#nonny got me thinking
glossykissies · 17 days
Butcher's hatred for vought only worsening after meeting hybrid!puppy reader bc of what they did to her makes me so sad :( he's just an old angry man who gives off ultimate protective daddy vibes
ok trigger warning for this arc bc it goes into her abuse but
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yes bc i feel like it takes a while for her to understand that the abuse she faced wasn’t okay / normal and it’s not just butcher that feels that way it’s everyone. like whenever she messes up infront of the boys she just puts her head down and braces, and when hughies like “wait, what are you doing?” pup is all
“oh, well, back at the lab if i messed up they’d punch me in the stomach real hard so i don’t do it again?” :(((((
and m.m has to take her aside and explain that she’s not gonna be physically assaulted for messing up, especially not over something so tiny? “no one is laying a hand on you in here, you hear me? if they do? they’ll have to answer to me.” he adds the last part with a playful smile, trying to keep the tone light — but upon turning to you, his face falls, seeing the tears on your cheeks.
“what— yeah. we may be a bunch of ruthless motherfuckers but beating on someone as defenceless as you — no offence, well that’s where i draw the line. look, you’re safe here kid.” he turns his full body to you, large frame crouched a little subconsciously to seem less intimidating. “don’t mean you won’t get yelled at by butcher from time to time, but i’m tryna get a handle on that.” he pats your back with a smile, shuffling to get up but you throw your arms around him.
“thank you, m.m.”
his brow creases, knowing that sort of thing shouldn’t warrant a thank you.
“we’re takin’ this one step at a time.” he hums.
kimiko also serves as great comfort, knowing what it’s like to face abuse and be confused when faced with kindness. sometimes she finds you sitting alone, not your usual energetic self and she comes and sits with you — typing things out on her phone to communicate with you.
are you having a bad day?
“yeah. i don’t miss the lab, but sometimes i wish i didn’t have the responsibility of being a full… person. at least when people treated me like a dog i didn’t have to think too hard.” you sigh and she nods, taking a moment to type.
i understand. i don’t miss my past, but some days i kind of wish i could go back just so i could hang out with my brother one more time.
“yeah. i get that.”
after a pause, she types some more.
did you have any brothers or sisters?
“no. it was just me. i always wished i had a sister to play with though.”
kimiko smiles, happily typing something into her phone before proudly turning it around.
well guess what? we’re sisters now. you can be my little sister. i always wanted one of those.
you beam, tail thudding the side of the chair you’re curled on as it starts to wag and your mood is infectious, the girl throwing her arm around you into a side hug.
butchers hate does infact worsen and it causes him to act up, get more violent than before — violently destroying anyone with a finger dipped into the vought pie. you always assumed it was because of his own past, but one day you witnessed him beating on someone who had something to do with the hybrid operation. cowering in the doorway, you try to keep your frightened whimpers at bay at hear him berating the bloody man through grit teeth.
“what you did to ‘er? what your fuckin’ people did to that girl? she’ll never be the bloody same and that’s all because of you. you’re gonna rot in hell, cunt.” before delivering the final blow to his skull.
you’re shaking, and only when he’s pulled himself off the corpse he sees you— having watched the entire thing. he softens slightly, eyes flickering with shame as he presses his lips together but you slowly approach, wide eyed.
“dont be scared pup, i ain’t… i just couldn’t let ‘im get away with it. can’t let scum like that keep walkin’ this earth.” he thinks you might bolt, like he’s seen you do on other occasions— but this time you approach, wrapping your arms around him, nuzzling into him, ears twitching, tail wrapping around his thigh.
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ctrlhope · 4 months
This might sound like an odd question, but I keep thinking about it.... Would Spider Jimin's web/silk be able to hold someone off the ground? Suspended if that's the right word I'm thinking of. 🤔
Not odd at all lovely 🤭 <33 trust I got u
cw. bondage
If Jimin, you know, just so happened to want to string up his pretty little human, his silks would have no trouble doing such a thing! He’d be so careful too, wrapping you up just right. Making you look like the perfect present tied up for him.
Would make his brain go a little haywire, to be honest. Seeing his angel stuck for him, pretty little pictures drawn across your skin when he still had the right mind to tease you. Webbing holding you in place. His silks covering your body. Presented just for him on a silver platter.
Personally, I think he’d prefer to tie to up to a web. Whatever angle that web sits at, he has no care for. (A web standing straight up, you attached to it with nothing but his silks… he would fall apart at the sight.) There’s just something about it that makes his spider just preen, little voice in the back of his head rambling about just how good a mate you are. Pretty and tied for him. Covered in him, in his scent, his marks. But I can only imagine what happens if you decide to get bratty on him. Then he doesn’t mind you tied up like a pretty doll. Not at all <33
So! Short answer: his webs are definitely strong enough to support holding someone off the ground! Definitely not like, a single string, but he knows how to prepare you correctly, so don’t worry :DD I imagine his webbing is similar to spider man’s to be honest, just a bit thinner and more delicate. But still very strong since he’s able to sit on it after a few passes over the same spot ++ he uses it to hunt :>> 💞💞
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wonusite · 7 months
just imagining going to a house party with your bfs cheol, wonu, and gyu. a guy starts flirting with you or smth, and all three get jealous but cheol and wonu at least show some restraint. gyu, however, sneaks you away from the party to fuck you hard and fast in the bathroom. when cheol and wonu spot your rumpled dress, messy hair, and tired frame curled up against gyu they are VERY unimpressed by the bratty puppy lol (aka: punishment time for gyu when you all get back home lol) -minwon nonny
anyway lmao i see the vision and i love it. bc gyu would mark you all up in the bathroom while growling about how you only belong to him and woncheol. about how you only fall apart on their cocks and no one else will ever get to see that. you literally get fucked out so fast bc while gyu is usually the sweet one during sex, he just switches when he’s jealous. so he pound his cock against your sweet spot until you come on his cock multiple times and can only mewl his name while clinging to him. once he stuffs you full he’s satisfied and doesn’t care that his two bfs are unimpressed and lk annoyed that he’s been a naughty puppy. the edging and punishment that come later is totally worth it 😮‍💨
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seijorhi · 7 months
Boarding the werewolf wagon,
Do you think another pack( say umm seijoh)would steal her 😳
What's wrong,mother 😕 hope you are feeling better now. It hurts me to see you sad. Please take care of yourself. And stay safe. We love you so much.
Smooches and warm hugs
I feel like such a buzzkill here but the loRE
Cuz with the whole biting thing there’s not just a physical claim but a mental one too. I can’t picture inarizaki holding off sinking their teeth into the reader and once Kita does, the rest of them aren’t gonna hold back either.
I’d say that the only way to break a claiming bite would be to kill the wolf who put it there and override it with their own, but in this case that would mean one pack wiping the other out entirely.
Now, if both of them were vying for the reader from the start oop 👁️👁️
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thelonelyshore-if · 27 days
Ok I wanted to know if my MC who is Fwb with Yasmin and is romancing Croft would have any repercussions?
Hmmm...I wouldn't say repercussions (in the sense of damaging your relationship with either), though eventually they will have to pick one. Croft is monogamous, and as much as Yasmin is their best friend they don't want to share a partner with her lol.
There will eventually be a point where one of them will bring it up to MC, and the MC will have to make a decision.
That being said...there might be some awkwardness and jealousy. Now I'm thinking of all the potential fun flavor text a Croftmancer who was fwbs with Yasmin could have...
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chrollogy · 3 months
atsumu is definitely a greedy man.
it's how he pushed himself into the professional athlete he is, always demanding more of not only himself but from those around him. the difference with him though, is that his greed is a greed that stems from love.
after all, that's what atsumu embodies: love in its purest form. it's his justification for why he's so drawn to you, why everything you do to him has him acting this irrationally, just for you to glance in his direction. some might call him pathetic, but he likes to think of it as an unwavering devotion. and he's sure you'd agree too.
the glittery gold and black jersey only cements his certainty. he could spend a lifetime blowing his load to the image of you bent over all pretty for him, your pussy sucking his thick cock in like your life depends on it, the last name "miya" placed squarely on your back. there's something about seeing the fabric bounce with each one of his thrusts that makes him want to carve a deeper place into your heart, like his jersey on you is proof that you're his.
"fuck, you're so tight, babe. you're gonna make me cum if you keep tightening up around me like that... fuck, d'you like that? like it when i hit it from behind?" he slurs, his vision already hazy with pleasure. he doesn't want to waste even a second looking away from you. his hands push up against the hem of the big jersey, but he makes sure not to crumple up his name as his big palms play with tits, gripping at your body and trying to press up as much of himself as he can against you.
god, you feel so small against him. it's like his jersey's threatening to eat your body up whole, and it makes his cock twitch dangerously inside of you. you're so good to him, too good to him, and instead of satiating him, it only fuels him more. he wants every part of you, the good and the ugly, the moral and the immoral, the presentable and the hideous. the jersey sporting his name clinging to your skin is just a physical marking of that.
atsumu is definitely a greedy man.
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kaaaaaaarf · 2 months
karfy can you give some advice on what men find the most attractive
Hi anon! 💕 As I am not a man, I'm afraid I can't help you. I have zero idea what's going through a man's mind at any given time (although I imagine it's probably circus music on a loop). I had to call in an expert, so here is verbatim what Mr K said when I texted him to ask:
Well. ON BEHALF OF ALL MEN...Love! All the stuff you know already. Love, compatibility, honesty and all the rest. They want a [pet name redacted], but sucks for them because we are the only [pet name redacted]!
I realize this doesn't answer the most attractive part but it's an answer. 🤷🏼
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maybeimamuppet · 3 months
34 and 46 for mcnamawyer 👀
hahahaha ha hahaha. hi nonnie :)
34 macaronnie “if you keep looking at me like that we won’t make it to a bed.”
It’s a quiet day.
Raining outside, air conditioner thrumming, The Princess Bride playing faintly from the TV for the umpteenth time. Veronica and Mac sit side by side, their legs pressed together beneath a plush blanket.
Veronica glances at her girlfriend once again. She’s lost count of how many times she’s found looking at her more interesting than the movie. Heather hasn’t noticed, so she continues.
“Cut it out,” Heather murmurs, slipping a few pieces of popcorn between her lips. Maybe she has.
“What?” Veronica asks innocently. “I’m not doing anything.”
“You’re looking at me,” Heather continues, leaning her head back against the plush couch cushions.
“What, I’m not allowed to look at my girlfriend?” Veronica pouts.
“Not like that.”
“Why not?”
“Because if you keep looking at me like that we won’t make it to a bed,” Heather replies with remarkable nonchalance.
Veronica freezes. “Who says we have to?”
Heather turns her head to look at her and smiles. Veronica smiles back.
“You should be glad you’re a lot more obvious than you think,” Heather says fondly as she crawls over to her.
“Oh, best believe I am.”
46 macaronnie “hey, have you seen the… oh.”
“Mac?” Veronica calls. “Have you seen my body wash? I was gonna take a shower.”
There’s a loud series of thuds from the other bathroom, followed by an even louder series of curses. “Shit! Son of a bitch!”
“Mac?” Veronica asks again. She makes her way down the hall and carefully pushes the door open and steps into the bathroom. “Hey, have you seen the… oh.”
“Heeeey, Ronnie!” Mac greets brightly, emerging from a wall of bubbles at least four feet above the edge of the bathtub, clearly trying to act like nothing amiss is happening. “How’s it goin’?”
“Mac,” Veronica chuckles. “What the fuck is this?”
“I like a lot of bubbles,” Mac defends sheepishly.
“I can see that,” Veronica replies. “How did this happen, babe? What went wrong? When did we lose control over the bath?”
“…I ran out of my bubble bath so I borrowed some of your body wash, and then I got distracted and used, like… a lot. And now we’re here.”
“Uhhuh,” Veronica replies. “Is there any left? I’d like a shower.”
“Come join me! It’s fun in here,” Heather beckons, her arms emerging from the wall of foam and making grabby hands for her.
“You’re just stuck, aren’t you?” Veronica replies, even though she’s already unbuttoning her top and walking over to her.
“Mmhmm,” Veronica chuckles. “Guess we’ll figure that out when we get there.”
“Doesn’t it smell soooo good?” Heather asks eagerly as Veronica slips into the warm water across from her, disappearing behind a wall of blue-ish white bubbles.
“Yes, my body wash does smell pretty good,” Veronica replies. Heather smiles and splutters as she gets a mouthful of soap.
“Oh, doesn’t taste good,” she says with her tongue poked out. Veronica chuckles. Heather makes her way through the wall of foam to lounge against her.
Eventually, they’ll have to figure out how to get the bubbles down the drain, and clean the tub, and get Veronica more body wash.
But for now, all that matters is the two of them pressed together, and the sweetly artificial smell of the ocean around them.
“You’re paying for a new bottle.”
“I knoooow.”
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cafecitoeddie · 4 months
i think either it was just marketing or, potentially, plans changed?
so…. marketing: a known ship/a known dynamic that just WORKS is pushed to keep us all engaged and then give us … whatever that whole season was. there were some very interesting storylines and some very good scenes by some amazing actors. why weren’t they promoted as much? TPTB knew what they were doing.
potentially, plans changed: that is an absolute fact that has been made known either on purpose or accidentally. EDDIE/TOMMY WAS THE ORIGINAL PLAN. things fell through, actors couldn’t come back and storylines were changed on the fly. miss me with the bullshit that ryan just didn’t want to do the story. i hate that notion and i hate whoever spouts that at anyone. that could very well have happened. so why not update the interviews / pr being used to MATCH THE STORYLINES in the show itself? where was the push for more BT? where were the joint interviews between O/L?
it doesn’t make sense.
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thesilliestofgals · 1 year
Just watched the trailer for the new Puella Magi Madoka Magica movie and all I can say is ayo what the fUCK-
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sillyfairygarden · 7 months
would you ever consider coloring your own dtiys challenge ? it’d be fun to see !
should i…. 👁️
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queerdiaz · 2 years
No but like what if
And I'm just spitballing here
We get Eddie talking about his dates and them not working out
Then we get buddie poker night not-a-date
It's revealed somehow(maybe at the end of the night right before buck and Eddie leave) that one of the poker players was one of Eddie's previous dates
And it's the guy at the table in that shot
What if we get totally ambiguous talk about Eddie's dipping his toes back in the dating world
And then we get confirmation at least one of those dates was with a guy 👀
Oooo that'd be so interesting!
I see this and raise you, Eddie seeing the guy he went on a date with coming near them so to hide his face he turns to Buck and says, "Quick! I need you to kiss me."
And Buck being Buck does without asking why.
Of course being them, they end up kissing a lot longer than necessary until someone clears they throat. And when they both part, someone asks if they're in their honeymoon phase and they both just nod, afraid to say anything, both reeling from the kiss.
And then later once they're done with their faking dating poker date, Eddie apologizes and explains that he saw someone he went on a terrible date with, someone who's a guy. And Buck's like "Oh" before blurting out, "I'm bi." And Eddie's like "Oh" too while trying to convince himself not to get his hopes up just bc he's bi. But then Buck rubs the back of his neck and shyly asks, "So that kiss was just...." he doesn't finish his sentence but Eddie knows what he means and then he looks at Buck, really looks at him, and is like Oh. Oh. So then he slowly walks closer toward Buck and says, "I'd be lying if I said it wasn't more than that?" Buck's like, "Really?" And then Eddie smiles while leaning in. "Really." And then they kiss.
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teddybeartoji · 3 months
i have a questionnnnn
do you like video games?
and do you know baldur's gate 3 and final fantasy 7?
i got into those during my last vacations and idk why it never occurred to me to ask you even tho i am obsessed with astarion and sephiroth (it's always the white haired guys my taste is so predictable) and cloud but that's another thing
the characterization in both of those games is soooo good especially if you watch almost everything ff7 related like i did (takes a while though)
anyways i felt you could do them justice if you were to write about them, especially astarion. ngl i was very disappointed when i went on socials, as usual, to consume content about the media i just watched and i was very shocked in a bad way
not by the quality, there's just tons of thirst edits for example and while i agree his character is pretty and everything, it kinda hurt cuz it just went against his WHOLE character arc ... i was very disappointed with the fandom haha
same with sephiroth, though i didnt resent as much cuz his story isn't about the fact of being sexualized against his will
anyways yeah i love media in general, series/movies/games you name it as long as there's a story or just one character that i rlly like i'll love it
so i was wondering what games you liked... or media in general at this point, except the movies you posted about
also no pressure but is there a system with asks? are they removed from your inbox if you answer them? are they automatically deleted after some time? just to know cuz i haven't gotten an answer to mine and i'm scared i might've said something bad! esp since i read badly your rules and didn't see a negation and maybe said smth about looking forward to a next part :') smh
HELLOO NONNIEE:3333 I LOVE VIDEO GAMESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but i have only heard abt baldur's gate and final fantasy sadly!!!! i have nothing against them they just don't necessarily seem my type of games.. BALDUR'S GATE CHARACTER CREATION SEEMS SO FUCKING FUN THOUGH OMFGGG
and i've definitely seen and heard a lot of astarion!!!!!!!!!! i've also seen some stuff abt him being really overly sexualized right????? his character seems so cool i would love to get to know him better wahh i really do wanna try baldur's gate one day!!!!!!! and unfortunately i only know sephiroth by name too:((( i'm sorry to disappoint u nonnie baby:(((
AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH VIDEO GAMES I LIKEEEE!!!!! my all time favourite is definitely the last of us part 2!!!!!!!!!!!! i am on my like... sixth playthrough on that lmao i'm doing it on grounded so yk wish me luck!!!!! anywayy i ofc like the first one too but man.. the second one hits harder for me tbh. then i really fucking love ghost of tsushima, i'm actually replaying it rn too hehe.
honorable mentions go to rdr2, until dawn, the newest dead space remake, god of war, disco elysium, the resident evil games, assassin's creed (i know a lot of ppl don't like these all that much but idk i think they're really fun!! esp black flag and odyssey)(ok i am biased bc these were like my first games ever lmao), days gone (this is another that most think is rather lame but again.. i think it's really fucking fun i have nothing against it) aaaand death stranding!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! aaahh so many games damn i might've forgotten some but these are some that i really love!!!!!!!!!!!! i have played almost all of them multiple times too lmao that's crazy
for overall media i'd just give a lil shoutout to the 'mindhunter' series on netflix!!!!!!!!!!!!! i absolutely fucking looove that show!!!!!!!! i've seen that multiple times too i love the characters and just the way it's done overall!!!!!!!!! also 'manic' i think that's a netflix one too.. that's a really short one but idk it changed me okay i think it's fucking great
OMGG AND WAAAHHH TRUST THAT I STILL HAVE YOUR ASK!!! I AM JUST REALLY SLOW WITH ANSWERING THEM SO I AM VERY SORRY ABT THAT!!!!!!! and you definitely haven't crossed any lines either, so it's one hundred percent on me!!!!!!!!! the thing is that i get a bit overwhelmed when i have to answer things which sounds ridiculous bc I LOOOOVEEEE TALKING TO YOU GUYSSS my brain just sucks okay i'm sorry
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ijustdontlikepeople · 6 months
may I ask how you did this edit? it's a beautiful effect and I'd like to replicate it (only if you don't mind sharing, of course). tumblr.com/ijustdontlikepeople/739905108314324992
Hi anon! Thank you!! I’ve always been very fond of this guy and I am always happy to talk about making stuff!
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It’s been a little while so my memory of the process is a little blurry and unfortunately, I cleaned out my project storage last week so I can’t go back layer by layer anymore but here’s the best of my memory
So, it started when I saw this base image and Davo looked very “heavy is the head that wears the crown” and I loved it
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I brought it into PicsArt on my phone and cropped it so he was a bit more centered.
I went through the PicsArt stickers for an “orb” or “light burst” this is the one I used
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To place the orb behind Davo like I wanted I added in another layer of that original photo, and removed the background until I just had Davo’s head
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They should be layered original photo, burst, head, like above. Now you can see some spots in his hair and such that the orb light is not visible through so you go back through and erase bits of the Davo head layer. you don’t have to be too too particular about it bc the same photo of him is underneath.
If I remember right, the brightness of the orb wasn’t as high as I wanted so I doubled up on the same sticker
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I think I one was centered over his left eye and then the other a few inches above it, and the i placed them both back behind the head layer again
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Then added a sticker halo
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Then I moved over to lens flare
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I picked a light orangey one and placed one over his eye, lining it up with his Iris, then blending it with the light setting and duplicating the the layer and repeating for the other eye. I could have sworn that I gradually erased the edges so it faded into the rest of the photo but the software isn’t giving my an option to erase? So I’m not sure if that’s a change on their side or if I’m misremembering
From there, you apply and then go to FXs. (I may have tinkered with some color levels last time before this step but I don’t remember)
I’m not sure exactly which filters I used. I feel like there were two or three. I am about 80% sure I used these with roughly these specifics.
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His face is cut out of PLRD which is done first than VINYL
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So they didn’t turn out exactly the same but this about the gest. It’ll all be a little different depending on your starting photo. If you ever have any questions or just want to talk about what you’re making, my DMs and ask box are always open! I can give u my discord too if that’s easier! I hope this was a least a bit helpful!!
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serpulalacrymans · 6 months
hi lawrence! I kinda hesitated sending you an ask for a moment because i thought I would’ve made you uncomfortable on accident somehow..but i finally built up the courage to finally say something!
i just wanted to know if you like scented candles? if you do then what scent do you think you would like?
Don't worry. I'm always uncomfortable. Chances are I wouldn't have minded even if you did. Thank you for reaching out.
I like candles every now and then. Mainly to accompany my books or showers. But I heard they can give you cancer? So I don't like lighting them very often. I don't need my body in more of a wreck than it is already.
I like the autumn ones. Autumn and ocean and winter ones. Pine mainly. It's very relaxing. I don't get any flower scented candles because I can smell the actual thing so it's kind of pointless ha.
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inastarlesssky · 8 months
Oh my, to the nonny who sent me that ask, you are a wonderful and lovely person! I'm working on answering it but it's making me think haha because hmm thought provoking questions. I'm not ignoring it! I'm going to answer, I promise.
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