#so there's that usless info
storm-cellar · 2 years
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thumperdaetime · 2 months
A Gentle Reminder:
if you feel like you're spinning your wheels, and stuck doom scrolling this week -due to the current political landscape. I highly recommend logging off for a bit and seeing if you have the stomach to call a loved one who has political veiws that clash with your own.
social media and news coverage is fantastic for getting info out to people who want to listen, but it is an ineffective tool for actually communicating with people you disagree with.
I'm not a people-scientist but every time i see "yelling at each other online doesn't actually help" and have the energy to look into What does actually help, experts always say that it's empathetic, long term relationships between people that disagree.
so if you have a bunch of nervous political energy and no clearly helpful place to put it right now:
go call your grandmother. talk about the weather, and the way you miss her cooking. give her a real living person to picture The next time a newscaster talks about the radical-left-mob. if you talk to her regularly consider asking what she thinks about the recent political thing. you're not there to debate or prove her wrong or even change her mind. just listen to someone you love confess their fears, and then share your own fears. you are probably actually on the same side when you get down to it. you both want a safe place to live and the people you love to be happy, (most people do) its just you dont agree about how to go about that.
text your little cousin a random meme, when they send back a thing about how voting is a scam, let it go. share a vine to find out if they know the deep lore. make plans to meet up and play whatever video game they're obsessed with right now. and if the vibe is right and its not going to become an argument, try talking a bit about why the whole not voting movement scares you. don't talk down to them, talk like your two friends who respect each other's opinion (Thats The whole goal actually) ask them why they think its a good strategy, collaborate on other activist things you can do together. included them in your politics instead of dismissing their points.
and its not easy, as wild as it is to think about having a deep but pleasant conversation with your worst Uncle. the fact remains that Your Problematic & Uncle is much more likely to speak up for gay rights. if you can get to a place where you enjoy each others company, and you feel safe talking to him about your struggles as a queer person. and to be fair, you are more likely to take into account the effects of a gun ban on the local wildlife balance, if you sit through your Problematic Uncle complaining about how local restrictions made deer season hard to do last year, and now the tic population is up and the food banks are empty.
divide and conquer is a long standing tactical strategy. and we have seen that fascist in particular like to divide people into a hierarchy of ""real people""" and an ""inhuman enemy"" . when we let their rhetoric turn our peers and neighbors into an inhuman enemy, we can loose sight of what we should actually be fighting for and against.
and if you spend all your time yelling at Doug Nobody who was taking an angry shit when you were typing out that essay, you take energy away from the real fight (the systems and actual active oppressors). the best way to stop that tactic is by standing together with people outside of the box you've been assigned (as much as ethically possible). and refusing to let the system make you perpetuate usless infighting.
When we let the political fandom (yes i mean the media made around politics and not actual political action) act as a wedge between us and people who could have been in our lives, we end up with weaker support groups and less per review for political ideas. it is easy to believe Q-anon if the only people you talk to believe in Q-anon. the same way it is easy to believe that Taylor Swift is a lesbian if everyone you talk to believes Taylor Swift is a lesbian. sometimes we need a person to stop and say "wait, can you run that idea by me again? it doesn't fit my perception of reality"
and Yes. it is probably unlikely at this point to convince someone who has voted one way their whole life to change their political views before November. but that doesn't mean we dont reach-out ever. there will still be politics in September and October, you will still need a diverse support group, and people you trust to bounce political ideas off of. and if you are as worried as i am about this upcoming election, it is very possible that having a community of people who are okay with working together despite political differences will be very helpful in the coming years. (and holding a meaningful, satisfying conversation with someone you disagree with on a fundamental issue is a huge skill to have if you want to take part in alot of activism, community building, or family gatherings)
a quick list of things Op is NOT Saying in this post:
it is your duty and responsibility to do this thing and you're a bad person for not doing it.
this is really easy and everyone should be able (and willing) to take on the emotional energy needed to do this for everyone they know who doesn't agree with them.
watching news or being on social media doesn't help anything.
this is the best way to help and there are no other things you should be doing with your time/energy.
the conversations will be pleasant and/or will always have a positive outcome.
any beliefs i listed together are some how morally equivalent.
you should compromise your beliefs for the sake of getting along with others.
the best answer is most likely centrist because both sides are extremists.
voting this one time will fix all of the things and you're evil if you are conflicted about it.
voting is the best way for a single individual to enact change in their country.
i love the president, and the candidates, and the voting system, and the two parties, and the electoral college, and the bombs, and the genocide and all the death and corruption and violence its all holding up and being held up by.
we should listen to "both sides" to get a fair and balanced picture of the issue
we should let nazis, and bigots, and fascist talk openly about their ideas openly as if its not hate speech calling for violence against marginalized people.
you Have to go reconnect with your abusers and toxic relationships from your past in the hopes you can convince them to vote correctly.
the current political thing that made me make this post is The Most Important Thing!!! that has ever happened in the whole world over all of written history, and we should all be talking about it for forever, otherwise you're helping the inhuman enemy!!!
things are already fucked so theirs no point in trying to get enough votes.
things will be fine and ok if nothing changes and we just keep on this projected path forward.
i know so much and am so smart and I've solved political discourse and if only everyone listened to me we would have world peace already.
Taylor Swift is a wlw
things I am saying. now. here. at the end of the post:
be kind. go look at the sky. i love you <3
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marieisnothere12 · 5 months
Tumblr media
I got bored so 🤷‍♀️ heres usless info
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koithelittle · 9 months
wittle fun fact bout mee
am missin a toof in my bottom wow of teefs so insteaad of havin like a ■|■ (dos tha make any sens 😭) the centre of dat wow is jus one toof like |■|
don know why i wan tell you but waaa hewe is usless info bout me that wil neva b welevant
jus rantin waahw
-@littlesakura-anon 🌸
i fink dat coow! idk smiwes awe pwetty ta me so unique smiwes is da bes! hope dat mak sense..
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mejol · 6 years
Okay let’s start with something from the beginning, where does Lily come from? He actually came to me listening to Breath of Life on repeat for a while, coming up with this tragic love story between two young elves (Lily&Florence). So yeah, the idea was that they would be afraid of losing the other, Lily being at war always and Florence suffering from a bad sickness... in the end though it would be Florence dying from the illness.
Funny how things change huh?
But as I added more characters, they kinda got a life of their own? Lily getting sick of having to hide their relationship, relationships blossoming up elsewhere, their world expanding, and the thought of “what comes next?” just kept going so I just went with it, creating lore and a whole world around them! And I love this, cause Lily is probably the first character this happen to, there was nothing forced, it just kept growing with him naturally as I worked on him.
A lot has changed for sure, but I think I’ve held him to his core the same, this bright and strong elf that just doesn’t fit in anywhere, he just started portraying it differently, gaining awarness, he knows people will look down on him, so why not cut them down by their heels or knees, forcing them down to his level?
He uses his wit and intelligence to his advantage and combines it with his strenght, making him really dangerous, and it makes him into the same threat that was a danger to the wood elves so many years ago, yeah remember that corrupted elf mage I’ve mentioned sometimes, there’s a reason to it.
The fact that he became the same evil he put down so many years ago is amazing to me, and he doesn't realise it, and I love it. Cause to the ones on the other side of the field facing his armies, they don’t know why he attacks, only that he is able to destroy all that they hold dear, and that’s really scary!
So that’s kinda why I love him so much, he grew so naturally and had a very satisfying story to me, and it felt good letting him die, sounds awful I know, but he had suffered and sacrifice so much for somthing that could not be done at the time, and he had nothing more to give.
He didn’t die a hero, he didn’t die as a tyrant even, he was just forgotten, and I’m good with that, his story is a sad one but it was the start of change, making the earth fertile for future seeds. History won't mention him, hell other people get all the credit for thing he had already discovered with magic, but that’s the way it is. Cause in the end, it’s the winners that write the history of how things played out, and he lost, and that’s why I love him, he gave me a story I fell in love with, a story I wish I could write but for now I’ll leave it as it is...
If anyone actually read all this then wow, here have some music that fit with him and that has helped me get inspired.  And yeah, yeah judge all you want... 
Breath of life  - Florence + The Machine
The rains of Castamere  - Tina Guo cover
Human  - Rag'n'Bone Man
Broken people  - Logic & Rag'n'Bone Man
Så som i himlen (just like in heaven)  - Danny Saucedo
Dö för dig (die for you)  - Danny Saucedo
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reckless-rider · 2 years
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hyunjining · 5 years
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harrysembrace · 7 years
how do y’all know all this information about the ppl who work for harry i genuinely couldn't tell you one thing about their personal lives aside from the basics lol
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Tag Game!
Shout out to @plutodeservesplanethood for tagging me (I love your url btw)
Rules: tag some followers
Name: Rose
Nickname: Rosie, other variations on Rose, Grandma, Rosema, Fuzzy,
Zodiac Sign: Libra!
Languages: English, and a tinsy bit of Chinese
Hogwarts House: Huffleclaw (usually Hufflepuff though)
Height: 5′2″ AND A HALF
Orientation: pan? demi? all I know is that I’m queer af
Ethnicity: white as HECK. I think I’m mostly Welsh, English, and Slavic if you want to pinpoint how white I am
Favorite fruit: Pluots
Favorite season: Fall or spring. You know, when you don’t want to die because of the weather
Favorite Book Series: Either The Lunar Chronicles or The Raven Cycle. Mermaids of Eriana Kwai is up there too.
Favorite Fictional Character: I can’t choose
Favorite flower: ... dandelion 
Favorite Scent: Floral scents, campfire, or rain.
Favorite Animal: a l l  o f  t h e m
Favorite Band: I listen to everything, so I can’t really choose. I’ve been listening to a lot of Nothing But Thieves recently though
Coffe, tea, or hot chocolate: hot chocolate. I’m not fancy enough for tea or coffee
Last thing I Googled: pluots (to check the spelling lol)
Blogs that I follow: 454
Followers: 393       (omg those numbers are both so nice. so pleasing. same backwards and forwards. also most of my followers are porn blogs :/ so it’s not too impressive)
What I usually post about: Whatever catches my fancy
I tag @sublimesusurrus @ho-tdogwater @thatstupidwallflower @karappoz @rihs-rice-rhys @spacebilance @wzarding and @evilsnootlord
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idiotwithasword · 5 years
Binding safety + tips
In case you don’t know what binding is it’s when someone, usually afab, uses a binder to make their chest appear flat. Binders are usually used by trans individuals to pass and get rid of their chest dysphoria but it can also sometimes be used by cis girls for cosplays or crossdressing. Binding can be dangerous and that’s way there is many safety rules that you should respect when you bind. 
I, as a trans male, have been binding for a bit over a year now. The informations I will give in this post are both based on personal researches as well as my own experience. 
In this post I will give you the basic infos that you need to have before you start binding, safety tips on when and how long you should bind as well as other useful tips. Please notice that while I will give some of the more basic tips, that basically anyone who already researched a bit on binding knows I also have some lesser know tips that are just as important so even if you already know about binding I suggest you try to read a bit through this.
I/Starting binding
1- Getting a binder
First of all if you are trying to flatten your chest, know that you can’t do it with anything. I know it’s tempting to use anything you can get your hands on just so you can finally look flat, believe me I do and I can personally attest that you should NEVER use anything else than a binder. Tape, bandages, ribbons, cellophane or anything else than a binder IS A NO. It can cause very serious damages to your body such as: broken ribs, breathing problems and more. It can prevents you from binding again in the future and it can even prevents you from top surgery so really it’s not worth it, plus it really isn’t that effective.
Same goes for DIY binders. There’s many tutos for how to make a binder yourself and they’re all just super unsafe so even if it “seems safe enough” don’t do it. Just don’t. I will try making a post about how to appear flat without a binder someday so if you can’t get a binder: wait for it.
Now, I told you that you should never use anything else than a binder to bind but not all binders are safe. Some brands are super unsafe and can cause as much troubles as bandages. I will also try to make a post about binder brands when I’ll have gathered enough informations in the meantime these are the brands that are highly recommended: GC2B (I use these binders and they are really good) and Underwoks. There are some other good brands  but I want to make more researches before I talk about them. DO NOT BUY CHEAP BINDERS, DO NOT GET YOUR BINDER ON AMAZON OR EBAY, DO NOT GET A BINDER LABELED AS LESBIAN: THEY ARE NOT SAFE.
2- Getting the right size
Getting the right size can be difficult but it’s very important. A binder that is too tight is dangerous and not more effective so always be extra careful when choosing a size. All the binder brand’s sizings are not the same so look closely at their sizing charts and follow the instructions they give you.
You should always measure your chest when buying a binder, do not try to guess your size because that’s just a good way to end up with a binder too small or too large. Remember that your size may vary from a brand to another so for exemple if you already have a GC2B binder in size S but you want to buy a binder from spectrum outfitter you should look at the sizing chart and follow their instructions to measure your chest. The size of your chest can also change very quickly so even if you’re buying a new binder from a brand you already know it’s better to check your size again.
Always get the right size. DO NOT EVER get a smaller size, it’s stupid, dangerous and useless because you can end up not even being able to put your binder on. If you are in between sizes: get the bigger size. A good binder should be comfortable, easy to breath in and shouldn’t be hard to put on and off. I know there’s a lot of jokes going around about getting stuck in your binder but if it takes over a minute to put your binder on or to take it off chances are that it is too small so you should get a bigger size. If you have any doubts just send an email to the brand and they will help you. 
3- Avoiding binding
As you’ve probably noticed by now binding can be pretty risky, even when getting the right binder and following all the safety rules on the long term you might still have problems, especially regarding your skin elasticity and your lungs capacity. The best way to avoid any problems is to avoid binding as much as you can. Don’t bind if you don’t need it. If you don’t have any chest dysphoria you don’t need a binder, I can’t stop you from binding obviously but it really doesn’t worth it: a binder is expensive, can be painful and can cause severe health issues so if you don’t need it don’t get one, there are other ways to hide your chest that are way more healthy (unless you use a binder for cosplay or crossdressing because in that case it’s occasionnal so if you follow the safety rules you don’t risk anything)
If you have any health issues than could prevent binding such as asthma, scoliosis, chronical pain, breathing problems or anything else: check with your doctor if it’s safe or not. If you can’t ask your doctor well you know your conditions and limits better than I do but I would still advice you to bind as little as possible and avoid it if you can, as I said: there are other ways to hide your chest.
No matter what you should ALWAYS listen to your body. If it hurts: take a break. If it doesn’t hurt but you’ve been binding for over 8 hours: take your binder off. Your back hurts: take a break and stretch. It’s not 8 hours yet but despite your break you’re in pain: take it off. The pain is lasting: stop binding and see a doctor. 
II/How to bind
1- How long you should bind
Some sources will tell you to never bind more than 6 hours a day, some will tell you that you can go up to 12 hours. From my researches what I recommend is to not bind over 8 hours a day and only go up to 10 hours max if you have no other choice. Take as much breaks as possible during the day and if you end up binding for more than 8 hours a day take a break from binding in the following days. Of course you should also stop binding if it causes you pain.
You should also not bind every day. It is advised to take a 2-3 days break where you don’t bind at all to let your body rest. The break should be longer if you had to bind for too long or if you have any sort of pain.
Something that isn’t told enough is that you shouldn’t bind for 8 hours as soon as you get your binder, you should give time to you body to get used to it, for exemple bind for 1 hour on the first day, 2 on the second day and slowly go up to 8. If you take long breaks from binding (for exemple if you stop binding for a few weeks) you should also do this.
2- When you shouldn’t bind EVER
Do not bind when you sleep, first of all because it won’t be comfortable but also, and mostly, because you breath differently when you sleep and a binder is too restrictive to allow you to breath without hurting yourself. Don’t ever keep your binder when you sleep, even if it’s only for a nap. 
For the same reason you shouldn’t bind when you exercise. Some binder brands, such as GC2B do say that you can exercice in their binder but really, don’t do it unless it’s very small exercising. Some binders can go in water so you can swim in them but don’t use them if you do swimming as a sport and it is better to have a bigger size if you swim in your binder.
Now this one isn’t very known but it is extremely important so feel free to share it with every perso who binds you know: DO NOT EVER BIND IN A PLANE. It’s very dangerous. Just don’t do it. Please.
3- When you should really avoid binding
These tips are all based on personal experience, you are not putting yourself in danger if you choose to not follow them, they are simply meant to help you have a more comfortable experience with binding
- Take of your binder when you rest, even if you’re not sleeping, it’s more comfortable and if you accidentally fall asleep you will be safe
- Avoid binding if you are tired, you will breath more easily and I usually find myself in pain more easily if I’m tired
- For the same reason, avoid binding if you are going to drink alcohol
- Don’t bind if you are about to face a stressful situation, especially if you are prone to panic attacks because you need to breath
-Don’t bind when it’s hot BECAUSE THAT SHIT IS HELL ON EARTH
- Avoid binding if you’re going to walk a lot too, it’s just more comfortable and at least you won’t sweat in your binder idk
- Also I really recommend to not bind if you are not sure when you’ll be able to take your binder off
-  Take your binder off if you are feeling too uncomfortable or have back pain
III/Other tips
Always carry a safety bra with you in case of emergency so you can take your binder off and go on for the rest of the day with some comfortable sports bra
Stretch. Stretch before you put your binder on, during the day, when you take it off. Just stretch, it’s good
Take care of your skin. Binding can give you acne and stuff so always wash your skin correctly.
Wash your binder often. especially if you sweat a lot. 
Ok now I know all these rules sound super strict, I myself don’t follow all of them all the time but this is really what is the best to do for your body in order to avoid as much pain or discomfort as possible. Binding can really be dangerous and you should really be careful if you want to avoid any injury that could prevent you from binding or getting top surgery. Be safe. Have a good life.
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shizekarnstein · 5 years
do you have any predictions for ch 122?
Hi anon.
Mmm let's see. Last chapter left the fandom with little to work on bc there's no much to analyse or predict as we lack data. Im sure you noticed the fandom silence after the first week. We know it's kinda usless to theorize bc Isayama is going to subvert our expectations again this month. And the following month. And so on 🤷‍♀️.
But since you asked here's what I think it's going to happen. Im sure most of the fandom agrees.
Eren is going to make contact with Ymir. Maybe at the beginning of the chapter, maybe in the middle, maybe at the end.
As the end is approaching we are going to remain here in paths until the matter of who is gonna control the coordinate (we know it's eren but shhh) gets resolved.
Probably some lore info about what the heck happened 2000 years ago. Maybe? Please?
No Levi and Hanji or Annie.
I could be wrong but nothing about Eren's plan yet. I hope Im wrong tho.
Maybe more about Grisha??? Who knows.
More panels of Eren looking pretty.
That's all I can think about for now.
Thanks for the ask!!!!!
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calmevetlgreen-blog · 5 years
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Used to love that game.   Completely logic based, but not so overwhelming like chess that you can't play it over a beer. Nice cinematography BTW.
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duchessanon · 5 years
How long you have been in royal fandom? What makes you interested in royals? Who is your favorite royal? And why do you choose to make a blog about exposing catfish and other fuckery in royal fandom?
I’ve been here since 2011/2012 (offically started a regualr royal blog in 2012 and the first version of this blog in 2013).
Tbh I’m not rly interested in the royals anymore. Like I’ll follow the big news (eg Andy), but I havent been interested in the day to day stuff for many years. I’m more interested in the fandom (and fandoms in general).
My fave is Anne. I know 0 about her so dont ask me, but I relate to her on a spiritual level.
I started this blog bc back in 2013 bc I noticed a blogger called royallykate was being an asshole to a blogger called royalkmiddleton behind her back. I found it fascinating that there was this heirarchy of fans (at the time RK was the queen of the mini middletons). I also didnt like that heirarchy (and still dont), so I created this blog to expose that and let people have a space to vent. And it was a space for me to vent and give my true opinions about everything and everyone (bc I couldnt ruin my rep by doing it on my actual blog).
I guess over time it’s just developed into being a guide for all the dramas etc bc I have a good memory (for usless info) and good research skills. The last few years I’ve been in and out of it tho. After Meg came on the scene it was pretty hard to keep up with everyone and I really dont know who 99% of the Meg stans are or the size of their own Meg fandom, their dramas etc.
Thanks for ur qs, I rarely get them anymore bc people just call each other out and dont need me to do it for them!
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Writing Commissions:
(may be subject to change in the future depending on the amount of work/time I need to put into these. Changing the pricing won’t affect you if I’ve already given you a price rate personally)
> $2 per 500 words of a NEW work
> $15 for NEW works with more than 5,000 words*
> $10 for a new chapter of an OLD/IN-PROGRESS work (5,000-12,500 words)**
*Anything dramatically exceeding 5,000 (i.e more than 15,000 words) will have a higher price. Will also require more time to finish, therefore $10 must be paid before, and the remaining once the work is finished. 
**Please note that longer pieces will obviously take slightly longer to write. Typically, I write most on weekends (Friday-Sunday), but I do write during the week. I will alert you when I begin to work on your piece and it should be done anywhere within the next 2 weeks again depending on length (shorter works will probably be done within a week, longer works may take more time). If there is any major delay, I will alert you. 
> Voltron
> I’m familiar with others, but these are my strongest! DM me if you wanna know if I’m familiar with a fandom enough to write a fic for it. 
Guidelines, restrictions, boundaries that stuff-
> AUs for fandoms (ex: HP au for pjo characters)
> NSFW writing (characters at the age of 18+)
> Character deaths, depictions of violence (like death), reasonable depictions of mental disorders.***
> Any new chapters of the stories I have up if they haven’t been finished and you REALLY want an update (Secrets of the Sea, OatS, Roses are Red, Barrio Slums, Only the Stars Remember)
> Any continuation or “epilogue-esque” addition to one shots/ shorter multi-chapter stories (any of the one shots, Fire Meet Gasoline, What is This Feeling, etc.)
> any LGBT+ relationship)****
> variety of genres: poetry, thriller (i.e that halloween solangelo story I did about 2 years ago), fantasy, angst ending, romance, etc. If you have a question about what genre, feel free to ask. 
> kinks with consent except certain ones which will be listed below
> underage sex
> explicit abuse scenes (none at all if it’s not imperative to the character arc/ story) 
> pedophile relationships (15 y/o dating a 25 y/o. I’ll age them up where they’re both mature enough and of age, the age gap doesn’t bother me, the lack of growth and maturity does) 
> daddy kink, farting kink, excrement/ peeing kinks, degradation talk (i.e: you’re usless, you slut etc), pet kink, 
> Main pov of a trans character (see the fourth asterisk <3 )
> fandoms I’m not familiar with
!!! I reserve the right to reject a commission if it makes me uncomfortable despite these guidelines !!!
***There’s a difference between wanting to have a story with a character that struggles with self harm or something for the sake of growth and showing healing vs simply enjoying seeing the character in pain or hurting themselves. i.e. self harming being the sole focus of the story is NOT something I would do, nor will I write severely graphic depictions of any form of self harm. If this section confuses you or you want clarification, I am more than happy to answer questions! 
**** I would prefer not to write in the POV of a trans character because I feel I can’t fully encompass that experience, and I don’t want to cause any misinformation. I am more than happy to include a character or S/O to the main POV because then I won’t be accountable for a first hand account I know I can’t properly express. I will also probably ask you for any personal advice/preferences if you yourself are trans so I can make it as accurate and comfortable as possible. 
More Important Info- 
> Please use Venmo (Paypal charges a fee for transaction) 
> For references of my writing/ reminders of what stories can be added to: Click Here for my master list
> I’ll open 5 slots for 5 writing commissions (so I’m not flooded with like 10 commissions within a month), and open them as they are finished/ freed.
Any questions or concerns can be sent to me in an ask or a DM 
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supraandhergoreshia · 3 years
Man i want people to ask me about my ocs and stuff i so i don't have to spam usless info
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Bobby Duncan megathread. via /r/LiverpoolFC
Bobby Duncan megathread.
Thought i'd round up all the tweets and info to help with the spam.
Bobby Duncan's agent Saif Rubie posts an official statement regarding Liverpool FC conduct with Bobby Duncan: https://twitter.com/saifpr/status/1166698991045816320
Bobby Duncan who had his twitter picture blacked out retweeted it with just a "." and pinned the tweet. He has since deleted that and unpinned it.
12 years ago, the FA suspended Saif Rubie after he failed to respond to repeated requests by FA investigators to submit information regarding his activities.
Carragher and Saif get into a twitter war.
Carragher: I know Bobby & his family well, he’s young & at that age we all want everything right now. Played for the 1st team in pre season which is a great start & he should try & develop this season & maybe make the bench in Caraboa Cup. That should be the advice you’re giving him you 🤡
Saif: Do you also want to give advice on how to spit at people from the outside of a car? You're the last person to say or know what's really going on behding the scenes. Focus on your job and I'll focus on mine.
Carragher: I made a huge mistake & apologised, I hurt myself more than anyone. You have made a big mistake & are hurting yourself but more importantly a young lads career. Throwing Stevie Gerrard’s name in also is embarrassing.
Saif: No problem Jamie. But in life you can't be wrong and strong. When the truth comes out as to how Michael Edwards has handled Bobby's wellbeing and future you will be thinking differently I promise you. Not a single word in the statement is not the hard truth.
Carragher: There is a problem & it’s you. You take on the most powerful person at the club besides Klopp?!! Madness. Club will never deal with you again
Saif: You talking about the glorified data analyst Michael Edwards? The one who doesn't even know that Kevin-Prince Boateng is a midfielder not a centre forward. Goes to show how much he knows. Oh and he doesn't give a shit about a young players well-being more importantly.
Carragher: I think Bobby Duncan should leave this guy before he gets sacked by the club
A collection of tweets from Saif varying from 2012 till today:
"People wonder why english players don't develop when liverpool spend a fortune on the usless henderson instead of pushing Shelvey upwards."
"@StanCollymore I wouldn't want somebody serving me in the air with mental health issues. Nothing wrong with that Stan get over it" & "nothing against mental illness but surely they have the right 2not hire if they feel it may reoccur in the air"
In response to "I feel there should be a clear rule that bans all convicted sex offenders from football. That's all. No mater what's happened before." Saif said:"@MissNataliePike why? Unless they're Gay convicted sex offenders how is he a danger to his team mates? Guy has served hiss time let him be"
"are you gay as well as a nobody? @jimmyjones2012: "@saifpr i'm off now, gotta finish washing your rolls royce, laters babe"
"I'm homophobic in the same way that I am aracnophobic.I have nothing against gays or spiders but I would scream if I saw one in my bath."
"A young girl in China lost her virginity at 13, her name was: Sum Yung Ho"
"Do you think when Suarez lines up against Senegal he's going to turn around to his team mates and say "I thought we we're playing MonteNegro"
"WTF🤮🤮🤮" in response to a post about "two adorable gay penguins adopting an egg"
3 days ago-"What is a loan with obligation? Surely its just a permanent deal with payments that start at the end of the season. Asking for a friend trying to do a transfer and the club is saying they will consider a loan with obligation but not with an option. Sounds like bs to me."
Today: "And for everybody tweeting that this is to do with money and wages it has zero to do with it or even an increase in wages. Just to make that clear. All clubs that came in for him were going to pay Bobby the same low salary he is on at Liverpool so he can prove himself."
Neil Jones- "We could be about to have the first recorded instance where a player has to advise an agent over his social media output."
Liverpool FC official statement: "Liverpool Football Club is aware and disappointed by the unattributed comments and unfounded allegations that have been made in the media regarding one of our players. As the interests of the player in question are not best served by either inaccurate speculation, inflammatory statements or public discourse, we will be making no further comment. We will, however, continue our efforts to work privately with the player to find resolution in the best interests of all involved."
Submitted August 28, 2019 at 04:17PM by 8OctagonalOctagons via reddit https://ift.tt/2ZG9o2V
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