#so they rely on tips so that they can make a living wage
ishikawayukis · 3 months
tip culture in the states is kinda insane because why are people expecting you to tip literally everyone that has done a job for you
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tetraethyl · 1 year
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For those who may not know, I still live with my parents (and our many cats) in poverty. My dad works a factory job that pays ridiculously low wages, mistreats their workers, and myself and my mom can't work a "regular" job due to disabilities (hers physical, mine mental). I am trans and living in a very very maga-colored town, so I don't leave my house much unless it's for dr appointments, and I can't drive. I try to do commission work, but I have a backlog, cannot work fast enough, and haven't been getting much work lately due to AI and what have you.
Recently, our fridge has partially broke. Only the freezer works, so we can only store frozen food, and it's been too hot to cook in the summer since our electrical situation requires us to turn off all ac to even run an air fryer. So, we've had to rely on bread and fast food. On top of that, living in a very small town with only 1 grocery store makes it so they can crank up the prices with no consequence. Everyone here is too poor to do anything about any of this. Fast food has been cheaper and more filling for the last few months. If we had any other way of living, we would be living it. We have been barely able to eat once every other day.
So, I have to throw out the ask to anyone who sees this; if you are able, and enjoy my art, please at least give a reblog. I appreciate any and all help so much.
Here is my kofi for tips and donations while I try to work through commissions and backlog. We desperately need all the help we can get x__x
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dailyanarchistposts · 22 days
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A FEW FRIENDS AND COMRADES WENT DOWN TO THE shoreline and set up a small camp. A fire pit was set up, some fresh water brought down, a few posts and beams erected to define the area and as something for us to secure windbreaks to. Meanwhile, several of us gathered rock salt, pickling vinegar, capers, pickles, and food grade buckets. I phoned my mother on the East Coast of Canada to ask for a recipe and any tips she might have.
Believe it or not, even though I’m only 46 years old, my mom grew up making her own soap from animal fat, churning her own butter, collecting nuts, weaving wool, harvesting firewood with horses and sleighs, etc. Her family lived with hardly any money. They 1 id just enough from selling hazelnuts along the highway, firewood from their land, and other small initiatives to pay their property taxes, buy oil and flour and a few other basics. In one generation all these skills have been lost in our family. While my mother mourns her childhood, she does so with much reservation. It was all too much work, she complains. I think this is because the effort was done in the context of her family, without the deep roots of true village ways. Pioneer ways are different than a context of communal activity among others with whom we have strong kinship ties.
It so happened that a comrade from Mauvaise Herbe, a green anarchist group in Montreal, was visiting. He came to the little camp and we had a talk about their activity and ours, shared some perspectives and gathered some fresh oysters to roast and eat. One of the things we talked about was the “individual self” and its development. He related how some tribes people from the Vietnam area traditionally didn’t use the word I, but rather usually spoke about themselves from the perspective of the relationship that they were engaged in at the moment of talking. For instance a person speaking to an uncle would say: “niece wants to walk with uncle.” An individual without a community to rely on, to share the demands and desires for shelter and food and intimacy, for example, becomes groundless and atomized. Clearly, we need to be embedded within a group of people. And a group of people has the best chance of enduring and thriving if embedded in a place.
A couple of friends got hold of a zodiac and ventured into the water armed with a video camera to document the commercial fishery. It was risky. Bobbing around in extremely choppy waters in a rubber dinghy trying to videotape a bunch of fishers who likely weren’t too sure whether or not they wanted to allow it. After all, if anyone gets a lot of finger pointing from self-righteous urban environmentalists and activists, it’s the rural wage slaves who do all the primary extraction and plundering of resources for urban civilization: loggers, fishers, miners, etc. Thanks to our three brave friends, we have a few hours of documentation to use in our arsenal for future use. But at that point we still hadn’t gathered any herring.
Each day for about a week, a dedicated bunch us went down to the camp and waited to determine whether the herring had begun to fill the waters enough so that we could stand along the shoreline and net them, which is how it normally happens. The fish become so plentiful, that simply by dipping a net into the water, one can gather as many as a half dozen herring at a time! While they waited, they collected oysters and roasted them over the fire, and explained to others from our island community what they were up to. During that time many local friends, neighbors and comrades from urban centers came and went. Some were just curious, but most were hoping to learn something and to participate in this subsistence approach to living.
One reason why this attempt to learn and feed ourselves and understand one of the natural cycles of our region that was so appealing to our neighbors was that it wasn’t about politics. Some called it our protest camp, others the herring camp, just tl. . camp or even Vali’s camp, after one of the core people who initiated the energy around it. But the days weren’t intended on being spent arguing with politicians, trying to recruit members or handing our petitions. Here was a chance to feed ourselves, to build a culture not based on wage work, to learn new skills, and sadly, to witness and document another plunder. The small camp also reminded me of how little autonomous space we actually have. Apart from our local pirate radio station ( yeah, we’re on air!), situated in a small trailer, and a small autonomous zone on a separate beach created by other locals, all we have are each other’s homes to visit or commercial ventures to hang out in. But this was/is different. I think some of us would like to see a campsite or two permanently on our shoreline, regardless of the outcome of the herring fishery.
Eventually some fish were gathered and brought back to one of our homes. They were killed, their heads removed, then gutted and scales shed. Then after splitting them in two, the fillets were spread with mustard, wrapped around capers and pickles and placed in a bucket of pickling vinegar and onions, to be eaten at a later time. We didn’t succeed in filling our hampers for the next several months, in fact we barely harvested any, but we took a first step. That’s how all great dreams are realized. Hopefully next year we’ll be a little luckier and a little more experienced. Maybe eventually local kids will stay out of school, comrades will come visit from urban centers and we’ll all spend a few weeks just gutting and pickling herring as an extended group of friends, neighbors and rebels. Over time we will feel compelled to defend the ecological integrity of these waters and to protect the herring that dwell in them and which help sustain us.
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deke-rivers-1957 · 3 months
ECU High - Ross' Challenge
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It was a really hard year for Ross. After his mother died trying to give birth to her second child, it was just him and his father. But then during the winter of his senior year, his father died in a car crash. Ross was completely overwhelmed with grief. Since he was already 18 years old, he wasn't placed into foster care.
His father only lived paycheck to paycheck so he had no nest egg to fall back on. While he did apply for financial aid, the process was too slow to help him during his final semester. He tried to make ends meet working at Bucc-ee's but going into the new school year it just isn't enough. Principal Gates asked him to come to his office.
"You wanted to see me?"
"I know that you've been struggling Ross. So I just wanted to ask you one last time. Are you sure you don't want any money?"
Ross sighs knowing what this conversation is about.
"No. We never had handouts and I don't think I'll ever will. Financial aid's taking too long so I give up on that."
"How have you been making money."
"Working at Buc-ee's."
Principal Gates has never heard of that, but he can tell it's not a good job.
"Listen. I know of an elderly couple who run a Greek restaurant. The Stavros' are always looking for waiters during the school year."
He writes down the address.
"You can go there when your half day is over and tell them that I recommended you."
Ross takes the paper and realizes this is his chance of getting something better.
"Thank you sir. I'll do my best."
"I know you will Ross. Now you best go on to class."
Ross grins and goes to class before the bell rings. He sees Danny already made it.
"Hey Danny how's your dad been doing at the drugstore?"
Danny shakes his head.
"Ah think Mr. Primont's ageist."
"What do you mean?"
"Ah went down to the drugstore last night an overheard him complainin bout how Pa isn't doin things they way he wants. That if Pa really knew what was best he'd have his own business."
Ross sighs.
"That sucks man. But at least you won't need to work 2 jobs to make ends meet."
"Yeah but Ah don't want Pa to lose his dignity just so we have food on the table."
"I get it."
Danny rubs his eyes.
"What bout you Ross?"
"Gates hooked me up with a possible job at a Greek place."
"Oh. Ah think Ah heard of it. Stavros?"
He shows Danny the address.
"Yeah. I think Gates has a good connection with them. Probably pays good if he's recommending them to me."
"Well good luck with that Ross."
Ross nods and goes about the rest of his school day. Once the lunch bell rings, he leaves to go over to Stavros. He walks in and sees an old woman inside acting as hostess.
"Welcome to Stavros."
He pulls out the paper.
"Mr. Gates said I can find work here. Are you Mrs. Stavros?"
"Yes. I bring you to Papa."
Ross feels confused but he follows her to the back office.
"Papa. This young man wants work."
He looks up at Ross.
"Who sent you?"
"Mr. Gates. He wrote down the address since I really need a job."
A long conversation begins. Ross explains the situation. He manages to endear himself with Mrs. Stavros.
"Oh Papa give him a chance."
Mr. Stavros nods.
"Mama is right. You work 3 to 11 pm."
Ross smiles.
"Thank you so much sir. I can start today if you want."
"Good. Get his uniform Mama."
Mama Stavros goes to a small closet and grabs a waiter's uniform. It has a white shirt, black vest and tie, with black pants.
"Wow. That looks really nice."
"All Stavros employees wear it."
He takes it from Mama.
"Where can I go and change?"
"We have restrooms in the back."
Ross nods and goes to change. He has a feeling that this will be a good place to work. He goes over their conversation and realizes that this might make his life at least a tiny bit easier.
Because business has been booming, they can afford to give their wait staff actual wages instead of having them mostly rely on tips. They've also decided to graciously allow him to sleep in the back. Ross has been slowly building up a nest egg while still trying to graduate and have some dignity.
"Maybe my life will get better."
Tagging: @mercsandmonsters, @vintagepresley, @thetaoofzoe, @elvismylove04, @ashtag6887,
@tupelomiss, @thedaisymaisy, @richardslady121, @arrolyn1114, @theelviseffect,
@elvisbooty76, @theladyofmylife, @xanatenshi, @just-another-boring-bisexual, @aliengoth3, 
@phil2135561, @gayforelvis, @ash-omalley, @eptodaytommorowforever, @wildhorseinkansas,
@alienelvisobsession, @comebackep, @presley72elvis, @leopardandstuds, @ellie-24, 
@heart-of-ep, @thatbanditqueen, @starboybutler, @be-my-ally, @myradiaz, 
@jaqueline19997, @louisejoy86, @peskybedtime, @lookingforrainbows, @kiankiwi, 
@your-nanas-house, @januarypresley1969, @justrae9903, @codalysssssworld, @burnthheparaphilia,
@joshuntildawn13, @briefpandatimemachine, @sillybookmarks, @tacozebra051, @cattcb, 
@perfectpresley, @vintagegirl50s60s70s80s, @lett-them-eatt-cake, @precious-little-scoundrel, @j-v-9-2,
@almightybigbrain, @pinkcaddyconfessions, @miniaturerunawaykid, @msamarican, @hooked-on-elvis,
@doll-elvis, @idk583838, @queencreole1958, @queenncreole and @them-rts.
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gregorygerwitz · 6 months
#the ‘never’s make me wanna scream#what do you mean you NEVER tip your delivery driver?#you have to go out of your way to choose ‘no tip’ like it’s the default selection to leave one
I really think there's just a lot of non americans answering your poll, because in my country it's not a thing at all. Our apps don't have a section for a tip, and the driver isn't expecting one either. We sometimes have a place to put a tip in restaurants but even that, it's more in big, famous cities because they know that some tourists could have the reflex to tip.
Yeah, my opinions are definitely very American™️, and that’s something I’m trying to be more aware of. A few people have put explanations like that in the tags and I want to make this clear - my opinions don’t apply to those people.
I honestly frequently forget I have international followers, just because most of my closer friends and mutuals on here are either people I know IRL or people I know are States-based. So my very American/North American opinions really only apply to people who live here.
That being said, I kind of want to clarify a few things for international people - and I know some/most of them know these things, but as a blanket explanation for people who don’t.
As a driver for DoorDash, I make $13.50 “per hour.” And that doesn’t apply to every minute I’m “on the clock.” I can log in and say I want to Dash, but I don’t get paid at all until I accept an order/stack, and as soon as those are delivered, the pay stops until I accept something again. $13.50/h, of course, is already well below minimum wage in my area, and I’m not even getting paid for all of my time.
Usually, my paychecks from DoorDash are 1/2 or more just tips. Because I can’t work my full time job right now, I’m heavily relying on these payments, and therefore tips, just to… stay alive.
So, yesterday, when I did six (6) deliveries, and only one (1) person tipped? I was really frustrated and upset, and I rode that energy while making the poll.
On a happier note! I’m 2 deliveries into my morning (with 2 more stacked, that I’m waiting for in the cafe right now), and I’ve already made 6x the tips I did yesterday I just had a bad run of orders, and some of them took me WAY out of my regular “zone,” which I then had to drive back to in order for it to assign me new orders. So I quit early and went home and watched 911 s4 with my roommate.
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thebeeshaveknees · 2 years
Talking about my ageswap au for mp100 TW for suicide!!
I feel like grown Ritsu in this au would be angry and generally a jerk - he only gets away with running a Spirit Exorcism Business because for some reason people that get to close to him spontaneously gain the ability to see spirits, curses and auras. He's actually The weakest natural psychic, he just can't tell because he almost never has to rely on his power alone.
Mob killed himself at 14 after years of trying to manage his powers with no master to help him or give him a place where he really belonged. There isn't really a tipping point, he just comes to understand that he's not happy to be alive, no one else is either, and dying would mean The Thing from The Incident dies with him. He follows Ritsu around as a ghost because that's all Mob really has a desire to do - this leads to him constantly leaking his energy into the area around him as he unconsciously absorbs it (can't have a psychic overload if you're a psychic rain cycle) so not only to people around him (and Ritsu because he Never leaves Ritsu) get tiny crumbs of psychic energy, but Ritsu also can't Really tell when Mob pours power into him to make his attacks stronger (which he does all the time because Ritsu isn't strong enough to exorcise spirits)
Reigen at age 10 ended up near Ritsu, seeing Mob and then just following them until Ritsu started yelling at him. Reigen sees Mob dip to hide out of Ritsu's sight and takes a chance. Asks if Ritsu can see ghosts too, to which Ritsu says that yes, he can, and he has a business for it. Reigen ends up guilting Ritsu into letting him go to the office Once (Mob used to be outcast for seeing ghosts too and look what happened to him). Reigen goes in covered in bruises and bandages because he got excited and told kids at school he saw ghosts, and Ritsu again is like 'this is how it started, this is why Nii-san died - what if I could help?' And Reigen takes full advantage, saying he's a very powerful psychic (like a liar) and then becoming The Receptionist. Ritsu pays him exact minimum wage to the minute and only when he goes out on a job because when he's in the office he has no responsibilities and is therefore being babysat.
Ekubo is a human, a year older than Reigen and a giant jerk that speaks four languages (at least). He told Reigen they were friends and didn't leave him alone since (he was trying to get to Mob) and then makes fun of Ritsu constantly (to get to Mob) all so he can figure out why Mob is so powerful and eventually eat him. This plan changes when Teruki - a TV psychic - comes to his house (which is technically an abandoned house, he lives there with a dozen or so ghosts that have raised him for as long as he can remember [one of his uncles said there were more before Mogami came, Mogami was like the boogie man for Ekubo]) He only calls for help when he figures out he absolutely can't win himself (he texts Reigen to bring Mob, they bring Ritsu as their emotional support grown man)
When Ritsu, Reigen and Mob get there, Ekubo has a giant barrier around the whole house full of ghosts, and Teru's holding the kid against it by the neck just hissing 'drop the barrier' over and over. His camera crew is knocked away somewhere, now he just wants to win against this kid. Ekubo has had the shit kicked out of him, but the barrier is still there. Ritsu instantly goes to wrip Teruki away, and Teruki takes an adult esper as an invitation to go ham - well, at least until Mob comes out in the open for the first time to stop those two because You Don't use psychic powers on another person. Teruki ends up using Ritsu, Reigen and Ekubo as leverage because he can't figure out how to hurt Mob. Mob can't keep up with the power while he's in his leaky spirit form so he has to take a human form to hold and control his energy better (like Ekubo in canon, except Mob looks like Mob because he remembers being human).
Teruki learns, Reigen and Ekubo come to terms with the dead kid they've been talking to, Ritsu cries for a Long time, they all get invited in for tea by one of Ekubo's many ghost parents.
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oliviaphleb · 22 days
Opening Opportunities: Phlebotomy Jobs in Orange County, CA
Unlocking Opportunities: Phlebotomy Jobs in Orange County, CA
Are you considering a ⁢career in the medical field? Do you have ‌a passion for helping others and a keen eye for detail? If so, pursuing a career in phlebotomy might be the perfect fit for you. Phlebotomists play a crucial role ⁤in the healthcare industry by collecting blood samples from patients for laboratory testing and ‍analysis. In Orange County, CA, there is a high ‍demand for skilled phlebotomists, making it a great location ⁣to jumpstart your career in this field.
In this⁣ article, we will explore ⁤the opportunities available for ‌phlebotomy jobs in Orange County, CA, ‌and provide you with valuable information on how to get started in this⁢ rewarding career path.
Benefits of Pursuing Phlebotomy Jobs in⁤ Orange County, CA:
1. High ⁢Demand: ‌Orange County, CA, is home​ to numerous⁣ hospitals, clinics, and medical facilities that rely on phlebotomists to collect blood samples ⁣from patients. With a growing⁤ population and an aging‍ baby⁣ boomer generation, the demand for‌ healthcare services, including phlebotomy, is on the rise.
2. Competitive Salary: Phlebotomists‍ in Orange County, CA, can earn a competitive salary, with⁣ the potential for growth‌ as they gain experience and expertise ‍in the⁢ field. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, ⁢the median⁢ annual wage for phlebotomists in California is $39,020, with the top 10% earning more​ than $53,900.
3. Job Stability: Healthcare is a recession-proof industry, and phlebotomists are‌ essential‌ members of the​ healthcare team. This means ⁢that job stability⁤ and security are high for those pursuing a career in phlebotomy in Orange County, ‍CA.
Practical Tips for Landing ⁢a Phlebotomy ⁤Job in Orange County, CA:
1. Obtain the Necessary Education‌ and Training: To become a certified phlebotomist, you will need to complete a phlebotomy training program ​and pass‌ a national certification exam. Many community colleges and vocational schools offer‍ phlebotomy training programs in Orange County, CA.
2. Gain Experience: Hands-on experience is crucial in the field of phlebotomy. Consider volunteering at a local hospital or clinic to gain practical experience and build your⁤ skills.
3. Network: Attend job fairs, workshops, and conferences in the healthcare industry to network with professionals and potential employers. Building connections ‍can help you land ⁤a phlebotomy ‌job in Orange County, CA.
Case Study: Maria’s Journey to Becoming a⁣ Phlebotomist in Orange County, CA
Maria always had a passion for helping ⁣others ‌and knew she wanted to pursue‍ a career in​ healthcare. After completing a phlebotomy training program at a local community college in Orange County, CA, Maria gained ⁣hands-on experience by volunteering at a clinic⁣ in ⁤her community. Her dedication and⁢ hard work paid⁣ off when she landed a‌ phlebotomy ⁣job at a prestigious hospital in Orange County, CA. Maria ‌now enjoys a rewarding career as⁤ a certified phlebotomist, making a difference in the lives ‍of patients every day.
phlebotomy⁣ jobs in Orange County, CA, offer a wealth of opportunities for those looking to build a ‌successful career in the healthcare industry. With high demand, competitive salaries, and job stability, pursuing a‌ career in phlebotomy can⁤ be a rewarding and fulfilling choice. By obtaining the⁢ necessary​ education and training, gaining hands-on experience, and networking​ with professionals in the field, you can unlock the door to​ a bright future as ⁣a phlebotomist in Orange County, CA. Start your journey today and take the first step towards a promising career in phlebotomy.
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monsooninn · 9 months
Berakhot 4a: 14. "The Controversy."
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Surely this verse is the vortex of the mind the Religion draws us into- is there a Holy One and can faith in Him make a difference? Will there ever be a sufficient number of Jewish souls to pay a decent wage to God for the sake of long-lasting peace and happiness in the place or not? Jewish persons have agonized over how to do this since the inception of time.
We certainly have sufficient reason: All of us want to behold great beauty in our lifetimes and be told we are an intractable aspect of it ourselves, and imbue it without diversion. King David was no exception, as this next portion of the Mishnah states. But can the Talmud do more than provide us with agitation about the question or does it contain a workable answer? Yes to both:
14. And David, who is a "devotee" to her souls? And he wrote, "Had I not believed to see the goodness of God in the land of the living", and her name is Rabbi Yossi: Why is the emphasis on "Had it not"? -
David said before the Holy One, blessed be He: Lord of the world, I am assured in You that You pay a good wage to the righteous for the future to come, but I do not know if there is Is there a difference between them or not?!
The Values in Gematria are:
a. 10796, יז‎טח‎‎, yeztah, "Dare 19."
A dare is way of pressuring someone to take a risk and go all the way. 19= "Only through a rational fashion can the "filling" between the Name of God, Ha Shem, and the future plight of humanity be made to coincide.
b. 10993, אאֶפֶסטטג‎ , apesttag, "offset of the crown."
The Mishnah states there are types of temperaments and types of students that cause the Crown to settle into place or tip to one side. Obviously humanity is not achieving sovereignty over itself by squabbling and bickering, building war machines and religicizing every last thing.
The lack of sense in these things and their outcomes are clear; so the answer to the question posed by David, can we do it or not depends on which of the character types upon which we want to rely the most heavily.
From the Mishnah, Chapter 5 Pirkei Avot:
11. There are four types of temperaments: Easily angered and easily pacified — his loss is outweighed by his merit; hard to anger and hard to pacify — his merit is outweighed by his loss; hard to anger and easy to pacify — pious; easily angered and hard to pacify — wicked.
12. There are four types of students: Quick to grasp and quick to forget — his gain is overridden by his loss; slow to grasp and slow to forget — his loss is overridden by his gain; quick to grasp and slow to forget — this is a good portion; slow to grasp and quick to forget — this is a bad portion.
13. There are four types among those who give charity: One who wishes to give but that others should not — he begrudges others; that others should give and he should not — he begrudges himself; that he should give and others should too — he is pious; that he should not give nor should others — he is wicked.
14. There are four types among those who attend the House of Study: One who attends but does not engage [in study] earns the reward for going. One who engages [in study] but does not attend earns the reward for the act [of studying]. One who attends and engages [in study] is pious. One who neither attends nor engages [in study] is wicked.
There are four types among those who sit before the Sages. [They are likened to] a sponge, a funnel, a strainer, and a sieve: A sponge, which absorbs everything; a funnel, which takes in from one end and spills out from the other; a strainer, which allows the wine to flow out and retains the dregs; and a sieve, which allows the flour to pass through and retains the fine flour.
16. Whenever love is dependent upon a specific consideration, when that consideration vanishes, the love ceases. If, by contrast, it is not dependent upon a specific consideration, it will never cease. Which is a love that is dependent upon a specific thing? The love of Amnon and Tamar.7 And one which is not dependent upon a specific thing? The love of David and Yonasan.
17. Any controversy which is for the sake of Heaven will be perpetuated; and that which is not for the sake of Heaven will not be perpetuated.
Thus comes the answer to the dilemma, a love which is dependent on no specific thing, and avoidance of any desire that is not for the sake of heaven, these are how the wages to God for the sake of all life on earth are paid.
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adj4mp · 11 months
Do I tip at restaurants?
This is a complicated question because while generally, I'd like to tip it often depends on a couple of factors.
How Classy is the Restaurant? Fast Food in most cases tipping isn't possible, I tip delivery drivers for prompt service but it's not really possible to tip the rest of the staff. Very high-end restaurants tipping doesn't feel necessary, you can pay more for a meal at those places than most people use for a month of food at home, they should be paying their staff well enough to not rely on tips. Everything in the middle though I'd like to tip.
Has the service been above and beyond? Has something gone wrong with the meal? Have the staff made extra efforts to make sure our meal went perfectly? If any of this is a Yes I tip the staff, even if part of fixing a mistake is comping the meal I try to pay the full price of the meal(s) and a tip on top.
Are the staff being paid fairly for what they're expected to do? This is a whole lot easier to guess in the UK than in some other places in the world as our minimum wage is never dependent on tips, so in most cases, it's easy to tell if it's a job that pays that minimum or if they pay more. If a lot of the staff especially the front of house staff are under 25 then it's likely all minimum wage work, if there are people working who are a little older or seem like this is a lifetime career for them then the job is likely paying fairly or at least above the bare minimum. The minimum wage in my opinion isn't really enough to live on anymore, so I try to fix that balance where I can.
Some examples of times when I've tipped more:
One Easter I was sitting at a cafe, I'd asked my sister to order me soup and I waited at the table, the soup was delivered to me quickly but it had been meant for another table and I hadn't realised. A mistake was made, they fixed it for the other table and they gave me the second soup to take home for free, I tipped the cost of the soup plus a little extra. I still consumed it, my mistake cost them time and energy so I felt like I should still pay for it.
One Halloween me and some family went to have a meal in a chain restaurant, one of my family ordered a fish meal that they took one bite of and decided they didn't want, there was a little fuss, and they comped that person's meal completely. We tried to pay in full even the meal we didn't finish and we left a big tip including the cost of the 2 unpaid for meals because even though we knew we were being difficult the staff fixed the issue quickly and professionally.
Unfortunately, I don't get to eat out very often and things going wrong are even rarer so two stories from the last 10 years are all I have.
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kasivandivier · 1 year
How to Discover and also Work With a Reputable Housemaid
Making a decision to work with a house cleaner or house cleaning service can really relieve the stress and anxiety of a hectic couple or household who may not have time to clean their home themselves. A housekeeping solution will usually be available in when a week or bi-weekly, depending upon your requirements. It does take a lot of trust to be able to have someone entered your house and also deal with your stuff, so it is important that you do not skimp on the due persistance needed to discover a trustworthy caretaker.
Below are some tips that you can make use of to locate and work with a reputable maid:
Ask Friends or Family for a Referral
Do you have neighborhood close friends or family that make use of a housekeeping service? Can they refer you to somebody that they have made use of for a while? Getting a referral from a person you understand is an excellent way to find a reliable maid. As well as the housekeeper will certainly feel excellent regarding being referred because it shows that their present customer respects their work and also is comfortable providing the additional business.
Finding a House Cleaning Solution Business or Individual?
There are a lot of house cleaning solution business that you can get to come in as well as do housekeeping or there are independent specialists who have their very own firm. If you make a decision to collaborate with a firm, ensure that you have the ability to obtain the same maid almost every single time, in this manner you can help the caretaker become aware of exactly how you would like your home cleaned up. Some folks have problems with housemaid solution business due to the fact that the housemaids may not be getting paid a living wage as a result of the firm's cut; if that issues you, after that do your study right into business techniques of the prospective companies prior to providing your company.
Examine Referrals
If you are unable to obtain a referral from a pal or family member, after that ask the possible company or independent contractor for references. You should ask the recommendations for how long they have actually been a client, if they are pleased with the solutions, and various other inquiries that you can ask that might refer to your home requires.
Pick a Service Set up
Do you desire a house cleaner ahead in once a week? Or would certainly you prefer somebody just ahead in regular monthly? Your demands will rely on your family, your budget plan, and their routines. You may test a solution out and also have actually a housemaid can be found in regular monthly and also raise the brows through if you feel that a when a month cleaning is poor.
Determine Your Requirements
What types of solutions do you need from your maid? Will he or she do cleaning, vacuuming, sweeping wiping, and light organizing? Or do you need the solution to clean out the refrigerator, clean your outside furnishings, https://www.vashiatvhod.com and also other specialty services? Make a list of what you would such as done in each check out and also, probably, what services must be finished on a month-to-month basis. Determining your needs upfront will make the relationship with your house cleaner go a lot smoothly.
Do a Trial Run
Prior to hiring a house cleaner lasting, you might want to do a dry run for a month or so to make certain that they can complete the work sufficiently. If not, after that no injury done, you can just go on to discover another caretaker.
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ranaiki · 1 year
This may be a controversial opinion, but...
if you don’t like to tip, you shouldn’t utilize services that expect, require, or even suggest tipping.
Yes, tipping expectations have gone way up recently, and sometimes get out of hand. Yes, the responsibility of giving the employees enough money to live off of shouldn’t be placed on the customer. But the unfortunate reality is that minimum wage, even those way above it, don’t cut it for the costs of living, and there is more importance placed on the wealth of a select few than on the well-being of the many. 
I personally do not love to tip all the time, and I will admit that. I don’t have a ton of money to spare, so the idea of giving a little extra off the top “just because” hurts my soul a little bit. But I still always tip.
Do you know how I get around it? By not utilizing the services that require me to tip. I want some food, but it’ll cost me a lot extra to get it delivered? I’ll pick it up myself, or I’ll just make it at home.
The services that require us to tip, are not services we are required to use.
I think thats where a lot of the confusion comes into play. There’s a sense of entitlement that comes with using these services that leads people to not want to tip.
“I already paid for my food, why should I have to pay extra?”
Because you’re using an extra service. You’re using someone’s time, energy, brain power, kindness - you name it. And that deserves proper payment.
In an ideal world, servers, delivery drivers, and caterers (those who most definitely should be tipped every single time) would be paid enough money to where a tip is negligible, and just a little bonus off the top, like it was intended. But that’s not the world we live in.
In the case of servers at restaurants, they are paid hourly, but that hourly rate is often reduced because of the expectation that they will also be earning tips (same with bartenders). Meaning, quite literally, that most of their wages are made up of tips, and they rely on the goodness of people’s hearts to bring home the same amount of money as someone paid the standard minimum wage.
In the case of delivery drivers, oftentimes they’re not even paid at an hourly rate, only by the deliveries they take and, brace for it, tips! For localized delivery drivers (like for specific chains - think a domino’s delivery driver) this is not the case as far as I know, though I don’t know the idiosyncrasies of how their job works. But for delivery through the major apps (GrubHub, DoorDash, etc), this is how many of them work. You can get an hourly rate, but only if you block out a specific time you want to work well in advance. The blocks open up at a certain time of week, and all drivers block out the times they want at that moment. There are limited slots, and the longer you’ve been driving for them, the more preferential treatment you get (early access, etc). It doesn’t truly matter if you get it, you can still work whenever you want, it’s more insurance than anything. In the case that you don’t get any deliveries while on the clock, blocking out your time helps you get paid for the time you were waiting around. Not blocking it out means that even if you spent an hour waiting, you don’t get paid. But there’s a catch - the hourly is only meant to make up for missed wages, it’s not a base pay. I can’t remember the exact amount it makes up for, but I believe it is based on the minimum wage in that area. So say you deliver for 1 hour, and the min. wage in your area is $15/hr. Say you get one delivery, and earn $7. The company helps get you up to $15, but nothing more, as in, you don’t get $22 for working the hour and making that $7 delivery. If you didn’t get to block out a slot? Tough luck, $7 it is (and for the record, that is a lot for one delivery. Typical deliveries earn you around $5 or less).
Now I hope it’s a little more clear why tips are especially crucial for delivery drivers. They hop all over the city picking up and dropping off food for barely any money, and rely on tips to make up for their time, gas, and effort. They aren’t even truly paid for the job they do.
Before anyone hops to my comments or messages saying some bs about getting different jobs...
Take a moment to consider that maybe this is the other job. Maybe they have an inflexible schedule (student, parent, or have another job that can’t make ends meet) and do deliveries when they have time. Maybe they’re young, or have no prior job experience that could land them a “better paying” job. Maybe they’re an ex-con trying to get their life back together, someone trying to get out of a tough situation, or just generally trying to make ends meet by doing literally whatever job they can (and there are a lot of people like that out there).
And take another moment to consider what it would be like if everyone up and dropped these jobs you consider beneath you, that are apparently so worthless you can’t even tip a couple of bucks. Would you be able to sit back and get food delivered to your doorstep? Would you be able to enjoy a nice evening at a restaurant, waited on hand and foot?
I think you know the answer.
So, to bring it all back around full circle - just tip when you go out. Or, if you really don’t want to, or can’t afford it, simply don’t go out. Pretty easy. Until the system is fixed, and decent, hardworking people don’t rely on other decent hardworking people to allow them to live, tipping is going to be expected.
If you don’t like it?
Get out there and fix it.
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bookmytalent · 1 year
Cost-Effective Brilliance: How Hiring Indian Programmers Can Save You Money Without Compromising Quality
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In today’s digital age, businesses around the world are increasingly relying on software development to drive their growth and success. As the demand for skilled programmers continues to rise, so does the need for cost-effective solutions. This is where hiring Indian programmers shines as a smart choice. Are you also looking for a cost-effective solution to your programming needs without compromising on quality? Look no further! Hiring Indian programmers could be the answer you’ve been searching for. In this article, we will explore the benefits of hiring Indian programmers. Try to understand why they are cost-effective, and discover how you can ensure top-quality results while saving money.
Why Indian Programmers are Cost-Effective?
Lower wages:
The primary factor contributing to the cost-effectiveness of Indian programmers is the wage difference compared to programmers in other countries. Due to India’s lower cost of living, programmers can afford to work at competitive rates without compromising their living standards. This wage difference allows businesses to access top talent at a fraction of the cost, making it an attractive option for companies aiming to optimize their budgets.
Favorable currency exchange rates:
Currency exchange rates also play a vital role in the cost-effectiveness equation. The conversion of foreign currencies, such as the US dollar or Euro, into Indian rupees often results in a favorable exchange rate. This means that businesses paying in foreign currencies can benefit from significant cost savings when hiring Indian programmers.
Large talent pool:
India is home to a vast talent pool of programmers with diverse skill sets. The country’s emphasis on STEM education has resulted in a steady supply of competent developers across various programming languages and technologies. This abundance of talent gives businesses the flexibility to find programmers with the specific expertise required for their projects, ensuring high-quality outcomes.
Ensuring Quality While Hiring Indian Programmers
To ensure quality when hiring Indian programmers, consider the following factors:
Technical expertise:
When evaluating candidates, assess their technical expertise by reviewing their past projects, GitHub profiles, or code samples. Look for evidence of proficiency in the required programming languages and technologies. Conduct technical assessments or coding tests to gauge their problem-solving abilities and familiarity with industry best practices.
Communication and collaboration skills:
Effective communication and collaboration are essential when working with remote programmers. Evaluate candidates’ English language proficiency and their ability to clearly articulate their ideas. Look for programmers who demonstrate good interpersonal skills, as this will contribute to smooth collaboration and project success.
Portfolio and experience verification:
Request candidates’ portfolios to assess the quality of their previous work. Verify their experience by checking references or contacting past employers or clients. A well-documented portfolio and positive recommendations can provide reassurance regarding the programmer’s abilities and reliability.
Tips for Finding and Hiring Indian Programmers
To find and hire Indian programmers successfully, consider the following tips:
Research and shortlisting:
Research reputable platforms and websites where you can find Indian programmers. Read reviews, check ratings, and analyze the platform’s track record. Shortlist candidates based on their qualifications, experience, and project compatibility.
Interviews and assessments:
Conduct interviews to assess candidates’ technical skills, problem-solving abilities, and communication skills. Ask specific questions related to their previous experience and gauge their enthusiasm for the role. Additionally, consider conducting technical assessments or coding challenges to evaluate their hands-on capabilities.
Collaborative tools and platforms:
Utilize collaborative tools and platforms that facilitate seamless communication and project management. These tools can bridge the gap caused by remote working setups and enable effective collaboration between you and the hired Indian programmers.
Essential Steps to Ensure Quality Before Hiring Indian Programmers
While cost-effectiveness is crucial, it’s equally important to ensure the quality of work delivered by Indian programmers. Here are some steps you can take to maintain high standards:
Assessing skills and experience:
During the hiring process, thoroughly evaluate the skills and experience of Indian programmers. Look for certifications, degrees, and relevant industry experience that align with your project requirements.
Reviewing portfolios and past projects:
Ask for portfolios or samples of work to assess the quality and depth of their programming skills. Reviewing their past projects can give you an idea of their coding style, problem-solving abilities, and overall competence.
Conducting interviews and tests:
Conduct interviews and technical tests to gauge the programmers’ proficiency and ability to handle real-life scenarios. This step allows you to assess their problem-solving skills, adaptability, and critical thinking abilities.
Seeking client references:
Request client references from Indian programmers to get feedback on their performance, professionalism, and ability to meet deadlines. Speaking with their previous clients can provide valuable insights into their work ethic and reliability.
Hiring Indian programmers can be a cost-effective and brilliant decision for businesses looking to save money without compromising on quality. With their expertise, cultural compatibility, and competitive pricing, Indian programmers offer an excellent solution for companies worldwide.
When considering hiring remote Indian programmers, exploring platforms like BookMyTalent can be a valuable option. BookMyTalent provides a platform to connect with talented Indian programmers who can offer their expertise and skills for your projects. By leveraging the capabilities of remote Indian programmers, you can access cost-effective solutions without compromising on quality. 
Remember to conduct thorough research, evaluate candidates based on their experience and qualifications, and establish clear communication and expectations. With the right approach, hiring remote Indian programmers through platforms like BookMyTalent can contribute to the success of your projects and bring exceptional value to your business.
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gay-kurapika · 1 year
So I argued with people on Reddit (foolish and definitely hypomanic behavior because I don’t even regret it), but I was right. With the way the restaurant industry is set up in the US, a flat wage would never work. Servers at restaurant in the US basically work as sales people who make a commission, and they are mostly selling their own personality and the promise of a good experience. That is literally a fact. If you go to a restaurant in the US and you have even a minor complaint about a server, they didn’t do their job right and can be fired. That level of job insecurity is sales where you are the product. Servers in the US, depending whether or not you live in California, make $2-3 an hour plus tips, meaning their entire wage relies on tips day to day. They do not get sick leave, they do not get health insurance, they do not get lunch breaks at work, they do not get fucking maternity leave, my cousin worked clear into her goddamn third trimester to save money for when she would need to take time off work. When they leave, even medically, they are subject to be replaced. They work nights, weekends, and holidays, there isn’t a day off for a server. I used to feel lucky that my serving job closed for half a day on Christmas, everyone else in the US takes that for granted. If you want the level of humiliating bullshit service that goes into being a server in the US, then yes you have to fucking tip. It is required, because there is no other draw to this job except that you might make slightly more money if you’re charming enough. That’s it. And I recognize that isn’t right, but even within the post I said “a lot of things would need to fundamentally change for a flat wage to work” almost exactly, and I was correct. Yeah, with a lot of societal backing a flat wage would be okay, but expect people who care a lot less and worse service, because no one is doing that job for $15 an hour with the way the US is set up right now. I wouldn’t even do it for over $20 an hour, it was worth it to me to be able to basically tell someone to fuck off in a retail job.
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rafaelfurerr · 2 years
Finding the Right Job Posting Platforms
As a job seeker, finding the right recruiting platform to post your resume and gain access to potential job opportunities is critical With so many different platforms available today, it can be difficult to decide which one best suits your needs In this comprehensive guide, we will take a look at some of the top recruiting platforms with multiple postings that can help you find the perfect fit for your next career move
First off, LinkedIn is one of the leading professional networking sites on the web and boasts an impressive array of features designed for employers looking for talent and individuals searching for employment When using LinkedIn as part of your recruitment strategy, employers have access to detailed profiles from both passive and active job seekers – making it easy to evaluate candidates without having to rely solely on resumes or references As well as its advanced search engine allowing recruiters to narrow down their searches according to location, qualifications etc, LinkedIn also provides users with industry-specific newsfeeds in addition to job vacancies making it easier than ever before for people wanting currently advertised positions only see what they are interested in!
Next up is Indeed - the world’s largest online jobs site that connects millions of candidates across all industries worldwide with thousands upon thousands (if not million job postings every day Not only does Indeed feature some truly unique tools such as pay comparison reports which can give prospective employees an accurate understanding between salaries by industry/region but they also offer various resources like CV writing advice & tips; salary estimators; skills testing – you name it! Furthermore through Indeed Prime there is even more opportunity presented with free resume reviews plus tailored searching capabilities like targeted email alerts about relevant posts specific only those who sign up for their service! Lastly because applicants use indeed – now matter how large a company may be employers know when posting their openings here that visibility will never fade away!
 Next up is Jobisite- the world’s free online jobs site that connects many candidates across all industries worldwide with thousands upon thousands. It offers various free services for recruiters and job seekers and makes things really easy for them. It also offers automation of recruitment and job application processes.Furthermore through Jobisite Premium , there is even more opportunity presented with free resume reviews plus tailored searching capabilities like targeted email alerts about relevant posts specific only those who sign up for their service!
 Another popular platform widely used today is Glassdoor – another go-to source when it comes locating openings around you or abroad since Glassdoor covers over countries globally while boasting million companies listed within its database already! Unlike other sites where emphasis lies heavily upon employer reviews rather than live vacancies this portal brings together hundreds if not thousand listings through simple yet powerful filters enabling you conveniently adjust terms related exactly what want do including type work desired level experience locality wage demands even ratings given past workers' experiences working wherever chose apply at as well numerous other items ensuring get most out each application sent put forth effort accordingly!
  Another popular platform widely used today is HiringNear– another go-to source when it comes locating openings around you or abroad. It is compratively new in the market but getting good promotions and traffic. Currently it offers various free services for recruiters. One of the popular is thier one click free job posting and post with out registration.
 Monster stands among same ranks three aforementioned names being hub everything from entry high-level roles starting apprenticeships progressing development placements giving ample different pathways progress whichever chosen field might lie With Monster's partnerships corporate giants Amazon Microsoft Apple Samsung has access prime positions nearly any company could possibly imagine! What sets apart rest though ability save favorite searches & receive notifications instant directly inbox whenever
     Tips for Getting the Most Out of Your Job Postings
  Finding a new hire can be a difficult and time-consuming process There are countless resources that job seekers use to look for positions, such as online job boards, social media channels and recruitment agencies With the proliferation of these various options, it's important to know how to make the most out of your postings in order to attract the best talent This blog post will provide an all-inclusive guide on tips for getting the most out of your job postings across multiple recruiting platforms
The first step in optimizing your job postings is understanding which platforms offer the greatest reach and impact for each position being advertised Many organizations focus their efforts solely on traditional job sites like CareerBuilder or Monster but there are many other outlets available depending on specific industry or geographical requirements such as LinkedIn, Indeed or Glassdoor that may generate more interested candidates than expected through precise targeting techniques you could otherwise not access elsewhere What’s more? Postings can easily be replicated across multiple networks with just one click using applicant tracking systems (ATS software solutions providing greater visibility over prolonged periods
Another critical aspect when putting together effective posts is by carefully crafting detailed descriptions of roles being advertised in order stand out from competitors whilst also reaching potential applicants who have already applied unsuccessfully due competing offers leading them to withdraw their applications day-prior meaning they're likely receptive engage again prior expiration date Longer copy should incorporate relevant keywords associated with corresponding proficiency/skillset requirements drawing attention from distinguished professionals within niche industries quickly applying before rivals compete same applicants candidate pools beginning dry up fast mentioned beforehand We'll explore further details later regarding types content recommend included draft documents successfully supported comprehensive selection processes improve quality however understand stand currently already itemizing list general qualities outline scope expectations begin process entire concept encompass much broader spectrum nevertheless here go into specifics sufficient degree beginners grasp optimally posting opportunities increase chances success during campaign
Finally need prominently display contact information particular jobs distinguish authentic postings combat scams pervading online never advertise careers fraudulent websites won directly link legitimate source pages credentials verified instantly added protection against malicious parties misusing information appearing close eye board continuously prevent unforseen circumstances jeopardize establishment boosting inquiries drastically useful actively monitoring current assessment practices reevaluate performance feedback capture gather trustworthy data take next steps accordingly gain rightful advantage staying ahead keep searching competition always changing environment become essential maintain relevance search engine ranking factor importance better visibility needless say becomes higher impressions happen quicker pace bring awareness message getting long awaited results taking initiative succeed goals itself everyone mutually benefit participating campaigns measurable outcomes lead fruitful partnerships leads fraction effort required compared manual implementations now manage automated system jigsaw puzzle pieces come life desirable hires appear magically fingertips proceed takeaways
      Conclusion Maximizing Your Job Posting Efficiency with Multiple Posting Platforms
  Job recruitment can be a time-consuming process and is one of the most important activities for any business It’s essential that recruiters are able to find quality candidates quickly, efficiently, and cost effectively That’s why recruiting platforms with multiple postings are becoming increasingly popular as an effective way to maximize job posting efficiency Using multiple posting platforms can make a significant difference in how much time it takes you to fill open positions By leveraging these post boards at once, you ensure that your message is spread out over different sources so more people have access to your jobs and therefore increasing chances for better response rates from potential applicants
Additionally, when utilizing several job board sites at once there’s no need to worry about manually tracking where posts were sent because you only have to remember one sign-in username or password combination instead of having information scattered across multiple accounts and locations online This means less work for recruiters but also saves money by cutting back on administrative costs related to recruiting efforts such as advertising fees associated with each website separately
Moreover using several job boards provides employers with access not just to thousands of active resumes in their area but also thousands more outside it which gives recruiters the chance target different types of audiences depending on what they are looking for—it could even help them tap into hidden talent pools!
Knowing how important recruitment processes can be for businesses, this blog post will provide readers with a comprehensive guide into maximizing their job posting efficiency by taking advantage of various platforms available through multiple postings – making sure candidates know exactly where open roles are listed quickly so companies get their ideal hire faster than ever before!
By using several different job posting platforms simultaneously, you can improve the effectiveness of your job postings With a little planning, you can make sure that you are getting the most out of each post and maximize your job posting efficiency By using all the tips outlined in this blog post, such as recruiting platforms with multiple postings, there is no doubt that you can successfully increase the reach and impact of your job postings
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macronotmarco · 2 years
Chapter 9
I save so that I can do and afford the things I want to be able to do and have backup funds in case of an emergency, a vacation, or vet bills (broken dog toes are expensive). A firm needs to pay us because otherwise why would we let them hold it? After all, they're likely using it for something, there has to be gains for both parties.
Right now I personally can't take much risk, I don't have the funds to do so. If I risk it and lose I could not be able to eat or be able to take care of an emergency. The plan in the future is to be able to take risks. In fact my future career will involve a lot of risks. As a glassblower we are working with a volatile material that has the possibility to go really wrong. Right now I am sitting next to a cracked glass brown trout while my partner paces the house calling other glassblowers trying to find information on why this may be happening. Glass has so many variables it relies on to all go right and when something goes wrong in most cases we lose everything put into that piece. This broken piece next to me has about $400 worth of color and time and work and wages put into it. Now it is worthless and we have to make another in the next week because the client has already paid for it as a Christmas present. This is just a piece that we made at someone else's rented studio, we are planning to build our own studio this summer and being such a complex art form that we need so much complex equipment for. If we get everything built and just one piece of equipment breaks down then we can't make any money until we fix it. So, yeah, risk. The return is that when everything goes right we make a ton of money and the way the math works out we would only have to make two and a half pieces a month to break even. And thats just at the current prices, you always keep getting better with glass, there is no ceiling on skill and therefore no ceiling on profit to be made. Just look at Chihuly, he hasn't blown in years and has people he has trained to make his style of work with simple bowls going for thousands of dollars. So in a few years we will have doubled what we can charge for our pieces and still have demand. A ton of risk, but also a ton of return.
I'm currently working on a bookkeeping degree so that I can run that part of our business, not much risk to a bookkeeping degree because even if my relationship with my partner burns to the ground I have that to fall back on. There are bookkeeping jobs everywhere and while I may not make as much as I would glassblowing I would still be able to live comfortably.
I value glassblowing a lot it is an incredibly fun thing to do especially for those of us who love chasing adrenaline. The benefits are worth the risks even with the monetary part removed from the equation. I love doing it even with the risk of physical harm that comes with it. You may get burned working with glass and there are serious lung issues that can come with using specific techniques. My partner had a spike of glass pop off a piece and go right through the middle of his dominant index finger, he has no feeling from the second knuckle to the tip partially from that and partially from the years of nerve damage due to burning it (inside and out).
Its worth it.
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catboynutsack · 3 years
ppl talk to me and be like "oh you're so nice, you're so calm, it's so easy to talk to you, are you ever even upset haha" while I have enough anger and hate in me to fuel one hundred pointless wars, and yet I still just smile, laugh, and go "haha I just try to be positive"
this post is brought to you by Bottling Everything Up Gang™
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