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msmkcreates · 6 days ago
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SSiYC | Ch. 109: Marked Interest
Papyrus helps you settle after a long, long day
Word count: 2245
Hey uhhh so it's been like 4 years since I updated this, which I can't BELIEVE. Anyway, here's an update since I went and reread everything. I still have plans for this story so hopefully I can do a few more updates soon!
Also I don't know when it happened but at some point I started saying "Mutt" instead of "Pup" so I'm sorry for that, eventually I will go back through and change all the "Pup"s to Mutt lol for now just go with it
Warnings/tags: soul stuff, fluff
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ask-ufpapyrus · 4 years ago
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((Meme Of msmkcreates SSIYC fic, six skeletons in your closet. It super goob.))
I just put the words
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art-you-not-entertained · 7 years ago
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Sooo after finishing finals, successfully moving to a new house, and getting over a DEADLY case of creative block, I have FINALLY *whew* finished this one. Glad to not have it hanging over my head anymore so I can get started on my next lil doodle, which I’ve been (impatiently) waiting to bring into existence since Ch. 90 became a thing :D
Not even allowing myself to think about what could be done with Ch. 91 yet. (JK I’ve thought about it a lot and I’m kinda drooling over it already but NO STOP FOCUS).
Based on “Six Skeletons In Your Closet” by MSMK @msmkcreates - “Be Safe���
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zamollias-trash-heap-blog · 7 years ago
And to go with your morning tea, I have some Nova!😄💙 She's from Six Skeletons in Your Closet by MsMK! It's a really REALLY amazing fanfic you guys!! So please go check it out! 😄 And while you're at it, why don't you go show some love to MsMK! 😁 She's super duper amazing and deserves all the love you can give her!!😁💙 Here's her Tumblr if you'd like to check her out! 😁 @msmkcreates
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penguinb0mb · 8 years ago
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Was reading chapter 21 of @mistresskittensden six skeletons in your closet and this just happened to pop into my head…… I’m only partially sorry
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shadowfox275 · 8 years ago
Oki Look ya’ll
I get it, you’re concerned for MK. She’s deactivated her tumblrs, and shes gonna be updating her chapters less often if not at all. Ya’ll are worried, and thats fine! I am too! I’m concerned for her as both a fan and a friend. But listen....
You need to stop with the insinuations. You need to stop accusing/assuming things. Her husband is not abusive. He’s not forcing her to do this. Shes doin this on her own accord. 
Just because her husband thinks its a waste of time writing fanfics does not make him a bad person. He just thinks she could do so much better, be so much better, being an actual author. Writing her own stories. Coming up with her own ideas, in her own world that belongs only to her. To use her beautiful beautiful mind to create something just as unique and amazing as her. 
How is that abusive? How is seeing the absolute potential in your loved one wrong? I’ll tell you what it is. Its fucking beautiful. 
And she never said she was leaving for good. She said she was taking a break. Hear that word? Break? It means that she’s taking a rest. A short mental sit down to gather her bearings and get her life straight. Thats okay. We all have those moments because we are human and sometimes somethin in our life gets a little outta hand. Dont tell me youve never had that kinda moment, because thats bullshit. If you have a tumblr and you actively use it, then its bullshit and you can tell me otherwise.
At first she had her tumblrs still up, but you know what happened? She had to close them because, and I quote her on this, “It just didn't help to be trying to take a mental health break and being bombarded with messages from people who don't know me or my struggles or my husband trying to say that he's abusive.”
Now while I’m sure that wasnt what some people were trying to do, or what some people said. She is still human. She has a heart guys, you know this as well as I do. But ya’ll keep pushin where it dont need to be pushed. Its okay to worry, but its not okay when that worry ends up turning into more stress for her because yall are fucking shoving your nose where it dont belong. 
Guys, I’m gonna miss her too. Her fics were amazing, and she is an amazing person to talk to. But putting the blame on her husbands shoulders just because hes concerned for her and trying to look out for her is not the way to go. 
If she comes back to the fandom, thats great. If she decides that she would rather spend her life writing original stories, thats great as well. But don’t force it. Let it be her decision, and not everyone elses. 
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msmkcreates · 6 days ago
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SSiYC | Ch. 110: Territorial
You have a soft morning with Red, but seems there's more going on while you snooze.
Word Count: 2945
Wow! I'm so happy so many of you are excited for a revival! I went back and changed all instances of Pup to Mutt so everything matches now. I debated on the all-caps for pap-types, and I think I'm gonna keep it for continuity and have them talk normal only when speaking quietly with someone purposefully.
This will be a little more fluff and we have one more skelly after this who still needs a bittersweet acceptance speech, so hold on to your hats!
Warnings/tags: territorial monster stuff, alpha stuff, background violence, fluffy stuff to balance it out
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handlarziluzji · 8 years ago
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Art by Shiro Inu for @mistresskittensden
Six Skeletons in Your Closet - Breakfast in Bed
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msmkcreates · 2 years ago
ok so this thought kinda came up outta the blue, and it's been a hot sec since I've read ssiyc, but we know that Nova's dad/adopter/captor experimented on her. what exactly was the reason for that? like, to make a weapon of mass destruction or something, or simply to see if something was possible in a bigger endgame of his?
also, out of all the sans' and paps, which one would be most likely to choose their original y/n over Nova? like have their version of her, or Nova.
It's implied his goal was scientific notoriety, and he definitely somehow knew about monsters and the barrier so, who knows what his while plan was? 👀
I think if there was a choice between Nova and everyone having their own version back, it would be a very controversial choice. We know Foxtrot has no interest in Nova. We know Sans still struggles with missing Jane. We know Red and Stretch have said their goodbyes to Kitty and Honey respectively, as has Edge and Blue. G is still hung up on Angel. Black has let go of Brat but we know Mutt is still hung up on her and would probably choose her in a heartbeat.
Papyrus is probably the one who loves Nova the most and most truly, simply for the fact that he never loved a previous version to compare. He is probably the only one who wouldn't think for a second before choosing Nova over anything else, selfishness be damned!
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handlarziluzji · 8 years ago
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Art by @aonomi for @mistresskittensden
Six Skeletons in Your Closet -  Blue Me Away
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msmkcreates · 6 years ago
Ahhh! This is SO COOL THANK YOU SO MUCH! I love your interpretation of Nova! I'm so stoked for this! I have no prwference on grayscale or flat color, really, whatever is easier for you!
idk what i am doing
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i think im going to do the pages grayscale from now on - grayscale or flat colour, what do you guys think? fic this is based on is written by @msmkcreates 
Here is the fic!
(also mk sorry this took so long ive been having a rough time irl)
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msmkcreates · 4 years ago
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SSiYC Ch. 108: *A Little Honey
You and Stretch have been working up to this forever, and maybe the timing isn't perfect, but damn does it feel good.
Sorry it's been so long! This one was giving me some trouble. Hope you all enjoy!
Warnings: medical talk, sexual medical condition
Smut: p in v, first time together, quick n dirty, Stretch is very horny
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miss-me-chispy · 7 years ago
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msmkcreates · 4 years ago
This is amazing 👏
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((Meme Of msmkcreates SSIYC fic, six skeletons in your closet. It super goob.))
I just put the words
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misssalvira · 6 years ago
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Fan art of SSIYC by @msmkcreates
Drawing is of Reader/Nova at the beginning of chapter 3
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msmkcreates · 5 years ago
Now that I've posted it I would KILL for fanart of Edge teaching Papyrus how to pleasure a partner. Papyrus taking notes, Edge getting very detailed and using diagrams 😂😂😂
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