fbpsdumbtklblog · 1 year
that one basil ai is pretty fun to rp with ngl
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kanene-yaaay · 1 year
Omori tickles are epic and all but y’know what would be epic? Emori tickles! (The AU made by Shrimperini)
For example Emori Aubrey is pretty much the mediator of the group, making sure Sunny, Basil and Kel don’t fight eachother or dumb dumb crap, but imagine if she does this by absolutely destroying them with tickles?
Like Aubrey thinks Basil might be hiding Marijuana from her and so playfully interrogates him through giggles and laughter, pushing him onto the ground to absolutely destroy rip funny weed man, and like a tickle fight begins for the two of them but Basil almost always loses because he loves her!
However when he and Aubrey are hanging out maybe he just… randomly decides to gently tickle her, and like she squeals so adorably and says that’s really mean and he’s all like, “If it’s mean why ain’t you fighting back and fully embracing the laughter?” ;) and then she does then fight back and they just have a tickle fight but actually not because they don’t at all resist the giggles they cause eachother.
For Sunny and Kel perhaps the two are like… being really tsundere to eachother more than usual and Aubrey acts as the “mediator” mediator as in she absolutely WRECKS them with tickles! Sunny just takes it as he struggles to keep away a smile and giggle and Kel is full on flailing and swearing loudly at her and she’s all like “Sorry besties, I’ll only stop if the two of you hug and make up!” ;D
Also goth Mari… I think she’d find it very funny to just one day silently approach Sunny without his knowledge… and then go full silly ler goth mode and tickle him, soothingly reassuring him to not hold back his true feelings and laughter and him just doing that and laughing adorably, in contrast to his emo knife wielding persona he makes for himself! Also does that for Aubrey only she acts a little more rough tickling as she is more used to that compared to Sunny.
Hero…… uhhh idk I think he’d loath tickling of all types, with the possible exception being his girlfriend Mari. Like maybe when he’s stressed out studying Mari decides it’s to get playful and tickle him gently, causing him to snort in laughter and flail onto the ground in complete shock. (The good kind.) Mari is the only person he’ll allow to tickle him but he never tickles back because he thinks she wouldn’t like it. (She would love it actually and he’d love it too due to her cute laughter.)
You’d think emo Sunny wouldn’t like tickling but he love it just ans much and og Sunny, especially when it comes to destroying his best friends Basil and Kel. He doesn’t try with Aubrey as she’s the tickling extraordinaire and would casually destroy him in a tickling match. Basil and Sunny have a tickle fight with eachother as besties, but Kel is literally unable to tickle back against anyone and his flustered swearing is very funny and adorable to Sunny.
Speaking of Kel, he pretends so hard to not like tickling at all but actually…… he absolutely loves it. He never fights back being tickled but that’s only because he’s too shocked to do so, and he usually starts tickling others if they anger him too much… those people being Sunny and Aubrey. Unlike with Sunny he will tickle Aubrey, (Usually justifying it by saying she’s obnoxious but the reality is he wants to make her laugh.) but Aubrey always successfully fights back and DESTROYS him! And for Sunny… well he especially loves tickling him, though he struggles to stop himself from smiling as he doesn’t want his tough delinquent boy persona to be broken and get teased on by Sunny.
What do you think of the Emori tickle dynamics?
Oh my gosh, words are too little to express how much lovely this is! Emori is one of my favorite aus and to see all the silly, playful tickle dynamics here just make my heart sing ♡♡♡♡
Aubrey and Basil's tickle fights seems so adorable and niceeeee. The random attacks and gently tickles are just chef kiss fabulous to me, ya know? Also Aubrey trying to make Kel and Sunny get along by tickling them is so funnnnn x3
Kel and Sunny secretly loving tickling but trying to hide it is very sweet, also! Not to mention the way that Sunny let's himself go around Mari. P R E C I O U S
And the fact that Hero loves tickling when it comes to his gf ♡♡♡♡♡ cute cute cuteeeee
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apollos2 · 5 months
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more details about the job switch lol
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hee-blee-art · 9 months
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part 2 of the new postman! alfred is nervous :)
[ <- part 1 ] [ directory ] [ part 3 -> ]
[ID: Five comic pages of a colourful cartoony toyland.
Basil, a black and white cat marionette, is walking down a small road. He reaches a large castle-looking wall with tall golden gates and gatehouse towers on either side. Beyond the wall is a sprawling city. Basil stops to take it all in in the morning light.
BASIL: [whistles] Well I’ll be. Kinda fancy ‘round here. Got a wall with a big gate and everything…
Sir Alfred, a nutcracker doll dressed in a red uniform and black cap, is sitting in one of the towers, engrossed in reading a book titled “The Mystery of the Emerald Spectacles.” He spots Basil through the outward facing window of the gatehouse and quickly sets the book aside and goes to the window, a little flustered. 
ALFRED: Oh! Hello! Good morning! Ahem—what can I help you with, good sir?
B: Well, opening up the gate would be a good start.
A: Right! Yes. My apologies, it’s usually open by now, I was just busy with, ehm—here—just a moment.
Alfred cranks the gate open and then joins Basil on the inside of it, now breathless from working the gate crank. Basil marvels at the city.
A: Welcome—huff, huff—to Toyhouse Corners!
Alfred dashes over to Basil and holds out his hand. 
A: I’m Sir Alfred, the gatekeeper and the town guard. And who might you be?
Basil looks at Alfred’s hand but doesn’t shake it. 
B: …Basil. Uh, Postman Basil. 
A: Postman? Is Gertie out sick today? 
B: Nope. I’m the new postman for this area—so, mostly your fair city, it seems. 
A: Oh! Hm. I wasn’t informed there was to be a switch up. What happened to Gertie?
B: [shrugging] Dunno. Maybe she kicked the bucket?
A: Good heavens! Well, I… I mean, I suppose she was getting up in years… oh my, how very dreadful.
B: Hold on, you said you’re Sir Alfred, right?
A: Uhm, yes, I am.
Basil digs around in his delivery bag.
B: You’re my first delivery.
end ID.]
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cupcake-plays-a-game · 5 months
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6th May 2024 - I’ll never forget Omori, it is now one of my favourite games of all time,, ; ;
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lilac-udon · 1 year
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basilpaste · 4 months
isabird voice: yeah, ive got that dog in me (hard cut to the voice of the dogged) IM GONNA BLOW STUFF UP WITH BOMB.S
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bananacat76 · 7 months
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i know i’m a day late but happy birthday basil :)
a simple lil doodle
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aria0fgold · 11 months
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Whumptober day 9 prompt: Polaroid | "You're a liar."
Character: Basil (OMORI)
You ruined everything.
Basil got out of bed, mechanically preparing to go to school, like running on autopilot with nothing to think of yet so much to do. He went to the bathroom with his head down, looking anywhere but the gigantic mirror that settles at the middle, ignoring whatever he glimpses at the corner of his eyes. He went to the living room, greeting Polly and his grandma with a shaky smile as he fidgeted with his fingers.
“Everything is going to be okay…”
Everyone left because of you.
When Basil went to school, it was nothing more than a blur. Class, activity, class, activity, taking routes he normally wouldn't have taken before, keeping his gaze down to prevent any unnecessary eye contact. He heard a familiar voice calling his name, walk faster, ignore it, pretend he didn't hear it.
“Everything is going to be okay…”
You shouldn't have suggested that violin.
Then the day ended and it's time to go home. Basil went straight to his house without any detours. Putting his stuff away, talking to Polly a bit as she talked to him first, like she always had. He went to the back, where the garden is, picking up the watering can to tend to the plants.
“Everything is going to be okay…”
You're the one to blame.
Tulip and sunflower, gladiolus and cactus, rose and lily of the valley. Wilted plants in broken pots, yet he can't seem to throw them away. Just as he couldn't get rid of his photo album, pictures stained with marker that he hasn't wiped away. His polaroid camera lay on the bedside table, untouched and filled with dust ever since that day.
“Everything is going to be okay…”
You're a liar.
A single phrase, 6 words spoken everyday, like a charm, a reminder, a prayer. Pray to the skies, pray to a god, pray to the world, no one listens, pleas falling on deaf ears. But Basil will continue to say that phrase, a chant for a future he can only hope to be better. Pouring all his heart into 6 words, pray that...
"Everything is going to be okay..."
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lightkeentendencies · 20 days
just want to get stoned out of my mind and get fucked my another pretty trans person. and then maybe eat them out till i pass out between their thighs
is that too much to ask for?
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basil-saurus · 1 year
I was trying out hoverbike designs and accidentally recreated Free Willy
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kanene-yaaay · 1 year
Okay, I came up with this idea while healthily procrastinating. So, the Omori Crew. They're playing Hide and Seek right? But it's their own special brand of Hide and Seek where the seekers will find and tickle someone until they publicly admit (through varying degrees of laughter) they're the seeker. While the former seeker cheers at a job well done before running away while the new giggly seeker recovers and plans their next move.
Now, what none of them (well except maybe Mari and Kel) will admit is that each of them have their own personal target when they're a seeker. Aubrey goes for Mari, Mari hones in on Hero, Hero is pretty much the only one who can catch Kel, Kel then murders poor Baby Basil with tickles, Basil tries to regain his lost tickle honor by attacking Sunny, and Sunny... well he's the outlier in that he doesn't have a specific target. The little goober just loves hearing his friends laugh that he just goes after whoever he finds first. Which works out to varying degrees of success.
Mari and Hero often abuse their big sibling perks and break the rule by attacking Sunny back, specifically Sunny since they know they'd get away with it. The boy is too forgiving, even with this severe case of unfairness and injustice.
Then there's Aubrey, who Sunny knows it's a 'Tickle at your own risk' scenario because that girl is a flailer, a total wiggle worm that Aubrey. She tries to reign it in for the sanctity of the sport but can't help those nerves. But Sunny thinks it's worth the risk because he loves her joyful laughter (but don't tell anyone he thinks that, or it'll be the silent treatment until the end of time).
Kel is also high on the 'TAYOR' scale for the fact that the boy cannot help himself. He was raised in the art of the Tickle Fight and he will fight or flight his way to victory! Until he trips on a tree root and lays their motionless for Sunny to jump him. Klutz. Well at least Sunny finds his screeching laughter hilarious enough to try for it.
Anyway Basil, yeah he's easy prey. I don't make the rules the boy is too ticklish for his own good. Doesn't help that he doesn't know how to protect himself. Which hey, Basil laughter is good for the mind, body, and soul so it works out for Sunny and those within a 5 mile radius to hear his squeaky cackles.
And that's all for today folks on the Tickle Fight Programming Network or TFPN for short. See you next time for the next in depth tickle analysis of these little goobers.
I love the fact that everyone has their specific target and that the rest of them just knows it because holy GOSH! Can you imagine the anticipation!? Like, I am here imagining Hero hiding very well and trying to keep himself quiet until he listens to the melodious, loud and full of squeaks laughter that clearly comes from Mari and a shiver run across his spine because he KNOWS that he will be the next one, so he just stays there, a wobbly smile threatening to take over his face as Mari admits that she is the next seeker and Aubrey triumphly shouts and runs to hide and then the left over giggles disappear and everything goes silent again and he just stays there ~ waiting from his moment ~ wondering if it would be safer to already run away or try to be the quietest that he can ~
Also!!!! The fact that Sunny doesn't focus on just one friend because he loves to hear everyone's laughter STAAAAP 😭😭😭💛😭💛😭💛😭💛 MY HEART IS MELTING HEREEE. HE ABSOLUTELY WOULD!!!!
The mental image of Kel just NYOOOOM then tripping and falling into a loud laughter while Sunny is there, proud of himself for making a friend happy is just too precious I am going to lay on the floor rn and cry tears of pure joy excuse me
Aubrey!!! Trying to !!!! Not wiggle too much to not hurt anyone!!! SO SWEET SO AMAIZNG SHEEEEE WOUUULD
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apollos2 · 4 months
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such joy i feel!
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smilesrobotlover · 1 year
Got a new cgm and pump.
Pros: I don’t have to insert my blood sugar into it anymore. I just press a button and boom, bg there. I also use the old version of this pump so I’m used to the pump.
Cons: I hate the cgm. For some reason it’s been hurting my arm and idk if it was put in a bad spot or if the cgm just hurts my arms cuz I’ve had this problem before with the older cgm and I’m an active person so it’s bad.
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cupcake-plays-a-game · 5 months
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3rd May 2024 - Omori… Is very heavy on the heart. But I love it. And I really can’t wait to complete it over the summer! (I’m 10 hours in!)
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lilac-udon · 1 year
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