#so kirby has TWO sisters now! good for him!
icedragonlizard · 2 days
My interpretation for Hyness after HiAD, as well as his dynamics with Kirby and all the dream friends
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In my verse, Hyness became very slothful after he was freed from the Jamba Heart's influence. He doesn't do much with his life afterwards, and is basically the equivalent of an old man in retirement.
The reason why he's become so slothful is because he's incredibly overwhelmed and worn down by the combination of all the stress that he went under during his corrupted phase and all the guilt that he bears over his actions.
Even though he's exceptionally grateful to Kirby and the star allies team for rescuing him and the Mage Sisters at the end of HiAD, he's not exactly a happy person. If anything, he's actually a little miserable by virtue of all the stress and guilt he has over everything that happened. He does not feel good about any of it. He definitely has some relief that the bad stuff is done, but he's really messed up by all the regret he has over it.
He went through a bunch of pain and suffering while he was corrupted, enough to where it's been having some long-term lingering even after he's better. And he feels awful about what he did to the Mage Sisters. He hurt them really bad, didn't he? It haunts him that he sacrificed them to Void Termina. One of them is still unbreakably devoted to him, but the other two have hang-ups. They're all ultimately a reunited family, but their relationship just simply isn't the same as it once was. They have some complications even after they've been saved in HiAD.
All of these complexities have led to Hyness becoming inactive and lethargic. After being purified, he spends about 95% of his time at his home in the Jambandran Base. He's just chilling out at home and taking it easy. He's basically having a permanent mental break. The Mage Sisters love to commonly go out, have fun and cause chaos, and their dad is just relaxing at home while they do that.
And because Hyness spends the vast majority of his time at home, most of the dream friends very seldom see him after HiAD. The only times they see him post-HiAD is when the Mage Sisters take him with them for a Popstar vacation once every blue moon (and I mean literally once every blue moon). That does happen, and it's why I say 95% as opposed to 100% for Hyness staying home, but most of the Mage Sisters' visits to Popstar and other planets are done without bringing him with them.
This is the reason why Hyness is not in the list of characters that are present in my Google Doc for Kirby Character Dynamics. He barely has much of anything to do with a good chunk of them by virtue of rarely seeing them post-HiAD. That being said, however, I will post his dynamics with Kirby and all the dream friends in this post further down below. Again, many of them very seldom see him. There are exceptions, however. You'll see which ones see him more often than others.
Hyness acts very nice and polite to people that visit the Jambandran Base. However, he can get stressed out easily and is still capable of talking at a million miles an hour if he resorts to starting a rant, so probably not a good idea to set him off. One of the dream friends has ended up causing him to do it once, though.
And now, finally, to his dynamics with a lot of the Kirby cast. Let's start with his daughters.
Zan Partizanne: Zan, being the Mage Sister that's the most devoted to Hyness, is also the most forgiving one. She doesn't hold his actions against him at all, really. She's literally just happy to have him back. It warms his heart. He feels like he doesn't deserve his daughters anymore, but it makes him touched to see that Zan is still unwaveringly indebted to him. She acts as his main caretaker, and thus she's the least outgoing of the Mage Sisters, because she stays home more often than the other two do as she takes more care of Hyness than they do.
Flamberge: This is rather complicated. Flamberge has many hang-ups with Hyness. Early on after HiAD, she was actually pretty uncomfortable around him and didn't have a lot of trust in him. She openly expressed this discomfort to him, and there were even a few instances where she angrily yelled at him because of the baggage over the things he did. However, things do get better later on. They eventually make amends. Flamberge does still care about Hyness as she slowly warms up to him again, but what happened has permanently affected her feelings about him. He completely understands and just feels absolutely horrible about it.
Francisca: Like Flamberge, Francisca also has hang-ups with Hyness, as she was also uncomfortable around him early on after HiAD. Although she hasn't been nearly as argumentative, nor as she ever yelled at him as her fiery sister did that for her, but she still made her hang-ups with him clear. That being said, they do make amends later on. Francisca is more or less on the same stance as her fiery sister when it comes to her feelings about Hyness, as she still cares about him but it's more complicated than before. He understands and doesn't blame her. He's heartbroken that he hurt her.
*Despite the hang-ups that Francisca and Flamberge have with Hyness, there are still moments where they hug him. There's also just some serious baggage involved, as his actions have permanently changed things.
To see Hyness' dynamics with Kirby and all the other dream friends in my verse, click on the 'Keep reading' tag down below. This post is already getting very long as is, so I'm gonna put a tag for you to click on in order to read the rest of it.
Hyness, in a general sense, has gratitude for everyone in the star allies team for saving him, although some of them still have uneasy opinions about him. Honestly, they were more happy about saving the Mage Sisters than they were about saving him.
Here's how he interacts with them individually:
Kirby: Kirby forgives every villain that stops their evil deeds, and Hyness is no exception. The pink puff is very happy to have saved his life and purified him back to his regular self. He considers Hyness to be a friend. And just like Kirby does with all of his friends, he visits him at the Jambandran Base on occasion. Hyness has unbridled gratitude for Kirby. Part of him feels like he didn't really deserve to be saved, but it makes him so emotional that this little guy went out of his way to save him anyways. Quite frankly, Kirby has made Hyness cry happy tears over this more than once. He can't thank him enough. He's hugely indebted to Kirby as a result.
King Dedede: One of the many star allies members that Hyness seldom crosses paths with after HiAD. During the rare instances they do meet, their interactions are polite, but Hyness makes Dedede very uncomfortable deep down. Watching the Mage Sisters get rag-dolled hit way too close to home for Dedede, as it reminded him that he could've done similar things to his waddle dees if Kirby didn't humble him. He's glad that Hyness is purified now, but he can't shake off the discomfort. He wishes him well, though, and vice versa.
Meta Knight: Meta Knight feels discomfort about Hyness for similar reasons as Dedede. He'd never treat his crewmates like what Hyness did to the Mage Sisters. Meta Knight doesn't often express being horrified, but he did so over the things Hyness did in his corruption. After HiAD, these two very seldom see each other, although they do mutually wish each other well.
Bandana Waddle Dee: Another one that Hyness very rarely sees after HiAD, and so there's not much of a relationship between these two. Bandee was terrified of Hyness back in his evil phase, and although he's glad the man is better now, he'd still prefer to keep a distance. Not much else to say here, really.
Magolor: One of the dream friends that Hyness actually sees sometimes outside of his super rare Popstar vacations! This is because Magolor, by virtue of being decent friends with the Mage Sisters, sometimes visits the Jambandran Base. He and Hyness get along very well, enough to even consider each other to be friends. They have informative talks about the Ancients, as well as ancient technology. Hyness thinks that Magolor is a bright-minded and humorous young man, always appreciating his company. Magolor thinks he's an interesting individual and forgives him for what he did.
Marx: Like Magolor, Marx also sometimes shows up at the Jambandran Base due to being good friends with the Mage Sisters, and thus he crosses paths with Hyness more often than many of the other dream friends do. He likes Hyness. They had some not-so-positive interactions early on after HiAD, though, when at one point Marx tried to provoke Hyness into performing another super-fast rant, to which Hyness then snapped and attacked him. They got along better after that, though. Nowadays, Marx just says things to make Hyness laugh. Hyness likes Marx and doesn't grudge about that one instance.
Taranza: Taranza is another one that visits the Jambandran Base sometimes because he's good friends with the Mage Sisters, and so he actually sees Hyness at not an infrequent rate! They're on good and amiable terms. It helps that Taranza is close friends with Zan, and considering his devotion to Sectonia is of similar levels to Zan's devotion of Hyness, Taranza can effectively see Sectonia in him. It makes him sympathize with him and is glad to see he's purified. Hyness really likes Taranza and thinks he's a nice young man.
Susie: Like the three right above her, Susie also sometimes visits the Jambandran Base because she's a close friend of the Mage Sisters, meaning that Hyness sees her more often than many other dream friends. They get along well, although Susie quietly felt awkward around him at first because she's very close friends with Francisca and they both have daddy issues. Susie stays out of the Jamba family's drama, though, and her awkwardness about Hyness reduces once Francisca works things out with him. Hyness likes Susie and is pleased that she's friends with his daughters, especially his icy one.
Gooey: Gooey generally stays in Popstar, and thus it's seldom for him and Hyness to see each other after HiAD. However, during the rare instances where they do meet, they actually get along very well. Gooey is very forgiving like Kirby is, and he likes Hyness! Hyness respects Gooey a lot after learning about his origins. He thinks he's a very sweet and fascinating little guy. He wishes he could see him more often than he does. Gooey would also like that.
Rick & Kine & Coo: They also generally stay in Popstar, and so they rarely ever see Hyness after HiAD. And while they're not grudge-holders, they still feel pretty uneasy about him after witnessing the things he did in front of them and the rest of the star allies team. They're glad he's at least better now and wish him the best, but yeah they barely have a relationship with him at all.
Daroach: Daroach actually visits the Jambandran Base on occasion, and so he and Hyness see each other every once in a while at least. They get along pretty well. Daroach steals from the Jambandran Base, but that doesn't actually upset Hyness. It would, but the Mage Sisters are actually thrilled when Daroach robs the place, because they enjoy chasing after him for it, and they like him. Hyness acknowledges they're all just having fun, and so he likes Daroach. Daroach likes him back and forgives him for what he did.
Adeleine: Adeleine rarely ever sees Hyness after HiAD, and honestly she's not bothered by that. She thought he was really scary during his corrupted phase, and although she's relieved that he's now better, she still considers him to be unnerving. She has no ill-will towards him, though. Not really much else to say for this one.
Ribbon: Another one that Hyness seldom sees after HiAD. That being said, Ribbon doesn't actually mind him now that he's purified, as she's generally braver than Adeleine. The rare instances where she and Hyness interact are generally amiable. There's still not much of a relationship here, though, due to how rarely they meet.
Dark Meta Knight: Even though DMK does have a friendship with Flamberge, he never visits the Jambandran Base as he's not up to travelling all the way there, and thus he and Hyness barely ever see each other again after HiAD. And honestly, DMK doesn't give a crud about Hyness, so he's not upset to hardly ever encounter him.
Nago, ChuChu, Pitch and Shadow Kirby have all also met Hyness during one of his once-every-blue-moon Popstar vacations. Can't say there's much going on there, really. They were all spooked when they learned he was the big villain during the adventure that Kirby and all the star allies partook in, and are glad he's not evil anymore, but other than that they hardly ever see him. Although Nago did let Hyness pet him during their first meet.
Hyness did go with the Mage Sisters to a vacation in the New World because he was curious to check out it, and so he did meet Elfilin, but not much there either aside from Elfilin thinking he's scary. Elfilin is not a fan of the Mage Sisters as he thinks they're scary, and their dad isn't any less scary. They almost never interact after their first meet, though. Doesn't help that Elfilin was informed by some of the dream friends about the events of Star Allies, freaking him the heck out upon learning about Hyness' actions.
That's basically it for this post. As you can see, a lot of the dream friends barely see Hyness again after he's been purified, and truthfully he's still rather controversial in the general opinion of the team. They were all utterly horrified by what he did in his evil phase, and although they're all ultimately glad he's better now, many of them still have uneasy opinions about him.
Thanks for reading if you did.
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divinesolas · 1 year
hii! can you do where gf!ethan and reader are dating, and he tells Bailey & Quinn to not hurt you but during the reveal bailey/quinn actually kill you and ethan goes feral on them
Unable to save you
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summary | ethan loses the thing that is most important to him, you, and he loses it.
a/n | changed it up a little i hope you dont mind, enjoy !
warnings | murder, angst, im not good at writing fight scenes, not proofread
“leave her out of this, i dont want her to be hurt.”
quinn rolled her eyes at her brother, “stop being a little crybaby ethan.”
“enough you two.” wayne interrupted the two of them giving ethan especially a pointed look, “theres no time for this nonsense.”
Ethan grows more irritated and rolls his eyes turning away from the two of the with an annoyed look.
The original plan was just for ethan to infiltrate the friend group and get them to trust him but then he had met you.
You were anika’s friend and when anika and mindy got together you had ended up joining the group as well. he could tell you had a crush on him and wayne had told him to get with you to make his spot more secure and he did.
what he hadn't expected was for you to charm him, to make him fall in love with you, you were always so sweet and kind to him. you had payed for his coffee when he forgot his wallet, you had even helped him make his haloween costume for the party you guys had went to not even two nights ago.
Ethan had grown attached to you and he was now attempting to convince his family that there was no point in attacking you.
he left the meeting with a sour taste in his mouth.
You watch in horror as the boy youve grown to love stands in front of you with a ghostface mask in hand. This cant be happening, not your sweet boyfriend ethan. You barely register quinn also taking off her mask until shes making her way over to you, “i want her.”
“quinn i told you not to hurt her-”
“shes one of them!”
quinn points her knife towards tara and sam while ethan glares at her, his grip on his knife growing tighter at the fear on your face.
“enough quinn.”
Before he can ever take a step forward quinns knife quickly drags along your throat and she drops your body to the drop.
“no!” ethans screams and rushes over to you leaning over you, “please please….” he tries covering the wound with his hands as if that will help, “please baby stay with me please.” He feels his whole body begins to shake as his eyes well up with tears, “please stay with me…..”
Your wide, tear filled eyes are shaking. He hates this, he continues to mumble and press his hand's tighter to your neck but with the last of your strength you grab his arm and squeeze it.
You had always squeezed his arm, it was your little code when you were out in public to tell him you loved him.
He lets out another loud sob once your hand drops and the light leaves your eyes. His head drops to yours, resting his forehead on yours.
Quinn watches his quivering body with annoyance, “oh god youre such a crybaby, how many times do i need to tell you shes one of them!”
Ethan finally stands, his body perfectly still, he stands tall, his back still turned away from quinn, “what are you finally done, you know we got two more people to-”
Ethan tackles quinn swiftly, “ethan!” wayne shoust but ethan ignores him and stabs her over and over again, “you bitch!”
“ethan!” wayne runs over and rips his son away from quinns bleeding out body.
“what the hell are you doing?!?”
wayne slams ethan on the chest and rushes over to quinn who has at least twenty stabs wounds all over her body.
ethan watched with annoyance as wayne fuses over quinn, “she killed her!-”
“so what! you dont just go and kill your own sister!”
Ethans chest falls and rises quickly as he glares at his father, “so what?”
Tara, sam and kirby watch in what can only be confusion as ethan and wayne fight. “arent they supposed to be killing us?”
Ethan holds his own but wayne is crazy leaving ethan severely wounded. Ethan gets lucky and manages to kill his father while being on the verge of death himself, the only thing keeping him standing with the image of your dying face.
He barely manages to pull himself back towards you, he falls to his knees and lays on top of you.
“im sorry.”
His life fades from him, he can only hope wherever hes going afterwards you'll be waiting there for him.
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sapphiretanto · 2 years
(CW: Ranting/Venting; the fic I am talking about will not be named, nor will I give the author’s name away. Please send me a message if you want to know)
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Did we even watch the same show? He’s not a caring, big brother? He’s a stick in the mud?
The only thing I’ll give you is that he’s full of himself… because he’s an idiot teenager with badass fighting skills and weapons. Of course he’s gonna be a cocky little shit. Most people with Leo’s skill would be.
I’m going to assume that you mean part of the time he’s full of himself. But if you mean all the time, then I’ll correct you there. More often than not, he is actually very insecure— a very common trait among the Leonardo’s.
“Maybe I shouldn’t be leading the team?”
“It’s all my fault. I let the guys down!”
“I don’t think I’ll ever be the same again”
“I’d just hold you back. You guys train, I’ll watch. It’s all I’m good for anyway…”
“I’m a liability to the whole team”
“I won’t be much help out there anyway”
Leo is a perfectionist and this shows in the way he leads— coming across as bossy or arrogant— and how he treats himself. The guy just got out of a three-month coma after he had the shit kicked out of him and what does he say when he’s by himself after everyone else went to look for Raph in the woods?
He holds himself to impossibly high standards— both placed by himself and some of the misguided lessons he was taught.
Alright, now for the stick in the mud part. Leo is a fucking dork (I mean this in the most affectionate sense). He loves Space Heroes to the point where he quotes it during missions. He likes puns, is fascinated by Japan culture, martial arts, meditation, etc. He trains very hard to excel at ninjutsu/martial arts— both so he can help his brothers in combat and because it’s a passion of his. That doesn’t make him boring in the slightest. He has some of the most ridiculous dialogue throughout the series:
“Alright guys. Let’s put Old Mother Hubbard back in her cupboard!”
“Hello!? Space Heroes!? Captain Ryan! Didn’t you see the episode where they fought the Cortexecons?!”
“Awesome! Oh, this is so rad! I feel like Van Helsing, but way cooler than him, actually. Way more rad than Van Helsing”
“Alright guys, prepare to dish out the mighty wrath of justice!”
“We don’t know he’s gonna do anything bad. He could be on his way… to… church!”
“I… don’t really have a pinky?”
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He can’t lie for shit which leads to him saying silly things:
“Be cool. Be cool.” *answers phone* “uh.. hey man! What’s… what’s going down? *Raph says they better have not watched the Crognard finale without him and Leo laughs nervously* W-who, us?! Of course not! But I bet if we did watch it, we would have found it anti-climate… climactic!”
*gets asked by Chloe if there’s other turtles like him* “Nope! Uh-uh! Just me! Mr. Imaginary Talking Turtle!”
“He’s just kidding, Mrs. O’Neil. Kirby’s…uh.. on a.. safari! In Puerto Rico! And he won’t be back for a while.”
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And he’s not the goody-two shoes and suck up people think of him as. He has gone behind Splinter’s back on several occasions, snuck out both willingly and unwillingly. The guy dressed in black and caused petty crime with his sister and her girlfriend Shinigami because he was pissed off at Shredder.
As for not being a caring brother. You mean this guy?! This Leo?! ⬇️
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Couldn’t be this Leo, right? There’s no way he’s a mother hen— being both doting and getting after his brothers.
“Don’t talk with your mouth full!”
“Mikey, you never cease to amaze me”
“Leo never left your side” — April when Raph was reduced to a mere plant by The Creep
“I’m sorry about Spike, Raphael.”
“Donnie, don’t lose sight of who you are!”
“Nice job, D”
“Donnie, the go karts worked great. Nice job!”
“Mikey, come on! It’s not that bad! And Raph promises not to make fun of you anymore.”
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Not the Leo that uses all his strength and stays behind in the Technodrome holding Kraang Prime so his brothers and April can escape. Not that Leo who while just barely awake after a coma goes after a mutated monster in the woods to get his family back. Not that Leo who forced himself to stay calm so the others can be calm while they go through the most insane shit, or cannot grieve in the moment because he has to ensure the rest of their safety, so his focus during missions and battle is scattered in different places. Because he couldn’t possibly help bandage their wounds, worry when they’re hurt and not give up on a family member. Not Leo preventing Donnie from straight up unaliving Don Vizioso because Leo doesn’t want his younger brother to do what he did and change him like it changed him. He doesn’t sacrifice himself over and over because he loves his brothers, right? Right??
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desultory-novice · 1 year
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Bonus Talk: Storycrafting for Noir and Apologies
So, I keep thinking how funny it is how this whole thing started. I had a chain of ideas at dinner one night: "What if the Master Crown really WAS trying to transform Magolor into Dark Matter? Would he be 'Dark Matter Wizard?' But then, what was Swordsman before he was Swordsman? Hmm. There is that one piece of human concept art he has... and you know...maybe it's the retro anime look or the fact that this series doesn't have hardly any humans in it but he looks just enough like Adeleine that one could think they're related-..."
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Back then, "Noir" didn't really exist. I just drew up a quick sketch in Adeleine's notebook that I hope looked recognizably like the human DM concept art. He wasn't in color but given Dark Matter's palette, he probably would have had dark hair, and poring through the wiki - I found at least one Dark Matter incarnation with a purple eye. I also had Ado drop a line that her brother was "bad at making friends" because of that one JP guide and that was IT.
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But then... I thought it was sad to draw this poor guy only to kill him off in the backstory without even fleshing out what he looked like (and I was afraid Adeleine's pencil sketch made him look blond XD) so I drew up a quick color pic of him, rendering Swordsman's gear as a normal scarf and coat. Before thecrashman said anything, I hadn't even considered the two of them as living on Shiver Star!
As soon as he said that though, everything started to come together...Now DMS was an overprotective brother taking care of his little sister in a post-apocalyptic wasteland. Of course he was. No wonder he couldn't bond with anyone. He was straining under the weight of his responsibilities. He's older. He's supposed to be the protector, so he could never bring himself to tell his kid sister about the things he was going through. He focused on her joy to his own exclusion. A destructive pattern. A fatal flaw for this tragedy.
Twitter readers asked after the first comic how Adeleine's brother even became Dark Matter Swordsman, some suggesting perhaps it was because he died in battle against Zero? I thought a big human-led global effort against Zero and Dark Matter seemed too complicated in scope, so my solution was to go back to where this idea started: he would be the same as Magolor - looped in by a bad ancient artifact that parasitized him before he knew what was happening. Only he doesn't have a Kirby to save him...
At this point, I had to give him a name. I wanted something French-sounding, so he sounded good alongside Adeleine, and remembering the origin of Adeleine's name, I thought to choose something in FL-ese. I combed the lyrics of "Welcome to the New World" back and forth in both English and Japanese. (I was lucky as the song is sung as a one-to-one Japanese audio cypher and I speak Japanese.)
It wasn't easy though. I wanted a "strong" word but almost everything in there was about food or naps. XD I finally found a phrase in the Japanese lyrics, "邪魔できない"/"unable to be interrupted"/"unstoppable" and matched it to FL-ese.
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Noruruwa. Sounds kinda like "Noir." And with Dark Matter being "Matiere Noire" in French, well, it seemed all too perfect...!
The rest all flowed pretty naturally from there. If our setting is Shiver Star and Shiver Star exists at the same time as the New World, and it resembles our Earth's globe while the New World doesn't, perhaps Shiver is an "abandoned earth"? One with an angry, betrayed populace and two kids doomed by birth to die a cold, miserable death in a place utterly neglected by the rest of humanity.
Now "Noir" had a good reason to seek out the power that would be his undoing. While I'm at it, why not tell the story of how Adeleine gets her brush? That's magical(?) too. It's no Drawcia's Paintbrush, but neither is Dark Matter Blade equal to Galaxia. So now, we've got the idea for "off-brand artifacts" - found in an abandoned exhibit, perhaps? Maybe Noir wants to get Adeleine a present? He grabs the sword on the way out without even thinking because...it's a dangerous world out and he's got a young sibling to look after.
(Although, similar to the Master Crown, it's hard to say whether it was originally entirely his choice to pick it up...or the sword's.)
But wait, why do the artifacts do the bad things they do? Now that I'd introduced the New World into this story, I had Fecto Elfilis/ID-F86 on the table. The concept that the Shiver Starians were sooo angry at the New Worlders when for all we knew, the New Worlders weren't even ALIVE anymore made me think, "Do we really expect powerful, angry psychic Elfilis was passive that entire time? While they were being tortured? What if...they sabotaged everything?"
I'd already speculated that Elfilis and Void are two of a pair, and you can trace their offshots throughout the entirety of Kirby lore. (If you buy into my Galactic Nova is based on Fecto Elfilis theory.) And seriously, at least half those artifacts have led to serious tragedy. Now, we had a reason for Noir to be doomed by the narrative.
I do HC that everyone who has ever had their soul consumed by an Ancient Artifact had some red in their ledger - and so, I conceived of some for Noir. I didn't and don't ever want to write/draw a "humans are a disease" story, which is why 99~100% of anything "bad" implied to be going on in their lives on Shiver Star is entirely background. That was purposeful for several reasons. One was simply to demonstrate the degrees to which Noir was protecting Adeleine. He would build up more stress and more pain and more trauma while she remains the same throughout. Two is I just didn't want to go into detail about what wretched scenario would force Noir to take another person's life, but it is still a part of his character history.
(I write Kirby fan comics after all! I try to stay within the bounds of what I consider acceptable content to show. Best I can ^^; )
Noir was also just pushed to the brink, despairing in his life and the world around him. He wanted more than anything to escape this life. Of course, Artifacts have this funny way of twisting your wishes in the WORST way. (Screams of joy > screams of pain.) So Noir's artifact transforms itself into a collar he can't remove, with an unspoken time limit to do anything his newfound power could do for him - at the end of which, his body and soul become forfeit to the darkness. Now he has lost all escape routes. Even death only delivers him to a fate of serving Zero, robbed of independent thought and choice and memories of the one bright thing in his life.
Adeleine still needed to escape though. She has to get to Popstar. This was the most complicated part for me to logic out. In the end, I went with the simplest, quickest, and most brutal method of getting that done. Quietly imply that Noir, resigned to his fate, killed as many people as it took to secure Adeleine safe passage off the planet and then lied to her about everything with a gentle smile.
Perhaps it's because the Dark Matter Blade has affected his mind and dulled any emotional responses the normally gentle (if sharp-tongued) Noir would have to harming people (as again, artifacts tend to twist people in the worst possible ways; Noir is verbally abrasive but his nature is defensive. Now he has only violence to rely on to get his wish) but I also think the look of calmness on his face throughout "Brightest Star", in spite of the blood on his hands, is because he's just honestly happy - relieved, for once in his life - to have at least saved Adeleine. He was already consigned to hell, doomed from a simple mistake born from the desire to do good; to protect. (*) But Adeleine doesn't have to carry either his mistakes or his sins.
His was a character who took everyone onto himself. And he succeeded at that. His and Adeleine's past and their traumas will be buried underneath the unending snowfall of Shiver Star...
...Adeleine departs and Noir dies, his human body dissolved into Dark Matter, rising up into the aether right as the first flakes of snow began their long task of erasing all that has happened...
Rest now, Noir...
...it's The Swordsman's turn.
(*) I consider Dark Matter Swordsman be in a very small group with Joronia and Max Haltmann as the only sympathetic characters to be permanently dead In Kirby canon. Which is another reason why I crafted Noir's story explicitly to resemble theirs. We had a pair of (potential) lovers whose story ends in tragedy and a father and daughter tragedy but no siblings whose story has ended tragically. By fanon, that's arguably Swordsman and Gooey, but that just made him more fit to be this story's tragic brother figure...
In which case, Noir basically HAD to be someone who had a simple wish (to keep his only family safe) ran afoul of an ancient artifact almost by accident in the midst of trying to do good and suffers an inevitable, horrifying physical and mental transformation that would end with his only option for salvation to be put out of his misery...
Curse you, Dream Land 2! :cries:
[Apologies AU]  “Apologies”  “One Sneeze”  “Summer”  “A Walk in the Snow”  “The Swordsman” “Wonderful Gift” "Damnation" "Salvation" "Unstoppable" "Brightest Star"
[Bonus Illust] “Ugly Scarf”  [Bonus Illust] "That's...Funny..." [Bonus Illust] "Full Regalia" (DMS "Gijinka") [Bonus Illust] "Was I A Good Brother?" [You Are Here] [Bonus Illust] "You Won't Win..." [Relevant] “Vestige” (script-only)
[Bonus Text] Noir Facts!
[Dark Matter Painter AU] "It wasn't supposed to go this way...!" "You're a good knight!" "The Body Remembers"
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dalekofchaos · 1 month
Ghostface Cult, but not led by who you expect
Came up with an idea for a Scream movie that isn't done by Spyglass.
So it's the Ghostface cult, but no Stu is not the leader.
Basically we have Roger Jackson step out of the shadows and play a Ghostface cult leader mastermind. Character can be named whomever, but Roger plays an American History X type cult leader. His motive? He never got royalties for his likeness being used by the killers "They spent so many years using my likeness for their fame and bloodlust, now it's my turn" maybe we could connect him. Maybe he was one of Milton's horror actors at Sunrise Studios. He retired, but now he's ready to take Sunrise and a brand new connection.
He finds like minded people who can be easily manipulated into doing what he wants. People looking for fame. Incels. People full of bloodlust and just the rejects of society. He gives them all purpose.
There are Ghostface incidents nation wide and Kirby's case isn't done. She builds a case and gathers all the survivors of the Scream franchise from the movies and the TV series.
His motive against the big survivors
Sidney. Sidney is his muse. Ghostface wouldn't exist without SIdney and where would Sidney be without hearing his voice?
Gale. Gale has lived and profited off these murders for years, it would be karma for her to be the target of a serial killer over her stories
The Carpenter Sisters. Two potentials he can sway to his side.
Kirby. She is the hunter and he is her Moby Dick
However things have changed between the survivors.
The Carpenter Sisters and Sidney are not on good terms. Sidney worked with Gale on the book that helped hurt Sam and Tara’s image and lead to the NYC incident. Sidney feels that there is potential that one of them will turn into Ghostface and hunt her down. Cooler heads prevail and they put their differences aside to end this nightmare once and for all
Gale has given up her life as a reporter. All it brought was pain and misery. Dewey is dead and she created a monster that will never die and in the end all it did was hurt those she loved and only wanted to help.
The Meek-Martin twins. They tried to move on, but after the death of their mother, they will not stop until Ghostface finally dies once and for all.
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giantchasm · 10 months
Random Kirby Headcanon #13
Bandee has trust issues and is generally a little bit prickly. He’s extremely protective of the people he likes, but good luck getting him to warm up to you in the first place, especially if you’ve done something to harm him or his friends in the past.
Needless to say, he’s not the biggest fan of the ex-villainous Star Allies, and does not have a lot of faith in their willingness to do good.
Magolor broke his trust and made Kirby cry. Taranza kidnapped his beloved king. Susie left Dedede buried under a pile of rubble and tried to brainwash Meta Knight.
And Marx… do I even really need to explain Marx?
He’s okayish with the Mage Sisters. They didn’t personally victimize him in the same way. I think more than anything he feels a reluctant pity for them, but will also eye them up suspiciously if it seems they’re doing anything nefarious.
His standoffish nature can get him into trouble sometimes, and a great example is what happened between him and Elfilin. When Elfilin first arrived in Waddle Dee Town Bandee thought something about the situation was weird, and when the Beast Pack kidnapped all of the Dees he feared his suspicions had been confirmed. He was CERTAIN Elfilin deliberately led the Beast Pack to them and had some kind of secret motive.
Elfilin was very hurt. Bandee didn’t mean to be a bully or anything, of course, but his experiences with having his trust broken in the past made him stubbornly perceive Elfilin in only one way.
The two of them didn’t really actively fight— Elfilin isn’t the argumentative type and Kirby wouldn’t have allowed it anyways, but Bandee made it plenty clear he didn’t feel comfortable with Elfilin around and warned Kirby to keep an eye on him. Elfilin was sad, because he didn’t even understand what exactly he was doing wrong.
When Elfilin was kidnapped, though, everything changed. Suddenly, Bandee realized that this situation probably wasn’t exactly what he thought it was, and started to feel bad. He… really had been kind of mean to Elfilin, hadn’t he? Suddenly, he missed his company. He hoped they’d be able to rescue Elfilin so he could apologize.
And they were! Eventually, the Beast Pack and Fecto Elfilis were defeated, saving the day. But soon afterwards, Elfilin approached Bandee alone with tears in his eyes.
He said that Bandee had been right the whole time. He really was a monster, wasn’t he? A piece of something so evil, terrifying and cruel.
Bandee felt awful. He fully understood that the Elfilis situation wasn’t Elfilin’s fault and didn’t blame him, but of course Elfilin would feel frightened and insecure with everything he just learned about himself.
He reassured Elfilin. He told him that, no, he was wrong, and the way he treated Elfilin had been unfair. He told him he WAS NOT a monster and he hoped he could forgive him. He didn’t mean to make things so bad.
From there, they made amends. It took a while for them to warm up to each other entirely, but now they’re good friends. Bandee has gone from being suspicious of Elfilin to being protective of him.
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nightcovefox · 5 months
Dolos Facts: #1
A/n: This is just for fun so enjoy reading?
•For starters let’s get one thing straight. They are not a girl. Sure they have long eyelashes and wear makeup a few times, but they hate when others call them ‘she’ or ‘her’ it just pissed him off.
•His pronouns are mostly they/them or he/him either what you call him is fine
•He does look like Marx but minus the tail. He knows he’s the same species as him.
•He has almost like Marx’s abilities but different. When you split them in half they will lie in the ground for a good minute then try to put themselves back together. Marx was supposed to teach them how to do it quicker but never got the time to do it.
•Having a tail has its perks. Easy to pick up things and use them as an attack
•Dolos tail can be shorter or longer depending on their emotions
•When the tail is short they are either emotionless, nervous, or scared. When their tail gets longer they are either mad, sad, in love, or happy.
•Speaking of emotions, he’s rarely happy, sad, or in love.
•He lost his happiness and self-love when his sister disappeared
•So now he’s mostly angry and insane. (His insane part is under control)
•His little sister is named Halia (Thank you, George!) and she is a witch.
•Dolos was the one who made a little robot cat for his sister Halia on her 10th birthday
•He never has friends growing up
•They have two friends but both live in different worlds
•When meeting new people, he is very awkward and a little nervous
•They have a slight fear of haphephobia (Afraid of being touch)
•He’ll let close ones hug him
•Wears his sister's cloak to go outside
•Doesn’t want people to recognize him and doesn't want to be touched by anyone
•Barely sleeps and barely eats too..
•Is an inventor
•So they mostly make stuff at night or day
•Some of their inventions work and some do not
•Doesn’t stop them though
•Even if they barely eat their favorite food is cake fruit (Made up fruit)
•They have a house, but the walls are broken and there is no roof.
•The house has two floors all made by Dolos themselves
•Downstairs is where they're inventing stuff and cooking. While upstairs is their room and his sister
•His house is located in the woods but on a big hill where you can see the ocean (I’ll draw that later)
•Their left eye pupil can change shapes depending on their emotions
•Is determined to destroy Kirby and his friends and to receive something back from them
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sortanonymous · 10 months
Sorta Odd Kirby Ideas #1-2: "The Miracles Run Out" and "Warped Miracles" AU Ideas
So jdphobe (@giantchasm) recently made a great Kirby one-shot on AO3 called i dug my heels in for the winter and i waited for the snow, which is basically the ending of Heroes in Another Dimension, except that Francisca dies as a result of the Jamba Heart's power on her (or something); and it shows the tragedy of the situation through the grim reactions of everyone there, especially Hyness and the remaining two Mage-Sisters (Flamberge in particular being completely broken). It may very well be the most gut-wrenching Kirby fic I've ever read, and it (alongside the fact that jdphobe also brought up a similar concept where Carol dies in Forgotten Land, although they don't seem to have any plans to write it yet) got me thinking about some more Kirby AU's where the miracles Kirby pulls off to save people are flipped on their head. Before I describe them though, I'd recommend reading that fic first as it's really good, although if it sounds too depressing to you (which it is indeed a very depressing read), then perhaps my brief summary will suffice. I should also mention that a lot of this is from my comment under that fic (which I ended off by joking that I was getting revenge on them for introducing one depressing Kirby AU by giving them two depressing Kirby AU's). (Edit: @giantchasm told me that apparently the way Carol dies is that Leon kills her while under Forgo's control. So... there's that!)
AU #1: The Miracles Run Out
Here Kirby is miraculously able to save Sectonia in Triple Deluxe and Max in Planet Robobot, now back in their right minds. The method Kirby saves them through or their immediate aftermaths aren't relevant. Point is that Kirby has not only saved the day twice more, but was able to help those they had to fight to return to their senses and get their happy endings with their loved ones. Sectonia got return home uncorrupted with her best friend and Max, in his right mind again, was finally able to reunite with his daughter. Kirby's naturally feeling really good about themself and thinking that whoever needs their help to reach the light, they'll just save everyone.
And then HiAD happens, which I'll just pick up from here with jdphobe's AU. Right as Hyness and the Mages are seemingly freed from the Jamba Heart's grasp, it turns out that Francisca, the youngest and most beloved Mage-Sister doesn't survive. As the scene unfolds in the original fic, Taranza and Susie react in ways referring to their own canonical tragedies. In fact Magolor is the one who checks Francisca to confirm her death, and he's shaken by how the way in which she died was very similar to how he nearly died under the Master Crown. One intriguing idea to consider is that in the AU where Secty and Max live, perhaps we see their reactions of how close they were to losing their lives to such similar situations (and for that matter, how close Taranza and Susie were to seeing their loved ones die like that). No doubt that Kirby's confidence in their ability to save others takes a hit due to this tragedy (one particularly brutal bit in that fic has them desperately and tearfully trying to revive Fransisca with Friend Hearts, but they don't work and Dedede and Meta have to drag them away). But it only gets worse come Forgotten Land. Considering what little jdphobe has said about the Carol side of their AU, I'll just cut to the obvious details and say that Leon is under Forgo's control and kills Carol (as she's trying to reassemble her husband's soul) right before his soul is restored. It's easy to imagine that with Carol all but explicitly confirmed to be his wife, her death ends up absolutely devastating Leon, especially with how it was his own hand that killed her, even if it wasn't really him. And also the 3DS characters here would again be shaken by how badly they could have turned out. Also likely devastated though is Kirby, who by now likely has their confidence completely shattered after two straight tragedies that they couldn't prevent. That said, at least it's cherrier than the other AU.
AU #2: Warped Miracles
The Switch games happen the same, but the catch here is that in the 3DS games, Sectonia and Max do survive (again, the method doesn't matter)... but NOT Taranza or Susie. Maybe Taranza is killed when Sectonia blasts him off the balcony. Maybe Susie is fatally wounded when Star Dream zaps her and only has enough in her to summon the Robobot Armor and maybe (depending on when Max gets saved) tell Kirby to tell her father, should they see him again, that she loved her and only wanted to save him from Star Dream's influence. In that instance, not only does Kirby end up with a streak of four tragic deaths that they couldn't prevent (you can only imagine how that would weigh on them), but we see how Sectonia and Max would react to their loved ones' deaths instead of the other way around, and they'd likely be absolutely brutal.
Just to indulge in the "how's" for a bit in how they'd be saved, if Max got somehow had his memories restored and he was OK and everything during the Star Dream battle, but Susie was already gone, at that point I can only imagine Max just running to the computer's core and trying to blow it up both out of anger and out of feeling like there was nothing left to live for. I mean, he sacrificed years of his life, his mind, his morality, his memories, and almost his very soul to bring back his daughter, and not only was he too far gone to know that she had returned, but once he was back in his right mind, his beloved daughter had died saving him and his soul from what he had become. But as for him surviving, becoming friends with Kirby, and trying to move on from his child's death, I could see him empathizing with Hyness in the jdphobe fic, and how both of them got corrupted and had their daughter die in the ensuing mess.
Meanwhile for Sectonia, whenever Kirby does purify her, I imagine that she'd immediately start searching for Taranza in hopes that he survived, as she still knows that she blasted him. (In fact, you could very well have her true self start to regain control the moment she zaps him as she realizes how bad she's gotten.) But then she finds his corpse, and I could imagine that either Kirby would have to hold her back from jumping into the abyss or that she'd be clinging onto his body in hysterics incapable of believing that "she" killed her best friend who had never given up on her, even if it wasn't really her in control. Maybe Kirby, who hadn't yet seen a tragedy like this and also may or may not even know about the corruption, tries to comfort her by telling her that Taranza had likely long wanted her to be free from the Mirror's corruption, but Sectonia would still be devastated by how her beloved Taranza had died by technically her own hand, even if she wasn't in control of herself. Heck, considering both her grief and guilt from both Taranza's death and all the chaos she caused, I doubt Sectonia would want to keep ruling Floralia even if she were allowed to. From there, she likely sympathizes with Max and Hyness and the two Mages over their losses. But I especially see her becoming close grieving buddies with Leon and them bonding over being royals who not only narrowly survived getting corrupted, but killed their lovers while they were out of control.
Just felt like these ideas were too fascinating to leave to rot in those comments.
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kachikirby · 6 months
Made with Love
Because it's Meta Knight's birthday, I'm doing another Metaccine drabble.
Today was Meta Knight's birthday and his wife and children were excited. Their father had gone out of the house to meet for a birthday lunch with the crewmates of the Halberd for the occasion, something that would likely take a few hours. Of course, this gave them plenty of time to prepare their own celebration, and that was their reason for being in the kitchen right now.
"Alright, everyone, here's what we're gonna do. We're gonna split in to two groups: Kirby will be with me and Sieg and Freya will work together. Kirby and I will work on dinner and you two will work on dessert, do you understand?"
Fettuccine got three nods in response.
"Good! Let's get to work!"
The twins went off to do their own work as Kirby walked over to Fettuccine, already inhaling a frying pan to gain the Cook Ability.
"So, mom what are we gonna make?" The pink puff asked, clearly excited for whatever was planned, making Fettuccine giggle.
"Well, I decided we should make one of his favorites, of course! Chicken parmesan!"
The child's eyes lit up. "Oh! Thats a great idea! Oh, but wouldn't just chicken and spaghetti be a bit too little? We should add other things like maybe a big bowl of salad! Oh, oh, oh, and truffle fries! Or a fruit salad for color! A whole loaf of garlic bread! No, wait, maybe mix some seafood in the noodles-"
"Alright, Kirbo, calm down! While the garlic bread does sound like a good idea, I think it'd be a bit too much to add all those other things. You want him to have room for dessert, right?"
"He'll have plenty of room for it!"
"You know what I mean. It won't be fair to Sieg and Freya if we make a whole bunch of things for him."
Kirby paused, as if to think. "Oh, that's right! Well, we can get it done in a jiffy!"
"Yes, but remember, just the chicken parmesan, the noodles and sauce, and the garlic bread. Nothing else." Fettuccine replied, making herself clear.
"Ok, mom!"
* * *
On the other side of the kitchen, Sieg and Freya were in a bit of a standoff, handwritten lists clutched tightly in their nubs.
"I think we should make a chocolate cake!" Sieg said.
"We should make a chocolate ice cream sundae!" His sister replied.
"Dad has sundaes every day!"
"He also has chocolate cake every day!"
"No, he has chocolate... um... fandant!"
"That's the same thing!"
"No, it's not!"
"Siegy, Fre-fre, I would appreciate it if you didn't argue with each other." Fettuccine said, looking over at them, causing them to immediately stop.
Sieg rubbed his head, as if trying to think of what to do as Freya shifted her weight to think about her own answer.
Suddenly, the daughter spoke. "Um... I know dad likes both sweets and chocolate..."
"So, um... maybe we can both make something for him?"
"We are gonna make something. though!"
"No, no! I meant we should make our own things for him! He loves both so why should we choose?"
Sieg looked up as if thinking and then turned to Fettuccine.
"Mom, is it fine if we both make one dessert for dad?"
"Go ahead! I don't see why not!"
"Wait, how comes they get to make multiple things!?" Kirby asked with a pout.
"Because we're already doing chicken parmesan and garlic bread, and those are two things. Plus, we're technically doing three things if you count the spaghetti with the chicken parmesan meal."
Kirby seemed to pout even more, as if he couldn't deny that statement, making both Fettuccine and the twins laugh.
* * *
A few hours later, Meta Knight walked into the house, looking a bit tired as he fell onto the sofa. As he let out a long sigh, he felt someone plop next to him and pick him up in a hug.
"Welcome home, Metty!" Fettuccine exclaimed.
Almost instantly, it felt like that was enough to give him his energy back, and he gave a kiss to his wife.
"I'm glad to be home, my bunny." He smiled.
"I know you are, honey. I hope you had a wonderful little birthday party with the others~."
Meta seemed to sigh, drawing a bit of concern from his wife. "Well... it was mostly fine until Dedede and some of his Waddle Dees decided to crash it while complaining about how he wasn't invited and how we could've used his castle for a giant party but we didn't."
Fettuccine seemed to pout. "Well maybe I should go talk to him..."
"It'll be fine. I said we're going to have Sieg and Freya's birthday at his castle this year. Besides, he also wanted to give me a gift..."
"Well, what is it?" Fettuccine asked.
With a blank expression on his face, Meta pulled out a hammer with a ribbon tied around it.
"…he gave you a hammer?"
"He did."
"It's how he expresses his friendship. It's the thought that counts, I suppose."
Fettuccine nodded in response. "Well, that makes sense. Are you ready to have your birthday dinner? We spent the whole day making it!"
"Yes, I'm quite looking forward to it."
What Fettuccine didn't say was that Sieg and Freya were still putting the finishing touches on their desserts and that was why they didn't come to greet them. However, her husband seemed to understand that, and that was why he happily sat at the table.
"First is dinner, made by me and Kirby!"
Upon saying that, the pink puff walked out of the kitchen holding a plate full of chicken parmesan with a heaping side of pasta and a piece of garlic bread.
"Happy birthday, dad! I wanted to give you more than just this, but mom said it would be too much food, so I had to cut down on it."
Meta chuckled in response to that. "I appreciate the thought, but I do understand why she'd say that. Anyway, thank you for the food, I'm sure it will be delicious."
* * *
After finishing his dinner, he turned to Fettuccine and Kirby.
"Well, what did you think?"
"It was delicious, of course. I had no doubts about your cooking."
Both of them smiled, with Kirby tackling his father with a hug.
"I'm so glad you loved it! Happy birthday!"
"Yes, thank you, Kirby."
"But that's not the only thing, Metty. You also have dessert to eat."
Fettuccine walked into the kitchen for a moment and then followed Sieg and Freya out. The twins carried out two things, one was what appeared to be a plate of chocolate cake and the other appeared to be a giant chocolate ice cream sundae. Meta Knight hid his confusion and concern for what he was getting, willing to stomach down this meal for the sake of his children.
"Happy birthday, dad! We made these for you!" They both exclaimed with a hug.
"Thank you, Sieg, Freya." He then looked at the desserts. "Not that I'm unappreciative of it, but is there any reason why there's two dishes?"
"Um... we both had ideas of what we wanted to do but we couldn't decide..." Freya explained.
"We didn't wanna cheat and use the Cook Ability, so we did our best on our own..."
Her father nodded and then looked at both the dishes. The chocolate cake looked uneven and was covered in a mountain of frosting and occasional sprinkles. There was a message on it, but it was barely legible. For the sundae, it looked a bit neater, but at the same time it was also extremely messy, with a lot of its toppings starting to settle in the bottom of the giant bowl. Of course, there was chocolate ice cream and fudge, but there also was a notable coffee scent lingering near the bottom. Speaking of the bottom, there were brownie bites and chocolate chips starting to pile up there and the whipped cream was starting to slide to the bottom of the bowl. Honestly, he didn't know how to feel about them.
"I'm going to have the ice cream first because I know it'll melt if I let it sit out." Meta said, making it clear to Sieg that there was no favoritism involved.
The twins nodded and Meta took a bite of the sundae. Almost instantly, he was shocked! Quickly, he tried Sieg's dish and he was reeling from it. Not because they were bad, but quite the opposite! They were delicious!
"Fetty, try this!" Meta exclaimed, allowing his wife to have a bite.
Fettuccine tried a bite of the sundae, and she was blown away enough to try the cake, only to get the same reaction. "You both made these without the Cook Ability?!"
"Uh-huh!" Both twins nodded.
Meta stared for a moment and then stooped down to Sieg and Freya's level before giving them a hug.
"It's wonderful. Thank you so much." He uttered in a gentle voice and his heart melted when he saw their sparkling eyes in response to that. Almost instantly, he felt them tackle him while in his arms.
"Happy birthday, dad!"
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Headcanon assortment (pt. 2)
Long hcs edition
-Kirby basically threatened Daroach to get him to join the Star Allies, is the only Star Ally that he has had to beg him to join; not even DMK or Marx gave him that much hassle.
-Dark Mind created Dark Taranza as a sort of replacement for Taranza once he managed to bring Sectonia into his world. But now that Sectonia is burning in hell™ he's stuck with an annoying and mean version of Taranza.
-There's a running gag on Commander Doo's army in which all the Dees and some of the Doos just seem to be getting younger and younger to the point there's literal babies being trained to serve and protect the king.
-When the animal friends separated, Gooey blamed himself for the longest time. He thought that if he endured more of Chuchu's verbal abuse none of it would've happened. Eventually accepting it wasn't his fault and the Chuchu needed to change.
-Meta Knight didn't like Dedede up until Mass Attack. He considered DDD to be a huge fool not apt for ruling. MK even tried to overthrow him once (hence the events of Revenge of Meta Knight). They eventually made ammends and now they have a good friendship.
-Sword, Blade and MK didn't work for Dedede until the end of the anime. They just hanged around the castle because nobody cared enough to stop them. One day, Escargoon snapped and hired them in a fit of anger under the premise of "If they are going to be fucking around they better be useful".
-The reason why Dedede and Meta Knight knew about Dark Nebula being enclosed in the chest is because many, many years ago, even BEFORE Dedede was born, Dark Nebula attempted an invasion towards the kingdom, but was promptly stopped by the then King and Queen and enclosed in a chest that had an extra magic seal. The King and the Queen told Dedede, DDD told Meta Knight about what the chest contained and the rest is history...
-During their conquer on Ripple Star. Miracle Matter and Zero Two alike, tortured and eliminated a lot of fairies and other inhabitants, specially Miracle Matter since Zero Two was busy building Dark Star. The number of fairies gone due to them is largely unknown, not even Miracle Matter and Zero Two are sure of the numbers.
-Regarding the last sentence, Zero Two is even more unsure than Miracle Matter in matters of figures, since he wasn't there all the time, but he's sure that they wiped quite a bunch of fairies, at least 1/8th of the population but as both of them are not sure, they leave it at an open question.
-Usually the three mage sisters are pretty close to each other. After the whole ordeal with Hyness and Void; Zan, Fran and Flame were given a third chance to live, Fran and Flame had been wanting to re-do their lives away from the cult. Zan on the other hand, is more reluctant to leave, and this has caused friction among them. So while the other two still love Zan, they had to take distance if they want to actually get to their freedom.
-Dark Matter (the element) has always been there ever since the creation of the known universe, but didn't have anyone who can personify it for billions of years. Zero basically created himself by sheer force of will, and boy did it take him a while... Considering how big he is and that basically he created himself by himself is no surprise how in spite of Dark Matter's long-living presence he is not as old as his own element.
-After their respective game events, Taranza and Susie went to live in Dreamland to reconsider some stuff and begin a new life. Both were deeply depressed. Taranza was the first one in approaching Susie and so they eventually took solace in each other's presences until they got better.
-Puffballs (or Puffs as in human form) come in several types of them: Puffballs with copy abilities (no horns nor wings), Puffballs with copy abilities (horns but no wings and viceversa), Puffaballs with copy abilities (Wings and horns), Puffballs without copy abilities (horns but no wings and viceversa), Puffballs without copy abilities (with horns and wings) and lastly, Puffballs with absolutely nothing "special" on them (no copy abilities, no horns nor wings).
-Regarding the last hc, all of these puffs have varying degress of rarity: Puffs with copy abilities (no horns nor wings): VERY COMMON. Puffs with copy abilities (horns but no wings and viceversa): UNCOMMON (horns no wings) COMMON (wings no horns). Puffs with copy abilities (horns and wings): RARE. Puffs without copy abilities (horns but no wings and viceversa): UNCOMMON (horns but no wings) VERY COMMON (wings but no horns) Puffs without copy abilities (with horns and wings): COMMON. Puffs with absolutely nothing (no copy abilities, no horns nor wings): RARE.
-When Kirby presented Gooey to his other friends, he met Adeleine and crushed on her since day one. Gooey confessed his feelings without much hopes, as feared, Adeleine didn't return the feelings. Gooey felt pretty awkward afterwards but never hoarded any hard feeling towards Adeleine (same with her).
-Almost all of the Star Allies have beef with someone: Marx has beef with Kine. Adeleine and Ribbon have beef with Zan. Meta Knight has beef with Magolor and Susie. Francisca has beef with DMK (actually DMK has beef with nearly everyone). Zan and Fran have beef with Susie. They just keep their act together because (most of) them like and have connections with Kirby in common.
-When in contact with light-based weapons (rainbow sword, star rod, crystal shard weapon, etc.) Dark Matters often suffer from an allergy sort of reaction to these objects including: Burning sensation, blisters, sores and even burn marks (when the weapon is used against them). Some Dark Matters seem more affected by the contact of these weapons than others. (Think of a vampire when exposed to a cross)
-No re-incarnation form of Void Termina is 100% pure of certain energy (positive or negative) the dark is tainted with light and viceversa. (Energy cross contamination is very common) Only Void is capable of being pure, untainted energy. With that being said:
-Currently, the purest you can get with negative energy is at a 95%, with Zero being the closest to pure negative energy. Then, the other two leaders: Zero Two (90%) and Miracle Matter (93%) and rest of the drones (65% or more). Gooey and Blob (55% and 60% in that order) being the only ones with significantly less than required to be a Dark Matter, so they are an hybrid.
-Now Kirby, he is about 97% pure positive energy, thefore he's the closest to Void. The vast majority of the other population (60% or more) follow an average of 70% of positive energy. Reaching more than 88% in positive energy is a rare occurrence and such people are destined to be Star Warriors (for some reason, this seems very biased towards the puff race).
-Talking about Void, Void takes whatever shape of the energy he's given at the moment. This means, during the Star Allies events with the whole Hyness and the Three Sisters mess, given with the purpose which Hyness was praying for (Destruction of worlds). Void was filled and influenced with Negative energy (and four human sacrifices) and took the shape of a World Terminator because of Hyness' nihilist wishes.
-On the other hand, now that Kirby managed to modify and break through Void's initial negative construction, Void was given positive energy strong enough to make sure he wasn't gonna be broken through people like Hyness again. Leaving that aside, Void is an extremely powerful, pure elemental form (basically a big bang-like personification) and therefore pretty unstable. So he's zealously kept under strict vigilance by Morpho Knight and Star Dream ("wish" granter).
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krikeymate · 1 year
Yess! Thank you for the delicious angst. I feel like we need so,e Tara hurt and comfort after the attack with Sam panicking holding Tara’s hand in the back of the ambulance, the video of the attack going viral. Core four at the hospital. Kirby adapting into her angry protective form and tracking down the assholes who did this, Gale going out her way to cover up the video of tara getting hurt, protecting Tara and Sam and preventing her traumatic moment constantly in her face.
Part 1.
They take Tara away. Sam begs them not to, but the police officer holds her back. It makes her panic, she begins to struggle in his grip, and one of the paramedics makes him let go. She still won't let her see her sister, standing in Sam's way and putting her hands on her shoulders. She tells her to calm down and to breathe, but how can she breathe if she doesn't know if Tara is alright?
Sam doesn't calm down, and the paramedic shares a nod with the officer, then there's a hand on her back and a prick on her arm, and then things begin to feel a little blurry. She sags forward, legs unstable, and the officer hurries forward to grab her under her arms.
"It's going to be alright ma'am," he reassures her, "your sister is in good hands." He sounds young, naive, like the world hasn't broken him yet. "I'm sorry about all this, but we just need you to calm down. You were getting in the paramedics' way. I'm gonna sit you down in the back of my car here, and we'll wait for you to calm down a bit, and then we'll take your statement, yeah? Then I'll take you straight up to see your sister, how's that sound?"
"Fuck you," Sam mutters, scowling. The officer doesn't take it to heart, giving a cheery "alrighty then," and helping her to the backseat of the squad car.
They didn't get what they wanted. There was no confession, they didn't even have a chance to fight back and make themselves look bad. It was pathetic really, maybe they shouldn't have gone in so hard. They should have thought about it really. The footage just makes them out to be the aggressors, the bad guys, harassing and attacking two girls. This won't get them what they want. Some of his brothers and sisters are already expressing doubts. They're weak-willed, convinced by a few fake tears. He'll need to remind them of what they've done.
They thought they could get a confession from the little sister, but it's clear she's been brainwashed, she'll never say a word against her sister. Or maybe she's scared, maybe the others are right, maybe all they need to do is get her away from her. Then the truth can be revealed.
Someone leaks the footage, too disturbed by what they saw. This wasn't what they signed up for.
Gale's just settled down for a long night of editing when the video crosses her feed (she wasn't procrastinating... just, taking a break). Her phone is in her hands within seconds of it starting, ringing and ringing and going straight to voicemail. She can't get hold of either of the girls. The twins it is.
They say they're on their way to the hospital, they don't know what happened, just that Sam called them from the back of a police car, asked them to meet her there.
Gale tells her that she'll join them. She calls Kirby on the way.
Sam doesn't explain anything to the crowd of her family, leaving an overwhelmed police offer behind. He'd only wanted to check on the girl, to make sure she was ok. He was new to the job, fresh out of the academy when things went down a month ago. It stuck with him. Now Detective Reed is grilling him. She's more than a foot shorter, and so much more terrifying than anyone he's come across.
While Sam's been stuck narrating the events for a statement, Tara's been in surgery. She had internal bleeding, the doctor tells her, but that it's all been fixed and she'll be right as rain. Oh, and also she has a grade 3 concussion. She'll probably be confused, he says. She may even have some memory loss, he says. He says a lot of things, but Sam can't focus on any of it, too busy taking in the sight of her baby sister, battered and bruised on the hospital bed, through the window.
He finally stops talking and Sam gets to enter the dark room. The blinds are drawn, and she's careful to shut the door quietly, despite her urgent need to be at her side.
"Hey," Sam whispers, pulling up a chair and perching on the edge. She takes Tara's hand, watches as her head flops on the pillow towards her.
"Sammy," she murmurs, smiling tiredly at her. "Missed you."
"I missed you too, sweetheart," Sam replies, her heart breaking in two. She lifts her free hand to Tara's face, to stroke along her cheek, and push her hair behind her ear, desperate to provide any small pieces of comfort she can. "How are you feeling?" It feels like a stupid question.
"Mmm ok," she mumbles, "sore. Better now that you're here."
"I am here, I'm sorry it took so long babygirl, I wanted to be here."
"I know."
Tara's eyes are beginning to droop, her blinks becoming longer. "You can sleep sweetheart, I'll be right here, no one is going to get to you, I promise."
"I know."
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halfamask · 5 months
Ok final Mokuba + Serenity for today bc now I’m thinking about him coming over to the Wheeler’s. I’m headcannoning that Joey and Serenity just have an apartment together once he gets a job and she just lives with him while she does school
Mokuba does Not go to Serenity’s for school stuff it’s just that one day Joey tells her he’s having Yugi, Tea, and Tristan over in the evening and she asks if she can invite Mokuba and for a second he’s like “a Kaiba?? In MY home??” But she’s his sis and Mokuba’s chiller than Seto so he says yes.
So Mokuba randomly gets a text mid-afternoon inviting him over and he lowkey freaks out bc he’s Mokuba Kaiba and he’s never actually been invited to a friend’s place before and what does he do what does he wear and should he bring anything?
He settles on an outfit that she picked for him at the mall once and has their chef pack up pastries to bring over as a host gift bc he is a nice, polite, well mannered boy and Seto raised him Right. And even if his brother has a blind spot of rage for Joey Wheeler, Mokuba does not.
He goes over kinda nervous because he’s never really socially met anyone there except Serenity but Yugi’s the one who opens the door and he’s so earnestly happy to see him that Mokuba feels at ease immediately. If Tristan and Joey were wary at first it’s gone by the time they spot and eat the pastries (the Kaiba’s pastry chef is very good) and Tea never disliked him so she includes him immediately too.
They all just basically play games and Mokuba discovers the world beyond Duel Monsters. He gets really into Just Dance with Serenity and Tea and Joey and Tristan put him onto FIFA (of course they’re fifa bros). They teach him to play Smash and he loses awfully to Serenity playing Kirby (she’s absolutely a Kirby or Princess Peach player) Mokuba changes characters every round before eventually settling on Link. He loses Smash to everyone except Tea who’s admittedly not very good at it.
The night is mostly video games and sodas and pizza delivery and he’s just so happy because he never really envisioned being part of something like this you know? And he thinks he could spend forever on this couch, holding Serenity’s Kuriboh plushie in his lap and laughing with her as Tristan and Joey yell at each other about their Smash game.
He is, however, very much like thirteen or fourteen years old and has had more excitement and sugar in a day than he knows what to do with and eventually crashes on the Wheeler’s couch. Yugi’s planning on sleeping over but by the time Tristan and Tea leave, Serenity��s also conked out on an armchair which leaves Joey in the unfortunate position of having to call Seto on her phone to pick his kid brother up.
Which leads to this wonderful exchange:
Seto, respectfully and amicably: Hello, Serenity?
Joey: no it’s me
Seto, audibly less respectfully and amicably: What do you want, Wheeler
Joey: come get ur kid he’s passed out on my couch cuddling my I mean my sister’s Kuriboh plushie
Seto: damnit fine *hangs up before he can get the address but he’s tracking Mokuba’s location anyway so whatever*
Seto has to stop himself from making barbs about Joey and Serenity’s relatively small apartment (yk, compared to his mansion) mostly because he doesn’t want Serenity to hear. Atem has found some reason to take over Yugi’s body while Joey and Seto wake up their respective siblings.
Serenity and Mokuba are fully leaning all their weight on their big brothers as they all walk to the front door to see Seto and Mokuba out. Mokuba’s really cheerful as he thanks Serenity and Joey for the invite and Seto’s not so subtly eye fucking I mean glaring at Atem and making barbs about how he must’ve been too scared to duel if he spent this whole time playing stupid children’s games on the console (my dear seto duel monsters is also a children’s game but it’s ok I love you still)
But really despite all the barbs at Joey at the end of the day they’re just two dudes rapidly losing the ability to drag their ever growing little siblings’ full weight. And Serenity is sleepily saying bye and trying her hardest to lift her head from Joey’s shoulder and Mokuba has a tired smile on his face as he gets his shoes on and makes no pretense about falling right back asleep on Seto once they’re in the car. And at the end of the day, isn’t this all they’ve ever wanted?
(Also it’s cute to think about Mokuba “kidnapped every other season” Kaiba trusting people other than his brother enough to fall asleep around)
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desultory-novice · 1 year
Meta Knight would be a hard knocks mentor, wouldn't he? Especially when Noir is someone a lot more sharp and aware than Kirby, who he already trains by sending waves of hostile knights at betweenchonor duels. He also has that darkness and pain in him that I sense Meta Knight knows all too well. Well enough that he sure doesn't get the (relative) kid gloves Kirby gets.
Oh god, yes! If that's how Meta Knight trains Kirby - and this is mostly to keep Kirby ready in case of disaster and prepare them for their destiny (we assume...?) - then training Noir, an angst-ridden, self-destructive teen who is about five seconds from throwing himself off the nearest bridge on a good day, is definitely going to have Meta Knight use the "break you down and rebuild you from scratch" style of teaching. Which, frankly, Noir could probably use.
[Cont'd + Other Apologies Asks]
His life undeniably took a major turn for the worse after that fateful exhibition trip, but his cup runneth over with deeply suppressed stresses long before then. He's in desperate need of a mentor to help him escape his dangerous mental trappings of "...ensuring Adeleine's happiness and safety is all I have to live for."
It would not be fast. I'm pretty sure he's starting this new life out at negative levels of self-worth, and white-haired Noir still has unsettled issues in regards to Dark Matter, Adeleine's fate, and the New World project, but he's not a hopeless case either. The Rainbow Sword wouldn't have chosen him if he was.
...And for Meta Knight, who almost certainly has his own grimdark past, I can only imagine there's something very personal at stake for him to save this particular life: chosen by a magical sword during his darkest hour, everyone he loved and cared about dead, close associations with the powers of darkness and looks a little like a monster? Yeah, I'd say Meta Knight sees a bit of himself in Noir. And we know how hard Meta Knight is on himself...!
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Yes, yes, yes! All this exactly!
Noir is incredibly awkward around her at first. Not trusting himself. Not ready to open up that wound. But Ribbon, like Adeleine, is a strong girl. She doesn't balk from Noir's stand-offishness.
The first time he cries in front of her (and he cries so much more easily now. He hates it. He'd never cried in front of Adeleine, no matter how hard things got...) it is unexpected. He checks their map and checklist, assuming aloud that Kirby drew it. 
When Kirby says it was actually Ribbon who drew it (1) and she giggles that she thinks drawing is fun, he breaks down so hard even Dedede puts down his meal to give him a soothing pat on the back.
...Once Noir slips down to a reachable height, because, of course, he still dwarfs the lot of them. Kirby is about the size of a throw pillow to him. But that probably makes him all the more huggable. Noir ought to learn to give Kirby more hugs.
(1) Thanks to Driftwood for the Ribbon's drawing idea
Oh, one thing worth mentioning while we're talking about white-haired Noir and friendships with the Dream Landers...
Unlike regular Noir/Dark Matter Swordsman, this Noir has a very strained and awkward relationship with Gooey. Noir has fear and trauma related to Dark Matter, and Gooey being a cutesy, innocent, happy Dark Matter that is still very clearly some kind of eldrirtch creature unsettles him for a variety of reasons.
He just can't bridge the gap between that and what happened to his sister. Sometimes it makes him wish...for something that didn't happen. Other times it makes him afraid for what could have been. He does his best to be kind but... it's hard for him.
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Then I have done my job!!
I love Elfilin. Adore them! And I can admit that Fecto Elfilis has a very lovely design that makes one potentially want to sympathize with and humanize them and do cute things with them. But Fecto Elfilis also attempted to destroy TWO planets solely to kill Kirby. 
And Fecto Forgo is that same Elfilis only devoid of their mercy, their sympathy, their compassion, their joy.
It was humans who drove Forgo crazy, yes. But not every individual human participated in their torture. Yet Forgo has never once shied away from taking their wrath out on everyone they can get their hands on.
Forgo forced Leongar to put his tribe to work kidnapping creatures they could work to death in the labs. Forgo went on to shatter Leongar's soul to try and render him dead for good upon their loss.
Hyness told Zan to kill him if he ever went too far. Even Star Dream, being a computer, can be said to have sought the eradication of all life without malice! Forgo's situation is pitiable. Their actions, especially in the Apologies universe, are not.
(Nice use of green font, btw!)
Random aside:
It is only now, as I head into the end of the Shiver Star arc of the Apologies AU that I remember the classic 80s vampire movie The Lost Boys. And I suddenly realize that Noir's transformation is very old-school vampire-coded. (IE: back when becoming a vampire was treated as frightening and bad, not cool.)
:puts "Cry Little Sister" on loop:
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elaraskirbyart · 1 year
I would love to hear more about your Kirby AU
And I would love to tell you about my Kirby AU!
At its root, it’s a simple future AU…and it doesn’t really get more complex than that :/
For the sake of simplicity, I’m going to start with the 6 characters I’ve drawn already:
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Kirby has been training for years, and is finally a knight! His official title is Sir Strawberry Knight, and, while he doesn’t specialize in any one weapon, his current one is a dagger.
Kirby is still the same ball of love and sunshine that we know and love! He believes that anyone and everyone can be a friend or at least redeemed, no matter what.
The most intriguing (and most irrelevant to the plot) part of Kirby’s design is his wings. They have a feathery texture, but they…aren’t feathers. Honestly, I have no idea what they could possibly be made of. Also, they are HUGE. Just absolutely, ridiculously, MASSIVE.
Ironically, Kirby isn’t very good at flying and prefers to ride his warp star.
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Meta Knight is one of Kirby’s two mentors. Other than that, he isn’t much different from his canon counterpart.
Meta’s been a little on edge lately…he’ll be fine, I’m sure
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Explaining how Galacta Knight showed up is kind of difficult, so here’s the rough explanation:
After Morpho’s defeat in the Forgotten Land, they couldn’t maintain their hold on Galacta’s soul, releasing him. He eventually showed up in Dream Land a few days later, which (of course) created a lot of panic until Kirby showed up and got things under control.
Galacta is technically retired and doesn’t work as a knight, but he occasionally helps Kirby deal with all of Dream Land’s problems. He is also the second of Kirby’s two mentors.
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Gooey and Sword are a very unique pair, for sure.
Their relationship is incredibly complex; roughly mixed between a siblings and apprentice/mentor dynamic.
They aren’t going to be important until later in the story. All you need to know is that Sword is still figuring out emotions and Gooey refuses to be more than 10 feet from his sister at any given time.
I am writing a fanfiction series (my first!!) for this AU; chapter 1 should be on ao3 any day now :>
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etes-secrecy-post · 11 months
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Hi, before I explain my post, I want to say something important.
• What you see my blog has become a major overhaul. And despite the changes, I decided that my 2nd account will be now my artwork blog with a secret twist.
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Okay? Capiche? Make sense? Good, now back to the post…↓
Title: My Kirby OC - PopiKir (Popii Kirby)
Hello, my trusted friends! I introduce to you, PopiKir 🩷⭐ (or Popii Kirby)! The newest member of my OC collection, and this is my 2nd Kirby OC I made, since 2008 debut! 😀
BTW: I was gonna called her "PapiKir" (or Papii Kirby), but the name doesn't fit her. "Popi" or "Popii" is a neat fitting name for her, considering the name was based on the 2000s Anime, that I won't mentioned. (Sorry, its now my privacy. So, hope you'll understand.)
• PopiKir was a same alien species as him, she's part of the warrior of their planet (that we all know in the Kirby universe) as an army, along side with him. Not only that, her hobbies are very skillful like cleaning (chores), and cooking all by herself. The latter was her passion, and hopefully she'll be a successful chef on the planet.
PopiKir 🩷⭐: Right! It is a pleasure to meet you all. I'm PopiKir, and I'm MuruKir's twin sister! 😀
MuruKir 🔵⭐: Sorry for the delay, folks! I was spending time, with my long lost twin sister from the fictional planet. 😊
PopiKir 🩷⭐: Yup, me and my twin brother we're used to be warriors of our planet, and the occupation still in our hands today. Also, our planet was filled with wonderful creatures adopted from earth, such as bunnies! That's why I'm always wearing it. 🥰🐰🤗
MuruKir 🔵⭐: She always loves bunnies, I would say. 😊
PopiKir 🩷⭐: Yeah. Did you know, that I love cooking, too? I had a passion for cooking, though! 🧑‍🍳🍴🍝
MuruKir 🔵⭐: Ah yes, she loves cooking, and she nails every single instructions from the recipe without a single mistake. 😀
PopiKir 🩷⭐: I promised you, with my chef skills you'll be surprised with my dishes. 😉 Plus, when I'm done cooking, I'll clean the mess around and used my trusty special cleaning tool to finish the job. 🧹🧴
MuruKir 🔵⭐: Aw yeah, you always clean the house all by yourself, right? 🙂
PopiKir 🩷⭐: I sure did, but sometimes I need a helping hand like you, twin bro. But mostly, I can handle myself. 😉 And my "trusty special cleaning tool", its not just your ordinary cleaning tool, though. So, you might meet my special tool, very soon. 😊 For now, our creator had published my normal reference sheet, so thank you so much. ☺
Me 🇵🇭: No problem. 😊
MuruKir 🔵⭐: C'mon, let's go meet some of my friends. I hope you like it. 😀
PopiKir 🩷⭐: Delightful! Let's go. 😄
--- Meet with the Speedsters family ---
MuruKir 🔵⭐: Everyone. This is PopiKir! My twin sister! Popi, meet the Speedster family. The kids: Spot 🐶🏎️, Riya 🐰🏎️, Miya 🐰🐻🔋, and Aace 🐶🐺⭐. And their parents: Bonn 🐰🚹 and Rita 🐶🚺. 🙂
PopiKir 🩷⭐: Hello, Speedsters! 👋😄
Spot 🐶🏎️: Wow, man. We never knew, that you have a twin, like us. 😀
MuruKir 🔵⭐: Yeah, she's still served as an army of our planet. But now, since she's been released, my twin sis can go whatever she wants. 😄
Spot 🐶🏎️: Awesome! 😄
Riya 🐰🏎️: Hi, PopiKir! You're adorable with that bunny hat! 😊
Miya 🐰🐻🔋: Yay, another happy bunny, that we join us! Eyo, PopiKir! 😄
PopiKir 🩷⭐: Why, thank you! You two are bunnies, too! 😄
Aace 🐶🐺⭐: Paw-llo-, PopiKir! Welcome to our crib! We're Speedsters cousins; Aace and Miya! 😄
Miya 🐰🐻🔋: Yeah-yuh! You tell it, Aace! 😄
PopiKir 🩷⭐: Hello, you're huge adorable canine! I love your star theme attire. It reminds me of my planet, that me and my twin bro lived.
Aace 🐶🐺⭐: Thank yew (you), PopiKiw (PopiKir)! 😊
PopiKir 🩷⭐: You always say that, incorrectly? 😅
Miya 🐰🐻🔋: Don't worry, that's part of his family blood. He always talks like that, right cous!? 😊
Aace 🐶🐺⭐: Uhuh, uhuh! We could have some fwun (fun) together! 😄
PopiKir 🩷⭐: Delightful! 😄 Hi, Spot! 👋😄
Spot 🐶🏎️: Nice to meet ya, PopiKir! Me and Riya we're twins, like you two! 🙂
PopiKir 🩷⭐: Awww, you and I we're a lot in common, Spot! 😊
Spot 🐶🏎️: It sure is! And these are my parents, Bonn and Rita! 😄
Bonn 🐰🚹: Hello! 👋😄
Rita 🐶🚺: Kamusta, PopiKir! 👋😄 That's "Hello", in my home country, by the way. 😊
PopiKir 🩷⭐: I see, greetings! Thanks for the heads up, Speedster's parents.😊
Bonn 🐰🚹: Call us, Mr. and Ms. Speedster, PopiKir. 😊
Rita 🐶🚺: Tama (correct), that's the proper way to say if you contact with the adult citizen. 😊
PopiKir 🩷⭐: Noted! Thank you, Mr. and Ms. Speedster. 🙂👍
Rita 🐶🚺: Walang problema, and you look cute, by the way. 😊
Bonn 🐰🚹: She means "No problem" in her country. 🙂
Rita 🐶🚺: Please, excuse us. We're having our own private meeting, okay? Mga bata (kids), you take care of our new guest.🙂
The Speedster kids: Okay! 😄
PopiKir 🩷⭐: Okay, bye. Is she always said that unique words? 🤔
Riya 🐰🏎️: Yes, ma'am! My mom always says that, in a Tagalog language. 😄
Miya 🐰🐻🔋: The Philippine language of the aforementioned country. 🇵🇭😁
MuruKir 🔵⭐: Indeed, it is. 🙂
PopiKir 🩷⭐: I see, I see. *nod* 😊
MuruKir 🔵⭐: Say, we're gonna go to meet Cude and Mayu. C'mon, twin. Follow me. 😊
PopiKir 🩷⭐: There's more? Okay, then. See ya, Speedster kids! 👋😄
Spot 🐶🏎️ and Aace 🐶🐺⭐: Bye, PopiKir! 👋😄
Riya 🐰🏎️: See ya, PopiKir. It's been nice to meet ya. 😊
Miya 🐰🐻🔋: See ya later, new bun-madre! You're always welcome to our crib! 👋😄
PopiKir 🩷⭐: I will, thank you. See ya! 👋😄
--- Meet with Cude and Mayu (with their Haros) ---
MuruKir 🔵⭐: Cude 🐰🤖, Mayu 🐇✨, Haros! Meet my twin sister, PopiKir! 😊
PopiKir 🩷⭐: Nice to meet you! 👋😊
Cude 🐰🤖: Hello, PopiKir! 👋😄
Mayu 🐇✨: Ah, salutations, MuruKir's twin sister. 😊 It's a pleasure to meet you, as well. 😊🤝
PopiKir 🩷⭐: Its a honor to meet you, Mayu. 😊
Mayu 🐇✨: Are you the same planet as your twin? 🙂
PopiKir 🩷⭐: Yes, you? 🙂
Mayu 🐇✨: I came from a different planet, with a different universe. But, I ended up on this wonderful mother terrarium orb, called "Earth". 🌏😊
PopiKir 🩷⭐: Ooow, so you're a different species from your former planet? 😮
Mayu 🐇✨: Indeed, it is. 😊 Plus, I cast magic that related to science and interstellar powers. 😉
PopiKir 🩷⭐: Wow, interesting. 😮 What about you, Cude?
Cude 🐰🤖: I'm a current army of the "Cuteness Defender Academy", and I inherited from my parents, who are now at my home with caretakers. 🙂
PopiKir 🩷⭐: You're from a different army? Nice! How was it? 😃
Cude 🐰🤖: A-Okay, but I can't say about my war experience. Sorry. 😅
PopiKir 🩷⭐: Understandable. 😊
Cude 🐰🤖: Ooo... And here are our Haros, say hello to our new friend, PopiKir! 😄
Cude and Mayu's Haros 🤖: Hello! Hello! Haro! Haro! 👋😄
PopiKir 🩷⭐: Nice to meet you! How adorable robots! 😊 How long you two met?
Mayu 🐇✨: A year ago after I landed on Earth's soil. 😊
Cude 🐰🤖: I'll spare the details when someone plan a story on how we met. Right, Mayu? 😉
Mayu 🐇✨: Absolutely.😊
MuruKir 🔵⭐: Yeah, you three seem a nice chat. 🙂 Hey, I think we should bring out something to eat a light food?
PopiKir 🩷⭐: Great idea. 😃
Cude 🐰🤖: We have tea and cupcakes. 🍵🧁🙂
Mayu 🐇✨: Ah yes, we have those. Cude, bring it in, please. 😊
Cude 🐰🤖: Yes, ma'am. 😊
*MuruKir and PopiKir are ended up here at Mayu's house, and their chat continues*
Well, that's all for now. More PopiKir (and my other OCs), very soon.
PopiKir (Kirby OC) - created by ME!
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giantchasm · 10 months
Random Kirby Headcanon #24
Believe it or not, Marx and the Mage Sisters get along like a house on fire.
You’d think they wouldn’t— contrasting demeanors and all, but shockingly they actually kind of adore the little sicko. Francisca and Flamberge especially think he’s hilarious.
This may come as a surprise because Marx is ‘not exactly well liked’ amongst the Dream Friends. He has a big mouth and brings chaos pretty much everywhere he goes. But to the Mage Sisters, who have a pretty edgy sense of humor themselves and are a bit rough and tumble, this is just fine. He kicks dirt in their faces or whatever and instead of getting mad, they go “OH HELL YEAH. EXCUSE TO START A FIGHT.”
Zan is slightly less tolerant of him than the other two— jokes about Hyness are where she draws the line, but even then she can’t help but admit he’s frustratingly endearing most of the time.
I think the Mage Sisters grew up… kind of learning to laugh at the things that upset them? This isn’t something Hyness did deliberately, but he conditioned them into it. He’d talk about his own trauma— his people being banished that is and laugh madly about the sheer audacity of it. Eventually they just sort of started… following in his lead, and the next thing he knew they were recounting stories of how they nearly died while cackling about it.
So Marx cracks a joke that crosses a line, and when they laugh, he’s shocked. Because this is a new response. Usually people get angry. But this is even more fun! He immediately decides these girls are the coolest people on the planet
Hilariously, this means they’re some of the only people he actually cares about making a good impression around. He wants them to think he’s cool too! When he sees them sparring for fun with their ginormous weapons, he gets immediately jealous and runs to Magolor to beg him to let him borrow his giant sword, that way he can participate.
It goes a little something like this.
Marx: Pretty please? They all have humongous weapons! I want one too! If I don’t have one, I won’t fit in!
Magolor: Since when did YOU care about impressing people?
Magolor: I also have a big sword and you never try to impress me!
Marx: Well, YEAH. Because you’re ‘good,’ AKA boring now and whenever I ask you to stab me with it you say “No,” and that “Kirby would be very disappointed in you!” THESE chicks are still willing to spill my blood across the pavement.
Magolor: …Alright, fine. But you have to promise me you won’t break the sword.
Marx: Magolor, the fact that you’ve said that means I’m going to break it deliberately now <3 KTHANKSBYE!
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