#were really just to get rid of the more expensive employees
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ryssabrin · 2 months ago
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thefrogman · 5 months ago
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Mom's Watch
My mom loved the Home Shopping Network. Not only did she amass a beautiful purse collection, but she really enjoyed high end fake jewelry. Though I don't like that term. It has a negative connotation. They were all really beautiful gemstones and not all were lab gems—they just weren't rare or super expensive. So while my mom got jewelry that a government employee could afford, I still think she had great taste and got beautiful things that rivaled the "real" stuff.
She had a binder of things to buy. She would print off the webpage of the item of interest and put it in the binder. Then she would check back on the item 3 or 6 months later and wait until it went on closeout so she could get huge discounts. At that point, HSN just wanted to get rid of the stock so they could sell the new shiny thing. And my mom was like, "I want the old shiny thing at 70% off." She used patience to make her hobby more affordable.
I took photos of some of my favorites. This watch was by Victoria Wieck, who my mom really enjoyed on HSN. My mom didn't just like jewelry because it was shiny, she loved learning about all of the gemstones. She had a whole library of books on them and always appreciated Victoria's vast knowledge of gems.
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carbohydratedfella · 5 months ago
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Image by @/springhrtrap
Part 1: (link)
Steve Raglan/William Afton x Male!Reader
>> Pre-cannon (Before Mike started working for the pizzaria). Mostly William's perspective of part 1.
>> ? words.
>> CW/TW: Mentions of murder. Sugestive in some parts but nothing much.
After the pizzaria closed It was like there was a empty wound in your heart. You missed your tiring and yet fun job, your co workers...
...and god you'd rather die than admit that but you missed William too.
You knew about his disturbung secret, his hobby If you will. And yet he simply allowed you to walk away freely, (and a warning).
And your hearts beats fast at just the memory of It. Not just because you most died, but because of the words he used.
"I'll miss you"
What the hell did he mean by that. Saying those words right after threatening to kill someone isnt really a good thing.
And yet the combination of his sweet voice and the comfort that his embrace provided still made your heart flutter.
Maaaybe you could overlook the murders. Just a bit.
>>Flashback to before the pizzaria closed
Loud cheering and the sound of children's laughter filled the atmosphere of the pizzaria
William had just finished another show while wearing the spring bonnie suit, It was heavy and a bit steamy, but he made It work.
Henry had told him that another employee would come to work in the Freddy's dinner that night, a new mechanic to assist them and that after the show, he had to meet him.
He walked into the room where he knew you'd be in, taking off the bonnie mask.
He laid his eyes on you and brought up his usual bright smile.
"New guy!"
The first meeting went nicely, and he had to admmit, you certainly caught his attention that day.
He couldnt help but from that day on, to notice the way you spoke, the way your arms flexed when you fixed an animatronic and the your eyes would focus on the task at hand.
He even caught you staring back at him a couple of times. It was cute.
Dammit those damn feelings started to take a toll on him. And yet he couldn't let those get in the way.
Specially given his...hobby.
He was a psycopath, a sociopath. Knew how to use his words and good looks to make people look way.
He was a horrible, disturbing man, with blood soaked hands.
And you?
Somehow your presence brought peace to him. Comforting.
Your hands were soaked with industrial oil, and hard work. Your strong hands fixing the animatronics, getting the gears back in place with a huff. He wondered what more could they do.
He felt guilty for feeling this way. For having these thoughts. But It only seemed to grow the longer you stayed in the same room with him. He could feel the heart radiating off of your body, and God, what he'd do to be able to feel your hands with his.
Using the excuse of "Just being a good boss" to spend more time with you. To aid you during work hours and "accidentally" brush his fingers against yours.
It was wrong. It felt wrong.
But he couldnt help It!
The way his heart would beat. Reminding him that hes alive. Was...good.
On the "last day" of the pizzaria he definitelly felt the small gloom forming in his heart.
Did he feel guilty? ...Thats debatable (he didn't)
It was his fault anyways, a inevitably outcome for his actions. Using the trust the children had on the Yellow Rabbit to lure and kill. At least he was smart enough to hide them inside the animatronics, somewhere the police they're never look.
He knew the souls would remain there.
But he had to at least get rid of the bodies, couldn't risk letting the expensive metal rust, what a waste that would be.
After all the employees had left, or só he thought, he started making his way to the back room where he had left the animatronics in.
Thats when he saw you. Slowly backing away from them. He couldnt see your face yet, and for a moment, completelly forgot why he was there in the first place.
You were stammering on your words, and he was simply smilling at you. Not really listening to a word you said. He glanced back at the animatronics, the chest cavity of one of them was open, and just like that, his murderous insticts kicked in.
Did you see anything? Was he that obvious. Argh! No time for that, he had to get rid of the evidence, the witness. You.
When he noticed you stepping away, he couldnt let you run, tell the cops, ruin his plan, he had to do something.
The most obvious plan was to kill you. Get rid of the body. Easy.
But when he cornered you, he saw you...weaken, pleading with your eyes to let you go free. It was a sight he never expected to see. It was a sight he never wanted to see.
Just kill him already.
Just one more victim.
No one will know.
His logical side kept screaming at him, and yet...he couldnt.
Despite his sadistic nature It seemed that there was a switch in his brain, that only you had acess to. And when he saw you there, scared, It pained him, just a bit.
He had you agaisnt a wall, knife ever so slightly digging in, eyes focused and somewhat pleading. He didnt want to kill you, but he couldnt let you leave either.
So when you eventually complied to keeping quiet, It was as If a huge weight was lifted off of him. Good.
He then did something he had dreamed of ever since the day he had met you, he wrapped his arms around you and hugged you tightly, taking one deep breath.
He could smell your scent and god If he could he'd drown himself in It. He didnt want to let go. At all. So the moment you hugged him back he felt in heavens, as close he could get anyways
>> "present time"
Getting a new job was supposed to be easy, keyword, was
But somehow your vast knowledge in Animatronics and machinery didnt manage to keep you In a solid job, not one you enjoyed at least.
Running out of options, you decided to visit a local guidance counselor, Steve Raglan, he had a good reputation, and you had a good past, surely you'd be able to have another, better, job.
"Hello? Mister its your turn now"
The secretary called you, you then swiftly stood up, grabbed your back, and headed in Mr. Raglan's office.
Walking in you imediatly froze...was that...
"Oh! Hello there sir"
The man smiled brightly, interlocking his fingers and setting his elbows on the table, and If the sight didnt make your heart race maybe the uncanny resemblanse to you former boss did.
He looked identical. Yes a bit older, but that just added to the charm.
You blinked a couple of times then eventually sat down. You looked at the shiny name tag he wore, then back at his face.
He laughted
"Is there something on me?"
You moved your chair closer then carefully spoke
Author's Note: this took longer than I wanted but I hope you guys liked It tehe
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ipushedthewrongbutton · 11 months ago
Imma do this final vent and then I’ll shut up about it.
This was a dumb move, from every possible perspective.
In the og goodbye video, they really made it sound like they were doing the streaming service because they wanted to go bigger, make cooler videos, really see what they could do and let their creative vision take the lead.
Growing as an artist is what you do when you Already Have The Money To Do So. You don’t tell your audience “give me money and then I will use to it to make cooler bigger things”. That’s not a streaming service, that’s a kickstarter.
They didn’t have the numbers to pull a streaming service off either. “We think we’re ready for television quality content” no you don’t. Sorry, no you do not. Television quality content means 30-50 crew per project, means at least 4-5 production being worked on at the same time, and at least 4-5 productions being broadcast at the same time. Watcher has maybe 2 series they upload simultaneously and they have 25 employees TOTAL. Not even CLOSE to tv levels of content, who the fuck do you think you are???
Did they really think all 3 million of their subscribers were going to follow them on this? Including kids, whose spending is dependent on their parents? Including the casuals, who only subscribed for the occasional video? Including people for whom $6 dollars on another streaming service just isn’t an option? Why DIDN’T they poll this, was this being a surprise really that important??
AND why would you completely cut off another revenue? Even if YouTube is restrictive, it’s still another source of income. Cutting that off completely is… bold.
Especially since in the apology, they let it slip that no, actually, it’s because Watcher is on the brink of having to close up shop because they’re not making enough money with just the patreon, the merch sales, the ad reads, etc.
So… one of those is a lie. Or at least part of the truth.
But let’s assume they are in financial trouble, then this was still the dumbest they could’ve done.
Welcome to the entertainment industry where we follow 1 giant fucking rule: Kill Your Darlings.
Fellas, pals, amigos, bros, dudes. If your projects spend more than what they make, it’s time to downsize. Not upscale. Cut the shit that’s spending the most money, start concentrating on how you can conserve without having to fire your crew. Put the projects where you have to fly out and buy new stuff all the time on the back burner, you can get back to them once you actually have the money for them. Work with what you already have. You have a MASSIVE studio space, fuckin use it. You HAVE sets, you HAVE props, you HAVE talent and you have ideas. Start workshopping all the crazy and shit ideas you thought weren’t gonna work and start thinking how you could make them work with the lowest possible budget you can have. Your audience is there, they’ll watch whatever you throw at them. Now is the time to go crazy and see what sticks. You HAVE viewership. Collab. CONSTANTLY. Get it the fuck out there that you exist. A lot of people had no idea a patreon existed, mention it ALL THE TIME. To the point that it becomes annoying. Do it!
If your studio is becoming too expensive, get rid of it. Sorry, kill your darlings. Move some shit around in Steven Lim’s tesla garage, put up some green screens, this is where you work now until you can afford a studio in LA again, you dipshits. Editors can work from home, sound designers can work from home, writers and researchers can work from home, meetings can happen in someone’s kitchen or living room.
And finally: be transparent. Be honest to your audience and communicate. “We’re sorry to put Ghost Files on hiatus, however we can no longer justify the cost of traveling to locations.” The majority of your audience will understand and show patience. The part of your audience that matters will wait and enjoy your other wacky shit in the meantime. Hell, they might spontaneously start their own kickstarter because those who can, will want to support you financially, if you’re just hONEST WITH THEM.
As a business, you constantly have to choose between your financial stability and that of your employees, your vision and the future of your company and what you Want to do with it, and your integrity, the trust between you and your audience. (Especially that last one, businesses can’t pretend they don’t have a relationship with their audience, that’s not how business works, guys.)
When you’re in financial straits, one of those has to go. Watcher chose the latter, they should’ve picked the middle. Their grand television quality ideas can fucking wait, if money is a problem.
Look, I’m an artist too. I had a vision too. But it was either my creative vision or being able to afford food and rent. Creativity can wait, creativity will always be there once I can support it. Living comes ALWAYS first. Asking my audience to fund my huge artistic dreams though, with only the promise of something cool, NEVER even crossed my fucking mind. That’s what donations are for, that’s what the patreon is for.
They apologised. And good. But this was a dumb decision from the goddamn start. There were like 500 steps in between and they skipped all of it. And for what? For money? For grand ideas? For greed or for hubris? How many of their original subscribers are actually gonna come back? How much money did they lose with this stunt? If they really are in financial trouble, this MASSIVE risk -which is what it has always been- might just be their downfall. And it’d be 100% their own fucking fault.
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arbiterlexultionis · 1 year ago
Bruce Wayne’s True Colors
By: Clark Kent
Bruce Wayne. We’ve all heard the name. All heard the stories of his various escapades, diving into public fountains, buying out entire hotels whenever he feels like it to get away with his and his children’s misbehavior, spending more time out of the city he “Loves” then in it and inevitably getting an assortment of injuries in the process, the historical bills alone of which would bankrupt nearly every hard working American in this country. He’s had nine different “skiing accidents” in the last six months alone. While a bit clumsy, with a tendency to throw a bit more of his pocket change than most at charities, he nonetheless seems like the stereotypical greedy American billionaire, just one that is a bit more air-headed and kind then most. But is he really? I think not, and I have proof, in the form of a recorded conversation provided by none other than billionaire philanthropist Oliver Queen.
“All right Bruce, you’ve been lost in your head trying to plan for Something for weeks and clearly haven’t gotten very far. What’s going on? Do you need backup from the REDACTED?” Bruce waves his hand through air as if to show the possibility away.
“No, no, it’s nothing work related, a personal matter. I’ll be fine, I’m sure I’ll find a solution in time.”
“You’ll be fine? How many times have you said you’ll be fine on your own and then been very much not fine?”
“Less then the alternative.”
“Fair. I’m not letting this go though.” Bruce sits in a chair and lays back, one hand coming up to stroke his chin while his shoulders slumped in a near imperceptible sign of exhaustion.
“I have to much money.”
Oliver glances around the opulent mansion, swirling the glass of alcohol in his hand before shooting a look at the bottle of the stuff sitting on the table beside him. White text and an arrow pointing to it appear labeling the bottle as worth around fifteen thousand USD. “To much money, you say?”
“Hoarding money like a dragon is the past time of beast. Amassing wealth and doing absolutely nothing with it when innocent people can barely afford to eat, if they can at all, is immoral. I’ve been trying to get rid of all the money I don’t need to maintain my life style and watch over Gotham for decades. Decades Ollie. Every rich asshole in the country have been going on and on about how treating employees like actual human beings with mouths to feed and lives to live is unsustainable and unprofitable, so that was the first thing I tried. $75,000 a year is the absolute least anyone in Wayne Enterprises makes a year with a single exception, the benefits package is worth even more than that, paternity and maternity leave of a year with a twenty percent raise with every child birthed and reduced workload for however long they need after, an entire month of PTO for all employees. It should have slashed WE’s profits. Should have. It didn’t. Employees are working harder then ever, using there extra time and the company scholarships I set up to pursue higher education and learn more skills which make them more productive. So I decided to make WE more environmentally conscious, because that’s supposed to be to expensive to be profitable. Overhauled nearly the entire company, redesigned machinery, invested tens of millions into recycling technologies, renewable power sources, the whole nine yards. But apparently, using less power to do more, producing zero waste products and no pollution also results in extremely high efficiency and rising profits. I made my own annual salary as CEO 1 dollar a month and apparently word about it got around fast. Half the company’s HQ went on strike and when I rushed down to find out who managed to treat them poorly enough for a strike to be neccisary without me noticing I found out that their “demands” were for me to give myself a raise and take better care of myself. Apparently they thought it was “immoral” and “mildly disturbing” for me to be giving them 25 hour work weeks, high pay and good benefits while working 60 hours a week. I’d barely managed to negotiate them down to $150,000 a year when Clark just so happened to publish an article proving that when ever I go on vacation I’m just doing more work outside of Gotham or trying to get some charity work done without the media breathing down my neck. Days of compromise and negations, gone in an instant.
So, investing in WE doesn’t work. After that I decided to invest in Gotham itself. Hospitals, schools, homeless shelters, high quality apartments with cheap rents, buying up thousands of houses to rent at low rates and sell at cheap prices to drive down the cost of housing, modernizing and improving infrastructure related to water and electrify to be cheaper for end users and more resistant to rouge attacks. Anything and everything that I could throw money at and get my lobbying groups to make happen. But WE was the only company that wasn’t corrupt, incompetent and/or treating its employees like crap. So all that work and business went to WE. And I couldn’t just leave all those corrupt businesses to their own devices. And sometimes WE wasn’t involved in the industries that I needed work done in. I wound up adding entire devisions to the company. I founded 19 new businesses and became the owner of 37 more. And no matter what I do none of them will stop growing and becoming more profitable!
After that I started trying to just give money away, mostly through free college. For the first 5 years it was going great, I was losing money. Not enough to counteract all my other forms of income, but for the first time I was putting more money into something than I was getting out, and if I scaled it up enough it might just work. But after five years the first people that I put through college had been in the workforce for a year. And the system I set up to find jobs for them that wouldn’t result in them being treated poorly by employers or working for supervillains resulted in all of them working for me, where they would all have large amounts of disposable income to give back to the charity. Once they started getting their doctorates it was a lost cause, they were giving so much to the charity that any money that I put in would just sit there instead of bettering the lives of those in need, defeating the point of giving it away. I tried to tell them that they don’t have to, I’ll just find it all myself, but like a week later I caught Dick in a zoom meeting with half the highest donators trying to figure out how to make a trust fund with me as the trustee because I accidentally revealed that I had been the only one funding the project for years and it “wasn’t fair to put such a burden on a single man” and “will be absolutely hilarious to see the look on his face when he winds up with even more money again”.
I assembled an entire team to go through my taxes to make sure I was paying as much as I possibly could, but apparently my dad intentionally fucked up his taxes so he would pay even more than he was supposed to and I inherited his systems, so if the IRS ever dig into my finances they realize they owe me money! Enough to raise my net worth by several percent!
Nothing works! Every time I try and use my money to make the world a better place and help people I just wind up with more money!”
Over the course of his rant Bruce had risen to his feet and started pacing, become more and more exasperated and raising in volume, before finally whirling around to stare at Oliver clearly expecting some type of response or advice. The blond billionaire took a long sip of his drink. “Well that sucks, but good luck with it I guess.”
Plot armor but it’s Bruce Wayne’s wealth.
Bruce is one of the richest men in the world. Bruce does not want to be one of the richest men in world.
He starts by implementing high starting salaries and full health care coverages for all levels at Wayne Enterprises. This in vastly improves retention and worker productivity, and WE profits soar. He increases PTO, grants generous parental and family leave, funds diversity initiatives, boosts salaries again. WE is ranked “#1 worker-friendly corporation”, and productively and profits soar again.
Ok, so clearly investing his workers isn’t the profit-destroying doomed strategy his peers claim it is. Bruce is going to keep doing it obviously (his next initiative is to ensure all part-time and contractors get the same benefits and pay as full time employees), but he is going to have to find a different way to dump his money.
But you know what else is supposed to be prohibitively expensive? Green and ethical initiatives. Yes, Bruce can do that. He creates and fund a 10 year plan to covert all Wayne facilities to renewable energy. He overhauls all factories to employ the best environmentally friendly practices and technologies. He cuts contracts with all suppliers that engage in unethical employment practices and pays for other to upgrade their equipment and facilities to meet WE’s new environmental and safety requirements. He spares no expense.
Yeah, Wayne Enterprises is so successful that they spin off an entire new business arm focused on helping other companies convert to environmentally friendly and safe practices like they did in an efficient, cost effective, successful way.
Admittedly, investing in his own company was probably never going to be the best way to get rid of his wealth. He slashes his own salary to a pittance (god knows he has more money than he could possibly know what to do with already) and keeps investing the profits back into the workers, and WE keeps responding with nearly terrifying success.
So WE is a no-go, and Bruce now has numerous angry billionaires on his back because they’ve been claiming all these measures he’s implementing are too expensive to justify for decades and they’re finding it a little hard to keep the wool over everyone’s eyes when Idiot Softheart Bruice Wayne has money spilling out his ears. BUT Bruce can invest in Gotham. That’ll go well, right?
Gotham’s infrastructure is the OSHA anti-Christ and even what little is up to code is constantly getting destroyed by Rogue attacks. Surely THAT will be a money sink.
Except the only non-corrupt employer in Gotham city is….Wayne Enterprises. Or contractors or companies or businesses that somehow, in some way or other, feed back to WE. Paying wholesale for improvement to Gotham’s infrastructure somehow increases WE’s profits.
Bruce funds a full system overhaul of Gotham hospital (it’s not his fault the best administrative system software is WE—he looked), he sets up foundations and trusts for shelters, free clinics, schools, meal plans, day care, literally anything he can think of.
Gotham continues to be a shithole. Bruce Wayne continues to be richer than god against his Batman-ingrained will.
Oh, and Bruice Wayne is no longer viewed as solely a spoiled idiot nepo baby. The public responds by investing in WE and anything else he owns, and stop doing this, please.
Bruce sets up a foundation to pay the college tuition of every Gotham citizen who applies. It’s so successful that within 10 years, donations from previous recipients more than cover incoming need, and Bruce can’t even donate to his own charity.
But by this time, Bruce has children. If he can’t get rid of his wealth, he can at least distribute it, right?
Except Dick Grayson absolutely refuses to receive any of his money, won’t touch his trust fund, and in fact has never been so successful and creative with his hacking skills as he is in dumping the money BACK on Bruce. Jason died and won’t legally resurrect to take his trust fund. Tim has his own inherited wealth, refuses to inherit more, and in fact happily joins forces with Dick to hack accounts and return whatever money he tries to give them. Cass has no concept of monetary wealth and gives him panicked, overwhelmed eyes whenever he so much as implies offering more than $100 at once. Damian is showing worrying signs of following in his precious Richard’s footsteps, and Babs barely allows him to fund tech for the Clocktower. At least Steph lets him pay for her tuition and uses his credit card to buy unholy amounts of Batburger. But that is hardly a drop in the ocean of Bruce’s wealth. And she won’t even accept a trust fund of only one million.
Jason wins for best-worst child though because he currently runs a very lucrative crime empire. And although he pours the vast, vast majority of his profits back into Crime Alley, whenever he gets a little too rich for his tastes, he dumps the money on Bruce. At this point, Bruce almost wishes he was being used for money laundering because then he’s at least not have the money.
So children—generous, kindhearted, stubborn till the day they die the little shits, children—are also out.
Bruce was funding the Justice League. But then finances were leaked, and the public had an outcry over one man holding so much sway over the world’s superheroes (nevermind Bruce is one of those superheroes—but the public can’t know that). So Bruce had to do some fancy PR trickery, concede to a policy of not receiving a majority of funds from one individual, and significantly decrease his contributions because no one could match his donations.
At his wits end, Bruce hires a team of accounts to search through every crinkle and crevice of tax law to find what loopholes or shortcuts can be avoided in order to pay his damn taxes to the MAX.
The results are horrifying. According to the strictest definition of the law, the government owes him money.
Bruce burns the report, buries any evidence as deeply as he can, and organizes a foundation to lobby for FAR higher taxation of the upper class.
All this, and Wayne Enterprises is happily chugging along, churning profit, expanding into new markets, growing in the stock market, and trying to force the credit and proportionate compensation on their increasingly horrified CEO.
Bruce Wayne is one of the richest men in the world. Bruce Wayne will never not be one of the richest men in the world.
But by GOD is he trying.
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ardathksheyna · 10 months ago
Life in the Post-Adobe World
After last week's drama involving Adobe's change to their ToS that seemed to suggest that they were granting themselves the right to access content created by their users—and the resulting vague back-peddling and clarifications that made users go "yeah suuuuurrrrreeee..."—I, like many others, decided to start taking steps to limit Adobe's impact on our creative workflow. In my case, it's going to be a gradual phasing out because I paid for a year upfront back in February. The only thing I need to do is remember to cancel when that date comes up.
FYI, Affinity is having a 50%-off sale on all of their products: https://affinity.serif.com/en-us/
Photoshop: The Beginning
I started using Photoshop back in 2000, three years before Adobe adopted the CS moniker. I was using it not for photo manipulation but for building web site elements. This was at the same time I was getting heavily into web design—running a Ronin Warriors fansite turned out to be a good introduction to a lucrative career choice, though that would take me six years to decide to formally pursue.
One could say that Photoshop was a constant throughout my creative journey. Back then, Macromedia existed as a separate company—I had ditched MS FrontPage (anyone remember FrontPage?) for Macromedia Dreamweaver. Photoshop introduced a means of generating layouts from a PSD via the Slice tool—I think that was version 6? Between Photoshop and Dreamweaver, that became my go-to for creating web page layouts. So it was all the better for me when Adobe acquired Macromedia in 2005. As time went on and my programming skills grew, I eventually ditched Dreamweaver in favor of dedicated IDEs like Netbeans (now I use PhpStorm) but still stuck with Photoshop for my web design prototyping needs—yes, even after releases of tools that were better suited to prototyping, like Sketch and Figma.
For what I needed, Photoshop just worked. Design prototyping wasn't the only thing I used Photoshop for, though.
I also used it for post-production and page layout for my web-comic Silent Shadow —design purists would claim Illustrator is the better tool but my attitude is that you use the tools that feel the most comfortable to you. I simply felt more comfortable in Photoshop.
Aside from my work on Silent Shadow, I also used Photoshop for creating textures for 3d models.
And yes, I did eventually use Photoshop for its intended purpose of photo editing and manipulation.
Adobe Is A Drug
To be honest, I'd been looking for alternatives to the Adobe Creative Suite for years—especially once Adobe graduated towards a subscription model. Paying ~$600+ a year was starting to break the bank both as freelance web developer and as a W2 employee, but trying to move to something else when those shortcut keys were so ingrained was difficult. I had the same problem with Blender until the devs started adopting industry-standard shortcuts when I started using Blender regularly with 2.79.
So maybe those shortcuts weren't as ingrained as I thought they were. I tried Affinity six years ago when I working at what was arguably one of the worst places in my entire career. I didn't like it. It was just enough like Photoshop to throw me off, plus I may have developed some negative feelings towards Affinity that had more to do with that employer than with the program itself.
That being said, that particular time period five to six years ago was a period of upheaval for me—what was happening, I won't go into, but by 2020—I'd decided to start eliminating expenses, and that included Adobe. However, it was almost impossible for me to move away—especially once I needed a video editor and the free options weren't really up-to-snuff (note: I hadn't heard of Da Vinci Resolve at this point). So eventually, I got sucked back in.
Getting Rid of Adobe for Good
I'm riding the unemployment train again for the second time in five years. This happened directly after I paid for a year upfront. So that right there is incentive enough to look for free or low-cost alternatives.
Sorry Adobe, but you're just too expensive for what you are for a broke hobbyist like myself. Adobe attempting to commit seppuku similar to Unity last fall via their TOS changes was simply an added incentive to look for alternatives.
Adobe's changes to their TOS regarding AI shouldn't be a surprise, considering the scandal they created last summer regarding their AI generating art using the styles of well-known artists. I remembered saying then that if these artists were hosted on Behance (which Adobe owns), then there was a high chance that there was something in the Behance TOS that granted Adobe the right to use those artist' works in whatever manner that they see fit.
For me, getting rid of Adobe products has more to do with cost than with the TOS—though the TOS changes are enough to be worried about.
The Path Forward
Tumblr media
My most recent piece was put together using Affinity Photo 2 and aside from being faster than Photoshop on load, I found it easy to use once I shook off those PTSD triggers from six years ago. Photo 2 also offers the same tools as Photoshop if I need to do a quick mockup of a website. Essentially, I won't be re-learning much, if anything at all.
I haven't tried Affinity Designer—yet. I have a feeling that it'll be just as snappy loading as Illustrator was 20 years ago, though. It won't have any of the bloat that Illustrator has that no one uses.
Page layout for when I bring Silent Shadow back—at the moment, I'm playing with Comic Life 3, but I may test out Affinity Publisher as well.
For textures for 3d models, I've found that Blender's texture painting tools suit my purposes just fine, with the added bonus of being able to create my own brushes from pngs as needed—which I can create those pngs in Affinity Photo. I experimented with Substance Painter years ago and didn't like it, and I sure as hell wasn't going to fork over more money to Adobe when there's free alternatives readily available.
That being said, this is a huge paradigm shift for me—I've been using Adobe products most of my life, starting with Illustrator way back in Jr. High ('91/'92) and not gonna lie, I do feel sad but Photoshop as it was 20 years ago was way superior to the bloated, buggy mess that it is now.
And now, it's time to say adios to Adobe!
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lorbanery · 1 year ago
What's the point of trying to make shit in this society better? There's no fucking way, we have to burn it all down or else i've been fucking lied to for several years and i could have been doing actual good in the world. It can't just be working in the system it has to be against. It has to be
You know, I get where you're coming from. I've gotten caught up in the whole "they system will never change, there's too many people who won't let the system change, the system is too fundamentally broken to make fixing it worthwhile, easier to just throw it all out" mindset. It's tempting to approach it like any issue you might be having where the problems outweigh the benefits, like a computer that would be more of a hassle and more expensive to get repaired than to just buy a new computer.
But the government's not a computer. And frankly, the government's not really the source of all of our problems. Even if you believe that the main issue with the government is that it was founded on racist principles, well getting rid of the government isn't going to magically get rid of bigotry in this country. The government didn't create bigotry. Bigots created a bigoted government. But even when the US government was being conceived and built there were people pushing back against the bigotry. And there have been more and more people every decade doing the same.
We are miles away from the government we had in 1776. Partially because of societal changes, because people were convinced that certain bigoted attitudes were unacceptable.
We live in a country where a Black woman and a white woman are able to marry and buy a house and have kids and get divorced and then remarry two other women and vote for whoever they want.
None of those things were legal in 1776. All of those rights were fought for in long, hard battles. And it sucked and it's not right that we had to fight for any of them at all, and it's not right how many of just those rights came just within the last 50 years.
But we got them.
But now people want us to believe that that's it? That's all the change we can make? There's no possible way to push American society any further?
I'm sorry, but I can't believe that.
Not just because I, personally, have seen American society shift WILDLY left in my lifetime. Not just because my parents' generation saw American society shift WILDLY left in their lifetime.
But because there's so many people like me, like you, like everyone who wants a to see less suffering in the world, whether they believe it's possible or not. We have always existed, and at the end of the day, we're the ones who can push society further and further left, further and further into a society that cares about its other members. It's never just activists making speeches and organizing protests. It's never just politicians working from the inside.
It's also people out here, in society, willing to do even the simplest thing like "treating a marginalized person like a normal human being". Like supporting it when someone proposes building another homeless shelter in your town. Like not patronizing local businesses that have reputations for mistreating marginalized employees. Like patronizing local businesses owned by marginalized folks instead. Like supporting public resources that benefit the community like your town library, pool, skating rink, parks, etc.
Because the more bigoted people see others doing these things, the more some of them realize how poorly they've been behaving. Because the more younger people see others doing these things, the more they realize that this is how a normal, healthy person engages with the community around them.
As for the rest of your message? I can't say whether you've been lied to. I don't know who convinced you that there's no hope or what their motivations were. It's entirely possible that they genuinely believed it too — like I said, I've fallen for the same rhetoric myself before. But even if they did lie to you, I'm sure that's not the first time you've been lied to. We've all been lied to a lot over the course of our lives, about countless things. Of course it can hurt to realize, and I'm not going to try to tell you that you shouldn't feel those feelings. What I am going to tell you is to remember that you've probably been lied to before, and you were probably upset about some of those times too.
But you learned about it and you educated yourself about the truth and you learned how to spot those lies so you wouldn't fall for them again.
If you've read through this whole thing and you believe me when I say that it isn't hopeless, that we have changed society before and we can continue to change society, then that's the takeaway that I want you to take from this. That there is always hope, that learning from our collective human past means learning about the good we've done as much as it means learning how to avoid the bad, and that anyone who's trying to convince you that there's no possible good left to be done is either going through a depressive spiral of their own, or is trying to make you give up.
Don't give up. Don't give up hope. Don't ever give up hope.
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meeverywheresblog · 2 years ago
Not sure?
i just realized that i need to get my shit and start making plans all over again. I used to plan my whole week financially so i never face such situations. Now and after moving out to a new place it feels like its really hard to do so. i have been in so much debt that i had to spend the bare minimum. it was hard to do a plan cause i just wanted to spend the less amount possible per day. now i dont have any obligations expect for one that is not that big i need to get my shit together. i already graduated college and i have no other plan but to whine. i need to start financially planning my life. i dont know what i want to do but i do know what i dont want to do. i dont want to travel abroad to work, i dont want to through away all the progress i made in my current job just for another one that will make me start over without any reputation and it will be fuckin hard. i dont want to be a money making machine. i just want to learn something new. when they used to ask me about what i want to do after i graduate i just say ill learn dancing or playing violin so id be skilled like everyone else. i never admit that i love admin work. it doesnt matter if im skilled i dont think that my personality matches the skilled ones and i believe that is why i dont have any skilled people in my life. i never vibe with artists (moviemakers, painters, etc..) i like people who have a daily job with a fixed salary and routine. i dont mind people who were caught into the life cycle. i know how it feels to be in a very stable life bec of the comfort zone. im already there and i know how it makes u feel home that u wont even think about changing anything in your life. i know how it feels to see everyone have a dream and you dont. u just want to keep it lowkey and keep everything as it is now. 
just to say its very hard for me to watch my friends (comfort zone) have their own dreams while i dont. most of them wants to get money asap and the other wants to experience life. i just want nothing but good life without any problems in work that endanger my stable outcome. i hope they will get that one day and stop asking me about what i want to do. it is important to me that they understand that i have absolutely nothing towards life. i only have 2 feelings one of them is fear of money problems and the other one is nothing. 
after checking the current prices i figured out that its not an option to just keep my job and wait for a promotion like any governmental employee. its just not an option anymore. so i started checking linkedin to see if i can know more about part time jobs. that will help me solve 2 problems one of them is getting rid of the comfort zone to flourish and the other one is to solve the money issue + experience different careers to know what exactly i want to do in life. 
i just want to be able to afford my own lifestyle which is not expensive by all means. hopefully ill be able to do so next month and i hope life will understand. 
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aliceward · 2 years ago
Dream About Ballerina
Ballerina (Ballet Dancer) – Dream Meaning and Symbolism?
Dream about ballerina
Dreaming of a ballet dancer or ballerina warns of unnecessary expenses. You will probably have more money in the following period, so you will want to buy things that you see as necessary.
The more money you have, the bigger your appetites are. You will buy many things, even though many of them will never be used.
Your parents or a partner will blame you for spending all the money on stupid things. That will hurt you because you will be satisfied with the choices you have made.
Dream About Ballerina
Another meaning is that you will find out something about your partner that will hurt you a lot. It is possible that you will realize that your partner is not honest and that they are not who they seem to be.
That will be really painful for you, especially if they were the reason for having a fight with your family and friends. You will face their lectures and you will have to admit that they were right.
The following period will be difficult because your partner will not give up on you easily. They know that you are too good of a catch to just let you leave.
Dreaming of being a ballet dancer or ballerina
Dreaming of being a ballet dancer symbolizes the need for harmony in your life. You are probably going through a difficult period, trying to get rid of many troubles and problems, while wanting peace.
Some situations have exhausted you, so you want to finally take a break.
Meeting a ballet dancer in a dream
Dreaming of meeting a ballet dancer means that you will have to be a lot more disciplined if you want to achieve some success.
If you are a student, you will have to study more, but if you are an employee, you will have to invest a lot of effort, so that your superior would recognize your potential and reward you.
The success you dream of will not come overnight, so you need to focus on your goals and do everything in your power to achieve them.
Dreaming of other people meeting a ballet dancer implies that you are a vain person. When you hear that your colleague is more successful at work or makes more money than you, that bothers you.
Instead of beating yourself up for it, make an effort to become a better version of yourself.
Dreaming about talking to a ballet dancer
Talking to a ballet dancer in a dream symbolizes the need to be respected and recognized in society. You really care about what other people think.
Because of that, you are always trying to show your virtues and hide your flaws. Living like that is not easy, but you have made peace with the fact that you will do everything to keep a good image of yourself.
Dreaming of other people talking to a ballet dancer means that you will hear good news from family members or a friend who lives in another town.
It is possible that they will invite you to a wedding or some other celebration. You will look forward to that invitation, not only to make them happy with your presence but because a short trip and a change of scenery will make you happy as well.
Arguing with a ballet dancer in a dream
Arguing with a ballet dancer in a dream means that you are an ambitious person.
You know what you want and how to achieve it. It doesn’t matter if you hurt or offend people during that process. You think that all of it is completely normal and justifiable because you wouldn’t blame other people if they would do the same to you.
It is possible that you are being respected in your field for that, but you are losing friends. You think that they are envious of you, but that is not the case.
Many people dislike your need to compete with others and they think that having someone like that in their circle of friends is not necessary.
If someone else is arguing with a ballet dancer in your dream, that symbolizes powerlessness. You will probably be in a difficult situation and it will be hard to find a way out of it, easily.
You will have to ask for help, even though you don’t like to do that. You could get good advice from an older and wiser person.
So, don’t be stubborn and ask them, because everyone would do that if they were you.
Dreaming of fighting with a ballet dancer
Fighting with a ballet dancer means that you are dissatisfied with your sex life, so you are getting your frustrations out on other people.
It is possible that your partner doesn’t have the need for sex, or they are simply not fulfilling your expectations in bed.
What Does it Mean to Dream About Ballerina?
Normally, these female dancers are attractive to look at. The act of seeing a ballet is associated with appreciation.
Please make an effort to converse with others and admire their actions. If you see a ballerina in your dream, it indicates that you admire other people. This could be a friend or someone with whom you have a close relationship. Going to the theatre to see a ballet in a dream can indicate that your waking life relationship is in trouble.
In your dream you may have experienced one of many of the following:
You could be dancing with the ballerina in your dream.
Observe a friend of yours dancing with a ballerina.
Observe a stranger doing a ballet with a ballerina.
Assume the role of the ballerina.
A dancer can be seen in a jewelry box.
Dream interpretation in depth
A ballerina is associated with advancement in life. The ballerina is also linked to “fixing” things that have gone awry. A ballerina’s grace is related to achieving something in life. It might also indicate a sense of limitation in one’s life. A ballerina is also related to apprehension in a circumstance. When you dream about dancing with a ballerina, it means that you need help with your romantic life.
Being a ballerina in your dream indicates that you are having troubles with someone close to you and if the problems are not resolved, you may decide to end your relationship. This friction could have been produced by unfaithfulness, and it’s difficult to deal with because trust has been questioned, and once trust is shattered, it’s difficult to repair, just like broken glass. Try to enlist the help of others who are knowledgeable about love and relationships so that they can intervene to salvage your relationship.
If you see someone you know dancing with a ballerina in your dream, it means you’ll be needed to help smooth out a tense relationship. You have the necessary experience to make the best judgment possible in a situation that is personal to you.
Seeing a ballerina perform in a concert means you’ll be reunited with an old friend and will enjoy their company. Talking to people about unpleasant topics should be avoided. Another older interpretation of a ballerina is that you are incapable of living up to others’ expectations. Do not tell too many people what you are doing because it could cause an otherwise sensitive situation to explode. Make an effort to assist yourself.
In Freud’s terminology, a ballerina is connected with a romantic issue. This might lead to problems and a “cold-hearted” attitude toward your partner. Make use of your wisdom and intellect to resolve this complex situation.
It’s a good omen when a stranger dances with a ballerina. It’s linked to the “grace” required to overcome all of life’s challenges. A ballerina’s performance is an indication of happiness and emotional stability. In terms of relationships, your friends and relatives are safe. You’re keeping a close eye on your love life. As a result, there’s no need to be concerned about splitting up with a significant other.
This dream’s suggestion: if you lose your ballet shoes in a dream, don’t just sit there and wait for things to spiral out of control. Begin right now by cultivating solid interpersonal relationships, which will exist even if all else fails. Go on picnics and trips with your partner, which will bring you closer together and allow you to spot any signals of a breakup.
Feelings you may have had while having this dream
Dancing, joy, and emotional issues. Mistrust, betrayal, love, breakup, bonding, and exploding.
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mod-kyoko · 2 years ago
Nice to have you back! Hope you had a Merry Christmas.
I’d like to Humbly request Celeste, Ibuki, and Mikan’s reaction to witnessing their S/O knocking out 12 people in a bar fight and getting out with very little injuries
tysm anon! i had an amazing Christmas. hope yours was the same.
i do like this request hehe
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celeste, ibuki, mikan x s/o in a bar fight??
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the bar celeste liked to drag you to was usually civil
it's was mostly older men who came to gamble and drink
totally something you would expect from celeste
because of the more mature audience, you never really witnessed any fights in this particular bar
in fact, it was the one bar in this town that actually provided stress relief
so one day, when you heard yelling, it was very confusing
turns out, a frat had come in thinking this was the kind of bar for the younger audiences who tend to get more rowdy
they had gotten to loud while drinking, and an employee had to ask them to quiet down
you were in the middle of a game of poker with celeste and a few other adults when the first punch was thrown
all heads turned toward the frat boys, who were now arguing with each other
the poor employees stood by not knowing what to do, no one ever fought in this bar
you looked over to celeste to see her sighing and tapping her fingers on the table impatiently
you wanted to get rid of this disruption for her so you could keep playing
so you stood up, walked calmly over to one of the boys, and rested your hand on his shoulder
"hey, guys, let's settle down, yeah? i think you all should leave now."
this only set them off even more
they were all clearly drunk off their asses, so you weren't surprised that when one of them swung at you, he lost his balance
"come on guys, is this really how you want this night to go?"
you had to pretend to be annoyed, of course, but a smirk was tugging at the corner of your lips
after the humiliation the guy suffered from missing his shot at you, you thought he would walk away, but he wasn't done
this time he charged at you with his whole body, which was a dumb idea considering how easy it was for you to just take him by the shoulders and slam him onto the ground
apparently he was too drunk to get up, so his buddies started coming at his defense
one by one, you gave them all the same bloody treatment, and when it was all over, simply walked back over to your empty seat and sat back down
"let's get back to it, guys."
she hid it with her fan, but celeste was clearly blushing
as much as she likes to keep a poker face, watching you take down those lame frat guys made her feel something she couldn't hide
when she was finally able to calm herself down, she put the tip of her finger under your chin, looking down at you with flirty eyes and a sly smile
"thank you for dealing with that mess, dear. it was incredibly irritating."
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you know how rowdy ibuki can get, it was bound to ruffle a few feathers
one time at a bar, she got a little too rambunctious and ended up knocking someone over, spilling food and alcohol all over his expensive jacket
he reached for her collar, screaming profanities at her, but before he could even lay a finger on her you were already between them
"bad idea, man," you pressed your hand to his chest
"that bitch just ruined my fucking jacket! you know how long it took me to save up for this thing?"
"you didn't even give her a chance to apologize!"you yelled back, but it was no use, he was drunk and angry
he called out some name, and a bigger guy appeared seemingly out of nowhere
after that, a few other guys noticed the ruckus and came to watch
with a sigh, you shove the guy away from ibuki, who at this point was starting to fear you getting hurt
"Uh, haha, let's just go, s/o..." She laughed awkwardly, but this guy was not done with you
you barely turned around in time to see him throw a punch
fortunately it just grazed your cheek
you retaliate by grabbing his arm and twisting it until he begged you to let go
a smile appeared on your face when he ran to hide behind his bigger friend
but now, he was yelling at his companion to go after you
"aw, geez, this is gonna get annoying..."
you vaguely hear ibuki shouting at you, but this time it sounds more like encouragement
you swear you heard her say "beat his ass!"
before you knew it the big guy was charging you
all you had to do was simply dodge, though, he might have been big but he seemed really stupid
instead of running into you, he ran into some other dude behind you, who then joined the fight
you felt someone behind you grab your collar
soon enough, that guy was on the ground with your elbow digging into his chest
by the time you were done, glass had been shattered, tables were broken, everything was wet with soggy food and drinks, even a little bit of blood
ibuki grabbed you by the arm and dragged you out of the bar just as you started hearing police sirens
once in the safe comfort of your own home is when she started yelling again
"s/o that was so cool! i mean i was totally scared but you really showed them didn't you?? but don't ever do that again it was sooo scary" she heaved, dramatically waving her hands around in the air
to shut her up, you pulled her into a hug
she took a whiff of you. you smelled like alcohol and sweat, but it didn't matter to her
"you're a goof," she giggled, pressing a kiss to your cheek
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you had finally convinced mikan to leave her comfort zone and take a trip to the bar with you
a couple drinks seemed to loosen her up, and she was actually enjoying herself by the end of the night
but, all good things have to come to an end
you heard the table next to you getting heated all night, but you thought it was just friendly squabble
but then, one of those "friends" tried to slap the other, but while he was winding his arm back he smacked mikan in the head
she squealed, covering her head with her hands and sinking down in her seat
the second you saw her fearful eyes looking up at you, you were it of your seat
you jumped over the booth, grabbing a fistful of his shirt
"who the fuck are you? get off me!" He yelled, raising his fist
mikan was fully sobbing at this point, begging the man not to hurt you
you watched her stand up and grab his arm, but he shook her off so hard she fell back on the ground
this was your last straw
before he could see it coming, you threw a punch to his jaw, leaving a stinging sensation in your knuckles
with a grunt, you shoved him to the ground and turned around to find one of his friends tugging at your pant leg
of course his buddies had to come to his rescue
you delivered a swift kick to his gut, and he was out of commission
the rest of his friends tried to get their way to you, but couldn't even lay a hand on you before you took them down
after you finished off the last one, you picked mikan up off the ground
she was hysterical now, and didn't even recognize that it was you holding her
you carried her in your arms all the way home, where she finally began to settle down
"i'm so sorry, i shouldn't have been so persistent about going with me, it's not your scene" you apologized to her after laying her on the couch
she opened her eyes, sniffling
"please don't ever do that again" she cried, clutching onto your shirt
it was so hard to come up with 3 diverse situations for the same prompt but i did it augh
thanks again for the request my friend
-mod kyoko
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utakoi · 5 years ago
Office Yandere HCs
Pairings: Assistant!Izuku Midoriya, Investor!Shoto Todoroki, Chauffeur!Hitoshi Shinso x Boss!Fem!reader
Summary: Ever wonder what it would be like to be the boss of some office yanderes and basically have a harem? Well, look no further, cause here it is!
Warnings: smut !!18+ ONLY!! (spunking in food + masturbation + dirty thoughts + oral), yandere themes (noncon)
A/N: Bc my brain kept me up at night with this concept and has made it’s final decision on turning a one shot I was in the middle of writing into a series, I decided to write some messy hcs to take a lil breather from long works (evn tho this is kinda long already). Also, if you think this is the last you’ll hear about office yanderes, no no no, I have some other thoughts for other characters
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Assistant!Midoriya Izuku
He is over the moon to hold a position that’s the closest to you
Out of your entire yandere office harem, he gets to spend the most time with you
He also definitely has an advantage since he practically schedules your entire day
For example, Shoto constantly tries to schedule one-on-one meetings with you in the guise of it being a matter of business, but Izuku cock blocks him by filling your day with a bunch of other events in order to make the meetings as short as possible, and sometimes, even cuts them out completely
He doesn’t like doing it often tho since he knows you can get too stressed with too much going on so he reluctantly has to give away some time for you to meet with the other yanderes (he’s still kind of a sweet and considerate bby as a yandere)
Will not give you personal space
Stands close to you during meetings, constantly visits your office to work (even tho his personal office is right next to yours), etc etc
Even if you don’t ask him to, he will fetch your meals and give you snacks throughout the day because he wants to take care of you and show how sweet he is (also because he wants you to imagine how good of a boyfriend he’d be if you just gave him a chance)
Now let’s get to the part that just popped up into my mind and inspired this entire post: if he can hide his cum somewhere in your food, he will do it
That coffee he gave you that tasted a little salty? Izuku spunked inside it.
The sandwich he bought that seemed to have more mayo than usual? He spunked in that, too
Whatever you think doesn’t taste right, it’s definitely because of Izuku
// // // // //
Izuku is thankful for his job because of two specific things: he gets to interact with you for most of the day and his office has a built in personal bathroom.
If he were to be forced to use the regular employee restroom, his lewd acts would have been exposed immediately by anyone who happened to walk in; he was never the best at holding his moans and grunts while jacking himself off after all.
In the privacy of his own bathroom, he could be as loud as he wants with both his breathy, pleasure-ridden voice and the slick sounds of him stroking his lube-covered cock. In fact, he’s even trying to be as loud as possible. 
Since your office is right next to his, there’s a small chance that you may be able to hear him through the walls. He can visualize you entering his office, concern decorating your features, wondering what he could possibly be doing to make such noises. If you were to open his bathroom door, you’d be met by the sight of Izuku sitting on the lid of the toilet, his hand vigorously pumping up and down his shaft. 
And he wouldn’t stop.
He’d just keep going, all the while staring at you right in the eye. He wonders what you’d do then. Would you just stay frozen at your spot, being unable to take your eyes off of him? Or maybe you’d get on your knees, completely turned on and ready to have a taste of his cum? What if you were actually more dominant than he thought and you’d just dig your heels into his dick, punishing him for slacking off his job by not letting him find release?
Fuck, any of those scenarios would be fine by him. 
Unfortunately, as he gets close to reaching his peak, you don’t come into his office at all. That’s alright, though.
He’ll just settle with spunking into your coffee, for now.
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Investor!Shoto Todoroki
Needs your attention
Like I said earlier, Shoto will keep trying to schedule meetings with you in the guise of it being a matter of business 
really, he just wants to spend time with you
During the meetings, he will also try to convince you to fire Izuku so that he can get rid of who he deems as someone deliberately keeping the two of you apart (which, for once, is a pretty spot on theory from Shoto)
Will try to spoil you with gifts and make excuses or pass it off as a casual thing so you don’t reject it or deem it as inappropriate for a workplace relationship
The beautiful bouquet of flowers? He was buying flowers for his mother on the way over and  the flower shop had a 2 for 1 deal so why not?
These gourmet chocolates? A fellow business partner of his gave him a box as thanks for his investment. Unfortunately, he’s allergic to one of the ingredients, but it would just be a waste to throw them out, no?
This exquisite diamond necklace? weLL-
You get the point (also, these gifts are definitely inspired by romance movies he saw his sister watching while growing up cuz oof he did not know any means of romance until he met you)
He aims to schedule his meetings with you around lunch time so that he has an excuse to treat you for lunch
He loves providing for you AKA he loves providing for you and showing off how he has the means to take care of you (much like Izuku)
If you were to become his wife, you wouldn’t have to work another day in your life
You can just stay at home and relax
Maybe you can even cook him breakfast and pack lunch for him before he works
That’s basically his dream
He wants you to stay home, waiting for your sweet husband to come back from work
Basically, he’ll take care of your every need, and he means EVERY need
// // // // //
It’s one of those nights again.
Shoto can’t sleep because he’s plagued by thoughts of you. Today, you weren’t able to meet him for lunch because you already had a flood of other appointments to attend (he was willing to bet his entire fortune that it’s because of your stupid assistant’s scheduling that you weren’t able to make it). 
So, needless to say, he was pent up. He can only hop that you fall in love with him sooner. Did his charms just not work on you? Do you not like the cool stoic type? Maybe he just wasn’t giving you the right gifts. Were they not expensive enough to impress you? Not expensive enough to show he could provide for you?
He knows he can take care of you so well. You would never have to work another day in your life. You can just stay home, surrounded by luxurious gifts and servants who’ll be at your beck and call while you wait for his return. 
And once he actually did come home after a long day of work? You’d be bathed in affection. Kisses, hugs, cuddles... and more.
You’d want him just as much as he wants you, right? 
His poor wife, lonely and deprived of the one person she loves for such long hours. He’s got to show that he’s sorry for neglecting you. 
Pushing you down onto the bed, he’d run his hands all over your body, massaging your shoulders, pinching your hardening nipples, brushing over your sensitive thighs... And since he’s also quite needy, he’d be grinding down his still-clothed cock on your pussy, showing off that he’s missed you, too.
Shoto doesn’t even think he’d have the patience to take off your clothes. He’d just keep dry humping you, desperate for his own release. The thin cloth preventing the both of you from making actual skin-on-skin contact would make such great friction. He can practically feel it now.
... And yup, the feeling was definitely not just from his imagination. Without even needing to glance down, Shoto already knows that his thoughts of you has caused him to pop a boner. 
Hopefully, a quick jerk off session can tire him out enough to fall asleep, but with how much his hard cock throbbed, he doubted it.
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Chauffeur!Hitoshi Shinso
2nd most envied out of your office harem for his job (he’s right next to Izuku)
Why? Well 1 - he gets one on one time with you daily and 2 - that one on one time is him and you in an enclosed space
Sure, he may not get as much time with you as the others, but he sure makes the best use of it
He’ll be chatting you up, getting to know you personally in order to make the atmosphere less awkward between the two of you (tbh, because he gives off standoffish and cold vibes, y’all are gonna be kinda tense when he’s just gotten his job as a chauffeur)
and he does it so discreetly
He’ll start the conversation of lightly, talking about the weather, how busy you’re going to be that day...
and then somehow it just transitions onto friendlier and more personal topics such as your favorite places to eat, what hobbies you’ve been trying out lately, etc
And he uses that info to his advantage
If he senses that you’re feeling stressed or down, he will drive you over to your favorite places and remind you that you should relax
But not only does he get brownie points for that, but would you really be so mean as to make him wait for you while you eat a meal or walk around the mall when he’s the one who’s trying so hard to cheer you up?
Of course not, you’re going to invite him and thank him for considering how you’re feeling
And if not, well, that’s okay, too, he understands (so long as he gets his brownie points)
As the boss of your own company, you’d often be asked out to meetings or social gatherings that involve drinking
Shinso’s always there whenever you get shit faced, and happily so
You’re drunk and you’re not gonna remember it the next morning, anyway... so why would he waste such a golden opportunity?
// // // // //
Shit, you feel great on his body.
Currently, Shinso is living out one of the best moments of his life. He’d come to pick you up from a drinking session with some investors and was ecstatic to find you drunk out of your mind. Hell, you could barely even slur out your orders for him to drive you home. Now, you’re pressed up against him as he holds you up and guides you to the car. 
Testing out the waters, he cheekily squeezes the flesh of your ass. If you were conscious enough to reprimand him for it, then he could easily just apologize and pass it off as an accident since you were stumbling around so much. 
And if you didn’t mention anything... well then, that was the single indicator he needed to know that you wouldn’t remember anything once you woke up in the morning. 
To his delight, you barely reacted to his touch and even let out a high-pitched giggle at his actions. As quickly as he possibly could, he opens up the back of the limousine and pushes you inside. You plop down onto the seat with a huff, completely inebriated. 
You don’t even register when Shinso crawls in and nudges himself in between your legs. 
When the door slams shut, you flinch a little, prompting Shinso to massage your thighs in an attempt to soothe you. He gazes at you lovingly as you look down at him with your dilated pupils. Fuck, you look way too innocent and adorable for what he’s about to do. 
Quick with his hands, he pulls down your waistband and completely exposes your sex. Before diving into his meal, he places light kisses that trail from your calf all the way up to your thighs. He wishes he could leave marks on your skin, but he wouldn’t want you to panic the next morning when you see clusters of purple and blue spread out all over your legs. 
He eats you out like a man starved, slobbering all over your pussy. All the while, you’re making such cute noises for him. When you gush all over his face, he’s happily lapping it all up, trying not to waste a single drop. 
Once you’ve come down, he dresses you back up as if nothing happened, which, in your mind tomorrow, nothing did. 
Shinso hesitates when he’s about to slide the panties back onto you. Maybe he could get away with just a little souvenir?
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neonlights92 · 4 years ago
RUN: Chapter II
Jeon Jungkook hops from bed to bed, sleeping with as many beautiful, rich women as he can possibly find time for.  He’s young and attractive, with a silver tongue that gets him practically anything he wants.  So when his friend and boss, Kim Taehyung, tells him it’s time to settle down, Jungkook takes it pretty badly.  And when he finds out that the woman he’s destined to marry is, in fact, his little sister’s best friend, he is less than impressed.
You have spent your entire life trying to forget the way you feel about Jeon Jungkook.   So when you find out that Jungkook is to be your husband - and that he is anything but pleased about it - your world is thrown into chaos.  How can you survive a loveless marriage with the man you are hopelessly in love with?
WARNINGS: Language, some violence and eventual smut.
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Your wedding came and went like the wind. 
It hadn’t been a large affair - barely more than fifty people had attended - but your mother had cried of course, and so had Jungkook’s mum, and at the end of it you were Mrs Jeon.
Your new husband had kissed you at the end of it - gently, quickly, like it didn’t really mean much - but you couldn’t help it that your heart skipped at the feeling.  Your first kiss with the man you’d spent most of your life loving, and it was like vapour.
And now here you were, stood in the foyer of Jungkook’s apartment, wondering what the hell you were doing.  You felt like some kind of imposter - a woman only pretending to be Jungkook’s wife.  You tightened the hold on your suitcase, the one your mother had made you pack only a week prior.
“Most of your things will be sent over in the days after you marry,” She’d told you, eyes mischievous, “But you’ll need something special for your wedding night.”
You scoffed. 
Your wedding night had been anything but spectacular. 
Bangtan had splashed out on an incredibly expensive hotel complete with matching robes and expensive champagne, but you’d spent most of the night alone.  You hadn’t been able to bare much of the reception, claiming a headache only an hour and a half into the festivities, and though Jungkook had seemed less than happy about it, he’d told you to make your way to the hotel room without him.
Of course, when you’d arrived all you’d done was to get into bed and cry yourself into some kind of dreamless sleep, feeling like nothing could ever make you happy again.  Hours had passed before Jungkook joined you, and when he did, you didn’t mention the smell of perfume on him, and he stayed far, far away from you.
You shook your head furiously, trying to rid your mind of all those horrible memories. 
One day, you hoped, you’d have beautiful children, and then you could shower them with all of your unrequited love.
“Are you listening to me?”
Jungkook’s voice shook you out of your reverie and you turned to face him sharply, eyes wide.
He sighed heavily, “I said you can either move into the guest room or join me in the master bedroom.  What would you prefer?”
You knew what your heart wanted of course. 
As stupid as it may have been - and it was astoundingly dumb - you still wanted to share Jungkook’s life with him.  You wanted to be able to indulge in the intimacies of marriage and your chest tightened as you remembered what you were to your husband - a hindrance.
“Will it be alright if we share different beds?”
He rose a dark brow, “What do you mean?”
“Your employees,” You clarified, tucking some hair behind your ears and avoiding his eyes, “They won’t think it’s… Inappropriate, will they?”
You hated the strange code of conduct you were being forced into.  You loved Jungkook - you wanted to give him yourself, whole heartedly - and yet you had to walk around the truth.  You had to pretend like every moment you spent here wasn’t causing irreparable damage to your heart. 
Jungkook shrugged, “So what if they do?  I don’t give a shit what people say and neither should you.  You should sleep wherever you prefer.”
The words hung in the air and you watched his face carefully.
He knew how you felt about him didn’t he?  So he had to know you’d prefer sharing his bed.  You collected yourself, and after a moment smiled gently.
“Then I think we should share the master bedroom.” If he was surprised he hid it well.  
“Okay.  This way then.”
You followed him down the hallway and stared at the planes of his back.  The suit jacket he was wearing hugged his shoulders perfectly, and despite yourself something in your stomach swelled.
You were his wife now, weren’t you?
Did that not come with certain expectations?
You wondered if Jungkook even found you attractive.  Surely if he wanted you in any capacity, he would’ve come looking for your company on your wedding night.
You bit back the tears.  Now was not the time for this.
The master bedroom was big of course, but basically empty.  Jungkook cleared his throat as you stood in the doorway to the room, observing your surroundings.
“I don’t spend a lot of time at home,” He started by way of explanation, “So urm… That’s why everything’s quite bare.”
You nodded slowly, “I understand.”
“You can do whatever you want in here,” He waved his hand noncommittally, “Within reason, of course.” The joke was weak but you pushed out a soft laugh nonetheless.
“Is that all you have with you?” He pointed at the small piece of luggage you were holding.
You shrugged, “My mom insisted she’d have the rest sent over to me,” You dropped the suitcase at the end of the huge bed you’d be sharing with Jungkook for maybe the rest of your life.
“So what’s in there then?”  He cocked his head to the side, confused.
You felt your cheeks blush, brazenly, and you cleared your throat, more than a little uncomfortable.
“She told me to pack some things for the wedding night,” You answered, finally lifting your gaze to meet with his, “It’s not a big deal.”
But you knew that was a lie.  Your heart was beating rapidly at just the thought of Jungkook knowing you’d brought intimate clothing along with you, and you knew that the only reason you’d told him it was because you wanted him to think about you scantily clad in lacy underwear.
You wanted him to be attracted to you, despite the fact this marriage was born out of duty for him.  You thought that maybe if he wanted your body, you could find a way to open up his heart as well.
“They still do that?”  Jungkook’s voice was painted with disbelief.  
You quirked a brow, “Do what?” “The whole wedding night lingerie thing,” He laughed tightly, “My hyungs all told me about it but it just sounds… Kind of outdated to me.” Another stab in the heart.  You tugged a hand through your hair.
“Oh.” He frowned carefully and sighed, “I’m sorry.  Did that hurt your feelings?”
It pained you how easily Jungkook saw through your armour.  How would you survive a lifetime with him?  How could you hide from his gaze when he knew you so well? 
You felt stupid and useless suddenly.
“No.”  You replied, voice catching slightly at the end, “You’re right.  It is outdated.” You thought of the racy red number your mother had insisted Jungkook would love.  He would never see it of course - but part of you had hoped he would.  Part of you had hoped he’d not only see you in it… But love you in it, too.
It was a foolish hope.
“Is it alright if I rest?” You asked him after a moment, smiling despite the tears that crawled up the back of your throat, “I’m really quite tired.  It’s been a long week.”
Jungkook’s eyes searched your face and you forced your expression into one of neutrality.  Just because he knew how you felt - just because he knew you loved him - didn’t mean you always had to be the vulnerable one.
You could learn to protect yourself.  You’d grown up around monsters.  Around people who manipulated and hurt others.
You just had to learn how to navigate this new reality.
This marriage.
“Yes of course,” Jungkook told you once his eyes had searched right down to the very depths of your soul, “Dinner will be served at around seven, okay?”
You nodded, tightly, “Fine.”
 He watched you for a moment more, before finally slipping out of the door and allowing your facade to finally relax.  You crawled onto the king sized bed, and pulled the blankets up around you - finally giving way to the tears that had been scratching the back of your eyelids since the minute you woke up this morning.
And as you lay in the bed you’d share with your husband - crying once again over the man who had your heart but didn’t deserve it - you promised yourself that this would be that last time.
That you wouldn’t cry over Jeon fucking Jungkook again.
And even though you were lying to yourself, you repeated that mantra to yourself all night. Over and over again.
Until finally you fell asleep.
And even then you dreamt of him.
The days passed through your fingers like sand.  You spent more time than ever pining after Jungkook - qua though the two of you now shared a bed, nothing had changed. 
During the day your husband was barely home.  And even when he was he was always too busy to pay you any attention.
And at night you slept as far away from each other as possible.  Most nights were spent falling asleep to the sight of the planes of his smooth back.
Jungkook wasn’t cruel.  He always spoke to you kindly.  He smiled whenever he saw you, and occasionally laughed at any jokes you tried to make.
But he was distant.  Always held you at an arm’s length.
He never searched out your company, and you wondered if maybe that was because he knew how you felt.  He knew you loved him - he knew you’d loved him for so long - and maybe he didn’t want to make matters worse.
He had never promised you love.  In fact… He had almost promised you the polar opposite.
And so you spent most of your time alone. 
Today was no different.
You tugged on the thread you were using to patch up one of Jungkook’s suit jackets - no doubt he’d created the tears during one of his many business meetings - and sighed heavily to yourself.
You’d seen the jacket earlier that morning, hanging in your shared closet, when you’d noticed the hole.  Perhaps it was a need to make Jungkook happy, or perhaps it was boredom, but either way now you were sitting with a needle and thread, fixing it.
A knock at the door pulled you out of what you were doing.  
“Come in,” You said softly, expecting Jennie to be on the other side.  When the portal opened and it was actually Nayeon you stood excitedly, dropping Jungkook’s jacket and rushing over to her.
“Did you miss me?”  She smiled widely as you rushed into her waiting embrace, squeezing her tightly.
“Oh my god, so much,”  You pulled back and felt your eyes well up with tears, “Sorry.  I’m so emotional these days.”
She grinned and ran a hand through your hair, “Nothing to apologise for.”
You led her over to the small couch that sat in the corner of your bedroom, and the two of you sat down together.  
“How have you been?”  She asked after a moment. 
You wiped at a tear that had unceremoniously tracked down your cheek, “He barely talks to me.”
The words were not accusing, but there was sadness in them. 
Nayeon frowned, “He’s acting like a real jackass.”
“No,” You shook your head vehemently, “It’s not his fault.  This whole situation… It’s fucked up.”
“Still.  He shouldn’t be mean.”
“He isn’t,” You insisted, “We just… He’s hardly at home as it is… And when he is the last thing he wants to do is talk to me.”
“I’m sorry Y/N,” She really did look sorry too.
You shrugged helplessly, “How many marriages in Bangtan are loveless?”
“Whatever. I just hope he’s not…” She stopped herself abruptly and clicked her tongue, “Never mind.”
You quirked a brow, “No…What were you going to say Nayeon?”
”I don’t want to upset you more,” She answered honestly, eyes shifting across your face carefully.
“There’s next to nothing at the moment that could make me feel any worse.”
It was a terrible sentiment, but it was the truth. Things seemed so bleak that you couldn’t imagine any information would cause a further rift in your already distant marriage.
“It’s just…” Nayeon tugged a hand through her hair and pursed her lips, “You know what Jungkook is like. He’s always dated lots of women at the same time. I’m just - I hope he’s ended those relationships.”
Your heart sank.
Immediately his words from earlier that month rolled across your mind.
I’m not a man of commitment.
Did that mean he didn’t want to be faithful to you?  Was he warning you of his inability to keep to just one woman for the rest of his life?
You hadn’t even considered the possibility that Jungkook would cheat on you. Sure, he’d told you he might never love you… But an affair would be too much, wouldn’t it?
“I don’t - we haven’t spoken about that.” You felt your voice shake.
“I know my brother can be a bastard,” Nayeon shook her head, “But if he cheated on you… I would never forgive him.”
Her words fell on you like concrete.
Would you be able to forgive him? 
In a sense, Jungkook didn’t really owe you faithfulness did he? In fact… He might have very well warned you against it.
You swallowed thickly.
“You should ask him about it,” Your best friend’s words were resolute, “If he cares for you… Even a little bit, then he’ll give you that respect.”
She was right of course.
Arranged marriage or not, he still owed you basic decency.
You nodded gently, “You’re right.”  Your chest was tight as Nayeon reached over and squeezed your hand, “I will.”
Now you would just have to work up the courage to do it.
Nayeon’s words played over and over again in your mind for the following week.  You had thought you were strong enough to bring it up to your husband but the truth was every time you wanted to do it, the words had slipped into the back of your throat.  Just one look into Jungkook’s dark brown eyes and you had found yourself rendered helpless.
“Y/N.”  Jungkook’s voice caused you to look up as you finished working on his suit jacket, “Hi.”
“Oh.”  The word left you in a rush, “Sorry.  I didn’t realise you would be home so early.” It was a Friday afternoon - sometime after four - and he was standing in the doorway of your bedroom, watching you the way he always did.  
“What are you doing?” Your fingers faltered and you pulled the jacket up slightly, “Fixing this for you.  It’s been my pet project for the last week.”
“Oh.”  He mirrored your expression of surprise from earlier, taking a step towards you, “I see.” There was a beat of silence and then, “Why?” You tightened your grip on the jacket and felt your stomach roll over in anxiety.
“Why what?”
His eyes flickered, “Why are you fixing it for me?” Because I love you.
Of course you couldn't say that, so instead you opted for a shrug.
“Something to do, I suppose.”
After another long moment of watching, Jungkook smiled softly.
“Thank you,” He said, words warm, “That’s very kind of you.” You blushed at the compliment, however small it may be, and returned his smile, “It’s nothing.”
“I uh…” He cleared his throat and shook his head, “I realised that I forgot to tell you something quite important.” You cocked your head to the side, “What is it?” “Tonight.  There’s a gala.  One of Jimin’s things…”
You felt something akin to excitement swell inside of you.  It was sad… But any reason to spend time with Jungkook was something to be celebrated.  
“Right.”  Your smile widened, “What time?”
“Eight pm,” He told you carefully, “And you’ll need to dress up.” “I know that don’t worry.  I’ve been to Jimin’s galas before,” Your voice was slightly teasing and you almost reprimanded yourself for it. 
Perhaps once upon a time you could joke with Jungkook like that, but things were different now… Weren't they? Except Jungkook didn’t seem annoyed.
He chuckled and rolled his eyes, “How could I forget?  You and Nayeon love causing trouble at the expense of my poor friend Jimin.” You giggled, “We both know Nayeon is the mastermind behind any and all trouble caused,” You shrugged, “I’m a helpless bystander.” “Helpless my ass,” His lips fell into a smirk, “Just because you look like an angel doesn't mean you always act like one.”
Your heart flipped.
An angel?
Jungkook must have noticed the change in your demeanor, because he suddenly seemed awkward himself.  He coughed slightly and tugged a hand through his dark hair.
“Anyway.  Just uh… be ready at half seven, alright?”  His face had slipped back into that infamous Bangtan mask, but you were still warm from his earlier words.
“Okay.  I will.” “And uh… Will the jacket be fixed for tonight?”
You felt slightly dazed.  Jacket?
“Huh?” His smile was small but he nodded towards the piece of clothing you were gripping so tightly your knuckles had turned white, “Your pet project.”
“Oh right.”  You turned the jacket over in your hands and nodded, “Yes.  Yeah.  It’ll be ready.” “Great.  I’ll have Minhyuk prepare the matching trousers for me, then.”
He smiled once more before leaving, and you realised you were holding your breath.
It felt like you had been punched in the stomach.
But you sort of liked it.
“You look beautiful Y/N.”  Your maid Jennie tugged the brush through your hair one last time, “The red is striking.” You ran a hand down the bodice of the dress you’d chosen to wear - something stupidly expensive and incredibly tight - and smiled at her nervously.  
“Thank you.”
“Jungkook isn’t going to know what to do with himself,” She giggled and your grin widened. 
The two of you had always been close, despite the gap in social status.
You didn’t care what tradition dictated, Jennie was your friend - employee or not.
“That’s what I’m hoping for,” You chuckled, biting on your bottom lip, “What time is it?” A knock at the door caused your head to turn and Jennie smirked.
“He’s right on time.” Your stomach fluttered at the thought of your husband, and when your maid moved to throw the portal open you almost fainted.
He looked… so good.
“Hi,” He smiled gently, “Are you ready?” You knew you were checking him out but you couldn’t help yourself.
The suit jacket you’d fixed for him fit him perfectly… And the trousers he was wearing only served to accentuate his perfect thighs.
“Y/N?” He cocked his head to the side and your heart twinged as a lock of hair fell precariously across his forehead.
Damn it.
Jennie pinched your arm and you realised how obvious you were being.
“Sorry,” You cleared your throat, “Yeah.  I’m ready.”
You weren’t ready at all.  Not to spend the rest of the evening in close quarters with the man who made you feel like a lovestruck teenager, anyway.
But what choice did you have?
Jungkook led you towards the garage, where his very expensive Porsche was parked, and when he held the door open for you, your pulse squeezed.
“Thanks,” You said, cheeks blazing.
Jungkook’s eyes flickered as he watched you climb inside, “No problem.”  He answered tightly, clicking the door shut and sliding into the driver’s seat.
It wasn’t until you eased onto the main road that Jungkook spoke again.
“You look nice,” He said, his eyes meeting yours in the rearview mirror.
You turned to face him, your heart thumping uncomfortably against your ribcage, “What?”
“Oh come on don’t act like I’ve never said anything nice to you before,” He groaned, “You’ll make me feel like an asshole.”
“Oh I uh…” You blushed hotly, “Thanks.  I guess.”
“You guess?  Wow, way to take a compliment, Y/N.”  His tone was teasing and you felt yourself falling back into the friendship you’d shared with him before the two of you had been forced into marriage.
This was the Jungkook you fell in love with.
“I just didn’t expect you to say that,” You clarified, turning to look at this side profile.
God he was so handsome, it almost hurt.
“Well it’s true,” He shrugged and shot you a small smile, “You look nice.” “Well so do you.”  The words slipped out of you eagerly, “The uh… The suit jacket looks great.”
His smile grew, “It does.  Thanks to you, of course.  My little seamstress.”
Your heart skipped.
His little seamstress?
“Right,” You choked out, “Well.  If you ever need anything fixed then just send it my way.”
“I will.”
A comfortable silence fell between the two of you but all you could think about was the fact that he’d called you his.  Sure, it was in jest, and yeah maybe it wasn't the most romantic of things to say… But still.
It had to count for something.
When Jungkook pulled up in front of the same hotel Bangtan always used for social events, your heart was still fluttering wildly in your chest, but you forced yourself to remain calm.
There were paparazzi milling around the front entrance of the hotel of course, like there always were whenever Jimin organised a gala.  Suddenly you felt inadequate.
You’d never been photographed before - your family was not famous enough… You were not beautiful enough for the media to give a shit.
But you knew that Jungkook was well loved by the media - not only was he Bangtan’s resident casanova - but he was also the most open of the special seven.  He smiled for photos and had even occasionally bantered with the paparazzi.  He dated celebrities - models, singers… Actresses.  He was the media’s golden boy.
He was everyone’s golden boy.
Jungkook must have noticed your nerves because he turned to give you a soft smile.
“It’s alright  Y/N.  Just hold my hand and ignore them okay?”
You nodded, wordlessly, as he stepped out of the car and after a minute opened your door for you.  Immediately you felt the buzz of flashbulbs, and you were almost blinded by the light.  A warm hand enveloped your own and soon Jungkook was tugging you along.
You blinked against the flashing and watched your husband’s sturdy back, as he led you towards the front entrance determinedly.
“Jungkook!  Jungkook!  Is this your mysterious new girl?” “Jungkook!  Is it true you’re married?”
“Jungkook!  Smile!”
Jungkook didn’t stop for any questions and you were thankful for that, holding tightly onto his hand until he finally slipped inside the lobby of the hotel and the paparazzi was behind you.  He dropped your hand and you immediately felt cold.
“Here,”  He offered his arm, “This is the way Jimin’s always telling me to enter a room.” You nodded and slipped your own arm through his, ignoring the buzz that flitted through you at the contact.
God.  You loved him so much.
“Was that as bad as you thought it was going to be?”  He asked, eyes sympathetic as he led you over towards the ornate marble staircase.
You bit your bottom lip and sighed, “It was tough.”
“I’m sorry,” He frowned, “Really.  It will get better.”
You would recognise that voice anywhere.
She was coming towards the two of you, beautiful face donning a wide smile.  Her eyes flickered between your linked arms for a moment, before she reached you.
“Hello Jihyo,” Jungkook nodded his head politely, “How are you?”
“I’m great Jungkookie,” The nickname caused a hot flush of anger to roll through you.  You knew exactly what game she was playing, “How are you?” “I’m fine,”  He turned to give you a smile, “You know my wife Y/N, don’t you?” Jihyo’s body froze at the word wife.  She was Taehyung’s cousin.
Surely she had to know the two of you had gotten married.
“Yeah, yeah.”  She gave you a sharp look, “Nice to see you Y/N.” But her words felt anything but nice.
Immediately you were reminded of Nayeon’s warning.
Your heart thundered against your chest.
What if Jungkook and Jihyo were….
You felt like you were going to be sick.
“Anyway Jungkook I was going to ask you if you were free next weekend,” Her smile was coy as she fluttered her eyelashes up at your husband, “It’s my birthday and-” “We have plans.”
The words surprised you as much as they did Jungkook and you’d been the one to say them.
Jihyo’s gaze flickered over to your own and she raised an angry eyebrow, “What?”
“Me and my husband have plans next weekend,” You pasted the fakest smile onto your face, “Maybe next time.”
And with that you pulled Jungkook away from Jihyo pulse roaring in your ears.  You had no idea where that bout of courage had come from but just who did she think she was anyway?
Just because she’d always had everything she wanted, didn’t give her the right to act like a brat.
After a moment, Jungkook turned to give you a smirk, “What was that?” You tried to act nonchalant.
“What was what?”
“That.”  His smirk grew, “Were you jealous?” You felt something hot split across your cheeks.
“I don’t want you dating other women.”
The words fell like stones between the two of you.
Jungkook stopped, his eyes raking over you.  He frowned.
“I wouldn’t… I would never do that.” “You told me you weren’t a man of commitment,” You told him sincerely, feeling irrational tears crawl up your throat, “But I can’t… I won’t be able to deal with it if you have an affair.”
Jungkook’s eyes softened.  He shook his head.
“I didn’t mean I would see other women Y/N.”  He pressed a hand to your cheek and you wilted at his touch, “You’re my wife and I respect that.  Alright?”
You nodded, eyes boring into his.  You wished he would just open himself up to you.
“Okay.”  You whispered, not caring that you were surrounded by people, “Thank you.” He pulled his hand away and nodded gently.
Something in his gaze flickered.  Whether it was genuine affection or desire or something else entirely you weren’t sure.  But it wasn’t that cold indifference he wanted you to believe.
“Let’s go.  The others are waiting.”
Your heart turned as he slipped his hand into yours.
If only he could learn to love you, then maybe you really could be happy.
If only.
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cleanlenins · 3 years ago
Ectober Day 4: Glitter
Bottled Beauty: Reasonable Rates
A new shop opens in the mall. It sells amazing products that make you more beautiful. The prices are fair, as Paulina finds out.
Warnings: None
A new store opened in the Amity Park Mall, and no one knew how it got there.
One day, there was nothing there but a wide expanse of plaster wall, adorned with a few flyers taped and torn. The mall closed down at half past eight. The guards and workers closed down by nine. Doors locked and no one entered.
When security opened the doors again the next morning, they stood in awe of the new addition. Wide glass windows displayed a varied assortment of unusual goods. Shiny bottles of makeup and perfume. Glittering combs and brushes. Sparkling collections of hair pins and clips. Face masks and nail polish and hair oil and scented powders.  Jewelry of every type sparkled in the bright led lights that flooded the store. Beautifully embroidered scarves and accessories were hung with meticulous care along the walls.
Security was flabbergasted. They had heard nothing about this store. Nothing reported to them. They called it in, asking CBL if it was legit. The radio replied that yes, all paperwork was in order.
Bottled Beauty was open for business.
Paulina was frequently at the mall. What better place was there for her to be? There were so many stores for her to peruse, so many things to buy. People could marvel at her perfection. And the Ghost Boy tended to appear there all too often. A bonus. As familiar as she was with the mall's set-up, she immediately noticed the new store. She smiled in delight when she saw the products through the window and eagerly walked in.
It was even better than what she had imagined. Paulina was awestruck. She merely stood there, eyes drifting from item to item.
“Is there anything I can help you with?” A voice asked. Paulina turned at the sound. A person stood there. Paulina could not tell if they were a man or a woman, but she marveled. They were beautiful, dark hair framing their face with a waterfall of curls. Lovely green eyes sparkled with glitter eyeshadow, smiling wide with perfectly full lips. They stood there, dressed in a glittering button down shirt, a small box in their hand.
“Oh, I was just looking. I’ve never been here before. It’s amazing,” Paulina whispered reverently. The glittering person nodded.
“Thank you. We here at Bottled Beauty pride ourselves in spreading beauty at a reasonable rate. What is worse than looking at an ugly world?” The employee grinned as they sat the box on the counter. Paulina nodded in agreement. “Was there anything you were looking for in particular?”
Paulina shook her head.
The employee hummed, tapping their finger against their chin as they examined her. Paulina fidgeted under the stare, but was once more mesmerized by the brilliant green eyes. They walked closer to her, merely inches away. Paulina stood straighter as they got closer. The employee’s eyes gleamed as they stared down.
“My dear, do you know you are very nearly perfect?” They purred. Paulina blushed.
“Really? I mean, of course I am,” She preened. The employee grinned again, green eyes bright. They reached up and gently grasped a strand of hair.
“Only nearly, my dear. But we can fix that,” The employee clarified. Paulina could not bring herself to be offended. “You have such thick hair. So dark, like the night. Many people would be jealous to have such hair. But it must be so difficult to manage. The frizz alone would be a full time job. Am I wrong?”
Paulina thought back to the hours she had spent on taming her hair. How difficult it was every morning to get the perfect style. How she had to pay for so many conditioning treatments to keep it from puffing up in an unmanageable mess.
“You’re right,” Paulina said. The glittering person dropped the strand of hair and stepped away.
“I have just the thing,” They called over their shoulder, walking into the store. Paulina hurried to follow. They stopped at a display of different combs. The employee plucked one, showing it to Paulina.
“Comb your hair with this and you will be able to style it any way you wish,” They said. Paulina’s eyes widened in wonder. “Whether you choose to wear it curly, or straight. Up or down. It will go exactly as you want it.”
“That sounds too good to be true.”
“But true nonetheless. If you are unsatisfied, you can always return it.”
Paulina wrinkled her brow.
“How much?” She asked. The employee tilted their head.
“For you, I would take a laugh,” They said. Paulina blinked in confusion.
“A laugh? You just want me to laugh? That’s all?” Paulina repeated in disbelief.
“At Bottled Beauty, we believe in reasonable rates. A fair price for fair folk,” The employee put their hand over their heart. “And we so crave perfection, something you are so close to already.”
Paulina laughed in delight at the compliment, given from someone so pretty. The store owner handed her the comb and bid her farewell.
Paulina combed her hair with the comb, and wondered at the results. Her hair was perfectly shiny after only one stroke. She preened as her classmates gawked, tossing her hair over her shoulder for emphasis. Dale was so starstruck that he walked into the school’s front door, tripping all the way down the stairs. All of the A-list laughed at his expense. Except Paulina.
She returned again to Bottle Beauty, quickly looking for the employee.
“We thought you would be back,” A voice whispered right next to her ear. She turned eagerly.
“The comb was perfect, so I had to come back,” Paulina said. The employee laughed.
“We are glad you are satisfied,” The employee chuckled. They examined her again. “Your skin is nearly flawless, my dear. But I am sure you already knew of the flaw there?”
Paulina touched the mole on her cheek, the one her Papa never let her get rid of. That makeup could not hide. She had played it off over the years, but still it grated on her nerves to see it in the mirror. The employee led her to another aisle, this one filled with different creams. They grabbed a selection.
“Cover your face in this cream, and all blemishes will be removed, no matter how big or small,” They held the cream out with a flourish.
“I didn’t know anything like that existed,” Paulina said happily, looking over the cream. “How much?”
“For you, my dear, how about some cheer. You seem the type to be a cheerleader, yes?” The employee said. “Does that seem a fair price to you?”
“It’s a bit weird, but sure,” Paulina said. She gave the employee her best Casper High cheer, to which they applauded with enthusiasm.
Paulina hurried from the shop to try out her new cream. It worked like magic, her complexion even more perfect than she had ever dreamed. The mole was erased away as if it were never there. The few pimple scars she had concealed were gone as well. It even erased a small scar she had on her finger, just from where she had applied it. She wanted to dance around her room with joy, to cheer this new development in her life. But she didn’t.
Paulina returned again. The employee was leaning against the counter when she entered.
“It is so good to see you again,” The employee cheered her entrance. Paulina grinned back at them, showing off where her mole used to be. The employee eyed it with approval. “How can I help you today?”
“How do you think you can help me?” Paulina teased. The employee laughed brightly, smiling back at Paulina with fondness.
“I wonder if any have come as close to perfect as you, my dear. Let’s see how I can help,” The employee gently held Paulina’s hand and spun her in a slow circle. “My dear, there is only one thing that mars your perfection. Follow me.”
The employee led Paulina once more into the store, hand still clasped in hand. They came to a display of different makeup. The employee picked up a small container of eyeshadow. It glittered. The employee held it next to their own eye. It matched the shade they wore.
“As you can see, I definitely recommend it,” The employee said. “Wear this, and you will show no signs of aging. You could be sixty, and you will look as you are now. It may be one of our pricier products, but you will not be disappointed.”
Paulina looked at the small palette with greed.
“How much?”
“For you, my dear, I want only your name,” The employee said.
“That’s fair. My name is [        ]” [       ] said, an uncomfortable feeling rippling over her skin as she took the small palette.
“I am glad you are satisfied,” Paulina responded with a laugh, green eyes glittering with joy and something more.
Bottled Beauty: Reasonable Rates
Fair Price for Fair Folk.
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heloisedaphnebrightmore · 4 years ago
Important asset [Billy Russo x Reader]
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Title: Important asset Pairing: Billy Russo x Female!Reader Word count: 3k Published: 22 April 2021 Author: Heloise Daphne Brightmore Notes: My first Billy Russo fic, I hope it's not that bad, I'm still trying to get a hold of his character :) Summary: [x] Being a former military personal gives you the opportunity to work for Billy’s company. Becoming a very important part of the company provides you with an even closer relationship with your boss. However, he seems to be deliberately dancing on your nerves, increasing your already built-up frustration.
Ben Barnes and Characters Masterlist
Masterlists | Marvel Characters Masterlist
If you enjoy my stories, please consider donating and supporting me on Ko-fi. Of course, it’s completely your choice, I will continue updating for free anyway :) Thank you <3
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Working for Anvil felt like a safe place. After serving your country for years, coming back from your last tour turned out to be more difficult than you could have anticipated. Protecting important personals and working as security wasn’t something you wished to do, but after starting the job, working along with people who have been through what you have, your view of the company has changed. The job was different, but the people you worked with have given you more support than anyone, including your family, friends or your therapist for that matter.
Joining Anvil wasn’t easy, the requirement process raised some issues that you had to overcome. The physical part didn’t offer any difficulty, but the mental exam seemed to present some obstacles. It wasn’t until your second try that you have been approved and joined the team. That was when you met Mr. Russo, CEO and founder of Anvil. He was just as handsome as you have heard, and he had a way with words. He was confident and knew just how to use his charm. Even if you wanted to deny your sudden interest in him, you couldn’t have.
It seemed that even if he didn’t look at you as a woman, he certainly found your abilities interesting. You didn’t just become one with the team, a crucial member, but also became one of Billy’s most important assets. Having both good communications skills and excellent combat skills meant your worth in Billy’s eyes have grown and provided a great deal of opportunity for you to stay beside him. Officially you weren’t an assistant, but unofficially, Billy liked to give you a nice amount of work, keeping you close by from early morning to late afternoon or evening, sometimes past 10pm.
“Mr. Russo,” you called out to him as you walked behind him in a narrow corridor of the Anvil headquarters. Billy turned around, adjusting his tie with a confident smirk across his face. “I heard you were looking for me,” you added as you finally arrived beside him, glancing up at his handsome features, looking very professional in his expensive suit. You wanted to look feminine and pretty, instead of being dirty and sweaty, wearing a pair of tracksuits, but sometimes your work required you to look more worn out than you wished to be. He had a certain aura that kept pulling you towards him, but as confident as you were in your abilities to protect your country and your people, you were just as uncertain about your appearance when you appeared in front of Billy.
“Yes, I have. Care to explain why I can't reach you on your phone?” He asked, his features unimpressed with your lack of availability.
“I was training, I can’t possibly bring my phone with me everywhere,” you replied frowning, but you quickly adjusted your expressions, before he could have scolded you. It was clear that he wasn’t happy with your reply, but he dismissed it after all.
“Come to my office at 1700 hours. I have a couple things to discuss with you,” he replied in an authoritative manner.
“I have to train the new recruits at 4,” you explained, but he just shook his head.
“Ask someone to replace you,” he stated firmly, accepting no objection. But you took your job very seriously and even though Billy was your boss, often you found yourself going against his decisions just to spite him.
“I can’t do that,” you stated, lips pursed to emphasise your objection. “There’s no one to cover me,” you added. His firm stance and sharp inhale reassured you that he was anything but happy with your answer. He took a step forward, forcing you to take a step back and collide with the wall behind you. Your chest felt as though it was a small box, containing only a small portion of oxygen, its lack of tightened your throat, starting your heart off in a dangerous pace, pounding hard against your ribcage. Billy’s presence always made you feel as though you couldn’t breathe. A simple gaze in your direction, a confident grin, his low, deep voice calling your name made you weak at the knees and left your mind wandering to paths you should have never gone to, causing thousands of butterflies to erupt in your belly.
“I’m your boss and I can change your schedule whenever I want to. I want to see you in my office at 1700 sharp, or else—” he didn’t finish the end of his sentence, but you were sure his ideas were entirely different from yours.
“Or else—?” It escaped your mouth involuntarily, receiving a low growl from Billy, a threatening aura, still it didn’t frighten you, if anything it encouraged you further. “I think we both know you will not fire me, Mr. Russo. I’m a very important asset to your company. I am a very dedicated employee and therefore I will try to adjust my schedule to fit your request, but I cannot promise anything, unless you personally can provide someone to take over from me,” you replied in a challenging manner, earning a questioningly raised brow from Billy. Trying to read his face you couldn’t decide if he was actually considering helping you or he was planning how to murder you in the spot.
A heavy sigh left his lungs, but he didn’t back away. “I will send Simon to cover you,” he said between gritted teeth.
“That is absolutely brilliant, I’m so glad we are on the same page,” you exclaimed with a wide grin across your face as you turned around to leave the man behind. However, before you could have left, he grabbed your arm and pulled you back against him, your palms landing on his hard chest, feeling every inch of each fine muscle under your touch.
“Pay attention to your attitude because it has gotten out of hands recently and you are standing on a very fine line,” he whispered, his breath tickling your cheeks. Indeed, you have been rather free with your words and actions around Billy, and you knew you were playing with fire, but it seemed that was the only way to get his attention.
“I might be pushing some boundaries, but my only intention is for the company to work effectively, to produce people that do their tasks efficiently meanwhile wearing Anvil’s name with pride. If I neglect my duties and ignore my job, even if it’s for your request, what use am I to the company?” you asked with a certain pride. Whilst your intention was to object to Billy once again, to be somewhat bratty, every word that left your lips were true. Anvil has given you more than you could have ever wished for and not even Billy could stop you from making this company one of the most well-working organisations.
Billy took a sharp inhale, trying to decide whether you were just being spoilt once again, because you were indeed aware of your own worth, or if the company really took priority in your eyes. His nod reassured you of the latter as he let go of your arm.
“I like the way you are thinking, but it doesn’t excuse your attitude. You are an important asset to the company, but not irreplaceable. By the time you come to see me in the afternoon, try to get rid of it,” he spoke sternly, before he shook his head and offered you a cocky grin as he turned around and left you in the corridor. You couldn’t stop the tiny smile from appearing in the corner of your lips, his expression reassured you that you were anything but invisible in his eyes.
As you were leading a shooting session for your team, Billy interrupted your practice, clearing his throat whilst leaning against the doorframe, watching your people. You looked at your watch, afraid of being late, but according to your time, you weren’t even anywhere near the time you were supposed to be in his office.
“Keep practising,” you instructed them as you walked back to Billy, whose arms were folded in front of his chest, his eyes following every step you took towards him. “Is everything okay?” you asked as you stopped in front of him.
“Hmm,” he replied with a simple hum and a single nod. He seemed to have something on his mind, and you were sure he would soon voice his opinion. Biting his lip, he grimaced slightly. “Your team needs more practice,” he added nonchalantly. Your eyes widened and you quickly turned around to check on the targets. Indeed, there were some errors, but you were overall satisfied with their performance, they were former members of the US Armed Forces after all. Inhaling sharply, you turned back to him, staring at his expressionless face.
“Is this really why you came here?” You asked with a questioningly raised brow.
“I was just wondering how useful you are to the company since you have been walking around voicing your importance. Just like you did in the morning, if I recall correctly,” he shrugged casually.
“Let me see if I understand. After all I have done for the company and for you, now you are checking on my people and my progress, questioning how much we are worth to your goddamn company?” You hissed in anger. Billy seemed to be on a roll attempting to piss you off at any given time. Usually, you could keep your act together, but he has done nothing but insulted you that day and he was very close to reaching your limits. You stared into his eyes and in the lowest, most threatening tone you could manage, you continued. “Listen to me Russo, I can take a lot, I’m quite a resilient person, but I’m very close to walking out of here and never coming back. If you would like me to leave then say it, but if not and you would like me to keep working for you, then let me do my job and leave me alone for the rest of the day,” you exhaled sharply and after a deadly gaze directed at your boss, you turned away and joined your team. Your blood was boiling from the amount of anger he could bring out in you, as if he found your frustration entertaining. Although you expected him to come after you and give you a monologue about humbling yourself, by the time you looked back towards the entrance, he was long gone.
It was already 5pm and Simon was nowhere to be found. You instructed the new recruits to take a 5-minute break from the exercises you have given them as you rocked from one leg to the other trying to calm yourself, slowly exhaling and inhaling. Preparing for the scolding you were about to receive from Billy, your blood pressure had risen. You groaned as you saw Simon run through the door, heavily apologising for his lateness. Shaking your head, you walked up to him and instructed him about the details of the recruits’ further training. By the time you were supposed to be in Billy’s office, you were jogging across the narrow corridors of Anvil, trying to minimise the nagging Billy was about to give you for not arriving in time.
“You are late,” you heard his voice as you opened the door, grimacing at the harsh tone. Billy didn’t even look up from his desk, his eyes were attached to the paperwork he was signing off.
“Not my fault,” you added, walking up to the table and sitting down across Billy.
“I told you to be precise,” he groaned, unhappy about your lateness.
“Next time send someone who actually appears in time,” you retorted, feeling fed up with his continued scolding.
“Once again you have that attitude,” he cleared his throat in frustration.
“Russo!” You shot up from your chair, placing your hands on his paperwork, staring straight into his eyes. “I’m aware that I have a slight problem with my attitude, but I don’t think it’s fair that you blame me for something I had no say in. You have asked Simon to replace me, still at 5pm sharp I was still in the training hub alone with the recruits, because he was late,” you replied firmly.
“I don’t think I have asked for an excuse, so why do I have to listen?” He asked with a deep frown, slowly standing up from his chair, his stance projecting authority. But at that moment, you couldn’t care less. Your blood was rushing through your veins, your built-up frustration threatening to reveal itself. As if Billy’s mere purpose was to dance on your nerves. And he was successful.
“Billy,” you called his first name with clenched teeth. You have gotten used to calling him Mr. Russo or Russo, even though you were close to each other. However recently he has been deliberately annoying you and you couldn’t take it anymore. Indeed, you wanted to get some kind of reaction out of him with your brattiness, but receiving the same attitude didn’t seem that entertaining. You knew you were supposed to be professional when you were working, even though he made it his mission to piss you off, but you just lost your self-control. “I have done nothing for this company but work my ass off to help you. When you asked, I had to be at two even three places at the same time. I have no life, because every single free time and day off I’m supposed to be having, I have to spend here to help you. I don’t mind, because I love working here and I want to make this company a better place. But you are the one talking about my attitude, even though I have never asked for anything in return?! Have I ever asked for a raise even if you dumped hours of work on me? You keep me here from early morning to late evening and I’ve never once complained, still you dare to talk about my attitude? Please, tell me what your problem is with me, because recently I feel like it’s your mission to get on my nerves. At this point the only thing I can think of is that you want me to quit because that’s the kind of hostility that comes across from you,” you huffed releasing all your frustration on your boss.
“You—” he wanted to speak up, but you didn’t let him. It was your time to talk, and you didn’t even give him a chance to object.
“No, I’m speaking,” you interrupted him, earning a sharp inhale from the man. “I understand that I’m only a mere subordinate, and I know I should not have the attitude that I do take on sometimes, but I am still a human and I don’t have to deal with your moodiness on a daily basis,” you hissed. “Tell me honestly, is it your mission to get me to quit? Because at this point you are very close to forcing me to resign and—” you had no way to finish the sentence as Billy grabbed the back of your neck and pulled your lips against his, earning a moan from you. He only let go of you for a second to get around the table, his movements quick as though he was a lion hunting down his prey. He attached his lips to yours once again, pushing you up on the table and positioning himself between your thighs. He sneaked his arm around your waist, pulling you closer to him, his other hand firmly holding you close to him by the back of your neck, wanting nothing but to reduce the proximity between the two of you.
“Do you ever shut up?” He asked, breathing heavily against your lips. “I hear nothing but your continuous yapper,” he groaned as he laid his forehead against yours, massaging random patterns on your thigh. “Why on earth do you think I have given you so much job to do, you dumb woman? Can you be any more oblivious? I didn’t just dump all those random tasks on you and left you to do them, did I? I stayed behind with you, isn’t that, right?” he asked through gritted teeth. “You really know how to get on my nerves, and this certainly isn’t how I imagined this to come out, but you make it impossible for me to keep my cool,” he inhaled slowly, forcefully pulling you closer to him as he stood between your legs, making you moan at the contact. “I’m going to give you two options now,” he stated as he took a step back, giving you space to think. You can walk out that door, act like nothing happened and we will go back to being a boss and an employee. Or you can stay, and we continue what we started. But then there’s no turning back. I don’t just let go of what’s mine,” for a moment you ran the options through a logical part of your mind, that screamed for you to walk out the door. But you couldn’t possibly listen to the voice when you could finally be Billy’s after you have done so much for the man you longed for.
You grabbed his belt and pulled him between your legs, whispering against his lips. “Close that door,” Billy’s jaw clenched and without a second to waste he stood by the door, locking it behind him and getting back to you in haste, capturing your lips with his hands exploring every part of your body.
“So, have I become irreplaceable now?” You asked with a proud, overly confident grin as his hands tried to remove your shirt impatiently. His eyes darkened at your words, his hands stopping mid-air.
“Don’t get cocky with me,” he groaned, grabbing your jaw and connecting your lips once again, trying to get you out of your clothes. Whatever Billy called you for was long forgotten for the rest of the evening, you were busier with each other’s company.
Notes: If you enjoyed reading this little piece, please don’t forget to leave a like, comment and reblog. Your opinion matters and gives us motivation. Thank you ^^
If you enjoy my stories, please consider donating and supporting me on Ko-fi. Of course, it’s completely your choice, I will continue updating for free anyway :) Thank you <3
Taglist is in a reblog from now on.
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darkmulti · 4 years ago
Hey! please don't ruin your mood bcoz of some idiotic hateful anons, I honestly don't understand how can they spread hatred during Christmas season. I had an ask, feel free to do it later on if you are busy now. (NON CON JK, where reader is the wife of his mafia employee, JK is the mafia boss, he sees her during a company party and gets hell bent to get her. So mafia boss JK barges into their house and fucks reader in front of her hubby and then takes her away.)
-> thanks for the reassurance!
-> sorry for any mistakes
-> I do not condone this kind of behaviour. This is purely fictional!
“Will do, Mr. Jeon. I’m gonna head home now. My wife’s waiting for me.”
“Don’t forget we have an event to attend at 8. Don’t be late and bring your wife along so we don’t look suspicious.”
Your husband nodded and left his office to go home to you
Jungkook has met you a couple of times
For him, it was love at first sight
today was the day he was going to get you
He planned everything perfectly
Jungkook knew how much you meant to your husband
Your husband would always talk about you
Not to Jungkook, but to his co-workers/friends
Jungkook would just over hear the great things about you
You were intelligent, playful, loving and kind
Not to mention, you were absolutely gorgeous
He had to avoid looking at you or else he would get a boner after seeing you in a tight dress that hugged your body perfectly
Jungkook needed you in his life
You would make him the happiest man in the world
Call him delusional, but he really thinks that you’re destined to be with him
8pm, at the event
There you were
You were wearing a stunning dress that complimented your skin tone
You looked like an angel that fell from the sky
The only thing that ruined the sight was your husband standing beside you, giving you love eyes and your ring finger occupied
Jungkook swore to himself that he will buy you the best of the best
He will buy you the most expensive and rare engagement ring
As well as wedding ring
He stared at you until you made eye contact with him
He continued staring, not caring anymore
Tonight, you’ll be all his
Your husband pulled you along with him, towards Mr. Jeon
You have to admit
He is a sexy man
His dominant presence makes you feel weak and needy
You noticed some sexual tension between you and him but always reminded yourself that you’re a married women
The sexual tension was probably just an attraction
After all, your husband doesn’t satisfy your sexual needs, yet you love him dearly
Maybe Mr. Jeon would be able to satisfy your sexual needs
However, you didn’t have the heart to cheat on your husband
He loved you endlessly
You couldn’t sleep with his boss
You were so lost in your thoughts you didn’t hear them calling out for you
“Ms. Kim, are you okay?”
“It’s actully Mrs. Kim, Mr. Jeon. Baby, are you okay? Are you not feeling well?”
Jungkook clenched his jaw when your husband corrected him
“Maybe you should take her home. She doesn’t look too well.”
“You’re right Mr. Jeon. I’ll take her home immediately.”
Your husband guided you to his car
You guys came home and your husband helped you change and get into bed
Though you were fine physically, mentally you were feeling like complete shit
You thought about cheating on your husband
Who does that?
“Baby, you should get some rest.”
“Okay, goodnight.”
“Goodnight, love.”
You fell asleep in your husbands arms while Jungkook watched from afar, through the window
His blood was boiling, but he kept his cool
By tomorrow, you will be in his arms!
His team didn’t even try to be quiet
It was two against eight
They would easily win
Plus, your husband wasn’t a fighter, he was more of a reporter and hacker
They broke through the front door and came upstairs where they found you guys awake and panicking
Your husband was covering you with his body but it became less stiff when you both saw it was Mr. Jeon
“Mr. Jeon! You scared us! What is the meaning of this?! You almost gave my wife and I a heart attack.”
“My wife.” Jungkook mumbled, loud enough that you all heard
He was sick of it
“My wife and I a heart attack, my wife is waiting at home for me, it’s actually Mrs. Kim not Ms.” He mimicked
“From now on it’ll be Mrs. Jeon. Tie them down.”
His men grabbed your husband out of the bed and threw him on the floor
They tied him up until he wasn’t able to move
Two guards stood by him while Jungkook walked towards you
“Mr. Jeon let my husband go!”
“Can’t do such a thing. He’s in our way.”
“Who’s way?! He’s in no ones way! I don’t understand!”
You started backing away from him but your back hit the bed frame and he was already near your face
“He’s in the way of us. It’s better if I get rid of him. But before I do, I want to show him one last thing.”
Jungkook pulled you to the edge of the bed where you could see your husband on his knees tied up
He was looking up at you, screaming at Jungkook to let you go
At the same time, he wondered if he had done anything wrong to deserve this
You were wearing a silk top along with silk shorts
It was turning Jungkook on even more
Your hard nipples exposed
Your shorts exposing your ass cheek
He pulled your shorts and panties down
“Let go of me you idiot!” You screamed, fear taking over your whole body
He didn’t listen and rammed into you
You cried out loud and looked at your husband for help but he was looking down avoiding all eye contact
It was understandable though
Who would want to watch their wife go through that?
All you could do was cry and shake
You couldn’t protect yourself
All these men were armed and way stronger than you
“Listen to me, slut! I own you now, not your little hubby. You will be my wife, the mother of my kids! You will be my everything and I will be your everything, understood?”
You nodded your head and sobbed
“Good, now scream my name. Tell your ex hubby who you belong to!”
You didn’t listen at first
It was so humiliating
Your husband was on the floor, crying
“I b-belong to... you, Mr. J-Jeon.”
“LOUDER!” He yelled
“I belong to you! You own me! You’re my everything and I’m your everything! He doesn’t mean anything to me anymore!”
You heard your husband sob which broke your heart into a billion pieces
You never thought you’d be saying those words but in order for the pain to stop you needed to submit to him
“That’s my good girl.” He pulled you onto his lap and started kissing your face and neck, marking you
“Kill him now.”
One of his men pulled out a gun and shot your husband in the head right in front of you
“Now that I think about it. All you guys saw her beautiful body.” In a blink of an eye, Jungkook reached into his pocket and shot all his men
You kept your face in his neck, not wanting to see the bodies
Jungkook put his pants back on and wrapped you in a blanket
He carried you to the car and drove back to his place
No one has heard of you since then
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drc00l4tt4 · 4 years ago
Can I please get a one shot of scrooge boozoo with an s/o who is an employee of his and completely oblivious to his feelings at first? I love your writing btw!!!
This. We want this. We need this. /pos
And thank you! I love wrtiting these so if other people enjoy them, I feel happy! ^^ /gen
Boozoos Ghosts Boozoo;; Clueless
You were currently helping Banny clean up Boozoo's shop. You were dusting the shelves whilst she was sweeping the floor. "Can I ask you something?" Banny spoke up, catching you off guard. "Of course! What is it?" You responded, still dusting the dirt and germs off the toys. There had been so many people here today that most of these toys probably carried a virus.
"Why do you think Mr. Boozoo is so nice to you?" She asked, which actually made you think for a moment. Why was he so nice to you? Just the other day he got you a desk chair (the spinny kind) because you had said your feet hurt. For Banny, he'd probably just tell her to suck it up and keep working. It was rather odd, now that you thought about it.
"Maybe he's more used to me? You two don't talk much, I try to talk to him frequently, if I'm honest. I just like his voice." You added the last bit as a few conversations you had with him slipped into your mind. His voice was actually very likeable. "I think it's more than that." Banny stated with a small laugh, as if she knew something you didn't.
You got worried, wondering if he was doing it to get rid of you. Would it make sense? Not entirely, but with Banny's phrasing, your mind didn't really register the possibilities.
Just as the conversation came to a close, Banny had knocked over a plate. The sound was loud, and it even made you jump a bit. "Oh dear- Banny, I got it, don't worry!" You stated quickly as you knelt to the floor and began picking up the glass shards.
"Banny? Did you break something-?" As Boozoo entered the room, he saw you knelt over picking up the mess, "-again..? What are you doing-?" He didn't sound annoyed at this rate, he sounded panicked; maybe even worried. "I accidentally dusted too hard and it fell over. You can take it out of my paycheck if you want, I can-" "Why on earth would I do that?" You were now surprised, as you had seen him take money out of Banny's paycheck multiple times over things like this.
"Because- Because I broke it?" You said rather confused, you were sure he'd be more upset. "Accidents happen. Here, I'll help clean it, I don't want you to get cut." He waved his hand dismissively before going to pick up the glass. You looked at Banny to see her not even being surprised, she just had a knowing smile then she went back to sweeping. What kind of reaction was that?
"I would also like to- ehm- talk to you. Privately. Soon." Boozoo stated after picking up the last of the glass and tossing it into the trash bin. "It's not anything bad, I'd bet." Banny whispered to you once Boozoo was out of earshot. "You think it's a raise?" You asked, wondering why you would get a raise of all things. Banny just laughed, "Oh, you'll see."
A few hours went by and the shop looked spotless. You said your goodbyes to Banny before heading to Boozoo's office. Were you worried? Of course you were. For all you knew, he could be firing you! Just the thought made your stomach drop. You loved it here! And you loved talking to Boozoo! You actually started to feel fuzzy and calm around him, you didn't want to loose that!
You sighed before entering his office where he seemed to just be twiddling his thumbs. "Oh! (Y/N)! Wonderful- take a seat!" His enthusiasm caught you off guard but it did ease your mind. You sat in the chair across from the desk, so you were right infront of Boozoo. "I- I wanted to- I've been wanting to ask you something-" Boozoo now seemed nervous, which was something that didn't usually happen. "Is everything okay?" You asked, now getting worried. "Yes, yes, everything- everything is fine." He sighed and went silent for a minute.
"I want to take you out. To dinner. As a date. Sometime." He stated, looking incredibly flustured as he did. "I- What? I'd love to go, don't get me wrong, but this is sudden." You admitted, smiling a bit as calmness swept over you. "I- Really? I thought I was being obvious? Maybe I should've gotten you something more expensive?" He wondered. "No! No no no, that's not it at all! I just didn't know you liked me in that way! I mean- I think I like you in that way too, but that's- that's a whole commitment and I don't know if you actually like me or-"
"(Y/N), you're the most wonderful thing I've ever laid eyes on. I would know. Just like I would know if I loved you or not, and I do." Boozoo interrupted, now standing and walking over to you. "I- Okay, fair point. Just don't feel like you have to show love through gifts, I'm fine with kisses and hugs! Honestly, I think they're better." You stated, now standing as well.
"If that's the case," Boozoo paused as he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you close, "Do I have permission to kiss you?" He asked, looking smug. "Y'know what," you paused getting as close to his face as you could without kissing, "I'd like that."
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