#so now i’m definitely gonna get yelled at by the gym
prettyboysmlm · 1 year
istg i’m gonna kms
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hqbaby · 4 months
five — crush them
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mess it up — gojo x reader & sukuna x reader
⁀➴ when i told you i’m fine, you were lied to. when the love of your life falls for someone else, you decide to move on—by pretending to date your best friend, the campus fuckboy.
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word count. 1.9k content. profanity, lots of stress first thing in the morning
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When you wake up, you’re vaguely aware of the foot on your face. And the elbow pressed against your thigh. And the hand on your knee. And the drool on your sheets.
You open your eyes, blinking as they adjust to the light, and look over at Sukuna, spread out on the mattress in a deep slumber. There’s an impulse to kick him, an impulse to laugh at how he hasn’t changed at all, still as much of a restless sleeper as he was in high school. But there’s another impulse—to jump out of your bed because you are so fucking late for training.
“Holy shit!” you exclaim, throwing Sukuna’s leg off of you as you practically crawl out of bed, half of your body still asleep while the other fights for its life to get up. “I’m gonna die!”
Sukuna’s awake now, eyes wide with panic as he watches you scramble to your closet and grab your shorts, shirt, socks. “What?” he says loudly, scrambling to get up too. “What’s happening?”
You pull your shirt off, completely ignoring the fact that you’re getting undressed in front of your well-known pervert of a best friend, as you search for a sports bra in your dresser. “I’m late!” you say, more to yourself than to him. “Coach is gonna have my head!”
“What?” he says again, louder this time, as he topples out of your bed, his head hitting the floor. “Fuck!”
You glance over at him. He’s rubbing his forehead as he searches for his hoodie. “Why are you panicking?” you ask, panicked.
“Because you’re panicking!” he says. He finds his hoodie and pulls it on, quickly rushing for your bedroom door. “I’ll drive you! You can change in the car!”
You’re standing in your bedroom in nothing but your bra and pajamas, hands full of clothes. If you were thinking clearly right now, you’d tell him he was being stupid. There’s no way in hell you’re going to get changed in his car. What is he even doing here in the first place? But your better judgment has escaped you and the only thought in your head is loud and blaring: You’re late.
“Move faster!” you tell him, grabbing your tennis bag in the corner and rushing past him. At least you have enough sense to not forget your phone and house keys before you’re running out of the apartment, Sukuna hot on your heels.
The two of you eschew the elevator, both knowing just how much time you’ll lose waiting for it, and run down the three flights of stairs to the parking lot.
“Where’s your car?” you yell at him over your shoulder. It occurs to you then how ridiculous you must look, half-dressed and completely deranged. You can’t bring yourself to care.
He points at the beat-up thing at the end of the parking lot. “There!” he says, tossing you the keys. “Go!”
You run ahead and start the car, jumping into the backseat as Sukuna finally catches up to you and gets in the driver’s seat. He steps on the gas as you haphazardly change into your clothes before checking to see the time. 
You’re ten minutes late as it is. You are so going to pay for this.
“Can’t you go any faster?” you ask him, smoothing out the creases in your shirt.
“Not if you don’t want to die.”
“I’m already gonna die!”
He swerves onto campus grounds, speeding as the car darts straight towards the sports complex. “If we die, do you think we’re going to hell?”
“Definitely,” you say, already on the edge of your seat as he pulls up in front of the gym. “Bye!”
You rush out of the car, running past a group of bewildered guys from the basketball team as you zoom ahead, running on pure adrenaline. When you get to the gates of the tennis court, you stop dead in your tracks.
Your bag.
You’re running back, already out of breath when you bump—well, crash into something. Or, to be more specific, someone.
There’s a moment when you feel your legs give under you and you’re ready to fall onto the ground. You hope that it’s a clean fall, one that won’t end in you dissolving into a puddle of flesh and bones. You wait for the fall, the pain, the terror.
And it never comes.
Instead, you feel two hands on your waist. A chest against yours. A voice saying your name with concern.
You look up.
His eyes are on you, searching for any signs of injury, any signs of distress. His grip on you is tight and familiar. His gaze is scrutinizing, but oh so comfortable.
There’s an impulse to cry to him and tell him that you’re late for training. That you’ll probably never see you again because you’re going to die very soon. That you want him to hold you forever. That you miss him. That you want him back.
You jump away, not allowing yourself to melt into his touch even if your body is screaming at you to let it. “Shit, I’m sorry,” you say as you try to find your balance. You realize that one of his hands is still on your waist. “I didn’t see—”
Another voice calls your name.
Sukuna runs towards you with your bag in hand. His footfalls slow when he sees you. When he sees Satoru.
“You forgot your bag,” he says, blinking as he processes the picture before him. You and your beloved ex who has his hand on you. “I thought you were late.”
You don’t have time for this, you decide, rushing over to grab your bag from him. “I am,” you say, already turning to run back to the court. “Thanks!”
You’re leaving before either of the two men can say a word.
“Finally gracing us with your presence?” your coach, Yuki, says as you step onto the court. To your relief, she doesn’t look too upset, even slightly amused. “Had somewhere better to be?”
“No, coach, I’m sorry,” you say as you take your place beside Mai. The rest of the girls on the team look at you with worry, confusion. “It won’t happen again.”
She crosses her arms over her chest and sighs. “You know what to do.”
You hang your head. “How many?”
“Five,” she says, hands already waving you off. “Go, go. We’re doing drills.”
You nod, dropping your bag on the benches before going off to do laps around the court.
It’s only as you’re running that the whole morning dawns on you. You woke up next to Sukuna. You got undressed in the back of his car. You literally ran into Satoru. And Sukuna found you with him.
It shouldn’t bother you as much as it does that your best friend who, yes, you are dating but only as a ruse, saw you with your ex. But it still leaves a weird feeling lingering in your chest, like a cough that’s just waiting to explode.
What should bother you more is how you were so ready to fold for Satoru. And, yet, that somehow feels right. It’s like you always knew you’d want to run back to him given the chance. It’s like you never wanted to leave in the first place.
As you hit your fourth lap, one thought strikes you: You don’t feel as tired as you usually are.
The past three weeks have been a haze of sleepless nights that have rendered you useless in the morning. You go to class, go to training, find it in yourself to eat, then lie in bed wide awake. Any moments of rest have quickly been interrupted by your recurring night terrors.
But you slept well. A solid few hours of dreamless sleep. As much as you want to deny it, you can’t help but think that it has something to do with the fact that you didn’t sleep alone. That Sukuna was right there beside you the whole time.
“What’s up with you?” Mai asks, handing you a bottle of water when you finally finish your laps. “You’re not usually this out of it.”
You take a swig of water and wipe your forehead with a towel. “Just a weird morning.”
She doesn’t buy it, because who would? So she stares at you, hard eyes waiting for an answer. While both Maki and Mai are capable of being completely terrifying, there’s just something about Mai that makes you shrink back, want to run and hide.
“The breakup’s been tough,” you tell her, immediately regretting it as soon as you say it. You can’t believe you’ve become the kind of girl who falls apart because of a guy. It’s embarrassing, but now you realize it’s probably warranted at times. Especially times like these. “It’s just a bad time.”
She raises a brow. “You can’t let it get in the way though,” she reminds you. “We have a tournament next week. I’m not losing my scholarship because you’ve decided to slack off.”
Now, that strikes a chord. That lights a fire. That starts a challenge. Like fuck are you going to let her think you’re slacking off.
“Fuck you,” you say, putting your water bottle down. You take your racket out and nod towards the court. Two of your teammates are already on the other side of the net. “Let’s crush them.”
She grins at that. “That’s my girl.”
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“You can’t let her egg you on like that,” Maki says, watching as you slather yourself with Salonpas on the floor of your living room. “She’s just being a bitch. Like always.”
“I know,” you tell her. You wince as your muscles tense beneath your touch. “But she’s right. I can’t let Satoru get in the way.”
Your friend eyes you suspiciously. You can tell that she wants to say something, but she’s clearly holding her tongue.
She feigns innocence. “What?”
“You have something to say,” you tell her. “So say it.”
Maki shrugs. “Nothing.”
“It’s not nothing.”
“It is.”
She stretches out on your couch, her head lolling to the side as she lies down. Avoiding your eyes, she says, “Maybe it’s not just Satoru who’s getting in the way.”
“What do you mean?” you ask. “I haven’t broken up with anyone else.”
“Sure,” she says, looking at you now. “But you and Sukuna have been spending an awful lot of time together.”
You find yourself shaking your head automatically, as if you were just waiting for her to say that. “That’s stupid.”
Maki gives you a knowing look. “Okay,” she says and drops the subject completely. She knows you, and she knows you’re definitely going to be stubborn about this. Because there really is nothing going on with Sukuna. He’s just your friend, nothing more. “So what are we having for dinner?”
“Do you mean what are you going to buy me for dinner?”
The two of you bicker before deciding on heating leftovers from the other night. You’re not exactly sure that the leftovers in question are still edible but that hasn’t stopped you before.
While Maki raids the fridge, you unplug your phone from where it’s charging by the couch. And that’s when you see it. Or, well, them.
booger: i left my sunglasses at ur place
booger: give them back tnx
satoru <3 : i hope training was okay
satoru <3 : can we talk sometime?
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notes. idk about you guys but i would run back to gojo at the first chance too 🧍‍♀️
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animeangel21 · 2 years
Back scratches 18+
Just imagine:
You and iwaizumi got out of bed and as always got ready together. He was up before you were and went to the bathroom wearing some loose fitted sweats, shirtless cause of your late night activities.
He looked in the mirror and he wasn’t bothered by the scratches you left on his chest. You got up and started brushing your teeth while he hopped in the shower and you even laid his clothes out for him too.
Iwa wasn’t fazed by the slight sting on his chest but once the hot water hit his back it stung like hell. He just clenched his jaw and finished his shower.
Once he was out the shower he turned around and angled his head to look at the damage and his eyes widened. “This little minx..”
You had your clothes ready and walked in the bathroom and glanced at his back and your face changed completely from neutral to a slight grin as you tried not to laugh.
“Don’t you dare laugh.” He said looking up at you with his toothbrush dangling from his mouth.
“It’s a little funny Haji.I’m sorry”You turned away and laughed silently.
“You’re a little devil that’s what you are.” He said wiping his face and looking down at you before kissing you.
“You’re lucky I love you. You have to deal with the consequences too though.” He said and walked out to get dressed.
“What’s that supposed to mean?!” You yelled getting in the shower.
“Just wait.” He mumbled shaking his head reminiscing about yesterday. He should’ve held your hands down instead of letting you pull him closer. He should’ve felt the pain afterwards or even while he had you folded in half. Definitely should’ve been careful when he let you ride him.
He was dressed and ready and watched as you too got ready. He watched as you got ready and started applying your make up. He admired the light marks on your neck from his mouth and hands. He’d make sure you had a few more tonight.
Once you were ready and went to school, it dragged forever till you went to iwas practice.
Hajime walked into the locker room and dropped his bag on the bench and without a second thought removed his shirt and oikawa was the first to speak.
“Iwa-Chan Your back looks like you were attacked by stray cats.” He said covering his mouth as he tried not to laugh.
Mattsun looked over and he shook his head and laughed. “Yeah, a feisty kitten named y/n”
“Maybe you should try handcuffs or nail cutters or here’s another thought, don’t try to murder the girl” makki said sarcastically while tilting his head and observing.
“ just cause you little shits can’t make a girl do that doesn’t mean you should comment. Also, don’t come for me I’m not the culprit.” Hajime stated while fixing his shirt.
“Whatever went on there. Keep doing it but we can only pray for your back and chest” oikawa said before exiting the locker room but not before slapping his best friend on the back.
“SHITTYKAWA COME BACK HERE!” He said chasing after oikawa and grabbing a volleyball from the basket and throwing it at oikawas head.
“AHH IWA CHAN THAT HURTS” he yelled from halfway across the gym.
Oikawa approached you and hid behind you. “Y/n please, cut your nails down or something. Iwa is very tense.” He whispered and you laughed.
“Not my fault. If it’s really good it’s really good.” You said shrugging your shoulders.
“UGH, YOU NASTY FUCKS” oikawa said out loud running from you as your boyfriend approached you.
“My poor baby” you gave him a fake pout and he rolled his eyes.
“This is your fault baby” he said lacing his fingers with yours and you smiled.
“No, that is your fault my love. Nobody told you to be so rou-” he cut you off with a kiss by pulling you closer by the hand and keeping your fingers laced.
“ but you like it that way. Now sit there and look pretty so I can do it again later.” He said with a smirk.
“I will baby. Can’t wait to add more to the collection.” You said and he just kissed you.
What you didn’t know though was he wouldn’t let you do that cause he was gonna restrain your hands tonight.
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bxeckersz · 4 months
Game Days | kate martin x female reader
Summary: you’re a cheerleader at University of Iowa and you and your girlfriend, Kate Martin, a girl on the basketball team are getting ready for a home game together. And game days are always hectic.
“baby, have you seen my jersey?” Kate says to me, walking into the room in a sports bra as I spray hairspray onto my brunette hair.
“check the laundry room” I reply, putting my hair into a slick ponytail, attaching my yellow and black bow to it. I’m already dressed with my black and yellow cheer skirt and shirt on.
“okay” she says, walking out of the room. Me and Kate met at a practice when the girls team barged in.
They sometimes barge into our cheer practices in the gym. We never mind though, sometimes we watch their plays and think of new cheers to do based off of them.
I never really payed attention to the basketball team that much, only focused on my sport until I spotted Kate in my freshman year. We became best friends, spending every second together.
My team had put us together, as they realized I always talked about her. I thought it was silly at first, but now I thank them everyday for putting us together.
“Kate!” I yell. “Huh?” she replies. “Where are my pom-poms?” I say. “I don’t know but i’ll look!” She yells back as I start to hear shuffling. “Okay! Thanks baby!” I yell.
Kate walks back into our shared bedroom, her jersey and my pom-poms in her hand. “found it” She smiles and sets my pom-poms onto my vanity. I giggle and apply my bright red lipstick. I hear Kates phone ringing and she picks it up, setting it down on the bed.
“yeah?” She says. “Where are you and Mel?” I hear and I realize it’s Caitlin and Kennise, a freshman on their team. “We’re getting ready, why?” She replies, looking back up at me as I apply the finishing touches to my make up.
“Hurry ya’ll asses up” Kennise says through the phone. I laugh at her sentence. Kennise is definitely on the unhinged side, saying anything she wants, anytime.
“alright, alright.” Kate says, hanging the phone up. “you ready to go?” Kate says to me, noticing i’ve finished my make up. “bro, i can’t find my fucking shoes” I whine, looking all over the room. “baby, you literally just had them yesterday.” Kate groans.
I always misplace my things. It’s never on purpose, obviously. “Can you just help me and shut the fuck up” I say to her.
“Quit it with that damn attitude, Melissa.” Kate says, sternly. “Bro just help me, god fucking damn” I say, getting more irritated by the second. I hear Kate scoff and she walks into the living room, starting to move stuff around.
I hear my phone vibrating from the side of me as i look for my shoes and it’s my teammate, Kayla.
“Yes?” I say, picking the call up and putting it on speaker phone to continue looking for my shoes. “Where the fuck are you? Coach wants us to go over some cheers” She says from the phone.
“God. I’m looking for my damn shoes.” I say. Coach hates it when we’re late. “Hurry the fuck up.” She says through the phone before hanging up.
I walk into the living room seeing Kate on the couch, ready to go, my shoes right next to her. “Were you not gonna tell me you fucking found them?” I say, slipping them on.
“no” She says, walking towards the door. I quickly run into the room to grab my bag and jog back out. We walk out and get into her car, heading towards the arena.
“What’s wrong with you?” I ask, noticing her body language. I know Kate like the back of my hand.
I’ve memorized every tongue click, glance, glare, thigh shake, and so much more and exactly what they mean. Kate was pissed off right now.
I watched as she tapped the steering wheel. Her hand wasn’t on my thigh as usual, there was no music playing, her jaw was clenched, her thigh was shaking angrily.
“nothing” She murmured, turning into the arena. “Kate whats wrong. We’re not doing this right now.” I say as she parks. “Just nervous is all.” She says, hopping out to grab our bags and open my door.
I hop out of the car, grabbing my bag from her. “Baby, you’re gonna do great. Don’t worry, okay?” I say as we walk into the arena where we see our teams.
“Thanks, baby.” She says, giving me a hug. “Good luck” I reply, giving her a kiss. “I love you” I say, pulling away. “I love you.” She says. I quickly flash her a smile before I run over to my team.
“Did i miss anything?” I ask, my teammate, Callie. “Yes, bro. We went over like 9 cheers” She says. “oh, shit. My bad, guys I say.
“Yeah, yeah. Just cmon so we can run some more.” She says. “Alright” I reply, walking over to the rest of the team.
Iowa won that game, 90-78.
thanks for reading!!! definitely gonna start writing more!! Also, did ya’ll notice i threw kennise in thereee..
She’s so underrated and deserves so much more hype, I swear.
hope you guys enjoyed ittt
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thomatri · 1 month
Kiss Boy
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Synopsis- you have a fat crush on Atsumu only one problem he’s straight…or is he?
Paring- Atsumu Miya x mreader
“So when you gonna ask Atsumu out?” Suna asks randomly as Osamu,him and I eat lunch. Atsumu sometimes eats with us but today he’s eating lunch with his other friends
“Uh never that dude like the most straightest person ever” I say rolling my eyes
“But you like him?” Osamu says
“Hey! I can’t help who I like” I say glaring
“Well I mean you can’t keep pretending you don’t like him” Suna says
“And why is that” I ask
“Cause it’s clearly making you depressed I’m sure you’d feel better if you just told him” Suna says shrugging and I sigh
“You should really join the volleyball team man” Atsumu says with a smile, him,Suna,Osamu and I are walking to the gym together for there practice and me to watch like we always do
“Nah I hate playing sports, but I’ll gladly watch y’all play” I say smiling at him
“Dang worth a shot Kita would love you on the team, and me of course” Atsumu says smirking at me and I roll my eyes avoiding eye contact so he doesn’t see my embarrassed face
“Chop chop love birds” Osamu says and I glare
“I’m coming dang” Atsumu says. Maybe I’m just delusional but he didn’t deny us being love birds
Suna notices my delusional and smirks
Practice feels shorter today for some reason maybe it’s just the fact I’m watching them instead of playing but on our way to the subway station our being Osamu,Atsumu and Suna of course Suna decides to ask dumb ass questions to Atsumu of course
“Hey Atsumu are You Gay?” Suna asks and Atsumu looks hella confused. Osamu snickers and I glare
“What type of question is that?!” Atsumu asks rightfully confused
Suna shrugs
“Well no im not Gay maybe a little bi never really gave it much thought” he says shocking all of us
“Is this how I find out my brother a homosexual”
“What the hell. Did you want me to make a rainbow sign announcing it?!”
Osamu actually considers it but shrugs
“I’m surprised I thought you were straight or definitely homophobic” Suna says snickering glancing at me
“Nah Y/n gay” he says and I stop
“Your gay arent ya?” Atsumu asks confused like he said something wrong
“I mean yeah but how’d you know?” I ask continuing to walk with Atsumu as Suna and Osamu have walked ahead of us
“Well It’s kinda obvious and I heard you and Suna talking about some guy you like” he says and I’m shocked and embarrassed
“I’m actually kinda hurt you didn’t tell me” he says chuckling
“Well I definitely planned to” I say cursing myself for what I’m about to say
“Really? When?” He asks
“I can right now” I say trying to ignore everything telling me not to
“Oh ok” he says and we’re engulfed in silence as I contemplate how to word it for a second
“Uh well” I start
“Is it Suna?” He asks
“WHAT NO” I say looking at him shocked
“Oh carry on” he says laughing and I smile god I could listen to his laugh all day
“I like you Atsumu” I say and he stops walking
“REALLY?!” He says and now I’m shocked again by his reaction idk what I expected but him yelling really wasn’t it
“Seriously?” He asks
“Seriously” I say shrugging trying to seek non chalont but inside I’m dying screaming throwing up
“Why?” He asks and I stare
“Uh your hot,funny,a great person,hot” I say shrugging
“I noticed how smart wasn’t on that list” he says glaring and I snicker
“You have other great qualities” I say shrugging with a closed eyed smirk
I open my eyes in shock when I feel Atsumu lips on mine
He brings a hand of cup my face and I lean into the kiss
We kiss until we’re out of breath
“Holy shit” He says
“Your a pretty good kisser for someone who’s never had a first kiss” he says smirking and I roll my eyes
“Can’t believe you remember that” I say and he laughs
“Fuck we missed the subway” I say and we both start to panic
No Suna or Osamu in sight
All of a sudden I get a call from Suna
“hey pookie” Suna says
“Shut the hell up where are y’all” I ask annoyed
“Boo your no fun, we’re on the subway we thought y’all could use a moment so I’ll just pick y’all up, Osamu already old there parents there spending a night at my place” Suna says
“Thank god you have a car,but don’t pull this stupid shit again” I say trying to stay mad but still extremely thankful he did this
“Damn a little thank you would be nice, trust I won’t though spending gas money just so you two idiots can get together. This is a one time thing” Suna says and I hear Osamu laugh
“Thanks,seriously” I say smiling
“No problemo friendo”
“See ya” Osamu says as Suna hangs up
“Welp” I say
“We’re stuck in the middle of the night alone” I say shrugging and Atsumu is grinning
“What’s got you so happy?” I ask giving him a confused look and he shrugs with his smile still painting his face
“Nothing just happy your my boyfriend” he says and I’m stunned not gonna,ain’t expect him to say that but I smirk
“Oh? You never asked me out”
“Will you be my boyfriend Y/n L/n” he says seriously and I almost bust out laughing
“Yes of course Atsumu Miya” I say smiling at my new boyfriend
After going to a park,calling my parents to let them know I’m spending a night at Suna which thankfully they ran with cause until he got to us we had no way home, and making out with Atsumu we finally got to Suna place where we both painted each others nails
Atsumu thought it made him look a little to feminine and Osamu just didn’t want to which we both didn’t complain about obviously
“I want all the juicy details” Osamu says finding a movie on Suna laptop
“Well I thought Y/n liked Suna, he confessed we kissed and I asked him out” Atsumu says and Osamu gives him a disgusted look
“That was the vaguest explanation ever I said details boy” Osamu says rolling his eyes and Atsumu glared and I groan knowing there about to argue
“Look Atsumu my nails” I say trying to distract him
“Ooo there pretty can you do mine” he says beaming and Suna snickers
“What happened to it’s too feminine” Suna says with a hand on his hip
“Damn your right hmm just do one hand I wanna match with Y/n” Atsumu asks and I laugh
“Alr loverboy” Suna says starting to paint the bleached haired boys nails
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hope-drunk · 2 years
- flowers | a. anderson
| you get abby flowers for valentine’s day, she gives you something better in return
| content warning: fem!reader, oral (r receiving), pet names (baby, princess), top!abby, bottom!reader, established relationship, barely proofread, not accurate description of how flowers grow but it’s the apocalypse so idc, definitely ooc manny, mushy abby and reader, idk i just wanted to write a valentine’s day fic LOL
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“Yeah, but what’s the point of it?” you ask Manny.
“I don’t know. To get some?” he answers.
You had met Manny in the cafeteria, being assigned to patrol with him for the day. When you saw him, he wished you a happy Valentine's Day, which you had no clue was a thing. Of course, you have heard of the big holidays, like Christmas or Halloween, but you had never heard of Valentine’s Day. Now, you were walking in the cold to the checkpoint, trying to figure it out together.
“How’d you even hear of it?”
“Saw it on a card in an old grocery store one time, then found the day on a very old calendar. It’s the day of love.” Manny laughs, dragging out the ‘o’ in love. 
You laugh with him, then fall to a natural silence. You cleared out the few infected that were running around before starting to head back to base. 
It was still cold out, but there wasn’t any snow on the ground anymore. Looking around, you spot some flowers growing up along a building, running over to quickly grab them.
“What are you doing?” Manny chuckles, jogging to where you were.
“Didn’t they give flowers as gifts? I’m getting Abby flowers.” you say, trying to find the freshest ones to pull out of the ground.
He groans. “Oh you’re such a love bird. It’s really gross.”
You laugh at him, gathering your makeshift bouquet before shoving him.
“At least I can keep someone.” you say running back to the truck you had driven in.
“It’s a choice!” you hear him yell, which only causes you to laugh harder.
The drive back was quiet, you spent it fiddling with the flowers, excited to give them to Abby the first chance you got. You had been together for a few months now, and it was everything you had ever wished for. She came off as intimidating to everyone else, so when you went public, it was hard for them to adjust to her being soft with you. Manny has asked you many times why she won’t treat him the same way, which causes Abby to give him a glare in return. 
When you got back, you found her in your joint room, sweaty. She must have just gotten back from the gym. She smiles when she realizes it’s you that walked in, coming over to give you a sweet kiss before backing away.
“Happy Valentine’s Day!” you say, stretching out the flowers towards her chest.
“What the fuck is that?” she asks “And where’d you find flowers?” Confusion is written all over her face as she examines the flowers you had pushed into her hands.
“Manny told me about it, he said it’s a day to celebrate love. So I thought I would get you a present.” you say, voice faltering.
Abby didn’t have the reaction you were expecting. She seemed genuinely confused, but your brain was taking it as disapprovement. She looked up at you, noticing your smile had turned into a slight frown. She’s quick to jump over to you, using her thumb to rub out the crease between your eyebrows. She gives you a kiss on your forehead, then your nose, and then your lips, which are already back to a smile by the time she gets down to them.
“I don’t know why you’d listen to Manny on anything in terms of love, but thank you for the flowers, baby. They’re almost as beautiful as you.” Abby says. 
You laugh as she starts to cringe from her cheesy line. Grabbing your hand, she moves you both to the kitchen to grab something that at least emulates a vase to put the flowers in. 
“So, what do you want in return?” she asks, putting water in with the flowers.
“Don’t want anything, Abs, just thought it would be a nice gift.” you say, blushing at the stern ‘that’s not gonna happen’ look she shoots you.
Once she’s gotten the flowers how she wants, she comes over to where you’re standing, grabbing your hips to lift you onto the kitchen countertop. You try to stifle your small giggle, placing your arms around her neck while she rubs matching circles on each of your hips. 
“What about,” she says, kissing down your neck. “I give you something I know you’ll like.”
She stops her assault on your neck to look at you. You nod your head eagerly, which she smirks at. 
“Lift up your arms.” Abby demands. Once she takes your shirt and bra off, she’s quick to move her mouth to your breasts, sucking at them hungrily. 
She unbuttons your pants just as quickly, using one strong arm to lift you off the countertop. She’s acting crazed, you’ve never seen her move at this pace. Usually, Abby likes to take her time with you, she’s cruel with her teasing, and she loves to hear you beg. Right now? That Abby is long gone. She kisses down your stomach fast, before scooching your body further off the counter, cunt coming towards her mouth. And Abby dives right in. 
You let out a strained moan at the contact. Her hot mouth licks fast at your heat. You’re trying to find something to grab onto, settling on her head. You don’t mean to, but you try to grind into Abby’s face, she’s going so fast, your orgasm approaching before you know it.
“Abby, oh God–” you try to speak, wanting her to slow down, but also thinking you may die if she does.
She replaces her tongue with her thumb, rubbing tight circles into your clit. 
Looking up at you from the ground, she says, “What? What d’you want, baby? Know I’ll give it to you.”
You’re so blissed out you can’t even answer her, you just softly grab the top of her head again, trying to push it back to your pussy. She understands exactly what you’re asking for, and moves her tongue back onto you. You let out a strangled groan as you feel her the muscle enter you, her nose bumping your clit. Her arm is around your waist still, making sure there’s no way you could move away from her.
She comes up for a breath, fully standing this time, and you feel two fingers slip into your hole. Abby’s thrusting them in rapidly.
“Want you to cum for me, okay?” 
You nod back at her, eyes glassy from the pressure on your walls.
“‘M gonna cum.” you say, maintaining eye contact with her the whole time.
“Yeah you are, give it to me, princess.” Abby says, before contacting your mouths together.
You taste yourself on her tongue, and that’s what sends you over the edge. Your mouth falls open as your walls clench on Abby’s fingers. She kisses your cheek as you ride out the orgasm.
Once your orgasm has finished, you slouch against Abby’s shoulder, and she lets you stay there for a while before carefully pulling her fingers out of your sensitive hole, shushing you as she does. You use some of the little energy you have left to look up at her.
“Hi.” You say, giving her a shy smile.
“Hey there.” Abby replies.
“We can never make food on this counter again.” 
She laughs, shaking her head. “We’ll clean it, it’s fine.”
Abby helps you off the counter, steadying you as your legs wobble.
“Let’s go take a shower, yeah?” she says, kissing the top of your head. 
You can’t find it in yourself to say no, letting her walk you to your bathroom. You giggle to yourself as you remember what Manny said, maybe Valentine’s Day presents do help you get some.
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final words
pairing: ethan landry x female!reader
WC: 4.7K
warnings: cursing, blood, stabbing, mentions of panic attacks and throwing up. the whole apartment chase/ladder scene in its self.
summary: never too late to say i love you
A/N: version 2 of role reversed with reader dying. if you read version1 you’ll see i just changed the story at the ladder scene.
@alecmores​ my editor bestie❤️
been in the drafts since april 29
masterlist / ethan landry
version 1
🎧 heathens death and void
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everyone was to gather at the carpenter's sister’s apartment. after the killing of two blackmore students with sam’s license at the scene of the crime, you all knew ghost face was back whether you liked it or not. people were so obsessed with those sick fucking movies and now obsessed with sam carpenter and it was annoying as hell.
so after your classes for the day, you walked to the apartment with your boyfriend, ethan landry, after his econs class. then soon were joined by chad and mindy who said anika would be joining a bit later.
“what do you always say about the love interest?” you questioned the horror expert. she rolled her eyes at your words.
“never trust the love interest. i know, i know. but that also goes for tree boy beside you.” an accusatory finger was thrown at the six two boy. ethan’s brows furrowed in the middle, he looked a bit scared of her.
you couldn’t argue with her. you gazed up at ethan with a fake pitying look, “sorry tree boy, but i’m gonna have to hold off on kisses and sex until this is over. not trying to be a horror movie stereotype.”
you heard mindy make fake gagging noises and chad follow up with an immature ‘ewwww’. all ethan did in response to your comment was grab the hand on his side, intertwine your fingers and he pulled both of your hands into his jacket pocket even though the weather wasn’t cold. with the simple smirk pulling his lips you knew your words didn’t bother him and took the joke in stride.
“okay… not to sound like an asshole or anything but-“ mindy turned around to face the three of you since she was ahead of your group, “who do you think is the killer? think stab two. we had new characters introduced and nancy loomis. so either the killer is doing this because of the movies and is just a psycho or doing all this for revenge.”
“how about we not speculate about our friend group?” chad argued with his twin. mindy gave him a bored look before setting her hungry eyes on you and ethan.
you did a quick look at ethan just as he looked at you. both of your eyes looking over the other's face, probably determining if they could be the killer.
“i don’t think it’s anyone in our group. definitely a psycho who’s watched the stab franchise a bit too much.” ethan gave his answer. mindy cocked her head with squinted eyes, “okay.” she said quietly.
“knock it off.” a simple command due to her tone towards ethan. she held her hands up in surrender and turned on her heel.
the sounds of horns and people talking or yelling filled the air along with the loud jackhammering of construction. mindy was on her phone doing something while chad and ethan were discussing a show they were currently watching in their dorm.
you let your eyes wander to the pocket where your hands sat, you could feel ethan’s thumb rubbing the top of your hand to your knuckles. then you tilted your head back and peered at him with love-struck eyes. how his eyes were expressive and his brows were wiggling, his lips pulling into a blinding smile and his smile lines creasing. his free hand moving openly in the air to get a point across or how he would trail a finger along his jawline.
he could never be a killer. yeah, his height and body build would add him to the list since everyone mostly speculates the killer to usually be a man. but you knew ethan, longer than the woodsboro group had.
you knew how sweet and nervous ethan is. how he stutters over words when he feels flustered; especially when you first started dating. how he would go to the gym when he was stressed and needed to blow off steam. ethan who’s a cat guy and constantly talks to his mom and younger sister back home.
ethan landry isn’t ghost face and you would swear it on your life.
“y/n? hello… earth to y/n!”
you startle at the call of your name and from the hand waving in front of your face. you wack chad’s hand away with a scowl painting your face, he just laughs before walking through the front door of the apartment building. guess you completely zoned out on the walk. chad and mindy left the two of you behind, ethan staring down at you with a worried frown as you waited for the elevator to come back.
“everything okay?” his voice was hushed. you swiped away the pout on his lips with your thumb. your eyes watching his face as he does the same, his eyes gentle.
“you know i trust you very much, right?” your palm held his cheek. his brows twitched, “yeah. of course and i trust you with my heart.” he leaned into your touch.
“we just have to get through this shitty experience and things will slowly go back to normal. we can go on a date, any date you want and we can feel like teenagers again. and i’ll give you all the kisses and cuddles you want and give you the best se-“
ethan swooped down and stopped your rambling with his warm and plush lips. it was just a simple touch, but simplicity always worked in your relationship. ethan pulled away and leaned his forehead against yours. you pushed your face up to bump noses together.
“this will all work out. we just gotta stick together.” ethan whispered before leaning back. you kept quiet and nodded at his words.
the ding of the elevator broke the silence and ethan cocked his head and then pulled you behind him. you let the metal box go up its eight floors and then mindlessly walked the hall and into the open door.
the scene before you didn’t look like it belonged in a horror movie. sam walked with blankets and pillows in her arms before setting them on the free chair. chad and tara chat happily (and sickly staring into each other's eyes) as they hang out in the kitchen making dinner. and mindy who was setting the table and pulling faces and making gagging noises to her brother and friend. and then there were you and ethan, hand in hand as you walked through the door with easy smiles on your faces. enjoying the simplicity and comradery of the moment.
“where’s quinn?” ethan questioned as he dropped his backpack by the door.
sam cocked her head towards her roommates' closed door and left it at that. she had a guy over. you took a quick survey of everyone and noticed, “anika still busy?” mindy answered right away, “yeah. said her study group was running late. even sent a picture with the time and everything.”
you didn’t want to make any assumptions, but everyone was a suspect sadly. and if you had to be a bit guarded of certain people then that’s the price to pay. you just hummed at mindy and left it at that before moving back to your boyfriend’s side.
the two of you sat on the couch as the news played on low volume. your arm was looped through his and you leaned your head against his shoulder. his hand fell upon your thigh, his fingers moving back and forth, and he plopped his head down on yours.
you could hear the faint volume of their voices in the kitchen, their laughter and bickering over something. you wished you were closer to your friends, but you understood why you and ethan, along with anika were kinda black sheep. the four of them went through something tragic and moved away to leave it in the past and now it’s come back to haunt them.
with a shuffle of your head, you gave a quick peck to ethan’s clothed shoulder. something just compelled you to show him a once of your love. when you moved your face back to the tv a second later you felt ethan move and the warmth of his kiss to your temple.
everything was going to be okay
you allowed yourself to get swept away by the feeling of ethan and inhaled deeply to have his scent invade your nostrils, wanting to make sure you have him ingrained into your skin. you had that for five minutes until he moved and grabbed the remote off the coffee table.
“hey guys…” he called over his shoulder to your friends, “might want to hear this.” he pressed down on the volume button.
“with two blackmore students dead along with a horror professor, some believe ghostface has made himself a new home in new york.”
you felt your blood rush faster and run cold.
“many believe this could be the work of samantha carpenter. they held a stab shrine in their home and many know her to be the killer from the woods-“
and the feed cut out with the remote flying from sam’s hand. she had an angry scowl painted on her face and her shoulders were tense with her breathing coming out in pants.
“fucking reddit,” she grumbled before walking away.
tara waited for a second before following her sister. chad and mindy stayed with you and ethan wanting to give the two privacy during this rough patch.
“why are people believing that sam was the killer? is it just because of a couple of reddit and twitter threads?” you inquired.
mindy sighed and chad swiped a hand down his face, “pretty much. plus her family history…” chad trailed off. you didn’t know about her family history, but now probably wasn’t the time to ask those questions.
you saw chad and mindy walk away and join the sisters at the dining table, a broken family. you were happy they were there for each other, they could only really trust their group.
“y/n…” ethan squeezed your thigh, your eyes locking with his.
his puppy dog eyes sparkled and his grin shined, “i just… i just wanted to tell you…” he licked his lips before leaning towards your ear, words only meant for you to keep. “i just wanted to tell you that i love you.”
he pulled away from the side of your face and looked back into your widened orbs, your pupils surely dilated. your mouth was a bit agape, absorbing the three words and eight letters into your brain while also trying to deduce if you should say them back. 
ethan saying them almost made it seem like he was already resigning himself to a terrible fate. and you badly wanted to echo the words with your whole heart but held back. this wasn’t going to be a final goodbye between lovers, it was going to be a promise from you.
so you broke your joke rule. your hands met the sides of ethan’s face, his chubby cheeks being given a firm squeeze by your palms. you used your hold to pull his head towards you, hands doing a slight tilt for a better, more intimate kiss. 
his top lip caught between your top and bottom, teeth doing a slight clink together. his hands trailed to hold your waist and pull you as close as possible on the couch, which was appropriate with other people in the space. it was easy to slip into the automatic rhythm the both of you are used to when it comes to the other's lips.
you could tell it was starting to get a bit heated, from either you or ethan, you weren’t one hundred percent sure. with the hands still on his face you pushed him away, he tried to resist and jump back in, but you just giggled at his eagerness. so you gave one then two, then a final third peck to his lips before completely pulling away.
“i’ll say the words when all is good. i don’t want to fall into the horror movie trope of couples being happy then dying.”
“you’ve been hanging out with mindy too much.” you just rolled your eyes and soaked up his laugh. you wish you could bottle the sound for rainy days.
you heard a phone ringing and then voices, you turned to the dining area and saw tara holding a phone away from sam who was stretching for the device. the ringing stopped then another sound followed. everyone got quiet for a moment until-
a moan came from quinn’s room.
“ugh,” you stuck your tongue out. of course, quinn would be getting some right now. you heard a few sighs follow and then multiple dings. and after the dings, you heard chairs scraping and feet rushing. the four of them all faced quinn’s closed door that suddenly got quiet.
both you and ethan stood from the couch, ethan pushing you behind him with an arm stretched out. you gripped his shirt into your fist as you waited for the ball to drop.
instead of a ball dropping, it was quinn’s door being slammed open and her body being shoved into ethan. the impact caused the both of you to stumble. when her back hit the floor you saw all the blood covering her body and purple silk pajamas. a scream was ripped from your throat.
and there he stood in all his haunting glory. ghostface. he took slow steps, each thud sounding like thunder in the silent apartment. he held the bloodied knife up and wiped it clean just as he passed the threshold, and tilted his head. a challenge.
“run.” sam firmly said just as ghostface sprung forward.
everything happened in a flash.
chad, mindy, and tara darted straight for the front door. with their quick feet, they were able to avoid ghostface as he swung the knife and harshly stabbed you in the upper arm, the blinding pain hitting instantly.
“stay the fuck back!” ethan yelled. you had your eyes closed as you clutched the open wound, but you could hear shuffling. the grunts of ethan who you assumed was keeping the killer's attention on him now.
when your eyes opened you saw ghostface with just one hand wrapped tightly around ethan’s throat. ethan’s hand gripping the black fabric at the wrist to try and push him away or loosen the hold for some air.
“ethan!” you cried as you kicked your foot into their bicep or shoulder. anything to break him away from ethan. but all ghostface did was give a menacing tilt of his head while staring down ethan and with his free hand, stabbed the knife straight into your thigh. even pulling down and you could feel the muscle ripping apart.
a scream ripped from your throat which was then followed by a deeper cry of pain. with tears clumping your lashes and a quiver to your lips, you stared in horror as you watched ghostface’s knife cut upward in ethan’s abdomen. the gloved hand is still constricting ethan’s airway, ghost face leaning in closer, taunting him.
you pushed yourself off the floor with the help of the furniture behind you, leg wobbly and arm weak from the bleeding wound. you were planning to rush at him, hoping to knock him off ethan and allow enough time for an escape. but you didn’t need your plan when you saw sam rushing into the room with the wooden knife block before throwing it down onto his head. she did two hard hits that threw him off balance long enough for the both of you to grab ethan off the floor and run into quinn’s room.
ethan stumbled on his feet before flopping on the red-soaked bedding as he clutched his stomach, his shirt soaking dark crimson from the brutal attack. sam locked the door and you took a breath before it was snatched away as you looked at the crime scene you were standing in. blood was sprayed on the walls, and bedding was soaked and ripped. and when you walked into the bathroom, you almost threw up from the sight and heavy smell of copper. “oh god.” quinn’s hookup was gutted and limply stuffed in the tub with blood smearing the white tiles.
feeling overwhelmed and ready to pass out, you turn at just the right time as you spot ghostface walking through sam’s room and heading towards the open bathroom door. “fuck,” you muttered. on quick instinct, you rushed to the open door, thigh protesting at the motion. you tried closing the door fast, but ghostface was sprinting and he shoved his shoulder into the door making you falter. you limped away and slammed the final shut.
sam and ethan turned their heads as you leaned against the door. the force at which ghostface threw his body pushed you off, but sam came to the rescue and held the door with you. you looked around for something, anything to form a barricade.
“sam! dresser! hurry!” you gasped with each quick breath.
you assessed ethan’s physical state as you kept your back to the door. his body was curled in, arms crossed over his stomach. you could see a slight shake to his shoulder, his face hidden away by shadows and rouge hair.
“e-ethan! e-pretty boy!” the nickname that always made ethan flush tomato red was shouted with a choked sob. “just- just hold on! please! can- can you do that?”
he nodded his head then looked over his shoulder at you. his face was going sheet white and it looked clammy and sweaty. you could barely see the imprint of a hand wrapped around the smooth skin of his neck.
a loud banging noise stole you from your thoughts and your panic resumed. sam came just in time with the dresser. you moved from the door to give her a hand and just as it was all the way, a black arm shot through and gave another swipe to your arm. the two of you struggled against the strong force of ghostface trying to force his way into the room. giving more weight against the door caused his arm to slither away and finally the door closed.
“we need a way out,” sam stated. “no shit,” ethan sarcastically replied, still hunched.
“no offense-“ sam was cut off with a shove to the door, dresser legs screeching. “fuck fuck fuck,” you cried with your eyes closed as tears ran.
“ethan- ethan would just slow us down… we can’t go through the front door.” “i’m not fucking leaving him behind!” your anger and protectiveness spiked, “go sam, just go and get help.”
“no… you’r- you’re not-“ “ethan! i can’t- i’m not losing you!”
“no one is being left behind!” sam yelled, “we just need a different…” her words trailed off.
ghostface advances were getting rougher. each shove or kick sent to the door causes you and sam to slip on your feet. you even started to hear the knife going at the wood.
you looked to sam, her eyes straying towards the window. you saw their neighbor as he waved his arms to get your attention, his window already open.
“ethan- ethan can you- can you open the window?” sam asked. she knew you would need the added weight for the door.
ethan pushed himself from the foot of the bed and limped a few steps and weakly pushed the frame up. the neighbor's voice greeting your ears and then banging, but a metallic banging. he grabbed a ladder and pushed it your way, ethan wrapped a hand around a step and pulled it the rest of the way. it sat between the two windows above a high alley.
“sam!” the man yelled, “this might be the only way!” you could hear the wind picking up speed.
your head whipped to sam. her eyes darted everywhere, from you and ethan as he slumped to the floor beside the window, to the guy with his arms outstretched and then just around the room. another shove to the door. time was running out.
“sam…” you sounded like a scared child. her eyes softened at the weak tone in your voice, “we just gotta.” you needed to encourage her to go so then you and ethan can follow. “it’ll be okay,” a crack.
she licked her lips, she hesitated then walked to the ladder. you made sure all your weight was pushed to the dresser and your feet were firmly planted on the glossy hardwood. she looked back at you and you nodded with a fake grin.
everything was going to be okay
sam climbed the sill and slowly crawled out. ghostface was getting more impatient, more aggressive. you could hear faint grunts and huffs. you prayed to whatever higher being was out there, wishing for everyone to be safe.
“swe- sweetheart…” ethan’s voice was strained. you whimpered when you saw how his eyes were fluttering with each blink. “we could- we could go to coney island… get- get ice cream… lay on the- on the beach.” his eyes closed for too long and you yelled his name. his lids peeled open. “and- and you could re- read me a book. always- always love your voice.” a grin pulled his lips. his cheeks held no color.
“sounds like a date.” you confirmed with mascara tear tracks.
you looked out the window and saw the man grab sam and pull her into his arms. you knew ethan needed to go next, you weren’t sure how much longer he could hold out.
“ethan you need to go next.” he instantly shook his head and you weren’t having this argument right now. “ethan you’re seriously injured. you need to-“ “go. please.” he was begging you. but you were stubborn.
“ethan, i can hold the door closed. you are severely injured and losing blood. so get your ass on that ladder right now!” his mom and sister need him alive.
your point was added when there was a harsh push to the door, but you and the dresser kept it shut. so you watched as ethan pulled himself from the floor, his body shaking from adrenaline and blood loss. his hands held the ladder ends but then he looked at you, body fully turned. you could see the wound seeping more blood into his shirt and how ethan looked ready to throw up.
“ethan, don’t make me tell you again. go!” you needed him safe on the other side to breathe properly.
he looked like he wanted to be at your side, to hold or touch you. you could see the restraint in his eyes. you understood. how badly you wish you could run into his arms and think of this as a nightmare, nothing of actual injury. but you were stuck in reality and your reality was a horror movie, so every decision counts.
“i love you, so much.” the second time today he said the words. his voice choked off at the end.  it caused another burst of love to spike. you wanted to say it back, so badly, but you still held off.
everything was going to be okay
so you went with the next best thing, “i know.” and sent him a watery smile as you jerked your chin forward.
ethan slowly climbed the ladder. you saw how the wind whipped his jacket and his curls, you only hoped he had a tight grip on the metal. sam and her neighbor waited on the other end with their arms out, ready to pull him in when he was within reach. with each move taking him further away from you, you could breathe easier, just you and psycho now.
speaking of psycho. he keeps throwing himself into the door or switching tactics and would ram his booted foot against the wood. you were starting to wonder if the mask or some shit gives the killer super strength, cause, how hasn’t he gotten tired yet?
the stab wound in your thigh would pull and a fresh wave of blood would spill over and stain your pants. quinn’s blood on the floor made it difficult to keep a firm foothold as you leaned your upper body back and allowed the handles to dig into your shoulder blades.
you looked out the window and saw ethan being pulled inside. he was safe. you closed your eyes and looked to the ceiling and gave a whispered thank you to whatever higher being heard you. now it was your turn.
giving yourself a steady intake of air then letting it exhale, you move. you weren’t sure how long the door would hold before it caved in from the excessive crashing. you just needed it to last long enough for you to crawl across a shaky ladder eight stories high, that's all, no biggie. but hearing the screech of the dresser legs moving pushed you forth.
you didn’t want to look down, heights fucking terrified you. so you made sure your eyes only dropped to the ladder to make sure you were holding something and placing your knees in the right area. you had to go slow and stop a few times, breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth, while also hoping you don’t throw up from the panic growing. you let your eyes wander to the open window waiting for you. sam with her head leaning into the wind with mystery man just behind her shoulder.
you weren’t very far on the ladder, your body and mind causing delays. you looked with watery eyes to sam and saw ethan leaning on the other side of her. his eyes pointed steadily on you with a weak smile, before they moved and it slipped and pulled into a frown.
“what?” a shake to the word. you paid attention to how the three of them looked behind you and were all very still.
“y/n…” sam trailed off. you managed a glance over your shoulder and immediately looked away.
ghost face stood in the window frame. just watching, enjoying the scene and causing your heart to jackhammer. you were barely at the halfway point when he was behind the door, you weren’t sure if you'd make it in time. but you pushed yourself forward.
your body wished to collapse from the dull pain in your arm and thigh, along with all the adrenaline. your fingers wrapped tightly around the metal frame as you shuffled along, making slow progress to safety.
“almost- almost there, sweetheart.” you heard ethan say to the blowing breeze.
you were getting closer but stopped when you felt it. the ladder bounced up and down so quickly that you almost slipped if you didn’t fix your hold. your eyes squeezed shut so hard you were seeing spots, and little whimpers fell from your mouth. you might actually die tonight.
the jumping stopped and you were ready to move an inch, but then the twisting came. harsh twist to the right and harsh twist to the left. you didn’t dare let go even with your grasp slowly failing.
“y/n! come on! you- you just gotta move!” sam’s voice shouted towards you. you just shook your head as you cried.
“i- i can’t! i- i’m sorry!” you wish you could curl into a ball right now.
“sweetheart! your- your so close! just… reach for sam’s hand!” ethan was pleading with you as he did earlier. you didn’t want him to see you die.
“e-ethan… i’m- i’m sorry.” you could feel your grasp failing with each twist and tug. “it’s okay… just reach for sam. you can do it.” ethan tried to reassure you that freedom was at your fingertips. with your last bit of energy, you looked up at ethan, making sure he could see your face clearly. you knew this was the end.
“ethan landry,” a jerk upward, “i love you!” and a snap to the right.
and then you were free-falling. gravity was pulling you downward with nothing to slow your descent. the dreams where you feel yourself falling are nothing compared to the real thing. your friends and their faces flashed behind your eyes.
you closed your eyes and just braced for the impact as you just envision ethan. he was always able to keep you calm in times of distress. it could be from his voice that would soften as he whispered in your ear and combed your hair as you lay on his chest. or it could be the twinkle in his eyes that never managed to dim or his charming smile. or it could all be just because he’s ethan.
you’re glad you were able to love him.
tags: @astrxq
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earthtoharlow · 1 year
Flashing Lights
Jack Harlow x SingerOC
Series Masterlist
03) Fun Girl
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“I DIDN'T PEAK IN HIGH SCHOOL I'M STILL OUT HERE GETTIN CUTER!!” Maryse and Saweetie rapped along to Industry Baby by Lil Nas X and Jack while on their way to the gym.
“Nas and Jack ate that up!” Saweetie told Maryse as the song was coming to an end. Maryse immediately agreed. 
“They sure did! It’s definitely going to be huge, I can tell.” Maryse replied. Saweetie watched her long time friend take a photo of the song playing on the radio before smiling back down at her phone. 
“Hm, so things must be going great between you and Jack?” Saweetie questioned 
Maryse was so distracted by her phone that she didn’t hear her.
“BIIIITCH! I can’t believe Jack got Rubi Rose pregnant!!” Saweetie shrieked loudly. 
Maryse jumped in her seat, her phone dropping to the floor of the car. “WHAT?!” 
Saweetie couldn’t help but burst out laughing. “Oh I knew that would get your attention.”
Maryse picked up her phone with an eye roll. “That’s seriously not funny.” 
Her friend simply gave her a knowing smile before turning into the parking lot of the gym. “I was just wondering how everything’s going with lover boy, but I’m assuming it’s going great because of that silly little grin you have on your face.” 
Maryse ignored her and grabbed her gym bag and hopped out the car. “First of all, he’s not my lover boy, we’re simply just friends.”
Saweetie laughed again, “yeah ok boo whatever you say, but I���ve known you since college and you don’t even smile half as big when I text you!” She said walking ahead of Maryse
Maryse hurried behind her to catch up. “Will you slow down, geez”
“And that’s not even true!” Maryse huffed. 
“Uh huh. SURE. Then who are all those love songs you've been writing about?” Saweetie turned to question Maryse 
“You’ve been going through my songbook?!” Maryse asked before dropping her mouth in shock. 
“No, I was lying. I just wanted to see your reaction.” Saweetie soon told her. 
Maryse sighed a little. She may have a tiny crush on everyone’s favorite white rapper but she swears it’s only a little one. They’ve only hung out once more since that day at the studio, two months ago. 
“Ok, fine. I might have a tiny crush on the guy.” Maryse told her, bringing her thumb and pointer fingers together to emphasize how small of a crush she had on Jack.
“Besides, nothings gonna happen anyway. I’m nowhere near ready to start dating again.” Maryse mentioned. She dated Nate for so long, that now that they broke up, she was scared to open her heart up again. 
Saweetie gave Maryse a look of sympathy, placing a hand on her shoulder. “Are you not ready or are you just scared that Jack is going to hurt you just like Nate did?”
Maryse’s head dropped with a sigh. She hated how well Saweetie knew her. “Look, the gym isn’t the place to really talk about this, so we can talk more about it later but here’s something to think about. Don’t let your fear stop you from finding the love you truly strive for. Nate has nothing to offer you right now in the present. So don’t let him shape your future.”
To stop herself from crying in public she reached forward and gave Saweetie a big hug. “I love you, Diamonté. Thank you.”
Pulling away Maryse jokingly said. “When did you get so wise?”
“Girl, I think it’s all the Steve Harvey tik toks I’ve been watching. That man knows everything!”
The two of  them looked at each other and laughed loudly before walking towards the treadmills. 
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After Maryse and Saweetie made it back from the gym, the two girls decided to just chill around the house. Saweetie was currently in the kitchen cooking their favorite Filipino dish sinigang when Maryse decided to hop on Instagram Live to catch up with fans. 
“I’m about to hop on live so don’t say anything crazy!” Maryse yelled from the kitchen table. 
“No promises! You know I can’t control what comes out my mouth!” Her friend yells back
Maryse just shakes her head before sending off a tweet to let her followers know to join the live. 
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“Hi guys! Surprise, I’m on live! It’s been a long time huh?” Maryse said, speaking into the phone.
She leaned forward squinting a little to read the comments that were rapidly coming in. “Ooh okay, we got 6 thousand people on right now, thank y’all for joining!”
“What are you doing right now?” Maryse read the comment out loud. “Well, I landed in LA yesterday afternoon and right now I’m waiting for my personal chef to finish my dinner” She said trying to hold in her laughter, and mouthed “watch this” into the camera. Maryse could hear Saweetie drop her utensils down in the kitchen. Not even 10 seconds later, Saweetie pops down next to her and hits her slightly with her hand.
“Bitch, you wish I was your personal chef!” Maryse smiled at her before looking back at the comments. 
Saweetie pointed towards a comment on the screen. “Here’s a good one, Maryse. When are we getting new music?” 
Maryse tapped her pointer finger to her face, like she was thinking. Her new single was dropping soon but they didn’t need to know that quite yet. 
“I don’t have an answer to that, but I’ve been in the studio almost everyday trying to make sure everything is perfect. I promise, it’ll be worth the wait.” 
Maryse laughed seeing Doja comment that she and Saweetie were having too much without her. 
“Doja! We’re having a horrible time without you! We miss you so much!” Maryse replied back and blew kisses to the camera. “You know, you my bestie in a tessie!” Saweetie said to Doja. 
Maryse and Saweetie laughed and talked to the fans for a while before she saw the name Urban Wyatt request to join the live. Before she could react, Saweetie blurted out, “Who the fuck is Urban Wyatt?!”
All Maryse could do was stare at her friend in bewilderment then shake her head. She accepted his request and a couple seconds later he showed up. 
“I’m sorry about her, she’s from our straight outta the hood program, and lacks some home training.” Maryse said jokingly. 
“But how are you doing?” 
Maryse wanted to ask him where his best friend was, but contained herself.
Urban laughed at her joke before responding. “I’m alright, you know just in the studio with my boy.”
Behind Urban you could hear a voice questioning who he was speaking to. The sound of Jack’s voice was making Maryse’s stomach tingle, it seemed to get worse when he finally appeared in front of the camera. 
Maryse couldn’t help but give him a shy smile, but it turned into a full blown smile when Jack smiled back. 
“Hello, ladies.” Jack greeted them, taking a seat next to Urban 
“Cracker Jack!” Saweetie said with a wave before going back to eating her food. 
“Hi, Jackman, I heard you guys are in the studio.” Maryse already knew this, the two of them were texting all morning, and planned on hanging out the next day since they were both in town.
Jack nodded, taking over the phone from Urban. “Been here all day.”
Jack got closer to the camera “what’s the move for tonight? Y’all look good.” Jack said with a flirty smile. He wasn’t lying, they both looked good. But he was only looking at Maryse. 
“Boy bye!” Saweetie said with a wave of her hand while Maryse couldn’t stop the smile on her smile. 
Deciding to ignore him, Maryse answered his first question. 
“We’re probably just going to bar—“ Maryse was cut off 
“Fuck a bar! We going to the club! We OUTSIDE!”
Giving a funny look into the camera, “my apologies, I guess we’re hitting up the club” Maryse shrugged. She really didn’t feel like going out but also felt like she needed a night out after spending so many nights in the studio. 
Since Jack was in the studio, Maryse could hear what sounded like horns in the background. She couldn’t help but bring it up.
“Let the people hear what you’re working on! From what I can hear it sounds good.” Maryse told him. 
“Yeah! Let us hear, Cracker Jack!”
“Will you ever stop calling me that?”
Jack shocked his head at her before talking the phone over to the soundboards. 
“Alright, I’ll play the first 20 seconds. Mainly because that’s all I have and I can’t give away too much.” Jack said before giving a wink into the camera. 
If Maryse was lying down, that wink would’ve had her giggling and kicking her feet.
The ladies watched as Jack pressed play and the sounds of horns sounded from behind him. It sounded amazing. After a few seconds you could hear Jack come in
Mm-mm, mm, mm-mm tss
My nail tech knows how to keep a lil' secret
I don't wish for my success, I speak it….
Maryse and Saweetie started bobbing their heads and dancing in their seats. The comments were going crazy at the snippet. Maryse cheered a little as the snippet ended. 
“Jack, you gotta finish that ASAP! I’m loving the horns” Maryse told him, Saweetie nodded her head in agreement.
Maryse thought it was sweet watching Jack put his head down shyly to hide him blushing. 
“Thanks, ma” He told her.
It was Maryse’s turn to blush.
Jack and Urban had to get off soon after to finish working in the studio but not before dropping the news that the two of you worked on a song together and quickly leaving the live leaving the fans to freak out
“He’s lying. What I tell you guys about believing white men!”
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liked by saweetie, chloebailey, wolftyla, michaelbjordan, urbanwyatt, latto777, jackharlow and 756,935 others
lifeofmonet: I see why my ex didn’t want me outside, they love me out here 🤪
view all 5,266 comments
user: ah yesss
dojacat: don’t have too much fun without me!
user: literally so obsessed with you 😍
user: Nate really an idiot for letting you go!
user: need new music now
jackharlow: have fun, ladies!
user: I love single Maryse!!
Maryse and Saweetie walked down the sidewalk with their arms hooked together. They weren’t in the least bit drunk, but laughter has been going on all night. The two spent a total of 30 minutes at the club before deciding to just go to a bar with good music instead.
“What are we having?” Saweetie asks Maryse as they walk to the bar. Sitting down waiting for the waiter to approach them.
“Hm, let’s be lemon drop bops tonight” Maryse told her with a grin.
“Yes hunny! I love the sound of that”
3 lemon drops later Maryse was starting to feel buzzed. She’s always been a lightweight.
Leaning over to talk in her friends ear she said “I’m going to the restroom, I’ll be right back!”
Saweetie nodded before asking if Maryse needed her to come with. Shaking her head no Maryse replied “Stay here! We don’t wanna lose our table!”
Maryse made her way to the restroom in one piece. Thankfully, there was hardly a long wait.
After washing her hands and convincing herself that she wasn’t that drunk, Maryse left the bathroom. As she was turning the corner she ran into what felt like a brick wall.
“Oh God, I’m so sorry—“ Maryse stopped herself once she saw who it was.
It was Nate.
Rolling her eyes, she moved to walk around him but he stopped her.
“I have nothing to say to you, move out of my way.” Maryse gritted her teeth at him.
“Oh c’mon babe, don’t treat me like that.” Nate said, stepping closer to her. Maryse’s back hit the hallway wall.
“I saw your little instagram post.” Nate mentioned
Maryse couldn’t help but roll her eyes again at him. “Really? That’s why you have me cornered right now.” Nate was really starting to piss her off. The alcohol making it worse.
“Let’s get back together.” Nate begged her.
The audacity of this man. “HELL NO! I don’t know if it’s because you’re constantly hitting your head while playing football or what but I’m never getting back together with you. Now, I suggest you leave before Diamonté sees you and kicks your ass.” Maryse told him before pushing past him and walking away
“That’s fine! I don’t want your hoe ass anyway! No one does.” Nate spat out, nose flaring.
Maryse almost turned back around to give him another piece of her mind, but what he said next made her stop in her tracks.
“I’m glad you said no when I proposed to you. You know what they say, you can’t turn a ho into a housewife. You're always going to be the fun girl, the homie. It’s cool to hang out with you until it’s time to settle down. Never going to be wifey material with that nasty attitude.”
Maryse counted to 10 in her head to calm herself down. How dare he. She continued to walk away, not even wanting to give him the pleasure of knowing he hurt her. Making her way back to the table by the bar she ignored Saweetie when she asked why it took her so long and ordered a round of vodka shots. Maryse had a point to prove now. She’ll show him a fun girl.
Few hours later, the crowd in the bar was starting to thin. This particular bar was open 24 hours but it was almost 3 am so people were starting to leave. Maryse and Saweetie were giggling like teenagers. They’ve lost count how many drinks they each had tonight.
“You're really lucky I wasn’t around when he cornered you, that’s all I’m saying!” Saweetie told her
“What were you gonna do? Kick his ass?” Maryse questioned.
“Yes I would’ve went WWE on his ass!” Maryse could not stop laughing at that. All she could visualize was Saweetie suplexing a football player double her size.
“I think we should call it a night.” Maryse said after they stopped laughing with a slur of her words. She was dreading the hangover she was bound to have in the morning.
Saweetie nods in agreement, “yup, I’m done. But you gotta call Uber. My phone died.” She slips off the stool and staggers towards Maryse. “Oh, I love this song! Let’s dance, while we wait! Saweetie screeches as she pulls Maryse towards the dance floor to dance to Sticky by Drake
“There’s hardly anyone dancing anymore!” Maryse complained.
“Who cares?” She argues before pulling Maryse towards her.
“Oh fuck!” Saweetie ends up tripping over her feet, falling and managing to drag Maryse down with her with a yelp. “Sorry!” She laughs.
Maryse would be embarrassed right now if she wasn’t drunk off her ass. She couldn’t imagine what the two of them looked like laying on the bar floor a giggling mess. As much fun she’s having, Maryse is starting to remember why she doesn’t go out with Saweetie.
“URBAN, JACK WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!” Saweetie yells out
Hearing Jack’s name almost sobered Maryse up completely.
Looking up, Urban looked like he was trying to contain his laughter while Jack had a worried expression on his face as they loomed over top of them.
“You texted me to come pick you up from here.” Jack said, helping you to your feet. Urban doing the same with Saweetie.
“Oh.” Jack stumbles back in surprise as Maryse throws her arm around him in a drunken hug. “I’m so happy you’re here!”
“Damn, they’re plastered.” Urban said, trying his hardest to hold Saweetie up right.
Jack just nods before telling him to make sure Saweetie got home safely. He was going to take Maryse back to his place.
“You think you can walk to my truck?” Jack asked Maryse.
“Of course I’m not that drunk.” She was.
Jack guides her out of the bar. Maryse was ashamed to admit it but if Jack’s arm wasn’t wrapped around her waist to hold her up, she would be eating concrete right now.
As they walk out the exit door, Jack decides to carry Maryse to his car, since he parked around the back to avoid the possibility of paparazzi.
“You aren’t going to throw up on me, are you?” Jack jokes
“No” Maryse scuffs
“Hm, are you sure?” Jack laughs, the vibrations from his chest pass through her.
“I’m fine, I promise.” Maryse said as she relaxed into his arms.
Jack places her down for just a few seconds so he could unlock and open the car door.
“Ok, just warn me before you throw up, these are my favorite pair of New Balance. I’m putting you in the car now.”
Maryse insisted again that she wasn’t going to throw up. Jack still didn’t believe her. He lowered her into the car and leaned over her to buckle the seat belt. His LV cologne invaded her nostrils. As Jack pulls back all Maryse could do was give him a big cheesy smile. She reaches her hand forward to try to reach out to him.
“Woah, there’s two of you!”
Jack couldn’t help but laugh at that. “Maryse, you’re adorable, you know that?”
“Yeah, that’s what people say.” She said tiredly before closing her eyes and leaning her head back against the seat.
Jack drives them back to his apartment, not wanting to leave her alone in this state. The ride back was quiet before he heard Maryse speak in almost a whisper.
“Yes, Maryse?”
“I’m really starting to like you.”
There’s a sharp intake of breath from Jack. He hated that she probably wouldn’t remember this.
“Don’t hurt me, ok?”
“I could never, Maryse. I could never.”
Jack was left alone in his thoughts for the rest of the ride home.
AN: Another long chapter full IG lives, lemon drops, ex boyfriends and drunken confessions! Hope you all enjoyed this, let me know what you think!
Also I’m super proud of that gif, it almost looks real! Haha
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Shiratorizawa x Manager who smokes
Here is the Headcannon/blurb about Shiratorizawa x manager reader who smokes and is trying to stop
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CW: smoking, cigarettes, nicotine,
they would all be very supportive of you
Tendou would carry any type of gum you like to chew to help with the taste/smell
i think that at first Ushijima tells you that it is unhealthy and sends you articles about it
you thank him and tell him that you this already but appreciate the thought
i don’t think that they push you into quitting but when/if you decide to quit they are there for you
i definitely hc Semi a someone who uses nicotine patches/gum
When you so smoke you go outside the gym and Goshiki, the kind soul he is doesn’t want you to be alone so he comes outside with you
he doesn't stand on the other side of the door but he he chatters your ear off off, and honestly it's so cute
he's like your little bestie
now let's say you decide to quit 
i’m gonna be honest with you it’s going to be rough while you're doing this
you wanted to do this yourself you wanted to prove to yourself that could do this
Now you're like day three and this is tough
you’re late to practise and my goodness everything was aggravating you
you’re upset, anxious, your heart is beating fast, you’re restless, i mean honestly you’re just a mess
you’re multitasking, writing stuff down, listening to coach when Goshiki comes up to ask you a question
‘i don't know ‘tomu, figure it out for yourself or ask someone else'
cue his eyes watering and tears threatening to spill over
he asks why you yelled at him
now you feel like a butthead, but the truth comes out
you tell him (and the rest of the team that is listening) that you're trying to quit smoking
It's like a quiet uproar, they are shocked, pleased, surprised
Ushijima is quite pleased and immediately offers a workout regimen and other things to distract you 
Tendou basically opens his trench coat to a variety of gum types including nicotine and black black gum
this is where semi gets his stash of gum, and why they’re besties
anyways they all voice their support for you as you’re going through this
they are definitely understanding and as you get over the withdraw hump, they are kind of walking on eggshells around you
Which you notice and you hate it, but you just don't know how else to get around this other than just going cold turkey and suffering through the withdrawal
once you get over that hump, you are in a better mindset, and definitely happier and less restless
then things go back to normal and ya’ll are besties again
however when they know that things are stressful for you like finals, or big tournaments, then they are prepared
honestly Tendou is uber prepared he has everything you need, and is like a pro at redirection and distraction
Ushijima is like the firm hand you need that is just like -_- no
Reon, Yamagata, are there to banter with you and gossip like the aunties
Shirabu is just there in the background, but before you quit he would definitely try to hide the cigs from you, he seems like a shithead
and Goshiki is just there he follows you around like a puppy and honestly he misses the time he would spend outside with you, so he is always trying to be around you to get that time
you have to explain to him that you quitting is a good thing, but that doesn’t mean you don’t want to talk to him
anyways back to the program, they would be all ready to help you through the stressful times like Tendou and semi give them all a pep talk and give them their different assignments
once you are successfully off of the cigarettes they throw you a little party with a cake that has the no smoking sign on it
overall they are a super supportive team and just want the best for you, even if it’s on your terms
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abbysbraids · 6 months
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Night and shining knight
Your life as a princess was boring you couldn’t go out because your parent were scared of you getting hurt you couldn’t have friends you were trapped in your castle all day you got sick and tired of it so you decided to sneak out , you had no idea we’re to go but you had fun going on a long walk and picking flowers but it didn’t last long until your parents called there stat to find you they did very easily and sent your back to your room where your parents were sitting with an angry expression on there faces you didn’t care you got to be free for a little bit it’s was nice they yelled at you for hours and told you that you were getting a knight to be by your side 24/7 you protested of course but they did listen having no choice you accept and they leave your room slamming the door on there way out .
The morning After you wake up with your parents shaking you until you wake up opening your eyes the sunshine hitting you like a wave “ no time to sleep in come on “ your mom tells you you were sick and tired of this life then you remember your gonna meet your knight today you were kinda exited (secretly hoping it was a girl ) your parents told you to get dressed and meet them to the dining room you nod and slowly get up going to brush your teeth and pick your cutest outfit making your way to your parents you spot new pair of shoes In the hallway your eyebrows raise as you enter the room you see mom talking to a buff woman with a suit “ great your here this is abby anderson she will protect you and monitor you all day “
“ mom I’m not a kid I can take care of myself
“ oh can you know do kids sneak out ?”
“I’m only looking out for you y/n please do this for me “
“ okay mom for you only “
you turn to look at abby and see her face with a blank expression she looks hot the muscles definitely help “ hi I’m princess y/n nice to meet you “ you see a little smile form on her face “ I’m Abby as you know so I’ll be protecting you princess “ she noticed you staring at her muscles “ like what you see honey” you realize you’ve been caught checking her out being bold you say “ definitely, should go to the gym with you someone times “ she winks at you and you blush a little your mom watched you both as you stand inches away from her lips tempted to lean in but you don’t feeling your moms eyes on you backing away quickly “ could I speak with the princess in privet Abby if you could wait outside please “ Abby nods and walks out of the room in the hallway “ what going on with you today do you have someone thing you wanna tell em ?” You feel a lump in you throat as you turn to look at the floor “ no of course not ,Abby seems nice I think I like her “ hoping your mom didn’t read too much into it “ good I’m glad now let’s eat breakfast and talk more later go to the kitchen it’s ready” going to leave as your mom stops you “ please be careful and don’t try and snark out again “ you nod and leave seeing Abby leaning at the walls the suit hugging her body perfect giving her a small smile she returns it back suddenly holding you by the arms making you turn around “ just so you know Im gay it that makes you uncomfortable I could leave “
“ I don’t mind at all don’t worry I want you to stay I like you” you see her smile big for the first time sense you meet her “ you want some breakfast it’s still hot “ hoping she would say yes so you could see her hand flex just right “ sure princess “ and with that you both walk to breakfast her in front of you of course you didn’t mind seeing her back made you almost pass out she can’t be much Older than you maybe you had a chance with her arriving you sit in you seat and Abby sits next to you , it’s was kinda awkward at first but you got used to her presence it’s was nice and calming you felt a spark there .
the next couple of days were good abby stayed out side you room checking up on you for time to time asking if you need something you felt comfortable with her and before you know it it’s been one months you didn’t even realize it’s been that long it feels like such a short time being around her.
it was a random Tuesday and you were texting with a girl you meet a couple of months ago she was nice getting to know her more you it was just talking you would never tell your parents you liked girls you weren’t ready just yet you didn’t know how they would react if they would still love you , you give yourself time to figure it out first and then your ready
She invited you club thirty minutes away you decided to go but you didn’t know if your parents would let you so you call Abby in your room for her to convince your parents “ Abby can you come here please ?” You call her as she appreciated in seconds “ yes princess “
“ can you ask my parents if I could go to meet a friend they’ll listen to you please “ you beg her and she rubbed her temple knowing your games by know “okay fine but only this one time “ you jump in happiness hugging her tight “ thank youuuu you’re the best abby” she smiles as she sees your face light up hugging you back and pulling away a few seconds later “ if I do this you better behave okay pretty girl “ your face heats up at the nickname “ I will I promise “ she nods and leave after a few moments she comes back your heart racing “ they said you can go as long as you stay close to me and behave “
Your arms flailing from exitement “ I won’t let you down thanks you Abby “
“ we leave in 30 get ready what are you gonna wear?” You haven’t even thought of that” wait can you help me pick my outfit please “ she thinks for a moment is this too far? She question’s but she can’t say no to you so she says yes the next next minute we’re you and Abby getting ready together you doing your makeup and Abby going through your closet she picks out your cherry red crop top and blue denim jeans with a black lather jacket it’s a nice outfit she would like so you decide to wear it , after getting ready you walk outside we’re Abby was in the car waiting for you , getting in the car you notice the smell of her
Pine perfume smearing the Car it’s a comfortable smell you smile and tell her the directions to the place she looks at you in disbelief “ a club are you kidding me you didn’t tell me that , your so sneaky “
“ what I didn’t say where I was going “ Abby gives you a amused look and you chuckle “ ok let’s go princess your gonna be late to see your girlfriend “ Abby knew all these tricks she knew that “ friend” was someone more “ what she’s not my girlfriend we’re just talking that it trust me “ Abby look at you with a wide face “ I was joking but are actually talking to a girl do your parents know about this ?” She spunds genuine like she wants what’s best for you “ no and please don’t tell they know don’t know I like woman I’m scared to them how can the princess be gay how will the people like me after that “ you feel hot tears in your eyes
Abby noticed and put her hand on your thigh “ hey it’s okay if they don’t like that there there missing out trust me , it’s none of their business who you like you don’t have to come out to anyone if you don’t want to it’s your choice your perfect just the way you are nothing with change that y/n “ she moves her hand from your thigh to your cheeks to wipe the tears away “ can we just go home I’m not in the mood “
“ oh course sweetheart anything you want , you hungry I could stop for food ?” She noticed you ate very little today she has noticed this for a while now always trying to help you , most days when your too stressed or distracted it’s a bad habit these last few months have been more stressful so it’s become more of a routine instead of habit “yeah that sounds good thanks “ you say through a shaky voice she kisses your forehead “ your gonna be okay princess “ the drive home was silent when you finally arrive she gets of her side to open your door , opening your door And giving you her hand you accept it as you suddenly feel her pick you up in her arms bride style “ abbbyy what are you doing “ you wine as she just looks at you with love in her eyes” there’s the smile ,you know I really missed it” you blunt hear those words “ you liked that huh”
As you two arrive in your room she pleased you down on your bed gently as she turns to leave you stop her “ wait please stay I don’t want to be alone tonight “ begging her with puppy dog eyes she sighs and thinks for a second “ sure princess oh shit i forgot your food in the car I’ll be right back wait here “ you nod and she runs out is this wrong ? Was she being nice just because she had too your wondering staring at the ceiling abby calls out your name you turn to see her food in hand and a big smile on her face , you melt at the sight of her braided hair a little messy “ hey can I ask you something?”
“ yeah of course what is it “
“ what am I to you , am I just a job or more ?”
“ this is so much more than a job baby , I really care about you more than I like to admit “
“ you get up from your bed to face her “ you swear? Are you just saying that “
“ I would never lie to you I swear “ she kissed your forehead again you want to kiss her so bad right now , cupping her cheek with your hand “ kiss me Abby” her eye sprint open she couldn’t believe this was happening it had to be a dream the food long forgotten on the table as she pulls you closer into her chest lips softly meeting feelings her bro breath in your mouth after a few moments she pulls away to catch her breath pressing her forehead against your in that moment you felt complete you found the love of your life and you weren’t gonna let her go.
Idea from @writterslittlelibary 🫶🏻
A/n: I kinda love this one 🫣 got this amazing idea after reading one of there amazing fic🫶🏻🫶🏻 drink some water and eat a snack if you haven’t todays 💓💓
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unforgettble420 · 10 months
HI POOKIEE IM BACK 😜. So erm..anyways can I request 42!miles X m!reader who’s like a golden retriever bf who just pops up near Miles and is just really affectionate with miles 😭🙏🏽 but if your requests are closed and u just forgot to change it, ignore this 💕
THIS LOWKEY IS PROBABLY GONNA BE SHORT (cuz I’m fucking lazy) sorry if this isn’t exactly what I were looking for!
Anwaysss I’m js gonna do HCs
How you guys met
• you guys would have probably met at school and I think miles would’ve definitely been confused about he’s feelings for u (let’s just say ur the first boy he’s ever liked!)
•at first he definitely thinks of you as a “homie”, “bro” and “friend” as you guys get closer tho he realizes he feels more things for you more then what friends think of eachother…
•he’d. Freak. Out.
• he realizes he needs to sort he’s feelings out, and he does! (With the help of he’s uncle ofc)
How he tells u
• listen there’s so much going on in miles life rn ok… I mean this miles lost he’s dad, he’s mom is struggling, he lives in a not rlly good world (without spider-man) AND HES A VILLAN!!
• so he does what any not out of the closet villan teenager does, js straight up doesn’t tell u.
• so u end up asking him out
What it’s like to date miles
• he’s such a loyal bf and so trusting
• you guys would go in so many dates mainly private dates (due to him not being out) but they’re still so fun and romantic!
• I could see y’all doing little gym dates (he’s gotta keep that physic for being a super villan💪)
• he’d also do drawing for you and of youuuu
• I see him as being a big gifter he probably didn’t buy the item but it’s the thought that counts <3
How u found out he was the prowler!
You were planning on surprising miles with being there at ges house, in he’s room, after he’s night shift! “Fuck!-” miles yelled in agony as the window hit he’s head, “shit- what are u doing here baby?” Miles said in a confused and startled tone “I wanted to surprise u…?” U said “ but I’m why are y going through the window with a black and purple suit…” ur voice getting more and more confused as u talked. He stared at u dumbfounded “ummmm, listen it’s not what it looks like-” he tried to explain! but he couldn’t…
After he explained to you about he’s situation and what’s been going on u obviously we’re concerned and worried about miles and he’s safety! But you knew u loved him to much to leave him, u agreed to be ok with this as long as he didn’t get hurt or killed!!
“Ok wow I really wasn’t expecting all this to happen tonight…! But now that ur here we have to finish that movie!! PLUS I MISS UUU!” You guys obviously snuggled the whole night ❤️
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alexmeeksmartin · 1 year
don’t be afraid to jump then fall
part 1: https://www.tumblr.com/alexmeeksmartin/716114654174314497/enchanted-to-meet-you
pairing: chad meeks-martin x gn reader
synopsis: the one where y/n fully joins the friend group. also the one where quinn accidentally meddles, anika and mindy deliberately meddle, and sam puts her advice out there.
a/n: i’m kinda feeling like making this a cute little miniseries, open to any suggestions ofc !i definitely feel more comfortable writing even now, also i am open for requests !
wc: 2.7k
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it had been just over a month since you’d met anika’s friends, and you had pretty much become an integral part of the group already. you and mindy realised you had your film studies class together, and ethan’s free periods aligned perfectly with yours, allowing for a lot more studying and hanging out together. you had to admit that it was nice, the regular dinners at tara and sam’s place, mindy frequently coming in and out of your apartment, and going to the gym with tara. you slotted perfectly into the group. but, nicest of all was the opportunity to see chad.
ever since meeting him, you and chad had constant laughs with each other. he was a spark that could brighten up your gloomiest of days, and you felt the tension between the two of you rising more and more as the days pass.
it was a friday evening in your apartment as anika and you were getting ready to go round to tara & sam’s apartment for movie night. anika made her way into the bathroom, seeing you delicately fixing your hair and checking your overall appearance.
“y/n, babe, it’s a movie night. you do not need to be doing all of… well this. chad is still gonna stare as soon as you walk through the door regardless.” anika states with a playful tone, removing you from your transfixion on your appearance.
“i am not doing this for chad, anika.” you retort, turning around and making eye contact with anika, your roommate staring at you with raised eyebrows. you throw your hands up in defeat before looking back to the mirror. “okay, it is for chad. but i can’t look bad, ani, like this is very important!”
anika gently pulls your hands away from your hair before directing you out of the bathroom. she sits you on the couch and then starts speaking again, “y/n, that boy is like the definition of enamoured and infatuated when it comes to you. he is obsessed, and will continue to be.” she continues, making her way into your kitchen, “so, stop stressing about how you’re going to look for a movie night of all things, and just relax.”
“fine.” you huff, “but also, ani, that is complete hypocrisy, we both know just how much time you’d spend getting ready just for one night at mindy’s place before you guys were official!”
“now that is different!” anika replies, beginning to laugh. her infectious smile makes its way into you as well, and before you know it the two of you are giggling with each other. anika was right in fairness, you always stressed before seeing chad, it was a habit that needed to stop. “anyways, i need to shower.”
tara opens the door, a wide smile across her face. “hey, guys, come in!” she says, “that’s anika and y/n here now, sam, you can put the popcorn on!” tara yelled through to her sister.
“sorry for taking so long, but a certain someone takes thirty minutes in the shower.” you say, playfully blaming the two of you’s lateness in anika.
“hey, just because i like to perform in the shower.” anika mumbles in response as you put your coats away and take your shoes off.
“it’s a shower, not a theatre, babes.”
the pair of you walk into the living room, seeing mindy situated on one end of a couch, and ethan on the other, mindy having clearly reserved a spot for anika. beside them, tara makes herself comfortable in a bean bag and sam’s blanket wrapped over the armchair, leaving the only open seat in the room beside chad on the two-seater. a seat you‘re very grateful to have exist.
after greeting everyone else, you make your way to sit down beside chad. “this spot taken?” you ask jokingly.
“yep, saving it for my lovely friend, y/n- oh wait.” he responds, the two of you laughing at his lame joke.
you sit down beside him, curling up in the corner of the seat. “had a nice day?” chad asks.
“eh, it’s been okay. just been studying for my exam pretty much so i’m deadly tired. what about you?” you politely answer.
“pretty good, better now that i’m seeing you.” he flirts, and you hear a giggle erupt from where anika & mindy are sitting.
sam makes her way back into the room, greeting you and anika with a hug before sitting herself down. “so, what are we watching?” she asks, turning on the tv.
“wrong turn!” mindy exclaims from her seat, receiving confused looks from across the room. “what?”
“wrong turn?” tara repeats as a question.
“wrong turn. you know, the one where those college students and that doctor get lost in west virginia and are hunted by mutated inbred cannibals?”
“no, i don’t.” tara laughs, as everyone else begins to agree.
“i’ve never watched it, but i have actually heard of it.” you chuck into conversation. “thank you, y/n! i’m glad i’m not the only cultured individual in this room.” mindy replies, tara sticking her tongue out at them.
“i say a romcom!” chad butts in, only for ethan to also give his input, “but you guys said you’d watch star wars with me!” earning a laugh from you.
eventually, mindy convinces you all to settle on wrong turn. you watch the first third of the movie, but quickly finding yourself falling asleep, exhausted from revising all day. chad notices, and without you noticing moves himself along the couch slightly so that you fall asleep on his shoulder.
after a while, the movie finishes, and both you and chad have nothing to say about it. after you fell asleep on chad, he barely took his eyes off of you the entire movie, constantly checking that you were comfortable, and that none of the loud noises were startling you.
“so, who’s up for some pizza?” tara asks, receiving nods of agreement from the whole group. the group begin to organise themselves to go down to the pizza place, but chad remains seated. mindy and anika make their way over to you and chad, clearly on a mission.
“chad, i’m gonna need you to come with us.” mindy demands. “why? tara and ethan are already going too.”
“anika and i want to have a conversation with you.” she states with a very serious tone of voice.
“but y/n is sleeping. like sleeping on me.” chad protests, “do you not think i can see that?” mindy bluntly asks.
“well, i can’t fucking move, can i?!” chad whisper-yells at his sister as anika cuts in, “if y/n can sleep through the screams that we heard in that movie, i think you can move yourself off of the couch, chad. also, this isn’t a request. you’re coming with us.”
“fine.” chad sighs, then beginning to very delicately move you off of him and putting all of your weight onto the couch. chad leaves with mindy, anika, tara, and ethan, but not before a final glance to you.
only minutes later, you wake up to a redhead girl standing in front of you, seemingly studying you and giving you a jump, causing you to let out a small scream.
“oh my god, i’m so sorry, i did not mean to scare you!” she says, also having jumped at your startled wake.
“who are you?!” you shout at her, as sam rushes back into the room. ”um, you’re the one in my apartment.” the girl retorts.
“guys, calm down. y/n, this is our roommate, quinn. and quinn, this is tara’s friend, y/n.” sam explains, your breathing finally steadying.
“wait-“ quinn begins, her eyes wide with excitement. “like, chad’s y/n? anika’s roommate y/n?!” she asks sam.
“quinn!” sam says with a glare.
“was i not supposed to say that or-“ quinn continues, but you finally process what was just said. “what do you mean by ‘chad’s y/n’? also, where is everyone?”
“she means nothing by it, y/n. and they should be back in about twenty minutes, they’re just getting pizza. you like just basic cheese pizza, don’t you, y/n?” sam asks, clearly evading your first question.
“yeah, but still, what did you mean by ‘chad’s y/n’?” you ask quinn again. the redhead looks to sam, who sighs and nods at her. “you might as well, quinn.”
“well, i just meant cause y’know, you and chad kinda have a thing going… from what tara said at least.” quinn tells you. of course tara had told her, tara, like anika, had been constantly badgering you with support to get with chad. however, you were reluctant for a multitude of reasons: was he serious about things, were you sure of your feelings or were you just caught up in a guy paying you attention, and most importantly, can you coexist with his grief for liv.
“that adds up, i guess.” you say. “wait so what is going on there? is it a thing?” quinn asks.
“i mean, i’d like to know as well.” sam chips in from her armchair.
you begin to gather your thoughts. “so, anika and mindy both say that chad has a bit of a crush on me, and both ethan and tara seem to agree. but, i don’t know what to do about it. of course i’m attracted to him too-“
quinn adds, “who wouldn’t be?”
“-but i don’t know if he’s serious. or if i am for that matter. i also don’t know if he’s dealt with his grief for liv enough to focus on me. i don’t know, i’m an overthinker and i stress myself out about this stuff-“
“just go for it.” quinn says, getting up from the couch. “a wise man once told me ‘you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take’. so, just go. you like him on a level, he likes you. anyways, i should probably get back to paul. nice to meet you!”
“you too.” you reply as she leaves the room. “she’s a bit of a character, isn’t she?”
“she means well. also, i agree with her. go for it, chad’s a super sweet guy. he wouldn’t take you for granted in any way. don’t be afraid to jump then fall, y/n. you both deserve it.” sam advises.
“thanks for the tips, really sweet sam,” you begin sarcastically. “but i don’t know if you’re the best person to give romance advice on considering tara says you’ve been staring at ‘cute boy’ across the hall for months.” you say, laughing at sam’s predicament.
sam sighs. “i feel like i can trust you, y/n. i can trust you, right?” sam asks.
“of course.”
“swear to me that you will not discuss this with anyone. not even tara.” sam says with a stones expression.
“i swear that i won’t disclose this to anyone.”
“i’ve been sleeping with ‘cute boy’ from across the hall.” sam says, your mouth dropping open. “oh my god, it feels so nice to finally tell someone.” sam sighs in relief.
“seriously, sam?” you say, mouth still agape.
“she shoots, she scores.” you say, walking across the room to give her a high five. you sit closer to her, both of you getting ready to delve deep into your love lives.
outside of the pizza place, chad, anika, and mindy wait for ethan and tara to emerge with the food.
“so…” chad starts, “what did you ‘need’ to talk to me about?”
“y/n, duh.” mindy bluntly answers.
“what about y/n?” chad asks, defensive.
“chad, we’re not idiots. we can all tell that there is something going on there.” anika states. “plus, mindy knows you like y/n. like you like like y/n.”
“i don’t-“
“you do.” mindy cuts in. “and knowing you, it’s weird you haven’t made a proper move yet. so, what’s going on?”
“i don’t know if y/n likes me back like that. i mean, sometimes i feel like we’re flirting but y/n also talks to ethan in the exact same way.”
“that’s why you haven’t made a move? seriously? y/n adores you, chad. you realise that, right? y/n spent almost an entire hour picking out what to wear tonight and sitting in front of the mirror, just for you to be impressed.” anika says, mindy nodding along to her girlfriend’s words.
“fuck, mindy, you couldn’t have told me this earlier?” chad questions his sister.
“what? it’s not my fault that you can’t pick up on very obvious social cues. in fact, so obvious that everybody else picked up on it.” mindy retorts, with tara and ethan exiting the pizzeria.
“did you sort whatever’s going on with him and y/n?” tara asks the girls.
“come on, it’s not that obvious.” chad says, receiving looks that say ‘are you serious?’ from the girls. “ethan, back me up.”
“sorry, man, they’re right.” ethan shrugs.
“…i mean, i just don’t feel like i’m ready for a relationship yet.” sam says, telling you about danny.
“well, like you said, ‘don’t be afraid to jump then fall’, sam.” you respond as the rest of the group re-enters the apartment.
“so, who do i owe?” you ask.
“it’s fine.” chad answers.
“yeah, chad already paid your share.” mindy says, her eyes widening, chad also becoming a bit flustered.
“oh, thanks! i can still pay you back, though?” you ask, feeling slightly guilty.
“nah, don’t worry about it.” he says. you send a smile of gratitude his way before you all sit down to eat.
“so, y/n, enjoy the movie?” tara asks sarcastically.
“oh, shut up.” you say, laughing.
“i thought that you’d have some real insightful comments and analysis to add.” mindy playfully adds.
“you wouldn’t have fallen asleep if we watched star wars…” ethan mutters under his breath.
“oh, please, star wars would’ve had me passed out within the first ten minutes.” sam chips in, having heard ethan’s comment.
as the group devolves into nonsensical chatter, chad taps you on the shoulder. “you wanna go for a walk?” he asks.
“sure.” you say, with a smidge of anxiety creeping into your mind, unsure of what he wants to speak about.
you two make your way out into the cold night air, making small talk until you reach a bench, sitting down.
“um, so i wanted to talk to you…” he trails off. you’d never seen him like this, he was always in a very confident and relaxed state. not this kind of shy and awkward guy that was sitting before you.
“about?” you ask, encouraging him to go on.
“i like you.” he says, waiting to gage your reaction before continuing. your eyes light up and he continues, “i like the way i can’t keep my focus around you. your laugh might just be the best sound i’ve ever heard. when you speak it’s like i hear the words, but all i’m thinking is that we should be together. i know it’s cheesy, but every time i see you smile, i smile. above everything, i guess i just like the way you’re everything i’ve ever wanted.”
it’s like you’re in a trance, absolutely speechless. “shit, i shouldn’t have said anything-“ chad’s doubtful words snap you out of it, finally processing what was being said to you. “it’s fine, can we just stay-“
you cut him off with a kiss, pulling him in. your lips make contact, and you passionately embrace each other for a moment before breaking it off.
“the feeling’s mutual.” you say, feeling like a weight has been lifted off of your chest. chad was serious. all the doubts that had been clouding your mind had been blown away.
you two walk hand in hand back to the apartment, chad giving you his jacket on the way back due to you shivering. you open the door to the apartment, seeing five hopeful and expectant faces on entering.
“what are the faces for?” you ask, confused.
“so… what did you guys talk about?” anika asks, trying to cover up a giggle.
chad looks to you for approval before giving the news, you nodding in return.
“well, we will both be unavailable on wednesday night.” he says, “because we will be on our first date.”
the group erupts in cheers, as you give chad a little peck on the lips. sam was right, you thought to yourself. sometime the best thing to do is to is jump then fall.
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a/n: i don’t think i like this anymore but practice is good i guess, hope you enjoyed !
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cowboyellies · 1 year
august e.w. (1)
summary/ author’s note: hello! this is my first tumblr fanfic (also my first post because I’m not really sure yet how this website functions lol) I decided since it’s august to write an ellie fic inspired by the taylor swift song! (and the folklore love triangle in general) for those already aware of the story, ellie is supposed to be james, dina is betty, and the reader is augustine.  the characters are all supposed to be in the summer before they start college (18) so a slight difference from taylors lyrics. other than that the story is pretty much the same (aka angsty with a sad ending for poor reader </3) this is gonna be a multiple part fic so buckle up!
for those not knowledgeable in the folklore cinematic universe: after an awful fight with dina right before the start of summer (and dina’s three month long summer trip) ellie is left with unanswered questions about her and dina’s relationship and their future. ellie then meets you and pretty soon you begin a summer fling, leaving you questioning whether she was ever yours to lose?
warnings/themes: angst!!lots of it, cheating (womp womp), ellie is stupid and kind of a dick, reader is delusional and a little pathetic (me core), alcohol and weed use, eventual sexual themes (prob not in great detail because i suck at writing smut) talk of non consensual groping, homophobia (fun!)
word count: 2.1k
you decided to leave the prom an hour and a half early. the music was lame, the tacky decorations didn’t do nearly enough to mask your public school’s moldy gym, and your date, who you had made sure to inform multiple times that you were just going as friends, tried to stick his tongue down your throat in the middle of the dance floor. you said goodbye to your small group of friends who were still partying with their dates, and made it to the exit of the sweaty gym, making sure to toss the lame corsage you had been given in the trash on the way out. since your debt ridden public school had cheapened out at the last minute and moved the prom’s venue from a nice event hall two towns over to the gymnasium, your friends decided to skip the whole overly expensive limo thing and just take your cars. you made your way to your old but lovable station wagon and began driving the opposite way from your house. you knew if you came home this early your mom would bother you with questions so you figured you’d stop and get a slurpee to pass the time.
and that’s when you saw her, the girl you had seen earlier in the night awkwardly standing near the punch bowl fiddling with her thumbs while her date danced energetically with her friends. you had seen ellie williams before but never paid much attention to her. she had a famously close friendship with dina woodward, probably the most beloved girl in your small town yet she herself kind of flew under the radar. It wasn’t until tonight when you saw ellie in her black suit, arms linked with dina as they entered the dance that you realized they were definitely together. given your small town’s outdated views and ridiculously rampant gossip mill they could obviously never label themselves as together publicly, but you could tell. you knew the small town closeted lesbian look all too well. 
you noticed now as you approached the reddened stop light where you both would be waiting for the next minute that she looked really sad. her posture crumpled as she trudged along the broken cobblestone, a look one could only describe as heart broken across her face. Impulsively you felt your fingers moving to roll down the car window. you weren’t the type of person to involve yourself in anyone’s personal problems, but the mixture of your own shitty night and ellie's grim expression moved something in you to open up that window. 
“hey!” you called out to her across the sidewalk. her saddened daze broke and she looked up at you surprised, so lost in thought she forgot anyone else in the world existed. “get in!” you yelled, shocking yourself in the process. you watched as her face changed from confusion to wariness. you watched as she mulled the proposition over in head, registering your prom dress as a sign you had come from the same place as her and therefore most likely were not trying to murder her, only give her a ride home. she hurried over to your car before the light could turn green, shutting the door with intense force behind her making the both of you slightly jump. soon after the light turned green and you began driving to the 7-11 which was only a couple of minutes away, a 90s song quietly played in the background as you nervously tapped your fingers on the wheel, starting to regret your decision as you weren’t sure what to say. 
Ellie opened up her mouth a few times to talk, but realized she wasn’t sure what to say either. This night had worn her down to exhaustion and for the first time in hours sitting silently in your car provided her with a surprising sense of calm. as your car finally pulled into the neon lit 7-11 parking lot you finally turned to look at her. her expression while still sad had lightened a little and you noticed now under the intense lighting how pretty her freckles were. 
“do you want a slurpee?” 
you and ellie sat on the hood of your car quietly sipping your slurpees, yours a mixture of cherry and coke, her’s blue raspberry. the parking lot where you sat was vacant, the only other car there was likely the worker of the 7-11 behind you. 
“so…” you began to speak, putting an end to the comfortable silence. “prom was pretty great huh” you joked. she shook her head and smiled lightly, turning to look at you the first time that night. she noticed quickly that you were very beautiful, a fact that hadn’t crossed her mind in the midst of her heartache. she wondered suddenly why you had left the prom as early as her, another thought that hadn’t crossed her mind. 
“so um, dina, was she your date?” you asked, trying to keep your voice as nonchalant as possible, already knowing the weight behind your words. you noticed her body stiffen and soon regretted bringing it up. 
“sort of yeah,” she replied, her voice harsh. an awkward silence rested between you two until she began to speak again. “what about you, no date?”
“I wish, I had a date, jamie dawson. I thought we were just going as friends until he tried to grope me during the cha cha slide,” you cringed, taking another slip of your slurpee.
“gross. he’s a dick.” she replied. he was a dick, ellie had thought so ever since she caught him looking at dina’s ass while she cheered at last year’s fall pep rally. she wanted so badly in that moment to yell at him, inform him she was taken. but of course she couldn’t.
a similar situation is what led to her current shitty mood. she showed up to dina’s that night, crumpled corsage in hand as she nervously knocked on her door. she was greeted by dina’s dad. mr. woodward had always scared ellie since the first time she had met him in eighth grade. he made his disdain for ellie clear to his daughter, as he disapproved dina having such a close relationship with a girl like her, a girl who skateboarded around town in her dirty converse and boyish clothes. he hated how close they were and even though they had always done their best to hide the real nature of their relationship, he always suspected something was going on between them. when mr. woodward saw her at the door standing in her thrifted suit, his face crumpled in contempt, the first hindering in ellie’s confidence that night. 
she brushed past that as she made her way into the woodward’s foyer where dina and her friends resided. ellie knew most of the girls due to cheer performances and all the time’s dina had dragged her along to events like this, but she was never really close with any of them. along with dina’s friends stood their dates, most of them douchey football players who were among the bunch of boys who found pleasure in shouting homophobic insults at her in the school halls. the one nice one among them she recognized was jesse. ellie knew him from her astronomy class and had always liked partnering up with him for group projects, his sense of humor was similar to hers and they always found themselves being scolded by the teacher for laughing during lectures. 
she creeped inside awkwardly waving as the crowd eyed her entrance. dina wasn’t in the room and she quickly began to panic until jesse snapped her out of it by dapping her up. 
“ELLIE!!!” he shouted as he wrapped her in a bro hug. she found herself being thankful to whichever cheer girl brought him as her date. 
soon after dina descended from the stairs, scanning the room to see if ellie arrived yet. when her eyes landed on the auburn haired girl she broke out into one of her signature bright smiles. when she reached ellie she quickly wrapped ellie in a hug, making sure not to let the gesture linger considering her parents were in the corner setting up their fancy digital camera. “took you long enough,” she teased
“sorry I forgot your corsage and had to go ba-” 
“I’m just teasing you, I don't care,” she replied gently, reaching down to grab the plastic corsage container. ellie blushed, noticing since she’d arrived all of dina’s friends sporting much fancier corsages. “I love it!” dina beamed. opening the box for ellie to put it on her. dina’s parents eyed them from the side of the room, suspicious of the intimate gesture. The only reason they allowed dina to go as ellie’s “date” was because dina told them no one had asked her. that was a blatant lie, there was a day the week before prom where three boys had asked her in one lunch period. 
the group lined up for group pictures and ellie stood nervously, trying to look as platonic as possible posing next to her girlfriend of almost two years. soon when people began branching off to do couples pics, dina’s parents beckoned her over. ellie stood in her original position but could clearly hear the whole conversation. 
“we noticed that nice boy jesse is going stag, why don’t you two pose for some pictures together?” dina’s mom prodded, stroking dina’s hair. ellie tensed. 
“mom n-” 
“come on sweetie, when you're older don’t you want to show your kids pictures of your date from your senior prom? not pictures of you and your friend,” her voice hardening on the word friend. dina began protesting more but suddenly mrs. woodward was calling jesse over to them. ellie watched in the corner as the woodward’s began posing the two of them together. dina sported a tense smile while jesse, confused by the situation but happy he got to be in that close of a vicinity to a hot girl smiled brightly. 
after the pictures the group made their way into the big limo dina’s parents had rented. dina linked arms with ellie and quickly noticed her tense nature. “hey, i'm sorry about that,” she whispered softly. 
“s’ okay” ellie replied, forcing a small smile. she knew dina wasn’t at fault for her parents' insane actions, but that didn’t stop her from hurting whenever they pulled stuff like that. 
the rest of the night continued on regularly. ellie still felt awkward amongst dina’s friends but tried her best to put on a front for her. as she and her friends danced energetically to early 2000s hits, ellie stayed to the side, letting her girlfriend enjoy the night without having to subject her to her awkward dancing. she figured she would pop in during the slow songs, the light swaying they required being the only move she could handle. that’s why when the ridiculously corny ed sheeran song that for some reason dina loved came on, ellie began making her way to the dance floor. she stopped suddenly at the edge of the floor when she saw dina smiling as she swayed with jesse. ellie’s heart dropped when she saw their joyful expressions, jesse spinning dina at a completely different tempo than what the song called for, both of them laughing hysterically
in retrospect ellie should have known this supposed act of intimacy she had walked in on was just jesse dicking around and trying to ruin the slow song for the rest of the couples on the dance floor, but seeing her laughing and holding onto his hands made ellie want to hurl. so much so, she quickly exited the gym. trudging alone in the dark scraping her doc martens on the rundown cobblestone street until you came along, offering her a ride.
you watched as ellie finished her slurpee, her face bitter as she recalled the night's events. you didn’t press her on it any further, knowing by her expression whatever had happened was bad. 
“where do you live? I’ll give you a ride. I have to kill time before I get home anyway,” you said as you slid off your car's hood and began unlocking it.
“thanks,” she replied, mimicking your actions. after she got in the car she began thinking back to your last sentence. “why can’t you go home?”
“don’t want my mom asking annoying questions. you know, worrying about me and shit,” 
“I get that,” she thought of what joel would say when she returned home, all bleary eyed and disheveled looking. she realized she should probably wait to go home until she knew he was asleep. “actually, um if you don’t have anywhere to be… could we just drive around for a bit?” 
you smiled softly and placed your hand on the ignition, “sure.”
authors note: sorry not much happens in this chapter I promise it will get good in the next one I just wanted to introduce the story a little and try to explain ellie and dina’s relationship before I got into writing more about the reader and ellie🫶
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arlestial · 2 years
hello!! i wanted to request reo with a s/o recovering from an injury? like an injury to the knee, so they have to use crutches & stuff
❝help me hold onto you❞
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synopsis : Injured from your last sport workout, Reo decides to take care of you the best he can.
pairing : Reo Mikage x gender neutral!reader •— Blue Lock
tw : Mention of blood, of pain, and some swear words. Besides, it’s still fluff !
word count : 975~ words
author-note : Hi !! Thanks for your request, I’m sorry for the delay, I guess I can say I’m not very active here, I have a massive schedule in school and a lot of exams (I love French schools 😽) so I’m trying my best to write everyday. I have like 4 requests in my box and I’m writing them asap. Talking about Blue Lock !! The anime is super cool but sometimes the graphisms are weird ? Besides that I definitely love it. In short, I hope this hc is as good as you wanted ! take care of yourself ♡
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"Fuck", you said, wincing in pain. Your teammates ran towards your figure, concerned about the fall you just made. You tried to get up, thinking it was nothing too important, but you couldn’t. You immediately fell again, and you started worrying : and then you looked. Your knee was weird, you didn’t recognize it at first; the bone was not in the same place as a few seconds, before your fall. You watched your teammates’ livid faces, some of them were extremely pale, some immediately called the urgences. You were too overwhelmed to process what was happening, nor feeling the pain in your knee. The noises, some of your teammates were almost throwing up, the hotness of the gym, the yells of your coach… And before you can acknowledge it, you were basically laid on the floor, unconscious.
"Y/N !!!"
"Wait, Mikage, please ! I think they need some sleep, they’re not good at all for the moment-"
"Do I look like I care about your thoughts ? Let me see my s/o now."
As you were slowly and painfully emerging from your slumber, a furious guy entered (without the consent of your teammates) your hospital room. Purple hair, purple and anxious eyes searched for yours. It was Reo.
"Oh, gosh, you’re awake", he sighed, feeling his anxiousness calm a little.
"See ? They’re not dead, I told you, they’re not a fragile little baby."
"Shut up Seishiro, I never said that"
"You literally told me 5 seconds ago-"
"Can both of you two please talk less louder ?", you sighed, your eyebrows frowned.
"I’m sorry babe, but what happened to your knee ? Your coach called me, he said you were badly injured."
You finally looked at your knee cast. You frowned, disappointed of your performance.
"I made a bad move, that’s all. I’ll-"
"Y/N, don’t move ! You’re supposed to rest. The nurses said you’d play again after 7 of 8 weeks."
"8 weeks ?? It’s too long."
"It’s for your safety. If you don’t care about your own sanity, do it for me", sighed Reo, worried.
And your long trip into the healing process began. Reo was extremely concerned about you, always keeping an eye on you, and doing things to help you (even tho you don’t need help..). He literally carries you bridal style everywhere, anytime. You want to go to the bathroom ? He’s gonna carry you. You want something in the fridge ? He’s gonna search it for you. You want to eat something specifically ? He’s gonna cook it for you, don’t worry. He’ll bring you to every doctor’s appointment to make sure your knee is healing, in order to help you in your reeducation to play again. He’s so sweet. Taking you to your favorite restaurants, your favorite cafés, calling you to make sure everything is okay at home when he’s in his soccer training…
You heard your phone ranging. A towel around you, just out of your shower, Reo was calling, and a soft smile appeared on your lips.
"Hi, Reo."
"Hi, my dear. How are you ? I’m sorry I haven’t greeted you this morning."
"Mmh", you said, looking through the huge windows of your shared appartement, "When are you coming home ? I’m waiting for you"
"Soon, my love, I’m changing. I’m coming as fast as I can"
And you see him 5 minutes later at the door, already carrying you to the couch, your head on his torso, your arms wrapped around his form. Maybe being injured wasn’t as terrible as you thought…
And as the days with your sweet boyfriend passed, the 8 weeks were fast : you were finally able to play again, and Reo was your first supporter.
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giggly-squiggily · 1 year
The Longest Wait (Blue Lock)
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Heyo! :D Y'all knew it was Bachisagi week? (Or was- I don’t know the dates, I just saw art celebrating it) I don't keep up with those TBH- but since I've had this made up featuring our boys I figured I'd share it anyway :D (This isn't in theme with the prompt- honestly I have no idea what the prompts are I just saw Bachisagi and that's that lols)
I made this little ol' fic for a friend of mine- you know who you are ;) I decided I wanted to post it now cause why not? :D Here's some Bachisagi for the soul, folks! I hope you like it!
CW: Swearing, Spoilers for Blue Lock Second Selection
Cloud 9 (Taglist):
@cupcake-spice13 @myreygn
Summary: Bachira is in a major tickly mood and wants to play. The problem? The Top 3 aren't all that interested. And so- the longest wait for Isagi to return has begun.
“I GOTCHA!” Bachira cheered, running forward as he grabbed onto Aryu’s waist. The taller boy barely had time to react before Bachira was on him, fingers flying over his ribs, sides, stomach, hips, what he could reach he tickled. “Gotcha! Gotcha gotcha gotcha…gotcha?” He paused, confused on why he wasn’t hearing laughter.
Looking up, he found Aryu’s amused look meeting his own, lips quirked up in a smirk. “Very glam attempt, Bachira- but I’m not ticklish.”
“What? No way- you have to be! Here? Here?” He gave his knees and thigh a squeeze- nothing! “Not even your feet or armpits or neck?”
Aryu raised an arm, and Bachira scribbled under it. Not even a giggle.
“Wow. I never knew anyone who wasn’t ticklish.” Bachira blinked, amazed. Then his eyes widened when Aryu turned to look at him, a grin pulling at his lips. “Sihihihlly me~”
“Very silly.” Aryu reached out, and Bachira braced himself-
For a pat on the head. He blinked.
“Silly but glam. I respect the hustle.” Aryu nodded before returning to his original goal- leaving Bachira standing there oddly disappointed.
Tokemitsu sighed as he finished working out, sitting on the nearby bench with a towel over his head. The perfect time to strike! Bachira giggled, slowly approaching the older boy as he drank water. “Toke~MITSU!” He yelled in glee, jabbing his fingers into the buff boy’s ribs.
“PFFFT-” Water flew everywhere as Tokimitsu choked, coughing and laughing between each breath. Bachira blinked, suddenly worried he killed him, but then Tokimitsu was just giggly and he took that as a sign to keep going.
“Ahehahahhahahahhahaha! B-Bahahahahhahchirahhahahahahaha!” He cried, going stone still as he curled into himself and laughed. “Dohohoohohon’t it tihihiihhiihckles!”
“Does it now? Well come on then- fight back!” Bachira teased, drilling his fingers along the backs of Tokimitsu’s ribs, making him arch and cackle. “Make me stop, Toke~”
“Ahehahahhahhahaha! Gehahahahahahahaha! Aahah-EHEHEHEHEHHHH!” And then he was off, running for the hills and out of the gym. Bachira began to follow, but blinked when he saw Tokimitsu nowhere in sight.
That uneasy disappointment settled in his chest once more.
“Rin! Rin, Rin, Rin!” Bachira bounced up, fingers poised. “I’m gonna-”
“If you touch me, you die.” Rin growled, eyes cold and dangerous.
Bachira instantly retracted- he knew the difference between a halfhearted threat and a hard stop. Rin was clearly not in the mood. “Eh…fair enough. Well- want to practice together? We can make a bet! Loser get to…” Bachira watched as Rin faded away from the conversation- literally. Before he could even wager anything, the other boy was halfway across the soccer field, practicing drills.
“Man, and I was gonna let you win, too.” Bachira huffed, falling back against the wall and sinking into the grass. Joining the Top 3 was both a blessing and a curse. Sure- he definitely evolved as a player and his soccer improved, but he was so…lonely. He missed Team Z- at least there was someone always in the mood to play with him when he got like this.
Oh, how he missed Isagi.
The boy who was so unyieldingly present- who’s playful moods seemed to align almost perfectly with his own, meaning he always had company. Even when they didn’t, Bachira could at least have a friend- here he felt strangely out of place despite being here for over a week. The Top 3- for the most part- were nice enough, but it just wasn’t the same.
He missed his blue eyed monster companion. His chest ached longingly for him.
…..Huh. When’d he start feeling that?
Silly. He chided himself. You’ve always felt that way since the beginning. It’s just even more present now that he’s not here.
Bachira sighed, bringing his knees up to his chin. He wanted Isagi back.
A ball came rolling to his feet, followed by legs. For a brief moment, Bachira wondered if he got his wish.
But when he looked up, blue eyes were teal, and soft blue hair turned green. “If you want to run drills, hurry up.” Rin scoffed, looking away. Bachira’s eyes may have been playing tricks, but he swore he saw a faint flush on his ears. “Either that or mope somewhere else.”
“Aww, worried about me?” Bachira cooed, grinning when Rin scowled, his ears reddening further. “I’m fine- but I’ll gladly take your offer.”
It wasn’t exactly what he wanted, but it would have to do.
Then Isagi was leaning against the wall when they came out, eyes only for Bachira and a challenge on his lips.
“Yo Bachira. I’ve been looking for you.”
“I can’t BELIEVE it! Luck? Ugh, what irony!” Isagi flopped backwards against his new bed, freshly washed and mildly embarrassed. He had gotten back from bothering Rin- apparently he slipped and fell on him when attempting a Yoga pose. Bachira had been giggling up a storm for the past few minutes, so much so when Rin did return he tossed his towel in his face and grumbled something about “Should have picked the lazy guy.”
“Still, you’re here!” Bachira grinned, flopping across Isagi’s prone form with bright eyes. His heart couldn’t stop beating- and he may have cried in the shower earlier. He was just booming with emotions tonight- Isagi was BACK!
That fear in his chest regarding who he’d pick if he won still hung around, but he could tuck it away. Isagi was home!
“I am!” Isagi sighed, something like relief in his eyes as he turned to look at Bachira. “I can’t believe he picked me. I was worried for a second there!” He laughed, reaching out and taking Bachira’s cheek in his hand. “But we’re together, and I won’t let you slip away from me ever again.”
That fear released some, but the question was still on his lips. “Isagi..would you have picked me? If you guys won?”
“Yes.” There was no hesitation. Isagi’s eyes were dark with genuinity. “You’ve always been my pick.”
The fear vanished completely, and Bachira smiled, eyes starting to grow wet. “Thank you…”
“Ugh, you two are insufferable.” Rin groaned from his bed, earning a knowing smile from Aryu as he dried his hair. “Why the hell did we pick him again?”
“You picked him, Rin-Rin. In fact- I think your exact words after we left ego was “Now that bob-cut weirdo can be happy again.” Very glam on your end.” The older boy pulled his hair free, pausing when eyes were on him. “Was that a secret?”
“Kinda?” Tokimitsu offered, smiling sheepishly at Rin’s stunned embarrassment, face slightly flushed as he glared into the floor. Bachira and Isagi gawked, looking from Rin to Aryu to Tokimitsu to each other.
“Aw, RinRin~” Bachira began.
“That’s so-” Isagi followed up.
“Shut up! Don’t say anything- ugh, I’m showering.” Rin grumbled, standing from the bed and storming out, face on fire. No one pointed out he had just come back from it.
“Who knew he was such a softie?” Bachira asked when he was gone, earning a chorus of giggles and smiles.
“We have to pay him back sometime.” Isagi nodded.
“Later.” Bachira flopped into him, smiling. “Right now, I just want to be with you.”
It wasn’t much time later when the playful feeling returned.
Bouncing on his heels, Bachira poked his head through the door, finding Isagi plopped across one of the many yoga mats. He looked tired and happy and comfortable- all perfect attributes for Bachira’s mood.
Hopping in, he did a little tippy toe dance before dramatically sighing, falling back on his butt, then his back. He looked up at Isagi with big eyes as he stretched out across him, a smile on his lips.
Isagi, who had been half-paying attention till Bachira’s unceremonious lap attack, met his eyes with a head tilt, a grin pulling on his mouth. “Hello there. Come here often?”
“Only when you’re around.” Bachira snuggled up, poised and waiting.
Isagi snorted, shaking his head as he looked around the barely crowded gym. Chigiri and Nagi were running on the treadmills- well; Chigiri was. Nagi was all but snoozing as he walked slowly up one. Rin was stretching, surprisingly engaged as he talked  to a light blue haired boy across from him. Barou was doing weights- shirt off and drenched in sweat.
All lost in their own little worlds. He doubted any of them would notice them.
“Lucky me. And here I thought I’d be stretching alone.” Isagi gave his arms a good one, flinching and giggling when fingers prodded his ribs. “Whahat?”
Bachira’s hands went back across his belly, folded and patient. His smile never dropped as he watched Isagi, waiting.
“Oh, so that’s how it is?” The blue eyed striker grinned, raising his hands high and wiggling his fingers. “You want to play huh?”
“Yes please.” Bachira breathed out, as if he was being relieved of a consistent pain. “I’ve been wanting to forever.”
“Ah, I see.” Isagi’s playful grin grew a bit soft, eyes warm as he drew out the anticipation. Then he struck, going right for Bachira’s waist. The smaller boy let out a squeak and an arch before bursting into giggles, squirming in his lap. “Ahehahahahhahahha! Isa-Isahahhahahahgihihihihiihhi!”
“Is this what you wanted? You wanted someone to tickle you for a while now, huh?” He cooed, bringing both hands up and across Bachira’s ribs in spidery motions. “I bet you were waiting forever for this. I bet you wanted someone to tickle you the entire time I was gone, huh?”
“Ahehahahahhahha! Mhahahahhahybeheheheheehehe?” Bachira giggled out, cheeks red and eyes squeezed shut with mirth. He didn’t bring his arms down from behind his head though, keeping them tucked there as he giggled and squirmed. “Whhohohohohoho’s to shahahahhahahahy?”
Isagi chuckled, drilling his fingers into Bachira’s highest rib and earning a proper squeal. Arms shot down as Bachira tried to loosely block him out, hands curling into fists to avoid reaching out and grabbing him. “Look at you- you won’t even fight back! Something tells me you’re loving this! So, let’s ask the important question.” He paused his attack, leaning over the other. “Do you want me to keep being gentle or go right for your back?”
Bachira gasped, sucking down greedy breaths as he weighed the options. Gentle or his worst spot. It would feel nice to cut loose and cackle like a goon while Isagi scratched at his shoulder blades…
But then he remembered they were in a public space, and while that never stopped him in the past, something about right now felt special. Like going all out was their thing and he wanted to keep it that way.
“Gheehhentle, plehahahse.” He decided, worried for a second, Isagi was gonna press. Instead, the blue eyed boy above him smiled in understanding, fingers tapping over Bachira’s belly and making him squirm and giggly once more.
“I gotcha, Bumblebee.” He grinned when the other went bright red, hiding his face in his hands as he giggled and kicked. “Oh, you like that?”
“Suhuhuhhuhuuhuhush!” He giggled out, squeaking when Isagi massaged his hip. His whole body tingled happily with each wave of laughter until finally- Isagi came to a stop, brushing back his messy bangs so he could really take in Bachira’s smiling face. “Aheheheheeheh….ehheheheehellohohoho thehehehehere.”
“Hello to you too.” He leaned in to kiss him-
There was a sudden crash. The two looked over as Nagi tumbled off the treadmill, phone flying as he rolled backwards. “Nagi!” Chigiri yelped, staggering off his own machine and rushing to the pale boy. Barou all but dropped his weights as he ran over too. “Say something!”
“.....Zz-Huh?” Nagi blinked, eyes heavy with sleep. “Did I win the marathon?”
“Dumbass.” Barou shook his head as Chigiri collapsed across the older boy, shoulders shaking with laughter. “He’s fine.” He called out to the gym, turning back to his weights.
“Well, that happened.” Bachira giggled, reaching up and pulling Isagi’s pouting face back to his own. “Where were we?”
“Oh? Ah, right.” Isagi smiled, giving him a quick peck before standing up. Bachira blinked up at him, intrigued. Then a hand was offered and he was pulled up and into Isagi’s arm, the taller boy scooping him up with ease.
Wow…when’d Isagi get so strong?
“Come on- let’s pick this back up in our room. I have some spots I want to try.” Isagi grinned, the thumb against Bachira’s back wiggling some and making the younger boy giggle.
“Take me away, Isagirin~” He sang, arms around his neck as he swung a foot, hanging on as Isagi all but ran to their room.
It was the longest wait in history, but with Isagi back on his side, it was worth it.
Thanks for reading!
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hazelroses1 · 1 year
Yes, Katsuki Hit Himself in the Face Staring at Eijirou Weightlifting. What of it?
CW: mention of sexual excitement, Gym AU
Not Katsuki trying to go harder in the gym whenever the sexy, buff-as-shit redhead who wears stupid "Do You Even Lift, Bro?" shirts with the sleeves cut off is working out. He doesn't put more weight on the bar, use heavier dumbbells, or run until he's about to pass out. No fucking way. That's why when he hits himself in the face with a 50lb weight doing double dumbbell cleans (who the hell does them from inside the stance like this workout prescribed anyway), he knows it's not because "Red" is back squatting with a stupid amount of weight on the bar.
He took his shirt off before he got started. Fair, they're in a CrossFit-style warehouse gym, and it's hot as fuck in the summer. The fans don't help, but Katsuki is okay with that because he gets to watch the sweat drip down Red's tanned skin. He means get gets to admire his definition.
"Fuck!" Katsuki hisses, putting the dumbbells down to walk it off. 
Of fucking course, Red comes over after re-racking his bar. "Hey, man! You okay? Lemme see." 
Before Katsuki could protest, Red is towering over him, grasping his jaw, and turning his head to get a good look at his injury. Katsuki can smell his earthy deodorant and feel the heat radiating off him in waves. His nearness has Katsuki's pulse thumping hard in shorts that aren’t going to hide an erection.
"Aw, damn, bro. That's gonna bruise," he says, releasing Katsuki and taking the strength in Katsuki's knees with it. It's hard to keep himself upright as Red gives him a bright smile and sticks his fist out. "Name's Eijirou. What's yours?"   Fuck, he’s friendly. Katsuki knows he is, but anytime Red— Eijirou— tries to speak to him, Katsuki pretends he's too engrossed in his workout. No, he's not a coward; he's busy. 
 "Katsuki," he replies, staring at Eijirou's fist. "You're sweaty as shit. I'm not fist-bumping you."
Instead of getting offended, Eijirou laughs. "Yeah, you’re right. Well, I see you in the gym all the time. Your bench press looks amazing."  
"Your back squat ain't half bad either," Katsuki says while bending down to get his weights and hoping his face looks red from exercising and not from blushing. "I'm fine. You can leave now." 
 "You're kinda mean," Eijirou pouts, but he smiles once more. "I like it. I bet you’re great at pushing people to keep going and reach their goals!"
 Katsuki raises an eyebrow at him. "You want me to yell at you and tell you what a bitch you're being when you wanna quit?" 
Katsuki was on his last rep of his final set when he smashed the dumbbell into his face, anyway. Tch, if Eijirou wants someone to "motivate" him, he has no problem doing so. Katsuki wants to see the full extent of what this tank is capable of.  Gym days turn into partner work outs with Eijirou, which turns into questionable touches and wandering hands, which ends with them going to a weight lifting meet together for their first date. They're boyfriends now. Katsuki demands it, and Eijirou is happy to oblige.
Good thing Katsuki was paying too close attention to Eijirou's thick ass that day because if he didn't punch himself in the face with a dumbbell that weighed as much as a small child, he may not have gotten Eijirou all to himself.  
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