#so she just made this randomly like ‘sure; maybe I’ll use it one day’
swirl-pop · 2 years
The fact that Ageha just has an entire slideshow of her and Mashiro’s background with each other prepared for no reason is so iconic
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simjaexy · 2 months
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Laundry Girl
Pairing: Non Idol! Park Jongseong x Fem! Reader / Ft. Nosy Roommate Sunghoon
Synopsis: Jay hated the laundry mat. He didn’t like how loud the noises were, the kids that would cry loudly, but what he most of all didn’t like was his clothes getting stolen. That’s was until he met you.
Genre: Fluff, Crack
Warning: Cursing
Notes: Not proofread, Enjoy!
“What the hell do you mean it’s broken?” Jay snapped. Recently, Jay got a new dryer cause his other one just randomly stopped working.
His roommate, Sunghoon was no stranger to breaking things, but why the hell did it have to be the dryer?
Sunghoon shrugged his shoulders, “I think it is, it won’t turn on!” Sunghoon said. Jay groaned and gripped his hair in frustration.
“This one cost a fortune and you break it?” Jay scolded. Sunghoon gave him a look and got up.
“Dude it’s fine, there’s a laundry mat near here, you can just use that one until we get a new one.”
“I paid enough! When are you going to do me a favor?” Jay said. Sunghoon nervously laughed.
“Listen, I’ll make you breakfast in the morning. That doesn’t sound like a bad plan right?” Sunghoon suggested.
Jay still had a glare on his face, but nonetheless, he sighed and grabbed the basket full of wet clothes.
“I’ll be back. You owe me big time.” Was all Jay said and left.
On his way there he had an unreadable expression, but in all honesty, he was pissed. He hated the laundry mat and going there on an already bad day was not on his list.
It was five minutes away so sure it wasn’t a long walk, except for it was to go to the laundry mat.
He walked past people that gave him weird stares, probably because he was carrying a basket with wet clothes in a sunny afternoon.
He didn’t care though, he just wanted to get it done and over with.
Once he finally made it he opened the door causing the bell to ring and was greeted by little kids running around with a mom on the call.
She seemed stressed out as she watched her kids run around. Jay ignored them and went to a dryer.
He pushed his and Sunghoon clothes in the dryer angrily and put the quarters in the slot. He grumble as he sat down.
The kids that he saw earlier ran past him, one of them screaming while the other was laughing. Jay sighed. This is gonna be a while.
The bell rang on the top of the door which meant someone else came in. He ignored the person that walked behind him and watched the clothes go around a circle.
He heard shuffling behind him until he heard the spoke.
“Where the hell are they? Shit.” A female voice quavered. Jay wasn’t really a nosy guy, still he glanced behind him to see a girl frantically looking through her purse.
He turned his head back around. Maybe she lost something? He decided to mind his own business and instead occupy himself with his phone.
That was cut off shortly when the girl tapped on his shoulder, “E-Excuse me, do you have quarters I could borrow? I’m really sorry for bothering you.” Her light voice asked.
Jay felt himself moving before he could reply and checked to see if he had quarters. He had a few spare ones.
He took out some and gave them to the girl, which she happily accepted, “Thank you so much! I’ll pay you back.” She beamed.
Jay gave her a light smile and shook his head, “No need too, I don’t really use quarters.” He replied.
It wasn’t technically a lie, though they are some good companions for it. The girl giggled and put them in the slot and sat down next to Jay.
She was facing the other way, so Jay couldn’t really see what she was doing. Probably watching her clothes too.
It was silent for a few seconds before she spoke.
“Is this your first time here? Sorry, I just never seen you before.” She smiled. Jay felt himself fluster at the comment.
It wasn’t really his first time here, he’s been here before, but a while back. He didn’t know if he should lie or be honest. He decided to stick with the second one.
“I’ve been here before a long time ago. I’m here today because my roommate broke the dryer.” Jay said. Your mouth shaped into a ‘oh’.
“Well I’m here because I don’t have a dryer.” You laughed. Jay found himself laughing at the comment too.
“Do you not have the money for it or?” Jay stopped talking and stared. He didn’t realize that the comment could’ve came out mean.
“W-Well not in a mean way but-“
“My apartment didn’t come with one. My landlord said they’re gonna try to install one soon, so I’m just sticking to this for now.” You replied. Jay hummed.
His dryer suddenly stopped. That’s when he noticed the kids were gone and it was just him and the girl. He got up and checked to see if his and Sunghoon clothes were dry.
Surprisingly they were. He took their clothes out and put them in the basket. Once he finished he picked the basket up and looked at the girl.
“Well it was nice knowing you?”
Jay smiled, “It was nice knowing you Y/n.” He said.
She gave him a content smile, “Well I don’t think this will be the last time I’ll see you handsome boy.” You teased.
Jay felt his cheeks go red at the nickname you gave him and cleared his throat.
“Oh right, my name is Jongseong, but you can call me Jay.” He said. You chuckled and nodded.
“Okay, Jay.”
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“Why are you smiling so much weirdo.” Sunghoon stared. Sunghoon knows when Jay is mad, sad, confused, drunk, happy, or even dazed. What he doesn’t know is why Jay is smiling like he’s in a trance.
Jay looked at Sunghoon and stopped smiling. Ouch, Sunghoon thought. Well it’s not him that’s making him smile, so who is it?
“What are you talking about?” Jay said. He looked back at the TV and laughed at a certain part of the scene.
“You’re smiling like a weirdo! Ever since you came back you’ve been jolly. I thought you didn’t like going to the laundry mat?” Sunghoon exclaimed.
“I don’t?”
“So why were you smiling when you got back!” Sunghoon bellowed. Jay sighed. He knew that if he told Sunghoon he’d make fun of him.
“I saw cute kids.” Jay lied.
“You hate kids.”
“Well now I like them.”
“Why are you smiling so much.” Sunghoon asked again. Jay felt like pulling his hair like earlier. He mind as well should tell him.
Before he could speak another word the doorbell rang. Jay perked up.
“Oh well you look at that pizzas here!” He chimed. He got up and went to the door, hearing a sigh hum escape Sunghoon.
He put the pizza on the table and went to grab plates for him and Sunghoon. Sunghoon caught up to him, but was still giving him a strange look.
Maybe he just witness something he liked? A guitar on the way home?, Sunghoon thought. Jay does have a liking to guitars, so Sunghoon just assumed that.
They both walked back to the couch and selected a movie to watch. But even though they chose a scary one, Jay was still smiling.
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“Sunghoon have you seen my keys?” Jay yelled. Sunghoon came out from his room dressed.
“I got em. I’m coming with you.” Sunghoon said. Jay stopped in his tracks, hoping he didn’t just hear what he thought he heard.
He saw Sunghoon was wearing a white t-shirt under his blue sweater with sweatpants. Jay on the other hand wore something a bit formal (definitely it to try to impress you).
Originally Sunghoon didn’t wanna go since he too hated the laundry mat, but seeing Jay so happy Sunghoon considered to go. Let’s just say he’s a curious boy.
“You’re not coming with me.” Jay said. Sunghoon scoffed and closed his room door.
“You can’t tell me what to do, I can do what I want.” Sunghoon commented. Jay pinched the bridge of his nose.
“Why do you wanna come all of a sudden?” Jay asked.
“Because I wanna go? Can’t I spend time with my friend?”
“At the laundry mat?”
“It could be bromance.” Sunghoon added. Jay rolled his eyes and opened the door with Sunghoon following giddily behind him.
Jay isn’t really the type to get insecure over other people, but the way Sunghoon struts right next to him like he owns the world definitely didn’t help the fact that Jay was holding the basket.
Even though Sunghoon was wearing comfy clothes he made it look like a runway with the way he walks.
Jay on the other hand, walked somewhat like an uncle even though he had more formal clothes on.
He wanted to at least try to impress you a tiny bit, that all comes crashing down to Sunghoon who was, Jay considered, more attractive than him.
Sunghoon always pulled girls from left and right, so it wouldn’t be new that you would fall for his looks.
While Jay was thinking, Sunghoon unfortunately was thinking something different. There’s no guitars, don’t see any cats anywhere, something isn’t right, Sunghoon pondered.
He kept a good eye out for the last four minutes, but hasn’t seen anything that Jay would like.
He looked over at Jay who also seemed to be in hard thought.
“Are we there yet?” Sunghoon groaned. His feet were already hurting.
“One minute.” Was all Jay said. Sunghoon pouted until he saw the sign that said ‘Laundry Mat’.
They went inside to see a few people, “There’s a lot more people than yesterday.” Jay said. He was only hoping you weren’t here.
They began walking but was soon stopped by a feminine voice.
“Jay?” A sweet voice said. Jay cursed himself for recognizing the voice. Sunghoon turned around to see a girl that looked around their age.
She had her hair down with a sweater and shorts. You had a cute smile. She’s cute, Sunghoon thought. That’s when it clicked in his head. He averted his gaze to Jay.
Sunghoon grinned at him, “Well there’s the reason.”
Jay ignored him, his cheeks turning red, “ O-Oh hey uh Y/n was it?” He said. Jay mentally slapped himself while Sunghoon closed his eyes in embarrassment.
Even though it came out a bit mean you still laughed, “Yup! It’s me.” You responded. Jay felt his heart melt. You were too sweet.
There was an awkward silence before Sunghoon spoke up, “I’m Sunghoon by the way, Jay’s friend and roommate.” He said.
He lend out his hand which you took. You gave him a sweet smile, “So you’re the person that broke the dryer.” You giggled.
Sunghoon gave you a surprised look, Jay just had to tell you, “Oh yeah, that’s me.” Sunghoon chuckled while rubbing his neck.
Now they were both embarrassed. You were still giving them that sweet smile, “By the way Jay, I brought my quarters!” You mentioned.
Jay laughed at your sudden comment, “Looks like I bring extra for nothing.” He said. You gave him a teasing smile.
“Aw you brought some for me?” You joked. He coughed and looked around.
“Anyways me and Sunghoon are gonna go find a dryer, it was nice talking to you!” Jay ranted. He dragged Sunghoon away and went to a random dryer.
“Dude you are embarrassing!” Sunghoon argued.
Jay gave him a glare, “Maybe if you weren’t with me I wouldn’t be embarrassing!” Jay argued back. Sunghoon scoffed and crossed his arms.
“There’s no way you can get a girl if you act like that.”
“I didn’t yesterday! I was actually normal until you came!” Jay snapped.
Sunghoon let out a humorous laugh, “You’re a funny guy.” He sassed.
They both continued bickering until Sunghoon put his hand in front of Jay’s face, “Let’s face it, you’re a bad flirt. So being a good friend that I am, I’ll do the clothes while you go talked to her.” He reasoned.
Jay swatted his hand away, “I can’t do that! She probably thinks I’m weird now.” Jay complained.
“It’s better to try than be sorry. Now go before I change my mind.” Sunghoon pushed him away and grabbed the wet clothes and put them in the dryer.
Jay cursed to himself before scanning for you. He noticed you were waiting for your clothes to dry, smiling at people that walked past you.
He felt his heart increasing by second with his palms sweaty. Once he finally went up to you it all went away when you gave him another smile.
“Oh hey Jay.” You said.
He cleared his throat dryly, “Hey. Mind if I sit with you?” Jay asked. You patted your hand on the bench.
He sat next to you, “I wanna apologize for how me and friend were acting, we don’t usually act like that.” Jay began, “It’s just that I didn’t really wanna see you today?” He said.
You gave him a confused look, “Do you not like me.” You questioned.
His eyes widened, “No! It’s not that at all! I was just nervous to see you again cause Sunghoon was with me.” He said.
You let out a ‘oh’ and looked back at your clothes, “Sunghoons pretty nice. He’s handsome too.” You shrugged.
Jay snickered, “Yeah we’ll wait until you see through him, he’s not as nice.” Jay smiled.
“Well the reason why I came today was to see you.” You twirled your hair, “I actually got a dryer yesterday when I got back, but I wanted to see you one last time.” You admitted.
Jay felt time stop. You wanted to see him? Jay felt his cheeks heat up again, but then he smiled, “Wanted to see me again huh?” He smirked.
You blushed and looked away, “D-Don’t start that now!” You whined. Jay laughed amusingly.
“Well why don’t we keep in touch? I can give you my number.” Jay said. You stared at him surprised.
“If you want.” He replied. You quickly took out your phone while Jay laughed at how urgent you were.
He typed in his number and gave you back your phone. You squealed in excitement. He admired how you were honest with your feelings.
“Why are you so happy you have my number?”
“Because you’re handsome. It’s not everyday you see a handsome guy walking in a laundry mat.” You said.
Jay chuckled, “Well I still have to get going, text me when you’re done?” He asked. You nodded your head.
“I will.” You replied. He got up and started heading towards Sunghoon but stopped midway to look at you.
“Let’s go on a date tomorrow.” He said. He felt a strange energy of confidence.
You gave him a cheerful look, “Okay!” You beamed.
He smiled back and went back to Sunghoon. Sunghoon gave him a smug look.
“Looks like someone decided to go at it.” He teased.
“Do you ever shut up?” Jay said.
Sunghoon laughed. He took out the dry clothes and put them in the basket, “I think you should be saying ‘thank you Sunghoon for making me get the balls to confess to this girl I like!’” Sunghoon joked.
“And you wonder why you’re still single.” Jay deadpanned. They left while bickering again, but Jay couldn’t thank Sunghoon enough for the confidence.
Once they got home Sunghoon plopped on the couch, “I missed you.” He mumbled.
Jay gave him a weird look and went to his room. He folded his and Sunghoon clothes separately until he heard a notification coming from his phone.
Pretty girl: Hey I’m done with my clothes!
Pretty girl: About the date though, where do you wanna go?
Handsome Boy 💞: Wherever you wanna go, it doesn’t matter to me
Pretty girl: Okay I’ll let you know!
Handsome boy 💞: Alright, see you tomorrow ;)
Pretty girl: 😚
Jay smiled at the message and hearted it. He put his phone down and continued folding his clothes. Today definitely was the best day of his life.
“Hey Jay! The dryer works! It was unplugged the whole time!” Sunghoon shouted from the living room.
Yup, Jay was gonna kill him.
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dancingdonatello · 10 months
Hello! I love your work! I was wondering if you could possibly do an au for a girl being the human sister of the turtles, and since Splinter wants her to learn and be around her own kind a little more he has her go to high school, (against all four brothers wishes) so the go out to spy in her to make sure everything is alright and at the end of the day she meets a guy who ask her out and they all fume over it? It’s fine if you don’t want to! No pressure. ❤️
rottmnt x sister reader
“It’s time,” Splinter announced.
Everyone froze.
It had been a chill day in the lair. Everyone was hanging out in the living room. Splinter had been watching his commercials, Leo reading his comics, Raph watching football on his phone, so everyone was doing their own thing.
So it was very abrupt and frightening for Splinter to speak up and randomly say that.
“What?” Raph finally spoke up for all of you. Mikey slid into your side nervously. “What are ya talkin’ about, pops?”
“What we’ve been discussing for the past year.”
“You mean arguing about?” Donnie asked dryly.
“Tomato, tomato, Purple.” Splinter looked at you and you slid down against the couch nervously. “It’s time for you to go to High School.”
“No!” Leo wailed, throwing his arms around you. “I won’t let you take her!” He started to hiss at Splinter who looked at him with an unamused look.
“If she gets to go to school, then I should be able to, too!” Donnie complained, clearly more upset about a different aspect to this than what his brothers were upset about.
“You can’t!” Raph nervously waved his hands around. “Think of all the thugs in there! Is a public school? A private school? Where? What’s the crime rate in the area?! We won’t be there to protect her!”
“It’s safer to be in a school than a sewer,” Splinter rolled his eyes. “Think of all the diseases down here.”
“Hey! I keep it clean!” Donnie argued.
“No, you don’t. Your robots do.”
“Shut up, Leo—”
“Anyways. Your opinions don’t matter. Only mine does,” Splinter announced, ignoring how the shouting of his sons only grew louder at that. “In two weeks is the first day of school.”
You swallowed nervously.
Donnie had kept you up to what your age should know. Math, science, etc. So you would be fine with that. But you wouldn’t know anyone. Not a single person there, except for April. And everyone already knew everyone.
You were nervous. This made your brothers nervous.
For two weeks, the nervous energy built up.
When you went to school you were shaking.
You went through most of your classes barely speaking. You felt as if shadows were following you and you kept thinking people were whispering your name. But nobody knew it, so that was impossible, right?
Leaving your second to last class, in a isolated part of the school, you were quickly stopped by someone grabbing your arm.
“Hey…” You jumped and the ceiling creaked above you ominously. “Are you new?”
You turned to see a guy, maybe one from your class you just came from. You two were alone in the hall and you grew nervous.
“Uh, yeah!” Cute boy. Cute boy. Cute boy. You panicked. Oh god. “Uh. Yeah.” You were an idiot.
“Kinda rough how he’s already giving us a test, right? Did you study?”
“No,” you lied. Why did you lie?
“Me neither!” He laughed. What a win. “Wanna go study with me while eating some icecream?”
Your eyes widened. “Yes—”
Raph’s claws punctured the ceiling tile. What had been barely holding his weight snapped, sending all four turtles crashing through the ceiling, crushing the guy underneath the rubble.
You stared at your brothers and they stared back.
“Oh my god,” Mikey breathed out. “We killed him.”
“No, we didn’t. We likely concussed him and knocked him out.” Donnie rolled his eyes. “He deserves it anyways.”
“How about instead of chatting and standing there, get off of him!” you screamed at them. They scrambled off of him and Raph picked the poor guy up. He limply flopped like a wet noodle. “Guys?!”
“I’ll leave him outside there nurse’s office…” Leo reluctantly sighed, opening a portal. Raph carelessly threw the boys through the portal.
“What?” he asked innocently.
“Get out of my school!”
They ‘left’ and continued to watch you from the ceiling.
At least no school day could be worse than this one. It could only be uphill from there.
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idontplaytrack · 6 days
janis is being really mean (like ex regina style mean) to her friends and no one knows why and one day she goes to far and gets yelled at and than she breaks down and regina is her gf and is like wth is goiing on, Janis breaks down and tells her than she has to apologize to her friends.
Do you see me?
Janis 'Imi'ike x Regina George
Warnings: coarse language, angst, implied attempt
They all knew Janis was unafraid to speak her mind, but then things get out of hand and the reason had to be coaxed out by Regina
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"Hey, you." Regina came up behind Janis and kissed her on the cheek. Janis froze, or flinched, Regina wasn't sure. But something out of the ordinary happened.
"You okay?" Regina asks in a quiet voice, obviously concerned.
Janis gave her nothing but a shrug before she proceeded to open up her locker to retrieve a textbook.
Regina wasn’t too convinced but let it slide. Then they went about their days like this brief conversation never happened. All was seemingly…fine until lunch when the whole group was sat together for the break. Aaron said some stupid joke that made everyone laugh— everyone but Janis. Then Karen teased her for being unamused, so Janis got pissed, in seconds. She stabs her fork into the food and was gripping onto it so hard, the plastic utensil easily broke into two.
Everyone saw it, everyone reacted— some more than others. Regina tried to stay nonchalant about it but her worry was steadily growing. Three days in a row something like this has happened now. And as reckless and well— extroverted as Janis tended to be usually, nothing worried the blonde more than when Janis was quiet. 
After the day at school ended, Regina drove Janis home, but Regina doesn’t just leaves. She follows Janis into the garage. The Hawaiian doesn’t object, but Regina was doubtful that she even knew that she was right behind her.
“Janis, will you talk to me, please?”
“There’s nothing to talk about. It’s just stress.” Janis answered curtly, dropping her backpack with a thud. 
“About?” Regina pressed. 
Janis snaps, “I don’t want to talk about it.” 
Regina flinched, startled by the tone. Yes, Regina got scared by the tone. Janis ignored her from that point on, changing into comfy clothes then just crawled into her bed and slept. Regina hung around for a bit then left, defeated. Closing the garage door, she was met with Janis’ dad in the driveway. “Mr. ‘Imi’ike, hi. I was just dropping Janis off.” 
“Hi, Regina.” The man gave her a kind smile, he was always happy to see her. The guy didn’t have a single mean bone in his body— he was too nice. Even after knowing what Regina did to his daughter in middle school. He said he believes that everyone has a reason for why they act differently, as long as they were willing to admit that and change…all was good. And so Regina fought the urge to ask him directly if Janis was okay. It’s only been a few days, right? Maybe it was just PMS. That wasn’t unusual. 
“See you tomorrow.” Mr. ‘Imi’ike chuckles, “Drive safe, stinker.” 
Regina shook her head in disbelief and guffaws. That nickname, from years ago. He randomly started to use it for Regina one day and it just stuck. Janis was ‘peanut’ — even till today, her Dad still called her that. Regina thought it was cute.
As Regina drove off, Mr. ‘Imi’ike enters the garage after knocking on the door. “Hi, peanut.” He poked his head in, “Do you want to have lunch with your —”
“No.” Janis answered quickly, “Not happening.” 
“Okay.” He nodded in understanding. He didn’t want to ask her that, he was forced to.
“Could you just bring it in here for me?” Janis requested, “Please?”
“Of course, sweetheart.” Her Dad agreed, “I’ll be right back.”
Janis moves over to her desk in the meantime, diving right back into working on her art pieces. Art pieces, plural. She’d been busy with a few of them to make the deadline of a portfolio submission for one of her dream schools. She hears two voices in the house, which had only become a thing lately. Janis cringes, she hates it when they are like that— squabbling. Mr. ‘Imi’ike returns with the food: pineapple fried rice and teriyaki beef skewers. Delicious. 
“Wow, thanks Dad.” Janis forced a smile. It was one of her favourite lunches ever, and she didn’t want her Dad to worry any more than he already was. 
Her Dad set the plate down on her desk, stroked her hair and pressed a kiss to her head, “Eat well, ipo. I’ll go get you a drink too. What do you want?”
“Ah, we don’t have that drink here, Dad. You know that.” Janis says with a laugh.
“Hawaiian Sun? Who says we don’t?” He grins, “I brought some back for you when I went home to Hawai’i.”
Janis gasped, “Really? Guava nectar flavour too?”
“Especially that. I know that’s your favourite.” He laughs similarly, “I’ll just be a sec.” 
This little conversation took her mind off of what she was working on, which was a much needed break. Janis had been working on those pieces pretty much non-stop when she was at home. 
“Thanks.” Janis says, immediately cracking open the can to take a sip of her beloved beverage.
“Of course.” 
And so, Janis ate her lunch while watching some TV. She’d moved again, over to her couch and just focused on her meal. Because let’s face it, those school lunches aren’t ever filling enough to actually be a lunch. 
Janis didn’t hear from anyone else that day, not even Regina. And she didn’t even realise. Janis couldn’t be bothered by that, all she could think about was the portfolio completion. That was her only focus. Regina on the other hand, was contemplating whether or not to text the girl, but she of course, ended up not doing so and the rest of Janis’ evening ended up being awfully quiet. Not that she even noticed because she was so engrossed in finishing her art pieces. 
Her current piece? A painting of a wilted hibiscus, with a chrysanthemum growing right by it. She was barely finished, but her Dad came in later that night and urged her to turn in for the night. 
“G’night, peanut.”
Janis chuckles, “Good night, Dad.”
“Sleep tight, love you.” 
The next day, the first half of the day was fine. Janis made it through without much trouble. And like yesterday, the problem came during lunch. All the chatter and laughter was driving Janis nuts, and she typically would be joining in on it. But given how occupied she’d been with the portfolio, that was the only thing on her mind. Everything else…was just noise. Loud, irritating noise.
“Janis, what are you thinking about?” Damian asked. She exhaled harshly, not bothering to even look at her best friend, “Did you have one of those silly ass dreams again last night?”
“Shut up.” Janis muttered. 
“Come on, he’s just worried about you, Jay.” Regina continued, “And honestly, I am too.” 
“Yeah, yeah, everyone’s worried about the art freak.” Janis stabs her fork into a dumpling, “Who cares? Stop annoying me.” Her mind quickly drifts again, back to a specific moment on Monday. 
Janis had just gotten home from school on her own since Regina had lacrosse practice on Mondays. And while she was expecting the house to be quiet because her Dad would be at work, but instead, she saw her Dad sitting at the counter with a woman. It seemed so ridiculous, Janis thought her eyes must've been playing tricks on her. The woman, was her mother, who up and left her and her Dad almost eleven years ago without a word. “Oh, my God. Janis!” The woman gasped, smiling brightly at the sight of the teen— like she hadn’t just shown up here after more than a decade of being absent and wanting nothing to do with them. “I don’t know who you are, don’t try to hug me. I won’t like it and neither will you” Janis bit the inside of her cheek, her hand still clutching onto one backpack strap. Before her mother could even walk close enough, Janis disappeared through a side door into her garage. “Leave her alone, Leilani.” Janis hears him talking to her mother as she leaves the side door.
With her garage being soundproofed, Janis knew she could safely scream. So she did, but not without unintentionally smacking some items on her table to the floor. Then she was sobbing, her heart was confused, but her head was clear— she hated that woman for what she’d done, leaving her all alone, leaving her father all alone. How dare she just come back like she hadn’t done anything wrong? Yes, Leilani was her mother, but she’s never acted like one. From the moment Janis was old enough to remember, the woman’s almost never around. Every single early memory? Was just Janis and her dad, Janis and Damian, even Janis and Regina. Never ever Janis and her mom. Why couldn’t her heart agree with her head? Janis hated that, she hated this feeling. It made her feel like shit.
Once she’d stopped crying, Janis picked herself up and sat at her desk, starting a new painting with the wilted hibiscus and growing chrysanthemum. 
Janis wasn’t sure how, but she managed to make it through another day at school without fully blowing her top. But today, Regina wasn’t going to let whatever this was, go.
“Why is everyone here?” Janis leaned against the doorframe.
“To hang out.” Regina answers simply.
“What are you trying to do? I don't need saving or whatever this is.”
“I already said, I’m worried. I wanna help you.”
“I don’t need your help!” Janis snapped, shutting the door. But Regina held it open, so did Aaron when Janis tried to shove it shut again. “Something is going on. I am not leaving until you tell me what is happening because this isn’t like you.” Regina inhales deeply, blinking away tears. “Let me in. Please, Janis. You don’t have to be dealing with it alone.” Janis’ palm falls from the door, and she moves off to the side, Regina enters the artist’s garage with the rest of the gang. “Who’s that with your Dad?” Gretchen asks, seeing the pair talking in the front yard after walking out from the house. Janis scrambled to shut the door and lock it. “Um— it’s strange having all of you here like that but I owe all of you an apology. How I’ve been acting all week with you guys was messed up. I’ve been stressed about submitting my portfolio on time to the colleges I hope to be able to attend, and then my Mom who’s basically been no part of my life showed up here on Monday after school like she didn’t abandon me and my Dad without an explanation more than a decade ago, and I just— I lost it, I was so thrown off I didn’t know how to help myself, pick myself back up and I just also didn’t know how to tell anyone because none of you guys knew at all about my Mom, not Damian, not Regina. So I was in a bad, bad mood, I tried channelling all those emotions into my art but still, it was bugging me, it was bugging me so badly I just became a mess.” 
The group’s never been this silent, a few were stunned, the others were shocked and worried. Each of them felt a combination of those feelings, merely a fraction of what Janis has had to deal with. But even then, it already felt like a lot. “I don’t want my Dad to get hurt again, I can’t lose him too. He’s all I’ve got here, my family’s miles away. He moved us here to get a fresh start after my Mom left us, a part of me died back home in Hawai’i. My home, became the most painful, most traumatic place. Such a beautiful place became so ugly because of one person’s decision. My earliest memory of her, was her leaving. I remember my Dad keeping it together for my sake, but I would always hear him crying when I was up late at night. I’ll never be able to forget any of that— he was always so happy, so carefree. He gave me everything, and then I was the one who almost left him alone too. One thing I did right was not going through with my attempt— I could never hurt my Dad too. But I don’t get it, why doesn’t he just tell her to go? I never told him, after the ‘obsessed lesbian’ shit in middle school got too much, I wanted to end it, the only way I knew how, the only way I knew would end the pain forever. He doesn’t know to this day and I will never be able to bring myself to tell him, I don’t want to give him another blow to his heart. So I’ve just been working through that on my own during therapy. But then, well, this happened. I’m sorry that I’ve been so rude and bitchy, I didn’t mean any of it.”
Regina immediately engulfed her in a hug, “I'm so sorry.”
“I know you are, we already talked about it. We’re good.” Janis sniffled, “Guys, I’m really sorry, it’s just been so difficult.”
They all crowded around the couple for a group hug, which Janis appreciated but would never outwardly admit just yet. The apology in this setting was a big enough step forward. 
“We can ask that woman to leave, you know?” Damian quirked a brow.
“No.” Janis decided, “I’ll do that. Right now.”
Janis entered the house before anyone could stop her. Dumbfounded, they just watch her walk inside. 
“Dad. She has to go, I don’t care what she’s been telling you but she’s history.” Janis stood tall, but was trying to fight the painful lump forming in her throat.
“I’ve missed you, ipo.”
“You’ve missed me?” Janis scoffed, “It took you eleven fucking years to realise that and come here? I don’t know what you’re trying to do after being nonexistent in my life. My earliest memory of you was you leaving us. You have no clue how hard life has been, you have no idea what we had to go through because of you. You’ve got no idea what kind of shit started because of your decision to abandon your own partner and daughter. You see me here now, standing in front of you in one piece. But you have broke me inside in more ways than you could’ve ever imagine so don’t come up to me saying you miss me because I don’t know you at all. We had to leave home, because of you. We had to leave family because of you. Grandma and grandpa hated you, and I couldn’t understand why when I was little because I was just sad mommy was gone. But when I was old enough, I remembered— you, were never there. Dad was there through all of it. Every single milestone, elementary school graduation, middle school, my first fucking period, my first heartbreak, high school, and everything in between. While you…you were nowhere. Then you just waltz in here like you went on a weekend away? No. No! You don’t get to do that and expect forgiveness. Stop trying, it’s already been over the second you thought about walking out on us."
"She's right. Please listen to your daughter if you love her like you claim you do. We don't need any of this— not now, not ever. We don't need you. We've been just fine, the both of us."
Janis felt like she blacked out, but felt a pair of arms around her: her dad's, of course. She hears Leilani getting up from the stool at the same time he shields her eyes from witnessing her mother's second departure. Only this time, it was going to be good for them because they were doing perfect without her before she reappeared.
"i got you. I got you, Jains. We're okay. I promise." Her Dad assured, holding her close, "Regina, I know you're standing there, get over here."
" I wasn't listening—"
"I know." He nods, "Just thought she might want you."
Regina nodded, giving the kind man a tight-lipped smile as she wraps her arms around Janis once her Dad let go. "Guys, don't go yet, I'll make you all something to eat. Dinnertime's soon anyway, just hang around, huh?'
"Thank you, Dad."
"Ah, no problem at all, peanut. You're my baby girl, it's always been you and me. Hm? And it always will be."
Regina held Janis' face in her hands, lightly squishing her cheeks before her thumb caressed her tear-stained cheek. "I love you, I will always be here for you. I swear on my life that you will always have me in your corner. You will always have us in your corner, no matter where life takes us for college or our jobs. We’re gonna be there no matter what it takes, life’s tough sometimes but together we’re sure as hell tougher.”
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🏷️Tag list:
@ashecampos @auliisflower @cheesysoup-arlo @frogs00 @ludoesartandstuff @pda128
I’m so sorry this took such a long time, but here it is! Thank you for waiting🥲
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katsu28 · 1 year
hi darling what about spider flower w rooster 🫡 xo @familyvideostevie
hi baby thank u for this request u are my angel <3
spider flower: a joke about getting eloped turning serious, bradley "rooster" bradshaw x reader, 1k
You weren’t exactly sure how the topic of marriage came up tonight. Maybe it was the effect of the wine, maybe it was the sheer bliss of being snuggled up in your boyfriend’s arms on the couch. Maybe it was the romcom you’d mindlessly turned on but neither of you were really paying attention to. Maybe it was the fact that right here, right now, with Bradley, you could see your whole future laid out in front of you. 
Your relationship wasn’t new by any means, but still seemed ages away from even thinking about getting married. Not that it stopped you from thinking about it. In fact, you thought about it a lot. 
Every time he brought you coffee and croissants when he came home from his morning run, the thought of weekend breakfasts and lounging around in bed with him crossed your mind. Whenever he burst through the door after work with a loud “Honey I’m home!!!”, you felt a warmth bloom in your chest at the prospect of possibly hearing it for the rest of your life. Every time you bumped elbows while brushing your teeth at the sink and he tried to kiss you with toothpaste still in his mouth, you thought about forever and ever with the love of your life. 
So yeah, you thought about it often. You just didn’t know that Bradley had been too. 
“Why would the bride say she was okay with the flower arrangement her mom chose when she really wasn’t?” Bradley wondered out loud, more to himself than anything. He was squinting at the screen all confused when you looked up at him, pinched brow almost comical had his question not been entirely serious.
“Sometimes it’s just easier to let your mom have her way than go against her.” You replied. You understood the complications of mothers and daughters far too well. 
“But it’s your wedding day, you should be able to have a say in what you want or don’t want.” 
“Maybe it’s not that simple?” 
“Wedding planning seems too stressful.” Bradley sighed, rubbing an idle hand down your arm. "We should just elope when the time comes for us.” He chuckled at his own joke and went back to watching the movie like he hadn’t just dropped a massive bomb on the conversation. 
Those words lit a spark in you that you didn’t know was there and you sat up, letting the blanket fall from around your shoulders as you turned to face him. This was by far your favorite version of him, soft and sweet and relaxed and yours. It was a side of Bradley only you got to see, one that only made an appearance every time he stepped through the door of your shared home. He wasn’t Lieutenant Bradshaw, he wasn’t Rooster, he was just…Bradley. Your Bradley.
You wanted this Bradley and every other version of him forever. You’d known that long ago, probably since your first date, when he showed up at your doorstep with a bouquet of your favorite flowers in hand and no way of knowing he’d randomly picked the perfect type. 
He just tilted his head at you, brows furrowed in confusion. “What’s up?”
“Why not do it now?” 
“Do what?” 
“Elope. Get married. Right now.” 
“Are you—are you serious?” 
“Were you not?” 
“No, no, I was. I am.” He insisted, propping himself up on the cushions. His mustache twitched the way it always did when he was fighting a smile as he reached for your hand. “I just…I didn’t think you wanted to get married so soon. Or like, at all. Is that stupid to say?” 
You shook your head profusely. “Not stupid at all. We’ve never really talked about marriage and shit, you’re right. But I gotta tell you, I think about marrying you all the time.” 
You nodded. “Really.” 
“Then what are we waiting for?” He said softly, bringing your hand up to his face and kissing your palm. “Tomorrow morning, first thing. I think we just need some paperwork and we should be all set. I’ll take care of all of it.”  
“We’re getting married?” You could barely contain the grin bursting its way across your face at the idea of it all. 
“We’re getting married, sweetheart!” He echoed. You let out a noise you could only describe as one of pure joy, flinging your arms around his neck. He caught you against his chest with ease, pressing his lips against yours in the sweetest of kisses that you reciprocated immediately. 
You were ready for your happy ever after with the love of your life. 
That was how you ended up at the courthouse the next morning, hand in hand with your soon to be husband as you waited to be called to go before the judge. Bradley’s thumb rounded out circles against the top of your hand, but it did nothing to soothe your jumpy nerves. 
You’d get holy hell from your family for eloping, you were sure of it, but you didn’t care. All you needed was Bradley and you’d be just fine in life. That much you knew. 
“Hey,” He murmured, knocking his knee against yours. You pried your gaze from the marble floor to meet his reassuring one. “You okay? Got quiet on me there.” You managed a small nod. “We don’t have to do this right now. I promise I won’t be offended if you don’t wanna.” 
“No,” you shook your head. “No. We’re doing this. I want to do this, I wanna marry you. I want to be your wife.” 
Bradley let out a whistle, rubbing his hand up and down your arm. “My wife. Man, that sounds too good to be true. Can hardly even believe it. You…my wife.” 
“You better believe it, Bradshaw.” 
“I love you.” He said, so simple and so sweet like he was saying ‘I am alive’. 
And in a way, it was true. Loving and being loved by Bradley Bradshaw felt like being alive in every single aspect of the word. It was thrilling and comforting and exciting and relaxing, all wrapped up into one. 
Then someone called your names from inside the courtroom, and you grinned at him, squeezing his hand tightly once more before standing. 
“Let’s do this?” 
“Let’s fucking do this.”
follow @katsu-library to be notified when i post new fics :)
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love-toxin · 2 years
ok hear me out - fruity four but with a ‘good friend’ reader who knows they’re poly (aka we all have a crush on you hngghhg pls let us love u pls)
ok so, maybe someday, readers feeling a little more emotionally vulnerable, and while on the topic of nighttime routines, when it comes to ur turn, ur like “oh yea i get ready in like, complete silence, lol im so in my own head, I’ll go through the motions of braiding my hair so it doesn’t get in my face, filling my hot water bottle up bc im icicle cold, filling my drinking bottle up cus i wake up randomly super thirsty, making sure i do alllll of my skincare and maybe get a little snacky snack” and they’re all like 😍😍 yeah? until you end the little explanation with “a lot of the time, i pretend someone else is just doing all of that for me, yknow, like taking care of me and being all soft and not forgetting a step, like I pretend that my heads just empty and I don’t have to think, but then when it comes to sleep-bed-time, it makes me a little sad when I realise that no one’s actually there to cuddle me to sleep, so I try not to do that anymore! :)”
and they’re all like??? mortified. horrified. their sweet, sweet ‘friend’ (dear god pls like us pls) is all alone??“ur lonely? :(“ but reader so immediately denies it like nope. me? no ofc not im just extra soft and sensitive sometimes so it helps to pretend it’s someone else - pretend silly!!
and then it begins. Eddie hands you a water bottle. Normal, until he insists, quite silently, to be the one holding it while u drink from it, tilting his head down to ask a little “enough?” when he senses ur done
and then there’s that one time when nancys going through ur wardrobe after turning up at the ass crack of dawn and ur still half asleep in ur pjs, “looking” for a sweater she coulda sworn she left here that one time, just for her to slyly build your outfit for the day, all casual like “hey, here u go, and I’m gonna do ur hair this way too, could help u put it on if ur still sleepy? :)”
steve knowing ur indecisive - he use to not wanna make u uncomfy and overstep by being a bit dominant and assuming how you’d want things, but now has no qualms abt take out. the usual back and forth over “what do u wanna eat” “idk steve, u decide” “well idk what I fancy, what do u fancy” “I’ll have whatever Steve i promise” and when u do decide on a place, the whole other back and forth over what to actually order.
So now he just lets you know with a soft smile like “just ordered a chicken korma in, made sure to get u that nice mango chutney and a couple poppadoms, we’re watching greese too in a sec :)” and u feel.. weirdly safe. comforted? u can’t put ur finger on it so u try not to dwell on the feeling.
robin gets so touchy. they all like to be touchy with eachother, and at this point ofc are as touchy as they dare with you, but my god robin kicks it up so many notches. thinks nothing of biting u. which the first time she does it ur all like “ 0-0 huh?” until she explains that she cant sit still and ur literally right there so she’s naturally gonna get all chompy, and ur nice enough to be like “ohhhh alright” cus it’s not like she’s doing anything heinous, it’s just one of her quirks, right? always putting her legs over urs until she can find a way to get urs on her own, leaning into ur side until she can casually figure out how to make u do the same.
oh god. a sleepover. the thing they’ve been building up for. All of this? layered on THICK. you know they’ve been meticulously planning every single step of the night and planning everyone’s roles
(so so so many disagreements cus Eddie and Robin both wanna braid ur hair, but nancys the only one who actually knows how to braid. or Steve and Eddie fighting tooth and nail over who gets to do ur skincare until they decide that Steve can do all the washing and Eddie gets to do the nice soft pat pat pat towel drying)
They try and be smooth abt it but ofc it’s so different to other sleepovers. and u sorta just let them do it. u feel so selfish but it’s like.. the second Steve and Eddie pull u into the bathroom and Eddie picks up ur toothbrush to do ur teeth before ur facewash, u tear up a little. u feel selfish for indulging in their kindness but don’t wanna stop them. u wanna be cuddled by them all to sleep so badly but also not overstep relationship boundaries
WOOOOOF!!!! WROW!!!! IM......MELTING......no,, I'm too soft for this, im......sobs.....
being so vulnerable with them and getting rewarded for it.....it's like laying a present in their laps--they've loved you so much for so long, they've always wondered what they could do to show that, and now you've just dropped the answer right in front of them without even realizing it. them hoping you realize what they're doing when they fulfill all those dreams of yours, when they care for you down to the littlest detail, but in some ways they almost hope you don't, because it's almost better to watch you be so shy around them when they're doing things for you and be moved nearly to tears when they insist on taking away any stress you might be subject to. and then you feel selfish, you worry you're getting in the way of their relationship, and all four of them know they have to make it clear to you that you're one of them. they've just gotten what they wanted--to dote on you and be the ones you rely on completely--and they're not letting that go because of some silly worry you have of taking advantage of them. you could never do that, ever, they can promise you that.
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milfsloverblog · 1 year
Can you explain how you feel about cons? I struggle with seeing them as like the celeb/influencer/actor (who’s wealthy enough) taking money from regular ppl just for them to say hi? It seems like everyone who goes has a lot of fun but I can’t help but think it’s a waste of money. Especially considering the stories of celebrities throwing away the gifts they’re given as soon as they leave. It almost seems like a way to make their egos feel good and I imagine they go home laughing at how people would do anything to meet them 😖😖 Or maybe I just have anxiety
I absolutely can tell you how I feel about cons, anon!
First of all, going to cons (at least to me) isn’t just about the actors. Sure, I won’t attend a con if I’m not interested in anyone in the line up, but going to a con is so much more than that.
Let’s talk about the whole “celebrities taking money from regular people” thing first. I personally don’t have any issues with paying for an autograph or a photo op, simply because this is part of their job. Like I don’t mind paying a hundred euros for a concert ticket and then queue for 12+ hours to make sure I’m first row, even though I probably won’t be getting any interaction with the artist on stage at all.
I understand not liking the concept of cons, but I’m very glad those exists. I think if you want to meet someone you’re a fan of, someone you look up to, conventions are great. I live in a tiny town in Belgium, there’s no way I’d randomly stumble on a celebrity here like it might happen in London or NYC. So, yes, cons are a nice way to meet those who you look up to. I see it a bit as forcing the hand of fate, if you will. But again, I understand not being into that.
Is it a waste of money? Perhaps. But I could be wasting my money on worse things, if you ask me. I could spend it on alcohol, on going out every weekend, on gambling. I could spend it on clothes (I do, I’m very much guilty of this), on restaurants, etc etc. You might be spending your money in a way that I would find wasteful! We all have different priorities, different things that make us smile, and that’s okay.
For the gifts part, again it’s something that I can understand from the actor’s part. I attended a (relatively small) con in London a couple of months ago and one of my friends was part of the staff. We had lunch together the next day and she told me about how after the con, actors will sort out the things they keep and the ones they don’t. It’s not about them not caring about the gifts or being ungrateful, it’s mostly about luggage space/weight. When they meet hundreds/thousands of fans and get hundreds/thousands of gifts, it only makes sense that they aren’t able to bring all of it back home with them. It is a bit saddening, yes, but no one forces us to gift them something. When I bring a gift to a celebrity at a con, I know there’s a chance they won’t be able to take it home, and I’ve made peace with that thought.
I’ve never really thought about celebrities going home and laughing at the people who’ve met them during cons, to be honest. I feel like it might be because I’ve only met people whom I think would not do that? Take Gwen for example, since she’s the main topic here, I very much doubt that she goes home and just…laughs at her fans with Giles while they share a cuppa. I mean, I don’t personally know her, we only know what she’s willing to show us, but that would be THE plot twist of the century, Gwen actually being a mean girl.
Now, about cons being more than just the actors. I love travelling, there isn’t a day where I’m not thinking about where I’ll be going next. Thanks to cons, I’ve been able to travel to London (the city of my dreams) more often. I’ve been to Dortmund, where I had never been before, and I’ll be going to Liverpool next month.
I have met so many incredible people at conventions, I’ve made friends at cons nearly a decade ago whom I’m still in touch with now. Gwen said something that really stuck with me last weekend. Something about how cons are a place where you can find a tribe, a clan, make friends who share your love for an artist/piece of art.
I feel at peace when I’m at cons. I feel like I can be myself because I’m surrounded by people who understand what it’s like to be a fan of something/someone to the point where you are willing to pay for it.
There is nothing like the feeling of belonging.
I will keep going to cons and meet actors I look up to, I will absolutely keep meeting Gwen whenever I can because I adore listening to her rambling about cinema and theatre and empowerment and how beautiful humans are.
Call me a hedonist if you wish to, but I wake up everyday with a single thought in mind - seeking pleasure no matter what I do. So, how do I feel about cons? I feel about them like I feel about most things I choose to do, they bring me pleasure and I love that.
I hope i was able to enlighten you, anon. I’m sorry this turned into a whole essay, but I do have a lot of feelings to pour when it comes to these things!
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uhohwhathaveidone · 2 years
Hiii, how're you doing today? I hope you're having a good day! :>
I'm not sure if your requests are open at the moment, but if they are, may I request a Poppy Sweeting x GN! Reader? :0
Maybe Poppy and R are close friends and R asks her out but she doesn't believe R is serious about it and thinks they're joking until R brings her to the room of requirement and sees that R has set up this whole romantic thing and shows Poppy all of the beasts they've saved from poachers then while Poppy is distracted R taps her shoulder and turns to her with this shy smile holding out a flower for her and Poppy knows that if she accepts the flower then she's essentially saying yes to going out with them. You can end it however you want!
Also, even if your requests are open, but you don't want to write this it's okay! :D
"I give you a flower to show my love" "you can just say you love me"
Carnation (P.S)
Today was very boring until personal problems happened and it sucks and yeah anyway!!!!
I love Poppy with all my heart. I hope you enjoy!
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   You put away your book as the professor ended class, sighing happily, and stretching your back. Poppy watched you, concerned at the sound your back made. “Perhaps you should fix your posture before you break something.” You chuckled, turning to her, “Nothing you wouldn’t help me with.” Poppy sighed this time, getting up from her seat. “Wait up!” You shouted, getting up from your seat and speeding to catch up with her. “So, I was thinking.” You started, smiling as you looked at Poppy as you walked. She quirked an eyebrow, pushing past a crowd of students. “What if you and I hung out tonight, but just the two of us?” Poppy huffed in amusement, “Don’t we already do that, though?” You nodded, adding on. “Well yeah, but like, somewhere different? Alone, maybe?” You mentally facepalmed, embarrassed. Poppy skipped a step, trying to figure out what you were talking about. “Sure, I suppose.” You sighed in relief, giving her a side hug. “Great! It’s a date then.” Poppy stopped in her tracks, a slight blush creeping to her cheeks. “A date?” You nodded, turning to her. “I mean, yeah? That’s pretty much what it is, right?” You held your breath anxiously, watching Poppy as she gathered her thoughts.
     Poppy couldn’t tell if you were serious or not. You didn’t seem like the type to just randomly ask someone on a date, and you never really showed an interest in Poppy in that sense, only the closeness that a, well, close friend could give. She watched you give her a nervous smile as you fidgeted with the strap of your bag. Would you actually be interested? Poppy stared at you, unable to figure you out. “It can just be a hang out, if that’s what you want?” Poppy shook her head, playing with the sleeve of her robe. “I’ll join you, but when?” She watched as your face lit up, smile growing. “Great! I was thinking that we meet up at the entrance to the Hufflepuff common room? I’ll walk you to dinner.” “Pretty cliché.” “Oh, come on.”
     A few hours later, Poppy stood nervously at the door to her common room. You didn’t say when exactly you’d be there, so Poppy waited until her housemates left for the dining hall, hanging around the door as she watched them leave. She continued to rack her brain for reasons why you would suddenly try and ask her out on a date. Surely, you would take her to the dining hall and have a mock date, one she had heard people call it. You probably wanted to practice with Poppy so you could ask someone else out without embarrassing yourself, but wouldn’t you have said that beforehand? Poppy shook her head, sighing. “Bored already? I just got here.” You chuckled behind her, causing her to jump. “A warning, please!” She squeaked, turning to you, and giving you a playful hit on the shoulder. You raised your hands defensively, smiling. “Sorry. Anyway, are you ready?” Poppy nodded, walking beside you. She watched your face, looking for a clue as to what you had been planning, still unsure if this “date” you were going on was real or not. You kept smiling, a skip in your step as you walked.
     “Um, the dining hall is that way, remember?” Poppy said, grabbing your sleeve as you turned down a different hall. You nodded, smiling. “Yeah. But we’re not going there.” You took her hand and pulled her along with you. Poppy grew nervous, the mock date idea seemingly flying out of her head as she tried to follow behind you, cheeks tinted pink as you kept a hold of her hand. She looked around as you walked through more halls, some she didn’t even recognize. “Where are we going, then?” She asked, but you only shook your head. “Why would I ruin the location of our date? Don’t worry, we’re almost there.” She sighed, defeated. You looked down a hall, scanning it. “Ah, there you are!” You said, heading over to the door. Poppy could have sworn that the door hadn’t been there a moment ago, seemingly appearing as you walked over to it. You turned and smiled at Poppy, opening the door, and gesturing for her to go in.
     Poppy’s eyes widened as she looked around the room. It was small, with a table in the center of it, surrounded by potted bushes of flowers and floating candles. A collection of sweets decorated the table, some of which were shaped as creatures like Hippogriffs and Nifflers. She walked to a wall, gazing at it as a Bowtruckle danced around in a painting. You smiled, walking over. “I got magical portraits made for some of the creatures we saved. Aren’t they lovely?” Poppy nodded, walking over to another painting and watching as a Hippogriff flew over a field. “You can keep them, take them home during the break if you wanted to.” Poppy turned to you, eyes wide. “Really?” You nodded, smiling. Poppy jumped in happiness, running over to another painting. Taking the moment as an opportunity, you waved your wand and lit some of the candles, and had tea made. You watched her as she talked to the paintings, walking over to one of the bushes and taking a carnation. You had decorated the bushes with flowers that Poppy liked, and knowing that she knew a few things about plants, you chose flowers with different meanings as well. Holding the flower gently in your hand, you slowly walked up to Poppy, tapping her shoulder.
     Poppy turned, met with your slightly red face as you looked down at your shoes for a moment, holding your hand out. Her eyes widened as she looked at the flower you offered, one of love and affection, its soft petals bright in the dim room. You didn’t look up, afraid of the reaction you might get. Realization finally hit Poppy as she stared at the flower. You were serious about the date, and the flower you offered her was your way of confessing. Poppy hesitated, unsure still. She loved what you did, and she loved you; but she didn’t know how to function at that moment. She could only stare as her cheeks became a deeper red, feeling her heart seemingly beat out of her chest. She feared that you would hear it.
     “Are you…serious? You’re not messing with me?” She asked, her voice shaking. Your heart dropped, the fear of rejection growing as you nodded, slowly looking up at her. “Uh…yeah. I wanted to…go on an actual date. I even found this neat room, it turns into whatever you’re looking for, and I thought the room was perfect. Even the flowers and candles came with it, and you can take stuff out of it too.” You rambled, hoping that your nerves would go away if you kept talking. Poppy smiled, taking the flower from your hand. You stopped talking, eyes wide. Poppy placed the flower in her hair happily, grabbing your hand. “I love it. It’s very…you. Us I suppose?” You nodded quickly, face heating up. “Is that a…yes then?” Poppy nodded, pulling you into a tight hug.
     You let out the breath you were holding, quickly placing a kiss to her head, and moving towards the table. “Good, great even! I would hate to waste all the hard work I went through to make these.” You joked, gesturing to the sweets. Poppy smiled, walking over. “You made all of these?” You nodded, handing her a tart. “Magic goes a long way when you use it to be an extra helper.” Poppy smiled, taking a bite, melting into the sweet fillings. “And did you or the magic make this one?” You avoided her eyes, smiling shyly. “Depends, do you like it?” She nodded, taking another bite. “Good. I made them.” The two of you laughed as you pulled a chair to sit next to Poppy, handing her a tea cup. “These are really cute, where did you get them?” She asked, admiring the floral details on the cup. You smiled, “I had them made for us a bit ago, couldn’t find the right moment to use them until today.” Poppy’s smile grew as you poured tea for the two of you, explaining that you had ordered a tea blend a while ago to go with the cups, glad to finally have a use for them. Poppy sipped at the tea, the warm liquid seemingly warming her whole body. “It’s lovely.” “I’m glad.”
     As you finished up, you helped Poppy collect the paintings, placing them into a bag you enchanted to hold them all. You smiled at the room, closing the door and watching it disappear. Poppy smiled at you, taking your hand in hers as you walked away. “We should do that more often, little tea party dates.” You choked on the air, quickly trying to clear your throat. “Tea party? I worked hard on that-“  “I’m joking! Although, it had all the elements of a tea party, but it was still sweet.” The two of you laughed as you continued to walk, already planning the next date the two of you would share.
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nerdieforpedro · 8 months
Weekend Update 01/14/2024
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Hey Nerdie! Posting kind late tonight?
Yeah, I worked this weekend. Not bad as far as weekends go.
That’s good. Anything new?
Making a list of Pedro and Oscar shows and movies I wanna watch while I’m off for the next few days.
Going to see a movie with my Mom Tuesday. Also she wants to come over my house to watch “The Grey Man” because it has Regé-Jean Page in it. The more stuff I watch with my mom, the more is becomes apparent that I get my fangirling honestly. 🤔 Interesting. She would never say she is, but I know. Anytime they almost call security on you at a convention, you’re fangirling too hard.
You still have that pickle…can you get rid of it?
That gherkin has grown on me, but I may find something else. 👀
I mean…but what….should we not complain about the pickle then?
Complain about what you want doesn’t mean I’m going to change it. 😎 Or maybe I will. 🤗
Oh dear…I don’t like the glint in your eye. You write anything this week?
I put out two fics this week. One was angsty and sad? I think. 🤔 Not really sure how to describe it but I like it. It’s my first Santiago Garcia fic. Titled “Canto para mí mismo / I sing for myself.” Grief and PTSD. Not heavy at all. It will be a 4 part series.
Then I followed that up with Marcus Pike smut. I wanted to add to the Pike Pool. I had thots about Marcus and “She’s Under the Weather” was written.
I also gave two dissertations on Oscar Isaac’s facial hair and what’s the best date a PP character could surprise you with? @rhoorl and @i-own-loki game me much to think about and to write. 🤣
I’m finishing up a challenge. I may be able to finish it on time. 👀 It’s just going to smell like old pita bread and metal. Like I didn’t know what else to do with the material! The time period is messing me up. 😑
I thought of a short series for Marcus from a movie tag game I think. The thots were thotting with @magpiepills and @maggiemayhemnj so when we have an angsty sexy menace of a Marcus Pike, see these two for your concerns. 🫣
I also fell into whatever Trash Panda pillow fort Dieter has made. I’m working on chapter 4 of “Weddings 101 Dieter.” I had some notes from some comment I made about Dieter doing a solo activity that has now blossomed into smut to the music of Donna Summer. Because if you’re gonna do it, make it disco 🪩 Lastly, working on my Bubble AU where Dieter picks OFC to bunk with him to help him sleep. That’s not going to turn into anything is it? Maybe sweet, maybe manipulative, maybe smut, maybe silly 😝
I think just for @mysterious-moonstruck-musings I’ll include a pomelo in one of my future fics. Might be in the Javier Peña one we talked about or a different one. 😘 We also mentioned another project idea with different food:
A plantain as a prop would be hilarious with the line randomly chosen, “I thought everyone knew how to use one of those, you don’t?” 🤣🤣🤣
The comments and tags are where the comedy gold is. 😂😂😂 I think we also mentioned a family gathering 😂
Good grief Nerdie….should we even ask if there’s anything else?
Still working on school. Took a break from the Statistics class was frustrating me very much. Instead working through a scholarship and leadership class. 😒 I might be useful one day, but likely not.
Have a great week everyone and stay warm!
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Love Nerdie! ❤️🪩
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pensat-i-fet · 2 years
A Manchester Affair (Rúben Dias): Chapter 15 (Final chapter)
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Chapter 14
**Author’s note: And we got to the end of the story! Thank you so much to everyone who has read, liked and reblogged. It means a lot ❤️**
"I think it's time you meet my parents", said Rúben randomly while he was out on a run with Lucía.
"Ok. Sure".
"And maybe one day I could meet yours".
That made her stop. He knew everything about her relationship with her family now and still said that?
"It's not the same, Rúben. You have a good relationship with your parents. I don't".
"You could try to have it…".
By the way he spoke, she could tell he had been wanting to bring up that topic to the table for a while.
"Maybe I just don't want to", she said, running faster and leaving him behind.
By the time they got home, Lucía had tried hard to forget the family topic, but Rúben wasn't done with it.
"Come on. It's been 10 years. You were a kid when you left, you need to at least try".
"I don't need to do anything. You weren't in that house with me. You don't know what I went through. You grew up in a house where everyone loved each other and looked after each other. You just don't get it".
"But my point is the same", he insisted. "You left because of how terrible it all was and I get that. You were so brave leaving by yourself, not knowing what could happen. But now you have your own life. If things don't work out, you don't need to run away. You just come back home. Isn't it worth at least trying?"
She just remained silent, looking at the kettle.
"Isn't there a part of you that wonders if things could be fixed? That wants things to be fixed?"
He showed how well he knew her by saying that. Yes, of course there was a part of Lucía that craved fixing things with her family. A part that wanted to have her parents back in her life. Who wouldn't want that? But she was still hurt by their actions.
"I guess but…I already have a family. Of my own choosing".
"And that's great", he said, getting closer. "But you deserve to have both types of family".
"I'll think about it".
He smiled at her. "That's all I wanted".
"He wants you to see your family?", asked Erik once she was done telling him about the conversation with Rúben.
"Yes, he wants me to try and fix things with them. I appreciate it but I just don't know if it's possible".
"He's right about one thing".
"About what?", she asked, curiously.
"You are not the person who left Madrid years ago. I've known you for a long time and you've grown so much. Even if your parents are still the same, you aren't. Things could work because of that".
"I guess…".
"At least this time you don't have to worry about the future. Even if things go really bad, you have all of us waiting for you here. We're your family too".
She absolutely knew that. Erik had been more of a father to her than her real dad.
"Ok. I'll call them".
His smile made her smile too. She had so many people who cared deeply about her. It would be great to add two more to that list. The two that should have been at the top since the beginning. But if she didn't, if things didn’t work out, she'd be fine.
"Hola mamá".
"Hi? Hi! Is something wrong? Why are you calling?"
Her tone surprised Lucía. Her mum sounded so shocked to hear from her. But then when she tried to remember when was the last time the two of them spoke, she couldn't.
"I'm good. Really good, actually. And…I …I was thinking about maybe visiting Madrid soon?"
The line went silent for a second and Lucía feared she would hang up. Surely her mum wouldn’t be so rude to her, right?
But then she heard something. Lucía heard her mum crying. 
"Yes, come here whenever you want. You're always welcome. I'll tell your father. We could pick you up at the airport and then you can stay here and…", she kept rambling and Lucía’s heart started to ache. All of their conversations of the last 10 years had been so robotic, so devoid of feelings. 
"Mum, I wouldn't be going alone. My boyfriend wants to come with me and you could meet him too".
"Oh, right", she laughed. "The footballer, he's very handsome".
"How do you know about Rúben?"
"The articles. Ever since Ajax did that big article about you, I google your name every couple of weeks hoping to find something new".
She did that? Now it was Lucía who tried not to cry.
"Well…he would love to meet you so, yeah".
"We'll be looking forward to seeing you. Let me know when you've booked the flights and everything else".
"I will, mum. Bye".
"Bye. See you soon".
Once she hung up, she ran up the stairs to Rúben's apartment. He was shocked to see her at his door, crying but smiling.
"What happened?"
He tried to talk but Lucía just hugged him. "Thank you".
Two weeks and a half later, the season was over. And it was time for them to go to Madrid.
"It'll be fine. Your talks with your mum have been very positive. I'm sure it'll be fine".
"If it isn't, I'll at least have you there with me", she said, hugging him tighter. 
“You do”.
When they landed in Madrid, Lucía saw her mum and almost couldn't recognise her. Ten years was a long time, she had changed a lot too.
"Oh my God. You're really here", she said before hugging her and starting to cry. Lucía hugged her back and waited for her to calm down. "You're here and you're so beautiful. And taller. I didn't think you'd have grown more", she laughed. She kept on holding her daughter’s face and just looking at her.
"Thanks. Um…this is Rúben", she said, turning to see him looking at them with a smile on his face.
After the introductions, Lucía’s mum was driving them to her house. Her house. Not theirs.
"Your dad and I separated shortly after you left. It was probably the best thing that could happen to us. We weren't good together. No one knows that better than you. A part of us wishes we had done it earlier. Maybe we could have avoided seeing you run away too".
"Have you met someone else since the separation?", she asked, so curious about the lives her parents had lived since she left. Whenever she talked to them, they made it sound like they were still together. But she couldn’t blame them because she rarely shared anything about herself either.
"No. I'm not really interested in that. Your dad did. She's lovely. You'll love her".
Lucía never imagined having such an adult and normal conversation with her parents. They never seemed capable of it but if her mum was proof of anything, it was of how much people could change.
When they got to her mum’s house, the house she had shared with her ex husband and kids, Lucía was surprised to see so many of her things still scattered around the place. When her brother had been gone for a year, her dad threw away everything he had left in his house. And that caused a huge fight between him and her mum, who wanted to keep all those things. Maybe Lucía’s stuff was only there because of her mother’s will to keep it there. This only made her worry more about meeting her dad again.
Lucía’s mum was right about one thing. Her dad's new wife was lovely. And he was so different too. Gone was the controlling father who didn't let Lucía do anything. Even his wife’s sons adored him. Their own father was still present in their lives but they called Lucía’s father “dad” too.
Lucía couldn't lie and pretend that didn’t make her jealous. Why did they get that version of him when she had to get the bad one? It didn’t sound fair.
But they were good kids. And, of course, they were obsessed with Rúben. 
"How cool is it that our step-sister is dating a famous footballer?", asked one of them. They couldn’t get over it.
"And she works with so many more!!!", responded the other. "You're so cool!"
"Thank you", she said, not knowing how to process all of it.
“You really are cool”, told her Rúben, hugging her and kissing her head while they both laughed.
“Lucía”, said her dad, getting her attention. “Can we talk? In private?”
“I’ll be playing with them if you need me”, said Rúben before leaving them to talk.
“I guess I should apologize”, he told her.
“I guess. I didn’t do things right either. So it should go both ways”.
“Yes, but it was us, your mother and I, that really messed up. It wasn’t until I saw the boys with their dad that I really realised how terrible I was as a father, you know?”
She didn’t know what to respond to that.
“Some people aren’t meant to be parents. Your mum was meant to be a mother, I wasn’t meant to be a father. It’s ok with kids that aren’t my own. And I’m sorry I hurt you, and your brother, so much just because I thought I knew better. Your grandparents told me so many times that I was just pushing you away from us too, and I didn’t listen”.
“I accept your apology”, said Lucía.
“Thank you. I can’t promise I’ll be father of the year now but…I guess at least I won’t make the same mistakes. And I guess you turned out pretty well despite my flaws”, he laughed.
“I had amazing people in my life who help me turn into the person I am today”.
“I’m glad you did. And now you have more people who can be part of your family too. If you want to let them in your life”.
Lucía just looked at the teenagers playing with Rúben and smiled. It looked like she was not only getting her parents back but a whole new family. And that filled a void she spent years pretending didn't exist.
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strawberryscorner · 1 year
Forgotten Sins Chapter 9
Tags: Amnesia, Stockholm Syndrome, Drug Use (Bliss), Religious Cults, Fluff and Angst, Car Accidents, Family Member Death, Manipulation, Emotional Manipulation
Series Masterlist
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When you woke up, John wasn’t in bed. You smiled as the thought of being alone in the house filled your head. You slowly got out of bed and crept towards the door. You made your way to the stairs when the sound of sizzling and the smell of food finally hit you. Shit, not alone.
You could see the front door from where you were standing. You weren’t even sure where you were going to go, you somewhat knew the way back to Jacob’s. While it was a longer walk than you wanted to do, he felt safer than John and the threat of confessions.
You took one more step, deciding you could make the trip to Jacob but the floor creaked. You heard John chuckle.
“Stop sneaking around and come down for breakfast since you’re already out of bed.”
You sighed and went down the stairs.  The kitchen wasn’t decorated as extravagantly as the rest of the house, it was simple…It was nice. Everything else was over the top like he was trying to prove something with his decorating.
The two of you ate breakfast in silence. He watched you but not as intensely as last time, which was good. It made eating easier. The food was just as delicious as the day before, which made you glad you were with John instead of Jacob. But once you were full of food, you’d have to leave… Maybe you could return during mealtimes?
“Can Faith come around today?” you asked once you were done with your food.
“No, she’s busy,” John took your plate. “Things weren’t going so well over there, remember?”
You nodded. She was having issues with her Angles.
“It’s just nice having her around. Maybe I could go around there and help?”
“You don’t need to be around all that…Bliss,” He hissed. “Besides, your shoulder is too injured.”
“It’s not for the Bliss,” you defended. “It’s just nice having another girl around. I could always braid your hair otherwise.”
His hands stopped moving as he sighed. “I’ll see if she has time to stop by sometime in the week.” Then he got back to the dishes.
“Thank you.”
“Just go back to bed.”
“Nope.” You got up and walked out the front door. You didn���t go anywhere, you just stood there, breathing in the fresh air and taking in your surroundings. You just didn’t want to go back to his bed.
The space in front of you was huge, seemed like whatever his interior decorating was trying to prove, so was the outside. You could hear John calling for you to come back inside but instead, you walked away.
You walked until you found a silver plane. It was pretty but you had no clue how to fly one…I think…You were pretty sure you couldn’t fly one. And you weren’t willing to find out.
“What are you going to do? Fly away from the bed?” John asked, coming up behind you.
“No,” you scoffed. “I probably don’t even know how to fly, it’s not like that’s common knowledge…Right?”
“No. No, it’s not.” He chuckled, shaking his head.
“Then you’ve got nothing to worry about.” You shrugged. “I was just looking…Do you know how to fly?”
He nodded. “It is my plane. Maybe I can take you for a ride one day but for now, you need to heal.” He took your hand and you allowed yourself to be led back into the house. “No more walking off.”
He stood at the bottom of the stairs, gesturing for you to go ahead.
“I don’t want to go back to bed,” you said, sitting down on the couch and crossing your arms loosely over your chest.
He raised his eyebrow. “Fine.”
He sat down next to you and picked up a book from the table in front of you both before handing it to you and picking one up for himself. You accepted the book, trying to hide your smile when you saw it was another romance book.
“You seem to have a lot of these,” you said, leaning back.
“It’s a…popular genre,” he said before clearing his throat and focusing on the book which he randomly opened somewhere in the middle.
You started reading the romance, it wasn’t a Christian one like the one he gave you last night, so you enjoyed this one more. Until you got to chapter three, where you started reading a love-making scene sitting next to mister-do-not-sin. Your body stiffened from the awkwardness of that realisation but hoped he didn’t notice as you continued to read the scene. What? It was well written.
Halfway through the love-making scene you were reading, John sighs and slams his book shut, causing you to jump slightly.
“This is boring, how are you bored?” He asked.
“Who said I’m not bored?” You weren’t. You were enjoying your book.
“You were smiling at the pages.” He studied your face. “And you’re blushing. What were you even reading?” He tried to peek over the book, to read your still open book.
You quickly press it to your chest. “I thought you didn’t like reading…Just a popular genre, right?”
He glared at you while humming before throwing his book back on the table. “Let’s go.” He stood up and walked towards the front door.
You placed your book down, memorising what page you were on and followed him. “I thought I wasn’t allowed to leave?”
“Well, you bored me into changing my mind.”
“You’re the one you decided to read,” you defended as he opened the car door for you.
You hesitated for a second before getting in the car, you watched him walk around the front to the driver’s seat as you put your seatbelt on. Odd man.
“Where are we going?” You asked once he had his seatbelt on.
You smiled and leaned back, relaxing in the seat before turning your head to look at him. “Thank you.”
The drive was quiet apart from the radio playing one of John’s sermons on a low volume. You weren’t sure whose sermons you preferred. You preferred that you didn’t have to sit on an uncomfortable pew in the church to listen to John’s sermons, but his were so much longer than Joseph’s that you weren’t sure it was worth it. They went on for several hours, and you wondered if he ever got tired of listening to his own voice but decided he didn’t. John loved listening to the choir songs written about him and seemed to enjoy listening to his sermons. You could tell which parts were his favourite as he mouthed a few lines along to the radio. He’s out of his mind, I’m in the car with a madman.
You were too busy studying his reaction to himself to notice he had stopped the car.
“We’re here,” he said with a smirk once he saw you staring at him.
You quickly tore your eyes from his face and looked out the window, you were at a greenhouse. You got out of the car after him, your eyes scanning the area for Faith, but she was nowhere to be found.
“She’s here somewhere, don’t worry,” John said, placing your hand on his arm, guiding you to the greenhouse.
“Are you sure?”
“This is where she told me she’d be,” he held the door open for you.
You were only able to get one foot into the greenhouse before two arms wrapped around your neck and a woman’s sweet giggle filled your ears.
“Hello, Faith,” you said, relaxing in her arms.
“I’m so glad you could make it,” she said, releasing you from the hug before taking your hand and walking you into the greenhouse. She told you about what they were doing before you arrived, how the Bliss grew and what they were going to do with it.
The scent of Bliss had made your mind fog up and it was hard for you to follow everything Faith was saying, especially with the speed in which she was speaking but you thought you had caught most of it.
You felt John’s eyes on you the entire time Faith was dragging you around the plants, his hand twitching towards you any time you got close to the flowers but falling to rest by his side when you stepped back. Once again, the siblings had you torn, you wanted to stay close to Faith and her flowers and their calming effect, but you also wanted to walk out of the greenhouse, breathe in the fresh air and clear your head from the Bliss’ effects. You hadn’t had a proper thought since Faith hugged you. While you didn’t think you enjoyed being unable to form a thought, you still preferred being around Faith to the brothers. It’s nice having another woman around.
She was still speaking but you could no longer hear her, you could barely stand on your own as you leaned into her side, and she held you up. You dared glance over to John; he was standing with his arms crossed over his chest and his jaw clenched tight.
“Are we getting ready to step outside now? Look her, Faith, this is too much, she can’t even stand on her own.”
“She’s fine, John.” Faith rolled her eyes, stroking your hair. “She’s just enjoying her time with her friend.”
Her voice was so sweet and her touch so light, very different from John always dragging you places with his rough hands or Jacob placing heavy weapons in your hands or Joseph’s scary smile. Sweet and light…it was nice. You looked up at Faith and the two of you giggled together, lost in your own little Bliss-filled world then you felt John’s rough hand wrap around your wrist and pull you from her side and into his.
“It’s too much,” he said before turning and leading you outside of the greenhouse. You whined in his arms and tried to look back at Faith. She wasn’t far behind you, calling John mean and controlling.
He didn’t stop walking once he left the greenhouse, guiding you back to the car, far away from any flowers. The air felt different, he had you lean against the car so you could stand on your own. Faith kept trying to get near you, but John held his arm out, keeping her at a distance. You held your hand out, trying to reach her and he used his free hand to swat yours back to your side then he held your chin up, making you look into his icy blue eyes.
“Focus on me, princess. Come back to me,” he said. Based on the worried look on John’s face, it was taking longer than he was comfortable with for you to come back. But his hand on your face, the intensity of his eyes staring into yours and his voice were enough to slowly soothe you back to reality, clearing your mind from the Bliss.
“I’m back,” you said weakly, almost confused by the whole situation as Faith kept hurling insults at the man. As your eyes cleared up, his body relaxed which allowed Faith to push his arm away from her and grab your hand. His hand went to your shoulder so she couldn’t move you from where you stood.
“You’re awfully controlling, John, she was fine! Why do you all keep taking her from me? What did I do? I’m the only one who’s actually trying to be her friend!”
The last sentence caused John’s jaw to clench for the second time that day, “you know Joseph doesn’t want her too Blissed.” His voice was tense, and his hand was tightening slightly on your shoulder, causing you to wince since it was the injured one. He noticed and removed his arm.
“Had enough girl time?” He asked you, reaching for the door handle. You didn’t say anything, everything about his body language and the tone of his voice told you that the answer was yes, you had had enough girl time and it was now time to leave.
Faith was still mad at him as he helped you get into the car, once the door was shut, John spoke to Faith. He kept his voice low so you couldn’t hear what he told her, but you could hear her telling him he was being too harsh, all three of them were and she wanted to know why they were punishing her for nothing. He just moved around her and made his way to the driver’s seat.
His sister waved sadly to you as he drove off. You were sad you had to leave soon, you had just gotten there but then the lights from the digital clock of the car caught your attention. You had been there for hours. You were so sure it was only minutes.
“You’re not going back,” John said, keeping his eyes on the road.
“What if I need to?”
“Why? Why would you need to?”
“What if there’s an emergency.”
He sighed. “If there’s an emergency, then maybe you can go back. But otherwise, you’re not going back to the Henbane Region, it’s off-limits. And you’re not going around her without me there, got it? She’s not as innocent as she makes herself out to be.”
“Got it.” You didn’t feel like now was the time to argue. You had been very affected by the Bliss. You didn’t know what kind of consequences there might be for that, so you’d take not being allowed to enter Henbane Region or seeing Faith on your own. Those consequences seemed like he was letting you off easy so you accepted them and hoped there wouldn’t be more.
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kanene-yaaay · 1 year
Omori tickles are epic and all but y’know what would be epic? Emori tickles! (The AU made by Shrimperini)
For example Emori Aubrey is pretty much the mediator of the group, making sure Sunny, Basil and Kel don’t fight eachother or dumb dumb crap, but imagine if she does this by absolutely destroying them with tickles?
Like Aubrey thinks Basil might be hiding Marijuana from her and so playfully interrogates him through giggles and laughter, pushing him onto the ground to absolutely destroy rip funny weed man, and like a tickle fight begins for the two of them but Basil almost always loses because he loves her!
However when he and Aubrey are hanging out maybe he just… randomly decides to gently tickle her, and like she squeals so adorably and says that’s really mean and he’s all like, “If it’s mean why ain’t you fighting back and fully embracing the laughter?” ;) and then she does then fight back and they just have a tickle fight but actually not because they don’t at all resist the giggles they cause eachother.
For Sunny and Kel perhaps the two are like… being really tsundere to eachother more than usual and Aubrey acts as the “mediator” mediator as in she absolutely WRECKS them with tickles! Sunny just takes it as he struggles to keep away a smile and giggle and Kel is full on flailing and swearing loudly at her and she’s all like “Sorry besties, I’ll only stop if the two of you hug and make up!” ;D
Also goth Mari… I think she’d find it very funny to just one day silently approach Sunny without his knowledge… and then go full silly ler goth mode and tickle him, soothingly reassuring him to not hold back his true feelings and laughter and him just doing that and laughing adorably, in contrast to his emo knife wielding persona he makes for himself! Also does that for Aubrey only she acts a little more rough tickling as she is more used to that compared to Sunny.
Hero…… uhhh idk I think he’d loath tickling of all types, with the possible exception being his girlfriend Mari. Like maybe when he’s stressed out studying Mari decides it’s to get playful and tickle him gently, causing him to snort in laughter and flail onto the ground in complete shock. (The good kind.) Mari is the only person he’ll allow to tickle him but he never tickles back because he thinks she wouldn’t like it. (She would love it actually and he’d love it too due to her cute laughter.)
You’d think emo Sunny wouldn’t like tickling but he love it just ans much and og Sunny, especially when it comes to destroying his best friends Basil and Kel. He doesn’t try with Aubrey as she’s the tickling extraordinaire and would casually destroy him in a tickling match. Basil and Sunny have a tickle fight with eachother as besties, but Kel is literally unable to tickle back against anyone and his flustered swearing is very funny and adorable to Sunny.
Speaking of Kel, he pretends so hard to not like tickling at all but actually…… he absolutely loves it. He never fights back being tickled but that’s only because he’s too shocked to do so, and he usually starts tickling others if they anger him too much… those people being Sunny and Aubrey. Unlike with Sunny he will tickle Aubrey, (Usually justifying it by saying she’s obnoxious but the reality is he wants to make her laugh.) but Aubrey always successfully fights back and DESTROYS him! And for Sunny… well he especially loves tickling him, though he struggles to stop himself from smiling as he doesn’t want his tough delinquent boy persona to be broken and get teased on by Sunny.
What do you think of the Emori tickle dynamics?
Oh my gosh, words are too little to express how much lovely this is! Emori is one of my favorite aus and to see all the silly, playful tickle dynamics here just make my heart sing ♡♡♡♡
Aubrey and Basil's tickle fights seems so adorable and niceeeee. The random attacks and gently tickles are just chef kiss fabulous to me, ya know? Also Aubrey trying to make Kel and Sunny get along by tickling them is so funnnnn x3
Kel and Sunny secretly loving tickling but trying to hide it is very sweet, also! Not to mention the way that Sunny let's himself go around Mari. P R E C I O U S
And the fact that Hero loves tickling when it comes to his gf ♡♡♡♡♡ cute cute cuteeeee
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idontplaytrack · 3 months
Capri with needy!reader?? I'm so in love with her!!! She's actually such a cutie pie 🥹😭💕
I’m saying…what the fuck
Capri Donahue x needy! fem reader
Warnings: MDNI, smut— guided self-gratification, striptease, fingering, oral, toy use, hickeys, orgasm denial, spanking, pet names, overstimulation(all reader receiving)
In which Capri uses her ability to astral project, to mess with reader and rile her up for a damn long night
Requested? Yes / No
This is 2 requests merged into 1. Enjoy, I guess😗 (anon + astral projection)
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Capri was away from home for a few days with her team of students for a cheer competition— in town, but she wouldn’t be home for a few nights. See, you were supposed to tag along. You wanted to go with her as some sort of a getaway, but your decision was soon made for you came down with a cold the morning she was supposed to leave and Capri encouraged you to stay home to rest instead of putting the stress of traveling on your body.
48 hours later, you woke up feeling almost back at 100%, but still had some lingering…ickiness of a cold. You felt a little gross and clammy despite your fever being gone for the last day, you’d also randomly feel a tad giddy. But it was nowhere as bad as how you felt at first. Kicking off the covers and dragging your feet to the bathroom, your eyes were barely open. You were sitting on the toilet doing your business when you suddenly got the feeling of someone watching you. You looked up and nearly screamed the house down.
Her face fell seeing how terrified you were. “Sorry, babe.”
“Look, I know I didn’t get enough sleep last night, but I cannot be hallucinating right now. So, what is this, Capri?”
“It’s me.” She says gleefully.
You sigh, “Yes, but how—”
“Oh.” She replies, “Astral projection.”
“‘Oh’? Just ‘oh’? And you somehow guessed that I’d be in the bathroom?” You squinted, suddenly remembering that you were still seated on the toilet.
“I know you.” She laughs, “Knew you’d be here by this time of day. Which also tells me you’re feeling a lot better.”
“Yeah, so?” You asked, tossing the toilet paper in and flushing it then washing your hands.
“So, I was thinking since we both have some time on our hands and that I’ve been trying to master this new power, how about you and I have a little fun?”
“And how do you suggest we do that, babe? You’re a projection— you can’t touch me, I can’t touch you.”
“We have a lot of fun, anyway. You remember that right? I always find a way to make you a mess.” A smirk tugs at her lips as she watches you closely.
“Oh, absolutely no way I’m letting you do anything to me when I’m still contagious.”
“Hey, if you are in the mood, I can still help y’know? It’s not like we haven’t done that before over the phone and shit.”
“Over the phone.” You repeated, leaning against the doorway as she side stepped you and sat on the bed, “This is literally you split into two while the other one is doing something else, elsewhere!”
“You’re so cute when you’re like this.” She laughs lightly, eyeing you up and down, “Also I highly doubt this version of me can catch a cold.”
You sulked, beginning to pace the room, “You’re such a brat.”
“Oh, honey.” She stifles a laugh, “That’s long been established and I’m owning it.”
“I’ll admit— I’m tempted but I can’t today because I am so damn lightheaded.”
“Stop pacing then.” She looked at you with wide eyes for a moment, “Sit down.”
“I’ll see how I feel tomorrow.” You shrug, sitting down beside her.
“We don’t have to do anything if you don’t want to, you know that. Just rest, okay? For now, at least. Do you need me to come home?”
You couldn’t help but laugh a bit, she was home. Just not in a way that she could actually take care of you like she’d hoped to be able to. “I know, but hey, maybe if I keep working on it…it could work eventually. You know? Being able to project myself and make sure that we can both touch each other.”
“Maybe.” You nodded.
“Okay, you do what you need to do, I’m gonna…get back to the comps.”
“Okay, babe.” You agreed, “Please don’t show up like that again for a bit, if I pass out, I’m dead meat.”
“Alright, love. I promise.” She grins, giving you a wave. Before you knew it, she vanishes into thin air. Shit, that was something you definitely had to get used to. She’s been doing that a lot over the last two weeks or so, determine to master that particular power as well. Capri has telekinesis, but the whole deal with astral projection? It fucked with your head more than you thought it would. As cool as it was, it freaked you the hell out when you first learned about her ability to do so.
The rest of your day went by pretty quick and uneventful. Thank goodness, but the giddiness was annoying the fuck outta you. Because it was beginning to make you feel a whole other symptom: nausea. You hated that. Sat on the couch with your head buried in your hands and your eyes shut, you prayed for it to pass. You could not deal with throwing up tonight. No way. Some deep breaths later, it calms down. Your world stopped spinning, and you managed to lie down on the couch and watch some TV to pass time. You managed to tough it out and eventually fell asleep lying there, though you were going to pay for it in the morning when your back starts to hurt with a vengeance.
"Like what you're seeing, baby?"
Capri? Oh, damn.
"What are you-?"
"Doing in your dreams? Ask yourself, maybe."
She smirks.
"Are you doing this?"
With a playful glint in her eyes, she shrugs, "I dunno."
You huffed, feeling the frustration build up within you. "You've got the whole place to yourself, baby. Touch yourself, you know you want to."
"But I- yeah, fuck it. Yes, I do."
That grin, it doesn't leave her face. And it was slowly but surely driving you crazy. Capri started doing something utterly provocative, literally doing a striptease in your mind.
Quickly, she was able to rile you up. You start feeling the ache between your thighs, your heart beating faster, your hands itching to roam down south. "Eyes on me." Capri says, voice low and sending a swarm of butterflies around your core, "Rub your clit. Keep your eyes...on me."
At this very moment, her bra gets unclipped and her chest was fully revealed to you. "Oh, shit." You muttered, a whine getting caught in your throat.
"So fast?" She teases, "Squeeze your tits for me, baby."
Not a single thought was running through your head other than complying with her, mind already clouded by arousal. "Does that feel good?"
You nod, "Yes. Fuck, yes."
Something compelled you to open your eyes, and what do you know? It was the next morning- it must've been a dream. You always had dreams whenever you were about to wake up from sleep. Your phone buzzes on the side table.
'I'll be home soon!’
Right. She was coming home today. And she'd absolutely know that you were being a horny ass thinking about her and doing whatever the hell that was. Scurrying to the bedroom with your phone in hand, you respond to her text.
She replies, 'Get yourself ready😈’
Real subtle.
You laugh when you simply texted back an 'Okay.’
As if you weren't already worked up.
The second she arrived home, you knew she had something up her sleeve because of that look on her face. Capri nearly gave you a heart attack astral projecting right in front of you.
"So we're doing that with no warning now? Cool, cool, cool, cool. I told you not to do that.” You seethed at the end.
“Oh, a little fiesty today, aren’t we?” She smirks, capturing your lips into her own.
“Shut up.” You scoffed, “Okay, I don’t know who to look at.”
“Do you want me to shut you up?” She stared at you in the eye.
“I dunno, Capri. Was three nights of teasing me fair?” You sat on the couch, legs crossed, looking up between actual Capri, and her projection.
“Hey, you came.” She mentions.
“You know damn well how far I can go, Capri.” You sigh, “So— I’m all yours to use.”
“Well damn.” Capri raised a brow, “You are a needy little thing aren’t you?”
“Like you don’t know that already.” You laughed, she shuts you up with a kiss, over and over again until you were both fighting for air. Capri straddles you, hands hurriedly yanking your clothes off. Her eyes? Admired each part of your skin as they gradually got exposed to her.
“So is…” Your breath hitches, “Why’d you do that?”
“Oh, she’s um…for your visual enjoyment.” Capri chuckles, “She can strip.”
“Yeah, so can you.”
Capri bites down on her lower lip, eyes tracing your lips. “So you want me to?”
“I mean, you said she could so why don’t you let her handle that while you fuck me because Capri Donahue you have driven me insane while you were gone.”
“Oh, our neighbours are so gonna hear you.” She chuckles lowly, hand grabbing your chin and squeezing your cheeks.
“Wow, would you look at that. She is stripping.”
Capri barely let you finish talking before attacking your neck with a trail of kisses. She eventually settled on your sensitive spot and kept sucking at it knowing how easily you could get riled up during that specific week or two of the month. Her little show was definitely helping, and the fact that she’s been away for a few days? You were in for a long night. After a heated make-out session on the couch, you two moved to the living room— and the projection too. You nearly forgot about it, having your eyes close to take in the building pleasure.
“Fuck!” You exclaimed.
“What?” She huffs, breaking away from your neck. “Wow. That— I’m sorry that’s gotta hurt.”
“Keep going.” You demanded.
“Yeah.” You nodded, whining.
“Okay.” Capri hums.
Despite it all, you keep feeling a pair of eyes on you— that projection. You were so tempted to keep your eyes open and look at her but it was hard.
“Capri…” You panted, swallowing harshly.
“Hm?” She asks while roaming lower, hands on either side of you.
“I need you.” You looked at her directly.
“Beg me.” She requested smugly, hands groping your ass then inner thighs.
You squirmed and whined beneath her ministrations, feeling the ache and wetness growing and growing scary easily. “Tell me exactly what you want me to do.”
A whimper gets caught in your throat as you licked your lips.
“What’s the matter, baby? Can’t talk to me now?” She asks, squeezing your butt, “Look at her, y/n. Do you like that?”
Why was she holding a strap—
You gulped, breathing beginning to quicken just a tad. “y/n, what do you want?” She interjects and watches you while her hand ghosts your apex. You whimpered, feeling yourself throb.
“Come on, be a good girl and tell me how you want me to make you feel good.” She coaxed, finger gently gliding down your folds before she stuck it into her mouth.
“Fuck me with your fingers, the strap, your mouth. Please, please— anything— I’ve had it—” You pleaded, fighting back tears.
“Don’t cry, now.” She caresses your ass, “That’s all you have to say, baby. I got you.” Capri begins to kiss her way down your neck to your cunt, covering it all with kisses and some marks along the way, absolutely just taking her sweet time with you.
“Capri, please…” You muttered, “Do it.” Her lips wrap around your clit on that request, giving it the attention it was craving. You let a soft moan slip, biting down on your lip to stop yourself. She swiftly swatted your hand away, too. “Make those noises, baby.” She smiled sweetly, “You deserve to do that. After all, I have been teasing you so much, haven’t I?”
The smack came out of nowhere, making you yelp. “Aren’t you such a good girl, honey? Just laying right here for me…all for me to taste, to savour.”
You let out a high-pitched whimper as her tongue started lapping at your folds and clit, causing the wetness to leak out of you rapidly. “Shit, you’re so wet…” She purrs against your heat. Tears pricked at your eyes and you cursed, “Shit. Oh, keep going. Don’t— don’t stop.”
“The projection is turning you on that much?” Capri asks, nearly offended.
“Well it’s you, no?” You let out a shaky breath, “Fuck, fuck, hands. God— fuck!”
Capri was on cloud nine hearing you like this, “You know I love hearing you make these noises for me…you know what I’ll do, babe~ Just to hear more of them…” Capri’s mouth has barely left your cunt, her breath and the warmth making you twitch forcefully in her mouth. Her projection gave you a damn cheeky look, making you blush in the midst of having double the attention. Capri slides a finger in without warning, but you almost instinctively bucked your hips upward for more contact. “So needy…” She teases while poking at your g-spot repeatedly, causing your eyes to roll to the back of your head, “Feel good, princess?”
You mumbled something absolutely incoherent and ended up whimpering while you nodded. She laughs, giving your clit the hardest suck she’s ever done. You nearly screamed at this abrupt increase in pressure. The thing was this, she’d do a lot but also suddenly stop doing anything at all, right when you feel yourself going to unravel. So you were extremely frustrated and riled up already, and she was just getting started. Capri definitely wasn’t going to let you off with just one climax. No, she always went for multiple. You always wanted multiple. Sometimes, you didn’t even think about it but she easily makes it happen anyway. And it always feels so fucking—
“Mm- mm— fuck…” You whined, “Just like that, Capri.”
Her tongue circling the sensitive bundle of nerves, then her mouth sucking it, her tongue lapping up and down your folds eagerly trying to taste every last bit of you. God you loved it, you loved how much pleasure you were feeling, everything she was doing was exactly how you liked it. Exactly what you needed for an orgasm.
“How are we feeling about the strap, y/n?” She questions while massaging inner thighs. Her lust-filled gaze ignited a swarm of butterflies in your chest, causing a needy noise to fall from your lips. “Is…that a yes?” Capri asks, a grin forming on her face, her fingers so casually pumping in and out of your without resistance while she kept the eye contact.
Somehow, you still had one question running through your mind. “How come she can hold things? I thought—”
“She couldn’t at first. But I mastered another thing after all.” She shrugs, “So…yes or no?”
“Yes.” You nodded in confirmation, “Yes, fuck me with it.”
“Love that.” She massages your ass too while flashing you a smug smile, “Okay, baby.” Capri held her hand out behind her, gesturing for the projection to hand the strap over to her. You saw it happening, but you were still confused about how it was even possible. But hey, in this moment? You couldn’t think about anything but wanting to come…your mind was just clouded by arousal. Capri leaves you for a bit to put it on, leaving you with her projection while she stood off to the side. The projection smiles, then bit the air. You gulped, a whimper slides out of your mouth without a thought. Your eyes fall onto her bare chest, your mind running while, your desire to touch her then came over you. “Capri, take— take off your top.” The words flew out of your mouth way faster than your brain processed them.
“Gladly, babe.” She complied with the request immediately. Oh, she’d already put the harness on. Damn.
She kneels before you pushing your legs apart gently, then you feel her positioning the tip of the shaft against your dripping entrance. “You ready?” An impatient nod came from you as she pushed the shaft inside you, inch by inch. You took it all without any resistance, that was how wet you were. What a sight that was for her, and what a sound to hear when that low groan emitted from your lips as she entered you and stretched you out.
She studied your face, to make sure you weren’t in pain but her worries were quickly calmed when she heard you pleading for her to go faster. “Yeah, baby? You want that?” She coos, one hand hoisting one of your legs up just because. It didn’t feel that different whether or not she did that, but you didn’t mind it. Anyway, she did start pounding into you faster. Your noises matched up with her motions, driving both of you insane…giddy with pleasure. The tightening in your core makes itself known soon enough, while you were watching the projection approach the bed and sit down right next to you. “Shit, shit— oh, y—” You cried out, averting your gaze. “So pretty…” Came the voice beside you. You whimpered, gnawing onto your lower lip, your cheeks heating up.
“Why so shy, princess? You’re so fucking beautiful.” That light, airy tone of her voice coupled with her relentless gestures made your eyes roll to the back of your head, pushing you right to the edge. “I—I’m gonna come—” Your voice was exceptionally shrill, making you cringe as a result but the momentary embarrassment was soon overpowered by pleasure. Wave after wave after wave as she consistently rammed into your g-spot. “Come for me.” She smiles. You backed up a bit, body trembling lightly as you came down from your high after what seemed like forever. She holds onto your hip, pulling you back, still pushing into you, but slower. “Good girl~”
Hearing that always ignites something in you, it makes you more aroused, feeling the ache return after a rush of heat. “More.” You said, tears brimming at your eyes.
“Of course, my love.” She replies, backing away so the shaft leaves you completely. You felt empty, and desperate for stimulation. You needed that second high. You wanted her to push you until you were begging for her to stop. Her fingers slid down your cunt and you flinched. She swatted at your clit just to draw out a noise, then rubs it with her thumb as though to soothe it. Of course, it was doing just the opposite of that. “Look at me, y/n…” Said the projection. You bit back a whimper and did as she said while you felt Capri dragging the tip up and down your folds to force more wetness to leak out of you.
Fuck, that girl was touching herself right in front of you. Your head snapped back to look at Capri, “You—”
“I know it’s helping, babe…” She winks, climbing up to hover you, “All yours, y/n.” Your gaze locked in with hers at first, then wandered down to her breasts. That’s what she meant. Meek little whimpers and whines assaulted your ear on one side, you tried to ignore them but that’s all you were hearing. And with a small shift, the strap was once again inside you again entirely. You were satisfied with just feeling that fullness right now, your hands reaching up to grab a handful of her breast. She exhales harshly the second you did, grinning. As she fucked you with the strap, she decided to attack that one spot on your neck at the same time, so technically she was almost pressed up against you but you found a way to do what you wanted, too.
“Fuck…” You breathed out, “I cannot believe— oh— fuck~”
“You close?” You asks, breath fanning against your neck.
“Mm—ah— f— yes.”
You approached your second high insanely quick, yet somehow the pleasure was still more intense than the previous time. You let her know that you’d came, but she kept going and going, pushing you like she knew you liked. You could not stop, it just kept leaking out of you as you clenched around that silicone. But she pulls out quickly, replacing it with her mouth. Though you weren’t too happy about not being able to touch her tits. “So sweet…” She remarked, her voice low. So low, it made you feel things. You throbbed against her mouth and felt the climax apparently still happening. “Fuck, you’re the best.” She chuckles, very gently licking you clean.
“I want— I want to come again.”
Capri’s eyes flicked up to look at you, purely concerned as her tongue slowed to a halt. “I can.” You assured her, “Keep going. Keep going until I tell you to stop.”
“If that’s what you want…” She says while groping your inner thighs then peppering soft little kisses all over them, “That’s exactly what you’re gonna get. How do you want me to do it?”
You let out a long breath, shakily, but still managed, “Use your mouth. Go as far as you can, absolutely push me.” That was all she needed to hear to get started on round three. The girl was skilled, she was like an expert when it comes to something like this. This type of ‘situation’, she was no stranger to it. You two have done it to each other— going as much as either of you could go. She easily coaxes climax number three out of you, leaving you more whiny than ever beneath her. Your noises spurred her on, leaving her wanting to hear more. So she did whatever she could to also get what she wanted. But, she was also surprisingly gentle, which drove you even crazier, honestly. What shocked you was the sheer ease of her ability to make you come even with the slightest effort. The sweet words, gentle fingers of hers, the warmth of her lips and her tongue slowly building up your arousal to the brink of unraveling. You had shut your eyes, allowing yourself to take all of it in without distraction. The projection had evidently decided to go for a round two of her little party for one and it was making you seem so incredibly needy and noisy. Soon, your brain had turned itself off, turning into mush the more you felt her in you. Suddenly, you feel a different build up in your core. “Cap— you might want to—” With your fingers tangled in her hair, you tried to move her away, knowing what was gonna come out of you soon. “No, just let it go.” She says, wrapping her lips around your extremely swollen bundle of nerves to help you unravel yet again. With a string of profanities and her name, you were as good as convulsing when you squirted. “Oh, fuck.” She laughs, “Good girl, damn. So hot.”
Tears have also fallen from your eyes due to the intensity of this climax. Her hands steadied you, bringing you back into a state of relative calmness quickly. She somehow got a towel(from the projection, but you didn’t know), and started to clean you up. “You’re alright.” She hums, gently caressing your thigh. “Look at me, baby. You’re okay, you’re okay.” Through your clouded vision, you saw her silhouette, but hell you wanted her to hold you, you wanted to be in her arms. It seems that she knows, because she was right next to you in the matter of seconds. Well, actually, it did take her awhile because she had to remove the harness, but hey, she was fast.
Capri presses a kiss to your lips, fingers brushing your cheek, “You did so good, my love.”
That made you feel all warm and fuzzy, also very sleepy. Especially now that you were in her embrace. “You need anything?”
You shook your head, snuggled up against her chest, “No. Just you.”
“Okay.” She says with a smile, holding you closer and rubbing your back, “What about dinner?”
“Whatever you…whatever you decide is fine.” You managed.
“So then what do ya say to having me for dessert?” She asks as if it was a regular question.
Your eyes widened in shock, gaining you a definite moment of being awake. The sleepiness abruptly leaves your body. You laughed in disbelief, “I’m saying…what the fuck. But absolutely, yes. I can’t believe you just asked it like that—”
Capri giggles, oh god. That sound was one of your favourites. It always made you happy just to hear it. “Can’t wait~”
“No projection, though.” You broke away just enough to lock eyes with her, “She’s a— distraction.”
“God, remember how wet you got from her whining?” She asks nonchalantly.
“Fuck you.” You laughed, burying your head against her chest again, “Stop that.”
Silence falls between you two as she held you close, “I love you.”
“…I love you too.” You dozed off with the biggest smile plastered on your face. Capri, too, fell asleep feeling absolutely content. She was delighted to finally be back home with you. “Rest up, baby.” She whispers, kissing the top of your head, “God, I missed you so much.”
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@ashecampos @auliisflower @cheesysoup-arlo @frogs00 @ludoesartnstuffs @pda128
💭 A/N
The astral projection request was from end of May😭😭 to whoever requested that, I’m sorry it took so long. Hopefully this was okay😮‍💨 I don’t really like it that much but maybe because I’ve seen it too much already😂
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berenwrites · 1 year
Connections - Stranger Things - Steddie
Connections: Voice from the Other World
A/N : For @steddie-week day 3. So, when I started this one, I was going for First Kiss, but then it became a bit more serious and ended up Discover instead. Thank for stopping by.
Prompt: Discover / First kiss / Kiss On My List by Hall and Oates
Summary: Steve hears Eddie voice in his head. At first he thinks it’s guilt, but that soon changes. Now all he needs to figure out is if it’s one of Vecna’s games or something else.
Also on AO3
When Steve first heard Eddie’s voice in his head, he thought he was processing his guilt of having to leave Eddie behind. Afterall, Eddie was dead and if he’d been a bit faster, or objected to the plan, maybe Eddie would still have been alive.
The second time he knew it couldn’t be just guilt. It felt too real, too like the real Eddie. Vecna took his victims into himself, that’s what he had heard as the others talked about it. He went to El.
“Okay, Steve,” El said, sitting cross-legged on the floor in front of him, “just close your eyes and relax. I’ll do the rest.”
He nodded before following her instructions. Relaxing was kind of hard, what with everyone sitting around staring at him, but he did his best. It was weird, but he felt something shift before a hand touched his arm. Opening his eyes automatically he realised he was no longer in Hopper’s cabin’s living room. Instead, he seemed to be standing in his own backyard.
“What?” he asked, looking around.
That was when he spotted the trees in part of the forest. They were gnarled and twisted like the Upside Down.
“It is okay, Steve,” El’s calm voice grabbed his attention before he could panic.
“What’s happening?” he asked, focusing on her.
“We are in your mind,” El told him.
“Why is there a patch of Upside Down in my mind?” he asked, eyes flicking back to the starkly different part of the landscape.
“I do not know,” were not the words he wanted to hear, “but we will find out,” El assured him. “Can you hear Eddie?”
That helped him centre his thoughts at least. Taking a deep breath, he made himself calm down and listen.
The echo-like call came to him over what felt like a long distance. However, it filled him with dread as he turned towards it and found himself looking right at the patch of forest he did not want to face.
“It’s coming from in there,” he said, almost sure this was not going to be good. “Did you hear it?”
El shook her head.
“I think I heard something, but it was not clear,” she told him. “You will have to lead the way.”
Without any preamble, she slipped her hand into his. Pushing away his fear, Steve gave her fingers a squeeze before they set out. The first thing he noticed when they reached the weird trees was the fact there were no vines. It gave him a little hope.
He had no idea how long they walked. Time didn’t seem to make much sense with the sun moving in the sky almost randomly. It was disconcerting knowing it was his own mind and he didn’t seem to be able to keep things straight.
“Is it always like this?” he asked, because he needed something to do other than thinking.
“I have mostly been inside other people’s memories when inside other minds,” El told him perfectly openly. “When I find people, I am in the Void, so outside their thoughts. I was in Henry’s mind like this when I piggybacked using Max, but it was not like this. I do not think everyone’s minds work in the same way.”
Steve’s first thought was thank god he wasn’t like Vecna, but he chose not to voice that out loud.
Eddie’s voice echoed around him, louder now they were in the fake Upside Down.
“He called you again,” El said.
“You heard it?” he asked, looking round at her.
“No,” she replied, “not clearly.”
“Is it Vecna?” he asked.
They stopped for a moment as El’s brow crinkled in thought.
“I sense otherness,” she said eventually, “but it is not him.”
“Do you know what it might be?” was his next question.
She gave him a small, apologetic smile.
“Sorry, I do not,” she said, “but we will find out.”
Trusting himself to her knowledge, he led them off once more in the direction he felt they should be going. For a little while the trees thickened, almost blocking their way except for a single path. It was dim as the branches blocked out a lot of the sun, until they stepped into a brightly (well at least for the Upside Down) lit clearing. The area was a barren mound. And right in the centre stood a familiar figure.
Eddie looked exactly as he had done the last time Steve saw him: leather jacket, vest, bandana, ripped jeans, boots. Steve could even see the holes and blood stains the bats had caused in the clothing. But Eddie was facing away, so Steve couldn’t see the other man’s face.
Looking to El, he did his best to ask what he should do without saying it out loud. She touched her mouth and pointed to him then Eddie. Doing his best to forget about the fizz of nerves in his stomach, that wasn’t even really there because they were in his head, and now he was deflecting, he opened his mouth.
“Eddie,” he said, a little louder than his normal speaking voice.
What he didn’t expect was Eddie to spin round so fast he almost lost his footing. Large, scared eyes stared at him as if Eddie didn’t quite believe what he was seeing.
“Steve?” Eddie said, arm winding around himself like protection. “Is it really you?”
“Yeah, it’s me,” he replied, unable to tear his eyes away from the seemingly healed wounds on Eddie’s face and neck.
They looked far older than his own, which were still wrapped under gauze to make sure he didn’t reopen them.
“We thought you were dead,” he added.
“Think I was,” Eddie replied. “He brought me back, wanted to use me to get to the rest of you. A game to give him time to heal. I woke up downtown with him. I think he’s using the fissures to collect energy or something, but nothing big can get through them yet. He had to send me to one of the four gates to cross over, but his control slipped. The closer I got to a gate, the more I could feel you, not him.”
“Hello, Eddie,” El said from beside Steve.
“Um, hi,” Eddie said, clearly unsure.
“This is El,” Steve introduced.
“Oh, supergirl,” Eddie said.
“She got her powers back,” Steve told him, hoping El would forgive him for underselling all she had been through.
“Do you know where you are physically, Eddie?” El asked.
“Near the water gate,” he replied. “He made the bats attack me when he realised he wasn’t controlling me anymore, but some of them turned on the others and protected me. Couldn’t get through though. We’re hiding.”
“You and the bats?” Steve asked, kind of shocked.
Eddie nodded.
“Can feel them too,” Eddie admitted. “Primitive little bastards, but loyal.”
When Eddie mentioned it, something stirred in the back of Steve’s skull. It was faint, but he couldn’t ignore it.
“I think I can feel them,” he said and looked at El.
El’s brow crinkled in concentration for a few moments before she nodded as if something made sense.
“You are connected,” she said, stepping towards Eddie and, hence, forcing Steve along too, “like the hive mind,” he went cold, “but different. Eddie, do you know where we are right now?”
Eddie shook his head.
“I only know that when I call for Steve I come here,” he replied.
“We are in Steve’s mind,” El told him without preamble. “Please reach out your hand.”
Eddie’s eyes flicked between Steve and El, wide with anxiety, but he finally pulled one of his hands from beneath his other arm and held it out.
“Steve, please take Eddie’s hand,” El requested, polite but insistent.
When she let go of him, Steve felt bereft, but he wasn’t about to stop listening to her now. Sharing a nervous glance with Eddie, he did as he was asked. The moment his fingers touched Eddie’s all hell broke loose in his brain. His surroundings flashed like a movie edit, showing him somewhere else, somewhere darker and more sheltered. The animalistic sense in the back of his brain solidified into something real. Distantly something else was yelling in fury. But most of all there was Eddie.
He could smell Eddie, he could feel Eddie, and he was swamped by him. For a little while he felt like he was Eddie, or rather he and Eddie were one being. It was terrifying and wonderful at the same time. Luckily for his sanity the two visions of his surroundings stopped swapping and superimposed themselves over each other, and he came back to being just himself kneeling on floor.
He wasn’t alone on his knees either. Eddie was collapsed beside him, and they were leaning against each other vaguely holding each other up.
“Holy fucking Christ,” Eddie said.
“That about covers it,” he agreed.
“What did we just do?” Eddie asked, not making a move to put any distance between himself and Steve.
“You have solidified the link between you,” El said with a calm certainty Steve really wished he could possess too.
“And we wanted to do that why?” Eddie asked.
“Because it is much stronger than the hold Henry had on you,” El said, “and now you should be able to move away from the gate without him controlling you.”
“Holy shit,” Eddie said, “you’re a genius.”
El gave him a small smile for that.
“We must go now,” El said, much to Steve’s shock. “Stay hidden and safe. We will contact you when we have a plan.”
It was even more shocking when Eddie simply nodded to that.
“Don’t take too long,” was all he said.
“We won’t,” Steve assured him.
There was no way Steve was leaving Eddie in the Upside Down any longer than he had to. At least Eddie wasn’t alone, and that was such a weird thought it set him in motion, so he had something else to think about.
“See you soon,” he said, looking directly into Eddie’s eyes.
“Wake up now,” El said and it was like flipping a switch.
Steve blinked open his eyes to find himself once again sitting on the floor in Hopper’s cabin.
“Well?” Dustin asked, because of course it was Dustin who demanded answers.
“Eddie’s alive,” Steve said and couldn’t help the little fizz of joy as Dustin whooped and threw his arms around him.
“We must speed up the plan,” El said looking up at Hopper. “Eddie says Henry is drawing energy from the fissures. We must attack him before he has a chance to regain his strength.”
“And we are sure we can trust Eddie, why?” Hopper asked. “How do we know he’s not one of Creel’s creations?”
“He was,” Steve replied, “but he broke free. We’re connected now.”
“Bat bites?” Dustin asked.
Steve shrugged; it was the most logical option.
“Probably,” he said, “and he has some of the bats protecting him now too.”
“Bet Vecna is pissed,” Robin said from her position on the couch.
“Something was definitely angry when we solidified the bond,” Steve agreed.
“You did what?” Joyce asked, sounding horrified.
“It was the only way to prevent Henry from taking over Eddie again,” El said simply. “Now, we must plan.”
Steve had no idea what came next, but for the first time in days he felt like they were moving in the right direction. Eddie was alive. Vecna was weakened. They had a chance. It was more than he had hoped. That he had the feeling of Eddie and the animalistic demobats in the back of his brain was disconcerting, but he’d take it over the alternative any day.
When this was all over, he was taking Eddie back to his house where he could look after him, make sure he was safe, and they could wait out clearing his name in peace. They had really only known each other a few days, but after the mind-meld, and Steve was pretty sure he’d picked up that term from Eddie’s brain, it was a whole different story. It wasn’t as if he suddenly knew everything about Eddie, he was pretty sure that would have driven him crazy, but he felt like he had seen the essence of the intense young man.
It had ignited a hunger in Steve for more. He wanted Eddie to be his friend. He wanted Eddie to be more than his friend. And he was pretty sure he would have something of a freak out to Robin about that at some point. There was no denying it, however.
First, though, they had a madman to take down. For good this time.
The End
Find my other steddie fanfic listed here in my pinned post.
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fly-with-the-flock · 9 months
Hahahahaha I just remembered a terrible old fanfic idea I had back in the day. I used to come up with the most stupid shit fanfic ideas as a teen. Like, really really dumb crossovers that made absolutely no sense at all.
Like I came up with this dumbass idea for a crossover with Pixar Cars where Max somehow for body swapped with Sally, and she just woke up as a Porsche in the Cozy Cone?????? And when she woke up, Lightning was there and started talking to her thinking she was still Sally, but Max freaked tf out and just ran/drove away screaming. What was I thinking lmaooooo.
And there was another one I came up with that was a crossover with Bones, where they’d found Dylan’s mostly decomposed body and the Bones crew were trying to figure out what tf was going on with this weird-ass body with the hollow bones and all these extra bones that looked like wings. And then they somehow tracked down the Flock and were questioning them. And Hodgins was absolutely losing it with all his conspiracy theories and freaking out about secret genetic testing labs.
I think I mentioned before on here about the twilight crossover I started writing but never finished where Fang randomly got really sick and they just happened to be flying over Forks and he ended up in the hospital being treated by Carlisle but he died and Carlisle turned him lmaoo. I’ll have to find it one day and post it, coz that’s sure to be hilariously bad.
There’s definitely more, but I’m too tired to remember it all rn. Maybe I’ll go through my old usbs in the morning and see what I can find so I can laugh at how bad it all is.
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tianazlater · 4 months
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Because why not?
Check it off the bucket list.
It takes like 24hrs when driving. 😂
At least a storm was avoided. I would def prefer that. And prefer there aren’t any errors and stuff MX-wise that we are ignoring…and then the staff shortages I guess due to the random ass high demand…
I’m just glad it’s finally done.
“Bucket List” now including…things that you really wish didn’t happen but that give you a story to tell.
Why is Nicole so weird?
Go through her bucket of memories. Anything that made her feel like dying…that she almost died from for real…that feel like an escape (even the twilight zone of missed and cancelled flights on Memorial Day)…that are so amazing they have to be done BEFORE dying (the typical one this phrase refers to)…let’s not limit the bucket so it’s empty or anywhere close to being so.
Hmm… 🤣
Someone: Lets take a plane!
Me: Are you sure we shouldn’t just walk there?
Everyone just finds important the positive things…which is ironically negative.
My bucket could be more full…just like a glass…if I put not so good stuff in there, too, that’s just absurd or rare and that happened to me to shape me.
Badges of…what the fuck hole did you fall down?
I fell down a hole and didn’t KICK the bucket…but filled it a little more.
Me and a future someone else:
Someone else: OMG we are going to miss the connecting flight! I think we literally have to run to it!
Me: I’m not in the Olympics. And…actually…I think my ankle hurts and I have to go to the bathroom and can’t wait.
My fear of missing and cancelled flights?
For the record, on this trip…I missed a connecting flight by 5min…I came 5min after boarding ended and was fucking staring at the dumb thing…this was after the first was delayed by a MX issue I believe.
This was Reno to PHX (delayed). Then I think it was going to just be PHX to MCI…but I missed that one. So it turned into PHX to Dallas to MCI.
I stayed the night in PHX. PHX to Dallas got delayed from air traffic control issues (I think too little staffing for random high demand), weather, and MX. I stayed the night there…was DUMPED at our final destination (Dallas) just about literally. It was so late (past midnight) there was no one to talk to for a hotel. I called around…10+ hotels didn’t have vacancy…so I said fuck it I’ll pay for an expensive one because I’m going to punch a random person out at this point if I don’t get a shower and a bed.
The next morning was Dallas to MCI. Made it…I don’t remember if there was delay but whatever. I got home Saturday at 1pm-ish when I had meant to be home 5am on Friday. I missed my HS Reunion that was on Friday but just went to the one on Saturday night. Luckily it was both nights.
Now I’m coming back home and things seemed to be good…but my connecting flight was randomly cancelled.
So I’ve stayed at every connecting flight area…due to one reason or another…and even the unplanned Dallas one (I don’t think it was originally in the pic).
I am now a plane travelling expert.
Fear gone.
If they owe you a flight and a hotel and some food…a shuttle/taxi…get it. The time and what you miss due to it can’t be saved…but the rest has to be made up for.
Now what can I do to make use of my weirdo Tuesday? Maybe make some calls for my grandma before I have to start really grinding for school again.
My friend is like, work on your apt! And I’m like, I have running water, cats, and a bed…I’m good at least until school is over.
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