#so ofc i had to sneak a quick screen of her !!!!!
ahollowgrave · 3 days
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princess dress up hours
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nerdzzone · 3 years
Only For A Moment: July
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Summary: A series of shorter one shots from Chris and Whitney’s life together throughout the pandemic. Some happy times, some harder times, some fluff and some things a little more sexy - they work through it all as they try to get settled in their new and blossoming relationship.
Chris Evans x OFC
Part of the Once Bitten/More Hearts series
Only For A Moment: June
July 2020
Chris was stressed.
It was understandable as he'd just launched his new endeavour - A Starting Point - but it was worrying me how anxious and overwhelmed he seemed to be. The feedback so far had been good, but he was still concerned about how it was going to be received and whether or not people would actually find it useful. He had several long, full days of interviews scheduled to promote it and explain what they hoped to achieve and, after the first week, he was exhausted which made him moody and withdrawn.
It didn't help that Grayson had quickly adjusted to having our undivided attention and was growing increasingly frustrated with his dad's busy schedule. The Friday after the launch, Chris promised him that he'd be done by bedtime so he could tuck him in, but technical difficulties got in the way and he was once again stuck in front of his laptop until well into the evening.
And that was where I found him, at almost nine o'clock, when I went to see if he'd be finished anytime soon. I'd poked my head around the door and saw him sat at his desk with his head in his hands and the sight made my heart ache.  Sneaking up behind him, I wrapped my arms around his shoulders.
"Hey," I greeted him softly. "How are you doing?"
"I'm fine," he assured me, but the sigh that followed told me otherwise. "Just tired. It's been a busy week."
"It has. We've missed you."
My words weren't meant to add guilt to his stress, but I realized my mistake when he winced.
"Sorry," he mumbled, placing a kiss on my arm where it rested across his chest. "I did try to finish early today - I suggested we push the last interview until tomorrow when we hit the connection issues, but they weren't having it. Was Grayson mad that I missed bedtime again?"
"Not mad," I shrugged. "Just a bit disappointed."
Chris' head fell forward and his shoulders stiffened.
"That's worse."
"No, it's not," I insisted, squeezing him tightly. "He was just a little sad, but he got over it. I promised him that you'd do something fun with him when you weren't so busy and he accepted that."
"I was actually thinking of taking him to the museum to see the dinosaur exhibit," Chris admitted. "They just reopened, but he'd have to wear a mask."
"He'd love that," I smiled, knowing how much both of them loved their father and son days. We'd made an effort to give him more one on one time, but it was limiting when we hadn't been able to leave the house much until recently. "And I think he'd be okay with a mask. We can order one and get him to wear it at home for a bit to get used to it."
"Good idea," Chris nodded. "I can do that tomorrow"
"Or I can," I suggested, kissing the side of his head. "You're busy enough at the moment. And you're stressed, I can feel the tension in your shoulders."
Chris sighed again and I felt a pang of sympathy for him.
"I know. This project just means a lot to me. I want it to do well."
"And it is," I reminded him as an idea hit me. "C'mon, I know what you need to help you relax."
"Oh, yeah?" Chris smirked and I rolled my eyes as his mind had clearly gone straight to something dirty. "What would that be?"
"Probably not whatever you're thinking of," I informed him. "But there's some pizza left in the kitchen. Go have a slice of that and then meet me in the bedroom."
"Alright, I like the sound of this."
His smirk had grown and I swatted the back of his head as I slid my arms off of his shoulders.
"Don't be such a perv!"
He laughed and stood up from his chair as I shook my head and he pulled me in for a quick kiss before we headed downstairs and went our separate ways.
If there was one thing I knew how to do, it was run the perfect bath for relaxation. It had been my tradition every evening after I'd dropped Gray off at Chris' house - I would pour myself a glass of wine and take a bath, enjoying the opportunity for a long soak without the risk of Grayson interrupting. The bathtub in Chris' en suite made that indulgence even better due to it's size and depth and I'd taken advantage of it several times during our stay with Chris. Which meant that I had quite the assortment of bath salts and bubble bath to create the perfect bath for Chris.
The tub had just finished filling up when he walked in and I heard him chuckle at the sight.
"I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little disappointed."
"Oh, shush," I teased, turning around to face him once I'd turned off the taps. "This will be much more effective than whatever you were imagining."
Chris scoffed at that claim, a smirk firmly on his face.
"I disagree."
"I'm sure you do, but that's too bad. Now, strip."
"Ooh, I like it when you're bossy."
His comment earned another roll of my eyes as I crossed my arms and waited for him to do as I'd instructed.
As he did, I couldn't help, but stare. He seemed to be toning up even more during our quarantine and the sight of his perfectly sculpted body took my breath away every time I had the luxury of seeing it. He caught my gaze and colour flooded my cheeks as I knew that he'd seen me gawking at him, but despite the smug look on his face, he made no comment as he climbed into the tub.
Once he was settled with his head resting back on the edge of the tub, I sat down on the closed lid of the toilet and picked my phone up from where it was sitting on the counter. I unlocked the screen with the intention of replying to my mother who had messaged me while I was getting the bath ready, but a giggle slipped from my lips when I saw what was already open on my phone from earlier that day. Chris raised a questioning eyebrow and I debated whether or not to tell him about it. It had the potential to send his stress levels sky rocketing again, but if he thought I was hiding something from him, it would probably irritate him and ruin his mood anyway so I came clean.
"Hannah sent me a link to an Instagram account today that posts lots of gossip stuff," I informed him. "Most of it seems to be just random submissions, but they've been right a few times, I guess, so people seem to believe whatever they say now."
"And why did she send you a link to it?"
"Because apparently you're engaged."
I was smiling as I broke the news to him because obviously I knew it wasn't true, but Chris let out a groan of annoyance.
"Engaged to who?! To you?"
"No, to a mysterious blonde. Apparently, the person who sent in the message has a friend who spotted you picking up some takeout with this woman. Her ring was clearly on display and you were openly affectionate with her while you waited for your food."
"That's just a straight up lie," Chris huffed. "I don't know why people waste their time making this shit up and I really don't know why you bother reading it."
"It's not like I seek it out, but Hannah finds it entertaining to see what people are saying about us," I shrugged. "You have to admit that it's kinda funny. It sends everyone into such a frenzy."
Chris shot me a look.
"Funny isn't the word I'd use."
"C'mon, it's a little amusing!" I smiled, scrolling down to the comments. "Like, look, they're discussing whether or not I fit the description in case I just dyed my hair blonde. But then someone else says they saw me in L.A. two weeks ago, around the time you were with the blonde woman, so it couldn't possibly be me. They're like little detectives."
Chris rolled his eyes, but there was a reluctant smile on his face.
"Detectives aren't allowed to just make things up," he pointed out. "Unless you took a secret trip a few weeks ago that I didn't know about."
"No, I didn't," I laughed. "You have some very creative fans."
"I don't think it's my fans who write that stuff. It's probably other people trying to antagonize them."
"Well, it works like a charm. They go nuts trying to decide if it's true. I just wish they wouldn't get so mean about it sometimes," I admitted. "Like, some of them were saying how glad they were that you'd moved on from me finally because of how cruel it is that I ruined your life by trapping you with a baby."
The scowl on Chris' face instantly returned with that additional information and I scolded myself for saying it.
"I should have let Downey sue them all like he wanted to when it first leaked that you were pregnant," Chris huffed. "Then maybe by now these gossip pages would know better than to post shit about us."
"It would have just made things worse," I insisted as a smirk slid onto my face. "Besides, it doesn't really bother me. I'm the one sitting next to you while you lounge completely naked in a bubble bath while they spiral into a jealous pit of despair."
That comment earned me a laugh before he sat up a bit higher in the tub.
"Why are you sitting over there anyway?" He asked. "Get in here with me."
I smiled at his demand, but shook my head.
"This isn't supposed to be a sexy bath. You're supposed to be relaxing."
"And what better way to relax than to share a bath with the woman I love?"
A statement like that was hard to resist, especially as he grinned up at me from the tub with that amazing smile of his. I relented with surprisingly little resistance and rose from where I was sitting.
"I suppose that's fair..."
Putting my phone back on the counter, I turned so my back was to Chris. I could feel his eyes burning into me as he stared and I bit back a smirk. I quickly undid the button on the shorts I was wearing and slid them down my legs, bending at the waist as I stepped out of them. A noise of approval came from behind me as I stood up again and I shot him what I hoped was a sexy look over my shoulder before I pulled my shirt over my head. After slipping out of my bra and quickly pulling off my panties, I left them with my shorts and turned around with one hand over my chest to keep it covered until I was settled in the tub under all the bubbles.
"Wow," Chris grinned. "You're so fuckin' hot."
I giggled at his compliment, feeling a wave of self-confidence from my little strip tease.
For the past few weeks I'd been spending more time in Chris' home gym and I was feeling the positive side effects - more than just in my slowly developing muscle tone. We'd had a fight one night not long after our first pool day when I made some self-deprecating comments that rubbed Chris the wrong way. He scolded me rather harshly for always talking badly about my body and, while at first his exasperated reaction made me shut down, it eventually led to a very open conversation.
I explained that I wasn't just fishing for compliments all the time. I had some serious insecurities and - as analyzed by Hannah who was a very well trained psychologist - I tended to put myself down first before someone else could do it. I informed him that it wasn't just the body changes that come from pregnancy that bothered me, but the fact that I hadn't had much time to go to the gym since Gray was born - when he was with me, I was busy with him and when he was with Chris, I was busy with work.
He understood where I was coming from and reminded me that his home gym was available for my use any time I wanted, but insisted that I make sure I was doing it for the right reasons. He didn't want me killing myself to change how I looked when I didn't really need to, but I assured him that my motivations weren't all vanity related. Sure, I wanted to look good, but I missed feeling strong and healthy.
After our conversation, I’d started taking some time every day to get some exercise and the difference it was making to my confidence even after a few short weeks was huge. So, hearing Chris' praise now made me feel wonderful because I was actually starting to believe it.
"Thanks," I smiled in response to his compliment as I got settled in the bath tub. We were facing each other, my legs draped over his thighs so my feet were resting by his hips and my bum was between his shins. He grabbed my hand and laced our fingers together as he watched me with what could only be described as an adoring look. "It's amazing what a few weeks at the gym can do."
"Helps that you were pretty hot to start with too," he teased. "But I'm glad you're feeling more confident."
"Me too." I leaned forward to press a soft kiss on his lips. "So, are you feeling more relaxed?"
"I am," Chris nodded before letting out a sigh. "I'm sorry I've been so stressed out lately. I just want this whole thing to go well."
"And it is," I repeated my earlier assurance. "So far you've had a great reaction."
"For now," he frowned. "I just want people to actually use it and get involved."
"They will," I assured him, leaning in for another kiss. "Have I told you how proud I am of you? You're doing such a great thing, using your influence to try and make a difference. It's very inspiring."
"Well, I think you're too kind," he told me, trying to be humble despite the proud grin on his face. "Really, it's the least I can do."
"Nope, the least you could do is nothing," I pointed out. "But you're trying to help people and I'm so proud of you for that. I'm grateful that Grayson has a dad like you to look up to."
It appeared - for a brief moment - that Chris' eyes grew a little bit glassy, but he blinked a few times and they were clear once again.
"Thanks, Winnie." He paused to clear his throat. "That really means a lot and I'm sorry I've been so busy this week. I have one more podcast interview to do tomorrow morning and then I have a few days off."
"I'm glad you'll get a break, but you don't need to be sorry," I assured him. "Even though it has been kinda weird. It's crazy that a few months ago, we only ever saw each other in passing, but now I miss you when you're busy for even a few hours."
It was true. I had missed him the last few days and it did seem ridiculous when we used to go weeks without seeing each other and even then it was just briefly at a pick up or drop off. I'd been spoiled the last few months, having so much of his time. Now, seeing him every day wasn't even enough if I didn't have much of his undivided attention.
A brief flash of dread tore through me as I shared that thought with Chris because I knew this would all come to an end some day. We couldn't stay locked away in his house forever, eventually we would both have to go back to work and I knew it would make things harder. Some people found that the intense quality time was testing their relationship, but I was worried that we'd start to crumble as soon as we weren't together almost twenty-four hours a day. Once the world of Hollywood got it's claws back in Chris, I couldn't help but wonder where that would leave me.
But as always when those thoughts filled my mind, I did my best to push them away. It was likely still months before anything would change so there was no point in stressing about it now and Chris chuckled, bringing me back to the moment.
"Awe, you’ve missed me?"
His words were accompanied by a cocky smirk and I smiled despite my rolling eyes.
"Shut up."
"It's sweet. I never thought you'd be a clingy kinda girlfriend."
I wrinkled my nose in displeasure at that thought and shook my head.
"I'm not clingy!"
"Kinda sounds like you are," he pointed out. "Can't even get through a work day without pining for me."
"I wasn't pining!" I huffed, but he continued insisting that it seemed like I was. "Well, I was just about to suggest we get out of this bath, but now I think maybe you don't deserve what I was thinking of doing next."
"Get out? You just got in," Chris pointed out with a raised eyebrow. "What else have you got planned?"
Now it was my turn to smirk as I rested my hands on the side of the tub before pushing up until I was standing in front of him.
"A little extra relaxation," I told him, deliberately keeping it vague. "But I guess now, you'll never know."
I stepped out of the tub and grabbed my towel. With one last glance back at Chris who was still sitting in the bath, looking a mix of surprised and intrigued, I wrapped the towel around myself and left the bathroom - making sure to sway my hips a little more than usual on my way out.
I heard the water slosh as Chris leapt up to follow me and he appeared in the bedroom - towel around his waist and water dripping to the floor - moments later.
"Chris!" I laughed. "You're getting the floor all wet!"
"So are you," he pointed out. "But I don't care."
I hardly had time to take in his words before he strode swiftly across the room and pulled me against his chest. His hands gripped my hips so tightly that it undid my towel and he moved just briefly enough for it to fall to the floor. Once that was out of the way, he captured my lips in a kiss so fierce it made my breath catch in my chest.
I indulged for a moment, enjoying the feel of his hands roaming by body as his lips worked against mine, but then I remembered who this evening was supposed to be about. I pulled back slightly, just enough to trail my lips across his jaw and locked them onto a spot just below his ear as my hands moved to the towel around his waist. I could feel a slight bulge pressing against me - he wasn't hard yet, but it was clear that the anticipation was having an effect on him - and I untucked the towel and let it fall down with mine to give me easier access.
I heard Chris take in a shaky breath and felt him tighten his grip on me as I took him in my hand. Smiling against his skin and enjoying his little reactions, I stroked him until he was thick and full from my touch.
"Get on the bed."
Chris' tone was demanding and there was definitely a part of me that wanted to follow his instructions, but I resisted and moved my face away from where it was buried in his neck, shaking my head.
"No, this is all about you," I reminded him. "You need to relax."
He voiced a few protests as I kissed my way down his chest, but he fell silent as I dropped to my knees in front of him. His hands were clenched in fists by his side while I continued to gently stroke him, placing soft kisses on the top of his thigh, but when my kisses moved closer until my lips landed on his cock, his hands shot to grip in my hair. He wasn't forcing anything or trying to control my movements, but the sense of control that action gave him was something I knew he enjoyed and I smiled before getting down to business.
I licked him slowly from base to tip, making him shudder as I took him into my mouth. His hips twitched, pushing farther in and I did my best to accommodate him. Letting him slide slowly over my tongue, I stretched my jaw to get my mouth around his thick shaft. He always felt big - he was big - but this action made it even more apparent and I took as much of him as I could before sliding back up his cock.
Pausing for a moment to suck at the tip, I used my hand to stroke him as I lifted my eyes to look up at his face. His hand gripped my hair tighter as he threw his head back briefly, then returned his gaze to me and met my eyes. I smiled around his cock before letting my lips move farther down, taking him back in my mouth. Not feeling completely confident in my ability to deep throat someone of his size, I used my hand to cover the base and began to bob my head with renewed enthusiasm, spurred on by all the sighs and groans that were falling from his lips.
I could feel myself growing wet. His reactions, the position we were in, the slight tug of my hair - it was all overwhelming me and increasing the temptation to let him fall from my mouth, push him onto the bed and ride him until we both couldn't take it anymore, but I tried to stay focused as I worked his cock.
After a few minutes, I could tell he was getting close as his grip on my head began leading me more and more, a sign his self control was waning. That only spurred me on, but as his breathing shifted until he was practically panting and I could feel his thigh muscles tensing where my hand was resting, I heard a sound that would kill any mood.
Grayson's voice floated down the stairs. It was distant and quiet, but enough to make my blood run cold as I instantly pulled my mouth off Chris.
"Fuck," Chris groaned, a pained look on his face as I shot up from where I was kneeling. "Fuck, that kid has bad timing."
Gray called for me again, sounding slightly closer than he had before and I threw on one of Chris' shirts that was crumpled up on the bed. Luckily, it fit me like a dress and covered everything that needed to be covered.
"I'm so sorry, babe," I flashed him an apologetic look. "I'll take care of him and you can take care of that."
I gestured to his still very hard and throbbing cock and the poor man looked like he wanted to cry as I hurried out of the room.
Turns out, Grayson was just thirsty so after a quick drink of water, I tucked him back into bed. By the time I returned to our bedroom, Chris was fast asleep as he lay sprawled out, still naked on top of the duvet. It looked as if he had just collapsed onto the bed and even though he was asleep, his face still showed his exhaustion. I felt a flash of sympathy as I pulled the blanket off the back of the chair in the corner of the room and covered him up with it, placing a soft kiss on his forehead before climbing in to my side of the bed.
Tags:  @maggotzombie @moonlacebeam @mizzzpink @zaylaugh @flowery-mess @flowerjewels @njrronaldo7 @hockeychick10 @partypoison00 @theladybiers @sidepieces @firoozehmoon @patzammit @sparkledfirecracker @mytbel0st @chvntelle-99
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sif-the-tsunami · 4 years
Principal’s Pet
This is part of the Cavill School Writing Challenge. Thank you for @killjoy-assbutt-1112 for creating this idea and @oh-for-fic-sake for making the challenge. I would love feedback from anyone who will be kind enough to give it.
Warnings: Porn without plot. Smutty bondagey goodness. BDSM, Impact play, humiliation, degradation, language, Male Dom, Fem Sub, lactation, breeding, unprotected sex, exhibitionism. If I’m missing anything, let me know.  There is barely any backstory, I just love little scenarios like this. If you are not into impact play, this might not be your flavor. However, please don’t yuck my yum.
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Pairing: Principal Cavill x Anita (ofc)
Word count: 2K
A mother’s lust
Smut below the cut!
Principal Cavill sat in his office, typing away at the report he was going to be submitting to the school board the next morning. The soft motorized sucking noise, a faint gasp and sultry moan filled the silence he left while pondering what to include next. His mechanical keyboard clacking rhythmically, he looked up from the screen and gazed at the woman tied to the chair next to his desk. She was one of the young, unwed mothers that had come to the Cavill Reform and Vocational School for Young Women seeking job skills from one of the programs they offered. The school had a private dormitory and child care for these women coming into the school for training. Some of the girls were there because other private schools would no longer take them, others were there because the school boasted a high success rate of getting the women hired after completion. Either way, over the years, it had developed a nickname. The girls enrolled referred to it as The Cavill School for Wayward Strumpets.
The strumpet currently soaking her panties on the wooden chair in his office was being punished for sneaking out after curfew. She evidently wanted to see her baby’s father. A few days ago, she had been in his office with her fussy baby, talking to him about how she didn’t know what she was going to do, but she appreciated the life skills she had been learning. She looked exhausted that afternoon. The principal asked her to hand the baby over to him. He gently rocked back and forth with the tiny infant in his arms. The little one let out a wail and then fell asleep.
“See, Anita, sometimes you just need to relax and the things you want will happen.” He said calmly. He looked at her big green eyes. Just below her eyes, he noticed the dampness growing across her breasts. The baby’s cries must have triggered her let down. He tried to keep his face neutral, but when she noticed, her face flushed deeply and he saw the humiliation written across her face. Between the breast milk, and that lovely blush that graced her face, he could feel himself stirring. She babbled an apology and covered herself. He offered her his dark blue sweater so she could go back to her dorm and change.  The sweater was so huge on her that it made him chuckle to himself. He handed the sleeping baby back to Anita and she shuffled off.
This morning, she was tied to the chair, school uniform skirt hiked up so he could see her little pink panties, her blouse was unbuttoned down to her waist, full tits pulled out over her bra cups with a fancy breast pump attached to her nipples. The pump had been draining her for the past twenty minutes and the milk pouches were almost completely full. Her pouty lips were held apart by a gag causing her to drool down her neck and chest. What the woman didn’t know was that the gag in her mouth was shaped after the head of Principal Cavill’s cock. He had shoved it her mouth after she wouldn’t stop backtalking to him in protest.
Anita let out a pained whimper. He said in a sweet tone “Oh dear, I should take those off of you, shouldn’t I. Your poor sensitive nipples.”
He removed the pumps from her chest. Eyeing the droplets left clinging on to her puffy, aching nipples, the Principal leaned forward and licked the liquid gold. The softness of his tongue after the harshness of the pump made her inhale sharply then moan. He fixed the pouches of milk and placed them in the little refrigerator in his office. He came back and started massaging her large breasts. Her eyes fluttered shut and she pushed her chest towards his hands. “You are a very good mummy, you know that right? You are doing the right thing for you and your little angel by being here. I see a lot of potential in you Anita, however, you still need to be punished.”
He took off his silk tie first, then his supple leather belt. He untied the young woman from the chair, and leaned her over his desk. She didn’t fight him at all. He used his silk tie to bind her arms behind her back. Stand behind her, he used one of his feet to spread her legs apart. He could see the pooling arousal in those light pink panties. “Little girl, you have earned fifteen lashes on this beautiful ass of yours. If you are a good girl and take this with some dignity, I’ll be sure to put in a good word with Mr Solo, and make sure he sends you something special for dinner. Alright?”
The bound woman nods her head. With his thick thumbs, he pulls the pink panties down by her knees. The first lash leaves a red welt across her perfect posterior. She yelps and flinches slightly. The second lash hits above the last, the next several hit different parts of her rump. By the ninth lash, he noticed that she was moaning more than yelping, raising her ass a little to meet the belt. Her sex glistened with her arousal. He paced out the last six as evenly as he could. Even with the special consideration he took with her backside, her skin was red and angry. He leaned forward to pull her panties back up for her when she arched her back and presented herself more to him. His office smelled like her gorgeous sex, and he wanted to bury himself in her rose colored core. He kissed one of the red welts gently. “You liked this, didn’t you? My little pain slut.”
Her eyes were dreamy as she nodded at him. He ran his hand up her thigh, stopping at the beautiful flower, begging to be watered. She pressed herself into his thumb that brushed against her sex. “You like feeling humiliated like this don’t you? Someone could just walk through that door and see what a slut you are for me. But I bet you want that, don’t you?”
Between the questions, he planted kisses on different welts, on the last one he bit down. The noise that came from around the gag in her mouth was primal and made his cock throb. He then had an idea, he wanted to test the limits of this little masochist in his grasp. He undid his tie on her wrists and then in a quick movement, he rolled her onto her back, and pushed her so her bottom and feet were on his desk. He took the straps from the chair and tied her wrists to the same side’s ankle leaving her pussy open and on display for him. He walked around to her head for a moment, taking in the beautiful tableau before him. Her breast still bare for him, nipples puffy and erect. He leaned down and whispered in her ear “I want to try something with you,” His voice was thick with desire. “None of my other students have seemed to enjoy their punishment as much as you have. I think we might both like this, but I need to know you trust me.”
Anita nodded her head, smirking behind the gag in her mouth. He leaned down and kissed her around the apparatus in her mouth. He trailed his mouth down her exposed skin, flicking his tongue on her sore nipples and he continued to her waiting center.
He fixed his belt in hand, and brought down the first stroke on her core. The young woman screamed behind the gag, she shuttered but left her legs open. He ran his hand up her thigh, “Do you want me to stop?”
She lifted her head off the table, eyebrows knitted together and violently shook her head no. “You want me to keep going?”
She nodded enthusiastically.
He brought the belt down again. Again she shuttered and cried out. A third stroke had her eyes rolling to the back of her head. A forth one had her back arching and legs trembling. A last well placed smack landed dead center and she was so close to heaven.
He watched as she trembled and writhed on his desk. He leaned his head down between her thighs and kissed the bruised flower. She gasped and her hands searched for his as he pulled to to the edge of the desk and buried his face in her lust. On his knees he ravished her sacred garden. Kissing, nibbling, sucking on her most delicate anatomy, he brought her to the edge of immense pleasure and watched as she rode the wave as it crashed around her. He wiped his face off on her thigh, leaving a lingering kiss near her knee. “I want to fuck this pretty pussy of yours, Anita. I want to fuck you like that weak little boy who knocked you up and left you to fend for yourself never could. I want to show you want a man can do for you, will you have me?”
After a moment’s hesitation, Anita again nodded enthusiastically. With that he unleashed himself from the pants he was wearing. He ripped his shirt off and his clothes fell down to the floor with a light plop. The principal rubbed himself against her opening, getting himself slick with her pleasure. In a slow, smooth movement, he entered her. Her back arched again and a sexy, deep moan of pleasure came out. He began to pound himself her red and raw flesh.
“You like this, don’t you? My little pain slut. You are so fucking sexy. You like being used, your cunt is so tight on my cock.” The principal rasped as laid claim to the woman’s body. He started rubbing her clit with his large thumb, “Do you got another one in you, baby? Think you can cum on my cock?”
Before Anita could answer, the office door swung open. Mr Walker entered the room, “Hank, you wanted to see me?”
He stopped dead in his tracks seeing the young woman being impaled on the desk with Principal Cavill thrusting into her. The interruption was just what she needed to make her see stars again. Her eye’s rolled back in her head as she screamed again behind the gag in her mouth. “Now’s not a good time, Walker. Oh, you fucking slut, cum on my dick.”
Walker chuckled to himself and left the room exclaiming, “I fucking love this job.”
The principal’s eyes never left his captive, feeling her body convulse on him, made him join her in absolute pleasure. He emptied himself into her willing body.
He rubbed the inner part of her thigh as she twitched and moaned for him. She was wrecked. He watched as the cum pooled on his desk after he had removed himself from her. He took the silk tie and cleaned himself off with it, then proceeded to untie his victim. Kissing her one more time around the gag, he unleashed her. He pointed at the mess they had made with a quite, “Do you mind cleaning that up?”
Without a word, she got up off the desk, walked over to the edge then seductively bent over and licked up every drop that had spilled from her. She moaned like it was the sweetest nectar she had ever tasted. She was going to make an excellent plaything for her remaining time at the school. 
Reaching into his desk, he pulled out the balm he used when he got too heavy handed for some of the girls. He then ever so gently rubbed the salve on her welted bottom and sex. He might be strict, but never cruel. He paid special attention to her little bruised flower. She sucked in air and ground herself against his hand. Without being asked she moved her hands behind her back, allowing him to look at her body unobstructed.
“As long as you are here, as long as you are mine, this little honey pot belongs to me. Do I make myself clear?”
“Yes Principal Cavill.”
“You are no longer allowed to cum without my permission. You will not fuck without my permission. You will open yourself to whoever I tell you to. You will be one of my prized bitches, and I will breed you however and to whoever I see fit. Do you understand?”
“Yes, Principal Cavill.” She bit her lip, and he felt her body get warm on his fingers. He pulled his hand out from her cum dripping core and he put them in front of her face. Her green eyes never left his blues as she sucked their fluids off of his thick digits.
“Someone tried training you before, didn’t they?” He asked, she nodded as she kept sucking. It wasn’t until his fingers were cleaned that he allowed her to redress. He looked at her lovely neck and thought how much better it would look with collar on. He wondered about the depths of her depravity and how hard she would work for his pleasure. He almost wished he could let her lay on the dog bed he kept under his desk for Kal, so she could tenderly kiss and and stroke  his cock when he wanted.
Principal Cavill instructed young Anita that when she got to her room, she would need to take a bath. And that tomorrow she would be expected to visit him again in the morning so he could make sure to tend to her welts. He handed her the milk she pumped earlier and left her with some final instructions.
“Oh, And I will have Mr Solo to send you up some vanilla ice cream tonight. I expect you to be able to hand express yourself tomorrow into my morning cup of coffee. Maybe if you are a good girl tonight and don’t sneak out again, I’ll let you sit on my cock while you do it. If yo are really good girl, I might even let you cum. However, if you are a bad girl, I’ll make Mr Walker watch as I thrash your bottom again while you are bent over my desk and you will have to tell him what a pain slut you are. Understood?”
Anita smirked mischievously. “Yes, Principal Cavill. Thank you, Principal Cavill.”
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oddsnendsfanfics · 4 years
Unraveling at the Seams Pt 22
Genre: Fan Fiction Pairing: Henry Cavill/OFC Warnings: Language, Sexual Innuendo, Possible NSFW Rating: M Length: Multi Disclaimer: a strict work of fiction, I own nothing except the original characters and the plot line. In no way am I affiliated to any of it.  
A/N: As I am sure some of you have noticed there are two tie in drabbles to this fic. I can’t let them go just yet and plan to have a few more of those floating around. If you haven’t read them and want to, check them out on the Unraveling at the Seams Master List 
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thank you @flowers-in-your-hayr​​​ for the header
Catch Up Here
Departure came faster than Nell wished it ever would, helping Henry and Ivan pack their last few things to leave the next day, she had managed to put on a brave face. Despite feeling like she was falling apart inside, crumbling with each second.
In the past, Ivan had gone with Henry for longer. She would see them in two, maybe three weeks tops. The difference this time was the notion that Ivan would be living with Henry, until he decided he'd had his fill. What if that was never? What if he chose to stay with Henry, only visiting Nell on the odd days he felt like it? What if this bright idea was actually her losing her son?
Nell steadied her breath. Counting to ten in her heard. She closed her eyes and pinched the bridge of her nose. On the flip side, when Ivan got ready to leave for boarding school in a few years, she would be well prepared. Holding Ivan's carry on bag, Nell rolled her eyes as he asked Henry whether or not they would need umbrellas.
“It rains in London, a lot.”
“Yes, but all of our umbrellas are packed away. Besides,” Henry shrugged, “I have plenty at the house. We will be fine to get from the airport to home.”
“If you insist, but if we get a sudden down pour, it is your fault.” Ivan gave up the topic, handing Nell his spare pair of pants to put in his carry on.
“See, this is what you have to look forward to.” Trying her best to keep a happy face, Nell teased a worn Henry.
They had spent yesterday with Ivan, agreeing to whatever he wanted to do, during his last day in Dublin. A BBQ with a handful of friends had been his request. Though he assumed his parents hadn't noticed, Nell's heart nearly broke when she heard him crying after she put him to bed.
“We will manage,” Henry smirked, “If he is too much of a handful, perhaps boarding school early?”
“Ah, yes. Excellent idea.” Nell giggled.
Ivan huffed and snarled, shaking his head. His parents thought they were funny, the least he could do was save humanity and try to stop their jokes. Nobody had time for terrible and lame jokes.
“If you want to get rid of me, I can go live with Uncle Charlie, he said I could.”
“Winters are cold, in Canada.” Nell shrugged it off.
“If you want to live with Uncle Charlie, or any other family member, you can.” Henry answered, straight faced. “But I am not paying for you. You'll have to find a job and you will need to pay them rent, groceries, and...”
“Dadddd,” Ivan whined, rolling his eyes and huffing. “You're not funny.”
Feigning hurt, Henry shook his head and rolled his eyes. “I am extremely funny. I will have you know.”
“Okay, if you say so.” Ivan shrugged it off, glancing at Nell. “Do you think he's funny, momma?”
“Okay, you two, back to the task.” Nell instructed, chuckling at the thought of Henry having to deal with Ivan's sarcasm on a daily basis. “And yes, you're very funny, Henry.”
Suit cases and other bags packed for the morning, they retired to a take away dinner of Indian food. Ivan had fought Nell until he gave in and agreed to Indian, she could not and would not eat any more sushi - for a long while. Damn Henry for introducing their son.
Happy with his dinner choices, Ivan requested some time to play a video game or two, before bed. Once his meal was done, he was certain everything he needed for the following day was ready, he had his shower, and his teeth were clean. His parents gave in to his pleas.
Stretched out on the couch, Nell groaned when Henry attempted to move her, to sit down. Protesting, with absolutely no effort, Nell allowed him to lift her upper body, before sitting and placing her head on his thigh. A bold display, seeing as Ivan was still awake and running around the house.
“I have something for you,” Henry smiled, holding up his phone. “Look at this,” handing Nell his phone, the screen displayed a concept drawing. A rough outline of a man in well loved and worn armor.
“Is this what I think it is?” She sat up, trying to get a better look at the image.
“I've insisted they send you a copy, you should have it now. It's yours to do as you wish, milady.”
“Well, your grace, I will take them and see what magic I can do.” Nell winked. Henry's cheeks flushed, groaning, he fought back a laugh.
“Why do you have to do that?”
“Does it bother you, your grace?” Nell giggled. Handing his phone back.
“Not in a particularly upsetting way.” Henry slid his phone into his pocket. Licking his lips, he was nearly ready to let the topic go. “Although, I do ask you remember that my name is Henry. No Geralt or Charles,”
“Please, I make a mistake once.” Snorting, Nell rolled her eyes and smacked his arm. “It had been a very long day.”
“It was kind of kinky.” Henry burst into laughter. “If you ever want to pretend that, then...”
“Oh shut up,” Nell squealed, her turn to become bright red. “Although, Culpepper was kind of hot. Maybe we could...”
“Charles Brandon or nothing,” Henry put on his best frown, teasing her.
“You drive a hard bargain,” Nell clicked her tongue against her teeth, leaning over she gave him a quick kiss. “Perhaps, one day I shall cash in. Until that day, I think we need to get our son to bed and make sure he's rested.”
An early morning looming meant Henry and Nell were not far behind Ivan in going to bed. As Henry snuck in to join Ivan and Kal in the big bed, Nell stood in the doorway for a few seconds watching Ivan sleeping. She had spent nearly every night of his young life watching him for a few moments before she went to bed.
The first night they'd had him home, she wanted to sleep in the rocking chair beside his bassinet. Henry had discouraged her, saying she would be too stiff and uncomfortable. Allowing her to watch Ivan for a few minutes, he'd guided her to bed, sneaking out once she was asleep to spend the night in the chair instead.
Any time Ivan had been sick or scared, Nell would spend the night in his room or him in hers. The two of them cuddled up, keeping the world at bay. Henry would often take naps with Ivan, when he was an infant, stretched out with Ivan sleeping soundly on his chest. Coming in to find them peacefully dosing would delight Nell to no end. She knew how soothing it was to use Henry as a pillow.
After tonight, it would be on Henry to keep Ivan safe while he slept. Swallowing the lump in her throat, Nell slipped away from the door, across the hall. Henry would do a fantastic job, he always had.
Restless and anxious, Nell tossed and turned in the smaller bed. Every time she closed her eyes, tears formed, and she couldn't stop them. At one point, she had considered kicking Kal off the bed and climbing in on the other side of Ivan. No, she refused to let her son see his mother in such a state. He was eager and content with their new arrangement. Nell didn't want him to worry or back out of living with Henry.
Instead, she laid, clutching the pillow and wiping the tears that slid down her cheeks.
“Come on wild boy,” Henry gently nudged Ivan's shoulder, rousing him from his sleep. “Time to get up. We have to get you fed and spend some time with mum.”
“Can't I seep?” Begging would do him no good, yet Ivan had to try.
“No, you need to get up.” Henry encouraged. “Up, let's go.”  He did his best to rouse his son.
Kal bounced off the bed, stretching when his paws hit the floor, yawning and nosing Ivan in an attempt to play.
“Fine,” Ivan grumbled, rolling over and grabbing the pillow. Covering his head, he sighed snuggling into the sheets. The bed was too comfortable to leave it this morning.
“Ivan, now.” Henry's voice took a stern tone. “We don't have time for games this morning. I am going downstairs, I want you down there in five minutes.”
“Fine, ugh.”
This was not the morning for Ivan to be in a mood. They had three hours until their car arrived for the airport, as much as Henry wanted to allow Ivan to sleep until that moment, he wanted Nell to spend some time with their son before he departed. Urging Ivan to get out of bed, Henry gave him a three minute warning, leaving to let Kal out.
Happy to be bouncing around the garden before his flight, Kal romped and bounced across the damp grass. Panting and wagging his tail, he was content to be while Henry went to retrieve his son. Sliding the door part way, in case Kal wanted back in, Henry stepped into the kitchen.
“Where's the wild boy?” He asked glancing around.
Rubbing her eyes, Nell yawned while preparing the coffee to come to life. “He's in bed, I told him to sleep in a little.”
At some point she had managed to fall asleep, waking when she heard Henry and Kal in the hall. Nell had taken the chance to scuttle across the hall and climb in bed with Ivan for a few minutes. Whining that he was too tired to sleep, Nell gave him permission to sleep a little longer before heading downstairs to find a good caffeine fix.
“I wanted him up, to spend time with you before he left.”
“He's tired, Henry. I can still see him before he leaves. I'll make breakfast and then we can wake him. Thank you for the thoughts, though.” Nell extended on her tip toes, kissing him on his cheek. Morning stubble scratching her face, she winkled her nose and giggled. “You need a shave, mister.”
“You give in too easily,” Henry rested his cheek on the top of her head.
“Ha! Ask the wild boy how easily I usually give in. Poor kid, he probably agreed to live with you, because he wants a break.” Nell snorted at her admission.
“Never, you're a good mum and kids need boundaries. He isn't coming to live with me for a vacation, if that is what he thinks. I probably have far more rules.” Henry laughed.
“Because you know how boys think?” Nell gently pushed him away, in order to get her coffee. Pouring the hot liquid, she sighed deeply. The delicious smell wafting through the house was like a warm hug. “I'm glad the two of you are getting the chance for this.”
“As am I.” Henry took the cup of coffee that she'd poured him. Taking a sip, he licked his lips and smiled, checking his watch. “Now, as his father, I need to go drag him out of bed.”
Dissent and grouchiness poured from Ivan, as he trudged down stairs to the kitchen. Breakfast waiting eased his grumpiness a little. A kiss on the top of the head and a hug from his mother eased it a little more. A promise that he could sleep as soon as they got on the plane, eased it even more. Sitting at the table, Ivan took a bite of his toast and tried not to yawn.
The sun was barely up and his parents were too full of life.
Busy with last minute details, Henry was glued to his phone. This happened when he was traveling, Ivan ignored his dad trying to hide a frantic look. Next to Ivan at the table, Nell ate her breakfast, no doubt trying not to cry. Ivan had witnessed Nell's emotions a time or two, as he was gearing up to go on holidays or to visit Henry. Quietly reaching over, Ivan took her hand, smiling sweetly.
“Mum,” His voice was hushed.
“Yes, wild boy?”
“I love you.” His smile grew, a small spatter of raspberry jam on his cheek.
“I love you, too.” Nell squeezed his hand, smiling.
Silent, Ivan nodded and returned to his toast.
More than anything he loved his mother. She was the most fantastic person in the world, maybe even a tiny bit more fantastic than his dad. Ivan had done a great deal of thinking, since agreeing to move with his dad. What happened to his mum? She would be all on her own, would she miss him? Would he miss her?
Yes, he would see her in a few weeks, but until then. How would he know if she was happy or sad? Plenty of times Ivan had left to go stay with Henry, this time was some how different, in a way the boy couldn't quite figure out. When his parents said things would be fine, he trusted them, yet he had a doubt or two. Probably nerves of moving to a new city – again.
“Are you finished?” Nell asked motioning to Ivan's nearly empty plate. His crust and a bit of melon left on the side.
“Yep, can I go play with Kal for a bit?”
“Go on, but do not leave this yard. Understood?” Using her mom voice, Nell narrowed her gaze at her son.
“I understand. We won't leave.” Ivan promised, sticking his pinkie finger in the air, giving his mother a pointed stare. Pinkie promise, he and Kal were outside like a flash. The sun had began to rise moments ago, giving them enough light to play for a little while.
“What's on that beautiful mind, my darling?” Henry passed, kissing the top of Nell's head.
“He's getting too big, how do we stop it?” A hint of tears in her voice.
“I suppose I could see if we can afford a time machine.” Henry shrugged, placing his plate on the table and taking Ivan's previous seat. “I wish we could keep him little forever, too.”
Wiping her hands across her cheeks, Nell groaned and shook her head. “No, I shouldn't be so sad over this. This is a good thing. He's growing and becoming independent, he's a very lucky boy to have the life he lives.”
“That he is and we,” Henry smiled proudly, “are lucky to have such a son.”
“I know you've always wanted more, but I think we've hit the jackpot with the one we have.” Nell's chest expanded with a large breath and a sigh. “How could anyone compare to how awesome the wild boy is?”
“Exactly, it's why there is only one, right? Limited Editions, they're always the best.” Henry winked, lifting his cup of coffee.
No need to add on perfection.
Henry had hoped that one day, he'd find somebody to have more children with – while in his search to replace Nell.  It was no secret that he wanted a house full of children, if it happened lovely. If Ivan were to be his only one, then he was fortunate to have that.
Once he had come to realize there was no replacing what he wanted, or had, then the idea of more children dwindled. Instead all he could do was make sure his son had the best life possible.
“Right.” Nell bit her bottom lip. This was not the time to burst into tears, becoming a sobbing mess. Sniffing back her tears, she reached out taking Henry's mug, taking a drink of his coffee and making a face. How he could drink it this way, a mystery. Nevertheless it did the trick, giving her something new to wonder.
The morning seemed to go in a single blink.
What seemed like milliseconds, the car that Henry had requested from the airport was in the drive. A single honk before a well dressed man appeared. Standing at the back of the car, he waited with a friendly smile. Waving to let him know his presence was acknowledged, Nell pulled her head back in the door.
“Got everything?”
“Yes,” Henry gave her a firm nod. “Ivan?”
“Yep, we're good to go.” Ivan nodded eagerly. His nerves taking a side step.
“Alright,” Nell brushed her hand over his hair. “Be good for dad, I love you. I will see you in a few weeks. Okay?”
Ivan nodded, clutching his backpack in one hand, trying to hold his suitcase handle with the other. “I love you.”
“All set, wild boy?” Henry shouldered his carry on, Kal's leash in one hand, passports in the other.
“Yep, let's rock and roll.”
“It's okay, you'll see him in a few weeks.” Trying his best to console Nell, before the became a water works factory, Henry gave her a gentle smile and a hug. “We will call as soon as we land.”
“Thank you,” Smiling with shiny eyes, Nell clutched the door. “You should get going.”
A tight hug, a kiss on the top of the head, and a thousand “love yous”, Nell ushered Henry, Ivan, and Kal out the door. Standing to watch them climb into the waiting airport car, she waved and blew them a kiss. Once Ivan and Kal were settled in the car, Henry followed closing the door. A soft thud from door of the sleek black sedan caused Nell's heart to jump.
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saiilorstars · 4 years
Rise Up
Ch.8: Losing My Head
Previous Story: It Had To Be You || Current Masterlist
Pairings: Barry Allen x OFC
Chapter Summary: Belén discovers the recent string of robberies Datura and Poison Ivy have been doing. She spends a lot of time trying to figure out what the purpose of the robberies could be for, so much that it puts her out of sync with the rest of the team, including Barry.
Pronunciation of OC: Bell-en. The last syllable has an emphasis so it’s not pronounced like ‘Helen’ would be.
Taglist: @ocfairygodmother @anotherunreadblog​ @maaaaarveeeeel​
[If you’d like to be part of this OC’s taglist, let me know!]
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Out in the reserved training area of STAR Labs, Cisco stood at a safe distance from Belén, holding a tablet in both hands. His fingers danced over the screen while his eyes flickered from it to the targets he'd set up for his friend to hit.
"Ready?" he called.
Belén nodded her head. "Bring it, Cisco."
With a small shrug, Cisco activated said targets. The three targets released several tendrils of vines that shot with rapidness to get her. Belén did her best to dodge them all and send back her own vines. However, being so focused on the vines she forgot the most important detail of fighting Datura.
She had more than one power.
One target shot electricity that blasted Belén a good amount back. Her body came to a stop eventually, but when she raised her head off the cement she looked close to screaming in frustration.
"Sorry!" called Cisco who quickly turned everything off.
"That's the fourth time!" Belén exclaimed, smacking a hand on the ground before she got up. "Clearly, I'm not getting this!"
Cisco sprinted towards her with the intention of calming her down. "Hey, we've been at this for a while now-"
"-two hours," Belén bitterly said. "And we've been doing this for a while now so why the hell am I not getting it? Datura's going to kick my ass - again - in 10 seconds flat if I keep this up."
"You can't expect to have this in a week, Bells," Cisco said softly. "You just need to keep training."
"But will it really be enough?" Belén folded her arms, eyes darting to the side. "I only fought Datura once and it was only because she decided to go that I'm still living, technically. What's going to happen the next time she comes?"
"You'll fight her with everything you've got," Cisco answered.
"But if this is all I've got then I might as well just let her stab me."
"Bells, you're just tired. You've been helping Barry and not sleeping like he and the rest of us asked you to-"
Belén raised a hand to stop him from talking. "The fact you all thought I would leave Barry while he's literally getting back on his feet is still hilarious to me," she said so deadly serious it was almost scary. "Though I should be more offended."
"I'm just saying, and I think I speak on behalf of the others, including Barry, it's okay to take some time for yourself," Cisco took a step back for good measure. No one had been brave enough to say it to Belén to her face.
Belén opened her mouth when they both heard their phones going off back at the table. Belén immediately assumed it had to do with Barry and his progress. "Can't do that," she told Cisco before darting for the table.
~ 0 ~
Barry knew that everyone around him was just trying to help him, but it really didn't make it better when they were all crowded around him like hawks as they watched him struggle to take a decent step. He held that in while Joe helped him take his first step down the cortex. But he felt like a goddamn child, and not even a self-sufficient one at that.
"All right, I got you," Joe reached for the cane given to Barry for support until he could walk on his own. Barry wearily let go of the cane and took a deep breath to begin his steps on his own.
He pushed his feet forwards and swallowed down a mild jab of pain he felt shooting up his legs. The third step was the last step he felt he could take. "Okay, I can't do it right now, all right?" he let himself fall on Thawne's old wheelchair with a big sigh.
"Hey guys," Belén walked in a moment afterwards. Cisco came right behind with a small greet. "How are we doing with the walk?" Belén came straight to Barry.
"We're making so much progress," Iris answered first and ignored the sour face Barry was making behind. "Right?" she looked to Caitlin for some backup.
"We are," Caitlin nodded, hoping to encourage Barry.
Of course, their words were cancelled out when Barry spoke up using full sarcasm to ridicule his own progress. "Yep, six whole steps. Someone get me a Bozo button."
"Hey, give yourself some credit. You just broke your back," Cisco thought he needed a reminder of the gravity of his situation.
"Yeah, a normal person would've been paralyzed the rest of his life," Belén reached for Barry's hand. "You're doing amazing."
Barry found that hard to believe. It had been days since he fought Zoom and while he was somewhat back on his feet he knew there were already some losses that he could never get over. Yet, no one was - ironically - mentioning anything from that part. "How long until I'm fully healed?" he asked from Caitlin.
Caitlin went behind the desk to pull his x-ray scans up on the screens of the walls. She thought if he saw his progress he would be less hard on himself. "The initial MRI I took a week ago showed a complete dislocation at the T12-L1 interspace of the thoracolumbar junction. But that's the MRI I took this morning. It's remarkable, but you're almost completely healed."
"I'm still having trouble breathing…"
"That's totally normal with a spinal injury. It should clear up soon."
Barry looked back at his suit sitting on display. Belén knew where his thoughts laid and gripped his hand in hers. "You'll be back in that suit in no time, just watch." Her words didn't seem to make an effect on him.
"What are we gonna do about Zoom?" he asked instead.
"No sign of him since Cisco nailed him with that tranq dart," Joe said rather happy about it.
"And I haven't vibed since then. Maybe Zoom's not coming back," Cisco's eyes drifted to the rest of the group. They all knew the chances of that happening were slim.
"I highly doubt that," Harry came into the cortex with his jacket on and gun in hand. "Which is why I'm gonna go do something about it."
"And what, pray tell, does that mean?" Belén wearily glanced at the man. Instead of helping them out with Barry's situation, Harry had decided to be reclusive and bitter.
"I need access to your breach room and your speed cannon," Harry declared, mildly surprising the others.
"Why is that?" asked Barry.
"Because, Barry, it's time to go home."
Joe shot Harry an incredulous look. "So, you show up on our Earth, you screw everything up, and now you want to go home? Sounds very familiar."
"Again, that wasn't me. I need to go take care of Zoom once and for all before anyone else gets killed."
"Exactly how do you plan on doing that?" Belén didn't want to be rude and remind him that he was only there in the first place because he hadn't figured a way out to stop Zoom in his own. She hoped she would be subtle.
"I'll think of something. Ramon, if you'll escort me to the speed cannon," Harry didn't wait for an answer and started out of the room. He had enough of this wallowing in grief stuff. Datura was waiting for him to deliver Belén's suit tracker and since he wasn't going to actually do it, he needed to get the hell out of Earth 1 before she returned. At least on Earth 2, she couldn't force him to continue sneaking around Earth 1 STAR Labs.
"No, no, you can't go through the breach!" Caitlin hurried to stop Harry, not that the man seemed any less inclined to slow down.
"Yeah, he can," Joe said, forcing Caitlin to pause and turn back. "Jay taught us how to send people."
"That's not what I mean," Caitlin warned them to be quiet for a moment and then looked up to Harry.
Cisco shot Caitlin a confused look. "What are you doing? If Harry wants to go...bye," he wiggled his fingers.
"Look, like it or not, Cisco, we need his help."
Joe was quick to disagree. "I'm not sure another plan from Wells is what we need."
"Yeah, I mean, the last bright idea he had nearly got Barry killed," Iris didn't think they needed a repeat of that.
"I know, but Jay's gone, and Dr. Wells knows Zoom better than anyone, so until Barry is back on his feet again, we need to keep Wells around in case Zoom returns."
"Caitlin, if he doesn't want to be here, then we're better off without him," Barry shrugged. "Let him go."
Belén dreaded to voice her opinion that she actually agreed with Caitlin. As much as they hated to admit it, Harry was the only one left who knew everything about Zoom and Datura, not to mention Harry was frikin brilliant. Caitlin, on the other hand, would not hide hers.
"I can't do that. Not yet," she shook her head and walked out.
Soon as she walked out, an alarm went off.
"Oh, snap, metahuman attack!" Cisco broke into a run for the desk. However, the alarm turned out to be nowhere near what they believed. "Nope, nope, my bad, that is just an alert for me," Cisco apologized with a meek smile.
"What?" Belén frowned. "What do you mean?"
"Oh, it's just a reminder. I have a date in an hour, so…"
"Oh, with who?" Iris asked, still in the dark of Cisco's newest girl.
A great big smile broke across Cisco's face as he replied, "With the lovely Kendra Saunders, the barista at Jitters. Oh, she makes a mean latte. I think we're gonna go out for dinner and a movie, and then, I don't know-" he coughed and mumbled, "-maybe some breakfast."
"Wait, breakfast?" Barry played dumb, even putting on the best face of confusion that he could. "Why breakfast? I don't…"
Cisco's smile faded as he bought into the entire ruse. "Yeah...cause, you know, you go home…'' he would think he wouldn't need to explain this.
"Cisco…" Belén smiled a bit at the cluelessness of her friend. He was probably so smitten with Kendra he couldn't pick up on anything else right now.
"He's messing with you," Joe was close to laughing as well. Iris was being polite by looking away to laugh.
Cisco narrowed his eyes on Barry who was smiling rather cheekily. "Oh," Cisco frowned. "Not cool dude!"
"It's okay Cisco," Belén couldn't help but go in and defend him, at least this one time. "Barry probably did need an explanation because he wouldn't know anything about having 'breakfast' so…"
It seemed to help Cisco alright.
"Wha - Belén!" Barry gaped at her completely, his face already flushing red.
"Hm," Cisco strode out with a great, big smirk on his face.
"You had it coming," Belén turned to him with arms crossed. "Don't mess with poor Cisco like that right before his first date with a cute girl."
"Yeah, alright, but did you really have to go there? In front of...?" Barry made a not-so-subtle nod towards Iris and Joe, both of whom were still struggling not to laugh out loud.
Suddenly, a second alarm started blaring in the room, those remaining collectively rolled their eyes thinking it was another of Cisco's "date" reminders.
"Anyone know how to turn that feature off?" Iris decided to ask for future references.
Belén scoffed as she moved for the desk. "I don't think that'll be enough to stop him - oh my God it's not a date reminder it's an actual alarm!"
"Where?" Barry decided to move quicker than he was physically able to and suffered the consequences. His groan echoed in the room and before he could keel over, Joe caught him. "I'm fine! I'm fine!" Barry angrily waved a hand to shoo Joe away.
"Please don't do that again," Belén warned while she located their newest meta. "Not until Caitlin says you can at least."
"So, where's the meta and what's it doing?" Iris positioned herself beside Belén.
"It's a break-in at Mercury Labs," Belén said with a frown. "And that's a bit confusing because, no offence, but, most of our criminal metas are idiots."
"With the exception for a few," Barry's words carried a significant meaning. "Who is it?"
"I don't know," Belén left Iris at the computers. "But I'll let you know in a bit." She then looked at Iris. "Keep Nina on standby just in case."
Iris nodded. "On it."
Belén hurried towards her suit but stopped by Barry to kiss his cheek. "I'll be right back."
"Please be careful," he said, wishing he could be more useful to help her. The city had been solely relying on her for all their trouble and that was a load to carry, he would know. But, with his legs just barely able to sustain him he'd only get in the way.
The scene at Mercury Labs was a usual one when it was under fire. The first floor was a mess, furniture turned over and a couple shattered windows on the ground. What wasn't so usual were the two culprits standing at the center not doing anything.
Until they heard the steps they wanted. The Azalea had arrived.
The brunette first looked over her shoulder before making a motion for the ginger to go forwards. She then turned around completely to give full display of her smugness that shined even under her mask. "Do you honestly think you're ready for round 2?"
Belén raised her head in silence. She'd honestly been expecting this to just be a regular robbery, but that wasn't the case with Datura. It could never be.
"Belén?" she started to hear Iris' through the comm. in her ear. "It's her, isn't it? Datura?"
"Bells…" Barry's voice was full of concern.
"I'm fine," Belén said in an almost mumble.
Datura chuckled from her spot. "Let me guess, they're worried about you? Well, I mean, they should be."
"What do you want from this place?" Belén decided to go in a different alternative. She knew that if she listened to Datura's mocks it would only make her doubt herself even more.
"Things," answered Datura. "But I have to say I'm a little disappointed in how little advanced Mercury Labs is here."
"Sorry, next time I'll let them know we need better equipment for you to steal," Belén found herself being easily sarcastic.
"That's all I'm asking for," Datura went with it and even did a mock bow for show. However, just as she raised her head she struck a hand forwards, firing a deadly red energy that threw Belén backwards against the open entrance door. Datura's eyes flashed a golden yellow as she watched Belén pick herself up with wobbly legs. "You should always expect the unexpected," Datura's voice was overlapped with a second one, both terribly snappy.
Belén tried not to groan as she picked her head up from the ground, but that really did hurt. That bitch. And the fact Datura was smirking so smugly wasn't helping either. Belén planted a hand on the floor and let thin vines creep underground until they were directly underneath Datura's feet. Datura didn't feel the vines attack her ankles until they slammed her flat on the ground. Now it was Belén's turn to smirk. "You're right, you should always expect the unexpected," Belén got up and raised her hands to lift the glasses from the entrance door to start throwing at Datura.
Datura rolled to the side and shot Belén a glare. "The hero trying to cut me with glass? That's really unexpected."
"Shut the hell up!" Belén had no interest in playing Datura's game. Yes, she was mad at hell because Datura knew exactly how to press her buttons. The mere presence of the woman reminded Belén how she'd lost so easily against the Earth 2 metahuman. So yeah, maybe she was trying to play the game like Datura was.
Datura briefly smirked before charging for Belén. Her eyes glowed a piercing white before firing lasers from them.
"Belén?" called Barry through the comms, but of course all he and Iris heard were the crashes and groans from the two women. "We're calling Nina-"
"-no!" Belén managed to say while avoiding one of Datura's lasers from cutting through her leg. "I can - OW!"
Datura had caught her thigh and that hurt. Belén looked down at the opened wound and scowled at the culprit. Datura smirked and tossed a sphere of white energy between her hands. "You can't beat me."
It was just four words, four words, and they had that added that much more anger to what Belén was already feeling. Frustrated, Belén ran towards Datura with all powers ready to go. The spheres of energy dissipated from Datura's hands in time for the woman to combat Belén. The two went at it and as much as Belén hated to admit, Datura seemed to either be on the same level as her or was better than her.
"Belén!" Barry called, or shouted, in vain. He tried rigging up the security feed to see exactly what was going on. "Iris, hit that one!" he frantically pointed to the keyboard at the edge of the desk. Iris scrambled to do the task and seemed to do it on time.
Datura was catching Belén's hands each time the latter attempted to strike. Datura smirked as she got to see a close up on Belén's frustration. The ombre-blonde was close to snapping or crying out of pure frustration. And yet, it was no surprise for Datura. She knew this would happen and she would enjoy every minute of it.
"Datura, let's go!"
Well, almost every minute of it. Datura pushed Belén away from her and threw Poison Ivy an irritated look. "Seriously? Now!?"
Poison Ivy held a couple devices in her hands and she merely raised them to remind Datura why they'd come to Mercury Labs in the first place. "Let's go! Now!"
Datura groaned. "Fine! Until next time, Azalea."
Belén glared at Datura. Her entire body ached and she was frankly out of breath. Even as she raised her hand to attempt at stopping them, her powers didn't release as they usually did. Datura and Poison Ivy made another clean escape.
~ 0 ~
"Well this is really great," Cisco sarcastically went on with gestures going between Belén and Barry, "Not only is our speedster down, but our Azalea is too."
If it was possible to kill with a look, Belén would have murdered Cisco in that moment. She sat on the edge of the medical bed while they waited for Caitlin to stitch up an open wound on her neck. She'd already stitched up the wound on Belén's thigh. Yup, there were multiple stitches this time.
"I'm not down, Cisco," Belén said in what sounded more like a warning for Cisco to stop with that.
"Belén, could you stop..." Caitlin trailed off and nodded down to Belén's hands. The latter realized she was gripping the edges and adding on pressure to her neck.
"Sorry," Belén mumbled as she let go. She put her hands - which had some red spots on her knuckles - on her lap and kept quiet while the others went on.
"What was Datura looking for at Mercury Labs?" Iris asked her father since the CCPD had already visited the scene.
"They took some prototypes of a few devices," Joe answered, "But the odd part was they were all being used to alleviate sleep and dreams. Some new market McGee was trying to get at."
"Sleep and dreams?" Barry repeated, frowning, as were the others. "What does she want to do with that?"
"Give us wicked nightmares, I bet," Cisco said with widened eyes, already terrified at the thought. "Because she isn't already giving it to us in real life."
"She's not going to win for long," Belén scooted off the bed once Caitlin was finished. "I'm going to get her."
"You need to take it easy," Caitlin told her in that doctor-ly tone that left no room for arguments. "You have multiple bruises - I just stitched up two decently wide, open wounds - and look at your hands? You're lucky you don't have a concussion."
"I get it, she kicked my ass," Belén snapped, though not specifically at Caitlin. She was just upset in general. "Again."
Caitlin sighed. "That's not what I meant to say-"
"-I know," Belén moved to leave.
"Belén, where are you going?" called Barry, wishing he could catch up with her but he was lucky if he could spring two steps without falling on his face. Perhaps that was the reason she stopped and turned back.
"To train, where else?" she, again, snapped. "You saw what she did to me!"
"Yeah, but you heard Caitlin-"
"-and you heard the part where Datura won again, right?"
"We don't know where they are anyways," Cisco chimed in to take some of the tension away. "Even if you train right now, it won't make much of a difference. And, hello, you need to rest!"
Belén cringed with frustration. "I'M NOT -" but she stopped midway with her hands in the air. Slowly, she brought them down and un-clenched them. "If I keep letting Datura get away, she'll just keep hurting people and stealing things. I have to do something." She dared them all with a look to say she was wrong. When no one said anything, she tilted her head as an indication of 'I thought so' and left the room.
"Someone's gotta keep an eye on her," Barry rubbed his face, probably just as frustrated as Belén was. "I'd do it, but..." he made a languid gesture at his legs. He really felt so useless and it just kept getting worse and worse.
~ 0 ~
When Belén went to pick up her nephew from preschool, she was surprised to find her mother already in custody of Axel by the front gate of the school. Not wanting to cause a scene, especially in front of Axel, Belén came up to the two with a polite smile across her face.
"Mom, you're here...what a surprise," she said in mildly strained tone.
"Auntie Belén!" Axel excitedly hugged her, completely missing the flinch his aunt did.
"What's happened to you?" Veronica didn't miss anything. She was appalled to see her daughter's hands red and the clear stitches across Belén's neck made nothing better. "Are you okay!?"
"I thought we agreed I would pick Axel up today," Belén attempted to go down the road of ignorance. She didn't want her mother hassling her for answers.
"Calm down, I only came to find you," Veronica raised her hands to show she'd come in a peaceful stance. "But that was before I saw...you. Belén, honey, you have to tell me what happened to you. Did someone hit you? Was it Ba-"
"Mom, for the love of God, don't finish that sentence," Belén wearily pleaded.
Veronica pursed her lips together. She had to agree silently that Barry didn't look like the abusive type. But that still left the question of who was hurting her daughter. The bubbling rage she felt under her skin got no better with Belén's evasiveness. "Belén, I am begging you to tell me what is going on. Please. I know we have our differences but...honey, someone is hurting you. They're causing you physical pain and I want them brought in."
Belén felt her shoulders shake. Crying was not an option. No sir. "I can't, Mom. Was there a reason you came here?"
"Why can't you just be honest with me?" Veronica asked in a hurt manner.
"Because I can't. And it's not because I'm mad with you, it's just that I really can't. It's better this way." And yet somehow, Belén wasn't entirely sure that was truth anymore. Would it be better to keep her mother away from all this metahuman stuff?
Veronica shook her head. "It's things like these that don't make me stop my investigation, Belén. Because you can deny it all you want but we both know there is something going on that you're not telling me." Veronica allowed her words to sink in Belén's mind before adding on. "And I know that Joe and Barry are involved in this, so don't think this is over. I do love you, you know, and I just want to know what's going on in your life. So if you won't tell me, I'm just going to keep looking until I get the answers I need."
"Auntie Belén," Axel tugged on Belén's purse once Veronica had gone. "Why do you and grandma fight a lot?"
Belén should've known that by now Axel would catch on to the fact neither she nor his grandmother were getting along so well. She took Axel by the hand and started walking in the opposite direction where she parked her car.
"Um...your grandma and I...are just...having little problems. But you don't have to worry, sweetie."
"Okay," Axel shrugged it off like any four year old would. "Are we going to STAR Labs today? I wanna throw things into the holes!"
"Dammit Cisco," Belén mumbled under her breath.
"Can we!? Can we!?" Axel grew more excited by the minute.
"No more throwing things into holes, first of all," Belén clarified. "And right now isn't a good time to go."
"Why not?" Axel stopped his hops and frowned.
"Because, well…" Belén thought of the simplest way to put it, "...Barry is a little bit...sick, and…"
Axel gasped and covered his mouth. "Oh no! Are you going to be sick too?"
Belén chuckled at his thoughts. "No, Axel, I'm not. It's not contagious, I promise. So, what do you want to do today? We don't have to be back at grandma's until eight."
Axel grinned slowly as he got an idea.
"It's been a while since you visited, Belén," Dr. Baeva offered the young woman a kind smile. By the looks of Belén's appearance, she could use one.
"Lot's happened," Belén made a weak gesture at herself, not that she wasn't aware Dr. Baeva hadn't taken her appearance in. "I've been a bit busy dealing with our city's newest metas."
"Oh yes," nodded Dr. Baeva. "I've seen them on the television. How's our Flash doing?"
Belén's face wasn't a readable one. "Physically, he's getting better. Mentally...well, that's another thing. But I'm sure you know that."
Dr. Baeva nodded again. "And how are you, Belén?"
Belén automatically heaved a heavy sigh. "Not well. Long story short, I keep getting my ass handed to me by Datura, featuring Poison Ivy on occasion. And then to top it off, my mom and I are still not getting along. And it's not even because of our mother-daughter relationship it's because of all this secret meta stuff I'm dealing with." She took in another deep breath after her long ramble. "So, no, I'm not doing well."
"I'm sorry to hear that," Dr. Baeva said. "Would you like to expand on those things? I think taking it piece by piece would be a good idea to prioritize between the bigger problems and the small ones."
At this point, Belén was ready to try anything. "I mean, the Datura problem is a really big one. She can travel between worlds at her beck and call and...Dr. Baeva, she's a siphoner. She has countless powers at her fingertips and she can alternate between them."
"She sounds incredibly strong," Dr. Baeva agreed based on the facts presented. "But I have reason to believe so is the Azalea."
But at that comment, Belén scoffed loudly. "See this?" she pointed at her exposed neck stitches. "She did that. And I have another one on my thigh. I have multiple bruises on my body and look at my hands!" she turned her hands over and over.
"Belén, I'm going to ask that you take a deep breath," Dr. Baeva calmly requested. "Your rambles can turn into anxiety."
Belén took several breaths until she felt confident enough to speak at a normal pace that didn't involve so many hand gestures. "Datura...is a big problem," she began again. "I've fought her several times now and she keeps beating me. If I don't come up with something soon, she's going to kill me. So, yeah, I'm prioritizing her as a huge problem, actually."
"The good thing is, Belén, that you don't work alone. Your team members can offer new ideas and perspectives that you haven't thought of."
"I know, but...I can't help feel like it's all on me, you know? Datura is coming for me, so I should be able to handle it. I should be able to handle her on my own."
"I have to ask if that's the same for the Flash? Is Zoom something he needs to take care of on his own?"
"Well, of course not, but..." Belén paused and watched Dr. Baeva smile at her, "Okay, I get what you mean by that. Maybe Datura isn't my problem, but...I'm the one who has to fight her."
"Yes, but everything you do to fight her is not solely dependent on you. Your team is there to advice you. Don't forget that."
Belén nodded slowly. "Okay. Still a huge problem, though."
"And what about your mother?"
Belén pursed her lips together while she thought of all the disagreements she had with her mother so far. "It started out with Axel's custody. I gave it to her and we were doing fine until she met my boyfriend. She didn't like him because he broke up with me and all, but once she got over that...she started to notice all these secrets of mine."
"The metahuman side of you, you mean?"
"Yeah. She's suspecting and I have to give her that I would do the same in her place. But telling my mom that I'm the Azalea...that seems like a bad idea."
"Can I ask why?"
"Because it would put her in danger," Belén said automatically. "I've seen what this life can do. I don't think my mom is cut out for that."
"She's not, or you aren't ready for her to join you at STAR Labs?" asked Dr. Baeva with a knowing smile on her face. "It's completely normal. You have been estranged from your mother for a good part of your life. Letting her into the deep part of your life is not something that comes easily."
"I can't be sure," Belén answered honestly. "And therefore, I can't say if it's a big problem or not. I love my Mom, however weird relationship we have, I do...but I don't know what to do on this one."
~ 0 ~
Barry could say that he could at least now attempt to run on a treadmill. With the passing of the days, he had more endurance and definitely more strength to keep himself from falling. The only problem now was that every time he tried to push himself more on the treadmill, he would start remembering his last encounter with Zoom. Once he heard the crack of his spine he felt it was over again.
"You done for the day?"
Barry stopped drinking water and put the lid over his bottle. He turned back and saw Belén standing at the doorway, holding two bags of Big Belly Burger.
"Peace offering?" she put on her best smile, hoping it was enough to at least get into the room.
Barry smiled at her. "You know that's like a snack for me, right?" He ate way more than 2 bags and she knew it.
"I forgot my credit card at home," she shrugged and came in. "That or Axel hid it from me 2 days ago. I'm sure it'll pop up somewhere around here."
"Is he with your Mom, tonight?"
Belén nodded her head. "Yup. I think one afternoon in STAR Labs is more than enough for him, don't you think?"
Barry chuckled. Having Axel around was definitely a mood lifter. Cisco sure seemed to love the kid being around. "You should see what he drew for me." He moved towards the table against the wall and picked up a piece of paper.
"Oh my God," Belén laughed at Axel's scribbles that did have a shape of a person.
"It's supposed to be me, the Flash, running," Barry pointed at the red blob representing himself. It warmed his heart when Axel gave it to him, especially when it came with the four year old's "You're still a hero" comment.
"He drew that with me in the afternoon when I brought him here," Belén remembered it as one of the dozens of pictures she and Axel did together. "I just wasn't sure which ones I threw away and which ones I didn't."
"I love it," Barry put the paper down on the table. "At least someone still sees me as a hero."
"Not true," Belén levelled him with a look. "I do too. And everyone else here too."
"Yeah but the city's another thing..."
"And I think they're way more afraid of Zoom so trust me, they really want you back." Belén handed him the bags of food. "And I'm sorry for not being there to remind you of this."
"You don't need to apologize, Bells," Barry put the bags on the table in order to take Belén's hands. "I know you've been dealing with other things too and I'm sorry I haven't been able to help you."
"I think we've both been a little bit out of sync, huh?" Belén offered one weak smile for their troubles. Barry had to agree. It wasn't that they were angry with each other, but it was the same frustration each felt that kept them apart for a while. In a sense, they were mad at the world.
The two took a seat on the edge of the treadmill, forgetting dinner while they talked.
"Datura has kicked my ass twice, and she's made it seem like she didn't break a sweat," Belén lowered her gaze to the floor.
"Believe me, that's not what Iris and I saw," Barry had to disagree there. "You guys were following each other's moves."
"But that's the thing," Belén raised her head to sigh, "It's like no matter what I pulled, what I strategy I used, Datura knew it. It's like she expected each of my moves. I couldn't best her."
"And she couldn't best you at times," Barry once again added.
"But I didn't know what moves she would use. I got lucky. And it kills me that she knows she can one-up me each time."
"I know," Barry nodded. "Zoom knows that about me too. He practically destroyed me. He showed everyone in Central City what he could do, and that I'm powerless to stop him," Barry shook his head. "They gave me a key to this city! I'm supposed to be their hero. I'm supposed to be the guy that can protect them from something as evil as that, and I failed in front of all of them." And that was the image that tan over and over in his head. Because, of course the news had spread throughout the city that the Flash practically was nothing. "When they think of the Flash, all they see now is someone not strong enough to protect them."
"Not true," Belén could say honestly. "I think they see someone who will fight for them. But I get what you mean. Our self esteems aren't very high at the moment, but maybe that's what they want." She knew Datura was playing a mind game with her. It was clear in her smugness and her taunts. She knew she was the better fighter, but perhaps that wasn't always going to be the same. Of course if Belén continued to think Datura was better, she would be better and thus give Datura the clear shot to win.
"Guys!? Hello!?" Cisco's urgent voice blared from the speakers. "Guys! We have a problem!"
Belén and Barry looked at each other with the same curiousness. They needed to get back to the cortex and see what else had gone wrong with their group. Once they arrived, Cisco told them (in a quick ramble of panic) that Caitlin had punched him in the face and walked out like nothing. It only took him a couple minutes to realize she must have been mind controlled, and the only one with those types of powers was...
"I can't believe we have to deal with that gorilla again," Belén scowled.
Cisco looked up from the computers where he was currently conducting multiple searches for Grodd's possible whereabouts. "There's nothing on Caitlin or Grodd."
"Okay, so...are there any ideas on why Grodd would come back from the dead just to take Cait?" Barry tried to think on his own but he couldn't find a good reason for the sudden return of Grodd.
"I don't know," Cisco replied. "It doesn't make any sense. She was always so nice to him."
"Yeah but remember what Joe said," Barry said, reminding them that the CCPD had already found several leads on the return of the gorilla from the previous days. "Grodd mind-controlled two lab technicians to steal chemicals that enhance intelligence. He wants her for something."
"He wants to make something," Belén shrugged, finding it the most logical reason. "Caitlin is pretty good at that."
"Well, looks like he left his bachelor pad in the sewers," Cisco gave up on searching through the sewer cameras.
"Right, but it's not like Grodd can just waltz through downtown in the middle of the day without anybody noticing," Belén gestured with a hand. "Someone had to see him at some point...right?" her eyes flickered from Cisco to Barry for some confirmation she was on the right track.
"Right," Cisco snapped his fingers at her, making her beam, "And if there's been sightings, then we might be able to approximate his location."
"We can get the CCPD's help with that," Barry thought of. "I'll call Joe."
"Good," Cisco nodded. "We gotta get her back."
But unfortunately, their night would not bring them any successful results. Caitlin wasn't anywhere in the city streets, and it didn't appear like she would be coming out any time soon.
The next day, Barry had woken himself up to begin another session of running. If Caitlin was at the hands of Grodd, he needed to get back in the field. He felt that if he wasn't at least trying to get a little better at running then he was wasting time. But then when he was running, like he was at the moment on the treadmill, he would get the images of his failed fight against Zoom and suddenly everything became senseless to him. What was the point to keep fighting if he knew he would lose?
Barry reached to the side and turned off the treadmill. He'd gotten to that 'it's senseless' part again.
"Keep that chin down, slugger," he heard a familiar voice behind.
Barry turned around to find Henry coming into the room. "Dad!" he came rushing off the treadmill to hug his father, not realizing till that moment how much he needed his father.
After getting up to speed, as much as was possible anyways, Henry took a good study of his son's records from the accident. As he pulled several exams on the screens, he was easily able to conclude there was really no problem anymore - physically. He didn't have to be a genius to know where the problem was coming from. Behind him, Barry sat on a stool watching the records he himself had gone over countless times.
"No spinal cord edema. I don't see any subacute hemorrhaging. Bone fused beautifully. You're all good, Barry," Henry finally said and turned sideways to see his son who was looking more or less displeased. "I'd give you some physical therapy, but you don't need it."
Barry acknowledged the words but didn't want to keep talking about it. "I'm really glad you're here, Dad."
Henry smiled. "Me too. You know, I tried to call, but you can't a cell in Granite Peak National Park, so…"
"Granite Peak... what are you... You went camping by yourself?" Barry was truly surprised seeing as his father hadn't been one to camp.
"Yeah, yeah, I got a tent. I went fishing every day. I have had my fill of largemouth bass for a while," Henry chuckled. "Sometimes you just have to slow down to get back to where you want to be."
"Yeah. Look, Dad…" Barry began but really didn't have the right words to explain himself. Luckily for him, someone came into the room. He was relieved to see that it was Belén, whom he'd hadn't seen since yesterday despite her promise to be back from wherever she had to go.
Belén was surprised to find Barry with his father and immediately felt like she'd interrupted. "Oh, I'm so sorry…" she grabbed her purse from the desk after a second of putting it down. "I thought...there was...no one, but - I'll just find Cisco!"
"Bells!" Barry went after her (as best as possible on his slow pace) while Henry called 'it's fine!' to her. Belén was stopped by Barry just by the threshold. "Hey, it's fine, really," Barry took her by the hand and led her back inside the room.
"I'm sorry," Belén sheepishly told Henry once they were face to face. "I-I didn't know you were going to be in the city."
"Iris called me in and explained the situation to me," Henry explained. "I couldn't just ignore it."
Belén's eyebrows raised together, suddenly remembering that she had meant to help Iris come up with a decent solution to Barry's problem. How could she forget that? "I'm happy she did that," Belén smiled lightly, truly meaning those words. She was only upset that she'd not helped like she was meant to. Where was her head lately?
Cisco came in hollering something about finding Caitlin. "I don't know why I didn't think of it before," he said as he fiercely got into the computers. "It's so King Kong!"
"Cisco, no offence, but what the hell are you talking about?" Belén came up beside him, dreary looking.
"I'm ignoring that because we don't have the time," Cisco responded calmly and gave a 'yahoo!' when he pulled up three different belltowers in the city. "Grodd has to be in one of these bell towers. The only reason we couldn't find him on any cameras underneath the city before was because he upgraded from a bachelor pad to a penthouse, like a baller."
"Okay, so we know where he is," Barry slowly joined him and Belén. "We still don't know how to get her."
A wide smile spread across Cisco's face, signaling that the second part of the plan had already been thought of. "We got a plan for you."
"That smile means it's something stupid or just...plain wrong," and for that, Belén took one step away from Cisco.
"What's the plan?" Barry asked.
Cisco did not answer as Wells came into the room, dressed as the Reverse Flash. "We use me."
Barry did not attempt to control himself and sped Wells out of the cortex and right against a wall.
"No, Barry! That's Harry!" Cisco went after the two. Belén and Henry did the same, but both were just as confused as Barry. "That's the other Wells! Barry. Let him go!"
It took a moment for Barry to grasp the concept of the idea. He awkwardly let go of Harry and took a step back, hand in his hair. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry."
"You're still here," Belén blinked at Harry. "I thought you were going home."
Harry kept silent because he didn't really have a response for that. One moment he was sure of what he needed to do - which was to leave - and then the next Caitlin comes in with words that made him doubt where his place was.
"We found another suit in the Time Vault," Cisco moved beside Harry.
"Bit sinister, don't you think?" Belén could not stop staring at Harry and think about Eobard. It gave her shivers.
"I thought he was dead," came Henry's input which reminded everyone that he was not up to speed with the situation.
"He's dead," Barry made sure to clarify. "This is... this is Harrison Wells from Earth-2."
Henry was still just lost. "Earth-2?"
"Whole other story that includes multiple universes," Belén briefly explained.
"If we can get Harry to convince Grodd that he's Wells, that he's his father, maybe we can convince him to let Caitlin go," Cisco finally just shared the entire plan.
"I'm not gonna be able to help if anything goes wrong," Barry needed Harry to understand that. They needed to get Caitlin back but everyone needed to be on the same page of the risks.
"That's a chance I'm willing to take," Harry nodded.
"If worst comes to worst, I'll go," Belén volunteered, earning herself a very dreadful look from Barry. She met his gaze with a small smile. "I'm not going to hide when people need my help."
"We won't need you," it was Harry who had spoken up this time. Belén threw him an incredulous glance, probably confounded with his risky choice. Harry just thought that maybe if she didn't use her suit, he might be able to extract the suit tracker and make another one identical to it without use. Let's see Datura do her plan with that.
~ 0 ~
However odd and risky their plan was...it worked. And that came as a shock because of the aforementioned details. Grodd had been subdued and would be relocated somewhere to be determined.
Caitlin, who'd remained completely unharmed, tended to Harry who hadn't had the same luck. She worked to wrap a gauze on the side of Harry's stomach in one of the side rooms.
"Thank you for rescuing me by the way," Caitlin said to him, thinking he had it very well deserved. Despite having problems amongst the team, at least they could say Harry was truly on their side.
"Well, we're a team, right?" Harry gave a tiny smile through his sore limbs.
"I'm impressed," Cisco came into the room, along with the rest.
"I think we all are," Belén corrected, patting him on the arm as she walked in.
"Yeah, well, we need to do something about Grodd," Joe got them moving along to the problem.
"Like what?" Caitlin asked.
"Like get rid of him for good."
Caitlin finished her work in time to freeze in her spot. "You want to kill him?" she blinked, clearly surprised.
"Considering how many people he's killed, yeah."
Caitlin looked at the rest for some help. "This isn't Grodd's fault. He's only like this because Wells made him this way."
Barry could understand that her affection for the animal may have been a contributing factor for her opposition, so he tried being as kind as possible to make her see the issue. "Yes, but, Cait, he kidnapped you and you could have died."
"You didn't see what I saw. Grodd's getting smarter. He's lonely and sad," Caitlin argued softly. "He wants more apes like him."
"What are you saying? He wants kids?" Cisco made a face stricken with horror. "Cause I'm pretty sure one telepathic Grape Ape is more than enough for this city."
"I can see where you're coming from, Cait, but...you can't make more smart gorillas," Belén said, but then paused to think, "...can you?"
"No," Joe said sharply, hoping that no one got on that idea.
"I know somewhere we could send him," Harry suddenly said, getting up from the bed. "When the singularity exploded and I discovered the breach in S.T.A.R. Labs, I ran similar tests and discovered the same thing, 51 additional breaches." He made a beeline for the desks in the cortex and started up one of the computers. "The difference being the breaches in Central City are scattered all throughout the city whereas counterparts in my world most definitely are not."
"And you know where they lead?" asked Barry.
"Well, I was in the process of figuring all that out when Dr. Snow so gallantly convinced me to stay, but if I am correct, this breach-" Harry pulled one specific breech profile up on screen for them to see, "-is gonna get Grodd as close to home as he's ever likely to get."
"Okay, even if you're right, how do we bait Grodd to go through it?" Joe knew that the police were definitely out of this mission.
"My son'll do it," Henry answered, startling everyone but no one more than Barry. "Won't you, Flash?"
Barry's eyes widened and for the first couple of minutes he said nothing.
Belén cleared her throat quietly. "We could always, also, call in Nina. I figure she'd probably be more useful than me."
Barry swallowed and shook his head. "No. Grodd is going to have to face me now. It's about time."
~ 0 ~
It didn't take much to bring Harry's plan to life. In a couple of hours, they were ready to go to bring Grodd into the new world.
"Cisco's at the spot," Iris reported from the desk and looked up Barry who was, after many days, finally back in his Flash suit. "You ready?"
"Caitlin, just be careful," Belén said for the third time to the brunette. She felt it was too early for Caitlin to get back in the field, and so close to Grodd. "And Barry, please, please, be careful too."
Barry gave a small nod. "I will be back in one piece, you'll see."
"You better," Belén meant to be warning but her concern didn't allow for that.
"I will," Barry promised, slightly amused, and moved to Caitlin. "Ready to go, then?"
"Yeah," Caitlin spared her friends another look then let Barry take her away.
Belén then hurried to the desk where Iris was. When Joe and Henry rejoined them, Barry had already begun the game of chase with Grodd.
"How's it going?" Joe asked the two women, peering between them to get a look at the computers.
"Caitlin's safe and Barry is currently running away from Grodd," Belén replied.
"So Barry's gonna lure Grodd in front of the breach?" Henry asked just to be sure he understood the plan of the group.
"Yep, and once he gets him to the right spot, Cisco's gonna blast him into Earth-2 with his…" Iris failed to come up with the right word to describe Cisco's device.
"Thingamajig," her father finished for her, and the four had a small laugh.
"I think he said it was a speed canon," Belén tilted her head in thought. "He hates when we don't remember the names of his devices."
"Well, things have gotten a lot more complicated since I got out of prison," Henry remarked, giving a shake of his head.
"Mm-hmm. Man, you have no idea," Joe agreed with a hum.
They waited a couple of more minutes then switched to the street footage where they could see the breach Grodd was meant to go into. Grodd soon caught up with Barry and immediately inflicted his telepathic powers on the speedster. He effortlessly threw Barry across the street.
"Oh, my God!" Iris gasped, everyone beside her doing the same.
"I should have gone," Belén told herself repeatedly.
Henry took the comm. Microphone between her and Iris. "Get up, Barry. Now!"
They could see Barry was indeed doing his best to get back on his feet. However, it was a loss when Grodd put one of his heavy foot over Barry.
"You need to let him go, Grodd!" Caitlin's voice managed to draw the gorilla's attention for a moment. She was standing in a precise location - a spray-painted white circle.
"Flash is my enemy. Now you, too," Grodd declared, but Caitlin didn't falter.
"No. He was trying to save me from you. We didn't understand what you wanted, but now we do. I can give you what you want. I can give you a home. You just have to trust me."
Grodd lifted his foot off Barry and started coming at Caitlin. As soon as he was within the circle, Cisco activated the breech and Barry sped Caitlin out of the circle. Grodd was somewhat trapped by the breeches' force but there wasn't enough strength to snatch him entirely.
"Guys, what's going on with that full power switch?" Belén called to Cisco and Harry. "Two smart guys didn't think to invent that?"
"Uh, I'll have you know it is at full power," came Cisco's indignant response.
Henry took the microphone again. "Barry, you can't let Grodd get free. Conquer your fears, son. Believe in yourself."
"Did I mention I'm like really glad you're here?" Belén looked up at the man. Henry smiled back at the woman.
Barry had performed his famous sonic punch which was enough to push Grodd into the breech and leave him trapped on Earth 2 for the time being.
~ 0 ~
After everything, the Reverse Flash's suit remained intact and literally standing on its own inside the cortex.
"That is just creepy," Belén said from the main desk, preferring to be far away from said yellow suit. "Make it go away." At the same moment she spoke, her phone vibrated in her pocket. Silently, she took it out to see a text.
"Before we do anything, maybe we can see how to get it back in the ring first," Barry dropped the old ring of their Wells into Cisco's palm. It would be a very useful thing to learn that trick. "Might be nice to have something like that instead of carrying around a bag all the time."
"I can help you with that," Harry raised a finger and immediately got all the looks from the group. "What? I know a thing or two about micro-technology."
Cisco shook his head. "Yeah, you know a thing or two about a lot of things."
Henry moved up the man in question, looking truly grateful. "Well, as long as what he knows keeps my son and these good people safe, the more you know, the better. Pleasure to meet you, Harrison. Again."
Harry shook hands with him. "Dr. Allen."
"Good to see you," Henry then said to Caitlin and Cisco.
"Let's go," Barry motioned to his father to lead the way out. On his way, he stopped by Belén to see if she was ready as well.
"Hm?" Belén quickly lowered her phone, an action that Barry didn't miss.
"You said you would come to lunch," Barry reminded, eyeing her phone suspiciously. "Are you okay?"
Belén nodded her head and put her phone away. Her mother was really a relentless woman. "Yes, of course. Lunch, then?" she pointed and started walking as well.
~ 0 ~
After making sure her phone was completely off, Belén allowed herself to enjoy a nice lunch in the West residence along with Barry and his father. She even became more upbeat when Iris got sly and whipped out old albums of young Barry Allen throughout his years.
Henry had himself a good laugh after picking up a picture of a pre-teen Barry with some sort of experiment behind him. "Oh, this one is definitely a keeper!"
"Oh my God, what is that?" Belén tried making out said experiment and fully failed.
"Oh, yeah," Joe laughed as the memory came back to him. "He could've done your standard vinegar and baking soda volcano, but no, Barry wanted to do a molecular structure of chocolate and nougat."
"What the hell is that?" Belén shot Barry a weird look.
"My favorite candy bar, that's what," Barry responded. "Make a mental note of that, okay?"
But Belén only made a face that had Iris laughing. "How you manage to keep me I have no idea," Belén promptly said then reached for another album nearby. Iris needed to laugh louder. "Honestly, who does this stuff?"
"Why, a true science nerd," Henry added on, making both women laugh. "Like father, like son, I suppose."
"You mean it's heritable?" Iris nudged Belén on the side. "I feel for your kids."
While the idea had both Belén and Barry sporting blush faces, Belén still had courage for a loud scoff. "My kids will be adorable."
"What - hey!" came Barry's fully offended input.
"They are," Belén gave a shrug of her shoulders. "Because they're my kids."
Barry thought about it for a second and started to smile. "Yeah, if they're yours then they would be."
Belén smiled and passed another page of the album before suddenly gasping. "Oh! Do you know what you haven't seen yet?" she looked at Henry. "Your son is actually really good at karaoke singing!"
It took less than a second for Barry to become terrified.
Henry laughed at the idea. "Is he now?"
"Yes! Oh my God, I have the video if you want to see it!" Belén started reaching for her purse when Barry lunged for said purse and stuffed it behind his back.
"Dad, I think it's time to go," he then said promptly.
"Yeah," Henry agreed through his second laugh. "Joe, can I have…?" he raised the picture he'd kept of Barry's middle school experiment.
"Yeah," Joe of course agreed.
"Thanks," Henry got up and began to say his goodbyes. "Iris, thank you so much for reaching out to me. I am so glad you did."
Belén's upbeatness temporarily faded as she remembered how it had been Iris who'd done the right thing and call Henry in. Belén blamed herself for not being more attentive, but she would never hold it against Iris.
"Me, too," Iris smiled.
"Joe, there are no words, man. Thanks," Henry gave a hug to Joe right after Iris. "And Belén, really nice seeing you again."
"You should come by more often," Belén moved up and gave him a hug. "Then I could show you the video," she whispered.
"Belén!" Barry exclaimed.
"In secret," Belén added and sent a smirk towards her boyfriend.
"Bells," Barry handed Belén her purse back, now serious, "Mind if I stop by your place tonight after I catch up with some of my work?"
"Uh, yeah, sure," Belén agreed though wondered if it was really for the best. There were so many things going on with her she doubted if she would be able to keep it all in for another night.
"Great, I'll see you later, then," Barry gave her a chaste kiss on the lips and got going with his father.
"I have to go too," Belén slung her purse over her arm and helped stock the albums on the coffee table. "Need to have a talk with a mom."
"Still having problems, then?" Iris asked, and with a sigh Belén gave a nod.
"I have to figure something out or else she's going to keep sticking her nose in things and figure out secrets. Which reminds me," Belén turned to Joe, "she keeps looking into cases that you and Barry have had a handle on."
"By those I assume you mean metahuman cases?"
"Yeah. She's convinced there's something fishy about them. She's gone as far as getting Patty involved."
"Is that why she's so jumpy?" Joe chuckled.
"Working for Veronica Green does that to you," Belén shook her head.
"She can look into the cases all she wants but she's not going to find anything wrong with that. I promise," Joe raised a hand.
"I've no doubt about that, but thank you for telling me," Belén gave a warm smile to the two and took her leave.
~ 0 ~
As Barry had promised, he stopped by Belén's apartment later that night. She was already dressed in her pajamas, in case she fell asleep somewhere that wasn't her bed.
"You look extra tired," Barry had to remark once he got a good look at her.
"I feel like it," she shrugged and let herself drop onto the couch. "So many things..."
"I know," Barry took a seat next to her. "Joe told me about your Mom? Is she really that suspicious about our meta cases?"
"That and pretty much everything else," Belén sighed and brought a hand to rub her forehead. "My head's spinning and it's not leaving room for anything else. That's why it had to be Iris who thought to bring in your father. I was too busy and forgetful that Iris needed to fulfill my duties of your girlfriend."
Had it been any other moment, Barry would have laughed at that logic. Seeing Belén was truly upset thinking she somehow messed up, he knew he needed to deal with this delicately. "You can't always ignore your issues and your necessities."
Belén nodded her head to show she was understanding his points, but her face scrunched up with clear guilt. "But I love you, and I always want to be the one that helps you."
"I know that - believe me, I know know," Barry cupped her face. "But you should never have to feel like your things come after mine. Talk to me. Tell me what's going on in your life and let me me try to help you like you want to help me."
"She's my mom, I should be able to handle her," Belén shook her head and pushed Barry's hands off her face. "But it's difficult when she doesn't understand you. She wants to know things about me that I can't share."
"You know, if it's about...the Azalea...you can can tell her," Barry wanted to make sure that Belén didn't feel like she needed to hide all about STAR labs from her mother. He knew well how that made people feel, as well as how it ended when the person figured things out. "You can tell her about you, about STAR Labs, about me, anything."
"Thank you," Belén said first then sighed. "But I'm not sure I can. I'm just not sure how she'd take it."
"Okay, but in the meantime, what do you want to do? She's not going to stop asking questions…"
"I know…" Belén trailed off, hoping to come up with a solution to all her problems right there and then. "But I don't know," she croaked her last words before her emotions caught up with her. "I don't know anything except that I feel like I'm drowning."
"It's okay," Barry had pulled her into a hug. "We'll figure it out, I promise." Belén nodded but kept her head buried in his chest. He wrapped his arms tighter around her and kissed her hair. "Let's get you some sleep tonight and then...we'll start working on it." He knew that a full rest would definitely help bring up Belén's spirits.
It was a start.
~ 0 ~
Datura brought to life one of the small devices she'd taken from Mercury Labs. It sparkled white that could blind one if used properly. But, this time, Datura wasn't looking to kill. That wasn't the purpose her newest idea.
"You should have seen it," Poison Ivy sat at the edge of a rusty table. "They went up against one of those sentient gorillas."
Datura rolled her eyes. "They have those here too? Annoying. How'd Belén do?"
"Don't know. She didn't fight," Poison Ivy smirked when Datura stopped working to look back. "Yeah, she wasn't there."
"Hmm, maybe my game is working faster than I thought," Datura smiled to herself. "I can play some good mind games and she probably already knows it. Though the poor idiot probably doesn't even understand why I can play these games so easily with her."
"If she has half a brain then she must already suspect," Poison Ivy's remark didn't affect Datura in the least.
"Please, she'd never guess," Datura took in a deep breath and pulled her hair behind her shoulders. She took off her mask and chucked it to the side. "Now come help me finish this damn thing already. I want it done as soon as possible."
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wizardofrozz · 3 years
Put to the Test
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Summary: Bucky and Roz decide to confide in their best friends finally; maybe they’ll have some answers.
Warnings: swearing, violence
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x OFC
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Chapter 2: What the hell is going on?
I took the elevator to my room, impatiently watching the floor numbers flashing. I threw on a t-shirt and my pair of cargo pants too. I might as well be ready for the mission instead of changing again later. I took my hair out of the braid it was in but put the ponytail on my wrist, ran to my bathroom, threw some water on my face, and brushed my teeth quickly. I put my boots on then made my way out to the front of the building, looking for Bucky. I saw Bucky sitting on a bench off to the left; his hair was blowing softly in the slight breeze. I smiled and walked over to the bench, stopping behind him, and laid my hand on his shoulder. He gasped a little but placed his hand on top of mine, and I closed my eyes, just enjoying the pure bliss that was washing over me. Bucky and I had been pretty good about our agreement, we’ve kept it to ourselves and kept our distance around everyone else, but more recently, when we’ve been alone, we can’t help but sneak little touches. We’ve managed to stay away from anything like the night we met, but that’s been hard.
           “Come sit and enjoy the morning, doll,” he smiled up at me. I made my way around the bench and took a seat next to him, grabbing my coffee from his outstretched hand. “So, how do you want to start today’s conversation?” he asked before taking a sip of his still steaming coffee.
           “Well, it occurred to me the other day. I never asked you how old you are,” I looked over at him to see his reaction.
           “I knew you’d have to ask at some point,” he said with a sigh before looking back towards to woods in front of us. I waited for an answer; I wasn’t going to back down either, I needed to know, and I needed to tell him how old I was. “Don’t run screaming, but I’m 103. I was born in 1917,” he didn’t look at me when he said it, but I saw his body tense when I didn’t react for a minute.
           “Well, that doesn’t make me feel so bad then. I was born in 1920,” I said in a nonchalant tone. His head snapped towards me then he sat up straighter, boring a hole into the side of my head until I met his gaze.
           “You’re joking, right?” he said with a completely blank expression.
           “Oh, I wish, but no,” I said softly before sipping my coffee. Before Bucky could say anything else, our phones started to ring, we both checked the caller ID, and both our phones read ‘Steve Rogers’. “Shit run over to the entrance and say you were going on a run,” I made a shooing motion at him.
           “Okay, but this conversation is not over,” he jumped up and ran to the front door to the compound to answer his phone.
           “Hey Steve,” I answered my phone, trying to sound like Bucky didn’t just drop a bomb on me.
           “Hey, Roz! Buck, you there?” Steve’s voice came through the phone.
           “Yep, I’m here, bud, hey Roz,” Bucky’s voice sounded far away. “Okay, sorry, I was tying my shoe; whatcha need?” Bucky’s voice was closer now, and he sounded cranky.
           “So I know I said our mission wasn’t until later today, but things changed. We have to leave earlier than I thought,” Steve sounded almost nervous.
           “Okay, Cap, what time do we need to be ready?” I asked, looking over the bench, watching Bucky put his hand under his shirt and rub his chest.
           “Please don’t yell at me; the helicopter will be here in 15 minutes. You guys weren’t doing anything important, right?” Steve said quickly.
           “I’m sitting outside, enjoying the morning, so no,” I said, giggling.
           “I was going to go for a run before the mission, but I haven’t left yet. It’s probably better that I don’t. I want to save my energy,” Bucky was walking in circles as he talked into his phone, his hand still under his shirt.
           “Oh, thank god, okay, so you guys can be ready in the next 10-15 minutes?” Steve asked, breathing a sigh of relief.
           “No problem,” Bucky and I said together. I tried to hide my amusement and glanced at Bucky and saw him doing the same thing.
           “Awesome, I have to go break it to Nat, so wish me luck,” Steve whispered.
           “Good luck, bud,” Bucky mumbled. “Hey Roz, I see you. Let’s go; relaxation is over,” Bucky yelled into his phone loud enough that I could hear him from where I was sitting.
           “Damn Buck, blew out my eardrum, just get moving,” Steve hung up, which left Bucky and me on the phone.
           “Wait for me. I’m coming,” I said before hanging up. I got up and grabbed our coffee cups, dumped them into the grass, and walked over to Bucky.
           “I have a question before we go in,” Bucky stepped into my path. “It’s been over a month now; I haven’t found anything solid. Unless you haven’t told me about anything you found, we aren’t any closer to answer about this,” he motioned back and forth between us. “Would you mind if I talked to Steve about it? He’s my best friend, and maybe he has some idea about this,” he looked at me, almost preparing for me to be upset, but I let out the breath I didn’t know I was holding in.
           “Oh, thank god, it’s been killing me keeping it from Nat. She’s been my best friend for years, and not telling her has been almost as hard as keeping our agreement,” I finished my sentence and put my hands on my knees, feeling a weight lifted off me.
           “Oh, I’m so glad you agree. Okay, I feel better,” Bucky smiled at me and moved out of the way so we could walk in together. We walked into the compound, heading for our rooms to grab our bags and go to the landing pad on the roof. I met Bucky in the hallway after I got my things and caught the elevator to the roof. Bucky and I went into stranger mode when we were traveling around the compound, he stood on one side of the elevator, messing around on his phone, and I stood on the other side watching the floor number climb. My phone buzzed in my pocket; I fished it out and looked at the screen.
Bucky bear- You look so sexy in your cargo pants ;)
I looked over towards Bucky, making it seems like I was looking out of the glass elevator, and I saw a smirk spread across his face, but he didn’t meet my eyes. I rolled my eyes, looking back at the floor number and saw we were almost to the roof. I pushed off the handrail and waited for the elevator to stop; the doors opened, and Bucky put his arm out to let me go first.
           “Ladies first,” he said before lowering his voice, “I want to enjoy the view from back here.” I looked over my shoulder and saw a very devilish look cross Bucky’s face; his head was angled away and down from the camera so no one would notice. Butterflies flew around my stomach, and I quickly looked away but heard Bucky’s husky laugh behind me. Well, if he wants a show, I’ll give him one; I saw Nat and Steve standing on the opposite side of the landing pad and started to strut towards them. I glanced over my shoulder, and Bucky followed at a comfortable distance, biting his lower lip. I laughed to myself and waved to Nat as I got closer, and she did not look happy.
           “Jeez Nat, if looks could kill, I’d be dead, probably Bucky too,” I laughed as I set my bag down next to Steve’s. I heard Bucky stumbled over the edge of the landing pad, but he caught himself, then walked over to the edge of the roof and looked out at the woods. Steve raised his eyebrow at Bucky, probably wondering how he managed to trip over nothing; I held back a giggle.
           “Steve could’ve given me more time,” she shot a dirty look at Steve, and he flinched.
           “I said I was sorry, I didn’t get the info from Fury until early this morning,” he gave her a dirty look back.
           “Kids, play nice,” Bucky chuckled from behind me. Before anyone could go after him, the sound of the helicopter above us got closer. We all grabbed our things and hopped on, ready to start our trip to the airport. The trip to the airport was quick, and we were walking onto the huge S.H.I.E.L.D helicarrier, preparing for a long flight.
           Nat and I set out to find the kitchen after we dropped our bags off. I saw out of the corner of my eyes Bucky and Steve standing in the cargo hold talking; Bucky glanced my way, and I winked before following Nat. We wandered into the kitchen; I went to the fridge and grabbed some fresh strawberries, offering Nat one.
           “Hey, so I need to talk to you about something,” I said, looking at Nat.
           “You okay? What’s wrong?” Nat said through bites of her strawberry.
           “I think, I don’t know, I have to ask you something. Have you ever met someone that whenever you touch them, it’s like every nerve ending in your body is alive, on fire?” I said softly, avoiding eye contact.
           “I can’t say I have; why do you ask?” she sounded concerned, but I still couldn’t look at her.
           “Well, there’s someone I met, and it’s like my entire body is on fire, every nerve ending is alive, but it’s not painful or anything. I’ve never felt anything like it,” I picked at the strawberries as I spoke.
           “No, I’ve never felt anything like that; who are you talking about?” she asked the question. I wasn’t ready to answer, but I knew I had to.
           “…Bucky,” I whispered.
           “I knew it! I had a feeling something was up with you guys. You two avoid each other like the plague, but I’ve seen you guys sneaking off at night,” she was smiling from ear to ear.
           “I just have this feeling that it’s not as innocent as I want it to be,” as I said the words, the weight of them crashed down on me.
           “Okay, try to explain it a little more,” Nat noticed that my mood had changed.
           “It’s like the most intense happiness, pleasure- “
           “Okay, TMI,” Nat swatted at me.
           “No, no, I’m not even talking about sex; we haven’t even had sex. It’s the most intense, innocent pleasure I’ve ever felt. Touching him or even just being near him gives me the feeling of being safe, being home, it’s like- “. I didn’t finish my sentence because the reality of what I was about to say occurred to me. “It’s like I ran into the other half of my soul.”
           “Wow, honestly, I’ve never heard of or experienced anything like that. I’m a little jealous. Actually, I would kill to feel that with another person. What’s worrying you about it so much that you guys are torturing yourselves by stay away?” Nat asked before switching sides of the counter, so she was facing me.
           “I’m just skeptical of everything; I have this nagging feeling there’s something else to it. He’s just as worried,” I said, finally meeting Nat’s eyes, holding back tears.
           “Hey, we’ll figure it out; I’m glad you finally told me. I think you should talk to Bruce; maybe he can run some tests and see if there’s anything that can explain it,” she reached for another strawberry.
           “We talked about that. We decided that if we couldn’t figure it out, we’d have to ask Bruce. But please don’t say anything to anyone else. You and one other person are the only ones that know, and we want to keep it that way until we know what’s going on,” I looked at Nat, and she was smiling and nodding.
           “Of course, I won’t say anything but let me guess, Steve is the other person that knows,” she rolled her eyes but smiled.
           “Yeah, I assume Bucky’s telling him right now,” I hope he is at least.
           “We’ll figure it out, don’t worry,” Nat hugged me, and it did make me feel better about the whole situation. I didn’t feel so anxious anymore.
(Bucky POV)
           I watched Roz and Nat walk out of the cargo hold as the door closed behind me; I faintly heard the engines starting up, preparing to lift us into the air. Steve was wandering around, checking that we had everything we needed before stopping in front of me.
           “Okay, it looks like we have everything. Hey, you okay?” Steve asked as he touched my shoulder.
           “Huh, yeah, I’m good,” I glanced in the direction the girls went, and I saw Roz wink at me before I turned back to Steve.
           “Nice try; what’s going on?” Steve pushed me to tell him. “Let’s walk around down here. I know I interrupted your run, so let’s get some exercise, and you can tell me what’s bothering you,” Steve turned to start walking.
           “It’s complicated. I don’t even know where to start.” Steve raised an eyebrow but stayed silent and waited for me to keep talking; I sighed but continued. “So I met someone, and she’s amazing, but there’s this thing. Every time I touch her, it’s like every nerve is on fire; she explained it the best. It’s like someone released hundreds of thousands of butterflies loose inside me, but they’re all on fire,” I glanced at Steve, but he was looking straight ahead.
           “That sounds painful,” he said plainly. I almost punched him.
           “No, it’s not painful. It’s the most intense happiness, bliss, pleasure, all of that, that I’ve ever experienced in my life. Have you ever heard of anything like that?” I looked at him again, but he was still looking in front of us.
           “Honestly, no, sorry if I seem like I’m not listening, I’m trying to put it together in my head. I mean, Isn’t sex supposed to feel like that with the right person?” Steve asked; this time, I did punch him. “I’m serious!”
           “I haven’t slept with her; that’s what confuses me. She holds my hand or puts her hand on my shoulder, and it’s like fireworks all over my skin,” I rubbed my face with my right hand, trying to fight off a headache.
           “Wait, you feel that all the time?” I could see his brain reeling, trying to grasp what I said. “Yeah, I’ve never heard anyone feeling like that, has she?” he looked puzzled.
           “No, and we have been sifting through S.H.I.E.L.D files that we may or may not have hacked in to get, but neither of us have found anything useful. I hoped maybe you heard something in S.H.I.E.L.D that isn’t recorded knowledge because I’m running out of patience,” I said while squeezing the bridge of my nose.
           “I’ve never heard of anything like that. Honestly, I’d say to talk to Bruce or Tony; maybe one of them can run some tests because I don’t think that’s normal. But why does it worry you so much? I’d be happy to feel that connected to someone,” I could see the sadness on Steve’s face.
           “I’m worried because what if it’s something horrible? I have this knot in the pit of my stomach about the whole situation; it’s not normal. I mean, I spent all those years stuck under Hydra; what if they had something to do with it? It would crush me, but I don’t want to jeopardize her safety,” sadness seeped into my voice even though I tried to fight it. The more I thought about it, the faster the sadness crashed down on me. “It feels like I lost part of my soul, and I finally found it,” I fought back the tears and waited for Steve to say something. Steve put his arm around my shoulders in an attempt to comfort me like when we were kids; he squeezed my left shoulder, pulling me closer.
           “Please go talk to Banner or Tony. I hate to see you like this. We finally got you to a good place, and you found someone that makes you happier than I’ve ever seen you, even before the war. Please go talk to one of them,” Steve pulled back to look at me with a concerned look but shot me a sad smile.
           “You didn’t even ask who it is,” I managed a smile.
           “Oh wait, I know her?” Steve was taken back for a second, realizing she wasn’t a random person.
           “Yeah, you know her, but promise me you won’t say anything to anyone else. You and Nat are the only ones that know, and we want to keep it that way until we get some answers.”
           “Of course, I’ll keep it between Nat and us. Wait- “. Finally, a realization hit Steve like a ton of bricks. “Roz,” Steve whispered. I shook my head and shot him a guilty smile; Steve rolled his eyes and threw his head back. “You’re a real pain in my ass. I’m glad you’re happy though, Buck, we’ll figure this out. How about we go to the kitchen? I’m starving,” he smiled and headed for the upper deck, and I followed shaking my head.
(Roz POV)
           Nat took a step back and smiled at me.
           “I’m grabbing some cereal. Want any?” I asked Nat as she walked around the corner.
           “No, I’m good,” she yelled back. I went to the pantry and opened the door to see what cereal they stocked the ship with; I went to grab a box when I heard footsteps. I closed the pantry and walked through the doorway to meet Nat in the hall.
           “Hey-. “ As I rounded the corner, I slammed into what felt like a wall. Arms wrapped around me to steady me, and almost instantly, sparks instantly exploding all over my skin, and I gasped. I looked up and saw Bucky’s blue eyes looking down at me.
           “Hey, you okay? You slammed into me pretty hard,” he smiled down at me.
           “Y-Yeah,” I shook off the shock. Bucky didn’t let go of me, and if he didn’t soon, our agreement would unravel. I tapped his left arm; he shook his head and let go of me, making sure I was okay to stand.
           “In a rush?” Steve said with a smirk. We turned to walk back to the kitchen together.
           “No, I thought it was Nat walking down the hall,” I made my way to the kitchen. “Want any cereal Bucky?” I opened the pantry and bent down to grab the cereal.
           “What kind is there?” he tried to look over me, but I was blocking his view, so he settled on just looking at me.
           “Ooo, Reese’s Puffs,” I grabbed the box and did a little dance.
           “No way, I don’t remember the last time I had Reese’s,” he looked excited.
           “Grab the bowls and spoons?” I asked him. He nodded and headed for the cabinets as I got the milk. He set the bowls down; I poured the cereal, put the cereal back in the pantry, and then grabbed the milk as Bucky came back with spoons. He put the milk away, and I handed him his bowl; his fingers brushed the back of my hand, and I shivered. We leaned against the counter and ate our cereal as Nat and Steve watched from the small table across the room.
           “Hey, Fury should be landing in about 15 minutes, guys, so hurry up,” Steve smiled, grabbing an apple out of the fridge before walking out of the kitchen. Bucky and I finished our cereal, grabbed Nat on the way out, and made our way to the cargo hold.
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Series Masterlist | Chapter 3
@criminalyetminimal​ @kendallthesimp​ @marvelfansworld​ 
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singeramg · 4 years
Midnight: Chapter 20
Pairing: Clark Kent-Superman/ Metahuman! Black! OFC
Rating: M
A/N: Okay so I finished this one up as well and honestly I wanted to get it up so I can set my own record for the most chapters I could get posted in one day. I am excited! 
Warning: Smut! I would say Dom Clark, but its more of a frustrated Clark seeing as Gia never listens to him. Rough mostly...
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Midnight: Chapter 20
  “Freeland? My mom was from Freeland, she left one night and never looked back.”
I looked at the room who were all looking at me in expectation of an answer I couldn’t give them. I look at the screen as a photo of an unfamiliar black man comes up on the screen, an old grainy quality photo shows him smiling at a desk somewhere. His smile is kind, but I truly had no clue of who this man was.  
   “What’s in Freeland?” Barry asks as innocent as always.
   “There is not much but some of the files that got transferred have mention of an article done by Alvin Pierce. Considering there weren’t computers back then and his article was never actually published I can’t tell you exactly how this is all connected to the experiments but I have a feeling you find out what his research was about then we will have  a solid start to put whoever is after you behind bars forever.”
 I nod in agreement.
   “Looks like a trip to Freeland is in order. Got an address for me Vic?”
  I ask in a fun tone, looking to get answers for my questions and to my pesky problem of people trying to kidnap me, Clark stands up from where he was leaning on the wall previously, the black rimmed glasses he didn’t need tucked into his shirt pocket. I can feel his flash of worry hit me as the idea processes through his mind.
   “Woah, woah, woah. Gia. Hold on, I don’t think you going to Georgia is the best idea.” 
I look at him with an eyebrow raised.
   “ It’s a sneak and peek visit Clark. Go down there, do a little digging and come back.”
   “ Gia you just got back.”
   “It’s one night Clark.”
I can tell by the look on his face this conversation was not over by a long shot.
 *-“We will talk about this later” he says while looking at me pointedly.*
 *-Fine. Wait you can’t even hear me but if you could I’d tell you to calm the hell down.”*
 *-Gia you must have forgotten you can project your thoughts. I CAN HEAR YOU.”*
 “Shit. I mean...damn... I mean get out of my head!”
He laughs inside of mind
 My eyes widen and Clark raises one eyebrow this time as if daring me to say something. I choose to look away, finally taking note that the room is staring at us...again.
   “Umm...Gia maybe Clark is right. You should stay here and rest.”
Diana says softly, placing her hand on my shoulder.
   “I can’t rest. Don’t y’all get it? Whoever is after me won’t stop. They won’t rest until they have me back in their claws. I am going to Freeland. Victor can you please get me an address.”
   “I’ll go with you. I can protect you in case someone tries to take you again.” Diana offers. 
   “An beautiful Amazonian woman and a gorgeous Black Methuman together is bound to attract unnecessary attention.”
I say with a smirk.
   “How about I go too. An extra set of hands on the ground, Diana can keep the plane going in case we need a quick take off and not far in case we need an extra set of hands.”
 Barry offers and I mildly wonder where he got the bag of sour cream and onion chips from but say nothing about them. I, along with everyone else, turned to Clark who was somewhat the unofficial head of the team, Bruce had said nothing, only keenly observing like he always did. I knew he would only step up if he had to butt in. 
   “And you know I’m always on surveillance. So really it’s like almost the whole team except you, Bruce and Arthur.”
   *-“Still not done talking about this Gia.”*
He says to me in his mind, and waves of unhappiness comes from him but out loud he says.
   “Fine. Just an in and out trip. Do not engage with anybody or anything. Find the information we need to end this and come home.”
I smile slightly and we go about planning the quick trip...
 Kalen was down for a nap, Ms. A and Martha we’re enjoying being kid free for a few hours by watching TV and doing some online shopping, the rest of the team had gone off to do their own things until those who were going had to suit up. Clark and I went into another one of Bruce’s rooms that wasn’t  currently occupied by someone and seeing as Tracy had gone back to mine to watch TV and contemplate if she was doing the right thing by being here, we needed to talk in a different room.
 Clark was still not happy about me going on this trip, his thick arms crossed over his chest as I threw up a noise canceling shield for the room. As I did he started up with me.
   “Gia I still don’t think you should go.”
  “Clark, I can't let this go. These people after us they won’t stop. I can’t live my life afraid and looking around every corner. I subject Kalen to constant moving and identify changes and denying him the chance to be a child.”
 “Anyone else can handle this mission. You were just kidnapped! You haven’t even been back a full 24 hours and you already are trying to run off again. I think Kalen would want you here with him not off chasing a big bad that we haven’t even identified yet!”
 Clark has a vein popping out the side of his forehead out of anger and because I was already still on edge I was pissed too.
   “And what do you think this shit is just going to stop?! It won’t until me and Tracy are locked back in that jail cell of a room. Until every part of the Gia you all know is gone. Can you say you will put me down if I’m so far gone that all I know is this synergy persona they created? They almost succeeded in tearing me away from my son!”
   “I can protect you both. There is no need to put you down because nobody will have the chance to get to you if you just listen!”
 Clark was pissed, I was pissed and I truly didn’t feel like punching Superman dead in his shit right now. He wasn’t getting it at all, literally all he wanted to see was me being helpless, but he didn’t realize I couldn’t let that define me at all. I had to do this. I had to fight for me.
   “I am listening to Clark! I am hearing you loud and clear. I can feel you too! You have zero confidence in me. You think someone is going to snatch me again...”
   “Gia let’s shoot straight here. Did you or did you not go to work after we repeatedly told you it was a bad idea?”
  “Yes but...”
 “I am not finished talking.”
I stood glaring at him and crossing my arms.
   “Gia did you or did you not lead them home after we fought Steppenwolf because you were too prideful to talk to me?”
   “It wasn’t pride...”
  “I am not finished yet.”
I wasn’t going to admit that despite me being highly annoyed with Clark right now, he looked good wearing his confidence. For now all I wanted to do was let him finish talking. I could tell this conversation was getting to him too, as his anger became tainted with his own thunderstorm of emotions.
  “Go on then. Keep talking. Tell me more about the failure I am.”
 I say with an eye roll. Clark being Clark does not like this and starts backing me up, my back hits the sturdy door. I feel my breath hitch in my chest as I become surrounded in Clark’s scent again. The tension went from anger to anger and sexuality. 
  “You always have to say something smart don’t you?”
   “Since when don’t I have something to say? You know me better than that Clark.”
 He comes up to me, his arms caging me in on either side of my face. 
   “Exactly and I know you well enough to know that you are using that smart mouth to divert the attention from talking about your problems.”
  “What problem do you think I have Mr. Kent?” 
 I know he can hear my heart rate pick up because instead of being angry at me he only gives me that smirk, the one that he only gives when his mind is on something other than his high morality. 
   “You think you have to do all of it by yourself still. So hardheaded and you won’t listen until you are hurt oooorrrr.... otherwise occupied. Between you and me I think we both would prefer the other way I get you to listen.”
 I look up at him from under my lashes, and slide my hands up his chest, grasping the dark gray t-shirt he was wearing underneath his favored blue plaid shirt. It was my favorite too but I wasn’t going to tell him that. I gripped the shirt and pulled him down to where our lips could meet. 
 Every time I kissed Clark it was like a religious experience. I never forgot how his lips felt against mine, in all these years, even under control of someone else, he still feels the same. His tongue presses into my mouth and immediately dominates it unlike the previous kisses, he was making it clear that he was in charge this go ‘round. I was more than okay with it and as his  hands slid down to my hips, I tossed mine around my neck. Clark picks me up and I lock my legs around his waist. I moan into his mouth when I feel his length pressing on my core through my jeans. I wasn’t paying attention to how close we were to the bed until he threw me onto it suddenly, both our chests heaving. This was the beauty in my powers because I got the full rebound of both my emotions as well as Clark’s. I could double it back out to him, but honestly his own arousal was enough. 
   “Are you ready to listen yet?”
He asks me but I decide to cheat a little and listen to his thoughts. None of what he wanted to do was concrete, quick images fly on the surface of his mind, clearly this was intentional. He was playing with my lack of training with my new powers. One thing is clear however he was ready to teach me a lesson and I was more than willing to let him. Foreplay wasn’t even needed because I could feel my panties were already ruined and my jeans were going to follow if I didn’t get them off. I snap my fingers, sending my clothes somewhere that I didn’t care about in the moment. Clark basically all but rips his clothes down the middle to get them off. Next thing I know he is back on top of me, and his fingers find my center.
   “Already dripping for me...” he says with a low growl in his voice.
    “Yes for you Kent. Who else would it be for?”
I can’t turn off the snark and I know it’s egging on his need to ruin me. I wanted to see how far he would go. He goes back to hovering over me, my breasts heaving against his chest.
 “Do you ever shut up Gia?”
 “Well it’s a skill I have yet to ma-STER!”
Clark had surprised me by pushing into me, without a warning. I hiss and latch to his back our positioning similar to the first time we had done this. I need time to adjust to the sudden intrusion, and his size, but he knew that which was why he wasn’t moving. The only reason he hadn’t gone in slowly was to shut me up. Can’t say I was all together upset at his action, but as the discomfort faded roll my hips and try to get him to move.
  “Oh no, you are not the one in control here.”
  “Oohhh really?”
  “Yes really. I told you yesterday I like to keep my control and you are clearly out of it. It’s my turn...”
 *A Hour Later...*
   “FUCK! Harder Clark Harder! Shit!”
 We were long past taking our time, or playing it safe. This was not even like our first time, this was actually the opposite. Currently, I was  face down, spine curved as I took back shots from Clark, who was making it his mission to make me pay for every snarky or smart comment I had said to him since we met. Apparently the only payment he was accepting was my orgasms. 
His right hand was holding me by the hip, the other sliding up my spine and then into my hair. He leans down, breathing against my ear. 
   “Are you ready to listen to me yet?”
 My hand grasps on top of the one that was on my hip, and I clench down purposefully on him. He groans and his thrusts falter slightly, and his grip gets tighter in my hair and hip. It was even more of a turn on to see how well he kept control of his strength.
   “Yes! Shit yes!”
 He slows down, his strokes getting deeper, but slower until it’s less thrusting and more of a rolling grind. For someone who had always seemed like his sense of morality made Everything vanilla with him, he surely knew how to wring the pleasure out of me. With Clark pressing his weight onto me, my knees falter and I drop to the mattress. He didn’t stop thrusting and I bit my lips, the tang of blood slightly on my lips.
   “We could have been doing this. I could have been making you feel like this. You were too hard headed. Now you say you were ready to listen to me, but how do I know you will?”
 My walls were fluttering around his cock as I was about to cum again for the umpteenth time in a manner of an hour.  
   “Clark I promise I’ll listen!” I say with my stomach tightening and a whimper blended in. I was not a whiny type of girl but damn be if I wasn’t right now. 
   “The next time I ask you not to do something, you will listen to me right?”
 Unexpectedly, he gets back onto his knees, and pulls me up so his chest is against my back, thrusting upwards, and uses my hair to turn my head to the side. He kisses me roughly, his fingers rubbing my clit as the head of his cock rubs at my g spot at this angle, and  with one of his hands goes around my throat, It takes no time at all to bounce right into the hardest orgasm of the night, which Clark and his super stamina finally falters and he falls over the edge right behind me, filling me up deeply, my name falling off his lips and both of us out of breath, which considering who Clark was, was a feat within itself.
 The light shimmer of the door tells me the noise cancelling shield was still intact even if my legs weren’t. Clark hadn’t pulled out and it seemed like he didn’t want to. He just pulls me back into his arms after turning me around, and despite us being hot, sticky and sweaty it felt nice. I run my hands over the forearm that was wrapped around me, and he plays with the ends of my hair. We lay in silence for a while before he breaks it.
   “Gia I realized while you were gone that I might be Superman but I am not strong.”
   “Did you try and stop a burning oil rig from falling again?”
 I joke and Clark gives me a smile and laughs but I can tell he is serious.
 “No. I just realized I am not as strong as you. Somehow you were able to pick up the pieces of your life and be strong for yourself and Kalen. I couldn’t do that. I failed...”
  “Clark hush. You did not fail.”
  “But I did. Gia when I thought that you had died in that wreck. When I couldn’t hear your heartbeat anymore, I shut down. I couldn’t imagine living in a world without you in it. That’s why I am paranoid about you going anywhere without me. Even a sneak and peek trip with these people after you could have been taken away from us. I can’t let that happen. Not again.”
 I sigh as Clark’s feelings of paranoia, concern and fear meld into his feelings of Love. 
  “A long time ago Gia I promised you that I would leave you alone, that I would say away until you called but that’s a promise I have to break.”
   “Clark at this point if you try to leave I might have to chain you down again.”
We both laugh.
   “No but really honestly. I can’t keep lying to you or to myself. I can’t keep hiding my feelings for you from you because quite frankly it’s exhausting. I love you Clark Kent. I loved you all those years ago and I still do.”
 He breath catches and for a quick moment I fear he would forget forever on how to work his lungs. All the other emotions rolling around with him fade away and his mind basically goes blank.
   “I love you too Gia Smith and I hate that it took me so long to say it but I promise I’ll spend forever trying to prove it.”
  “You already have.”
 Before he can respond there is a knock on the door.
   “So...I...um.. I lost at rock, paper, scissors  which is pitiful because I am fast enough to change my answer but not faster than Victor’s computer eye playback. So anyway, yeah, Umm... Diana says we should be getting ready to leave for Freeland soon. If you can ummm...hear me in there then I guess...”
 Clark and I laugh again as I cancel the shield. I had to put poor Barry out of his misery.
   “Barry yes, we can hear you just fine. Tell Diana and the others we will be down in 20 minutes.”
 Barry must have run back downstairs and back up because he says
   “Ummm.. Mrs. Kent says take a shower and make it 15 and that you two had been up here long enough.”
 With that we both peel into laughter and Barry doesn’t stick around for a response. Clark finally pulls out and while my ladybits tingle in excitement they are more grateful for his removal. 
   “You heard the lady shower it is.”
 Clark says moving to stand while I make use of my limbs again. 
   “Go ahead it will take you less time, you’ve clearly got use of your legs. I feel like I’ve been MMA fighting with the champ.”
 Instead of walking away he leans over and lifts me up into his arms cradle style.
   “She never said not to shower together.”
 “Yes, but I think she implied I needed to be able to walk.”
He pretends to ponder for a moment, then shrugged. 
 “Fine. I’ll get you clean so I can get you dirty again later...”
A/n: What did you think? Are we happy, sad, pissed, looking for quarantine cuddle buddy lol Alright folks I am done posting these chapters for the night so thank you for letting me flood your timeline! Once again I have a love-hate relationship with writing smut so let me know how you feel about it.
As always thank you for reading!
Taglist! (Still open for additions.)
@thethirstyarchive @bloodyinspiredfuck @romyr4 @p3nny4urth0ught5​ @kmcmpmd​ @winchwm​
48 notes · View notes
need-a-fugue · 4 years
We Grow Together (4)
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x OFC
Summary: Relationships can be tough, especially when one person is a recovering-from-being-brainwashed-and-tortured former assassin and the other is an overworked mutant scientist. But hey, every couple has their struggles. Right?
Warning(s): some angst, some emotional and mental turmoil… some bad language words… much fluff
Chapter Summary: Rescuing hostages from a cartel stronghold deep in hostile territory... what could possibly go wrong?
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The debrief only lasts about an hour, the plan seeming fairly simple. “It’s a basic hostile extraction,” Steve tells them all, as though that’s supposed to mean something to her.
She raises her hand. “Non-military personnel requesting clarification, sir,” she says with more than a hint of sarcasm.
He rolls his eyes rather dramatically. “We go in, fight the bad guys, and get the family out.”
“Yeah,” she drawls. “I kind of assumed that was the plan. What do you guys do in here for hours on end if it’s not planning a mission? Are you just hiding away, playing Call of Duty or something?”
“I don’t know what that means,” Steve tells her as he starts to pull up multiple screens at once.
The center of the table is alight with various holograms when Bucky leans over and whispers to her, “Stevie’s very thorough. If a plan is what you want…” He leans back and indicates the satellite images and redacted official files on display before them.
As it turns out very thorough is a bit of an understatement. The hour they spend going over mission details is very possibly the most chock-full-of-information-she’ll-never-remember hour of Tessa’s life. And she went to medical school. But everyone seemed to at least have an idea of what they needed to.
The missions she’d done with the X-Men – and frankly it feels wrong to refer to them as missions as they always seemed more like random pop-up battles or peace-keeping initiatives – were very different from this. For one thing, their mission planning sessions usually consisted of Logan and Scott arguing about the best way to get there as everyone else watched in annoyance. Winging it was more their style. Maybe it was because they had powers that, for the most part, were difficult to counter. Maybe it was just because none of them had ever been in the military, let alone led soldiers into battle. Whatever the reason, the fighting style that had been bred into her stood out in rather stark contrast to that of her current cohorts.
“Here,” Bucky utters absently as he hands her a 9mm. He’d been loading every nook and cranny of his suit with weapons while Tessa stood nearby, leaning on the wall of the jet, waiting not-so-patiently for them to get the show on the road.
She glances down at the gun in his hand, but makes no move to take it, her arms still crossed over her chest. “No thank you,” she says simply.
He seals up a hidden pocket near his ankle where he just tucked away another small dagger before turning to face her with a confused look. “What do you mean no thank you?”
She pushes off of the wall as Sam sneaks by and she can’t help but check out his flashy new wings. Tony just can’t stop himself from innovating and upgrading everything that the team uses. It almost makes her wish she went into engineering or robotics instead of medicine. “Hm?” she mutters, turning her attention back to Bucky. “Oh, yeah. I don’t need that.”
“Yes you do,” he says definitively as he takes hold of her hand and places the handgun in it.
She turns it over in her hand, gives it a little bounce to feel the weight of it. “I really don’t,” she says shaking her head and extending her hand back out to him. “It’s heavy,” she says absently, holding it out for him to take.
“It’s a 9-mil,” he says confusedly.
“You’ve never held a 9-mil before?” he asks her, as though everyone in the world has surely used a gun at one time or another.
“A 9-mil? No.” She reaches out and takes his metal hand, deposits the gun into it just as he had done to her a moment before. “I’ve never held any gun before.”
Sam’s the one who speaks next, whipping around to face her. “You’ve never held a gun before?” He turns to find Steve, who’s up in the cockpit, punching in coordinates. “Steve!” he calls out. “Do you hear this?”
“You can’t be serious,” Bucky says, voice low and disbelieving, mouth agape.
She shifts her stance and pulls at the tight almost leather-like fabric of her suit as it suctions to her shoulder. “No, actually, I did go skeet shooting once. I think. Maybe I dreamt that…” Her thoughts begin to wander as she snakes her hand down in between the suit and the top of her shoulder. “Flame retardant is nice, but he could’ve made this a little bit more… malleable,” she mutters to herself. The suit makes a slight popping sound as her fingers work beneath the fabric. “Is it too tight?” she asks Bucky. “It feels tight.”
He simply continues to stare at her, dumfounded.
“Steve,” Sam starts as the captain makes his way over. “She doesn’t know how to fire a weapon,” he says, voice more serious than she’s ever heard it. “Did you know that?”
“She’s fine. She doesn’t need a weapon,” he tells Sam, slapping him on the shoulder. “Now, if we’re all geared up, let’s do this.”
Tessa moves to take a seat as Steve heads back to the cockpit. Sam and Bucky are left lingering in the back, matching looks of horror on their faces. “But,” Sam murmurs, “She doesn’t have any gear.”
The group moves in under the cover of darkness, dense tropical forest flanking the compound on every side. Bucky is able to rather quickly find a safe spot on higher ground where he can see over the walls and into the courtyard. He sets up two high-powered rifles, just in case.
Sam sets out to do some recon, but he’s limited on how lose he can get as floodlights are strategically placed at every corner of the compound. “I can’t get a great view,” he says, his voice filtering through their earpieces. “But if the layout’s the same as what was in the plans, then you two need to head for the southeast corner. It should be easier to get over the wall there.”
“Negative,” Bucky replies as he scans the area with his scope. “I’m blind to that corner.”
“I thought you found a good spot.”
“I did find a good spot. You’re choosing the one area blocked by overgrowth.” The very clear annoyance in his voice makes Tessa chuckle despite herself.
“Sam,” Steve pipes up, “If we head in through there, do we have a clear path to the hostages?” The hostages should be in a small interior room just off of the main kitchen, which is buried at the very center of the compound.
“I can’t tell for sure,” he says, dialing into the new tech in his visor as he goes in for another flyby. He can’t see actual bodies from the angle he’s forced to fly at, not with the way the roofs meet. So he switches over to infrared to search out heat signatures.
“I don’t like this,” Bucky mumbles across the comms.
“You worry too much,” Tessa says as she carefully navigates the terrain just behind Steve, methodically stepping into the giant footprints he leaves in the soil.
“Yeah, man,” Sam lets out. “They’ve got this.”
An odd grumbling sounds through the earpieces, and Steve and Tessa share a quick look and a laugh. “How long you think it’ll be before he shoots Sam down?” Steve asks.
“Five minutes, tops.”
“You know I can hear you, right?” Sam questions as he swoops down just above them.
“Try not to antagonize the sniper,” Steve says, his voice returning to the all-business captain. “What do you see?”
“You should be good,” Sam tells them. “Two guards at the corner. Take them out and you’ve got a clean path to the courtyard.”
“That courtyard’s filthy with hostiles,” Bucky intones, his voice calm and low as he continues his monitoring. “Even if we can distract some of them, you’ll still probably have to fight your way through. I’ll take out as many as I can when you come up.”
“Only take someone out if you have to,” Steve directs. “No unnecessary causalities.
“Steve,” he argues, words brimming with irritation, “There are at least fifteen guys in there and they’re all packing heat. Mostly Kalashnikovs, but I see at least two Uzis. Uzis, Steve. They’re not gonna let you just punch your way through.”
“Just use discretion,” he tells him in a huff. Then, “We’re moving in.”
The plan is to get in and out in no more than five minutes. Ideally, unseen, but unless they can manage a distraction big enough to get everyone out of the courtyard surrounding the house, and also clear out the house itself, that was unlikely to happen. That being said, a distraction of some sort is exactly what they need.
Sam sets down just outside of the exterior wall on the north end of the compound. He hunkers down next to some trees, just far enough away from the floodlights to remain cloaked in darkness. “I’m ready when you are,” he says.
“I feel like I’m going to regret this,” Tessa mumbles as she commando crawls to the compound. Between the black suit and her dark hair, she’s pretty well hidden. But in addition to the two guards inside the wall at this corner, there are two armed men patrolling from a balcony that runs around the third floor. If the light hits her right as one of them glances down, it’s all over.
“Don’t worry,” Steve says through the comms, still hanging back in the trees as she snakes closer. “I’ll be gentle.” There’s an unmistakably playful quality to his voice, and it in no way eases her concerns.
“I’ve heard that before,” she whispers, positioning herself about two feet out from the wall.
“Hold,” Bucky mutters as he keeps watch on the guards in the balcony. The moment they disappear around the southwest corner, he says simply, “Go.”
Tessa pulls herself up into a tabletop position and Steve sets off at a full run from the tree line. She closes her eyes and braces herself, and a small terrified squeak resounds through the comms as Steve zooms in. He bounds off her back, using the step she provides as leverage to make it to the top of the wall. He lands like a ninja, completely silent, and neither of the two guards below look up.
He’s just out of the light, but the men on the balcony will easily be able to pick him up – and pick him off – when they come back around the corner, so he’s got to move fast. He leans down over the wall, extending his hand as low as it’ll go and he nods at Tessa. She’s already about twenty feet back, readying herself to run full speed and at least try for a flying leap. She manages to get just high enough to grab onto his fingertips, but her feet lose purchase and quickly slide off the wall.
Steve’s grip is solid. He grasps her hand, holding tight, even as her body slams into the wall. He cringes and tosses a glance back behind him to see if the guards heard anything. But the wall is so solid that her relatively small frame barely made a sound in the collision. He hauls her up and takes just a second to steady her on the wall before finding his target. He drops down on top of one of the guards and puts him in a sleeper hold. The other turns to him, gun raised and ready to fire.
Without warning, the man drops. His body going limp and collapsing to the ground as though all the energy had just been drained from it. Steve looks up at Tessa and sees her sitting atop the wall, hand outstretched toward the prone man, a hint of blue sparks emanating from her fingertips.
“Thanks,” he says, dropping the now unconscious man from his hold and moving over to her. He opens his arms and she drops down into them.
“No problem,” she returns in a nasally voice. Blood is gushing from her nose and she’s blinking rapidly, trying to regain focus as she pinches it at the bridge.
“I hope you’re moving,” Bucky says with a sort of calm urgency.
Steve takes Tessa’s arm and pulls her over to an interior wall where they’ll be hidden from the guards above. “You okay?” he asks, hissing in pained solidarity as she slowly repositions her nose. There’s a long grind followed by a sharp crack, and she drops her head to his shoulder for just a moment to try and regather herself.
“Solid,” she mutters into him, her breath hitching.
“What happened?” Bucky asks, previously calm voice now peppered with concern.
“We’re good,” Steve replies simply. “Sam, we’re ready for you.”
“Copy that.”
An explosion is heard from the northern side of the property. Steve and Tessa huddle close together along the wall as shouts ring out from inside the building. They feel a breeze blow past them and look up to see Sam swoop down to land on the exterior wall they just came over. He points in the direction of the explosion, directing them to move through the path leading to the center courtyard. Steve squeezes Tessa’s hand in a silent you good? She returns the gesture, and the two start out along the path.
“We’ve got five remaining in the courtyard,” Bucky’s voice filters in through their earpieces.
“I can handle five,” Steve whispers.
“No you can’t,” he replies, watching and waiting for them to turn the corner. The minute he sees them in the periphery, he begins taking shots, nothing but a slight hiss emanating from the silenced rifle. He’s got two down by the time Steve’s actually in the courtyard, and he takes out a third while the captain disarms the other two men in rapid succession.
Steve looks back at the fallen targets. “Damnit, Buck, I told you I had them.”
“If one round got off, the rest of them would turn back and be on you in a minute flat,” he defends from his position on the hill. “Just get moving.”
“Who’s giving the orders around here?”
“Sorry,” he counters sarcastically. “From my vantage point, it seems like a good idea for you two to get moving, sir.”
Steve shakes his head and chuckles as he turns back to Tessa. “You know what to do?” She nods. “Just let me know if you see anyone coming my way.”
Steve’s on his own once he enters the house. They’re down to two minutes for the extraction, and that should be plenty of time provided the layout is as expected, the hostages are where they think they’ll be, no one catches him off guard as he moves to them, and they’re all mobile and capable of following his lead out the rear of the compound. So really, two minutes may well be next to impossible.
Tessa maneuvers out of the courtyard and around to the south side of the building where they plan to rendezvous for extraction. Bucky has a mostly clear view of that side, but he’s more focused on peering in the wall of windows as Steve makes his way through to the center of the home. “You look clear,” he tells him as he stares down his scope.
“Shit,” he hears Tessa mutter through the earpiece. He turns quickly to get her in his sights, and he sees a crazed looking man barreling towards her, rifle raised. Bucky panics and without taking proper aim, fires a single shot.
He misses completely – “Damnit” – and watches as the man collides with her. She gives a swift kick to his shoulder as they awkwardly go down, and his AK goes flying. For a brief moment, Bucky’s filled with pride. But it’s short lived. He watches as the assailant elbows her in the face, and he hears her pained grunt sound out over the comms as she fights back.
They’re just a tangle of body parts now, so he knows he can’t get off a good shot. He’s about to tell her to stand down, thinking that if she stops fighting maybe the man will sit upright and he can take him out. But before he can, the guy rolls off of her and scurries over to his felled rifle. He moves into a blind spot – “Shit” – where he’s partially hidden behind a row of pillars. Tessa pulls herself up and darts after him. “Wait!” Bucky calls out, knowing he’ll lose her back there too. “Get him out so I can get a shot.”
But she doesn’t get a chance to modify. She skids to a halt, stopping just between two pillars. He has a clear view of her, which means he also has a clear view of the muzzle of the AK-47 that’s pointed directly at her head, so close it’s nearly resting in her hair. He feels himself panic, those few seconds stretching out into a million. He’s desperately searching for a shot, but there’s nothing. He can’t find the target at all. All he can see is Tessa kneeling, gun at her head. He hears her let out a small, strained chuckle and his heart leaps into his throat.
Bang, bang! Two shots in rapid succession, fired right into her. His breath catches, heart stops.
“What was that?” Steve’s voice filters through the earpiece. “Report!”
Bucky moves the sight around, desperately searching for Tessa. He stills on blood pooling out from behind the pillar, moves the sight hesitantly, just barely, and sees the man’s seemingly lifeless arm on the ground. “I’m good,” he hears her say, not an ounce of fear to her voice.
Sam chimes in, and Bucky can see him swooping down from where he’d been perched on the roof. “Did you see that? Did anyone see that?!” He lands beside her and pulls her away through a separate doorway, fully aware that the gunshots will bring more commandos out of the compound. “That was… what did you do?”
Bucky can no longer see them, but he can almost hear the smile in her voice when she says, “Just because I’ve never fired a gun doesn’t mean I can’t use one.”
“She can redirect bullets,” Steve says sternly. “Now can we get back to business?”
Bucky, still barely breathing up on his hill, slowly moves his rifle back to the house to search for Steve. Just as he gets the sight pointed at the door, he sees Steve open it and peer slowly around the corner. There are two armed men quickly approaching from the rear. “I’ve got you,” Bucky says as he takes aim. Two quick, solid shots and they’re all clear.
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A View To A Winchester (Part 11)
Series Page
Summary: Julie’s starting a new life after divorce in a home with a very nice view.
A Dean X OFC story. I got this idea staring out the view of my home office window and thinking how nice it would be to have Dean Winchester to ogle.
Section Word Count: 5,570    
Section Content: fluff, flirting, angst, R-rated language, show level violence
Dean sipped slow at the steaming black coffee he’d picked up on his way to Cas’s house. Way too fuckin’ early. A dude in his sixties, walking a yippy Yorkshire, squinted hard at Dean biding time in Baby outside the tiny two bedroom cottage belonging to Castiel Novak. Tempted to give him the middle finger, Dean instead opted for a two finger friendly salute with a grin. The elder man continued down the sidewalk, his reflection eventually caught by Dean in the rearview mirror. He passed behind the Impala, stopped right at the tailpipe, and took a mental note of the license plate.
“Come on, man.” Dean mumbled to himself. “I can only handle so much stupid this early. The POS dog saved its owner, pulling him across the street and yapping the whole damn way.
He yawned and leaned back in his seat. The time on his watch confirmed it was way too early to be up and out of the house on a Saturday morning. Especially when he wasn’t on a job. Especially when, if Cas hadn’t shown up, he’d probably be in Julie’s bed sleeping. He grinned. Probably not sleeping.
No, Dean was pretty sure he would have woken Julie up very early to do more of what he wished they’d done last night. When he’d gotten back to his house after saying goodbye, he’d attempted to explain the term cockblocking to Cas. Cas had sat on the couch with perfect posture. He listened, as he always did when Dean explained something, with that dazed and confused expression. Dean paced back and forth in a state of irritability and arousal. “Do you know how long it’s been, Cas, since I’ve had a piece of ass?”
“I believe you’ve gotten pieces of ass more recently than I have, Dean. My last sexual encounter was with the reaper, April.” Cas had experienced much in his human form, but he still felt like an innocent, humorless child to Dean in moments like this.
“Piece of…” Dean shook his head. “Nevermind. Look, it’s been a long fuckin’ time, okay?”
Cas stared at the cushion between his open legs, processing. “My intrusion prevented you from reaching orgasm with Julie.” He stared back at Dean with a head tilt and puppy dog eyes. “I am sorry.”
Dean cleared his throat. “Whatever.”
Cas had then gone on about the troubles he was having with Jack. Dean took it all in and promised he’d come over bright and early the next morning to try and talk to the kid. Cas still looked perplexed as Dean scooted him out of the house, explaining they wouldn’t be playing cards that night.
The grass in front of Cas’s house was drenched in dew. A thin film of grey fog hung low in the air. Dean sipped hard and long at the coffee. He let the strong brew settle on his tongue and inhaled the dark roast aroma he craved. He needed the caffeine to do its job this morning. He’d only clocked a couple hours of sleep. It was nothing new. But he could usually catch up on the insomnia in the late morning when he was home. Not today. There were things on his agenda after he took care of this unpleasant family business. They would require way more energy than what he currently had to expend with Jack and Cas.
Julie is number one on my to do list. The other items being all the things I want to do to Julie.
His cock had begged for attention all night and morning. Even now, sitting in the driver’s seat, he could feel his semi press with insistence against the denim. But he’d refrained. It wasn’t like he hadn’t beat off to thoughts of Julie before. It had become a daily, sometimes multiple times a day, occurrence since that first night after he tasted her cobbler. He’d dropped the phone immediately after the text conversation had ended, letting her know how good her sweet treat had been, and jerked off imagining how sweet she tasted.
After getting a hint of what she tasted like last night, he was hell bent on having her wrapped around him the next time he came. He leaned back in his seat and tilted the rearview mirror to confirm he had that cheesy ass grin on his face from his thoughts of her. This is bad. The dissatisfaction of how Julie was getting under his skin battled with the want to experience this other feeling fully. You’re just gonna fuck it up. Can’t do normal. Tried it once and it didn’t stick. And, she’s too sweet to hurt.
Lisa had been sweet, too. But Lisa had a streetsmart edge that made her a kickass single mom long before Dean came into the picture. Plus, Lisa and Ben had the benefit of having their minds erased - thanks, Cas - of Dean’s existence after he’d put their lives in danger from being a part of his. If Dean tried the experiment again with Julie, there’d be no “Men in Black” take-it-back wipe. The once angel, now human, had lost his power after the final battle that had righted this world back on its axis two years ago. Jack was all human now, too.
The lack of celestial backup had been the hardest adjustment after over a decade of relying on it as a fail-safe. Dean could only imagine how it was for Cas. They’d had a few heart to hearts over whiskey, which now knocked Cas on his ass after one shot. The brother from another father had been to the mat for him and Sam more times than Dean could count. Helping save the world and giving up everything that made him special dropped Cas into a world of trivial every day that he would never snap out of. Not until he died. Which was another mindfuck for Cas. After centuries, he would die. There would be a finality to all of it. But, I’ll have my own version of heaven to look forward too, Dean. That’s something. I won’t be swallowed up by the empty and cease to be. My soul will be at peace. Dean had clapped his friend’s shoulder as he cried, realizing the same would happen to Jack. Someday.
After two years of keeping your nose as far out of normal as possible, you’ve got to go and mess with this sweet woman.
Dean tilted his head and started that inner debate he’d done too many times lately. To be fair, she started sniffing around me first.
Get off your high horse, asshole. You’ve been sniffed around dozens of times before and steered clear. You’re lonely and she’s so far from what you deserve that you’re curious. You wanna see if you can make something stick. Like Sammy has with Eileen.
Sammy’s moved on and is trying to build a life. Why shouldn’t I?
Because you’re a speeding train with non-existent brakes heading straight towards the edge of a cliff, that’s why. Fucking train wreck on bow legs.
The phone buzzed in his pocket. He pulled it out. Julie was calling. It was 7:30 am. The emotional lashing removed from his psyche, swiped away with Baby’s windshield wipers. It was replaced by that feeling she’d been stirring up within him more lately. It was more than arousal. He denied himself to define it. If he did, it might disappear.
He accepted the call on the fourth ring while clearing his throat. “Well, good morning, beautiful.”
“Hey, Dean.” Her voice was lighter this morning, more like the tone he was used to hearing. Not that he at all minded the lower, commanding pitch of the indecent woman he got a preview of last night. Shit. His erection was growing. He shifted in his seat.
“Couldn’t wait for me to check in first, huh?”
She laughed. “Guess not. I didn’t see your car when I got up this morning. Things okay?”
“Yeah. Things are good.” He grinned and tapped a button on his phone.
“Are you trying to FaceTime me?”
“Sounds dirty.”
She laughed again. “Everything sounds dirty to you.” She sighed trying to sound done with him, but he knew she wasn’t. “Hold on.” He held the phone back. His screen only provided a quick preview of his own state. Bags under his eyes and unshaven, he didn’t look as put together as the night before.
The screen switched to a view of Julie. Her brown hair was up in a bun. The hair looked freshly washed as did the rest of her enticing olive colored skin. When I make her blush it’s got splotches of cotton candy pink all over it. He appreciated the slope and curve of her neck. Big, brown almond-shaped eyes stared him down, studying him, from behind glasses. He’d put her in the role of hot librarian in a few of his release sessions. He particularly liked the one where she was bent over a desk and he was fucking her from behind hard enough to knock books off nearby shelves. He had a sneaking suspicion she’d be up for that kind of roleplaying. He really liked her in those tight button up shirts she wore to work a lot.
Her voice brought him out of his erotic daydreaming. “You’re lucky I’m presentable. Or, I would have denied you.” She quipped. There it was, that little hint of dominance. It came out on occasion and thrilled him with the facets and possibilities of this seemingly normal, but very interesting, woman. “Where are you?”
“Outside Cas’s house.”
“You’re over Cas’s already?”
“Yeah. He asked if I’d talk to the kid. I had to get here early.” She sipped at her large mug of coffee and sat at her kitchen table. “Jack’s apparently planning a trip to visit a girl he met online. Was going to buy a plane ticket and leave today.”
Julie’s already big eyes widened farther. “Wow. When you say kid…”
Dean scratched at the stubble. “He’s twenty. Kid to me. Plus, Jack’s also…” He opened his mouth to attempt a description but shook his head instead.
Julie grinned. “Special?”
Dean nodded. “Must be hereditary.” Or a common “I was once an angel and I’m trying to figure out how to be human” thing. Fuck my life. How would this woman ever understand and be okay with even an ounce of this insanity?
“Still there? I think you froze.”
Dean had gone into his thoughts long enough for Julie to think the connection had been lost. “I’m here.” He cleared his throat. “It’s been tough. Cas tried to shelter him from a lot of things. Can’t control him anymore.”
Julie shrugged. “Well, no, of course not. He’s his own person. He’s going to have to make mistakes and learn from them.”
“Yeah. This might end up being more of an intervention for Cas, I think.”
She gave him a slight smile. “I hope things go well.”
“Thanks.” His mouth perked up. “What are you doing later?”
Julie grinned. “Wasn’t planning on much today. Run some errands after breakfast. Lazy Saturday.”
“Can I come by?”
Her eyes lit up. “Of course. But you might want to rest up first. You look tired.”
He puckered his lips together in thought before he asked, “are you planning to wear me out?”
She nodded. “Lots of pent up frustration I need to get out.”
His tongue swiped over his top lip. “Can’t wait.”
That produced a giggle and shake of her head. “Bye, Dean.” She waved a few fingers in front of her face.
“Bye, Jules.” She ended the call first. He didn’t think he would have been able to. He much rather preferred hiding in his car, staring at that pretty face, than having to go and do something even close to parenting with Jack. Hell, I’ll be parenting Cas today, too.
He groaned along with the hinges of Baby’s driver side door as he got out.
Dean drove back into his neighborhood and past Julie’s house around two o’clock. Her little blue compact wasn’t under the carport. Damn toy car. He shook his head. At least it’s a Chevy.
Dean had taken a sensible approach with Jack. When he got down to the nuts and bolts of it all, the kid was bored and looking for an adventure. And horny as hell. Something Dean could easily relate to at that particular moment. It took some time, but Dean convinced him to save up his earnings from his upcoming summer job. If things were still hot and heavy long distance with this girl, he should take a trip to see her in Texas during Winter break. For now, Dean enlightened him to the beauty and intricacies of sexting and phone sex. Jack was all smiles by the time Dean had left Cas’s house.
Once Dean pulled into his own driveway, he texted Julie. Just got home. Going to pass out. Call when you get home. I’ll jump the fence and be right over. He smirked, happy with the blend of eagerness and cheese in his composition. A decision to shower before his nap set him back fifteen minutes. The warm water relaxed and the steam released the residual alcohol from his pores. Sleep was merciful and came as soon as his head hit the pillow.
He stirred and was half-woken up to Wes’s voice drifting in from his open bedroom window. A pillow was about to be used to muffle the disruption when he identified another voice and cocked his head to listen.
Brigida? What the hell is she doing here? Dean moaned. Ugh, am I gonna get cockblocked by the feisty little Italian mother, too?
“It’s not like Giulia. I told her to come by and pick up some sausage and peppers I made. She said she’d be by around 11:00. And, now, she’s not picking up her phone. It doesn’t even ring, Wes. Just goes to that voicemail. And the map thingy says she’s here still. What does that mean?”
Wes mumbled something Dean couldn’t quite make out. He reached for his phone on the nightstand and checked the screen. No notifications appeared. He tapped his messages to make sure he hadn’t missed a reply from Julie. Nothing. His lips pursed. He tried to call her. Straight to voicemail. His heart sped up when he noticed the time. Six o’clock.
Dean shot up in bed, already dressed in jeans and a t-shirt. He pulled on some sneakers and hurried out to the backyard.
Brigida stood near the divide between Julie and Wes’s backyard. A large aluminum tray rested on her forearms and her purse dangled at the elbow. Wes was at his grill down near the edge of his own driveway. She and Wes both turned to Dean at his approach toward the fenceline.
“Dean-ah. Have you seen Giulia today?” There was no smile on her face in the greeting. The little lady was on a mission.
“I haven’t, Brigida.” His hands gripped the fence. “Everything alright?”
She shook her head. Her mouth opened and shut. “I- it’s not like her.” Her lips began to quiver.
Aw, hell. Dean jumped over the fence and rushed to Brigida. He pulled one of the patio chairs close to her short, stocky frame. Easing her to sit, he removed the warm tray from her grip and placed it on the table.
Wes came to her side with a pair of greasy tongs in hand. “I’m sure it’s nothing and Julie’s alright, Mamma.” Wes bumbled out the soothing statement. A stale stench of alcohol and pot emanated from the hippie.
Dean knelt down to talk to her. He placed a hand on her shoulder. “Did you knock on her door, ring the doorbell, Brigida?”
She nodded.
He pressed further. “Don’t you have a key? I’m sure she wouldn’t mind if you let yourself in to check on her.”
“Wes told me he saw her leave earlier. And, I didn’t want to go in there by myself.” Her eyes darted to Wes and back to Dean. She leaned in and tried her best to whisper. “I thought, if she was home, she might be busy and didn’t want to walk in on… well, now that I know you were at your house and alone…”
Dean waited for more clarification. Someone else might have missed the tiniest of smiles on her aging lips. But, not Dean. “When I talked to her this morning, she said she might be seeing you later. Told me she had a nice time on your date last night.”
Wes tapped his tongs together at that bit of information. Dean smiled. Warmth shot over his cheeks. “Ah. Well, when I got home this afternoon her car wasn’t here.”
“When was that?” Brigida asked.
“About two.”
“Should we call the police?” Brigida pulled her phone out of her purse.
Dean shook his head. “Police won’t do anything. They’ll say it’s only been a few hours, really, since anyone’s heard…”
“It’s not like her.” Brigida repeated. “Something’s wrong.”
Dean nodded and patted her shoulder again. He’d only known Julie for a few weeks but even he knew something wasn’t right. From their texts and conversations, he’d found out a lot about the relationship she had with her mother. They were extraordinarily close. Their communications were daily.
Brigida wouldn’t be left waiting around without an explanation. Julie would have known it would result in a car ride over to check to see what happened. It made no difference that her adult daughter was competent and independent. Even if there was some possible hanky panky going on with Dean, Brigida made it abundantly clear she’d knock on doors and ring doorbells and wait in a backyard until her daughter told her everything was fine. This woman, who immigrated from Italy with no more than an elementary school education, was a fierce protector who would not be ignored. Dean made a mental note to not get on her bad side.
But first, they had to find Julie.
“I saw Julie leave around ten. I was working on the garden.” Wes piped in.
By now, Samuel had come out of the house and wandered over to the discussion. “What’s wrong?”
“Julie’s missing.” Wes stated.
“Missing?” Samuel’s eyes bugged out in alarm.
Dean stood up, his hand still on Brigida’s shoulder. He could feel her beginning to shake. “She’s not missing.” He attempted to defuse the escalation and nodded down to Brigida. “We’re just trying to figure out what might be keeping her out this long. She hasn’t been in contact with anyone.”
Samuel nodded back at Dean and placed a hand on Wes’s shoulder as well. Dean knew Samuel would try to redirect his partner with the phrasing of his words. “She did leave around ten. I was taking care of the flower beds out front.” Samuel snapped a finger. “She talked to that woman passing out those flyers, Wes.”
Samuel clarified. “Missing dog. She came by our porch and asked if we’d keep an eye out, right before she went over to Julie’s.”
“Pretty chocolate lab.” The expression on Wes’s face about the dog matched Brigida’s, thinking about Julie. “Where’s that flyer?” Wes slipped from under Samuel’s grip and went towards the direction of the grill. Man needs a leash. Dean shook his head.
Samuel sighed. “Julie seemed to know her. They talked for a few minutes at the end of her driveway. I’d gone back into the house for something. I saw Julie’s car driving up the lane when I came back out.”
“But, you’ve never seen that woman before?”
Samuel shook his head.
Wes shot back with the flyer and handed it to Dean. Aside from a picture and the name of the dog, there was only a number to call if someone could provide information. Dean turned the paper over but there was nothing on the back. A detail about Wes and Samuel’s house popped into his head. “You guys have one of those doorbell cameras, don’t you?”
Samuel smiled. “Yep.” He pulled out his phone, already going into the app to pull up the time in question.
“How about I get you something to eat, Mamma?” Wes asked Brigida.
She waved a hand in silence.
“Here it is.” Samuel passed his phone over to Dean.
He squinted at the video, impressed with the image’s clarity. His eyes widened in recognition. “Son of a bitch.”
“What?” Brigida, Wes, and Samuel asked in unison.
“I’ve seen Cocoa’s owner before. Last night, actually. At the restaurant we went to. She did know Julie.” Dean’s mind started putting puzzle pieces together.
“Maybe she’ll know where she was going.” Brigida exclaimed.
Dean raised a finger and pulled out his phone. He copied the number from the flyer into his keypad and dialed. His mouth pursed when it went straight to voicemail and he listened to the generic robot voice repeating the number. He waited for the beep. "Hi, I've got some info on your lost dog, Cocoa. You can reach me at the following number." After leaving his cell contact he hung up. He turned to Brigida. "I'll see what I can get out of her when she calls back."
"But, she'll be all hopeful about Cocoa," Wes began.
“What restaurant?” Brigida stood up. “We should go over there and talk to her.”
Dean nodded with caution. “Absolutely, Brigida. I’m going to go and do that right now.” He forced her to stare at him. “You’re going to stay here, with Wes and Samuel, in case Julie comes back home. Alright? I promise, I’ll let you know if I find out anything. With your permission, can I go into Julie's house with you and take a quick look around before I head out?”
“Of course.” She patted his cheek. “Such a good man.” She fished the key out of her purse, ready to walk up to the sliding door.
He shot Brigida a smile, attempting to hide his own worry. “Let’s get you inside so you can wait for your daughter to come home.”
Dean had inspected every room in Julie’s home. His inner radar picked up nothing weird or unusual. He wished he had his EMF meter with him. Next time I’m here I’ll do a proper sweep for her. When Julie’s back. Just to make sure she won’t have an unruly specter to contend with after this is over. And she’s back.
All he deduced was proof of a life being unpacked, reorganized, and put back together again. He’d stolen a few seconds in her office to stare at the picture of a teenage Julie with her awkward prom date. In her bedroom, he sniffed at the perfume bottle holding the scent she’d worn last night. Though nothing was amiss, the tangible remnants of her existence filled Dean with dread. Here. Then gone. In an instant. So many people in his life had disappeared like that. Not Julie, too.
He refused to rile up Julie’s mother with any more fear than she was already producing. She gave him an unexpected, long, and strong hug for a woman of her diminutive stature. “Find her, please.” He gave her a slight smile and rushed out into the backyard only to freeze on the lawn, unsure of his next step.
Possible ways to track her down ticked through Dean’s head. I could call in that favor.
A scroll through his phone’s contacts skidded to a stop. “Detective Tullman.” The thick southern accent answered.
“Marty. Dean Winchester.”
“Ah, Dean.” Dean had heard that particular phrase with that hesitant inflection countless times by a select group of people. These individuals crossed paths with Dean in his other line of work. Everything they knew of the world had been upended in an instant; usually the instant when Dean showed up on their doorstep. An encounter pulled them into the nastiness that lived under the translucent veil of normality.
“What can I do ya for? Aren’t in a jail cell sleepin’ off a bender, are ya?” The detective’s tone changed as Dean knew it would. What had started out a year back as a collaborative and mutually beneficial meeting on a standard bail enforcement job escalated into something much worse. Marty called Dean to relay his skip had been found; shot by a security guard after a bank robbery attempt in Newark. He was in an ambulance headed to the trauma center at the nearest hospital. His accomplice had escaped and was on the loose.
Only problem was, Dean was staring at his skip in a backyard that belonged to an apparent girlfriend. Was he sure they had the right guy? Dean sent Marty a picture of the person he was watching. The detective high-tailed it to the house a mile from the crime scene. The fucking thing shed its skin in the tiny yard while he and Marty looked on in bewilderment over the top of the wooden fence.
A chase ensued near abandoned train tracks. Marty bum rushed it to the ground but got overpowered. The monster pulled a knife from its boot and raised it over its head. Sunshine glinted off the blade as it readied to sink the tip into the detective’s chest. Dean shot the knife out of its grip. He followed by firing two silver bullets into its heart. What he was pretty certain was the dead body of a shapeshifter slumped on top of Marty.      
Thoughts and details came together in Marty’s head once the shock wore off. The body in front of him was the other bank robber. He, or it, had known the skip for a while and were low level partners in crime. Dean suggested the shifter may have had a hard on for the other guy’s girl, who thankfully wasn’t home. Most monsters also battled human vices. Lust and greed were a common denominator.
The detective came up with a story to cover their combined asses. They both spent a couple hours at the shootout location rehashing it over and over. Dean watched Marty hold his shit together quite well with a ton of law enforcement, CSI, and emergency personnel swarming like bees for evidence and details.
Dean and Marty bonded over cold beers at the closest bar. Dean found out Marty had been deployed to Iraq back in 2003. He’d been on the frontline of war for two years. He was a reliable, steadfast soldier. Nervous before a battle, but willing to put his life on the line for the greater good. They had a lot of commonality when it came to bloodshed. The nightmares that collided and crept into their days without warning simply involved different enemies.
“I need some help.”
Marty chuckled. “Ain’t gonna cost me my badge is it? I know I owe you my life, but I still got a wife and kids to feed.”
“Shouldn’t. Friend’s gone missing. It’s only been half a day, but it’s not adding up.”
“Local friend?”
“Yeah. Pike Creek.”
“Whaddya got for me?”
He smiled and rattled off Julie’s full name and the license plate he’d committed to memory. “Drives a blue, compact Chevy,” He added. “Five foot five. Long brown hair, probably in a ponytail, brown eyes, wears glasses. Italian, if that helps.”
“She cute?” Marty asked.
“Alrighty, I’ll have some guys keep an eye out in the area.”
“I’m gonna do my own investigating. Appreciate it, man. Thanks.”
“Thank me if I find ya somethin’.” He hung up.
Samuel popped into Dean’s view from under Julie’s covered patio. “What are you going to do when you get to the restaurant?” The balding man folded up his glasses and hung them from the collar of his t-shirt. Dean had learned from interactions over the past two years that Samuel was sharp and much harder to misdirect than Wes.
“Just ask this woman some questions.” Dean began his cut through their backyard to shorten the walk back to the house. He wasn’t keen on hopping the fence again.
Samuel kept pace with his quick steps. “Why would she answer any of your questions?”
“She saw me with Julie last night. I’m not some random stalker.” He tapped Samuel’s elbow. “Don’t you worry. I have some other tricks up my sleeve.”
“I’m sure you do.” His tone was hopeful.
Are you really flirting with me, dude? Now? “Listen, Samuel. Would you sit with her? I’d ask Wes, but…”
“Brigida doesn’t need unintentional, emotional triggering.” Samuel nodded. “You’ve got my and Wes’s number, right? Call one of us with good news.”
When Dean slid into Baby’s driver seat fifteen minutes later, he’d donned a suit that had been hanging in his closet, unworn, for over six months. That was the last time he had impersonated an FBI agent. The badge was still in the jacket’s inside pocket.
His hunting trips, the ones that had always really mattered, were few and far between now. Six months ago, he’d introduced himself as agent Agent Barrow on that excursion near Atlantic City. The four-day ghost investigation ended with a salt and burn. The corpse was found buried on the grounds of an abandoned chemical plant.
Noxious fumes had permeated the air around him with each shovel full of earth. The stench seeped into and clung to the well-creased suit pants. He should have changed before the dig; that is, if he’d remembered to bring a change of clothes from the motel to start. He was getting rusty from a lack of daily discipline, forgetting what had become rote for decades.
He remembered hiking back to Baby around two am, exhausted, after exhuming the remains. There was no way he was contaminating the car’s interior with that smell. So he drove back to the motel wearing only his boxers, dress shoes, socks, and his watch. The stinky clothes were stuffed in a garbage bag. After he helped the soul find peace, his reward was walking through the motel parking lot, up a flight of stairs, to his second floor room in only his skivvies. Had to get the damn suit dry cleaned, too.
Dean caught a light whiff of the chemicals, hopelessly embedded in the suit threads forever. His mind raced with a million thoughts driving to Makenzie’s steakhouse. But Julie was at the forefront of them. It was a long twenty minute drive.
Find her, please. How many times had he heard similar distressing requests? Hundreds, maybe. All of them had a missing loved one they were desperate to track down and bring home safe. How many times had he not been able to do that? Not today. He shook his head and tried to smile. She’s not done with me yet.
Julie’s voice bubbled up into his mind when he glanced at the passenger seat.
“So, Baby belonged to your Dad?” She attempted some conversation as Dean raced to beat the reservation.
“Yep.” He responded, eyes on the road swerving in and out of traffic. Once he was happy with his spot in the fast lane, no one in front of him for a good stretch, he cocked his head in her direction. Her eyes, big and brown, inspected the interior while her hand clamped on the door handle. “Pretty, isn’t she?” Dean smirked, proud.
“She is. Almost as pretty as her owner.” Her gaze locked onto his lips.
“Hey now.” He put on the show he knew she wanted and licked them nice and slow. “She’ll get offended, you thinking I’m prettier.”
“I’m sorry, Baby.” She stroked the dash. “It’s true, though.”
Dean laughed. “I’m pretty, huh?” He shot back at Julie and glanced in the rearview mirror before crossing over three lanes of traffic to get off the interstate.
Julie gasped. “Going to kill us before our date even gets started. If you’re going to drive like a maniac, you should at least be wearing a seatbelt.”
Baby careened down the ramp. When he got onto the avenue, his grip lifted off the wheel to fasten his lap belt. Both hands raised up in the air and he used his knee to steer. “Happy?” He reveled in her surprised reaction. The combo of scared and pissed off made her look even cuter.
“Okay, show-off.” She pointed at the wheel. “Hands at ten and two. Now.”
“Bossy.” He mumbled, returned his hands to the correct placement on the wheel, and pretended he wasn’t turned on by her commanding behavior. Slowing down in traffic, he shot her a sassy grin. “You done?”
“Done? “With you?” She tossed back with an equal amount of sass. “Just getting started.”
His ringing phone shot him out of his recollection. A glimmer of hope filled his voice as he answered. “Got something for me, detective?”
“Not sure if it’s anything good, my friend.” Marty was a straight shooter. “Officer found her car in a shopping center parking lot. Mile down the road from her house, in your neighborhood.” Marty was very good at his job. He didn’t miss a detail and double checked every bit of info. “No one in the vehicle. I’ve asked my guy to go into the stores and ask around. Have her paged, if needed. As long as we don’t get another emergency that takes him away, he’s on it for the next hour.”
It wasn’t bad news. Yet.
Part 12
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jamielea81 · 5 years
A Walk in the Park
Chapter 7
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Read chapter 6 here
Description: When your husband dies in an accident, you try to move on with your life. When the memories of your shared home become too much even after two years, you make a drastic change and move to California. A new career, a new way of life, and an attractive new friend help you move on to find the happiness you need. *This will be a slow burn*
Pairings: Chris Evans x Reader, Tim OFC x Reader (Face Claim - Tom Welling)
Warnings for this chapter:   So much fluff! A curse word or two. Angst (Sorry not sorry).
Unbeta’d, so all mistakes are my own. This is purely for fun. Comments and reblogs give me life. Tags are open. Please send me an ask or leave a comment if you would like to be tagged.
Saturday came and went. The wedding was small but beautiful. The bride and groom had clearly invited the ones that they loved the most and those people loved them back. You may or may not have teared up during the ceremony. The bride wore a long, white, sleeveless, flowy gown that wasn’t technically a wedding dress, but it was perfect for the beach. The groom wore a crisp white button-down shirt with the sleeves rolled up and black slacks. They were both barefoot which you felt was a nice touch. It was exactly the kind of wedding you would want for yourself if you ever got married again.
That was a really big if. You weren’t sure if that’s what you even wanted. You most definitely wanted a partner in life, you and Caleb even joked about that. Nothing serious but you had told him if something had happened to you, you would want him to be happy and find love again. He said he wanted the same for you. But getting married again, you weren’t sure. You and Caleb had the big wedding. Both of your families were there including great aunts, uncles, cousins, your cousin’s children, childhood friends. You were married in your family’s church and then had a huge reception at a beautiful hall. You opted for a DJ rather than a band because you wanted particular songs played that you grew up with and meant something to you. Dinner was served table side. You had a large three-layer cake with various cupcakes encircling the cake. It was a perfect day and you wouldn’t change a thing.
You met Erika and Emma at a nail salon that also doubled as a bar. Since you needed a mani and a pedi, you figured a place that served drinks killed two birds with one stone. Since it was spring you opted for a light pink color for both your fingers and your toes.
You were sitting between both ladies with your feet currently soaking. The chair had various massage features so you were currently playing with the settings not noticing both Emma and Erika eyeing you. Once you found your ultimate relaxation mode on the massage chair, you let out a loud moan and let your head hit the back of the chair. Emma cleared her throat and you turned your head to her.
“What was with the question about Chris?”
“What do you mean?” You asked. The relaxation you just felt slowing fading.
“You know.” Erika said. You turned your head her way. “In the group chat. You asked if we hung out with Chris a lot individually.”
“Y-yeah. And?”
“That’s kind of a strange question. What’s going on? What brought on that question?” Emma asked.
Your nail techs had come at that point and you welcomed the distraction. “Could I get a vodka sour please. Heavy on the vodka.” You weren’t doing this without a drink first.
“So? What gives?” Erika asked.
You held up your hand. “Drinks first.” They both laughed and placed their orders. Your tech started to scrub your right foot and you had to strain not to kick her. This was the worst part of a pedi for you, the touching of the bottom of your feet. Besides being a head sweater, you were so damn ticklish on the bottoms of your feet, and really, everywhere else too. Your drink arrives and you try to take a sip without spilling it as the tech goes to town on your left foot now.
“Now that you have your drink, spill.” Emma says.
“It’s hard to explain.” You take a deep breath and another sip from your glass. “After game night, Chris started to text me a lot.” They both nod. “We then started to meet up almost every day and he would spend the night at my place or me at his.”
Emma gasps and Erika gives a wicked smirk.
“No. No, no. Known of that. Like we just hung out. Watched TV, movies, ate dinner, that kind of thing. Sometimes it was late and he would stay over. Just to sleep, I swear.”
“In the same bad?” Erika asks, smirk still on her face.
“Yes, but nothing happened, just sleep. Maybe a tiny bit of cuddling, but mostly with Dodger. I swear.” You say holding your hand to your heart. “And when I slept at his place, I slept in one of the spare rooms.”
“OK, well, that doesn’t seem too bad.” Emma says.
“Yeah, but Chris and I never do that. He’s never slept at my place and most certainly not in my bed. And we maybe see each other once a week, but more often than not, once every few weeks. We do text several times a week though.” Erika says.
“Same.” Emma says. “Now that you say that, it does sound like a lot.”
“But here’s the kicker. All this week, I’ve hardly heard from him. Like I’ll text and he either doesn’t get back to me at all or when he does it’s the next day and it’s a one-word answer. I haven’t seen him in a week either.” You sigh. “This would totally be fine except for the fact that previous week I saw and heard from him every day.”
“When’s the last time you saw him?” Erika asks.
“Last Saturday. He spent the night and was out of there early Sunday morning. Like, he was probably going to sneak out with out saying goodbye if I hadn’t come out of the bathroom right before he left.”
“Wait, wasn’t your coffee date with Tim on Sunday?” Emma asks.
“Ooohh.” Erika says.
You roll your eyes. “Ooohh? What does oh mean?”
“I think someone’s jealous.”  You scrunch up your face and shake your head. “Hear me out. Chris spends an extraordinary amount of time with you. You guys are practically BFFs at this point. Really, practically dating from what you are saying, minus the sex.” Erika says.
“The day you have your date with Tim, he practically ghosts you.” Emma adds.
It makes sense. You can’t argue that. But he hasn’t actually ghosted you. He’s gotten back to you on a few of your texts and he let you know he’d be busy and out of town for a while. Not to forget, he doesn’t like you like that. He’s never made mention, he’s never kissed you, and he’s never asked you out. How and why would he be jealous.
“Okay. I hear you both. But. But, he doesn’t like me like that. He’s gotten back to me a few times so he hasn’t ghosted me. And did I mention he doesn’t like me like that. I don’t think Chris would have any problem going after what he wants. It just doesn’t make sense.”
They both kind of shrug and look away. You take the time to down the rest of your drink. Your pedi is finished so you all get up and head to the manicure stations. “Did I tell you Tim is cooking dinner for me tomorrow?” They both gasp and awe and you proceed to tell them your plans.
You slept in on Sunday, like really slept in. Okay, mostly you were on your phone while you laid in bed, but you didn’t get out until lunch time. Staying in bed so long helped the day to go by fast.
Tim lived about forty minutes away, so all in all, not a bad drive. You pulled into a parking lot of a tall and sleek high rise. The building couldn’t be more than a few years old. You texted him that you were there as you waited by the condo’s entrance. A few minutes later, Tim was opening the door for you as you walked in. He gave you a quick hug hello before taking your hand and leading you to the elevator. You both got in and he hit the button for the 10th floor.
“You look beautiful.” He said.
“You look pretty great yourself.” You said. You hoped your voice sounded even, but since he was still holding your hand, that’s all you could really concentrate on.
The doors to the elevator open and he leads you to his door. He opens it and gestures for you to enter. Besides the delicious aroma of roasted potatoes and beef, you notice the modern design of the unit. It’s masculine but tastefully done. Lots of grays and blacks. Large stainless-steel appliances and dark emerald counter tops make up the kitchen. The living room has a large black couch that could probably seat ten. Two dark wooden chairs with cushioned seats sit opposite the couch. A large flat screen television is mounted to the wall above a gas fire place that’s currently turned on.
“I love you space. I could spend hours on that couch watching movies and napping.” You say with a smile.
“That’s why I got.” He says throwing you a wink.
Tim did not over promise, he’s actually a great cook. You’re both too full for dessert, so you both settle for a glass of wine and make your way to the couch. It’s so large you don’t know where to sit. He’s standing waiting for you to pick a spot, so you choose the middle and plop yourself down. He sits right next to you and reaches for a remote on the coffee table. He presses a few buttons and soft instrumental music starts to play. It’s nice. It’s dark outside and the lights inside are dim drawing your eyes to the fire place. Tim sits back throwing and arm around your shoulder. You snuggle a bit closer. You like the pace this relationship or friendship, or whatever the current status is going. Tim’s a bit of a romantic and you welcome it.
“This is nice.”
“I agree. I think I would like to share more nights like this with you.” Tim says stroking your arm.
You hum in response staring into the fire. You can feel his eyes on you.
Just kiss me. I just want to feel if this is real.
You’ve cuddled and shared hugs with Chris, but it’s never like this. Not that you would mind spending nights with Chris like this, hell, you would love it. But Chris wasn’t exactly talking to let alone spending nights with you.
Stop thinking about Chris! Tim is here. Tim is sweet. Tim is gorgeous.
You turn your body a little to face him more directly. He’s looking you in the eyes with a soft smile on his face. He places his wine on the table in front of you. He takes his now free hand and gently brushes your cheek. His thumb trails down to your jaw as he starts to caress it. Your heart starts beating fast and you can’t look away from his mouth. His lips look so soft and you just want to feel them on anything other than your cheeks. He starts to lean forward and you stop breathing. You’ve been kissed by a few guys on those first and second dates that never went anywhere. But this is the first time since Caleb that you’ve really wanted to be kissed. You’re ready for this. You close your eyes and then you feel it. It’s soft and tender. Not rushed. He’s holding the kiss to see if you pull away, but you don’t. Your heart flutters and you start to move your lips. He removes the arm that’s draped over your shoulder and places his had on your other cheek.  You feel him smile as he returns the kiss with a little more firmness. It’s still light. He’s not pushing, not trying to devour your mouth. Just gentle kisses. After what feels like several minutes, you pull away and place your forehead against his. He’s still holding your face. You brush your nose against his and he closes his eyes. He licks his lips and you both slowly separate. He opens his eyes and you finally breathe.
“Hi.” You say. It’s mostly breath rather than a solid word and you almost wonder if he heard it.
“Hi.” He says back. You both smile. You’re still holding your wine glass but he takes your free hand in both of his. You both sit there quietly just enjoying each other.
Sometime later you say goodbye. He walks you to your car where he kisses you again. It’s still soft and cautious, but it makes your heart flutter again.
The week moves quickly with small events early in the week. There’s a larger wedding on Saturday so you end up with a lot of office work Thursday and Friday. You’d be at the church and reception hall all day Saturday, so you welcomed staying off your feet for those two days. You’d be working the wedding with Colleen, Victoria, and Juliet, Colleen’s actual assistance. The poor woman.
You haven’t seen Tim all week, but every morning you receive a sweet text from him wishing you a good day. You both exchange selfies and you share pictures of the sunsets from your evening walks when you have them. He shares pictures of his food which makes you laugh.
You get a text Friday midmorning from Erika asking if your going to Chris’ for game night. You reply back that you didn’t know he was having game night and you thought he was out of town.
Your phone chimes again, but this time it’s the group text with Erika and Emma.
Erika: You’re coming to game night.
Emma: You’re totally invited. Why wouldn’t you go?
Y/N: Honestly guys, I wasn’t told there was a game night tonight.
Erika: And what do you mean Chris is out of town?
Emma: Wait, Chris is out of town? Why would be going to his place if he’s out of town.
Erika: *eyeroll* He’s not out of town. He’s having a game night tonight and you are coming.
Y/N: Well, he never invited me. I haven’t even talked to him in over a week.
Emma: Not at all? What the hell?
Y/N: Not at all. Not even a text.
Erika: Why do you think he’s going to be out of town?
Y/N: He sent me a text a little over a week ago saying he was going to be busy for like 3 weeks traveling. I haven’t heard from him since.
Emma: I’m tellin’ you, he’s jealous.
Y/N: You guys! He’s not jealous.
Erika: What ever you say. But your coming and I’m picking you up at 7.
Y/N: Fine. But it’s going to be awkward as shit.
Emma: Yay! See you tonight.
You tried to concentrate on work, but answering e-mails wasn’t high on your priority list right now. You texted Chris once early in the week and he never replied. Maybe he was ghosting you. Smacking your hand against your face, you threw your whole body back against your chair causing it to wheel back a bit. Why am I going tonight?! It did bother you that he had planned a party but didn’t invite you. Plus, he said he was going to be out of town!
You packed your laptop up deciding you would head home for the rest of the day. You fired a text off to Victoria telling her you would see her tomorrow.
Digging through your closet you decided on a pair of skinny jeans and floral blouse. You touched up your hair and makeup before grabbing a beer from the fridge and sinking into your couch. Before you could even drink half your beer, Erika texted that she was there. You chugged the rest of it before dropping it in your recycling bin just outside the door. Tonight, was going to be a long night.
Erika pulls up to Chris’ house and you notice a few more cars parked in front of it than last time.
“Just to warn you, I’m Ubering home.”
She gives you a look.
“I have to work tomorrow so I can’t stay late. I promise it’s not because of the whole not being invited thing.”
“Okay, okay. But you’re have a couple of drinks.”
You nod in agreement as you both get out of her car. Rather than knocking, Erika walks in and you follow close behind her. In the kitchen were Nick, Justin, Will and another guy you hadn’t met. Emma was in the living room with Tim. They both looked up to see you both walking in and Tim got to his feet. You didn’t know he would be here, but frankly you didn’t know you would be here either.
“Y/N.” He says smiling as he walks up to you. The guys in the kitchen all turn to look as Erika makes her way toward.
“Hey! You’re all healed up.” Nick yells. You give him a questioning look. “No more crutches, I see.”
“Oh yeah. All better. Sorry, it’s been a long day.”
Justin walks over handing you a beer and you gladly take it.
Tim pulls you in a hug and you pull the beer away from him so that you don’t spill it, but hug him back with your free arm.
“I didn’t know you’d be here. When you didn’t mention coming, I figured you had to work.”
“I didn’t plan on it, but those two made me come.” You pointed at Emma and Erika who both looked offended. You didn’t want to tell Tim you weren’t invited and have it be a whole thing.
“Yeah, I didn’t think I’d make it, but I the interview got completed early.”
As part of the studio’s public relations team, Tim often had tag along to interviews his clients had. While he found that aspect of the job a little boring, you loved hearing about it.
You heard his laugh before you saw him. Chris had walked into the kitchen from some other room in the house. He was with an attractive petite woman who was smiling up at him with her hand resting on his arm as they walked. Her other hand was playing in long dark hair. Was that jealous you felt; you weren’t sure.
“Erika! Glad you finally decided to show up.” Chris says pulling her into a hug. You were still by the front door with Tim’s arm around your waist.
“Yeah, well, this one slowed me down.” She says pointing to you. A payback comment from when you accused her of dragging you here. You nervously start to drinking your beer taking a long drink from the bottle as Chris’ eyes slowly meet yours.
He gives you a slight wave. “Hey Y/N. Great to see you.”
You’re crushed. No hug. No warm welcome. He is pushing you away and it hurts.
“Hi.” You wave back with the beer in your hand. He’s attention is now back on the mystery woman. You pull away from Tim and start to walk over to the couch taking a seat. Tim joins you followed by Emma. She gives you a knowing look, squeezing your shoulder before she takes a seat.
You hear Chris introducing the mystery woman to Erika. Even though he hasn’t introduced you to her or vice versa, you hear that her name is Joanna. She’s cute and you can see her and Chris together but you’re far too bitter right now to have those types of logical thoughts. Tim is here. Be happy that Tim is here. Think of his kisses. Okay, you’re better.
Tim throws his arm over your shoulder and pulls you to him. You instantly relax and concentrate on the feel of his hand moving slowly up and down your arm.
Will and Justin have turned on the PS4 and are playing some sort of military ops game. You watch for a bit, while enjoying your beer. Emma slaps your knee, startling you out of your haze.
“Shots!” She says. She stands up and starts walking to the kitchen. You finish your beer and look at Tim.
“Are you coming?” You ask.
“Nah, I’m going stay and watch. Besides, as soon as one of them dies, I’m in.”  He throws you a wink.
Your arms encircle his waste while leaning your head on his shoulder. He kisses your temple twice before you let go and stand up taking your bottle with you to throw out. Chris is cutting up limes while Emma is pouring shots of tequila. Erika’s speaking to Joanna about some band but you aren’t paying enough attention to catch which one. Now’s your chance to try to talk to Chris, so you approach him and lean forward so that his eye catches you.
“Hey you.”
“Hey Y/N.”
“How’s work been?”
“Work? It’s just mostly interviews.”
You nod your head and just stand silently watching as he slices the limes.
“Are you ready with those limes Evans?” Emma asks.
“Yeah, yeah. Your limes are ready.” He replies as he carries the cutting board over to the island where the shots are lined up.
He doesn’t even look at you. Part of you just wants to leave right now. You’re staring at him so intently that if anyone else were to notice, they’d feel uncomfortable. He looks up, face straight and you can’t get a read on him, but you’re doing the same. Emma slides a shot glass over to you breaking your gaze. You lick the back of your hand. Joanna takes the salt shaker sprinkling some on you.
“Hi. I’m Joanna.” 
“Y/N.” You say. You offer her a small smile. 
Emma clinks her shot glasses against everyone’s letting out a ‘wohoo’. You, Nick, Joanna, Erika, and Chris do the same, but he doesn’t meet your eyes. You lick the salt, throw back the shot, slam the glass back down on the counter and reach for a lime to throw in your mouth. “It’s like I’m back in college!” You giggle. Emma laughs and pulls you into a one arm hug. “Another!” You shout while throwing your hands in the air. 
Emma pours another round but only she, Joanna, Erika, and you partake. I don’t have to be up that early tomorrow. You grab one of the shots the boys skipped out on and down it. 
You see Erika watching you so you send her a wink. She motions with her hand for you to follow her out on the patio. You step outside, the cool air feels wonderful against your warm skin. You both take a seat on the cushioned lounge chairs on the patio. Dodger comes bounding up to you. You were so concerned with Chris you completely forgot about your cuddle buddy. He’s excited, jumping up and down vying for your attention. You go into full baby talk mode rubbing his fur and accepting puppy kisses as soon as they were thrown at you.
“What’s going on tonight, Y/N?” You keep stroking Dodger but look up and give her a shrug.
“You were right. He’s ghosting me.” She sighs and quirks one side of her mouth into a small smile. “He won’t even look at me, Erika. I haven’t talked to him in awhile and he can barely say two words to me. I really feel like I’m not over reacting here.” 
“You aren’t. Something’s going on there, I just don’t know what.” 
“Tim is great. Things are going well. He’s a great kisser by the way.” Your face heats up and you see her grinning. “But I can’t get Chris out of my mind. There’re feelings there. Even if they aren’t mutual.” You voice barely a whisper. “I didn’t know it was possible to like two guys at the same time. This isn’t me.” You sink down in your seat with your elbows resting on your knees, hands holding your face. “What would Caleb think of me?” She gets up charging toward you. 
“You stop that right now. You aren’t doing anything wrong.” She’s rubbing your back and you start to take deep breaths. Tears are prickling in your eyes. “You’re allowed to develop feelings, Y/N. You’re allowed to be confused about what you want. And Chris is being a giant asshole.” You let out a dry laugh and start to wipe the tears from your eyes.
“I just didn’t expect to have these feelings. And I really didn’t expect Chris to treat me the way he has. Even if this is just a crush and he has no interest in me, I don’t want to lose my friend Erika. More than anything, I want my friend back.” The tears have come out in full force and are streaming down your face. You’re sure your eye makeup is shot. She pulls you up by your hand and throws her arms around you in a tight embrace. You hear the patio door open and you both look up. Chris is gawking at your both with his mouth agape.
“What’s going on out here?” He asks.
Tagging: @crimeshowtrash @cocomel0613 @flamencodiva @the—blackdahlia @thefandomzoneisdangerous @maddie-laufeyson @shameless-pope @tessvillegas @pivans @angelus320 @symonlyjen5 @inlovewith3
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preface2adreamplay · 5 years
Under Your Spell (Part 2) - I’m Still Breathing
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Summary: A Jared Padalecki/OFC fiction.
Stef is a musician, recently gone solo. Happy with her life as a forever single person until Jared makes it his mission to get close to her. (For the purpose of this fiction, I have liberated some lyrics from various artists and their videos. This is fiction, with real people mentioned.)
Ratings: 18+ (Smut, Angst, Fluff). Flirting, mentions of sex, swearing.
Chapter WC: 2,471
Series Masterlist
Waking to a pounding on the car window, Stef jolted from her sleep to see Ari standing outside. ‘You ok, honey?’
Sighing with relief. Heart hammering, she rolled down the window. ‘Just getting some shut eye before driving home.’
‘Night shoots are a bitch. Loved working with you though, seriously. Call me if you want to do anything else, yeah?’ Ari put her hand to ear and walked away smiling.
‘Will do,’ Stef shouted at the disappearing figure. She had only been asleep for 25 minutes. That’s a perfect power nap, she thought, starting the engine. 
It had gotten a little chilly. Turning up the heat she checked her phone before turning out of the lot. No new messages. Perfect.
As soon as she closed the front door, she relieved herself of her jacket and boots, pulling her jeans off and tossing them toward the laundry room. They landed…somewhere. She was too tried to care. 
Her cat stood blinking at her from the sofa. ‘Oh, I’m sorry, Sir. Did I wake you?’ Stef stroked his soft head, pulling an ear in to the palm of her hand and squishing it in her fingers. He loved that, his big eyes squinting, hind leg lifting to give the other ear a scratch.
Since her son had moved down south for school, she lived alone and quite liked it. Just her and Brendan, her ‘large and imposing’ Savannah cat. Stef chuckled at the comparison, leaning down to place a kiss on the furry monster’s head.
Toying with the idea of making tea or just sleeping on the sofa, she chose the latter, pushing Brendan down to the other end so she could lay down. 
Just before she dozed off, she sent a message to the unknown number.
Wonderful, have run around a forest looking both terrified and aroused for hours.
When she woke up, her stomach was grumbling loudly. Not surprising as she hadn’t eaten in about 24 hours. A quick pasta dish was heated up from the freezer, Brendan was munching happily on some stinky cat food and Stef was sitting curled up on the sofa, channel surfing.
Her phone dinged.
Is that something else you only do in private? ;)
Definitely Jared. Stef cringed a little, he was eluding to their conversation from the previous day. Oh god, why did he remember the embarrassing things she said? She groaned aloud, throwing her head back onto the sofa. 
‘Kill me, Brendan. Get the shotgun.’
The cat looked at her and turned away, not giving one single fuck.
‘Hey that gives me an idea for a song.’ She exclaimed, grabbing her notebook and scribbling down a few lines in a flurry of inspiration. 
‘I may even name this song, ‘Kill me, Brendan”.
Tongue pushed between her teeth in concentration, she wrote almost two full verses. Quick work. Jared was a good muse. 
Deciding to browse social media for a bit, she looked up Oscar’s twitter. Nothing new. There were a few friends updating with photos from their Friday night out. Stef didn’t mind, she preferred sitting in to clubbing. 
Maybe I should check Jared’s? Knowing it wouldn’t be a good idea, but did it anyway.
Having scrolled through several pictures of him with his beautiful wife and adorable children, she’d had enough.
Texting both Oscar and her son a ‘How are you?’ She shot a quick message back to Jared,
‘Wouldn’t you love to know.’
Too late to take it back.
It wasn’t even one minute before her phone lit up. Stef picked her phone up and tentatively unlocked the screen. 
Oscar: ‘Tired. Still on set, putting the hours in so I can get home and see my family.’
Stef sighed contentedly, it was sweet, Oscar was always sweet.
Stef: Flying down on Friday evening, can you pick me up?
The flash of ‘typing’ came up on screen. She waited, wondering what the hell he was typing that was taking him so long, rolling her eyes when finally he pressed send.
‘Yes x’
Another beep.
Dar: great, studying.
Stef: yeah right.
Dar: 😋 🍻
Stef: behave.
Stef looked up at the framed pictures on the fireplace. The centrepiece photo was her and Darius on the beach. He was 4, she was 20. Damn, he was a cute kid. Oscar had insisted on bringing them to the beach so he could take photographs of them, they had hiked half way there after the car had broken down. That was a fun day. 
Her eyes were drawn back to her phone when it dinged again. Jared.
‘You busy? You wanna grab a drink?’
Considering the offer, she decided to send a selfie of her and Brendan laying on the sofa covered in blankets. Having taken a photo, she reconsidered. Make it sexier. Pulling her tank down a little it gave more than enough cleavage. Just the look she was going for. 
‘I’m wiped after the night shoot. I have beers in my fridge. Can’t move from this sofa.’
Picture and message sent.
A beer would be good right about now. But so would a shower. She rubbed a hand down her face, deciding.
Shower first, beer after. 
Just as she was tying her hair into a messy bun, Jared sent another text. 
‘Damn girl. I’m with the guys.’
Stef: ’Who are ‘the guys’. 
Jared: ’Jensen and Misha, they want to know why I’m blushing.’
Stef: ’Why ARE you blushing?’
Typing. Typing. 
Stef put the phone down and stood under the hot water, the water pressure was so damn good. Choosing the sweetest smelling shower gel from her ridiculous and varied selection of bath products, she lathered up and gave a quick shave to the key essential areas. Better to keep on top of it then to panic shave later on.
Jared: ’I don’t usually get pussy pictures.’
Stef giggled when she saw the latest message pop up on screen. 
Stef: ’His name is Brendan and he asked me to give you a nonchalant glance.’
Jared replied with a laughing emoji. 
Stef: ’Also, me mentioning beers in my fridge was an invitation for a chilled out drink at mine.’
Slipping into a loose t-shirt and sweatpants, she looked herself over in the mirror. Relaxed AND sexy. She was certain this was one of Oscar’s old shirts, she didn’t listen to The Clash. Now that she had invited Jared for a drink at hers, she didn’t really know what to do with herself. From feeling relaxed on the sofa thinking she would binge watch some Rick & Morty to feeling as if nothing would satisfy her. 
She checked her phone. ‘I can be there in a half hour. I need to talk to someone interesting. Sick of looking at these guys.’
Sure, she thought, who would get sick of looking at Jensen and Misha? 
Texting her address and directions to her ‘out of the way’ house, she fixed the living room up a little. 
Brendan had slinked past her and made himself scarce. Probably upstairs asleep on the bed, where he was absolutely not allowed to be.
‘You better not be in the bedroom!’ Stef yelled up the stairs. Jumping in fright when a knock came on the door behind her. 
She peered though the peephole. Jared standing with his hands in his pockets, a tentative look on his face.
Smiling, she pulled open the door. 
Jared looked her up and down and gulped, ‘I’m not in your bedroom.’ 
‘Oh,’ Stef covered her face, flushing. ‘The cat likes to sneak in when I’m not looking.’
One side of Jared’s mouth pulled into a half smile, raising his eyebrows at her. 
‘Come in,’ gesturing to the living room to the right of the hallway. ‘I’m still a little foggy from the lack of proper sleep.’
Jared stepped into the hallway and stood a little too close and she pushed the door closed behind him.
‘Why is your cat called Brendan? And why do you live in a weird house in a weird neighbourhood?’
Stef looked up into his confused face, she could see he was trying to hold back a laugh but he was earnest in his innocent inquisitiveness. 
‘I have so many questions,’ he grimaced. 
‘Well come on, let’s grab a drink and you can ask me all the questions you like.’
Jared’s long legs almost reached the fireplace as he lay draped across half of her sofa. She was sitting with her legs across the arm of the comfy armchair, angled so that she could see the tv, be close to the fire and near enough to Jared without being too familiar. He was watching her talk about the last album she recorded, enjoying seeing her small feet press against the cushion on the sofa, curling her toes as she remembered how she almost blew out her voice. 
‘There was a lot of passion in that song.’ He agreed, placing the bottle to his lips and taking a quick sip.
Stef raised her eyebrows, ‘So, you’ve listened to a lot of my music, then?’ Taking her turn at drinking, swishing the beer around her mouth, watching him while he considered his answer.
‘I have. Even the stuff you did with the electronic band,’ he said, as if he didn’t know the name. 
’And when I heard you were looking for someone for your video, I decided to throw my name out there. Especially after hearing the song, it was one of those moments when the lyrics reached in and really grabbed at you. You know?’ 
He placed a hand over his heart, his long fingers slipping into the gap between the buttons. His face was was set in a frown, one of those faces you see when someone is talking about something they love and feel as if no one else really ‘gets it.’ 
Stef bit her lip, ‘Thank you’ she whispered.
He leaned forward and clinked his bottle against hers, ‘Cheers to that. And please, keep making music.’
Laughing behind her hand, she threw her head back against the chair and closed her eyes.
‘I write all the time, it’s like a river flowing through me, it never stops. My mind is running at a hundred miles an hour these past few days. I can’t seem to switch off.’ 
Jared nodded. ‘You paint as well? he asked, getting up from the sofa. 
‘I paint, but I’m not great at it.’
‘These are are yours?’ He gestured to the art covered walls.
‘Yeah,’ she gave him a tight lipped smile, ‘I sell some. Can you believe people buy this stuff?’ 
‘I believe it.’ 
‘You’re too kind.’ Stef shimmied out of the armchair and stood next to him, she came up to his shoulder at full height. 
Jared stilled when he felt her arm brush lightly against his. 
‘So. Are you up for the party on Sunday?’ He asked, without looking at her.
‘Yeah, I think so. Can I bring a friend?’
Jared cocked his eyebrow at her.
‘A girlfriend,’ feeling the need to clarify. ‘I don’t like showing up at a party alone. It gives me an excuse if the party sucks or if the guys are creepy,’ she grinned up at him. His eyes meeting hers.
‘Creepy guys eh?’ He grinned while taking another sip of beer.
‘Well, it can’t be too bad, I have already seen you in your underwear. I’ve choked you during pretend sex too.’
They both laughed, beer spluttering from her mouth and splashing on to her shirt.
‘Oh fuck.’ she exclaimed. ‘True, seeing me drunk is probably going to be such a non event.’
Jared threw back his head and laughed, pulling the beanie from his head and letting his hair tumble free before raking his fingers through it. 
‘Bring your friend, that’s cool with me,’ he smiled down at her. He liked this girl. Whatever about the flirting and the excitement of working with someone he admired, he actually liked her. She was quickly becoming one of his favourite people.
Jared moved along the room, looking at each painting individually, stopping at the framed pictures along the fireplace. ‘Cute kid.’
‘Yeah. That’s my son, Darius.’ 
Jared whipped his head back to look at her, ‘Seriously?’ 
‘I did not know you had a kid,’ he rested his eyes on her face, his focus soft as he imagined what she was like as a mom. 
‘He’s grown now, in Texas for school.’ 
Jared wanted to tell her she couldn’t possibly be telling the truth. ‘How grown is he?’ His brows furrowed. 
‘He will be 21 next weekend, actually.’
Jared’s jaw dropped, searching her face for any kind of indication that she was messing with him. On seeing her gaze drop to the drink in her hands, he took a step towards her. ‘Sorry.’
‘For what?’ Stef looked back up at him.
‘My reaction, I didn't mean any disrespect.’
‘That’s usually people’s reaction, honestly. I’m not offended. Most people can’t believe I have a 20 year old son. And yes, I was 16 having him. Teenage mom.’
‘Damn. That’s admirable. I appreciate it’s hard raising kids and I started my family in my late twenties!’
Jared squeezed her arm a little before pulling away. 
‘Did the dad stick around?’ Unsure if whether he wanted to ask the question or not but he felt he needed to know more about this woman. The more time he spent with her, the more of an enigma she seemed to be.
Stef cleared her throat, clearly uncomfortable. ‘Yes, he did, we broke up years ago. But, luckily, we are still close.’
Jared pursed his lips and looked back at the photograph. ‘You keep that hidden well.’
‘Private life stays private.’ She stated. Jared nodded in agreement.
‘It’s not on your wikipedia.’
Stef could see he was hiding another grin.
They stood in silence. Both looking at the picture of the dark haired little boy tucked into his mothers side, smiling at the camera.
‘He’s studying to be a vet.’ Stef broke the silence. ‘He always loved animals. This house has had its fair share of odd creatures and creepy crawlies. A few times things would ‘go missing’ and I swear I couldn’t relax until they were found and locked away again.’ Shivering at the thought, she drained the last of her beer and motioned her head toward the kitchen. 
Jared followed close behind, walking his fingers lightly up her spine. ‘Ugh,’ she cried out, ‘don’t do that.’ Grabbing his hand and pushed him away, fingers touching for a little longer than was necessary. 
A disgruntled hiss startled them both out of their teasing. 
‘Wow, that’s a huge pussy.’
Stef snorted a laugh and bend down to pet Brendan. ‘Jared, Brendan. Brendan, this is my friend Jared. You two will also have to be friends.’
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ladyreapermc · 5 years
Fic: This isn’t a rom-com (Keanu x OFC) 3/?
Author’s notes: once again, thank you for the feedback on previous chapters. Onto chapter 3.
Wordcount: 2845
Warnings: fluff and oblivious idiots.
Part 1  Part 2  Part 4   Part 5
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Lilah bit her thumb as she stared at her phone until Keanu’s name and message on the screen became blurry. She should be reviewing her paper so she could send it to her advisor. Instead, here she was, ignoring her laptop in favor of rereading his text for the tenth time:
I’m glad you like it and I want to know what you thought of it. Coffee today? I’ll be done at five. K.
Lilah didn’t know why she was getting so caught up on it. What else she expected after letting him know she finished reading his book? After all, Keanu had said he would like to get some coffee and talk about it when she was done with it.
And Lilah wanted to do it; she wanted to talk books with him. She wanted to talk about anything with him because he was so nice and cool and funny. But also, he was freaking Keanu Reeves. She was brought back from her musings by a hand snatching her cellphone away before Jean plopped on the chair in front of her.
“You’ve been staring at your phone for the last five minutes,” she said, glancing at the screen, her lips twitching into a smirk. “Ha! I knew he wanted in your pants!”
“One: don’t be crass,” Lilah complained, taking her phone back. “Two: it’s not like that. It’s just coffee.”
Lilah could see that Jean was about to argue, as usual. So, she just sent the other woman a warning look, because this wasn’t up to debate. If Lilah accepted his invitation, she couldn’t think of it as a date.
For one, she was in her final year of grad school. There was a lot at stake and Lilah couldn’t afford distractions. Not even one as amazing as Keanu Reeves. And besides, it would be crazy to think he was even interested. Not that Lilah thought she wasn’t hopeless or anything like that. She did pretty well dating-wise.
She was just being realistic. Keanu probably had people throwing themselves at him all the time and she sure as hell wasn’t going to be one of those people. Despite her stupid no-filter mouth best attempts of making it look otherwise.
“Ok, but you’re gonna go, right? For “just coffee”?” Jean asked, eyebrows raised and Lilah could actually hear the air quotes over the words just coffee.
“Yeah,” Lilah agreed, unlocking her phone screen and typing a quick reply. Her heart did a small acrobatic flip in her chest as she hit send. “There. Done.”
Jean’s face opened into a satisfied, victorious smirk and Lilah couldn’t help but chuckle at her friend.
“So what did you want to talk to me about?” Lilah asked, setting her phone aside and closing her laptop lid. Because who was she kidding? She wasn’t going to get any work done before heading to class. Might as well stop pretending.
“Can’t I just drop by and say hi to my favorite person?” Jean’s smile was wide and bright and so innocent. Lilah didn’t buy it for a second.
“Alright, spill. What do you want?” Lilah asked with an eye-roll.
“Ok,” Jean started with a sigh. “Novelsy isn’t doing all that well financially and if I don’t find a way to attract more customers, I’m gonna have to close doors by the end of the year.”
Worry settled on the pit of her stomach like lead, because Lilah loved Novelsy. The bookstore was initially owned by Jean’s aunt, but once the older woman passed away, Jean took over, much to her parents’ horror, since they expected her to handle the multimillion family business.
Lilah knew Novelsy started as a way of Jean rebelling against her parents, but it became her pride and dream. The last thing Lilah wanted was to see it closed, but at the same time, Lilah could only imagine how hard must it be for a small place like this to compete with chain stores and internet commerce.
“Any ideas that don’t involve me begging my parents for money?” Jean asked.
“We could start building the store’s media presence? Like a blog, social media, that sort of thing?” Lilah suggested with a shrug. “You’re the one with an MBA.”
“Yeah, that’s what I was thinking too,” Jean drummed her nails on the wooden surface of the table. “I guess I can dust off my camera, working on a few pictures, but we’re gonna need some quality content to go along with them…”
“Ah. Ambush,” Lilah joked, narrowing her eyes at Jean, who just gave her a sheepish smile. “You already considered all that and you’re just buttering me up to ask me to write for it, right?”
“Well, you are always going on and on about everything you read and watch. I just thought…” Jean shrugged, before giving Lilah a look that could only be considered puppy dog eyes. “I know you have a lot of stuff going on, but could you? Please? Just like a weekly thing would be enough.”
“Yeah, sure,” she agreed with an indulgent smile. It wasn’t like she would ever be able to deny Jean anything. “Just give some deadlines so I can fit it in my schedule.”
“Perfect! Thank you!” Jean declared, throwing her arms around Lilah for an awkward hug over the table. “You’re the best, Lih.”
“Yeah, yeah,” she rolled her eyes and started to pack her things. “You still need some short term action, you know? Because social media takes time to build.”
“I know and I decided to get some stage so we could have some bands and poetry soirées, you know, all that artsy crap.” Lilah laughed at Jean’s eye-roll, but couldn’t deny it was a good idea.
“Plus, Halloween is coming. You could host a costume contest,” she suggested standing up and shouldering her satchel bag.
“You’re just looking for an excuse to dress up,” Jean teased with a smile. She wasn’t exactly wrong on that assessment.
“Ok. Gotta go! Bye, hon!” She pressed a quick peck on Jean’s cheek.
“One last thing,” Jean called before Lilah moved too far. “You should totally wear that cute green tartan print dress for your date!”
Lilah just rolled her eyes at Jean’s smirking face and took off, because sometimes, arguing with Jean was the most pointless thing.
She stopped by their apartment above the bookstore long enough to put away the stuff she wouldn’t need for class. And after another moment of deliberation, she exchanged her jeans and t-shirt for the dress, pairing it with dark leggings, a black cardigan, and her favorite scarf. Just because it wasn’t a date, didn’t mean Lilah couldn’t look nice.  
She grabbed her bag, Keanu’s book and after a moment of deliberation, Lilah reached on her bookshelf and picked up one of her books. He had lent her one of his. It would be only fair to return the favor, right?
Lilah put on her headphones and hurried off since and she was already dangerously close to missing her train. Fortunately, the subway station was only a couple of blocks away from Novelsy and Lilah always enjoyed the walk. It gave her a chance of enjoying the city had fallen in love with and had been calling home for the last six years.
It had been the best decision of her life to move away from Florida for grad school. Not only it gave Lilah the freedom of being her own person away from her family, but there was also just something magical about New York that she hadn’t found anywhere else. Then again, Lilah barely ever traveled. She had lived most of her life in Florida and could barely remember her home country anymore.
It was one of the things Lilah wanted the most for her life. To travel the world, visit all the places books and movies had shown her. She always wondered what would be like to work with something that could take you all over the world. It must really be amazing.
After teaching her class, Lilah headed to the psychology Ph.D. offices to concentrate on her paper instead of daydreaming about traveling the world or her not-a-date with Keanu. She managed to do all the alterations her advisor suggested and added a new analysis based on an article she read last week, before sending it to her.
Once she finally left NYU, Lilah fidgeted all the way to Central Park, unable to suppress her nerves, even if she kept mentally chanting to herself that this wasn’t a date. When Lilah stepped out the station and found Keanu was waiting for her on the sidewalk, her heart felt like it was trying to bust out of her chest
He looked so handsome in jeans, a grey tee with a motorcycle company logo and a dark leather jacket. He was holding two cups in a carry tray and waving her over with the other. So as Lilah crossed the street, she willed her heart to slow down, because she could barely breathe as she walked up to him.
“Hi!” he greeted her with a bright smile. “I’m glad you could make it in such short notice.”
“It’s fine. My night was free,” Lilah replied, smiling too. It was technically true, but she was supposed to be writing her dissertation.
“I didn’t know how you took your coffee, so I just got it black and brought everything else aside,” Keanu said, handing her one of the cups before pulled out from his pocket packs of sugar, sweetener, and cream.
That was so thoughtful of him that Lilah couldn’t bring herself to admit that she didn’t drink American coffee. Not even Novelsy. Instead, she took one of the cups and dumped cream and sugar in it and took a sip.
“Thank you,” she said covering her grimace, by turning to the park. “Shall we?”
“Sure,” Keanu nodded as they started on the path. “So, tell me your thoughts on the book.”
As they walked, Lilah told him about how she felt with Neruda’s poetry, a big grin playing on her lips. She always thought fall was the best season to take a walk in Central Park. The foliage had faded from their usual green in warm hues of orange, red and purple, making them look straight out of a painting. And under the late afternoon sun, everything sort of had a soft yellowish glow, as if they had been set on fire.
As she spoke, Lilah kept sneaking a few glances at Keanu, always finding him watching her with a thoughtful expression that quickly shifted into a smile whenever he caught her looking.
When they reached the fountain, Keanu led them away from the rest of the visitors and tourists snapping pictures. Lilah wondered if he noticed a few of them snapping photos of him. Fortunately, no one came over to bother them. She wouldn’t know how to react if they had.
Keanu stopped by this huge oak tree and handed Lilah his cup so he could spread his jacket on the ground, before plopping on it and gesturing her to take a seat. She chuckled and followed, handing back the wrong cup.
“You barely touched it,” he pointed out with an arched eyebrow, looking more amused than offended. “You could’ve just told me you didn’t like coffee.”
“I like coffee,” she replied with a sheepish smile. “But that’s not coffee, that American chafé.”
“Sorry, what?” he asked with a confused frown.
“Chafé,” Lilah repeated chuckling at how adorable he looked mouthing out the word. “It just means it watered down and it tastes more like tea than actual coffee.”
“Ahhh, so you’re a coffee snob,” Keanu teased, making Lilah laugh.
“No!” she shoved him playfully on the shoulder, feeling solid muscle under her hand. “Just used to it been brewed differently. My father always says that there are two things you should never argue about with Latinos: telenovela and coffee.”
“I’ll keep that in mind,” Keanu chuckled, leaning back on his elbows.
“Seriously, I’ll brew it for you sometime and you’ll see.”
The offer escaped her lips before she could even register it and Lilah wanted to kick herself. Why couldn’t she actually pay attention to what she was saying?
“I’ll hold you to it,” he said with a small smile as he watched her. “And I thought I caught a hint of an accent.”
“Really?” she smiled wide at him. “You got a great ear. Most people don’t notice. I’ve moved here when I was three. My stepdad’s American.”
Lilah told him a little bit about her family, mostly just silly stories of her brother, which he reciprocated with stories about his sisters. It was nice and comfortable and time seemed to fly by. Every once in a while, Lilah caught herself staring at him, admiring how the setting sun behind Keanu gave him an almost supernatural glow or how his smile lit up his face and his brown eyes danced with mirth as he recalled some of his teenage shenanigans.
“What?” he asked, bumping his foot again hers.
“Nothing,” Lilah replied with a small smile, lowering her eyes.  
Keanu bumped his foot against hers again and she sneaked a glance his way with a frown, wondering if that was an accident. But then he did it again. And again. Was he playing footsie? She gave him a soft kick in retaliation and Keanu grinned, trapping her foot between his ankles. Lilah laughed, shaking her head.
“You’re such a dork, oh my God!” she commented with a grin, and he chuckled.
“Got you to smile, did I?” he replied with a grin of his own and once again Lilah’s chest felt like was about to burst like several butterflies were trapped inside and trying to scape.
They stayed like that talking and laughing together until the sun set completely and the temperature dropped. Lilah kept rubbing her hands together to keep them warm since she had forgotten her gloves. It helped some, but there wasn’t much she could do about her legs. Her leggings were a flimsy barrier against the cold.
“Do you want to take off?” Keanu offered as he sat up, rubbing his hands together and covering hers, offering his own warmth.
Lilah realized how big his hands were compared to hers. As a matter of fact, Keanu was a very big guy. Not only he was tall, but his broad shoulders and strong frame made him look kind of imposing, but in a good way. She realized he could probably pick her up on his arms very easily and that made her swallow hard and her breath pick up speed.
“No, it’s fine,” Lilah managed to reply after a moment.
She wasn’t ready for this thing to be over just yet, but a gush of wind blew past them again and she couldn’t suppress a shudder, earning a knowing look from Keanu.
“Ok, yes.”
Keanu helped her up and they started to make their way back. Moving usually helped to warm her up a little, but they were walking against the wind and Lilah was shivering.
“Do you want my jacket?” Keanu asked when he noticed.
“Won’t you be cold?” Lilah wondered and Keanu snorted, already unzipping it.
“I’ll be fine, don’t worry.” He held it up so she could put it on.
“Thanks,” she replied, pulling it closer around herself since it was still warm from his body. And if she sneaked a few sniffs at the collar, no one needed to know.
Keanu walked her all the way to the subway station where he had been waiting for her. Lilah handed the jacket back to him and watched as he shrugged on.
“I had fun,” he said with a smile. “I’ve been so focused on this movie, hadn’t been able to go out and just talked about anything except work, so thank you.”
“I know the feeling.” Lilah smiled too and pulled out from her bag his book along with her copy of Life as it is and handing both to him.
“You lent me one, so I thought…” she explained when Keanu gave her a confused look.
“What is it about?” he asked, checking out the blurb on the back cover.
“It’s a collection of short stories, written in the fifties. Rodrigues was really acidic and insightful so they’re really fun,” she said. “If you want to give it a go... we could hang out again and talk about it?” Lilah offered hesitantly.
“Sure,” Keanu replied with a frown and Lilah winced. Did she push too far?
“We don’t have to…” she hurried to say. A second ago Keanu was all smiles and now he almost looked disappointed.
“No, I want to,” he said. “Really.”
“Ok then,” she replied sighing. It wasn’t like she could just grab the book from his hand and run away. “So, give me a call when you’re done?”
“I will. Goodnight.”
After a moment of hesitation, Lilah nodded and headed home, wondering all the way what just happened.
Go to Part 4
Taglist (give me a shout if you want to added or if you want to be removed)
@poisonedjoinery @ringa-starr @curly-minnie @i-cant-remember-my-old-login
@caryled @beyond-antares @kathorax @krazycags01 @meetmeinthematinee
@red-pill-blue-pill @baphometwolf666 @soarocks @imagine-the-fanfics @moonlit-raven-haven @cumberbatchbaps @coolbreezeinkeanureeves
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keepseaveyweird · 5 years
Requested- yes! by the best @coolkidcorbyn - blurb idea! what if you worked at a diner and the boys stopped in really late one night bc they are traveling on tour and they are super sweet ofc and y/n has a moment with one of them and later finds a napkin with a phone number and :)
a/n: I changed it just a bit and I’m sorry I take a million years to do literally anything but it’s finally up and a lot longer than a blurb lmao
word count: 2938 
She frowned, watching her friends all at the concert without her. Her friends meeting them after the show and singing along to their songs from the crowd. She wanted to go, wanted to see the boys so bad, but she didn’t have enough money and her small diner job wouldn’t give her extra hours to afford it. So instead of singing her lungs out, she sat at work in the middle of the night, sad she missed out on such a fun opportunity to see her favorite band.
She hated the night shift, hated everything about it. Hated the random chores she had to do to make her shift more productive, hated sitting around doing nothing because no one wanted to eat at 2am. Hated weekend night shifts even more because then it was crazy at 2am, filled with drunk or high kids from the local high school who were impossible to work with and never tipped. She much rather preferred the busy mornings filled with old, retired couples who would chat her ear off and tip like no other. Work mornings when the sun shined and the birds chirped and the small town she lived in actually felt alive.
It was not one of those morning though, instead it was a dead Wednesday night. The sun had gone down hours ago, kids had gone home to rest for school the next morning, business men finished their meetings and went home to their families. It sucked living in a drive-by town right off the interstate, where truckers just stopped for a quick break, families used the bathroom so they could continue their road trip to wherever they were going. It lacked fun, lacked excitement and she couldn’t pray enough for someone to come in or for something amazing to happen.
Having stood around, chatting to the one cook on duty for hours, she heard the bell on the door ding, indicating someone had walked in. Her eyebrows crinkled, as well as her co-workers, because it was 1:30 in the morning and no one ever stopped by at those hours. So to say she was surprised when she walked out to see five boys laughing as they continued to trickle in was an understatement.
She stopped dead in her tracks, her knees buckling as she rounded the corner of the counter. They hadn’t noticed her yet, too busy yawning and rubbing their eyes to notice the girl running back to the kitchen to collect herself. Because it was her favorite band, her favorite boys in the whole world that she thought she missed out on, but instead received a surprise visit. She knew they’d pass by on the tour bus, the diner being on the way to the next city, but she didn’t know they’d stop, didn’t think this opportunity would actually happen. So she checked herself in the mirror, fixed her jean skirt as well as readjusted the apron around her waist and walked out as calmly as she could.
“How are you guys doing tonight?” she smiled grabbing menus from behind the counter.
“Great,” Jonah grinned, “how ‘bout yourself?” he was so friendly, so smiley and charming at this hour she couldn’t imagine what he was like when he was fully awake, fully energized. The other four smiled, nodding and mumbling as well, Corbyn making eye contact with her and becoming a shade of red.
“As good as I can get,” she said, leading them to a table near the front and away from the window, just in case because she knew they didn’t want to be spotted. They all sat down, each thanking her for the menu she placed in front of them, nicer than she ever could’ve imagined them to be.
“I’ll let you guys look over the menu, my names y/n so just let me know if you have any questions” she told them, leaving them as she ran back to the kitchen.
“Thanks y/n!” you heard Corbyn yell a bit as he yawned once again.
What the hell is happening, she thought, leaning up against the counter as she let out of huff of air, the older man laughing at her.
“They giving you a hard time?” He asked her as he continued prepping vegetable for the morning.
“No, not at all they’re so nice,” she explained to him, “but you know how I wanted to go to that concert tonight to see my favorite band?”
The man gently nodded, remembering her complaints earlier that night as she drowned her sorrows in coffee, “that’s them,” she pointed out the doorway.
He leaned over to peak out the open door, a chuckle leaving his mouth, earning a glare from y/n.
“This isn’t funny! What do I do?” she sighed, putting her elbows on the counter, head in her hands as she ran her hands through her hair.
“How about you go take their order?” he suggested with a smirk. So, with as much confidence as she could muster, she left the back room and approached the boys who seemed to be giving Corbyn a hard time. They didn’t seem to notice y/n approach, except for the blonde who tried his hardest to hide the slap he gave to Jack’s thigh, but it was no use as Jack groaned and hunched over.
“You guys know what I can get started for ya?” she asked, pulling out the notepad from her apron.
Zach laughed, slapping his menu down onto the table cheekily, “I think Corbyn knows what he wants!” he cackled. She didn’t get it, didn’t catch onto his joke, though she did notice the glare Zach received from him before he faced you with a smile.
“I’ll just have pancakes,” he told you, “please.” The other four couldn’t help but snicker under their breaths, making Corbyn roll his eyes.
“Of course,” she smiled at him, trying to keep her cool. He handed back his menu, his big hand grazing hers while doing so, and his face turned yet a deeper shade of red, something she didn’t think was possible. The other’s orders were taken, mostly chicken strips, and she headed back into the kitchen.
“Thank you, y/n,” Daniel smiled as she walked away, earning a smile as she whisked herself away.
Before she could even hand him the ticket, the old man pointed his spatula at her, fierce and concerned.
“The blonde one, he likes you.” He smiled.
“First of all, which one?” she joked, as Daniel was still sporting his dyed hair, “second of all, that’s false. I’m just the waitress whose here to take their orders. They’re tired and delirious and are like that to everyone.” The old man rolled his eyes, taking the ticket from her hand to begin cooking as he continued to explain how she was wrong.
“I was your age once, was a young man myself. I know lust and young love when I see it, and the blonde with the big eyebrows has it for you,” the older man spoke, facing away, towards the grill. She peeked through the hole in the wall where dishes were served during the busy morning, to see four boys facing Corbyn, deep in conversation over something out of earshot. Suddenly, he looked up and their eyes met through the metal hardware, both freezing for a second before looking back down awkwardly.
He couldn’t be attracted to me? Right? She thought to herself as she waited for her coworker to wrap up the band’s late night dinner.  
She couldn’t help but admit Corbyn was her favorite, that he made her laugh with almost every word, every move he made from the comfort of her phone screen. Couldn’t help but be transfixed by his voice and the way he’d answer questions in interviews. Couldn’t help but adore his love for space and marvel at how truly smart he was, even when he made dumb decisions or said something that would maybe contradict that fact. So as they sat there in her lobby, she couldn’t comprehend the fact that maybe Corbyn thought she pretty. That when she came out from the back he couldn’t help but admire her.
“y/n? Are you good?” the cook waved a hand in front of her face, breaking her out of her thoughts as he pushed five plates across the table to her. She thanked him, loading them up on a tray and taking it out to them, where she noticed the moment she came into view they all directed their attention to either her or Corbyn.
I have to know, she thought to herself. As she handed each their food, receiving a ‘thank you’ from each of them, she decided to save Corbyn’s for last as she placed his plate in front of him.
“Thank you so much, these look great.” he told her, looking at her with the prettiest smile in the world. A smile so warm that it could melt the polar ice caps and in that moment y/n was convinced this boy was the cause for climate change.
She placed a hand on his back, taking him by surprise as his eyes widened a bit. Like when a little kid gets caught doing something bad, or when the lights turn on when trying to sneak back in after curfew. His band mates couldn’t help but lose it, tears falling out of Jonah’s eyes as he was laughing so hard, and she didn’t understand what was so funny, didn’t know that the intense conversation they were having was a pep talk for Corbyn as he was so intimidated by her.
“No problem, just let me know if there’s anything else I can get for you guys.” She smiled, looking at Corbyn who was now more red than imaginable while the boys continued to laugh.
“Oh,” Zach started, “I think Corbyn needs to get-” but he was cut off.
“NO!,” Corbyn yelled, “I don’t need anything else, I am perfectly fine, thank you y/n,” he said quickly, and if looks could kill, there would only be four members of Why Don’t We after that night.
The boys ate while she stood there talking to the cook, taking their time as Jack tried to stay awake from their busy day.
“You should tell them you’re a big fan, ask for a picture,” the old man suggested after she had explained to him who they were.
“I don’t know,” she teetered, “I don’t wanna seem like one of those weird fans. Meeting them tonight was enough for me.”
“I think you’ll regret it,” he shrugged.
“Whatever, I’ll figure it out,” she told him, ringing up their check.
Walking out with a check in hand, she grabbed all their plates while Zach and Jack napped on each other and Daniel and Jonah continued to harass Corbyn.
“Do I just pay here?” Jonah asked you.
“Actually you can just bring it up to the front when you guys are ready and you can pay there,” she told them, pointing to the front door where a case of homemade pastries were as well as the cash register. Suddenly, Daniel and Jonah eyed one another, silently scheming.
“Hey Jonah, I gotta use the bathroom real fast before we hit the road, you need to go too?” Daniel said standing up, Corbyn catching up onto what was happening, his face scrunched, concerned and worried for his own dignity.
“Yeah, me too. Corbyn could you pay for us and we’ll meet you outside?” Jonah smiled, shaking the other two awake and dragging them along, not giving Corbyn an option as he threw his debit card at him. He didn’t know what to say, could only stand there and plan how to murder each of them once they were back on the road.
It was silent as y/n lead him to the register where he handed her Jonah’s card, their hands brushing again. And Corbyn felt it, a surge of heat radiating through his body and he had never felt like that before. Especially with a stranger, someone he knew nothing about, only a name.
“I’m sorry about my friends,” he blurted, “they’re all idiots,” he shook his head with a small smile, because no matter how much he wanted to kill them, his love trumped he had for his brothers trumped his want to bury them all alive. 
y/n smiled, because she knew, knew all too well that they were in fact idiots but she loved each of them for it. And with a sudden boost of confidence, she decided to tell him that.
“It’s okay,” she laughed, “I’m actually a huge fan of you guys. I wanted to go to your show tonight but I had to work.” His eyes widened, a smile stretched across his face.
“Really?! You’re so chill I never would have known. I’m sorry you missed the show, but…. You can’t tell anyone but I think I can get you tickets to the one tomorrow” he winked, using the confidence she was radiating suddenly to build his own.
“Wait, what? Are you serious?” she asked, a smile encapsulating her face. And Corbyn was mesmerized by it, by her bright eyes and bubbly personality, even though it was almost three in the morning.
“Yeah for sure, on one condition,” he told her.
“Oh no, what is it?”
“You have to tell me who your favorite member of Why Don’t We is,” he chuckled, leaning against the pastry case, “and why.”
y/n groaned, her hands covering her face, “you’re kidding?”
“Nope,” Corbyn laughed, popping the ‘p’.
“Fine,” y/n said, putting her hands up in surrender, “but if you thought I was chill before you might reconsider,” she warned.
“Give me your best shot,” he laughed.
“Okay well unfortunately enough… you’re my favorite,” she blushed, “and I’m not really sure why. It’s like you don’t even have to try to be funny, but whenever I’m watching interviews or listening to you I can’t help but laugh. And your voice is incredible, well all of you are incredible, but you just sound so different and I love your tone.”
By then Corbyn was tomato, red from all the praise he was receiving, because he wasn’t expecting him to be her favorite. Was expecting Daniel or Zach, but he couldn’t help the butterflies he was feeling in his stomach, the way she made him feel, he was just so amazed by her. Amazed by her willingness to be so open, ability to sound so mature while basically fan-girling and he was entranced by everything about her.
Who is this girl? He thought to himself.
“And you’re just so kind and caring and the way you talk to your fans is just so lovely. And you’re so humble and down to Earth even though you have every right to be the most cocky piece of shit on the planet, but you’re not. You’re just one hundred percent you and I love it, I respect it and I love watching you guys grow as artists,” she said, using her hands to explain everything she was saying, “and now you probably think I’m some crazy fan,” she face palmed while he laughed.
“No actually, I don’t. Thank you, thank you so much, for everything you just said. It means so much and I’ve never heard anyone say any of those things,” he said with a smile, something he had been doing since the moment he walked in, “most fans don’t know what to say, or they’re super shallow about their responses. It was nice hearing something different for a change.” He said.
“Well, I’m happy I could be a change in that for you,” she nodded. The other four boys came out of the bathroom, smirking as they the tail end of the conversation.
“Guys! She’s a fan!” Corbyn pointed excitedly.
“Oh my gosh, really? But you were so cool? I didn’t think you knew us?” Daniel said with a grin. The five offered to take a picture with her, the cook coming out with a smile on his face as he held the phone in his hand to take it for them.
“Oh! Before I forget!” Corbyn rushed out to the tour bus and came back with envelope in his hand, giving it to her.
“They’re not front row, but they’re as close as we could get,” he told her, a smile on his face.
“Thank you so much, this means the world to me, you don’t understand!” she said, opening it up as he watched. She pulled out two lanyards and two ticket stubs.
“An extra one incase you wanted to bring a friend, and,” he paused, pointing to lanyards, “two backstage passes for ya.”
“You’re kidding? I can’t take these, it’s too much,” she said, trying to give them back, but Corbyn put his hands up.
“It’s no problem,” he said, beginning to get a bit nervous, “but I was wondering if maybe after the show tomorrow, you maybe wanted to possibly- uh- I don’t know… do something with me? Like a date?” he asked, scratching the back of his neck.
y/n blushed, “Yeah, I’d really like that.”
The four laughed as they grabbed Corbyn’s shoulder, informing them they had to hit the road.
He turned around, waving goodbye, a smile engulfing his face, “See you tomorrow y/n!”
“See ya tomorrow, have a safe trip!” she yelled, as she skipped back into the kitchen, still totally not believing what had just happened was real.
“I told you telling them would bring you something good,” the old man smiled.
And y/n had never been so grateful for any advice as she decided on what to wear for the date with Corbyn ahead of her.
Tag list: @kvd963 @katie-avery @coolkidcorbyn @technolilly@mycollectionofnuts @joyus-jack
@daniels-beanies @annabseavey
@deanismymom @lavienenchanel
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redfoxwritesstuff · 5 years
Clover and Lace, Chapter 18
This is it, ladies, gents and everything in between and outside- The last chapter. Well, we do have a epilogue written up for next week. But that’s beside the point. Chapter 18 is here. Thanks to @winterisakiller who has talked me down from angst and groaned at my attempts to make this even more angsty over the chapters. Believe it or not- she sometimes keeps me in check. After killing a OC I probably needed it.
Oh! At the end of the epilogue next week you’ll find the summary for my next mini project- Rain. A two part Tom Hiddles x ofc angst fest. 
Steve urged Rosemary on, keeping himself and the shield on his back between her and the men chasing them. Branches crunched under his boots. Each snap of a twig made me cringe, knowing her feet had been without shoes while she had ran. Gunfire bounced off the shield as he pushed it up higher on his back, protecting his head.
“Left.” He urged as the small path branched in two even smaller paths.
As she disappeared around the bend he turned while somehow not tripping over his own feet while snagging his shield off his back and with a strong flick of his arm, he sent it flying. It took out the two men closest to him and was left lodged in the ground. Steve made quick work of running forward, he snagged the shield up and took off down the path, turning right where he had told Rose to go left. He knew they saw him and that’s all he needed.
He ran a short distance down the trail before launching himself through a break in the trees. Following a small rabbit trail, he tried to move as quickly and silently through the forest as he could. If all went according to plan he would have thrown the guards off their trail and would meet up with Rose shortly.
When he burst threw the tree in front of Rose, she nearly screamed. Without the threat of being shot from behind, Steve allowed them a short moment for Rosemary to catch her breath. She was gulping air and her legs felt like rubber. Blood mixed with dirt from the cuts on her foot. She was in no condition to keep running, that was clear to Steve though she didn’t so much as even complain.
“Get on.” Steve took his shield off his back and knelt down in front of her, offering her his back.
“You don’t have to carry me.” She protested even as he felt her hands settle on his shoulders.
“You’re tired, dehydrated and weak. We’ll cover ground faster.” Rosemary knew he was right even though she didn’t want to admit it.
Surviving was far more important than her pride. She didn’t protest. Instead she stepped closer to his back and wrapped her arms around his neck. His arms reached back behind him, strong hands wrapping around her thighs. As he stood, he pulled her legs up and around his waist. Stepping on the edge of his shield, he let go of one of her legs and grabbed it.
“There’s a strap right here.” Steve took one of her hands from him and wrapped her fingers around the strap. “Hold it behind you, over your back. It’s big enough to cover most of you but if anyone starts shooting at us cover your head.”
“What about you?” She whispered.
“You’ll be protecting me with it too. And if I’m hit it won’t do as much damage to me. I’ve got gear, you don’t.”
“Okay.” The sound of her voice cut through him like a knife. It was thin and brittle, giving away the fear and pain. When he looked at her, as they had ran together up until this point she seemed largely fearless. She was strong. She was fearless, it had seemed. But the simple truth was that she was afraid. He could hear it in her voice.
Steve started moving and with her held securely to his back, he ran. She was amazed at how damn fast he could run. It was beyond true that she had been holding them back, that much was clear as day. Her ride on his back was smooth in a way that made no sense to her. It was as if he was designed to run, born for it. As they made their way through the dense forest, she watched as the sky grew darker and darker. Clouds were moving in front of the moon.
She rested her head down against his shoulder as her body relaxed. He ran with her on his back for what felt like hours before the forest grew thinner and they came upon a village. Few buildings were modern but Rosemary perked up, looking for any sign of a building that would likely hold modern technology.
“There.” She pointed over his shoulder at a building. It was one of the only buildings with glass in the windows. Structurally it was more sound than many of the other buildings.
“Why there?” Steve asked but still made a direct path toward the building.
Rosemary slipped off his back as they looked around. There was no sign of the guards chasing them at the moment at least. Still, that was not likely to last long at all. The sooner they were out of sight the better. She was fairly sure that Mary would care more about catching and killing her than taking out any of the Avengers.
“The door’s locked.” Steve stated when the handle didn’t turn under his hand.
Rosemary kicked at the ground a few times. She hoped for wire but found nothing but twigs and dirt. With a sigh, she eyed the knife at his side as he pulled it out. He positioned it in the doorjamb with the intention of breaking in.
“Give that here.” She reached for the blade only to have Steve move it from her.
“Don’t grab at a knife like that. That’s a great way to get cut.” Her eyes were wide at his stern words and he quickly softened them with a small smile. The blade flipped in his hand and he presented it to her hilt first.
“Sorry.” She mumbled. This wasn’t the type of thing she was used to. Running through the woods, running for her life- that wasn’t her life. Sneaking into locked rooms however? She was out of practice but still, it was something she had been good at. At least, she had been at one point.
Nudging the tip of the blade into the old lock she prayed that it was both old and cheap. The blade was thicker and wider at the tip then she would have liked but with some luck…
She forced it to the side and she could just hear the metal inside the lock snap. It wasn’t enough however and the door remained locked.
“Just twist it?” Steve asked as he wrapped his hands around hers over the hilt.
“Yeah. The idea is to force it. Assuming it’s cheap enough, it will give without looking broken without looking like it.” Rosemary slipped her hands out from under his.
With a firm grip he twisted and she could hear the internal mechanisms in the lock break apart. A twist of the knob and a push against the door had it opened with minimal visual damage left behind. Rosemary slipped in to the room with Steve right behind her. The door was closed tightly behind them and he pushed a file cabinet in front of it. The windows didn’t have coverings and what little light was available outside spilled into the room. Rosemary reached for the lights but Steve grabbed her hand in his.
“No.” His voice was firm but low. “We don’t want to make it obvious where we are.”
“Right, Okay. We’ve got to find a phone.”
“Even if we did- I’m not sure how much good it would do us.” Still, Steve moved around the space, looking for a phone.
“It would do us all the good in the world.” Rosemary absently commented as she looked as well, finally feeling her feet under her.
“Over here is a headset. Looks like the computer is wired into the internet. Why don’t they have any regular phones?”
“Good.” Rosemary ducked down when a light passed by the window. “Get the monitor on the ground and turned on if you can.” Her voice was little more than a whisper. “And because Internet phones are typically more reliable in remote areas.”
Couching behind a desk with the screen shoved under, Rose quickly turned the brightness of the monitor as far down as it would go. Without a thought to Steve’s presence next to her, she reached into her bra and pulled out the drive he had spotted on her desk seemingly a lifetime ago.
“I didn’t expect you to have that, to be honest.”
“Always expect the unexpected.” Rosemary plugged it in and Steve watched over her shoulder as a black rabbit came to life on the screen. A black text box appeared with a string of text in a language Steve wasn’t familiar with. It didn’t phase Rosemary in the slightest however and she quickly typed in commands. “I need to make a call.”
“A call?” The look she gave him reminded him that there was so much more to her than he was aware of. “Right, okay.”
While he was busy moving the computer and making sure the cords wouldn’t be unplugged, Rosemary pulled up a map. He set the headset next to her and for a moment they sat still and silent as someone ran by the door.
“You should go help the others.” Rosemary whispered as she set up the headset.
“I’m not leaving you until you’re safe.” It surprised him when Rosemary rolled her eyes. Truthfully, it hurt to be brushed off like that. Reaching out, he grabbed her shoulder and turned her to face him. Now wasn’t the time, he knew that. Yet it couldn’t wait any longer. “I could have lost you. You could have died.”
“Does that matter? Really? I’m not who I told you I was.” Rosemary snapped, voice growing a bit louder before she quickly schooled it. “We’ll get out of here and I’ll be out of your hair.”
“I don’t want you out of my hair.” Steve gave her shoulders a sharp shake when she tried to look away. “I didn’t come here to stop them. I didn’t come to fight them. I don’t give a damn about them right now. I came to find you and bring you home.”
“It doesn’t matter. You didn’t lie or betray me. You saved our lives with that warning. My life.”
It was awkward and slightly clumsy when he pulled her toward him, gathering her in his chest. Everything she touched was firm and rigid. The suit seemed to make him all the more intimidating, cloaking the soft of his skin with rough fabrics and hard plates. When his fingers rested under her chin, drawing her face up to look at him she couldn’t feel much of the warmth of his hand through his glove yet she could remember it.
Leaning down, he kissed her before she could even comprehend what he was doing. His face was scruffy and unshaven but it felt good. It felt real and while she knew it wasn’t the time for this, she melted into him. Tears welled in her eyes as her arms slowly braved wrapping around his neck.
She didn’t know up from down in that moment, she didn’t know if he had turned her information over to Shield. What she did know was far more important than that. He truly cared for her. Regardless of what he may have done, he cared. And she loved him. Tears spilled down her cheeks as she crumbled apart in his arms. Just half a day before she had come to terms with the fact that she would likely die without ever seeing him again and now she was wrapped in his arms.
She could afford to fall apart for a moment, cry into his neck when their lips pulled apart. Strong arms held her firmly in place, fingers digging lightly into her sides as if he feared she would slip away into the night. With a shuddering breath, she pulled herself together and pulled away, wiping the tears from her face. It wouldn’t do for the Lady Spider to be seen showing such weakness.
“We should focus on getting you out of here.” With such a simple statement from Steve, their moment was ended. Rosemary still was unsure as to what the future will hold for her but at least she had some sort of hope that made it that much easier to focus on the task at hand.
With the headset on, she listened as the line filled with static before connecting. A video feed opened up curtesy of Rabbit and she scoffed. A webcam in a government building- how trusting. Clearly their security needed work and for that, she was thankful for it.
“Yo!” She waited and a man in the distance looked around on the video feed.
Good, the computer she gained access to had a speaker as well. The man looked around before coming closer to the computer when she called for him again. In Spanish, she requested General Mass. His name was one she had always found amusing and he was as close to a friend she had.
“You’re sure you can trust them?” Steve asked, drawing her attention to him.
“Of course. I wouldn’t call someone I didn’t trust.” She didn’t point out that calling it ‘trust’ was probably a bit of a stretch. If she wanted, she could end Mass’s career by revealing the things she had done for him to his own government though to do so would make her terribly sad.
“Little Spider- Good to know you still live. However I’ve not got need of you.”
“How do you know you can trust him?” Steve spoke over the man on the screen.
“And with Captain America no less. That is surprising. What brings you into his company I wonder?”
“Not your problem, Mass. You owe a debt, I’ve called to collect.”
In an instant, the man on the screen’s whole being shifted. The easy nature was gone. His shoulders squared and he stood just a bit straighter. “What do you need?”
“Passage out of Venezuela as of yesterday.”
“Please.” Steve added under his breath only to smile when Rosemary rolled her eyes at him. Mass eyed their interactions carefully.
“Where exactly are you?”
Rosemary allowed Steve to take over as she relaxed against the side of the desk. She was bone tired, thirsty and starving. Still, she hadn’t more than a general idea how long she had been gone for. In all honesty she’d probably be willing to kill a man for a snack bar and a bottle of water.
As they made their way out of the village, Steve’s com came to life in his ear with a flurry of static. Much of Mary’s team had been captured or eliminated. Still, the mastermind herself was running free. Rosemary tried to convince him that the immediate threat was gone but he was set not to let her out of his sight until she was back in the United States.
“How do you have connections in the Paraguan government?” Steve asked as they put more distance between them and the village. They had about 90 minutes before the helicopter would touch down to pick them up and five miles to travel until they reached the clearing. Stark was arranging for a Quinjet to collect the rest of the team once the situation on the ground was cleaned up but made it clear Steve wouldn’t be needed.
“They needed a favor. I helped them out. I needed something, they helped me out. That’s how it works.” Rosemary answered as if it was simple and Steve had to admit, with how she had put it- it was simple. Still it was clear that her answer left much to be desired.
“General Mass’s wife had cancer. The treatment she needed was- is experimental. Nothing they had tried until then worked. The government wouldn’t allow her to try it. She wasn’t stable enough to leave the country even if they could afford it.”
“So he asked you for help?” Rosemary looked to Steve with a small smile. It was rare that favors lined up that simply for her.
“No, but it was a matter of situations lining up that allowed me to offer a favor to a man who had proven himself to be worthy of trust.” It felt good to speak openly about her life for once. Rosemary wondered if this was how things could stay.
“Things just happened to line up for you to save his wife’s life? Just like that?” Steve was fascinated with her tale. Hearing from the team what she had done for a living, he honestly hadn’t expected to hear about her doing good with it.
He thought back to the words Mrs. Jones had said only a few days prior. She had advised him to not shut Rose out just because of what she did to make her way in the world. There was more to the story of Rose Ramsey than he knew, so much more. But perhaps it was as she said, things were not strictly black and white. Since coming out of the ice, Steve’s world seemed to be colored with many more shades of gray.
“The company with the treatment- they needed a loan to make it through the FDA pre-approval processes. I gave them the money in exchange for them sending the treatment.”
“How’d you get it into the country?” Steve was engrossed in the story, often having to remind himself to take his attention from Rose to check their surroundings. It reminded him of old spy novels.
“One of the boarder agents- they don’t get paid a lot but his daughter was wanting to be a doctor. I gave them a trust fund. His partner however was harder to buy- he wanted a promotion. I don’t normally like to get involved in lower level power plays. But it was easy enough to bribe his commander to move him up a rank. They looked the other way while the treatment was brought in.” Steve opened his mouth but she kept talking, answering his questions before he could ask them.
“The doctor was easier- to be honest. He was a well known doctor, one of the best in the country and wanted to know if his wife was having an affair. That information I had already had in my pocket for a few months. Her Lover traded it wanting to know if she was really planning on leaving her husband for him.”
“And just like that, you saved General Mass’s wife?”
“Just like that.” Rosemary shrugged. “I keep doctor’s in my pocket most everywhere- they are useful. Sometimes more so than government officials. After this- Mass will no longer owe me and when it comes to him I’ll have to rely on good will if I need his assistance again before he needs mine.”                                                                                                                                            
They made good time reaching the clearing. In some ways it felt almost like any other night walk for Rosemary. That idea was shattered whenever she looked at Steve and saw him not wearing a simple pair of jeans, button down or tee shirt. Just hearing his laugh, his voice and feeling him near had set her at ease.
She would glance back at him and for a moment she could see the hard look on his face until he noticed her eyes were on him. Every time he noticed her looking the stone would melt from his face and the warmth that was the Steve she had known would surface. Rosemary wondered which Steve was the real one?
Perhaps he wondered the same of her. She knew that it surprised him, shocked him when she took control in the office. It was written on his face as she directed him to help her get what she needed. It wasn’t the way he had seen her before. It honestly wasn’t a way she liked to act.
“You don’t have to hide it from me.” Steve captured her hand in his when she spoke, not looking back at him.
“What do you mean?” He asked.
“You’re worried.”
“I didn’t want to worry you. But yeah- Mary is still on the run and until she’s captured you’ll still be her target.” Rosemary nodded and silence gathered around them for a moment.
“Steve?” She whispered. “What’s going to happen to me? To Julian? We’ve got arrest warrants, plenty of people who would wish to see us in jail or dead for the things we’ve done.”
“I won’t let that happen.” She turned to look at him, tears were in her eyes. For the first time, Rosemary actually looked truly scared. He had seen fear in her back in the office but most of what he had noticed was her relief at being safe, at having him with her at the time. Steve worked his hands out of his gloves and tucked them into his belt.
“I can’t ask you to protect us. To protect me.” He stepped up toward her and it was so mind boggling, he looked so much like her Steve.
“But I will. Because I love you.” It was the first time he had truly said it to her since she had slammed the door in his face in what felt like a whole different life. He meant it now as much as he did the morning of that fateful day.
His hands settled on her arms and he pulled her toward him as the helicopter approached in the distance. Steve kept talking, not pressuring her to say the words back, unsure if she was ready to believe him again. He hadn’t intended to even tell her the truth of the depth of his feelings for her yet. The simple words though having been said before seemed to hold so much more weight now, with no secretes hiding in closets. How could the same three words mean so much more now? He thought he meant it then but now he felt it so much more. He’d almost lost her.
“A lot of the team has had warrants out for them at some point. Hell, I was a fugitive for a bit myself.” She sniffled and shifted in his arms, wiping tears away. “You can have a clean start. You can have it if you want it.”
“And if I don’t? I lose you?” The words were mumbled into his chest as she snaked her arms around his back. An ultimatum was one of the things she feared when it came to letting him know her secrets.
“No. No matter what you decide- we try this out if its what you still want.”
“How would that even work?” As he nuzzled into the top of her head, she could feel his warm breath.
“We’d figure something out.”
“I don’t want to turn my back on what I am. Who I am. But I don’t want to go, to have keep running.”
“We’ll talk to Fury. We’ll figure something out. If that’s what you want. I still want this. You. Us.”
Steve held her tightly to him in the clearing as a helicopter descend. The sound filled their ears and made talk impossible. Around them dust, leafs and grass was picked up by the wind and danced through the air. There was noise and shouting and Rosemary recognized it as belonging to General Mass.
Steve bent down and swept her off her admittedly tired feet and walked as if it was nothing toward the open door of the helicopter. When Rosemary protested that she could walk, he nodded and agreed yet did not put her down. He was ruining her reputation and though she told him so, he didn’t seem to give a damn.  
“I don’t want to let go of you yet.” Steve Admitted as he settled into a ridged bench.
“Nice to have a face to the voice.” Mass commented as if he hadn’t seem one of the largest information dealers wrapped up in the arms of the American hero before turning to the pilot. “Let’s get her out of here.”
“Steve?” Rosemary whispered. Her voice would have been lost to anyone else in the helicopter.
“Yes, Rose?” Strong arms tightened around her as she took a deep breath.
“My name is Rosemary Ramsey and I love you.”
@0-0-0-0-0-0-0-7, @theoneanna, @alexakeyloveloki, @dangertoozmanykids101, @j-u-s-t-4, @missaphrodite23, @bambamwolf87, @princess76179, @fairlightswiftly, @nonsensicalobsessions, @tinchentitri, @michelegurl
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Hand In Glove - Chapter 3 | Ben Hardy x OFC
A/N: Hi, hello, so I guess that when I'm sick and my house is falling apart I'm at my most creative? I know I just posted the sneak peek but I mean, come on. If it's done, it's done, why wait? Right? Yeah? Cool. Italics are Ben's POV
Word Count: 3,205. Sorry, not sorry.
Warnings: TOOTH ROTTING FLUFF. Chaotic Joe. Swearing. Again, not even sorry.
Chapter 1 , Chapter 2
"Hey. Yo. You're in my seat." Joe towered over Annabelle, who occupied his favourite chair in Gwil's flat, looking very unamused.
"Am I?" Annabelle didn't even look at him. She just stared straight at the big TV screen and took a sip from her bottle of beer, "oops."
"Annie, move!"
"No?" Joe was incredulous, his brows shooting so high they almost merged with his hairline, "no?!"
"No. As in, no," Annabelle finally glanced up at him, "I'm not moving."
"Oh, you're cute," Joe shook his head and licked his upper lip, biting his tongue and letting it stick out while he thought of a proper reaction, "seriously, get your butt out of my chair."
"It's not your chair, it's Gwil's."
"You're so annoying!"
"Have we never met before?" Annabelle smirked, "Hi, My name is Annabelle Lee, I'm annoying!"
"Ben?" Joe looked at his best friend with hopeful eyes, "control your woman?"
"No can do, mate," Ben shrugged and winked at Annie, "and she's no man's woman. I learnt that the hard way."
"Lover's tiff?" Gwil's ears seemed to perk up at the new information revealed, "already?"
"Shut up, Gwil," Annie and Ben said at the same time.
"No, no!" Rami hopped on the bandwagon, "I want to know too!"
"Annabelle, I'm serious, get the fuck up." Joe ignored the change of subject.
"Make me."
"My mom taught me not to hit girls, now get up."
"Ben was just very vocally jealous of Jamie, no big deal," Annie leaned to the side and looked at Rami, "it's water under the bridge."
"Annie!" Ben hissed.
"What?" Annie shrugged, "they would have found out eventually."
"Guys, stay focused," Joe clapped to gather everyone's attention, "Annie is ruining movie night!"
"Is it okay to finally say you're in a relationship, then?" Lucy blatantly ignored Joe's pleas and cries.
"No!" Ben and Annie groaned.
"Oh, come on!" Lucy looked at Rami for help, "what is wrong with these two!?"
"You know what?" Joe raised his arms up in defeat, "fine. Don't get up."
"Finally!" Annie sighed when Joe turned around and yelped when he threw himself on her, landing right in her lap, "What the bloody hell?!"
"Ah, I love my chair!
"Get off me!"
"Kids, stop fighting!" Gwil came back with two huge bowls of popcorn, "I leave the room for five minutes and this is what happens?"
"Tell him to get off, Gwil!"
"Nope, you brought this on yourself," Gwil went back to the kitchen for another bowl of popcorn and more drinks, "Oh, Jesus fucking Christ."
He looked at the chair Joe and Annie were fighting over just seconds ago, but now they sat together in perfect harmony, with Annie perched on Joe's lap, happily munching on a shared bowl of popcorn.
"What, you're okay with this?" Gwil gestured with his hand at the two while looking at Ben pointedly.
"Better him than Jamie," Ben shrugged, "sorry, mate."
"Damn girl, you smell nice!" Joe praised as he tickled Annie's ribs, making her giggle.
"Huh," Ben grabbed Annie's hand and pulled her over to him, making her spill some of the popcorn on the rug and squeal with laughter as she practically flew onto him, her body stretched over his lap with her feet kicking in the air, "that's better."
"Hey, I wasn't done playing with that!" Joe pouted at Ben and earned himself a smack on the back of his head from the angelic looking blond, "hey!!!"
"Hel-" my greeting was interrupted by a very eager kiss, "-lo."
"I missed you, too," I pulled Annabelle inside and kicked the door closed, taking her backpack from her and placing it on the floor, "hungry?"
"I could eat," she shrugged and knelt down to pick Frankie up in her arms, "hi, baby!"
"Pasta okay?" with a hand on the small of her back, I led her into the kitchen, "we can order in if you want."
"Tomato sauce?" her eyes brightened up.
"Then it's perfect!"
"I have to warn you," I said as I took a plate out of the cupboard and lifted the lid off the pot, "once you've had some of my pasta, you'll be hooked."
"I'm willing to risk that," she put Frankie back down on the floor and walked over, leaning on the counter next to me, "smells delicious."
Annabelle looked absolutely knackered. Her cheeks weren't as rosy as they normally are, her skin looked paler than usual, her eyes were heavy and her shoulders slumped as she stifled a yawn.
"Long day?"
"Long week, you mean," she closed her eyes, "We're going to have to re-shoot three episodes. Not one," she poked three fingers up in the air with one hand and shoveled pasta in her mouth with the other, "three!"
"And the producers chose the three most draining episodes, too!" she continued her rant after swallowing her mouthful and stuffed her face full of pasta yet again, chewing angrily and swallowing hard, "because they're all a bunch of morons."
"I'm sorry," I stroked her hair as she ate and felt her relax into my touch, "well, it's over now, yeah?"
"Not really, no," she sighed, "and I fucking missed you and I hated it."
"Really? I don't think mentioning you did about ten times a day in angry tests carried the message," I bit the inside of my cheek to stop myself from laughing at her exasperation, "but it's good that you did."
"No, it's not," she frowned, pushing her pasta around on her plate, "I just really wanted to see you, you know?"
"I wanted to see you, too," I massaged the back of her next with one hand, "and you're here, now."
"How was your day?" she turned to face me, "are the boys still teasing you?"
"Joe and Rami stopped, actually," she smiled at me and I could feel my heartbeat pick up, "Gwil is having a hard time accepting that this is happening."
"He'll get over it, eventually," she giggled.
"He told me some very, very interesting stories about you and some of his mates from way back," her eyes widened, and her cheeks flushed, "quite the handful, aren't you?"
"I regret nothing."
"Can you at least try to focus on me right now?" Jamie muttered as Annabelle and him ran their dance routine during one final rehearsal, in full costume, right before they had to shoot a scene, "I know you miss your new boyfriend -"
"He's not my boyfriend," Annabelle stopped moving, her turquoise eyes glaring into Jamie's baby blues as he towered over her, "and let me remind you, neither are you."
"Alright, I see you two have had just about enough of this," the choreographer snapped them out of their staring contest, "go get some touch-ups. I'll let everyone know you're ready."
Annabelle sighed and turned to her hair and make-up artists, the satin and silks on her dress rustling as they brushed the floor. As her make-up artist made small talk and her hairdresser fussed with the headdress that she had intricately woven into Annie's brown hair, the studio door opened, and Annie could hear her favourite boys' loud raucous flooding in.
"Well, that's a good-looking bunch!" Lilly, the hairdresser mumbled with a sly smile, "are they here for you?"
"Indeed, they are," Annie stuck out her chest proudly, "that's my cousin and his friends."
"That's the kid from East Enders!" Melissa, the make-up artist gushed as she finished her work, "Oh my gosh!"
"I'll introduce you if you want," Annie shrugged and chuckled when Melissa shook her head to fast, her glasses flew right off.
Annabelle turned to face Gwil, Joe and Ben, her face falling when she saw Rami and Lucy hadn't come along. She walked over to them, her smile lighting up the studio, smoothing down the front of her dress.
"Wow," Joe said, his eyes wide, "wow."
"You like it?" Annabelle smiled and twirled, looking over her shoulder to catch Ben's reaction.
"Understatement of the year," he smirked as his eyes raked her body from head to do, "you look amazing."
"Can you even breathe in that?" Gwil tilted his head, rubbing his chin thoughtfully, "it looks tight."
"It is," Annabelle shrugged, making her already ample cleavage more prominent with the movement and eliciting a gulp from Joe, "and I can."
"Places!" the director's booming voice drew Annabelle's attention back towards the set, "we have a job to do here!"
"Well, enjoy," Annabelle curtsied awkwardly, flashed Ben her lopsided smile and turned, lifting her skirts from the floor and running carefully to take her place.
All the of tension between Jamie and Annabelle seemed to dissipate as they got into their characters, seemingly at the flip of a switch.
"Roll camera... Action!"
The soft renaissance era music started, and Jamie and Annabelle, who stood on opposite sides of the ballroom, locked eyes, making the music stop at once. As if pulled by an unnatural force, they slowly stepped towards one another.
"Mark," Jamie turned to the violinist, his voice commanding, "play a Volta."
Annabelle quirked an eyebrow and smiled seductively at Jamie, batting her eyelashes. As the tune started playing, Jamie bowed gracefully to Annie, who curtsied deeply. He extended a hand for Annabelle, who placed her dainty palm in his big hand with a flourish. He then pulled her towards him, his hands gliding down her arms as he stepped behind her, leaning down to smell her hair.
Releasing her hand, she twirled around him, her skirts billowing with the movement, and surrounded him, their eyes rarely breaking contact. With a quick step, she collided with him as he placed one hand on her hip and gently wrapped his fingers around her neck with the other, leading them in dance steps back and to the side, their eyes fixated on one another, Annie's mouth slightly open with desire.
His hands snaked lower on her hips and he picked her up, lifting her high, looking up at her as he spun around with her in his arms. Spinning, pulling, pushing, the two moved in perfect sync. Another turn, another pull, another step - and she was back in his arms, high up in the air, running her fingers through his hair as the music died down.
"Cut!" The director's voice woke everyone from the spell, "Again!"
As the royal court watched from the sidelines (and the boys from behind the monitor screens), Jamie and Annabelle did what they do best - they teased each other, and everyone else watching, mercilessly.
Ben stood with his arms crossed over his chest, clenching his jaw tighter and tighter as the director demanded more and more takes.
My mind was racing as we kissed. Her hands were everywhere. One second they were playing with my hair, gently tugging, the next they were tracing shapes up and down my back, or holding my face in between them, or grasping at my biceps. Her lips were so incredibly soft and warm, so sweet to taste. Her scent. My God, that smell.
"What're you smiling at?" she mumbled against my lips before taking my bottom lip between her teeth, nibbling and tugging on it gently.
"Wouldn't you like to know?" I smirked.
"I'd love to know," Annabelle gently bit my cheek as I leaned down to attack her neck, making me grunt at the sensation, "tell me?"
"Can't," I shrugged and started kissing along the underside of her jawline, "that's extremely confidential information."
"I can keep a secret!" she squirmed as my lips tickled her neck.
"I know for a fact that what you've just said was a blatant lie."
"Fucking Gwilym."
"Sorry, love," I licked a line from her neck to her lips, "can't reveal my sources."
"Oh, sod off." She groaned and pushed me off of her, only to roll and climb on top of me, her legs on either side of me as she sat right on my groin.
We stared at each other, each daring the other to break and make the first move. Annabelle rolled her hips ever so slightly and raised an eyebrow, waiting for a reaction. I crossed my arms over my head, letting it rest in my hands, and flashed her the toothiest smile I possibly could. She only huffed in response.
"Problem?" I chuckled.
"I can do this all night, Ben."
"So can I."
"That was bloody incredible," Gwil hugged Annabelle so tight her arms flailed theatrically, as the cast and crew members filed out of the set for a much needed break, "I have no words!"
"Air, please!" Annabelle groaned and gasped for air when Gwil finally let her out of his grasp, "thank you!"
"It really was intense," Joe said, his eyes fixed on Annabelle's chest, "I mean, wow."
"Up here, mate," Annabelle snapped her fingers in front of her face, huffing impatiently, "you're acting like these are the first boobs you've ever seen."
"They are one of a kind," Joe retorted, "I'm not even sorry."
"Aw," Annabelle swayed from side to side with a sweet smile, "that's creepy but flattering!"
"Joe, that's my cousin."
"Yeah, I know."
"Stop gawking at her chest then!"
"Tell her chest to stop gawking at me!"
Annabelle only half-listened to their discussion, however. Her eyes searched Ben's face for a reaction, but he kept it even and cool as he looked up and around at the set, scratching the back of his neck.
"Ben?" Annabelle bit the inside of her cheek, "thoughts?"
"You were beautiful," he gave her a sideways glance.
"Right," Annabelle frowned, "but about the scene?"
"I can do it better," he shrugged.
"You heard me," he glanced at her sideways again, "I said I can do it better."
An awkward silence engulfed the group at Ben's remark. Looking from Ben to Annabelle and back again, Joe poked his elbow at Gwil's side and gestured towards the door with his head.
"Well, uh," Joe rolled on his toes and back to his heels, stuffing his hands in his pockets, "we'll leave you two to it, then."
"What do you mean, you can do it better?" Annabelle's face was scrunched up in confusion.
"Teach me," He finally turned to face her, "I'll show you."
"The dance?" she barked out a laugh, "you meant the dance?"
"No," he said, rolling his eyes and licking his lips, his hands firmly placed on his hips, "I meant the craftsmanship of Renaissance dressmaking. Of course I meant the dance!"
"First of all, fuck off," Annabelle scoffed, "second - if you wanted to dance you could have just asked, you know."
"Just shut up and teach me the bloody dance, okay?"
"Fine," she sighed and took his hand to the middle of the floor, "bow."
"Excuse me?"
"Bow," she commanded him, tapping her foot impatiently, "bow down."
"At least buy me dinner before you boss me around..." he muttered but did as he was told.
"Good, that was one." Annabelle sank in a low curtsy, glancing up through her lashes to see Ben lick his lips, sneaking a peek at her, "two. Give me your hand," she said and as he extended his hand to her, she placed hers in his, "three. Now, pull me to you on," Ben tugged at her hand and she came flying to him, clinging to his chest, "four..."
As they went through the motions, Annabelle found that Ben wasn't only an excellent student, but a pretty decent dancer, as well. Other than a few corrections, he hit the nail on the head almost effortlessly.
"Ready to do the whole thing?" she panted, her hands on her hips, smiling at Ben encouragingly.
"Let's see what you've got, love," he teased her and took his place.
At the count of one, Ben took the lead as if it was second nature to him, guiding Annabelle through the steps easily. Ben's mouth was agape in awe as she moved so gracefully around him, his hands gentle but firm on her body as they moved.
"... Eight." He finished counting for them, looking up into her eyes. The light shone into his green eyes, making them sparkle.
Annabelle felt herself slipping down slowly in his arms, her skirts riding up uncomfortably. Just before the tips of her toes touched the floor, she wrapped her arms around Ben's neck, pressing her lips to his softly at first, before he leaned down into her kiss.
"See," he said as they broke apart, "told you, I can do it better."
I watched Annie as she picked up her belongings from around my flat. Every time she came over it's like her bag explodes and its' contents come flying out, landing everywhere. No room is safe. She spotted me following her around and smiled sadly.
"C'mere..." I held my arms out for her to step into and hugged her.
"It's getting late, Ben," she looked up at me, "I really should go."
"What if you didn't?" I asked and bit the inside of my cheek as I waited for her answer.
"What do you mean?"
"You're not as daft as you'd like people to think, Annie," I leaned away from our hug to look into her eyes, "what if you spent the night?"
"Well," she stammered, stumbling over her own words, "I'd love to..."
"But not tonight."
"Annie, you're pooped," I reminded her, "you've been up since practically yesterday, you've had a long day... I mean, look at you!"
"Thanks," she sneered, "you always know just what to say to make a girl feel special."
"You can be as cheeky as you want," I retorted, "but you can't drive like this."
"You can't tell me -"
"For fuck's sake, Annabelle," I stepped back and pointed at her feet, "your bloody socks don't even match!"
She looked down and tilted her head, her lips puckered with curiosity.
"Hm," she nodded slowly, "but you said we were taking it slow."
"I know," I shrugged, "and I still stand behind what I said."
"I don't have a toothbrush."
"I'll give you one," I shrugged, "I have plenty."
"I don't have any clean clothes -"
"I'll let you borrow mine and I do own a washer and drier, you know."
"But I don't have any clean knickers!"
"Go commando. Problem solved." I chuckled, making her blush.
"I'll wash your dirty knickers for you," I cupped her cheeks in my hands and bent my knees, catching her gaze with mine, "stay."
"Ben, believe me, I want to," she looked up at me, her big eyes changing colour from green to blue to a mixture of both like a mood ring, "but I just don't think it's a good idea if we're doing the whole 'taking-it-slow' shebang."
"I promise I'll keep my hands to myself."
"And if I don't want you to?" her breathy voice sent my head reeling with thoughts of the things I could do to her if she'd let me, "and if I can't keep my hands to myself?"
"Then don't."
Taglist: @xgoingdownx @clara-who @violetpond @sweeterthancheese @drummerqueenrmt @westansstuff @rogerinamainbitch @justgivemethekeys @BoRhapRogerina
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dresupi · 5 years
i don’t need therapy, i just need to vent
Darcy Lewis Crack Challenge |  Day 3: Stuck in an air vent | 
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Ship: Darcy Lewis/Axel Cluney |  Rating: T  |  Word Count: 3055 |  Characters: Wade Wilson, Jesse Aaronson | Bedlam, Shatterstar, Axel Cluney | Zeitgeist, | Neena Thurmon | Domino, Cable, Peter (Deadpool) |  Prompt: Day 3 - Stuck in an air vent |  Other Tags: Swearing, Crack, Break-Up, Post Break-Up, Reunited and it feels so good, Humor, Group chat, Awkward, Banter, Fourth wall break | 
Darcy's stuck in an air vent and ofc her ex is the one who comes to unstick her.
Darcy bit down on her bottom lip and released the green 'button' on her phone screen that would connect her to the communication app she'd designed for Wade.. It was a simple enough app, she'd made one for the Avengers too. X-Force just seemed to use it more.
This mission wasn't supposed to be this complicated. It was supposed to be a quick job. One and done. Break in, steal the intel, sneak out.
But of course, it didn't go that way, because the universe hated Darcy Lewis. Hate, hate, hate, capital H.
Okay, maybe it didn't hate her, but it certainly loved fucking up things that were supposed to be easy and then laughing at her while she scrambled.
She probably shouldn't have tried to do this alone. She was technically a field agent, but mostly, everyone wanted her for tech. And the intel she'd stolen was about that. But field agenting was something she was still green at. But Cable had needed the intel, and everyone else glazed over when she started talking about dismantling the firewall, so. Here she was.
"What is it, Monkey?" Wade's voice responded.
"Wade," she replied.
"Use our code names, dearheart."
"WADE. This is a private channel. No one's hacking in, I promise."
"Still not right, but I can tell by your tone that things aren't exactly peachy keen, so I'll let that slide. My code name is Rainbow Smash, in case you forgot."
She hadn't. But he was right about the' no time' thing. "Look. I got the intel Cable asked for. That part was easy."
"Okay, I sense a but in the future. Or a, however. Probably a but."
"It's a but. These idiots came back from wherever the hell they were and now I'm stuck in this vent because if I shimmy out the way I came in, I'll not only alert everyone in this building with the resulting rumble, I'll probably get mowed down by assault rifles before I can even squeeze out of the vent."
"Where are you now?"
She looked around, her surroundings not helping in the slightest, so she pressed against the smartwatch on her wrist, swiping through all the screens until she found the infrared map.  "Directly above the barracks. No one's there currently, but they will be in a few hours. And the longer I stay put, the more likely this vent will give way and I'll fall into AIM barracks on my ass."
"Damn those AIM bastards for needing a tight ten and a half every night…" Wade muttered. "Listen. We'll get you out. Just sit tight. I'll send someone in to get you."
"Right. Because another person in the vents is what we need."
"Look, you can't go crawling over their heads and risking them hearing you unless we got a clear shot out.  Plus. Two is better than one."
"Only if one of the two is Cable," she countered.
"So you're sending Cable?
"Did I not say noted?" he asked.
Darcy rolled her eyes. "Yes. But that doesn't always mean you're doing what I asked."
"I will do what's best for you, Monkey."
She sighed. "Give me an approximate wait time."
"Seven minutes."
"Okay. I'll chill for seven, and if no one's here, I'm calling you back."
"I'd expect nothing less."
She exhaled and lay her head down on her folded arms and started to count four hundred and twenty Mississippis.
Approximately three-hundred-ninety Mississippis later
"Incoming, Monkey," Wade's voice rang in her ear.
"Cable?" she asked hopefully.
"Nah. But I got you the next best thing."
She raised her head off her folded arms, watching as a very familiar face crawled around the corner in the vents. But it wasn't Cable.
"Axel!" she exclaimed, frowning as her ex continued army crawling towards her.
She got back on her comm. "Wade. WADE! I asked for Cable."
"Sorry to disappoint you," Axel replied, his voice on a slight delay in her ear as well.
"Why are you on my comm when you're right there?" she asked.
"Oh right. I kind of have everyone on the same channel. Or Bedlam did. I don't have admin access anymore," Wade replied.
She would facepalm, but she was kind of in an air vent, so she sighed heavily. "Who else is here?"
"Hiya Darce!" came Domino's bright greeting. "Cable's also here, but he's not talking. Typical."
"I would if I had something to say," was his terse reply. "Shatterstar's here too, pick on him instead."
"Only in spirit, I couldn't fit in Doppinder's cab," was the curt response.
She pressed her lips together in frustration. "Wade. I asked specifically for Cable."
"Zeitgeist is the next best thing."
Hardly. She turned her gaze to Axel's. She almost couldn't look at him. Pain bloomed right over her heart and she swallowed back the lump in her throat. This wasn't funny. This was raw and painful and the worst timing of ever for her to have to face him again.
"I don't mean to be rude," she began.
"Cable couldn't fit through the vents, so I'm here," Axel said sharply. "I'm pulling you out because I don't want you to get shot to pieces. Can we please put our personal shit to the side for the next half hour?"
"Yeah," she mumbled, embarrassed to be so perfectly called out for all the right reasons. This was work. Not some awkward night at Sister Margaret's where they caught each others' eyes and slunk to opposite tables, Darcy taking Cable and Domino, mostly because Cable was already sitting across the room from everyone else.
"Awesome," Axel said with a cool smirk.
"Aww, you guys…" Wade cooed on the comm.  Both Darcy and Axel chose to ignore him, as did everyone else in the comm group chat
Axe switched to business mode immediately. Which Darcy was still in charge of her brain enough to admit was totally hot. "Follow me around the corner and they'll pull my cord, yank us both out slowly."
"How did they not hear you?" she asked.
"I crawled in over the laundry room. There was a load in the dryer so they couldn't hear me crawling. Won't have that luxury on the way back, so it's good they're dragging us." He shot her a quick smile that faded immediately. Almost like he'd forgotten for a second that they weren't in flirty banter mode.
"Heya Darce. Bedlam here…" The lower voice immediately shocked her until she remembered that they were all here. All of X-Force. Why Bedlam hadn't piped in during her impromptu roll call, she didn't know.
"Sure, what is it, B?" she asked, slowly moving around the corner.
"I'm out here on the roof with the pulley. Just letting you know that we gotta drag you slowly so the cord we attached to Axe won't snap."
"I'm not that heavy, am I?" Darcy joked.
"What? No! Not in the slightest, but this is a different sort of weight than it's used to. Just wanted to let ya know… … You're not big. You're not. Not what I meant."
Axel snickered a little, stopping when Darcy shot him a look.  "What? You're not."
"It's fine, let's just get a move on, okay?" she replied.
A bead of sweat dripped down her forehead as she followed Axel around the corner. It was an awkward squeeze, but she finally made it.
"Okay. grab my hands," Axel said, holding both out in front of him.
"Just making sure, but… you're feeling alright, aren't you? You're not hungover, or nauseated, or claustrophobic or anything, are you?"
He shot her a look. "If I was, I wouldn't be doing this," he said. His tone taking on a much softer tone that called back to something Darcy wasn't ready to revisit just yet. The break up was too fresh.
She simply nodded tersely and held out both arms towards him.  He gripped her gloved hands tightly
"We're ready," he said.
Slowly, they began to inch forward. Backward for Axel, but down the vent, regardless.
Bedlam had been right. It was slow. Achingly slow.
"D, you alright, baby?" Bedlam's voice came into her comm and she nodded before stopping herself and actually replying out loud.
"Doing fine. I don't weigh too much for the cord, do I?" she teased, even though her heart wasn't in it, what with being dragged slowly through the vent by her ex and all.
"Darcy… you know that's not what I meant. You're a good healthy weight." He paused before continuing, "We'll have both of ya outta there soon."
"Umm…" A decidedly more timid voice joined in. "Is there any way I can mute you guys?"
Axel frowned, tilting his head as he tried to recognize the voice. "Peter?"
Darcy groaned in protest. "Wade. Is Peter with you guys?" He had to stop bringing him to dangerous places like this.
"No, actually…" Wade replied.
"I'm at my nephew's bar mitzvah," Peter replied.
"Why do you have your comm with you?" Bedlam asked, sounding slightly perturbed.
"Well. After Darcy set it up for me, I didn't want to mess it up, so it just… pairs to my headset automatically…"
"Well, just unpair your headset," Darcy said. This was actually something she knew how to fix. "It should send the call back to the app on your phone, and you can disconnect."
"Oh great. Thank you!" Peter sounded relieved, so they all waited a few moments, Axe and herself slowly inching down the vent the whole while. A snail was probably faster.
"Uh oh…" Peter's voice sounded distinctly more echo-y. As did the background noise. Which very quickly became numerous groans of anguish.
"What is uh-oh?" Darcy asked.
"I might have… sent the group chat to the DJ's Bluetooth speakers…"
"Disconnect from the speakers," Darcy exclaimed. "Peter. Just disconnect from--"
At that moment, she and Axe stopped moving. Since they weren't moving fast to begin with, it wasn't jarring, but he grunted out a sound that vaguely registered to her as pain, so she abruptly snapped her attention to him.
"I'm caught on something," he said. "Stop pulling." He released her hands and slipped his arm down his side, rummaging around before ceasing all movement entirely. He exhaled loudly. "Shit."
"Language!" Peter chastised. "You're still on the DJ's Bluetooth… I'm so sorry, these are my coworkers… that last part was for the bar mitzvah guests," he explained. "But really, if you could all watch your language."
"We're kind of in deep doo-doo, here, Peter," Darcy hissed.
"Thank you. Just like that. Thanks, Darcy."
"For the love of--"
"It's my tact belt," Axel concluded, looking back at Darcy. "Something's snagged."
"Great. Take off the belt and we'll go," she said.
"Not that easy, I can't fit it through the loops with everything attached to it. I also can't reach where I'm snagged, so…"
She sighed. "So I need to? Is that what you're so eloquently refusing to ask me?"
He made some sort of movement that was probably supposed to be a shrug. "Well yes. I can't quite bend that way. You're smaller."
"You are," Bedlam piped in, happy to finally be able to save his ass from his combined weight statement before. "You're so much smaller and--"
"Shut it, both of you. Left or right?" she asked, nodding once when Axel jutted his head to the left.
Darcy let go of his hands, inching forward until she could hook her chin over his shoulder and reach down to where he was snagged. She couldn't see what she was doing, but she could definitely smell his cologne and aftershave and laundry detergent. It made her eyes water, but not in a 'jesus-christ-stop-wearing-so-much-product' kind of way. It was more of a triggered memory kind of thing, and she didn't like this in the slightest.
"Okay, I think I found where to unpair the speakers," Peter said.
"Glory be," she deadpanned. "I was waiting with bated breath."
She felt Axel snicker a little, but she didn't really want to think about him at all. She just wanted this to be over. And the sooner she could swear again, the better.
"Uh-oh. Again…" Peter lamented.
"What now?" Axel asked.
"Instead of unpairing, I think I hit the stream button. Now we've got video streaming on the digital projector on the stage…" Peter replied.
"Video of what, exactly?" Darcy asked.
"Zeitgeist's helmet has a cam on it," was Bedlam's response.
"So you're seeing what Axe is seeing?" Darcy asked. "Which is what? Dark tunnel?"
"Well, considering my head is on your shoulder, I'm looking down your backside…" Axel said.
"Turn your head immediately!" Darcy said, sliding her hand around to finally unhook whatever it was from his tact belt.  
"I wasn't doing it on purpose," Axel said softly. "Promise."
"I don't care if you see it. This is just work, right?"
"Right," he said with a short nod.
"But Peter's nephew's bar mitzvah doesn't need to see it. Peter, turn off your phone and leave it off until you leave again."
"I'm so sorry, Darcy," Peter sounded sincere. He always did, but she couldn't be anything but terse right now.
"I know, babe. Just… turn it off completely, should unlink you from everything."
"Peter has left the chat," a robotic voice informed everyone.
She slid the items out of Axel's tact belt and into her hand. She scooted back and handed them to him. It looked like ninja stars, but knowing Axe, it was likely some kind of poisonous lethal weapon of some kind.  Or else it was food disguised as a weapon. "Here. Put that somewhere else."
Waiting for them to start getting tugged again, she reached for his hands as they began to gently move down the vent once more.
Darcy avoided Axel's gaze until they reached the end and he slid out the vent and got out of her way. They were at the opposite end of the roof. There was a small drop, but nothing she couldn't handle if she was flipped around.
Which she wasn't, so she waffled, frowning a little until Axel reached up and plucked her from the vent and into his brief, but lingering embrace.
Bedlam was there, unhooking his cord/pulley system from Axel and the outside of the vent. He snapped the whole thing back into a small box and gestured to the side of the building. "We'll have to rappel down the side of the building there. Doppinder's got his cab waiting out front.
"Are you kidding? He's just idling out there? I thought he dropped everyone off!"
"The others are with him. Cable and Domino. Wade."
"So Domino's keeping everyone safe and Wade and Cable are just…" she trailed off.
"Superfluous, yes," replied Bedlam.
"Well, if Domino's there. It's a shame y'all didn't think to send her into the vent," Darcy joked. "She would have fit and maybe some of her luck would have rubbed off."
Bedlam shifted awkwardly, glanced over at Axel, and gestured to the side of the roof. "I'll set in the grappling hooks. T-minus two minutes."
Darcy watched him leave, frowning a little. "That was weird. I guess he's in a hurry?" she said, taking a step towards him, but stopping because Axel had grabbed her hand.
"Look, I might as well tell you. I volunteered to go in after you."
She frowned. "Why? It would have been easier if--"
"You know I'm a control freak. I wanted to know first hand that you were alright. I couldn't have just… sat down there in the cab and listened. Wade had to send me."
"I would have been fine--"
"I wanted to save you, okay?"
"You didn't save me. You assisted me."
He smirked. "Fine. I wanted to assist you…" He trailed off. "Long story short, I want to be the one you call when you need help, okay?"
"You kind of lost that perk when we decided I couldn't call you for anything else."
"We nothing. You decided that."
"Bull. You're the one who said you were dangerous," she countered. "Too dangerous, if I recall. That whole bullshit superhero excuse that is so old it should be called the Steve Rogers."
"I know what I said. I regret it and I'm sorry. But you were the one who ended things."
"Because you kept Steve Rogering me into non-committal booty-call purgatory! Do you know how many nights of sleep I've lost over you?"
"No, tell me. I'll make up for each one." He raised his eyebrows a little, his tone monotonous and droning.
She laughed. "Ass. You know I don't lose sleep for anything."
"But I understand the sentiment. I'm sorry if being my non-committed booty-call made you feel anything less than wonderful."
"This past month's been a whole lot less than wonderful, Axe."
"Look, I know. It's been hell for me too. I want to do this the right way. I want to be the one you call for everything. Doesn't matter what. You made too many cookies? Call me. You're lonely and you don't want to fall asleep alone, call me."
"What if I need tampons?"
"Call me," he said, chuckling a little.
"Um. Hi. Ms. Lewis? Mr… Geist? Just letting you know, you were talking way longer than two minutes," Doppinder said over the comm. "Not to interrupt, but the meter is running…"
"Oh my god," Darcy reached into her pocket, scrambling to disconnect from the app on her phone. Axel did the same, but everyone had already heard. "Doppinder's on the comm?"
"He's why Wade doesn't have admin privileges anymore," explained Axel. They both turned and ran towards a very impatient Bedlam.
They all three rappelled down the side of the building and made a break for Doppinder's cab. Slipping into the backseat, Axel squeezed between Bedlam and Cable. Darcy hopped into Domino's lap, her legs stretched out over everyone else's.
Wade reached for the handle beside his head as Doppinder peeled out and turned around.
Domino glanced over at Axel after a long quiet moment. "Will you pick up tampons for me, too?"
Axel shrugged. "Text me a picture, so I know which ones to get."
Darcy's mouth quirked up a little. She was so gonna kiss his brains out later.
Wait. She didn't have to be so PG, she could swear again...
Eh. You know what I mean.
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