#so sorry if i'm stealing unknowingly
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yakuzabrainrotlive · 6 months ago
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Some stuff I whipped up coming down from my fever lol
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phoenix-yawning-fool · 2 months ago
Danny Phantom fans, hello! People have suddenly started cooking more food with teddy ghost, so I'm joining in!
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Danny: This is the 3rd time this month that this has happened. Dash: I'm sorry Danny: Please talk to them. Dash: OK Danny: I don't want to go half naked after every gym class.
Dash: sorry
AU in which Dash is possessed by the ghosts of his teddy bears, who turn him into a teddy bear! A kind of "curse" that can be lifted by confessing your feelings to the person you love. For Dash, such a person is Danny! But Dash is too nervous in front of Danny to take such a bold step. Fortunately, there are friends who will support you, guide you on the right path and face your fate head-on by stealing his T-shirt and leaving your letterman in return!
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Danny: Dash, are you okay? Dash: Absolutely fine, don't worry, you're just, like, so cu- no, I, or rather, I wanted to say that, well, it's bad that they steal your clothes, but you can wear my clothes, and, like, I don't against, and, uh, ahaha ha, ah, yes, I, uh, would I be g-glad??? Hahahahahah, I'm very glad if you don't mind ahhh- Dash: *exploded with embarrassment and screamed* Danny: *from a sudden scream, he unknowingly disappeared for 0.5 seconds*
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*Dash felt a cringe from himself and shamefully took to flight, hiding in a storage room for sports equipment*
Sam: Danny, did you threaten him?
Danny No. I don't think so..?
Tucker: He's got a stomach bug because of your grass, Sam.
Sam: It's not grass.
Danny: Guys, this is not the time for that.
Danny: Dash, are you feeling sick? I can get a teacher for you.
Dash is unable to communicate. He has plush paws.
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acid-ixx · 9 months ago
I’m the anon that sent the Reader Wayne fanbase ramble, and now I have a sinking feeling that reader’s mom is some kind of criminal lord, a real Damian and Talia situation….
Well at least Damian can look at reader and say “been there done that, let’s make matching bracelets,” and brag to the others about how “Reader and I are so alike, you can’t even compare yourselves to the bond we have, I’m the best Robin AND the best sibling, we even share blood, have matching abandonment issues related to our mothers, AND totally cool matching bracelets!” All the while reader is having a crisis bc they now have to come to terms that their mom is a criminal baddie and that Bruce’s type is crime
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anon i love how your brain works fr... and yeah the reader's mom is an important component of the series and her disappearance is a key point on just how much their siblings would be protective of you, especially once alfred spills the truth ehe.
damian is so hilarious, he totally was not the reason your self worth had taken a turn for the worse! like, he totally doesn't have a track record of threatening you with a sword on your neck but he's still your favorite, right?! you share more similarities with him than anybody else in the family and he's YOUR biological younger brother. he'll totally not show off his skills in art, ahah, because he totally doesn't want to impress you because you two have a shared interest and passion for the same thing...
you know, matching bracelets are cool and all, but your other siblings would steal the same idea so damian would also settle for... painting with you. like those videos of switching up canvases every ten minutes or so.
ugh, he'll even (unknowingly) brag about you whenever he's with his mother. knowing her, she'll be bound to get interested in you and take a look at you for herself. she may or may not even (kidnap) take you out on a mother-child date with damian in tow to get to know you better so... good luck?
damian as a yandere needs your approval and your praise, so much so that you'd feel inclined to watch him practice or spar. but instead of being ignored or having the opportunity to hide in a corner from your sibling's overbearing nature, damian would constantly look at you after he performs a move he deems impressive, eyeing you for your approval or a look of amazement (similar to how dick once performef acrobatic skills in front of you one day and he couldn't take his focus off of your face— he'll get so jealous of dick after that, proving he needs to be better). with damian, you'll get yourself a clingy yet grumpy cat, who needs your consistent pets and cuddles— so don't you dare even try to let him go the moment you decide to hug him.
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a/n: i'm so sorry for the delay in writing :(( i was supposed to post the next chapter today but my body kinda wanted to nerf me and acted up so i had to take a break from writing. it's probably due to the lack of sleep or something but i swear i'll try to make up for it tomorrow.
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kkyiu · 29 days ago
heart locket.
anton lee x reader
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. . . confronting your ex was the last thing you needed amid a cold winter.
genre : angst , ex au
warnings : heartbreak , no use of y/n
wc . . 1.1k
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You wonder why you dragged yourself to the park at 3 AM to face your ex-boyfriend, but here you are, revisiting the wounds of your heart just by seeing him again.
The first thing you noticed seeing Anton for the first time in what feels like an eternity, was the silver necklace resting on his collarbone. The heart locket was hidden under his coat, but the intricate detailing of the chain could have you recognize it within a heartbeat.
It had been a year and four months since you two called it quits. You try your hardest to manipulate your mind to think it came to a mutual agreement, though it only aches your heart remembering how he took the initiative. After the breakup, Anton's whereabouts were nonexistent to you considering how he blocked you on everything and you were never close with his friends, so there was no way to find out how he was dealing with the breakup.
Only after several breakdowns and disassociations you went through at the expense of the breakup, you were slowly picking up the pieces of your heart. Anton wasn't occupying your thoughts anymore and you started going out with friends again. It’s safe to say you were happy again, thinking the same for the other party, but only way quicker on his side.
Well, the assumption of him moving on was soon to be proven false when you received a text from an unknown number, revealing it to be your ex, asking to meet.
A giant part of you wants to curse him out for breaking no contact to drag you outside in the cold. But another part of you hated the way you willingly let yourself obey his words.
Nevertheless, there he was right in front of you, dressed neatly in a black wool coat that complimented his tall figure which reminded you how much of a beauty he was.
You two were the only figures spotted in the park that was engulfed in darkness, the only sources of light being the dimly lighted broken street lamps and the illuminating bright moon. The bottom half of your face was buried under your big scarf to shield against the sharp breezes. You kept a safe distance from Anton because if you were any closer to him, you'd certainly let your guard down and take the opportunity just to cup his face once more. The necklace kept stealing your attention considering how intently you kept your eye on it.
The silence was finally broken when he said your name, his voice barely above a whisper. Hearing your name come out of his mouth in such a distant tone felt so foreign. "I'll just get straight to the point." He continued, "I regret every bit of it, I mean breaking up with you. I..I thought it was the right thing. My insecurities were eating me alive, and I kept thinking you deserve so, so much more than what I was offering. I know now that I was the biggest coward to do that," the smoke of his breaths was visible due to the cold while you kept listening. "I'm sorry for shutting out after the breakup and causing you pain."
You exhale a wobbly sigh, flashing him your glossy pair of eyes. Your eyes were already filled to the brim with tears and the sight broke him completely. “Anton…” He cut through your words and unknowingly took a step closer toward you, "I found myself going to every place we went, hoping to catch even a tiny glimpse of you, wishing that I could undo this mess." You just listened and listened, carefully taking in every word he said. Out of habit, Anton reached to the tiny necklace pendant of his for solace and you can’t help but crack a tiny sad smile.
You hadn’t realized how much the space between you two had closed and you swear you could catch snowflakes land on his eyelashes, dissolving within milliseconds. Seeing him this vulnerable made you want to take back all the hatred you had for him leaving.
"Your heart locket.” You finally acknowledge, and you notice his slow blinks in realization. He pursed his lips and undoes his clutch, revealing the silver heart-shaped pendant. He was taken aback that you called it out despite it being hidden under his coat.
He still recalls the day you gifted him it for his birthday early in the relationship. He'd proudly show not just you but everyone around him the small black-and-white photo of you smiling brightly. The necklace witnessed every moment of the relationship. From a full day of laughter on the beach, sharing the first kiss, and stargazing nights to petty quarrels, deafening yells, and a pool of tears during the final night of the relationship.
It was as if every memory he shared with you was captured in that tiny little pendant, and anytime it was open, everything would flood back up. He couldn't bring himself to take off the necklace because then it would mean losing you all over again and he couldn't bear to go through that the second time.
"This was all I had left of you." The locket was again closed in his fist and you could see his knuckles turning red from the biting cold. "I wish you knew that you were all I wanted," now it was your turn to speak, "I wish you knew that you were the only light through my darkest times and I didn't need anything else. So, yes, you sitting me down to say those three words hurt me an amount no words can summarize." You lock eyes with him, tiny apologies flooding in his dark orbs with a frown on his face.
Anton took another step closer, "Please..." he breathed your name once again, prompting you to shake your head, "Anton, no. It's been more than a year and I've moved on. I'm happy now." You say, though your words are unconvincing to him. “I swear I'll love you right this time if you just give me this chance." His soft-spoken voice became unsteady and a single tear ran down his cheek. Overtaken by emotions, Anton let his head wearily drop on your shoulder. You stood there frozen, contemplating what to do with your ex-boyfriend physically relying on your smaller build.
Your heart breaks for him and the least you could do was wrap your hands around his waist, hoping to console him with your touch. Getting carried away, your hand found its way to his hair gradually caressing his soft streaks. His muffled sobs accompanied you as you started to feel your wool coat getting damp.
Although it was truly tempting to drop everything and return to his love, you couldn't. For the sake of both of you, maybe locking up the memories in that heart locket will do nothing but good.
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"Use me like a drug!"
Drug Dealer! Seonghwa x f!reader
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Highly requested part 2 of:
Drug Dealer! Seonghwa: "She's a regular here..."
Part 3 is out!!
Hey everyone! Thank you so much for the love on my first part of Drug Dealer! Seonghwa <33 Special shoutout to @ygswl for letting me use her ideas for my writing~ I hope you enjoy this continuation as much as the original!
Ps. Sorry if its not as intense as you hope it would be 😭 I'm the most romantic aroace person u will ever meet, I like NEED to include romantic stuff
CW: mentions of drug dealing/mafia/illegal businesses, drug dealer! Seonghwa, yunho cameo, seonghwa and reader are dating, fluff,!!SMUT!!, unprotected sex (pls stay safe yall), consensual somnophilia/free use, seonghwa cries cuz pussy too good 🙏
Seonghwa hung up the phone, his face a mix of irritation and anxiety. He started pacing the length of his office's shabby rug. MATZ had recently been losing customers, courtesy of the new company, PARADIGM, that entered the industry less than a month ago. He had just gotten off a call with Yunho, his supplier and good friend who had intel on them. PARADIGM was apparently backed up by the son of a rich mafia leader in the city. This meant that they had higher budget, higher manpower, and higher quality goods. And they were quickly stealing MATZ's spotlight in the local drug-dealing scene. Of course, Seonghwa was willing to resort to dirty tactics to get back his customers. But even if he was able to find a group of hitmen to raid and temporarily disrupt their business, MATZ would face even worse collateral damage in the process. After all, MATZ was still a way smaller operation compared to PARADIGM. This news was nothing but trouble for Seonghwa and Hongjoong's business and livelihood, and he knew it.
He continued pacing the room, swearing out loud when he accidentally stubbed his toe against the coffee table's leg. However, he quickly cut himself off when he remembered you were resting on the couch. Tiptoeing over to the slightly-battered, leather sofa in the middle of his office, Seonghwa caught a glimpse of you sleeping peacefully under one of his coats. His tense expression softened slightly. Ever since he had fucked you in one of his new faux fur coats, you'd started stealing his jackets and coats, often using them as makeshift blankets whenever you visited or felt lonely when he wasn't around.
He sighed as he thought about how you had came over on your free day to spend time with him, but had ended up falling asleep when he was taking too long to answer customers' calls and order cancellations. It was a tough, busy period for MATZ, yet you would patiently wait for Seonghwa to make time for you, wasting yours in the process.
"I need to lie down..." He mumbled to himself, as he made his way over to where you were snoring lightly on the couch. Perhaps cuddling up to his beloved girlfriend for a nap would help to temporarily ease the building migraine work was giving him. He stepped over your discarded clothes on the floor, taking note of how the jean shorts and flimsy t-shirt were probably uncomfortable for you to sleep in. Running one hand through his messy locks, Seonghwa unbuttoned his collar with the other to give himself a little breathing room, before carefully getting under his coat to spoon you.
However, despite the presence of your comforting scent and warmth, he still couldn't get the possibility of losing his beloved business out of his head. He knew that it was understandable to be concerned, but he was struggling just to find something else to think about, even if it was only momentary. Suddenly, he winced at the feeling of something pushing against his groin.
Looking down, he realised you were unknowingly pushing your soft ass against him. Your skimpy silk sleep shorts left little to imagination, and Seonghwa could already feel himself getting hard. He groaned under his breath. Out of all times he had to be horny for his girlfriend, why'd it have to be when you were asleep? The last thing he'd want to do would be disrupting your rest when you were exhausted from a long week of classes.
This, however, brought him back to a text conversation you had with him just a few days earlier. You'd noticed how Seonghwa had been very stressed lately, and had brought up the concept of free use to him. Essentially, you gave him your permission to let him use you for stress relief, even if you were asleep. Seonghwa's heart ricocheted in his chest thinking about it, internally thanking the gods for sending an angel to him.
He carefully tugged down your silk shorts, chuckling at how you shuddered when his cold palms came in contact with your dewy skin. He was taken aback at the wet spot on your lilac panties. Were you expecting this? His face heated up at the thought of you being all ready for him to use at any moment. As if you weren't already the perfect girlfriend for him. Hurriedly, he tugged aside your panties and fumbled to pull down his own pants.
Seonghwa bit his lip, holding back a whimper as he sank his hard cock into you. His neck arched back, stretching out the letters tattooed across his long neck. He buried his face into your exposed shoulder, inhaling your scent as he effectively caged your frame into his larger one. His breath hitched when you whined and shifted in your sleep, but he exhaled a sigh of relief when you fell back into deep sleep with a satisfied look on your features.
Slowly, Seonghwa began thrusting in and out of you, setting a slow but comfortable rhythm for himself. He swallowed his moans as he leaned in to lick and suck at the skin under your jawline, leaving behind faint purple marks that would surely show later on. Even in your state of unconsciousness, your body reacted to Seonghwa's movements, clenching on him every now and then and letting out quiet moans. "S-shit, you're so good to me, sweetheart... my y/n," he mumbled more to himself than to you. "Even... even when you're tired and sleepy, you still help me out... I love you so m-much." The stress from work started to melt away, the migraine disappearing along with it. Your warmth and closeness was so overwhelmingly relieving that your boyfriend even started tearing up. His restrained moans turned to desperate whimpers and hiccups. He reflexively slid an arm around your soft waist, pulling you impossibly close to him and allowing his cockhead to hit an even deeper spot in you. This startled you awake with a loud moan.
You blinked sleepily at your surroundings, aware that Seonghwa was balls deep in you at the moment. He was too deep in pleasure to notice you'd woken up, though. You sucked in a breath when he hit that deep, new spot in your cunt again, tilting your head to leave a kiss on his tussled black hair, when you felt hot liquid dripping down your bare shoulders and sliding down your collarbone.
"Hwa? Baby?"
Seonghwa jumped a little, suddenly made aware that you'd woken up. He hesitantly lifted his head from your shoulder to make eye contact with you. Puffy, teary doe eyes stared back into your own.
"..hwa? Are you crying?"
"Oh...uhm, fuck, yeah, I'm so sorry, sweetheart--"
He started pulling away from you, embarrassed to be caught crying while literally fucking himself into you. But you grabbed his hand and looped it back around your waist, earning a befuddled look from your panting lover. You offered a smile. "Stressed?"
He gave a sheepish smile and nodded, lips trembling and eyes still shiny from crying. You gave him a kiss on the corner of his lips.
"So use me. Use me like a drug."
Seonghwa's eyes widened.
Shortly after the two of you had finished, it was Seonghwa's turn to fall asleep. You quietly watched his chest rise and fall with every breath he took. The tears on his face that hadn't dried yet were gently wiped away by a tissue clutched in your fingers. How could he be so effortlessly beautiful? Your attention was quickly drawn away by Seonghwa's phone vibrating on the coffee table. Anxious that the noise might wake your knocked out boyfriend, you reached over to pick up the call.
"Hello, Seonghwa? It's Yunho."
You let out a sigh of relief. You knew Yunho. He was a good friend of Seonghwa's and was also MATZ's supplier.
"Hey Yunho! This is y/n. Seonghwa's sleeping right now, and I don't wanna wake him up. What is it?"
"Oh my god y/n! Its been awhile since we talked. Seonghwa's resting? Thank god, honestly. Poor guy's been so stressed out lately, with that new company stealing all the customers. Did he happen to tell you about PARADIGM?"
"No, but they sound like trouble. Why'd you call him?"
"Fuck, yeah, I called because I got good news! There's another gang in the drug industry that's rivalling with PARADIGM. They're even planning to raid PARADIGM's hide-out within the next month. Both groups are around the same size and have similar backgrounds. High chance they'll wipe each other out when they eventually fight. I wanted to tell Seonghwa that he doesn't have to worry about losing MATZ anymore."
"Thank you so much, Yunho. I'll make sure to tell him the good news."
You hung up the call, bubbly with excitement and happiness. Seonghwa stirred in his sleep just as you hung up with Yunho. He rubbed at his eyes, mumbling a sleepy "who was that?". You leaned down to peck his lips, running your hand through his bedhair at the same time. "Go back to sleep first, baby. Rest and I'll tell you later." Seonghwa gave you a grateful grin and nodded before letting his head hit the couch pillow once more.
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gremlinmodetweeker · 4 months ago
König and Horangi as a Cat Hybrids
I had this mental image of a new AU but I don't have my tablet to draw on so I'm just gonna vomit out my new AU thoughts.
What about König and Horangi as cat hybrids that reader unknowingly adopts? She just sees these two ragtag cats outside, feels really bad and starts feeding them. Eventually, they start bonding to her so they follow her home. It's kinda hard to tell a cat no when it just sorta walks through the front door (Horangi first and König nervously scooting in afterwards).
It's hard to believe Horangi is a stray. He's a glorious little toyger cat and he's swanning around loving the place up. He is a personality plus cat. He's genuinely the best companion, but also the loudest companion. Will scream at 6am for food. That wakes up König, and König will sit on your face in an attempt to suffocate you for food. They are a horrific duo.
Anyways, Horangi is a great cat but he never leaves either you or König alone. He does not understand the concept of personal space. He's there. Everywhere. You cannot escape loudmouth Horangi. He has opinions and he must share them. Sometimes König will resort to laying on him in an attempt to get him to shut up.
Horangi's also a bit of a jackass. He'll purposefully make messes to laugh at you. He will swat your drinks off the table and steal your keys and hide them in the cat tree. He'll also hide under beds and swat your ankles. He's a devil cat and he's proud of it.
König, on the other hand, is a bit of a ghost cat. You sometimes forget you have two cats. However, when König makes his presence known, it's impossible to ignore. Mostly because he vomits on your carpet and then looks at you sadly. He would clean it up, but that would blow his cover. So instead, he watches as you deal with his problems. He knows what you must do, and for that he is sorry.
König is a ratty black maine coon cat, or maybe a ragdoll. Can't decide yet. Either way, he's a bit uggo but if you just brushed him he'd look fine. His eyes are always crusty and leaking and he'll squirm like a bastard if you try to clean him up. He's a crusty man and he likes it that way.
Most of König's antics revolve around food or being a crusty cat. He is such a food-driven animal that it's insane. He only wants to eat and he will do anything to get to food. He's trampled Horangi numerous times when the dinner bell's been rung. He does everything he can to earn more treats and it's a bit frightening. You're also worried he's gaining weight. You're particularly worried because the way König deals with Horangi's antics is by sitting on him until he stops. He also tries to sit on you to stop you from going places. This is cute until he digs his claws in and hangs on for dear life.
König and Horangi like to stay in their cat forms as often as possible. Quite simply, it's comfortable. Free food, plenty of belly scratches, König gets regular baths so he doesn't smell like a crusty old man, it's a good life for the two of them. Mind you König isn't even that old, he's just crusty.
I just wonder what would be the thing to make reader realize that her two crusty cats are actually crusty men living in her apartment rent-free..
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prettealolilol · 13 days ago
So, I love the headcanon of the batfam being menaces in the kitchen, and that half of them are banned from entering for the rest of their life.
However, you can't tell me that Batman, the man who has contingency plans for his contingency plans, who carries shark spray repellent, the man who travelled for a year (i think ?) on his own with only a backpack (and a lot of money but still), doesn't know how to cook. There is no way, he can't fend for himself in any type of situation (apocalypse ? ready; zombies ? ready; stranded on an island on his own ? ready). He can definitely take care of himself without Alfred, because Bruce is paranoid and there's the eventuality of the butler dying. And anyway, he probably learnt some dishes when he was younger so he could help Alfred around the house (it made him feel closer to the only caring adult in his life). He also definitely learnt traditional dishes while travelling and every time he adopts (it's his way of showing he cares).
(Cooking was one of the ways he bonded with Jason. The boy was tense and wary, not used to having so much food for free. When Bruce realised Jason cooked, he offered to teach him a few dishes he learnt around the world. It was the first time Jason called Bruce 'dad'. Every year they would cook (and make a mess) for Alfred's birthday.)
There's this whole thing with Dick only eating cereal (I don't know much about him, sorry) and being close behind Bruce as a kitchen menace. I don't really know how life in a circus works, but I'll go with the fact that they didn't always have access to a kitchen while traveling, so the food was never sophisticated. Yet, with the circus, Dick travelled a lot and met wonderful people. Some locals would sometimes bring them traditional plates, and even teach him how to cook them. The reason he doesn't really cook is because he finds the kitchen too complicated. Who needs so many utensils ? It's disorienting and feels too clinical (Dick associates cooking with sweet lessons from his mom and having fun with the people from the circus.).
(The times he actually took the time to cook at the manor was when Jason joined and they would try to bake. Dick cooks with Damian sometimes. At first it was to make him comfortable by being domestic, giving the excuse of learning to work together, but now it's just to bond. Bruce joins them sometimes.)
As said previously Jason knows how to cook. I'm not sure if it's canon, but he cooked for his mom, and is never banned from the kitchen in what I read. Similarly to Dick, he grew up cooking easy things. He didn't have access to much food, most of the time stealing from markets and fighting for bread in back alleys. He would stand in the shadows, staring at the window of a restaurant kitchen until he knew the moves by heart and would redo them at home (he'd spend days saving money and stealing the adequate ingredients). It was always simple dishes though. So when Jason first stepped in the kitchen ? He was amazed, and felt like one of those chefs he would observe for ours. The first weeks, he'd wait until everyone was in bed and sneaked in to cook (Alfred always acted like he didn't know). When he came back to Gotham after the pit, he began stress-cooking a lot. He'd steal money from Bruce and cook enough to feed a whole building in Crime Alley (he ate some once and threw up immediately. It tasted too much like home. He never ate anything he cooked again).
(Cooking with Alfred became an excuse to come to the manor and stay for dinner and sometimes even the night. (The first few times, the butler was the only one Jason could be with without activating his fight or flight instinct.) Watching his family unknowingly eat something he cooked and praising the food makes him feel like he may be allowed to be part of the family. Slowly, he starts leaving food to them (on the batmobile because he knows Bruce didn't eat before patrol, in Tim's office because he overworked and didn't go home, in Dick's kitchen because he got hurt during his day job), and nobody ever mentions it.)
I already explained my point of view for Tim in a previous post. Whether his parents were loving or not (fanon vs canon), they still travelled a lot. So Tim grew up having to learn to cook because there wasn't always someone at Drake's manor, and Drakes don't call people in the middle of the night because they're hungry or a little sick. So Tim knew the basics to care for himself, he learnt to wrap and stitch his own wounds at ten after being too close to an explosion where Batman and Riddler fought (seeing later the pictures he got, Tim thought getting some glass in his arm was completely worth it). Of course, he doesn't know any complicated dishes, he does enjoy the chemical aspect of it, the reactions between the ingredients, the way the molecules change with time and temperature variations. Tim also enjoys the historic aspect of it, so he'd learn to make dishes just because he liked the story related to its invention (it has proven useful in many social gatherings to know so much about food and culture). When he started as Robin, those skills became useful when he had to cook for Bruce in the middle of the night because he wouldn't wake Alfred up. After moving in the manor, Tim kind of dropped this little hobby. Alfred is here to cook, and he has other things to worry about (Jason coming back, then Damian being introduced, the whole time stream issue...).
(When he has some time, Tim scrolls on his social media, saving videos about recipes and learning about dishes and their history. He promises himself he'll find some time to try them. When Jason starts leaving each of them food, Tim buys a recipe book. As often as he can, he cooks something, prints a copy of the recipe and drops it off at Jason's current place. One time, when Damian is sick and no one else but Tim is at the manor, he ends up cooking an Arabic dish (a grandma recipe for sick children). Damian stops saying he's useless after this.)
Again, I don't know much about Cass, so it's really how I feel about it. Cass grew with simple dishes. When she joined the batfam, she didn't understand the importance of sharing a meal, people eating together, Alfred spending so much time in the kitchen, or why there were so many ways to cook one ingredient. Just like Dick, the kitchen feels too unnecessarily full, too many things that are just not imperative. To her, food was here to feed and strengthen the body. Cooking should be fast and easy because food was not supposed to be pleasant, just necessary. She doesn't really know how to cook. She can prepare food so it's edible, hunt or light up a fire. But growing up with her father taught her that food is only here to feed. She actually discovers its importance after walking in on Jason and Alfred cooking together. It was one of the rare times Jason would go farther than the cave and into the manor. They were not talking, and yet the atmosphere was soft, acknowledging. Reading Jason's body, she saw happiness and contemptment, the usual tension and anger nowhere in sight. She asks Tim about him (because he's the one who offered to teach her sign language, the one who she goes to when she needs a definition.) and he tells her how cooking can be many things, it can be an offer, it can be death, it can be love, it can be survival...
(Alfred once explained how it was his way of caring. He'd make different dishes depending on people's mood or state. When Cass understood that cooking was a form of language, she took it upon herself to learn. She watches Alfred cook for days, asking questions. She goes to Jason's place to ask him his opinion, teasing him when he gets flustered under her staring. She learns to cook and enjoys it.)
At the league, Damian was a prince. He didn't cook, it was beneath his status, there were servants for that. Like Cass, although he had access to higher quality food, it was only there to feed you. When he arrived at the manor ? The shock to see only one servant, and that his Father sometimes cooked for himself. His Father, who her mother had represented as a king, someone powerful enough to have his grandfather's respect, the man he was supposed to become. It took time for Damian to step into the kitchen for different reasons. First of all, the kitchen was not his place to be, it's Pennyworth's territory. He was not welcome there and knew that to make an enemy out of the man that raised his Father. Secondly, Damian was taught restraint, he would not give in to his basic urge. He could wait until morning even if he felt like his stomach was clenching on itself. The reason for walking in the kitchen was Grayson dragging him inside, promising some bonding time necessary for working together (it was fun, although Damian would not admit it).
(After realising the importance of cooking in the household, Damian decided he could not not know how to cook. Everyone seemed to have the knowledge it wouldn't do for him not to know. Maybe, he also felt like cooking would teach him to be a better part of the family and be accepted as the method he was taught all his life did not work. He learnt to cook on his own, sneaking in the kitchen and training. When he finally mastered a dish, he announced to Alfred he'll be cooking for the evening. Even if he'd never admit it, the praises he received that evening made him feel lighter, like he belonged. And no Grayson, he was not blushing.)
When Duke moves in the manor, it's kinda weird to have a butler. Duke was raised in a normal, middle class family, so cooking is a normal thing he helped his parents with. He would come home from school and help his parents cook dinner, sometimes doing it himself if they were still at work. He didn't know anything fancy or foreign dishes, but he could cook well. So having Alfred do it alone all day ? Not how Duke was raised. The first weeks, he would go into the kitchen and offer his help to Alfred, who would constantly refuse, joking about letting him do his job or he might become useless in his old age. Although it was a joke, Duke (who had just moved in and didn't really know how to act) stopped asking, not wanting to make the butler think he was taking his place.
(He still cooks sometimes, when he feels nostalgic. Cooking reminds him of his parents, his mothers' laughter and his father(s warm hand on his shoulder. When Duke discovers that Cass is learning to cook, he decides to do it with her, learning new recipes from around the world. It helped him a lot to feel at home at the Wayne manor.)
My point is, love the massacre this family can be when left unattended in a kitchen, but they definitely know how to cook.
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winterarmyy · 2 years ago
Promise Me | Part I
When he was sent out for war, Bucky made a promise to his lover that might just last through several lifetimes.
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Summary: Y/N kept being reincarnated into the world for seemingly endless of lifetimes with the lasting, vivid memories of her past lover during the 40's, Sargent James B. Barnes. While she thought this was a 'punishment' for her sins, she was also unknowingly oblivious to the fact that James was still alive somewhere, almost forever frozen in the time.
Navigation: Part I | Part II | Part III (end)
Words: 6.5k++ (hella long bc lots to cover in the story building part)
Pairing: 40s!bucky / eventually tfatws!bucky x female!reader
Warnings: just slow induced angst for your daily consumption (i guess?) It has a hopeful ending so don't let the first warning chase you away. reincarnation concept. an attempt to follow exact mcu timeline (forgive if i'm wrong at certain parts). slight religious contents. grief & loss. graphic violence. deaths. mention of suicide. a lot of reader's pov, story building > dialogs (sorry guys).
P/S: Another impulsive writing from me y'all. I hope you don't get bored of this tendency of mine lol. I just need to let the fantasies out before it consumes me. So... anyway, it's gonna be another 3 parts fic cause for the love of god, I cannot commit for more :') Also, my first attempt of writing 40's bucky!!! I'm honestly scared. I hope you like it!
Read my other works here: Masterlist
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Italy, 1943 – His return
If there was one thing that Bucky should have expected when he decided to be in a relationship with Y/N was it would be that he had to accept her for who she was; stubborn, clumsy, bold, clever, sweet and most certainly the prettiest dame he ever met.
He might have unknowingly signed up for it the moment he quite literally fell for her at one of those Stark's science expo. Bucky had been stealing glances at this one pretty lady in the crowd; adored in soft mint dress that falls right below her knees.
It wasn't even a scandalous dress to wear in public but somehow Bucky was more than ecstatic to marvel at her beauty. There was no such thing as a too long of a stare, especially when she laughed like that; throwing her head in amusement, the loose strands of her curls fall back across her shoulders as they slightly shook to the rhythm of her laughter.
A careless misstep – that Bucky could see from a mile away – had caused her to stagger backwards and twisted her ankle into an inevitable fall. Somehow, Bucky managed to slither his way through the crowd towards her, almost jumping forward to catch her before she landed on the ground.
Not only that he was the one who fell first, but he also fell hard.
So, it was expected that Bucky knew what he had got himself into. At least, that was what Y/N had been repeating in her head to convince herself for what she had done. Now that she was sitting at the back of the wobbly military truck, the fear had slowly started to seep into her, causing shivers to crawl all over her nerves.
Y/N just knew it in her guts that Bucky would be absolutely furious when he sees her but what does he expect her to do when she hadn't receive any letters from him for months now. So, when she heard that they needed more medic volunteers at the Italy base, she signed up without thinking twice about it.
"There has been a recent attack on the 107th. Too many casualties and much more whose heavily injured. You might have your hands full the moment you arrive to the base. There are few rules..." The lieutenant's voice was as rigid just as his demenour when he continued to inform the situation to the troops of medical staff.
No matter how much she wanted to pay attention to his words, Y/N couldn't help but to tune in only at his first few sentences. Casualties and heavily injured. Her hands moved to search for the cross pendent hanging from the necklace around her collarbone, gripping it tight as she prayed that her lover was not categorized under any of those dire circumstances.
What the lieutenant said in that truck could never be more true; as the moment they stepped into the medic tent, Y/N and the others were quickly pulled to assist the fallen men. It was truly heartbreaking and horrid to witness the dreading truth behind what the public posed as the "heroes of the country".
Surely they were proud to fight for the nation but then again no human being should ever had to suffer the consequences of war; not the civilians and certainly not the soldiers.
After seemingly hours of continuous stitching, wrapping and patching up; surrounded sound of groaning pain and the endless cycle of inhaling the distinct scent of fresh blood, burned flesh and the bitter of anticeptic odor; the injured soldiers were finally taken care of and had been put to rest.
Y/N looked around the tent, noting the unorganized mess around the patients; the result of the panic and chaos of the whole situation. A thought came to her mind, she might need to do some cleaning up before writing down medical record for each one of the patients.
That was when the lieutenant entered into the tent, and his stern gaze swiftly analyzed the much calmer scene, "Thank you for your service, everybody. I assume the soldiers are stabilized?"
"Yes, sir." One of the battalion doctor replied as he approached, while the rest of the team watched from where they stood.
The lieutenant simply nodded, "Good." He paused for awhile and looked around,  "Now, have any of you met Captain America before?"
There were bunch of no's murmured around the medical staff, some of them just shook their head as an answer and the lieutenant nodded again, "Well, I guess you are all just darn lucky cause he's here to perform. You are invited to come and join the others to watch, if you want to." He informed.
"Steve's here?" She thought to herself.
As the lieutenant continued to explain some things about accommodation, food and medical supplies, Y/N's head were filled with thought that her dear friend, Steve.
"I wonder if he gotten any words from James."
"Maybe he got letters from him?"
"Or could it be that he was here to find James too?
There were so many questions kept circulating in her head that by the time she snapped out of them, the lieutenant was already long gone and some of the volunteers went out to untangle themselves from the hours of stressful tension.
As a nurse herself, she felt the need to take care of her patients and finish her job before anything else. So, she started to clean up the shredded clothes, bloodied guazes and the other medical tools that needed to be sterilized and put away.
By the time she finished, it finally dawned to her that there was no trace of Bucky in the medic tent. Which means he didn't fall into the heavily injured category. So, there was two left; the one she prayed for and the other that dreaded her to even think about.
Y/N quickly made her way towards the tent where she can find the soldier in charge. However, if she was focused during one of the lieutenant's speech in the truck, she would've heard that she and the others were not authorized to enter certain parts of the base, which include the higher ups' tents.
When she was turned down by the soldiers, she sadly walked away towards the main area where Steve was supposed to perform. The drag of her feet across the dusty sand was heavy; but no more heavier than the burden in her heart.
She watched as her black pump shoes gradually covered with light sand. Finding it odd that a few weeks ago she was standing on the shiny tile of a hospital in Brooklyn and now she was halfway across the world in the middle of the chaos of a war.
The things she'd do for love.
Soon enough, the dry ground was wet from the sudden down pour, turning it into a murky soggy path. Y/N quickly ran towards the main area; where apparently the show was long over. "Did I missed Steve?" She thought as she stepped into the tent where the performers supposed to be.
The tent turned out to be empty as she suspected. There was only the sound of drizzling raindrops above it was left behind.
She looked around the area and saw the costumes for the performers were still there; the pleated white and red skirt hanging on the rack, white gloves clipped with them, the captain's shield with notes sticking at the back of it and the iconic blue helmet-mask plastered with the obvious letter of A.
She peeked a little to the right only to see Steve hunched down on the floor, curling into himself just as he always did back when he was left beaten up in the alleyway somewhere in Brooklyn.
A thought passed through her mind; maybe the upgrade of his size doesn't really change his habits.
Y/N walked closer to see him holding his sketchbook on one hand and another was a pencil pressing across the paper. The tip scribled up and down, lining the drawing of a monkey on a unicycle. "I guess the serum does not amplify your art skills huh, Stevie?" she teased as she approached the blonde man.
Steve lifted up his head as he turned towards the familiar voice, "y/n?" His face lit up as he recognized her face. He stood on his feet and pulled her into a tight hug, "It's so good to see you." He sighed, he haven't seen her since his departure to be paraded around the world as the 'symbol of freedom'.
He clearly remembers what he wrote in the letter regarding her wish to volunteer as a medic for the war; practically begging her to not do this and stay home.
But alas, it took awhile for him to process it but when it came to him, he gently pushed her away, "Wait.. what are you doing here?" His brows creased into a worried frown.
Y/N simply smiled as she responded, "They needed help, so I volueentered."
Steve shook his head in disbelief, "I know that." He sighed as a frown deepened across his feature, "Bucky made me promise not to let you do stuff like this."
In which Y/N countered, "And he remind you not to do anything stupid until he get back; so..." she purposely trailed her words for him to draw the conclusion on his own.
He let out a long sigh before concluding, "Bucky's gonna kill us."
Since, Bucky was in the topic, Y/N wanted to take the oppurtunity to asked Steve about him, "About that, have you heard--"
A woman's voice came from her back, cutting in between her words, "Steve?"
Steve nervously distance himself from Y/N as he shyly greeted the brunette, "Hi."
The woman continued to stare at Y/N trying to figure out her role and relationship to Steve but before she could get any strange idea, he quickly introduced her, "This is y/n. She's a good friend of mine at home."
A spark of realization glint through her eyes "I see. I'm Peggy. Nice to meet you." She extended her hand towards Y/N, in which she gladly shook it in hers as she reintroduced herself, "You too. I'm y/n."
After the brief exchange of smile between the two ladies, Steve continued to ask Peggy, "What are you doing here?"
Peggy sighed as she explained, "Officially, I'm not here at all." She paused as she picked her words, "I just came by to oversee the situation after the recent attack."
Although Y/N knew what Peggy meant, she was one of the medic staff that had been stitching up the aftermath of that attack after all. However, Steve on the other hand seemed to be lost.
Peggy further explained, "Schmidt sent out a force to Azzano, more than 200 men went up against him and less than 50 returned." She paused, "Your audience contained what's left of the 107th."
Steve's blues widen in realization that almost looked much like panic, "The 107th?"
"What?" Peggy prompt quickly.
Steve then turned his head to Y/N, "Bucky?" He questioned shortly.
But even she was hoping that he'll know something about Bucky, apparently she was wrong, "I tried to ask but I'm not authorized to enter the tent. I was hoping you heard from him."
Seeing the panic in Steve's eyes, she knew that her lover was no where near the safety that she prayed for. But before fear could set in, Steve sprinted out of the tent, "Come on!" he shouted as Y/N and Peggy ran closely behind him.
When they arrived to the tent, fortunately they had the permission to enter with the help of Peggy. "Well, if it isn't the Star-Spangled Man With A Plan. What is your plan today?" Colonel Philips greeted in a teasing manner.
Steve didn't even bother to greet the colonel as he demanded, "I need the casualty list from Azzano." In which the Philips responded, "You don't get to give me orders, son."
Knowing that arguments won't help the situation, he control his tone of voice and spoke, "I just need one name, Sergeant James Barnes from the 107th." He took a short breath and insisted, "Please tell me if he's alive, sir. B-A-R-"
Colonel Phillips stood on his feet as he walked towards a table behind him, "I can spell. I have signed more of these condolence letters today than I would care to count." He paused before turning around to eye on Steve and briefly on the very worried looking nurse next to him.
"But the name does sound familiar. I'm sorry." There was a flash of sincerity in his eyes when he looked towards Y/N.
The optimistic Steve continued to insist more about other possibilities than casualties, "What about the others? Are you planning a rescue mission?" They went back and forth about the what is the 'right' thing to do, "Yes, it's called 'winning the war'. "
And suddenly sound of the heavy rain fall was all Y/N could hear, then comes the booming of her heartbeat as the panic started to deprive her of any optimism; clouding her judgment to think of anything near to positive outcomes such as Steve.
It was getting harder to breath and the anxiety slowly choked her from within, forcing tears to pool in her eyes. Peggy swiftly took a hold on Y/N, before her knees managed to fall to the ground. The muffled sound of Peggy's voice managed to come through but not enough to wake her from the despair.
Before she knew it, Steve was already gone for an unauthorized rescue mission with the help from Peggy. And ever since, Y/N had spend every waking moment digging her knees into the uneven ground under her tent. Her elbows were bruised from how hard she propped them on the steel edge of the army green cot. Her palms almost dented to shape of the silver cross as she desperately squeeze it between her hold.
She prayed and prayed for his return. For both of her dearest to be safe, to find their way home.
Every part of her body was numb and all she hoped for was to have her prayers be answered. And it seems like God heard her whispers of the night.
Like the others, Y/N was drawn to the commotion as the crowd was getter louder. At first she noticed a few, then the circle of soldiers were geting thicker when the survivors joined the rest of them. There were chantings of "Captain America" that echoed throughout the base and that gave her relief to know that Steve was safe.
But it was not enough to tame her anxiousness. Y/N's focus has never been sharper when her eyes scanned the crowd, she slithered her way between the jumping joy of the soldiers, grabbing onto some men who she mistook as Bucky; until she saw him.
Her heartbeat ramped increasingly as she pushed through the soldiers, finding strength from the blood pumping excitement when she recognize those steel blues and that cheeky smile. Not long before she managed to grab onto his hand and pulled his attention to her.
It was brief but he knew that face anywhere; and suddenly his whole body was engulf into a familiar tight hug that he thought he could never be able to feel again. "James." her voice stuttered even if it was just one word that came out of her lips.
"y/n?" Bucky called her name, almost in disbelief.
God, she never knew that she was able to miss his voice this much.
"Doll, what you doing here?" He gently lead her away, which she reluctantly followed, "I'm here for you." There was no need of lies now that Bucky was here in her arms.
His gaze soften with a mix of concern and joy, "What do you mean you're here for me?" Bucky couldn't help but to let out a short laugh, "Sweetheart, you do realized that you're in the middle of a warzone?" His brows quirked as he reminded.
Y/N rolled her eyes. Of course, she realized that. The moment she saw that form for the volunteer enlistment, she already knew that. But, it didn't stop her to sign up, does it?
She laced her fingers into his, "I didn't come all the way here to fight with you, James." she whispered as she leaned closer, "So, please just shut up and kiss me."
Bucky might have just realized it now; what a stubborn, demanding, crazy little lover got himself. Though at the same time, he had never been more charmed.
Bucky sighed in defeat before running his tongue on his lower lip, "Well then, come here you little minx" he took her by the head and gave her the most desperate yet sweetest kiss she could never forget.
Brooklyn, 1944 – Promises, promises
It was the day that Steve, Bucky and the rest of the Howling Commandos were depolying to the Austrian Alps for one of the biggest mission since Captain's impulsive rescue mission in Italy last year.
Apparently, Zola was on the move and predicted to be passing though the location while travelling on a train.
This wasn't the first time she had sent Bucky away, but the fear of each departure always felt like it was her first; especially when she thought about the promise of death that's chained to a soldier's fate.
The closer the time of departure, the stronger her grip on Bucky's uniform becomes. And Bucky didn't need to say anything because he knows her too well; she won't take any of his sweet words as a cure for her distress.
Instead, Bucky slowly swayed her from side to side as their embrace tightens with need; her face hidden in the crook of his neck while his arms secured around her waist. He had to smile as it reminded him of their late night dance, barefoot on the kitchen floor of his tiny apartment.
He could feel the teasing gaze coming from his back as well as the whistles of the Howling Commandos playfully making fun of him. Bucky was also well aware of the fact that everyone had made theirs bets on when will the Sargent James B. Barnes finally get down on his knees for his little nightingale of a nurse.
Unsurprisingly, Steve might just win the bet afterall. That punk just had know everything about him.
Y/N snuggled closer into him, "Come home to me, James." She whispered against his skin before pulling away. Teary eyes threatened to spill its salty liquid as she looked up at him, "Promise me."
Bucky's charming smile lighten his features as he leaned to press a kiss in her forehead, "I promise."
Brooklyn, 1945 – Loved and lost
Months gone by, entered the new year, and it always felt like eternity for Y/N. She spent nights kneeling next to her bed and days on the church's floor; practically begging to God for the life of her lover, for keeping him away from death.
And the letters from Bucky also come and goes within those few months' time, with his promises of coming home; laced in the words of his longing and love for her.
But, little did she knew, that promise met it's end of the bargain when the dreaded letter came to her hands. It came from the man she met back in Italy base, Colonel Phillips, sending the words of condolences for the death Sargent James B. Barnes during his honourable mission at the Austrian Alps.
But the first time she read to words, it didn't even register in her head. It was as if her brain failed to translate the text; unable to make it so she understood what they meant. Y/N had been re-reading the same lines over and over and over until it finally clicked.
The usually bright eyes of hers were now slowly filled with tears, she was in the state of shock; that even if her brain knew exactly what had happened but her heart wasn't ready for it. 
The tears started to fall down onto the letter. Drip by drip. And all of the sudden she lost every word that she could ever think of. Her silent scream; suffocating her with each breath she took desperately gripping onto the fragile piece of paper, holding it to her chest hold as if that would help to ease the pain in her heart.
Y/N could feel it in her ripping guts. How all the threads of every joyful memories she could ever once recall; they unraveled in a way that broke her to pieces until they were all but a rumpled of strings scattered about her feet.
A sharp fall had forced Y/N down to her knees, skin digging into the hard floor as her hands trembled silently, clutching onto the letter.
At first when she opened her mouth, there was not a single sound came out as her breath ripped from her lungs. Each left her with scars of loss and every waking minute in this reality was just pure pain.
Her body bend forward until her forehead meets the cold floor; that was when she wailed – an agonizing scream that left a haunting memory to the neighbours around her apartment.
She cried like there was too much raw pain inside that she could never contained. She cried like her soul needed to break loose from her skin, desperate to release a loathful rage on the world. 
But it was more than just crying, it was the sobbing of a woman that drained of all hope. She sank on floor, willing herself to be swallowed by the dread and loss. Just screaming out the agonies that been dancing across her vulnerable veins. 
Her chest violently quivered as she was desperately trying to catch the air. She collected every last energy that she had to call out the name of the lover she had loss, "James.." Her gasping breath whispered against the floor, "You promised." 
A month later the nation celebrate to the announcement to the end of a war, but to Y/N it was just another wave of mourning grief to a loss of another precious person in her life; Steve.
Amidst the loud sound of cheering and laughter, she rushed away from the crowd to the place that she had put all her faith into. Stumbling through the empty church and falling at the feet of Jesus' statue, Y/N looked up at the face of God; not with her usual admiration but instead with so much loath, rage and despair.
The night sky was brighten to the flashing light from the firework but all she could think of was how similar the sound of it to a firing canon in the war.
And the thought of Bucky and Steve run through her mind.
She had been nothing but faithful to the lord, religiously prayed for no more than saving the life of people she held dear to her heart.
But, God thought it would be merciful to let them die.
Y/N harshly ripped the cross necklace from her neck, tearing her skin apart in the process. She gripped on the cross in her hands, much like she would few months back but for completely different reason.
The crimson of her blood tainted the white collar of her nurse uniform as she she cursed the all mighty God for what he had done. Ever since, she swore to herself to never be naive to the illusion of God's mercy ever again.
Washington D.C., 2014 – An old friend
Fate is full with irony and God has his way of twisting them for his own pleasure.
When Y/N died in the 60's, old and unmarried, even if she doesn't believe in God anymore, her dying wish was to be able to meet her lover and friend again.
At least one more time.
But lo and be hold, he had different plans for her. Y/N's body did die that night on the hospital bed but her soul never did. It was as if she was woken up from sleep in another body with the same face as her, that's when she realized she has been reincarnated.
Apparently, she was only born in the same family lineage as her original life; whether coming from her younger brother or cousin or anyone related back to her bloodline. And sharing even the tiniest amount of blood of her own, triggers every single memory from her previous life.
This wasn't what she wanted.
She didn't want to live knowing she cannot be with Bucky.
So on the second life, she did the unthinkable. She took her own life, thinking that she would finally leave the world behind but she didn't.
It happened again.
And again.
And again.
So, when she reached her sixth life, she realized that she will never able to meet James and Steve ever again; that was when she went rogue.
Her sixth life was filled with rage and vengeance; to the point that she took the idea of life very lightly. So, instead of living until the old days, she searched for revenge and got herself tragically killed in the process.
Now, the 18 year old Y/N was in her seventh life, with a new name that was given by her seventh parents, "Evelyn" , and the spitting image of her first life. From her dark raven hair to the light brown of her eyes. This time, she decided to try to accept the cruel fate; the cursed that God had placed on her for the sin that she made decades ago.
Y/N walked around the Smithsomian Museum, specifically at the American history section where they put up Captain America's exhibit. It's been how many lifetimes since she surround herself with knowledge of a past that she once lived.
This was the first time, since her first life. And most probably the last time since she was going overseas in a week to continue her studies in Asia.
She walked along the line up display of the Howling Commandos suits, remembering the living flesh of them as she took steps forward to each, stopping in front of Bucky's.
Flashes of him appeared to where the figure stood; the memories was so vivid that she could still feel fabric of his suit against her, the electrifying feeling on his skin on her own.
She ripped her gaze away just to be greeted by the portrait of Bucky, plastered so huge and proud on the memorial of one of the Howling Commandos section. Despite the cracking of her heart, her body move on its own; as they knew that deep down, Y/N's heart will always be yearning for her lover.
Her gaze soften with longing and nostalgic as she slowly blink at his features. His considerably messy hair, that little frown that he does to act mysterious for the ladies, and the thin layer of beard that she loved to leave her lipstick marks on.
Y/N's daydream were cut short when someone pulled her by the arm, startling her into a defensive mode. Her sixth life's habit almost broke through when she nearly flipped the man on the floor but thankfully she stopped herself as she recognized those blue eyes.
The man's face looked pale like he had seen a ghost, as he uttered a name that she haven't heard for decades, "y/n?"
"Steve..." she called his name wordlessly.
She knew he was alive. Everybody does.
When the news came out in 2011, she was merely a 15 year old kid back then. Apparently, the super soldier serum helped him to survive the ice.
She remembered how her parents rushed to her room when they heard the sudden cluttering sounds of panic upstairs, only to find their daughter on the floor looking pale while her cup of iced coffee spilling in all over her study desk as the viral youtube video of Captain America running through New York city barefoot playing on the screen of her computer.
She remembered the feeling of both disbelief and joy that rushed through body as her parents helped her to sit up on her bed. The moment that it sunk into her head, she began to cry. Streams of joyful tears broke from her shaky body, each drop washed the painful burden in her heart as her parents lulled her to sleep.
Y/N never made an effort to meet him after knowing truth. Because who would believe her?
She wasn't Steve.
There wasn't any super soldier serum in her blood. There wasn't any tank of chemical that drown her with power.
She was cursed and now she had to live with it.
Meanwhile, Steve seemed to be trapped in a spiralling confusion of his own. He examined each of her features and he had not a single doubt that she has the same face to an old friend in the 40's.
The same friend that he knew died of old age in the 60's.
But, how come the person managed to have the exact same face to hers. Now that he looked closer, she was younger than the last time he saw Y/N.
She looked like she was in her late teens, "Are you really y/n?" His voice was soft as he muttered.
Y/N bit the insides of her cheeks, holding back the urge of telling him the truth, "Sorry, I think you got the wrong person." she tried to untangle his grasp around her arm.
Even her voice was similar to Y/N, and she was looking at Bucky's photo like she knew him.
How could she say that she's was not Y/N?
Steve reluctantly let go of her arms and took a step away after seeing the distress on her face, "I-I'm sorry. You remind me of someone I know." He couldn't take his eyes off her.
She was just too similar looking to someone precious that he left behind.
"It's okay, sir." She smiled gently, like the way she usually does when Steve apologizes for his impulsiveness of picking a fight in alleyways. She looked up to the taller man as she continued, "Thank you for being alive..." she hesitated to call him by his name so instead she called for his other name, "...Captain."
She thanked him sincerely before walking away, leaving Steve to reminisce the memories of his life with Y/N and Bucky as he stared at Bucky's memorial.
The next week, she left the United States for Asia where she planned to spend 4 years studying at the National University of Singapore, leaving her past behind in hopes of moving forward with her life, refusing to care about the avengers shenanigans anymore, including her dear friend, Steve.
New York, 2018 – New norms
When half of the population was wiped out from the earth, two of them was Y/N's parents. And like every other people who had lost their loved ones during the blip, her parents sudden absence truly take a toll on her, especially when she was planning to live a long life with them.
After graduating and getting a decent job in Singapore, she was forced to go back to New York when it happened. Y/N couldn't just let her childhood house left abandoned, she simply can't let that happen.
You would thought a person who had multiple lifetimes would be used to losing someone they love but no. It only gets worst as the years go by.
The more Y/N tried to fit into the new norms, the more that she could feel herself slipping into old habits of her sixth life.
Until that one drunken night when she visited the Smithsomian Museum again after years of forcing herself to forget about him; it took her one look at the potrait of Bucky, she knew what she had to do.
Germany, 2023 – An old nemesis
Nearly 5 years into the blip and Y/N was already becoming a legend in the underground scene. They called her the Deathstalker. She never really knew the origin of it but nevertheless she chooses to stick with the newly founded identity.
With the skills she picked up on her sixth life, she easily became the most deadly assassin in the business. Seemingly in a constant competition of reputation with the highly popular, black widow assassins.
Though she couldn't care less about who was winning the battle, she only cares about tracking anything or anyone related to Hydra.
After that fateful night at the museum, she couldn't help but to think that this must be her calling.
If the curse made her technically immortal, then why not became the hunter destined to slay the monster. They said that Hydra will never die, but so was she. And if anything good came out from this curse, then she might as well use it to avenge Bucky.
And bring the old nemesis to the ground.
Her sixth life was similar to this but she wasn't going to make the same mistake. The flaming greed to have her revenge was too strong back then, it lead her to be hasty and clumsy, which then let her to an early death.
But, she's grown out of those immaturity.
Nowadays, she takes her time and still get the job done flawlessly. Just like she is now, when the soft but dark sound of her chuckle, interrupted the silence that had claimed the room.
The poor man was sitting limp on the chair with his body tied with it. He had been like this for seemingly hours with a knife in one of his thighs, which trembled with the vibrations of his body.
More so, when Y/N twisted them, causing a keen of pain to clawed up his throat and spilled out a hoarse groan.
"Where is it?" Her fingers wrapped around the handle, as she watched the man tossed his head, more with fear than trying to answer.
"I don't like to repeat myself." Y/N slid the blade free, causing a noise he would not forget. The man sagged against his bonds, panting as he watched the blood surged and dribbled out of the wound.
But then he felt the prick against his other leg, wide eyes turning to watch as the knife was held above his skin, Y/N's hand flat against the top, ready to push in. "Where the fuck is it?" her tone was eerie as the voice changer in her mask produced an emotionless robotic effect on it.
"I don't know what you're talking about." The thick german accent seethed through his voice as he grunted in pain.
There was only boredom in Y/N's eyes as she gazes straight into his. A stab of the knife went through his thigh without a warning, until the tip of it almost met the flat surface of the chair beneath it.
The whole room echoed with the sound of the whimpering and cries of his struggle, "Please, I swear to God I don't know what you're talking about." He pleaded as fast as he can, when he felt the shortage of breaths in his lungs due to dealing with the excruciating pain.
"Playing dumb isn't going to help you, mutt." She twisted the knife, pulled out and stabbed it again causing him to fall into an almost delirious state, "Please, please please, I swear I don't know anything about the serum." He blurted out of misery.
There it was.
The thing she wanted to hear.
Y/N's eyebrow quirked in interest, "I never mentioned the serum in our conversation, no?"
He fucked up.
He knew that he fucked up.
But, does it matter when his body was searing in pain?
By the end of the intense interrogation, Y/N finally got the intel she needed to find and destroy whatever was left behind by Wilfred Nagel, who was recruited by the CIA to recreate the super soldier serum.
Those greedy fuckers just cannot stay away from things that shouldn't be meddled with. Even Y/N could see the potential threats of a successful recreation the super soldier serum; they were practically asking for Hydra to revive to its glory days.
And she would not allow that to happen.
She needed to destroy it before its finished.
A loud wail left the man's lips, almost sounded a little strained as he had been screaming in pain for hours. Y/N mercilessly grabbed him by his sweaty chin as she pried his mouth open. Knowing exactly what was coming, the man begged, "Oh lord, please please help me please."
Leaning closer she coldly spoke, "The gods doesn't care about you. Trust me I've been there." With a swift strike, she forced her knife down his throat, and a splash of red tainted her mask, nearly got into her eyes but she managed to blink before it does.
She stood still as she watched him gurgle on his own blood as death collected his soul. Wiping the blood away from her eyelid, she walked out of the abandoned building with a mission to finish; all the while blissfully oblivious to the war that the avengers were fighting to their death on the other side of the world.
Madripoor, 2024 – The most prized asset
The returned of her parents were as sudden as the lost. Though she was glad that they were back, however she had to live a double life now that they kept asking about her job and personal life as they wanted to catch up for the lost of time in 5 years.
Y/N felt bad for lying to her parents but it was for their own good. Now, that she had sent them to a honeymoon to travel all over Europe, she felt better in pursuing her mission without concerns.
Besides the joyful return there was also the awful ones.
Now, that Wilfred Nagel was back from the blip. The serum was perfected to its finest version. And was stolen by bunch of kids protesting for equal rights.
What a fucking mess that was.
But, she would deal with that later. The main focus right now was to find the man itself. There would be no more serums if the source is eradicated.
That was her priority.
With her face hidden behind her signature mask, Y/N walked through the messy crowd as she searches for Shelby's men. This should be a short meeting, since Shelby and her had history together; or more to a favour that she owns to Y/N.
However, when she tried to tune in into the hushed conversations in the crowd, she noticed that the murmurs seemed to be divided into two hot topics; one about the sudden appreance of the Deathstalker, which was herself, and second was surprisingly about the return of another notorious assassin. 
Then when the conversations died down, a fight suddenly broke out. Y/N hold on the handle of her blades from the side of her thighs, as she stiffed into a defensive mode.
While on the other hand, the crowd seemed to be more interested in recording the fight, than avoiding it.
She seemlessly weaved her way through the people, only to see that the action ended with a man choked onto the bar table. The was attacker's face turned away from her, she could only see his figure from the back.
Then, a gleam of gold caught her attention, Y/N squinted her eyes as she analyzed the man's left arm.
It was not the pattern of the sleeve from his suit.
It was his arm.
A black bionic arm.
Which reminded of her of someone she came across in her sixth life; but his arm was a tin foil silver with a red star on his upper side. At the time, he was Hydra's most prized asset, they called him the Winter Soldier.
Part II >>
Read my other works here: Masterlist
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A/N: yes, I am well aware that left y'all hanging but I still hope you enjoy this one. Tell me what you think so far, I'm curious if y'all cry at the part where she received the letter or maybe you can comment of something else, I'd still love to hear them ♡
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acidinduceddaydreams · 9 months ago
Misreading the Room
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Bang Chan x younger reader
Synopsis: You’re too young. He has a girlfriend, you have a boyfriend so why do you give him butterflies?
Warning: angst for a bit. Reader is in her early twenties and Chan is in his late twenties. Fools are in love your honor. Jealousy. I think that’s all lmk if you pick up any.
a/n: this came from a dream I had😭 anyways enjoy.
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“Wait does that mean I can bring my boyfriend?” You questioned your eight best friends as you stood in the hallway leading to their living room. They had asked you to come to a get together they were hosting. Chan saying he would bring his girlfriend set off something in you to ask if you could bring your own plus one.
“Boyfriend?” was said almost as a chorus from all of your friends.
“Yeah, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you I was I a relationship it was just fairly new."
"Hey," Changbin said, looking over his shoulder at you, "We'd love to meet him, maybeee interrogate him."
"Stop! Don't scare him, I'd like to keep this one" you said, waving your hand dismissively. You trailed off, not sure how to finish that sentence. The truth was, you didn't want to bring your boyfriend along. Not because you didn't trust him, but because…you didn't want Chan to see him. Not like this. Not when you were still so hung up on him.
"Look," Minho said, nudging Changbin, "I think we should just get this over with. Y/n's boyfriend can't be that bad, right?"
"I don't know, Minho," Changbin said, hesitating. "What if…what if he's better looking than me?"
You rolled your eyes, trying not to smile. "Oh, please. As if that's possible, you're the most handsome Bin." "I'm right here Y/n!" Hyunjin said sarcastically before receiving a disgruntled noise from Changbin and drawing giggles from Jeongin and Felix.
Chan shifted uncomfortably. "Yeah, of course." His voice wavered, and he glanced at you out of the corner of his eye. You couldn't tell he was lying. He was jealous, just like you were since finding out he had a girlfriend. You couldn't tell if you got into this new relationship solely to 'get back' at Chan for unknowingly breaking your heart and maybe by doing so you were unknowingly breaking his.
"Well, if that's settled," Jisung said, clapping his hands together, "Can we go get food now?"
You decided to wear a dress that made you feel confident. You didn’t want to face Chan and not feel like you had a leg to stand on.
As you took a seat on the couch, you couldn't help but steal glances at Chan. He was sitting across from you, with his girlfriend Seulgi perched on his lap. They were laughing at something Felix said, but every so often, their eyes would meet, and that made you feel sick.
You took a deep breath, trying to steady your racing heart. You knew this night was going to be anything but easy.
As you sat there, watching Chan and his girlfriend interact, you couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy deep in your chest. It was irrational, you knew that. But seeing them together, so comfortable and at ease with each other, made it hard not to feel a twinge of envy. You glanced over at your own boyfriend, Jonghyun, who was talking animatedly with Seulgi, and found yourself wondering what it would be like to be in their position. To be able to laugh and joke and not feel this constant undercurrent of…something.
The conversation flowed around you, and you found yourself lost in your own thoughts. You couldn't help but wonder what Chan was thinking, if he felt the same way you did. Every so often, your eyes would meet, and there would be a moment of recognition, of understanding. But then it would be gone, swallowed up by the chatter and the noise and the awkwardness that seemed to permeate the room.
You forced a smile, trying to pretend that everything was fine. That you weren't sitting here, feeling the weight of your conflicting emotions pressing down on your chest. But it was hard, so hard, to keep up the façade when all you wanted to do was reach across the room and grab Chan's hand, to feel that familiar warmth and comfort that you had once taken for granted.
Eventually, the night wore on, and the conversation turned to other things. You found yourself laughing along with everyone else, trying your best to fit in and act like this wasn't the most awkward situation you had ever been in. But no matter how hard you tried, you couldn't shake the feeling that something was off, that the air between you and Chan was charged with something unnamable. And when the party finally began to wind down, and your boyfriend started saying his goodbyes leaving you, you knew that the night hadn't been nearly as easy as everyone had pretended it to be.
As you stood in the doorway, watching your friends leave in pairs and small groups, you felt a hand slip into yours. You looked down to see Chan standing there, his expression a mix of sadness and longing. "I'm sorry if it was weird for you," he said softly. "I didn't know what else to do."
You swallowed hard, forcing yourself to meet his gaze. "It's okay," you lied. "It was…complicated, but I'm okay." You paused, then added, "Are you?"
He shook his head, the motion barely visible in the dim light. "No," he admitted. "I'm not." And then, before you could say anything else, he leaned forward and pressed his lips to yours, a desperate, hungry kiss that left you breathless and aching for more. As his hands found their way up your back, pulling you closer, you could feel the weight of your conflicting emotions giving way to something else, something hot and needy and entirely too familiar.
You wrapped your arms around his neck, deepening the kiss, as the tension that had been building inside you all night finally found its release. For a moment, you could almost pretend that things were the way they used to be, that the world hadn't changed and your feelings hadn't grown so complicated. But you knew that was just an illusion, a brief escape from the harsh reality of your situation.
"I should get you home," he murmured against your lips. "Your boyfriend…" His voice trailed off, and you knew he was thinking about the same thing you were: about how awkward it would be when the truth finally came out. But for now, you were both content to ignore it, to lose yourself in the moment and pretend that everything was going to be okay.
You led him through the house, your movements a little unsteady from the alcohol and the weight of his touch. He followed closely behind, his fingers tracing along your lower back, sending shivers down your spine. The air in the hallway was cool against your skin, and you could feel your breath catch in your throat as he leaned in to kiss you again.
"I've missed this," he whispered, his lips brushing against yours. "I've missed you." You didn't know how to respond, so you just wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him closer, feeling the heat between your bodies grow more intense with each passing moment.
As you reached the front door, he paused, taking a deep breath before meeting your gaze. "I know this is a mess," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. "I wish I could go back and change things, but I can't. I just want you to know that I do love you, and I'm so sorry for everything." His words hung in the air between you, heavy and weighted with regret.
You looked up at him, searching his eyes for some sign that he meant it, some sign that maybe there was still a chance for things to go back to the way they were. But all you saw was the same conflicted expression you'd seen all night, the same sadness and longing that seemed to be tearing him apart.
"I love you too," you whispered, your voice barely audible even to your own ears. "I just…I need some time." His face fell, and he nodded, understanding. "Okay," he said softly. "Okay."
And with that, you stepped out into the cool night air, closing the door behind you. You stood there for a moment, the breeze rustling through your hair, the sound of his voice still ringing in your ears. You knew this wasn't the end. It couldn't be. But for now, you needed some time to sort out your feelings, to figure out what you really wanted. And in the meantime, you couldn't help but wonder how long it would be before you saw him again, and what you would say when that day came.
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accioprocrastination · 2 years ago
The Reunion
Jake "Hangman" Seresin x wife Reader
A/N: Military inaccuracies, angst and fluff
I haven't proof read this so apologies in advance...
Summary: You're redeployed to the same base as your husband
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Reader POV
You touched down in North Island this morning so it's not out of the ordinary that you've spent all evening getting to know the team already stationed here.
It's nearing two a.m. and you're beginning to hit your limit of social interaction. You take a seat on one of the bar stools against the wall closing your eyes momentarily wishing you were home.
"I am so tired I need to go to get out of here and Javy is barely standing, so I'm going to get him something to eat. If any of y'all want food we're leaving now." Jake says walking up to the table where you're sat with a couple of your colleagues.
"Food sounds great." You respond without question. His eyes twinkle as they meet yours and you stare at the laughter lines that momentarily form as he gives you a quick smile. God he's good looking and he knows it.
"I should probably go too and try and adjust to this timezone." Preacher says from next to you getting up and walking out without a more elaborate goodbye. You roll your eyes at his constant holier than thou wisdom.
You watch silently as Jake struggles to make Javy put his jacket on, smirking at the futile effort.
It's only Bob and you left sitting here as Jake continues his fruitless attempt to put Javy's jacket on him.
"I'm hungry - I'm going to go with them. Are you coming?" You ask Bob. He shakes his head.
"No I'm good." He says quietly. You've noticed how he tenses up around your husband and have refrained from commenting.
"Did something happen with Hangman and you? He gets mouthy when he's nervous." You try to defend Hangman having no idea what he's said or done to make Bob feel uncomfortable.
"Nothing's happened I just don't like him." Bob says not opening up to you. It's probably a good thing he's so reserved, so that he doesn't unknowingly start slagging off your husband to you.
You still feel a stone drop in your stomach at his confession.
"How do you know him?" Bob asks watching you staring at the scene before you. You tear your eyes off of Jake and look at Bob.
"We've been stationed together before. Lots of times actually." You explain not really telling him anything.
"He doesn't act like a human." Bob counters and without him elaborating you know what he means completely.
"He takes a long time to open up to people." You state.
"I don't think he feels emotions like normal people." Bob says staring at Jake as he beams at something Javy is slurring at him.
"He's not the person he pretends to be. I think he feels things more deeply than a lot of us and he doesn't know how to handle it so he plays Hangman... I'd rather fly with someone with that level-headedness than an emotional wreck." You remark.
"I think that's the first time anyone's called Hangman level-headed." Bob sniggers as the other two reach the door.
You smile sort of mentally agreeing with him that, that was a poor choice of words. "I know him better than other people. He's not that person when you get to know him." You shrug getting up.
"Does he know that you're in love with him?" Bob asks watching you.
You smile at the WSO completely ignoring his question as you say goodbye, "I'll see you in the morning Bob."
You head to the bathroom, leaving Jake to ensure that a very drunken Javy manages to sit down in the only diner open at this ungodly hour in the morning.
Jake has been stealing glances at you all night and you know he's making himself frustrated because of your no PDA around colleagues rule.
He was the one to enforce the rule and he'll never vocalise that he hates it.
You're drying your hands as the door to the bathroom smashes against the wall. It swings open to reveal a guilty looking Jake who has tried to open the door with a bit too much enthusiasm.
"Shit, sorry!" he says taking a step inside. He stops right behind you and breathes a sigh of relief that you're finally alone for the first time this evening.
You throw the paper towel in the bin, breaking your eye contact through the mirror and turning to face him.
"Lieutenant" you tease him, knowing that he loves it when you call him that. His eyes instantly darken and he steps closer, giving you a look that you can only describe as hunger.
He leans in like he's going to kiss you then stops abruptly, barely a hair's breadth away from your face.
Jake's giving you such a mischievous grin that you have to wonder what he's currently thinking. "You didn't tell me you got promoted to captain, Captain." He whispers.
"I wanted to tell you in person." You inform him as you take ahold of his left hand.
"Congrats darlin'" He says quickly breaking the hand hold and lifting you up slightly to kiss him.
You jump up and knot your legs around his waist. "I-" he starts but you cut him off.
"Please stop talking and just kiss me already." You say.
"Your wish is my command." He spouts before his lips finally meet yours.
You run your fingers through his hair as he manoeuvres to sit you against the sinks. He groans above you - still taking care to gently set you down.
You deepen the kiss to muffle him. He doesn't comment on how your legs tighten around his waist in response.
He breaks the kiss and you huff out of frustration before he starts kissing down your jaw and your neck.
"I have wanted to do this all day." his words tickle against your neck.
"Javy's waiting." you remind Jake and he halts.
His strong arms cloak around you in a tight hug. You hug back with the same force.
"He can wait another minute." Jake says refusing to let you go.
When he loosens his grip to let you go, you tighten your hold on him. "One more minute" You say into his shoulder. Jake is more than happy to oblige to your request.
"God I missed you." He murmurs before you echo the sentiment.
Jake is uncontrollably giggling in the passenger seat of your car which makes you laugh harder at your own stupid joke. It is so rare to crack him like this.
His arms are wrapped around you like a blanket as you walk inside the hotel.
Your laughter cuts off as you both spot an elderly couple in the elevator and Jake untangles himself from you to be more presentable in front of them.
You step in and press the button to your floor as he talks with the elderly couple.
"Thank you for your service" the old lady says to Jake.
"It's my pleasure ma'am" he responds as the elevator pings their floor.
Once it eventually reaches your floor, you practically run out pulling him by the hand.
The second the room door closes behind you, he pounces and pulls you onto the bed.
Jake climbs on top of you, trapping you beneath his body to reiterate what he was saying earlier.
"I missed you." he sighs, needing you to know how much.
"I missed you too." you reply smiling widely.
"I don't think you understand how much." He says before kissing your jaw.
"I miss laughing with you", he presses another kiss against your jaw.
"I miss turning to see your face whenever someone says something I know would make you laugh", he kisses you again.
"I miss our friendship." He says continuing the trail of kisses.
You push on his shoulders moving him to switch positions with you.
"Trust me, I understand how much." You respond kissing him on the lips.
"I wish we could be together all of the time." You tell him breaking the kiss to talk some more.
"I don't like when we meet up after months apart and I'm not sure where we stand." Jake vocalises his anxiety as you run a finger down his cheek.
"We're never in a bad place. We could not speak for months and I'd still be around waiting for you. I know it can be weird to readjust to each others' routines but I'm always going to love you regardless of what happens in between us being together physically in the same place." You say meeting his gaze.
You know he worries when you're apart and you watch as he relaxes into the sheets.
"Sometime I feel insecure that you look at me and know my insecurities, doubts and fears and I don't understand why you love me." He admits.
"You're everything to me. You know that right?" You question.
It's unfrequent that Jake opens up to you like this, so you're not overly surprised when he deflects. "So when we argue about what colour to paint the kitchen?" He tease you about your last big argument.
You roll your eyes, smiling at him. "I still love you even when you're wrong." You say before kissing him again.
"Ditto!" He mumbles against your lips.
You pull back and he smirks knowing you're about to rebuttal.
"I cannot believe that you have brought that up! Now all I'm thinking about is that we still haven't chosen a colour." You declare, jokily hitting Jake's bicep making him laugh.
"We'll pick something soon." he yawns, tiredness hitting him like a tidal wave. His eyes sting from the brightness of the hotel lighting.
You watch Jake turn to look at the clock on the bedside table. It is already 3.24 am.
"You tired princess?" you ask him running a finger along his eyebrows making his eyes flutter shut. It's an unfair tactic that you know will make him more sleepy.
"Wide awake sweetheart." the lie falls from his lips seconds before he is unable to stop another yawn.
You clamber off him instantly.
"Nooo." Jake complains grabbing the back of your thighs to try and stop you getting up.
"I'm not hooking up with you if you're going to lie there yawning." You remark standing up to go brush your teeth.
Jake pouts, "when did I get so old that I can't pull all-nighters?" You smile down at him silently wishing you could both stay awake talking for a few more hours.
He rubs his eyes trying not to fall asleep; longing to do more than kiss you. You both know your husband will be asleep the minute you come back and turn the light off.
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mirrorball-leclerc · 1 year ago
track 005. jugaste y sufrí
─── ❝ yo ya no quiero sufrir, quiero ser feliz ❞ ───
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masterlist // previous // next
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lando norris so i guess oscar unknowingly became a dad??
ollie bearman why is that where you brain immediately goes?
mae jones his brain needs to be studied under a microscope.
checo perez can i leave now?
dulce perez si yo tengo que sufrir tú también tío! checo perez ya me voy. daniel jones-ricciardo unless austin shows up in texas or vegas. checo perez mierda.
fernando alonso sergio! there are children here!
bailey winters have any of you tried locking them in a closet?
penelope trevino hmm. that might work.
ollie bearman what she needs is therapy. sebastian literally said she was afraid of falling in love. AUSTIN MADE HER CRY IN MIAMI!
arthur leclerc she would've cried over anything. she's an emotional person.
dulce perez have you see the group picture? max verstappen she was crying over tangled.
daphne jones-ricciardo i cry over tangled too. it's a beautiful movie.
pierre gasly that's because you are rapunzel and daniel is flynn rider.
arthur leclerc but yes, she does need therapy.
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logan sargeant has anyone seen oscar? we were supposed to meet up for lunch?
oscar piastri i forgot sorry. logan sargeant YOU DITCHED ME?
max verstappen go have lunch with zoya or something.
zoya torres what the fuck? why are you signing me up for things? max verstappen if you show up one more time to my apartment crying over your ex and hoping to steal my cats were going to have problems. zoya torres it was only twice. mae jones it's been 7, he started keeping track. there is a board on our fridge and everything.
dulce perez hey, you know who else is missing?
daniel ricciardo-jones SHUT UP!
ollie bearman she's with me!
isabella perez i am not missing dulce! i told tio checo where i was going
logan sargeant oh it must be nice to not get ditched by your friends. i wouldn't know BECAUSE OSCAR'S A TRAITOR!
oscar piastri how exactly is it my fault that thing 1 and thing 2 showed up at my hotel room at 6:30 in the morning and dragged me out to breakfast?
ollie bearman you're lucky it was 6:30 isa dragged me out of bed at 6. isabella perez WE LITERALLY MADE PLANS THE NIGHT BEFORE OLIVER!
fernando alonso i was unaware isabella and oscar had acquired a grid child
oscar piastri bella has a grid child not me. i don't want him ollie bearman you're a horrible father. ollie bearman i hope you dnf in monaco oscar piastri i'm not your dad! ollie bearman good. i wouldn’t want you as my father. you’re horrible and you suck! isabella perez oh great, now you've made him sad oscar!
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oscarpiastri, isabellaperez, and olliebearman posted new stories
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i'm going to die with her behind the wheel. that smile is plotting murder. what is it with drivers and showing up in team gear to everything? they will also sleep anywhere, as shown by ollie. i feel like i'm interrupting something.
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alex albon did you or did you not go out on a date with oscar?
isabella perez no, i did not go out on a date with oscar.
george russell i call bullshit! i saw ollie’s story! esteban ocon i agree.
charles leclerc wasn’t she out with oscar and ollie? how is that a date?
pierre gasly aww a family date! isabella perez i’m going to murder you gasly
natalia ruiz boys, leave her alone.
isabella perez it wasn’t a date! ollie was there!
alex albon which means if ollie wasn’t there it totally would’ve been a date
lewis hamilton when will the day come where all of you learn to mind your own business?
pierre gasly pretty much never
mae jones isa, it was a fucking date if i’ve ever seen one. trust me on this one.
isabella perez yes, i'll take advice from the people who had a fwb relationship, a situationship, and someone who broke up with her ex because she was afraid.
isabella perez really the only one's who should be giving me advice are esteban, george, alex, and lewis.
pierre gasly you're mean sometimes.
mae jones and for the record i wasn't afraid!
alex albon explain things i wish you said? charles leclerc or you're losing me? esteban ocon or exile? mae jones OKAY I GET IT!
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sooo, how'd the date go?
it wasn't a date logan.
oh sure and ollie wasn't third wheeling the two of you.
he wasn't?
how can i be in love?? i barely know her
okay, fine, you have a crush on her.
no, i don't.
yes, you do. i know you pastry!
you don't know shit. i don't have a crush on her.
oscar, either i'm fucking blind or you're stupid but you, my australian friend, have a massive crush on her.
fuck off
no, i don't
sure buddy, and i'm not from miami
but you are?
exactly my point.
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logan sargeant he's got the l-word
lando norris leprosy??
daniel jones-ricciardo how the fuck did your mind go to leprosy?
lando norris bailey and i watched ice age last night.
bailey winters max, you're performance in that movie was amazing
max verstappen i will take lando out.
pierre gasly the way his season's going he'll take himself out first. lando norris literally fuck you gasly. i know you and esteban are going to take each other out at least once this season.
logan sargeant OSCAR'S IN LOVE!!
arthur leclerc WITH WHO?? logan sargeant i cannot believe that sentence just came out of your brain.
dulce perez my sister i assume??
logan sargeant well, it's more like a crush but that counts right??
daphne jones-ricciardo and you came to this conclusion how?
logan sargeant denial is always the first sign, no?
carlos sainz it is like lando when he said he wasn't in love with bailey! lando norris we are not talking about me.
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isabellaperez posted a new story
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paddock dad isabella, are you okay?
super max are you depressed? honey badger did austin call again?
duckling i'm okay. i think.
duckling i'm feeling things. i don't know if they're good or bad.
paddock dad therapy helps. duckling so i've heard.
super max good things or bad things?
duckling I DON'T KNOW!!
duckling feels are hard. i don't want them anymore.
paddock dad sorry kid, you're stuck with them forever. duckling SEB! MAKE THEM GO AWAY!! paddock dad i can't isa. you have to face them.
duckling here's a thought, what if i don't? i could ignore them, they'll go away eventually.
super max you've already tried that isa. it's not working out that great for you.
honey badger already tried that kiddo. maybe it's time to talk to someone?
duckling i'll call my mom!
paddock dad that's better than one of us.
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isabellaperez posted new stories
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my mother won't answer the phone, who's more important than me?? her baby?? her pride and joy??
nothing like a good ole lana song to cry too.
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¡leclerc-s speaks! OLLIE IN F1!! LET'S GOO!! i also couldn't help myself including that ice age joke. does this qualify as angst?? i don't think so? this has also been sitting in my drafts for ages.
¡disclaimer! this is in no way making assumptions about the people involved in this story, this is all fake. it is a fanfiction please don't take any of what is said seriously. this is all for entertainment purposes and as a creative outlet for me. enjoy!
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snoocupz · 11 months ago
okay I'm a sucker for a rare pair and even more for a rare pair ot3...pls propagandize me im very curious :0
Hi! Oh my god, that makes me SO happy! I never expect my little shipart to get this much attention - let alone have people like the ship and wanting me to talk about it!
I wasn't sure whether I want to share my whole headcanons about them getting together yet or not, and decided to instead collect some headcanons about these 3 that I love! So here;
My little collection on Klapolloquill headcanons! 🩷
- Simon and Klavier have briefly been friends before Simon went to jail. Klavier, as a new and young prosecutor, desperately seeked contact in the office and loved Simons style from the start. Dark clothes, an interest for music and an ex bass player - all while still being somewhat of a nerd abour psychology & birds. He had tried to build up an active friendship to him - unfortunately it was cut short due to Simon admitting to murderer and going to jail. (Klavier should feel this pain again in the following years as not only his best friend Daryan, but also brother go to jail).
- Once finally free past Dual Destinies Apollo and Simon build up some sort of friendship thanks to Athena. Quickly they realise they were mistaken about each others characters and after a whole they start to bond on a deeper level due to the trauma they had experienced... mostly because of Apollo losing Clay, and Simon losing Bobby. (Bonus angst points if Claypollo and Blackbright were secretly canon and they bond over the loss of their ex lovers).
- Klapollo starts dating first. Klavier had feelings for Apollo early on after meeting him, but it took a lot of time and change for them to finally get together.
- Klavier, however, is also the one who is self aware about being Polyam. He previously had crushes on more than one person at the same time and once time passes and he builds up the friendship to Simon he wanted to have he eventually starts crushing on him. Hard.
- He confesses his crush to Apollo, fearing the worst. It is a huge insecurity of his and he doesn't get it across without tears and apologies, clarifying how much he loves Apollo as well, just to be... very perplexed about how calmly Apollo takes it. In fact, Apollo starts gently teasing Klavier about his obvious crush. He finds him adorable, blushing when looking at Simon like this. Apollo is ultimately the one who convinces Klavier to ask Simon out.
- Unknowingly Simon has a little crush on Apollo anyways. This young defense attorney shines brighter than any sun, he is smart, pretty, such a gentle and stronger soul than he believes of himself. Simon enjoys himself around the both of them, so endlessly much, and with passing time Simon feels lovable again, after prison and losing Bobby (the only person that made him feel lovable before).
- Eventually all 3 shyly allow themselves to get closer. Especially Klavier with his gigantic crush on Simon can hardly believe it everytime he gets to sit between both of them on the couch. Just having his knee slightly touch Simons makes his head spin and they keep smiling at each other more when passing each other on the prosecutor halls.
- And hey! Who would have thought! They fall in love! Each of them, with one another. And in fact, their ideas of love fit together perfectly. All 3 of them long for nothing more but a calm, domestic lifestyle.
- What that looks like...? Easy. A cozy apartment, many plants, falling asleep cuddling, with one cat and one dog at the side. Breakfast on the balcony as Klavier slurps his vanilla latte, Simon makes them eggs, and Apollo tries to stop Taka from stealing bacon straight from his bagel.
- Mikeko (Apollos cat) adores Simon. No day passes where this cat doesn't chose to sit on his legs or lap. Whenever the cat chooses him, Simon is careful to not move a single inch. May she rest as long as she wants to!
- Taka (Simons hawk) adores Apollo. After being afraid of her for months (sorry, Taka has always been female in my brain LMAO) Apollo realises that she is not only well behaved but also seeks active contact to him. Simon falls even more in love with him when seeing Apollo feed the bird on the balcony and daring to pat her feathery head.
- Vongole (first Kristophs, then Klaviers dog) is the most sweetest girl of girls. Greeting all of them with enthusiasm and DEMANDING to sleep in the bed at all times, she won each of their hearts and can be considered the true Queen of the house!
- However, it can be complicated to cuddle, ESPECIALLY if you are Simon Blackquill, and a living cuddle sized heater. He must always sleep in the middle automatically as Apollo loves to rest his head on his chest while Klavier has the most freeziest hands in the history of forever. And yes, he will randomly warm his hands under Simons shirt at every possible moment.
- Funnily enough, their household works very smoothly together. Apollo cooks at most, but his desk easily looks like it explodes after one use. He keeps leaving things around and forgetting about them. Simon cleans, and he has no issue cleaning after Apollo at times. Klavier is the one to take the dog and plan their dates, and no date has ever been dissapointing, he's fantatsic at planning them!
So at most! This ship is really fluffy and comforting in my eyes, so here are some random thoughts on them! Thanks for listening to me rambling! <3
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kirain · 2 months ago
Dare I ask... Emmrich & Lucanis love triangle?
Ooooh, I'm so bad at love triangles! I hardly ever write them. I hope this is decent!
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The room was heavy with the scent of blood and sweat, the candle light pooling in the hollows of Vae's unconscious face. Her breathing was shallow, strained, and her body trembled under the fever that gripped her. At her side, Lucanis sat with his elbows on his knees, his hands clasped together in accidental prayer. He refused to look away, even as his chest tightened with guilt.
The bandages around her torso were soaked through, the crimson stain a dagger twisting in his heart. He wanted to scream, to curse the gods, the Venatori—and most of all, himself. You were reckless. Weak. This is your fault! His teeth clenched, his nails biting into his skin as he felt the darkness inside him stir: Spite, coiled and restless, feeding off his turmoil, and surprisingly upset.
"She's going to die! Because of you!" the spirit snapped, his voice rattling the bars of his cage.
Lucanis parished the thought, refusing to let it take hold, but the guilt remained, festering and raw—until an anguished sound broke through the haze of his stupor. Vae shifted, her face contorting in pain. With a strangled gasp, she shot up, her eyes wide and unseeing, before she dropped back down onto the bed with a shrill cry, clutching her side.
"Vae!" Lucanis leaned closer in an instant, his hands hovering uncertainly before settling gently on her shoulders. "Don't move. You'll only make it worse."
"Ugh..." Her breathing was ragged, her fingers moving to grip the sheets, desperate for relief.
"Hold on. I have something."
Quickly, Lucanis reached for the small cup on the table beside him, the liquid inside a bitter-smelling concoction Emmrich had left behind. When he touched the handle, he felt a pang of envy, but swiftly eased it to her lips.
"Drink this," he said, his voice more pleading than demanding. "It will help."
Vae hesitated, her face scrunched in discomfort, but she nodded. With Lucanis' aid, she sipped slowly, grimacing at the taste, before the diligent assassin laid her back against her pillow, willing the medicine to work.
Before long, her heaves waned into exhausted pants, the lines on her face fading slightly as Lucanis set the cup aside. Much to his relief, the elixir—whatever it was—soothed her pain better and faster than he'd expected, though it did little to soothe his worry.
"Vae?" he whispered. "Are you—?"
When her breathing steadied, her eyes fluttered open again, glassy but searching. For a moment, they lingered on Lucanis, revelling in his uninjured form, but then they seemed to bore past him.
"Emmrich..." she rasped, "is he all right?"
The question tore through his soul, harsh and unrelenting, though he knew he had no right to feel that way. "He's safe," he said, forcing a stoic expression. "Everyone is. We put the Venatori down. Every last one, including the one who hurt you."
Vae groaned, looking about the room. "Where... is he?"
"He went out," he said, his tone flat. "To find more elfroot for your wound."
Vae's lips curved into a weak smile as she sighed, her eyes closing again. "Thank you," she murmured.
His stomach turned. Even after everything, she was inexplicably kind. "I'm sorry," he muttered, his throat tight with the weight of his unspoken desires. "This is my fault. I should've seen that bastard before he—"
"Stop..." Vae wheezed, weakly brushing her hand against his, unknowingly causing him to flinch. "You can't see... every enemy, Lucanis. It's not your fault... at all."
"But it should have been me. You took the blow."
"And I'd do it again."
Her words wrenched the air from his lungs. In that moment, all he wanted was to hold her, to steal her pain, to tell her how deeply she mattered to him. But before he could utter a word, the door creaked open, and Emmrich stepped inside.
The older man dropped the bundle of elfroot in his arms and rushed to her side, sliding to his knees. At the sound of his voice, Vae's eyes struggled open one last time, landing on his overwrought face. When her vision cleared, she gave him a bright smile—one so full of warmth that it shattered something in the depths of Lucanis' psyche.
She didn't look at anyone else that way.
"Emmrich..." she whispered, her consciousness slipping.
"Oh, thank the Maker!" he sobbed, his voice trembling. "I'm here, darling. I'm right here." He leaned in, pressing a soft kiss to her forehead. "You're going to be fine. The blade went deep, but it missed every vital organ."
"Sorry for... scaring you..." she mumbled.
"No. Don't apologise, dearest. Just rest." He caressed her cheek, lulling her into a peaceful slumber. "I promise, with my remedies, you'll be back on your feet in no time. That dreadful wound won't even leave a scar."
Lucanis stood abruptly, his chair scraping against the floor. He didn't intend it, but it was too late, his back tensing as the legs chipped the marble with a violent hiss. Emmrich glanced up at the sound; though not in suspicion, but gratitude.
"Thank you for staying with her," he said, his tone vexingly polite and sincere. "I can't tell you how reassuring it was for me, knowing she wasn't alone while I was out."
"Of course," was all Lucanis could muster.
Then, he turned and left the room, leaving Vae in Emmrich's care.
The hallway was cold, the silence oppressive. Lucanis clutched his fists, his nails digging into his palms as he walked, each step a battle. Once he was far enough away, he collapsed against the wall, his muscles throbbing. To his dismay, his eyes glowed a vicious purple, and Spite's voice echoed in his ears.
"Get rid of him," he snarled. "He makes you feel bad. I. Don't. Like it."
Caught in a malicious snare, the assassin's hand drifted to the dagger at his hip, his thoughts clouded with anger and jealousy. Against his will, his eyes flicked to the door, the image of Emmrich writhing beneath his blade unnaturally appealing. Kill him. Kill him.
"No!" he roared, slamming his knuckles against the stones. Spite growled as the pain knocked his hold, though not entirely.
"Why?!" he screamed. "Tell. Me. Why!"
"Emmrich is a good man," Lucanis winced. "You like him."
"No! I like. Vae! I want her. You want her," the addled spirit sneered.
"I do," he admitted, struggling to maintain control. He finally understood—this was his doing. "And that's why I have to let her go. It's called 'love', Spite."
"Love?" Spite repeated, spitting through his teeth. "What is 'love'?"
"It's what we're feeling, Spite... what I'm making you feel. It's why you're mad at Emmrich. It's why we want Vae."
"Then take her!"
"No," Lucanis shook his head, sternly. "That would only hurt her. You don't want to hurt Vae, do you?"
Spite paused, his grip on Lucanis slipping. "Why would it... hurt her?"
"Because she loves Emmrich. If we took him away, it wouldn't make her love us, it would only hurt her."
"But we. Hurt. Instead!" Spite cried, confused.
"Yes," Lucanis chuckled. "Sometimes that's what love is."
"Unrequited." He straightened up, moving his hand from his dagger to his chest. "If we truly love Vae, we'll want her to be happy, even if it isn't with us." His fingers bunched in his shirt, his brow furrowing. Spite was still fighting. "Or do you want her to feel what we're feeling? Is that it, Spite? Do you want Vae to hurt?"
The voice fell silent, the purple sheen in his eyes slowly ebbing away. His body was once again his own, and though he could sense Spite's ambivalence, and he felt terrible for making him feel the grief in his own heart, he was glad the spirit relented, at least for the moment.
"Thank you," he sighed. "I know it's difficult. Complicated. But this is the right choice. I'm... proud of you, for putting Vae first."
"Shut. Up."
Lucanis smirked, glancing back at the door one last time before continuing down the hall.
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systemtermz · 3 months ago
kind of sickening to see blogs like this not gonna lie. i'm not going to say you're actually stealing or taking away from endogenic / othergenic communities, but what you /are/ doing is invalidating other people's existence and right to said existence, and that is not fucking cool. i can absolutely understand a desire for a safe space, but i feel like there are a billion kinder ways to do it. like that other anon said, i find it strange that you have a userbox about respect, when your entire blog is built on the foundation of disrespecting other people's experiences, viewpoints, and existence. i'm not telling you to stop, and yes i have seen the userbox and text and i understand your difficulty with empathy and emotions, but what i'm telling you is to try and be /respectful/ if you're going to deny the existence of others. there are systems who are both endo- and traumagenic. there are systems who believe they're endogenic, and then turns out they are not. how would you process gatekeeping terms from, and disrespecting a traumagenic system, in an attempt to protect them? even unknowingly? would you feel good? you can delete this if you want. i just think it's really fucking weird that there are entire blogs built around "stealing" from, and very much disrespecting, real and valid beings.
(yes i know it's "not stealing". i can read.)
Being a jackass is kind of the point.
Some people don’t respect the nicer safe spaces and they still won’t respect me but if I’m always a bitch then they can’t say shit when I tell them to fuck off.
And that respecting my boundaries thing is more for the people who this blog is actually for, not end0s, they wouldn’t respect my boundaries if I was the nicest person on earth, so why bother?
Sorry for dignifying you with a response, it probably will happen again because I cannot shut the fuck up. Block and move on, as we always say, because just like we’ll never change your mind, you’ll never change ours.
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ehh-is-the-name · 6 months ago
I ENTIRELY disagree with your statement that cobs and mephone are one in the same. They just arent!!! they arent!!!! it's comparing a person who Was Abused to their Abuser. And i think thats really dangerous, especially because cobs did things knowingly and out of ill will and is absolutely manipulating suitcase and knife in his speech to them, but also because mephone literally has/had no fucking idea he created the contestants.
theres something wildly different between creating a fantasy UNKNOWINGLY where everything goes your way (kinda- i'll yap about that later) and you have your contestants and your show where you can be the perfect host you always wanted to be!!... And creating Sentient Beings (who you know are sentient) and sending them off TO WAR only to physically and emotionally abuse one of them when he comes back with Only ONE of the children you sent him to steal. like. Fellow mephone apologist, he's not really that bad!!!! there is hope!!!
Back to the whole. 'everythign goes his way' thing- A key difference between Cobs and Mephone to me is that Mephone, not even knowing he created the contestants, doesn't force them to do anything. He's kinda... dumb? like, let's be real, his biggest threats come up to 'you'll be kicked off the show' and yada yada... Like. take Marshmallow.
He (UNKNOWINGLY) created marshmallow to be on HIS show. But when she chose to leave... he didn't stop her. And yes, he knew she left because of his confrontation of mepad where he expressly asks him 'why did you let marshmallow leave?' Mephone 100% KNEW. but he didn't stop her (nor apple, for that matter) from going off and starting a life of their own.
Yes, he's a jerk, YES, He's absolutely terrible to his contestants sometimes, and YES, he will have to deal with the consequences of his actions.
BUT. He's not anything like cobs-- at least, not where it matters.
Cobs tried to kill mephone, multiple times, when mephone tried to start his own life. Mephone views his contestants as real, sentient people- Cobs doesn't! He sees the contestants as toys, if anything... And he sees his own creations as tools. Valuable tools.
So like. what im trying to say. Is uhhh sorry for yapping so long and i hope you have an awesome day!!! I've just seen this whole Mephone=cobs thing going around and it gave me a headache SO SORRY FOR MAKING YOU DEAL WITH IT </3 but i do hope thsi was informative!
Anyway, I will say, that I'm giving you a hug and crying into your shoulders for bringing up the marshmallow thing- I completely forgot about it even though we literally just saw her again (I think it's pretty clear that my priorities are ALL over the place).
Rewatching the scene I get what you're saying.
I'mma be soooo fuckin honest this scene went right the fuck over my head, and by that, I mean I didn't know if Mephone was being genuine with his confusion or fuckin' anything actually. When I say ii 16 has killed me and left me rotting in a gutter, I'm so serious. Mentally I am in a gutter and your ask has at least rolled me back on the curb so I can breathe air instead of sewer water.
Literally reading your thing has made me remember other posts I have seen and taken to heart about this phone, like examples A and B. (They're both tumblr analyses that are kinda outdated 'cause of the bombshell but still pretty good imo). Mephone DOESN'T want to control the contestant's lives and, although he can be a dickwad at times, he still cares about them. Though is that just because they're his OCs in a way? I-
I say all that but I'm also like, I don't want to be completely throwing away everything Cobs is saying just because I feel ill every time he talks. You right, it's very clear that this whole thing is heavy with the manipulation but fuck man I think I'm just easily manipulated... I'm being so serious when I say I lost what hte fuck I was typing in the middle of this and I don't think it's coming back to me. I rolled back in the gutter, sewer water is my home I fucking guess.
Anyone who's listening to me at this point- I don't recommend it I actually don't know what the fuck is happening. I think I still have it in my head that Mephone knows about the whole "making the contestants thing" which makes it hard to fully embrace what you're saying. I should clarify tho:
Mephone and Cobs aren't the same, but the things he's indirectly picked up from Cobs (because of his abuse) are presenting harder than I thought originally. And I think that's what I really meant when I wrote the note. Or at least, that's how I feel now. It's been a couple days since I wrote the stuff in the blockquote. That's the best way to explain how I feel about the Mephone = Cobs situation—yes, but genuinely, in all honestly, no they're not the same.
And do not be ashamed of ranting, really, we love it here. Plus, my friend called this the 9/11 of inanimate insanity and yeah there's a lot of fallout and theories rn. Perfect time for discourse 'cause we're all going through the wringer.
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~*Accidental Mate: chapter 6*~
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You had left your home earlier than needed this morning, wanting to enjoy the warm summer sun on your way to work. Your report was secure in an envelope in your hand, swaying lightly at your side as you walked. The breeze was refreshing, teasing through your hair you had to keep down in order to hide the teethmarks bruising your neck. You felt surprisingly refreshed considering the nights sleep you had. It was plagued with vivid dreams, sensual lovemaking that had lingered with you this morning when you had woken. You felt light, carefree as you headed to your Captains office, looking forward to getting back into your routine. Today was going to be a good day, you could feel it.
A flash of orange caught your attention in the distance, standing out drastically in the sea of black uniforms and dark hair. You'd notice that floppy mess of bright orange hair anywhere. Ichigo was weaving in between the forming crowd of people on their way to work, trade mark frown on his young face. "Ichigo" you greeted him with a friendly wave as he neared you, stopping him short
His face relaxed upon seeing you, offering a half smile "YN, hey. How you doing?" He had stopped to chat with you, nodding to the side of the path where you wouldn't be in the way of the mornings traffic "heard you were the one Kyoraku lumbered Grimmjow with " 
You chuckle at the pained look on his face, at least someone knew the right amount of sympathy you deserved, unlike Renji. "Better now that I'm home" you grin at him before sighing, you had a feeling many people would have questions over the trip you would rather forget "It wasn't that bad, you seeing Renji today?"  Anything to change the subject
"yeah, I'll catch up with him and Byakuya later, promised Rukia I'd help train her new squad members" Ichigo explained while rubbing at his nose, seemed awfully itchy all of a sudden. You held back a laugh at the familiar way Ichigo addressed your Captain, knowing full well it aggravated him to be addressed so informally . He leaned in closer to you, giving you a strange look.
Leaning back slightly you raised a confused eyebrow "what are you doing?" He wasn't usually one to invade personal space like this, at least you've never witnessed it. You weren't actually opposed to physical contact and closeness, it was, however, unexpected from the young man.
"sorry, it's just.."  he leaned in a little closer despite your obvious discomfort, sniffing at you curiously as his brows furrowed in confusion"you smell strange" 
"I smell? Like what?" You ask flabbergasted, raising your arm to sniff at your uniform. It smelt fine to you, you had showered this morning and the subtle smell of vanilla still lingered on your skin "is it bad?"
"no" he shook his head, leaning in even closer trying to associate the smell with the memory refusing to come to the forefront of his mind "it kinda smells like.." the rest of Ichigo's sentence was abruptly cut off by a fist swinging in from nowhere, clocking Ichigo in the chin and sending him tumbling to the ground. You gasped, startled by the unexpected turn of events.
Grimmjow was suddenly standing in front of you, chest heaving with rapid breaths as he glared down at Ichigo rubbing at his darkening chin "what the fuck is wrong with you!" Ichigo snapped at the Espada from the floor, returning an icy glare. Grimmjow usually at least gave him the courtesy of a threat before he attempted to fight him.
Grimmjow had seen red when he saw Ichigo leaning in towards you. Invading your space, getting to close to what was his. He would be damned if he would just roll over and let that bastard try to steal away what was his. He thinks he could be a better mate? Give you what you needed. That weak ass bitch couldn't provide for you the way Grimmjow could, couldn't protect you as well, could please you as well. His alpha pride was screaming at him to annihilate the threat, take on the challenge Ichigo unknowingly laid down
His hands curled into fists, pupils thinning into slits as he regarded the other male angrily getting to his feet. Big mistake. "What the hell is your problem?!" Ichigo seethed through clenched teeth, shoving Grimmjow roughly in the chest, before ducking another lightening fast fist aiming for his nose. Grimmjow snarled back, animalistic and dangerous, sending all your hairs on edge
You had seen enough, finally getting over the shock you rushed in between them, laying a hand on each of their chests to try and diffuse the situation "stop!" You told them both sternly, eyeing first Ichigo then Grimmjow. Both their chests were heaving with unexplained anger. Well, Ichigo's anger was explainable, considering he had just been sucker punched for no apparent reason. "What's going on?"
"Ask him! Crazy bastard" Ichigo exclaimed angrily, though at least taking a step back. Grimmjow growled in response, trying to advance closer. He didn't even look at you as you pathetically tried to keep him in place, staring daggers over your head at his intended target. A small crowd had gathered around, curiously watching the spectacle unfold in the middle of the street
"You think your better than me?!" Grimmjow snapped to the orange haired man, pushing you away effortlessly. Not thinking clearly, he hadn't thought to adjust his strength as he pushed you. He knocked you away harder than he intended, not even glancing your way as you tripped over your own feet at the sudden force and landing on your ass with a huff. That was the second time that asshole shoved you over, and you were just about finished with it . "Think you can take what's mine?!"
"Don't shove her!" Ichigo ignored Grimmjow's shouting, reaching down to offer you a hand up with muttered concern . You were about to gratefully accept the hand when Grimmjow lunged at him, tackling them both to the ground in a frenzy of trading blows and spited insults. You jumped to your feet yourself, at a loss of what to do. You needed to stop the fight before it got out of hand and weapons were involved, but you weren't stupid enough to risk getting close when they were wresting around on the floor like that
"stay away from her" you heard Grimmjow threaten before throwing a punch to Ichigo's face, getting blocked by said man's crossing arms "the hell are you on about? You're the one who hit her asshole!" They seriously couldn't be scrapping because you got knocked over. There was a deeper meaning behind this scuffle, which you couldn't care less about at this point, you just wanted them to stop fighting.
"cut it out!" You tried calling to them, your plea washing over both their heads as they grappled in the dirt. Ichigo got his foot between them, planting it on Grimmjows stomach and kicking him off as hard as he could. Grimmjow landed in a crouch, feet and hands skidding across the floor with the level of power he was kicked with. With both men springing to their feet you took the opportunity to dart in between them. You trusted Ichigo enough to not accidentally attack you when your back was turned to him, so chose to fully face a pissed off Grimmjow, murderous intent flashing in his eyes.
"Grimmjow, stop" your plea came out strained with the exuberance you needed to attempt to hold him back, shoulder shoved into his midsection, arms wrapped around him. He felt hot to the touch, whole body vibrating with adrenaline as he glared at his rival, standing a few feat away watching intently, ready to react if he were to turn on you. That only enraged him further. Like he was some rabid beast who couldn't control himself around his own mate. His mate who was annoyingly trying to hold him back from defending his claim. Not mate, Grimmjow mentally corrected himself.
"woman" Grimmjow lowly warned you, attempting to get around you without shoving you again. You stubbornly followed his movements, not letting up the pressure you had on his middle. Grimmjows eyes flicked down to yours. You looked mad, confused. A little scared. That bastard had scared you, and he was going to pay "move" 
"no"  you stubbornly refused, tilting your chin up to meet his eye. Trying to get him to see you were serious, if he was going to try and get at Ichigo, he was going to have to go through you first. You couldn't tell in that moment if you were being brave or stupid "not until you calm down" 
"My my, isn't it wonderful to see you children all playing nicely together" A new voice interrupted the moronic display, musical lilt indicating thick amusement in the deep voice. Relief flooded you at the new appearance, someone to help talk sense into this idiot. Urahara had walked over to investigate the commotion, amused grey eyes peering over the fan he had in his hand, loftily wafting it over his face. His usual hat was tilted back enough to allow his eyes to be visible as he watched the chaotic scene, sharp vision taking note of all the visible damage between the two parties
"You!" Grimmjow growled, turning away from you so suddenly your arms lost their grip, to stomp over to the eccentric exile. Urahara pointed at himself in a over exaggerated "who, me?" kind of way, lowering his fan to reveal the ever present smirk on his face "come with me" Grimmjow growled a moment before he grabbed Urahara by the face, muffling an unmanly squeak before dragging him away with the help of his sonido technique. The quick departure knocked up an angry cloud of dust where you had last seen Urahara standing
You stared amazed in the space where they had disappeared, waiting for your brain to catch up and make sense of what had just happened. The crowd of nosy onlookers started to disperse, gossiping between themselves at the spectacle they had just witnessed. Your mouth opened and closed a few time as you struggled to form a coherent sentence. Well, Grimmjow was Urahara's problem now. Or depending on how you looked at it, Urahara was Grimmjow's problem.
A heavy hand on your shoulder embarrassingly made you jump in fright, adrenaline wearing off made you a little wary. Ichigo had that frown back on his face as he looked down at you. "Are you okay? He didn't hurt you?" He asked softly. Like Renji, he didn't agree with violence of any kind against woman and seeing you get shoved to the ground irked him. Not to mention he knew how important you were to Renji, he would look out for you the same way he would want Renji to look out for his own sisters, how Renji had already looked after his sisters
"Im fine"  you promised. You really were, you didn't hit the ground hard, and your ass cushioned your fall. Ichigo let his hand slip from your shoulder as you turned to face him "are YOU okay?  That's one hell of a bruise forming on your chin" you nodded the the rapidly blackening mark across his jaw. Ichigo rubbed it gently with a shrug
"lucky shot" 
"Do you know what got him so mad?" You couldn't for the life of you what could've sent Grimmjow into such a fit of rage. Neither of you had even noticed him until he started swinging. There was nothing he could've overheard you two say that would warrant a reaction like that. Ichigo shrugged, seemingly Unphased by the altercation now that it was over
"It's Grimmjow, does he need a reason?" Fair point well made. In your very limited experience of Grimmjow, no, he didn't need an excuse to become unhinged. Just another part of his radiant personality
"You know, I would of happily followed you back here if you had asked. You didn't need to drag me across the Seireitei by my face" Urahara happily told Grimmjow when they came to a stop outside of his own small lab on the outskirts of the twelfth. Kyoraku had gifted him the space after his help during the Quincy war, along with the option to return to soul society at his pleasure. While he had decided to split his time between here and the world of the living, the gesture was appreciated.
Grimmjow ignored the overly happy quip, all but ripping the door from its hinges and walking into the lab. Grimmjow restlessly paced the little free floor space, waiting for that idiot to follow him in. Urahara leaned against one of the desks, watching Grimmjow pace like a caged animal.
"what can I do for you Mr. Jaegerjaquez?"Urahara questioned in a light tone. While he found it better to be direct with Grimmjow, he couldn't always pass up the opportunity to tease him. Perhaps this wasn't the time for that though.
"there's something wrong with me, you need to fix it" Grimmjow spat the words, unrelenting in his pacing, refusing to look him in the eye. He hated asking for help, loathed feeling weak. Urahara had proved himself to be a genius, even if he was a childish asshole. If anyone knew how to fix him, it was this guy.
"Yes, I'm leaning towards anger management issues with psychotic tendencies myself, but without the proper examinations I wouldn't like to diagnose.." Okay, there was always time to tease the explosive Espada. Urahara stopped his comical, yet accurate assessment of Grimmjow's mental state when said lunatic whipped around to bare his teeth. Urahara held up in hands in mock surrender, trying hard to remove any evidence of amusement from his face "What are your symptoms?"
"I think someone used one of those shinigami spells on me" Uraharas eyebrows shot up under his messy hair, he hadn't expected that. He waved his hand in a 'elaborate' motion, interested in the unusual claim  "I keep getting feelings , thoughts that ain't my own. It's like I can't control my own damn thoughts or actions "
That didn't sound like any "shinigami spell" Urahara had ever heard of. Being someone who had mastered nearly all of them, and created a few of his own, he very much doubted there was one like that, that would escape his notice. Grimmjow was being vague for some reason, very uncharacteristic for the blunt man. "I'm going to need you to tell me everything Grimmjow, if you'd like for me to help you. I cannot fix what I do not know" 
Grimmjow growled frustrated. Of course the nosy bastard would want to know every little detail. Gritting his teeth, Grimmjow saw very little choice in the matter "I fucked someone. Now I can't get the bitch out of my head. She's making me feel things I don't fucking feel. My instincts are overpowering my head, I feel like I'm going out of my damn mind." Grimmjow dragged his hands down his face, mentally exhausted battling with his instincts and intrusive thoughts. Already they were creeping in, demanding he go back and finish off that punk Ichigo, take that woman back to her den and fuck her to cement his claim.
Urahara studied Grimmjow for a moment. The dark circles under his eyes, his restless moving around. He did look like he was fighting some internal battle, and that he wasn't necessarily coming out victorious. The idea that Grimmjow had gotten feelings for this mystery woman flashed through his mind briefly, before comparing the notion to what Grimmjow had said.
While Grimmjow may not have experienced caring for someone before, let alone love, it really wouldn't explain his instincts going haywire. Nor feeling like he wasn't in control of his own thoughts or feelings. Love could make one do crazy things, it didn't actually turn them crazy. He was concerned for Grimmjows sanity as it was.. Urahara concluded it had to be a hollow thing, not human. He had studied hollows for decades, everything from their special abilities, their eating habits, to sleeping habits to..
"Grimmjow, when you slept with this woman, was it by chance your mating season?" Urahara had a suspicion he knew what had happened, though if it had happened without Grimmjows knowledge or this woman's consent... oh boy
"Rutting season" Grimmjow automatically corrected, nodding the affirmative yet waving a dismissive arm. The fuck had that got to do with anything? He had halted his pacing to watch the hat wearing idiot come up with a solution to his problem
" I see, and did you, per chance, happen to claim her?" Urahara asked as evenly as he could, pressing his fingertip together over his chest
"I fucked her?" Why did this idiot always have to speak in riddles. Fucking is fucking. What more was he getting at
"You misunderstand. Did you claim her? Mark her? Bite her hard enough to draw blood?"  It was scary how accurate he described what had happened that night. Grimmjow remembered the taste of your blood on his tongue as he sunk his teeth into your neck. How you moaned like a bitch, writhing beneath him as he marked you as his own,ah shit. Grimmjow reluctantly nodded, seeing where this fool was heading
"Congratulations ! It appears you have successfully mated!"Urahara proclaimed animatedly, clapping his hands together as though it was a joyous revelation. Impossible. You were a shinigami, not a hollow. He couldn't of ACTUALLY mated with you , despite his inner alpha taking over his instincts and treating you as such.
"bullshit" Grimmjow snapped, kicking over a small table, sending paper flying all over the floor. A just reaction to the nonsense he was being presented with, He needed a solution, not some crazy story this crackpot had cooked up "She ain't a hollow" 
"No, I agree, it is quite unusual that you had mated with someone who could not reciprocate" Urahara absentmindedly rubbed over his scruff on his chin, thinking over all he knew about hollows and their matings. No studies were ever conducted between Hollows and humans, however. This was completely unprecedented. "But it seems to be the likely cause of your distress. You've formed a bond, it's understandable how it could be effecting your instincts, it's a big change" 
Grimmjow looked like he was about to throw up. His eyes were wide with shock, staring at the floor hardly believing the words he heard. He couldn't be bonded to you. You drove him fucking insane. He didn't want a mate, didn't want to be bonded. You were a weak shinigami bitch, you couldn't even mate! How could he have mated with someone who couldn't mate!
"How can I break it?" Grimmjow asked almost desperately. There had to be something he could do to undo what happened. He'd be willing to try just about anything. He couldn't stay like this, couldn't be bonded to you. To someone who wasn't even bonded to him
"Im afraid you can't, hollows mate for life as far as our research has revealed " Urahara watched silently as Grimmjow struggled to wrap his mind around the surreal reality Kisuke just delivered. It was a lot to take in, granted. Grimmjow leaned heavily on the wall, sliding down the cool surface to sit on the floor, legs suddenly feeling weak. He propped up one leg, using his knee to support his elbow as he raked his fingers through his hair, internally imploding
"So..." Urahara's teasing voice made a reappearance, curiosity getting the better of him. He hated half stories and questions left unanswered, he honestly waited as long as he could before asking, admittedly, it wasn't that long. "who's the lucky lady?" 
Grimmjow sent Urahara a murderous look at the return of his teasing tone. Funny, Urahara mused, he was well aware of the old proverb "curiosity killed the cat", turns out, the cat was about the kill the curiosity.
Grimmjow was just about ready to make him eat that hat. The fake innocent look he got in return wasn't fooling him. Bastard was enjoying this. Well fuck, Grimmjow thought, amazingly considering answering the question before it dawned on him. The fuck was your name again? He racked his brain trying to remember what the old drunk had called you when he introduced you. He couldn't remember, his annoyance dominated the memory, too pissed at being lumbered with her to pay attention to what they had said. His face must have show his confusion
"Grimmjow! Don't tell me you don't know her name!" If he didn't get that stupid look off his face, Grimmjow was going to punch him. It wasn't like he had planned any of this, why would he bother to remember your damn name!
"I didn't fucking listen when she told me! We didn't talk so I didn't fucking ask. I was never going to see her again! She's not in the 11th!"  Grimmjow angrily defended himself. He felt like he was going insane. This had to be some kind of joke. Mated to someone who wasn't mated to him, mated to someone he didn't even know the name of.
"well there's a start, do you know what division she's in?" Urahara tried to help narrow it down, his own selfish curiosity getting the better of him. Though he thought it best to find out her identity, he'd have to have a chat with her, explain everything that was going on. Grimmjow didn't seem stable enough to adequately explain the situation. He barely seemed to grasp it himself.
"No" Grimmjow hadn't asked and she didn't offer up the information. Not that he would've listened if she had. The whole thing was a damn mess.He couldn't concentrate enough to seriously try and remember her name, not with the tormenting thought of Ichigo getting close to you dominating his thoughts. "That damn Ichigo knows her"
"Ichigo knows a lot of people Grimmjow, that doesn't exactly narrow it down" Urahara explained gently. The Espada seemed one distasteful joke away from loosing his mind, perhaps it best to save his teasing where Ichigo is concerned. He'd already stumbled upon their fight this morning, before nine am no less. He didn't want to add fuel to that particular fire
"The old drunk knows her, made me go on a mission with her" That was useful information at least, seemed a visit to the head captain was in order. He should be made aware of the situation, considering what Urahara knew about hollows and how protective they could be with their mates, that's not even fracturing in the influx of testosterone and other chemicals when in mating season. Thankfully, hollows only had two mating seasons a year. 
"The fuck am I supposed to do now?" Grimmjow grumbled from the floor, forming and releasing a fist in his lap, absentmindedly flexing his bruised knuckles. Ichigo's jaw was tough, he hated to admit. Not so tough that he couldn't break his jaw though.. that was an appealing thought.
"These feelings aren't going to go away. If anything I imagine they'll get stronger as they progress and solidify. Perhaps it best for you to try to get to know this woman, see if you can't get her to fall in love with you"  Grimmjow bristled at the word, head snapping up to stare at Urahara as though he had suddenly sprouted another head. Why the fuck would he want to do that?
"why the fuck would I do that?" 
"Because, Grimmjow, your feelings aren't going to go away. I'm not confident in saying what will happen if they're not reciprocated. Your instincts are going to want to be around your mate. Wouldn't it be better if she also wanted to be around you?" Urahara Sincerely hoped Grimmjow would take his advice seriously, he had a few theories of what could happen if you didn't accept his advances. From his experience, nothing good ever came from denying your instincts.
"How the fuck do I do that?"  He asked carefully, not wanting to seem suddenly eager to win you over. He was still debating running away, finding himself a den in the Forrest and living off the land away from everyone. Would be a damn sight easier than trying to prove himself as a mate. Sure, he could easily kill any man that chose to challenge him, could hunt and kill to provide you with food. He had no problem satisfying you, if your previous encounters were anything to go by
"Romance, Grimmjow. Romance. Women appreciate a sensitive man who'll talk about their feelings. Now I'm not one to brag, but I've been quite successful with the ladies myself" there was that urge to vomit again. Grimmjow felt like his whole world had been pulled from under his feet, dumping him mercilessly into the dark unknown. He hardly heard the blonde man prattle on about romance, flowers and chocolates. Didn't absorb the recommendation for candle lit dinners and moonlit walks. The whole idea made his stomach churn, he felt suffocated in the room, walls closing in on him.
Grimmjow jumped to his feet, ignoring the call of his own name as he marched himself out the room, looking for the salvation of wide open spaces. Grimmjow ripped the door open, not stopping when he roughly bumped into someone trying to enter, unhearing the muffled call from Urahara and the annoyed remark from whom he had body checked. As soon as he was free of the walls he ran, sprinted as fast and as hard as he could to the tree line. Pushing himself further, easily weaving between the dense trees, running as far away from his problems as he could
"Captain Hirako, to what do I owe the pleasure?" Urahara finally addressed his new guest after they had lost sight of Grimmjow in the trees. A problem to deal with at a later date. Unprompted visits from his long time friend weren't uncommon, though it was quite early in the day for Shinji to be avoiding work.
"how many times do I gotta tell ya to stop with all that Captain nonsense" the usual greeting from over one hundred years ago fell as easily from his lips as breathing did. He breezed into the room as if he owned it, looking down at the array of papers strewn out on the floor, raising a questioning eyebrow to his companion
Urahara just shook his head. He'd deal with the mess later. He indicated to the empty chair in-front of him, smiling when his friend stubbornly chose to stand leaning against the same wall previously propping up Grimmjow
"you look stupid in that hat". Shinji couldn't help but add the tease. They struggled to have a conversation without at least one jab each, which delighted him to no end. At least he didn't have that same stupid look on his face as he used to have when Kisuke first became Captain. The years had given him a confidence he didn't possess back then.
"almost as stupid as that wonky hair cut your sporting" Urahara grinned from behind his fan, unable to hide the amusement from his eyes. He enjoyed their back and forth, Shinji's dry wit hadn't changed much over the years.
"so, what the hell is his problem?" Shinji Hirako asked of his friend, nodding to the door Grimmjow just ran through. Urahara sighed, Grimmjow wasn't going to make this easy on himself. But that was a problem for later. He instead, smiled at his new guest, pulling his fan from the folds of his top to fan his face.
"Grimmjow just received some very difficult news" was the simple explanation offered. Shinji nodded, he already had a pretty good idea what that news was, it was actually what he had came to speak to Kisuke about. Shinji went on to explain what he needed to explain, getting a similar solution to the one he had thought of himself. A very awkward meeting was needed, and soon.
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