#so scared to finish tma
ruidiancoffee · 5 months
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drew myself with jon because i can
also how does anatomy work? i dont know and i also didnt use a reference cause i couldn’t find any
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the-sunbee · 3 months
No one told me how hard it is to quiet the voice in my head that just goes "Jonathan Simms, head archivist of the Magnus Institute, London." after I started listening to TMA.
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I have officially started working on my fanfic
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halfdeadwallfly · 2 months
I love the magnus archives so. much
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crescentrivers · 2 months
Me: I think I’m pretty good with (FICTIONAL) gore, especially when there aren’t super realistic images of it
Me when The Magnus Archives episode 49:
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duckduckngoose · 4 months
I just had an entire long-winded ass dream about ...making a pros and cons list on if I wanna GM again
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I feel so bad for Tim but at the same time I’m so scared he’s gonna do something to fuck everything up
Like I understand where he’s coming from but Tim p l e a s e
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Just finished Haunting of Hill House, slssmjssmxjskxndksnxjdkdnxkdnxjxjd
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thirdchildart · 1 year
-SPOILERS! -Flashing images at 6:53-6:57. -Eye/Body horror warning
This is my version of episode 159 from The Magnus Archives. Thank you to the friends who cheered me on though the project, the cool folks who hung out with me on twitch, and my awesome sister who is too scared to finish the podcast but will listen to me talk about it for hours on end.
And, of course, thank you to Jonny Sims, Alex Newall, Alasdair Stuart and and the rest of the crew and cast behind TMA (I'm so looking forward to the Magnus Protocol!)
I love animation, I love storyboarding, I love the Magnus Archives.
SOFTWARE: Storyboard Pro 20, with ROZ ToonBoom brushes (https://rozlynnwaltz.gumroad.com/l/SBProBrushesStarterPack)
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I love the Magnus archives but tbh I was never really scared by any of the episodes?
I’m a big fan of all sorts of horror but I’ve found that this a thing with supernatural horror for me. I really only get deeply frightened or disturbed by things that have some potential— however slim— of actually happening, and I’m just not a supernatural believer at all. And because I’m a sick little freak, I will often seek out the type of horror that scares me the most, just to feel something. There is just no greater evil than what normal humans are capable of doing I guess!
There was one fucking moment.
I was listening to TMA while doing some dishes late at night.
And i finished up and walked into the living room, podcast still in my ears.
Only to see a man I don’t know standing in my apartment.
And for a second I really thought “This is it. the Stranger has come for me. I’m a goner. It’s so over for me.”
Turns out: it was just my roommate’s casual noncommittal boyfriend!
Apparently he’d been over at our place for a few hours just hanging out with her and I simply had not seen him.
Why my brain went “supernatural entity” and not “apartment break-in”? I do not know.
But for a moment this man watched me experience the Sheer Mortal Terror of believing that somehow the monsters from the stories being pumped directly into my brain via earbuds had begun to manifest in my living room. For just a moment, I actually Got It.
This is the real danger of binging podcast audio dramas 😔. You are not immune to the spooky (this is good actually!)
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localgrem1in · 11 months
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Magtober Day 26 - Found Family
Quick! Post the oops! all avatars! au where they're just really tired coworkers trying to survive cryptic instructions from eldritch horror bosses!
My goal for Magtober is to do a sketch every day according to the prompt. I've been suffering from that headspace where every peice needs to be a finished piece, so I'm tryin to break that.
Prompt list by @emerald-emerlad for tmatober 2023!
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Mini infodump below cut :]
Oliver [he/him] - Avatar of the End
Jon [he/they] - Avatar of the Eye
Helen [she/it] - Avatar of the Spiral
Jude [she/he] - Avatar of the Desolation
Tim [he/him] - Avatar of the Slaughter
Mike [he/him] - Avatar of the Vast
Martin [he/him] - Avatar of the Lonely
Sasha [she/they/it] - Avatar of the Stranger
Gerry [they/he] - some weird both but none inbetween of the Eye, the End, and the Hunt, but I like him lots so I say he gets to stay
Mini plot points:
-It's MUCH more lighthearted than TMA the podcast
-Oliver is still there when Jon wakes up, they proceed to become besties
-Mike and Jon become close friends because Jon's not STUPID and doesn't tell Daisy that Mike is 'inhuman'. Therefore Mike doesn't die, and they get a chance to ✨bond. ✨
-Jude and Mike are besties too, but they would die before letting you know that
-Jude [sometimes with assistance from Helen] scares off Elias whenever the group goes to rescue Jon from the depths of the Archives. [She just threatens to burn down the Archives-]
-Gerry doesn't want to be burnt just yet, because he wants to go out on his own terms, not desperation left over from Getrude trapping him in that book. Maybe help the new archivist, he's could use some assistance and is the teeniest bit pathetic
-As a result, Gerry kinda hangs around the archives while Jon is comatose and becomes close friends with Tim
-Tim and Sasha doesn't die (obviously), instead Tim survives the unkowing. His time in the hospital is a much shorter stay than Jon
-He finds Sasha after they go to stop the Unknowing, cracked and breaking into pieces in the ruins, and helps her get back to the Archives
-Sasha and Helen become besties. That's it. That's the story.
-Jon and Helen are also closer, because Jon doesn't completely shut Helen out when she mentions how similar they might be
-Tim determinedly keeps driving the Lonely away from Martin, which annoys Peter Lukas greatly
-Sasha's too scary for Peter to try and make any more drastic measures though
-EVERYONE bullies Jon about his newfound discovered crush on Martin, while at the same time they are very sympathetic to Martin because this poor boy has been pining for SO LONG over this prick /aff
-Jon also cuts his hair short again after his coma, because he's not too depressed to take care of it
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the-sunbee · 3 months
a little update about how far i got into malevolent and the thoughts ive had so far
spoilers for parts 1-5
here is a man, who wakes up not being able to see and he starts hearing a voice in his head. he wakes up in an office he discovers is his with his partner's dead body in the middle.
and he questions it so little. the thought of not having his own eyes and having a voice in his head and having just killed his partner normalizes so easily for him
istg the first ep i was just :o the whole time
second part so far has been the loudest. there was thunder and yelling and gunshots and it scared me. the podcast started out relatively quietly for my phone (and my headphones suck) so i had to listen to it on speaker. the room i work in is loud so it had to be pretty loud... i had my dog w me. we were both scared of the gunshots and thunder lmao
but yet again it was cool. the world design seems so cool and im eager to keep listening.
he finds a baby in the forest.
thats it. a baby. in the woods. no questions.
he finds a car by the side of the road, sees blood and track marks and FOLLOWS THEM. he finds a campsite with 2 women (one is dead) and a baby and he and john doe think "oh yeah. we have to save the baby." thats it. only baby.
and then she starts laughing. and chasing.
and just... only thoughts are baby.
the wraith things were so cool. i love ghosts and spirits and folklore about such things so the mansion ep was just super cool.
the gasmask man (im bad w names dont mind me) intrigued me. the way john would speak and the man would just scream shut up so the question "does the gas mask man hear john" rise up only for him to shut that idea down. and the comment about the mother. that callback minutes later was comedy gold istg.
im about half way into ep 5 too and the whole starting bit was creepy and cool and set up so well. the voice change from a calm helpful tone to a "TELL ME WHAT YOU KNOW ARTHUR" was 10/10
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acatfullofcogs · 14 days
! I haven’t completely finished TMA !
not that anyone asked BUT for me personally, there’s 3 aspects to the “personality” test that is the 14 fears. As Gerry explains, they all tend to bleed into each other like colors, so it’s hard to pick just one.
The way I categorize it is
1. the fear that best represents what your most specific phobia is
- For me, the idea of The Watcher definitely scares me, but I think The Vast would be more likely to really get to me because of my specific fear of thalassophobia.
2. The fear you would be most excited to serve
- I want to be a The Hunt or The Flesh girly SO FUCKING BADLY.
3. Whichever fear best highlights the specificities of your personal brain
- I’ve never had any media better able to encapsulate my specific mix of diagnoses than MAG 19-20, Confession and Desecrated Host, which are both mainly centered on The Spiral or I’ve seen some attribute it more to The Desolation
So my top three would be The Vast, The Hunt/Flesh, and The Spiral. At least that’s how my brain organizes it!
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jingleshoes · 6 days
~~Blinked Out~~
Chapter One
it was a cold night and honestly weren't all of them? everyone was already well into their work for the night, working on cases, marking them, and sending them off, the only weird thing was...well...none of those voices Alice had affectionately named had really come up yet, maybe that wasn't too uncommon but there would at least be one going every hour and a half or so...but no...none of them, until Sam finished up one of his cases and started onto the next one was Chester, Sam seemed surprised and paused it before he could finish the first few words
"Hey Alice, Chester's back!" Sam announced with a smile earning a Excited cheer from Alice
"Ayyy! My favorite Spooky robotic voice! guess he couldn't stay away from you to long hey Sam? how does it feel having more game with a weird old text to speech then actual human beings?", Alice asked with a smug look as she leaned back in her rolling chair and Sam rolled his eyes "Ha Ha yes very funny Alice, just thought you'd be happy to hear.", Sam said with a smile as he focused back on his computer and Alice shrugged and looked back to her own work as Sam pressed the space bar again to unpause the voice and listened to the case as it droned on, near the middle though, Chester stopped reading and Sam looked back to the case
"what..?" Sam muttered as he tried to read where Chester had left off but then Chester went off script entirely. "where am I? I should be dead. he killed me. I told him to! it hurts- it hurts to think! we where supposed to be together" and after that the computer appeared to turn off entirely, Sam rolled back a bit , seeming scared and Alice looked up a bit passed the dividers
"you alright ? Case get to you again?" Alice asked as she sat straight a bit only to see Sam stammering
"the-the-the uh- the computers broken I think is all- Chester uhm- wasn't saying the case? like usual?" Sam said as he looked from Alice to the computer before seeing a hand reach out of it and he screamed "holy shit!" Alice yelled, falling out of her rolling chair as Sam got out of his chair in terror, Gwen was out, and of course their boss was in her office at the moment so, Celia was just walking in from the breakroom with a mug of coffee
"hey what's all of the - hhhhaaAA! whaaat the hell is that!?"she yelled in a panic as she dropped her mug, clearly any tiredness she felt before retrieving the coffee had completely left her due to the adrenaline rush of fear as one hand became two hands, reaching out on either sides of the computer and throwing out a man with long salt and pepper hair partially tied up and dressed like some depressed college professor in a winter jacket, he looked like he had been hit by a car but no one around seem to car what he looked like cause he just crawled out of a computer, huffing and puffing like he had been running for his life moments before! The man from the computer looked up at everyone a moment, blinking and wincing as though he was in terrible pain, and with a groan he tried to get up off his hands and knees but as he did this he only fell back down "damn it." the man said and he fell back to the floor, turning himself over to stare at the painful light of the ceiling, Alice, Sam, and Celia all looked between each other not knowing what to do or what was going on "uh- Excuse me ??Who on Earth are you?" Alice finally spoke up only for Jon to look that way and after another moment he sat up and stared "I...I'm the...I'm Jonathan Sims... "he said as though he was asked by a paramedic after a car crash. Celia looked at Alice and Sam and then in her panic, slowly backed up into the break room hoping to be forgotten in the background, Alice stared at Jon and Sam seemed flabbergasted by the name drop "you're...you're Jonathan sims?- You cant be- Jonathan sims is- he's dead!" "you know this guy!?-"Alice said quickly before being interrupted by Sam
"well no! he's!- I was- HE has been dead 20 years! I don't know who this guy is!" Sam said "I do not like being talked about like I'm not here." Jon said as he started to sit himself up and look around, he didn't feel that connection with the eye he had when he was on the ...it was gone...but somehow still there? like before the Eyepocalypse... it was an odd feeling but not as overwhelming he didn't feel like he was as powerful as before.... he felt sick... he wasn't the one reading all those cases, though it was in fact his voice spouting off story after story, so he felt tired, he felt hungry, he felt... sick. "well sorry! Man from computer- if we need to discuss amongst ourselves about a random dead man emerging from the depths of our- definitely cursed old shitty computers!" Alice retorted before watching Jon pass out to the floor as Alice and Sam both stared "shit..." "yeah..."
OKAY this is end of chapter one - and my very first fan fiction EVER so- hope you like it- i will hopefully have the next chapter in soon
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magpod-confessions · 1 month
before I started listening to tma I had reoccurring dreams where I was in what I now know is the spiral. I don’t know why that was there. maybe how I imagined it was influenced by the dreams but it was one for one. I felt like I was being watched the whole time, I was running and scared but the thing I was running from just wouldn’t stop LOOKING. it was LOOKING but not with EYES. anyways so that freaked me out when those episodes started appearing.
I also had a dream after I finished the show where I was an avatar of the beholding and my power was not compulsive answers but that people just felt “seen” in a comforting way and would voluntarily start opening up. also it was like I could just know things but I had to think about what I wanted to know and it took effort. if I didn’t want to know it wouldn’t be up there.
When did you give your statement to the archivist goddamn - rosette
oh no anon yeah me too i had reoccuring dreams in the distortions hallways before even knowing about tma - deceit
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raichukaiju · 10 days
Spoilers for The Magnus Protocol Season 1 Finale
So is that forever it for Sam then?? It can't be, surely!! Will Celia's world even accept someone from outside it as "restoring the balance" or will it have to be her in the end??
Who the hell is the Archivist???? Cause it isn't Jon, at least I don't think it is, cause Jon is here in the computer (we're fairly certain). My guess at this moment is that it's a more.... concentrated Avatar of the Eye? Like the Beholding bypassed needing a human avatar and just formed this vaguely human-shaped thing with too many eyes and additional power to act on its behalf? I don't know if that even makes any sense, but I'll be interested to see if I'm even vaguely on the right track.
AND GWEN!!!!! Gwen what the hell was that laugh??? I hope you're prepared to deal with the consequences of what you've done, you're gonna have to learn a whole lot very fast!! I wonder if we'll ever see Lena again? Maybe if/when Gwen realises she's in over her head, then she'll swallow her pride and call her? Assuming that Lena even survives in the interim.
POOR COLIN!!! He sounds so scared, I wonder if that's finally it for him, and Alice will only have a body to find? My hopes aren't high, but I really do want Colin to be ok, he deserves more!!
Alice, my beloved, you care so much, but I still need to know what the hell you know - cause I swear more than you're letting on so far! Maybe once she's finished (most likely) going off at Celia, some of it might come to light?
What an amazing season!!! It's been SO good to be able to follow this story unfolding from the start (I got into TMA by the time it had already ended) and watch things develop and make guesses week to week as to where it's all leading!! But now comes the waiting!!!!
Fuck I hope Sam is going to be ok.
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