#so many thoughts but my main one is let hawk exist without everything being about demetri tbh
moskowins · 2 months
#⁽   ‧₊˚ 🥋⋅♡ out:   writer ˚₊‧   ⁾#s6 spoilers /#eli is so unserious doing that mohawk but also it's definitely just for the sekai taikai and i can't wait for it to change after#really rooting for ending the show with purple because that balance that he carries and has carried for seasons now!#if they don't do it then i will as my canon but anyway!#in this household we accept that eli and demetri have grown apart and dem is still wanting to box eli into one thing only and have him be +#who he was before karate. even eli said it himself... everything he wanted which right now is manifested as mit was before karate#he has been through so much more trauma and carries so much and he deserves to figure out who he is and what's out there for him after hs#he deserves to be free to decide what's for him after the sekai taikai and where he belongs#rip to me and them acting like johnny and eli have no history and no relationship. johnny was right when he said he made hawk who he is +#and not kreese. like kreese definitely leeched onto him and his trauma and anger but he didn't start hawk off. johnny did that and now +#it's like eli was never one of his kids or someone he let down and left alone like come on now??#so many thoughts but my main one is let hawk exist without everything being about demetri tbh#i desperately need him to have dynamics with people who see him for who he is now aka miguel and i wanna see what he can build with robby#because they've both been around the block and done a lot of the same mistakes and they can have something so good! also#eli and sam because everything negative was about everyone else and misunderstandings and they were the first ones to find balance imo#a whole essay but alas
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mha-grievances · 2 years
Alright, I’m bored, so I’m gonna tell you my opinions of the various MHA villains. This isn’t a dee analysis on any of them. Just my vague thoughts on them. I won’t be tackling any of the Nomu (including Kurogiri), spin-off villains, or movie villains:
AFO: He’s just there for me. For a Big Bad he’s kinda lackluster. He lacks the charisma of the archetype that he’s trying to be a part of when compared to other members of his archetype (giant looming threat) such as Darkseid and Thanos.
Tomura: Meh. I know people didn’t like him initially when he showed up cause he was a man-child, but I didn’t mind that. However he’s not really interesting to me. Sure his backstory’s sad, but his grand plan is to just disintegrate everything… just cause? While this is nothing new, it was kinda lackluster seeing as the narrative was putting Tomura down the path of being the next biggest villain. Like I get it, fuck society, but what does destroying everything accomplish? I dunno, his story feels weak to me.
Dabi: He’s definitely overrated by the fandom, but I like his character. He’s also got a kickass design and quirk. Dabi’s motives are a bit more than “fuck the world, let me destroy it” as his beef is with his abusive father. I can buy into this more-so than Tomura’s motives
Himiko: Definitely one of my top villains in the series, but I feel like she wasn’t explored as well as she should’ve been. Himiko’s definition of love is to literally become someone else, which can serve as a metaphor of people who aren’t able to accept who they are and aim to change everything about themselves. You compare this to Ochako’s experience with love which fuels her to be the best possible version of herself. I also would’ve loved to see more of her relationship with her quirk, how it has dominated every portion of her life. Finally, I do agree with those who say she’s often fetishized.
Spinner: I like him, but he’s been severely underutilized. His arc about mutant quirk discrimination was quickly wrapped up in like one issue and that’s it.
Mr. Compress: One of my favorite MHA villains. I love his quirk, his personality, and design. However, he struggles with a clear lack of motives, his only boiling down to the fact his ancestor was one of the greatest villains to ever exist. Why did Mr. Compress choose to follow his footsteps? Was it for fame? Because he agreed with his ancestor? Or maybe for another reason? At most we can say he hates society like the rest of the villains, but that doesn’t really give us much insight to his character.
Twice: My favorite MHA villain. If there’s anything from MHA that can be considered great, it’s the writing of Twice’s character. Twice is someone anyone can relate to, a person cast aside by the world and is willing to do anything to make friends. His quirk has caused him great anguish and he constantly grapples with his self identity. Out of all the LoV members, he has the biggest heart, but easily the most fragile one, and that’s why he’s a villain. It’s why he refused Hawks’s hand when told he could be a good guy. He saw his friends, the people who accepted him for who he was, and chose to fight besides them even if what they were doing was wrong. Twice is without a doubt the best character to come out of MHA and I will die on this hill.
Dr. Garaki: one of my favorite villains concept wise. A man who is canonically smarter than Nezu (who has an intelligence enhancing quirk) who makes Frankenstein like monsters could’ve been a super cool idea for a main antagonist. He could’ve served as a parallel to Izuku as Dr. Garaki’s quirk provides no offense utility. He’s essentially a quirkless person who lives longer. He is kinda a walking plot device though.
Magne: As many people would agree, she was wasted potential. A trans character who could’ve helped with MHA’s world building. I do wanna know why she chose to be a villain, but unfortunately after the Overhaul Arc she’s never brought up again.
Mustard: I like Mustard a lot but he’s yet another character with wasted potential. A kid as young as 1-A who hates heroes, a lot could’ve been done with that.
Moonfish: Unpopular opinion but I really like Moonfish. Why? Cause of his design. It’s very Lovecraftian like and I’m a sucker for those sorta things. Moonfish isn’t a deep character but he doesn’t need to be. He’s just evil and that’s fine. His creepy factor more than makes up for a lack of character.
Muscular: Serves as a physical obstacle Izuku has to overcome. Does his job well in that regard. Unlike Moonfish his appearance or quirk doesn’t make him stand out to me.
The Eight Bullets: Categorizing them all together. I like them. I can empathize with their struggles and how they wish to be needed despite being social outcasts. Obviously I wish more detail was put into them, but that’s pretty much it. I will say Rappa kinda doesn’t belong in there cause unlike the others, his motive is just that he wants to fight Overhaul, but that’s not to say I dislike him. I just feel he should’ve swapped places with one of the other Yakuza who weren’t the Eight Bullets.
Overhaul: In terms of presentation, design, and quirk, he absolutely is one of my favorite characters. His motives suck though. Man is in possession of one of the strongest quirks in the series and his motive is “ew, quirks are cooties”. Wanting to create quirk erasure bullets to cripple heroes so that the Yakuza can rise again is more than a fine motive for him. The “quirks are a disease” thing comes off as dumb. Maybe if he actually had a quirk that affected this behavior, this motive would’ve made a lot more sense.
Re-Destro: Boring. He could’ve been a neat Magneto type character but he’s immediately thrown to the side despite somehow having a city’s worth of members and spies layered throughout Japan.
The rest of the MLA: Couldn’t care for any of them, except for Geten, but that’s only because he has a cool design and quirk. The girl who can place mines had a cool quirk and design, but she got on my nerves.
Giran: Sometimes I forget he exists 😂. He’s basically a walking plot device.
Edit: I forgot someone 😭
Stain: I felt his message was extremely important to the themes of MHA and I like his design. However I feel that they neutered his message by having him target any heroes who weren’t All Might. There are other heroes, like Tensei, who are great heroes, just not at the caliber as All Might in terms of fame. Doesn’t mean they’re any less of a good hero. Imo he should’ve been more selective with his targets.
Edit 2: Forgot about another person 😭
La Brava: I like her. I think she’s cute and her relationship with Gentle is both genuine and well written. Her being a hacker’s really cool.
Edit 3: Forgot yet another person 😭
Gentle: thought he was cool too. A more human villain compared to the others we’ve gotten, and while not evil, is still someone who fits the bill of a villain.
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muffindaddystyles · 3 years
Hates to, Hate you.
Tumblr media
Word Count: 8k
Summary: Harry realizes that hurting Y/N broke him into pieces and tries to win her back with the confession of true feelings, will Y/N let him? If yes, how? How will he walk through fire for her?
Pairing: Famous!Harry x Reader!with anxiety.
AU: fake dating, slow burn, sexual tension, enemies to lover!
Warning: Mentions of violence, sexual assault, language, adult topics. 
"Please, stop." He says dolefully rubbing his eyebrows to get rid of the ache pounding in his head. 
He's miserable. It hurts to not have her with him. It's been two tragic months of going through constant sleepless nights, disrestless stomach, intoxicating himself to forget her,  staring at things like a hawk and missing her terribly.
He was alone before her and never felt this lonely.
He sees her everywhere. In his dreams and her shadows in his drawing room getting excited over a ceramic vase someone gifted him. Dancing in his kitchen to the beat of pink floyd and hip-checking him for a cheerful nudge, in his back garden rescuing a sparrow who broke it's neck and in his attic stressing over her assignments. 
Everything reminds him of her. The fruity drinks that the barista's handing to the people, the fairy lights upon their heads and how she used to fond over them —- buying it for his bedroom too and when he refused to hang them, she just brushed off his snarky comment and did it herself. 
The ring in Harris finger floods back all the bitter-sweet memories of the time he refused to have a lil fun with her, (Y/N and Harris made friendship rings and bracelets for eachother with the colorful beads to spend their boring time in his home waiting for him to write some lines before they went to a gumball shop) as they try to knock some senses in their friend's brain, "You tried to dodge a heartbreak and still ended up shattering your heart, yourself." They worry about him. That he's been bearing the pain all alone and not sharing it with anyone. 
His voice croak-y and hoarse, "How's she?" The question haunts him. She blocked his phone number and even in the wee hours of night he wrecks his mind whether he should call her or not, he couldn't because she doesn't want to hear his voice. 
He misses her voice. He misses her complaints and whines as if they filled the stoic parts of his life with happiness. 
"How'd I know?" Harris lowers down to rest their elbows on the table, "I -- I thought . . she isn't in contact with ye'?" When Harris shakes their head with a gesture that he's being truthful it sinks his heart furthermore. 
He clears his throat, twisting the jewels on his hand and sucks his bottom lip to muster some courage, "I've been seeing someone." Harris chokes on the boba they were chewing on for so long, "You what?" They are completely perturbed at his statement. Even though they've been working together and been friends before Y/N came in the picture, she's still their bezzy and we don't betray our bezzies like that. 
"Yeah, someone to help me sort me feelings out." Harry frowns confusedly and then realization washes upon him so he becomes frantic in his chair, "No . . not what you're thinkin'." He runs his fingers through his hair to subside the twitch in them. 
"A therapist, 'm talkin' bout a therapist . ." He sighs watching his tea waft down sympathetically. 
"Oh. That's a good start, Harry!" Harris tries to bring the same dimply boyish smile that used to flutter over his lips whenever she used to tease him, unfortunately it never appears. 
Y/N didn't handle her first ever heartbreak well. She lost her appetite, her focus on her studies and to her surprise didn't shed a single tear –-- it just kept piling in her chest and she waited for the moment it'd burst until she saw those pictures plastered all over social media. Pictures of him with some model that isn't a shorty pants like her at all, totally how those ladies described his type to be and someone with whom he wouldn't be embarrassed to hang out with. 
She's everything, Y/N's jealous of. Those sparkling blue eyes compared to her boring brown ones, handsome figure and the radiance of richness. 
Then she got stuck into her life responsibilities and worried about other things such that; she wasn't able to pay any bills and her flat's rent despite doing two part time jobs along with doing her class-fellows assignments in return of money and still got kicked out of it. Her close friend offered her to live in her studio and she has made it her kitchen, study, sleeping room with her stuff and clothes scattered everywhere.
She lives on noodles and toasted breads sometimes treating herself with delights of kit-kat bars in the middle of nights. 
Watches her friend do her work and leave when the night comes by —- she has never felt this lonely in her entire life. 
"So, was it love at first sight?" Nora her friend asks, handing her cuppa tea and a scone. Y/N let a weak sad smile slip, shaking her head and reminiscing all those moments where she was falling in love with him without even realizing, "Falling in love slowly patiently is the most beautiful . . . at some time I used to loathe his existence but staying with him and after knowing him, it was like --— an escapeless tunnel. I didn't realize it, till one day I woke up and my heart saw him in a different light, where I wanted to give him all me lovin' but he wasn't ready for it." She shrugs sipping the hot beverage and doesn't flinch from the burn that tingles at the tip of her tongue. 
When she put her cup aside Nora takes her hand assuring her sweetly, "You'll have that person soon -- he's just on his way, with a big bouquet of roses and a teddy bear to give you the lovin' you deserve." Y/N giggles at that waving her off and not showing how her person is still Harry. What does she do to forget him? To fool her in thinking he isn't her first love.
"Aish, Nora aren't you gettin' late? Gooo." She had some clients to meet before she stopped here at studio to grab some things but it turned into a girlie hangout, "Take care honey and don't forget to put a bucket there." She points to the corner where water's dripping from the rooftop and Y/N exhaled an exasperated sigh of breath when the door clicks leaving her alone yet again. 
It was past twelve and when usually she pulls an all nighter to study -- today she decided to sleep early. Her bad habit of overthinking kicks in again, this time it's not over some silly thing but she ponders over where she went wrong? She should've kept her feelings to herself and atleast would have been sleeping in her bed cuddled with her chonky cat Zippy. 
She misses Zippy badly. 
A noise of door unlocking loudly drags her from her reverie and her heart pounds against her ribcage ready to break it. Who could be at this hour of night? It could be Nora since she's the only one who got keys to the place. 
Sitting up quickly she squints against the blinding lights and watches someone's boot stepping over her blanket that flopped onto the floor from the sofa she's sleeping on. 
"Kevin? What are you doing here?" He's Nora's boyfriend and her classfellow. He just shrugs tumbling his way towards the sofa and she tries to scoot back from him as much as possible, "I'm here to see you. . ." He slurs. It knocks her breath out, filling terror in her veins as the heels of her feet rub against the leather of the couch in her effort to be away from him. 
"What? This's not appropriate I -- I . . suggest you to call Nora s –- so, what're you doin —-" She squeaks in fear sinking into the couch when he towers over her and traps her under him with his hands on either side of her body aggressively, "I like you. Why don't you get it!!" She flinches when he shouts angrily with bloodshot eyes and the smell of alcohol disgusts her springing tears in her eyes. 
"Please, stop . . ." She whispers with silent tears running down her throat using all her strength to push at his shoulders but he grips her hips tightly and yanks at her sleeping shirt revealing the strap of her bralette. She couldn't even cry for help. It's useless so putting some belief in herself for the last time she uses all her power and kicks him in his crotch pushing him roughly on the floor. 
His nails tear at her delicate skin but she doesn't care before running out of the studio ignoring the names he's calling her from behind.
She runs away, away and away. Not thinking twice where she's going before crossing the bridges and tunnels. It feels like her ears are bleeding with the echo of loud horns of traffic and the hopelessness of her life makes her fall on her knees. She cries all the tears she was bottling up for months feeling like she's running out of time and reaching dangerously near to her end. 
She's been in the same neighbourhood she's been before many times. The chilly wind doesn't prick goosebumps over her skin, the night's darkness doesn't scare her and the stray dog that's barking somewhere in far doesn't affect her at all as she stares at the door from where she has stepped into her comfort space many times. 
Harry's with Scottie. His childhood friend who's here in London for some shoot. They were lounged in the living room talking their hearts out and their cringey memories from when they were small when he halted mid-talk, jaw slacking when his eyes took the sight of someone standing at his main door from the multiple security screens appearing on the telly. 
He doesn't believe at first. Thinking he's hallucinating and that maybe he just saw a flicker of a ghost but when she looks up revealing her sad face and those big brown eyes he rushes to open the door. 
"Fuck." He breathes out working on the heavy cold locks of the oak door with shaky hands anxiously and she was about to walk away with her back turned to him when he spurts out her name in haste, "Y/N." She listens to him. Insides breaking with the nirvana and scent of him surrounding her. 
His breath hitches in his throat when she spins to meet his apprehensive gaze and she doesn't give him a chance to have a proper look at her before falling in his arms, her head hitting his chest and body shaking vigorously as she sobs sadly. 
"Darlin'?" He asks worriedly, slipping his arms around her shoulders to lull her in his embrace, "Are you oka?" He feels like his stomach ate his heart as he anticipates an explanation from her and she isn't doing anything but crying. 
"You're scarin' me, pet. What happened honey?" He pulls away to cradle her face in his calloused palms. His chests pangs with hurt and remorse upon seeing her tear stained cheeks, wobbly blue lips, and disheveled state. 
He steps inside with her still in his arms and rubs his hand down her spine to calm her down as little sad sniffles and hiccups keep slipping out of her mouth. 
He sits her on the sofa squatting down infront of her and Scottie brings her water. When she refuses to drink it because Harry strokes his thumb against the apple of her cheek, "Shh, 's okay . . you're okay. You're with me now, sweet girl." It's like the world and anything else has blurred around him and his ever priority's focusing on her only. His observant gaze dawdles from her face to her bruised shoulder emitting an afflicted gasp of trepidity from between his lips and it deepens to a growl when it fell over her hip-bone where the fabric of her pyjama's spotted with blood.
He glances up at Scottie who gives him a knowing look of horror. He gets closer to her and she doesn't retract as his thumb streaks away the blood oozing from her shoulder gently, saying nothing as he examines it. 
After a brief pause Y/N's heart skips a nervous beat when he tilts her chin to have a better look at her face, taking in the evidence of someone handling his petal so brutally it left scratches at her face. 
Harry looks her dead in the eyes. His anger barely restrained tippling from the pot ready to leave burns, his voice is tense and quite, ears heating with wrath. 
"Who did this to you?" 
"Kevin." The tears are back at her waterline more concerned that he's panicking because of her and Scottie sits beside her massaging her shoulders. 
"Kevin, who?" Harry's question is curt controlling himself from finding this mother fucker himself and beat the shit out of him, "H -- he's my friend's boyfriend, I though --– was sleeping in her studio 'n 'n --- when he . . . he —-- " She hides her face in her palms unable to speak but Harry quickly pulls her down in a comforting hug whispering sweet things to stop her crying. 
She parts from him with puffy eyes and swollen lips shaking her head at her stupidity, "I … I'm sorry. I shouldn't have come here, 'm gonna leave — ' " She's a weeping blubbering mess trying to stand up on her jello legs with the help of the couch's armrest. 
He catches her wrist crying out, "No! Don't! please, please stay . . . . fo' me?" Scottie has never seen him like this. Bended out of shape for a person, begging them on his knees to protect them as he rambles loudly. 
"Are you sure? I don't want to be a burden on you, I -- I'll go in the morning." Since she has nowhere to go it's better she sleeps here for a night instead of on the streets. 
Harry finds it ironic. That once he didn't want her overnights now he wants her all days and weeks, perhaps till the end of his life. 
He's gonna win her back.
He hands her his tattered comfy sleeping clothes and the spare toothbrush leaving her to it. When he comes back downstairs Scottie's waiting for him at the main door. 
"You should report a file against that bastard the first thing in the morning." Scottie tells him seriously and he nods. His head snaps when she spoke softly, smiling at him, "You're in love." 
"I haven't seen you like that with anyone, Harry. Make it to her foolish boi -- tell her what you feel." She laughs, jolting him with his shoulders and he smiles timidly bidding her a good-bye. 
The door to her room's ajar opened as he peeks inside to make sure she's okay and sighs deeply when finds her staring blankly at the ceiling. The floorboard creaks when he pads inside quietly and her stare diverts to him while he stands on the foot of bed, "I read somewhere that cuddlin' helps ye'sleep better, you w'na try?" She hums in return, fisting the duvet under her chin and slip shuts her eyes remaining stiff in her spot when he slides under the duvet closer to her. 
She turns into a puddle when his long arms wrap around her tummy, "Is this okay?" His voice a mere whisper of care earning an honest nod from her -- his thigh strings over her legs to cocoon her in his warmth completely, ". . and this?" She again nod at him so, 
He smushes his cheek into the crook of her neck and she could feel something moist on her skin while his lips puckered to speak, "Y/N?" He murmures broken and sad snuggling more into her. 
"Hmm?" She hums, the exhaustion from walking and crying this much forcing her to sleep, "I've missed you, terribly." Her heart leaps and she wants to exchange the familiarity of emotions but her tongue remains heavy in her mouth. 
Her toes curls and fingers clutches the wrinkly fabric of the pillow case she had her head rested on but now it's slipping down from over it due to her body shaking vigorously as she tries to escape those filthy, gruesome hands like a terrifying shadows of evil choking her throat and sucking the life out of her. 
Harry's head snaps down to where she was snuggled to his side moments ago when she murmur-yells no,no,no,no'. He feels like someone placed a heavy brick over his chest at the sight of his lovie writhing like a leaf petrified of whatever she's dreaming of and his shoulders rolls back while he perches on his elbow to shake her gently out of it. 
"Y/N . . ." He remains dulcet. Chewing onto his already swollen bottom lip since he didn't even close his eyes the entire night manipulating the plush flesh, he doesn't know what kept him awake —- but it sure was this sense of responsibility to make her feel protected under his wings. She smacks his arm away pushing at his chest with her all might to skid away to the edge of the bed in her sleepy state, so he quickly hunches on wobbly knees to catch her before she falls. 
"It's just me, Angel, Harry –- wake up darlin'," His heart beating ominously frantic and head jumbling with horrible thoughts of what she's going through as her warmed up cheeks soak with tears, he has never seen her like this, he never wanted to see her for the first time after months like this --- shattered to pieces and drained of her energy.
He smooths his thumb to caress her cheek slightly and swipe those sad tears away. She wakes up with a gasp making him jerk his chin back, blinking rapidly to confirm her surroundings and her fearful vision zeros to his panicked features. She places her palms against his pectorals to make sure he's real and there and that ugly nightmare just ended, "Harry?" He gulps the thick web of tears down his throat and bobs his head. 
"Yes, sweet girl, Harry . . ." The very streaks of golden rays sneak through the curtains and dances between their faces as she fists the hem of his shirt, "It was just a nightmare." He assures her running his hand up and down her arms to calm her down. 
"Don't be afraid, dovie' won't let anybody hurt ya from now on, g'na protect you —--" It was the last straw for her before she flipped him over and climbed out of his bed to get out from his room. 
"Shit." He drives into a state of frenzy following her down the stairs like a puppy almost missing a step or two as she wears the slippers she came in last night, "Where ye' goin'?" His muscles twitch in a hurry to make his next move and save whatever's between them that's keeping him sane, " Dunno, away from you." She shrugs, lost in her own fog and the sting in his heart's unbearable with the inflammation of hurt. 
"Why?" He tumbles through the last step and infront of her, eyes bloodshot and heart how from the squeezing agony of loosing her for second time for the same cause. 
"Because, I w'na forget about you!!" The scream she had in her lungs to convey her anger gets stuck in her throat. His shoulders slump from the burden of guilt and regret. 
"Why?" He feels like throwing up with the unbearable anguish of him hurting to a point he wants to wash his memories out of her mind. 
"Because you make me so confused, Harry…" Her face pinches into an exasperated expression of hopelessness while she nudges him aside to pass by him and to the main door but he catches her wrist before she could step outside and never come back to him, "I wouldn't confuse you from now on …. 've been better fo' you y/n, 'cos I want you to know that I'm yours." His confession springes her off guard by pure stupefaction and when she looks at him -- he's already gazing at her as if she's the moon surrounded by singing stars. 
"Please, let me fight for you baby." Tears springs at his waterline ready to welcome a sob out of his lungs. Because he knows he'll be unable to live his life without her, his love will rot in the cage of his heart because he'd never be able to express it for anyone except her. 
He continues not holding back anything from her instead unlocking another love language and that's being vulnerable and completely defenceless to her, "While being with you I still thought a part of me was in love with my ex and I didn't want ya to be me second priority, could neve', was so so wrong 'cos even though you're not my firsts you're gonna be my lasts. I'll make sure that you're." He gulps down the tears blocking his wind pipes and making it difficult to speak. 
"I want you to give us another chance, to forgive me and give me a proper chance to love you 'cos that's what you deserve . .." The sincerity and genuineness in his stained smaragdine irises turns her pudgy in his hold, ". . . you deserve all the lovin' in this world, honey." 
"Work for it then." She tells him and his pretty eyes widen adorably as of some golden fish, a vivacious smile adorns his features and he doesn't take a moment before swiping her off her feet and into his arms to hug her tightly. 
His insides feels like nourishing after a time with contentment and satisfaction. 
To have his loved one in his arms. 
In his life.
"Thank you, Thank you, Thank youuu." He rambles into the crook of her neck, elated and joyful. Swaying their bodies together and making her smile softly after a prolonged time of suffering. 
She'll heal. 
He'll make sure to put ointment of affection and love on her wounds to help her heal, for herself but nobody else. 
"You've got to be kidding me!" She mutters putting the alcohol swab on his torn bleeding knuckles and he squeaks locking his calf around her ankle, "Ouch! Ye' mad woman." 
Harry and her went to file a report against Kevin, along with Nora who became her witness because she despises that disgusting of a man to be even around her and her studio let alone her boyfriend. 
Harry was her biggest support through the whole process and dropped her off assuring her he'll pick all her stuff from Nora's place. There he was, Kevin. Stumbling at the footpath after Nora kicked him and his luggage out. 
Harry's very patient and optimistic but not when his loved ones get hurt. He didn't know what was happening around him before he sprinted towards Kevin and punched him square in his face, breaking his nose and busting his own knuckles with a fierce shout of "y'son of a bastard!" 
"If I ever . . . ever see ya near her, I promise that you wouldn't be able to see the living daylight." He grunted, resisting to hit him in the shin with his boots and walked past him to the studio to collect her stuff. 
He was grief stricken seeing the way she had to live and not finding her pet cat anywhere. His heart could be heard cracking into tinytinytiny pieces when Nora told him that Y/N gave it to the vet since she was unable to afford it. 
When she catches him staring up at her like a love-stricken puppy she huffs wrapping a band-aid around his knuckles, "'M mad at you." He seems unfazed making her gasp when brings her closer with his legs wrapped around her's, "Why . . . you're always mad at me." He whines jutting out his bottom lip and she shakes her head at his silly dotiness. 
"You -– you can't go hurtin' yourself fo' me, H." She's very unaware, because certainly he'd do it as many times. 
She narrows down her eyes to squint him in offense when he brushes her comment off with nonchalance and raises his bandaged wrist up to her face, "Will you kiss it better' fo' me, pet?" Her insides crumbles like dry rose petals falling from a beloved book of her favourite romances. 
"Hmm?" He nudges it in a questioning suppressing a smirk. She wipes her clammy and antiseptic hands down her trousers not meeting his gaze while taking his hand awkwardly but delicately closer to where her soft mouth is located; she halts glowering at him, "Only if you ask nicely." 
"That wasn't nice? Thought I was being a good boy there." He mumbles diligently pulling at the hem of her shirt and she bites down a smile, fingers still wrapped round his wrist. 
"Pretty please…?" He wheezes his words out begging-ly -- upper lip curving, pupils dilating and she shrugs, "..if you insist so.." His grin was immaculate that of golden sun when she pressed her lips to his knuckles carefully giving it a gentle pat afterward. 
"Not doing that again." She breathes out the air she was winding up inside her for so long. Spinning on her heels to turn her back towards him and put the first aid back under the sink, "We'll see 'bout that, let's do some grocery." He stands up patting his thighs loudly, "Wouldn't be surprised if we'll find bugs in me cabinet instead of goodies." 
They've been roaming isles for an hour now and they always end up fighting who will push it. Harry doesn't let her because she keeps on filling it with instant noodles, chocolate bars and sakurai oreos. 
"How about we try to live till our fifties wouldn't be that beautiful?" He follows behind her closely. His chest brushes against her shoulders everytime she makes a stop to cooes over some brightly coloured food and candies, "'M trying to make it till next year, dunno 'bout you." She mutters grumpy-ly tossing another packet of cherry lollipop inside the trolley.
He puts it back. 
With a strict warning glare to her way. 
"I want you to stay healthy." He says sternly glaring up at her from his ducked position. She tosses the lollipop back from the shelf, "'M paying for my things." She dismisses him off panning deadly. 
"Fo' fucks sake, 's not 'bout money!" He grits annoyed at her stubbornness and she arches her brow leaning against the trolley, "Harry…'m not an actress or some high-paid model. Lemme enjoy real things, okay? Or just say you'd look too outta my league standing next to me." Her brows pints down into a frown and her shoulder slumps with her body further relaxing against the trolley. 
She's up for a debate with him right in the middle of the junk food aisle if that's the case.
"See. That's why I don't want to be married!" A couple from far banters off in astonishment catching Y/N completely off guard. 
"Uh-ah!" She yelps getting startled from the boom of interruption and a high-pitch squeaks leaves out of her petite lungs when the trolley rolls from under her perched elbow making her stumble for a nice trip but the bang never came as Harry coiled his arm around her waist to pull her on stable feet with a firm hand over her smallest of back. 
His gentle pupils flicker between her frenzied one's, noses tickling and teasing each other with each spurt of breath that rushes out of her parted soft mouth and against his cheek. 
"Maybe it's not that bad after all." The couple who were planning their future based on another couple, who's not even a couple yet but trying to work on it with their shared amount of affection; sighs in awement leaving Harry and Y/N in their own bubble. 
He takes her by the elbow and helps her with his lips thinned, "Careful there." His mumble is deep and coherent husk. 
She didn't whine about his green vegetables, boring low fat cheese and planned meals, celery or whatever that shit is, after that. Walking by his side like a kid who just got relief from his time out punishment. 
While on the counter she asked him politely rather than biting his head of, "Lemme pay please. I'm already imposing on you by staying at your place." She knows that he wouldn't let her. Harry wants to take care of her -- in every way. He just hopes she warms up to him slowly that there will be a day she thinks of his home as hers too, oh how the table turns! 
T'not make her think that his love for her is only restrictive to materialistic things he lets her pay --- but for half of it. 
"D'ya got a change, miss?" The cashier asks her and she cranes her neck up to him. He denies waving his credit card with a disappointed expression so she quickly takes a chewing gum from the racks beside in return for the change. 
He stops in his tracks. Watching her with glinting eyes more like fawning at her when she sways on her feet happily swinging the bag in her hold side by side. 
"C'mon Harry!" She grins twiddling her fingers in a gesture to usher him where she's standing beside his car, "Yup. On your command, darlin'." He shakes his head. To fetch himself from the fond-land he always enters with anything she does. 
There's a low hum of telly buzzing in the room as they sit crossed legs on the coffee rug with their knees brushing if any of them moves their bum a tad, while they slurp onto the remaining soup in the noodles cup. 
This whole time he wanted to say something, to talk to her, his heart out and make it a domestic routine of sharing stuff while they eat comfy in eachother's presence but seems like his tongue betrays him everytime and his needy eyes always want to admire her and the little things she does. 
He licks his lips, nodding profusely when she asks for his cup and chopsticks to take to the kitchen. A huge sigh of relief vanishes out from his chest when she disappears inside giving him time to re-collect himself, he rummages through the bag to take out the chewing gum they bought at the last moment. 
He rips the packet with his teeth but it remains pressed there between his morals when he senses the familiarity of the foil --- she bought a fucking condom out of accident! 
At the same moment she pads outside halting in her tracks infront of him with a horrendous expression as her peepers wouldn't stop blinking. He doesn't not know what got into him but he throws it her way as if he's utterly disgusted by it. 
Sinks into the couch and refuses to meet her gaze. She throws it back at him, "I don't want it, keep it you might need it." There he goes. The smugness fuels back as he outstretches his arm over the back of the couch and man-spreads scrutinizing the way her eyes linger at his meaty thighs before flicking them away with a nervous gulp. 
"You've already planned it all out, hun?" He smirks rubbing the belly of his nose with his pinky's knuckle and she folds her elbows under her breasts shaking her head at his teasing, "Yeah planning to . . . murder you t'night." She laughs out evilly when his eyes widen comically. 
"Hmm. I see. Didn't know ye' were this kinky 'n naughty." She rolls her eyes at his edgy nip. She wouldn't admit it but him testing her patience turns her hot and flustered. 
"Night, H." She yawns and his heart grows ten times bigger at the softness of her appearance. She cranes her head against her shoulder to look at him from the spot she's standing at when his voice calls for her, "Y/N!? Ye'really into knives? In the bed I mean." His grin mischievous knowing fully well what he's doing to her as he waits for her answer propped on his knees. 
She slams the door at his face and he plops back into the sofa with a pouty victorious smile. 
Harry didn't realise that in the middle of watching Gilmore Girls on the telly he fell asleep straining his neck from keeping it in a weird angle, his arms hugging the pillow and feet dangling adorably nowhere. He groans knuckling away the sleep and tries to wake up when he heard a feeble noise of someone taking his name until he looks up and finds Y/N towering him with her fluffy cream blanket pinched around her head darlingly. 
"What happened, pet? Y'okay!?" He gasps trying to sit up and take her precious face to inspect her properly but she shakes her head and lays him back gently. 
Her nose runny and cheeks rosied as she asks for a favour from him, "Can I -- um," She wipes her nose with the sleeve of her sweater paw. He doesn't question her further and opens his long arms to welcome her for a warm embrace. 
"C'mere, pet." His whisper delicate to her. 
She lies down pressed to his front resting her head on his sprawled arm and scooches herself closer to him smiling shyly against his hoodie where a Harry is embroidered in pink thread. It's like a gust of fresh spring and dew of nighty mountains as Harry takes a relaxing breather snuggling her impossibly affectionately close to himself, petting down her sweet smelling hair. 
"Y'can talk to me 'bout anythin'." Their heart-beats in sync as he keeps his palm spread at her back to protect her from falling, "Ye' know that right?" He pulls back to cradle her chin between his fingers and look her in eyes sincerely. 
"I know that button. Sleep for now, hmm?" He smiles softly, shutting his eyes from giving out how much a mere love name's enough to fuse him into a cloud of giddiness. 
In the morning though, Harry's a small spoon and Y/N a big one. Her limbs trying to latch to his body in every way possible with her cheek smashed against his shoulder blade. 
His lips quirks up into a lazy loopy smile full of contentment and peacefulness as he weaves his each finger into her's to bring her knuckles to his mouth and smother it in kisses, "Rise n' shine you furball." He rasps. chin doubling adorably as he tries to look at his squirmy girl. 
He turns to face her side, temples touching and lips hovering over eachother's skin. He feels her smiling against his chin as she cuddles up into him, "I'd like to make you a brekkie…." She murmurs playing with baby curls on the nape of his neck. 
"Dunno 'bout that. What if you poison me, t'death?" He giggles and she smacks his belly pouting grumpy-ly. 
"Offer, expired. no more brekkie for you." She tells him wiggling out of his grip and walks towards kitchen but burst into gleeful laugh when he wraps around her calves like a koala bear, "Was jokinnnn', babe." He emphasizes his words with a twinge of whine and she meanders her hand in his ruffled curls. 
"Kay! Kay! But, I could only make you omelette and sour bread." He jumps back on his feet enthusiastically looping his arm around her clavicles, "No problem. Glad t'eat  anythin' made from your lovely hands."
She made him brekkie and he made fabulous peach tea for them. She blabbered off and he listened with careful ears. He praised her with glinting proud eyes and she treasured these praises in her heart. 
While she chewed slowly he messaged his manager that he couldn't come to any working place for a week or so. He wants to make it special and memorable for them, their honeymoon phase. 
"D'ya have any class today?" He asks her leaning towards her atop the counter, "Nope 's Saturday dummy." She chuckles flicking her thumb against his forehead and he gives a dimpled grin with bolted shut eyes.
"Yeah … silly me." 
"So that I could take ye' ona date." His inners bouncing desperate to know her answer, "Me?" She points at herself surprised with parted lips.  
"Yes you, is there somebody else sitting with us? Hello?" He calls for that non-existent person and she suckles her bottom lip to subside her squeals down. She breathes out, "Some ghostie? Evil spirit? Jesus himself —-" She cuts his banter of. With a light slap to the back of his hand. 
"Okay." She says with an excited shake of head happiness bare in her words and Harry literally slips from his seat padding towards her in haste, "I'd love to." She confirms with a sweet smile and he hooks his nimble finger around her jeans loop to pull her closer to him for a fervid emotional hug. 
She was a frolic mess in her room trying out her outfits and fitting into her skirts, trousers anything that could match perfectly. Deciding to terminate any ideas to wear cotton floral sun-dresses instead ends up tucking a baby pink sweater into her chequered white and black plaid trouser along with a pair of Mary Janes booties. 
She took huge puffs of breath to calm her wild heart down when the knock on her door appeared. He decided to be a full on romantic today doing all the date rituals without any shame dressing up in a silk shirt three shades lighter than her's, with a pussy bow around his neck and she thinks she couldn't be more in love with him as he has a bunch of sunflowers and jasmines in the cracks of his jewels adorned fingers. 
"Well, well, well, Look who came to their enemy's door holding presents." She smirks and he scowls, "Oh cut it. 'M here to pick y'up fo' our date." 
What makes her lose her mind's Zippy on his shoulder.
"Oh my goodness! Harry!" She leaps towards him and takes her fluffy beast in her arms and showers Zippy's crown with many many kisses, "Thank you!" She cries out joyfully wrapping her free arm around his waist and cuddles him for dear life. 
"I lo —-- " She thinks it'd be embarrassing to say it on the first date and Harry almost had a mini heart-attack but she changed her words, "I can't be more grateful to you, thank you so much." 
"Now, stop thankin' me hunny." He gives her the flowers he plucked himself from his backyard and kisses the apple of her cheek turning her into a gooey mesh. 
"Where is it?" She avoids checking him out. 
"Why should I tell ya?" He nudges her to lock her elbow around his and she gazes up at him with loving eyes, "'cos 'm your date that's why."
"Bribe me then." He grins bashfully. 
"Harry!!" She gasps and huffs tipy-toeing timidly to plant a soft kiss to his chin but it lands against his throat making him thin his lips to give out a noise that could embarrass both of them. 
"Not telling you." He squeaks dragging her outside into the porch and she whines, "You leech!" 
"You did not!" She snaps her neck in utter exhilaration from the view in front of her and towards Harry who's watching her with puffed cheeks to not to give out his bunny smile as her face turns guppy. The sunshine dawdles around them and she pulls him down to her level with the tug of their intertwined hands, "You're somethin' else, Styles." It warms his blood. Bursting sentiments of pure love and amiability through each orifice that leads to his heart. 
"Only fo' you." He whispers stroking the plush of her cheek -- restraining to place his needy  lips on her alluring pillow one's inviting him to have a good taste of their sweetness before they could taste the ripeness of strawberries growing at the farm he just took her. 
"Uhm. Let's see who could collect more!" She grins pushing herself three steps away from him with support of his pecs, "What's the prize?" He asks pawing at her hips to keep her in intimate distance and she giggles tapping his chin. 
"A feeling of saccharine-ss and sweetness when we'll eat those strawberries out." She tries not to step on heavy branches that are still growing and makes her way to the fresh patch, "Perhaps, that could be acquired from eatin' somethin' else out too." His wet lips brushes against her earlobe as he speaks, sending a shiver down her spine. 
"You're being very loud and lewd." She pokes him in ribs. Squatting down to pluck a juicy perfectly sized strawberry and hovering it against his mouth to give him a taste, "Hmm what could I say 'm a man of dirty words." His eyes darken to an intoxicating shade of emerald as his heart-shaped magenta lips wrap around the strawberry to split it in two with his teeth. 
He still remembers. How her mouth tasted that night, how her lips came molding around his's like a stamp of a lover's letter and her body fitted against his's like a lost piece of puzzle. 
Just made for him. 
"Harry …" She's out of words. Maybe, breath. 
"Yes dovie?" He hooks his finger into her belt's loop to saturate the thread like distance between them and makes tight hold at the nape of her neck to crane her head up to meet his honey eyed gaze, "D'ya know how to make strawberry mochi?" His shoulder slumps at her question and he rests his cheek atop her temple cutely. 
"Noo." His voice sort of whine-y. 
"No, problem. We'll make it together." She chuckles turning back to collect the strawberries into her basket. 
She never had this fun. Messing around with him. Feeding eachother the sweet fruit. Him scaring her that some rat sprinted by her feet and enjoying the way she jumps at him, only wheezing comically when she throws a blow at him. 
Her giggles bounces off each and every ivory flower and leafy plant as he pins her to the viridescent grass, with his thighs and tickles her non-stop. What started as raspberries turns into sloppy smothers of kisses all over her face. 
"Harry!!" She bursts into another fit of laughter, "Stop." She warns him squeezing her thighs around his waist and he giggles challenging her. 
"O'what? Huhh?" She closes her eyes nuzzling into his arm that's trapping her down, "Or I'll kiss you…" Her voice gentle and dulcet making his grip loosen and heartbeat fastens like a thunderbolt. 
"'M not afraid of that." He gives a toothy grin sneaking a glance at her hand which's gliding up his throat to cup his cheek, eyelids fluttering like petals from breeze as she smudges her sweet mesh coated lips against his's in a tenderly ardent, and yearningly amiable kiss feeling her pulse ring in her ears with so much force. 
His fingers make their home down her smooth hair to cup the nape of her neck, elbows digging into mud when he lifts her up to deepen the kiss sloppily. Just her. Only her. Swirling inside of him as his very thought. 
Their noses crooking perfectly, skins kissing and bodies hitched to eachother with the knot of souls. 
She whimpers into his mouth squishing the poor strawberry she was holding in her free hand from the intensity of fierce sentiments she's spiraling in; to have him all and swallow him all because he's that damn gorgeous. His tongue pokes and tickles the plush insides of her small mouth tasting the strawberry straight from where he loves the most. His belly burning with the fire of desire feeling the way her body's reacting with puriency to his subtle touches of affection. 
He was dying to have a kiss from her the day she gave him her lips that night and he couldn't resist but to think about it regularly. 
A wet filthy sound bubbles around them when they part away with the remnants of spit in the form of intricate strings connecting them; that breaks when he relaxes his forehead against her's taking a good breather of mossy air. 
"S' messy." He tuts when his eyes fall at her palm covered in strawberry pulp. 
She gasps giddy-ly when he pokes his pink tongue out and takes a huge swipe up her palm with an erotic hum that rattled her insides. 
"H -- arry." She nibbles at her bottom lip to filter noises she's unable to hold meanwhile he sucks her fingers one by one to clean them, her panties twisting with an ache of want. 
"Hmm. All nice 'n clean, now we should go." He says flipping her wrist to act as if he's inspecting it. Brushes the dirt of his trousers leaving her baffled and grumpy. When she doesn't stand up he squats down at her level arching a brow at her and before she could know what's happening she's thrown over his broad shoulder like a rag doll. 
Her squeals hearty and giggly as she tries to punch his back but her breath gets caught in her throat when his large hand comes spanking her butt-cheek. He waits for her reaction —- grinning cheekily when she sucks in her weak mewls and grabs the back of his neck blabbering his name off. 
He puts her back on the ground once out on the gravel path and hands her the basket piled with strawberries. Ducks down to sponge a kiss to her cheek telling her to stay glued to her spot as he leaves to pay. 
She smiles down at her feet then at the sky revinding all the moments and their lovely kiss that makes her feel all warm and stupidly gooey. 
While boarding the train he wiggles his finger behind himself to get a hold on her and keep her close to him, craning his neck with a lopsided sly smile, "Hold me hand." 
"If you insist." She nods with a grin slipping her fingers over his palm and he wovens them with his own with a firm grip stepping inside the train and helps her to do so with his free hand behind her head. 
She sighs. Sitting with her back pressed against the window of the train. One leg folded and other dangling from the seat as she stares at Harry with a pouty smile. 
"Don't ya think you're sittin' too far away from me?" He says, grabbing her knee, "Come here." And slides her towards himself now their thighs overlapping. He doesn't like even the mere distance between them —-- might sound sappy but he wants to be like her scent. 
"Happy?" She pinches his cheek and he winces dramatically ruffling her already loose tresses of hair making her look as if she was on a roller coaster minutes ago, "aren't you a one clingy bunny!" She huffs trying to blow away the hair falling in her eyes. He bobs his head in agreement and slings his elbow around her shoulders to tuck her under his chin protectively. 
"Okie, now add some sugar in it —- aish slow down …" She coughs waving away the sugar dust tickling her nostrils as Harry poured so much sugar all at once. He has his chin rested on her head and her hips crooned against his thighs as they make the strawberry and vanilla mochi together. 
His puffer jacket on her shoulders (To the time they went to buy grocery stuff it started being cold and Harry being a mommy he took out his jacket and bundled her up in it) —- She sneezes and he quips pecking her hair, "Bless your heart." Fetches her a tissue too. 
"Thank you, bubs." She giggles grabbing his jaw bringing him down to smooch a kiss to his lips. She pulls back but he persists snaking his palm around the nape of her neck to keep her put —- she gives in with her heart fluttering like candle flame in a destructive storm. 
Turns in his embrace and hooks her elbows behind his head patching tiny, tiny, tiny pecks on his pillowy lips until he gets desperate to kiss her mouth and tongue pushing her to his front by gliding his hand into the back-pocket of her jeans. 
Her head lulls. Feeling as if the kitchen got filled with candy clouds floating around her when he cradles her cheeks in his both palms lapping at her bottom lip and nips at it with every whimper of desire that falls, "Mine." He breathes out rubbing the bridge of his nose up and down her cheek like a puppy nuzzling into his favourite plushie. 
"Yours." She says without any hesitation. 
He smashes his wet lips back on hers. Swirls of gleeful colours surrounding them as he feels like he could kiss her forever. 
She gasps gazing down lustfully at his wine cherried lips when he holds her from waist and sits her on the wooden counter, "I want you to take me." She murmurs nailing at the silk of his top and he paws at her hip-bones cravingly, it makes her feel like one the most desired women alive. 
"I'm all yours to pleasure you lovie'," He looks her in the eyes with so much love and affection it melts her whole, "Just ask me and I'll give me girl what she wants …. " He says trailing sloppy kisses down her throat. Her head falls against the tiled wall giving him more access to her skin --- so he could mark her as he wishes. 
The heat from his mouth to her bare skin arouses her to an extent she feels wetness sticking to the insides of her thighs with each grind of his crotch against her's. 
She tugs at the roots of his curls, mouth parted around a moan when he grazes his touch over her plump breasts, "Is this okay?" He asks breathlessly and she bobs her head vigorously latching onto him. 
"Yes, please, more … " He blinks to let reality sink in when she raises her arms in the air for him to get rid of her clothes. 
He smiles. Hard. Crinkles forming by his eyes and cheery lines around his mouth as she looks up at him with those doe eyes glinting with his own reflection. 
She squirms grumpily and he cackles loudly when she hooks his fingers into the hem of her jeans as a sign that "just undress me right now and fuck me hard over this counter." But, the romantic sap he's just keeps on being a tease. 
"Fuck me already." She huffs locking her ankles behind his back. 
"Trust me, I want it as bad as y'do but are you sure —-- " 
"I'm --- just fuck …. " She cuts him off, cupping his cheeks and kisses his mouth. He groans when she sucks his swollen lip in between his teeth and lifts her pelvis grinned against his swell lining in his trouser to elaborate her neediness through actions, 
He undresses her finally folding them and putting them away nicely while she stays a breathless mess just in her undies, her sheer panties soaked in her juices and profanities of moans fuses into air from both of them as Harry places his hands on her knees. Irises darkening with lust when he looks at the delicate lines of her drippy pussy lips forming from underneath the material. 
"Spread your legs, I want to feel how turned on I made you feel." His voice an obscene grunt and it tingles her core making her feel she should obey him, "Fuckin' hell." His moan is dirty as he rubs the pad of his long digits against her soaked centre. His piercing gaze flitting between her thighs crumbled her in the best way possible. 
She fists the hem of his top, tugging at it with the blabbering of his name. 
A series of pornographic whines leaves her through her nose when he demands her to raise her bum so he could get rid of the last thing being a bother to them. 
"Oh my — " She arches her spine when his fingers withered in her stickiness, between her glistening pussy lips to her mound pinching her clitoris in the way and listens to the soapy noises he's creating while lathering his hand with her juices he'd love more to coat his tongue with. 
"This is what you want, hmm? For me to bend you over this counter right fucking now and pump me thick cock inside your sweet cunt from behind till you're screaming for me to ram harder inside you, so deep that you feel me in your little tummy and I keep it there for hours making you cum on it again and again — many time that you're milky and cramped around my prick like a filthy girl you're." He dips his impossibly sweet pink tongue inside her mouth and makes her sip down his dirty words through her throat not letting her mewls slip out as his lengthy finger slicks inside her causing her melt against his chest with a turmoil of emotions and heat she never felt before. 
Her brain whirles with the mantra of fuckfuckfuck but her guppy lips says otherwise, she coils her arms around his shoulders scratching her nails down his neck — eyes rolling back as she shakes with the build of ecstasy. 
"You're so snug and warm, sweets. Can't wait to be inside you." He husks curling his digit to give her upper wall a good rub, "Harry!" Her scream comes out gruff vibrating with a sexy octave. 
"Yes, baby." He pinches her chin between his thumb and forefinger staining soft wet kisses from the corner of her lips, to her rosy cheeks and down her throat sewing love bites along her veins.
"Does it feel good, hmm? 'M g'na stuff you full of my prick bet it'll make you feel like heavens --" Her brows tenses up as he forces her to keep her eyes locked with his's and groans with the throb in his cock bound to implode with each whimper of his name she lets out hiking up her knees on the counter — the heels of her feet sticking firmly against the edge of the counter giving a carnally pleasing view for him to enjoy and ooze with sticky precum. 
He huffs out breathily, fingers sliding in and out at a fast pace while he moves down to take her perky nipple between his teeth teasing it with nip of his tongue, "Fuck. Mhmm baby I've so many dirty things to d'to you, would you be an atta girl and be naughty with me?" He nuzzles his curls against her skin grinding his knuckles up and down against her swollen clit. 
"Yes, yes, yes." She moans trying to sink impossibly deep on his fingers. He admires her in amusement as her belly twists into ripples and she thrashes in his tight hold —- broken into pieces of vulnerability foxily. 
He withers his gaze to where he's driving his fingers roughly inside her and a cold shiver runs down his spine, eyelashes fluttering and he sucks his bottom lip brutally praising her softly, "yes just like that darling taking my fingers so good —- they'll look pretty down your throat too while I'll fill your other holes with me, all me." He wraps a hand around her throat giving it a light squeeze and it was enough to spread warmth and the saccharine feeling of fullness in her every tissue gushing over his fingers. 
"You're mine." He growls nipping at her sweet spot –-- wearing her out with his continuous different motions inside her. His wrist glistening with her come and her head lulls on his tanned shoulder, eyes slip shut, chest levitating with shallow breaths. 
She cups his cheeks wrapping her trembling legs around his waist and kisses his smile, it's sloppy and barely a kiss with their lazy effort to keep their mouths on each other to soak into intimacy. 
Next they're a moaning and crying mess on the kitchen floor with her knee hooked around his hip to keep him close as he stretches her out leaving a pleasurable burn against her squishy inviting walls. 
His cock sits warm inside her pussy and his balls snug against her bum. It's torturous waiting for her to give a signal that he might move because he couldn't resist but to be rock hard inside her and fuck her for hours but his knees are laughing at him for being unable to bear the sting of cold tiles. 
"You can move, 'm okay." She whispers hugging him for dear life and he nods grinding his hips slowly, the bulbous head of his dick hitting all the right spots —- he's so good at fucking. 
He takes her fleshy tits in his palms caressing them with each lewd stroke of his cock inside her and treats her glistening lips from his spit back to his mouth, pecking it generously. 
"Pull me hair." He groans pushing hard and guides her hand into his swirl of sweaty curls — hips stuttering, eyes rolling back into his skull erotically when she does so peppering loving kisses under his earlobe, "You're g'na ruin me lovie … fuck me please." He whines grabbing her ass and lifts her pelvis to slide inside her dripping pussy with much more roughness. 
She has never seen him like this. Shredded to seams for her, sweat beading down his gorgeous face like glimmer of pearls and eyes mossed with so much lust and desperation it knocks air out of her lungs. 
He rolls them over gently and her squeal turns into a shameless yawp when he feels much more bigger than before inside her with her being on top of him —- he was right she could feel him in her tummy. 
She's clueless what to do. Not that she's gonna show it –- she doesn't want to give him an impression that she knows barely anything about riding but the way she begins with zealous back and forth movement digging the heels of her palms against his pecks wrecks him havoc. 
"You're doin' so good pet, yes, yes, yes. Use me baby. Use me like your little fuck toy 'm c'mon." He grabs the nape of her neck and brings her down to skim his tongue over her lips, manipulating the plushiness of them with his teeth. His balls slapping against her skin as she bounces on his cock diligently and he fists the soft flesh of her bum with both of his hands to help her ride him knows she's labouring herself out, "I'm all yours." He says caressing her sides to make sure she's okay and brushes the wisp of sticky hair behind her ear. 
"You're looking so sexy sitting on my dick like that -- how about I don't allow you to cum so you could keep me warm with your pussy like that fo' hours?" His pants out gripping at her thighs as his prick spills with wetness inside her and she cries out shaking, "No!" He smirks crinkled forming by his eyes and takes this chance to drive hard up inside her making her flop onto his chest. 
She gasps moistly, pulsating around him feeling every ridge and vein of his cock stroking against her walls creating obscene noises of skin meeting skin and their moistures mixing soapily like gooe.
"Cum fo' me baby -- squeezing me s' tight. I know you're there." His pants laboured and heavy as he sucks his own digits coating them with his spit nicely and glides them down pressing them to her weeping bud, then flickers it in prolong circles. Toes curling. His thrusts consistent and fast. She crooks her nose against his's murmuring to him with a wavering voice. 
"I'm gonna cum, fuck." 
"You're gonna make me come." 
Her eyes widen in surprise but her body reacts otherwise albeit she has never experienced it —- but her moans were uncontrollable when he spanked her butt cheek and she crampied down at him jolting tremendously with the wave of insanity spreading to her bones.
"I'm a naughty boy, give it to me." He kisses his teeth together man spreading and throwing his knees up to ram up inside her perfectly.
His eyes shuts till he could see white spotting behind them -- he spills inside her in form of thick ribbons and milks her cunt with it riding her out of her high. She clings to his body and snuggles into him to tone down the shivers running down her spine with each tiny orgasm she feels rushing out with his lazy thrusts.
"I'm jello." She tells him and he looks down at her with a mishevious grin, "Does that give me a reason to eat you whole?" She rolls her eyes poking at his cheek with a grossed out expression. 
"I'm still inside ye', remember?" He stirs his hips to make her realise and she yelps not know if it's making her feel hot or utterly sensitive, "You're insatiable." She mumbles pouting her lips to indicate him she's dying for his lips to smooch kisses to her. 
"No kidding I love the noises you make when you come undone." She confesses timidly drawing stars at his chest and he giggles kissing her temple gently, "Stop before you wake me buddy up again –- he quite fond of you." He blushes hiding his face into the crook of her neck with tiny voice. 
They're canoodling under the fluffy blanket on the sofa watching telly after they just took a bath together, shampooing eachother with peach scents and drying eachother off with warm towels. She's nuzzled into his side wearing one of his baby yellow robes, his arm stays around her shoulder thumb addicted to caressing her silky cheek, sometimes spreading his fingers down her throat to tip her chin up to smooch sweet kisses on her lips.
"You're cute when you're not a pest." She giggles and he frowns comically pretending to munch her alive, "That's very rude -- you should be thankful that I lov — " Her heart almost stops functioning. 
They were sipping onto their green teas and nibbling onto the strawberry mochi they made and refrigerated before when the doorbell rang making them groan in laziness.
She stood up going to see what took Harry so long on the door and got revealed to him talking instinctively to whoever rang the bell. 
"Hi, Y/N." Scottie smiles at him. Carrying her luggage and Y/N looks down at her attire for a second then forwards her hand shyly. She was so scared that day –- it's a blur to her but now she watches Scottie properly she realizes …. She's the same girl from all the paparazzi photos.
Something switches off inside her. The rainbows and confettis, the moonlight and stars and the nebula of the whole galaxy she had consumed in her little body from making love to Harry just shuts down into a white noise.
Her bottom lip plumps into a pout. Eyebrows trembling from this confused feeling of some invisible thing squeezing the life out of her. 
She's jealous. 
"I just came here to say bye." Scottie's voice makes her focus back into reality. 
"Oh…" She just nods. She doesn't return the hug even though her brain guilt trips her for that and when Scottie leaves with the air thick and tense, Harry corners her in between a wall and piece of furniture cradling her grumpy face in his careful palms speaking gently to her. 
"You don't 'ave to worry 'bout her, she's just a friend …. Infact you don't have to worry 'bout anyone because I love you so so much baby that I don't see myself spending me life with anyone else." She glances up at him twice, jaw falling slack from shock and he chuckles smothering her in kind-hearted kisses when she stares at him like a hawk. 
"You what!?" 
"I love you, Y/N." Her eyes closing like a moth flapping nearer to fire and finding peace in burning inside it. 
"I love you too so much." She whispers and welcomes his lips melting against her ardently. With the passion only lovers hold. Amiability she couldn't find anyone else but in his embrace, in his kisses and his lovemaking. 
"Can we go back to cuddlin'? Me feet gettin' cold baby." He whines treading fastly into the living room while carrying her like a kitten from behind and makes squeaky noises once snoozed under the warmth of the blanket. 
He touches their foreheads. Kissing the tip of her nose adorably. 
"I love you." Then burst into giggles. When she returns the passion coyly. 
"I love you too." 
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shyficwriter · 3 years
Temporary Home: Chapter 1
Guardians of the Galaxy fanfic | Reader x Guardians (With Yondu and Kraglin!) Guest starring Nick Fury and Maria Hill
Summary: The Guardians have pissed off some really dangerous people and need to lie low. Apparently your home is the perfect place to keep them, according to Fury.
Part 2 Here
Author’s Note: This will be multiple chapters, I already have so many scenes for this in my head. I hope you guys like it!
Word Count: 6,610
You had been called into a sudden emergency meeting one afternoon, and walked in expecting to be sent on perhaps an urgent but still run-of-the-mill mission, or briefed on a sudden change to an existing case. You didn't expect to essentially become the babysitter for eight aliens. Well, one of them was human, but still.
You waited in the briefing room with five other agents and Maria Hill. One of your fellow agents, you thought her name was Stacy, tried asking what the meeting was about, and Maria would only reply to wait for Fury, and that he should be there soon.
Admittedly that made you a little nervous. It wasn't often that you didn't get any information before a meeting, but you tried not to think too much into it.
Fury arrived a few minutes later followed by six people you had never seen before.
Two of the men looked normal enough- that is to say, human- but they were the only two. One with red hair and another with strange tattoos on his neck. Then there was a large shirtless greenish/greyish man with what looked at first glance to be many swirly red tattoos covering his body. He had what you thought was a raccoon holding a wooden doll sitting on his shoulder, until the raccoon jumped down onto the table and you saw that not only did the raccoon walk upright, but the "wooden doll" was actually alive, and walked around as well when set upon the table. The other man was a rough looking type, and he was as blue as the sky with what appeared to be a red metal mow-hawk. There were two women with them as well, a taller green one who looked like she could kill you without blinking, and a smaller paler one with antennae who actually looked kinda scared to be there, as she was all but hiding behind the larger shirtless man.
Now, with your line of work you were of course aware of the reality of aliens, but these were actually the first you'd seen up close other than some of the Skrull people Fury worked with.
This group, however, seemed a little... dysfunctional. The red haired man said something snarky to the raccoon, and to your surprise the raccoon spoke back, saying something equally snarky in return before snapping at the red haired man's hand. The man then mimed smacking the raccoon across the room only to then be smacked in the back of the head by the green woman, earning snickers from both neck-tattoo guy and the blue man.
Fury loudly plopped a folder on the table and looked at the group sternly, prompting them to silence. He then turned to you and your fellow agents. "You're probably wondering why I called you all here." Not waiting for an answer he continued, "In simplest terms, we need to provide sanctuary for this lot because they went and pissed off some very dangerous people, and the Nova Corps urgently insists that they need protection."
An agent to your right, you didn't know his name, spoke up. "Then why aren't they hiding them? Why pawn them on us?"
"This is their way of hiding them. Earth is considered primitive by the rest of the galaxy's standards. We have virtually no contact outside this planet, and Nova figured this would be one of the last places anyone might look. Buy them some time to diffuse the situation with the people after these guys before they blow them to pieces."
For seemingly no reason, the red haired man then flicked the raccoon, only to fall on his ass when the raccoon lunged at him, receiving many annoyed looks from the rest of the group.
The same agent spoke again, confusion on his face. "Pardon me, but why is this Nova Corps putting all this effort into hiding... them?" The inflection was clear. What was so special about these dumbasses?
Fury, after witnessing the buffoonery, pinched the bridge of his nose. "Well, in addition to them being idiots." He punctuated the sentence with a sharp look toward the group, making the man and raccoon attempt to straighten up. "They've also managed to save the galaxy on more than one occasion. Nova is understandably less than willing to see them come to deadly harm. This is where you come in. We can't keep them here, so we need agents who can house them until everything blows over. Now, we're considering dividing them them among the five of you-"
"Wait! Whoa whoa whoa! You never said we'd be split up! We're a team! You can't split us up!" cried the red haired man. The rest of the group seemed agitated as well, and started to argue with Fury.
You heard a couple agents to your left whispering that they were in no way going to house any of them, and you couldn't help but agree as you watched the scene in front of you.
The blue man had the red haired man by the arm, irritably telling the younger to "Calm down, boy!" as the red haired man tried to pull away, yelling and pointing at Fury about how "This wasn't the deal!" The green woman was also yelling at the red haired man, something about having no choice if they wanted everyone to be safe, as the neck-tattoo guy just stood there, almost as if he didn't know whether to be angry or sad. The woman with the antennae looked even more frightened, now burying her face into the chest of the large tattooed man while he simultaneously patted her head comfortingly and somehow also managed a deadly look at your director. The raccoon had now hopped back on the table to comfort the little wooden creature, which was now crying, soothing it and saying, "It's ok, buddy, I'm not gonna let them separate us, I promise. Look at me, it's gonna be fine."
That's all it took, and you cursed yourself.
You rubbed a hand down your face. Damn it. "I'll do it." you said, voice raised just loud enough to be heard over the commotion.
Loud enough to capture Fury's attention. He turned away from the now quieting group and shared a brief look with Agent Hill. "What was that?"
You sighed, a voice in your mind yelling at you to reconsider. "I've got a place. Out of the way." Wait, what the hell are you doing? "I can take them." No. Turn back! It's not too late! "I mean, people will have to double up in the bedrooms, but I have the space to take them all." Dammit! What's wrong with you!?
Fury nodded. "Where do you live?"
"In the interest of security, sir, I think that's a conversation best had in private."
Fury smiled. "Good answer."
After Fury dismissed the other agents and discussed the whereabouts of your home and its security, he surprised you by declaring that you'd all be leaving within the hour.
You were taken a bit aback, having assumed you'd have some time to prepare, but agreed, assuming that time must be of the essence. Preparations could be made as you went, you supposed.
The ride to your home was a bit awkward, to be honest. Fury split the group between your car and a larger black SUV that he would be driving. In your vehicle you transported the red haired man and the green woman, who's names you learned were Peter and Gamora, along with agent Maria Hill in the front passenger seat. You assumed she had been assigned to ride with you rather than Fury for security purposes, but you didn't ask. Fury transported the rest, which you were sure would have been an interesting ride to say the least.
Your journey, however, was quite quiet. Peter kept trying to make conversation, but it never went much further than a couple-word answers from you or Maria. Reason being that you honestly just didn't know what to say, and you weren't exactly the most open book, and you'd never known Maria to be much of a conversationalist while on the job, though you two usually got on pretty well together.
Your home was an old double storey stone farmhouse set in the countryside, miles away from the nearest house, and even further away from the nearest town. The back of the property was a decent sized lot that emptied into a forest that also shielded around the sides, and at the front there were hedges and tall trees blocking the property from the sight of nearest road. It was easy to miss if you didn't know where to find the drive path that turned off the main road and winded up to the house. For all intents and purposes, to any average person taking a country drive, it was as if it wasn't even there, lost among the vast amount of trees.
Therefore, when you did finally arrive at your home a good bit later, you were more than surprised to find three black vans already parked in your drive. You were first alarmed, worried that somehow your location had already been compromised. You stayed behind the wheel for a moment, unsure of what to do, until you looked in the rearview mirror to see Fury and his lot exiting his vehicle. You looked to Maria in confusion.
"Yeah, there may be a bit more you need to be briefed on." she said in reply to a question that hadn't left your lips, smiling apologetically.
You got out of your car, followed by the rest of your passengers, and walked over to Fury who was standing in front of his passengers as they stared up at their new (hopefully) temporary lodging.
"What's going on here?" you asked when you reached him, gesturing to the men coming out of your house.
"Slow workmanship. They should have been done and gone 30 minutes ago." Fury said flatly, gazing at a man who nodded apologetically to the director and spoke into his walkie for his men to wrap up.
"Fury-" you say, your tone unamused.
"Agent Hill was supposed to brief you on the way over." he said, looking past you to Maria with a raised eyebrow.
"I considered that it might be better to wait until we reached the destination, sir, rather than inside of a moving vehicle, considering."
Fury half nodded as if in agreement, then turned to look back at your home. "We already scoped your place out a week ago. You're right, it was nearly the perfect place."
"Excuse me?" you say, eyes widening in confusion and surprise. What the hell did he mean he had already scoped it out a week prior? You had been under the impression these people had just been spontaneously dropped in Fury's lap.
"Your home," he said as if that would clarify things. "We had already looked into it, and other than needing a few adjustments, it was the perfect safe house to hide them."
"You- How-" you sputtered. You took a moment to gather your thoughts. "You mean to tell me that this was all already decided before you ever called that meeting?"
"Of course. It would have been irresponsible to drop them off at the first place we found."
"Then why call the meeting? Why the damn charade if this wasn't really my choice?" You were fighting not to raise your voice too much, but it still came out irritated. You threw an accusatory glance at the group, who were clearly listening in on the conversation, not like you had been quiet enough for them not to hear if they hadn't been. "Were you lot in on this?"
Peter held up his hands and shook his head defensively, as did a few of the others. You only narrowed your eyes and turned back to Fury as he spoke.
"Oh, you always had a choice, I just wanted to make sure you'd be willing." Fury said calmly, only now turning to look at you. "I knew you'd say yes."
"How could you possibly know I'd say yes!?"
"Well you did, didn't you?" You could almost hear laughter in his voice. The fucker practically seemed pleased with himself. You could feel your blood boiling.
"Oh yeah? How do you know I won't take it back after this stunt?"
Fury turned back to watch the vans turn around to exit the drive. "You won't. I know that well enough."
"How can you be so sure?" you say defiantly.
The Guardians look to each other worriedly. What if you did take it back because this Fury guy pissed you off? Would they have to be separated? Would they have to find a whole new planet to hide on?
Yondu eyed you as you asked your director how he was sure you wouldn't take back your offer, expecting him to say that he would be paying you too much to refuse, but he didn't expect the answer that actually came out of Fury's mouth.
"Because you offered with asking how you'd be compensated, and you still haven't asked. That, and I read your face like an open book." He now grinned as he looked at you, saying much softer, "You don't have it in you to turn them away."
You felt your face grow hot and you stuttered a bit before looking up at the sky in defeat, sighing at the darkening clouds beginning to gather overhead, a testament to your torment, to be sure. "Fine." you say. Suddenly remembering what he said, you looked back at him, "What did you mean by adjustments?"
Maria smiled at Fury as she placed a hand on your back and guided you towards the door. The other's followed.
"I know this seems like an intrusion, but we promise we didn't hurt anything. We simply added a couple beds, stocked the pantry, and updated the plumbing and wiring."
"The plumbing was fine," you grumbled, "and I was working on the wiring."
"Your home is just over 200 years old. The plumbing might have been fine when it was just you here, but now you'll be housing eight other people. I think you can understand why we would consider improving it." Fury stated, almost like a reprimand to your stubbornness. You eye him, wondering how he could know how old your home was, but you supposed he knew that the same way he knew where to find your home a week before you ever told him where it was.
Because he was Fury.
Looks were exchanged among the Guardians as they entered the home behind you, surprised to hear of the age of your home to see it in such nice condition. Though, if you had been living here they supposed it shouldn't have come to much surprise that you would have cared for it.
The front door opened up to a large hall featuring a staircase to the left. On either side of the entrance were two more doors.
Maria lead you all through the door on the right into the kitchen to briefly show they had stocked the pantry with some foods they, The Guardians as you heard them referred to as, were used to, to make the transition to Earth foods easier. They would be making bi-weekly supply drops to your home to keep the pantry stocked to feed all of them, but the food would soon be coming only from Earth, as it would be both expensive, and a possible security risk to try and keep importing foods from outer space.
You all then exited the kitchen and travelled up the stairs while Maria explained that everyone's bags had already been placed in the rooms based on what they assumed would be the correct sleeping arrangements. Of course, everyone was free to switch it up at their discretion. Once at the top of the stairs you instinctually step forward and reach up to pull the string for the light, as the hall was a bit dim due to the fading light outside, but you find it missing.
"Where the hell did-" you think softly out loud, looking up to see the whole fixture had been changed. The light then came on by itself and embarrassingly resulted in you startling in surprise. You turn to see Fury grinning slightly while shaking his head, his finger still near a switch that definitely wasn't there before you left the house that morning.
"Man, they weren't kidding when they said you Terran types were primitive, eh Pete?"
You shot the raccoon an offended look before Fury reminded you that they had updated your wiring. You blushed and looked at the new switch suspiciously, wondering how they managed to rewire your house so quickly without destroying the walls, but resisted the urge to sarcastically accuse him of witchcraft lest you give these 'Guardians' the idea that you were actually scared of electricity. Not that you cared what they thought, or anything.
Maria motioned to the first door on the left of the landing, and said to you that they naturally assumed it was the one you slept in, as it appeared to be the only one currently being inhabited. You nodded that she was correct and she continued, opening the door and informing you that they had added an extra bed and had placed Mantis's bag inside. She pointed to the woman with the antennae, indicating that's who she was referring to.
You silently nod again, a gesture that you were accepting of this arrangement. Of everything else they had done, this was one of the lesser intrusive things, next to the pantry. The woman seemed like one of the least annoying of the bunch, so you weren't going to argue. Could be worse. They could have put the raccoon or the dude with red hair in there.
You didn't see, but Mantis let out a sigh of relief at this knowledge that you weren't going to be angry about sharing your room with her. Her mood immediately brightened, convinced she was about to make a new friend.
You peeked into the room as the others pushed forward with Maria. Inside was your wooden framed single sized bed, only now pressed against the right side of the room from where it had previously been centered beneath the window. A new bed had now been set up on the left side of the room, opposite corner from your own, to leave clearance for the attic door. This bed was a black metal framed single, already fitted with grey and white sheets.
You naturally assumed Fury's team decided to add similar beds to the other rooms while also making use of the remaining beds that were already there, and so you didn't follow the others to see. You didn't really care to see, hadn't been in those rooms much in years for a reason.
You just crossed your arms and leaned to rest back against your doorframe and watched on as Maria sorted them into the rooms and Fury took to standing in the corner opposite of you, watching everything.
Fury's team had apparently placed the belongings of the blue man and the man with the neck tattoos in the room directly across from your own, and you learned their names were Yondu and Kraglin, respectively.
They placed the large man, raccoon, and wooden child all in the room further down at the end of the landing on that side, and you learned the large man was called Drax, the raccoon was Rocket, and the tiny wooden child was Groot. Something twisted in your belly seeing the little wooden child shyly peek into the room from atop Drax's shoulder, but you forced it down. No time to think about who previously owned that room right now.
The raccoon could be heard complaining, "You're seriously gonna make me sleep in a crib?"
The twisting came back, and you looked at Fury, ignoring the snickers and banter from the raccoon's friends as they both teased him for his misfortune and told him to get over it.
"We might have taken advantage of some furniture in the attic." Fury said, shrugging.
"It was locked." you say, your eyes narrowed. How would he even know to look up there? Did they literally go through your entire house when they 'scouted' it?
"So was the front door."
You sigh bitterly, only eyeing him in response.
"Is there a problem?" Fury asked, not altogether sincerely.
You shake your head and break his gaze. "It's fine."
Directly across from the previous room, Maria informed the ones you now knew as Gamora and Peter that that's where their belongings had been placed, Maria stating that they hoped they weren't being forward in assuming the pair were a couple. Gamora only nodded and said it was fine, while Peter gave her a cheeky grin that made her roll her eyes. Them being in that particular room meant you'd be sharing a wall with them, and with the knowledge that they were a couple you hopped it wouldn't mean you'd wind hearing any... 'special' noises at night while you were trying to sleep.
Once everyone knew where they'd be sleeping and seemed happy enough with the pre-arranged sleeping arrangements courtesy of who you were now mentally dubbing Intruder Fury, neck tattoo man-Kraglin- looked at Maria and asked where the restroom happened to be.
You lowered a hand from where it had previously been crossed over your chest and rapped twice on the wall, getting his attention, and pointed to the only still closed door to your left, centered in the wall across from the opening to the stairs.
He nodded in thanks, seeming slightly embarrassed that he had forgotten that this was, in fact, your house and not Intruder Fury's or Co-Intruder Hill's.
Fury gave you an unimpressed look that you read as, "Use your words." and you spoke up saying there was another bathroom downstairs if anyone else needed it. Peter spoke up saying that he could use it, and so you nodded your head towards the stairs in a "come on then" gesture and lead him as well a couple others downstairs to point where it was, down the hall towards the back of the house, past the kitchen. It was the only door at the end the hall that could be seen from where you stood, so he couldn't miss it.
Maria and Fury met you at the bottom of the stairs behind the rest of the Guardians, sans Kraglin of course.
"We trust everyone will settle in nicely," Fury said, turning a pointed look at the Guardians as he said "and will be on their best behavior." This earned a few nods from the group and he then turned to you, adding almost jokingly, "Would you like to finish the tour?"
You pointed towards the kitchen and spoke flatly, "Food's in there, so is laundry," you pointed towards the bathroom Peter had disappeared into, "Shower and toilet's in there," you pointed upstairs, "Sleep's up there," you opened the door to your left, the only room not yet explored that you were willing to open, and pointed inside, "Sitting room is in there. Watch TV, read, knock yourselves out."
Fury spoke first. "I get the way we went about this situation may seem less than ideal to you, but I assure you there's no need to be testy."
"I have every right to be 'testy.' You couldn't have just asked? If you really somehow already knew I'd say yes than why go through all-" you waved your hands around, trying to find the words, "You had to go and be all... you?!" There was an edge to your voice that drove the message. He had manipulated you, if that were even the right word for it. He had this all planned out in advance, made you a puzzle piece, you fell right where he said he knew you would, and you were meant to what? Smile about it?
"I could have," he conceded, looking thoughtful, "But that's not how I do things."
"You shook your head. You're a real piece of work, you know that?"
Fury only nodded once in response before asking, "Do you have any further questions?"
You look out the door window briefly to see the clouds had gotten much darker. "Looks like rain, director. Better hurry, wouldn't want you to get wet." The edge to your voice got sharper. Fury simply nodded with a half smile. Message received. Get out.
The Guardians, who hadn't gotten your hint to go shoo off someplace, remain stood in the hall, glancing at each other awkwardly. It surprised them that a man like Fury, and the way he seemed to be, would be seemingly so cool with the way you were speaking to him.
You spoke again as he reached for the door. "See you tomorrow. Ottawa case, right?"
Fury stopped. "Actually no. You won't be coming in tomorrow."
You blinked. "Excuse me?"
"You've been moved off that case to this one, we won't be shipping you off to Canada. In fact, you're off all further cases for the foreseeable future."
"Am I being punished for something, sir?" you ask, the edge still not having left your voice, but it was now softened by confusion.
"No." Fury replied, "If anything, consider it a vacation."
"I did not ask for a vacation, sir." you say, trying to bite back the irritation in your voice. "I have no desire to just stay home."
Maria looked at Fury with a 'told-you-so' expression, stating to him that she had known you wouldn't have taken this well.
Fury looked at you firmly. "You're due for one, and we need someone to stay and guard them. You already live here, they're staying here- Two birds, one stone."
Your face hardened in indignation. "So I'm a babysitter now? Look, if you're retiring me just say so."
The Guardians still stood there awkwardly, Kraglin finally coming down the stairs to quietly join them, eyes wide and wondering where all the tension had come from. Maria tilted her head toward the sitting room, hoping they might get the hint. They did, awkwardly backing into the room, not wishing to interrupt your argument with Fury.
"You're not being retired-"
"Good. Then I can keep working. There's literally no reason why I need to stay home."
"You haven't taken a vacation in five years." Fury said, the authoritative tone in his voice rising, "This isn't a request. It's an order."
Peter then exists the bathroom, saying "What did I miss-" and almost shrinking back inside when he notices his friends are gone and the tense looks between you and Fury. Mercifully, Agent Hill gestures him to the sitting room and he sidesteps his way past while you ignore him, too focused on trying to burn Fury with your eyes.
Knowing you had no options and could make no further arguments, you angrily yielded. "Yes, sir." you say bitterly.
"That's better. If you need anything you know how to contact me or Agent Hill." With that he bid you goodbye and opened the door.
It was now beginning to rain outside.
"Warned you about that rain." you snarked as he made his way out the door.
Agent Hill looked at Fury as they entered his vehicle, the rain coming down harder now.
"Stubborn as hell, that one." Fury remarked, turning his key in the ignition.
Maria agreed, but also stated she thought this might be good for you as they drove away.
You stood there in the hall for a good moment before Gamora asked if everything was ok from the doorway of the sitting room. You looked at her, and she went on to apologize for their intrusion in your home but also said they were grateful you allowed them to stay.
She started to say something else, probably was going to be more apologies border-lining on 'please don't change your mind,' but you raised your hand and cut her off, "Don't worry about it. It's not you guy's fault he's an asshole," you say. You look at her and you can see she is tired, probably both from lack of sleep and worry. You try to be more gentle. "Look, it's fine. Just... settle in. I know it's late, but there's food in the kitchen if you guys are hungry, I'm- I'm gonna go clean something." You break eye contact and head into the kitchen, sure there was at least a plate or glass in the sink you could tend to.
Sure, enough, once you got to the sink you noticed a few dishes from the morning, and so you turned on the tap. You decided cold water was good enough, not feeling like waiting for the immersion to heat up, but you turned the knob for the hot water anyway out of habit. Realizing you had thrown the old dish rag in the laundry without replacing it, you allowed the water to run while you searched the drawer for another.
You heard footsteps entering the kitchen as you returned to the sink, and assume someone must have finally decided they were hungry. Not turning to greet whoever it was, you absently run the cloth under the tap to get it wet- only to immediately rip it back with a, "g-OW! Damn! Fuck!"
You doubled over, holding your burning hand.
"You ok? What happened?"
You look up, squinting through pain, to see Drax had asked the question, standing in the doorway with Mantis and Gamora, the little tree child sitting on her shoulder.
You breathed. "Yeah. One of those fuckers must have turned the immersion on and left it." You straighten yourself, your hand still smarted but you knew it'd be alright, and turned off the tap with the dishrag. "I'll check it out."
You exit the kitchen through the other door at the far end of the room to check the hot press to the right of the cellar door behind the stairs, intent to turn the immersion off, and bitterly wondering just how long it had been left on for. However, once you opened the door your immersion was nowhere to be seen. You stared in confusion at the new pipes that now ran straight through the floor into the cellar before noticing a note taped to the back wall that only said "Upgraded to boiler. Check basement. ♡ Maria."
You narrowed your eyes and opened the cellar door, already pulling out your phone as you descended the stairs. You quickly located this new boiler fairly quickly. It was cylindrical in shape and black in color, and much larger than your previous heating unit, probably why it was now in the cellar. You dialed the phone, the first word out of your mouth when you got an answer was simply, "Why?"
The other guardians in the sitting room had also heard your swearing and peeked out of the room just in time to see you walking very cranky-like across the hall. They looked at the three standing in the kitchen doorway and they only shrugged in response to their quizzical glances.
Curious, and hearing you walk down the stairs, Peter and Kraglin tiptoed over to the Cellar door to see what was going on, standing just off from the door. They caught bits of your end of the conversation.
"Why?" ...
"Well, yes I can understand that, but-" ...
"Well you could have warned me! I just about burned my hand off!" ...
"Fine. How does it work?" ...
"No, I'm not going to-" ...
"Yes, I know they-" ...
"You know what, I'll figure it out. Bye."
They hear you start to climb the steps and scurry back to the sitting room, not wishing to make it apparent they were eavesdropping on their new host.
You re-enter the kitchen and grab a glass of milk to soothe your nerves, seeing as it was now raining buckets and you couldn't be bothered for a walk as you would have preferred.
You sit at the table and look to see the three still standing in the doorway. You raise an eyebrow. "You alright there?" Thinking bizarrely that they must be shy you gesture towards the pantry. "Food's over there if you're hungry."
Drax merely shrugged and took up the offer, guiding Mantis over with him, but not before accepting Groot from Gamora.
Gamora stepped towards the table and took a seat across from you. "I couldn't help but notice you seem less than happy about this arrangement, I'm sorry-"
You cut her off once again. "Don't be sorry. I already told you it's not your fault Fury can be a dick. It's just a lot of new all at once and I wasn't expecting it. You're fine." You take another sip of milk, finally realizing what it was that she was actually afraid of. "You don't need to be scared that I'll send you back or anything."
She actually seemed to relax a bit. "Thank you. If there's anything-"
You set your glass on the table and fold your hands. Sentiment made you uncomfortable. "Look, as long as you guys clean up after yourselves and don't destroy my home, we're fine." Looking for a change of subject you said, "Why don't you introduce the rest of your friends. It couldn't hurt to get to know you a little."
Gamora smiled slightly. "Well, that's Drax and Mantis." she said, pointing to the two who were now coming back to sit down with their snacks. "And this is Groot," she added once Mantis sat the child on the table.
You smiled. "Cute little bugger, isn't he?"
"I am Groot!" he said excitedly, taking a bite of a food you didn't recognize. Must have been one of those outer-space types.
"Hello, Groot. How are you?"
"I am Groot."
You raised an eyebrow. "Um.." Maybe he misunderstood you?
Before you could ask again, Drax speaks up. "That's all he can say. He means he's ok."
"Oh." You nod slightly and take a sip of your milk, bemused. "I see."
The four of you conversed for a little bit. You learned that Drax liked knives, and he seemingly took everything very literally. Mantis was sweet, and she was convinced you two would be friends. She also said she was excited to share a room with you, because it would be like a sleepover. Gamora gave you a smile that seemed to say "forgive her," but you honestly weren't too bothered. It was almost sweet. Before you could ask about Gamora though, she stood up and asked if you'd like to meet the others.
You shrugged and nodded, placing your now empty glass in the sink before following her out to the sitting room where the other men were.
You walked in and saw Peter sitting in an armchair listening to a music player, seemingly ignoring the other two men as they stood looking weirdly at the TV. The blue man tilted his head at it, a hand to his chin in thought, while the other waved his arms slowly in front of it saying, "I dunno. Maybe it's broken?" He looked ridiculous.
You stifle a laugh and asked, "What are you doing?"
They turn to you, the blue man speaks. "Tryin' to figure out how to turn on this Terran TV of yers. Rat says they're motion activated, but nothin' we do is workin.'"
You give him a strange look. "Motion-? No- You just use the remote."
Then you hear a snickering and find it's coming from the raccoon, perched on the back of the couch. "Rocket." Gamora says in a mix of scolding and accusation, and he starts laughing harder, jumping down on the cushions to retrieve the controller from between them. "You guys looked so stupid! Ahaha!"
Yondu glares and Kraglin snatches the remote, flipping the television on and raising his hands in an annoyed "There we go!" gesture, sharing an annoyed look with Yondu at Rocket.
You motion to one of the game controllers on the coffee table, stating they'd want to use one of those if they wanted to actually watch something, as the first controller only turned the TV on.
Before you could offer to show them how to use Netflix, Gamora started introducing the remaining guardians.
Peter removed his earbuds and greeted you, standing to shake your hand, only to be shot down by you saying there was no need to be so formal, keeping to yourself the fact that despite working for Fury, you hated formal with a passion. He held up his hands and sat back down. "No problem there. We're probably the least formal people you can get." he said with a smile. You didn't see, but Gamora gave him a warning look that kept him from putting his feet up on the table.
The other two men and the raccoon seemed to agree with Peter, and nodded their greetings to you instead when introduced.
"Say, just curious, but how come it's just you living in this big ol' house by yerself?" came a question from Yondu.
You probably should have expected that question, but you didn't like it all the same. You were trying to decided if 'Don't worry about it' would be too rude of an answer when Peter notices the change in your expression and adds his own question out of fear that Yondu had offended you in some way. "How long have you been here? Fury said this place was old."
You chose to answer Peter's question instead. "Grew up here. House has been in the family since it was built."
"Oh. Cool." said Peter.
Not looking forward to any more possible questions about yourself you looked up to the clock and found your way out.
"Well, it's nearly ten, I think I'll turn in early." you say, excusing yourself.
Just then a loud thunderclap sounded and you heard a squeal from the kitchen.
"Kid scared of storms?" you ask, looking to Gamora.
The lights go out. You hear a scream.
"Nah, but apparently Bug is." says Yondu.
Realizing he likely meant Mantis, and that Mantis was your new roommate, you sigh. "I'll get a flashlight."
The lights flickered back on.
Everyone pretty much decided to go to bed after that, Mantis shyly shuffling into the bedroom a few minutes after you to retrieve some items from her bag and coming back dressed for bed as you scrolled through Tumblr, having already washed up and dressed for bed.
She crawled into her bed, pulling the covers up to her chin.
Thunder cracked again and she whimpered. You honestly felt a little bad for her.
"Do... does this happen often?" she asked.
"The storm? No." you answered honestly. "It'll be over soon. Just try to sleep." You stand up to turn the light off but pause, turning back to the curled up form on the bed opposite of your own, your face softening. "Would you like me to leave a lamp on?"
Mantis nodded.
You click on your desk lamp before turning off the overhead light and crawling into your own bed. You heard her say goodnight to you from across the room.
"Night," you return, turning toward the wall.
They were an odd lot, a bit dysfunctional, but you decided they were ultimately harmless. 'This whole ordeal will be over before I know it,' you thought as you closed your eyes.
You'd find out soon enough that you thought wrong.
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makeste · 4 years
BnHA Chapter 304: The Council of OFA
Previously on BnHA: Hawks and Best Jeanist were all, “what up Todofam, we are here to apply for the positions of ‘son #4’ and ‘weird uncle’, respectively,” and then proceeded to insert themselves into the family drama without waiting for an answer. Hawks briefed Endeavor on the nation’s current status of “totally fucked”, promised to help him sort that out, and then asked him about OFA. Endeavor was all, “oh do you mean One For All, the mysterious thing that my intern Deku was apparently being targeted for?” and then we cut away, presumably before Endeavor could clarify that it never occurred to him to follow up on that, and Hawks was all “no of course not, why would it occur to anyone other than me to follow up on any of this super weird and ominously important shit.” Anyway so meanwhile Bakugou was all “LET ME SCREAM AT DEKU UNTIL HE WAKES UP” and the other kids were all “NO”, and then the chapter ended with All Might being all “I wonder what the vestige!me is currently chatting with Deku about.”
Today on BnHA: Deku drops in on the Vestiges, who are all “sup Deku, how do you like our fancy chairs.” OFA II and III are all “if you need us we’ll just be standing here silently in the corner pretending to be invisible and sparking endless discourse with our mere existence.” OFA IV is all “and now I will explain to you in a very convoluted way that you being quirkless was actually a good thing, since it means that you are probably not going to suddenly drop dead at the age of twenty. But also you’re probably going to be the last user of OFA for that very same reason.” Deku is all “that is wild. I’m just gonna stand here and stare at my hand.” Nana is all “so now that that’s settled could you please do me a small favor and kill my grandson for me”, because having just one topic to discourse about this week WASN’T ENOUGH, apparently. Thanks so much Horikoshi.
(ETA: okay so just a note before I start, this week’s RHA translation was a huge mess, so I followed up this chapter by reading a couple of other translations. the main one I’m using for reference is the one by @hanashimas​, whose weekly posts I highly recommend. anyway so you’ll see a couple of ETAs in this post in places where the initial translation was off.)
how many layers of bandages did they wrap this poor kid’s fucking hand in omg
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jesus Deku. are you holding onto a bouquet of flowers under that thing?? or a tennis racket??
omg yes, finally
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is he reading these names off a teleprompter lol. and if so, what has Jeanist ever done to slight you, Deku? “god bless Kacchan and Aizawa-sensei and Todoroki-kun and everyone else in the whole wide world... except for Best Jeanist. fuck that guy.” actually this joke would be funnier if half of tumblr didn’t legit feel that way lol but anyway
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I got immediate KHR vibes from ALL OF THIS. this is seriously such a Vongola aesthetic. “let’s use the luxuriously cushioned chairs with the seat backs that are ten feet high, and arrange all of the handsome ghost people in a big circle” like come on
that said there are also some slight LoTR vibes as well. “bring forth the ring, Deku”
I like how Six is sitting there with his feet drawn up all casual, but with his arms inexplicably sticking STRAIGHT OUT IN FRONT OF HIM and dangling over his knees like he’s doing some sort of zombie walk
apparently the Fourth wasn’t a big fan of shoes huh
interesting that All Might is the only one who’s still faint/indistinct, and and that Two and Three are fully visible
(ETA: the rest of my speculation about Two and Three has been moved into a separate post, the better to focus on the shit that’s actually happening in this chapter lol.)
and lastly, interesting that all of them are talking now, except for All Might (and I guess the Second and Third as well). to the best of my knowledge Deku hasn’t unlocked the Sixth’s quirk yet, so I guess the quirks don’t really have anything to do with it
oh and it looks like Deku’s mouth is still covered. I guess that’s convenient for the vestiges since we all know it’s hard to stop Deku once he gets going. but on the other hand it’s very inconvenient for people like me who wanted to see some interaction. alas
so First says that OFA’s power has grown a lot in the last four months (i.e. since Deku unlocked Blackwhip), and now the vestiges can communicate with each other as well as Deku
so even when Deku’s not around they can all just chill with each other. this is such a weird thing to me lol. like it’s cool, don’t get me wrong, but it’s also strange as hell to know that you’ve got eight other people hanging out in your head spying on everything you do and having conversations with each other about it. it would be like if Dark Shadow had someone to hang out with other than Tokoyami. good thing you weren’t triplets, Tokoyami
First says that it’s become easier for the vestiges to interact with Deku ever since TomurAFO barged into the OFA Domain back at Jakku. huh
(ETA: apparently this is because AFO forcibly pulled out OFA’s power when he was trying to steal the quirk, so I guess that makes sense.)
okay thank you Banjou for addressing this concern which I initially brought up as a joke, but which was apparently real enough for you to reassure Deku about
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“don’t worry, even though we’re awake and hanging out inside of you at all times, we’re definitely not secretly watching and making fun of every single thing you do” hmmmmm
(ETA: “not that you could do anything about it even if we were, since you’re probably going to be the last OFA holder ever!” I don’t trust anything this asshole says lmao.)
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YESSS DEKU now you can hold them accountable for all of their bullshit! because I do not doubt that there will be bullshit lol but let’s see how that goes
oh damn
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well okay then. you didn’t have to stand up and walk over to him and loom all threateningly like that but okay sir
this guy has kind of a Kimimaro vibe to him. remember? that bone-growing guy from Naruto? except I’m pretty sure he had eyebrows. and wasn’t twenty feet tall. speaking of which, that explains the chairs
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why are you wearing only 3/5ths of a shirt
lol what
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someone’s gonna have to explain this to me. is he just redundant or something lol, or is he strangely poetical or what
(ETA: apparently HE’S MAKING A PUN omg. I immediately gained +10 love for him lol. also it flows a lot better in Japanese. this is one of the things Caleb is usually good at, so we’ll see what he does with the wordplay.)
omg the hermit theory is true!!
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“I’M NOT WEIRD, IT’S SOCIETY WHICH IS WEIRD.” lol whatever you say buddy. also love how Banjou tried to give him a big hearty slap on the back but Hermit Boy was not having it lmao
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okay my first response was LOL ARE YOU SERIOUS, THAT’S THE BIG SECRET!? -- and then it hit me what the significance of “died from old age... AT AGE FORTY” meant. at which point it was like “!!!!!” and then “OH, SHIT”
(ETA: there’s also an Iida joke here somewhere but I’m just too tired to make it.)
oh my god oh my god
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did he somehow get a copy of the coroner’s report or something? like how does he even know that he died from “old age” as opposed to any number of other natural causes? ??
but anyway. so this is the quirk singularity coming into play then I guess. but then how come All Might is still alive and ticking?
(ETA: so this is one example of where this week’s translation is a mess lol. apparently the Fourth explains here that he didn’t know what the fuck he died from until All Might researched it. and it turns out there actually was an autopsy lol so there you go.)
so Fourth says he held OFA for eighteen years, and since he knew he would never be strong enough to defeat AFO on his own he basically just spent all his time punching rocks in the woods and training to power the quirk up
oh shit
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is he implying that his body literally fell apart?? like that’s how he got the scars on his face? -- IS THAT WHAT KEEPS HAPPENING TO TOMURA, THEN. oh shit
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so you’re telling me that this quirk actively shortens the lifespan of anyone who uses it?? and my little boy here has had it now for a year already?? fuck me, I have immediately have a TON of thoughts about all this but let me save it until he’s done with his explanation
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right?? how come All Might didn’t die then. even after he got injured. please don’t tell me he actually is dying still and is just being slow about it because I SWEAR TO GOD
what does this mean??
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so what you’re trying to say is you all have NO FUCKING IDEA how long Deku’s gonna be able to hold this quirk before he SUDDENLY DROPS DEAD?! five generations ago this dude was able to hold it for eighteen years, and then four generations later All Might was able to hold it for thirty-odd years or so, and now Deku has it and you all have no clue which way it’s gonna go? actually this makes it sound like it really wasn’t OFA that killed the Fourth at all and you guys are just really bad at forming hypotheses. but since you’re making a big plot point out of it I guess it must be true
and don’t think I didn’t notice the part where you said you didn’t have OFA very long and then “died while fighting”, Firsto. I want to hear more about that. specifically who you passed the quirk onto before your death
and yes, if we are agreeing that OFA was the cause of the Fourth’s death, then the conclusion on this next page is the natural one to draw
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so that’s a bit of a relief then, because Deku is quirkless too. so it means he won’t be able to hold OFA forever (and will probably have to find another quirkless person to pass it on to), but at least he won’t be randomly dying out of the blue next Tuesday or something
oh my god now he’s talking about OFA and AFO and user consciousnesses and all sorts of good theory stuff but it’s so much exposition. you’re really gonna make me read all this lol
wait what. why would All Might being quirkless have anything to do with the presence of his vestige in OFA Outer Space Party Land
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but Deku is also quirkless and he’s clearly visible and chatting with you guys. so what gives. like how much of this is verified fact and how much of it is you guys just shrugging and making stuff up lol
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BUT DEKU IS ALSO -- you know what, never mind sob. none of this shit makes any sense but whatever
(ETA: seriously, this all seems like an awful lot of speculation on their part. for Deku’s sake I sure hope they’re right.)
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lol that’s a full ten years past my closest estimate, wow. but this pretty much confirms his age now at last! or at least confirms it within a couple of years, because we know All Might and Nana met when he was in middle school, and he presumably had the quirk by the time he took the U.A. entrance exam. so yeah. gonna go with fifty-five
so they think that because All Might was quirkless, OFA was better able to adapt to his body and became his true quirk, as opposed to being an extra quirk that stacked on top of the one he already had and overwhelmed him. ties in back to the whole “AFO used to bend people to his will by forcing quirks on them” thing, as well as the “Noumus are all mindless because of the strain of having multiple quirks”
Two and Three are really ruining the serious vibe of this scene here lol
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they look like they’re doing the counting for hide and seek
and is this Deku talking now? I was about to get mad at First for implying that quirkless people are somehow freaks, as opposed to “normal” people jdslk
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so in other words, don’t go giving it to your best friend all casually for shits and giggles, Deku. even if it would make a really cool climax for a movie. well shit. maybe that’s why they were so quick to nope back into Deku’s body afterward
so First says that because quirkless people are becoming rarer and rarer, the fact that All Might just happened to stumble upon Deku is “nothing short of a miracle.” which, yeah, that was definitely a stroke of luck there. being quirkless saved his life. but being quirkless is also part of why he was chosen in the first place, and we’ve always known that much
“in other words, kiddo...”
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looks like there was some hurried clone stamp usage going on here lol. but props to RHA as always for putting this scan out so fast, especially given how exposition-heavy this week’s chapter has been
“anyways, that was the main topic” ARE YOU SERIOUS. there are like ten other topics imma need you all to get to here, people
(ETA: seems like this is a mistranslation; the line should actually read something more along the lines of “and now for the main topic.”)
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“ENJOY YOUR CLIFFHANGER THIS WEEK.” dskfalkjlkjwlgkjl you really went and dumped this discourse on us yet again. fucking...
(ETA: forgot to mention, but as several people mentioned, this seems to be another mistranslation -- rather than asking Deku to kill Tomura as though it’s doing her a personal favor, Nana is asking “will you be able to do it.” in other words more of an “are you capable of doing it” type of thing. which is a very reasonable question to ask given that Deku is, well, Deku.)
anyways, and the answer is obviously going to be “no” of course. this isn’t going to end any differently than when the previous Avatars all told Aang to kill Ozai. but I guess it means we’re in for a fun conversation next week
so Nana looks pretty grim here though (nothing at all like the person who once taught All Might the importance of saving people with a smile), and I’m wondering if this means she believes that her grandson is already beyond saving. as in killing him would be a mercy, as opposed to him continuing to live with AFO bending his mind and body to his will. except if that is the case, I think she’s underestimating Tomura’s own will. and definitely underestimating Deku’s will to save
and also, just... I’m so fucking sick of AFO screwing the Shimura family over, honestly. this is exactly what he wanted. well fuck you, guy. you don’t get to have what you want. go out there and save Tomura, Deku. for his sake and for Nana’s. give them some hope. do your thing, boy. can’t wait for your big speech all about it next chapter lol
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heartofspells · 2 years
Remember that Lilypad thing I'm working on? I've kind of hit a mental block, so I'm asking for help/feedback/advice on a few things. (I blame James Potter and my brains inability to make him angsty)
James in this whole thing in general. I'm pretty sure I want him to be more light leaning then the others, but in doing so I kind of forget he exists??? How does one write James Potter in a way that makes sense.
Remus. He doesn't have a whole lot of things in the main story, but the only thing I've been able to write in this thing is so soft and it just feels off??? So; what would remus be like in 6th year? How would he respond to Lily and Sirius spending whole days together without telling anyone what they're doing?
Sirius has an extreme amount of control over his magic in this (he has to) but I want him to lose it somewhere. But I can't seem to find a good reason for him to lash out and lose control. Like his magic is always noticeable, but he always reacts on time to prevent disaster. Not this time. They've left Hogwarts and idk who, what, how or where, but Sirius loses it. So; reasons for Sirius to lose all control on his magic?
I think that's it for now? I'm gonna try and make something of the mess my brain has made of this lmaooo
I will give you everything for this, oh my god.
Putting this under a cut because long.
Ah, James. He's a pure little ray of sunshine, so that makes perfect sense. But James, while having angst, seems to have a different sort than the rest of them, or so I've always thought. It's a little more muted. He holds it in better, doesn't let it show as much. James was raised well, raised right. He was loved unconditionally. He didn't have siblings stealing his spotlight, no past trauma to speak of. For James Potter, everything fell into place while he was growing up. He never struggled or wanted for anything, and I think he took that for granted. I don't think he realized just how much until he met his friends, watched their turmoil, all the things they suffered through and endured. But even then, even with it being closer to home for him than it ever had been before, it's still distant. He just doesn't know the way the rest of them know. I think James spent the majority of his school career walking around in a sort of protected bubble that not much could pop. He's mister glass is always full, optimistic, things will work out, just live your life and love one another, things will all work out. And I don't think that really changed until he saw the toll the war was taking on the world, especially those closest to him. James is positive to a fault, he's pure light, even taking into consideration his cruel tendencies with bullying (but that all falls back onto how he was raised, getting what he wanted, always having love; he's a bit spoiled, and those seem to be the ones who start bullying without much provocation). He sees people's differences and he accepts them completely unless they give him a reason not to (like with Snape's sullen sourness and nastiness from the beginning). He responds to negativity with negativity and then moves on with himself. And I could ramble on about James Potter for years, and I'm not sure that any of this helps you at all, but if it doesn't, let me know and I will happily continue talking.
I dunno, I think the softness works, because Remus is soft unless given a reason not to be. I think he'd be curious until he finds out. He might even poke at it a bit, try to get some mild answers, but I think, so long as he thought Sirius and Lily were safe with whatever they were doing, he'd leave it alone and not pry. I think he'd see their time spent together as a good thing, because Sirius needs as many positive people in his corner as he can get. It would only be when something happened to show danger or risk that he'd start pushing for answers and to maybe help. But I also think he'd be watching like a hawk without being obvious about it. Remus is wicked clever, he catches on to things even when others think he's not. He's quiet and seemingly tamed, but there's a fire boiling just under the surface, waiting for that perfect moment to erupt and circle around everyone he loves in a protective shield. If Sirius or Lily get hurt, he'd be a silent, towering inferno of rage and heartbreak that neither of them had trusted enough to ask for help. I think he'd come down hard on Sirius, but not by shouting or showing obvious anger. He'd be quiet about it, whispers like whiplashes that crack and sting worse than any shouts or harsh words ever could with their obvious disappointment and confusion.
Sirius doesn't care about himself. He just doesn't. Not in the way he should, at least. What hits Sirius the hardest, really sends him over that edge in a blaze of fury and uncontrollable wrath is seeing those he loves threatened or hurt. So, if they've left Hogwarts, they're in the Order, they're fighting the war. Bad things happen in wars. People get injured, they die. So maybe one of his friends gets injured or threatened? Maybe they're even captured temporarily? And he loses it, lets it all fly free, no control left, a terrifying force that would make the strongest of men quake in their boots. But they're also dealing with there being a spy in the Order. No one knows who it is, who to trust. There's going to be accusations thrown around. And who are the first others would turn those accusations on? A Black who most of his family is connected to the other side and werewolf. Maybe that would do it too?
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holydragon2808 · 3 years
Thoughts On Dragon Age II after Replaying (Massive Spoilers)
Hello fellow DA fans! It's been quite some time since I last posted anything here on Tumblr. Hope everyone has been safe during all of the world's craziness. Figured I'd post something to let people know I'm still alive.
Anyway, DA2 was first released back in 2011. I was 20-21 years old at the time. Back then, while I still acknowledged the lack of genuine player agency with Hawke (in comparison to the Warden before them), I did belong in the camp of people believing that people went way overboard with the DA2 critiques regarding those complaints, at least back then.
Now though? After replaying the game again a decade or so later, and also in light of the Inquisitor and DAI, I now personally believe that Hawke's story stands out as (overall), all the more unbalanced in comparison to both the Warden and Inquisitor.
Massive Spoilers for the franchise abound beyond this point. Last warning.
Despite a lot of the old critiques leveled at DA2, it isn't a 100% terrible experience, and despite the oncoming rant, I do love the game overall.
Even though I've personally always thought that DA2 story was centered around tragedy a bit TOO much, in light of the growing franchise and the directional tone of the other protagonists thus far, it unfortunately stands out even more to me, and not in a good way.
A shame really because DA2 could have been a better and interesting contrast to DAO in tone and direction had it been more balanced with meaningful successes and failures for Hawke as a character rather than veering too far over into angst and tragedy.
For example, in DAO, your Warden character is railroaded into success against the Blight no matter what. Regardless of the origin, regardless of what sort of allies you acquire, no matter if you live or die in the end or which warden gets the final blow, you succeed.
This sort of narrative framing gave the writers a much easier way to balance genuine tragedy and success throughout the journey without veering too far in one direction or the other, and also without making nearly everything the player does seem like an exercise in futility.
In other words, there were failures and successes more properly balanced throughout, from experiencing meaningful failures and heartache during the chosen origin stories, to failure at Ostagar, to having more balance with the party members and their struggles (they weren't too boring or too dysfunctional), romances that stood out as a light for the Warden amidst all the fighting and death and their massive burden, to succeeding with building the army to take on the Darkspawn, to potential personal sacrifice to save the world and so on.
The option to play a more tragic, angsty or "evil" character who alienates everyone around them and then ultimately dies in the end is there too. The point is that the game largely gave the player the reins and let THEM decide what sort of story they were interested in shaping within the confines of the narrative railroading.
This balance just isn't there with DA2 as the player progresses. Hawke is railroaded into failure in almost every way from start to finish, whether in their personal life or with the massive political struggles in Kirkwall.
I'm sure most people would have been fine with the main plot between the mages/Templars spiraling out of their control in the end (thanks Anders), the Qunari rampaging no matter what, and even the Hawke family being forcefully separated as the story progressed.
However, to me some of the railroaded bleak tragedy should have been offset by Hawke (and by extension the player) at least having the OPTION of being able to keep their family alive.
I'm fine with the tragedy of losing the whole family being ONE POSSIBLE option in the game, but when this tragedy along with the main plot failures, the dysfunctional party members that are too problematic to help ease Hawke's burdens (in fact, they all add to Hawke's worries, which if Inquisition shows anything, that it finally takes its toll on Hawke) is THE ONE AND ONLY OPTION in light of everything else wrong in Kirkwall, then that's a potential writing issue and could potentially alienate the player more than make them care about anything that happens and wonder why they aren't given the option to just nope out and leave Kirkwall to its fate.
Tragedy can be fine, don't get me wrong, but not everyone wants to role play a COMPLETE AND UTTER tragedy from start to finish with no option to deviate in any way from that narrative. Options in the way people progress (especially where people can break the story down and see the holes in the narrative where it COULD have possible but just wasn't allowed), should be presented in a ROLE PLAYING game.
I personally find it more realistic and relatable when a character experiences a nice blend of both MEANINGFUL success and failure. However, the writers seemed intent on railroading Hawke into just being at the mercy of the main plot with little to no agency.
In stark contrast to DAO, planning for the entire story in DA2 (or just in an RPG period) to end in failure no matter the player choices is already a bold enough risk on its own. It can definitely work with the proper balance of both positive and negative experiences along the way though in both the political and personal aspects of the player characters life, to keep the player actively engaged in a way that doesn't leave them thinking that their presence in the story amounts to little more than the equivalent of holding a book and simply turning the page rather than actively doing something.
But combining an already planned bleak ending with a very corrupt setting where the leaders on all sides are either completely moronic or passive, party members where the majority of them have too many burdens of their own to give Hawke a genuine sense of a reprieve from the madness even if romancing one of them (except for Varric, Aveline, and Bethany, if alive, everyone else is either a whiner or dysfunctional. It's very telling that Hawke's PET DOG gets more no strings attached visits from the party members than Hawke does. Just saying), railroading Hawke to lose the majority of their family in some way, AND having what little success and influence Hawke DOES acquire to come back and bite them in the ass in the end (Hawke struck it rich and became Champion of Kirkwall?! Awesome!.....right up until its revealed the red lyrium idol they found in the deep roads played a part in screwing up everything), then at that point, a serious argument can be made that the writers veered far too heavily into tragic overdone melodrama for some people.
How cool would it have been to be able to leave the game with "Well, okay, I couldn't do anything about the corruption in Kirkwall or the mage/Templar tensions spiraling out of control, but at least my whole family is alive and well"? There could have even been an achievement/trophy for this very outcome called "The pride of the Hawkes" or something.
Just one possible example of how the railroaded political failures could have been offset by giving Hawke, (and by extension the player), the OPTION for personal success in a more meaningful way. The option for extreme tragedy with some or even all of the Hawkes dying can still be there of course for people who want that degree of angst, but again having multiple OPTIONS is more likely to accommodate more people and their preferred play styles or stories, and thus, give more reasons to play the game multiple times.
As it stands now, sure, Hawke can save the life of one sibling, but they're still railroaded into losing one of them before the prologue is over, the other is either killed by the Blight or forced from their side in act 1 because the game said so, and the mother is forced to die in the most shock value induced way possible (nevermind not even being able to warn Leandra in act one or follow up on this quest until it's too late in act two or the guards and Templars being forcefully incompetent for this to play out like the writers want).
Those have just been my thoughts as of late. Some people argue that in a way, this is the entire point of the game. That sometimes only REALLY crappy choices exist and there may not be a third option. I agree with that to a point.
But "there might not be" and "there NEVER is" an option for an ideal third way are two very different things and IMO, DA2 suffered in veering far too heavily in the direction of the latter, often being too focused on heartbreak and shock value (looking at you "All That Remains") to really work as well as it could have.
Anyway, these are just my thoughts a decade later. Make no mistake, I still love DA2 for what it is, love the general concept and idea of DA2, just not the execution. It's just sad to me that this game could have been so much better with more development time, more options to shape Hawke's story on a more personal level (whether with an ideal outcome of everyone in the family living, or a semi tragic one where some can die depending on choices, or everyone dying), and not being railroaded into tragedy to nearly nigh ridiculous levels to the point where a giant spider nightmare residing in the Fade in a whole other game mocks Hawke for their "failure is the only option" status.
And just to further clarify my point here, true, Kirkwall was a ticking time bomb with or without Hawke being there. They made the tensions between the two factions apparent as far back as DAO. A Mage/Templar war was all but inevitable, as was Anders eventually losing himself to Justice/Vengeance and after exhausting all peaceful options, finally doing the unthinkable and "forcing everyone to choose a side". That part was fine. And it makes sense for this part of the story to remain static and unchanged no matter what (as I said before, the issue isn't necessarily that DA2 had a planned tragic ending or was framed as a set story within a story).
The issue is that, at the end of the day, regardless of whether this is framed as a recounting of events already played out, Bioware still chose to present this part of the story to the world as an RPG, not a novel. It's just too easy to pick apart the current execution of the narrative and find too many holes and inconsistencies, far too easy to see that Bioware wanted tragedy and completely railroaded the player into it regardless of whether or not it made sense to do so at times. Part of it is definitely that it was rushed, but not all of it.
" Genuine inevitable tragedy" (example: the mage/Templar rebellion) and "railroaded and just never given the option to question/change anything because the game/developers said so but still forcefully insisting and trying to frame it as an inevitable tragedy" are two very different things (outright confirming in Act 1 that the remains of the serial killer's vicitms did indeed belong to one of the missing women (Ninette's wedding ring) and he gave them white lilies but conveniently never given the option to bring any of this up to the guards/Templars or pursue the quest or warn Leandra until it's far too late). Leandra's death isn't the only example of this problem, but it definitely is one of the most prominent and IMO, takes away from the intended story of a good woman who met a bad end with their oldest son/daughter being unable to prevent it when the game failed to let them (and by extension the player) truly try.
DA2 could have been a great contrast to DAO. Rather than having the influence to shape the fate of the world like the Warden and succeed in their goal, they could have compromised in DA2 with having the fallout of the Kirkwall Chantry destruction and the rebellion still happening no matter what (i.e. Hawke "failing" to stop any of the madness and still ultimately forced to flee Kirkwall in the end after finally dragging the Amell line back into prominence) but still given the player the option to save their immediate family members across the story if certain choices were made throughout. I'm sure most people would have been fine with a more "bittersweet" option being presented for Hawke, (and by extension the player) in the game, especially where again, one can pick apart the narrative and see where it could have been an option, but just wasn't allowed for no other reason than seemingly because of the "True art is angsty" trope.
Bioware could still have their own canon (similarly to how Alistair is shown to be king in their canon no matter what as an example) of the ultimate tragedy if they wanted, but again, DA2 is still an RPG where players expect to have more meaningful choices reflected in how they progress, even with an inescapable darker and downer ending.
Complete and utter tragedy is fine, but I just don't think it was the best decision to have it as THE ONLY option in an RPG.
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helloalycia · 4 years
alex’s little sister [one] // kara danvers
summary: with Haley wanting to find out Supergirl's identity, you have to get your memories wiped along with Alex, much to Kara's dismay. No longer remembering being her girlfriend, you can't help but feel like something is missing.
warning/s: none.
author's note: here's an angsty kara fic for y'all to cry over 😂 part two on the way x
part two | masterlist | wattpad
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I watched as the last of the dozen or so agents who knew of Kara's identity walked out of J'onn's office. Kara's grip tightened in mine and I could only presume it was the same with Alex's hand.
Alex and I were the only two agents left who were going to get our memories wiped and Kara still wasn't okay with the idea. But it had to be done if her identity as Supergirl was to be kept a secret.
"So... who's next?" J'onn asked regretfully.
I pursed my lips and stood up, letting go of Kara's hand. "I'll go."
"Y/N!" Kara stood up, grabbing my hand again.
I grimaced as I met Kara's saddened expression. "We've discussed this, Kara..."
"I know, I know, just... just wait."
I breathed out and nodded, glancing between J'onn, Brainy and Alex.
"Are you... are you sure that this is the only way?" Kara asked, directing her question at J'onn.
J'onn's expression said it all – we had all pondered the exact same thing many times. We were only left with this option and Kara knew that, yet she still kept hoping.
"We need to do this, Kara," I told her, squeezing her hand and pulling her closer. My voice lowered as I met her glossy eyes. "It's gonna be okay. It won't hurt and it won't have any side effects."
"But you won't remember us," she sobbed. "You'll forget about everything. We won't know each other."
I tried to stop myself from crying, but of course, a tear slipped out. I knew this already. It was stuck in my head all night last as I tried to picture Kara not being there. It had only been two years since she'd been in my life, but it didn't feel like that at all – it felt like longer, so it was impossible for me to imagine her not there. I couldn't even remember what that was like.
Alex was my first friend at the DEO – now my best friend – and it was through her that I got close to Supergirl and eventually Kara. Living my life without Kara would be so strange, yet I wouldn't notice the difference because I wouldn't remember.
But she would.
I sniffled and rested my other hand on Kara's cheek. She leaned into it and kissed it, to which I leaned forward and kissed her gently, quickly.
"It's going to be hard, but it has to happen. I'm sorry. You have to let me go for now, Kara."
She breathed out and looked down, nodding her head. I struggled to ignore the tugging in my stomach as I let go of Kara's hand. Alex pulled her in for a hug, the two sisters left in an embrace as I went to stand before J'onn.
"It'll be quick," J'onn assured, raising his hands. I'd seen how he'd done this to the others and was about to close my eyes and prepare myself, but before I could, Kara quickly shouted.
"Kara..." J'onn looked to her, but she was only looking at me.
"I just wanted to say... I– I love you," she got out, still holding Alex. "I need you to know that..."
I gave her the best reassuring smile I could muster and said, "I know it, Kara. I always will. I love you, too. No matter what."
She nodded and I hated how hurt she looked because of this. She was losing her sister and her girlfriend all at once and there was nothing I could do.
"Do us both, at the same time," Alex blurted out, sucking up a deep breath. She had been crying, too and honestly it was horrible that this was what everything had come to.
"I'm not watching you open your eyes and be a completely different person," Alex cut my protest off, her eyes meeting mine. "I'm not losing my best friend. We do this together."
I nodded, understanding what she meant, and watched as she turned to Kara, who was shaking her head frantically.
"No... I can't watch this," she cried out, before letting go of Alex and leaving the room.
"Kara, wait!" Alex called after her, but J'onn placed a hand on her shoulder to stop her from going after Kara.
"It's better this way, Alex," J'onn told her. "It'll only hurt more if you both open your eyes and you're not the same."
Alex pressed her lips together and still stared at the door that Kara ran out from. I grabbed Alex's hand and pulled her beside me.
"C'mon, we have to do this," I said softly, a sad smile on my lips. "For Kara."
Alex gulped down the lump in her throat and nodded. "For Kara."
"How you feeling?" Alex asked as I left the interrogation room.
I rubbed my forehead and shook my head. "I don't know... that felt so weird, y'know?"
Alex pulled a face as she nodded. "Oh, I know. I still feel strange from the Truth Seeker myself, but it's not supposed to have any side effects. We might just be imagining it."
I shrugged, following Alex into the main operation room. "I guess so... I wonder how long Haley will keep this up. Does she really think we know who Supergirl is?"
Alex sighed. "Apparently so, which is dumb."
"This whole thing is dumb," I added, lowering my voice so I wouldn't be heard by Haley and her colleagues. "We need Supergirl. She helped us do our jobs better. Who cares who she is?"
Alex glanced at me with a questionable expression. "We were running a lot longer than Supergirl's existence, Y/N. Don't let anyone else hear you say that."
"I know... I just wish things weren't so tense around here. I don't know, I just feel strange. Forget it."
"I get you," she admitted, looking around at the other agents doing their jobs. "It is tense. But we just have to follow Haley's orders. I could care less who Supergirl is, but if Haley wants to know, we can't disobey her orders."
I nodded, rubbing my temple. "Yeah, I guess."
"Director Danvers, Agent Y/L/N!" Brainy approached us both, a neutral smile on his face. "I see you've both had your interrogations?"
"Yes, Brainy, is everything okay? Any updates on anything?" Alex asked him.
"Nothing to report," he confirmed, before looking carefully at us both.
"You okay?" I asked him, raising an eyebrow.
He straightened up, clearing his throat. "Yes. If you'll excuse me."
He turned around and walked away, leaving Alex and I confused. We'd learnt not to question him though, so I didn't think much of it.
A few days had passed since the Truth Seeker interrogation and Haley still hadn't found out Supergirl's identity, meaning her investigation was still intact. She was onto everyone like a hawk – even people who had never even spoken to Supergirl. It would be funny if it wasn't so serious.
In those few days, I felt a little different. I wasn't sure if it was confusion or an absence of something, but I felt strange, as if something wasn't right. And I didn't know why, but it was beginning to affect my sleep.
I chose not to think about it much, but after two weeks had passed, the feeling was running deeper than I wanted it to. It was keeping me up at night and I needed to know if I was actually losing my mind or not. Which meant I needed my best friend's advice.
"Alex, can we talk?" I asked her, seeing her standing at the control panel in the main hall.
She looked away from the screen and to me, probably noticing the serious expression on my face.
"Yeah, is everything okay?" she asked, giving me her full attention.
I breathed out. "I honestly don't know, can we talk in private?"
She nodded and I followed her down the corridors before we stopped at the end of an empty, rarely used one.
"What is it, Y/N?" she asked with concern.
I tried to collect my thoughts. "I don't know exactly, that's the thing. Ever since the interrogation with the Truth Seeker, I've been feeling... different."
Her expression softened and she seemed empathetic. "Different how?"
I licked my lips. "Like, I feel like something is missing. Or different. I just don't feel the same and I don't know why. It's been driving me insane, Alex. I feel like I'm losing my mind and I can't sleep because of it. Do you think it could be because of the Truth Seeker?"
Alex pursed her lips and crossed her arms. "It could be... I know what you mean. Not to your extent of course, but I have felt like something was off since that day. I've been dismissing it though."
I felt the tenseness in my body relax a little as she spoke, feeling glad I wasn't entirely crazy.
"I spoke to some of the other agents who were interrogated too," she continued, "but they didn't feel the same, so I don't know if it is the Truth Seeker. I even asked J'onn to check what's going on up here–" She motioned to her head. "–but nothing was wrong. I figured I was just having a bad few weeks. It's not hard for me to ignore."
I ran my hand through my hair and sighed. "I can't ignore it, that's the thing. It's making me feel restless."
"Y/N..." Alex frowned and rubbed my arm comfortingly. "We could ask J'onn to check you out if you want?"
I crossed my arms, shaking my head. "There's no point. I don't think I've got any reaction from the Truth Seeker – why would only me get it? I was actually thinking about going to see a therapist."
Alex nodded understandingly. "You think that will help?"
I smiled helplessly. "I have no idea, but it's all I got. It may just be something, you know, mentally wrong. Mental illness is frequent in my family."
Alex nodded and pulled me in for a side hug. "If you need anything from me, Y/N, just ask."
I relaxed my head on Alex's shoulder and nodded. "I know, Alex. Thanks."
She squeezed my arm reassuringly.
"Thanks for not turning into an arse or anything when you became Director, too," I added to lighten the mood.
She began to laugh as she shoved me away gently. I smiled, feeling a little better for the moment. Maybe things wouldn't be so bad. Therapy might help. If I knew what was wrong with me, I wouldn't feel so alone.
So, therapy was exactly what I did. I booked an appointment with a therapist, courtesy of the DEO's resources, for the following week and decided to power through, ignoring this distracting feeling inside of me. But that was exactly all it was – distracting, even at the most important of times.
I had been sent out on a field mission with Alex and a dozen other agents to stop some Children of Liberty attack. Somehow the Children of Liberty had a super-powered human on their side, tormenting and abusing alien and non-alien civilians alike.
When we arrived on the scene, Alex yelled out her orders, mine being to help detain the super-powered human. Myself and another agent tried shooting the person with non-lethal ballets, but it didn't seem to be doing much but angering him. He was now grabbing the nearest alien civilians and throwing them about like rag dolls.
"Distract him, I'll grab the civilian!" I yelled to my partner, Chris, gun raised.
Chris nodded and began to shoot the super-powered human to get his attention. I ran forward when his attention was diverted and helped lead the alien-civilians to the DEO trucks waiting for them. It was chaos though – Children of Liberty were fighting back all around and some alien civilians were acting out in defence, making it harder for us to do our job.
As I was helping up a woman and leading her the other way, I got jumped on by a Child of Liberty. The woman who I was helping screamed and ran away, and I managed to flip the arsehole over my shoulder and in front of me.
He stood up with ease and ran at me, shoving me to the ground. I couldn't access my gun, so I was stuck defending myself against the oncoming punches. When the man tired, I punched him in the throat and rolled him off me, looking to grab my gun.
"Leave her alone!"
I turned and saw a civilian man holding my assault rifle and aiming it at the Child of Liberty. I widened my eyes with surprise.
"Sir, drop the gun and run!" I yelled at him, before grunting as the Cbild of Liberty from before landed a punch to my jaw.
The civilian with my gun trembled and shot the gun, but he missed by far and got shoved to the ground by the super-powered human. He ripped the gun from the civilian's hand, tossing it far away, and picked up the civilian by the neck.
I dodged an oncoming punch from the Child of Liberty who was still on me and put my marital arts skills into practice, managing to dislocate his arm and pin him to the ground in an instant. I looked over my shoulder and ran towards the super-powered human, knocking him to the ground and away from the civilian, who was now screaming and running away.
I got a few punches in before I was head butted hard. It took a few seconds for my vision to focus, to which I received another punch in the face. I could feel blood dripping from my nose now, followed by the pain.
Suddenly, the super-powered human was no longer in front of me, but thrown into the side of a building. I stumbled over my own feet, trying to take in what happened, until I felt a pair of strong arms wrap around me, helping me stand up straight. I looked up and saw it was Supergirl.
"Hey, you're okay," she reassured, smiling down at me. Her breath hitched when I found her eyes, before she quickly said, "Come on."
I looked back to the super-powered human and saw some DEO agents surrounding him with guns. He was caught and could no longer hurt anyone now, thanks to Supergirl.
The blonde alien led me back to where Alex was stood, who immediately took me from Supergirl's arms and hugged me with relief.
"That looked like it hurt," Alex said, pulling away from me and giving me a rag to stop my bleeding nose.
"You have no idea," I said, trying to stop the bleeding. I turned around and saw Supergirl still standing there, though by now, Haley was heading her way and I knew things wouldn't be good.
"Thanks for that, you saved my life," I managed to say to Supergirl, who looked like she wanted to say something back, but couldn't because Haley stood before us.
"What are you doing here, Supergirl?" she immediately snapped at the alien. "You aren't part of the DEO anymore. This is an official case."
Supergirl nodded. "People were in trouble, including your agents. I help everyone and you can't stop me from doing that."
Haley didn't seem to like that response, but it didn't matter because Supergirl flew off before she could think up a reply.
"She saved my life," I spoke up, gaining Haley's attention. "I'm glad she was here."
Haley narrowed her eyes at me. "I didn't ask for your opinion, agent. But now that you've deemed it convenient for you to speak, let me say, your actions today were atrocious."
"Butt out, Director Danvers," Haley cut Alex off with a glare. "This only involves Y/L/N and I." She looked back to me and said, "You managed to endanger a civilian and allow that same civilian to get ahold of your weapon. You also required Supergirl's help to get out of the mess you created. You didn't do your job."
"It won't happen again," I promised. "I wasn't thinking, I was just–"
"Distracted," she interrupted. "You were distracted, as you've been a lot recently. Don't think I haven't noticed."
"I'm going to get help," I said, wiping my nose and pleading with her. "I know I've been off, but it's not permanent. I've got a therapy session next week and I'll train more. I'll get back to how I was, I swear."
Haley shook her head. "Maybe you should pull that therapy session up to tomorrow. I don't expect anything less than perfect on my force."
I frowned, knowing where this was going. Of course she'd noticed. I hadn't been myself lately and it was showing in my actions, just like today.
"You are officially suspended from further work at the DEO, until you can prove you are mentally and physically stronger than you are now," she finalised.
"You can't just do that!" Alex yelled, but I pulled her back.
"Alex, it's okay," I mumbled, squeezing her hand.
"I'd listen to Y/L/N, Danvers," Haley said darkly. "We wouldn't want to go looking for another Director now, would we?"
Alex clenched her jaw as Haley marched away to check on some other agents. When she was out of earshot, Alex punched the car door near her.
"I can't believe she suspended you," she exploded with anger.
"It's only temporary," I told her, before breathing out. "I wish it was nonexistent, but I don't know, maybe she's right. I haven't been myself lately."
Alex's anger left her expression for the moment as she looked to me. "Y/N, you said it yourself. You're getting help. That doesn't mean you shouldn't work. You're amazing at your job and Haley shouldn't get to say otherwise!"
I shrugged, moving to lean against the car door for support. "I don't know. All I know is I need to get my shit together or I won't be coming back."
Alex looked to me with the utmost certainty. "You'll be okay. I'll help you no matter what."
And Alex didn't lie. After my first therapy session, she visited me to talk to me about how it went. I shared as much as I wanted to with her and she sat with me, not interrupting as I told her everything. She visited regularly after that, too, whilst I tried to focus on myself, whether that be with therapy or training.
After my second therapy session, Alex invited me to a game night at her sister's house. She said she wanted me to get out there a bit more, since I wasn't at the DEO anymore. I said yes, deciding it would be nice to have a change in scenery.
I'd never met Alex's little sister before, but she'd been mentioned near enough always so I was looking forward to meeting her finally.
I knocked on the apartment door and it opened to reveal Alex smiling brightly.
"You're an idiot," I told her, giving her a playful glare.
"What did I do this time?" she asked with a chuckle, stepping to the side to let me in.
I entered and turned around as Alex closed the door. "You told me the wrong apartment number in your text. I knocked on the wrong door and some poor old woman woke up from her nap because of my knocking."
Alex pulled a face. "What? No I– oh..."
She was checking her text and I rolled my eyes playfully.
"Yeah, oh," I teased before repeating, "You're an idiot."
She smiled sheepishly. "Sorry...? Anyway, you're here now, so it's all good."
I gave her a knowing look as she motioned around her. "This is Kara's apartment."
I glanced around and felt a sense of familiarity. "Have I been here before?" I asked Alex, furrowing my eyebrows. "I feel like I have."
Alex shook her head. "Not to my knowledge... Oh, Kara's coming."
I ignored the sense of deja vu I felt and turned to see a blonde woman walking towards us. She smiled as she met my eyes, but it seemed half-hearted.
"You must be Kara, Alex's little sister;" I said, smiling in return. "I'm Y/N."
Kara nodded and bit her lip as she glanced down for a moment. "Alex's little sister, right... glad to see you could make it, Y/N."
"Come on, I'll introduce you to everyone," Alex said, dragging me to the others who were sat on the couches.
I barely had chance to thank Kara for letting me come over before I was dragged and introduced to everyone. Well, I knew J'onn and Brainy already, but I befriended James and Nia. Apparently there was another girl – the infamous Lena Luthor – who was supposed to come tonight, too, but she couldn't make it.
Game night pretty much consisted of us playing several different games like Charades, Monopoly, Jenga and a few others, whilst smack-talking our day jobs. Pizza was ordered, wine was poured, and I got to know Alex's (well, Kara's) friends better. They were all lovely and I almost forgot why I was there in the first place.
We were in the middle of watching an intense game of cards between Brainy and J'onn when I saw Kara taking the takeaway boxes and empty glasses into the kitchen. I stood up and grabbed the remaining glasses, joining her in the kitchen.  
"Hey, you didn't have to do that," Kara said when she noticed me.
"It's cool," I shrugged, leaving the glasses by the sink. "I don't mind washing up if you want."
Kara shook her head politely. "No need. I'll just stack the dishwasher later."
I nodded and went quiet for a moment, watching Kara pack the leftover pizza to put in the fridge.
"Thank you for having me over tonight," I said, glad to have the chance to finally speak to her without excited yelling in the background. "I know it was technically Alex who invited me, but thanks."
She paused and looked up at me, offering a small smile. "It's okay. Alex kind of told me about everything that's happening with you and she thought you could use the break. So did I."
I chuckled and felt my cheeks growing warm with embarrassment. "Wow. Your first impression of your sister's best friend is that she's crazy. Now I'm thankful you even let me in your house."
Kara stifled a laugh. "I never thought that. I just thought that there was this girl who was having some troubles and needed a break from it all. That's all."
I smiled gratefully at the blonde. "Well, I appreciate that, Kara."
Kara glanced up at me from the pizza box and I never really realised how pretty her eyes were until she was staring at me for so long. They seemed so familiar, too, and I suddenly didn't feel so lost.
"Hey, is there anymore pizza?" Alex's voice made me jump and I broke eye contact with Kara. "I'm feeling peckish."
Kara smiled at her sister and handed her another slice.
"Awesome, thanks," Alex spoke with her mouth full.
"Oh, Alex," I complained, nudging her jokingly.
Alex laughed and headed back into the living-room to join the others.
"I don't know if Alex said, but we do this every Friday," Kara spoke up, grabbing my attention again. "If you're not busy, you can come..."
I nodded, smiling softly. "I'm currently unemployed, so why not?"
Kara chuckled and bit her lip, looking down for a moment. I couldn't really get myself to look away, instead accidentally admiring her and the comforting energy she radiated.
She looked up again and nodded my way. "Does that hurt much?"
I subconsciously raised my hand to my bruised jaw and sighed. "A little. It's not as bad compared to when I first got it, but yeah."
"How did you get it? If you don't mind saying..."
I smiled at her to lighten the mood. "I was on a mission and got into a fight with some Children of Liberty. It got pretty rough because my mind has been elsewhere lately, as you know, but Supergirl saved me. She really is the girl of steel, isn't she?"
Kara suppressed a smile. "So you don't think Supergirl should stay away from the DEO?"
I pulled a face and shook my head. "Definitely not. And the fact that you know that means Alex has been telling you more than she should be... what was it you did again?"
"Journalist at CatCo," she quipped with a stifled grin of amusement.
I nodded, mirroring her expression. "Ah, see? You know the ins and outs of our work and you're a journalist. Is that really the best combo?"
Laughter slipped from her lips and I felt my heart beat exceptionally fast at that moment, to my surprise.
"I guess that just makes it easier to talk to you, though," I complimented, giving her a grateful look. "Nothing to hide."
Her grin faded into a small smile as she broke eye contact. "Yeah..."
"Are you guys coming back? We're starting another round of Jenga!" Alex called to us.
"I believe that's our cue," I said to Kara, standing up straight and making a move to leave. "You playing?"
Kara looked back up and breathed out, giving me a half-hearted smile. "Right behind you."
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thumb3l1n4 · 4 years
Thoughts on chapter #293 (AKA a very long post)
I made a post when chapter #292 came out and one person replied with "I love how everyone thinks that villain stans automatically agree with and condone the villains' actions". I don't think myself to be a villain stan, although I do love Horikoshi's villains, since they're all amazingly interesting characters. There are villains that I feel very compassionate to: Shigaraki, Dabi, Twice, Spinner and Toga. And I could instantly relate to Stain's philosophy, while being totally turned off by his actions. I don't think villain stans condone the violent actions of their favorite characters, I'm sorry if my previous post made people believe I do. But from the most recent releases I gathered that there is maybe a small fraction of villain stans that aren't really seeing the intricacies of the full picture. I don't mean this in a bad way: this is definitely the villains' time to shine and I know we were all waiting for the big Dabi-Endeavor showdown since theories were thrown around, so it's normal to be hyper-focused in what our favorite character is doing or what's happening with them. It's easy to forget that there are times and places where it's safe to show our compassion. I'm not gonna lie, I'm kinda annoyed that some villain stans seem to want the heroes to show compassion to Dabi right now, while they're in the middle of a battle that would decide the sorts of their society. Thanks to Dabi's speech, the civilian's faith in their "picture-perfect" system is crumbling (well, I hope so, because their society sucks on so many levels) and Best Jeanist, who was bashed for absolutely no reason all over Twitter last week, before the official translation was out, knew that that was Dabi's intention all along. Tōya could have told his own story right after Stain's video came out, if he so wanted. He chose to join the League, instead, because as we know now, he might have thought that he would have a better chance to kill Shōto, that way. I can't blame Tōya AT ALL for wanting and needing to see Endeavor, finally, rightfully, punished. However, Dabi throwing the compassion card around in the middle of a life-and-death situation (a situation where his main end-goal is to hurt people), is just peak manipulation...
... Which is awesome for a villain!
It's less awesome if you're standing on the Heroes' side and you're hearing about all the years of abuse that a colleague of yours put his family through, for the first time. I want to note that not a single Hero, till now, has said that they do not believe Dabi (not that I recall, at least). I saw one comment on Tumblr saying they didn't like that Best Jeanist used the word "dirty laundry", the chapter before, but I don't think the Hero said it in disrespect. I think it had more to do with Dabi's intentions behind revealing his truth, than Best Jeanist not believing him, or worse, dismissing him as a victim. Dabi's truth was called "dirty laundry" because Tōya didn't use it to seek justice, for himself and his family, but rather to get revenge on everyone, to create chaos and to excuse his own criminal actions. It's a truth tainted by hatred, not in the sense that fans of the manga and the Heroes should just forget about it: his past and pain are very, very real and Dabi and the rest of the villains need help. But the Heroes cannot take the time to feel sorry for their enemies, right at this moment, because if they do, that's the end. That's kinda what happened between Toga and Uraraka: she needs to stop Toga because while hurting people might come natural to the villain, that's not a healthy way to live. Toga didn't ask to be the way she is, and as a Hero, it should be Uraraka's job to give her the chance to get the treatment she didn't get as a child, that would teach Toga how to deal with her natural urges in a way that is not harmful to anyone. Mind you, Toga didn't seem to like the idea of conforming herself to anyone else's expectations, so she might not want the therapy. Uraraka would still need to give her all to stop the villain, no matter how sorry she actually feels inside for her.
If the villains win, the Heroes will not be able to rectify their society. Only after this fight ends and villains are taken into custody, it would be safe for the Heroes to show their honest reactions to Dabi's revelation. Only then we can hope to see them caring for the villains' health and their truths and possibly demand that Endeavor turns himself in (I actually want him to do so on his own, without external input). The Heroes aren't being heartless, if that's what some villain stans are thinking. They simply do no have the luxury to let Dabi's words manipulate them into feeling bad for him during a fight, because innocent people's lives are at stake here and just because Tōya had a horrible childhood, it doesn't mean that he's gonna care and let those innocent people be. Dabi wants to see the WHOLE world burn.
Onto Deku, now, the second character in two weeks accused by some, of being an abuse apologist.
He's the first character EVER to confront Endeavor on his treatment of Shōto, after seeing how his own classmate was spiralling and hurting himself, because Shōto didn't want to use HIS OWN Quirk to prevent himself from quite literally freeze to death, all because of Endeavor's abuse.
Deku has always wanted to follow All Might's steps and like All Might, he wishes to be able to save everyone in need. Toshinori, however, already told him that that's not realistic and Deku accepted the fact that he can only save the people in need that he's able to reach and as we saw with Shōto, Kota and Eri, he's ready to lay out his own life and break every single bone in his body to do so. He's so determined to save people, even against the worst of odds, that he can twist fate. I think it's exactly this determination of his that made him speak out this time, not only for Shōto, but for Endeavor, too. Do I like that Deku cares? Yes, I'm glad that people like Deku exist, people that genuinely care and wish and pray for criminals to regret what they've done so they can have a chance to right their wrongs and become a better person. Do I think Deku would stop Endeavor from turning himself in or defend Endeavor in front of the other Heroes so they don't take him away and bring him to justice? I might be wrong, Horikoshi can still make a fool out of me, but I don't think so. Deku knows the years of abuse are there and they will never go away. Deku is also the guy who told off Natsuo for trying to make Shōto feel resentful towards their father, when Shōto was somewhat past that and only wanted to heal. Deku recognized that the siblings have all different ways to deal with trauma and told Natsuo that his feelings are valid, but he can't push them onto Shōto, because Shōto's feelings on the matter are just as valid, even if they don't align with those of his big brother.
Just like villain stans can feel compassion towards Dabi because of his past, while being repulsed by his criminal actions in the present, Deku can feel repulsed by Endeavor's abuse of his own family and still see that a part of him (no matter how little it is) wishes to be a better human being. Deku didn't say that Endeavor should be automatically forgiven for his past actions, no one can deny that the abuse still has serious repercussions for every Todoroki involved (yes. EVERY). But the thing with Deku is that once he's seen this tiny, barely-even-there, light in you, he will fight to save you. I don't think that the people calling Deku an abuse apologist are giving his intuition or insight enough credit.
Dabi's not Endeavor: this means that Deku hasn't seen anything in this fight that might hint to Tōya wanting to be saved. Again, the same thing happened between Toga and Uraraka. And sadly, even Twice and Hawks (Hawks miscalculated sooo bad there). It's unfortunate that phrases like "you can only save someone if they want to be saved" and "you cannot help someone who refuses to be helped" still apply to this world, but that's the ugly truth and I'm sure that to someone like Deku that's a very hard and bitter pill to swallow. Endeavor said he wants to right his wrongs: in my opinion, he's still got a lot of work to do, since he should have really started it all off by being honest to everyone about his actions and let justice do its course. During this battle I'm forced to recognize (like Deku does) that Endeavor might actually be able to reedem himself, after actually atoning for his crimes. I cannot say the same for Dabi, because he doesn't want to atone for the bad things he has done. I didn't see Deku's speech as him excusing Endeavor's abuse to his victim or conceding the point to Tōya, that Heroes don't care about villains. I saw it as Deku telling Dabi to stop using his own abuse as an excuse to hurt other victims (Shōto, Natsuo, Fuyumi and Rei) because as harsh as it sounds, Tōya can't demand compassion for his own pain while being uncapable of showing compassion to his own little brother. Maybe Tōya doesn't actually know everything that Shōto has suffered through, maybe he thinks that his little brother got lucky with his Quirk and didn't have it as bad as he did. That's not his place to say. Dabi is making a contest out of their family's pain, trying to declare which Todoroki got it worse (clearly believing that it's him and that that allows him to do whatever he wants to, now), so I reiterate: he can't ask for compassion in the middle of the battle and the Heroes are actually doing the right thing, not letting themselves being manipulated like that and basically forfeiting the fight.
AFTER this arc ends, I truly hope to see the Heroes showing their compassion for the villains. I hope they would get rid of that obnoxious Hero Ranking and that the society would stop festering the idea that only certain Quirks and their users are strong and valuable and deserving of a voice. I hope they could change their world so that people like Tenko, Tōya, Jin, Himiko and Shuichi are able to ask for help AND BE HELPED before it is too late.
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seungnoir · 4 years
My Current top 10 favorite Miraculous Ladybug Episodes and why (+analysis)
1. timetagger - the amount of possibilities this brings to the plot and insight is so fun. also, it’s one of the few things of writing and planning i appreciate in this series because it was hinted in the very beginning of s1 that alix’s watch was a miraculous, but now we get to see that connection. Seeing things that were hinted long ago end up having substance makes it more interesting. Also, I do thoroughly Alix as a character and loved to see her and see that she will have a bigger role in the future. This episode alone leads to so many theories and things that can be analyzed and makes it so fun - such as the idea that there is someone (besides master fu) that knows about their identities, and even further, about what happens in the future. The idea of a new hawk moth also comes to play. The akumatized villain from the future proves that there is a hawk moth in the future, but that it isn’t gabriel agreste. This brings into question of what happened to Gabriel and the current Hawk Moth? How did someone else of ill-intention end up the miraculous after hawk moth? Who is this new Hawk Moth? This brings so many theories and possibilities to where the show is heading. We also see chat noir and ladybug do still exist in the future as adults. We can only wonder and theorize about how theyve developed between present and future, though. Another small detail at the end that was interesting is i’m pretty sure chat broke the fourth wall?? At the end of the episode, chat is talking to ladybug and about what alix said about the future as they walk away, and started saying “maybe in the future you might even agree to see a movie with me. Hey, what if it was in the very near future? Like, the next show...”
2. sandboy - there are many reasons i enjoy this episode. first, i love the kwamis and i love learning more about them and having some focus on them. We learned more about background and history of the kwamis as well as see more than we had before. In addition, I think it brought good development to character, particularly for adrien/chat noir. Marinette’s and ladybug’s biggest nightmares weren’t too much of a surprise, and neither was adrien and chat noir’s when you think about it but foes bring more insight to him as a character and helps set up ideas for his character and things later. As adrien, his biggest nightmare was being trapped and cornered, obviously a result of how he’s treated by his father. While adrien tends to always seem chill and nice around people and like everything’s always fine, it shows there’s more we don’t see. Then, as chat noir, his biggest nightmare was that ladybug hated him. It was important to show how much chat noir really cares about his relationship with her, and not just romantically. It shows us this not only as a watcher, but so that ladybug sees too. This sets up well for the ny special, where ladybug gets upset with chat and says she can’t trust him. While not exactly like his nightmare where she despises him, it is parallel to his literal biggest nightmare and shows why he reacted the way he did and shows just how much ladybug saying that would affect him. I also very thoroughly enjoy the moment where adrien sees the sock plagg left when he sneaked out and he went “Plagg! who turned you into a sock!” i think i find it funnier than i should. 
3. heroes day p2 - not to be a ladynoir stan but that’s a big reason i enjoy this episode. When the other heroes they recruited fall, Ladybug gets worried and begins to lose hope. This isn’t very common for her, but it shows she’s not some perfect hero, she has times where she has doubts. However, chat noir was right there for her. He was able to encourage her and get her back into the spirit. I think this is important to show their relationship without thinking about it in a romantic way. It shows chat noirs full trust in ladybug, and how even if ladybug doesn’t always express it, it shows how she does appreciate and trust chat noir and that he is able to help her when she’s down, it’s a balance. Also, when chat noir is encouraging ladybug, one thing he says “let’s go back to what always worked - you and me against the world, m’lady.” In my eyes, this reinforces the “soulmate” idea and the importance of the two. Don’t get me wrong, I love the other heroes and miraculouses being used, and maybe its just me, but I think it’s important that despite the other heroes being helpful, chat noir and ladybug are the core, and that reinforces that. Also I honestly love that adrien was detransformed at the time of saying that line. In addition to ladynoir, there’s the plot and villain progression of hawk moth and nathalie, which sparks the plot to really start picking up after this event. 
4. reverser - I love marc a lot, i relate to his character a lot so i enjoyed having him and I wish we had more outside of this episode. There are also other fun characters we get to see that we don’t see as much (Alex and nathaniel). I also like the akumartizaion set up, i think it’s a very realistic situation in which misunderstanding takes over and there’s no specific person to blame, and i appreciate the demonstration of that. Not to be a chat noir stan, but him being a “scaredy cat” after getting hit by the reverser was so cute and funny and i enjoyed that. Again, back to the other characters, as i mentioned before i like alix a lot. i enjoyed her mocking chloe in the episode and then not caring when the teacher tried to say she should be nice. and then i liked the moment she scared chat noir. and then i enjoyed seeing her role in helping the duo in defeating reverser. also, there was a moment on the beginning of the episode where adrien teased marinette and any moment where adriens chat noir side comes out is my favorite. in conclusion, i love seeing the characters we see in this episode and chat noir was cute. 
5. puppeteer 2 - as much as the wax statue scene gives me the worst second hand embarrassment of my entire life, the episode gave us a clearer insight to adriens perspective on his relation with marinette, which i enjoyed, and made me like him as a character even more. while i love a good “she’s just a friend” joke, it is confirmed in this episode he’s genuinely oblivious - which he shouldn’t be perceived as dumb for. social cues are harder for some people and can cause problems but it’s not smth people can help, we also have to remember he has very limited experience with people. anyway, it gives us that insight and i believe it’s important. he even expressed acknowledgment of how he doesn’t pick these things up sometimes. so he interpreted marinettes reaction wrong, and he believed marinette even didn’t like him. it distressed him so much to think that was the case. this was the insight we needed to see how adrien perceives their relationship and how much it really developed. even if he doesn’t have a crush on her, it introduces the idea that he still genuinely cares about her and having a relationship with her - parallel to us seeing ladybug see that with chat, which i believe is very important for the development of lovesquare and the plot. not to mention the frusturation of dramatic irony at the end when adrien, seemingly for the first time we’ve seen him as adrien, mention to someone else how he DOES love someone. while painful for marinette, i do think it’s interested because i don’t even think he’s mentioned the fact he loves someone to nino, showing how he still considers marinette as someone he can be close too. 
6. ikari gozen - I love Kagami and I appreciated this kind of redemption arc. I wasn’t sure how I felt about her at first, but after this episode she’s one of the most relatable characters, personally. In turn, it also helps Marinette learn a good lesson. So yeah, the main reason i enjoy this episode is Kagami’s character development and her character. Ryuko is also so cool.
7. kwamibuster - i mentioned this before but i love the kwamis a lot and i love getting to see them in episodes. in this episode we got to see not only interactions between plagg and tikki, but get a chance to meet other kwamis and see their miraculous jewelry and some of their abilities. we also see that marinette and adrien are not incapable of connecting dots, realizing both plagg and tikki were in the same school. however, plagg and tikki try to reason them out of it and they both did things to throw the other of their track, so they didn’t keep their theories - but it does show they’re not Completely Oblivious. 
8. troublemaker - there’s a lot of small things and moments that make me appreciate this episode rather than one big thing. to start, i enjoy penny’s character a lot and this is one the few episodes we really get to see her and the only one where we get focus on her. in addition, she was a good villain and arguably the closest a villain got to taking ladybug’s miraculous, taking an earring. then theres marinettes adrien photo collection being exposed, and adriens facial expressions in reaction to it made me laugh. and then of course, the scene following the fight, adrien talks to marinette. one noticeable thing is that marinette didnt stutter as much as she had and got out full thoughts. good for her ! and it shows that she is slowly beginning to be more comfortable with him. then of course, adrien. he starts by asking if she was okay since the fight happened at her house (even though he was literally there and knows damn well marinette wasn’t even there, kinda anyway). and then, as i mentioned before, my favorite thing ever is adriens chat noir side coming out, which is exactly what happened. he teased marinette for the photos, both asking if she was lying and then the “even in the most unlikely places” line. the thing about this is that this is something we barely see happen with adrien as adrien, yet it happened with marinette, which shows he’s comfortable enough with her to do that. and then of course the sincere moment of him saying he’s glad she’s her fan, he’s just so sweet good for him i love him. 
9. origins - a classic. provides us background we needed on how things start and characters meant. there’s so much things to take from origins about their characters and the story in general. for one, marinette not even wanting to be ladybug. i feel this fit her character and was more realistic than if she accepted it right away. and then her being a bit of a mess the first time and not even capturing the akuma. i think that was important; to show ladybug and marinette are not perfect, but that’s what makes her a better and more relatable character. it wouldn’t be fun if she were perfect from the beginning. and then chat noir, who was a lot less reluctant. in contrast to marinette. he had been isolated his whole life and forced to try to fit a perfect mold. this gave him not only physical freedom he always desired but also the personal freedom to be able to be who he wanted. it of course also shows the balance of the two heroes. ladybug was nervous and had no hope at the beginning, but was able to get though with chat noirs encouragement - which is something that comes up every so often, but shows their balance and dynamic. and then of course . the umbrella scene. one of the most iconic moments, and also one thing i’ve noted is that we barely ever seeadrien laugh like he did in that scene, and it makes me treasure that moment more. and despite the whole “she’s just a friend” thing, it was important in that moment and you can see how important it is to him that he has a friend, and probably establishes the trust and appreciation for marinette we see as the show progresses as she was very important to him being kind of his first friend and that it holds a different kind of importance to him. 
10. glaciator - an iconic episode of course. while marichat is probably my least favorite in terms of love square ships, i think marichat moments are some of the best. i think it’s where the two are more showing themselves to each other than in any other way. chat gets to see truly marinette in which she isn’t a nervous mess and is actually acting like herself, and marinette gets to see chat has more to him than she saw previously as ladybug. with his constant flirting and joking with her, it seemed that she interpreted this as this is just his personality and it didn’t mean much, that maybe he acted the same with anyone. but with the interactions of this episode, she learns that’s not the case, he genuinely and truly loves and cares and about ladybug, it was more than just joking around. this realization is big for marinette and she even comments that she misjudged him. this episode allows eachother to rlly learn more about eachother. and then it helps ladybug be honest. she’s completely honest with chat after that, saying there’s someone else and she doesn’t want to lead him on, but that sets the stage for them to still grow on their platonic relationship, which is still important. ladybug for the seemingly first time directly tells chat how he’s important to her, and chat admits that his friendship with her is the most important thing to him, showing us more about adrien/chats character, as well as demonstrates despite his love for ladybug the platonic relationship still holds great importance with seems to contrast how marinette views adrien at this moment. 
honorable mentions: 
reflekdoll - this was almost in the top 10 but i changed it last minute. i appreciate learning more about juleka and hope we get more to grown on that later. and not to be an adrien stan but he looked really pretty with his outfit for marinettes shoot. one thing i feel is also important to notice is how easily he was willing to take off his miraculous for the sake of marinettes shoot. he didn’t even really hesitate? that wasn’t really surprising for marinette to do, but for adrien it again represents a small thing that shows he really appreciates and cares about her (whether it’s romantic or not). the concept of them switching miraculouses were also fun, and seeing a little bit of tikki and plagg interactions again. the reason that it didn’t end up in the top 10 was because i think the execution of their miraculous switch should’ve been done much better. i feel like the writing made chat look dumber than he is and made ladybug look more bossy than she is. while i feel part of this was meant to demonstrate they’re truly made for their own miraculous, it could’ve been demonstrated without making the character look worse. 
startrain - i don’t mean to be basic but the adrinette in this episode was super cute. however that’s not the only reason this episode stood out. hawk moth rlly sent his own son into space, u know as one does. and then the irony of him saying “how ironic i have to depend on my enemies (ladybug and chat noir) to save my son” like if you think that’s ironic then… but anyway . i also enjoyed seeing more max in the episode. his transformation is fun and i think we deserved a max based episode where he (or markov) didn’t have to get akumatized. also i feel like in the beginning of the episode, i like how adrien flat out decided to go to london without even asking his dad. i think he’s slowly stopping to care so much about his fathers rules and realizing what he needs for himself and this shows that. 
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jackdawyt · 4 years
Given that Tevinter Nights is just over one month old, and the majority of you have had a decent chance to pick it up and give it a good read, I want to share my full-spoiler predications for Dragon Age 4 based on many new aspects Tevinter Nights brings to the ever-so expanding universe of Dragon Age. As a quick preface, this sort of video is definitely going to be more of an opinion piece, sharing my own thoughts and marvels on everything Tevinter Nights foreshadows for the future game.
I encourage all of your thoughts and theories too, so share them down below! But, without further ado, I’ll start by sharing my predictions on the main tone of Dragon Age 4.
The Dragon Age games have always followed a Dark Fantasy approach to storytelling with morally grey choices, excessive gore and truly twisted plot-beats like ravenous Broodmothers, and Hawke’s mother’s macabre death, which was oh so gruesome and a pinnacle example of Dragon Age’s dark fantasy tone.  
While some may argue Dragon Age: Inquisition was the weakest in this dark fantasy department, Tevinter Nights revitalises any hope for the return of deeper and darker themes in the next Dragon Age game.  
Y’see Tevinter Nights, acting as a prologue for Dragon Age 4, introduces a bounty of dark fantasy storytelling that will certainly push the future plots in a most diabolical way.  
Introduced in this book, we had plenty of things that would give even a darkspawn the heebie jeebies!
From: evil twisted human/centipedal/insectoid monstrosities, demon worshipping cults, ancient wicked beings, (“Cekorax”), death and blood magic, murder machinations, eldritch horrors, domestic abuse, inhumane treatment, ghastly apparitions, demonic possession, and plenty more hard-hitting themes that are paving the way for Dragon Age 4’s story.  
And if none of those themes satiated your own dark desires for the next Dragon Age game, well, don’t forget about the main narrative focusing on stopping a prideful and powerful elven mage who can take shape into the wicked Dread Wolf attempting to commit mass-genocide for the sake of his long-lost people. Oh, not to mention the fact that this elf could’ve broken up with you too, causing your heart to ache every single second as he tears down Thedas, and the love you once shared together...
With that said, Dragon Age 4’s tone should certainly take the franchise back to its dark fantasy roots if it follows the layout Tevinter Nights has laid ahead. Let’s move on to the next game’s potential locations.
First up, The Tevinter Imperium.
From the Capital City Minrathous, home to the Magisterium to Elven tombs lurking in The Silent Planes. There are many prominent locations that could make for a worthy visit within the Imperium. However, with the ongoing Qunari Antaam invasion ransacking many of Tevinter’s northern cities, many of the Imperium’s major holdings will be torn by the current war and preparing for a siege.  
Not to mention the other major epidemic on the Imperium and its people  - the scheme Solas has to destroy the veil. Not that this pain will be exclusive to the Imperium, as by gum, it will hurt all of Thedas.  
But, the entirety of Tevinter’s land was once in possession of the ancient elves during the elvhen times. Solas’s scheme seeks a redemption of his people, and so a reclamation of the land is merely inevitable.  
The people of Tevinter are not only evading a brutal religious conquest against their homes, but an elven God’s conflict too.  
With so much contention impending, the Tevinter Imperium is critically endangered. Can Tevinter’s most contrived government save its very people, or will we see this once great Empire stumble into chaos?  
Next up, Nevarra.
The main ongoing conflict in Nevarra regards the Van Markham, Pentagasht and many other nobles fighting for their own right to the throne, as King Marcus’s reign will soon end with no heir to rule after him.  
However, just outside of the Capital; Nevarra City, lies the Mortalitasi’s Grand Necropolis, a stronghold and morgue built into the side of a mountain to hold Neverra’s elite family tombs.  
In a very recent catastrophic ritual held in the Grand Necropolis caverns, the Dread Wolf attacked the Mortalitasi, sending demons to stop the ritual and kill the rest of the mages. In a desperate effort, the surviving mages sealed the caverns with no trace of the invading demons.  
Investigating the Dread Wolf’s movements may play a huge part in the next plot, and having the Mortalitasi as allies could change the tide of battle. So, Nevarra’s Grand Necropolis would certainly make for a grand visit.  
And then there’s Hunter Fell, a small town just west of Nevarra City, where a tavern called ‘The Teahouse’ appeared to be the last known location that Solas had made a physical appearance. Another worthy place to investigate further plot ties.
Throughout the lands of Nevarra, there are at least elven more ancient elven/dwarven thaigs that are built into Nevarran mountains, to our knowledge, only one has been opened and it contained horrific mutilated creatures followed by a gas that had a stench of the ocean.  
Nevarra and its surrounding areas are ripe with plot lines and narrative potential that will need to have a huge impact in the next Dragon Age game.
Following that, we’ve got Antiva.
Just like Tevinter, the majority of Nothern Antiva is under widespread invasion by the Qunari Antaam. However, quite unlike Tevinter, Antiva doesn’t exactly have their own dedicated military forces, instead the country relies on the Anitvan Crows to take action.  
The leaders of the Antivan Crows have their own inner conflict as one of the eight major houses leading the crows decided to sign a contract with the Qunari for a peaceful invasion, in which Antiva would be ‘spared’ in exchange for the deaths of every other talon.  
The talons discovered this treachery and put the situation to bed with the death of the Kortez family talon. With the peaceful conflict in shambles, a very much hostile Qunari invasion lingers on the horizon for Antiva.
Although the Anitvan Crows may make for a worthwhile trip to Antiva, who can say what will remain of the country when Dragon Age 4 arrives.  
Lastly, we have The Anderfels.
To my knowledge, the most outstanding location The Anderfels has to offer is Fortress Weisshaupt, the headquarters of the Grey Wardens.  
There’s been a lot of talk regarding the Anderfels Wardens, that they have a secret, or they’ve discovered something, or they’re all dead. henceforth, Fortress Weisshaupt has cut communications to the other Wardens across Thedas, remaining silent and alone.  
Could this sworn secret silencing the Wardens from the other groups be the return of Griffons? Have they discovered even more intelligent darkspawn, perhaps another Magister of old, or are the Warden leaders fighting amongst themselves?
The search for this truth could make for a notable quest line in Dragon Age 4.  
I’ll shuffle away from Rivan as a prominent location because I believe this country is intentionally neutral for many reasons that I’ll uncover in the next category.
With that, let’s talk about one of the biggest aspects that is going to make or break the next Dragon Age game.  
The Protagonist:
We’ve known for a fair while that Dragon Age 4’s previous iteration had the player prance around Tevinter as a spy, partaking in high risk, high reward heists. However, before major development picked up, the project was canned and the majority of its ideas were too.  
It’s unknown if any of that previous work will make its way into the latest iteration, or if it’s all been scrapped.  
But, before we shed a tear thinking about what Dragon Age 4 might’ve been based on the original iteration... If Tevinter Nights has taught me one thing, it’s that this spy role for our new protagonist still has plenty of potential. So, keep your daggers at the ready because I wouldn’t call playing as a spy off the table just yet.
As it stands, a spy is the biggest and best contender we have for our next character - chasing every lead after Solas, attempting to find a crack in his grand scheme, recovering intel and ancient artefacts, all the while being someone completely different than The Inquisitor. We’re a nobody, someone who can slip between the seams without garnering any attention.  
Which is the perfect role to defeat Solas because he doesn’t know of both our existence, and weaknesses.
Tevintet Nights builds up a lot of espionage plotlines, introducing brand new factions in Thedas that are particularly interested in subterfuge and trickery. Or as I like to call it hankey-pankey. Each attempting to gather information to defeat Solas before he set’s Thedas ablaze.  
So, because many major factions throughout Thedas operate a sole spy network, we have plenty of race origin stories for our next spy, conceptually.  
Say we play as a human; we can be a member of the Tevinter Siccari. If we’re a dwarf, we can belong to the Carta. If we choose an elf, we could be an Ex-Fen'Harel Agent, and if we played as a Qunari, we could be a member of the Ben-Hassrath.  
Satisfying each race with their own reconnaissance background, allowing the protagonist to have an already established understanding of Solas and his plan, so they can begin their journey of attempting to stop him.  
Through heists and other risky missions, we could embark on a fast pace, tense narrative that’s more akin to a suicide mission. Very much different to the previous Dragon Age entries, however, completely logically given the tone of the predicted narrative.  
And, Maker’s arse, I could go on with many more ideas for a spy protagonist, but we’ve got other concepts to move on to. If that doesn’t quench your thirst for potential spy dynamics in the next Dragon Age game, well I did create a dedicated video to this topic that you can check out.  
Lord of Fortune (Treasure Hunter).
In the same direction as a stealthy spy, but rather quite different and certainly stricter, but has its own unique appeal (..) we could potentially play as a Rivani Lord of Fortune! More apropos, a distinct Treasure Hunter seeking fortune, wealth and any opportunity that pays well enough.
And perhaps the gig that pays well enough is to, without question, recover certain artefacts and idols that may be required in stopping an Elven God that wants to destroy the veil. However, that information is beyond our pay grade, and were not one to question a paid job.  
And then, as things escalate, our Treasure Hunter finds themselves in a perilous situation, and they decide to take the hunt against the Dread Wolf, with more reason than just coin, but to fight for Thedas and their new family.  
What marks a Lord of Fortune as significant is the fact that they’re from Rivan, a country we’ve not yet seen much of in Dragon Age, and somewhat of a neutral location for our next protagonist. As they make choices that may affect Tevinter or Nevarra, they won’t have a bias based on that being their home, they will be able to make a neutral choice based on the context given, and none other.  
There were plenty of nods to the Lords of Fortune in Tevinter Nights. Regardless, if we’re not playing as one, we’ll certainly encounter one or two in the next game.  
And in a completely obscure, but necessary direction... how about playing as an Executor? A being, or person, or whatever the heck they are, from “beyond the sea.” This character style would grant the players with a new perspective on Thedas, and would allow new players to pick up the series, as you’d slowly learn about the narrative piece by piece, playing as someone who probably doesn’t know much about the world of Thedas, and would need somewhat of an education on the events of this world.
We don’t know much about the Executors at all, so what’s better way to discover them then actually playing as one?  
The Inquisitor (Dual?).
As my final protagonist concept for Dragon Age 4, I feel it necessary as an Inquisitor fanboy to reiterate the ancient method many fans would like to see, and that is the dual protagonist mechanic. Allowing the next game to have two protagonists. As a TLDR, because I’ve talked about this before, but let's say we play as the returning Inquisitor for 20% of the game as they find loose ends on Solas, deal with diplomatic and political matters, and have more of a conversational style to gameplay. Then, we switch to our new protagonist who spends the rest of the game exploring Tevinter, building allies and attempting to stop Solas.
Putting this topic to bed, the Inquisitor needs to witness the end to Solas, whether peacefully or vengefully, he’s the Inquisitor’s friend, rival or romance. So, they need to be there to deal with him.  
Potential Allies:
Anyhow, we’ve talked about the next protagonist, let’s explore some plot threads and briefly run through the factions we may, or may not have on our side depending on our choices in Dragon Age 4.  
The Mortalitasi
Nevarra’s own death mages who’re responsible for mummifying the bodies of elite families using powerful necromancy and binding magic. It is said that the Mortalitasi are so powerful, they influence and sway the king’s decrees and decisions over the kingdom.  
The Tevinter Siccari
The Imperium’s best shadow network, made of highly skilled and secretive agents who each come from slave families, they are formidable and honourable warriors.  
The Qunari Ben Hassrath
The Qun’s dedicated spies and enforcers, they’re responsible for re-educating those not familiar with the Qun, however, the group are currently fixated on Solas’s movements. Reportedly The Ben Hassrath have the most knowledge about the Wolf than anyone else on Thedas, because of this, they remain a neutral party in Thedas’s war effort.  
The Inquisition
Remnants of the Inquisition army continue the mission of their Inquisitor, with many agents enlisting to fight against an opposing threat.  
The Carta
This crime syndicate has been investigating all matters concerning the blight that has become ‘bad for business’ in the dwarven kingdom, like the red lyriun idol.  
The Executors  
Mysterious beings who come from beyond the sea, they would rather not see this world come to an end, and so they too seek a demise to the Wolf.  
The Antivan Crows
Antiva’s best and brightest hired assassins, who’ve recently denied the Qunari Antaam’s ‘peaceful’ contract for invasion. Now, they will fight for their country and its people.  
The Grey Wardens
The legendary heroes of old are long gone, the group continues with incompetent leaders who stain the title Grey Warden. However, those who linger in Fortress Weishaupt have a secret, one that has not yet left the premise. Whatever that may be...  
And I’m sure plenty more factions will arise; however, these were my main hot takes based on Tevinter Nights. With that, let’s discus the rivalling factions that will most likely be out for our blood in the next game.  
The Qunari Antaam
The Qun, under the leadership of Sten as Arishock, stands divided. The Antaam, the Qun’s dedicated military branch has decided for themselves to invade Thedas without authorisation from the rest of the Qun. The zealot army sieges cities across Northern Tevinter and Antiva, continuing to rampage all of Thedas’s land until the people either kneel to the Qun or pay the price with their own blood. They will not stop until their mission is complete, and no one will get in their way, not even their own people.  
Solas/Dread Wolf
Solas seeks to destroy the veil, destroying Thedas. He’s absorbed Mythal’s essence so he can rise as the horrific Dread Wolf, a creature who has taken residence in the Fade, with his own demon army whom serve him willingly.  
Ancient Elves
Ancient and Dalish Elves have joined Solas’s ranks, known as the Cult of Fen’Harel, they abide by Solas’s every scheme and have begun to cause chaos for Thedas, like attempting to set up a calamity feud between the Qunari Ben Hassrath and Tevinter Kinsman. Who knows what they may do next?  
Venatori Remnants
They tried to summon an ancient demon in Tevinter’s capital city, surely, they aren't over that plan just yet.  
Main Story/Plot Points:
Now we get to the juicy story predications, where I get to speculate the heck out of many key plot aspects of Dragon Age 4’s narrative. So, hold on tight to your tinfoil hats!  
The Red Lyrium Idol
The whereabouts of the Red Lyrium Idol are still quite the mystery, we’ve learned a great deal about this device, however, we still don’t know what it represents, and how significant it will be regarding Solas’s plan to destroy the veil. So, will we be embarking on a McGuffin style questline to find this idol before Solas gets it?  
Let’s say we’re a spy journeying into epic heists, attempting to beat Solas to the finish line and destroy this idol before he gets it. Or, maybe this idol plot-point may be wrapped up by the time of Dragon Age 4’s launch, and we’ll be doing something else?
The point is, this idol is still a mystery and it needs solving, so by that measure, it’s probably going to have some involvement in Dragon Age 4.  
Solas/Dread Wolf Antagonist  
Based on what we know about the story going forward, Solas will most certainly be the next antagonist, that’s a given at this point unless the plot drastically changes and Mythal or The Titans, or a new evil takes that position. As it stands though, Solas seemingly is the big bad of Dragon Age 4.  
And, he’s has already risen as the Dread Wolf, so that’s just grand, we’re already doomed! The plot will most likely focus around stopping Solas before he destroys the veil... if there even is a way to stop him.
As another obvious predication, I believe we may follow between two main choices throughout every action in the next game, those choices are: do we want to redeem Solas, or stop him. If our intention is to redeem Solas, then perhaps he’ll listen to what we’ve got to say, however, if we pursuit his death, then perhaps we’ll only be greeted by The Dread Wolf.
Regarding the main plot of defeating Solas, I believe we’ll be gathering more intel on the Dread Wolf by teaming up with many dedicated factions across Nothern Thedas. While some groups may join our ranks more willingly like the Mortalitasi, I believe we may have a few decisions between choosing one faction over another because of their own quarrels. Like choosing between the Tevinter Siccari and Qunari Ben Hassrath, each providing agents and intelligence in their own way against Solas, however, completely hostile to the other faction.  
We’re going to need allies to stop Solas, there’s no way around that. Not every faction is going to get along, and magically unifying every divisive faction under one banner would be unrealistic and feel cheap in my opinion. If we can choose between key factions, there’d be a sense of contention throughout every single choice we could make.  
As well as gathering and helping as many allies as possible who support our cause against the Dread Wolf, I have a few more main mission predictions like embarking on epic heists stealing and claiming Elven artefacts and Evanuris runes. And stopping key agents of Fen’Harel and their destructive plans for Thedas.
Side Plots:
Alongside our main story content, we’ve got plenty of side plots and threads that need to be explored. So, here’s a rapid list of some extra conflicts I think we’ll see in the next game.  
The Grey Warden’s sudden silence at Fortress Weishaupt.
Aiding the Mortalitasi.
The Qunari Antaam’s invasion against Northern Thedas.
Uncovering Ghilinan’s Creations, Pre-Veil Monsters and Ancient Thaigs.
The Remnant Venatori Cult threat.
The mysteries concerning the Titans.  
And, now we get to the most subjective list, the roster of companions we may share this journey against Solas with.  
I want to see Vaea, she’s my favourite character in the comics and she appeared in ‘Harold Had The Plan’. I know I speak for even the comic writers that she deserves a spotlight in the next game. The only problem is, she doesn’t kill, but heck, she could perform a support role in the group.
Next up, Scout Lace Harding. She’s been teased, but she deserves a comeback as a bigger role, and she can serve as a reminder of the Inquisition, filling the new protagonist in on previous events correlating to Solas.  
And, Lucanis Dellamorte, an Antivan Crow assassin introduced in ‘The Wigmaker Job’.  Although he has no interest in becoming First Talon, he’s said to be his grandmother’s favourite, and she intends on making him her heir.
Vadis, an Altus Thief introduced in ‘Half Up Front’. She was disowned by her father because of her relationship with an elf. As of which, she’s a wayward traveller who came across a calamity scheme of Fen’Harel’s which would’ve caused an incredible feud between the Qun and Tevinter. Since stopping those responsible, and making herself known to the Dread Wolf, she’s headed to Kirkwall to meet Varric Tethras so she and her partner can strike back.  
A Female Qunari. Patrick Weekes tweeted back in 2017 that this sort of character style would be a biggie because it’s someone they haven’t done before. I don’t have any character in mind because there were no significant female Qunari’s in Tevinter Nights, however, that doesn’t mean we can’t have a guess. We’ve had two previous warrior Qunari, and I think we’d all love to see an ex-sarrabas, wielding powerful Fade magic.  
Philliam, a Bard! Is a scholar responsible for collecting and curating many texts in Thedas. His knowledge and penmanship would certainly be a large help, not to mention his dashing personality, he’s a Bard for Andraste’s sake!  
Fenris, as a returning character from Dragon Age 2, I think Fenris is one of the most viable characters to return as a companion. His lyrium tattoos provide for a very unique combat style, and he’s got plenty of substance in Tevinter as he continues his blood trail of magisters. Not only that, he’s been setting slaves free and is personally involved in a red lyrium plot conducted by the Venatori remnants.  
Grey Warden Ramesh is a man who has seen some true horrors in his life. Introduced in ‘The Horror of Hormak’, Ramesh has seen one of the many ancient thaigs that contain ancient elven nightmares, as he witnessed his partner sacrifice her life so he could escape. His mission stands to warn the rest of the Wardens of the remaining eleven thaigs.  
“Hollix” is a Lord of Fortune introduced in “Luck in the Gardens”. They defeated a great tentacle monster lurking in the gardens of Minrathous, with the assistance of Dorian Pavus and Maevaris Tilani. Not only can they perfect the fine arts of theft, but “Hollix” makes for a great hunter and tracker.  
As for some sillier, but very much necessary companion predictions, I have a few more that I need to share:  
A Nevarran Mortalitasi Skeleton, in the Grand Necropolis, the death mages have actual skeleton servants who do pretty much anything for their masters, being bound by a spell to serve for the rest of your days will do that to you. I say, if they’re already bound, why not have one too?  
In the opposite direction, I’d like to see my Mabari Dog return. That is all.  
How about an Executor? They’re such a mystery, if we’re not going to find out what’s behind their vyrantium robes any other way, then we may need to take a gander and see for ourselves.  
And, lastly, I’d be silly not to ask for an Elven God companion.  
In truth, these are just a few of my companion predications very much based on Tevinter Nights, I believe the next game will have a variety of different companions. The main takeaway from this section going forward is to expect the sort of character we haven’t already had, as Patrick Weekes stated.  
Let me know your predictions down below, what you think we can predict for Dragon Age 4!
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vs-redemption · 4 years
Blinded (Teen!Hawks X Teen!Toya Oneshot)
Summary: Hawks meets Toya Todoroki and has a conversation that forces him to open his eyes to the darker truths about hero society. This is based on the theory that Hawks met Dabi through the Hero Commission before Dabi was a villain. 
Warnings: It’s kind of sad
Being blindfolded used to be a bit frightening, but not anymore. Honestly, now it was just kind of exhilarating because taking away my eyesight made the rest of my senses kick into overdrive. Years of training had made it so that nobody could hide from me, even in complete darkness. Having that kind of power gave me a confidence that I’d been raised to embrace and utilize in every aspect of my daily life. A person who was assured in their own abilities and actions put other people at ease. It made them trust you, and that was important for anyone aspiring to be a hero.
“Are you ready?” the familiar voice of the facility director comes through the speaker on the ceiling directly above my head. It was usually my personal supervisor that ran my routine quirk tests, but it wasn’t unheard of for the higher ups to show up and assess my progress every once in a while. I nod my head, knowing they were watching my every move as I mentally prepare for what I am about to do. There’s a count down.
The wings on my back snap open and a tingling sensation runs through my feathers as they pick up the vibrations of several dozen sensors placed randomly around the room. Learning how to sense and control each of my feathers had been a slow, uphill battle. It had only gotten easier thanks to all the rigorous mental exercises I’d been forced to endure. I still had a long way to go and a lot more to learn before I was ready to be a hero, but for now I took pride in how each feather moved on its own, flying through the room and shutting off each of the sensors with terrifying speed and accuracy. I can’t help but smirk a little, knowing the director was watching. Maybe if I impressed her enough, I’d finally be given permission to leave the facility.
There were only a few more sensors left when all of my focus suddenly zeroed in on the sounds coming from outside the testing room. People had been walking back and forth, chatting to each other, and opening and closing doors the entire time, but there was one particular voice that had always stood out. The fact that he was back after going missing for a few days was a little exciting, and my mind raced with possible reasons for the absence.
The director calls my name and I snap to attention. The bright red feathers around the room come flying back to me, filling out my wings as they fold back up against my back. I pull the blindfold off my face and glance up towards where I knew the camera watching my performance was hidden.
“What happened?” The voice was your supervisor now and he didn’t sound pleased. “You slowed down at the end and failed to turn off two of the sensors.”
I hadn’t made a mistake like that in a long time. It was time to put my diplomacy skills to the test. I put on my best smile, the one they’d rewarded me for using to my advantage in the past, and reach up to scratch the back of my head as a false show of submission.
“Sorry about that,” I keep my voice light but apologetic. “I thought I heard someone trip out in the hallway and figured it was worth losing a few points if I could make sure they were all right! That’s what a real hero would do, isn’t it?”
“No.” My supervisor hadn’t been moved at all by the act. I supposed that was to be expected since he was the one who had taught me all the tricks I’d just tried to pull. “You can think of those two missed sensors as two lives you failed to save today.” That was a bit harsh, but I knew better than to say anything about it.
“All right,” I sigh, giving in for real. “Just let me try again. I’ll get them this time.”
“There are no second chances in the real world,” the supervisor lectures. “Only consequences. So for the next two weeks you’ll be required to do an extra hour of training after dinner.” Before I have a chance to reply, I’m dismissed from the test and sent to my next class.
* * *
There were plenty of other students besides me attending the facility owned by the Hero Public Safety Commission. We all attended general studies classes together but did our quirk training separately. I’d been wishing for more time to get to know them for as long as I could remember. Unfortunately though, there was hardly ever time for me to socialize with my peers because they went home to their families in the afternoon while I lived in the building and did extra training in the evenings. It made me sort of an outcast to them, and I envied my classmates who got to leave this place to hang out, talk, and enjoy doing whatever it is that they liked doing.
“Hey. Chicken boy.”
It was the same voice I’d heard in the hallway during my test. I was supposed to be in the cafeteria for dinner within the next few minutes, but there was no way I could pass up a chance to talk to him. I turn around and see him sitting on the ground, tucked oddly underneath one of the facility’s drinking fountains.
“Hey.” I walk over to his crouched form, fighting the urge to check over my shoulder for anyone who might be watching. I was going to be in so much trouble if I was late to dinner. The commission kept me on a very strict schedule. It was strange that any other students would still be here though. Everyone else had gone home for the day.
I kneel down so it’d be easier to talk to him, but I was a bit too big to fit under the fountain with my wings. This is the closest I’d ever been to him, so it was a little startling to finally make eye contact with his icy blue stare after admiring him from afar for so long. If this was going to be my first impression, I had to make it good. I fluff up my wings and allow a huge smile to take over my face before asking, “Is everything okay?” The boy scoffs and rolls his eyes.
“Stop it with that stupid hero act.” He crosses his arms over his knees which were tucked into his chest, making himself look younger and smaller than he was. His words sent a jolt into my stomach though. Stop the hero act? Being a perfect hero inside and out had been the main purpose of my existence since the facility had taken me in. I didn’t know how to stop.
“What’s your name, bird brain?” Apparently he’d grown impatient with my silence. I knew ‘Chicken Boy’ and ‘Bird Brain’ were probably supposed to be offensive, but I’d honestly be fine with any nickname just to keep him talking to me. I rarely got the chance to talk so casually with someone, especially someone so close to my age, and especially someone as interesting at this boy. Ever since he’d joined the facility, he’d only attended classes about seventy percent of the time. The times he did show up were spent driving the facility staff mad by questioning and challenging every order he was given. I liked his attitude, and I wanted to know what made him go absent so often.
“My name’s Hawks.” I soften my smile this time in the hopes he’ll reciprocate the friendliness. The irritation on his face only increases at my answer. He sighs and runs a hand through his thick, red, spiked up hair. His sleeve slides down to reveal that his wrist and forearm are covered in tightly wrapped bandages. It’s not the first time I’d seen him with injuries like that, and it was one of the many things that had made me so curious about him. How did he always end up hurt so badly? Did it happen during his training? Was he pushing himself too hard? Was someone doing it to him? There’d been no clues about what his quirk could be, so I couldn’t be sure what the story was.
“I meant your real name, moron.” The insults were getting more offensive, but I didn’t mind. I’d been taught by the commission that people lashed out at others out of fear, sadness, or insecurity. As a hero, I’d have to deal with people experiencing emotions like that every day. I couldn’t let it get to me.
“I’m not supposed to tell anyone my real name,” I admit calmly while trying to think of a way to get him to open up to me. This was my first chance to try and make a real friend.
“Why not?” his tone was mocking, “You think you’re special because you live here and get special treatment?” The question was shocking. Is that what all my classmates thought of me? I was certainly lucky to have been taken in by the commission, but being caged inside was also a burden at times.
“I was told that it was safer for me to always use a hero name,” I explain, wondering if I was really supposed to be sharing details like that without asking. “The commission didn’t want anyone to be able to use my past against me.” A dark look passed across my classmate’s face then and he finally crawls out from under the fountain. I scramble to stand up too, worried that he was going to leave. He doesn’t walk away though. He just stands there with a scowl on his face.
“I wish someone would erase my past,” he finally mumbles after a pause. “It must be nice.”
“It’s lonely,” the words are out before I can stop them. I wasn’t ever supposed to show true vulnerability like that, but how could I not after he’d said something so sad? The expression on his face changes after that, probably surprised by my admission. The heat from his blue eyes seems to dull and the tension leaves his shoulders.
“Lonely, huh?” all the aggression had left his voice and the corner of his mouth pulls up into a sad smile. “Well isn’t that a pity?” I couldn’t tell if he was still making fun of me or not. Perhaps my isolation was amusing compared to whatever he dealt with that left him with open wounds all over his body. He reaches forward suddenly and wraps his fingers around my wrist to tug me closer. My brain all but short circuits at both the close proximity and his touch. It suddenly occurs to me that I had no idea when I’d last had physical contact with someone that wasn’t for a training or medical purpose.
“Let me fill you in on a secret,” he’s speaking just quietly enough that I have to lean in just a bit more to catch his words. “This place isn’t grooming you to be a hero. Not a real one anyway. They’re just brainwashing you into being a puppet that follows orders and never thinks for itself.”
“No, that’s not true.” It was a kneejerk response and deep down I knew it.
“Yeah, it is. Dumb bird,” the frown is back and he shakes his head. “Open your eyes.”
Open your eyes.
Suddenly the thought of ever being in a blindfold again made me want to be sick. Had the facility really been using me this whole time? Were they really training me into the type of hero I wanted to be? Surely it couldn’t be true. This classmate that I had been so intrigued by was clearly just trying to shatter the confidence that I’d worked so hard to build. He obviously wasn’t happy with his own life, and like they say, misery loves company.
“Hawks!” my supervisor comes stomping down the hallway towards us. The boy standing in front of me lets go of my wrist and backs away. “There you are! Did you forget what time dinner was? Oh. Toya…” there was clear distaste in my supervisor’s tone once he sees who I’m with. “That explains it. You know your father’s been blowing up our phone trying to figure out where you are?”
“I don’t care.” The boy says flatly, “He can go to hell.” He unconsciously starts rubbing at his arms where the bandages are.
“You should really reconsider that attitude of yours,” my supervisor warns him before turning to me. “Get to the cafeteria right now. And you’d better hope I never have to go searching for you again.” I look at Toya, wanting to continue our conversation so I could figure out what was going on with him and squash the uncertainty that was suddenly spreading through my head like wildfire. I didn’t want to get us into more trouble by disobeying, but I also had an urge to show him that I could act on my own. Before I could change my mind, I lunge forward and throw my arms around his neck to pull him into a tight embrace. He either didn’t want to hug me back because of his injured arms or didn’t know how to do it without disturbing my wings because he kept his arms hanging limply at his sides. That was okay though. It made me happy that he didn’t push me away.
“Keigo Takami,” I whisper as quietly as possible near his ear. “That’s my name.” I back away quickly with a big grin on my face. There was something liberating about releasing that information when I wasn’t supposed to. Toya raises his eyebrows at me, looking impressed. I wasn’t really ready to leave yet, but I didn’t want to push my luck more than I already had. “Goodbye,” I tell him before excusing myself and heading to the cafeteria.
* * *
After hearing that I’d diverged from the facility’s schedule to talk to another student in the hallway, my two weeks of extra training got extended to four. I knew that it would be difficult for me to ever talk to Toya again, at least not for a while. I used the time to really think about what he’d told me. I thought about my life in the facility and about the life I hoped to someday live as a pro hero. There were definitely a few things I could admit bothered me. The biggest one wasn’t even about how they treated me. It was how they treated Toya. Being a hero meant knowing when someone needed your help, and Toya was clearly a person that needed saving.
In class, I did my best to acknowledge him without drawing too much attention to ourselves, but the most interaction we could manage was a subtle head nod every now and then. After a week or so, he went missing for a couple days. He came back with fresh bandages on his arms. It confused me how the teachers and facility staff could allow whatever was doing this to him to continue. After the comment he’d made about his dad, I wondered if his father was the one to inflict the wounds. There was no way the commission would turn a blind eye to that though, right?
I was starting to sense a theme.
As time passed, Toya spent more and more time away from the facility. I couldn’t help but worry as the amount of bandages on his body increased until they covered his arms and legs completely and even wrapped up around his neck. The attitude he was known for had all but vanished too. The fight had gone out of him, leaving the light in his blue eyes looking distant and dead. I wanted nothing more than to wrap him up in my wings and protect him from whatever was hurting him, but feared getting the both of us into trouble. A few months later, Toya stopped showing up all together. When I asked my supervisor about it, he expertly danced around the question using the same methods of controlling the conversation that I’d been taught during my time as his student. I realized now that it wasn’t diplomacy I was learning, it was manipulation.
Toya had been right. Good heroes weren’t meant to be deceitful or to ignore injustices. I made a vow then to use the commission the way they had been using me. I’d let them train me and make me strong. I’d pretend to agree with their corrupted methods and ideals until I was powerful enough to change them myself. I’d do everything I possibly could to become a great hero and never allow myself to be put in a blindfold again.
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bellamygateoldblog · 5 years
best and worst relationships?
There’s a lot of varables to consider here, and I’m feeling sick and bored out of my mind, so i’m going the long way round. This is a nightmare to read on mobile, im so sorry.
‘Best’ and ‘Worst’ labels depend on a number of things:
— Story of the pairing
— General intrigue and how enjoyable their dynamic is to watch
— Chemistry of the two (or more) characters
— Presence (or lack of) valuable relationship qualities (is this relationship healthy according to the world it exists in?)
and the importance of each of those differs from person-to-person.
Note: Sticking to popular relationships. I’ve blocked names, but I’m also throwing it under a Read More because it’s long and negative. It’s largely anticlarke because she’s a terrifying character and her mere existence derails most of her dynamics. Ship and like whatever you like, I hate fandom gatekeeping. But you asked so let’s go.
There’s also no order to this. Welcome to chaos land.
Best ‘Best’ List: objectively good relationships
— Linctavia
— Marper 
— Spacekru
— David and Nate Miller
— Raven and Sinclair
Unconditional love, mutual respect and support, found family, would die (and live) for the other. I can’t find fault in them.
I had a bit more to say about this one because there’s something so highly romantic in two people abandoned by their clan, cast out, finding each other in a literal desert wasteland. Like they’re each other’s oasis. In meeting Emori, Murphy finally found acceptance after spending far too long alone, and being told he was worthless by people who’s approval meant something. And Emori having someone prepared to do whatever it takes to protect her and make her happy is everything I could’ve wanted for her. They’re so deeply in love.
Best List
Becho (pre-season six)
Your local enemies-to-lovers. partnership over co-dependency. Compromise. Affection and emotional support from both sides. Willing to throw themselves right into line-of-fire for the other. A cut ‘i love her’ scene which i’ve personally decided wasn’t cut. I LOVE THEM.
Arguments against:
- ‘killed’ Gina (moreso she aided her death) while acting on orders from her superiors
- ‘killed’ Octavia while acting on orders from her superiors
- killed Ilian/ attempted to help Roan win conclave over Octavia
- almost killed Clarke (season five)
- happened offscreen
Arguments to discredit previous arguments because I’m sick and tired of seeing them in the pro tags:
- Echo was Bellamy’s enemy through those first three listed events. Bellamy had no reason to expect loyalty or respect, or anything else from her. She was always looking out for her people just as Bellamy was his own. That was quite clear.
- In fact she actually tried to help Gina because she was important to Bellamy, apologised that she couldn’t and did save Bellamy’s life despite their enemy status.
- ‘killing’ Octavia was not in cold blood. It was actually an accident.
- This one is nonsense. She wanted to kill Clarke during season five “even though she’s important to Bellamy”…after she just left him to brutally die and held Echo and her family at gunpoint and threatened to kill them. Context matters.
- not a fan of the time jump either, but if you’re able to accept the Madi-Clarke relationship which also developed offscreen, you can deal with this one.
Hard to talk about this one without defending it. Echo deserves better than season six Bellamy, who would abandon her in order to chase a woman he knew for 6-ish months 6 years ago. I say it’s his loss.
It was a beautiful relationship and then a beautiful breakdown of one. I really enjoyed their dynamic. About to get controversial and suggest Monty could’ve taken a different approach with Jasper. I’ve never committed genocide and had to learn to live with it while watching my best friend suffer from the decision, but I do have clinical depression and somewhat relate to Jasper. There was this scene, where in the background you see Jasper go to hug Monty goodbye and he avoids it. It was such a small but sad detail. I felt Monty wanted Jasper to deal with his grief in a certain way and got frustrated when he didn’t. Sometimes he could be insensitive and blaming, and i think had there been more communication their friendship could’ve been very healing for the both of them. I think we learn at one point Jasper actually thought Monty was “fine” and didn’t even realise or understand that Monty hurt too. Jasper had this tendancy to only consider his own feelings, and this put a rift between them. Tough love doesn’t work for everyone, and I think Monty’s sometimes cold approach held that rift in place. The simple fact that both sides are so easy to understand and empathise with, and that this gradual undoing of what was once an incredibly strong bond was inevitable, made watching it all wonderfully bittersweet.
This was good, but it was so rushed it made me bitter towards them. While it was Raven being thrown with yet another random guy, this did strike me as much more meaningful than her fling with Wick and I think it would’ve been a lovely relationship had it been able to continue. I think this was that love Raven deserved. It’s a damn shame it was used as just another level of torture for her. I think if they had let it develop more naturally and not been so full-on so soon, and of course if the actor hadn’t opted to leave the show, this would’ve been up on my best ‘best’ list.
Dropping this here: being intelligent isn’t actually important when pairing Raven up. Fandom acts like she needs someone “on her level” or “at her speed” (shudders), someone to challenge her, which has always come across as very demeaning of characters with less intellectual capacity, as if they’re less than Raven because of this when they are absolutely not. This mentality also denies Raven of partners that can value her and treat her well just because they aren’t Stephan Hawking. A romance isn’t a competition or a class project. Shaw was good for her, not because of what his brain could do, but because of who he was.
Bellamy and Octavia
This bitch toxic, YEET. I adore it. I really do. It’s such an intriuging and complex dynamic. The poisonous nature of their relationship is neither of their own faults, they’re both a victim of their own circumstances and, in Octavia’s case, a lack of socialisation and, by extension, non-understanding of grey area is also intrinsicaly linked to it. They truely love one another, but aren’t learned in how to show this in healthy ways. Makes that back-and-forth an entertaining watch.
Main grievance:
Beating your brother bloody while he’s chained down and unable to defend himself against you is disturbing and inexcusable in any context, and whether or not you’re grieving is irrelevant.
Neutral List
Placing this one here just because i don’t care about this relationship, but did like bits and pieces. I think this one ended before it even started. For me most of it’s appeal is in the gradual moulding of the dynamic and the many phases it went through. I did find intrigue in that journey. However the fact the show reminds me at least a few times a season that Lexa was the one has me digging my heels in. I hate being told what to think.
I don’t really remember it all that well so I don’t necessarily have strong opinions. I know some people do. At this point in the show I was growing more and more annoyed with Clarke, and eventually i went from liking Lexa to being indifferent to her, so a dynamic consisting of them both was the least interesting thing in the world to me by the time it started heating up.
I will say this is probably one of the only significant relationships Clarke has where she doesn’t ultimately have more power than the other half. There isn’t a mechanism there that allows one to use to do harm to the other to advantage themselves; Lexa is the commander, but Clarke is constantly pushing back and Lexa respects and listens to what she has to say. There is literally a shot of Clarke backing the most powerful person on the ground into a table. I think Clarke was a positive influence on Lexa, but during this time Clarke was slipping into worse and worse versions of herself.
Some thoughts:
I found it was innappropriate for Clarke, as a leader of her people who’s primary concern is supposed to be what’s best for them, to have become romantically involved with the commander of the people they hadn’t a stable relationship with, and who ultimately has the power to strip them of all freedoms. It’s so easy for those romantically and sexually charged feelings to cloud and confuse what are extremely important considerations to be made about the people back home. It wasn’t a very responsible relationship.
On the flipside of that, from this relationship Lexa was convinced to grow into peace. Which is quite obviously a positive affect. Though I found it was odd that Clarke, just a random teenage girl from space, would be (successfully) telling the commander how to manage her people when she herself was not at home overseeing the climate of her own. It just has some very weird implications.
Lexa’s betrayal at mount weather, actually a very silly and counter-productive decision, was what forced Clarke to lose her humanity in what was the most traumatic event of her entire life. The fact it was forgiven so easily was hard for me to get over.
Season five was good for them. It seemed as if they’d grown, were much closer, more respectful, and more affectionate. Then season six happened, and Bellamy was back to treating Murphy like he was beneath everyone. He started again to talk about how therapeutic it would be to hurt him, as he has, physically, many times in the past. Just tearing open old wounds at this point. In season five he reminded Murphy he wasn’t worthless, that he did belong with the group, but in season six he went back on all that, and put Clarke ahead of him at every turn, and prioritied her feelings over his very real pain. They’ve had a complicated history of violence, usually coming from Bellamy’s more hot-headed side.
I put this here because it’s an immensely compelling dynamic. These characters work well together, there’s heaps of chemistry and allure in each of their interactions. It’s just an entertaining time whenever they share scenes. But despite that, I don’t know where I stand with them and I don’t know where they stand with each other as of season six.
Worst List
There is a mess of negative thoughts inspired by this relationship about proportionate to the amount it’s shoved in my face. Clarke is just no good for Bellamy. Is the concise way of putting it.
Here’s a list of some of them which I usually like to bury deep inside my head for sanity purposes:
Ignoring whether or not actions were for the people/the only option and focusing solely on how the relationship is affected by them regardless
- Clarke has a tendancy to view the most important person (pre-season five) in Bellamy’s life as necessary collateral damage. She has brought/almost brought harm to Octavia on multiple occasions, the two most notable being TonDC and the conclave. Both while being on the same side as Bellamy from a political standpoint, and both while his friend who he had reason to expect affirmation, consideration, and loyalty from. Clarke betrays those key values. This happens again in season five when Clarke’s Plan-A solution is to “take her out.”
( this is also what sets her apart from Echo, who was never in the position to make her own choices. Clarke has that agency and control that Echo’s superiors had, but never Echo. )
- and saying that, I think it’s incredibly hard for Clarke to maintain any meaningful relationships being in the position she’s in. How do you have friends when you have to always put them second?
- speaking of the conclave, Clarke held Bellamy at gunpoint in order to prevent him saving his sister’s life. She said she “didn’t pull the trigger” and that was that. All is forgiven. However she did pull the trigger in what was an attempt to scare him into submission so I really don’t even know what to say here. The writers kinda forgot?
- they aren’t equal. They haven’t been co-leaders since season one. He was demoted almost immediately to second-in-command beneath Clarke. Clarke is the leader, the literal head. She makes the choices while Bellamy gets her out of the trouble she usually gets herself into, risking himself and others in the process. It’s a racist trope. It’s the ‘white princess and her brown knight.’ She has agency and power and he’s her loyal soldier, subordinate. Inequality isn’t inherently a bad thing but this power imbalance between them is utilised in harmful ways.
- speaking of “the good knight by his queen’s side,” this comes across as codependency. Clarke relies on Bellamy’s support, validation and loyalty, while ‘the heart needs the head to tell it to beat.’ That’s paraphrased from season six, that’s an actual line in the show. Bellamy needs her to guide him, to “keep [him] centred,” that’s another line from the show. That’s still not enough? He literally tells us in season six that he needs her, and has needed her in the past if his psychosis episode is anything to go by. He has impeccably low self esteem and views himself less than. I mean if you need further convincing of they’re inequality, just look to their places on the ark which are quickly reinstated once it reaches the ground. Clarke is upper class, she’s later the daughter of the chancellor, she comes from a loving family, from one of (if not, the) more well-off stations, she’s educated and she has passions, but Bellamy? From the poorest ark station, raised by an emotionally abusive mother, a janitor, his whole motivation his entire life has been to love and protect Octavia. I think a lot of this devotion he has for her comes from a place of idolisation, of seeing something in her he wants for himself.
- now this ugly trope could also come from an absense of Octavia. The moment they get to the ground Octavia is on a journey of self-discovery. And eventually, she becomes her own protector, and she finds a home in Lincoln. So naturally Bellamy looks for the closest relationship he can find that resembles that old one. It’s Bellamy and Clarke. Now, instead of Octavia, he’s driven by and found purpose in protecting Clarke. In fact, the Clarke-Bellamy dynamic has so many similarities to the Octavia-Bellamy one I can absolutely see the sibling like quality to Be//arke.
- Clarke abandons Bellamy after mount weather. She leaves because she can’t bare the reminder of “what [she] did to get them here.” So she leaves and instead Bellamy is the one forced to see the faces of the 48 every day, reminding him of what he did to get them there. Clarke comes across as completely oblivious in this entire situation. Bellamy and Monty are both written using the word “we” to refer to the mount weather genocide, but Clarke? It’s “I” and “me” every time. It’s as if she truely believes she’s the only one suffering from it, she’s bearing it so they don’t have to, except that isn’t true at all and that fact is so painfully clear. Later she tells him she knew she could leave because the people had him, but who did Bellamy have? He dealt with that weight and that grief alone because the only other person who could possibly understand, the one who pulled the lever with him, ran away. After she had convinced him not to in season one. She then comes back informing him she’d been acting on behalf of her people in Polis, without the people’s own knowledge or consent, but i digress, and he’d just ruined everything. So much for co-leaders. And he blows up at her, and we see how badly this action hurt him.
- In season five she leaves him to die out of spite and took her daughter to the people he saved her from at the beginning of the season. It could’ve been avoided, but she decided to punish him. That’s all it was. Don’t give me none of that “I had to!!!” she screams in season six to mindspace!Octavia. Bellamy was forced into role of father at just 6 years old and has proved time and time again he was prepared to risk it all in order to protect his child, there was nobody more equipped to handle Madi than him and her yelling in his face that he couldn’t understand was perhaps the biggest betrayal of them all.
- In season five she tortured and almost murdered his entire family. After switching sides again at the end of the season, all this pain inflicted was meaningless. You can talk all you want at me about Clarke’s *reasons* but all she did was take the path of most destruction towards the same end-point. It was just unnecessary violence caused because she had this desperation to take the wheel.
- all of this works because the writing is always in Clarke’s favour. The show is framed in a way that makes Clarke sympathetic, emphasises how much causing others pain hurts her, and that means that she’s never held to any of these actions, she might get a stern talking to but she’s forgiven insanely easily and allowed to go on with no actual change.
Pr//ncess M//chanic
Unfortunately, from what i’ve gathered, there’s a lot of racism in this one just as there is in Be//arke. I mean the entire nature of the relationship relies on the elevation of Clarke and the narrative power to demote Raven to ‘second best’ and prop over and over again. Raven, a girl who works her ass off to make most of the victories in the show possible, actually spoke the words “she saved us again” after launching a pod from an exploding planet into space and fixing the ark while space walking. It’s mindblowing. Raven’s (and others’) successes are handed to Clarke on a silver platter and we’re just meant to eat that up and blindly accept that Clarke is our one true saviour. I’m not going into this because it makes me feel sick and Raven deserved better.
Unrelated thoughts:
I don’t see their relationship as friendly at all post-season two. I got the impression Raven actually didn’t like Clarke, but it was all very complicated.
I also think it’s terribly convinient Raven never found out the true nature of Clarke’s relationship with Lexa because I don’t believe she would’ve ever been okay about Clarke again if she had (if the writers were going for realistic).
Clarke strapped a torture device around her daughter’s neck for means of control and activated it under the guise of protection and that isn’t okay in any world or any context. Madi is a little girl who is dependant on Clarke and Clarke betrayed that trust. Those shock collars were used on her early in the season, she experienced the torture herself and still used it on her child. A lot of Clarke’s more unfavourable and/or unhealthy behaviours and characteristic are also present in Abby, which leads me to believe those are a product of her upbringing. Like mother like daughter, Abby also electrocuted Raven. Abby and Clarke have this strange rival-like relationship and I find it particularly cold, maybe because they’re so similar.
Abby and Raven
Abby has physically harmed Raven more than once. Out of anger and spite, or out of desperation. People hurting each other on this show is pretty standard and while this isn’t as overwhelming a mistreatment compared to others, her hitting Raven while she was acting chancellor was a pretty gross abuse of power. Its a visual display, with Abby’s imposing figure looming over a sitting and emotionally vulnerable Raven. We’re supposed to view this, i think, as mother-daughter. Abby says very early season one that Raven reminds her of Clarke, but she’s never shown treating Clarke in the way she does Raven. I liked the relationship during season one. From then and with Abby’s slow descent into villainy, not so much.
Ontari and Murphy
*She raped him. Next.
Clarke is a cause/reason, whether direct or indirect, of a huge chunk of Murphy’s suffering, all of which she’s never been held accountable for due to Murphy’s position as undesirable. I, along with Murphy, had to be told she cares about him in season six because her otherwise complete disregard for his life has been pretty apparent.
Notable mention:
Chaining up him and Emori like dogs and promising to sacrifice the woman he loves, against her will, for the greater good after he saved her life. He has to beg her, plead with her and her almighty god complex, and it’s all quite uncomfortable and eery. (She later draws a picture of this event in her sketchbook which is…kinda weird.) And, in true Clarke fashion, she refuses to accept responsibility for this action and hides behind the same old trend of gaslighting and screaming “i had to!!!” I can’t root for a friendship between these two no matter how fun their back-and-forth can be. Especially since I can’t recall a single time they’ve shared a nice moment. Oh, and here’s a post about why Clarke and Murphy will never bond over isolation and survival.
*The clashing of Ontari and Murphy’s personalities was hilarious and I enjoyed watching them on screen together.
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necromancy-savant · 4 years
The 6 Most Important Video Games to me During My Childhood/Teen Years
I have now started rambling. I stole this from a tweet asking the title as a question, but it asked for five and I couldn’t narrow it down to five so now you get six. I would tag a bunch of people to do this too but I’m actually not sure who likes games enough to want to so if you do and you want to, go for it.
Pokemon games were some of the first I ever played, starting with Blue Version at age 6. They’re not “important” in any of the senses that many of other games on this list are; they didn’t push the boundaries of what I thought a video game could be, they didn’t give me a sense of adventure in the same way many games do, and they didn’t have an influence on what kind of games I like in general. I almost didn’t include Pokemon and kept this list to five items. But given the sheer amount of hours I spent playing these games, imagining being in them, reading the books, and watching the shows, it would feel wrong not to include them. They may be more relaxing, wholesome fun than big adventure, but sometimes that’s exactly what you need. 
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
The first time I was exposed to this game was the year it came out, when I was in first grade, and my best friend had it at his house. I was immediately blown away by what I thought were the most realistic graphics I’d ever seen and moreover, the open world. You could run around with a sword and go (almost) wherever you wanted to, just exploring and hacking away at monsters. Years later in fifth grade I finally got a copy of it for myself (my parents thought video game consoles were the devil so we had to fight to get an N64 and any games we wanted for it but skipped the Gamecube/PS2/Xbox generation of consoles because we’d only just gotten the N64) and obsessed over getting the perfect playthrough. It was my first 3rd person fantasy game and as such is in many ways a baseline for my general taste in games.  Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 2
This is another outlier, sort of. It didn’t really break any exciting new ground for me in terms of gameplay or shape my expectations of what a game should be. But it had a huge influence on me because at the time that was my only access to culture - and not just culture, but culture I wanted to be a part of. Playing that game was the first time I remember hearing music I really loved. After a lifetime of asking for real rock music from adults in my life who had never heard any, I’d started to think it didn’t exist. When I heard the opening riff of Guerilla Radio and the chorus of When Worlds Collide, it was everything I’d always wanted. The game affected the way I dressed too; I loved fucking around with the “Create A Skater” feature and sought out the brands that were in the game to wear myself. As far as I knew, that was the fashion that was cool and alternative. I really wish I could have experienced more of this series when it was a thing, specifically the THUG games when they came out.
When I was in 7th grade all of the boys in my grade had Runescape accounts and were talking about the game constantly. I didn’t explore the internet much at home or play many online games for fear of judgment and punishment, but at my grandparents house I could do whatever I wanted and would sometimes stay over for the night and spend all night playing games on their much nicer computer and watching Fuse on the TV. It was on one of those visits that I created my Runescape account and was immediately hooked. It was so much more of an RPG than anything else I’d ever played. Honestly, the quests were so much more fun and creative than many of the games I’ve played since. It also had a ton of skills and a way bigger world than any other I’d seen in a game. After that I could never go back to games where you can’t customize your character or choose your skills and who you want to be. Importantly, when I started playing, without even thinking about it I chose a male avatar, and it was the first time I could just be seen as male by other people without question. 
World of Warcraft
WoW was perhaps a step up from Runescape - I immediately liked it because it was a third person game, reminiscent for me of OoT, and because it had an Undead race (definitely one of the things that keeps me coming back to it.) I started playing during Wrath of the Lich King and mained an Undead Rogue. It was kind of the first of that type of MMO I played, and maybe it wasn’t the most groundbreaking game ever after playing years of Runescape but it fixed some of the problems I had had with Runescape even while coming up short in some ways. The view and graphics helped, but it was also more linear and offered race and class choices to give me more of a sense of who I was in the world while still leaving much up to my imagination. And that’s what I think I loved about it: it’s a world that captured my imagination and still does.
Knights of the Old Republic
We (my brother and I) got this game initially when I was like 13 or 14 but our desktop couldn’t play it, so I had to wait until I was 17 and got my first laptop in order to play it at all, but it was worth the wait. This was my first Bioware game and the first game I played with dialogue options, companion characters you could talk to and form relationships with, and DEFINITELY my first video game that offered romance. As a really angry kid looking for a fantasy world that would let you be evil, I loved that it let you do that and found the dark side options hilarious. Even though I’ve since had more satisfying playthroughs where I don’t just kill and antagonize everyone, it permanently raised my standards for what a game can and should be: a single player RPG where you actually roleplay. 
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Best Motivational Quotes to Overcome Anxiety and Depression
Moving statements and motivational quotes to overcome anxiety and depression have a stunning capacity to change the manner in which we feel about existence. This is the reason I find them so intriguing and significant on our ways to progress.
So what's their mystery?
The manner in which you contemplate yourself, including your convictions and assumptions regarding what is workable for you, decides everything that transpires.
To be successful, you have to use each day as an opportunity to grow, to find purpose in life, to be better, to get a little bit closer to your goals. It might sound like an impossible thing or a lot of work—and with a busy schedule, next to impractical. But the best part is, the more you get the results, the more you’ll want to work hard, the higher you’ll want to reach. So as long as you have the hunger for success, you will always have the power within you to achieve it.
You have full oversight over just a single thing known to mankind — your reasoning – and that is the place inspirational statements come in!
Everybody needs a little motivation now and again.
Regardless of whether you're experiencing a separation, you've recently lost your employment, or you just woke up feeling a little shaky toward the beginning of today—we've all had nowadays.
I've assembled a rundown of probably the best-overcome anxiety and depression quotes so you can begin the year by assuming responsibility for your considerations, thinking emphatically and defining new objectives.
Dont Forget to read the best Dalai Lama Quotes and Sayings to bring a positive change in your life.
“You know you’re in love when you can’t fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.” – Dr. Suess
Motivational and Inspirational Quotes
“I think being in love with life is a key to eternal youth.” —Doug Hutchison
"I’m a success today because I had a friend who believed in me and I didn’t have the heart to let him down.” – Abraham Lincoln
“The purpose of our lives is to be happy.” — Dalai Lama
“Feelings don’t try to kill you, even the painful ones. Anxiety is a feeling grown too large. A feeling grown aggressive and dangerous. You’re responsible for its consequences, you’re responsible for treating it. But…you’re not responsible for causing it. You’re not morally at fault for it. No more than you would be for a tumor.”  ― Patrick Ness, The Rest of Us Just Live Here
“Life is what happens when you’re busy making other plans.” — John Lennon
“Get busy living or get busy dying.” — Stephen King
“You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.” — Mae West
“Not how long, but how well you have lived is the main thing.” — Seneca
“If life were predictable it would cease to be life, and be without flavor.” – Eleanor Roosevelt
“How can a person deal with anxiety? You might try what one fellow did. He worried so much that he decided to hire someone to do his worrying for him. He found a man who agreed to be his hired worrier for a salary of $200,000 per year. After the man accepted the job, his first question to his boss was, “Where are you going to get $200,000 per year?” To which the man responded, “That’s your worry.”  ― Max Lucado
“The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain.” —Dolly Parton
“Do all the good you can, for all the people you can, in all the ways you can, as long as you can.” — Hillary Clinton
“Don’t settle for what life gives you; make life better and build something.” — Ashton Kutcher
“Everybody wants to be famous, but nobody wants to do the work. I live by that. You grind hard so you can play hard. At the end of the day, you put all the work in, and eventually it’ll pay off. It could be in a year, it could be in 30 years. Eventually, your hard work will pay off.” — Kevin Hart
“Everything negative – pressure, challenges – is all an opportunity for me to rise.” — Kobe Bryant
“I like criticism. It makes you strong.” — LeBron James
“You never really learn much from hearing yourself speak.” ― George Clooney
“Life imposes things on you that you can’t control, but you still have the choice of how you’re going to live through this.” — Celine Dion
“Life is never easy. There is work to be done and obligations to be met – obligations to truth, to justice, and to liberty.” — John F. Kennedy
“Live for each second without hesitation.” — Elton John
“Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.” — Albert Einstein
“Life is really simple, but men insist on making it complicated.” — Confucius
“Life is a succession of lessons which must be lived to be understood.” — Helen Keller
“Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle. As with all matters of the heart, you’ll know when you find it.” — Steve Jobs
“My mama always said, life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get.” — Forrest Gump
“Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.”— Lao-Tze
“When we do the best we can, we never know what miracle is wrought in our life or the life of another.” — Helen Keller
“The healthiest response to life is joy.” — Deepak Chopra
“Life is like a coin. You can spend it any way you wish, but you only spend it once.” — Lillian Dickson
“The best portion of a good man’s life is his little nameless, unencumbered acts of kindness and of love.” — Wordsworth
“In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: It goes on.” ― Robert Frost
“Life is ten percent what happens to you and ninety percent how you respond to it.” — Charles Swindoll
“Keep calm and carry on.” — Winston Churchill
“Maybe that’s what life is… a wink of the eye and winking stars.” — Jack Kerouac
“Life is a flower of which love is the honey.” — Victor Hugo
“Keep smiling, because life is a beautiful thing and there’s so much to smile about.” — Marilyn Monroe
“Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.” — Buddha
“You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose.” — Dr. Seuss
“Good friends, good books, and a sleepy conscience: this is the ideal life.” — Mark Twain
“Life would be tragic if it weren’t funny.” — Stephen Hawking
“Live in the sunshine, swim the sea, drink the wild air.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson
“The greatest pleasure of life is love.” — Euripides
“Life is what we make it, always has been, always will be.” — Grandma Moses
“Life’s tragedy is that we get old too soon and wise too late.” — Benjamin Franklin
“Life is about making an impact, not making an income.” — Kevin Kruse
“I’ve missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. 26 times I’ve been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.” – Michael Jordan
“Every strike brings me closer to the next home run.” – Babe Ruth
“I’ve spent most of my life and most of my friendships holding my breath and hoping that when people get close enough they won’t leave, and fearing that it’s a matter of time before they figure me out and go.”  ― Shauna Niequist, Bittersweet: Thoughts on Change, Grace, and Learning the Hard Way
“The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.” – Mark Twain
“Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage.” – Anais Nin
“When I was 5 years old, my mother always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down ‘happy’. They told me I didn’t understand the assignment, and I told them they didn’t understand life.” – John Lennon
“Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears.” – Les Brown
“The whole secret of a successful life is to find out what is one’s destiny to do, and then do it.”– Henry Ford
“In order to write about life first you must live it.”– Ernest Hemingway
“The big lesson in life, baby, is never be scared of anyone or anything.”– Frank Sinatra
“Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.”– Thomas A. Edison
“If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things.”– Albert Einstein
“Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game.”– Babe Ruth
“Money and success don’t change people; they merely amplify what is already there.” — Will Smith
“Sing like no one’s listening, love like you’ve never been hurt, dance like nobody’s watching, and live like it’s heaven on earth.” – (Attributed to various sources)
“Curiosity about life in all of its aspects, I think, is still the secret of great creative people.” – Leo Burnett
“Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced.”– Soren Kierkegaard
“To venture causes anxiety, but not to venture is to lose one’s self…. And to venture in the highest is precisely to be conscious of one’s self.”   ― Søren Kierkegaard
“The unexamined life is not worth living.” — Socrates
“Turn your wounds into wisdom.” — Oprah Winfrey
“The more you pray, the less you’ll panic. The more you worship, the less you worry. You’ll feel more patient and less pressured.”   ― Rick Warren, The Purpose of Christmas
“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people’s thinking.” – Steve Jobs
Thank you for giving your time to read these beautiful inspirational and motivational quotes about anxiety and depression. Stay connected for more.
Source: Best Motivational Quotes to Overcome Anxiety and Depression
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multiphandomunnies · 5 years
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A/N: Aaand we’re back to our favorite leader! Please tell me your opinions and just enjoy this “calm before the storm” chapter. Check out the teaser for the next one in my masterlist!
Admin: Heather
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It all felt wrong. The Dreamworld always had this eerie atmosphere that made you feel uneasy, but now it seemed even more unsettling. Like the whole space was bracing itself and anticipating. What? You had no clue. But in current circumstances something was bound to happen.
A slender girl with flowy hair and serene features didn’t sound like a big threat. But her presence contributed to your worries. Yoohyeon was sitting on a chair with her eyes closed. Pastel colors of her clothes emphasized the peaceful physique. She had been in this catatonic state for a few days now, ever since Sua found her unconscious body. All details were unknown to you, because Handong was relentless in her “not doing shady nightmare stuff” policy. That’s why you had to do everything on your own.
“You don’t give up easily.” You stiffened, startled. No matter how many horrors you encountered, this voice always made you freeze.
“Jiu.” Almost without making a sound, the girl stood slightly behind you. Always keeping her distance while overpowering you effortlessly.
“I could have seen it coming. You seemed pretty shaken after the scene in the cafeteria.”
Her tone didn’t betray a single emotion. There was no way to guess what was going through her mind. You risked a quick glance in her direction. Her eyes were focused on Yoohyeon’s still form. Her hair turned black and one part was cut shorter. Only her expression didn’t change a bit. Still the same enigmatic and beautiful features.
“You don’t talk much.” Jiu’s gaze switched to you, taking you by surprise. What was even more unusual was the fact that you didn’t feel endangered like during every other conversation. Yes, it felt like she was reading your deepest thoughts, but her demeanor didn’t seem openly threatening.
“Don’t know what to say.” Maintaining eye contact was overwhelming, so you opted for watching Yoohyeon. “Everything happened so suddenly.”
“From your perspective at least.” You waited for some kind of continuation, but nothing came. Jiu always liked speaking in puzzles. Asking her directly wouldn’t get you anywhere and also seemed to be unreasonable. You had some kind of unspoken respect for Jiu. If she didn’t tell you, you wouldn’t ask.
You stood in silence and for some reason it felt right. It was a cathartic experience to stand in such close proximity to Jiu without planning an escape route. In other setting, her presence could be even considered soothing.
“Don’t worry. I won’t tell her.”
This was unexpected. You looked at her again in question.
“If you’re talking about Chaeyoung, she’s not a part of this anymore.” You knew she was aware of the involvement of the short girl. Clarification on that matter could keep your friend safe. Even if you two weren’t exactly on speaking terms.
“Not her.” She turned her head in your direction. “Handong.”
“Oh.” Of course Handong made sure to let everyone know you weren’t welcome in Dreamworld. “Thank you, that’s very nice of-“
You didn’t get to finish expressing your gratitude. You looked at your phone and checked the time. Still an hour left, you could sleep a bit more and maybe even talk to Jiu. Fortunately, you fell asleep as soon as you closed your eyes. What you weren’t expecting was to wake up after an hour of dreamless sleep.
 Looking like a creepy stalker was the last thing you cared about. You couldn’t stop observing Jiu, who was standing by her locker and talking with Sua. None of the girls seemed to notice your burning gaze or they were ignoring your whole existence. It’s been two days since your last visit in Dreamworld and it drove you insane. It was obvious that while Jiu assured that she won’t tell Handong, she also made sure to block you from entering their dimension in any way.
“It wasn’t always like this.”
You looked around to find the source of the voice, but no one was even looking in your direction. Maybe you accidently overheard someone’s conversation. Or you were going crazy from inability to learn more about Yoohyeon’s situation. What the hell happened to her?
“It was an accident.”
Again, searching for the person speaking was fruitless. Maybe you really were insane.
“She didn’t mean to.”
“Who is she? And what did she do?” you muttered under your breath to avoid weird looks. No one answered. Of course, you were imagining things again. And you couldn’t even seek for answers in Dreamworld.
“No one is safe.”
You knew that voice.
“Time is running out.”
You knew it too well.
Of course.
You turned your gaze up and bravely locked eyes with Jiu.
“Tik tok.”
Someone slammed their locker door and you jumped at the sudden noise. When you calmed down, Jiu and Sua were gone and Chaeyoung stood next to their previous spot with a frown on her face. You composed yourself and made your way towards the classroom. After you were sure Chaeyoung couldn’t see you anymore, you changed track and bolted to the exit. You had a mission to accomplish.
The sole idea of being alone in the mansion should seem repulsive. But truth be told, you didn’t feel scared anymore. Sure, the hallways were dark and kind of eerie looking. Even though you couldn’t help but remember everything that happened in the last couple weeks. You’ve been through so much because of this place. You came here for answers and you will get them. No matter what happens. You just had to avoid the girls and not get into trouble. Simple.
Finding Dong-hyuk’s working room took you less time than before. Unfortunately, a big part of his evidence was taken by Chaeyoung last time you were here and there was no way in hell or heaven that you would ask her for these notes. You had to work with whatever was left. The first thing that caught your attention was a stack of old looking papers, so you approached it without much hope. To be honest, research was never your strong point. You were much less organized than Chaeyoung and could never make notes as neat as hers. Of course, you were able to do some basic review of gathered information, but it required much focus.
“Damn!” you yelped after the books you accidentally knocked from the table hit the floor with a loud thud. You kneeled down to pick them up, cursing your clumsiness. When you were standing back up, you got startled again. Handong’s face appeared in the mirror and her eyes scanned the room.
“Y/N?” her tone made you wince. It was clear she was dead serious and nothing could redeem you if she noticed you were here. Disregarding her warnings would shatter the fragile bit of trust she offered you, which would ruin the progress you made in your case. So you slid behind an armchair without standing up to stay away from her vision.
“Y/N, I know you’re here.” Handong didn’t sound irritated, more exhausted. “Please just go home. It’s not safe for you.”
You felt a pang of guilt. As much as you kept stating that her concern was just a plan to make you let your guard down, you couldn’t push away the feeling of attachment. It probably meant you were setting yourself for a heartbreak, but Handong just had this effect on you.
“As long as we have each other.”
That was NOT Handong’s voice. It resonated in your head like a secret message meant only for your ears. Not as much as by the lockers when you could swear Jiu was the one messing with you.
“This is not a game.”
“Can’t argue with that.” You thought and started looking for a way out. Waiting for Handong to go away could take a lot of time and you couldn’t waste any more minutes. Then you noticed that another mirror was right behind you. You didn’t know how long would it take for Handong to move from one mirror to another, but covering as many as you could was the safest bet. You took your jacket off quietly and placed in on the object.
“Time is running out.”
“Yeah, I can imagine.” Maybe talking to the nonexistent voice bordered on insanity, but it couldn’t be that bad if you did it inside your head.
You risked a peek from behind the armchair. Handong was still there looking around like a hawk. You had to make her change position. So you decided to use your biggest strength – destruction. Moving to the left, you nudged a tall flowerpot to make it fall. A loud crash of shattered ceramic startled the girl in the mirror.
“Y/N?!” she inquired and tried to take a better look. You got ready behind the armchair and waited. Finally, she disappeared and you could hear a confused gasp from another side of the room. That was your cue to run. You bolted out of the room and sprinted down the hallway, trying to avoid any reflective surfaces.
“Running won’t save you.”
She was probably right, but that didn’t make you stop.
“Why would you do that?”
That or getting scolded by an angry, attractive nightmare lady. Wasn’t hard to choose.
“I’m sorry.”
“I couldn’t protect you.”
What was she talking about?
”I’ll wait for you.”
Was she even talking to you?
“I’ll fight for you.”
Probably not.
“Get out.”
That was some serious case of mixed signals.
“Leave us alone!”
Too late for that.
And then she turned silent. You stopped and leaned against the wall panting. Your mind was racing and heart pounding way to fast. Putting the pieces of your mind conversation gave you a headache. It didn’t seem like the person was talking to you. She seemed angry, frustrated and miserable. But also her words had some kind of vulnerability to them. Maybe even remorse.
“Are you in here?” you tried to contact the voice with your thoughts, but it didn’t work. To be honest, you didn’t expect it to.
Quick observation let you know that you were currently near the main staircase, right above the big door. If anything happened, you had an easy way out. There weren’t any mirrors nearby, so Handong couldn’t get you. The downside was that you had no way to go back to the research room and get the notes or your jacket before leaving. There had to be some other-
“Where are you?”
You turned around and saw a girl standing right next to the you and looking down on the ground floor. Wait.. not any girl.
“Yoohyeon?” the words left your mouth without a second thought, but she didn’t seem to hear them. She hurried down the stairs and you had no other option than to follow her.
It was jarring to see her like this, smiling brightly and dressed in a colorful outfit after witnessing her in the catatonic state with no discernible face expression. Yoohyeon skipped through the rooms and you couldn’t help, but notice the change in your surroundings. There was no sign of passed time on any furniture. The sun was shining through the colorful curtains, covering everything with a warm hue. You followed the carefree girl and tried to remember as many details as possible. The manor didn’t seem chilling anymore. It felt like home.
Yoohyeon stopped in front of another girl, dressed in a matching outfit. A uniform maybe? The girl turned to her with a flip of red hair and your breath stopped for a moment. It was Jiu, but at the same time not Jiu at all. You knew her as a powerful, mysterious leader of the nightmare bunch. In front of you however was a bright girl, looking at her friend with sparkling eyes.
“Come on!” Yoohyeon rushed her playfully. “Bora made lunch.” She took Jiu’s hand and ran away with her. It took you a while to get over the bizarre sight. Were you in an alternative universe or something? There was no other explanation for what just happened. Jiu’s laughter, one of the most beautiful sounds you’ve ever heard by the way, echoed through the hallway. You watched her disappear around the corner and headed in that direction.
The table in the dining room was laid for seven people and two seats were already occupied. You saw Handong talking to a girl you didn’t recognize. Their voices were quiet, but that didn’t seem out of character for either of them and the soft smiles let you know that they cared for each other deeply.
“Coming through!” A small, cute girl crashed into someone you recognized as Siyeon. It was hard to identify her without a piercing stare and that dangerous smirk of hers. Her eyes turned into narrow creases when she smiled at her friend giving her a back hug. The scene was so heartwarming and weird at the same time. What was going on here?
“Singnie cuddle pile!” an all too familiar voice cheered right next to your ear and Bora darted past you to jump on Siyeon from the front. The girl grunted and tried to look displeased, but her grin betrayed her. Jiu leaned her chin on the top of Handong’s head and a warm smile spread on her face. She looked so peaceful. But wait-
Where was Yoohyeon?
“Y/N!” Jiu dragged you by the hand and ran through the halls. You blinked a couple times in confusion. She wasn’t in her uniform anymore and her hair was black again.
“Jiu?” Dumb question, of course it was her. “What is going on?”
“Run!” she called and picked up her pace. You had to admit, she was fast for someone running in a chic suit. Only Jiu can probably pull that off.
She led you through the corridors without stopping even once. Surprisingly, that didn’t bother you at all. Maybe you got fit? No, you probably never left the Dreamworld in the first place. More probable. But how could that happen? Did this place had layers or something? Or like different dimensions? You should have seen that coming probably, but it didn’t change the fact that it was weird to experience it firsthand.
Jiu turned suddenly and almost made you lose your balance. You stumbled a bit, struggling to keep up with her. Especially, that she clearly knew where she was going and you had no idea how to navigate through the dark halls. Somehow, everything got even more shadowy. Or maybe it was just the contrast with previous setting. You were already starting to miss the happy Jiu. She was so bright and looking like sunshine embodied. This Jiu had this dark aura that made you intimidated, but also was extremely captivating. She was like a black blooming rose-
And then she smashed the mirror.
“Don’t stop!” she commanded and continued running. Trying not to trip on the broken glass, you followed her slightly taken aback. Why did she break it?
Another crash could be heard as Jiu slammed her fist into the next mirror, slowing down only a bit. She did that a couple times more and it made you a bit concerned. Could that hurt her? It was a dream, but did that matter? And what about Handong? What if she was in the mirror in that moment?
“Why are you doing this?” you winced after another smash. “Is this about Handong?”
Jiu let out a little dry chuckle and stopped.
“Handong is not a problem, Y/N.” she looked around and her eyes narrowed. “Go downstairs.”
“What about you?”
“Just go.” She ordered and resumed her sprint. You wouldn’t dare disobeying her, so you descended the stairs and moved forwards. What were you supposed to do now? Leave the building? Get help? Stay there?
You decided to keep moving and think later. Maybe some inspiration would strike you without any warning. Hopefully, only inspiration.
The mansion was back to its unwelcoming nature. But you could swear that it seemed even more hostile and dark than before. It seemed like whatever was going on with Yoohyeon, made everything go deeper into the nightmare. And Jiu was probably trying to stop that. At least you hoped so.
You passed the dining room and looked at the table. It looked horrible without the happy crowd surrounding it. The absence of girls made this place void of any happiness and colors. The only thing left was emptiness. Hollow and dark silence that couldn’t be filled with anything. Not wanting to get into a funk, you turned around only to notice Yoohyeon walking through the corridor. You looked back at the table. None of the girls seemed to notice her absence, all caught up in their carefree world. Yoohyeon cast a quick glance behind and started walking faster.
You followed her back to the place when she found Jiu. She was kneeling in front of a jar and looking at it with curiosity. After a close look, you noticed a white spider sitting in the glass container. Yoohyeon tapped the wall a little and looked in the direction of others again. No one went after her.
“Why did you do that?”
The voice took you by surprise, but didn’t make you take your eyes off Yoohyeon. Something seemed wrong and you wanted to know what was she going to do.
“It all started here.”
A smirk ghosted Yoohyeon’s face, but it didn’t look like her previous smile. It was more mischievous than cheerful. She looked like a child wanting to cause some trouble.
“Such a small thing.”
She took the magnifying glass from behind her back and put it up, turning it to find the best angle. Was she trying to… No it was impossible. Right?
“It was a mistake”
A small cloud of smoke started rising from the jar as the sun rays illuminated the spider. Yoohyeon’s smile grew wider as the small creature burned in its glass prison.
“We still pay the price.”
After finishing her job, Yoohyeon got up and hid the magnifying glass in one of the drawers. Then she turned towards the dining room with the same weird smile. It lasted only for a second before fading back to her bright grin.
“Help us.”
You were staring at the table in stunned silence. Everything was back to normal. There was no jar, no Yoohyeon, no spider. Just an old piece of furniture.
“So now you know.” Even though you should have expected her, you still jumped a bit.
“Did you show me this?” you asked and turned to face her. Jiu nodded.
“You deserve to know the truth. And you were determined to learn it no matter the consequences.”
She had a point. Still, the fact that Jiu made effort to help you learn this vital piece of information was astonishing. Almost like two made some progress together.
“That’s why Yoohyeon is… like that.” The girl sighed and looked at the table. Pain ghosted her face as she nodded.
“The curse, our curse started here.” She explained. “When Yoohyeon burned my spider.”
That made some sense. Yoohyeon didn’t look like herself at that moment. She could have been possessed and started this whole mess that you got tangled in for some reason. And now she was immobilized in the mansion.
“You wanted me to come here?” you had to know. “I heard your voice in school. It sounded like a call for help.
Jiu looked conflicted. As if she was judging whether to trust you or not. The slight hesitation made her seem a little bit more human. She was afraid of making a mistake. She couldn’t let anything happen again.
“Y/N, the Dreamworld is a very complex place.” She started and you nodded slowly. “You encountered me three times today.”
“Was all of them you?” that sounded a bit odd, but there was no other way to word it. Jiu seemed to understand your intention.
“The first one was just a memory. A shadow of the past, sealed in the passed time. You couldn’t change anything there, it’s just a projection.”
“Like a flashback?” Something similar to approval shone in Jiu’s eyes. It made you feel warm inside.
“Exactly. Then we were in Dreamworld.”
“Running through the hallways.” You interrupted. “But something wasn’t right. It didn’t feel the same way like before.”
You didn’t mention that “before” meant the times where she chased you through the same mansion you were in now. It seemed like eternity passed since these days. Back then it was just a strange dream that kept returning.
“Our first encounter was in your dream.” Jiu tapped her fingers on the small table. “I just entered it like we do with many people.”
“Why?” It may have been an insensitive question, but you really wanted to understand. Jiu smiled a little.
“It’s what we do, Y/N. That’s just who we are.”
“That the point!” you exclaimed and quickly calmed down. “Who are you?
The girl glanced away from you. The conflicted expression returned to her features. You prayed she would actually explain everything.
“We are nightmares.” You knew that part already, but you didn’t interrupt. “When Yoohyeon killed an innocent creature… we all had to pay for that. It’s our curse.”
“But you are here. So you have to be mortal right?”
Jiu tilted her head a bit.
“Kind of.” She sighed. “We don’t have the time for details, Y/N and it’s better for you not to know too much.”
Of course. All of this again. Everyone had to protect the poor, little Y/N from evil. Well, it was too late for that. You were in this, whether they wanted it or not. And you weren’t going to give up.
“How can I help you if I don’t know what’s wrong?”
“You can’t help us.” Jiu tried to sound firm, but her voice shook a little. This whole situation was a huge weight for her. “Just like I couldn’t help her.”
That was when you got it. Jiu felt guilty. For not stopping Yoohyeon, not protecting her, not stopping the curse and becoming a nightmare. She wanted to fix this, to save everyone and finally forgive herself.
“But I want to.” You looked her in the eye. “I want to help you, Jiu. All of you.”
She looked at you without any ice in her glare. She seemed as exhausted and terrified as you, but was way better at hiding it. The girls needed your help and you wanted to solve this case and bring them peace. Finish something that Dong-hyuk couldn’t.
“Oh, one more thing.” You added. “What happened to that investigator.”
Jiu’s gaze hardened and you stiffened a bit.
“He wanted to learn about our curse and make us disappear for his own benefit.” She spat. “But it was a huge mistake on his part. He caused us a lot of trouble, though. Capturing Sua, sending those freaks after Siyeon and Yoohyeon.”
“He did all of this?” you were shocked. Suddenly it felt wrong to compare yourself to that guy. He was ruthless and only wanted to gain something from the girls’ tragedy.
“Yes. But we got rid of him pretty quickly.” She smiled. “And gained enough power to switch places with him.”
You didn’t want to ask for details now, but made a mental note to keep this question for later.
“Can I take his papers?” you asked carefully. “It could save me a lot of work.”
Jiu raised her brows subtly.
“I thought your friend took everything.”
Mentioning Chaeyoung made your heart sting a little. You still had to make things right with her and it was eating you from the inside. Jiu noticed that and motioned for you to go and collect whatever you needed.
You entered the room and quickly gathered everything and put it in your backpack. Nothing was left and the room looked much better without the papers laying around. On your way out, you noticed the jacket draped across the mirror. Thankfully, Handong wasn’t waiting under it to give you a piece of her mind.
Jiu was still in the hallway when you came back. She was looking through a window at the setting sun. You stood next to her, not sure what to do.
“Did you get everything?” she asked without looking at you. You patted your packed bag.
“I think so.” You were once again left together in silence and for some reason it felt right. Maybe Jiu was warming up a little. “I want to help you, Jiu, I really-
“Minji.” She interrupted and turned her eyes to you.
“Excuse me?” you whispered in surprise. Your heart started fluttering under her gaze.
“My name is Minji.” She repeated and moved her eyes back at the window.
You also looked in that direction with a familiar warmth spreading on your cheeks. Yes, Jiu- Minji was definitely warming up a little.
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