#so it's a bit bloody. to make it more interesting. hehe
sunnydayaoe · 4 months
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Naptime X]
In a series with This and This [ID in ALT]
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mammons-hubby · 14 days
Hear me out, Vampire mc, maybe like mc got attacked one day, and bc they were like ‘I doubt this’ll be a big deal, I shouldn’t bother them’ they hid how they felt until like one day, they were like cooking dinner or something and then when they came to check on mc their lovely little human was biting into some bloody meat in the fridge, like the whole nine yards of vampirism, red eyes, fangs, paler skin. 💊anon <3
Very interesting. Let's see what I can do.
(Sorry for the lateness hehe... My Obey me Juice left my body)
Mc turned Vampire?!
Stressed out 100%
Wants to find out who did it so they can be properly punished for it.
Tries to find a cure anywhere, there must be one somewhere and he will find it.
For now, he tries to keep your urges in touch so you don't go crazy.
He felt a bit hurt that you didn't tell him you were going through something though.
Depending on what you want, you can stay a vampire forever or get healed, the choice in the end is yours.
Gets scared when he sees you sucking the blood out of a piece of meat actually.
"What the hell are ya'?! A vampire or something?!"
He said it totally joking but his face drops when he realizes it may be actually the case.
"Damn it! I was supposed to be protecting you!! I'm gonna get in so much trouble!!"
He doesn't mind the trouble too much, more than he wasn't there when you were attacked and that he didn't notice first what was happening to you.
Will try to find a cure anywhere, going as far to make deal with sketchy witches to get you back and healthy.
He gets used to your vampire antics but sometimes he gets scared of the things you do.
He had noticed your complexion changing but he didn't thought much of it, the red eyes, the paler skin, he thought you may be using contacts.
But when he saw you drinking the blood out of a piece of meat all he could do was joke.
"Lololol, are you a vampire or something?"
He takes a moment to analyze the situation before bringing his hands to his head.
Oh no. How didn't I realize?!
He immediately brings you to Lucifer, which reprimands you for not telling him, but also curses himself for not realizing first.
Leviathan tries to do everything to make you comfortable while they find a cure, which usually is keeping you in his room and feeding you bags of blood.
"This is just like the story I was reading some days ago! My bestie suddenly turned into a vampire and I gotta take care of them!"
You are always surprised about the too specific names of the animes he watches.
He realized pretty quickly something was wrong with you.
Putting two and two together he got to the conclusion you may have been affected by a vampiric curse.
He observes your actions and stops you from putting people in danger and yourself.
While doing so, he pinpoints the exact curse and tries finding the cure for it.
It seems you annoyed a witch or a demon, and they ended up cursing you with a pretty weird vampiric curse.
He will eventually find the cure, he is sure of himself.
"Your skin is looking a bit sickly dear, are you feeling okay?"
He is always looking at your appearance so he notices pretty quickly something may be wrong. At first he though you may have been using red contacts but the more he looked at you the more that didn't seem like the case.
Hmm, he's gotta ask you directly.
When he asks you, you reply that it started happening some weeks ago.
He thinks, and suddenly a thing that happened comes to mind.
The other day you two were on a date, and one of his fans grabbed your arm pretty strongly.
That must be it, you got cursed.
Asmodeous goes to Satan and explains the situation.
While Asmo tries to keep you looking less vampiric, his brother looks out for a cure.
He noticed your new found appetite for blood really quick, seeing you more interested in raw meats and similar bloody cuisine.
At first he doesn't see anything wrong, he sometimes has cravings like that.
But the way you eat, resembling himself kind of puts him off. That's not how you usually act.
He goes to Lucifer and explains the thing he's seen, and both reach the conclusion something may be wrong with you.
Seeing you suck the blood out of a piece of meat until it's grey kinda solidified that you're being affected by a curse.
Lucifer thanks Beel for going to him first and begins to search for reverse spells.
While he does that, Beel makes sure to feed you properly as a vampire should eat.
Belphegor starts growing worried when he naps with you and notices how cold you are.
If it would've been one day there wouldn't have been an issue, but it had become something frequently.
Even your heartbeat had started to become slower and slower.
When he saw you devouring a piece of raw meat like a wild beast he had to ask for help.
He goes to Satan, with the clear conclusion that you're cursed. Satan seems to have the same thoughts, and they begin to search everywhere for the cure.
It's a bit uncomfortable to sleep with such a cold body, but he tries for you.
(Sorry for the uh... very big delay of almost a year... Oopsies.)
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yandere-sins · 5 months
Pssstt I have memes
The rest of TF141 when their lieutenant is flirting with a mercenary (KorTac Operator darling):
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Ghost having TF141 asking him about his business with a KorTac operator:
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König when his WORST NIGHTMARE (his precious platonic darling attracting another soldier) comes true:
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You guys would be surprised how much I actually think about how TF141 would react to the whole yandere/darling situation of one or more of their members. Because enviroment is important for story building, and—at least for Ghost—I do think a lot of the situations happens around a military base/camp, so there never is full privacy even behind closed doors.
[Warning for Sexual Content, Drug Mention, Stalking Mention, Abuse of Authority]
If Price is the yandere, I think he mostly has the "superior" advantage, as in, he can just keep his darling around for the sake of having taken them "under his wing." He's done it before, and the others have probably experienced it themselves that Price just cares for his underlings. Even if not, there's nothing wrong with someone more experienced teaching the newer recruits, right? 
There's nothing wrong with him having the darling tail him, giving them orders, checking on them. Sure, it's kind of weird when their revision of plans takes until late at night in Price's room, but eh. That's how it is on the job, right? And Price is just being nice and joking around as he does with everyone. Even if the jokes are somewhat inappropriate, at least everyone is getting along! Nobody has to know the dirty mess he makes of you all night long, the hand beneath his glove bloody from your bites as he hides the screaming and moaning of his name with it. And you learn quickly to sit still while having dinner, no matter where the very same hand goes underneath the table. You don't want to be punished again.
If Ghost is the yandere, it's a bit more complicated—and at the same time, easier. It's less of an authority powerplay and more of a difference of strength between his darling and him. You can report him—honestly, Ghost is kind of into that (good reason to punish you later, hehe). But Price wouldn't do more to one of his star soldiers than a verbal slap on the wrist. Ghost cares so little about others' opinions that it makes him look innocent. You might struggle against him, and the others will call him out if he plays too rough with you at the table. Still, he does what he wants anyway, making it seem like a joke when he pulls you on his lap, only to let you jump off it again right away. He knows he won the struggle; you know he won the struggle. What do the others think? Just a tease between colleagues!
Even when you two get outed for your "relationship", the others are more likely to turn a blind eye. Hell, they might even gratulate and whistle. You might hate getting caught by the team in the shower with Ghost because he wouldn't let you do it alone, but it gets normalized so quickly that people are more confused when you slip away and do your own thing instead of being with Ghost. Honestly, his friends are happy for the big guy! You simply lost the popularity contest with Ghost. 
If Soap is the yandere, that's when things get interesting. Soap is slippery. He does his fair share of stalking, messing up your things, and imagining what it would be like if he could be with his darling officially. Even with his heart doing way too many beats when he's close to you, he tries to play it cool. He's charismatic enough to befriend you, and no one knows where your underwear really disappeared to. So, although everyone notices Soap being a bit... happier whenever you show up, they just shrug it off. Lad got a crush, they think.
And he does, and for the longest time, not even you know it. He makes sure you don't know it, slipping into your bed in the darkest hours of the night, kissing your neck and shoulder while he hopes you dream of him. Leaving your side reluctantly, but never too late so no one will notice him coming from your room. He crossed paths with Ghost once, but both were in a drowsy state, and Ghost didn't notice that it wasn't Soap's room that his friend just left. They only start getting suspicious when you mysteriously feel too sick for your training, and yet, they let Soap take care of you. Without any suspicions, they let him make you soup and visit your room freely, the crushed sleeping pills in his trouser's back pockets waiting to be used. 
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bwabys-scenarios · 1 year
Fixer Upper
Perv!Kurapika x Fem!Reader
Part 4
part 3
part 5
taglist: @fabitheraven @tsukilover11 @ashdownunderscorebeloved @lemonslut @homeinmydreams @superweeniehutjrsblog @bugmomwrites @heartsforseo @lixiawinter
if you’d like to be ADDED to the taglist, please comment a red heart ❤️, make sure you’re able to be tagged/mentioned, and have your age in your bio(IF YOU ARE ALREADY ON THE TAGLIST, YOU DON’T NEED TO ASK TO BE ADDED AGAIN!!)
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It was all Kurapika could see.
The red clothing his childhood wore, the red eyes of his brethren when they were angry…
And the crimson red of their blood staining his childhood home.
They stared up at him with their empty eye sockets, bloody tears running down their cheeks.
Kurapika turned slowly, his eyes wide and terrified as they met the empty sockets of his dearest friend.
“Why do you get to become an adult?”
“Kurapika? You have to wake up…”
He ignored the voice calling out to him, running towards his friend.
“Pairo, please, we have to get you to a doctor. I’m so glad you’re alive. Everyone else-“
When he reached out to grab his friend’s arm, it withered away until only bones were left.
“Answer me, Kurapika.”
The blonde stared at his friends arm, his breath hitching.
“Why were you the only one to survive?”
The blonde shot up, gasping for breath. His eyes flitted across the room, seeing most of his friends still asleep.
Who woke him up, then?
“Shh, Kurapika, it’s alright. You were having a bad dream.”
He turned to see (Name) behind him. Her hair was in disarray from sleep, and… he was lying between her legs.
Kurapika threw himself back, scrambling to the other side of the couch.
“Is something wrong?”
The blonde tried to make sense of why he’d ended up where he did. He’d been tired, leaned on her shoulder and…
‘Oh. She must of moved me to her lap so she could sleep too.’
He glanced at the girl. She was rubbing her neck, wincing.
She’d slept in an uncomfortable position so he’d be able to rest comfortably.
Kurapika sighed, trying to relax.
“I… I apologize. It was just a bit surprising to be so close to you when I first woke up.”
(Name) nodded, stretching before standing up.
“Well, it’s about 6 am. You gonna sleep a little longer?”
He pushed his hair out of his face, noticing it was wet with sweat.
“I don’t think I’d be able to.”
(Name) nodded. “I understand. I’m going to get started on breakfast, I can turn something on the TV to distract you if you’d like?”
She turned the TV onto a random channel before walking to the kitchen.
Around 30 minutes later, the others had woken up and were lazing around the living room.
“(Name), when’s breakfast going to be ready? I’m starving.”
Killua appeared behind her, peaking over her shoulder.
“Hey, careful. It’s hot.”
She pushed him back a little, the white haired boy swatting at her hands.
“(Naaamee)! Answer!”
She huffed. “About five minutes. Go get Gon and set the table.”
Killua rolled his eyes and scurried off, pulling Gon off the pallet.
“Alright, it’s ready. Come and make your plates!
After a short breakfast, Killua and Gon left to play in a nearby creek, leaving Leorio, Kurapika, and (Name) to chat.
“So… how have you been doing, Kurapika?”
The blonde shrugged. “Alright.”
“Any luck with finding the scarlet eyes?”
“Gotten any new information?”
“Not yet.”
Leorio groaned and leaned against (Name)’s shoulder. “Come on, give us something. Any more details?”
Kurapika sighed. “No, nothing that would interest you.”
(Name) pushed Leorio off her shoulder. “That’s alright. I’m just happy you’re here right now.”
Kurapika looked to the ground. “I’m… I’m glad I’m here too. It’s been nice.”
It was the first time in a while Kurapika had said his honest feelings.
“Really? Hehe…”
She squeezed his hand. “You can be so cute sometimes, you know?”
Before Kurapika could respond, he felt his pocket vibrate.
“Just a moment, I have to respond to this.”
Kurapika hurried out of the room, leaving Leorio and (Name) to stare at each other.
“It’s definitely his girlfriend-“
(Name) smacked his shoulder. “It’s not.”
“How do you know?”
“He blushes when I call him pretty and nearly died when he woke up sleeping against me. He doesn’t have a girlfriend.”
Leorio hummed.
‘Woke up against her? And he was worried I was going to be a perv…’
Kurapika closed the door to his bedroom as he unloved his phone.
A text appeared on his screen, from an unknown number.
Unknown Number: Melody said you needed information on the scarlet eyes?
His breath hitched, the scarlet returning to his eyes.
Kurapika: Yes. What information do you have?
Kurapika only had to wait a few minutes for a response.
Unknown: can’t talk over text. Meet me in York New.
Before completely reading the message, Kurapika grabbed his satchel and stuffed his clothing into it, along with his weapon and wallet.
He was out of his bedroom door and halfway through the living room before he was stopped by Leorio.
“Hey, where the hell are you going in such a rush?”
“York New. An informant wants to meet there to exchange information on the scarlet eyes.”
(Name) stood up, walking over slowly. “You’re leaving right now? But you’ve only been here a few days…”
Kurapika was glad he was facing the opposite direction, because he could hear the sadness in her voice. He knew if he turned to look at her, he would have trouble leaving.
“I know, and… I’m sorry, but-“
“Your mission comes first. I know.”
Hearing the words he’d spat in her face come out of her mouth stung, but they were the truth. Kurapika bit his lip.
Kurapika couldn’t bring himself to promise he’d keep in touch. He knew the minute he was out the door, he’d try his best to forget her again.
It was easier that way. If she didn’t exist to him, he wouldn’t have to feel guilty leaving her behind.
With that, Kurapika left. Leorio attempted to follow after him, but was stopped by (Name)’s hand grabbing his sleeve.
She simply shook her head.
“He won’t listen.”
Leorio knew she was right.
“So he just left? Again? Total Ging move.”
Killua and Gon had returned with little silver fish they’d collected in bags to a gloomy atmosphere.
“I mean, that’s my dad, but he’s not wrong.”
Leorio dropped the bag of fish into one of the numerous fish tanks so they could acclimate.
“Be nice. I’m sure after spending time with us he’ll… TRY to keep contact.” (Name) said, making her another sandwich for the boys to take with them to the creek.
“With Leorio, maybe, but not with you.”
Killua instantly regretted his words when (Name)’s lip quivered ever so slightly. It wasn’t something most people would notice, but acts living with her for two years he’d become an expert in detecting her moods.
“(Name), I-“
She waved him off. “It’s fine. You’re right, I’ve accepted that. As long as I know he’s safe, it doesn’t matter if he talks to me.”
She was lying, and they all knew it.
“Why don’t we talk about something else? The carnival is still in town, why don’t we go again? This time you won’t get thrown up on.”
She sighed. “I don’t feel like it today. Maybe some other time…”
‘She usually loves going out with us. This is affecting her more than I thought…’
Leorio watched her from his seat by the counter.
“Let’s stay in then. I can sleep over again and-“
A knock on the door caused the black haired man to jump. Killua rose from his seat, calling out that he was coming.
When the white haired boy answered the door, the person behind it made him scowl.
He instantly closed the door and locked it, strolling away like nothing happened.
“Who was it?”
“No one.”
(Name) placed her hands on her hips. “I can sense someone behind the door, you know.”
“No one important.”
She huffed, wiping her wet hands on her apron before storming to the door and unlocking.
“… Kurapika?”
The blonde stood behind the door, looking small.
He didn’t meet her eyes, staring at his feet as the other three joined her.
“Did you forget something? I can go grab i-“
“No. I…”
Killua groaned. “Oh my god, spit it out already.”
‘He just started talking.’ (Name) thought, pushing the little gremlin away.
“The informant can’t meet for… another three weeks.”
Leorio raised an eyebrow. “And?”
“And… I have nowhere to stay.”
“Yeah you don’t.”
Killua moved to slam the door closed, but was stopped with a look from (Name).
“Come on in. Lunch is almost ready.”
Kurapika glanced between Leorio and Killua, the first moving out of his way with a sigh, and the second staring at him with the intensity of a crazed chihuahua.
(Name) grabbed his hand and pulled him inside, Gon jumping up from the bean bag chair excitedly.
“Kurapika, you’re back! Did you finish your mission already?”
“Gon. His mission was in York New.”
“… and?”
“Oh my god.”
(Name) laughed. “Gon, York New is a few hours away. It would be physically impossible for him to finish it that fast.”
“Ohhh. Okay.”
He still didn’t completely understand.
Killua and Gon sat in the living room as they munched on their sandwiches and chips.
Leorio was kind enough not to bring up the fact he’d just left, sitting down at the kitchen table.
“(Name) what are our plans for today?”
Kurapika ate his sandwich in silence.
“Mmm, nothing. We might go out for dinner later because I’m tired of cooking, but that’s all I can think of.”
Killua watched as (Name)’s mood slowly improved with Kurapika’s presence. It almost pissed him off.
“(Name), Gon ripped his shirt again.”
She groaned. “Again? That’s the last one Mito sent… I’ll have to go shopping in the morning…”
Kurapika perked up, dropping his sandwich onto his plate. “I’ll go with you.”
Killua scowled. “No, I will. Why would you go with her?”
Kurapika frowned. “Because it’s not safe for a woman to be out in a city like this.”
“Okay, sexist, but I’m the one that goes with her. And it’s for Gon’s shirt.”
‘Sexist? Was that sexist?’
(Name) laughed. “Aww, Killua it’s fine. You have chores you need to catch up on anyways. You can come with me, Kurapika.”
(Name) held up her hand. “No buts. Your room is filthy, and if I see another creature crawling out of it in the dead of night I will be banning chocolate robots from this house.”
Killua crossed his arms over his chest. “It was only two times…”
“One is more than enough. How the hell did you even catch a baby alligator? It bit me!!”
‘Did she say alligator? No I had to have heard wrong…’
Kurapika glanced between the two, becoming more concerned by the second.
“It was a CROCODILE. There’s a huge difference.”
(Name) smacked a hand over her forehead. “It was three feet long. I don’t care what it was, Gon.”
“You should. Crocodiles are scarier.”
Killua leaned closer to whisper into Gon’s ear. “You are NOT helping the situation at all.”
Leorio sipped on a cup of coffee. “Where did you even get it?”
“The zoo.”
“Now that’s some information you didn’t tell me last time.”
The two boys glanced at each other before sprinting out the door.
“See ya later, bye (Name)!”
Leorio placed his cup down, picking up the newspaper. “Free birth control.”
(Name) plopped down next to him. “Ain’t that right. I have enough on my hands with those two, and they aren’t even mine.”
Leorio shrugged. “I’m pretty sure I’ve heard Gon call you mom at least once.”
Kurapika perked up at that. “Mom?”
The two stared at each other for moment, the words sinking in slowly.
“… I’m going to go take a nap.”
“That’s a good idea.”
The two watched as (Name) stumbled up the stairs.
“She’s so mommy material.”
Kurapika smacked his friend on the shoulder. “Shut up.”
Killua and Gon snuck in an hour later, only relaxing when they were informed (Name) had fallen asleep.
“Ah, good. She was put into an uncomfortable sleeping situation last night.”
Killua glanced at Kurapika when he said this, a disdainful tone to his voice.
“… it wasn’t on purpose.”
“Sure. I’m sure you won’t leave her alone tomorrow on purpose either.”
Kurapika stood up, approaching the boy.
“What is your issue?”
“My issue is you. Why are you even here?”
Kurapika rolled his eyes. “It’s safe and convenient. That’s why I’m here.”
Gon frowned. “You’re not here for (Name)?”
The other three quieted down. There was a lot of things Gon didn’t know about the current situation.
“… I’m here to wait for my next mission. Being able to spend time with you all is just one of the… perks?”
Gon nodded slowly. “I see. Well… I’m glad you’re here. I know (Name) is happy you’re back as well.”
The blonde couldn’t meet his young friend’s eyes. “I… I’m glad she’s happy.”
That was enough to make Gon smile.
A few hours passed by before Killua was tasked with waking (Name) up so they could decide what to do for dinner.
“(Name)? Hey, I’m opening your door.”
When he did, he barely held back a laugh.
She was curled up in her blanket, looking like a sleeping caterpillar. He pulled out his phone to take s picture before shaking her shoulder.
“Wake up. We’re hungry, and Gon won’t stop threatening to chew on the table.”
She shot awake. “He what? Oh god not again!”
(Name) leapt out of bed, having to be steadied by Killua.
“Woah, don’t fall. Leorio’s a big baby when you get injured.”
“Ah, sorry. Thanks. I’ll be down in 5 minutes, tell everyone to throw on something decent.”
“… but Gon doesn’t-“
“Killua, let him borrow one of your shirts.”
He grumbled on the way down the stairs.
‘If he tears the shirts (Name) got me I’m going to drown him. Like she did to Ging.’
(Name) came running down the stairs in a simple sundress, wearing sandals and a headband to match.
“Okay, to the car. Before Gon starts on the chairs!”
They all piled into her car. Kurapika peeled out the window as (Name) followed suit.
‘Would he… would he really chew on the furniture?’
Gon pulled a piece of wood from his teeth.
‘He would.’
“Why did we have to dress up to eat at Wendy’s?”
She rolled her eyes. “We’re not eating at Wendy’s, we’re just parking here. The restaurant we’re going to doesn’t have free parking.”
Kurapika watched as she held both of the boys hands as they crossed the street.
“I’m not baby, (Name).”
“Yeah but you’re 5’2. Have you seen the kind of trucks they drive around here? You’d be a Killua pancake.”
She pulled them to the opposite side of the road.
Leorio looped his arm with her’s. “And you’re not that much taller. Here, let me-“
Kurapika kicked the back of his legs, causing Leorio to fall.
“Let me.”
He walked beside (Name), making sure he was near Gon and not Killua.
Kurapika didn’t think he would push him into traffic, but he wasn’t taking any chances.
“Leorio, don’t fall too far behind.” Killua called, waving at him.
Gon turned to watch him as he stumbled to his feet,
“What is this, the Hunter Exam? Ugh…”
He followed behind the four, his suitcase dangling by his knees.
Killua blinked his eyes, staring up at the sign above them.
Gon looked up as well. “Is… is that Chuck E. Cheese?”
(Name) nodded. “The rat casino, in all its glory.”
She patted their backs. “Go ahead. I put some money in Gon’s backpack. We’ll be back in an hour.”
She barely got to finish her sentence before Gon and Killua raced off.
“Rat casino? Is it gambling… for children?”
Kurapika stared at the establishment. He’d never seen such a thing, but judging from the smell of greasy pizza, smelly shoes, and vomit, he assumed it wasn’t somewhere he wanted to be.
“Basically. They’ve been begging to come for the past few days. It’s just chaotic enough in there to balance out their need for destruction.”
Leorio nodded. “Okay, but where are we going to eat?”
(Name) pointed next to the Chuck E. Cheese.
“There’s a small burger joint I like to go to while the kids have fun. It’s nothing fancy, but…”
She twirled around in her dress. “Going out with my handsome friends is enough reason to dress up.”
The two followed behind her, both hiding a small blush that had taken over their cheeks.
The three ordered their food before sitting at a small booth. (Name) and Kurapika sat on one side, Leorio on the other.
“Why do you always get to sit beside (Name)?”
“Because you can’t be trusted around women.”
(Name) poked her lip out in a pout. “I trust Leorio. We’ve slept in the same bed and he didn’t try anything.”
“E-excuse me?”
Leorio gave him a smug look. “Yeah, I remember that. Have you and Kurapika slept in the same bed?”
“Does the couch count?”
Kurapika groaned as he slapped a hand over his red face.
“Well he was between your legs with his head on your stomach, so who’s really the-“
“Order for table 3!”
Kurapika stood up and rushed to the counter. “I’ll get it!”
(Name) smacked Leorio over the top of his head. “Don’t tease him. He’s already embarrassed enough that he had to come back after leaving.”
Leorio whined, holding his head. “Ouch, if you’re going to hit me at least do it when-“
She smacked him again, this time laughing. “Oh shut up.”
Kurapika watched from a distance away, his grip on the platter holding their order tightening.
‘They’re awfully close. Irritatingly so.’
He placed the tray down, throwing Leorio’s food before handing (Name) hers gently.
“Woah, you nearly spilled my fries!”
Leorio held the carton of fries to his chest, offended.
“Maybe you should focus on catching your food and not flirting.”
The two glanced at each other before looking to Kurapika.
“I wouldn’t call that flirting. This is flirting.”
He made kissy face at (Name) fluttering his eyelashes.
“(Name), please. Would you make me the happiest man on earth and give me a little kiss?”
She stared at him. “I hate you.”
“That wasn’t what you were saying when-“
“When nothing. Ya goof.”
She reached over to pinch his cheek. “Now stop before you embarrass me.”
Even this small display of affection caused a seed of jealousy to sprout in Kurapika’s heart. He would figure out what he was feeling in that moment for a while, all he knew was that he didn’t like the way Leorio was looking at her.
Wordlessly, Kurapika scooted closer to (Name), his eyes locked on Leorio’s. The man raised an eyebrow at this, but didn’t say anything.
Kurapika placed a single finger on her hand that rested on the table. It was his pinky that he’d stretched out to touch her’s.
If she’d noticed it, she didn’t say anything. She ate her food and chatted with Leorio, trying to bring Kurapika into the conversation.
He’d attempt to participate, but often found himself preferring to listen to her.
“And then this bitch tried to stab me!! Over an ugly Christmas sweater! Can you believe that Kurapika?”
He thought back to the time he’d almost crankily killed someone in a grocery store for taking the last bag of cinnamon pecans.
“Yes. I can.”
(Name) finished the last bite of her burger, turning to Kurapika with something on her face.
“Thank you, because Killua wouldn’t believe me, he said-“
Kurapika reaches out and grabbed her chin, keeping her still.
“What are you-“
He wiped her face with a napkin, causing her to close her eyes. He wasn’t exactly gentle, rubbing it all over her face until he felt he was done.
“You had something on your face.”
He pulled back the paper towel to see her pouting lips. “You could have just told me.”
Leorio snickered next to them. “Nah, he wanted to hold your face close t-“
Kurapika threw the balled up napkin at the black haired man.
“Ew, Kurapika!”
He dodged the napkin, scowling at the blonde.
The three finished their food, still having 15 minutes before they were supposed to meet up with Gon and Killua.
“Mmm, let’s go grab the car. Then when we pick them up we can grab ice cream on the way home.”
“Sounds like a plan, (Name).”
Kurapika stayed by (Name)‘s side as they strolled through the city. It was dark out, the only light being the street lamps and stars.
(Name) yawned. She was still sleepy even after her 2 hour nap.
She nodded at the blonde. “A little. It’s been a long day.”
He looked away, a frown pulling at his lips. Him leaving suddenly had saddened her, that much he could tell.
Kurapika didn’t want her to be sad, but it was better than her ending up dead. When they’d met up in York New, she’d nearly gotten herself killed trying to help him.
He wouldn’t take his chances again.
“I see…”
He watched her from the corner of his eye. She was swaying slightly, only enough for a trained eye to notice.
“Kurapika, she’s going to-“
(Name) suddenly fell forward, being caught by the blonde before she could hit the ground.
Leorio rushed forward, immediately checking her pulse before sighing.
“She’s alright, I think she just fell asleep.”
‘Asleep? How tired was she?’
Kurapika lifted her into his arms bridal style, taking a closer look at her face.
There were dark circles under her eyes. He remembered she’d stayed up the night he left, but she’d had a full night of sleep the night before… right?
“She hasn’t slept well the last three days. The night before the last she spent organizing our trip to the carnival and buying tickets online so it would be cheaper. She’s only had a few hours of sleep.”
Leorio glanced at Kurapika as he walked beside the blonde. “Ice cream will have to wait for another day. She needs to get home.”
Kurapika brushed a piece of hair from her face, frowning. “Does she usually have trouble sleeping?”
Leorio shrugged. “Only when she’s worried about something.”
The blonde winced. He hadn’t exactly been on his best behavior the past few days,
“I see…”
Leorio fished her keys from her backpack and unlocked the door to her car. Kurapika say her in the passenger seat and buckled her in.
“I’ll drive.”
Kurapika only nodded in response and climbed in the back.
They arrived at Chuck E. Cheese.
“Kurapika, you go in and get the boys. I’ll watch over (Name).”
Kurapika frowned. “Wouldn’t it be better if I watch her? I know her… better…”
‘Wait, no I don’t. Not anymore…’
Leorio noticed his friends face turn into a saddened expression.
“I’m a doctor, and I’ve been friends with her for nearly three years now. I’ve got her. Promise “
Oh. Yeah. Kurapika had been absent for two years. In that time, the others had grown much closer, so of course Leorio would be the better pick.
He glanced at (Name)’s sleeping form one last time before exiting the car.
Kurapika didn’t know what to expect when he stepped into the Chuck E. Cheese, but it wasn’t the complete chaos he was met with.
Children ran around screaming, occasionally crashing into each other. The smell of greasy pizza, vomit, and depression permeated the air, causing the blonde to wince.
He stepped in, looking around.
“Hello Ma’am, how can I help you?”
Kurapika ignored being misgendered yet again. “I’m looking for… my children. They’re…”
He thought for a moment. “Maybe a little over 5’0? One with white hair, one with-“
The employee stopped him. “White hair? Oh, you mean that troublemaker. We have him detained in the back.”
‘Oh dear. The rat casino doesn’t play around.’
Kurapika followed the employee through the establishment, trying not to think about what was sticking to his shoes as he walked.
“They’re in here. I don’t know how they thought tearing of Chucky’s head and wearing as a trophy was okay behavior, but the little b- guy still won’t let it go.”
Killua sat huddled up in a corner while Gon attempted to take the severed head away from him.
“Come on, they said if we gave it back they wouldn’t press ch- oh Kurapika!”
Killua immediately dropped the head. “Where’s (Name)?”
It’s like he instantly knew something was off. He looked behind Kurapika, frowning up at the blonde.
“They didn’t have any other options but to send you, huh?”
“I’m not going to dignify that with a response. Come on, we have to go.”
The two followed behind him, Killua only complaining a little.
“I think you’d make a good replacement for Chucky, Kurapika.”
It was meant as compliment, but Kurapika scowled down at Gon. “… thanks?”
“Yeah because you’re a coward. Like a rat.”
“No, it’s because he’s nice! And I love Chucky!”
‘Aww. That’s kind of sweet.’
“And he looks like him.”
Kurapika glanced back at the severed head of chucky, not finding many similarities between him and… it.
“I… appreciate your compliments Gon, but please don’t associate me with that thing. It smells like someone has been crying an awful lot in that costume.”
Killua hummed. “Why did you smell it? Creep.”
Gon elbowed his friend. “Hey, be nice. I also smelled it, but I picked up the scent of cigarettes more than anything.”
‘That poor soul. I wonder if he felt relieved when Killua ripped his head off. The employee will get a break, hopefully.’
The three exited Chuck E. Cheese.
Leorio waved to them from the car. “Hey, hurry up. We need to get her home.”
Gon and Killua raced to the car, Kurapika not far behind.
“What happened to (Name)?”
Killua slid in to the backseat, quickly buckling himself before leaning to the side to get a glimpse of (Name).
“She passed out when we left to grab the car. Apparently she hasn’t been sleeping well.” Kurapika answered.
“Apparently? Isn’t it obvious? She’s been worried sick.”
‘Mostly about you…’ Killua thought. He folded his arms over his chest, hoping his glare would clue the blonde in to his disappointment.
“Yeah. I could hear her pacing around her room the night before the carnival.” Gon said, leaning against the passenger seat.
“You better be glad she’s asleep, or she’d be reaching back to make sure you buckled yourself in, Gon.”
Leorio pushed the boy back before focusing on the road.
Kurapika carried (Name) to her room, much to Killua’s chagrin. He didn’t like that the blonde took over the role of her caregiver, as if he’d been there for her darkest moments.
He hadn’t. In fact, when she was at her lowest and dying, he hadn’t been there.
“Killua. Empty your pockets.”
Leorio stood before him, holding Gon up by the ankles as he shook him.
“Why should I listen to you?”
“Because you’d rather I search you than (Name).”
He couldn’t argue with that. Killua emptied his pockets, revealing an alarming amount of Chuck E, Cheese tokens he’d stolen.
“Jesus Christ- how did you fit that many in there? That’s a literal PILE of tokens.”
Killua picked up one of the tokens and tossed it in the air. “I have my ways.”
“Killua, I thought you said to steal tickets.”
Gon dropped the tickets onto the floor. “Those are next to useless. You can only use them the same day you get them, Gon.”
He smacked his friend over the head as Leorio gathered the coins.
“How you got these at all is something I don’t want to know. I’ll be returning these in the morning.”
He placed the coins into a jar. “If this goes missing I’m telling (Name).”
“Snitch.” Killua muttered under his breath.
Leorio shooed them away, telling them to brush their teeth and go to bed as he tidied up the messy living room.
‘She’s been running on empty, if she wakes up to a mess she’ll overexert herself.’
He started folding up the blankets, sighing to himself.
Kurapika placed (Name) on her bed. It was the first time he’d seen her room, and he wasn’t surprised.
The walls were pink, with random anime posters on the wall, along with several stuffed animals on her bed and dresser.
It was relatively clean, besides the odd article of clothing strewn across her floor or a random surface. He assumed it was because she’d rushed to change, considering he recognized the shirt thrown in the back of her desk’s chair.
“Why are you still in here?”
Killua and Gon peeked into her room from behind the doorway, the white haired boy frowning at Kurapika like he was some bug that had crawled out from under the fridge.
“I was just putting her to bed. Isn’t it past your bedtime?”
Killua scoffed. “Yeah, maybe, but I wanted to make sure (Name) was okay. A stranger took her to bed, after all.”
‘Stranger? I…’
Kurapika pulled the blanket over her torso and to her chin. “I’m no stranger. I’m a friend, you know that, right?”
Killua didn’t answer. His silence said everything.
Kurapika sighed, pushing himself up. “I hope you get used to having me around, or it’s going to be a long three weeks.”
“I won’t. After those three weeks are up I don’t expect to see you again anytime soon. After all, you just hate being around (Name), don’t you?”
Gon elbowed his friend. “Hey, that’s enough. You’re being a bit mean, Killua.”
His pale friend shrugged. “It’s just the truth. He hasn’t texted (Name) back ONCE since our trip to York New.”
Gon blinked. “Really? But (Name) said they talked all the time before York New…”
Kurapika brushed by the two. ‘I hate being reminded of what used to be…’
The blonde descended the stairs quickly, not bothering to look up when Leorio called out to him.
“I’m going to bed. Goodnight, Leorio.”
He closed the door to his bedroom and flopped onto his bed.
‘Three weeks. Three weeks in the same house as (Name).’
Kurapika turned onto his back to stare up at the ceiling.
‘I just have to keep myself from getting too comfortable. That shouldn’t be too hard.’
The blonde looked to the bag of candy he’d picked out the other day.
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angeart · 2 months
I mean, its a lil bit dramatic xD But the one you guys say is loud and may have been insensitive before being the one to step up? I like (which also yes I wanna ask about that too its me I wanna know all the things)
it's overdramatic, hehe.
and. gosh, kane. the way kane grows on them and, honestly, the way they grown on kane, is so precious to me. and it was a very rocky start, mind you! [2,8k ramble ahead <3]
as i said before, they actually first met months before the vex arc. back then, the vex party (kane included) were slightly interested in scar, and considered grian as a liability to him. that was the eclipse day, especially dangerous, and they were sure an avian like that was bound to not survive, anyway.
scar is invited to go with them. he refuses.
imagine their surprise when they run into them later, and grian's still there. it's still the two of them against the world.
the vex party is different now—it's not the best warriors coming out into chaos and mayhem to get their claws bloody. they're less on guard, more curious and open. impressed, honestly, that these two are still alive.
they invite them again, this time the avian included, and... they say yes. (mostly lured by a prospect of sleeping in an actual bed.)
there's no real accommodation extended to grian as an avian. (except nadia does put in the effort to make the place safer for the birb guest.) (safe from what, you ask? hehe. dw about that <3)
everything continues feeling a bit precarious and uneasy, because even though the vexes have no interest in grian's wings—they themselves are hunted and actively fight hunters, after all; they have no dealings with them—it's still very uncomfortable, the way they are looking at him. the way their attention inevitably snags at him, his presence sticking out even with his wings tucked underneath his cloak.
honestly, for a while, the vexes really don't consider grian as a part of the group at all. he's just scar's plus-one, almost like a possession. he seems to belong to scar, in some way.
they'd still fight to protect him, if it came to that, but with a convoluted logic behind it, you know? they protect their own, and scar is one of them—a vex. and grian comes attached to that. that's all there is to it, in their eyes.
the vexes are loud and brash and violent. taunting and open. they're not used to someone who isn't like that. someone who might need more space, different boundaries. someone who doesn't have magic and claws and can't heal—someone light and small, with bones that might break far too easily, and with bright but dishevelled feathers so fearfully and insistently tucked out of sight.
they have no idea how to treat this avian, and they're stubborn enough to not even really consider it at first. he is living with them, surely he can be the one to adjust?
this all sort of culminates into the bird incident.
consider this: one day the vex hunting party returns with a rare specialty: a bird.
grian hasn't really seen a living bird yet in this world. and now won't be an exception. the vex saw the bird and promptly shot it, looking forward to the meal. they come back to the village all boisterous and grinning, flaunting the feathery carcass.
it's not like they outright present it to the avian—even they know that'd be wrong—but they're overjoyed and loud about it, wanting to show the others, not really being careful.
grian's ears ring. he's overcome with nausea, feeling dizzy, trying not to have a panic attack right then and there,.helplessly trying not to associate their howls and cheers with the elated, cruel cheers of hybrid hunters.
scar, of course, is pissed on grian's behalf.
but the others don't understand. it's not something they'd ever consider, a wholly new concept that refuses to sink fast enough to deescalate. birds are a rare delicacy! they're yummy and this is a triumph! this is meant to be good, c'mon! it has nothing to do with the avian!
kane says something along the lines of, “come on scar it’s food we don’t need to coddle him—“ 
and Scar gets even more pissed off. “are you even thinking?? try to put yourself in our shoes—“ 
this all leads to a fight breaking out between kane and scar. a vex fight, using vex forms! which is how they solve arguments here in the commune.
vex forms use vex magic that is rooted in emotions, and because of that, there's an unspoken understanding that whoever feels stronger about the issue at hand is bound to win. it's a convoluted way to say that the winner is the one with stronger conviction.
but kane has a much better control over his vex form than scar does, instantly putting scar at a disadvantage, no matter how fiercely he wants to have an upper hand here, to show them that they are wrong.
they fight with claws and teeth, feral and angry, and— this is normal! it's normal for vexes! their vex forms run on magic that will patch them up, and neither of them is really trying to genuinely harm the other.
still, it's scary to witness. blood is drawn. it's hard to tell whose it is. it's all a bit of a blur.
grian's mind is reeling. he moves on pure instinct, trying to get into the fray, to help scar.
nico takes place by grian's side and holds him back. "just let them fight it out." he's very calm about it. he knows his mate, he speaks with his claws sometimes, that's just how things are. "they'll be fine."
it would be placating, maybe, if grian's mind wasn't so violently spinning. maybe if he was used to people who aren't scar leaning close into his orbit. maybe if he was used to hands other than scar's touching him.
right now, grian is already haywire on unease, and he's being grabbed and—
he lets out a distressed chirp.
this effectively whips scar's attention away from his fight with kane, instantly searching for threats to his mate, and lunging at nico instead.
which in turn triggers kane's protectiveness of his mate, and he pounces on scar with much more force. the "petty" argument shifts into something worse, more fierce. things get a bit out of hand.
nico releases grian, realising they need to break this up and pull the two idiots (/aff) apart before they really hurt themselves.
grian's strategy is still to put himself between kane and scar, so that he can't hurt scar more. so he leaps in, wings flapping, desperate to shield his mate.
it's what he'd do with hunters, but kane is a clawed, angry vex.
nico is the only levelheaded one to see where this is going. the only one to instantly understand the consequences of this. because grian isn't a vex. he's an avian, made of brittle, hollow bones, and without a lick of magic in his body that'd help him heal.
grian gets so close to getting horribly injured. it's only nico that stops kane short of hurting him. snapping him out of it. scolding grian, too, like what were you thinking??
but this is a breaking point, a line drawn, where the vexes see that this bird is as fiercely protective as scar is. that he isn't a coward. that he is willing to put himself on the line. and, it gets grian some respect! a fearless little bird!
while nico checks grian over, still scolding him but no longer encroaching on his space or trying to touch him, kane walks over to scar, who is on the ground, mildly concussed but otherwise okay. kane extends his hand to pull him up.
because it's over now! they fought it out. (scar lost.) there's a mutual respect in the aftermath of vex fights, no sour feelings—there's nothing shameful in fighting for what you believe in, after all. and even if there's only one winner, it levels the ground they're standing on, inching towards mutual understanding. or something.
so he helps scar up, throwing out a remark as he grins: "your bird is crazy, scar. i like him."
scar is still dizzy when he responds with a dazed "i like him too."
in the aftermath of this, vexes start to pay more attention to grian. more openly letting him in, interacting with him (instead of just addressing scar), trying to include him.
tentatively, grian lets it happen. it still has its bumps, many mishaps. but none out of malice, you know?
like that time kane talked to grian about mating marks. he basically acknowledges that he doesn't get it, knowing nothing about the avian side of things, not realising what scar's earring means. after all, vexes mark their loved ones with teeth! that's the language kane understands!
it's a whole big deal, really stressing grian out, even if it wasn't meant maliciously. but it's just one more thing showing that these vexes don't really understand anything about avians—their instincts, communication, or ways of showing affection. they never really had to think about it!
so misunderstandings are bound to happen. but it's not all bad! it stops being so awfully rocky over time, with less steps on buried landmines. it tides into a collection of nicer moments as the vexes and grian learn to navigate each other and start being more accepting about their differences, learning about that gap between them. even start to try and bridge it!
the vexes celebrate often, using every little excuse to make a party out of their triumphs. they like being rowdy and dancing and just living, and they are eager to drag scar and grian into it.
it's these events that let scar and grian loosen a little bit more. they're silly with each other and unabashedly in love and, honestly, they're beginning to grow on everyone.
having scar there as a sort of middle ground between grian and the others really helps, too. because they get to see how scar interacts with grian, and how grian interacts with him. they start learning, quietly, just from that, about some subtleties. they also get to see a more open side of grian, one that's reserved for scar, allowing them a glimpse to who grian could be, if only he trusted his surroundings enough.
and maybe they find that they do want that trust.
they do want him to know he can rely on them. they'd fight for him, you know? he is now one of them, without question, they've taken him in and he's fought his way into being more than just "scar's bird". he can be fearless, ready to fight when it counts, a quality vexes hold in high regard! and they now know that there's definitely more to him than he's letting them see, and... they want to provide the space for him to unravel that. to show all of his potential. to allow him to live like they do. like the world isn't constantly about to end.
during this time, scar is often taken along on vex patrols, learning about vexes and being encouraged to develop more as a fighter (something he isn't really all that much into). this means he spends a lot of time with nico and kane, as they're two prominent warriors in this village, and they end up chatting a lot.
this then tips into them hanging out or approaching scar even outside of these patrols more often, feeling closer to him now—and that means approaching grian, too, since him and scar come as a package deal. and eventually it stops feeling like grian is the extra here. he has his own value, his own presence, and they recognise it! they want to learn more about him too!
they get a chance to see a side of grian that they don't expect, when he builds a barn for the old goat that lives in the village. they don't even realise how big of a deal that is—they're just stunned by his skills. because building with more than just bland function in mind is not something they can fathom. they wouldn't know where to start!
so here is where kane has to confront that fighting skills aren't everything. that other things can matter and be wonderful, too. and, actually, he'd really like it if grian kept building more. (imagine scar beaming with pride over his mate in the background of this all, yes.)
sometimes when scar and kane spar, grian climbs up a nearby roof (helps him settle, to be high up). sometimes, nico follows, sitting next to him and keeping him company.
throughout this all, scar and grian keep some layers of distance around them still. they don't go to sleepovers. they don't talk about things that hurt deep behind their ribs. they don't talk about where they're from or what they've been through. they keep their heartache to themselves, all the little moments that make their souls splinter and fray; whenever things catch them off guard and things become Too Much Too Fast, they just leave instead of talking it out and explaining. drawing a thick line behind them and that trigger, retreating back to their own space to put themselves back together in privacy.
(and it's great because they do have their own space!)
kane has a lot of that, you know, brashness about him. lots of thoughtless words. he's not great at being subtle or having tact. but he never means things badly. he never wants to upset them. and that's something he now finds himself wrangling with. asking nico what he's doing wrong whenever scar and grian retreat. (because through that rough exterior, he's a big softie deep down when it's about people he cares about.) (oh yeah turns out he profoundly cares about grian and scar. huh. when did that happen.)
more often than not, it's not even his fault. it takes very little to touch scar and grian's haphazard piles of trauma.
and, they know! they know he doesn't mean to set things off. they know they're not giving him enough to understand what to steer clear of (they themselves don't know, half the time, to be fair).
just like how kane is learning about scar and grian, they're also learning about him. about how he hides his emotions behind words, how he gets easily embarrassed and resorts to pride and teasing, how he sometimes says things in a different way than he means them.
and step by step, they're inching closer to common grounds. they start to rely on each other's presence.
and then The Night For Living comes around.
of course they're gonna go spend the celebrations and games together! they're so much closer now than they were at the start, fond of each other in ways that'd make kane's face burn red and stutter if he was forced to admit it.
they're friends.
and maybe they could be more than that.
cue found family trope
a lot of things happen during the Big Special Vex Celebration Night. the night when it's safe to be, unabashedly and fully. it's wilder than normal celebrations, longer, an event everyone looks forward to. including special homebrew alcohol and a huge bonfire! vex howling and laughter and banter everywhere. roughhousing and sparring and competing.
grian and scar fall under it's rough charm, too. with kane and nico by their side, making their way through the event, drinking and talking and laughing. playing games with each other, and in general having a good time.
this was said before, but this is the night when grian gets mr beak, a silly chicken plushie. and it's kane who gives the toy over—kane, who before fought scar on insensitivity where birds were concerned. now, he is treading carefully, looking to scar for approval and guidance. not wanting to mess up.
equipped with mr beak, they move on, seeking out the next thrill. they decide to do the obstacle course, this time just kane and grian, 1v1! no flying allowed, but everything else (including gliding) is ok.
this is where something in grian sparks.
maybe it's the alcohol, the hints of safety and freedom, or them playing games, but— he gets really into it. he gets to utilise his wings as he navigates the obstacles, and he's laughing, running on a high, and... the finish line is a pile of blankets.
a nest-like thing.
i do have 6,7k words long self-indulgent RP tucked away of just this scene, if you'd like. but the gist of it is that kane is once again caught off guard, because— well, he's never seen grian like this. so bright and cheerful, wings in use.
and grian invites him into it. beckons him closer as him and scar giggle giddily about his victory in a pile of blankets.
the prize, this time, is a special cherry flavoured liquor bottle... that has a pink ribbon attached to it.
maybe grian isn't thinking things through. maybe he's tipsy and running on bird instincts. maybe this is impulsive.
but it feels right.
so he grabs kane's hand. and he ties that ribbon around kane's wrist.
and even if kane doesn't understand the severity of it, he knows it means something big. it's a gift. and it's not a bite, but in kane's heart, that suddenly doesn't seem to matter.
(and yet scar knows. he knows what grian is saying here.)
(he's saying: flock.)
there's more that happens on this night. scar and nico also end up getting ribbons, several mental spirals and breakdowns and games later (pff), and now they're a Ribbon Gang!! (family. flock.) ...but i'm going to leave this at that, as this was meant to be about grian and kane and... i just really wanted to tell you about the ribbon thing :3
as a bonus, have this discord screenshot that i find very funny in the most endearing way:
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astolfofo · 1 year
coming back here again to be annoying sorry- but have you been enjoying hsr? any brain rot thoughts so far? :>
ur not annoying in the slightest! ty for sending in these asks. I've been enjoying Hsr a lot. I'm kinda busy as of right now, so I haven't been playing too much, and I haven't gotten too far in the story. But. I will be playing and writing more in July. So... we'll see until then
also I'm so sorry for just like. answering these like more than half a day apart, I wrote this at 3am and forgot to post it. So I apologize for any spelling errors or if it's like. Uncomprehendable.
As for brainrot ideas...
Okay so the first one I had was about Isekai!engineer reader. Honestly, sort of more like an oc at this point, but it's kinda more of my own self-insert more than anything so... hehe. Basically my idea for this is that like, any good old classic isekai. You're living your life, as an engineering major, until you get pulled into the HSR world. No reason why, but now you're just here. Depending on where you land, it's either gonna get bloody and brutal for you, or it's gonna be a cakewalk, so you have to be careful.
You're given a weapon (gun) for basic self defense, and you know the basic skills, but to survive, but... it's not like these skills will be of much use against an entire world with an envoirment the real world can only dream of.
But it's okay. You're an engineer. You've been through tough times, you know how to survive. You're not one of those wimpy kids who took computer science, or computer engineering. You've been out in the wild for various projects, you've survived long periods of harsh times. You're confident in your practical survival abilities. You have to be. Plus, it's not like you can hesitate, cause you might die at any given point. You're not from this world, and you know people are hostile here.
And because I'm a helpless simp for Kafka (this entire au was literally made while i was thinking about kafka hhhhnnng), no matter where you land initally, given that you survive, you're gonna run into Kafka, and she's gonna take you. Because you're interesting to her, you're an exception to the world. You don't have any future, nor a destiny, you were guaranteed to die.
But not anymore. Kafka's going to keep you no matter what. No one else will be able to have you. She'll have you alive, even if it's the last thing she does.
And you can't escape Kafka. You can't escape the world until you die. Everyone is after you. For less than pleasant means too.
Okay also... I've just been having chronic brainrot over Dan Heng.
Like just... Him. Him as a very self aware, yet painfully unaware yandere is just... incomprehendable screaming noises. Like he's introverted, has attachment issues, and is just hella repressed. He'd know these emotions... feelings aren't normal, but he can't help himself as he just falls into insanity. Maybe you showed kindness to him, maybe you looked at him a bit more than usual, or even talked to him. Well, whatever it is, he can't help but long for more of it. It's been too long since he had a will for something. It's wrong. It's so wrong. He's aware enough to know that. But you make him feel complete. And he can't help it. He can play this war of mind and heart all he wants, but in the end he'll always succumb to his emotions.
And he'll win you over no matter what. It's the only thing he can do.
Oh a few others just include like... mean girl Seele/Bronya (Heather's style au. no I will not elaborate. please ask me to elaborate)
Yandere trailblazer too...
Oh Oh and Asta x Subordinate reader (I love asta)
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lazzarella · 3 months
Okay, I LOVED this week's ep! Like, this was almost everything I love about this show and I felt like it had a really good balance between Dee's life and Yak's and their life together 🥰🥰🥰
Anyway. Note time!:
- Yak resting his head in Dee's lap <33 I like that it's kind of a parallel to the first night Dee stayed over at Yak's, except it's not to show off to anyone, just for themselves
- he's fully charged! lol gosh, Yak is such a baby with Dee and I love it
- "Thank you, boyfriend" followed promptly by a forehead flick XD they're both tenacious and stubborn! lol but Dee isn't denying anything verbally now—progress!
- and some boxing...
- Team Yoryak! Yay!
- hi there, Ice Bear! I love that he's almost like a background character in this to me <3 always there with a :\ on his face
- several days later and Yak is still at Dee's—I love how he it's like he lives there at least half the time, if not more
- THEY ARE CLOWNS! JFC. Lmaooooo at them putting each other's noses on while gazing lovingly into each other's eyes. I can't XD
- you know what, cute is not the word I'd use right now, but Dee is very much in love, so...
- actually, okay, they are still cute, wtf lol
- anyway, it was obviously going to be them dressing up for the kids at the hospital, but I'm glad they took the time to get a little weird about it lmao
- ahhh! Cher and Yei are there too! <33
- aww! Yak has flowers for Dee! And the kids are cheering! And lol ofc Ter walks past at that moment haha
- ahhh, Yak called Dee teerak <333
- poor Taem! I still find it kind of weird how I guess she likes Yak now, but even if it seems out of left field to me, I feel bad for her!
- and now the vending machine isn't working! What a day!
- argh, stay away from Taem, Ter! At least she looks put off
- (...that height difference, though! 👀 are they in anything together as a couple, because I would watch)
- I'm so glad we're getting some hospital stuff this ep! I was worried it was going to become the Yak show completely lol
- awww! The kids giving Yak stuff in support is so cute!! Of course they love him, he's a sweetheart
- "Let's have one of our own" aww! Saw that coming lol
- omg, Yak worrying about disappointing the kids if he loses! Damn! That boy is just a bundle of muscle and insecurities with a big big heart <33 I love that Dee told him to stop worrying about disappointing other people, though
- "You're making me blush" hehe
- seriously, though, I know most people are going to hate that Dee hasn't said they're boyfriends yet, but he's no longer saying they aren't—he's deflecting but not as vehemently
- back hugs! Yay!
- that whole bit where Yak says he's scared of not getting Dee's love if he loses and how they've only had good days so far—it's interesting how he's more open about his insecurities than Dee and I think I had something else to say but I slept since I wrote these notes
- all the kisses! Ahhh! What a cute scene! Yak is SO demanding, but that's kind of their thing—Dee pretends to be reluctant (with some things) while Yak pouts and coaxes XD
- hey! an update on the scholarship! Finally lol
- aww, a head pat from Kao! That was sweet :3 I do wish we had more scenes with him
- omg, Title looks SO handsome! Love his styling here <3
- hehe, Yak speaking English :3
- I like that the nightmare theme continues because it's not something that goes away easily
- but DAMN! He really thinks it's his fault his mum died?? Is that what his murmuring was meant to indicate? And the flashback dream where he says he never did anything right—bloody hell. I'm glad he has Dee to hug him because he needs it
- I need a hug from Dee too tbh
- "I want to be with you more" awwwwww
- okay "waiii" (sp?) is such a cute sound XD I love the different...I think the term might be paralinguistic sounds? But I love the different sounds different languages have to convey meaning without words. Thai has some fun ones!
- "This is enough for me" aww! <33 not for me, though lmao jk, but I wouldn't mind one more raunchy scene... Just saying. But they're so sweet, I'm happy to watch them just stare at each other
- that whole bed scene was lovely and I wanted to note everything down, but I also didn't want to miss anything
- also I love that there was more repetition in this scene again!! Going around the spiral
- Yak's bosom is SO distracting
- also, damn, he's a stubborn boy lol
- oh no, what if the operation is the same date as the match??
- ...and of course it is! lol
- Dee chucking Yak under the chin!!! I'm so weak for that gesture!
- anyway, Dee will obviously either not get there in time or make a dramatic entrance at the eleventh hour like Yak did at the ball lol
- "My power levels are off the charts" hehe
- CHER! OMG! He's so funny lmao his 'shipper heart' 🤣🤣
- "Follow him, son" lmaoooo
- hee, the little sound when Yei pulled Cher's stool toward him <3 I do love when he manhandles Cher 🙈
- Ah, I love a splitscreen moment!
- oh no! The brothers are making me cry again! 😫
- Lots of brown and beige clothes this ep...
- meh, operation stuff bores me too XD
- lmao, I love how I totally forgot that the beginning was a cold opening (with Yei and Cher looking for Yak) and the rest is a flashback until we see them looking for him again
- lying to your psych! Nice one, Yak! (We've all been there, right? ...right?)
- (Actually, IDK. I've withheld plenty, though, that I wasn't ready to talk about but that's actually fine—like literally fine, my psychs have all said so lol)
- okay, Mr Nazgûl/Grim Reaper is kind of freaking me out haha I still think it's Yak under there, like that Kermit meme—like it's just IDK a manifestation of his guilt and stuff
- oh! Dee's mentor/supervisor/senior was Yak's mum's doctor!
- lmao! Car troubles! Of course!
- Ter to the rescue? Hmmm
- "This feels like a sitcom" haha I love Yak
- Run, Dee, Run!
- I just want to take a moment to say I love Dee so much <3
- TAEM! Yay!
- DEE MADE IT! Phew (of course he was going to haha)
- "I'm here, Big Bunny" kljsdflksjdflksjflksdjfkldsjfd
- Yak crying because he thought Dee wouldn’t make it and Dee gently cradling his face Omg 😭😭😭
- KISSIES! And everyone cheering!
- Oh! It's the end lol
- I guess they won't be official boyfriends until the end haha that's going to annoy a lot of people, but I love it! And, like, I did partly expect he was going to say something about Yak being his boyfriend when he showed up at the match, but I also think that would've distracted Yak too much? But, either way, I like things getting dragged out like this XD
- anyway, looks like we're getting the Yei/Cher wedding next week like people predicted—maybe in the time skip?
- bring on next week! I'm not sure if I'm ready for this to end, or not, though
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izmagicallulu · 6 months
Hi! Returning your ask right back at you hehe
So, which companions from the class stories do you dislike the most?
And which ones do you like the most? :)
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(Returning the boop, too, of course!)
Ok, so here goes!
The companions I dislike/like the most-
Jedi Knight: I honestly would like Doc more if the devs didn't make him pushy with the flirting, but I dislike Rusk a bit more. At least Doc has a personality and has funny banter with the other companions- Rusk is just there taking up space.
The companion I like in JK: Kira. She mashes well with my JK. Oh and T7! best droid.
Trooper: It's between M1 and Yunn- I'm just not fond of them. Along with Vik. Honestly, both Yunn and Vik are forgettable.
The companion I like in Trooper: Elara. She's just so sweet and her friendship route is great!
Bounty Hunter: Skadge. Just Skadge.
The companion I like in BH: I can't pick one- Maybe Mako or Blizz.
Sith Warrior: The Bloody Murder Mop! I mean Broom- Broonmark! I'm just not fond of him and he's forgettable. I might have killed him without realizing it-
The companion I like in SW: Hmm, I'll say it's between LS Jaesa and Vette.
Jedi Consular: I'm not fond of Zenith. I don't hate him, but I'm more neutral towards him.
The companion I like in JC: Nadia she's a little sister to my JC. Qyzen is a close second.
Smuggler: I'm not fond of Guss with the stant he pulled on Hoth, but my Smuggler punched him so they're even! I might grow more fond of him when I finally beat Smuggler.
The companion I like in Smuggler: Risha. I just like her no nonsense attitude with Skavak.
Imperial Agent: Honestly- I like everyone in the Imp story. If I have to pick one- it's probably SCORPIO.
The companion I like in IA: Vector. He's an interesting character and like a brother to my IA.
Sith Inquisitor: Xalek- He's just blend. He could've been flashed out more.
The companion I like in SI: It's between Ashara and Khem.
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gear-project · 3 months
Annon-Guy: I'm making a new voting poll regarding fighting games and I thought I'd ask you one fighting game fan to another about what you think of the following games? (You can message me instead of replying this in the ask box if you prefer)
Street Fighter
Soul Calibur
Virtua Fighter
The King of Fighters
Dead or Alive
Bloody Roar
Melty Blood
Phantom Breaker: Omnia
Mortal Kombat 1
GranBlue Fantasy Versus: Rising
DNF Duel
Been a while since somebody asked me my thoughts on Fighting Games in general, so I might as well respond in a post:
Street Fighter 6 has loads of fresh potential, and I'm actually thinking about coming back to this series after my extended hiatus (the only problem being I can't afford games at the moment, hehe). Though I will still continue to take a passive "casual" approach to playing any and all fighting games, like I usually do. Capcom games tend to be a deep sore point with me in the past because of how hardcore the userbase typically is, so if I DO return, I'll be taking it very slow.
I'm STILL CURRENTLY PLAYING SC6 IF ANYONE ASKS. I'm just fully absorbed in farming/forging weapons in Libra of Souls. In fact, I just got a Level 90 Balor Scythe with 50% (max) critical hit rating! I got lucky today! I know Harada recently said he was partly responsible for "Euthanizing" Soul Calibur's development team as-is, but I still haven't given up hope for Soul Calibur 7, that is literally how much this series means to me... Soul Calibur is second only to Samurai Shodown and Guilty Gear in my heart of hearts.
Virtua Fighter: Sigh... that's a game I haven't played in eons... I played Dead or Alive 5 when the VF cast were guests in that title, and I goofed around a little bit with them, but to me that series always felt "basic" in terms of character appeal... sure a few characters were interesting, but I haven't really delved in to the game since it matured to more advanced graphics. I get that lots of fans (like Rooflemonger) are diehard VF fans for technical reasons, and I respect that... it's just to me these characters are the 3D equivalent of early Street Fighter concepts and that generic-ness never really appealed to me.
KOF... I have mixed feelings about this series: on the one hand the character designs are always peak or near-peak, and the music is always great... on the other hand the Team-based combat resources they've relied on for years feels rather dull to me. If they took even half of what BlazBlue Crosstag used and applied it to KOF, that would spice things up for me considerably. I've played my share of these games, Garou Densetsu: City of the Wolves (Fatal Fury) is going to do lots of things KOF has not done in a long time. My biggest beef with KOF is the fact it's so hard to earn meter and use it. I'm a Guilty Gear player, so Tension is super important to me, so I guess Gold Burst spoiled me in that regard, but still... KOF resources feel like they could use a fresh coat of paint in my humble opinion.
Dead or Alive... I actually haven't played since DoA5U to be honest, but at the same time this series has some goofiness to it that I always liked. The Combo freedom of the series always felt good to me, though there's a huge technical aspect to the attacks and hits, so it takes a long time to really understand what you're doing in that game... I also struggle with the Izuna Command Throws in that game, but I think I really love the counter parry system the most (even if some people hate it, I think it's very intuitive as a defensive tool). In terms of characters and roster, there's a lot that's both absurd and cool at the same time... and I think most DoA fans understand it... though the fanservice DOES get out of hand (we're an FGC community, not a BROTHEL). But sometimes they hit the nail on the head with DLC costumes, so that's a plus.
Barring what Mori has planned for BlazBlue in the future... I just really loved goofing around with mods in Central Fiction (I feel sorry for Console BB players as they are missing out on a lot of fun in the PC community). BlazBlue has always played second fiddle to Guilty Gear for many years, but despite this, it grew its own dedicated community to the point where you can TELL THE DIFFERENCE between a GG fan and a BB fan, and I respect that. Also, shoutouts to Ishiwatari for composing fresh music for BlazBlue that is a far cry different from the usual music we hear in Guilty Gear. It's just a fresh feeling whenever I play BB instead of GG, to be honest.
Beastorizor... Honestly, I had the misfortune to only ever play a demo of this game back on the PSX (PlayStation One console), so I was never lucky enough to get access to these games on a regular basis. I really like them, to be honest, and related to this but I also got in the manga "Killing Bites" because of how similar it is to Bloody Roar in concept... so I kinda wish Killing Bites had a crossover with Bloody Roar one day... that's how cool this series became in my mind. Also the art style and visuals were "very similar" to the Prototype build of Guilty Gear prior to the shift to 2D sprites for the first game back in 1998. Outside of Bloody Roar, Battle Arena Toshinden has a very similar art style to Guilty Gear's as well back in the day. BR is a very nostalgic game to me. I just wish Konami would get off their high horse and make a fresh game already.
I own Type Lumina (and Actress Again) on PC, and I've barely scratched the surface of that game to be perfectly honest. Melty Blood always felt like a different kind of game to me... in fact all French Bread games feel different from your typical "fixed combo fighter" games... they really put emphasis on options and freedom in these games, and I always appreciated that. The Moon system in the older games was just like EX Mode in Guilty Gear... so many variations you could pick to suit your play style, it was amazing, really. Also, the fact Lumina can customize your character sprite colors is the cherry on top... few 2D fighting games can brag to the idea that you can make your own unique colors, and Melty Blood is always going to be in my thoughts at some point. Also, I'm a huge fan of NekoARC Chaos... and no one can change that aspect of me!
Phantom Breaker... unfortunately I have never played this game, or seen it, so I can't really say much, though I know a few people who play it. My fighting game library is large, so sometimes I miss the boat on some titles, sadly.
Skullgirls... yet another game I barely play, though I keep saying it: the animation style feels optimal to what I would expect a Darkstalkers Remake to be. This series has a lot of Legal History that is plaguing it at the moment, but I still trust in the REAL SOVIET HEART of Mike Zaimont to pull through one day. I think this game has a lot of innovative concepts that people barely realize should exist in fighting games, and they're STILL adding new characters to this day as well! Well, it's yet another reminder that I have to get more DLC for this game later...
Mortal Kombat 1 (not to be confused with my nostalgic feelings for the Sega Genesis Port of the First MK game)... to be honest I've barely finished playing MK11 to really shift gears and play MK1, though I've heard some controversial discussions about the DLC of late, I have no idea what Ed Boon has in mind for the game's future... it's a tad different from older MK games to say the least, but they're still doing lots of fun stuff with it, so that's always good. And Ed knows how to spin a good yarn if Story mode is any indication.
Granblue... ohhhhh mannn.... I want to play Rising so bad... I want to play Relink too... I'm just broke. T~T Granblue will always be fun to me... and the fact they're adding costume and weapon elements to the game is just so great, plus the RPG mode makes me wish more games did what they do. Just the fact Granblue is being made by Soul Calibur's devs is also a nostalgic and great feeling as well. I'm still a hardcore fan of Vaseraga, to say the least... I'm also looking forward to trying 2B again as well (which is ironic, since 2B is ALSO in Soul Calibur 6).
DNF Duel... yet another game I haven't touched yet... I'm falling behind... it's killing me, honestly. I have yet to play Dungeon Fighter as well... though if DNF Duel really wants to appeal to me, they'll add an actual DUNGEON Mode to the game. That's my wish, at least.
Okay, I think that's everything... I just wish my PC was functioning and I could afford half the games on this list more. And I still have my eye on the latest Under Night In-Birth game as well... sigh... so much to think about...
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colddelusionsheep · 2 years
Hi, can you please write either yandere Jack, Wu chang, or Antonio with a reader who is very chill/relaxed with other people? I love how mean you can make them hehe, it makes me giggle. Thank you!
I am going to go with Jack since he is my second hunter main.
Warning: The is blood and death
The Last Match
Yandere Jack x Reader
This was sick, forcing them to eat with the person that would hunt them and slaughter them like deer. You doubted he could even eat seeing how he didn't even touch his food, or moved the mouthless mask out of the way.
It was a waste of time. The only good thing that it served was to give you a moment of peace to talk to your fellow survivors.
Talking with them was always very interesting. You learned so many things about them and you were even able to relax a bit with them.
You even tried to talk with the hunter, Jack, to learn more about him. Yet, he would always give answers that never actually gave away anything. You thought if you just make a connection with him you might be able to leave the match unscathed. Along with your friends of course.
The person sitting next to you suddenly tapped your shoulder to awaken you from your captivating thoughts.
"You okay? You have been staring at your plate for awhile. If you are nervous for the match I am sure everything will be okay. We always make it out." Your friend was right, from your original group you two were the only survivors. Yet, something uneasy sat in the pit of your stomach.
"I am fine, just thinking about...... things." When were you not thinking about things?
"If you say so. After the match we should talk. I want you to continue that story you were telling me yesterday."
"I would be happy to." You didn't know what you would do without your friend. You just hoped that this wasn't going to be your last match.
The loud sound of failing the calibration filled the air around you. It burned your ears, but you had to keep going. Your friend was the one being hunted by Jack, and you had give them the best shot at getting out alive.
It was unlikely however. They were found first, and already sustained some injuries. If they got anymore they wouldn't be able to make it the rest of the match.
It was weird though. They were all the way across the map yet it felt like Jack went right for them. You tried to think of something they might of said to offend the Hunter, but nothing came to mind.
You finally popped the cipher, the was only 2 remaining now. The thought of life filled your mind at the prospect of escaping the match.
"Help." Yet death always seemed to come knocking on your door. Your friend was crawling towards, blood trailing behind their weak body.
Rushing towards them, you knelt down to try to bandage the bloody wounds. Tears were pouring down both of your eyes.
"He didn't chair me, he could of but he didn't it." Their voice was broken with sobs.
"It will be okay, you and I will get out. The is only two ciphers left and I bet they are already about to pop." You reassured them.
"You don't understand, they are gone."
"Who is?" You we're confused.
"The other survivors, they are dead. That thing killed them right on front of me."
Your mind was blank. They were dead? How could they be dead? And if they are dead, where was the hunter?
Before you could respond to your dear friend. Blood splattered upon your face as knives ripped through the injured body.
The only thing you could hear is the sweet humming of the monster before you. Your voice was stolen from you by the cold hands of fear.
Backing up, you tried to remember if you saw dungeon anywhere.
"My sweet lady, where do you think you are going?" A deep and well mannered voice spoke from the faceless mask.
"Please, don't kill me." You knew begging won't work, but it was the only thing you could think of.
"Kill you? No, I won't kill you. How am I supposed to enjoy myself with you if you are dead?"
This really was your last match wasn't it?
All done! I hope you like it! Thank you so much for sending in the ask <3
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chibishortdeath · 2 months
Had to remake this entire post cause I got gunk in my eye and set my phone down for two seconds to clean it and it crashed (´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`)
Anyway, unfortunately slightly less excited/passionate version of this post it is then ughhhhh
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Explanations yippie!
I got requested by some friends to draw Simon with short shorts and so I delivered. Really happy with the anatomy on this one :3
Yes this is Fuma slapping his ass and yes it was also a request lol
Simon did not expect that—
But it was a welcome surprise ;3
Simon and Fuma are cuddling in this one! It’s a little hard to make out what’s going on with their arms and legs tho whoops
Just a doodle about the artstyle crisis I had a bit ago with his hair. It didn’t last long and I ended up going right back to drawing it how I usually do anyway, but it was an interesting concept to try. Maybe I’ll try it out again someday cause it looks nice, but ehhhh I just didn’t end up enjoying drawing it very much tbh (TwT ).
To pair with the first image, I drew Simon in his cursed era with short shorts too hehe :3. I also started adding little dark vein patterns to the curse in this doodle :O. I think it’s giving cursed a lot more than just the bloody scratchy patterns I usually draw.
I like to think that maybe if Simon succumbed to the curse he’d end up a vampire. I mean, it’d track with vampire folklore surrounding the vampires’ curse. There’s a lot of stories where the vampire, even when dead or buried, can still long distance drain and inflict someone with illness and the end stage of it is death and coming back as a vampire or other spirit/ghoul. Aughhhh I had a much better rant about this written before the crash but I just can’t replicate it properly aaaaaaa curse you memory problems (;_; ). I’ll have to rant about vampire folklore in a separate dedicated post eventually, it’s fun :)
Yay, pose practice :3! Also this one is never getting finished, the anatomy was too fun to cover with big clunky armor 😔😔😔
This one I am also so proud of X]. I think this is my best depiction of the effects of the curse yet tbh. I had an explanation of the traits I usually depict it having before the crash, so I’ll try to make another one. First things first, it drastically affects the healing process. Things just don’t close up properly or at all in most cases. Old scars tend to open back up a lot easier and this is in part because of the second major effect: rotting. Rotting is a very explanatory word when it comes to physical ailments, implying decay or necrosis! It usually starts at the extremities or around the edges of wounds with skin darkening, bleeding, and either a dryness or wetness, then spreads inwards and downwards or through the blood to other areas. Especially in extreme cases, which I think 6 whole years qualifies for 💀. Simon would probably have very fragile skin in the most affected areas and long story short his hands and feet are probably raw most of the time yikes, ouch, this poor guy :(. I imagine that he probably has some kind of Belmont specific regenerative and resistant ability that’s kept him from dying from it for so long, since they are kinda implied to be a little superhuman in some way. Which is probably a blessing and a curse in itself because on one hand it did allow him to live long enough to fix the problem, but on the other hand that had to absolutely suck (haha, Drac haha). I’ve explained other elements of it in another older post now that I think of it, so I might have to gather all this stuff together and make a more in depth post about it cause it’s really neat to talk about :3! I had like a huge special interest as a kid for injury and disease cause I started making ocs and ran into a bunch of “how to write realistic injury” posts and I’m glad for it cause it comes back any time I’m writing or drawing something that requires that knowledge. :)
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starry-skies-116 · 2 years
Neurodivergent Michael Headcanons (Part 1/3)!
Michael was diagnosed with dyslexia at age four- he often loved to listen to stories, but had little interest in letters or words and had extreme trouble with reading to the point where he would throw tantrums and have meltdowns if he had to read books. However, his synesthesia and misophonia due to hyperacusis was never diagnosed, and he was often bullied by his neurotypical peers (which resulted in him developing and internalizing hatred of people his age- that is, until he met his friends).
Michael’s favorite auditory stims include the sound of distant thunder booming, a spring breeze rustling, and the sound of a crackling campfire that has JUST RIGHT crackling noises.
Because Michael has misophonia, whenever Evan’s crying, his ears also start screaming bloody murder. It’s more of a situation secretly that has Michael saying that Evan crying is annoying, but it’s more of a case of “AYO DON’T CRY, IF YOU CRY I’LL START CRYING TOO BECAUSE MY EARS ARE TWO WHINY LITTLE BITCHES THAT BEHAVE LIKE AGGRESSIVE FERAL HISSING CATS AT THE TINIEST HINT OF NOISE”. He indiscriminately behaves like that around everyone, unbeknownst to everyone else.
Michael is not exactly a fan of uncomfortable textures, bright lights, foul odors or disgusting tastes, but among all five senses, sound is his biggest upsetter and the one he is most sensitive to (just as Evan’s biggest upsetters are smell, touch and sight, and Elizabeth’s biggest upsetters involve touch and taste).
Misophonia is one of the bitchiest of bitches to deal with. Basically Michael was sent to the principal’s office when he was eight because he snapped at a kid in his music class for playing the trombone too loudly, and nearly stabbed a kid in the thigh with a pencil because said kid was repeatedly sniffling too loud during a test. He also screamed at a kid to ‘shut up’ when they were eating a sandwich and making sloppy chewing and eating noises with their mouth open. There were many more incidents involving sensory overloads due to this, of which I can’t go into detail about because then we’d be here all day, hehe.
And crowds. Oh, god, where do I BEGIN with crowds? Michael hates them to the point of being borderline agoraphobic, and he didn’t even know until he attended one of Hurricane Middle School’s pep rallies with his friends- not precisely because of the close proximity of sweaty young teenagers packed up against him in the masses, but the sheer amount of sensory input was driving both his synesthesia and misophonia up the wall- countless onslaughts of colors were flashing before his eyes in the masses, assaulting his sight even when he had his eyes squeezed shut so hard that it hurt. Tastes were on his buds, clashing furiously with one another and it brought tears to his eyes- was this what an epileptic attack felt like, but with sound?
Michael ended up being hospitalized because of the serious condition he was in due to his nervous breakdown requiring stabilization and treatment. William saw it as a bit of an inconvenience, whereas Eleanor, Elizabeth and especially Evan were worried sick about him. The cup of warm milk he had when he came home was so soothing it might as well have been the best damn cup of milk he’s ever had in his entire life.
STIMS! Stiiiiims! Everybody loves stims, especially neurodivergent people! Michael tends to stim via fidgeting with the rim of the fabric of his fingerless gloves, picking at any bandage gauzes that might be covering his skin, twisting any rings he might wear around his finger, chewing/nibbling at the clay beads on his necklace, etc. When he’s sitting down, he may bounce his leg, fiddle with the pages of a book in front of him if there is one, or chew on something.
Speaking of chewing, this man HAS to have something to chew on, or he will, as another one of his restless stims, pop, click and twist his tongue sore and grind his teeth to smithereens. He always carries either a pack of chewing gum, or spare pocket change to spend at bubblegum machines- he’s nigh-unparalleled at blowing ridiculously big bubbles with gum because of the fact that his brain ALWAYS NEEDS HIM TO BE DOING SOMETHING WITH HIS MOUTH.
Michael LOVES stimming with gum and chewy foods such as marshmallows- when Easter comes around, his friends find it incredibly endearing how he basically gorges on Tootsie Pops, Peeps Marshmallows, gummies and basically anything with a chewy texture or chewy, stretchy gelatin candy (that doesn’t make a too-loud popit sound). Why? Because “texture good”.
Speaking of which, if you buy him a walkman with a set of headphones and complimentary earplugs (for when he doesn’t feel like listening to music), he will thank you and you’ve basically got a friend for life. His misophonic self HATES sound, and gets easily startled by loud noises, such as speakers, buses, chatter and screaming. Headphones greatly calms him, and he basically fiddles with the cord of his walkman. He also tends to semi-tap dance as a stim when he’s walking on occasion.
Additional stims Michael has is singing his favorite verses of certain songs to himself, drumming his fingernails against the desk, and twirling a pen masterfully between his fingers (a stim he shares with Evan despite the former having substantially superior motor skills).
Lexical-gustatory synesthesia and chromesthesia makes Michael associate certain colors and tastes with certain words and songs, as well as certain voices of other people- they can be sounds he craves and enjoys (Evan’s voice when he’s calm sounds, tastes and looks incredibly pleasant to him), sounds he hates (really loud or sudden noises that make him flinch or jerk), or even sounds he fears (William’s voice taking on any tone).
Whenever sensory overloads brought on by Synesthesia or just neurodivergence occurs, his brain basically completely, wholly and utterly BREAKS AND SHUTS DOWN ENTIRELY due to his brain failing to process all the stimuli around him. He can only make noises (at best stuttering out an incoherent string of slurred words) since his brain doesn’t have the capacity or energy in that moment to translate everything into sentences to convey what’s wrong. In this moment, he just covers his ears and goes nonverbal to prevent basically making noises, stuttering, and slurring, since that’s all he can do when he tries to speak during a sensory overload-caused meltdown. He just cries, silently sobbing, and rocks back and forth trying to soothe himself.
Whenever Michael is VERY happy, he basically claps his hands in a flappy-type motion and jumps up and down a few times, making a verbal exclamation of sorts and giggling to himself- just like his siblings. That, or he does really rapid and fast high knees while squealing and hitting the edge of his wrists together multiple times rapidly (his hands flap and flail while he’s doing this, EVERYONE thinks it’s freaking adorable and Evan joins him 500000% of the time- in other words, every damn time, without question, without exception).
Bro. His special interests being music, movies, Disney, theatre, filmmaking, songwriting, singing and just a passion for stageplay and the fine arts in general? And his favorite music secretly being from the soundtrack of Swan Lake instead of some edgy-ass rock band? AND IF ANYONE WITHIN A 15 MILE RADIUS EVEN VAGUELY MENTIONS OR EVEN SUBTLY DRAWS REFERENCES FROM COMEDIA DELL’ARTE? PLEASE.
He will INFODUMP SO DAMN HARD whenever someone even remotely, vaguely or slightly MENTIONS ANY of these things. He is a GAY THESPIAN THEATRE KID, through and through, loud and proud.
As Glamrock Freddy, Michael has accommodations in the form of special features implemented into his programming that let him muffle/cancel out noises (espeically trigger noises) and let him selectively listen to the ones he wants to hear as he pleases. To his annoyance, these accommodations are disabled when he’s on emergency power mode- however, Gregory’s presence and wellbeing seems to calm and please him alone. One look into those glimmering dark eyes, so large and gentle in their gaze that observed all under it’s watchful eye, and he felt as though he were looking at a calming night sky alight with stars. He instantly calms himself after looking at or just interacting with the boy that reminds him so much of his brother (hmm I wonder why… probably because the brunette boy IS your brother ahaha~).
When the animatronics were first made and were about to do a rehearsal performance/test run of their programming, Glamrock Freddy was visibly having a breakdown in the form of his wires fizzling and him spritzing out because Michael was basically screaming inside due to the sheer amount of NOISE around him. He could feel the low frequencies, the electronic pulsating of the stage and the music, the colors flashing before him and the phantasmal sensations of taste on his tongue EVEN WHEN he had long since forfeited his mortal flesh. Freddy/Michael basically collapsed onstage due to the sheer sensory onslaught of stimuli, and emergency maintenance had to be performed because an animatronic had a mental breakdown.
Ever since then, Glamrock Bonnie was the one that recommended and fought tooth-and-nail for Freddy to receive the feature of muffling out noise due to him basically constantly exhibiting misophonic behaviors and symptoms of both dyslexia and synesthesia (even when Michael was existing in a state of metaphysicality as a spirit possessing a robotic host). The other animatronics soon quickly followed.
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electionfraudking · 1 year
Well. She did ask if he had his arrowguns.
Xigbar clanged the aforementioned arrowguns together like pots and pans, and let out a yell. If [OM2T] was anywhere nearby, she'd hear him. He started going down one direction in the hall- if he didn't find her this way, he'd just go back down the other way. Perfect plan, right?
He looked down at his phone:
[I hear you! I'll go in the hall. I think you're pissing off this tournament runner though so]
Okay, and? The tournament runner pissed him off first. What are they gonna do, kill him? As fuckin' if. He yelled again. Nothing intelligible, just a basic "AAAAH".
He caught a glimpse of a kitchen up ahead, and-
Holy shit.
Down the hall, just rounding a corner- she was wrapped in what looked like a black sheet tied with curtain ropes? Not a wedding dress though. Thank fuck. She- her pigment was gone, save for two streaks of brown running down her face- eye color?
He definitely did not start sprinting. Definitely not. Because that would be sappy and embarrassing. And Xigbar doesn't do sappy and embarrassing.
Her face lit up, and in the seconds before he reached her she sort of shifted from foot to foot, she kind of reached out-
Just before he fully crashed into her, Xigbar remembered that she is, in fact, made of ivory, not flesh, and would feel like running face first into a statue.
Another bloody nose isn't exactly the best way to kick off a reunion.
(With a little help from gravity manipulation) instead of crashing, he scooped her up. Like a doll (hehe get it).
She let out a sort of shriek (a happy one) (hopefully), and wrapped her arms around him. After a moment of just kind of kicking her feet, she said, “You’re here!!!” And you could hear every exclamation point.
"Told you I would be." He couldn't think of anything else to say. His brain was a little bit fried at the moment.
She didn’t say anything, just hugged him. Like a boa constrictor. “Hi!!!!” A pause. “Not like that. Not right now. But!!!! Hey!!!!!!”
He laughed. "Hey, doll." He hugged her back with the same kind of grip. "I missed you." Harder to get out than he thought. Not because of feelings, or whatever – he was long past that point – but because it was getting a little hard to breathe here.
She put her feet on the floor and let go slightly (just slightly, her arms were still around his neck) and beamed at him. Not that he noticed or anything, but their faces were, like, pretty close together. Really close.
Not that he was noticing that, either. Nor the gray blush on her cheeks.
He did, however, notice the spatter of somewhat smeared blood on her face. Interesting.
After a moment she let go- or, rather, adjusted her grip to around his chest- and buried her face in his cloak. Her cloak. He was wearing her cloak.
“I- I-” She squeezed him. “More.”
"'More'? What?" What the hell did that mean?
“I missed you more. That was understandable. Skill issue on your part.” Her voice was muffled by cloak.
"Uh huh, sure. 'I' and 'more' are definitely a complete, understandable sentence."
“It is when the last thing you said was ‘I missed you’. Or were you so busy staring at me you forgot what you said?” She looked up at him. Still beaming.
"I-I'm not-!" He wasn't staring. And he didn't blush, either. Fake news.
Apparently the things he definitely did not do made her happy, because she did that little bounce again. Her hair had grown out a little. Not that he noticed that. Or the way it shined in the light. Or the wait it was bouncing when she moved. Definitely not.
“I- We-” She looked around the room like she would find the rest of that sentence there, “We should go back to my apartment. [Nickname redacted] is out here, somewhere, even though I kicked him hard, it’s not enough to fully keep him down-”
"I'd love to see him try shit now that I'm here. Just give me a reason." He paused. "Not gonna kill him. Just maim him. Gotta clarify. Make him WISH I would let him die."
She got a look in her eyes he didn’t recognize. He hadn’t seen that one yet. “Well,” She said, “That can wait until later. Um. Um, for now, we should- we should go back.” She wasn’t stammering like she did when she was panicking, this seemed more like nervous excitement.
"Okay. Yeah. I brought you some stuff, too- in a pocket dimension right now. Barely had time to grab it before I got pulled here."
He wasn't kidding, either. Frankly, if he hadn't been holding onto that specific point in space the way he had when he felt the pull of the tournament, he would've just been yanked here. No prep time. Thank fuck for space powers.
“I’m glad,” She said. He didn’t notice her cheeks were still gray. Probably just from running, which she maybe did. “Okay. Okay. Follow me.”
She grabbed his hand and took off down the hall.
He didn't notice how nice the feeling of her hand in his was. Nope.
"Place isn't bad," he commented. "By looks, at least. Fuckin' sucks in other aspects." You know, like kidnapping his g- boss, and sticking her with her terrible terrible ex that Xigbar was definitely not planning on strangling with piano wire or something first chance he got.
She let out a kind of nervous titter. Yeah, titter was the right word, “I don’t know what you’re talking about, Br-Xigbar. This tournament runner, Blue, is very nice and good at this! They gave me an apartment with a view into the arena, and the whole set up here is very innovative!”
"I'm still mad about what you got put through. You don't deserve that." SHE DESERVED TO JUST BE HAPPY AND HEALTHY, DAMN IT.
“Well, I’ll admit that it was a tiny, small breach of etiquette to be taken here while I’m still trying to run White Boy Bracket, but it’s well within their right to do so!” She smiled back at him nervously, “And we’re both going to be very polite to them so they let you stay here with me.”
"Just tell them I'm a pet. I'm cute enough to get away with it, right?" Absolutely not.
She rolled her eyes at him, smiling, and then stopped in front of a door that looked like it had had letters removed from the front.
“Look, Blue was nice enough to not be mad when I took my name off of the door! [Name redacted] is right down the hall, but I’m hidden here! At least partially.” She tugged on a necklace he hadn’t known she was wearing, and she pulled out a key. She took off the necklace and opened the door.
“After you,” She said, stepping aside.
"Ha, isn't that my line? 'Ladies first' and all that?" Nonetheless, he went inside. He noticed a broken nightstand on the floor. So he wasn't the only one smashing furniture lately.
“Chauvinist,” She said jokingly, shutting and locking the door behind her, “You use that line in the DM’s?”
"Bet if I did, he would've bitched about it!" Xigbar grinned. Holy fucking shit, he missed her.
“Oh, you have no idea,” She smiled, pushing the nightstand back in front of the door with her foot. “Full of contradictions, that man.” She flicked on the lightswitch.
"Can't fuckin' wait to destroy that guy. Stanley shot him in the knee, right? You think if I shoot him again, it'll come clean off?"
“Careful there,” She walked over to the window, raising the blinds, “I know you know about that artery, Braig.”
Oh. That hit different in person.
"Y-Yeah-" RECOVER. NOW. He cleared his throat.
"Cauterizing shot- He won't bleed out, and bonus points- it'll hurt twice as much."
“Hmm,” She said, “Maybe.” she raised a leg as she leaned to look out the window. Rested her cheek on her hand. Looking at Castiel, probably.
"He out there?" Xigbar walked over and leaned on the wall on one arm. He glanced out the window, trying to figure out where she was looking.
She nodded towards the window. He looked out. The arena had a dirt floor, portions of which were wet, red mud. Blood, probably. On one side of the arena, leaning against the wall, were two guys, younger than Xigbar’s current body, but by like ten years, max. One guy was covered in blood and was wearing jeans and like five shirts. The guy next to him was- that was Castiel- wearing a beige trenchcoat and reaching out to touch the other guys forehead. Soon as he connected, the blood and injuries disappeared.
“It’s because he’s an angel,” She explained, “A fallen one, but not a demon- in Supernatural, demons are corrupted human souls, not fallen angels. Even Satan still just counts as an angel. Anyway, he can heal anyone with a touch, and he’s got, like, angel strength, and he can teleport anywhere. Even though Dean makes him ride in the impala a lot of the time,” She smiled.
"Man- Wish I had healing powers like that. You know how many bodies I've had to abandon because someone tried to kill me?" He shook his head. "Could've been Bragi way longer. I liked being Bragi."
She did a sort of wiggle- because of Castiel?- and asked, “What did you look like then?”
"Eh, it wasn't exactly anything special – way hotter now – but it had its charm. Curlyish red hair, pink eyes- I miss the jacket I had. Had the kinda furry edge to the hood? Real nice blue, too. But, uh, didn't make it past 20 then before I got 'murdered'."
She looked at him with something like sympathy, then took a step closer to him and reached out and ran her fingers along the lapels of his- her cloak, “I- I could try to make you a new one?” She sounded very hesitant, “I- I’m good with clothing. I would only need a picture- I’m sure there’s one somewhere.”
"You would?" He blinked, surprised. I mean, yeah, they talked about the matching jackets and whatnot, but this was. Different. Xigbar felt his face heat up a little. He wasn't used to this. "I-I mean, if you want-"
She smiled slightly, hesitantly, “Sure,” she retracted her hands and stepped back a little, hesitant.
"I'm still cooking for you, by the way. Don't think you're getting out of that."
She smiled, less hesitantly. “I wouldn’t dream of trying.” She turned her attention back to the window, her cheeks gray.
"Good. It's gonna be great, promise." Oh. That reminded him. Xigbar stuck his hand in his pocket (pocket dimension) and pulled out the hot sauce he'd promised. "Brought this for you."
She smiled, taking it and looking at the label. “Nice. Thank you.”
She looked away, sort of glancing around the room. Like she was physically looking for something to say.
"You okay?"
“Oh, yeah, I’m fine.” she continued looking around. She turned away from the window. He guessed maybe to look around better.
"Can- Can I-" Just get the question out, man.
She looked over to him, perking up.
Nope. He can't finish the question. Damn it.
This is what happens when you suddenly regrow a heart after actively avoiding having one for over a decade.
Xigbar pulled her – gently – into another hug. Just because. He rested his chin on the top of her head. "... Is this okay?"
She felt… warm?
She didn’t reply for a few seconds. Then a few more seconds. Then a few more seconds. Maybe she wasn’t going to reply.
Okay, now he was nervous. But… She wasn't punching him again. That had to be at least a decent sign, right?
He almost didn't want to let go.
But he did.
"Sorry- I just…" Nope. Not finishing that- wait. She was completely gray. Her face and neck, at least. Her eyes were watering up slightly. What???
"Are you okay?"
She just kind of stared at him. For a few more seconds. Then dropped her face into her hands and bonked her head into his chest.
"Uh- Doll…?" Fuckfuckfuckfuck he did something wrong, didn't he-
She sort of nudged him with her shoulder, moving his arm a little. Then again. Hesitantly, he wrapped his arm back around her.
“Mm. Fine.” She said, muffled.
Xigbar inwardly sighed in relief. Okay. She wasn't mad. Thank fuck.
"Had me worried for a second there- Thought you were gonna punch me again." Please laugh.
She laughed. Nervously. Then less nervously. Then- one of her legs seemed to give out and she hit the floor with a thunk- and she was hysterical.
"Ah-!" What the fuck?????? "What the fuck??? Are you okay??" He knelt down beside her- somewhat out of arm's reach; just in case.
She gasped for breath, grabbing for his arm- missing (he moved closer)- and then held onto him. She smacked her head into his shoulder, “Ah- I’m fucking crying-” She was not crying. She was laughing.
Thank fuck.
"Alright, get a breath in before you knock yourself out. I mean I'm down to tuck you in, but the circumstances could be better than that."
She let out a kind of screech. Her nails were digging into his arm through the cloak. Like that cat he wanted.
“I- I- It’s not even fucking funny, I- I don’t know why I-”
"Breathe. Get any more riled up and you're gonna start choking on air or some shit." Is that something that could happen? Probably.
“I need a minute, I need a minute-” she gasped. She leaned against him and looked at the ceiling, still laughing. “I’m okay. Fuck. I’m okay.”
"Fuck, doll." He let out a short laugh. "You really have been going crazy in here, haven't you?"
“I’ve been fucking miserable-” She gasped, “Fuck I hate being alone.” She cackled.
"Well… Good thing I'm here now, right? Not leaving you alone again." He put an arm loosely around her shoulders.
“I almost wanna- wanna tell you the- the fucking crazy ass fucking unethical ass slonk contingency plans-” She smacked her head against his chest, struggling to speak.
"You had contingency plans?"
“You know about them, you saw the fucking post-” attempt to breathe “-the crazy ass fucking-”
"Yeah, but you never said what they were, didn't think they were straight up contingency plans!" He shook his head. Xigbar made sure to keep his voice positive. Didn't want her to feel bad about something that he now felt even worse for.
“No, no, maybe that’s the wrong word. Less contingency plans and more Hera Behavior-” A pause, and she looked at him, the laughter gone, “Do you know what I mean by that?”
"Not really. Figured it can't be good, though." Xigbar shrugged. "Didn't sound good."
“It’s so weird that you know Heracles- sorry, HERCules,” She said with a dramatic eyeroll, laughing slightly. (slightly. The laugh was mostly gone). “And you don’t know what I mean by Hera Behavior. It’s in his name- Hera-cles. Named thusly to attempt to prevent Hera Behavior, and it didn’t even work.”
"If his name is Heracles, then where the fuck did Hercules come from-" Probably not the thing to focus on right now. "I know I didn't make that up- everyone else called him that, too."
“Oh, you know the romans. Snatched him, and went, ‘Hold on, we don’t have hera, we have Juno!’, but Juno-cles sound fucking stupid-” She cackled, apparently at the idea of Junocles, “-So they just changed it a little instead. Or something. I dunno, I wasn’t in the writers room.”
"That's stupid," he scoffed. "Then what's the point of making just the one guy have a Roman name, while everyone else is Greek? I'm not going crazy, right? It's weird?"
“I KNOW!!!” She practically yelled, “That entire movie is bullshit! Oh, we have to watch it, you can talk shit about HERCules and I can talk shit about everyone else. Anyway, I think they did it to distract from the Hera Behavior.”
"I'm down. 100 percent." He paused for a second. "You still never explained what Hera Behavior is."
“OKAY SO.” She gestured with her arms, “Hera-” she held up one hand, “Zeus-” She held up the other, “What do you know about those two? Just vaguely?”
"Yeah, vaguely- Zeus is Hercules' dad, yeah?"
“Okay, okay, who do you think the mom is?” She waved the ‘Hera’ hand around a bit, prompting him.
"Hera, I'm guessing?"
“That’s what the movie says!!” She cackled, “That’s what Disney fucking wants you to think!!!!”
"Ooh, drama." Xigbar propped his head up on one hand. "So then who is the mom?"
“Oh, it’s-” She began enthusiastically, then dropped her voice, “Okay, so like, I know that answer, I know it, but I’m gonna play it up a little, yeah?”
"Alright, do it. Make this shit dramatic, I wanna feel like I'm watching a network tv soap opera." He grinned.
“Oh, you came to the right pantheon for that-” She grinned at him, “Oh, this is so fun, I can’t believe- I am so glad you come from the universe with the baby-ass disneyfied greek gods, I get to tell you the drama like it’s new and not something covered in every mythology book. Look nothing up! Any questions about this you have to ask me.”
"You got it." He laughed. Okay, this was gonna be good.
“Okay, okay, ask the question again! Ask it again!”
“Who’s the mom?”
“IT’S IMPOSSIBLE TO SAY!” She laughed, “It could be any woman in all of Greece. Or man! He has his ways. It could be me, Braig!” She looked at him, then narrowed her eyes, “It could be you. It could be, I don’t know, fucking Goofy? Who knows! I can tell you one thing though- NOT HERA!” she giggled, “I can count on less than one hand the number of children they had together, Braig, and one of those is debatable- Okay, we’ve got Ares- a war god, Hebe- goddess of youth, and- here’s the kicker, Hephestus. What’s funny about Hephestus? Oh, nothing! Just that he’s even a Zeus kid, Hera straight up used will power to spawn him because Zeus wouldn’t help. Then she threw him off a mountain. Hephestus. Not Zeus.”
"What?" Oh this shit was good. Can't get free range drama like this by any normal means, that's for sure. "Why?"
“Why the mountain or why so few children? Or why Goofy? I picked Goofy because that’s a funny example to me. Or why cheating?”
"Why the mountain? Go through all that effort and then just? Yeet?"
“Okay well I will preface this by saying I like Hephestus. He’s fine. Very good with machinery. Anyway, she threw him off Olympus because he’s ugly. Landed in the ocean and broke his bones.”
"Damn. Skill issue for him, I guess. Can't imagine doing something that crazy, though. Just. Toss your kid off a mountain because he's ugly? Oh well, just make another? So she's got issues, huh?"
“And that’s not even Hera Behavior. That was something she did but that’s not what anyone means when they say Hera Behavior. Not that they say that. But they know what I mean. We think of the same thing when I say it, if they know.”
"So then what is Hera Behavior?"
“So. There exists Heracles, yes? Well actually there exists Alcides. Hold on let’s back up. There exists Alcmene (told you I knew her name). Her husband is away at war, and she’s hot, so Zeus comes down to earth pretending to be her husband, and he’s like ‘Honey I’m home’ and they fuck. Then he leaves. But then the next day her husband comes home for real, and they’re confused for a second before they go ‘Oh shit that was Zeus, we’re fucking doomed.’”
"So they're not even concerned about the fact that Zeus just essentially assaulted the wife or anything, they're just worried about Hera? Fucked up."
“Well this kind of thing happened all the time, back then. Sometimes your husband was secretly Zeus just pretending. Sometimes Aphrodite and Poseidon cursed you to fuck a bull. I’m sure -”
She cackled, kicking her feet, “Where did you think the minotaur came from??”
"I don't know???? Not from a human person fucking a bull!"
“Oh, Braig, how naive.”
"Right, my bad, I should've known the Greeks are insane." He snorted. "So then you being this unhinged is just par for the course, huh?" He laughed and poked her with his elbow.
“Rude!! ‘Bout to engage in some. Hm. Actually a lot of gods would lose it at that. Uh. Nevermind. ANYWAY, I’m sure the husband gave her a big hug or whatever. Anyway, they fucked too. And 9 months later, two babies! Now you may be thinking, how do they know which one is the Zeus kid?”
"Actually I'm wondering how she got pregnant twice at the same time-"
“Do you not know what twins are, Braig? Do they not have twins where you’re from?”
"If one of them is from Zeus, that's not twins- that's like- I dunno, two uteruses. Like a rabbit or something. But go off I guess-"
She stared at him for a moment, face blank.
“Do- do i need to break out an anatomy book? Have you had the talk? That’s not how women work, you can have two kids at the same time by different guys, it’s just super rare. It wasn’t even a Zeus thing, that just happened.”
"No fuckin' way. You're messing with me."
“OKAY Braig- So the ovary has the eggs-”
"DOLL- Please- I do not need a sex ed lesson right now- Just. Story?"
“And sometimes, two eggs can release a few days apart. If you fuck twice in those two days, you can have a kid by two different guys. It happens.” ("Fucked up…" Xigbar mumbled.) “It’s possible. ANYWAY back to the story. So baby Heracles comes out buff. But- okay, you don’t need the ent- or actually? The entire myth is Hera behavior. Eh, you can get the idea. We don’t need the cousin plotline. Ask later if you’re curious. Anyway so for reasons we’ll talk about later, maybe, Hera makes the birth of Heracles, like, 3 days max pain. Just excruciating. And then, when Heracles is a baby, she sends snakes into his cradle to kill him for existing. This also happened to Percy- White boy Percy?- for different, non-hera reasons, but Hera did it first.”
"So basically the gods said 'fuck them kids'."
“Hera said fuck them kids. She tries to kill him a whole bunch of times, too. They name him Heracles because it means Glory of Hera- they were trying to make her less mad. It DID NOT WORK. Anyway fast forward 20 or so years, he has a wife- you may know her name? Do you know the name of Heracles’s wife, where you’re from?”
"Meg-something. She died or something and then he jumped into a bunch of souls to save her- it was a whole thing. Stupid thing."
“Megara! Good job!”
"So that one was actually right, huh?" That's a surprise.
“Yes! Megara was the name of his first wife.” She smiled, as if prompting him to ask what happened.
"'First'? What happened to her? Ooooh, is this the one you said he murdered?"
“Yep! Hera infected him with madness and he murdered his wife and children!” She said cheerily, “Only his nephew was spared. That’s why he had to go on all those labors! As penance!”
"For shit that isn't even his fault? What the hell?"
“That’s Hera Behavior, my dear friend. There is only one being in the universe she won’t punish for Zeus’s actions, and can you guess who it is?”
"Oh my god. So when he cheats, it's everyone else's problem, but he gets off scot free?"
“Yep!” She said, smiling, “And that’s just Heracles! You want a more recent example? Remember Jason? Blonde boy, lip scar, white boy cabin?”
"This shit is still happening?"
“Seasons change, Braig, gods don’t. They can’t. If they want to change, they need to go be mortal for a while. Just ask Apollo! Gods are everlasting, they don’t- mortals can change, and gods have power. Therefore, demigods change and have power, that’s the excuse they use for making them. Well, except Athena, she means it. Everyone else though.”
"Then Athena is the only real one. Got it."
“Well, she’s a maiden goddess, but she still has kids- like Annabeth?- she creates them from thoughts. Anyway, Jason- So- and this is interesting- He has an older sister named Thalia. She’s a hunter of Artemis and a daughter of Zeus. Now Jason, he’s a son of Jupiter, and he and Thalia are full siblings.”
"So he's really pulling this shit both Greek and Roman, huh?" Xigbar shook his head.
“Oh, duh, that’s not the significant part. The important part is, he fell for the Same Woman Twice. Twice! Imagine being Hera, and he falls for the Same Mortal Woman Twice!”
"Ough, that's gotta sting. What did she do?"
“Well, nothing to Beryl- the mother- but she died in her own time, anyway, she was a movie star, you get it. Anyway, so she’s super pissed, so she makes Beryl take Jason- I should mention, they Heracles’d Jason. Mythologically, Jason was one of Hera’s favorites. And to her credit, she fully tolerates Jason Grace! She fucked with him the normal amount! But anyway, she makes Beryl take Jason to park when he was 2 and then leave him for the wolves. For keeps. Forever. Bye, Jason! I mean, they took him to Camp Jupiter eventually, but, like. You know!”
"I'm. What? Okay, so, this doesn't sound that bad." He paused. "This is one of the good examples, isn't it?"
“Well, yeah, kind of, but she still made her abandon her two year old to the wolves. Anyway, Hera Behavior: When you feel scorned so you take it out on everyone else, in an unhinged or violent way.”
"So… What were you planning? There aren't exactly any two year olds for you to give to wolves around here."
She said, “Well, you’re not allowed to be mad. You weren’t in danger ever. That’s kind of how that shit works.”
"You know what? I'll take it." He shrugged, with that sort of cartoony, 'I'm the main character so I don't have to take responsibility for my actions', kind of way. Not for real, but it seemed fitting.
“Okay, So I mentioned having a few options. Well- okay, so I should say, I mentioned, uh, ‘if I was there in person I would have more options’, yeah?”
"Yeahhhh- Wh- Were you-? Did you mean-?" Holy fucking shit. WHY COULD HE NOT TELEPORT ACROSS TOURNAMENTS.
“Well, forbidden option one was simply to fuck you myself. This was not possible, so the Hera Behavior switch engaged.”
"So… What was the Hera Behavior?" Play it off.
“Hera Behavior is going nuclear. Option one: Tell Stanley you planned to trade him to [Name Redacted]. This would jeopardize my life but it would also turn him off of you completely.”
"Holy shit????" Color him flabbergasted. Fucking flabbergasted. "That's fuckin'- beyond nuclear!"
“I did not want you to slonk him. Option two:-”
"Okay- For the record, he came onto me, I just wanna make that clear I am not the one who did that-"
“I know, but it also doesn’t matter. Hera Behavior is blind to who started it.”
"Clearly. Doesn't sound like those mortal women actually wanted to fuck Zeus."
“Oh, some of them did. Dionysus’s mother did. Maybe Perseus’s mother? Perseus no-last-name, not Jackson. Percy is a son of Poseidon.”
"I'm gonna pretend I know who you're talking about. Anyway, the Hera Behavior?"
“Right! Option two: Okay, this one was only off the table because I figured it might backfire. You’re aware of his friend Cesare?” She smiled at him.
"Goth guy, right? Pulled a knife on me once." Why was he being brought into this?
“Well I figured it might send Stanley a message if I held an emergency round and put Cesare up against the Percy, Dipper, Faggy types. The ones that have never lost. But I figured, nah, that would only turn him against me and might make him come onto you harder. So that one was off the table.”
"What? You know he hates me, right? He literally only wanted the power play. I mean, that's fine, I only wanted some outlet to be a slut for a minute- Anyway."
“Hera Behavior is blind to those things, Braig. Hera Behavior cares only about preventing slonk.” Her tone the entire conversation was jovial. It was still jovial.
"Slonk prevented, then. Not alone anymore."
“I know! I came to my senses a few hours later, anyway. I’m skipping over option three for now. Let you down easy. Okay, Option four: ready?”
"That's concerning- Okay, what was option four?"
“Option four: Kill Stanley.”
"... Somehow, that's not as bad as telling him about the deal." This was all… Strangely, it was a turn on. Maybe not so strangely. It was kinda hot she was willing to go that far for him. Made him feel special <3.
“I will admit option one was my first inclination, and also probably the worst. That’s why I thought of back up plans.”
"Is it bad I'm- Actually, no. Not saying that."
“Well, then, I think you will like that option 3 was a watered down version of option zero.”
"Okay, what was it?" He's interested. He's very interested.
“Well I was thinking of sending images.”
"Wait- You mean-?"
“Yeah. Maybe call you, too.”
"Holy shit. Maybe I should make you jealous more often," he laughed and let his head fall back against the wall. "That's a joke- Don't hit me."
She leaned her head back on his chest, “You don’t need to.”
"... Good to know." This woman is going to be the death of him.
She closed her eyes for a second. He could feel the energy change. Girl had an on-off switch.
“I’m glad you’re here,” She said, no trace of the Mood that had been there mere seconds ago, “I- i was losing it a few minutes ago. My face is probably a mess.”
"Not that bad. Your eyes are running, though." He tilted his head. "Brown suits you."
She smiled at him, but it faded fast. After a moment of silence, she said, “He- he just fell down. And got cold. The- the- the Narrator said he’d be fine, but… I…”
"Hey. If the Narrator said he'd be fine, he'll be fine. From what I could hear, he didn't sound particularly stressed or anything. Maybe this isn't the first time it happened."
“I-” She paused. Froze, more like. “Wait, hold on. If I’m here, and You’re here, then who’s running White Boy Bracket?”
"Uh…" That thought did not occur to him. At all. Xigbar shrugged, a half nervous grin on his face. "White Boy beach episode?"
She looked up at him, head still on his chest, “I- I’m just worried. What about the test subjects? Sasha’s still down there, yes?”
"Yeah, but there's a Kin checking up on her every so often. Make sure she's still got food and whatnot. If she's got anything going on, it's just boredom." He sighed. "Hopefully the white boys don't think we're both dead and go tear up the place. They think you're dead, at least. Last thing they heard from you was that you got shot, and then all this happened. And I ran a round instead of you, so that couldn't have helped."
“They should know better,” She said, then sighed, “Oh, the pee-pee party’s gonna try to stage a rescue, aren’t they?”
"Ugh, probably. Gonna be a mess when we get back." Xigbar rolled his eye. "At least when we show back up, it'll put some fear into them. Get them at least somewhat back into line."
She nodded, then said, “Gods, what time is it? I’ve been up since, like this time yesterday at least. I don’t sleep around that guy.”
"Sleep now, then. I'll watch out for you." He meant it, too. No way in hell was anything going to happen to her with Xigbar around. Goons gotta goon, right?
She looked at him like that wasn’t the response she wanted.
"... What?" What did he say?
She blinked.
A pause, when he didn’t say anything.
She sighed, “Gee, Braig, are you tired? When’s the last time you slept?”
"... Actually, no idea. Probably more recently than you, though." Oh. Oh wait. "But I mean, if you want to catch a nap together, I wouldn't say no-"
She smiled brightly, then got to her feet and reached down to help him up.
He grinned and took her hand. "You know, you keep doin' this stuff, and I'm not gonna have any opportunities to be a gentleman." Implying he was any kind of a gentleman.
She raised an eyebrow, “Maybe that’s something I’m trying to prevent.”
"Ha! Probably picked the right guy for it, then. Never really been the gentleman type."
She let go of his hand, “Really? But our first interaction was so polite.” She half-grinned at him.
"I don't know what you're talkin' about, doll." He chuckled. "I remember you're the one that sicced your dogs on me."
She said, “I don’t count that as our first interaction- the one after that? And besides, I never said I was polite. You, however, kissed my hand.”
"You complaining about where it ended up?" He asked, jokingly.
“No <3.”
“How did you say that out loud?”
She laughed slightly, but didn’t answer. She walked over to the lightswitch and flicked it off. The room went pitch black.
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yunniestars · 22 days
"maybe this time, love won't end." (prologue)
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pairing: kinich x gn!reader tags: light angst with a happy ending, some of kinich's backstory spoilers, (very minimal) mentions of blood and corpses, not proofread
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it was an understatement on how much you two loved each other.
the both of you acted as if you were the main protagonists of the universe ╴specifically, each other's universe. two peas in a pod, partners-in-crime, ride or die, basically any duo name you think of.
it didn't matter on whatever obstacles you had to face, because you had each other.
to kinich, he never thought he'd be able to find love. after all, he grew up in a household where only fights ever occur because of his father's gambling addiction. he believe he would never need to find love ━ especially since he had everything, anyway.
until he found you.
the biggest treasure he'd ever found, and the brightest jewel that could never compare to the rest. who would've thought the person who commissioned him to help look for their yumkasaur would eventually be the one he'll find home in? how funny fate was, really.
and he'll never forgive fate for getting rid of you in his life so soon too.
the bloody walls still scare him. he'll never forget how your cold body felt on his hands, it was as if his own soul left him too.
eventually, he avenged for you and found the culprit of your murder ━ but it was never enough. and nothing will be.
since then, he stopped believing in love. what's the point if it's not with you?
[present timeline.]
"kinich!" wayna called out the black-haired man, who turned around with a raised brow and a tired face.
"what is it, wayna? i just finished a commission," he responds with a deadpan look. he wasn't really up for any more commissions right now, no matter the mora. he just wants to rest right now.
"well lucky for you, i got a new commission for you to take!"
exactly the words kinich didn't want to hear at that moment.
the boy scratches the back of his head, feeling more agitated than usual due his drowsiness. "can't it wait? the previous commission took more on a toll of me than usual."
wayna nods while giving him the paper, to which kinich took with barely any interest. "the one who commissioned said it can wait, but not for too long. and it's pretty light too... well, for you, at least."
kinich looks at the paper, "missing yumkasaur" written in bold letters. it didn't looked all special to him, until he reads at the bottom of the paper...
"commissioned by: Y/N L/N."
his eyes widen in shock. there was no way. you were dead.
"so, are you going to take it?" wayna asks after a brief of time passed, a bit nervous at how intently the boy was looking at the paper.
kinich nods, feeling a rush of adrenaline.
"i'll take it."
he needed to confirm this. he needed to know if it was really you and alive, enough time had passed and he doesn't want to long for you when in reality you're (possibly) alive.
and so, he leaves for it immediately.
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୨୧ act i ୨୧ masterlist
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a/n: thank u for reading my first fic here that isn't hcs hehe, i planned on making this a one-shot but i don't have enough time, so it's going to be a series. sorry it's kinda shit i kind of rushed making this because it's rlly late... hope u can look forward to the next part!
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nervouswaltz · 2 years
Hello! I read your latest fic yesterday-I love werewolves and I loved your fic too. So I was wondering if you have any personal headcanons of your own version of werewolves (like does a full moon precede a shift, do they all travel in packs, etc.) Would you ever write another werewolf AU? I feel like it would be interesting to read one that explores a bitten werewolf and one who was born a "natural" werewolf in a relationship. :)
holy fuck i have been thinking about this All Fawking Day thank u so much for asking my thoughts on werewolves because i have MANY. it is under the cut because i started talking and then i Could Not Fucking Stop :)
okay so basically i have gotten really FUCKING obsessed with the concept of like. monster horror and queerness and in general like body horror and its relation to sexuality and gender as a whole? read Real Women Have Bodies by carmen maria machado btw that's where i started thinking about this. and i got really into this idea of like. being a werewolf/being monstrous is a very queer thing like especially looking at my own journey of transition and coming out i see myself sorta reflected in the inevitability of shifting into a monstrous state. like you cant hide it. you cant run from it. you can only surrender yourself to it. and so i wrote an entire short story for a class that was about werewolves and internalized homophobia and healing and self acceptance and I've really vibed with my own personal interpretation of werewolves from there so. that is the Starting Point of My Thoughts sorry that is ZERO headcanons and more metaphorical implications of a person being neither monster nor human but a secret third thing (which is the best phrase in the english language btw).
ANYWAYS headcanon/personal truths time. 1. werewolves cannot shift at will. did fucking twilight make this popular i HATE this it takes away from the agony of being forced to confront the thing that is simultaneously monstrous and also a core part of who you are. i like my body horror gory and bloody and in my mind a werewolf's shift is PAINFUL like losing teeth and breaking bones and bleeding and bleeding and bleeding. didnt write that into the fic of course but i think that lack of control (even the lack of control of When A Wolf Goes Into Rut) is something thats really critical to the concept of werewolves and their relation to queerness in general. i DO think werewolves form packs, much like when you are queer your friendgroup generally. becomes a bunch of queer people. like calls to like but im not a fan of strict pack dynamics/leaders/borderline omegaverse dynamics, especially since strict pack dynamics actually arent really a thing in real life wolf packs. it also gives every member a sense of autonomy and shifts the definition of "pack" from "social structure" into something closer to a Found Family dynamic.
okay fun nsfw time about ruts. i dont like the concept of omegaverse heats/ruts to be honest i have a lot of problems with a lot of omegaverse (starting with its history and conception) that run the risk of often taking mlm relationships and sorta. heterosexualizing them? idk how to phrase it well but the uber-masculine-male and pathetic-breedable-twink thing is fun sometimes but sometimes feels gensrs borderline misogynistic in omegaverse when its the Only Possible Dynamic and moderate masc/moderate masc couples get SHUNTED into those stereotypes but thats just my thoughts. ANYWAYS when a boy werewolf and a boy werewolf love each other very much or dont its just a thing i think they have ruts where its not Fuck Or Die but it sure feels like it! i think they shift a little bit claws sharp teeth ears hehe puppy ears (do i think werewolf dick is like that all the time? unclear i have to examine my own personal biases) but they are still mainly in control except for being very horny which is like. epic. anyways i kinda leaned into omegaverse ideas of Scents and Mating but for me i thought of it more like getting married instead of "this is my babymaker and i have CLAIMED THEM" dynamics (thats why i made them switches also i just think dnf r switch representation men can be pillow princes one day and be topping you the next lets have some diversity okay?) and also i just think dream deserves to smell like apple cider and george deserves to smell like moss but hey its fic i do what i want i could write different monster sex and Someone would read it.
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh unclear if ill write more werewolves ill certainly FUCKING think about them a lot of the goddamn time and probably will write stuff like this again exploring other pairings/plots? no promises for anything tho u can only ever trust me to not deliver on a fic i say i want to write. also very interesting comment about the born vs bitten werewolves. i dont like how jkr (may she ROT!!) made werewolves a metaphor for aids but i deffo think that the concept could explore the ideas of coming out/knowing your orientation earlier in life versus later. thats a Fantastic thing to explore and i am 100000% going to do that with my werewolf ocs because that is an essential part of their plot i hadnt really thought about until literally right now
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~How the mercs react to you saying a phrase or word for the merc's mother language?~
Request by: @zombiesnips-blog I hope you enjoy ('ω')ノ
(Sorry I didn't do pyro. I hope that is okay. But I did the rest 8 merc so I hope you enjoy~)
Boy he found it adorable!! Scout!! that was frickin' unbelievable right!? Did you see that scout? :D BANG! OH! um HELL YEAH s/o! That is frickin' awesome! *High five*
Scout would absolutely melt when you said that word. He doesn't get why. It is just so cute. If somebody mentions about s/o's little cute words, scout would just pretend to not know about it. Oh um well I think s/o is completely okay saying it. Would you like me to talk to s/o abo- NO! It's okay um just let them be ye know?(besides I think it is super cute)
P.S, did the other mercs notice this? Um hell YES. They are just sighing to themself. These two are obviously having a crush on each other. Why won't those two lovey-dovey fools just confess already????
(As strange as it sounds you always brightened up when you heard the word ''Maggot'' it meant that soldier way nearby. Not only was this a useful sign in battle it also let you know that you could have a chance to spend time with him...)
Soldier found it so um how do you say interesting when you said the word maggot. It's just such a small cute cupcake like you saying such mean and brutal words is just OOF his heart man.
And then soldier! I destroyed that maggot!! WELL DONE CUPCAKE!!! YOU DID WELL DESTROYING THAT EVIL MAGGOT!! *strong head pats* Hehe thanks soldier :) BANG! (DAMN IT THAT SMILEE)
Howdy engi!!! !!! oh um hehe Howdy! how are ya doin' s/o? Pretty good :) *conversation goes from there.
HE WAS VERY HAPPY WHEN YOU SAID THAT :DDD Like boy he was gonna melt. Well he was. You're warm smile when you said it just BANG! Damn it. Ever since you both said howdy to each other and did a little special head pat or handshake.
If somebody tells him how flustered he looks when s/o say howdy he will just be such a stuttering mess. Oh well um, it's just a special thing between me and um s/o ya know? Just a nice little (cute) howdy hehe.
Heavy (пожалуйста = please) (Конфеты = candy/sweets)
You and heavy were in a quiet place in the battle. You both just escaped a bomb explosion fever time just a moment ago and you needed healing. It was an emergency.
Heavy! Hm? What is it s/o? sandwich пожалуйста! Heavy froze for a moment. He then smiles warmly. Those words reminded him of his lovely home and family. Of course s/o :)
It was a pretty deep and wholesome moment for heavy. Every time you say it heavy just melts and just gets happy flashbacks about his family.
A particular flashback is remembering his sisters asking for candy/sweets from him. Конфеты пожалуйста! It makes his heart feels warmed up to remember this little yet lovely memory :)
You both finished battle on the field. You both were complaining about how blu sucks. Demo you won't believe it then that damn bloody sniper headshot me!!! He laughed at the part you said ''Bloody'' He found it cute. It seems like you learned some of aye vocab Hm~? (You didn't know you said that lol)
He always tried to not giggle when you said ''Bloody'' He found it cute! He would even sometimes randomly while drinking remembers you saying that word.
S/o is just so bloody cute hehe!
Sniper ( The slanted font part means you said at the same time)
You both were at sniper's tower during battle and sniper was just about to headshot the scout. You both were very close and focused. Just a bit more...
*you both say at the same time* BOOM headshot! wait to wot. He looked at you. He was blushing did his crush just. Hm? what's wrong sniper? n-nothing...
He found that extremely cute let me tell you. That bright simile you had while saying that was just so adorable.
Danke medic!! !!! Oh they- *turns a bit red*
That was fucking cute his heart swore just skipped five-time and did two backflips and 1 heart attack.
He found it extremely endearing when you said that. He just would forget what he was doing for 5 min straight. God that was cute...wait what was I doing again? Uhh, FOCUS medic focus...Uhhh OH! Right, I was delivering livers to the storage room.
You want some tea s/o? Non not right now, but thanks for asking, Spy's brain just froze for a moment. Is that so.
*continues minding his business* (HOLY FUCK, that was so cute the hell, I didn't know s/o- FOOL! Calm the fuck down! Keep your cool spy. For god's sake keep you cool.!!!) Literally, his brain was just exploding and just going crazy due to you're cuteness.
He seemed okay on the outside but on the inside...boy he was just happy as hell. Ever since he actually read you more french books and just chill with each other and see you lean closer to him while he reads. 10/10 spy is very happy :)
Anyway, I think I only have 2 requests left. So yeah my requests will be open pretty soon.
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