#so sorry to ut pap and us blue
desktopdinosaur · 3 months
Heyo! I've been following you for a while now and I've been meaning to ask: why'd you fall for SwapFell!Papyrus out of ALL Papyri/UT skeletons specifically?
Ooooo I’ve waited for someone to ask this, mostly so I can just ramble cuz I love rambling But there isn’t just one reason, so I’ll list em out
1. He’s the combination of swap papyrus and fell sans, basically meshing two hot people to make an even hotter version-
2. The amount of fanfics I’ve read where he is the most sexiest of the bunch is too many. Which is a bit funny since he’s only in harem fics and despite all the “competition” he still stood out
3. A bit of a contradicting statement but he’s a bit of a blank canvas character, I’ve seen lots of different portrayals of swapfell papyrus. Ya know, the meek shy one, the asshole, the flirty one. Etc. so I’ve basically moulded him into fulfilling all my romantic fantasies! Really fulfilling 12 year old me desire for a cliche edgy bad boy haha
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Not to say I don’t like the other papyri or sanses, I really do like them a lot- I’m just obsessed with rus! Hell, I’ll give you my rankings
1. SF papyrus
2. UF sans
3. US papyrus
4. SF sans
5. UT sans
6. UF papyrus
7. US sans
8. UT papyrus
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thewonderingbard · 30 days
Hi there! I hope this isn’t too specific but what about skelebois with an s/o that has a hand deformity? (Or maybe just a deformity if that’s too specific, I understand if you don’t wanna write for specifically hands, I just love my bois 😭)YOUR HEADCANONS ARE ALWAYS A TREAT TO READ HAVE AN AWESOME DAY 💕
Hello! Sorry it took so long!Ive had mega writing block.
(I don’t know if it counts but I’m going with that S/O is missing fingers,you can ask for something else if you want!)
UT Sans - Vanilla
He honestly doesn’t notice at first.He doesn’t really look at peoples hands.He prefers keeping eye contact with is S/O so whenever they are talking they know he is listening.It isn’t until he watches S/O count on their fingers that he realises.
“7? Think you missed a few numbers there.”
He then takes a closer look and then the puns and the jokes begin.
“bet it’s hard to find finger gloves isn’t it?”
UT Papyrus - Paps
He noticed your hand’s quite early on into the relationship.He is a massive hand holder. He doesn’t say anything.He isn’t a Rude skeleton! That is until he forgets (as the busy always moving skeleton he is) and got S/O some gloves as one of their birthday pressies.He then remembers just as S/O is opening the pressie and it’s to late.He was embarrassed for a good few hours.
US Sans - Blue
He asked very bluntly,
“What’s wrong with your hand?”
Once S/O explained what happen and why they have a few less fingers he just goes,
He might of called S/O a ninja turtle at one point.
US Papyrus - Honey
It takes him an embarrassingly long amount of time for him to realise that S/O is missing a few fingers.We are talking like a year into the relationship.They way he found out was that him and S/O we’re cuddling,S/O rubbing their hand over his skull, Then he feels it.His eye sockets widen.Wait….A hand is not shaped like that.He definitely pretends that he always knew.And doesn’t bring it up.
UF - Red
“So wha’, just ye ‘ands” - Red 2024
He did get S/O gloves as a pressie one time but unlike papyrus this was intentional.
UF - Edge
He is actually missing a bit of his pinky finger , he was just born with out it. Once he seems his S/Os hands he smiles.Puts his hand on is S/Os and says,
He was a bit wary with S/O in the kitchen for bit before he realises that S/O has probably had this their whole life and knows what they are doing.
HT Sans - Seaweed
He doesn’t notice.Similar to Red he believes his S/Os hands are just hands they give pets and cuddle him the same way.Plus if it was the result of an accident he doesn’t want to bring it up because he doesn’t want his S/O to be overwhelmed by the memory of it.
He does this cute thing where when he counts he misses the fingers S/O doesn’t have on his hand.Coping what his S/O does.
HT Papyrus - Papaya
The moment he sees S/Os hands he immediately thinks,
“Time for home knitted gloves”
He loves a good challenge when doing he crafts.He he wants to see S/O happy that they can finally wear gloves instead of mittens.Although he can make a pair for S/O if S/O wants them.
I don’t have any deformities so I have that this if sufficient!
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uf, ut, us skellies with an s/o who, for Halloween, literally just wears the skellies clothes please? ^v^
Aw man, I missed Halloween :(
I'm real sorry. Forgive me T^T
I uh have no idea why this one was so hard for me? I had to rewrite a few of them like five times! I couldn’t think for some reason but hey, it was fun. 
Sans- Do you want to do this? For real? Okay fine, you kill him. You killed the skelly boy. He woke up a bit earlier than he normally would, only because he wanted to get ready to go for Halloween. He was going to wear his normal clothes then a piece of paper that said "error 404. Costume not found" he thought it would be a funny costume, because it is a costume while he's also allowed to be lazy! Yet when he tried to find his clothes, mostly his jacket, he couldn't find it? He found pants, his shirt, but not his jacket? Also his slippers were gone too... he looks around, rubbing his hand on his skull feeling a little confused. "Huh..." he mumbles to himself and starts to walk downstairs, covering his mouth with his hand yawning "Hey Paps, hope not to bug ya, but I think someone is tryna jacket my clothes" he tried to joke, even if he was a little nervous. Did someone break in or... oh wait. He stops seeing S/o sitting on the couch getting their makeup done by Frisk who was also dressed as a skeleton but S/o was wearing his clothes. The clothes were a little baggy on them and he smiles, much bigger than before, his cheeks tinting a blue color. God they looked adorable... then he heard a shout from behind him "Brother!" He yelps jumping away staring at his brother, then over at the others, seeing Frisk start to giggle. Oh that's so not fair.
Papyrus- Well Halloween was going to be a holiday that he was very excited about! Why? Because he saw many skeletons sure... they were naked skeletons but still skeletons! That must mean that this holiday is for them, right? When he asked Sans, Sans agreed so that must be true! His brother would never lie to him, right? Yeah... yeah of course not. When he got out of the shower to get ready in his costume, he heard some slight sounds coming from his bedroom making him hum looking at the door "Hmmm I wonder what that must be?" he finished getting dressed first. He was going as a knight! He did want to be part of the royal guards, but this was different. When he came out of the bathroom he tried to find his scarf but he couldn't find it in his room! Or the rest of his battle body! Gasp! Someone has stolen from the great Papyrus! He huffs at the thought and runs downstairs holding up his hand as he did so. "Brother! Datemate! Frisk! Somebody has stolen the Great Papyrusus battle body!" Frisk looks over from where they were laying on top of Sans who was asleep. Little baby child. The other person was his datemate, who was wearing his clothes! He blinks once then twice, and points at them "It is you!" they giggle turning their head away. He squints at them but smiles not being able to help it well... he was always smiling but he smiled more than he did! They held up their hands, the gloves were much too big, and they say "The great S/o would never steal anything!" he walks over, putting his hands on their cheeks, laughing a soft nyeh heh heh. This was so silly.
Red- To be honest, to him, he thought that Halloween was stupid and a waste of time but his S/o seemed weirdly excited for it so he guessed he could agree to try it? His brother most likely wasn't going to do anything or if he did, it would most likely be because of Noodle. Ugh that other stupid Papyrus was annoying... whatever. He wakes up and slowly sits up, stretching his arms above his head letting out a yawn. His eyes scan around looking for his jacket that he most likely left on the chair beside the bed but... it wasn't there? What the? He frowns pushing himself to get up "ugh come on, what the fuck?" Did Edge take it again to try to clean? That fur on the collar needs to be cleaned in a certain way damn it! He grabs his shirt, slipping it on over his head then starts to stomp downstairs grumbling under his breath in annoyance. He hated it when Edge tried to do things with his stuff, always yelling at him ughhhh... oh wait. He stops walking, staring forward his eye shines disappearing. He saw S/o wearing his clothes sitting on the couch, painting Frisk's face humming under their breath while Flowey was eyeing them from where he was. He slowly looks back at his S/o feeling his face start to grow hot. Oh damn... okay... fuck shit. He teleports away covering his hands with his face. This so wasn't fair...
Edge- If Edge was to be fully honest, he didn't know how to feel about the whole Halloween thing. So for a few days before, he started to study it, what was the reasoning behind Halloween? Why was it called that? Given what he read, Halloween goes all the way back to a festival that was called Samhain, and the word comes from All Hallows' Eve... Long ago the humans believed the boundary between this world and the next became thin, allowing them to connect with the dead and other creatures. They wore costumes to hide away and disguise themselves away from being seen by ghosts and monsters. Ugh to be honest, Edge didn't think that that was the best holiday, just because it seems all people care about now is candy and getting drunk or trying to look 'sexy' which is just gross. Guess he could deal with it though... for his Datemate, because they seemed excited about it. On the day he woke up feeling groggy, as he was still not too used to sleeping much. With a mumble he rubs at his eye sockets wondering just how long it's been since he fell asleep? He wasn't too used to sleeping but he's been trying to get better with that. He reaches over to grab his scarf off the bedside table but he didn’t feel it making him pause and he looks around where the hell was his scarf?! He huffs in annoyance and stands up stomping downstairs still in his pajamas, which were evil pajamas, and shouts “You useless bag of trash! Where is my scarf?!" S/o who was painting Frisk's face looks over with big eyes. They were wearing his clothes and his scarf, they sink down and frown starting to unravel it "I-I'm real sorry Edge, I thought you'd like seeing this" Oh shit. Edge quickly shakes his head, moving closer and fixes the scarf around their throat "No, I do, I thought my lazybones of a brother took it" he looks them up and down and smiles, tracing his fingers along their leg "you look nice in my clothes" Frisk covers their eyes as Edge pecks at their lips for a kiss. Oh yeah, totally worth it now. 
Blueberry- It took forever for Blueberry to fall asleep, and he's a very light sleeper, and waking him up would get him pretty annoyed, to be honest. That's one reason why he didn't sleep that often, and normally only did when he fully had to and even then he would sneak away to sleep. Nobody knew about that! Funnily enough. When he woke up that day he climbs out of his bed but flops down onto the ground letting out a small groan, just laying on the ground for a little while. Ughhhh... he was still so sleepy. He just needed to get up and move around and he'll wake up. He pushes himself to get up off the ground holding the blanket around his shoulders, walking downstairs feeling the coldness under his bones... he walks into the kitchen ignoring the world around him and takes out the orange juice, pouring himself a glass of orange juice and grabs an egg cracking it into the cup, his skull resting against the cabinet. Stretch looks over from where he was drinking his honey and makes a tsh sound since that was gross "So... bro, did ya see what your datemate was dressed as?" Blueberry reaches up taking the cup up and drinks it, tilting his head back then looks over and shakes his head so he walks back into the living room and perks up quickly when he saw his S/o wearing his clothes, fixing up their clothes. He grins and tackles them excitedly "You're wearing my clothes!" He laughs. He found it so cute!
Stretch- Halloween was one of Stretch's favorite holidays after getting above ground. People give you candy just for coming to their house dressed up? How cool is that? S/o told him that they had something planned for the holiday! They didn't tell him what it was though, which was just a little annoying to him. He only disliked it because he was excited to see it! Not fair. Now it was finally the day of hollows, his alarm going off which he literally set! He almost never does that, but he wanted to get up a little early to make sure things were set up. While he set up the holiday stuff his bro said "I wish you'd take your job this serious" Stretch just laughed. Now that he was awake though, he was a tad confused. Where did his hoodie go? Did Blueberry take it to be washed? He looks around his room, but shakes his head yawning and goes downstairs. Chara seemed excited playing with plastic bats and his S/o was there too, how cute... He walks into the kitchen but does a double take. Wait was... He smiles and walks over leaning onto the couch "hey hunbun... You tryna steal my job or something?" They were wearing his hoodie and pants it seemed. They look up and grin explaining that this was their costume! Going as the best datemate ever. Stretch nearly damn cried y'all.
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Hello againn! ^^ Good mornin/noon/eve to uuu~
I wonder if you could do one with a reader that has quick reflexes? But, in a wrong way??
Like they dropped their phone and while they're quick enough to just catch it, they accidentally smacked it into the wall instead of just grabbing it mid-air—
(Fellswap + two other ppl of ur choice? 👀)
lol hi I'm not dead I was just in a silly goofy mood for like a month 🤪
Also thanks for requesting fellswap!! Idk if I've said this before but they're becoming my favourite skeletons (not counting UT Sans and Paps ofc) <3
Mal (Fellswap Sans):
Ew another one (affectionate)
Rus is like this too. Sigh. Why is he always stuck with the wrong-quick-reflexes people?
Decides not to ”train you” to lose your reflexes, because it clearly didn’t work on Rus.
Ask him what this “training” would entail and he’ll tell you “dish soap” but won’t elaborate. Rus won’t tell you about it either. At this point, you are scared of the answer.
Most of the time you do something bc of your reflexes, he just sighs and shakes his head (you’re not entirely sure if it’s out of fondness or disappointment) because it doesn’t really matter, but obviously there are some more serious things that could happen that aren’t so funny.
If you accidentally hurt yourself, you get a scolding from a frustrated - but not angry, there’s a difference - Mal.
Rus (Fellswap Papyrus):
Thinks it’s super funny (most of the time).
Like, him too, but it’s only funny when you do it
You fling your phone at the wall accidentally and he’s dying of laughter. He cries from how hard he’s laughing. (AND YET HE DOESN’T THINK IT’S FUNNY WHEN HE DOES IT, HYPOCRITE-)
He relates but refuses to admit it out loud. Internally, he thinks “wow you’re my spirit animal” but he tells you, TO YOUR FACE, “wow, throwin’ things ‘cause of quick reflexes? couldn’t be me lmao” after years of the two of you throwing equally many things at walls. SMH my head Rus. SMH my head. 😔
If you break something he won’t really care that much.
Until you break some part of you, like you accidentally catch a knife in the. Uh. Wrong way. Or you grab something really hot (that isn’t yourself 😉) and get burned. Then it’s seriously not funny anymore and he’s panicking.
For the most part it’s harmless though. He won’t like. chastise you because he’s the exact same way about these things lol
Blue (Underswap Sans):
Tsk, tsk, tsk. Silly human, you’re not supposed to throw things like that!
For YEARS he acts like he thinks you’re doing it on purpose. You don’t know what to do. He won’t listen when you say it’s not on purpose. Half of you is convinced he’s not even pretending, that he genuinely thinks it’s on purpose, because he sells the act so well.
If you actually end up hurting yourself, THAT’S when you find out for certain that it was just him being playful and fucking with you because he thinks it’s funny. Clearly, he can tell it’s not on purpose by his light scolding on how you need to train these reflexes away - clearly, they’re not as harmless as he thought.
Anyways until you get hurt, if you get hurt, he’ll just go “YOU SILLY LITTLE GOOSE! AIRPLANE MODE ON PHONES DON’T WORK THAT WAY!” and say other shit just like that, because he doesn’t care too much. It’s actually a bit funny.
Stretch (Underswap Papyrus):
Pretends it’s fine, but it’s not. In his head, every time he sees you use your reflexes the wrong way, he repeats the very same thought: “that could be me one day”.
He lives in fear that one day, you will reflexively punch his tailbone. He is terrified. He does not want you to punch his tailbone, or any other part of him for that matter.
kjdafjkdsjk no but for real though he doesn’t care. He thinks it’s funny and will poke fun at you for it occasionally, but he also does stupid shit because of reflexes (even if he’s nowhere near as bad as you sorry lololol) so he’s not about to make it into a big thing
(Unless you hurt yourself, in which case he freaks the fuck out and there’s a 50% chance he’ll cry)
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geekwritersworld · 3 years
Hey, will you do an angst to fluff imagine where Henry Cavill’s dating a single mam of 16 to seventeen twins (boy, girl) and they’re having trouble warming up to Henry because it’s always been the three of them. There mam being with Henry had turned their life upside down and one day the daughter explodes at Henry because the paparazzi followed her home from work? I love your writing by the way. Thank you and have a nice day/night
Give him a chance
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Pairing: Henry Cavill x Reader
Warnings: None, slight fluff ....maybe?
Summary: As stated in the request.
A/n: I am aware that this isn’t the best, I will make certainly make some slight changes to it later on, but I just wanted to have this out today.
Feedback is more than welcome. Please do let me know your thoughts. It really helps when you do post comments :)
He'd had tough times getting along with people. But he always remained kind and graceful towards them nevertheless.
But when Henry started to go out with me, I knew that my twins' would have a tough time warming up to him. It had been years, of its just being the 3 of us. For me to suddenly go out with Henry, was a big change for them.
There was a lot of adjusting that needed to be done, and neither twin was happy about it.
It had been a few months of Henry and I dating. My son seemed to have warmed up to Henry a little, but my daughter remained persistent on the fact that she wanted nothing to do with him.
Henry being the kind-hearted soul that he is, never verbally said so, but I could see it was obviously breaking his heart. And I'd tried to speak to Everlyn and get her to give Henry a chance, but she remained stubborn.
As of the last few days, Henry had been staying over, because I insisted that he does. He was hesitant because he didn't want it to get in my daughter,  way. But I told him he had to.
My son, Isaac spoke to Henry occasionally. Though he was struggling to accept that there was another Male figure in my life. 
But over time, He'd started to try and converse with him.
 Evelyn, unfortunately, wasn't so easy going. She'd convinced herself that all men were the same as her biological father. She'd also turned slightly bitter towards Isaac for warming up to henry, but I remained stern with her regardless.
 It was a different matter if she had a hard time getting along with Henry, but to throw her emotions at someone else because she couldn't handle them was unacceptable. 
And so I'd had a civil conversation with her, hearing her out and talking to her. It was only natural for me to assume that after our talk she'd maybe try and loosen up with Henry, and she did try.
The tone of anger had reduced the next day, her responses remained short but kinder.
And I thought that maybe she'd finally give him a chance. Henry and I weren't the kind of people who liked going out much, so we naturally spent a lot of time indoors, whether it was his house or mine.
Henry and I had only been seen out together twice over the last few months of our relationship. Which of course was nobody's business, but I did know what I was getting into, when Henry and I started going out. The media, knew that their beloved Henry Cavill was dating a mother of two, and they'd seen the twins once, but we did our best to keep the attention off of them.
The cold weather of London chilled the marble floors, though it was only 3 in the afternoon.
  Luckily, the bear next to me provided me with enough warmth.
 Isaac, was at his friends' house, while Evelyn had decided to go for a walk. I knew she'd be back soon since she'd been gone for almost 2 hours, so I kept an ear out, for her steps.
"This is nice" Henry mumbled into my shoulder, while we sat on the couch, limbs entangled. His warm arms wrapped around my waist, his curls tickling my face.
The only response I gave was a soft hum.
 We'd sat on there on the couch, snuggled up, the silence was a comfortable one, with the glow of the TV whilst it ran the next episode of friends.
The irritation was real when I had to get up and go to the bathroom, but I couldn't procrastinate this. Breaking away from my boyfriend, I went to the bathroom to do my thing. Turning on the lights on my way, of the hallway.
There are only so many things that I'd expect to make me rush out of the bathroom, but the sound of my daughter screaming profanities was not one of them. 
Rushing out, I heard, what I assume was the last part of her rant "This is all your fucking fault, I mean what do you want? More publicity? Thanks to YOU I can't even take fucking walks anymore. They followed me because of YOU. Like as if I have nothing better to fucking do than answer questions about you. You will never be a father figure to me, no matter what my mother says. You're all the fucking same. All of you are fucking liars!"  she ran past me into her room.
I didn't go after her, because I knew the first person I needed to question was Henry since he'd give me the unbiased part of what happened.
But walking into the living room, my heart broke. It broke at the sight of Henry slowly and cautiously sitting down on the couch, he looked like a lost puppy.
 The confusion and heartbreak were evident in his face. But when he saw me walking in, the whisper and desperation in his voice, had my eyes brimming with tears. "Y/n" it was soft, his voice. His chest heaved, his breathing heavy.
"Bear?" walking around the couch I sat down next to him immediately. "Hey"
 I put my arm around his broad shoulders. " what happened?"
"I- The fucking paparazzi followed Evelyn .and-" he took a deep breath and let it out" they kept bugging her about me and you" He bent his head and into his hands. 
"Fuck" I knew that after this, getting around to Evelyn would be tough, really tough.
"Y/N I am so fucking sorry, for all that I've put the 3 of you through. Evelyn isn't wrong, I should just fucking leave. " he ran his hands through his hair. His blue eyes turning slightly glossy.
"No" It came out sterner than intended but I had to get things under control before it got too out of hand, and I lost the only man I trust and love.
"No, Henry. Don't even think about it. I'll talk to her, ut you, you've got to understand that you have not ruined anything. Bear, for the first fucking time, Isaac, finally looks up to a father figure, I know it doesn't look like it, but he'd told me of how he feels less like an outcast now that he's got you. Henry, the paps following Eve is not your fault. You didn't ask them to follow her, you didn't make them. It's not on you." Henry's eyes were starting to brim with tears at this point " Sweetheart, you are not getting in anyone's way. And you are NOTHING like other men. If you were, I wouldn't be going out with you." Henry let out a little chuckle at the end.
 But I now needed to go and deal with Evelyn." look, I'm gonna go talk to her, all right?" He nodded and pecked my lips when I got up.
I walked to Evelyn's room. I could hear sniffles, and as bad as I felt for her, I was quite irritated at what she'd said. But I'd still deal with it, with patience, because losing my temper, would bring nothing good.
"Evie?" I softly opened her door, using the nickname I called her only when she'd be upset."Yeah?" Though she was sniffling, I could tell that she was anxious. Anxious, of what I had to say to her outburst. 
Her legs were wrapped around her pillow, which she hugged to her chest. Her black hair poked out from the top of her sheets.
I walked and sat down next to her, she lifted her head slightly and looked at me.
"Evie" I sighed, not knowing where to begin " why would you say that to him?"
"because he's like the rest of them. He's gonna be nice and fatherly for a year, and then he'll turn and leave. He'll leave and he'll never come back. And then you'll be hurt again" 
"So it's not about the paps following you?" I tried to get a clearer idea.
"It kind of was, I mean when he leaves, his fans, they're going to tear us apart. they'll make us look like the bad guys and he'll be the good guy. And Isaac will just go back to feeling even more fan outcast.  I mean, do you know the number of girls that have come up to me now and tried to be friends with me,  because they know that you're dating him?" she hiccuped.
I understood exactly why she'd been the way she was. It all made sense.
"Evie, he's not going to do that. But You know how I know that?” I placed my hand around her after she sat up next to me.
"Because your father never was as involved in our lives as he is. Remember when you told me your favourite book was pride and prejudice? well, Henry overheard you, and he's actually reading that book because he thought maybe he could try to converse with you over that. Your biological ass of a father would've never done that. Honey, Henry is one of the most humble kind-hearted man I know, he's been asking me all your favourite movies. Evelyn, fame doesn't matter to him. He loves being an actor not because of the fame, but because of how much he enjoys bringing those characters to life. Fame is something that just came along with it. " I could see her eyes softening, as I spoke.
"wait, he's reading pride and prejudice for me?"She chuckled.
"I just thought he was into that" 
"You have to understand it's a change for him too, but he's trying. But this cannot work if it's only a one-way effort. Evelyn, I know Henry, I love him so much, some nights I cry because of how much I love him." I managed to get another giggle out of her. " And hey, how many times have I said that I loved a man and he was different?" 
"This is the first time" Evelyn wiped her face, and sat up straighter.
" I know it’s a big change it'll take time, no doubt, but come on, you've got to at least try, please?" I looked at her with hope-filled eyes.
"I'll try, I promise" she got up, walking to her door and then turned when I asked her where she was going."To apologize to your man" 
I raised my eyebrows at her calling him my man, but I wasn't complaining either.
I followed after her and heard her talking to Henry, but I didn't want to intrude so instead I headed into the kitchen.
While the hot cup of coffee in my head cooled down a little, Henry walked in, smiling.
"How'd it go?" I questioned him.
"She-um- she said she found it hilarious for no reason that I was reading pride and prejudice" 
I put the hot mug down on the counter and brought my palm up to my face. Facepalming I looked up at the man child I'd fallen for
 " Seriously, that's not what I was talking about ' I shook my head but smiled regardless.
letting out a laugh, he threw his head back " Well she apologized and said that she would try to get along with me, but if i " messed with you, she'd fight me" he made air quite gestures which made me giggle.
"and then she said that she was extremely grateful for the effort I'd put into getting along with Isaac and her" when he'd finished relating their conversation to me, he'd let out a breath. 
He put his arm around me, and hugged me tight, with his breath hitting my neck.
It had been a week since Evelyn and Henry managed to have a civil conversation, and today and I'd left early to get some groceries.
 I hoped that having left the two of them home with Isaac didn't turn out to be a disaster.
I'm sure I'd missed a couple of things off of my list in a hurry and worry about the 3 at home.
So I was undoubtedly surprised when I opened the door and stepped in, and the first thing I heard was, Henry, screaming at someone to stop throwing beer bottles at him. 
I couldn't put together what was happening so I quickly put the grocery bags down on the floor, in the middle of the hall, and walked into the living room where I heard him.
But instead of chaos and couch stuffing all over the place, Henry and Evelyn were sitting next to each other, in the middle of an intense battle in a videogame on the pc. 
I'd stood there, with my eyebrows raised for a few minutes.
"That was my reaction too when I heard them" 
I turned around to see my son standing behind me, and looking at his sister and Henry with his head tilted to the left and his hands on his waist.
"well, at least they're getting along" I laughed. Henry and Evelyn turned around at the sound of my voice.
"Yeah, while throwing beer bottles at each other"
"stop whining Isaac, not our fault you suck at video games" Evelyn sassed her brother, while Henry got up chuckling.
"Shut up Evelyn"
"why, would that make you any better at video games?" 
Henry helped me put the grocery in its place after I picked up the bags off of the hallway floor and placed them on the countertop, while the twins bickered and sassed each other back and forth.
" glad the house is still standing" I kissed Henry's cheek.
"Henry! I'm no expert but I'm pretty sure Eve's beating the crap out of your character!" 
"oh shit, I gotta go love," Henry said, running out of the kitchen.
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teehee-cat-weeb · 3 years
(Sorry for bad english in advance)
So guys, It's been a while since i knew this information, but since i'm lazy i did nothing-
But the more i wait, the more it makes me uncomfortable, so i gotta do a change now
Here is the thing: i'm gonna stop drawing blueberry, and draw a new design of him. I will no longer call him blueberry or blue, i will call him swap sans or swap.
Do you know why? Because of that information:
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It made me very uncomfortable that many people like me used blueberry, the fanon version of underswap sans that made his own creator leave the fandom (It's not only because of the "blueberry" thing but you understand)
Some of you might say: " Oh no, It's ok to use blueberry because p0pcornpr1nce (the creator) had let underswap to the community, so don't feel bad!"
Well i still feel very bad about this, so no more "blueberry" for me, sorry
So here:
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(Btw i still ship dustberry, but it will be swapdust or swap x dust from now on)
Also, i hate the idea that people made underswap sans acting childish and very weak. Of course, the fandom got kinda better, but still. Also, underswap Sans is supposed to be undertale papyrus, but swapped body! So he's kinda supposed to act like ut pap. People made blueberry call his brother "papy" instead of papyrus. So if blueberry is technically ut pap but swapped body, It's like people made ut pap call his brother "Sansy" 👁👄👁
I don't know about you, but i REALLY don't see ut pap call his brother like that.
So, to conclude:
I will no longer call underswap sans blueberry, and no longer call underswap papyrus carrot (because the fandom call fanon us!pap carrot)
I will draw from now on a new design of the underswap brothers
I still ship dustberry, but now i will call it swapdust or swap x dust
I don't mind if some of you use blueberry, It's just that it made me more confortable to not use blue anymore.
When i draw underswap sans, please don't tag it has "blueberry" or "blue". Tag it has underswap sans, swap sans or whatever, but nothing including "blueberry"
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How would Disbelief!Papyrus react if he found himself dragged to other realities? No explanations, he just woke up and found himself in UT, UF, US or HT and met the skeletons from that AU?
Ok, I’ll go with universes still underground. Would you like a cup of tears with your angst ? Because I do.
In Undertale : First time he saw Sans, he burst in tears. He thought that was his universe, that his brother was alive again, but then the other Papyrus came out and all his dreams were crushed. Sans was very confused too. Once he explained everything however, there’s now way Sans let him go alone. He absolutely doesn’t care if he had twins brothers now, he knows what that poor Papyrus go through and there’s no way he abandoned him behind. Papyrus is totally ok having a new brother too. That’s gonna be a lot of spaghettis at home. Their friends are so confused too, but won’t questionned for very long. Disbelief!Pap’ is extremely good at fighting since he absorbed Frisk soul so it will blew Undyne’s mind. Now she have to make both Papyrus royal gards since she doesn’t want the other Papyrus to be sad. Eventually, after a while, Disbelief!Papyrus and Alphys will find a way to reject Frisk soul out of his body. Barrier is broken, everyone can go on the Surface. This is the best timeline ever.
In Underfell : Well that’s akward. He was walking in Snowdin when his duplicate found and captured him. Edge won’t stop calling him stupid-looking and threat to kill him because it’s too weird they are looking that similar. Sans is troubled too, but won’t say a thing. But when the kid fall, Papyrus knew it was started again. He begged Sans to free him and insisted very hard on the fact his brother was about to die. Sans didn’t believe him, but he was so determined that he freaked out and let him. Papyrus jump between the human and Edge just before the human slained him. He dies happy, knowing this Papyrus won’t live the hell he saw.
In Underswap : He met Blue first and was so confused. This Sans is even more energic than he is. That’s creeping him out. He much more prefered his lazy brother than that. It’s like looking in a mirror. But then he met Honey and it was even more confusing ? Papyrus thinks he is drunk or something. Or dead. He’s not sure. At first, Honey will not trust him, but Papyrus is so happy to find a face he knows he won’t leave them. Blue is delighted, Papyrus is trying all of his puzzle and they both having fun. At night time, Honey won’t let him enter their house however. So Papyrus just slept in front of their door, in the cold. When Blue found him in the morning, he was so pissed as his brother that Papyrus felt bad. Eventually, after a while, Honey will warm up, seeing as similar he is to his own brother. He also let him sleep in his house at the condition he takes his sentry job since they are twins and stuff. That didn’t work very well with Alphys. Everything will mostly go after that like in Undertale. Papyrus found his place, helped break the barrier and bough a house next to Blue one. It’s different from his universe, but that’s still ok.
In Horrortale : He runs into Sans first and had a really bad emotion shock. “Wh... What happened to your skull ?” He’s horrified. That must hurt so bad ! Sans is also anormally tall. That’s weird. Well, meeting his clone was even weirder since he surpasses him by two heads. Horrortale Sans is having an existential crisis right now. After a bit of explanations, Papyrus is terryfied of what is going on here. On the other Papyrus advice, he won’t leave them. He tried to help his best but won’t touch human meat spaghettis. He prefered to starve, really. Sans will have to trick him too, sorry. Now you have two Horrortale Papyris. When monsters finally got free, he will follow them on the Surface. After all they get threw, they are family. Sans is happy to have two brothers to take care of him and they learned how to heal and forget together.
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nighttimepixels · 7 years
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i wanted to do more for this sweet Blue love but here’s a little tideover till my next bigger gif/art with him in it, @marookooart and @vividlylost! <3 thank you so much ahhh geez o//v//o<3
and vivid, sorry it took a bit to reply on your side of things-! i’m glad you like that i try not to go that babybones route with Blue (as much as i love the adorable art out there of smol blue, i definitely love/prefer properly-aged-looking Blue) - it’s definitely a relief to hear, and my worry about people’s apparent preference for tiny/babybones looking Blue is a major part of why i hadn’t posted any art of him for the longest time. 
(also, hell yes & same to that kingdom hearts life <3 <3)
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sin-cognito · 4 years
Okay, stupid question, top five fave fics?
This is such a difficult question!!! And not stupid at all!!! (This was supposed to be a quick answer but I don't know how to do that when it's Fic Promoting Time)
My absolute top 3 (in no particular order though because that's just impossible) has to be: Burden to bear by @yupimgross, longfic, fellcest with smut, mpreg, BDSM and plot. THE fic that got me into UT fics, fellcest and BDSM all in 1 place so it's very special to me. A friend in need turned lover indeed by @soloshikigami, oneshot, edgeberry, best edgeberry ever, smutty just like I love it. 100% perfect. To love again by @sinnyskelle, best longfic ever, fontcest fellcest and swapcest, what more do you want? Oh yeah, college AU. I used to re-read it from the beginning again each time there was a new chapter. And I started reading it when there was only like 8 chapters, so I've re-read it A LOT.
Those are the 3 I've read and re-read more times than I can count and I know if I had to choose between those and any other fic, I would always choose them. (While you're at it, I highly suggest reading all the other works by these talented authors! ♥)
As for the 2 other fics that would be in my top 5... I just can't choose only 2. Sorry. Let's have more: Sooner or later you're gonna be mine, longfic, Fell Frans (Frisk is female and aged-up), mobfell. Karmic retribution, longfic, spicykustard, KR is a real keystone fic for the fandom (or at least its fontcest side) so go read it NOW if you haven't. So much more, medium longfic fontcest, the first work I read from Mercy, oh I feel nostalgic :') Flipping the script, by @angelia-dark, medium longfic swapfellcest, THE fic that cemented the Swapfell AU for the fandom, no I don't take criticism, this fic is as much fandom history as the creation of Underswap, fite me. An unorthodox offer, by angelia-dark, medium longfic fontfest with sugar daddy. Underfell: A.D. edition, by angelia-dark, medium longfic series fellcest. Angelia Dark is the best author in the fandom, period. I swear to god go read their stuff. They also take commission I think, for like Hazbin Hotel, BNHA, etc... Of red cliffs and blue seas, by @readwithdetermination LONGFIC CHERRYBERRY, all in capslock because you don't know how rare it is to find a cherryberry longfic and I need to scream because I love it so fucking much. Lov ya, longfic spicykustard but also toxic UT fontcest, bad brother AU. This fic attacked all my weak spots and left me an emotional mess. Short King, by @absurdmageart, Swapfell purple/reader. The one I'm currently reading and commenting on so I'm very invested in it at the moment. For business or pleasure, by @askellie, medium longfic fellcest CEO AU, inspired by Eli-sing-G/Kolesjoie's art and written by one of the best writer in the fandom so of course it's perfect. the Replacement series, by @idontevenknowwhattoputhereugh, longfic series, toxic possessive swap Pap, with Blue, Sans and Red, mainly but we also see the swapfell bros, etc... Super dark, super non-con but in the best of ways, super well-written, especially the characters' psychologies. To love yourself, longfic, fontcest, fellcest, kustard, and uhhh, Red/Papyrus, another keystone fic for the fandom. But like, darker, waaaayy darker than KR. Textures, by @alicedragons, spicyhoney one shot, yes, a spicyhoney fic did make it to this list!! That says a lot about the quality of the fic! Sparks, by @drabbletale, yandere swapcest, only 2 chapters for this one, but boi do I love those 2 chapters. Burn, short multichap, all kinds of papcest, by the incredibly lovely @megalotrash, go read all of their stuff, I didn't know which one to rec so I picked this one, but seriously go read everything they've ever written it's all so good.
And there is one I can't seem to find... It was a NSFW UT fontcest one-shot probably from either 2016 or 2017 in which Papyrus and Sans attend a skele con (?) and at night Pap participates in a more adult version of the event and he gets edible paint all over his body and he's got a face cover and he gets paired up with another skeleton that really looks like his brother (wink) so he gets really turned on and they lick each other and fuck and I remember they use a popsicle to fuck, and that one-shot was soooo good but I lost it because I, being the fool that I am, decided to clean up my bookmarks so things were more organized and easier to find (HA!) and I don't remember the title because I'm worse than a goldfish. @unfoundedrobotaccusations found it, it’s Mystery flavor!!! (the funniest part is that I had it actually saved on my comp XDDD)
I also would like to list some recent ones I've found in 2020 and really liked (though I haven't been able to read and re-read them like I did the other ones I've listed):
Falling in love on paper, 3 chapters so far, Red/reader, incredible take on penpals and monsters coming to the surface, I'm very jealous I didn't come up with the idea myself. Moral compass, short multichap fic, blackcherry, I wasn't expecting it to be this good tbh. It totally got me and I love it a lot and I need to re-read it. Bet on it, by @mystery-fic-anon, oneshot, mafia Red and Sans, not really kustard since nothing happens. Expect in my imagination, in which a LOT happens. Whiskey dick, one shot kustard, best smut fic in 2020. Bad judgement call, by readwithdetermination, medium longfic, focused on Swap Pap with a hint of cherryberry in the background. Great, GREAT character writing.
T-there you go... Sorry for the long post, I know this was supposed to be a quick answer, but I couldn’t stop myself! XDD I tried to tag all the authors I could, if they’re not tagged, that means they’re either not on tumblr or I don’t know their blog, but feel free to tell me in the comments so I can tag properly! ♥
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1-800-roflmao · 3 years
Wash Day Delight Pt. 7
Rating:  General Audiences
Fandom:  Undertale (Video Game)
Relationships:  Papyri Harem.  
Characters:  Papyrus (UT!Pap), Reader, Blue (US!Sans), Willow (HT!Pap), Mutt (FSR!Pap), Red (UF!Sans), Coffee (FSG!Pap), Oak (HT!Sans), and Mentions of Other AU Skeletons
If you prefer reading on AO3
*Willow is here to save the Reader’s toes after that trip through the void.  She finally gets to have her shower and ponder.  Meanwhile, the guys discuss downstairs and Coffee reminds them Google is a thing.
*Bonus: Fluffy Willow moments.
Papyrus was never a fan of shortcuts and not just because his brother borderline abused them.  No, he didn’t enjoy the pervasive feel of the void around him.  The cold of Snowedin never bothered him, but the void’s cold always managed to sink and settle into his bones no matter how short their time was spent in the odd space.  By the way he could feel the human in his arms shivering lightly let him know she was feeling it as well.  Finally, the inky blackness of the void seemed to pull before snapping and his well lit home falling into place around him was almost blinding.  
“ALRIGHT, YOU CAN OPEN YOUR EYES,” Blue had yet to release his grip on Papyrus’s arm as he used it for leverage to check on their friend.  She was slowly unfurling from the fetal position she had curled into during their trip.  Had she been that cold?  His sockets took in her attire and he mentally kicked himself for not realizing how light her clothing was.  And humans were more sensitive to temperature to boot.
“APOLOGIES!  I SHOULD HAVE GRABBED A BLANKET FOR YOU.” Papyrus wanted to help rub some warmth into the bared skin of her arms and legs, but he doubted his frozen bones would do much good right now.  Even Blue was resisting touching her right now.  
She had unfurled as much as she dared and patted his chest before trying to speak.  Her teeth chattered shortly into her effort and she quickly closed her mouth with a little embarrassed huff.  He managed to stifle a giggle at the cute display as she took a moment to rub her hands together and blow hot air into her palms before pressing the warmed skin into her cheeks and rubbing more.  Blue didn’t bother hiding his chuckles and she sent him a pouty glare, “N-not f...f-f… fun-ny!” she pushed out.
Blue just grinned as he lifted a hand and made a show of removing his glove, “NOT FUNNY SHE SAYS!” he cackled as her glare quickly melted into horror and panic as the energetic skeleton hovered his hand over her bare leg.  
“D-don’t you d-are!”  she chattered, legs jerking slightly as she seemed to be holding back from moving too much.  Papyrus could feel her jump as Blue dropped his hand lower playfully.  
“OKAY, THAT’S EN-EH!!!” his statement was cut off as a new pair of skeletal hands came into view and plucked the shivering human from his arms swiftly.  It took a moment for his mind to catch up with what just happened as he snapped his head up to see who had stolen his friend.
“WILLOW!” It had been Blue calling his doppelganger’s nickname as they both watched the towering skeleton adjust his hold on her so she was pretty much sitting in the crook of his arm, tucked against his side, with his palm cupping her feet as his fingers gently rubbed at her toes.  She seemed to be shivering less and less, relaxing into Willow’s hold even as said skeleton fussed over and at her.  Papyrus and Blue weren’t exempt from a scolding though as Willow turned his attention to them and wasted no time falling into a lecture.
“I UNDERSTAND YOU TWO WERE EXCITED TO HAVE OUR FRIEND OVER TODAY, BUT THAT IS NO EXCUSE TO RUSH AND FORGET NECESSITIES LIKE SOCKS AND SHOES!  HUMANS LOSE MOST OF THEIR BODY HEAT THROUGH THEIR FEET!” Papyrus and Blue just resigned to their fate and bowed their heads guiltily. Thankfully, Willow’s scolding was halted by the human in his arms patting his chest.  
“That’s enough, Willow,” she hushed, for some reason looking guilty herself.  “Blue and Pap took real good care of me before the shortcut, so go easy on them, please?” The two she praised perked up.  “Plus, they weren’t the only ones excited to come over today,” she finished her plea and Willow took a moment to consider it before letting his shoulders and features relax.  
“FINE,” he gave in and sighs of relief resounded before a confused squeak escaped their guest as Willow turned around with her still cradled against his side and started making his way up the stairs.
“Um… Willow?” she called, trying not to look down or around.  Willow was already tall… no, tall wasn’t enough to cover just how much airspace this particular skeleton cousin took up.  Now, they were on stairs… ascending said stairs steadily and just out of her view she knew the ground floor was getting further away and the ceiling was getting closer.  She knew he wouldn’t drop her, but lord, a fall from this height would do some damage and be extra painful today especially.  
He answered with an inquiring hum, not even glancing down at the human he had pretty much kidnapped.  “Where are you taking me?” she questioned, eyes focused on his face and nothing else.  Even the sound of rushed footfalls on the stairs behind them didn’t pull her attention.  It was most likely Papyrus or Blue trying to catch up.
“TO YOUR BATH, OF COURSE,” he answered like it was the most obvious answer.  A little “oh” fell from her lips before pouting a bit as she squinted up at him.  
“I could always walk?” she put out there.  They were literally going to have her spoiled if they kept carrying her this much.  Plus, she still had that nagging feeling that as an adult she shouldn’t have things this easy.  
Willow only hummed again, but made no move to put her down even as they reached the landing and took a left to go down the long hallway.  So, no walking for her.  Knowing Blue, he probably told the whole household Papyrus’s plan to pamper her today.  
“WILLOW!” Speak of the devil and he shall appear.  No longer on the stairs, she looked just in front of them to where Blue was pretty much jogging backwards in order to stay ahead of Willow’s long gate. And Willow wasn’t letting up, but did tip his skull down to acknowledge the small skeleton.  “YOU CAN’T JUST STEAL Y/N!” he scolded, “PLUS, ALL HER STUFF IS WITH ME.”  He gestured to the pack on his back.
“AND YOU’RE HERE WITH IT, I DON’T SEE THE PROBLEM,” was Willow’s sassy reply.  Blue opened his mouth to respond, but his teeth clacked shut as words failed him.  She giggled as Blue huffed and he sent a little glare her way.  He had to scramble out the way as they had finally reached the “master bath” and Willow wasn’t wasting any time as he pushed the door open with his free hand and stepped inside.  
This was only her second time in here and it still amazed her how extravagant and expensive a bathroom of all things could feel.  If she remembered correctly, it was Black’s insistence they have at least one bath like this.  She could see his tastes echoed in the dark marble countertops and black paneling along the walls.  Wine must have had a say as well from the cozy touches like the cypress wood flooring and cabinets, decorative towels and art pieces--she’d have to ask if Coffee made some of these.  She hadn’t asked last time whose decision it was to have not only a skylight, but a floor to ceiling glass panel next to the modern soaking tub.  Thankfully, their house was outside city limits and up in the hilly area, nestled on a cliff side.  They probably have a fantastic view of the stars come night time through that window.  Right now though, all she could see was blue skies with lazy, wispy clouds.  
“Oh, that’s new,” she commented, noticing all the new plants and even what looked like a moss mat placed before the tub.  
“HM, WHAT IS?” Willow questioned as he carried her closer to the shower.   Now able to see the just as extravagant shower, she could see another of the mats in front of it as well.   Now, that she looked more closely, the little organic mats made a cute stepping stone-like trail over to the tub.  
“That,” she pointed out, fingertip following the trail before twirling to indicate all the plants in general.
Willow’s sockets widened a fraction as he realized what she was talking about before smiling, no beaming proudly.  He straightened up as much as he could while carrying her, impressive considering his back wasn’t the best.  “THAT WOULD BE MY BROTHER’S DOING!” he proclaimed, practically glowing with pride, “HE’S RECENTLY GOTTEN INTO GARDENING AND BOTANY.  OH, YOU SHOULD SEE HIS GARDEN! I MEAN… IT’S NOT IN BLOOM RIGHT NOW, BUT IT’S STILL IMPRESSIVE AND HE’S THINKING ABOUT A GREENHOUSE ONE DAY SO HE CAN GROW FRUITS AND VEGETABLES ALL YEAR ROUND FOR US TO EAT.”  He was rambling, but that was fine.  It was touching seeing his enthusiasm for his brother’s new hobby… would it be considered a hobby?  She felt better thinking of it as a passion.  “OH! I’M SORRY, I GOT OFF TRACK,” he apologized but she just shrugged.
“I don’t mind, I actually like it,” she assured.  She adjusted her grip on him as she felt him starting to crouch down.  
“GREAT! BECAUSE I HAVE MORE TO SAY!” he chirped, sockets curving just a bit as she giggled in response.  Bent at the knees, he eased her onto her own feet which left her standing between his spread femurs with her hands on his shoulders for balance as she stretched and flexed her legs to wake them up.  He continued to chat with her throughout.  “BUT MY BROTHER’S FAVORITE IS TAKING IN RESCUES,” he started and gestured to the plants in the bathroom, “THESE ARE SOME HE’S REHABILITATED.”  He had dove into telling how Oak explained that these plants in particular thrived in more humid environments, plus how he had convinced the more bourgie of their housemates to allow the plants to be kept in this bathroom.  Apparently, it had been Wine who gave in first, but it took near half the household to convince Black.  What won him over was the moss being useful for soaking up water and the plants for their air purifying qualities.
By the time he finished retelling the saga, she had taken a seat on one of the mats as she laughed along with him as he whispered how Black had been caught talking to one of the plants.  “HIS DEFENSE WAS THAT HE HEARD OAK TALKING TO THEM SEVERAL TIMES,” he completed his tale, his small sockets softening as he took in how even her eyes seemed to be shining with her mirth.  
“Well, I read somewhere that talking to plants actually can help them,” her words were still interrupted by cute little giggles.  Finally, she took a deep breath and held it before releasing slowly.  She had lifted a hand to fan herself and he could understand why considering the flush he could see on her cheeks and ears.  “I’m happy for Oak, it seems like he really found something he loves--aside from you, of course,” she remarked thoughtfully, “And I can hear how proud you are as well.”  
“I AM.” He had been ecstatic when his brother finally found something to focus on other than food and his condition.  All thanks to a sad little plant he had found left out to die and be thrown away with the trash one day.  It had been nothing more than a single stem with one big leaf that had shriveled and was turning brown at the edges.  
It had been confusing at first when his brother came home with it carefully cupped in his palm with soil he had dug up to cover its roots.  Oak had mumbled that he couldn’t find a pot or anything for it and he had forgotten his money at home, but it needed help, so he did what he could.  He hadn’t questioned it.  Now, that sad little plant was taller than him and outgrowing its current pot quickly, but they were waiting for the warmer months to plant it in the ground finally.  
“THE ROUTINE OF TAKING CARE OF THE PLANTS HELPS HIM TREMENDOUSLY. PLUS, TALKING TO THE PLANTS HELPS HIM AS WELL! IT STRENGTHENS HIS MEMORY,” he added, teeth quirked into a gentle smile.  She just hummed in response and he flushed a bit as he saw she was now gazing up at him with her chin resting on her braided fingers.    He wished she wouldn’t look at him like that.  So gentle, so warm, and so understanding.  It gave him hope when he knew damn well her feelings were just platonic.  Besides, he knew he didn’t stand a chance against his prime version.
Sighing, he stood up and rolled his shoulders and neck to ease the stiffness that had set in.  “WELL, I SHOULD LEAVE YOU TO IT,” he dismissed as he offered her a helping hand and pulled her to her feet; bare toes wiggling and pressing into the moss mat curiously.  He still couldn’t--no, he could believe it-- he simply couldn’t wrap his mind around how they had forgotten even shoes or socks for her.  
“Oh, I get to bathe myself?” she joked as she peeked around Willow to find Blue, but all she saw was her bag abandoned on the counter.  He must have run off while they were talking.  
Willow immediately lifted a hand to cover his now glowing cheekbones and nose ridge, “I BELIEVE THE AGREEMENT WAS THAT YOU BATHE YOURSELF.”  He heard her snort and looked down at the human as she now rummaged through her bag, pulling out a few containers, a bright colored netting of some sort, a change of clothes, and even a bath bomb.  “UNLESS YOU’VE CHANGED YOUR MIND OF COURSE,” he watched her freeze like a dear from the corner of his vision as he looked off to the side in feigned innocence, “IT IS DIFFICULT FOR YOU HUMANS TO REACH CERTAIN PLACES ON YOUR OWN, CORRECT?”  Oh, she was blushing something fierce right now.
“WILLOW!” she whined, now imitating an ostrich as she pressed her face into her bag to hide.  
“WOWIE, MY NAME SURE IS POPULAR TODAY!” he replied playfully as a muffled little scream came from the bag she was hunched over.  He chuckled and gently pushed the edge of the bag’s opening down enough so he could see her eyes peeking at him.  Well, glaring right now.  “WHY ARE YOU SO EMBARRASSED, HUMAN?  I WAS JUST TALKING ABOUT HELPING YOU WASH YOUR BACK IF YOU WANTED,” a crooked grin pulled at his teeth as her eyes narrowed further.
“Uh. Huh,” was her answer and somehow that sound carried so much attitude and meaning.  Yeah, she definitely didn’t buy it, but at least she was finally emerging from the bag and finishing unpacking what she needed.  He smiled as he saw her pull out a pair of cute fuzzy socks.  Those would have helped earlier, but at least he wouldn’t have to hunt down a pair… most of theirs wouldn’t fit anyway.  “So, how do y’ll want ta do this?” she asked him suddenly as she started zipping up the bag  again.
She was staring for a moment, looking for any indication that he was playing dumb before finally answering, “My hair?  I told Papi I’d let him help with it, but he’s off somewhere, so I can’t ask him.”  Oh?  She’s letting Papyrus touch her hair?  He really had no chance, huh?  “But I don’t mind if more of you want to help out, too.”
“YES,” the word had jumped from his teeth as soon as she finished speaking.  Taking a deep breath and recomposing himself as her now wide eyes just blinked up at him in shock.  “I MEAN I’D LOVE TO HELP OUT… WITH YOU HAIR I MEAN,” he tried again, volume and tone hopefully more casual.  He had his hands behind his back to hide his fidgeting fingers.  
One more blink before her expression, only for a second, twisted into suspicion and curiosity.  The look was gone and replaced with something neutral, but welcoming.  Just what had gone through her mind, he wondered.  “Okay…” she dragged out the vowel a bit, “So, once again, how are we going about this?  Do y’ll want me to wash my hair and you just get to do the styling, detangling, blah blah blah… oooor-”
She quieted as Willow held up his palms to her, “WE WANT TO DO EVERYTHING.”  
“Everything?” He nodded with an eager smile, fingers curling into happy fists that were shaking from tension as he withheld pumping them excitedly.  He watched her look up to the ceiling in thought before shrugging, “Alright, so I’ll just wash up for now and save my long soak for later.”  She was thinking aloud as she picked up her bag and held it out to him, “While I’m washing, why don’t y’ll pick out some products we’ll use?  Mainly focus on the scent for now.”  
He took the bag with a nod and a surprised little rep as he felt how hefty the bag still felt.  “Yeah, we probably went overboard, but Blue figured it’s better to be over prepared than under,” she explained and he could only nod in stunned silence as he turned and started to finally leave.  
“Oh!” He paused in the doorway and looked back at her.  She had only managed to turn on the shower to start warming it up and though she wasn’t looking at him kept speaking, “You guys also need to figure out how and where we’re going to wash my hair.”    
Willow’s skull tilted and he lifted a brow bone in question, “ARE WE NOT DOING IT IN HERE?” He thought the bathroom was where humans took care of all their hygiene needs.  And shouldn’t she know how to wash her hair?  She’s supposed to show them after all.  
She just hummed and took a long look around.  “I guess we could, but…” she trailed off.  
“BUT?” he pushed, genuinely curious.
“The tub is a bit tall for me to be leaning over for a long time and I know your back wouldn’t appreciate it either, plus it would require a cup or something to dump water over my head.”  She wasn’t wrong about his back.  So, that was out.  Plus, it didn’t sound pleasant to have water dumped over one’s head over and over.  “The sink in here is higher, but that would be difficult for me.  Plus, it’s a bit shallow and once again, we’d need a cup.”  Sink was out, too, then.  
“And last, the shower.  That’s usually where I wash my hair, but it’s a bit difficult with multiple people.. At least it is if you’re not comfortable being naked or in swimsuits together,” she laughed and he blushed a bit at the intimate, domestic scene it summoned in his mind.  “Other than that, the only ways I think we could make it work up here is if I leaned over into the shower or knelt down and we used the removable shower head,” she put out the idea, but he immediately knew it wouldn’t work out.
“THE WATER PRESSURE WOULD RESULT IN A VERY MESSY… WET EXPERIENCE,” he lamented and she just nodded sagely with a little shrug.  How would they get this done?  Was it even possible?
“If it helps,” she piped up, holding a hand under the spray and feeling the temperature of the water, “We usually use the kitchen sink or a utility sink.  Ylls is still tall, but I think if I stand on a chair, it might work.”  She sent him a confident smile as he perked up at the idea, “Y’ll have time to think it over.  Plus, I want to show you all something before that anyway.”  After that, she had shooed him out and he left with a promise to talk it over with the others.  He couldn’t help wondering what she wanted to show them. 
Once the door closed behind Willow, she couldn’t get out her clothes fast enough.  This bath has been due for a bit and my god it already felt heavenly on just her palm from touching the water.  Leaving her clothes on the floor right where she shed them, she went to dive into the shower before remembering she needed her soap and other supplies to actually get clean.  One naked dash to the counter to scoop up what she needed and back again,plus she tossed a shower cap on at the last minute; finally, she was able to enjoy her shower.
She debated rushing as to not keep the boys waiting, but she rarely gets to experience a rain shower like this.  It was dampened-heh-by the plastic shower cap, but overall was pleasant.  She took a moment to just bask and relax, but her mind began to wander and shower thoughts filtered in.  
Namely how all the skeletons she had interacted with today had been surprised that she was letting them do anything with her hair.  Well, they hadn’t expressed their surprise with words, but their body language and facial expressions spoke volumes.   That had been genuine surprise and shock she had seen.  Add in their eagerness to help her with her hair--adorable--and it’s obvious they’ve wanted to possibly touch her hair or ask about it for a while.  
Had she done something to make it seem like she didn’t want anyone touching her hair?  At all?  She mulled over all the time she had known the skeletons and the only things she could think of is maybe they witnessed someone touching her hair without permission and she snapped on said person.  It happens less now, but it has happened.  Even that would only make sense if they didn’t hear everything she says to the person.  She always mentions consent when she gets on people with wandering, overcurious hands and fingers.  So, they would know they just need to ask? Right?
Brow scrunching, she sighed and stepped from under the rainfall to finally start actually cleaning up.  Going through the familiar motions, she continued to turn over and pick at the mystery.  It wasn’t until near the end of her shower when she was rinsing off the suds, something clicked… “Cash.”
“we were startin’ ta wonder if doll changed her mind, will o’ the wisp,” a skeleton dressed in mostly black with a fur lined hood and a single gold fang jeered from his seat on the living room sofa just as Willow reached the bottom of the staircase.  A disappointed grunt followed as the taller skeleton purposely ignored his comment.
“RED, I THOUGHT YOU HAD TO WORK TODAY?” Willow inquired as he stepped into the living room, only after hearing Blue and Papyrus’s voices reprimand the gold fanged sans.  Standing in the doorway, he could now see that the two were sitting on cushions on the floor before the tv.  From the characters running and bouncing around the screen, it looked like they were playing Smash.  Leaning over the arm of the couch opposite the one Red was sitting on was Coffee.  He spared a little wave to Willow, but went back to watching the other two play.  He was probably waiting to jump in and play whoever wins. Stretched across that same couch with his fur lined hood up and obscuring his face was Mutt.  His long legs hung over the remaining arm of the couch and his arms were crossed over his chest.  He truly slept like the dead as he didn’t budge or even twitch.  His chest didn’t fall and rise in simulated breath either.   The last skeleton in the room was Willow’s brother, Oak, and he was currently snoozing as well, leaned back against the couch with his skull lolling to the side.  
“wha’, i’m not invited ta y’lls lil’ wash day thing,” Red growled, but his crimson eyelights avoiding Willow’s gaze hinted he was simply dodging the question and not offended.
Before Willow could call him out on this, Mutt surprisingly beat him to it, “him n’ sansy had a lil’ lover’s spat.”  Ah, so he wasn’t sleeping.
“would ya’ quit callin’ it that!” Red barked, scowling as chuckles only rumbled from Mutt.      
Coffee’s soft voice just barely spoke above the noise of the other two, “Red wanted to test the machine…”
Willow just arched a brow bone as he set down his hefty load on the coffee table, “AND SANS, I’M GUESSING, DID NOT?”  He looked to Red for confirmation and said skeleton huffed, crossing his arms with a frustrated scowl marring his features.
“dun know how he expects us ta know if the damn t’ing works w’itout testing it!” he mumbled, “coward doesn’t even like ta turn it on most times…”  
“WELL, IN HIS DEFENSE, THAT MACHINE IS THE REASON ALL OF US ARE HERE RIGHT NOW,” Willow’s attempt to play mediator only resulted in Red grunting and sinking more into the cushions.
Blue had handed off his controller to Coffee who eagerly vacated his spot on the couch and took Blue’s place on the floor.  “HE’S GOING TO POUT (“m’not poutin’!”) FOR A WHILE,” he stated as he moved to kneel by the coffee table.  His eye lights were glued to the bag he remembered bringing upstairs not that long ago, “WHY DO YOU HAVE HER BAG?”  He hoped she had everything she needed upstairs.
His question had Papyrus perking up behind them, but the prime doppel refused to take his sockets off the tv, “I’D LIKE TO KNOW AS WELL!” He wished he could turn and investigate, but Coffee took his games seriously and he had yet to beat the younger skeleton at any.  Maybe today would be the day.
Willow sat in Coffee’s empty spot on the couch to ease his back so he wouldn’t be bent over as much.  His weight displaced the cushions more than Coffee had and resulted in Mutt slipping down a bit further, closer to his hip and pulling at his hood.  Said skeleton didn’t complain and just let it happen, opening his unscarred socket so a rusty blood orange eyelight swiveled to look at the bag in question.  “lil’ missy plannin’ ta stay fer while?” he inquired as he took in how full it seemed.
Blue laughed, “NEVER KNOW! WE JUST WANTED TO BE PREPARED!” he chirped.
“BETTER TO BE OVER PREPARED THAN UNDER!” Papyrus joined in before squawking in surprise and muttering a little curse.  Coffee could be heard giggling softly and whispering how Papyrus had to put money in the swear jar now, on top of his impending loss.
Mutt just nodded and Willow hummed as he unzipped the bag, “SHE WANTS US TO PICK OUT WHAT PRODUCTS TO USE.”  He plucked a jar from the bag to examine.
“why’?” Red had sat up and scooted to the edge of his seat so he could see the bag’s contents better.   “shouldn’t she be tellin’ us what ta use?” he mumbled as his eyelights expanded at the amount and variety of products in the bag, “she bought da’ whole store?!”  
Blue just snickered and those snickers were growing into laughter as Mutt finally gave in to his own curiosity and sat up.  Both sockets now open and eyelights mirroring Red’s own in shock, “never thought i’d be so thankful ta not have hair.”  He rubbed a hand over his skull, “exhausted just lookin’ at all this.  No wonder they got a whole day just for washin’ hair.”  
Willow shook his head at the two with a withered sigh as he could hear Papyrus joining Blue in poorly hidden laughter.  “THEY DON’T USE ALL OF IT,” he resisted burying his face in his hands in exasperation, “HENCE WHY SHE WANTS US TO HELP CHOOSE WHICH ONES TO USE TODAY.”  He lifted the product he had already taken from the bag and wiggled it for emphasis, “WE’LL JUST PICK OUT BASICS… SHAMPOO, CONDITIONER…”  he trailed off.  It hit him that he didn’t know what exactly could be considered basics beyond that.
“We could look up the rest…” Coffee spoke up, tilting his head towards the conversation, “...there should be something about this on the internet right?”  A harsh click of a button and snap of the joystick could be heard before an anguished cry belted from Papyrus as his character went flying to the edge of the edge of the screen.   A flash of light then the announcer chiming in loudly: GAME!  He had lost once again.  “Good game, Pap…” Coffee patted the defeated monster’s back as he dramatically sobbed into his hands.
“I DON’T WANT TO HEAR THAT FROM YOU!” Papyrus whined and they could practically hear him pouting as Coffee just giggled.  
“GREAT IDEA, COFFEE!” Blue wasted no time whipping out his phone and holding it up proudly as his eyelights formed to stars, “MWEHEHEH!  WITH THIS WE WILL PICK OUT THE PERFECT ASSORTMENT AND HELP HER HAVE THE BEST WASH DAY EVER!”  
Papyrus bounced back from his crestfallen state as heard Blue’s declaration.  He joined them at the coffee table and clapped for Blue who just beamed more.  Coffee offered his own shy clap of support as he wandered over as well and settled into an empty spot on the other side of Blue.
Red’s eyelights couldn’t roll any harder at their antics. A frown still pulled at his teeth as something wasn’t sitting right with him about this situation, “thought doll didn’t like anyone messin’ wit’ her hair?” Why the sudden change of heart? The others went quiet at his question and Mutt just hummed along, the sound giving way his curiosity about this as well.
Papyrus fiddled with his hands, braiding and unbraiding his fingers, before breaking the silence that had fallen on the room, “WELL, AS YOU KNOW--from the group text--WE CONVINCED HER TO LET ME-US TAKE CARE OF HER.”  He inhaled and looked up, looking at each skeleton in the room, “I ASKED IF WE COULD HELP WITH HER HAIR…”  A soft smile lifted the corners of his teeth, “AND SHE SAID YES.”  
Nothing was said for a bit as Papyrus’s words sank in before Mutt hummed once again, “well… let’s get ta pickin’ then.”  Nods were shared in agreement.  It didn’t answer why, but it would do for now.  
Willow started them off with the product he had already.  He read the label aloud, “HAIR HONEY?”  before unscrewing the lid.  He didn’t need to lean in to get a whiff of its scent.  Not only because his naturally more sensitive sense of smell, but it was potent and the others around perked in curiosity as well.  It was sweet and warm, but not floral.  Maybe a bit fruity?  It reminded him of a tropical drink… the color of it certainly looked like honey though.  Before he could even question what it was for, he could hear Blue’s distals tapping at his screen to look it up.
“HAIR HONEY IS A BALM FOR STYLING, MOISTURIZING, AND ADDING SHINE TO HAIR,” he read, along with a few details about ingredients.  Surprisingly, the product had very little to no actual honey in it.  
“WHY CALL IT HONEY IF IT HAS NO HONEY?” Papyrus voiced the question they were all thinking as Willow replaced the lid on the jar and set it aside.
“‘n they say monsters are bad at namin’,” Red grumbled before jumping as the cushions beside him shifted and sank.  He could hear a long, loud sniff and scowled at Oak as the larger skeleton was literally following his nasal cavity to the now closed jar. “Fuckin’ ell when did you wake up!” he griped.
Oak ignored him for picking up the jar and opening it again to take a deep sniff.  A moment later they could hear purring.  
“Missy might not be gettin’ that one back,” Mutt chuckled as he took his turn digging in the bag for a product.  They continued like this.  Taking turns picking a product, reading and looking it up, sniffing, and eventually sorting them into piles at Papyrus’s insistence.  They had started with two: YES and NO.  But the YES pile was now organized by scent.  The “tastier”--as Oak put it--scented products had been more or less hoarded by said skeleton.  It was obvious what his vote was for.
“is it really smart ta have her smellin’ all yummy and shit,” Red had scooted to the far side of the couch away from Oak.  It was too much being next to the giant while he was purring with the volume of a freight train. He swears the cushions were vibrating.  Willow’s sockets narrowed on the smaller skeleton, “I HOPE YOU ARE NOT INSINUATING WHAT I THINK YOU ARE.”  His still crooked teeth pulled into a frown.  His braces were slow to fix them.  
“THAT WAS VERY UNCOUTH, RED,” Papyrus agreed and Willow sent his duplicate an appreciative smile.  
Mutt shrugged as he watched Blue repacking the NO pile, “‘m fine wit her smellin’ like a snack~”  His gold fangs glinted as he smiled, a teasing lilt to his voice.  “‘sides it’s hard not to considerin’ half this stuff has some sort of ‘butter’ in it...” he muttered.  He had no clue what exactly cocoa or shea butter was or what it did, but it smelled amazing.  
Red agreed with the butter comment.  Hell, he was still trying to figure out how they got butter from something like olives, hempseed… MANGOES?  A god damned fruit… how?  Not too mention the different oils… it was like they were trying to purposely seasoning themselves.
Blue choked on a cut off laugh and Red had cracked a smile, snickering.  Willow had tilted his skull back with a far away, tired look to the ceiling, but couldn’t hide a light flush to his cheekbones.  Papyrus had slapped a hand to his forehead with an exasperated sigh.  
Coffee giggled quietly, “...I have a bit of a sweet tooth as well…”  That was an understatement.  He had the biggest sweet tooth out of all of them. A golden blush flushed his cheekbones as all attention had turned to him in mild shock that he had said something even slightly close to a double entendre.    
A barked laugh burst from Red and Mutt.  The taller of the two recovered first with a satisfied sigh, “well, now we really gotta go with Oak’s choice.”  
Red wiped a tear from his socket as he conceded with a shrug and amused huff, “fine, fine…”  Blue and Papyrus agreed since they were outvoted either way, but Willow had yet to speak.  He was staring down Red, frown still in place.  The skeleton currently under his harsh gaze began to sweat, eyelights wobbling and shrinking as he refused to make eye contact.  The trio on the floor shifted awkwardly and after a subtle glance between the two, they busied themselves with packing up the products they wouldn’t be using.  “what?!” he finally snapped, turning sharply and glaring up at the towering monster.
“ya still owe us an apology…” Oak rumbled, his bloated red eyelight focused on Red.  His brother crossed his arms over his chest and hummed in agreement.  
“seriously?” Red looked between the two in disbelief.  Neither held an expression that they were joking and Mutt was offering no support for him.  The trench coat clad skeleton instead was looking at the ceiling with the utmost concentration.  Traitor… Red tried holding out stubbornly and debated simply shortcutting away, but even he knew he had overstepped.  Maybe that therapist was worth the money.  “m’sorry…” he grumbled, scrunching up in an effort to hide further in the fluff of his hoodie.  
Oak looked to his brother to see if he approved of the apology.  It was a piss poor one even by his standards, but he knew they probably wouldn’t get much more than that right now.  Willow’s expression definitely said the apology wasn’t up to standard, but let his shoulders fall and his arms uncross.  It was enough of an acceptance for Red as the smaller skeleton sighed in relief at the tension easing in the room.  
Papyrus, Coffee, and Blue had finished packing by now and Papyrus clapped his hands, a bright smile lighting up his face.  “WITH THAT AND OUR CHOICE OF HAIR CARE PRODUCTS COMPLETED, I’D SAY WE’VE DONE GOOD!” he boasted and Blue nodded along.  Oak just hummed and purred happily; he turned his attention back to the products on his lap.  
“BUT WE’RE NOT DONE YET,” Willow interjected and confused, curious eyelights and sockets were aimed his way.  He was grateful the more prim and proper and strict of their household were not in for this particular conversation.  “YOU SEE, WE NEED TO FIGURE OUT HOW WE’RE GOING TO WASH HER HAIR…. OR RATHER, WHERE?” he continued on to explain that they had already scratched off the upstairs bathroom she was using, plus pretty much any other bathroom at that.  “ACCORDING TO HER, THE KITCHEN OR UTILITY SINK IS BEST FOR WHEN SOMEONE HAS TO ASSIST,” he finished.
Pensive, thoughtful looks adorned most of the occupants, except for Oak and Mutt.  Oak was distracted by his hoard and Mutt was still staring at the ceiling.
“USING THE UTILITY SINK WOULD APPEASE CERTAIN SOMEONES,” Blue noted, but he didn’t sound certain.
“it would, but knowin’ how many of you are gonna wanna hang around, it’ll get crowded real quick in that little room,” Red inputted and shot down the utility sink idea.  While his brother or Black might get huffy about the kitchen sink, it wouldn’t be anything worse than some harsh words.  Black was soft on the woman and his brother held a torch for her.  They’d be fine.  
Tipping could be heard and they half expected it to be Blue typing on his phone again, but instead it was Coffee.  A few more clicks and they could see the light of the screen shining off his pearly face and gold braces.  Blue leaned to peek over his shoulder and Papyrus followed suit.  The two sharing looks of awe and understanding.  
“ey!” Red snapped and two of the trio jerked their attention from the screen, “don’t just keep it ta yaself.  show us what ya found!”
Coffee was the only one still looking at his screen and he swiped his finger across the glass surface before turning his phone around for them to see.  On the screen was a video of a woman that had curly hair and skin like their friend.  She was leaning over a sink with a woman standing just beside her.  The other woman had short, dark coils and her skin was a deep, cool brown.  She was currently using the pull down sprayer to wet the other’s hair  and working the water into her curls with her other hand.  
“you were plannin’ ta waterboard doll?” Red joked as he continued to watch the video.  “only problem ya have left is that our kitchen sink is built fer the taller than average…” he pointed out.  It sparked new ideas to be put forth.  Suggestions that they could use a chair or stool for her to stand on.  This was shot down as Coffee reminded them that she was physically exhausted and her neck and back wouldn’t appreciate being bent over for so long after the workout Edge and Papyrus had put her through.
Blue patted his shoulder comfortingly,  “WE HAD NO CLUE ANY OF THIS WOULD HAPPEN.  PLUS, THINK HOW PROUD SHE’LL BE WHEN YOU SHOW HER THE CHARTS OF HER PROGRESS YOU MADE!”  It helped cheer up the positive skeleton and he nodded, mumbling a thank you to his ever supportive friend.
A deep rumble pervaded the living room and gradually morphed into amused, pleased chuckles.  All attention moved to Mutt, the source, with inquiring gazes.  Pushing his hood down and leaning forward, resting his elbow on his knee and his cheek against his knuckles, he grinned at his companions, “...think I have a solution fer that~”
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thewonderingbard · 4 months
Hey, can I please request the skelebros with an s/o who's pet passed away, and they help them deal with the grief?
Sorry it been forever!
TW-Animal deaths.
UT Sans - Vanilla
Will make a slideshow of all the photos he took of your pet. He is kinda neutral on animals but when he met your pet he loved them! Was sad when he found out that they had died and tries cheering you up with some puns.
UT Papyrus - Paps
Cries with you.He LOVED that pet as if he raised it from a baby.Him being the handy man he is makes a memorial for the pet.Making them a gravestone and even making sure it stays clean all year round.When the anniversary of the death comes round he stays of work to mourn the death with you.
US Sans - Blue
To be honest,he doesnt get why you are so sad.Its just an animal?But then he starts missing cleaning up after the pet if it made a mess, accidentally leaving left overs for them becouse he is used to it.He comforts you sure ,he claims to not be sad but if you ask him he with tear up saying how much he misses them.
US Papyrus - Honey
Honey takes it quite well.Comforting you and cuddling you the best he can.He tries to distract you with video games and movies.Similarly to Vanilla,he puts together a photo album for you to look thook through whenever you miss your lil buddy.
UF Sans - Red
He may not seem like it but he loves animals.Red loved you pet it gave him a break from the creature of Edges ‘Doomfanger’ (Red is unsure it Doomfanger is even a cat).When Red found out your pet died, he look it relatively well.He gives you the biggest hug.If he is out anywhere he will pick up things that he think your pet would’ve liked giving them to you.
UF Papyrus - Edge
It really makes him think.He realises that Doomfanger is not going to be around forever, and he doesn’t know what he is going to do when she dies. For now he comforts you.Giving you hugs and kisses.He goes out of his way to get a custom gravestone made because that what your pet deserved.He hates to see you so sad , he wishes he could take all your pain away.
HT Sans - Seaweed
Strangely,he takes it quite well.Seaweed is an animal lover through , he is aware that our animal friends are not around forever but he wishes deeply they were.He still leaves food out for your pet.It take him a while to remember that your pet is gone but everytime he is reminded he give you a big hug.
HT Papyrus - Papaya
He is one who also cries with you.He is still Paps deep in his heart.He gives you all the comfort he can give , cooking you your favourite food , giving you hug and kisses.Despite him being sad about your pets death, he wants you to move on.He goes out of his way to put a picture of your pet where they used to lay all the time.Never getting rid there bed as it has become something to remember your pet by.
Wow this became so sad.
I’m sorry I’ve not done an ask in a while,there is honestly no excuse.
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msmkcreates · 4 years
I love your stories and have recently found myself wondering what if the universes converged around a point that wasn't Nova how many of the guys with additions of their gals would end up in polycules? Would some of the brothers left out from monogamous pairings find love in other households? Sorry if this was too big of an ask there's just a lot of tragic OC and all the poly representation is harem or "v" instead of weird multiple hinges and geometric designs.
Oh I totally get it, its one reason I think my TAMIFIL gets so much attention (Mutt/Reader/Stretch)
I think, assuming that Nova is nonexistent since all the other girls exist, that at first they might stick to their groups. I don't think Mutt and Black would be too keen on sharing Brat with anyone else, and Stretch only barely shared Honey with Blue in the first place. It's likely that Boss would still be hung up on Kitty, who would be dating Red, and again I don't think they'd wanna share.
The most adventurous might be Jane, the Classic UT Nova. She doesn't align with Papyrus at all, but she may be interested in more Sanses. After all, she's also Dusty's and Axe's girl, assuming there can only be one instance of Jane at a time. She might flirt without realizing it, and her sunny personality might draw the interest of Blue. Since he'd be cute and little at the time it doesn't seem like a threat, so he weedles his way into their little love square. While the other three are busy posturing, Blue quietly grows up and grows closer to Jane, ending up bigger and stronger than all of them, but as a gracious winner he would be a caring Alpha who takes good care of all his mates.
As for the girls themselves, I could see Brat taking an interest in other versions of herself, hell, she's hot and so they must be hot. She might go for Kitty first, goth to goth, but find out pretty quickly that she's much too shy to respond. After that her interest would quickly slide to Honey, who is curious as well. Stretch doesn't care for the idea of sharing Honey with Mutt and Black, per se, but sharing her with Brat is both hot and acceptable. When they start to really bond, and Mutt and Stretch start becoming closer friends, finally there gets to be a little more leeway and the boys join in on the fun. Black stays out of it but occasionally he does like to watch. He enjoys calling the shots.
So pretty much the pairing would end up being:
Jane x UT/US/Dust/HT!Sanses (guys dote on girl)
Kitty x UF!Sans with secret admirers UF!Pap and Brat
Honey/US!Pap x Brat/SF!Pap 4 way poly, with chaperone/sugar daddy Black (who pairs only with Brat, alone, but enjoys the idea of the rest of them together)
Green/Darling and G/Angel do not cross with anyone else
And Papyrus feels like maybe...someone's missing.
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bigoltrashpile · 5 years
How would UT, UF, US and maybe SF if you wish. How would they act to their crush sing would you have dirty hot sex with me. Out loud in the bar but keeps making eye contact with them at random times
Sorry this took so long for me to do, I had to make up a whole new set of nicknames for these non-mafia bois.  I sure hope that’s what you were asking for (also i hope that @maiuoart doesn’t mind me stealing their nickname for SF Sans)
Undertale Sans (Vanilla): His face turns a bright blue, and he’s unable to look away.  How did he ever manage to land a catch like you?  He’s not complaining, but he’s super flustered.
Undertale Papyrus (Paps): He starts sputtering, incredibly embarrassed.  You’re so blunt, you could ask more subtly!  Inside, he’s wanting to just pull you away somewhere private, but he’s frozen in place.
Underswap Sans (Cyan): He might start singing along with you.  He’s got a pretty decent voice, and the way he’s looking at you makes you weak in the knees.  When you’re finished singing, he will definitely drag you into a closet or restroom somewhere for a little...quality time ;)
Underswap Papyrus (Bee): He hides his face in his hoodie, trying his best not to make eye contact.  It’s not that he doesn’t want to see you, it’s just that....well, he doesn’t like attention.  So you singing to him in a bar full of people makes him kind of uncomfy.  If you give him a private performance later though, he’ll be way into that!
Underfell Sans (Rogue): He smirks at you, face a light red.  Damn, you really know what he likes, don’t you?  He’ll probably get up and sing along, doing a few lewd dance moves.   He’ll most definitely show his appreciation later~
Underfell Papyrus (Vex): He doesn’t really know what to do with himself, to be honest.  He can’t tear his eyes off you (he doesn’t want to, anyway), but he’s just kind of...awkwardly sitting.  What should he do?  Should he dance with you?  Touch you?  Probably not.  Nobody’s ever done something like this for him, this is completely new territory.
Swapfell Sans (Regal): He’s the epitome of the “This is fine” meme.  He’s just clutching his drink in his hand, it looks like he’s going to break it.  Like Vex, he doesn’t have any experience in this field.  He’s just going to stare at you, transfixed, until the song ends.  When it does, he’s going to hold you close, whispering all the filthy things he wants to do in your ear.  He’s a lot more smooth when he’s got all his brain cells working.
Swapfell Papyrus (Maple): If you’re at the bar, he’s definitely got a bit of liquid courage in his system, so he’s a lot more confident than if he was sober.  He’ll stand up and sing with you, making heavy eye contact the whole time.  He’ll drag his claws over your hips, wanting to grind against you, but not wanting to cross any lines.  Afterwards, he’s going to be all over you.  You’ll have to pry him off with a crowbar.
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creative-poptart · 5 years
SKSZS *DONATES u another poptart again* Is2g i live for angst & fluff; *trigger warning for anyone btw* s/o lives w their skeleton, and one day UT/UF/SF + US Pap come home from work only to enter a chaotic home and both the lightly drunk s/o & the s/o’s drunk dad fighting (verbally and almost physically, like throwing lamps etc, s/o doesn‘t get along w their dad v well)
Oooh, angst is something I haven’t covered all that often, so here we go! Warnings for mental and physical abuse in here guys, so I’ll put it under the cut. Read at your own risk.
UT Papyrus/Creampuff: Right from the moment he heard that commotion in the house, he’s on high alert and looking for you. Your safety is of the utmost importance to Creampuff, so the moment he hears you yelling and screaming, he’s rushing to you. Your father is screaming at you, the scent of alcohol heavy in the air between the two of you. How he got there is a mystery, but you’ve told him multiple times that your father is not a welcome presence in your life. Creampuff will attempt to be diplomatic, separating the two of you and reasoning with your father without touching him. However, the moment that your father decides it’s a good idea to pull one of your kitchen knives on you, the gloves come off. The tall skeleton has already phoned the police, but some blue magic to prevent your father from moving won’t hurt too much. After your father is arrested, Creampuff is going to help you to take all the necessary legal action to make sure he stays out of your life. 
UF Papyrus/Fell: Even before he makes it into the house, Fell knows that something’s amiss, and he has a bone spear in hand. It doesn’t take long to identify the source of trouble, and he has no problems going in to stop the situation from getting out of hand. When he walks in to see your father rearing back to punch you in the jaw, screaming obscenities at you, he takes no time in pinning him down. While Fell would love nothing more than to beat the ever-living snot out of this poor excuse of a human, he’s going to check on you first. It’s clear that you both are intoxicated, but aside from being shaken, you’re okay. He’s very calm throughout the whole situation, keeping everyone else from coming to blows. Fell is only one small moment away from snapping and killing the dude if he so much dares to look at you again. Once the police arrive, he’s more than happy to pass your father over and give a witness statement to make sure he’s not going to come out any time soon.
US Papyrus/Stretch: When he makes his way back into the house, he smells the alcohol before he hears any trouble. Stretch is not happy that there’s liquor out and about, but what’s much more concerning is that he can hear you crying from another room. Your father is towering over you, spitting angry comments, and telling you how stupid you are for wanting to date a monster. He seems to be on a tirade when Stretch makes his appearance, glaring up a storm at your father. The very second that a lamp goes flying across the room, smashing against the wall, he’s had enough. The police are already on their way, but when they get there, your father is suspended in the air by some bones Stretch has summoned to keep him in place. Once the questioning and statements are all taken, he’s got you bundled up in his arms and is checking you over near frantically. He’s not going to let you out of his sight for the rest of the day, maybe for the next two weeks because of how bad it shook him.
“hey there, bud, you might want to keep yourself away from my datemate there, or you’re going to be in for a horrible time, got it?”
SF Papyrus/Rus: He really isn’t one for much violence, but having grown up in it, he knows all the signs of it. The front door being open when you never have it open while he’s not home is a major red flag, and he can hear the fight from the front yard. Rus is halfway in the door when he hears something smashing and breaking on the ground, which makes him almost panic. You’re on the ground amidst a sea of broken glass, which looks like it’s from a beer bottle of some kind, and your father is screaming names at you. You look utterly distraught, trying to fight back, but you don’t have to when Rus steps on the scene. As much as he hates violence, he can be pretty intimidating, and he’s using that to his full advantage now so he can get your father out of here. If that fails to work, your father is going to experience what it’s like to be trapped in a bone cage and deposited outside for a few minutes until the police arrive and take him away. You won’t have to worry about him ever stopping by again. 
“there’s not a whole lot of people that get this kind of treatment, bucko, so it’s best if you just keep walkin’ an’ go outside, but don’t come back here.”
Thanks for the ask, Donation-Anon!!
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kezibun · 5 years
My fanfic list!
Find all these and more on @keziha-writes and my AO3
Multi chapter fics:
Coffee college and Skeleton Roomies
Xreader, Reverse harem with Sans and Papyrus from UT, UF, US, SF
On hiatus from this one at the moment. ^^:
Storm of a hunt
A Sf!Papyrus X reader set in the underground.
SOH Fic list
Hiatus.... on this one as well sorry
One shots by character
Red (UF! sans):
What's bugging ya.
There's a problem and you can't hide it from your boyfriend. ( X reader)
A weird one, where you take the Pov of a street cat being taken in by Red. (Reader is a cat)
Sweetheart we gotta talk
Red has something to tell you.... (x reader)
Night night Sweetheart
Trouble sleeping? Don't worry Red's here to help. (X reader)
Yet another Uf sans x reader
Some self indulgent comfort, (X reader, on their period)
Stay awake
Seems the 3 of you are wide awake, until Red helps your baby to sleep. (X reader) self-indulgent
Some more comfort
Another comfort fic (X reader)
Edge (UF! Paps):
"I like your laugh."
Blueberry (US! Sans):
The title explains all. A friend or romantic fic its up to you. (X reader? Or platonic)
Stretch (US Paps):
None yet feel free to request him though.
Sans (OG):
His voice.
You just really like listening to his voice after a long day. (X reader)
Black (SF Sans):
A Queen or the commoner. pt 1 pt 2
(royal au) His adoptive parents want him to wed the heir to the throne, but his soul belongs to a kind hearted commoner. (reader x Black)
"Who hurt you"
"Everyone thinks I should stay away from you because your dangerous."
Rus (SF! Pap):
More of a cinnamon tea kinda guy.
Commission fic for Ziz. Rus pretends he likes coffee so he can pick up his brothers (who is banned from said coffee shop order and meets the lovely Laurel. (Ziz's OC Laurel x Rus)
Axe (HT Sans):
None yet feel free to request one though.
Crooks (HT Papyrus):
"I saved you a piece."
Through the ages series
A series that takes you through the history of my au with your favorite skelly's.
Vikings age:
The Medics Quest
Ziz x HT Sans
Ziz belongs to a tribe of healers, Sans and his brother to a warrior tribe. But the brothers are only transport for the sick and injured... how do they get roped into something like this?
Medival and the war:
Our secret little cabin
Edge x reader
Post monster vs human war. You promised to meet your love once he returned from war no matter how the war ended, you don't know why he hasn't come back yet but wait you must do non the less.
Bow and the crew of Starglider Nine
Bow x Pluto
The crew of starglider nine, Pluto, Sans and Axe, follow an SOS signal and find a human, Bow drifting in space.
Skelly choose a date
I'm still doing these it's just taking a while to do the ones I got. Feel free to still send some tho ^^; (all are X reader!) choose your own here.
Red (UF sans):
Spring, Mountain picnic!
Summer nights walk!
A Winters wander to Grillby's!
Summer, sunset meander!
Edge, (UF Papyrus):
A picnic and Autumn antics in the rain.
Sans (UT):
Autumn coffee
Papyrus (UT):
Autumn walk
Stretch (US Papyrus):
A Spring nights walk
Blue(US Sans):
A spring picnic with a chance of rain
Rus(SF Papyrus):
A moonlit walk in an autumn woods
Blackberry (SF sans):
Winter coffee with Black
Axe (ht sans):
Fall, thunder and food
Extra characters:
Autumn date with Coffee (FSG Papyrus) at the park
Choose a path games.
Caught Red handed!!
Yandere Uf Sans choose your path story. What you see in that alley way on your way home in the dead of night shocks you to your core, chills you to the bone and makes you question everything you think you know about your skeleton friend... what you do next will determine whether you die, just survive or you live to see the light of day. Play if you dare.
Nebula space station adventures!
A series of one shots in space! With adventures uwu
Request your own here.
Prosthetics and Plants- Red x reader
That's all for now, I hope tis still up to date XDD and hope you found something you liked.
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tyranttortoise · 5 years
I’m not the anon who asked but can i please get that soulmate with sans’ brother’s s/o thing but with the papyrus personalities?
*I wanted to get an imagine out quick because I’ve got friends flying out tomorrow for my birthday (which is the 17th!), so I won’t have much time to write anything for a couple of weeks.  We’re going to New Orleans, and you guys remember how much I love that, so I’m super excited.  I need a vacation so bad, and I can’t wait to see them.  
I think this meant with Papyruses in general, so here’s the other half of an imagine I did a while back where you’re dating Papyrus, but soulmates with Sans.  
In this one, you’re dating Sans, but soulmates with Papyrus.  I’mma stick most of it under a cut.
UT!bros*You’re dating Sans.
Papyrus doesn’t understand the resonance – not at first, at least.  It comes as a tightness in his SOUL, an elation whenever he’s near you, and a feeling of uneasiness whenever you’re away.  At first, he considers it a feeling brought about by genuinely wanting to be your friend.  After all, you’re dating his brother, so he knows you’re a great person.  You exchange numbers almost immediately, and Papyrus even surprises himself with how eager he is to text you and call you.  
The three of you become mostly inseparable.  If Sans doesn’t invite you over to their house, Papyrus calls you up with a spaghetti invitation.  The two of you spend a lot of time in the kitchen, re-creating the cooking show Chopped that Papyrus was blown away by, while Sans acts as a rather biased judge.  Papyrus sends you pictures and texts every day when you’re away, and it’s beginning to seem like you talk to Papyrus more than your actual bonefriend.
Papyrus is satisfied with being your ULTIMATE BEST FRIEND EVER until you start staying the night at the skelebros’ house.  At first, he was excited at the idea of a sleepover, and he got into his best pajamas (the ones with MTT in robot form all over them) and popped a huge bowl of popcorn, preparing for a movie marathon.  You end up sandwiched between the brothers, covered in a big blanket, but after three movies, you’re exhausted and start to nod off.  Sans wakes up at some point and nudges you awake so the two of you can go upstairs to rest in his bed, and Papyrus… attempts to stall you.  You brush it off as him being eager to finish the last movie, but Sans’s smile seems different when he cracks a joke toward his brother.
Papyrus doesn’t even berate him for using a cheap pun.  
That night, while you’re sleeping in the next room on Sans’s mattress, Papyrus can’t stop rubbing his palm against his sternum and wondering why he feels so… anxious.  
You didn’t sleep well, but you felt like you had the worst case of heartburn ever and internally admonish yourself for having late-night pizza before bed.  Something seems off with Sans, however, and he’s not in the bed when you wake up.  Over the next few days, he seems to become more and more distant, picking up extra shifts and only giving you one-word replies when he texts back.  
It comes to as no surprise when he breaks up with you a week later.  “just not compatible.  sorry, kid.  but hey, no hard feelings, right?  paps would be really upset if you stopped coming by the house, so if you still wanna be friends…”
UF!bros*You’re dating Red.
The moment Edge meets you, he realizes that the universe has an even worse sense of humor than his brother.  
The pull in his SOUL is unmistakable; he’s no fool, and he knows that it’s clearly resonating with yours.  However, his brother’s arm is around you, and you’re laughing at something Red’s said – some stupid joke, he’s sure – which only serves to deepen his scowl.  
How could you – you of all the people out there, the one that’s dating his brother – be the soulmate of the Great and Terrible Papyrus?  He’s outright rude to you from the start, refusing to use your name (“HUMAN, DO NOT LEAVE YOUR DIRTY DISHES IN THE SINK LIKE MY LAZYBONES BROTHER!”) and jumping on you over every small slight in an effort to drive you out of his house.  He even surprises Red by snapping at him when Red tells him to chill out, and then sequesters himself in his room.  
His SOUL is vibrating so hard that he feels like he’s going to break apart, but he pushes it down.
Wait… it isn’t vibrating at all.  It’s clenching tight, yes, but the vibration he felt was his rattling ribcage.
He tries to avoid you, but one day, you confront him and straight-up get in his face, demanding to know what you did wrong and why he hates you so much.  Edge attempts to flee the conversation (he can’t think over the pounding in his skull, or the way his SOUL feels as if it’s writhing within his body), but you block his path and jab a finger bravely into his chest, lecturing him over his behavior.  Red isn’t around, and you’re determined to make peace with his brother so you can feel comfortable hanging out at your bonefriend’s house.  
Edge can only stare, his expression stricken, as you muster up every bit of your courage to demand to know why he hates you.  
However, you weren’t expecting to choke on the words…
Tears cloud your vision as the word hate catches in your throat.  You’re not even sure why you’re crying – or why your chest feels so tight.  Are you on the verge of an anxiety attack?  Was this a mistake?  Or –
– or is it just that the idea of him hating you hurts?
That’s absurd.  You barely know each other.  Still, as soon as the first tear rolls down your cheek, Edge shocks the hell out of you by gathering you against his chest.  His hold is borderline tender, and for a long time, he doesn’t say anything; he simply holds you while you calm down.  
… Is he shaking?
“I DON’T…”
He hesitates, and you attempt to lift your head, but he holds you tighter, refusing to allow you to look at him.  
The two of you don’t speak of what transpired in the hallway that day, but Edge is noticeably nicer to you.  He never mentions the resonance to Red, so his brother remains oblivious.  Of course, you and Red eventually go your separate ways, and you don’t see Edge for several weeks.  
And then, you run into him at a grocery store… and your heart feels like it’s fluttering.  
US!bros*You’re dating Blueberry.
Stretch knows what’s happening the moment he meets you.
The resonance is strong enough that he can feel it in his entire body, however, he’s had enough experience with concealing his true feelings that it doesn’t show.  He had been eager to meet you – his brother has been going on and on about you for weeks, so he knew you had to be a great person – but he never expected his brother’s datemate to be his soulmate.  
He plays it off spectacularly.  He’s friendly toward you, makes plenty of puns (you always laugh at his jokes, and whenever you both end up firing off puns together, Blueberry pretends to be so exasperated), and spends plenty of time hanging out with you and his brother.  He’s always there to offer advice, his sends you memes late at night, and he can kick your ass in every version of Mario Party there is, and yet… he also always gives you and Blue your alone time.  He gives you space, or naps on the couch, and you end up considering him your best friend.
He never tells Blueberry that you’re his soulmate.  He would never do that to his brother, who’s obviously head-over-heels for you – and you love Blueberry, too; Stretch can tell.  Blue’s the kind of person that would break up with you if he knew, and Stretch can never allow that.  
After all, he just wants his two favorite people to be happy, and he’s content with you as his best friend.  Just having you around is enough to make his soul sing.
Who says soulmates can’t be platonic?
SF!bros*You’re dating Blackberry
*heh.  guess i’ve just got that shit of luck, huh?
Mutt should have known that he wouldn’t be worthy of a soulmate.  After all, he’s spent a good portion of his life feeling guilt-ridden and worthless, constantly trying to make up for his previous bout of selfishness.  
So, it comes as no surprise that he would get tested here.  
It also comes as no surprise that he doesn’t react to the resonance.  He could never do that to his brother.  Blackberry’s been a touch-starved mess, yearning for love and affection, and he finally has it from you.  And you’re good for him!  You temper him, keeping him grounded and from having his anger make him impulsive.  You give him a kindness that no one besides Mutt has, which only makes Mutt’s soul swell even more with admiration.  
The three of you spend a fair amount of time together, since it appears that Blackberry feels the most at ease when he’s around his brother.  Mutt, however, avoids being alone with you, and aside from the occasional joke and wink thrown your way, you never become great friends with him.  Although he acts normally around Blackberry, he keeps his guard up, and always seems to twist any efforts you make to get to know him back onto his brother and how magnificent he is.  
Whenever you’re sleeping in Blackberry’s room, however, Mutt spends the night outside with his hood pulled up, chain-smoking dog treats and clutching his chest.  It’s hard to ignore the throb of his SOUL, but he does his damnedest.
Though, he resolves never to drink around you for fear that he’ll get too drunk and blurt something out – or even worse, try to hold you.  He knows that all it would take is one hug, and all his years of repentance would be out the window.    
(*Imagine Masterlist)
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