#so technically any ship is tbh
rubysparx · 2 years
#thinking about dungeon meshi#but specifically laichuck(? ..chilos?)#Laios x chilchuck. basically#which like I don’t ship it but I mean?? ok#if u want ig#but I’m like deeply thinking about wether or not that’s pedophilia?#I mean there’s major age gaps in all the shops bc of the lifespans of the races#so technically any ship is tbh#but the way I see it like. Marcille x Falin or Laios isn’t in terms of maturity#or like Namari and Kiki#which is my favvv ship and no one even caresss#anyway yeah bc like. Chil looks like he’s like… 16?#but he’s actually like 30 and Laios is 26. but also if you translate Chil’s age to tall-man lifespans he’s like 40 something#which like. it’s less about the numbers but I mean- Chil actually seems to have the maturity of an older adult#and that being said; Laios is pretty immature#but I mean he is 26#and a complex character imo so you could easily say he’s simultaneously immature and acting his age#Laios is just weird <3 it’s hard to say anything definitive abt his maturity or whatever#btw I think it’s so cool that with other characters (namari for example) they can’t tell the ages of other races#and don’t really know about their maturity rates#but marcille (before it was revealed that she wants to make all the races have the same lifespan)#made a comment about how Laios should’ve outgrown his interest in dragons and stuff#whatever. explodes#um basically. Laios/Chilchuck shippers#if you’re out there#can I get your opinion on this pspspspspsps
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Never seen a homoerotic rivalry I wouldn’t ship.
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crown-ov-horns · 18 days
The more I see Crowley called gay, the stronger urge I get to ship him with women.
Of course, most of the time, he's... Well, a she. There's that.
Still, the longer I spend in the fandom, the more I want to put male Crowley with female characters.
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fiight-or-fliight · 3 months
artsy Liam (TMF) headcanon brainrot goes hard...
Liam who doodles on his hands and arms when he's bored, and when they're covered he doodles (with permission) on the Jomies' hands/arms. Who also covers any notebooks and schoolbooks with random drawings and sketches and doodles. Who spends a fuck ton of his time in his room just drawing. Who has once gifted Drew generic trainers (sneakers) but they have drawings permanently inked on them. Who has probably made quite a few DIY gifts for his friends. Who takes art as a subject and it's at least one of his best subjects. Who has probably gotten one of the Jomies to be his muse for an art project at least once.
do you see my vision? (if not please be respectful of my headcanon)
tagging @miahasahardname because they suggested I post this
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fategoflatass · 5 months
I used to be so against the slow burn trope. Not because I thought it was shit; it's just, I usually don't have the patience to wait whatever-amount-superior-to-three damn chapters for my dear ship to finally be able to look at each other without blushing and/or hold hands. Thus why you often times see me reading oneshots or fics with the "Established Relationship" tag on them.
So you can imagine just how surprised—or maybe not, maybe I just didn't think enough about it—I was when I realized my newest fixation's main pairing is—canonically—the embodiment of slow burn. Because holy shit they're taking their time.
Nothing against how Kusuriya develops its love story—quite the opposite, actually. The relationship between Jinshi and Maomao, two characters that are written as beautifully as their romance, is a rather realistic approach as to how the same or a similar dynamic would developed in real life. In such a complicated situation, with such complex feelings about emotions—both external and their own—and attachment, makes sense that it takes so long for the relationship to finally sail.
The problem is, I didn't know I was signing with the Devil the moment I decided to pick up the light novel. Ten volumes and nothing has happened. Nothing.
And you can say that technically things have happened, because they have. I mean, Jinshi is just so desperate for Maomao to give him the time of day, you know what I mean? And even that isn't enough anymore and thus he has committed some of the craziest shit I've seen in any romance. Which okay, I don't usually read these type of romances but still.
What I mean by "nothing" is just, their relationship hasn't changed status. I could also say that it seems to go nowhere, but that'd be lying. Since, you know, it has changed quite a lot—just not in the way my impatient ass wanted it to. Because he can be as honest with his feelings as he pleases, and those around them might be heavely conscious of the tension and thus constantly tease those lovebirds (as they should), but babygirl's not helping, you know?
And I get it, Maomao's not the best at expressing and understanding herself, and she's also way too busy worrying about going as unnoticed as possible (she should give up on that one already, tbh) while keeping her head where it should be. But like, I can't help feeling frustrated over it like ‼‼
But she won't. She'll take her sweet ass time being in denial about both Jinshi's and her own feelings, then maybe she'll proceed to analize herself and find out that maybe, just maybe, that affection that she'd been feeling for that loser became something else. Did said affection also become something more complicated? Absolutely. Does she know how to deal with it? Hell no, but fuck it. If I learned something from school is that you always leave the hardest parts for later.
Now you see why I was so against reading slow burn?
And you wanna know the worst part? I loved it—I loved every second of it, every word, every page. Every scene that seemed to help the relationship advance, only for Maomao to say nope and leave like she owns the place, which at this point she fucking might.
It feels like I, as the reader, am in the middle of a heatwave and some sadistic bastard won't stop teasing me with ice cream—they put it in front of my face, close enough that I can smell the cold. Then take a spoon and eat little by little while staring directly to my eyes. At times they seem to show mercy and feed me a spoon, only for it to be a rather small quantity of serving—serving that tastes so damn good at first, only for it to have such a bitter aftertaste. But if I gotta have something in common with Jinshi is that I'll never be able to beat the masochist allegations, so I'll wait patiently for the next spoon and its corresponding and seemingly enless teasing from that faceless being.
So yeah, I'm still against it, only that now I understand the appeal—even if I have yet to find out about the whereabouts of my sanity while still mananing with the little I've left.
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h0bg0blin-meat · 2 months
What hindu gods/deities are lgbt (I'm sorry if this is rude or ignorant I just wish to learn as I've heard some are)
Dw it's neither rude nor ignorant. Now before I start I do wanna say that almost all the queerness we see in Hindu mythology is highly subtextual most of the time, which is like pretty obvious cuz these were the ancient times. So this might lead to a varied number of interpretations, and I can only offer the same. But most of them are pretty convincingly queer, so let's get into it cuz why tf not. (This is gonna be a loooooong post so buckle up)
This fella is probably the most pan-coded deity in the entire pantheon. Extremely comfortable with both his masculine and feminine side, Vishnu can sometimes be considered one of the peak genderfluid icons out there. His avatar, Krishna, despite being referred to as the Parampurush (in other words the manliest man in the entire universe), his physical appearance (which is what is considered to be a very feminine body for a man today, i.e., slender and soft) breaks the stereotype of what masculine man should look like. There are paintings of him and Radha where I've stared for like a hot minute trying to figure out which one is Radha (mostly in grayscale cuz otherwise their complexions are a dead giveaway) and yet, he slays it like a badass.
Then we also have Mohini, the goddess of beauty probably the best seductress out there, and the only female avatar of Vishnu. Through her having a union (yk what they mean by that) with Shiva (AHEM subtext amirit), Vishnu gave birth to Ayyappa, and wouldja look at dat he has two dads, which was actually prophesized. Mohini in one of the versions of Mahabharata (not the original one) ALSO slept with Iravan (Arjun's son) the night before he was gonna offer himself as a sacrifice for the Kurukshetra war. Reason was that Iravan had a wish to get married and spend the night with his wife before dying, and wishing his wife would mourn for him after his death. So Krishna felt bad for him, turned himself into Mohini and married him. The next day she held her husband's body and mourned for him like any wife would. We can also go back to the time where he sported (make of that word what you will) with Arjuni (female version of Arjun) as well as the female version of Narad (for a year in the latter's case).
In short, we can see how chill Krishna is with his fluidity with sexuality and gender, so much so that it's hard to put a label on him sometimes, which is fine. But yes interpreting him as queer wouldn't necessarily be a preposterous claim after all.
Tbh Shiva is also pretty queer-coded, given his union with Mohini (and yes he specifically ASKED Vishnu to turn into her and hence he KNEW it was his best friend after all), and him turning into a woman to join Krishna's leela that one time, which also denotes that he's pretty confident in his gender fluidity as well, to some extent. He also has a sort of female avatar, who's actually very underrated. I think it's called Shivani. Also no one can deny the tension between Shiva and Vishnu let's be real here. They even have a ship name- Harihar, PLUS that "Vishnu is in the heart of Shiva and Shiva is in the heart of Vishnu" line. Btw this was a joke, but now you know why they're one of the popular ships of Hindu mythology. I personally have very neutral stance to the kind of bond they share, whether you call it platonic or something else.
(Note that I personally do not consider Ardhanarishwar and Vaikunthakamalaja as any genderfluid thingy because I just see them as literal fusions of the two couples, but yes many consider these two fused versions of Parvati-Shiva and Lakshmi-Narayan respectively to be gender-nonconforming, or non-binary of some sort.)
Why did I add her here? Because I have a feeling she might be bi, given the fact that her husband is also technically her wife, considering we take Mohini into account, who I'm pretty sure she loves just as much as she loves Vishnu. But again, that's just my take on it.
Now he's one of the more popular queer-coded Hindu gods, specifically known for his implied poly-esque relationship with his wife Svaha and Soma (the wind god). Now many sites on Google have claimed Soma to be his husband, but I am yet to find a scriptural evidence for that claim, so I suggest you to take their words with a grain of salt. But what IS true is that these two guys do share a pretty profound bond. There was also this one instance where Soma went to a mountain and Agni followed him. Then both of them at the top of that mountain, 'became one' (what does that mean? not sure but it sure as hell sounded romantic. anyways).
Plus, Agni is also very well-known to be the (oral) receptor of Shiva's (and sometimes Soma's but not sure about the second one) semen, which he then flung into Ganga cuz it was too hot to bear for him, and that's how Kartikeya/Murugan/Skanda (Shiva and Parvati's son and a God of war) was born. So yeah.
These two.... are another pair of popular queer-coded Hindu deities. They're almost always summoned and worshipped together, and you can say they have canonically.... well had a union, and good news is none of them became a woman for the deed. Their union is recorded in the Shatapatha Brahmana, where Mitra is said to have "implanted his seed in Varuna" (hmmm nothing homosexual going on here) during the waning moon. Many people consider this a metaphor for the cyclic nature of celestial phenomena so it's upto you to interpret it however you want.
Now they also give off that sunshine x grumpy vibe, with Mitra being the god of friendship, sun, daylight, dawn and stuff while Varuna is the god of the waters, moon, nighttime, dusk etc. Plus, the latter has anger issues but he has a bubbly Mitra (pun intended) to calm him down for dat :D.
They are also known for siring two sages, Agastya and Vasistha after they accidentally released and mixed their semen into a pot as a result of getting enchanted by Urvashi (one of the apsaras or celestial nymphs).
Budh and Ila
Budh is technically an AMAB non-binary (or intersex) deity (and technically the planet Mercury) born to Chandra (who's also synonymous to Soma most of the time) and Tara, to put it simply, and got cursed to be neither male nor female because Chandra had an affair with someone else's wife -_- (Tara was the wife of Brihaspati, or Jupiter, who was also the guru of the gods).
Ila is another genderfluid deity. Some versions of the myth says they were born a woman, some say they were born a man called Sudyumna, while some say they were born a woman, but since their parents wanted a son, Mitra-Varuna (who they preyed to) changed their gender and Sudyumna was born (but then there was some issue with the rituals, which led to the duo to turn him back to a woman, which is when they took the name of Ila. Ik, too much gendershifting going on, bear with me). Anyhoo they got this genderfluidity from Shiva's spell and every month they'd change sex from Sudyumna to Ila and back to Sudyumna and so on. Budh got enchanted by Ila and married her, and bore the Pururavas with her.
Later on, some versions say Ila permanently turned into a man with Parvati's boon. But personally interpreting, Budh was technically still married to Sudyumna so..... idk what happened to them afterwards tho. I hope they were still spouses...
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anonymous-dentist · 10 months
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Okay, now let's look at these five now that we know that at least three of them have some kind of deep connection with the Federation.
Briefly, let's recap our Federation Three:
ElQuackity- Federation employee, high-up, seemingly very important. Possible q!Quackity clone. Bad Dude.
q!Foolish- Member of the q!Brown Family/q!Fooligetta Family, aka the Federation's Favorites. Is currently technically a Federation employee as a detective. Has been pursuing Cucurucho for months trying to get a cloud. Wants to be Employee Of The Month. He's got a crazy strong connection with the Capybaras, which are basically confirmed to be Federation employees/creations in some way.
q!Baghera- Former Federation child experiment, escaped. Presumably the reason the French Plane was brought down onto the island. No memories of anything before the plane, including her own torture.
But then let's look at the other two:
q!Etoiles- Federation Anti and Codebreaker. The literal only person out here able to defeat the Codes. Survived multiple assassination attempts. French.
q!Felps- The OG Kidnapped Brazilian. Frozen in ice like the 'new' islanders, was broken out by the Federation's Employee Of The Month, came back with a weird black mark on his arm. Disappeared, reappeared 'frozen' along with the 'new' islanders looking completely different.
So three of these guys have confirmed connections with the Federation, leaving Felps and Etoiles to the side... right?
Well, let's look at Etoiles first. He's one half of the Codebreakers, and he has the Shield that the Codes/maybe the Federation desperately wants. He came onto the island saying he wouldn't get attached to Pomme, but now he's the eggs' number one protector. Only two people have ever managed to murder him, q!Baghera with a Gun and then q!Willy with his mines. He's basically the island's 'Chief of Security'. He's chilling.
So, nothing there that we know of. Like Baghera, he doesn't seem to have a lot of his memories, but none of the French really do. They're like the English and Spanish speakers: none of them really have any memories of anything before the island except for q!Bad and q!Slime, who are hinted towards having unknown connections with the Federation. (See: the og character teasers where Jaiden, Bad, Slime, and Wilbur were all teased. Jaiden is confirmed to have an unknown past as a possible Federation employee, Wilbur is liked enough by the Federation to be able to leave the island basically as he pleases for his tours. Bad and Slime have memories of their lives before the island- Bad knowing about his time loop thing and Slime remembering having a bunch of siblings [including little orphan q!Mike] and terrible parents.)
Now let's look at q!Felps. He drove, and crashed, the Brazilians' cargo ship onto the island. He was the first character to get kidnapped (he's a real trendsetter), and he was frozen in a block of ice for a month as the Federation did... something to him. He was murdered by f!Cell in prison prior to the QSMP. q!Cellbit is his best friend, and he broke Felps out of the Federation through the literal Power of Friendship. Felps came out with a weird mark on his arm and a fear of Cucurucho. He spends his time digging a square, which is just What Felps Does. His skin for a bit was the exact same construction uniform as the Federation's Faceless Workers with the minor addition of pants, but tbh he probably wouldn't wear those either if he had a choice. He's also got a major connection with the capybaras. He disappears for a bit, but nobody questions it because he's. Felps. But, when he comes back, he's in a little icebox of a house near spawn and he's gotten a pretty cool makeover.
Felps is Felps. It's hard to look into his character too seriously because he's Felps. But it stands to reason that, out of all the Brazilians, he's the one most likely to have a previous connection with the Federation. (Let's put aside the Manager's Son!Forever headcanon and the Agent 03!Cellbit headcanon.) On his own, it's easy to think that he's just being Felps. But stick him on a screen with three confirmed Federation People and then Etoiles, and it's pretty clear that he has something to do with the Feds.
My personal theory is that Felps was a laboratory experiment that became sentient and fucking Left. He's an enigma. Only one person understands him, and it's his son. Even his best friend Cellbit can't really get him, mostly because He Is Felps. He's the server's resident cryptid. After he escaped from the Federation, it took them a While to realize, oh, shit, they lost the guy that gets lost all the time. And then he managed to crash his boat onto the island however many years later just as a coincidence and in such a sudden way that even the Federation was like "Bro what the fuck". This could explain why the Federation, who doesn't exactly like random people snooping around their island, never actually got rid of the Brazilians: Felps was back, and they couldn't lose him again, and keeping his friends around is the best way to keep him around.
That leaves Etoiles, who might actually have some kind of connection with the Codes. They might hate him and he might hate them, but they have some sort of weird Homestuck-y connection going on. It's a mutual hatred, and a mutual respect. If the theory that the Codes are renegade Federation employees who were turned into monsters as a punishment for trying to leave, then there's a real possibility that Etoiles is another one of those runaway employees. But, unlike them, he managed to escape. He got away, and they hate him for it even if they can't recognize why through their scrambled little data brains. But they can't help but respect him because he got away. This makes him another potential reason for the French Plane being shot down: the Federation realized that someone got away, and that he was on the same plane as their runaway experiment. He doesn't remember the Codes, but the Codes could remember him.
So let's finish this theorizing off with a brief recap:
ElQuackity and q!Baghera are confirmed Federation employees/experiments. q!Foolish is a new Federation employee, but his weird grey way of dealing with the Feds make him Sus
q!Felps has had a lot of weird Federation shit happen to him since he crashed the Brazilian Boat onto the island, so he could be another escaped experiment. Unlike Baghera, however, he randomly came back, and the Federation couldn't let him or the other Brazilians go because he came back.
q!Etoiles doesn't have an obvious connection with the Federation, but he does seem to have some kind of connection with the Codes. Because of this, it's possible that he has some kind of past with the Federation that has made him and the Codes have some kind of Homestuck-y kismesissitude(?) going on
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buckttommy · 2 months
JACK! I am deeply curious to know where YOU stand/fall on the poll you posted?
Objectively speaking? Yes, they have endgame potential.
But a lot—and I mean A LOT—of work would have to go into moving that potential from a theoretical possibility to a genuine reality. Some of that work has already been done, what with Tim being intentional about developing a love interest for Buck that's not segmented away from the rest of the firefam, but that's the easy part tbh. They'd still have to 1) establish Tommy's character as a character unto himself, 2) define Buck and Tommy's relationship outside of the shadow of Buck and Eddie's relationship, 3) introduce a character that would be Eddie's endgame (because that's something you'd have to consider now that you're intentionally severing this will-they-won't-they bond between Buck and Eddie), and 4) convince the audience that these are the two endgame ships they should be rooting for without making them feel like they're being convinced, because that would blow the whole thing up in their faces instantly... all in a limited amount of time (9-1-1 isn't going to last forever).
So. Yeah. A lot of work.
All that to say, it's not impossible. I have a tentative idea for how it could work (a thought exercise, if-not-this-then-that)—what kind of character would need to be introduced for Eddie, what kind of archetypes would need to be in place for Tommy + Female Character, what kind of plots and tropes would need to unfold on-screen in order to not just neutralize the die-hard fans, but sway their opinions toward these two ships, etc. all by taking into account 9-1-1's existing and brand new audiences. But the writers/Tim would really need to sit with the decision and decide whether or not it's worth the effort to establish TWO endgame ships for their most popular characters when said characters are already six seasons deep into an accidental marriage with each other.
This is why I say that Buddie is only thing that makes sense. It's the only ending that does the characters and their journeys justice, sure, but it's so much more than that. There are layers—complicated and tangled layers—that would cost (literally!) more money to untangle than it would to just say "thank you" to the writing gods for hand-delivering an endgame ship on a silver platter and just going with the flow. You know? Yes, Buddie makes the most sense narratively. Of course, it does. But technically? It truly does not get much better than this.
You don't have to like it. You know? You don't have to like Buddie at all. But you have to recognize that this is the dynamic that most shows dream of—accidental or not. How they started—what was intended for their relationship—doesn't even matter now. What matters is where they are, and where they are is at a crossroads where they can either go with the flow, or do a complete overhaul that would run the risk of shattering everything. And, I have to give credit where credit is due—if anyone could pull this off, the 9-1-1 writers could. They are incredibly strong and skilled at what they do. But Tim et. al. need to make a choice, and they need to make it now, because if they wait too much longer, the story is going to start to drag. It's going to start to feel lazy. People aren't going to be satisfied with the "Buck and Eddie are getting their shit together so they can be ready for each other" excuse forever.
Now. Me personally? I'm in it for the long-haul. I love Buck and Eddie, I love Buddie, so whatever happens, I'm here for it. I've already said a thousand times over that their relationship could go canon at any point, even in the final episode (though I want there to be at least two seasons of them together before the show ends), and I would be completely satisfied with that. But we're rapidly approaching the point of no return, wherein Tim etc. need to make a firm decision and stick with it. If they've decided Buddie? Great. Good. Can't wait to see it. But if they've decided on something else, they're the ones that need to get their shit together and kick it into high gear quickly.
But anyways.
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comradekatara · 2 months
So I know you've mentioned a few times that although you like Zukka, you kinda avoid the fanbase around that ship (totally understandable cause sometimes those opinions are 😬). My question is what is your opinion about Zukki- Sokka, Zuko, and Suki. Your answer doesn't need to be in depth or anything. I was just curious
yeah i mean it’s not just an avoidance of the fanbase, it’s a fundamental disagreement regarding what even constitutes “zukka” and what their dynamic entails. but i don’t need to get into all that rn. as far as the suki of it all [gravity.mp3] goes, i truly do believe that sokka and suki will spend the rest of their lives together (save for one ill-advised breakup that suki immediately regrets) but not in any sort of marital configuration. they’re usually long distance and in an open relationship, especially when they’re not in direct proximity, but they also make an effort to see each other as much as possible because they are deeply in love and that never changes. so suki would theoretically have no problem with sokka dating zuko, and in fact even encourages it because she thinks that zuko deserves a W tbh, but sokka is mostly just like “…..nah. im good.” and i know that in the comics zuko and suki do have some romantic tension going on, but i truly hate those comics so bad and thus do not have to subscribe to that idea. namely because zuko is way too gay to care about suki in any way other than thinly-veiled jealousy. i think a lot of people who ship the three of them together seem to think that they would love to invite zuko into their relationship, but like. he’s really not all that. ty lee and mai, yes. sokka learning how to enter the spirit world at will at aang’s behest so that he can reunite with yue, also yes (sorry). like i see both sokka and suki as being technically bisexual but with a major preference for women. they do like zuko but more in a “this is our pet clown” kinda way. and yeah he’s like eric andre “let me innnnn” but sokka doesn’t even notice and suki does notice but after a while she stops caring. so like, it’s technically real in the sense that in “the boiling rock,” zuko and suki are positioned the same way in relation to sokka; that framing is undeniable (my two gfs. and yes they are in supermax). but how their relationship would grow and develop from there is not…. well…… let’s just say it is not “the zuko show”
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not-goldy · 2 months
Different anon from whomever sent you asks before. I don't care who ships whom but your ask was on my fyp and I wanted to say that from your response it's obvious what everyone's priorities are. In general shippers care more about their ship than either individual members. Case in point is calling letter a duet. Nobody outside of jikookers would ever say that even if they have absolutely no issue with jikook. Its not a joint song, JK is not even featuring. He's doing background vocals. And jikookers can talk about the significance of that as they wish but this persistence in calling letter a duet shows once again that ship >> actual members of your ship. Jimin wanted background vocals for his song so he called JK. Ok sweet enough. And if he wanted to do a duet with someone, he would do an actual duet with someone. Which again letter isn't.
Tbh I'm not sure why shippers get hung up on that anyway. Jimin and Tae had a subunit, JK featured in Hobis song, Namjoon wrote some lyrics in Face. Didn't mean anything for them but when it's your ship it's suddenly significant?
Well you guys can do what you want. It's just we already have one group of batshit insane shippers in this fandom. It would be nice if you guys didn't become the next version of that
With utmost respect don't you think you sound a bit patronizing and hypocritical👀
You don't know why shippers get hung on something you are equally hung on??? Like c'mon you walked right into that one😭😭😭😭😭
You're giving it's their not they're 😹😹😹😹
Like chill it's really not that deep as u say 💀
I want you to trust that shippers know the difference between jikook songs such as Who are you, we don't talk anymore, and letter.
Words can be used loosely or generically or technically and duet is often used loosely in ship parlance to mean any performance involving jimin and Jungkook be it dance performances, or singing performances or harmonies, covers or when they do back up vocals.
So, in the future while you browse these fandoms or shipping streets- I don't know how I landed on your FYP I don't tag my posts to make it hard to find me. My user name doesn't mention jikook directly nor do my blog title just to ensure I'm buried further down in searches- try to bare that in mind.
It's giving Jk solos during the jimin back up vocals on Euphoria debate. One of these days yall solos will pop a vein from the high blood pressure you give yourselves over jikook and shippers.
I'm sure when you search up jikook duets letters come up. Even algorithms get it and they are machines🥲
If it pleases your ladyship can I refer to Jikook's cover of Homme as a duet too???
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Cos it's such a great duet🥲
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reallifetangent · 26 days
A take I wanna have (please don't yell at me or attack me. Corrections might be okay, it's late for me and English is not my main language):
Edwin's love interests. Less to best for him.
Cat King on the less. I know. I love his character, he's very charismatic. I love the teasing and seeing how far he can push Edwin's limits and face his own feelings. I do live for that in some ships. Their dynamic is interesting but let's be real. Even if CK is an Entity and has 9 lives (currently only 6), Edwin is a ghost. Forever 16, forever existing. At some point the relationship would look and or feel weird. And tbh is the one that changed the less thanks to his interactions with Edwin. Edwin grew a lot (and learned a lot about himself) but Cat King? He still play games and yeah, he cares for Ed, but he's been like that since always. And to be loved is to be changed. Maybe the dying for Edwin when he tried to protect him from Ester and ended up dead counts for something, but he's too much in his idealistic bubble where at some point Edwin would fall for his charms. Maybe if he approached in a more friendly way and not trapping him in town, (a less Wattpad Cliche Way), maybe something could've come out better. And look, I love their teasing. I want CatWin being something before Edwin and Charles becoming an actual couple. I still want Cat King and Edwin playing with each other, who's smarter, who's sharper, who's one step ahead of the other, silly little games between them. I want Edwin appreciating Cat King's death for him. I want Cat King obsessed in a respectful way for Ed, appreciate him, praise him. And Ed just, panicking because too gay to function but at the same time, it's not who he wants to hear that from. Yet sometimes falls for that but he knows it's wrong for him.
Simon. We know he was his bully. He had feelings for Ed, and back when they both were alive, being like them was a sin. He only wanted to scare Edwin. Nothing else. If Edwin was able to forgive Simon in hell, understanding it wasn't his fault they both died (technically it is but nobody told them entities and ghosts are real so that wasn't on him), and even wanting to get him out of there, there were a reason. Also, both were sixteen. Still a lot to develop and think and experiment. It took Edwin 100 years to finally open up and be comfortable about himself. Maybe Ghost Simon could learn at the same time with Edwin as his teacher, since both were the same period. Could be interesting Simon revoked from death back to the living because he has unfinished businesses somehow and Edwin taking his case just to make things more clearer and give us a better chance to know why Edwin forgave him. Because just the "Oh, you were in love with me and you didn't know the sacrifice would actually work" doesn't sound enough reasons for someone like Edwin to break out an ex bully from literal hell. There is an explanation. There must be.
Monty. Just. Take away Edwin having feelings for Charles, and Monty being Ester's Familiar Crow. Otherwise, it could've worked. Not right away, but with patience, they could've been in a cute relationship. Monty caught feelings for real, and Edwin is too slow to understand, but at some point they'll both learn and well, lovers. I see Edwin on the aromantic spectrum, so, Monty would have to work his way and Edwin open up to get to like Monty. Or just accept they can be a platonic relationship and that can be good too. Also same issue as Crystal or any Living Entity. Age permanency. Could be a nice Teenage Love Story for Edwin and Monty, but not in case Monty is affected by human ageing.
And best by far, Charles. 30 years of being the married couple on acid. Both timeless, forever young, together by choice, each other's personal afterlife. They died when they had so much to live for. Now they can't be more alive thanks to each other. Even if they end up as platonic stuff and never end up being partners, there wouldn't be any complaining. Edwin loves Charles in a romantic way, and just knowing that Charles won't go away because of that is a total relief, and they have the eternity to find out of Charles does have romantic feelings as well. And reading a post about Charles being a People Pleaser and always saying or doing what others wanted so they like him and been trying to be on Edwin's good side to not push him away for 30 years, so, knowing that his best mate loves him must be a good reason to stop doubting Edwin.
Charles and Crystal are okay. I mean, I like their relationship just because they needed someone. Crystal admitted she could try if he were alive, but between her brainwash, the demon possession, everything happening, it's more like a distraction than an actual feeling. Maybe better writing and they could be her teenage love. After that, she'll grow up. He won't. (I know I said best partners for Edwin but I wanted to clarify my take on Crystal and Charles).
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jikookuntold · 5 months
Sorry but don't you think it was already for Jikookers the moment JK's video was leaked ?
Saw many explanations and excuses saying it's made up, set up, fake etc. But really? There was no original source of video to prove it was edited. We can clearly see it's him in his apartment and bam running around him. It was filmed in Feb from his hairstyle, when bam was still with him. I saw some of big Jikokkers here having a relieved sigh when he said he don't have a gf now but He only said he don't have a gf in September. Tbh enough time to casually date and breakup with a girl.. which I've always thought his dating pattern is. So technically he wasn't lying either. And didn't he said he don't feel like wanting anyone and just want to concentrate on work for now? Doesn't that mean he don't have any partner but will have a gf in future ? In short not only he denied he had gf at the moment but also anyone special in his life. I don't think 'homophobic country' excuses applies as they literally enlisted together infront of everyone in the same country's military.
Also saw someone saying it can be a friend. But think.. who hugs some random girl in their apartment when their partner is not present there? Imagine spotting your bf hugging some random woman like that in apartment when they are alone at night. Doesn't make sense right ?
Another category of jikookers was going with 'open relationship' explanation but still not accepting Jikook is not romantically involved and everything was just them reading it wrong. Because if anyone listened to things Jimin said its clear af he only want to be in exclusive relationship.. maybe JK too but he was not even available for a serious relationship then.
Only a small percentage of Jikookers accepted its real and he has a gf irl or atleast not dating Jimin.
When i see Jikookers trying to deny it and find every excuses, it sounds like taekookers who still think Taennie was fake and army who think it's fake videos and pics.
But even worse for taekookers because one was seen holding his gf's hand in Paris while another was hugging his gf in his apartment all while choosing songs only about fucking women 😭 ik he said its not about his real life but only he chose songs like that. Others wrote their own songs but Tae's songs weren't autobiographical either and none of them were about fucking women or hetero sex. If it was rhythm he liked them they could've wrote some meaningful or even funny lyrics but nope all were about sex with women. If that doesn't tell about JK's sexuality and interests idk what will, 3D's choreo was fucking gross too. He's naturally drawn to what he likes. Tkkrs survive by lying and living in delusional world denying reality.. now jikookers also doing the same thing imo 🤷‍♀️ so idk why you have to make taekookers understand their ship is not real when Jikook isn't real too and 90% chance JK is straight af.
First of all, there is no reason for me to believe that blurry video posted on a chinese platform is Jungkook. Look for yourself, where is his lip piercing? Or the scar on his cheek? Or the mole under his lip? Huh? 😼
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Wonder why that sasaeng who was spying for hours on a perfect angle on his window to catch him with the girl, didn't use a better cam instead of a toaster so their faces don't look like bread loafs? Even a normal phone has a better camera. Why in the other photos they leaked of him alone in his house the quality is good and the angle is completely different? When they explain this, I can agree that this ghost-face is JK. Otherwise it's just someone with bangs backhugging a giant pregnant lady wearing a night gown behind an open window on a breezy night.
About your mental gymnastic, in the listening party, fans were leaving comments asking "do you have a girlfriend?" And his answer was addressing that repetitive question, not the video. And don't give me this category of jikookers that percentage of jikookers thing. I don't care about anyone else's opinion, they can have their own, I have mine.
Don't you dare to compare that thing with Taennie. Taennie had 10 different HD photos leaked together and many obvious clues and hints proving the photos and the relationship was real, and even biggest and the most reliable media sources like Rolling Stone, BBC, Billboard, Dispatch, JTBC, etc wrote articles about them dating and being spotted together. JK didn't even wait for two days to react to that nonsense, but Tae was totally silent about it for almost two years. On the contrary, he started it all with following Jennie on IG, and then fueled it with more hints and wearing matching jewelry. Kmedia said they have been separated for months, so he could come up and say "I don't have a girlfriend" just like his dongsaeng but he didn't 🤷‍♀
Did you know Ricky Martin, George Michael, Freddie Mercury and many other queer singers for decades sang songs about having sex with women? Some was even their own lyrics while they were gay af lol. And you say Tae is gayer than JK because he didn't sing about having sex with women 😹
And how Jikook enlisting together has anything to do with this at all? Who said anything about homophobic country? Do guys deny having girlfriend in a homophobic country? Shouldn't it be the other way around? Did Jikook went to apply for buddy system and say "Sir, we are gay and in love, we can't stand being separated, please let us enlist together 😃🏳‍🌈" Nope.
The military of this homophobic country made this system available for close friends and relatives between the ages 18 and 28 to minimize the mental and physical traumas of mandatory service, and they are not going to ask them if they are having sex.
We always said Jikook can't live without each other, but it was people like you who come up with things like "they can't stand each other" "they only look close on cameras" "they don't care about each other" "they have different and separated lives" "they broke up" 🤡 Now that it is proved that Jikook is the closest and the most inseparable duo in BTS you are still brave on your shit? 💩
And since that video is your last straw I made this edit for you, I hope you like it 😻
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wazzappp · 5 months
Ok so. Heres the general breakdown for attack types:
Basic attacks: These attacks just use the weapons that manifest during their magical girl transformation. Theres no limit to using these. They don't utilize all that much magic but are still effective because the weapons are technically MADE of magic.
Ult attacks: Utilize more magic and have a recharge time of about 5 to 10 minutes (which is a pretty long time in a fight). They can only be used after quite a bit of practice, as they require the ability to channel a lot of magic in a short amount of time. A familiar and their person must be able to work together in order for it to be effective. The familiar has to be capable of funneling the magic to the caster, and the caster has to have experience CASTING it.
Specialized spells: Each one of these attacks is different from person to person. These don't necessarily have to be attacks, they can also be defenses or evasions. These are usually the most difficult for a caster to master and take even more magic than the Ult attacks. A magical girl typically uses it the first time on accident, during the heat of the moment where they are desperately drawing on more magic to defend themselves. After that it is a concentrated effort to cast these spells. It's usually a signifier that the magic is starting to settle in them and that they're ready to cast more. The recharge time for these spells is 10 to 15 minuites.
The recharge time for casting spells will decrease the more a caster is composed of magic... which is a post for later lmao. As much as I would love to get into the fun ship of Theseus glitter body horror in this post it would just take to long lmao but its COMIN EVENTUALLY I PROMISE.
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Johnny is an excellent fighter because of his POWER and his RANGE. He's best suited to fighting merged ghosts because it's one big target to aim a lot of power at. His Ult spirals out from around him and can help prevent him from getting caught if a bunch of separate ghosts try to swarm him. The downside is that its harder to direct, and he's in danger of hitting teammates if they're in his range (which I said earlier is pretty large). His specialized spell conjures essentially a cannon of fire, which he can aim wherever he pleases. His magical recharge time is slightly shorter than he norm, and he strikes me as the type of person who would use them IMMIDIETLY after he recharges.
Johnny has trouble if he doesen't have enough room to move his Scythe around. He works best in big open spaces. Hallways and elevators and the like are a BIG nope.
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Robbie is unique among the other ghost fighters because 1. He's the least experienced and 2. He probably has the MOST trouble getting along with his familiar (I cant see him and Eli getting along in any fuckin universe tbh). Because of this he's not as adept at channeling large amounts of magic. When he does try at an Ult attack it usually has a much smaller effect than the others (see top right with him swinging his hammer). This means he focuses mostly on non magical attacks; having two modes to use his hammers (regular and on the end of chains to give him range). He's not as powerful so he has to be more CREATIVE. His magical recharge time is about what I described at the top.
He fights best at close range and can use his chained hammers to drag enemies that are usually too far away closer to him (GET OVER HEREEEE fuck yeah mortal kombat). His big weakness is that his smaller weapons dont allow him to block as easily, so he needs to focus on dodging or using his specialized spell, teleporting, to get out for the way (mostly dodging though. he's not great at teleporting). He HAS to stay aware of his surroundings or he could get surprised very easily.
Im gonna need. A whole nother post to try and figure out how the charger fits into all this lmao.
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Dannyyyy!!! His funky moon staff was so fun for me to think about. One idea that I thought of after getting everything drawn is him sticking it around a ghosts neck and using it to guide them around and use that ghost as a shield. He has similar weakness to Johnny in that he needs space to move and cast spells. His arm guards make him just the littlest bit more able to block attacks but he still primarily uses his staff to stop attacks from going through (most of the others do. Yayyyyyy spinny capabilities).
@moosemonstrous made the WONDERFUL suggestion of his specialized spell being THROWS ACID ON YOU THROWS SO MUCH FUCKING ACID ON YOU REDUCED YOU TO YOUR BASE ELEMENTS GET FUCKED NERD GET ACIDED cause of his green era lmfao. He really REALLY does not enjoy this and uses it as little as possible. His magic recharge time is also just a little shorter.
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@rokhal YOUUUUU. You mentioned Frank having time manipulation like Homura from Madoka Magica and it spawned this whole class of spell I blame you for this.
Frank has the most experience with magical girling by FAR and its very apparent in his fighting style. He sometimes uses the magic manifested by preparing his Ult without actually COMPLETING the spell which is like. Fighting with RPG backblast in magical girl world.
Franks staff is more infused with magic than the other fighters weapons, which allows him to manipulate its length (Robbie does something to a similar effect with his chains at the cost of his magical attacks not being as strong. Frank has no such limits lol).
His specialized spell stops time for about 5 minutes. If he extends himself he can sometimes push this time longer but it is VERY tiring. He also has to be REALLY careful of his team mates movements. Positioning some metal shards for a ghost to fall onto is all well and good, unless Robbie manages to teleport directly onto it. His recharge time is much MUCH shorter than the others, it usually only takes him 2 minutes to recharge an Ult and 7 minutes to recharge his specialized spell (though that time does increase the more he uses it, so there are still consequences for expending that much magic)
ALSO CREDIT TO MOOSE AGAIN for starting the idea to have all of them be. Sort of afraid? of their specialized spells. Johnny is terrified that he will somehow manage to literally burn the, surprisingly sort of happy, life he's built to the ground. Robbie is scared one day he'll just pop out of existence entirely. That he'll just go to teleport and get stuck in the weird inbetween space of being composed of magic and thought without real form forever. Danny is almost too afraid to go near people while his spell is active because Please Jesus Christ don't get dissolved please please. Fuck this acid ability fuck it fuck this. Frank's is a nightmare and a dream in one. What if he finds a time so nice, so happy, that he just freezes it and gives everything he has to stay there forever? It's been so long since he's had a family. What if he cant bear to let this one go?
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suethesocks · 9 months
Ascalon Redesigns!
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Ive always bashed Ascalon alot (still do) but watching kuro's breakdowns i coudnt help but wonder about how cool it wouldve been if it was actually executed well
My main gripes with it is that it didnt look like technology, made no sense to look the way it does, and felt very poorly thought out overall like the lore for it was a complete afterthought
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As you can see here (and in my george design) Ive made ascalon alot more technological-looking and like something azmuth would actually build
So whats the deal with this device? Ascalon is a weapon that uses the incomplete DNA of powerful beings (such as celestialsapiens) to harness their power and manifest it into a superpowerful suit of armor and weapon that, if used correctly, can be used to dissect and study the fabric of reality.
This way Ascalon contrasts alot more directly to the omnitrix, being both DNA devices of sorts. And both made for the purposes of knowledge, but one is alot more destructive and obviously made for offensive purposes than the other
I gave it those weird vertical circle thingies to sort of look like the star alignment we saw in the flashbacks with Zennith. Always found it weird how that never came up and the design didnt evoke it at all apart from simply.. being long?
The armor and weapon are based off of the user and what their mind sort of understands as "combat gear." This is why it looks like a knights armor for George and how it manifests into a sword (or rather one of those cartooonishly large claymores). I tried to give it white tubes and some green dots to evoke the omnitrix more. Also slapped on a cool big cape because every robot armor should have a cape tbh. I didnt intend for that at the time but this ended up being a motif throughout the designs, finding a way to incorprate cloth into them
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Here we have a hypothetical design for azmuth if he were to wield it. For galvans i imagine they probably go into battle in giant mechs, so thats what his ascalon is. Gave ascalon that 1 zigzag that his staff in soto has, but tried to move away from the soto mechs design for this bc i never imagined that one was used for serious military combat
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In the azmuth flashbacks we saw that he gave Ascalon to an incursean warrior which is what led to their homeworld's destruction. I think DJW later said that the warrior was not an Incursean but idc !!
I drew this in the same pose that the warrior had in the shot we saw him in. Gave him the classic incursean helmet as well as some more incursean-y elements to his armor. He has a normal sword that looks more like canon ascalon's than george's (i wish i could pretend it was because hes the technical original wielder of ascalon so he gets to have the design match the canon but no it was a coincidence)
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We saw Vilgax wield Ascalon for a brief moment in the show so i had to! This ascalon was a very easy choice for me since i made up my mind ages before i even got the idea. Vilgax should never ever wield any sort of weapon, because hes simply strong enough on his own that he can pure muscle and brain his way out of any conflict. Brute force is his fortei, not becasue hes dumb but because he just doesnt need to do anything else. BUT if you were to give him a weapon, it shouldnt be a sword or a gun (both things UAF had lmao) it should be something like a hammer or a mace or gauntlets. Brute force sort of weapon
Vilgax is a already warlord so it was simple to work off of his canon OS design (the coolest one) and come up with an armor for him. I also took some inspirations from Eva Unit-02 for the helmet and the cape (specifically its debut where it was covered in cloth)
Of course, for ascalon i had to go with hammer. I mean his ship is called the Chimeran Hammer so you gotta! Also i think its the most fun visual with vilgax
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Last but not least, the last person to wield ascalon in the show, Ben himself! I originally wasnt planning to do this, but then i got the idea of giving him these 2 designs to represent his change in mindset he has in the finale
In the beginning hes mostly influenced by how he saw george wield ascalon and stuff,and hes kinda losing it in the sauce a little. So he has an armor similar to that of goerge. Then as he remembers his friends and his humanity, he comes back down to earth (metaphorically?) and his armor itself shifts to represent this, being a mostly cartoonish armor based off ultra ben who i assume is like bens sona or something lol
The cloth is a menacing badass cape like George's, but then shifts into this sort of bubbly friendly skirt. His weapon also shifts from daggers wrapped around the omnitrix (representing using the omnitrix as a wepaon) to a shield wrapped around the omnitrix (representing using the omnitrix as a peacekeeping device)
These weapons dont actually interact with his omnitrix in anyway, theyre mostly just wrapped around it so he can still access it. The aliens would probably have george's armor but with slight changes to fit each alien better
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My own takes on Vilcubra and Dagax
Always really really really disliked both of these designs in the show, they felt like they went through zero drafts before the final design and they just kinda did whatever (which isnt far off from how the rest of this arc was handled lol)
I tried making vilcubra look more creepy and like his body was indeed transformed to be a servant, and also closer to how the lacubras actually look so i SLASHED off his toesies and took out his eyes and put them on his shoulders so they dont look like eyes (leaving room for the teeth to overtake the face) also gave him a tail
I think the idea behind having Dagax be a floating vilcubra head vilgax was because they thought a floating normal vilgax head would look goofy (theyre right) but i think they failed to realize that the floating vilcubra head is equally goofy even if indeed you give it red eyes. So i just tried to make my design be something of a mix between the actual Dagon and vilgax
I admit i ran into some trouble trying to do that as vilgax was the OG cthulu inspired design, so trying to mix him with other cthulu presented trouble. I tried to at least slant his eyes the same way they looked in OS and give him the OS yellow spots, as well as the 2 big tentacles he has in the back of his head in OS and OV
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faultycal-culator · 10 months
hey guys
let’s get right into it :3
tomtord : i hate this ship with a burning passion i cant stand it. i mean no offense to whoever ships it but like.. do NOT try and ‘change my mind’ like nuh uh im not listening!!! eddmatt : its a nice ship im pretty fond of it but people normally ship this so they can ship tomtord along with it sooo… err… i like it though its nice :) eddtord : it works IT WORKS GUYS it makes way more sense than tomtord or like the other tord ships tomatt : come on y’all we got a comic strip about it it’s technically canon (im lying to myself) polysworld : honestly?? i like it poly neighbors (i have NO clue what the ship name is) : i like it too tbh its silly
eddtom : honestly this is nice its funny too mattord : ive seen a lot of this which is surprising actually! not the best ship,, not the worst ship,, dont think it would work out though paultryk : yeah paultord : this exists??? i mean go off kim x katya : literally i love them sm canon LITERALLY <3 kim x katya x LAUREL? : i can see it, i can see it, hearing y’all out honeyedd : it seems sweet i like it jonuardo?? any of the neighbors ships : i like most of them they have much potential laurel x eduardo: is quite sweet but shes fucking dead EDD x laurel : not a homewrecker (yes he probably is) honeyberry?? : they seem aww i like it tom x buff?? : it would be pretty funny tbh… hearing y’all out EDD AND EDUARDO????? : PAHAHAHAHA THAY WOULD BE HILARIOUS TBH and now the obvious best one/j : Tomuardo
guys hear me out please hear me out plea
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davekat-sucks · 2 months
Something that seems to attract the Davekat shipping is how the two can help each other from their trauma, at least that's what it seems to look like. But tbh I'm not seeing how their experiences help each other get better. If anything Karkat would do better healing from his trauma with a different human, since Dave is so closed off from his trauma. But no they're just awkward and closed off emotionally any time they are together. Anything else they're just arguing like friends.
Idfk who would help best, but at this rate Dave and Karkat are just platonic buddies who probably helped each other forget their problems for a while on the comet. As if friends can't cuddle and play together. No, it has to be romantic because what is the point otherwise!
Friendships of any kind does not exist in the Homestuck fandom. Everybody has to fuck with someone while also not actually fucking. Considering that Karkat was a leader of his troll session to parallel John, I would think John would also be the one to help Karkat the most. They were the closest of human and troll interaction out of everyone else. And yet, Post Retcon and fandom make it seem like they are total strangers to one another. But yeah, I'm not seeing how their experiences can help each other out. Karkat is upset that most of his friends had died and felt like a horrible leader. How would Dave help in that regard? Dave doesn't have any closer connection to the other trolls that had died besides maybe Tavros and Equius. Would he even sympathize that good trolls like Nepeta and Feferi didn't deserve it? Dave himself isn't a leader either, it's John. And Dave barely did much to lead besides maybe his dead Dave selves, but now he is seldom on doing that again. How would Karkat even help Dave for things like the issues with Bro? Even if his friends would technically be siblings in the troll incestuous slurry, Karkat doesn't exactly have a brother brother blood ectobiology connection like Dave, Bro, and Dirk. And all of the trolls are the same age as him. The only difference is in status of the hemospectrum and power from highbloods, but it doesn't really equate to how Bro was the guardian and raising Dave in preparation for Sburb. Trolls may not be the right person to talk about how a person is raised if their planet conditioned everyone that child soldiers is a good thing. Karkat may be a mutantblood, but this dude had a dream too in being part of the system despite his blood. But fanon and Pesterquest, make it out like he is in constant danger that he could never reach that dream.
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