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chikorra · 8 months ago
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Find some old random ladybug art that I tried to capture the show's style and failed miserably
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at1ias · 4 days ago
hi moot. you are an epic the musical fan. I would like to learn more about epic. as i am late to the fandom, may I humbly request an infodump /nf. thank you and goodnight.
(ps if you do post the infodump it will likely be read tomorrow as I am going to sleep soon. apologies and thank you.)
uhm. oh. oh wow. why are you. asking me this. lmao. I AM NEW HERE. So like uh so like recap thats extremely oc bc im tired and unstable and I could prob do better when im not this bad rn so ahahahaha take my ramblings ill add more later
Odysseus. That guy. He's a funky dude /silly Ohyeah warning im extremely tired and unstable rn so like uh yeahhhh so so yeah funky dude it's the trojan war ! hells yeah ! >_< so like funky dude misses his family {based, me every day w/ my online fam} and so once hors thing is done and he has to throw a baby off a thing a thing a thing cause zeus said so oh yeah they go on ship now
do you guys like boat
boat boat
but yeah the boat so they like sail and then then oh uh uh what his name again oh yeah uhm uh eurylochus that guy yeah he's like hey captain we dont have food and funky dudes like oh shoot huh and funky pancake version {polites} is like oh wowzers island we should like go there and stuffs and odys like okay sure so they go and pancake dudes like we should be polite{s} and have open arms and stuffs and funky dudes like okay sure I guess and uhm uhm what's his name I need a nickname for him uhuhuh uh uhhhhhhhhhhh im dubbing him mootiny :p but yeah mootiny {eurylochus} is like uh r we sure thats smart and funky guy is like oh yeah sure and if we die send the crew to avenge us and then pancake and funky leave onto do island pancake slaps funky on the back and is like relax mate and funkys like. oh ok. and so uh uh they meet da lotus eaters they eat the lotus which is basically drugs so im calling this drug no. 1 okay now pancakes like. ...so. do you have anything we can eat besides the weed? and weed addicts go o yeah there's a cave have fun and pancake go :) and then Athena appears slaps him around a bit and does flashback so funky and pancake go 2 da cave and shep sheep shep yeye so they murder shep and then then uh uh uh uhmmmm oh yeah then cyclops get mad and then funky gives him wine and calls himself nobody and then cyclops smashes pancake no no not in that way stfu voice in my head no. 1 with a bat stars above ok so uh yeah and then the cyclops gets high they blind him funky is sad because pancake got pancaked and Is no longer :) and now x_x also Athena goes ok yeah no longer helping you funky ur too soft now and funkys like >:| okay thats the troy and cyclops sagas done ocean saga I dont remember this one much all I remember is bad weather than they go to Aeolus who funky misgenders lol and uh uh uh they get wind bag they r not to open and then funky gets sleep deprived keeping it closed he passes out and uh mootiny opens it and storm and stuff then posiedons aka water cheese is now there and he's like mate you blinded my son {cyclops} that aint chill does a musical number then funky uses the rest of da wind to blow away and thats that circe saga my beloved so like funky washes up on Circes island and mootiny s like hey captain gotta tell ya something and funkys like not now im monologuing o like. scout. or whatever. and he's like ok and takes the crew. so he comes back and he's like holy shit captain we have a problem and funks like what and he's like so you know how we've dealt with gods and monsters and shit and funkys like yeah why and he's like new enemy encountered: woman. and funkys like what and then mootiny , he's like there's this woman and she gave the crew drugs that turned em into pigs cause they thought she was hot :( and funkys like. huh. and then mootinys like we should go and funkys like fuck no im saving them and goes off and then funky the great great great or whatever appears {Hermes} and gives funky drugs {Holy Moly} and Oda gets high for the first time and then goes off to fight Circe who ends up trying to fuck him and funkys like hell no I have a wig and Circes like oh ok you wanna go see a prophet? and funkys like uh ok sure why not and she's like ok cool the prophets dead and funky goes oh and then they go to the underworld oh. btw while they're finding the tire prophet {Tiresias} they find uh funkys mom and pancake guy and then funkys like all I hear are fucking screams and then they find the tire man who's super duper cool but I dont have time to explainnn so he then spoils the entirety of the musical and gives funky anixiety and then just shoes him off funky proceeds to have a monologue again and stuff CHECK REBLOGS 4 THE REST !!!
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mythica0 · 6 months ago
🎂: Fop; a new wish
🧁: Peri
🍫: Dev
Summary: Peri gets a lee mood, but is too embarrassed to ask.
A/N: thank you to the anon who came up with this idea, I would tag you but Y’know- anonymous. YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE. anyway ENJOOOYYYYY :3
Peri woke up and immediately regretted it. He had a lee mood. Of course he did. They were the bane of his existence.
He didn’t get lee moods often. He was more into doing the tickling, himself. But they do show up, and today one decided to pop in for a visit.
As soon as he opened his eyes he felt that fluttery sensation all over his body, the tell-tale sign of a lee mood.
And there was no way in fairy world he was asking. Not happening. He’d just sit it out and pretend it didn’t exist. That sounded like a plan.
Later that day, Dev noticed that Peri was acting off. He was jumpy, Everytime someone touched him he jumped out of his skin. He often seemed to be staring off into space, and when he would be pulled out of it he was very flustered.
It took a while, but eventually Dev put two and two together. His fairy godfather had a lee mood, and was trying to hide it.
“Hey Peri.”
Peri startled out of his thoughts. “Hmm?”
“You’re in a lee mood, right?”
The fairy blushed at the casual tone, ‘was I really that obvious??’
“Uh- whaaattt? Noooo.”
“Liar. Yes you are, I can see it. You’ve been acting funny all day.”
At the silence, he continued. “So why haven’t you asked me yet~ hmm?”
“I am not asking. Not happening.”
“Hypocrite, much? You made me ask a little while ago.”
“Nope. Not happening. I’d rather just suffer.”
“Oh, c’mon you’re being dramatic. All you gotta do is say three little words; ‘please tickle me’. Heck, you don’t even have to say the word if you don’t want to, you can substitute it for something.”
“Nope. Nuh-uh.” Peri was adamant, but Dev was stubborn.
“Fine then. Let me give you a little… encouragement.” Right as he said that, he pulled Peri down from his floating position and straddled him.
Peri looked confused, excited and panicked all at once. Then, Dev began to tease.
Not verbally, no. It was much worse. He was hovering his hands over Peri, wiggling his fingers teasingly.
Peri tried not to, he really did, but he still let out some giggles. He was weak to anticipation, especially when he was already in a lee mood.
“Ohh my goood stooop.” He whined, covering his face.
“Nope!” He proclaimed, popping the p. “I’ll stop once you ask. Then I’ll actually start tickling you.”
This was torture. Peri was being kept in a state of anticipation, not allowed to get up, but nit being reduced to a puddle of laughter like he wanted. It was killing him, and he was starting to really think about asking so the kid would just get on with it already! But he couldn’t, it was too embarrassing, especially to someone that he had tickled so many times before.
But eventually, he couldn’t take it anymore, and blurted out as if ripping off a bandaid. “Pleasetickleme!” He flushed bright red just from saying the words, which was not helped by Dev’s response.
“There you go~ that wasn’t so hard, was it?”
Peri whined. “Yes it was!”
“Oh well. Anyway, where were we~” he brushed off Peri’s complaint, and then he finally started to poke at Peri’s sides, causing his giggles of anticipation to come out full force, no longer trapped.
“Tickle tickle, Protect~.” Dev lilted, resulting in an even darker blush from the fairy. “Does that feel nice~ is it exactly what you were hoping for~?”
Peri covered his face again, “shuhuhut uhuuhupp!” He groaned through his giggles.
“No way, Piccolo! Now, can you uncover your face for me so I can see the smile I’m working so hard to produce~”
“Okay then. Guess I have no choice.” He spoke casually, before starting to scribble in Peri’s armpits. Peri stubbornly kept his hands on his face.
“Oh~ a little bit stubborn, are we? Guess you must really want me to tickle here, huh~ leaving it so open.”
“Dehehehev cuhuhut ihihit ohohohout!”
“You don’t mean that~.”
“Oho myhy gohohoodnehehess, Stohohop!”
“Stop what? Teasing or tickling? Cause I’m afraid I can’t do either of those things. Not until you say red, at least.”
Peri was flustered to all hell. “Hohohow ahahare yohou soho gohood ahat thihis!”
Dev smirked “you learn what works well when you’re on the other end.” He chuckled lightly.
“Wehell yohou’re beheheing Mehehean!”
Dev gasped in fake offense. “Mean? Me? That was awful rude! I think I’ll have to punish you for that..” after he spoke, he leaned down and nibbled lightly on Peri’s tummy.
“Crahahahahap, nohohoho!” His hands finally moved from his face to try and fend off the attack.
“There we are! Now I can see your smiling face!” He continued to torment Peri’s tummy with tickles, never letting up.
Peri was giddy with the feeling, fluttering his wings and curling up around himself as best he could with a kid on his lap. It tickled so much he couldn’t stand it, but at the same time he didn’t want it to stop.
“Awww whats’a matter? Does it tickle too much for you?”
“Stohohop tahalking!”
“Whyyy? Is it making it worse? Do my words make the tickles feel worse, hmm?”
“Oh, good!” Dev increased the intensity that he was using, raising Peri’s volume.
“Dehehehev thahat tihihickles soho bahahad!”
“That’s the point, Polygon! I’m tickling you!”
Peri just whined in response. “Ihihim gohonnaha dihihie!”
“That’s a little dramatic, don’t ya think? If you were truly worried you’d say red~”
Peri didn’t know how to respond, he just laughed and laughed without stopping, until eventually he actually felt like he was going to die, and shouted out a “Red!” Between loud bouts of laughter.
Dev stopped immediately, and hopped off his godfather, allowing him to sit up and rub away the phantom tickles.
“Wohow. Yohou are surprisingly good at that. Too good.”
Dev shrugged. “What can I say, I’m the best.”
Peri rolled his eyes at the comment. “Don’t be a brat.”
“Why not?”
“Because then It’ll be my turn.” Dev snapped his mouth shut at that, before speaking again. “Don’t be afraid to ask, Kay? I don’t mind, in fact it’s a wonderful excuse to tickle you to pieces.”
Peri flushed again. “Ohhh my gooood.”
Dev laughed at the reaction.
The two had a wonderful end to the day, and Peri had very good dreams. Maybe lee moods weren’t so bad after all.
———THE END————————————————
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the-s1lly-corner · 1 year ago
Yeahhhh good to see TADC requests are back up! Hope you’re feeling a lot better with everything going on! Also belated Merry Christmas?
If it’s not much, could I request a scenario for Kinger? If I didn’t misread or anything, I don’t think it was written anywhere that I have to specify requests. Hopefully so cuz I don’t have something in mind other than angst. Also cuz you said that you sometimes have trouble coming up with ideas for certain characters, so u can imagine pretty much everything so it’s not restricting. If you want me to specify, tell me!
Thanks! ^^
General Kinger x Reader Angst stuff!
wooooo definitely weird sitting at my computer again; typing on it while i wait for the oven to preheat because admin craves pizza eheheheheheh uhuhuh!! hope this isnt too bad! its probably going to take a while to get back into the swing of answering requests + writing for TADC, even if its only been like a week most of this ended up being about kingers grief over queenie/queener LMAO was originally going to have this be multiple things but i got too sucked deep into the grief idea
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i think we should get the obvious out of the way, but kinger has a problem with zoning out and mixing things up; oftentimes leading to him becoming distressed or frightened. regardless of if youre his friend or partner, youre going to need to exercise a fair amount of patience, especially in the beginning if you want to build some level of trust between the two of you
as for romantic stuff, i dont think he ever truly will fall out of love with queenie/queener, its like how widows never truly stop loving their partners after theyve passed. you try not to think about the idea that he would still be with queenie if she hadnt abstracted... you try not to let it get to you but it still rears its head in, you know?
does notice that something is up with you but you wont open up about it because you feel so horrible about being jealous over a woman who isnt even around anymore in a way that she can likely never come back... which leads to kinger becoming more worried for you over time as you keep trying to shut everything down
imagine it leads to a blow up and you just break down or even lash out because you feel so disgusted with yourself and kinger is just standing there in shock unsure of what to do
very tricky situation, because theres so many factors to take into account. the abstraction, kingers grief, your wellbeing and self worth, things like that
as much as i want to say that kinger would be all over you trying to make it better, because he doesnt want you to abstract, i think that the best course of action would be for you guys to spend a few hours apart at the bare minimum.. whether thats what ends up happening is debatable
or even worse, you abstract in the process of your breakdown, leaving kinger with two lost partners
not totally related, but i like to think kinger leaves flowers and the like at queenies door.. as often as he can.. maybe sometimes he stays at her door talking about how his day went and how everyone else is doing... i think he would do the same for you if you abstracted, too, regardless of if you guys dated or not
unrelated to the reader but i like to think kinger and gangle have a grandpa/granddaughter relationship and he tells her about queenie and tells her about his abstracted wife and
he gets misty eyed
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bonefall · 2 years ago
I don't understand he/him lesbians, I'm friends with a few lesbians and they all say it's harmful to lesbians for someone who identifies as male to call themselves a lesbian, is this right? If you're not comfortable explaining that's ok! I just saw you answered an ask with it and I wanted someone else's opinion? I'm not too keyed in on sexuality and genders and stuff (I'm a bi cis woman) but I'm trying to learn more to be more considerate to the people around me and stuff
Hey, if you're reaching out and seeking advice on the topic, that is good for me!
I will not do this very often though just because I want this blog to be a place for funny battle cats and general celebrations of queerness, but for you, I will give you a brief rundown and some good links to further reading if you'd like to learn more.
So this sentence is aimed at everyone who is not this anon; my stance is not negotiable and the block button is my best friend. Do not use this post to argue. Thank you.
It is not correct that people who identify with masculinity cannot use the term lesbian.
Queerness isn't about rigid boxes and fitting ourselves into them, that's what we're supposed to be against!
Lesbians are people who identify in some way with femininity and have sapphic affections for other feminine people. I've met agender (no gender) lesbians, genderfluid (gender isn't rigid and shifts like liquid) lesbians, demigender (sort-of feels gender but not much) lesbians, multigender (identifies with multiple genders possibly including masculinity) lesbians, so on.
I have even known a transgender man who found the label better described his relationship to women than the term 'heterosexual.' When asked why, he described it as, "I don't love women the way other men do." Even though he was no longer a woman, he still felt a connection to femininity that he felt was best described as sapphic.
A person's relationship to gender can be a very complex and multifaceted thing. In fact this complexity is why I personally use the term genderqueer.
When a homophobic chucklefuck says, "Uhuhuh im a lesbian like u because i also like women what now" What they're doing is being disrespectful. That is what is harmful about that. They do not care that you say, "Ah, well, a lesbian is only women who like other women!" because now you've given them a foot in the door to shave women down into rigid boxes of femininity to fit stupid binary rules.
TERFs have used this in the past to divide our community. Our enemies do not care that our terms "make sense." They just want us gone.
Pronouns don't always equal gender.
Just like how I mentioned that there are masculine people who can identify in some part with femininity without being women, the same thing can happen with people who are women and feel a connection to masculinity, or something else entirely.
Lesbians using he/him pronouns goes back for decades, even centuries. Some would use these pronouns to pass as men (and may have been what we'd call transgender men with modern terms), while others feel a strange relationship to their assigned gender through their sexuality, and some simply prefer he/him.
He/him lesbians, they/them lesbians, xe/xir lesbians...
Discomfort is not the only reason to change your pronouns. Disconnect is not the only way we explore ourselves. Sometimes it's pleasure!
(CW: The following literature is intended for adults and discusses sexuality and queer history, including oppression, violence, racism, etc.)
Female Masculinity by Jack Halberstam Talks about the history of masculinity in the lesbian community. Important book. Please read.
Butch, Femme, Dyke, Or Lipstick, Aren't All Lesbians The Same?: An Exploration Of Labels And "Looks" Among Lesbians In The U.S. South, a thesis by Denielle Kerr While this one isn't about history, it's a really good introduction to the discussion in general since you specifically mentioned not knowing much about these issues. It touches on a bunch of popular queer theories in a way applicable to lesbians specifically, like performance theory, bodywork, intersectionality... Just follow the citations when you see something you'd like to know more about.
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radiant-reid · 3 years ago
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A/n: this could unintentionally be a part 2 to Tough day
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
Genre: a whole lot of fluff
WC: 1.2k
CW: Nothing (??)
"Hi," Spencer murmured, raspy-voiced from the night of sleep he'd just had. Possibly the first adequate amount he'd had in at least a week.
He looked the epitome of soft. Long curls messily tumbling over his forehead. His barely-there facial hair had grown as much as it could in the week she hadn't seen him, which wasn't a lot. High cheekbones, sharp jawline like something holy created by Michelangelo. He didn't leave a chance for any other man to be as beautiful. And, if his pretty face wasn't enough, his personality made it a completely uneven playing field.
Y/n could unquestionably admire him for the rest of her life. And it still wouldn't be long enough.
"Hi, baby boy," Y/n returned, a smile spreading over her face. It was the smile reserved for him. "Are you feeling okay?" She asked, tracing his finger over his pointed features.
Spencer had been considerably upset after his last case. Tears starting the moment he walked in the door and not stopping for an hour afterward.
Spencer nodded slightly. How could he not feel better? His girl was wrapped up in his arms. She would have assumed he wanted it the other way, but Spencer needed to feel her in his arms. It was irrational, but he liked knowing she was safe. He needed to feel her body on top of his, her body weight acting like an anchor to keep him grounded.
"Yeah, thank you," Spencer spoke gently. Y/n was mesmerized by the rising and falling of his chest when he spoke. She still wasn't able to take her glance away from his deep-seated brown eyes.
Y/n held his face in her hands, moving higher, so she was lying fully on top of him. "You never have to thank me, Spence. I'm always here for you." She reassured him, knowing the comfort was something he needed so he could stop thinking about what he'd had to see in the prior days.
She delicately traced down his perfect nose. Giggling when he scrunched it, which made the side of his lips twitch upwards. Pure happiness.
Still, Spencer felt guilty. Y/n was always there for him, no matter what was going on in his life. He couldn't even imagine how terrified he'd feel if their roles were reversed. Seeing Y/n come back from cases heartbroken would feel like a nightmare. Spencer didn't understand how she did it.
"Y/n." He started, his new serious tone drawing Y/n's features into a frown. "I worried I don't tell you how much I love you." Despite being able to memorize them, Spencer was never good with his own words. He could recite hundreds of love poems off by heart, but none of them expressed how he felt. "And I do love you. So much. I'm just not good at showing it." He claimed.
Y/n could see the guilty look on his face. She could tell he felt like he didn't deserve any of the good things in his life, despite all the terrible things he'd gone through.
On top of that, he always felt inexperienced. He'd never seen a happy relationship growing up, and it was something he couldn't learn out of a textbook, so he had no clue if he was doing it right.
"Spencer, honey, you tell me more than enough." She assured him, holding his face in her palms. "And you show me just as much. Seriously, I've never felt more loved in my life. I can tell you're worried you're not doing it right, but you've never done anything wrong." She comforted him, stroking his cheeks. It was unbelievable to her that Spencer ever felt he didn't show her enough love. "I see and hear how much you love me all the time. I can physically feel it." She told him, reaching down to place her hand on his heart.
Spencer nodded at her sadly. "Okay, because I do love you." He continued.
"I love you too, baby. I'm going to make us breakfast, my love," Y/n announced, not particularly wanting to leave Spencer for a second but hungry.
Spencer shook his head. "Wait, kiss, please." He adorably whined out his request.
Y/n couldn't say no to someone looking as cute as he did, leaning forwards to gently place their lips together. It was sweet, sensitive and full of nothing but love. Everything Spencer needed. Everything Y/n needed.
"Shower and then come to the living room." She gently instructed as she rolled off him.
Spencer nodded, moving so he could get out of their warm bed. "What are you making?" He turned back to ask her.
"Your favorite, of course. French toast." She answered.
Spencer had one last request. "Can you do the thing?" He asked shyly.
Y/n smiled at how adorably childish he was. "Of course." She agreed.
He insisted it made him feel better when she cut the french toast with Halloween cookie cutters so he could eat the little pumpkins, ghosts, witch hats, and bats.
Once breakfast had been eaten, it was Spencer's choice of activity. Naturally, that meant reading.
"Can you read it to me?" Spencer asked, holding his book out to her.
Y/n nodded, smiling at how cute he always looked. "Of course." She agreed, taking the book and sitting on the couch, holding open her arms so they could hug.
Spencer shook his head. "Can I braid your hair?" He shyly asked, wanting to be as close to her as possible.
"Yeah." Y/n was more than happy to let him. His soft, gentle fingers did it better than she did anyway. She moved so Spencer could sit behind her on the couch, his height making it easy.
Spencer glided his thin fingers through her strands of hair, carefully braiding it, making sure it wasn't too tight. Y/n read aloud his book, trying not to fumble over any of the big words.
"You know, you could read this so much faster than me?" Y/n commented after finishing a chapter.
She couldn't see, but Spencer shrugged. "I like this, though." He simply told her. Y/n figured the answer was good enough and kept reading. "Alright, all done." He stated, placing a kiss on her hairline.
Y/n ran her finger over the braid. "Wow, it's amazing, Spence. Thank you." She complimented, tilting her head up to look at him.
Spencer smiled at her. "Can it be my turn now?" He timidly requested.
Y/n was happy to oblige. She loved all the hairstyles he had, but the benefit of his long hair was that she could braid it. "Yeah, you are going to have to sit on the floor, though." She told him. "And you have to read."
Spencer quickly scrambled to sit on the floor, taking the book from Y/n. "But I like listening to your voice." He commented with a pout.
Y/n let out a giggle as she parted his hair. "Ah, so there's the real reason." She accused.
Spencer looked up at her like a dear caught in the headlights before smirking. "Maybe." He spoke.
"Okay, stop being cute and read." She instructed, spinning his head back around so start braiding his long brown locks.
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zoeysdamn · 2 years ago
you just gave us hope, it would be cruel of you to take it away next part. They're suffering enough, so we are. Bless us with happy end. just to clarify – without her forgetting Xavier / or anyone standing between them again / or whatever else you decide to bring down on us. they deserve to finally love each other.
However, considering you always mention you love angst that means you love to make your readers cry, we need to have box of kleenex ready
Well honey, this is a slow burn angst fanfic after all uhuhuh
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But I'm gonna be honest here, as much as I love angst and writing heartbreaking scenes, I'm an emotional slut for angst to comfort or redemption arcs content blblblblbl
I'm not spilling the beans about the ending bc I like to keep the plot on edge...but no matter how I'll make it end, I'm more interested in writing the possible twists, events and feelings building up until the fast-forward scene at the very first chapter. So everything can possibly change on last minute, bc that's what I love in a scenario!
So yeah, pack up boxes of Kleenex baby, 'coz the angst Titanic is ready to sail on the sea of your tears 😎✨ you'll thank me later
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parkerslatte · 4 years ago
Stood Up
Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
Warnings: allusions to sex
Word Count: 1.7k
Summary: Y/N is excited about her date and when the night rolls around, she gets stood up. She calls the one person she knows will make her night better.
Requests Open
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Y/N walked through the doors to the BAU with a radiant smile on her face. Spencer was the first to notice and couldn’t help but smile himself as her smile was infectious. She waved at him as he placed her bag down on her desk. The excitement coursing through her veins was still there from the phone call she had received that morning. 
“What’s got you so happy?” Emily questioned. 
“Well, you know that guy I told you about.” Y/N said, sitting on top of her desk.
“Which one, the blonde or brunette?” Emily questioned, taking a sip from her drink.
“The blonde,” Y/N clarified and Emily nodded, “Well the two of us have been talking non stopover the last couple of days and he asked me on a date tonight.” 
“Where are you going?” Emily asked.
“I don’t know, this fancy restaurant,” Y/N answered, “So I have an excuse to wear that dress I bought when we went shopping.”
“Ooh, the sexy one?” Emily perked up.
Y/N clicked her fingers, “That’s the one.”
“Well, after the date, I need details.” Emily stated, sitting at her own desk.
“Obviously.” Y/N laughed. As she sat down at her own desk, Y/N arranged all of the work she needed to do for the day, not noticing the distraught looking genius sitting not too far away. 
Y/N had gotten to the restaurant a little earlier than she and her date had arranged. She was seated at the table he reserved and waited. Getting out her phone, she was greeted by a text from  Emily making her promise to tell her everything that happened. Y/N laughed slightly at the text before placing her phone to the side. 
Five minutes had passed and her date was going to show up any minute. Y/N was excited. She had been talking to him for the last couple of weeks and they really hit it off. It was the first date she had been on in a while as she was constantly pulled away on cases and the dates she had planned lost interest as she kept having to reschedule. 
Another five minutes had passed and a waitress had come up to her table asking if she wanted  a drink. Y/N refused, wanting to wait for her date. He was late but Y/N deduced that to traffic. After all, five minutes wasn’t a lot. She checked her phone and contemplated texting Emily but she knew that if she did, the two would get sucked into conversation and Y/N wouldn’t notice when her date would arrive. 
Ten minutes passed and Y/N was getting nervous. She hadn’t received a text from her date at all. She had to even check the name of the restaurant to make sure she was at the right one. Y/N still had hope that her date would show up but deep down she knew that he was never going to show up. Y/N flagged down the waitress that offered her a drink earlier and ordered one. Her date would have a lot of explaining to do if he turned up. 
Another ten minutes passed and Y/N knew that her date was a no show. He was half an hour late with no text. The people sitting in the restaurant offered he looks of sympathy to which Y/N ignored. Y/N would have preferred it if he texted her that he wanted to cancel the date, at least it would've been less humiliating than sitting in a restaurant on  her own for half an hour. 
Sighing, Y/N pulled out her phone. The night was still young as she was excited about tonight and she wasn’t going to let someone ruin it. Pressing down on one of her contacts, she raised the phone to her ear. It rang three times before there was an answer. 
“Hello?” Spencer’s voice sounded through the phone.
“Spence, hey.” Y/N said.
“Y/N, I thought you were on a date.” He questioned.
“Well, I thought I was too but apparently he had more important things to do. He stood me up.” Y/N sighed. 
“I’m sorry,” Spencer said, sounding genuine, “I know you were excited.”
“I was but now I know what he’s really like so I guess I dodged a bullet,” Y/N joked, “But I was phoning to ask you if you wanted to meet me here. I thought it would be fun and you don’t have to if you don’t want to, I’ll just ask-”
“I’d love to come and meet you.” Spencer cut off her rambling.
“Really?” Y/N said, suddenly lighting up, “That’s great. I’ll text you the address. It’s quite a fancy restaurant, so dress fancy.”
Y/N was sitting at her table for another fifteen minutes before Spencer came in through the door. As soon as she saw Spencer, she got up from the table and wrapped him in a tight hug. He wrapped his arms back around her pulling her close. Normally if someone tried to hug him, Spencer would recoil and offer them a wave and a smile instead. But when it came to Y/N, he would hug her forever if he could. 
When Y/N pulled away, Spencer saw the dress she was wearing. It was a simple black dress but it looked incredible on Y/N.
“You look beautiful.” Spencer mumbled. 
Y/N smiled, “Thank you Dr. Reid,” Y/N scanned Spencer’s body and his attire, “You don’t look too bad yourself.”
Spencer smiled at her before the two sat down at the table. Y/N’s smile didn’t once leave her face as she ordered what she wanted and Spencer watched her with a love struck expression on his face. 
“Thank you for coming, Spence,” Y/N said, reaching across the table and taking his hand, “I really appreciate it.”
“Of course,” Spencer said, gently holding her hand, “I couldn’t think of anywhere else I’d rather be.”
Y/N smiled back at him before her face fell slightly, “I’m just annoyed at my date, he didn’t even text me or anything. I would’ve felt less hurt if he just cancelled instead but he let me sit here for half an hour waiting.”
“You shouldn’t get caught up on him. He obviously doesn’t appreciate you for who you are. He missed out on going on a date with the most amazing woman ever.” Spencer said. 
“I wouldn’t go that far.” Y/N replied, looking down at the table.
“I would,” Spencer said, “You are the most incredible, strong and beautiful women ever, your date missed out big time.”
“Thanks Spence,” Y/N smiled, holding onto his hand a little tighter, “It’s just that no one had ever said that to me before.”
“Well they should,” Spencer said, “Because it’s true.”
Before Y/N could respond, the waitress came back with their food, ending the conversation. There was so much Y/N wanted to say but she guessed it had to wait until another time. 
After their meal, Y/N and Spencer walked arm in arm down the street. Spencer insisted on walking her home. No words were exchanged between the two, Y/N’s mind was replaying the conversation they had back at the restaurant. 
“Yeah?” He said, looking down at Y/N.
“Did you really mean those things? Back at the restaurant, how you said I was the most amazing woman ever?”
“I meant every word,” Spencer said without hesitation, “And you should hear it more often, you underestimate your value.”
Y/N stopped walking, causing Spencer to stop. He looked back at her confused before she threw her arms around his neck and hugged him. 
“Thank you, you have no idea how much I needed to hear those words.” Y/N mumbled into his neck.
“Anytime.” Spencer replied. 
The two stayed like that for a few minutes, wrapped in each other’s embrace. They gently swayed from side to side. 
“Can I ask you a question?” Y/N questioned, pulling away from the hug to look Spencer in the eye.
“Anything.” Spencer mumbled, his breath gently fanning her face due to their close proximity. 
“Do you want to go out on an official date?” Y/N said, “I would class this one but we didn’t exactly plan it and it wasn’t typically where we would go and-”
Y/N was suddenly cut off by a pair of soft lips against her own. Spencer’s arms moved from Y/N’s waist to gently cup her face, pulling her in closer. Y/N gripped onto the front of his jacket pulling him closer toward her. The sensation of kissing Spencer was one Y/N had never experienced before. There was a lot of passion behind the kiss but there was a gentleness behind it as well. It caused Y/N’s heart to flutter. 
Spencer was the first to pull away, resting his forehead against hers, both of their eyes were shut, processing what had just happened. Y/N could still feel the ghost of Spencer’s lips on her own. 
“So…” Y/N started as the two had calmed down from the kiss, “I think that we should just class this as our first date.”
Spencer chuckled, “I agree.” He said before capturing her lips with his own once again. 
The following day at work, Y/N was working quietly at her desk when Emily suddenly appeared at her side.
“So, how was your date?” She questioned, “You didn’t tell me all the details.”
“It went…” Y/N locked eyes with Spencer from across the room, he was trying to hide his smile behind his coffee cup, “Well. It went well.”
“Well? Just well?” Emily questioned. 
“It went more than well actually, I scored a second date.” 
“Oh, look at you,” Emily teased, nudging her, “Anything else?”
Y/N looked at Spencer who was trying hard not to make it look obvious he was listening to the conversation, “Well he’s an amazing kisser and amazing at...well I’m not going to say it out loud since we are in the workplace but you get my gist.”
Y/N watched as Spencer nearly spat out his coffee, he started coughing. Emily turned her attention towards him, “You okay Reid?”
“Yeah, I’m perfectly fine.” He said nervously before leaving to go and find something to wipe up his spilt coffee.
“What’s up with him?” Emily questioned.
“I have no idea,” Y/N responded, repressing a smirk.
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r0ck-n-rolll · 2 years ago
THANK YOU SO MUCH EVERYONE UHUHUH TT I LOVE ALL OF YOU AMAZING ROCKSTARZ <333 i would do an event but im totally stuck on ideaz so if you guyz have any ideaz youd like to see throw em at me lol
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[ T : happy new year and 400 followers!! thank you so much everyone. i love all of you amazing rockstars, i would like to do an event but im totally stuck on ideas so if you guys have any ideas youd like to see throw em at me lol ]
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mythica0 · 6 months ago
Lil fic idea if ur up to it :3
Peri tickling dev with a sock puppet after dev was being a bit of a brat?
U don't gotta do it, it's just an idea
🎂: Fop; a new wish
🧁: Dev
🍫: Peri
Summary: Dev is being pretentious and bratty again. Peri decides to fix that.
A/N: thanks for the request! :3 and this’ll fit nicely into the story I have going! :D enjoy!!
Cw for a single swear.
‘This child is going to be the death of me..’
Peri thought to himself. It had been a long day.
Dev was being bratty and putting on his holier-than-thou act. Peri wasn’t exactly sure why Dev was acting up, but nonetheless it was something., that’s for sure.
Dev was feeling mischievous today. He decided that being a sarcastic little shit was a great way to entertain himself.
It started simple, with him mixing not-names in with people’s names while talking to them. Y’know, calling Hazel Hazmat and Winn Watch.
But then, he started doing more. He pulled some minor pranks, pretended he was better than everyone and made smug, sarcastic comments frequently.
Man this was fun! He sure got a chuckle or two out of the incredulous faces of his friends.
After another sarcastic quip, Peri decided enough was enough. He needed to do something about this attitude problem.
Once they were at Dev’s house, Peri didn’t give him a chance to settle down before pouncing on him.
“Whahahat thehe-? Peheheri!”
“You’ve been having a bit of an attitude today, and I think it’s time to teach you a little lesson in kindness.” He summoned a sock puppet, the sock was purple with blue swirls on it, and had small black button eyes.
“This is Socky, and he’s here to teach you!”
Peri made sure to put on a silly voice whenever talking as Socky, still tickling with his other hand. “Hey, dev! I heard that someone’s being a little bit mischievous today!”
Dev laughed harder at the silly voice. “Yeheah- whahat abohout ihit?”
“Welll~” Socky began, “Being rude to other people isn’t a good thing to do, mister! Would you care to tell us why you’re doing so?”
“Cahause ihits fuhunny!”
“Well, we’ll just have to help you learn not to do that! And hey- maybe if we help you laugh enough you won’t feel the need to use others as entertainment!”
After finishing the little speech, Peri used the sock puppet to ‘chomp’ on Devs sides. Which, to devs surprise, actually tickled quite a lot!
“Pffthahaha ohoho gohosh!” He gently squirmed around and half-heatedly pushed at Peri’s hands.
“Aww~ does that tickle? Do the little chomps make you feel all giggly and light? Do the tickly tickles make you wanna laugh and laugh~” Peri teased, knowing how much it got to the kid.
Dev’s face immediately turned red. He figured that he could deny it. Y’know, because it makes him seem stubborn and cool. Definitely not because it might get him tickled more. Not at all.
“Oh they don’t? This doesn’t make you wanna laugh and giggle and squirm around all happy like~”
“Well, then, I’m stumped! Why are you laughing then?”
Dev mustered up the sassiest response he could think of. “Becahahause yohour atehehempts tohoho gehet tohoo mehe ahare lahaughahable!”
“Oh really~ I think you’re lying to me, Dev~ if these little tickles aren’t making you wanna laugh then I guess you wouldn’t mind if did this~” as he said it, he moved both hands to Dev’s tummy, shaking it and Chomping gently with Socky, making silly chomping noises.
The kid’s laughter grew louder and faster at the sudden increase in sensation, but man was this fun. Despite his defiance, the tickles were in fact making him all giggly and happy. It was such a silly feeling, but it made him feel all light and fluttery, filling his systems with joy as he laughed his little heart out.
“See~ I can tell that this tickles Dev~ your sweet little giggles are all the answer I need! I think you were lying~ what do you think, Socky?”
He let up with the hand holding the puppet for a moment, to speak as it. “Mmm-hmm! Definitely lying! And you know what I think~”
“What?” “I think that he lied on purpose to get more tickles!”
“Aww, you think so~ how adorable.”
Peri’s attempts at ventriloquism were admittedly horrible, but Dev still found that his godparent talking to himself while tickling him was very silly.
“Well, you think we should give it to him~ after all, he was being kinda mean.”
“Ah, I don’t know.”
Suddenly, the tickles stopped. Dev stopped giggling slowly, and despite the smile that still adorned his face he was kinda disappointed.
“Maybe we should make him ask for it~ what do you think, Socky?”
“Excellent Idea, Peri! Let’s!”
Dev’s face immediately went bright red. They were gonna make him ask! That was so mean!
After a moment of silence, Peri spoke again. “Well~ you gonna ask politely?”
Dev mumbled under his breath.
“What was that? I didn’t quite hear you~”
Dev blushed even harder as he spoke.. “Will you.. please… tickle me.”
“Aww, of course! Thanks for asking so politely!”
Then, without any further delay, Peri started tickling Dev again. He laughed and laughed and had so much fun.
“Hey, Dev, you learn your lesson? You gonna be polite and nice to people?”
Dev didn’t know how to answer. On the one hand, if he said no Peri might stop- which he didn’t want just yet, but on the other hand causing mischief was kinda part of his personality he couldn’t just not do it ever.
At the hesitation, Peri sighed. “Alright, I’ll make it a bit easier. You don’t have to stop being mischievous entirely, just try not to actually hurt people’s feelings, kay?”
Dev laughed out an agreement, and then Peri kept tickling, happy to make his kid happy.
It took a minute, but eventually Dev tired out and told Peri to stop. He did, Getting rid of the sock puppet (he kinda liked the idea. Maybe he’ll use Socky more often.)
As Dev’s laughs died down, he sat up.
“T-thanks, Peri.”
“Ah, no problem, kid.”
They fell into a comfortable silence. Dev thought to himself. ‘Maybe I should have an attitude problem more often…’
———THE END————————————————
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hops-hunny · 3 years ago
can you pls write a blurb about rodrick comforting his partner whose sad because their best friend is moving away? they/them pronouns pls! thank you!!
(y/bff/n) = your best friend's name
Grabbing another tissue out of the box, Rodrick dabbed at their eyes, catching the falling tears. Although he wasn't friends with (y/bff/n) personal, he knew what it was like to lose something important to you. After all, he had lost front row tickets to see Arrow Face live!
"I-it's just...what if I never (y/bff/n) ever again? Losing them is almost like losing a part of me. After seeing someone every single day of your life since childhood only for them to move so so far? It just... it hurts!" Rodrick pulled them closer into his side, petting the top of their head softly.
"I know sweetness. I'm so sorry. But just because (y/bff/n) is no longer here in person doesn't mean that the bond you have fades away. Your friendship has lasted this long, why would a bit of distance get in the way? You know," (Y/n) looked up at him with wide attentive eyes, "If you were ever this far away from me, I'd do whatever I could to make sure you knew I still cared for you. Whether I was in Chicago or Chinatown, Boston or Bangladesh, you and everyone else would know that I love (Y/n) (L/n) so much. There's not a doubt in my mind that they'll do the same." just as he said that, a text notification went off.
(Y/n) dove for their phone, tears ceasing momentarily. Rodrick peeked over their shoulder curiously, a soft smile forming on his face as he read the words 'Just made it! Wish you were here. Come visit soon, okay? xx'
"See? All worried for nothing!" he chuckled slightly, (Y/n) joining in as they sniffled a bit.
"Yeah, I guess you're right."
TAGSLIST: @redpanda-poetry @nevillelongbottomsgirlfriend
@pink-hufflepuff @de4ds0up @nevillelongbottomlover@vibingaesthetically @beewitchedlou @simpforremuslupin@mottergirl99 @uhuhuh @nevillescomslut @carlisbaby@percyweasleyspuff @nevilleismywhore
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kasey-writes-stuff · 4 years ago
i have a request!!
ler gogs ler quackity lee sap: they’re streaming together and obvs gogs and quack bounce around a lot more than sap does. basically they go feral and accidentally find out that saps ticklish and mess with him for it.
kinda love the idea that sap is too stubborn to admit that he’s ticklish hehe.
Woo I finally got this finished!
Debates ending in laughter
George, Quackity and Sapnap had met up and were doing their first official stream together! Karl would’ve been there but he was stuck filming for mr beast and Dream was at a family reunion so thus the three were left alone! They had decided to do a Q&A and despite it being titled “chill Q&A with the boys!” It was anything but chill! Currently the three were debating over whether apple juice or orange juice was better and it was semi calm at first seeing as Quackity and George agreed but things quickly grew less calm when sap said he leaned more towards orange juice…
“I’m just saying I like both but I lean towards orange juice” George shook his head “Well you’re wrong that’s just wrong” “what do you mean wrong ?! It’s an opinion?! And most importantly my opinion so it is definitely not wrong!” Quackity shook his head smiling a bit “man I gotta agree with George here you’re wrong” sapnaps mouth gaped open “Quackity how could you?!” George giggled softly “Quackity is just cultured and has good opinions unlike you sapnap” sapnap scoffed and lightly shoved George and George shoved back to sap shoved back and George shoved again and sap shoved again sap poked at George’s chest and so George went to poke at saps chest but accidentally poked his ribs instead
Sapnap jumped and squeaked as an instant pink tint could be seen on his pale cheeks “EEK!” Quackity and George looked at each other and then at sapnap,
Quackity was the first one to speak “Oh sapnap.. what was that?” He had a devious grin as did George “yea sapnap what was that squeak about?” Sapnap cleared his throat as he says “what what squeak? I didn’t squeak you guys must be hearing things” Quackity shook his head smiling excitedly “no no you definitely squeaked! George what did you do?! Do it again!” George shrugged “all I did was poke him like this” George poked sap again and sap once again squeaked but George kept poking which make giggles begin to slip past sapnaps lips and so that’s when it clicked for Quackity!
“Oh I get it I get it! Sapnap here seems to be a little ticklish” sapnap was quick to disagree but his nervousness and voice crack gave away the true answer “WhAt no I’m nOt!” George Quackity both burst into giggles at his voice crack and George rolled his fondly saying “yea sure like we believe that” he looked to Quackity who had a big excited smile on his face and they both nodded, Quackity quickly got up and held sapnaps arms above his head while George straddled his waist! Sapnap had already begun pleading “guys guys guys you really don’t have to do this!”
Quackity shrugs and says “Well yea sure we don’t have to but we want to! Only if you want to tho dude” sapnap blushes brightly he’s thankful that Quackity is being sure he’s okay with this but something about admitting he was okay with this was very flustering…he couldn’t find the way to use his words so he just nodded his head yes softly, Quackity and George smile brightly and usually they would tease him about something like this but opted not to seeing as he was already so flustered.. George smiles softly “okay so where should we start?” Quackity thinks for a moment and says “hmm try his sides” George nods as he begins poking at sapnaps sides
Sapnap squeaked as he shifted back and forth with each and every poke “eek! Geeheohohrrgehehe!” George smirked softly “what sapnap can’t take a little poking? I’m barely doing anything” Quackity giggles softly using his over exaggerated British accent as he “aww is sappity nappity too ticklish for the pokey wokeies?” Sapnap blushes darkly as he giggles “friihihicckkk ohohofff duhuhuddhehehe!” George snickers softly “wow sapnap if you’re giggling this much from just some poking I can’t wait to see what happens when I do this” he begins digging into sapnaps sides! Sap shrieks and falls into laughter “AhAH GEORGEHHE HAHAHAAHA!”
George smirks softly “wow sapnap never knew you were so ticklish!” Quackity nods excitedly “yea man why would you keep this from us?! This is pure gold!” Sapnaps face turned even redder at their teasing as he says “ BEHEHEHECCHAHAHUHUHUSEHEHE IHIHIHI KKNHEHHEWWW YOOUU WOOUULDDD AHAHBBUHUSSHEHWHE. IHIHITT EEEEP!” He squealed as George switched to vibrations along with a mixture of random squeezes, also his statement was a bit of a lie while he did know they would abuse his ticklishness he didn’t actually not tell them because of that… the true reason he didn’t tell them was because he was too embarrassed to ever bring it up, he actually didn’t mind them abusing it a bit and to be honest he more than didn’t mind it he liked it… he just silently hoped they wouldn’t realize that but unlucky for sapnap they did indeed realIze it
George snickers softly “well for someone who didn’t tell us because he knew we would abuse it you certainly haven’t tried to get away” Quackity nodded in agreement “yea sapnap you’re definitely stronger than both of us yet you haven’t even tried to get away why is that?” Seeing as sapnaps face could not go much redder his ears began to turn red, George paused his tickling for a moment to give sap a small breather and allow him to answer “ihihihi uhuhuh ihihi ihihittsss hahaharddheherrr fahhacihihinngg ahahggahahinnsstt yoouuu ahahttt the same time..” Quackity rolled his eyes chuckling softly “yea uh sure, hey sapnap why are your ears so red?” Quackity gently traces the outer shell of one or sapnaps ears
Sapnap squeaks as soft melty giggles pour out “eeek! Nhahaha dohonnttt dohoho tthahahattt!” George’s eyes widen as he smiles brightly “No way! Look at him he’s practically a puddle of jelly! You should try his neck next!” Sapnaps head snaps up at George’s words “NONONO DONT!” George’s smile morphs into a devious grin “why not sapnap is your neck too ticklish? Can it not handle the tickly tickles?” Quackity laughed at George’s teases as he joins in “yea sappynappy is your neck too ticklish for me to even do this?” All he did was place his hands on saps neck and sap flinched a small quivering smile on his face, George couldn’t help but laugh softly at cute it was “no way he literally can’t look at him he’s already about to break!” Quackity maneuvered his head so he could see sapnaps face and he broke into laughter
“PHAHAHhhaha dude no way! So imagine what would happen if I-“ he began fluttering his fingers all around sapnaps neck making his neck instinctively turn and twist on every way possible to try and escape the sensations “EE QUACKITY NOHOHO AHAHAHEHEHE HAHAHEHHEHHAHAHHA FRIHIHICCKK!” George shook his head “Sapnap I literally don’t understand how you were able to hide this from us for so long, is this why you always wear hoodies?” Sapnap through his laughter manages to say “NOHOHO IHIHI JUHUHUSSTT LIHIKKEHE HOHOHDDIHIHIEHESSS”
Quackity rolls eyes his light heartedly as he stops and says “whatever you say man” George hums softly as he says “where should we go next? Maybe….here?” He experimentally pokes at both sapnap’s armpits giggling when he sees sapnaps arms twitch, sap squeaks as he shakes his head “eek! Nohowherhehe you should go nowhere” Quackity smirks before using sapnaps words against him “oh trust me sapnap I don’t think we’ll be going anywhere for at least a few more minutes haha” George giggles softly rolling his eyes fondly at the two before wasting no time scribbling in sapnaps armpits
Sapnap squeals as he twists back and forth, half heartedly trying to get his arms down “EEP GEORGE NOT THERE AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA FRRIHIHICCKKK HEHAHAHAHHAHA!” George smirked a bit as he says “oh ticklish armpits sapnap how cute!” Sapnap blushes bright red as he says “SHUHUTTT UHUHUPP IHIHIMM SUHUHURREHEE YOOUURRRSS AHHARRHEHE JUHUHUSSTT AHASS BAHAHDD” George blushed lightly and Quackity laughs “geheheohorrggehehe your sohoho pihinkk!” George grumbles softly “shut up I’m sure yours are just as bad as well” Quackity immediately shut up looking away his face now pink…
George simply smirks as he begins focusing on the middles of sapnaps pits making him shriek “gAH GOHOHOGGYY NHAHHAAHAHAHAHA!” George grins “oh are the middles the worst hm? Well I won’t stay here too long I still wanna get that tummy of yours” Quackity nods “yea sap I bet your tummy is really ticklish isn’t? I bet you can hardly take it” A few moments pass and George stops and just rests his hands on sapnaps shirt, sapnap giggles residually gratefully taking in air “hohollyy frihihicckk yooouuu guhuhyysss ahharrhehe rhehehahallyy gohohoddd ahahttt thihihiss”
Quackity smiled brightly “Thank you thank you I take a lot of pride in being good at this” George snickers softly “yea thanks for the compliment, you ready to finish now?” Sapnap nods shyly “yea sure…” George nods smiling very slightly “so uhm are you good with me lifting your shirt?” Sapnap hesitantly nods “uh sure” George lifts it just enough to expose his tum button and curiously pokes around his stomach, sapnaps stomach jumps at each poke and he squeaks falling into giggles “eek! Geheheohohorrgehehe juhuhusstt gehehettt ihihitt ohovvehehrr wihihitthh dohohonnttt thehehahahseee”
Quackity scoffs softly “dang someone’s impatient” George laughs a bit “ohohkay then you asked for it” he began quickly skittering and scratching his blunt nails all around sapnaps tummy! Sapnap squealed as he fell into soft laughter “EEP GOGS ahahAHAHAH!” Quackity’s eyes widened slightly before narrowing as he blushed slightly “dang his stomach is pretty bad” his blush was due to the realization while sapnaps stomach was pretty ticklish it wasn’t near as bad as his own…. Suddenly sap shrieked bringing Quackity back to the situation at hand “EEE GOGS NOT THE BUTTON!”
George smirks softly “oh? Not the button? Is this little button too ticklish?” Sapnap nods softly and George softens a bit “well I won’t stay here too long then okay?” Sapnap smiles gratefully and Quackity smiles at the softeness of it all, usually he would make a joke about how sappy all of this is but he decided not to, George quickly dipped his finger in wiggling it around! Sap shrieked again as his back involuntarily arched up “AAhh HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHA NNAHAHHAHA!” True to his word George only kept it up a few short seconds before stopping
“Hey sapnap can George try one more thing?” Quackity curiously asks, through his tired giggles sapnap says “yehehahhaa ihihi gehehuhuhuss” Quackity smiles excitedly “George do you know what a raspberry is?” George nods “yea it’s a fruit duh” Quackity rolls his eyes as he says “no no no not that kind! Here switch positions I’ll do it” and so they swiftly switched positions and Quackity wasted no time leaning down and blowing the biggest raspberry he can over sapnaps tum button!
Sap actually screamed before falling into silent laughter! “AAAAHHHH QUACK ………….” Upon his silent laughter George immediately let go of sapnaps arms and Quackity began rubbing away the excess tickles as sapnap giggled residually “You good sapnap?” Sapnap nods through his giggles “yehehehahaha” suddenly George gasps and they both turn to look at him and Quackity is first to speak “what?” George blushes as he says “uhm we forgot about stream…” Sapnap immediately sits up and looks at the camera and then slides down into the floor
Quackity laughs a bit not at sapnap though but at the ridiculousness of them forgetting to turn it off and how none of their friends bothered telling them… or so they thought but actually they all just forgot they had so not disturb on on their phones so they didn’t get any notifications though to be fair Dream can get through George’s do not disturb so Dream must’ve just not tried to get through… They quickly wordlessly end stream and promptly all break into laughter
Sapnap is first to speak “well that’s definitely getting clipped” George nods “oh please it’s probably already trending on Twitter!” Quackity nods in agreement “I bet vod channels are already uploading it right now” suddenly sapnap smiles a bit deviously “so next Q&A which one of you is getting wrecked?” Quackity and George blush stuttering and pointing at each other “definitely him!” George says, “no no no George started this so it should definitely be him!” Sapnap laughs “I’m sure they’ll be many more Q&As in the future so I’ll get you both back eventually, now I’m starving let’s go get food”
And so the night was spent rather uneventful apart from the shared laughter at Twitter
The end
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chrrispine · 3 years ago
heya alison and congrats on your milestone!!! imma be greedy uhuhuh and ask for a 🎬 + pirates of the caribbean: dead man's chest (love this franchise sooo much my beloved) also 😍 and ✨ Luv you and you deserve all the followers and the reblogs and the happiness 💕💕💕
Hi Frankie thank you so much!!! It's also my beloved too :) here it is 💖
I am so happy to know you and I am still in awe after over a year of knowing you of your talent and style! You were one of the first big gifmakers I followed and I was constantly inspired to be a blog like yours. Then I was so fortunate to become your friend and it has been wonderful! Also I just have to say that your fashion is always impeccable and you always look so cool in your photos. Forever jealous of your beautiful hair and how you remind me of Danneel! Love you lots and I can't wait to see more from you in the future!!
And here are my three favorite recent sets of yours:
destiel set
iron man set
love languages set
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noeasybangchan · 3 years ago
No but in all honestly thank you so much for all the love and beautiful words. They motivate me so much !!! Because I always have very weird ideas, hearing how much you as a reader love them, brings me immense happiness <3
Hope you are having a good day. Angst incoming in T-3 hours ( I literally just woke up so let me first brush and sit down )
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borathae · 3 years ago
So I finally read the chapters of Sangus Alpha and I am already hooked. Like can we please take about this insane summary. I am a big fantasy fan and morally grey characters are to die for. And written by you, one of the best authors❤️ Yes we are in for a wild ride. I mean 37 chapters, what are you even planning?🤯 Wednesdays and Saturdays are getting a lot better.
I am already asking myself why she got that scholarship? Could be a normal reason but there are there coincidences?
Everything is so mysterious. I already wish I could study at such a beautiful place.
To me it seems like they don't have newcomers very often, so they want to lull her to one side. And why is are all the others already they. Quite sus
I haven't figured anything out but that's the drill.
And there seems to be so much history between them. I can't wait to discover more.
And why ar they still in uni? Just asking myself to figure things out.
And the fact that we don't know anything about her family except that they don't seem to have a good relationship. What are you hiding oc?
And I already appreciate her boldness and curiosity. Woman you are a brave one.
The art class is just hilarious.
His sources👀 Probably himself.
Tae is a little to nice for my liking.
Hopefully oc will stay alive long enough to find out what those weirdos are hiding. Her senses must trickle already.
I like that she trusts her own judgment. Who wouldn't go on a date with the Kim Taehyung?
And it seems like things are already speeding up. Maybe the three will find her in the next chapter.
Already manipulating her feelings tsk tsk
The place they went to is a dream. The already have some things in common.
And it must be great to live in a place like this.
And this weird weird atmosphere.
What a bold decision to stay there for the night or maybe it wasn't entirely her decision����
Ghosts, not so far away from the truth
I honestly don't know if she should be frightened or curious. They must have such a special aura.
I want to know to know if she remembers all of this.
And of course grumpy Yoongi, what did he interrupt here exactly? Mhmm
Thank you for feading us so well with so many stories. I really hope you have as much fun as I have reading it. You did so great❤️
And I hope you have a good week ahead. Take care of yourself. I am sending you lots and lots of love❤️
Okay first of all, you truly are a star! This is the best review ever! The way you put so much brain into analysing the two chapters! Thank youu omfg! 🥺💜
Tumblr media
I am a big fantasy fan and morally grey characters are to die for.
SAME OGMGMGM SAME MORALLY GREY CHARACTERS ARE MY BIGGEST WEAKNESS, like listen I'm all for good people irl but uhuhuh a lil bit of questionable decisions and two-sided characters in fiction and I am gobbling it up like a maniac
I am already asking myself why she got that scholarship? Could be a normal reason but there are there coincidences?
And why are they still in uni?
quoting Namjoon here "boredom" jJFAJD I don't get it either like my dudes why would you do that to yourselves?
His sources👀 Probably himself.
Who wouldn't go on a date with the Kim Taehyung?
What a bold decision to stay there for the night or maybe it wasn't entirely her decision👀
you may be onto something here 👀
I truly love how you reviewed the first two chapters!! It was so refreshing and great to read!! Thank you so, so much love!! 🥺💜💕
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trashyswitch · 4 years ago
Scaredy Tom = A Ticklish Tom
Virgil is in the spooky scary mood, and wants to successfully scare Thomas. As it turns out, there is a super effective and more playful way of scaring Thomas! So, Virgil uses that, and gets Patton involved.
This one is a bit of a mix of Tickletober Day 17 and day 20!
Day 17: Revenge
Day 20: Sneak Attack
Virgil silently chuckled to himself as he held his hands together like a plotting villain. He was coming up with a good spot to hide behind so he could successfully scare Thomas and get a reaction out of him. It’s been a good while since he could probably scare Thomas (or the others for that matter) and as much as he liked being loved, it’s been a while since he could give Thomas a proper scare. Since Halloween was quickly approaching, Virgil really wanted to get at least one successful scare in for this month.
Virgil decided to hide behind the couch with some quiet food and wait for Thomas to sit. Funnily enough, it didn’t take very long for Thomas to sit onto the couch and start reading something on his phone. So, being the man he was, Virgil slowly stood up from the back of the couch and stretched his arms out. Thomas didn’t even notice the shadow that was showing on his back and his phone screen. And by the time he DID notice something was off…
“BAH!” Virgil shouted, grabbing Thomas’s sides and shaking his hands a little.
Thomas shrieked! It worked! But he also...bursted out laughing?! And flopped to the side of the couch! “VIHIhihihirgihil!” Thomas reacted.
Despite the strange reaction, Virgil did it! He managed to scare Thomas! “YES!” Virgil shouted, jumping out of the space behind the couch. “I gotcha good! I gotcha REAL good!” Virgil declared, squeezing his sides again.
Thomas squeaked yet again and started giggling and flopping into Virgil’s grip. It was here that everything clicked. Virgil did scare him, but he also tickled him in the process! Virgil’s smile widened as he realized the tickling ENHANCED the jumpscare! Of course it did! Tickling kicks the Fight or Flight defenses into high gear!
So, Virgil kept it going! He squeezed his sides a few more times and made him kick his feet and wiggle just about everywhere! “aaAAAAH! WAHAHAHA! STAhahahap ihihit Vihihihirgil!” Thomas giggled and laughed, struggling to wiggle away from Virgil’s swift, narrow fingers.
“No way! If there’s one thing that’s not gonna change about me, it’s my love for jumpscaring you and the sides. But…” Virgil retreated his fingers for a few seconds and slowly floated his fingers just above his hips. “...I think I’ve found a new strategy for how exactly to jumpscare you.” Virgil added.
Virgil dug his fingers into Thomas’s hips and mixed between drilling and squeezing them. “nahAHAHAHAHAHA! IHIHI CAHAHAN TEHEHEHELL!” Thomas reacted.
“Perhaps I should use your biggest weakness against you?” Virgil suggested.
Thomas gasped and shot Virgil a warning look. “Don’t...don’t you even dare…” Thomas ordered. Virgil just sent Thomas a confident look right back, and stared at him. “PATTON! THOMAS IS IN THE MOOD FOR SOME TICKLES!” Virgil shouted towards the room.
It didn’t take long for a plotting tickle monster to come barrelling into the room. “Duty calls?” Patton asked.
Virgil smirked and pointed at Thomas.
Patton gasped and giggled evilly. “I’d love to! It’s been a LONG TIME since I properly tickled you, Thomas!” Patton told him eagerly.
Thomas let out a couple nervous giggles. “Uhuhuh...that’s not t-true. You-you tickled me yesterday, I believe.” Thomas attempted to correct him.
Patton started pretending like yesterday’s tickle fight DIDN’T happen. “What? I...I don’t believe I did! Are you lying?” Patton asked.
Hold up- Was...this Deceit?!
“Wait...Janus? Is that you?” Thomas asked.
Patton giggled in an evil, yet bubbly attitude. “Janus isn’t here. This is all pure, evil Patty! And THIS Padre is ready to hear some giggle-giggle-giggles from Tommy!” Patton teased, wiggling his fingers and sneaking up to Thomas quickly.
Thomas shook his head and started giggling helplessly as Patton sat on his waist and started looking for a ticklish spot to attack. Patton lifted an eyebrow at Thomas’s laughter. “I'm not even tickling you yet! It sounds like a mischievous ghost might have beaten me to it!” Patton reacted.
Thomas just laughed more, While Virgil held Thomas’s arms above his head. “Go for his hips! Go for his hips!” Virgil suggested.
“Oooh! Good idea!” the father reacted.
Patton quickly drilled his fingers right into Thomas’s hips and drew deep circles inside his hallows with his thumbs. “NNYYYAAAAAAAAA!” Thomas shouted!
“Nyah?! What do you mean ‘Nyah’?!” Virgil asked.
Thomas covered up his face and shook his head in embarrassment. “Nothihihihing.” Thomas whined.
Patton giggled and looked up at Virgil. “Don’t you mean ‘Nyah-thing!’?” Patton asked Thomas.
Virgil wheezed and bursted out laughing at Patton’s amazing pun! Thomas ended up falling into another laughing fit from the pun as well.
“Thahahat was gohohohood, nohot gonna lihie.” Thomas told Patton.
Patton gasped and went heart-eyed at the compliment. “Thank you!” Patton declared.
“Now: more tickles!” Virgil declared before blowing a raspberry near Thomas’s hip!
“BAHAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA! IHIHIHIhihi cahahahan’t! Tohohoho muhuhuch!” Thomas begged.
“Oh my god Thomas, that was only one raspberry! Imagine if I just-” Virgil blew yet ANOTHER raspberry on Thomas’s hip!
Thomas bucked and shook his head as he fell into loud cackles.
Virgil couldn’t help the laughter that left his mouth as well. “You sound like a cackling baby!” Virgil reacted.
Patton guffawed at that as well! “Oh yeah! He really does!” Patton reacted. Then, Patton decided to try drilling into both hips while blowing a raspberry on Thomas’s lower ribs:
Thomas threw his head back and WAILED like a baby! To top it all off, Thomas fell back into his baby-like cackles again! “NAHAHAHAHAHAHA! IHIHIHIHIHIHI CAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
-NAHAHAHAHAHA!” Thomas howled hysterically! He couldn’t even pronounce words, let alone talk! His laughter was taking over every function he could use to communicate!
Everyone froze for a moment. Patton stopped tickling Thomas, and Virgil stared at Thomas in awe. After a few seconds, Virgil HOWLED with laughter and fell off the couch while Patton wheezed and flopped onto Thomas’s chest! “THAHAHAHAT WAHAHAHAIL!” Virgil shouted.
“HOHOHOLY SHIHIHIHIT HE DID!” Virgil shouted at Thomas, rolling on the floor beside the couch in hysterics while tucked into the fetal position.
Patton lifted himself up as his laughter lessened a bit. “Guehehess I should never tickle too many spots at once.” Patton decided, winking as he took a mental note for himself.
Virgil was wheezing, cackling and kicking his legs like his life depended on it! “I CAN’T BREHEHEHEAHATHE!” Virgil screamed, turning onto his back and loudly laughing to the ceiling with his eyes shut.
When Patton stopped laughing, he decided it would be even funnier, if he repeated the action! So, he squeezed his hips and blew another raspberry on Thomas’s belly!
Thomas shrieked super loudly and snorted before falling into hysterical laughter! Not nearly as funny as the baby wail, but almost!
Virgil bursted out laughing yet again and clutched his stomach as he kicked his feet. Meanwhile Patton had fallen into hysterics and was rolling around on Thomas’s chest! You’d think this would be uncomfortable for Thomas...but surprisingly, it wasn’t!
And when Patton resumed drilling into his hips again, Thomas’s laughter went silent.
“Okay...Pat?” Virgil called.
“Mm hmm?” Pat replied.
“He needs a break.” Virgil told him.
“Oh...Hey Thomas, do you need a break?” Patton asked.
“YEHEHEHES!...PLEHEHEHEHEASE!” Thomas pleaded, despite how exhausted he was.
Patton quickly retreated his fingers and rubbed away the ghost tickles so Thomas could fully recover. Thomas was a sweaty, panting mess of giggles. He couldn’t stop giggling as he recovered, and he refused to talk as he panted and heavily breathed. He needed to be able to breath in order to talk, and Thomas was currently lacking the oxygen to breath.
“Yohou okahahay, Thomas?” Patton asked. Thomas let out some bubbly, high-pitched giggles in reply. Patton just giggled. “I’ll take that as a ‘yes’ then!” Patton decided.
Virgil got himself up onto his feet...just to boop his nose. After only accomplishing that feat, Virgil gave up and flopped back onto the ground in exhaustion.
Thomas lifted an eyebrow and chuckled at him. He thinks he’s so tired...Try getting tickled nearly to tears.
Patton was laughing at Virgil’s exhaustion as well. “How is it that you’re tired as well? You weren’t even tickled!” Patton asked, not understanding such a thing.
Virgil rolled his eyes at his question and just laid there on his back. But Virgil wasn’t free for long before a tired, but revenge-hungry Thomas rolled himself off the couch and right beside Virgil.
“My turn!” Thomas declared as he tickled Virgil’s belly.
“eeeEEEEHEHEHEHE! HAHAhahahahaha! Tohohommyhyhyhy, nohohohohoho!” Virgil begged.
“What’s this? Did you expect to get away with scaring me and tickling me all in one go? Cause last time I checked, tickle fights are two-sided!” Thomas declared as he squished and jiggled Virgil's belly like jello.
Virgil squealed and giggled as he attempted to roll away. But Thomas stopped him with his hand, scooted Virgil’s back right into his chest, and resumed squeezing and skittering his fingers on his belly.
“NOHOHOhohoho! HahahahahAHAHAHA! WAHAHAIT- NOHOHO BEHEHELLYYYYYY!” Virgil protested and begged, kicking his feet and flailing his arms everywhere. On a few occasions, Thomas was almost clocked in the jaw, forehead, shoulder, even the eye!
“Holy crap! I’m gonna need to pin you down before you actually hit me!” Thomas reacted in surprise. Thomas scooted himself back a little to allow Virgil to lay on his back. Then Thomas sat on his waist, pinned one of his arms to the side and started skittering his fingers in the open armpit.
“GahaHAHAHAHA! EEEEHEHEHEHEEEE! LEHEHEHET GOOOOHOHOHO!” Virgil begged, reaching his arm over to try and wave Thomas’s fingers away. Thomas only pushed the flapping hand aside and continued to tickle his armpit. “AHAHAHAHAW, COHOHOME OHOHOHOHON! YOHOHOHOU SUHUHUHUCK!” Virgil yelled at him through his laughter.
“Oh? I suck, huh? Tell me Virgil: How exactly do I suck? I’m barely doing anything.” Thomas reminded him.
“YOHOHOU JUHUST DOHOHOHOHO!” Virgil shouted back at him.
It was at this moment Thomas decided that enough was enough. Thomas let go of Virgil’s arm, lifted up Virgil’s purple shirt and gazed his eyes upon Virgil’s little belly button. Virgil gasped from both the cold air against his belly, and in horror for the events that may unfold! Virgil knew immediately what he was going for, and was NOT gonna let him have it. So, Virgil covered up his belly button with his hands and arms. Everytime Virgil would cover up his belly button, Thomas would move the hands away and try to poke it. But Virgil was quick, and stubborn. One would begin to wonder if Virgil was against the navel idea. But Thomas knew just from the look he was giving him:
Virgil was being a little shit.
At one point, Virgil covered his navel with BOTH his hands! So, Thomas grabbed both wrists, lifted them up, and started lifting the shirt back up with his nose. Virgil’s eyes widened as nervous giggles overtook him. “Whahahahahat ahahare yohohou-
PPPHHFFTFTTT! Thomas blasted a raspberry right into his belly button!
“EEEEEEEEEK! HAHAHAHA- THOMAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” Virgil screamed with tiny tears of mirth welling up in his eyes.
Thomas immediately stopped from there, and let Virgil go so he could breath. Virgil continued to feel bits of tickles on his belly, which left him unbelievably giggly. Virgil curled into the fetal position as a defensive tactic and clutched his stomach as he somewhat squeezed all the leftover giggles out of his belly and lungs. His body was hot from the use of endurance, but was also still processing the feeling of the raspberry Thomas had blown onto him. It felt like his belly was still slightly vibrating from the raspberry, and he couldn’t stop laughing for the life of him.
Patton laid down on the other side of Thomas, and snuggled into him. “Come here you two!” Thomas said eagerly, wrapping his arms around both Patton and Virgil, and pulling them close to him. Virgil and Patton both giggled and laughed as they were pulled in, and enjoyed the love he was giving them. “I love you both.” Thomas told them.
Virgil looked at Thomas and Patton, and smiled genuinely. “I love you too.” Virgil said back, giving both the two of them a kiss on the cheek. Patton sent Virgil a toothy smile and fluffed his hair. Virgil felt proud of himself. Virgil was capable of seeing how much Patton and Thomas loved him, even if he didn’t deserve it.
But at the same time…it was nice to be shown that love once in a while. Thank goodness for pranks, right?!
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