#so the reveal what like a whoa what and then i could go back and enjoy the foreshadowing
captainadwen · 4 months
Oh my god this latest dungeon meshi ep... I have... thoughts
0 notes
chuluoyi · 5 months
✎ the babysitters' club
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- gojo satoru x reader
in which yuji, megumi and nobara are tasked with the most important mission ever by their teacher—watching over his baby son!
genre: total crack, first years are trying their best to babysit your son to save their grades, an attempt at humor, gojo is irritating as always, fluff, fluff, fluff
note: this is sooo incredibly silly :') some inspiration are taken from the baby starfish onesie, this ask, and this illustration -> if you're wondering how gojo dressed his baby, he's looks just like that :)) tagging @3zae-zae3 <3
a part of gojo's love entries
general masterlist
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"Gojo-sensei... what is that wiggling starfish!?"
On one sunny day in jujutsu school... trouble is once again brewing in the form of Gojo Satoru bringing his baby son to the class.
"Starfish? No, no," Gojo retorted with a displeased expression, directing his gaze towards Yuji and clicking his tongue as he patted his squirming baby, which was still hidden from their view. "He's my pride and joy! Don't refer to him as starfish!"
"But you've got him dressed up as one..." Nobara pointed out, her tone flat and unimpressed.
"That's his kid," Megumi provided, wearily sighing. God, he knew already today was going to be a long day.
No one from school had seen your seven-month old baby son yet, and Gojo was determined to make it an occasion to remember.
Beaming with pride, he gently removed his baby from the starfish-themed onesie, revealing him in a tiny black jujutsu outfit specially tailored for him, complete with miniature black glasses. He held him up, presenting him for everyone to see.
"Behold, everyone... my son! Isn't he just adorable?!"
. . . a momentary silence before—
"Oh my goodness, he is!" Nobara cooed, forgetting her earlier sentiment, immediately approaching the baby with shining eyes. "Sensei, how could you manage to have a baby this cute!?"
"Heh! Only the finest technique utilized to create him—"
"Complete bullshit—"
"Hush, Megumi! No cussing in front of my baby! I'll deduct your marks!"
"Now, class, today I have a very, very important task for you..." Gojo said, his voice dripping with mischief as he sported a broad grin. "If you succeed, I'll personally draft a recommendation letter for each of you to Yaga. But if you don't..." he paused for the suspense, scanning his three students' curious faces.
"Then I'm failing you in my class!" Gojo continued with a grin, prompting immediate reactions from his students.
“What! Why?!”
“That's not fair!”
“All you have to do was to watch over him until I come back. Everything you need is here— in this bag!”
Megumi rolled his eyes. Nobara raised an eyebrow. Only Yuji who seemed to be genuinely interested.
"Isn't that easy?" Gojo tilted his head playfully, looking absolutely stupid with his blindfold. "There are three of you here. If you can't even manage to look after one baby, then you should not even think about romance and dating."
"Quiet, Megumi!"
And so began the day's mission: looking after Baby Gojo until his father's return.
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“Lalala~ look you’re flying!”
“Kugisaki, don’t hold him like that! You’re making him cry!”
“No, I’m not— Itadori! Don’t smush his face—!”
“You idiot!” Megumi hissed, plucking the poor baby from his clueless friends and immediately soothed him, pulling him close and patting his back. He even gently shushed him, “There, there...”
And Yuji and Nobara could only look at him in awe as the baby's wails turned into soft sniffles, peaceful in his embrace.
"Whoa... Fushiguro, so babies like you, huh..."
"Unfair!" Nobara clicked his tongue, before fixing a wide smile and waved at the baby in Megumi's arms. "Hi baby~ don't you want to held by big sister—"
"He doesn't like you, Kugisaki."
And so, that was how the three of them spent half the day—constantly watching over Baby Gojo, with Megumi supervising both the baby and his two friends.
"Sometimes, I wonder what she sees in him..." Megumi grumbled sullenly, resigned to his fate, his gaze fixed on the crawling baby while he sat on the floor and threw his little sunglasses.
For all the sighs he exuded, Megumi undeniably had a soft spot for the baby. Prior today, he had held him several times, and he'd never admit it, but he'd protect him to the best of his ability, if anything, because you had done so much for him.
“Gojo-sensei is cool!” Yuji remarked. “Of course Y/N-sensei is happy with him.”
Nobara rolled her eyes. “Only you would say that.”
"Hey, don't you think he wants his milk?" Yuji suddenly pointed out, as the baby became fussy. Megumi nodded and Yuji immediately reached for the bag Gojo left. He pulled out a bottle and handed it to his friend, but in the process, he accidentally knocked the bag over, spilling its contents onto the floor.
"Ahh, my bad," the boy sighed, collecting the diapers and washcloth, until he realized that there were some more—
"What's that? Photographs?" Nobara picked one of them up, and immediately gasped. "Oh my! Look at this!"
On the picture was the same baby, but much more smaller and swaddled in baby blue blanket and tiny blue beanie. Most likely taken when he was a newborn.
"Whoa, wait, there's something written behind the photo..."
When she flipped it over, both she and Yuji studied the messy handwriting, instantly recognizing it as their teacher's.
Yaaay! ♡ Baby is here! I'm sooo happy you made it! But mama went through a lot to bring you here... so don't ever forget that she loves you very, very much, okay?
"This is sweet." Nobara looked at the picture with a genuine smile, until she realized that there were some more scattered on the floor.
The other picture was of the blue-eyed baby on his arms and knees, wrapped in an orange and black bee onesie, complete with little wings, and behind it was written:
Aren't you just the cutest bee?! And what's more, you've started crawling! Aw, papa is so proud! In no time at all, you're going to be as strong as me!
"What are you two doing over there?" Megumi asked, still feeding the baby with the milk bottle. Nobara beckoned him over.
The third photo was of you smiling so prettily while holding your baby, still in his bee suit, and Gojo also in the frame, wrapping his arm around you, clearly the one holding the camera to take the selfie.
Two my most precious treasures ♡ Sweetheart, I love you. And baby too!
Yuji smiled, as he felt warmth spreading in his chest. "Gojo-sensei really treasures his family, huh?"
"He is," Megumi agreed, because he had seen it all throughout his life.
"Well, no wonder..." Nobara giggled. "Any woman showered with this much love would be happy."
And that day, the trio also uncovered another side of their teacher, that his deepest affection was reserved exclusively for his wife and child.
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Well, the sentimental feeling didn't last long though...
"This is our chance!" Nobara said in a hushed whisper. "When else are we going to get an extra family discount!?"
Megumi was so ready to burst a blood vessel as he held the baby—given that he had forbidden his two friends to lay a finger on him. "We are meeting Gojo-sensei here, not to—!"
"Hush! Itadori, don't you agree with me?!"
Yuji nudged his cross friend, trying to appease him. "Lighten up, Fushiguro! We can have more meat!"
At the last minute, Gojo suddenly told the three of them to bring his baby and meet him at the shopping center as he didn't want to waste energy to go back to the school. And like broke students Nobara and Yuji were, they decided to use Baby Gojo to snag an extra plate in a yakiniku place.
Megumi's eyes twitched. "This is not making sense at all, they won't believe—!"
"Shut up, you! Waiter~ here! We have a baby! So we're eligible for the family package!"
The judging stare of the waiter was enough to make Megumi combust on the spot, and yet somehow he passed the four of them as family eligible for the extra plate.
It was later, after they had their lunch that Megumi suddenly had an upset stomach and left the baby momentarily in his two friends' care.
And under less-than-watchful eyes...
"Hey, Kugisaki, meat on this side is the juiciest! Try it!"
"Ooh, you're right!"
The baby only blinked at them in wonder as he stayed in his spot. Not for long though... and it didn't help that they forgot his existence after they went to the cashier and headed out.
"Oi, Itadori! Don't forget to split the bill!"
"Oh yeah! Anyway, why is Fushiguro taking so long?"
Megumi got back right afterwards, and he frowned. "You done already? I haven't even gotten my ocha refill—" and it dawned to him when he saw both Yuji and Nobara with empty hands.
"Wait... where's the baby?"
"—! Oh my god!"
And when the three of them rushed back to the yakiniku place and approached their table earlier, Nobara almost screamed at the empty chairs, "He is gone!"
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"You left the baby with the kids and told them to come here?!"
You were positively fuming as you scolded your stupid husband in the bustling mall.
"Well, we haven't gotten much time to spend together, just the two of us!" Satoru retorted, his tone sulky as he pouted. "And besides, Megumi is there. I'm sure they'll do just fine~"
You let out a sigh. True enough, being parents is no joke. Aside from stay-at-home dates, the frequency of the two of you going out had dwindled exponentially since having your baby.
"Technically, you are still on the clock though." You threw him a glare. "You're being a very irresponsible teacher."
Satoru smirked. "Heh, spare me. But I'm being a very good teacher to you in our—"
"One more word and I'm locking you out—!"
Just as you were about to give him your (empty) threat, the building suddenly boomed with an announcement from the mall's broadcast speaker.
"Attention, shoppers. We've received a report from three teenagers that they've lost a baby. He is seven-month old, wears black shirt, has white hair and blue eyes. He is last seen at Yakiniku Q—"
"Satoru..." your voice trembled, dread settling in the pit of your stomach. The baby described by the speaker was unmistakably your son, and the realization of him being missing sent you spiraling into panic.
"Hey, calm down." Satoru gripped your hand tightly, his voice steady as he faced you. "We're going to find him, alright? I'm here. Don't worry."
And after taking off his glasses, in a matter of seconds, Satoru figured out where he was.
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Nobara's eyes welled up with tears, frustrated. "What do I do, Gojo-sensei will fail us now..." she muttered, biting her lip.
"That's what you're worried about?" Megumi replied, turning to her with a clear glare.
"He's going to be fine! He is!" Yuji interjected, trying to reassure his two friends despite his own rising anxiety. "He’s not just any random baby—who knows, maybe he can shoot cursed energy to protect himself!"
Megumi and Nobara leveled their annoyed stares on him and Yuji immediately regretted his attempt to lighten the mood.
"I still think he can't get far from the yakiniku place." Megumi was too panicked to check with the staff earlier and just went with Yuji's suggestion to report it to be announced, but now that he thought about it— "I think we should go back."
And thank goodness the three of them returned for the second time because, this time, they finally saw the baby safely cradled in your arms, with Gojo speaking to the waitresses nearby.
"Oh?! Gojo-sensei is here!"
But as soon as the three of them came into view, Gojo immediately fixed them with his unamused gaze.
"You three..." his voice was lower and it made the three kids shudder. "What did I tell you about failing this mission, huh?"
Yuji, Nobara and Megumi were visibly spooked, immediately bowing their heads in unison as they chorused—
"Gojo-sensei, we're so sorry!"
Nobara then pointed an accusing finger at Yuji. "But it was his fault! He kept eating away and didn't even oversee the baby anymore!"
"Wha!?" Yuji glared back at her. "No! You too! You kept eating my meat too!"
"Whatever it is, I'm not a part of this—" Megumi cut in boldly. "My stomach hurt so I had to go for a bit, and they couldn't even keep an eye on him—"
You soothed your squirming son as the first years were throwing blame at each other. Gaping in confusion, you couldn't help but wonder how such a simple task had turned into this incident.
"Tsk." Gojo crossed his arms dramatically, and you knew he was just messing with them, as he suddenly turned to you with a grin.
"Nah, as both a teacher and the victim's mother— Sensei~ who do you think is responsible for this? Or should I punish all three of them?"
The three kids before you were quaking in their boots, and you really didn't have time for this right now. Honestly, if if you had to quickly pinpoint the source of this chaos...
You directed your most irked glare at your husband. "You."
“You’re the one staging this by threatening their grades, and it results in our baby being missing!”
Now you were bickering with your husband and putting him in his rightful place. Nobara and Yuji gaped, while Megumi heaved a sigh of relief.
"Does this mean... our grades are saved?"
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"They said he fell..." You pat your baby's head worriedly as he babbled happily in his crib, your expression darkening into a frown.
You didn't really blame the first years for their lack of experience, but as his mother, the news from the restaurant staff that they had found your son falling from the chair made you extremely uneasy.
Seeing your distress, Satoru’s natural response was to comfort you until you were back to smiles again. He gently tickled his boy's tummy, prompting him to squeal in absolute joy. "Look, he's perfectly fine. You don't need to worry so much, yeah?"
"But it's strange... I'm happy he's fine, but how? Most babies will get hurt or at least be inconsolable after falling. But he was totally okay..."
Satoru shifted his gaze to his son, as now his round, crystal blue eyes that mirrored his blinked back at him with such innocence and trust that even melted his heart.
"Ah, I see." Suddenly he smiled as if he had figured something out. "This is just my guess, but you know my guesses have like... 90% of probability of being correct—"
"He might have activated Infinity by instinct. Heh."
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maplesyrupsainz · 20 days
˖⁺。˚⋆˙club classics | GR63˖⁺。˚⋆˙
pairing: george russell x singer!reader y/n (she/her)
genre: social media au
warnings: idk anything abt brat lol, addison rae cameo bc i love her, not much else
summary: in which you finally hard launch via song and the fans go wild!!! or in which two very different worlds collide...
a/n: i dnt listen to charli xcx so im srry if this is soo crap but i liked the idea so wanted to try it hope it's ok!!! obsessed w george a bit so expect more of him 👀
request!!!: helloooo could you please write a George smau where he’s dating a singer!reader who is releasing a new album idk if you listen to Charli xcx but on her new album she has a song called club classics where it says ‘I wanna dance with George’ could you write something where they reveal their relationship this way
my masterlist
fc: charli xcx
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liked by billieeilish, alex_albon, and others
yourusername his prettiest problem
view all comments
user1 iktrrrr
user2 HIS???
user3 does she have a bf omg
user4 nooo dont tell me i lost y/n to a man
user5 love y/n & addison friendship
user6 ur so hot y/n
user7 wait why is alex albon in the likes??
user8 wth so random
user9 who??
user10 random formula one driver lol
user11 are they dating?
user12 he has a gf alr💀
addisonraee my hottest solution
yourusername oh, kiss me already 🙆‍♀️
addisonraee you dont have to tell me twice 💋💋
user13 new music please 🙏
user14 y/n we're bored give us a summer banger
liked by yourusername
user15 her liking this.... she's cooking!
georgerussell63 posted a story
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liked by lewishamilton, landonorris, and others
user16 urm??? hello
user17 what
user18 WHO?
user19 u have a gf george?
lewishamilton bring her to a race, georgie
georgerussell63 dont get too ahead 😆
landonorris congrats
landonorris cant wait to see everyone try and figure out who the hell ur girl is
georgerussell63 good luck to them
landonorris you'd be surprised actually
user20 running to twitter
user21 someone is gonna know all about this on twitter ...
twitter ->
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instagram ->
georgerussell63 posted a story
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liked by alex_albon, addisonraee, and others
user26 GEORGE
user27 no more
user29 neeeeed answers
landonorris still not met her
georgerussell63 for a reason
user30 this is so cute tbh
user31 oh how i love soft launch pics
yourusername posted a story
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liked by lorde, alexademie, and others
user32 NEW MUSIC????
user33 omg it's happening
user34 this is not a drill!!!!
user35 hurry hurry we're desperate
addisonraee oh you tease!!!
yourusername oh i'll leak it to u bby 😻
addisonraee whoa. im lucky
alexademie hope im your muse
yourusername one of them perhaps 👀
alexademie player!!
user36 leak it
user37 thank god. y/n is here to save music
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liked by landonorris, addisonraee, and others
yourusername i wanna danceee
view all comments
user38 oh now this is a soft launch fr...
user39 no way...
user42 so random!!!
user43 maybe she's gonna go to a race!
user44 get back in the studio 😊😊😊
billieeilish no way, we lost the coolest girl alive to a man
liked by yourusername
user45 HAHAHA
user46 realest shit ever
user47 TWO soft launch pics omg???
user48 someone pls find out who he is.
addisonraee let's dance all niiight
yourusername 🪩🪩🪩
user49 lando liking is he shooting his shot xx
user50 no more posts unless it's an album announcement y/n!!!
liked by yourusername
user51 HER LIKING!!!
user52 bc something is coming 👀
twitter ->
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instagram ->
yourusername posted stories
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liked by georgerussell63, sabrinacarpenter, and others
user54 omg i can't believe it's true
user55 mercedes omg TASTEEE
user56 so real for this
addisonraee get it girl
liked by yourusername
user57 omg lewis & george r so lucky
user58 my two worlds colliding oh my god
user59 u suit merc sm queen
sabrinacarpenter oh i know why you're there & it isn't for the cars! 👀
yourusername ...no comment
twitter ->
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instagram ->
georgerussell63 posted a story
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liked by yourusername, lewishamilton, and others
user68 y/n is that u?
user69 that is so y/n
user70 OH TO BE Y/N
user71 the twitter detectives have sussed u guys out i fear
landonorris ok george we get it
georgerussell63 the world needs to know my gf is hot as hell
landonorris riiiiight
alex_albon congrats, everyone knows!
georgerussell63 huh?
alex_albon just look online 😂
georgerussell63 oh. shit lol
messages ->
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instagram ->
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liked by georgerussell63, landonorris, and others
yourusername ‘club classics’ is yours right now. right now. right now. 🪩
view all comments
user72 STOP IT
user73 he can stay if it means we're gonna get new music more often 👀
liked by yourusername, georgerussell63
user75 waittt GUYS???
user76 wait....i wanna dance with.....WHO???
user78 oh she heard hard launch and said BET
addisonraee obsessed with everything you do
yourusername luv u 💋
billieeilish she's done it againnnn
liked by yourusername
sabrinacarpenter in love!!
yourusername mwahh
user79 pop girlies support pop girlies!!!
user81 another bop thank uuu
user82 i cant believe she wanna dance with george
user83 we figured it out but the confirmation is still shocking
user84 unbelievable win for george russell
georgerussell63 keep smashing it, gorgeous
liked by yourusername
user86 nooo..... No way.... i love them
Tumblr media
liked by landonorris, yourusername, and others
georgerussell63 i wanna dance with her too
view all comments
user87 OH MY GOD
user88 oh i will never get over this
user90 omg the song is insane dont remind me rn george
user91 my two worlds colliding omg this is nuts
user92 cant tell who i want more loool
user93 obsessed with them so badly
landonorris i wanna dance!
yourusername COME PARTY W US LANDO!!!
georgerussell63 no dont invite him he always takes it too far
yourusername be fr. thts my kind of party
landonorris WOOHOOOO
user94 omg lando y/n friendship
yourusername i love u in a serious way.
georgerussell63 i love you! never change
796 notes · View notes
ozzgin · 9 months
Yandere! Yakuza x Reader (IV)
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Happy Holidays! Remember your plans to visit friends and family back in your home country? Scratch that. The Yakuza men have other ideas for you in this cozy Christmas special. And you finally get to meet their fearsome Boss, who has a request for you.
Content: female reader, fluff
[Part 3] | [Part 5] | [Yakuza Masterlist]
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You stare at your phone in disbelief, rereading each line and hoping you've misunderstood the kanji. Daitou and Kazuya are quietly frowning behind you, unsure how to help in such a situation. Their lack of response only confirms it.
The brief paragraph is written in bold, red font: Due to weather conditions, all flights are cancelled until further notice. Passengers have been refunded and will need to repurchase their tickets at first convenience.
One glimpse at the last-minute prices and you're certain of it: you won't be going home for Christmas. You slouch and sigh, somewhat at peace with the idea. What else can you do? You might as well get yourself a KFC bucket and stare at the holiday lights in the city center. You and the couples taking cheesy Christmas selfies, who will later wonder about the gloomy loner behind them philosophically crunching on spicy wings.
"Don't look so defeated, (Y/N). You can just spend that time with us instead. We're not such terrible company, are we?" Kazuya jokes, trying to cheer you up.
"We could even go on a trip around New Year."
Your eyes light up in anticipation, the sadness vanishing almost instantly. 
"Can we go to one of those hot spring inns? I've always wanted to visit an onsen." You put your hands together pleadingly. 
"Whoa! Take me out to dinner first if you're that eager to see me naked." The blonde man winks at you smugly. 
"How would I see you naked? The baths are separated, aren't they?" You inquire. 
"We can't go to the regular ones." Daitou pulls his collar slightly downwards, revealing a fragment of his traditional tattoos. True. A yakuza would never be allowed among the civilians. "We'd have to book a private bath, so there wouldn't be anyone else."
You blush at the prospect of being alone with the two men. Kazuya notices your nervousness and is about to continue his teasing, but Daitou speaks before him, unbothered and oblivious:
"Besides, you've already seen me naked. I can tell you Kazuya doesn't look much different. There's nothing to be shy about."
The blonde man can only gawk, taken aback, and you shove Daitou in a flustered panic, fumbling to find an excuse or a change of subject.
He didn't have to make your business public like that, or he could've at least announced it without you being present. Judging by the blonde's speechless reaction, you're guessing he hasn't been told about your sneaky office smooching that led to the occasional sleepover. If you think about it, there's nothing shameful about being intimate with your boyfriend, but...It's not something you're fully accustomed to yet.
As promised, after the coworker incident you were soon greeted with a job offer in the neighborhood. When you went to your old office to discuss the mandatory year contract, the managers nervously handed you an approval for resignation and refused to discuss any details. You were free to go, no penalty or obligation. They had a fearful demeanor and you hoped Daitou didn't dismember anyone involved. Regardless of his means, you were now at the liberty to pursue other careers.
On the other hand, you were rather anxious about your new workplace. You had flashing visions of drug cartels and gambling parlors, with thugs rattling their drinks at you and demanding proper service. Windows breaking and masked men rolling onto the floor, armed to the brim. Ginza hostesses scurrying behind you and asking for help against an angered client. The night before your first day, you restlessly shuffled in your bed, plagued by second thoughts. What could you possibly do for the yakuza? What ghoulish demands would they prepare for you?
Daitou was the one to accompany you in the morning. He showed you to your desk, and you could discern the blurred frames of people angrily discussing matters in the opposing meeting room, separated by a large window. You gulped.
"They're building a new apartment complex two streets down." Your boyfriend mentioned casually, helping you settle with your belongings. 
"Oh, sorry, I thought you were curious about their talk."
"I mean, I am, but...Is that it?" You gazed at him incredulously. 
"What else? This is a real estate office. Upstairs is the stock investments."
"Oh...Oh...I thought..." You were a little embarrassed. The imaginary scenarios of bloody battles and crimes that kept you awake felt quite ridiculous now.
Daitou seemed to have picked up on your assumptions, because he chuckled and ruffled your hair, following with an explanation. 
"Boss is very strict with our Ninkyo-Do. If you're caught with drugs or petty theft, you're excommunicated. We used to have a bunch of gambling casinos as main income, but nowadays there's too much pressure from the police, ya know? Half of our members aren't even officially registered with the Yakuza, so they can't be tracked. We mostly do stocks and real estate. That's where the cash is. 
Heh. Kinda boring, ain't it? I'm afraid you showed up way after the golden times. Even I'm too young for it. If ya want, I can ask one of the retired seniors to tell you about it. He has a lot of great stories."
You held your tongue from bringing up his frequent killing sprees and just nodded, amused by the fact that his code of conduct didn't register human casualties as wrong. The Yakuza have strict rules of ethics that set them apart from regular mafia. Depending on the Oyabun, or Head of the Family, this chivalrous way of living is reinforced to all members or conveniently swept under the rug. Daitou's Boss seemed to fit in the former category. 
Therefore your "office job" turned out to be an actual office job without the quotes. Although you were often reminded the people passing by weren't your regular salarymen. Many of them were entirely transparent with you, striking up conversations about their latest arrest, or complaining about the poor quality of their pinky finger prosthetic they'd ordered from the Philippines. 
But this isn't the time to reminisce. The prolonged silence is unbearable and one could fry eggs on your hot, burning cheeks. Kazuya is the one to break the awkwardness. 
"Oh, yeah...You coming to the Christmas thing this evening?"
"We'll be there." Daitou smiles innocently, unaware of the discomfort he just caused.
Kazuya raises his eyebrows in surprise and looks at you.
"Did you...?"
"Yup. It's all fine." The dark haired man nods reassuringly. 
"Then I'll see you at dinner, little (Y/N). Don't catch a fever with all that steam blowing out of you." He laughs at your still baffled expression and places his large hand on your head, departing.
Daitou holds the door open for you and you hurry inside. As you both walk down the hallway of the luxurious restaurant, you can't help the nagging feeling that he's once again omitted some vital information. 
"Can you tell me again who else is coming? Just Kazuya?"
"Oh no, it's a Family meeting. So Boss and the rest of the Seniors, too."
You gasp in horror, but before you can scold him, you find yourself behind the canvas screen divider, facing a table of older men in suits, holding their drinks and eyeing you suspiciously. 
"Oi, who the fuck is this, Daitou?" one of them growls. 
"I already told you before, (Y/N). My girlfriend."
"Huh? Did you seriously just bring a civvy to our meeting? I knew you got a loose screw, boy, but this tops it all."
Daitou frowns and steps in front of you, visibly annoyed. 
"If ya got a problem with my woman being here, I can settle it for you, old man. When was the last time you fought someone?"
"'s that supposed to mean?"
"It means you've gotten too comfortable sitting up there and barking orders. Let me remind you why they leave the killings to me."
The thick tension in the air is quickly dispersed by a loud, relaxed laugh. At the end of the table, a heavily scarred man with grey hair is clapping his hands in delight, seemingly amused by the events unfolding. He glances at you and pats a cushioned seat to his right. 
"There you are! Come join us, miss (Y/N). Ignore those rusty grumps, they ain't seen a woman outside a host club." He throws the instigator a brief glare. "Is that any way to talk to my guest, Oota?"
The man swallows dryly and mutters an apology. He goes back to his drink, preoccupied, and the rest follow suit. 
You hesitantly kneel down to your designated place, sheepishly peeking at the mysterious figure. Could it be? As if reading your mind, Daitou places an encouraging hand on your waist and lowers his head to your ear, swiftly whispering "that's Boss" before going to greet the others at the table. 
"I-it's a pleasure meeting you, Sir." You mumble nervously.
"No no, pleasure is all mine. I'm Eiji Ijichi, 8th Head of our Family." 
His introduction is unexpectedly warm and his easygoing way of speaking reminds you a lot of Daitou. The faintest grin threatens to appear, but you cover your mouth. With enough imagination, this could be the equivalent of meeting your in-laws. This is Daitou's family, after all. A criminally scary one, but nonetheless you've been welcomed with open arms.
"Do you drink?" The older man asks you, raising his porcelain cup.
"Naturally." You exclaim and lift your own cup enthusiastically. 
As the night progresses, the men at the table are loosening up under the influence of expensive alcohol. Kazuya seems to be caught in a terribly involved conversation with Daitou and one of their Captains, gesturing dramatically and occasionally raising his tone. You notice your glass has once again been filled by the waitress and take another sip, satisfied with observing their fun from the sidelines. Boss has a similar approach, gazing nostalgically over the rowdy group of thugs.
He reaches for his pack of smokes and you scramble to pick up the lighter, politely bowing as you light up his cigarette. He smiles at your gesture. 
"I see Daitou's trained you already."
He ponders for a moment, gently blowing a cloud of smoke upwards. 
"You'll make a good wife."
"Excuse me?" You question, startled by his sudden remark. 
"It's hard to tell, but I'm getting pretty old myself." He snickers at his self made compliment. "Soon it'll be time to pick my successor. I have no children, unless you count that rascal I picked from the streets." He says as he tilts his chin towards Daitou. 
"I love him like my own kid, but I'm sure you noticed he's a little off. Everyone is terrified of him. You can't have a leader if everyone runs away from him, ya know? I was starting to get worried I'd work myself through retirement. Kazuya can only do so much!
Then he comes up to me grinning like an idiot. I thought, 'There it is. He finally lost it', but instead he asks me if I want to see a photo of his girlfriend. Girlfriend?! I was ready to witness some crusty body pillow, my hand was on the phone to call our Family doctor. He shows me a cute foreigner standing next to him. Now I'm pretty sure he's not smart enough to fake photos like that, so it must be the real deal. 'How the Devil did ya pull this one?' I asked him. Cause listen, I was rather handsome back in my day and I still wouldn't have been this lucky.
And would ya look at that, it's the miss that moved into our apartments! How's the living conditions, by the way? Everything going fine?"
You nod energetically.
"Good, good."
He crosses his arms and nods himself, satisfied. He turns to gaze at you intently, with a face you can't quite read.
"You gotta excuse a drunk old man for rambling so much. What I'm trying to say...well...
Take care of him when he becomes the 9th, will ya? If he has you, I'm sure he'll manage. But don't tell him I said that! You gotta keep them humble. See, that's a lesson for you too. If there's one person the Head of the Family bows to, that's his wife! But I doubt he'd let the power get to his head."
You both turn to Daitou. He just finished pouring more sake to his superior and notices your stare. He blushes slightly and waves, unsure why he's suddenly being observed. 
"I think so, too." You respond, waving back. 
How would that look on a CV? Ane-san of a Yakuza family. 
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"I think we should break up," is what Eddie blurts the moment Steve opens the front door to reveal him.
Steve's first reaction is anger -how dare he?- but he doesn't do anything with that anger. Instead, he takes a deep breath through his nose, crosses his arms, and looks Eddie over.
He's breathing heavily yet his van is parked along the curb. He didn't run here. His hair, while never tame, looks rougher. He is fidgeting but in a nervous way, not his usual too much energy way. His eyes are wide and scared. It's the last bit there that drains Steve's anger.
Something's happened.
He drops his arms and says, "well, you're not dumping me on my porch. Get in here."
This doesn't seem like the response Eddie was expecting. Even though he has been looking at Steve this whole time he still manages to do a double take at him. Steve just shoves the door open a bit wider when he turns and heads back to the kitchen, where the dishes are not washing themselves because he doesn't have a dishwasher.
"I-I'm serious, Steve," Eddie is stammering behind him, which is good. Means he did follow. Steve hears the door shut and the shuffling sound of what he assumes is Eddie trying to pull off his combat boots without untying them, like the animal he is.
"Don't shout at me in my own home! Get in this kitchen," Steve shouts, then smiles and relishes in the offended huff Eddie lets out because Steve is the one shouting. Steve picks up the dish towel he'd deposited on the counter and throws it back over his shoulder, then get back to the dishes. There's just a couple bowls and a pot left, might as well get them done.
The sink is perpendicular to the doorway, so he watches Eddie slink into the small galley kitchen, stopping just inside the doorway to frown at Steve. "I'm breaking up with you and you're just, what, gonna wash dishes?"
"You're not breaking up with me, but yes. Look, one bowl down already. Just two more dishes."
"I- what. Yes, I am!"
"Edifer, you are 24 years old. That's much too old to just show up, yell 'we're over' at someone and run away. We're going to talk about this," he's not sure if it's the nickname, or the scolding parent voice he's put on, but it gets a huff of laughter from Eddie, and he counts it as a win.
"Alright, dad."
Steve grins, "I'll be dad if you be Daddy."
There's some sputtering from Eddie, and Steve gets the final dish done before Eddie says, "you can't just say that when I'm breaking up with you! That's- that's manipulative!"
He shrugs in response. "Seems fair. You're messing with my feelings; I'm messing with your feelings."
Those words freeze Eddie, and Steve can see him processing the words. Did Eddie really not consider that Steve had feelings involved? "I- that's... um."
He takes his time to unplug the sink, rinsing away the left-over bubbles before drying his hands and turning around. Eddie looks less wild and scared, now. More conflicted and uncertain. Which could be a good or bad thing. "Did you think you would just come over, break up with me, and I'd be, like, completely fine with it?"
"No," Eddie is quick to say, "Not completely fine but like, fine enough. It's- we've only been together for a month."
Steve frowns at that. He's not going to take offense to the 'only' added in there, because he's grown a lot over the last four years. He's mature now. "Sure, but beyond that, we've been friends since the world almost ended. I don't understand. I thought we were on the same page, here."
Eddie's fidgety again, in the bad way, pacing up and down the length of the kitchen. "What if this was a mistake?"
"What if it wasn't?"
That stops Eddie in his tracks, whipping around to look at Steve. "What if this goes bad? What if you meet someone else and they can give you everything I can't? What if-"
"Whoa, Eddie!" Steve shoves off the sink and gets to Eddie in two steps. His hands come up, hovering. He wants to touch, comfort, but... well, if he allowed to? "I- where's all this coming from?"
"Dustin and Suzie broke up!"
"Dustin and Suzie broke up!! They were the forever couple! Perfect for each other! If they couldn't make it work, how am I supposed to be able to?"
Ah. The root of it. Eddie, afraid he's not good enough. Fuck it. Eddie can shove him off if he doesn't want Steve to touch him. He slides an arm around Eddie's waist, his other hand going up to caress his cheek before cupping it, a move he knows makes Eddie melt like cotton candy on the tongue. "Eddie, baby, we make it work by working on it. Not just giving up."
Eddie does melt into Steve, his own arms wrapping around Steve (probably against Eddie's will). "I- I don't know what I'm doing. I'm gonna fuck this up and you'll hate me, and everything will be ruined."
"Well, that's melodramatic."
Eddie glares at him even as he nuzzles into Steve's palm. "Rude."
"Baby, so long as you just talk to me, we'll be okay. Don't just show up and declare you're gonna break up with me. I think there's some steps we can take before it gets to that."
He watches Eddie swallow thickly before he nods his head. "Yeah. Yeah, okay."
"So, we okay? You aren't gonna break my heart?"
Eddie whimpers at that, throwing himself forward to shove his face into Steve's neck. Steve settles his hand on the back of Eddie's head, idly scratching it while his other arm tightens its hold. When Eddie speaks, it's muffled and directly into his skin. "No. No breaking hearts."
"Hmm, good," Steve says, content to hold his boyfriend in his kitchen for however long Eddie wants to be held.
He'll call and check in on Dustin a bit later, too.
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jedi-luca · 1 month
Chapter Sixteen: Lover
Summary: You and your wife Quinn move your family outside of New York City to Avenger Lane; a small private suburbia. There you face your toughest obstacle of your marriage. Will your marriage with Quinn be strong enough when a certain redheaded beauty captures your attention? 
Parings: Natasha x Reader
Warnings: Smut and fluff, Reader has a Penis
Previous Chapter
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You were both driving down the road a couple hours in with your hand down Natasha’s yoga pants playing with her clit.
“Y/N.” She whimpered.
She was drenched and your fingers were covered in her goo.
Every now and then right before she’d cum you’d bring them in your mouth.
“Hmm you’re sooo delicious.” You’d smirk. 
“Can you please pull over? Please daddy?” 
“You know we can't, someone will catch us.”
“It won’t take me long, I just need you deep inside of me.” She husked near your ear.
You smirked and she reached over palming your hard on. 
“Or I can maybe go down on you for a bit?” Natasha smirked, biting her lip.
“Hmm, no too dangerous.”
She unzipped your jeans pulling your cock out from your briefs. “Hmmm.” 
“Baby- oh fuck!” You swerved a bit as she began to bob her head.
You slowed down a bit using one hand to go beneath her yoga pants and finger fuck her just to sedate her a bit.
You looked at the GPS. You still had another hour and a half.
“Shiiiit.” You sighed feeling her tongue licking you up in all the right places.
“I can’t wait until we’re there. I'm gonna ride you like never before.”
“Oh fuck.” You groan, feeling yourself cuming already. 
You see an empty scenic view and pull over. Yanking her in the back seat, pulling her yoga pants down, and bending her over. You enter her and start thrusting.
“Yessss fuck yess finally! I knew I’d convince you.”
“Yeah you always get what you want.”
“Hmhm and I want this dick baby. So fucking bad.”
“Shit!” You slap her ass and she pushes you back so she can sit on you.
“Fuuuuuuck. Yesss.” She hugged the seat in front of her and began to slam her ass down over and over again and again.
“Oh fuck Natasha I’m gonna cum baby if you keep doing that I’m gonna cum!”
She smirked and repeated that motion again and again. Until she slammed down one last time wiggling on you back and forth until you were both hitting that sweet high..
“Oh fuck.” you panted melting against the backseat watching how she lifted herself up and let your cum fall against your cock. She scooted over getting in her knees making sure to swallow every last bit of your honey. 
“Fuck, you are just so sexy I could keep going forever.” You pant.
“Hmm, save it for the cabin, come on baby.” She smirked, hopping out of the truck. “We need another picture in front of this view!”
“Whatever you want.” You mumble pulling your pants up. 
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“Wow.” You say driving up to the cabin you thought would be a quaint little spot in the woods.
It was a massive cabin overlooking the sea and the woods.
“It’s beautiful.” Natasha said, stepping out of the truck leaning against you.
You both made your way up the stairs to the door opening it revealing a very modern cabin.
“Wow.” You said again looking around. “Umm, I’ll grab the things.”
“I can help.”
“Nah Nat you get comfortable, look around, relax.“
“I’m not letting you unload all of that by yourself. Now come on.” She glared, leading you outside.
You began unloading the truck letting her take in the suitcases and you grabbed the coolers. 
“Are these all mine?” She smirked, coming back out to see her gifts in a neat pile.
“Yes.” You grinned.
She smirked taking those inside. Realizing you won’t need the wood you left it inside the bed and trailed after her. 
You both put everything away when you finally came together holding one another as you looked around.
“What should we do now?” Natasha kinked her brow wrapping her arms around your neck.
“Well I was thinking of a hike and dinner later?”
“Did you say hike?” Natasha’s brows furrow.
“Yes.” You chuckled. “Tony mentioned it’s really close to the cabin and the view is breathtaking.”
“What happened to ripping my clothes off and taking my breath away between the sheets?” She smirked.
“Oh I still plan on that.” You smirk. “Come on, I promise you won’t regret it.”
She kisses you softly and nods. “Okay baby let’s go.”
“Before we do I got you this for the hike.”
Natasha grinned, taking one of her presents, opening it on the sofa. “Trying to keep me warm so I don’t take your hoodie again?” She smirks, taking out a Patagonia jacket and a beanie.
“You can always wear my hoodies.” You laugh.
“Thank you, I love it. It’s my favorite color too.” She pecks your cheek. 
You throw on your hiking boots, and your jacket on.
“You look so cute in those boots.” She smirks. “They look cool too, almost like sneakers. I love the tan with the teal.” 
“Thanks.” You grin.
“I almost forgot. I’m dating a jock.”
“Nat, you teach ballet!”
“Exactly, I hardly do any cardio and barely lift 45 pounds. I’m not an athlete like you. I’ve seen you lift, jog, playing football, soccer, basketball, and baseball! You even box, and don’t get me started on how long you can make love to me.”
“How have you seen me-“ You chuckle.
“You forget that the internet is forever. You have videos on YouTube that your coach uploaded.”
“Oh wow! Had no idea.” You raise your brows.
“Ugh, I’m in love with jock.” 
You huff slapping her ass.
⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗
You and Natasha were walking up the trail occasionally nodding to other couples coming down.
“Okay, it’s really cold, but it’s not too bad.” She admitted as you both passed through the pines.
You grinned, lifting up her hand giving it a smooch. “If you’re extra cold let me know you can use my jacket too.”
“Sweetie, I’m wearing a sweater that you got me, the jacket, a beanie, and a scarf. I’m okay I promise. You forget I’m Russian.”
You snort and she slaps your arm. “Got something to say?”
“You weren’t even there long!”
“I was born in the winter! Ass.”
You both laughed and continued your trek.
“I promise you once we make it up to the top which isn’t much further it’ll be breathtaking.”
She looked over at you and smiled, kissing your hand too. “I’m sure it will be.”
Soon a family came around the corner, the daughter on her mothers shoulders and their little boy hand in hand with his other mommy.
They waved at you both.
“Hi!” The little girl smiled brightly.
“Hi!” You and Natasha chuckled.
“Ugh, she was so cute.” Natasha, whined looking up at you.
“That she is.”
“You know I can’t give you more baby’s right?”
“I know.” You say kissing her hand.
“It’s just I still want them, and I know you do too.”
“I know love I just figured… you were adopted. There’s so many kids out there looking for good parents. That’s us. Think of how happy we could make them? Plus we still have Beth and Fin.” You wink.
Natasha leans against you and you wrap an arm around her. “You know I wish I could, right?”
You stop walking and pull her against you. “You not being able to does not change how I feel about you not one bit. Okay? Even if you didn’t want kids and you just wanted to help me with mine, that's enough for me. I love you Natalia, all of you.
Natasha blinked away a tear and you brushed it away. She nodded and you hugged her close, kissing her head.
“You wanna keep going?”
“Yes.” She nodded with a sniffle. You took out your handkerchief and handed it to her. “Thank you baby.” Natasha placed it in her pocket and took your hand as you began your hike once more.
Soon an older couple and their dog walked by.
“Do you think Quinn will let you have Ollie?”
“Yes.” You nod.
“I’m sure Leho would like a friend.” She smiled. “I can’t wait until you move in with me baby.”
“God yes. Seeing you tinkering around the house. Fixing things and making things for me. Doing everything with you sounds like heaven to me.”
You grin, kissing her hand once more.
“Y/N, who else knows about us?”
“Everyone knows.”
“Even your parents.”
“Even my parents.”
“Do they hate me?”
“No baby they don’t hate you Quinn on the other hand.” You cringed. “Nat, I didn’t divorce Quinn just because I was in love with you. I divorced her because of everything she did to me.”
“But you are the reason I sped it up.” You chuckled.
She smirked.
“Can I ask you something?”
“Of course.” She laughed.
“How many people have you been with?”
“Y/N Y/L/N!”
“I was just wondering, I mean I’ve only ever been with Quinn.”
“I’ve only been with one other person besides you and that was Bruce. It was a one time thing. I was stupid I thought maybe he felt something for me, and I thought maybe I did too but it was all for show he wanted Betty.” She shook her head. 
“But how did you know you couldn’t have kids?”
“A couple years ago I thought about insemination. They ran different tests and just found that my eggs were just infertile.” She sighed. “They highly recommended for me not to try IVF. They said that it would cause severe depression when the negative results would come in, and not only that but the effects on my body would be too much.”
“I’m sorry love.”
“Don’t be, I probably should have told you a while ago.”
You’re walking a bit more and she speaks up.
“Okay now I have a question.”
“Alright.” You chuckled.
“Do you wish you would have taken some time to be alone before being with me?”
“Fuck no.” You laughed. “Are you kidding me?”
“I’m just making sure you said you’ve only been with Quinn. There’s plenty of fish in the sea. More than half the women on our block want to be with you.”
“You’ve only been with Bruce.” You raised your brow.
“And now you.”
“Same I have you.” You smirked.
She laughed and nodded. “Touché.”
“Look baby, we made it.” You grinned seeing the sign as you began to round the corner.
“Oh wow.” She sighed seeing the view. You sat her down on the rock nearby holding her from behind.
You looked over hearing a guy singing Lover by Taylor Swift with his guitar to his boyfriend.
‘Can I go where you go?
Can we always be this close forever and ever?
And ah, take me out, and take me home (forever and ever)
You're my, my, my, my
Natasha sighed against your chest turning her chin to kiss your cheek. “I love you. I’m so happy that we’re finally together.”
“Me too.” You smile.
“I love this song.” She grins. “It makes me think of you.” You squeeze her a little tighter keeping her warm.
As the song ends she pats your arm and stands to take a photo of the view.
You walk over when he finishes. “Hi my name is Y/N and I was wondering if I could play a song for my girl over there. I’m gonna propose.”
“Oh my gosh of course!” He grinned, handing you his guitar. “Would you like us to record you?”
“If you don’t mind.” You say handing him your phone.
You threw the strap over your neck and began finding your tune. Natasha turns around to sit with you only to see you strumming.
She blushed as you started singing a song walking towards her.
“I wanna make you smile whenever you're sad
Carry you around when your arthritis is bad
All I wanna do is grow old with you”
Natasha couldn’t help but cry.
“They’re proposing!”
“Oh my gosh they’re proposing!” You hear people  hissing as they pull out they’re phones.
“I'll get you medicine when your tummy aches
Build you a fire if the furnace breaks
Oh, it could be so nice, growing old with you”
It was blistering cold up on that mountain too but you were keeping her warm with your words.
“I'll miss you
Kiss you
Give you my coat when you are cold
Need you
Feed you
Even let you hold the remote control”
You walked up to her getting down on one knee.
So let me do the dishes in our kitchen sink
Put you to bed when you've had too much to drink
Oh, I could be the one who grows old with you
I wanna grow old with you.”
Natasha sniffles wiping away her tears as you take the guitar off. The gentleman who it belongs to quietly comes over taking it from you and begins strumming the chords to All My Life by K-Ci & JoJo.
“My love, From the moment we met, I knew there was something truly special about you. You’ve brought so much joy, laughter, and love into my life, and every day with you is a new adventure. Your kindness, strength, and unwavering support have shown me what true love really is. I can’t imagine my life without you by my side. You have become my best friend, my confidant, and the love of my life. Every moment we’ve shared has been a beautiful memory, and I want to create countless more with you. Today, I kneel before you with a heart full of love and a promise of forever. Will you do me the incredible honor of becoming my partner for life? Will you marry me?”
You open the velvet emerald box revealing a golden band with a large emerald and diamonds surrounding the stone.
“Yes baby.” She cried. “Yes, I’ll marry you.” You placed the ring back on her finger and stood up kissing her. You wrapped your arms around her swaying to the music.
“That was so beautiful.” One of the women said, wiping her tears. “I got it on video for you guys.” 
“Same!” Another guy grinned:
“Thank you.” Natasha smiled.
“Congratulations.” The guitarist smiled clapping with the crowd. His boyfriend handed you your phone.
The people who filmed it air dropped it to your phone, and left you both to watch the sea from the rock.
“That was beautiful.” Natasha grinned leaning against your chest as she admired the ring. “I don’t know how I’m going to top that.”
“Does that mean you’re going to propose to me?” You chuckled, tickling her sides.
“That’s what we should do in town! Let’s find you a ring.” She gasped
“I was kidding, baby.”
“Well I’m not.” She pecked your cheek.
“Alright princess whatever you want.”
“Did you pack a snack?”
“Fuck I didn’t.”
“Y/N.” She huffed.
“I know I’m sorry baby. Come on, let's head back to the cabin. I’ll make you dinner.
“I’m hungry.” She sighed.
You stopped by a family eating.
“Hi I’m sorry to bug you but I just proposed to my fiancé over there, and I did not pack snacks. Could I buy some-“
“Take it.” The man shook his head handing you a couple granola bars, fruit snacks, and water bottles.
“Thank you seriously, thank you.”
“No worries. Don’t wanna make her upset already.” He chuckled.
You ran off after Natasha.
“Honey!” You called after her.
“I’m hungry, I'm not stopping.”
“Baby, I got you snacks.”
“Wait what?”
“Yeah! Look! Here hon.” You open the water for her and then open her granola bar.
Watching her completely drink half the bottle and eat the bar before starting on the fruit snacks.
“Feel better?” You ask, feeling her cheeks.
She nods, looking almost embarrassed. “Y/N, I’m so sorry, I don’t know why, I got so upset with you.”
“Well we had a light lunch and went on a mile and a half hike.”
“You want some more?” You ask, holding up the snacks.
“No baby I’m better now thank you.”
“Okay.” You stuff them in your pockets and take her hand as you both walk back towards the cabin.
“I’m sorry, I got so upset with you like that, and right after you proposed and said all those sweet things.”
“It’s okay! You didn’t have breakfast and we only had a salad for lunch. How about we have a nice dinner? I didn’t get to make you dinner last night like I wanted and now we can celebrate.”
“Fancy dinner huh?” Natasha grinned. “Yeah okay but I didn’t really bring a dress baby.” 
“Wellll.” You bit your lip. 
“You didn’t! Y/N!”
“It’s your birthday, come on!”
She smiles bashfully.
When you finally get to the cabin you hand her the gift bags.
She raised her brow and took the bags before going upstairs, and you quickly showered. Then cook dinner before changing into your suit.
“Wow. Stunning.” You grinned as she walked in.
“Did you shop for this?”
“Kurt made it.” You chuckled.
“I thought so. It’s gorgeous.”
You grabbed a glass of champagne and handed it to Natasha before returning to the stove to plate the steaks and the mashed potatoes with veggies.
“This looks amazing.” She smiles cutting into her steak.
You both smile, enjoying the music and the food. More importantly, you’ve both never been happier than this moment of course having your daughters but this is up there. You’ve finally found your soul mate.
“That was really good, thank you.” Natasha kissed your hand as you put the dishes away in the dishwasher.
“I may have bought an extra pie at that diner.” You chuckled, going to the fridge.
“Yesss.” Natasha grinned as you cut a couple slices. You both ate them moaning at how good they were. 
“Best pie ever.” You snicker as she smooches you lips.
“I don’t think I can keep eating please put this away.” She chuckled as you put the pie away.
As she fixed her lipstick you put on You and Me by Penny & The Quarters. 
“Dance with me.” You smile offering your hand.
The redhead smiles bashfully before taking your hand and standing.
Natasha leans up kissing your lips as you sway to the music.
“Y/N?” She says as the song ends.
“Hm?” You hum looking down at her.
“Make love to your fiancé.”
You snatched your phone up and lifted her up bridal style making your way up the stairs to the bedroom. 
You chuckled walking through the threshold. You set her on the bed before turning on the fireplace.
You shrugged off your suit jacket only for her to turn around. 
“Unzip me.” She looked back at you.
“Kurt did a tremendous job with this dress. You look gorgeous.” You said, unzipping it slowly letting Natasha step out of it only to see her in lingerie from what you only assumed Carol got her.
“Do you want me to thank Carol too?” She husked turning around. 
“Yes please.” You gulp.
“Take off that suit for me baby.” She says walking over in heels towards the chaise in front of the fire. You undo your buttons and take off your suspenders before shrugging off your dress shirt.
“God, I love your muscles Y/N. The way your veins lead down to my lolly is one of my favorite things.”
You can feel yourself throbbing as you take off your shoes and socks. Then slowly take off your dress pants revealing your black briefs. Your hungness just outlined in a way that makes her mouth salivate for you.
“Come here.” She beckons you, eyeing you like a lioness and her prey. 
You place your knee on the chaise and her hands cup your ass cheeks squeezing them as her lips go for your veins that she covets. Leaving a trail of lipstick on your body. A brief thought came to mind of getting her signature lips tattooed along your lower half. Just as a little reminder when you’re away from her.
Your cock twitches feeling the cool wedding ring you put on her finger against your abs. You cup the back of her head and she kisses your forearm. 
“I got you another present.” You smirked looking down.
“Baby that’s too corny.” She rolled her eyes.
“No, I mean it look.” She pulled down the waist bad of your briefs bringing them down on your knees when she noticed her name right above your cock.
Natalia’s saddle
“When did you get this?”
“When I was in Tokyo.” You chuckled.
“Oh my gosh. Why didn’t you tell me?!”
“I wanted to, but the tattooist said it’d be hotter if you found it yourself.”
She laughed and nodded before kissing it.
“They weren’t wrong.” She eyed it.
“Do you like it?”
“Yes daddy I love it. That’s actually really fucking hot. What made you do this?”
“Well me and the boys got really drunk with some Japanese business men, and well (pleasedontgetmad) one of them may have sent a sex worker to my room. So I left and went straight to a tattoo shop and got this instead. After I went to a jeweler and got your ring made.”
Natasha chuckled, shaking her head.
“There’s a lot to do there at night.” You grinned.
“I love you.” She chuckled.
“I love you too…” you dangled your jangles in front of her. “Now do you want your lolly or not cause, baby, I really want my tongue in your pussy. My mouth is watering for you.”
She smirked going back to her task at hand looking at the words. “Wait, how did I not notice this when we had sex this morning in the shower?”
“You’re kind of oblivious when I’m fucking you silly.” You chuckle and shit lightly bites you. “Ahhhhh I’m sorry!” You Hiss. The pain quickly faded as you felt immense pleasure as she began to bob her head and swirl her tongue and hand around your shaft.
You watched as your fiancé licked you up and down. God that felt great to say. Fiancé. Your future wife. Natasha Romanoff Y/L/N. You picked up your phone and began recording your newly dubbed fiancé.
“Gah damn, my beautiful fiancé Mrs. Natasha Y/L/N. Going to fucking town.”
She looked up at your phone smirking as she completely choked you down.
“Hmmm.” You caressed her chin. “I love you baby.”
She slowly bobbed her head before letting you go with a pop. “I love you too, daddy. So much I can’t wait to marry you.” She husked still licking you as she pumped your cock.
“I can’t wait to marry you baby…. Damn Nat you know just how I like it…Can daddy lick you now?”
“No daddy, I wanna taste your honey first.” She smirked seeing you twitch in her hand precum oozing out.
“Fuck!” You groaned. “What if we both 69ned?”
“Uhuh, no, I wanna focus on you my fiancé.” She got on her knees sitting you down and began sucking on your sack.
“Oh my-!” You groaned, pulling her hair back.
She let go before going back to your member bringing her bralette up so her breasts can hold you between them.
“Shit baby.” You watched as she pumped your cock with her breasts and your tip into your mouth.
“Alright baby, come here.” You stood up and stroked your cock a bit letting the tip hit her lips a bit. She opened her mouth moaning as she sucked you harder and harder.
You held her head in place and began fucking her throat. You hissed as you felt her tonsils around your dick. Her moaning vibrates you enough to cum. Your toes curled and her hands cupped your cheeks. You pulled out and she held out her tongue before swallowing.
“Hmmm.” You hummed as she sucked you a little bit more before you spoke up. “Alright you got your honey now let me have mine.” You smirked handing her the phone.
“Oh I’m the cameraman now?” She smirked. As you laid her down against the tacky bearskin rug.
“Oh yeah I’m watching this shit when I have to leave for work and you can’t come with me.”
“That’s pretty hot, you watching us as porn.”
“Ain’t it?”
“You’ll have to make me a copy. I might even need a mold of your cock made so when you’re away from me I can still have you inside of me.”
“You got it princess.” You look up with a smirk.
You kiss up her thighs and leave a small kiss against her folds before letting your tongue peek through.
“Hmmm.” You groan, finally tasting her and hearing her moan. “You taste so good baby girl.”
“Yes baby so fucking good I could lick you up all day. Fuck I’m already hard for you.” You flex your back and continue licking her up and down and side to side. This time spelling out the words I’m going to marry you & I love you.
“Ohhhhh daddy!” She moans, setting the camera up to film you both. 
“You need both hands huh?” You chuckled.
“Hmhm.” She whines.
“That’s okay my love I just want you to cum and cum hard.” You say before diving back in. You lift up her ass so you can get to her ass and move aside her lacy thong.
“Hmmmm!” You hummed causing her to giggle. You go back to her clit sucking and licking.
You feel her begin to hump your face, her moaning grows so you pick up the pace stuffing your face with her pussy. She lets out a strangle moan and stiffens against you as she cums undone.
You sit up wiping your mouth letting your cock bathe in her pool.
She whines making grabby hands at you.
“Hmm.” You sigh feeling her heat and wetness along your staff.
You lay against her, kissing her softly.
“You like your taste? Cause I fuckin do.”
She giggled and kissed you again.
“You always make me feel so good daddy.”
“That’s my goal baby girl.”
“That’s my goal tonight too. You always make me cum over and over again and again. I’m riding you until I can’t anymore daddy.”
“Oh yeah?”
“Hmhm call me the pussy monster.”
You chuckled darkly. “Hmm I’m gonna make this pussy squirt.”
“Baby not on their bear skin rug, it'll ruin it.”
“Oh come on babe.”
“Fine but get towels.”
You stood up and ran off and she turned towards the camera.
“Hmmm, I love you baby," she blew the camera kiss. “I miss you so much. Come home to me.” 
You fold a couple towels beneath her bottom.
You lay between her legs slowly holding them up. 
“Ahhh!” You both moan as you push inside of her just half way. You slowly push again, hitting her spot.
“Daddy.” She whimpers, pulling you down to kiss her.
“Daddy’s got you baby girl. You’re taking me so well. Hmm… I’m gonna make you fucking cum so hard love.”
“Oh baby!” Natasha moans and you lean down leaving marks against her skin.
“You’re so smooth.” You whispered taking off her lingerie freeing her breasts hearing the redhead moan at the action her hips rocking against your cock. “You’re so beautiful.” You kiss her once more before pulling apart. “And sweet.” You pull out and pull her thong off but leaving her garter on. She sat up and made you lay down this time.
“Aww baby I wanted to make you squirt first.”
“Who says I can’t do that myself?” She smirks down at you lifting her leg to straddle you. “Let me on my saddle.” 
“You’re wish is my command princess.” You grunt with a smirk on your face.
She took your phone and smirk. “You’re gonna wanna see this from this angle daddy I promise.” She sets the phone behind her where you won’t kick it.
“You have no idea how long I’ve wanted this.” She panted as she begins to ride the tip of your cock. Her jaw slacked as she hit her spot.
“That’s it baby fuck yourself on daddy’s cock. How does it feel?”
“Soooo fucking good!” She groaned, You reached up massaging her breasts.
You hiss as she lowers herself and begins to ride you. She really was not lying when she said like never before. She’s angling your cock with each motion looking for that perfect spot. Her moans haven’t stopped the moment she started riding you; they only keep growing. Even her accent is starting to show.
“Ohhhhh yesssss! Ohhhh yesssssss! Fuuuuck! Yesss daddddy!” She’s pounding you at this point, her ass bouncing against your hips, her accent is full on out. 
“Fuck Natasha.” You groaned seeing your creams seep down to your balls as she rode you. The squelching sound turned you both on to no end. She arched her back, slowing her pace before slamming back down on your cock.
“I want you to fuck me like this all the time.” She bit her lip looking down at you squirming. She lifted up seeing all your cum seeping out of her pussy and down on your cock. Watching your staff and abs twitch from the after shocks. She slides you right back inside of her.
“Ahhhhhhh.” You both groan.
“I wanna be with you everyday for the rest of my life baby.” You admit sitting up with her in your lap.
“Oh God Y/N!” Her mouth turned into an ‘O’ as she twitched against your member.
“Natasha!” You groan hold her close.
Natasha smirked, pushing you back down, wiggling on your hardened member.
You groaned at the feel.
She kissed you softly, moving her hips again. “Oh baby you’re so sweet and loving. Kind and caring. I can’t wait to be your wife.” Her movements picked up pace. You were both so close already. 
“Natalia.” You sighed against her lips. “I’m in love with you.” She looked into your eyes with tears forming.
“I love you too Y/N. So much.” Her movements were now fast and sloppy. You helped her bounce on your cock. When she fell on top of you letting her ass do the work. You palmed her ass cheek before slapping it. That always does it for her. She was now over the edge babbling your name as she rode you. She cried as her pussy constricted around you. 
“Oh fuuuck!” You moaned out, feeling your seed shoot out.
She yelled out your name lifting off your meat as her pussy became a fire hydrant.
“Ahhhhhhh!” She hissed as the liquid ran down against your abs.
She grabbed your cum ridden cock and stuffed you back inside her once more.
“Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiit babbyyyy!” You groaned as she started riding you once more. She’s the fucking pussy monster.
“I told you I was going to ride you like never before.”
“I’m not complaining. As far as I’m concerned this is your saddle, this is your dick baby.” You chuckled and massaged her ass, groping it before letting your hands wander her body.
“All this is mine now huh?” She smirked looking down at you.
“I’m all yours fiancé.”
“Hmm, mine.” She groaned as she sped up her pace. Her hands going down your abs as they twitched beneath her finger tips.
She muttered some words in Russian and began slamming down on your cock. “Yesssss yesss yesss!” She moaned cumming around you. She lifted up a bit letting you see the way your seed shot inside of her.
“Ahhhh!” Groaning you began cuming inside of her. You pivoted your hips and she chuckled as you thrusted inside of her.
You both groaned, riding the wave of your orgasms. She sighed, feeling completely filled up with your cum.
The redheaded beauty falls against your chest in a heaving sweaty mess. Natasha began kissing your shoulder down to your heart. You nudged her forehead with your nose getting her to meet your lips. “I’m so in love with you.”
“You have absolutely no idea how I longed to hear those words come from those lips.” She burrowed deeply into you still kissing your skin.
You look down, bringing her back in a kiss.
“Hmm you better not start something you can’t finish cause baby I could ride you all day.” She grins against your lips wiggling her hips against your cock. 
“Fuck.” You groaned before rolling over on top of her.
“Hmm.” She giggled as you playfully peppered her with kisses before reaching over to stop the recording.
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You woke up with Natasha’s head on your chest. Her legs tangled in yours. You looked down smirking at the lipstick on your body.
You held her closer and kissed her head whispering how much you loved her before slowly letting her go.
“Noooo.” Natasha whined reaching out for you. “Baby where are you going?”
“I just wanted to go for a trail run.”
“Hnhn.” She groaned holding you.
“Come with me?”
“You’re funny.” Her voice is still gravely from sleep, not to mention the amount of moaning and screaming she did all night.
“Come on the hike was beautiful on this seaside mountain range. Imagine the jog?” You coo cuddling against her.
“Is that what you really want to do? To be in the blistering cold? Running away from bears? Orrr stay here with your fiancé and christen the rest of Starks cabin?” Natasha lifted the blanket off showing you her porcelain body.
“Ooohh you drive a hard bargain tiny dancer.” You say in a southern twang. Natasha yanks you back down complaining about how it’s 6 in the morning, and you’ve only gone to sleep a couple hours ago. “You’re lucky I love you.” She chuckles.
“I really am.” you say softly placing her hair out of her face admiring her beauty before leaving a soft peck against her lips.
She hums against your chest.
“All this feels strange and untrue, and I won't waste a minute without you.”
Natasha smiles against your chest feeling the hum of your voice.
“My bones ache, my skin feels cold, and I'm getting so tired and so old. The anger swells in my guts, and I won't feel these slices and cuts. I want so much to open your eyes. 'Cause I need you to look into mine.”
Your fiancé pushes up a bit to see you looking at her.
“Tell me that you'll open your eyes.” You sing, pushing her hair behind her ear. She leans in kissing your lips softly before singing back to you.
“Get up, get out, get away from these liars. 'Cause they don't get your soul or your fire. Take my hand, knot your fingers through mine, and we'll walk from this dark room for the last time.”
You grin lazily and sing with her.
“Every minute from this minute now. We can do what we like anywhere. I want so much to open your eyes. 'Cause I need you to look into mine.
Tell me that you'll open your eyes. Tell me that you'll open your eyes. ‘Cause all this feels strange and untrue, and I won't waste a minute without you.”
“I love it when you sing to me.” She whispers as you roll her over and cuddle her.
“I love singing with you.” 
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A few hours later Natasha re-awoke seeing you reading.
“You’re sexy when you read.” She yawns, stretching against your body as you set your book down.
“You’re making blush.” You smirk as she pecks your lips.
“I’m sorry I slept so long.” She yawned again.
“It’s okay, I put you in a sex coma.” You chuckle.
She drapes her body over yours humming at the feel of your body against hers. “You most certainly did.” Her body is covered in chills as your fingers graze her skin.”
“You hungry love? I can make us breakfast. Then if you want we can head into town. Pepper, was telling me about some shops you might like.”
She smiled at you caressing your chin. “Sounds like you have the day planned.”
“Oh don’t worry baby I fully intend to come back and make vigorous love to you. Once my dick heals.” You grin, leaning in to kiss her lips.
“What’s wrong?” She furrows her brows cutely if you may add as she looks down raising the sheets to see your flacid cock.
“It’s just a little raw.” You hiss as she touches it, lifting it up.
“Stop. Really?” She giggles.
“Okay, first: no giggling while you are looking or touching my dick.” She drops you and laughs harder against your chest. “Secondly, yeah it’s raw honey you fucked my brains out last night.”
“I will never laugh at my saddle baby. I promise you are very well endowed in that department, and secondly I believe we both fucked each others brains out. You put me in a sex coma, and my body is littered with marks.”
You hiss, feeling yourself inflated at her comments.
“Seriously?” She smirks.
“What? My soldier likes compliments.” You chuckle cringing a bit.
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“Thanks baby.” Natasha smiled, wiping her mouth.
“You’re welcome.” You wiggle your brows. Standing up with your plate along with hers. You quickly rinsed the plates and placed them in the dishwasher.
“Wanna go to town?” She asked, standing up her hand against your chest.
“On you? Fuck yeah.” You smirked turning around in her arms
“You still need to heal.” She raises her brow. “Now let’s go into town, get you a ring and maybe look around then have some lunch.”
“Damn not even a quickie? I can just make it about you.”
She glared at you.
“Kidding.” You chuckled, and led her to the truck.
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“What about this one?” she pointed out.
“Okay well what about this one? It goes with the pinky ring you like to wear.”
“Does it?”
“I think so.”
You looked at it not so sure.
“Well if you want when we get home we can try again? You can bring it with you.”
“Yeah.” You nodded. 
Natasha nodded a little put out that you didn’t see anything you liked.
“I did like these work out bands though.”
“Yeah?” She smiles looking down.
“I have matching sets if you’d like.” The jeweler smiles.
“How about the green ones?” You say.
“Yeah I like those.” Natasha smiles.
“That’s it then.” You grin.
“I’ll take them.” She grins, taking out her wallet just as you do. “Sweetie, if you don’t put that away, I’ll nut punch you like you did Scott.”
“And putting this back in my pocket.” You say pursing your lips.
“Good choice.” The jeweler chuckles. “Gotta take care of the jewels.”
You walk out with a forest green ring until she can take you to another jeweler.
Natasha takes you into each shop. It's when she drags you into a kids store that gets you frowning. You see her grabbing Bluey items.
“Babe, what are you doing?”
“Well I’m getting Fin some stuff for her room. We need to probably take out the bed, and get her a twin but we can do that when we get home.”
“Baby I can just take some stuff from the house.”
“You will not take one thing from her house.” She said poking your chest. “This is a whole new experience for both the girls that we are throwing them into. They are literally going to be living side by side. They need to have different rooms. It’s important.”
“Okay, I understand that.” You nodded, keeping your voice down. “Nat, hun, I love you and I love that you wanna do this for them, but she and I haven’t even gone into custody discussions yet.”
“Y/N, there’s a good chance our home will be looked at first. They’re gonna want to see that it’s ready for them. You do want them with us right?”
“Of course I do.”
“Okay then we need to set up their rooms. Listen when Lena and I got adopted we were looked at constantly. Trust me this will go a long way. I just want to help us that’s all.”
“Okay. Alright. Let’s do it.”
She smiled, pecking your lips.
“But do we have to spend this much. I love my baby don’t get me wrong but hun kids are fucking expensive.”
“Y/N.” She glared.
“Sorry, I was totally over hearing you both. Kids are fucking expensive this is like $50 cheaper at Target.” The woman explained. “Sorry I’m a mom of 4 and my kids love Bluey. I like to get the little things here sometimes that I can’t find anywhere else, but this comforter set. Is most definitely cheaper anywhere else.”
“You gotta love a bargain as a parent.” You grinned, gesturing to the woman. 
“Ugh so true. They just grow up so fast and the trends change even faster soon it won’t be Bluey anymore.”
“So true with my oldest it was Paw Patrol and then Lego everything, and now it’s sleepovers and don’t talk to me.”
“Oh noo let me guess 12 going on 13?” The mom laughed, nodding. 
“Oh God, that's the hardest age in my opinion. You’re gonna have a tough time not gonna sugar coat it. Especially cause it sounds like you two just got together sooo she’s probably on her other mothers side?”
“Spot on.” You nod. 
“Yeah it’s best to just ride the roller coaster. Just be there for her. That’s really all you can do. You’re gonna wanna argue you’re gonna wanna ground. It’s best to let her other mother deal with that part. Trust me as my kid screaming at his computer would say “you don’t want no smoke.” She laughed.
You laughed along with her.
“Thank you for the advice.”
“Of course, and congratulations to you two on getting together, and to you on your first.”
“Oh I’m not pregnant.” Natasha shook her head.
“Honey, I’ve been through the ringer four times, about to go through it one last time. I can tell it’s like how people have a gaydar. I have a pregnancy-dar, and you are absolutely glowing.” She laughed. “Anyway you two take care, it was so good to meet you.”
“You too.” You smile and shake her hand and she walks out.
“Wow.” Natasha furrowed her brows.
“She was so nice.”
“Y/N, she called me fat!”
“What?! No she didn’t!”
“She said congratulations on your first.”
“Hun, that does not mean you’re fat!”
“Umm, yesss it does.” Another woman interjected.
“Oh my god.” Her husband groaned.
“Thank you!” Natasha huffed.
“You're beautiful girl!”
“Thank youuu. So are you!” Natasha smiled sweetly.
You massage your temple.
After grabbing Fin and Beth a few things you both moved on to the next store. You sit down by the other husbands and wives as their fems peruse around the boutique.
“Wouldn’t it be nice if they made a spouse nap location.” One of them said, causing all of them to chuckle.
“Yes?” They all answered automatically until Natasha came out of the rows of clothes furrowing her brows.
You stood walking over.
“What do you think of this?”
She shows you a few dresses and you look them up and down smiling. “I think each of them would look stunning on you love.”
“Thanks baby.” She smiles, pecking your lips. Leading you to the register.
“You hungry?” You ask taking out your wallet.
“Yes but Y/N you don’t need to get this-“
“You bought my girls some stuff so why can’t I buy my fiancé some dresses?” You ask.
“If you two are looking for a place to eat. You really can’t go wrong with any restaurant in town. It really just depends on what sounds good.” The girl checking the items out smiled.
“Italian?” You ask Natasha.
“Yeah that sounds great.”
“There’s Mia’s just a few doors down.”
“Thank you.” You both smile.
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You were both seated relatively quickly.
“Hi, my name is Kelly I’ll be your server today.” A young brunette handed you both a couple of menus and a drink menu.
“Thank you.” You both say.
“I’ll be right back with some bread.”
Natasha looked at you a certain way and you were at a loss.
“What’s wrong? Did you change your mind? Cause it’s okay we can-“
“No, but that girl was totally checking you out.”
“What girl?”
You furrowed your brows in confusion and she chuckled at you. 
“Our server.”
“You needed me?” The server asked bringing the bread touching your forearm.
You moved your arm and shook your head. “No.”
“Okay I’ll be back around then. Do you know what you want to drink?”
“Just some water is fine. Baby, you want some wine or something?” You ask Natasha.
“No just a water is fine for now thank you.”
Kelly walked away and Natasha raised her brow at you looking at your arm.
“Yeah okay I see what you mean. Want me to ask for another server?”
Natasha smiled at you and shook her head. “No she can look that’s fine she just can’t touch.”
Soon Kelly was back around with some glasses of waters when she ‘accidentally’ dropped one right on your lap.
“Shit!” You hopped up.
“Oh my goodness I’m so sorry!” She grabbed the napkin and began to press against your dick.
“Stop!!” Natasha huffed, grabbing her arm and pushing her back.
“Whoa! No! Nope! Uhuh no! Let’s go Nat! Not cool Kelly!” You huffed angrily. 
Natasha took your hand and walked out of the restaurant.
“Fuck now it looks like I pissed myself, and it’s fucking cold out here.” You growled.
Natasha took you into the nearest store and bought you some grey sweats and a hoodie.
“Go change.” She nodded.
You sighed, throwing your wet clothes into the plastic bag.
“Thanks babe.”
She hugged you close and kissed you softly. “You feel better.”
“I’m sorry lunch was ruined, we should have left when she touched my arm.”
“Sweetie don’t apologize for her! She groped you.” Natasha pulled you in another hug. “How about I make you your own pasta?”
“You know how to make pasta?”
“Hmhm.” She smirked.
“Teach me and you got a deal.”
“Let’s go baby.”
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“What do you think?” Natasha asked as you took your first bite.
She chuckled.
“It’s so good Nat.” You take a bite of your bread and watch as she begins to eat as well. “I’m the luckiest human on this planet.” You chuckle and she laughs. “I’m marrying the most beautiful, sweetest, sexiest woman in the world. You’re an amazing chef, a model-“ she chuckled. “Became one of my bestfriends, don’t even get me started with what you’re like in the sheets.”
“Y/N.” She laughed.
“And now I’m eating fresh pasta.”
Natasha stood walking over and pecking your lips before going back to her seat.
You both eat and drink in a comfortable silence you’re just about done when you speak up.
“So my parents know about you and I know Yelena knows about us. What about your parents?”
Natasha looks up a little taken back.
“Well to be honest I haven’t spoken to them in a while. I mean I could call them now it’s about 9 PM?”
“Why not? You’re right your parents know and mine should too.” 
Natasha shrugged and stood up to grab her phone. “Fair warning my parents are most likely drunk and are very loud.”
You nod and she walks over and sits on your lap.
“Holy shit you FaceTimed them?” You began to panic.
“They’re going to want to meet you.”
“Baby I’m wearing a hoodie.”
“They don’t care what you’re wearing.” Natasha laughed. “I think you forget Russia is a third world country.”
“Hello?! Little Natalia?!” Alexei answers.
“Alexei, your face is too close to phone pull back!”
They fumbled with the phone a bit until Melina snatched it and set it on the table.
“Hello mama papa!” 
“Ohhhh our little Natalia!” Melina smiled with Alexei. “How are you?”
“I’m doing great, really great that’s why I’m calling.”
“Oh?” Alexei snickered only for Melina to smack him.
“How have you two been doing?”
“Oh you know pig farm still the same tell us more.” Melina waved her off.
“Oh motherfucker- Эта маленькая сука сказала тебе, не так ли?” (That little bitch told you didn’t she?!)
“Language Natalia.” Melina sighed and Alexei laughed heartily.
“So it is true our little Natalia found true love and is really getting married this time?! I want to meet them!” Alexie laughed.
“We are so happy for you sweetheart please don’t be mad your sister was just so happy for you, and you never call us.”
“And the guilt trip starts.” Natasha muttered low for you to hear. You rubbed her back. “That was for me to tell you not her!”
“Ahhh it doesn’t matter anymore we know now okay?” Alexie smiled. “Come on now sweetheart don’t be mad we’re happy for you. We’ve always wanted just the best for you.”
“We never liked Bruce.”
“Never liked him one bit.” Alexie spit away from the camera. You gulped a little nervous they would hate you. 
“But Yelena speaks highly of this Y/N.” Melina smiles.
“Says they’ve never seen you this happy ever.”
“Y/N makes me so happy. It's the same feeling I had when Lena and I would catch fireflies. I finally caught mine and I can’t wait to marry them.” Her voice cracked.
“Ohh honey.” Alexie cried and Melina hugged him.
“I actually have Y/N here with me.” Natasha sniffled, setting the phone up so they could see both of you.
They both smiled seeing you appear on the screen Natasha on your lap.
“Hi, Mr. & Mrs. Vostokoff, it’s such an honor to finally meet you both even if it’s just over the phone. Natalia is such an amazing woman and I can’t wait to spend the rest of my days with her.”
“It’s nice to meet you Y/N.” Melina smiles, wiping her tears and Alexie nodded along.
“I know Natasha and Yelena have been working hard to bring you both back to America. I might not know too much about immigration law, but I promise I’ll do my best to help as much as I can to bring you both back home. I want you both to be here for your girls and for the wedding.”
Natasha began to cry against your shoulder and you did your best to console her.
“Thank you Y/N.” Alexie sniffled.
“Natalia no more crying let’s have a toast, huh.” Melina smiled. “So much to celebrate tonight!”
Natasha wiped her eyes and stood grabbing the vodka Tony had and filled two shot glasses.
“When we take it we say Nostrovia.” Natasha nodded towards you.
She sat back on your lap and when you were all ready you lifted the glasses and hit the table before saying 
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You were sitting on the sofa looking up immigration law as Natasha made popcorn and snacks.
You learned that not only will it mean at least 30k each but they would be under both your sponsorship which if you remember correctly Natasha started that a long time ago it really barrels down to money. Natasha came back with snacks and you turned.
“So I have the money to bring your parents back. Well, we have the money. I know you and Yelena saved up some, we can use that and the rest will have to come out of a college fund.”
“Wait Y/N no-“
“Here’s the thing Tony promised me we would come in to some more money in the next quarter. Which means I would be making up to 6 figures so I could put that money back into the college fund, maybe even more.”
“But I just don’t feel comfortable taking from the girls.”
“It would just be borrowing.”
“Quinn would never-“
“Quinn doesn’t know about it.”
“I made it with the money I was making from Burt’s garage. That money was my college fund. She can’t touch it.”
“Technically it’s still in my mothers name.” You smirked. “It’s one of our little secrets. My mom is the best.”
“Oh my God. So you’re saying…”
“We’re bringing your parents home. We just need-“
Natasha tackled you in a hug. “Y/N!”
“We just need to get them a home and a job. I was thinking maybe I could get your mom a job with me at Stark Industries and Alexei could work at Thors Gym. He seems pretty built.”
“You’re so fucking amazing.” She kissed you roughly.
“Hmm thank you.” 
“Did I mention how sexy you look in these sweats?” She pulled back looking you up and down.
“God yes, stand up.” She chuckled getting off of you.
You stood and flapped you arms.
“Take off the hoodie.”
You smirked pulling it over your head.
“Fuck your so sculpted. You talked about how lucky you are? How about me? Look at you! You are the single most sexiest, most handsomely beautiful, charismatic, darling I’ve ever met in my life and I get to marry you. You’re perfect at everything! Gardening, cooking, carpentry, auto mechanics, plumber, dancer, singing, instruments, sports, and you always make me laugh. Don't even get me started with what you’re like in the sheets.”
You laugh and she takes your hand.
“I love you Y/N you’re my best friend and I can’t wait to marry you.”
You lean down kissing her softly feeling her nails drag along your naked back.
“Check it out.” You husk.
You step back and flex for your fiancé letting her see the hard outline of your erection.
⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗
Natasha fed you some popcorn as you both watched a movie.
“I love the way you cock warm me. You know exactly how to please me.”
“I aim to please.” She smirked before bending over to grab some chocolate off the coffee table.
“Fuuuck.” You groaned at the motion on your tool. Especially when she sits back.
She wiggled a bit, turning to kiss your lips with chocolate against your mouths.
“Hmm, so good.” She smirked, leaning back in your arms with the bowl of popcorn. Everynow and then feeding you some, or reaching for some water and chocolate.
You really didn’t care if she didn’t stroke you or let you cum. Just being inside of her is enough. It feels so fucking good just being with her in this way. 
“She isn’t funny.” Natasha pointed towards the blonde actress who was trying to get a cookie but made it look like she was fucking her costar.
“Nope not at all.” You cleared your throat.
“Oh my God, you think she’s hot.” Natasha smirked.
“Nope not even a little I’m gonna be honest here sweetie I’m not even watching it.” You snickered. “I’m just enjoying you.”
“So you don’t find this little blonde blue eyed actress hot?”
“Nope. But I will admit her costar from Euphoria. I think her name is Alexia but don’t hold me to it. Now she’s hot. I’ll admit that. I’m honestly not that into blondes.”
“You married one.” She laughed.
“I’m never supposed to talk about this but she’s actually not really blonde.”
“I knew it!” Natasha huffed.
“No you didn’t.” You snickered.
“Baby.” She whined.
“Okay you did.”
Natasha smirked and kissed you turning back to the movie.
“Hmm.” You hummed feeling her wiggle against you before rocking her hips. You held her hips helping her find her pace.
“Ohhhhh baby!” She moaned placing her hands against the edge of the coffee table using it to really fuck you.
“Gah damn.” You whisper watching her ass wiggle. You lean down and turn her by the chin, capturing those plump lips. “That’s it, love, find your spot.” You say as she whines looking back at you. 
You hissed as she rides your cock up and down and side to side hearing her porn worthy moans. You leave kisses against her back letting your hands grope her breasts. 
“Y/N!” She moans rocking her hips.
“I love you so much.” You groan watching her take you over and over again.
“I love you too daddy!” 
“I’m gonna-“
“Me too.” She pants as your arms wrap around her.
You both moan loudly as you freeze inside of her letting her milk you for all you’re worth.
She moans as she rocks against you before lifting off of you.
“Fuck that was good.” You pant seeing your cum slip out of her and on you. Natasha turned around on her knees, licking you clean.
You sighed relaxing against the sofa letting your arms spread out. Natasha let you go with a pop. She sat next to you before pulling one of your arms around her.
You turned your head whispering in her ear. “I love you.”
“I love you too.” She whispered against your lips.
“All this lovin’ is making me hungry.” You chuckled. “You hungry baby?”
“I’m okay.” She pecked your lips. “Kind of bored of this movie though.”
You reached down for your briefs and made your way to the kitchen.
⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗
You stood in front of the window watching the snowfall as you finished eating your leftover pasta.
“Baby, look what I found!” Natasha held up a guitar.
“Where did you find that?” You chuckled, setting the plate in the sink and sipping on some wine.
“In another room.” She shrugged before handing it to you. “Play me something!” You take it and go towards the sofa.
“Hmm.” You hummed wondering what to play as you tuned his guitar.
“I'm here outside when you're ready 
Think about the shots and confetti 
I'll take you home if you let me
Just promise you won't forget me
'Cause the days get brighter when you're here
So I gotta keep you near
Goin' crazy and I just can't get you outta my head
Love is in the atmosphere, you can feel it in the air
Gettin' hazy and I just can't get you outta my head
Hoo-ah hoo-uh
Hoo-ah hoo-uh 
Hoo-ah hoo-uh
Hoo-ah hoo-uh 
Hoo-ah hoo-uh 
Hoo-ah hoo-uh 
Hoo-ah hoo-uh 
Just can't get you out of my head
You locked the door and it's raining
But baby I'm not complaining, no
We hit the road and we're racing, yeah
You make me super impatient
Can you feel the tension?
You've got my attention
I know we're just friends
But I'd rather be together
'Cause the days get brighter when you're here
So I gotta keep you near
Goin' crazy and I just can't get you outta my head
Love is in the atmosphere, you can feel it in the air
Gettin' hazy and I just can't get you outta my head
Hoo-ah hoo-uh
Hoo-ah hoo-uh 
Hoo-ah hoo-uh
Hoo-ah hoo-uh 
Hoo-ah hoo-uh 
Hoo-ah hoo-uh 
Hoo-ah hoo-uh 
Just can't get you out of my head
My head, my head, my head, my head
My head, my head, my head
Can't get you out of my
My head, my head, my head, my head
Can't get you out of my head
Hoo-ah hoo-uh
Hoo-ah hoo-uh 
Hoo-ah hoo-uh
Hoo-ah hoo-uh
Hoo-ah hoo-uh 
Hoo-ah hoo-uh 
Hoo-ah hoo-uh 
Just can't get you out of my head”
Natasha smirked, leaning over kissing you.
“How about you sing me a song now?” You grin.
“Okay, ummm how about Espresso?” She smirked.
“Oooohhh fuck yeah.” You damned yourself as you thought about the chord progression.
You started and looked up at her to begin.
“Now he’s thinkin' 'bout me every night, oh
Is it that sweet? I guess so
Say you can't sleep, baby, I know
That's that me, espresso”
Natasha rubbed her body taking a sip out of an imaginary cup.
Move it up, down, left, right, oh
Switch it up like Nintendo
Say you can't sleep, baby, I know
That's that me, espresso
She moved behind you wrapping her arms around your neck singing near your ear.
I can't relate to desperation
My 'give a fucks' are on vacation
And I got this one boy
And he won't stop calling
When they act this way
I know I got 'em
She smirked at you letting her hands rub up your thighs.
Too bad your ex don't do it for ya
Walked in and dream came trued it for ya
Soft skin and I perfumed it for ya
I know I Mountain Dew it for ya
That morning coffee, brewed it for ya
One touch and I brand newed it for ya
The redhead booped your nose laying down on the sofa waving her legs in the air. 
Now he's thinkin' 'bout me every night, oh
Is it that sweet? I guess so
Say you can't sleep, baby, I know
That's that me, espresso
Move it up, down, left, right, oh
She sat up turning around for you to see her spread her legs and grind against nothing. 
Switch it up like Nintendo
Say you can't sleep, baby, I know
That's that me, espresso
Is it that sweet? I guess so
She turned around smirking to see your member hardened under your sweats.
I'm working late 'cause I'm a singer
Natasha let her had run your hard on.
Oh, he looks so cute wrapped around my finger
My twisted humor, make him laugh so often
She stood dancing near your face as she stripped her shorts off.
My honey bee, come and get this pollen
Too bad your ex don't do it for ya
Walked in and dream came trued it for ya
Natasha’s nails raked through your scalp before taking off her shirt.
Soft skin and I perfumed it for ya
I know I Mountain Dew it for ya
That morning coffee, brewed it for ya
One touch and I brand newed it for ya
She walked over behind you letting her back rest against you sticking her fingers in your mouth.
Now he's thinkin' 'bout me every night, oh
Is it that sweet? I guess so
Say you can't sleep, baby, I know
That's that me, espresso
She turned against your back taking off her bra letting you feel her breasts against your skin.
Move it up, down, left, right, oh
Switch it up like Nintendo
Say you can't sleep, baby, I know
That's that me, espresso
He's thinkin' 'bout me every night, oh
Is it that sweet? I guess so
Say you can't sleep, baby, I know
That's that me, espresso
She moved in front of you and lifted her leg on your knee and you leaned in trying to lick her her wet spot. But we’re met with her stomach.
Move it up, down, left, right, oh
Switch it up like Nintendo
Say you can't sleep, baby, I know
That's that me, espresso
Is it that sweet? I guess so
That's that me, espresso”
You set the guitar aside and pulled Natasha against you. She giggled as you nibbled against her neck. “Is my honey bee getting its pollen?”
You chuckled, lifting her up and over your shoulder. “Fuck that was so sexy.” You slapped her ass as you began high tailing it up the stairs.
“What if I wanted you to keep singing to me?” She laughed.
“Later baby I’m gonna make you sing for me in a minute.”
She giggled as you tossed her on the bed. You wasted no time kissing and licking every inch of her.  “God, I love you.” You hum.
“I love you too, baby. Now pollenate your fiancé.”
“This is the best vacation I’ve ever had.”
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ladykailitha · 1 year
Spooky season is here and I was just thinking about that tiktok (maybe) of the couple at the haunted house where the guy pushes the girl onto the feet of the ax wielding haunt and then the girl and haunt have a conversation that ends with the girl chasing the asshole with the ax and the haunt happily following her.
But make that Steddie. Steve as the girl. Set between seasons 3 and 4, but in a world where Steve going on a date with a man is surprise not a thing of revulsion (as in people would surprised that he was dating a guy having been a ladies man in high school, but no one would give him shit about it). Because it's my sand box, damn it. I make the rules here!
Steve wasn't sure what possessed him to go on this date with Jeremy. He didn't like haunted houses. He had seen too many real horrors in his life be frightened of fake ones. But Robin said he could pretend to be scared and cling to the guy's arm, maybe even get a kiss out of it.
What he wasn't expecting was for it to actually terrify him. He was clutching Jeremy's arm the whole way through, chanting in his head "don't hurt them, it's not real." Over and over again whenever the urge to push the actors away or in one extreme case when they were in the haunted hospital break the doctor's nose.
The actor looked too much like Dr Brennan, and while the patient on the gurney wasn't a girl or even had shaved hair, but Steve's protective instinct went into overdrive. It took every ounce of self-will Steve had to keep clutching Jeremy's arm.
They finally hit a room that didn't look so bad. It had a wood floor and four garish statues, one in each corner. Their fog machine was working in high gear but seemed to collect around one figure in particular.
It held an ax over its head, its mouth open in a silent scream. The robes that gathered around its sandled feet were perfectly rendered in stone. The sleeves of the robe revealed a couple of bat tattoos on the right forearm.
Steve was entranced, he let go of Jeremy's arm for the first time since they started and took a step toward it.
It was then the actor jumped off his pedestal and swung his ax down.
Jeremy did the inexplicable. Maybe even outright despicable thing. He pushed Steve forward into the waiting arms of ax murder. Steve stumbled landing on the actor's feet.
"Whoa!" the actor asked. "Are you okay?" He put the ax down and helped Steve get to his feet.
"Did he really just shove me at you to save his own ass?" Steve asked in shock.
The actor cocked his head to the side. "That's what it looked like to me. I hope that was a friend and not a date..."
Steve winced. "Sadly, the latter."
"Fuck, dude," the actor said. He spotted the ax. "You want to get revenge?" He picked up the ax and handed it to Steve.
Steve laughed. "Hell yeah!"
He ran after Jeremy, very plastic ax in hand, the actor cheering him on.
The next room was holding Jeremy so that he wouldn't be split from Steve and gotten lost. It was full of evil clowns. Something that apparently Jeremy was terrified of, judging by the screaming he had been doing.
The actors spotted Steve coming at their prey with an ax and Eddie cheering him from behind, they immediately clocked what had probably gone down. They let Jeremy pass them and two of the clowns broke off to chase him out of the haunted house, gaining cast members with each passing room (still enough remaining to scare other patrons but obviously gaining a crowd to hound this guy.)
He exited the haunted house screaming obscenities at Steve and the actors. The crowd laughing and pointing. He got into his car and drove off.
The smile slid off Steve's face. "Fuck. There goes my ride home."
The ax murder laughed as all the other actors went back inside. He pulled off his hood to reveal a mess of dark brown curls and grey face paint around his eyes on his lips. "I've gotcha, big boy."
"Eddie Munson, right?" Steve asked when he finally placed the face.
"Aww," Eddie cackled. "You do remember me."
Steve scoffed. "Kinda hard to forget."
Eddie's grin grew big. "Duly noted." He scratched the back of his head. "I am sorry about the shitty date though."
Steve shrugged. "It turned out more fun then I thought it would."
Eddie cocked his head again. "True. It's not every day you get chase away a bad date with plastic ax."
Steve handed it back to him. "Shouldn't you be getting back? Won't the other patrons find it odd when the room is empty of scares?"
Eddie smiled slyly. "Who says I left my post unattended?"
Steve's eyes went wide. "How many more of the statues are actors?"
Eddie leaned forward into his space. "I'll never tell," he said sing-song.
Steve laughed.
"Just let me inform my boss I'm taking you home and clean up this makeup, I'll get you home, Stevie," Eddie said.
"You don't have to do that," Steve mumbled. "I'm sure I could call someone."
Eddie shook his head. "Nah, I've got you."
Ten minutes later Eddie was back on the pavement standing next to Steve. He was back in his usual shredded black jeans and leather jacket. But he wore a denim vest over top of it.
"I like the vest," Steve murmured. "I like pins and things."
"Patches," Eddie said.
Steve hummed his confusion.
"The other things are patches," Eddie explained.
Steve smiled. "That's cool."
Eddie pulled up to Steve's house without asking for directions.
"Should I ask how you knew that?" Steve asked as he got out of the van.
Eddie just waggled his eyebrows as he got out of the van too.
"You gonna walk me to the door, Eds?" Steve asked with a smirk.
"These woods behind your house are pretty fucking scary, dude," Eddie said with a huff of laughter.
Steve just shook his head and bit his tongue to avoid saying exactly how much.
They got to his door and Eddie pressed a kiss to Steve's lips.
It was sweet and warm. "What was that for?" Steve asked, breathlessly.
"Isn't that what you do at the end of a date?" Eddie asked with a teasing grin. "Walk them to door and give them a kiss good night?"
Steve laughed. "Yeah. Yeah it is. Good night, Eds."
"Good night, Stevie."
Eddie walked to his van. "If you want to go on a date that doesn't end you chasing your date with an ax, you know where to find me."
Steve grinned. "I might just take you up on that. Provided it's not another haunted house."
"Don't worry, baby," Eddie said with grin. "I'm loyal. Just a one haunted house kind of guy."
Steve shook his head and unlocked the door. Before he close it behind him he could hear Eddie celebrating, cheering and hollering.
Robin was never going to believe him when he told her how his date went.
But that's okay. She was right. It was fun.
Tag List: @spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @artiststarme @swimmingbirdrunningrock @gregre369 @pyrohonk ​@a-little-unsteddie @chaosgremlinmunson @itsall-taken @goodolefashionedloverboi @messrs-weasley @chaoticlovingdreamer @maya-custodios-dionach @val-from-lawrence @i-must-potato @danili666 @carlyv @rozzieroos @wonderland-girl143-blog @justforthedead89 @emly03 @bookworm0690 @bookbinderbitch @littlewildflowerkitten @redfreckledwolf @scheodingers-muppet @mira-jadeamethyst @vecnuthy
864 notes · View notes
space-matt · 11 days
An unexpected announcement 
chris sturniolo x fem reader
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summary: The time has come to reveal your biggest secret, how will it end? 
request: yes -> anon
cw: using her/she
author’s note: hii all, in this shot I just wanted to point out that the boys are about 27 years old, so it is not set in the present day... also because they are relatively young to be thinking about starting a family lol 
tell me what you think!♡
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English is not my first language, if you see grammar and typing mistakes, I apologize in advance! I just ask you not to be rude to me ♡
*ੈ✩‧₊˚༺☆༻*ੈ✩‧₊˚ *ੈ✩‧₊˚༺☆༻*ੈ✩‧₊˚ *ੈ✩‧₊˚༺
As I leaned back into the plush couch, I couldn't help but giggle as Nick casually draped his arm over my shoulder. On the other side, Matt sprawled out, resting his head lazily on my lap. It felt like just another normal, laid-back day at the Sturniolo’s house—almost. The past few months had brought about significant changes, but none of us, not even Nick and Matt, truly grasped the extent of what had shifted.
It all began on the night of your birthday, just over four months ago. The evening is still etched in your memory as a whirlwind of joy, filled with laughter, clinking glasses, and a stolen moment in the kitchen with Chris. Although you and Chris had been close friends for quite some time, something shifted that night. Perhaps it was the rush of excitement in the air, or the way Chris looked at you with a newfound intensity. 
Before you knew it, you found yourselves sneaking away from the crowd, sharing a private moment that altered the course of everything. Since then, you have been navigating a secret relationship and - the news of a pregnancy.
You let out a soft sigh, feeling the gentle pressure of Matt's head against your stomach which seemed to accentuate your slight baby bump. It wasn't very big at this point, but it was definitely becoming more noticeable. 
Nick, who was resting close to you, playfully teased you about how your figure was becoming more "plump." If only he knew the true reason behind the changes.
"You're looking quite squished there, Y/N. Are you absolutely comfortable?" Nick teased, playfully squeezing your cheek. Meanwhile, Matt let out a groan as he shifted, trying to find a more comfortable position on your lap.
"Yeah, Matt, you're as heavy as hell" you teased back, gently nudging him. He responded with a sleepy smile but remained unmoving.
From across the room, Chris observed the scene with a tense jaw. Though he had been sitting quietly, his gaze never left you, or rather, your interactions with his brothers. It wasn't unusual for you to share affectionate gestures with Nick and Matt, but today felt different. 
Throughout the afternoon, you had been engrossed in laughter, engaging in thoughtful touches, appearing entirely at ease. It was enough to drive Chris to the brink of frustration.
Chris rose suddenly from his seat, striding over to the couch and squeezing himself in between you and Nick. He lifted Matt's head from your lap and placed it on his own, announcing, "Alright, enough of this." Chris's voice sounded rougher than usual as he spoke.
"Whoa, someone's not in the best mood" Nick remarked, arching his eyebrows. He reclined but kept his gaze fixed on his brother, clearly finding amusement in Chris's sudden possessive demeanor.
Ignoring Nick, Chris wrapped his arm protectively around your waist, drawing you closer to his side. The contact filled you with warmth, eliciting a smile from you. 
His thumb traced gentle circles on your stomach, his subtle way of soothing himself. Despite his clinginess and jealousy, you understood that Chris simply wanted to be close to you.
Nick's mischievous grin stretched even wider as he turned his gaze back and forth between the two of you. "Um, seriously, what's going on with you two?"
You felt your muscles tense slightly, but Chris responded by holding you closer. He had reached the point where he could no longer conceal the truth—especially now. It was no longer just about keeping their relationship a secret. It was about you. The baby. The life they were constructing together.
"Seriously, man. You've been acting strange all day" Matt added, sitting up and rubbing his eyes. His drowsy expression had been replaced with full alertness, sensing the change in the room's atmosphere.
Chris let out a deep sigh, running a hand through his hair. "Okay, fine. You want to know what's going on?"
Both Nick and Matt nodded eagerly, their eyes widening with anticipation.
Chris looked down at you, offering a reassuring squeeze. You nodded in return, feeling your heart race. There was no more room for secrecy. It was time.
"We've been together," Chris finally confessed, his voice tinged with nervousness. "Y/n and I... we've actually been dating since her birthday."
A brief silence ensued as Nick and Matt exchanged surprised glances, trying to process Chris's revelation.
Nick's eyes widened in disbelief. "Wait, what?! Since her birthday? But that was like..."
"Four months ago," Chris finished, his hand instinctively resting on your stomach as he spoke. "And there’s something else."
As Chris spoke, you placed your hand on top of his and mustered the courage to share the news. "I'm... I'm pregnant. Four months" you said softly, your gaze shifting between Nick and Matt, who were now looking at you both with astonishment.
The room fell silent for a moment, as if time had frozen. Nick's jaw dropped open, and Matt blinked rapidly, appearing to be processing an avalanche of thoughts at once.
"You're WHAT?" Nick finally burst out, staring at both of you in disbelief. "Four months—Chris, dude!"
Matt's expression softened as the initial shock faded away. He looked at your stomach, his eyes widening, but not in a negative way. "Wait... really?" he asked, speaking more softly now. "You're having a baby?"
You nodded, feeling a rush of emotion welling up in your chest. "Yeah. We wanted to share the news with you guys, but... we were waiting for the right moment."
Chris pulled you in closer, placing a tender kiss on your temple. "I couldn't keep it a secret any longer. Seeing you all over her... it was driving me crazy."
Nick threw his hands up in the air, laughing. "Well, maybe if you had told us sooner, we wouldn't have been 'all over her'!"
Matt just shook his head, his usual calm demeanor slowly returning as a broad grin spread across his face. "Wow, I’m going to be an uncle? This is insane." He leaned forward, his hand hovering near your belly. "Can I...?"
You smiled warmly and nodded. "Go ahead."
Matt's hand lay gently on your stomach, and his eyes sparkled with wonder. "This is amazing" he whispered, glancing up at you and Chris with a newfound sense of respect.
Nick joined in, placing his hand next to Matt's. "Looks like there's a little Sturniolo in there, huh?" he quipped, his grin stretching from ear to ear. "This is incredible."
Chris, now beaming from ear to ear, couldn't help but smile. His earlier envy had disappeared, and he rested his head on your shoulder as he watched his brothers dote on you, their excitement infectious.
"Yeah" Chris said, his voice gentle but proud. "We're going to have a little Sturniolo. And I couldn't be happier."
Nick playfully rolled his eyes. "Okay, Chris, we get it. You're head over heels."
Chris smirked, pulling you closer. “Damn right I am."
As the four of you sat together, the room filled with laughter and love, a profound sense of tranquility washed over you. It had been a secret for months, but now, surrounded by family, love, and the anticipation of what was to come, everything felt just right.
Taglist:  @sturniolosreads @mayhem-72 @dracoflaco @lyzsaphrodite @ifilwtmfc @xoxo4chrisss @soimightlikeoldmen69 @inlovewithmattstur @sturniolobendystrawsposts @tillies33ssss @junnniiieee07 @blackhorses-posts
161 notes · View notes
Pros and Cons of Midnight Snacks (Part 3; final part)
Pairing: Jason Todd x Gender Neutral Civilian!Reader
Summary: Just minutes after discovering his secret identity, it’s time for you and Jason to clear the air about how the two of you actually met.
Word count: 3.4k
Your heart is racing a hundred miles a minute when you make it back to your apartment. And not just because of the five sets of stairs you have to walk up, although that's pretty bad.
You make sure that your roommate isn't home, then usher your cat out of your bedroom and open the window. You sit on the edge of your bed, nerves twisting in your stomach.
No, you can't stay still.
Also, your cat's scratching at the door, furious that he's been locked away.
You decide to wait in the living room instead.
His approach is soundless. You don’t hear him come through the window, or when he opens your bedroom door, but your cat meows happily and you turn around to see your six-foot-two lying boyfriend looming in your apartment.
“Is your roommate here?” he growls through the mask. Your cat yowls at his feet, wondering why Jason—the Red Hood—hasn’t begun to lavish him with attention yet.
“No, so you can take that off.”
You’re a little pleased with yourself for figuring out his identity so quickly. Unfortunately, you’re much less pleased with him for messing with you. You’re not mad that he didn’t tell you his vigilante identity; you’ve known each other about a month, which is nothing in the grand span of a lifetime. You’re not a pessimist, but you are realistic, and you’re not sure if your relationship is going to work out yet after a week and a half of dating. Any disgruntled ex-girlfriend could reveal his secret identity to the press—not that you’re that type of person.
No, it’s smart to be cautious with his identity.
So wearing a costume that displays one of his most unique features isn’t the brightest.
Also, now that you think about it, Jason wandered into the library the day after the Red Hood walked you home.
So you’re not exactly worried, but you are a bit cautious. You’ve seen that Netflix show You, where that perfectly charming man kills every woman he’s in a relationship with. If it came down to that, you wouldn’t be able to beat Jason in a fight.
Also, you don’t want to fight in front of the cat.
With a click and a hiss, the mask—more a muzzle—comes off, and there appears your handsome boyfriend, a little disheveled and sweaty from the five-story climb to your window after stowing his bike. He’s still beautiful, and it’s such a shame. He could have been the one, had he not stalked and lied to you.
You think.
You’re going to find out.
Jason’s eyes dart to your dominant hand, which is hidden behind your back with your trusty pepper spray ready to go at the slightest sign of aggression. “I take it I’m in trouble,” he says, light, almost joking, and bends to pick your cat up. The little bastard squirms every time you do that, but he settles right down in Jason's arms and gets to purring.
“Jason—” You start, then falter, because you don’t actually know his last name. Or his middle. “Jason,” you say again through gritted teeth, trying to make it as menacing as possible. “I think we have something to talk about, don’t you?”
“Y/N,” he sighs, running a hand through his hair. “Yes, I am the Red Hood. I couldn’t tell you bec—”
“I don’t give a shit that you’re the Red Hood,” you interrupt.
Jason’s mouth clicks shut. He gives you an odd look.
“Well, that you didn’t tell me,” you amend. “We’ve known each other a month. It would be pretty pathetic if you couldn’t keep the secret that long. Everyone in the city would know by now.”
“Okay,” he says slowly. “So what are you mad about, exactly?”
“That I was right!” You exclaim. “You were stalking me! I thought you just liked coffee and reading, but you were following me the whole time. You even offered to beat yourself up. What else about you is a lie?”
“Okay, whoa,” he says, holding his hand up, and if you weren’t mad before, you’re getting there now. He has no right for you to motion to calm down. “Okay, I’ll admit it. I guess I kind of did start this all out by following you.”
Your hands fall limply to your sides. Now that he’s admitted it, all the wind is out of your sails. You’ve never been so disappointed to be right. Secretly, you were hoping he would write it all off as a freak coincidence so thoroughly that you’d have no choice to believe it, all the way up until he strangled you. “Okay,” you say calmly. You hear your own voice, but it’s from very far away. “Are you going to hurt me now?”
“What?” He looks aghast at the very thought. “No, no, I won’t—why would I—No.” He’s so firm in the reply, so utterly certain, that your grip loosens on the pepper spray. He might be a really good liar… or he might be telling the truth. “No, Y/N, I really like you, which is why I asked you out, and even if I didn’t, I wouldn’t hurt you anyway because you’re my friend. And you’re a good person. The Red Hood punishes criminals; he’s not some crazy serial killer.”
“I mean, you kind of are,” you mumble. You’ve seen the statistics. He ruled through fear for several years. But, like he’d said earlier, he’s reformed himself. He still kills people, though, but you find that it doesn’t bother you as much as it should.
“I am not—” Jason stresses, looking you right in the eyes— “the kind of man that hits women.”
There’s a story there, in the way he says it, but it’s not the time to ask. You’re not sure that your fledging relationship is ready for it, either, but you’re still curious. You’re also curious about why he killed so many people when he started out. You’re curious about everything about him. You think you could listen to him talk for hours about himself and you still would only touch the surface of everything that makes up Jason.
“Okay,” you say. His eyes track your hand as you set the pepper spray down on the counter.
He repeats it like a question. You’re a little surprised, too, but— “Jason, I wouldn’t have agreed to be your girlfriend if I wasn’t sure that you’re a good person. But I need you to tell me about how we met.”
“You mean the robbery?” He looks confused. “That really was just a coincidence. I heard that something was going down and stopped by. I had no idea who you were before that night, I swear.”
“Okay. So why did you follow me to the library?”
“Oh.” Jason coughs. “Yeah. Okay, well, the first day, I actually was following you.”
You slap the counter with an open palm, triumphant. Your cat hisses at the sound. "I knew it!"
"Wait, wait, just hear me out. I was following you to make sure that you didn't die of blood loss. Or sepsis. Or gangrene. Or—"
"So you were stalking me... because you cared?"
"It's how my family shows love," he shrugs.
Your eyes widen. Because you hadn't considered it, but if he's a Bat—and he is, judging by the red shape on his chest—then his family is the Batclan. "Oh, my God. Batman is your dad."
Jason folds his arms over his chest like he's self-conscious about the symbol. "Yeah, and I've got the weird attachment style to show for it."
"Wait," you blurt out. "The brother you were supposed to meet in the coffee shop—were you supposed to meet Red Robin?"
You can't believe you were almost in the same place as the actual Red Robin. "Wow. Is his civilian identity as cool as his superhero one?"
"Please don't tell me you're a Red Robin fan," Jason says, his voice pained. "We might actually need to break up."
"Do you think I could meet him sometime?" you whisper.
"He's a huge loser," Jason tells you. "He's short and scrawny and actually pretty ugly beneath the mask. He looks like a troll. Also, I think he watches Andrew Tate videos and moderates Reddit forums in his free time. You really don't want to meet him."
You can't stop grinning. "There's no need to be jealous, Jason. Red Robin's way too young for me, but I think it's cool that he uses his brain to fight crime."
"What, and I don't?" he scoffs.
"Okay." You hold up a hand, determined to get the conversation back on track. "So you wanted to make sure that I wasn't actively dying. Why'd you keep coming back?"
"Well, then I thought you might be a supervillain," he said casually, like that's a normal thing to spring on someone.
You just gape at him.
"You treated a gunshot wound like it was nothing!" he defended himself shrilly. "Most civilians would be a little more concerned about an open wound in their side."
"I'm a medical student. Doctors make the worst patients."
"Yeah, well, Gotham has a pretty bad track record of doctors becoming supervillains, so excuse me for trying to curb a new one before she had the chance to turn."
You cross your arms. "What did you think would happen, Jason? I'd accidentally take a dip in Gotham River and the bacteria in there would travel from my side to my brain and make me go crazy?"
"I mean, yeah. That's pretty much exactly what happened with Harley Quinn."
Well, shit. He's got you there.
"Okay, well then why approach me at the coffee shop?"
Jason raises his eyebrow. "You were the only one there and I had a spare coffee. Am I not allowed to do nice things?"
"It was right after I told the Red Hood that I thought I was getting stalked. Did you do that on purpose?" you accuse.
"No, I swear. I didn't even know that you liked that place. Red Robin mentioned liking it.” Oh, my God, you and Red Robin like the same coffee shop. “I just… kept showing up after I saw you there the first time." He must be scratching your cat too hard, because he wiggles out of Jason's arms and runs over to his food bowl, looking at you pleadingly like he's been starving for a hundred years, even though your roommate texted you earlier saying that he'd already fed him. "I was planning on disappearing from your life and telling you as Hood that I'd, I don't know, threatened the dude or whatever, but..."
"But what?"
He shrugs. "You're pretty, Y/N. You're smart. And you were funny when I talked to you as Hood. Is it a crime for me to want to make a friend?"
"Just a friend?" You squint at him.
"Yeah. Just a friend." Jason tousles his hair again, and this time you let yourself admire the way the muscles of his shoulders and upper arms flex at the motion. "Believe it or not, I've never been in a relationship before. This wasn't what I was expecting—I never expected anything—but I'm happy. You're happy... aren't you?" He's pleading now, and it tugs on your heartstrings.
You sigh, but take a step closer to him. "Yes, I'm happy, Jason." It's definitely not the most conventional way to start a relationship, and most other people would be running for the hills by now, but this is Gotham. You moved here and stayed here because you fit in with the crazy. "I just need you to tell me one thing." Step. "One honest thing."
"Of course," he says immediately. Big green eyes pleading for you to bridge the gap between your bodies, to forgive him.
"What's your last name? I can't date someone whose last name I don't know."
For some reason, he grimaces. "Uh... my full name is Jason... Peter... Todd." His voice gets quieter with every word, until you're straining to hear his surname.
That rings familiar with something in your memory. You frown. "Jason Todd... not like Jason Todd Memorial Library?" Usually with memorials, the person they're named after is dead, but Jason's real and in front of you. Also, wasn't Jason Todd the kid that Bruce Wayne adopted several years ago?
The corners of Jason's lips turn down. "Yeah, I wasn't thrilled with your choice of study locations at first. But it is quieter than my apartment. B adopted too many fuckin' kids, and they always find my place, even when I move—"
"Does Red Robin hang out at your apartment a lot?" you ask, just to see him scowl.
"No, he's never there, and I'm going to dropkick him off a roof the next time I see him unless you stop talking about him."
"Okay," you say. You're close enough now to put a hand on his forearm, so you do. "I'll stop talking." You have to get on your tiptoes and pull the back of his head a bit, but you kiss him, and somehow it's even better than the first time.
Jason's lips are a little dry, but not chapped, soft and pillowy. He blinks when you rest back on your heels, looking dazed like someone hit him over the head with a frying pan. "Am I forgiven now?"
"Mmm..." You pretend to think it over. His hands snake around your back and pull you flush against him, stomach to stomach. "I think so," you say through a gasp, which might be embarrassing if he didn't bend to kiss you before the words had fully left your lips.
You kiss for a little while after that, shivering when his hands slip beneath your jacket. Not quite up your shirt, but getting there. He's got huge hands, and he grips your waist firmly, using his thumbs to gently rub at your hipbones as he pulls you even closer. That small contact, so gentle yet also a little greedy, heats your body from the inside like an inferno.
You're starting to bend backwards now, and the hand on the back of his neck is less there to pull him down and more there to keep you up. Are you lightheaded? You might be. You breathe in through your nose, but it doesn't help.
Jason may be inexperienced, according to his own testimony, but he doesn't kiss like it. He kisses with his whole body. He keeps leaning forward, moving his lips against yours with the single-minded intensity that took you by pleasant surprise the first time you kissed. Soft but firm, pressing against you, in a way that makes you think he'd really like to crowd you against a wall and cage you in. Not that you want to escape.
When you're bent over, you take Jason's chin in your hand and slowly push his head back. He resists at first, eyes fluttering as he chases after your lips, but you're about to fall over, so you murmur, "What's the plan here, babe?"
"No plan," he says, voice low and gravely in a way you've never heard before. Jason looks at you from beneath his long lashes. A heat flashes in his eyes. Something flutters in your stomach, bigger than butterflies. Maybe birds? Maybe robins.
And then you feel his hands on the bare skin of your back when they slip beneath the hem of your shirt. You gasp and jerk away on instinct because his hands are so warm, so calloused, but he's got a good grip on you; you're not falling anytime soon.
Then your entire world shifts as Jason yanks you upright, at the same time pulling the hem of your jacket and shirt up enough so he can see your wound.
"Oh, my God," you groan, embarrassed and a little amused. "You little pervert, were you doing all that to distract me?"
"No." Jason's voice is still gravely. He looks at your hip, then stares at your mouth like he's making a decision. He kisses you again, a firm press, and nips at your bottom lip before he leans back to squint at the scar. "Is it still bruised?"
"Yes," you sigh, covering your eyes. You're embarrassed for reasons you can't quite explain. Maybe because he's pulling your shirt up and you're not quite as firm everywhere as he is. You're pretty sure champion bodybuilders aren't as firm as he is. "It's gotten much better, though. See? No infections or anything like that."
He measures the scar against his hand: it's about two fingers wide, and one finger long. It scabbed over a while ago, and now that the scab's gone, it's just a shiny pink patch of skin.
"You could have stitched it anyway," he sighs.
"I don't care." You grab him by the chin and force him to meet your eyes. "I don't care about scars. Mine or yours. Most of the time, they're sexy. And apart from me, you're the only one seeing it." His hands clench your waist at the words, then loosen. He sends you an apologetic look. You continue, "So as long as you don't mind it, then nobody does."
"I wish it had never happened to you," he sighs.
"Well, it did. But it wasn't your fault and we can't change the past."
Jason's still mulling over your words when you start to work at his belt. He makes a choked noise and grabs your hands. Doesn't push them away, just holds them still right where they are. "What are you doing?"
"Well, I showed you mine." You grin up at him. "It's only fair that you show me yours."
He snorts. "You don't trust your own handiwork?"
"It's a follow-up appointment," you say. "To make sure everything's healing normally. Now take off your shirt, Mr. Todd. This veterinarian's apartment does, after all, moonlight as a strip club."
He undoes his belt buckle with one hand, and you have to make sure that your mouth isn't open. That was probably the hottest thing you've ever seen in your life. "You ready?" he grins, cocky in the way he only gets when he's flirting with you. "One look at me and you'll forget all about Red Robin. Forever."
"God, don't bring up your little brother while we're making out," you groan.
"Good to know that you plan on kissing me some more tonight," he says casually. Then he peels off the skintight gray shirt, and every thought wipes from your mind.
His muscles have muscles. And, somehow, despite your apartment's shitty lighting, he's glowing. His pants sit low on his hips like he's a model or something.
How has no one ever dated him before? He's actually perfect.
The longer you stare without saying anything, the more uncomfortable he looks. Finally he says, "I know I've got a lotta scars," his native Gotham accent bleeding through a little, but you stop him with a hand on his chest. He's warm and firm and soft, just like you thought he would be.
"My God," you whisper. "You're beautiful."
Jason goes beet red.
"And the one I stitched is healing up nicely," you continue, tracing your fingers lightly over the slightly raised line.
His whole body shudders. He swallows almost violently, eyes clenched tight like they're in pain. Then they fly open, and you gasp, because they're glowing green. Not metaphorically glowing. Like, actually glowing.
Jason kisses you again like he's trying to herd you. You don't know where's all right for you to touch, so you cup his face with both your hands and pour everything that he gives you right back at him. Warmth, affection, something bright that you can't name.
Then you lean back. Your lips disconnect with an audible pop.
"Hang on. Is Bruce Wayne Batman?"
Jason's chin drops down to his chest. He groans, deep, and you pretend that warmth doesn't pool in your stomach at the sound. Voice thready, he says, "You know, talking about my dad really kills the mood."
"Oh, my God, he is." You pump your fist in the air. "I'm two for two. Who's the world's greatest detective now, Batsy?"
"If I kiss you again, will you shut up about Batman?" Jason asks.
You grin. "I don't know. Maybe you'll have to find out."
He does.
And you do.
You've decided that the Red Hood is your favorite superhero, anyway.
Forever taglist:
@lemirabitur @annymcervantes @queenmissfit  @iksey @thehyperactiveteen @luxmoonlight @andreasworlsboring101
DC taglist:
@evalynanne @mismatchsposts
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p1utofairy · 11 months
PAC: “good karma my aesthetic. keep my conscience clear, that's why i’m so magnetic.” 🩰🍥🫧🪷
• what do you need to hear right now?
disclaimer ✩: take what resonates, leave what doesn't. i really appreciate y’all sm <3 for the patience, the love, the feedback and support. y’all are the greatest ever. i’m open to pac suggestions as well, so don’t hesitate to slide in my ask box! xoxo.
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pile 1 ☂️ —
heyyy pile 1 ⭐️ what you need to hear right now is: release. relax and let go of any unhealthy attachments you may have to a certain person, place, idea or thing. i think you've been holding onto someone/something or the idea of what it could be/could’ve been. i pick up a feeling of yearning. you’ve been wanting something to work out in your favor, so you’ve been holding out…waiting to see if this situation will turn out how you anticipate. big 3 of wands energy. you’ve been waiting awhile now (i’m hearing weeks for some, months for others) for a clear answer. i think the more you wait around and stall things, the less likely things will go into motion. don’t chase, attract. remember that things will flow naturally to you and it’ll always work out in your favor no matter what — when one door shuts, several more will open. don’t put a time frame on it, you’ll get your answer/wish/clarity when you least expect. keep focusing on yourself and what you’re currently doing! whether that be going to school, work, the gym, studying, spending time with friends, etc. there’s a certain area in your life that you greatly want change to occur in, i’m heavily picking up for some that this is in regards to your love life, and again — i keep hearing that things will unfold in your favor when you least expect. very soon. you’re on the brink of something great, just don’t overthink it. relax, take a breath and just BE. your guides will handle the rest. love, prosperity and abundance are on the way to you. it just may not appear in the way you envision, which doesn’t mean it won’t happen at all. think about it this way, you might fantasize about coming across your dream person while you’re in a bookstore (on some ‘harry met sally’ type shit lol) so every time you go into a bookstore you’re kinda anticipating that to happen, but let’s say your busy at work or you’re frantically trying to prioritize doing your school work and studying and out of nowhere you look up and make eye contact with this person you’ve never seen before but you can feel the ✨vibe✨ like WHOA that’s…my person. i just see you being in your element when you meet this person pile 1, your mind will not be preoccupied/you will not have any precognitive thoughts — your person will just reveal themselves to you out of the blue. okay i feel like i’m getting carried away lol but everything’s gonna work out even better than you imagined pile 1 💗 trust that.
other channeled messages:
don't settle for less, pink + white by frank ocean, strawberry milkshake, chemtrails over the country club by lana del rey, leo sun, cancer moon, vedic astrology
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pile 2 🦢 —
what's goodddd pile 2! i feel like you're in your self-love/healing era. you just bounced back from something and you did it with such resilience, ease and grace might i add. i'm hearing church girl by beyoncé, “i'm gonna love on me, nobody can judge me but me! i was born free.” okayyyyyy pile 2 i love this for y'all. i think some of you are really working on strengthening your throat chakra by speaking up for yourself and setting boundaries. just saw a meme that said “how i reclaimed the word ‘cunt’ by being one” OH WOW WOW WOW. i think you’re just over a lot of people and their bullshit, you may have just gotten out of a relationship, had a friendship breakup or recently left a job. good for you 💗whichever situation applies to you, i know it was draining and heavy on your shoulders. you finally feel like a weight has been lifted and you can spread your wings and be free. idk why i’m hearing some of you might be listening to a lot of lana del rey lately? (random but REAL af lol) i love that you know yourself at the core pile 2, you can’t fake it…if somethings not pleasing you or it’s not in your best interest, you know how to walk away and find something better. you don’t even know it, but you're inspiring to a lot of people. i think what you need to hear is: keep being your true authentic self. never forget where you came from and who helped you along the way, because i see that you have a big, bright and successful future ahead of you pile 2. you’re gonna be a star. “the diamond in the rough” from aladdin is what i’m hearing. you’ve got the wit, talent and empathy to get where you need to be in life. i wish you nothing but happiness and success pile 222 ♾️
other channeled messages:
hurricane by bridgit mendler, switch a n**** out by summer walker, olivia pope, sagittarius rising, cancer moon, pisces energy, save your tears remix by the weeknd & ariana grande, on my shoulders by sabrina claudio, red dress
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pile 3 💵 —
hi pile 3 🤗 i’m getting rich vibes from y’all already lmfao, even if you aren’t (yet) there’s this energy of being very well-kept and liking the nicer things in life. you love you some good ol’ retail therapy. the message you need to hear right now is: spend your money wisely. i think you need to budget/save a bit more pile 3, you can sometimes go a bit overboard and indulge in the latest clothes, upscale restaurants or beauty products. you like nice things!!! there’s nothing wrong with that at all, you just need to make sure you’re prioritizing and balancing your earnings. some of you that picked this pile have very young energy lol like i can see you chilling at like 12am scrolling on youtube/tiktok and ooo’ing and aaa’ing at so many different product reviews and adding shit to your cart. some of you are tempted to buy stuff from the tiktok shop too lolll that was so oddly specific but i also feel like you've been big on protecting your peace lately. kickin’ back by mila j is coming to mind, “i’m kickin' back and i’m lightin' up doin' what the fuck i want. just rolled a wood, i’m feelin' good. just me, myself and this blunt.” i know das rightttt pile 3 🤭 you know your worth and you’re not settling for less than anything that you deserve — i love this.
other channeled messages:
luxurious by gwen stefani, need to know by doja cat, i just had an epiphany i need to go to tiffany’s, fenty gloss bomb, chanel chance, scorpio moon, catching flights not feelings
795 notes · View notes
verstappensrealwife · 7 months
Home is you - Fernando Alonso x Reader
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age-gap. not specifically mentioned but the reader is younger.
approx. 1000 words
fernando alonso masterlist - here. f1 masterlist - here.
Seated in the luxurious confines of his private jet, en route to Bahrain for the electrifying Grand Prix season opener, you found yourself ensconced in a cocoon of anticipation and desire. Across from you lounged the man who ignited flames of passion within your soul, his intense gaze igniting a firestorm of longing and yearning deep within you. As you gazed out of the window, ensnared by the mesmerising spectacle of clouds stretching endlessly across the cerulean expanse, his voice, velvety and laden with desire, pierced through the tranquil ambiance.
“Go on a date with me,” he murmured huskily beside you, his words dripping with an intoxicating blend of sincerity and playful allure.
You turned to him, a soft laugh escaping your lips at the unexpected proposition. “Pardon?” you replied, your voice laced with amusement and a hint of teasing.
“Please~ go on a date with me?” he pleaded, his smile infused with the heady scent of whiskey that hung in the air, a testament to his valiant efforts to ease his nerves during the flight.
Amused by his endearing persistence, you leaned in closer, revelling in the magnetic pull between you. “I don’t know if my dad will approve of you, sir,” you teased, a mischievous glint dancing in your eyes.
“What!” he exclaimed, his offence giving way to a grin of delight. “Let me talk to your dad, sweetheart, I’m sure I could convince him.”
After a brief pause, he regarded you with a dreamy expression, his eyes alight with adoration. “You’re pretty,” he declared softly, his gaze tracing the contours of your face with reverence. “D- Do you have a boyfriend, pretty?” he hiccupped slightly, his smile widening with each passing moment.
You nodded, a tender smile playing on your lips. “A husband, actually,” you replied, your tone infused with affection and determination.
His brow furrowed in confusion, his expression a mixture of disbelief and jealousy. “Leave him, be with me!” he urged, his words slurred with the remnants of alcohol. “Who is this man?” he demanded, his concern palpable.
With a knowing smile, you retrieved your phone, turning the screen towards him to reveal his own reflection staring back at him. “Wh- Wait, I am your husband!” he exclaimed, realisation dawned on him. “So can we go out on the date I planned?”
You nodded in agreement, squeezing his hand affectionately before attempting to release it. However, he held on tightly, his grip a reassuring anchor in the swirling sea of emotions.
Later, in the privacy of the opulent hotel room, he began to sober up (barely), the lingering effects of alcohol fading away as he prepared for the evening ahead. With meticulous care, he adorned himself in his finest attire, his efforts a testament to his unwavering devotion to you. As you emerged from the bathroom, your beauty was enhanced by the artful application of makeup, his breath caught in his throat, his heart swelling with an overwhelming surge of desire.
“Whoa… Hola Cariño,” he joked, his voice husky with desire as he approached you, his hands tracing the curves of your body with electrifying precision. “I could just cancel dinner, then we could skip right to dessert?”
You blushed, a playful glint dancing in your eyes. “Shut up,” you countered, a coy smile playing on your lips. “But no— I just dressed up all nice for you— so you are gonna wine and dine me.” With a gentle press of your hands against his chest, you planted a tender kiss on his cheek, his grin widening as he playfully smacked your ass before guiding you towards the door, anticipation burning like a blazing inferno between you.
Under the soft glow of twinkling fairy lights strung overhead, you and your partner find yourselves nestled in a cozy corner of the enchanting garden café. The air is still alive in the evening, with the melody of chirping birds and the gentle rustle of leaves, lending an ethereal quality to the evening.
As you sip on glasses of sparkling champagne, your fingers intertwined with Fernando's, you can't help but marvel at the sheer magic of the moment. Across the table, his eyes sparkle with affection, mirroring the starlight above as he leans in closer, his breath mingling with yours in a sweet symphony of intimacy.
With a playful twinkle in their eye, your partner reaches for a delicate rose nestled in a vase on the table, presenting it to you with a flourish. "For the most beautiful woman I've ever set my eyes on," He whispers, his voice a tender caress against your ear.
Your heart swells with warmth as you accept the flower, its petals soft beneath your fingertips. "Thank you," you murmur, your voice filled with gratitude and love.
Together, you share laughter and stories, each moment infused with a sense of joy and wonder. The world fades away as you lose yourselves in each other's company, the hours slipping by unnoticed in the embrace of your love.
As the night deepens, he rises from his seat, extending a hand towards you with a smile. "May I have this dance?" he asks, his eyes sparkling with mischief and longing.
You accept with a smile, rising gracefully to your feet as he leads you to a makeshift dance floor bathed in the soft glow of moonlight. With gentle movements and whispered promises, you sway together in perfect harmony, lost in the rhythm of the music and the embrace of each other's arms.
In that moment, time stands still, and all that exists is the two of you, wrapped in a cocoon of love and affection. With every step, every touch, you feel your bond deepening, your souls intertwining in a dance as old as time itself.
As the song draws to a close, you find yourselves reluctant to part, the magic of the evening lingering like a sweet, lingering dream.
el fin
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starryeyedjanai · 1 year
steddie | 2.8k
read on ao3
Happy Birthday @wynnyfryd 🥰🥰🥰 I've had this idea floating around in my brain for a while now and seeing it was your birthday prompted me to finish it 💕
It's his first time in Indianapolis as an out bisexual, so of course Robin takes him to a gay club - to experience the drag queens and to see other queer people having fun, she says.
It's a little overwhelming, the bright lights and the music and the people. But he's having a great time, people watching and drinking virgin daiquiris and talking with Robin.
She's been here before - she came with Vickie when they were still together one weekend and they had a blast. So when Steve figured his sexuality shit out and came out to her, this was the first place she wanted to take him.
Now, he can see why. It's a haven of sorts. Gay men dancing together and kissing each other, gay women getting cozy in the booths, drag queen and drag kings about. He hasn't felt like he's belonged somewhere in a long time, but it kind of feels like he belongs here. The atmosphere is welcoming and kind.
They dance a little before everything gets overwhelming and then they find an empty booth to sit down and sip at their drinks in.
Robin keeps trying to encourage him to find someone to kiss so that they can call this night a success, but he keeps telling her that no one has caught his eye. And it's kind of true. He's seen some men that he thinks might be his type, but they're all paired up with men who look nothing like Steve. Even then, the few people that have caught his eye weren't right, somehow.
He keeps holding out, hoping to find someone that makes his heart skip a beat, or whatever the appropriate cliche for a gay club is.
And it. It happens.
He glances over at the bar as he's taking the last few sips of his drink, thinking about if he wants to brave the crowd at the bar, when he sees him.
His heart doesn't skip a beat, but he knows as soon as he lays eyes on him that he wants him. He's beautiful - and intimidating.
He's sitting facing away from the bar with his legs splayed open, ripped jeans revealing what looks like fishnet stockings underneath them. He's wearing a tank top that's showing off his many tattoos and Steve is struck with the urge to know what they taste like. His combat boots are clunky and could seriously kick someone's ass if they messed with him. His wavy hair is half tied up, a messy ponytail holding his hair out of his face, but the bottom half is freely falling past his shoulders.
He kind of feels like he's been bit by the love bug - he can't take his eyes off him.
He knows Robin is saying something to him, but he can't even hear it. It's all just background noise. He doesn't think he's ever been so captivated by someone before. He wants to put his mouth on him.
"Steve? Oh my god, stop ignoring me!" Robin says and snaps her fingers in front of his face, pulling him from his reverie. He looks over at her sheepishly.
"Sorry, Robbie," he says, looking back over at the guy briefly and yep, he's still just as hot as the first time he looked.
"What was that? Did you see someone you like? You looked like you blacked out for a minute there," she says, a smirk pulling at her lips.
He rolls his eyes. Of course she already knows - his type is people that look like they could stomp on him and he'd say thanks. "Black tank top, ripped jeans, at the bar. I think I'm in love," he says with a sigh. He's way too intimidated to go over there.
She squeals in his ear and says, "This is so exciting! You have to go kiss him now."
"Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa. I'm not just gonna go up to a stranger and ask if he'll be my first gay kiss."
"And why not?" she asks, stirring her drink.
"Because that's insane," he says. "He's probably already got someone. He's, he's gorgeous. There's no way he's here alone." It's a shame, but it's probably true - he's way too good looking to be here alone.
"There's only one way to find out," Robin says. She leans forward and whispers in his ear, a challenge of sorts.
"You can't be serious," he says to her, questioning his own sanity for even entertaining her for one second.
She leans back in and whispers more into his ear and he groans.
"You're diabolical," he tells her, pulling back to smack a kiss on her forehead. He stands up and takes a deep breath before marching over to the bar. He can't believe he's doing this.
He marches right up to the guy and immediately every word in his vocabulary is gone. He's so fucking pretty.
"Um. Uh, hi," he says, stupidly.
The guy bites his lip and grins at him. He says, "Hi," back to him and Steve is literally going to die, he thinks. He couldn't see it from across the club before, but this guy has a lip piercing, and Steve wants to know what it feels like against his mouth so fucking bad.
"I need you to kiss me," he blurts out, trying not to cringe.
"You need me to, to kiss you?" the guy asks, and this was a bad idea, the worst idea Robin's ever had. There's no way he's going to agree to this.
"So, my friend-" he stops, looking back at Robin - she waves at them. He's trying so hard not to blush as he turns back to the guy and says, "She bet me that I couldn't get a guy to kiss me since it's my first time here. So I was wondering if you would kiss me, so I can win the bet." He's steeling himself for rejection, for this guy to tell him to fuck off or maybe have mercy and let him down gently by telling him he's taken.
But he just smiles, tilting his head at Steve. "Why me?"
"Hmm?" Steve asks.
"Why me?" the guy asks again. "Out of all the guys here, you picked me. Why?"
Steve sputters for a second. "You, I mean. You have to know how you look, right? Like, you're gorgeous."
He grins again, tonguing at his lip ring and Steve is so down bad for him, it's actually insane. "Okay," he says. "I'll accept that answer. Now, if you get your kiss, you win your bet, but what's in it for me?"
Steve is hoping that if he's still talking to him, that means he actually has a shot. He's feeling dizzy with how much he wants to kiss him. He really fucking hopes he can kiss him.
He says, "A kiss?" with what he hopes is a charming - and not at all maniacal - grin.
The guy snorts. Rude. He snorts at Steve and says, "I think I'll need a little more that that, don't you think, sweetheart?"
Steve nods dumbly, says, "I'll split my winnings with you. Would that work?"
He's not expecting it to work, is the thing. He doesn't expect him to say yes.
Which is why he's so surprised when he reaches out and tugs Steve closer by the collar of his shirt. He did not know being yanked around was his thing, but apparently it is because good god.
"That works for me," the guy says, eyes going molten as he looks at Steve.
He can't believe that worked. Holy shit.
He's. He's nervous, he realizes. He's had a lot of first kisses, been on many first dates that ended in him kissing someone unfamiliar. But this is nerve-wracking for him in a way it hasn't been before.
He lets the guy pull him in further by his collar, lets him control when the kiss happens.
The first press of their lips has Steve sighing and opening his mouth slightly, wanting more, wanting to taste him. He kisses him, lets himself be kissed really. He opens his mouth more when a tongue snakes out and presses into his mouth.
Steve's hands come up to pull him closer, to pull - fuck, he doesn't even know his name, yet. He's doing this all wrong. He meant to get his name before shoving his tongue down his throat.
But it's good, the feeling of soft lips pressed against his, the cold metal of his piercing pressing against his mouth, his tongue stroking over Steve's in a way that makes him wish they were alone, wish they weren't here surrounding by all these people. He wants to kiss him and keep kissing him until the breath runs out of his lungs. He wants to put his hands on him, to dip his fingers into the rips in his jeans and feel the rough fishnets against his fingertips.
He pulls his mouth away to gasp out, "What's your name?" because he needs to know, needs to have some connection, some thread to hold onto, to grasp as they're kissing.
"Eddie," he whispers against Steve's mouth. "What's yours?" Eddie asks. Eddie, Eddie, Eddie.
"Steve," he says before pressing his mouth against Eddie's again. He wants to kiss him forever. He never wants to stop. He wants Eddie to keep licking into his mouth like he owns it until the bartender yells out that it's last call. He wants Eddie to keep holding him like this until Robin drags him away as they turn the lights on in the club to kick everyone out. He wants, he wants, he wants.
He gets a hand tangled in Eddie's hair and gets their heads tilted right so that they can lick deeper into each other's mouths. It's burning him up inside, the way their tongues are sliding together, the way Eddie's licking behind his teeth and sucking on his tongue like he's trying to taste the daiquiri he was drinking earlier.
Eddie tastes like tobacco and something sweet, like he was drinking something sweet before Steve came up to him too. God, Steve wants to know everything about him - what's his go-to drink order, does he smoke, does he prefer beer over mixed drinks, is he seeing anyone, please don't be seeing anyone, god.
He feels desperate, he feels out of control. He wants Eddie to take him apart like he's never wanted anything else in his life. He wants those hands on him, wants to feel the rings on his fingers pressing marks into his skin. He want his hands gripping his hips, sliding down and touching him. He doesn't think he's ever wanted like this.
The only reason they break apart is because someone's elbow ends up in Steve's back and he ends up pushed further into the crease of Eddie's thigh. He feels him hard against him and he knows Eddie can feel how hard he is too. Fuck, it's like everything else faded away when Eddie's mouth was on his, but now that they're not kissing, he's suddenly achingly aware that he's hard in his incredibly tight pants after making out with Eddie for god knows how long.
His face is probably red and sweaty, but Eddie's still looking at him like he wants him and god, does he want him back.
But he pulls back a little, puts some space between their hips because he quite literally can't ditch Robin here go hook up with Eddie, no matter how much he wants to.
He bites his lip and pulls his hand back, the one that was tangled in Eddie's long hair. He puts it on Eddie's chest and asks, "Was that okay?" because he thinks he knows the answer, but it never hurts to hear it.
Eddie huffs out a laugh and says, "Was that okay, he asks. Sweetheart, I think you and I both know that was something on a completely different realm from just okay."
If Steve wasn't blushing before, he definitely is now. He says, "Good, good. I'm glad we're on the same page."
Eddie leans close like he's going to kiss him again. He brushes his lips against Steve's in a dry press - barely a kiss, but it has Steve aching all the same anyway. He drags his mouth along his jaw, just mouthing at it, and it's the hottest thing Steve's ever felt.
He whispers in Steve's ear, "Your friend is trying really hard to get your attention right now," and that pulls Steve right back down to earth.
He pulls away again and turns around to see Robin waving her arms at him. He puts his hands on his hips and raises his eyebrows at her. She waves her hand at him, beckoning him back to their table so he holds up a finger to tell her to hold the fuck on.
He turns back around and says, "I think I'm being summoned. As much as I want to stay and as much as I, like, desperately want to keep kissing you, I should get back to my friend."
Eddie crosses his arms over his chest and leans back against the bar and Steve can't help the way his eyes sweep over him again. Eddie's smirking when he looks back up at him.
"That's fair," Eddie says. "So, what did we win?"
Steve makes a questioning sound, before he remembers what Eddie's talking about. He sheepishly brings a hand up to swipe his hair out of his face where its begun to stick to his forehead. "Oh, uh, about that. There never really was a bet."
"Really?" Eddie asks, leaning forward again into Steve space, like that's the most interesting thing he's heard all night.
Steve shakes his head. "I promised half of the winnings, but the winnings are zero, so half of zero is still zero, you know?"
Eddie grins at him and says, "You're kind of devious, you know that? Here I was, thinking I'd get a prize at the end of that kiss."
"Sorry for getting your hopes up, but I mean, it was a good kiss, right?" Steve asks, boldly leaning forward to press his mouth against Eddie's again. Eddie lets him, lets Steve kiss him, softer than before. Before it was all new and exciting and hot, and it still is, but this kiss is tender, pulling a gasp from Steve's lips when they separate.
"It was a good kiss," Eddie agrees, pecking him on the lips again, soft and sweet.
"Can I have your number?" Steve asks, trying to be brave for once. He got Eddie to kiss him, even if it was under less than truthful circumstances, but he hopes it was good enough to warrant a call back.
"Your friend, is she seeing anyone?" Eddie asks, and Steve's head is kind of spinning at the redirection there.
"She and her girlfriend broke up a couple months ago. Why?" he asks, wondering where this is going. If this guy is actually somehow straight and only kissed him to get with Robin, Steve's gonna lose it.
"I'll tell you what, if you can convince your friend to kiss my friend, you can have my number," Eddie says, gesturing to the girl that's been sitting next to him at the bar this entire time.
And- oh. Oh god, he's embarrassed.
Has she just been awkwardly sitting there while Eddie made out with him? He was half a second away from dry humping Eddie and his friend was sitting there patiently waiting for them to stop. That's embarrassing.
She's cute - she's got this whole cheery, bubblegum vibe to her that didn't make Steve glance twice at her once he had his eyes set on Eddie because the two of them are kind of polar opposites. He didn't think they were here together.
His eyes shift back and forth between them and she waggles her fingers at him in a wave, smirking at his caught out look.
"Chrissy," she says, sticking out her hand to shake Steve's. He's kind of intimidated by her too, but he's got to hand it to her - he doesn't think even Robin would sit through him making out with someone right next to her. He guesses he does kind of owe it to both her and Robin. He and Eddie were making out for a while.
"Steve," he says, lamely. "Sorry for making out with your friend right next to you. Um, I'm gonna go grab Robin now."
They both watch him as he leaves, which makes his skin prickle and his heartbeat speed up. He makes a beeline back to Robin and lets her coo at him for a minute about having his first gay kiss.
She's talking a mile a minute asking about how it was, if he got his number, when Steve interrupts her.
"Bobbin, you are not gonna believe this," he says, and when he's got her attention, he continues, "I think I just found you a girlfriend?"
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muniimyg · 8 months
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falling in love 》 series m.list
note: for the sake of timelines ,, let's say this extra takes place around ch 5 !!! the text (pic 1) is considered part 1 for this extra <3 hope that makes sense !!!
warnings: implied smut !!! jk is abt to eat her out lol
taglist request: CLOSED
🏷️ permanent taglist: @joonsjuice @taetaecatboy @pb-n-juju @miss-rainy-days @firesighgirl @whoa-jo @vantxx95 @pamzn @kakixaku @casspirit0705 @tae165 @defzcl @sopebubbles @leefics @ggukkieland @bebebutbetter @yoongimentita7 @boraength @era-genius @4ksj @vampcharxter @miss-jupiter @floweryjeons @taegijns @jeonqkooks-main @ellesalazar
“Oh, what the fuck? How’d you get in?” 
Jungkook’s eyes are barely open, but he is already lifting his covers for you to join him. He can’t help but offer you a sleepy smirk as you undress your outside layer. Eyeing your thin and flimsy pajamas, you attempt to sound strict and lay the boundary for tonight.
“Stop looking at me like that…” You warn. “Jungkook, we are not fucking.”
He puts his hands up, pouting innocently. “Can we revisit the topic after your meeting?”
You glare at him. 
“... Fine,” you huff, settling beside him. Jungkook feels instant relief as he reaches for your body and pulls you closer. 
Happily, he wraps his arms around you, resting his head on your stomach. He has waited for this all day. It was the one thing he was looking forward to. Even if you didn't come, he was looking forward to dreaming about it. Yet, here you are... Holding him like he's all yours.
Which he is.
The placement is just a little shy under your boobs, so you can’t blame him when he sneakily slides his hand under your shirt and squeezes them. 
“Jungkook!” you laugh, playfully pushing him away. “Seriously? Just wait an hour.”
“So we are fucking after your meeting? In an hour to be exact?”
You purse your lips at him. “Pookie, can’t you just behave?”
He ponders. Then, he remembers he doesn’t give a shit. 
“When does your meeting start?” He asks. 
You reach over for your laptop and turn the screen on. Reading the time, you shrug at him in response. “Hmmm... In like 20 minutes.”
“20 minutes is enough time,” Jungkook insists, giving you no time to escape. Hastily, he places small and sweet kisses on your lips and then on your cheeks. 
Giggling, you push him off with a groan. “Yah, Jungkook—”
“Oh come on, pookie! Did you really think my back was the only thing that was gonna get rubbed tonight?”
Your mouth drops. 
Jungkook laughs heartily as you roll your eyes at him and complain about his unhinged behaviour. Once your whining dies down, he pulls you even closer and sinks into your body. He holds you tight as you rub his back. 
“Were you napping to ignore your problems?” you ask him quietly. “And can you—holy shit—I can’t breathe! Do you have to hold me so tight?”
It feels like your bones are about to be crushed. Jungkook’s body is warm and so fucking beefy. It’s comfortable and all but wow do you need some air. In response, he buries his face in your body, tightening his grip. You let out a squeal. 
“Yes,” he murmurs. “If I don’t, you might run away.”
Dramatically, you gasp for air. “J-Jungkook, I won’t run away. I’m in my pajamas. I’d have to get dressed first, of course!”
Your joke doesn’t amuse him. 
“When I fall asleep… You might leave.” Jungkook says, revealing his hidden feelings. 
You bite your inner cheek, navigating through your feelings. Honestly, his room was warmly lit… It’s pretty chilly tonight… Not to mention that it is getting kind of late… Maybe you should stay the night. Although it’s kind of funny he assumed you were going to leave. Never have you ever done that to him. Never ever could you do it. 
“I’ll only leave if you snore.” You tease him, booping his nose. “Also, I didn’t know you were such a light sleeper."
He scrunches his nose in response. “Now you know. Take note for next time,” Jungkook yawns. “And yeah… I didn’t know if you were actually coming so I thought I would just sleep off my bad mood.”
“Did it work?”
Jungkook lets out a drowsy-like chuckle. “No. You woke me up.”
“Geez, okay… I’ll leave—”
Jungkook plops up on his elbows and hisses, “Shut up and listen to my day, woman. You’re the only good thing in my life so you’re not allowed to leave. Don’t even joke about that. God, you’re so fucking mean—”
You cup his cheeks and bring his lips to yours. Kissing him gently, you add another peck as you pull away. Holding his face close, you kiss his cheeks and murmur, “Hmmm, sorry, sorry…”
He huffs, pouting for another kiss. You give in. 
Then, he begins to ramble about all the things that made his day so horrible. 
You lay there, rubbing his back, and offer a few, “Mhmm,”’s “Oh, seriously?” and a few, “Eww. No, you’re so right. That sounds awful. I’d be upset too.” Listening to his tired voice makes you sleepy. Not that he’s boring but more because it was so soothing. That’s something you would have never admitted a few months ago…
But things change. 
He changed.
You changed too. 
Unexpectedly, being together is so comforting. Despite being each other's pain in the ass, you two were always there for each other. You two, for some odd reason, have begun to need one another. 
Each other’s warmth, each other’s touch, and each other’s presence—all of it. 
God, you two just made everything better for one another.
If falling in love was a feeling… This is it. 
Being with Jungkook is so easy.
Like... You never understood when people said that about their significant other, but now you do. The weird part is... He isn't even yours.
It's like whenever you have issues that are blown up in your head, he doesn’t try to find solutions. Instead, he listens and helps you reflect. Jungkook has a good understanding of what is his to handle and honestly? He handles you well. 
Besides, being with you is his favourite part of living. It’s as if his body wasn’t aching from the 4 hour long soccer practice. It’s as if nothing mattered because at the end of the day—if it meant that he could be with you. 
Your meeting goes smoothly. Jungkook behaves (let’s give him a gold star!) and at one point, he falls asleep. His little snores made you roll your eyes, but it didn’t motivate you to leave. If anything, it’s the reason you stayed. When the call ends, Jungkook slides his hands down your shorts and chuckles. 
“Forgot to eat dinner,” he claims, peaking with one eye. “Lemme eat that pussy…”
You blink at him. 
He returns your look with a pout. 
“Pretty please?”
You stay still. 
Then, he huffs and abruptly gets up. “You’re so annoying,” Jungkook groans as he walks to his door. Just as he’s about to leave, he makes his final comment. “Do you know how hard it was to not eat you out while you were being all cute and academic? I behaved and now I’m starving. I’m gonna make some food. You craving anything—oh fuck yes.”
Jungkook’s words are cut off as you fling your panties onto his face. 
He blinks at you, scrunching your panties in his hands. His eyes almost fall out of his head as you open your legs and lean back against his headboard. Oh, god... He is so lucky. Today truly is the best day of his life.
Jungkook watches with steady eyes as you lift your flimsy top to expose your breasts. Then, you put your hands to your sides and grip his bed sheets. He loves the way you look right now... It's mesmerizing.
Therefore, Jungkook wastes no time.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you..." He praises your body, more than ready to dive in. You roll your eyes at him but secretly love this. You know you do. You feel it between your legs and even in your heart.
He positions himself in between your legs and kisses your inner thigh. As he begins, you grip his hair with one hand and whimper, "y-you... Craving you."
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okaylikeschaewon · 1 year
Chapter 6: Antifragile
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“Sweetie, that hurts.”
“Huh? Oh, sorry,” Chaewon apologized, letting go of your hand.
“I’ve never seen you this nervous before,” you chuckled softly, placing your hand on her trembling knee. “At least try to enjoy it.”
“I do enjoy it, I- it’s starting!” she screamed before grasping your hand once more, even harder than before.
This time you simply ignored the pain and let it happen, smiling at her excitement. Unfortunately for your ears, her scream wasn’t alone, it was accompanied by four others. This was as new of an experience for you as it was for the other members; You couldn’t help but feel just as excited as the five girls in the room as that first line of the music video played.
I am antifragile.
“Ah Zuha!”
“Kkura wow!”
Hectic was an understatement. Even though there was a lot of energy in the room, it was nothing compared to the level of excitement that could be felt by hundreds of fans waiting for Le Sserafim to take the stage just a short distance away. It was a brilliant idea to release the group's first comeback together with an entire concert; it was surely one way to come out with a bang..
“You girls are acting like it’s your first time seeing the video,” you laughed.
“Hey! Shush,” Yunjin responded, shooting you a playful glare.
“Hey, shush!” Kazuha repeated before the two girls began giggling like crazy, repeating the line over and over.
“Ahh what is wrong with these two,” Sakura whined, unable to contain her smile, with Eunchae sitting in her lap.
“Look,” Chaewon muttered, her eyes never leaving the screen, face full of focus. It almost looked like she was reviewing the video- or perhaps she was hyping herself up for the impending performance.
“Pretty,” you said before giving her a quick kiss on the cheek, patting her thigh with your hand. Her grip loosened on your hand for a bit, just until her powerful ‘whoa’ line which had the girls erupt in screams once more. Chaewon took the opportunity to stand up, pulling you along with her.
“Where are we going?” you whispered, following her to the back of the room where a couple of rows of clothing gave you some privacy from the others who were still screaming their lungs out.
“I want to show you something,” she answered, hopping up onto the dresser.
Chaewon slipped a hand up under her skirt and pulled down her safety shorts to her knees before leaning back, spreading her legs as far as the shorts would allow. You lowered yourself just enough to see up her skirt as she stuck her hand up the bottom again. She pulled her white underwear to the side, revealing a sparkle between her legs.
“Is that-”
“Why?” you gasped, quickly checking over your shoulder to make sure your privacy was still intact before slipping your hand up her skirt as well.
“I’m going to perform with it,” she whispered into your ear as your fingers made contact with her wet skin.
“Won’t that be a bit uncomfortable?” you asked while rubbing your fingers beside her folds, up and down her soft skin.
“It’s going to be my constant reminder,” she moaned as you began to rub your thumb around her clit. “My reminder of what you’re going to do to me.”
“I’m going to do to you?” you replied, lightly tugging on the glass piece inside her. “What might that be?”
“You’ll find out soon,” she answered before pushing your hand away and hopping off the dresser.
“Don’t go,” you protested, trying to slide your hand up her skirt again. “You still have time.”
“Chaewon-ah! We’re about to go out, where are you?!” Sakura shouted from the other side of the room.
“Coming!” she shouted back while smirking at you. “So much for still have time,” she added quietly before leaning forward and kissing you.
“Have fun out there, I’ll be watching,” you cheered, giving her butt a little pat as she rushed over, back to the rest of the girls who were a screaming mess as the video came to an end.
It all happened so quickly. The room was filled with screams and excitement just a moment ago, but now they had vanished, leaving you with nothing but the ringing in your ears as a reminder. You got comfortable on the couch, eyes glued to the screen as the group’s introduction began playing.
There was no denying this group was loaded with charm. Each member had their moment on the screen; Yunjin with her chic expressions, Kazuha with her unrealistic beauty, Sakura had that slightly awkward but so loveable smile, and Eunchae in typical Eunchae fashion was adorable. Then the camera zoomed in on Chaewon, the one who was able to pull it all off: cool demeanor, beautiful makeup, her slow and seductive blink, all topped with her adorably tied up hairstyle.
What really captivated you, more than you already were, was the seduction. The way Chaewon looked into the camera, she nonverbally forced you to look at her. Dripping of confidence, you would have never guessed that the same girl had been sitting next to you trembling from nerves just a minute ago. Then it began, the instrumental to No Celestial starting up, the members all getting into it as if this was their calling in life.
In a way it was. All of the training and hard work was unraveling before your eyes. In a vacuum, it would be impossible to know that these were rookies performing their first comeback; They jumped up with the assurance and certainty of seasoned professionals. You could see that they were enjoying themselves despite a little bit of shakiness here and there and a few minor choreo errors that were completely overshadowed by their enthusiasm - it was obvious to anyone watching that they were genuinely having a good time up there.
The amount of pride you felt as you watched Chaewon address the crowd was overwhelming. She, and the rest of the members, just looked so happy. You were glad that all of their hard work was rewarded with an opportunity to be face to face with fans; fans who were cheering their lungs out. They deserved it, the hardships they faced. Just as you were really feeling the emotions, Good Parts began to play. Before you knew it, the girls reunited with you in the room.
“Why do you look so sad?” Chaewon asked while jumping onto your lap, blocking your view of the screen and the video.
Without speaking, you pulled her into a hug. At first she didn’t move, but eventually she returned the hug twofold. Her body was still slightly warm after the performance, and it brought you great comfort having her in your arms.
“I’m not sad,” you mumbled into her shoulder, giving her butt a little squeeze, knowing what she had between her legs right now. “Excited would be a better word.”
“You two are so adorable,” Eunchae teased, taking a seat next to you.
“Eunchae behave,” Sakura said sternly, taking a seat next to her.
“Wow, Kkura is so cool when she’s bossy,” Yunjin cooed, sipping on some water and fanning herself while Eunchae laughed.
“Zuha, is everything alright?” Sakura asked, ignoring the other two.
“This won’t open for some reason,” she mumbled, fiddling with a little packet.
“Do you need help?” Sakura laughed.
“I got this,” Kazuha mumbled, her face fully focused on the snack.
“Come on,” Chaewon instructed, standing up and pulling you away. “We’ll be right back.”
“Where are-” Eunchae began before Sakura covered up her mouth.
“Don’t be too long, we have to change and head back out,” Sakura said while playfully. It almost seemed like she knew something.
You paused briefly next to Kazuha as you followed Chaewon out of the room. She was holding the packet when you took it from her and ripped it open before returning it to her. She was shocked at first, but she soon gave you a loving smile. You returned her grin and thought how sweet she was as you caught up to Chaewon.
“That was kind of you,” Chaewon commented now that the two of you were alone in the hallway.
“Am I not allowed to be?”
“I’ve told you so many times,” Chaewon huffed. “Zuha is fair game, I expect you to treat her well. Just stop making it so obvious that you want her.”
She was playing playful about it, but part of you suspected there might have been a tinge of jealousy. Or perhaps you were overthinking it.
“Yeah, but I don’t want Zuha right now,” you announced before aggressively pinning Chaewon against the wall. “I want you.”
“Do you?” she moaned as you began peppering her neck with kisses.
Your hand slid up her thigh, up her skirt, and then yanked her safety shorts and underwear down at once, letting the garments fall to the ground. With her neck in your mouth, you grabbed the base of the plug and slowly pulled it out of her pussy.
“Ah,” she moaned softly, reaching behind your back and grabbing your head.
Her pussy was dripping - you could feel little droplets fall onto your wrist as you began rubbing the plug around her intimate parts. You slid it up and down her pussy, forcing her to moan quietly, knowing that at any second someone could walk out of the room and catch you in the act.
An idea popped into your mind as you rubbed the little glass plug around her pussy. With your other hand, you gently squeezed her ass as you moved your mouth deeper into her neck. You slowly slipped the plug towards her ass, spreading her cheeks just enough to give you access.
“What are you-” she began to whisper before suddenly letting out a deafening squeal.
“Chaewon-ah?!” Sakura shouted from behind the door.
“Are you okay?!” Yunjin shouted as well.
“Yeah!” she shouted back. “I slipped, but I’m fine!”
“Slipped,” you whispered while stifling your laughter.
She hit you on the chest, playfully, before pulling up her underwear and fixing her skirt while glaring at you.
“Need to find somewhere more private,” she whispered, taking your hand in hers and squeezing it painfully hard.
As you followed her towards the door, you couldn’t take your eyes off her ass. The first few steps clearly showed some levels of discomfort, but soon she began walking normally. If you didn’t know better, you could have never guessed she had a plug in her ass right now - but you did know better.
“I can’t believe you did that,” she scolded you while walking.
“I’d say sorry, but I noticed you didn’t take it out yet,” you teased back.
“Shut up.”
You obeyed her command, trying your best to play along with her ‘anger’. She was clearly trying to act upset, but you just found it adorable the way she was trying to hide her smile.
“This works,” Chaewon said while peering into one of the empty dressing rooms. “Lock the door behind you.”
“What if I just leave it open?” you asked while locking it. “Add to the excitement?”
“I don’t care, just hurry up and get in here,” Chaewon growled, slamming her lips against yours.
As you two kissed, you moved deeper into the room. While the sloppy and messy kiss took over your mind, Chaewon backpedaled deeper into the room until a dresser eventually came into contact with her lower back.
“Someone’s in a rush,” you joked while yanking her skirt alongside her underwear down to the ground.
“Someone shoved a plug up my ass,” she hissed, stepping out of the clothes before kissing your mouth again. “Now can that someone hurry up and fuck me? I have to go back on stage soon.”
“Then someone needs to hurry up and turn around,” you snapped, giving her ass a hard spank before spinning her by her hips so that she was staring into the mirror of the makeup station.
Your firm cock immediately sprung up in attention as you dropped your own pants and locked eyes. Your hand slipped up her body and wrapped around her neck as you held onto your base with your other hand, fumbling with your cock between her legs until you found her hole.
With her lustful gaze in the mirror, and your cock poised to enter her pussy, you thrust your hips. As your length squeezed into her tight little pussy, your hand around her neck gently pressed down. Her mouth shot open, her eyes squinted, and she paused for a second as your hips slammed into her ass.
“So fucking wet,” you groaned, sliding your hand from her neck onto her shoulder. You brought your other hand up the side of her body, placing it on her other shoulder before pressing down and bending her over deeper. However, you made sure not to push too far - you wanted to see her face in the mirror as you started fucking her.
The initial shock had already worn off, and Chaewon began to pant each time your hips slammed into her cute little ass. Slapping noises filled the room alongside her breaths and your occasional grunt as you exerted as much power as you could. At this point, she was moving her hips back onto your cock as hard as you were thrusting into her.
“Fuck…” she moaned out freely. “Fuck me.”
Her ass was jiggling like crazy as you let go of her shoulders, running your hands down her body until they were on her hips. Now you could clearly see the ripples being made each time your thighs slammed into her. Her tight pussy was making it difficult to pace yourself. All you wanted was to keep fucking her senseless. She knew you were watching her all night, just like all of those other fans out there, but only you knew what she really wanted.
Peeking out from between her ass cheeks each time your cock rammed into her was the sparkle of the plug. You stopped thrusting for just a second and rubbed your thumb against the base of the plug, gently pushing it deeper into her ass.
“Take it out,” she whispered.
“Does it hurt?” you asked, grabbing the plug, worried that it was too much for her.
“No,” she answered, looking back over her shoulder. “Take it out and fuck my ass.”
“You mean it?” you confirmed after getting over the initial shock of her request.
She didn't need to say anything; the look she gave you was plenty for an explanation. She wasn't messing around - nothing facetious about it. This was going to happen, yet you still couldn't believe it. You quickly removed your cock and sank down behind her. You shoved your face between her legs, ripping the plug out of her asshole while licking at her pussy.
“Ah!” she screamed out sharply before quickly transitioning into moans as your mouth pressed against her asshole, soothing the pain. She began to moan softly as your tongue toyed with her tighter hole, teasing it, prodding away.
“You alright?” you asked, standing up behind her, your hands continuously massaging her ass.
“Mhmm,” she whimpered, staring down. 
“Tell me what you want.”
“Fuck me,” she moaned quietly.
“Be more specific,” you commanded, giving her left cheek a rough spank before reaching forward and pulling her hair back with a touch of roughness, forcing her to look up.
“Fuck my ass,” Chaewon cried out, grabbing onto the dresser for support, looking up in the mirror directly into your eyes. “Please.”
Luckily your cock, twitching in excitement, was coated in her wetness already. You spat on your hand before rubbing against her asshole, adding more of your saliva to the bit that was already there from when your tongue was exploring. Carefully, you pressed your tip against her entrance until it entered her hole. You took hold of her hips, bracing yourself for what was to come.
Chaewon’s pussy was tight - beautifully tight - but her asshole was a whole different story. You slowly pushed forward, fighting against her body, taking utmost care to go slowly. Each inch forward was a fight against pressure. It felt so wrong yet so right at the same time. Her tight asshole squeezed every ounce of your energy out of your cock.
“Chae,” you gasped, your fingers digging deeper into her hips, your cock halfway into her asshole.
The two of you made eye contact in the mirror and she knew, she knew what you wanted. Her eyes shut tight, face scrunched up in a grimace, her teeth clenched, and she began to push her ass backwards onto your cock.
A slurry of grunts and moans escaped her lips as she pushed back with all her strength. She got most of the way, her asshole getting tighter and tighter by the inch. When she got to what seemed like her limit, you took control again. With a firm grip on her waist, you pushed your hips forward, jamming your cock all the way into her ass.
“Fuck!” she cried in a mix of discomfort and pleasure.
“Your body is so fucking perfect,” you gasped, bending forward and pressing your chest against her back. You brought your hands up her body, wrapping them around her stomach. “You good?”
“Yeah,” she groaned, her asshole convulsing all around your cock. “Give me a second,” she added in her tiny voice.
With her tight asshole squeezing every bit of your shaft, you took the opportunity to slide one hand down from her stomach and between her legs. You began to rub her, gently, working your hardest to make this feel as good for her as it felt for you.
Her pussy was still soaked, instantly coating your fingers. You inserted a single finger into her pussy, which at this point barely felt tight relative to where your cock was at the moment. Back and forth your finger went, easing her body into pleasure and euphoria.
“Fuck me,” she begged quietly. “Fuck me, please.”
Your hips slowly began to pump away at her asshole, carefully with no sudden movements. She felt so fucking good right now. You kept fingering her, almost in an attempt to distract her from any discomfort.
It did feel like her discomfort was starting to vanish, that or your cock was getting used to the tightness of her body. Either way, all you knew was the way she was squeezing your shaft felt divine. You began to pick up the pace, moving your hips in a bit of a rhythm now.
While your cock found a comfortable tempo, alongside your finger, you took the chance to turn her head sideways and kiss her. It was sloppy, definitely lacking form, but you needed as much of her body as you could touch. You repeatedly kissed her mouth, or rather tried to as her body kept shaking each time you slammed into her backside.
The lust for Chaewon took over. The next few minutes were a blur. All you knew was Chaewon’s asshole felt like heaven. Even though you never wanted to stop, you could feel your cock getting ready for the climax. Surely you wouldn’t be able to last much longer, not with how perfect Chaewon’s tight asshole felt.
“I’m getting close!” she cried out, breaking her lips away from yours, her voice three octaves higher than normal. “Don’t fucking stop.”
Her body collapsed down to the dresser and you followed suit, pressing down against her back again with your chest. One arm snaked around her toned midriff. You could feel the flex of her abs each time your cock slammed into her asshole.
She began to squeal, loudly and rapidly. Words could not explain how turned on you were at the sound of her voice. It was too much for you, and you felt yourself mere seconds away from unloading into her asshole. You quickly tried to logic out of the situation; Keep fucking her ass even though you were about to cum? Slow down to try and delay it? Pull out and cover her beautiful ass?
The options flashed in your mind, but you quickly realized it was futile. Your cock began exploding inside her, filling her up with your cum. The added lubricant from your cock made it easier to fuck her tight little asshole as your orgasm took over your entire existence. There was a lot.
Your orgasm kept going, giving you the drive to keep plowing Chaewon’s little asshole. Luckily for you, her high-pitched squeals were a clear indicator of her own impending orgasm. Just as your cock began to burn up from the sensitivity of your post-orgasm state, you felt her pussy clamp down on your fingers.
A single, drawn out “fuck” escaped her lips as her whole body began to shake beneath you. With the arm you had wrapped around her stomach, you squeezed her body gently - subtly reminding her that you were here for her. You ignored the struggle of using your spent cock and you kept pumping away gently at her asshole as she trembled in your grasp: the goal was just to make her feel good.
It took some time for her body’s convulsions to finally subside. At this point, your cock was painfully sensitive, and the tight squeeze of Chaewon’s asshole offered little reprieve from the sensory overload. You stood up straight, taking a good look at Chaewon’s body bent over the dresser.
Slowly, you began to pull back, your cock sliding out of her little asshole. The same body that made it so difficult to enter was now making it difficult to leave, squeezing tightly as you pulled your hips back. It was all worth it, just to hear that satisfying moan Chaewon released as your cock finally freed itself from her embrace.
Immediately afterwards, a glob of your thick white cum spilled out of her asshole. Some of it adhered to her body, leaving a white mess on her pussy, while most of it fell directly onto the floor. You crouched down behind her, reaching up to spread her asscheeks lightly, admiring your mess sliding down the insides of her thighs.
“How’s it feel?” you asked, fully focused on the mess between her legs.
“A lot rougher than the plug,” she giggled, pushing herself up off the dresser, standing up straight. “But fine, better than I expected.”
“Good,” you said, standing up behind her, hugging her from behind. “We should probably get you cleaned up, you still have to go back on stage don’t you?”
“Yeah,” she sighed. “I wish we could just cuddle instead.”
“I do too,” you confessed, looking around the room to find some tissues or wipes. “But there are fans waiting, you wouldn’t want to disappoint them.”
“I know,” she agreed, accepting some tissues from you. “They deserve a good show, we honestly owe it to them.”
“Imagine if they saw what we just did,” you chuckled. “That would be a good show.”
“Inappropriate,” Chaewon reprimanded you in an exaggeratedly playful tone.
“By the way, what gave you the idea for the plug?”
“It was Kkura’s idea,” Chaewon confessed. “I… asked her for some advice.”
“Advice?” you cocked an eyebrow. “You claim nothing happened last night, yet-”
“Nothing happened last night,” she said firmly. “I never said anything about this morning.”
“The truth comes out,” you announced dramatically, wrapping your arms around her waist. “So why don’t you tell me what you and Sakura got up to this morning.”
“That’s a secret for you to find out another day,” she teased before turning around. “Who knows, maybe one day we’ll show you.”
“I’m exhausted,” Chaewon sighed before falling face first onto the bed.
“Awh sweetie, I’m proud of you,” you admired her, placing your hands on her back and massaging her sore body gently. “I’m sure you’ve seen, but the initial response has been phenomenal.”
“I don’t care.”
“Yeah you do.”
She sat up and smiled warmly, despite the fatigue being so evident in her eyes.
“You’re right, I do care,” she said, leaning forward and kissing you briefly. “But I’m still exhausted.”
“With how much you guys record beforehand, you’d think things would get easier after the comeback.”
“I wish,” she laughed, standing up and removing her clothes. “It was really just the hours we spent in makeup today that got to me, I nearly fell asleep like three times.”
“If it makes you feel better, I think you look amazing even without all that makeup.”
“That’s sweet and all but unfortunately it doesn’t work like that,” she muttered while reaching into her closet to find some more comfortable clothes. “Thanks for waiting, by the way. I’m sorry I ended up being late.”
“It’s fine, I know you’re busy with the comeback stuff,” you reassured her.
“Yeah,” she sighed softly.
“We’re still good for dinner, right?”
Her pouty face as she returned to the bed was all the answer you needed.
“You’re too tired, aren’t you?” you asked with a light laugh.
“I’m sorry, we just had such a long day,” she sighed, joining you on the bed and leaning into your ear. “I’m also still super sore from yesterday.”
“Don’t sweat it,” you responded, giving her butt a gentle rub. “We can just hang out.”
“I have another idea, if you’re open to it,” Chaewon suggested, slipping the shirt on. “How about you take Kazuha instead?”
“Take Kazuha?” you repeated. “You sure?”
“Yeah, why not? You two get along so well,” she continued. “Plus, I think she could really use it.”
“Wow aren’t you such a good leader,” you teased playfully. “Always looking out for your members.”
“What do you say, can you help this leader out?” she asked, climbing on top of your body. “I’ll make it worth your while if you do.”
“Going on a date with Kazuha and getting a reward? Sounds like a good deal.”
“It is a good deal,” she whispered, kissing you again. “Spend the night with her again if she wants, she worked so hard today.”
“You sure?”
“And what about the surprise?” you asked, kissing her while your hands filled themselves with Chaewon’s toned ass. “When do I get that?”
She slid off your body and lay down in her bed, pulling the sheets up.
“Tomorrow, you can make me all sore again,” she moaned with a wink.
Honestly this got a tiny bit delayed, but yay here it is. I just gotta say, the support recently for my work has been overwhelming. So many kind messages! Forgive any typos, I tried to proofread if thoroughly but I have a weird gut feeling that I missed some.
Now for the story. For those of you who saw "that post", I just wanna say making this a very Chaewon-heavy chapter was not me being petty, this was just always the plan. Obviously I've teased it, but I'll just say there's no more bait when it comes to Kazuha's chapter (I've already written most of it, and yes it is next).
Please feel free to reach out and leave feedback! I try to read every message/comment/whatever. Thanks again everyone who reads and has been beyond kind to me! <3
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marvelfanfics1 · 3 months
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Request: The second one would be at the beach!! Brother!jj keeps warning his sister to apply sunscreen but she doesn't want to listen and at the end of the day she got sunburns and cries to her brother and jj would be like "i told you, you ain't listening to me" but somehow will still applying after sunscreen, or a cream to ease her pain <33
Pairing: brother!jj maybank x toddler!sister!reader
Warnings: sunburn, fluff, not proofread cause I'm tired :3
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"We gonna go swim now?" You ask excitedly, holding JJ's hand and skipping by his side.
"Sure thing, squirt." He smiles at her, waiting for Kie to spread out the blanket before placing the cooler onto it together with the bag that was slung over is shoulder that had all necessities for you in it, such as snacks, your floaties, towels, etc.
You quickly get out of your shirt and shorts, revealing your swimsuit that had a turtle printed on the front, a gift you got from Kie on the first day of summer.
As JJ was rummaging through the bag for something specific you already took of running but didn't get far when he circles an arm around your body without even looking.
"Ah, ah, ah. Nice try." He chuckles, pulling out the sunblocker. "Didn't we forget somethin'?"
You make a grimace, shaking your head. "Don't need it! It's stinky."
"Trust me, ya would rather stink than have a sunburn later." He retorts, sighing when you didn't stop wriggling in his hold.
"Don't want it!" You whine loudly, pushing at his face so he would let you go.
He reluctantly let's go of you, dropping the sunblocker onto the blanket. He catches your wrist again as you were about to bolt after John B and Pope who were already jogging towards the water with their boards.
"Floaties." He reminds her, getting them out of the bag.
You huff but let him slid them over your arms, knowing that these are not up for discussion as you still can't swim without them.
"Can I go now?" You ask impatiently.
"Go." He waves you off, shaking his head with a smile as you dart off, shouting after you. "Stay close to JB or Pope!"
Kie had just finished getting out of her own clothes, smirking at the blonde. "She'll have one hell of a sunburn later."
JJ groans, grabbing your discarded clothes and dusting off from the sand before putting them in the bag for later. "Don't remind me but she gotta learn from it somehow."
Kie nods, reaching into her own bag and tossing a bottle of aloe vera at him. "You'll need that later."
"Thanks. You're a lifesaver." He smiles.
After a while of swimming and JJ helping you stand on his board a few times where you fell in the water a few time because he accidently shook the board you were now back on the sand, building castles with Kie while the boys did their thing.
Your sand castle was decorated with all kinds of shells, sticks, and leaves that you both collect from the beach.
Kie grimaces a little when she sees your back already in a light shade of red but continues to help you.
Soon enough the boys came out of the water for a snack and drink break. JJ whistles you over to him, holding out a juice box for you which you happily take. "Thank you."
He ruffles your hair and glances at your self made castle. "Whoa, that's a lit castle, cupcake."
You beam at that, smiling brightly. "You think so?"
"'Course I do. Y'think we can live in there?" He asks and you giggle.
"We too big for that, silly."
Later in the afternoon the pogues were sitting outside the Chateau with a crinkling fire, a few beers and some music while you were inside getting ready for bed.
JJ could hear you crying before you even came out, throwing his head back with a sigh. "There we go."
"Jay..." You sniffle, trotting over to him and tucking yourself into his side.
"What's wrong, hm?" He asks despite knowing the answer not even rubbing your back like he usually does when you're upset, knowing it would only hurt with the possible sunburn you definitely must have.
"It hurts!" You whimper against his bicep.
"What hurts? You gotta be specific, kiddo."
"My back." You mumble and he turns you around, lifting your shirt just enough to see your irritated skin.
"Damn, that's a nasty sunburn." He winces, turning you back around to face him. "I told ya this would happen."
The way you were looking at him with big teary eyes makes him soften and he stands up, picking you he carries you back inside and to the bathroom.
He sets you down on the toilet lid, patting your head. "Stay here, I'll be right back."
He leaves to retrieve the aloe vera cream Kie gave him earlier, rushing back to the bathroom. JJ grabs under your armpits to hoist you into a standing position, pulling your shirt over your head.
"Turn around. I promise it'll feel better soon." He instructs and starts to apply a good amount aloe vera onto your back, cooing softly when you whimper from the sudden coldness. "I know, I know."
As soon as he was done you turn back around still sniffling, reaching your arms out for him and he instantly scoops you up, swaying with you from side to side.
"Better listen to me next time."
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ ♡ ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
For everything:
@my-river-lilly @pauntedblacknails @fanfictioniseverything @devilslilbabysblog @buckymydarlingangel @hallecarey1 @daybreakwinter @loveshineslikethesky @wandaslittlewhore @vase-of-lilies @white-wolf1940 @simpingbutch @mischiefsemimanaged @alina02 @teddybearsgrr @doozywoozy @angelbabydoll28 @glxwingrxse @lilymurphy03 @veryvaughnny @lokigirlszendaya @youngstarfishdinosaur @little--baby--bear @minideathgoddess @rach2602 @aagn360 @gh0stgurl @flourishandblotts-inc @fluffyblanketgecko @lovelyy-moonlight @yoruse @kissforvoid
For JJ:
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eccentricwritingbaby · 11 months
she’s a lady
charles leclerc x fem!reader
summary - based on the song 'shes a lady' by tom jones. just y/n being cool and charles being a simp lol
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Well, she's all you'd ever want
She's the kind they'd like to flaunt and take to dinner
Well she always knows her place
She's got style, she's got grace, she's a winner
charles did not want to go out tonight, he really didn’t. but there was just simply no possible way he could ever say no to that wonderful face. you came prancing into the bedroom you both shared bubbling over with excitement as you began to devise your outfit plan of the night while charles just laid on the bed with dreams in his eyes. you had tumbled into his life unexpectedly yet perfectly a few years ago and fit him like a glove. you were a girl constantly sought after, therefore you played hard to get when charles began his pursuit yet ultimately fell into the drivers arms at last. but, charles did not mind the chase, he would drive, run, skip, throughout all of monaco - hell europe hell the world - if it meant at the end of the day you would be his and his only. 
“cherie?” you called out from your place in the closet. charles quickly dropped his phone, hopped off the bed and walked into the closet at your beck and call.
“oui, mon amour” he quickly replies while holding onto your waist from behind and resting his chin on your shoulder. 
“do you like this dress for tonight? or this other one?” you briefly pointed to two different dresses, both small and revealing the only difference being the color - black or red. 
“y/n what am i going to do with you,” charles sighs while squeezing your hips. you proceed to chuckle feeling something familiar pleasurably digging into your back. 
“char, the dresses aren’t even on and you are already turned on? oh however will you last through the night,” you sigh through the last portion to give him a quick tease as you continue to sort through your dresses. 
“i really do not think i will, mon ange,” charles whispers into your ear and proceeds to give your neck a kiss while replying again, “and you know i love you in red, always,”
She's a lady
Whoa, whoa, whoa she's a lady
Talkin' about that little lady
And the lady is mine
as the two of you approached the club all of your friends were at, charles began to notice the stares that were always pointed at you. he was a large celebrity and received a lot of people staring but that was all from proclaimed shock. the men - no - boys staring at you were gawking and undressing you with their eyes. normally charles would feel quite protective, and he does at times, but in these moments as your hand tightly grips his while walking through the crowded venue, he feels only pride. people look you up and down hoping you even so much as glance in their direction yet your eyes will never leave charles, you’re his. its never been in a possessive manner, only that you and charles have been absolutely and blissfully head over heels for each other from the moment you had laid eyes on each other. 
Well, she's never in the way
Always something nice to say, oh what a blessing
I can leave her on her own
Knowing she's okay alone, and there's no messing
you sat gracefully at the vip table that charles and your friends had reserved for the night out. charles watched as you nodded along to something joris was speaking to you about, a polite smile never leaving your face. you added in small comments here and there which made joris laugh while also listening intently and honestly, something that is so rare nowadays. 
carlos’ voice pulls charles from his thoughts as he asks the question charles asks himself everyday, “how y/n said yes to you i will never understand, chico, how did you get that blessing of a woman to be with you?”
charles receives this joke quite often, with you being so perfect and all. he understands that carlos is only joking with him and therefore replies back with a grin, “because i am the charles leclerc, mate”
charles’ grin grows wider after his laugh once spotting you walking over to him, “char, im heading to the bar for another drink, you need anything?” 
your deliciously sweet tone along with the sexy and sultry outfit you had on ruined charles in one altercation, therefore leading him to quickly stutter out a, “n-no thank you, love”
“okay, ill be right back, boys,” you smile to the rest of the group and only to charles do you drop your left eye into a small wink. the boys cheer for a minute and continue to hide their bits of envy in an easy teasing to charles - who accepts the teasing with pride because if you’re going to get made fun of by friends, it might as well be for having the perfect girl. 
as you continue to the bar, men begin to approach yet you remain oblivious only carrying tunnel vision on getting your drink and heading back to your man. you ignore the looks, the attempts at flirts and god-awful pickup lines while simply getting your drink and heading back towards the vip booth. right outside the booth and in complete view and earshot of charles, a relentless man keeps trying to talk and flirt with you. 
“c’mon love, just one dance, i promise i’ll take good care of ya,” he says to you. charles is about to come rescue you, but you have other plans.
“i said no and that i have a boyfriend you fuckhead, now please go away so that i can actually enjoy my evening,” you finish the easy tell-off with a few bats to your eyelashes and the man is turned away but not without muttering a quick ‘bitch’ under his breath, “excuse me?!” you whip your head around to him once more.
“i called you a bitch, lady,” he says once more, you give a whole-hearted laugh which just confuses him further. 
“i am a lady, but i will still set you straight,” you finish off while staring at the man.
“what do you mean by that, bitch” he taunts further. and with one simple swing, the man is on the ground and you’re shaking out your soon-to-be bruised hand. charles comes rushing up to you and engulfs you into a hug. 
“mon amour, are you alright?” he quickly questions.
“i am a lady who can handle herself, char, no need to worry,” you reassure and give a kiss to his awaiting lips. 
over to the side, joris leans over to whisper to the group that witnessed it all happen, “he’s too damn lucky to have her, she’s a badass,” the men just all look at each other while nodding in agreement to his statement. charles was lucky, but you knew that you were too. there is a reason that you felt safe enough to punch the man and also easily ignore all the stares that were given, because your protector was right behind you, fueling you with confidence and ease just as you do for him. 
She's a lady
Whoa, whoa, whoa she's a lady
Talkin' about that little lady
And the lady is mine
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