#yap fest
abbyspup · 2 months
thinking about taking care of abby when she gets sick. she strikes me as one of those people who rarely ever get sick, not even a cold, but when she does it hits her hard. i’m talking can barely stand without getting dizzy. she’s so stubborn too, insisting she’s fine, telling you that you need to attend your classes or work, explaining that she’s a big girl, and can handle herself.
after a looong time of insisting that she needs someoen to take care of her, someone to help her move around, she caves, huffing and pouting, trying to pretend she’s not internally thrilled with the idea of you playing nurse all day.
once fed and medicated this woman is all over you, curled into your lap like an overgrown house cat. she’s kissing your hands (she’d make a show out of frowning and shaking her head each time you’d kiss her mouth, reminding you she’ll get you sick), murmuring soft “thank you”s and “don’t know what i’d do without you” as she drifts off into a heavy sleep, snoring and mumbling as she has the craziest fever dreams that she will force you to listen to the second she wakes up, no matter what hour it is, or if you’re sound asleep.
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tapwater118 · 1 month
kinda random thought, but people don’t give mepad enough credit. he’s a smart guy, and while at least initially he was not very emotionally intelligent, his time on ii and being around the contestants has allowed him to learn things on this front
he stands up for toilet because he can see how much mephone’s dejections hurt him. and despite his code of honesty, he lied to mephone about the whereabouts of marshmallow, because he knew that leaving the show is something that marshmallow needed
and now he’s applying these lessons to taco. he recognizes that something is wrong with her, that she needs help but can’t bring herself to seek it, and he wants to be there to help her
he wasn’t getting manipulated there. all throughout the second half of the song we see him refuting the horrible things taco wants him to believe about herself (and she’s not garnering for sympathy points, she earnestly believes the things she says about herself there are true, and that he should despise her as much as she despises herself, but that’s for another post)
he genuinely held all of the power in that situation; he said it himself (well, implied, but still) that taco never actually disabled his ability to teleport on his own, that he could have just ditched her if he so desired. but he didn’t, because he can see that she’s troubled, and he wants to help in whatever way he can
give the guy some credit, won’t ya. he ain’t stupid
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forsoobado137 · 2 months
Nations and Medical Treatment
I feel like nations in Hetalia don't have good histories with hospitals. Due to their mysterious functions and inhuman nature, it's difficult to find solutions to their complex medical issues. I have a list of headcanons on how nations are treated medically. tw for medical malpractice.
In the modern day, nations are usually assigned an extensively trained physician. Multiple nations often see the same doctor.
Certain hospitals that are frequented by nations are often equipped with trained staff. Training videos are provided to every hospital.
Anaesthesia was historically administered rather poorly to nation people. They were either given too little, none at all, or way too much based on biases on how nations tolerate pain. The latest publicized incident occurred in 2014, when America underwent an appendectomy without any anaesthesia. This event and the following lawsuit resulted in a bill being passed making it illegal to deny anaesthetic to nations.
Nations often have physical medical conditions confused for symptoms of being a nation, and vice versa. As a result, a nation’s concerns may be blown off as untreatable, while others are overmedicated for something that is caused by domestic events.
Female nations are less likely to receive proper treatment than male nations. The reasons behind this are due to the lack of studying on female nations as well as misogyny.
It’s a common occurrence for nation medicine to not be government approved or tested properly. Very rarely are nation medications actually tested on nations. They are usually run through human trials and then magnified to meet perceived “nation levels”. The largest ever recall for nation medicine was in 2010, when a popular anti-depressant was causing paradoxical side effects.
It’s a common occurrence for hospitals to turn away nations due to the perceived difficulty of treating one.
Many medical textbooks used for training doctors often perpetuate misinformation about proper treatments and dosages, such as the myth that nations have extremely high pain tolerances compared to humans.
Some doctors have expressed contempt for nations requiring medical assistance, believing it to be a “waste of time” due to overestimating their regeneration abilities. Another common belief is that nations are “seeking attention” so they can mimic human experiences.
Due to negative experiences with doctors, many nations have developed hospital-related anxieties and phobias. They often refuse to seek medical attention until it’s life-threatening.
Psychological issues are rarely treated properly. It's common for bosses and government officials to hold off on what they think is unnecessary treatment. Though not all nation psychiatrists are bad, many are only really interested in the paycheck.
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kastratikore · 5 days
something i noticed while rewatching the doomstar requiem:
at the end of "some time ago" when toki is trying to convince the band to let him audition he says "something tells me this was meant to be, do you feel this electricity?", talking about the connection he feels between himself and the band. something's telling him he's supposed to be there, to not to give up on the audition despite already missing it.
then jump forward to when he's rescued, when dethklok fulfills the prophecy and they're all ascending, theyre surrounded by a bunch of LIGHTNING!!!! which is a really cool coincidence when you consider that they're in the same place where toki had his audition, the same place he felt that "electricity" between them all those years ago!!! it's obvious that none of them were aware of the significance that place would hold and its so cool to see it reflected at the end of the episode like that.
in general i love how the prophecy is foreshadowed. little moments throughout the series that you'd think have no real significance until you look back on them and it's like woah that actually meant something!!! maybe this was obvious and im just stupid but.........whatever.........i love metalocalypse
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nerdz-hq · 1 month
Listened to Two River mts for the first time in MONTHS today, and I just forgot… what Will Connolly sounded like…
He just sounds so annoyed at like- all times- like bro who hurt you- 😭😭
I was so put off by the tempo changes aswell, like it’s so slow EXCEPT for the “christineeee” part.. WHY DOES HE SING IT FASTER THAN THE REST OF THE ENTIRE SONG??
And again.. he just sounds so annoyed.. EVEN WHEN TALKING TO MICHAEL- WHY WAS BRO “you’re listening to Bob Marley again aren’t ya? :/“ like dude- that’s your one friend- I would NAWT be pissed off, personally
Im a hater.. im a hater at heart 😔😔
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lemonxlimee · 8 days
Do You ship leafy x evil leafy?
Alright this is a complicated one to answer
It depends on how you define "ship." They have a relationship but it's not romantic. Someone with a weaker vocabulary might call it queerplatonic but I think it's even more than that. In the most simple explanation, they belong to each other, like yin and yang, not the characters but sure that's a good comparison to make.
They won't function well if they're apart for too long because they literally complete each other. There can't be evil leafy without leafy and there can't be leafy without evil leafy. There can't be evil without good and there can't be good without evil. You know, the whole thing.
I like to think Leafy would "soften the blow" so to speak of Evil Leafy. Without the tooth-rotting goodness of Leafy to balance it out, EL would be a menace — like she is in canon bfdia. Similarly, EL softens the blow of Leafy. Leafy is (obviously) a bit of a. Nice Girl. Unfortunately (as portrayed in many fan works including my own and some of my favourite fanfictions) that comes with Downsides. EL is there to help her out with that.
I also like to think EL is part of Leafy, in a way. You could call it plurality, and that's kind of how I like to think of it, but maybe a better word to describe it would be like a spiritual connection. Imagine the coinpin mind link — it's like that times twelve.
My interpretation of BFDIA and their relationship is obviously very biased because of. Me. But I'll try to summarize it. Keep in mind this is indeed my interpretation and yes there are headcanons and it is RIDDLED with queer subtext as always and also we are going to heavily ignore canon because it doesn't make sense and I don't like it
Going back to the last sentence of three paragraphs ago, EL was there to help with Leafy for basically the entirety of BFDIA.
BFDIA was probably at the very least traumatizing for Leafy; when she was all by herself in Yoyleland, with no one and nothing around, all she had was her thoughts and weapons. She's not a regular character and is mostly seen as A Thing Of Before. Something else notable about BFDIA is that EL was there, obviously, but unlike any of the other "evil [character]" we'd seen (evil Bubble in bfdi 20, for example), EL actually makes regular appearances and is seen as a character. She's the main antagonistic figure of the season, in fact, but she's never seen again after IDFB.
Anyway, enough background.
Leafy was all alone and EL suddenly existed. Leafy came back to the main cast and EL suddenly (seemingly) doesn't exist anymore. What does this likely mean? EL came into existence because of Leafy. So, yes, they are part of each other.
Their relationship is very hard to summarize. EL (I'm just gonna refer to her as Red from now on) is there to protect Leafy, and Leafy is there to calm Red down. But it's deeper than that. Red sees Leafy as special, and that's because to her she is; she's the only person she loves and trusts, the only person she can love and trust, and the only person who can get so deep into her heart without getting hurt or hurting her. Red protects Leafy with her life, and for her, it kind of is her life on the line — she wouldn't exist without Leafy. (Again, we're ignoring canon heavily right now.) Leafy likes Red because she's her companion and family, and because she protects her when she needs it. It's mutually beneficial for them, along with some other secret benefits they get.
Actually, did anyone notice how Leafy "walked" back to Goiky at the same time Evil Leafy got there, and EL vanished when Leafy died in BFDIA 4? Unless I'm remembering wrong, this means they're connected somehow.
But that's beside the point. This really is a yap fest, so I'll shut up now with one final point:
To summarize, yes, I do "ship" them — in a way. They're each other's other half, and they help each other in more than one way. They're attached spiritually and probably physically as well, and they have what seems to be a mental connection as we can see in BFDI 25 and BFB 1 — with EL's first appearance and sudden disappearance being fully connected to whether Leafy is upset or happy. Basically, they're yin and yang for each other.
isn't this ship called leafcest? Unfortunate. It's not incest at all. At MOST it's an intra-system relationship.
Holy yap fest, batman!
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luv-indigo · 26 days
ttell meee EVEVERRYTHING!!! ABPUT CHEY AND TAMMY!!! wwhat tropes are they .. slowburn??? she fell first she fell harder?? idiots ij love?????? TELL MEEEEEEEE
so glad someone asked fr </333
okay so!! to start, cheyomi is more of serious person as i mentioned previously. while nadine (my other mc) is a stickler for rules when she’s a kid, chey is even more. while nadine’s insistence of following rules stems more from the fear of getting in trouble, chey just figures rules were decided for a reason so why intentionally break them?
(yap fest ahead :3 )
even as a kid, cheyomi is very responsible, level headed, and more of a no nonsense kind of gal. she tends to prefer quieter environments and her own company. when she first meets tamarack, she’s initially surprised by how loud she is. normally, chey doesn’t make friends with loud, boisterous people but she finds herself not minding it all when it comes to both tama and qiu. she likes qiu because they’re smart and confident like her. she likes tama because although she may be loud, she’s also energetic and fun. she’s also never met anyone who was as eager to be her friend like tamarack. chey develops a crush on tamarack pretty quickly yet she doesn’t quite recognize those feelings until step 2.
i wouldn’t describe their relationship as slowburn however. or at least not as slow burn as i’m planning for qiu and nadine though. they don’t start dating until somewhere between step 2 and 3. both are equally in love with each other by that point and everyone knows it. they can see it. but tamarack kind of convinces herself chey doesn’t return her feelings (SHE DOES PLEASE SHE DOES!!). and chey who is normally straightforward, is nervous to pursue a more romantic relationship.
as i mentioned, chey is a more serious person yet her demeanor softens so much around tamarack it’s crazy.
step 1 chey: wouldn’t sift through dirt to find cool rocks bc she’ll get her hands dirty
step 1 tamarack: “hey let’s look for cool rocks!!!”
step 1 chey: “ok! :)”
as she grows up, chey continues being very goal oriented and reserved yet being around tamarack helps bring her out of her shell more. she loosens up and has a rare mischievous/teasing side only a few get to see.
as for tropes, i would say chey fell both first and harder. this is not to say tamarack loves chey less it’s just that cheyomi is absolutely whipped for tama. it’s even more obvious given the change in demeanor from her normal, calm behavior.
this is chey btw:
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she’d make a fool of herself doing anything to make tama happy (not that tama would ever ask her to but yknow offers on the table)
does it count as idiots in love if chey is more of the idiot? so in love it makes her look stupid!!
im going count it bc tama was being oblivious to chey’s feelings at first. that counts as idiots in love. definitely highschool sweethearts as well.
i mentioned in one post earlier that chey absolutely loves birds. she birdwatches and takes pictures of them. she has thought about what kind of bird tamarack would be. she has also drawn said bird in multiple of her school journals.
chey also joins band (or was it orchestra?). she plays the saxophone. (i was never in any music classes in high school so ignore this if saxophones aren’t used)
but regardless, chey learns to play the saxophone (and maybe guitar?? haven’t decided) and even makes a few of her own pieces. she may or may not have written a few song lyrics with tama in mind…..
this is all i have for now since it’s already 2 am where i am </333 i’ll have more thoughts about them later but yeah!! :3
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pennysucks · 4 days
Well it's 12am, I have nothing else to do so
Let's do some oc introductions, shall we? 😜
Buckle up boys cuz this is a big one
(Cringe old art in coming, I need to update these character sheets)
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(Note: I plan on making these guys' story into a webcomic, when I'm going to actually post it is completely unknown to me 💀)
(Note 2: I may or may not change everyone's designs later, who knows)
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This ugly guy's name is Keith and if you couldn't tell from the cringe ass pose past me drew him at (I really need to redraw these character sheets) he's a prince 💀
Before I start yapping about his character and personality, let's Yap about his design first 😜
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This is a very early draft design I did of all the pookies with no references and no idea of their characters or story in mind. You could say I was just bored and made some ocs for the shake of making them out of scratch (not really, yk that one song Solder poet king that was super popular a few months ago? I made them around that era and ye it's highly influenced by that if you couldn't tell ((the name of the webcomic is literally soldier poet king, I could not have been less creative))) it's clear that I didn't think of their designs very much
As you can see the anatomy is so off but to my defense I wasn't very good at drawing back then. The designs them self's didn't change that much, the only things I did differently was refine their head shapes and make their clothes look more time-periodly accurate with references (for the shake of simplicity, let's say the time period is around the medieval era)
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When it comes to Keith's design, I definitely changed him the most out of the three. The buttoned shirt (or idk how it's called sorry) changed color at least thrice, from a dark green to a bright green to a more desaturated one so the eye doesn't get drawn there, and the belt changed from yellow to green since it stuck out waaaayy too much
Now that I look at it I kinda like the darker version, not sure if I'll change it tho
The other pieces of clothing in his design I simply couldn't bring myself to change. The green cloak he wears is insanely important to the story, to the point that it's comical, and his shoes and pants seem uninteresting enough that your attention won't be drawn to it but not boring enough to drag down the design, at least in my opinion
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As for his hair, damm this guy tortured me HARD
The original hair style I gave him was insanely lazy and I just gave him the generic three form strands look I give to all the characters that I have no idea what to do with their hair.
But after some research I realized that he really doesn't look like a prince? Like at all??? 😭 not to mention his personality isn't shown in it whatsoever (shape language wasn't a thing I considered back when I first made him) so I made a second design concept for his hair much later on that I liked a lot more! (Second pick 😜)
Unfortunately, I was attached really hard to the first design and I couldn't bring myself to pick between them so for a while his hair design was the first one even though I kept the new one in the back of my mind
Finally, a few months ago, I asked some of my friends their opinion and they all choose the second one with no hesitation saying that it fits his personality a lot more (the little that I described his personality that is) and that it gave more of the "I'm royalty fuck you" vibe I was going for
Nonetheless tysm pookies if you're reading this, it was insane help 😜( @your-ne1ghbor @watchingthewalls pookies for the help 😜 I don't have nubs' tumblr but I thank him too 😍)
After realizing I have insane attachment issues to early drafts I decided to work on his face a little
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I must admit that at the time I had huge same face syndrome, and that accompanied with the fact that I make my characters faces Barbie like (in case you dk what that means, I'm basically referring to the fact that the characters skins appear too perfect and plastic 😭) made me want to force myself to think of some sort of natural skin imperfection (obv it's not an imperfection, everyone is beautiful I just dk how else to describe it)
Considering he is royalty and his father is insanely striked when it comes to image, he probably wouldn't have pimples and rinkles and stuff (ik he's too young for rinkles but I considered it anyway). I did think of giving him a scar but that was just way too gacha life oc from 2018 vibe so I left it (also the fact that it would make zero sense for him to have a scar since he has been locked in the palace his whole life?? And his father is insanely overprotective for reasons I'll get to another time 💀). I did like the idea of giving him an eye freckle but that would just make my job at drawing him every single time at the comic insanely difficult NOT to mention that eye freckles are mostly genetic (the exception being from extra exposure to the sun WHICH HE DOESN'T HAVE SO???) (Not to mention part2 that his eyes are a very dark color and the freckle won't be visible anyway)
I decided to go the easy route of giving him a mole next to his mouth until I think of something better, but I doubt I'm going to change it, like I previously said, insane attachment issues to designs
Now that I have nothing else to add on the design process, let's go to the story part 😜
I don't wanna reveal his whole story since I would just spoil the entire thing so I'll just give simple info
For starters he's an only child and lives in the castle with his father. He never met his mother and was commanded by his father to never speak of her or mention her to anyone ever. As a naturally apathetic kid, he didn't care to think further about this but he'll regret that later in the story 😜😜
As his father is protective as hell for unknown to him reasons, he isn't allowed to talk to any one of the townsfolk if it doesn't involve his royal duties ( hehe duty) and he's absolutely not allowed to be friends with any of the staff for image, superiority and hierarchy reasons. Buuuut unfortunately Keith isn't one to follow rules and he ended up becoming friends with the two other main characters that you see in the first image of this post. He became friends with them the instant they both appear at the castle and he sees them as the siblings he never had 😜 but he has to hide the friendship since his father might banish them for all he knows
He is extremely young, way too young to be a king for the standards of their world, but despite so he is still forced to become one much sooner than he would have liked. His father is growing very old and he can't stay in the throne anymore so he's planning on giving it to his only son. Knowing how reluctant he is of this however, he avoids to tell him that he moved his crowning ceremony up a few months and it'll now happen much sooner then originally expected. (Conflict starter say what? Also literally the B plot of the story lmao)
He tries to find things that he's good at before , quote from him "He steps foot to the throne and his life ends forever". He's afraid his life will slip from his hands the instant he becomes king and he won't get to enjoy the time he has, so he tries to do new things, find things he's passionate about and do anything new and interesting that he wouldn't normally do that he gets presented with
Personality wise, he's a very sceptical kid and he definitely needs to see a therapist about his anxiety or something said anxiety also kinda sorta maybe making him an insanely pessimistic person (classing completely with the other two characters being one an optimist and the other a realist) 💀 apart from that he keeps an apathetic view at most things, especially when they don't involve him. Oh did I mention he's selfish? Only a little bit, like madel pines from gravity falls level selfish yk, and he is overly stubborn and wants things to go his way. Characteristics of a prince character, am I right or am I right? Apart from that, he's very caring of others no matter the level of superiority he has over them (hes kinda blind to the hierarchy thing, he has development on that I swear) and is a super curious person, definitely willing to go an extra mile to reveal a secret (A plot of the story say what). He is very introverted considering he rarely talks to people, but that doesn't stop him from being friendly to strangers. He is more the quiet type tho, definitely preferring to be the listener in a conversation 😢.
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Wow I yapped a lot, did I mention he has plant powers? Ye magic is a thing here pretty cool right?
Anyway I also posted these guys on my art fight page but the designs and description are outdated, especially Keith's 💀💀
That's all tho I'm done lore dumping
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peachyynotesapp · 26 days
All I do on the internet is get horny and cry
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moebarrythefrogshroom · 4 months
decided to yap here instead of just messaging my gf every 3 seconds
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m1lkt00th · 5 months
fo the ask game
15. least favorite thing about drawing?
it’s both a least favourite thing and my favourite thing. kind of
i absolutely ADORE rendering my art and getting all the shading done and lighting and everything etc etc
i hate that middle step where im not sure WHERE TO START. like i do all the flat colours and stuff but now i have to pick a part to begin rendering… im stuck. once i get a start/begin my flow then im good :]
a secondary least favourite has to be posing bc i overanalyze what my poses should look like </3
if it’s gift art (and even my own oc art) im usually like “oh this has to convey everything abt this character it has to be PERFECT” like no bro it isnt that serious 😭
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armedteens · 3 months
“The way we talk about zero day its almost like this fire supposed to burn like a thousand feet tall, and never burn out”
in christianity, God is seen as a consuming and everlasting fire. Corinthians 3:13 it says “their work will be shown for what it is, because the Day will bring it to light. It will be revealed with fire, and the fire will test the quality of each person’s work.” fire here is used as a metaphor for judgement. I think the scene abt cal talking abt the fire symbolizes how zero day is their day of judgement, all their work leading up to zero day is being brought to light, revealed with shots fired, and their bullets will show how all consuming they are ?? or whater the fukc idk, Ive been up all night rambling to myself like a mad man abt this specific scene, I need to sleep
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tapwater118 · 5 days
tpot 13 spoilers, i say a lot here
hopy mopy that was a good episode. love it when tpot decides to get all cinematic. lots of things to talk about
having the cold open and stinger be about firey and leafy is very very interesting (“dreamier island” is adorable idgaf). didn’t really expect them to build off their cameo from tpot 8 like this, they’re obviously setting up another side plot (likely to replace the robot flower one that just ended). i don’t think leafy died in the storm, that’d be too straightforward for that much screen time. i think one got her, for what i don’t know. what kind of deal would she take?? i must think about this more
also speaking of one what the fuck. she moved a whole goddamn hurricane over to the hotel??? she can do that?? ok so maybe she didn’t make deals with bomby and bell, she’s just stealing the eliminated contestants for some reason. AND SHE WANTS TWO GONE DUDE. scary. probably the biggest surprise was her making it so two exitors join instead of one, which reads to me as if she wanted pencil specifically to join for some reason. interesting interesting interesting
can i just say there are some super interesting freesmart interactions here. pencil’s overjoyed to see book and ice cube (cause she’s been trapped in four for four years) but those two looked EXTREMELY uncomfortable to see her. most interesting is how despite still being avoidant of book ICE CUBE DELIBERATELY GETS HER AWAY FROM PENCIL. SHES WILLING TO PUT HER GRIEVANCES WITH BOOK ASIDE TO PROTECT HER LIKE THAT. what the fuck happened between them. idfb i need you to happen please
i didn’t really have any predictions for the eliminations this time around, barf bag i somewhat expected but needle was a bit of a surprise. i thought tpot 12 would’ve made people like her more? oh well. kinda hoped for more gb and pencil interactions from her being on cloudyay but i guess we’ll have more time for those later. liy being on 🎼 is nice cause she has her old friends there, works as a nice fill in for needle’s niche
the old robot flower is back! by the deal with one uh oh. i actually really like how they handled this, everyone else is happy the old her is back but she sounded really hesitant about it because she still has the same issues from before!!! nothings been fixed for her!!! she still has that want to be like flower dude. that plot line better not be completely dead or else. (also thank you tv for the flower cameo ur great. also tv is talking in mashed up clips again letsgooooooooo)
i think i actually need to watch this episode again, there’s so many little details sprinkles everywhere omga. anyway i voted for pin and book and you should too. peace out
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look at her she angy
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tartppola · 5 months
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torrentialgoat-fr · 3 months
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Plus the dragon ^^ (abyss/phthalo/blush, starmap/bee/stained)
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residenthughes · 7 months
so…what do we think about this dialogue? ☝🏾😭 (i ask at almost 8 am after a night out)
+18 nsfw, so minors dni!
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His arm, enveloped by his raven black dress shirt, raises as he cages you in, vulnerable and at his mercy. “What else did I say, since you can read lips and all?”
This is a circus of words, meaning riddled in optical illusions that would have someone think none the wiser. Except this is yours and Jack’s circus, an act tailored for two, entertainment that makes your minds run wild. A wildness you feed off as you meet him with the same decisiveness.
“This number,” you start, pointing towards the digits printed on your sleeve belonging to him. “86 is what people go to see - pay to see, sorry.”
You’re not really sorry, the smirk on your face says otherwise. “I think I said a lot more than that, sweetheart.”
“Besides all the huffing and puffing,” his tongue pokes at his cheek, a playful smirk betraying his flaring emotions. “You asked if he was there to play or to hurt people - fair point to make.”
“And all the others weren’t?” Jack’s moved closer, his thigh situating itself between the gap of your legs.
You bite your tongue at the friction. “You know the answer to that question.”
“Maybe,” his caging arm leaves the door, the web of his hand sat against your chin as he holds your face, maintaining the same fiery gaze that unravels you altogether. “Think it’d be better coming from you though.”
“Jack,” he’s flexed his thigh, your hand reaching for the buttons of his dress shirt as you wane in defeat. “Please.”
“I don’t follow.”
Your bawled fist meets his stacked chest. “Don’t play dumb.”
Jack chuckles, holding all power in the palm of his hand. “I’m just confused as to why my pants are wet.”
To prove his point, he draws his thigh away because he’s a selfish bastard and shows you the damp spot you’ve left after his thigh made its way between your legs. The shame that washes over you is unbearable.
Jack’s hands find themselves underneath the material of his jersey, one hand dancing along the outline of your underwear with a finger hanging over the top of the seam. “Oh, what to do with you.”
He’s such a tease, his ego large and in charge as you’ve long forgotten any sense of game as your eyes pool with only an anguish he can extinguish. “Fuck me, please.”
“Because I was mad?” his tone light and airy, the tip of his index finger now trailing the edges of your underwear.
You shiver at his touch, eyes closed as your weak fist manages to grapple onto some material of his shirt. “Because, I need you and I think that goes both ways.”
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