#so much flora and fauna this week
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Text: The mansion is a place of misery from the foundation up. Plants grow directly from the walls, trees up from the floorboards, the outside trying desperately to swallow the evil thing whole.
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ace-turned-confused · 4 months
planted in your garden | joel miller x f!reader
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joel masterlist | read on ao3
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summary: joel has always shown his love for you through flowers, and now it's your turn to do the same word count: 1k warnings: 18+ only, reader has tattoos & is shorter than joel, joel being soft & lovey-dovey & just the best in general, bit of spiciness at the end a/n: written for @morallyinept's Fauna & Flora Challenge ❤️ not beta’d or any of that jazz, please enjoy :)
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If there’s one thing you know about Joel Miller, it’s that he will always find a reason to buy you flowers, no need for a special occasion. It’s been a long hard week and I wanted to get you something, saw these pretty flowers and thought of my pretty girl, got them just because I love you. Whether it’s an entire bouquet or just a few wild stems tied together by a ribbon, you’re sure he’s given you more flowers than you’ve received in your entire life.
It started on your birthday — you told him you hadn’t planned anything because you didn’t want a big fuss and it wasn’t a number worth celebrating, and he insisted on bringing you dinner so you wouldn’t have to spend the evening on your own. Every number is worth celebrating, it means you’ve been around another whole year. You were floored when he showed up on your doorstep, pizza boxes in one hand and a bunch of red and pink tulips in the other.
“Saw the ink on your arm there and just assumed they were your favourite. None of the stores ever have anything fresh or pretty enough, so I just cut these from my back garden.”
Joel Miller. Cut red and pink tulips for you. From his own garden.
You’d only known each other a few weeks at that stage, and he’d been more observant in that short time than any other man you’d met. At first, you didn’t read into it too much, he’s just doing something nice for you. You told yourself it didn’t matter that this ‘something nice’ was the single nicest thing anyone ever did for you.
You ate your takeout pizzas and talked for hours that night, record player on in the background, sharing stories of years gone by and remembering the person you each used to be. A few stray tears even slipped down your cheek at one point — Joel moved to sit close next to and almost on instinct you rested your head on his shoulder. It was oddly comforting knowing just how vulnerable you could be around him. He was a kind soul, a rather rare find in today’s world, and you found it surprisingly easy to open up to him.
You asked him for a hug that night and he wrapped his arms around you, holding you firmly against him, his chin resting on the top of your head and it was the safest you felt in years. Of course, and next time you don’t have to ask. You smiled into him, letting out a breath you didn’t realise you were holding. He eventually pulled back to check on you and planted a hand on your waist; he bid you goodnight with a wink, called you sweetheart and went home, leaving you standing like an idiot, mouth hanging open in a daze and still feeling the heat that had radiated off his palm and the grip of his fingers through your shirt on your skin.
‘Sweetheart’ played in your mind over and over for hours, days, weeks after that — soon enough you acknowledged that you weren’t immune to his charms and you’ve never looked back.
The flowers aren’t only for you to enjoy — you noticed early on that Joel takes great pride in his garden. The lawn always mowed, flower beds always with manicured edges, bees and butterflies in abundance. You’ve spent many hours lounging in the sun just admiring him, your book long abandoned — temples and greying curls damp with sweat, t-shirt clinging to his arms and back, gym shorts showing him off deliciously, all while he potters around tending to his garden, refilling a bird bath, touching up the fence and spewing out endless plant facts.
He even expanded the bed of tulips, planting bulbs of different varieties and an array of colours — ones with frilly edges, ones with pointed petals, and even blooms that look almost hand-painted in their beauty. He told you he’d been planning this for months, long before he met you, but you knew that part of him was doing this for you, too.
Late one night he finally told you the red and pink of your birthday flowers represented eternal love and affection, and sheepishly admitted he only remembered that once he’d already knocked on your door. He had hoped you wouldn’t ask him the meanings that night and figured there must’ve been someone looking out for him when you simply accepted them with a dazzling smile and that twinkle in your eyes. He wonders how things might have played out differently if you had asked him that night.
Now it’s Joel’s birthday and you want to do something special for him — so here you are, lying underneath him in a matching set, simple and white and covered in daisies. Propped up by his elbows, he traces over a flower right in the centre of your bra.
“You gonna tell me anything about them?”
“Daisies supposedly represent innocence and purity…” His voice fades off as he trails his fingers featherlight across you, goosebumps rising in his wake. With a faint smile pulling at his lips, he lifts his gaze to look you in the eye. “But something tells me you already knew that.”
He leans to kiss you, tongue licking into your mouth and you feel him pressed against your core, thick and heavy. You spread your legs wider to accommodate him and he grinds his hips into you, your fingers raking through his hair and tugging ever so slightly. He pulls back and starts snaking a hand down between you, now taken by the same applique daisies on your panties.
“Not sure those words apply right now, though,” he whispers to you, knuckles grazing the fabric.
“What, ‘innocence and purity’? You don’t think that’s true about daisies?”
“I ain’t talkin’ bout the daisies, sweetheart.” He smirks at you and you simply grin at him and huff a laugh in response as he shuffles down your body to pull your panties down your legs.
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comments & reblogs are hugely appreciated, forehead kisses to all 💜
dividers by @saradika-graphics
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larluce · 7 months
Arthur and Merlin travel back in time without knowing the other is from the future too AU
A little reminder that Merlin was a tree for over a decade before travelling back in time, though he doesn't remember it and also Arthur's traumas of that time.
In Gaius's tower
Gaius: (checking Merlin, after Arthur insisted something was wrong with him) No sickness or injuries. He's perfectly fine, sire.
Merlin: (to Arthur) See? I told you it was nothing.
Arthur: It was not NOTHING. Merlin, you fainted.
Merlin: I just tripped.
Arthur: Because you fainted! And before that you were in pain.
Merlin: I was not!
Arthur: Yes, you were! Everytime we go hunting or camping you have headaches and pains. Don't you dare lie!
Merlin: (sighs) Alright, fine. It's true. I don't know why it happens, but it's not unbearable. And you heard Gaius, there’s nothing fisically wrong with me.
Arthur: As far as we know. (To Gaius) Check him again.
Merlin rolls his eyes. He loves that this Athur is more caring and protective of him, but sometimes it was too much, honestly. He even carried him all the way here like he was some maid in distress.
Gaius: Perhaps is an external factor that it’s causing this. Like some particular smell of a flower, for example?
Merlin: (shakes his head) I don't think so. We're never in the same place. The flora and fauna changes from one place to another.
Gaius: There must be a common factor. When do you feel this pains and headaches exactly?
Merlin: (purses his lips, not wanting to say)
Arthur: Merlin.
Merlin: I don't think is related.
Arthur: Merlin.
Merlin: (sighs) when a living thing dies. Like a bird, or a plant.
Arthur: When a living thing- (between horrified and mad) Merlin, I've been killing animals in your face for WEEKS! And you tell me this NOW?!
Merlin: I'm telling you I don't think it's related! I mean, it can't be related. It's ridiculous. And it never happened to me before.
That's not entirely true but not entirely a lie either. He has always been sensitive to nature. That's why he always hated when Arthur hunted animals just for fun. But he has never been THIS sensitive to the point he almost feel the same pain these creatures feel. Not until he came back in time. Maybe this is another price he has to pay for his deal with the sidhes or it's just a time travel side effect. The pains could be random as far as he knows.
Gaius: Well, there’s only one way to find out.
Later in the forest. Gaius is next to a tree with a chicken in one arm and an ax in the other. Merlin and Arthur look at him, insecure.
Merlin: Is this really necessary?
Gaius: I'm sorry, my boy, but we won't know for sure until we test it. (Apologetic smile) If it makes you feel better, it was going to die anyways for today's dinner.
Merlin: And you're going to cut down these flowers too? 🥺
Gaius: Not in vain. They’re medicine and they'll grow up again.
Merlin: Okay (takes a deep breath) I'm ready.
Arthur: (worried, holding his hand and stroking it comfortingly) Are you sure?
Merlin: (Nods and smiles) I just want to get this over with.
Gaius: Very well. Merlin, turn your back to me. Arthur, hold him in place and look his reaction closely.
They both do as told, Arthur holding Merlin by the shoulders, firmly but gently, his fingers caressing Merlin's neck under the neckerchief.
Arthur: (his face inches from Merlin's) Just look at me, alright?
Merlin: (blushes and just nods)
Gaius: (Kills the chicken)
Merlin: (his face flinches)
Arthur: Are you okay?
Merlin: (nods) It did hurt. But not as bad as I thought it would.
Gaius: We can check animals then. (Makes some notes and then cuts some flowers)
Merlin: (whimpers a little)
Arthur: (concern) Merlin.
Merlin: It's fine. But it hurt a little more for some reason.
Gaius: Interesting... (takes notes) "plants hurt more than animals"
Merlin: (sighs. To Arthur) You can say it.
Arthur: (confused) What?
Merlin: That I'm a petticoat... or a freak... For being like this.
Arthur: That's not true. You just have a... (looking for the right words) an unusual medical condition. Like Morgana with her nightmares.
Merlin: (snorts) At least her condition is useful. How am I supposse to accompany you in your hunting trips if I get like this all the time?
Arthur: Oh, there won't be more hunting trips. They’re cancel. Forever.
Merlin: What?! 😨 But you love hunting trips!
Arthur: (shrugs) It was never really that fun anyways.
Merlin knows that's not true, but doesn't say anything, to moved with Arthur's action he wants to cry. Arthur's holding him close still, their foreheads touching. They lose into each others eyes. But just as they’re leaning closer-
Gaius: (sticks the ax in a tree)
Merlin: AAAAAAARGH! (Screams and curls in pain)
Arthur: (Hugs him in distress) Merlin! (To Gaius furiously) What did you do?!
Gaius: Merlin! (Running to them) My boy, I'm so sorry! I've been cutting other plants and killing some bugs and you didn't seem to feel it. I just thought-
Merlin: (cries histerically) NOOO! (pushes Arthur and Gaius aside and runs to the tree) YOU HAD NO RIGHT! NO RIGHT TO HURT HER LIKE THIS! (Looks at Gaius, face contort in fury but with tears running down his eyes. Then he turns to the tree and takes the ax out of the trunk desperatly. When he finishes he sees the hole in the trunk and falls to his knees, sobing)
Gaius: ... It seems that trees trigger him more than anything. I've never heard of any sickness like this. Perhaps someone put a spell on him. Or a curse.
Arthur: (completely pale)
Gaius: Sire?
Athur: (murmuring, very scared) It... it can't be...
Gaius: Sire, are you alright? You're pale.
Arthur: I have to go. I'm sorry.(runs off)
Gaius: Sire! Sire! (Sighs and sits next to Merlin, who is now just sniffing quietly. He pats his backs, full of guilt) I'm so sorry, Merlin. Does it still hurt?
Merlin: (shakes his head) Not anymore. (caress the bark of the tree with a sad smile) She says she forgives you. She understands why you did it.
Gaius: (surprised) You're talking about the tree? You can speak to it-I mean, her?
Merlin: (nods, just as surprised at his new discovered ability) It's kind of like mind speak. But there is no voice in my head or really words. Just feelings.
Gaius: Incredible!
Merlin: Don't tell Arthur any of this though. He'll realise I have magic for sure. Or just think I'm insane.
Gaius: He seemed very torned up before leaving.
Merlin: (worried) You think he figured it out?
Gaius: I don't think so. I'll have a fake diagnosis for you in the afternoon just in case.
Merlin: (sighs) I can't believe my magic is doing this to me. Maybe I am cursed. (Thinking) What the hell did the sidhes do to me?!
Gaius: You just discover a new power, my boy. Once you know how to control it, it'll be more an advantage than a disadvatage.
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shkudss · 2 years
Weakened by Eywa Pt. 1
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6
Summary: Ao’nung finally realizes that his actions have consequences
Warnings: curse words, bullying, mental breakdown, English isn’t my first language
Author’s note: it my first Avatar writing, so I hope you like it! This idea was spontaneous and I’m not really good at writing, but I hope you’ll enjoy it! I’m still learning how to use Tumblr properly since I don’t really use it 🥲
Yawntutsyip - darling, little loved one
Yaymak - foolish, ignorant
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You thought that all these days when you flew to the water clans were the hardest in you life. Little did you know that life with Metkayina would be harder. You expected to finally live a normal life, doing your chores without being sacred to be shot by sky people. Now you’re safe, but things didn’t get better.
Since your arrival, these boys were bullying all your siblings, including you. You have no idea why it is important for Ao’nung to see totally similar to him Na’vis. You all are same avatars with slight differences that were unavoidable due to the environment you’re supposed to live in. Oh, yeah… supposed to live.
“What are you even doing here?”
“You’re so useless to our tribe”
“Go back to your monkey house”
All these words almost engraved in you mind without leaving space for other thoughts and hope. It’s been two weeks since you arrived and you still haven’t ridden an Ilu successfully, you can’t hold your breath as Metkayinas do. This makes you feel horrible and believe all these mean words.
“C’mon, Y/N, you can do it!”
Neteyam is trying to teach you how to deal with ilu and his voice is so calming, he really believes in you as an older brother. You wish you could just believe him, but insecurity lays too deep and securely in your mind.
“I don’t know… I can’t…”
Your voice was really soft and quiet as you’re the calmest child in your family. You don’t like loud sounds and fast actions. That’s just the way you are. Neytiri says that Sylwanin was just like you.
Despite being slower and more sensitive that other Sullys they loved and protected you with all their heart. Jake knew that Kiri and Tuk are different, they can deal with their problems a lot easier, while you cannot. When something bad to your family or yourself happens, you worry a lot and you won’t tell anyone about your worries unless they make you to. That was the hardest part of you character.
“Hey, are you okay? Do you need to take a break? We can continue tomorrow, don’t worry yawntutsyip.”
Neteyam was worried about your mental state, you were too quiet these days and it never meant anything good. Trying to make you speak about your feelings was completely impossible. You always think that your family has too much to worry about to burden them with your own issues. You want to be like Kiri and Tuk. That’s hilarious, Tuk is way younger than you but she’s able to deal with her emotions way easier than you.
“I’m good. Can we just take a break for like half an hour? I think my brain melts.”
You awkwardly smiled at the end trying to lighten the mood. Neteyam smiled back, feeling relief as you seemed to be just tired. He didn’t want you to hide anything from him and your family.
“Okay, yawntutsyip. I’ll go find Lo’ak and make sure his ass hadn’t get in trouble again. Kiri is on that side of the beach by the way. You can join her, she’s probably flirting with plants again. Let’s meet here in an hour.”
You laughed at his little joke about Kiri. But that’s a fact. Since you arrived here all she’s been doing is examining all local flora and fauna. You missed your time together in the forest, maybe now you’ll have a chance to talk and just be together.
“Tell me if something goes wrong.”
You knew this look. The big brother look. Sometimes you think how hard it would be for you to live without your family, the way you’re connected to them something really fascinating. And one of your love signs is time. Spending time with your family and each member is the way you show love, the way you feel protected and loved.
You see Kiri laying down in water and looking for something. She didn’t see anyone around, attracted by… water? You didn’t try to understand what’s going on in her mind.
“Hey, pandora geek.”
You stood in front of Kiri and the shadow from your body covered her. Only after that she raised her head and squinted at you.
“I thought you’re with Neteyam. What’s wrong?” She sat on the sand, water was covering her legs a little. You did the same thing, hugging your knees and placing your head on them.
“We took a break, my brain doesn’t work properly. I still can’t ride ilu.”
Hopeless sigh made your sister chuckle, but then she saw your eyes. They were full of sadness, you were not happy. Kiri felt guilt, as your sister she had to be with you, she forgot that Sullys stick together.
“What bothers you?” You were not sure if it’ll be okay to tell her everything. But you family always encourage you to speak what lays in your heart, so you decided to do it.
“There’s a lot… I miss home, I miss flying with you, Neteyam and Lo’ak around Hallelujah mountains.” You were vulnerable now and this is one of those rare moments when you opened your feelings easily. Kiri was the only one you did it with. You could feel tears coming to your eyes, you needed this. “I just miss our way of life. I don’t know why it’s so hard for me to get used to it. Especially, when you always hear…”
“Hey monkeys! Still can’t ride ilu? How can you be so yaymak? You’re both freaks!” you could recognize this voice in millions. “One sister has demon blood, another is too dumb to do things that even infants can do!”
Ao’nung and his friends were coming towards you. Kiri’s body immediately tensed, you could feel it.
“What do you want? Is there nothing to do?”
Ao’nung and his friends came closer and you both stood up. Kiri was looking at him angrily, ready to fight. You were supposed to have such a good conversation, opening each other your soul, but this bully spoiled everything.
“My goal for now is to get rid of such fake Na’vis like you two and your stupid little brother.”
You were furious, how dare he talk like this about your family. Yes, he did say mean things to you, but he still picked his words. Now it’s too much. Nobody can talk about your family this way.
“Shut up and don’t get close to me and my siblings!” You tried to get into protective sister mode. Kiri was shocked by the way you raised your voice. She’s never heard such tone from you before.
“Look at this! Little girl knows how to talk?” Ao’nung was teasing you and laughing with Roxto and the rest of his friends. “Maybe you’ll learn how to swim properly soon by the time my future brother or sister will turn 10. Hopefully.”
You clenched your fists, trying to hold all your emotions. Anger, offense, sadness. It felt like a hurricane of extremely high spectrum of emotions, which was hard for you to bear.
“Don’t you dare…”
You didn’t control yourself that you were coming closer and pushing him. The reason why you felt this way was in him.
He did this to you.
You didn’t care that he was taller than you and all you faced was his shoulders. You didn’t care that he barely moved as you tried to hurt him as much as he hurt you. All he did was laughing. It seemed like Ao’nung didn’t understand anything you said, like he didn’t see you breaking into pieces right in front of you.
“Calm down, you little skxawng!” It was a joke for him. For you it was your last piece of composure.
“You’re dumb! So dumb that you can’t even understand how much pain you give me! Every day I wish I don’t meet you so you won’t shower me with all your shit! Every night I cry myself to sleep because all your mean words you’ve said hurt me! And you don’t understand me, how can you be so mean?”
You were screaming at him and trying to hit, mental breakdown took over your senses. You could physically feel how your heart hurts and legs weaken. All sounds were heard as if from under the water, you didn’t see what’s going on around you. Someone’s holding your shoulders and pushing you to their chest to not let you fall on your knees.
“Don’t touch her!”
Furious voice sounded from afar. Neteyam. Your brother who always protects you, surrounds you with love you need. That’s why he calls you yawntutsyip. Little loved one.
You could feel your brother as he came closer to you. His steps were as heavy as his mood. When he saw you breaking down in front of this asshole and because of this asshole, he almost lost his temper. The way chief’s son was holding and looking at you, finally realizing that his actions have consequences. He had to drive you crazy to understand it.
“Back off! Now!”
He pushed Ao’nung as he got closer to him, taking off his hands off you. You didn’t realize it was him, who held you all this time. Was it long? Actually, everything happened in less than 2 minutes, but for you it was like an infinity.
“What happened?”
Lo’ak was here, he saw you crying in Kiri’s hands and Neteyam fighting with Ao’nung and his friends. He didn’t need to check on all details to punch Roxto and other guys.
“It’s fine, we’re here. Don’t worry.” Kiri was sitting with you and slowly swaying, while tapping your head to calm you down.
“I’m sorry, I…” that’s all you could say.
Neither you nor Kiri noticed how the fight stopped until Neteyam came closer and examined you. His eyebrow was cut so as his lower lip, but he didn’t care. Now he could feel only your pain.
“Yawntutsyip… my sister.”
“I’m sorry, Neteyam. I didn’t…” You were gasping for breath from crying, not being able to collect your thoughts.
“Shhh, that’s fine, you’re fine. We’re here, nobody will hurt you again.” Kiri gave you to Neteyam, he was calming you down repeating the same moves as Kiri did. You were crying, letting all pain, that was suppressed inside of your soul, to flow through you.
Your siblings knew that you need to feel it to let it go. That is the only way for relief.
“Let’s go home, yawntutsyip?” Neteyam’s voice was calming as always, he hated seeing you crying.
You just nodded in agreement, hiding your face in brother’s neck and holding him as if someone can take you from him in any moment.
Yes, most Na’vis are brave, ready to fight and protect their beloved ones. But you just can’t do it. You are the one who needs to be protected. Eywa created you that way and you can do nothing about it.
“Don’t ever come to our sisters, you little bitch! Are you so insecure that you’re afraid to battle with me and choose those who are weaker than you?” Lo’ak didn’t miss to say the last goodbye before following after all of you. He didn’t wait for the answer, he didn’t need it.
Ao’nung was standing up there and looking as your figures disappear. No words are in his mind, except for one.
I hope you liked it! I’m not sure if I’ll write the second part🫣 I have an idea but idk if it’s worth it, we’ll see!
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neptuneiris · 1 year
cardigan (epilogue) (1/2)
i knew you'd miss me once the thrill expired, and you'd be standin' in my front porch light.
pairing: modern!aemond × best friend reader!
summary: being in love with your best friend since high school becomes a strong and unavoidable feeling. until it starts to become more difficult when you get to college and the two of you, especially him, meet new people.
word count: 9.9K
previous part • next part
obviously i didn't expect this to be too long hahaha, even i was surprised, i didn't realize it was too much. so i decided to make the epilogue in two parts. thank u all so much por reading❤
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Life in Highgarden could not have exceeded your expectations more.
At first you felt like you were supposed to when you came to live in a new city: terrified, anxious and nervous. You didn't want to feel lonely, but it was inevitable considering you know nothing and no one.
And when you arrive at your new dorm, you immediately loved it. Your room is bigger than the one at King's Landing and you have a beautiful view with lots of trees around and green grass.
Highgarden is well known for the fantastic flora and fauna. Everything is green, there are big trees and beautiful plants, there are even lakes and the weather ¡is perfect.
Yet you didn't have much time to get to know the city, because a week after you arrived, your classes started. And a week after you started your classes, you started your internship.
You met Arthur Winslow, the psychologist responsible of your internship, owner of a mental clinic for children, teenagers and adults.
He explained to you from the beginning that, once you were prepared, you would be present in cases of children and teenagers as well as adults to start your experience.
In addition, you would also support him in administrative things, such as his schedule, phone calls and so on. The pay is at a fair price, so it's perfect.
And as a result of Aileen and Sara not making it into the exchange program, you made new friends in your classes.
Although even if your friends had gotten in, Aileen would have chosen to go to Dorne and Sara to Winterfell, so you started talking to the people in your class.
They all came from different parts of the country, only a very few came from King's Landing and you didn't really talk to them much.
And after the first month passed, you just couldn't get any better.
You adjusted perfectly to your internship, to your classes which are wonderful and you also made good friends very quickly with whom you finally had that security to go around Highgarden almost in its entirety.
You went to many places, whether it was squares, parks, museums, lakes and even aquariums. Everything was so beautiful.
You took pictures, videos, made compilations with all your visits to upload to your Instagram, and even went out for fun on weekends to parties and bars with your friends.
You kept in touch with your friends at King's Landing and also let your parents know what you were doing by sending them pictures, videos and also talking to them on the phone.
Even Helaena messaged you by replying to one of your Instagram stories asking how you were doing and how you were doing at Highgarden.
Also her older brother messaged you, Aegon. He asked you how you were doing and also told you that he hasn't seen you in a while.
In truth with Aegon you did not speak much and fortunately neither of the two Targaryen brothers mentioned Aemond and for that you were grateful.
You were not thinking about him, not since you came to Highgarden and that is why you felt so at peace with yourself.
Despite being completely focused on your classes and internships more than anything else, you didn't lie to your friends that you had met and talked to a few guys.
You mostly met them at college parties, but nothing formal, it was all just hanging out.
You didn't have the mindset to really date, you didn't feel like you needed to and really a Highgarden guy didn't suit you if you were six months from now coming back to King's Landing.
You just had fun, experienced new things and officially started your psychology training.
And with the date getting closer and closer to return to King's Landing, you realized you didn't want to leave. Neither did Vhagar. At least not yet.
You grew attached very quickly to everything at Highgarden, even Vhagar with her walks in the parks and the view of the sunset when you took her for a stroll around the lake as well.
Everything was quiet and you felt at peace. However, you admit that you miss your friends and your life at King's Landing.
It's kind of a bittersweet taste to have to leave to go home. You definitely plan to come back because you've even grown quite fond of Dr. Winslow.
Until finally the date arrives and it's time to go back.
It was six months and yet it felt like it all happened in a matter of weeks. Yet you know you enjoyed every second at Highgarden and you don't feel like you wasted any time.
You immediately text your mom that you have landed at King's Landing and you also send a picture of your arrival to the group chat with Aileen, Sara and Ryan.
You call for an Uber and soon you find yourself arriving at the dorm with Vhagar in your arms.
The man driver helps you carry your bags up to your room, which you couldn't feel more grateful for, and as you enter that small space where you started your dependency, you feel nostalgic because you had missed it and happy because you are back.
And not long after you arrived, of course your friends would pay you an unannounced visit to welcome you back.
"You have to tell us everything.”
"And you have to show us the pictures you didn't upload to your Instagram."
"Did you meet cute guys?"
"How was your dorm?"
"How is the food?"
"We have to go to a party to celebrate."
You laugh as you notice the excitement in Aileen and Sara who are the ones asking all the questions while you and Ryan watch them with a small, amused smile.
And even though you didn't answer their questions, they still say they should get something to eat and drag you along with them to tell them everything.
Ryan takes them to a fast food restaurant in the middle of the university and soon the table is filled with fries, sodas, burgers, pizza and so on.
"You have to go one day, the program for the psychology internships are the best. The school is not that big, but the teachers are amazing, they even organize tours to many mental clinics of all kinds for all the students themselves. The only bad thing | could tell you about Highgarden is the food, it's not that good."
"Ugh no, dont tell me that,” says Aileen with a long-suffering face, "Don't make me change my mind about choosing Highgarden over Dorne if | get to go on exchange next year."
"But why would you want to go to a desert?” Ryan asks her confused, "Do you like to get your ass all sweaty?"
"Dorne is a place with incredible wonders and a lot of history, in case you didn't know,” she says seriously, "l've always wanted to see Sunspear."
"Just like any other place, genius. Besides, don't you know the temperatures reported in Dorne? It's like living in hell,” Ryan tells her incredulously. "l'm more supportive of Sara's idea to go to Winterfell where, if she's lucky, she'Il be able to go beyond the North and see the Wall. l'd rather do that than be dying of heat."
"So you'd rather be freezing to death?"
"Yes. A million times yes."
"And what about the parties?"
Sara asks you, picking up the subject and leaving aside for a moment Aileen and Ryan who continue arguing about Dorne and any other place in Westeros where according to Ryan it's better.
“They're not as noisy as here, but you still have a good time," you confess.
"Of course you have a good time,” Sara tells you mischievously, "All those guys you met seemed like they would really show you a good time."
You lower your gaze with a small embarrassed smile.
"It was just for the moment, that's all."
"And you didn't have any luck with any of them?"
You deny, looking at her again.
"I didn't want to. It wasn't...” You let out a sigh, "lt wasn't ideal."
"Oh come on, why not?” she asks incredulously, offended, "Didn't you get a good look at them? They were very handsome, Y/N. And they were just videos you sent us, I'm sure they were really hot in person."
You let out a small laugh, denying again.
"I didn't want to get attached to one of them, let alone start dating because | knew |'d be back here,” you confess, "And the whole long-distance relationships thing... it's not really my thing."
Sara grimaces and gives you a look of understanding at the same time.
"Well," she sighs, "At least you had fun with them."
"Not with all of them,” you clarify amused.
"But you did, so that counts."
After talking some more with Sara, since Aileen and Ryan are still busy debating... or rather fighting, you leave your part of the money for them to pay the bill while you go to the bathroom.
When you return, as you walk towards the table with your friends, a voice you know very well despite not having heard it in a while makes you stop as you hear your name called out.
And when you turn your head, a surprised Aegon Targaryen looks at you with a huge smile, standing with him is Helaena, apparently both of them having just arrived at the restaurant.
For an instant you panic at the thought that he's probably here too, but you're relieved to see that it's just the two of them.
"Is that you? Really?"
Aegon asks you amused, wasting no time in approaching you with Helaena following him and you also smile in his direction and shorten the distance between the two of you.
"It's been a long time since l've seen you too, Egg."
"Oh you little devil, you haven't forgotten how much | hate it when you call me that."
You both laugh and he wraps you in a tight hug that you reciprocate with the same affection, because even though Aemond was your best friend, you are still fond of all his brothers and nephews who have always been very good to you.
"Where have you been hiding? I haven't seen you for years."
He tells you incredulously, separating from you and you shrug your shoulders, already anticipating that you will talk about him. And even if you don't want to, you'll still have to.
"You know... here and there,” you say without much detail, shrugging your shoulders.
"Here and there where?" he asks you amused.
"Well... at school, with my friends and also at my exchange."
“But I dont see you around our house anymore, not even on birthdays, you didn't go to the ball either," he says almost in a sad tone, "You don't talk to my brother anymore, do you?" he asks a little more seriously, "Since the ball happened and he didn't take you, I knew something had happened. It seemed strange to me since you always went together every year."
You let out a long breath, lick your lips and nod, not wanting to give more importance to that matter that already happened many months ago.
"Yeah," you smile a little, affirming, "Yeah, since then."
"Forgive him,” Helaena stands between the two of you, with a smile and a sorry look, "l told him clearly that he won't ask you about him if he sees you when you come back, but his mental capacity is so low that the idiot doesn't understand."
You can't help but laugh at this, while Aegon at her side looks at her offended.
"l only wanted to corroborate what you told me,” he says innocently.
"Corroborate?" Helaena asks him.
"Yes," he says at once, still offendead, "I didn't believe you. At least not much. The two of them were inseparable and to suddenly not be friends anymore... it was like when | found out that Jack and Rose never existed and it was just a fictional story for the Titanic movie, I couldn't believe it and i felt cheated."
"Shut the fuck up."
Helaena says to him with a bad face and then turns to you with the smile and the softest and most pleasant look so characteristic of her.
"l'm so happy you're back. I didn't even know you were back, if i had known i would have texted you and we would have gone for a coffee."
"Thank you, Hel,” you smile softly at her, "And no, i didn't say anything about coming back and i honestly don't know why. I was so sad to leave but at the same time i was desperate to be back home."
"And what about Highgarden?" she asks you excitedly, "l've always been looking forward to going there. The nature there is just wonderful. There are lots of aquariums, isn't there?"
"Yes, yes, everything is amazing," you assure her, "Except the food. That's my only complaint. Everything is too... healthy"
"Oh yes, i knew that already," she says to you in understanding.
"And where do you live now that you don't live with my brother anymore?" Aegon asks interested, "Did you rent an apartment for yourself?"
"No, no, i live in a dorm now,” you clarify, "Because of the scholarship i got a big discount, and with the money i got paid for my internship at Highgarden, i have a chance to look for another job around here for a month."
"Oh, great,” he nods, listening to you attentively.
"A friend of mine who works at a boutique nearby recently told me they're looking for female employees. She works part time, maybe you have the same schedule if i pass you her number and she gives you more information."
Helaena tells you with such confidence that you're thankful that the first day you've been back to King's Landing, she's already saved you from looking for a job.
The flower shop where you worked before is already full of employees since your quitting, Sara told you since she went to ask to let you know before returning to King's Landing.
And now Helaena has helped you with that.
"That would help me a lot, Hel. Thank you so much."
"Oh, it's nothing,” she says nonchalantly taking her phone, "I'II tell my friend and then I'll pass you her number, don't worry."
After talking and keeping up with both of you for a few more minutes, your friends call you to leave and that's when the three of you say goodbye.
They both tell you if you want to keep them company, but since you've already eaten and you also have a mess in your room that needs to be cleaned up for your return, you agree to go out to dinner next week.
And just as you say, that's what happens once you're back in your dorm.
Vhagar greets you and keeps you company as you start to get all your clothes, shoes, make-up and all your stuff out of the suitcases. You also get something in and start arranging your few pieces of furniture in different ways in your space, wanting to try something new.
You put all your clothes in your closet, not wanting to leave anything for later, that takes some time, also to sweep and rearrange everything as you had it in your small bathroom.
You even fill a basket with clothes that need to be washed and go down to the laundry room, really not wanting to leave anything for later knowing that you have busy weeks ahead of you because of college and you want to get everything ready.
You wait for the clothes to be washed and also to dry, then go back to your room and continue organizing everything.
Until the sunset starts to show through your window and realizing that you are not missing anything anymore, you can finally lay down on your bed with Vhagar and rest.
You pick up your phone and begin to entertain yourself with Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, letting the time pass.
Vhagar settles in next to you and you get more comfortable to start watching Tiktoks, entertaining yourself for another good time.
You think to yourself that maybe later you'll go downstairs to buy something from the vending machine and watch a movie or maybe a series until you fall asleep, sounding like an awesome plan for you.
Then you finally get up, grab your most comfortable clothes and take a bath. It doesn't take you long and you dry your hair, then you feed Vhagar and take money to go buy food and watch the movie or series.
When suddenly there is a knock on your door.
You watch it in silence, thinking confused that you are not expecting anyone. And you have no idea who it could be. You didn't agree with your friends that they would come here later if you've already seen each other in the morning.
You check your messages to see if any of your friends told you they were coming to visit you unexpectedly, but nothing.
So you go to open the door thinking that it must be one of your friends and they decided not to tell you about coming over, but when you open your door you didn't expect it to be your ex-best friend, Aemond.
You freeze the moment you see him, definitely not expecting it.
As his gaze lights up when he sees you and the two of you are face to face after what felt like an eternity of the two of you not seeing each other.
You unconsciously take a step back, surprised and confused, your lips parted, as he watches you intently, almost with a hopeful look, maybe because he's afraid you'll slam the door in his face.
But you don't move from shock because you didn't expect it to be him and you didn't expect to see him so suddenly after so many months.
And he… hasn't changed.
You know it's only been months, there's not much difference, but it's the same appearance since the last time you saw him. His hair is still short to your surprise and his clothing style is the same.
What you do notice are the muscles on his arms are more pronounced and you also get the impression that he is a little taller.
While you… what can you say about yourself? Really nothing.
The only new thing you've done is to start trotting in the mornings, also your hair is short below your shoulders when before you had it down to your waist and you've put more earrings in both ears.
And neither of you say anything.
The two of you are simply inspecting each other after a long time without seeing each other, you mostly feeling just as confused to see him here.
You really don't understand how he is here. Or rather how he knew you were already back.
He certainly couldn't have known, you still have him blocked from all your social media networks.
You ask yourself but the answer comes to you in a second.
You think in affirmative mode. And also probably Helaena because the three of you met at the restaurant. But you know it was Aegon who must have told him everything.
You don't doubt that maybe Hel wanted to kill him.
When after a few more seconds, the two of them not speaking and just watching each other, you finally react, instantly feeling nervous, without really knowing why.
Also that little remorse comes to your chest for everything that happened between you and what happened the last time you saw each other, remembering everything you told him crying.
You hug yourself and bite the inside of your cheek, also as he is looking at you, remembering his girlfriend, the ball and also your birthday.
When he speaks first.
He says to you letting out a sigh afterwards, stirring in front of you, keeping his hands in his jacket pockets, which are movements you know he does when he's nervous.
Also his look tells you he's a bit worried and anxious, but he still stands tall in front of you, his lilac eye watching you intently and having a slight gleam in it.
And his sapphire in your direction… it looks just as beautiful and stunning as ever.
You answer him with your tone of voice a little lower and feeling a little uncomfortable, puzzled, but you also stand firm in front of him, feeling nervous.
You certainly weren't prepared for when this moment happened and you know he wasn't either, yet here he is.
"W-what are you doing here?"
You ask trying not to let your voice sound shaky, holding back.
He swallows hard and looks away from you for a moment while he presses his lips together, to look at you again with those nerves and that certain hope.
"Actually… I wasn't too sure about coming here," he confesses with a soft look in his eyes, just like his voice, "Aegon told me you had returned to King's Landing and I wanted to see it myself."
At this, you lower your gaze for a moment and bite your lips. Yet… strangely… you don't feel upset.
"He told me by accident and got a good punch from Helaena," he adds and you look at him again.
You don't say anything for a few seconds, just look away from him, swallow hard and let out a long breath.
"Well, it's true, I'm back. If that's all, you can go now…
He calls out to you this time hopefully, interrupting you in a quick tone, not wanting to waste the opportunity and clearly not wanting this to be over any faster than he wants it to be.
It's the first time you've seen each other in months and in all these months a lot has happened and he just… wants to try.
It doesn't matter that you in the end don't want to, that you're still upset and don't want to see him, because he will understand and he will finally respect your decision, but he wants to try first.
He doesn't want to leave without trying.
"I know you probably don't want to, because I know you didn't expect to see me and maybe you even want to kick me out…"
He says lowering his gaze for a second, sighing, and then he looks at you again.
"But I want to risk myself," he tells you honestly, "and I'll understand if you say no, truly," he assures you, "I just want to talk to you and after this, if you still don't want me to bother you anymore, then I won't go near you again, I assure you."
He tells you and you remain paralyzed again for a few seconds, listening to him and watching him with your lips parted.
"And if you want me to leave now, I will. But I just want to try…" he lets out a long breath, gathering his courage, "So…. may I come in, please?"
He asks you softly, watching you just the same and almost expectantly, stirring continuously where he stands, knowing full well that he is as nervous as you are, while you have no idea what to do.
Your mind starts thinking fast, considering what you should and shouldn't do.
But the truth is that nothing comes to your mind. You just have a quick, unexpected debate on whether to let him into your room or not.
Vhagar behind you barks twice, watching Aemond very intently, while repeatedly wagging her tail back and forth excitedly and looking very playful.
While Aemond in front of you watches her with excitement and some hope, to again focus on you, ready to face the decision you will make, either yes or no.
And finally after what feels like an eternity, you know that rejecting him is probably the best option, but for some reason… you can't find the courage to do it.
And not because seeing him now in front of you and having heard his words has softened your heart, but because you realize that your heart doesn't hurt like it used to.
Maybe it was all the time you stayed apart and you healed in Highgarden, helped by the change of air, your lifestyle and the new people around you, unconsciously overcoming everything that happened between you, that you don't feel that pain anymore.
However… you do feel a weight. A weight on your shoulders and in your heart.
And it is because of that weight that after considering it in depth, with your soft gaze, you step aside and open the door wider, allowing him the entrance to your room.
Aemond would be lying if at that moment he didn't feel as if he had just received the news that he won the lottery, because surprise overcomes him and also relief.
And not wanting you to take it back, he enters your room, thanking you with his gaze in silence, while you control your nerves and close the door, facing this.
He in an instant is already in Vhagar who eagerly and seemingly happily enjoys being in his arms and licks his hands and cheeks, making him laugh and give her kisses, caressing her.
You can't help but smile a little at the scene, but you are just the same neutral and firm.
When he watches you over Vhagar, he leaves another kiss on her head and sets her back down on your bed, now looking as if he has no idea what to do.
He honestly didn't think it would go this far. He thought you'd slam the door in his face.
But you're both here. Face to face with each other. And certainly with a lot of things to say that you couldn't say to each other before.
"Hmm…" he says, stirring and glancing briefly at your room, "Did I interrupt you with something important?"
He asks and watches you intently, to which you deny, crossing your arms.
"No," you answer softly, "I was just planning to go buy something from the vending machine downstairs and watch something, a movie or a series."
"Oh," he nods, understanding, "well, if you want, I'll go," he offers, "you haven't eaten anything?"
"No. You?"
"I haven't either. But I can go and buy some dinner for both of us, only if you want. There are many restaurants near here."
You stir uncomfortably.
"Only if you want."
"Yeah, no problem," he assures you.
And again he leaves you alone in your room saying he will be back soon, making you sigh and sit on your bed with an almost terrified expression… not expecting or understanding any of this.
The fact that he's gone to buy food helps you mentally prepare yourself for when he comes back, having no idea how they'll start talking about everything that happened.
You don't even know what he will tell you first, but you calm down and use the time he has given you to not feel nervous and terrified.
You take a deep breath, you say that everything will be fine, that this shouldn't be awkward… or at least not too awkward and that if both you and he start to feel like it's too much, you can both say so.
And of course you don't want any of this to lead to a fight. It wouldn't be wise and it's totally unnecessary.
When after a few minutes, Aemond returns with Chinese food, soda and fries from the vending machine.
He actually buys you some of your favorite chips and has also ordered you the Chinese food exactly the way you like it. At this you just thank him and both of you settle into your bed.
You put Vhagar down, give him some of her food and the two of you begin to eat.
At first it did feel a little awkward, but then, as you talk about the food being delicious and ask both of you to pass such things around, the mood begins to lighten and it's like going back to when you both lived together.
The two of them are comfortable, eating, talking about anything and watching a movie, although this time there is no movie.
And he is the first to start a conversation.
"How was Highgarden?" he observes you attentively, his gaze soft, interested.
"Incredible," you answer without hesitation.
He nods, as the two of you put more pieces of food in your mouths and then you take a sip from your bottle of soda.
"You told me that's where the best psychology internship programs are, right?"
"Yes," you affirm, "When I found out I got into the exchange program, it was the first place I applied."
"And you didn't have any problems?"
"No," you observe him softly, "Because of my good grades they didn't deny me anything, they gave me one of the first places in internships for Highgarden and everything was a very fast process. And when I got there and met the psychologist in charge of me and his clinic… it was just amazing."
"Yeah," he murmurs, "yeah, I can imagine. And I'm happy for you."
He tells you honestly, with a small smile that you return. A genuine smile from both of us.
"Thank you."
"And how did it all go? What was that you were doing? Did you get to know all of Highgarden too?"
And you tell him everything.
You tell him how your first weeks were, how was your dorm, the university, the new people you met, your internship, Dr. Arthur, what you had to do and you even told him about some very interesting cases.
You also told him about the places you met, showed him pictures and videos. You tell him that you went out partying on a few weekends, all the while he listens to you and watches you with great attention, looking genuinely interested, and asking you more questions.
Until you have nothing more to tell him about your six months at Highgarden.
"What about you? Haven't you started your internship yet?"
You ask him interestedly.
"Yes, since April," he says, "Obviously it wasn't difficult. I'm going to my father's company and I got some of my friends to do their internships there as well.
"Oh," you nod, understanding, "and what do you say?"
"What do I say?" he repeats, letting out a sigh, "well, it's not as interesting as what you told me," he says with a small smile, "It's all finance, paperwork, computer programs and so on. But that's what I like and I've been doing very well."
"Yes," you murmur, looking at a spot in your room, "But it's interesting," you tell him, "I've always thought you'd end up like one of the characters in Succession, someday running your father's important company as a rich and powerful man.
He smiles softly and then looks at you, to which you also smile in his direction.
"Am I right?" you ask him amused.
"In fact yes, you are absolutely right," he assures you in the same way.
There's no more food except for chips and soda, so he then starts talking to you more about his life and everything he's been doing lately besides college and his internship.
All while you both stare at an unimportant spot in your room, side by side, eating junk food.
And you listen to him with close attention, really interested in wanting to know what his life has been like now that you are no longer a part of it.
He tells you about how he has spent more time with his family, he tells you about Daeron, Rhaenyra, Daemon and even his cousins and nephews, Jace, Luke, Joffrey, Baela and Rhaena.
He tells you how they all spent a small part of the summer on Driftmark, an island near Dragonstone where his whole family also has a property right there, but which belongs to his aunt and uncle Rhaenys and Corlys.
You knew about Driftmark, but never in your years of friendship with Aemond did he invite you there because all his family always organized anything in his huge mansion here in King's Landing or in Dragonstone.
He also tells you about upcoming birthdays and everything his mother has planned.
And in everything he talks about, he doesn't mention Alys at all, maybe for fear that you might get upset or uncomfortable and want him to leave, because you don't dare ask him about her either.
You just let him talk to you about the first thing that comes to his mind, both of you comfortable in your bed and still eating junk food.
When Aemond seems to have told you everything and you both stay in a comfortable silence, almost shoulder to shoulder, both of you watching your little room and just letting time pass by.
And that's when Aemond watches you with his soft gaze, while you continue to eat fried food, staring into nothing. He swallows hard and lets out a long breath.
"I owe you an apology."
You freeze for a moment, still looking at everything around you but him, surprised by his words and beginning to understand where this is going.
Unable to help yourself, you look at him and he looks at you with a look that is both serious and gentle, looking honest, only to look away, maybe because of nerves, and continue talking.
"I was a very bad friend to you," he says in a murmur, "what I did to you is something unforgivable, I know, something you didn't deserve," he admits, "I don't expect you to forgive me Y/N, I'm not asking for that, I just want to talk to you and that you listen to me, that….
"I don't want to listen to your apologies only if you say them out of pity, Aemond," you interrupt him, serious.
"What? No, no, this is not for pity, Y/N," he assures you, honest and desperate to clarify, "I never felt pity for you and you know it."
"I don't know," you mutter, "After what happened, you made me doubt if our friendship was genuine or because you wanted and were my friend for pity," you confess.
"Y/N…" he tells you in a sigh, sad, denying, "since you left… since we stopped seeing and talking to each other… you don't know everything I wanted to tell you, everything I wanted to apologize for even if you didn't forgive me."
"Aemond…" you call him cautiously, "you can't apologize to me just to make me forgive you and your girlfriend too, you….
"I broke up with Alys."
He interrupts you with the most honest and quickest sentence he's ever said in all the time you've been together, making you freeze once more and stare at him with your lips parted.
And he watches you with the most honest look, wanting to clarify that point as much as possible and that there is no doubt, even feeling proud to say it.
"I broke up with her days after you left the apartment, and that was the last time we saw each other," he explains, in a low, honest tone.
But even after telling you that, you don't feel entirely confident. That's why you lower your gaze and swallow hard as you consider how strong his relationship was.
"But if you go back with her, I don't….
"No, Y/N," he says to you in denial, "I'm done with her for good," he assures you, "I didn't want to and I don't want to have anything to do with her anymore. I don't care anymore, she's nothing to me and never really was in all the time we were together."
You listen to him surprised, attentive, breathing a little faster than usual, not understanding, while he then starts to tell you everything.
Everything he wanted to tell you since your friendship started to fall apart and the moment it broke.
"Alys managed to get my attention a lot when we first met. She led me to believe on our first few dates that a relationship could be good, healthy and loving. But when we finally formalized everything, she started to show herself as the real person she is when she already had me," he explains, "And I naively gave her everything she asked for, even money, because I was obsessed with her and the way she made me feel. She made me feel so unique, so wanted and so special that I-I just…" he lets out a sigh, "I let her hold me in the palm of her hand."
He brings one of his hands to the nape of his neck, ruffling his short hair with his fingers, feeling strange telling you all this, but also feeling it as a necessity for you to listen and understand him.
And you really don't have any problem, you listen to him carefully and let him tell you everything he wants to tell you, still feeling a little sharp pain in your chest.
"She would even tell me things she didn't agree with or like, either about me or my family, making me feel bad and upset sometimes, but then she would turn them into just a point of view and convince me that I had misunderstood her, when I hadn't," he explains to you, "She told me that my mother was very controlling after she met her, that my siblings, even Helaena, seemed very weird to her, and that Daemon didn't seem like a good person."
You are surprised to hear that and pay more attention, while Aemond feels ashamed of himself for telling you this, but it is the truth.
"In that instant I should have put a stop to her, I know. But like the fucking idiot I am, I kept letting myself be easily manipulated by her, because she kept telling me it was just her first impression and her views," he says in a low, sorrowful whisper, "She just had a long conversation with my father without looking bored. I even noticed she changed her attitude and looked more… kind. But only with him."
He says in a bitter tone, while you understand what he's going on about.
"And of course, how could she not be nicer to him," he says with a smile and a bitter look, "With her about to graduate, she told him about that and also about her internship with the man who owns the most important company in the country. She talked about everything she knows and her skills, almost telling him her entire resume so he would hire her."
Now you let out a long breath, must have imagined it.
You thought Alys had really fallen in love with him. That's what you always thought until today when he gave you the news that he broke up with her months ago and that there was no love in the relationship.
You always thought that no girl could reject Aemond for his personality and his looks, that no one could reject him for being him, for knowing him and in an instant wanting to know more about him.
Because that's how you fell in love with him, you didn't fall in love because of what he had and what he could offer you professionally and economically.
But that was just what caught Alys' attention, not his personality and his heart.
"It also happened that when I would talk to her about my classes or an important project that I had worked hard on and got an excellent grade, she would say that it wasn't enough and that I needed to work harder to earn my father's company. She discredited everything I did, telling me that I had to do more so that someday I could be the boss and both of us could run the company, talking about those kinds of plans and almost assuring me that it would be like that," he says seriously and bitterly, "She insulted my friends, saying that they only cared about parties, that they were alcoholics and did not care about their studies, that they were useless and did not contribute anything to me now and would not do so in the future. She also said that I should have more serious and professional friends around me."
He lets out a long breath, really at that moment with you by your side realizing more how really bad his relationship was, the kind of very nasty girl he had by his side and how very blinded he was.
"The same thing happened with you," he says to you, saddened, "Clearly you know because you heard that conversation."
You bite your lips, remembering how bad she made you feel with her words. And so does he, corroborating with her.
"I owe you more than an apology for that, Y/N," he tells you honestly, "You were right, a best friend doesn't leave her best friend aside and that time I didn't even defend you. I should have stopped her, I should have put myself firm with her… but I didn't." he says apologetic, sad and disappointed, "and I'm very sorry for that."
Then you realize that you can't accept those apologies, because it really hurt you a lot to hear that conversation and that he didn't stand up for you because of the way you are and what you like to do.
If things had been the other way around, you would have defended Aemond with all your might, because he was your best friend.
"She was the reason why I started to leave you aside on weekends, why I gradually left you living alone and also why I didn't take care of Vhagar anymore, because she doesn't like dogs," he says seriously and sighs, "She was also the one who convinced me to take her to the ball and planned everything so I would forget your birthday," he confesses to you, saddened. "She deleted messages from you that morning, she confessed it to me when I confronted her when I realized that your birthday had already passed and that even weeks later she made me stay with her so I wouldn't see you. She also planned that stupid two hour dinner with her parents to delay me so I wouldn't notice and let the whole one night go by."
You bite your lips again, not watching him, feeling the urge to cry remembering that day, your birthday, because he also made you feel so bad during and still after by not getting any explanation from him.
And all because of her. But also for him, because he wouldn't put a stop to it.
"And yet I was still with her…" he says in a sigh, incredulous and disappointed in himself, "Like I said, she had me exactly the way she wanted me to be, and she would convince me otherwise when she didn't like something or made me behave differently than she wanted me to."
He shakes his head, feeling annoyed with himself for allowing it, for having fallen so low, letting himself be moved by her as she wanted, making him start to think that his friends were less important than her, his girlfriend.
That she was more important than Y/N, his best friend, who had always been there for him in very good and very difficult times, leaving her and throwing away their friendship of years for a relationship of months.
"She knew exactly what to do and what to say to make me stay," he murmurs, "But Alys never loved me and never really cared for me. She only cared about me out of interest and wanted to be with me out of the same interest, which was all she cared about."
"Did you love her?"
You dare to ask him without observing him, with a thread of voice, while Aemond at your side watches you for a few moments in silence and with his eye wide open in surprise.
I didn't expect you to ask him that, in fact I didn't expect any questions at all, but despite that, he knows the answer.
He knows it since the last time they both saw each other.
He respond in a low tone but completely serious and honest, while you dare to observe him surprised, but with an almost expressionless gaze and your lips parted.
"At first I came to have a certain affection for her … but only at first," he confesses, "Then it became that obsession with how she made me feel, but nothing else. I never came to love her and I am very relieved by that."
You take your eyes off him, closing your eyes for a moment, letting go of a long breath.
"And after I didn't see you again and I found out that you had gone on exchange… you don't know how that made me feel, Y/N," he swallows hard, "I had lost one of the most important people in my life. life for a fucking relationship and my own behavior. I wasn't thinking, I was an idiot. And I just wanted to scream and break everything for losing you… for not fixing it sooner."
An ugly and huge lump forms in your throat, observing an unimportant point in your room, your gaze lost and your eyes beginning to fill with tears.
You really didn't want to feel that way, you didn't want his words to soften you up, yet…they did.
But you hold back as much as you can, while Aemond next to you feels the same thing that you are feeling, but he doesn't dare to do anything about it, realizing your state, wanting to give you your space.
When you finally take a deep breath and talk to him even without looking at him.
“I missed you a lot too, Aemond. I missed you throughout your relationship with Alys and after I left to Highgarden. I missed you even when you didn't even deserve it."
You confess in a low and honest murmur, completely drawing his attention, you saying nothing else for a few seconds, swallowing the lump in your throat and completely holding back your tears.
While he listens to you and watches surprised, not expecting that, since he thought that all this time you had been hating him. He even thinks you hate him now.
And yes, if it was something like that, there was hatred, resentment, anger and courage for everything that happened, but even so, you also missed it very much.
You missed him, but you didn't forgive him.
"You also don't know how much I hate myself for ending our friendship, Y/N," he tells you in a sad and regretful whisper.
When you look back at him.
“I cannot forgive you, Aemond. Not yet."
And your words are like a dagger in the heart, a wound that, despite the fact that it hurts, accepts and respects it. He certainly didn't expect you to forgive him, but telling him that you had missed him, too, lit a small spark of hope in him. But it was not like that.
And he really respects it.
He doesn't want to make the same mistakes again, and so he does, feeling less weight on his shoulders, relieved that there aren't all those negative feelings between you anymore.
Nor does he expect that after this, everything will be back to the way it was before, because it won't.. He knows it's impossible. And if everything really ends between you both, then he will respect that too.
That's why he nods in your direction, both of you looking into each other's eyes, a understanding look and a small, soft, closed-mouthed smile on his lips, letting you know he's perfectly fine with that.
"Yes, i know," he assures you softly. “It's alright, I understand."
You nod gently in his direction, also placing a small gentle smile and both of you take your gazes away from each other and immersing in a comfortable silence.
Comfortable because finally neither of you feels that weight anymore and everything seems to be… fine.
Both of you have already said everything you wanted to say.
Or almost.
Because in the middle of that silence, Aemond starts thinking fast, having an indecisive debate in his mind, telling himself that enough has been enough, that everything is fine between you now and he doesn't want to ruin it.
But his heart tells him to do it, that there is still more.
While you by his side take your bottle of soda and take a sip, comfortable, this feeling good, but also knowing that this does not mean that the two will resume their friendship.
But for the moment… you enjoy it. You enjoy the moment.
And that's when he speaks again.
"After you left King's Landing…
He starts and you watch him, getting your attention.
"Helaena told me something," let out a long breath, "Something that made me finally realize my feelings and that made me have a little hope, even though you were already gone."
You are still watching him with attention, not having the slightest idea that it could be that what his sister told him, when Aemond looks up at you and looks into your eyes with his soft and honest gaze.
"She told me that you're in love with me."
Your hands become paralyzed first, you stop drinking soda and then your whole body is the one that is motionless, while you observe it with your lips between open, with your confused, attentive and nervous look at the same time.
You don't understand anything.
It's not like you told Helaena about it, in fact no one knows.
And it only makes you feel more nervous that Aemond is there, right next to you, acting completely normal about it, now that he already knows, continuing to observe you in the same way.
But you can't speak, you're still in shock, starting to feel like your pulse is racing too fast.
"She told me that you didn't tell her anything, that she just… knows," he says to you later, still in a soft tone, still making you panic.
You turn your gaze away from him, blink several times, starting to react from panic and nerves and hold your drink tightly.
"You should go."
It's all you say in a thread of voice, not daring to look him in the eye any more and you quickly get up from your bed, wanting to put as much distance as possible between the two of you.
You take Aemond by surprise, who stands up slightly, watching you worried, desperate and a little confused as you go to your door.
When his next words cause you to become paralyzed again, tensing up completely.
"I'm in love with you, too."
He says to you almost desperately, wanting to clarify as soon as possible, watching you attentively and cautiously, slowly getting out of bed to address you very carefully, not wanting to upset you more.
And he begins to explain to you with his soft tone, waiting for the moment so that he turns to you and can talk to you in the eyes, wanting you to see how very honest he is being with you.
"I don't know since when exactly, Y/N. It was probably before we graduated from high school," he lets you know, "That's why I asked you to live with me, because I certainly wouldn't have asked just anyone, and I-I… wanted to be close to you, almost all the time."
Your pulse continues to race, listening to his words carefully, feeling again the urge to cry, even without daring to look at him face to face.
"And all those dates, all those girls I went out with or flirted with at parties…" he sighs, "I told myself that I didn't get any further with them because it just hadn't worked out, when the truth is that I was fooling myself and it was me who didn't take them any further… because they weren't you."
He confesses to you and that's when you can't take it anymore and the first tears fall, starting to shake and with the realization starting to become clear to you as you hear it.
"And I wanted to repress my feelings for you with them, I wanted to fall in love with someone because I didn't want to ruin our friendship, Y/N," he tells you honestly, "And I know it sounds stupid and it's probably tired of hearing it already… but it's the truth. You don't know how much I was terrified of losing you, of losing our friendship because of feelings that weren't reciprocated… or that I thought weren't reciprocated."
Then slowly, Aemond, dares to raise his hand and gently touch your arm, turning you towards him very carefully and tactfully, needing to see you and needing you to see him.
And you let him.
Shaking, but you let him.
And his heart breaks the moment he sees you, with your sad, surprised face, your teary eyes and red cheeks, watching him as if he can't believe it.
"I wish I had known, Y/N," he says softly, watching you with all the love and gentleness in the world, "Because then Alys came, a girl with a personality I hadn't met before, pretending to be a good person and she made me distract myself from you by falling into her games."
You bite your lips, holding back the tears as much as you can, while he continues talking to you and explaining with all the sincerity in the world.
"And I know I was very selfish with all those girls and also with you when I saw you with that guy at that party, having a good time and having fun without me," he confesses with regret, "You don't know how upset I was and how terribly jealous I felt, Y/N. That was when I thought I had lost you for good and I hated myself not only for having ended our friendship, but also for never having confessed my feelings to you and realizing too late… what I lost for a person who wasn't worth it."
He lets out a long breath, biting the inside of his cheek and watching you with all the sincerity, love and affection as he says his next words.
"I love you, Y/N. I have always loved you. Just in the same way you love me…. or loved me," he corrects with a soft sad tone, "I was just too much of a coward to tell you and I didn't give you a chance to tell me either by going out and pretending with all those girls," he lowers his gaze, "I'm sorry."
Then, it's like you're living in a dream.
You don't know if it's real or not.
But you know it's real because of his touch on your arm and the closeness between the two of you, with him looking at you like that, being so terribly honest that it scares you.
It scares you because this is just what you wanted to hear.
This is everything you wanted to hear from him towards you, being just another one of your most pathetic and impossible dreams. But here you are. He has told you.
And that's exactly why you can't control it anymore and right there, in front of him, you lose it completely and the first sob escapes your lips, just as your tears are rushing down your cheeks.
You cover your face completely ashamed, crying, only you don't know if it's from happiness or sadness… or probably both.
But you know you cry because this is what you have been longing to hear for a very long time and you cry wondering why now, why now that things between you are no longer bad but not quite right either.
But mostly you cry because you feel confused.
Since you left King's Landing, one of your purposes was to leave him behind and forget, to undo those feelings for him. But you couldn't.
You still love him.
You love your best friend just the same way he loves you too, being something that was going on for a long time, simultaneously, but without both of you knowing it.
And you feel confused because you don't know if you should finally take this thing you've always wanted, you don't know because of everything that happened, even though he has already explained and apologized to you.
But you don't feel totally confident because he really hurt you so much.
And you don't know if what happened, will happen again and that's just what you don't want. You don't want him to hurt you again.
And Aemond, surprised by your behavior, yet he understands you and doesn't judge you.
That's why he wastes no time and pulls you into a gentle, firm and comforting embrace, letting himself be carried away by his feelings as well.
And you don't push him away. You let him hold you and lock you in his arms, just like you loved him to do when you lived together or saw each other during the day because his hugs have always comforted you and made you feel safe.
And that's also where you can let out your feelings.
He starts to comfort you too with soft words in your ear, stroking your hair with his hand, telling you that it's okay, that everything is fine, that this shouldn't change anything either, that you are the one who has the last word about the two of you.
As he continues to apologize for everything in soft murmurs, holding you tightly against him, not letting you go until you are well.
Until little by little, your sobs begin to decrease and you begin to calm down, sniffling your nose and still hugging him, taking all the time you need until your whole roller coaster of emotions stops.
Aemond doesn't let go, but does so slowly as you begin to stir, watching you intently and worriedly.
You bring your hands to your cheeks, wiping away your tears and sniffling your nose, to which he quickly runs his thumbs over your cheeks as well, still watching you with all that tenderness, that understanding and that affection.
"Are you all right, my pretty one? Do you need anything?"
You deny, again embarrassed, but at least feeling better and less emotional.
"N-no. I'm just… sorry, it wasn't m-my inte…
"Shh, no, it's okay," he interrupts you softly, "it's okay. This was my fault, I never meant to make you react like this. I should have been more careful with you."
"It wasn't that, Aemond," you confess, sniffling once more, "You took me by surprise, that's all. And I-I c-couldn't control myself, i-it was too much."
"Yes, I know, I know, pretty one. It's all right, everything's all right."
And again he pulls you into a soft, comforting embrace that you allow, now no longer feeling like those earlier hugs where before between the two of you there was the word friendship.
Now it's something more… something more intimate and more… honest.
And that's because both of you finally know each other's true feelings.
But still… after this, what you need is time. And that's exactly what you're asking for.
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i couldn't tag many of you and I apologize if you asked me to tag you and I didn't, I could have missed your user but thank u so much for reading 😢❤
tag list:
@winxschester @namoreno @fan-goddess @lauftivy @bellameshipper @iloveallmyboys @barnes70stark @amazingnerd @yentroucnagol @helaenaluvr @almostpurplelady @lilitheal @targaryenmoony @dangerousstateofmind @summerposie
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archangeldyke-all · 4 months
hiii i had this idea stuck in my head all day, how about buying sev flowers just because, without any occasion and she doesn't know how to react? you can sprinkle some spice there pretty please
men and minors dni
as you strolled to the last drop like you always do on thursday evenings-- sevika gets fridays off so you like to walk her home after her last day of work, stop to buy her whatever she's craving on the way home, and spend the time catching up and chatting with your girl-- your eyes caught on a little cart on the side of the street.
flowers are rare in zaun, especially flowers that aren't meant to be smoked for various inebriating effects. there's hardly any sunlight in the undercity, hardly enough clean water for all the citizens, much less the flora and fauna. but, once in a while, someone will head up to the promenade, buy a whole bunch of flowers in bulk, and haul them back down to zaun to sell.
most often, people who visit the flower sellers of zaun are men trying to get back on their girls' good side, or people headed to funerals. you slow your pace to examine the colorful bunches of petals, smiling softly as your mind wanders, as it tends to, to your wife.
you wonder what kind of flowers are sevika's favorite. you wonder if she's seen enough flowers in her life to form an opinion. something sad settles over you, and you frown as it occurs to you that your wife's likely never been gifted flowers in her life.
well, that's all it takes for you to cross the street and pat down your pockets for a few spare coins.
"hello, beautiful!" the old lady behind the cart greets you. you smile.
"hello. i don't know much about flowers, but i'm looking for something for my wife?" you ask. "something sweet and small."
the woman grins, then reaches up and grabs a giant bouquet of red, pink, and white roses. you giggle.
"oh, no, i think that's a bit much. she might die of embarrassment if i give her those." you chuckle. the woman smiles.
"so she's got subtle taste?" she asks. you giggle and nod again. that's one way to put it. the old woman quickly gathers a few flowers from various bunches. she holds it up for you to examine. you smile.
"that's perfect. what flowers are these?" you ask, reaching out to hold the small bundle she's picked out for you. she smiles and reaches across the cart, pointing to each flower she's arranged.
"white tulips," she points to the two tall white flowers, "for a pure love." she moves her hand to the tiny five-petaled blue flowers with bright yellow centers. "forget-me-not's, their meaning is in their name." she explains, then she points to the the tallest flower, one singluar purple stalk. "this is lavender. it's symbolic for women like you and your wife." she looks you up and down, winking, and you realize she means gay people. you chuckle. "it'll also make the room you store these in smell fabulous. chop the stems at an angle when you get home, and then put 'em in fresh water with a little bit of sugar. keep 'em in a sunny spot--not too sunny though! they should last you a week." she says, quickly wrapping the stems in your fist up in a sweet white bow.
you grin and pass her three gold coins. she gasps.
"oh honey, this is only worth one!" she calls as you start walking toward the last drop again. you just giggle and wave her off.
"thank you miss!" you call, waving goodbye to her.
you're a little nervous to give the flowers to sevika, worried that she won't like them. but when she walks out of the front doors of the bar and sees you waiting across the street for her, she grins, and all your worries melt.
she wraps you up in a big hug, and you giggle. "hi baby." you mumble against her shoulder. she groans, kissing your scalp.
"it's so fuckin' good to see you." she mumbles.
you pull away to look up at her, pouting. "bad day?"
"horrible. c'mon, i want somethin' greasy and salty for dinner."
you laugh. "i got you somethin' that might cheer you up." you say. sevika raises a salacious eyebrow at you, and you burst into giggles. you're happy to see her permanent scowl melt a bit at the sound. "not that kinda surprise, baby." you snort.
then, you reveal the bouquet you'd been hiding behind your back, pushing it into sevika's hands. she blinks down at them, then up at you, then back down at the flowers. "...what?" she asks eventually. you giggle and kiss her cheek.
"i got you flowers!" you exclaim. she looks up at you, still confused.
"...did someone die?" she asks, and you can see her trying to mentally catalog all the people she knows. you snort, then gently smack her shoulder.
"sevika! can't a woman just buy her wife some flowers? no ulterior motives?" you ask.
sevika considers this like you've just asked her what the meaning of life is. she looks seriously confused. you're half adoring, half sad. you make a mental note to start buying your wife flowers any chance you see them. she needs to be spoiled more.
then, her face clears, and she looks up at you with a look she reserves for you and you only. reverent, vulnerable, and shaky. you pout, and reach up to cup her face in your hands. "just for me?" she asks. you smile and lean forward to kiss her.
"just for you, babe." you whisper against her lips.
sevika usually walks with her flesh hand in yours. tonight, though, she demotes you to her mech hand, so her flesh hand can gently cradle the bouquet against her chest.
you make a quick stop at jericho's to pick up some grub, and you have to bite back a smile at the looks regulars are throwing sevika as she gazes sweetly down at a small bundle of flowers in her hands.
when you get home, you insist that you be the one who trim and arrange them for sevika. she hovers over you as you do like you're going to crush them. you think it's adorable-- she's so attached to the things already, you're a little worried what's going to happen when they eventually die.
(you don't have to worry though. you end up pressing the flowers between some old encyclopedias, then framing them and hanging them on your wall. it's becomes a tradition, each time you buy sevika flowers-- which ends up being close to once a week-- you guys press and frame them together once they're close to wilting, to preserve the memory and love forever.)
@fyeahnix @sapphicsgirl @half-of-a-gay @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner @shimtarofstupidity @chuucanchuucan @badbye666 @femme-historian @lia-winther @gr0ssz0mbi3 @ellsss @sevikaspillowprincess @leomatsuzaki @emiliabby @sevikasbeloved @hellorai @vikasub @glass-apothecary @m0numents @macaroni676 @vixel352
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dontbelasagnax · 6 months
*curling like a cat against your ankles* Lasaganie, more Codywan headcanons?? 🥺👉👈 (only if you gave them/want to share of course. thank you, you’re amazing and I love you :3c)
I am late but I come bearing gifts in the shape of the codywan headcanons you asked for!!! And I love you too 🫶
- In a no order 66 setting, Obi-Wan has a caf mug that he considers to be Cody's. This would be normal except Obi-Wan bought it during the war and always meant to find the occasion to give it to him but never got around to it. That's to say he's exceedingly normal about this cup. Especially when Cody starts spending time around his apartment and Obi-Wan serves him caf in it. For the first time. Then all the other times as well. Feeling his heart crack open seeing Cody with His Designated Mug. A mug Obi-Wan's perhaps had too much time to place too much sentimental value onto. He's perfectly normal about it and doesn't act weird at all.
(more headcanons under the cut. it's a bit long)
- Cody is a hopeless romantic but won't ever admit it. He loves romance novels and holofilms. From trashy to highly acclaimed, sweet to stuffed with depravity, he enjoys them all. They're just a spot of escapism for him. A fantastical tale to distract himself from the toll of war when the night cycle is quiet and grief is loud. The stories are all so wildly outlandishly unrealistic to him. He's a clone. There's no future for him outside his role in the war effort.
And then one fateful campaign they're on their feet for a full tenday before they encounter an outcropping with flora and fauna that, finally, aren't actively trying to kill them and they are able to set up a tentative base of operation while planetside.
General Kenobi insists everyone rest while they can. Cody lost his bedroll to some sort of carnivorous plant along the way. General Kenobi acts like it's an affront to his very livelihood when Cody tries to sleep on the ground of their shared tent. Cody is tired. He doesn't have the energy to fight back on something so stupid. Which means they have to share a bedroll. His general's bedroll. Where they're physically incapable of both laying on the little mat unless they're plastered together. Cuddling.
It's the best sleep of his life.
...Exactly like how the romance novels describe it.
He's not dumb. He's been aware that he's in love with his general. He just thought the romance novels were all embellishing to a ridiculous degree and none of it was actually... realistic.
But if the romance novels are right about this, what else is just as magical in reality?
And maybe, just maybe, could there be some hope for a glimmer of a chance for him to pursue something else with Obi-Wan after the war, if they both make it that far?
- I am fully of the belief that, in a Tatooine husbands setting, the husband bit is a complete accident. Ben is stopping by for a quick pantry restock at the Pica Oaisis marketplace when it happens. He's lived at his hut long enough for the vendors here to have a familiarity with him so it's not exactly a surprise when one says to him, "Who's the shadow of a fella that's hangin' with you lately?" They mean well, he knows. And still, it's his business. He thinks his answer is quite crafty.
He says, "He's my partner," and leaves it at that. Partner could mean anything. Alas, either an older man living in an isolated hut with another older man implies a particular thing about their relationship or the vendors have a flair for the romantic because he quickly comes to discover on his next trips to the marketplace that he has a husband. Of all the assumptions one could make, it's certainly the most harmless and... he finds he likes it. Being seen as Cody's husband. It's all awfully embarrassing and he doesn't dare tell Cody any of it.
Cody discovers it for himself a few weeks later on a solo trip to the market to pick up some feed for Rooh.
"Here to do your husband's bidding?" a vendor asks and Cody blinks.
He blinks again. "Come again?" he says.
"Ben your husband; you're running his errand?"
His first instinct is to correct them, tell them he and Ben aren't married. But how would he even begin describe their relationship? After a few seconds deliberating he decides he's better off going with it. What harm could it do? Besides, on the ride home, he finds he kind of likes it.
And that's how they become husbands. Well, the beginning of it, anyhow.
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shimaen · 8 months
Sy shizun au
Sy transmitting as a random rogue cultivator many years before the protagonist is even born.
He starts looking for the protagonist but in the way he finds a homeless child that just looks like him, they are not the exact same, but they could easily pass as family. He ends up helping out this child, he felt strangely attached to him, bringing him to his lil cabin near a forest, one of his many hidden safe zones.
The child, Sj, comes in a package with his older brother? Yqy. The 3 of them don't start as teacher and students, much less a parental figure, Sy is not a child, but he must be just 5 or 6 years older than them, but Sy becomes a safe space, he provides them with basic necessities and more.
They grow up respecting him, and he teaches them what he knows, and could be useful. Thing is, the system determines that his work in that era is done, and needs to send Sy to fix the next problem, so one day, 4 years later after meeting his 2 lil gremlins, he goes into the forest, just a normal fauna and flora exploration for Sy, he goes alone with almost nothing, after all he is not going far, they all know this.
But Sy doesn't come back.
They wait until midnight
They are still searching by sunrise
They are losing hope after a week
They think that he must have abandoned them, it was too good to be true, but it still doesn't makes sense, Sy left most of his stuff in their little cabin, all his money, his sword, his trinkets, his fan. If he abandoned them, why did he leave all his stuff too?
They don't want to think that he may have died. It isn't fair. They would prefer that Sy just abandoned them, but they know (they hope) that Sy isn't like that. Years pass, and the plot somehow reconnects, Sj becomes a peak lord, and Yqy the sect leader, they gave up searching a long time ago and just accepted the most probable "truth" Lbh enters the story, and in one of his night hunts, he separates from the group.
He ends up in a section of the forest that looks a bit wilder, somehow more mystical. He reaches a big tree, ancient looking, it almost looks alive, and in the middle of it, there is this crystal, ancient amber filled and pumping with energy, maybe the beating heart of the forest? And there is something in the middle, a figure seemingly sleeping, it looks like his shizun, but not quite, maybe a bit younger, even Lbh doesn't realize until he has his hand pressed against the crystal, blood from his earlier wounds accidentally smeared against the amber, and the figure opens its eyes.
Haha funny au Lbh helps a really confused and out of it Sy out of his amber cocoon and brings Sy to the were they were staying just to discover that his teammates went back to the sect without him So imagine the shock of an Sj that was going to look for his student when he Sees this child carrying a full adult that seems to be unconscious, he was going to scold lbh when he actually sees the face of the man, and it feels like time stopped
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pacifymebby · 8 months
Stormy Weather
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Warnings: vague breeding kink, very nsfw
Thank you to the anon that sent me this idea I've been obsessing for weeks.
The walls of your little vardo creaked as the storm raging outside rocked your little sanctuary on its wheels. With every gust of wind the wood which housed you, kept you safe from the battering rain, groaned and squeaked. In the sky above you flashes of lightning were followed by ominous rumbling growing more violent with every clap of thunder. As the wind howled the forest trembled but you and Bonnie barely noticed the bad weather, far too focussed were you both on other things.
Other things like each other.
In that moment, with your legs locked tightly around Bonnie's shoulders as he nuzzled into your neck and buried himself deeper inside you with every ragged thrust, the only sounds which mattered to either of you were the sounds you made as you came together once again...
Something had snapped inside you earlier that evening. Perhaps it had something to do with the weather... The four days of suffocating heat which had dragged out, stifling the English countryside as they scorched the land. The change in the air when on the fifth day clouds had rolled in and the earth had taken on that anticipatory dampness, the trees and the grass releasing pollen in preparation of the wind and the rain it could feel on the horizon so that the forest had smelt vibrant and alive... Heavy.
Perhaps it had been that anticipation, that rising tension which had bristled between every living creature, flora and fauna alike, a building static electricity...
Whatever it was it had gripped you both too tightly for you to bare for any length of time and though you'd tried to fight it something had snapped inside you when he'd come home from the town, a little sweaty from the hazy evening. And the sight of you with that longing in your eyes had been the last straw for him too. Having been thinking about you all day, losing himself to daydream after sordid daydream, he'd not been able to resist that look in your eyes.
You'd looked like you'd needed him. And he hadn't been able to resist you.
"C'mere sweetheart," he'd said pointing at the ground just in front of him as he'd dropped his dirty shirt at his feet, "let me get a good look at you eh?"
You'd come to him obediently, stopping just in front of him, looking up at him with a pretty little smile on your lips. With one hand cupping your cheek, the other grazing your hip, he held you as carefully as possessively.
"Look away from ye for a second and ye get even more beautiful than before... How'd ye do that?" He grinned, his thumb stroking your chin, resting in the dip of your dimple when you smiled wider and stood on your tiptoes to kiss him.
You couldn't speak for the blush glowing on your cheeks at his sweet words, all you could do was smile and hope to distract him with a kiss.
And of course once your lips had met his that final thread of composure holding you both together snapped for good and you hadn't pulled apart since.
"Y/N, my sweet little dove," he murmured breathless against your lips, his voice was low and gravelly and he sounded sweet as honey when he groaned your name through his high. You were trembling, the two of you shaking together, locked around one another, limbs tangled, forehead to forehead, his nose knocking against your nose as his tongue brushed over yours, "I love you so much angel," he said grinding his hips into yours so that you felt your cum mixing with his inside you as he fucked you deeper.
You were breathless, your chest bone glistening with a hazy sheen, little beads of sweat trickling over your neck, caught moments later by Bonnie's lips when he dragged his tongue over your pressure point in an open mouthed kiss.
He was insatiable with desire for you, even now, even when you both should have been tired out, collapsed in one anothers arms. Bonnie showed no signs of being worn out. Instead your shared orgasm only seemed to spur him on and as you trembled with pleasure he held you in his strong arms and nuzzled into you.
Your moan shook as his teeth grazed your throat, his tongue tickling a little roughly over your smooth skin. He was a man addicted, obsessed with the sweet sounds only he could pull from your lips and as he pulled slowly out of you, your cunt tightening desperately around him, the gasp you snatched upon his returning thrust made him all the more determined.
He wasn't quite done with you yet.
"Think you can manage another for me sweet girl?" He whispered, his voice low and teasing as he trailed kisses along your jaw.
You felt so fragile then, your breaths short and shallow, your thighs aching from having been forced open for so long. Your muscles sore and trembling. Your tummy scrunched as his words left that butterfly tension toying with you. You could barely speak around the pleasure his every thrust sent rippling through your body, his hips still grinding against yours, but for him you managed a little whimper.
"Tell me with your words little dove," he chuckled affectionately as he stilled for a moment. You held his bicep to steady yourself, stroked your palm down over his muscular arm until your hand found his and his fingers locked with yours. Your other hand resting on his chest you looked up at him in a breathless, desperate awe.
"Yes Bonnie..." you managed, your voice so soft he couldn't help but reach up to caress your glistening cheek tenderly.
You were shaking beneath his touch, so completely dependent on him and he loved it. Loved the power he had over you in moments like this when his every move sent you teetering closer to the edge.
"Good girl," he breathed dipping his head to kiss your nose as he ground his hips into yours once more before dragging himself slowly from between your legs.
When you whimpered, trying your best to lock your legs around his waist and trap him there he just chuckled. Smoothed his hand up your inner thigh and pushed your legs open a little wider so that he could move.
And when he did you felt yourself flush, suddenly self conscious realising that you were laid out on display for him and his eyes were trailing every inch of your body, admiring the view.
For a moment he froze, in awe of your glistening figure, your legs pushed apart and trembling, your muscles already so tired out. Your cunt sleek, your thighs stained with the silky sheen of your cum.
He reached out to you carefully, admiring the way you flinched before acquiescing to his touch, letting him graze two fingers up your calf, tickling them behind your knee so that you shook and a tried to pull yourself away. But of course Bonnie was much stronger than you and one hand on your knee was all it took to put you right back where he wanted you.
He watched you with a hunger as he dragged his fingers slowly up your inner thigh, letting them glide between your lips as he gathered the cum which was leaking from your cunt and scooped it up. His thumb pressed down on your clit and held it's place leaving a warm tingle to resonate through your core as he used his two fingers to push the remainder of his cum inside your cunt. He wasn't one to let anything go to waste after all.
"Good girl..." he said again, his voice barely breaking a whisper as his eyes trailed your trembling body in awe, as if he were hypnotised, held hostage by the rise and fall of your chest, your breasts rippling with goosebumps as he hovered above you and his breath grazed your skin. "Open your eyes little dove," he whispered dipping his head to kiss your cheek, his lips pressed to the tip of your nose when he told you again. "Look at me sweetheart, let me see your pretty eyes.." he said gently as his fingers moved slowly pumping inside you.
He curled them just as your eyes fluttered open, getting a kick out of the dilation of your pupils when you locked eyes with him and another gasp left your parted lips.
"You're doing so well sweet girl," he hushed you, his thumb stroking your cheek tenderly as he began to trail his soft kisses down your neck and over your collar bones.
Your cunt pulsed around his fingers as he slipped a third inside you, your walls clenching needily as his thumb rubbed your clit in slow circles.
You could barely speak, your breaths shivery as he drew another sweet little moan from your lips. You could feel your heart beginning to race again, could feel that heat washing over you as you shook beneath his touch. But when you saw that dark look in his eyes you knew he was gripped with an all consuming desire just as you were. That no matter how tired you were or how desperate for that flooding relief you might feel, you were going to be patient for him. You were going to let him do whatever he needed to do to you.
More than that you were going to let him devour you and you were going to cherish every second of it.
You snatched another breath, so shallow as your heart flinched beneath his touch. His lips kissing down your body with a newfound determination. Every graze and nip a little needier than the last. And when his open mouth closed warm and wet around your hardened nipple you couldn't help the mewl and the whimper which tumbled from your lips as you squirmed beneath him. He was giving you so much, his fingers curling inside you rubbing your gspot with a purposeful determination. His tongue flicking over your nipple, swirling loving circles around you as he sucked it deeper into his warm mouth.
It was almost too much. Almost too good.
And as you writhed and whined beneath him he grinned proudly to himself, only pulling away from your body for long enough to remind you again how heavenly you looked. How pretty you sounded with his name on your lips.
"Bonnie..." you whined as he dragged his fingers from your cunt slowly only to silence you a moment later feeding you your juices, admiring the pretty way they glistened on your lips as you suckled on his fingers and blinked up at him with big teary eyes.
"Hold on for me angel, you're almost there..." he murmured gazing down at you in a fixated state of awe. His palm pushing your legs open wider as he ducked down between them, hovering so close to you that he could taste the salty sweet of your arousal on his inhale.
"Ahh," you cried out when he nuzzled between your thighs, his mouth closing over your clit, snatching it up in a warm suckle that sent a tug of desire through your nerves. You were only grateful for the storm raging outside drowning your desperate noises out.
Your thighs snapped shut around him, your hand rushing to his head, fingers curling in the tangle of his dark curls as you tried desperately to hold onto something, anything that would ground you in your moment of bliss.
Bonnie hummed with satisfaction as he slid his tongue between your folds, suckling gently on your lips as he kissed with a little more aggression. That hunger, that desire taking over completely.
It felt so good you could hardly breath and as you felt yourself dizzied by the pleasure he was laying on you you were grateful for his hand when it found yours. His fingers locking with yours, pushing yours down into the soft rug beneath you. Holding you in place firmly, rooting you gently as he kissed and licked at your trembling core bringing you closer to the edge with every flickering moment.
You could feel the desire building, that white heat gripping you, the knot tightening in your stomach as your thighs began to shake and a lower, more animalistic moan was dragged from you. You couldn't hold on any longer and as you began to whine and writhe beneath him you felt him grin against your core, his tongue swirling relentlessly around your swollen clit.
Your hand in his hair forced him down tighter against you as your hips began to grind into his open mouth and you felt yourself losing control. Feral with desire until finally that thread inside you snapped and you fell apart. Tears trickling down your cheeks as you cried out with pure pleasure and came undone completely.
Bonnie remained for a minute or two, his hand still holding yours, his thumb caressing your palm gently as his other hand smoothed over your thigh slowly. Everything about his movements sweet and soft as he kitten licked at your clit to bring you down gently. His kisses warm and soft too as he trailed a line from your core to your knee and then back up.
"Such a good, sweet girl..." he murmured as he pressed a kiss to your womb and let his lips linger as he smoothed his hand up your body to hold your hip. "So fuckin beautiful.." he said as he hovered above you and held your hand in his, holding your palm to his lips to kiss it softly. Letting his lips graze each of your finger tips. Gazing down at you with all the love in the world.
You closed your eyes, smiling despite your breathlessness, the rosy flush which had washed over your body and which stained your cheeks.
"Think I just died a little bit..." You whispered, your voice still feeble and shakey as you smiled and let out a self conscious little giggle.
A grin split across Bonnie's face then, his eyes lit up with pride as he settled down beside you, his fingers pushing your hair from your face. He took your chin between his thumb and fingers and guided your gaze to meet his, his eyes flickering over your features tenderly. And when he dipped his head to kiss your cheek he collected each of your tears with his lips and let you taste the salt when he met you for another tender kiss.
@zablife @jomarch-wannabe @impossibleheartflower @inalovesrabbits-blog
@cocoaflowers @itsghostgirlyo
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inmyfxith · 2 years
Neteyam dating a female human
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A/N -> If you disagree with something I wrote in it, don't hesitate to tell me. I would love to discuss it with you.
-> Requested - I dare to imagine that the person who asked me for the same headcanon for Lo'ak also asked for this one, if so, could you tell me if this is what you expected? If not, don't hesitate to let me know!
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Your mother is an important scientist who specializes in the fauna and flora of Pandora, following in the footsteps of the legendary Grace Augustine. Slightly out of touch with reality, she managed to get you on the trip by falsifying papers, making you the youngest scientist on the expedition. You were eager to learn from the best and to contribute, even just a little bit, to the ongoing efforts to understand and protect Pandora's unique ecosystem.
One day, while conducting field research (a discovery for you) on the direhorses - massive, grey-skinned creatures resembling elephants - you stumbled upon Neteyam, the eldest son of Jake Sully, who was out hunting with his brother Lo'ak and other young members of his clan. You were immediately struck by Neteyam's tall, muscular build and piercing yellow eyes, and you couldn't help but be drawn to his confident and assertive demeanor. As you watched him expertly track and hunt an animal that looked like a Terrian gazelle, you couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration for his skills and knowledge of Pandora's wildlife.
Neteyam's heightened senses as a Na'vi allowed him to detect your presence in the forest, and from the moment his large eyes met yours, you were both drawn to each other despite your main difference. You couldn't help but feel a deep connection to Neteyam, despite the fact that you were from different worlds. You were fascinated by his culture and way of life, and you were drawn to his strength and confidence.
You couldn't help but feel a bit of sadness as you watched him disappear into the forest, wondering if you would ever see him again. But fate had other plans, and the next day you found yourself reunited with Neteyam in the laboratory. He had accompanied Kiri, his younger sister, to see her mother's avatar. As you stood together in the lab, surrounded by the whirring machines and flashing screens, you couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and possibility.
As you got to know each other better, you began to learn about Neteyam's life as a member of the Omaticaya clan, and you were impressed by his dedication to his people and his home. Neteyam, in turn, was fascinated by your curiosity and your thirst for knowledge, and he enjoyed sharing his insights and experiences with you.
As the weeks went by, Neteyam began to visit the laboratory more and more often, always making sure to stop by when he knew you would be there. At first, Dr. Patel was intrigued by Neteyam's frequent visits, wondering what could be bringing him back to the lab so often. But as he observed the two of you together, it became clear that Neteyam was there to see you.
As you spent more time together, exploring Pandora and learning about each other's cultures, you couldn't help but feel a growing sense of love and connection. Neteyam was everything you had ever wanted in a partner, and you knew that he was the one you wanted to spend the rest of your life with.
The two of you sat together on a grassy hill overlooking Pandora's beautiful landscape, Neteyam turned to you and asked if you would like to explore more of his world together. "I know so many beautiful and hidden places that I would love to show you," he said. "There are so many wonders of Pandora that I want to share with you, and I want to learn more about your world as well." You felt a sense of excitement and joy at the thought of exploring Pandora more with Neteyam. You knew that being with him would be an adventure, and you were eager to see all that Pandora had to offer. You smiled, saying, "I would love to explore Pandora with you. There's so much I want to learn and see, and I know that being with you will make it all the more special."
Neteyam was always very attentive to your needs and desires, and he was always striving to make you feel safe and protected. Whether it was by standing guard over you while you slept, or by carrying you across treacherous terrain to keep you from harm, he was always there for you. He knew that being a human on Pandora was not without its challenges, and he was determined to do everything in his power to make your life as comfortable and safe as possible.
Despite the strong connection and feelings that you and Neteyam shared, Neteyam was hesitant to start a relationship due to the troubled history between your two species and the mistrust that many Na'vi held for humans. He knew that being with you would not be easy, and he was worried about how his people would react.
Neteyam was also concerned about how his mother, Neytiri, would react to your relationship. Neytiri had a well-founded dislike for humans, and she had always been very protective of her children. Neteyam knew that she would not be pleased to see him with a human, and he was worried about the potential consequences of your relationship.
As Jake Sully watched his son, Neteyam, he couldn't help but notice the changes in his behavior. Neteyam had always been a strong and capable young man, but lately, he seemed to be more distant and preoccupied. Jake had a feeling that something was wrong, and he knew that he needed to find out what was going on. One day, Jake decided to confront Neteyam about his behavior. He pulled him aside and asked him directly if something was wrong. Neteyam hesitated at first, but eventually, he admitted that he was in love with a human. Jake immediately feared for his wife's reaction. Neytiri had always had a well-founded dislike for humans, and Jake knew that she would not be pleased to see her son with one. He also knew that many members of their clan would not accept a human as their Olo'eyktan’s mate, or female leader, and he was worried about the potential consequences of Neteyam's relationship.
Neteyam believed that being true to his feelings was the only way to create a future together, and he was willing to fight for that future no matter what. He was confident that, with your support and your shared values, you could overcome any obstacle that came your way. He was also keenly aware of the importance of communication in any relationship, and he made sure to keep you in the loop about any developments or challenges that arose.
Neteyam's openness and honesty were key to the success of your relationship, and they helped you to build a strong and lasting bond that could withstand any challenges that came your way.
As Neteyam's partner, you could expect physical displays of affection from him on a regular basis. He might hold your hand as you walked together, cuddle with you as you lay in a natural place, or sneak kisses when you least expected it. These gestures were Neteyam's way of showing you his love and affection, and they were always sincere and heartfelt.
Most of the time, you found a way to hide in a corner of the lab where you didn't have to wear your exopack. So he could touch your face as many times as he wanted.
As you spent more time together, exploring Pandora and learning about each other's cultures, it became clear that your relationship was something special. You were deeply in love, and you knew that you wanted to be together forever. You, personally, didn't feel the need to make your relationship "official" in any traditional sense, as it had always felt like a given to you.
In addition to physical affection, Neteyam was also a supportive and comforting presence for you. He was always there when you needed someone to talk to, and he was happy to listen to your concerns and offer words of encouragement and comfort. Even when he couldn't find the right words to say, his presence alone was often enough to help you feel better.
Neteyam was fully committed to you, and he made it clear that he wanted to be with you for the long haul. He had no interest in anyone else, and he was content to focus all of his attention and affection on you.
Neteyam wanted to bond with you in a way that will satisfy his family and prevent them from causing problems in your relationship. In order to prevent any conflict or difficulties, Neteyam wanted to formally bond with you in a way that is recognized and accepted by his family. Regardless of the form it takes, he believed this bonding process would be an important step in solidifying your relationship and ensuring that it is accepted and supported by Neteyam's family.
At a certain point, you asked Dr. Patel about the possibility of creating a Na'vi avatar in order to experience the same sensations as them and, especially, but obviously you kept it to yourself, to participate in the bonding ritual of tsaheylu with Neteyam in order to form an emotional bond with him that would last all your life.
But the cost and especially the danger of such an operation, creating an avatar and bringing it back to Pandora without informing the competent authorities, seemed impossible for Patel. Despite this initial failure, Neteyam has not given up on the idea, offering other ways for you to connect to the collective memory via prayers, spiritual practices, and meditation.
You sat cross-legged on the floor of the small, secluded clearing in the forest, your eyes closed and your breathing slow and steady. You had been practicing meditation for months now, hoping to find a way to connect with the Pandoran collective consciousness and bond with Neteyam. Despite your efforts, you had yet to experience the same deep connection that Neteyam seemed to feel so naturally. But today, as you focused on your breath and let go of your thoughts, you began to feel a sense of peace and clarity wash over you. You felt your body relax and your mind open, and you could sense the presence of something larger than yourself. As you opened your eyes, you saw Neteyam sitting across from you, his queue glowing softly in the dim light of the clearing. You reached out to him, and he took your hand in his own. "I can feel it," you whispered, tears of joy streaming down your face. "I can feel Eywa."Neteyam smiled and squeezed your hand. "Welcome to the collective consciousness, my love," he said. You felt a surge of happiness and gratitude wash over you as you connected with Neteyam and the collective consciousness. You knew that this was a bond that would last a lifetime.
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tiredmamaissy · 1 year
omg we need a high issy talks with ralak
In honor of 5098 followers I thought I’d do my first Ralak Drabble (although this is more of a fic honestly) this isn’t my best work because I wrote this piece by piece over a period of time
MNDI 🔞 sex pollen, size kink, thigh riding, p in v
Ever since Ronal and Tsireya found out how knowledgeable you are about the herbs of pandora - thanks to your grandmother - they’ve recruited you for training to be a healer. Ralak, who just so happens to be your first patient, has done nothing but boast about your skills to Tonowari. Albeit few words, he’s made it clear to the Olo’eyktan that you are more than capable of some of the most beneficial tasks.
Weaving. Sewing. Healing.
It had become obvious where you would fall into place in the clan now that you’ve passed your iknimaya - right next to ronal in the healing hut. Let’s not forget to mention how ecstatic Kiri was to have you by her side as well. Ralak was more than happy when you told him the news of your newfound position in his - your, village. So much so that he often encouraged you to have an early start to your day, welcoming you into the new day with breakfast in bed as per usual.
Today seemed to just be another day.
“Wake up, tanhì. Big day ahead of you.” Ralak hums lowly, nudging you awake with one hand whilst the other holds a platter of fruit and steamed buns.
Your eyes burn as they struggle to open, brows scrunching together when the first ray of sunlight shines in your face. Village life didn’t start this early back home. You groan as you sit up and shuffle back into the wall of marui, watching through squinted eyes as Ralak carefully places the tray on your lap.
For a moment, you’re confused. Unsure of what big day you have ahead of you. “Big day?”
“My numeyu. We must work on your memory next.” He chuckles to himself, turning his heel to walk toward a makeshift closet near your marui door. He retrieves his favourite top of yours, crimson leaves secured together with the finest, most durable thread in Awa’atlu. As he turns around and makes his way back over to you with a slight smile, he utters the accented words. “Today you go inland with Ronal.”
“Ah, yes.” You nod as the words slip from your tongue, raspy and gruff. He places the top next to you on the cot, hand tucking a strand of hair behind your ear on its way back to his side.
How could I forget?
After a few weeks of training with Ronal, she determined you fit to accompany her and the rest of the healers inland to gather supplies and herbs. Only the most equipped were allowed inland - strong warriors and healers, like Ralak, who lead most parties heading that direction.
“Are you coming, too?” You ask with full cheeks, voice perking up as you shovel your breakfast in.
“Not today.” He smiles wide, moving swiftly towards his spears, meticulously displayed with pride. “Today, I relax.”
Surprised that he’s not choosing to loom over you like a child, your brows jump as the jelly-glazed corner of your mouth pulls into a slight smirk. You nod as you hurry to gulp down your last bite of food, back of your hand wiping your mouth clean. “If anyone deserves to relax, it’s you lak.”
“Ah.” He chuckles, chucking the spears over his shoulder, “I only stay because wari is going with you.”
“Of-course.” You mumble under your breath, rolling your eyes to land them on the top laid out beside you.
The trek inland is nothing to graze over. The foliage is so thick and luscious. It’s been a while since you’ve seen so much blue and purple - so much flora. It’s mesmerizing, hearing the faint calls of the hiding fauna around you. Ironically, you felt like a fish out of water back at the shore, and more at home the further you ventured into the thick jungle. Ronal and Tonowari stay far ahead of everyone, guiding you all towards a small clearing. Everyone kept up great.
Except you.
Being smaller than the average na’vi had its benefits, and keeping up with a crowd just wasn’t one of them. You find yourself at the back, stumbling and tripping over your own two left feet. And it didn’t help that there was a large, heavy bag strapped to your back either. Despite the obstacles in your way, you were able to keep the rest of the group in sight.
Ronal would look back at you now and then, checking that you were still in some sort of close distance. She wasn’t the most patient with you, nor the rest of your family. She was pretty much tolerating you under the order of her mate, and out of respect for Ralak. She’d stop the party to gather a few herbs, taking the chance to teach a lesson or two. After each harvest she’d project her voice over the crowd, describing the appearance and properties of her herb and most of all - what not to pick.
There was a few things to stay clear of. A large, spiked red vine, as it causes blindness. A blue, short and stubby mushroom, as it causes severe stomach pains. And a lilac flower with open petals and a deep blue stem. If the petals were closed, the gas would be held inside the plant, keeping its stimulant properties under control. Once bloomed, and if even touched, the effects would set in within 10 minutes.
A few na’vi asked what exactly would happen, but Ronal would only answer with a stern voice.
“It is an itch you cannot scratch. There is no antidote. Do not touch it, no matter how pretty. It is beautiful for a reason. Do not be fooled.”
The sea of na’vi mumble among themselves, keeping their chins tucked to their chests to keep an eye out for the few forbidden flora. Meanwhile, you’re too caught up with trying to keep up with the crowd and not get lost that you didn’t realize you were indeed already lost.
However, you aren’t as lost as you originally thought. You’re in an area familiar to you and Ralak - the jungle behind the cave.
Your sputtering feet come to a standstill, hands flying to your knees for support as you catch your breath. You look around, scanning the familiar bearing fruit trees and vines connecting the thick canopy together. You often came here when you felt homesick, except you were a bit further out than you usually go. You drop your head, beads of sweet dripping from your forehead onto your feet. For a moment, your vision blurs, toes buried in the tall blades of grass doubling in number.
“Whoa.” You huff out, blinking repeatedly in an attempt to see clearly. And as everything merged together, the image of a beautiful, blossomed lilac flower brushing against your ankle becomes clear as day.
“Shit.” You curse under your breath, reflexively retreating your foot until you’re tumbling back onto your behind. With your hands supporting your torso and your legs open, you have a clear view of the most breathtaking flora you’ve ever seen. And honestly, had Ronal not warned you about it, you would’ve picked it immediately. Instead, you back away, scuffling on all fours to get back on your feet so you can dart towards your marui.
“Oh shit. Shit. Shit. Shit.” You blabber as you run as fast as your two left feet can go, absolutely drenched in sweat. You feel like you can’t even breathe. As if your throat was closing up. You grit your teeth, preparing yourself for the worst rash and itch of your life. Surely yalnabark will fix you up. Or maybe Kiri has some sort of concoction that she can smear all over you. Or perhaps -
“There is no antidote…” Ronals warped and distorted voice cuts off your train or thought.
“Fuck. I’m so fucked. So, so fucked.” You mumble to yourself, words slurring together as if you had a little bit too much pxir (alcohol).
Surely he would know what to do. He always knows what to do. Right?
The thud of your feet grows louder as you near your marui - bright orange and blue decorative material shining through your hazy vision. You feel like calling out for him right now. To scream his name so he can find you and make it all better. But when you open your mouth you can’t find your voice to speak.
You focus your energy on getting back home, jumping over the large jutting roots until your toes sink into the coarse sand. You’re here. Ralaks scent is confirmation of that. You can smell him from here and all you want and to do is bathe yourself in it. Snout following the scent of your mate, you outright float towards the source. And then it hits you.
The strangest inching sensation you’ve ever felt in your entire life. It’s like a low sting, pricking your skin and opening your pores, allowing even more sweat to seep out. A tingle right under your skin yet deep in the tissue. An itch you couldn’t scratch. It radiates most from the place right between your shoulders and -
“Wait. Already?” You mutter, feeling something wet smear on your inner thigh as you slither under the flap of your Marui. Has it been that long? There’s no way your heat could come this early. So what is this? The effects of the flower? The sound of your own chattering teeth snaps you out of your deep thought.
You look ahead of you, seeing Ralaks aura around him, still and unmoving as he sleeps peacefully. Soundly. Your unsuspecting mate. Naked and exposed before your two glazed eyes. His chest moves slowly - rhythmically. And as your blurred vision trails down, you’re able to make out the definition of his muscular thighs, despite them being unflexed and completely relaxed. He’s in such a serene state. It’s probably the first nap he’s had in weeks.
Yet your legs keep moving on their own, creeping closer as you stalk your prey. That area between your thighs craved satiation. Craved a stimulation that only something as thick and firm as his thigh could provide. It’s clean and bare, slightly damp from his bath. And when the image of your slickened folds pressed firmly against it floods your mind you can’t help but squeeze your thighs closer together as you approach your mate.
At this point your vision is completely blurred and your heart is galloping at the rate of a direhorse. All you can think about is how good he’d feel between your legs.
So you allow yourself the pleasure.
The pleasure of climbing on top of his large physique and settling yourself comfortably on this lap. Your cunt is pressed so firmly against his thigh that your wet folds have no other choice but to spread, exposing your clit. And when your hot clit finally makes contact with his thigh you let out a sigh of relief, although it come out as a breathy moan.
Your eyes fall shut, hands scrambling around to find some sort of support when they finally land the curve of his waist. Your hips begin to move by themselves, humping at his thigh like an na’vi experiencing their first heat. Heat. It feels that way. Just without the intense brain fog and overwhelming need to be filled. This is more of an itch most concentrated right on the bundle of nerves above your leaking slit.
And the more you grind into him the more relief you feel.
“Tanhì… what are you doing?” Ralak croaks, looking up at you through furrowed brows.
His hoarse voice would have surprised you if you weren’t so caught up with using him like some sort of sex toy. His muscles provided just the right amount of pressure, but when he suddenly shoves his leg upwards you outright cry out in unadulterated pleasure. “Oh - fuck!”
“So. You see my cock and go for my thigh, hm?” Ralak laughs. A loud, short laugh of amusement. But when he sees your fucked out face, pinched brows and drool dribbling down your chin, his laugh fades out into a huff. His jaw clenches and unclenches as he watches your tiny frame work so hard on his thigh of all places. He loves to see you like this. Taking whats yours. Doing it all on your own and doing such a good job at it. The sight makes him hard in seconds, cock springing up to slap against your stomach.
“Answer me, my little one.” He hums, eyes trailing up and down your dark blue, slender frame.
You can’t. Not when you feel this good. His thigh is like ice on a burn.
“Tanhì.” He lets out a deep growl, hands darting to grip your hips tightly.
“It’s itchy lak! It’s r-really itchy!” You blurt out, eyes snapping open to meet his lustful, yet worried gaze.
He watches for a while, a little surprised by your aggressive advances. He loves when you wake him up like this, but something was a little… off.
“Itchy?” Ralak echoes your word, sitting up to nuzzle his nose into your neck for a quick whiff. To his surprise, you smell like -
Nothing. Your natural scent. No pheromones. Just his usual Tanhì, like the Navi of the forest. Yet you look like you’re in the thick of your heat.
“Fuck! Don’t move!” You shout, shoving him back down onto his back to hump at his thigh even harder.
He looks down at his thigh, watching as it’s completely coated and covered in a glossy layer of your slick, so much so it’s practically dipping onto his bed. It makes his stomach tighten, painfully hard cock now oozing it’s own slick onto his length.
“But you already had your heat.” He spits the words, too mesmerized by the way your pussy lips are rubbing against his skin.
“I-I I don’t know! I’m sorry!” You cry out, tears welling up in your eyes until they have no where to go but down your cheeks.
“Don’t - don’t be.” He reassures you, sliding a hand down his thigh until his thumb presses against your swollen clit. “What did you eat?”
Your body grinds into his touches, desperate for relief to this maddening itch. “N-Nothing!”
You’re so close.
“…what did you touch? A flower?” He asks in a serious tone, voice bouncing from the mere force of your thrusts.
“Y-Yes! A purple flower - it touched my leg. I - oh, lak. ‘Ts so itchy. ‘M s-so close!” You outright whimper, slowing your thrusts so they’re short and rough. “Please! C-Can’t you make it stop?”
“I cannot. It is aphrodisiac. No antidote.” He states, eyes glued to your cunt rubbing against him. “You have to…“ his grip on your hips tightens, shifting you over so your cunt is flush against his rock hard, warm cock. “…ride it out.”
He begins thrusting his hips, allowing his length to glide back and forth against your clit, right between your slippery pussy lips. His fingers dig into your skin, leaving little marks behind on the dips of your hips, using them as leverage to… help you out.
With you rolling your hips into him, and him grinding his cock into you, you can’t help but let loose the budding tension in your core.
“G-Gonna cum!” You moan, feeling the heated coil snap in two.
“Cum. Cum for me, tanhì.” He groans, angling his hips just right so he can slam his entire cock inside of your tight cunt. “Let me feel it.”
The sudden stretch has you whining and whimpering, body desperately trying to adjust to his size all while being pushed over the edge. Your orgasm washes over you like a cool waterfall on a hot day, momentarily satiating that itch deep within your core.
“Shit.” He grunts, eyelids fluttering shut to focus on how tight your cunt is squeezing him. “So tight. So tiny.”
“Ralak!” His name rolls off your tongue so effortlessly, your gummy walls throbbing around his cock as you continue to ride out your high. He holds you tightly, supporting you as your body trembles in top of him, thumb swiping your pulsating clit at a merciless pace. It’s all so overstimulating, too much but not enough all at once.
You just came yet you need more. The itch is still there and it’s only getting more intense the more you sink down onto his cock.
“N-Need more. Please. Need more!” You whine needily, rolling your hips in a circle so his tip is massaging into your cervix.
“Easy tanhì. Take your time.” Ralak chuckles, swiftly laying you on your back to have his way with you.
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sheepispink · 10 months
Let me be everything you’ve wanted
tags: alhaitham x reader, intended to be fem reader but no pronouns used (girly perfume mentioned but thats it tbh), academic rivals to lovers, fluff, so much damn fluff, this is literally just comfort, lots of teasing, sharing a bed 😈, entirely sfw, probably cringe um
work count is like 3.6k BRO
notes: for those unaware with akademiya stuff: house of daena is the library, amurta is the study of flora and fauna (biology)
this is probably ooc but do i care? no.
12am. House of Daena.
Tucked away in your own little corner, your desk is sprawled with books, blueprints, singed scrolls—anything you could get your hands on.
Ironically, your palm is now the only support your head has now as you near closer and closer to the slumber your eyes long for. Exhaustion clouds all rational thoughts, and you find yourself longing for something you swear to hate the most.
Those familiar footsteps are like music to your ears, and you’re suddenly grateful for those shoes you’ve teased him about never changing.
He slides a chair out, stealing the very same seat as those many nights ago.
“What are you still doing up? It’s almost closing hours.” That cold expression never leaves his face, his piercing eyes narrowing at your state. It’s a trademark of a sort.
“I could ask you the same thing, Al-Haitham.” You retort with a little ‘hmph’. You’re already cramming for next week’s exams, and you do not want to deal with your rival too; he’s a handful as it is.
“I’m not the one who can’t even turn their head to face me because that’s too much of a strain on their tired brain.” His expression remains the same—cold and stern—and so does his attitude with the constant insults. Though this time they hold an undertone of concern and he looks a little… weary.
It confuses you so much. You always wear a smirk on your face around him, especially when you finally get under his skin. You take pride in your efforts, feeling successful that you managed to beat his cold exterior. He, however, remains the same, even when he one-ups you countless times. No happiness, no pride, not even a hint of amusement. Are you really just another annoying nuisance to him? You shake that thought away quickly; you’re sitting beside him, and you cannot let this opportunity pass to break that shell. After all, you’ve done it countless nights before; it won’t be hard to do it again.
“Really? Because you look as tired as I am.”
You speak firmly, ready for his inevitable rebuttal. The piles of work is the last thing on your mind now, mentally pushed to the side as soon as he had walked in.
“I’ve taken many breaks while studying, actually.” He scoffs, but you notice the way he suddenly seems interested in the scattered notes in your folder, turning his face as if to hide his fatigue.
You slam the notebook shut and smirk; this is your time to shine.
“Are those dark circles under your eyes from the smudge of ink then? Perhaps from the number of times you’ve rubbed your eyes to stay awake?” You shift in your chair to face him better, your gaze forcing him to meet your eyes now.
“Your hair has flattened from the number of times your hands have run through it, and you can’t even keep up your glare longer than usual.”
The cross of your arms indicates the end of your mini-counterargument, and you look at him proudly, waiting for how he’ll try to get out of this.
You think you catch a hint of surprise flickering across his features, but he’s already shadowed it with a roll of his eyes.
“You’re oddly perceptive today; perhaps you’ve taken a liking to admiring my face.”
His lips curve slightly for a mere second; your stern, cold, ass of a rival is teasing you. “What’s wrong? Did I catch the mouse?” His tone is still harsh and blunt, but he lacks the bite he always has when conversing with his rival.
“I only admire you when you’re asleep in my bed.” Your voice is smug, and you’re leaning in, closer and closer, breaths away now. “Come on, we’re both tired.”
You plead in your most convincing tone. He cant deny it; it has been a long time.
He freezes as you gently take his hands, his pride shattering with remembrance of two weeks prior. Al-Haitham narrowed his eyes. He didn’t want to deal with his rival more than he needed to. But… the library is vacant right now. It’d be so easy to slip off. No prying eyes and a chance of rumours. Just two sworn rivals, tired and sleepy, desperate for a long rest before they have to remember all their duties for tomorrow.
He scoffs, “I’d rather not. You know exactly what happens each time, and I’m not spending 8 hours in bed with you again.”
He could see the pleading in your eyes, and if he were being honest, he wished he could’ve stayed longer last time.
“You make it seem like it’s a crime.” A grumble and then a small huff— you’re clearly adamant about this. His eyes lock onto your enticing ones, but he knows your tricks all too well.
“You’ve got some nerve asking me again after last time.” He scoffs again (you wonder if he can go a day without doing that), pulls his hands from your grasp, and gets up from his seat.
“Oh, come on, last time wasn’t that bad. You’re exaggerating.” A roll of your eyes, and you’re already starting to pack up your papers. Even if he doesn’t allow that, he will drag you out if you decide to keep studying instead of sleeping.
“I had a lecture at 8:30am, and your body clung to me until 8am. Your room is 20 minutes from the campus, and I hadn’t even a chance to eat breakfast because of you weighing me down.” A heavy sigh escapes his mouth as he remembers the glances he got from the presenter and the other students. Being late was a rare thing for Al-Haitham, but being late, dishevelled, and having to ask for paper and a pen from other students? They thought he must’ve gone insane.
On the other hand, your jaw has found a home on the floor. Yes, you vaguely remember him shoving you off and muttering a string of not-so-nice words, but you swear it wasn’t as bad as he described! Clinging to him—you? never.
“Ha, as if I’d ever-“
“Cling to me? I had a feeling you’d say that.”
Your pride is shattered in a matter of seconds, never to be rebuilt again, you would say. The evidence is shown before you, and even worse, it’s in photo form. Your arms are slung tightly around his shoulders, your legs are intertwined with his, and worst of all, your cheeks are smushed against his neck.
“I..” Nothing can save you now; there’s no coming back from this one.
“Exactly.” He’s got a smug look in his eyes now as he glares at you, knowing you’re very much stuck.
Well, when you can’t agree or deny it, just change the entire subject. At least that’s your newfound motto.
“The point is, you don’t have classes until 1p.m. tomorrow, and you know I never wake up that late-“
“How do you know my schedule?”
The silence is deafening. Well, congratulations on changing the subject. How do you even know his schedule? You don’t remember specifically trying to find it.
“Did you seriously remember the days when I left the room without a fuss and worked out my schedule according to that?”
That’s exactly what you did. Of course, you’d never outright look at his schedule or snoop at his things (he’s crazy observant, he would know). But you find yourself figuring him out more and more each time. On Thursdays and Tuesdays, he’d leave with no fuss, even giving you a small ruffle of your hair (which you never admitted to being awake for). Naturally, as his rival and for only that purpose (obviously), you decided to look up each and every class for that day and slowly work out his timetable based on the subjects you had seen him study for.
Stalking? No. One step ahead of your rival? Yes.
You sigh and place the pile of books you had borrowed earlier back in their rightful places. You’d be going home regardless. ‘I don’t need him. He’s useless, and i can sleep perfectly fine on my own. I’m going to go home and get all cosy and have a long, peaceful sleep.’ Convincing yourself isn’t as hard as you thought, unlike trying to keep a neutral look on your face.
“I can see you sulking.” Al-Haitham remarks, raising an eyebrow at you.
“Will you shut up? Ahem, if you have nothing useful to do here, I suggest you leave too.” The monotone sound surprises him, one brow raising at you. He puts a hand down on the table in front of you, stopping you from moving any further. His eyes narrow, scanning your features.
“Stop using your student council voice with me; I’m not some troubled first year.”
“For further support, you may talk to-“
He lets out a reluctant groan and picks up your tote bag, slinging it over his broad shoulder. It sits perfectly, just like every other time. Calloused skin connects with your soft palm as he interlocks his freehand with yours.
“Fine. We’ll have a sleepover. Happy?” He finally gives in, though not without an exasperated sigh. You both know it’ll end this way, and you also both love the little game you play.
He lets you pull him towards your dorm room. A smug smile is permanent on your face, free to roam in the silent corridors as if it existed just for your leisure. You fiddle with your pockets, eventually pulling the keys out. The door swings open after a bit of lazy fumbling, and he follows in beside you. One hand rests on the small of your back after noticing your sudden sleepier state.
“Are you hungry? I have bagels.” You glance back at him, already zooming into the kitchen for a late-night snack. He sets your tote bag carefully on the floor, careful not to crush the notes within.
“You’ll burn it again.”
“Hey, I adapt and move forward, you know!”
You prepare him a bagel as he takes a seat on your plush couch. His eyes scan over the shelves, which are filled with all sorts of trinkets and mementos he’s almost begun to miss. On the other hand, his dorm is plain, with nothing more than the essentials. Is that the reason he always ends up sleeping over at your place? As if the answer wasn’t obvious from the countless times he’s laid awake in an empty bed, he finds himself questioning his emotions once more.
A ceramic plate is swiftly placed in front of his face, interrupting his thoughts. A toasted bagel is placed at a certain angle with extra sesame seeds scattered on the plate and butter spread fancifully on the side. Azure eyes meet your wide ones as you smile cheekily down at him.
“Who are you trying to impress? Gordon Ramsay?” He couldn’t help but let it slip out of his mouth. They were sworn rivals after all, and they’d have to be imposters if they went a day without getting a quip at one another.
“I could make Gordon Ramsay beg for my food.”
You watch eagerly for his reaction as his teeth bite into the soft, warm bread of the bagel and into the filling.
“Fine, I suppose it’s decent. Still overdone by about 20 seconds.”
“Oh, shut up!”
He cant help but let a smirk rise on his face as you storm into your bedroom, leaving him to eat the bagel in the quietness of your living room. He won’t admit it, but there was something about tasting something you made that satisfied him more than his favourite food usually did. Perhaps it was your focused look as you layered the fillings, or maybe it’s the way you proudly presented it before him. Regardless, he wouldn’t have it any other way.
You’re dressed in a plain t-shirt and plaid pyjama trousers when you return, a pile of clothes in your hands. “You left these at my place last time.”
“You didn’t wear them, did you?” His eyebrows raise as he looks at you suspiciously.
“Ew.” Disgust forms in your expression, and you roll your eyes at his accusation.“I washed it for you; be grateful.”
The neatly folded pile of clothes is taken in his hands, and he is surprised by the kind gesture. Or maybe you’re just a germaphobe, which seems slightly more likely. He slips on the freshly washed garments, closing his eyes as he inhales the sweet scent. It’s wonderful; like he’s sitting in a field of flowers at this very moment. It overcomes all his senses, being subdued by the comfort of your perfume—Wait. His eyes widen at the sudden realisation, and he lifts the thin fabric to his nose.
He was right; it is your perfume.
Of course, only you would practically drown his abandoned clothes in your most girliest perfume just to piss him off. Well, his cheeks are rather pink now after it had the complete opposite effect than intended. He supposes he should consider this a warning to ensure he takes his clothing with him next time.
The vanity light illuminates your soft skin in the dim bedroom. In front of you, bottles, tall and small, are laid out. Each cream,serum, and cleanser is chosen specifically for each of the steps of the routine. His crossed arms prop him up as he leans against the doorframe, trying to avoid disturbing you with your rather cute ministrations. You’ve changed a few of your products, even going so far as to change some of them to his that you had tested at his dorm. He mentally notes the new additions, already planning for when you next stay over.
If he were being logical like always, he could’ve kept it all in a drawer or a bag in his closet, but your little corner of things in his dorm brings colour and life to the dull room he’s never once considered his home. Something stirs within him—the reflection of his ‘spare’ bathrobe on the back of the bathroom door, a smudge of lipstick on the hand towel, an empty coffee mug that is waiting in the cupboard. He can’t forget the box of vitamins on the dining table as he eats his breakfast. You insist they will keep him healthy (they’re kiddie gummies).
He blinks, returning to the moment. A content sigh rumbles through his chest as he watches you in awe for a moment longer before finally taking a seat on his side of the bed—something he had unintentionally claimed not too long ago. His hands settle on the soft linen of your floral bedsheets,which only ever seem to change colours and never lose the embroidery of your beloved plants. Despite your incessant complaining, the Amurta major in you always seems to shine through in the smallest things, or perhaps he’s the one constantly looking for it. Just now, he had seen the water droplets on your pyjama shirt, signalling that you had just watered all the plants that hang across the walls of your bedroom. He wonders which sage you coerced into allowing you to have this.
He watches you from behind—the way your soft fingertips rub the serums into your skin and the focused look on your face as you look into yourself in the mirror. It makes him feel warm as you admire your face in the reflection. He thinks you’re perfect, and he wants you to think it too. But he’s also getting a little impatient.
“Begged me for a sleepover but won’t even join me?”
Despite the annoyance held in his words , his tone is calm and soft; he’s never been the same Al-Haitham when in your room. The soft fairy lights illuminating the adorable polaroids littering the walls soothe his mind; it makes him think of you in a different light. He could never be so cold towards you now that he’s seen so much of you, and now he intends to lay himself bare, without his armour.
“Just a moment..”
You give up on your witty comebacks as you succumb to what you’ve craved for far too long now. Your warmth encases him as the bed sheets rustle once again in your presence this time. He brings his face closer, not wasting a moment until he coaxes you closer, an arm wrapping around your waist to pull you into his side.
“You need to rest.”
He states, but its more of a question of whether you’ll listen and sleep or defy your needs to tease him a little longer.
“Oh, I’m the one who needs to rest, do I?”
You say it slyly, giving him a playful grin as you enjoy how his arms feel around your torso. Your hands sneak up to his hair, ruffling it out of its flatness.
“Yes, you. Who else?”
He rolls his eyes at you, and pushes your hand away from his messy locks. One hand reaches up to gently thumb the dark circles under your eyes. “No skin care routine is going to fix this, so you better sleep on time for whoever you’re always trying to impress.”
You hold your mouth shut. Think about it.
Sure, you can argue that you do all of it for yourself. But it’s a complete lie. All of this, this rivalry, this overworking yourself, these antics. They’re all to one up him, all to be smarter than him, in hopes that one day you will beat him. Or maybe something else. Maybe you want him to acknowledge that you beat him. Maybe you want him to acknowledge you.
A small scoff is heard as you rest your head near the crook of his neck, one arm over his chest as you tuck yourself into his side.
“ ‘m not tryna impress anyone.”
The words are mumbled as the dim room gets to you, coaxing the tiredness out of you. His hand moves to your head, running his fingers through the strands of soft hair.
“Did you know if you sleep earlier, then you’ll actually retain more information? If you did that, maybe you’d beat me.”
His voice is low, lulling you to rest as you begin to doze off. He can feel your head growing heavier and his gentle strokes growing slower as he watches you drift off. Your responses turn into inaudible mumbles, which he lets out a small chuckle to.
Maybe, deep down, you do yearn for his attention. Perhaps you do yearn to be better, wish that one day this pretense will be broken and you can love him without holding back.
His gaze is fixed on the way your hair falls around your face, stray strands on your cheeks. He can’t understand why you push yourself so hard. He’s seen your efforts, everyone has, its clear as day. But its rather amusing to see you try so hard to prove yourself to him. You just need to step back and look at your achievements and you’ll realise it all.
“Maybe you’ll see that you already have everything you’ve wanted here already.”
He whispers the words softly. And who knows, maybe one day he’ll say it when you’re wide awake.
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undertheopensky · 4 months
Whumptober Day 27: I misread Alt Prompt #7 Examination, so I guess this is now a Skies-specific prompt of Extinction. Though if you wanted to get poetic about it, I guess ‘Scars’ would also work.
Characters: Sky, Four, everyone’s kind of there especially in the first part
Trigger warnings: Panic attacks, grief, dehumanisation, it makes sense in context
Read on Ao3!
“No, see, wolves are to wolfos what unicorns are to horses,” Hyrule is explaining to a perplexed Wild. “And rabbits to a pols voice. Y’know, the non-monstery version.”
“Out of curiosity, what the fuck do you think a unicorn is?” Legend asks, visibly fascinated by the whole conversation.
Hyrule thinks for a moment. “I’m pretty sure it’s like a horse with fairy wings? That doesn’t want to kill you.”
“Okay, I think we need to introduce you to more horses than Twilight’s monster.”
“Oi!” Twilight protests, looking up from his leatherwork.
“Last week she stomped and then ate a deku baba,” Legend says flatly.
“Oh my god,” Legend mutters. Then, as Time walks up, his patrol apparently finished, “Hey, old man! What’s a unicorn to you?”
“Horse with a horn,” he replies easily.
Wild wrinkles his nose, clearly struggling to imagine it. “What’s the horn for?”
“For stabbing people, obviously.”
“What?! No!” Indignant, Four looks up from his book. “They cleanse water and purify poisons! There are no legends associating them with the battlefield, except for one country that uses them as the heraldry device for medics!”
Time shrugs, clearly unbothered.
“No wings, then?” asks Hyrule, slightly crestfallen.
“Nah, that’s a pegasus,” says Warriors.
“Like the boots?” Legend squints at the wings on his own.
“I think so? It’s a horse with, like, bird wings. One of the noble families back home uses them in their heraldry. There’s a lot of mythical creatures on heraldry, actually.”
“Rabbits ain’t mythical,” says Twilight.
“I’ve never seen one before.”
“Wait, back up – what’s a rabbit?” says Wind.
“A non-monstery pols voice.”
Wind isn’t pleased with Hyrule’s answer. “And what the hell is a pols voice?”
“It’s like…” Hyrule is stumped by the question. “It’s like… a, a blob with whiskers and long ears, except then it opens its mouth and it’s ALL mouth, and all teeth, and –”
“Oh, those! Huh, I never knew what they were called. I only came across ‘em once. And a rabbit is…”
“Smaller and less evil,” says Legend dryly, which which for some reason makes Twilight sputter with choked laughter.
“Oh, yeah - Sky,” Hyrule turns around to address him, “Sky, you’re the earliest -”
“I have never seen a unicorn,” Sky interrupts. “And I’m not sure what a rabbit is, but there’s a lot of flora and fauna on the Surface we’re still struggling to figure out, and I haven’t seen much of it that’s familiar while travelling with you. Things must change a lot through the eras.” He feels his face fall as his heart does. “Like loftwings, I guess.”
“What are loftwings, anyway? You’ve mentioned them before.”
Sky’s brow furrows. “Have I not explained loftwings yet?”
“You got partway through and then we were attacked by those chuchus and got distracted,” Wild offers.
Sky pulls a face. Right, and then cleanup had taken forever, because chuchus. Of all monster species, why were those ones so universal? They were barely even functional! “Okay. Loftwings are… huge birds, I guess is the easiest way to describe them. Each Hylian gets a loftwing partner when we’re young, and we grow up together. It’s - everyone has one. It’s been really weird to me that none of your eras have them. Since we’re on an isolated series of islands - or, well, we were - loftwings are essential to carry us from place to place.”
“They carry you? How big are they?”
“Pretty big.” Sky squints for a moment. “Crimson’s wingspan would stretch between that log and where Twilight’s sitting, easy.”
“Giant birds?” Wind screws up his face. “Like the Helmaroc King? Don’t like that.”
It’s Hyrule’s turn to make a face. “What’s a helmaroc king?”
Wind shrugs. “Massive bird monster. Oh, hey, maybe that’s what happened to Loftwings?”
“Hm?” Sky blinks back from where he’d been imagining Crimson sitting between Twilight and Warriors, sneakily tugging the captain’s scarf whenever he looked away. Goddess, he misses him. “Sorry, what was that?”
“You said it was weird that they don’t exist in any of our eras, right? Maybe it’s because they turned into monsters over time, like wolves and rabbits!”
Sky doesn’t know what noise he makes at that, doesn’t know what his face is doing. He feels cold, and sick, and horrified, because no no no that can’t be what happened please tell him that’s not what happened -
But why did the loftwings disappear? Left behind only in heraldry and insignia, not even their names left to history? How could they have been forgotten so completely?
“No,” he chokes out, “no, that can’t be. Loftwings aren’t monsters.”
“But sometimes animals can become monsters when they’re exposed to lots of dark magic over many years, like with wolfos. It would make sense why we’ve never heard of them, right, if they all became, like, kargarocs or something.”
The voices of the others die away to an indistinct hum. Sky thinks he should be concerned about that, except he’s already occupied with the sudden chill against his skin, the way his heart feels simultaneously too large and too small for the space it occupies, straining and racing, the way his lungs burn when he tries to breathe and ache when he doesn’t.
His head hurts.
His heart hurts.
Slowly, the buzzing fades.
“If we find a unicorn, do you think we can smuggle it back to my Hyrule?” Hyrule is asking.
“The hell do you want one of them for?”
“If they can really purify water, then –”
They’ve moved on from the conversational bomb that had rocked Sky to his foundations. Accepted the explanation without comment or question. To them, it’s just another strange fact about the world, like the way monsters in Wild’s Hyrule will all spring back to life when the moon turns red, or that there’s magic trapped in music. Over time, animals can turn into monsters.
And Sky just – doesn’t know how, doesn’t have the vocabulary to explain to them that loftwings aren’t animals – they’re people.
(He’s never had to explain it before. On Skyloft, everyone knows this, from the smallest child to the most forgetful elder: loftwings are your partner, the other half of your soul. They’re people.
When they can’t even understand that much, how does he even begin to explain how horrifying it is to think of them becoming nothing more than monsters, over the millenia?)
Maybe this time, Sky thinks. Maybe this time the portal will take them home.
To his home, at least. He’s never been away so long before. And his jaunts to the Surface had in no way prepared him for the loneliness of being eras and countries away from his friends and his family and his loftwing. And maybe - maybe with it all close to hand, the feelings at his fingertips - he’ll be able to explain it better to the others. Explain it so they’ll understand.
The saturated colours and faint burr of magic through the earth raise his hopes briefly, but - no. This isn’t Skyloft. Isn’t even the Surface beneath it. It’s - it’s easier to define it by what it isn’t. The Surface has lain untouched by Hylian hands for centuries, ancient and wild. This place - it feels tamer. Steadier. Young, almost, but not in the sense of age - in the sense of, of rawness in its magic. It feels new.
And for all that - he knows the days of Skyloft and her Knights are long behind this place.
“Mine,” announces Four, unknowingly confirming Sky’s thoughts. “We’re not far from Lake Hylia, from the looks of it. Anyone wanna watch Wild go fishing again?”
“Hell yeah!” Wind cheers immediately, over Twilight’s groan of frustration.
“Cub, really -”
Wild brightens. “We should compete! See who can catch the most fish for dinner!”
“Now that’s jus’ not fair, Wild, yer explosions will scare off any fish they don’t kill -”
Always happy to stir the pot, Legend says, “Sounds like a skill issue,” and grins at Twilight’s dark look.
Sitting at the base of a tree - or slumping, more accurately - Sky watches their antics with a quiet gaze and no interest in joining in himself.
He’d known it wasn’t likely. The number of times they’ve gone to a familiar Hyrule are far outnumbered by the times no one can identify, and even then, there’s eight other time periods they could land in. He can’t help the disappointment, is all.
Is this what homesickness feels like?
It kinda sucks. No wonder Wind was so miserable.
He’s drawn from contemplating the pooling unhappiness under his ribcage by Four inching closer, hands tucked behind his back. He looks - nervous. Not like he’s going to try to drag him into the water fight now happening on the lake’s shore, at least. Just uncertain. The smile Sky musters for him is probably not a very good one. “Something up, Four?”
“I, um.” Four rocks on his heels, looking almost uncertain. “I… wanted to show you. Something.”
Sky doesn’t actually want to be left alone with his thoughts, so he nods agreeably and hauls himself to his feet. “Lead the way, then.”
Four takes him far enough into the forest that the shouts and laughter and echoes of Wild’s small explosions fade entirely, before choosing a wide clearing to pause in. “I, um.” Four spins, clasping his hands behind his back again. “I noticed that you - well. When the others were talking about loftwings the other day. You got really upset when they were talking about them becoming monsters, or going extinct.”
Ice shoots through Sky’s heart, freezes over his throat for one critical moment. “Yeah,” he finally rasps. “I don’t - it’s - they don’t -”
Four shakes his head. “It’s okay. You don’t need to explain it. I just wanted to show you -” He fumbles with his pouch, pulls out a child-sized ocarina that’s not quite too small for his hands.
The tune he plays sounds almost like a birdcall.
It’s pleasant, if mournful. Sweet-toned and piping like wind instruments tend to be. Sky wonders why Four had moved them so far away just to play him a short song, and then -
Wingbeats. Loud and unmistakeable.
He startles and looks up as a shadow passes overhead - a shadow too large to be any of the birds of Four’s era - and all he can see is a half-silhouette framed in the sun, but his heart leaps at the familiarity.
And when they land -
A loftwing.
Small, but distinctive: the beak broad and long and golden, the curl of their crest and their tail. Pure white, save the bars of colour across the feathertips - Sky’s never seen one like them and he’s never been so relieved.
“Her name is Zeffa,” Four says, from where he’s half-wrapped around the loftwing’s neck in a hug.
“You never told me you had a loftwing,” Sky breathes, stepping forward to greet them - to greet her, as she reaches out in curious welcome.
Four shrugs, feathers ruffling against his back. “I never knew what they were called. She was always just Zeffa, to me. She came to me when I was eight, in the middle of my first adventure. She saved my life,” he adds, snuggling his face into the side of hers as she ducks down and croons at him.
Sky takes the opportunity to look her over more closely. Definitely smaller than average, but with Four as her rider they’re perfectly proportioned. Her feathers are all clean white, no countershading or freckles or markings except the traditional wing bars, the gold fringed by something he’s never seen before. He’d thought it was a simple deep blue at first but it keeps changing colour as Zeffa shifts and the light hits it in different ways. Green one way, red another; a rainbow trapped in keratin fibre.
Sky can feel the grin creeping across his face; wouldn’t dream of trying to stop. “She suits you.”
Four grins back. He looks so comfortable, standing in the shade of Zeffa’s beak and leaning up against her. “She does, doesn’t she?”
Her mind is different to Crimson’s, all shades of cool water instead of open sky and cloud, but it’s still crystal clear. Greetings, Chosen Hero.
“Been a while since I heard that one.” Been a while since he’d last spoken with a loftwing, for that matter; he hopes he’s not rusty. Hopes she can sense his delight and fondness and gratitude, for the care she shows to Four.
She clacks her beak at him, pleased.
“Do all the loftwings call you that?” Four asks, riveted, and Sky’s heart swells at the knowledge that Four can hear her too.
“Usually just the ones who don’t know me personally, or the ones who are making fun of me.” He steps closer, with her approval.
The top of her head barely clears his own. Taking that into account, Sky thinks her beak is a little smaller, too. She smells of feathers and ozone and rain. She smells like home.
“So loftwings do still exist.”
She regards him with something like sorrow, and his heart drops.
I am the last.
I was born towards the end of your reign; the last true loftwing born to Skyloft. And I knew even then that I would be waiting a long time for my beloved. I was born knowing it.
You grieved that, even then. I was too young to tell you, but I will say now, in hopes you will remember: I do not regret the waiting. They were worth waiting for. She tugs Four’s headband playfully, making him shout in protest when it slips over his eyes.
“How long did you have to wait?” Sky whispers, heart aching. Even if she says - he knows it’s a long, long time between Four’s era and his own.
She shrugs, wings settling back against her sides. Who can say? What is time, and how does it pass? Is it truly waiting, to simply live?
And oh, her personality is shining through - mischief hidden under patience, the glee of being deliberately and annoyingly cryptic. No wonder Four didn’t know what she was. Every attempt to ask was probably met with a riddle until he gave up. Sky finds himself smiling again. Even though it hurts. “You still had to be alone, and for that, I’m sorry.”
There is no fault to claim. All things change. From the kikwi to the zora - as the world changes, all must change with it, or be left behind. She runs her beak through his hair, an attempt at comfort.
Sky buries his face in the side of her neck.
I am the last. But do not grieve us.
Four tugs on his sleeve, breaking the focus of his connection. “C’mon, I wanna - I’ve still got something to show you, Zeffa’s not all of it.”
Sky glances back towards the lake. “Is it far?” They’ve been gone long enough as it is, really, and he doesn’t want the others wasting their time searching for them in a panic.
Four shrugs. “It’s fine. I told Time where we’d be going. C’mon, hop on, it’s not far by air but I wouldn’t wanna walk.” He follows his own advice, clambering up Zeffa’s side with ease and sitting across her shoulders, legs in front of her wings. He doesn’t even seem to notice the lack of saddle.
Why would he? Sky thinks with another pang. Loftwing saddlers haven’t been needed for centuries. Does Four even know they existed? “Are you sure she can carry us both? I’m pretty heavy.”
Four looks offended on Zeffa’s behalf. “She’s not that small! And she’s taken multiple people before!”
I will be fine, your majesty. Zeffa clacks at him, amused.
Sky deliberately does not pay attention to that last part. “If you’re sure I won’t hurt her…”
“You won’t,” says Four, and he’s so confident with him that Sky believes him.
There’s nowhere to jump from so like Four he mounts up on the ground, Four in front and Sky behind. It makes him nervous, riding without a saddle - not because he thinks he’ll fall off, but because what if he hurts her? Crushes her feathers the wrong way, clamps down too tight without leather to buffer the force? And is Four sure she can take off from here, getting airborne is hard enough without carrying so much extra weight -
She turns her head to laugh at him with one large, dark eye.
Her wings spread wide. They’re beautiful in the sunlight, red and green flashing at the edges of her primaries. There’s even some purple in the shadows closest to her body, all four of Four’s tunic colours shining through her wings. Goddess, she fits him so beautifully.
Two steps and a powerful wingbeat and then the air is rushing up around them, catching them like they were already falling, and they’re in the air. It can only have been magic but Sky doesn’t know where it came from; can’t bring himself to care, when the forest is getting smaller and blurrier under their feet and the wind is streaming ice-cold against his face and neck and ears.
Goddess, he’s missed this.
The sky looks so much more beautiful from up here; the clouds like they could be solid enough to walk on (though he knows that’s not true). Laid out beneath them is the kingdom, in lines and squares and patches of colour, abstract and strange. Could he draw a map of this, Sky wonders? Could he figure out where things used to be, if he can find the right landmarks?
Four grins at him over his shoulder, delighted by Sky’s happiness.
True to Four’s word, they’re not in the air long before Zeffa is banking, beginning a descent that for the first time in years makes a pang of disappointment rise in Sky’s gut. Goddess, he wants to go home.
Four lets him jump off when they get close, but doesn’t follow. Sky has a moment of panic before remembering Four definitely has a gliding item, he’s not trapped up there, and then Zeffa’s actually landing with the Hero of the Four Sword still perched on her back. There’s another blast of definitely wind magic as she touches down, cushioning what might otherwise have been a heavy landing. That explains it. Does that happen every time? Is it something Zeffa learned, since there are no sky islands to jump off of here? He’ll have to ask her, later.
“Where are we?” Sky says as Four swings off the loftwing’s back. The ruins they landed in are ancient and unfamiliar, but he thinks - he can almost understand the text carved into stone, if he tilts his head and squints. He doesn’t know this place - it just - echoes, somehow.
“The Fortress of Winds,” Four says. He hasn’t moved from the centre platform, still pressed up against Zeffa as he watches Sky move around. “This is where I first met Zeffa.”
“Uh huh?” Sky’s listening, he swears, but there’s something about the letters on this stone tablet, almost but not-quite the same as his own. If he squints just a little - no, maybe this way -?
Four comes over to tug on his sleeve again. “C’mere, I think you’re moving too much.”
They both sit in the shade thrown by Zeffa, as she spreads her wings to sunbathe.
“Are we waiting for something?”
“Shhhh,” is all Four says in response.
Sky gives up and settles in. With Zeffa’s wing breaking the worst of the wind, and her dusty feather-smell surrounding him, Sky’s the most relaxed he’s been in weeks.
Then he starts to hear something.
High-pitched chitters and whistles, the beating of small wings. Four had said there were no monsters left in the fortress, but that sure sounded like keese to Sky. Slowly, so as not to attract attention, he turns his head to peer around the edge of Zeffa’s wing.
His heart leaps into his throat and stays there.
Birds. Brightly coloured, greens and blues and oranges, perching on the rockwork and hopping around the lichen-covered floor.
Their beaks are short and sharply curved. They’ve lost the long, flexible tails that streamed out behind them in flight, replaced by a fan of feathers that seems impractically small. The feather banding is missing, the white and gold of the goddess and the contrasting partner flashings.
And of course, they’re tiny. Small enough to sit on an outstretched arm; the smallest could sit on his hand.
But the crests are still there, three wispy, curling feathers on the back of the skull that flex and stretch as they chatter amongst themselves. There’s still a flash of intelligence in their small, dark eyes. The nearest hops closer and chirps in greeting, and he feels a press of joy! and welcome! and sneaky, mischievous play? Play! Play with us!
Sky doesn’t realise he’s crying until the tears spill over in hot rivers. Four shoots him a worried look.
“They’re still here,” he chokes out, and smiles.
After everything, the loftwings are still here.
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fanaura · 2 years
eye-opening part 3 ≋ ▫ᵒᴼᵒ▫▫·(nsfw)
part 1
part 2
neteyam x omaticayan!reader - in neteyam's POV
synopsis: neteyam and y/n's tension finally come to a head
content warnings: explicit sexual content, loving neteyam putting her pleasure over himself, characters are aged up ofc, roughly 1.2k words
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The kiss roused something in me. My mind rushed and my stomach was bouncing around inside me, making me feel sick with excitement The feeling of her bottom teeth slightly grazing my lip. It was desperate, yearning. Slow. So painfully slow and so electrifyingly good. It was waves crashing down in a storm, a blazing fire burning through my viens, warming my body and gnawing at my conciousness. I was more awake than I had ever been.
Her fingers were in my hair, her lips on mine. My tongue pressed at her sealed lips, asking for permission like someone knocking on a door, asking to be let in. The moan she let out when she opened for me made my arms around her waist tighten in response. I groaned. I was afraid to let go. Afraid that if I let up even marginally, she would slip away in an instant, leaving my soul empty like a home destroyed.
We ended up kneeling on the soft ground, both of us trembling in restraint. We were chained by ourselves, by each other, not wanting to rush it. I put both my hands on the hollow of her neck and pulled back. Her eyes were glazed with something I couldn’t quite put my finger on. I gulped, mouth so dry, wanting her lips back on mine.
“Are you… sure?” I asked, chest heaving. My arms and shoulders were tense, trying to distract myself from the hardness that was forming below. I wanted to - no, had to - know she wanted it as much I did. And god- I wanted it so bad it hurt. She gave me a soft smile that I was everything I needed to know, confirming it with a breathless “yes. I’m sure.” I dipped my head, placing tentative kisses along her neck and collarbone, not really knowing what I was doing, but from the purrs and hums coming from y/n’s beautiful mouth, I guessed I wasn’t doing too bad a job.
With my hand on the small of her back, I guided her down so she was lying on the ground, making sure she was comfortable as I planted my arms on either side of her, trailing kisses down her body. I rose up a little bit, slowly untying the cloth covering her breasts, chucking it away lightly. She slightly arched her back off the ground, she was so breathtaking I was dizzy. I kissed her again, this time leaving kisses all the way down her body until I reached her loincloth. I looked up at her from my position, a silent question in my eyes. She nodded, and the small piece of fabric was gone in a second.
I needed to take a second. Just to look at her. I couldn’t believe she was real. I am convinced Eywa has sculpted every aspect about her to be perfect. Not just to me, but to anyone and everyone that is blessed to be near her. Her slender naked body shone in the vibrant light of the flora and fauna, and I couldn’t help but feel like she was letting me in on a secret, a piece of information she kept that only I was now allowed to know. It is new to both of us, this moment we share, the things we feel. It feels right. It feels like… home.
“I couldn’t stop thinking about you. All week, you were all that filled my mind,” I said, my mouth to her dripping pussy. My first instinct is to lick all of her juices up, to lick her clean. It seems right, so I do exactly that.
“Is this okay?” I asked, continuing my work while grabbing her thighs and putting them over my shoulders, settling down into a comfortable position.
“ohmy- Neteyam,” she moans, her hands diving into my hair and gripping the braids.
“I’ll take that as a yes, then” I chuckled, continuing to work my tongue on the outer of her sex, dragging long swipes down her centre, then smaller ones.
I experiment. I decide that the way my girl jerks and trembles when I play with the small bud at the apex of her thighs is a good thing, so I continue to work with that, sucking it into my mouth and swirling circles around it, watching for her reaction. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head as she cried out. I smirked in growing confidence.
Her moans are like music to my ears, I can’t get enough. I palm one of her breasts in my right hand, her nipple peaked and hard against it. I move the same hand to where my tongue is, except I use my index finger to enter the wet hole at my face. Her gasp is loud, and becomes a moan directly after. Good, I was worried I was I was hurting her. Her hips undulate, rocking back and forth as I move my fingers inside of her and used my tongue on her clit, begging - demanding - more.
I speed up. More and more by the second, causing my girl to yelp and bite her own hand, to which I grab and pull away. “Don’t hold back, let me hear it,” her face was knotted together pleasure taking over her features as I kept going. She bit her bottom lip, hard, before crying out her satisfaction, choking and gasping on her own gratification.
“That’s it, you’re so wet. Only for me.”
“Shut up,” she huffed in gasping breaths, her whole body tense, grip locked in my hair. The small hurt sent pleasure to the already rock hard bulge under my loincloth, throbbing. The muscles in her neck strained as she scratched her nails down my back.
“F-faster,” she stuttered, her stomach convulsing. I went as fast as I could, pumping in and out of her with my fingers, tongue working in tandem.
“Neteyam!!” she yelped, shaking as she reached the pinnacle of pleasure, reaching her high. I slowed down, lapping up every bit of liquid she gave me, desperate for her, for anything she was willing to give me.
She lay there, panting, and I forced myself to move away from her swollen pussy, coming up so I was eye-level with her face. I kissed her, long and deep, while she still shivered underneath me. She watched me, her eyes still hazy with lingering desire.
“Neteyam. I want you,” She whispered in my ear, kissing my jaw, the crook of my neck, my damp chest.
I grinned, “slow down, my girl. I am yours and you are mine. We have all the time in the world,” I lightly brushed my lips against hers, feeling her cool breath, her face glowing like our moons in eclipse.
“I see you,” she said quiety. My heart ached with all the love in her voice, at how much she cared.
“I see you,” I replied. I was a full troph of water, overflowing with the affection I had felt for so long, that was always there, in the background, persisting around me and my soul like a promise.
We were made for each other. My home, my solace, my release in amongst the madness. Nothing and no one could get in between us. Not now, not ever.
taglist: @fluloa @slxttedjakesullyenthusiast @s1enn409
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carionto · 11 months
How to beat Deathworlders
I don't know what I want to write and it's a little frustrating. So, to fix that, I'm just gonna throw this at me - Giant Ant Planet
The first call to arms Humanity has declared. They mobilize with unseen speed and precision seven of their mightiest Dreadnoughts, hundreds of transports, and amass fifty thousand soldiers, fully armed and trained on the target.
They are headed to a world Humans scouted as having great potential for life to flourish. How correct they were.
In orbit above the planet Chromathium-2-4, the station Truncated Crescent Ellipses was tasked with conducting experiments to test the viability of Human-digestible flora and fauna living on Chromatoff (as the scientists began to call it for short).
When the fleet arrived, the final message from the station turned out to be true - it had crash landed on the surface. From the chaos of the recordings they received, there was a containment breach and the systems were under attack by some unknown electronic waves and incomprehensible code. A hostile act, but by who?
This was two weeks ago. Whoever it was, they would know the wrath of Humanity. Once we find your traces, there will be no hiding for long.
Preliminary scans show the station was dead and only local creatures and plants appeared, in greater density than elsewhere, but no matter. Just some animals.
The first unmanned craft landed and began exploring the wreckage. All of the digital systems were fried, not a hint of power remained anywhere. Attempts to manually power anything up proved fruitless - the data had been replaced with pure garbage code. Then, the drone vanished underground and went silent. Connection failure.
Orbital sights showed nothing, all frequencies were monitored and were free of unaccounted signals. The next group of drones descended and shortly after touchdown they too were seemingly devoured by the ground, all power and electronic signals cut.
A deep scan showed the same dense biological activity, but looking closer at the data it was like a carpet just below the actual surface layer. And for whatever reason the pulse couldn't penetrate below a few meters. Scanning areas further from the crash revealed a much more detailed and sparsely populated map going down the expected three kilometers.
For the third attempt they kept several drones above the landed ones at different altitudes. The moment the drones on the ground were vanished again, a sudden signal struck the ones floating up to seventy meters above and cut them off as well, but didn't seem to reach any beyond that. The visual was not as detailed as they'd like, but it was enough - the tips of large pincers and antennae and beady eyes. Ants.
The fleet maintained a perimeter around the entire system just in case, and spent half a day consulting professionals and former colleagues of the deceased scientists to get a better understanding of the current situation.
Two experiments the team had worked on before and supposedly continued when relocated to the new station stood out - metabolic acceleration, and unassisted neural interfacing via modified brain waves. Far from the wildest here, such as the self-relocating giant sequoia, but ones that offered a plausible explanation.
Ants serve a variety of critical functions in the maintenance of an ecosystem, so naturally they are a part of most late stage terraforming efforts.
Here, however, something went wrong and they evolved alongside technology at an intimate level. Perhaps deliberately made to do so.
They are spreading fast too. Twelve hours ago the "carpet" of underground ants was roughly two square kilometers. Now it was close to three and a half. In mere weeks they may spread across the entire continent, perhaps make it across (or below?) the seas somehow and ravenously consume all life on this planet before succumbing to extinction themselves.
This world is bountiful. Also, we're here already. Hmm...
Eh, may as well. Plenty of us have seen Starship Troopers and only joined to hopefully one day shoot at alien bugs. Guess these are more like home grown critters, but whatever.
With that brazen attitude (and a quick orbital bombardment) the troop ships landed, well, were forced to crash land the final few meters, but whatever electromagnetic warfare these ants were throwing our way didn't account for reinforced alloy armor and hand-held rail guns. Their sharp pincers, acid throwers, and thick carapaces did however.
Actually, fucking hell, they move real fast underground. Uhh...
This isn't looking so good in retrospect. Did they add cockroach DNA in these bastards too? Some of them literally don't care about losing their head, what the fuck!?
Okay, holy shit, abort mission! Good thing we still install regular ignition engines as an added redundancy to the military ships. Not very fast or efficient, but screw you, burn beneath the thrusters. BURN!
*deep breath*
Okay. So. We lost 831 soldiers, and 4625 are injured. And the ant casualties don't matter cuz they're ants. Super mutant ants. Who are going to take over the world if we don't nuke them. Which might not work anyway because HUMAN scientists made them.
Hoisted by our own petard or something.
Right, let's just chalk it up as a... military exercise gone wrong and quarantine the planet. Wait, make that the whole system.
...so this is what it must've felt like to lose the Emu War...
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badbatchsprincess · 5 months
Heated ~ pt.8
Pt.1 ~ Pt.2 ~ Pt.3 ~ Pt.4 ~ Pt.5 ~ Pt.6 ~ Pt.7 ~ Pt.8 ~ Pt.9
Summary: This is an ABO Bad batch!Poly x Omega Reader smut with a plot. This takes place as an AU before order 66. Y/N previously served under the 501st before being transferred to Special Forces 99. This is her adventure with these rowdy Alphas in a quickly changing universe.
THIS IS AN ABO AU ABOUT THE BAD BATCH (NO CANON OMEGA!) Due to the unfortunate situation of her name being Omega… Omega the child from the canon series is not going to be apart of this fanfic/porn with a plot. I feel obligated to put this warning in because it makes my skin crawl thinking anyone could make that mistake. 
Warnings: Kidnapping, themes of Non!Con! beware, canon type violence, Y/N badassery, murder, Crosshair is turned on by Y/N committing murder, sorry but we know he would be, I don't make the rules I just enforce them.
I don't know why I loved writing this chapter so much it was so fun like imagining and creating a civilization in the star wars vibes. Also having a tiny homage to slave Leia iconic outfit lol don't mind me.
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─ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ──── ♡ ─── ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ──
Still recovering from your heat, this long ride to wherever the Mimbanese were taking you was wearing you down. You shifted uncomfortably, feeling incredibly sore between your thighs, not to mention the pain in the rest of your body. Having four alphas at your disposal for a week had done sinful things to your poor body. 
To say you were sore was an understatement. 
Now your back was starting to hurt as his rifle bit into your spine with every gallop.
You had planned to lounge around for a few days before expecting to properly get back on your feet, but your plans had been derailed and now you were in the hands of a stranger and a strange people. 
You were aware of the fact you were experiencing anxiety, but the last remaining embers of your heart still licked at your hindbrain dulling your senses a bit. All you could think about were your alphas. 
They must be so worried.
The red clay earth rapidly changed, and soon a lush jungle neared you. The other riders sped up, forcing a tight formation as the animals approached an opening in the jungle wall. As you passed through, you noticed the flora and fauna matched the red and oranges of the mud fields too. Over the thundering sound of hooves, you could hear bird species screeching in the trees above and a rustling as the leaves danced in the wind. 
You were trying to take everything in knowing this information may serve in your escape.
It didn’t take long for you to reach a clearing. 
Upon approach, you watched the jungle reveal a massive stone wall that seemed to go on forever. You gawked as massive gates opened, allowing the war party to pass through before closing behind you with a massive locking mechanism falling into place. 
You looked around, noticing villagers everywhere watching you strangely as the clan leader continued on his path to wherever he was taking you. You looked nothing like them; you were positive that's why they were staring so intensely. Then you realized the clan leader was taking you somewhere specific.
Up ahead, there was another tall wall inside the perimeter wall. More guards opened up the double doors, and you gasped. 
Inside, there was a massive temple surrounded by gardens and billowing trees taller than those in the jungle outside the city. 
All around these grounds were other females clad in crimson fabrics pausing what they were doing to watch you.
The Clan leader trotted to a stop, allowing you to take in the sight in its totality. 
You were suddenly lifted from the saddle and settled into the grass below. 
You looked around frantically, trying to find a potential escape, but you were greeted by other women… some human… you looked at them confused before they parted, making room for a smaller Mimban elder who scuttled over to you. You sucked in a breath as she approached.
She exchanged some words with the clan leader, who bowed his head in respect to the woman. She pushed forward, analyzing you with a scrutinizing eye. The clan leader then seemed to be explaining his actions while gesturing to you. 
You swallowed thickly, feeling your anxiety eclipse whatever numbness you might of had.
She then took your hand into hers and studied the bruises around your wrist. You were certain those belonged to Tech. Then she clicked her tongue as she moved your collar to see Crosshair’s love bites.
She turned to the other women and said something before turning back to the temple. Very quickly, they flocked to you. You squeaked as they gently pushed you to follow the elderly woman, suddenly running their hands over your own in a friendly manner.
"Where are you taking me?" You asked, hoping they might understand basic.
One of the human girls whispered, "Don’t worry, you’ll be okay. It’s safe here."
You just looked at her, studying her face. It was painted with red designs, and her hair was plated back, showing off her dainty neck and collarbones. She donned a flowing red dress with luxurious-looking fabrics showing off her pale skin.
"Where is here?" You asked as the temple entrance approached. "I want to go home. Tell them to take me back to my pack."
"Are you mated?" She asked, taking your hand.
You shook your head no.
"Then you’re better off here," she nodded.
"But my alphas…" You whined, stepping inside the ancient building. The stone walls instantly made the temperature drop ten degrees and you shivered.
"They’ll understand soon," she gave you a sweet smile, taking the lead bringing you to the heart of the temple grounds.
"We gotta follow them!" Wrecker roared, feeling like his insides were being torn apart. 
Like his brothers, he was horrified to watch you be wrenched from them. Taken from the nest with brute force. 
"We are, Wrecker!" Tech snarled, looking at his data pad.
"They just took her! They fucking took her!" Crosshair was losing his mind. For the sniper engineered to be patient and still, it seemed his alpha instincts overrode his basic programming. He couldn’t deny the way his skin crawled with worry.
"What do they want with her?" Wrecker winced. "Why would they take Y/N?"
"I don’t even want to think about that," Crosshair hissed as his thoughts went to the absolute worst.
"Do you have their position?" Echo asked, looking to Tech.
"I do." He showed everyone his datapad. During the struggle, when he realized you were being taken from them, he slipped a tracker onto one of the guards. "It seems they took her to a city called Alise."
"How far?" Hunter growled.
"A few hours on foot," Tech replied, doing the math in his head, “We might be able to get there by sun down.”
"Let’s pack up and get moving," Hunter sprung into action.
They geared up and restocked their supplies before following the endless sets of hoof marks in the clay earth. Crosshair and Hunter hadn’t seen anything when they scouted a few days ago. He was hoping Tech’s info was correct.
"I- Ah!" You screamed as the Mimbanese women plunged you under the warm bathwater. You came back up coughing and sputtering, trying to wipe your eyes to see.
They had brought you to a natural hot spring inside the temple, and without warning, had stripped you down to your birthday suit. You didn’t even have time to feel embarrassed before you were being guided to the water, where they swarmed you with various scrubbing tools and soaps. 
You looked up at the girl who had spoken to you moments before, but she just curled up on a fabric draped lounger with her friend while they talked, as if you weren’t being waterboarded by strangers just a few mere feet away.
You looked around, noticing there were only women here. The temple seemed to be a sacred space of sorts, as more of that same fabric was draped around the columns and ceilings. The floors were covered in red carpets, and lounging furniture was littered everywhere.
A warm cloth was brought to your skin as some sort of exfoliating cream was buffed into your flesh. More skilled hands worked some hair cleanser into your scalp. You fought back a sigh. It felt really nice to have someone else clean you. 
It’s not like your alphas didn’t care for you, but they’re still men at the end of the day, and their hair washing skills were limited.
The warmed mineral water was doing wonders for your soreness. If anything, that made this a little enjoyable you felt yourself disarm a bit at their touch.
When they were satisfied with the job, they helped you out before cleaning themselves. You were brought over to the girl from before, and she stood up, extending a hand to you. You wrapped the crimson fabric around yourself a little tighter as she led you out to one of the windows. Here, were multiple vanity tables with mirrors and various creams and potions. She sat you down as her friend perched herself on the stool next to you with a kind smile.
"What is your name?" She asked, picking up a wooden comb from the table.
"I’m Y/N," you said quietly.
"Hi Y/N, I’m Taryn," she then gestured to her friend who had golden hair, "That’s Starla.”
"Where am I?" You asked, rubbing the fabric wrapping over your damp face.
"The city is called Alise," Taryn said, moving your hair to your back as she started gently running the comb through your tangled locks, "But this place is called the fortress." She waved the comb around at the temple.
"Why was I taken?" You shivered, fighting back tears. The only thing you wanted was to be in the arms of your alphas in your comforting nest right now.
"Tarook said he found you in the mud fields?" Taryn said, watching you nod in confirmation. "Anywhere outside the fortress isn’t safe for the women. They built this place to keep us safe."
"What’s in the mud fields?" You asked.
"Monsters," Starla said gravely, and you gasped.
Taryn gave her a disapproving look, "The men keep us safe here. They bring us everything we could need. There’s no need to worry."
"Can I leave?" You asked, and Taryn just eyed you through the mirror.
That was a no, you guessed.
"Who are these women?" You looked around.
"The elders, mothers, and the unmated," Starla said, "This place is a sacred site to their religion, but they use it now to protect us from the outside."
"Do the men ever come here?"
"Partners, sure. But not unless they’re mated. This place is just for us."
Taryn finished off a simple braid going down the back of your head and tied off the ends before standing to get Starla’s help finding you something new to wear. When they came back, they held various pieces of crimson fabric, and they got to work wrapping you in it.
You were thankful they covered your private bits, but the rest they let be exposed. The pieces all flowed into a skirt but left large slits on both sides trailing all the way up to your hips. The Mimban breeze blew the fabric softly and teased your legs. 
You looked in the mirror, hardly recognizing yourself. You couldn’t remember the last time you had a dress on nonetheless something like this. You felt like one of the pin ups on in five’s bunk.
"So you blend in," Starla smiled and grabbed one of the pots on the vanity. She dunked her fingers in the red paste and brought it over to your face where she drew two thick lines from under your eyes all the way down your cheeks to your neck.
"You have an alpha?" She asked, noticing the love bites decorating your shoulder.
"Four. Actually," you were hit with sudden sadness, hoping you get to see them again.
"Four?" Starla’s eyes widened in shock but slightly impressed.
"Well, actually, there’s a fifth, but he’s platonic," you sighed, fighting back tears.
"Tarook took you from them?" She asked, a little horrified.
You nodded, "They tried to stop him, but there were too many."
Starla looked to Taryn, who looked a little distraught at the idea.
"That would explain these," Taryn picked up your wrist gently.
"I had just gotten through my heat when I was taken from them," you felt a tear slip, "I just want to go home." You gave them your best begging eyes hoping they’d take pity on you.
They sighed, sympathizing but in the end nothing came of it.
"I’m wondering if Tarook thought you had been hurt," she turned over your bruised wrists, "He might be strict, but he does care for us."
"My alphas are warriors. They can be a little rough, but they’d never hurt me," you sighed, pulling your wrists back and holding them close to your heart, "I don’t understand why your leader would do this."
"The fields are close to the Alooke," Taryn said.
"The Alooke?" You hadn’t heard that word before.
"They’re a clan of monsters," Starla whispered, "They’ve been terrorizing Mimban for generations. Alise was built to keep them out. They came from a nearby star system and have been taking the Mimbanese and killing them for sport."
"If you’re taken. You don’t come back," Taryn sighed.
You swallowed thickly, wondering how lucky you had been for the past two weeks.
"They particularly target women and children," Starla said, gesturing to all of the women moving about the temple, "That’s why they built the fortress."
"But you’re prisoners," you whispered.
"It’s better than the alternative, and we’re treated well."
You sighed in frustration. This was archaic, no matter the reasoning. A cage was still a cage regardless of title.
You had to get out of here. Alooke be damned.
"Will you show me around?" You asked, watching some of the elders locking arms and walking through the various corridors. You needed to learn this place and learn it fast if you were going to make an escape.
"Sure," they smiled and did the same. The three of you left the bathhouse to explore the inner city.
It was a lot larger than you had realized.
The inner city had multiple temples and many smaller private living domiciles. They showed you their rooms that they share with a few other human girls on the upper floor of the smaller western temple. 
Between these ancient buildings, the gardens flowed along with a river that cut through the center of the city. The inner city was big enough you couldn’t see the walls from the other side. It gave the illusion that you weren’t trapped in a cage. It seemed like two thousand women resided here from what you estimated. They all wore the same color and had similar face paintings. 
They seemed to be content. They laughed and gathered playing games you had never seen before in the little grass areas. There was an abundance of fruiting trees and gardens. 
It almost seemed… like a utopia? No wonder they had no desire so leave.
Starla and Taryn found an empty bench under a huge tree and plucked a few fruits from a nearby basket handing one to you. It was a perfectly ripe meiloorun.
"Women from outside Mimban usually have an occupation," Taryn said, biting into the juicy fruit, "What do you do?"
“I’m a medic for the Grand Army of the Republic," you bit into the fruit, moaning at how sweet it was. You hadn’t had a fresh meiloorun in years, and the GAR ration packs tasted nothing like this, "I was stationed with the 501st battalion for a few years since the start of the war, then I transferred to my unit now. They’re a small group of commando soldiers. We’re sent on special missions that the other soldiers can’t do."
"Wow," Starla said in wonder, "So you’ve been all over the galaxy?"
You nodded, "I’ve been to many places. Each a little stranger than the next," you laughed quietly.
"Do you enjoy it?" Taryn asked with a hint of skepticism, "It sounds dangerous."
"Sure it’s dangerous," you smiled, remembering all of the adventures you’ve been on, "We’ve encountered pretty much anything you could think of. It is kind of nice not being shot at, I’ll admit. But I love my boys, and they work really hard for the GAR."
"War is hard," Starla sighed.
"It is," you agreed, "How did you both end up here?"
"My family was trying to flee Separatist occupation when I was brought here as a child," Starla explained, "The Alooke took them, and the elders took me in and raised me here."
"Similar story for me too. My family tried to rebuild a new life here when the Separatists showed up to try and start up a mining operation. Republic forces got us out in time. My mother is mated and lives in the outer ring with my father," she gestured to the gates.
“You know the GAR?” you asked.
Taryn nodded. “The clones, right?”
“Yeah,” you smiled.
“Brave warriors,” she nodded.
“I wonder if it was my boys,” you laughed. “What color were their armor?”
“Green,” she reminisced.
“Ahh no, that wasn’t us.”
“How crazy would that have been,” she smiled, taking your hand and resting it in her lap.
As the crimson moon rose, the inner city of Alise was cast into eerie darkness. Torches and lanterns were lit to keep the gardens out of darkness. You were all summoned to dinner with a sound bell ringing from the main temple. 
You and your new friends made your way through the gardens before stepping up the temple steps to wash your feet and hands before entering. 
Once inside, you smiled seeing how many women of all ages gathered, including children. They played music, danced, and sung while the others ate. It was shocking to see, but nonetheless, it made you happy. There weren’t many places in the universe like this you realized.
Starla grabbed your hand and led you over to where the prepared food was. It consisted of some things you’d never seen before, but she eagerly filled your plate before her own and marched you three over to a pile of stacked pillows to lounge on and watch the festivities.
“Is it always like this?” you asked, digging into the delicious food.
“Yeah,” Taryn smiled. “We have a very close community.”
“I can tell,” you smiled. Okay, fine, maybe Mimban wasn’t so bad. You were slapping yourself for being too judgmental. It must be the hormones. 
"I don't see her," Crosshair remarked, peering down his scope at the massive city below. The rocky hillside they perched on provided a perfect view over the jungle.
"There are two rings," Tech informed, looking at his data pad. "The inner ring has ancient Jedi temples. I think she'd be in the outer ring; that seems to be where the villagers live."
"Jedi?" Wrecker asked, pulling out his scope.
"Yes, that's what I said," Tech replied, grabbing his own to peer down.
"Notice anything strange about this town?" Crosshair drawled clearly noticing something.
"What..." Hunter zoomed in with his lenses.
"There are only men," Crosshair observed, moving his scope to survey the rest of the city.
"Where are the women?" Hunter asked noticing the crowd in the streets is only men.
"What's that?" Wrecker asked, ignoring Hunter's question.
"What's what?" Hunter looked to Wrecker.
"The temples," Wrecker zoomed in. "There are people walking around."
Crosshair honed in on the flickering lanterns of the temple. "The women…”
They all adjusted their macro binoculars to focus on the inner city. That's when they saw all of the women happily skipping towards the main temple grounds, holding hands and dancing to what they assumed was music. They were covered head to toe in crimson, looking joyous and happy.
"She has to be there," Hunter declared.
"Assuming the clan leader isn't holding her hostage himself," Crosshair added, not entirely convinced.
"I don't think he would," Tech interjected, reading through the information about the Mimabnese. "I think Alise was built to protect their women. It says here that they have a long history of battling off a pirate stronghold called the Alooke. The pirates colonized this land and have been enemies of the indigenous for many generations, stealing their women for breeding."
Hunter didn’t like the sound of that one bit…
"So, you think they're keeping her in that temple?" Crosshair asked, looking through the various corridors from the outside. He couldn't really tell the difference between the various females; they were all wearing the same thing.
"Most likely," Tech affirmed.
"Alright, let's get moving before—" 
Crosshair cut off Hunter, "We got movement in the north."
On the other side of the city, a dust cloud formed in the distance. Upon closer inspection, they noticed dozens of speeders making their way from the direction of the Marauder.
"You don't think they found our ship, do you?" Echo was getting a little worried now.
"It would be likely," Tech informed. "I'm guessing it's those pirates."
"They didn't bother us for two weeks. I don't think it's reasonable to think they'd start today of all days," Hunter watched them heading full speed for the city.
"What did that guy say to us earlier?" Echo narrowed his eyes through his binoculars before turning to face his squad. "He said that this place was no place for a female. Then he took Y/N…”
"Don't remind me," Hunter said, growing angry.
"No, I think he knew they'd come."
Crosshair crossed his arms. "We were sitting ducks for two weeks. If they were going to raid us and take Y/N, they would have done it already."
"Not if they didn't know she was there," Echo pointed out.
Suddenly, they realized you barely left the ship because of how upset you had been after the crash. The only time you had left was to help push the ship in the earlier days.
Echo pointed to the city again, "You saw their reaction when she popped her head out. They were shocked, and they had been watching us for who knows how long before I noticed."
"You think they saw her go into the city?" Hunter asked.
"She was fresh out of heat. No doubt they're hunting her scent trail," Echo's mechanical heart started beating a little faster, realizing you had probably unintentionally led them right to the hidden city.
"Why would they attack the city? It's massively fortified," Crosshair noted, observing all of the sentries patrolling the upper rim of the walls and the guard towers looking outwards. There were only two gates, one on the north end and one on the south. The place was like the citadel. "They'll sustain massive casualties."
Echo shrugged. "Maybe for an omega, they would risk it?"
"Then we need to go," Hunter stood up, grabbing his pack. “Now."
You smiled, holding hands with the little girl who led you around the dance floor. You didn’t know why the little Twi'lek girl picked you, but you couldn’t deny her. Her mother seemed content letting her play with you, so you just smiled and followed her lead.
Starla and Taryn clapped along with the music, giggling as they watched you enjoy yourself.
When the song was over, it seemed that everyone was eager to retire to bed. 
The girls walked with you back to where you’d be staying with them until the this whole thing can be resolved.
Once inside the large converted bedroom, they helped you build a pallet of pillows and blankets like their own by the breezy airway. 
You washed up before bed in one of the metal basins, and Starla helped you take the pins out of your hair, freeing your now dry and clean locks.
With a quiet goodnight, you curled up on the pallet and pulled the woven blanket up over you. 
You sighed, feeling a bit of anxiety over the whole situation. Dinner was a good distraction, but now that you were left to listen to the river down below and the call of the night birds, you were left with your own thoughts.
Were your alphas coming for you? Were they already here? Or were they injured in the struggle? 
What if they needed you to heal them and you weren’t there? You were starting to feel the tears again as the pull of your heart pained in your chest. You knew they were coming. 
They always came for you.
You tried your hardest to find a comfortable spot that would allow you to close your eyes and try to forget the situation you were in, but you couldn’t help but hear some kind of commotion outside. 
It was like there was a shift in energy, and it forced you up into a seated position. You looked around at the other girls, but they seemed to be comfortably asleep, not hearing what you were.
Something made the hair stand up on the back of your neck as you tried your hardest to listen. You wished you had Hunter’s hearing, but whatever was making your body alert, you knew it wasn’t good.
Standing up, you wrapped the blanket around yourself and stepped out from under the cover of the marble columns onto the exposed patio. Your hair whipped around in the breeze as you looked out over the inner city. 
The torches and lanterns danced in the breeze, casting orange light everywhere. That's when you noticed something moving in the distance: the wall just off to the right had guards jogging back and forth, guns in hand.
You narrowed your eyes, making sure you were seeing the right thing, when you felt Starla near, rubbing her eyes and approaching you. “Are you okay?” she whispered.
“Something’s wrong,” you replied, pointing to the wall guards.
She squinted her eyes, trying to see in the dark. When she realized the guards were not in their normal watch positions, she gasped and skittered back into the room, waking Taryn.
Was it your alphas? You wondered, feeling a bit of hope fill your chest. They were coming to rescue you from this gilded cage.
Taryn awoke a little grumbly, but her attitude changed when she finally saw what was happening.
“There’s been a breach,” her eyes widened like saucers. “Go warn the others,” she turned to Starla, who sprinted out of the room.
“What do we do?” you asked, stepping back from the patio and back into the bedroom.
“We hide,” she said, leading the way to a red carpet hanging on the wall.
“Do you have weapons?” you asked.
She just gave you a look.
“This place is so ass-backwards,” you shook your head and followed her as she lifted back the tapestry, revealing a narrow passageway.
From beyond the stone walls, you heard a loud warning siren go off, letting you know Starla was successful. The blonde came running back shortly after, squeezing into the passageway with the two of you.
Just beyond the narrow pass was a small room with a candle and matches, which Taryn lit to light up the room. 
From inside, you could see the ancient carvings from a time long ago. It seemed like a meditation room if you were correct. There were star maps of the entire galaxy and ancient primordial beings that seemed to be carefully depicting the beginning of the Jedi.
 You’d seen this particular mural before on Coruscant… This place was a Jedi temple?
Your thoughts were cut short by the sound of blaster fire.
The two girls yelped upon hearing it, but you were just trying to figure out how many guns were firing. It was way more than five, you deduced. It wasn’t your boys; that was for certain. 
This was something else entirely.
“We need weapons,” you whispered.
“We’ll be fine,” Taryn held Starla close, trying to console the girl. “They’ve never made it to the inner city before.”
“We don’t even know how to use blasters,” Starla trembled.
“Well, I do. We won’t last long without them if whoever that is out there is as bad as you say they are,” you were listening to the gunfire and the screaming. 
These were all sounds you were used to, and something was telling you this was no normal siege. It was starting to sound like the front lines of Felucia. 
“They won’t find us here,” Taryn’s tone was confident despite her panicked features.
You just sighed and leaned against the wall, waiting for the blasters to silence.
Hunter was panting heavily by the time they made it to the outer wall. “The pirates have drawn their fire. Let’s get up there before they come back,” he said.
Crosshair loaded a repelling cable into firepuncher and pulled the trigger, watching it latch onto the rim of the upper wall.
Quickly, the five soldiers scaled the wall like they had hundreds of times before. Hunter hauled himself up first, checking if the coast was clear. When it was, he motioned for the others to swing over the edge, grouping up into formation as they jogged in the opposite direction of the action.
Just as Crosshair had said, there were only men in the outer ring, and they all seemed keen on grabbing their weapons to join the fight. 
From what they could see from the wall, the pirates managed to make it past the blockades with some kind of repurposed Separatist battering ram. It must have been left over from a previous battle.
“Over here!” Echo called out, finding a stone stairway that led down into the city below. They began quickly running down the large flight of stairs. That was until the battering ram sounded again.
“They’ve breached the inner city,” Tech said, using his infrared to see how many pirates were trying to rush the guards into the temple grounds. Luckily, most of them were being held back by the Mimbanese, and only a small handful slipped through.
“We need to hurry,” Echo urged.
The noises suddenly changed when you heard a massive pounding. It sounded like metal on metal, and you knew they were going for the massive doors protecting the inner city.
“They’re coming,” you said, slipping out of the shelter to confirm your suspicion. Taryn tried to grab you, but you were too fast. Nudging past the tapestry, you jogged over to the balcony, peeking out slightly just to see the gate had been basically disintegrated, and the guards were openly firing against a horde of what you could tell were pirates—the Alooke.
Running back to the safe place, you very carefully arranged the tapestry back to normal as you slipped back inside.
“They’re inside,” you whispered, blowing out the candle, leaving you in total darkness.
Starla started whimpering like a scared pup. You put your hand on her shoulder, trying to quiet her, but it wasn’t helping much. 
You flinched when you heard women’s screams echo throughout the hall and knew they had infiltrated the temple and they were close. 
 It wasn’t long before they’d kick down your door. You just prayed they would move on and not notice your hiding spot.
You closed your eyes, saying a silent prayer to the Maker, hoping they’d take mercy on you.
You jumped when you heard the wood of your bedroom door smash open into the stone wall with a bone chilling bang. 
Taryn covered Starla's mouth with her hand, keeping her silent. You took a deep breath, trying to still the racing adrenaline in your body so you could hear over the pounding in your ears.
You heard the man tear apart the room, throwing everything around, growling as he yanked apart the bed pallets frustrated.
“I can smell you… Omega,” he rumbled, making your stomach drop. “I know you’re in here. I know you’re close…”
He continued destroying the room, knocking over the furniture and smashing the pottery of flowers, and you cursed yourself for not thinking about the fact you were totally unmedicated and nothing was suppressing your scent. You were positive it was pungent. 
“I smell alpha on you too,” he chuckled, “too bad he’s not here to save you,” he threatened. 
You heard his boots getting closer to the tapestry as he rooted around in the box of body jewelry next to your hiding spot.
You looked to the two cowering girls. You knew what you had to do. You knew it was a matter of time before he discovered you. At least if you acted now, you’d have the element of surprise.
Leaning forward, you grabbed the metal candlestick and flipped it upside down before returning to the narrow passageway.
Taryn tried to plead with you, but you just shook your head, trying to convey that you had a plan… kind of… you knew Hunter was absolutely going to chew you a new one if he ever found out you were this dumb.
Nudging the tapestry aside, you saw the ugly creature prowling around the center of the room, admiring all the gold shiny jewelry he had found. 
Adjusting your grip slightly on the candle holder, you crept forwards silently, leaving the safety of your hiding spot and approached him in practiced silence.
Rearing back, you went to make the swing and brought down your makeshift club hard, connecting with his wrinkly head. He let out a bark and doubled over, feeling his blood start to rush from the injury.
You raised your arm again to finish the job. He was quick enough to spin around and grab your wrist, holding the weapon. You yelped as he squeezed, forcing you to drop it.
“There you are!” he spat, “Nice of you to come out. You’ll do well. Onka will be pleased to have a new toy.” His free hand shot out to grab at your throat, and something in that moment changed, and suddenly your weeks of combat training kicked in like instinct.
With a growl, you dodged his hand and used your knee to hit him in the gut. He grunted and tried to wrangle you again, but this time you spun around and used your weight to roll him over your back onto the wooden lounging table. He let go of your wrist as he collided with the hard surface, forcing his back into a painful arch with a pop.
You backed up and arched your leg into a high kick, bringing down your heel to his sternum. You heard a crack and knew you hit your target. The man wailed in agony, gripping at his chest as it was no doubt broken.
It was loud enough. Another man entered the room curiously to find you standing over his comrade. You only had a second to react before he rushed you. Grabbing a large metal dish Starla used to hold her combs, you reared that thing back before whipping it across the pursuer's face. 
He snapped to the side, spinning around, trying to recover from the strike. 
His cheek was bleeding, and you were panting. Thankful for the freedom of movement this makeshift dress offered, you got back into a fighting stance, waiting for his move.
“An omega that can fight,” he sneered, raising his fists, “That’s new.”
“You have no idea,” you adjusted your grip on the plate.
He narrowed his eyes, studying you before he flinched. You decided he was taking too long to make a move and flung the plate at him like a frisbee, watching it connect with his neck. He stumbled back, shocked and struggling to breathe, when you launched yourself at him like a wild tooka.
Just like Hunter had showed you, you leaped up onto him, wrapping your bare legs around his shoulder and chest before twisting yourself down, taking him with you.
Hunter always told you that because you’re smaller, you have to bring the fight down to the ground if you want a chance at winning. You knew you had to keep this man on the ground or else he could over power you.
You rolled, throwing him into a spin on the ground. He grunted and reached out, grabbing your bare ankle, yanking you down with him. He tried crawling over you, but you kicked him in the side of the face, hearing his jaw snap viciously.
You crawled away, grabbing one of Taryn’s hair forks, holding it like a shiv.
When he tried to grab you again, you spun on him, driving the fork into his arm and twisted, hearing him scream in agony.
Just as you thought you were making some headway, the one from before got up, grabbed you by the hair, dragging you out onto the balcony and away from his friend. You screamed, feeling the burning pain as he yanked on your locks mercilessly.
“You’re one hell of a problem, aren’t you, sweetheart!” he grabbed your neck, squeezing it harshly. You scrambled and clawed at him feeling the oxygen start to leave you.
You spat at him, watching it land on his face and drip down his scaly cheek.
“Feisty,” his friend laughed, pulling the fork from his arm and letting it fall with a clatter.
The other let go of your hair to wipe his face off.
“I’m fucking her first before we give her to Onka.” He snarled, “fucking payback for the struggle.”
You bared your teeth and he just laughed spinning you around forcing you over the balcony railing at the hip. You kicked back connecting with this shin making him howl. He grabbed your hair again, smashing your face into the stone roughly. 
“Damn bitch!” He started running his hand over your hip before reaching the high slit in your dress. 
Just as you thought it was all over, you heard the sound of a single blaster shot and the tell tale sound of a body hitting the ground. 
You couldn’t see what was happening but you nearly cried when you heard a familiar voice. 
“Fucking drop her.” Crosshair’s menacing voice cut through the air like a vibroblade. 
You were suddenly yanked up and whipped around, being used as a human shield. In front of you, you sighed in relief upon seeing Crosshair’s mask and firepuncher aimed right at your attacker. He slowly approached, stepping over the dead pirate.
You felt dull metal being pressed to your head, and you knew it was a blaster. “Don’t come any closer,” the pirate warned.
Crosshair stopped his advance and stood scarily still.
“Is this the alpha I could smell on you earlier, sweetheart?” He leaned down to whisper in your ear, “What a pretty little thing you are, so many men fighting to have you.”
Normally, you would have been frightened to be in a situation like this, but looking at Crosshair now, you knew no harm would befall you. You knew he would do what needed to be done. You had full trust in the sniper. 
Your tense shoulders fell, and you became eerily relaxed feeling the calm wash over you.
“Hand her over, and I’ll let you live,” Crosshair spoke through his vocoder.
“No chance,” the pirate laughed before coughing due to his fractured sternum, “Put down your gun, and I won’t shoot her.”
Crosshair waited a moment, calculating the risk before deciding to slowly set firepuncher down on the ground, deciding your life was the top priority.
“Kick it to me,” the pirate ordered.
Crosshair begrudgingly kicked his beloved rifle into the center of the room. The pirate huffed, satisfied.
You were then violently shoved down onto your knees with a cry as the pirate pushed you over to have a go at Crosshair. You felt his steel-toe boot bite into your side as he kicked you.
The Pirate wasn’t ready; Crosshair was too fast, too trained. Before his boot had ever left your side, Crosshair lunged at him, knocking the blaster from his grip. The two men fell into a nasty brawl.
Gaining your senses back, you watched your beloved alpha fend off the pirate to the best of his ability. 
The ugly fucker grabbed a knife from his belt and swung it at Cross. You watched in horror as Crosshair dodged him masterfully, but your adrenaline was on overdrive. 
Without much thinking, you crawled over the debris of the room and grabbed firepuncher. You held up the rifle, tucking it into your shoulder and raising yourself to your knees, bringing one foot forward to plant confidently on the floor. 
Raising the gun up into the air, you felt your heart calm and your breathing still. 
In that brief moment of clarity, you aimed the weapon, putting the god-ugly pirate into the crosshairs of the scope before pulling the trigger.
You watched that blue plasma bolt pierce right through the back of the pirate’s skull as he collapsed on the ground mid-swing. 
Crosshair stood there in awe as the smoke from the blast still lingered in the air. He felt like the air had been punched from his gut seeing you kneeling there holding his gun with that determined look in your eyes. He felt the blood rush south realizing you had just saved him... with his gun. He wanted to throw you down on these cushioned floors and ravash you. Shaking himself back to his senses, he took a deep calming breath in.
You took a deep breath too, setting the gun down as Crosshair leaped across the room to kneel down on the floor and embrace you.
You tightly wrung yourself around him, finally feeling the adrenaline wear off and the tears start to flow.
“Cross!” You sobbed, squeezing him.
“Mesh’la,” he took his helmet off, setting it down to the side, and shoved his face into your neck, holding your head like you were the most precious thing to ever live.
“Are you hurt?” He suddenly drew back to get a real look at you. He finally had a second to take in what you were wearing. If the situation wasn’t so dire, he’d probably have a boner right now. 
Your bare legs knelt on the ground, and your nearly naked torso shone in the moonlight, and that damn red on you. It was making his blood warm seeing his little omega on display like this.
“I’m okay,” you replied, grabbing his face and bringing his mouth to yours in a heated kiss. He leaned over you, supporting your back with one hand and holding the two of you up with the other, he squeezed you tightly to his chest plate.
Crosshair grabbed his gun in a flash between your bodies, placing the end on his shoulder rifle rest for stabilization. You were still dazed from the kiss when you noticed the others had come out from hiding.
Taryn and Starla squeaked with the gun being pointed at them clutching onto one another.
“It’s okay,” you said, placing a hand on the rifle, “They’re friends.”
Crosshair slowly lowered the gun and looked back at you, “We need to go.”
“Where are the others?” You asked, letting Crosshair help you stand up. He put his helmet back on with a hiss.
“They’re fighting off the pirates. Echo spotted you from the balcony. I ran up here as fast as possible, but we have to go while we still can.”
“What about them?” You asked, looking to your frightened friends.
“We don’t have time,” he ushered you out towards the balcony.
You looked over your shoulder, pointing to the discarded pirate blasters, “Use those!” You pointed to the weapons. Taryn scrambled to grab them as Crosshair wrapped a strong arm around your back, bringing you to his front.
“Hold on adi’ka,” he said, aiming another repelling cable towards the floor above. You wrapped your arms around Crosshair as he engaged the lift, bringing the two of you off the ground. Once you were up, you noticed Echo squatting on the roof, firing at the wall filled with invaders.
“Echo!” You smiled, still holding onto Crosshair.
“Hey, Tiny!” He nodded at you, continuing to squeeze off more rounds, “Glad to see you… what the hell are you wearing?”
You looked down, forgetting about the strange revealing attire.
“Later!” Crosshair growled.
He grabbed a zip cable grip, placing it onto the zipline from the top of the temple over to the wall across the way.
“Don’t let go!” He said, grabbing you again.
“What?” You asked before squealing as he whisked you off your feet, letting the grip slide across the cable carrying you over the war zone towards the wall deck. He dropped the grip, landing the two of you safely on the wall. Your bare feet hit the stone with a stumble as you shook with renewed adrenaline.
“I got her,” Crosshair radioed in as Echo zip-lined across the gardens to the wall, “meet us at the rendezvous point.”
You felt Echo put a gloved hand on your shoulder before falling into formation, leading the way. Crosshair held your hand as he dragged you through the chaos. Fire and plasma blasts flew everywhere. The entire city was under siege. You watched in horror as the Mimbanese fought with everything they had. 
They were fierce warriors; you could give them that credit despite their strange customs.
Your feet were definitely getting cut up from running over the debris, but you couldn’t feel much over the adrenaline. Before long, you were nearing the outer wall as Crosshair and Echo ducked behind a vendor cart, pressing you between them.
“Now what?” You asked, holding onto Echo’s flesh arm.
“We wait for Hunter,” Crosshair said, throwing one of his reflector pads on the wall to keep an eye on the action behind them.
A particularly loud explosion had you clenching onto Echo.
“I don’t know how you guys do this every day!” You flinched as more debris rained over the vendor cart.
“Part of the job, Cyra’ika,” Crosshair checked the locator on his vembrance, “They’re close.” He got up, holding his rifle ready to fire but lowered it seeing Hunter, Tech, and Wrecker arriving on stolen speeders.
When they pulled up, Crosshair led you to them. You went to throw yourself at Hunter, but Crosshair shoved you onto the back of his speeder instead, “Reunions later! Let’s get the fuck out of here.”
You snuggled up to Hunter’s back, clinging onto his armor as Crosshair slid in behind you. The Sargent gave your leg a little pad letting you know he was happy to see you.
Echo jumped onto Tech’s bike while Wrecker’s had two massive engine parts strapped to the back. Presumably stolen you deduced. 
In a flash, Hunter whipped the speeder around, taking off, leaving the war zone behind.
You sped through the smoke as you neared the city gates. Crosshair kept a firm hand on your head, shoving your head down when a stray bullet whizzed by. 
You gasped, seeing it explode into a basket of fruits to your left.
“Careful,” he growled.
You reached an arm back, putting it on his thigh plate, giving it a squeeze as a thank you.
Once you passed through the gates, you finally could release a big exhale. You watched the city of Alise disappearing into the background as Tech navigated you all back to the Marauder. 
You knew it would be a long journey, but you finally felt free. You leaned back into Crosshair, letting your head lull against his shoulder. 
He wrapped a hand around your waist, keeping you close. You were finally back with your pack, back with your alphas. Everything was right again…
You felt the way Crosshairs gloved fingers slipped onto the slit in the pathetic excuse for a dress you were wearing. 
You could tell he disapproved as his fingers slid inwards realizing you had no panties on. But the other part of your grumpy alpha was turned on beyond belief. 
Having you in his grasp again was making his heart race and his codpiece incredibly tight. He couldn’t help himself but to drag his hands away from you core and explore higher, he ran his hands over your exposed sides and back then up your chest to where Taryn had tied a flimsy piece over your breasts. Then he thumbed the piece that wrapped around your neck holding everything together. 
You squirmed feeling yourself get wet the more Crosshair touched you. It didn’t help having the humming speeder between your legs as he returned back to massaging your exposed thighs. 
Hunter felt you squirming around and tilted his helmet to the side to make sure you were okay. What he didn’t expect to see was you tucking your head into Crosshair’s neck under his helmet as he groped you shamelessly. 
He shook his head going back to focusing on getting everyone back to the ship. He’d deal with Crosshair’s horny ass later. 
What felt like an eternity later, the Marauder was finally in sight. When Hunter slowed down the bike to investigate the damage, it was apparent that a large group of raiders had been there. 
There were footprints all around the ship, including inside. From what you could see, nothing seemed to be taken except for a few items of clothes strewn about outside, no doubt used to confirm your identity and scent.
“Stay here,” Hunter instructed as he got off the bike with the others to ensure the ship was indeed empty.
You stayed on the bike with Crosshair as he got up to take his helmet off and kiss you properly. You sighed into the kiss, feeling his firm grasp on your chin. His strong hands ran down your sides squeezing your exposed hips he stood between your spread thighs. You whimpered feeling a jolt electrify your entire being.
“Thank you,” you whispered, pressing a small kiss to his lips. “For finding me…”
“You put up a hell of a fight, Adi’ka,” he smiled, kissing you again, this time with more force, making you whine with need as he ground his hips into your throbbing core.
“Alright, quit making out,” Echo interjected, walking back towards the speeders.
You pulled away, blushing, letting Crosshair scowl at the ARC trooper for inturpting. You had heard about the post battle need to blow off steam. Some troopers went to 79’s to drink, some found hookers, and others well.. you weren’t entire sure. But you knew it was real, the adrenaline was making you want to jump Crosshair’s bones. 
“What happened?” Echo asked, putting his hand on his hip. The others quickly returned, wanting to know as well. “Where are your shoes?” The arc trooper raised a brow.
“They took them,” you replied, looking down at your wrecked and bloody feet.
“Okay, start from the beginning,” Hunter said, kneeling down in front of you to look at your injuries, pulling a shard from the ball of your foot gently giving your ankle a little rub.
“That crazy man took me. His name was T-Tarook or Tanrock or something like that.” You waved you hand dismissively,  “Then we were riding for hours on that stupid horse before we got to the city. Then they brought me to an old lady who took my clothes and forced me into a bathspring. 
They dressed me, painted my face, then let me go into that garden prison. I met two human girls who had been victims of the war who ended up there with their families. 
Nothing else really happened. They fed me and brought me into their community. There were so many I couldn’t believe it. Then they converted these old Jedi Temples into living spaces and that’s when Crosshair found me. 
Well, actually the pirates found us first and I tried my best to fight them off, but in the end, Crosshair saved me. Echo and him got me out and now we're here… I still don’t know where my shoes are though,” you sighed, feeling exhausted; it had been a wild 48 hours.
“An old lady took your clothes?” Echo repeated amused.
You shook your head. “It was so strange.” You were trying to understand the whole ordeal.
“Does that explain that?” He gestured to your barely there attire. You nodded again crossing your arms over your hardened nipples.
“Looks like something the Hutts would like,” Hunter commented, crossing his arms.
“I’ve seen more clothes on a stripper at 79’s,” Crosshair joked. You slapped him.
“I didn’t exactly have a choice if you didn’t notice,” you scowled at him. “Now, will one of you carry me inside so I can change?”
“Sorry to break it to you, Mesh’la, but… they took most of your clothes,” Hunter nodded in the direction of the ship.
“Fucking perverts.” You growled, “They better not have taken my favorite civvies!” You slid off the speeder and into the mud feeling it squelch under your toes no longer caring about getting dirty. You were already covered in plasma powder and maker knows what. 
"Hey, I'm just glad you're okay, Pip!" Wrecked exclaimed, pulling you into a massive bear hug and rubbing his chin on the crown of your head scenting you. You relaxed into his embrace, allowing him to set you down gently.
Tech then gave you a quick embrace, followed by Hunter, who tilted your chin up to get a look
at the blooming bruises around your neck. He gave a disapproving huff, but you just smiled and placed a reassuring hand on his chest. He let you go and watched as you made your way back to the ship, your long legs shuffling through the clay, fussing with the fabrics flowing from your waist.
They all watched you trot to the ship eagerly, a little mesmerized by the outfit. Hunter then snapped out of it and pointed to the stolen engine parts, "Alright, let's get these parts installed and get the hell out of dodge," Hunter said snapping the others out of their stares. 
Wrecker got to work quickly, knowing there was limited time before the locals or the pirates showed up to poke around and Tech grabbed his welding kit.
"Are we good to go?" Echo asked Tech, who began the launch sequence. The ship groaned slightly as it pulled away from the surface of Mimban. You sat in your jump seat, feet cleaned and bandaged, wrapped in a blanket, and preparing for the cold of space.
"We’re clear," Tech said, angling the nose of the ship towards the blackness of space.
"Thank the maker!" you cheered, thrilled to get the hell off this rock. “Fuck Mimban!”
You heard Wrecker laugh.
"Launching to hyperspace," Tech announced, pushing the throttle forward to prime the hyperdrive. Within seconds, you were all zooming through space with bright blue and white lights. 
You could cry, honest to the maker. The relief of never having to go back to Mimban ever again was like a weight off your chest.
Hunter chuckled at your enthusiasm, watching you happy dance from your seat.
"We’re at cruising speed," Echo said, unbuckling and turning to face you directly.
You perked up. "What is it, Echo?"
He crossed his arms and smirked.
"What?" You started to feel anxious under his playful stare.
"Oh, nothing…" His smirk only grew. "I just didn’t know you had such…voracious tastes."
Your eyes widened like saucers, reminiscent of the one you chucked at that pirate earlier.
"Oh, don’t play shy now," he pointed an accusatory finger at you. "I had to listen to how not shy you were for the past week!"
You wanted to vanish into the floor. You felt your entire body flush, and you knew they could see it because half of it was on damn display.
"You can’t blame me!" You crossed your arms, trying to defend yourself.
"Actually, I think I can," he laughed. "I thought omegas only picked one…"
"You said you’ve shared before!" You narrowed your eyes at him.
"She wasn’t in heat," Echo smiled.
"Is this what you two talk about when we’re on missions?" Hunter leaned against the galley doorway crossing his arms.
"Well, excuse me, you all smell remarkably similar. It’s a little difficult when you’re all different versions of the same person!"
Echo chuckled. "We all know that’s not how that works, sweetheart."
You couldn’t help but leave your mouth agape. "Can’t you just be happy I’m not dead? Must you tease me before we even get back to Coruscant?”
"I just didn’t know this about you," he stood up, shrugging and keeping his playful tone. "I never would have guessed our Tiny…Little sweet Tiny, would roll like this." He laughed.
You threw the blanket you had at him, making him laugh and bat it away.
"Alright, enough, quit playing with her," Hunter gathered you up, keeping you from playfully smacking Echo.
"She likes it," Echo flicked you on the forehead, making you yip as he sat back down in his copilot seat. "I want all of them," he mimicked your whiny voice with a snicker.
"Ahh!" You screamed, covering your face. "Shut up, Echo!"
"Help me, Alpha!" He smiled and laughed, watching you flail around in Hunter's arms, trying to kick him.
"Are you not wearing panties?" Echo gasped pointing a finger at you. The others whipped their heads around.
"Echo!" You screamed.
"Alright, someone has to be the responsible one and get you cleaned up," Hunter spun you around and walked you to the fresher, “Shower. Then we should probably talk before we get to Coruscant," Hunter said, running a gentle hand over your head affectionately.
"Can I borrow some civvies?" You asked, gesturing down to your dress.
Hunter scratched the back of his head. "They took ours too… sorry, pip." He felt bad. You sighed and nodded, letting him close the door, giving you some privacy.
You sighed. You’d be lying if you weren’t a little anxious about having the talk. The second you hit lucidity again after being in heat, you knew it was coming, but the way Crosshair kissed you at least gave you a little hope they weren’t going to just kick you to the side and pretend like it didn’t happen. 
At least not the sniper; the others? You weren’t as confident. 
Stepping into the fresher, you took a deep breath, letting the hot water wash away the past 48 hours. 
It was going to be an uncomfortable journey back home.
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So I usually HATE when someone puts images of clothes they had visualized for a fic, but because I struggled so much describing the image, I'm attaching my inpso images here (ahh I'm sorry I'm a hypocrite) and also Pip's iconic tray toss (just like daddy Crosshair)
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Taglist: @substantial-exposure
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