#so she invited me to stay in turkey with her for fun
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cinematicnomad · 6 months ago
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my upcoming work trip is probably the longest i've gone on since i started traveling for this job and i am already pre-exhausted. blue are days with international flights, yellow is for when i'm in india, and green is for when i'm in turkey. all in all, 27 days between the time i leave my apt and when i get home.
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writeforfandoms · 2 years ago
Waking Lions 2
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Remember last chapter I warned you reader is bisexual? Yeah. Also due to her work, reader has multiple nicknames, and we see another nickname in this chapter.
This chapter may feel a little slower but we’re building up to good stuff, I promise! 
Once again, speaking in italics is speaking in another language. 
Warnings: Swearing, mentioned sexual activity, mentioned events from CoD:MW, spy shit. 
Word count: 1.8k
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After your business in Turkey was concluded, you hopped on a series of planes to Mexico to go visit another old friend. This one very rarely gave you any kind of intel, but she was fun. So it was worth the trip.
Besides, you were craving good Mexican food. 
She even sent a few of her men to pick you up. One took your bags, another held the door open for you into the SUV. 
The royal treatment.
The drive was long and quiet. You weren’t overly interested in talking to the underlings, and she had likely warned them to silence anyway. That was one of the reasons you so enjoyed her company. She was smart. 
The car stopped, and you waited while one of the men hopped out and got your door for you. “This way,” he murmured in English. Your lips twitched but you followed him sedately. 
This time, she’d brought you to a very nice home. Not modest. Three stories, with a good-sized car garage. 
This one was new, and idly you wondered when she’d acquired this. 
“It took you long enough,” she called in Spanish, walking down the stairs as you entered the house. 
“You didn’t invite me for too long,” you shot back, smiling. As always, she was a vision, even dressed simply in a dark top and pants. “Valeria.”
“Marigold.” Valeria stepped down onto the entryway floor, walking up to you. “You changed your hair.”
You smiled. “Every so often,” you agreed. “Can’t let people get too used to one style.”
She chuckled, lifting one hand to trace one finger over the apple of your cheek. “When are you going to come work for me, hm? We both know I can make it worth your while.” 
“Not today, Valeria.” This was an old game between the two of you, as old as her rise to power. You may have helped her along some. For the right price. Information helped win wars, after all. 
She caught your chin between her thumb and forefinger, holding you steady, searching your gaze. Then she nodded once. “Come. Lunch is ready for us.” 
You followed her, unashamedly looking around. “This is a nice place,” you hummed. 
“I’m glad you like it, since you’ll be staying here.” She looked over her shoulder at you, amused. “For however long you want.”
“You are a temptress.” 
She led you to a table outside, already set for the two of you. This part was easy - you both enjoyed eating and flirting, with nothing of real consequence being said. She always tried to pry just a little more out of you, and you always diverted and redirected. This had been the game for as long as you’d known her. 
“I do have work for you, if you’re interested.” Her gaze was heavy-lidded, sweeping over you slowly, warm and familiar.
“Mm?” You leaned back in your chair, folding your hands loosely over your tummy. 
“I need to know what the Americans are up to.” 
You scoffed a derisive laugh. “The Americans don’t know what the Americans are up to,” you grumbled, waving one hand. “I’ll need something more specific to get you any good intel.” 
She leaned forward, hands on the table, chin tipped to hold your gaze. “I need to know how distracted they are.” 
You mulled that request over slowly, carefully. You knew her business. She’d known you long enough to give you free reign. Much like Laswell, Valeria knew you gave her solid intel. “Is there a specific department?” you asked cautiously. “Or a specific distraction?” 
“I don’t want them to have so much time they begin sniffing around my operations.” 
And that, well, that made sense. Didn’t necessarily make things easy, but it made sense. “I’ll need a few days.” 
“Standard rules?”
“Of course.” 
Valeria smiled. “Well then. Since you’ll be here for a few days…” She stood and took your hand, tugging gently until you stood as well. “I should show you to your room.” Her voice dipped, low and sultry. 
“You should,” you agreed, lips curving in an inviting smile. 
Valeria tugged your hand, leading you away from the table. 
This was one reason why you kept coming back. She just knew how to treat you right. 
The fact that she could deliver mind-numbing orgasms was a definite plus, too. 
Later, after Valeria left to do some business, you set up your computer. You’d promised to get her some information, after all, and that didn’t just drop into your lap.
Not without some prompting, anyway. 
Sources appropriately prompted, you turned instead to the news. It was always good to keep up to date on what was happening - kept you from accidentally wandering into too much trouble. It also gave you time to decide where you wanted to go next, after you got Valeria her information. 
The whole world was open to you, after all. 
Your research paused for dinner, and then you went right back to it. It had been a while since you’d been to Greenland, and you wouldn’t mind a quieter couple weeks. Then again, Africa had many choices and potential for quiet as well… Decisions, decisions. 
You blinked at your phone when it started ringing. Not that many people had your number. 
“Ace.” Laswell sounded stressed. Oh this could not be good. “I need a favor.”
“I don’t do favors,” was your immediate response. Because you didn’t. Mostly. 
But Laswell pulled out the big guns. She pulled out your birth name, the one you’d left behind years ago, the one she’d scrubbed from every system. 
You went rigid, swallowing hard. “Katie Kate.” 
“I need a favor,” she repeated, softer, gentler. 
You closed your eyes. Fuck. Fuck! “What do you need?”
“I need you to find someone for me. Cartel.”
“You know I don’t do names.”
“I don’t need a name, I need a location.” She paused and then pulled out her final trump card. “He’s working with Gray.” 
You stopped. For a few moments, the world faded to nothing but a pair of gray eyes. Then you swallowed hard. “Should have led with that,” you muttered, hunching your shoulders. “Who am I finding?” 
“Carlos Torres.”
“Fine. Am I calling you back with this?”
“No. I’ll have someone meet you.”
“No, not here. I’m not planning to be anywhere helpful to you for at least a week.” 
Laswell sighed, short and sharp. “Fine. I’ll provide you with a number for a burner phone, but you won’t get me, so behave yourself.”
“One of these days, you’re going to rack up debt, and I’m going to call it in.” 
“Not today.” Laswell hung up. 
You let your phone drop to the bed, heart pounding. Twisting, you looked out the window, suddenly feeling exposed and uncertain. Valeria ran a tight ship. She wouldn’t allow unauthorized people here. Not here. It was just your paranoia, you just needed to work it out of your system. 
A nice hot shower made you feel more settled in your skin. And screaming into your pillows helped. 
By morning, you were back under control, skipping down the steps to join Valeria for breakfast. You had no idea when she’d gotten back, but she was as immaculately put together as ever, and even greeted you with a kiss to the cheek. 
“Sleep well?” Her gaze lingered on your face. 
“Oh yes, the bed is quite comfortable.” You smiled, helping yourself to food at her wave. “You really are trying to tempt me into a singular living.” Your grin showed teeth, but it was all in good fun. 
“You already know that.” Her smile was a dangerous, glittering thing, a velvet-wrapped dagger. “How long will you be staying?” She switched to Spanish, pouring a drink for you. 
You shrugged. “Likely a few more days, at least until I hear back,” you answered in kind. 
She nodded once, looking thoughtful. “Do you need to be by your computer all day?”
You blinked, surprised. “No, I’m not expecting anything urgent today. Why?”
“I want to take you riding, see more of the area.”
You waggled your eyebrows playfully. “Riding, huh?” You switched back to English to load more suggestiveness into your tone.
She swatted your arm, light, playful. A teasing reprimand, but still a reprimand. “Well, if you’d prefer to be a brat about it…”
You held your hands up. “I apologize, you know I like to tease. I would love to go with you.” 
Her smile had the distinct flavor of a woman who was used to getting her way, and was not surprised when she got it yet again. “After breakfast, then.”  
Valeria kept you out all day, showing you around. Showing you off, subtly but definitively. Though she rarely introduced you, no fewer than a dozen of her men saw you with her. 
You were a little irked by her gall. A little turned on, too, if you were honest with yourself. 
But you still had mixed feelings when you saw that your people had gotten back to you with the information on the Americans. Laswell’s information hadn’t come through yet - if you didn’t hear back in the morning, you’d have to start leaning on people. 
Valeria thanked you for the information with a wire transfer and another orgasm. She also somehow got you to promise to stick around for another two days. 
You still weren’t sure how she’d gotten you to agree to that. 
It took another day before you got a location on Carlos Torres. You waited until Valeria was out of the house again attending to business before you called the number Laswell had sent you. 
“You have the information?” 
You smiled slowly. “Well, hello again, Captain,” you purred. “What a pleasant surprise!”
He sighed, short and sharp, on the other end. “Do you have the information or not?” 
“I do.” You pouted, just a little. “You sure know how to ruin a girl’s fun, Captain.”
The silence on the other end was pointed. Very pointed. 
So you gave him the intel, including last known coordinates. 
Captain grunted once. Apparently that counted as acknowledgement.
“And, Captain? You should hurry. He won’t stay there long.” You hung up without giving him a chance to reply. Sighing, you rubbed a hand over your face. 
Sometimes you wondered if you were getting too comfortable. And sometimes you just wondered about your sanity.
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catbearexe · 1 month ago
WOW it has been such a long time since i've used this platform. I used to use this website to religiously to feed my anime and video game fan art addiction as well as share my artworks. Here's what I've been up to since!
My mental health took a massive nosedive into the void. I didn't think I was going to even make it through college at all. Though, I think that is pretty common during the COVID era, but my mental health as always been a problem wayyy before the pandemic.
I attempted to delete myself permanently on New Year's Eve of 2021, but I woke up to DIY surgery on arms, multiple bottles of empty liters of vodka, and unfortunately...still alive. When I came to around 5:00AM, I figured that I needed to leave my toxic environment and ended up staying at a friend's house for a few weeks before I started my first day at my first internship in the co-op program. I made a few drawings here and there and posted on my Instagram, but they never really made rounds and I had a long pause in drawing overall for a good couple of years due to being under an immense amount of stress, school, athletics, and working multiple jobs to stay afloat. I was eventually able to stay in a dorm. But, when the bill came around for the semester, all of my internship money went down the drain to pay for just staying on campus at my University despite not taking any classes. It was over $5000 dollars by the time the spring semester ended, and my university doesn't tell you the cost of dormitory until the last week of the semester.
I did get my first partner around 3-4 months of going no-contact with my family in 2022, and then ended it around New Years of 2023 due to their family having strong bigoted beliefs based on their faith in Christianity. It came to a great disdain to me that they never even knew what I looked like, or knew what my name was until 3 months after we separated despite being together for about 9 months prior. It also didn't help that I went cold-turkey on zoloft as it began to be too expensive (my psychiatrist was also very judgmental and made me feel ashamed and each 10-15 minute session was over $200 co-pay).
I decided (last second) to obtain my graduate degree in my university's accelerated program, allowing me to obtain my master's in engineering within a year instead of 2. During my final spring semester for my undergraduate program, I was taking classes for my bachelors, masters, and physics minor at the same time. Yet, I had a massive improvement in my performances athletic-wise despite the busy schedule and stress I amassed.
When I graduated with my bachelors degree, my mother decided to show up to my graduation unannounced and made a scene, screaming at the top of her lungs that she always supported me and tried kissing my face in front of my class and my beloved friends that I actually invited. For context, my family were my first and only bully. Before I was able to have my own bank account, any money that I made went straight to them and I would have to beg them to give me my money to buy anything. Additionally, they ripped through my mail and got very upset that I got into school at all. It was like I was expected to fail so hard to give them an excuse to get rid of me. It also happened to solidify that my parents now know that I am a transman as my university outted me unintentionally. The looks of disgust spread around me while I was trying to shove her off of me, and she never apologized due to her thought that "that is my DAUGHTER! I can do whatever I want!"
(I am a transman, and have been out for almost 8+ years at this point)
During my summer master classes, I was able to obtain another internship that was flexible to maintain during my time in the master's program and fit with my athletic schedule. That internship ended up becoming the most flexible and fun job I ever had and solidified the reason why I chose mechanical engineering as my career path.
However, during that summer I ended contact with a 10+ year group friendship. I knew that there had to be a time for work-life balance, but it felt impossible with the things I had on my plate. The immense guilt in having to prioritize my studies and survival over my long-term friends picked at me for years. I had to choose pulling irritated all-nighters with sleep problems or miss payments of over $550/MONTH for student loans as well as my schooling, rent, bills, etc. I had to sacrificed meals because of the cost and time to even eat.
A few weeks later, my grandfather on my mother's side passed away, and my mother broke down after the first mass how "I NEED you to forgive me" because she missed me and everybody kept asking her about me, making her look bad because of how I was just cut out of the entire family. She never calculated that people in real life actually cared about me, and it took everything inside of me to not blow up in her face. She is grieving, yet she only cared about how she was perceived by other people.
Regardless of the scholarship, which I was awarded in exchange for becoming a graduate assistant for the undergraduate courses, I ended up having to reach out to my father that I cut contact with to sign off on my loan as I had nobody. As much as I did not want to having not contacted them in almost 2.5 years, I didn't want to drop out of school and had no where else to turn to. So I did. My younger sister notified me that our beloved grandmother may not make it past 2024. It devastated me. I decided to break no-contact after years of estrangement and began to cautiously come back to visiting my grandmother's household where my parents resided. It was no surprise that their treatment wasn't any different than when I had left, and tried my best to keep it together for the sake of the only family member that treated me like a person.
On a random side note, I decided to try to put myself out in the dating field again about 8 months after my ex-partner and I separated. However, it has come to a disdain from my now ex-friendships that I went on dates with men instead of getting responses back from women (the street works both ways, I can't force women to go on dates with me). I eventually found myself in a confusing relationship with an infantry officer that lasted for about 3 months until he messaged if we were just friends and apologized if he is being confusing. A month later, a close friend of mine messaged me the Tiktok account of said-situationship obtaining a boyfriend shortly after he sent me that message. They also showed the demographic of their audience being creepy old men thirsting over an online thirst trap of someone who is in twink-death denial. When they texted me 9 months after we saw each other, I made sure I made them sweat by telling them that I knew about their secret account. As it turns out, their family is not only extremely Christian, but he and all of his siblings were homeschooled. His family does not even accept his current partner. Despite the whole fiasco he pulled, I couldn't help but still feel sorry for him as I was in the same position once.
The whole year of 2023 had me feeling like I was on top of the world. When Christmas came around, I was just stuck in another depressive episode for another 9 months. My athletic performance went on a massive decline, I was stuck in my room isolating myself, and I was struggling academically and was terrified that I would lose my scholarship. Despite all of this, I still passed, I got my degree, I got a full-time high paying job right out of graduate school, and moved into my apartment.
To put the nail in the coffin, my partner and I rekindled our relationship and now live together happily. I was terrified that I was going to lose him again after he moved in as I started testosterone the day after running in my last collegiate NCAA event of my life. The irritation, the mood swings, the h0rnY definitely put our relationship to the test. I even asked him if he even loved me at all. Even after me lashing out, being a terrible person, seeing me at my worst, he sat me down and talked to me. He communicated that if I have a problem with anything, I need to tell him directly. He assured me that we can be mad at things, but we will get through it and we will figure it out. In the first time of my life, I felt okay with accepting parts of me that are hard to deal with and never even knew about. The anger of everything eventually went away within about 3-4 months. We now happily live together, go on dates, and are now hoping to go on an out-of-country trip to Japan at some point.
While our relationships has solidified, my health had other plans. After 5 years of not seeing a doctor, I finally had the time and funds to seek help again. I found that the sarcoma, that I was diagnosed with all throughout high school, is in my right lung an grew 6 times the size in comparison to my last scan. My wisdom teeth in my right upper and lower jaw will need an evaluation from an oral surgeon because it seems to be fused to my skull and packed in, my lazy eye has gotten significantly worse and will need 10-12 days of no work from surgery. I used up most of my PTO to go to all of these appointments, only to find that I will need more than 2 sessions of surgeries because of neglecting my health for so long. Gotta thank the American healthcare system am I right?
When I got in touch with a therapist, they explained that my brain has been under excessive survival mode for too long that my window of tolerance is so miniscule. Wrong turn, spilling a cup of jawn, any minor mistakes could result in a massive meltdown as I am not used to being in an environment where there is little to no stress. Thankfully it has gotten A LOT better.
I also got in touch with a lot of schoolmates I have been meaning to hang out with. Turns out they had the same thought and were afraid that I didn't like them anymore because of their focus on schoolwork. This phenomenon of my friends in STEM losing friends due to academics was sadly a common theme, and I am so thankful that they understood that we both have stressful lives we are living. What a time to be in to laugh at each other having the same thought when it turned out we were in the same boat.
When my ex-friend reached out to me again about a year later, I felt the utter guilt of having to turn down their offer to reconvene as I had a LOT of oncology appointments and getting used to moving into a new apartment as well as my job while taking care of my sick grandmother. I had no furniture for 3-4 months, and was in great disdain when they guilt tripped me that I made them a low priority over my lung having another growing sarcoma along with spending my time with the only family member that treated me like a person.
Another downside I have found is that I may have girl-bossed too hard all of my life. I used to over-extend myself in social situations and use unfortunate coping mechanism to last over an hour. Now, it takes everything in me to go out in public, especially to my Muay Thai classes. I can't help but feel my arms tremble and heartbeat racing when I leave my little apartment space.
It is now 2025, my partner and I live happily together, I have reconnected with my hobbies, and can finally relax and enjoy myself without feeling the insane amount of dread of what is coming next. I am also currently figuring out where to get tested for autism and ADHD as my brother exhibited almost the same symptoms I did with the exception that my parents actually cared about him to get him therapy and medication (his meds barely hold him back).
Life is great, and I am so glad to be back!
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morithenerd · 1 year ago
Here have a Nimona (the movie) drabble/oneshot type thing.
Also, this has some of my personal headcanons so yeah! Enjoy :>
Pink: Nimona
Red: Bal
Orange: Amb
Purple: Diego
Warnings: mention of homophobic family members, I guess Bal saying hell, and a not technically mangled turkey (it's not full blood and gore it's just ruffled up and a little shaken and still very alive)
- Bal and Amb are talking about who to invite to their Thanksgiving while they're at the store leaving Nimona stuck at home.
- "Okay but Nimona scares the absolute hell out of him!" Bal mentioned as he picked a fruit tub for their fruit punch. "Oh come on Bal! They're my nephew! I know him and Nimona don't get along after... Well... Her scaring them with her little... Weird... Demon child- thing-... But! I think Nimona and them should get to each other better." Ambrosius sighed. He knew that his cover-up reasoning wasn't convincing Balaster to let Diego come to their Thanksgiving dinner.
- It was up until they were in the car that Bal decided to bring it again. "Amby, baby... I know you have something on your mind." That's when Ambrosius broke. "Okay, okay fine you got me. So... You know how I wanted to invite Diego? And the reasons weren't exactly the best? I'm just come out and say it. Do you remember how Diego came out to our family as bi and a demiboy? Well, some of our family isn't all that accepting, and since it's Thanksgiving he's going to be surrounded by them and... I want him to feel welcome. Like they belongs."
- And with that, Bal immediately went to Diego's house and picked him up or... As I should say: snuck him out through his bedroom window.
- Once they got home told him to stay in the car until they talked to Nimona.
- They head inside and see Nimona in her wolf form with a mangled turkey in her mouth. She had her teeth wrapped around it's neck as if it were a squeaky toy. "Oh hi bosh!"
- "Nimona please let that poor thing go." Bal groaned as he pinched his nose bridge.
- Once Nimona lets the somehow still-alive turkey go, the boys sit her down and talk to her about Diego.
- "Soo... Don't scare him by acting like a possessed little demon baby?" "Yup. We want him to feel as welcome as possible, so no weird shapeshifty bs. If you want to shapeshift into something, then go ahead... As long as the house stays intact and it's not meant to scare Diego."
- Once Nimona finally agreed to the ground rules, they brought Diego in and formally introduced them to each other.
- After a couple of hours, the two had finally gotten on good enough terms to start talking about interests and things along those lines.
- Some time goes by, and all four of them are dancing to music and singing along as the turkey and other food cooks in the oven and stovetop.
- Finally once the food and drinks were done and ready, they all sat down and said what they were thankful for.
- "I'm thankful for... The ability to shapeshift and... For barging in on Bal being Mr. Dark Edge Lord™ because if I hadn't, I wouldn't have you guys." "I'm thankful that my lovely family that's sitting right here at this table." "Heheh... What he said... And you, Diego?" "I-... Uhm... I'm thankful for... You guys... because you guys made me feel at home when others didn't."
- Then they all dig in and have an amazing time together.
That's all! This was just a fun little thing I made while stuck at relatives' house during Thanksgiving because I didn't want to socialize :p
Edit: I've fixed the mistakes and minor adjustments to the writing after waking up and rereading it.
Edit 2: Fixed my grammar once more and might have accidentally switched lines between bal and amb
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itstokkii · 11 months ago
About Turkuzbek, do you associate them with any symbols or motifs? And also are there any au's for them??
sometimes I call them the tea pair, because they both love chugging down that good good scalding hot black tea in the summer!
other than that.. not really? they do both have a crescent and star in their flags but like. so do a lot of other countries
aus..ok brace yourself for ALL the au ideas that popped in my head since shipping turkuzbek:
beauty and the beast au: takes place in a fictional world, but clothes + possibly palace is inspired off of 18th century ottoman empire. uzb is belle, turkey's the beast obviously, couldn't settle on a maurice so just made it her sibs, russia is gaston....??? I felt like the dynamic really works with them, my favorite movie for my favorite ship <3
cardverse au: ok so in this au uzb is a seamstress for the royal family of clubs. all of a sudden she finds herself between a rock and a tight place as she must spin straw into gold. enter turkey, a joker with no real loyalty to any of the main 4 kingdoms. he offers her help in exchange for something of hers, and helps her get the job done while also making small talk. she slowly finds herself laughing and having fun with this rando, and his occasional visits to her sewing room soon become the highlight of her day. she initially gives him her bracelet, necklace, any jewelry she has...
until she's given the ultimate task of spinning a whole roomful of straw into gold in one day. if she succeeds, she marries the king as his royal consort. if she doesn't she is executed. she hates both of these ideas and is freaking out, especially since she doesn't have anything to give turkey anymore. he helps her anyway, and then goes by the "if you don't have anything left to give, you can pay with your body" philosophy, and essentially asks her to elope with him. she agrees, and when the king opens the door the next day he finds a room full of gold and no royal consort-to-be.
college au: he's the business major to her fashion design major. he tried complaining about his workload once and she dunked on him for that. they regularly go on joyrides together. i was considering making them fiances? if it made the au more interesting...
if we're not going the fiance route, they both have a mutual friend(korea), who sneakily invites both of them to the campus's music and dance event on the basis of korea's club performing kpop dance. uzbekistan is so uncomfortable with the rave music and promises herself she'll stay for korea's performance and leave the moment it's over. she pulls her phone out to record korea and looks to her side and HER CRUSH IS THERE??? HUH??
so they both stare at each other like "what are YOU doing here??" turkey's even more confused since she's the last person he'd expect to show up to a rave and dance performance event. by the time the performance is over, korea pats them both on the back and goes "I'm so glad my 2 best friends showed up to support me!"
korea what a sneaky shipper....
monster high au: turkey's a werewolf(haha turan moment) and she's a werecat. they do NOT get along at first, but slowly their rivalry turns into something like romantic tension as they point tennis balls and laser pointers in each others' faces threatening to use them. next thing you know they're dating??? w,what
also important to mention: kyrgyzstan's an orange cat.
ever after high au: this was briefly considered, but I can see uzb being sort of like ashlynn "oh yea we gotta follow our destinies" and then dates the son of the huntsman(turkey) who is um. Not a royal
snow white au: so this was like a joke. she gets poisoned, he leans in to kiss her and then she immediately wakes up before he does the deed. "ASTAGHFIRULLAH YOU MUST REPENT WHAT WERE YOU ABOUT TO DO"
she marries him anyway
reverse snow white au: she's the prince, turkey's snow white, and the dwarves? 7 different azerbaijans.
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non-country/human au: she gives me boy mom vibes. not like an unhealthy way, but it makes sense that she would have a son(??) also turkey definitely insists on having like 3 more kids.
uzb: first of all who's doing the giving birth part
and turkey as a dad defo gives me yusuf vibes from otoyomegatari
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i...think that's it?? maybe I'll add more when i remember
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shadowbunnydragon · 10 months ago
To Russell, Sarah, Lily, Bailey, Walter: How was your first Christmas in the new world and with your new families for some?
Russel: "Before I came here, Christmas was kinda... tense... or even something with a lot of screaming... But Christmas with the Spitz's was awesome! I got to help set up the strings of lights around the outside of the house in the days leading up! There were gifts for me and my new foster brothers and sisters waiting for us under the tree! After opening them, we all went outside and made snow mammals. Erik and Roger and Jackson came over, and we all had a snowball fight! Mrs. Spitz made cookies and hot chocolate for everyone, and we all spent time with each other in the living room, a warm fire going in the fireplace! It was like something out of a dream... I never thought I could ever have a Christmas like that..."
Sarah: "Oh! Mommy and Daddy made me and Elijah and Elliot our own matching sweaters! Mommy made mine thicker though, 'cause she was worried I'd get colder 'cause I don't have fur. Then, on Christmas, me and my big brothers got to get up and see what Santa brought us! He got me a pretty pink princess castle with little dollies that go inside! Elijah got a cool toy tank that transforms into a robot with a sword! And Elliot loves his new paint supplies! I'm real glad that Santa could find me this year! Mama, my old mama from before, told me that Santa always got lost before getting to our house. And that's why I never got any presents on Christmas before." Happily plays with a bright pink castle while Mr. and Mrs. Otterton exchange a worried look behind her.
Lily: "It was just so lovely. Renato and I exchanged gifts, and even found ourselves under the mistletoe quite a few times... though I think that a certain sly feline was simply moving it when I wasn't looking... not that I mind. We stayed in bed... ahem... cuddling before finally heading out for a picnic out in this lovely oasis in Sahara Square that is actually right against the district border with Tundratown, and rather pleasantly cool, compared to the rest of the scorching desert. There, we FaceChatted with Renato's family, who couldn't make it out to Zootopia this year. We're thinking of making the Christmas picnic a fun little tradition for us, and bringing the rest of his family along next year!"
Baily: "Sophia invited me over to her family home for Christmas, and I got to enjoy a large home-cooked meal with her family. Keith really knows how to make a turkey! Leodore showed up late with Sophia's aunt, and got a bit... tipsy. He proceeded to offend a few of Sophia's family, before he started... sobbing and then left... only to pass out in the bushes right outside the front door... But aside from that, it was just the best Christmas I can ever remember!"
Walter: "Christmas is actually a pretty... lonely time of year for me normally. But this year... Jack kinda invited himself... and all his family over to my place... without telling me first. He did so when he found out about my plans to just spend the holiday alone... and then pretty much just broke in to let a swarm of hares inside to decorate and bring food and gifts. Granted, the Savages are all really nice and... definitely not cute. Nope, not at all. And apparently Jack invited Skye over and proceeded to set up mistletoe in strategic locations for her and him to 'casually' walk under. Overall... it was nice."
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wolfjackle-creates · 2 years ago
Been a hot minute since I've added anything to this post! Got caught up in some IRL things and other projects (as I'm sure you've noticed). But I wrote a bit more this morning, so I hope you enjoy!
Word Count: 812
Jazz groaned and fell forward so her head was resting on her arms next to her open books. Her professors were all ganging up on them by giving projects and exams before Thanksgiving.
She forced herself to breathe slowly and deeply. She'd be in Amity again in just two short weeks and then she could relax.
For now, she'd take ten minutes. Just ten minutes to fall apart before pulling herself back together. Ancients knew she had plenty of experience with that.
Her next breath was a little shaky, but she kept going. She could do this. She had to.
Only a few breaths later, she felt a wave of <concern> wash over her, and she could finally relax more completely.
She wasn't alone in the strange city so far from everything familiar. She sent back <stressed, homesick>, but didn't move.
Even with her head still hidden in her arms, she could feel him come closer until a large, warm hand settled on her back and Jason sat in the chair next to her. He sent out <safe, strong>.
Only then did she move enough to bury her face in his chest instead. He wrapped his warm arms around her and she relaxed even more and grasped his shirt. <gratitude> she sent back. She breathed in deep, surrounding her senses with Jason.
"You should ask for an extension on at least one project," said Jason as he pressed a kiss into her hair. 
Jazz smiled at the sensation. It was a new development, but one she loved desperately. <affection, gratitude> "I'm just homesick. I think if I hadn't met you, I would've had to drop out."
Jason hugged her a little tighter and sent back his own <affection>. "As selfish as it might be, I'm glad you stayed." His <gratitude> surrounded her fully.
Jazz pulled away slightly so she could look Jason in the eyes. Though her hands remained pressed against his chest and his circled her back loosely. "You should come home with me for Thanksgiving. I think being around other liminals and plenty of ectoplasm will be good for you. Plus Danny's been asking about you. My last few boyfriends were… not great. So now he feels like he needs to vet anyone I date."
Jason gave a wry grin. "You know, you're not doing a good job of selling it."
Jazz rolled her eyes. "Come, please? You'll love our Thanksgiving traditions. The Turkey Battle is always so much fun. Especially if mom cooks the casserole and potatoes right and they get involved." She couldn't have held back the <excitement, nostalgia, fun> if she'd wanted to.
"I— what? Turkey Battle?" Jason's <confusion> mingled with Jazz's <excitement>. "And how would the potatoes and casserole get involved?"
"If you come, you'll see!" Jazz grinned at him and pulled away further so she could grasp his hands. "Please? I spoke to mom last night and she insisted I bring you. Then Dad and Danny each gave their own invites."
Jason squeezed her hands and bit his lip. "I'll try. There's quite a few things I'd have to take care of before I can go. When would we be leaving? And how will we get there?"
"We'd leave Wednesday before Thanksgiving in the morning. The bus leaves at 7:30 AM, but you can sleep on the trip. We transfer busses twice and that'll take us all the way to Elmerton. There a person from Amity will come by with a van or bus to pick up anyone who's trying to get there. We won't be the only ones and outsiders have a hard time actually finding the city. More convenient to just pick us all up together. The driver will take us right to my home."
"Okay. If you show me the transfers, I'll buy my tickets. I can't make a promise right now, but I should know within the week."
"Don't be silly! I invited you, so I'll cover the cost of your ticket."
Jason shook his head. "Jazz, I've got the funds and you're just a college student. I'll feel guilty if you pay."
Jazz rolled her eyes. "I've got a creepy billionaire 'uncle' who owes my family so much. My friend Tucker set up automatic bank transfers to our accounts as reparations. The only one who doesn't use his money is Danny because that pisses off Vlad. So trust me when I say I can afford it."
Jason's eyes narrowed and he sent out <concern>. "I want to know all about this creepy uncle."
Jazz laughed. "Sure. If you come to Thanksgiving, Danny and Sam and Tucker would be more than happy to share all the stories. But right now I need to get back to working on my projects and papers."
"Bribery? Really? You're an ass." But he sent out <amusement> so Jazz just squeezed his hand and grinned.
We get to see more of Jazz and Jason!
Now, this post is getting quite long, so I've set up a subscription post! Follow that if you want to be notified of further updates which'll go to my writing blog instead of this specific post.
Short DPXDC Prompts #823
Jazz first ran into Jason outside the library. Jazz was too busy on her phone and tripped straight into Jason. On instinct, Jason grabbed her in a hug and steadied her. Being wrapped in a hug suddenly isn’t something Jazz expected to happen today but damn the man had one comforting embrace.
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lcnelyghost · 2 years ago
christmas time with the ahs boys ♥︎
tate langdon:
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• Definitely someone who loves Christmas because they did as a kid.
• You always end up comforting him because he can’t go outside to have a snowball fight.
• He likes licking his candy cane until the bottom is sharp so he can try and fight people with it.
• He once told you that his mom invited Larry round for Christmas dinner and he ended up burning the fucking turkey.
• Tate stayed in his room for the whole night until his mom said they were having dessert. (That mf flew down the stairs)
kit walker:
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• He’s so appreciative of anything anyone gets him.
• Kit goes all out, I mean ALL OUT.
• New perfume, clothes, a new purse, why have only one when Kit is willing to buy you it ALL?
• He works super hard all year so he can always please you with the gifts he gets.
• Always listens to you talking about little things you see when you guys go out together, if he hears you like it then trust me, you’ll be receiving it at Christmas.
• You may not think he’s listening, but Kit’s always paying attention to even the smallest details when you’re speaking about presents.
• “Y/n doll.. you shouldn’t have..”
“Kit, you got me enough to fit in a whole damn store. It’s no bother.”
kyle spencer:
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• He begs you to cook Christmas dinner every night of the year.
• Screw McDonald’s, Kyle wants his turkey already!!!
• When you pass him the gravy, he purposely puts it all on his mash potatoes. No one else gets the gravy afterwards and Kyle’s just sat smiling evilly.
• You both go out shopping and he starts running away from you in different aisles. You get confused and run after him, only to realise he just doesn’t want you to see what gifts he’s picking out for you. It melts you’re heart.
jimmy darling:
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• Y’all literally get wasted on Christmas Eve. When you both try to get back to you’re trailer, Elsa is always stood nearby listening to the sound of you and Jimmy drunkenly singing rather loudly. She just shakes her head in disapproval before Jimmy scurries into the trailer with you giggling maniacally, following behind him.
• Jimmy always shakes you awake in the morning like an excited child.
• “Babe! Babeee!! It’s Christmas!!!”
“No, it’s actually five in the fucking morning.”
“Get upppppppppppppppppppp…”
• You smile in awe when you and the freaks are all opening you’re gifts. Sincerely appreciating all the handcrafted things everyone made you. Especially Jimmy and Ethel.
james patrick march:
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• James has a secret obsession with the song, “All I want for Christmas is you” but he’d never admit it.
• Christmas always gives him nice little flashbacks to when he’d open up the presents his mother made for him as a kid.
• Iris and Liz always loved making hot chocolate, so you always see James sneakily taking a few mini marshmallows from the packets they were using and plopping them into his mouth.
• When you’re decorating the tree and ask him if it’s okay to eat some of the candy canes he used as decor, he’d burst out laughing.
• “Darling, unless you’d like to suffer from extreme food poisoning seeing as they are from 1923, go ahead. Although, I certainly wouldn’t recommend it..”
• That was enough for you to throw them out and immediately buy new ones.
dandy mott:
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• Regina tried to innocently start a snowball fight when they were kids, she thought it was normal for children her age to participate in so she expected it to be fun with Dandy. Though her mother wasn’t surprised when he started crying because a snowball hit his ass cheek. Gloria ended up rushing to get him inside and all night he was sobbing in front of the fire, wrapped up in dozens of fuzzy blankets.
• His mother constantly reminds him that Christmas isn’t just about presents, but he only looks at her with disgust.
• Dandy has spent all year buying you the most expensive bits of jewellery and makeup. Practically everything you could ever ask for.
• “Dandy, this is way too much..”
“What? There’s no such thing!!!”
• You both sweetly sway around the room together whilst dancing to a peaceful, instrumental Christmas song. He always thanks you at the end of the night for making his Christmas even more perfect than he’d imagined.
tristan duffy:
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• Tristan isn’t necessarily a grinch, but he’s just there for the food, honestly.
• All the spirits in the Cortez stay up in the bar until midnight so they can all wish each other a very merry Christmas. Technically it’s what they do at new year aswell. Tristan always tries to fight back the urge to cringe at everyone.
• PLEASE, HE GETS SO UNCOMFORTABLE IF SOMEONE GIVES HIM A REALLY SQUISHY HUG ON CHRISTMAS DAY, unless it’s you of course! Although he still doesn’t really like them.
• Donovan did it to him as a joke one year and the two spent Christmas day getting patched up after beating the shit out of one another.
• Will goes around cheerfully singing Christmas carols and everyone was stunned when Tristan threw a glass bottle at his head.
“What? He finally fucking shut up, didn’t he?”
• He’s stolen quite a few treats that Iris has made, violently throwing up when he’s finished seeing as it was a whole ass tray full of baked goods.
• He won’t tell anyone, but he gets sad when Christmas is over. You, him, and all the other spirits really enjoy yourselves whenever the time comes around. Well, for the most part..
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randomshyperson · 4 years ago
For every request I send, my love, tell me what you want from me in return and I’ll do it 😩😩
But can I request a Nat x Reader where Nat is surprise visiting her family in St. Petersburg only to find her girlfriend already there because they love her more than Nat. I can see Melina being like “she knows how to take care of the pigs”
Hello! Well, I would say i want hugs and kisses but we have an ocean between us haha Hope you like this my friend, it's short but it's sweet.
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Gif is not mine, blessed are the gif makers.
Warnings: None.
Words: 1.539 K
Dictionary> Медовый (darling/dear) | мой милый воин (my dear warrior)
All Works Masterlist
Sweet Petersburg - Oneshot
Natasha parked her car just outside her mother's house, the smell of recent rain in the air as she stepped out of the vehicle, a nostalgic smile on her lips to be back home after a while.
She's visiting for the weekend, St. Petersburg is cold in the autumn, but also really beautiful, and even if she didn't say it out loud, she misses her family everyday.
Nat walked towards the house, she hadn't spotted any family members, but judging by the noise of laughing and talking inside the kitchen, some of them were inside.
She left her bag on the sofa, moving to greet them when the sound of a voice made her frown. Sounded like you.
"Mom?" Nat called out loud and the laughter stopped. The next second two women were coming from the small kitchen to join Natasha in the living room, who was standing with her arms crossed.
"Tasha, darling, you're here!" Melina greeted excited as she moves to hug her daughter. But Natasha's eyes are on you, smiling shyly at her with your hands in your pockets.
"I am." She says. "I'm sorry, am I missing something? Why are you here, babe?"
She asks curiously directly at you. Before you can answer, Melina is touching your shoulder and smiling at her daughter.
"I invited her, of course." She clarifies. "She's great with the pigs, and she's such a lovely companion, Tasha."
Nat let's a short laugh.
"I know, mom. That's why I'm dating her." She says almost dry, and you roll her eyes at her jealousy. Nat is looking at you again next. "I thought you were in Turkey."
"I was." You say as you step forward, resting your hands on Natasha's hips. "I runned into Yelena there. Then she video chatted with your mom and they insisted for me to come for the weekend."
“And you didn't think about asking me to join you? At my family house?" Nat asked with incredulity, but you just smiled at how cute she looked when angry.
"Natasha, don't be like that, it's not like you two need to be together all the time." Melina intruders with a humorous gaze. "Besides, she's been here many times before."
"Wow, what? Natasha exclaim surprised, moving away from your arms as you give her a mixture of a guilty and playful look. "Are you two for real?"
Melina signs impatiently, turning away from this conversation as she walks to the kitchen, Natasha following her while complaining about not being fair that she was spending more time with you than with her own daughter.
You would have followed if Yelena didn't come into the living room with some groceries.
"Just saw Nat's car outside, didn't know she was coming." She remarks as you quickly move to help her with the bags.
"Yeah, you better keep these comments to yourself, Lena. " You say and rush to explain as the woman frowns at you. "Your sister is not pleased to know I’m used to came here without her."
"What? Why?" She asks while you two move to the kitchen, but you don't answer as you two meet Melina and Natasha again, still arguing.
"I just don't think it is fair that none of you called me to let me know that my girlfriend was around!" Natasha accuses grumpy making Yelena laugh.
"It's not our fault your girlfriend is nicer than you, poser." Yelena teases as she puts the groceries on the balcony next to you. Natasha lets go of an annoyed sign turning to her mom again.
"Mom, do something! She's mocking me!"
You want to laugh at the scene but you just stay behind, not wishing to upset Natasha anymore.
Melina sighs as she massages her temples with her fingers.
"Please,girls, don't fight each other." She asks as she ignores Natasha's protest saying that Yelena started the whole thing and moved to grab the groceries you and Yelena brought. "I'm making dinner, everyone out my kitchen!"
That's how you ended up outside, with a grumpy Natasha and a smiley Yelena, walking around the back of the house to join Alexie, who was fixing Melina's truck in the back.
"Hey dad!" Natasha greeted as you reached him, the man was under the car and lifted the vehicle in the air to smile at his daughter.
"Tasha! Hey, kid, good to see you!" He said and put the vehicle back down to roll out and stand up. "Didn't know you're joining us this weekend."
Natasha grumbles insatisfy which makes Yelena laugh and Alexei frowns in confusion.
As his girls moved to sit in the bench nearby, you whispered to him: "She didn't take well knowing you invited me over without her."
"But what's the problem with that?" He asks loudly, attracting the attention of the girls, you sign but he doesn't mind. "It's a good thing that we are having trips with you, you're part of the family now!"
Natasha wides her eyes.
"Having trips? Excuse me?" She asks angrily as she stands up. "How many times have you hung out with my family without me?"
"Well…" You started uncertainty, playing with your fingers. Yelena smirks.
"We had that trip to California last month." She counted while Alexie murmured in agreement. "Also went to Philly. She stayed here for independence day too, and we had tacos night last week. Besides that, whenever she's around my mission place I invite her for a beer." Yelena told and all Natasha did was stare in shock at her and yourself.
"Oh, don't forget China. We had that thing too." Alexie added and Natasha signed.
"You're all unbelievable." She accused as she rushed to pass through you and into the house again.
You were uncertain about following her inside.
"Well, that didn't go well." Alexei comments with an awkward posture. "I will try talk to her."
As he left, you moved to sit with Yelena.
"Sorry about that, maybe I should have left you to tell her about the trips." She said but you just signed softly.
"It's okay." You say. "It's my fault for keeping it for so long. She would have found out anyway."
Yelena murmurs and you two fall silent for a moment.
"California was really fun wasn't it?" She asks amusedly, making you smile.
"Yeah, it was."
You two exchange giggles before deciding to go back inside and you busy yourself with helping Melina with dinner.
Alexei came back alone from Nat's room with a slight grimace that made you worried.
So you decide you should talk to her yourself.
As you reach her room, you knock before coming in.
Natasha was sitting in her window, next to her bed while looking outside. In that position, you understood that she saw you laughing and talking to Yelena in the yard and by the recents events, that might not be the best.
"Are you mad at me, Nat?" You couldn't hold your words as you reached her, and she turned her head to you immediately, a confused frown in her face.
"Of course not!"
You sign in relief, taking a step forward. "Are you mad at your family?"
You take a deep breath. "Do you want me to stop seeing them?"
She gives a short laugh, shaking her head in denial as she extends her hand for you to grab. As you do, she pulls you towards her gently.
"Of course I don't want you to stop seeing my family, sweetheart." She says as she circles your waist with her arms. "I just got mad at them for not inviting me."
"I'm sorry, Nat." You say. "I should have said something, but they didn't and I was worried about sounding rude or something. You know how much their approval matters to me."
She smiles tenderly, her fingers caressing you gently.
"Yeah, that's why you're so sweet and polite all the time, and they love you more than me." She declares, making you frown. "It's fine of course, how couldn't they not?"
"Don't say that, Nat." You ask as you raise your hands to her cheeks. "Your family loves you very much. They just hang out with me because you're not around as much as I am."
"You think?" She questions, sounding so vulnerable that you wish you could banish all her insecurities away.
"Of course, Nat." You state. "We only talk about you, babe. All the time. And we all love to do it because we all love you. "
She gives you a shy smile before pulling you to her laps, making you giggle as she kisses your face a few times before moving away.
"Give yourself some credit, babe." Nat says with a lovely gaze. "You're a very pleasant company and I think they love to spend time with you as much as I do."
You smile before kissing her in the mouth, gently and sweet like this moment. Scenes like this are definitely your favorites with Nat. Along with late nights with her hands running through your body.
"I love you, Медовый." She whispered against your lips.
"I love you too, мой милый воин." You say and Nat giggles.
"Since when you speak Russian?"
"Your mom is teaching me."
"Okay, out."
Tag list> @imapotatao / @aimezvousbrahms/ @ensorcellme/ @helloalycia || @mionemymind / @abimess / @stephanieromanoff / @yourtaletotell / @tomy5girls / @justagaypanicking / @thegayw1tch / @idek-5 // @myperfectlovepoem // @helloalycia // @ENSORCELLME // @AIMEZVOUSBRAHMS // @drpepperobsessed // @sighsam // @olsensnpm // @sxfwap // @table57 // @madamevirgo // @causeitswhatjesuswouldfreakingdo // @emptysince18x // @xastrydx || @yuhloversxx || @ymzki-haruki || @wouldirunofftheworldsomeday || @lostandsearching || @lezzzbehonesthere || @musicinourlips || @chaekhan || @diaryoflife || @nervoustrack || @aquamarinescarlet || @cristin-rjd || @idamaemann || @fortunatelynerdylight
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magalidragon · 2 years ago
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bad thanksgiving | a “bad holidays” Jonerys Turkey Day fic 
I managed to finish in time! Yay!  Chipping away slowly at the pending fics before the Winter Holiday Event.  Enjoy and Happy Thanksgiving!
Rhae's nose wrinkled, her hum distressing. "Mummmmmm!"
"Alright, I'm coming!" He washed his hands, picked up Rhae and set her down, and patted her bottom towards her play table. "Here sweets, make me a picture."
Rhae picked up her zombie baby doll which she'd dressed in a flannel dress to match the one they had for her to wear at dinner, and shook her head, scowling. "No!"
"Well stay put while I deal with your mother." He was frazzled and no one had even arrived yet.
The doors that opened onto the deck above their garden banged open, a pane rattling and a photo of the three of them at Halloween knocking askew. A loud, heavily Northern-accented voice shouted: "What's up, what's up, what's up? Party getting started now!"
Aw shit, spoke too soon.
In their effort to establish some distance from their old house-- right next door-- they had prevented Robb and Theon from building a gate in the connecting fences. That didn't stop them. The stone wall that divided their gardens now had a ladder on one side that they yanked up and over with them when they wanted to come down the other. Anything they wanted to carry with them, they just tossed over.
Nevermind Arya and Gendry used the bloody front door like normal humans.
Robb and Theon had no such concept of manners and social decorum, which was why they were now barging in via the open garden doors, mud on their shoes, grass clippings on their knees, and three grocery totes of whatever they had thought to bring as host gifts for the first Thanks Day not at either the den of horrors that was their townhouse or Winterfell. The Winterfell dinners were grand affairs, catered, made to look like they were out of a magazine.
Jon hated them. He hated the formality, he hated the food, and he really fucking hated how Cat always made a big deal about the empty seat at the head of the table that Robb refused to sit in, even years after his father's death. She always tried to push him to but he wouldn't, so she made a big sobbing toast about how sad it was that Ned was not with them and Robb would not take on his role as the head of the family. Sansa tried to sit in it the year before, but it backfired when Rickon had placed thumbtacks in it to keep her from doing so.
He also thought Rhae might have been involved because she'd gone off with Rickon for a bit of time. That was the first and the last time they had brought her to Winterfell for the feast. Also the last time they were invited. The first time, Rhae had been only fourteen weeks old and Dany had not wanted to get off the couch or eat anything but pumpkin pie and mashed potatoes.
Not that he blamed her one bit, he was right there with her feeding her the spoonfuls of mashed potatoes while she fed Rhae.
He frowned, arms crossing. “We have a front door.”
Theon tossed a pumpkin ale in his direction, scoffing. "So what? It's better this way. Have some fun man, loosen up!"
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softsnzstuff · 3 years ago
Maybe this one for Steve?
🥧: they’re attending some kind of gathering, maybe a potluck or Halloween party, and are definitely starting to come down with something. They don’t want to ruin the mood by complaining, but feel obligated to be there.
Ok this got away from me and I opted for sick!Steve with the remainder of the fruity 4 giving him grief (on good fun)
Friendsgiving 1988 - Steve’s parents were once again out at a holiday function with colleagues despite their son being home from college. The 21 year old had invited Nancy and Robin, who stayed in town for college, and of course his partner Eddie, who was doing some light mechanic work for Wayne on the side.
Eddie parked just as the girls were walking towards the front door. “Hi Eddie!!” They called, hands full of potluck items.
“Hey ladies! Convenient timing.” He waltzed up and knocked on the door for them.
Steve opened the door, towel over his shoulder. “Hey! Come on in, I was just finishing up the sides.” He stepped aside so everyone could walk inside, setting their things down.
Nancy had brought carved pieces of Turkey, Robin brought mashed potatoes, and Eddie came bearing a store bought apple pie. Steve was working on the stuffing and cranberry sauce himself.
“I’m snF glad you guys could come.” Steve smiled, pulling Eddie closer to him by the waist.
“Thanks for having us!” Nancy chimed.
“Sorry your parents decided to leave though.” Robin said, “I can’t believe it.”
“I ca- heh HEH ISSSH! TISSSH! Excuse mbe. I cad. Typical of themb.” Steve pulled away from Eddie to grab a tissue across the kitchen.
He turned around as he finished tending to his nose, looking up to three enthused stares from his friends. “What?”
Robin breathed a laugh and shook her head. “Are you sick dingus? That is such a you thing.”
Steve felt his ears flush, “What are you talking about?” He lied.
Eddie walked over to his boyfriend. “We’re just saying Stevie, between school stress and everything else, you were bound to catch something. We just didn’t expect it to be so….immediate?”
Steve rolled his eyes, “I’m not sick.”
“Okay. Whatever you say.” Nancy was always the first to stop arguing for the sake of someone proving themselves wrong. She covered her Turkey pan with tinfoil and popped it in the oven to reheat.
The kitchen soon became full of the warming aroma of a good meal. Eddie had raided the Harringtons’ wine cabinet and popped a bottle of sparkling cider to share.
“A toast! To food, friendship, and Steve’s parents for leaving us this delicious beverage.” Eddie raised his glass dramatically, encouraging everyone to join in.
They all sipped, in good spirits until Steve started coughing. Eddie, who was standing next to Steve, put an arm around him and patted his shoulder, “Alright there, sick boy?”
“Just went down the wrong way, sorry. And I’m not sick I told you. Go sit down it’s time for dinner.”
Eddie laughed and backed away, hands in the air. The girls followed behind him, taking a seat at the table with their glasses.
One by one Steve was bringing over dishes. The pan of Turkey, the bowl of mashed potatoes, and last his Bowls of stuffing and cranberry sauce.
He balanced the latter, one bowl in each hand as he carried it to the table. He stopped before he reached it and turned to tuck his head into his shoulder, hands preoccupied.
“HNxxxt! Hehh- HIH’NGTxxsh!”
A short chorus of ‘Bless You’s’ could be heard.
“Steve I’m pretty sure the cranberry sauce is meant to be served cold, not served with a cold.” He smirked and the girls held back a laugh.
The younger man set the dishes on the table and scratched his eye with his middle finger as he made his way to join them at the table, which only made them all laugh more.
Dinner was filled with talk about the different college experiences, funny anecdotes about their relationships, and Eddie talking about different car parts.
“Robin cad you please pass m’be the m’bashed potatoes?”
“Oh my god Harrington blow your nose already we can barely understand you.”
“I’b ndot gonna blow m’by nose at the dinner table?!”
Although there was no heat behind the banter, Nancy tried to change topics. “Steve, this is really good stuffy!”
“Did you just say stuffy?” Robin asked, “Steve even Nancy agrees with me.
“No-” Nancy tries to dig herself out of the hole, “I said stuffing! This is great stuffing Steve, really good.”
Eddie’s eyes bulged as he held back a laugh. He but his knuckle and squeezed his eyes shut. “Dude you totally said stuffy and it was awesome.”
“You guys are im’bpossible. I’b sick okay?? Feel like crap but I love you guys too m’buch to NOT do a friendsgivi’g.”
“Aww Steve.” Robin got up and hugged Steve from behind. “We’ll serve Eddie’s pie after this and you can rest on the couch, kay?”
As promised, after plates were cleared, Robin started plating pieces of the pie Eddie bought, popping each one in Steve’s microwave for 15 seconds.
Eddie had sat in the corner of the couch, Steve leaned up against him, eyes closed, resting on his shoulder. By the time pie was ready, he had started dozing off. Nancy draped one of the light blankets around his shoulders as Eddie tried to eat his pie without moving his arm too much.
“Hey Eds we can let ourselves out.” Robin whispered. Steve was fully asleep on his boyfriends arm. “We’ll come by tomorrow!”
“Thanks guys!” Eddie whispered back. There was some rustling as the girls got their things together before the front door gently clicked closed.
Eddie turned to Steve and kissed him on the top of his head. “I’m grateful for you, Harrington.”
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theforgottenmcrmy · 3 years ago
After All (Part 7/?)
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Pairing: Riff x OC Jet Girl
Warnings: Suggestions of Violence, Mentions of Domestic Violence, Mentions of Minor Character Death, Sexism
Summary: After all, a little girl like that would have no idea about how such a game was played.
Word Count: 7200 ish.
Please note that this is a reimagining of the film West Side Story (2021) and as a result is slightly AU.
Masterlist /// Part 1 /// Part 6 /// Part 7 /// Part 8
A/N: Part 6 here. Thank you again for all the support, it really means more than I can adequately say, but I’ll keep saying thank you anyways. I’m quickly realizing that this story could easily be 15-20 parts total at this rate just to make sure all the events in the movie are covered, so I hope I’m able to able to deliver some content you guys enjoy and don’t lose your interest in the meantime. If you would like to be added to a taglist so that you get notified about future parts, please feel free to let me know. I feel sort of iffy about this chapter, but I hope you guys are able to find things you like about it. :)
Part 7: A Risk Worth the Reward
Almost all forms of gambling in the state of New York were illegal. There were some legal forms, but for the most part, all the arguably ‘fun’ ways to gamble could earn you a one way ticket to a fine or jail time if you got caught. Even if gambling on card games had been legal, some could argue whether it was appropriate for a woman to play poker.
When Roxie was just a baby, her father was sent to Rikers. He died in a prison riot just a few years later. Her mother, due to either seeking support or just plain loneliness, had several boyfriends before she passed. Most of the boyfriends had been local and good for nothing. A few drank. When one of them partook in drinking alcohol, he became even more physically abusive than he was already prone to be while sober. Another put up a decent front, going so far as to wear suits and bring her mother flowers every week. Eventually, her mother realized he’d been stealing from her, though she had so little money to begin with.
In Roxie’s opinion, the best boyfriend her mother had by far was a man named Henry. Her mother had met him when she was around seven. Henry was no saint- he had a drinking problem and was quite the gambler. After he met Roxie’s mother though, he was determined to change his life around. He sobered up, and was able to get and keep a job. Through all of this, he treated Roxie’s mother with the utmost respect, and he had never been anything less than kind to her. It wasn’t considered ‘proper’ at the time, but her mother had been so impressed with his change that eventually Henry was invited to move in, much to her aunt’s chagrin.
Gambling was the one vice Henry was never able to get rid of, though he may have wanted to. The damage had already been done, and he owed too much money to quit the gambling cold turkey like he’d done with the drinking. While his trips to the gambling houses he’d frequented ceased, he hosted smaller events at Roxie’s mother’s apartment instead. If her mother had ever found out about it, Roxie was sure she would’ve been furious, but Henry got away with it with relative ease. After her mother quit at Doc’s, her new job had her working nights, and she’d be gone for hours at a time. Whenever Henry hosted these events, he had made Roxie promise to stay in her room at all times, and to never, ever, tell her mother about what he was up to. Since he usually bribed her with some candy to sweeten the deal, she’d always obliged.
One night, Roxie ventured out of her bedroom while Henry was setting up the table and chairs. She curiously watched as he withdrew cards and some colorful chips from his hiding spot under the floorboards in the living room. When he caught her staring, she asked him how to play.
He’d been reluctant, telling her, “Your ma would kill me with her bare hands if she found out.” But Roxie was persistent, promising never to say a word. The clock was ticking, and people were expected to start arriving soon. Eventually, Henry caved. Roxie hadn’t known it at the time, but Henry was wrapped around her little finger.
Overtime, whenever her mother was not around, Henry taught her about all the card games he knew. Primarily, it was poker and blackjack, but there’d been a few other games such as war, gin, and even go fish. Turns out that even grown men liked a “simpler” game to break up the higher stake ones every now and then. Blackjack had been Roxie’s favorite, but she’d also had a knack for poker.
Henry noticed this. Eventually, when he was certain of her instinct for it, he’d developed a new plan. Roxie no longer had to stay in her room- in fact, he’d plotted with her that she should come out at some point in the night, and claim she had a nightmare. He’d soothe things over with her, which would make all his guests lighten up and lower their guards. He’d show her his hand, and ask her what she thought. She’d put on a show of not being so certain about his hand, and the other guests would eat it up, suddenly eager to call and raise their bets.
After all, a little girl like that would have no idea about how such a game was played.
The hustle worked. The other players were upset, but once they realized they’d been swayed by the opinion of a little girl, they’d kept their mouths shut. Henry had to find new guests to invite over after a while, but he had so many connections from the gambling houses that it proved to be a minor inconvenience. The money he was able to win made it all worth it, and the risk was worth the reward.
Roxie remembered how proud he’d been after one night in particular, and how happy that made her feel as a result. “Just ya wait,” Henry had told her, as she watched him hide the cards and chips under the floorboards once again. “I’m almost settled up. Once I am, I’ll use the money to buy a ring for your ma. What do ya say?”
The idea was exciting, of course.
Once Henry was finished replacing the floorboards in their spot, he added, “The three of us can move to a nice little suburb right outside the city. Your ma will have her own washing machine right in the house, and won’t have to go down all those flights of stairs just to do the laundry. And you- you’ll have your own lawn to play on with all your friends.” Even the local playground wasn’t always a safe place for kids. Roxie was young, but was old enough to understand the danger.
Roxie had gone to bed that night feeling giddy and thinking about the life that was soon to come.
The following week, Henry was shot on his way home from work. Turned out he hadn’t settled his debt soon enough.
Roxie’s mother had received a call, and she remembered watching her mother leave the apartment frantically, asking her aunt to keep an eye on her in the meantime. Roxie later realized her mother had gone to the police station in order to identify Henry’s body. When her mother returned home, she explained to her that Henry wouldn’t be coming around anymore.
The next day in school she overheard some kids talking about how a man matching Henry’s description had been shot right in front of their apartment building.
Roxie never told her mother about how Henry’s gambling had continued. Regardless, her mother was never the same after Henry died, and if she had another boyfriend after him, she never brought him around Roxie. 
Since then, Roxie felt guilty about the part she played in Henry’s demise. After he died, she took the cards and chips that he had hidden underneath the floorboards, and she still had them hidden away in one of her bags. They served as a constant reminder to her that he had existed, even though there was no grave to visit.
Later in her life, after realizing that her mother’s boyfriends had brought nothing but trouble or grief to her life, Roxie vowed that she’d never find herself in a similar situation, and if it could be avoided, she wouldn’t allow herself to be fully dependent on anyone, let alone a boyfriend or husband.
There’d been some exceptions, namely the boy she just agreed to help.
The thought of having to rely on Riff, of all people, made her nervous. She thought about what he said, and she understood where he was coming from. She had agreed that this was the only plausible way he could come up with the money he needed, and she still believed that. She’d benefit from it too, and even if they wouldn’t be able to win enough money to pay her tuition for the upcoming semester, paying off her aunt’s rent back pay would alleviate a significant burden.
Roxie had agreed to help, and she wasn’t going to back down.
She hadn’t been able to save Henry all those years ago. She hadn’t been able to save Riff from serving a sentence last time. But if things went south again, they’d be different now.
If she was given the choice, she would take the responsibility for her actions.
Riff’s old man taught him how to play poker when he was around ten.
His father was barely around during his childhood. He’d been in and out of Rikers a few times before Riff had even started school. But whenever he came calling, his ma would welcome him back every time. It was far more than his father deserved, but she’d hoped that someday his father’s vows of making a change and turning his life around would be more than empty promises. They never were.
Eventually, when his father bothered to stick around for more than a few days, he’d have his friends over for some drinks. They’d crowd around the small table in the apartment’s dimly lit kitchen, smoking and playing cards for hours.
At one point, Riff was caught watching them. His father called him over, and showed him how to play. His ma, who more frequently than not had been coerced into serving the men drinks, had immediately protested. “It’s a man’s game,” his father had barked at her, shutting her down quickly. “He’s near a man. He ought to learn.”
Neither he or his mother dared to oppose his father. God help them both when he was angered.
Riff detested the way his father treated his ma. Even thinking about it to this day made his blood boil. She worked herself into an early grave just to support his unemployed drunken self whenever he bothered to spare her, and Riff, the time of day.
Riff was pretty sure his ma died still thinking his father would change his ways, but over the years, she had said some things to him that made him doubt that. He specifically remembered she made him promise that if he ever found a girl of his own that he would never lay a hand on her, and that he would treat her better than his father had ever treated her. That had been an easy promise for Riff to make.
He was hell-bent on keeping that promise, too. Riff knew his intentions were questionable on a good day, and he had done some pretty awful things since he made that promise to his ma. But he knew with absolute certainty that he’d rather be alone forever than watch himself become a monster like his father.
Arguably, the only useful thing Riff’s father had taught him was how to play poker. As he grew up, became set in his ways, and accepted the things he needed to do in order to feed himself and survive, he made all sorts of connections.
When he received an invite to a local gambling house, the idea of earning some cash fast was incredibly enticing. He had recruited Tony to join him, but Roxie inevitably found out. Riff was pretty sure Tony let it slip to her. They weren’t seeing each other at the time, but she’d been a third wheel to their group since they met in school a few years before that. She’d been growing on him.
Roxie demanded to tag along. Riff told her no immediately, and Tony had agreed. She insisted that she knew how to play poker. Since Riff’s father had always said that poker was “a man’s game”, he laughed at her outright. In response, Roxie challenged him, and had proposed that if beat him in poker in best three out of five hands, she would get to go along with them to the gambling house.
They only played three games.
Riff, Tony, and Roxie went to the gambling house the next weekend. Riff could still recall the queer looks the three of them were given. They had easily been some of the youngest people in the room. But as soon as Roxie started winning them money, the other patrons started to take them a bit more seriously.
Going to the gambling houses frequently had always been a risky thing. Eventually, the gambling houses that stuck in one physical location for too long got busted. Tipped off cops would break down the doors and arrest everyone inside. The three of them were young, and while they enjoyed the thrill of making some quick cash, it wasn’t worth any of them getting caught and being thrown behind bars.
When Riff and Roxie eventually started seeing each other, they’d still go to a gambling house on occasion, but they had always taken extra care not to anger the wrong people or get caught.
Both of those things had happened that night over a year ago. Though Riff didn’t serve time specifically for the illegal gambling, he still paid the price for it inadvertently when they both got caught on the way back from that gambling house and couldn’t give Schrank the information he’d been itching for.
Riff hadn’t gone back to a gambling house since that night. Unfortunately, picking up the old habit seemed to be the only solution to the problem Asim had imposed upon him. In a way, he was happy that Roxie had agreed to help him. He felt fairly confident that with her by his side, they’d be able to win the money in just a few nights.
On the other hand, he couldn’t deny he was a bit worried. If things got dicey, Riff knew she’d want to take the fall this time, like he had done for her before. That wasn’t an option then, and it still wasn’t an option now. She had a better life going for herself, and he had to pay off Asim before he and the Jets suffered the consequences.
They simply could not get caught.
True to his word, Riff walked Roxie home from the factory over the next few nights. They didn’t talk too much, and each preferred to just make small conversation. It was awkward, but it was less awkward than it would have been walking in silence.
One night, Riff finally told her that he had gotten some information on a few active gambling houses in the neighborhood over. They were only hosted on weeknights in the evening, which was when Roxie’s shift was. She had to pull some strings, but eventually was able to switch a few shifts around with her coworkers at the factory.
Riff and Roxie devised a plan to hit three different gambling houses, and to space out the nights they went so as to avoid raising suspicion and running into anyone who may recognize them. It was mutually agreed that they would go to one of the gambling houses the upcoming Monday, just a week and a half before Riff was to meet Asim again.
The sun was almost set as Roxie hurried along the street lamp lit sidewalks, remembering Riff had asked her to meet at Doc’s around seven. She had offered to meet him at the auto shop, but he had turned her down. It was probably for the best; if the Jets saw her hanging around too much, they may start to think it was a permanent thing.
Riff was already waiting for her outside the shop’s window when she arrived. Doc’s was closed, but through the window, she spotted Valentina, who was counting the register drawer behind the counter.
Riff nodded to Roxie in greeting as she approached him, and Roxie returned the gesture. As Riff peered up and down the block, Roxie glanced inside the store window, and waved at Valentina when the woman noticed her. Valentina waved back, but upon realizing who she was standing beside, frowned and shook her head disapprovingly.
Roxie shouldn’t have felt bad about Valentina’s reaction, but she did. Valentina had always been kind to her, but not so much to Riff, and rightfully so. Roxie used to hate when she found out Riff had stolen from Doc’s, and she hoped he had kicked that habit. It really wasn’t a surprise that Valentina would be disappointed in seeing the two of them together again, even if the circumstances weren’t exactly what they seemed.
“Let’s go,” Riff suggested then, distracting her from her embarrassment.
It was relatively quiet for the first few minutes of the walk. Every now and then, Riff would look over his shoulder and down the alleyways they passed, almost as if he were looking for something, or someone.
“Everything alright?” Roxie asked him. She didn’t want to pry, but if she wanted to know if there was anything she needed to be made aware of. They were equally guilty parties in the venture they were about to partake in, after all.
“Yeah,” Riff said dismissively, bringing his attention back to the sidewalk in front of them. “I asked Action and Ice to keep an eye out later, so we don’t run into trouble,” he informed her. The ‘again’ at the end of his statement went unspoken, but was understood. “Just wanted to make sure we don’t run into anythin’ before we get there.”
Before she could stop herself, Roxie asked, “Like the Sharks?”
Riff turned to her, and frowned. “Yeah, like the Sharks.”
Roxie rolled her eyes. “I highly doubt they’d cause trouble just for the sake of it.”
Riff shook his head. “Ya don’t know them like I do,” he said simply and decisively.
Roxie had her doubts about how well Riff really knew the Sharks, but since the night was still young, she ultimately decided to change the subject. “So, why’d you ask Action and Ice?”
Riff looked at her with an odd expression, as if he had not been anticipating that question. He thought for a moment. “Well… Ice, for obvious reasons.”
Ice was an obvious choice. Back in the day, if Riff was in charge, and Tony was second in command, then Ice might as well have been third. “But Action?” Roxie questioned.
Riff raised an eyebrow at her. “Do the two of you have a problem or somethin’?”
“I don’t have a problem with him, but I think he has a problem with me.”
Riff scoffed. “Come on, you never really liked him.”
The statement wasn’t entirely false, but it also wasn’t very fair. In Roxie’s opinion, Action was too hot headed, and as his nickname suggested, he had a habit of acting first and thinking later. Both of those traits had gotten him, and by association Riff and the other Jets, into trouble on the occasion in the past. Riff and the rest of the Jets already seemed to cause enough trouble on their own. Action had been a near liability at times.
“Besides,” Riff continued, “Ya know I’m not tellin’ the rest of the guys about this whole mess, not unless I have to. Who else should I have asked? Who else could I trust?”
“Diesel,” Roxie answered without missing a beat.
Riff laughed once.
“I trust Diesel, I do,” Riff admitted. “But he’s got other things on his mind. Ice and Action have more time to focus on the Jets.”
“Other things on his mind? Like Velma?”
“Maybe,” Riff shrugged.
Roxie fought the urge to remind Riff that he had had a girl before, too. Did the Jets doubt his leadership ability then? That was doubtful. Maybe it was Riff that had seen her as a burden… if he did, he certainly didn’t see the same burden in Grazi if what Velma had told her was true.
No need to get jealous, she reminded herself, though it was something that was easier said than done. Riff had every right to see whoever he pleased, even if the person he’d chosen was someone Roxie had considered a friend. Besides, it wasn’t like she hadn’t seen anyone else after him, either.
Riff wasn’t sure if Roxie knew about the situation with Grazi, but it would be a cold day in hell before he willingly brought it up to her. Discussing the situation regarding his current girl with his previous one sounded about as fun as getting a tooth pulled.
“Ya know,” Riff began, suddenly eager to change the subject, “if this whole thing is gonna work, you’re gonna have to pretend to like me.”
Roxie knew he was being serious, but his teasing tone and trademark smirk did not go unnoticed. “That goes for you as well,” she told him.
“Same split?” Riff asked her then.
“Fifty fifty,” Roxie confirmed.
Roxie briefly thought about all the times they’d gone to gambling houses before, including that night over a year ago. They’d been up almost two hundred dollars that night, and it had been their biggest haul in one night to date. If Riff was going to be able to pay Asim in full, they would have to win at least one thousand dollars over the course of three nights. It was going to be a challenge, and they’d really have to focus on being as inconspicuous as possible while still capitalizing on wins when they could.
“It’s gonna be close,” Roxie realized out loud, frowning slightly out of worry.
Riff nodded in agreement. “We’re gonna make it,” he stated firmly. “We’ll read the room, and the second anythin’ feels off, we leave.”
He sounded so confident, Roxie had no other choice but to believe him. 
The first gambling house was in the backroom of a dress shop. As they approached, Riff offered his arm to Roxie, and she took it wordlessly.
He knew that if they both committed to the plan, it was likely to work. They’d done it before a handful of times, and no one had ever seemed to be the wiser. But this was different than it was back in the day. It was far easier for them to behave as a couple when they actually were one.
Riff held the door open for Roxie, looking at her carefully as he did so. She gave him a polite smile as she passed him, but something about the look in her eyes seemed off. Despite the circumstances, Riff couldn’t help but feel a bit better at the thought that this wouldn’t be too comfortable for her, either.
Given the lateness of the hour, the dress shop was understandably empty. Despite this, all the lights were on, and a saleswoman stood dutifully behind the counter.
The pair headed over to the counter, and the woman watched them expectantly. Upon reaching the counter, Riff leaned on it with one arm, and gave the woman an effortless smile. “How are ya today, ma’am?” he asked smoothly, the smile not wavering.
He felt Roxie shoot him a look, but he ignored her. The woman, who was probably a bit older than them, but still relatively young, noticeably blushed. Whether or not she was aware, she slightly leaned over the counter towards him. “I’m doing well,” she answered with a giggle. “How can I help you two today?”
“Well,” Riff began nonchalantly, “I was hopin’....” He trailed off for effect, looking at the saleswoman thoughtfully with dazed eyes. “Geez… forgive me, I wasn’t expectin’ someone as pretty as yourself to be workin’.”
Roxie subtly kicked his shin, and Riff bit his tongue in order to stifle his reaction. As shot her a quick glare out of the corner of his eyes, the saleswoman blushed deeper, not having noticed their exchange.
“We’re looking for a dress,” Roxie interjected, her tone a bit clipped.
“Right,” Riff confirmed, looking away from her and back towards the saleswoman. “My girl here was hopin’ to get a dress for a dance next week.”
“You’ve come to the right place then,” the saleswoman assured him, her tone sickly sweet. “Was there a specific one you were looking for?”
“I have a friend, Mr. Robinson, who came here last week to buy a dress for his girl,” Riff informed her. “He highly recommended this shop.”
The saleswoman tilted her head, suddenly taking more of an interest in the pair. “I see… well, we have been receiving some beautiful dresses lately, and almost all of them are new designs from France,” she said off-handedly. She glanced at Roxie, and looked her up and down. “I think a pink dress would suit you well,” she decided.
It was a test.
“Ah, well, I was hoping for a turquoise dress,” Roxie replied pointedly. “Goes better with my eyes.”
The saleswoman nodded. “Very well. We just received some turquoise dresses today, but I haven’t had a chance to move them onto the floor yet. Would you two care to follow me to the back?”
Riff and Roxie exchanged a knowing look as they followed the saleswoman behind the counter and towards the back room of the shop.
As the pair descended the stairs that were hidden behind a faux wall panel in the dress shop’s backroom, Roxie glared at Riff.
“What?” he demanded.
“Did you have to lay it on that thick?” Roxie asked, visibly irritated. “We’re supposed to be ‘together,’ remember?”
“Come on, just a havin’ a bit of fun. She was eatin’ out of the palm of my hand,” he replied, brows furrowed. He didn’t understand why she was so bothered. Then, an idea struck him. “Roxie… You’re not jealous, are ya?”
Roxie huffed, and looked away from him. “Please,” she scoffed. “What would I have to be jealous about?”
“When’s the last time someone gave you that sort of attention?” Riff asked her with a teasing grin. He knew he should tread lightly, and that it probably wasn’t wise for him to be getting under her skin when he was relying on her help, but she made it too tempting. Old habits die hard.
“Not as long ago as you might think,” Roxie mumbled, just loud enough for him to hear.
The two ceased their conversation as they reached the bottom of the stairs and took a look around their surroundings.
It was a large room, and it had to be near the size of the entire upstairs floor of the shop. There were many tables spaced across the width of the room that spanned all the way towards the back. It was very dimly lit, and the smoking patrons creating a hazy fog did little to help with that, but the tables seemed to be positioned strategically near and under the few lights. There were people everywhere- mostly men, but some of them had brought women as well. Waiters and waitresses weaved in and out the tables, taking orders. There was a full bar that ran along the right hand side of the room, and a jukebox played music softly from the left hand side. Small chatter, the occasional cheer, the rustling of chips filled the air.
There was so much going on that no one seemed to notice the two had entered the room.
Riff gave Roxie a knowing look. “Let’s get to work.”
Some time later, Roxie and Riff had made some progress.
They’d each brought twenty dollars they managed to scrounge up on their own. After an hour, they had managed to turn their forty dollars into one hundred and fifty.
As they had always done, Roxie followed Riff’s lead. He went table to table, played a few hands, and then moved on. She remained his shadow, leaning over his shoulder or otherwise having a hand on him at all times in order to play into the bit. All the meanwhile, she exchanged flirty glances with the other patrons, almost encouraging them to converse with her. As soon as their guard was down and Riff had a good hand, he’d strike, raising the bets and either forcing them to fold or call his bluff.
The table they were at had two other patrons. One seemed like a blue collar kind of guy. Three empty beer bottles crowded his area of the table, and he had already ordered a fourth from a passing waitress. His tie was loosened, dangling from his neck. The other guy seemed a bit more uptight. He was clean shaven and wore glasses and a freshly pressed shirt. As Riff watched him pick up the hand the dealer dealt him, he caught a shimmer of the man’s wedding band, and Riff briefly wondered if his wife knew where he was. Either way, Riff wasn’t too concerned about either of the two catching on.
Riff had a decent hand, but it wasn’t a clear win. He knew what to do.
Keeping a neutral face, he leaned back in his chair and drew his cards in close. Roxie took the hint, and made a show of putting her elbow on his shoulder, leaning over and taking a gander at his cards. Then, she smiled widely at him, but not bothering to hide it from the other men at the table.
The other two patrons folded immediately.
The dealer shot Riff an accusatory look. Riff merely shrugged, and gave the man a sheepish grin. What can ya do? Riff reached for the middle of the table, and collected the chips he’d won. That win put them close to two hundred.
Just as Riff was beginning to believe that winning the money was going to be easier than either of them thought, a fourth man joined the table. Riff glanced at him out of the corner of his eye, sizing him up as he stacked the chips he just collected.
It was a middle aged man dressed in a sharp, pinstripe suit. He sported a mustache that was neatly trimmed. When he got comfortable in his seat, he glanced at the other three men before putting what looked like nearly a thousand dollars in chips on the table.
The other two patrons at the table became visibly nervous. The one man chugged the remainder of his fourth beer, while the other fidgeted with his glasses. Riff refrained from showing a reaction. Instead, he leaned forward, and rested his arms on the table comfortably, indicating that he was not going to be intimidated.
After the other man glanced at the other two nervous patrons and smirked, his eyes fell on Riff. His smile slipped slightly at the younger man’s cool and unbothered demeanor, but returned once again upon seeing Roxie, who gave him a flirtatious smile in return.
Riff played a few more hands, and Roxie continued to linger over his shoulder. While the other two patrons at the table eventually left, the man in the pinstripe suit refused to be distracted by Riff and Roxie’s exchanges, and was fairly decent at bluffing himself. Riff won a few hands, lost a few, and won a few more. After another half an hour, their stack of chips was back to around two hundred dollars. Riff was quickly growing tired of the stalemate, and was getting a bit more wary of the man in the pinstripe suit the more hands they played.
As Riff was about to signal to Roxie that he thought they should leave, the man looked at her directly, and asked, “Do you play, miss?”
Riff watched from the corner of his eye as Roxie shook her head slowly, giving the other man a small smile. “Not really,” she answered, feigning shyness. “I just tag along to watch my fella, here.”
The fingers of her left hand came to rest on Riff’s right shoulder, and in quick succession, one after another they fell in a wave-like motion, tapping him lightly. It was a subtle movement, but Riff knew the signal.
There were the smaller tricks they’d pulled throughout the night, and then there was the big finale that had always been reserved for special occasions. Roxie’s signal indicated that she’d found bait for the trap, and as Riff took another glance down the table at the man in the suit who was giving her a slimy smile, he decided he couldn’t have agreed more.
“Well, surely your ‘fella’ has taught you a thing or two?” the man suggested playfully, adjusting his tie.
Roxie shrugged and smiled sheepishly.
The man’s attention turned back to Riff. “Well, what do you say? How about you let your girl play a few hands?”
“Please?” Roxie begged, lightly grabbing Riff’s arm. “Just a hand or two?”
Riff had to force himself not to grin at her theatrics. He made a show of looking at her contemplatively, as if debating whether to grant her request. As he did so, he noticed a mischievous glint in her eyes. The look on her face made him recall the other times they had been in nearly identical situations in the past. For how much she had protested against this very idea just a few days ago, Roxie sure fell back into the old ways quickly.
“Just a hand or two,” he relented with a dramatic sigh, rising from his chair and allowing her to sit. “Then we’re headin’ out before your old man realizes you're gone.”
“No need to worry,” Roxie assured him. She settled into the chair and then smiled sweetly at the man in the suit. “He sleeps like the dead.”
In reaction to her dark humor, Riff was forced to look away from the table and feign frustration in an attempt to hide his involuntary smirk. When he recovered after a moment, he turned back to the table, watching as both Roxie and the other man each contributed a twenty dollar chip to the ante.
The dealer dealt the two players their initial two cards. Riff glanced down at Roxie’s hand, and saw she had the ace of spades and the ace of clubs. Roxie looked at her cards thoughtfully for a moment, before calling and throwing another twenty dollar chip into the pile on the table.
The man in the suit pondered his own cards for a moment before calling as well.
The dealer dealt the first three cards to the middle- the ace of diamonds, the eight of clubs, and the jack of spades.
Roxie bit her lip, and glanced nervously at the man in the suit. Then, she shrugged and threw another twenty dollar chip into the pile. “I’ve always been a glass half full kind of gal,” she explained to him.
The man in the suit smiled in response. “It’s the only way to live,” he agreed, throwing a twenty dollar chip from his own stack to call.
The dealer dealt the fourth card to the middle- the 9 of diamonds.
Riff started to worry a bit- Roxie had a three of a kind, but he didn’t like how smug the man in the suit was looking. But, if Roxie was starting to have doubts about her hand, she didn’t let it show. She bet another twenty dollar chip, and the man in the suit called once again.
The dealer dealt the fifth and final card to the middle- the ace of hearts.
Riff could’ve sworn he felt his heart drop. Maybe there is a god, he thought wistfully.
To her credit, Roxie was a good actress. Her brows furrowed, and her mouth scrunched slightly as her eyes bounced between her cards and the cards in the middle. She looked at the man in the suit, and laughed nervously.
“What happened to the glass being half full?” the man asked her, not bothering to hide his confidence.
Riff smiled to himself, knowing he was going to enjoy what was about to happen.
“Ya know what?” Roxie said suddenly, “You’re right. What the heck?” Before Riff could process what she meant by the statement, Roxie shoved the remainder of their chips to the middle. “All in,” she announced.
If it was possible, the other man’s smile grew even wider, and he called her bet.
Internally, Riff began to panic, even just a little bit. Externally, he kept his expression neutral. If this was going to work, he’d have to trust her.
The dealer gestured for the two players to reveal their hands, and they did. Riff looked at the cards of the man in the suit with bated breath, mentally preparing himself for the worst case scenario. He had a full house.
Riff quickly looked at Roxie’s hand once again to verify what he already knew- she had four of a kind.
As Roxie rose from her chair to reach towards the middle of the table and gather her winnings, Riff looked at her opponent, and swore he’d remember the man’s embarrassed and crest-fallen look until the day he died.
When Riff looked back at Roxie, she smiled up at him with genuine happiness evident in her eyes. Riff couldn’t help but return the gesture. As he did, he realized he felt proud of her.
After Riff walked Roxie back to her apartment, she invited him in.
They stood in her bedroom, keeping their voices low so as not to disturb Betty, who was sleeping in the next room over. Roxie worked on counting the stack of cash to confirm how much they’d won.
“Four hundred forty,” she announced with a smile.
Riff smiled as well. “I told ya, we’re gonna pull this off.”
“I shouldn’t have doubted you,” Roxie confessed, despite knowing that it was likely to fuel his ego. She gathered the cash into a single pile once again, but as she did so, an idea struck her. “Are you sure you don’t want to go ahead and take it all?” she asked him seriously, looking up at him. “Even if we don’t get anywhere near as lucky the next two nights, you’ll still have most of what Asim asked for.”
Riff shook his head vigorously, and it was apparent to her that he did not consider that a viable option. “No. I don’t do charity- you more than earned your cut.”
Roxie almost wished he had taken her up on the offer- Asim had apparently threatened her own safety as well as Riff’s and the rest of Jets’. But she knew Riff, and she knew his pride wouldn’t allow him to go back on his offer and take her share, even if it was to save his own skin. She didn’t argue with him further.
She handed him his share of the money and asked, “I’ll see you tomorrow night, then?”
Riff’s brows furrowed. “I thought we’d give it a night or two to cool off,” he reminded her.
“We did,” she acknowledged. “I meant after my shift tomorrow night.”
Riff’s face fell. “Oh, right… I’ve got plans.”
The fact that Riff had been walking her home personally each of the past few nights since their arrangement, combined with the fact that he wouldn’t specify what his plans were, made Roxie realize fairly quickly what he was referring to.
“Oh,” she replied quietly.
“I’m sorry,” Riff said. His apology sounded sincere, but that didn’t make her feel any less embarrassed. “I’ll ask Ice to walk ya home instead.”
Roxie supposed she should’ve thanked him for not offering to have Action to walk her home, but she let it go. She nodded, and forced herself to smile at him. “That’d be great.”
After Riff took his share of the winnings, he left through the front door. Roxie shut the door behind him as firmly as she could without waking up Betty.
As she walked back to her bedroom, her cheeks were still warm from embarrassment. It’d been too easy to get caught up in everything, and she couldn’t believe she had done just that. This is just business, she reminded herself, the embarrassment she felt starting to shift to anger.
Roxie knew she couldn’t get mad at Riff for seeing someone else, but she could get mad at herself for allowing herself to even think that his feelings for her hadn’t changed.
Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed the final bag in her room that remained unpacked. She walked over to it, and threw the letter from the Board of Trustees member she had shoved back into it aside. She withdrew her address book. It was relatively new, and only had a few contacts completed. Roxie opened the book and began flipping through the pages to search for the specific contacts she had in mind.
You can still get out.
There was no use in prematurely burning the bridges with her university friends- especially not if she held even a minuscule amount of hope that she would join them again in the fall.
Riff made it back to the auto shop without issue. Diesel, Snowboy, and Gee-Tar were already asleep, so he had to quietly sneak into his bedroom. When he made it inside, he all but flopped on the bed.
Despite the fact that he was both physically and mentally exhausted, he couldn’t sleep.
They’d made more money than he had realistically hoped for in one night- so why wasn’t he happy?
He knew the answer, though. He hadn’t meant to make Roxie upset, but he had promised to take Grazi to the new diner a few blocks away, and that was before Riff had even started to walk Roxie home from her shift at the factory. Riff vaguely recalled the promise he made to his mother, and knew he was right in not canceling his plans with Grazi. She didn’t deserve that.
Still, Roxie’s disappointed face was fresh in his mind. Maybe a part of him was disappointed, too. The night had been a success. If he allowed himself to think about it, he couldn’t deny that it felt like old times… it felt familiar, it felt comfortable.
It felt right.
Maybe Roxie wouldn’t be back in the neighborhood forever. Hell, Riff knew that his and the Jets’ own days in the West Side were most likely numbered. Either way, it occurred to him that he wanted to make the most out of the opportunity while she was still here.
After Asim was paid, if Roxie wanted Riff to leave her alone, he would do so, knowing that he could give her one last thing she requested of him. If she decided she could tolerate him a bit longer, he’d bury his pride and come up with something to smooth things over with the Jets, if that’s what she really wanted.
And if by the end of the summer, she had earned enough money to go back to that university, Riff could live with himself knowing that he had made things right with her- one way or another. And If she didn’t raise enough money, and she had to stay…
Riff laughed out loud to himself, and placed the pillow over top of his face in an effort to block out the moonlight coming in from the bedroom window nearby.
Dreaming for something in the West Side was like hoping for rain in the desert.
 A/N: Thank you all for reading, and if you enjoyed it and feel so inclined, please feel free to give it a like. :) As of now, I haven’t written the next part, but will try to have it ready by Saturday.
Part 8
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Honest and Truly
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Summary: Spencer has his prom 10 years late, but none of that matters when it's with the girl of his dreams.
Word Count: 4.8 k
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Female (She/Her)-- Fluff
CW: Minimal vulgar language (PG-13)
Author's Note: This just might be my most favorite thing I've written in a very long time :) Also listen to the song I linked, it makes the title and the ending make more sense! thank you to @spookydrreid and @writhingintheroses for helping me a particular scene!!
Add yourself to my taglist! It makes it much easier for me :)
Honest and Truly
“A prom?” Spencer asks, realizing that the conversation had entered uncharted territory, a territory in which he had not a single clue how to navigate. Spencer, being a preteen in high school, never attended prom.
“Yes, Reid. A prom,” Penelope says, staring at him over the many monitors and stuffed cats that littered her desk, “It’s going to be so much fun!” she says, excitedly.
“That sounds like, uh, I’ll have plans that night,” Spencer tells Penelope, spinning around in the swivel chair as he eats his turkey and cheese sandwich. He usually enjoys their lunches together, but when Penelope gets an idea in her head, there’s no stopping her.
@s“Now I don’t believe that for a second, Reid. The only time that you have plans is when you’re with Y/N. And Y/N is going to be at this prom,” Garcia says, her pink glasses sliding down her nose. She winks at Reid, almost like she enjoys watching him squirm.
“How do you know that she’s going? Did she say she’s going?” Spencer asks, unable to conceal his eagerness that Y/N could be attending. Spencer might hate dancing and those fancy shoes that are too tight on his toes, but all that can be talked away if Y/N is there.
“Yes, she’s going because you’re asking her. That and I’m making everyone go,” Penelope says matter of factly.
Spencer opens his mouth, attempting to talk away Penelope’s suggestion. But Spencer Reid is a smart man and he knows better than trying to argue his way out with Penelope. Especially when it comes to Y/N. He might have an excellent poker face, but Spencer can’t hide his love for Y/N.
“I’m not going to ask her. You know she’ll think it’s because-” Spencer says, prepping for a long winded rant before the door of Penelope’s office swings open.
Y/N, with two coffees in hand, floats into the room like she’s walking on air. Or maybe it’s Spencer’s mind that’s floating when Y/N walks in. He can never tell. Whenever he’s near her, it’s like everything is sweeter, lighter and airier. Wordlessly, she passes the coffee to Spencer. Feeling her fingertips graze his reminds him of how pathetic he must be. He nods, telling her thanks, knowing that he’s unable to fully articulate just how grateful he is for the littlest things.
“Who are you not going to ask and to where, Spence?” Y/N says, leaning against the filing cabinets and sipping her coffee. Penelope, never one to be quiet, silently watches as Spencer and Y/N converse. Spencer looks up at her, feeling that light and airy feeling again. He brushes his hair that falls against his forehead nervously thinking of an answer.
“I- uh, I was thinking of asking my mother to come stay with me for a couple of weeks. You know, she hasn’t seen DC in a couple of years. And I do have some personal days banked,” Spencer says, telling Y/N a small white lie.
“She’s in Vegas, right?” Y/N asks, interested in what Spencer is saying, which is something that he’s still not used to. Spencer nods, smiling awkwardly.
“Yeah, she says that she likes the heat,” Spencer says, hating how formal and cold the conversation sounds. It’s normally flowing with easy and familiarity, but something is wedged between them. Penelope, long forgotten by the pair, types rapidly on her keyboard.
“You know, Spence. If you’re up for it maybe we can have lunch or meet at Elmwood Park. I’d love to meet the woman that made my favorite person,” she says, staring directly into Spencer’s eyes. Her stare is so intense that it’s like she’s looking into his soul. He thinks that if she looks deep enough she’ll see her own reflection because his soul belongs to her.
“I-I uh,” Spencer says, immediately thinking that he should actually invite his mother out for a visit, “I think that’s a good idea. She likes the sites and all,” he tells her nervously, trying to ease his beating heart.
He’s her favorite person.
Out of all the people in this city, this world. He’s her favorite person. Spencer, a lover of math, is tempted to figure out the odds of being his favorite person’s favorite person. He knows it’s slim. He knows it’s rare. It’s something magical and Spencer is terrified he’s going to ruin it. He’s terrified he’s going to fuck something up that’s not even his.
“It’s a date,” Y/N says, turning to Penelope, who’s still long forgotten, “Oh, Penny, you need to yell at Morgan for me. He ate my leftovers,” she tells Penelope, who feigns horror, “And now I don’t have lunch”
“How dare he!” Penelope says, her exaggerated response inciting chuckles, “he can get away with murder because he’s pretty,” she says, shaking her head.
He knows that she’s pretending to be disappointed, but he still doesn’t like to see it. Spencer unwraps the other half of his turkey and cheese sandwich and hands it to Y/N. She looks surprised, as if Spencer just handed her a million bucks.
“Spence, you don’t have to,” Y/N says, softly, handing back the half of the sandwich, “It’s your sandwich, I don’t want you to feel-”
“Eat it, Y/N,” Spencer says firmly, looking straight at Y/N, “You need to eat something. We both live off coffee as it is,” he says, hoping that Y/N will take the sandwich.
He’s looking straight at her and she’s looking straight at him. Spencer wonders if he looks deep enough he’ll reach her soul. He dares to think that if he can find her soul, he’ll stare at his face. He’s her favorite person after all, that’s got to count for something.
“Thanks, Spence,” Y/N says, smiling softly, “You make the best sandwiches,” she tells him, taking a bite of the sandwich as Garcia’s eyes flit from Spencer to Y/N. Back and forth, she watches the pair engage in the world’s best miscommunication.
“Y/N, did you hear? I’m throwing a prom!” Garcia says excitedly, hoping that Y/N’s reaction will be more enthusiastic than Spencer’s.
“A prom?” Y/N asks, unconvincingly, “God, I hated my prom. I got punched spilled all over my dress and my date tried to sneak alcohol into the banquet hall. It was a shitshow,” Y/N says, remembering the less than happy memories from high school.
“I didn’t go to prom. You know, between being a 12 year old and a dork,” Spencer says, self deprecatingly, “It’s not the ideal scenario, but I am familiar with the cultural significance of proms in American high school,” Spencer says, speaking to no one in particular, yet looking at Y/N directly.
“Maybe we’ll both get the prom night we deserve, Spence,” Y/N offers, tossing out her wax paper wrapper. She walks past him and it’s like the air is sweeter. He believes in science, but loves magic. Y/N is magic.
“Maybe,” Spencer says, refusing to make eye contact with Penelope, “you know, sorry to uh, cut this short. I have some paperwork to finish. Hotch’s been on me all day about it. So, uh, see you later,” he says, walking out of Penelope's office like a bat out of hell.
He tries to ignore the knowing stares from Penelope and Y/N’s confusion as he ducks out and walks into the bullpen. Spencer doesn’t have paperwork. He finished all his paperwork by 11:12 am. But what Spencer does have is a flight from Vegas to Quantico to book.
And prom shopping.
As it turns out, Spencer doesn’t know much about teenage American culture. Sure he’s seen 90s movies that Y/N forced him to watch. But it was quite difficult to pay attention when all he could feel was Y/N’s fingers brushing up against his in their shared bucket of popcorn or her head laying against his shoulder when she got tired.
He doesn’t know much of anything when it comes to romance. But he knows that he loves Y/N— and hopefully that’s enough. He still hasn’t asked her if she’d go with him. Honestly, he’s not too sure why he even has to ask her in the first place. She’s going to be there already, but Garcia and Morgan convinced him that it’s part of the so-called “Prom Experience”
“Spence,” Y/N says, she’s perched on the tall bar stool and rests her elbows on her kitchen island, “did you find a suit yet? I was thinking that we can go to that vintage store on Rock Ave. They have a surprisingly good size selection, and I think that this whole vintage thing fits your aesthetic really well,”
“My aesthetic?” Spencer questions, again lost at sea.
“You know, you’re like nerdy chic. Equal parts dorky and equal parts handsome,” she tells him. He feels his cheeks burn at her words.
“I don’t know if that’s a compliment or not,” Spencer says, eyeing Y/N over the rim of his hot coffee.
“It is,” Y/N says like it’s the easiest thing in the world. Like him being handsome is just as obvious as him being dorky, “And get your wallet. We’re going to the vintage store,”
Spencer has a hate-love relationship with weekends. He loves spending time with Y/N where it was so easy to pretend that she loves him as he loves her. He hates the weekends for the same reason he loves them. Spencer knows that it’s all fake. It’s a façade of the truth.
“Spence! You’d look great in this,” Y/N suggests, holding up a gray sports coat, “I think it will match your eyes perfectly,”
“If you think so, Y/N,” Spencer says, nodding his head in agreement. She continues eyeing him as if she’s imagining what he’d look like in the jacket. He has to admit, it’s a very nice jacket.
“Come on, Spence. There’s a mirror over in the corner. Try it on for me,” she requests and not even a second later Spencer finds himself being dragged by the hand to try on the suit jacket.
Y/N holds the jacket open for him as he slips it on through his arms. He’s surprised to realize that it fits perfectly. He looks into the mirror, staring at his face and Y/N, who tugs and smooths the jacket. Spencer can’t look too much longer because if he does the lines between reality and fantasy will be difficult to distinguish. As much as he wants to stare into the mirror all day long, pretending that this is real, he much rather it actually be real. But wishing and dreaming only ends up with battle wounds and broken hearts.
“You look very handsome, Spencer. Very handsome,” Y/N says, staring into the mirror too now. But she’s not looking at the jacket, she’s looking at him. The beat of silence lasts longer than what’s comfortable, “Um, I think, I saw some pants that would look good on you, with this jacket, I mean,” she says, stumbling over her words. She’s not looking in the mirror any more, her gaze is noticeably away from Spencer and the mirror.
“Okay, uh, whatever you think, Y/N,” Spencer says, “I’m not even sure why I agreed to this thing. I don’t dance,” he says, regretting his choice to go to Penelope’s prom, but feeling guilty for maybe disappointing Y/N all in one breath.
“Did you ask her yet?” Y/N asks, holding up a pair of similarly gray colored pants. She must notice his confusion, “You know Austin, the woman you heroically saved. Does any of it ring a bell, Spence?” Y/N teases. Spencer feels his cheeks burn and his heart tighten, that happens a lot around Y/N.
“Oh Austin, uh no. She wasn’t interested in me, after all,” Spencer says, shifting his weight and staring at his converse, “I mean, I should have seen it coming. It’s transference, that’s like Psych 101,” he says, feeling strange. It was odd when Austin broke up with him, even if you can consider it breaking up. He felt a strange sense of relief when it happened, like a weight was lifted off his shoulders.
Y/N clicks her tongue in annoyance as she walks over to Spencer. Tugging slightly on the sleeves of the jacket she says, “well she’s not as smart as I thought she was. You have to be a complete fool to let someone like you go,” she says quietly. She’s standing too close, looking too beautiful, and seeming too perfect for Spencer to not be completely enamoured.
Then it breaks, like shattered glass. The rosey glasses are lifted, leaving only cheeks that sting with nervousness and hearts the yearn for something a little more tangible.
“Stop staring at me and go try it on,” Y/N says, handing him the pair of pants, “Oh and I’m going to look for a vest and a tie to match. This store is unbelievable,” she tells him, pushing him into the makeshift dressing room.
Spencer puts on the pants, which fit, despite being maybe an inch or two loose in the waist. He looks into the tall mirror, which is noticeably empty without Y/N standing with him. A floating hand, belonging to Y/N appears. She holds a burgundy tie and a dark brown vest, both of which are very Spencer. He smiles slightly, strangely happy that Y/N has picked something out that’s perfect for him.
“Tell me when you’re decent,” she says, her voice muffled by the curtain that separates them. He sticks his head out of the curtain, his eyes immediately finding Y/N’s.
“Ohh, Spence, you look amazing. Very handsome,” she says, her hands clasped around the tie, tugging just like she did with his suit jacket before, “What do you think?” she asks, looking at him curiously.
“It’s nice,” Spencer offers, approaching this like he does everything: cautiously, “I do like the texture,” he says, running his hands up and down the sleeves of the jacket.
“You look more than nice, Spence. I know I’ve said it like 30 times, but you look very handsome,” she says. Spencer hopes that she means it. He needs something to be real. Sometimes besides what he feels, because what he feels is the realest thing in the world.
“It’s nice to hear,” Spencer says, “you know from someone who’s not my mother,” he jokes, shrugging off the jacket and grabbing the hanger from Y/N.
“You deserve to hear it,” Y/N says so softly Spencer wonders if she’s saying it all. That beat of silence, followed by the awkwardness is back.
“So, uh, I saw a dress that I’m going to try on,” Y/N tells him, her gaze shifting everywhere but Spencer’s eyes.
“I’ll go pay for this,” Spencer says, walking back into the dressing room and the mirror that lies to his face.
Back in Y/N’s car, Spencer shifts in the passenger seat trying to find a way to sit comfortably while holding his suit jacket, pants and vest. Y/N hangs up her dress, that’s wrapped in a gown bag. She wouldn’t let Spencer see the dress, despite her practically picking out his entire outfit.
“So what’s next,” Spencer asks, as Y/N gets into the car. She smiles over at him sheepishly, leading Spencer to think she’s got another trick up her sleeve.
“I’ve got a confession, Spence. And please don’t hate me for it,” Y/N says, her voice coming out a little nervous as she eyes Spencer.
“I don’t think I could ever hate you, even if I tried. And I’m certain I’ll never have to,” he says softly, resting his hand over hers on the console. He rubs the back of her hand gently, thinking about just how easy things are with her. If he could only be a little braver, maybe then the mirror wouldn’t be so empty.
“Okay. I knew that things didn’t work out with you and Austin. I overheard you telling Derek,” Y/N confesses, “And I know that it makes me a horrible friend or whatever, but I’m sorry that I eavesdropped,”
“Oh, uh how much did you hear?” Spencer asks, suddenly quite nervous. He can feel his heart drop, waiting for the moment when Y/N laughs at the thought of her loving him. He knows that it’s not fair to her, but then again all is fair is love and war.
“Enough to know that you’re still hung up or or someone else. I left once my conscience got the better of me. Once a Girl Scout, always a Girl Scout,” she says, making the three finger salute that’s common in scouting, “I just wanted to hear it from you, you know you’re my favorite person and all,” she says, a frown forming.
“I think, uh,” Spencer says, “That I was just a little embarrassed. You know how Derek and Penelope and Emily and JJ can get. It’s basically just you and Hotch who aren’t jumping down my throat about being, you know, alone,” he says, chuckling awkwardly.
“They just want to help you, Spence. In their own ways, but I’m always on Team Spencer. You never got to worry about that,” Y/N offers, squeezing his hand.
He considers what she says, not responding verbally, but nodding his head. He hasn’t ever had someone on his “team”, so it’s strange. But a good kind of strange.
“Spence, you okay? I wanted to give you something. To be truthful, I’ve been thinking about how I was going to do this for awhile,”
“Ask me what?” he questions, wondering what she has in store. He watches as Y/N rummages in his bag, clearly looking for something. He’s thoroughly confused when she pulls out a TI-84.
“What on earth?” Spencer says, as she places the calculator in his hands. Her sly grin, beaming up at him only further proves his point: his heart just beats faster around her.
“Just shut and press the on button. You’d think that a genius would know how to work a calculator,” she comments, rolling her eyes playfully.
“You know, I never used these. I can just do it in my head faster,” Spencer says, winking at Y/N when she pushes him teasingly.
“God, Spencer just turn it on!” she demands, very apparently getting more and more impatient.
He turns the calculator on and is brought to a green screen that has a picture of a graph. Spencer raises his eyebrow, as if to ask Y/N for the next direction.
“Press the graph button,” she says, getting quieter as Spencer looks at her.
He presses the button that she said to, waiting for whatever is supposed to happen. Spencer watches as the screen draws four black lines running parallel to each other. A curved line is drawn on the first two black lines, forming the letters “P” and “R”. The screen continues to draw, making an oval that looks like an “O” and the last two parallel lines are joined together with a “v” shape, forming the letter “M”. He takes a second glance, reading the 4 letter word slowly.
“Well?” she asks, waiting for his answer.
He’s speechless. Spencer blinks. It’s like his brain has stopped working. It’s a prom, a stupid prom that’s 10 years too late. But it’s the girl of dreams that’s asking him. And that’s the stuff those rom-coms he couldn’t pay attention to are made of.
“I mean, of course. Of course, Y/N,” Spencer says, dropping the calculator into the cup holder and leaning in to hug Y/N.
His heart stops again. Falling into that tricky habit of either speeding up or stopping when she’s around. He thinks he’s ready to implode when she pecks his cheek. Her lips don’t linger, hardly touching his skin for it to be considered a kiss.
“I don’t think I’d want to go with anyone else,” she says, mumbling into his skin. She seals his fate with her lips against his skin. Never again will Spencer imagine what it’s like to have her lips against his skin. Even though it’s a fraction of the time he’d want, it’s tattooed in his mind.
“I’m not much of a dancer, by the way,” Spencer says, reluctantly letting go and sitting back into the passenger’s seat, “so don’t expect too much,” he jokes.
“Oh you better watch it, Doctor Reid. I’m getting you on the dance floor, even if you hate it,” Y/N says, smiling as she backs out of the parking spot and turns into the street.
Spencer looks out the window, thinking to himself that there’s probably nothing he can hate if he’s doing it with Y/N.
Spencer didn’t go to prom in high school. He didn’t do a lot of the traditional things that most former high schoolers reminisce about at his age. He didn’t go to football games or have a best friend to make lifelong memories with.
He didn’t have any of that, until now.
But it’s prom night, 10 years late. His hands are sweaty and his mouth feels dry. Spencer wasn’t this nervous for even his first day at the BAU all those years ago. He tries to fix the burgundy tie that Y/N picked out at the vintage store. It looks crooked and twisted. Nothing like when Y/N tied perfectly in the store for him. He supposes that he can wait till she comes to pick him up.
The mirror, again, is noticeably empty without Y/N standing beside him. He can get lost in there, thinking about her standing with him. He does, because it feels like seconds later when he hears a rapid knocking on his apartment door.
Standing on the other side of the door is Y/N. She wears a sage green dress that looks like it’s made of softest silk. He smiles at her, not sure if he can trust his words. Spencer doesn’t think he’ll be able to do much thinking when all he can focus on is the tiny straps that rest on her shoulders or how the sage green compliments her skin tone.
“You look, god. You’re beautiful,” Spencer says, partly under his breath partly aloud to Y/N, “so beautiful,” he says again, focusing on her eyes.
“And you’re looking very dashing in that suit, Spence,” she says, pushing her way in, “do you need help with your tie?” she asks, looking at the tie he holds in his hand.
“Yes, please,” he says sheepishly. He holds out the burgundy colored tie, but takes his hand back as an idea crosses his mind, “oh wait here, I’ll be right back,” Spencer says, walking quickly to his bedroom.
“Alright,” Y/N says sceptically, “Don’t ditch me, Reid!” she calls out from the living room.
Spencer returns, hiding the new tie behind his back. He places an olive green tie with dusty blue and pink flowers in her hands. He notices her smile grow, realizing that he’s picking a new tie for a reason.
“I might not know much about prom, but I think that we’re supposed to match. You know, since we’re going together,” he offers, “but I need help putting it on,” he says.
“We’re going to match!” Y/N says excitedly. As she unbuttons the first button on Spencer’s cream colored shirt he holds his breath. He can’t breathe when she’s this close. Her fingers are quick and nimble as they feed the tie around his neck and elegantly create a knot. If Spencer wasn’t already in love, he knows that watching her eyes twinkle and her tongue poke out as she concentrates would make him declare it then and there.
“So handsome,” she says, using that quiet voice that makes it seem like she’s talking to herself rather than him, “I can’t wait to dance with you,” she tells him tugging the tie.
“I’m not going to be good, Y/N. I’m going to be a fool,” Spencer says, lamenting already about what an idiot he’s going to look like in front of Y/N.
“That’s nonsense, Spence,” Y/N says, waving him away with a toss of her hand, “You’re going to be the best dancer there,” she tells him rubbing her hand up and down his arm, like she did at the store.
“Would you believe it, if I told you I never danced with anyone?” Spencer says, being the most honest and true he’s ever been.
“We can change that,” Y/N says, stepping towards Spencer and linking her hand in his. She squeezes, restarting and stopping his heart all in one go, “oh wait we need music,” she says, feeling around for where her phone usually is.
“I got it,” Spencer says, stepping away from Y/N. He walks over to the small record player in the corner of his living room. He doesn’t play it too often, the records he has were once his mother’s and they’re too painful to play most days. But Spencer’s sure that he can make every exception to all his rules for Y/N. Maybe he’ll get some happy memories out of it.
“Going old school I see,” Y/N says, teasingly as Spencer walks over grabbing both his hands in hers, “everything about you is very charming, Doctor Reid,” she says, softly swaying to the jazzy tunes of Sarah Vaughan.
“I’m not too sure about that,” Spencer says, following Y/N’s lead as she floats around his living room, carrying him everywhere she goes. She rests her head against his chest and Spencer swears that she’s going to get a concussion from how hard his heart beats.
They’re alone, no audience to witness the moment that Spencer wonders if he can dare to call intimate. It’s intimate to him because every moment with Y/N is intimate. Maybe if someone had told Spencer that dancing like this could bring pure paradise all the way from your fingertips to your eyelashes, maybe he would have done it sooner.
“You’re quite the romantic, Spencer,” Y/N says as the song comes to a close. The record player stops, but they don’t stop swaying, “And you told me you couldn’t dance,” she scoffs lightly, with her head still resting against his chest.
“Is that okay with you?” He asks, “me being romantic,”
“I don’t think that I’d want it any other way, Spencer,” Y/N says, removing her head from his chest and her hand from his. She cups his face, touching him lightly. Y/N holds him like he aches to be held. It’s gentle and tender, yet leaves him desiring more.
“Honest?” Spencer asks, daring to be brave.
“Truly,” she responds.
Spencer shifted slightly, so he can also hold her face in his hands. Y/N drops her hands though, wrapping them around Spencer’s waist to pull them closer together. Spencer’s phantom fingers are like that dance around that dance around Y/N’s skin.
It’s Y/N that initiates the kiss. She moves in slowly and tenuously, looking just as nervous as Spencer is. He’s shaky slightly, the anticipation getting to his head when all he can see is Y/N’s eyes looking into his and all he can think about is how soft her skin is. It’s all he’s ever wanted to think about. Her lips are soft and pillowy.
But it’s more than that.
Kissing her is everything to Spencer. It’s the breathy sighs she lets out as he moves his hands and rests them securely behind her neck. It’s the peachy scent of her perfume that’s so sweet and strong it should be overwhelming when all it is, is intoxicating. Kissing her is dizzying and terrifying, but wonderful and sweet. He can’t tell where his lips start and where her’s end, but it doesn’t matter.
He doesn’t open his eyes because he knows he’s facing the mirror. But unlike before, he doesn’t need a mirror to know what he’s looking at. He can look into his soul for that.
“Very romantic,” Y/N says, smiling through the quick kisses she plants on his jawline, “I always thought you’d be a romantic,” he tells him.
Spencer brushes his thumb over Y/N’s bottom lip. It’s puffy and bitten from his kisses, but he thinks that it would be a shame to not bite and kiss it some more. He smiles so hard he knows that he’ll wake up in the morning and his mouth will hurt. But that’s the least of his worries if Y/N’s there to kiss it better.
“Honest?” Spencer says, calling back to the song, that’s now their song.
@shemarmooresfedora @willowrose99 @calm-and-doctor @spideygenius @measure-in-pain @nomajdetective @spencerreid9 @saspencereid @laurakirsten0502 @winifrede @muffin-cup @idonotexiste @pastelbabygirl19 @strawberryspence @g0lden-cth @spookydrreid
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jrob64 · 3 years ago
For the Sake of Henry (Sneak Peek of Chapter 11 - Life Unimagined)
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I truly hoped to have this chapter (and the story) completely finished and ready to post this weekend, but a stressful week at work and home wasn’t conducive to being creative. Plus, any of you who are writers know how difficult it is writing the final chapter of a story you’ve put so much time and care into.
The chapter is nearly finished and I hope to post it within the week. For those of you who would like to catch up on the story, the links are below. If you prefer to wait until a story is complete before reading it, rest assured this one WILL be finished within the next few days, so feel free to get a head start on reading it!
Tumblr posts: Ch1  Ch2  Ch3  Ch4  Ch5  Ch6  Ch7  Ch8  Ch9  Ch10
Also on Ao3 & ffn
They celebrated Henry’s tenth birthday the weekend before Thanksgiving by taking him and his friend Nicholas Zimmer to an indoor waterpark hotel in Augusta. For two days, Emma and Killian watched the boys go down waterslides, attempt to surf in a small wave pool, and get water dumped on them by a huge bucket. The couple thought the boys would go to sleep immediately after the first day of being water rats, but they could hear them laughing and talking for quite a while after climbing into their pullout sleeper sofa in the small living room area of the hotel room. 
Killian and Emma wanted to have Thanksgiving at home with their friends, Mary Margaret, David, Ruby, Jefferson and Ingrid. They invited them for a late lunch, and spent the morning preparing the turkey and making side dishes. Their guests all brought something to contribute to the meal and by the time they sat down to watch football in the afternoon, everyone was stuffed. It turned out to be a fun and successful day.
They began decorating the house for Christmas the following day. Since Killian never felt the need to decorate when he lived by himself, the three of them had fun purchasing wreaths, garland, and lights, and went to a local tree farm to select and cut down a live Christmas tree. As they did, Henry had one of his rare moments when he shared a memory of his parents. “I remember having a real tree one time. I think it was the last Christmas with my mom and she wanted one, so me and my dad went and got one, but we didn’t cut it down ourselves. It made her really happy, even though she was too sick to help us decorate it.” 
Emma put her arm around his shoulders and pulled him against her side. “I’m sure that was a special Christmas for all of you.” 
“Yeah. I don’t remember any of the presents I got that year, though. I just remember how much my mom liked watching us decorate the tree while we listened to Christmas music and ate gingerbread cookies. My dad bought them for her because they were her favorite.” 
That evening, they decorated their tree, while the fireplace crackled, Christmas carols played through the bluetooth speaker, and the house smelled of the gingerbread cookies they made together that afternoon. 
Stay tuned for the FINAL chapter!
Tagging: @xsajx @hookedmom @kymbersmith-90 @kmomof4 @lassluna @pirateherokillian @teamhook @stahlop @elizabeethan @whimsicallyenchantedrose @resident-of-storybrooke @therooksshiningknight @jennjenn615 @lfh1226-linda @ilovemesomekillianjones @killianswannn @stories-enchanted @eleveneitherway @withheartfulloflove @kday426 @lyssapup27 @swanlovato @djlbg @kristi555 @laschatzi @xarandomdreamx @lkles08 @wyntereyez @bubblegum1425 @xhookswenchx @yasbio2015 @tiganasummertree @winterbaby89 @wefoundloveunderthelight @hollyethecurious @let-it-raines @jonesfandomfanatic @searchingwardrobes​ @dreamingdreamsalways​ @oncechicagolove @andiirivera​ @vvbooklady1256 @gingerchangeling​ @everything-person @klynn-stormz​ @qualitycoffeethings​ @vampcoffeegyrl23​ @enchanted-swans @cassy1511 @ohmakemeahercules​ @donteattheappleshook @bluewildcatfanatic​ @the-darkdragonfly​ @demisexualemmaswan @lavenderbudd​ @grimmswan​ @spartanguard​ @flslp87 @ultraluckycatnd @sarahpaq08 @thisonesatellite​ @captainswan21​ @zaharadessert @mariakov81​ @snowbellewells​ @xouatxcs​ @kiwistreetswan​ @batana54 @nadine200179​ @probalicious17​ @courtorderedcake​ @julesep3026 @jackieorioncat​ @whatthehell102082​ @jarienn972 @sthonour​ @linda8084​ @carpedzem​ @pirateprincesslena​ @daxx04 @winterbythesea​ @artistic-writer @cocohook38 @chrisilybrooke @pcrcabcth @captainswan4life85 @molly958 @kingofmyheart14 @badwolfreturns @itsfridaysomewhere @chamomileandmint @fallingforthecaptain  @onceratheart18 @strangestarlighttree @omgmarvelous @justanother-unluckysoul @mrs-potato-but-likes-tomato @anothersworld @deckerstarblanche @purplehawkcaptain @betweengalaxies2 @superchocovian @k-leemac @citygirlscowboy @laughterandbooks @sotangledupinit @apiratewhopines @huntressandlioness1 @cosette141  
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outofsstyles · 4 years ago
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a/n: This is by far THE MOST requested fic I’ve ever had and (a year later) it’s finally here!! First of all, sorry that it took me so long but when I first wrote Wildest Dreams I never intended on it having a follow up, but the amount of love I got from it was so overwhelming that I decided to put this together for you all :) I’m not gonna lie, I’m a bit nervous about it, considering the amount of requests I’ve had the past year, I know there’s gonna be a lot of expectations and I wanted to do something a bit different so it’s not too predictable lol. So yeah, as always, feedback is very much welcomed!! If you enjoy please reblog it to support my writing, it would mean the world to me <3
word count: 13.7k
warnings: none!
concept: It’s Evan’s birthday and he decides to do something a bit different.
Wildest Dreams: read part 1 here :)
                                               ~*~ ~*~  ~*~
In the last two steps, you have to use your leg to support the box as it starts to slowly slip down your fingers. This serves as a reminder to start exercising again now that the midterm is over — meaning that you should finally give in to Nia’s pleas to join her in the free week of Pilates classes she got when signing in at the gym, “Exercising is one of the best ways to relieve stress!” She would argue, to which you’d simply reply with something along the lines of: “So does binging another trashy reality tv show!”
Thankfully, no one seems to notice your struggle, sparing you the embarrassment of listening to their teases due to your difficulty in carrying one of the smallest boxes of the bunch. Nate barely glances at you once you finally reach the car to hand him the box, only shooting the longest smile you’ve ever seen coming from him—which somehow still manages to be probably the quickest when compared to any other regular person. His girlfriend, who stands with hands on her hips, entirely held his attention. Nia’s purple strands of hair poke out of her half-bun in every direction and her bottom lip has found its permanent spot between her teeth as her eyes fixate on the vehicle in front of her, barely blinking.
“Everything alright, Ni?” You prompt, trying to even your breathing. “Forgot something? There’s still time to check.”
“It’s not that.” She mumbles, shaking her head to break out of her thoughts. “My keyboard doesn’t fit.” Nia nods at the instrument lying on top of the car’s ceiling.
“Oh,” You say, frowning your lips as you take in her stressed figure. Clearing your throat, you attempt to blurt out a joke, “Maybe it’s a sign you shouldn’t move it and stay right here in our little flat with creaky doors.”
She breathes out a sharp laugh, finally looking at you as she drops her arms. “Don’t start.” She warns, “You promised; no crying today.”
“Don’t worry, I’m good at holding back the tears.” You give her a soft smile, pulling her smaller frame into a hug. The sudden reality of your best friend and roommate leaving you hitting you at once. “Gonna miss you, Ni.”
You feel her sigh into your shoulder, arms circling around your middle. “I’ll be ten minutes away.”
“Not the same.”
“I know.”
The two of you sway in silence for a moment, and you watch from over her shoulder as Nate attempts to awkwardly pick up the keyboard, almost dropping it on the sidewalk in the process. He grunts, the instrument tilting in his arms, and you giggle as you hear Nia sigh once more. Tightening your arms around her, you release each other as she turns to check on her boyfriend who holds the instrument as you would a newborn — except this one is half his size and hard as a wood plank.
He glances between the both of you, helpless. “Uh, where does this go?”
“You can put it with the other big boxes upstairs, babe. We’ll take them Sunday.” Nia says, moving to close the trunk. She looks back at him, calling back in a sing-like voice before he disappears inside, “Thank you!”
You lean back against the car, a playful pout plumping your bottom lip. “Am I only seeing you again on Sunday, then?”
“Nope, I’ll pick you up for Evan’s birthday — did you forget about it already?”
You have. “Of course not. It’s on — tomorrow.”
“Is it tomorrow?” Nia gasps, eyes widening. “Holy shit, tomorrow’s Friday.”
You nod slowly, just as shocked as she is about how quickly the past couple of weeks have flown by. Between piles of book reports and stress-tear-stained essays during midterms week, you also had to find some time to help Nia with packing boxes while searching for a new roommate for yourself. If you managed a five-hour sleep on these past days, that would have been a well-rested night. So you can’t really blame yourself for forgetting about Evan’s birthday when Nia herself had it slipping through her mind.
“This is an emergency,” Nia says, eyes focusing on a point beyond you and, you feel like, if you listen close enough, you can hear the engines inside her head working. “I’ll have come here earlier so you can help me with my outfit.”
You chuckle. “What even is the theme this year?”
“He didn’t tell me,” Nia says in a huff. “But, on the bright side, I don’t think this year he’ll do anything too crazy — he was too busy these last couple months with that short film I told you about, remember?”
“Evan doing something low key? That’s a first.” You raise your eyebrows, skeptical.
“I mean, I don’t know. I’m just guessing.” Nia shrugs, picking at her nails. “I’m only saying because he mentioned once he was only inviting, like, twenty people.”
Now, this is a surprise. “I’m glad I made the cut, then.”
It’s not a secret to anyone who’s ever had any kind of interaction with Evan that he’s fond of the dramatics of life — his bright-colored outfits with mismatching patterns being the first example that comes to mind — and that reflects as well in his events. Especially when it comes to his birthday.
To be fair, you’ve only actually been to two birthday parties of his so far — considering the invitation usually finds you because he’s close to Nia and sees you as some sort of extension of her. Nevertheless, they were both impactful enough that left a clear impression of how much he enjoys celebrating himself. Last year in particular you remember quite well. It was what he called “Evaney” themed; being a mix of himself and his favorite artist: Britney Spears. And, while you and Nia showed up as one of at least fifteen different variations of the Baby One More Time schoolgirl outfit, Evan pulled a perfect match of the Oops! I Did It Again red bodysuit that he got one of his fashion student friends to tailor for him, as well as freshly dyed beach blonde hair to suit it. He even went as far as photoshopping pictures of himself on Britney’s body and had them printed on posters hung on every single room of the house. There were even custom-made cups and napkins with them — two of them that Nia stole at the end of the party still sit somewhere in your kitchen to this day.
Another particular thing you remember quite clearly was that there were enough people crowded in his living room to fill up your entire apartment, as you recall. And that’s about how a typical event at his home is like — even on his friendsmas dinner there were much more than just twenty people eating turkey out of disposable hot pink plates. So, Nia’s information leaves you wondering what he could have in mind for tomorrow with such a limited list of people.
Before you can voice your wonders to her, though, Nate pushes through the entrance door again. You can tell he, much like you minutes ago, is trying to cover his heavy breathing. “I left it on top of those big boxes with a bunch of books in ‘em.”
“Brilliant! Thank you, baby.” Nia grins, wrapping an arm around his middle. “By the way, we just remembered Evan’s birthday’s tomorrow.”
“Is it tomorrow already?” Nate asks, and you hold back a giggle at the way his face scrunches in discontent. He hates going to Evan’s to a point that’s nearly comical. “Fuck’s sake.”
“And I think I’ll come here early so we can get ready together.” Nia nods towards you.
Nate grunts. “Do I have to go this time?” 
“Of course, darling.” She rises to her tiptoes to pinch his cheek, to which he brushes it off.
Nate looks at you, and you only send him a tight smile in solidarity. The two of you share similar experiences with Evan, considering the only reason either of you even gets invited is that because you’re close to Nia, and she’s close to Evan. Although you like Evan, even if you’re not that close with him, you can still put on your social mask for a couple of hours and have fun at his parties. Nate, on the other hand, is likely the least sociable person you’ve ever met, and it’s obvious how uncomfortable he gets every time. 
Nia seems to sense how tense he gets as well, because she steps in front of her boyfriend, finding his eyes with her doe-like ones. “I mean, if you don’t want to, then you don’t have to.”
He sighs, “Of course I’ll go with you.” He looks up at you. “Maybe this time we can actually count how many faces of his we can see from the couch.”
This time you don’t hold back a giggle. “I have a feeling we’ll have an easier time this year.”
“Hope so.” Nate taps on Nia’s back. "Let's go, then? Is everything you need in the trunk?”
“Yup.” She answers, circling the car and opening the door to the passenger’s side. Before entering, she gives you one last look. “Do you want me to bring anything for you tomorrow?”
“I’m good.”
“‘kay!” She enters, closing the door behind her in a click and leaning over Nate to wave at you from his window. “See you tomorrow! Don’t cry too hard tonight!”
“I won’t!” You wave back.
Watching as the car pulls back, before driving away and disappearing around the corner, there’s a light breeze that raises goosebumps on the exposed skin of your arms. You cross them under your chest, leaning back into the wall of your building, not quite ready to go back to your empty home yet. The seconds blend into minutes and you stand there The promise you made to Nia not even a minute ago already pooling in your eye, knowing you wouldn’t be able to keep it anyway, you let it tickle its way down your cheek.
A rougher gust of wind hits you and, this time, you turn to go inside.
                                              ~*~ ~*~  ~*~
The days are still not long enough so that the sun can shine proudly at seven in the afternoon, but as spring just about rounds the corner there’s still a golden glow as the rays provide one last warmth before disappearing on the horizon. And that’s how the sky greets you once you step out of your building to make your way towards Evan’s house for his birthday.
As planned, Nia arrived at yours with plenty of time so the two of you could help each other get ready, a bag filled with clothes she’s just taken to Nate’s yesterday under her arm for you to help her choose. “I’m thinking something monochromatic tonight.” She said as she walked in, making you jump in your spot on the couch as you didn’t hear her using the spare key. “I’m just not sure what color.” 
She ended up choosing red. There was an old box of red hair dye you found lost inside the bathroom cabinet after Nia left — along with two different brands of shaving cream, although those belonging to Nate — and, after presenting it to her, she decided to go all for it, taking it as a sign. Nate showed up just about an hour after his girlfriend, still in his work attire and barely batting an eye at Nia’s new hair color as she blew dried it. The only comment leaving his mouth being, “You look like a tomato,” before kissing her forehead and excusing himself for a nap while the two of you finished getting ready.
What neither of you realized was that Nia’s last-minute decision took more time than you predicted, giving you barely enough time to get dressed. To her, that wasn’t exactly an inconvenience considering she had an outfit ready to match any color she wanted — in this case, was a red-dyed denim two-piece. and a matching jacket that ended up discarded after she noticed it covered her newest shoulder tattoo (though you tried to argue she could just have Nate carry it so she could wear it considering she eventually would get cold at some point). To you, however, was more of a stressful task, seeing you hadn’t taken in mind to think of an outfit beforehand. So you ended up just going with the safest option that didn’t give you a lot of room to overthink, choosing to finish your makeup on the way so Evan wouldn’t have any of your heads on a plate for being late.
You’ve found that applying mascara on a moving vehicle is not the easiest task, as Nia holds your elbow to help you keep steady while talking nonstop with the driver about a topic you stopped paying any mind to about ten minutes ago.
“I’m loving our black and red moment, by the way.” She turns to you, loosening her hold as you finish the last coat. “You look like one of those hot businesswomen with your teenage daughter who likes to dress like an animated character.”
You laugh at her comparison, only now noticing the discrepancy between both your outfits. Without even realizing it, you also ended up going for the monochromatic look. Except unlike Nia’s, yours completely lacks any color. “That’s actually the best comparison you could make.”
“I know — You can take a left right here — Here, I have lip gloss.” Nia fetches a small tube from her jacket (that she ended up taking, after all), presenting it to you.
“Do you not have lipstick?”
“Are you not planning on smudging it later?” Nia wiggles her eyebrows, teasing. The hint behind her words makes you roll your eyes, snatching the lip gloss from her hand without bothering to give her an answer. There was about a month or so, just before winter rolled around, that Nia felt as if she had a mission to get you with someone. You suspect, knowing too well how her mind works, that she must’ve felt some sort of guilt for what happened during her film project last year. It was clear that her attempts came from a place of good heart, but this doesn’t mean that it made them any less annoying. However, after her plans to move in with Nate became more concrete, her cupid persona seemed to have disappeared, or so you’d thought. But now that there’s nothing else filling her mind anymore, it looks like she’s back at it, and you can’t help but snort. “What? I’m just saying-”
“You say a lot of things, most of them are incorrect.” You say, “I’m not smudging anything tonight. Not on a party with twenty people, for fuck’s sake.”
“Don’t say that before — right there! The big house on the corner!” Nia leans over the console, signaling to the driver where to park. It’s so sudden that you notice how he jumps just slightly from his seat, chuckling to yourself at how Nate snaps his eyes at her. 
The front of Evan’s Victorian home is unusually quiet once you step out onto the sidewalk. So much so that, if it weren’t for the lined cars parked along the street and filling his driveway, you would’ve thought you’d typed in the wrong address. 
The discrepancy is clear to you when compared to other gatherings Evan hosts in his house, but especially for his birthday. Last year, you could hear Toxic blasting from his place from the moment you turned on his street, and a small crowd gathered on his front yard — most of which you recall being comprised of people plastered out of their minds, particularly one semi-naked man who was using one lamppost as a strip pole while swinging a stuffed snake
That’s more or less the standard one could expect when invited to a party at Evan’s. So, to find the street as silent as any regular day is, to an understanding, odd. 
“Are you sure it’s the right date?” You ask as the metal creak of the front gate mends with gushes of wind whistling through the air.
“Yup,” Nia says simply, walking in front of you. “You can hear the music inside, shush.”
You come quiet, listening in, and, surely, you can hear the faint keys of a piano coming from the other side of the stone walls, but it only brings up more questions to your head than answers. Evan seems like the last person on Earth who would listen to classical music. Deciding not to voice your question this time, you follow short behind Nia, kicking some loose stones on the gravel path leading to the front door.
There’s no need for more than a single knock for it to open almost immediately, revealing a lace-clad Evan downing the last bits of his wine. Without the barrier you can hear the music more clearly, the keys of the piano meshing in a peculiar way, not like anything you’ve ever heard in a classical song— at least not ten years ago when you tried to learn piano for a year before giving up.
“Look at my favorite people!” Evan says with his purple-stained lips, pulling Nia for a hug with the arm that’s not holding the door open while pointing at a spot behind her. “Did you greet Jonathan when you passed him? It’s his birthday as well.”
He points to a spot where a gnome statue sits in the dry grass, face painted in clown makeup. Nate’s voice comes from behind you, “Christ.” 
“Nate!” Evan chirps, going straight for the man standing with a sharp smile and throwing his arms around him. “You know you’re my favorite grumpy, right?”
Nate only taps on the shorter man’s back, quickly moving to Nia’s side as soon as he’s free from the embrace. With that, Evan turns to you, hands finding your elbows as he takes you in, “And what have you been up to, bug? It's been ages.”
“You know… Books and… Stuff.” You chuckle, brushing it off. “Happy birthday, E.”
“Thank you!” He claps his hands together. “Now, c’mon, let’s get all of you started.”
Following him inside, you’re met with a glittery box standing right next to the entrance; rolls of tape seal it shut, and a hand-sized hole has been cut on top of the lid. You try to peek at what could be inside, but strings of colorful crepe paper are stuck to the hole, making it harder to know its contents.
Evan picks up the box, holding it to his side. “So, I need each of you to grab a piece of paper inside the box. There will be a number in it but for now just hold on, drink, and chat while waiting for further instructions.” His voice lowers at the end to give his words more of a mystery behind them.
Nate tenses in front of you and you have to keep yourself from chuckling at his desperate gaze moving from the box to his girlfriend as he moves uncomfortably on his feet. Nia, however, only gives him a pat on his back, barely looking at her boyfriend as she does a little dance in excitement. “Oh, this feels fun.” She says, quickly reaching her hand inside the box and retrieving a piece of paper. “Mysterious, but fun. What do you have in mind, sir?”
“Nothing too crazy this year, darling, you can relax — We’re all too tired.” He moves the box towards Nate, who reluctantly reaches inside. “Just something to mesh people together that won’t give me too much of a headache to clean tomorrow.”
“Smart.” You say, peeking at the box as it’s presented to you before reaching for a paper inside, quickly reading the number eight written on it before folding the piece between your fingers.
“Nice! As always, drinks in the kitchen. We’re starting in ten minutes!” Evan claps, hushing the three of you further inside.
Surprisingly, this time around there are no posters of his face in sight as you follow Nia and Nate to the kitchen. There’s a mild mash of voices coming from the living room — where the sound of the piano is the loudest, and you wonder if he got an actual piano or if it’s just a Bluetooth speaker —, but it’s not nearly as loud as you’re used to from past times. The lighting has been lowered to a buttery yellow; you realize once you enter the kitchen that feels too bright to your eyes in contrast to the hallway.
“Is there any alcohol?” You wonder out loud, and Nia glances at you with her eyebrows shot towards her hairline. “What? I’m just asking ‘cause everyone is unusually quiet.”
“There’s wine and — what are these guys right here?” She picks up one out of four plastic jars sitting on the kitchen island, reading the label stuck to it out loud, “Strawberry Mary — ooh, this looks fun.”
You reach for the other three to check their contents, but all have names similar to the one Nia now fills her cup with — fruity, yet mysterious: Lana Banana, Jenny Berry Mix, and Pineapple Suzan. “Did he come up with these?” You chuckle, reaching for the berry mix.
“It was probably Adam,” Nia says, and you frown. “That bartender guy? The one with the pet snakes.”
“Oh, yeah. I know him.”
The room comes quiet as you serve yourself, and only after you glance up you realize a tension lingering in the air. Nate stands awkwardly in a corner, eyes fixed on Nia as he moves his head around subtly. Glancing between the two of them, you notice how their expressions change as they keep their eyes locked, not a single word being uttered out loud. To you, it almost feels as if they are reading each other’s minds, and the heat of their silent argument becoming clear once Nate huffs, shaking his head. 
Nia clears her throat, seemingly uncomfortable, shooting you a knowing look. It’s only when she gives you a toothless smile that you realize the silent question behind it. “Uhm, I’m going to check if there are any sweets outside.”
Beelining towards the doorway, you quickly make your way out of the room. The hallway is empty and, from where you stand awkwardly in the middle of it, you can tell Evan’s left his spot by the front door, meaning he’s likely gone to the living room where the rest of the guests are. You can hear them chatting, although like you previously pointed, the voices are much more controlled than what you’re used to, and that makes you oddly flustered by the thought of walking in alone. 
Considering the limited amount of invitations this year, the chances of you knowing anyone are slim and, to add to your sudden nervousness, most of the people from Evan’s closest circle of friends are — like himself — inexplicably intimidating. This is mostly because it feels like this unspoken competition that everyone has settled with each other, to subtly brag about your success whilst simultaneously pretending to be impressed about the other’s accomplishments. And for you specifically, considering you’re not part of this artist clique that they lock themselves into, it feels particularly tiresome to be part of those interactions. 
So, you opt to wait for Nia, pretending to admire one peculiar painting hanging on a wall opposite to where the doorway leading to the living room stands. Every so often, you catch yourself glancing over your shoulder one way or the other, either towards the kitchen to check if your friends are joining you, or to the doorway where the rest of the guests are in. At one point, the voices get louder, joining in a laugh before tangling together in a mess of noise you can’t make sense of. It’s after a minute that you hear footsteps coming from the living room, making you freeze on your spot, carefully turning your back to whoever’s about to catch you avoiding the party, and focusing on the piece you’ve been staring at for the past five minutes.
The painting you first thought was just random strokes of earth tones abstractly put together you now realize it’s a man and it doesn’t take you more than a second or two to recognize Evan’s side profile in a peach shade. Your hand claps on top of your mouth as you fight the urge to laugh. The sound comes out muffled, but it stops as you hear the footsteps falter as they turn into the hallway. Keeping you back to them, you listen as the wooden floor creaks as whoever was approaching makes their way back. You peek to catch sight of who it might be, but all you make out is the shadow of mustard corduroys turning the corner.
As if on cue, Nia and Nate finally appear from the kitchen, thankfully neither appearing to be sour after the talk in the kitchen. 
“Finally.” You say, still feeling giggly from your finding. “Nate, you have to check this-”
“Okay! Let’s start, then. Do we have everyone in the living room?” Evan’s voice interrupts you as he calls out. Nia guides you along with her to the living room. And, as soon as the three of you enter, Evan nods at you, before continuing, “Now that all the bunnies are trapped, we shall begin!” He laughs, clapping his hands together before motioning vaguely to everyone. “Before I explain what I have planned, I want to pair you all. So, I’ll call out the numbers that each of you picked when you arrived, so everyone can find their pair.”
You frown, confuse yet curious about what Evan’s up to as he calls out the numbers. Now that you stop to glance around the room, you note how there are more people than you’d expected. It’s still not nearly as many as previous parties of his, but it still feels like the room is nicely filled, maybe just a dozen people above twenty. And amongst them, there’s quite a few you recognize as they pair up together — like Georgia, the first one to be called, whom you spent a good half of the New Year’s party with, or Taylor, who gets paired with Nia (you remember him particularly from a film festival that Nia had been part of — he produced and directed a short film comparing the second wave of feminism to the wildlife in the Amazon Rainforest, and Nia couldn’t stop complaining about how bad it was for the entire week after). 
It’s when Evan jokes with someone on the other side of the room, however, that you see him.
He’s tucked in a corner, right next to the bookshelves, arms crossed under his chest in a way that makes his tattoos pop out of his biceps, something you notice even standing on the opposite end of the room. His smile is subtle as he watches the scene in front of him, but it’s still enough for a dimple to poke at one side of his face -- it’s barely there, but you’ve seen it up close enough times that you notice those details. His hand holds a drink, but you pay no mind to it because what calls your attention is the mustard corduroy hugging his hips, the same one you watched run from you not only five minutes ago.
He laughs, and you avert your eyes, mouth still hung open. You wonder if anyone will notice if you leave.
But, as though he could read your mind, Evan calls the number written on that sits crumbled inside the pocket of your jacket. “Where are my number eights?”
You step forward and, like a magnet, your eyes glue on Harry as he raises his hand. 
Shaking your head in disbelief, you have to fight against an urge to shut your eyes tightly as the regret of having left your room at all tonight becomes almost overwhelming. All you expected for the night was to forget about book reports and endless essays piled up on your computer, to relax, maybe drink a bit more than you should while watching Evan’s friends dancing with a taxidermy beaver or something of sorts (that was on his friendsmas party two years ago). Instead, here you are on what feels like the first day of class dynamic your teacher has imposed to make everyone interact with each other. And, suddenly, the long pages of (insert boring book) don’t seem that bad right now.
And to make matters worse (because the universe just likes to add a little more spice to your tragedies) of all people standing in this living room you just had to be paired with the one with whom you had a fling-like relationship six months ago.
It’s awkward before he even approaches you, the tension making you fidget in your spot anxiously, barely being able to shoot a tight smile his way. 
The last time you saw Harry was through the rearview mirror of a car, standing on the sidewalk like an abandoned puppy with his tail between his legs. Though you admit you let your dramatics take away when you turned away from him to leave, the feeling behind it was genuine. You were upset. He had led you on, after all, made you think he wanted to have something more just to ignore you for months and, later, appear with a redhead under his arms and call her his girlfriend. So, yes, it wasn’t the best note to leave on.
But despite how you left the last encounter, the spark of nervousness that shoots through your stomachs right now doesn’t come exactly because of his presence, but more so for the awkward nature of this encounter. At the time it happened, you avoided any activity that had the slight possibility of seeing him again like the plague. You were hurt, and you were mad — though the second part was more directed at yourself than at him. But that was six months ago. After all, as much as you felt enchanted by him and as much as those two weeks you spent together were nice, that’s all that it was: two weeks. Yes, you were sad and, yes, maybe you shed a tear or two while watching Love, Rosie with Nia afterward, but that passed as quickly as it came.
That is, until now.
“Your hair is shorter” This Is all you blurt out when he stands in front of you again.
“It is, yeah.” Harry runs his hand through his hair. The strands that last time you saw him, curled around his jawline, now peek just under his earlobe. “Did it myself, actually.”
“Really?” You take a big gulp from your drink, gaze going anywhere but meeting his own. “Found yourself another talent.”
“Another?” You can hear the smirk in his voice.
“I mean, besides acting.” You grin, holding the cup to your lips and sparing him a glance. “Suppose after your debut you’ve gotten yourself busy with casting calls”
“Of course” Harry laughs. Now that you’re closer you have a better look at his dimples as they pop out, as well as the constellation of freckles hugging his nose, and the mole right under his lips. You avert your eyes again. “I’m set to be the next Bond, in fact”
“Oh, wow.” You raise your brows, grinning at the brim of your cup. “I can see it.”
He turns to you, “Can you?” You peek at him. "Why is that?”
This is exactly what you were afraid of all those months ago after last seeing him. The entire reason you ran from any possibility of seeing him again afterward. You can still remember clearly how much of a flirt he is, even when he doesn’t mean to be. It’s not a secret that Harry’s a charming man. His words are like honey, and when he uses them just right, you know is enough to have you melting. And it doesn’t help how well you seem to click together. Even now, you still feel it by your impulse to flirt back, to look him in the eye, and get just close enough to feel the scent of his cologne. Do all that just to turn away in the last second. Tease him the same way he did you. But you don’t do any of that, of course, because you’re as petty as you are bitter. So, instead, you click your tongue. “Don’t get too comfortable, Harry, bet your girlfriend wouldn’t be happy about that.”
He chuckles. “What girlfriend?”
This time you turn fully at him, brows shooting up not in defiance, but surprise. “Yikes.” You say before you’re able to hold back.
“Yikes.” Harry still holds a smile when he repeats it, head falling as he lets out a — nervous? — laugh.
A question pops into your head. One that lingered in your mind for a good while now, but comes back a bit louder now that you have the information that his relationship was short-lasted after all. It’s a short one, but one that requires a long answer, you suppose. What happened? You think. But you don’t dare to voice it, you don’t want to have this conversation with him. Whatever the explanation is, it’s not going to change anything. So you just avert your gaze back to Evan, who now calls for everyone’s attention again.
“I know you’re all dying to know what this is all about. So, I’m going to explain it all.” And with that introduction, Evan dives into a monologue you only pay half mind to. It’s hard for you to focus on the words rapidly leaving his mouth as you can feel Harry glancing at you every so often from the corner of your eye. You listen in to Evan describing himself as a feisty kid and mention his love for drama, and then you feel the ghost of Harry’s arm bumping against yours as he sways on his feet. You try to pay attention to the story being told of the events leading up to this birthday party, and then you have to hold yourself back from meeting Harry’s eyes once you feel them at the side of your face once again. He makes a comment under his breath that you don’t quite catch, and you’re about to question him before Evan’s voice comes in an even higher pitch. “I wanted tonight to be exactly that: chaotic. I didn’t want anything to quite make sense, and I didn’t want to think much, if I’m honest, last year of film school is taking a big chunk of my functioning neurons and m’dad’s whiskey collection is taking the rest of them.”
There’s a collective laugh that takes place and, once again, Harry’s eyes peeking at you. “Everyone can relax, it’s not one of those murder mystery parties, as I’ve heard some people guess — for fuck’s sake as if I have the time and patience to plan something like that.” He says with a sip directly from a wine bottle you just now realize he’s been holding. “It’s a scavenger hunt, you have a partner and an envelope with clues. Each pair will find something related to moi and after it’s all done, we’ll eat burgers and talk about me for the rest of the night.” 
“Sounds easy enough.” Harry mumbles.
Evan claps his free hand on his wrist, hushing everyone. “So off you go, c’mon! I’ll be hungry in an hour.”
“This is gonna be…” You start. “Interesting.”
“Interesting is a great word to describe it.”
“Well, let’s try to do this as quickly as possible, then.” 
 The side of his lips quirks up. “On a rush?”
“This is not exactly a comfortable position to be. I think you get it.” You say, fidgeting on your feet. You wait for a second for him to say something so you can start the activity, but he doesn’t and you realize there’s a piece missing. “Do you have an envelope?”
Harry nods, reaching for his pocket where the envelope sits folded in half. He swiftly opens it, taking out a card.
 “Well?” You prompt, “Read us the first clue, Bond.”
There’s a smile that Harry fights against at the nickname and you’re not sure due to the dim light, but you think there’s a hint of a rosy tone on the apple of his cheeks. “An activity that grows lives and ruins manicures.” He reads out loud, pausing for a moment before laughing to himself. “I know this one.”
“Grows lives?” You frown. “As in, a pregnancy?”
Harry shakes his head, leading the way towards the corridor. “As in, gardening.”
“That’s a very weird way to put it.” You say, following him. “Does he garden?”
He walks into the kitchen, greeting two people you don’t recognize who are searching for something — their clue, you assume — inside the cabinets. “No, but his sister does. There’s a greenhouse in the back.”
You simply hum in response, muttering a quick thank you as he opens the door for you that leads to the back garden. The greenhouse is not unfamiliar to you from the outside, there have been a good amount of summer gatherings in his back garden for you to know of its existence. But you’ve thought nothing more about it. If you’re honest, you never really paid much attention to it. If anything, you assumed he used it as storage at most, never taking Evan as someone who enjoyed gardening. Though now you know you were right, you've also learned that his sister lives with him and you wonder why he’s never mentioned it before.
The curiosity inside of you wants to question Harry about it, to ask him what else he knows you don’t. When you think about it, there’s a lot you want to ask him about. Not just regarding Evan, but also regarding him. You wonder what he’s been up in the past six months if he ended up adopting the kitten he’d told you about back when you were still filming or if he read any of the book recommendations you wrote on his notes app one particular night the two of you chatted for longer than the moon could hold itself up in the sky. The part of you that begs for you to say something on the short walk is so strong you have to physically bite your tongue to be able to hold back.
You don’t have to hold for long, however, as Harry takes it upon himself to say, “So,” He starts, clearing his throat, “How- uh- how are you doing?”
Somehow, his words click something inside of your mind. They remind you of why you shouldn’t let that curious part of you win. The sole purpose of it not falling for his charm. You shake your head, “We’re not doing this.”
“Doing what?” He frowns, his steps faltering for a second.
“Small talk.” You answer, focused on your goal. “We’ll just solve this thing as quickly as possible so I can go back home and finish my Euphoria marathon.”
“Right.” Harry nods once, and you can’t help but notice the way his lips quirk down, the frown not leaving his face. You can’t lie and say it doesn’t make your stomach drop the slightest bit to see you’ve upset him, but you have to remind yourself how much he’s upset you, too. 
It’s protecting yourself, you think. After tonight, you don’t have to see him ever again.
Inside the greenhouse, you’re greeted with a mix of scents you’re not prepared for before stepping in. The space is compact, with a single corridor narrowed with garden beds on each side. Dozens of branches and leaves tickle you as you walk in, most of them belonging to different flowers that, despite the chilly weather that still lingers outside, are already blooming. It’s a blend of colors, bright reds, and ocean blues, soft purple petals kissing pink and yellow ones. 
“We should look for gloves.” Harry’s voice startles you, chuckling as you jump a bit.
“Gloves.” He says. “I think whatever we’re looking for has to do with the gloves, ‘cause he mentioned manicure.”
“That makes sense.” You look around. Many gardening tools are piling under the tables that hold the garden beds; watering cans and empty pots. You look between bags of fertilizer and drawers filled with shovels. There’s so much stuff to look through that, at one point, you sit back on your calves, glancing around, lost.
You hear Harry leafing through as you’re doing, feeling his legs brushing against your back as he passes by and you stop, watching him from your spot on the floor. He’s got a concentrated look on his face, bottom lip worried between his teeth as he scans through the walls before he opens another drawer. That’s when his gaze falls, catching yours. You quickly turn away, pretending to go through another pile of empty pots and blocking the sound of a chuckle coming from his spot.
For a moment, the only sound in the room is the clicking of ceramics and the opening and closing of wooden drawers. That is until you hear from Harry, “A-ha!”
You look up again, seeing him move to the back where few pairs of gloves hang on the wall — so obvious yet still hidden between raincoats and summer hats. “Right under our noses.” You say, getting up.
Harry searches inside the gloves, tongue trapped between his teeth. “Bingo!” He says, pulling out two tiny bottles from inside one pair.
“What is it?”
“Liquor.” He grins, peeking at you from under his lashes before ripping a piece of paper attached to it. “It says ‘one for each, now get to clue number two.’” He holds up one bottle, offering it to you, to which you take it. “It’s chocolate flavored.”
“Of course it would be a drinking game.” You open it, feeling the artificial chocolate scent braid with the alcohol. “Christ.”
“Don’t smell it, or it’ll be worse,” Harry says, downing his with one quick tilt of his head. “‘S not that bad, actually.”
You mimic his action, letting the drink swiftly burn its way down your throat. Unlike Harry, you can’t help but scrunch your nose at the taste. “You’re a fucking liar.”
Harry only giggles in response, taking the empty bottle from you and placing it back inside the gloves, along with his own. 
And then again, silence. You turn to the flowers to find some comfort.
A family of tulips glances back at you, their petals in a full red, it’s the kind of beauty you’re scared to ruin if you touch, so you just rest your hand on the wood. “They’re beautiful.” You only notice you say it out loud when Harry hums back in agreement.
“They are.” He says quietly but somehow feels loud by how close he is. “Tulips are my favorites.”
You stop, brows raising incredulously at him. “No, they’re not.”
Cursing the universe for playing with you like this, you can’t help but laugh at the situation. “It’s just- they’re my favorites, too.” You look at him. “My nan used to plant them when I was little.”
“That’s sweet.” He says, smiling and you nod. “The red ones represent true love.” He points. “And the purple ones represent royalty.”
You blink at him. “Do you just look up tulip facts in your free time?”
Harry laughs. “Yeah, basically.” He looks down at you, and you can’t help but notice how the greenery around brings out the shade of his eyes. “I worked at a flower shop for a tick.”
He nods. “For eight months. My favorite part was writing on the store board every morning.” His face lights up as he recalls his experience. “I used to write silly stuff like, ‘one day I’d like to meet tulips.’ The old ladies loved it.”
You shake your head, breathing out a laugh. “You’re dangerous.”
“Dangerous? Why’s that?”
Because you’re sweet, you want to answer, because when I think I won’t get charmed by you again, you hit me with tulip puns. Your lip finds its spot between your teeth, you’d be damned to give him the satisfaction of hearing you tell him that, so, instead, you shrug. “Because.” You can tell he wants to dig more by the way his lip twitch up, teasing a smile, but you just nod towards the door before turning away from him and heading out. 
There’s a distinct change of temperature when you step outside, and it’s only when you do that you notice the greenhouse was heated. Thankfully, the night is not too windy as it would get a week or two ago when winter was still insisting on making itself present, but it’s still chilly so that it makes you hug your jacket closer to your body. Harry also notices the difference, as you hear him wince as he steps out from behind you — unlike you, he’s not wearing anything to protect his arms from the cold, which only makes it harder for you to not ogle the tattoos hugging his skin.
“So, what’s next?” You prompt.
Harry reaches for the card again, taking it from its spot on his pocket before reading the second clue. “‘Not feeling too creative to write this one, it’s on the third tree on oak.’”
“I mean, at least we don’t have to think too much on this one.” You say, “Oak Street is the one to the left, right?”
“Yeah.” Harry sighs. “Can’t believe he’s making us go out on the streets.”
You start to make your way back towards the house. “Too tired for a stroll?”
“‘S cold,” Harry says, scrunching his nose. “Here, there’s a side gate.”
He guides you through a gravel path to where the black gate stands, hidden between bushes and branches. Strings of fern hug the bricked fence and the surrounding grass is high enough that it tickles your calves through your tights, making you believe this path has probably been left unused for at least a couple of months now. This information brings out an extra worry for you, as you take a better look at it, noticing how the gate is closed shut to the fence.“Is it open?” You wonder out loud.
“Shit, I don’t think it is.” Harry huffs under his breath. “But, I mean, we could easily jump it.”
You stop, turning to glance at him as the suggestion leaves his lips. He stands there, hands on his hips, examining the gate, tongue poking out as he frowns. After a second, he meets your eyes. “What? It’s not that tall.”
“I suppose.” You say, looking back at the fence that ends just below your shoulder length. It would be easy enough for you to climb it with a boost, however, “I’m wearing a dress.”
“Oh,” Harry scratches the back of his neck. “Let’s just go inside-” He turns back.
“Wait,” You stop him, not sure if it’s the slight amount of alcohol in your system already making you more adventurous, you train your gaze at the gate, analyzing it again, before looking back at him. Squinting your eyes, “You have to close your eyes.”
He laughs, “Are you sure?”
“It’s not that high.” You shrug. “But I need your help.”
“Of course.” He moves next to the brick wall, kneeling before it and nodding towards you. “C’mon, step up.”
Hesitantly, you glance at his thigh stretching his trousers, a sudden wave of insecurity hitting you. “Are you sure you can lift me?”
Harry simply puts his hand out in a silent request for you to hold. “Of course.”
“No peeking.”
He shuts his eyes tightly, chin meeting his chest as he looks down. And then you take his hand, feeling his fingers lock in a firm hold as he helps you use him for support. You hesitate again before using his thigh as a step, “Wait, I’m gonna ruin your trousers.” You worry, but Harry only shakes his head, still keeping it facing the ground, the strands of his hair falling above his eyes in a makeshift blindfold. When he doesn't feel you stepping in still, he encourages you with a squeeze in your hand. 
You attempt to do as quickly as possible with your dress clinging to your legs, tightening your hold to Harry’s hand to step on his thigh. Once you let it go, you can still feel it lingering behind your back as you use your arms to boost yourself up the wall, sitting on it for a moment before jumping to the other side with a huff.
“Can I open them?” You hear Harry’s voice calls from the other side, and you smile, nodding even though he can’t see it.
And then his face appears as he stands up in a jump, grinning at you. “See? Easy Peasy.”
“I feel like a teen sneaking out.” You say, and you instantly give another meaning to your words as Harry boosts himself up. This time, you certainly don’t hold yourself back from staring at the way his muscles flex at the movement, the tattoos on his arms stretching, and his shirt rolling up. He makes it look so easy, so effortless, barely taking five seconds until he’s jumping in front of you.
“That was fun.” He puffs, patting his trousers lightly.
“So, how are we finding the tree?” You ask, taking a quick glance to where his hands brush on the fabric of his trousers. “Should we read the clue again?”
“I know which one he’s talking about,” Harry says, nodding to the left before beginning his stride in that direction. You follow him, trusting his words as the two of you turn the corner where Evan’s house is located. 
The street in question is much calmer than the one you were just in, with no cars coming or going from the residences — that stand much closer to one another, you notice, giving the whole street more of a narrow feeling to it --, which is not exactly odd, but certainly is a contrast with the main street that Evan’s home faces, that one being more lively with people either coming home or leaving it to enjoy their Friday night. The sudden lack of background noise makes the walk to your destination a tad awkward, as none of you make an effort to strike a conversation. Instead, you resort to silently observing the surrounding area as you walk alongside Harry, noticing how the trees here bend over the sidewalk, their naked branches slowly but surely growing back the leaves they lost months ago — it makes you wonder how beautiful this must look during the peak of springtime, their full branches blending together, making a ceiling of flowers.
“Here.” Harry stops abruptly, making you almost bump into his shoulder, as you were too busy with the scenery you’ve made in your own head. “‘S this one.”
“I thought it said the third one.” You frown, looking back and noticing the way you’ve passed way more than just three.
“This one is the third.” He says, motioning to a small birdhouse stuck to its trunk with a number ‘3’ painted to the front in blue. “It’s a bit of an inside joke,” Harry chuckles to himself. “Now I get why the bastard wanted me to have this card.”
You look closer at the tree, trying to see if there’s something attached to it besides the birdhouse, but there’s nothing. Before you can question it, Harry opens the front of the tiny house, retrieving two tiny bottles from inside of it, similar to the ones you found in the greenhouse.  “Oh, no.” You say, laughing. “Did he just put liquor inside a stranger’s birdhouse?”
Harry shakes his head, “This is not a stranger’s birdhouse.”
“Huh?” You frown, glancing back to the house where you stand in front of, its front completely dark, showing that no one must be at home. You point to it over your shoulder. “Do you know who lives here?”
“Yeah,” He starts, offering you one bottle. “I do.”
Your brows shoot up in surprise, glancing back and forth from the house to the man standing in front of you, an amusing grin growing on his face. “You live here?” You ask, “This is your birdhouse?”
“It is, yeah. In fact, I was the one who built it.” He gives the birdhouse a small pat.
You can’t help but let your mouth hang open for a second. “That’s-” You pause, not sure which word to use. Impressive? Amazing? Hot? “That’s nice.”
Harry smiles, and the two of you stand there for a moment, admiring his work in silence. You suck your bottom lip in, keeping yourself from inquiring further. 
Being presented with how little you know about Harry only peaks at your curiosity at what had happened last year in your brief experience with him. When you were with him it felt as if you’d known him for months rather than weeks, but looking back at it now, you wonder if your infatuation fooled you into thinking the two of you were close. Maybe that’s why you were so upset at the premiere after all because all that did was prove to you how much you didn’t know him at all. No matter how many sleepless nights you spent together sharing bits of your lives, it wasn’t enough for you to get to know him.
It’s only when a car turns into the street that you break away from your thoughts, looking up at him and clearing your throat. “We should take this back to Evan’s.” You say. “I’m not sure how it would look from an outsider’s point of view to see us downing these tiny bottles in the middle of the street.”
“You’re right,” Harry says. “Should we read the last clue while we’re at it?”
“Sure, yeah.”
He reaches for the card inside his pocket, presenting it to you. “You do the honors this time.”
You take the card, brushing your thumb over the words before stopping for a second to read them out loud, “You’ll find your prize behind the words of buried legends.” You snort. “That’s so corny.”
“Words of buried legends,” Harry repeats, letting out a hum. “Bet he was feeling quite poetic when he wrote this one.”
“Maybe because it has to do with poems.” You peek at him, a slight raise to your eyebrow. “‘Words of buried legends’? like dead poets and stuff?” Upon reading it again to make sure, you mumble, “He really made this card especially for you, huh?”
“Makes sense.” Harry agrees before nudging you playfully with his arm. “Look at you with your literary mind!”
“Could’ve used some better wording but I’ll let it pass.” You giggle, shrugging as you hand him back the card. As you do so, you notice there’s something written on the other side. “What’s in the back?”
Harry’s brows meet. “Huh?”
“In the back of the card, something’s written on it.” You nod towards his hand as he’s about to pocket the card again. 
Harry turns it around, reading it with a chuckle. “Ice breakers.”
“You gotta be fucking kidding me.” Your mouth drops open in amusement. “Well? Go on, then. Break the ice.”
Harry makes a show of clearing his throat before reading the question as an announcement, “What celebrity do you think you could pull on your best day?”
“Is this the actual question?” You squint your eyes at him and he turns the card to allow you to read it as well. Surely, the same question reads right on top of it and, as you take a glance at the ones below it, they’re not that much better. You shake your head, “God, I have no idea.”
“I know mine.”
“You didn’t give a single thought on that one.” You say. “This should be good.”
“Jennifer Aniston.”
“Jennifer Aniston?” You stop on your tracks, raising your brows at him. “You know she was married to Brad Pitt, right?”
“Ouch.” Harry makes the theatrics of putting a hand on his heart, head falling dramatically to the side. “Right where it hurts.”
“I’m not saying you’re bad-looking, but he’s Brad Pitt.” You emphasize with a laugh, pushing him playfully as you keep walking. “Like he is the male beauty standard. Personified.”
The front of Evan’s feels more vivid than it was when you first walked in hours ago, the lights inside seeming lighter and the curtains having been pulled back, showing people wandering around on the inside. You walk past another pair crouched in front of the bushes that line next to the front gate that creaks as you open it.
Harry rolls his eyes. “Sure, let’s hear yours, then, sweetheart.”
“Ew, don’t ever call me that again.” Your nose scrunches and your face grows hot, but you attempt to shake it off, stopping to think of the question. “Huh, on my best day? I think… I don’t know, maybe Drake?”
“Oh, no!” Harry’s hands cover his face as he shakes his head into them. “I feel like that’s the most basic answer anyone could ever give to this question.”
You gasp. “Did you just call me basic?”
Harry holds the front door open for you and, before he’s able to give you an answer, you bump right into Nia. She instantly blurts out your name, as if she’s been expecting you to appear. “I’ve been looking for you!” She says, sparing Harry a glance over your shoulder before pulling you slightly to the side. “Do you think we could talk for a second?”
“Sure.” You hold out the word, looking at Harry before focusing on your friend again. “Did something happen?”
“No, no, nothing happened. Just—” Nia starts, locking your arms as she guides you back outside, pulling you to a corner a few steps away from the front door. “How are you? How's it going?”
“I’m fine. Why?” Your brows knit together at her interference and you wonder if it has anything to do with her conversation with Nate.
“I’m talking about-” She looks over her shoulder, clearly checking if anyone is listening in. Even after making sure that there’s no one there, she still lowers her voice. “When I saw he was your pair, I wanted to rescue you right away, but fucking Taylor pulled me with him and I didn’t get the chance.”
Oh. “Oh.”
“Is it too awkward?” She keeps her inquiry, holding your hand close to her chest. “We could ask them to switch so we can do the rest together, I’m sure Evan’s too plastered to notice.”
“Nia, I-” You smile as you come to realize that she pulled you aside just to check if you’re uncomfortable, having witnessed first-hand your whines and cries over Harry last year. “It’s okay, really. It’s not that bad, surprisingly.”
“Really?” Nia blinks, taken aback. “I- What happened?”
“Nothing.” You reassure her with a squeeze on her hand. “We’re just chatting, it’s not that awkward.”
“Okay.” She nods and nods, before falling serious again. “But if anything happens you just have to scream for me and I’ll be right there, okay?”
“Okay.” You say, pulling her for a brief hug. “Thanks, Ni.”
The two of you return inside just as Taylor brings up his brother’s hair sculpture collection that’s being exhibited at a local gallery — a subject you already have been the victim of hearing for about an hour during New Year’s and, by Harry’s face, he seems as helpless as you did back then. Nia doesn’t waste a second before pulling her pair away, “Let’s go, pal, those clues won’t solve themselves,” she shoots you a look over her shoulder, pushing Taylor towards the living room and you chuckle.
“He really is one of a kind, that man,” Harry says with a sigh before meeting your gaze. “Is everything alright?”
“Yeah, just lady talk.” You brush aside. “Let’s find those poets, shall we?”
“We shall.” Harry smiles, looking around for a second before guiding you down the hallway, turning just before entering the kitchen where a staircase. This is a way that — like the greenhouse — you’ve never been to. Still, Harry navigates so casually as if it were his own home and, to some degree, you suppose it is. You follow him up the first flight of steps, stopping just before turning into the next one where a door you never really noticed before stands. Harry rests his hand on the handle, turning to you before saying, “There’s an office hidden right here.”
You watch as he opens it, motioning for you to walk in first. And, indeed, the inside of it is an office, just a bit smaller than the living room on the opposite side of the house. Two bookcases that go from the floor to the ceiling mostly covered the wall, only leaving a single space in the middle for a dark wooden cabinet. In front of it, an L-shaped desk takes up the middle of the room, most of it is filled with files and paper stacks, as well as two computers lying asleep. For a moment, you just stand by the doorway, admiring this room you’ve never known of its existence, your eyes quickly sweeping through the bookshelves completely packed with dark cover books of all sorts. “Do you think this is where it could be?”
“Probably, yeah.” Harry nods, turning on the lights. “I don’t know where else he could have any poetry hidden.”
You move towards one bookshelf, the one closest to the door, reaching to brush your finger through the spines perfectly lined. “But look at the size of these, we’ll take forever to find anything in here.”
“Those big ones are mostly law books, I think,” Harry says, opening cabinets at the other side of the room, right next to where a white couch stands. He turns to look at you, “His sister’s a lawyer, this is her office.” Harry says, “But Evan’s got a corner right here where he keeps some of his stuff— like books of sorts. It’s the only place I could think of.”
You hum, not knowing exactly what to respond to this information.
“You can go through the ones on that side, it could be there as well.” Harry nods towards a cabinet right next to the door where you came from, and you nod.
The first two cabinets are of no luck, both being mostly filled with boxes full of children’s books and old toys — some of them mixed with more stacks of paper, but those, instead of having long texts, have drawings of all kinds from what you could gather in a glance, from child-like scribbles to actual sketches. You can hear Harry going through drawers on the other side of the room and, upon closing another empty cabinet, you peek at him, watching his broad back flexing under his shirt as he moves around. Averting your eyes as swiftly as you looked, it’s still enough to bring warmth to your cheeks.
Finally, you open the cabinet at the very bottom of the shelf. On the top, there are piles of DVDs, most being different variations of Barbie movies, but, right at the bottom, you find books. You don’t stop to check their genre at first, simply moving them away until you stumble upon a small box, the top of it marked with the word ‘prize’. “Found it!” You call back, taking the box away from the pile before setting the books back in place again. “Under Rupi Kaur? Correct me if I’m wrong, but I’m pretty sure she’s very alive.”
“Don’t tell Evan that,” Harry says as he crouches next to you, taking the box from your hands. Inside, there are, as expected, two tiny bottles like the ones you found before but, what calls both your attention, is a small bag of sweets lying in the middle. Harry takes it, “Oh, those are nice.”
He hands it to you and you open it, quickly shoving a jelly candy into your mouth before nodding. “Yeah.”
“So…” Harry starts, peeking over his shoulder, “Do you want to go back there?”
You glance at him, his eyes hovering above yours, lips twitching up just barely. “Uh… Maybe not right now.” You answer, “Unless you feel like sharing our Jellies with other people.”
Harry only laughs, shaking his head as he sits back and you do so too, right next to him. He reaches for his pocket, presenting another tiny bottle, the one you found inside his birdhouse, “We still got these.” 
“Right!” You fetch your own out of the pocket of your jacket.
Harry opens his, holding it up towards you. “Cheers.”
“Cheers.” You say, mimicking him.
Both of you down your drinks, the liquid tasting bitter, like medicine on your tongue, the only reminder of alcohol being the burn as it slides down your throat. You rest your head back on the cabinet behind you as the two of you fall into silence once more. A part of your mind is already beginning to swim around the space inside your head, and you decide to not take the last drink just yet, laying it next to your leg. Though you’ve only had the equivalent of two shots, you realize the long break you’ve had from drinking for the past couple of months -- which wasn’t exactly an intentional choice, but more like the result of your lack of free time -- is showing itself to have been enough to make you more of a lightweight. 
And even though the night so far has been strikingly surprising in terms of how comfortable you felt being around Harry again, it doesn’t mean the questions you’ve been carrying since last year have gotten any quieter. They’ve only gotten louder. More persistent, even. The curiosity you feel to know what happened is almost suffocating now. And you’d be damned if you let a drunken mind stop you from having this conversation.
You glance at him from the corner of your eyes, only watching the back of his head bobbing along with the music -- still the piano -- that comes faintly from behind the closed door. Your lips part, feeling the question form right at the tip of your tongue, but not knowing how to voice the words. Will it be awkward? You think so, but what if it ruins the night? Tonight, that’s been so oddly refreshing. A night that only served to remind you how you became so infatuated with him in the first place.
But you know you won’t be able to let go of this ich inside your head unless you bring it up. And you want to, you do, but as you take too long to think of the right way to do so, Harry decides to break the silence, murmuring next to you, “That’s a good one.”
Your brows knit together, trying to make out any trace of familiarity within the song that’s playing, but you don't find any, which only leaves you even more confused.  “Do you like classical?”
“Love,” Harry says simply, his eyes closed as he moves his head with the piano keys. “Especially this one. One of the greatest works from one of the greatest contemporary composers: Billie Eilish.”
Your lips fall open, “Shut up. Is she playing this?”
Harry laughs, a full one, that brings a grin to poke at your lips. “I mean, as far as I’m aware, no. It’s a version of her song — listen in.” He points to his ear, nodding with the melody as he sings along, “So you’re a tough guy, like it really rough guy.”
You shake your head incredulously, “Of course he’s playing classical versions of pop songs!” 
“Did you really think Evan had a taste for Chopin or Debussy?” Harry asks both dimples poking on his cheeks.
“I think at this point I’d believe anything you tell me about him.”
Both of you laugh, the air surrounding you light and warm, before falling quiet again. This time, however, you simply stare at each other for a beat. You watch his eyes, with their almost hypnotizing jade shade, glancing between your own. He rolls his lip between his teeth, nibbling at it. This is the closest you’ve been to him all night, and the details on his face only feel like a reminder of your doubts. Like the nostalgia you feel with a bittersweet memory.
“Should we-“ You stop, the words falling from your lips before you can think about them. “Should we talk about the elephant in the room?”
You half expect Harry to frown, to play dumb, and question you the meaning behind your words. For a second, you even expect him to shake his head, to get up and leave the room. And, for some reason, you kinda want him to do so. To finally break the mask of the nice, sweet guy he’s been putting on all night and allow himself to play the role of cold prick you put him on for the past months. 
But he doesn’t do it. He only gives you a short smile. “I was thinking about how to bring it up.” Harry’s gaze falls to his lap for a beat as he scratches his nose. “We should, yeah.”
You nod, more to yourself than to him. This is it. The moment to ask what you’ve been waiting for for six months now. You decide not to think much anymore, allowing the question to roll freely, “I don’t really know how to word this better but- pardon my French- what the fuck happened?”
Harry chuckles, but not an amused one. It’s more of a dry, nervous laugh. “How cliche is it if I tell you I was really fucking stupid?”
“Pretty cliche.” You say, “But also pretty true, I suppose.”
“I’m sorry for that.” He looks up, eyes meeting yours again, his own softening upon seeing you. “I really am.”
“Thank you for apologizing.” You smile a little, “But I think I deserve an explanation.”
“You do.” He speaks quietly before clearing his throat. For a second, he doesn’t say anything else, just takes a sharp breath, focusing on his fingers that play with the hem of his trousers. “I- Uhm- I know this might come as a surprise, but I’m not very good at letting people down.”
“A bit, I guess.” You try to humor, but your tone doesn’t show it. You sound quiet, hurt.
He peeks up at you, and continues, “Jess- the girl you met at the premiere- she’s lovely and all, but- how do I say this- we were never really supposed to be together.” Harry sighs, “I didn’t like her like that.”
You frown, “Then, why did you?”
“A couple of months before we met- before Evan even mentioned the film project to me, one of my mates kept insisting that I should meet his sister.” He pauses, “That was Jess.”
“I figured.”
Harry nods, “As I said, she’s a lovely girl, really nice, but we just- didn’t click like that, you know?” You hum in agreement, ignoring a small twist in your stomach when he repeats the endearment term. “But I guess she really wanted to try it, and, for months, I just kept pushing and pushing, cause I thought maybe with time I could bring myself to feel the same way.” And then again, another humorless laugh, “But- spoiler alert- I couldn’t and I should’ve just told her that.”
Your mouth hangs open for a beat before you decide against saying anything. It’s clear as you watch him explain that the entire situation for him felt more complicated than you’d ever considered. Not once did you think about the possibility of him being caught in a twist of his own decisions, and not once did you regard his feelings with the whole situation. In your bubble of gloominess, all you could think of was how he played you and used you for a bit before moving on to the next girl that fell for his sweet talk. 
Looking at him now, however, his head low and brows set on a permanent crease, lips frowning down, you can feel the internal conflict pooling out of his pores. You’re not sure if it’s exactly a look of remorse that he gives you, but it sure seems close to it.
Harry huffs in what feels like frustration as he keeps recalling the events, “But all my mates kept taking the piss, pushing me to ask her out and then, in the middle of it, I met you.” He finally smiles a bit, and you have to look down to hide the warmth that spreads on your cheeks, “And we-uh-” He shrugs, “I mean, we clicked, didn’t we?”
“I think so.” You say, just above a whisper.
“I think so, too,” Harry says, holding your gaze with his own. “And when I was with you I let myself forget about that, forget about the pressure to be with someone else, I guess.” His lips fall again, eyes meeting his lap, “But when we came back, there wasn’t much running away from it anymore. The night we got back I met that friend of mine and, I’m not sure if he said anything to Jess, but she asked me out.”
“And you said yes.”
“I said yes.” He repeats, shaking his head, “I shouldn’t have, but I said yes.”
“So you just dated her? Even if you didn’t like her like that?” You say, trying to understand his thought process. Even if his words tug at your heartstrings -- which you try to not think about right now -- you still can’t help but feel a bit for the other girl.
“I thought I could- I don’t know, I thought with time maybe I could-” He stumbles around with his speech, before finally letting out a sigh, “I don’t know what was going through my head, to be honest. I was a prick.”
“At least you can admit to it.”
“I was a prick to both of you.” 
You fall quiet, hoping he takes your silence as an agreement. When he doesn’t offer anything else, you speak up again, “Did it work, though?” He frowns, and you clarify, “Letting time force feelings into you?”
“I found very quickly how hard it is to develop feelings for someone when there’s someone else on your mind.” He says, and you bite back a smile that wants to spread on your lips.
“It’s very easy to say that now.”
“I know.” He agrees, “And I wish I could’ve realized that earlier, before even bringing you into this mess.” Harry reaches for your wrist, which lies on top of your lap, giving it a gentle squeeze. “For that I really am sorry.”
“I know you are.” You reassure, turning your hand to find his, squeezing it back. “And what happened to Jess?”
“She was rightfully upset when I told her.” His thumb brushes against your knuckles, moving the rings on your fingers around just slightly, and it’s almost enough to distract you from his voice. “We broke up a day after the premiere.”
“But it’s fine now, she’s got a boyfriend now who actually cares for her the way she deserves,” Harry says.
“That’s nice to hear, at least.”
“It is, yeah.”
You look down at your hands locked in your lap, squeezing his one more time before letting it go with a sigh.  “You really made a big mess, huh?”
He chuckles, a guilty smile poking on his face, “I did.”
You nod, finally reaching for the tiny bottle left forgotten next to you, opening it. This time you only take a sip, but it’s still enough to end half of the liquid inside. You click your tongue, “I’m glad we talked, though.” You look up at Harry again, who’s already watching you, giving a small tap on his thigh. “It’s nice to have closure, you know? To give it a conclusion and wrap with a nice little bow.”
Harry rolls his lip inside his mouth, “Is this a conclusion, then?”
You raise your brows, “Is it not?”
“I guess it could be.” He shrugs one shoulder, leaning closer to you just barely, eyes trained in yours. “But I’m hoping that, after today, maybe we could start over?”
You laugh, scrunching your nose at him as you shake your head. “Not a start over, no.” You poke his side, “You’re not getting away that easy.”
“You’re right.” He says, still not budging as he frowns his lips. “But I wish it didn’t have to be an ending as well.”
“Is that so?”
Harry nods, you can tell his eyes hold a shyness that wasn’t here a minute ago, but at the same time -- as paradoxically as it seems -- there’s a boldness as well, one you’re more familiar with. “Maybe we could chat again. This time with fewer ice breaker cards and more bags of sweets.”
You smile, rubbing your chin as you pretend to ponder about his suggestion. “That does sound very promising.”
“I really do think we clicked.” He drops his playful tone as if wanting to make sure you feel the sincerity behind his words. “Wasn’t just saying it.”
“I know.” You say, “And I think so, too.”
His smirk grows, and he doesn’t offer anything else to say, but you can tell he’s holding something back. With the silence, you suddenly become too aware of the way your arms brush together, and how his knee bumps against yours. You notice how his eyes fall a bit from yours, so quickly you could’ve imagined it, but you choose to not think so. If you lean forward, you know he will too, but you don’t want to give him the satisfaction. You’re not letting yourself make the first move.
Surely, you’re aware these thoughts are a direct result of the alcohol sweeping through your mind, testing how much of your pride you’re willing to ignore. There’s no questioning of the wall that you built all those months ago after walking out of this very house with this very man on your tail blurring out apologies. It still stands, tall and strong, and you're not letting sweet words mixed with a drink or two pull it down. Not that easily. But at this moment, looking at his stupidly beautiful face with his stupidly beautiful eyes so close to you, you feel like maybe you could peek through a window, or open up a door — just a creek, just to have a sample of what it would feel like if you were to pull it down.
“Do you want to go back?” Harry asks again, this time more quietly, this time his question has a different implication than it did before.
You're quick to shake your head, voice quiet, “Not yet.”
The corner of his lips quirk up and you raise your brows, silently daring him to ask what he’s been holding. You see his hand moving from the corner of your eyes, but you don’t break your gaze from his, not even when you feel his fingertips moving so gently against your cheekbone, brushing your hair away from your face. Harry leans closer, again just barely, and again, you stay still, only smiling softly in encouragement. Now, you’re stuck in your own silent conversation; both seeking the same thing but not making the move to achieve it -- either for pride or apprehension. 
“I’d really like to kiss you right now,” Harry whispers finally, eyes moving down again, this time slowly, making sure that his intentions are clear.
“Do it, then.” You tease.
Harry breathes out a laugh, his hand caressing its way down to your jaw. He rubs his thumb against your cheek, a feathery touch, taking another second to look at you before pulling you in. Your eyes fall closed, as you focus on your senses, and allow yourself to peek from that window, or creek that door open just a bit, to have just this moment to remember when you first got lost in his touch. 
First, it’s the warmth of his breath tickling your cupid bow, making your hold your own breath in anticipation. Then, the tip of his nose, gentle against your own, and you can’t help but lean in a bit more when you feel the ghost of his lips on yours. But he pulls back, just so slightly, hoping to have you reach for him again. Except you don’t, knowing what he’s trying to do.
“Uh-uh,” you shake your head, pulling back just a bit to look him in the eye. “You don’t get to tease me.”
Harry huffs out a laugh, “That’s fair.”
This time, there’s no teasing. Still, he goes in just as slowly as he did the first time around, curving his lips around your bottom one so softly it almost makes you lean in again. His kiss is cloud-like in a way that makes you a bit dizzy and when he presses his lips harder, you have to refrain from letting out a dreamy sigh -- still too stubborn to give him the satisfaction. It’s when you feel the tip of his tongue poking out to lick at your bottom lip in a silent request, that you pull away completely.
It’s your turn to smirk now, licking your lips before announcing, “I think we should go back now.”
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nugnthopkns · 4 years ago
dance me to the end of love (v)
word count: 4.6k
warnings: fem!oc, cursing, alcohol consumption, mentions of poor parenting and damaged familial relationships
series masterpost: here
a/n: and just like that we're halfway through!!! it's crazy to think about it. however, lots happens in this chapter so buckle up peeps
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Soon Magdalene’s feelings are going to get the better of her.
She knows she’s heading down a dangerous path but she can’t help it. Ryan is like a drug she can’t get enough of even though she knows it will hurt her in the long run. Living with him has opened her up to the laid back, intelligent, incredibly funny man he is and Magdalene doesn’t know how she’s ever going to function in her own space ever again. They complement each other like two peas in a pod, and everyone else is starting to catch on to the shift in their relationship.
“When are you going to fess up to Ryan about your feelings?” Bette asks as the two of them sit on the lawn across from the university library. It’s mid October, but the weather is still warm enough that Magdalene eats her lunch outside. Her best friend decided to join her today, no doubt knowing that she’s feeling a little lonely. The Avalanche are in the middle of their season opening road trip and have been gone for nearly five days. Ryan’s condo feels empty without him in it, and Magdalene misses him an unfathomable amount.
“Never, if I can help it,” she replies casually, taking a bite of the turkey wrap that Bette brought her from Barn Owl.
The blonde scoffs. “Fuck off. You have to. What are you going to do when he gets back from Florida and you tackle him as soon as he steps through the door.”
“Caligula will get there first,” Magdalene shrugs. “Those two are thick as thieves.”
Truthfully, Magdalene wasn’t sure what she was going to do. This is the longest they’ve been separated since she moved in and it’s proving to be a harder adjustment than she thought. Magdalene feels a little silly missing him so much – she went nearly twenty-six years without knowing Ryan but now he’s imprinted on her soul for the rest of eternity. Living without him seems impossible.
Bette drops the conversation then, almost as if she knows Magdalene is in her own world thinking about what to do. She mentions the upcoming home opener and her plans to attend with a couple of the other wives and girlfriends. “We’re going out beforehand and you should join us! I really think you’d like most of them.”
The bell in the clock tower rings, signalling the start of another hour, and Magdalene promises she’ll consider the offer as they pack up the picnic and say goodbye. It’s a short walk back to the building she works in, seeing as they were only across the street, but it takes a while for the elevator to come around. Magdalene could have taken the stairs down to the basement but they scare her a lot more than she’d like to admit. Hopefully June won’t mind her being a few minutes late.
Her boss doesn’t look too pleased when Magdalene strolls through the door almost seven minutes later then she should have, but as soon as she tosses the cookie Bette brought her in June’s direction all is forgiven. They work in near silence all afternoon, background noise provided by the small stereo in the corner and their respective grunts of frustration when an image doesn’t digitize properly. The university has finally decided to undertake the massive project of making all their school records available to the public online, and Magdalene and June are in charge of getting all the files ready before sending them to IT for installation into the website. It’s a huge task and is going to take them the better part of a month and a half to finish. Magdalene spends the rest of her work day finishing up a box of graduation records from the 1870s and leaves smelling of very old paper.
On the drive home she considers the invitation Bette extended to her. Magdalene knows she’ll be attending the game, having promised Ryan before he left that she’d be there, but she doesn’t know how to feel about going out for dinner and drink beforehand – especially with people so involved with the team. She isn’t like them, in nearly every sense of the phrase, and doesn’t want people to get the wrong idea. It wouldn’t be fair to Ryan for people to assume they’re together in case he ever does want to bring someone around, but Magdalene can’t help thinking that the speculation wouldn’t hurt. Perhaps it would be the clue that shows him how she feels.
The invite stays in the back of her brain while she heats up leftovers and eats quickly, knowing that Ryan will call soon. He’s like clockwork with his precise game day routine, and he always calls shortly after four o’clock when out east. Magdalene’s phone buzzes from the spot beside her on the couch and she quickly scoops it up and accepts the call.
“Hey,” she says, a little breathless because she’s so excited to talk to him.
“Hey yourself. How was work?” Magdalene can tell Ryan’s got a smile on his face even though she can’t see him. She indulges the question, telling him all about the stuff she digitized and what’s next. Though she always tries to get out of talking about work, fearing it will bore the daylights out of him, Ryan insists on hearing every detail Magdalene wants to share. He finds it all fascinating and tells her so every chance he gets. During her monologue Caligula wanders over and becomes extremely invested after he hears Ryan laugh at something Magdalene said. The small white cat jumps onto Magdalene’s lap and tries to paw the phone away from her ear.
“Hold on, I’m putting you on speaker. Little boots would like to talk.”
At the sound of Ryan’s greeting, Caligula starts meowing up a storm. It’s as though he’s actually holding a conversation with the man, waiting for Ryan to say something before he continues to make noise. Magdalene laughs through what could barely classify as a conversation until the cat gives her space to talk again.
“So,” she says, drawing out the word in an attempt to make Ryan laugh. “Bette asked me to join her and some of the other girls for drinks before Friday’s game.”
Ryan’s responding before Magdalene has finished uttering the last words. “That’s great! I think you should go.”
“Yeah,” he says sheepishly, “It would be nice for you to know someone other than Bette.”
Magdalene is surprised at the response, but tries her hardest to keep her tone light and teasing. “Why, you plan on keeping me around Mr. Graves?” She can tell Ryan is struggling to come up with an answer because there’s a fair amount of sputtering on the other end of the line.
“I’d be stupid to let you go.”
All the breath in Magdalene’s lungs escapes her. She didn’t expect him to say something like that, and it sends her mind reeling. What does he mean? Unable to process the comment, Magdalene makes up an excuse and hangs up as quickly as possible. She spends the rest of the night wondering if Ryan was trying to make a move and deciding how she should handle his homecoming in a few days.
When Ryan gets home Thursday morning Magdalene is at work. Caligula is happy to see him, practically pouncing on him and purring so loud Ryan’s sure the neighbours heard the cat. For an animal so small, Caligula can make a lot of noise if he wants.
“Hi boy,” Ryan coos, adjusting his grip on the cat so he doesn’t get dropped while the two of them move around the house. “Did your mom talk about me while I was gone? Been thinking about her a lot lately.”
The cat doesn’t respond, of course, but Ryan finds comfort in vocalizing his emotions. Multiple times on the road trip Tyson made fun of him for the silent pining he’s found himself participating in since Magdalene moved in, and hinted that she might have said something to Bette. Neither of them are great at keeping secrets, but Ryan also knows they want him and Magdalene to get together and aren’t above manipulation to achieve their goals. He doesn’t know how Magdalene actually feels, but Ryan isn’t willing to risk losing their friendship. Just a couple of months ago she sat on the deck of the lake house and told him she wasn’t looking for a relationship – he has to assume that’s still her position because if he doesn’t Ryan isn’t quite sure what he’ll unleash. Though the two of them are close, closer than most friends, Magdalene stills keeps a lot of things to herself and Ryan doesn’t want to pry. When, and if, she’s ready he knows she’ll come to him.
Exhausted from the countless hours of travel he’s endured over the past few days and the pains that come along with being a professional athlete, Ryan falls back onto the couch cushions. He hurts in places he didn’t know existed and wants to do nothing but sleep. Caligula settles into his stomach, purring contently, and though he knows he should unpack his gear, Ryan can’t find the energy to move himself or the cat. Everything will still be there when he wakes up, and hopefully Magdalene will be on her way home. She texted Ryan earlier in the morning, no doubt just before she headed out the door, to say that she was taking some holidays to have a long weekend and would be home around noon. Sleep comes easy with Caligula nestled against his body, and Ryan dreams of Magdalene as he frequently does.
Despite Bette telling her countless times she shouldn’t be, Magdalene is nervous. The significant others of the Colorado Avalanche are a tight knit group and are very particular with who they let in. Magdalene is a nothing, has no true connections to the team besides being Tyson’s girlfriend’s best friend, and she’s worried she won’t make the cut. If it wasn’t for Bette picking her up in the morning Magdalene would have found a way to get out of drinks, but the blonde made sure she couldn’t make a run for it.
Sitting in the elevated booth, she not-so-casually sips her glass of wine while Bette tries to calm her down. “They’re going to hate me,” she groans, lowering her head to rest it on the table.
“Shut the fuck up,” Bette counters. “You literally know most of them, and Livy will be here if you get too uncomfortable, but most of them were at EJ’s back in May.”
Magdalene can’t argue with the truth, so she rolls her eyes and finishes her drink. By the time she flags down the waiter for a refill the other girls have arrived. They take turns hugging Bette and shuffling into their seats. Magdalene feels awkward with no one acknowledging her, but she does her best to buck up and deal with it. It means a lot to Bette, and Ryan, that she’s here trying to make friends so she’ll at least make an effort.
A blonde who looks a little older than the rest addresses her first. “I’m not sure if you remember me, but I’m Mel. I think we met last season at a game.”
It takes Magdalene a second to recall the face, but then she recognizes Mel as the person who alerted her to the fight Ryan got into to defend Tyson. “Oh yeah,” she chuckles, though it’s still got a nervous quality, “You’re the one who was yelling about Ryan’s fight.”
Everyone looks at her like Magdalene had confessed to seeing a ghost. “What’s the matter?”
“No one ever calls him that,” a petite girl with tight curls explains. “We all just call him Gravy.”
Magdalene isn’t sure what the comment is supposed to mean, or if it even meant anything at all, but she does her best to push it aside because Livy is trying to catch up with her. The rest of the outing goes well – Magdalene keeps quiet until someone gives an inaccurate analogy about Rome and she has to correct them. It may make her seem stuck up, but she really hates when people spread misinformation. Everyone laughs, and after that it’s hard for Magdalene to stay silent. She talks about work and college, but when someone asks about home she shuts down. Bette notices the shift in her behaviour before Magdalene’s face has even dropped, and shifts the conversation in another direction. Soon it’s a respectable time to head to the arena and they all pay their tabs, Magdalene going first and then ducking out of the bar that became crowded while they were sitting down.
The fresh air feels good against her skin, and she takes the time alone to regulate her thoughts. There’s still several hours until she can return home and cry in the shower over the mention of her family so it’s important to present a calm facade. Bette comes out slightly ahead of the other girls and checks in with her friend, but Magdalene assures her she’s okay. It was a bit of a spook, but the other girls have no idea about how fucked up her familial situation is so Magdalene can’t hold it against them. The arena is a few blocks over, so the group walks towards it at a brisk pace. Magdalene’s mind is still churning from the bar when they step inside, so she peels off from the rest of the group. Warm ups are about to start and she knows that seeing Ryan will help to calm her down, at least until they can go home and she can sequester herself away from the rest of the world.
She finds a space against the glass and strains her eyes for her new favourite number. Ryan hasn’t made it out on the ice yet, but Tyson gives her a big wave when he skates past. It takes a few seconds, though it feels like years, but Ryan eventually steps out, all long limbs and hair and dazzling smile as his teammates give him big hi-fives. Magdalene doesn’t want to intrude but she needs to spend a few moments with him to feel completely present. When he skates by she waves shyly, and Ryan doubles back once he realizes who it is.
“There’s my favourite girl!” he shouts over the crowd, making sure Magdalene can hear.
The phrase brings a smile to her face, which in turn makes Ryan light up more. “Hi Ry,” she yells back. “I just wanted to come and say hi.”
Ryan’s heart warms at her words, but he knows that’s not the only reason. He’s lived with her long enough to know that something is bothering her but he isn’t going to push. There isn’t much time to have a conversation, so Ryan takes the time to make plans for after the game. “You riding home with me?”
Magdalene nods. “Yeah. Bette picked me up this morning so I didn’t drive.”
The loud sound of sticks clapping against the ice startles them both, and it’s Ryan’s teammate’s way of getting him to refocus. Magdalene says goodbye and before Ryan heads back to the bench he flips a puck over the glass for her. She smiles brightly, and watches him skate away. On her way up the stairs she hands it to a little girl wearing a much too big Graves jersey. It makes her night, and Magdalene returns to the private box she’s watching the game from feeling much lighter than when she entered the arena.
Later, much later, after all of Ryan’s post game media and sitting through the traffic of downtown, Magdalene opens up about what was bothering her at the arena. The two of them are curled up in Ryan’s bed buried under a mass of blankets with several pillows strewn about. It’s become a frequent place for them to spend time, and every time they lay down Magdalene rests her head on Ryan’s chest and he keeps her in place with his arms wrapped tightly around her. Magdalene’s clutching his hoodie tighter than usual, her voice small as she speaks into the darkness of the room.
“I didn’t just want to say hi earlier.”
Ryan isn’t surprised by her confession, but wants to know what caused the surprise visit. “No? What was it?”
Magdalene lift head and shifts to face him, propping herself up with an open palm. “It’s kind of stupid,” she mumbles, feeling dumb for even bringing it up. Ryan doesn’t want to know the sob story that is her past life. “But it’s mostly okay now.”
“You don’t have to tell me, and I don’t want to push, but I think getting it off your chest will help,” he whispers, feeling like talking in a normal voice could startle the girl in front of him.
He’s right – Magdalene knows it. Telling someone the truth, as much of the truth as she can share, other than Bette would do her some good. Her therapist once said Magdalene needed to work on letting people in, and she figures there’s no one better than Ryan. “One of the girls asked me about home when we were getting drinks, and it’s just a really sore subject for me. I shut down and just needed to see you to ground myself.” Ryan goes to talk, but Magdalene continues. “No one really knows, but I left for Denver as soon as I graduated high school. My parents weren’t the greatest, and I suffered a lot emotionally at home. When I told them I was leaving, they told me never to come back and we haven’t spoken since. So yeah, that’s pretty much it. And I just needed to see you to remind myself that I’m okay without my family. You’re part of my family now, the one that really matters.”
Ryan is speechless. “Oh bug,” he sighs, heart hurting for all the pain Magdalene has experienced in her life. “I’m so sorry.” He wants to scream for her, maybe even break something, but all his anger dissipates when he looks down and sees her crying. Silently, Ryan wipes away the tears with the pad of his thumb and holds Magdalene until she stops trembling. They lay in silence for a while, sitting with the weight of the confession she just made. At some point Caligula shuffles in and finds a spot at Ryan’s side that isn’t occupied by Magdalene. The three of them feel like a little family, and it’s too good for Magdalene not to do something about.
“Can I kiss you?”
She’s never been so confident while asking a question. Magdalene knows he wants to kiss Ryan, has known for a while, and after baring her soul to him it seems like an appropriate time to take the plunge. They’ve never truly been just friends and everyone around them, including themselves, knows it.
“Mags,” Ryan says in a gentle yet stern voice, “I’m not gonna kiss you. You’ve just been very vulnerable with me, which I appreciate, and though I really really want to fucking kiss you I’m going to take advantage of you like that.”
If it were possible, Magdalene’s heart would expand so much it would be close to bursting. “I promise this is what I want and that I’ve been thinking about it for a long time. So please shut the fuck up and let me kiss you.”
She leans forward to connect their lips, and it feels like a fire has been ignited in her veins. Ryan is soft and gentle with the right amount of grit to make Magdalene weak in the knees. They move in tandem, giving and taking where necessary, and by the time they pull apart for air Magdalene thinks she’ll never be able to kiss anyone other than Ryan. When he looks at her, eyes kind and glimmering with light, Magdalene is certain kissing other people is off the table.
Neither of them make an effort to talk about what just happened or what it means. Instead, Magdalene kisses him again, and again, and keeps going until she’s completely out of breath. There’s no protest from Ryan, and he looks as blissful as Magdalene feels. She rests her head on his chest again and he cards his fingers through her hair as they sit in the comfortable silence that surrounds them.
Magdalene keeps kissing Ryan, and he keeps kissing her. It’s always in the safety of his apartment, oftentimes with Caligula in the way, but wholesome and loving and warm. They haven’t defined their relationship, and truthfully Magdalene is glad. She likes being friends with Ryan and doesn’t know how the added pressures of dating would affect them – though she might like kissing him more than just being friends.
It becomes routine for either of them to reach for a kiss before heading to the door. Magdalene gets one every time she leaves for work, and if she’s there before Ryan has to leave for games he’s pulled into her lips by his tie. It’s fun and it’s new and Magdalene never wants it to end. She keeps the secret for a couple weeks, but eventually it becomes too much to hold in and she tells Bette one Saturday when they meet for brunch at Barn Owl because the boys are away.
“I kissed Ryan.” It’s out of her mouth like a bullet, cutting through the air and ringing out. Bette is shocked, jaw dropping, only to open further when Magdalene corrects herself. “Been kissing Ryan, actually.”
“You’re fucking joking,” Bette laughs, still not one hundred percent sure Magdalene is being serious. When the brunette nods her head, she squeals in what can only be presumed as delight. “Shut up! Tell me everything!”
Magdalene indulges her friend, and spills every detail she’s willing to share. Part of her wants to keep a bit of her life with Ryan a secret so she does, but Bette is more than willing to work with the information given. She listens carefully while Magdalene talks and waits until there’s nothing more to say before diving into a long list of reasons why kissing Ryan is the best thing that’s ever happened to her friend. Magdalene isn’t sure that it’s great because Bette will always have someone to go to games with, but she is in agreement that it is one of the best choices she’s ever made. They spend the rest of the morning giggling like school girls over potential love and Magdalene heads back to Ryan’s place feeling light and airy.
The first thing Ryan does when he comes home is kisses Magdalene. She’s sitting on the couch with Caligula on her lap reading a book, and he doesn’t even bother to drop his bags on the floor before leaning over the worn leather and connecting their lips. It feels heavenly after the days-long absence and Magdalene chases his lips when Ryan pulls away.
“I missed you.”
They’re three words that shouldn’t mean much, but coming from him they send Magdalene spiralling. He missed her? The girl who spends her days geeking out over old documents and talks to her cat? Regardless of how true the statement is she appreciates it, because Magdalene missed Ryan more than she could ever explain.
“How was the flight home?” she asks, twirling a lock of his hair around her index finger and pulling him down for another kiss. Ryan happily obliges, and kisses her until Caligula begins to meow for attention. The cat practically launches himself into Ryan’s arms as he rounds the corner to sit down next to Magdalene, and purrs loudly at being reunited with the tall man.
Ryan laughs at the animal’s antics before wrapping his spare arm around Magdalene and pulling her close. “It was fine. We hit a bit of turbulence that made it hard to sleep but I managed,” he replies, and reaches for the television remote. Magdalene hums in response, resting her head on Ryan’s shoulder and returning her attention to the book in her hands. It’s silent except for the low buzz of the television as Ryan reviews tape, but neither of them mind. Co-existing is enough for both of them, and it’s peaceful and easy. The occasional conversation occurs but they mostly do their own thing, enjoying the feeling of being together again. More than a few kisses are shared, and Magdalene eventually pries herself away from Ryan long enough to make dinner.
They stayed glued to each other until Magdalene falls asleep. Ryan doesn’t even notice when it happens, but eventually he tries to leave the couch to get a glass of water and finds dead weight on top of him in the shape of the girl he just might love. Magdalene’s snoring softly, and he’s positive there is nothing more adorable in the entire world. A glance at the clock on the wall alerts Ryan to the fact that he should go to bed too, and he begins to brainstorm how to get Magdalene into bed without waking her. She’s been exhausted lately, working extended hours, and he knows she needs all the rest she can get.
It takes a few moments to coordinate, but Ryan gets himself upright without Magdalene realizing she’s no longer using him as a pillow. Gently he scoops her into his arms and pads down the hallway, careful not to hit her ankles on the walls or door frames. Once inside her room, Ryan tucks Magdalene into bed and makes sure her phone is on the nightstand just where she likes it. She looks so content in sleep that he can’t help but lean down and press a shirt kiss to her forehead.
“Night Mags,” he whispers into the dark, wondering if she’ll wake and hear all the adoration his voice holds.
Magdalene stirs at the noise, and opens her eyes to see Ryan’s retreating figure. “Night Ry.”
It’s late, approaching two in the morning, when Magdalene’s phone starts ringing off the hook. Though Ryan has told her multiple times that she doesn’t need to turn her sound on before she goes to bed, she can never find it in her to heed his words. What if there’s an emergency somewhere and some hospital has to get a hold of her? Magdalene would never be able to forgive herself if she was too late because she slept through the incoming calls.
Despite her underlying fears of missing something important, Magdalene considers letting it go to voicemail. She’s exhausted, between the high maintenance projects at work and trying her hardest to go to every Avalanche home game she can, and if it’s urgent she’s sure the person will call again if they need her. It rings three more times before Magdalene decides to pick it up – if only to stop the incessant noise.
Not bothering to even see who’s calling at such an ungodly hour, Magdalene speaks in a sleep-laden voice that betrays what she was doing not even a minute prior. “Hello?”
Bette answers her, offering a quick but sincere apology for the time but explaining that it couldn’t wait. Magdalene groans in contempt, thinking that it most certainly could have waited a few more hours. She doesn’t voice her opinion however, instead waiting for her friend to spill whatever news was making her bounce up and down on the other side of the line.
She’s about to hang up when Bette utters a sentence Magdalene’s been waiting for but never thought she’d hear at one fifty-seven am. “I’m getting married!”
taglist: @scrunchmakar @marcoscandellas @toplinetommy @samsteel @lovethepreds @cutiesara23 @hockeyallthetime @stlouisbluesbrat21 @denis-scorianov @danglesnipecelly @c-tangerine @stormingroses @spine-buster @rapidfever @bb-nhlqueen7 (add yourself to the taglist!)
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