#so much for the warrior of the mind
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shinedoitsulikeabright · 4 months ago
Manwhore AU headcanon
I like to believe Manwhore Ody got home shortly after the war ended because he didn't have to deal with any of the bullshit that canon Ody has to deal with.
Like imagine: if only he seduced his way out of the whole Polyphemus situation, he wouldn't have pissed off Poseidon, meaning he would've got home pretty much immediately.
I'm not even saying he had to fuck Poly (he'd die), but he could've used his babygirl looks or something. Be like "I'm sorry about your sheep, pookie *bats eyelashes*", but no. He just had to abandon all reason and blind the cyclops before telling him his full legal name and address.
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lesbianacorn · 16 days ago
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random-remzy · 2 months ago
*trembeling uncontrollably*
In "Odysseus", when Telemachus is introduced, he has a 10-second instrumental part.
(This makes more sense with the animatic from the watch/premier party)
The timing of the different components of the instrumental aligns with the descriptive on-screen titles. Right?
It gets better.
When it says "Brave Prince of Ithica" you can hear quick guitar playing along with his motif. Who'se main instrument is a guitar?! The Prince of Ithica... The Heir to the King... Odysseus' son...
When it says "The Little Wolf" there is a slower viola melody playing... He is the underestimated Prince... Protector of his family... His Mother's Little Wolf...
When Athena flashes on-screen, there is a staticky sound that resembles her fazing in and out of existence, a form of protection. Her Piano plays continuosly throughout the lats part of the instrumental.
Right before that, ^(Athena's piano)^
"Warrior(s) of the Mind!" Odysseus and Telemachus being Athena's chosen champions. Penelope outsmarting suitors for 20 years. And Athena herself- When the screen says "Warrior of the Mind" The music is at its loudest and creates a medley of the guitar, viola, piano and the electronics. With the Indie piano being emphasized and "framed" by the other instruments (framed, for lack of a better word) This is all being played as Telemachus' motif.
BUT ITS LOUDER!!! Telemachus' motif has never been as loud or incorporated as many instruments as that exact moment in "Odysseus". It represents the passage of time since the wisdom saga, and how he's grown to become this brave, dynamic character.
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sporeclan · 1 year ago
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Lots of little things here and there this time around!
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celesrangeepic · 7 months ago
“What’s a title a goddess could lend if ill never sleep at night”
Compared to
“Maybe if I helped you reach your goal- Life could be that bright, I could sleep at night”
It just shows how Athena changed from thinking Odysseus was being dramatic about his guilt with his dead crew members to understanding how and why Odysseus felt that way because she feels the same way Odysseus felt, she had no way of knowing if Odysseus was dead after My Goodbye and that guilt that is shown in We’d be Fine- just the pure guilt and reconsideration of if Athena did something different, would Odysseus still be there. That just makes her more human and I love it so much
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skyloftian-nutcase · 5 months ago
My brain: What if we mix multiple people’s Hyrule Warriors AUs together?
Me: Say no more
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Three HW AUs!
Hyrule Dragon Warriors by @skyward-floored
Love at Twilight & Link Between Links by @smilesrobotlover
Imprisoning War & Golden Mercy by me
Close ups and thoughts under the cut!
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I think Power is good with kids and doesn’t know it, and he wants to look out especially for Mask because he’s so young and in this mess. Mask loves playing with Power’s earrings, so he never takes them off ❤️
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Tune’s big brother senses are tingling. For all of them, really, even if he doesn’t know Mask and Power’s stories quite like he knows Warriors.
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Considering Midna in Smiles’ AU has to contend with people trying to hurt her kid because he’s half Hylian, I’m pretty sure she’d relate to Impa’s plight and try to be supportive of her ❤️
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Poor Impa and her baby boy, it’s all so complicated 😭
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Power trying to figure out how the frick Impa got together with a lizard and made a normal looking child, and trying to figure out how a weird imp got together with a Hylian is giving me life 🤣🤣🤣
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Power is good with kids and I think he could have fun with Kori 🥹 Also free therapy for Power lol
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Seeing how Warriors is deeply hurt by parents who seemingly didn’t want him might touch a nerve with Power, who is terrified to even acknowledge he has a child given his circumstances. Also he carries guilt for leaving his world to investigate the strange dark portals while his wife was in labor. And, well, he already has issues.
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Ganondorf with the full Triforce and thousands of years to marinate in losing his family would 100% use it to secure his kid and keep him “safe” by his definition… mainly by brainwashing him until he can destroy Hyrule and actually talk to him.
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all-our-turf · 29 days ago
thinking about swan (as usual) and how she handles being in a leadership position and i think it'd be interesting if That Night was like. her first time actually holding that level of responsibility. like i think from early on when swan joined the warriors everyone could kind of see the relationship cleon was building with her and that it was likely swan would be named her number two, but what if it hadn't been official for all that long before the events of the album. and even once she did become cleon's number two, most of what that entailed was being at cleon's side and maybe she became more directly involved in decisions, but she wasn't really in charge of the warriors - at least, not in the way a traditional hierarchy would suggest.
swan steps into the role of leader because she thinks she's supposed to, and that it's what cleon would want her to do, but i don't think it's a position she's at all used to holding, which you'd think as number two she would've had some sort of experience leading, but both her actions and those of the other warriors don't really suggest that. swan makes plans, and the warriors go along with them for the most part, but she never throws any sort of authority around.
i know it's been brought up by others how the warriors don't necessarily follow such a strict hierarchy (like the riffs), but what if ajax questioning swan in woodlawn cemetery stems more from the fact that swan's position is "cleon's number two", and because cleon isn't there anymore then that role no longer holds any real weight. if swan had frequently been responsible for the warriors whenever cleon wasn't around, i doubt this confrontation would've happened at all, because swan taking charge would've been a given.
even her lines in light or somethin' ("don't put your hope in me" // "do not put your trust in me") don't exactly suggest that she's comfortable being in a leadership position. the way swan thinks about herself practically contradicts her role to the warriors, which is why i think it's interesting to explore the idea that this is still relatively new to her. that she hasn't really gotten much experience without cleon by her side to sort of solidify her role. sort of like imposter syndrome - she has the position but she doesn't think she should.
this is more of a personal hc but in my head swan is also one of the younger warriors in the group, which i think would further add to her insecurity as number two. i saw someone mention that fox being the youngest makes her character that much more tragic, and i think swan also being on the younger side has a similar effect. and just like fox spends the album wanting to prove herself as a warrior, i think swan similarly wants to prove herself as a leader. that she's capable of protecting the warriors. the way fox says "i won't let you down" in outside gray's papaya and the way swan says "i'll get us home alive" in woodlawn cemetery carry a similar weight imo. and they both have their moments (fox in reunion square and swan in the finale when she goes up against luther) but i think what makes it all the more painful is that swan would look at how everything played out through the night and view it as evidence that she isn't good enough. that she finally had to step up and prove that she deserves her position as number two and she let everyone down
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wolfythewitch · 1 year ago
TikTok don't take down my videos unnecessarily challenge FAILED
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asthedeathoflight · 2 months ago
Category five lighting designer moment incoming but I have Still Breathin' thoughts. Still Breathin' is way less anchored to physical space than the others. Like Luther's interludes and the DJ, it's disconnected from the Warriors' physical journey home. However it's too big and physical of a moment to put it on a platform so you need to disconnect the main area of the set from normal space and time. The easiest way to do this is by putting it mostly in the dark.
Call Me Mercy fades out. We're in the dark. We stay in the dark for longer than has been established as the rhythm of the scene changes in this show so far. The audience feels that this scene is More Different than the others have been. Masai flicks open his lighter (real lighter) (dont worry about it fire marshal) and we see just a little bit of his face for a second or two before a dim orange glow picks up the space around him, pretending to be the light from that little flame. He chuckles to himself and says "you lucky you still alive."
This is where we cheat and call in a universally recognized symbol to establish if not /where/ this scene is, then /what/ it is. Big round pool of light directly from overhead, hard focus. This is the Interrogation Room spotlight. The light will bounce off the floor to illuminate the other Riffs standing around the edges of this pool of light (probably in a neat little half-circle formation) but they should never actually step into it because that's Masai's place as leader.
Masai monologues in the pool of light for a minute just to be cool before he gestures for the Riffs to bring Cleon - beat to hell, hands bound behind her back - forward into the light. From here it's very classic stage composition. We start with Masai in the center of the light, holding all the power, asking all the questions. But he falters on "calm down." He leans back a little bit. He's no longer in control of the narrative, he's no longer sure what happened tonight. Cleon takes advantage of that moment of uncertainty and gets right up in his face. Shes asking the questions now, she's the one who knows what happened and what needs to happen next. She forces him backwards little by little with her barrage of questions, with her proof that he doesn't know what he's doing, and he knows he's lost when the Riffs get excited on "you get him" because they've found someone who is promising them justice, who actually seems to be able to deliver.
When Masai asks "what do you do when they kill everything you believe in?" after that, its not rhetorical. He doesn't know. He's standing on the edges now, pacing back and forth like a caged animal, but Cleon doesn't need to move to keep her eyes on him because she's right there in the center and she's got him. His anger and desperation doesn't frighten her. He wears out that last bit of fear and fury and then accepts that he needs to follow her at least for tonight. He says cut her free. One of the Riffs moves forward to untie her. The light goes down.
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a-thousand-breadcrumbs · 1 month ago
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“Demise, forgive me for what I’m about to do to this man…”
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minlicious · 4 months ago
why isn’t it socially acceptable to dramatically lip sync to music you’re listening to in public because sometimes i just need to nahhh don’t be modest👋🏻🙂‍↔️i know you‘re a goddess!🤭 so let‘s be honest!☝🏻😁YOU ARE ATHEENA! 🫵🏻BADASS IN THE ARENA!!UNMATCHEDWITTYAND QUEEN OF THE BEST STRATEGIES WE‘VE SEEN!! without feeling judged
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sulphuric-onyx · 4 months ago
Wash drawing that popped into my head when Kitty by The Presidents Of The United States of America came on shuffle
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Or at least thats how it started and then promptly spiraled into me adding small implied tuckington details, Whoops. (It will happen again)
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theprinceandthewitch · 8 months ago
I really do find it incredibly irritating how TOH plays all sides of the shipping board just because they don't want to upset shippers.
It's why you get Evelyn looking more like Luz than Willow - it's also why her face is never shown. Even if Dana didn't want to get into the Caleb/Evelyn and Philip murder drama, there isn't any reason for her face to be obscured UNLESS the goal wasnt to upset shippers
It's why you get Luz's type of of boy being angsty warrior princes like Hunter - it's also why all of Hunter's important moments involve Luz and not Willow.
This is why you get Hunter dying and coming back to life looking like Caleb pleading with Luz to help him fight Belos in TTT, but then his entire arc culminates with him holding pinkies with Willow FTF. This is why all the interesting themes Hunter brought to the table were completely kneecapped by his relationship with Willow.
It's fucking bizarre LMAO.
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alackofghosts · 1 month ago
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the sillies!
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aceyanaheim · 3 months ago
But also Odysseus and Athena could have hugged
For me
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cipherr · 1 year ago
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