#so theres no double layer for them
orcelito · 8 months
Nothing like. Being in -19°F windchill on my way to work (ow ow ow ow) and then it's so cold the heaters just can't keep up with it so ur in 53-57°F throughout ur shift while touching cold things (drinks. Milks. Fridges. Agh.)
I have hand warmers but I feel so wrung out just from trying to survive this fucking cold. And I still have to do inventory.
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krenia · 1 year
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some demon possessed me at 2am and forced me to draw them hhh can't believe that's how I get ripped out from artblock
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yogurtlid10000 · 2 months
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moon phos.
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closeup + sketch
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….and 6 more color variations while playing with layer modes, I JUST REALLY LIKE ALL OF THEM TBH theyre so funky.
This is like an all moon phos long ass post ok
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More silly phos head doodles.
Moon phos is probably my all time favorite character to draw 😓
Some panels of moon phos for my reference, Ik the way i draw them doesn’t reflect their attitude in the manga- but i do love their design!!! Especially their moon clothes theyre so pretty the collar and sleeves…. One of my favorite things to draw.
Another part of moon phos is their pearl eye!!!! In the manga phos get their left eye replaced by a camera pearl eye and it glows in the dark and never closes which is the reason whenever i never draw them with both eyes closed…
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Hehe anyway yk phos’s alloy arms? They are so cool people dont make enough fanart of phos doing stupid stuff with their arms
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Forget Luffy or whatever. Baller phos is way better. Phos can stretch their limbs so far… AND they can mold and bend into whatever they want. Come on thats so cool-THEY CAN MAKE MORE HANDS AND ARMS.
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More ideas of mine. Phos has actually used their double hand wave in the series already:
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Anyway i just think there are so many possibilities to what they could do
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Multi arm phos idea…. This is very important to me
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In the series their arm is more like a whip but i just wanted to draw a bunch of arms
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^^other example of how alloy arms could be used-SO COOL!! Man i wish they’d animate season 2 :(( we could get cairngorm and moon phos
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Also when they use their arm to make a net to “catch” cinnabar man phos what are u thinkin-anyway i like seeing all the things their arms do. Theres many other examples in the anime, like making a whole mother person with their alloy, or making flowers or making a shield or using it out of their heel to shoot them into the sky (so cool!!)
Here’s some miscellaneous phos:
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I was looking for more panels and ended up just basically rereading the whole moon arc of hnk. So here’s a couple panels i like
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Here some references of their outfit and sword (i realize i drew their sword handle design wrong,… i was drawing it from memory)
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Here’s phos getting #REJECTED i think its funny
Wait ok what the fuck only 30 images allowed in a post?? IM NOT DONE WITH MY PHOS IMMAGES. Ok more coming soon what the heck
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radioroxx · 14 days
I wish to know more about the Bonnie and Siffrin double looping au. Please. Destroy me emotionally.
HI SORRY this took a bit to answer lol
thought a bit for how to answer this because on one hand i could spill literally everything i have thought of for this au up to this point (which, while a lot, hasnt actually reached some of the Angstier segments yet. i have vague ideas for those but still workshoppin’ and all). but ahh. i will save some stuff for separate askers maybe lol. for now heres some random points of no particular connection:
- i screwed up a lil in the og post by calling it a bonnie. “joins” the loops au. it is definitely a, bonnie is there from the start, au. i considered for a bit making it more of likee… they start to remember post death to the king, but that wouldve placed em in act 4, and while thats interesting i felt like there wasnt as much to explore there. yknow? (plus. bonnie death to the king is still Very much going to happen in the au. soo)
- bonnie doesnt meet loop until a couple loops in! this was partially loops decision, about being worried to meet the party + how they would react, buuut siffrin is only so good at keeping secrets from people whos memory cant be wiped through time travel, bonne does learn about loop, and insists on meeting them. the timeline is a lil vague in my head, and this interaction i dont have compleeetely planned out? but know that it takes place around the back half of act 2, after first death to the king
- speaking of loop- bon has a pretty interesting dynamic with them too :) this is before bonnie and siffrin are able to have the Talk about his eye, and while looping back and forth together has brought them closer regardless, bon still holds a grudge against them! at least, slightly. that combined with the fact that theyre talking to some… celestial beast? sick as hell star creature?? that GLOWS? bonnie takes the loop pretty easily (this is aided by the fact that siffrin seems to trust them well enough. not completely, he is ofc still skeptical of loop throughout, but its enough that bonnie will trust them too). however, you could probably imagine bonnie is much less tolerable to loops… nonsense. more willing to bite back if they say something out of hand, and more likely to react Badly if they say something upsetting. (still 50/50 of whether or not bonnie would take loops side if they say something mean about siffrin tho lol. depends on the insult. and obviously loop would never,, say stuff like that to bon). iii could keep going about them this dynamic is very fun to me
- the friendquests go relatively the same, the only difference being that it is actually siffrins idea to set bonnie up with that big feast for everyone. !! teamwork! the training session for bonnie becomes a multiple-loops thing, letting them build up their skills over time. i think with the stress of the loops, trying to figure out what to do next now that they know killing the king doesnt work- the talk about the eye and that whole freakout takes a bit to actually get to. i have ideas about how that would go too, because it would be Different and mean something New, but…. that would be so long to put here……… just know that they. still promise to look out for each other. promise to let themselves be helped.
you may be looking me in the eyes at this point with deep frowns and wondering… Pluto….. what are all these happy silly ideas, you are missing out on so much angst potential here ?? and to that i say uuuuuuhhhhhmmm i have thought about it. and look. i dont think having bonnie- or anyone really- joining in on the loops would really solve or lessen siffrins shit mental state. but theres definitely also a layer there, on top of breaking the loops, on top of keeping everyone happy, on top of figuring it out and finding out about their country and the king etc etc- theres a priority in keeping this kid happy too! he will, and has, died dozens of times in these loops, and that sucks, and it sucks that poor bon has to remember it all, so the least they can do is. try to keep things lighthearted around them. Pretend to be hopeful for their sake. encourage them to try out new recipes on different loops to see what sticks with the family! let them run their own experiments in the loops! let bonnie join in fights with sadnesses once their training goes well enough!! do their best to at least have some fun, and some time to relax. sticking to the excuse that its all to make bonnie feel better, without realizing how much thats helping themself as well.
aaand that all sorta falls apart in act four. bonnie is killed- directly, painfully- by the king, and siffrin distances himself as he is so prone to, falls back into trying to get everything done himself because hes the one whos “responsable” for it…. ah you get the idea..
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mamadarama · 26 days
Just curious on your opinion here do you have any thoughts on the way Madara is being written? Recently I came to the realization that enstars writers aren't all that great,, and I notice that Madara at least in my opinion has had very little development and progression as a character but I'm genuinely hoping I'm wrong but I don't see much difference. And I do hope I'm wrong cuz I definitely haven't read every single story ever in Enstars and it could just really be Madara's character but it feels like he hasn't budged an inch and when DF rolled around it seems like he's gonna progress only for the writers to make him wanna split up literal months after (SS) and it was fine the first time since we explored that part of his character but right after that we got the Spring event and he's?? Back on his bullshit as if whatever happened during Secret Service didn't have much impact. And I do understand his character and all but I often wonder how much of that is just his character (immovable mountain with deep roots that will take years of continuous effort to move) or just the writers half assing because they can't think of a more compelling narrative for double face other than Madara wanting a breakup. It's especially sad to me with Last Mission because as much as I can understand DF being temporary and meant to end, it feels like nothing has changed in Madara during !! Era. I'm hoping that new gen Madara can change that since he's already featured in the new shuffle and scout story, and it does look like he's changing the vibes a little. Idk what are your thoughts and genuinely no hate here I love Madara and I'd love to hear your opinion :)
i think the writers do a pretty good job with the story actually !! i ended up spending a few hours writing like 3 pages of stuff so this one gets a readmore ^^;
theres a tldr at the end though if you dont wanna hear me talk in circles like some kind of maniac (understandable i dont either)
at this point madaras story is a tragedy and hes not really supposed to be a satisfying character . youre supposed to be some degree of frustrated with him like all the other characters are. the story isnt over yet though and maybe he will get a satisfying happy ending someday , but this is all buildup. having madara go through negative character development while the rest of the 3rd years have significant positive character development puts emphasis on one of the main points of his character: you cant help someone who doesnt want to be helped . shu wanted to become more empathetic. eichi wanted to unlearn his bitterness. kaoru wanted to leave his playboy reputation behind. izumi wanted to learn to control his emotions . madara has two sides to him that refuse to coexist— anger and misery. the angry side of him has given up on himself and leans into his perceived role as a villain because he believes alienating his friends is the only way to save them and for once be the hero. the miserable side of him is the sad and "selfish" part that keeps him returning to his friends again and again despite believing hes a bad influence on them, because he still seeks acknowledgment and praise from others and doesnt want to believe its too late for him. he bounces between these like a metronome . (maybe thats another layer of reasoning behind double faces name, idk) so, he doesnt know if he wants to be helped. he thinks he doesnt deserve it. pulling someone out of a ditch that deep requires some legwork on their part too, and if they wont put in that legwork, well... then there's nothing you can do. madara isnt quite a rooted mountain that takes a long time to move... hes more like an injured tiger pacing in its pit , so fixated on looking for a way out that it wont look up and see the entire top is open where its keepers are waiting to take it out and treat its wounds . now suppose this tiger is sentient enough to worry it might hurt someone on impulse when the disinfectant stings its wounds. additionally, lets say the tigers wounds came from falling and cutting itself on something in its habitat while making a risky jump , and it believes it deserves to be hurt for such a stupid misjudgment. so even when it notices the top of the pit is open, it will continue pacing pretending like it didnt. thats where madara is at right now .
madara broke up double face partly out of self sabotage, and partly out of a twisted attempt to "save" kohaku from him. kohaku and madara are an interesting contrast because their characters are set up in a very similar way. the difference between them is that kohaku doesnt hate himself even close to as much as madara does, and as a result he IS getting better. kohaku believes hes always going to be part of the underbelly of society doing dirty work and hes resolved to that like madara is, but he doesnt believe that means he has to do it alone . he acknowledges that hes not alone, he has the rest of alkakurei, the sweets club, jun, his sisters and tsukasa.... and madara. the first part of beating loneliness is recognizing youre not alone. madara thinks no one understands him (which in itself is its own kind of loneliness) and that if his friends understood "what he really is", they wouldnt love him. so in a way their presence eases one kind of loneliness and reinforces another. in his mind the only person who understands him is himself and therefore the only one who can save people from himself is also him.
theres a scene in last mission where madara says his reason for disbanding double face is something along the lines of wanting kohaku to live where he can feel the sun on him , and kohaku asks "what about my feelings?" . that pretty much sums up madaras entire thought process and why he isnt making any positive progress .
tldr; madara does have character development between es! and es!! , but its not positive. to have such a stubborn self loathing character make positive progress without a slow burn of warring with themself and dragging their feet would soften those traits. they want him to stand out and make you to go "ohh ok so this guy is MISERABLE miserable" .
so anyways i dont think its lazy writing its just character loyalty. but the fact that you noticed all that means youre reading him the way hes intended to be read. so congratulations!! you now understand what its like to be kohaku oukawa :) if he does get positive character development i hope its really slow though cuz if its too fast it would feel kinda abrupt. it needs to feel like hes fighting the writers for it to truly be madara
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ganondoodle · 9 months
some more ideas for the totk rewritten project (botw2);
underground general ideas i thought about what to theme the underground after, and since its vaguely like underwater in canon i thought id push it much much further, you cant actually dive and while id love that i do want to stay within a certain possible range of it still being a sequel to botw and somewhat based on totk- so im putting the low gravity effect away from the sky and instead in the underground, the ENTIRE underground, that way it is distinctly different in the way you have to play since you gotta work around the low gravity effect, the entire plant life and enemies will also be based on deep sea creatures- anglerfish like ones that half burrow and lure you with their light, those fish (or are they worms?) that hide underground as soon as you step too close, maybe they hide initially but only to make you go closer and try and snatch at you
much more glowy things too, basically everythings got some sort of light on it, there are different creatures flying around that all feature some sort of glow, so there is stuff to see but you cant immediately know what it is, theres a unique kind of plant that when you bother it spews out a dark cloud of spores (kinda like in tp) that dims any light you had; there are some landmarks you can activate or repair with the help of zelda but there is no way to illuminate the entire map and the lil light ferns expire slowly too
i also want it to be way more wet, not full with water but maybe a thin layer of water at most places and some drops from stalactites that fall constantly
there are shadowy ghosts there as well but they CAN aggro (still working on it), either by taking a weapon from their grave or some other things; also considered them or some other enemy that stalks you for some time and the only clue you get is maybe double sound of your steps or something at the very edge of your screen but you can never catch it when looking around (i dont want to make it a horror game but do want the underground to stay as creepy as when you first get down there), something elusive and shadow based that is rarely encountered but stays creepy for longer than the miasma hands sicne it cant get stuck on anything and the only way to be safe is while in the air
maybe some miasma reanimated corpses of ancient shiekah killed when the ancient hyrulean king turned on them (only foudn in the underground in this way; there are others but unposessed in alot of the broken shrines and old laboratories so seeing one suddendly move and crawl after you is probably pretty scary, kinda like the vroken guardians sometimes being still functional)
the dongos are the main friendly animal you can discover there and tame (still working out more details) they can climb around, always emit a little bit of light and the shadow enemy wont latch onto you as long as you are near a dongo, maybe even most enemies will leave you alone if you are riding one, as they are slower than horses, with the exception of gigamas (or a similar enemy ill redesign for that) as they are the natural predator of dongos; when you get to close to one it will react to it and if a fight is initiated it burrows away (you can call it and it comes back to you if you are out of range of that enemy)
tameable animals since i played skyward sword recently i just realized again how much fun it is to fly on a bird, sicne im already dividing the three map layers a bit more i thought it would be cool to make these layers more distinct, in some part by the tameable animals- the sky has birds (based on dinosaurs), the surface has horses, the underground dongos- neither of them can follow you to one they dont belong and the way to call them switches as you switch layers
im not sure yet if those birds should be ridable or are only able to give you a small boost upwards when you call them
magic bar so instead of actual batteries i planned to, as i said before, to put that into links shiekah arm prosthetic, and instead of giving you literal battery symbols on the screen it would be a bar right below your health and next to the symbol of the current selected arm ability
krog seeds a bit more to the krogs- as i said before they are no longer the way to make your pockets bigger- among an armor set i also thought about making the most expensive reward OR the end reward for finding all of them be the eponator zero- maybe it went missing during the cataclysm and maronus (engl. hestu) finds it at some point, so you get your bike back but its locked behind something bigger so you are unlikely to exploit it early on
(EDIT) (forgot to mention the dragons- im putting them each in one layer of the map- eldra in the underground bc gan is there and youknow, demise coming from the ground and fire being associated with the ground etc, farodra on the surface GREEN etc, and naydra in the sky, bc wisdom and owls and gods and all that weeeeee)
(on a sidenote im also thinking about ditching the building mechanic to some extent since i dont think it fits very well as a whole and it makes it too easy to completely skip stuff- i want the main way to move things or to get around be the hookshot/grappling hook part of links arm; still working on all that though .. so far it does seem likely like it will be much more limited)
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dwntwn-strnlo · 1 year
FROM A-FAR nathan doe
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. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 𝓈𝒾𝓃𝒸𝑒𝓇𝑒𝓁𝓎, dwntwn-strnlo.
↳ 𝐀/𝐍. ive had a heart attack and a half writing this oh my god this shit was the most stressful fic ever for no reason
↳ 𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆. nathan doe x reader
↳ 𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘. in which reader surprises their boyfriend
↳ 𝐑𝐄𝐐𝐔𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐃? yes! . . . "OK THEN. Could you do a fic with nate where she goes to visit him as a surprise and is all excited and sht, and then they go play hockey but the reader is rlly bad and he leads her and helps her" ( anonymous )
this is kind of different from the request, but i still kept it around the similar lines ig (theres still the surprise as well as hockey)
reaching the hockey rink you've stood in so many times before, you cant help but feel a tinge of nervous run through your body as you park. you've been in los angeles for almost a month, now spending time with your family, and haven't been able to see nathan in weeks.
of course, you guys get to talk on the phone, but it just really wasn't the same. the two of you were lucky enough that you only had a three hour time difference, but it was still hard to keep up with the well needed communication to sustain a relationship.
you planned it all out with the triplets, your surprise. nate expects you to be showing up on thursday, four days in the future. but you booked an earlier plane ticket and arrived sometime this morning.
chris had let you know ahead of time that him and his brothers would be at the rink watching nathan play, and it would be the perfect opportunity for you to show up.
quickly as time starts to tick before the puck drop, you throw on your gray hoodie, and then nathan's extra jersey overtop of it. hopeful that the double layering will help you fight off the cold.
stepping out of your car, your immediately embraced by the chilly air that you most definitely didn't miss while you were in california. a soft breeze wisps past your ankles as you fight to keep your hair in place; not really in the mood to have to run to the bathroom to make sure you look alright.
racing to get inside the still equally as cold building, you throw your hood up just in case nate is already on the ice- not wanting him to see you until after the game.
looking up into the seats, you immediately spot matt, nick, and chris, whom currently wave frantically at you. you've missed the boys too, they're some of you're best friends and you haven't seen them in just as long as you've last seen nate. which sucks, being away from your found family for so long.
a large smile hits your face as you run up the large steps, hurriedly reaching your friends. they all stand up and embrace you in a group hug, desperately trying to keep everyone from toppling over.
as the boys are excitedly greeting you and welcoming you back to boston, they're quickly interrupted by the speakers turning on with a small hiss, and the booming voice of the announcer is heard overhead.
the four of you sit down, and you wrap your arms tightly around your body, trying to fight the cold.
smiling, you watch as nathans team starts to skate out onto the ice, raising their sticks up in the air as the audience begins to get fired up.
two teammates rush onto the ice, and then there's nathan. "number five!" the announcer roars, "nathan doe!"
the sight of your boyfriend nearly makes you melt right to the ground, only to ever be seen again as the happy puddle on the floor.
finally seeing him in person, you now realize how deeply you've missed the kid. how much you missed his bright warm smile, the way his sweet brown eyes boar into yours, and the way his contagious laugh immediately brings up the room.
you cant help but notice how dopey your grin becomes when he takes off his helmet, lifting it high above his head with a large grin present on his face. his eyes lighting up as the cheers for him ring delightfully in his ears.
. . .
your simple admiration of the boy is enough to make the game go by fast. before you know it, your sitting on the edge of the seat, anticipation rising as there's only 7 seconds left and the game is tied 3-3.
nate skates backwards for a split second, but just long enough for the puck to be shot in his direction. spinning around on his blades, he shoots the puck and scores the final goal.
the crowd stands up in a roar, screaming for their home team as they take the game.
it takes everything in you to not run right down to nate and pull him into a much missed embrace.
once the players are back in their locker rooms, you and the triplets make your way down to the hall. the boys leave you with goodbye hugs before heading out to their minivan. leaving you in the hallway as butterflies swarm your stomach in excitement, as well as nerves.
peaking around the corner, you check who's coming. two of nathan's teammates lead, while nate stands at the end of the hall talking to his coach.
you lock eyes with one of the boys, elton, and he gets excited. "oh hey y/n!" he calls out. you're well liked among the team. you tag along nate a lot when they go on group outings, so everyone knows you.
your eyes widen, and you quickly hide behind the corner again. elton gives you skeptical look before you hear your name get called out again. this time in more confusion the excitement.
"y/n?" nates voice rings in your ears. his voice uttering your name gives you immediate butterflies.
not making yourself visible, you hear the sound of someone gently shoving past someone and appearing at the corner.
when nates eyes land on you, they widen along with his smile.
shock radiates off his presents, but is overwhelmed with happiness and love. "oh my god," he giggles. quickly pulling you into a warm hug. "i thought you weren't getting back till thursday?" he questions, pulling back just far enough to meet your eyes.
you shrug with a gentle smile, "there was a slight change of plans." you giggle, pulling him back in to kiss him for the first time in what feels like years.
he turns his head to deepen the kiss, but you laugh and softly put your palms on his shoulders to separate yourself. he nonetheless chases after your lips, not wanting to break away. but you nudge him again with a smile. "calm yourself kid," you giggle.
nathan rolls his eyes before getting excited, "did you see my goal?" he asks with contempt flashing over his face. "there was two seconds left on the clock!"
smiling, you nod, "i did. i saw the whole game, you did amazing, love."
he smiles, pulling you into another hug. "god, i missed you so much. you don't even know."
pressing a gentle kiss to his shoulder, you smile. "i missed you so much, baby."
↳ 𝐀/𝐍. PART 2 i miss playing hockey oh my god
@slvt444smvt @thetriplets3 @stxrniqlo @ifilwtmfc @iha8you @oneirophobic @20nugs
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shesmore-shoebill · 4 months
since you mentioned an angel in neon blue as one of your faves…..your top 5 amangela fics perhaps? some honorary mentions too if there’s too many? 👀
Sorry for the delay on this, life got busy and then more busy instead of less busy and I wanted to give this ask its deserved amount of consideration.
anyway. Five is HARD. I will do my best. Order is not indicative of anything bc I've agonized long enough as it is. I've tagged folks + linked directly to their posts where I could find their associated tumblr post, and links to AO3 where I couldn't.
Also I cheated and made a separate list for NSFW ones. Partly because I know some people don't want to read NSFW. and to cheat a little on the 5 restriction.
As always, RPF with F as in fiction. From what I recall, none of these are attempting to speculate or make any actual statements about real people, they're all just works of fiction I like.
if anyone wants me to remove a link to their fic or a tag for any reason, let me know.
close my eyes (and fantasize) by @baflegacy
listen. I am a fucking sucker for well intentioned and realistic miscommunication that stems from care and then goes wrong. I love a thing where someone cares about someone and thats why they're worried and the worry also means they are a little mad and a little hurt bc fuck, i want to help you, why arent you talking to me about this, did i do something, crossed with the other person doing everything in their power to do the exact thing driving them up the wall, because they genuinely care so much about the other person that its skewing their judgement. People who care and people who fuck up. I'll eat it up every time, and this one is written in a way that feels so real. 👌👌👌👌
the devil is in the details by @skiespeaches
this is a newer fic and its still in progress atm and so theres a chance it gets bumped into NSFW territory 😅 but im really enjoying it!!! The dynamic between Amanda and Angela takes the competitive edge we can see in videos and makes it into something phenomenal. Its got such strong tension and pacing, and its also got. REALLY GOOD COMMUNICATION. People react realistically and have reasonable fears and doubts but everyone also talks about them and trusts each other and its just so satisfying to read as a result. And it STILL does the tension and the 👀👀👀👀👀 so well. Guess its kind of funny to put this and the prior recc right next to each other but I genuinely love both of these. Communication and humans are weird.
not strong enough by @moviemandy
i love a disaster angela fic as much as anyone but because I feel like that trope is established among smosh rpf, I love having that get subverted even more. More Amanda getting comforted!!! yeah!!!!!And the way the dynamic and emotions are written in this one is especially satisfying to me, they all feel very real, and sweet. :') Also, Im always a sucker for the trope where someone tries to deflect from their issues by taking care of someone else and then gets CALLED OUT FOR IT. also, double bonus, this fic can be read completely platonically. :]
a field of yellow flowers by @unknownteapot
gah this one has so many layers and elements to it, its such a damn delight to reread. the bittersweetness of it all really 👌👌👌👌. Grudging respect and admiration in an awful space, magnetism of people who both deeply want to love each other and really don't (but they do). The world feels very realized and that's so important bc the fic clearly sets up the interplay as like. The two of them and also the world they are in as a distinct three players in the story. This fic has so many emotions!!! gut punch of an end! you feel for both of them so deeply by the end.
i've been having revelations by @poppyfamily
slight cheating bc this is courtmangela but it should still count imo!!! It contains another classic trope of people who care about each other deeply and it being percieved by other people before they clock it themselves. Its something I like specifically as a writing trope and only executed in specific ways- caring deeply and being affectionate does not HAVE to mean you want to sleep with or are in love with someone, and IRL assumptions about that can be. Infuriating. But love how this fic does it. :) Also its funny and it feels very genuine and the voices all sound. right. I love fics with lots of cuts where so much is said in tiny details and tiny moments, it makes the world feel very fleshed out. Also, Courtmangela as a band is just a blessed concept.
NSFW fics:
lets make this bed get squeaky by baflegacy
This rewrote my goddamn brain chemistry actually. Like yes, this one is hot, but the parts that really hooked into my brain are not exclusively the spicy bits. Pining RPF Amanda is SO important to my brain, and that dynamic of an Amanda silently losing her mind and Angela also silently losing her mind but slightly more at peace about it, combined with their very genuine friendship keeping things fine and then. and THEN. well.
personal leisure by unknownteapot
hey this fic is hot as hell. Its extremely well written. But also besides the nsfw parts the banter and the sort of instant connection all feel very real and unforced and i love that the end of the fic feels so open ended but also so light and hopeful and sweet. choosing to believe they meet for coffee the next day and it all goes swimmingly.
like she wants to try me on by baflegacy
this fic is about amanda in the submissive and breedable outfit and angela. It accomplishes eveeything you could want from that. Its Very nsfw. its VERY good. Writing smut is difficult on multiple levels- keeping it logistically and emotionally sound while keeping it spicy. It does all three really well. also the aftercare moment is really sweet. :]
bonus: its the subject of this ask so i didnt include it but shout out to an angel in neon blue- the tension is INCREDIBLE and the way the ending recontextualizes everything and leaves you unsure who was really in control the whole time is like. really impressive. The characterization is SO strong and feels so true to the Sarah Christ we know and creates an equally strong Creekside Killer characterization to juxtapose it. 👌
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alicentsgf · 2 years
ok so fans who hate alicent LOVE to say shit like "book alicent was beefing with a child lol" totally unironically. and it just confuses me. like Bro... all f&b tells us is she Stopped Being Nice to rhaenyra after aegon was born (when viserys showed no sign of naming him heir). because, reportedly, she was originally kind to rhaenyra. apparently kind enough for at least one or two people to note a sudden change in demeanor.
and like im sorry. is it that crazy that when alicent began to understand rhaenyra and her own son were going to be pitted against each other in the future she chose aegon and distanced herself from rhaenyra? she wasnt "beefing with a child" like i feel thats so clearly just a little joke someone made thats been taken at face value and regurgitated. because its not true. or at least f&b gives us no indication of it - we're never told about her acting maliciously toward a young rhaenyra. in fact i dont think we're given much indication they really interacted at all. and anyway, wouldnt it have been worse for her to continue to keep rhaenyra close ? so she could try and manipulate her?? people make book alicent into this great seductress and manipulator and theres basically no textual evidence to support it. if anything i feel like alicent distancing herself shows she very possibly DID genuinely care about rhaenyra once, perhaps enough to worry her attachment might undermine her cause to prioritise aegon in some way. and this is only further supported by rhaenyra's decision to spare alicents life later when the rest of the greens became dragon snacks.
then theres the fact book alicent was the one who asked viserys to betroth aegon to rhaenyra. why would she do that? a woman from a house with such close ties to the faith no less. she asked when aegon was 6 and she must have known by that point viserys was likely never going to name aegon heir - imo she was exhausting options to try and protect her children. no matter what choices aegon made he had every chance of becoming a symbol others would use, forcing rhaenyra to make an example of him to maintain control. marrying them to each other would do a lot to avoid that eventuality. it was both a smart political match and what Targaryen tradition demanded. viserys was convinced alicent was only acting out of ambition which is why he rebuffed her, but we're repeatedly shown viserys is kind of an idiot. especially politically.
theres this Obsession with the idea alicents characterisation was changed so dramatically for the show. 'i wish they'd made her like book alicent' they did...? they made her a victim who is scared and anxious and bitter. theres nothing to suggest that wasnt who book alicent was. everything we know of her is filtered through layers of bias - her story told by men who dont give a shit what she felt or desired. and what? you dont like it because you wanted her to be some one dimensional villian? because doubling down of f&bs oft misogynistic, cardboard cutout representation of her would have been So great. like please, i get that so much of f&b can be interpreted a whole bunch of ways but 'alicent the evil step mother' is the most basic, boring interpretation. it shows no depth of thought at all. theres at least a few clues in there as to who she Actually might have been, if you bother to look.
its just insane to me honestly. you read that book and thought she was pure evil? this woman who doted on her daughter and grandchildren so completely that her grandson's murderers knew to find them in her rooms. this woman who spent her last moments embracing death, pining for her dead children and speaking fondly of the old man she used read to as a girl. its really not that hard to percieve book alicent as a trapped and embittered woman desperately scared for the lives of her children. seriously. where is the critical thought? the empathy?? im so tired.
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iowkey-ioki · 1 year
How i made xenos nails!!
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-2mm eva foam
-heat gun
-soldering iron (technically optional but helps A LOT)
-gesso (i used regular gesso, but if you can id buy heavy body gesso)
-P400+P600 sand paper
-acyrlic paint (just silver is ok, but black will help)
-white gloves
-hot glue
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PART 1- forming the base
This part is VERY hard to explain so hopefully the diagram helps- ill explain every step here
Finger tips
1. Cut out a piece of worbla thats double the length of the finger tip you want + a little extra.
2. Heat it slightly and fold that piece of worbla in half around your finger.
3. Form it slightly around your finger, leaving a little extra space for the glove material, then cut it out with good scissors. (NOTE- if you try to form it on your finger while wearing gloves, the worbla MAY stick to the gloves. Id recommend just doing it on your bare finger)
4. Heat it up again until its very soft and round out the shape, making sure the sides stick together. If its too small when you test fit it around the glove, try to push out the walls a bit more.
Watch this video before starting this part-
1. Find a good length for your nails- mine are approx. 3 inches. Make a template and then cut the shape out of eva foam.
2. Cut out TWO pieces of worbla a little bigger then the nail strip and heat one up, sticky side up (the sticky side is shiny). Put the eva foam strip in the middle. Heat up the second piece of worbla and put it on top, sandwiching the eva foam.
3. Score all around the eva strip then cut AS CLOSE as possible to the edge.
Attaching the pieces
1. Heat up the finger tip and half of the nail. Attach the nail to the finger tip while wearing it to make sure it doesnt cave in. Use a picture from the manga as reference while doing this part
2. Once again, using a manga reference, use scrap worbla to fill out the sides and smooth everything down. This is the part where you can use a soldering iron to smooth everything out- be careful though, because you can easily burn the worbla.
2.5. I forgot to make a diagram but dont forget to curve the nails! I used a little metal dome to get a consistent curve for all of them.
3. Make little worbla balls, flatten them with something flat, then attach them to the nails while still hot.
Now repeat ALL these steps for all 10 nails! Yay!
PART 2- priming
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For priming i used regular gesso because I was impatient, but if you have plenty of time I recommend heavy body gesso. It took me 12 layers to get everything decently smooth, but if you used heavy body it would probably take 3-5 layers.
I also used floral foam, craft sticks, and sticky tack for my painting setup- if you can think of a better method without sticky tack id recommend trying something else- just because i had to pick out the sticky tack with tweezers, and it took forever lol
Two things to note about gesso-
1. It doesnt self level so you need to sand it smooth
2. DO NOT DRY SAND!! Always wet sand gesso
My exact steps were this-
4 layers of gesso -> sand with P400 -> 4 layers of gesso -> sand with P400 -> 4 layers of gesso -> sand with P600
This part is very time consuming if you use regular gesso, but its definitely worth it for the smooth finish.
PART 3- painting
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Before adding silver, I threw down a quick matte black layer. It tends to make metals look much better and it wont take long to dry, so I highly recommend it.
For the silver, i used decoart extreme sheen in silver, which i highly recommend. Relatively cheap and can be found in any craft store
Id also recommend having all your brush strokes go vertically if you can- it looks much cleaner.
PART 4 (final part)- attachment
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I used a pair of white gloves i bought a while back at spirit halloween, but you can make them or buy them- doesnt matter as long as you like them.
This part is kinda dumb but I genuinely dont know if theres a better method… i put hot glue in the nails, let it cool for a couple of seconds, then put them ON MY FINGERS while wearing the gloves. It gets you the best fit possible but also burns a little so watch out.
And thats it! Thats all there is to it. Let me know if you found this helpful, and if anything was confusing leave a comment and ill try to help you.
As a bonus heres a picture that works very well for reference
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mojaves · 6 days
secret + wound for alex :]
secret: What's one secret your OC never wants anyone to know about them?
his deep desire to be just. loved. and Known. in his old life he would continually push people away, even his own family. NEVER let anyone get close enough to him to truly know who he was. because he was scared!!! he didn't want to disappoint people. he didn't know how to handle the attention. it was terrifying!!! and so much easier to never let anyone break through that. but ohh he wanted so badly for someone to force those walls down around him. to drag him out of that. and well. all of that basically lead to him dying in the loneliest way imaginable. and his family forgot about him. which then caused him to double down on the act later in the story when he's sort of "alive" again. he just wants to be known!!! to be seen and heard. but he would very literally rather die than have that happen.
wound: How does your OC handle being wounded? Are their wounds mostly physical? Mental? Emotional? What's the worst wound your OC has ever experienced?
ohoho! worst wound first. definitely post-drowning when some sort of process occured which tore his whole body apart and put it all back together again and left lasting scars [most noticable one being the one on his beck where he was essentially decapitated even if just for a brief moment]. it lasted for a fraction of a fraction of a second but he felt all of it for what felt like an eternity.
any physical wounds he gets now would ooze some sort of black sludge, and would take quite some time to heal - with the skin around the wound falling off. that being said, the wounds ALWAYS look much worse than they actually are. he's just a reanimated corpse. thats just how they look.
just dont look too closely at the thin layer of moss forming over the wound. dont even worry about it.
getting injured is just a mild inconvenience for him.
the mental and emotional wounds???? haha!!! well. i mean we know what lead to his death. he's not the most well put together guy. theres. so many screws loose. he's NOT!!!!!! coping very well at all. and with everything else currently being piled on top of it. hoogh.
he's fine! surely.
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infernothechaosgod · 1 year
Say it with me
I could talk about cucurucho for so long like There so creepy??? and cool??? and make my uber autism go brrrr???
From the begining we have our red flags going off becuse they ask in past sentance (ex. what WAS your age) and they gave a double layered skin wich means theres something underneath that first layer And we know Cucurucho is definitley not a person or at least not a human in any form
Also they react to imperfections with agression or completly ignore their existance
They litellary took a chainsaw and cut cellbit open and thats cannon that's now a part of the lore
They are also really great at lurking and hiding Sometimes there are clips of them hiding and people accualy not seeing them, imo the most creepy moment with cucurucho was that clip of luzu acting off and seeing them close writing on the chat "theres another person here" nd no one NO ONE reacting till cucurucho started running away
(Btw to all my fellow brother sister and sibling artist out there i just wanted to add If you draw cocorucho as obviously a costume with something/someone inside i love you so much <3)
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danidoesathing · 2 months
Top 5 (or 10 if you feel it) albums of all time?
ooo thats kinda hard. this isnt so much as the best albums ever as in my personal favorite list. im limited myself to two albums per artist because otherwise i'd be filled with LH
Vide Noir by Lord Huron
never gonna be over this album. its top tier shit and i love it so much. the amount of EFFORT that was put into all this both in the album (THE MUSIC AND STORY HOLY SHIT!!!) and the outside stuff (products of the universe and a whole ass movie. never gonna be over the fact they made a whole ass movie. who does that) is just. insane. fucking insane i love it
2. Strange Trails by Lord Huron
Just barely under Vide Noir in my heart but god. god what an album. love me an anthology and an album that experiments a lot with different styles. its a no skip album and you're rewarded for not skipping with those fucking TRANSITIONS!!!! what a kick off to the main universe. listen to it on vinyl if you have the chance its an experience
3. Coyote Stories by The Crane Wives
i love folk so so much. i started to appreciate this one a lot more after listening to it on vinyl like. agh. i love it here. listen to the hand that feeds
4. Wasteland Baby! by Hozier
Hozier never misses sorry. absolutely gorgeous sound. never before have i seen a man balance between "deep poltical messaging" and "GOD i love women". nobody doing it like him
5. Boreas by The Oh Hellos
BOREAS MY DEAR FRIEND BOREAS. the four seasons/winds albums are so so good with the cycle of death and rebirth and continuation of life. Boreas is the winter album and it focuses heavy on themes of depression and feeling cold but enduring anyway. the album of all time
6. Mania by Fall Out Boy
Got a soft spot for this one in particular due to some memories in high school. its also just a great album in general but im always gonna be biased in its favor. mania my beloved
7. Jiminy by Bear Ghost
its just kinda silly and i love it (at least until Vulture comes in for your throat. seriously why did that one go so hard). took like 8 years to get made and im glad it did. the individual art they have for each song is cool and i cant wait to see them live in august :)
8. Unreal Unearth by Hozier
same thing i said about wasteland baby except now theres dante's inferno and layers of hell stuff that also doubles as a breakup album. we love religious theming here
9. Hayfields by Yaelokre
I dont care if its an EP its a BANGER. its so so good and its got funky fantasy lore. i cannot wait for her to make more music because ive have been rotating these four songs in my brain for so long
10. Angel Face (Club Deluxe)
listened to Howling at Wolves 1 (one) time and got addicted. not usually my type of jam (i like pop but im not crazy about it usually) but i really like this vibe. theres a lot of LH inpso here (both in terms of the style and the lore) as well as a lot of older 60s songs (i like hes got a playlist or two for his characters that have a ton of older music on it). cannot stand until i found you but its worth it for the rest of the album. also going to see him live in august :)
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insinirate · 1 year
love your fashion thoughts ^^
nai with the light and neutral palettes (either his preference or because they are easiest for him/he doesn't care to have anything more), dash of red if he has to be away from vash for a while. vash tells him blues bring out his pretty eyes so some blues occasionally. ALWAYS fancy ALWAYS on fleek, rockin the double br--
and then we have vash, who nai spoils and sugar babies with all the cutest and most fancy and expensive clothes, and vash is too Ouppy to wear them. nai gets him lots of reds bc he knows theyre his favorite and they help him calm down a lot. vash gets fussy with too many buttons or closures because he will ALWAYS be demanding belly rubs and rolling over in front of nai and pouts if theres too many fancy clothes in the way. but occasionally he likes to surprise nai and make him smile by putting on a particularly cute or suggestive outfit for him out of the blue ;)
i guess nai just supplies ww with the basic dark and neutral jackets, pants, and shirts, and ww is probably fine with that. as a form of security and intimidation around the house he needs to keep it professional and not too overdressed for his work. if anything, both nai and vash probably prefer him with less clothes on, as his body's quite handsome and maybe he's their favorite chew to--*gunshot*
OH and thinking of your comic, ww probably gets filthy all the time so, the less expensive and numerous clothing he has on, the less laundry nai has to do, the better x) maybe nai tried to teach him to do his own laundry for once and ww fucked it up SO bad,,,
nai dresses with a certain Vibe in mind (the vibe is Unapproachable)
nai also dresses ww with the same philosophy but a different method (nearly 100% of his clothes are in black, sometimes with turquoise accents to match his collar. mostly bc theyre easier to maintain and bloodstains/dirt tracks are easier to conceal until they can get replaced
+he also gets like a handful of grays and a singular white shirt. for the summer)
vash is a wildcard (he likes to dress casual, he likes to match with nai, he likes big coats but hates layers, he wants to cover up, he wants to be naked)
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roboobin · 1 year
Hi! I saw your post about the scuba diving ask- I'm learning at the minute, any tips/advice?
yes! i had a really hard time at first because of sensory issues with salt water and the gear and everything but things i wish i knew were:
if you're short like im 5'2 SOMETIMES you can rent/get smaller tanks if you ask and they're magical i cannot stress this enough
it is very fun to just hang out upside down
it is SO MUCH better to be overweighted than underweighted, i tend to very dramatically float up when my tank gets empty so i always add like two pounds more than I should just for the end
always double triple check that your air is turned on, I forgot once and someone had to quickly do that for me while I was waiting to jump in the water
its okay to use a lot of air and you're not better if you use less air
spatial awareness is a bitch and i always end up accidentally knocking my tank/everything else on rocks thats not advice just a warning
i thought the regulator felt so awful i cried the first time I had to put it in my mouth but if you have a hand free underwater it helps to sort of hold it in your mouth instead? so you don't have to clench your teeth as hard
also sometimes ill just take it out of my mouth underwater for funsies and a break (but dont stop breathing oh no)
the purge button is very fun!!!
have fun and look around and look slowly
i feel so cool whenever i recognize fish so like if you're diving somewhere specific quickly google or something the fish before you go (if you don't know them already)
figuring out a hairstyle for diving was a bitch. i have bangs and weird layers and the bangs tend to get in the way!!? french braids are the best solution but I can't do that, so I do a fun little twisty thing w my bangs and then pigtails. i dunno if this applies
if you get seasick thats okay you feel better in/underwater just try to minimize the time between as much as safely possible
if saltwater makes you wanna die like me find a sink or bathroom or rinsey shower thing and just rinse off as soon as you can as best you can
also keep a comb or something w you for your hair so it doesn't feel so awful (if thats even an issue for you)
you will be so hungry all the time after diving that is okay
drink so much water so you don't get cramps underwater
i am not sure if this is advice you wanted but if theres anything specific you could ask that too!!
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luckycolor · 11 months
Yo, can you do tutorials on how to make hats like that?
(Referring to my jester-like hat in this post)
YEAH I CAN TRY, I'm gonna put it under a read-more cause it might be a little long 👍👍
OK SO first youre gonna find a sewing tutorial for a hood, cause that's the big base of the hat, I used this one:
(In the video, they use big thick fabric and also double layer it, I didnt do that, I just made mine out of a bed sheet I got from the thrift store👍) (I wouldnt really recommend using super flowy/stretch fabric though cause it could mess with the overall shape..but its really up to preference how you want it to look)
BUT there are lots of other hood styles out there, ones with bigger necks, bigger back parts, I'm pretty sure you can use whatever one you think would be cool. I'm pretty sure i modified the pattern of this one a little for mine to make it bigger, but I dont really remember cause it was a couple months ago
Anyways. Do the best you can, mine ended up a little wonky just cause im kind of inexperienced, but hey I think its fine :D
As for the little points on it, I made those by cutting out a cone pattern (you can pattern this out on paper beforehand, cones can be annoying but with enough tries you can find a shape you like), sewing it into a cone shape, and then sticking little styrofoams into it that I cut down to be cone-shaped as well 👍(that was very messy. i swear)
Depending on how you cut the foam, you can make the tips droop more, the styrofoam in mine is cut to fill the whole shape but i think next time i want them to droop more so I would cut them shorter
Hang on this next part might need a visual
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This sucks i know i drew it with my mouse ok
So yea glue the cut ends onto the foam. Then comes the annoying part of attaching the points to the hood. So my method was, probably not the best out there, was this:
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Be careful when taking the hood off once the point is pinned, it might get bonked out of place so be VERY gentle
...Actually I dont think i sewed down my points, I really mightve just hot-glued them. It's much easier than sewing them down, and theyve held so far, but if you want Super Secure ones then you can sew them down
Im sure theres easier ways to do that but Whatever :)
OK SO once the points are attached you can decorate as you please. Go nuts. I dont control you
I put bells on mine but you can do anything. Go wild
HOPEFULLY i didnt forget anything..I dont think i did, if you need clarification on anything let me know and ill try and explain it more. BUT YEA HAVE FUN
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