#so the backstory is short pfff
muppenthings · 11 months
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Merry, an outgoing Reef mer.
They're currently joining Tide on his journey to make amends with the mer communities and humans!
You can find their beginning story here (keep in mind the art and designs are old! And it was never intented to turn into a story so yep, on the go story telling)
Age: 26 years
World: Jordh
Timeperiod: Early 1900's
Personality: Cheerful, diplomatic and hard-working, they're very caring of others and open-minded. They often take on more work than they can handle, not wanting others to be burdened.
Family: A travelling mother and father that visits regularly and an older sister who lives in a different community with her family.
Background: Merry was born and raised in a small coastal community. When Merry came of age, their parents decided to leave the community, wanting to travel the seas. This was fine with Merry, they keep busy and have many friends. One of the Elders also look after them, offering them guidance when needed or a friendly chat.
Other notes:
Reef mers are skilled aquafarmers and they grow a large variation of sea greens (kelp, seagrass and seaweed). Sea creatures like oysters, mussels, sea urchins and crustaceans are also part of their diet.
Merry's fluent in the local human language. They often join the trips to the coastal towns to trade goods. They also like to interact with humans to exchange news and stories.
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highlifeboat · 1 year
First off, my heart was broken with the "Swap!Mel telling Alcina not to baby her" bit, please tell me they talk things out and get their happy vibes back. :( Second - I now really wanna hear about Mia and the wife from Crimson Snow. You may have given me a new ship and need to know this XD
Always gotta throw in a little angsty family drama, no matter the AU.
I feel like, eventually, Alcina is going to question Melony's sudden disdain for getting babied. Her daughter is just kind of coasting and sullen since it stopped, and it's worrying. With all the strange vibes between her kids, too, there has to be some suspicion that something happened.
She has a little private meeting with Mel and pushes the subject more, reminding Mel she can be trusted and all that. Mel, despite having every right to throw Max under the bus, goes with the half truth of "I've just heard.. people say some things about me." and how it made her think on how much time she spends around Alcina. She doesn't like being seen as a baby, or weak, or anything like that since she's arguable just as capable as her siblings. But when Alcina asks her if she's sure she doesn't want to be babied anymore she doesn't have a real answer.
Mel still likes the extra attention, and the kisses and hugs, and general motherly love, but she also feels like she should get some independence and responsibility. Alcina tells her they'll work to find a nice balance that makes Mel happy, and if Alcina ever goes too much either way to simply tell her. She's going to miss her baby moth and constant cuddling and whatever, but she won't deny Mel's want to have her own life.
A little bitter sweet, but they hug it out after and get back into their good vibes, even if it isn't the same as before.
Listen, okay, so... Ideas are limited at the moment, but bare with me.
Main backstory isn't fully important right now, but the short version is Mia gets relocated to whatever snowy undisclosed town Crimson Snow takes place in. Gets a note from the neighbour across the road as an invite for dinner, say "fuck it" because she's tired of being lonely post-Ethan dying and losing everything (again). Ends up in Scary Ex's house, who quickly realizes Mia is NOT her ex boyf. Hilarity ensues, Mia makes friends with a demon woman, enter gay lady kisses. Y'know, classic tale pfff.
I will supply a little bit of headcanons, because that's the only way I can explain ideas coherently pfff.
The reason the Ex doesn't kill Mia on the spot, is because Mia still takes her up on the dinner offer/is actually civil despite... everything
Like, my girl saw the spaghetti on the table and said "I know this is awkward, but I brought wine and I feel like it's rude if I just leave."
Ex is initially confused, but after realizing Mark(the game MC/Ex Boyf) isn't showing up/moved, agrees.
This is heavily reliant on the idea that the Scary Ex only kills Mark in-game because he's running/hiding from her, and because Mia doesn't the Ex is chill.
A good chunk of dinner is Ex venting about how "I put all this effort into the holiday and he doesn't even bother to tell me he's MOVING?" and Mia nodding along and saying stuff like "Sounds like he was a loser honestly. You deserve better."
In terms of general relationship, lowkey they be cute
Ex drags Mia dress shopping all the time, for both of them
Mia always be complimenting her. On her dresses, and make up, and cooking, just showers this woman with compliments.
Ex has accidentally scared the shit out of Mia in the middle of the night before. More than once.
They do living room karaoke.
Mia might have a thing for women with sharp teeth and long nails.
The Ex is lowkey ecstatic to just be in a relationship with someone who doesn't call her crazy
Mia casually dropping how she used to be possessed too, except it wasn't by choice and now she's forever infected with sentient fungus.
Scary Ex being like "That explains a lot actually." and then never bringing it up again
Basic idea is: Local Himbo falls in love with Horror Beyond Human Comprehension
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sins-of-the-sea · 10 months
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//....Really, I just wanted an excuse to draw Ruixiong with short hair. Turned out also being a body study to see if I can figure out a body shape for him that isn't too similar to Guy and Giovanni. I don't think I've quite gotten there yet.
Don't mind the chickenscratch on the side, that's meant for me to make sure I got the timeline right with Rui considering, in the Bioshock Verse, he would have been a Chinese orphan born during WWII, and would have been a displaced war orphan forced to survive at a young age before he'd enter Rapture.
Got inspired to draw this anyway when I reblogged the Bioshock Verse portraits. Originally he was going to wear the full-body worker's suit or mechanic's overalls (and he probably would should I write/RP him out in Rapture), but I got too much young Marlon Brando living in my head rent-free and it won't go away, so just a tank top and loose jeans for now pfff.
To go with the Bioshock Abena sketch and backstory, here is Ruixiong's!
Wang Ruixiong has no recollection of how he lost his family by the end of the Japanese occupation of China in World War II; all he knew was that he was constantly traveling with other orphans and adult strangers in the fight for survival. He does, however, recall when he first entered Rapture as a child--he was forced to do assorted labor with what was then Fontaine Fisheries. He didn't know it at the time, but Ruixiong was being groomed into the smuggling business; by the time he was entering his teens, the young boy was well-versed in the most well-hidden parts of Rapture and in the best ways to hide or disguise contraband.
The boy would meet the Frascona Family by around 1950, when Rui was still a pre-teen; it was then he finally had someone to call family, having becoming close to the family's nephew Giovanni and the neighboring Duchamp Twins. Josep would work to become Ruixiong's legal guardian until he became of age in 1957, where he would attempt to make his own home by working as a supplier for Fontaine Futuristics.
Because Ruixiong has worked for Fontaine for all his life by this point, he considers himself in great debt to Frank Fontaine. Ruixiong, after surviving the fight that killed Fontaine, was among the first to rally behind Atlas in rebelling against Andrew Ryan. Ruixiong was among the other Atlas loyalists by the time of the New Year's Riots in 1958. As the Civil War raged on, Ruixiong was forced to separate from the Frascona family, unaware that both Josep, Arcelia, and Giovanni have gone missing.
Ruixiong would not reunite with Abena until sometime during the events of Bioshock 1, unaware of Josep, Arcelia, and Giovanni's fates. By this time, Ruixiong has forgone the fight against Ryan in favor of searching for his missing family. One can imagine his reaction upon realizing the truth behind Atlas once Jack has faced him for the final time.
Rui has mastered the Telekinesis Plasmid and does his best to avoid becoming a Splicer, though he admits the addictive properties often drive him mad.
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aktosage · 3 years
Wait wait wait I just had a cool idea
I don't know what you have written down for ideas and stuff, but what if whirl was the one to train arcee? In the comics whirl and arcee got along really well and I feel like they would still tolerate each other in tfp, but if they had prior connections it would be an established connection to build off of. Like if whirl took in a young arcee and taught her how to fight and how to survive (since I headcanon that arcee was pretty young when the war started) and eventually he asked her to join the wreckers, but she declined and went off on her own. And hundreds of years later they meet (during tfp) and they have to work together again and its like a sweet moment of "hey this is the person who taught me everything". And you could say that whirl is really not a good teacher, but he has a soft spot for sparklings (and younglings I'd imagine). I think it would just be really interesting to see them interact with the other wreckers too. Like wheeljack and bulkhead being super surprised that arcee was almost a wrecker. But whirl is like "nah, my girl can wreck with the best of em', I should know since I taught her myself". Is this an excuse to give arcee a strong standing relationship? Or an excuse to give whirl a (adopted) kid? Mayhaps
Sorry this is so long and rambly. I just really like these 2 lone wolves
(๑・̑◡・̑๑) let me surprise you rn
I actually did keep the IDW dynamic for these two!!! Buuuuut👀 Whirl is the younger one! I like the idea that Arcee is actually pretty old in tf standards and I wanted to keep that in TFP (also even funnier that she’s the smallest and has an attitude of a coming of age teenage girl) I’m not a SUUUPER big fan of tfp Cee, she’s cool but agh I much prefer the IDW interpretation (tho she does get better throughout the seasons <3333333)
Anyway Whirl and Arcee dynamic!
Whirl was always problematic, thus his empurata head and claws (which makes me think of shockwave but that’s a thing for a whole different time) SO! He was put in the same squad as Arcee to discipline him at least a bit. (I will cover his backstory and why he got punished another time)
Him and Arcee aren’t that far age wise, but she was under the strict regime fairly quickly and just sticks to the big rules (bc she will disobey, as shown in TFP) She was mostly there to train WITH him, but her agility and use of her arm blades definitely inspired him to put his claws to good use 👀 I reckon that he was quite upset or even insecure after the procedure. They got along well most of the time because both are fairly short tempered and act on impulse, tho Arcee is more reserved. He was sent off to join the wreckers because 1) they needed a flyer (exodus tells us that there’s been a SIGNIFICANT lack of fliers amongst the autobots) 2) his anger could be put into something 3) Kup and Ironhide could control him relatively okay. Arcee declined because, while yes her size would be a plus in the Cybertron resistance she had an established team and partners that boarded the ships that were to leave Cybertron.
Her and Whirl lost contact, no hard feelings just war, death, famine and all that💀 They would reconnect quickly as if nothing happened for the same reason tho :] Will definitely draw them interacting (Little blue and Big blue combo) Also would break Arcee’s “shell” because during the war she got the role of the “reliable or serious” one much to her disliking (which I BET is the reason she’s a helicopter mom sometimes? Like it’s easier to not allow anything than to let things happen pfff) ALSO!!!!! Her “loosing partners” streak could start off with Whirl👀 since she knew him Pre-war and could believe that he’s dead because he joined the wreckers without her and she had no way to contact him (comm liks very restricted because Cybertron was under Shockwave during that time, and he’d take any chance he’d get to locate the resistance)
Arcee definitely learned some things from him as well as he did from her and those things did stuck throughout the war. Whirl would be “That one crazy wrecker that went to prison like 3 times and escaped twice”. There were probably more units of the wreckers (Magnus, Kup and Ironhide maybe? Ironhide left for the guards tho, they needed forces as well) so Magnus just heard stories about Whirl and he was anything but ecstatic when Whirl arrived
Your asks are SOOSOSOS NICE!!! I LOVED the Whirl dad idea, buuuuuut I hope that this is okay as well :( I see them more, in this universe, as a older sister younger brother but both equally chaotic duo
:] asks stay open, especially regarding this bc wowowowo this is nice wowowo I’m comfortably sharing my thoughts mwah ily thank u
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Truth: who was your first crush?
Name Randomizer: Weiss
Weiss, blushing: Pfff, well, I mean, it....it’s not like this is a secret or anything...
Yang: Really? Because I don’t have a guess.
Blake: You don’t?
Weiss: I’m not asking you to guess!
Nora: It’s Ruby, right?
Ruby, blushing: Eheheh...is it me, Weiss?
Weiss, rolling her eyes and stuttering: No, it-it isn’t you. It was someone before I came here from Atlas.
Ruby: Oh. Who was that?
Weiss, sighing: A girl from prep school. She always sat in front of me in class, and her ponytail would sometimes drape on my desk a bit unintentionally, and I’d kind of...play with it just a bit so she wouldn’t notice.
Ilia: I did notice...
Weiss, covering her face with her hands: Ilia whyyyy...
Ilia, turning pink, chuckling and rubbing the back of her head: You weren’t very slick.
Yang: Aww, that’s actually really cute!
Ilia: Weiss totally made good on that crush of hers. Totally.
Weiss: What, you think little prep school me was just going to ask you out? I only had, like, half a year of social experience by that point!
Ilia: I was joking! I wasn’t really, you know...my awakening came later.
Ruby: When was that?
Ilia: Y’all didn’t hear me say that...
Yang: When was the awakening, Ilia?
Ilia: Stahp.
Weiss: Blake, right?
Blake: It’s me, right?
Ilia: *sigh* Yeah. When I came to Beacon and knew you were here, it kinda clicked in my head that...like, “woah, me and Blake could be friends all over again,” and then I saw you and realized how gorgeous you had become and...yeah. Gay.
Blake: That’s actually really sweet, I’m flattered that I was your gay awakening.
Yang: And apparently Ilia was Weiss’.
Weiss: I wasn’t awakened, I was...intrugued...at the time.
Yang: When was your awakening then?
Weiss, rolling her eyes: Being placed on a team with three insanely attractive feminine-aligned people.
Nora, nodding: Yeah.
Ilia: That’ll do it.
Neon: Relatable content.
((Don’t know if this is a retcon or what since I haven’t been keeping real track of this AU’s backstory and such until recently, but Ilia and Blake were childhood friends in Ghira’s White Fang, then Ilia moved to Atlas to attend the same prep school as Weiss, dropped out to join the Atlas chapter of the White Fang for a short time (still Ghira’s since Adam isn’t in this AU), then got admitted to Beacon. Hopefully this all makes sense!))
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deusn-determined · 5 years
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My friends,
in very short i will try to make an post about the update of this blog and what my plans are for this summer.
So lets start of with the biggest question, and thats what of my big projects. Ever since i restarted my blog i decided to abandon, reboot or change most of my biggest works i made on tumblr. So lets talk about the biggest of those.
1. The Knight
- During the next months i would like to make a few pieces of concept art and design art for the Knight after the reboot i am making for him. This will include possible meetings, ideas i have in my mind and careful drawings with my ideas
- Completely written out scenario of ARC I and ARC II
- Starting ARC I and finishing ARC I during the end of September/October 2019 (this is my destined deadline, and i think that with hard work i could manage to make a substantial story of the creation and beggining of my Undertale OC)
- Design possibilities (design ideas, nothing more)
- Expected pages of ARC I - between 12-20 pages (may change due to the writing of the scenario of ARC I)
2. Exe!Chara
- Since her story is very close to the story of the Knight, i was thinking of short pages of her own backstory, that would be telling the story of this Undertale OC, through short comics
- These comics would be coming up between the time i am making more content for the Knight. Also, these comics will be specificly made for Exe!Chara alone
- I expect to start with the initial first steps of Exe!Chara´s evolution, the big discovery that shaped her character and some easy, short and not complicated backstory (pfff, yeah right)
- Progress of this project might change based on time, scenario writing and ideas
3. Roleplaying
- As of now, i am making two RP chains with @metakazkz​ and @j-ni733, both of them containing my two OC´s 
- The only other additional RP i have planned at this time and it is on a hold is with @wraithvine with my Exe!Chara and his own fantastic OC of an character and i am very excited for this RP
4. Art trades
- Will sadly be on a hold on, until i can make my comics, but being a man of constantly conflicting mindset i might change this, who knows ! I love Art trades and making art for you guys. (I also freaking love recieving your wonderfull art for my characters !)
Thank you all for reading ! Please praise the sun and have a lovely day !
Further sites where you can check out my stuff.
DA : https://www.deviantart.com/deusn (i mostly post there as well)
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otomelavenderhaze · 5 years
11/11/11 Tag
Tagged by the sweetie @guardians-of-las-vyxen (gal, I love you forever for tagging me on this). 
I will took the liberty of speaking about Neshaa and May. 
1. What is your OC’s favorite pattern or print?
Neshaa would like anything with stars/galaxies/nebulas (in red or in dark blue/black) and of course May would like anything in flowers patterns (in a color that matches her and with a balanced/artistic desing). 
2. What do you like best about your OC?
I like how Neshaa is so cheerful, she really feels like a sun to me - warm, bright and captivating - and that comes from everything that she is: her back story, her desing, her personality and even her powers - I love how she is not “normal”. 
May’s “voice in my head” is alot more emotional and calmer than Neshaa’s. I love how May is mature and still so sweet, so full of feelings and flaws. 
3. What annoys you most about your OC?
Neshaa’s desing KKKK is the thing that I love about her and also the thing that annoys me. Cuz its so hard to not forget the freaking butterfly in her cheek, SO HARD! *sobbing*
May’s hair- it is a nightmare to draw it in her normal hairstyle. Thats why I created the “loose” version, cuz I wanted to enjoy more draw her :’) 
4. What fandom or original work is your OC from?
Mcl and Mclul (Neshaa don’t really exist in mclul, its basically a complety different environment that I created for her and Armin after mcl, you can say that the only thing that I didn’t changed in it was the fact that Alexy will meet and be with Morgan).
5. What inspired you to create your OC the way you did?
Neshaa was inspired in anime characters as such: InuYasha and Tomoe (kamisama hajimemashita). And honestly, any character that have powers, is kinda problematic, need to hide their powers and struggle with two sides of them. 
I was very inspired for Hamilton to create May, more specifically Szin’s desing for Angelica. She also have a little bit of Eliza on her now that I think about it, I tried to come up with a character that looked more like me in my personal tastes, because I liked the idea of Candy being in a Art Major and I really wanted a character that I could relate better to, maybe have more fun with. I wanted May to be a poc, hardwork, independent, but very emotional woman (my sister, even in this very fine day, still calls May of Angelica just to tease me kkkkkkk).
6. Has your OC changed any from their original design?
Not much besides their hair. Neshaa had like... 4/5 different hairstyles? I guess when I started playing at first Neshaa had brown hair and brown eyes too, but that changed pretty quickly and didn’t changed much since.
When I was trying to figure out what I wanted for May, I nearly did her with silver/grey eyes - but that changed shortly too. 
I can’t say about major changes, because my art style is so inconstant.
7. What is your OC’s sexuality? Did you choose it for any specific reason?
Neshaa is bissexual - cuz there is not enough bissexuals characters out of there and, as being bissexual myself, I didn’t wanted her to be straight. I didn’t much with her sexuality... cuz she did ended up with Armin and such. Thats why May is straight kkkkkkkk cuz I knew that she would end up with Rayan kkkkk but I don’t mind if other’s ship her with female characters at all. 
8. If your OC has a pet, what is it? If they do not, what sort of pet would they want?
PFFF, I LOVEEEE THE PET QUESTION AND I WILL ALWAYS ANSWER THE SAME THING: Neshaa is the pet! KKKKK When Rocket dies, she and Armin wouldn’t have another pet, because of her fox form. Neshaa normally scares small animals with her presence - Rocket tho, was the weird exception. Neshaa is not much of a pet person. 
And May will have a cat, I didn’t decided the breed yet but it will probably be a stray cat (Rayan is going to give it to her after she quitting her second job, there is a whole long ass hc about that). 
9. Does your OC have a power? What is it?
Neshaa have 3 forms (human, fox and kitsune), she can summon ghost fire (blue) that can burn or not burn ppl (when it don’t burn, its purifies things), she is also strong than a normal human (if she don’t control her strength, she can easily break somebody’s bone) and still she is physically weaker than a normal kitsune. Neshaa can also enter in other’s ppl dream for a short time period and create small illusions.
Also, its not really a power, but humans can feel easily attracted to her (in a friendship sense and in a sexual sense sometimes) - its not super duper strong, there is ppl that absolutely hate her, but its like a defense mechanism that helps it blend in better.
Seems like she is pretty op, but y’all should check out what normal Kitsunes can do kkkkk some can dirtorce the time and space :’) (but maybe I overdid it, just maybe kkk)
May’s super power is know how to use painting and draw better than me, what is not very hard *sobbing*
10. What has been your favorite part of creating your OC?
Is see how their personality and backstory is taking shape and changing - that you only learn with the time and how they interact with different situations, different characters and experience new things.
11. Do you have any current fandom interests or original content in the works that you are in the process of creating characters for?
I’m always in process of doing something and never finishing them complety... I was working in my Stardew Valley ocs (now I have two), I have a idea for a oc in mclul that works in the Snake Room (that I’ve in my head but I have never drew him)... and lately... I’m beeen thinking about something that i prefeer not say now :’) I want to show when I have it done. 
Now, my questions: 
What kind of song your two favorite main ocs like hearing? 
What would be your oc’s favorite movie when they were kids? 
What takes to make your oc fall in love for someone? And why? 
What is the craziest scenario that you ever pictured your oc in? 
If your oc had 3 wishes to make, what would she/he choose? 
What inspired you to create your OC the way you did?
What oc that you created and grew dearly to you with time? 
What was the most painful thing that you writed/drew with one of your ocs? 
What would be your favorite oc Hogwards house? Why? 
Describe a place where your own would feel safer and more peaceful?
Do you have any current fandom interests or original content in the works that you are in the process of creating characters for?
I will tag: @otome-aeriie, @badgalasuna, @kurohabl, @dailygila, @colombia-chan, @murdererowl, @irene-yorokobi, @loonylein, @moonywithoutpadfoot, @hipster-writer-official (for some reason I couldn’t get to tag you).
Anyone that feels like it, feel free to do so and maybe tag me!
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darkzorua100 · 6 years
When it comes to the majority of the anime I watch, I don’t believe in the concept of death. Unless I see a body, I don’t believe a character has actually died. When it comes to anime like Yu-Gi-Oh, even if we see them die on screen, unless it is some kind of Bruno case (which is extremely rare), they always find a way to revive the dead characters in the end. It is why I don’t believe Windy’s kid and Earth are dead dead. I’ve been so conditioned to believe that the character is still alive or will be bought back in some BS way because it always happens. The Boy Who Cried Wolf scenario.
That’s the best way I can describe the end of the Ghost Girl vs Blood Shepherd duel. 
Now the duel itself was amazing. We got to see both sides Synchro Summon and the plays that Ghost Girl made were just awesome and to me felt like something you would actually see in the real life card game from a Altergeist player. Sadly though, BS still ended up pulling out the win and at this point, after what just happened, I can’t take him serious anymore when it comes to Emma. What happens is what we basically are never going to see after the BS vs Soulburner duel which is that Blood Shepherd doesn’t shoot Ghost Girl. He lets her keep her account, making the whole duel completely pointless since he doesn’t even get Aqua afterwards for winning. Are you kidding me right now? This is actually stupid. Playmaker vs Bohman round 3 and Soulburner vs BS results left a bad taste in my mouth since they both felt like cop-outs (so Playmaker and Soulburner wouldn’t actually lose) but this is actually a cop-out. People have pointed out that Emma would have been just fine if she lost her account. She could have took the Kusanagi route for Aoi. That would have been perfectly fine! No instead the writers chickened out at the last second and boom, Ghost Girl is still alive out of basically pity from her older brother all because she had to get the final words in of “oh just to let you know, our dad died. Hope that doesn’t change your thoughts about deleting my account!”. I hate the Aoi/Miyu/Aqua story because it feels so cheated in but this...this is just the writers not holding up their end of the bargain and now I can’t trust them to not do this again when it comes to Emma and Kengo. I just hate when people set a set of rules for their universe in fiction and just don’t follow through with them. Why should we be worried about these characters then if nothing bad is actually going to happen to them? Playmaker and Soulburner never losing because they have a Ignis. Blue Maiden is probably never going to lose now because she has a Ignis. I don’t see what I should care or worry about them and that makes me so mad but mostly sad. 
So we get somewhat of a backstory for Emma and Kengo. They are actually half-siblings with them sharing a father who left Kengo’s mother for reasons and years later met Emma’s mother and they got busy, resulting in Emma’s birth. Seems to me that Kengo has always had a bit of a resentful side to him because of this and his car accident simply brought him to his breaking point or simply just gave him an excuse to unleash all of his anger out onto the world. Now I’m honestly not trying to find reasons to hate on the show as of late, since that seems to be a common factor now, but I don’t like how Emma found this out. Her doing some digging into Blood Shepherd’s past I can see, since this is Emma, but I don’t understand why they didn’t show us the ending to their confrontation in 63, 14 episodes ago all the way back in the beginning of August mind you, if they weren’t going to go back to that scene as the reveal. If they just showed us the end to that confrontation for the beginning of the episode as the recap and added onto it, with Blood Shepherd letting it slip that they were siblings and Ghost Girl being shocked about it, it could have lead Emma into doing all that digging to find out that hey, they actually are siblings. If we are to believe that she knew about this since the beginning of season 2, since the flashback showed her in her old Ghost Girl avatar, that just doesn’t make sense since Emma was clearly still wondering what the actual hell was going on, retconing the whole thing. 
The duel was awesome. It was just the beginning and the end parts to it that were just done so badly -_- 
Now onto the thing the everyone is going crazy about: Blue Maiden. Again, I’m not trying to hate, if you love the new design that’s great! More power to you for getting a design that screams character growth. I just...don’t. And I honestly don’t know why. The outfit is fine, I think it is just the hair that makes me dislike it so much. I was honestly expecting to to be long, since her Blue Angel form had her hair in ponytails and Blue Girl was short (which btw I’m going to miss that hairstyle since it was amazing) but the color pallet just looks wrong. It is a different shade of blue from what Aoi’s other forms had, actually the color pallets were flipped, so maybe that’s what bugs me. Also, the fact that she does look so grown up just looks...wrong? Is that the word to use? She is supposed to be sixteen and looks like she should be Emma’s age or something. It just doesn’t feel right. I know I’m going to get used to after a while but for now...I just don’t know. 
So we get a little bit more about Miyu, who actually did change her hairstyle during the Hanoi Project to reflect Aoi, and yeah Aoi is her Ryoken. Simple as that. Still don’t like this development but I’m starting to sound like a broken record as this point so moving on. Aqua and Blue Maiden team up, as to be expected, and them and the boys fly off into the sunset (well not really but you get the idea) as the new trio (because Go decided that frame was more important) which honestly doesn’t feel earned (since the boys still hasn’t told Aoi their identities yet or just the fact that they are going along with the fact that Aoi has an Ignis after the fact that she tried to steal theirs for SOL) but I’m just complaining at this point for no god damn reason.
So yeah, if it wasn’t obvious, besides the duel, I really didn’t like this episode. Honestly I do like how they are trying to get the girls involved in the story, which is saying something since in the previous series they would have been written out completely at this point, let alone have such a big role in the story that Aoi has now, but I just don’t like how it was structured to get us to this point. Aoi/Miyu/Aqua came out of nowhere and the Emma/Kengo storyline, while it had so much build up to it, just didn’t have the payoff that it deserved but that might just be me. I never expect any of my opinions to be popular and I’m fine with that. Once again, if you love everything that has been happening so far for the females, that’s amazing! I’m glad for you! Truly I am! I just wished I could say the same. 
The preview though. Wow Blood Shepherd is getting screen time in the form of duels. We knew about Ghost Girl and Lightning but not Revolver. Omg yes! We are actually getting the Wild West shoot out! They are actually going to duel in a wasteland! I wasn’t expecting this. I just thought 78 was going to be a plot episode. I’m not complaining this time but you all know I’m a Ryoken/Revolver fangirl so there might be some biased there. I have no shame to admit that. So who do I think is winning this? Pfff not even a question, Revolver is so going to kick his ass. He’s going to Mirror Force him just like he did to his younger sister and when he does I’m going to laugh so hard at the irony. Oh it truly is a wonderful thing to have our meme lord back.
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avalonianrising · 6 years
Okay, now I have to take stock--thank you, @pyramidrising, for your super-awesome post!!
Let’s see just how tragic my Imperials are (I’ll include the ladies too, for shits and giggles!).
Abellio - Tragic
Raxka - Non-Tragic
Zeliq - Tragic
Aushedar - Non-Tragic
Deyanira - Tragic (she was actually a princess too, oh my gosh)
Erebos - Tragic 
Vanadev - Tragic
Morgan - Tragic
Encke - Still working out his backstory, not sure yet!
Renshaw - Tragic
Neviah - Tragic
Chiron - Tragic
Varun - Non-Tragic
Athosar - Tragic
Panzer and Jaeger - Tragic (they’re twins, they get lumped together, pfbt)
Haimah - Tragic
Sana - Non-Tragic
Izaak - Tragic
Iolaus - Tragic
Efah - Tragic (he’s...a very strong Light spirit/minor deity...thing. And gay for one guy in particular, pfff. So I guess he’s pretty close, too!!)
Konrad - Tragic
Hye - Non-Tragic
Pandemonium - Tragic
Fetch - Tragic
Harkonnen - Tragic
In short: Avalon, stop torturing your poor Imperials.
But will she stop, tho’? Probably not.
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Bang Crush Part 4
also read:  part 1 , part 2, part 3
"I think it is a mistake worth making," I said. I could see him turn his head, his eyes looking at the ground as he left the lab.
“So it turned out there was a dryer, like..Right next to the lab.” Nardo scratched his cheek nervously, “Pretty convenient place since the lab coats get washed and dried there.”                                                                                 “Was finding it what took you so long?” I asked, kicking my legs out of pure boredom.
“I was kinda watching the dryer...I don’t know why I did that...I wasted ten minutes of my life watching the thing turn.” Nardo shook his head as if he was reflecting upon life and all his bad decisions. “I don’t regret anything.” He put his hands in the pockets of his lab coat before approaching me. “And these were in your pockets.” He handed me a frozen yogurt gift card. Of course, the pants originally belonged to Izuna. It was his gift card, I can’t even remember the last time I ate frozen yogurt.
“Thanks,” I said examining the gift card.
“And this.” I looked up from the card and I could feel an imaginary brick fall on my head seeing him hold a strawberry flavored condom. It almost felt like Izuna was a seer and predicted all of this. My hand reached for the condom, but he suddenly pulled it away. I looked up and I could see an amused look.
“It is a little odd, don’t you think?” He looked at the condom he was holding between two fingers, “Because I recall you telling me you are a virgin.” His eyes met mine again.
“Owh you caught me,” my voice couldn’t have been more sarcastic, “I planned this all out. Y’know that girl that spilled the chemicals on me. Yeah, I paid her to do that, and the rest just fell into place. I was actually trying to bang you.” I leaned in so I could reach for the condom, “And I can say it is going pretty well.”
Nardo looked slightly confused, his eyes were narrowed as if he was trying to figure me out.
“Really?” He asked, there was no surprise in his voice what so ever. Somehow, that felt like a good thing.
“I am joking,” I said as I chuckled slightly.
“You are a pretty good liar.” His suspicious look faded slightly, “That is not a good thing.”
“Owwhh~” I placed my palm on my cheek, “Do I get punished now?” I saw Nardo stiffen and his head turning slightly red..Well I had made him uncomfortable now. I shouldn’t have said that. Now he must think I am weird as fuck.
“I was joking. Don’t take it literally.” He exhaled relieved.
“For a moment I thought I was in a bad porn and I was tested by fate.” “When you say bad porn ..What..Do you mean? As in naughty bad? Or actor is fucking ugly kind of bad?” I heard Nardo laugh at my question, but I guess it didn’t come through him that I was actually being serious. “Well?”
“I guess the one where the storyline is good but the grammar is bad.”
“Wait…What porn has grammar?” I narrowed my eyes.
“I read a lot of-” he suddenly waved it off, “I am not discussing porn with you.”
“Alright fair enough.” I got off the desk, “You think my pants are dry by now?”
“They should..Probably any minute. I will fetch them.”
“I will come. I want to see what kind of manipulative powers that dryer has. Y’know catching your eyes for ten entire minutes. I must learn its secret.” He opened the door and I saw this small smirk on his face as I walked out of the lab.
“Right? Or left?”
“Left,” Nardo said and I took a total of two steps before feeling his hand on my shoulder, he pulled me towards the other side. “Left.” He repeated.
“Uhm..Right!” I said, feeling embarrassed.
“No left.” He laughed at his own joke.
“Y’know, the reason why I mess up left and right is not because I am stupid...Well partly.” I rubbed the back of my head.
“Nobody thinks you are stupid.” He said.
“I beg to differ.” I muttered, looking at the ground before meeting his eyes, “It is actually because I am.. Someone that is known as Ambidexterous.”
“You have to enlighten me with that term.” He opened the door of a small room and allowed me in. “There is not light. I think the lightbulb is burned out,” he held the door open behind him as he looked at the dryer that was set for another 5 minutes. I stopped over the little vacuum machine. “So what is Ambi..Something. Not an illness I hope.”
“No,” I looked at the timer of the dryer, “It is basically when you can..Use both your hands as the dominant one.”
“Like Tesla?!” He snapped his finger, “That is cool. Were you born that way or…”
“No, when I was younger I came to the conclusion that I was not very strong to beat my opponent. I relied on the element of surprise and technique…. Well, it is a long story, but in short, it was good to throw a knife from the left hand to the right, instead of just being left.”
“God, what have you been through as a kid?” I suddenly felt a hand wrapped around my shoulders and he pulled me closer. “I scolded my boy for running around the house with sharp pencils. I can’t imagine him fighting with knives.” As he was talking I turned my head to his hand around my shoulder, seeing the bandage wrapped around it. I noted it before, but...I wonder why.
“What happened to your arm?” I asked. I put my hand over his bandaged one.
“Owh, it is a funny story, I burned it as chemicals fell on it and it is sunlight sensitive so I must avoid light at all cost. That is why I bandage it.”
“Your surname becomes more and more ironic.” I turned my head and chuckled. I heard a loud “Bang” sound and the room was suddenly pitch black. I turned my head around to the closed door. Followed by hearing two familiar voices shouting: “For the sake of the Bang Crush!” I didn’t have to walk up to the door to know it was locked from the outside. However, Nardo did not put two and two together...Which made me question who was bad at maths.
“Did students just lock us up?” Nardo tried to open the door.
“Save the trouble...They will unlock it soon enough.” I said.
“How do you know?” He asked. Well...How was I going to explain the “Bang Crush” thing to him?
“Uhm...Five older brothers...Remember?” I coughed...Might not have been the best lie to come up with. I turned towards the dryer to see how much time there was left.
“You think there is a torch here somewhere?” I could hear Nardo move his hands over the shelves I tilted myself on the dryer so I had some platform to sit on. I wondered how the man could even make anything out of the dark. It seemed there was no light except for the timer. I suddenly felt a hand right on my crotch. My throat was numb and I couldn’t make any kind of noise, not even a stupid squeal or yelp.
“I am so sorry!” He removed his hand and I pulled my leg towards my chest. I guess my face could have become a red lamp at that moment. I swallowed, what was I supposed to say? It is alright? Of course, it is alright! He is my Bang Crush. Wouldn’t it only be fair for me to touch his? I opened my mouth to say something, but I could hear his foot hit the vacuum machine that was on the ground. He fell forwards, but lucky for him he didn’t hit his head on the dryer. Instead, his face fell on my lap and I managed to hold him and help him back up. “What is wrong with me!?”
“It is alright, shit happens.” I couldn’t surpass my smirk. My cold hands were right on his naked chest and I could feel his nipples getting hard. I needed all my willpower to not just pull him towards me and kiss him. I lowered my hands and my fingers felt his abs just before they were forced to get back towards me.
“Alright, so you are on the dryer.” I could feel his hand trying to find my exact position. His hands ended up on thighs, and he probably just wanted to make sure to avoid any awkward touching, but I must say ..I loved his grip.
“Yes, and you are right in front of me.” I guess my joy was hearable from my voice, I couldn’t hide it. “Isn’t this funny.” I laughed. I swear I will make sure to thank Izuna later. I heard Nardo exhale deeply.
“So Hime, was it?” He asked and I made a confirming sound, “How long have u been in the closet?” He laughed at his own play on words and I just chuckled. This is how aniki must feel when he laughs at his boyfriend’s puns.
“When we are out of the closet, we should get coffee,” I said.
“Definitely!” He said, “With apple pie.”
“Or donuts that are filled with jam.” I put my hand on my stomach, “Yes, I am hungry.” I sighed.
“You should keep your mind off it,” Nardo said, “How about a game, to make the time pass?”
“Do I look like your eight years old son?”
“No, my son is blond.” He said, “And he can count.”
“See how much shit I give,” I commented.
“I can’t see anything in this dark.” He stated.
“Exactly,” I smirked when he remained quiet.
“You really enjoy love-hate relationships, eh?”
“Love-hate? I thought there was only love here.” I used this as an excuse to wrap my arms around his torso, “Right now you are my favorite teacher.”
“Aren’t you suddenly a sweetheart?” I could feel his hand go through my hair. “Truth or dare?” I asked. I figured since we were in a closet anyway. I could use it to my advantage.
“Truth.” He said and I let go of him.
“So how big is your dick?” I heard him scoff.
“What is wrong with kids these days.” “So?” I asked.
“Tch...Dare..” He muttered.
“Fine, show me your dick.”
“I could do that, but-”
“You are scared?”
“No, it would be a waste of your dare. Since you won’t be able to see it anyway.”
“Hnnnn….You are right.” Well, it was the idea that counted anyway, “Kiss me?” I suggested. I heard him chuckle. I wondered if he was mocking me or if he found my request cute? I looked up, and I suddenly felt his lips on the corner of my mouth. It wasn’t anything near sexy or hot, but it was a kiss. A kiss near my mouth.
“Owh.” He pulled back, I figured he wanted to kiss my forehead, but I moved without him knowing. “There you go.” He said, patting my cheek. “Satisfied?”
“Yes~!” I said, “your turn.”
“Truth or dare?” He asked.
“What is your backstory.” I swallowed.
“Dare.” I changed my words fast.
“Hnn..Tell me your backstory.” He used my trick!
“Pfff…Well, I guess you are  referring to the moment I fucked up.” I sighed and was thinking deeply, “Basically I fucked up ever since I was zygote!” I laughed, but he wasn’t laughing...That made me nervous.
“You know, I am actually concerned about you.” I felt his hands on my face, making me look up. Perhaps it was the idea of eye contact that matter or perhaps he had good night vision.
“Are you this concerned with all your students?” I tried to laugh it off, “You must have your hands full then.”
“Not all are this fucked-up.”
“Itai~” Those words hit the heart, but well I was used getting hurt. I suddenly heard a beeping sound and I looked under me at the dryer. “Pants,” I said out loud. Nardo knelt down and grabbed the jeans before handing them to me. I put them on, pulling them over my thighs. Izuna had great taste in pants, but damn did I hope he would get bigger thighs in his life so I wouldn’t have to wrestle so much.
An eye blinding light caused me to shut my eyes. I was forced to open them and get used to it. My eyes were burning, but I managed to make out a silhouette. The silhouette of the cleaning woman. She narrowed her eyes.
“Ooh, thank God, you have opened the door-”
“No, honey, you don’t get to thank no God.” She moved her finger while she spoke. I quickly pulled my pants up.
“W-what…” Nardo looked confused at the cleaning lady before looking at me.
“I have to ask-” Nardo was about to say something, but the woman shushed him, she turned her head to me. “Are you here against your will?” She rested her hand on her hip.
“What!?” Nardo looked at me slightly panicked.
“No! No! I mean..I am in this closet against my will. The real closet, not..Like..Sexuality...Sexuality wise it is just confusing as fuck, y’know, but that aside! It is not that I am against my will with Nardo! I totally like this guy. Not that we are together..No..He has a wife and kids, but-” I suddenly felt Nardo’s hand pressed against my mouth.
“Just stop, you are making me sound bad in front of the cleaning lady.” He whispered. I put his hand off my mouth.
“Sorry…” I said. He turned his head around.
“So~ Uhm….Thanks for opening the door…” I could see a sweatdrop appear on Nardo’s forehead the moment the cleaning lady narrowed her eyes and indicated she was keeping her eyes on him. I got off the dryer and followed Nardo out of the closet.
“You are making this really hard for me, Sasuke..” He sighed as he walked a few steps ahead of me.
“I can make more things hard.” He suddenly turned around. “Your job, your life, your relationship.” I coughed, “Your penis.”
“You talk so big-”
“I can show you big.” I fingerbanged him. He covered his eyes with one hand, but I could see his cheeks getting flustered. “Isn’t this sexual harassment?” He muttered, but I could still hear him.
“I can show you sexual. You can judge if it is harassment later. Y’know, when you recover.”  He removed his hand from his eyes.
“You seem to be on fire with your remarks. But, kiddo, first button up your pants.” I looked at my crotch with my open button and zipper. I then looked back at Nardo and raised an eyebrow.
“So~ what are you looking at, hah?” I cocked my head and I saw him open his mouth to say something, only to be left speechless. I buttoned and zipped my pants up, “Well, now coffee date should really happen. You should know I am still classy.”
“It would only be fair, right?” He smiled, “And it would actually be even better to get to know each other more now.”
“If you want to unlock my sad background story and get access to my mentally ill head. You will need at least three dates.”
“Fair enough. I drink a lot of coffee anyway.” He extended his arm and I couldn’t surpass a small victorious look. This was really happening! I was about to wrap my arms around his, but before I could even touch him.
“Professor!” I glared at the unknown student running towards us, “The lab, there’s a smoke everywhere!” She was panting.
“What happened?” Nardo looked concerned.
“I left my project for only one minute for a pee break and suddenly..There was this white smoke, everywhere.”
“What is wrong with this school.” Nardo shook his head and jogged after the student towards some other lab in this university. I narrowed my eyes…I was so close. I heard some small chuckling and I recognized that chuckle all too well. I kicked the boy’s restroom door open and saw Naruto right next to the door.
“You said you would leave me alone.” I hissed.
“I didn’t do nothing.”
“We both know you did.” I narrowed my eyes, “What did you do?”
“I could try explaining it to you, but we both know chemistry is not your subject and you won’t understand.”
“Naruto, I will strangle you.” I threatened.
“Damn Sasuke,” He smiled, “You need to get laid.”
“I am trying!” I hissed.
“Why all the effort? There is a bathroom stall here, and I am free.” He had this stupid smile on his face. I wondered how he managed to find a way to punch me in the heart. It wasn’t fair I was the only one getting hurt. I pushed his head against the wall and he hissed in pain. Now we were even.
“Don’t play with me.” I turned myself around to walk away.
“Sasuke, how about a kiss for the pain? Dattebayo.” I turned my head to look at him. He was making fun of me…I could see him rub the back of his head that hit the wall and give me that smile...Was that supposed to be an innocent smile? It didn’t seem like one. It was more devilish.
“Naruto,” I turned myself around, “You know what my biggest mistake in life has been?”
Naruto’s eyes turned serious and the stupid smile was gone. He lowered his arm.
“Letting you in my life. Itachi is right, you don’t belong there.”
“That hurt, Sasuke.” Naruto inhaled deeply and I could see him bite his lip.
“Good. Makes the both of us.” I stared at the sinks, “Just stop making fun of me.”
“I wasn’t making fun of you.” He stated.
“Yeah right.”
“But I wasn’t! It is completely in your head!”
“Is this my fault too now?” I looked him directly in the eyes, “Am I delirious? Is it my anxiety? Or some other stupid mental illness. That;s good right, cuz your dad won’t go out of business as long as I am mentally fucked-up. You made that clear.”
“I am not trying to go off-topic, but aren’t you the one trying to fuck the professor?”
“Don’t you have a pill to take? Cuz you are really jumping to a lot of conclusions.”
“Hey, I ain’t trying to get in the pants of a married man.”
“But you shoplifted an expensive bottle of liquor and I got accused for it! And you dare to question me! How about you look at yourself!? You ain’t a goody two shoes, so stop pretending!” 
Naruto remained quiet and his eyes lowered themselves to the ground. “Why do you have to be like this.” He sounded frustrated and mad.
“It is called honesty.” I folded my arms.
“It is called ‘pushing people away’. I suddenly get why your brothers want to stay away from you.”
“Why don’t you do one smart thing in your life,” I had to take a deep breath. My hands were itching to punch him in the face at this very moment. I felt the pressure in my chest and this lump in my throat. His words hurt. Perhaps because it came from him, or maybe because he was telling the truth. Either way, I wanted to hurt him..It wasn’t fair I was the only one feeling like this. “-and follow their example.”
With those words, I left.
oxooxoxSpecial thanks to @emeneska-chan
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highlifeboat · 1 year
As one artist to another I just wanted to say I really love your art ^^
Is there anything that inspired your RE8 OC's? Do you have a favorite?
Awww, thank you!
So, I'll be honest, a lot of my OCs were made kind of at random early on when I joined the fandom. I actually never planned to have any tbh.
Like, Melony was my first OC. She exists because of a short lived joke about Mia being awake in the middle of the night and deciding to bug a maid that was just trying to get water. And she just kind of stuck. People liked her, I liked her, she was an anxious babe and fun for me to draw (plus she was the first OC I've had in like... years.) At some point she started getting shipped with Daniela, then Cassandra, and here we are.
Max was second, and... He was literally only made because people wanted a partner for Daniela and I said "Okay." He ended up being a nice contradiction to Melony (aka, Melony was a sweet and shy short queen and Max was, for lack of a better word, a bitch.) I would say he's the one who developed the most, too. Like he went from being just a bitch to a bitch with a backstory (and less emotional constipation). I'd even argue he's a little more fleshed out than Melon.
Elizabeta... I honestly don't remember why I made them. I know she was made specifically to be Donna's gardener, and she's a big goof with a silly little crush. I kind of hate that I don't use them more, because I do like them, my blog is just so Dimitrescu Castle/Mia focused that I end up not using them as much. I do have a bit of a backstory for them in my head, though.
In terms of favourite? I'd like to say I love them all pretty equally, cause I do love all of them. They're all special to me in different ways. (If you asked me like 2 years ago I would have said Melony without hesitation though pfff)
If I had to pick, I think I'd pick Maximus. But I think that's because I've started, eh, projecting myself onto him. Just a little. Also, like I said, he's had the most character development, and I love that for him. Considering his baseline personality was "Depressed and/or horny", he's come a long way.
Melony is a very close second, though. I still love her to death and I think she can be explored more in terms of like... extending her personality beyond "Anxious baby with mommy issues".
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