or is there a plan for more (like a spin-off or anything) after this season or a follow-up like Naruto: Shippuden? I’m so glad the last season is starting out so well though and I’m with you in hoping it will continue to be beautifully done right up until the end, and not just because it’s high on my watch list.
I noticed and appreciated all the likes and am happy you enjoyed them all! And I never find your thoughts repetitive and am always really glad to hear your thoughts on my posts! Comments are always wonderful and motivating! I hate the Bount arc for Bleach and when I do get the urge to watch it, I always skip that arc, since it’s pure filler anyway! I’m pretty sure it’s all the English VA’s singing the songs but I noticed about halfway through season 2 there were some songs they didn’t translate and upon googling it, it looks like sometimes it’s hard to get the permissions needed to translate and revoice those songs. Either way, the music is really solid all through the show!
I’m glad your computer has gone back to how it should be and hopefully isn’t running super slow anymore! It definitely was clear and it helps me know what to expect. I’m someone who likes to get every single moment, so even if the movies are a lot of recycled stuff, I still need to watch them. Oh no! It sucks that your favourite didn’t really get what they should have when it came to the anime adaptation. I know how that feels and it sucks big time! I hadn’t even actually thought about the impact Covid would have had on animators and studios! A lot of what came out during that time would make more sense if they couldn’t really all do their work successfully from home, I guess. And hey, no, please feel free to be salty. Everyone has things they’re salty about, even me, and it’s cool that you feel comfortable enough with me to feel safe getting salty about things. Thank you for that! And so far, all the characters are great. I was pretty sure I’d dislike Hinata going into it, because those kind of characters normally bore me but I ended up just adoring him, which is the one that surprised me the most!
Thank you! I do hope that, when I get to reading and finishing up everything for the manga, I’ll see the reasons the author went that direction and that it ends up making sense in the story. If not, I’m sticking just with writing Nanbaka up to the end of the anime seasons haha! I’m so glad you’re doing okay and that you had some good moments, though I’m really sorry to hear that about your mother. I personally am of the opinion that spouses shouldn’t bicker or pick at each other in front of their children, but I know it happens all too often. It’s awkward for the person sitting there and uncomfortable. I’m sure you did your best to defend your dad and that he appreciated it a lot! I know it’s hard but try to focus on some of the positives of your day or lose yourself in something you enjoy and don’t let her steal your joy, my dear! You deserve more than that! And thank you! I’m doing okay tonight – just got my pills into me, sitting on my couch in boxers and a comfy t-shirt, eating a McCain cake out of the tin and writing (just finished a chapter…it was supposed to be a request for a one shot little drabble about me travelling with comfort characters and now it’s bloated into a whole multi-chaptered fic, haha)!
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the-widow-sisters · 1 year
I’m Lost Without You
Summary: Shuri burned the mourning garments to try to let go. The funny part is that despite how liberating the gesture was meant to be, she finds herself filled with nothing but regret and pain as thoughts of T'Challa endlessly plague her.
However, that evening on the beaches of Haiti, someone pays her a small visit.
Word Count: 2893
A/N: Whoo!!! I busted this one out after watching Wakanda Forever, and I honestly have no clue what I'm doing 🤣 I was emotionally compelled, so I rolled with it, lol. I have never written for these characters before (I wrote for Shuri like once but it was one or two lines in a bigger fic that was not centered on her). But I've never read nor written stuff for these characters, so hopefully it's not totally bad 🤣😂💖
Honestly, Shuri has lost so much. More than even Yelena in some ways (and that was a shocker for me) 🥺😭 And her and T'Challa's relationship was so touching and so sad for me. I hope I was able to do it justice 💞
I hope y'all enjoy! 💗💗💗
Warnings: Spoilers for Wakanda Forever.
�� Shuri felt her lips trembling as she looked at the ocean, trying her best not to look down at what was left of her mourning garments there in the smoldering fire that had gone out since earlier that day.
  She had spent some time with little T’Challa, but she had not been able to fully shake the sense of grief that had been brought back tenfold from earlier that day. Therefore, she had ended up back on the beach that night after the boy and Nakia had gone to bed, barely containing her tears.
  Strangely enough, Shuri found that she may have burnt the clothes of mourning, but she had not found the peace or release that her mother had spoken of. And she was having the hardest time even finding a sense of remotely okay.
  “Why did you have to go? I needed you still. I need you now,” Shuri whispered softly, her knees digging into the sand as she closed her eyes tightly where she was kneeling. Her entire body was shaking with the raw pain wracking her frame.
  “You were the good one. You were always good and right when I was not,” Shuri confessed to the night air around her, sobbing harshly as she felt the sand beneath her palms. The waves were rolling softly around her, and she felt as if her heart were being ripped out of her chest.
  It was the first time that she had truly faced her grief for T’Challa and she despised the fact that it took their mother’s passing to do that, because now she had to suffer through the pain of two of the largest, most vital pieces of her heart being an empty hole.
  She chose peace with Namor, but she had not even made peace with herself. She was alone, and she could not accept it. And in the end, the person that she had needed the most was gone. She loved her mother, but at the end of the day, it was her brother’s passing that she could not accept.
  He was never coming back and she had been trying to avoid that fact— fighting it tooth, fang, and toenail— for too long. It was true, she could say it aloud. She felt that she was being stabbed every time she did, but saying it and shortly thereafter distracting herself was different than allowing herself to feel. To legitimately and deeply feel his loss.
  In her lab, Shuri could lull herself into the false sense that she was simply in her domain, and he would come in at any moment with his big, far too easygoing smile and those ridiculous sandals that she hated. The ones that he thought were so regal and kingly and that she thought were the dumbest things she had seen in a while.
  She took in a deep, shuddering breath, and she looked to the sky, addressing him even more directly or at least as directly as she could.
  “You left me. You didn’t tell me. You kept it to yourself for so long, and when you asked me to save you, it was too late. Why did you have to do it that way? I could have helped if I had time,” she explained, nothing but desperation in her words as she felt her throat closing up.
  “Didn’t you know you were my world? Didn’t you know that you meant everything to me?” Shuri pleaded aloud, knowing there would be no answer.
  That was part of what hurt so much. There would be no answer to her words. She honestly did not know why she was talking aloud right now when she was wasting her breath. She had seen her ancestors and all she saw was her cousin, the last person she had wanted to speak to.
  She had hoped to see him. He had forsaken her. She knew that her cousin was the best person that she could have seen given the direction that she had been frighteningly close to turning, but she had still hoped to see her brother.
  He had been taken from her too soon and now she felt like the rug was pulled out from under her. She was completely alone now outside of little T’Challa, who she did not know at all outside of introductions.
  Worst of all, she did not have the man who had made her feel safe. The man that had been her hero.
  Her big brother.
  “I’m lost without you, big brother. I am alone,” Shuri brokenly confessed to the warm night, a sob wracking through her as she bowed her head and crumpled in on herself.
  She sobbed for what felt like an eternity, nothing but the sound of the waves accompanying her, but to her shock, she suddenly felt a familiar, strong yet soft hand on her shoulder.
  “Why do you cry, little sister?” a voice replied, and Shuri swallowed as she raised her head quickly, turning to look behind her to where the source of the hand was.
  There was her brother kneeling behind her, his warm, dark eyes watching her calmly and lovingly. He was wearing gorgeous robes fit for the king that he was, and she felt her entire being in utter shock.
  “T’Challa? My… my brother,” Shuri barely managed to whisper before she threw herself upon him, her arms around his neck as she brought him into a suffocating embrace.
  His arms lifted to hold her against him, and she sobbed into his shoulder as he brought his hand up to the back of her head, holding her securely and safely there. She took in a breath, the scent of home filling her as she shut her eyes tightly, grasping for better purchase as he held her. Her fingers were digging into his robes, but if it hurt him, he did not show any true evidence.
  He was filled out and healthy like he was before, and he was strong. He was not the weakened husk of her brother that he had been at the time of his passing. He was there.
  She reached her hands up, feeling his neck and head as she sobbed deeply and heartbrokenly. She was taking in the feel of him, remembering her hero as he kept her held safely where the grief and pain could not touch her.
  “You are here,” Shuri managed to speak, tearstains on her face as the moisture wetted her cheeks and her brother’s clothes.
  “I am,” he replied, and his voice sounded oddly heavy in the emotion just beneath the surface. Shuri furrowed her brow in slight confusion, her breaths shaking as she struggled to calm them.
  “But I will not be here for long,” he confessed, and she pulled back to look at him. He had a gentle smile on his face, and he was looking at her with just as much adoration as he had in life, but she quickly came to the full realization that he was truly not there with her and that it was merely a dream.
  After all, the atmosphere surrounding her was completely different. The waves falling upon the beach had subsided with the ocean turned into a lake, and gorgeous pink, blue, and purple lights were shining in the sky above. It was not real. He was a spirit.
  “You’re not here,” she pointed out, withdrawing from him a little more. He let his arms fall away slowly from her, looking at her somewhat sadly.
  “Not in body. But in spirit,” he expressed, and Shuri just looked at him sadly, feeling her heart ache as she looked away, moving back so that she was sitting on the sand next to him. He moved so that he was sitting down with her, and there was quiet between them.
  “Why are you sad?” he asked, and Shuri let a somewhat bitter huff pass between her lips.
  “Our mother is gone. You are gone. I have no one left that truly knows me. Is that not a reason to be sad?” Shuri asked, and he shook his head carefully.
  “Death is not the end—"
  “Everyone keeps saying that,” she interrupted quickly at the end of his statement, desperation and bitterness stifling her. He quieted, eyeing her as he considered her words.
  “You are not completely alone.”
  “Yes, you have a son that I never knew about,” Shuri pointed out, just looking at him for a long moment as she stared at him. She honestly was quite hurt about the fact that he had hidden it from her when their mother had known about it.
  “I only told Mother because she had a right to know that there would be an heir,” T’Challa explained.
  “And what about me? Did I not have a right to know that my big brother had a child? One that I could have spent time with and gotten to know? One that I have lost so much time with already?” Shuri pointed out, and he was quiet, looking down at the sand before redirecting his attentions to her.
  “I’m sorry,” he apologized, nothing but remorse in his gaze, and Shuri met his eyes for a long moment before sighing deeply, looking away.
  They remained quiet for a little while, the both of them just sitting together in one another’s company. Finally, Shuri spoke up, her voice rough with raw emotion.
  “I am the Black Panther now. And I am completely lost without you,” Shuri confessed, her voice soft, and he was silent as he considered what she said.
  “You have been making the right decisions. You are ready,” he assured her, and Shuri swallowed as she shook her head.
  “I do not feel ready. I am not ready to take your mantle. I am not ready to be the Black Panther. I have never been. The Black Panther was you. Father bore the name, but it was you,” Shuri expressed, pain stabbing sharply within her. He eyed her with sympathy but also with a certain exhaustion and weight.
  “Little sister… You are ready. You are prepared to handle this burden. I knew you would be before my passing,” he told her, and she clenched her teeth as she quickly stood up and walked a small distance away, looking out at the lake. She did not want to hear him discuss his own death.
  He let out a sigh, and she felt her heart aching with pain as tears threatened to come back to her eyes.
  “You have to do this without me,” T’Challa explained softly from where he was sitting on the sand behind her. Shuri instantly felt the emotions bubbling up in her chest and she clenched her teeth, turning around quickly.
  “Without you?! How am I supposed to make it without you?! You were everything to me. You knew how to do all of this. You are gone! Father is gone, Mother is gone, and you are gone. And I am alone!” Shuri cried as she raised her voice, the sound of it pained and cracking as she grew increasingly distraught with the truth bearing harder and harder upon her.
  T’Challa looked at her carefully before slowly getting up. Her chest was heaving with pained breaths, and she was trying her best to ignore the painful lump welling up in her throat. He approached her carefully, pausing just in front of her as he looked at her.
  “Can you see the wind?” he questioned suddenly and the randomness of the question threw her off completely. She just gaped at him blankly.
  “What?” she asked, utterly shocked. T’Challa smiled a little, his eyes glowing with a bit of mirth before he asked her again.
  “Can you?” She paused, not sure what the correct answer was supposed to be since it felt like a trick question.
  “Well, no…”
  “But you feel it, yes?”
  “I suppose,” she replied slowly, confusion thoroughly plaguing her, but she decided she would go along with it momentarily. T’Challa seemed to sense her lack of understanding, and he huffed softly before his dark, warm eyes met hers once again.
  “Close your eyes,” he told her, and she stared at him for a moment, not sure what he was getting at. She looked away for a moment before closing her eyes with a deep sigh.
  After a brief moment, she felt his hand on her shoulder, and she furrowed her brow.
  “What do you feel?” he asked, and she cursed how her voice was wanting to leave her.
  “You,” she managed to force out.
  “You cannot see me?” he stated patiently in a manner that was more of a question, and she shook her head, not sure what he was trying to communicate.
  “Just because you cannot see me, does not mean that I am not there. I will always be with you to guide you,” T’Challa assured her softly, and Shuri opened her eyes to look at him.
  He was looking down at her with such confidence and love as he brought his other hand to touch her other shoulder, squeezing gently. Shuri stared back at him, feeling her heart squeeze painfully.
  She slowly nodded, unable to do anything but numbly reply to him. She did not have much hope that he would be there, but something in her believed him, nevertheless. He never let her down in life, so why would he let her down now?
  He smiled knowingly at her. Shuri let out a deep breath, bringing her hands up to grasp at his arms.
  After a long moment of the both of them just existing in the same space, silence between them, she finally found her voice enough to speak up again.
  “Why did you not tell me in time to save you?” Shuri asked, and he eyed her, a certain regret and softness in his eyes.
  “I wanted to protect you from the pain,” T’Challa expressed, and she just eyed him wordlessly.
  “I wanted to protect you from the pain,” Shuri echoed, the both of them having two different meanings but seeking the same effect. He nodded, understanding glowing in his gaze as nothing but kindness filled his features.
  “It was not really bad until the last of it, and that was when I knew I needed to tell you,” he confessed to her, and she felt the tears threatening to come to her eyes yet again.
  “If you would have only told me before… I could have saved you,” Shuri told him.
  “That is unfortunately something we will both never know for sure,” he resignedly confessed, and she reluctantly nodded, hurting deep within despite knowing that it was the truth. Perhaps the fact that it was the truth was the part that hurt the most about it.
  She squeezed his arms and he tightened his grip on her shoulders, leaning forward as their foreheads touched softly. She closed her eyes, reveling in the love that she felt from him despite the pain.
  “You did the best you could despite my choices. Just,” he took in a deep, shaking breath, and she could not help but feel tears running down her face as she worked her jaw.
  “Know that I will always be here. I will always believe in you. And I will always love you, little sister.”
  Shuri swallowed hard, pain in her heart but also love as she tightened her grip even more, begging for just a few more moments of this respite from her reality where he would not be here holding her.
  She knew this was their goodbye, but she wanted longer. Just five more minutes. Five more seconds.
  Just more time.
  But as it was, she would make the most of what shred of time she had left.
  “I will always love you, big brother,” she whispered in reply, and he pushed his head into her just a little harder, her body shuddering with the pain and the tears running down her face. His hands softly came up to hold her neck gently, the both of them remaining there silently as his hands slowly faded away.
      Shuri stirred awake, her eyes shooting open as she jerked a bit. She realized that the sunrise was falling upon her, and she raised up quickly, looking around her. She let out a breath of disappointment as she realized tears were running down her face. She swallowed hard, the waves rolling in the water as she felt the warmth of the sun descending upon her.
  She swallowed hard, looking down as she shut her eyes tightly and drew in on herself.
  However, to her absolute and utter shock, the wind suddenly blew oddly strongly against her back, almost knocking her over. Her eyes shot open and they widened a little, chills running through her as she felt something suspiciously warm against her shoulder.
  She looked behind her, knowing what she would not see but nevertheless finding it necessary to confirm it to herself.
  As she expected, there was not a person there, but she knew. She could feel it. Shuri took in a deep breath, looking out at the ocean before her as she mustered the barest of smiles.
  “I feel your guiding hand, big brother. I… I won’t let you down,” Shuri whispered.
  She could not see him, but he was there.
  He always would be.
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rosenallies · 1 year
Dammit, I was writing this thinking it wasn’t going to be that long and then it got progressively longer 😣 I guess this sort of a prompt, because I got the idea off a prompt list. Don’t remember which list but it was like “You’re just realizing I have a crush on you?” Anyway here’s my OTP stargazing (you’ll get your smut soon enough 😂) FYI in my mind they’ve been dating for about 8 months at this point
Natalie is such an outdoor girlie 🤪 she loves learning about different plants and insects and then trying to find those the next time she goes on camping trip. Jane is no where near as into that aspect as Nat, but they too love the great outdoors. They’re a little nature couple 🥺 that also really enjoys being indoors due to things like ac and the internet. When Nat first gets back from New York, where she obviously didn’t have a ton of access to nature, she goes camping like once a month for a full year. Now, coming up on 3 years post Columbia, she brought that down to once every few months. But Jane, who is always so attentive and can tell when Nat needs it, will suggest an impromptu hike or in this case stargazing. Their stargazing spot is only an hours drive from their apartment(I don’t know Vancouvers geography and I’m not looking it up lmao, we’re going to go with just some miscellaneous big hill). When they get there, Nat is chatting about work when she finally gets a good look over at Jane. She thinks she knows her partner pretty well seeing as they grew up together and all that lol so she can immediately tell that they are extremely tired. They’d been dealing with several new additions to the museum causing them to stay late everyday (as someone who for a very short period of time wanted to be a curator, and talked to one who worked at a museum in Philly, staying late for them can mean 3am😭) but they did it anyway since they knew Nat needed this. Her dads most recent fall, which left him with a broken wrist, was still causing her extreme anxiety weeks later. They convinced her to go out with them and ofc Synth helped, otherwise Natalie would have gone straight back to her parents house after work like she’d been doing for weeks. They finally get to the spot, set up their blanket and just look up at the sky. Jane brought their telescope, which was a pretty expensive gift from one of their friends, but they just decided to lay next to each other instead. After a few minutes of Nat just pointing out the stars she thinks she can see and Jane trying not to doze off, Nat turns over and says she loves them and that she realizing she was in love with them broke her heart because she never thought they’d love her in that way. Sharing what’s on their minds is something that Nat’s parents taught both of them so they could have healthy communication 😭 Jane kind of scoffs and is like that’d never happen.
(A little poorly written dialogue to make this earlier to write and understand 🫣)
Natalie: “What wouldn’t?”
Jane: “That I wouldn’t love you. In any way. Because I’ve loved you in every way, more than humanly possible since we were kids.”
Nat is a gaping like a fish at this point: “But you never showed interest in me in that way. Not until I embarrassed myself by sobbing in the rain about you not wanting me.”
Jane laughs, lovingly, in her face: “Are you telling me you’re just now realizing that I’ve always been in love with you?”
Cue the Nat waterworks. Jane just coos and giggles at her reaction while pulling Nat to lay on their chest. To them, Nat is perfect and as far as they could tell she’s the only person on the planet that they could love in that way.
Stop this is so cute I feel like I should just hand this au over to u 😭😭 ur doing it more justice than me
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dadswithipads · 1 year
Live reacting to Static Shock episodes
"Ep 7 S3"
Awww Virgil reading to those men. "Back in my day ....and the girls were foxy"-one of the seniors. "That's it. Lunch break." -Virgil. 😳🌈??. And then he leaves and slams that door dam. Queer much. Dam he said that the man was annoying. My boy didn't even have his mask on.
His fking "WHAT!" LMAO.
Yes the afro. Last episode Richie got attacked and now he just gone??
Wtf is happening. This came outta the blue frfr.
They couldn't have made us become aware of this battle before. Like why should we care-.
Wawawa🎶. Bobert get into it. "He was the static of his day. Maybe even better." -Bobert. "I don't think so👹." -Virgil lmao. His attitude.
Dam Sharon. Dam Bobert. "What a sweet old guy. I bet Virgil could learn a lot from him." Dam. He gets an attitude with y'all and suddenly hes so bad??? Wheres richie dude. Where is the power group up of gear and Static.
Are we getting that lil Romeo cameo yet😭😭😭
This episode is boring. Sry.
Ig that the message is good. But like. The best part in this episode is Virgil's attitude he's just going off on everybody and it's so funny. Maybe that's why Richie isn't in this episode because he would be nice if Richie was here.
My bitchy son lmao. "You can never be too old to fight for justice." -soul power. "Oh that's debatable."-Virgil. Like man has no chill😁.
Dam fast and the bicurious. Pedal to the medal.
"You stole his card"- Virgil. *SP comes out with excuse* "Right on." -Virgil. Like WHAT IS HAPPENING RN.
Bro how they gonna get out of this pickle.
So homebro wants money from people so he doesnt commit t€rrorism. Just maybe DONT COMMIT IT TO BEGIN WITH.
Dam the inherent gay manner of wanting to be like your male idol and do what he says.
I'm hearing all this funk music playing in the background and I can't help but remember last night when I was watching the proud family and fking Bobby Brown song not stop playing lmao.
So true for Virgil Hawkins to roll his eyes and whine and make fun of that quote and then to then say it himself with pride and full seriousness. My boy.
They gonna kiss or.. Like the old guys. Guess not. Aww he got all nervous bout being wrong. Virgil is too cute omg. Doing the dance.
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kpophubb · 1 year
Good morning sunshine🧡💛💛💛
How did you sleep?
2:26 📨
Utube dilemma 👹
Lifestyle insp
Memories 🔐
Me if I were
US 🎵
lixie is sending u new pics ~~ 🫧 ; for good mood uuuu 🤘🏻🫵🏻💋 ;
volunteers to take care of you when I'm gone;;; I wanted to attach my piccc but I'm not pretty😭 I know you will argue, because of your angelic nature,
Wishing you as always I lovely day can a way to hear from you ~,hope to talk to you soon ❤️Wait for me❤️
* 🐁 🌙 * hope all the links are workin 🙈
ꕺ♡ 💌 : ….𝕿𝖔 𝙼𝚈 нуυηวιη … ꕺ♡
Tumblr media Tumblr media
♡..hi my darling!! First to tell you that all the links are working🥺 and I viewed everything and I’m so 💖💖 the felix smiling pics, voice message on bubbles, gyu kisses and gyu volunteer 🥹 how on earth are you soooo cute?? You always know how to make me smile <3
♡..I know many people find felix’s voice super sexy ( and I do too sometimes) but most times, it’s just so soothing and relaxing for me tbh. He’s my comfort person. I see him more as my ball of sunshine and my sweet dose of serotonin so hearing his voice always calms me down and relaxes me. Especially the good night messages and words of consolation. 🥺🤍
♡.. I liked our playlist, my love. I’ll be hearing all the songs soon (even tho some of them I already heard). I am so in love with the emojis you added as titles aww.
♡…my week has been so so¿ I mean at the beginning it was super fun bc I felt so active and healthy, my best friend came over at my place and we spent the whole day together 😍 and then the day after, it was my niece’s 6 months. So we had a home party w some guests and I dressed up and had a lot of fun with her! But then..I fell super sick and now my health and mood is all SO BAD I have been snapping at everything bc I feel like crap 💔
♡..your memories board is so cute..😭🤍 it’s melting my heart. I am so flattered and ngl my eyes feel watery at the amount of love you’re showing me. It feels so heart warming to see you have captured every detail of our conversation and I’m just🥹🥹 and Awwh! Yes 100% I’m real. If you ever wanna see me or hear my voice to confirm, let me know okay?? I don’t mind declaring to you confidently that you’re super precious to me and I’m and will always be here.
♡…I also take inspiration from YouTube videos..tiktok videos and mostly Pinterest! They all inspire me and motivate me for my dream self lol. I have 2 acc on Pinterest , one for kpop+ anime & the other one is my personal acc. It’s here if you’re interested to know more about me personally haha.
♡…I’m very happy to be here for you. I feel so glad I can make you feel safe and accepted cause that’s all I ever wanted to make you feel. 💛 I’m still glad I could be there during your bad times those months, and I could see you getting up. I can’t wait to be here for you through the rest of your growth.
♡..and oh my god anonie!! That’s scam!! Pls go reclaim your money baby. I can understand your feelings lmao, I’m always changing my looks or style bc it feels renewing kinda?! I’m sure you’d look great with perm! <3 I’d love for you to show me too. I’m someone who speaks up if someone infront of me is wronged but weirdly enough..when I’m wronged, I stay quiet? Idk I just let it go when it comes to me. But I’m so glad you have ambitions to portray Justice and stand up for people.
♡….it’s okay if every year you take resolutions or plan something and can’t make it sweetie. It happens. I’ve been trying to be where I am since 2020, but finally at the end of 2022 I achieved my goals. Life has its own pace. I’m sure you can be the boss lady you want. 🫶🏻 and pls don’t feel like you haven’t done enough in life or life is passing away without you having done anything remarkable. Im sure even if your past has been filled w traumas and bad memories and no real progress, in the future great opportunities and memories await you. I believe it, truly. 💗 people are truly truly bad and the world is so warped and cruel I agree, 100% and life isn’t sunshine and roses. But at the end, we just have to see the good in every situation (even tho there’s not always good everywhere) and find joy in the small things no matter how trivial and hard it might seem. Baby steps to get there, remember love? I pray you’re always surrounded by nice people from now on who truly make you believe in the magic that you are. 💙
♡… noo, your thoughts aren’t a mess. I love hearing your mind, it’s fascinating how you have a lot of thoughts about things around you. It’s admirable. It never creeps me out or bothers me, so please rest assured and keep telling me everything you feel like. I’d love to be your human diary! <3
♡…no you aren’t childish!! Using emojis are cute and I feel like they help you understand your emotions better behind the message and words. Or else it’d be easy to misinterpret your words. Like if you say “it’s okay” after someone apologises to you it might seem like they’re still mad at you and upset but if you say “it’s okay☺️💗” the other person might be relieved and believe that you guys are truly on good terms now.
♡..and no I don’t mind you being older !! Omg pls don’t feel uncomfortable and think I’ll ever shut you out. Age is just a number, love. And just bc you’re older doesn’t mean you have to feel pressurised to take care of me or anyone younger than you or be more reserved and act mature. To hell with all those stupid rules and obligations made by society. Who cares? Just be you. I love taking care of people, no matter if they’re older than me. I’ll accept you just the way you are so you don’t have to filter yourself for me. I know it’s easier to open up if you’re keeping some things about you to yourself and being anonymous cause you can’t be judged at all, so you can keep doing that. No pressure hun. Take as much time as you need. I’m not running away and never will.
♡… there was a time I believed in astrology but growing up, I stopped? I don’t know it feels very unreal to me. Do humans really have the ability to deduce the events of the future? Idk I’m quite skeptical. But it’s cool to check horoscopes and be interested in it. The quotes are by ours truly, felix. So here’s one for today. 💛
ꕺ♡ ….💌 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘭𝘦𝘴𝘴 𝖑𝖔𝖛𝖊 𝚏𝚛𝚘𝚖 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 ƒєℓιχ 🌤️ ꕺ♥︎
[☁️….𝗹𝗼𝗮𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗱𝗮𝗶𝗹𝘆 𝗾𝘂𝗼𝘁𝗲] ⇘ ♡♡♡
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tojisun · 3 years
Can u do one where mamaguro just straight up leaves toji and megumi (I’m so sorry i know she would never but my mind does crazy shit😭) and megumi didn’t even think about saying goodbye to y/n bc his mom was finally there but she ended up leaving the, again, and they try to reach out to y/n but see’s that she’s pregnant now and it breaks both toji and megumi’s heart. Thanks!<3 lovely story btw!
im so sorry i struggled a bit with this ;v; so i really hope i did this prompt justice!!  thank you so much for liking the fic aaahhhhhhh <333 [x]
(this is how it ended:
“i can’t do this, toji,” she whispers, voice quiet as she lays tensed in his embrace. “i can’t pretend to be happy with you anymore.”
what do you mean? he wants to ask but he holds his tongue and pretends she is not shaking in his arms and that his heart isn’t thundering from his chest.
“i want us to end.”
he does not know which is louder: her crying or his heart breaking.)
the sun filtering in from the crack between the curtains hit toji’s face, warming his nose and his lips. he pretends that he was not awake all night, listening to the emptiness after she left, hoping that she will come back again. she does not.
the space beside his is cold; rumpled sheets no longer holding her shape. toji does not want to see her absence—he does not want to face the reality. 
(this is what she left:
disheveled hair, stinging eyes, bruised palms, broken vases, and a weeping heart.)
he hears megumi come out of his room, sleepy voice calling out her name. their poor son does not know what happened, too lost in his sleep to hear his parents’ final goodbye. 
“mommy?” megumi asks again, knocking on what used to be her and toji’s bedroom door. 
toji does not respond—what would he tell their blessing? the truth? the fact that she did not know how to settle with toji and megumi again? or that she mistook nostalgia with love; that she really did not miss them, only their past?
toji does not know.
he hears megumi pad away, calling for her again. 
(this is what she will not miss:
his trembling arms as he picks up their son, whispering promises of her return. tiny hands clutching at his shirt. hiccupped breaths. wails of her name.)
healing comes slowly.
toji and megumi restructure their lives in her absence again: with toji picking up more hours, and megumi being left to the itadoris’ care.
their home is barren once again, almost like both toji and megumi are afraid of coming home now that she is gone. nothing of her is left; not even a single shirt or one of her books is left behind. it is almost like she is a fragment of his vivid imagination; one that toji made up in desperation.
on those days, toji thinks about you.
he knows it’s wrong. he knows that if someone were to see his thoughts, they’d sneer at his selfishness. toji knows, and yet he cannot stop his spiraling thoughts.
he misses the simplicity of life with you; the way it never was and it never had been with her. he remembers gentle hands and even gentler kisses; remembers giddy voice melting into a wistful sigh as he kisses your laugh from your throat. he remembers leaving for months and coming back to your welcoming arms, eyes a little bit guarded at the thought that he would not return, and toji watched as the edge always bled away.
when the ghost of her absence haunts toji, he snuffs the thoughts with memories of you.
“so selfish,” a voice like yours cry in his head.
i’m sorry.
when megumi’s birthday came rolling, toji had surprised him with a small cake. 
he shook megumi awake at 1 am, singing a quiet happy birthday to his little boy. she may be gone, but that doesn’t mean that toji wants megumi to continuously feel the stretch of her absence.
he felt his heart warm at megumi’s shyness, obviously not expecting toji to do something on that day. megumi closed his eyes and toji smiled as he watched his son pray.
“i wish she is back,” megumi whispered before blowing out the candle.
toji found himself wishing for the same, but he does not know if he meant her or you.
sometimes toji jolts awake at 2 am because of nightmares; the shadows a conglomerate of his family and her and you. in those nightmares, toji watches helplessly as your light is extinguished by a phantom. it takes toji weeks to realize that the phantom is him.
tonight, however, toji is woken up by tiny hands shaking him.
“papa,” megumi cries out, “papa i’m scared!”
toji makes space for megumi, scootching close to edge of the bed so megumi can crawl in between him and the wall. 
“don’t worry, my darling boy,” toji croaks out, struggling to remain awake, “i’ll chase the demons away.”
for some reason, that sounded like a bad thing to say as megumi begins whimpering again. toji brushes back his messy hair, wiping at his damp eyes, and shushing his crying.
“what if you leave me too?” megumi asks and toji is reminded of how young megumi is. that despite megumi’s silent understanding, he is only eight and hurting.
“i promise that i won’t,” toji says, meaning it wholly, and presses a kiss on megumi’s sweaty forehead.
megumi snuggles close to him, clutching at his shirt and hiding his tear-stained face at toji’s neck. “papa?” megumi asks, hesitant. toji hums in question.
“am i bad for missing y/n?” 
toji blinks, the hands rubbing on megumi’s back pausing. then he says, “no, love. i miss her too.”
“okay,” megumi whispers, voice nasally. “i hope mama wouldn’t be mad.”
when his son has finally slept, that is only when toji allowed himself to cry.
(this is what he will not tell her:
“i miss you as much as i miss her.”)
another year has passed when toji and megumi finally see you.
the feeling of euphoria engulfs toji whole. toji did not expect to meet you so soon and so close, especially after hearing from past acquaintances that you have moved somewhere far.
and yet, here you are: beautiful just like how he remembers.
the october air is barely cold, but toji studies the way you are swaddled with wool and cotton. your coats alone made you puffy, but something about you just seem different. something about you is unfamiliar.
he does not get to learn what it is as megumi calls out your name. toji has half the heart to run away, quite scared at meeting you, when you turned to them and smiled beautifully.
just like back then, toji thinks fondly, watching you walk to them.
“hi!” megumi says, excited, and runs to hug you. toji is still frozen as he watches you catch his son, mirroring his joy as you crouch down and squeeze him to you.
“hi, gumi!” you greet before turning to toji, “hi, toji-san!”
toji aches to come close and kiss you; to come back in your embrace just like all those years before.
“how are you?” he manages to ask, feigning nonchalance and calmness. 
“oh!” you say excitedly, giggling as you stand back up full height. megumi’s still attached beside you, one hand clasped with yours. lucky boy.
“i’m pregnant!” you announce, free hand coming up to rub at your still-flat belly.
toji unlocks the door of their home, careful not to jostle megumi awake from his arms. poor boy had stomped away after your announcement only to come back, eyes puffy and voice squeaky, hugging you without saying anything.
toji apologized at megumi’s behaviour, but he cannot fault his son. he, too, feels hurt.
when he lays on his bed, megumi now tucked in his, toji thinks back at the rose high on your cheeks and the smile on your face. he traces the sparkle in your eyes and the glow of your skin. you are so, so happy.
but not with me.
“selfish,” the voice in his head crows again. it sounds like you.
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