#so many new teas to try in 2022
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cosmereplay · 9 months ago
Kaladin Didn’t Invent Therapy (And Why That’s Actually Great)
“...You need someone to talk to, Noril, when the darkness is strong. Someone to remind you the world hasn’t always been this way; that it won’t always be this way.” “How do you … know this?” Noril asked. “I’ve felt it,” Kaladin said. “Feel it most days.” - Rhythm of War, Ch. 25 Devotary of Mercy
I’m writing as someone with a background in psychotherapy and peer support, and I'm bursting with excitement about one of my favourite topics. You can imagine why I love Kaladin’s arc in Rhythm of War so much! I actually yelled out loud when I read some of these parts the first time.
I’ve seen people online saying and making jokes that Kaladin invents therapy, and while that could eventually be true, what Kaladin actually invented in RoW is mental health peer support. Psychotherapy as most people would understand it simply doesn’t exist yet on Roshar. However, peer support is a legitimate modality for healing on its own merits. Even more importantly for the story, peer support is something Kaladin would personally really benefit from, and it fits his narrative arc way better than therapy would.
1. Therapy as we know it won’t exist for a while yet.
“We need to study their responses, use an empirical approach to treatment instead of just assuming someone who has suffered mental trauma is permanently broken.” - Rhythm of War, Ch. 25 Devotary of Mercy “Someone needs to talk to them, try different treatments, see what they think works. What actually helps.” - Rhythm of War, Ch. 25 Devotary of Mercy
Obviously, Kaladin has not been educated in battle shock or melancholia or any other diagnosis. In Alethkar there's hardly any knowledge to be had on the subject. Even now in real life, research into effective interventions for various diagnoses is still ongoing, over 100 years after modern therapy was founded.
Building an empirical knowledge base* will take time, not to mention the years it will take to train new therapists across Roshar in how to provide interventions specific to various issues. Therapy as we know it today generally includes time in mentorship with another therapist, so in a way, the first therapist isn't a therapist. 😅 In the meantime, there are people who need help today, including Kaladin.
Peer support can fill that gap because its knowledge base is different. Peers bring their expertise, which is their years of trial and error, successes and failures - their lived experience. Peer facilitators need to know the basics of managing a group, and they have to be willing to share their own experiences and learn from the group. Thus, training peer leaders is relatively quick, and incredibly scalable and adaptable across cultures and many issues/diagnoses.
2. Peer Support is a distinct path to recovery that doesn’t require an expert in therapy.
Kaladin located six men in the sanitarium with similar symptoms. He released them and got them working to support each other. He developed a plan, and showed them how to share in ways that would help...Today they sat in seats on the balcony outside his clinic. Warmed by mugs of tea, they talked. About their lives. The people they’d lost. The darkness. - Rhythm of War, Ch. 33 Understanding “While you can’t force it, having someone to talk to usually helps. You should be letting him meet with others who feel like he does.” - Rhythm of War, Ch. 25, Devotary of Mercy
Kaladin is already positioning himself to align with the values of peer support. Some of these values overlap with therapy, such as dignity, respect, inclusion, hope, and trust. What makes peer support different is a particular emphasis on equal relationships, self-determination, and personal growth (Peer Support Canada, 2022).
In peer support, the group facilitator is not considered an authority like a therapist would be. A peer leader may be further on the road to recovery, but they may not be. They are expected to listen and grow just like any other group member.
Because the leader of the group is also a learner, peer support groups tend to be more collaborative and open-ended. Everyone in the group has something they can take out of it and something to give. Everyone in the group is responsible for managing their own self care, and everyone in the group is responsible for the direction of their own growth. This is different from most therapy groups, which often have a specific focus or goal that the therapist is responsible for implementing. And speaking of responsibility...
3. Peer Support Fits Kaladin’s Narrative Arc Better than Therapy
At his father’s recommendation—then insistence—Kaladin took it slowly, confining his initial efforts to men who shared similar symptoms. Battle fatigue, nightmares, persistent melancholy, suicidal tendencies. -Rhythm of War, Ch. 33 Understanding …he’d learned—these last few months—that his battle shock could take many forms. He was getting to where he could confront it. -Rhythm of War, Ch. 39 Invasion
I think everyone can agree that Kaladin needs to participate in therapy just as much as the other battle-shocked men he finds in the Devotary of Mercy.
However, in therapy, the focus is solely on the needs of the clients. A therapist should not be distracted by their own issues (when this happens, it’s called countertransference). Further, therapy is generally framed such that the therapist is the only expert in the room, which means therapists have a higher level of responsibility for how the clients are doing (which varies depending on the issue, the therapy modality, and the circumstances).
In his own recovery, Kaladin is working on trying to take less responsibility for others, so setting him up as a therapeutic authority could be harmful for him. In a position of authority, he might be tempted to replicate the hierarchical structure he was in before (which would impede his own growth), or try to save everyone (which could impede everyone's growth). He simply doesn’t have the mentorship or knowledge base he'd need to work through those issues before leading as an expert.
In contrast, the point of peer support is the mutual sharing of lived experience. The group facilitator is expected to share their own struggles (as a model of recovery), and allow others to support them. In the context of a more balanced power dynamic, Kaladin can give the other group members the space they need to grow, and he can pursue his own recovery without feeling like he’s letting others down. Also, he will be able to leave the group during KOWT without worrying that the group won't be able to run without him. Everyone in the group carries some responsibility for each other, so group members can come and go with less stress than a change in therapist would cause in group therapy.
This is the beauty of peer support. It can happen anywhere people with similar experiences get together. No formal education is required. What is required is a willingness to know yourself as well as you can; to share your experiences; to listen to others tell their stories; to question your own assumptions as you learn how others handle things differently; to look out for each other's safety; to care.
Peer support creates a place of belonging and a community repository of shared wisdom. Kaladin almost had it on Bridge Four, but his position of authority wouldn’t allow him to grow the way he needed. Peer support is what Kaladin needs - he needs a place where he can take off his armour among people who get it because they're struggling with similar issues, and without having a position of responsibility over them. When he (eventually**) attends the groups, they help him grow!
Anyway, that's why Kaladin didn’t invent therapy, and why I think that's great.
For the men chatting together softly, the change was in being shown sunlight again. In being reminded that the darkness did pass. But perhaps most important, the change was in not merely knowing that you weren’t alone—but in feeling it. Realizing that no matter how isolated you thought you were, no matter how often your brain told you terrible things, there were others who understood. - Rhythm of War, Ch. 33 Understanding
*Funny enough, empirical research could lead Rosharan researchers right back to peer support. Empirical research on Earth has shown that modern therapy and peer support have similar levels of effectiveness (for example, for depression and PTSD).
**Look who’s resisting attending the groups he founded…KALADIN!! (shakes fist in the general direction of the sky) (This is the most relatable passage for me in this whole book, by the way, helper types unite lmao):
Kaladin looked down at the table. Had it? Had talking to Noril helped? “He’s been avoiding joining in,” Teft said. “I haven’t,” Kaladin snapped. “I’ve been busy.” Teft gave him a flat stare. Storming sergeants. They always heard the things you weren’t saying. - Rhythm of War, Ch. 38 Rhythm of the Terrors
Peer Support Canada. (2022). Peer Support Core Values. Accessed from https://peersupportcanada.ca/ Jun 27, 2022.
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ghostofbambifanfiction · 7 months ago
CYOA C57 Sneak Peak
Since I took a not-so-brief break from writing and it still might be another few days before I can post the next chapter, have a sneak peak of the beginning of the chapter below the cut.
Private WhatsApp Chat Resumed: Wednesday 16th March, 2022, 01:37 Members: Lily Evans, James Potter
Lily Evans: <image attachment> You're hopefully asleep but look at what I've got!
Private WhatsApp Chat Resumed: Wednesday 16th March, 2022, 07:11 Members: Lily Evans, James Potter
James Potter: omg it's my face mug
Lily Evans: Yep! Plus my tea, which really got me through the morning since I came in an hour early to get a site report finished. I employed cunning stealth tactics to manoeuvre it out of Pip's desk drawer yesterday.
James Potter: what did you do?
Lily Evans: I said, "Pip, can I have James's face mug?" and that worked.
James Potter: truly you are machiavellian in your endeavours also are you wearing bright pink in that photo?
Lily Evans: I am. Felt slightly daunted about it this morning because of the stupid old adage about redheads, but I mean, I BOUGHT the outfit on Monday because I loved how it looked on, so chickening out would have been a waste of my money.
James Potter: what's the old adage about redheads?
Lily Evans: There are MANY and they're all equally ridiculous because being redheaded is great actually, but this one in particular dictates that we "shouldn't wear pink," presumably because it looks terrible on us.
James Potter: that IS stupid you look so pretty
Lily Evans: Thank you! <image attachment> This is the full fit. I love Sirius's selfie mirror. What d'you think?
James Potter: christ you really do have phenomenal legs warn me next time, would you? i'm trying to drink my morning coffee in peace here, and you spring this on me
Lily Evans: Lollll you saw my legs on my Instagram yesterday.
James Potter: yesterday you had big tall boots on today you do not
Lily Evans: Forget about my legs for a second.
James Potter: i physically CAN'T
Lily Evans: The jacket is a CAPE, James. I own a CAPE. I am MAKING MY OWN DREAM (of owning a cape) COME TRUE. Do you have any idea how many crop tops I bought on Monday? LOADS. And I've been scared of crop tops my whole life. I still kind of am scared, but I'm going to be brave and wear them anyway, Bea says that if I carry myself with confidence on purpose I'll eventually start to carry myself with confidence because that's genuinely how I feel, and you know what she's right because I've had more compliments from other women in the office over the last day and a half than I've had in the year since I started working here. If you can't tell, I'm very excited about my new clothes.
James Potter: i can tell
Lily Evans: It's probably a very boring topic so I'll stop.
James Potter: no you don't have to stop i think it's brilliant and not just because i get to see more of your legs, which is a huge win for me
Lily Evans: Lolllllllll
James Potter: a week ago you were calling yourself a frump, so it makes me happy to see you talking like this instead if new clothes make you feel good about yourself then i want to hear about them
Lily Evans: I do feel more like ME in them, if that makes any sense at all. And there's no going back now because I've bagged up a load of my old clothes and Bea and Remus are going to help me lug them to the charity shop before we all head off to the train station on Saturday. I bought A LOT of new things. Like, so much I felt a bit obscene every time it came to pay. But I couldn't have done that if you hadn't spared me from paying rent for the next few months, so thank you so much for being a bottomless well of kindness, even though I should be saving that money for a deposit on a new flat and have had no common sense in my approach to this.
James Potter: don't worry about it, you deserve bottomless wells of kindness and of every good thing in life are you going to leicester with remus and beatrice this weekend?
Lily Evans: No, although I'm going the Saturday after for a pre-Mother's Day lunch with my mum and Petunia. I'm heading to Stockport to spend the night at Emily's, it just so happens that Bea and I both need to leave from Euston. Actually, first I'm getting my hair done, then I'm donating my clothes, THEN I'm going to Stockport to see Em. Then I'm going wall climbing with her and her mum and sister.
James Potter: oh cool! i love climbing, have you ever done it before?
Lily Evans: I went to a climbing centre once for a friend's birthday party years ago, I was twelve and I got my first period while I was actively on the wall, so I spent quite a lot of the day running into the toilet to check that nobody could see it even though I was wearing black shorts and Carina's mum had given me a pad. So the short answer is: not really, but I'm not worried, none of them are expecting me to be any good at it even though they're all basically professionals. Em and her sister also go cycling every Sunday morning so I have been informed that a loaner bike and safety gear is available if I want to join them.
James Potter: do you think you will go?
Lily Evans: Yeah! I haven't cycled in a few years but I do cardio every day so I reckon I can manage the exercise even if I wind up extremely saddle-sore afterwards. Plus this all means I get to bring and wear some of my new workout clothes, and honestly I'll take any excuse.
James Potter: if you put some chamois cream on before you cycle you'll save yourself a lot of discomfort little tip from my mum that i flagrantly ignored in my youth
Lily Evans: Why did you ignore it?
James Potter: because i was A MAN who didn't NEED to smear cream on my groin to train for a triathlon except it turns out i did also i was only about sixteen, who the fuck did i think i was, cat noir?
Lily Evans: I'm going to skim past the fact that you know who Cat Noir is because then I'll need to explain why I know who he is and it's probably the same reason.
James Potter: it's definitely the same reason
Lily Evans: God, we're both such dweebs. I mean, you're much cooler than I am, but still.
James Potter: not true at all, i'm a massive dork, i just happen to play a lot of sports, so people who don't know me well don't spot it straight away
Lily Evans: And you're stupidly attractive, which isn't often expected of massive dorks because we live in a society that unfairly pigeonholes people into boxes based upon their perceived attractiveness. This I say as I shop for makeup online. I know I'm part of the problem.
James Potter: what does "stupidly" attractive mean? i'd love a definition
Lily Evans: You already defined it yourself. Weeks ago, actually.
James Potter: what??? when?
Lily Evans: "And now," gasped Theo, in a ruggedly handsome but also charmingly boyish but also sexy but also dorky way that seems really impossible for a real human man to accomplish, "I will kiss you at last!" See? Defined. As per you. Also important to note: this kind of attractiveness makes people who fancy you act and feel like blushing, giggling idiots. Hence, "stupidly" attractive.
James Potter: well
Lily Evans: Your brother, on the other hand, is NOT stupidly attractive. He's inaccessibly attractive. Which is very different. Science.
James Potter: noooo don't talk about sirius! talk about me again!
Lily Evans: I just did. At length.
James Potter: talk about me more who am i making blush and giggle?
Lily Evans: How quickly you forget that I still field emails from Jessalyn et al.
James Potter: oh it's JESSALYN, is it?
Lily Evans: Et al.
James Potter: i think you should elaborate on et al
Lily Evans: I'd love to but I have to jump into a meeting.
James Potter: no you don't!
Lily Evans: Yes I do!
James Potter: a meeting with who?
Lily Evans: With Agnes from Julia Murphy.
James Potter: who is agnes from julia murphy
Lily Evans: Julia Murphy is a skincare company, one of our brand partners, and it's in my calendar, see?? <image attachment> I'm not trying to get out of telling you I think you're cute.
James Potter: two minutes ago i was ruggedly handsome and charmingly boyish and sexy now i'm merely cute?
Lily Evans: And dorky. Don't forget dorky.
James Potter: i haven't forgotten anything, thank you very much
Lily Evans: James, you are ruggedly handsome and charmingly boyish and sexy. Are you happy now?
James Potter: that reply will do, but only because you're busy you're off the hook for now but i expect you to revisit this subject later
Lily Evans: God, who even are you, my owner?
James Potter: that's an interesting choice of words, lil
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creations-by-chaosfay · 17 days ago
I'm working on painting again, and will be painting during my, now very necessary, breaks. My new goal is to aquire more colors, but you have the option if purchasing the paint directly. All shop purchases are donations will be going towards bills and then paints.
I will be rotating between sewing and painting, but only after I start se2ing again. Making new quilts won't happen until probably mid-February. I made quilts virtually nonstop from Februry to October 2024 because we were so desperate for money. Especially when Cacoa (RIP), my service animal, kept falling ill. She passed away at age 18 years (spent entirely as my constant companion) in November 2024.
Making so many quilts with no more than two week breaks when my left wrist and hand hurt resulted in tendonitis from my hand to my shoulder. Recovery started in November 2024, and made more complicated by my having hEDS. I'm restricted to painting and playing video games until the tendonitis is healed. I will also be restricted to no more than 10 hours each week for quilt making. Thankfully, I now have the means to machine quilt. After practice pieces, I'll be able to make quilts in a fraction of the time I used take, and thus less stress on my joints and more quilts in the shop.
Thank you for your help, and for your patience, as I recover.
After I have the paints, I'll post a new goal. Here's the list, and you can purchase these from my Throne list, with the option of anonymously.
Stationary bike
Non-slip stickers for my rulers
New rulers
Filing cabinet - not listed
Quilt storage bags
Rotary blades
Sewing machine foot collection
Stationary mixer
Shelving for my sewing room - not listed, for vertical storage because the room is so small.
Paints for my dining room - not listed
Shelving for the living room - not listed
Shelving for the dining room - not listed
A second and possibly third pair of shoes - I own a single pair of shoes because trying on shoes is a sensory nightmare. I would like to get a pair of boots for gardening as well.
Shelving for my husband's "man-cave" - not listed
New switch/power board thing to replace the overworked one that came with the house - not listed
Replace our plumbing - not listed, we may receive financial aid for this due to my being Disabled; there's a program in my area for this.
Repair the wall heating units - one just blows air, not heat.
Commissions of both my cats - Jasper (age 14) passed away in November 2022, Cacoa (age 18) precisely two years later, on the same day.
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the-habitat-ring · 3 months ago
The (Real) Stardew Valley Farm Update 2024
I’m wrapping up my third year trying to grow everything from Stardew Valley in our yard, with substitutions as needed, preferably with Midwest USA native plants.
I’m continuing to battle the invasive plants (why won’t the honeysuckle and thistles stop?????), beg for truckloads of woodchips (Google decided our address isn’t real anymore), and deal with a body and brain that makes going outside impossible sometimes (the past two years have been rough medically). But despite all of that I still managed to make a ton of progress!
Here’s how things stand as of now. If you’re looking back at previous posts you might notice some differences, but that’s mainly because things I planted died (drought + medical crises don’t bode well for newly established plants). I’ve also added the additional crops from the new update.
Amaranth - Native white amaranth
Grape - Native riverbank grapes (so many grapes). I’m hopefully going to successfully propagate some cuttings from the neighbor’s green cultivated variety
Dandelion - Obviously
Maple Tree - Native silver, red, and sugar maples
Pine Tree - Douglas fir
Apple Tree - Three old apple trees of different varieties in very rough shape. I’ve been working to prune them up and two are looking a lot better. I’d love an Enterprise apple tree at some point
Coffee Bean - Chicory (a naturalized plant commonly used as a coffee substitute)
Salmonberry - Native black raspberries since salmonberries aren’t from around here, although I really want to add raspberries of various colors in the future
Starfruit - Native wood sorrel
Cave Carrot - Queen Ann’s Lace, AKA wild carrot
Strawberry - Both cultivated and native
Fairy Rose - Native prairie rose
Cranberries - Native cranberry viburnum
Orange Tree -Native persimmons, which produce orange fruit
Spring Onion - Native nodding onions
Spice Berry - Native spicebushes
Wild Plum - Native plums
Cherry Tree - Native black cherries and nonnative bush cherries
Banana Tree - Native pawpaws, which are also known as Indiana bananas
Sweet Gem Berry - Native Juneberry (Downy Serviceberry)
Garlic - Native wild garlic
Blueberries - I planted three varieties and only one survived. Don’t shortcut your bed preparation, friends
Wild Horseradish - Not wild, but contained with my mint
Hops - Teamaker hops which is good for tea since we’re not alcohol fans
Blue Jazz - Native Ozark Bluestar
Apricot Tree - Native passionflower vine, also known as wild apricot
Sunflower - Both native and non-native sunflowers
Cactus Fruit - Native prickly pear cactus
Melon - Cantaloupe
Oak Tree - Native dwarf chinquapin oak, which took me forever to get
Hot Pepper
Palm Tree/coconut - Native palm sedge
Poppy - Native purple poppy mallow, after other native poppies failed. I still want to grow bread seed poppies, though
Corn - Tried some gorgeous colored corn and popcorn that didn’t grow great but they did grow!
Green bean
Hazelnut - They’re supposed to be easy to grow but they do not like me. Third time’s the charm, right?
Summer squash
Powder melon - I decided to do honeydew melon because it’s kinda powdery and I don’t really have any other ideas
Planned for 2025 and beyond
Pineapple - White strawberries (pineberries)
Winter Root - Hopniss, a native root vegetable
Red Cabbage
Artichoke - Native Jerusalem artichokes
Bok Choy
Fiddlehead Fern - Ferns do not like me
Crystal Fruit - Probably honey berries, which produce fruit earlier than anything else
Ancient Fruit - Native Aronia berries. They’re blue(ish) and have lots of antioxidants so you live to be ancient
Tea Leaves - Native New Jersey Tea bush. The previous ones were murdered by rabbits
Mango Tree - I thought one of our pawpaws was a variety called mango but I was wrong
Ginger - I want to try growing native wild ginger again
Rice - Native rough-leaved rice grass
Wheat - I have some gorgeous ornamental blue wheat seeds
Summer Spangle - Possibly native prairie lily? I was unsuccessful growing it from seed this year but maybe in the future
Parsnip - I can’t get them to germinate to save my life but one day I will be successful
Sweat pea
Holly - Native winterberry holly
Mushrooms - I'm just gonna ignore varieties and try some plugs or similar
Peach - Vine peach. It’s a melon, and more doable than a tree
Mahogany Tree - I think I’ll resort to mahogany nasturtiums
Pomegranate Tree - I could try Russian pomegranates?
Taro Root - I would have to plant it in pots
Snow Yam - Not actually a yam but maybe native sweet potato vine?
Qi Fruit - Very creepy, not sure what to do with this
Over halfway there! If anyone has suggestions for plants please let me know because I’m still stuck on a few and very open to alternatives.
In other news, I’m making Stardew Valley Fair displays with cross stitch patches for each of the items I’ve added that year. I’ll have to post pics of those at some point.
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black-arcana · 8 months ago
LZZY HALE: New HALESTORM Music 'Will Be Worth The Wait'
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During an appearance on the May 23 episode of SiriusXM's "Trunk Nation With Eddie Trunk", HALESTORM frontwoman Lzzy Hale spoke about the progress of the writing and recording sessions for the band's follow-up to 2022's "Back From The Dead" album. She said (as transcribed by BLABBERMOUTH.NET): It's a strange year because instead of us taking three months off to do a record, or 'hey, now we're only focusing on touring' or 'we're only focusing on other avenues,' we're kind of doing everything all at once. So we've had a couple just kind of three-week sessions in the studio, and we're finishing up new music, which has been so exciting. We've been recording with [producer] Dave Cobb, of all people, and he's just amazing and, I think, exactly what the doctor ordered for where we're at in our life. And so we're really excited about new music. But then we're touring all over the States this year because we spent so much time in Europe last year. So, yeah, we kick it off with I PREVAIL in July. And then in the fall, we're going out with EVANESCENCE to Canada, for all the people up there. It's how we live. This is life. We just keep the train rolling down the hill. So it's all very exciting. And I can't wait for you to hear the music, and I can't wait to see everybody this summer at all the festivals. And yeah, we just have a a great year coming up."
Asked how fan along she and the rest of HALESTORM are on the new music, Lzzy said: "This has been an amazing experience because Dave Cobb, he's like half wise old oak and then half A.D.D. five-year-old in the sandbox, which works very well with our little camp in HALESTORM, because we're all perpetually 15 years old anyway. And so it's been a beautiful process.
"We've been doing all the things," she explained. "So I've been writing during our off time, but then also we're writing and recording in the studio, but kind of all at once. So as it's being created, we're getting the final takes. So, half of the record is done, and then there are some things that we have one more session to kind of go in, after our next tour, to kind of just kind of finish everything up, put the icing on the cake, if you will, and make sure we have everything there and then it should be kind of sewn up. But it's been really beautiful because we've been recording, actually, out in Savannah, Georgia. Dave Cobb has a house [there]. And if you can imagine, it's just the four of us staying in one house. No distractions, 'cause it's Savannah, Georgia — they love their tea and they love their food and that's about it. And unsupervised, so there's no managers, there's no crew, no tour and nothing going on. So, in a lot of ways, this record feels like our beginning, when we were all just kind of living with each other in the same apartment and every day is something new, everything is ready to record, ready to go. So whatever you do, as long as you're chasing what gets you excited, it's going to get down on tape. So, it's just been a great experience. And I'm looking forward to the finished product and being able to tease everybody with dates as to when we're gonna unleash it."
Speaking about Cobb's somewhat unorthodox recording approach, Lzzy said: "There've been a couple of songs where we'll have forgotten to put on the click track as a guide, and then that ends up being the take because we were all playing with each other and there was a different energy. Or [Dave] really understands the line between when you're excited about something and it's happening, and then that post, after that line when you're trying too hard to rock, or you're trying too hard to be a singer, or you've memorized it too many times. There's a fine line with performance and getting magic on tape, whereas a lot of people are… I mean, we all do it, but you shoot for perfection. But somewhere, if you're shooting too hard for that perfection, the human element gets lost. And then the magic is lost, or it just sounds like you're reading it, or it sounds like you've played it a million times and you're tired, or you're thinking about something else. So, for a band like us, it's really worked. And it was actually nerve-racking in the beginning because we went in, and you always have your bank of songs you've written or riffs for days and, like, 'Okay, what do we start with? And Dave was very adamant about not having a plan, which was nerve-racking. I'm, like, 'Wait. No, we have to have a plan or it's just gonna be chaos. What's happening? I don't know how to work like this.' And then, after a couple of days, I'm, like, this is actually really nice because every day we just get in the sandbox and we play, and, 'Oh, I brought a LEGO set, you brought a rocket. Let's see what we can do with this.' And so it's been really beautiful to see these things develop and almost the music telling you what to do, not the other way around. I'm so used to going into a studio where it's, 'Okay, we have our 15 songs that we know we want on the record, and we're just gonna do a song a day and get them all done and recorded.' This is completely different because he doesn't want to lose — again — that intangible magic that comes with the excitement of when things are new and you're creating. You don't have time to think; you've just gotta get it done. And so it's been beautiful to kind of. see all of that come together."
Asked if she thinks HALESTORM will release some new music this year or fans will have to wait until 2025 to get something fresh from the band, Lzzy said: "You know what? I've learned this — I can make all the promises in the world. I would love to do that. I'm hoping that we will at least have something to show before the end of the year, but I know how this goes — I end up promising dates, and then something happens and some recall from mastering or something doesn't work out with numbers or with whatever it is. So I'm not making promises, but I will tell you it'll be worth the wait."
HALESTORM is working with Cobb after making three records with Nick Raskulinecz.
Cobb has shared in nine Grammy wins, including four for "Best Americana Album" and three for "Best Country Album". He's also been named "Producer Of The Year" by the Country Music Awards, the Americana Music Association (twice) and the Music Row Awards, and has been a Grammy nominee in the category.
Lzzy and her brother Arejay (drums) formed HALESTORM in 1998 while in middle school. Guitarist Joe Hottinger joined the group in 2003, followed by bassist Josh Smith in 2004.
In May 2023, HALESTORM teamed up with country singer Ashley McBryde for a reimagined version of the band's song "Terrible Things", which was originally featured on HALESTORM's latest album, the aforementioned "Back From The Dead".
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remypat · 9 months ago
In 2016, I heard many of my friends talk about a new anime centered around figure skating. I was eighteen years old, closeted, and I had never given figure skating a second thought. It just didn’t seem appealing to me. Well, after a couple weeks of having my tumblr page be flooded with clips from Yuri on Ice, I caved in and watched it. After all, you can only see butt-naked Victor so many times before finally saying “You know what? I guess I’ll give it a try”
And Oh My God. My life was never the same. 
First off, the story that is woven in this anime is so beautifully hilarious. Like, you’re telling me, that this 27 year old living legend got swept off his feet by a drunk Japanese man and he dropped everything to go be his coach? At eighteen, it seemed ridiculous but now as an openly queer 26 year old, all I can say is: I GET IT. I would have been in Japan yesterday. I’m a writer that loves campy humor and this was not just my cup of tea, it was like ambrosia sent from the gods of olympus. I love it.
I also fell in love with figure skating. I’ve watched Worlds, the Grand Prix, Nationals, and both the 2018 and 2022 Winter Olympics through my TV screen. I was so into figure skating, I still remember when Nathan Chen said that it was really hard for him (a straight man) to compete a gay-dominated sport. (Yeah, no one wants to bring that up since he won his gold medal.) But my point is, Yuri on Ice means a lot to me. It always will. Thanks to YOI, I fell in love with figure skating and it’s thanks to that love that I have created my own little story centered around figure skating. 
My story is called Why Lie Now?
Yes, it is a queer romance and yes, it is about figure skating, but it’s not Yuri on Ice. I cannot possibly ask you all to fill the void in your hearts with my story, but I implore you, that if you like queer romances, and you like figure skating, you just might really like this story too. 
I am updating in parts but for the meantime, please check it out!
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milkyfederation · 4 months ago
A friend just reminded me of an old concept of mine I still like a lot, my take on urban fantasy. (01/2022)
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In the modern age, paranormal menaces are starting to adapt to the new technologies.
What are the new generations going to do when they receive threatening dms from a creepy pasta, their console gets possessed by a vengeful spirit, or a tricky ghost hides the last draft of their thesis?
Why, call "Nati and Tina, Paranormal IT", of course!
Martina is a sheltered and smart 18 yo who loves computers more than anything. She comes from a family of eccentric ghost hunters, but doesn't want to follow in on their footsteps.
Natalia is a messy and extroverted 23 yo with an interest in witchcraft and the paranormal. IT is her third try at superior studies after dipping her toes at marketing and business.
Together they form a Paranormal IT side hustle combining their strenghts. Nati needs the money, and Martina is enchanted by the cool girl who wants to hang out with her, even if she wanted to distance herself from ghost stuff.
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The E-Cronomicon, Nati's E-Book. It's so full of occult lore pdfs from the dark web it's become cursed. - Using necromancy to get back the soul of an accidentaly deleted thesis project.
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At the library researching a case, Nati with boba tea, Martina with way too many energy trinks. - They live in the city (either Barcelona or a made up one inspired by it), so their company ride is the bus. Here they're securing a cursed TV.
So yeah, haven't thought about this in a while but I like the concept a lot. I barely have broad strokes and ideas of what the history and structure would be.
Nati's design needs a bit of a retouch, I think I want her to be cool and fashionable, but I am incapable of drawing something I have no idea about. Martina's is perfect, one of my favourite designs I've done.
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balanchine-ballet-master · 11 months ago
The Story of the Original "Tea" Dancer
There was a delightful story in the Times on February 4th about George Lee, on whom Balanchine created the Tea variation in The Nutcracker. Here it is.
From Ballet to Blackjack, a Dance Pioneer’s Amazing Odyssey
George Lee was the original Tea in “George Balanchine’s The Nutcracker.” A documentary filmmaker found him and a lost part of ballet history in Las Vegas.
By Siobhan Burke Feb. 4, 2024
Among the blaring lights and all-hours amusements of downtown Las Vegas, in a sea of slot machines at the Four Queens Hotel and Casino, George Lee sits quietly at a blackjack table, dealing cards eight hours a day, five days a week, a job he’s been doing for more than 40 years.
Lee, 88, was likely in his usual spot when the filmmaker Jennifer Lin was sifting through old photos at the New York Public Library for the Performing Arts in 2022, wondering what had become of a dancer with a notable place in ballet history. Pictured in a publicity shot for the original production of “George Balanchine’s The Nutcracker,” in the role known as Tea, was a young Asian dancer identified as George Li.
For Lin, a veteran newspaper reporter turned documentarian, the picture raised intriguing questions. In 1954, when the photo was taken, it was rare to see dancers of color on the stage of New York City Ballet, the company Balanchine co-founded. Who was this young man, this breaker of racial barriers, this pioneer? Was he still alive? And if so, what was he up to? “I became absolutely obsessed with trying to find out what happened to George Li,” Lin said in a video interview.
In just over a year, that obsession has blossomed into a short film, “Ten Times Better,” that chronicles the unexpected story of Lee’s life: from his childhood in 1940s Shanghai, where his performing career began; to a refugee camp in the Philippines, where he fled with his mother, a Polish ballet dancer, in 1949; to New York City and the School of American Ballet, where Balanchine cast him in “The Nutcracker” to “Flower Drum Song” on Broadway, his first of many musical theater gigs; and ultimately, to Las Vegas, where he left dance for blackjack dealing in 1980. (He changed the spelling of his last name in 1959, when he became a United States citizen.)
The film will have its premiere on Feb. 10 as part of the Dance on Camera Festival at Film at Lincoln Center. Lee, who last visited New York in 1993, will be in town for the occasion, an opportunity for long-overdue recognition.
“So many years I haven’t done ballet,” Lee said over coffee at the Four Queens on a recent Sunday, after his shift. “And then suddenly Jennifer comes and tries to bring everything up. To me, it was like a shock.”
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George Lee today. He has been a blackjack dealer in Las Vegas for more than 40 years. Photo: Saeed Rahbaran for The New York Times
But Lin’s interest has been welcome. “Jennifer is so perfect, she knows exactly everything,” he said. “She knows my background more than I do.”
Lin was not the only one who had been searching for Lee. In 2017, while organizing an exhibition on “The Nutcracker,” Arlene Yu, who worked for the New York Public Library at the time and is now Lincoln Center’s head archivist, was puzzled by the relatively few traces of him in the library’s vast dance collection.
“I think I’d tracked him down to 1961, but after that, it was really hard to find anything,” she said. “Whereas if you look at some of his peers in ‘The Nutcracker’ in 1954, they went on to careers where there was a lot more documentation.”
Lin’s fascination with Lee emerged through her work on another film, about Phil Chan and Georgina Pazcoguin, the founders of Final Bow for Yellowface, an initiative focused on ending offensive depictions of Asians in ballet. The role of Tea, a divertissement historically rife with such stereotypes—in Balanchine’s canonical version of “The Nutcracker” and others—has been a flashpoint in those efforts. Chan, too, had been struck by the 1954 images of “The Nutcracker,” which he came across during a library fellowship in 2020.
“I’m like, wait, there’s actually a Chinese guy,” he said — as opposed to a non-Chinese dancer with the saffron makeup or heavily painted eyes or even the artificial buck teeth worn in some old productions. “Who is this guy? And why do I not know about him?”
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The "Tea" variation in The Nutcracker at City Ballet in 2015. The dancers are Ralph Ippolito, Claire Von Enck, and Baily Jones. Photo: Andrea Mohin for The New York Times
Lee, in his heyday, was a dancer to know. At just 12, he was already winning public praise. In a preview of a recital of the King-Yanover School in Shanghai, the North China Daily News called him an “extremely promising young Chinese boy, whose technique is of a very high standard.” A reviewer wrote that he “already may be said to be the best Chinese interpreter of Western ballet.” (Lee saved these newspaper clippings and shared them with Lin when they eventually met.)
Born in Hong Kong in 1935, Lee moved to Shanghai with his mother in 1941, when Shanghai was under Japanese occupation. During World War II, his father, a Chinese acrobat, was in Kunming in western China; he died in an accident on his way to visit Lee in 1945.
Lee’s mother, Stanislawa Lee, who had danced with the Warsaw Opera, was his first ballet teacher; as a child, he would follow along with her daily barre exercises. Shanghai had a significant Russian population, and with that a robust ballet scene. To earn money, Stanislawa arranged for her son to perform in nightclubs—“like a polka dance, or Russian dance, or sailor dance,” Lee said. The clubs would pay them in rice.
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Little George Li in his Shanghai days. Photo: George Lee private collection via the NY Times
Fearing the Chinese Communist Party’s takeover in 1949, the two evacuated to the Philippines. An expected four months as refugees turned into two years. In 1951, an American friend of Lee’s father sponsored them to come to New York, where he introduced Lee to the School of American Ballet, City Ballet’s affiliated school.
As Lee narrates these twists and turns in the film, one memory anchors his recollections. Before they immigrated, his mother issued a warning. “You are going to America, it’s all white people, and you better be 10 times better,” he recalls her saying. ���Remember that: 10 times better!”
The footage of Lee in his 20s suggests he took that advice to heart. In television appearances — with the company of the ballet star André Eglevsky, and in a number from “Flower Drum Song” on the Ed Sullivan Show — his power and precision dazzle.
“He was good; he was really good,” Chan said. “Clean fifth, high jump, polished turns, stick the landing—the training is all there. He’s already 10 times better than everybody else.”
In a 1979 interview heard in the film, the former City Ballet soloist Richard Thomas, who took over the role of Tea, raves about Lee’s peerless acrobatic jumps: “He was wonderful! Balanchine choreographed a variation for him that none of us have ever been able to equal.”
As Lee remembers it, Balanchine spent 15 minutes with him in the studio. “He said, ‘What can you do good? Show me what you can do good,’ so I show him something,” Lee said. “I did things like splits and double turns, down and up, turn again like a ball, and that’s it. He picked up some things and put them together.”
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George Li as a student at the School of American Ballet. Photo: George Lee private collection via the NY Times
He recalled that during a “Nutcracker” dress rehearsal, the City Ballet makeup artist put him in full yellowface, and Balanchine insisted he take off the makeup. “He is Asian enough! Why do you make him more?” he remembers Balanchine saying. Lee was costumed in the Fu Manchu mustache, queue ponytail and rice paddy hat often associated with the role, now widely critiqued as racist caricatures. But he said he didn’t take offense. “Dancing is dancing,” he said.
Lee performed in “The Nutcracker” as a student; he was never invited to join City Ballet. But he clearly excelled in his classes and onstage. For that, he credits his strong foundation of Russian training in China — and his mother’s exacting standards. He can still see her standing in the studio doorway at the School of American Ballet, observing closely.
“She was watching the class and then would go home and tell me, ‘You did this wrong or that wrong, you got to do it this way,’” he said. “So I really worked hard, and I was good.” (His favorite teacher at the school was the demanding Anatole Oboukhoff: “He always wanted more, and that’s why I liked him very much.”)
To make a living Lee turned to musical theater, performing in shows like “Baker Street” on Broadway and the cabaret “Carol Channing with her 10 Stout-Hearted Men,” which opened in London. He pieced together jobs for more than 20 years, often unsure of what would come next.
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Lee in flight in a production of “Flower Drum Song” in Las Vegas in the early 1960s. Photo: George Lee personal collection via the NY Times
He was dancing in a Vegas revue, “Alcazar de Paris,” now in his 40s, when a blackjack dealer friend suggested he go to dealer school. “I can’t dance all my life,” he remembers thinking. He decided to give dealing a try and soon landed a job at the Four Queens. Aside from four years at another casino, he has worked there ever since.
In December 2022, he got a voice mail message from Lin. With her reporting skills and some crucial assists from Yu, she had determined that he lived in Las Vegas. Of the five phone numbers she found for George Lees, four led nowhere; his was the last she tried.
When they finally connected, she put her other project on hold to focus on his story; she and her small creative team had a final cut by November. “George is 88, and I wanted him to be able to enjoy this moment, where people recognize him for his dancing,” she said.
As he prepares to return to New York, Lee said he felt gratified, most of all, for his mother.
“I’m proud for her that I didn’t let her down,” he said. “It makes me feel better to look up at her and say: ‘Look, mother, now you see what’s happening, what you did for me. You gave me all the good foundation, everything. Through you, I’m here now.’”
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George Lee today. Photo: Saeed Rahbaran for The New York Times
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dearunreliablenarrator · 5 months ago
Writeblr Interview Tag
thank you, thank you to @sableglass for the tag, you can catch their original post here!
Short stories, novels, or poems?
Novels! Sometimes, I think the ideas i have are too large to stay as short stories or that i couldn't capture what's needed for poems.
What genre do you prefer reading?
I've found myself dabbling a bit more into psycho thrillers now a days, otherwise the toes are buried in sci-fi, romance and the occasional philosophy book.
Are you a planner or a write as I go kind of person?
Girls/Guys/Theys', I couldn't plan a thing and stick to it if my life depended on it. I try to do both, just for consistency sake, but I often go off line anyways, but the most important scenes are always written first.
It does make editing a bitch though.
What music do you listen to while writing?
I honestly write in silence (scary i know). Otherwise, Kitchen Nightmares or Hell's Kitchen reruns are on in the back. And unless, I've already curated a playlist for what's being written, there's nothing in these ears but air.
I guess the easy answer is it depends!
Favorite books/movies?
The Menu (2022)/Bottoms (2023)/EEAAO (2022)
Song of Achilles/ A Southern Book Club's Guide to Slaying Vampires/ Act Your Age, Eve Brown.
Any current WIPs?
Cherries Under the Sun! A new branch of writing for me, I always kinda felt like I had to stick to romance and burnt myself out. So here, we have a exploration of relationships with God and life (in both destructive and favorable manners) and the horrors of which one would go to achieve what they believe to be a righteous way of living.
I don't know...religion makes people do some weird shit in the name of their god and that something I want to explore. Did I mention there are vampires?!
If someone were to make a cartoon out of you what would your standard outfit be?
wide legged pants or leggings, oversized t-shirt and pair of crocs. although, a lot of the time; i'm winnie the poohin' it.
Create a character description of yourself: 
a fluorescent beige girl with copper sister locs, tortie glasses and a slew of patchwork tattoos with facial piercings. of average height, and my clothes probably have a layer of cat hair on them. i'm probably lifting weights or somethings.
Do you like incorporating actual people you know into your writing?
Lol yes, but half of the time its not even on purpose. kid you not, in the first chapter of Where the River Bends, i've actually had a man say that to me; and that was after I wrote it. (might be a soothsayer yall) Quite the experience!
Are you kill happy with your characters?
I have yet to kill anyone, but its in the plans. ugh, its gonna be an old lady. i'm sorry in advance; but yall might not even like her so *shrugs*
Coffee or Tea while writing?
don't shoot me! but i think dr.pepper is the ultimate answer. someone should make a dr.pepper tea. 
it might be too country of me to ask for it to be cold with lots of crushed ice.
Slow or fast writer?
I'd say i have my spurts of fast writing, but i think the slower i write; the more I get out.
Where/who/what do you draw inspiration from?
Real life, i think is the most agreeable answer at the moment. I like people watching or taking my own life experience and stories I've heard over the years and not replicating them but retelling them from my lense on life; which is very...dramatic and mystical to say the least.
If you were in a fantasy world, what would you be?
Oh, theres so many options for this...but a cook/pub/tavern owner would be the first thing. I love feeding people and making sure they have a place to get warm food, and it'd be pretty cheap too! Or, house staff to some hoity-toity family, maybe get their son or daughter to fall in love with me so I can get some inheritance...but daddy, i love them kind moment
Most fav book cliche:
nerdy girl gets the jock
Least favorite cliche:
misunderstandings/miscommunication; oh god shoot me now! or the "she's hotter without her glasses" move (9x/10 the glasses are what makes them hot!)
Favorite scene to write?
Lore dumping scenes! They may be long and a little tedious to get through but they give so much insight into the smaller behaviors that characters have.
why does character A pick their nose comfortably in public? cause once upon a time; their grammy said it was okay and it's better than having it hang in there all day with people noticing!
I think my favorite so far though, is Warren and Sabryna's talk after a disastrous dinner. It was something in that moment, that they both really needed. Tough conversations equals great rewards in this case.
Reason for writing?
Cause I can! I mean; I'd really come to hate myself if i didn't let these ideas meet the paper or the keyboard in this matter. I think its very freeing to create something of your own, just getting past what others may think is the hard part.
and yall i cant draw for shit besides doodles so i guess writing is it for me.
no pressure tags below! sorry if you were double tagged! @rumeysawrites @inadequatecowboy @lady-grace-pens @tito-sober @shepardsherd @dyrewrites @goldfinchwrites @caninecomplex
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mariacallous · 8 months ago
Understanding other countries requires more than studying them from afar. This fundamental fact is hardly news. In the 18th and 19th centuries, young people conducted a grand tour of other countries to get to know them better (and, by extension, their own countries). Over the past few decades, all manner of universities have launched semester-abroad programs that make such learning extremely easy.
But increasingly, young Americans with foreign-policy and national-security ambitions are eschewing interaction with foreign countries and even foreign individuals. They want security clearances, and they know that any foreign exposure will complicate matters. This intellectual isolationism risks severely harming U.S. foreign and security policy—just when an acceleratingly unstable world needs able U.S. officials.
Understanding other countries is a daunting and sometimes humbling experience. For the most part, the first step involves attempting to communicate in a foreign language. One can improve one’s abilities by watching movies and television from the countries in question, or by reading newspapers or listening to the radio.
As a teenager, I improved my German by reading Bild-Zeitung whenever I got access to it (Bild was easier reading than Der Spiegel and Die Zeit, to which I later graduated). Later on, I worked on my Italian by watching Italian movies without subtitles. To this day, I regularly listen to RAI (Italian radio), both to keep myself informed and to improve my linguistic abilities.
But even if one does speak the desired foreign language well, one can only understand the country in which it’s spoken by living there for an extended period of time. It involves learning that country’s culture and cultural references, and preferably understanding its society and politics. “I don’t drink coffee, I take tea, my dear,” Sting sang in Alien in New York. But when in Rome, do as the Romans do. Or try, at least.
As an expat, one will always be in the minority. Frequently, one won’t get cultural references, or one will misunderstand them. That has happened to me countless times ever since I moved abroad in my first year of university (I’ve remained abroad ever since). It’s frequently humiliating and exasperating, though it is, of course, often enormously educational. And learning a bit of humility is not a bad side benefit of getting to know another country.
Starting in the late 1600s, young Europeans of means considered the grand tour a must in their civic education, and subsequent generations have also appreciated the value of interacting with other countries. The United States’ Gen Z appreciates it too. Indeed, many of the best and brightest among America’s Gen Z want to make a career out of foreign affairs and international security. They want it so much that they map out their next steps at an early stage. Those steps include applying to the finest U.S. graduate programs in foreign affairs and national security.
Once they’ve arrived in these fine institutions of higher learning, the world is their oyster, right? Not so much. In recent months, I’ve been hearing more and more from professors of international affairs that their students are so focused on getting security clearances for their hoped-for government jobs that they’re forgoing foreign contacts. They’re opting out of study-abroad opportunities and avoiding friendships with foreign students.
Princeton undergraduates’ choices of what field to major in give a good indication of ambitious college students’ thinking. In 2022, the university’s six regional concentrations—which include German, French and Italian, and East Asian Studies—were among the school’s 10 least popular concentrations, the Daily Princetonian reported.
For the third year running, the most popular concentrations were computer science, the School of Public and International Affairs, economics, and operations research and financial engineering. Last academic year (the most recent available), meanwhile, Princeton had a total of one Master’s student in German, two in Slavic languages, four in French and Italian, and six in East Asian Studies. It had no Master’s students in Spanish and Portuguese.
Last fall, George Washington University’s Elliott School of International Affairs, which produces “leading experts in business, security, diplomacy, public service, development, conflict resolution, public health, and other fields,” ended its Master’s in European and Eurasian Studies.
During the Cold War, Washington took knowledge of other countries extremely seriously. Universities offered area studies, in which students specialized in, yes, a specific area of the world—and that included learning not just the relevant languages, but the culture and politics, too, not to mention spending time there. Because the government valued such expertise, area experts could look forward to a good career. American students often spent half a year or a year in East Germany, in the Soviet Union, in Poland.
Today, few such programs remain, and even when they’re offered, students—with careers and security clearances in mind—steer clear of them. “My cursor hovered lovingly over ‘East Asian Studies’ (EAS) for a few seconds; then, with a firm finality, I scrolled down and clicked on ‘School of Public and International Affairs’ (SPIA). One last click, ‘submit form,’ and the deed was done,” a Princeton student named Vincent Jiang wrote in the Daily Princetonian last spring.
Today’s ambitious young men and women in top graduate programs will no doubt get their security clearances, and they’re certain to land good jobs in foreign and security policy, too. But what knowledge will they bring? The United States’ many Iranian Americans and Chinese Americans, meanwhile, would be ideal recruits to the CIA or the NSA. They, though, have a reduced chance of getting security clearances to begin with.
With limited exposure to friendly and unfriendly countries, the next generation of diplomats and intelligence officials unlikely have the kind of knowledge Washington needs. That’s a great pity. During the height of globalization, when many a country gave the impression of moving in a Westerly direction, the United States might have been able to get away with insufficient understanding of its fellow nations. But with the geopolitical standoff between Western countries and a China-led grouping intensifying, with the Middle East on the brink of escalating conflict, and with Russia menacing its neighbors, Washington needs such knowledge.
Meanwhile, traffic in the other direction is proceeding briskly—indeed, it’s exploding. In the 2021-22 academic year (the latest year available), British universities had 680,000 foreign students compared to 2.18 million students from the U.K. The former included 152,000 from China and 17,630 from Hong Kong. Nearly 127,000 Indians were studying in Britain, too, as were 9,000 Saudis and even 15 North Koreans. By contrast, a mere 23,000 Americans were studying in Britain. (Already in 2017-2018, the total number of foreign students in the U.K. was extremely high, at 470,000.) At U.S. universities, the percentage of foreign students has grown by 149 percent since 1976—but by only 47 percent since 2010.
Many of the foreigners enroll at Western universities through programs funded by their governments. Indeed, this month a British investigation into concerns that foreigners were exploiting higher education as a way of getting work in the country found that the vast majority of them were, in fact, bona fide students.
Expertise gained from books and television is fine, but woefully inadequate for people who make decisions about foreign and security policy. Yes, well-trained U.S. diplomats and intelligence officers send good information back to Washington. Even they, though, suffer from the same cultural myopia as their graduate-student brethren, often serving in foreign countries whose languages they don’t speak.
Indeed, many a diplomat seems to prefer life inside the embassy compound than out in the field. And even the most insightful diplomatic dispatches are of little use if the recipients back home possess a Washington-centric view of the world. There are many people in recent U.S. administrations who would have benefited massively from living in other countries.
Granted, new espionage legislation in Russia and China makes living there daunting for Americans and other Westerners. But it’s still possible. And there are countless other countries future U.S. officials ought to know from more than reading and remote viewing.
“Make area studies cool again,” as the Daily Princetonian headline urged. Amen to that—and to real knowledge about other countries. Not because such knowledge needs a “cool” label, but because it’s indispensable.
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fireemblems24 · 1 year ago
Scarlet Blaze Ch 15 (Final)
Last one, everyone! After this, I finally get to play Spiritfarer which I got on . . . Christmas 2022.
Last chapter. Finally. Killing so many people in this route is really awful. Especially since you just . . . don't in the other two.
I think the last chapter will take place at the monastery.
Oh, great, does this mean I have to protect Bernie's dad in this route? I hope Rhea kills him, like gets this badass cut scene where she cuts him down for perverting her faith by using it as a propaganda tool.
So TWSITD showed up and is attacking Rhea and the Empire.
They're mostly after the "beasts" (aka Nabateans? Or humans?)
I wish this meant that we teamed up with Rhea, but we know Edelgard would team up with TWSITD first.
Catherine and Rhea got a cool moment together though.
Yep, we have to protect Count Varley, gross.
No side battles! This final chapter will be super quick, which is nice.
I'm VERY curious what the Golden Deer students say after Claude's moment last chapter lamo.
And if any Lions mention Sylvain :((((
OMG, Ignatz is savage. He only cares about painting the battle. No mention of Claude.
Yuri wishes he could kill Varley instead of save him. Good for him. He really feels more suited for AG/AM/SS/VW than SB/CF/GW.
Well, at least Mercedes mentioned Sylvain. And Ingrid and Annette. Saying they died for what they believed in and admires them for it, since she could never.
Poor Ashe is having a crisis. Still had no idea wtf he's doing in the Empire's war camp. Honestly, this game made him so much more interesting.
Linhardt also has no fucking clue why he's here. I swear he does nothing but complain every map (in a funny way) and wish he was doing literally anything else.
Lorenz is more concerned about his future bc of Claude than worried about him. Man, guy really has no one loyal to him lol.
I swear I did a much better job getting supports in GW and AG.
Caspar has a bunch of books, and Dorothea's horrified by the idea that he'll use them in training.
Caspar plans to read them. Dorothea teases him. Apparently Lin made similar comments.
Dorothea makes him promise not to hurt the books. A woman after my own heart.
Caspar's like, did you know my dad reads! Dorothea's like, yeah . . . how do you think he got his role if he didn't.
Dorothea tells a story about an unlearned commander who studied strategy in books and improved to become legendary.
The only stupid part of this is thinking you can read and understand complicated books in 5 days and become an expect in 5 days. For once, Caspar was the smart one being like, uh, I need more time.
This support is SB locked, but neither characters are Eagles. It may be the only support like that in the game. But, hey, new Mercie content, I'll take it!
Mercedes comes across Lysithea in the kitchen, trying and failing to cook.
The fruits she wanted to use are moldy though. Lysithea has an idea to use something else for the fruit - a sugar syrup.
Lysithea has dedicated her time to learning how to cook because of how good Mercedes' cooking was, so she credits Mercie for the sugar syrup, which she learned because of that.
Baking also helped Lysithea learn the importance of taking breaks.
Mercie calls her a wizened old grandma, lol.
They arrange a tea party.
It starts with Linhardt saying they haven't learned anything about Shez's powers. I wonder how funny this sounds if you get it after the special chapters.
Linhardt says it's find because the war is almost over, so there's less need and chance for the powers to go out of control.
Shez pretty consistently wants to continue working as a mercenary after the battle.
He also seems to have no desire to stay in Enbarr lol.
Linhardt wants Shez as a personal bodyguard. Honestly, not a bad choice.
Then Linhardt says something like "spending the rest of my life with some random bodyguard" and then makes an excuse to leave. so he wants to stick with Shez for life. It's kind of sweet.
Their only support
Edelgard comes across Petra praying to Bigid gods. In Brigid they pray in nature rather than in churches in Fodlan.
Edelgard asks Petra why she's risking her life in the war because it's bad for Brigid.
So Brigid will only be freed if Petra remains alive.
To be fair, it's because she doesn't know the new leader. Still feels a bit icky for Petra.
Edelgard warns about "tricks" the enemy will use. She really has a beef with anyone using tactics.
Petra just says she's happy to fight and can't run while everyone else remains and fights.
Edelgard says she can't back out, which true, but she could've just not started one. But that's in the past I guess.
Overall, came across better than the Houses one where Petra didn't seem like an equal.
My plan is to have Edelgard and Shez make the other two adjuncts and see if I can't beat the paralogue that way.
It's about TWSITD, which isn't surprising given that character list.
God, I've made SB Shez so fucking stupid. Never understanding anything. It's so funny.
So is this about Cornelia? They found one of her old hideouts.
I had Shez shrug about joining. Hapi got offended.
They're talking about Hubert. I wish he was here. He's my best unit.
I wish Cornelia showed up. She's so fun, but sadly she did not.
They didn't find anything. Hapi was mostly chill about it. Edelgard and Lysithea were more bothered.
Shez could show concern or change the subject. Obviously I made him change the subject since SB!Shez is not intelligent.
Like the last time, I just plan to adjunct Caspar and let Shez and Linhardt do all the work.
They're arguing if Caspar saw a ghost or not. Linhardt remains unconvinced.
Lamo, their dads showed up and Linhardt's dad called him a "fountain of positivity" when he brought up their could die any day.
Linhardt is also upset that he has to help.
We're hunting down Empire people who've turned against Edelgard.
I had Shez not want to go lol.
The main battle changed to defeating their dads. I don't think I'm supposed to take this paralogue seriously.
Linhardt had no fun.
Bergliez gave Caspar some gaunlets, and I could either be happy for him or jealous. I obviously picked jealous since it's fun to pick the dick answer lol.
Why is the S rank reward Edelgard's axe? This is the last battle, right? Is there some post game stuff? Because I'm so ready for this to be done (I don't think I'll do it).
Funny, Edelgard is the one defending the monastery this time, and Varley. Imagine your final battle being about protecting Varley. Ugh.
Only 40 points for the final battle?
Just killed Catherine :(
Cyril just showed up. Rhea's so concerned. Not looking forward to killing a child :((( He died too. This is by far the bloodiest route. I swear no one even dies in AG, and in GW it's only Sylvain's dad.
This can't be it, right? That was too easy. And Cyril as the final boss makes no sense. I'm betting it's a Thales and Rhea fight.
Rhea turned into a dragon. Badass. Glad she was the final boss poper and not Thales.
Spoke too soon. I think they're both here now.
Think I beat it. We're at a cut scene now. Thales is doing magic shit. Rhea attacked him and just ignored Edelgard and Shez like they weren't worth her notice lol.
Wait, that's it?
Rhea pushes Thales off a cliff? So RHEA's the hero??
There's no way they could've survived that - Edelgard. My girl, Rhea is a fucking dragon and Thales can warp. I have bad news from you. Also, Byleth survived a fall too so . . .
What happened to Dimitri? I don't think I killed Claude either?
Is that really it? The war just keeps going. The war just keeps on with no end in sight. Hahahaha. You mean I played how many hours for THAT? I'm going to laugh my ass off if all 3 routes end like this. What a cheap way to avoid killing any of the lords.
OMG. What a stupid ending.
Except for Rhea. She got the big hero moment lol.
I kept waiting for another battle. Esp since there's an S rank reward that's Edelgard's axe, so Idk what's going on.
OMG, this is going to take FOREVER. They're showing the MVP of every single side battle and not just the main ones. I'm only at ch 6.
There was a lot more variety in MVP than I thought. I thought it would be the Hubert show, but it's pretty varied.
Ok, so around ch 10 turns into the Hubert show. I like seeing battle data though, so I sat through it.
Ok, so you get a letter from the person you get a whistle from. Aww, I eventually won Hubert's trust, and he admits he and the army needs us. Glad I picked him.
Wait, no paired endings? That blows. I hope this isn't a new trend since Engage didn't do that either (I love paired endings)
Ok, so it looks like some stuff would carry over to another playthrough on this file. So, in the future, I'd replay AG over my GW or SB playthrough to at least get 2 on the same one. I can't see myself replaying SB or GW. It's not like the story would matter since I could just skip it, but the gameplay is pretty much the same, so why not play the route with my favorites and the most unit choices on top of that?
So you can carry over supports and even unit level. So I could play Dimitri as the absurd level he's at in level one if I saved over my AG file? Because that would be funny. Probably boring. But funny.
Still feels good. One down. Two to go.
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celestialsister0918 · 1 year ago
Fic Writing Review 2023
Thanks for tagging me, @gammacousin!
Rules: Feel free to show whatever stats you have. Only want to show Ao3 stats? Rock on. Want to include some quantitative info instead of stats? Please do this. Want to change how yours is presented? Absolutely do that. Would rather eat glass than do this? Please don’t eat glass but don’t feel like you have to do this either. (Copied and pasted)
Words and Fics
Word Count:
Fic Count:
6 started. 5 completed
Most Productive Month: February by far, thanks to Kinkuary!
Top Five by Hits
The One He Needs Right Now: Jim Gordon's Kinkuary: 5941
What I'm Thinking About (Sirius x Ginny): 3600
A Window Not Missed (Bruce x Nat): 2107
A Window Closed (Bruce x Nat): 1101
In the Sepulcher by the Sea (Sirius x Severus): 684
Top Five by Kudos
A Window Not Missed (Bruce x Nat): 96
What I'm Thinking About (Sirius x Ginny): 61
A Window Closed (Bruce x Nat): 47
In the Sepulcher by the Sea (Sirius x Severus): 32
The One He Needs Right Now: Jim Gordon's Kinkuary: 24
Fandom events:
Two @trulymadlydeeplyfest fests! 1 in February and 1 in October. Both Harry Potter. I'm so bad at knowing where all the fests are so those are my only two.
Upcoming Plans:
To Complete:
Finish "A Window Closed" (Bruce x Nat)
Start "A Window Opened" (Bruce x Nat)
Start "A Special Election" (Jim Gordon x NEW OC) - I have one chapter written and some dialogue prompts for chapter 2. I'm soooo excited for this one.
Other Ideas:
Continue one-off Sirius and other Gary Oldman character one-shots on Tumblr.
Write a Jackson Lamb piece
Maybe write a Kate Bishop x Yelena Belova one-shot if the mood strikes
Write another Gary Oldman RPF (many dialogue prompts already written). Here's my first Gary RPF if interested... it was set during the Dracula filming. The new one will be set after his divorce from Alex but before Gisele.
I took a couple long breaks from writing this year. After finishing "Submissioner Gordon" in December of 2022, I was at a pretty bad low from lack of interaction with that fic. My heart has NEVER been in something as much as it was that fic, so to have so many hits and so little interaction made me think everyone hated it. Yet I continued the story with the Kinkuary prompts, where I wrote a short fic every day for 28 days. Again, I feel like it bombed.
At the same time, I made what I thought would be my last hurrah in the Harry Potter fandom, and it didn't do so great either. I was in a BAD spot comparing myself to other writers, so I took a long hiatus.
During that break, I started watching the entire MCU with my son, start to finish. My brain grabbed onto Bruce Banner and Natasha Romanoff and would NOT let go. So in May, I began publishing the "Never Say Never" series, where I try to fix their story.
The feedback from the Marvel fandom and Brutasha readers/writers really warmed my heart and got me back in the groove. I am forever thankful to them, because it truly restored my confidence in writing.
I will always be thankful for my Wizarding World series and the Submissioner Gordon/Daddy Issues universe, and my brain loves to revisit those stories and characters. It's just bittersweet because it never really found its audience. However the feedback I got from my foray into the MCU fandom has built my confidence enough that I am able to write in HP and Dark Knight without really worrying what others think. I am just doing it for me and my love for the characters. I know my writing isn't bad--- it's just not a lot of people's cup of tea.
I also want to give a shoutout to the small but steadfast Gary Oldman fandom I have found on Tumblr and Instagram. They've become very dear to my heart, and I love that we can share random thirst posts together when so many others just don't get it.
If anyone is reading this, please share your 2023 stats and reflections as well! I love writers supporting writers. Happy 2024 to you all!
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lurkdragonstuff · 1 year ago
It is 2022, and there is time for Potion Permit.
Maybe not, like. A lot of time. But enough.
In this twist on the farming sim genre, you are a chemist (read: alchemist) from the capital of a vaguely steampunk country, sent to the remote island of Moonbury as an olive branch to the community. Many years ago, chemists wreaked havoc on the island's flora, and the bad blood still lingers.
As the new local chemist, you spend your days gathering ingredients from the local flora and fauna for your potions so you can treat the townsfolk when they fall ill. The townspeople are pretty standard vaguely-steampunk folks, though out in the boonies and so more reliant on traditional trades than it's implied the big city folk are. Like any good farming sim, there's a dating sim element, too: some of the townsfolk are romancable.
It's all very cozy and reminiscent of the early days of a Stardew Valley game, where gathering wild resources provides a supplement to your farm as you get your feet under you.
Well, that really is all the game is built around. To explain, it's a very shallow experience compared to your Stardew Valley or your Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons. In particular, it really suffers from the lack of any real in-game calendar.
One of the big draws of these kinds of games - farming sims and close relatives - is the wish fulfillment of getting out into nature and feeling its rhythms. And on the nuts-and-bolts gameplay side of things, these kinds of games rely on the feeling of time passing and natural cycles to break up the monotony of the gameplay loop. For example: sure you might still be farming the same nine squares you tilled in spring, but it's autumn now and the harvest festival is around the corner, and after that will be winter so if you don't have a greenhouse you'd better be ready for mining.
Potion Permit does have an in-game week and the characters have schedules based on it, but there's no real sense of time passing. It doesn't have to be a four-seasons temperate climate or anything (the development team is the Indonesian MassHive Media, so a wet/dry season system would've been pretty cool) but without it, the game becomes an unending samey drone after a while. There are no festivals or birthdays to look forward to. Potion ingredients don't cycle. Hell, diseases don't cycle: characters just come down with random ailments that usually don't have anything to do with each other.
As for the townsfolk themselves, eh, they're fine. There were, I think, a few baffling decisions about who's romancable and who isn't (whyyyy is the farmer not romancable, his mother is even trying to get him hooked up with somebody), and I sense some amount of 'swing and a miss' with their handling of sensitive topics and mental health concerns. Still, it's a small indie team, and for me at least I can forgive it as a sincere effort with some rough edges.
That said, the relationship system is pared down compared to other games in the genre. No one has any favourites: everyone gets the same gift of the local tea, which you earn for treating patients and for completing relationship quests. The romances never advance past dating, either. And the event flags for the main quest and for relationships are completely decoupled: I dated my former rival and got his relationship to that point before doing a few endgame things, and this wasn't acknowledged At All. It does let you romance whoever you want regardless of gender, at least, and perhaps because of the shallow system you can date multiple characters without issue.
Speaking of the endgame, the game just kind of... peters out, storywise. Oh, there's a party when you Become The Local Hero, but it doesn't take any ingame time and you don't even rest after it. There isn't even a credits roll. You're just booted out of the party cutscene to outside of the tavern with the same ingame time as when you started.
For all my misgivings, though, I enjoyed most of my time with Potion Permit. I don't think I'll be buying it (I borrowed it from the library for my Switch), but it occupied the time and felt nice while it lasted. Not really recommended, but not really not recommended, either.
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justinspoliticalcorner · 5 months ago
Gabe Fleisher at Wake Up To Politics:
Last night, one of America’s two political parties gathered in Illinois and heard from a former CIA officer and several military veterans. They waved American flags and chanted “USA” while homage was paid to John McCain and Ronald Reagan. A sheriff spoke about increasing police funding; a Tea Party lawmaker opined on what it means to be conservative. The party’s presidential nominee, a former prosecutor, promised to toughen border security and protect American freedom. No, it wasn’t a Republican convention. Just a new political reality. The Democratic convention in Chicago showed a party finally addressing a core contradiction of the past half-decade. Electorally speaking, the Trump years have been good to Democrats, with victories in 2018, 2020, 2022, and 2023 raining down like manna from heaven. But from a messaging standpoint, the era has been one stumble after another, with the party bouncing around the ideological map in search of a narrative that clicks. The persistent sense has been that the Democrats have won more for being the “not Trump” party than due to any positive association in voters’ minds.
Polls show that the party has a brand problem — one they may be able to overcome while Trump is on the ballot, but which will surely be lurking afterwards. But conventions are nothing if not branding exercises; the Democrats’ this past week reflected a party trying to forge a new identity. So what if it meant pissing off some members of their coalition and cribbing several major Republican talking points? The convention showed a party was a party that wants to win — not just against Donald Trump, but after him too — and is willing to remake itself to do it. The Democrats appeared keenly aware of their worst stereotypes and came prepared with carefully calibrated, poll-tested responses to each one.
Soft on crime? “After decades in law enforcement, I know the importance of safety and security,” Vice President Kamala Harris said, in an acceptance speech that returned repeatedly to her experience as a prosecutor. Weak on national security? “I will never hesitate to take whatever action is necessary to defend our forces and our interests,” she declared. Afraid of military might? “I will ensure America always has the strongest, most lethal fighting force in the world,” Harris said. Judgmental? Nearly ever major DNC speaker took pains to offer grace to conservatives, instead of scorning them, from former President Barack Obama noting that when “a parent or grandparent occasionally says something that makes us cringe, we don’t automatically assume they’re bad people” to Oprah Winfrey promising that “we are not so different from our neighbors.”
Unpatriotic? When Harris walked onto the stage, the crowd didn’t chant “Kamala” or “We’re not going back” or any of the other slogans in their arsenal. They chanted “USA.” In fact, “USA” chants were heard every night of the convention, often during almost every speech. Attendees held aloft “USA” signs and American flags; later, when they were handed long “Kamala” signs ahead of her acceptance speech, many delegates stuck the American flag on top of them, so that when they cheered for Harris, the floor remained a sea of flags. Many of these epithets are labels that have haunted Democrats for decades, stretching back into the 1970s and in some cases even earlier. In that time, Republicans have reliably been the party that has wrapped themselves in the flag and projected a tough image on national defense and law and order, so much so that the scene from the United Center sometimes seemed straight out of an RNC. Harris also seemed to determined to break with the long Democratic tradition of condescension, from “egghead” Adlai Stevenson to “elitist” Hillary Clinton and her “basket of deplorables.” This convention was one of the first times they seemed conscious of it, and actively tried to move in another direction.
The whole event was a far cry from 2020, when Democrats allowed themselves to become the party of “defund the police” and the academic alphabet soup of DEI and CRT. In just four years, the party went from declaring in their platform that “Democrats believe we need to overhaul the criminal justice system from top to bottom,” because “police brutality is a stain on the soul of our nation,” to pledging to put “more police officers on the beat” in the 2024 version. “We need to fund the police, not defund the police,” the party’s platform now reads. Attendees cheered when a sheriff made that same point on Thursday, something that would have sounded unbelievable to 2020 ears. (As would the nomination of a former prosecutor.) It was also a departure from 2016, when identity ruled the day as Hillary Clinton reminded delegates that she was the first woman nominated for the presidency. Harris never once referred to the fact that she was only the second female nominee, and first Black female nominee, allowing the delegates wearing suffragette white to serve as the lone nod to her history-making nomination.
Other typically Democratic elements were airbrushed from the speech as well. Issues that poll well, like abortion, were emphasized. Issues that poll poorly, like climate change and transgender issues, were mentioned once and not at all, respectively, by Harris. (Democratic fears of yet another label — “woke” — were clear.) These decisions angered some activists, as did the exclusion of a Palestinian-American speaker, but after years of attempting to please every segment of their varied coalition, Democrats have made the cold calculation that the voters they truly need to target are the plurality in the middle. Just as they pushed out Joe Biden in service of chasing victory, evincing little emotional attachment to an aging leader, the party seems newly willing to spite its fringes to save its power.
[...] For me, one of the most enduring images of the convention will be the two young men standing near me who looked like they could have been straight out of a Barstool video — a demographic Democrats have struggled with — screaming “USA” with a fierce intensity. In reality, though, these young men are a Democratic minority: only 29% of Democrats told Gallup they are “extremely proud” to be Americans last year; 60% of Republicans did so. I think back to the conference of young Democrats I covered last year, when a speaker asked how many attendees are “patriotic” and only a scattering of hands went up. [...] The Democratic convention showed a party playing to win, unlike the Republican convention in July, which showed a party that believed it already had. The DNC also showed a party preparing for the future — parading its bench, shaving down its harsher edges to position itself for campaigns against post-Trump opponents — in stark contrast to the Trump-centric RNC. At the same time as Trump appears distracted, Democrats have never seemed more laser-focused on pursuing victory.
Gabe Fleisher wrote in Friday’s Wake Up To Politics newsletter on the Democratic Party’s image makeover that was on display at the DNC by taking the freedom and patriotism mantle and ran with it, while jettisoning or downplaying themes prevalent in the 2016 and 2020 editions.
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akocomyk · 4 days ago
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4th Pin
City of Manila
Particularly the area around the National Museum and Intramuros—with an honorable mention to Quiapo.
Unintentionally, the National Museum has become one of my favorite places to visit. The first time I went there was back in college—I can’t recall if I visited it earlier during the many school field trips we had when I was younger.
Fast forward to 2024. I was there on February 10, and Seandale was with me. The day started with us attending Mass at Quiapo Church—this was when he gave me his promise ring. He also handed me a letter afterward when we were having coffee at Starbucks.
The letter was an ode to how much he loved me and served as a sort of parting gift since he was trying to let me go at the time. For context: two people were pursuing me—Doc John and Seandale. He was pushing me to pick Doc John instead of him and promised to still be there for me, even if we didn’t end up together. He told me that if Doc John ever hurt me and things didn’t work out, he’d help me rebuild myself.
I didn’t like that gift—or what he was saying. Even though I’d known Doc John longer, I enjoyed Seandale’s company far more, which was one of the reasons I leaned toward choosing him.
Anyway, we went to the National Museum of Natural History—arguably my favorite of the three museums in Manila, though the Fine Arts comes very close. It was Seandale’s first time there. I think it was my fourth? Some of the interactive exhibits didn’t work as they did back in 2022, the first time I visited.
Seandale wasn’t very enthusiastic about the displays at first, but I encouraged him to appreciate them more—I mean, duh, it’s a museum; you’re bound to learn something new. And he did. I like it when he tries new things, especially when he learns from them.
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After the museum, we went to Intramuros. We walked around and visited San Agustin Church, Fort Santiago, and Manila Cathedral. We enjoyed some sorbetes while hanging out at the park in front of the cathedral.
To cap the night off, we went to the Bonifacio and the Katipunan Revolution Monument. That’s where we talked—mostly him telling me to choose Doc John, and me brushing the idea off because it was him I wanted. It was him I loved. I even stated the idea that I should just choose no one—so no one would have me and all of us will be devastated equally. I thought that was the fairest solution I had.
In the end, I told him to just wait. And on February 13, Seandale became my boyfriend.
On February 17, we—my sister and her friends from work—joined WanderManila’s One Night in Intramuros walk tour. Two of my sister's friends couldn’t make it, hence we had extra tickets—so I invited Seandale to come. I knew it was his best friend’s birthday so I doubted if he would say yes. Then he said, he’d always choose every chance to spend time with me.
That day, we originally planned to have lunch at Ying Ying Tea House in Binondo, but it was unfortunately too crowded and we’d have to wait hours to have a table, so we decided to eat at Intramuros instead. We went to Barbara’s for their unlimited lunch buffet, located just across San Agustin Church, which was the assembly area for the tour later that evening.
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After lunch, we killed time at La Cathedral Café, where Seandale joined us. Then we returned to San Agustin Church for the tour.
The tour? Not what you might expect. It was a walking tour around Intramuros—the highlight being Fort Santiago, our last stop. The tour basically involved stopping at notable sites where the guide would tell stories. We weren’t hunting ghosts, if that’s what you were thinking. It was more of a dive into places where paranormal activities were recorded and historians were able to back it up with actual events to somehow explain why the place was haunted.
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Then life happened.
The next time I was in Intramuros was for our Takpul volunteering activity at work on October 5. Takpul is our twist on the Swedish plogging activity—jogging while picking up trash. It’s a mix of health awareness and environmental preservation. I participated as our team’s photographer and as an active member of Team Verde supporting our initiatives.
It was a hectic day for me because we were also preparing for a dance competition—I’d joined the dance club at work. Two dancers joined Takpul as well, so I spent much of the time with them and ended up taking a lot of photos of them.
Seandale participated too, but he was grouped with another team, so I didn’t get to mingle with him that much.
As a reward for the volunteers, we were given a guided tour around Plaza Moriones and Fort Santiago. Unfortunately, it wasn’t even close to our One Night in Intramuros tour. I found it soulless and lacking in energy and depth, and probably because our guide is still inexperienced—I could feel his nerves whenever he spoke.
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On December 15, Nikki and I visited the National Museum of Fine Arts and Natural History. He had never been to any of them, so I suggested it. These museums have become some of my favorite places, even though they bring back so many memories. Maybe going there repeatedly can replace old memories with better ones?
Nikki seemed to prefer Fine Arts over Natural History. We spent more time appreciating the paintings than looking at preserved animals. Plus, he’s terrified of snakes. He literally dragged me away from DEAD snakes in glass displays.
Although he enjoyed seeing Lolong—the largest crocodile ever held in captivity, whose remains are now preserved in the museum. He literally greeted him like an old friend, one of the museum visitors even looked at him strangely. Apparently, he’d seen Lolong when he was still alive during the time he and his family visited the animal’s poorly kept enclosure in Bunawan.
And… that’s it for the City of Manila.
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onewhoturns · 1 year ago
A-Z Challenge GAME 5
Starting D today, so here we have: E games!
This one is... hm. To be honest, with the first-person games I'm a *little* concerned that I might feel nauseous if I try to muscle through a couple of these in a short time frame >< The only one I'm sure won't make me sick is Erica, but I've played a demo of Eternal Threads and it was mostly okay, not sure what to expect from Escape Academy, but just might not be a one- or two-session knockout, if it makes me feel ill -.-'
I also would need to find people able to play a session with me for that game, cause some of those achievements are multiplayer, but not many
As always, more info on the games under the cut.
Do me a solid this round cause y'all have ignored all the other fmv games and all the horror/thriller stuff from last round and I want to play one
1. Erica (2021)
"Prepare to immerse yourself in an interactive live-action thriller, merging the world of film and game like never before. Erica is a young lady plagued with nightmares of her father's murder. With the traumatic events of her childhood dragged back into the light via grisly new clues, it's up to you to unearth the shocking truth. Explore the enigma of Delphi House where every choice you make influences how the game develops, with multiple endings awaiting you at the finale of the gripping branching narrative." Steam tags: choose your own adventure, fmv, interactive fiction, female protagonist, point & click, choices matter, puzzle, story rich, action
2. Escape Academy (2022)
"Welcome to Escape Academy. Train to become the ultimate Escapist. Solve Puzzles. Hack Servers. Meet the Faculty. Brew the perfect cup of tea. Escape Rooms in single player or co-op with a friend - local or online!" Steam tags: escape room, puzzle, multiplayer, online co-op, visual novel, adventure, casual, mystery, story rich
3. Eternal Threads (2022)
"Eternal Threads is a single-player, first-person story-driven puzzle game of time manipulation, choice and consequence. As an operative tasked with fixing corruption in the timestream, you have been sent to the North of England in May 2015, where six people died in a house fire. Prohibited from simply stopping the fire, you must instead manipulate the choices made by the housemates in the week leading up to it so that they all survive the event." Steam tags: choices matter, story rich, multiple endings, time manipulation, investigation, emotional, adventure, atmospheric
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