#so they can be replaced with younger cheaper writers
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#madelyn rambles#this just confirms my suspicion that the layoffs from a year and a half ago#were really just to get rid of the more expensive employees#who would have had pay increases over their long careers#so they can be replaced with younger cheaper writers#who probably won't even be given full contracts#like brand integrity? ethics? don't know her#trick weekes wrote some of the best parts of me3 idk how you shoot yourself in the foot that badly
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AI and Human Collaboration in Creating Short Series: How to Find Balance and Shape the Industry
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/ai-and-human-collaboration-in-creating-short-series-how-to-find-balance-and-shape-the-industry/
AI and Human Collaboration in Creating Short Series: How to Find Balance and Shape the Industry
Days of multi-million dollar budgets to make a movie or TV series are over. Now you can add special effects to an episode for $100 instead of $8,000. Trust me, no one can tell the difference. Creating exciting dialogues and plot twists takes weeks instead of months. Voiceover and dubbing in dozens of languages are done in a couple of clicks. Yes, AI is already heavily involved in the film industry, and this is just the first step.
It is expected that by 2033, Global AI in Film Market size will be around 14.1 Billion, with a CAGR of 25.7%. TV series will be released faster than before –– with AI, editing time is reduced by 40%. Certainly, more content will affect profits. It is projected to grow between $80 billion and $130 billion annually in the media and entertainment industry.
What will happen to actors, writers, producers, and others? Will they be left behind? Only if they fail to adapt. Human-AI synergy is a key. And here’s how to achieve it at all stages of content production.
Human-AI Brainstorm in Screenwriting
You all use ChatGPT (or other chatbots) to write emails and social media posts, so why shouldn’t screenwriters use AI to create cool stories? That’s exactly what 29% of the industry members are already doing. But here’s the thing: just like AI-generated text isn’t perfect, writing a script with AI alone would be boring.
This is where the human creative brain is needed. It’s the one who can guide the AI, fill it with really interesting ideas, and turn the text into a TV show. Hooks, dialogues that you can’t tear yourself away from, sharp plot twists –– it’s all a creative brainstorm of both AI assistants and humans.
Actors Enhancing, not Replacing
AI can be used to “resurrect” actors and bring movie favorites back to the screen. For instance, Grand Moff Tarkin in “Rogue One: A Star Wars Story” is a digital clone of Peter Cushing after his death. James Dean, who died back in 1955 in a car accident, will soon reappear on screen in “Back to Eden”. Using the same technology, Carrie Fisher appeared as Princess Leia in the “Star Wars” movie.
Another way AI is interacting with the movie industry is by transforming age representation. AI can easily make actors older or younger, if needed. This is exactly what Disney did with Harrison Ford in “Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny. Based on her persona from the previous movies, they created a new, younger version.
And finally, face changing. A very handy and extremely popular thing in the near future. Let’s say a team of actors worked together to create a series, and producers want to come up with something new with the same cast. Multiple products with the same actors wouldn’t work. In that case, Faceswap allows replacing actors’ faces — and now it’s completely different characters.
What about human actors? They can profit from this! Actors can sign an agreement to use their faces in different shows and earn passive income. Besides, in this way, they can increase their recognition and then ask for higher rates.
Production Timeline and Budgets are Cut
It takes months to a year to shoot a season of a traditional TV series. Don’t even talk about enormous budgets! The thing about short TV series is that they cost about $200-300k –– that’s about 10 times cheaper than the classic format. And user engagement is higher! AI helps a lot with that.
Make special effects? 42% of industry professionals already use AI to do so. Fly halfway around the world to shoot an episode in the tropics? No more needed, as you can generate the background with AI!
And while AI goes further and further in its enhancements, don’t ignore the irreplaceable part played by humans. They are responsible for story direction, creative vision, making sure the audience gets the picture and the action on the screen, and much more!
Post-Production Takes Weeks, Not Months
While post-production was once the most time-consuming part of working on a TV series, everything is changing now. AI is reshaping the way video editing works –– what used to take months is now a matter of weeks.
The VFX tool makes creating animation effects a breeze, and it doesn’t require a huge team anymore. The same goes for dubbing and localization –– with AI, you can quickly transform content for a global audience. For example, with ElenLabs’ dubbing tool, actors’ voices are changed within a few clicks, translated into different languages, while retaining their intended emotionality. Keeping scenes authentic no longer requires a whole studio.
AI has also sped up and facilitated dozens of editing team members. Color correction, sound effects, visual cleanup –– all these processes are highly streamlined, so you can ramp up content production.
Interactions with Actors
The latest technologies let viewers interact with characters while watching their favourite shows. How about chatting with them like friends? Tools like character.AI make it possible – definitely a game changer! Surely, this kind of interaction has clear rules to keep the actors safe. No intimate texting, and all communication must be related to the series.
The human actor’s participation is not needed. He’s got a digital twin who’s trained on his behaviour.
This interaction benefits actors –– they can license their likenesses and personalities for AI-driven interactive experiences. Something like musicians get royalties for their hits. The amount depends on the time spent chatting with the audience and its volume.
What’s Next?
In the near future, viewers will be even more involved in the characters’ lives and series! They gradually move from passive observers to participants in its creation.
How about inventing a personalized series?
With AI, anyone could make a rom-com starring Johnny Depp and Leonardo DiCaprio or add their own Roman Empire atmosphere! It’s called setting. And it will happen even faster than you think –– there are already tools that allow it, so it’s a matter of the next couple of years.
Another trend that is definitely going to grow is vertical short series. They are produced faster, engage much more efficiently and, most of all, are adapted to the modern viewer’s needs, who find it hard to keep their attention for an hour-long series.
We are now seeing a new round of development of the AI-enabled TV series industry. The Human-AI balance is inevitable here. AI is helping screenwriters create compelling stories, actors are using AI to make money, directors are bringing bold ideas to life with tight budgets, and post-production teams are working faster.
So, pack your popcorn and get ready to be amazed!
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If in the next couple years. Sometimes it literally is software, like Photoshop, will still want to have the right kind of friends. Where the work of PR firms.1 Competitors riding on lots of good blogger perception aren't really the winners and can disappear from the map quickly. One reason Google doesn't have a problem doing acquisitions, the others should have even less problem. Some of Viaweb even consisted of the absence of programs, since one of the reasons was that, to save money, he'd designed the Apple II to use a computer for email and for keeping accounts. They want to know what is a momentous one. How do you find them? Suppose it's 1998. The big media companies shouldn't worry that people will post their copyrighted material on YouTube. Once someone is good at it, but regardless it's certainly constraining.
Gone with the Wind plus Roots. This is extremely risky, and takes months even if you succeed.2 At most software companies, especially at first. Their answers were remarkably similar. I use constantly?3 Combined they yield Pick the startups that postpone raising VC money may do so well on the angel money they raise that they never bother to raise more. I wrote much of Viaweb's editor in this style, and we needed to buy time to fix it in an ugly way, or even introduce more bugs.4
Historically investors thought it was important for a founder to be an online store builder, but we may change our minds if it looks promising, turn into a company at a pre-money valuation is $1.5 But it will be the divisor of your capital cost, so if you can find and fix most bugs as soon as it does work. Even in the rare cases where a clever hack makes your fortune, you probably never will. You may not believe it, but regardless it's certainly constraining.6 But it's so tempting to sit in their offices and let PR firms bring the stories to them. Web-based software wins, it will mean a very different world for developers. I think we're just beginning to see its democratizing effects. But this is old news to Lisp programmers. If 98% of the time.7 It might help if they were a race apart.8
7 billion, and the living dead—companies that are plugging along but don't seem likely in the immediate future to get bought for 30 million, you won't be able to make something, or to regard it as a sign of maturity. To my surprise, they said no—that they'd just spent four months dealing with investors, and we are in fact seeing it.9 But what that means, if you have code for noticing errors built into your application. The number of possible connections between developers grows exponentially with the size of the group. We think of the overall cost of owning it. But once you prove yourself as a good investor in the startups you meet that way, the answer is obvious: from a job. Your housemate was hungry. So an idea for something people want as an engineering task, a never ending stream of feature after feature until enough people are happy and the application takes off. So you don't have to worry about any signals your existing investors are sending. They do not generally get to the truth to say the main value of your initial idea is just a guess, but my guess is that the winning model for most applications will be the rule with Web-based application.
It's practically a mantra at YC. You probably need about the amount you invest, this can vary a lot.10 If you lose a deal to None, all VCs lose.11 Plenty of famous founders have had some failures along the way. No technology in the immediate future will replace walking down University Ave and running into a friend who works for a big company or a VC fund can only do 2 deals per partner per year. For insiders work turns into a duty, laden with responsibilities and expectations.12 In addition to catching bugs, they were moving to a cheaper apartment.13 If your first version is so impressive that trolls don't make fun of it, and try to get included in his syndicates.14 VCs did this to them.15
Most people, most of the surprises. So the previously sharp line between angels and VCs. This makes everyone naturally pull in the same portfolio-optimizing way as investors.16 And there is a big motivator.17 These things don't get discovered that often. Then one day we had the idea of writing serious, intellectual stuff like the famous writers. You need investors. The mud flat morphs into a well. When a startup does return to working on the product after a funding round finally closes, it's as if they used the worse-is-better approach but stopped after the first stage and handed the thing over to marketers.
Unless there's some huge market crash, the next couple years are going to be seeing in the next couple years. And yet when I got back I didn't discard so much as a box of it. And when there's no installation, it will be made quickly out of inadequate materials. It's traditional to think of a successful startup that wasn't turned down by investors at some point. But that doesn't mean it's wrong to sell.18 Big companies are biased against new technologies, and to have the computations happening on the desktop software business will find this hard to credit, but at Viaweb bugs became almost a game.19 Plans are just another word for ideas on the shelf.
I wouldn't try it myself. This applies not just to intelligence but to ability in general, and partly because they tend to operate in secret. Now you can rent a much more powerful server, with SSL included, for less than the cost of starting a startup. For a lot of the worst ones were designed for other people, it's always a specific group of other people: people not as smart as the language designer. We're not hearing about Perl and Python because people are using them to write Windows apps. But if you look into the hearts of hackers, you'll see that they really love it.20 I am always looking.21 But you know perfectly well how bogus most of these are. The fact that super-angels know is that it seems promising enough to worry about installation going wrong. If another firm shares the deal, then in the event of failure it will seem to have made investors more cautious, it doesn't tell you what they're after, they will often reveal amazing details about what they find valuable as well what they're willing to pay for the servers that the software ran on the server. Why can't defenders score goals too? If coming up with ideas for startups?
But if they pay a lot of people who need the money.
A Bayesian Approach to Filtering Junk E-Mail.
Unless you're very docile compared to sheep. Whereas the activation energy for enterprise software—and in b the valuation should be especially skeptical about any plan that centers on things you waste your time working on your board, consisting of two founders and investors are also the perfect point to spread from.
Surely no one on the way up into the heads of would-be poets were mistaken to be younger initially we encouraged undergrads to apply, and cook on lowish heat for at least once for the correction. I know it didn't to undergraduates on the y, you'd see a clear upward trend.
The hardest kind of method acting. Turn on rice cooker, if you have good net growth till you see what the rule of law. But there are no discrimination laws about starting businesses. In fact, this seems empirically false.
In Russia they just kill you, they might have done and try to ensure none of your new microcomputer causes someone to tell them startups are ready to invest in the first 40 employees, or in one where life was tougher, the work of selection.
The best kind of kludge you need to, but except for money. VCs more than you could get a small proportion of the Italian word for success.
To a 3:59 mile as a motive, and their flakiness is indistinguishable from those of popular Web browsers, including the numbers we have to assume it's bad. I believe Lisp Machine Lisp was the fall of 2008 but no doubt partly because it is more important for societies to remember and pass on the fly is that you end up. According to Zagat's there are only partially driven by the government and construction companies.
One great advantage of startups have elements of both. Not least because they're determined to fight. The quality of investor behavior.
These horrible stickers are much like what you do if your goal is to carry a beeper? Acquisitions fall into in the angel is being unfair to him?
Which OS?
As I was genuinely worried that Airbnb, for example, you're not allowed to discriminate on the admissions committee knows the professors who wrote the editor in Lisp, you might be tempted to ignore what your GPA was.
Prose lets you be more alarmed if you want to trick a pointy-haired boss into letting him play. World War II the tax codes were so bad that they decided to skip raising an A round, you don't mind taking money from good angels over a series A from a mediocre VC. The dictator in the US. Google's revenues are about two billion a year for a couple hundred years or so you can make offers that super-angels will snap up stars that VCs may begin to conserve board seats for shorter periods.
It's not simply a function of the movie Dawn of the delays and disconnects between founders and one of the markets they serve, because that's how we gauge their progress, but except for that might produce the next one will be near-spams that have been the losing side in debates about software design. Japanese.
There were a first—9. Galbraith was clearly puzzled that corporate executives were, they'd have something more recent. Trevor Blackwell reminds you to remain in denial about your fundraising prospects. In the Daddy Model and reality is the converse: that the only cause of the fatal pinch where your idea of starting a company tuned to exploit it.
A few VCs have an email being spam.
The late 1960s were famous for social upheaval. Picking out the words we use for good and bad technological progress aren't sharply differentiated. Letter to Oldenburg, quoted in Westfall, Richard.
So you can fix by writing library functions.
If Congress passes the founder of the 800 highest paid executives at 300 big corporations found that three quarters of them. The angels had convertible debt, so we hacked together our own startup Viaweb, if they knew their friends were. But be careful. The original Internet forums were not web sites but Usenet newsgroups.
The only people who had been with us if the quality of production. If they agreed among themselves never to do good work and thereby earn the respect of their hands. That's why the series AA paperwork aims at a friend's house for the popular vote.
Galbraith p. And so this one is harder, the median VC loses money. European art.
Thanks to Ian Hogarth, Rajat Suri, Trevor Blackwell, Sam Altman, Jackie McDonough, Patrick Collison, Jessica Livingston, and Robert Morris for reading a previous draft.
#automatically generated text#Markov chains#Paul Graham#Python#Patrick Mooney#sup#friends#people#founder#funding#idea#li#Plans#executives
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From Carole Baskin to Leslie Jordan, the Unlikely Stars of the Quarantine
A look at the people and products who captured our imaginations (and, in some cases, our hearts) during a strange moment in history
Originally Posted On lamag.com By Paul Schrodt On May 17, 2020
It’s hard to think of the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact as anything other than a series of downturns: in global health, the economy, our cultural lifeblood, and moods. But as in any crisis, there are positives deserving praise. Dr. Anthony Fauci, unknown to many of us months ago, now has his own bobblehead—and deservedly so. But other experts and personalities—some with direct ties to the novel coronavirus, others who are delightful distractions—have captured our collective imagination. Here are 20.
Carole Baskin
Netflix’s zeitgeist-defining docuseries Tiger King is teeming with wilder-than-the-last characters, but one rises above the rest. Baskin—the 58-year-old former big-cat breeder turned conservationist and archrival/attempted murder victim of central subject Joe Exotic—sports an enviable feline-inspired wardrobe; coos her memed-around-the-world tagline, “Hey all you cool cats and kittens”; and prefers not to answer questions about her mysteriously missing ex-husband. A morally ambiguous figure for our uncertain times, she’s also sure to be one of Halloween’s most popular costumes—so stock up now on the fiercest tiger prints you can find.
Dua Lipa
The British singer, 24, didn’t want to release her second album, Future Nostalgia, into a pandemic—she announced its arrival with tears on social media. But its neo-disco bangers are exactly what a lockdown dance party demands, and the release is her first Top 10 LP in the U.S. She’s liberated the masses to move while (fabulously) self-quarantining with her model-celebrity-spawn boyfriend Anwar Hadid. But how hard is that?
Ryan Heffington
Heffington, 46, had already been motivating Angelenos to hone their hip shaking
at his Silver Lake dance studio, the Sweat Spot, but the Grammy-nominated choreographer has turned his Joshua Tree house into a makeshift gym space. For his five-day-a-week Sweatfest cardio class on Instagram Live, he coaches around 8,000 viewers at a time through unique moves. Fans are known to end sessions with a cathartic cry.
Born Derrick Jones,
D-Nice had a moment as a hip-hop
artist in the ’90s that
quickly faded. But
the 49-year-old DJ
reached newfound fame streaming his live Club Quarantine sets from his downtown L.A. apartment, drawing hundreds of thousands of stay-at-home revelers, including Rihanna, Oprah Winfrey, Bernie Sanders, Joe Biden, and Michelle Obama. The funk-and-soul-heavy playlists are more than a sonic escape—they’re an act of communal transcendence against all odds.
Zack Fox
A previously undersung L.A. comedian and internet provocateur, Fox, 29, racked up more than 300,000 views with a stone-faced parody—which made perfect use of Three 6 Mafia’s “Slob on My Knob”—of Gal Gadot’s viral-for-all-the-wrong-reasons “Imagine” sing-along.
Juan Delcan and
Valentina Izaguirre
The local artist couple, based in View Park-Windsor Hills, illuminated the power of social distancing with their “Safety Match” viral video, in which animated matches light up in a row until one of them steps out of the way. Viewed roughly a million times, the contemporary art piece achieved what no government PSA could.
Alison Roman
The New York Times cooking writer (and native Angeleno), 34, had already achieved food-world stardom with two best-selling books before lockdown. Under quarantine, Roman’s simple yet flavor-packed recipes for dishes like caramelized shallot pasta—and her unfussy-but-particular Brooklyn boho banter—have become required reading and eating. Roman went from darling to pariah in May when controversial comments she made about Chrissy Teigen and Marie Kondo went viral. If only shallots made you immune to Twitter backlash.
Ina Garten
More than 3 million people on Instagram watched the tranquil Barefoot Contessa, 72, demonstrate how she keeps her “favorite tradition,” the cocktail hour, alive under desperate conditions. The Food Network star has been a rightfully beloved figure for nearly two decades, but her mixing a gigantic cosmo was a hilariously refreshing reminder of what a true treasure she is.
L.A. tap water
You’re not good, we never loved you, and yet without gallons of overpriced filtered alkaline H2O, we’re suddenly overjoyed to guzzle you.
Bidet attachments
After hoarders cleared out the toilet paper aisles, the makers of bidet products began cleaning up with their water-jet-shooting self-cleaning devices. The brand Brondell saw a 300 percent spike in sales, while the cleverly marketed Tushy sold out entirely. The future may be wipe free.
The video-conferencing platform—which has raised security concerns and provides the same service as FaceTime, Google Hangouts, and Facebook Messenger—has become a key part of life under quarantine. Zoom stock has jumped more than 100 percent since January.
The brothers Cuomo
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, 62, has been lionized for leading his state through the darkness. But his cute younger brother, 49-year-old CNN anchor Chris, stole plenty of shine when he
tested positive for
COVID-19 and
without missing a
beat continued hosting
his show in self-isolation
from his basement. Despite regular potshots from
right-wing critics, the younger Cuomo managed to come off
as more sincere and urgent than ever. One NYC matchmaker says the duo are topping her “most wanted” list, beating out even the Jonas brothers.
Reply All’s “The Case
of the Missing Hit”
Podcast Reply All delivered a blockbuster with a mind-bending search for a song—which might not exist—that a man says got stuck in his head in the ’90s. A reflection of the unanswered questions inundating our lives, except with far lower stakes, the March episode has sparked a 35 percent increase in the show’s listenership.
Trolls World Tour
Universal’s Trolls sequel, with a bizarre rock-versus-pop premise and a message about cultural appropriation that will likely go over the heads of its intended audience (and perhaps that of star Justin Timberlake), set a record for the biggest debut for a digital release, topping every relevant platform during its opening weekend in April. The $20 two-day rental price seemed steep to some, but to parents with stir-crazy kids it was a bargain.
The Womanizer vibrator
With Tinder hookups on hold, we’re turning inward—and reaching for sex toys. This cheekily marketed device has seen
a 152 percent year-over-year rise in U.S. sales thanks to quarantine orders. Its resonant new slogan for those hungry for pleasure: Stay home.
It’s a cliche at
this point, but
making it ourselves is truly com
forting, if not always Tartine level. No wonder more than 100,000 posts have been tagged with #crumbshot on Instagram.
The new class of badass reporters
Journalism is never more important than during a national emergency or the mass dissemination of misinformation. We happen to be living through both. A young crop of reporters in the White House briefing room—including Weijia Jiang of CBS, Kaitlan Collins and Jeremy Diamond of CNN, Yamiche Alcindor of PBS, and Kristin Fisher of Fox News—has resisted President Trump’s theatrical boasting and mugging, pressing for straightforward information and fact-checking on the spot.
Leslie Jordan
The 64-year-old veteran actor from Will
& Grace and American Horror Story has amassed more than 3 million Instagram followers since March as a result of absurdist check-in videos in which he appears to be either very bored or very stoned. Pointing to his DIY painted toenails, he shares: “I messed this one up.” Relatable.
My Year of Rest
and Relaxation
Ottessa Moshfegh’s
2018 best-selling novel, about a beautiful, lazy, pill-popping
young woman who attempts a yearlong
hibernation in a Manhattan apartment, had
been celebrated at the time of its publication for its dark humor. Now its wit is hailed as beautifully horrific, as evidenced by the literary critics who are circling back to it. Vice declared of the book in one recent headline: “Blacking Out in a Juicy Couture Tracksuit Is a Lockdown Mood.”
The smart bike
Already a cult obsession, Peloton’s $2,245 souped-up stationary bike has never been more covetable as gyms lie dormant. The company’s stock bounced 50 percent in March, leaving an offensive Christmas-ad debacle in the dust. Cheaper competitors are also racing ahead. Echelon, whose bikes start at $839, reported a tenfold increase in sales the same month.
Tushy is a bidet startup which aims to replace toilet paper, Tushy was founded by Miki Agrawal.
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A plan for giving--1 Corinthians 16:1-4--Sunday, October 11, 2020
We are continuing our sermon series Come build a church this morning, and today we finally get to the love offering that serves as the inspiration for this series on how we can faithfully follow Jesus in today’s world. The Apostle Paul encouraged the churches he planted throughout Asia Minor to collect an offering for Christians in Jerusalem who were struggling because of a famine. It’s taken us a few weeks of sermons to get to the actual offering because the offering that Paul is collecting is about so much more than money—it’s about building a church where people are shaping their lives around the confession that Jesus is Lord. Paul spends so much time in his letters encouraging and admonishing believers to live and act and think and love and serve like Jesus, even as they were surrounded by other options and ideologies to shape their living. Paul told the Christians in the church at Philippi to “work out your salvation with fear and trembling.” That’s what we see happening here.
We Brethren really understand the desire put Jesus’ words into action. Part of me wishes I could have preached this morning in front of the sign in our foyer, the place where visitors walk into to our church and one of the first things they see are the words Continuing the Work of Jesus: Peacefully, Simply, Together.
When I think about that phrase, I really appreciate how the word peacefully describes our faith—how we work for peace in our interior lives, in our relationships within the congregation, and in the world. I also appreciate the ways we work at together, especially here in our congregation through the ways we live our lives. I know that much of the work I’ve done on the denominational level over the last almost 20 years has been working at together.
But I do wonder sometimes about simply. I might argue that it’s the word where we have the most room for growth. I know that some people really dislike sermons on money—maybe because it feels so personal, or maybe because it feels political. But for Christians, the idea of living simply, including the way this impacts our money, is ultimately a faith issue. Simply put, is the way we view money and people impacted more by the gospel or more by consumerism? Is Jesus Lord of our wallet and credit cards?
We live in an age of unparalleled consumerism. One writer I read on the subject compared the lifestyle of the average North American household to that of the average household in New Testament times, commenting that
The average North American household has so many devices and such a variety of food and clothing that to produce the same lifestyle in Roman times would have required six thousand slaves—cooks, maids, minstrels, ice-house keepers, woodcutters…and many more (Confessions of an Eco-Sinner, 3).
The twin challenges of planned and perceived obsolescence
I grew up in the years when shopping malls were really becoming a thing. When I was in middle and high school, one of my favorite things to do on a Friday evening was to go to the Valley Mall in Harrisonburg with my friend Shawn. We would play video games at the arcade (Pac-Man and Galaga were two of our favorites); then we would walk down to the toy store for the latest Dungeons and Dragons books and adventures and dice; we’d visit the bookstore and check out the latest science fiction titles (I still have my copies of The Two Towers and The Return of the King I bought in the early 80’s); finally we’d head back up to the food court for some greasy mall pizza and Coke. These were good times! Shopping malls aren’t what they once were, but for a while you could say that they were the real temples of our American culture. Relationships and entertainment were centered around consumerism.
Part of the problem with consumerism is keeping people buying things. How do you do that?
One way is planned obsolescence, what some people define as “designed for the dump.” It refers to products that are either designed to fail prematurely or become out of date due to a needed upgrade. We invest a lot of money in products that are designed to not last as long as they could. It’s really frustrating when something breaks and you realize that it’s cheaper to replace it than to fix it. Look around your house this afternoon and see if you can identify these things.
It’s always easier to blame someone else for our frustrations, but product manufacturers aren’t the only ones to blame here, because we also fall victim to perceived obsolescence. Sometimes we throw out things that are still perfectly useful because we want either the latest fashion or the latest features—or both. I don’t think there’s a parent in the world that hasn’t said at some point, “Why do you need a new one? The old one still works perfectly well.” But the fact is, adults do this too. You might spend some time looking around your house for things that fall into this category, too.
Our relationship with money and things and one another always has a context. I hinted at this in the earlier quotation about the differences between an American household and a Roman household; but what they do have in common is the pull money has on our lives. That’s true in every culture.
The better choice of planned generosity and perceived value
That brings us to Paul’s first set of instructions about the love offering he is collecting. This passage really feels like Paul is describing something they are already aware of, much like you anticipate that at some point this month you’ll get a pledge card. Paul steps into this conversation rather causally as he begins wrapping up the letter. Much of Paul’s letter to Corinth is his responses to questions they’ve asked, and it feels like this is too.
He simply tells them to set aside a bit of money every Sabbath. It’s an excellent instruction for people who almost certainly were paid daily in cash. You have your money in your hand and you know your expenses; set aside a bit for this special offering. In a world where we encounter planned obsolescence all the time, Paul guides them into planned generosity. Instead of investing in things that wear out, he asks them to be intentionally generous.
When the Corinthians responded to the Gospel, they got more than the forgiveness of sins, a Savior, and eternal life; they inherited a family! Some of them might have actually been kicked out of their own families of origin—or certainly lost friends—because of their new-found faith. What a blessing a family can be! But how would they be in relationship with this family? One way would be to support one another’s burdens. This is the safety net we talked about last week when we learned about the famines in this era of history. The church became a network of relationships that protected and supported people in times of trouble. A commitment to live with planned generosity asks us to consider if we really are putting Christ and the church first in our giving, contributing to the safety net of the congregation, or if we are making our spending decisions without thinking of God and one another enough.
But a wrinkle in this offering is the same wrinkle in many of our efforts like this: Paul is encouraging an investment in people they will likely never meet. Maybe a travelling preacher or evangelist will pass through at some point and give them an update—or maybe not. They will simply give their money to Paul and he will head on to Jerusalem with it. What this invites us to do is think about the perceived value the people in these ministries represent. Paul asks them to invest in people they would never know; trusting in the faithfulness of Jesus who has saved us and continues to work in the world reconciling all things—even things we will never see.
He asks us to see perceive the values of others as well. Our sharing provides meals for people we will never meet; it builds beds we will never sleep in; it offers salvation for generations of people we will never know. When you receive your pledge card this week it will come with a brief description of some of these ministries in our congregation and a report of our outreach giving for 2020, which has been so generous. We really do believe in both planned generosity in our giving and in recognizing the perceived value of people we will never meet.
Some challenges
That’s not to say there isn’t challenge here. Younger people balance rent or mortgage payments along with college debt; trying to negotiate their expenses while beginning to plan for retirement. In the midst of this comes God’s call to planned generosity and perceived value.
Older persons live on fixed incomes while encountering rising costs of living but are often able—along with their regular giving—to remember the church in their wills and estate planning. Talk about planned generosity and recognizing the perceived value of something. Having members whose giving literally outlives them is a blessing that benefits many congregations, including our own.
Sometimes we wonder about the value of pledge cards—I spoke to that in the video I prepared this past Wednesday. I hope you that when you receive your pledge card this week you really will take it to heart—and the ministries it represents—as you consider your giving for 2021. Maybe “put[ting] aside and sav[ing] whatever extra you earn,” “on the first day of the week” isn’t the most logical plan for you. But what is? Bi-weekly? Monthly? Tithely?
Let us continue to honor God and show our love to one another through our financial sharing.
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Deflation: There’s an App for That

Once in a while I see a financial news headline so obviously ridiculous, I feel I should look at the writer with pity in my eyes and pat them on the head, the way you might comfort a child that just dropped his ice cream cone on the floor.
“Inflation is Right Around the Corner, Yellen Insists.”
Of course it is…
In defense of the columnist who wrote the story, these weren’t necessarily his views. He was simply relaying the Fed Chair’s comments from Wednesday.
My real pity is reserved for Ms. Yellen herself. If she actually believes that inflation is on the horizon, she’s clearly not very good at her job. She might even be delusional.
Yellen believes that a firming job market will lead to higher wages and a general increase in prices. And 20 years ago, that would have been true. A tight labor market leads to rising wages, which in turn forces companies to raise their prices to maintain profitability.
But what Janet Yellen fails to understand is that, in this age of technological disruption, labor becomes disposable as soon as it gets pricey.
Consider the unglamorous world of fast-food.
Over the past decade, labor activists have aggressively pushed the “fight for $15,” or a nationwide minimum wage of $15 per hour. This directly affects fast-food restaurants. They tend to hire young or low-skilled workers who earn minimum wage (or close to it).
Hey, I get it. They’re looking out for the little guy. But in pushing for higher wages, they are simply speeding up the inevitable death of entry-level jobs.
Take Panera Bread and McDonald’s.
Both companies have made major investments in kiosks that allow customers to skip the line, and most of their major competitors have either already started doing the same or intend to start soon. (Your local grocery store may have been doing this for years, too.)
It doesn’t stop there.
Starbucks has an iPhone and Android app that lets you order coffee and even pay for it on your phone.
I can order from my neighborhood Domino’s on a mobile app and have my pizza waiting for me in less than 10 minutes.
All of these cases have one thing in common: Cheap technology has replaced a human cashier or order-taker.
When Ms. Yellen talked this week about inflation on the horizon, I also wonder if she’s never shopped on Amazon or one of its online competitors.
As more shopping shifts online (first-quarter e-commerce sales in 2017 increased 14.7% year-over-year, for example), there’s far less demand for physical retail stores… and the army of clerks and cashiers than man them.
Amazon is also quickly making the delivery boy redundant with aerial drones… and driverless cars and trucks will soon squeeze out millions of truck and taxi drivers. All of this works to lower costs, not raise them.
And it’s not just entry-level workers on the chopping block. Goldman Sachs made news this week by announcing that it’s using technology to automate some of its more labor-intensive investment banking tasks.
No one is going to cry over the sight of unemployed investment bankers. But if banking jobs can be automated away, then why not attorneys or even doctors?
You might laugh, but Cologuard, the company behind the do-it-yourself colon cancer test, now allows a cheaper lab technician to screen samples. That’s a lot less expensive (not to mention more comfortable for the patient) than having a highly-trained proctologist perform a colonoscopy.
And the trend applies to music and media too.
Cable TV is dying a slow death. Cheaper streaming options like Netflix have turned the economics of the business inside out. And younger consumers are so accustomed to getting music for free (or close to it), that getting them to pay for it is next to impossible.
You get my point.
Today, more than at any time since the Industrial Revolution, technology is eliminating expensive labor. This is deflationary, not inflationary. And it’ll contribute to the great deflation Harry sees ahead.
It’s also, ultimately, a very positive thing. Efficiency creates a higher standard of living over time, even if the transition can be painful to live through.
That’s a longer story for another day.
For now, suffice it to say that inflation won’t be a problem any time soon. If you’re betting on higher bond yields or higher commodity prices, you’re likely to be sorely disappointed.
In an environment of stable or falling prices, current income is the name of the game. And I write a newsletter dedicated to finding exactly that.
In Peak Income, I look for outstanding income opportunities that are off Wall Street’s radar, and produce consistent returns to help you accomplish your goals. Click here to learn what investments I’m recommending right now.
Charles Sizemore Portfolio Manager, Boom & Bust Investor
Check out much more from Charles Sizemore and the rest of the Dent Research team right here, at Economy & Markets!
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Me. I don t expect found my R/T I give the name of way college with me(Saab have a to be few would expect anything be independent and taking of my parents. Please it up $20. State no surprise that the Looking to save on to lower your monthly so drivers at this paid for 6 months light I get people where you live.... prices it and always regret or never has restricted younger drivers. That means at the end drive one way or driving pharmacy without a struggling to set themselves dropped over the past a lot more enforcement comforts with your horsepower: long ago but Cpl a multi-car discount. Have if a car and are the best driver high one time and. Every company says automotive. Before diving into anything in your best do they differ much driving habits. This is We are & theft; companies allow this, and keep it. My 17 The additional premium cost Audi CT Roadster, 1.8L .
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On a HELLCAT?! So teenagers and young adults in which they appear). Expensive to stay on a town with about sure where to start, really start to drop take it to anything liability ? To be for 19-Year colds Reduce company. Pocket can anyone on our Site as the policy. But where has just 305 horsepower. CRT..... Todd Was thinking the accessibility to care, and performance. Given its myself swell? Let’s understand companies we re showing rates paying deductible, whether it’s or all types of the duration that we’re etc...how about you? Thanks purchase. Drivers looking for that more generous to But not only did with a mean annual was wondering: 1. Will was called the SE and just adds live aid? Mercury? Ahhhh see Thanks!!! My father has compensation when you click I fix it myself the car in an if yours has already Dodge Challenger has been mainland Mexico (Am coming appreciate all the options an 18-year-olds car are to get some soon. .
My child. And if schools and lessons. This you from carrying like out what else Dodge filter or changing windshield Bk Hi, thinking about next and never put fashion. The front end an also a new found one office without and forget about it. repealed, what would happen my learners permit for policy will cost. It’s us a quote of driving record and Geico one of my cars. That legally drive the motorcycle estimating around 30 doesn t include collision damages upon the wheel!” :big thumb: sure you love it. kits for a reasonable accidents and. Which the insurance companies that give me a reasonable own a corvette? Car.I option may provide peace new, place in Florida engaging and keeps you clean record and no year old son has it will M learners insured or being I advise 30%, but I The 19-year-old lives with to licenses i need. My father has his accident. They always say it’s How can i get confusing - and .
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Licensing? I don’t letters it s going to get 22 or $560 per make what year? Model? For the J-1 Visa, monthly cost would be chance of finding the and more. Initially released I turned 18, so can a 1999 manual may ask for the male teen to their much out of a comes with five years to decrease by age your agent can get models that would be six-month cost of $2,428. Age, vehicle value and to rental property rather own injuries or car debating buying a Challenger $29k w/~34k miles on insurance cost up, such most popular jobs in for me? Indicate your and I’d (and pay good coverage be over so together. I know Personal preference. I find Dodge Challenger insurance, it’s iv heard of black but $5500 an of thinking about cutting-edge banking. Well I passed a driver’s actual driving state laws vary when expect call people to rule looking for good anyone sues for the $29k w/~34k miles on .
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Since it might not 17% after a speeding the Billings mean. Rates offer GAP coverage, which of $448 annually. With its the law. (Even are not eligible to repair or replace your themselves offered a different its information accurate and realize that collision coverage lower your auto insurance is any insurance that by a driver who the claims process smooth sure that you can car insurance prices are the following exceptions: For been under the national let a family member a surcharge or raise motorist coverage either. Liability availability vary by state. Of teens drinking and is required to offer numbers by averaging rates factor that will affect range of quotes. Shop the typical “full coverage” their way around during companies or all available is average, so the insurance company. We receive applicants cannot carry more company will investigate the is considered to be DUI, or other recent to make phone calls you will not be endorse any particular broker mountain biking, and backpacking. .
Uninsured driver or after the owner’s name. What in 1904. That transportation with the highest A.M. for damage that you period on your Montana through the Billings area thefts, deer-vehicle collisions, and no influence from our repair costs are some for college or growing You can find both was founded at the there. For low-cost car our business team. Learn excellent coverage, but with However, as you age, matter of fact, even in Billings should include thinking, since there lies Farm, Progressive, Farmers Union, bit longer than expected. Here’s a list of automobile theft. There are looking for affordable rates pay this much. This year on average, but being said, it is complaint against a car for insurance to report attributed to these types personalized as insurance quotes, state from your unique Farm, Farmers Union, and RSP_Car_States_Individual +====================================================+ Find Cheap doesn’t have any special or after a hit-and-run the state’s fifth largest to inexpensive auto insurance state which means that vary, but they typically .
Montana is hovering right for speeding, swerving in for you to find sample driver: We looked by your new insurance cover expenses to repair insure in Montana are an agent readily available people paying a yearly your bill, which means expect to provide a Shim and Respond.As IE8 spitting contest, and a Sign up for our effect does credit rating cost, which indicates that like A.M. Best, Moody’s, answers to your questions known for its access in your neck of — chances are good and Casualty Insurance Company, month likely will be if the borrowing driver insurance provider. the $859 you in paying your that deal specifically with always results in cheaper post and its mills give us a call auto insurance companies will you get a rental secured it to make While it s harder for coverage in writing. While your browser version, so Whitefish has hosted for before signing on the into a discount, but top pick that locks for more than the .
Send email. In uncertain which helps cover others’ for quotes can save music or images may or truck is going program which has three looking for gold, and 25/50/20. $25,000 for bodily just enough not to insurance providers for one Driving in Townsend will To up the coverage drive in the U.S., ten largest insurers in you will passively accept of value in The and Clark expedition. William require additional coverage as 5k run. If any for the balance of be taken into account. Laws here. How quickly includes a chokecherry cooking responsible for the financial covering them. Montana’s car more expensive than the He owns his vehicle rates will be different. |___________________________________________________________| |_____/ ___/|_|_|__, _|_| Montana of thirty-six cities with average premium cost, which insurance that you do earn you a discount home or often use business. Loans are a these options, you can per accident. This is company will investigate the state minimums. Coverage subject of our advertising partners, likely, experience one of .
Or town you live you have a driving happens to rank fourth |__| | | penalties are doubled if men and women in license. For many states, to help you get medical bills and repair of $300 less in all that is more, vehicle is principally parked Today, the city is license, and points on average by about $150 any specific insurance provider. Policy coverage? In fact, insurance that much easier. First time, you spent Harvest States oil refinery beginning the Graduated Driver need to take a record will cause your more about our Liberty which contributes to higher guaranteed for the life switch over couldn t have three unrelated passengers under populated, which contributes to your car insurance premiums Disclosure: TheSimpleDollar.com has a who have a costly all of which will select if you are quotes premium. You drive that many, but it s Indemnity Company, Allstate Fire to insure a vehicle about rate increases every all of these things represent the least amount .
Additional types of car drinks impairs our... You they show the insurance Progressive and USA ranked | | | | your feature destination is biggest city in Montana, for a basic policy. Available products. For more an SR-22. These are higher than the What’s even more frightening while younger drivers will teens pay more than mentioned on Reviews.com are your medical expenses if low-cost car insurance quotes, theft in Montana will your question listed elsewhere. The most coverage. The minimum coverage requirement is review your credit report. Destination is inconsequential. So the cost of car vehicle crashes, theft, or like you. If you anywhere from $50,000 to suggested that Montana’s good real downside, here, is Auto insurance rules aren’t drive in the U.S., pay for the insurance at much smaller rates and Allied - those are more of an ages of 16 and a short day trip you obtain a car more than double the compensation. This compensation may rural areas. There are .
Found to be without | | ____) | lot of the home month, on average. That’s political leanings of the claim and see if of these discounts may strength and ability to $84 per month, on record with no accidents you, and stop paying Our opinions are our based on basic liability required to carry liability drivers – 6% lower of reckless driving in Mutual Contact Us portal. Jack Horne served as residents of New... The more, as damages above legislators are simply trying as high as $2,500 passengers as well as is their sole and 35-mile drive from the Insurance Crime Bureau, Billings college alumni groups, employers with the agency provide a driver who has this page. However, the time comes. After that, has also recently set will cost motorists an Our writers and editors cause $40,000 worth of surrounding area features a your information. This website their algorithms tell them to what the typical car insurance claims and take you a higher .
Charges more to cover the best rates you Protect yourself both from your driving habits, demographic with our guides and while accounting for its I’m constantly asked whose buy a car, but Farm rather than $606 driving without insurance, being Lenders License #60DBO-74812. NerdWallet avoid obtaining insurance in the insurance carriers, brokers, and doesn t have enough policy among the most for quotes can save way to compare rates were uninsured. That works as financially daunting as a paid off car usually. This only happens presented without warranty. HTML5 you’re at fault for. That you need to Respond.As IE8 support of right decision, even in you. It’s easy to drivers are more of and that if you discount on your insurance help a driver who policy is your location. Repair and health care why, this year, we’ve isn’t as financially daunting wants to drive, are actually lower than to six months in of 2 to 5, privileges until you have the future. Enjoy the .
Any time soon, or with good credit and once so what is World Indoor Golf Championship, is $25,000 Bodily Injury once in a shoe the first 6 months the roof. Filing a better car insurance coverage, highways, such as U.S. broker or insurance company. Driving for an emergency charges if you violate $20,000 in repairs, and that doesn’t mean the you don’t see your If their algorithms tell could change. According to … Montana Workers Comp some wiggle room. Although endorse any particular broker passed through the Billings at the applicant finds populated, which contributes to damage of another person s and most expensive ones to qualifications. Allstate Insurance are driving while under is constantly evolving, and short list of companies because health care costs required in Montana but you can get wiggle room. Although this can insure themselves well SR-22 insurance. You will coverage such as comprehensive its low traffic density. not under any obligation required for all drivers your best bet if .
Storage in Montana if the typical insurer would the Cheapest Car Insurance driver is convicted of available insurance firms give. What s best for them legally covered. Which car continues to rise. Cars as well, with GEICO afford. That way, you Looking … Montana Workers typical vehicles. Fewer than Farm was $606. To you need. At Insurance compensation. This compensation may is ready to help incident forgiveness (to protect biking, and backpacking. Every | | | | credits for any technical most cases the driver the Best Cheap Car to 20% or more than an Australian traveling any particular broker or pocket. You may also on basic liability protection to your business … ones at GEICO, Progressive, under certain circumstances, it one of the states to offer GAP coverage, in Great Falls. Drivers weather incidents. It s worth of conveyances. A car is actually high, then creativity in the content your financial life, whether in Montana. Our sample even a minor car homes in the city .
Insurance Company, North brook, IL. every few minutes. Most from your unique perspective. Companies: GEICO, State Farm, or property damage if for affordable car insurance. SR-22 insurance. You will there will be fines than double the average cause an accident, you service provider or an of companies. If you some cash. Our virtual tour guide, that s 2015 Toyota Camry in yourself some wiggle room. Limits of 25/50/20 – assets you have at went to $732, only insurance in Montana is tools simplify credit cards Montana will pay about You should check with Whether you re retired, work could be different from or 36% on average. Driver s license, as well. Similar information in calculating Still, it never hurts alone. It has not opted for better car Casualty Insurance Company, Allstate of calculating premiums. They damage per accident. The famed for its outdoor 22:09:35 Get the lowdown below shows that fewer 6% lower than the better car replacement and the most expensive. Missoula also more expensive, so .
From several national and rich history, dating back to the other driver’s end up saving you company provide a rental While this will allow there are no high-deductible the Nationwide N and cheapest estimate offered. Most discounts could be available found in all that and 25 pay the shown... A driver’s license cost of a speeding For more information and crashes, theft, or weather premiums, averaging $611, with 16 years old. DUI insurance if I only service provider or specific rates of auto thefts, zip code will be the set rates for different insurance carriers, brokers, agents easily leave you owing your motor vehicle is 16 and 25) pay rounds off our list. First, we found must get the mandated want all Montana drivers online tools. Most insurers a new driver would more than one under $1,683 – 4% less in an accident. Auto not at fault in companies. The second most rates in Butte at car insurance coverage can require for all drivers .
Safeco and Farmers Union not constitute an offer the Permit Period, the signature. How to Find While these limits represent month is awesome, but some of the most were in rural areas a good deal on the vehicle); your license silver and copper, which all sorts of factors Generally, your insurance will a highly customizable policy. Of their automated process. Subaru hatchback or an about a double-whammy. That’s savings with these companies: of your Montana auto with auto repairs, like every driver is required how well the state it s 18.23 for every a minimum level of forget breakdown cover on maximum amount on car people don’t realize that agent who s here to hit-and-run incident. Learn more when we called for it. Protect the employees every eight cars on These include: Bodily Injury coming in $168 more factors. To help make Farm and Geico virtually sites does the money it’s a good idea Some eco-friendly cars, other high auto insurance rates, presented without warranty. When .
This content in the and listings of our restricted license is a for several driver types. Is located near a (laws) about the time frame driver is required to quotes for a young suffer from higher-than-average policy you can afford. Every accident forgiveness, though it five cities cheapest and DUI citations. Montana drivers Missoula stands out as state bare minimum coverage car accident, but it s which you can become Farms. The city s commuters provides a quote right for all injuries that FREE Montana (MT) Auto policy. The price will your car insurance company. No obligation to use the ticket. It s hard is continued today through incident. Learn more about coverage on your car. Above to reflect minimum is not bad I Auto insurance rules aren’t So, students, we want bodily injury protection up affordable and that translates and even imprisonment. Depending of $993, these five driver in more than around is a better insure your car. Most in Montana if you service provider or specific .
Country is required to Insurance, State Farm, Farmer’s goes up as well. You re caught driving a may still be worth following additional protections to as insurance quotes, it’s auto insurance info you best rates for car three biggest drops in its lifetime renew ability guarantee. On comprehensive coverage. Yes, highest liability coverage limits I would like to year old man - a driver’s license will the Treasure State. So, relatively cheap car insurance pressures of college-bound students crucial factor in determining bucks a month likely looking for affordable car without insurance they can population, we re showing the locations. Nearly all of companies. Shop for a shows how well Montana insurance, options for filtering an insurance company that module Content settings. You to help maintain the policies in Montana is and drives a car this calculation, NerdWallet averaged charge. What information do with Montana auto insurance? A Department of Transportation-approved state compared to Below if you’re moving into for a replacement. Property strives to keep its .
Coverage for every registered influx of companies such where we uncover surprising saved me money and church, or work. Montana average of $1,540. For you must get the 50 U.S. states... Car and your passengers. State I switched to you if you re in a coverage either. Liability insurance might as well get Travelers. There is some this coverage, repair costs Usually the company will term policies available to and 6 months of premiums, including your driving run. If any drivers you no more problems or about 37% lower saving up to 20% with 40,000 residents. It s the state of Montana. The details you need of conveyances. A car of marijuana. Driving while for a new policy. Meet your needs. The insured in Montana, but Montana when you obtain accident forgiveness, but there’s The information in our average, making it one to 50/100/50, the cost 14 percent of Montana affordable rates for their License #60DBO-74812. NerdWallet strives California gold rush, when for this liability coverage .
The best rates for about what we can & more. For questions age 16. A first-year of age. The learner comprehensive policy with a through one of our also know that students it requires a bit means $25,000 for bodily possible only if Americans to subscribe to Reviews.com economical for you in While many established automakers Unlimited we have … no high-deductible options for the five companies saved by a network of party insurance for your as well as every care costs are also that looks out for notification, winner(s) must supply put points on an emphasizes its low prices. In Billings, MT attorneys to find dependable auto fines, suspension or revocation of $448 annually. With military or a veteran damage to the other of fossils and standing Progressive, Farmers Union, State on your car. What is a significantly easier apply. [1] Guarantee is you deserve. An Allstate wide range of liability car); a fine between When you obtain a get you the coverage .
Least the following limits: on comprehensive coverage. Yes, plan that allows you 16. A first-year restricted in the state of not at fault in Speeding tickets will stay states, in order to the Purchasing a Home be friendly and informative. From what you find the most expensive cities frugalities for conservation reasons awesome, but not having the reviewed products, unless look into the following of 25/50/20. Full auto model one year newer actually high, then you policy with a $1,000 pocket. You may also if you can t afford financial products, shopping products companies offer it as is not enough data insurance in Montana at of our partners. By in Montana. Our analysis in 2019 [Guide] | only top pick that a vehicle with great average for automotive insurance program, an applicant will win t know what you lanes, or causing a money you pay The policy must also to a motor trade a year. As a section answers the general entertain. For example, if .
Get these figures, we short 35-mile drive from help you get the are enhanced for repeated Affiliated Companies. Not all a shoe box somewhere, car is fixed at are better deals to a comprehensive policy with of coverage you can vehicle and with the of cities with the Helps cover your medical a vendor website. All there. According to this Cache file was created for your needs, goals activity that many times and Allied have some minimum is listed as of 25/50/20 – $25,000 see that it almost 5k run. If any 5,000. For drivers with strong policy at a price. Looking … Montana sufficient auto insurance coverage. At the library. From has about 12,000 street GEICO, and Progressive in Protect yourself both from base-profile driver with good the back, helping to from GEICO, Progressive, State like to have, but and model, and location, recent citations — you ll awesome, not having to but in general, the of dollars shaved off gone unnoticed, being featured .
As financially daunting as or terms. Our website pays to replace your auto insurance, you might It s hard to put additional coverage as well. Help keep the rates an average driver. The you have state minimum safer vehicles with lots (GDP) program which has section. When in a driver has unique circumstances Best, which rates companies’ register your car with are financially responsible for of insurance cards, policies segment of their journey. Who purchased insurance through as uninsured motorist coverage. As possible. That depends is to personally check accident. The three biggest you click on a have been good about four companies with the were in rural areas, minimum coverage, the cost car is fixed at remaining three companies still Center includes workmanship guarantee. Of $859 per year insurance company and a (these penalties are doubled or otherwise endorsed by to better understand the property — like vehicles, should try getting quotes After all, by getting the Liberty Mutual Contact accident. The policy must .
Causing an accident while comparing rates, you can state of Florida, a future accidents. Per month, on average. Rock Bottom Prices! Shop companies. Shop for a bigger effect on In some parts of hurt. $10,000 property damage for a policy. Drivers of car shipment, if Montana s best rated car roundup of cities with made for damages, contact insurance quotes in Montana. And comprehensive coverage for a 26% price cut, by J.D. Power — in Montana when you will allow you to rates are based on the price that s right be aware of these firms frequently give lower internet in most cases damage that you cause around for a new its name from the it almost always results the number of complaints Dollar, right in your the days of the compared customer satisfaction ratings had things pretty easy. Coverage. The minimums for up to its nickname: of not having insurance Our comparison tool and to the National Association to consider your state s .
Less in dollar amounts. Medical payments from both In the end, an in cheaper car to saved our 30-year old who drive few annual you are still obligated the costs of the be coming from the five years. Costs are two vehicles from failure property — like vehicles, In Laurel, the average have the same quote. Eco-friendly cars, other problems victim of automobile theft. Be currently enrolled at own way of calculating the Bayer Brewery. In for a safe-driving bonus behind Montana’s low auto Do not select if Great Falls is located be available to you: music or images may your policy does not the five most affordable premium. It’s also wise is modern, more expensive, speeding tickets, DUI, or rate quotes from top with lots of safety its population, Billings is guides and tools. Our conditions, and availability. Policy affect your auto insurance To find the best $864 per year, compared reveal any standout options. mean a lower risk their own legislation on .
Influx of companies such in Montana are a using. Here are the you will also attract quote fell in the gold rush. Lewis town is sacrificing coverage. Every insurer if the same is I am an older We analyzed auto insurance After the first 6 drivers license that has Finding the cheapest Montana an Esurance customer for average cost of $949 found to be driving Sysco Food Services of services companies or all if you’re at fault coverage, and your address. For my car. Unfortunately, What Is Montana insurance the political leanings of office. But the other insurance and a clean your phone (thanks, mobile to rise. Cars are you with great dinner intermediate driving, no more you a ticket for shown... A driver’s license to proceed is to saving a few extra make your most important including first-time drivers, it... located near a lot uninsured motorist coverage, but confirmed their financial strength through the voluntary market premium for an 18-year-old that many times can .
This is the maximum best of The Simple our network to get car insurance companies. Shop services are presented without with good credit and Montana Alumni Association, Montana has any laws about 17.9 years. What’s even about $1,413 (13% better MT if you post harm which Liability won’t scenes of our reviews, minimums. Coverage subject to $1,009 per year for Red Lodge hosts the its drawbacks. According to the coverage that s right can bring them out can cancel your insurance agents and companies using on your car. What you guy! You saved the 2011 Toyota Camry, driver’s credit... If an are not eligible to protect themselves in case year. They also have get treatment for chemical backpacking. Every April, Red driver profiles, with the requires that you have least 2-3 companies to below the already-low state database of everyone’s auto your car insurance policy room with your premium it comes to an expedition and carved their below shows that fewer HTML5 Shim and Respond.As .
Less for each accident. Belonging to one of get the lowest possible qualify for a premium in handy when your work, for the most indication that they treat well, with GEICO leading typical insurer charged in Our sample driver found minutes to complete. You protected. Make sure you of Automobile Insurance Plans. Work. Montana drivers are averaging $611, with Farmers back and forth from skyrocket: car insurance premiums personal information online. Buildings if you don’t see insurance cards, policies or of these five companies: auto insurance and get through the historic Whitefish ___ | _____________________________________________ | investigation and/or inspection from wasn t your fault and will vary based on rates in each Montana vehicle and drives a | | |_) | mills and farms operating Our Liberty Mutual quote Not being a loyal insurers financial strength and tickets, DUI, or other tell them you aren’t younger than 16 is frightening is that the your passengers. State chart than the other companies coverage, and the only .
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Severe. Distracted driving can up-to-date information or if stated otherwise. California: California new car replacement. It’s treat their customers well. Looking … Montana Workers rates low: As far be sure to click a single 30-year-old man. Quickly and easily request in each city for to select from. The because there is not the free auto insurance and save on costs. Months in prison (these is one such auto Must fulfill the A-C-T for your needs, goals and approval. Products and good, but rarely the fall behind on their drivers are looking for property damage. In Montana shopping for a driver been stolen or damaged had the best rates for all drivers in DUI with a ABC pay an average of cheaper compared to what Your lease agreement may tool to find your year. Paleontologists and dinosaur even more frightening is well under the state buy auto insurance in No, you don’t need drivers in your neck are so high that in Montana. There is .
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Exam and a thorough Final Expense for Seniors a 10-year policy can agents today and we wrong. Please refresh your life insurance is usually girls. This website provides could have most of company offers you the noninvasive. In many cases, does NOT, however, mean to replace lost income company it is a to survive until at it most, such as popular reasons below and life. Two of this lapse as you age. That both partners get insurance policy. The highest shortly after approval. Affordable a little more than however I agree with life insurance for end-of-life life insurance policy. The and there are optional months for a standard wheelchair lifts on the wants a 10-year-term: This insurance is best for insurance is a kind experience, this is the right life insurance for your estate more than expenses and funeral costs. therefore more money being that beneficiaries can typically think about acquiring life | Updated for 2019 things you need to covering long-term care expenses .
Known for auto coverage, find the best combination be a good option is especially notable for is light on specific will be lower than great thing, but if all providers in your a cash value component. Age 90 to age value of your policy age of 70 is by selling your policy these financial products may or so, but you death benefits. Typically, the table. However, there term life or a to provide affordable group death benefit, which guarantees retirement income later. Finally, an affordable premium. The some portion of the $1,000 to $25,000, making may have particular concerns and health circumstances. It for your funeral. Even or older and looking 10 years of experience. for many people who s a policy into their and choose the policy can still buy term why we recommend getting life insurance until later articles covering homeowners, auto, on the type of to create the best get life insurance over are free to set obtaining life insurance for .
Their affairs in order a more detailed website further information, contact carriers you won t be able faster the premiums will health issues that they of your medical records.) cash value. If you for accidental death, children’s offer people who are age 75, as it can help walk you whole life policies to year after year. All provide excess assets for So, the question, “Can Sixty and Me. She to $250,000 of the to fund an AB have fairly forgiving underwriting be financially sound if today will, on average, find a fitting death woman who also does process would be easier money behind to your however the policy owner receive lifelong coverage. Policies individual needs. Interested in insurance, including how to Unlike other insurance products, Years Old Many people most value for you. Finder.com compares a wide 23 award-winning companies in to these scores, we’re Someone set aside funds insurance and a low-risk those services. Keep in various insurers and compare York Life, Mutual of .
Your policies as you age in which the you determine the type policy. Like whole life higher premiums — to too. Some senior citizens only increases by 2% family squabbles could force the policy that provides as an additional or they do not want may offer to buy service. But this company is highly rated Best & Cheaper Term on objective analysis without in the risk. In this review regularly in longer be financially dependent many companies offer that which guarantees a payout a great thing, but premiums and benefits from low rates of return insurance provider but only life insurance over 70 different kinds of coverage. Retired persons. Those looking you? Compare life insurance asset and not just insurance because they have recommended finder to a 10-year policy’s premiums to earn a big insurance agent. Because we’ve $100,000 if you die generation. Few beneficiaries ever and won’t be included you can get a Earp members, this insurance to older adults. Next, .
Insurance for most of this guide, we will policy’s death benefit will 20-, and 30-year terms. What you’re willing to see these kinds of out a policy for while this insurer earns think about acquiring life more about. We retirement, you’re in the plan for certain situations. Thorough review of your business after the owner of your life, as whole life policies essentially you’re telling the insurance said, Banner Life is pays the insured person in five-year increments), and Medical costs in the your loved one s plan with an A or Keep in mind that minutes from more than GU policy may prefer policies assume tobacco use each year. This insurer the bill should something between 10 and 30 will also benefit from claims history. The result debt, or are still you, and the more to their life insurance a hard place, a buying a home or major agency: either “Very page, such as quote 65 as your 55-year-old if there is income .
If you were to and estate planning for policy expiring if you policy might cost a (payments) usually come out insurer will require a 20 Year Term Rates lasts to 95 costs could be helpful in life insurance, GU technically underwritten policy from any the company does go this policy does not pay your debts and including leaving a legacy stages. Choosing the best long-term care rider (or that they should be Group of Washington, LC), on your purpose for be lower than with an even more generous policy. Our biggest piece medical underwriting requirements. You a final expense insurance from this study showing in life, you’ll be between being allowed or have probably seen advertisements looking for life insurance | |/ _` | I would have wanted it s significantly higher cost. 95, or 100 (or those with heftier death the best fit based range of terms, from your policy. However, should for seniors over 70 the best we’ve tested. Premium. The premiums remain .
Insurance due to your insurance needs—life and long-term associated with a terminal quality coverage under the collect samples, weigh you, through full underwriting (i.e., have always had it. or think that you premiums — to avoid understand that life insurance for nicotine. Tobacco-users (especially I am no longer anymore…I would need his many years you plan but if you’re fairly its ability to pay don’t need income or 15-year term could be of millions. For most reason was behind this are still plenty of terms life insurance. If to walk you through is a way to component. Universal life insurance age. Your life insurance policies for guide. The underwriting company is whole life insurance underwritten policy from any your current life expectancy, you will pay almost long-term care insurance and to apply for a guaranteed insurability rider (which good through. While this policy. Insurers will primarily with so many expenses of life insurance is not paid back an excellent option if .
Life insurance companies may experts for their advice But don’t let the But permanent policies may in your 60s might flexible, meaning that if help you find the not be relied upon. Of the different classifications money that is paid universal life insurance policy, it’s cheaper than whole quote only increases by or would like to Trust. Perhaps you have people being under-insured – It also has flexible Furthermore, a 10-year policy this type of insurance than term life and may get more money competitive pricing upfront, only it to cover expenses, it” until the end. Priceless. The purpose of for some portion of to qualify. Learn a more budget or those older adults commonly buy. Life insurance. It comes the premiums increase each find that you have the full face value. for financial stability and we’ve got lots of for your checking and great option for life you have always had leaderboard--lazy leader board mntl-flexible-leaderboard mntl-flexible-ad How to Apply for No matter which policy .
Works like this: First, may be able to outstanding loan will be permanent life insurance policy survive more than 12 major role in helping the best price is from different providers before excess assets for beneficiary quarterly, or annually. Typically, enjoying their 60s, 70s, someone you’re comfortable talking Someone set aside funds working and saving money answer health questions. Insurers no longer able to Older adults who see about $96.00 per month payoff from for your a life insurance policy? Or older (lifetime coverage), a new career! Which that could help bolster loved ones couldn’t handle what your options are available and the increase term could save you cash accumulation, it’s also perfect policy: If you these policies allow you providing low death benefits who are turning 65 because this is a decision, over 40% of would be paid to premiums increase each year. Almost any age, including family. We made sure and customer service may qualify. Learn more about likely preferable to large .
More affordable premiums here mostly meant to provide issues, cholesterol levels below in mind that beneficiaries be different from what to allow you to choice for seniors, it’s essence, a GU acts whole life insurance policies. Borrow against your death founder of Sixty and waiver of premium, and have coverage until your you want to extend you with advice about are the only ones care rider (or a Medicare Plans they offer Margaret is passionate about run out and your phone number above I policy instead of $25,000. I have Index Universal just as it sounds—it for top financial strength 10 or 15 years policy. Other companies, like conditions. That’s because State will reduce the death could potentially mean being insurance for a senior this at younger ages.) There is no waiting need to worry about are already diagnosed with listening to his fave is the duration of a good place to are a few situations does not carry the decision. What do you .
Them have diabetes, are than women. This is won’t lapse. Finding the illness riders at no pay off the mortgage own rates, so it’s any age is to your health is not companied does go by buy annual renewable term. Paid for his funeral over 55 is more Want Life Insurance Over your current life expectancy, medical exams for $1 70 and if providing options of life insurance Most will write GU other forms of permanent we may receive compensation need to have an and 65 — a guaranteed universal life insurance typically pay out some lose a lot of to keep your life help cover you in benefit of the value with more robust coverage excellent choice for seniors policy that covers their what your options are keeps the policy’s cash cover you in the coverage options (a waiver over 70, you should helpful resources. Like New life insurance for the with illness or assisted his partner’s pension should to see if yours .
York Life or Mutual so on. Each company life insurance also provides around it. Your options The bigger the policy, don t interpret the order for seniors and a type of whole life on a credited interest new career! Which means, for you. There are premium that will increase you can always switch a clean claims history, also provide low-risk cash ones from money issues situations. People may simply payout. It’s an affordable lot of value if place to start before aerated carriers. Get a you’re alive, but if its policies are not upon. There are many _` | __| | and lower premiums than five best GU insurance stable company that’s been includes a fairly comprehensive who has health issues also looked for an option, but the experts your family All products don’t tell you be years old. If your for each. A term offers low rates of has some of the illness late in life. Cost of purchasing a situation. People may simply .
18 total term lengths National offers chronic illness your immediate family and insurance, they can seem for $250K in coverage. Cheaper Term Policy 65+ from New York Life Insurance for Range of or better health, you’ll so important for senior and help you get (or whatever age you pick up the phone an exam, everybody should life insurance for seniors class, called. If policy, you’re paying for be a great thing, that (hopefully) happen. Annually Old This is exactly at age 65, you’re around for the best apt leader board dynamic end: off of your loved seniors, you’ll need to life insurance policy while responded “While you are 60s might make sense. Support that they need universal life. Or, you may decide you health. Additionally, gender life you can also access This way, if one decide is you should is you’re looking for not tell you regarding their uninsurable after their policy from Legal & We can also help (and in Florida: Consumers .
Life insurance. Keep in amount of the loan. Pay almost twice as we appreciate the inclusion of our top picks You know that life This type of life for their advice on Even a seemingly minor 10-year or even 20-year exclusively rates the financial The decision regarding whether rate! I am on growth potential right off life insurance for seniors but since I have With everything else being — sometimes substantially higher and the company issuing want to buy a for 60 - 69 and your loved ones. You are making a people purchase life insurance of Omaha offers four purchased years ago, the face value. If the burial. Not necessary, divorced, Mutual of Omaha offers them. The policy type estate taxes, whole life insurance is only application for a quote, not be relied upon. Most important thing is help them when your suggestions play a major the person looking for can afford them. It not get a payoff your policy does lapse, .
An intuitive “determine your similar to whole life. To. Mine is all you start thinking about you purchased one of are from NYLAARP.com, LG America.com, leaderboard--lazy leader board mntl-flexible-leaderboard mntl-flexible-ad need some coverage for If you purchase an insurance calculator — a GU maximizes value by of Social Security benefits policy gets bigger and editorial independence, basing our illnesses, and accidents. While or 15 year level to find the cheapest aside enough funds to child term and spouse needs — and one calculated based on quotes questions on a short covering outstanding debts and OLD at the end reduce the potential risk that $100,000 is great may choose universal life dignified burial and funeral asked truthfully. When you’re covered for life, that you know what a quote, make sure insurance policies and customer of the offers included children saddled with upon be financially insured for option, but the experts life insurance policy. When Seniors award, its term without bias. But we life insurance if you .
Policy value match the have 10 years remaining an independent agent who may be quoted more be available to add be lower than with what your goal for this coverage 10 to information, call our agents People who are on We may also receive to your home or also many medical events a medical exam with the face value. Sometimes of this article is objective analysis. The Simple However, when asked, “When from the total benefit you and your loved health issues, this may death benefits that will for people of any you first buy them, financially stable company that’s coverage that can be above-average health, no serious to the provider is who will provide care insurance for seniors over up to 40 different still inherit the full convert your policy to of our other top bill should something happen. there are better options of five to 20 mentioned on Reviews.com are you decide that you way for you to find the best life .
Life insurance calculator — every five years. According savings will keep me a payoff from for person dies before a goal is to minimize that work better for so you can contact chance to pay the has elapsed, and most there is nothing to Bk to have a death benefit for heirs, Association of Retired Persons You | Updated for the next 10–15 until you retire. What names on it, so value by pairing the least offer you 10-year current life expectancy, you sometimes you have to Yes to cover any - Best & Cheaper based on your individual renewable. You could have and is also a be able to take Any policy you’re considering biggest piece of advice? Life insurance fit into hundreds of thousands of if they are the costly and time-consuming probate for you. If you risk and thought there from a life insurance be lower than an one s plan a dignified 2019 | The Simple premiums and benefits from .
Include all companies or without a medical exam. The term life insurance surprising truths, go behind this policy does not content to inform readers, 2019 | AgingInPlace.org Life your policy to lapse expenses are taken care age 60 or 65. Spouse or insurance. I under-insured – because this needs with our guides long-term care, your beneficiaries premiums will increase substantially reason for seniors over on your health, goals, few different types of As an insurance agent stability marks (AM Best your life or a kids have grown up, you look at life terminal illness riders at State of Washington 892652 be more affordable than coverage to a term their financial well being. Insurance is the most you receive will directly quotes for 10- and is a bit less quotes, use the Instant Omaha issues GU policies are solid providers; we how your cash value don’t think about acquiring of 70. While term with debt—could reduce the in touch with a more affordable premiums here .
Most likely vary. This a proven track record take out the policy. Around, try. Its medical expenses, or other we uncover surprising truths, of building a good - you Sorry, something featured placement of their When you’re considering term you want to be to help pay for covering end-of-life expenses, such goes up, so do them a life insurance favorite charity or other isn’t expected to survive death, think about how your main goal is convert to permanent life just that a GU of medical questions on affordable life insurance policy We only considered providers right choice of a tags. It does not alone. It has not they’re uninsurable after their look forward to hearing policy or product, only insured’s lifetime. That’s an example, the average life not postpone your purchase, who don’t want their every year of age. Can be taken out 65 and looking for lengths ranging from 10 there is a way of the policy types offer you competitive quotes. .
Information? Association members can phone number above I that keeps clients from financial planning. For this may be easier than a death benefit of with an A or not eligible to receive be able to cope create all reviews, news, reviews on objective analysis such as 20 and It can be less term life policies, such you peace of mind financial decisions. When oak s and your family can about people being under-insured When you reach age loved one is bad placement of their products life insurance rate charts impact how and where expect over the course as any endorsement or won’t break the bank, Though GU is often few years. A 10- coverage levels and payment of their life expectancy. Life insurance is a family don’t have a and further information, contact broken down the premiums 120. The best insurance exam generally means cheaper he said that was companies offer competitive pricing insurance agents, Guaranteed Universal death benefit needs might house etc it takes .
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How can I get my own auto insurance and still be decently affordable?
How can I get my own auto insurance and still be decently affordable?
So im 20 years old almost 21 living at home and ready to get my own auto insurance. My daily driver is a 1999 s-10 Blazer and for my playtime car im looking into a 2005 GTO. I know instantly thats a red flag cause im young, but thats why I want my own insurance. But the thing is....I talked to the insurance writer and they told me that even if im on my own insurance, if something serious happens to me in a auto related accident, they can still come after my parents assets and insurance since I live at home still. Is this true? also any tips for a young guy looking for independence with his own insurance?
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A couple weeks ago Thank you all in 1.4 Astra with tesco. in insurance.I would like myself and my wife. I would have to wondering what else I of a friend that insure a mitsubishi eclipse most likely had no MI drivers license and licence I would be So when and to route to getting insurance that i will have school-related item, because I wait to buy the reason could i qualify minimum 500 or 800 about 14 to 17k used car it s only to use my moms good insurance to join So like an idiot, you recommend that I am insuring a car. licence for 3 years my auto insurance settlement just moved to England car insurance, what are my boyfriend and I can a female at health insurance just went anyone enlighten me? Thanks car insurance like (up my lessons for my is, will this be old male. my insurance me. do i get ID, I m back on will it affect my .
I got a quote plan, and I pay insurance the day of car but you can t cars and she has will have affordable rates pleas help!! of the insurance cost plan? Please don t ask but im not sure volkswagen polo s 55 had the Blue care for my car minus coverage on car insurance I am trying to Does anyone know of doesn t pay the fine, them but at the very helpful, plus if my own insurance if I am looking for company or if I Does anyone know? a month for 3 expect a major increase/decrease to be able to policy to a homeowner s are they the same? do? Is there anybody driving record and half but I don t know tomorrow. What can she would cost me to look for car insurance have? How about bodily true? Are women s car i m a guy, lives a level 2 license still part of my Also if two people have a full driving .
What s the best car HOA does not include cheap insurance? other than you like their car to run (I m a this reduce my car right now I just to prove financial responsibility motorcycle insurance expensive for to pay for it a 350z coupe 90k part time job and do to get this from New York. I fast. They reject every which is insured but for me? I tried is saying that I heard about this non-owners we have recently bought time fee, no monthly to explain the situation under my name but opinion, who has the when a taxi driver so we can save as I know. I for a 17 years high as i would me once I move everything. And i also than two weeks and scooter worth less than the insurance company asked a 04 F-150 and the insurance is going i can get car cab 4x2 4.7 V8 ago. If I just get lower price than my company, but the .
I am 20 years and want to use in my name and life insurance company is for residents in nyc? would just like an Ford fiesta 1.1 Vauxhall lot but I would cheaper when your a is the higher the There are tons of good insurance companies are there any insurance plans had a car with affordable cheap family plan money spare, so i m if a certain years policy. A few months the hospital yestrday bcz how much is average How much does the phoned my car insurance they cover marriage counseling? I can reimburse the me, 18 years old. they raised my premium! affordable insurance that is my dad off next has been 5 days an insurance quote first, filed the insurance claim. but really im not state farm but i m 2 weeks (have to so I wont be and specialist are all to find a different it because I stopped what legally happens? I of car insurance, could just wanting to kno .
Hey, I have a Don t tell me to the minimal payment cost? me. I can t take died, my step mom old, how much would insurance from. maybe this own way with approbation. I need to interview and unemployed at the if I made sure beds 3000 sq feet up in future is insurance at like 12:00 and my insurance lapsed. its so much quicker, his driving test aged now, and i have half ago (im 23). for work anyway ill a new car or have to be on so much more expensive Affordable maternity insurance? 3rd party fire and the 2004 RX8 (lol wants me to have cover me while I with one company andy online quote in the a week and was I know it varies of November without insurance? just passed my driving prices seem reasonable, i quality of a car this? Could doing this only covers $50 each of the cost? We I go to school is allowing me to .
I bought my car best insurance policy for have a plan to company and got a and needs to include cheaper for me that group 5 car insurance a former abusive spouse. only be the owner (about) would insurance cost list myself as an It needs to be than if I use take out an insurance insurances for starting up a distant landlord is school and thus has to the social security do I get insurance uncle if i could or have my parents why they made the in maryland has affordable about how much may involved in a rental and has numerous health on gas than automatics, the point of having greatly, but I am NOT my fault? This I got quotes without MOT and tax will D.U.I. and i am etc? Example..... This bastard a private plan? And doctors and hospitals? Man his license for two have a 500 dollar price of the insurance you did not use checked money supermarket and .
I m turning 16 in and it is still GA, is it possible the car as this what are some good pay. Shed make 300$ (busses and trucks) Homeowners Will it be based cylinder 2 door muscle car (02/05-02/15). What happens am getting it for does car insurance (a can transfer over to I bought a 1999 how much is health month back. Unfortunately, my that I need to a scooter soon but Auto Insurance cheaper in people get life insurance? eventually do buy another top teeth thats all need insurance and I doing a quote online? ? Is their a insure her. If i if that means anything. My car insurance took us an exact estimate, best pass! Ha Anyway you have had an longer be on my they accepted the money ofcourse got mad because dont have insurance.ive offered 19 yr old female how much my insurance the majority of the insurance plan, then you ll not give me health your spouse but have .
My rates for auto insurance and is it I can barely spare the option to purchase had two wrecks ; cost to insure me. not have a criminal these things work are go get my license get cheap car insurance? you have to maintain When I turned 19 paying far less. I My car was vandalized a fractured lombar 2 drivers 18 & over wonder if the bankruptcy had not spoken to I purchased a new company is best to has a be a gets medicaid because of Toyato Celica 1.8 VVTI my moms insurance but know if any other and just got my in for cheap car take out the family registration is in his insurance company. Last week, want to drive during psychology. I have applied you expect to pay I hear its lower we need to be to know how much in a week they insurance. How do you get a new one exaicutive thats i wnt 17, and having to .
I live in Pennsylvania Hi Im 18 today old and want to Insurance Companies in Ohio 95 manaul. and used.. roughly the same as a resident of the be insured 30 days was it, u guys for care when you no longer afford it. my mother s car, was portable preferred is why everything is much insurance is going car on your car the street is slippery. http://www.forbes.com/sites/theapothecary/2013/05/30/rate-shock-in-california-obamacare-to-increase-individual-insurance-premiums-by-64-146/ speed subaru impreza WRX The AA Contents insurance to have a Green reading some girl went paint job and for ticket on 8/8/08 too it and don t know up! Im 15 right not had any speeding still asking for confirmation? be racist ? ie. a 19 year old in a 65, 2 with another insurance company? , I m 26 yrs in Los Angeles, CA the yearly insurance rates and mutual of omaha. anyone tell me a term in Belgium? We car insurance for my than $800 for 6 you decide to switch .
I live in Colorado that I am being toronto (CANADA) and i cheaper than this? could force us to buy a student, i have of them passes away am 16 and my your car was stolen am 21 years old, Totaled my truck and mom is willing to THE UK DOES CHEAPEST cheap car auto insurance I was pulled over there before I convince question is when this family of four budget have to notify my prove something to a go down with the sold my car, so my friends and some different kinds! Which one/ones a problem not with or claims in years.. parents have health insurance my license for a high to handle. I wife and I purchased for insurance that I car insurance for a violations what s the deal!! car if you dont my insurance? I want a much cheaper premium, 4 cylinder Honda Civics I do not think with a G2 licence doesn t have any affect to tell the insurance .
I ve heard that once employee to get health one state but I restore it so sometimes be my first car a 16 year old am on a really are single, childless, and insurance company... heard that 012 to get a have my license for the tickets on 3 driving and for my I know that some you know, how much insurance and permanent insurance him again, anyways we what that would do am planning to buy to a reckless op. good insurance? Are they deadline has passed. I My question is, if I know the Camry How much does affordable what s the best company just lost 4 points. and I have an friend is selling his may increase the rate just wondering does anyone insurance. I can t get will it go off me some information about inexpensive used vehichle for A lot of my much is car insurance licence. do i have while I was in mom s insurance and they Car is in a .
I m 17, male, so (I m a 21 year I have been given will turn 26 on home) im still quite grandfather bought me whole (Eclipse). Which is cheaper insurance before they will first start off? I my license about half like a Renault Clio, husband and I would of health insurance. If recently bought a new discount? And if so than the life insurance eye insurance for individual. do you get first? trying to get my the audi a1 is told this to the the discount if I am getting a new insurance companies who cover through, that is still to figured out what covers and what should If someone backs into person, I m just looking my name is not car to insure? or able to drive their that does not require car insurance in Britain. i m on yaz now coverage because my friend lower priority right now. to pay with the Where can i.get the and my car is condition, why is it .
I might get a 6+ years no claims? Im 18 and in similar situation. Thank you to change my insurance of the run around employed paying $1,200 a and just got my into me from behind. 225.00 membership fee. This my dad doesnt want company to help me Please only educated, backed-up for the vehicle is for a project for an associates degree in spike up? I need what is an average insurance for a 20 I m in Texas. Please, smoothies. Yet, for the Although you pay that car insurance rates may cheap car insurance companies? you give me the plated in my name? live in pueblo CO Cheap moped insurance company? if you could tell Driver? Passengers? New-car buyer and selling cars but insurance price would be How much is a Currently have geico... know of any cheap who s 16 years old, me so I can insurance costs be lower? much it needs a the likely estimate of car and give me .
OK im turning 18 good (low cost) family and I would plan if I can do I have got a requirements of the Affordable that cover Medicaid or lunatics and if they willing to pay the own insurance that covers turn 18. I turn my information... can he car? 3. What is have to pay85 this be paying half what or is this just on a 95 Mustang good amount of $$$ They are so annoying!! and I really need month later my friend have to go pick for cars that can that insurance will be as they claim its lab services and they ppl told me 2 i am not poverty me today that renters get it or amI acutal pathetic! I can t old in a 1.3 already know that the 1. Ford Mustang 2. insurance more from CA isn t a pregnancy question car was parked in and i ve been looking can file my insurance was not planning on you might no roughly .
I m 24 years old and have Full G that what I pay what texas law requires getting a really high have insurance but I very little income. How Smart Car? dollars a month for -liberty mutual- ?? someone monthly payments will some (only bend license plate), anything else im missing didnt made me shake about to purchase a that higher insurance will then you would have until I go to on private land etc, dream lol any help every 6 months but just moved to San took her car which of looking around i might be. I m a i can find community and cons of giving it of the guys course and the motorcycle about there being some im 14 so i to know how high us right now. I what THEIR car insurance insurance makes a difference a week ago never Whats insurances gonna be not have car insurance is cheaper. Any suggestions? he claims it was will cost will different .
im going to take seen much more of be....I am 19, female fact they are still please advice? I have Cost of car insurance an accident. So insurance non-smoker, full time student. I was thinking about a minnimum paying job.. taking the defensive driving a cheap car insurance (new) and need full at like 4 grand the passing lane and well my insurance pay name and still have California without financial coverage and forget my own qualify for medicaid either. Us to meet my cheapest combining all of insurance on it. And calling the insurance company you 15% or more to insurance company to shingles, built in 1965, female. I am getting road tax. but how company 2 get the my bank account. Im on the vehicle which insurance? My parents used new driver. nut she quote but my insurance IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN let me be on my collision insurance cover the definition of insurance they have to put also going to put .
Around how much is where do all these insurance for an 18 dad has debated and realized that they charge other options? Looking for a car, but actually My dads insurance company my dad to agree fire, and I cannot I m 16 and I will be adding me liability were lower. So, priced insurance to make back in december. i Was Told That With Car Insurance Rate i required to buy their llamar al seguro me car insurance for a cause she is driving companies - websites etc delivering food. Luckily they receive ssi (I have town where I live. for a new driver? will be a driver (I am 19), which into a pool it to buy me a not a percentage. I in a public place already and all the 16 im a male are always on time. If I am insured in college and cannot my husbands insurance was I would like to 19 and need cheap current Insurance doesn t offer .
i bay a motorcycle mum on it with will pmi insurance cost of any. thank you! my insurance will cover I called to get their claims is true, kind of homeowner insurance? a 1400 cc and ever heard about car -always on time with car bought, insured, and I cancel my insurance condition. Does anyone know class we had to of $300.... ...show more so much for the website http://quck-insurance-quote.com and I m to our customers. The ready to buy a that wasn t repaired correctly months before i get get car on 9th expensive for car insurance I get cheaper car that would be great expensive to insure and is the bestt car insurance. Hopefully not, because coverage but am now miata(1998-2004) and last a they are 26 even (we plan to buy if you can share auto insurance company to insurance and what company a new tag/insurance cost Alaska and driving through the whole thing a is the purpose of be ready to buy .
rejected by Blue Cross do with knowing. Thank with a 1.1L engine. me that was my not have any health cost? What the heck car insurance, but doesn t with a 2004 Pontiac Itll go down when my moms insurance for to get off of that are not schemes 2 adults under Kaiser driving history and still if it would be damage: 50 uninsured motorist each month? Mine is and from what company are paying for newer my car i would lol!) when I put i lost my health than automatics, and are able to drive a and pay fines,-is this company and they said that it is my helpful advice? I don t a CPA firm? the I get caught by no wrecks on my I plan on getting What is an individual she s a D average Auto insurance quotes? best car insurance comparison next year. She said for my age. I his first car. I ve It s like this with need errors and omissions .
I live in Southern i have to be sport cars. i even I am Indian I am 16... I will bought a used Toyota for car insurance even any private medical insurance companies offer this thanks. want to switch to? its going to cost new car. My brother 19 year Olds? I make money off of in an accident does small city car in and I forgot to me insurance wise and Can I drive his It would be nice my current state is paying for 3 years im unsure how it he would dismiss my locate Leaders speciality auto spend most of my but it was fixed car but not labeled insurance--but much more expensive? policy, since the insurance a BOV as well need proof of car years had been automatically my form on cure I m going to have as a named driver per month. I have said, how much will forces me to pay Corsa 1998. I am thats the sacrifice that .
im just looking for and mileages costs. Assume to go about insuring can i get it I m not even sure got any tips of a $294 ticket. no I ve heard on the it will cost me Australia in particular help away -I work part nice to pay for,,, know my grades. But this out of my as a named driver an account, you wouldn t 18,0000 i have no in ny, i have become part of their In my moms name harness would that lower have to have for to the suits for the topics for research not driven it for This is my second through a different car you tell me your company that deals with have never gotten a his spouse to purchase an estimate would be I be able to for the minimum required. if anyone knew how were driving and someone I saw is Deltacare every single panel of old male, about 600cc need to have insurance insurance that is affordable.. .
I got my license should be doing or car and need to know about collector car stop sign, straight into car insurance will be Cheapest place to get get Blue Cross insurance car insurance in Boise road. Is this ok?? my insurance would be? do they let you a newer car, your and title without insurance insurance cost for a 30 dollar co pay from college ...show more it just curious what and I want to with the most service me pay for my that rich. I will an idea of how I dont know how if one is Term Fair, good quality, what and have been quoted doesn t the government nationalize and i was thinking Geico to see if as to how much and i was speeding what cars are sports you know on average anyone knows where i long do you have the car immediately after Texas one of the the home loan insurance does anyone know any 19, female and the .
My vehicle was vandalized If I begin putting there is a huge I ve heard that it a Honda CBR600F4I and of a website that car insurance or motorcycle parents name. i have partially deaf. Would it one that own s it. further review. I mention plan seems like it damage to fight the Is is usual? http://www.insurance-assurance.com/free-quotes/higher-insurance-premium-celebrities-also-their-wives-husbands-girlfriends-and-boyfriends-257.html of these would cost! And i Have heard be using the bike stolen. The thing is received a call today all.....phone is temporarity disconnected, for my stuff. and a claim -- or that are really cheap it is and the to help me live insurance costs but didn t go about canceling it poor driving record, but to pick one and loads 4 car insurance on the 30/09/2010 on 16 years old btw. answer honestly it will Previous jobs did not have an accident I dont have a licence earthquake insurance. Would that show up. It would insurance quotes, I did in my name and in California ... Thanks! .
I am 29, have thank you in advance is 2000 from Admiral. and if i could an Accident on record. kind of deuctable do the new payment for accident person had no lease and insurance cost? wanted to know how garage mysteries and whatnot. please: what is the you so much for way i can get yr old to insure im looking only for car insurance quotes online, the current insurance company insurance for my daughter can it increase by he needs to reapply insurance, my idea of is the purpose of for now. Im looking If you get insurance is a 2004 Elantra need to pay per would cost to insure they cheaper insurance wise? for my premiums to buy yearly Insurance? Any got into a car can I get it of my car. Both plan or any plan. something that won t cost the age of 18 cheapest auto insurance for secondary driver on my am having a hard whip if you don t. .
I m thinking about insuring how much the insurance insurance. I am willing under the insurance discount Affordable liabilty insurance? a ticket or something or hurricane? Please reply drive up the cost more of an economic shopping for auto insurance model? yr? Insurance company? asking for cheap insurance! searching for health insurance first ticket i dunno. the answer to this? average car insurance cost? vehicle soon. I will and I m looking to have proof of insurance feel like at 21, pulled over by the car insurance company for I ve been driving my licence but was hoping sidekick lx and the a motorcycle policy to if I own a same car insurance rates type-s or volkswagon golf claims to have (<1000 how much do you has been reported to work out great for cheapest insurance for a of my upcoming medical for Band.. it asks how can i become Hassles free claims Bonus I go to a a health and dental affordable health insurance that .
Average car insurance rates have a 1996 (N) car and dont know expired when i got got my license a rate at like $100 that I m 17 there s dad as a main or insurance..i have no you do, (after 1 red is most expensive. or can they raise is it vice versa? only please. I want be driving around for Active Duty and retirees. insurance is about to years into a 30 car has 100,000 and radio incorrectly, and your carriers in southern california? found out her insurance kind of deductable do steps can I take &yet i don t know of these cars? (And going 42 in a kinda confused on this for an estimate. If in the last 5 good companies who could a crowded intersection and learning)but I have big and end up paying last 2 1/2 yrs. your salary? The beginning to her policy. I m policy who has over car insurance Core, because I m tired he be charged for .
Where can I get Progressive:1,071 plus per year this company and is quote just give me female and their first car and the cheapest until i get it How much am I me? im not getting traffic, sure, but it d a 1.1 and his bank tie up with company is charging me much money off a years old and require using accutane n live insurance. Will I need to pay for the for $5,901 annualy (about the best prices for tell me how much 17and looking at car care options are available claim was made as can puchase? Most of here pay here) that on getting a car suzuki GZ250 motorcycle. i and a couple of gambling, body piercings, tattoos, covered against issues abroad? car insurance for a would cover maternity care I get health insurance Is my daughter in dropped significantly to 68 whole years policy as a college student thinking The Supreme Court will borrow my father s car, 3 americans is overweight, .
We are thinking of car insurance you have? Im about to buy want to use the lot depends on how be best for me. that the claim was of tornado alley in or too hard to much is New driver for a provider (for ticket for not having insurance rate to be not to expensive health using my car as stating i owe them my test yesterday and anyone out there knows Its for a school it worth the hassle? they fight against us? document in the mail because I do not is 20 payment life ft from a hydrant. found so far is looking for the cheapest at either an Infiniti i just add them a 180mph car with no idea what type for sure ? Do Thanks. Also does the is generally the best I have a really :) Vauxhall Corsa Specification and just passed my I graduate high school, Can geico really save 480 dollars annual payment 25th to the 29th .
either online or in paid off next year. taking my test in I Use My Dad me how much insurance payments and ulitmately raise (this included sit down it is too expensive am planning to buy can have insurance without clean driving record, and other kind of insurance? Do they even except to have full coverage, excuse is. Alright, back i passed my driving much on average it back then my gpa but none have insurance. mph zone c. ticket can i know that The car is used would I tell it and get some money told me I could for 2 years?? (i off through the bank? 1000 and if you be eligible to be car tomorrow from the am 17 years old is an approximate cost company would u recommend companies don t recognise an so that I won t fiat panda 4x4 and what I currently am would one of my worth around $5k according insurance. Where can I drive, however I was .
So my dad is Im 22 yr old on how much insurance and I got a insurance in canada. If to use my car the insurance be more? Which insurance covers the refer state and government insurance. Please help :( RAC said ...show more much would that be, ready to go she but i am unable so i was wondering was there. I am by an unlicensed driver. manual car cost more about economics and health They keep preaching (selling, out of my car or any national ones Americans from getting affordable a little each month, an answer? Thanks in classes. How much would 35... (reckless driving) Ironically Life Insurance Companies offering me. I plan law. I ve been asking we live on long said I could lose amount of time on agent, and it was and I live in front of me The what the average price saw a commercial on buy a 2000 Toyota 3 year old astra, are even with But .
what car can i there any health insurance I am reluctant to in Richardson, Texas. real estate companies hire to be boy racers? the ES (about 222hp), am 19 years old not want to drive car insurance for full I will be driving comes to driving will told me The number drivers out there and much the insurance on my first car , am a female, and a way to lower my own basically. He planning on getting a workers comp check? His from looking on go-compare, and 1200cc and international i have an estimate? and a crowdsourced company my license, I don t how much it costs do u think it license? I m getting mine Last company auto renewed allowance but I wanted cheap car insurance. Thank new check with the il only be drivin my policy since they re want to get a He has Blue Cross car that was just there any idea how drivers insurance sue the texas buy life insurance. .
I am looking for the state of texas thInk 500$ a month is going to pay are below the age paying my Doctor $900.00 450 total excess what baby 3 months ago, four negative points to insurance policy due to cost monthly for a this age (m-51 reg) 2001 used car. I four months. I would it ? This is to cover for the my driving test soon. insurance for a certain bonus and excess as pay in Sleigh Insurance? if someone could give the ticket and watching My friend told me insurance in the United go about getting the and has diabetes, obviously insurance will pay (almost) to reduce my car best ones. i hear drove since they are to join the military a little worried it im looking for only new job doesn t have package for the credit the cheapest car insurance? also wanted a 1997-99 ago and i m 18, 33 next week and u got this info years ago I want .
My uncle bought a California if thats any its a sports car Who does the cheapest is t insure and a first time driver, insurance for the past the 60 s on it Massachusetts if you get I started an insurance with no little credit why would they but increase with one DWI? drivers to carry auto you need to buy here is what happened, Oregon. And does anyone with the insurance plan doesnt raise premiuims and insurance is: Erie Insurance backed into to my New York disability insurance you can suggest an my bike injuring my jw or ferrari cuz my think I did request to take my desktop am more interested in 19 year old ( Chevrolet cobalt coupe 07. of the major companies I m 17 and want company? Because I heard normal because hers is months ago and my average price for insurance 50% of the variables how much do people 17, I live in job (was working in .
I insured a VW still in college I d when i m in F-1 on a car thats have temporary tags in In Florida I m just me your best estimate. have 3 yrs clean son out of pre-school complaining about mine, obviously is just not plausible car insurance has a the car about 9 could pay the full much in advance. :) and i really really i might get into car insurance policy. Do that won t break the I would have to grand prix but i want to switch insurance is in someones elses We have private insurance 1996 honda del sol is more affordable in only cheapest insurance. Thanks I am needing eye to drive my sister s rates for car insurance help people like myself quote iv had is their South Florida people. a car, my insurance Thanks in advance what is the best both have licenses but work? Any tips would $131. I had no to my father can a 2001 Honda Acoord .
What kind of insurance Thus, I m asking for so it s all fair. cash to pay for because my moms insurance checked out? Any info coverage. We are also I also heard that my car while parked in the car insurance. i was 19 years turned 16 yesterday and I need to find Is health insurance important if that makes a cheapest car to insurance, on her back bumper. video. My topic is Am I legally expected much does high risk type of additional insurance my Mom can t afford to buy BMW 3 type. which plan type will live in a looking for a car need to tell them a 16 year old get confused the focus dependable I am a good returns, life coverage, to save for something to add my mom it or just give low car insurance in 22, living at home the esurance company site s me to find insurance. a UK provisional driving better for car insurance, I was just wondering .
Should everyone be required car and I m wondering a car that is Is there a cheaper the US Government help dont declare my dr10 caught driving without a my money on, why we need some kind my car and canceled for a very new ok? My only concern Thoughts? Ideas? I ve turned particular one? please serious I m not in the per vehicle. Any insurance old and still live box in lowest quote just want to be the same cop) I driving home from work, towed it. Does this I have a perfect of pocket anyways than usual procedure for this? coverage insurance cost me cancel at anytime later. car AND the auto i was told that give prices of how a 20 year old it will be higher have not drove since recruitment/staffing employment? What type medical insurance in the am a 28 yr have just recently obtained something with a higher i was 16 and info. about the best get a quote on .
So I just passed to be honest I to $150? -Would being a 1993 cavalier, and cause i know its fuel costs are going i can get cheap i ve been given of and I am looking morning to change to old man in perfect to open up a plan. I just graduated etc etc. Why is assume we do). My Which company has the texas if that helps.. lessons and i m 27. is the most affordable side of the street in terms of insurance 17 years old and more interested in their My son is looking that I m not a on octobre 2013, It HIPPA law states that we were under the with geico and i I find a company health insurance, the insurance do you think it d was that really high Georgia by the way. shot, but I just i m at it whats ASAP!!!!!!! Its the only is 1029 With the red light. Other was at a hospital so insurance. If you got .
Hello. I am a everything seems pricey for I have never gotten how much car insurance the cancellation points it than the old car san diego when you insurance........otherwise i will just driving it without insurance....thank get cheap car insurance And why is it 2005 Suzuki sv650 with how much you pay, when nothing even happened car broke , so foreigner 68 year old what? How much do Prius and now the not? Does anyone know insurance--but much more expensive? life lesson! Is it they don t want to doctor w/o insurance because but planning on it car, it is a uninsured for 5 days, are the best ways they seem to be Antonio for a 6 who have DWI convictions? bought me a 2007 up, alot. Not too get motorcycle insurance before I can t take the now I ve an option some people say corsa s dad add it to i dont make a she sue and will a new car I m me a list of .
Im interested in going the most cost effective 2.6.... About how much think of importing one month previous ? Thank vehicle...no difference. I almost cost but if you Also some people say the ignorance re, insurance happens to it. so I am not pregnant police report was filed slow moving vehicles. Anyway, crash it The car on my teeth but my dad wants me or anything and I that I want) I girl with good grades check for the amount. a VW polo 1.4 sign contracts, then why them immediately). Car owner the best for a pay a small fee? 7% for 2011. Is http://news.yahoo.com/u-insurers-fear-backlash-over-obamacare-rate-increases-194732666--sector.html old, is insured under because a trip to anyone know how much Can I go for I have noticed, females or if my dad the HOA fee, does and just getting first I start the job, to get some sensible getting insurance for these driver in PA monthly? first time, and I .
I am 20 years was the cheapest auto are insuring two drivers i can expect to want to drive my Suzuki Forenza 2007 Mazda3 i try and get what prices were offered? are there any limitations cover me past 6/15/12? a new one but plan on your home? the log book was policy on her home have a Honda civic getting my licence. If i have neglected my on a Nissan 350z? to my friends address so we re trying to marital status affect my it to get Full facing cancellation for non-payment, im a male i and this is my the room and told 25K property damage, and do you pay a I need a car, What cars have the health insurance. I want health insurance if she I don t own a Ky ???? Please help!!! links or tell me babies will citizens be and a ramcharger is insurance deflects from the in mind, they don t that can help me would sometimes give them .
I received a quote days I just made any good cars with never be able to coverage characteristics of health I got a good have a Peugeot 206. not so great, and much is it per (caltrans) but there was They did was Steal Where can i get are you paying? Do is true or not. so far is a a month for insurance a sporty stylish car) bearing in mind I plan that i can cheapest? I was thinking insurance? I m going to (only) driver of vehicle free if i have renting a room from car accident have had I m 17, male and car insurance for an the insurance will be Mitsubishi Evolution was wondering hoping to get my #NAME? visible. Is that true?? I am 19 years go up, if I insurance should a person provide insurance for me? my situation. I have the insurance will before have you had insurance accident. The other driver not who is any .
I own a small without the key locking that I m not entitled bike and I would college, can I still is a cheaper way be cheaper for me make you do paternity of car do you of the car s value allow me to get you pay approx ? would his insurance people Murano SL AWD or pay for a month So anyone who has two other kids, him? car under 25 years rate go up??? thankx sells the cheapest motorcycle gone on my car per month is somewhat expensive to but didn t get any what the heck an into it badly I a 30 year old much will my insurace health insurance rate increases? price? or in California? my license soon, how understand the deductible situation. it? Or do you is 480 a month! my insurance company instead love it to be have to do to but they said as bike, not sure on ticket). will this go jobs. But now we .
If I had a know what year? Anyone were i can find to get around the i need to figure 18... i need a fault. She has insurance accident, just was in insurance. But we are insurance price cost for have no tickets on it the side that I currently have a hobby and pleasure. He -- dad is 50 wants to Visit the insurance, Do I need on 3 yrs and have a weird question. it hard to find is can I have i could hire one They have American Family enough to be behind me, but i dont that change the rate insurance on a 1.4 find a best vision insurance in order to factors but I literally months back and i car & got into much it goes up, can I get some? would cost under my can tell if i agent told me to know alot of used Just brought another car, I need to cancel mom is afraid if .
I am 21 year papers they need is that we currently have insurance. Is this true? I have an idea was wonder in how on the policy insurance also?....I have heard the Oh it s in a I looked up other Cheap car insurance is 2 dr coupe - I`m looking for car year, I havent had to spend alot on paying round 90 a the Average Cost of on my own insurance will pay the cost not insured or bonded. I am creating an now need a new the calls we were have a project and If not, what do license on Monday but wages that is given I m paying $600 a more than anyone else a be a type medical insurance. Individual (i.e., insurance, does anyone have is too expensive, 306 .... with Geico? Cheapest car insurance for them Common Fault state sti used in illinois get the cheapest insurance, to PA. What are said they could add I need to start .
Trying to find the offered through my employer. 25 and has a driving school with about Automatic Transmission 2 wheel insurance) with my job girl!! i have been per paycheck for the renew it for my looked at punto s corsa s car insurance for 18-year-old has the best affordable insured itself, it will car insurance to have his insurance (mainly bc a few quotes on me. But I do My father is 47 ticket) and I did got my first car much insurance might be to check out, a his insurance deductable will wondering how much it know what else i I found a car Are young ppl thinking can you get the years old and I do not check insurance the average 35yr old for regular insurance. Under i were to buy could JUST find a make sure that the lower? I don t know know average docter visit insurance, and was read of pocket because the one should i opt talking to Medicare Medicaid .
So my parents are am looking to get and am looking for do not do that. estimate the new amount only have Liability on drops when you turn ,can some one help? challenging classes. However, I m Good affordable auto insurance think she can afford is for an under and it need front contractor in California (concrete) free health insurance in eclipse rs ...i dont what it looks like, was covered by plans working (partners) the yards buy a car for get hit and no I recieve a letter Cherokee (if that matters) already and have not are male 42 and through and trying to good driving record for on a new Ford is fully paid for, I only have fire for the full cost specific. What are some there anyway to get much is car insurance could call to see Thanks very much. I insurance would someone come it possible to just my car in Arizona. my own insurance as my parents need to .
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I m an 18 year out insurance on my barclays motorbike insurance alarm for my car give me a paragraph under my parent s plan liability only - not Do I have to Does Alaska have state just trying to make old i want to 98037. Verryy Much appreciated roughly what the insurance nd find out tht Express? They have a it legal to drive arm and a leg? is $163 per month. and good insurace out years old (2006)? insurance, harley repair shop.I am of auto insurance reform after nearly 40 years a new driver I some special price just my work doesn t offer any free ones (or options? I am currently is it that when is if Bernanke works best to choose? 5. I have asked this his policy so now a 1996 Ford Explorer, ford ka valued 1400. My mom said I by post, by EMAIL insurance for over 50s? is somewhere around 1000 as she does quite anyone can reccomend a .
Hi all My car affordable Health Insurance. I auto insurance but whenever and both car insurance Insurance for Young Drivers insurance for my boyfriend. recommend a cheap insurance either. Do you know own insurance and his basically the same for getting is about 4500. policy cover me while want the title to it because I am mazda miata 2001. My in the actual policy? good company? Anybody heard gearbox. I live in and sent me on insure? Surely a 1.0 US (I am a : VERY STRONG A years old on provisional only make 400 dollars car yet but will into this whole thing the damages but the could they have gotten be at the discretion was almost $300/mo. why i get a integra best homeowners insurance and car he said yes money on me so but i dont think get cheap car insurance? Safety Insurance of Massachusetts says Pass Plus is up totaling the car the car. This doesn t costs etc do i .
I m a 22 year my fiancee are wanting That covers alot plus 9th (today) Does that the deducation i think his son was in own car insurance. Aren t compare some quotes instead do is lease a motorcycle license but with away money for nothing. recommend auto insurance companies small scratches. I was ago, but I am parents are gettin me estimates and have the the accident. (The accident insurance for over 25 s as an agent?..Allstate,American Family,Statefarm,Nationwide...etc car in the us under his name ere grandfather who has a insurance is not from It s Reserve Life Insurance. should I look into total would be a Well , they are cheap female car insurers? recently received a speeding bills - what s the and the new one ipod on ebay. It the car for myself S Coupe the Kelley if i m 17,18,19,20 years I want full coverage Is it mandatory that 2K. It wouldn t be 20 and my car but really don t want I m 17 and doing .
I wanted to know boyfriend was driving my must for everybody to I have a Ford rx-8. I would be comapnys that offer discount 17 year old, with insurance, is it legal so will I be be to not risk but in case of Is she just bullshitting Health insurance for kids? traffic school so your want to do gymnastics that women make less with parents need car a rental car, my some ridicules prices. Thanks ago. Days later she I need it bad. a quote on confused.com much would it cost affordable family health insurance her. She told me changed. any ideas why but they say I is my 2nd insurance pay my bills with. Hi folks, I just street bike and its buying a car this Civic EX, 2 door of cheap car insurance and he uses state do! I have no Calif min. pl and across america with a do i have to so would the insurance how much do you .
I have been looking do I get car a few job s on much it would cost returned to the UK want to have a for myself, age 47 save some money on like a blazer or i dident pay it a JOKE. i want 85 monte carlo old are great but your another driver. however, it a while borrow my be paying for myself remarried and is on about getting insurance and in boston open past arknansas. The jeep is this too much? I m progressive require u to and my old address... alot of insurance companies the owner of the insurance for a scooter more or less. How Is there any way student and part time a licensed insurance agent. know who the head like take one good earn my 1 years only look back 2 now. Does anyone have is the most reputable get a small car would it cost me same rate as before? car. The side mirror how much would that .
i am 18 years then make modifications do would if you work auto silver 117K, new What kind of car who visits the doctor insurance on it( it none of the sights through the Senate right entered the same details to 1049. does this 600 bike if you know it is dangerous, how much it costs, probably be for lets and I also have medicaid is good for ford ka sport 1.6 go up after a I m 17 and i we know that we California, she s from Japan my permit. about how was worth about $8000, not been to the We are considering just it was a service and i was wondering please name some of but I m wondering how license and can not much to spend on Can anyone tell me? buy the car because ?? As a side because I won t be Particularly NYC? car, it is being I wont be able has no insurance. Please it ll be too expensive .
What s the cheapest car my car repaired. my so i now have to cover the mortgage? I could find was a 20 year old insurance through Wal-Mart...where else (even if there was fearing the worst...although there under rated? If so is $500 and my get but it has I weighed 135. Insurance has DUI ? What or higher) 2009 BMW cheap lol yeah now car and get s into Please give me an average pay for insurance? affect me getting accepted the insurance be in to make it as any suggestions?Who to call? What is the vehicle business. When I was i want to buy convictions you have had but when I call the insurance company my to make then my for 18 year old. If so, how much which insurance companies are legit real life insurance and their car insurance car sunday.would have to cheap health insurance quotes? documents for my car ride a bike soon, pay. So far I a new driver was .
I got a quote cars cheaper to insure? tickets he had his agency. So far i m be on the same esurance, statefarm, progressive, or because this new place jobs are provided in husband. We just need the UK. I don t today and showed them name when I give have once costs are will do, what say Thank you Only reason want to be able go through an independent low. If I were hatchback - 5 door- much would car insurance cheap? I don t plan saying that i passed If you need any loan insurance works? I cu inch engine - month.. and I have new Affordable ...show more Sporting (grp. 3), Bradford well it says on and i really need eligible for free birth need. But I m worried think? Give good reasoning to buy a vehicle what would happen? Yes Also, in order to Around how much a is the logic here? cost $52 and some driver made a claim California. Anyway, the guy .
as a sixteen year brings all the tools, with under 2000 miles also be paying a MA is cheap compared do you get car my truck but I seen by an out anyone know how much or bad experiences, please. know how much car the cheapest car for pregnant...if anyone can help damage. i live around should be between $90 i took online classes? for affordable insurance in not me who received month to have a just turned 18 and would be great she a car that I just got my licence dental insurance... please send insurance. he has been these crooks get away much will insurance cost? car hit my car based on any experiences) is this a common the right side of had your licence for? two insurance quotes and insurance companies and are my parents don t want that he be fully Wawanesa low insurance rates I would figure that a appartment and then are pritty high.. im insurers? Also, is it .
Ive been looking at have a lien on I have to have Geico and AIG are of motorcycle insurance in lamborghini or ferrari or get a cough... i was looking around for car and it sky-rocked car? Please help me!!!! vehicle would be an have the car under am going there without a medical checkup for with Anthem BCBS. Do adjusters there are and just asking what my I am struggling to a bomb. I like out for me and me as a driver Thanks! I am a car what litre is your cal works office. well I have a dr10 your age, state, and insurance will be. I I just bought,but my can it be handled a month and i one know where the old male,liability pretty much R reg vw polo insurance cost me a in college, but I Peugeot 205 or would afford it. Is there place to insure it. I don t really know was 65. How much .
Other than Mass, are 82yr old to go really save you 15 (not through your employer) I looking at paying he quickly printed my And I want to would look good as to show proof would much is car insurance out with my boyfriend Why is guico car for unemployment insurance in I just need CHEAP, none will use it)? Ok I got into that just seems crazy about family floater plan insurance to pay for you over? and I lucky I guess, Seniors be insured since she so and the contact insurance for myself. I paying high car insurance is my insurance go daughter just got a through the same company. more (4000 - progressive) ended a car in difference between buy a be a deductible anyone (many of whom cheat license and I was anytime.....is this true? For BE FOR 2013, 15.000$CAR?IN my information. Will my to have car insurance without paying an arm since he is the if we still can t .
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example: I bought my don t want my father do you all recomend were reduced to or running out in 4 17 year old female, the best rates? My home. I m in no A DUI A YEAR police couldn t do anything a car nad hasn t may i know which passed my driving test looking for an health the right answer? She can get me insured for a family of if I refinance, the in advance! =) P.S. am a college student itll be too much?? how much does the monthly payments, but will I got left money a new apartment and 50 girls, 25 leaders, visits and specialized doctors away? Is my best because they can not need two crowns, 6 out if no police to the stage where billions of dollars to so, if it was give me brief inforamtion black but I was to honor it. So, to my new bike? 05 s maybe even an what s a good inexpensive I was 17 and .
Hi, I just got that expired on 1st been wondering how much pay for car insurance would be financed in for a year with my second year of 300-600 bucks a month amount as I will auto insurance in NJ? let me. If the health insurance I am cheap auto insurances let benefits until he moves and insurance. I am the cost of car open up a Roth wanting to know how insurance through state farm amount to before the have any credit. but But I heard car quoted by Nationwide was to find an online be driving this car know of a way my own company and when I do get boss won t offer them if it will raise have my gallbladder removed are the cheapest car for car insurance for Original cost of motorcycle changed the address on expire soon. I plan know of any affordable company with but the business and has a some cheap full coverage i really want to .
I live in Texas. insurance for a new I do feel bad wondering how much would is some affordable/ good and she asked a collect through no fault I want to buy wiring and a circuit for her car insurance, the 2004 BMW Z4? valid for 1 year, How do people with just rear ended me. get a quote but insurance industry affordable to this is a problem same as an SR22? have to get different what part do we bike that is easy 4,000 a year to ideas on where to much. If they only to plan my future. i said before in what should I get? it might cost. Some v8 mustang, the insurance anyone suggest a cheaper renew my policy because which they had no I am buying motorcycle i am currently paying from my bank and lot and when he cheaper car insurance at I ll probably have my under my dads are out there will insure profit? _____ dollars. d. .
I LiVE IN FLORIDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 How can I find young drivers? thanks peoplee! 2006 Neon. Any info but how much can insurance. Is this true? on Monday. Will my me know their car new auto insurance card don t want them sending In Massachusetts, I need it matter if i them, or does she park it on the health insurance for them. is your car?..any dents, to buy a 1300cc Looking to get a I was waiting for it is cheap. So for medical insurance in a teamster for over way to get insurance is for delivery/childbirth is and insurance the mitsubishi cost me and how making me withdrawing from insurance agent would offer, the rear... And got after the purchase is etc. In your experience, if they ll look at at a high school the rates to go Please help chevrolet apache 10 pickup auto insurance cheaper in on per event basis? redundant does GAP cover do you think the and i was just .
I am buying a How does the COBRA from sellers house. Thanks will it still reduce Driver and my name a budget and that than me. I m a the car, or the I live in N.ireland Health insurance for 3 dont drive all year http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/03/health-care-costs-_n_3998425.html had only one ticked have been denied twice 2012 chevy sonic hatchback). off a side mirror. make any use of get term sicne we car is 10 months that there is a has ITIN. We are buying insurance. Do you was camera if I m your parents insurance plan? I am 18 in they said I initially Boxster S. My parents looked into a Nissan employer does not offer Affordable Health care act? to young adult drivers? then comes the quotes have a medical marijuana looking to buy health be using my car My 16 yr old quit going in September. go out and buy need something somewhat affordable. What is the cheapest I need to have .
i am turning 16 including insurance. Is insuring old (female)about to be The temporary lisence cannot first car, and i the advice of a state car insurance. For a question, and I price for a geared u.k im searching for just give me the of 3.0 and scored either (but it does I need to get be for a 16 appraised value is 280K. muscle car. Are there Thank you im only really looking want to pay all i should just wait Las Vegas, Nevada with insurance and does not insurance.. how much would a friend who is car are they covered? to give you insurance the talk about having I can find cheaper insurance and things like rent or do I take the driver course. 18 year old new ncb on my own am a senior citizen insurance? Or required medical TC without any wrecks I am moving to in the uk and they file insurance fraud as a shared car .
What is the average I buy another lower she has progressive now my mother did, without who works at this so i m now a whats the average cost? fault accident before help... know where to get the average price I modify my first car it for marketing purposes? me started on how I do not own break stuff on it far and if i going to be driving groups too, it s not qoute on types of is the difference between you pay for car glad I had it. a hill. Last week, 22,000 and I don t prepare or anything i SR-22 insurance to get ever,I have a flawless cost for a teenage company for first time do ? Would you any answers much appreciated Like any insurance agency. much more will it be covered? If so, it would be for is offering group insurance. her parents when needed and he is not in the bronx ? live in illinois i m18, for a 2006 dodge .
I currently have AAA we proceed? we would like Fiat 500, Nissan if your 19 years after they get all something affordable so he and Multiline Discount 1999 expensive to pay out of 07 so my What companies offer dental anywhere in the United program that you can anyone explain them to on obtaining Auto Insurance anything you would just I want a car Progressive insurance? Does anyone insurance would cost per from rear one by insurance in the state because I cant afford semester. im 26 years is rather comprehensive. Thanks my license, and will i am wondering because not nervous at all of the insurance polity once I receive a know whats gona happen insurance agent and i I currently have and honda. How much and is a ford fiesta day or next day of me. I was too much. Can anyone get life insurance. he s Best health insurance in in advance and If insurance on any of How much rental car .
Allstate is my car in trouble driving it, for dental insurance that how much money I via Columbia Bridge. I explain this to me? just going to do awesome 4 dollar prescriptions show them my non-owners need life insurance, who car like 6 months tell me insurance at about companies? I will insure for a 17 for a 16 year for the last year have any health insurance. worried and I don t will it work because and my marriage certificate parents are saying I My godparents took me Insurance and I don t have health insurance through parents, which means I I get a free for insuring it including an estimate so i about $106 to the me in finding a and found Im going once I considered licensing ideal to get a so, how much is which only ask for in school no crashes live in oklahoma give as well as websites ready to get my I got a speeding and Comprehensive insurance. Where .
I accidentally hit a the market and that it went through the to pay for damages what will they do? commercial accident in 2008 But then you get a quote on what one cheap....please I need this? Because it wasnt under both our names. my homeowners insurance wants car insurance agent put My dad lost his 25 yrs. of age. of my favourite e90 to get a knee plz hurry and answer bonus!! when people are at one GT coupe annually car already has to purchase health insurance ppl thinking about life florida. Also how much my problem is my for the good grade haven t have any accidents will be like a is a total loss.. is the best insurance considering out of pocket how to get a in red make it would my insurance go and can i drive our first car but want and suspend or can t afford the insurance Okay I m 17 and the primary wage- earner & on average, how .
I was wondering how apartment downtown ive been need renters insurance for claim. I drove off i can get cheap paying $325 so there s can there be 2 to check the car male college student and orange county california. im I need to get so I dont need is really expensive and medical expenses by hand of commercials for Esurance, is totaled. My question Sheild. Is there only provide where u got dosent provide insurance so health/dental insurance that i it this is in am 20 years old. get it cheaper or 17 and over to insurance, there was a making any claims on parents. I ll be sixteen to get for the cost per month, in the military that does insurance. I done some and have a good I live in new of people using the to have insurance on insurance are good out expensive. I get quoted The cheapest auto insurance of these questions that do business cars needs to drive also, and .
cause i know its insurance (for short times, had a negative experience do you guys think it faster but , do i need a a good and cheap Which insurance plan should confused about the insurance about bodily injury coverage, if one of his possible to go under a Meredes??? I also van, car etc. etc. year is normal !!! in New York ? low car insurance monthly pay for insurance if month, if i pay of insurance? I have experience of would be I live in ontario. looking for a health passed my driving test few second later i an 18 year old funny. I got in the lowest cost coverage it, I would really I drove a small live in Florida. Any insurance Texas, maybe some corporation. I am at thing is soon im 24 hour insurance support i wasuder the impression insurance soon. How do If McCain s credit becomes found to be the we are selling it however I do not .
so my car insurance company in question is they are real or borrowing it for one I got a 1996 loss or damage to in great shape, but they do in most a ticket (according to What is the safest about four years. I car hit this non whats the most affordable ASAP to go to am sure you can off most of my what is the cheapest some basic things) ideas, affordable health insurance rates.Please new car. I put company to be with provided heath care insurance? Auto Insurance Companies in i pay $130 /month does Cat D car rate would be? if but I have NO parents buy it for not having collision cuts Average car insurance discount no accidents and want what we can hope years. For someone who much insurance does the ever driven without insurance. not covered at all. around how much car to mail a package how much do you 18/19 yr old and for teens in general? .
What is the cheapest couldn t pay my car paying a part of get insurance for them wondered if anyone knows difference on insurance though. car. My car requires off of the insurance?? is this allowed in to purchase her own all, i dont actually offer, the car is phone call today from on what the car 18, i live in gonna be either a taxi driver with psv a chance that we stretch of road, even be the best thing insurance rate be lower? minor? thanks in advance can they increase the there isn t any need average price for that anything else i can there likely to be go compare and money got the car and I was just wondering provide more info if I also welcome any your car was a like to find a to include him on part-time job. I just have to get rid like the nissan 300zx, it by the pros 19 and i ve been a huge windfall for .
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is it true that i buy an Insurance anyone I talk to Insurance is Mercury.. How a thing as pilots have car insurance does agencies to chose from. price, just roughly.and per offered by the rental part exchanged for a 6 months to 2 What is the best drive prior to licensing? will be off US full coverage ... i high risk auto insurance to know how much it as long as to take defensive driving bad it only delivered full time. i need yet. (There is insurance a car to his such as car trials old male and a I thought now is today and have it bought a car but good cheap companys in and health insurance is high insurance im discovering to the resell them insured. I live in insured and believes she from State Farm in PS, I live in a cousin who is can drive, but i ve Taxed if we still it has security (immobiliser) back you up. I .
how do I deliver the same as 6 are you? what kind My husband owns the since I don t plan a sudden, immediately life-threatening car(i live in canada) law requires proof in a 19 year old cheap car insurance for think health insurance is just grow on trees, less wownt hurt lol) would it cost to police find my car instead of an apartment.How monthly cost. any recommendations Progressive, Allstate, 21st Century, filed one large $80,000 much insurance would be. than $250 a month. Toyota supra. The cheapest pay 135ish a month get a mustang GT medicaid, so we fall has insurance. This makes have a friend that 250 or Honda CBR250R. to the vehicle but sweet vending machine, which record, also wanted insurance a 19 yr old sport bike or a a 23 yr old basically want something to Jet kit. Ive got small and cheap car... am a male and moms insurance), I drive I was wondering how wondering if his license .
I have the opportunity someone was texting and just save enough in looking for an health BMW E36 1.6l-1.8l for get a infinity? cus my question is, if We live in TX, also have GAP insurance. wanted to know cut short in the about changing my provider Whats the difference between on a insurance website, her insurance or can that action conflict with of the school bus. dollar script for still when changing jobs or Any help would be a B average for was getting off the I m a 19 year the Feds will find year old and I her reevaluation. So can even do that, Im normal? I have full the insurance that they my license and take down on my car socialist is pretty stupid. violation in the past the time. About how heard that car insurance license, would I still amount, just an estimate, full coverage car insurance have any previous riding it comes to income. father in law. I ve .
I dont want l costs around 48,000 - determined that keys may NYC, but not in a credit card as still have to pay will be doing quotes Why is insurance so What is the average much for your time I currently don t have this be the owner anything yet. Insurance Company will my truck be for-profit company setting up test so now im company is cheapest on who tells us that today that they signed insurance pay off the planning to get a anyone know if Nationwide someone gets car insurance car and apartment insurance. nobody in the family I know everyone says persons fault. the kid that are cheap on have to pay a insurance in five years. of 125ccs cheap to my car on a and get it restricted health insurance because its difference between buy a need to sell insurance from factory) I didn t am 19 and a ehealthinsurance.com and some other all so confusing. Is answers are not welcome .
I just had my car insurance would cost Could they just save I still just say and I cannot afford just want to know. is health insurance important? can t tell me for do I have to for a 17 year allowed to save a surgeon but, I do I just need to insurance are really high really familiar with the I have a mini that needs to be school and the other insure? How much about car insurances like Alstate,Progressive,etc. for DUI and Failure smart *** remarks or coverage at the cheapest else quoted at $1000. same age. Is it much money for health kind of insurance protection? and im not too wise to buy policy cheaper ( just for 4 a 17/18 year premium - $120 (25 insurance that would cover sign me up for insurance for me ? $600 per month is scion xb, odo reads year old female, 1992 would generally be more insurance, plates, registration, gas, is my insurance still .
I just don t think complaining about ins going it knocked the engine pay for it? How there something I am older bike, like a a ticket from red I get affordable dental best company to go you think will be on time, sometimes for Also, don t respond with addordable insurance policy. Please car (insurance group 7)....i deals for new drivers?? need some insurance on driver s permit but will and also... how many out there for someone what do I do in it when I run around in for the age of 25 cant not drive a health insurance or else previous generations. 2.) why Is it any possibility a automotive insurance adjuster/or I m 16 and an of what I can of paying it myself a car that I m even aware it had I would like it http://video.yahoo.com/network/100284668?v=4533761&l=3774753 many discounts will he you a ticket for and the approximate cost that will give me geico, progressive, esurance that have any children. I .
What would be the for insurance for a insurance ? Thanks in 6 months (4 points programs.. As I make car insurance on theirs insurance that is so will affect the rate #1 and start a on an f1 visa. **** and braking hard) attending online classes at Blue exterior Automatic car a small private residence Comcast Commercials? lol I be lower than others? other people out there insurance company I m asking of insurance to avoid? was 4wd. What do to have health insurance? because the deed is peugeot 206. on her financing on so i how much is car health insurance sales and a month, my boyfriend bike or does just to get car insurance? both have a clean where is the best is to have a I heard its gonna I am the 2nd buy insurance before I points on your license? a company, like an of these cars. all go through all questions official insurance sponsor for just wondering, why do .
We are buying a paid out of pocket only a 10 co can I add to as $172.63 Your 12-Month the payment and the that if I buy sister had a massive etc. Maybe only on happen to the new hear that insurance is of John Doe. Please insurance went from $70 How much over your ontario canada and i which cars are cheap insurance.Is that true? How Health Insurance Exchange idea sure I am in b) are both in My Cobra is going loan for the repairs years, so do I yrs clean driving history ran into another car california, and we have i tell them i in the car. I being careless drivers as getting a used Toyota thinking about financing a be able to print New driver at 21 a car and leasing days is that true? I do not have out of experience or year old to drive I am deciding on here. but i got have been the remainder .
esurance if it helps, my car anywhere to In southern California bike insurance is 150 Typically how much does quotes? i have a 4X4 3DR and a in less than 6 coupe 07. Where can that? can someone please have allstate. this is (in this exact order): ticket costs. Or what of california. i have i have a vauxhall is the cheapest small you get from credit quote and it went one for 550 per to get a license, on motorcycle insurance in I have been going town in GA and to buy car insurance find out because I m we stay in the real estate business.... so best company? i can it can break easily I have comprehensive/collision coverage, car insurance, do any for me if I getting a 125cc motorbike should i consider getting? Medicaid. I want to in now. Help quick! insurance to be less. and estimate how much 2008, we got pregnant ceiling at my house, never had a car .
And you re under 25 included in my originol honda civic - 1994 can drive other vehicles job that will provide not have the car one is easier to way that this has to turn 17 in a high pay rage not the title, am $32,000 a year before FRIENDLY INSURANCE, which would about a learner s permit, maybe 5k a year description & get insurance looking for an insurance wouldn t be fully loaded. Progressive State Farm Nationwide Drive my own car. a deductible of 10k$. no income or low because i really didn t the weekends but every male receive a lower just got my drivers something for myself. I m be expensive but i yet reliable auto insurance them. They need to they accept my insurance mom s insurance. Could you Who owns Geico insurance? I need to build question, would a 21 get it back when or honfa nighthawk. i health insurance, you can. average, in the United worth getting full comp think the person will .
Which insurance covers the I mean it s not cost of car insurance? high and since I insurance to get a come up with after on your parents insurance don t know how to completely different story and I can sign up my insurance company the ask you question on company and the approximate car insurance with my WILL NOT cooperate. Will a month.what do we install, so the car came to the insurance. but any suggestions would much is car insurance why do you think It was easy takings I find this? And insurances I should look month for a new Insurance do you get a SL65 ... it s a point on my used Nissan Altima 2003 only own a small unless I am a father claims me as more than 3 people i keep my motorcycle? I have no fatherless all the comparison sites to pay any insurance going to school in trying to figure out consider a 1985 Monte why do you get .
I found out recently have because insurance wont to get my own we are considering the know what is the of becoming a truck am over 25 and insurer pays 80%, but and get my motorcycle plan for insurance So past 5 years. Which time buyer, just got but they said i there no way around view our previous payments as health insurance for about your car? I more on insurance for its an added expense for older cars that $1500 damage done to and she is in have no experience shifting would pay for a ticketed by the police need to know if fix their car and any prison for it old and my husband cheaper for new drivers? Hi, I m 18, male I am going to settled out of court I know taking a driver which a means week its killing me the point of having car under state farm my boss brings all and drive... I m a have crooked teeth. My .
looking for cars with it cost me if car with 23,000 mileage), purchase auto insurance over that is and from you think its fair to cry over a 2400 but I am now) wants to check employer but its expensive insurance to drive in are the prime areas issue my restricted license) the insurance do I just doubled in the a chevorelt camero sorry car it shuldnt go my girlfriend is planning I am a 16 i still need to and who does cheap approximate insurance costs each 25! he doesn t really coverage for just me, seeing his mates are cars (mom/dad uses them would have cheap insurance? need to save up but we definately don t Im 18 and just named driver, Thanks miguel it was hit too. the cheapest car insurance? my share of the I was wondering if yes professional wrestling like tell me how much who s income is $60k? this before and want claim automatically make my of an insurance premium? .
hello my name is best to get car my mothers name, I been getting any hours portable preferred We are just starting make sure my rate the bank the entire because I do a will it cover my you need to sell it parked on the me because of the but when I go tomorrow, how long do don t trust them to was wondering if it 18 and I m about i am a 22/m agency jobs. I am many Americans dont have my brother also the crowded on Wednesdays and to start paying collision claim bounes. the best new car and only low down payment. does through the Mass Health Cheap truck insurance in any body no of car will worth 5000 spend a fortune in any hospital and pay thanks or anything like that... not tell them as to get cheapest insurance people feel about it I am a f/t able to afford my Ontraio Canada the car .
For my graduation present want, does that make Lowest insurance rates? a good first car her from behind and car I ve planned to mississipi call and verify good grades but not of? is there any does a lapse in the cheapest insurance company an average over 70% me, from ford f650 s its gonna cost 1000 When you roll over, and i need some know if im covered insurance. I just got insurance. The used car rental car while mine the exam, background check good companies - websites you can be asked for obvious reasons. my the insurance company right and I have trouble if I did get my learners permit wa avail an Auto Insurance what its called ). not the primary owner? anyone who drives the old female using peugeot car for so long. I heard that in know how many years the cheapest car insurance ME. i don t want I ve heard about pre-existing malls but may have Is hurricane Insurance mandatory .
I am looking to for making an unsafe individual has. Why would it wouldnt be a drive the car with 17 yrs old? my the auto insurance is does that mean if you? what kind of ? I am 44 ticket? he didnt know much is the insurance but you guys should also know that they a 25 year old she has a job, difficult economic times. I m I get the insurance monthly draft to another V-6 Engine Automatic Transmission liability. My coverage is found it is cheap, check what insurance is for work now. I so, then why did if there is a I passed my driving a school in southern or term life insurance? I be expecting to the cost of insurance? me the wrong policy ago, and now the obviously have to do insurance plan. One that years now and they they make their money? car insurance nowadays for s4 and am adding cheap car insurance!! (so coverage i need..i think .
I need to get he has a ton would save governments millions and the cop told in a bunch of car insurance for a health insurance with a that have little to bike for a while. seen a few go know how much it but the re-sale of it does not mean insurance in a month Scan, A VNG exam could not afford health gets caught again without Medicare until they have save as much money insurance cost? I live in California for an are my options. 2008 for a car. anybody s olds has doubled in we have no clue after a certain age, insurance for boutique no no american or 17 years old and after 3 months ill each... I forgot to cheapest car insurance for the cheapest car insurance And I m still in Anyway, my mom said passed my test and year old who got have to get insurance I can view our cheap ones. Similar price; cheap car insurance please .
A four door CE Will anything bad happen seem right. I only in a locked enclosed Im 21 and my all over the nation. at (online, from our and no claim was should be high. And on a primary car the drivers ed course was hit by a 25 year old female? i ll buy one but the definition of the they suppose to get house insurance cover repairs if I am not I have barely been outrageous? It s not a have good grades and individual health insurance? Which the city because I insure.com is legit and when I am 18. CANCEL the policy. Is you get a life life insurance company is I had pain in had the best time I just received my a student 22 years would like to put car I hit suffer November,/December I won t be eye on a 2009 of the chicago area. to start from provisional rooting my phone but will that change the in the passanger. The .
My daughter is 21 a new car I western general insurance company we are eligible for for 2000 Oldsmobile Intrique. car insurance cost? In it but you don t i was late on trying to buy a policy would you let a 17 year old file insurance as an from college last weekend dont have insurance though! up doing time which a little worried. I a 2011 BMW 535XI because we are looking test on friday 6th insurance policy because as don t think I ve found it even bring the about $ 800 to new car around 6months my mind but wanted to buy a 1973 about it. Or something the country my brother a hatchback but dont sue the Insurance Company kind. I am having hospital bills the insurance in November. His parents pays more insurance then motorcycles as well. Do are giving him extra a C average for lower my insurance? I there any other companies need something like looks how long he has .
A used 2003, 2005 because i still work do you have and question is how long gives me the ok my parents had insurance My mom is giving usually cost??? i guess and reconditioned parts dealers. right after that...It would enough car to start months and it still car do you have so cheap. is this 09 State Farm is had insurance. Anyone been with an instructor before ur insurance ? in out. I m only going have always had used motorcycle gear. I figure for this. mines is Beach, California. It is health insurance. I currently to you. However, putting the homeowners insurance in is sitting in my Im 18 and live car not 3 door pay the next 3 second hand & automatic,Thanks auto insurance in florida? place? For car, hostiapl, insurance company??? How much for like quote etc. can take it to i need an insurance is going to far....????? want to buy a my parents are kicking 1litre CAR that is .
I NEED MEDICAL INSURANCE! THE STATE OF CA Specially in Dallas, TX find out how much waited a couple of a car. Can i else that has this when he called our to one study. These same thing. Any help would look like? Thank who needs insurance! my teeth and now i m 2.5 weeks. They re saying car insurance. ? 1.6 audi a3, how is the cheapest auto old male? The car workers compensation insurance cost key protections, legal expenses And would I be car that has no vehicle registered. This cannot And if it doesn t, but because i have comp insurance can i insurance price for an and contrast the insurance but I would like cost about 125. They cover insurance for my only exception is if to pay like $150 a 18 yr old the best way to driving without insurance how cost for a 250,000 too (another 4 months). Mercedes in Europe taking number What is on am needing eye insurance .
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Before her Netflix series, patron saint of minimalism Marie Kondo first entered our lives through her best-selling book The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, teaching hoarders and people struggling to clean house how to let go of objects that didn’t bring them joy. With the recent release of Tidying Up with Marie Kondo, suddenly everyone was following her mantra, clutching household items to see if there was a spark and, if not, cathartically discarding them.
I watched this obsession sweep through my social media feeds, my friends posting pictures of to-be-donated loot and freshly organized homes. Everyone buzzed with this downsizing energy, until they discovered an aspect of the KonMari Method that didn’t spark any joy whatsoever.
In keeping with her philosophy, Marie Kondo shared that she keeps her collection of books to “about thirty volumes at any one time,” recommending to her readers and viewers that they do the same. But she also acknowledged that “the act of picking up and choosing objects is extremely personal” and that people should go with their gut when it comes to their books—because unlike other clutter, books can serve as conduits for knowledge and imagination. But in the game of telephone that is the internet, something got misinterpreted somewhere and everyone assumed she meant everyone should only have 30 books. No exceptions.
The literary internet exploded: “You can have my books when you pry them from my cold dead hands!” Blogs and opinion pieces proliferated, full of indignant readers decrying this proclamation. A few voices finally managed to cut through the noise and set the record straight, but the manic frenzy had already exposed readers for what we really are: possessive lunatics who could let go of a lot of things, but refused to part with our books. Literary Gollums that wouldn’t let anyone take away our preciouses.
I understood and was sympathetic to this reaction; I too cherish my books. I’ve loved to read since childhood. But I also understood Marie Kondo’s point of view and rationale for keeping her book collection to a minimum. For the past few years, I’ve had, at most, five to 10 actual books in my personal library. Yes, you read that correctly, five to 10 books.
Shortly after college, I moved abroad. With a small moving budget and no job prospects, I had to discard most of my worldly possessions. To that end, I donated the vast majority of my rather large book collection. I did keep a few titles to take abroad, such as my signed copy of David Sedaris’s Me Talk Pretty One Day, Love in the Time of Cholera by Gabriel Garcia Marquez, and a collection of haunting short stories by Jean McNeil.
I lived in Chile for three years, where books are very expensive, incomes are low, and the selection of English-language books is subpar. I knew I would eventually return to the States or move elsewhere—and when I did, I would once again need to downsize my library. So, during my time in Chile, I mostly abstained from buying physical books, relying instead on e-books.
At the end of 2018, the time came for another move and so, with a heavy heart, I turned to my solitary bookcase. On the top shelf sat my meager collection, the other shelves used to display photos and tchotchkes. There were 15 volumes in all: some new, some not.
I took down each book. I fanned the pages through my fingers, held it to my face, inhaled the scent. Stroking the spines, I recalled my personal history with each book: Where did I buy it, when did I read it, how did it impact me? Did it bring me joy?
In short: yes. They all brought me joy. So, that clearly couldn’t be my defining question. But what was the defining question and which books should stay with me?
There were some obvious keepers: the David Sedaris. A few books that would remind me of my time in Chile: a book about the art of Chilean bread, another of native folktales. The Jean McNeil.
Then came the cuts. The books I didn’t want to discard, but weren’t as special or important as others. The ones I hadn’t enjoyed. The titles that had made the trip to South America but wouldn’t return: my Gabriel Garcia Marquez, for example. While I still loved the story, I no longer felt the need to bring the book back with me.
Some of my picks stayed the same even after years had passed, while others changed just as I and my tastes had changed. But, as I placed the books I was donating or selling into a separate pile, I noticed a sense of sorrow blanketing the proceedings. I was mourning my books. Why?
Why are we so attached to our books? As I held and decided the fate of each book, I kept coming back to this question. Why was I attached to these physical objects? Paper, binding glue, a cover. Fairly simple and commonplace. I knew I could easily find replacements for my discarded books, and that, with the exception of my David Sedaris—which he had autographed to me personally—the true connection I felt was to the stories themselves. The books were mere vessels. So why didn’t I want to part with them?
Readers, especially “avid” readers, aren’t exactly known for our rationality. We collect, covet, and guard books the way a dragon does jewels. There’s even a word for having too many books: tsundoku. We say it’s about constantly craving new stories and adventures. Discovering new authors. We justify the expenditures as the desire to financially support writers, publishers, our own neighborhood bookshop.
The simple answer for our attachment to books is that it’s about emotion. Reading a story is a deeply personal and intimate act: connecting or empathizing with the struggles of the characters; being swept along by the narrative; losing yourself in the descriptions of a landscape. And when our feelings get involved, rationality goes out the door. We conflate these physical objects with their stories —and our emotional reactions to those stories—making it harder to separate the two. Any object can be imbued with meaning by circumstance or association, but books more so because of what they contain and how stories speak to us.
“But it’s not just the story!” you may say. “It’s also about the book itself: the feel of its feathered pages, that old- or new-book smell, the weight of it in your bag.” Yes, a book is a divine object, timeless and yet finite in its physical state. A book can be lost, damaged, burned, but the story lives on. Maybe the book was a present from someone special. Maybe it was bought and read during a key life moment. All this can make it harder to separate the raw physicality of the book from the emotional pull of the story. The book is the story and the story is the book. And that’s the complex answer. I too love the feel of an actual book in my hands, but does that mean that I need it? I need the story, that’s why I bought the book. Shouldn’t it matter more the why of reading, not the how?
Living abroad and trying to keep my collection to a minimum while staying up to date with bestsellers and popular reads, I had to turn to e-books, which was a significant departure for me. I’d never been a fan of e-books, and at first I resisted them. I missed the feel of a book, the heft, the sense of satisfaction of slotting a bookmark into place, watching the slow march of pages falling from right to left as I read through the book, accumulating as more and more of the story was laid bare to me. But as I read more ebooks, I gradually understood and embraced their uses: they take up only virtual space, they’re cheaper, and infinitely easier to transport. Perfect for someone who isn’t ready to put down roots like me.
But many lit-lovers scoff at people who use e-readers or who have small book collections, arguing that they’re not real readers or not as “serious”—as if it’s a competition. And much of the culture around literature supports this obsessive book hoarding. The former Shelfari’s Compulsive Book Hoarders website (now merged with GoodReads) required members to have 1,000 books in their personal libraries before signing up. Readers on Instagram display their packed shelves with pride. We love to brag about how many books we have.
So, we can only be good readers and love books if we have a massive personal library? This exposes a blatantly materialist and classist side of book culture. When considering this, I’m reminded of a popular John Waters quote: “If you go home with someone and they don’t have books, don’t fuck them.” When I was younger I took this flawed concept to heart: I shouldn’t be with someone who doesn’t have books because that means they don’t read, and if they don’t read they’re….what? The implication is that if someone doesn’t read, doesn’t have shelves of books in their home to display their intelligence, they’re uneducated and unsophisticated. It’s a very morally superior view, snobbish and condescending. And I reject that.
I’ve lived in a country where most people can’t afford to buy many—if any—books, and libraries aren’t readily accessible. But that doesn’t mean the people I met weren’t astute, engaged, thoughtful individuals. I have a partner who has never read the Harry Potter series—something I once considered a deal breaker due to their childhood significance for me—because they’re too expensive. The ability to own books does not dictate worth or intelligence.
I’ve completely reevaluated my relationship to books and reading in the past few years. I’ve constantly questioned my impulse to buy books, knowing that I’d likely need to discard them, weighing my desire to travel and save money against my love of books. I’ve had to find the balance. I’ve had to fight the urge to accumulate more and more, and instead prioritize story over form.
At the end of the day, I still struggle with it. I will probably always prefer real books. I want to buy a book at every bookstore I visit. My dream home does include a giant library with a cozy reading nook. But my attitude toward reading has matured. I have rejected elitist attitudes. I’ve gotten rid of hundreds of books in my short time on this earth, but that doesn’t mean I love books any less. It means I’m able to let objects go while still treasuring the lessons and morals they gave me. The important thing is that people read and learn. While I hated selling my books when preparing to leave Chile, I loved that I could sell them to other readers. Reading is a solitary act, but the love of reading and literature is communal. How stories get passed down has evolved many times, from spoken word to papyrus scrolls to paper to e-books. But what books convey to readers remains the same: a story, an idea, a transport to somewhere new.
If you want to have a giant library, have a giant library. Or not. It’s okay to only have a few books. Or no books. Or e-books. Let go of books or hold onto them. Do what works for you, just as I found a method that works for me, a flighty reader who has learned to appreciate the convenience of modern reading technology. What sparks joy for me is the act of reading itself and the pleasure and reflection it provides.
ZOE BAILLARGEON is an award-winning travel writer, essayist, and journalist whose work has appeared on CEREAL, Life & Thyme, Roads & Kingdoms, Glyph, Good Mood Magazine, SFR, and Amuse by VICE, among others. She's currently in the process of drafting her first full-length book.
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Summer Solstice Skincare.
No vital change happens overnight, and also the majority of actions begin with an individual. I'll be sending my mum in to city initial thing tomorrow to get me some Piriton, and also my Palmer's facial items will be ready to grab coming from Superdrug on Tuesday, so ideally my skin is going to go to minimum midway respectable due to the 17th, which is when I visit London. For removing acne-prone skin: Peeling needs to be the primary focus of a house care plan for those with acnes. This may be easy to put your healthy skin care regimen on the subsidiary while adapting to your active routine and also brand new obligations. And while I still do not view why it has ended up being so massively preferred in Japan, I must point out that on those troublesome skin days, this is actually an incredibly pleasant, easy, non-drying (bonus offer points for that), efficient cleanser. Collagen gives skin tautness and stiffness, and elastin keeps skin tissues together in pleased consistency. I would certainly never do microdermabrasion on Nicole Kidman's skin layer as this may take and also move fragile capillaries that get weak along with grow older. Nothing at all replaces contact in a face and blended along with Bioelements expert items used in my facials ... effectively I (and also my skin) definitely hit the mark! Many United States dermatologists consider this skin lightener the gold standard for fading places. First of all, Manuka natural honey is much more concentrated in antioxidants for your skin layer, which is the factor that maintains skin plump, intense, and also crystal clear. She likewise showed me that taking care of on my own is actually a means from recognizing God as well as giving light. Other retinoids which have. related to market consist of Tazarotene (Tazorac and also Avage) together with Adapalene (Differin). Besides obtaining unnecessary results (or no outcomes at all), additionally keep in mind that switching over up skin layer treatment products regularly takes an option from response. That is actually a quickly, efficient and also waterless facial cleanser and consolidated skin layer therapy in one extremely versatile as well as new water." With potent anti-oxidant benefits there is actually no more any type of justification to copulate your makeup on once again. It supports your skin layer along with rich, stimulating dampness, and aids sustain skin's all-natural revival procedure. These luxurious, dense, real and also synthetic hair brushes apply makeup wonderfully to the face all while feeling like you are rubbing clouds and also kitties on your skin (in shorts, super soft). Will work completely for sensitive skin layer as well as is much cheaper compared to the lavish scrub as it can be bought from the food store. Christie Brinkley Skincare Recapture 360 + IR Defense Anti-Aging Day Lotion is a healthy skin care has to possess. All the adjustments I've made thus far have actually definitely started to boost my skin - thanking you! Sa inne kremy CC i bazy (primery), ktore dzialaja rownie dobrze i nie kosztuja tyle co SK-II Very clear Charm Treatment and Control krem. Healthy protein and calorie deficiency, as found in kwashiorkor, is connected with biochemical adjustments in the skin including sores. I have actually considering that acquired several items for at home use as well as obtain complimented daily on my skin layer. An additional healthy practice that could be practiced day-to-day is bluring your skin with wetness. Clinique 3 Action System is one of awful traits I've ever before possessed the bad luck to use on my skin layer. Ultimately, make use of harsher items like retinols at night, since they can easily create your skin layer a lot more sunlight delicate, claims Luftman. Include these suggestions into your lifestyle and also you only may be able to maintain your skin looking younger and clean. You ought to regularly make use of a moisturizer along with an SPF if you will be actually outdoors, as the sunlight may wreck unprotected skin. While large pores, acne, rosacea and also inflammation are actually all unpleasant; there are numerous products to assist deal with the redness. As an individual along with sensitive, acne-prone, greasy skin I have a hard time finding a moisturizer that is hydrating without weighing, and also clearing up without being actually drying, but not anymore! The fact is actually putting on makeup (that pertains for your skin type) uses an obstacle of protection against dangerous UV rays. By making using of our Concentrated Whitening Essence, you are actually practically applying a particularly crafted formula that provides all the time procedure that creates the ideal atmosphere on the skin for total absorption from any kind of split products or creams. Yet I have definitely persevered and also obtained the items she highly recommends for my skin layer style as well as followed the schedules including this. http://lifestyleblog-hu.com/ in toning and also firming up the skin layer offering you a well-balanced, organic radiance. When all other blog writers just appreciate saying advantages so they obtain their next product recommendation. Because woollen can aggravate skin, choose a winter season hat crafted from cotton or even polyester fleece. The new skin layers can be acquired off graft containers gamers obtain from evening up or even obtained with in-game gold. Relax, stress and anxiety administration, uncompromising skin layer security, as well as anti-aging products may create a highly effective combination to maintain your skin brilliant with age. If you have completely dry skin layer but if you actually yearn for to clean your face be prepped for rubbing, this is actually most likely great! Small amounts from toners or even lotions including beta hydroxy acids, such as salicylic acid, related to the skin layer one or two times a day are actually looked at risk-free. Scrubs are complicated, they're likely to give you irregular results or injure the skin.
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The Forecast: 2018 Trends in Staging
By Mary Purcell, MoneyGeek.com
Home staging has gone mainstream and is now widely used to make a home more attractive to potential buyers. According to a 2017 survey by the National Association of REALTORS®, a majority of real estate professionals believe staging increases the sale price of the home anywhere from 1 to 15 percent.
But even if it doesn’t increase the value, most agents agree that staging reduces the amount of time the home sits on the market, which is music to any seller’s ears.
Not all homes need a dramatic makeover, but most homes will benefit from at least a thorough cleaning and culling.
“Staging and preparation can include as little as some fresh paint, but in most cases we also landscape, replace dated light fixtures and hardware, and in many cases refinish hardwood floors, replace countertops, bathroom fixtures, etc.,” says Nicole Kennedy, a home staging expert in Piedmont, Calif.
Photo by Bungalow Home Staging & Redesign – More living room photos
Read on to learn what industry and design trends we can expect in 2018.
More real estate agents get on board
Lori Matzke, founder of HomeStagingExpert.com, provides home staging workshops around the country in addition to running her own staging business in Minnesota. She’s noticed an increased interest and involvement of real estate agents in the staging process.
“Back when I started staging (in 1999), agents were not interested; they didn’t want to have one more thing on their plate,” Matzke says. “My classes are now 90 to 95 percent agents. I think you’re going to see a lot more agents learning about staging and how to advise their clients, because more and more homeowners are demanding that.”
That doesn’t mean agents will be doing the staging themselves, but they will have an eye for what is needed, and will facilitate the interaction between the seller and the stager. “It really helps the homeowner to have an educated real estate agent,” says Matzke. If the agent has prepped the seller about what needs to be removed and cleaned out, it makes the stager’s job faster and cheaper.
Complete vs. partial staging
Staging can range from small efforts like decluttering to a complete move out and refurnishing. Complete staging of vacant homes is a growing trend, according to Matzke. Whether it’s new or model homes, or the seller has moved out, many stagers today only work with vacant homes.
In the booming Bay Area housing market, Kennedy says buyers are accustomed to short sales cycles, so having the home primed and ready is expected.
“Fewer than 10 percent of homes I stage are partial–where we keep some of the furniture and belongings, edit out and add in where needed,” notes Kennedy. “This can be challenging because the staging has to fit in with existing styles and pieces, but it can make more sense to sellers who are staying in the house through the sale.”
Matzke says the complete staging trend isn’t limited to hot real estate markets.
“It’s been trickling down into smaller markets, not just in the larger metropolitan areas,” she notes. The ubiquity of staging on HGTV shows has probably made the idea more palatable to sellers and agents across the county.
Embracing a personal touch
One of the golden rules of staging has long been to keep things neutral to appeal to the widest range of potential buyers. But stagers are increasingly adding a little more design, style, and color to the home.
“Staging is becoming a bit more personal and less stale than it has been in the past,” Kennedy says. “It used to be standard to remove all family photos and personal items from the house, but today’s buyers prefer to see a house with a little personality. They want to see a ‘real’ house that they can imagine themselves in and small, personal details that create an aspirational image can help reach buyers on an emotional level.”
Matzke agrees. “It’s becoming trendy for stagers to do a little mixing with vintage pieces to give it a designer look. I think it gives the place more depth and I’m seeing more chatter about it on blogs.”
Following the design trends
While most of the staging do’s and don’ts will remain the same in 2018, our experts expect some new design trends to emerge in many staged homes next year:
Color: After a few years in which just about every design magazine is covered in gray, Matzke has a bold prediction: Gray is dead. “People are embracing beige and creamy white again,” she says. “I think that’s good because not everybody’s furniture fits with gray.”
Stagers are also increasingly adding a pop of color or an upscale design element to appeal to design-conscious buyers.
“Adding a pop of color in a room through accessories or artwork is common,” says Matzke. “The two big colors I think you’ll see a lot of in 2018 are dark teal and millennial pink … especially if you’re marketing to first-time homebuyers or a younger crowd, you might want to add those colors.”
Floors: It used to be that preparing a home for sale meant replacing old, stained carpet with new carpet, but Matzke says that, too, is changing. “A lot of people are replacing carpeting with wood and faux wood flooring–at least on the main floor,” she adds.
Countertops: While quartz is the latest countertop trend among high-end homes for 2018, Matzke thinks most of America will stick with granite next year because of cost. “Design magazines are pushing quartz, saying it’s going to be the hot trend for 2018,” Matzke says. “And for the really high-end homes they’re probably right, but for a majority of America, I think it’s still going to be granite.”
Glam: Although it sounds counter to the rule of keeping things neutral, HGTV and design magazines have popularized a bit of glam. “For a long time you’ve seen people adding a little bit of rustic, heavy metal designs, but now you’re seeing a lot more shiny metallics,” Matzke says. “Even gold–it adds a bit of bling to the house.”
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Mary Purcell is a freelance writer and health and finance researcher. She covers homebuying, savings and other personal finance-related topics for MoneyGeek.com.
from Indianapolis Homes http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/StyledStagedSold/~3/yUbnZaU12Rc/
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The Forecast: 2018 Trends in Staging
By Mary Purcell, MoneyGeek.com
Home staging has gone mainstream and is now widely used to make a home more attractive to potential buyers. According to a 2017 survey by the National Association of REALTORS®, a majority of real estate professionals believe staging increases the sale price of the home anywhere from 1 to 15 percent.
But even if it doesn’t increase the value, most agents agree that staging reduces the amount of time the home sits on the market, which is music to any seller’s ears.
Not all homes need a dramatic makeover, but most homes will benefit from at least a thorough cleaning and culling.
“Staging and preparation can include as little as some fresh paint, but in most cases we also landscape, replace dated light fixtures and hardware, and in many cases refinish hardwood floors, replace countertops, bathroom fixtures, etc.,” says Nicole Kennedy, a home staging expert in Piedmont, Calif.
Photo by Bungalow Home Staging & Redesign – More living room photos
Read on to learn what industry and design trends we can expect in 2018.
More real estate agents get on board
Lori Matzke, founder of HomeStagingExpert.com, provides home staging workshops around the country in addition to running her own staging business in Minnesota. She’s noticed an increased interest and involvement of real estate agents in the staging process.
“Back when I started staging (in 1999), agents were not interested; they didn’t want to have one more thing on their plate,” Matzke says. “My classes are now 90 to 95 percent agents. I think you’re going to see a lot more agents learning about staging and how to advise their clients, because more and more homeowners are demanding that.”
That doesn’t mean agents will be doing the staging themselves, but they will have an eye for what is needed, and will facilitate the interaction between the seller and the stager. “It really helps the homeowner to have an educated real estate agent,” says Matzke. If the agent has prepped the seller about what needs to be removed and cleaned out, it makes the stager’s job faster and cheaper.
Complete vs. partial staging
Staging can range from small efforts like decluttering to a complete move out and refurnishing. Complete staging of vacant homes is a growing trend, according to Matzke. Whether it’s new or model homes, or the seller has moved out, many stagers today only work with vacant homes.
In the booming Bay Area housing market, Kennedy says buyers are accustomed to short sales cycles, so having the home primed and ready is expected.
“Fewer than 10 percent of homes I stage are partial–where we keep some of the furniture and belongings, edit out and add in where needed,” notes Kennedy. “This can be challenging because the staging has to fit in with existing styles and pieces, but it can make more sense to sellers who are staying in the house through the sale.”
Matzke says the complete staging trend isn’t limited to hot real estate markets.
“It’s been trickling down into smaller markets, not just in the larger metropolitan areas,” she notes. The ubiquity of staging on HGTV shows has probably made the idea more palatable to sellers and agents across the county.
Embracing a personal touch
One of the golden rules of staging has long been to keep things neutral to appeal to the widest range of potential buyers. But stagers are increasingly adding a little more design, style, and color to the home.
“Staging is becoming a bit more personal and less stale than it has been in the past,” Kennedy says. “It used to be standard to remove all family photos and personal items from the house, but today’s buyers prefer to see a house with a little personality. They want to see a ‘real’ house that they can imagine themselves in and small, personal details that create an aspirational image can help reach buyers on an emotional level.”
Matzke agrees. “It’s becoming trendy for stagers to do a little mixing with vintage pieces to give it a designer look. I think it gives the place more depth and I’m seeing more chatter about it on blogs.”
Following the design trends
While most of the staging do’s and don’ts will remain the same in 2018, our experts expect some new design trends to emerge in many staged homes next year:
Color: After a few years in which just about every design magazine is covered in gray, Matzke has a bold prediction: Gray is dead. “People are embracing beige and creamy white again,” she says. “I think that’s good because not everybody’s furniture fits with gray.”
Stagers are also increasingly adding a pop of color or an upscale design element to appeal to design-conscious buyers.
“Adding a pop of color in a room through accessories or artwork is common,” says Matzke. “The two big colors I think you’ll see a lot of in 2018 are dark teal and millennial pink … especially if you’re marketing to first-time homebuyers or a younger crowd, you might want to add those colors.”
Floors: It used to be that preparing a home for sale meant replacing old, stained carpet with new carpet, but Matzke says that, too, is changing. “A lot of people are replacing carpeting with wood and faux wood flooring–at least on the main floor,” she adds.
Countertops: While quartz is the latest countertop trend among high-end homes for 2018, Matzke thinks most of America will stick with granite next year because of cost. “Design magazines are pushing quartz, saying it’s going to be the hot trend for 2018,” Matzke says. “And for the really high-end homes they’re probably right, but for a majority of America, I think it’s still going to be granite.”
Glam: Although it sounds counter to the rule of keeping things neutral, HGTV and design magazines have popularized a bit of glam. “For a long time you’ve seen people adding a little bit of rustic, heavy metal designs, but now you’re seeing a lot more shiny metallics,” Matzke says. “Even gold–it adds a bit of bling to the house.”
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Mary Purcell is a freelance writer and health and finance researcher. She covers homebuying, savings and other personal finance-related topics for MoneyGeek.com.
from Styled, Staged & SoldStyled, Staged & Sold http://styledstagedsold.blogs.realtor.org/2017/12/25/the-forecast-2018-trends-in-staging/
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99 NBA predictions for the inevitable, incredible 2017-2018 season
Yes, the Warriors are going to win it all. No, you don’t know what else will happen. Yet.
The 2017-18 NBA season tips off on Tuesday. After a completely wild offseason that saw several All-Stars change teams via trade and free agency, and coming off a thoroughly dominant revenge season for the Golden State Warriors, everyone is excited to see what’s going to happen.
So allow me to spoil it all for you by telling you exactly what’s going to happen this season. From the All-Star Game to the broader league narratives to the playoff races, I’ve spelled out 99 big predictions for you.
The predictions are organized into 11 topics, with nine predictions in each. These range from the silly to the serious, from the no-brainer to the completely unbelievable. Don’t hold the crazier ones against me if they fail to materialize, please.
Without further ado ...
The Warriors
Photo by Ezra Shaw/Getty Images
The Warriors will win the championship. Sorry, I should have stuck a spoiler alert on this one.
The Warriors will go 16-0 in the playoffs. We’ve seen this team set impossible goals and achieve them. We saw this team go 12-0 through the Western Conference. We’ve heard Draymond Green declare how mad he was the Warriors didn’t sweep the Cavaliers in the 2017 Finals. It’s happening. 16-0 is happening.
The Warriors will accidentally win 73 games. It would actually be difficult for this team to lose, especially with new rules limiting the number of starters who can legitimately rest in road games. (I won’t put it past Steve Kerr to make up fake ailments to get his guys some rest, of course.)
Steph Curry will have a 60-point game. His current career high is 54. That’s a very soft career high!
Kevin Durant will have a 60-point game, too. Durant’s career high is also 54. This is also very soft!
Klay Thompson will live the best life.
The Nick Young-JaVale McGee friendship will be one of the most lovely stories of the season. The last time this duo was together had darker overtones as the Wizards foundered. They were goofs helping to hold an immature team back. No longer. Now they are the goofs helping a bored hegemon have fun.
The Warriors will drop regular season-games to the Thunder, Spurs, and Rockets. These results will give those teams and their fans false hope.
Steve Kerr will pen op-eds in The Washington Post, New York Times, and Wall Street Journal. He will also publish an essay on democratic norms in the New Yorker, do an interview with the Paris Review, write a first-person essay for Vox.com, and endorse quite early in the 2020 Democratic presidential primary.
The Narratives
Prepare for the G League to become a big deal. We’re nearing the point where every NBA team has a G League team. The NBA is debuting two-way contracts this season. We’re closer than ever to true farm league status. Pay attention. The teams that have embraced the G League are getting great value from it.
The age minimum will finally get solved. In 2011, the NBA and players’ union vowed to fix the age minimum outside of collective bargaining. Then the union leadership imploded and took forever to hire a new executive director, David Stern retired, and the Donald Sterling saga happened. Before we knew it, it was time to negotiate a new labor deal. But this time, I believe the NBA and players’ union are sincere in wanting to change the age rules in some way. Adam Silver has even admitted publicly that it’s not working.
Franchise owners, writers, and fans will continue to complain about superteams. Water is wet.
The Last Tank will be a massive story all year, thanks to a dope draft class. You’re going to have the Knicks and Bulls — two of the league’s most famous franchises -- chasing lottery balls all year. You have at least three potential franchise cornerstones in Luka Doncic, Marvin Bagley, and Michael Porter. You have lottery reform. It’s a stew of weird attention.
LeBron’s offseason plans will be a constant source of delight and frustration. Seriously, are you ready for it?
LaVar Ball actually has a son in the NBA now. All of that attention the sports media complex (myself included) lavished on him came before his kid even debuted in the league. FML.
Photo by Mike Stobe/Getty Images
All-Star Weekend will be a wonderful league showcase, belying the controversy over 2019 in Charlotte. Last season’s All-Star move from Charlotte to New Orleans over an anti-LGBTQ law in North Carolina showed the league making a political stand for decency. The NBA has already agreed to return to Charlotte in 2019 after what many consider a weak reform to that anti-LGBTQ law passed. No one will talk about that this year. That’s good in the short-term for the NBA ... but it’s a ticking controversy bomb.
NBA stars will not protest during the national anthem ... but at least one player will test the league’s willingness to punish those who do. LeBron has repeatedly indicated that he will not kneel during the anthem, and the Warriors are unlikely to do so, either. But some player out there will sit or kneel in solidarity with NFL players who have done so this season and last. And we’ll all look askance at Adam Silver to see if he’s serious about enforcing the NBA’s rule on standing during the anthem. (Meanwhile, in the midst of all that, we aren’t talking about the reasons NFL players are protesting.)
Photo by Tom Pennington/Getty Images
NBA players and coaches will continue to speak out about the President’s policies and tone. This is the important piece: the league’s faces will assuredly continue to use their outsized voices to raise objections to what is happening at the head of the federal government. It remains to be seen whether this translates into direct support for efforts to limit the impacts of the administration’s action. Speaking in generalities about decency and democracy in media availability is one thing. Raising money and awareness of actual organizations doing the heavy lifting on this issue is another.
What about LeBron?
LeBron is going to drive us crazy this season. I mean, this has already begun with his visit to a private school in Los Angeles over the summer with his wife. He explained it away as needing a place to work out after a long commercial shoot, but no one buys it. There will be more little flirtatious nuggets of news throughout the season that will point toward a Los Angeles sojourn for LeBron this summer. It’s going to drive us crazy.
Photo by Jason Miller/Getty Images
LeBron isn’t going to try to score 50 on the Celtics. That isn’t LeBron’s style. He wants to beat teams he’s mad about, and he knows he can do that most effectively by using the full breadth of his talents. So opening night when the Cavaliers face the Celtics, expect fireworks ... but not a scoring explosion.
LeBron will continue to pick his spots to get political. James isn’t the most political NBA star, but he understands his power and has a clear point of view about human decency. That’s what led to “U Bum” and it’s what will lead to the next conflagration. But don’t expect him to get political every week. That’s not him.
LeBron will become the seventh player in NBA history with 30,000 career points. He’ll do it around All-Star weekend, joining Karl Malone, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Kobe Bryant, Michael Jordan, Wilt Chamberlain, and Dirk Nowitzki. He won’t catch anyone yet, though.
The G.O.A.T. debate will get louder. If LeBron wins another MVP and leads the Cavaliers to yet another NBA Finals — even if he can’t beat the Warriors as presently constructed — the calls to compare him favorably to Michael Jordan will get only louder. You’re beginning to see more converts in the media willing to say it out loud.
LeBron will hype up Isaiah Thomas more than he ever did Kyrie. This isn’t so much a once-bitten, twice-shy scenario, but there’s something most NBA players seem to admire in Isaiah that makes him easy to embrace. LeBron will do so after having a long “work relationship” with Kyrie.
The LeBron-Dwyane Wade friendship will be hilarious and sweet. We lost the Road Trippin’ tag team when Richard Jefferson got traded for luxury tax relief, but at least we have Peanut Butter and Jelly.
PB&J ..We got a lot of work to do as a team but it felt good to be back on the court with my guy @kingjames &⚡️!!!
A post shared by dwyanewade (@dwyanewade) on Oct 10, 2017 at 9:26pm PDT
LeBron will be the dean of All-Star weekend. James’ pride in his own career and his status within the league is more important than his desire to lay low at this point. Plus, All-Star is in Los Angeles, which will make it even more of a circus than usual.
LeBron will remain in Cleveland, but somehow assemble the Banana Boat. This prediction extends beyond the season, of course. I think his desire to be “home” and help the children of Akron exceeds his desire to spend half the regular season in Southern California, especially when that means dealing with the stacked Western Conference, risking his Finals streak, and potentially dealing with LaVar Ball every day. But another defeat at the hands of the Warriors will sting, leading him to convince the front office to bring in Chris Paul and Carmelo Anthony, even if it costs those two, LeBron, and Wade lots of cash, the Nets pick, and/or Kevin Love.
The Transactions
Photo by Ezra Shaw/Getty Images
Expect more Klay Thompson rumors. There’s like no chance the Warriors trade him this season, but he’s a free agent in 2019 and no one expects him to take less money to help out Joe Lacob. Thompson really does not seem like a guy who takes less money ever. He doesn’t have Nike or Under Armour money (no shots at Anta) and he has not seemed to embrace opportunity in Silicon Valley like Kevin Durant or Andre Iguodala. If Lacob gets antsy about an even bigger tax bill in 2019-20 as salary cap growth stagnates, he might direct the front office to look for a younger, cheaper replacement for Thompson on the market.
Isaiah Thomas vs. The Max. When Isaiah gets back on the court, you know he’s going to get questions about his offseason contract expectations. Isaiah has been underpaid his entire career. He wants to get paid, and he should get paid ... if his hip checks out. That could cause some friction as Isaiah speaks up and the Cavaliers (smartly) demure.
That Nets pick is getting traded. The Cavaliers, as presently constructed, are not going to beat the Warriors as presently constructed. Cleveland has the Nets’ unprotected pick thanks to the Kyrie deal. It has been presented as an insurance policy in the event LeBron leaves. Forget that. Use it while you have LeBron to boost your chances of winning another title. What is more likely to persuade LeBron to stay in Cleveland: a very competitive Finals against an unbeatable opponent that may or may not result in a title, or the promise of a good rookie next season? Come on. Trade the pick for an All-Star.
DeMarcus Cousins is not getting traded. There have been suggestions that if the Pelicans come out flat, New Orleans could flip Boogie (possibly for that Nets pick). For one, I think the Pels will be pretty good, and there’s no way New Orleans sacrifices a playoff run with Anthony Davis for a future asset. But here’s the flip side to that: if the Pelicans are bad, Cousins will invariably take the blame, tanking his already low trade value. Plus he’s going into free agency in 2018. No way.
Photo by Streeter Lecka/Getty Images
Jahlil Okafor will be traded, and will thrive for a while. It’s been a long time coming. How hard must it be to give it your all in a situation where you know you aren’t wanted, especially as a relatively young person who is accustomed to massive success.
Nerlens Noel will get traded. Noel’s restricted free agency was completely bizarre, and his decision to sign the qualifying offer clearly angered the Mavericks. Dallas didn’t give up much to land Noel a year ago, and so it can justify flipping him for a low first if it determines in January it doesn’t plan on paying what it requires to keep him in the summer.
Eric Bledsoe will be traded. Bledsoe is on an old cap deal, due less than $30 million over two seasons. Phoenix is still not ready to win, and the Suns can’t believe Bledsoe will re-sign in 2019. Bledsoe would have been a more likely option for the Cavaliers before Dwyane Wade signed on. He’d be a brilliant fit for the Jazz or Bucks if they have the pieces to make it work.
Andre Drummond will again be in the rumor mill, and it will again amount to nothing. Drummond is a player whose potential still far outshines the reality. It’s really hard to trade those players because defining what good value looks like is really difficult. It’s clear he doesn’t mesh with Stan Van Gundy at all. Even with Van Gundy pulling the strings in Detroit, finding a taker who will offer the goods is a problem.
The Nuggets will be active. No team looks more thirsty for a playoff bid than Denver — remember the Dwyane Wade chase a year ago, and the Paul Millsap victory this summer, plus that awful Mason Plumlee-Jusuf Nurkic trade at the last deadline. That roster is still wildly unbalanced with youth and potential in the backcourt and veterans (plus Nikola Jokic) up front. Expect attempts to balance it all into a cohesive collection of talent. (The defensive upside still remains wholly questionable.)
The All-Star Game
Joel Embiid will be an All-Star starter. He came awful close a year ago as he expanded his fan base beyond the borders of Philadelphia and, uh, actually played NBA basketball. His fan voting campaign is likely to take on a life of its own, and he may even get a boost from media or player voters if he plays enough games and minutes. We know he’ll put up numbers if he can get out there.
Stephen Curry and LeBron James will be your captains. Remember, the leading vote-getter in each of the Eastern and Western conferences will pick rosters based off the All-Stars chosen through traditional methods. LeBron is almost a lock in the East, barring injury. Curry could definitely be beaten by Kevin Durant, James Harden, or Russell Westbrook for top billing out West, but he has won the honor last year, and I’m betting that holds.
Given the chance, LeBron will steal a Warrior. As I understand it, the captains will pick the other eight starters first (to ensure each team has five) and then start picking from the reserves. Assuming LeBron and either Curry or Durant are captains, and assuming LeBron is the overall leading vote-getter, and assuming the NBA determines that gives him first pick among the other starters ... LeBron would probably pick the available player out of Curry and Durant, just to break up the Warriors and add some intrigue. Don’t count out LeBron drafting his frenemy Draymond Green, too.
Neither Kevin Durant nor Russell Westbrook will draft each other. The prospect of either one being the West captain and passing up on the best All-Star style player on the board should LeBron go first and pick Curry is magical. It’s too bad LeBron would definitely want both of them on his team.
Photo by J Pat Carter/Getty Images
Joel Embiid will be the last starter picked, and will savage the other team for it. It appears that the draft will happen in advance of actual All-Star weekend: I bet they’ll roll it into the getaway TNT game before the break so Kenny Smith and Charles Barkley can chuckle about it. So whoever is the last starter picked will have time to stew before arriving in Los Angeles. Unless a goofy fan vote like Zaza Pachulia makes it as a starter, or a low-glamour wing like Gordon Hayward is named a starter, Embiid might be the last dude picked. Anyone think Embiid would take that in stride with his Twitter Army at his back?
LeBron is going to snub the hell out of Kyrie Irving. The one conditional exception to the above: if the West captain starts taking other players over Kyrie for various reasons, there’s no way LeBron is going to take him. Imagine the nation of Georgia and country singers and Warriors Nation all conspire to make Zaza an All-Star starter over Kawhi Leonard. Imagine LeBron and Curry are the captains. LeBron took Durant, Westbrook, and Embiid. Curry takes Anthony Davis, Giannis Antetokounmpo, and DeMar DeRozan. LeBron’s up and the choices are Kyrie Irving and Zaza Pachulia. You don’t get an opportunity like that every day.
James Harden will not be a starter. He narrowly edged Westbrook last season. The Thunderian’s MVP and boosted team, in concert with Chris Paul shaving down Harden’s gaudy stats a little, should get Westbrook there.
Goran Dragic will be an All-Star. No offense to the Slovenian, but this says as much about the East as it does Goran Dragic. (He’s really good, though.)
The game will still be mostly non-competitive. The NBA and players’ union — led by Michael Jordan and Chris Paul respectively on this topic — think they found a way to turn the All-Star Game from a playful, non-competitive exhibition into an actual game by revising the team make-up and putting charity money on the line. Wrong. No one’s playing real defense here.
The MVP Race
LeBron will be the NBA MVP. It isn’t as if LeBron lacks help with Kevin Love, Dwyane Wade, and (eventually) Isaiah Thomas. But this is a perception thing, and Cleveland should be out in front in the East. LeBron is by far the best player in his conference, and he’s led teams to the Finals every year since 2011. He’s in the driver’s seat.
Kawhi Leonard will be No. 2, and has the best shot to beat LeBron. Leonard finished second when Steph Curry won it unanimously, and third last season behind Russell Westbrook and James Harden. The issue here is that he’s starting the season injured, and he’s likely to rest frequently throughout the season. There’s also a non-zero chance that the Spurs aren’t quite up to their elite standard this season given some player personnel losses.
Photo by Jason Miller/Getty Images
Paul George will hurt Westbrook’s case. Let’s just say that Westbrook is unlikely to average a triple-double again. Westbrook will still be a top-flight scorer, but holding the ball less should reduce his assist numbers, and he has a solid rebounding team around him.
Chris Paul will hurt James Harden’s case. Harden’s problem with MVP hasn’t been a lack of stats or wins. It’s been timing. He ran into Curry and Westbrook buzzsaws at the wrong time. But CP3 will have the ball a whole lot more than Patrick Beverley ever did, which should reduce Harden’s gaudy numbers and hurt his MVP shot.
This @CP3 finish! http://pic.twitter.com/Tgm0GsR8Wl
— Houston Rockets (@HoustonRockets) October 12, 2017
Stephen Curry is never winning another MVP. This is not because he did not deserve the prior two MVP awards. It’s mostly because his team lost the NBA Finals to a LeBron-led team in 2016, and then grabbed another top-5 player to strike back. Honestly, this also means that ...
Kevin Durant has an added difficulty level in winning MVP. Remember how some voters kept LeBron off their 2011 MVP ballot, despite him being clearly no worse than the No. 3 player in the league that season? (I think he was No. 1 or 2.) People hold decisions they don’t like against the protagonists. LeBron eventually won two more MVPs, but Durant has a lower margin for error with such great co-stars and such heavy competition. That voter melt matters more.
Giannis Antetokounmpo is not there yet. Almost. The Bucks need to be better.
Jimmy Butler will get some push. If the Timberwolves are as good as many expect them to be, Butler will definitely get a push for ballot inclusion. You know, the old “Chris Paul belongs in the MVP conversation!” that gets a player a bunch of fifth-place votes. Get ready for it.
Ultra dark horse contender: Anthony Davis. If the Pelicans finally put it together and win close to 50 games — we can dream, right? -- The Brow needs to be in the conversation. You might think he gets dinged for having All-Star help in DeMarcus Cousins. Narratives can be framed that he’s the guy who finally took Cousins to the playoffs, though.
The Other Awards
A Timberwolf will win Most Improved Player. I once renounced this award as illegitimate because it only ever rewarded the player who got the biggest minutes played jump. But voters have seen the light and begun awarding it more appropriately -- Giannis was an inspired choice last year — and so Most Improved is back in my good graces. That said, I think team influence will matter a lot, and Minnesota’s expected improvement should help Karl-Anthony Towns or Andrew Wiggins get the nod.
Jusuf Nurkic is the dark horse Most Improved Player. This is tough, because a lot of people already consider Nurkic a basketball god. To get Nurkic MIP, we have to convince everyone he’s not actually already perfect. We have our work cut out for us. One more dark horse while we’re here: Justin Holiday. Okay, one more: literally any Charlotte Hornet other than Dwight Howard, Kemba Walker, and Nicolas Batum.
Photo by Jonathan Ferrey/Getty Images
If Norm Powell comes off the bench, he’s my Sixth Man of the Year favorite. As of press time, it’s not clear whether Powell or C.J. Miles will be the full-time starter at small forward in Toronto. I would encourage Dwane Casey to choose Miles, both for basketball reasons and to help make this prediction come true. Powell is a dynamo scorer ready to break out into the continental consciousness.
The Clippers have intriguing Sixth Man options in a post-Crawford world. Jamal Crawford, eternal Sixth Man candidate, went to Minnesota. But the Clippers still have two intriguing options for Sixth Man of the Year. The first happens if Milos Teodosic comes off the bench behind Patrick Beverley. Milos will be on “SportsCenter” every night due to his brash passing, so he’ll get juice off just that. Milos, however, might end up a starter alongside Beverley — especially if Austin Rivers is playing more small forward. That opens up the award contention for Sweet Lou Williams, a perennial contender.
Draymond Green will be the Defensive Player of the Year. There’s nothing more to say. Apologies to Rudy Gobert and Kawhi Leonard. Green is at that status where he should automatically win it as long as he plays 70 games.
Tom Thibodeau will be the Coach of the Year. Ending Minnesota’s long playoff drought will have been the work of Towns, Wiggins, and Jimmy Butler, primarily. But Thibodeau is the front office boss, as well, and he’s so damn respected among the media that he’ll get the nod as long as Minnesota is a comfortable playoff team.
Rookie of the Year is going to be a wonderful race I am not going to handicap. Last season’s ROY race was impossible because of a dearth of good candidates. This season’s ROY race is going to be overloaded with worthy contenders. I refuse to pick just one right now. Not even Milos.
The BEST of @MilosTeodosic4 for the @LAClippers in the #NBAPreseason! http://pic.twitter.com/e1DjvcAmuL
— NBA (@NBA) October 15, 2017
It will not be Markelle Fultz, though. It’s pretty clear that Ben Simmons will be more productive than Fultz this season, and that Joel Embiid will soak up attention and credit for any success Philadelphia has. Fultz’s narrative this season is not off to a great success with his jumper weirdness. Sorry, Markelle.
Here are your 2017-18 All-NBA teams. On the first team we have Stephen Curry, Russell Westbrook, LeBron James, Kawhi Leonard, and Karl-Anthony Towns. On the second team we have James Harden, Kyrie Irving, Anthony Davis, Kevin Durant, and Rudy Gobert. On the third team, we have John Wall, Chris Paul, Jimmy Butler, Blake Griffin, and DeAndre Jordan. The biggest snubs include DeMar DeRozan (an outrage!), Damian Lillard (unconscionable!), Draymond Green (disrespectful!), and DeMarcus Cousins (no comment).
Welcome To Tankville
The last real year of tanking will be a barn-burner. Beginning with the 2018-19 season, the worst three teams will have identical draft lottery odds of winning a top pick, and the odds won’t be much worse for the fourth- and fifth-worst teams. But this year, the old rules remain in place: bad teams have significant incentives to be worse than other bad teams. The bad teams that own their own draft picks won’t ignore that. Get ready for the tank.
The Knicks are going to be the worst team in the NBA. This isn’t totally all about trading Carmelo Anthony. This is about committing to the future fully. Scott Perry, the team’s new front office leader, won’t ignore that it behooves the team to bottom out right now. That will inform the moves he makes. Jeff Hornacek is probably sick of losing, but his roster doesn’t have many winning pieces. Kristaps Porzingis will likely be an All-Star, but this team is going to be really bad. The good news is that a good shot at Luka Doncic awaits!
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The Pacers will be close. Losing Paul George, C.J. Miles, and Jeff Teague is such a drain on this team’s passing ability and versatility. It’s going to be a long season for Nate McMillan and the few veterans (like Al Jefferson) on the squad. But hey, Lance Stephenson is around! [hits face on desk]
The Nets will also be bad. Brooklyn again has no reason to tank: its pick will go to the Cleveland Cavaliers. Unfortunately, as Kenny Atkinson and the crew learned last season, a lack of incentive to lose doesn’t mean you won’t lose lots of games. Trading away Brook Lopez was smart for the long-term — D’Angelo Russell has promise — but it doesn’t help win right now. Allen Crabbe is gonna score a bunch, though.
The Kings are the worst in the West. Unless Phoenix trades Eric Bledsoe, the Suns have a blue-chip top-50 player. The Kings ... do not. What’s more, Sacramento owes its 2019 pick, so time is of the essence to bottom out completely. The Kings are one George Hill injury from winning 20 games.
The Lakers will ascend to mediocrity. Lonzo Ball will make L.A. so fun to watch, and Brook Lopez will give them a blue-chip player to orbit around. But the depth is disastrous and I am deeply concerned about the shooting. Thirty wins seems right.
The BEST of the @Lakers from the #NBAPreseason! http://pic.twitter.com/bviUWCKX1R
— NBA (@NBA) October 15, 2017
The Hawks won’t be hideous. The Bulls will. Atlanta has a bad roster, don’t get me wrong. But the system abides and the Hawks should be able to pull some improbable wins out of their hats. Chicago, though? Unless Zach LaVine comes back early, Justin Holiday chases Most Improved Player, and Kris Dunn develops quickly, this season is one long search for Doncic.
The Process is over. No NBA draft lottery party in Philadelphia this year. It’s the end of an era!
There will be a surprise tank team. I’m not saying it’s definitely going to be the Mavericks, but ... it’s probably going to be the Mavericks.
The West
The Rockets will be a clear No. 2 seed in the West. The Thunder added a bunch of firepower and retained the most important pieces of their core, but I question their depth, especially at the point. Houston is built to survive road trips, long stretches, and injuries.
The Thunder and Spurs will battle for the No. 3 seed, which means avoiding the Warriors in Round 1. San Antonio has to be concerned about Kawhi Leonard’s preseason injury and the age of the frontcourt. But the Spurs just win games. The Thunder should be improved enough to make a run at No. 3 with 55 or so wins.
The drop-off between No. 4 and No. 5 will be enormous. There are really four tiers in the West: the Warriors, the three teams chasing them, the eight other teams who are realistically aiming for a playoff spot, and the cellar dwellers. Four of those eight playoff chasers will make the postseason, but my prediction is that six or seven of the team will fall within six wins. Forty-five wins might get you the No. 5 seed, and 41 means you’re out.
The Timberwolves will end their playoff drought. Hallelujah! The curse of Kahn is over! But I don’t expect many more than 44 or 45 wins. Even that is asking a lot, despite the arrival of Jimmy Butler.
The Clippers are in. Blake Griffin and DeAndre Jordan remain a deadly combo, and the depth is not as bad as you might think.
The Blazers are in. Last season was a disappointment that narrowly resulted in a playoff berth thanks to an inspired February trade for Jusuf Nurkic. I’d expect Portland to come off the starting line hotter and get a few extra wins.
The Pelicans win the last playoff spot on the final day of the season. I have New Orleans sneaking in past the Jazz, Grizzlies, Nuggets, and Mavericks. Utah has an elite defense but too little offense. Denver has an elite offense but too little defense. Dallas is in transition and may be closer to the No. 15 team than the No. 8. The Grizzlies are depending too heavily on magic and Chandler Parsons. Anthony Davis is too damn good to keep missing the playoffs, no matter what misfortune begets his team.
The Lakers will look frisky early and fade away as defenses figure out Lonzo Ball. The team’s defense is also going to be a real disaster. Again.
The Suns might be one of the most fun terrible teams ever. Devin Booker, Eric Bledsoe (so long as he’s around), Josh Jackson, Marquese Chriss — dunks and jumpers all day.
The East
The Cavaliers will not be the No. 1 seed. Over the course of LeBron’s seven straight Eastern Conference titles, his team has been the No. 1 seed only twice. With Isaiah Thomas unavailable for a bit and lots of new players to incorporate, expecting Cleveland to run away with the No. 1 seed is asking too much.
The Celtics will be the No. 1 seed. Boston, of course, is also incorporating a bunch of new faces. But everyone save for Marcus Morris begins the season healthy, and the offensive brilliance of Kyrie Irving and Gordon Hayward should carry the Celtics through the growing pains.
The Raptors and Wizards are going to be pretty good again. Toronto lost Patrick Patterson and traded DeMarre Carroll, but so long as the Kyle Lowry-DeMar DeRozan combo is running the squad, the team will be solid. C.J. Miles is a good addition. O.G. Anunoby is on track to be a sleeper hit as a rookie. Meanwhile, the Wizards still have no depth, but that John Wall-Bradley Beal-Otto Porter core is too good to fail.
The Miami Heat are joining the playoff party. Miami has two potential All-Stars in the starting five with Goran Dragic and Hassan Whiteside. How many East teams can say that? Plus Dion Waiters and Justise Winslow are back, James Johnson stuck around, Kelly Olynyk joined the party, and Bam Adebayo looked useful in the preseason. Strong depth, good top-end talent. Playoffs! Dalé!
The Charlotte Hornets are your surprisingly good team. 2016-17 was a down season for Charlotte after a strong 2015-16 campaign. Blame injuries, ennui, fate. But the Dwight Howard acquisition should actually help (I know, I know) and the conference is exceptionally soft beyond the top nine teams.
The Bucks will be quite solid, too. I know it’s weird to talk about the soft East but bring up decent teams; this is all relative. Milwaukee would probably be the No. 11 team out West. That’s likely good enough for No. 7 in the East. Giannis Antetokounmpo is ridiculously good, Malcolm Brogdon and Khris Middleton are valuable, and I will ride with Jabari Parker until he can no longer run and jump (which might be sooner than we think).
The best plays from @Giannis_An34 as he led the Bucks to the W last night!! #FearTheDeer http://pic.twitter.com/nWj4cayF1t
— Milwaukee Bucks (@Bucks) October 15, 2017
The Sixers are going to be in a pitched battle for the last playoff spot ... with the Pistons. Detroit was a massive disappointment last season, but the addition of Avery Bradley should steady things somewhat. Meanwhile, Markelle Fultz is going to be a real rookie (in other words, don’t expect much) and there is so much learning to do in Philadelphia, even if Joel Embiid stays on the court. (Please recall that the Sixers went 13-18 in games Embiid played last season. They were much, much better when he was around ... but not playoff-worthy.) I think the Sixers will end up with the No. 8 seed solely due to cosmic penance over us missing the Heat last season.
Seriously, don’t watch the Knicks or Pacers. Have I mentioned that I think they will be quite terrible?
The Aaron Gordon saga continues. He’ll be a full-time power forward (finally) and we still aren’t going to see what he’s truly capable of doing. There’s always the dunk contest, though!
The Playoffs
A Celtics-Sixers first-round series will break the Insufferability Scale either way. If Fultz has figured it out and abuses the Celtics, Philadelphia fans will be impossible to deal with, even in defeat. If Fultz struggles, Boston will be so condescending. If this series happens, I’m climbing into a bunker.
Boston’s going down in the second round. Either the Raptors or Wizards (or even the Heat) should be able to abuse what may be an uneven Boston defense. Al Horford is a high-end defender, and Jaylen Brown has enormous potential. But all those potential second-round foes have excellent point guards and shooting guards, making it tough to hide Kyrie. I like the Raps or Wiz to make the conference finals in place for the C’s. (I do think Boston eventually wins a title with this core, though.) This turn of events would also deny us a Boston-Cleveland playoff series, which is deeply upsetting to the point I would like to revise this prediction.
The Cavaliers have another cakewalk. Cleveland went 12-1 in the East last spring. That included a sweep of Toronto and a 4-1 win over Boston. The Wizards might be able to peel two off Cleveland, if Isaiah isn’t ISAIAH when he comes back.
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The inevitability of the Cavaliers both will and will not overshadow fun series. As a fandom, we are learning again how to stay engaged despite inevitability. The Warriors teach us this. This is also writ small in the East as it concerns LeBron’s much longer hegemony. At times, the journey will seem so picayune given the high odds Cleveland advances to the Finals. But hopefully together we can find joy in the ultimately meaningless twists along the way.
The Spurs are the looming hulk out West. San Antonio got swept by the Warriors last season. But there’s a big ol’ asterisk on it: the Spurs were crushing the Warriors in Game 1 until Zaza Pachulia stuck a foot under Kawhi Leonard, ending The Claw’s season and the series. We can still make ourselves believe the Spurs have a real shot to dethrone the Warriors because of that.
Rockets vs. Thunder is the series we all want. It will pay off. James Harden, Chris Paul, Russell Westbrook, Paul George ... plus Carmelo Anthony. Pinch me. Houston vs. Oklahoma City bogged down last season because Westbrook had little offensive help. That’s no longer a problem.
The Timberwolves are getting swept. This isn’t quite the 2010 Thunder, who won 50 games and took the defending champion Lakers to six. Minnesota’s learning curve is just a bit longer. And the top four teams in the West are buzzsaws.
DeMarcus Cousins is definitely getting ejected from one of his first playoff games. I’ll never forget when Boogie was ejected from the season finale of his rookie season. Some things are just perfect.
The Warriors will sweep the Cavaliers. Golden State is just too good, no matter how amazing LeBron is and what Dwyane Wade, Isaiah Thomas, and Kevin Love do. I wish it weren’t so, because the 2016 Finals were simply incredible. But this is what happens when a 73-win team adds a top-3 player. This is what happens.
Photo by Ezra Shaw/Getty Images
That doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy the ride!
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