#so it gets more complicated and things just get lost in translation
protect-namine · 7 months
the wikipedia page for tagalog grammar is... surprisingly long?? it's longer than the english one. I'm actually amazed because like... it even has syntax trees!!
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solecist · 8 months
was watching 악어's (acau's) vod today (it's amazing finally understanding more than one language on the qsmp fully ayeeee) and just wanted to clarify something! was noticing that 어색해 (second vod around min 52) was getting translated to "awkward". it isn't wrong persay but in english, saying that a person to person interaction was "awkward" has a bit of a negative connotation -- it's definitely not a positive word
when i tend to use 어색해, which is a word i almost only heard when talking about human interaction, i usually mean "shy" more than awkward. it's a bit of a complicated feeling -- you're a bit shy and a bit lost but it's a word that generally has pretty positive connotations (i like to think of it like the shyness that comes from meeting someone you really like/want to get to know better/want to impress, but that's more of a personal thing?)
i noticed it because quackity probably saw the word "awkward" instead of shy at the end of his tour/showing 악어 around. so he immediately assured 악어 that the qsmp team is there to help (which was sweet <3) but probably 악어 meant more of a "i'm a bit shy so i'll take a bit of time to do some personal exploring"
he also said that he was sure that any shyness (어색한) would wear off after he got to know people better!
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cookinguptales · 1 year
As someone who grew up in a bilingual household where we spoke English but also signed, the part of Mabel and Theo's relationship that fascinates me the most is the communication, or lack thereof.
I'm mostly hearing (...sort of...) but grew up around a lot of d/Deaf people, CODAs, interpreters, etc. so while I can't give any input on the experience of profound deafness, I can at least tell apart different styles of signing. It's a little hard to tell sometimes how much of this is characterization vs. the skill level of the actors, but it is interesting.
Teddy Dimas does not sign fluidly. It's immediately obvious. It's not that he's terrible or that he can't be understood... it's just that there are a lot of tells that he does not sign as a primary language. The terseness of the signs, the deliberateness. You can tell that there's a second of thought before each sign, a jerky sort of compactness to them, that's common with people who learn to sign later in life. (Or who don't get a ton of practice with it.)
Signing, when you do it right, requires the use of your whole body. That can be hard for hearing people, who are generally used to more restrained movements. Teddy Dimas has never quite lost that restraint. He still can't go all in, not with his signing or his parenting.
I always thought this was really interesting, because it means that Teddy most likely learned to sign for his son (tragically uncommon with hearing parents of Deaf children) but that he still can't quite translate his thoughts properly into sign language. He can't quite get his emotions through to his son. There's a barrier there between them, and it seems to be largely one that Teddy's erected -- until Theo starts snapping back.
What I'm getting at is that Teddy has always forcibly drawn his son into his world instead of immersing himself in Theo's, and it shows. And it has really harmed their relationship, in more ways than one.
Zoe... we don't see a ton of her signing, but there does seem to be something somewhat performative about it. It's more fluid, like perhaps she's done it her whole life, but there's also something sort of... idk, false about it? And I wonder if that's just Zoe. It felt like she was always covering up her true feelings of loneliness and emptiness with a flamboyant personality, and the little flourishes to her signing seem to convey that as well. Her signing feels almost theatrical to me.
Theo and Mabel, though... I've always loved that episode where they go to Coney Island together. I get the criticism that Theo said at the beginning that he couldn't understand much of what she said when he was reading lips -- and then she proceeded to just talk at him for the rest of the episode anyway. But to me, at least, that always seemed like it was kind of the point. They couldn't understand each other, not fully, and that was something soothing to them.
There's something healing, I think, about shouting into the void. Letting out all of your most personal, complicated feelings without fear of repercussion or judgement. Talking into the wind because you know it won't talk back. You need to feel that echo but also know that it won't be heard.
I think there was some of that there in their initial relationship. Both of them desperately needed to talk, to get everything off their chests, but both of them also have trouble opening up to others due to trauma. So I think speaking to someone who couldn't understand them was, in some ways, ideal. They could make a human connection while keeping it fairly impersonal. They could unload without fear of judgement -- or worse, understanding.
Oddly, I think their mutual need to communicate without being understood was the one thing they understood best about each other. They could sense each other's loneliness and wariness and inability to trust that they could tell someone something important without it being used against them -- because their love and their trust have always been used against them.
So maybe in a way, their inability to talk to each other was actually what helped them communicate on a deeper level...?
Still, though. Still. I was so pleased to see that Mabel is learning more sign language so she can talk to Theo. She's got a long way to go, but no one learns to sign overnight. She's making progress, and you can tell that Theo appreciates it. There are still times where he gets too excited and signs too fast and she doesn't catch all of it, and there are times when she gets so wrapped up in her own soliloquies that she forgets that you have to face Deaf people while talking to them, but there's a familiarity to it now. When he signs too fast, she smiles and teases him. When she talks too quickly or forgets to sign or turns away from him, he just smiles and sighs and shakes his head. Then waits for her to come back.
Theo finds it irritating, obviously, but also understands that it's just... Mabel. She spends so much time in her own head that she has trouble communicating even with people who speak her language, as evidenced with Tobert. And maybe Theo does understand her in ways that others can't. Maybe it's the very fact that he accepts that he can't always understand her that makes her feel comfortable with him.
I also have to wonder, y'know... Has anyone ever learned to sign for him before, other than his father, who clearly saw it as a burden? Has anyone ever seen him as worth the effort of learning, not out of an obligation to speak to him but a desire to? No wonder he's being patient with her. I wonder if anyone has ever put in as much effort for him as she already has. It makes me so sad to think about, because what she's doing now is so... bare minimum. Theo has been so desperately alone, and so much of that is because his father isolated him. It's because no one else ever reached out. :(
idk, it just makes me happy that these two people who originally bonded over their inability to communicate are now comfortable enough with each other to try actually talking. There's something so shy and so joyful about it. I love that for them, especially Theo.
I don't want him to be alone anymore!! I want him to have someone he can talk to, whom he trusts enough to talk to, who thinks he's worth learning to talk to back!
Their odd brand of bilingual communication (or lack thereof) is just fascinating to me. ;;
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biceratops7 · 1 year
*Wakes up in a cold sweat*
Ed and Stede give eachother exactly what they need. It’s the way Ed looks at Stede and the way Stede says Ed’s name. They share these rituals together in a way neither dreamed possible.
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There is a running visual motif of Stede being looked at. In these moments we’re placed (literally, talking about the camera here) in his point of view, where we can feel how… confronting it all is for him. His father glaring down at him with dissatisfaction that’s long since boiled into anger. His wife staring at him in an awkward silence like the frustration of being lost in emotional translation isn’t even worth a comment anymore. Nigel’s mocking gaze, Izzy’s calculated focus, It’s all to make you feel how unflinchingly exposed he is… but not vulnerable. He doesn’t get that because in order to be so you need to be understood. Stede lives with all eyes on him, but is not seen.
Then there’s Edward, who essentially has the same crushing issue but with a different presentation. His motif is his name, and what the other characters choose to call him is indicative of if they know him, or just know of him. Blackbeard is what he answers to most, but it’s not something he identifies with in the present, at best he has a very complicated relationship with the person that name represents. The greatest sailor who ever lived, the devil pYrate, a persona he perfected that has flown to the tallest mountains dragging Ed behind him. The only characters that call him Ed/ Edward unprompted or unironically are Stede, and interestingly… Izzy. We’ll come back to that later.
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Now here comes Ed, sauntering out of the hell fire and into Stede’s life like the patron Saint of leather daddies. And here we see that same familiar pov shot, and boy does Ed fucking LOOK at him. The last sight Stede sees before he conks the fuck out is this beautiful man who’s heard so much about him at his… well, Stede-iest, and is gazing at him like the loveliest thing in the world right now would be to know him even more. Ed’s heart eyes are no joke, they’re famous for a reason. Each time he looks at Stede, it is giving, it is wanting, it is a deliberate act of love.
Of course in the same sense Stede fills the hole in Ed’s life as well (not that one shut up), the desire not to be revered, but beloved, known. To just be… Edward.
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Stede used to have no noteworthy opinion on the matter of Blackbeard, enthralled by the legends as anyone else… until he met him, saw this kind and excitable man who loved all the things everyone else found silly. And suddenly now it’s none of his business. Stede doesn’t push, gets offended when information is revealed to him without Ed’s consent. He treasures all the ways he can get to know Ed, and holds space for whenever he can’t. He still admires Blackbeard sure, but only because he’s one of many facets that create someone far more interesting: Edward. From Stede, Ed’s real name is spoken with love, playfulness, simple familiarity, returning the warmth of the way Ed looks at him like another fine thing he deserves. Even when he’s not actually around to hear it, the natural thought process in Stede remains.
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I think it adds nuance and depth to each relationship that this is presented in foil with Izzy, because Izzy uses Ed’s real name as a commodity. It has value only as a threshold of hierarchy for Blackbeard’s inner circle, which as the previously sole member, Izzy is preoccupied with keeping exclusive. He’s possessive of a concept, and the more he learns just how different “Ed” is from it, the more the simple notion of Ed becomes ridiculous. Though both call him “Edward”, it’s only Stede that does so as an unconscious demonstration that he accepts Ed’s autonomy of personhood and is adoring of whomever that is.
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The last time we hear Izzy say “Edward”, it’s mocking. To him the name now only represents the pitiful death of a greater ideal “Ed” decidedly is not. The last time Stede says it, it’s when he’s confessing to Mary that he loves him. One instance treats Ed’s name as a mask of his true self, and an inferior one at that, and the other is quite literally revealing.
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The image he holds when he tells Mary he’s in love is Edward looking up at him smiling, breaking bread, completely un-pedestaled and joyful to be so. And Stede knows understanding now, being wanted, vulnerability, comfort. He calls those all Ed.
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firstkanaphans · 1 year
I heartily concur with your interpretation of the Ray/Mew no-sex scene - it absolutely wasn't about sex, it was about Ray pleading with Mew to just give him a sign that he's actually genuine about this 'relationship' - at this point I think Ray wants to be with Sand, but as long as there's a chance Mew is being sincere about this, Ray feels bound to stay with him, not because he's in love with him, but because a) he begged for this (even though I still maintain he wouldn't have had Mew not brought it up again) and b) I don't think he has it in him to actively reject Mew (which in itself is part of the reason they don't work), so imo in this scene he's thinking 'show me something, anything, that allows me to convince myself I did the right thing playing it safe/not going after Sand' and THAT'S why he's so angry - it's not about sex, it's not about Top, it's not even about Mew not being able to love him. And it's not about him just being mad at not getting what he wants. It's about Ray realising that he's thrown away the possibility of real love for the lie that is this 'romance'. And like you said, Mew as good as confirms as much in the final convo. I appreciated Mew's maturity and honesty so much in that scene - it made me do a complete u-turn on his character. Mew realises that Ray wants out of this non-relationship just as much as he does, but he also knows that Ray will never be able to be the one to say it because of the power imbalance between them, so he does it for the both of them, which is a true act of love and friendship. I think for some ppl Ray 'choosing' Sand had to be an A or B scenario, aka Ray could have Mew but chooses Sand instead. But because Ray is a messed up raw wound seeping trauma and addiction and self-loathing and confusion it was never going to be that simple. What we get is more complicated but just as valid - Sand isn't his second option, Sand is who he WANTS to be with, Sand is who he loves, and who he WOULD be with if a) he was better equipped to recognise and understand his own feelings ('when I'm with you I'm so damn happy') and b) he didn't have such a longstanding and complicated (and unhealthily co-dependent) history with Mew. He doesn't drive off hoping to hook up with Sand because Mew turned him down. He seeks Sand out because, if we agree the Ray/Mew fight is the moment they both accept on some level their relationship is fake, then that's the moment Ray allows himself the chance to go after what his heart really wants, which is Sand. Ray doesn't have the emotional toolkit necessary to be able to articulate all this to himself, let alone to anyone else, which is why Mew very gently does it for him. But Mew being the one to break this to Ray doesn't mean Ray's feelings are any less his own. I think of it more this way: Sand is Ray's first choice, but Ray's own happiness is Ray's last choice, because on some level he doesn't believe he deserves it, and so without intervention - from Mew, from Sand - Ray would always continue to self-sabotage (as talked about in the tweet Jojo reposted a few days ago). And slightly but not entirely off topic: I also think nuance is often lost in translation - I might be wrong but I wonder if his words ('why won't you let me have it') are less...yeesh in Thai. Just part of a general thought I've been thunking about deep analysis of foreign language shows when you're reading so much into everything and yet relying on what are often serviceable at best subtitles (for which I'm still eternally grateful!) - SO MUCH can be misinterpreted by just a single word choice, and I sometimes find myself having to choose between taking subs at face value vs retranslating them in my head to what I think better suits the acting/story/characterisation. Apologies for the indecent length of this - I got carried away! Long story short: I agree with you!
Honestly, I agree with all of this and couldn't have said it better myself. I don't have much to add, but I will pull out some of my favorite lines for a TL;DR:
"At this point I think Ray wants to be with Sand, but as long as there's a chance Mew is being sincere about [their relationship], Ray feels bound to stay with him, not because he's in love with him, but because a) he begged for this...and b) I don't think he has it in him to actively reject Mew."
"So imo in this scene he's thinking 'show me something, anything, that allows me to convince myself I did the right thing playing it safe/not going after Sand' and THAT'S why he's so angry - it's not about sex, it's not about Top, it's not even about Mew not being able to love him....It's about Ray realising that he's thrown away the possibility of real love for the lie that is this 'romance.'"
"I think of it more this way: Sand is Ray's first choice, but Ray's own happiness is Ray's last choice, because on some level he doesn't believe he deserves it, and so without intervention - from Mew, from Sand - Ray would always continue to self-sabotage."
As for the question of translation accuracy, I actually did a little digging into this. The line that was translated as "Why won't you let me have it?" was literally บอกกูมาได้ป่ะว่าทำไมมึงถึงไม่ยอมให้กูเอาสักทีอ่ะ (bòk goo maa dâai bpà wâa tam-mai meung tĕung mâi yom hâi goo ao sàk tee à), which can more accurately be translated as "Can you tell me why you won't let me have it?" I know that's not a huge difference, but it turns an accusatory statement into a legitimate question. Ray's not just stomping his foot because Mew won't give him sex. He's asking for an explanation. [Insert disclaimer about me not being a native Thai speaker here.]
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five-rivers · 4 months
KoF pollfic continued from here.
Edit: I must be tired because I left the poll off again. It is properly attached now. Forgive me.
“What’s that?” asked Danny.  “I don’t mind doing stuff other than translation.”  He loved his parents, but they didn’t always get it.  And, yeah, it wasn’t always ghost stuff they didn’t get (even a normal teenager would rebel if their parents tried to keep them inside twenty-four seven), but it was mostly ghost stuff.  Like why he liked Three Twilights so much, or how comfortable he was around Clockwork.  Or exactly what Obsessions were and how they acted.  
… Even Danny didn’t always understand why he reacted the way he did to certain things when it came to his Obsession.  After all, he’d thought he was managing just fine helping his parents with their research and running the occasional errand for Clockwork until this near meltdown.  Maybe it was a variety thing?  Or the way his parents were so resistant to him helping, lately?  
Yeah.  Yeah, that could be it.  It could be a matter of him subconsciously not feeling like he was being helpful, because they kept telling him to not help.  
Ugh.  Why did these things have to be so complicated?  Obsessions were supposed to be simple!  Straightforward!
Stupid complicated social Obsession…
(Not that he’d ever get rid of it, or even want to get rid of it.  Helping people was so important.)
“Here,” said the attendant, standing from her desk and beckoning him towards an inconspicuous door set in the wall.  “I’ll show you.”
Danny took one last look around the copyists’ room, then followed.  Behind the door was a twisted hallway– No, not a hallway.  The room only looked like that because papers and books were stacked so high on the… desks?  Or were there bookshelves under there?  Either way, it was maze-like.  
The only people they passed had golden loops and curls under their skin, and many of them gave Danny confused or suspicious looks before the attendant greeted them.  This was, Danny quickly realized, the staff area of the library, where only members usually went.  Most of these people probably weren’t even just members, but permanent and semi-permanent residents, if the Lost Library was set up anything like the Library of Tongues.  
“You can probably tell that there’s a lot to do back here,” said the attendant.  “Sorting and all that.”
“Is that what you need me for?” asked Danny.  
“Something like that,” said the attendant.  She scratched the corner of her jaw.  “It’s, well, finding things is much more fun than sorting things out so that they’re easier to find later.  So, we get a backlog, and with the recent influx from the Mausoleum…”  She trailed off, seeming to notice Danny’s glances of trepidation at the stacks of paper.  “Of course, we aren’t going to make you do all this!  This is years worth of files and plans, and… I think some of it is just sheets of doodles, actually.  Some of it is structural, anyway, or otherwise indestructible.”
“Well, anytime the last copy of something is destroyed, it winds up here, somewhere.  It doesn’t matter if it’s bad or good, or if it was just someone’s meeting notes… if it’s the last copy, it’s here.  Somewhere.  And if the last copy is already here…”
“Oh,” said Danny, understanding.  “I get it.  But I’m still not sure what I’m doing…?”
“Oh!  Right,” said the attendant.  “Well, whenever we get new material, it shows up in one of our intake books.  But those operate strictly on a chronological basis, and they only give the title and author in the original language.  Our card catalog needs the title and author in Middle Chinese, Latin, Esperanto, or English, plus the original, as well as the date of destruction, in order to work properly, so you see the issue.”
“So you need me to make the cards for the card catalog from the intake book?”
“Yes!  That’s it exactly!” said the attendant, making the ‘so cute’ face again.  “You pick up things fast.”
“Uh huh,” said Danny.  
“Now, we’re just around the corner– Here!”  
There was a relatively clear space, with a long counter on one side and a massive wall of tiny drawers on the other.  On the counter rested a set of huge books, each one chained to the counter by a stout golden chain.  Some of them were bigger than Danny.  Well, bigger than Danny in his current form.
“Why gold?” asked Maddie.  “That can’t be secure.”
“It’s probably cursed,” said Danny.  
“Oh, yes, we have excellent security,” said the attendant, happily.  “Or, well, the books do, anyway.”  She went to the thinnest of the books and opened it up to the last few pages.  “Here, this is where you want to start.  You can make the cards in any of the languages I mentioned, and the catalog will take care of the rest.  What else…  Here’s a reference of what the cards look like.”  She handed him a rectangular piece of card with a large dark stain on one corner.  “Don’t mind the stain.”
“Right,” said Danny, looking over the format.  “Where can I find blank ones?”
“Drawers under the counter,” said the attendant.  “Oh, and stay here, alright?  Some people don’t like it when guests are back here.  And it’s also, well, a maze.  I don’t want you to get lost.”
“So, um.  Are you staying here?” asked Danny.  
“Oh, no, I really can’t,” said the attendant.  “I’ll check in on you in an hour or so, and then maybe I can show you the children’s section!  If you don’t want to keep working, that is.”
“Uh huh,” said Danny, dubiously.
“And thank you so much.  We really need this done.”
Danny sat down in one of the chairs at the counter, glowered at the edge of the counter, which was about even with his nose, then got some books to stack up in the seat so he could see over it properly.  Then, he started to work.  
“Why doesn’t their card catalog work with other languages?” asked Mom.  “That seems like an oversight.”
“Four is already a good number for things like that,” said Danny.  He glanced over his shoulder at the wall of drawers.  “If you make something like that too smart, it’ll develop sentience and start to 
“Er, Danno,” said Dad, “why are you doing this?  Don’t get me wrong, it’s interesting!  But not what I thought we were doing.”
Danny sighed, and began the long process of explaining his problems to his parents.
About half an hour in, Danny noticed the quality of light had changed.  He looked up.  First at the ceiling, then around the clear area.  Glowing veins of light traced through the air in one of the gaps between piles of paper.  Veins of light that Danny hadn’t caused.  The ones he’d made on his way in had all but faded.  He frowned.  He’d definitely gotten the impression that there shouldn’t be any other guests here.
Maybe someone had gotten lost.  
Or maybe it was another guest getting a tour or helping with something back here.  Danny doubted all of the guests were translators, after all, and they had to earn their way in somehow.
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alilixx · 2 months
Lisa Cuddy X Lawyer Reader (WLW)
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First of all, I just want to apologize for any misunderstandings or mistakes. I’m not from America or England, so the laws and conventions are different, etc and english isn't my native language so maybe the translate can't be that good but i did my best. I hope you still enjoy the fanfiction! Okay, so for those who might not understand, the message above was BEFORE I started writing. I’m adding a few things after finishing; I might write a sequel? I’m mostly going to sleep now because I spent my night and day finishing this fanfiction only to end up disappointed. I’m sorry, it’s been over five years since I last wrote a fanfiction, so I’ve lost some of my touch, but I hope you’ll like it. If you have any feedback, please feel free to share it, whether it’s positive or negative, but please do so respectfully! My next fanfictions will be about Hugh Laurie X Reader and then James Wilson X Reader! I won’t say anything more, but I promise to improve for the future. Alilixx
A few hours after your lunch break, the phone at your office will ring. Your next client hadn't arrived yet, so what was the harm in answering? None, despite the number being strange, you were convinced you recognized it, but from where? After a few seconds of thinking, no answer would come to mind, so you pressed the button to pick up. The voice on the other end seemed familiar until everything clicked. House. A raspy voice on the phone you unfortunately knew quite well greeted you. Politeness would have dictated a "Hello" or something like that, but you didn't. He wasn't stupid; he knew why you weren't responding. Years without speaking after an argument, he didn't expect you to be very friendly with him, not after what he did.
"Listen Y/N, I know you didn't want to hear from me anymore, but I have a problem. I need a… favor, a service from you. I've caused more trouble for Cuddy and unfortunately, I don't have the money for lawyer fees, and neither does Cuddy. I don't want to lose my job, so just this once, help me."
After a few seconds of thinking, you shook your head before sighing and asking one of the last questions of this call, or so you hoped.
"I finish in two hours, stay at the hospital. I'll come after."
You would just hear a simple "Thanks" with what seemed like a smile from House. House smiling? Impossible, you hung up as your client arrived. Another divorce case, people sure get married way too often only to end up giving money to the other after the hate stage. You closed your client's file before grabbing your jacket and keys to head to the hospital, even though you'd rather be in a trial than go there. But seeing House asking for a favor was exceptional. After a good ten minutes, you arrived at the hospital. The reception didn't say anything as you passed by. Apparently, House had already warned people. Should you go to Cuddy's office or House's? After a few seconds of hesitation in the elevator, you decided to go to House's office, and no one was there. As if sending a message was complicated, you stepped back and knocked on Cuddy's office door. With her permission, you slightly opened the door to see several people inside. A woman was seated behind her desk, so Cuddy? The famous House and three other people, one of whom you didn't know, but the other two you did.
"Are you the police interrogating my clients, dear Lopez and Harper? I didn't know you had switched from lawyer to investigator. Unless I'm mistaken and you're doing this illegally? That would be a shame, wouldn't it?"
After turning around, the two lawyers who apparently had issues with House tried to come up with an excuse. The only response you gave them was a quick hand gesture towards the door behind you. They left, and you closed the door immediately. Cuddy got up to approach you, extending her hand to introduce herself, and you did the same. The person you didn't recognize smiled kindly at you, though you still couldn't place them.
"Can I know why they were here? I assume it has to do with House, but what did he do?"
Cuddy invited you to sit next to the unknown person, which you did. On the couch opposite were House and Cuddy. You quickly moved your head to see the name tag on the person's lab coat: "Wilson." Apparently, a very good friend of House. Cuddy cleared her throat to speak and crossed her left leg over the other.
"Dr. House… drugged someone to perform tests on them, even though they were healthy… at least nothing has shown up yet. The person contacted their lawyers to file a lawsuit against House."
You simply nodded, wondering why you agreed to this, just for a favor. You would have been better off sticking to divorces. You thought about how to defend this and opened a folder to read some documents. You thanked your education, which might potentially save him.
"I see, I understand the patient's perspective… The context is… unique. I must warn you there will likely be a conflict of interest, but I will remain neutral. It will probably be Judge Schultz, whom I know quite well, so there shouldn’t be any issues. However, the opposing side might use my past friendship with Dr. House as an argument, but that shouldn’t hold up given my reputation. We need the tests to be conclusive and show that the patient actually has something to better defend House. I’m not asking for a fake health report as that would just worsen the situation. I have about twelve strategies to defend House even if the tests aren't positive. So, if the tests are, House will get off with nothing but a fine."
Cuddy nodded while House didn’t seem to care at all, but you were used to that. This wasn’t the first time, and it would have surprised you if it were any different. You started writing down phrases on a sheet of paper before placing it on the small table between the four of you.
"I'll need you all to help fill in the details of my client's situation. Here's the first one: does the opposing side have any concrete evidence that House drugged them?"
Everyone looked at House, who tapped the floor with his cane before shaking his head.
"I don't think so. I used a very small dose so that it wouldn't show up when we ran the tests. So technically, no."
You crossed out the first line and moved on to the next. Thinking as you twirled the pen between your fingers, you crossed out the second phrase without even asking.
"I assume the person doesn't remember the events, so we can play on that. Implied consent… so lack of evidence and implied consent."
Were you as twisted as House for defending him this way? Probably. Was it worse because you were going to win? Probably that too, but it wasn't the time for a moral lesson, so you'd ponder the meaning of life later.
"I can try to use something else to strengthen our case, but it's a double-edged sword. I can argue absence of malicious intent, but… it's House. So, saying House didn't intend harm or that the tests were supposed to be beneficial or necessary in some way. The only problem is there are other ways to run tests, and I assume you already have a significant record for this kind of behavior. Plus, we need to contextualize the actions, and that will put House in the wrong. I don't think we should take that risk."
You crossed out another phrase; you were getting tired of this. Arguing about the patient's mental health but not providing extenuating circumstances for House because… it's House? As if he had no previous run-ins with the law, consent issues, and the problems that followed.
"We're going to play with the justice system and the opposing side, let me explain. I assume there hasn't been an investigation yet. Given the 'hidden' results, let's say, the police won't have anything, so we can play on that. So, 1-0. We can add that the patient has a grudge against House or just wants money given his status as a doctor, so trying to win a lawsuit brings in money. 2-0. And many other points considering legal loopholes and so on. So, we should win the case outright if House keeps a low profile and the results come back positive, proving the patient indeed has something, then House won't face anything except maybe a fine for 'saving a life'… I mean, he's not Superman either."
Cuddy nodded, looking thoughtful, while House seemed indifferent as usual. Wilson appeared both impressed and concerned, knowing House well enough to see the potential fallout. You continued jotting down notes, formulating a plan to navigate this complex case.
You closed your folder once more, placing the sheet inside, and looked at the others. It seemed you had lost Wilson in your explanation. Cuddy remained calm and simply nodded while House acted like his usual fool. You stood up, giving a quick wave of goodbye as you started to walk away from the trio, but you stopped at the door and turned around.
"I'm doing this for free, House, despite our past, but you must keep quiet during the trial. Otherwise, you're on your own. I'm not your mother."
Despite his jaw moving as if to speak, you left the hospital, running into Cameron. You didn't recognize her at first until she threw her arms around you. You gave her a gentle pat on the back. It had been since your cousin's passing that you had last seen her.
"Hey Cameron, how are you? You've aged!"
She gave you a light tap on the back, smiling and nodding. She explained that work was exhausting; after all, she worked for House. You understood completely, feeling the same after about an hour of saving his skin. She loved her job, as did House, but she prioritized her work, so she kept going. After about twenty minutes, you hugged her one last time before leaving, despite feeling someone watching you—probably House. You didn't care about his childish games; you just wanted to go home and rest. Your car was your best friend. Driving home with "The Chain" by Fleetwood Mac playing, you couldn't quite pinpoint why you loved the song so much—perhaps because it was a collection of unfinished pieces by the band? After long questions about your own existence, you realized you were already home. Grabbing your things and unlocking the door felt like the longest task of your life. You didn't even have the patience to put your things away, so they ended up on the couch, allowing you to shower and collapse into bed.
Hours passed, and your eyelids grew heavier until you saw "9am" on your alarm clock. Had you really slept, or was it just a sleepless night without realizing it? You were exhausted, but work was calling. Your next hearing was Friday afternoon, and it was Tuesday morning—surely, a day off wouldn't kill anyone, especially after dealing with House. You turned off your alarm for the next few wake-ups and let your heavy head fall back on the pillow, falling asleep once more.
This time, it was around two in the afternoon. Unfortunately, you had to work on a case, so you went through your routine—shower, document review, meal, and a quick walk to stretch your legs. The evening markets were beautiful; you couldn't go often during the week, but why not this time? The argument that kept you there longer was the still-warm cup of hot chocolate in your right hand. The twinkling lights of the stalls and the spicy scents floated in the cool night air. The crowd was dense but cheerful, with laughter and conversations creating a warm symphony that almost warmed you as much as the chocolate you had just finished. You wandered between the stands, stopping here and there to admire the handmade crafts and local products. Suddenly, your attention was drawn to a stand of colorful jewelry. An elderly woman with white hair and sparkling eyes held a delicately crafted silver necklace.
"Good evening," she said, her voice as warm as her smile. "Looking for something special?"
You smiled back, feeling the stress of the day melting away in the vibrant atmosphere of the market. "Just browsing, but this necklace is beautiful. Did you make it yourself?"
"Yes, indeed," she replied, her eyes twinkling with pride. "Each piece tells a story. Would you like to hear about this one?"
You nodded, intrigued, as she began to tell the tale behind the necklace, her words weaving a tapestry of history and craftsmanship that made you appreciate the piece even more.
"Do you like it?" she asked, noticing your interest.
"Yes, it's beautiful," you replied, stepping closer.
"It's a unique piece, made with great care," the woman explained. "Every detail tells a story."
You took the necklace in your hands, feeling the reassuring weight of the silver and admiring the intricate patterns. It almost seemed to vibrate with a special energy, as if it contained an ancient secret. You wondered what story it held and why, the moment you saw it, you thought of the woman in the office with House and his friend.
"I'll take it," you declared, determined. The old woman smiled even more and wrapped the necklace in pretty tissue paper before handing it to you. You thanked her and continued your stroll, the necklace safely kept in your bag. As you walked on, you couldn't help but think back to the old woman's words. Every detail tells a story... But why did it make you think of Cuddy? Lost in your thoughts, you didn't immediately notice the familiar figure heading toward you.
It was only when you heard your name that you looked up, surprised to see Cameron with two of her friends. One was an African-American man, about 6 feet tall, with an athletic and slim build reflecting a disciplined and well-cared-for appearance. His features included a square jaw and high cheekbones, giving his face a serious and determined expression. His short, well-groomed black hair accentuated his professional and rigorous look. You noticed his dark brown eyes, often penetrating and expressive. The other man, standing to his right, was a Caucasian, of medium height, around 6 feet tall. He had a lean and athletic build, reflecting an active youth and attention to physical fitness. His facial features were finely chiseled with a square jaw and a straight nose. His light blue eyes were often seen as penetrating and expressive, conveying a mix of curiosity, compassion, and doubt. His blonde hair was neatly styled with a touch of deliberately tousled disorder, giving him a relaxed and approachable look. Cameron gave you a quick wave to come over, which you did, of course, shaking hands with her two friends. The African-American man was Eric Foreman, and the other man was Robert Chase, according to Cameron, her colleagues at work. Though they were very friendly, you remained cautious as they were associated with House, which was the opposite of you.
After the introductions, Cameron smiled warmly at you. "We were thinking of going for a drink. Would you like to join us?"
You hesitated for a moment, but the idea of a relaxing evening was appealing. "Sure, that sounds nice."
The four of you headed to a quaint café-restaurant nearby. The place was cozy, with dim lighting and a welcoming atmosphere. You took a seat at a table by the window, offering a beautiful view of the illuminated square. The conversation started off slowly, with polite exchanges about your respective days. Foreman talked about his interest in neurology, while Chase shared some amusing anecdotes from his time in Australia. Cameron, ever considerate, made sure you felt comfortable and included in the discussion.
Then, the topic inevitably shifted to House. "So, you work with House?" you asked, trying to hide your curiosity behind a polite smile.
Foreman and Chase exchanged a knowing glance. "Yeah, it’s… an experience, let’s say," Chase replied with a wry smile.
"That’s putting it mildly," Foreman added with a nod.
The evening continued in a lighter atmosphere. You shared laughs, stories, and moments of camaraderie. Gradually, you felt more at ease with them, realizing that despite their connections to House, they were passionate and dedicated professionals. As the night progressed, Cameron suggested taking a stroll through the markets before heading home.
"Let’s enjoy the evening a bit more, what do you think?"
You eagerly agreed, happy to extend this pleasant moment. Foreman and Chase joined in, and you found yourselves back among the sparkling lights and enchanting scents of the night markets. Maybe this chance meeting would mark the beginning of a new friendship, or even an unexpected collaboration. Either way, you felt ready to embrace whatever the future might bring, surrounded by these newfound allies.
After a delightful evening with Cameron, Foreman, and Chase, you parted ways with your new friends and headed home. The night was well advanced, and the streets were calm, bathed in the soft glow of street lamps. The return journey allowed you to reflect on the evening and the people you had just met. Arriving home, you closed the door behind you and let out a long sigh of contentment. The warmth and comfort of your apartment enveloped you immediately. You kicked off your shoes and took off your jacket, neatly putting them away before heading to the kitchen. You made yourself a cup of chamomile tea, seeking to relax before bed. With your warm cup in hand, you made your way to the living room and settled on the couch. You took a moment to think about the evening, replaying each conversation and the impressions Foreman and Chase had left on you. They seemed like good people, despite their association with House. Perhaps they deserved a chance.
You placed the empty cup on the coffee table and got ready for bed. In your bedroom, you changed out of your clothes from the day into a comfortable nightshirt. Before sliding under the covers, you took out the necklace you had bought earlier at the market and examined it again. The old woman’s words still echoed in your mind: “Every detail tells a story.” As you observed the necklace in the soft light of your bedside lamp, you wondered what story it might tell. Perhaps this unique piece would hold a special meaning for you, a symbol of this unexpected evening and the new acquaintances you had made. You gently placed the necklace on your nightstand and turned off the lamp, slipping beneath the covers. As you closed your eyes, you felt strangely serene. The fatigue from the day and the soothing warmth of your bed enveloped you, and you drifted off to sleep, already dreaming of future adventures.
The next morning, you woke with the first rays of sunlight filtering through your bedroom curtains. You stretched out, still feeling the previous day's fatigue but also a newfound excitement for the day ahead. After a quick shower and a light breakfast, you felt ready to tackle the new day. You took a moment to examine the necklace again on your nightstand. It seemed even more mysterious in the daylight. Though you were tempted to wear it, you remembered your decision to give it to Cuddy when the time was right. With a smile, you returned the necklace to its box and carefully placed it in a drawer.
As you left your house, you headed towards your workplace. The morning passed quickly with the usual tasks, client meetings, and paperwork. However, you couldn’t stop thinking about Cameron, Foreman, and Chase. The idea of seeing them again seemed increasingly appealing. At lunch break, you received a message from Cameron. She invited you to join the three of them for coffee after work. With a smile, you responded positively, excited about the prospect of getting to know these new people better.
After work, you made your way to the café where you were to meet Cameron, Foreman, and Chase. The place was cozy, with a warm and welcoming atmosphere. You found them seated at a table near the window, waving to you as you walked in. The conversation quickly picked up where you had left off the night before. You discussed various topics, from work challenges to personal hobbies. At one point, Foreman asked about your necklace.
"Oh, it was a spontaneous purchase at the market last night," you said with a smile. "The lady who sold it to me mentioned that every detail tells a story."
"That’s fascinating," Chase said, examining the necklace more closely. "Maybe we should try to uncover that story."
The idea sounded intriguing. "Why not?" you replied. "It could be an interesting activity."
After your coffee, you decided to take a short walk in the area, enjoying the evening’s mild weather. Along the way, you passed an antique shop. Cameron suggested you go inside, thinking the owner might know more about your necklace. Inside the shop, the atmosphere was imbued with old-world charm. The owner, an older man with round glasses, greeted you warmly. You showed him the necklace and explained how you had acquired it. He examined the piece carefully before looking up at you. "This necklace is indeed very special. It comes from an old collection, known for its connections to stories of healing."
You found it quite amusing that Cuddy had come to mind, but why did you think of her? The subject intrigued you more and more. “Really? What else can you tell us about it?”
The shopkeeper smiled and began to recount a fascinating story about the origin of the necklace, its former owners, and the legends surrounding it. You listened intently, mesmerized by the details and mysteries that this simple piece of jewelry seemed to contain. After leaving the shop, you found yourself with Cameron, Foreman, and Chase, discussing the implications of what you had just learned. “I think this necklace might really appeal to Cuddy,” you said with a smile. “I want to give it to her, but I also want to make sure I understand its entire story.”
Cameron nodded. “That’s a lovely idea. And we’d be happy to help you uncover more.”
You smiled gently, touched by Cameron’s kindness. The evening ended on this note of camaraderie and shared enthusiasm. Back at home, you once again put away the necklace, promising yourself to continue exploring its secrets. You were now convinced that this piece of jewelry would play an important role, not only in your future relationship with Cuddy but also in your own adventure.
On Thursday morning, you woke up early, feeling the weight of a busy day ahead. After a quick shower and a light breakfast, you prepared to tackle the last-minute preparations for your client's trial scheduled for the next day. Before leaving your apartment, you took a moment to ensure that all the necessary documents were in order and neatly packed in your briefcase.
At the office, you greeted your colleagues and immediately immersed yourself in work. The morning passed swiftly with dossier reviews, phone calls, and meetings with your legal team. Your assistant brought you a strong coffee, knowing you would need all the energy you could get. Early in the afternoon, you decided to take a break and headed to your usual café, where you had met Cameron, Foreman, and Chase. They were scheduled to join you for a discussion and to help take your mind off the upcoming trial.
When they arrived, you ordered drinks and settled at a quiet table.
The conversation quickly shifted to your work and the upcoming trial. “You must be pretty stressed,” Foreman remarked, studying you closely.
“Yes, that’s the case,” you admitted. “But I’m ready.”
Chase smiled. “You’re one of the best. Your client is in good hands.”
Cameron added, “We’re here to support you. You’re going to do great.”
As the evening approached, you headed back home. After returning to the office, you spent the evening fine-tuning your arguments, reviewing testimonies, and ensuring that all evidence was in order. You felt the pressure mounting, but you were determined to give your all for your client. Around 10 p.m., you decided to go home to rest. You took a hot shower to unwind and made yourself a cup of herbal tea. Before going to bed, you took one last look at your trial notes, re-reading the key points to make sure everything was clear in your mind.
On Friday morning, you woke up with renewed determination. After a quick shower and breakfast, you headed to the courthouse. The atmosphere was tense, but you felt prepared.
At the courthouse, you met with your client and reassured them. “We’re ready. Trust me.”
The trial began, and you focused entirely on your arguments, presenting clear and compelling points. Hours passed in palpable tension, with every word and gesture carrying crucial importance. During breaks, you quickly checked your phone, receiving encouraging messages from Cameron, Foreman, and Chase. Their support gave you the strength to continue with confidence.
Finally, the moment of the verdict arrived. The jury retired to deliberate, and you spent this waiting period with your client, trying to reassure them despite your own stress. When the jury returned with their decision, you stood alongside your client to hear the verdict.
As the verdict was announced, a wave of relief and satisfaction washed over you. Your client was acquitted. You felt an immense sense of pride and gratitude for all the hard work accomplished. After thanking and congratulating your client, you left the courthouse with a sense of accomplishment.
In the evening, after meeting with a client following the verdict, the day had passed quietly. To celebrate, you sent a message to Cameron, Foreman, and Chase, inviting them to meet at the same café to share the good news. They arrived promptly, all smiles and ready to celebrate with you.
"Congratulations!" Cameron exclaimed, hugging you tightly. "You did it!"
Foreman and Chase also offered their congratulations, and you spent the evening chatting, laughing, and enjoying the moment of victory.As you were sitting at a table near the window, you noticed Wilson enter the café. Clearly, he was there for a break after a long day at the hospital. You waved at him, and he approached your table with a smile.
"Hey, everyone!" Wilson said as he approached. "Congratulations on the trial, I heard it went well."
"Thanks, Wilson. Yes, everything went really well," you replied with a smile, still floating on a cloud of victory, even though you didn’t know him very well.
"You did well to celebrate," Wilson added, addressing everyone. "I hope you’re all enjoying your evening."
After exchanging a few pleasantries and congratulations, Wilson left to pick up his coffee order. You resumed your conversation, but you couldn’t help but wonder how Wilson had heard about your success.
When you returned home late that evening, you took a moment to reflect on everything that had happened over the past few days. You knew that new adventures and challenges awaited you, but for now, you allowed yourself to savor this well-deserved victory. Before going to bed, you took a moment to unwind and enjoy the calm after the excitement of the day. You slipped into your bed, exhausted but happy, ready to face whatever the future held.
On Monday morning, back at the hospital, Wilson crossed paths with House in one of the corridors. House, as usual, seemed intrigued by something.
"So, you were at the café last night?" House asked, with an apparently nonchalant tone but with a hint of curiosity in his eyes.
Wilson nodded. "Yes, I ran into your team and your lawyer there. They were celebrating Y/N’s trial success."
House raised an eyebrow. "Oh, really? Interesting."
Wilson smiled at House’s evident interest. "You seem quite intrigued, House. Anything to say about it?"
House pretended not to be particularly interested, but he couldn't completely hide his curiosity. "I just wonder how she manages to juggle everything. Maybe there's something else driving her."
As you were heading to the break room for a well-deserved rest, you bumped into House. He looked at you with that enigmatic smile that was so characteristic of him.
"So, the great lawyer wins again," he said with a sarcastic tone, his piercing gaze fixed on you.
"It was a team effort, as always," you replied with a smile.
House shrugged, a mocking expression on his face. "Yeah, that's what they say. But maybe you just got lucky or you slipped under the desk."
You furrowed your brow slightly but maintained your composure. "Yes, luck always plays a role."
House looked at you for a moment, his smile turning into a smirk. "Or maybe your persuasive skills are just a façade. You should really thank your team more often."
You felt a flicker of irritation rise but kept your calm. "I know how to recognize my colleagues' work, House. Thanks for the advice."
House burst into a humorless laugh. "Oh, I’m sure you do. Everyone loves recognition, especially when they’re working for someone as... competent."
Before you could respond, House turned and walked away, his laughter echoing in the corridor. You stood there for a moment, contemplating the interaction. House had a way of hitting on the most sensitive points, and he seemed to enjoy testing your limits. You pushed the confrontation aside for now, thinking that you'd bring it up with Cuddy. As the hour came to return to work and finish your day, your thoughts refocused on your tasks.
Your morning had dragged on so much that it felt like the entire year was crammed into a single day, stretching it out as long as possible. Fortunately, after another two long hours, your lunch break finally arrived. You were exhausted and eager to see Cuddy. After finishing your urgent tasks, you made your way to Cuddy's office. With House's upcoming trial requiring your attention, you needed to meet with her to discuss the strategy and details of the case.
When you knocked on her door, Cuddy motioned for you to come in.
"Hello, Y/N. How are you?" Cuddy asked with a smile.
"Hi, Cuddy. I'm good, thanks. I wanted to discuss House's trial and see if we're all on the same page. I've just finished drafting all the arguments, possible responses, and so on. I'd like you to take a look," you said, taking a seat across from her.
Cuddy nodded. "Sure. I've prepared some additional documents that might be useful in the worst-case scenario."
You spent the next few hours reviewing the case details, strategizing, and discussing potential challenges ahead. Amidst the professional discussions, you briefly mentioned your recent encounter with House.
"Oh, he was particularly irritating today," you said with a smile. "He implied that my persuasive skills were just a façade and that I should thank my team more often, suggesting I used my feminine wiles to win."
Cuddy sighed. "House likes to push people's buttons, especially when he knows they've achieved something important. Don’t let him get to you. He’s just… House."
"I know," you replied. "But sometimes it’s really frustrating."
Cuddy smiled warmly. "You’re doing an excellent job. Don’t let his comments shake you."
After your meeting with Cuddy, you felt better prepared for House’s trial. You took the time to organize your files and review your preparations. Leaving the hospital, you felt confident and ready to face this new challenge, though a part of you remained apprehensive about what House might do during the trial.
When you got home, you took a moment to relax, appreciating the quiet of the evening. You knew the coming days would be intense, but you were ready for the challenge, buoyed by the support of your colleagues and friends. You found yourself reflecting on the afternoon meeting with Cuddy, her encouraging words echoing in your mind. You realized that you valued not only her professional support but also her personal presence. Perhaps she could become a good friend, although you knew she would never see you as more. Cameron was the only one who knew about your attraction to women, especially older ones, so you recognized Cuddy as your vulnerable spot.
On Saturday morning, an idea popped into your head. You remembered that Cuddy had a particular café she liked near the hospital. You decided to stop by and pick up her favorite coffee as a gesture of thanks for her support. Arriving at the café, you ordered two drinks and a pastry that you knew Cuddy liked. With the cups in hand, you headed towards the hospital, hoping that Cuddy would be in her office even on the weekend.
However, as you walked, you realized that giving the items directly to her might be too forward. An idea struck you, and you stopped by a flower shop to buy a bouquet. With the flowers in hand, you returned to the hospital and asked a nurse to deliver everything to Cuddy without mentioning your name. Fortunately, the nurse agreed and took care of your request.
When Cuddy received the coffee, pastry, and flowers, she immediately asked who had sent them. The nurse, respecting your wish for anonymity, provided a brief physical description. Cuddy quickly understood who the gesture was from, but it was too late for her to find you.
Back at home, you collapsed onto your bed, ready to enjoy the weekend. The days passed quietly with workouts, delicious meals, binge-watching shows, and a bit of work to stay on top of things. You felt relaxed and pleased to have made a thoughtful gesture for Cuddy. It was a step forward, and at worst, she might simply tell you she wasn’t interested in women. Unlike House, she wouldn’t insult or belittle people based on their feelings.
As you arrived at the hospital on Monday, your day off, you felt a mix of excitement and apprehension, curious about how Cuddy had reacted to your gesture. You took a deep breath before entering the building and headed towards your office. Shortly after arriving, you received a message from Cuddy asking you to join her in her office. Your heart raced as you made your way there, wondering what she would say.
Upon entering Cuddy's office, you found her sitting at her desk, a mysterious smile on her lips. She gestured for you to take a seat.
"Hello, Y/N. Thank you for the coffee and the flowers," she said, her eyes sparkling with amusement.
You felt a slight flush on your cheeks. "I just wanted to thank you for your support. It’s a small gesture to support House."
Cuddy nodded, still smiling. "It was very kind of you. I wasn’t expecting that."
You took a deep breath, feeling that now was the right moment to make the first move. "Cuddy, I’d really like us to spend more time together outside of work. Maybe dinner or something one evening?"
Cuddy looked at you, considering your proposal. "You know what? I’d like that. How about tonight, after work?"
A bright smile spread across your face, and you nodded enthusiastically. "That would be perfect. Thank you, Cuddy."
After your interaction, you left Cuddy’s office and saw Cameron waiting for you, looking slightly concerned. Since Cameron was the only one aware of your sexuality, you took the opportunity to explain the situation. She smiled warmly, congratulated you, and wished you good luck.
That evening, you met Cuddy at a cozy restaurant, the intimate and warm atmosphere fostering a deeper connection. You talked about everything and nothing, sharing anecdotes and laughter. The professional tension melted away, replaced by a natural camaraderie. At the end of the dinner, as you both walked to your cars, Cuddy turned to you, her eyes shining in the streetlamp light.
"This was really nice," she said softly. "I’m glad we did this."
You smiled, feeling a sense of contentment and hope. "Me too. I’ve really enjoyed it."
As you parted ways, you felt a sense of optimism about where this might lead. You knew it was just the beginning, but it was a promising start.
"Thank you for the evening, Y/N. It’s been a long time since I had such a good time," Cuddy said softly, her smile warm and genuine.
You felt a pleasant warmth spread through your heart. "Me too, Cuddy. I’m really glad we did this."
There was a brief silence before, making a brave decision, she leaned in slightly and placed a gentle kiss on your cheek. "Good night, Y/N."
She smiled at you, a tender glint in her eyes. "Good night, Cuddy. See you soon."
As she walked away, you were left momentarily stunned by her gesture. A kiss on the cheek? What was that supposed to mean? Was it just a friendly gesture or something more? You found yourself debating with your inner thoughts, trying to make sense of it. Frustrated with your own confusion, you decided to head to a nearby bar for a few drinks to clear your mind.
A few drinks turned into several, and by the time you stumbled back home, you were slightly tipsy. After a quick shower to wash away the remnants of the evening, you collapsed into bed. Despite your exhaustion, your mind replayed the evening over and over, unable to settle. The new level of your relationship with Cuddy had opened a door to unknown possibilities, and you were eager to see where it might lead.
The day of the trial arrived faster than expected. You knew it would be a challenging day, but with your recent experiences and the support of your colleagues, you felt prepared to face whatever lay ahead. As you entered the courtroom, you reminded yourself of the strength and confidence you had built over the past weeks. You could do this.
The courtroom was tense, but you focused on your preparations and the strategy you and Cuddy had developed. With each passing moment, you felt more centered and determined to deliver your best performance.
During a break in the trial, you caught a glimpse of Cuddy in the hallway. She gave you a reassuring nod, and you felt a surge of encouragement. Whatever the outcome, you knew you had given it your all.
The day of the trial arrived. Dr. Gregory House finds himself on trial for allegedly drugging a patient, Mr. Richard Moore, in order to have him undergo a series of medical tests without his consent. Although these tests ultimately revealed that Mr. Moore suffered from lupus, he claims to have no memory of the period during which the tests were performed, and he accuses House of having drugged and kidnapped him.
The trial began in a crowded courtroom, the case having attracted a lot of attention. The judge opened the proceedings, and the prosecution and defense attorneys presented their opening arguments. The prosecution attorney stood up and described in detail the charges brought against House, insisting on the psychological trauma suffered by Mr. Moore and the illegality of House's actions.
You stood up to present the defense arguments, immediately highlighting the lack of concrete evidence and the importance of the vital diagnosis obtained through the tests performed by House. You emphasized the absence of malicious intent and the life-saving nature of the intervention. Mr. Moore testified by describing his state of confusion and memory loss. He expressed his hatred towards House, claiming that he had been abducted and drugged against his will.
You began by sympathizing with Mr. Moore, acknowledging the pain and confusion he was experiencing. Then, you pointed out the inconsistencies in his account due to his fuzzy memory and highlighted the absence of tangible evidence. You asked him if he remembered specific moments when he might have been drugged, to which he answered negatively. House testified by explaining his actions from the medical point of view. He described the symptoms observed in Mr. Moore that had led him to suspect lupus and insisted that he had acted to save his life.
The prosecution attorney tried to show that House had exceeded his prerogatives, but you intervened regularly to object and protect House from biased questions. You had called several medical experts who confirmed that Mr. Moore's symptoms were consistent with lupus and that the early diagnosis had probably saved his life. They also explained that, without these tests, the lupus could have remained undiagnosed, putting Mr. Moore's life in serious danger. The prosecution attorney concluded by insisting on the lack of consent and the trauma experienced by Mr. Moore. He asked the jury to consider the violation of his client's rights.
You stood up for your closing argument, summarizing the key points: the lack of concrete evidence demonstrating that House had drugged Mr. Moore, Mr. Moore’s confusion and amnesia making his testimony unreliable, the absence of malicious intent on House's part, and finally, the vital importance of the lupus diagnosis obtained through the tests performed. You concluded by emphasizing that House had saved Mr. Moore's life and that his actions, although controversial, were guided by a legitimate medical concern.
After deliberations, the jury returned with a verdict. The judge spoke to announce the decision, "After examining the evidence and testimonies, the jury has concluded that the charges against Dr. Gregory House have not been proven beyond a reasonable doubt. Dr. House is therefore acquitted of all charges." Everyone was leaving, including House, Cuddy, Wilson, and yourself. You took the opportunity to step away from the crowd with them.
House turned to you with a smirk. "Well done, Y/N. I knew you'd rise to the occasion to defend the best doctor."
You felt relieved and proud of the work accomplished. "Thank you, House. Now, I hope you’ve learned your lesson and will be more careful in the future."
House shrugged. "We’ll see if I listened to the conversation."
You sighed, letting the stress go, satisfied with the outcome and ready to face the next challenges that House would present.
The month that followed was relatively pleasant. You had good times with Cameron and her friends, Foreman and Chase, outside of work. Evening outings, dinners, and lively conversations brought some joy to your routine. However, despite these good times, you felt a void every time you came home. Something was missing, a presence or a deeper connection. One evening, after yet another outing, you decided to take the bull by the horns. You invited Cameron to your place for a one-on-one discussion. Sitting in your living room, you revealed what you were feeling, hoping to find some clarity and perhaps some advice. To your surprise, Cameron began to smile and then to laugh softly. Intrigued and slightly puzzled by her reaction, you looked at her, searching for an explanation. "Why are you laughing?" you asked.
Cameron, still smiling, replied: "Don't worry, you'll understand in a few days. Trust me."
The next day, while you were immersed in your work at the office, your phone rang. On the other end of the line, a receptionist from a certain hospital where Cameron worked informed you that Dr. Lisa Cuddy wanted to see you. Intrigued and curious, you accepted the appointment, wondering what it could mean. On your way to the hospital, you decided to bring some coffees, one for yourself and one for Cuddy, hoping to create a relaxed atmosphere for your meeting.
Entering Cuddy's office, you were greeted by her professional yet warm smile. She thanked you for the coffee and invited you to sit down. After a few polite exchanges, she addressed the main topic of your meeting.
"Y/N, I'm sure you're wondering why I asked you to come here," she began. "House is once again involved in trouble. I was impressed by your defense in his last trial, and I would like to offer you the opportunity to become his official attorney."
You were stunned by the proposal. Becoming House's permanent attorney meant constant responsibility and frequent challenges, but it was also a unique opportunity.
Cuddy, noticing your hesitation, added: "I understand that this is an important decision. You can continue to manage your practice and only come here when necessary."
After a moment of reflection, you realized that this offer might address the void you were feeling. Accepting this role would allow you to continue practicing law while staying connected to a stimulating and dynamic environment. With renewed determination, you looked up at Cuddy and nodded. "Okay, I accept. I will be House's official attorney."
Leaving the hospital that day, you felt a mix of excitement and nervousness. You had just taken a major turn in your career, a turn that not only brought you closer to professional challenges but also to people you were beginning to consider close friends.
The following month promised to be full of surprises and new adventures, and you were ready to face them with new determination. After accepting Cuddy's offer, you found yourself often thinking about her. These thoughts were not purely professional; you realized that your feelings went beyond mere admiration. However, accepting these feelings was not easy for you. You had never really embraced your sexuality, and the prospect of being attracted to a woman, especially a colleague, deeply troubled you.
One evening, after a long day at work, Cameron came to visit you. She had noticed your distress and wanted to help you gain some clarity. You both settled comfortably in your living room, a steaming cup of tea in hand.
"You seem preoccupied lately," she said gently. "Do you want to talk about it?"
You hesitated for a moment but decided to confide in her about your suppressed feelings for Cuddy. Cameron listened attentively, without judgment, and reassured you with her soothing, calming voice.
"You know, Y/N, it's not easy to accept certain things about oneself," she began. "But your feelings are natural. It's not a matter of gender; it's about love and connection."
She then suggested an idea to help you open up further. "How about coming to a karaoke night with me? It might help take your mind off things and allow you to relax a bit."
What you didn’t know was that Cameron had a more elaborate plan in mind. She wanted to give you an opportunity to get closer to Cuddy in a natural setting. After you agreed to the karaoke, she contacted Wilson to help set up an unexpected meeting.
"Wilson, I need your help," she said on the phone. "Can you invite Cuddy to a karaoke this weekend without telling her that Y/N will be there? I think it could help both of them."
Wilson, always eager to assist his friends, agreed enthusiastically. He knew how beneficial this meeting could be for both of you.
On Saturday evening, you prepared with a certain nervousness for the karaoke night. Cameron picked you up, and you both headed to the bar where the event was taking place. Upon entering, you were pleasantly surprised by the warm and relaxed atmosphere of the place. Meanwhile, Cuddy, persuaded by Wilson to come out for a pleasant evening, arrived shortly after you. She had no idea what awaited her.
As you sipped your drink and chatted with Cameron, you noticed Cuddy walking into the bar. Your heart leaped in your chest. You turned to Cameron, eyes wide. She gave you a knowing wink.
"Relax," she whispered. "Enjoy the evening."
Wilson approached Cuddy and explained that he had invited someone else she might find interesting. He discreetly pointed in your direction. Cuddy made her way over, a curious smile on her lips.
"Good evening, Y/N, Cameron," she said as she joined your table. "What a pleasant surprise to see you here."
As the evening progressed, the songs played, laughter erupted, and the atmosphere became increasingly relaxed. You felt your barriers gradually melting away, encouraged by Cameron's reassuring presence and Cuddy's warm attention.
At one point, Cuddy suggested that you sing a duet. The song choice was a soft and melodic ballad, "Creep" by Radiohead, which brought you even closer together. As you sang side by side, you exchanged glances and smiles that spoke volumes. Of course, Cameron wouldn’t let this slip by and later made you sing "Tear You Apart" by She Wants Revenge. Even during the karaoke session, she noticed your lingering glances towards Cuddy during the chorus, which said a lot.
The karaoke night was a success. Thanks to Cameron and her ingenious plan, you had the opportunity to get closer to Cuddy in a relaxed and friendly setting. When you returned home that night, you felt more at peace with yourself and more confident about your feelings. Cameron had given you the push you needed to embrace who you were and what you felt. Now, you were ready to explore this new dimension of your life with greater serenity and openness, though you had to be cautious about House finding out. You weren’t ready yet to discuss this or face any potential insults from him.
The days following the karaoke night were marked by a subtle but significant change. Your interactions with Cuddy became more frequent, not only due to hospital legal matters but also through spontaneous moments of camaraderie. You were getting to know each other beyond the professional setting, and each conversation strengthened this budding connection. Each morning, you developed the habit of bringing Cuddy a coffee before starting your day, spending much more time at the hospital than at your office. It was a simple but meaningful gesture that quickly became a ritual for both of you. You often found yourselves in her office discussing current hospital affairs, but these moments also turned into opportunities to share personal anecdotes and enjoy each other's company.
One morning, while sipping her coffee, Cuddy gave you a grateful look. “You know, Y/N, these little moments of respite really make a difference in my day. It helps me forget that House is here and working for me.”
You smiled, touched by her words. “For me too, Lisa... Cuddy.”
Your exchanges weren’t limited to the morning coffees. Lunches also became an opportunity to get closer. Whether at the hospital cafeteria or in a small neighborhood restaurant, every shared meal strengthened your bond. You spent much less time with the trio, but it apparently didn’t bother them.
One day, while enjoying a salad at a sunny café, Cuddy asked you an unexpected question. “How did you decide to become a lawyer?” Surprised by the question but pleased by her interest, you shared your journey, including the impact of your cousin's death, the challenges you had overcome, and the motivations that led you to choose this career. Cuddy listened intently, her eyes expressing deep curiosity and sincere respect.
There were also times when your days extended beyond office hours. Sometimes, you would go for a drink after work, sharing moments of relaxation where professional concerns gave way to lighter and more intimate conversations. One evening, in particular, stood out. After a particularly stressful day, Cuddy suggested unwinding at a cocktail bar near the hospital. Sitting at the counter, you talked about everything and nothing, letting the events of the day fade with each sip of your drink.
“Sometimes, I wonder how you manage to stay so calm and composed, even though you’re very authoritative,” you said, observing Cuddy.
She chuckled softly. “It’s a façade, believe me. But having friends and moments like these really helps.”
As the weeks passed, you developed a relationship of mutual trust. Cuddy confided in you about the challenges of her position as hospital director, and you found in her a valuable listener for your own concerns. This dynamic of reciprocal support was new and comforting for you.
One afternoon, after returning from the courthouse, you found Cuddy sitting at her desk, visibly exhausted. Without a word, you took a seat across from her and pulled out a small box of chocolates you had bought with her in mind.
“For a little pick-me-up,” you said with a smile.
Cuddy looked up, clearly touched by your gesture. “You’re my savior, love. Thank you.”
The word “love” resonated within you like a gentle echo. You felt your cheeks flush slightly. This endearing nickname, filled with tenderness and affection, stirred feelings you had tried to suppress. Your heart quickened, and you suddenly became acutely aware of every small detail of the situation: the soft light in the office, Cuddy’s sincere gaze, and the pleasant warmth of the chocolates in your hands. Trying to control your emotions, you responded with a slightly trembling but sincere voice, “I… I’m glad you liked it, Lisa. You do so much for everyone here, it’s only natural for someone to take care of you too.”
Cuddy smiled and briefly took your hand, a simple yet deeply meaningful gesture. “Thank you, really.”
After this exchange, you spent the rest of the day in a state of deep reflection. This sweet nickname and Cuddy’s attention only reinforced the feelings you were beginning to understand and accept. You found yourself smiling for no apparent reason, replaying that moment over and over in your mind.
In the evening, you decided to talk to Cameron about what you had felt. She listened attentively, her gaze full of understanding.
"You see, Y/N," she said gently, "sometimes you just have to let things happen. Cuddy really values you, and it seems she’s starting to feel something for you too. There’s nothing wrong with exploring these feelings."
You nodded, feeling a mix of hope and nervousness. "Yes, you're right. I suppose I just need to be patient and see how things develop."
In the following days, you continued to offer your support to Cuddy, and she did the same for you. Each exchange, each gesture of affection reinforced your bond. The nickname "love" became a kind of shared secret, a constant reminder of the growing affection between you.
In the end, you realized that these feelings, although unsettling at first, were a natural part of your life. And with Cameron’s support and the patience you were showing, you knew you were on the right path to building something beautiful and lasting with Cuddy. As the days turned into weeks, you found yourself eagerly anticipating each meeting with Cuddy. She had become more than just a colleague or client; she had become a cherished friend, and perhaps, something more.
For now, you allowed yourself to be carried along by this new adventure, savoring each moment and letting things evolve naturally. The future remained uncertain, but for the first time in a long while, you felt ready to face it, with an open heart and a serene mind.
Everything was going well between you and Cuddy. The morning exchanges, the lunches, the moments of complicity were multiplying. You felt increasingly comfortable with your feelings, encouraged by Cameron’s advice and Cuddy’s kindness. But one day, an unexpected event was about to turn everything upside down. It was an ordinary day until an accident occurred in the hospital. A cart full of files toppled over in the hallway, and among the scattered papers, a personal note from Cuddy to you fell to the ground. House, passing by by chance, picked up the note before you could react. That evening, as you were finishing your day, you were intercepted by House in a deserted corridor. He had a smug grin plastered on his face and the note in hand.
“So, Y/N, having fun with Cuddy?” he started, his voice dripping with sarcasm.
You felt your stomach knot. “Give me that, House. It’s none of your business.”
He waved the note in front of you, his piercing blue eyes gleaming with mischief. “Oh, but it becomes my business when you drag your romantic issues into MY hospital.”
House moved closer, his expression hardening. “Seriously, do you think she sees you as anything more than a distraction? A little toy to pass the time?” He snickered. “You’re pathetic, trailing around like a puppy craving attention.”
You felt anger rising in you, but also a chilling fear. “That’s not true, House. You don’t know anything.” He burst into laughter, a cold and cruel laugh. “Oh, I know more than you imagine. Cuddy’s playing with you, and you’re too stupid to realize it. You think she loves you?” His tone grew more venomous. “She keeps you around for her little emotional emergencies. She doesn’t need you; she doesn’t need anyone.”
House stepped back slightly, looking you up and down. “Seriously, do you think someone like you could interest her? She could have anyone, and she’d choose a pathetic, lost lawyer? You’re laughable.”
Each word felt like a punch. You wanted to defend yourself, but the words got stuck in your throat.
“Look at yourself,” House continued. “A poor girl seeking affection. You’re a walking failure, trash no one wants. And when Cuddy’s had enough of you, she’ll toss you away like an old rag.”
These words hit you like a ton of bricks. You felt your eyes welling up with tears, but you refused to let them fall in front of him. Summoning all the courage you could muster, you took a step forward.
"You’re wrong, House. What Cuddy and I have is real. What you say doesn’t change that."
He looked you over for a moment, then shrugged indifferently. "Believe what you want. But remember my words when she dumps you."
House turned on his heel and walked away, leaving you alone in the hallway, emotions bubbling inside you.
You stood there, trembling with anger and pain, House’s cruel words echoing in your mind. But deep down, you knew you had to stay strong. No matter what he said, you had feelings for Cuddy and you had to fight for them. This brutal confrontation with House was just another hurdle to overcome, and with the support of Cuddy and Cameron, you knew you could get through it.
After the confrontation with House, you felt devastated and overwhelmed by emotions. You knew you couldn’t go home in this state. You headed up to the hospital roof, a quiet place where you could think and collect yourself. Sitting on a bench, you let the tears flow, recalling every venomous word House had said. You knew he had a talent for hitting where it hurt, but you couldn’t help but wonder if he was right. Doubts crept into your mind, shaking your confidence in yourself and in your relationship with Cuddy.
After a few minutes of solitude, you took out your phone and dialed Cameron’s number. She had always been a valuable support for you, and you knew she would find the right words to comfort you.
"Cameron, it’s Y/N. I need to talk. Can you come up to the roof of the hospital?" you said, your voice trembling.
“I'm coming right away,” she replied, her tone full of concern.
A few minutes later, Cameron arrived on the roof, her face showing deep worry. She sat down beside you, placing a comforting hand on your shoulder.
“What happened?” she asked softly.
You told her everything, from the accident that allowed House to find the note to his cruel and hurtful remarks. Cameron listened attentively, her expression hardening as you spoke.
“House can be really mean sometimes,” she said finally. “But he doesn’t know anything about what you truly feel for Cuddy, or what Cuddy feels for you. Don’t let him tear you down.”
Cameron's words provided some comfort. She was right. House had no right to judge your relationship with Cuddy, and he knew nothing about what you shared. You felt a bit stronger, ready to face the situation with more clarity. Unfortunately, you decided not to tell Cuddy, not wanting to disturb her or seem strange. So you distanced yourself a bit until she came to see you, at which point you had no choice but to talk to her and explain EVERYTHING. You hoped that this conversation would further strengthen your bond. You took a deep breath and sat down across from her.
“I need to talk to you about something that happened a few days ago.”
You told her everything, from the accident with the files to the confrontation with House. Cuddy listened attentively, her expression growing more serious.
“House really crossed the line this time,” she said finally, anger evident in her voice. “I’m sorry you had to endure that, but next time, come to me about it.”
You nodded. “I don’t want to let his words affect us. I really care about you, Lisa.”
Cuddy smiled gently and took your hand in hers. "Me too, Y/N. Don’t let House make you doubt what we have."
The conversation with Cuddy gave you a renewed sense of determination. No matter what House said or did, you were resolved to fight for this relationship. With Cuddy and Cameron’s support, you knew you could overcome obstacles and continue building something beautiful and lasting.
In the following days, you felt stronger and more determined than ever. You continued to work hard, support Cuddy, and grow closer to her. Each moment spent together strengthened your bond, and you knew you were on the right path toward something truly special. The road ahead was still long, but with Cuddy by your side, you felt ready to face any challenges. You were determined not to let House’s cruel words bring you down and to keep moving forward, day by day.
Your relationship with Cuddy improved even more over the weeks. Conversations became more intimate, and shared moments grew more significant. During meetings and coffee breaks, you exchanged knowing glances that often spoke louder than words. Cuddy sometimes made thoughtful gestures, like bringing you your favorite coffee or carving out time in her busy schedule to chat. Cameron, true to her playful nature, never missed an opportunity to highlight these little moments. "So, did you have your daily tête-à-tête with Cuddy?" she would say with a mischievous wink. Each time, you would blush slightly, but you also appreciated these teases that made your feelings seem even more real and tangible.
One day, you found yourself confronting House in his office. The tension was palpable. House was particularly irritable that day, and you had heard about his ruthless behavior towards your patients, especially your cousin. Your cousin had come to the hospital with severe abdominal pain, and House, in a fit of personal anger and contempt, had delayed the necessary tests.
"You should behave better for someone who’s a total jerk. How could you let my cousin die without even trying to save him years ago just because you had a grudge against me?" you exploded, entering House’s office without knocking.
House looked up from his desk, a sarcastic smile on his lips. "Oh, so you’re here to mourn poor patients? What a charitable person you are! You’re here to blame me? Maybe if your cousin hadn’t been so stupid, he’d still be alive."
Those words were the last straw. You felt a searing rage rise within you. "How dare you? You don’t even know what you’ve done. You were so consumed by your own anger and selfishness that you didn’t even take the time to treat him properly!"
House stood up from his chair, his face hardening. "Your cousin was a hopeless case anyway. Maybe if he hadn’t been so weak, he would have survived."
You clenched your fists, your voice trembling with fury and pain. "My cousin was Cameron’s husband!"
The words thundered through the room, and only after they left your mouth did you regret it; you had promised to keep that a secret. House froze for a few seconds, his eyes widening in shock. For once, he seemed unsettled, as if a brutal truth had just hit him in the face. At the same moment, Cameron was passing by House’s office. She had stopped, hearing the raised voices inside. When she heard your declaration, she carefully opened the door, her eyes shifting from you to House, a silent pain on her face.
House quickly regained his composure, though his tone was sharper than ever. "Oh, I see. So you’re here to whine because your cousin didn’t survive? Newsflash, Y/N, people die. This is a hospital, not a fairy tale."
Cameron entered the room, her face pale but determined. "House, that's enough."
He turned his gaze toward her, a cruel smile on his lips. "Oh, look who’s joining the party. Are you here to support your grieving cousin? It’s touching, but he’s not coming back after all these years."
You felt tears welling up, but you refused to let them fall, and the urge to punch him was overwhelming. "You’re a monster, House. You have no idea what it’s like to lose someone so close because you’re a lifeless jerk whom nobody likes."
House shrugged, his expression indifferent. "Loss is a part of life, sweetheart. Get used to it, because I don’t sleep with my boss for bonuses."
Seeing you raising your arm toward House in anger, Cameron stepped in, grabbing you by the arm. "Come on, Y/N, let’s get out of here. He doesn’t deserve you getting worked up like this."
You left House’s office, still trembling with rage and sadness. Cameron embraced you, offering the silent support you desperately needed. You moved away from that place of conflict, leaving House behind with his arrogance and insensitivity. This painful confrontation further strengthened your bond with Cameron. She understood your pain better than anyone and shared your anger toward House. Together, you found comfort in each other’s support, growing even closer through this difficult ordeal.
Even though Cameron continued to have feelings for House despite learning about his refusal to treat her husband’s case, you both relied on each other. That evening, reflecting on the confrontation, you realized how much you cared for Cuddy and Cameron. Their unconditional support was an anchor in the storm of your emotions, and despite House’s cruelty, you were surrounded by people who truly cared about you. You took a deep breath, determined to continue fighting for your loved ones, to overcome obstacles, and not to let House’s nastiness destroy you.
The days following that confrontation were emotionally charged. The tension between you and House was palpable, but you could always count on Cameron for support. Interactions with Cuddy became even more precious, her smiles and soothing words helping to ease the weight of your emotions. Your relationship with Cuddy was deepening. One afternoon, as you were working in your office, you received a message from her: "Need a coffee break? Join me in my office."
You smiled and headed to her office. When you arrived, you found her seated with two cups of coffee and a box of macarons. "I thought we might need these treats to get through the day," she said, handing you a cup. You chatted about various topics, sharing anecdotes and laughter. Cuddy seemed more relaxed in your company, and you realized that these moments had become essential to you.
One evening, after work, Cameron invited you over to her place to talk. Sitting on her couch with a glass of wine in hand, she brought up a sensitive subject. "You know,Y/N, I’ve noticed that you’re getting quite close to Cuddy. It’s wonderful to see that, but I sense something is holding you back."
You looked down, hesitant to admit your repressed feelings. "Cameron, I... I think I have feelings for her, but I don’t know how to handle them. I’ve never accepted being a lesbian."
Cameron looked at you with compassion. "There’s nothing wrong with being who you are. You deserve to be happy, and if Cuddy makes you happy, you should tell her. Take your time, but don’t let fear stop you from living fully." You simply nodded, and the evening continued at her place until you fell asleep in front of a movie with her.
After a long day at work, you decided to go to Cuddy’s office to discuss some important points related to a file. Upon entering her office, you found her organizing papers, her focus on the work in front of her. The atmosphere was relaxed, and the soft lighting in the office created a pleasant ambiance.
You lightly knocked on the door before entering. "Hi, Cuddy. I had a few questions regarding our file."
Cuddy looked up, a smile forming on her lips. "Ah, Y/N. I always wonder why important questions seem to come at the end of the day."
You smiled and placed the documents on her desk. "Maybe it’s to give you a chance to test your multitasking skills."
Cuddy pretended to look outraged. "Oh, I see. So now I’m expected to juggle medical emergencies and your questions. Why not throw in some cannonballs while we’re at it?"
You laughed, appreciating the light tone of the conversation. "Well, you’re the hospital director. I suppose juggling cannonballs is part of the job description."
Cuddy rolled her eyes with a smile. "I guess I haven’t received that manual yet. But seriously, what’s the issue with this file?"
You took a deep breath and decided to make a slightly bolder comment with a touch of humor. "Well, I just wanted to check if your problem-solving superpower is as effective outside of the office."
Cuddy leaned forward, her gaze amused. "Oh, really? And what would my superpower be, according to you?"
You tilted your head with a mischievous smile. "You know, the ability to handle crises and make things simpler even when they seem impossible. But I have to admit, you might also be a coffee superhero, considering how you’re always full of energy."
Cuddy burst into laughter, shaking her head. "Oh, you're incorrigible. But if you insist, I suppose I should also accept the compliments on my ability to make the perfect coffee."
You nodded with a knowing smile. "Absolutely. I’m ready to give you a 10 out of 10 for your caffeine skills, in addition to your management talents."
Cuddy gave you a playful look before picking up a coffee cup from her desk. "In that case, it looks like I’ll have to make you a special coffee to reward you for your praise."
You thanked Cuddy with a smile, and the conversation took on an even more relaxed and friendly tone. Moments of teasing like this were becoming increasingly common, strengthening the bond between you. With her humor and kindness, Cuddy had become a key pillar in your daily life, making even the busiest days more enjoyable. The discussion continued in a light-hearted manner, filled with laughter and friendly exchanges. You left Cuddy’s office with a sense of well-being, ready to face the rest of the day with a smile on your lips.
A few days after the heartfelt conversation in the office, you both had taken a day off together. Cuddy had used the opportunity to invite you to her home, away from the constraints of work and regular responsibilities. It had been a while since you had the chance to spend an evening together without thinking about your professional obligations.
As you entered Cuddy’s house, you immediately felt a warm and inviting atmosphere. The interior was impeccably decorated with personal touches, creating an ambiance of comfort and tranquility.
Cuddy greeted you with a sincere smile, her presence radiating a soothing warmth. "Welcome to my home, Y/N. I’m glad you’re here. Make yourself comfortable; dinner is almost ready."
You settled at the table, where a homemade meal awaited you. The conversation during dinner was smooth and enjoyable, far removed from the usual work topics. You exchanged memories, funny anecdotes, and personal stories. Cuddy shared tales from her childhood, while you recounted amusing moments from your own life. Laughter filled the room, and the barriers between you seemed to dissolve with each passing moment.
Cuddy, in her role as the perfect host, was attentive and engaged. "Do you remember the time I tried to cook a meal for a birthday party, and everything ended up burning?" she asked, laughing.
You nodded with a smile. "Yes, I remember! I was there, and it was a complete disaster, but we had so much fun that night."
Once dinner was over and the dishes were put away, Cuddy suggested watching a movie. "I’ve heard that Die Hard is pretty good. What do you think?"
Your face lit up at the idea of watching a classic film. "Absolutely, I love that movie!"
Cuddy headed to the kitchen to prepare some popcorn, while you made yourself comfortable in the living room. She returned with a large bowl of popcorn and settled next to you on the couch. You both got cozy, and the relaxed atmosphere contrasted with the usual work tensions.
As you watched Die Hard, the film captured your attention with its thrilling action, suspense, and humor. Cuddy occasionally commented on the scenes, making amusing observations about the absurd situations and exaggerated characters.
"See that moment when he jumps through the windows?" she said with a laugh. "I’m sure we’ve all dreamed of doing that during a stressful day at work."
You burst into laughter, sharing her amusement. "Absolutely, and then there are always those moments where you wonder how they manage to avoid serious injuries."
You continued to comment on the movie, your rapport growing as the evening progressed. Laughter and playful banter made the night enjoyable and light-hearted, providing a welcome break from everyday concerns. When the film ended, you both remained on the couch for a while, discussing your favorite scenes and the funniest moments. The atmosphere was both relaxed and intimate, deepening the bond between you.
Cuddy got up to turn off the TV, then turned to you with a gentle smile. "I hope you had a good evening. I really enjoyed this time together."
You responded with sincerity. "I did too; it was a perfect evening. Thank you for inviting me."
She approached you softly and gave you a friendly hug. "I’m glad you came. I think we should do this more often."
You spent a little more time chatting before saying goodnight. As you left Cuddy’s house, you felt calm and happy, with a newfound appreciation for the growing connection between you. The evening had not only strengthened your bond but also deepened the budding feelings you had for each other. You sat in your car for a few minutes, reflecting on what you truly felt. The night had been perfect, but something crucial was missing for you to be completely at peace. Finally, you took a deep breath, got out of the car, and headed back to Cuddy’s door. As you rang the doorbell, you felt your heart race, each step bringing you closer to your truth. Cuddy answered, visibly surprised to see you return.
"Y/N, is everything okay?" she asked, her eyes showing both confusion and concern.
You hesitated for a moment, searching for the right words. "You know, Cuddy… Lisa, I can’t leave without telling you something important. I… I love you more than just as a friend. I have feelings for you."
Cuddy looked at you attentively, surprise evident in her eyes. "Oh… I…"
"It’s been almost a year since we’ve known each other, and I can’t let this chance slip by, even if I’m not completely sure about embracing being gay," you continued, your heart pounding. "I’m willing to risk being rejected by you. I love you, Lisa Cuddy."
Cuddy remained silent for a moment, her eyes searching yours with intensity. Her face softened slightly, but her eyes remained serious. "Y/N, I want to believe you. But you need to be honest with yourself and with me. Are you really ready to face your own feelings?"
She sighed softly and placed a comforting hand on your cheek, her touch bringing a soothing warmth. "I just want to protect you, Y/N. So, be careful… okay?"
You nodded, feeling a mix of gratitude and concern at her understanding. "Thank you, Lisa, for understanding my feelings."
Cuddy looked at you intensely, her eyes betraying a depth of emotion. "Y/N, you know I care about you… more than you realize."
Before you could react or say anything further, Cuddy leaned in slowly and kissed you. The kiss was both tender and intense, filled with the feelings you had both been holding back. You stood there for a moment, surprised and motionless, before responding timidly. Your hands instinctively found their way around Cuddy's neck, while her lips were comforting and burning with passion.
The kiss deepened, Cuddy intensifying it with a tenderness and fervor that expressed everything she had wanted to say without words. The sensation was both familiar and new, awakening complex emotions within you. Sensing your hesitant yet sincere response, Cuddy continued the kiss, trying to convey all she had never been able to express aloud. When you finally separated, you were breathing slightly heavily, your eyes shining with confusion and desire. With her forehead resting against yours, Cuddy whispered softly, "Think carefully about what you want, Y/N. I will always be here for you."
You felt torn between the familiarity of the gesture and the novelty of the emotions it stirred within you. Cuddy had opened a door to a new dimension of your relationship, offering both comfort and upcoming challenges. As you gently parted from Cuddy, you left the door open for deeper reflection on what you truly wanted, all while appreciating the sincere affection and patience she was showing you.
After the emotional kiss with Cuddy, you lingered on her doorstep for a moment, your mind full of confusing thoughts and conflicting feelings. You felt both comforted and unsettled by the depth of affection Cuddy had expressed, and the intensity of the moment continued to resonate within you. Cuddy, with a reassuring gesture, allowed you the time to process what had just happened.
The following days were marked by intense introspection. You spent a lot of time reflecting on your feelings for Cuddy and what they meant for you. The nature of your emotions seemed increasingly clear, but you still had to face personal questions about your identity and desires. While respecting your space, Cuddy made efforts to remain available and open. She sent friendly messages to check in and suggested informal get-togethers to discuss anything but your recent exchanges. These moments were light-hearted, allowing you to feel at ease while exploring your own feelings.
Despite the emotional storm in your personal life, work continued. You remained focused on your tasks, but it was inevitable that the tension between you and Cuddy became a topic of discussion outside the professional sphere. Colleagues and friends, including Cameron, noticed the change in your way of working and interacting with Cuddy, but you preferred to keep the details private.
One day, as you were working in your office, absorbed in preparing a file, House burst in, his usual nonchalant demeanor hiding a mischievous curiosity.
"So, how's it going with Cuddy?" he asked with a false lightness, his eyes gleaming with mischief.
You looked up, feeling a wave of discomfort. "I’d prefer not to talk about it, House."
House, unperturbed, continued. "Oh, I see. You're a bit smitten, aren't you? You know, there's something quite pathetic about desperately seeking approval."
Frustrated by his insinuations, you retorted, "And what does that have to do with you, House? Why are you so interested? You've never been able to maintain a decent relationship. So what do you really know about what I’m feeling?"
House, visibly amused by your reaction, crossed his arms and leaned slightly toward you. "Oh, I see. The truth bothers you. Maybe you need to remind yourself that you're nothing more than a mere pawn in the grand game of human emotions. And if you're looking for love advice, I might be the last person you should ask."
You felt a wave of anger rise within you, unable to endure his biting sarcasm. "You don’t know anything about me or what I’m feeling. Maybe you just enjoy playing the villain to feel superior. You don’t understand real emotions."
Despite his impassive appearance, House seemed slightly surprised by the intensity of your reaction. He took a step back, crossing his arms with a cynical smile still present on his face. "Oh, I see this touches you more than I thought."
He leaned in again, his eyes glinting with challenge. "Maybe I'm a bit too blunt for your taste. But don’t worry, I'm not here to judge you. I'm just here to remind people that the world isn't a warm and comforting place, no matter what they’d like to believe."
The intensity of the confrontation began to wane. You took a deep breath, trying to calm the internal storm. "Listen, House, I don’t want to continue this discussion if it’s going nowhere. I’m just tired of these word games and constant sarcasm. Maybe we should just forget this conversation and move on."
Seeing that the argument wouldn’t lead to anything constructive, House nodded with a smirking yet slightly more conciliatory expression. "Alright, I see you want to end this game. We’ll forget it. After all, it’s your right. But keep in mind that truths are often hard to accept."
You left House’s office with a sense of relief mixed with fatigue. The confrontation had been draining, but it had brought to light emotions and thoughts that you had kept buried. As you exited the hospital, you tried to relax, reminding yourself that sometimes the best thing to do was to let go and not be carried away by provocations. In the days that followed, the tension between you and House gradually dissipated. Although the clash left a certain bitterness, you continued to work together professionally. House, while still sarcastic and abrasive, seemed less inclined to push things further after the confrontation. Cameron and Cuddy, noticing the change in your mood and the impact of the confrontation, showed their support. Cameron, always attentive, made sure you were doing okay and offered moments of comfort.
The following Monday, you were still affected by the confrontation with House. Even though the conflict had ended on a more conciliatory note, it had left emotional scars. However, the week started on a positive note with the constant support of Cameron and Cuddy. Seeing their kindness and attention brought you relief. Cameron, always concerned for your well-being, suggested joining her for an outing to take your mind off things. You spent a pleasant evening together, talking and laughing, which helped lighten your spirit.
The following days were dedicated to reconciliation with House. Although his mannerisms remained sarcastic and sometimes abrasive, he seemed to have toned down his aggression after your confrontation. You continued to work together, but the atmosphere was slightly less tense. House, while staying true to his usual style, no longer pushed the provocations as far as he had before. On your part, you focused on your work, striving to maintain a professional attitude despite past tensions.
On Friday evening, after a busy week, you found unexpected comfort in joining Cuddy for dinner. She had taken the time to prepare something special for the two of you, and the evening unfolded in a soothing atmosphere. You talked about everything and nothing, avoiding work topics and focusing on your relationship. Moments of laughter and sharing strengthened the bond between you, momentarily making you forget the week’s stresses.
The weekend brought a new opportunity to deepen your relationship with Cuddy. She suggested organizing a special activity for the two of you. It turned into a full day of exploring a local market, sampling delicious foods, and enjoying light-hearted moments. The activity allowed you to discover more about each other outside the professional context and to strengthen your connection. You spent time strolling, discussing your dreams and ambitions, and supporting each other in your respective projects. This day reinforced the idea that you could be not only professional partners but also companions in life.
On Sunday, after a relaxing weekend, you found a moment for a more serious conversation. Cuddy, aware of the depth of your feelings, expressed her desire to understand and clarify what you both wanted from your relationship. You discussed openly your expectations and fears. Cuddy, always attentive and caring, encouraged you to be honest with yourself and with her. You talked about the potential challenges you might face and how to overcome them together. This discussion strengthened your connection, allowing you to establish a solid foundation for your budding relationship.
When you returned to work the following Monday, the atmosphere between you was imbued with a new harmony. You had managed to move past the tensions of the previous week and establish a deeper connection. The mutual support and shared moments had clarified your feelings and allowed you to envision a future together with more serenity. Although work remained demanding and sometimes stressful, your interactions with Cuddy were now marked by a deeper understanding and growing camaraderie. You could work side by side with a sense of mutual support, which improved not only your personal relationship but also your professional effectiveness.
The initial tension had dissipated, replaced by a sense of camaraderie and mutual support that was felt in every aspect of your life.
One Friday evening, after a particularly grueling day at the hospital, Cuddy invited you to her home for dinner. You had started spending more time together outside of work, but that evening had a special significance. Upon entering her house, you immediately noticed the warm and welcoming atmosphere she had created. The table was beautifully set, and the delicious smell of a homemade meal filled the air.
"I wanted tonight to be special," she said with a smile. "We’ve been through a lot lately, and I think it’s time to talk about what we really feel."
You nodded, feeling your heart race at the thought of this important conversation. You sat down at the table, sharing a delicious meal while discussing your lives, hopes, and dreams. The atmosphere was relaxed, and simply being in Cuddy’s presence made you feel at home.
After dinner, you settled on the couch with a glass of wine. Cuddy looked at you with an expression that was both tender and determined.
"Y/N, I care about you a lot. More than I realized at the beginning. And I think we should make our relationship official. Not just for us, but also for others."
You remained silent for a moment, letting her words resonate within you. You knew it was the right time to be honest and open your heart. "Lisa, I feel the same way. You've become an essential part of my life, and I want everyone to know how much you mean to me."
Cuddy smiled, visibly moved by your words. She took your hand in hers, squeezing it gently. "Then let's do it. Let's be together, officially. No matter what others think, we know what we want."
The following Monday, you decided to go public with your relationship. Arriving at the hospital, you both felt nervous but determined. Cuddy, as the hospital director, took the initiative to make the announcement during the weekly staff meeting. "Good morning, everyone. Before we start the meeting, I’d like to share some personal news. Y/N and I are together."
There was a moment of silence, followed by murmurs among the staff. Then, Cameron was the first to stand up and applaud, soon followed by other colleagues. Even House, though surprised, gave a wry smile, acknowledging the strength of your decision.
The person you thought least likely to be understanding spoke up. "Well, it was about time something interesting happened around here. Congratulations, you two." Cuddy looked at House after his words, wondering how much Vicodin he had taken, but he simply shrugged before leaving.
With the announcement of your relationship, you felt a huge weight lift off your shoulders. The reactions were mostly positive, and even those who were initially skeptical eventually accepted your love. Life at the hospital continued, but now you could be yourselves without fear or shame. The following days were marked by a constant stream of support from colleagues and friends. You received congratulatory messages, dinner invitations, and even small gestures from those who were happy for you.
One evening, as you held Cuddy's hand, you realized how much your life had changed since you had met her. The love you shared was not just a source of happiness, but also a force that pushed you to be better and face challenges together. You knew that obstacles would still arise, but as a couple, you were ready to overcome them. The official recognition of your relationship marked the beginning of a new era, where love, respect, and mutual understanding would be the foundations of your shared life.
After making your relationship official, the first few months were filled with moments of discovery and intimacy. You were getting to know each other on a more personal level, sharing quiet weekends, movie nights, and intimate dinners. Each moment spent together strengthened your bond.
To escape the hustle and bustle of the hospital, you enjoyed spending weekends at a small country house that Cuddy occasionally rented. These moments away from everything, surrounded by nature, were precious to both of you. They allowed you to relax and focus on each other, away from the demands of your daily lives.
She loved your sensitive parts, loved how you responded to the lightest touch with the most lustful moans, and how your skin prickled with goosebumps, a whine leaving your lips.
And then she kneeled on the floor, her palms caressing the bare skin of your legs, slow and light, until you could feel them on your thighs. "My love, lift your hips for me." You didn’t have to ask why because the moment you obliged, you felt her fingers hook the waistband of your shorts and pull them with ease.
Now exposed, you tried to bring your legs together to somehow conceal what was in between your thighs, but her strong hands parted them, a gasp falling from your lips. “Lisa.” You whispered, feeling the ache when her breath stroked the inside of your thighs. She was close, and you moaned. You had never been teased like this.
“Baby, please.”
“Keep it together, love.” It was cruel, but you knew she only meant you had to beg.
“Baby, I need you. Please.”
From where she kneeled, your center was vividly glistening, too aroused for her, and she took massive pleasure from how she could make you so wet without even touching you like you wanted her to. The thoughts were gone when you felt her weight dipping the bed again, and without preamble, you felt the tip of her tongue toying with the length of your slit, felt her hand directing your leg above her bare shoulder. She must have taken her robe off.
“Fuck!” you hissed, her lips wrapping around your clit, “Lisa...ahh—” it was a filthy, filthy moan that drove the woman crazy. “Baby—” your breath hitched, feeling her tongue enter your cunt. She had to keep hold of your hips from bucking, a tight grip that would bruise later.
Each movement of her tongue sent waves of pleasure through your body, your fingers tangling in her hair as she skillfully worked you. You could feel the pressure building, the need for release growing with each passing second. Her grip tightened, ensuring you stayed in place as she drove you closer to the edge.
“Lisa, please,” you gasped, your voice barely above a whisper.
Her response was to intensify her efforts, her tongue delving deeper, her lips and teeth grazing your sensitive skin. The sensation was overwhelming, pushing you to the brink of ecstasy. You could feel the tension coiling within you, ready to snap at any moment.
“Come for me, love,” she murmured against your skin, the vibration of her words sending you over the edge. Your body arched, a cry of pleasure escaping your lips as the orgasm washed over you, waves of pure bliss radiating from your core.
She continued her ministrations, drawing out your pleasure until you were left trembling, spent and satisfied. Slowly, she withdrew, planting gentle kisses on your thighs as you came down from your high. Your breathing slowed, the aftershocks of pleasure leaving you in a state of contentment.
“Lisa,” you breathed, your voice filled with gratitude and affection.
She smiled up at you, her eyes warm and loving. “I love you,” she said simply, her hand caressing your cheek. You reached down, pulling her up to join you on the bed. “I love you too,” you whispered, wrapping your arms around her. In that moment, everything felt perfect, your connection deeper than ever before. As you lay there, holding each other, you knew that this was just the beginning of a beautiful journey together.
And it continued, except that her behavior changed over time. You never would have thought she was jealous until the day a nurse made advances toward you in front of her. You couldn't blame the nurse, as he was new and didn't know yet. That evening, however, she made it clear that you were HER'S.
This time, Lisa decided to take control completely. Her eyes were dark with desire as she commanded, "Strip."
Your hands trembled slightly as you removed your clothes, standing vulnerable before her. She watched every movement with an intensity that made you shiver. Once you were fully exposed, she guided you to the bed, her touch firm and authoritative.
"Lie down," she instructed, her voice leaving no room for hesitation.
You obeyed, lying back on the bed as she climbed on top of you, her knees straddling your waist. Her eyes bored into yours, a smirk playing on her lips. "You belong to me tonight," she whispered, her voice sending shivers down your spine.
Without warning, she grabbed your wrists and pinned them above your head. The dominance in her actions made your breath hitch, your body responding instantly to her control. "Don't move unless I tell you to," she ordered, her tone brooking no argument.
She leaned down, her lips brushing against your ear as she spoke. "You have no idea how much I’ve wanted this," she murmured, her breath hot against your skin. "How much I’ve wanted to have you completely at my mercy."
You could only moan in response, the sound muffled by the intensity of your own desire. Lisa’s hands roamed over your body, her touch both gentle and commanding. She knew exactly where to touch, where to tease, and where to press to elicit the most desperate moans from you.
Her lips followed the path of her hands, kissing and nibbling at your skin, leaving a trail of fire in their wake. When she reached your breasts, she paused, looking up at you with a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Do you want me to touch you here?" she asked, her fingers hovering just above your nipple.
"Yes, please," you breathed, your voice barely a whisper.
She chuckled softly, her breath warm against your skin. "Good," she said, finally lowering her mouth to take your nipple into her mouth, her tongue swirling around the sensitive peak. The sensation made you arch your back, a cry of pleasure escaping your lips.
She continued to tease and torment you, her mouth and hands working in tandem to drive you wild. Just when you thought you couldn’t take it anymore, she pulled back, her eyes locking onto yours. "I want to hear you beg for it," she said, her voice low and commanding.
"Please, Lisa," you moaned, your body aching with need. "I need you. Please."
A satisfied smile curved her lips as she finally moved lower, her fingers trailing down your abdomen to your thighs. She spread your legs wide, her eyes drinking in the sight of your arousal. "You're so wet for me," she murmured, her voice thick with desire.
Before you could respond, her mouth was on you, her tongue lapping at your folds with an intensity that made you cry out. Her hands held your hips firmly in place, preventing you from bucking against her mouth. The pleasure was overwhelming, building with each flick of her tongue and each gentle bite.
She knew exactly how to push you to the edge, bringing you to the brink of orgasm before pulling back, leaving you gasping and trembling. "Not yet," she said, her voice a tantalizing tease. "I want you to beg for it."
"Please, Lisa," you pleaded, your voice desperate. "I need to come. Please."
Her response was to redouble her efforts, her mouth and fingers working in perfect harmony to drive you over the edge. When you finally came, it was with a cry of her name, your body writhing under her skilled touch. She didn’t stop until she had wrung every last bit of pleasure from you, leaving you spent and satisfied.
As you lay there, catching your breath, Lisa moved to lie beside you, her hand gently stroking your hair. "You did so well," she murmured, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead. "You’re mine, remember that."
You nodded, a contented smile on your lips. "I'm yours," you whispered, your heart full of love and trust for the woman who held you so completely.
On day at the hospital could be particularly exhausting, but this Thursday felt different. Lisa Cuddy had received a box of chocolates from a grateful patient, and without suspecting their content, she had eaten several. A few hours later, she began to feel an intense heat and agitation that she hadn't anticipated.
Early in the afternoon, you were in her office discussing a current case. Cuddy, visibly uncomfortable, asked you to close the door behind you. "Y/N, I don't know what's happening, but I need your help," she murmured, her cheeks flushing under the aphrodisiac's effect. You approached her, concerned, but as soon as you were within reach, she grabbed your hand and pulled you toward her.
"Lisa, what are you doing?" you whispered, your heart pounding. She looked at you, her eyes shining with desire. "I… I can't wait any longer," she murmured, her fingers slowly unbuttoning your blouse. You let her, mesmerized by her urgency. Her lips found yours in a fervent kiss, her hands exploring your body with unchecked passion.
You found yourself seated on the edge of her desk, your clothes scattered around you. Cuddy, still in control, pulled a small device from her drawer. "Look at this," she said with a mischievous smile. She activated the remote-controlled vibrator and slipped it between your thighs, securing it in place with a strap. You shivered at the sensation, your muscles clenching involuntarily.
"Lisa, here? Now?" You couldn't believe what was happening. She nodded, her fingers pressing the remote. The vibrator began to hum softly, sending waves of pleasure through your body. You bit your lip to stifle a moan, your fingers gripping the edge of the desk.
Cuddy stood before you, her gaze fixed on you with a devouring intensity. She increased the toy's power, and you felt yourself on the verge of losing control. "You like this, don't you?" she murmured, her fingers caressing your face. You could only nod, unable to form a coherent response.
She played with the settings, alternating between gentle vibrations and intense pulses, pushing you to the edge. Each change in rhythm brought you closer to ecstasy, and you found yourself silently begging for more release. Cuddy, seeing your state, lowered the remote to give you a moment of respite.
"Do you want to come for me, Y/N?" she asked, her voice soft but authoritative. "Yes, Lisa, please," you panted, your body trembling with anticipation. She smiled and increased the intensity again, finally pushing you over the edge. You felt yourself explode into a million fragments of pleasure, each wave of bliss overwhelming you.
Breathless and dizzy, you collapsed onto the desk, your limbs weak and trembling. Lisa turned off the vibrator and gently removed it, her hands caressing your soothed thighs. "You were wonderful," she murmured, placing a tender kiss on your lips. "Thank you for helping me."
As you caught your breath, you realized how much this experience had strengthened your connection. Though you had never imagined such a situation at work, you felt closer to Lisa than ever.
After that intense afternoon in Cuddy's office, life took on a new, exciting rhythm. You and Lisa navigated your relationship with a mix of professional decorum and private passion. The boundaries between work and personal life became more distinct, yet somehow more intertwined. The weeks following that day saw both of you finding a balance between your responsibilities at the hospital and your deepening relationship. Cuddy, always the consummate professional, ensured that your interactions at work remained appropriate. However, the stolen glances and subtle touches were enough to keep the flame of your relationship burning. Your evenings together became the highlight of your day. Cuddy's house transformed into a haven where you could both unwind and be yourselves. You shared dinners, cooked together, and enjoyed quiet nights in, watching movies or discussing your day. Cuddy's favorite moments were when you read to her, your voice soothing away the stress of her day.
Whenever you both could afford the time, you took weekends away from the city. Whether it was a secluded cabin in the mountains or a cozy beach house, these trips allowed you to connect on a deeper level. Away from the demands of the hospital, you explored each other’s interests and dreams, strengthening the bond between you. With each passing month, you found yourself opening up more about your past and your feelings. Lisa, too, shared stories of her journey, the struggles she faced as a woman in a high-powered position, and her fears and hopes. This mutual vulnerability brought you even closer.
At work, your dynamic remained strong and professional. Your colleagues respected your expertise and dedication, and House, despite his occasional barbs, seemed to accept your relationship with Cuddy. You often found yourself working closely with Lisa on difficult cases, your combined skills and insights making a formidable team. As your relationship grew, the question of moving in together naturally arose. After several months of discussing and planning, you decided it was time. The transition was smooth, a testament to how well you complemented each other. Lisa’s home became your home, and you both enjoyed creating a shared space filled with love and laughter.You often talked about the future, both personal and professional. Lisa’s support encouraged you to pursue further specialization in your field, and you, in turn, were her biggest cheerleader in her ongoing efforts to balance her career and personal life. You dreamed of more travel, maybe even adopting a pet, and continuing to build a life filled with shared goals and mutual respect.
Of course, there were challenges. Balancing two demanding careers and maintaining a relationship wasn’t always easy. There were times when stress from work would spill over into your personal life. But each challenge was met with patience and communication. Your ability to work through problems together only strengthened your relationship. Your relationship had a positive ripple effect on those around you. Cameron often commented on how happy you seemed, and even House, in his own way, acknowledged the stability you brought to Cuddy's life. The respect and affection you shared became a quiet inspiration to others in the hospital, showing that a loving, supportive partnership was possible even in the most demanding environments.
In the end, what you built together was a relationship based on trust, respect, and deep affection. Lisa Cuddy and you became each other’s confidant, lover, and partner in every sense of the word. Your journey was just beginning, but it was clear that whatever the future held, you would face it together, hand in hand.
Everything was going quite well until you decided to take a week off to focus entirely on Cuddy. The hospital was struggling, but you knew it would improve as usual. However, Cuddy, still stressed by the situation, was unaware that you had planned this time off specifically for her. That morning, as usual, you woke up early to prepare breakfast. Cuddy arrived, gave you a tender kiss, and told you she loved you before rushing off to eat, get ready, and go to work.
Shortly after her departure, you were distracted by knocks at your door. Maybe Cuddy had forgotten something? When you opened the door, you were surprised to see House standing there with his usual air of arrogance. You sighed, knowing he wouldn’t leave you alone. You let him in and turned back to continue tidying up the kitchen after breakfast.
House casually settled into a chair, his eyes gleaming with calculated interest. "So, how's it going with the manipulator?" he asked, his tone dripping with sarcasm but also with undisguised curiosity.
You turned to look at him, exasperated by his early morning intrusion. "What do you want, House?" you replied, trying to keep your frustration in check as you continued with your chores.
"Just a little chat to pass the time," he said, shrugging. "I was wondering how things are going with the big boss. She must really be a master manipulator to get you to drop everything, even your job, for her."
You felt your anger rise sharply. "Cuddy isn’t manipulating me, House. I’m taking this time off to help her relax a bit. The hospital is going through a tough period, and she’s carrying all the weight on her shoulders."
House rolled his eyes with feigned exasperation. "Oh, of course. Poor Cuddy, tormented by her job. And you, the saint, there to save her every step of the way. Maybe she’s just using you for her emotional and professional needs. Maybe she sees you more as a temporary fix to her problems than as a real partner."
This remark made you boil with rage. "You don't know anything about our relationship, House. Cuddy and I support each other. What we have is real, and it's not something you could understand."
House leaned forward, his gaze becoming more incisive. "Maybe I don't understand. Or maybe I see things you're refusing to see. But be careful, because sometimes the people we trust the most are the ones who betray us the most."
You stared at him with determination, refusing to give in to his provocations. "Cuddy would never betray me. And I won’t let anyone, especially not you, come between us. I love her, and I hope she'll become my wife someday."
House raised his eyebrows, clearly impressed by your resolve. "Well, good luck with that," he said as he headed for the door. "Don't forget that I warned you." With those final words, he left, leaving you alone in the kitchen, your thoughts swirling in your head.
Shortly after his departure, you felt a gentle hand resting on your shoulder. You turned around to see Cuddy, who had forgotten her bag. She looked at you with a tender smile and gave you a light kiss. "I'll talk about this tonight," she said before kissing you again and walking away.
You stood there, alone, with mixed thoughts and emotions, waiting for the evening when Cuddy would return to discuss everything that had happened. After a particularly stressful workday for Cuddy, you prepared for an evening that would be both soothing and revealing. Having taken time off to focus on her, you had done everything to create a warm and intimate setting. The kitchen smelled of homemade dishes, candles created a soft glow, and light music floated in the air.
When Cuddy came home, you waited eagerly. She entered, visibly exhausted but happy to find a calm and comforting environment. As she dropped her bag and approached you, a tired smile lit up her face.
"Wow, you really went all out tonight," she said, taking in the ambiance you had carefully prepared. Her eyes settled on you with gratitude and affection. She pulled you into a hug, and you felt a wave of comfort as you held her close.
"I wanted it to be special," you replied softly. "For both of us."
You sat down at the table for dinner. The meal you had prepared was simple yet delicious, with dishes that seemed to bring a touch of warmth and comfort. As you ate, Cuddy talked about her day, the pressure she felt at work, and her concerns about the hospital. She shared her frustrations and worries, revealing how exhausted she was from the challenges she faced.
You listened attentively, offering words of comfort and showing sincere empathy for her difficulties. "It must be really hard to carry all that weight on your shoulders," you said. "But I'm here for you, and I want you to remember that we’re a team. If you want, I can even give you a massage."
After dinner, you settled on the couch, the atmosphere now imbued with tranquility and warmth. Cuddy snuggled against you, and you felt a deep connection growing between you. She took a deep breath before beginning to speak.
"You know, I’ve done a lot of thinking today," she said, her gaze drifting into yours. "And I realize how much I need you in my life. I don’t want misunderstandings or obstacles to come between us. What we have is precious to me."
You took her hand in yours, looking at her tenderly. "I feel the same way, Lisa. I’m ready to do whatever it takes to make our relationship work. Even in the face of challenges, I’m confident that we can overcome them together."
Cuddy smiled, her eyes lighting up with sincerity. "I love you deeply, and I want us to remain honest with each other while supporting one another."
The conversation continued, filled with promises and commitments for the future. You discussed your hopes, fears, and dreams with renewed openness. Every word exchanged strengthened the bond between you, and you felt more confident in the solidity of your relationship.
By the end of the evening, as you settled in to relax, Cuddy snuggled against you. You spent the night in a sweet embrace, finding comfort and joy in each other's presence.
Finally, it was Friday, and you had planned a lot of activities for the weekend. The sun was beginning to set as Cuddy came home after a long day at work. You had spent the day preparing something special for her, hoping to offer her a moment of relaxation and relief from the tensions at the hospital. As you heard the front door open, your heart raced with anticipation of what you had planned for the evening.
Cuddy walked into the room, visibly tired but with a grateful smile upon seeing you. "Hi, honey," she said, approaching you for a kiss. "How was your day?"
"Very good," you replied with a smile, a glimmer of excitement in your eyes. "I’ve prepared something special for you tonight. Will you follow me?"
Intrigued, Cuddy followed you to the bedroom, where you had transformed the space into a sanctuary of relaxation. Soft, soothing candlelight flickered around the room, and a subtle lavender scent floated in the air. On the bed, carefully arranged accessories awaited, signaling the BDSM session you had prepared.
Cuddy raised an eyebrow, an amused smile playing on her lips. "Oh, I see you’ve been very busy," she said, her voice tinged with curiosity and desire. "And what’s the special occasion for all this?"
You took a deep breath, determined to offer her this experience with all the love and respect you felt for her. "I wanted to thank you for everything you do, for your hard work and dedication. But more than that, I wanted to give you the chance to let go, to release all the stress you carry."
Cuddy looked at you with tenderness, touched by your gesture. "You’re really amazing," she murmured, before kissing you passionately. "I trust you to guide me tonight."
You began by gently blindfolding her, taking care to explain each step of the process. "I’m going to guide you through this experience. If at any point you feel uncomfortable, just say the safe word, okay?"
Cuddy nodded, her breath already quickening in anticipation. "Okay," she murmured.
You began by gently securing her wrists to the bed with velvet cuffs, ensuring they were comfortable yet tight enough to restrict her movements. Then, you picked up a soft leather flogger and started to caress her skin with it, testing her reaction before delivering light strokes—enough to create a sensation but not excessive pain. Each stroke was followed by a kiss on the reddened skin, alternating between tenderness and firmness, creating a sensual dance between pain and pleasure. Cuddy moaned, getting lost in the sensations, her breathing becoming more erratic.
"You look so beautiful when you let go," you whispered in her ear before picking up a remote-controlled vibrator. "I’m going to keep playing with you, but I want you to tell me how you’re feeling at every moment."
Cuddy nodded, her voice trembling with desire. "I feel... alive. Keep going, please."
You turned on the vibrator, placing it gently between her legs before activating the vibrations. Cuddy’s body tensed, a moan escaping her lips. You alternated the intensities, playing with the rhythm to keep her excitement at its peak without letting her reach climax too quickly.
"You like this, don’t you?" you asked, your voice low and sensual.
"Yes... yes, I like it," she responded between moans, her body trembling with pleasure.
The evening continued in a delicate dance of domination and submission, each gesture and word deepening the connection between you two. When you sensed she was ready, you increased the intensity of the vibrator, guiding Cuddy toward a powerful orgasm that left her breathless, her body still trembling from the aftershocks of pleasure.
You gently untied her, removed the blindfold, and held her in your arms, offering soothing words and gentle caresses. "Thank you for trusting me," you whispered into her hair.
Cuddy looked at you with eyes still glazed with pleasure. "Thank you for this unforgettable moment. I feel so much better, so loved."
You remained entwined, savoring the softness of the moment and the depth of your connection, knowing that this experience had further strengthened your love and mutual trust.
You had booked a weekend at a luxury hotel with a spa, jacuzzi, and all the amenities for maximum relaxation. On Saturday morning, after Cuddy had woken up, you greeted her with a mischievous smile.
"Pack your bags, darling, after breakfast," you say, kissing her tenderly. "We're going away for a relaxing weekend."
Cuddy looks at you, surprised but delighted. "Oh really? Where are we going?"
"You'll see," you reply with a wink. "But get ready to be pampered."
After breakfast, you hit the road, leaving behind the worries of the hospital. Upon arriving at the hotel, Cuddy is awestruck by the beauty of the place. The entrance is grand, with lush gardens and soothing fountains. You check in quickly and head to your room, a luxurious suite with breathtaking views of the mountains.
"Wow, this is gorgeous," Cuddy murmurs, impressed. "You've really thought of everything, haven't you?"
"Nothing is too good for you," you reply, hugging her. "Now, let's go enjoy the spa."
You change into fluffy robes and head down to the hotel spa. The atmosphere is serene, with soft music playing in the background and the subtle scent of lavender floating through the air. You start with a relaxing couples' massage, where expert hands work out all the tension from your bodies. The essential oils soothe your minds, and you both feel completely at ease.
After the massage, you head to the private jacuzzi. The warm water and bubbles soothe your tired muscles, adding to your relaxation. Cuddy settles against you, her head resting on your shoulder, a peaceful smile on her lips.
"This is exactly what I needed," she murmurs. "Thank you, darling."
"I knew you needed it," you reply, gently stroking her hair. "You work so hard. You deserve to unwind."
You spend a long time in the jacuzzi, enjoying the warmth and each other’s company. You chat about everything and nothing, letting the bubbles carry away your worries.
In the evening, you dine at the hotel restaurant, savoring a delicious meal paired with exquisite wines. Cuddy is radiant, her eyes shining with happiness and gratitude. "I couldn't be happier," she says, looking at you tenderly. "You make everything so special."
"Because you are special to me," you respond, raising your glass for a toast. "To us and many more moments like this."
The rest of the weekend continues in the same vein of relaxation and joy. You enjoy the pools, saunas, and long walks through the hotel gardens. You laugh, kiss, and take care of each other, further strengthening your bond.
Returning home, you both feel rejuvenated and ready to face the challenges ahead. Cuddy thanks you repeatedly for the perfect weekend, and you are happy to have given her this moment of peace and happiness.
“We should do this more often,” she says as she falls asleep in your arms on the first night back home.
“Yes, we should,” you murmur, a smile on your lips. “I love you, Lisa.”
“I love you too,” she replies softly, and with that, you both drift off to sleep, ready to face whatever the future holds together.
The last evening of your weekend unfolds in a peaceful, loving atmosphere. However, the return to reality looms, bringing with it the pressures and responsibilities you both face. On the evening of your last day off, the mood is slightly tense. Cuddy seems preoccupied, likely already thinking about the challenges awaiting her at the hospital.
As you have breakfast together, you try to reassure her. “You know, everything will be fine at the hospital. We have a great team, and we can handle it together.”
Cuddy gives a faint smile. “I know, but there’s so much to manage. The finances, the new projects, the daily issues. Sometimes it’s just… overwhelming.”
You understand her stress, but you also need to share your own concerns. “I understand, Lisa, but you also need to learn to delegate. You can’t do everything on your own.”
She looks at you, slightly irritated. “It’s easy for you to say. You don’t understand the pressure I’m under as the director.”
Your tone becomes firmer, feeling the injustice of her words. “I know very well what it’s like to work under pressure, Lisa. I’m here for you, but you also need to accept help.”
The rest of the morning is marked by growing tension. You prepare in silence for the return home, the atmosphere heavy with unspoken words and accumulated frustrations. During the drive back, you try to initiate some light conversation, but Cuddy responds with one-word answers, clearly still preoccupied.
Once home, the situation finally erupts. “Why can’t you understand that I need support, not criticism?” Cuddy exclaims as she enters the living room.
You turn to her, arms crossed. “I’m not criticizing you, Lisa. I’m trying to help. But you never let me in; you always want to control everything.”
"And you think you could do better?" she retorts, anger in her voice. "You have no idea what it's like to run a hospital."
"Maybe not, but I know what it’s like to manage a relationship," you reply, frustration rising. "And right now, you're not letting me be a part of your life the way I want to."
Cuddy remains silent for a moment, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. "I'm sorry, it's just… so hard. I'm afraid of losing everything."
You approach her, softening your tone. "We're a team, a couple, Lisa. You're not alone. I'm here, by your side, no matter what. But you have to let me help."
She nods, tears finally streaming down her face. "I know, I'm sorry. It's just that sometimes, everything becomes too overwhelming."
You embrace her, feeling the tension start to ease a little. "We’ll get through this together, okay? But we need to communicate and support each other."
Cuddy nods, cuddling into you. "I promise to make an effort. Thank you for being here for me."
You spend the rest of the day calmly talking, reaffirming your commitment to each other.
After that intense argument and the subsequent reconciliation, you and Cuddy decided to take concrete steps to improve your relationship and lighten the load of responsibilities. True to her promise, Cuddy began delegating more tasks to her colleagues, learning to trust her team. She also agreed to attend therapy sessions to better manage her stress. On your side, you made an effort to be more present and create relaxation moments for both of you. Every weekend, you set aside time for activities together, whether it was a simple walk in the park, a romantic dinner, or a movie night at home. You discovered new shared passions and rekindled those you had neglected.
One evening, after a particularly successful day at the hospital, where the finances were finally starting to improve and a new project was underway, Cuddy came home with a radiant smile. You greeted her with a glass of wine and a carefully prepared dinner.
"I have a surprise for you," she said, her eyes sparkling with joy and mischief.
Intrigued, you followed her into the living room, where she had prepared an envelope adorned with a red ribbon. You opened it carefully, discovering two tickets to a dream destination you had always wanted to visit together.
"I think we deserve a well-earned vacation, this time with no stress and no obligations," she said with a smile.
The days leading up to your departure were filled with excitement and joyful preparations. You discussed everything you wanted to do and see, already imagining the memories you would create together. Upon arriving at your destination, you immersed yourselves in a tropical paradise, savoring every moment together. The days were filled with adventures and discoveries, while the evenings were reserved for moments of tenderness and intimacy. On your last evening, as you watched the sunset on the beach, Cuddy took your hand in hers.
"You know, this year has been tough, but it’s also taught me what truly matters," she said.
You nodded, feeling the emotion rise. "Yes, it’s taught us to support and love each other more deeply."
Cuddy smiled and pulled a small box from her pocket. Opening it, you discovered a beautiful ring. "I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me, Y/N?"
With tears in your eyes, you answered without hesitation. "Yes, Lisa, I will."
You kissed, your hearts beating as one, savoring this moment of pure happiness. You knew that the road ahead would still be long and filled with challenges, but together, you could overcome anything. Your love was stronger than ever, ready to face the future with hope and determination.
And so, hand in hand, you embarked on this new chapter of your life, with the certainty that nothing and no one could ever tear you apart. After this event, you understood why you had given the necklace to your wife. From the beginning, the clue had been right before your eyes—why you thought of her when you saw the pendant. The same color as her eyes.
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highvern · 8 months
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Track 7: Waste My Time- The Crystal Casino Band
“Because we're just friends, The friends who undress // The friends with loose ends, That kiss your neck”
Pairing: Lee Jihoon x reader
Genre: angst
Warnings: miscommunication, friends to its complicated, kissing, implied sex but nothing detailed
Length: ~300
Note: thank you @wongyuseokie for proof reading, my grasp of the english language is atrocious
Like, comment, reblog, enjoy!
Mixtape Series: Me & You Masterlist
main masterlist
This blog is intended for 18+ only! MDNI or you'll be blocked!
It wasn’t supposed to happen.
Jihoon never meant to kiss you. But the space between right and wrong, the blurred line between friendship and something more, became hazy in the late-night sanctuary of his studio. 
Jihoon came to terms with his own mortality, discovering he was just a man sitting next to a pretty girl. The laughter fizzing out on your lips tasted sweeter than honey, and the way you pulled him back when he jumped away shot through him like a live wire.
Somehow kissing turned into touching and touching turned into you naked in his lap. In the frenzy he ended up inside you, and the only thing better than your lips was the way you moaned his name and swallowed Jihoon’s moans in return.
And if Jihoon’s hands became possessive, pulling you close to meld your soul with his, it’s because no matter how irrational the fear is he can’t help but feel you’ll disappear like smoke in the wind if he doesn’t.
It's been weeks now. Every time you two are alone clothes flutter to the floor and bare skin lets you both forget about the world just beyond the threshold. Jihoon gets so lost in your touch; that he can’t help but pretend it all means more than it should. 
Now when you sneak through the door and into Jihoon’s space the tension is unbearable; an uninvited third party sitting between you, stirring up trouble and complications Jihoon doesn’t have the guts to clear up. 
“I stopped by the store! They didn’t have those chips you like but I got—”
“We need to talk.”
Taglist: @tomodachiii @anthropologymajorkpopmultistan
© highvern. copying/reuploading/translating my work anywhere is strictly prohibited.
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powdermelonkeg · 1 year
so, it’s confirmed that Zelda’s “Time” powers came from Sonia, and her “Light” powers from Rauru, but we know from other games that only the women of the royal family can use the “sealing” power inherited from SkSw Zelda. do you think this means that throughout history, the “Light” powers associated w the sealing are actually separate from the sealing ability? I just remember being really lost after that cutscene, cause even if Rauru somehow was a descendant of Hylia, he wouldn’t be able to use those powers, and the sealing of whatever evil is causing trouble always has a fancy light show with it lmao
So, this is a very complicated question with a very complicated theory to answer it.
We know that Sonia's primary, and, in terms of usablity, only power is Recall.
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However, I do believe she's Hylia's descendant, not Rauru, despite Rauru being the one with the light/sealing power. Evidence on that here.
Being Hylia's descendant would make Sonia's birthright be a whole host of other powers, possibly latent, but more probably something that Sonia's never actually been in the right situation to use. Let's take a look at what Skyward Sword Zelda can do.
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She can seal the Demon King-
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-but only at the expense of her own life force being rendered inert while she does.
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She can bless the Master Sword-
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-but it's already as strong as it can get.
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She has strong connections to time...
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...but we knew that already.
Of these three powers, only one would be relevant to Sonia's skill set. The Master Sword can hardly be doubly-blessed, and the Demon King has yet to show his face.
More importantly, however, Skyward Zel's sealing power works MUCH differently to Wild Zel's.
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Wild Zel's sealing is instantaneous, fueled by emotion, with seemingly no draining effect on her person.
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When fully unleashed, her seal is as total as it is inescapable. It doesn't require her to put herself to sleep until Link can deal the final blow with the Master Sword. The closest thing to Skyward Zel's seal that Wild Zel did was in keeping the Calamity at bay for 100 years while Link slept. During which, it's heavily implied that she was conscious, given that she spoke to Link the instant he woke.
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With Rauru, his sealing ability seems much more similar to our princess's, with only some key differences visually.
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His right hand gathers light around it, and needs to be extended to fully function.
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When the seal first activates, it forms a spherical shape, which is inescapable, albeit on a much smaller scale than Zelda's.
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It's a little hard to see, due to the magnitude of Zelda's power, but it IS a sphere.
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And although this act does cost Rauru his life, it usually doesn't. He's done this before, multiple times, as stated in Messages from an Ancient Era tablet A Pilgrimage of Light:
"The kyng was late y-come this aven, so maked the quene to sharen tales of hir lond, of shirines al grene yglouen. "Of erli daies sinnes Hyrules funding have diverse monstres hir reaume biseged ond assaylled. "Uncesinge in striffe, thei broughte to despeir folkes lyfen. Kyng ond quen ysete thamselue to bringen scurge to ende. "With might of light ond pouere, driven abak ybeen, ond the roial couple made thes shirines to selen him awei. "Thes holi selen ben yclept Shirines of Light. "Gret kyng, grete quen, y thank ye. Ye foughte whan y wer maiden-child, that y kude pes toknouen."
The translation, to the best of my efforts:
"The king was late to come this evening, so made the queen to share tales of her land, of shrines all green glowing. "Of early days since Hyrule's founding have diverse monsters her realm besieged and assailed. "Unceasing in strife, they brought to despair folks' lives. King and queen set themselves to bringing scourge to end. "With might of light and power, driven aback they been, and the royal couple made these shrines to seal him away. "These holy seals been called Shrines of Light. "Great king, great queen, I thank you. You fought when you were maiden-child, that I could peace to know."
Sonia and Rauru went around making the Shrines of Light that we find in present day and receive blessing from:
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So, with the exception of the Demon King, who was so powerful that he could resurrect thousands of years later, Rauru's seal behaved like Zelda's—instant, fueled by emotion, inescapable, projected by the right hand, with no immediate toll on the user.
But what does this mean for Zelda's sealing ability? Despite behaving similarly, it doesn't look similar at all.
Let's look back at what happens when Sonia and Rauru combine their powers.
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Rauru brings his hands together in a triangle shape, possibly invoking the same Triforce motif Zelda gives when she unleashes her power. The Secret Stone, which magnifies his light abilities, glows in a similar shade to Zelda's seal.
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Sonia extends her right hand as her own tear glows. Despite it only amplifying her time power, her hand shows the same color Rauru's light gives off—as well as being in a spherical form.
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Rauru draws in her power (and Zelda's, whose is a combination of both already and therefore adds no new properties) and forms a bright yellow light with a sphere around it.
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It's better seen from this angle, where we can also see what looks like an inverted Triforce in the middle.
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They're nowhere near the level of focus Zelda's Triforce has, but the triangles are definitely there.
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And then it becomes a catastrophic force of power, able to wipe out an entire swarm of Molduga in a single hit.
Zelda's lineage's sealing ability is a culmination of all of this. It's Sonia and Rauru's powers combined, taking Hylia's seal, the Goddess's full power-
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-and attaching that strength to something instantaneous and geared specifically to lock away darkness-
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-by combining the power of time with the power of light.
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Hylia's sealing power isn't Rauru's, but Zelda's is Hylia's AND Rauru's combined.
As a side note, this is also why I think, despite Rauru contributing his power, the magic remains only matrilineal. Hylia's descendants—meaning in this case, Sonia—are the only ones that carry her abilities. Rauru's power attached itself to Sonia's to create Zelda's, but Sonia's abilities—with or without Rauru's boost to them—can only be accessed by her daughters and granddaughters.
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Strong enough to rival any magic in the world in sheer might, this later became known as the Light Force.
TLDR: Hylia's seal = Slow, nonlethal, exhausting toll, powerful, golden lightshow Rauru's seal = Fast, potentially lethal, concentrated, opposes Ganon, spherical lightshow Zelda's seal = Fast, concentrated, opposes Ganon, spherical (from Rauru), nonlethal, powerful, golden (from Hylia); a hybridization of both seals, the best of both worlds
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The Problem With Yasopp
So like many people I was genuinely surprised by Netflix One Piece, adaption, which turned out the exact opposite of pretty much every single travesty that america has made when adapting Manga and Anime.
It certainly was not without flaws, for one thing it needed to be at least 3-5 episodes longer in order to fix it's pacing issues if it wanted to get all of East Blue into one season, and the fight scenes while very well choreographed, didn't exactly sell me on the superhuman strength of most of these characters.
However, there was one thing that genuinely pissed me off, in large part because the american adapters changed something they didn't like, in order to fit "western sensibilites" and in doing so, completely missing the point, and frankly tragedy of the original context.
That of course, is the character of Usopp's relationship with his parents Yasopp and Banchina, and the rather sad tale of plans going completely arry due to twists of fate.
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In the west, the character of Yasopp has been a rather contentious one, for several reasons, but also one that has been a bit altered by the changes from Japanese to English.
Yasopp is critiqued heavily by people who don't like him for abandoning his kid, and his wife to seek adventure on the high seas. Now this is not untrue, but there is a bit of context here that's a bit lost in translation.
And you can really tell that, because the way Netflix portrays Yasopp leaving is the surface level one you might get if you just read Syrup Village arc, and you don't pay any attention at all to the timeline given.
In the neflix series, it's explicitly said that Yasopp left Usopp and his mother while Usopp was still a baby. That is such a common reading, that it's actually what the One Piece Wiki claims happened(Another example of why you should always be critical of Wiki's).
The actual Manga tells a different story.
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Yasopp left Syrup village right before Banchina unexpedetly got sick with the disease that ultimatly killed her.
When Usopp is so touchy against Kuro about him badmouting his father, it's not in the context of him idolizing some father he never met, because Usopp and Yasopp knew and loved each other dearly. Usopp's wish to see his dad again isn't some wish to meet the father he only knows through stories, but to reconnect with the dad he loved so much growing up and was sad when he left.
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And then of course there is the glory of mistraslation. If you've read this part of the manga, you might rightly be wondering, what sort of woman would be proud of the man who abandoned her to take care of their kid while he sought adventure.
The answer, which the english translation does not give, is a woman who was the one to convince him to go out on that journey in the first place.
Because that is what happened in the orignal manga. It was Banchina, for reasons we don't fully understand or have the context for, eho convinced her husband to go out and seek his dreams.
That's the reason why she is so certain Yasopp will NOT be coming home, but why she is also not bitter about it. She was the one who encouraged Yasopp to go out to sea, while she stayed home and took care of their kid, until he grew old enough to care for himself, and seek the seas himself if he wished.
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The story of Yasopp, Usopp and his wife is a genuine tragedy, but not because Yasopp abandoned Usopp before he ever got to know him, but because Usopp's parents made plans for the future, that while not perfect by any stretch, seemed workable enough... only for the entire thing to come crumbling down after Yasopp left due to something as mundane as a random disease.
One can certainly make an argument that this was NOT the best course of action for Yasopp and Banchina to take, but it's not the complete deadbeat dad who abandons his baby trope that the Netflix series portrays it as.
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Further hammering in that this was a bit more complicated than that, Yasopp seems to have been one of the very first crew members Shanks tried to recruit, having sought him out not long after Roger died... And Yasopp seems to have flat out rejected him, as he stayed with Banchina for years and years afterwards.
It adds a lot of context to the idea that Banchina was the one who ultimately convinced Yasopp to go out and chase his dreams while she took care of the kid... Because it took years and years for it to ultimately conclude at this course of action. Yasopp would continue to reject Shanks offer to join him for years to instead to take care of his wife and kid, until about a year before Shanks met Luffy, when his wife told him to go.
It's a hell of a lot more nuanced and interesting than what Netflix did, that's for damn sure.
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DIABOLIK LOVERS ZERO Animate Tokuten Drama CD “A Vampire’s Late Night Snack Terror” [Kino ver.]
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Original title: 夜更かしヴァンパイアの食テロ飯 [キノ編]
Source: Diabolik Lovers ZERO Vol. 7 Animate Tokuten CD
Audio: Here
Seiyuu: Tomoaki Maeno
Translator’s note: I went into this fully expecting a repeat of Kou with Kino setting the kitchen on fire but he’s actually a decent cook??? It was also really cute how he wants to be more independent and stop relying on Yuuri to do everything for him. I swear this guy keeps on winning me over again and again ever since I played his Lost Eden route.
Kino burst into the room.
“...God! What does he mean ‘You can’t do it, Kino’...!? Who does he think I am, huh!?”
You ask him what’s wrong.
“It’s very simple! I was looking for a change of pace and casually offered to make a meal...but what do you think Yuuri said in response to that? ...That it’s impossible for me! I can cook though! It’s just that I usually choose not to!”
You tell them it’s not good to fight.
“We’re not fighting or anything...Well, I guess it’s true that I don’t exactly cook very often. Yuuri does it for me after all. But he didn’t have to just flat out doubt my capabilities like that! Aah...It pisses me off! Can’t I get back at him somehow? ...Right! You’re a pretty good cook, aren’t you?”
You suspect that he might want you to teach him.
“Yes, exactly! ...Teach me! How to cook!”
You seem hesitant.
“...Are you going to tell me that I can’t as well?”
You tell him that it’s too late to cook now.
“Who cares that it’s the middle of the night? Besides, I’m a Vampire, so I’m active during this time of day. ...Ah-aah...That really stings. You’ll have to do something now to make up for this emotional pain.”
Kino approaches you.
“So...Where do you want me to bite you? It would seem to me that you’re dying to have me give you a taste of pain, so I’ll gladly take you up on that offer?”
You protest.
“I won’t wait. So, where do you want my fangs? Ahー Perhaps I should go for your ear? It’s a very sensite spot, so I’m sure it’ll hurt a lot?”
You continue to fight back.
“Then...You’ll teach me, right? I don’t care about the dish itself.”
You agree.
“There we go. You should have just nodded in agreement from the beginning.”
“Well then, let’s go to the kitchen then. Just a heads up, pick something fancy but possible for me to make, okay?”
*Rustle rustle*
“You’ve started...lining up some strange things. These odd vegetables and...cheese? What are we going to make with these?”
You refuse to tell him for now.
“That’s something to look forward to? Okay, sure. I guess I’ll follow your instructions this once. ーー So, where should I start?”
“What...is this?”
You tell him.
“Eh? This is lotus root!? I had no idea it had this sort of shape...”
“Oh, you’re right! Now that you mention it, the cross-section looks like lotus root! I should slice it, right?”
You tell him he has to cut it thinly.
“Eeeh? You have so many requests. Yeah, I know. I’ll cut thin slices.”
You tell him the amount you need.
“One hundred gram!? So what does 100 gram of lotus root look like exactly!? Could you stop giving me all the difficult tasks!?”
“Hmph...God. I’ll just wing it...”
*Chop chop chop*
“About this much?”
You praise his knifework. 
“Guess so. I mean, obviously I know how to use a knife. So, what’s next?”
You turn on the stove.
“Ah...We’re going to bake these? ...You can hear the sound of the oil sizzling. Can I add the lotus root now?”
You give him instructions again.
“There you go asking complicated things again...Fine. I should line them up leaving as little gaps as possible...and bake them until the surface is crispy, right?”
“Mmh! Looking good! It’s got a nice brown color and gives off a rich fragrance. What should I do next?”
“Are these leftovers from dinner? Can I put them on?”
You nod.
“Then I’ll place these bite-sized pieces of bacon all around...and sprinkle the finely chopped pieces of tomato on top as well, okay? The rings of green pepper as well. ...Mmh! A nice array of colors! As to be expected of me! Why don’t we add in some konpeito as well while we’re at it? I really like these ones!”
*Cling cling*
“See? Aren’t they pretty? I’m very fond of the star shape as well. Let’s try mixing it in here!”
You stop him.
“Eeh~? Party pooper! ...Fine then. ...So, what comes next?”
You had him a bag of grated cheese.
“Oh? This is...grated cheese, no? Eeh? But if we put this on top, it’ll ruin the nice color palate we had going on, no? ...Ah, right! The key is to put an even, thin layer! ...I’ll put it on top then, okay?”
Kino adds the cheese.
“Sprinkle it all over...”
“There! It’s starting to melt, look! Uwah~! It looks really delicious already!”
You tell him that it’s not quite ready yet.
“Fine. I’ll put on the lid, okay?”
“Now we just wait, right? I’ve gotten kind of hungry even though I had dinner earlier. Well, I guess I don’t technically need to eat since I’m a Vampire but I can’t wait for the finished product!”
“Uwah! It looks scrumptious! Although you can tell by the scent alone that it’s going to be delicious. Is it done now?”
You nod and plate it.
“Hooray! It’s done! ...Quick and easy, lotus root pizza!”
You seem surprised that he could tell what it’s based on.
“It’s pretty obvious that it’s meant to be a pizza. This is the first time I’ve seen someone use lotus root for the crust though. Say...Why don’t we give it a little taste before we go show it to Yuuri? It’s really tempting me.”
You give him permission.
“Hehe~ Well then...Time to dig in~!”
Kino takes a bite.
“Mmh...Nn...Mmh~! What’s this!? Holy shit! It’s super delicious!”
You ask him if he really likes it that much.
“Yeah! It’s out of this world! The lotus root crust is really crispy! Even though it’s thin, because it’s been crisped up in the pan, it has a really rich flavor. Kind of like vegetable chips...? 
I really like the melted cheese on top as well! You should eat it while it’s still piping hot. Similar to a cheese fondue, I love how the cheese wraps around the vegetables and brings out the sweetness! 
Also, the smoky aroma from the bacon has seeped into the lotus root. The fat from the meat melts inside your mouth...”
You say that you’re glad he likes it.
“Mm~ Way to go! You hit the nail on the head by choosing this recipe! It’s easy to make and delicious. Just like what I asked for!”
*Rustle rustle*
“Huh? Is that...jelly?”
“Uwah! There’s konpeito inside! So pretty...It looks like stars floating in the sky.”
You ask if he likes it. 
“Of course I like it! I was wondering what you were up to earlier, but you were making this, huh? You really are a great asset with how you’ll take all of my requests into account. What more could a man ask for (1)?”
You get flustered.
“What are you blushing for? I honestly wouldn’t mind marrying you right here, right now?”
You panic even more. 
“Hahaha! What are those weird movements for? Honestly, I never grow tired watching you. ...Oh well, let’s leave that topic for another day.”
“I’m positive Yuuri will be shocked when he sees this table!”
You agree.
“Mmh. ...Well, I know this all started after I got into an argument with Yuuri but I actually had one more reason to want to cook. I realized that I should start becoming more independent little by little...I decided to stop thinking in terms of ‘a master and his servants’, remember? I don’t want to use Yuuri as a personal butler forever, you see. That’s why I gotta at least be able to cook by myself.”
You chuckle.
“What are you grinning for? It’s creepy. Are you mocking me, perhaps?”
You shake your head.
“I wonder. ...This is your punishment for making me upset.”
“Here, say ‘aahn’.”
You refuse.
“I’m not taking no as an answer. Now open your mouth?”
“Fufu, very obedient now, aren’t we? ...Here you go, ‘aahn’.”
“Good, right? I made it myself, so be sure to savor it thoroughly, okay?”
You nod.
“Right? Come on, feed me some as well.”
“Mm...Mmh...Yeah, delicious! If we eat too much, there will be none left but...Oh well! We’ve still got plenty of ingredients left, so we can always make a new batch! I want to share the very first dish I made together with you anyway. ...Right~?”
ーー THE END ーー 
Translation notes
(1) Kino calls her a ‘ryousai kenbo’ which literally means ‘good wife, wise mother’ and which is kind of seen as the ideal for woman in Japan and a lot of East-Asian countries. 
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dropthedemiurge · 2 months
So I went to see the Korean version of Angels in America today, and Taevin was amazing, as expected!
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I don't feel too good to leave a full review (seriously, going outside in 35 degrees heat should give me a sick leave for work) and it was only Part 1 (3 Acts) so I'll just talk about Taevin briefly, and if anyone's interested in hearing more, I can come up with another post comparing original and Korean versions later...
Anyway, LEE TAEVIN. I was so right to fall into him (the way he acts, but also I'm in love with his voice who knows why). He was very emotional, very bold, captured original Louis so well (and delivered such fast and complicated rants nicely xD) and also - yes, we had gay kiss and implied fucking on stage as well 👀 In Asian country, talking and showing AIDS stories - it felt very unusual but as an outsider to both cultures and histories, I don't have much ground to speak on.
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Also of course, some wordplays were lost but some were added, but mostly the translation was sticking to the original almost perfectly (if only I was more fluent in Korean, I could tall about it even better but I'm really glad I watched the original play first so I knew the story and what they were supposed to say (huge thanks to @dragonsareawesome123 for providing me links!). But I could tell the difference where jokes in English were supposed to land and which comedic moments in Korean striked the best instead xD It was fun noticing. But the loudest laugh (twice at that) was during Louis x Guy hookup on street lol (yes I still can't believe I watched Taevin getting "fucked" on stage the guy really chooses the most queer and bold and interesting roles in the beginning of his acting career)
And there were slight changes in decorations and costumes, and I liked some things more than original, but some original moments got lost.
There are two actors for Prior and tbh I went to see the more popular one because everyone said he's been acting in dramas and other cast worked for me but... I didn't get enough tbh x) Like, Yoo Seungho was good and he was also emotional and delivered lines well - but I guess, I just didn't get the Sick Gay Drag Queen vibes as much as in the original xD I mean, man was so toned and had abs! But the actor himself is thin so it can't be helped Ig, Koreans aren't pale :D
Plus, he was supposed to be contrasting to Louis and Joe but he was less flamboyant so I guess that's the only flaw I can point out. I'll go watch second actor in the second part of the play to compare acting between Korean versions and not with western one, it's going to be interesting.
But still, Seungho himself did a good job with acting with his body and emotional delivery, I'm merely comparing to the original play. He was also very sweet when he came out to the fans after the play ^^
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Anyway, the rest of the cast was great as well, the explicity from original - in both language and portrayed things - stayed there and only details ended up more smoothed iut (more Asian style?)
The Art hall was almost full on Sunday, which I was surprised to see for such story, and I saw a lot of couples and people in their 30-40s and nobody left mid-break which to me is a good sign xD
That was a nice experience, it was my first time seeing or knowing about Angels in America too, I'm definitely gonna go for Part 2 because that's where the most of the fun is :D
Tagging @doyou000me @non-binarypal7 who were interested in my review (if you watched the original, I can share more about the actual lines and moments xD)
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4rtificialfolio · 5 months
It’s Complicated, My Darling - Chapter 1
Chpt. 1: “Cat got your tongue, doll?”
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“Ada is an operative in the 1940s from Brighton in England, sent over to New York City to work with the Americans, uncovering secrets and spying on potential suspects. She meets a handsome young man, Nick Folio, on the train into the city; little does she know how that moment would change the trajectory of her life”
Parings: Nick folio X OFC (Ada Chapman)
Word count: 1.6K
Chapter Warnings: brief mention of war, slightly suggestive, explicit language, fluff
Series master list
(see masterlist for overall warnings, chapter begins below the cut)
May 20th 1941
New York City, USA
7:00 am
Dear Diary,
Yesterday is still a haze and I barely slept all night, tossing and turning thinking about him. I still can’t believe my luck or lack thereof. Things are always too good to be true and yesterday proved that. God damn you, Nick. It had to be you didn’t it? Who am I kidding, we met once and he’s cute but that’s it. I don’t know him, he was just an attractive man on the train who just so happens to be the man I’m being told to track. It can’t be so different from any other mission, can it? I can do this, I’m bloody brilliant at this job and this mission will be a piece of cake, I hope.
In other news, Dad sent another letter. He thinks they might have to evacuate soon, after the raid on the Portsmouth docs the whole town is on edge but hopefully, it won’t come to that. Denis is already missing and I don’t know what I’d do if I lost Dad and Peggy too. I can’t think about that, I shouldn’t.
Anyway, I’ll be back tomorrow. 
I’m sure I’ll have a more interesting update after I’ve started my undercover work today,
The Precinct, 9:30 am
My train was delayed today, my first day on the cover job and I’m already late. Great first impression Ada! 
“Miss Chapman, I presume?” a middle-aged man, with a not-so-flattering navy blue suit and a grey homburg hat that he definitely should’ve thrown away in the 30s, calls my name from across the ground floor.
“A little late but I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt considering It’s your first day”. By the affirmative tone of his low, grumbling voice, I assume he’s the captain; Michael Brewer. I wonder if he knows he’s missing a button on his shirt?
“Yes sir, nice to meet you. Apologies for my Tardiness” 
“Please follow me, I’ll take you to your desk so you can settle in. We run a tight ship here Chapman and I expect the very best from my employees, no less. let's hope you can keep up” I internally snicker at the tight ship remark. If it truly was a tight ship, I wouldn’t be here. If not for the fact I’m here undercover, I wouldn’t bat an eyelid at that sentence; but something about it unsettles me. Alarm bells ring in my head. Michael will be on my watch list.
The tour is pretty mundane, I’ve only been hired as the secretary for my department so there’s no need for me to see the entirety of the precinct however, one room, in particular, catches my eye. The captain’s office, I’ll have to make a mental note of its whereabouts. Michael has been rambling on about the pride and joy of the precinct, and how he’s “built a family he can trust”; I refrain from laughing, being late on my first day is one thing but being fired for rudeness on the first day? I think I’ll pass. Before I know it, We’ve already reached my department floor. It’s nothing too extravagant but it’s certainly the biggest. The criminal investigation department has the most employees in the entire precinct, from the constable to the detective team, the sergeant, translators, the medical examiners and then there’s me, the accountant and secretary. I know Nick is a detective and, in fact, I’m pretty sure he’s the lead detective. Speaking of him, I wonder if he’s in today?
Before I can allow myself to get carried away with my wondering thoughts, Michael finally finishes his boastful rant and shows me to my desk.
“Right chapman, this is your desk. You’ll be doing the majority of your administrative work here but it’s important to store any important and private documents in the file room and I expect them to be logged at the end of each shift. Understood?” Having to lock them away might be a slight problem, I need solid evidence for this case but having access to the file room could be beneficial.
“Yes sir”
“I’ll leave you to settle in and meet your colleagues, we’re happy to have you, Chapman”
“Well look who it is!” an oh-so-familiar voice averts my attention, making me turn away from my desk.
“Nick? Uh I mean Mr Folio” Addressing another boss of mine by his first name, today is just tip-top.
“What’s with the formalities Doll? Please everyone calls me Nick around here, Mr Folio sounds way too formal for my liking”. My breath hitches and I chew on my bottom lip as he calls me ‘doll’. Doll, I like the sound of that. He looks extra sexy today. Sure he looked handsome in a black tank top, but now? He’s wearing a white spear point collard dress shirt paired with navy blue suit trousers with white stripes, a brown, white dotted tie and brown leather oxfords. I can’t help but stare, the top two buttons of his shirt are unbuttoned and his sleeves are rolled up to his elbow, showing off his tanned, veiny arms. Heat flushes across my body down to my core, he’s hot. Real hot and I’m flustered. 
“Cat got your tongue, doll?” He smirks. There’s that damned nickname again.
Everything about him entices me and I know these feelings are wrong, but I just can’t help myself. I’m supposed to be working against him, spying on him and digging for info but he’s just so sweet to look at.
“Sorry just a little tired, what did you say?”
“I said I was about to go on lunch and you owe me a lunch date, care to join?” A date? I’m sure it’s just a figure of speech.
“Sure! You’ll have to pick where we go, I’m afraid I’m not familiar with the city yet” Nick quickly grabs his suit jacket and grey fedora from his desk at the back of the room and gently puts his hand on the small of my back to lead me out of the precinct. A tingle surges up my spine at the light contact, causing a slight shiver.
Nick takes me to a cute little diner about a block away. There’s a yellow and red sign that reads “Fred’s cafe & diner” and a couple of cars parked out front including a new, mint green chevrolet fleetline. Dad told me about these new cars in one of his letters, he thinks they’re an eyesore but I quite like them. 
We settle into a small booth in the corner, right by the window that overlooks the narrow street next to the diner. I’m conflicted, I’m sat across from one of the most, if not the most, handsome men I’ve ever met. His eyes are so dreamy; he’s practically eye-fucking me from across the table, looking down ever so slightly at my lips, as I make small talk about the fleetline out front, and my stomach turns to goo. I begin to wonder what what his lips taste like, how he’d look pushing me up against the wall; but it’s a fleeting thought. Stay on track Ada. A waitress takes our orders and there’s a tense silence among us.
“So doll, how are you enjoying the city so far?” I wish he’d stop calling that.
“It’s not too bad, I really miss the beach and my family but I love the livelihood here. It's a nice change” Home, I miss home. All I want is to hug Peggy and Dad but until the war is over, this is home in the meantime.
“Damn I don’t know why you’d pass up the seaside to live here of all places, but I’m glad you did” Leaning forward on his arms, he smirks.
“Sure, I get to look at your pretty face every day. Sounds like a nice perk to me” He winks. My cheeks turn a subtle shade of pink whilst I find myself attempting to stop a cheesy grin from spreading across my face.
“How about you? How does life here compare to Maryland?”
“Hmm It’s good, I love the job but I wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for the war. I used to be a detective back in Maryland but I was relocated here to help with the war effort” Sometimes I forget about the war; moments like these make me feel normal and happy as if there’s not a single care in the world. But then I read the paper and I’m brought back to reality.
“Watch’ya thinking in that pretty little head of yours?” Concern starts to grow on his face.
“I was just thinking of home and the war, you know? I miss my family and life before it all started” My heart sinks thinking about it all.
“Oh doll, we don’t know each other too well yet and I know I can’t compare to your real home, but I promise I’ll do my best to make you a home away from home. Can’t stand to see a pretty face frown.” Is this the right guy? I mean, really? This is the so-called dangerous man who’s supposed to be stealing money from the precinct? I’ve never met such a gentle, caring soul; and not to point out the obvious but, fuck he’s handsome, I wouldn’t mind feeling his hands on my hips sometime. No, no I can’t think like that. I have a job to do, I mustn’t lose my focus. My thoughts are quickly averted as Nick says my name from across the table, signalling our lunch break is almost over. Come on Ada, snap out of it. 
“Thank you, Nick. I’m sure I’ll feel right at home with you”
With you? Shit.
 I am royally fucked.
AN: Sorry this took so long! I was in a really long writing slump but i'm hoping to get a chapter out every two weeks (no promises). I'm really looking forward to you guys seeing what happens between Nick and ADA. Ada has very quickly become my favourite character I've ever written. Please let me know your thoughts! Again, please let me know if you'd like to be added to my tag list for this series :)
reminder my inbox is always open if you’d rather send your thoughts about this series or any of the omens members anonymously (no fic requests).
Tag List: @iknownothingpeople , @dsireland86 , @vinyardmauro , @thatchickwiththecamera , @blackveilomens
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quitealotofsodapop · 20 days
Hola! ¿Que me he perdido de The Monkey King and the Infant? Hace tiempo que no paso aqui...
translated by google:
"Hi! What did I miss about The Monkey King and the Infant? It's been a while since I've been here…"
I am currently working on Chapter 3 of the fic as we speak! ^_^
However I have many things going on in mine and my family's lives at the moment, so the opportunity to write is scarce (college, new jobs, medical appointments). I also lost some confidence writing when I discovered that Season 5 was announced, since I feared that my writing would become outdated with new lore (I'm still anticipating who the true villain Xiangliu alluded to but I have theories). Now I understand that is simply an obstacle when writing for an ongoing media.
Some details I've been working on for the "The Monkey King and the Infant" au are;
I have been trying to make a "timeline" chart for the Au to explain events that happened in the story's past.
Watching and adapting the events and characters introduced in Season 5 (Li Jing, Xiangliu, The 100 Eyed Demon, Nuwa, etc...) into the fic's universe.
Rewriting what Nüwa's plan; instead of just leaving her Harbinger and their Stone Egg on earth, she instead threw it into the cosmos so it could return at a later date - becoming the Harbinger's Comet. +Also adding/implementing her husband Fuxi - a minor god of fatherhood and invention. He loves his wife so much, and misses her dearly.
Establishing reasons for why Macaque and Wukong simply cannot hide away on Flower Fruit Mountain; (1): Many of the Celestial Guards suspect that Wukong was lying about the fate of the Cosmic Egg/Harbinger's comet and are monitoring him. Wukong learns this when he hires Sandy (on Pigsy's recommendation) to get home for some personal items, as his Somersault Cloud hasn't been working correctly. (2): Macaque is thought to be dead. If he suddenly reappears after so much time has past, it could draw the attention of the Ten Kings. (3): The Egg literally drains them of their powers, forcing them to approach problems "mortal-style".
Deciding how to introduce The Nine Tailed Vixen/Jiuweihuli to the story - I believe 100% that the moment Jin and Yin see Macaque alive again, they'd kidnap him to show their mother that he's alright.
Deciding on what the main "rogue's gallery" would be for LMK if the Lady Bone Demon is sealed away many years before MK's birth. The Spider Gang would be more involved in general mayhem.
Adding in Ao Bing (his presence is due to a spicy twist >:3).
Having the incident involving the "Demon King of Havoc/Confusion" be something far more complicated than what the novel/history tells. Sun Wukong did not only save his monkeys that day, but he also saved royal demons captured by the King of Havoc as bargaining chips (DBK amongst them), and a few celestial officers caught off-guard by the King of Havoc's power (Azure and Nezha among them). The reason it isn't talked about much is that many of the saved later became The Brotherhood and their allies - the celestial realm doesn't like admitting that a "mere cave demon" had caused them so much trouble.
I might add on more details as I think of them. Thank you all for being so invested in my writing. <3
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ramzawrites · 2 years
Our Secret - 2k12!Donnie x Reader
Pairings: Donatello/Reader
Characters included: Donatello, Leonardo, Michelangelo, Raphael, April, Casey
Warnings: n/a
Series: No
Summary: Donnie and Y/N have been dating for a while now. Vowing to keep it secret since their friends were honestly horrible when it came to teasing when someone had a crush. The teasing if they found out that they were dating? The two were sure it would be even more ruthless. Yeah, they were okay with this. Surely, there can’t be an accident just waiting to happen that would expose them.
Word count: 4402
Authors Note: My adhd is going wild so I apologize if there are a lot of mistakes, I’ll look over it more tomorrow
Request: hiiiii!!! I  REALLLYYY love your  writing style, and I was wondering if you could do a 2012 Donnie x (fem) reader who are in a secret relationship but get exposed accidentally by one of the others! (I think it would be hilarious XD) -🕺🏻anon 
There was a slight pep in Y/N’s step as she made her way through the abandoned subway system. It was a familiar journey. So familiar actually that she was almost sure she could find her way without looking. Not that she would try that though. There was still a chance she would get lost and honestly, she didn’t want to go through the whole spiel of calling the mutant turtle brothers to tell them that she managed to get lost in the old subway system because she wanted to see if she could make the journey with closed eyes.
No, she didn’t want to be a bigger burden than she already was. Y/N wasn’t a fighter like them, April or even Casey. The only way she really helped them was that she used the fact that she is a normal human who could walk around and get the things the Hamato family needed.
Well, okay maybe she was selling herself a bit short. There have been times where she helped outside of this since she was actually a pretty good programmer. It was a hobby she worked on basically ever since she could use a keyboard.
When she began hanging out with the turtles, she would usually be found inside Donnie’s lab with him talking about some new algorithm, programming work or the like. It was to be expected that when Y/N joined their little band that Donnie would start hogging her attention seeing how he rarely got a chance to talk shop. Sure, the others listened, kind of, but Y/N could actually give feedback at some points. He could actually bounce ideas off of her and brainstorm some possible solutions.
In fact, the reason why she was making her way to the lair of the little ninja clan was because she wanted to show Donnie her code she has been working on. Well, it started as her code but at this point it had been a project the two have been working on together whenever possible. It was essentially a translator program for the Krang language. It was a bit more complicated than a simple translator since the Krang language was so very much different from what they knew, and this was supposed to help with reprogramming Krang tech but that’s details.
At the lair Y/N could already spot Mikey, Raph, Donnie, and April sitting in front of the TV watching some old cartoon movie.
“Hey guys! Not a lot going on today?” she nodded towards the TV as she walked up to them, trying to see what they were watching.
April was the first to react and got up from the couch, squeezing Y/N in a short hug as a greeting “Oh, Y/N! What’s up? We are just kind of doing nothing. Not much to do.” Her eyes meeting Y/N’s with a big and happy smile.
April has become a really good friend over time, the two bonded pretty fast seeing how they were the only two girls in this group. When the boys were off doing their own things April and Y/N began to hang out and have their own fun. She can’t really recall how it started but the two started to bake together when the time allowed it. They were definitely not amazing, and it was kind of more fun to make really ugly cakes that they would bring over to the boys for them to judge.
Y/N chuckled “Wow, sounds exciting.” She took a step to the side so she could take a look at the other three. Raph just gave her a short wave as a greeting.
Mikey had his typical wide smile on “Wanna join?”
And Donnie just had a soft smile on his lips as he gave a quick wave as well. When Y/N returned his wave with her own his smile widened into a toothy grin.
“I mean, maybe? I just came over because I wanted to show Donnie something and get his input on my code.” Y/N moved her backpack to her front and looked through it only to pull a hard drive out of it.
This made Donnie jump up from the couch “Oh! Really? I wanna see it! Let’s go!”
“Nerds!” Raph snorted out as he saw how eagerly Donnie walked over to Y/N to usher her back to his lab.
Y/N stuck her tongue out “You are just jealous that we are smarter than you.”
Raph rolled his eyes “That was a weak comeback, Y/N.”
“And yet you don’t deny it.”
But before Raph could say anything more Donnie laid his hand on Y/N’s shoulder to forcefully make her move towards his lab. He tried to just quietly move along but she could see him smile. To everyone else it was just him being amused at the banter, but Y/N was sure she could spot a bit of pride.
It was probably because she openly admitted to being smart since she usually refused to do so, even if it was in a joking manner. Mostly because she didn’t really believe it. Her knowledge with tech was just from a lot of experience. Donnie would always refute that though, saying that he did the same. She believed that he was really smart which also stemmed from the fact that he began learning about technology and more ever since he could read and do so. Besides she could keep up with him! She might not know a lot about biology but when Donnie explained things to her, she would usually understand it easily and even recall the information every time. So in a sense both were the same and since she agreed that he was smart it also meant that she had to be smart.
Inside the lab Donnie made sure to close the door so the others in the lair couldn’t interrupt. As he did so, both seemingly let out a breath that they were holding in.
Y/N immediately slid her backpack off and placed it next to Donnie’s desk.
“So, uh, you wanted to show me your code?” Donnie asked, he had a bit of self-assured grin on his face but the way he played with his own hands spelled nervousness.
“That, but also,” she stepped closer to Donnie, moving up to give his cheek a little kiss “I wanted to see you, of course.”
At that Donnie had to chuckle, he placed his hands on the sides of her face, his thumbs slowly running along her cheeks as he softly pressed his lips against hers.
“I literally snuck out yesterday to visit you.”
Still in Donnie’s arms Y/N pouted “Yeah you were at my place only for like five minutes. Can you fault me for wanting to spend more time with my boyfriend?”
His blush deepened, an embarrassed giggle escaped him “I love that word.”
“Well lucky you then because as it stands that’s what you are. You are my boyfriend. I am your girlfriend and I love you so much.”
And there it was. That dopey grin on his face that showed off his adorable tooth gap. His face ablaze as Donnie.exe stopped working. He only managed to whisper a shaky “I love you too.”
Y/N laughed, pressing another kiss at the corner of Donnie’s mouth before sitting down on one of the chairs that she had claimed as hers over time.
Donnie took another beat to live and enjoy the moment only to shake his head to pull himself out of his stupor. He moved fast to sit down next to Y/N on his own chair. His smile ever present on his face. It made Y/N’s heart flutter. She couldn’t help but be aware how he always had a smile when she was around and just the thought that her presence could do that to him made the butterflies in her stomach go wild.
“What are you thinking about?” Donnie pulled her back out of her own mind. A curious gaze in his eyes mixed with genuine interest.
Oh, the butterflies got worse. He was always so genuinely interested in what was going through her mind and it was something she appreciated so much about him.
Realizing that she must have stared at him she quickly averted her gaze, suddenly embarrassed “Uh, just thinking about how happy I am with you.”
The blush that began to settle on Donnie’s face immediately broke out again into a bright one “I thought you wanted me to look at your code and not metaphorically kill me with, uh, being so sweet and nice and just you.”
Y/N laid her cold hand against her warm cheek “To be fair! To be fair!” she exclaimed, turning back around to the tall mutant “We don’t often get the chance to be like this. We often hang out with the others so-“
She didn’t have to end the sentence for Donnie to know what she meant. Giving her a knowing nod as a response.
When the two got together they decided to keep their relationship secret. The reason? Oh, mostly because the others of their group were relentless when it came to crushes. And that was just crushes. The two were positive that it would be even worse should they find out that they were actually dating.
Donnie’s brothers have been teasing him now for years about his crush he used to have on April and something similar happened to Y/N when they thought that she might have a crush on a classmate of hers.
She sometimes had to refuse to go visit the mutant turtles because she was tutoring a classmate which the others interpreted as her hanging out with a potential crush. How they jumped to that conclusion Y/N still wasn’t sure.
The thing is, Donnie fully jumped in back then to tease her just as much as his brothers. Stating something like “Oh! Now I get why you guys keep doing it! It is actually pretty funny. Interesting what a change of perspective can do, huh?” Now that the two are together Y/N made a point to sometimes remind him of this. Maybe even sometimes using this to win a few discussions. What Donnie now knows is that even back then Y/N already began having a little crush on him.
Donnie sighed, laying his arm around Y/N “Alright, plug the hard drive in. Let’s see what you worked on.”
“Oh! Coding and chill, my favorite!” Y/N laughed as she plugged the device in.
“It better be, it’s how we started hanging out after all.” He placed another kiss against her temple.
Now the two thought they were actually really subtle when it came to their relationship but once their relationship changed from friendship to romantic there were bound for some things to maybe be suspicious.
The most noticeable one was that those two couldn’t stand to be apart from each other when all of them hung out and normally this wouldn’t have been a big deal. Surprise the nerd finally found another nerd to actually talk to, makes sense that they spent time together.
No, the problem was mostly about how Donnie’s behavior changed ever since he started getting to know Y/N. For years now he tried his best to impress April and spend time with her and suddenly over time it began to lessen. More and more. It happened gradually but his brothers noticed a change especially when they compared his behavior from before.
It was Mikey who first brought it up. He was chewing on some pizza while hanging out with Raph and Leo. Donnie was as per usual in his lab hanging out with Y/N. Both were just moment before screaming about some breakthrough and then rushed into the lab. Securing the door so no one could disturb their concentration. Also while Donnie and Y/N were actually quite mild mannered but when you interrupted their work the two could be very scary. Even Y/N who wasn’t a fighter, but the others were sure that in these moments she would be capable of manslaughter, easily.
So, the group that got left behind was very content to sit back and eat some pizza to bridge their boredom for now.
“You think he changed much?” Leo mirrored Mikey’s statement only as a question, trying to get him to clarify.
He nodded “Yep. I noticed it yesterday. Normally when Donnie hears that April came over, he would happily hang out with her but not yesterday. He just said he was busy and once again closed himself off in his lab.”
Raph just shrugged “Eh, so what. Might have finally realized that he never had a chance.”
Leo in return seemed to ponder that but not before giving Raph a bit of a stern stare “Maybe? Though if you really think about it, it has been going for a while now that he doesn’t react the usual when it comes to April, huh. I just never noticed because it was such a gradual change.”
“So, you guys just think he got over his crush on April? Just like that?” Mikey leaned over the table as he grabbed another slice.
“I dunno?” Raph seemed irritated at this topic “Why care anyhow? Hopefully means he will be less annoying.”
“Raph.” Leo warned him but continued with a slight grin “You really aren’t even a little bit curious if there might be a reason for his change?”
“What do you mean? He stopped having a crush because he is way too busy being nerdy with our human nerd. Working on projects and then the next and the next. You know how he is with tech.” He had his eyes closed, biting off a piece of his pizza as he tried to fight off the feeling of annoyance. Sure, it was fun teasing Donnie for his feelings towards April but in the end, he didn’t care too much about the whole emotions thing.
But when his brothers stayed quiet, no chastising or another quip, he opened his eyes again. His two brothers looked at him as if he just suddenly solved life’s mysteries in front of them.
But Mikey just looked at Leo “You don’t think-?”
“I mean… it would make sense, right?”
“But he’s been crushing on April for so long! There is no way that-“
“Yeah, but it just fits in with everything.”
Okay, Raph had enough “Can you guys please finish your sentences and stop this weird half telepathic conversation because I cannot follow you at all! And since when do you guys gossip like that?”
“It’s the boredom.” Mikey silently explained.
“Can you please tell me what is going through your guys’ minds already?”
Mikey sighed, placing his half-eaten pizza piece down. Apparently, this was serious enough that he had to put his pizza away “You don’t think… that Donnie has a crush on Y/N, do you?”
Raph raised his eyebrow as he thought about it for a second “Well… I don’t know! You really think he got over April that fast? You sure it’s not just him being happy to finally have another nerd friend to be nerdy with?” Why was he defending Donnie like that anyway? How was he the only one being sensible right now? Isn’t Leo supposed to reign them back in and say something like “This is Donnie’s thing let’s not assume things.” Or something like that?
“Well, sure. That might be the case. I guess it’s really the first time he has someone to actually chat and discuss things with that we don’t understand.” Leo thought out loud.
Satisfied with that Raph just gave an agreeing grunt before grabbing his pizza box and moving from the kitchen to the living space.
Yet this exchange is the reason why the three brothers couldn’t help but eye Donnie more concerning his behavior around April and Y/N. Generally, things seem to be the same. Donnie still hung out with April which wasn’t a surprise since even beyond the whole crush situation the two were still good friends.
But it also made sense how Donnie spent a lot of time with Y/N since most of the time when she came over for a visit it was with more things for their projects. The two would start chatting about how to solve some weird problem or what project to tackle next only to slip into the lab for hours on end.
While there wasn’t much to be done to test their hypothesis, they were still happy to tease him with his supposed crush on April and he reacted as usual. A bit more dismissive maybe but he got still ticked off like he always did.
Though then there was the incident.
The family, this included April and Casey, were chilling in front of the TV. They had a big training session today together, hence why Casey was still rubbing his side where Mikey drop kicked him. Also, it was supposed to be a big training session today, but Donnie didn’t join them. No, he was busy in his lab together with Y/N. The two had been in there for about three days now.
When Leo tried to urge his genius brother to get out of the lab and to either sleep or train, depending on how he was doing. There were other times where he was stuck in his lab for days but still fine since he took power naps.
At first nothing happened when Leo knocked on the door “Donnie, we finished training but you really should get out the lab for once and you know maybe sleep and eat?” While it was a question it did come out more as a command. Which it was.
But the door didn’t open.
So, he tried again. Louder this time. And again.
Finally, the door opened and there stood both Donnie and Y/N and man looked they annoyed.
Both geniuses had huge bags beneath their eyes, a similar scowl on their face. Their eyes narrowed and there was a murderous glint in them. Yep, Leo screwed up but still as the team’s leader he had to make sure that Donnie was in top shape which either meant training or forcing him to finally sleep. It was just a tad bit difficult to do that when Y/N was right there who very much knew that Leo didn’t hold the same power over her.
“Okay, yep. You guys need some proper rest.”
Y/N hissed as a response.
Leo looked at her incredulously. Did she really just hiss at him?
“No.” Donnie said dryly and slammed the door back shut.
Leo knew he really should try to work harder on making them get some rest but the two together were incredibly stubborn. They almost seemed to enhance each other stubbornness. Giving up for now he just returned to the others with a shrug.
It was hours later when the door to the lab finally opened. Y/N was the one who sluggishly left the room to make her way towards the kitchen. She didn’t even acknowledge the group who were eyeing her with big eyes. It was the first time they saw her so tired and exhausted.
Mikey was in the kitchen as well. He was currently working on one of his abomination pizzas.
Without taking notice of the orange banded turtle they just began working on the coffee machine. Preparing a full pot of coffee that she and Donnie would probably empty in minutes.
“So, uh, how’s the project going?” Mikey asked, he couldn’t help but be curious. Sure, he didn’t usually understand what Donnie was making, he could remember a lot of things he said but properly understand? Only some things. Anyways he was still curious about the end product.
It took Y/N a full minute to form a sentence “It’s going.”
The others were slightly leaning over, trying to see how Y/N was doing. They were used for Donnie to be doing these kinds of things but not with Y/N. Besides it was the first time Donnie let anyone into his lab for that long. Sure, Y/N was a bit of a special case but it was still new.
“Well, what are you working on?”
“I feel like Donnie would kill me if I told you guys. I think he wants to do that himself.”
Well, that’s something. The project was important enough or interesting enough that Donnie wanted to show it off himself.
This was the moment Mikey gave up, knowing that kind of behavior too well from Donnie. No matter how often he’ll ask the answers will be the same. Besides Y/N was way out of it.
She just stood there. Her eyes practically glued on the coffee, watching it fall into the pot. There was a slight sway to her. No wonder they were going for coffee now, the way Y/N looked Mikey was sure that she could fall over asleep any second now.
Sighing Mikey accepted his fate of being tortured by curiosity for now, so instead he worked on his newest combination for his pizza. Which reminded him. Right next to the coffee pot stood something that he wanted to try out.
“Hey, Y/N can you give me that there?” He was pointing at the ingredient, focus now back on track with more important things.
Y/N looked at Mikey, her tired eyes slowly following Mikey’s arm, hand and finger to see what he was pointing at. Their groggy mind took a second to realize what he meant.
“The…” They looked unsure, confused why he would need it “Honey?”
“Yes, sweety?” that was Donnie’s voice.
He must have come out to check on the coffee.
Before this there was a bit of a murmur in the lair as the group watching the TV show were discussing the days passing. But now it was dead quiet.
Y/N’s face heated up as her mind caught up with what just has happened.
Donnie on the other hand just kept blinking, trying to understand why there was a sudden shift in the mood of the room.
Casey’s mouth was wide open. April had an excited grin on her face while Donnie’s brothers had a range of emotions going on. Raph had a bit of a malicious grin on his face while Leo and Mikey looked at each other as if trying to confirm what they just heard.
“What just happened?” Once again that was Donnie.
Mikey turned to Donnie, wiggling his nonexistent eyebrows “Honey, huh?”
Donnie grimaced.
Surprisingly, or maybe not so much, it was Raph who piped up next, trying to stifle a laugh “Sweety? Really? What are you guys? Eighty?”
“Huh? Wha-“ It seems Donnie’s mind finally caught on as he took another looked around the round only for his gaze to fall on Y/N’s blushing face.
“Oh… oops?” Was the only excuse he could give her.
Her hand slapped against her forehead and the people burst out into laughter. Everyone on the sofa jumping up to crowd Donnie and Y/N who was at this point standing next to him.
“So, you guys are dating? Like for real?” Casey asked, scratching his head as if this was something complicated to think about.
Donnie looked down to Y/N unsure what to say. She just sighed “Well, the cat it pretty much out of the bag, sweety. Let’s just… they will be annoying, and I don’t have the energy for that right now.”
Even though she acted annoyed and disappointed, Donnie knew she wasn’t actually mad. She was just tired and if they actually were more rested, he was sure that she would be the one laughing the loudest right now.
Donnie couldn’t help the blush that was now spreading across his face as he laid his arm around Y/N with a proud smile “Yeah. She is my girlfriend!”
Y/N’s blush darkened but she leaned into Donnie’s touch. Slightly turning towards his chest as if trying to hide herself from the others. Her hand carefully snuck towards Donnie’s hand. Both were fidgeting but holding each other’s hands seemed to calm them down.
“I knew it!” April cheered “I knew you guys would be a perfect couple!”
Y/N tensed at that which made Donnie squeeze her hand as a silent question “She might have found out that I had a crush on you…”
Mikey fist pumped the air “See, guys! I told you so! I knew it!”
“Wait, how long has this been going?” Leo asked. He liked to think that he is usually very well informed or got a good feel for it when something is going on with his brothers but for him not to notice that he was literally dating someone? Someone who came over almost daily.
“Almost six months now.” Donnie answered. It was really embarrassing for him to answer all these questions, but he couldn’t help to show off a proud smile. He loved Y/N and he loved saying it.
As the questions continued, he had an idea. Leaning down he gave Y/N a big kiss which in return earned them different reactions but most importantly the group finally shut their mouth for once.
“Now that we hopefully answered enough questions… I’m going to take my girlfriend and the coffee, and we both will continue working on our project. And I swear if any of you interrupt me spending time with my lovely girlfriend, I will destroy you all.”
“Ugh please for the love of everything just go already.” Raph groaned.
Y/N laughed “God, you are such a dork, Donnie. My lovely boyfriend Donnie. Yep, my boyfriend for six months now. My pretty, handsome boy-“
A pillow flew against Y/N’s head.
“Just go! I’m begging you!” Where Raph suddenly had the pillow from, she didn’t know. The others were recoiling as well or rolling their eyes at the antics of the two lovebirds.
Donnie grabbed the coffee pot and escorted his girlfriend back to the lab but not before pressing another kiss on her lips before going out of the view of his family. He was proud to call Y/N his girlfriend and maybe it was a good thing that they now know that they were dating. This way he can dote on her and show off affection whenever he could. He could survive the teasing for that.
And as he looked at Y/N’s smiling face he just knew that something similar went through her head.
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nwodwols · 5 months
I keep seeing Mads quoted saying that if they don’t get to film s4 of Hannibal within the next couple years, they’d have to just say goodbye to it forever. I haven’t seen the interview(s?) where he says this. Am I wrong in assuming this is an age thing? Obviously it’s not because the interest would suddenly dissipate. I cannot overstate my desire to see an older Hannibal and Will. Not just for the obvious reason (being my unfettered attraction for watching people age, this post alone sent me), but for the tenderness of it.
Mads is 58 so he’ll be pushing 60 in two years. I’m sure he has his reasons. Maybe he doesn’t think he could play the kitchen counter jumping, knife wielding, beast after a certain age, but there’s an intimacy to Hannibal’s killings. Hannibal has almost a decade on Will if I’m understanding things right. Will may be a fishermen, but the man craves the hunt. I imagine Will caring for Hannibal as the ache sets into his bones and he begins to slow down. Just thinking about Hannibal mentioning a bothersome but nevertheless innocent person who happened to cross his path on his weekly errands into the city. Thinking about Will’s little knowing smirk across the dinner table when he hears Hannibal’s rather minor annoyance. His little offhanded remark about rudeness. Thinking about how Will would happily retrieve them for him, alive of course, so Hannibal could continue his intimate dissection. How Will’s entire demeanor would shift by the time he got back home and how Hannibal would ease him back out of that headspace he always had trouble navigating. Will would help Hannibal in the kitchen. Help him with any lifting at the start and take care of his aching hands after a thorough dinner prep. Hannibal would help Will in his own damn mind palace. Ease him through each room he’s been granted admittance to. He’s pretty much in them all at this point. Hannibal would worry about Will’s appetite should anything happen to him; Will would absorb the longing as he studied the white in Hannibal’s hair and the tightness in his joints. They would both remain stubbornly neutral about their mortality, always keeping the conversation in metaphor and poetry. But my god it would be staring them in the face and it would be beautiful.
Not to disagree with Mads at all, for whatever his reasoning is - Maybe it’s just pure fuckery and he knows the s4 timeline (or truly knows it won’t happen and it’s trying to give it finality). Maybe somethings get lost in translation, so to speak. Or maybe it is just his own desire for letting things go and giving himself a proper boundary to do so. But if it’s an age thing, I just couldn’t think of a more beautiful (twisted, complicated, obscene, classic) character to give the dignity of aging gracefully onscreen to. And Mads is a helluva person suit to portray it.
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