#so the headcanon for this ask is that this is someone in-person advertising their shop's pocket-creating services
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thevalicemultiverse ¡ 1 year ago
You know what? Fuck this, free pockets can be sewn into your skirt if you call this number! We're not talking about shitty tiny ones, these can hold your wallet, hands, even a fucking knife! (Your business is your business!) No more having to keep your hands full! Your boyfriends wear a skirt? That's cool too! (Free cake and shit talking included.)
Alice: [scribbling down the number] I was already planning on calling for free pockets, but you're throwing in cake and shit-talking? I may find a way to teleport to wherever your headquarters reside.
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blu-oo ¡ 1 year ago
Buggy was Roger’s good luck charm
So I’ve had a headcanon for a while now concerning Buggy and his place on Roger’s crew. It’s no secret that both fans and characters within the One Piece world will look at Buggy and go “How/Why the fuck were you on Roger’s crew?” Hard to say definitively whether or not Buggy actually has good luck considering the absolute hell he has to go through in order to face plant into his power/status, but you still can’t argue that he gains things he is 100% undeserving of lol. Oda’s trolling aside, let’s say that his failing upwards IS purely a result of him having his luck stats set to fucking max with a few buffs tacked on. We can even make this more fun and say the reason Buggy’s luck is so paradoxical is BECAUSE his luck goes to others instead of being reserved for himself (either that or the only reason “failure” is tacked onto this is because Buggy is a jackass and karma doesn’t sleep on her prettiest degenerates). I can see this going down a few different ways:
Maybe they were on an island along the grand line and came across a vendor selling good luck tokens. An ornate looking box catches Roger’s eye, and the vendor starts gushing about how it’s their most “luckiest item” and that it’s very VERY much worth the hefty price tag. It’s also most definitely “a worthwhile investment, trust me! It’ll all pay off in the end!” Whatever that means. Roger’s gut feeling doesn’t need to be told twice, so he buys it. This could be a moment similar to Shanks where they take the box back to the ship only for “SURPRISE! CHEST BABY!” :D to happen again. Roger is no longer allowed to go shopping/haul treasure back to the ship without Rayleigh’s stink eye supervision.
Maybe there’s something similar to the Sabaody slave market where he’s being explicitly advertised as a good luck charm. The person selling him shows off his luck by playing simple tricks (like using cards and gambling with onlookers. Look, if you’re gonna try to sell someone's luck, ya might as well make an extra buck while doing so. And hey, this just proves his good luck charm is working). While the seller is distracted, Roger easily sidels up and eyes Buggy’s mean mug. He asks if Buggy is actually lucky and gets a rudely gestured affirmative. “Great!” He says before yanking the kid up and running off laughing. Rayleigh: what the fuck is that. Roger, tankard in one hand, clown child in the other: a beer.
Maybe Roger just happens upon Buggy and and witnesses his luck in action. Sees how instant karma comes to collect after some pompous jerk spits and belittles little Buggy and immediately he’s shamed and humiliated in front of a bunch of people (in addition to Buggy pit pocketing him in retaliation). He witnesses a merchant make snide and haughty remarks and refuses to sell to Buggy because he’s a visible street rat and then immediately afterwards a flock of rabid seagulls dive bomb his stall and peck at his toupee (a piece of bread is flung and lands right before Buggy’s nose). A group of older teens beating the snot out of buggy and stealing whatever he gained that day only to then immediately run into Roger? Well. Etc. etc. etc. Roger sees all this and more and at this point he decides to take Buggy along just because of how hilarious this all is (Buggy’s eventual love for Roger and therefore his luck beginning to include Roger was just an added bonus).
And since this is such a loose concept (and ignoring that Roger was a D so the following woulda happened anyways lol) we can even say that his luck to Roger is the reason for all the success at the end of his career lol. Edd war? Buggy. Living past his initial expiration date? Buggy. Making it to laugh tale? Buggy, except wait- things didn’t go 100% to plan with that one, huh 🤔🤔🤔🤔 and guess who wasn’t there 🤨🤨🤨🤨 im playing or am i
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undertale-fic-librarby ¡ 2 months ago
Featured Fic Friday!
Welcome to Featured Fic Friday! A day where I, or someone who suggests one, tell you about a fanfic that I really enjoy! Spoiler's under the cut! Today's featured fic is...
Play with Me by grimrester (Explicit, Incomplete)
When you decide to pursue your childhood dream of running an arcade, the developing monster city at the top of Mount Ebott seems like an obvious choice to set up shop. The community is growing quickly, you'd have very little competition, and commercial renting space is dirt cheap. The only problem is you've never run a business by yourself before, and you're not very good with numbers. When you find a monster accountant advertising his services online, you jump at the chance to work with him. The skeleton seems formal, professional, and detached, which is just fine by you. Who needs the distractions of friendships and relationships when you've got a business to run?
A bit of a longer fic that unfortunately has not yet been completed, I found myself distracted from answering an ask due to becoming absorbed in reading this fic!
I was pleasantly surprised to find myself enjoying it the more I read, as I thought the premise was interesting!
I've said it before, & I'll likely say it again, but I'm not the biggest reader of, well, x readers, & Swapfell Sans has never really stuck out to me. However, I couldn't stop reading until I reached the last part that was uploaded, aside from a quick break to finish answering the ask this fic was for.
While it hasn't been updated recently, I would say that where it left off doesn't leave too many questions unanswered, though admittedly I'm not the type of person to think too hard about what I'm reading usually.
Spoilers ahead!
I love the way that the author goes about sex between the reader & Sans, especially since they don't give him the ability to form an ecto body, which is usually how most authors get around the issue of skeletons not having the proper parts to have intercourse!
Of course, reading smut is not everybody's particular cup of tea, so I'll also say that I really enjoy the headcanons the author includes! Specifically the bit about what collars & necklaces symbolize in monster culture, but, as I implied previously, I'm not the most well versed in Swapfell lore, so perhaps this is a bit of it's canon that I'm simply unaware of. Regardless, I think it's really cute!
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faraway-sunshine ¡ 4 months ago
Asker Dos and Don'ts
I'm sorry, this is going to contain so many don'ts, I feel bad!
Send asks!
Send asks with media or links!
Share any anecdotes, other stories, anything on that line so long as it's constructive (as in, Sunny can answer it with more than "oh damn" or "cool" or "I'll check it out later")
Feel free to send fanworks based on the blog! I will appreciate you for eternity
Push Sunny if he's initially evasive about a question - he's not a very reliable narrator after all ;)
Ask about other aspects of the world, such as other characters, his school, or whatever!
Hint about ships - a whole tag is dedicated to Sunny questioning himself regarding his sexuality.
Send stuff to me, the admin - just mark it as such as I default to answering as Sunny.
Check if it's been asked before by combing the blog.
Spam a question. It won't make me get to it any faster. If you're worried Tumblr ate it, wait at least three days for the first resend, a week for the second, and a week after that if I seem dead.
Send vents. I understand you mean well and I'm touched that you consider this blog safe, but! I'm not a therapist! Neither is Sunny! We're both mentally ill recovering teenagers who have a lot in our own lives and can't handle the stress! I'm sure you're a nice person but please talk to your parents, friends, doctor, or one of the hot/text lines on this list - they're all confidential.
Send asks in languages other than English - unless you're okay with being put through Google Translate.
Send random poems, songs, etc that aren't related to the blog in an obvious way. I'm sorry for those that put a lot of time and effort into them, I've seen some real wonderful stuff! But it's been getting spammed a bit and I don't have the energy to either halfass answers or spend an hour writing an analysis on each one. And neither does Sunny!
If you send a link, understand chances are it won't exist in Sunny's time.
Talk about modern politics; I'll very occasionally bring up past political issues, though very minimally as Sunny is by default disinterested.
Push your own headcanons or ships - you could talk about knowing someone where it ended differently or whatnot, but yelling into the inbox will not make me change my mind about my world. If anything, it'd make me resent the headcanon or ship if I get spammed over it.
Send anything that would be considered crossing a line anywhere else. This includes slurs, NSFW content beyond frank discussions of those topics, and serious threats directed at me, the admin.
Advertise. Anything that encourages people to look at an external link which benefits you directly (i.e an online shop, social media account, crowdfund business start-up, fundraiser) is banned. I understand often times are tough but this is meant to be a safe space. Yes, I did make a post to signal-boost a (now taken down) Lego Ideas set in the past, but that required no money shared and was tied directly to the blog's fandom (as in, it wasn't a political petition or similar). It's an exception and not one I expect to repeat anytime in the near future.
Roleplay as a canon character, though I appreciate the enthusiasm!
Try to use Anon powers - nice try. It's as tangible as Sunny reading a blog in real life. You can't send 100 tacos to me through the inbox, so you can't do that to Sunny either.
Send anything containing gore or that is considered Not Safe For Life. If it's too violent for a PG-13 movie (as in excessive blood, guts, etc), depicts animal cruelty, or shows people with excessive untreated or lethal injuries - it doesn't belong here. I am currently a minor and you will be reported to the authorities as well as Tumblr staff if you send images of this type, especially if I can't find the image's original source.
Happy asking!
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one-silly-cart00nist ¡ 2 years ago
The Diary [Mark/David]
(ao3 is back up but I might as well finish uploading all my fics here as well. proof of how extensive the Elder brainrot is atm)
Rated: G Word Count: 2k Non-binary David, Pre-slash, Crushes
Where a store-bought anime themed notebook which David turned into his personal diary turns out to be an actual book with ultraviolet hidden text of the official epilogue of an anime franchise. Nerd problems. 
The blinds were drawn over rain-drizzled windows. Three pairs of feet and an empty popcorn bowl were set on the table of David’s living room, where the Elders just finished watching the animated masterpiece of its genre, a mahou shoujo classic, Super Glitter Mew. 
It was a journey. They finished the last season all in one day, a goal rarely achievable at the Elder Rock where they were constantly interrupted by children, and distracted by all the other anime merch they squirrelled into their dungeon. 
But maybe it was for the better that they’ve been stretching out the run for distractions, taking it one arc at a time — they wouldn’t have come to face the ending that soon. They wouldn’t feel so invested and eager to see the finale. 
It wouldn’t feel like such a stab in the guts that many questions were left unanswered. 
Like, seriously! Was no one gonna answer what will happen to the remaining glitter warriors after they sacrificed their superpowers to defeat the evil? 
The three friends shared this sentiment of disappointment, bouncing headcanons off each other while they let the ending credits roll. 
“The final lines made it super clear that evil will make its return! What are they gonna do then?” 
“I think Ichigo becomes a scientist to, like, figure out how to restore their powers.” 
“Didn’t they hint in the second season that these aren’t the only glitter warriors? It will be someone else’s turn to save the planet…”
David trailed off when something on the screen caught his eye. A post-credit scene in which the main character, Ichigo-chan, held up and advertised what looked like a merch notebook: 
“Don’t forget to pre-order the special epilogue book that follows our heroes on their final adventure! Comes with an ultraviolet light and a Glitter Mew Mew random charm. Not suitable for kids under…” 
Barry sprung upwards. “We need that!” 
In seconds, the screen was paused, and Mark’s phone was pulled out to start hunting down the item. 
The first few searches brought him to sold out shops in japan and tumblr blogs showing their old merch collections. 
The anime finished airing in 2016, which feels like it was three years ago but is somehow actually closer to ten, and so, unsurprisingly, the stock has run out since then. And even less surprisingly, the few resellers there were on Amazon took the opportunity to price their copies in hundreds of dollars. 
Frustrated, Mark threw his phone between the couch pillows.
“Whose fucking idea was it to make an epilogue only accessible through these vintage priced books?” 
“It probably wasn’t even that good.” Barry tried to comfort him, his big hand landing on Mark’s shoulder. “Besides, we already agreed how it ends in our hearts! What do you think, David?”
“I think it’s funny.”
That wasn’t exactly a response that made sense. It prompted both of his friends to turn towards him. 
“What do you mean–” Mark began to ask when he didn’t elaborate further. It was like David was in a trance, still looking at the frozen screen. 
Suddenly, he jumped to his feet. “Give me a second. I’ll be back.”  
Then he was gone, loud footsteps running up the stairs. 
Mark and Barry exchanged confused looks—sure David was prone to getting distracted and running off the road a lot in the creek but it was usually clear what his attention was drawn to. What could he possibly be looking for? 
“Yeah! It’s here!” David exclaimed after a while. He sounded delighted. “I knew it looked familiar!” 
“What did you find?” 
“My old diary! It looks just like the Glitter Mew book!” 
That’s all Mark needed to hear to spring onto his feet and sprint upstairs. Barry heaved himself off the couch and followed behind him. 
Already from the doorway to David’s room Mark could see the undeniable resemblance to the item on screen. It had the heart planet logo of the show and everything. He could barely keep his excitement in. “Wha– give me that!” 
David backed away when Mark reached out. “Wait— Mark no! Let go!”
Mark wasn’t just going to let go of the valuable merchandise item, hell no. But he wasn’t going to rip it out of David’s hold either, although he probably would have had the strength to. He needed David to stop making a scene.
“Please—! I told you it’s my old diary—”
“I don’t care about the diary part, I just want to see the epilogue!” Mark reassured him. He had no interest in reading about elementary school field trips and booger competitions and whatever else that they found cool at that age. He didn’t need to hear about middle school drama either. 
“But it’s underneath!” David insisted, like that wasn’t clear. He sounded almost guilty. “I had no idea there was hidden text on the pages!”
Barry took the bait, turning into his overprotective mode like he so often did when David got whiny. Mark couldn’t exactly blame him for that instinct, he was more than ready to punch anyone for his shorter friend, but he didn’t consider it justified right now. 
“Yeah, Mark, stop butting your nose where it doesn’t belong. A diary is too personal to share.” 
“We’ve been best friends for a decade, what possibly could there be that I don’t already know about!” Mark didn’t relent. 
By focusing on Barry for a moment, David gained an advantage in their wrestling competition, and before Mark knew it the sparkly book slipped out of his hand. He reached towards it, but David halted the attempt with his free hand. Then, following a series of conflicted facial expressions, he threw the book across the room. 
That right there felt way too dramatic for the situation in Mark’s humble opinion. He sighed, pulling onto David’s arm instead of running after the diary. Maybe there was one more thing to clear out. If David was hiding anything it must be this. “Sit down. I already know that you’re nonbinary.” 
“Ah—!” David squeaked in panic. 
“You have that pin on your desk that sometimes shows in video calls,” Mark rushed to explain. He didn’t mean to fluster him. “The point is, we don’t treat you differently for it.” 
“Mark! We agreed we’d let David share that when he’s ready!” 
Mark covered his mouth when he realised. “Oh sh— I’m sorry.” 
They figured it out about a year ago. Barry pointed it out on a random funny screenshot of one of their skype calls, the one where Mark was holding up his hair to make a little fountain on the top of his head. It was pixelated, but it showed up on a later call with more resolution that made no room for debate. 
Barry had no idea what it meant. Mark, on the other hand, for no particular reason if you’re wondering, had the variety and history of LGBT+ flags well-researched. He spent the following evenings reading up on all information the internet provided about being non-binary.
“I… I was gonna tell you eventually… I just… needed some time to figure things out for myself,” David explained, rubbing his arms self-consciously. 
“We tried to respect that, we really did,” Barry spoke gently. “Because that’s your story to tell. Or to keep locked in a glittery pink diary. It’s none of our business. Right, Mark?”
His voice rose at the end of the sentence in challenge as his eyes flickered towards Mark. 
“Right,” Mark agreed reluctantly. He didn’t exactly agree it’s none of his business, but he was in favour of letting David take all the time he needs to come out. It was very much their business to protect David from anyone’s hurtful words before and afterwards. 
“It’s okay though. That isn’t in the diary anyway,” David shrugged. He tried to appear much more nonchalant than he felt, but at least the nervous tension was already gone from his voice. 
“It isn’t? Then?” 
“Mark, come on!” Barry groaned. 
“Barry! It’s the limited edition epilogue book we’re talking about!” 
“No! It’s the privacy of our best friend we’re talking about!” 
“There’s no need for secrets!” Mark shouted. This was getting on his nerves. He doesn’t care about the contents of the diary, he made that clear! “Not because I’m nosy. It just shouldn’t matter. We’re gonna be friends no matter what.” 
David eventually relented, walking up to the diary. But. Mark had to stay out of reach and not peek while he read the text hidden underneath ink. 
“It’s efficient. At least we won’t have to be squeezed on each other.” 
Mark agreed with that. And he was gonna stand on his word. Except… 
Except at some point, at the dramatic part, David can’t properly see the words anymore. He trails off a bit too often, and at some point admits that he’s just made up what the last sentence probably means because it’s so scribbled over. It’s frustrating. 
They finally have the epilogue in their hands…! 
And that’s when Mark makes the mistake of walking over, squatting next to David to look over his shoulder and letting his eyes roam over the ink—and the mistake is that he sees his own name. Followed by a heart.
“Cheating! Not cool, Mark!” 
He only looks long enough to understand that this must be what David was so reluctant to show. David has a crush on him. Or had, at some point in time when he wrote the diary. That piece of information makes him forget about the epilogue story altogether. 
He coughs and looks away. “Right.” 
He pretends he didn’t read it, and that he isn’t currently losing his mind, because Kami-sama that’s a lot to process. 
He doesn’t dare to look over to David even when he puts a hand over the diary to gently close it. “Sorry. For pushing you to read it. It’s illegible at this point.”
“But we appreciate you were still willing to try,” Barry adds. He pats the place next to him on the bed, where Mark should still be sitting if he wasn’t so impulsive before. “Come here. We’ll look up if it’s spoiled on Reddit.” 
Mark follows suit, carefully sitting down next to David close enough to see the screen but not enough to touch. He suddenly doesn’t know if that’s appropriate. 
It probably isn’t a big deal. The diary must have been written a while ago, so chances are David doesn’t even see him that way anymore. Everyone had an embarrassing crush at some point, be it an anime waifu of your lifelong best friend. 
Yeah. So he doesn’t have to act any differently to how he’s used to. 
But what if… 
What if David still likes him like that? 
He’s still dead spirited at home, admitting to Elder Mark the Second that he saw something he wasn’t supposed to and that now he has to consider whether he likes David back before David tells him. Otherwise he’ll hurt him again. He doesn’t want to hurt him. 
He doesn’t even know if he wants to let him down. He hadn’t ever really thought about it—about liking people who aren’t printed on manga pages. 
And he doesn’t even know if David still likes him. But the more he thinks about it, the more time they spend together, the more he finds himself fond of the idea. 
He wonders if he should have seen it coming. If all that affection he now feels when spending time with David was always there just unrecognised, or if it slid into his inventory like the annoying dog from undertale while he was stunned by the contents of the diary. 
And he concludes that he doesn’t know, but that if he wants to keep further records of its development, maybe it’s time to get a diary of his own…
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maxwell-grant ¡ 2 years ago
PIZZA TOWER Characters ranked by how good they actually are at making pizza:
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Gustavo: 5/10, 6/10 if he really puts his back into it. 9/10 if he’s making chocolate pizza which he doesn’t anymore, since it’s bad for Brick
In theory he SHOULD be the best pizzamaker of the bunch, unlike Peppino he clearly isn’t undergoing ten mental breakdowns per minute and he’s got an actual apron, plus he’s the only one we see delivering pizzas to satisfied customers in-game in the Gnome Forest. But since nothing in the game currently seems to indicate he has a pizza business, I’m going with a headcanon that Gustavo actually specializes in pastries and sweets, which is why he can seemingly keep himself in the Freezer level where all pizzas freeze solid. He does enjoy eating pizza, but Brick eats all the cheese in the house before he can even think about making one for himself.
Mr Stick: 2/10
Mr Stick has been subsisting on cheap takeout for decades now and cannot be trusted near an oven, or near a grill, or near a kitchen period, Peppino just lets him into his to keep him away from the cash register. If you ask him to make a pizza, he will charge a stupidly high amount just for heating up frozen calabrese. Still ranked higher than other characters only because he probably still makes pizza that’s marginally edible, as he definitely won’t want to risk a lawsuit by making you sick.
Pepperman: 8/10 if you really like peppers, 1/10 if you have a pepper allergy or just don’t like them
Pepperman point-blank refuses to be anything other than completely and totally excellent at everything he sets out to do, others not agreeing with his vision of what excellence is (mainly himself) is quite frankly not his problem, and he ESPECIALLY refuses to let himself be outdone by that wretched brute of a chef. Pepperman taught himself pizza-making out of spite purely so he could outdo Peppino, and he’s actually kinda great at it? Spite IS the perennial driving force of most of Pizza Tower’s characters after all. But obviously he doesn’t know, and doesn’t care to learn, about making any kind of pizza that isn’t stuffed full of peppers. If he’s feeling charitable, he might bake you a pizza with his face on it, and then throw a tantrum if you defile it by eating it (only HE can eat his own face).
Vigilante: 1/10.
Vigi’s family business seems to specialize in dairy and I think for the most part he sees pizza as cheap grub for city slickers (getting beat up by Peppino was kind of a wound to his pride), the whole idea just kinda abominable. He’s also a sentient pile of cheese who wears dirty gloves all day, if he did try to make a pizza, it would probably taste like dust or gunpowder or even have bits of him in it. That being said, he throws a MEAN barbecue, if you can talk him into changing his gloves you should get him near a grill immediately.
The Noise: -100/10
Noise is not legally allowed to be in most pizza establishments by court order, and the Domino’s lawsuits were a massive pain to settle as is. The Noise just does not cook, period, but luckily for him he can eat basically anything. He’s paid to advertise food products and NTV has personalized energy drinks, but his main diet consists entirely of tequila and cigarettes 24/7, and dozens of doctors have diagnosed his insides as some kind of freakish medical emergency that should take effect but never will. He’s like Mr Burns, it just all cancels each other out.
Noisette: lmao good luck
Going by her comics in the wiki, Noisette is just completely incapable of making anything that isn’t sweets even when she tries, and the fact that she hangs around The Noise makes it so that she has no sensible parameter whatsoever for what’s edible or what’s gonna give someone explosive diarrhea. She does run a coffee shop with at least some customers in the cast, she’s probably fairly good at baking, but if you ask her to make a pizza, the best you can possibly hope for is that she just makes you unusually large crepes, and hope you don’t hear an ambulance in the distance before eating.
Fake Peppino: ?????
He’s about as good as Peppino, ironically enough, but it’s a 50/50 on whether you enjoy eating his pizza or his pizza enjoys eating you, but hanging around Peppino and the others at minimum has made the third outcome, that is him eating both you and the pizza, statistically less likely.
Pizzahead: 7/10 at first, score gets lower everytime you eat it again
He SELLS decent pizza, is the thing, but obviously he never has to make any of it himself, not when he has all these countless food businesses and mascots and cooks bending to his whim after he enslaved John and took over the tower. “Being good” at making pizza is a laughable concern to him, when he frankly never even has to try, when he can just sleep during your escape sequences while everyone else has to do the hard work. The entirety of the background in Don’t Make a Sound is a testament to his catastrophic carelessness, you literally find boxes saying the monsters were mail ordered by him, and how little consequences matter to him (I don’t buy the idea that he’s driven by any kind of jealously towards Peppino, so much as he just targeted Peppino mainly because he could).
Pizzahead’s pizza is the kind of pizza that you get hooked in at first, and then makes you feel kinda empty or sick afterwards after a point and makes you think you probably should have eaten something else, but you’re still coming back another day or week when you have no energy or money or time to cook or buy a decent meal, so pizza it is again, and it keeps tasting marginally greasier and shittier and more depressing everytime until at some point you can’t smell the damn thing without wanting to vomit, and you swear off pizza entirely until you wind up back there again and, hey, it’s tolerable this time, and then the process begins again, go ahead, eat Pizzahead's product, wageslave, maybe you’ll start liking it again soon enough, he makes all the dollars and you make a dime and that's why you vomit on company time.
Gerome and John: 10/10
Gerome is probably the only character in-game who keeps a clean kitchen considering his job, and John is some kind of weird god with teleporting powers and sub-dimensions tied to him, and also the secret ingredients Gerome has the keys to wind up resurrecting John, but mostly I think it’d be funny if the characters who would be the absolute best at making pizza would also be the ones who would most reasonably never want to have anything to do with pizza ever again. I like to imagine The Tower Brothers having these miracle recipes and magic touch that both Peppino and Pizzahead desperately want, able to make the most unfathomably delicious Anton-Ego-flashback-inducing pizzas ever conceived, pizza that tastes the way you thought it tasted as a kid but actually much better, and nobody will ever realize it and they will never even touch a pizza again after it ruined their lives and home.
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5/10. 6/10, if he really puts his back into it.
Yeah, it’s okay, Peppino’s probably an okay chef. Peppino as a chef is kinda like Mario and plumbing: you know it’s what he’s supposed to do, he sells an identity tied up to it, but you never actually see him do it, you see him doing literally everything except his job and you just kinda have to assume that he's good enough at it. Peppino’s pizzas are probably the most normal thing about him, and maybe the only normal thing about him, really.
He does manage to convince the Bosses to not kick his ass in exchange for free pizza, which means said pizza has gotta be at least somewhat tasty, but also, his place is a dump in the middle of nowhere, he can’t afford proper kitchen wear, he scavenges ingredients in the wild without hygiene concerns and getting his greasy hands all over them, he doesn’t have any staff and runs himself ragged doing everything solo, everything he touches tends to be destroyed in some fashion, he has zero patience, and by now he’s gotta have some kind of pizza-related trauma or several hundred after everything that the game put him through.
I kinda like to think Peppino, in spite of everything stacked against him and how fiercely he fought to defend his business, is ultimately a mediocre but decent chef, who happens to be an unstoppably gifted wrecking ball of a fighter (and talented dancer), who really just wants to keep being a chef in peace, and peace is the last thing he ever gets.
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shanesbluechicken ¡ 2 years ago
Hey hey! I absolutely love ur bringing shane to the mines headcanons, amd i was wondering if i could request headcanons about shane with a male reader? Or maybe gn if u prefer. The reader is easily mistaken as a should be protected person (hes all smiley and soft and nice) but will get defensive and protective for people he cares about and does a complete 180 in mood
Shane with an s/o who's actually protective
You can see I struggled with the title :'D
Also ty, I'm glad you liked that one! And I don't have a preference when it comes to gender. I usually keep it neutral unless someone requests smth specifically🤗
TW: heavy language
Gender: male
Oh, yes, that's totally his type. Shane loves a sweet person who can also kick ass.
Of course he finds you annoying at first with your positive attitude and the sunshine vibes that you radiate. He sometimes vents about it to Gus or Marnie and even to Sam at work. They honestly don't get why it pisses him off, but it sounds like he's gushing about you with a bit of swearing here and there. Okay, a lot of swearing.
They gave up asking why a long time ago tho.
Shane: I just don't get it! How can he ALWAYS be in a good mood?
He doesn't understand why you're so kind to everyone as well, giving out gifts to every single town member. You don't even know them!
Shane secretly admires your kindness, but you will never catch him admitting it.
One day he sees Morris basically camping infront of Pierre's shop and handing out JojaMart coupons. He doesn't particularly like that guy, but he also doesn't see a reason to do anything about it so he just passes by. Or tries to at least.
Every morning Shane goes to work, the two of you see each other infront of the small shop since you're always checking out the board there. It usually goes the same. You greet him with your stupid handsome smile and he ignores you.
This time from the corner of his eyes, Shane spots you rushing towards Morris with a look on your face that he has never seen before. It was an almost terrifying mix of emotions and he stops in his tracks. Too curious of what's going on with you.
Shane freezes and so does his boss as your roaring voice hits their ears. He never even knew you could sound like that. He didn't even know that you could swear to be honest.
You rip out the coupons of the man's hand and point with the finger of your free hand towards his face, just a few inches away from his nose.
Farmer: If I see you here advertising that shitty excuse of a store one more fucking time, then so help me Yoba-
In that moment Pierre leaves his shop and cuts you off mid sentence. It doesn't take long for you to calm down and put back on that sweet look on your face, but the rage from before still lingers in your eyes.
Quickly Shane hurries off to his shift and can't focus on anything for the rest of the day.
Later on in the evening, when you enter the saloon he takes the seat next to you without a word leaving his mouth. Except-
Shane: A beer for this guy here, Gus. It's on me.
You've beyond impressed him with your stunt earlier today and he makes a mental note to never anger you. Even tho he found it oddly attractive.
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amive2567 ¡ 4 years ago
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Ingredients: Shouto Todoroki, Izuku Midoriya, Katsuki Bakugou and Hitoshi Shinsou
Contains: ikea furniture and the semi-complicated instructions, swearing, frustration, domestic fluff, violence towards furniture, Shinsou's is a bit short, not proof read
Summary: Just some headcanons about shopping and building Ikea furniture.
A\N: I redecorating my room at the moment and these furniture instructions are the living hell. So I am sitting here and write some headcanons 😭😁
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The two of you needed a new bookshelf
Since you bought a crazy amount of books in the last few years, your bookshelf was too full for any new books
It was Ikea so you didn't get away with just one bookshelf
"This candle smells like heaven, can we buy it?" You said with gleaming eyes.
Shouto couldn't deny your question, you were just too happy that he didn't want to let it vanish
This scenario repeated itself a lot
"Look this plant is nice" or "This little baking tin looks cute."
At the end of the shopping trip, you came home with more than just a bookshelf, but the two didn't care
At home, you clean out your newly bought stuff and started to build the bookshelf
At first everything was relaxed and fun
A bit of music played in the background and you both counted the supplied utensils
Then you started to build the thing
Everything was fine until you noticed the back wall was missing
"Shouto we forgot the back wall." You said frustrated
"How could we have forgotten this, we followed the instructions?"
You took the instructions and scrolled through the papers
There you found the missing page
"We forgot one page." You were at the edge of throwing the shelf out of your window
You build hours and now you had to rebuild it
Shouto only stared confused at the page
"Alright then we will start again."
You asked yourself how he could be so calm and collected at the moment
It was devastating and he took it like it was nothing
In the evening you both crashed down on the sofa a looked up to your new, slightly slate bookshelf
The shelf was already filled with the books that once laid on the ground
"We should treat ourselves after that horrible building experience" you said and dialed the number of your favorite delivery service
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You just had moved into your new house and needed some new furniture
Ikea was now the place to go (This sounded kind of an advertisement. It's not. 😅)
You even wrote a list with things that you needed and to your surprise you only bought this
Maybe it was also because of the squeaking girls that noticed the green hair under Izuku's hat. After that, you needed to flee. Sometimes it was quiet a hassle him being the No.1.
You drove home faster than you should, still in the mode of fleeing from the fangirls. Luckily, no one noticed your risky driving style.
At home, you carefully cleared out the furniture of your car.
After a refreshing drink, you started to build up the furniture
Just to clear things up neither of you had experience in crafting
"Izu, do you somehow know what this is?"
"I have no clue, honey."
He counted the pieces of the screwers, and the other stuff that got send with the furniture
In the meantime you called someone to help you with the crafting tools
You went into the basement and tried to get all the tools your person told you on the phone, but then you noticed that you didn't had all the tools
You had to drive to the supermarket to get your stuff
When you came home you got greeted by a mess and a distressed Midoriya
"What happened?"
"I somehow broke the new closet"
He wanted to surprise you, so he tried to build up the closet on his own using his quirk, but he ended up breaking the closet, now you had to buy a new one
It took you weeks to finish your "little" project
And in the end, you didn't break more furniture
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He didn't let you buy unnecessary things
"But this candle smells so gooooood! Please, Katsuki." You whined.
He actually gave in and let you choose three more things that you didn't need.
You were here for a new bed and not an excessive amount of useless things
He refused to go to buy a bed with you at first
It just had to be functional and not fancy
But you could convince him
"Do you want me to choose a pink princess bed?"
"Hell no, dumbass"
With that said you drove to Ikea
After you got the perfect bed (after 1 hour of choosing) you went home
You unpacket the individual parts and went onto building the thing
Bukugou didn't even wanted to read the instructions
"It's easy. I don't need them."
With that, the instruction landed in the trash
"I don't think this fits, Katsuki?"
"It will."
With determination he went on
At the end you had a perfectly fine bed in your bed room
"See I told you it was easy" he said and crashed onto the bed
Only to lay on the floor afterward
"I told you, you missed something," you told him, laughing
He grumbled and picked you up
"Whoa, what are you doing?"
"We will build the bed with your stupid instructions and then we will use it."
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I think he will be the one that spends hours there and choosing between different mugs
You only went there for a small stool and a cute cat bed
You got your things and a lot of mugs because someone couldn't choose one
He is the one that really gets the instructions and manages to build it up
You once build up this complicated closet and everyone told you not to buy it because your relationship will suffer, they were so wrong. Shinsou built the whole thing himself and didn't even need you
You were there to hand him the tools
"Thanks, love."
The stool was build in no time
The two of you enjoyed the rest of the day
You drank cool lemonade and you rested your feed on the small stool
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juminsmysticmc ¡ 4 years ago
Hey, it’s me, the one who request the moth headcanon, sorry about the trouble and if it’s okay, instead I would like to see an MC who’s major is digital arts and animation. If not, it’s fine, just have a great day.
RFA + Minor Trio with a Mc who's major is digital arts and animations
Hey! It was no trouble at all! I hope that it’s okay for you tho, I am happy that you could request something different! I hope you enjoy this one too! Have a nice day!
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Your husband observed you. Ever since he installed a room for you alone in his penthouse, you could finally work from home a bit more.
He hadn’t realized that even before you came into the RFA, he had already worked with you.
Your major, digital arts and animation, was often used for his advertising or other programs.
You often wanted to meet the CEO, but since he always thought that you would be just a gold digger, he always rejected you, just making Jaehee send emails with the things he wanted to have inserted.
Well, today he regretted his choice back then.
Instead, he observed you.
You were working on a new project.
,,How many years did you have to study? I mean, you have so many majors… Design Director, Storyboard Director, I didn’t know, you were multitalented, my love,’’ he praised you.
You even worked a lot with the audio.
You looked up and smiled at your husband.
,,Thank you, my love. I’m trying to make your latest project work. Wanna see?’’ you asked him.
However he knew that your work would be amazing and wanted to have it be a surprise rather than get spoiled.
Your boyfriend never understood how you could be such a good multitasker.
You could cook, set the table, chat with Jaehee, and even post something on your blog.
But once he saw you at work, he understood.
It had something to do with your job.
You had to work in different kinds of media at the same time.
,,This isn’t just one,’’ you told him and scrolled through your phone.
Your long hair was in your way so you put it away with one hand.
,,I have to work with the sound, video, and stop-motion graphics at the same time. I do this and much more, but I don’t want to annoy you,’’ you laughed as you looked up.
,,You don’t annoy me, Mrs. Director,’’ he laughed and kissed you.
You were even the director of a whole section and helped new students get into the job.
,,Okay, so, see this video?’’ you showed him an animated movie you just got via email.
,,This was made by my students, but she used the wrong program because the audio is slightly separated from the video itself,’’ you told him.
He hadn’t noticed anything at first, but after you told him, he saw it too.
,,And you noticed after a few seconds? You’re amazing!’’ he smiled and looked over your shoulders. You were still cooking.
Your husband wondered why he never saw you or met you since your college wasn’t that far away from his building.
But thank God both of you finally met thanks to the RFA.
He was also amazed by you because you were pretty famous among students.
You even had your own blog and of course you programmed everything yourself.
It looked amazing.
You had every single section working in there, but your point was the digital arts and animation.
,,Did you really have to submit a portfolio to be admitted?’’ he asked you when he read your latest blog.
You nodded at him as you typed something on your keyboard.
,,Mhm, especially to bachelor of fine arts,’’ you told him.
He didn’t quite understand, but he still nodded.
,,I didn’t have to,’’ he mumbled.
,,That’s why it’s written on there. The little word ,,may’’ says that you possibly have to, but not always,’’ you told him, making him sulk.
,,I know what ,,may’’ means… ah, and tell me. What are the admission requirements?’’ he asked you.
You turned your head and looked at him.
,,Can you maybe read the whole post instead of just the keywords? You need to check on the page itself for the requirements. Every university does it differently,’’ you told him and closed the page.
,,Ah. I just wanted to test you,’’ he smiled and looked at you.
He looked so up to you. You always knew what the latest LOLOL update changed in the game. You were amazing...
,,What? You went to Harvard University?’’ Zen asked you. He didn’t know that he was in a group with such an intelligent person and you were even Jaehee’s girlfriend.
You nodded.
,,She’s also very creative. Did you see our advertisement? She did it herself. Pretty amazing, right?!’’ Jaehee said proudly, no one had ever seen her that excited.
You changed her.
You and Jaehee also often went to different festivals to check the latest innovations. It was something even Jaehee was interested in.
And thanks to you, she even understood a few things since you were very good at explaining things.
,,Should we buy this new keyboard? It fits much better than the one you have now in your studio,’’ she told you and admired the keyboard in front of you.
She looked up to you since you were such a hard worker as a owner of a coffee shop and even a designer of word advertisements and 2d animation.
,,You make pretty good money, huh?’’ he asked you as he looked around.
Your studio just looked so aesthetically pleasing in the middle of Seoul.
You shrugged your shoulders as you kept typing something.
Then you took your pen between your fingers and began to draw something.
You were a storyboard artist.
Saeyoung, your finacĂŠ, loved to watch you.
He sometimes even helped you when a program stopped working.
,,Look, which one do you like more?’’ you asked him as you turned your screen towards him to show him a park.
,,Mh, I don’t know. What’s the story? LIke, this one looks cute as if you’re in a fairy tale, but this one looks more realistic,’’ he answered, making you turn the display again.
You nodded and stood up, taking your jacket and facing your fiancé. ,,We are going to the park now,’’ you said and pulled him by the hand.
That’s what he loved about you.
He, too, was someone who would simply do his work, but you wanted to give your best, even at  that moment.
At the end of the day, you however, knew which one you would decide on and you were happy that Saeyoung opened your eyes.
,,Mc! It’s so nice to see you here!’’ someone said and hugged you.
Saeran observed the person who was so happy to see you.
Both of you were in a foreign country and people still knew you?
You hugged the person who was apparently named Mira.
,,Saeran, this was my teacher, Mira,’’ you said and told Mira about your boyfriend.
She was so happy to see that you got a boyfriend.
,,Have fun here and go visit Josef! He will be happy to see you!’’ she said, meaning your other teacher.
You took Saeran and with him you walked through every department.
,,They try to motivate you to be creative, get started, start your own company, make your own shows, produce medical videos or animations, and they want you to learn things by doing,’’ you explained.
At some point, you arrived at a place that was lit by lights. Students had pencils in their hands and they began to draw something on their papers. This was something that amazed Saeran.
,,I thought it’s digital art,’’ he whispered.
You nodded. ,,They first try to make you get used to it. When you’re ready, you can move to the digital version,’’ you told him and observed the students.
It was a pretty good day and Saeran also enjoyed seeing you presentate something on a stage about your own work in South Korea.
He was proud of you.
Hand in hand, both of you walked into an institute to talk about digital art.
Jihyun also liked art a lot. However, he was a painter.
But your art was also something beautiful in his eyes.
He once tried it, but failed.
,,I remember back then, I also was unsure if digital art was real art, but after I saw it myself… I’m sorry I was like that back then… so don’t give up if people are the same here as in this art institute,’’ he told you.
You nodded.
Your goal was it to teach digital art in that institute and they first invited you to talk about it.
They first invited you in and then they were ready to listen to you.
,,Thank you for your words,’’ the older man said and nodded.
,,However, digital art is, itself, placed under the larger umbrella term new media art that doesn’t require any effort, Mrs. Kim. Digital art is not considered real art,’’ he said and closed his book with the notes.
,,Why did you invite my wife then?’’ Jihyun asked as you watched your dreams get crushed in front of your eyes.
No one dared to say anything. Were you just the laugh stock? Why did you even make the effort? You were ready to give up when Jihyun began to say something again. ,,I can understand you. At first we thought that digital art was easy. Why should we ask a teacher to teach us? I’m an artist myself and I thought like that too, but here too, just like the art with real pens and colors, you need to start with it gradually. I experienced it myself and I was surprised by how difficult it was. I beg you, try at least once to draw a forest in digital art,’’ Jihyun said, begging the person in front of him.
,,Very well, I have been an artist since my twenties and I am now sixty years old,’’ he laughed and took your tablet, ready to draw.
While he was drawing, you did the same on the second tablet and a bit later you all noticed the difference, making them all apologize to you.
,,I can’t thank you enough,’’ you sobbed as both of you walked out of the room, you overjoyed about the good news.
,,I told you not to give up on them. They were just like me,’’ he laughed and kissed your hand before you could both go and pick up Lucy at Jumin’s penthouse.
When he first saw your room, not Rika’s, but your own home, he was kind of shocked to know that you were almost like Agent 707.
He quickly noticed that just like him, you loved your profession.
It was something that satisfied you immediately ever since you first learned how things worked.
Indeed, animation was attracting more and more people and you were one of them.
,,Back then, when we lived in Japan, we somehow won a sightseeing trip and I got to see the Ghibli studio. I think that that was the moment I fell in love with it,’’ you told him as he looked around.
,,And then? I mean, Japan is one of the best countries to study animation, right?’’ he asked you. Vanderwood was truly interested in it.
He wanted to know everything about you.
The brown haired man wanted to know what made your eyes shine so brightly and why you were so in love with your job.
,,Uhm, yeah. Spain is the best country to study animation, but I also expected it to be Japan. Back then and still today, living there was too expensive. My parents wanted to move back to Korea and so I went to Spain to study my dream,’’ you laughed.
,,I’m amazed. I expected you to go with your parents,’’ he laughed and observed you.
,,I was amazed by myself too, you know? It was a hard decision, but I never regretted what I did. I could fulfil my dream and it’s my life after all.
And knowing more languages is even better because there are so many more opportunities,’’ you laughed.
,,Please never lock the door in other languages like Agent 707,’’
You laughed at his comment. ,,I won’t… but maybe something animated?’’ you teased him.
17.04.2021// 00:18 MEST
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deerixiie ¡ 4 years ago
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24/7 ramen.
description: you are iwaizumi’s home; even if he is forced to take you to a ramen place at 2 in the morning.
pairing: iwaizumi x gen!reader
genre/warning: banter, fluff, literally just filler dialogue with an overarching plot, light mentions of violence
word count: 1.8k
a/n: this was inspired by some headcanons im going to post. oh and this is for @hajiimes... hehe <3
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“I got into a fight.”
Iwaizumi paused, his phone hovering near his ear. He resisted the urge to let out a sharp laugh—of all the things, why did you have to get into a fight?—and slung his arm over his face. “And you lost?”
Iwaizumi could almost hear you pouting. “To be fair, they were-”
“But you lost.”
A pause. “Yeah.”
Iwaizumi dragged his hand across his face with a heavy sigh. “Why are you fighting people at,” he paused to squint at the digital clock on the dresser, “Two in the morning?”
“Hot and spicy shrimp,” you said solemnly. “There was only one pack-”
“You’re aware we have finals tomorrow, right?”
“Exactly the reason why I wanted ramen.”
Iwaizumi sighed again. “Are you hurt?”
“Well, someone elbowed me in the eye-”
“The eye?”
“Yes the eye. I’m pretty sure it’s swollen, but other than that I’m perfectly fine.”
“Why do you sound so happy?” Iwaizumi asked, getting up to scour his closet for a hoodie. “You lost a fight over a pack of ramen.”
“Well technically, no one won the fight. We all got kicked out of the store. Poor guy didn’t even keep his ramen.”
“Which store?”
“You couldn’t have gone to a convenience store or something?” Iwaizumi pulled on the hoodie Oikawa sent him from Argentina and grabbed an old Godzilla hoodie from his closet.
“Haji, this is Socal, not Japan,” you condescended. Iwaizumi scoffed at how haughty you sounded. “I’m sure Socal has convenience stores,” he muttered.
“Well, Walmart was the closest.”
“You could’ve woken me up,” Iwaizumi grumbled, moving on to grab the keys off the drawer, “I would’ve taken you to a convenience store.”
“But you were sleeping.”
“So? You know how dangerous that was? I’d feel a little better if I was there.”
“Yeah, but I wanted ramen,” you sighed. “Anyway, can you pick me up, Haji? It’s getting cold.”
Iwaizumi shut the apartment door with a quiet click. “I’m leaving the apartment now.”
“That was fast.”
“Yeah, I had a feeling that you’d want me to pick you up.”
“Okay. Oh, and remember to drive on the right side of the road.”
“I know.”
“Are you sure? You almost drove into a tree last time.”
“Because I was tired.” Iwaizumi opened the door to the car, dropping the hoodie into the passenger’s seat. “Tired people don’t think straight.”
“Aren’t you tired right now?”
“No, I’ve been awake since you told me you got into a fight. You need to tell me what the hell actually happened there.”
“I told you, it was ramen,” you huffed. “There was one pack of spicy shrimp and three desperate college students in need of ramen.”
“So you fought for it.”
“I lunged for it, some other dude shoved me, I crashed into the third person, and then he was pushing them and I was on the floor and then someone’s elbow was in my eye and then the employee grabbed us and tossed us out.”
Iwaizumi took a moment to process your words. “You sound proud of yourself.”
“I’m not. I didn’t get the ramen.”
“No one got the ramen,” Iwaizumi deadpanned. “Isn’t that what you said?”
“I mean yeah, but now I can tell people I’ve been in a fight.”
“Why would you want to tell someone you’ve been in a fight?”
“I dunno,” you sighed. “I’m tired and hungry. Tired and hungry people say weird things.”
“Damn right.”
“That was an insult.”
“It was.”
Iwaizumi didn’t respond, lightly drumming his fingers against the steering wheel as he waited for the red light to turn green.
“My eye hurts,” you said suddenly, your voice crackling from the phone’s speaker.
Iwaizumi furrowed his eyebrows. “Does it hurt a lot?”
“No,” you decide. “Ramen would make it better.”
“So now I’m buying you ramen?”
“At 2 AM?”
“It’s 2:28 now.”
Iwaizumi scoffed.
“I found this ramen place that’s open,” you said. “24/7 Ramen. It’s 25 minutes from here.”
“Why is there a ramen place open for 24 hours?” he muttered, half to himself.
“It’s probably run by college students. That’s why the name is catchy too.”
“It sounds like a song. You know, 24 Karat Magic by Bruno Mars.”
“Never heard of it.”
“What?” Iwaizumi found himself flinching, despite the fact it was simply your voice coming from his phone’s speaker. “How have you been living in America for two years without ever hearing 24 Karat Magic? That song is a classic.”
“I think you’re forgetting you’re speaking to a guy born and raised in Japan.”
“Haji, you’ve been here for two years. That’s 24 months. 48 weeks. And a certain amount of days I’m too tired to calculate.”
Iwaizumi thought for a moment. “730.”
“730-” you paused. “How the hell did you calculate that so fast?”
“Dealing with stupid people makes you smarter, I guess.”
“No, ramen makes you smarter.” You sighed. “I really want ramen.”
“I heard.” Iwaizumi turned the steering wheel, bringing the car into the Walmart parking lot. “And I’m here now, so you can stop whining.”
“Oh, I see you. Do you see me?”
There was a figure sitting on the front curb, waving erratically in Iwaizumi’s direction. “I see an idiot waving at me like their life depends on it, so yes, I see you.”
“I think being around stupid people makes you grumpy,” you grumbled.
“No, having to pick my significant other up from Walmart at 2 in the morning makes me grumpy.”
You responded by scoffing and hanging up the phone. Seconds later, you were sliding into the passenger seat of the car. “Aw, did you bring a hoodie for me?” you asked, glancing down at the Godzilla hoodie that you almost sat down on.
Iwaizumi glanced over to you, raising an eyebrow. “Hello to you too.”
You rolled your eyes and leaned forward to press a quick kiss to Iwaizumi’s cheek. “Hi, I love you, thank you for picking me up. Happy now?”
“I’m ecstatic. Yes, that hoodie is for you.”
You smiled, pulling the hoodie on over your shirt and relaxing into the seat. Iwaizumi carefully looked over your face. The only noticeable injury was the ring of darkness around your eye—did they really elbow you that hard?—and a slight cut on your upper lip, but those would heal soon. He let out a quiet sigh of relief.
“What, is there something on my face?” you asked, reaching up to brush your fingers over your cheek.
“You have a black eye.”
Your eyebrows furrowed. “Damn. Is it bad?”
“No, not really.” He checked the dashboard for the time and slightly frowned. “Where’s the ramen place?”
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24/7 Ramen was a small convenience store in between an optometrist and a cigarette shop. On the outside, it wasn’t much. The name of the store was illuminated in large flickering neon letters. The exterior brick walls of the store were dusty and crumbling with age and wore. The windows were covered with assorted posters and papers, some for missing children, upcoming movies, and advertisements for Japanese snacks.
“Oh, so this is like a Japanese convenience store then?” you asked, looking at one of the Japanese ads. “I guess you were right.”
“Told you.”
“Just come on and buy me my ramen.”
The door opened with a familiar chime that reminded Iwaizumi of warm yakisoba buns, tangled with the sight of preppy school uniforms, and of course, Oikawa Tooru. The layout of the store was straight out of Japan, overwhelming him with countless reels of tender highschool memories. If he closed his eyes he could see himself standing right there, bag under his arm, Oikawa at his shoulder.
“Feeling a little nostalgic, huh?”
His head whipped toward you standing behind him with an amused smile on your face. “This place does have a Japanese feel to it.” You raised your eyebrow in that insufferably adorable way of yours, and Iwaizumi found it hard to breathe.
He stuffed his hands in his pockets as a flush began to form on his cheeks. “Be quiet.”
You hummed but made no other comment, instead choosing to shoot him another knowing look that made his blood roar in his ears. You started moving through the store, picking cups of ramen off the shelves. He hovered behind you, still embarrassed about his nostalgic moment—was he that homesick?—occasionally picking up cups of ramen and examining them before placing them back onto the shelf.
After what seemed like ages, you presented your armful of ramen cups with a proud smile. “I’m done.”
Iwaizumi raised an eyebrow. “I’m not buying you 15 cups of ramen.”
“But you promised-“
“Each one is like, 65 cents? I’ll buy you 5, max.”
“Why not more?”
“I’m just as broke as you are.”
You sighed in defeat. “Being broke in college sucks.”
“I told you we should’ve held off on getting a car.”
“But I wanted a car!”
“More than you want ramen?”
“That’s- that’s an unfair comparison!”
Iwaizumi continued to go back and forth with you, even as you paid for the ramen at the cash register. You were in the middle of a frantic explanation of why investing in a car was important in California when you finally made it outside.
The air was still and cool, save for the slight breeze that occasionally tangled in Iwaizumi’s spiky locks. The only sounds were the distant cars speeding across the road and the faint sound of crickets chirping, for you had both fallen silent after leaving the convenience store. Iwaizumi turned to look at you: one eye swollen, upper lip bleeding, a plastic bag full of convenience store ramen clutched tightly in your hand. He could see the fire in your eyes, that odd determination to make your own dreams a reality, no matter how fickle or ridiculous they were. It was similar to the drive he saw in Oikawa’s eyes, he realized. The reckless, worthless one that seemed to be a double-edged sword.
Maybe that’s why whenever he looked at you, he felt like he was at home.
“I love you, you know that?”
You cocked your head to the side and smiled slightly. “Where did that come from?”
He shrugged and stuffed his hands into his pockets again, turning away from your curious gaze. The corners of your mouth pulled up into a faint smile. Without warning, you turned Iwaizumi toward you with your finger and pressed a chaste kiss to his lips. And then you were bounding off toward the car, the plastic bag jostling in your hand.
“Hey,” Iwaizumi called, starting after you. “Come back here so I can kiss you properly.”
“I want my ramen!” came your response from the car. “No kisses until I get my ramen!”
Iwaizumi chuckled softly. You were annoying and feisty, but you still managed to make him feel right at home.
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taglist in reblog; please comment/reblog with comments in the tags or in the post if you enjoyed!! i love hearing your feedback :)
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ready-to-obeyme ¡ 5 years ago
[OM!] Mother!MC with Demon Brothers + Luke Headcanons
Scenario: Instead of a younger human, the Devildom welcomes a mother (with a 3-year old son in tow) into the exchange program. 
intro + headcanons about how the brothers would interact with her 
no romance… just uwu
bonus how the brothers would treat the son (why son? Perhaps because I too want a son)
Female reader!! (MC is referred to as she in this post) 
bonus character: Luke :3c
Lucifer wasn’t prone to believe in fate-- and the beginnings of the exchange program was just another reason why he did not. He let the breeze-- the wind pick a human applicant for him; and if he had gone through every application (though he wasn't completely sure he'd be sane by the end of it all) maybe this situation wouldn't have happened. 
"What do you mean you can't be one of our exchange students?" Diavolo inquired, more curious than anything, an amused smile gracing his lips.
"I have a son," she said hesitantly. And there he was, peering around at the assembly room in his mother's arms that were wrapped protectively around him.
A mother and her human child, Lucifer thought blearily. One could only imagine what would happen if both of them remained here. (Which is why he never cut corners in anything he ever did ever because the one time he does, things go to shit. Damn Diavolo for enabling him.)
disgruntled by the adjustments made to accommodate a human child and his mother; mf will he ever rest
probably has to worry about babysitting duties delegated to his brothers 
however, pleasantly surprised by MC's calm demeanor and reliable personality; finally another competent person in the house he doesn't have to really pick up after
...actually adores her and her son
accidentally does things to please her without really realizing it and hates the slight disappointment or worry he sees when he goes through sleepless nights or lashes out from anger
doesn't remember the last time he's been chastised, but he's as embarrassed as he can be when she fusses over him
the hell coffee she makes for him every morning and the snacks she brings during his breaks makes him lowkey wanna cry-- he doesn’t know how to deal with a selfless, unconditional love
is used to being a single parent ngl so taking care of her son is kinda… easy especially if the son is compliant
finds himself pressing a kiss to his forehead absently and catches himself only after he's done it (bonus points if Barbatos takes a pic of it and sends it into their trio gc) 
“Barbatos, please delete this picture.”
“Oh, are you sure about that?”
ah he's attached, and so are his brothers, which kind of perturbed him a little but he’s kind of in the same boat after a short week or so
(if there was one brother who had a chance of harboring feelings for a mother mc, it’d be Luciiiiiiii uwuwuwuuwuuw; what can I say? He can’t resist the milf) 
eventually, he opens up to her about the war-- because if there was any human he’d trust with his secrets, it would be MC
he's crying 
he doesn't think anyone has ever talked or held him as gently as MC
similar to the game, absolutely adores her and can't even lie about it
ok jk he's still a tsundere, but blushes every time MC looks at him with a knowing look because he can't lie convincingly enough that no, the head pats dont feel nice and no, he's just eating the lunch she made because it'll be a waste otherwise, ok?!
Her son definitely thinks he’s related to Mammon
Definitely the first one to accidentally call her “mom” 
But hey don’t blame him-- he’s weak to how MC looks at him endearingly as she brushes hair out of his face motherly, like he can do no wrong 
Nothing can compare to how Mammon feels when MC tells him she’s proud of him
feels legit guilty when she calls him out on his habits of stealing things to the point he remembers her voice when he tries to do it again-- basically his conscience ngl
she's like a cold hand to his feverish forehead, a cooling balm to the burn on his hand
when she defends him from his brother's insults, swears he'll protect her and her son 
on that note, adores her son too and her son adores mammon!
surprisingly (or not) good with kids and treats them well; plays with them, very lively and dynamic
takes babysitting pretty seriously-- makes him consider the fact that he might actually want to be a father in the future if possible
not that he doesn’t have reckless endeavors with her son... they just end up okay so no one is none the wiser until it shows up on someone’s devilgram or spoken about through Barbatos/Diavolo
Honestly doesn’t know how to to react 
A little miffed tbh that he finds it so easy to talk to her about…. Everything??? 
When he enlisted her (and her son) to get his money back from Mammon, did he expect to rant to her about all his animes and gush about his figurines to her because that was one of the first time someone’s allowed him to indulge in his hobbies and listen patiently?
No, and now he’s crying 
And the fact she gently addresses his self-deprecating comments and urges him to see how she sees him (smart, witty, forgiving)---
Will probably do anything for MC and anything she says at this point; the pact is just a formality LOL
Listens to her and genuinely thinks the things she does for him is in his best interest 
Had a hard time knowing how to deal with her son for a while, simply because he doesn’t know what he could do to actually entertain the child
Then finds out he could literally put up TSL or any of his favorite animes and the kid will watch it-- and ABSORB
Levi might as well be the kid’s best friend at this point-- dubbs him ‘Henry’-- which is really the greatest compliment MC thinks her son can get from him
Honestly volunteers to babysit him and proceeds to spoil him rotten
Slightly annoyed at how motherly she is at the beginning-- he takes her care and actions as if she treats him like a child
Finds it frightening how soothed he feels when he’s around her
There’s something about an older, calming presence that saps the anger from him and makes him feel like he can be himself around MC
Surprisingly the second person to accidentally call MC by “mom” probably an hour after he makes fun of Mammon for doing it (lol karma)
isn't one to seek out her attention like with levi, mammon, or asmo but is pleased whenever he does have time to spend with her because she always seems to have insight on everything and a strange wisdom that all mothers apparently do
has a lot of late night talks with her about her life, her career, what it's like having a child
often finds himself asking her for advice, and even if she doesn't have the answer, he always comes out of it thoughtful and clear minded 
always willing to take care of her son; delights in reading him his favorite books and enacting the exciting scenes 
always treats him like an adult to the point that their conversations are really funny to listen to
"So would you say the author's intent of the blue door was to convey the agony of grief?"
"I like the color blue."
"As did the protagonist; hm, you bring up a good point."
the son is Satan's partner in crime against Lucifer 
"It's better if we do this, isn't that right?"
"Yeah!" MC’s child says, happily chewing on his favorite snack that Satan always gives to him and honestly not caring about the conversation at hand at all
"See? He agrees with me!”
And Lucifer just sighs bc he always loses in these arguments and Satan is unbearably smug
similar to Satan, finds her presence in Devildom to be very pleasant and calming
she never seems to be disapproving of his past times, and Asmo is endeared by the way she never fails to say "stay safe" or "have fun!" or even "do you want me to leave the front lights for when you come back?"
the little motherly ways in which she shows she cares makes Asmo adore her
loves taking her shopping; always has a good time just gossiping, trying new clothes, or having a girls night out with self careeeee
when her son tags along, loves to have him dress up too or try on make up and it's too adorable NOT to post on devilgram
pretty sure MC's son has trended on devilgram before-- but that was the first and last time because Lucifer yelled at him for advertising the fact there was a human child in Devildom
which Asmo thinks is silly because he's pretty sure the caption under the selfie of the three of them ("So adorbs! I've only had MC's son for a day, but if anything happened to him, I would kill everyone in Devildom and then myself. Teehee!") would have deterred any demon from laying a finger on him
When Asmo has him for babysitting duties, always loves to bathe him and play with bubbles, morphing his hair into an afro or an equally fashionable hairdo
actually very attentive to the child!!
Not much changes from how Beel treats MC, but does view her actions in a more motherly manner 
I think one thing that would change is that-- considering MC is a mother of her own child, is actually very protective of the brothers and sensitive to their changes in moods
When Lucifer gets angry at Beel and Luke, MC is furious and furiously protective, not yielding one bit or hesitating to put herself in front of them because of her instincts-- Beel has never admired her more 
Physical strength has always something he can easily understand, but it is the strength of wills and of bravery that surprises him every time 
After Mammon and Satan accidentally calls you “mom” Beelzebub has no qualms with calling you by mom either-- I mean, what’s the shame in that? Everyone already thinks of you as their mother-figure anyways
MC helps him deal with the loss of his sister
With MC’s child… You know that one meme with the two ways dad deals with kids: one is softly kissing his child on the forehead as he sleeps and the other is carrying his kid by the leg with one arm
Both of them is Beel 
carries the kid around in the weirdest ways sometimes, including on his head, in one hand like he's holding a trophy, upside down (dw the kid thinks it's funny)
main transport is on his shoulders though; thinks it's kinda cute how the kid puts his arms around his head
wouldn't love anything more but to nap with him, but Beel is afraid of hurting him when he sleeps
Is the softest with MC’s son--- he’s not used to being the older brother, so he takes this responsibility kind of seriously 
Always makes sure the food that MC’s son eats is appropriate so he tastes/tries it first… and sometimes ends up eating all of it, but he always manages to succeed in feeding the kid so it’s all good
Wants to hate MC so badly the first time they meet when he’s in the attic
He’s supposed to HATE humans, damn it-- why the hell is MC trying to be so motherly and understanding, huh?? How dare she make him guilty after he lied to her like wlkjaflksjfkjasdlfj
Out of all of them, seeks MC the least; whether it’s from guilt or the fact that her presence reminds him of the things and resentment he used to hold against her 
Takes a little more cajoling from MC to talk to her and explain how he’s feeling so they can move past it
He’d rather die than let anyone else know that he teared up when they talked about Lilith and how he felt about everything; urges Belphie to talk to Lucifer and seek reconciliation with him individually (because it may be a family problem, but the feud was between the two of them, don’t you think?)
Finally gets the redemption arc he deserves and feels a lot lighter knowing that everything that has happened is now in the open and he’s ready to start healing 
In avoiding MC after the whole debacle, Belphie ends up spending more time with her son because he thinks Belphie is fascinating and Belphie has no clue why 
Similarly to Satan, treats the kid like he would anyone else but does find it amusing if the kid chases after his tail like a cat
Always ends up napping with him whenever MC’s son takes a nap-- after all, what’s easier than looking after a kid if you’re BOTH asleep?
Keeps an eye on him by putting a hand on his torso as they nap together
Uses MC’s son as an excuse to not do something, especially when Lucifer tells him to do something he doesn’t like to do
Honestly the son is a part of his arsenal-- he knows how weak everyone is for this kid (and so is he tbh but more lowkey) so cute pics of him is like… currency (Mammon WISHES he thought of this first) 
MC practically adopts him the moment she lays eyes on him-- how could she not? Luke may as well be her other son
Luke can’t say no, especially after she saves him from Lucifer
Definitely calls her mom by accident and the brothers tease him-- only for him to retort back that “don’t you ALL call her by mom?” and they shut up lol
Simeon still gets to tease Luke though heheh 
Really really really tries hard not to refer to MC as mom, but it slips out sometimes and no one even bats an eye 
Baking together is such a family bonding moment
Treats MC’s son most like his younger brother almost automatically and makes sure he doesn’t get into any trouble while he’s taking care of him (though he does anyways) 
Kind of likes the responsibility of babysitting MC’s son; makes him feel trusted
(MC takes the cutest pics of them together when they fall asleep; starts thinking about maybe having another child wouldn’t be so bad)
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autumnslance ¡ 5 years ago
how do you get into roleplaying on a ff server? like how do you do it and how do you know if your character is lore compliant? ;A; pls youre a big inspo to me
*Hugs Nonny* Getting into RP on a FF server can vary; I don’t actually RP much these days, outside of some friends I already have connections to--and that in itself can be difficult just due to Life! It can take time, and patience, and some fits and starts.
And this gets...really really long, so buckle up and go below the cut, please. :)
The cut got broken by an edit. Sigh.
In game there’s always the RP status tag, and just doing RP with folks in public spaces. There may be trolls now and then, but they can be ignored. I personally find Balmung’s Quicksand area too busy and anxiety inducing and not actually all that conducive to actual RP, even “meet at a tavern” walk-up type. But unless you already have a ready-made group of friends/FCmates willing to RP more than some random walk-ups with you, it may take some legwork to find folks you can and want to write with.
Social Media There are a couple of RP community blogs, like @mooglemeet​ and @ffxiv-crystal-rp​  and plenty of server-specific ones. There’s also some Discords for these communities. They host and advertise events and reblog people who are looking for RP contacts. Some of them have running gdoc calendars and in game linkshells and fellowships as well.
Shofie has a good post about Tumblr/social media RP blogging.
It’s a fact now that social media outside game is a way to make contacts, or even a medium for RP itself. There are few centralized websites/forums for server RP communities anymore. Making connections over your social media, like Tumblr and Twitter, can help find RP. You can’t just throw your own character info out there or reblog prompts hoping others bite, though; you have to put in some work and show interest in others, too. This can be difficult and even scary. That’s OK.
RP is about collaboration and creating with other people, which means finding folks you can write with, and who see you as someone interesting but also interested in them and their OCs. If you want to keep it a solo endeavor focused on your own OCs, write fanfic (which I’ve actually made friends and gotten RP interests that way too through comment interactions, so hey).
If you reblog a prompt from someone, see others on your dash reblogging prompts, if people reblog that prompt post from you? Send them asks! Alternatively, don’t wait for prompts, just send asks, comments, or chats saying hello and things you notice or like about their blog/character/posts they make. Try to form connections with people you think are genuinely interesting and might be fun to talk with. Social media should be, well, social.
BUT respect boundaries, too. Don’t try sarcasm or jokes with people you don’t actually know, it tends to go over poorly. Unless someone’s specifically posting a naughty meme/prompt, keep stuff you others send clean and polite, especially if it’s unsolicited and you’re not already friends (doubly so if you don’t know how old they are IRL, there are laws you do not want to break). Respect if people aren’t open to random asks or chatting with new followers, or say “no” to RP, and know it’s not personal--it’s just what they have time, energy, and emotional/mental capacity for. Don’t give up on other people, though. This stuff can take time and effort to find those you click with.
Respect and communication with RP partners is pretty key.
Do curate your feeds and don’t be afraid to unfollow/mute/block folks, either. I’m selective in who I follow and remove as needed, too, for my own mental health. I miss so much of the discourse and drama and that’s fine by me. Also it costs nothing to not step in on a lot of the drama when it does pass in sight.
Profiles I have static RP profile pages for my girls here on Tumblr (and a lot of other static links and pages, but I’m weird about organizing like that). This way, if people want to write with me, send me prompts, if I sent them prompts, or they want to otherwise interact with my characters, the information is handily available. For some folks, this makes all the difference in who they choose to interact with: how easily can they find even basic info about your OC?
Some people make Carrds. Some folks have gdoc links, or use Dreamwidth, etc. Just keep the links in the blog’s sidebar menu, and/or in the blog desc so people can see ‘em on mobile. There are templates out there, or you can make your own. Feel free to snag mine if you’d like. A lot of times people also copy their profiles to rebloggable posts when looking for RP contacts. Profiles are a good way to let folks know just the at-a-glance basics about your character(s).
I picked a simple theme with a simple layout that makes it easy to add and show off links. I put them in the blog desc to make them easy to find on mobile, too.
Tumblr media Tumblr media
[Images: links from my blog sidebar menu showing how over organized I am]
RP, Stories, Lore Post some stories or RP logs (with permission of others involved) or even just random little blurbs and headcanons, as well as any screenshots, art, aesthetic posts for your OCs. Have something of interest to show for your character, too, so some of those folks your interacting with have something of their own to see and ask about!
If possible, try some light RP with friends and FC Mates who are amenable. Go to events, even if just to lurk at first. When you do get up the nerve to talk to people, don’t try to throw a character’s entire backstory at them, or try to steal the limelight--RP is collaboration, back and forth, and a lot like real conversation. Maybe come up with little light things to talk about if asked; a recent adventuring job, a silly shopping incident, etc. They can break the ice or just give you something to reply with for a few minutes.
Lore Compliance is Variable. Some people really want lore compliance, others are OK bending it here and there, while still others throw it out the window entirely. If you want to be super lore compliant...read. There’s a LOT of information, in game and out, for finding lore; from official publications and website material, to tools like Garland Tools site, to compilation blogs like @mirkemenagerie.
Note what’s important for your concept. Narrow it down. Characters aren’t going to know or be or do everything, so only worry about what’s necessary for the base idea. And be flexible; it’s SE’s sandbox, we just play in it, and they can change things any time. They usually do it in the guise of characters not knowing/having all the correct information, at least, but also some places just don’t exist in game yet so we don’t have info.
I’m unspecific about a lot of elements of Aeryn’s childhood, for instance, other than “traveling merchants near Thavnair.” I don’t have to be super specific. I can keep most details vague, and focus on her family and those relationships.
Dark, as my first character, has a fairly simple backstory that I’ve expanded on and adjusted over time as I learned and came up with new info. I also bet no one remembers I originally said Dark was from the North Shroud. I’ve changed things (now from East Shroud, due to the proximity to Gyr Abania and its Hellsguards) as I learned more about the world and my character. You don’t want to change things willy-nilly, but sometimes being flexible and smoothing down some rough edges and making small changes can be fine, especially as one gets more lore over time.
Iyna has a pretty detailed backstory, that came from a basic idea, and checking dates in the pre-Calamity timeline. I based her being taken and trained the way she was not only on what info we have about Garlemald’s imperial practices with conquered provinces, but borrowed a bit from real life and the re-education schools many Native Americans were forced into (though I haven’t gone into detail on that yet, either). I tied the turning point in Iyna’s life to a major event that wasn’t the Calamity, and have left plenty of space in between for me to fill in as time goes on and I learn more about her and the world.
The world isn’t static, and is bigger and more diverse than what can be shown in the game. There’s space in the margins for plenty of weird stuff and contradictions or unusual cases. So read up on what you can, ask questions, and then find where in those spaces your OC fits. Then, find people who enjoy similar tastes in lore compliance (or non-compliance), and who enjoy playing with you and your OCs, and not worrying about the rest. Can’t please everyone, nor get along with everyone, so don’t try; just find what works for you, and who works with you, and don’t police anyone else’s pretendy fun times, either.
There’s no magic answer on the “right” amount of lore compliance, or how to quickly and easily find RP partners or break into the broader RP community.
I hope this helps at least a little bit! Good luck in finding your niche for RP, and maybe I’ll see you sometime at an event :)
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latin-dr-robotnik ¡ 5 years ago
Sonic’s memento collection (SonAmy prompt)
Prompt suggested by @itsnicky13​! It’s been a while since I last picked up and expanded on something that wasn’t... well... tsundere Sonic, and I think this one is a very nice and cute idea to work with! 
Prompt goes: what if Sonic dropped the bracelet Amy made for him to wear back in the Sonic X episode “The Last Resort”, and he struggled to tell her how he kept it after all this time, since she always thought the bracelet was lost.
I personally got a lot more excited by the first part of the idea, but I hope you still enjoy it regardless!
“Wait, is that...?” Amy was ready to throw herself back to the battle, but the sight of it stopped her right on her tracks, as she slowly approached the sand covered thing... 
“What, Amy? What?” Sonic wasn’t having the time of his life, struggling to fight against the snake-like Aqua Bots that were playing around with his biggest weakness: the sea. He kept running from the beach to the docks and back, yet the bots were untouched, unloading their high-pressure water cannons on him and starting to close up the distance for a quick grab at the wet hedgehog.
Amy reached for the now clearly visible bracelet, feeling a strong mix of emotions as she recalled her memories of the one she once made exclusively for him...
“Oh my... did you really keep it all this time?”
“Amy, we’re in the middle of a battle if you haven’t noticed!”
One Aqua Bot managed to grab Sonic’s legs at the dock, while another was racing towards his left arm, with the hedgehog struggling to break free.
“I can’t believe it, after so long...” Amy murmured, “I thought it was lost... but how...?”
“Amy! A little help over here? Amy!”
“Oh? Yeah, right, the robots.” She quickly snapped back to reality, running towards Sonic at the dock, and throwing her hammer at the Aqua Bots like it was a big, deadly boomerang. 
She smashed all of them with one swift throw.
“Aaaaaand... they’re gone.”
“Geez, girl, what took you so long?” Sonic sat down on the dock, shaking his wet quills. “What were you talking about back there?”
Amy sat next to him, staring at the entire Diamond City Bay. She played with her fingers for a bit, still processing what she just found out.
“Sonic, did you really keep it all this time?”
“The what, Amy?”
“My bracelet, you fool!” Amy snapped at him for a moment, before pulling out the old bracelet and quietly reflecting on it. “The one I made for you... you just dropped it during the battle.”
“Ah? Oh! That thing!” Sonic grabbed the bracelet from Amy’s hands, then checked if it was still in one piece. “I must’ve dropped it when the Aqua Bot just poured that big shot of water on me, ha ha!”
“I though it was lost, gone forever... how did you get it back?”
“Uhh... I...” Sonic hesitated for a bit.
He tried to look away from the pink hedgehog looking straight at him with so many questions in her mind. He never actually told her what happened to that bracelet, and now he didn’t know how to explain it.
“I, well... found it... and fixed it... and... stored it back in my collection for a while...”
“OHMYGOSH!” Amy immediately jumped out of emotion, gasping and holding her hands to her chest. “Do you actually have a collection?!”
“Oh, shoot...” Sonic quickly realized his mistake, as Amy’s mind ran wild with the thought of him having lots more things from her than she actually imagined.
“And what does it look like?” Amy asked, following shortly with a rapid streak of more questions. “What cool stuff do you have there? Does anyone else know about it? Why didn’t you tell me before?!”
“Well, I guess I ran straight into this one...” Sonic thought, as he finally accepted it was time to let her enter his life just a little more. 
“Alright, I’ll show you.” He let out, defeated.
“Yayyyy!” Amy happily grabbed Sonic’s arm, pulling him up and holding his hands. “C’mon, let’s not waste any more time!”
“Just hold on tight.”
And so, Sonic and a very enthusiastic Amy blasted away from the beach. On the way to Sonic’s secret collection, he kept thinking about it, letting out a couple more details about it to Amy as he carried her on his arms.
“You know... I always had a room at Tails’ place, since that’s where I end up crashing after a long adventure together.” Sonic commented. “For a while, the room was pretty empty, only having the bare essentials for me to chill around, but as I ran across the world, time and space...”
“You started collecting mementos?”
“That’s right. Nobody actually knows about it, so... take it as you will.”
Amy felt very touched by that last bit. “Aww, am I the first person to ever visit your collection? That’s so kind of you!” 
She hugged Sonic just a little more tightly, closing her eyes and letting out a little tease. “But at the same time, you should’ve told your girlfriend about it earlier, boy!”
“And now you are pushing your luck.”
She didn’t see it, but Sonic blushed just a little at that comment.
After a running for a while, they reached Tails’ workshop at the Mystic Ruins, their main base. Sonic dropped Amy off at the entrance and quickly ran a lap around the place, realizing Tails wasn’t home. They entered the place from a main door located at the opposite side to where the Tornado’s hangar is, and walked through Tails’ living room. From there, upstairs was the fox’s bedroom, and downstairs was Sonic’s basement.
Sonic’s room was a cozy, well kept and well lit place. Posters of movies and advertisements were found on each wall, with only a couple of shelves holding comic books and videogames in between the myriad of colorful imagery. Behind a particularly large Chao in Space Episode VII poster was a hidden door, leading to an even smaller side-room with nothing but shelves holding all sorts of mementos from Sonic’s past adventures. The room was just big enough to fit both of them walking around with relative ease.
“Alright, here it is. Sonic’s collection.” Sonic introduced Amy with a surprisingly chill attitude, as if he secretly wanted someone to ever visit the place.
Amy was speechless. She took a moment to look around, and then started looking at a shelf on her left, completely ignoring the lonely chest sitting just at the right of the door.
“Wow, you really have everything in here!” Amy exclaimed with excitement. “Hey, that’s the bracelet from that guy... Chip was it, right?”
“You know...” she reflected, “I was there for you when you spent most of your days trying to help him figure out his identity, right?”
“Well, I always stand for my friends, you know that.”
“Yet you didn’t even show up on time for our date...” Amy was still pretty dissapointed at how things turned out back then. She left the bracelet on the shelf, and then shifted her attention to a jar holding a pretty bright purple sustance in it. 
“I wonder what is this stuff... hey Sonic, what’s in the jar?”
Sonic was standing in front of a shelf on the right side of the room, seemingly looking for something in particular, but he turned around to look at what Amy was holding.
“That? It’s the weird jelly-like chemical from the Chemical Plant” He told her, then shifted his tone to a more protective one. “I wouldn’t touch it if I were you.”
“Okay.” Amy followed Sonic’s warning and returned the jar to its place, then she did a slow lap around the room. “You really have made yourself a little personal museum down here, Sonic!”
That’s when she saw the lonely chest, peaking her curiosity.
“And what’s inside this chest?”
Sonic quickly looked at her, then turned away, visibly nervous.
“Uhh, Amy, I wouldn’t open it...”
It was a little too late to convince Amy Rose of all people not to look at something that already caught her attention. She slowly unlocked the old-looking chest, and her eyes widened at the discovery of what was inside.
“Hold on a second, I recognize this stuff...” Amy picked a very well preserved rose. “Isn’t this one the first rose I gave you... way back in Little Planet?” She gasped. “Oh my gosh, it is!”
“Oh, no...” he thought, knowing his biggest secret was finally uncovered.
“And this photo...” Amy chuckled a bit, “oh, you sneaky... you never told me we had a photo entering Twinkle Park!”
He scratched the back of his head and nervously smiled. “Yeah, well... that wasn’t our greatest moment...”
She turned back to him with a big ol’ smile. “I think you never told me because it’s clearly showing YOU chasing after ME! Hee hee!”
“Ha ha. Very funny.” He sarcastically let out, then looked away, once again trying to hide his blushing.
“Oh! And here’s the letter I wrote you when you went off to that weird interstellar amusement park! ...the letter you never replied to.”
Sonic started to feel a little unconfortable with Amy looking at that chest for so long, and so he tried to shift away her attention, possibly even away from the room.
“You know, there’s other interesting stuff to see here, not just from y-you...”
“Hush. I can’t believe you actually have a chest with our memories, Sonic!” Amy kept digging, “had I known about it earlier, I would’ve sent you more stuff!”
“Ah, well, now you know about it, so...” Sonic tried to convince her again, “what do you say we get out of here now? I’m kinda starving now...”
Amy dropped everything and looked at him. “Hmm, did I hear someone asking me out for some ice cream?” She smiled. “Let’s go then!”
They both left the room and Tails’ place. On their way to the ice cream shop.  Sonic let out a sigh of relief. 
“Well, I’m glad we got out of there...”
"Why, though?” Amy curiously replied.
“Well, let’s just say some things are best left unseen.”
“Okay...” she winked at him, “that just means I’ll spend the night checking on it!”
Sonic awkwardly chuckled, as she happily leaned on his shoulder.
[You can check more amazing prompts, oneshots and headcanons over at my Special Content section!]
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lefaystrent ¡ 6 years ago
LeFay’s Masterlist
Here’s a list of all of my Sanders Sides stories. There’s a lot down there. Lots of pairings, lots of genres. Don’t get lost.
20biteen??? – Patton’s really confused and Logan’s just trying to make a sandwich.
A demon? In my attic? More likely than you think --  “Well that’s what happens when your dad asks you to clean the attic and it’s filled with a bunch of junk from his wiccan days,” Virgil explained, though from the demon’s pinched expression the explanation left a lot to be desired.
A Dire Situation -  Logan tries not to make a single move or sound. His whole body coils tight with tension, knowing that the animal can strike at any moment. (additional parts can be found here)
A Storm Rolled into Town -  It’s not like Virgil meant to become famous anyway. It just sorta happened. And now he’s shopping in some small-town mom-and-pop store on a weekday morning. Despite wearing the hood of his jacket up and perhaps looking the more conspicuous for it, he can sense that someone somewhere in this store is watching him.
Ashes –Three months ago, Roman returned home to find the house that he shared with his younger brothers up in flames.
Baby you’re a Firework - “Patton is MY best friend!” you screamed, and then you looked to me with those eyes. How else was I supposed to react other than to tell you that we would be together forever? Logicality
Beneath the Boughs –The feeling of tender fingertips tracing from his jaw to his temple made him want to run through fields, but he wouldn’t move an inch away from this spot for anything in the world. Royality
Curiosity – Deceit’s mission to annoy Logan somehow involves sharing a bed with him and refusing to leave. Logan doesn’t really mind. Loceit
Death of a Bachelor - Virgil invites a bunch of billionaires to his fake wedding with his roommate, Logan. He doesn’t expect one of them to actually agree to go. 
Dino – Patton visits his local library one day and meets the librarian Logan, a man who loves dinosaurs.
Down by the Pier – Patton lives by the ocean. He likes to go sit out on the pier because the view is sweet but the company is even sweeter. Moxiety
Every Friday Night – “There’s a cat? In the sink?” Virgil said. platonic LAMP
Existentialism – Patton is a demon and really bad at it.
Five Times – There were five times that Virgil’s path crossed with Logan Sanders. Each time memorable, each time helping to shape Virgil into the kind of person he wants to be. platonic Analogical
Flutter and Fall – Virgil doesn’t believe in love at first sight, but he wonders if you can fall in love with a moment. Prinxiety
Happy Birthday, Virgil – Logan tends to take things literally.
Heartbeat – Roman’s out on the hunt for prey. He gets more than he bargained for.
Heartbeat AU – More info on the story.
Hello Mr. Spider -  He’s heard the screams of people whenever they lay eyes on him. They take one look at him, this monstrous being with too many limbs and eyes, and they quiver in fear and tears. He doesn’t blame them. He hides himself away, hoping to never hear those horrified screams. Moxiety
Hello Again -  Humans trespassed into the church occasionally. Some during the day, most of them at night. Never did humans come two nights in a row. Moxiety (Sequel to “Hello Mr. Spider”)
Hold On -  He felt someone grip the sleeve of his shirt. Logan looked to his side where Deceit stood, holding onto him. platonic Loceit
How to be a Good Person - “There’s an unconscious man in my flowerbed. What should I do with him?” Dee should be used to getting phone calls from his brother needing help. brotherly Moceit
I got to pet the dog -  Patton gets distracted easily. Virgil doesn’t have the heart to tell him he’s supposed to be working.
I met God last night - Predictably, Patton looked up to stare at Virgil. He set aside his scrapbook, clasped his hands together, and said, “Okay, I’m listening.” platonic Moxiety
I wanna intimi(date) you — Virgil teaches Patton to be more intimidating. It doesn’t go very well.
In a magical kingdom far away… —  The evil Lord Of Logic descends on the land, forcing all it touches to obey the laws of physics.
It’s hot – Virgil won’t take off the jacket.
Love Isn’t Blind – Patton notices a lot more than what people think he does.
Never Too Old – Patton worked as a manager at a toy store in the mall. Lately, the employees were noticing a reoccurring customer. Well, if you could call him a customer. He never actually bought anything. platonic Moxiety
Picture That –  “What are you doing?” Patton says between a flurry of giggles. He lifts the book he’d been reading to half hide his face. Roman dances around him snapping pictures as if Patton is a model. Royality
Piggyback – It’s late, and Patton’s falling asleep on the couch. Virgil’s not used to being the responsible one. Moxiety
Potatoes – Virgil has worries for days, but there’s only one thing that truly scares him. Moxiety
Rewrite – So here Roman is, lying by the sidewalk, very much not okay. Not because the local squirrels ostracized him, and not because he’d tripped or some such unfortunate mishap. No, he just has a lot on his mind. Prinxiety
Ribbit – Two lab partners and one dead frog do not make for the most romantic atmosphere but Roman tries. Logince
Roamin’ Nights -  Not that anyone’s looking right now, but Virgil’s glad that it’s dark in the kitchen, lest the color in his cheeks show. Roman’s not usually this affectionate with Virgil. Makes him wonder if he even realizes that this is Virgil he’s basically trying to use as a pillow. Prinxiety
Round and round we go – Logan stood there long after the commotion began outside, the one where everyone realized what had happened and were running to help and call an ambulance.
Sacrificial rituals and other fun activities – Virgil was a mage—one of the best. He’d seen a lot of things, but a handsome man chained up in the middle of a field? Even he had to take a moment. Prinxiety
Shark Attack! -  “I could be wrong here, but I’m pretty sure sharks don’t attack their victims with hugs.” platonic Moxiety
Sicky Icky – Most people assumed Roman would eat up all the attention he could get even when sick. They’d expect loud dramatics and Roman acting like he was dying every minute of it. That’s not how he was at all. Logince
Side-by-side – Virgil’s tired. Moxiety
So help me, I’m not moving from this spot – Virgil has the day off from work and chooses to spend it in true Virgil style. Queer platonic LAMP
Soft Prinxiety – Literally just a softy prinxiety scene. Prinxiety
Some Days – Some days are better than others, and some aren’t. These are Virgil’s days in the mindscape.
Someday I’ll find my way home -  Love cut deep and left scars on the heart. The heart never quite beat the same way again afterward. Analogical
Supposed to be – People get locked into a certain kind of perspective and decide what kind of person you’re supposed to be. Patton is frustrated.
Take Over the World - There’s not much else to do in the Mindscape for Deceit and the Duke.
That one time Deceit played hero in the mindscape – Deceit goes to the common rooms to find that everyone…is acting too much like themselves.
The Hug Booth -  In Patton’s free time, he had a booth set up somewhere on campus and he’d go sit there. The booth advertised ‘free hugs’.
The Ties that Bind – Everyone has a soulmate. Even the ones who probably shouldn’t. Logicality
This is the police! – “This is the police! Open up! Tell me something about yourself, don’t be afraid.” Prinxiety
Ties - Roman and Patton try to persuade Logan to wear a bow tie. Logan is uncooperative. romantic LAMP
Trances – The sides go into trance-like states sometimes.
Trouble in Tiny Town -  Logan is six inches tall. And somehow the human is the one cowering in fear.
Useless gays are useless – Patton is shirtless and Roman and Virgil are very, very gay. Roman/Patton/Virgil
Stil Gay -  Roman and Virgil are still thirsty gays, and Patton is a tall drink of water. One night of tv watching with his roommates leads to none of them paying attention to the tv. Roman/Patton/Virgil (Sequel to “Useless gays are useless”)
Wake up call -  There’s a muffled siren blaring from outside somewhere. He can feel the time slipping between his fingers.
We are family~ - “Patton,” Logan called. He stood in the doorway, stern-faced for a moment before slumping forward with a pout. “I require physical affection.” platonic LAMP
Analogince - What started as a list of headcanons became a story of how three men fell together. part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4
Dog Days – In the midst of grieving for his beloved pet, comfort comes to Thomas in a curiously small form. platonic LAMP/Thomas, borrower!sides 
If you have nightmares, we’ll dance on the bed - Fae thrived on chaos and the fear that came with it. Well, most of them anyway. Virgil never really shared that sentiment. (Or alternatively, the story of how Virgil loves humans so much that he makes stupid decisions because of it, like save princes from attempted assassinations.)
Kid!Logan AU – Logan somehow finds himself back in time, waking up in his eleven-year old body.
Reverse Kid!Logan AU –  Roman just wanted a normal babysitting job. Now he’s caught up in debunking why he sees five-year-old Logan Sanders as if he were a grown man. part one , part two
Lifeline – Long ago, when his sides first started showing up, Thomas had pondered long and hard about reality versus imagination. But this? It became more apparent that Patton was carding his hand through Thomas’s hair. It was as if any of his friends were doing it, so tangible it was. Tangible in a way that shouldn’t be possible. platonic LAMP/Thomas
Nursing Home AU -  Patton had seen Virgil during the hiring process, and his personality didn’t seem like a … good fit. Too closed-off and kinda gruff, and probably not a good bedside manner, right? Plus there was that criminal record to consider… But he’s hired anyway, and Virgil joins the staff.
Psychic Therapist Virgil – Virgil’s not your run-of-the-mill therapist. part one, part two
Roses – The humans steer clear from the forest, warning their children with every generation, “Do not stray into those woods. They will devour you.” But it’s modern times now, fairy tales aren’t real, and Virgil and his friends have just moved into town and want to investigate the ‘haunted’ forest.
Variants – Patton was surprised by the mutant breaking into the jewelry store one night. And by break in, he meant that they seeped into shadows and appeared on the other side of the windows without breaking anything at all.
Weclome to the Neighborhood –Virgil’s really bad at peopling, or so his new neighbors find out. Prinxiety
Witch Way -  Virgil just wants to live a quiet life with his familiar, Logan. But we can’t always get what we want.
404 notes ¡ View notes
insfiringyou ¡ 5 years ago
Becoming Exclusive (Suga x Jeong-sun)
Set the day following the events of ‘Pillow Talk’ Yoongi and Jeong-sun go out to dinner and finally establish that they are wanting to give their relationship another try.
This is part of our ongoing story line in our headcanon universe & mentions several key events from Yoongi and Jeong-sun’s past relationship together which you may wish to read first. 
To read each member & their girlfriend’s headcanon universe fics in order, follow the links here: RM   /   Jin  /   Suga  /   J-Hope   /   Jimin   /   V   /   Jungkook & 
Our full masterlist can be found here
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Rated content below the cut
He had not yet replied and the picture continued to glare back at her; her pink nipples cast in shadow by the outline of the phone. Jeong-sun sighed. Forgetting to set her alarm, the impromptu nap had lasted two hours and her head had started to throb a little from dehydration. It was only just past two o’clock, yet she suspected Yoongi would have seen the picture by now, even if his phone had been on silent when he left her apartment several hours before. There seemed to be a glimmer of hope and, without really thinking, she started typing out a message.
‘How is your roof?’
Hitting send, she realised she was subconsciously trying to push the image up in the message window and felt a wave of relief as the top half of her breasts in the photo disappeared upwards. She persevered. ‘Did they find anything interesting?’ Send. And then: ‘Were you thinking of selling up?’
The new text messages took over the screen, moving the embarrassing selfie out of view. Feeling a slight wave of relief wash over her now the picture was no longer starring her in the face, she slid off her bed and walked the short distance to the kitchen, flicking on the electric kettle to make tea. When she returned to her bedroom ten minutes later she noticed the notification light on her cell was flashing. 
‘Fine. Not really. I was considering it.’
Not really knowing how to reply, she found herself sitting down on the edge of her bed as her mind replayed a scene from earlier that day; remembering the way he had grinned shyly to himself before pressing his lips against hers. Lost in thought, she almost jumped when the phone vibrated in her hand. 
‘Are you free tomorrow afternoon?’
‘I have to go to the post office before it closes.’ She replied after a moment’s thought, giving his question time to sink in. It was true; her passport was due to expire and she couldn’t send off for a replacement until her old one had been shipped off to be checked. 
His answer came back almost immediately. ‘Do you want to go for lunch afterwards?’ 
Her heart thumped in her chest. Nervously, she typed out her answer. ‘Is this a date?’
She bit her lip, trying to suppress the smile which threatened its way onto her lips before she realised she was alone. Her cheeks were warm and, more than likely, glowing pink. She adjusted the phone between her hands, steadying them to type a reply. ‘Where shall we meet?’
“Have you been here before?” Jeong-sun asked, tugging on the sleeve of her cream-coloured blouse a little anxiously as they peered in the window. The pub seemed a little out of place on the corner of the busy shopping street and was surprisingly quiet inside. She could spot a few couples through the window, seated on plush, leather seats, eating food which looked both familiar yet a little alien. 
Yoongi shook his head gently. “No, I’ve walked past it a lot of times. It’s British themed.” 
“Did you read good reviews?” She smirked, hiding her nerves behind a small, sarcastic smile, remembering his coffee house recommendation a few weeks before.
He let out a small laugh. “Something like that.” He turned to her. “I thought you might like a pint.”
She shrugged, trying to appear casual. "Well, I’m not at work until tomorrow afternoon.”
“Shall we go in?” He suggested, gesturing towards the glass door. He held it aside for her as they entered the dark, yet spacious room. The scent of gravy and pastry hit their nostrils as they headed automatically towards the wooden bar in front of them. A couple of customers were being served; having their pints of beer pulled by hand from the large taps above the counter. 
“Do you want to find a table? I’ll get the drinks.” She offered. 
Yoongi pointed towards a small table in one corner, suitably quiet and out of the way. “Over there?”
“Yeah. What are you having?”
“A Guinness.”
She nodded, joining the small line of people waiting to be served. She walked over to his table five minutes later, carefully bringing the drinks and setting them down. She had opted for larger; the liquid pale and crisp in contrast to the cloudy stout. 
“Do you have any plans for tomorrow?” She asked curiously, setting herself down opposite him. The leather armchair whispered under her weight and she sank comfortably into its grasp. 
“Not really.” He admitted, taking a sip of his drink. “I might do some writing.”
“Are you working on something?”
He nodded a little gingerly. It had been a while since he had spoken much about his work with another person. “A ballad...for a female vocalist.” He paused, meeting her gaze for the first time that afternoon with a smirk. “Do you want to do it?”
Her grin was automatic. “It wouldn’t sell very well.”
“I don’t need the money.” He murmured, his long fingers fiddling with the cardboard coaster which had been left on the table. A French brand of beer was advertised on one side and he slid it through hands a little restlessly. 
She laughed a little, knowing he was joking but unable to let the suggestion drop. “You might get fired from the label. They’ll think someone is dying.”
He shrugged. “You’re not that bad. I’ve heard you sing before.”
Smirking, she picked up the oversized menu from the wooden stand at the edge of the table and flicked it open. “I’ve gotten worse.” She remarked before turning her attention to the list of options, frowning after a moment of reading. “What are spuds?”
“Potatoes.” He explained. 
“Oh.” She looked at the menu for another minute before handing it over. “Do you want to have a look?”
He took it from her easily, his eyes roaming over the list of specials. “Did Yu-jin get the job?” He asked after a moment. 
“She did. She said the interview went well.”
“Was she nervous?”
“Yeah. I gave her some Kalms.”
Yoongi flashed a grin as he set the menu back on the stand. “Staff discount.”
“Yeah.” Jeong-sun smiled, before remembering: “Is Hoseok out yet?”
He nodded. “Next month.” He thought for a moment before making the connection, realising why she had asked. “Does Yu-jin still write to him?”
“I think so.”
“Does she know he has a girlfriend?”
She frowned, trying to remember. “She hasn’t mentioned, I think they were just friends.” She paused before enquiring further, curious. “Is she nice?”
Yoongi nodded, unable to help the small smile which crept onto his lips. “She’s just like him.” He hesitated. “Except she’s a teacher.”
Jeong-sun laughed openly at this, finding the connection between the two facts funny but glad that Yoongi seemed to approve; Hoseok was his best friend and she was glad he was happy for him. 
“What grade?” She asked.
He shrugged. “I don’t remember. Little kids.” 
Her smile remained but she couldn’t help but wonder, a little sadly. “Does she find it hard, with him away?”
She noticed his gaze drop. “I think we’ve all found it hard.”
She knew he was telling the truth as he said it and she felt her heart sink. “Are you going to do anything for him?” She asked gently. 
“Like a party?” He looked up.
She nodded.
“I was thinking about it.” He murmured.
“If you do, I’d like to be there...if that’s okay.” She asked slowly, a little hesitant.
He was silent for a second before replying, his voice soft. “I would have invited you anyway.”
Her heart thudded in her chest as he once more met her eyes. Although Hoseok had been vaguely aware of them as a couple during their time together, Yoongi had never specifically asked her to join him at a party or event. Their meetings in public had often been the result of a happy coincidence or subtle hinting on each of their parts that they hoped the other would be there. 
She took a deep breath, trying to hide the tremor in her voice with a smirk. “Does that mean we’re exclusive?” 
He grinned shyly, his gums flashing momentarily as his eyes flickered timidly to the wooden table in front of them. “I wasn’t planning on dating anyone else, were you?”
She smiled, her body relaxing a little at his reply. “No.”
He let out a small exhalation of laughter as he looked up, reaching slowly across the table to take her hand in his. It was warm beneath his fingers as he slid his digits between hers, caressing her with his thumb. They remained this way, in content and comfortable silence until the waiter walked over almost a minute later, notepad in hand ready to take their order. They broke apart politely as Jeong-sun reached for the menu. 
“I’d like...” Reluctant to risk mis-pronouncing the English words on the menu, she pointed to an item half-way down the first page. The waiter nodded before turning to Yoongi who seemed to have no problems with the language. The waiter gathered the menu and left them to their privacy. 
A small chime from Yoongi’s pocket brought his attention to his phone and he read the text message easily, slipping it from his jeans. The sight inadvertently made Jeong-sun want to shrink further into her chair as she remembered the events from the day before. 
“I was hoping you might not see it.” She murmured cryptically as he once more pocketed the device. 
Her cheeks were pink. “The picture.”
“Oh.” Yoongi smiled carefully. “I thought you’d be hacked.” He joked. 
Her expression twisted, clearly embarrassed but needing to get it off her chest. “I don’t know what made me do it.”
He shook his head gently, his voice soft. “It’s okay. I deleted it.”
She had not expected his answer and it filled her with an unprecedented amount of relief. “It wasn’t the best angle.” She said, only half-joking as she remembered the speed in which she had took it. Looking at him now, in his beautifully fitted ripped jeans and black sweater, the thought of him being able to look at such an unflattering image at any time filled her with dread. His reply, however, made her heart flutter. 
“I didn’t notice.” He shrugged, voice sincere and indifferent. Her stomach grew warm at the casualness of his reply; it had always amazed her how he seemingly found her so attractive, especially during times when he had no real reason to. He pressed on. “It caught me a bit off guard. The surveyor had just arrived.”
Glad for the slight change in direction, she went with it. “How did it go?”
“I don’t know, I was a bit distracted.”
She laughed, face glowing. “Sorry.”
He grinned in reply, leaning back slightly in his chair as the waiter came over with their food. He had opted for a whisky-glazed steak while she ate an oversized bowl of beef stew and dumplings. They tucked in quietly, enjoying the new flavours in silence. 
After a while, in-between spoonfuls of food, Jeong-sun spoke up. “This is nice...”
“I know.” Yoongi murmured, casting a glance over her stew. “I tried something like it in the UK.”
She smiled softly. “No. I meant being out together.” He looked up at the gentleness of her voice, his brown eyes meeting hers. “We didn’t get the chance to do this much... before.”
Yoongi sighed, putting down his fork as he washed down the last mouthful of steak with Guinness.“We never had much free time together did we?”
As if proving his point, a familiar jingle rang out and Jeong-sun dropped her spoon, a little clumsily, into the bowl of half-finished food as she fumbled in her trouser pocket for her cell. Yoongi’ recognised the ringtone and felt the knowing pang of disappointment within him when she checked the screen. 
“You’re more busy than I am these days.” He murmured, trying not to sound too saddened at the prospect of their date being interrupted. 
Jeong-sun squinted a little to read the name on screen; she had left her glasses at home, before swiping left. She quickly slid the phone back into the pocket of her smart, black trousers. “It can wait.” She said.
Not wanting to part from him, Jeong-sun agreed on going with him back to his apartment following the date and, despite their years apart, found the feel and scent of it comfortingly familiar. Following him into the living room, she did notice a few changes. 
“This is new...” She pointed to the sheepskin rug which covered the bare stretch of flooring near the television. 
He shrugged, walking around the glass coffee table to perch on the sofa. “I was trying to make the place look a bit more lived in.” Looking up, he waited for her to join him. “I didn’t used to spend much time here, unless I was with you.”
She considered this for a moment, hovering by the doorway. “Do you still have your piano?”
“I got a new one. The other seemed a bit pretentious.” He answered honestly. The baby grand had never really felt right in his small studio space; the simple, wooden one he had replaced it with felt much more at home.
“What did you do with it?” She asked curiously, her mind inadvertently flashing back to the last time she had seen it and to the act they had performed pressed against it. Her face had grown a little hot as she wondered whether him getting rid of it had anything to do with the memory of her.
“I donated it to a university. It seemed better suited there.”
It made sense but the blush remained. “Can I use the bathroom?” She murmured. She had been needing to pee since they left the pub; beer always had that effect on her, but she was also craving a minute alone to contemplate the fact she was back in his apartment and to reflect on the confirmation he had given just before lunch.
He gums flashed briefly in a smile at her question. “I won’t stop you.”
She left the room, her legs automatically carrying her down the hall to the guest bathroom she remembered being there. She had barely used it during their time together, always preferring the cosy en-suite attached to his bedroom, but it felt too soon to go there now. 
In the living room and feeling restless, Yoongi reached for the remote control on the table and turned on the large-screened television, automatically pushing the button to turn down the volume. He left it on the channel that was playing and watched as a police car gave chase to a group of suspected drug sellers. The reality show was one he was familiar with; since coming out of the military he had found the easy-lull of daytime television strangely comforting when he was home alone with too much to think about. 
Jeong-sun walked into the room a moment later, smiling softly as she walked around the table to join him on the sofa. “You got a tub.”
His watched her as she sat down. “I’ve been enjoying baths recently.” He explained as she nestled against him. Without thinking, his hand moved around her lower back, holding her to his side. The slightly-rough feel of her textured blouse against his wrist made him realise and he held his breath for a moment, waiting to see if she would move away. While they had gotten more intimate than this just two evenings before, the stream of afternoon light drifting through the gap in the curtains made him more self-aware than he had been in bed with her. If his move surprised her, however, she didn’t show it. 
“I wish I had room for one.” She murmured with a small sigh.
“If you’re ever in the neighbourhood, you’re welcome to use mine.” He replied, his offer genuine. 
Smiling, she mumbled an agreement before the wail of a police siren on the television caught her attention as the show began to play its final credits. “Do you watch this often?” She asked with a grin, recognising the programme immediately. 
Her body moved with his as he shrugged and her smile widened. 
“You must be bored these days.” She said as the commercial break started. 
“I’ve got too much spare time on my hands.” He agreed. Turning his head towards her, he noticed the subtle scent of perfume on her skin and hair. It was different to what she usually wore, a cool-smelling vanilla and passion-fruit concoction, surprisingly unfamiliar but comforting at the same time. He subconsciously tucked his arm more tightly around her, their shoulders touching as they cuddled casually. 
“I’ve not seen this one yet.” She smirked as the opening scenes of a new reality programme, set in the A&E department of a Seoul hospital, started. A man, with his face anonymously blurred out to protect his identity, approached the desk with a rather unusual problem. Jeong-sun smirked, turning to Yoongi. “Hae-won watches it all the time.”
They were transfixed as they watched the man enter the X-Ray room with a doctor. The following scene showed the cause of the man’s distress and his tense, unusual walk, as the results of the X-Ray were shown. Yoongi squinted at the screen, trying to work out the shape in the man’s rectum. “Is that a Transformer?” He asked in disbelief.
Jeong-sun shrugged with a timid grin. “I think so.”
“How do you think he got it up there?” His voice was slightly baffled, making her laugh out loud, her warm voice filling the cosy room. 
She shrugged against him. “Your guess is as good as mine.”
There was a moment of silence as they watched the doctor’s diagnosis with amusement. “At least if you become a nurse you’ll be well prepared.” Yoongi murmured, moving his hand to gently squeeze her upper arm. 
She turned to look at him, her eyes meeting his properly for the first time that afternoon, since lunch, their faces close together. “I didn’t say I was becoming a nurse.” She said, a little defensively. The unexpected tone of her voice would have usually made him proceed with caution when thinking through his reply. Instead, he pressed on gently, moving one palm to rest comfortably on her upper thigh, against the black fabric of her smart trousers. 
“I know you want to.” 
Her jaw tensed for a moment, before letting it relax, giving in. “I was just looking into it.” She protested unconvincingly. 
He fought the urge to disagree. “You’d be good.” He shrugged, letting it drop.
She peered at him doubtfully. “You don’t know that.”
“You’re really calm.” He explained, his gaze falling to his palm as he rubbed her thigh gently in circular movements, his body twisting towards her. “If I was your patient I’d feel really safe with you.” He looked up, meeting her brown eyes. She was still for a moment, expression softening as she realised the sincerity in his voice. 
“That’s a nice thing to say.” She admitted, turning her body back to the television and wrapping her arm around Yoongi’s back, snuggling into him. The doctor on the screen showed the successfully removed toy. 
“Oh look...they got it out.” Jeong-sun commented, pointing absently to the screen. Yoongi laughed, his stomach growing warm with his feelings for her in that moment. He pressed his lips to the side of her head, kissing her warm hair with a smile as she shifted comfortably against him, their faces inches apart. A moment passed between them, their eyes roaming slowing over each other’s features before Yoongi moved forward to kiss her temple, his lips closed as he trailed them along her face; against her right cheek before meeting the corner of her mouth. Moving her head slowly, she met his lips, kissing him softly. The taste of him, familiar and comforting, filled her with warmth as her heart jack-hammered in her chest. Her palm moved to the front of his sweater, pressing it flat to where she approximated his own heart would be. Sure enough, she could feel its quickening vibration beneath her fingertips as they sank into each other’s touch, his fingers caressing her cheekbone delicately as he pushed a stray strand of hair back from her face. She felt a little light headed and giggly, smiling against his lips as they shifted slowly, making themselves more comfortable as his spare hand un-tucked a corner of her blouse from her trousers to touch the bare skin beneath.
She wondered, bemusedly, how close she had come to never seeing him again. Subconsciously, she was aware that her reasons were justified and he too understood why she had done it. But she realised, as he pulled away to slide his sweater over his head and revealed his thin white t-shirt, that she had never felt this way with anyone else and she would never be able to let him go again. With a slight tremor, she touched his chest once more, feeling his uncharacteristic warmth radiating through the fabric. The sensation of his heartbeat against her hand was incredibly intimate and, realising what she was doing, Yoongi clasped his hand flat over hers, allowing her...welcoming her to feel its hum. He had nothing to hide. 
She could not guess how long they had been kissing; each loving touch of his lips against hers filled her with butterflies and she couldn’t grow tired of the slow, unhurried pace they set as they enjoyed each other. Eventually, she felt him reach behind her to adjust a few cushions, breaking their embrace briefly to encourage her to lie down. She shifted against the soft fabric, shuffling her hips and arse to get comfy as Yoongi snuggled against her, resting his head against the soft cushion of her breasts as he touched her chin lightly with his knuckle, tilting her head to press a final, soft kiss to her lips. 
Moving away, he caressed her covered stomach gently with his palm as he settled against her, the textured fabric and line of black buttons uncomfortable and awkward against his cheek. Moving slowly in order to give her time to protest, he began to undo the top set of buttons, his fingers pulling the fabric gently away from her cleavage, careful not to expose too much of her lacy black bra, before nestling his head between her soft breasts.
“Better?” She asked with a smirk.
He nodded against her, his cheek pressed against her smooth skin, just above the trim of fabric. “Why do they have to make them so pointy?” He complained.
“The buttons?”
He murmured in agreement, his voice low and purry as he made himself comfortable.
She laughed softly. “I don’t think the designers had this in mind.”
The television continued to play softly as the A&E programme made way for an all-female panel show. They watched it absently at the light outside started to darken, content just to cuddle lazily in silence, sharing their warmth. They drifted off at some point, with Jeong-sun waking up first. She wasn’t sure how long she had been out, the automatic timer on the television had turned it off, and she laid in silence, vaguely needing to pee again but too comfortable to wake up Yoongi. She watched him as he inhaled and exhaled slowly, his long eyelashes brushing his pale cheeks as he slept, and observed how, for the first time in a very long while, she felt truly happy. Eventually, she felt him stir against her and, moments later, he opened his eyes, automatically checking his Rolex for the time. Realising he had been asleep, he smiled shyly, his cheeks warm and pink as he shuffled against her. 
“Do you want me to leave?” Jeong-sun asked, knowing it was late. 
She hesitated before asking. “Can I stay?”
He adjusted his head to look up at her, the angle a little awkward. His expression was soft beneath his bangs. “I was hoping you would.”
“I don’t have anything to wear.” She murmured as he settled back against her breasts, adjusting the edge of the fabric a little to get more comfy. 
“You can borrow something of mine.”
“Can I have a bath?” She asked. Yoongi noticed an apprehensive edge to her voice. 
“Yeah.” He agreed easily. 
She hesitated before speaking, her voice a little shaky. He heard the increase in her heart-rate through his ear, pressed against her chest. “Do you want to join me?”
He paused, his stomach fluttering pleasantly. Running his tongue briefly over his dried lips, he didn’t try to hide the nervous tremor in his own voice as it cracked slightly. “I’d like that.” 
Matter settled, they once more fell into a comfortable silence as her pulse eventually slowed. 
After a few minutes he spoke up. “Are you thirsty?”
“Do you have tea?” She asked.
“The bags might be a bit stale. I got them for Hoseok.” He smiled at the memory shortly before his enlistment of accommodating Hoseok and Nana for dinner, finding the recipe for a vegetarian pasta-bake online. 
“I’m sure they’re fine.” She reassured. She sighed a little at the loss of his comfortable weight as he slid off her; his body was a little stiff and grouchy from remaining still for so long. She sat up on the sofa as he trailed out of the room, returning a few minutes later clutching two steaming mugs. 
“Do you want the T.V back on?” He asked, sitting back beside her. 
“It’s fine.” She clutched the warm mug between her hands and blew on the surface of the liquid, inhaling its comforting scent. She observed the little string sticking out of Yoongi’s own mug and smiled, knowing he had never been much of a tea drinker. “Do you think you’ll be performing again, once everyone’s out?” She asked, breaking the silence. 
“I don’t think my body could cope.” He laughed a little breathily. It was meant to sound like a joke but she thought she heard a hint of truth behind the sound.
“Maybe you should stick to ballads.” She teased. 
He shrugged easily, picking up his own mug. “I prefer writing these days.” He hesitated before taking a small sip from the brim and setting it back down. “I’d never say never.”
“The fans will be upset.” She commented, pressing her mug to her lips.
He was silent for a moment, contemplating this. “There’ll be someone to take our place.” He said. Jeong-sun anticipated a tone of sadness in his voice but found none as he continued. “It feels right that we slow down for a while. It doesn’t feel as important as it used to.”
“How come?” She gently probed, setting her cup down absently as she twisted her lower body on the sofa to face him..
“My priorities have changed.” His gaze remained fixed on his lap but he reached out for her hand, taking it in his. “I feel I missed out on a lot.”
She was silent, thinking, her eyes on their connected hands.
“How’s the tea?” He asked.
She ignored his question, wanting to vocalise what she was thinking. “I know how you feel...” She said sadly. “Spread thin.”
He paused before sighing, brushing his thumb gently over her thumb. “I don’t want to add any pressure to that.” He shook his head, knowing as he said it that, despite what he wanted, he needed to give her the option to put herself first or he would never forgive himself. “I know things weren’t perfect before.”
Her hand closed around his, warm and, given her job, surprisingly soft. “It feels right.” She reassured, much to his relief. “I think we needed some time apart.”
He murmured in agreement, despite himself. “It took me a while to see it.” He explained.
“You’re not sick of the sight of me?” Despite her attempts to sound playful, Yoongi thought he sensed a touch of doubt in her voice and, proving his next point, he looked up, straight at her. 
“Not at all.” He grinned, meaning it with every ounce of his being. 
She caught on to his sincerity but was unable to stop herself from being self-deprecating, feeling bashful. She smirked. “I’ve put on twenty pounds.”
Shaking his head, he leaned in to kiss her, his lips opening softly against hers before muttering: “You’re beautiful.” He felt her teeth press against his lips in response as she kissed him back. 
“You’re not bad yourself.” She smiled as she pulled away.
He cupped her cheek gently, smoothing away another stray lock and tucking it behind her ear. “Did you want that bath now?” He asked gently.
“I’m nervous.” She confessed. 
His heart thudded at her response but he was relieved to hear that she felt the same. “Me too.” He admitted. “We don’t have to rush anything.”
“Just a bath?” She asked, taking his other hand in her spare and holding them both to her lap. 
“Just a bath.” He agreed, squeezing her hands reassuringly in return before she got to her feet. 
“Just give me a second.” She whispered, flashing him a timid grin before heading off to the master bathroom down the hall. Yoongi waited for the sound of the door closing behind her before he stood up and went into his bedroom. Feeling restless, he stripped his bedding and placed it into the hamper, replacing it with a fresh set from his bottom draw along with an extra pillow from the cabinet. His phone pinged with a notification and he pulled it from his pocket, swiping the screen to read the text. 
‘I can’t get the water hot’
He glanced automatically at the doorway, towards the bathroom. ‘Do you want me to come in?’ He typed.
Despite her invitation, he wrapped his knuckles briefly against the door before he opened it.
“There’s a switch to turn on the boiler.” He murmured as she turned to face him, his eyes briefly flicking to her bare legs beneath the short towel she clutched around her body. Turning around before he could linger on the sight of her, he flipped the switch by the door.  
“Oh.” She murmured, a little embarrassed. “I’ve never seen one like that.”
“It’s supposed to save energy.” He said drily, knowing she would approve. He walked past her towards the claw tub, the vessel already partially full with freezing cold water. Bending down to turn on the warm tap, he ran his hand under the faucet until he was satisfied the temperature had heated up. He could sense her hovering behind him a little awkwardly and straightened up, unexpectedly feeling his nerves returning at her closeness. 
“Are you going to take your clothes off?” She asked. 
“In a minute.” he murmured, allowing her to side-step him to reach for a opalescent glass bottle of bubble bath. He had won it in a company raffle some years before but never thought to throw it away. Instead, it looked decorate on the white-painted cabinet which housed toiletries and towels. 
“Can I use this?” She asked, uncorking the glass stopper and raising it to her nose to smell. 
“Go ahead...” He said as she poured it liberally under the running tap, watching as the water quickly turned to peony-scented foam. She replaced the cap and reached behind Yoongi to set it in the cabinet, her other hand still clutching the top of the white towel closed. Their bodies pressed closer as she straightened and he couldn’t help but kiss her. It soon turned a little heated as her skin glistened with moisture from the warm steam rising from the bath and her grip loosened, causing the towel to slip beneath her bare breasts. 
“Oh.” He uttered, a little embarrassed as she broke from his lips to grasp the edge. His eyes automatically moved down at the change in movement, catching a glimpse of her pink nipples before averting his gaze. She didn’t have time to notice, busy adjusting the towel around her body and trying her best to cover her modesty. “Could you look away for a moment?” She requested, a little flustered. 
He complied, turning his body away from her completely as she removed the towel, draping it on the rail by the sink and stepped into the warm bath. She turned off the tap as he slid off his t-shirt, his body facing away from her, and unbuckled his jeans. After requesting it from him, she wanted to allow him some privacy so distracted herself by swishing the water around a little to create more bubbles. Moments later, however, when he turned back to her completely nude, she found herself glancing at him, trying not to stare at the delicate angles of his body as he joined her in the tub, his hand cupped casually around his crotch to cover his most private area. Her eyes were drawn to the neat bush of black pubic hair which trailed above his hand and blended into the soft, wispy hairs below his bellybutton. He was beautiful. 
“I’m glad it’s big enough for both of us.” She remarked once he had settled down, drawing his legs to the side to give her more room. Her own were raised slightly, subtly covering her pubic area from view. 
“The company threw in the sink for free.” He smirked, nodding towards the modern looking basin. 
“Well, that’s a bonus.” She laughed softly, the sound echoing around the tiles. She sensed that the odd change of direction the conversation had taken was mostly to break some of the tension between them. The water covered most of her breasts from view, but the fact she was naked in front of him for the first time in three years still felt like a big deal. “Did you install it yourself?” She asked, her mind thinking of how he had fixed her run-down boiler some weeks before.
“Not this time.” He paused. “Did you get anything for your birthday?”
She smiled. “My dad got me a gardening kit.”
“But you don’t have a garden.” He frowned, amused. 
Rolling her eyes, she shifted her legs to get more comfortable and felt his own against them. “I think it’s a hint he wants me to buy a house.”
“Anything else?”
“The girls at work got me a hamper..mostly loose leaf tea and cookies.” 
“I wanted to get you something.” He murmured regretfully, not noticing his own body relaxing until he felt her thigh against his foot. “I missed your birthday the first time.”
She shrugged easily, the movement causing her breasts to break the waterline, her nipples coming into view. Feeling more at ease with her body now the situation had started to lose its novelty, instead of returning to her previous position, she rested one elbow on the lip of the tub, exposing her right breast casually. “It’s fine. I’m hard to buy for.” She joked. “Do you have a sponge?”
He turned to the side, reaching out to the whitewashed cabinet to rummage through the folded towels that he could reach. He pulled away a navy washcloth. “I’ve only got this.” He offered it to her.
“I’m not fussy.” Taking it from him, she dipped it in the soapy water and began to trail it along her arms as he reached for a black bottle of shower gel placed on the cupboard, a little above his head. Unable to get it, he stood up carefully, the water sliding off his nude body as he twisted around to reach. Jeong-sun paused her movement to watch as he settled back down, his movements cautious in order to stop the bubbles from overflowing the sides. She grinned as he handed her the bottle and silently squirted the sandalwood and bergamot scented gel onto the cloth and began to lather up. 
“You’re perfume was different today.” He commented, the smell of the product reminding him. 
She murmured in agreement as she cleaned her neck. “I ran out of Black Opium. It’s Hypnose.”
“It suits you.”
She smiled, meeting his gaze. “Are you still wearing Invictus?” 
“My brother keeps getting me it for Christmas. I don’t wear it often.” He shrugged as she held out the wet cloth in one hand and the shower gel in the other. 
“Do you want this?” She offered. 
“Thanks.” He took them from her and began to clean himself. 
Jeong-sun took him up on the offer of wearing some of his clothes to bed and watched silently as he rummaged through his t-shirt draw. She knew he was seeking something oversized, big enough to fit her curves, and felt somewhat grateful when he handed her a shirt in a double extra-large. Other women, she contemplated as she slid it on, might have taken it as an insult, but she knew it would have been more embarrassing for him to give her his usual medium size and have the fabric bulge unattractively around her stomach and breasts. 
“Where did you get this?” She asked curiously. The logo on the left breast was a brand she had never heard of. 
“I don’t remember. Someone gave me it I think.” He shrugged casually. 
“Can you set an alarm for tomorrow?” 
“What time?” He reached for his phone on the bedside table.
He fumbled with the device for a moment before placing it back on the wooden stand. Untucking the edge of his duvet, he slid between the sheets in his t-shirt and fresh set of boxers. She joined him a moment later; the familiar and distinctive scent of his sheets filling her with nostalgia as he placed his hand gently on her waist. 
“Is it warm enough?” He asked gently, rubbing the fabric with his palm. 
“I’m fine.” She touched her lips to his, running her hand along his bare arm. “Your skin’s always so cold.” She murmured against him, closing her eyes. 
“I’m sorry.” He whispered against her lips, pecking her softly a couple of times and enjoying the warm smell of her skin. He had never noticed the scent of the shower gel on himself, but on her it was comforting and, if he was honest, a little sexy. He pressed against her again, wrapping his arms tightly around her torso and holding her close as they kissed. Despite temptation, they were both tired and kept their caresses light and tender, savouring the closeness of their bodies and the taste of their mouths as they met sweetly. 
“When are you free next?” She asked, the bridge of her nose touching his as she clutched him to her, his chest and stomach flush against her own. She felt pleasantly nervous at the thought, a vague suspicion nagging in her tummy and rib-cage.
“Whenever you are...” He murmured, kissing her forehead gently. In that moment, she knew that whatever premonition had caused her to feel apprehensive, Yoongi was feeling it too. 
“I’ll let you know.” She mumbled sleepily as she snuggled against his slowly warming body. He pressed his lips to her dark hair, nestling her against his chest as she fell asleep in his arms. 
Thanks for reading! Stay tuned for the next chapter in their headcanon coming soon!
You can find all of the member’s headcanon fics in order here:  RM   /   Jin /   Suga /   J-Hope   /   Jimin   /   V   /   Jungkook
& our full masterlist can be found here
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ciaossu-imagines ¡ 6 years ago
Ok, for Sanzo, Goku, Gojyo and Hakkai: what do you think are their dirty secrets? 😁 Guilty pleasures? Embarrassing habits? Secret fantasies (sfw/NSFW, doesn't matter!)? Love you so much and I'm so excited for the new blog changes! ❤️
Oh, this is such an interesting ask! Thanks so much for sending it in and I hope you’ll enjoy the headcanons! They’re not the best (I’m still getting back into the swing of things) but I had fun writing them and hope they’re fun for the readers as well!
Genjo Sanzo
When he’s running really low on smokes and hasn’t had a chance to (or is just too lazy to) go get some more, he’ll just start taking them from Gojyo’s pack when Gojyo isn’t looking. Gojyo though never actually notices and just chalks it up to him smoking more than he’s realizing he is. Sanzo has to be pretty desperate for him to start doing this though as Gojyo’s brand of choice is cheap and Sanzo thinks they taste gross.
Sanzo has a lot of guilty pleasures, most of them unhealthy - smoking, beer, gambling. However, he’s also really fond of mayo and he’d put it on most of his food if he could.
Sanzo has a habit of forgetting people’s names. And sometimes people. Doesn’t really matter how often he’s interacted with them. If he’s not terribly invested, he’s been known to completely forget about them, which leads to some…interesting…situations.
Sanzo doesn’t really fantasize about much. The closest thing he gets to a fantasy is the desperate hope for some peace and quiet. Just one day, one full day of peace, with no noisy idiots interrupting it. He likes to think about it sometimes but honestly, he’d have no idea what to do with himself if he ever got that full day.
Sanzo actually has more sexual fantasies than he has actual sex. Not that that’s hard, considering that he doesn’t really have sex. The thing is that although he doesn’t actually like being touched, he does find the idea of sex interesting and does like the idea of being touched or doing the touching. He’s got urges, though few and far between (his libido is extremely low) and he definitely has at least masturbated before.
Son Goku
Goku likes peeing outside. He doesn’t even understand why he does but he does. It’s just a weird little quirk of his. 
Goku has tried on, when none of the others were anywhere nearby, these shoes he saw advertised in a shop that were supposed to make men look taller. He probably would’ve bought a pair if they weren’t so expensive and hard to walk in. 
Goku talks with his mouth full all the time. He really doesn’t give a shit honestly, though he’ll try to stop whenever he gets scolded about it (normally by Gojyo). He doesn’t stop for very long though and honestly, he’s pretty easy to understand, even through a mouth full of half-chewed food.
Goku likes to imagine what things will be like after the journey is over - it’s what most of his fantasies revolve around. He likes travelling, don’t get him wrong, but…the journey is difficult and harsh and not always something he enjoys. Sometimes he just likes to close his eyes and imagine it all over, to imagine him and Sanzo back at a monastery, with frequent trips to visit Gojyo and Hakkai. Everything’s beautiful and nothing hurts.
Sexually speaking, Goku doesn’t have a lot of experience. It’s something he develops an interest in quite late in his life and he’s still figuring out himself sexually. He’s actually going to be open to a lot more because of that but he doesn’t actively go and seek out anything kinky himself - he’s pretty simple in all parts of his life after all, including sex.
Cho Hakkai
Hakkai doesn’t really like most people. Sure, he smiles and is polite and nice. Doesn’t mean he’s not judging everyone around him silently though.
Guilty pleasures
Hakkai is the person who will correct people’s bad grammar. It doesn’t matter if they’re a stranger - if they’re talking to him, he just ends up correcting their grammar. It’s more embarrassing to the other person most of the time though.
Hakkai has a great imagination and he likes to daydream and fantasize. Unfortunately, while his fantasies are beautiful ones, they’re also destructive to him, as he most often fantasizes about Kanan. Her still being alive, none of it ever happening. They’re still living together and they’re so happy.
Hakkai is the ultimate switch. He has no problem with letting his lover take complete control of him. In fact, he finds it really hot to have them use him as a breathing sex toy. However, he finds it just as hot to dominate his partner. However, he’s never a rough dom. He’s more of an authoritative dom - he likes the idea of teaching and taking care of his partner sexually. He’s very gentle and frequent with praise as a dom but is very particular and will insist on his partner getting things exactly right - even after over-stimulation is happening or even to the point where they’re begging and pleading for release that he hasn’t given them yet.
Sha Gojyo
Gojyo doesn’t do much in the way of housework. He’s actually gone out and bought new cups or bowls at points simply because he couldn’t be bothered to wash the dirty ones that were filling up his sink. After Hakkai moves in with him, his house gets a lot cleaner and he doesn’t resort to things like that anymore but that’s entirely because of Hakkai and not Gojyo.
It’s not something he gets to indulge in much anymore, not after Hakkai moved in and not after the journey started, but Gojyo’s main guilty pleasure (at least, his main guilty pleasure that isn’t sexual in nature) is definitely getting drunk, going to bed so late that it’s early, and then sleeping until supper-time. Just marathoning sleep, getting a solid 12 hours straight in at the very least. Sleep is fucking precious and Gojyo knows it.
Gojyo air drums along to music whenever the radio’s on and the song is really catchy. He doesn’t even realize he’s doing it half the time unless someone calls him out on it.
Gojyo, as opposed to Hakkai, isn’t very creative and imaginative and he doesn’t daydream or fantasize often. He’ll do things like visualize himself winning a poker game when he sits down to play or imagine conversations between himself and women (which all go amazingly well) before he approaches them to hit on them - he’s more the type to fantasize about good things happening when he goes to try things.
Sexually speaking, Gojyo has a lot of little quirks and pleasures and a shit-ton of dirty fantasies. There’s very little that he would put a hard no to. AS far as quirks goes, he has to have a smoke after sex. It just adds to the hazy, lazy afterglow. He also doesn’t really like spending the full night with a lover since mornings after are usually awkward.
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