#so let me know if there are any mistakes
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Altars in Ancient Greece
A disclaimer before we get into it: this is a brief explanation of how altars functioned in ancient Greece. I am not telling you how you should set up your own personal altar(s). Rather, I hope this can serve as foundational knowledge for you to consider while figuring out what works best for you and your practice.

Pentelic marble altar from the ancient agora of Athens. Dedicated by the Athenian Boule to Aphrodite and the Graces. c. 194-193 BCE.
The purpose of the altar is to receive offerings for the deity. It is the sacred place where worshipers pour their libations of wine, deposit their gifts of fruit, honey, or cakes, and burn a portion of the sacrificial animal. Offerings in ancient Greece were a key component of religious life; it is how mortals express their honor and build χάρις (kharis, favor). The altar is a highly important point of contact with the divine, and is an essential physical element for any cult to be established.
In fact, we can determine whether or not a deity was worshiped in ancient Greece based on if there were any altars dedicated to them. A god or daimon with no altars was very likely only part of the mythological or literary tradition and did not receive any sacrifices or worship. Altars were generally dedicated to one god or a group of related deities. In rarer cases, they may be dedicated to the whole pantheon (example: the Altar of the Twelve Gods in the Athenian Agora).
An altar for a heavenly (ouranic) god would be a raised surface or pedestal, and it would be oriented towards the East. The typical Greek altar consisted of bricks which were white-washed with lime, or it was carved from stone such as marble or limestone. They could be plain, or they could be decorated with volutes and narrative scenes. They often had the name of the deity inscribed into them. Altars could also come in a variety of shapes, the only real requirement being that the surface on top was flat so it could hold the offerings.
More prominent cult sanctuaries may feature a large, elevated altar with steps leading up to it. There were also natural rock altars, or in very rustic sanctuaries, a collection of stones was grouped to form an altar. If one was worshiping a khthonic god who dwells on or within the earth, they would provide sacrifices at a low-lying altar such as an eschara, or a simple open pit called a bothros.
Indoor altars were very uncommon. At sanctuaries, the altar would be outside of the gods temple, often in front of the entrance. Though a sanctuary could contain several altars and sacrificial sites. Households would have had one in their courtyard for private worship. Other altars were located outside of public buildings or in community gathering places like an agora.
The reason for being outdoors was so that the gods who reside in the sky could observe the sacrifices being made and enjoy the rising smoke of the incense. Meanwhile, a libation poured directly onto the bare earth would seep down below to the khthonic gods. Every altar was ceremonially sanctified when its first sacrifice was performed; from then on, it was considered part of the property of the deity.
Below are my sources. I'll likely make a part two of this post where I go over some ideas for how we can construct our modern altars. Thank you for reading!
Ancient Greek Religion, Jon D. Mikalson
Greek Religion, Walter Burkert
Ancient Greek Cults, Jennifer Larson
#if you find any mistakes pleeeease let me know so i can correct it#hellenic polytheism#hellenic reconstructionism#helpol#ancient greek religion#hellenic pagan#greek gods#hellenismos
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Surprise Meet The Parents
So...a while ago (years, decades, possibly even centuries) I received a prompt for an age gap meet the parent's fic with Melissa and at the time I wasn't sure how to go with it and someone tossed in the idea of a surprise meet. At the time, I'd started down a different path, but since then I've looped back around and decided to try the road not taken...
I will try and link the other fic (when I find it!) and it's my New Year's Resolution to create a masterlist and move my fics across to AO3. But in the meantime, thank you all for all your lovely comments and responses to my last couple of posts (work remains crazy and I am nowhere near ready for Christmas) so although I haven't had time to reply properly to them, they have honestly helped keep my sane and smiling!
Hope you enjoy the latest offering!
Melissa frowns at the couple waving enthusiastically in your direction. They’re not parents she recognises. “Who’s that?” she asks, nudging you.
“Um…” you hesitate, not quite knowing how to break the news. “That…that is my mum and dad.”
The red head eyes widen as she turns to look at you. “You didn’t say they were coming!”
“Neither did they!”
The surprise visit has certainly succeeded in it’s aim. You are very surprised. Somehow, your parents have been able to keep a transatlantic flight a secret and appeared just in time for the final bell. Yes, you agree with your mum, it’s a cute idea they had to be here in time for picking you up from school, just like the old days. It’s also absolutely thrown you for a loop.
Hugs are exchanged and with nowhere to run, introductions made. Melissa puts on her best act, but you can see she’s tense. You’d talked about her meeting your parents, but them turning up out of the blue at Abbott was not the plan.
Your mum suggests dinner and a chance to sit down and talk properly. The name of the restaurant she suggests looked nice on the drive over isn’t one you’re familiar with and you automatically counter with a suggestion for an old favourite haunt of you and Melissa’s. The red head is nervous enough without going somewhere you’ve never been with a whole new menu she’s never looked at.
Thankfully, your parents seem more than happy to go along with your suggestion. “Great, then how about I call and book, then I can message you with the address and we can meet there in a couple of hours’ time? Give you guys time to settle in and us to wrap up here?”
By the time you both finish seeing your students off, manage to ward off the questions from your colleagues over the sudden appearance of your parents and get home, it’s a rush to get ready for dinner.
Preparations are not helped by Melissa’s panic over what to wear. You know telling her she looks good in anything isn’t going to help right now, even if it is true. Instead, you stand behind her where she continues to root through her closet, wrapping your arms tightly around her.
“I sorry,” you tell her, nuzzling against the back of her neck. “I know this isn’t how you wanted to meet my parents. And if I had a choice this isn’t how you’d be meeting them either, but they are here and I’d love for you to meet them.”
She turns in your arms, resting your foreheads together. “No, I’m sorry. I’m freaking out and that’s not fair. I’ve spoken to your parents on the phone and they’re nice people, but I just…”
You shake your head. “You hate surprises and this is a big one. So I get it. Hell, the first time I met your family I was sweating buckets and could hardly string a sentence together.”
At this, Melissa smiles. “I remember. You made promise to watch out for sweat patches and take a spare shirt in my bag just in case.”
“You also didn’t leave my side,” you remind her. “And I won’t leave yours.”
It was a promise you intended to keep, but you hadn’t quite factored into this the fact you would need to use the bathroom at some point. Dinner isn’t exactly going badly. In actual fact, it’s been going rather well, but you can still feel Melissa tense next to you and can see how tight her smile is. Slipping you phone off the table, you quickly type a quick note before turning the screen so she can see it.
She offers you a slight nod and you excuse yourself, giving her shoulder a gentle squeeze before you go. Your parents are good people. You know they’re hardly likely to throw any barbs her way while you’re going, but she’s nervous, and you know she has a tendency to blurt out more than she means. Hopefully, if you’re quick she won’t have time to say anything she would come to regret.
Placing her hands on the table, Melissa takes a deep breath as you go, forcing herself to keep the smile on her face. “I’m sure you have questions,” she offers when it’s just her and your parents. “Or that I might not be quite what you expected.”
“You realise before you, all we got was photos of the city? Or artwork her kids had done? Random cats she meets on the street?” asks you mother. “Since you, we pictures of her. Smiling, happy, with you. The city is in the background now.”
Melissa cheeks pink and she ducks her head. She hadn’t realised there had been such a shift. To her, with her, you were just as you had always been. She’d asked her if she minded you sending pictures of the two of you to your friends and family. The red head had always said as long as she looked good in them and there’s wasn’t too much cleavage she was good with it. Afterall, much as she likes to showcase the girls, she wants to make a good impression.
Your mother leans across the table slightly, her voice low and tone gentle. “She’s mentioned you’ve been worried about being a little older than she is.”
At this, Melissa pales, waiting for the cutting comment that’s sure to follow.
“But,” she goes on, gesturing with her glass as she talks. “You get to realise that when all your daughter’s favourite films and tv shows seem to revolve around female characters with at least a couple of decades on her, she might have a type.” She leans back in her chair. “I mean, she had Cybill on DVD as teenager, never missed an episode of Xena, not to mention the crush she’s had on Meryl Streep forever.”
The laugh has tumbled from her lips before she can stop it, and once she’s started, Melissa finds she can’t stop. As the tension leaves her body, she can only shake her head and continue laughing. Of all the things she thought your mother might say, your teenage taste in women were not among them. “So you…don’t mind?” she asks when she’s calmed herself down.
“We mind that you care about her,” your dad smiles. He hadn’t missed the fact that Melissa had held doors for you, sorted your coat on the back of your chair, reminded you that you found the spicy mayo too spicy. In short, she’d been a gentlewoman. One that knew you well. “We mind that she’s herself with you. You realise you’re the first person she’s ever properly introduced? Before it’s always been one of her friends let something slip, or we have to make a guess reading between the lines. But with you she’s excited to tell us about things that you do together. She doesn’t try and hide that you’re together like she’d done in other relationships.”
At this, she can only smile. Yes, this may not be how she envisaged meeting your parents, but she’d be lying if she said it’s not going better than she ever could have hoped. Whenever Jo would introduce her to someone, anyone, it was always with a derogatory comment about how hot a piece of ass she was. Even if in private his words weren’t always so flattering. You, however, apparently introduce her as someone you’re happy with. Someone you share things with. Who you share yourself with. It’s a compliment she never realised you kept on giving her. “I do care about her,” she says softly. “A lot. A helluva lot.”
“I’m glad,” smiles your dad. “Because from what I’ve seen and heard you seem real nice, and I’d hate to have to hate you if you broke my little girl’s heart.”
Melissa holds you father’s gaze. “I’m not perfect. A long way from it, actually. I’m grouchy and hot tempered, but I promise the last thing I want to do is hurt her. She means too much to me.” She pauses. “That, and you’d have to join the queue in kicking my ass if I did.”
Now it’s your mum’s turn to smile. “Long queue, huh?”
The red head laughs. “I mean, I gotta lot of ass to kick, but that queue is already round the block. My best friend at the front of the line.”
“Ouch,” winces your mother.
“Yeah,” Melissa nods. “I’ve already been warned that if it comes to picking sides my team is looking slim. But I have no intention of it ever coming to that.”
Your mother lifts her glass, touching it to Melissa’s. “Smart woman.”
Returning form the bathroom, you slide back into your seat, immediately feeling the shift in mood at the table. “Everything okay?”
In answer, Melissa rests her arm along the back of your chair, her fingers gentle stroking the top of your arm. You raise an eyebrow at the move, only to get a smile in return. “Everything is great, actually.”
It’s not until later that night when you finally ask what had been said when you went to the bathroom. You hadn’t asked on the car ride home, still riding the high of how well the evening had gone and the couple of glasses of wine that had gone along with it.
Melissa looks up at you from where she’s propped up in bed, looking through her phone. “What?” she asks, looking at you over the top of her glasses in a way that shouldn’t be as sexy as it is.
“Tonight, when I went to the bathroom,” you repeat. “You were all nervous before, then I come back and you’re all fine about it?”
“Your parents are nice people. Why wouldn’t we get along?” she answers, her words frustratingly vague.
You narrow your eyes at her, not buying it. She’s not lying to you. That much you know. But you also know there is definitely more to this story. “What did they say?”
She sighs, putting down her phone. “All right, so when you went to pee, I asked if they had any questions about, well, me. My age, that I might not be quite what they expected.” She pauses with a smirk. “But your mom told me that actually, I kinda was what they expected?”
At this, you frown. Melissa is very different to your previous partners, so quite how she’s what your mum expected you’re not quite sure.
“She told me you have a type.” Melissa’s smirk is still firmly in place. It makes you slightly nervous.
This, again, is news to you. That you have a type at all, even more that your mother seems to think you have one. Turning out the light to the bathroom, you pause in the doorway, now not entirely sure you want to hear the rest of the conversation.
“She seems to think from your younger viewing habits that you like older women,” divulges the red head. “Cybill Shepherd got a mention.”
At this your cheeks flame red and Melissa’s smile only grows more devious. She loves getting to tease you.
“So she was right?”
“Oh come on!” you exclaim. “Cut poor little gay me some slack! between Cybill and that voice of hers, Christine Baranksi and the red head that played the daughter what hope did I have?”
Melissa’s shoulders begin to shake before she finally laughs. Really laughs.
You roll your eyes, but part of you can’t help but enjoy the red head’s delight at your reaction. Turning off the light, you crawl into bed next to her.
“You’re adorable,” says Melissa as she calms down, pulling you into her arms.
“Shut up,” you mumble into her shoulder.
“Wanna know what else your mom said?”
You groan against her skin. There was more?”
“I hear you’re a Meryl Streep fan.” Even without seeing her face, you know she’s grinning.
“Oh come on!” you exclaim. “Who isn’t? The woman is an ever-appealing chameleon.”
The red head nods in the darkness. “Fair,” she concedes. “What about Xena?”
You’re glad you’ve turned the lights off as your cheeks flame red. You’re going to murder your mother. “I was a fan of strong female lead roles,” you huff defensively.
“Uh huh,” hums Melissa. “So no credit to the wardrobe department?”
“You’re mean,” you mumble.
She laughs. “No, I’m not. I’m just enjoying this glimpse into the inner workings of your formative years.”
Taking your face from where it’s been hidden against her shoulder, you shift to press a kiss to her jaw. You have to smile. She’s enjoying this too much, and looking back, your teenage crushes were laughable in their less than subtle nature. Especially given the fact you had no idea a the time. “It might amuse you to hear that at the time, I genuinely thought I just preferred shows with strong female characters. It wasn’t until years later I realised I fancied the absolute pants off them.”
The arm that had been wrapped around you pulls you more tightly to her. “I’m glad you had that all figured out by the time you met me,” she smiles. “I wouldn’t have had the patience to wait years.”
#melissa x reader#Melissa Schemmenti x reader#abbott elementary#unbeta'd so please let me know if there are any mistakes!
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My Outer Wilds Solar System Map Embroidery Pattern is finally done, and up for sale on my ko-fi!
The pattern includes a printable template (which you can use on printable fabric, or copy onto your fabric by hand) plus a 25-page booklet detailing the steps to take for every section of the pattern. I've also included suggestions on how to improve on my initial design!
This is currently up on my ko-fi for $4 USD, and is a digital product (nothing physical will ship; you'll have to supply your own fabric and thread, though I give a list of all the DMC thread colors I used).
Thank you to everyone who reached out over the last two years expressing interest in this project!
#the outer wilds#outer wilds#embroidery#kennart#made by kenna#video game embroidery#textiles#textile fan art#outer wilds fanart#if anyone ends up buying this thank you!#and if you buy this and follow the instructions and post your own pictures THANK YOU!#and if you buy it and anythings confusing or you need clearer instruction PLEASE let me know and I'll try to help!!#AND! if you notice any typos or incorrect instructions and you reach out to let me know i will be SO HAPPY!#well. not happy I made a mistake but happy that someone helped me fix it!
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As a chinese-canadian and a long-time user of xhs (xiaohongshu/little red book) I thought it might help to have some information and gentle reminders addressing the many rules + what kinds of content you can post on the app :)
To start, there's a lot of misconception about being able to post anime content. We aren't averse to Japanese content or media- as a matter of fact, there's a pretty big anime and cosplay community, especially on xhs!

Here are some photos from my trip to suzhou! (dungeon meshi and skip to loafer content was a mythical pull lol)
With that being said, it is disrespectful and offensive to post media and content containing or associating with the glorification/apologia, themes, symbols, etc., of Japanese imperialism and involvement during WWII. This includes AOT, MHA, and many other other popular animes.
Please note that I do not support censorship: I believe that people should have the freedom to post, express, and create media on social media platforms as well as have the ability to watch different kinds of shows - but considering xhs is an app from a foreign country, it is important to contextualize its local policies through historical lens. I strongly implore non-Chinese users to research Unit 731 and the Nanjing Massacre to better understand why certain types of content from Japan are banned and blacklisted in China.
2. There are active LGBTQ+ communities on xhs- and for many queer people in China, where the country's ideologies are still pre-dominantly conservative, social media platforms is one the few safe spaces where they can express their sexuality and/or gender identity, particularly for wlw (or le). It is important to keep in mind that progress in the LGBTQ+ rights movement in the East, specifically China, is at a very different stage compared to the West; please be respectful of the fact that the Chinese LGBTQ+ community has their own culture, their own slang, and their own ways of expression in a country where LGBTQ+ people continue to face legal and social discrimination.
3. When you first create your account, you might be quite daunted by the long, long, long list of rules and community guidelines, specifically the first section, where it states, "1. Values - XiaoHongShu encourages users to post content that aligns with current positive social values. All content posted should:
Adhere to the Chinese Constitution and laws.
Practice the core socialist values. (A list of values promoted by the Chinese government, which includes: prosperity, democracy, civility, harmony, freedom, equality, justice, the rule of law, patriotism, dedication, integrity, and friendship)
Promote patriotism, collectivism, and socialism.
Spread the correct views on history, nationality, state, and culture.
Promote the excellent traditional culture of the Chinese nation.
Uphold social ethics, professional ethics, family and personal virtues, and respect public order and good customs.
Promote scientific thinking and popularize scientific knowledge.
Advocate a positive, healthy, and progressive lifestyle and social trends."
No, this does not mean the content you post or interact with has to be about praising the CCP or saying, "I love communism!! 🤩". It just means you cannot be comparing Xi Jinping to W*nnie the P*oh (ifyyk).
The point is, try to avoid political discourse or criticism regarding the Chinese government on xhs, especially since xhs is a platform more akin to Pinterest or Instagram, where its more so a lighthearted place for travel tips, recipes, aesthetic fashion and makeup tips and inspiration, cosplay, cute animal videos, productive lifestyle and snapshots of simple life, etc! You can still discuss different things about Chinese culture and society, such as healthcare system, attitudes toward foreigners, income and spending, etc. But please be mindful that there are real people behind the screen; people who are not their government. I promise you, Chinese people are just as capable of poking fun, referencing brainrot, and interacting with non-Chinese people normally 💀.
Anyways, please take the time to review these rules and guidelines, especially since xhs is very strict about implementing them and can potentially lead to your account getting banned. This includes things such as:
excessive displays of wealth (be considerate of others' financial situations)
only sharing scientifically proven information/avoiding misinformation (no pseudoscience)
respecting boundaries (no nudity or sexual/sexually suggestive behavior; you can definitely show skin, but if you're making a grwm video please don't show up in your underwear - even on tiktok I never understood why influencers do that 😅)
etc, etc.
Many of the community guidelines are in line with social norms that are prominent in East Asia, which is understanding that a social media platform is a public space to be shared with others in a civil and respectful manner. And many of these guidelines refer to explicitness as a measurement - (fake) blood is fine, but gore and other such obscenities are not. You can kiss your significant other in a cute video, but you shouldn't be posting each other fornicating (this applies to both heterosexual and homosexual couples). You can swear, but you shouldn't be yelling racial slurs. Honestly, a lot of this is just common sense - xhs is supposed to be a wholesome, inspirational, and chill space!
4. Take this as an opportunity to learn about another culture, another language, and even make new friends! As long as you're civil, kind and respectful, xhs is super fun and entertaining! Of course, it's not representative of the Chinese internet space as a whole; the majority of users are women (so consider using "sis" or 姐 instead of "dude" or "bro" ). With that in mind, please be respectful in your comments - many of the women posting makeup edits or fashion videos are seeking appreciation, not sexual harassment 😅 even if a someone is posting a thirst trap, try to be tastefully humorous! If you're trying to communicate in Mandarin, I would suggest using the simplified Chinese Pinyin keyboard (QWERTY) and start learning the four different intonations of each character so you are able to sound out and type sentences using the alphabetical keyboard!
I hope this was helpful and legible, even if by a marginal amount (if this was actually incoherent, I apologize, I learned English by watching My Little Pony💀), and I hope everyone has a really fun experience on the app!
#TLDR; please be respectful and adhere to xhs rules and guidelines#as well as educate yourself on Chinese history and culture#especially since this app is one of the few ways Chinese international students and immigrants can connect to their country of origin 🙏#disclaimer: i'm 2nd gen and i've been alive for less than two decades so if there is any mistake/misinfo pls let me know ASAP!#xiaohongshu#yap fest
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Part one | Part two | A03
They do work it out. Tommy apologises for running, Buck apologises for jumping and they both agree to take it slow this time.
Evan comes round for movie nights while Tommy works up the courage to take Chimney up on his offer of babysitting.
They sit, pressed against each other, Evan reeling off every piece of trivia about the film they’re watching. He tells Evan about Ava, how she’s starting to stand up and move around the furniture. How one day he had been making her breakfast, he’d turned around and she wasn’t there anymore. He knew both the doors were shut but it didn’t stop it feeling like his heart was about to come out of his chest. Until he heard a tiny giggle come out from under one of the chairs. She had wedged herself into the square created by the chair legs and was sat, perfectly still, two little hands covering her face. When he crouched down to gently ask what it was she was doing, she had pulled her hands away and shouted with the kind of pure joy Tommy didn’t think he’d ever seen before.
“She sounds very funny.”
“She certainly thinks so, I’m not sure my cardiologist would agree.”
Tommy is still stood in the hallway.
There’s nothing else to do. He had given Howie the official tour, showed him Ava’s bottles, formula, where the extra diapers and pacifiers were kept.
He just had to leave.
He took a deep breath and glanced at where Ava and Howie were sat on the floor of the living room. Ava was banging two blocks slightly dangerously close to Howie’s nose and laughing at his mock shock. Howie pushes himself up off the floor and walks over to him. He puts his hand on Tommy’s shoulder and smiles gently.
“She’s going to be okay.”
“I know.”
“You are going to be okay.”
Tommy chews on his lip. He’s less certain about that. His eyes flick over to the door. It’s just dinner, a couple of hours. He’s coming home.
I wonder if they thought the same thing?
He pushes the thought away immediately, and goes into the living room. He scoops Ava up and presses a kiss to her forehead.
“I promise I’m coming back, you’re going to have a great time with Uncle Howie, okay?”
She squeaks, seemingly in agreement and makes a ‘mwah’ smacking sound, tipping forward and crashing, open mouthed, straight into his face. He laughs and kisses her cheek. He puts her back down on the floor and offers her a block, she takes it and goes back to trying to find the most interesting combination of things to bash together.
He takes another deep breath and goes to the front door. Howie gives him a comical thumbs up as he opens the door.
Evan is practically bouncing by the time Tommy finally steps out of the door. They’ve chosen a restaurant a few blocks away from Tommy’s house. It isn’t the nicest place but Buck knows how tense Tommy was about being anywhere too far from home.
It also means they get to enjoy a warm evening walk, hands linked, the light autumn breeze ruffling through their hair.
“So you going to tell me why you look like you’re about to explode? Or should I just start taking guesses until the bomb squad gets called?”
Evan blushes, tips his head back and laughs.
“Bet you’d look good, even in a bomb suit.” He playfully bumps against Tommy’s shoulder.
“Maddie had her first scan today, everything is going well. I always think they look super weird when they’re that small, like little beans y’know?”
Tommy did know.
Tommy knows because there is one of those pictures in the top drawer of his dresser at home. A little note attached, achingly familiar handwriting printing out his status as favoured Uncle.
It twists in his gut and he can feel the bile rising in his throat. He instinctively presses it down, tries to disguise the burning in his throat with a cough. Evan looks at him, bright and piercing.
“You okay?”
“Yeah, yeah I’m fine, that’s, it’s really great news.”
They reach the restaurant and get seated.
Buck is busy catching Tommy up with some of the more note worthy calls they’d had in the last few months.
He reaches across the table and prise Tommy’s hand away from the napkin he’s currently shredding, linking their fingers together. He squeezes gently.
“She’s going to be okay, Chim is like a master with babies.”
Tommy smiles faintly, he had received a picture of Ava fast asleep in her crib with Howie leaning over her, big smile, thumbs up and a ‘she’s been great, enjoy your date!’ messaged attached.
“I know, I’m sorry, it’s just- it’s the first time I’ve left her.”
“We can go back if you need to, I know she’s important.”
“You’re important too.”
Tommy doesn’t miss the faint blush that creeps across Evan’s cheeks. Smiles at him.
“Now what were you saying? You can’t leave me hanging with a kitten stuck in an air vent story.”
Evan grins, it lights up his whole face. Tommy feels the knot of pressure in his chest ease slightly.
The rest of the date passes easily and before he knows it he’s stood in Ava’s room, softly stroking her cheek while she sleeps.
He and Evan had said goodnight with a kiss and a promise to see each other again later that week.
He pulls up her little blanket and whispers
“I think it might work this time.”
They met at Tommy’s house later in the week, as promised, but Evan has been quieter this evening. Dinner passes with a bare description of his day, no regaling of the random facts he’d learnt since the last time they’d seen each other. Tommy recalls his small late night confession. It starts to make him feel sick. They wash up in near silence.
Tommy dries his hands as Evan loops the tea towel through the cabinet door. The silence starts to feel heavy.
“Is everything okay?”
Evan looks uneasy, shifting from foot to foot, fiddling with the cuff of his sleeve.
I- uhm - I don’t know how to-” his eyes are shining with unshed tears. “I want this Tommy, I really do, but-”
Tommy feels rooted to the floor. It’s happening again, only this time it’ll be Evan that walks out of the door.
“It’s been great, really, I just feel like something isn’t working.”
Tommy has to try to remember to breathe. He opens his mouth, closes it again. How could he have missed this?
“But- I thought-” he hears his voice catch. “I thought it was going well.”
Evan tilts his head, a sad smile on his face.
“It was, and I am, I really want to be with you, it’s just-”
He takes a deep breath, face resolute.
“You’re still hiding from me.”
Tommy takes a step back, stunned.
“I’m- I’m not-”
“Tommy, your sister died. In a freak accident a hundred miles away, months ago and you haven’t said a single word about it.”
He can feel his chest getting tight, breaths coming out shorter than he would like. He glances at the monitor on the side, prays for a disturbance, a snuffle. Anything to get him out from under Evan’s gaze.
He wants to run. Every thing in him is telling him to get away, it’s too much. He can’t admit how broken he feels. How much he loves the tiny face that looks just like hers, how much it hurts.
He knows this is it, this is the moment. Trust himself with Evan, or run.
He takes a step towards Evan, his shaking hand is moving forward. Reaching out.
His head feels like it’s full of lead, he lifts his eyes, dragging them away from his escape route. Focuses them in front of him.
Evan’s eyes are soft, full of the patience that usually makes Tommy feel uneasy. He feels hands wrapped around his own, pulling him closer. He lets himself go, finding his face pressed up against the side of Evan’s neck. He closes his eyes against the shiver that runs through his whole body.
“I miss her.” He whispers. “She was the only one I ever-” a stuttering breath forces its way out of his chest. “She was the only one I ever felt safe with.” He can’t stop it now, the grief crashes over him like a wave. He trembles in Evan’s embrace. The arms wrapping around him are the only things keeping him from collapsing under the weight of it.
“A-and she left me.” His voice is raw, ragged. “And I’m-” he falters, a sharp edge pulls through his mind, it’s too much, he won’t stay if you say it. “I’m angry with her.” He clenches his jaw. “She’s dead and I’m angry with her.”
He lets out a shaky breath. “She didn’t tell me about Ava, she didn’t ask, she just-” He feels Evan turn his head towards him, pressing a gentle kiss to his forehead. “She just left, and I- I want her back Evan, I miss her so much.”
“And I’m scared. If I-” he chokes. “That if I tell anyone how much I feel like I can’t do this, how terrified I am that I’m getting it all wrong…That someone will come and takes her away from me.”
“Nobody is going to take Ava.”
“She’s all I have left of her.”
“Nobody is going to take her away from you. Tommy,” He shuffles them slightly, guides them down the hallway and over to the couch. Pulls Tommy down, in close to his chest.
“It’s okay to feel like that. If Maddie and Chim-” he cuts himself off with a harsh swallow. “I think it’s a fairly normal response given the situation, but sweetheart,” he cradles Tommy’s face gently, rubs his thumb along Tommys cheekbone, trying to smooth away the fear embedded there. “If you don’t talk about, it’ll only ever get worse. You have to talk to us, trust that we aren’t going anywhere.”
They sit there for a while as Tommy calms down. He feels exhausted from the sudden outpouring of emotion. His eyes feel heavy, just as he feel himself drifting off the monitor on the coffee table starts emitting high cries.
He sighs.
“It’s okay, you go, I’ll be right here when you get back.”
Tommy looks at him, so open and earnest. He offers a watery smile and starts to push himself off the couch. Evan catches him just before he stands, squeezes the hand balancing on his thigh.
“Thank you for telling me.”
Tommy nods, his throat still feels locked up.
Evan presses a quick kiss to his cheek and watches as he leaves the room.
He sits back on the couch and lets out a long breath. He wasn’t glad Tommy was upset, of course not, but he had chosen to let his guard down. He had chosen to stay.
Buck picks up the monitor and holds it close to his chest, listening to the gentle soothing. Tommy telling her that she is okay, she’s safe.
Maybe this time it will work.
Tag list for this fic;
@leashybebes @beanarie @partofthelouniverse @big-urchin-energy @loucifersbitch @fyrehose @evansbuck-ley @sad-girl-hours23 @certifiedbisexualdisaster @theweewooshow @beckym2001 @kinardevans @bidisasterevankinard
@sweaters-and-silly @apassingbird @sunnywithachanceofbi @theotherbuckley @desert--moonchild @comfortingevanbuckley @livelaughlou @typicalopposite @wikiangela @bi-bi-buckleys @littlepaws9 @ohithankyou
@agentpeggycartering @sherlockismarvelous9-1-1 @adiprose @eliotwaughdeservesbetter @honeyloulou @tommykinard @casismybestfriend @sherlocking-out-loud @o0anapher0o @sorryimlatecapt
@buffaluff @hipsterdarcy @slightlyobsessedwitheverything @that-one-dudette @aringofsalt @cliophilyra @bisexualmadney @reginamillls @zeraparker @harmonic-intervention @aplaceinme
@comfortingevanbuckley @thetommykinard @owlgirl495 @powersuitup
#helllllooooo!!!#thank you so much for all the love#hope you enjoy this next bit#I wrote and edited this on my phone because I locked myself out of my flat today#a tragedy really#so if you see any spelling mistakes please do let me know#bucktommy#911#evan buckley#tommy kinard#chimney han#my writing#911 abc#fanfic#parent Tommy Kinard#lifelines
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I honestly can't believe this is actually happening. This event was a shower thought a few months ago.
Here's a recap of the event: to participate, make at least one fanwork of any variety during September that features a woman or women from the Zelda franchise as the main character/s. All Linksmeets are welcome in this challenge, as well as general LoZ fans!
Before I drop the prompts list for those who are looking for a little direction, I'd like to mention that I have made an AO3 COLLECTION FOR THIS EVENT. It's open and unmoderated so you can add your works to it freely. And if you post on tumblr, please tag #sepfember !! I'll be scrolling through the tag every day looking for things to reblog and gush about 👀
If you have any questions at all about this event, or you want to chat about it, my askbox is open! I will also respond to comments and reblogs of this post.
Now, onto the prompts. Disclaimer: you DON'T have to use all/any of these prompts, or only create things for certain characters on their featured day. This list is just a GUIDE for those who want it. If you have other plans, go with your heart!
At the end of the day, this is a celebration, and all that matters is that you have fun. I hope some of you will join me next month in giving our girls some time in the spotlight, but if you can't, that's okay! There's no pressure! This is just a passion project of mine, really, and I am overjoyed that people are interested 💛💛💛
(apologies in advance for the terrible quality of these pics and the equally terrible commentary. i thought it would be funny. also, i've never had to come up with a prompts list before and it shows.)
(we start at the beginning of course 💛)
(it was SO hard to find a screenshot of her that didn't have link in it. they're both cute but this ain't about him.)

(i didn't know she played the harp until i saw this screenshot! i obviously have a lot to learn.)
(how creepy does she look here?! so awesome)
(SUCH a good character for real. she has depth!!!! she has a thematic purpose!!!)

(two words: LIGHTNING POWERS ⚡⚡⚡)

(babygirl you are 2 entire pixels.)
(oh she is everything to me)
(she looks so soulful right now)

(what a FIRE camera angle??? her armour is so impractically attached but SHE HAS A SWORD‼️)

(hylia, din, nayru, farore, the list goes on...)
(mipha, ruto... poor suckers... it can't be fun, falling for link...)
(note: I personally hc this character as a trans man, but since this isn't explicitly confirmed in-game and might not be shared with everyone, I've given them a celebration day anyway. you are free to do what you wish.)
(she is adorable. look at her)


(i loved her in the fsa manga. she's barely in it but STILL. go read it.)
(the great fairies, navi, ciela, tatl, proxi...)

(isn't she KICKASS?!)

(our lovely loyal girl 🥰)


(a classic character! isn't this picture so peaceful)


(technically, she's one person. between the two of them they certainly only wear enough clothes for one person... )

(sister to the hero! but what's her story?)


(hehheehehehe. i bet you weren't expecting her. neither was i tbh)


(listen. i know erune is a very niche character - she literally only exists in the four swords manga - but consider. i love her)
(she has no canon personality. you know what that means. get the building equipment out fellas)
(and here we are - LAST DAY!)
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✶— merlin · [falco columbarius]:
a small species of falcon
✶— gawain · [celtic]
name with celtic origin, meaning battle hawk, white falcon, little falcon or white hawk
✶— falcon
in medieval times, falcons symbolized power, status, nobility, love, daring and mystery. in late medieval courtly literature, falcons were associated with daring, mysterious and catastrophic love.
✶—tulip [tulipa]
"I declare my love for you"
✶— honeysuckle [lonicera]
devotion, affection
✶— cornflower [centaurea cyanus]
"hope in love"
✶— ivy [hedera]
fidelity, attachment
[I don't know exactly what I wanted with this. I did this mostly for myself, just because I couldn't stop thinking about this little parallel between merlin's and gwaine's names. I made gwaine's falcon with white and lighter colours because I wanted to represent the other meaning of his name, white falcon, but I made sure to let the top of his head gray/blueish because that's what a male merlin falcon looks like. also, gwaine's not albino, at least it wasn't my intention, but it's okay if you want to interpret it that way. I noticed I used colours that would make him look like he's albino only when I finished this lol but all I wanted to do was differentiate the two falcons and make that reference to gawain's name meaning.
anyway this took me a good amount of 19 hours and it crashed my app and phone. I lost my original canva but thankfully I had saved the art in my phone in time. it was a fun experience, I've never drawn feathers like this, so it was a bit challenging but I like the results :]
#i am so insecure about this one#but it took me so much time and it made me so stressed because the apl kept crashing that i just said fuck it and here it is#anyone that understands birds better than i do‚ if i made any mistakes with anatomy or colour i dont wanna know#i based merlin's colours on a banch of different articles I read about the difference between males and females merlin falcons#and i know males have gay and blue heads and back#that's why gwaine has his head (and back‚ even though you can't see it) also gray and blue#like i explained‚ i made him white because of his name and to differentiate them#if this colour does not occur naturally‚ lets say hes a fantasy falcon then. i dont mind#anyway#merwaine#merlin#gwaine#mergwaine#birds#falcon#merlin falcon#bbc merlin#digital art#fanart#artists on tumblr#my art
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Interview with Rick Celebrini, ft. some of his thoughts on the Sharks team culture and the Celebrini and Smith friendship, how often he brought Macklin around the Warriors as a kid, and part of what he says to him on the phone before every game, among other things.
Experience sports talk radio! Or save yourself listening to a couple of guys saying Daddy Rick far too many times and read the transcript below. Slightly trimmed and ads removed, original here.
Greg Silver: What's going on everybody! We're focusing on one family and one family only. No it's not the Papa family, it's not the Silver family, in the last 25 minutes of the show it's the Celebrini family. Macklin is going to be joining us coming up in about 15 minutes, but first, it is Warriors Director of Sports Medicine and Performance Dr. Rick Celebrini hanging on the guest line. What's happening Rick?
Rick Celebrini (RC): Hey guys, how's it going?
Silver: It's going great! Great to have you on, Greg Silver, Greg Papa, and I guess I just want to start with a Warriors related question because everybody's going to be wondering about the health of Steph Curry and I know that he's been navigating this knee tendonitis throughout the season. So just if you could tell everyone kind of how he's navigating that, if it's continuing to improve over time, if doing that back-to-back the other night was a lot of wear and tear on him, what's kind of the status of the superstar of Golden State?
RC: Man, you guys are starting with a tough one, you know I can't ans- I can't divulge that kind of information. But I will tell you Steph's in a great place, just the professional that he is and how committed he is to every aspect of his professional and personal life. He's a treat to work with and he's in a good place I think physically and mentally.
Greg Papa: And he's in good hands with you. Now we did not invite Dr. Rick on, we invited Daddy Rick on 'cause your son is coming on. And you were on the Dad's trip, we saw ya, Greg went and watched him play against Sid the Kid, what a thrill that was to score the game winning goal. The game last night in Seattle didn't go great but he did score a goal in the third period (transcriber's note: he did not score, he assisted on Toffoli's goal. KNBR is not quite beating the doesn't care about hockey allegations). Rick just how is it, being able to watch your son play at this level, how many games do you get to watch him in person?
RC: Well, like I tell everyone I'm adjusting to now becoming Macklin's dad, I'm not Rick Celebrini anymore, I'm known as Macklin's dad (chuckles as he speaks) so I'm adjusting to that. It's surreal to be honest with you, it's incredible to see him make this transition, to see him have the kind of season that he's having right now. And I guess, more than anything, as a father, to see him kind of do it with the joy and just the good nature and the fun that he's having doing it? It's one thing to sort of see what he's doing, but also you see guys like the Steph Currys and the Steve Kerrs that preach having joy in this environment which is not always easy to do and to see him doing that at 18 years old with all the pressures and expectations that come with that transition is probably the most satisfying from a parent's perspective.
Silver: Alright, so enough of me prying Dr. Rick, I'm going to focus on Daddy Rick as well. So just what would you say your influence has been on Macklin being NHL ready and just kind of knowing so much about preparation, being in the right physical state and all of that. He's only 19 years old which is hard to believe but how have some of your habits translated to him as he's really testing the waters in the NHL for the first time and killing it? (transcriber's note: he's 18)
RC: Yeah, you know guys it's not just this past offseason, it's sort of been something that I'm really blessed and fortunate to have. Four kids that have their own sort of unique sport-related goals and they all sort of have a dream to get to the highest level of sport. So having a passion and professionally being in this world, there's nothing more enjoyable or satisfying than to take some of those professional knowledge and learning and apply them to your kids. So the four kids, some of them tell people, some people kick back and maybe watch football or go golfing, I have my greatest joy and relaxation when I'm out working with the kids in the off season (transcriber's note, I'm not sure "some of them tell people" is correct). The four of them quite often work out together. This past season for Macklin has been a little in that you're trying to get him, as much as you can for an 18 year old, physically and mentally ready for the rigors of an 82-game season coming off a college season which, again, it's a challenge but he's as professional as you can get at 18 years old in terms of his approach and his commitment to his craft.
Papa: And he's got great lineage obviously, with you being a former soccer player and your whole family, I know his brother is a great hockey player as well (Translator's note: there are two brothers, both of whom are play hockey). You've been in the Bay Area, we've watched you work with the Warriors for years since you joined them in August of 2018, Dr. Rick. Macklin was just a baby back then, how much did you bring him around the Warrior locker room where he could interact with Steph and Klay and Dray and Andre and even Kevin Durant when he was there?
RC: Yeah, I wouldn't say in all honesty that is was a lot, but I think that the opportunities that he and the others did have, one, were really impactful, just to see how these guys approach their craft and two, it's just the influential age that it happened at. I think it was kind of that perfect timing of just as they're getting very serious in terms of where they want to go with their sport, being exposed to that type of environment.
Silver: Talking to Dr. Rick Celebrini here slash Daddy Rick as Macklin will be joining us in about ten minutes and I know this has been quite an awesome experience for you Rick, so just kind of want to get your sense — I don't know how much you've gotten to observe the season, I know the two seasons, NBA and NHL, have quite a bit of overlap, but what's your sense so far of the dynamic between a lot of the youth on this Sharks team and some of the older vets. How do you think Macklin's integrated himself with a lot of these vets, but also having other young guys like Eklund and Askarov making a name for themselves at the same time?
RC: Yeah, especially just coming off this father's trip I got the opportunity to see it sort of first hand and first of all, they have a great group of just people. Never mind players and athletes but just people that the dads — you can see kind of where their sons have gotten it from. Macklin, I think, has really benefited form coming in as a rookie with Will Smith, they've developed a really close bond and friendship and so I think that's helped immensely. You mentioned some of the other young guys, I think there's a really nice balance of rookies, and the veterans that they do have around there have taken a real interest in helping these guys along. So I think all that has helped. I mean, obviously it hasn't necessarily translated in terms of results for the team, but if you're building for the future I think they're going about it the right way in terms of getting good quality people to support these kids as they're building for the future,
Papa: Yeah, Will Smith and Macklin go back to BC BU I know, and that great rivalry and the Beanpot there in Boston and everything and to hang with his dad I know was great for you in Seattle. The one thing that struck me as interesting is that Macklin is back home. he could live with you and your wife and your family, but the way they do it in the NHL is unlike any other sport where he's actually with Jumbo Joe. And what Will Smith is living with Patty? I don't remember Brandin Podziemski moving in with the Currys when he got here Rick. How is — we'll ask your son, he's coming on in a few minutes, we'll ask him directly, but why doesn't he just live at home with you and your wife and your family rather than trimming Jumbo Joe's beard?
RC: (Laughs) Well, first, from a practical logistics standpoint we're out in Livermore so with traffic, as we all know in the Bay it can be a monster, so he's far more proximal to the rink with Joe. But I think over and above that, just the incredible value you have of him living with the family. With Joe's family, they've all been so welcoming, and to have a former number one overall pick who's had an unbelievable hall of fame career to lean on and to be guided by and to keep perspective and things that I can't necessarily relate to, to Macklin, I think it's just been so incredibly valuable for him. Like you said, hockey is unique in that way, stories of Sidney Crosby with Mario Lemieux, the list goes on in terms of different individuals that have had that type of setup. I think it's an incredibly valuable way to transition into the pro game for especially an 18 year old like Macklin.
Silver: So we are having him on in a moment, and since it's such a short interview Rick, we want to make sure we maximize the minutes we get with him but, is there anything you want us to — is there any message that you have for Macklin that we can play coming back for him.
Papa: Make you bed, brush your teeth, wash behind your ears.
RC: Yeah, that's right (laughing). No, I would say, my message to him is, he actually calls before every game, we've done this for probably the last four or five years and I really cherish that time. One of the things that I consistently remind him before every single game is just to enjoy it and to keep perspective and to find the, even in the grind of the season at this point, is just to play with joy, have fun, it's what he's always loved to do. So that's probably the main message.
Papa: (Transcriber's note: at this point Papa relays that George Kittle's father hand writes him a note before each game and says it's nice the Celebrinis can have a similar moment of connection, which is cut for time/I didn't want to transcribe it) Because you're so well versed in the body and how to get through it, it's a hard challenge, He's just 18 years of age, the NHL schedule is grueling, they've got little time off before they play their next game. What's the advice to him as far as getting through this first NHL season as opposed to a much shorter collegiate season, Rick?
RC: Yeah, it's two-fold. One, get your recovery when you can and try to really maximize that, that's sleep, that's all the different modalities. Fortunately I've got peace of mind in that Mike Potenza, who was my performance director here with the Warriors for the last couple years, I actually stole him from the Sharks and now they stole him back. Selfishly for Macklin I'm thrilled that Mike is back there with the Sharks and looking after the group and specifically Macklin. Again, it's being as professional as you can with taking care of yourself. In this day and age it's unlike back in the old days where guys could have late nights and still kind of get by and play themselves into shape. It's just so demanding, the pace that the league's played at, the physicality, the expectations on and off the ice, it's really something that you have to, again, maximize your recovery when you can.
Silver: Rick, thanks so much for coming on and I hope it's not rude to cut you short for your child but in a true fatherly fashion I would say I think you're gonna be OK with it.
RC: As Macklin's dad, yeah, I'm great with it (laughs).
Papa: Anything you want us to relay to him since we're going to talk to him in a moment? Anything we should tell him?
RC: Tell him to give me a call later.
Papa: Call daddy. Call daddy, Macklin.
RC: (overlapping slightly with previous) Yeah, or maybe call his mom. Even more important.
Papa: Yeah, call your — forget about dad, call mom, would ya.
(General sign offs)
#I know that there’s a transcript but I liked listening. you can hear how much he loves his kids#rick talking about getting mack as prepared as an 18 year old can get for the season and I'm flashing back to him calling macklin a puppy#every time rick says he's out in livermore so the commute's impractical...#buddy I assume you go to practices/games for the warriors it's not like your commute's better#but also I have an equivalent commute home after games i go to and it's not great and I haven't just played 20+ minutes of NHL hockey#san jose sharks#rick celebrini#macklin celebrini#you're listening to KNBR 680 The Sports Leader 104.5 FM#please let me know if you see/hear any mistakes! did not proofread particularly closely
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Gem’s death was the cause of Pearl’s realisation. After all that time chasing and taunting and blood, after an offer was finally extended and then brutally taken away, finally, the pin dropped. As stark text blinked into the corner of her vision, with nothing for company but the apathetic water lapping at the shore of this oh so lonely island, finally the reality of Pearl’s emotions hit her. The deep longing in her chest finally revealed its mark. The arrow set fly so long ago finally struck empty space, an absence, a still-warm corpse. Pearl, with so much love to give, and yet again, no one to take it from her cold and broken hands.
#IM SICK AND TWISTED AND SUCESSFILLY CONVERTED OIUGHGGHHHHHHHGH MY GOD. OUCH OUGH PUCH POUSIN TIC DAMAGE SJJDJDJJJNNNNNNNN#also sorry if there are any mistakes this was a 10 minute word vomit session#they are so ozimandias after the volta TRUST ME#GEM SUCH A MASSIVE FIGURE#RESPECTED AND FEARED AND LOVED#FINALLY FELLED#FINALLY SHATTRED#FINALLY LEFT TO BE CLAIMED ONCE AGAIN BY THR WORLD THAT BIRTHED HER#i KNOW ozymandias is about and evil tyrant yadda yadda i’ve studies it trust#but PLEASQSSSSSEEEE LET ME DO THIS#sorry shelly i’m killing your criticisation of mad king george and the monarchy WITH GAY BLOCK PEOPLE AJHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH#gempearl#wild life spoilers#trafficshipping#life series spoilers#cal writes#cal original
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Can I get a pat on the head and a "Well done, Hero" please? Because I spent today transferring domains and setting up redirects and then updating the Monstrous Agonies show-notes (all 131 of them!) so they link to the Monstrous Productions website and the new transcripts that are all hosted over there and I'm very very proud of myself 🥰
#monstrous agonies#behind the scenes at monstrous hq#ticking that off the To Do list#there are so many things on that list haha#if you see any mistakes in the show notes#i mean#im tempted to say 'no you didnt' lol#but no please do let me know
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Starting the year off with Wangjue art I cooked up! Listen to LQR and go to ao3 to see more.
I mentioned it there, but I am dedicating this fanart to @riikaa-chan 💖 💖 💖 💖
The other day I was practicing anatomy as well as AH versions of Wangjue. So while this isn't directly a scene from the fic know that it was with them in mind hehe.
I plan on drawing these versions in AH fanart going forward! Or at least for the next ones I have in mind. Anyway, you've been warned LOL
Now I just want to take a moment to thank, Riikaa-chan, from the bottom of my heart for bringing these two to life in your fanfic AH (´・` )♡. We are so fortunate to have such a lengthy and well written work for this rarepair that you've been sharing for free! Like some rarepairs have little to none, yet we are being well fed thanks to you!
(੭ु ›ω‹ )੭ु⁾⁾♡
You're seriously an amazing and dedicated person Riikaa-chan! I truly hope you get the love and appreciation you deserve this year! Like seriously y'all, we could have went without because Riikaa-chan added a significant amount of progress! 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
#wangjue#mdzs rarepair#lan wangji#nie mingjue#mo dao zu shi#nmjxlwj#i just wanted to express my love and appreciation!#dear author you are truly wonderful ad a blessing#so thankful wangjue exists and it lead me to you#💖💖💖💖💖#remember to appreciate authors and artists y'all#let them know you love their work!#i know for me it brightens my day and keeps my creative flame lit!#i'll cook wangjue regardless#but comments are nice heheh#riikaa-cha you are precious#my partner in crime#i quickly coloured this so excuse any mistakes
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Art and comic by Jojo @linkeduniverse! :D (with totk spoilers)




HOW does she just somehow capture the exact feelings? In a scrungly angry gremlin face?
Right now I'm somehow:
-triggered at the mere MEMORY of that dude not letting me near the ring ruins,
-awed by Jojos art ability because my face wasn't making that gremlin face, BUT THATS THE FACE I WAS MAKING,
-and very happy because tulin baby boy
Jojo you are amazing :)
#linked universe#linkeduniverse#totk#totk spoilers#Jojos art#I think I'm good but I am still very not knowing of anything so please#please if I made any mistakes with credit let me know#I love you very much <3
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Killua's birthday (July 7) falls on the same day the festival of star-crossed lovers, Tanabata, takes place. STAR-CROSSED LOVERS!!! Not only that, the character from the myth and Killua's pasts heavily resemble each other.
I don't believe this wasn't an accident and I think Togashi purposely chose that date for these reasons.

#maybe it was known but i didnt so I'm sharing#you will never catch me say killua isn't in love with gon now#not that you could before. just now it's not going to happen for sure#killugon for the win!!#(let's forget the STAR CROSSED part and focus on 'lovers' 😍🤞)#if ur Japanese / know more about the festival u can share some info ❤️ OR IF I DID ANY MISTAKES ON THAT!#killugon#hunter x hunter#killua#gon#hxh#I'm gonna tag this well bc ITS IMPORTNATN#killua zoldyck#gon freecss#killua x gon
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If you’re one of the people that asked me for this, the wait is over!!
To my pleasant surprise since I started it puter has become probably the most popular thing I’ve made which I’m SO grateful for… so, I thought it only fair to give the people what they ask for and make a full master post compiling all the content I’ve made for the au thus far!! This will be updated as I post, hopefully.
Keep in mind that puter is still a work in progress, so there will be a lot that doesn’t work or make sense yet, but trust me, I’m working on it! Remember, patience is key!!
So, without further ado, here it is!!!
Quick Summary
For anyone wondering what puter actually is, here’s the gist:
Following the events of OMORI’s neutral ending (specifically the one in which basil dies… specific variation of THAT isn’t too key at the moment but that might change for plot reasons…), five years after the move, with some help from his mother, sunny is improving… very slightly. In fact, he’s had enough motivation to pull together a shitty little flash game, fuelled by his past passion for them. He’s still not fully all there, and he still spends most of his time in headspace asleep, but now he has SOMETHING to work on outside of it, and it’s giving him the slightest reason and encouragement to wake up each morning. The slightest.
And, notably, one of the characters in said shitty flash game is actually based on Mari… Even when he isn’t really trying to, he ends up putting her in the game anyway, because he wants mari to be safe, and he’s so consumed by guilt and regret that he feels obliged to make her in worlds where she can be okay. Another sort of subconscious way of both immortalising her and apologising to her in another fun, perfect world of his design, where no harm can befall her, and everything is perfect. He didn’t kill her. They never argued. Mari is okay. Mari is fine, again. He’s sorry. He’s so, so sorry.
However… this stand in mari character actually gains sentience and becomes self aware, convincing itself that it truly is mari… leading to a LOT of stuff. We call her “mariware” over here, by the way!
The au’s actual storyline takes place years after this, following kel after he visits sunny’s mother five years after his mysterious suicide, and possessing a flash drive containing her son’s game… and, as we know, something else.
As stated like thirty times at this point… VERY work in progress!!! But I do have most of it figured out… though I’m not sure how to convey it as an actual story yet… but that will come with time, I’m sure!!!
Lore/ Canon Posts
Posts I’ve made for puter which are actual pieces I’ve put thought into and are canonical to the au. Have fun!!
Doodles/ Sketches
Here is where you can find all my non-canon doodles and sketches for the au!!
Concept art
Awful dithering test
Cleg gets the artstyle right for the first time
Click and drag
Club penguin
Kel design concept sketch
Microsoft paint
Mariware bromine brush 1
Mariware bromine brush 2
Mariware boingoingoingoing
She wants to KILL
Get a job bozo
Sir this is a Wendy’s
Oh fuck yeah this is my jam!!!
Big questions…
Mariware vs captcha
…huh? Is something else meant to be here?…
…maybe it’s not ready yet.
#omori#omori au#omori mari#omori sunny#omori hero#omori basil#omori kel#omori aubrey#mariware#puter au#masterpost#if you spot any mistakes PLEASE let me know!!! thank you so much for all the support#genuinely I appreciate it all so much more than I can express <3#heromari#also. also secrets here#as you may have guessed if you’re a puter regular JEJSOSKSK#it’s a cipher I’ve used before so it’s hopefully easy enough to figure out!!! good luck!!!!
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Baby Babble
A Turnov x Caboose fanfic (VodkaBrakes)
Read below the GIF!
It was a cold, bitter day in Turnov's family railyard. The railroads had ceased operation for the day due to the immense snow build up, which was common for Russia during a blizzard. Turnov and Caboose had been snowed into their shed, and normally they would take turns going out to work each day. Since that wasn't possible, they found it the perfect opportunity to spend some much-needed quality time with their baby trainlet, Snezhinka, as a family.
Caboose was in the kitchen, sipping on some vanilla coffee as he spoke to Dinah on the radio through his mic. the two had started calling each other weekly after Caboose had moved to Russia, and the calls seemed to go on and on for hours - At least to Turnov's perspective.
Turnov was in the dining room, entertaining Snezhinka by playing peek a boo, pulling silly faces, things you wouldn't expect a mean, gruff engine to do. But in reality, Turnov had a soft side, which he saved for his family and friends.
"Aren't you the cutest little engine in the whole of Russia?" Turnov cooed with a thick accent, holding out the newborn engine in front of him proudly.
He expected her to reply with just some normal baby babble, but today she said something else.
"Da!" the little engine exclaimed. her little arms reaching out for her daddy.
Oh my starlight. did she just... reply in russian?
Turnov stared at Snezhinka for a few seconds, slightly wide eyed. The trainlet let out a little chuckle at what she thought was her daddy pulling another silly face.
The russian engine looked over his shoulder to Caboose, who was still chatting happily on his radio.
Caboose's head turned around, covering his mic.
"Just a minute!" He said, before going back to talking with Dinah.
"I'll get back to ya in a sec hun, Novvy is callin' me for somethin'." He said before putting the call on hold and placing his radio headset on the kitchen counter.
The shorter male skated towards the two in the dining room
"Yes?" Caboose asked.
By this point Turnov was sounding like he was about to cry. He was so emotional over something so small, something you couldn't expect from a man like Turnov.
"She just said "yes" in Russian..!" Turnov said in a wobbly voice, a proud smile on his face; yet he still looked and sounded like he was about to burst out in happy tears.
Caboose jokingly scoffed, crossing his arms and cocking his hip as he raised an eyebrow.
"Are you sure it wasn't just baby babble?" Caboose asked with a smirk, chuckling a bit at Turnov's overreaction.
Turnov pretended to be offended, cradling Snezhinka close to him.
"Hey! so what? You never know.." Turnov said, defending their trainlet as he looked down at her, tears swelling up in his eyes. "Oh, my little princess, embracing her culture! such a clever girl!" The taller male cooed at Snezhinka, who cooed back.
Their little conversation was quickly overtaken by Turnov repeatedly saying "Yes you are! Oh yes you are Умница!" while the small engine giggled in his arms.
Caboose playfully rolled his eyes, planting a kiss on Turnov's cheek before skating back into the kitchen to continue his long weekly talk with Dinah.
End of fic <3 thank you for reading! ❤️🖤🩶🤍
#starlight express#stex#fanfic#cb the red caboose#the red caboose#turnov#turnov the russian engine#fanchild#fankid#ive been wanting to write this for so long im so happy that ive finally got it down#if there are any mistakes please let me know!#will publish on ao3 at somepoint#they are such a cute little family oh my god
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ah, yes. space lautski
(the ideas for droid pete (P3T3, rather) and pantoran senator's daughter steph are from @owchie-wowchie's hatchetfield star wars au, found at @hatchet-wars! go check it out)
#hatchetfield#peter spankoffski#stephanie lauter#lautski#star wars#hatchetfield star wars au#first art of them on my blog and it's a star wars au. pete would be proud#I apologise this is yet another doodle I didn't properly colour#haven't drawn anything star wars in a while so let me know if there are any major design mistakes#my art
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